The Sevan Podcast - Dalton "Hercules" Rosta | Bellator Dublin

Episode Date: June 14, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Bam we're live Hello Bam We're live Stoked to see you all here I mean sorry you here The burpee dude one dude
Starting point is 00:01:17 Holy cow so many new members Crazy Money well spent I am gonna get a new boat crazy So many exciting things happening today I'm pumped Crazy. Money well spent. I am going to get a new boat. Crazy. So many exciting things happening today. I'm pumped, pumped, pumped to share with you guys. How about 24-hour fitness? Not allowing people to wear The American flag. On their clothing.
Starting point is 00:01:55 It's really fascinating. You can't. Hi noodles. How are you? Good to see you. Love catching Seve live. Hi noodles. I love noodles. I don't really eat Noodles, but I want to show you this.
Starting point is 00:02:11 What's my Instagram? Sevan. What's my name? Sevan. Sevan Matosian. Jeez, I don't even come up in my own search. How about this? How about this how about this the memo said it encourages employees to bring their full selves to work every day and then lists that team members can wear apparel that shows their
Starting point is 00:02:38 solidarity and support for the following movements black lives matter i don't know if you remember, but Black Lives Matter is basically a terrorist organization inciting riots, burning down billions of dollars of real estate, putting thousands of businesses out of business. Oh, never mind. Here comes our guest. Hey, dude. What's up, guys? How's it going? What's up, Dalton? How you doing? Good. I love your hat. Yeah, boy. Where's mine?
Starting point is 00:03:11 Yes, sir. Yeah, boy. Let's go. Hey, dude. How about 24-hour fitness not allowing people to wear American flags? Seriously? Employees. I was just reading this, you're allowed to wear Black Lives Matter clothing, Pride or Pride rainbow logo, June 12th
Starting point is 00:03:30 logo, but you're not allowed to wear the American flag or United States logo unless it's on federal holidays, like Memorial Day, Flag Day, or Veterans Day. That's some bullshit. 24-hour fitness. That's in the name of inclusivity
Starting point is 00:03:46 I'm pretty sure Black Lives Matter got thousands and thousands Of black people killed and thousands and thousands Of their homes and small businesses Burned down Yeah but are you surprised I'm pretty sure there is no Pride or rainbow flag anymore I'm pretty sure the gay people have been co-opted by pedophiles
Starting point is 00:04:03 And mentally ill people called trannies The poor black people and gay people it's crazy their shit just got run over by psychopaths i know fucking a how about martin luther king day and we all just chill and have a barbecue and now we got fucking it went from martin luther king is their hero to fucking george floyd it went from denzel washington to george flo George Floyd. It went from Denzel Washington to George Floyd. It's like fucking A. I just saw a video yesterday on Instagram where there was a news show, news station, whatever. And the guy was like, how would you feel if I identified as a black male?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah. There's a black gay male on the show arguing that. And he's like, that's intellectually dishonest yes he's like but i'd be fine identifying as a female he's like it's not the same thing gender and race aren't the same thing and it's like he's like would you accept the fact that i said i identified as black male he said no and he said okay then and then just they just finished it up right there you know what's crazy too is i just saw i just saw this clip that there's a wider variety in genetic variations in black people than there are in white people meaning the shortest people
Starting point is 00:05:15 on the planet are black and the tallest people on the planet are back the smallest nose on the planet come from black people and the largest so even to be dividing by race is absolutely fucking insane yeah i didn't know that but but then on top of that if you go to the the tranny thing how are these people that are gay how did these trannies and pedophiles and and all these weird fucking things get attached to their cause all my gay friends hate it they're like get the fuck out of here yeah yeah we're we're not we're not mentally ill we just like i have a dick and i like dick fucking weird for this came out of nowhere it seems like the last five years it just got worse and worse and worse yeah to the point where like if you don't conform to it you're the bad guy you're the mentally ill person and and then and then here's the thing also
Starting point is 00:06:05 um i don't care if they do it just don't make me believe it like i don't care just don't force it on me or my kids exactly i'm not forcing the flag onto you i'm not forcing freedom onto you they're i mean you're not going to believe it either way, but they're going to try their best to make you believe it. Dude, I'm tripping because I think that this is, like, this fight you're going to have could be a main event pay-per-view. Like, if people fucking knew, this could be, like, a UFC fucking main event fight. This is like so crazy, this fight. It's two
Starting point is 00:06:48 young future stars at 185 pounds who... God, this fight is so big, dude. God damn, this fight is so big. This fight is crazy on Saturday, dude. I don't mean to put more... I had Norbert on this morning. I had never met him
Starting point is 00:07:03 before. Holy shit. Yeah, I had him on I had Norbert on this morning. I had never met him before. Holy shit. Yeah, I had him on this morning. Yeah, this morning. Holy shit. Yeah, this fight's going to be crazy, dude. This fight. I mean, you guys are like the future of the fucking sport. Listen, I don't know why the hell
Starting point is 00:07:20 they're not promoting it more. And I feel like it's flying under the radar not enough people are talking about it and i mean at the end of the day it's not my job to do that i mean it partially is but you know bellator could be doing a better job pfl could be doing a better job well your job is to be training and put on a great fight and go out there and look like a professional and same with him um but but i i just i don't know how anyone this thing is fucking nuts dude this thing you guys are the two of the
Starting point is 00:07:55 most determined people on the fucking planet right now you're both young there's so much for anyone who's followed you there's so much crazy hype behind both of you this thing is going to be a fucking banger yeah it should be a fun one i'm looking forward to it yeah i i saw in an interview that you said that you asked for this fight did you actually ask for him by name yeah i asked for him and halid murders leave and uh reason i did is because you look at the landscape of the middleweight division in bellator and fabian edwards already fought johnny eblin for the title and then he gets a rematch against uh johnny after he beat aaron jeffrey uh-huh and then they on the other end of that you have they they named that the number one contender fight. And now Fabian Edwards is the number one contender.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And then they had another number one contender fight with Costello Van Stenis and Gregory Babin, which doesn't make sense to me because Costello Van Stenis lost his last fight before that. And then the fight before that, it was his first fight in two years. He had a two-year layoff. And then he had a fight that he won against a no-name guy. And then he had another fight against Douglas Lima that he ended up losing. And then all of a sudden, him and Gregory Babin, who wasn't even in the top ten rankings in Bellator before I got sold, now they're fighting for the number one spot. It makes no sense to me.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Now they're fighting for the number one spot. It makes no sense to me. And, I mean, everything that I did lead up to that point. I was on an eight-fight win streak, you know. Didn't have the greatest performance in my last outing. Lost to Aaron Jeffrey, but he was supposed to have the next shot. He didn't want to wait. He took the fight against Fabian Edwards, and now it's like I got kind of put on the back burner.
Starting point is 00:09:41 You know, it is what it is. Some of those guys you're naming aren't even in the top nine. Yeah, and that's what I'm saying. The point I was getting to, I guess, was that when you look at the landscape of the division, you take Costello, Van Stenis out, Gregor, Babin, because they were both fighting each other, Fabian Edwards, Aaron Jeffrey, because they were fighting each other,
Starting point is 00:10:04 and this is a month and a half. No, this is two months after they fought already. I need a dancing partner. You know what I mean? So I go down the list, and you have Khalid Mirza Ali right there. He's 3-1 in Bellator, but I believe he's like 19-3 overall. So I was looking. You have this Austin Banniford, my teammate.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Not going to fight him. Douglas Lima, he just redid his whole entire contract. Nobody knows what's going on with him in the promotion. Grant Neal, he ended up fighting on that card in Belfast as well. Benatoli Tokov, I'm pretty sure he got cut. Gabor Mousasi, he got cut. And then you look at Fabian Edwards. They're cut?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Those guys have been cut from Bellator? Yes. And so you look at the rest of the so you're really ranked number three technically but i mean i'm not really paying attention to those rankings because obviously the way they're setting up these number one contender fights it really doesn't mean nothing i mean fabian edwards ranked number one sure uh that makes sense he beat aaron jeffrey who beat me sure he gets the rematch but then this costello van stinis out of the blue out of left field getting the number one shot he's even in top 10 no no and but neither is norbert where's norbert yeah so he's not so the names i didn't
Starting point is 00:11:17 even know who after they i heard they cut tokov and they cut musashi and then they also cut Vandiver now that I'm thinking about it Austin told me they cut Vandiver so you look at the rest of the division I'm like okay Douglas ain't fighting because he's not there's something going on between him and the promotion Khalid murders leaves the next guy then Grant Neal Grant Neal already fought in Belfast I was like okay give me Khalid murders the lead and they're like okay we'll see what we can do and then i start looking at the rest of the roster and like who's a fight that can you know push me up the rankings more that doesn't have already have a fight set and it needs to be somebody in europe because they're making these fights in europe for the first half of the year so i'm looking through the roster and i see
Starting point is 00:12:02 norbert novenu's name and i I'm like, okay, this guy. So I sent it to my coach. I sent it to my manager and then they sent it over to Mike Cogan. And I told them, uh, either Halid Mertes leave and Norbert or Norbert Noveni. And they, they made this one happen.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Did you, have you, have, did you know about him before? Like, had you ever seen him fight? Yeah. I've watched a few of his fights.
Starting point is 00:12:24 He's pretty good. Yeah. I mean, had you seen him fight before you wanted to fight him yeah yeah i've watched him fight before it i mean it's that um and you and he trains with um michael van page michael venom page and he's got that karate style and he's got his leg out there and he's popping in and out in and out in and out for a guy like that is there like a crazy plan put together no i'm just gonna go out there and fight man i told him i said hey dude i'm i i love dalton rasta i said i want to give him some advice to beat you like like and he's like well it's gonna be hard i mean he's like it's gonna be hard i'm weird i'm it's fucking weird. Did you watch Kevin Holland fight? MVP, yes.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yeah. It is an awkward style, but I've fought against that style before. Obviously, it's not the same exact person, but I've fought the style before. I've actually trained that style back home where I'm from. I don't use it, obviously, but it was something just to add to my game, different viewpoint of looking at at fighting and uh just training different martial arts so i trained a little bit i fought against a guy like that and i've done a lot of studying obviously um i tried getting some sparring in wonder boy wonder boy ended up getting hurt so i had guys down here at att mimicking him you know and uh you know i have i think i have a pretty game good
Starting point is 00:13:45 game plan going in and i i'm excited about this one man i think i think this this could be a viral knockout for me and i think this can really you know elevate my career um both you have such crazy potential to be like superstars like i look at this guy and I'm like, oh shit. He reminds me of Paddy the Baddie, but he's not crazy. Do you know what I mean? He's more sober than Paddy. I don't mean in his fighting style. I mean in his showmanship.
Starting point is 00:14:21 He's not a fucking psychopath. Hey, I said this to Norbert. I was like, Hey dude, um, this is the advice I would, cause after watching the Kevin Holland fight, I felt like Kevin Holland was trying to figure Michael, Michael, uh, Venom page out. And at some point it's like, you better not try to figure this out. You better just rush in there and grab this fucking guy. I mean, that's one way I'm looking at it, I suppose, but that's not the way I'm going to go in there and do it. No. So you have a plan? Yeah, 100%. But, you know, everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Famous Mike Tyson line right there.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Right. You know, the game plan can go out the window in the first minute. But I'm very confident in my skills. I'm confident in the way I've grown. I'm confident in the fighter I was before. I'm confident in the fighter I was before this fight camp, before his name came across my computer. Just put it like this. Before, I was as confident as I possibly could be.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Now, I'm even more confident. So the fight camp I put in, the work I put in this camp, the shape I'm in, everything, I'm ready to go. When you see that he's undefeated, does that kind of remind you? Like, let me ask you this. Was there a mindset shift in you since you had your loss? No. Like you hear a fight?
Starting point is 00:15:41 No, not at all? No. You don't think you're more? I had an off night, man. But do you think you're more confident now like like less nervous less protect i don't know that something has changed like like some relief no no pressure still on full blast 100 i think uh in my, you know, I should still be 9-0. That kid that beat me wasn't good enough to beat me. I made a lot of mistakes during that fight, and I pretty much gave the fight to him.
Starting point is 00:16:12 You know, I don't want to take anything away from Aaron Jeffrey. Obviously, he executed his game plan. His game plan was to go in there and try to make me tired and just wear on me, let me use all my energy. You could hear his corner in between the rounds if you watch the fight back. You know, obviously that was the game plan he executed. I played into it. You know, hindsight's 20-20.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Obviously I would go and fight a different way if I could again. But I can't, you know. And I got the loss. I think I'm a much better fighter than I actually know I am. Not just think I am. He just happened to be the better guy on that night. And if we fight again and again and again and again, I'll beat him every single time. And I feel the same way about Norbert Noveni.
Starting point is 00:16:53 You know, if he's looking at this like, OK, yeah, undefeated fighter going against a guy that's 8-1, you know, lost his last fight. Sure, go ahead and look at the fight that way if you want to. But in my mind the guy lost you i'm much better you know he just happened to be on that night when we fought he was the better man and now it counted against our record but you know i fight that guy 10 times i beat that guy nine more times um it's not gonna make a difference your last your last mma fight was in what is that, July? August of last year.
Starting point is 00:17:27 August of last year. So we're rolling up on a year. And then you did a grappling match. Yep. That was in Pittsburgh. I got asked to do a grappling, like a super fight in a cage against a black belt from the area. So I did that. And how was that?
Starting point is 00:17:44 It was good. Almost had like two submissions from the area. So I did that. And how was that? It was good. Almost had like two submissions during the match. Didn't finish them, obviously. But I got the decision when I dominated the match against a seasoned black belt. So, you know, that's another part of my game that a lot of people haven't got to see yet because a lot of my fight is either spent standing or ground and pounding on the ground i usually don't use submissions but they're there
Starting point is 00:18:09 um if the opportunity presents itself i will take it um uh i was i know we've talked about this before but every fight for a fighter is like the super bowl like you guys don't have any season games it's like it's always like it's all it's all or nothing it's all on the line there's not like oh it's just a little bit on the line we can come back tomorrow night yeah every fight's the most important yeah fucking wild dude and um you the fights in dublin yes sir and do you know where people can watch it uh HBO Max. They're streaming it on, I think. They're going to be showing the prelims start. Don't quote me on this. But from what I've read, what I've seen,
Starting point is 00:18:53 it starts at 12 p.m. noon Eastern time on June 22nd, Saturday, June 22nd. And what about DAZN? It might be on there too. I'm not sure. I know for sure it's on HBO Max, but I did see some stuff about it being on DAZN as well. It's crazy. This is what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It's so fucking nuts. This is such a big fight, and I can't believe it's just not so easy to watch. Like I said, that's not my area of expertise. Right. It'd be easy for me to critique it but uh you know i'll leave that to them um do they set up uh in um uh interviews for you to do or anything like that or podcast or anything or it's just all just basically with you and your agent a little bit of both so yeah you, obviously you reached out to me directly.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I had a few other people reach out to me directly that I've done podcasts and interviews and stuff with recently. And then PFL slash Bellator set up some interviews that I'm actually going to be doing tomorrow. They kind of try to string them together throughout the entire day. So tomorrow from like two to five, I gonna be doing interviews back to back to back hey do you like that part of it do you do you mind the media part i don't mind it at all you know sometimes i like it but it all depends on the person i'm doing the interview with some of them are you know cookie cutter questions it's the same shit over and over and over again but you know sometimes you get shit out of left field and you know it makes things more fun more exciting and it's just a different platform to talk on
Starting point is 00:20:29 sometimes so it just depends on the person really um i i heard you say in an interview i watched last night that you're flying out on tuesday no i was flying out on monday arriving on tuesday but they switched it so now i'm flying out on sund, arriving on Tuesday, but they switched it, so now I'm flying out on Sunday, arriving on Monday. Oh, is that nice? I mean, I don't really care. Is Dublin an altitude or anything? I don't know. No, no, I don't think so. Just an island, just fucking a city on the beach, I think. City on the water, I think. Yeah, so I think it's just, maybe it's better for the time change. That's what i was thinking
Starting point is 00:21:05 but besides that i'm not worried about it if i would have got to stay till monday i would have got to be able to do my monday morning practice and go to the airport straight from there now i fly out a day earlier i get to get settled in a day earlier and then i have a coach come with my striking coach coming with me so so we're going to be doing some workouts out there. And, yeah, so either way, I'm cool with it. Just two people go? Dalton, just you and your striking coach? Yeah, he's coming with me at first, and then Mike Brown, my captain and head coach, will be there.
Starting point is 00:21:39 I think he leaves Wednesday and gets in Thursday because he's done a lot of traveling recently. He went with Dustin Poirier for his fight against Islam Makhachev, and then he just went with Kyoji Horiguchi to Ryzen in Japan. I think he just got back today. Dude, that dude must
Starting point is 00:21:56 be so fucking busy. Does that dude have a family and kids and shit? He has a girlfriend and dogs, but I don't think he has any kids. But yeah, he is busy, and that's why, like, he's coming out on Wednesday because he wants to be able to teach a couple classes and everything next week because there's a lot of fighters in that gym. Then he's coming out Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:22:12 He's going to be there Thursday for me. Friday, he fights on Saturday. And then we all fly back on Sunday. And then he's with Andrei Arlovsky the following week. I think it's in Vegas. Is that a UFC fight? Yeah, UFC. Andfc andre arlovsky is heavyweight yeah he's fucking been around for he's a dinosaur he's been around forever long time man so you're surrounded with just the the cream of the crop yeah i mean you got guys like him you got junior dos santos you had am Amanda Nunez, Dustin Poirier, Jorge Masvidal.
Starting point is 00:22:46 You know, you got all these big-name guys that have been through it, the legends. Some of them are coaches like Pitbull, Thiago Alves. You got Mike Brown, who's a legend. You got, like, some of the striking coaches are, like, kickboxing legends like Artem Levin and Ketel Kouvis. And then my coach is Anderson Franca. And then you still got, the up and comers. You got a lot of big names that are fighting right now.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And you got other comers that not a lot of people know about that are really good in the gym as well. Like, dude, you see that you're like, oh shit, they're going to know him. Yeah, for sure. There's a, there's a few of them that aren't even in the UFC or Bellator yet. Like one of my boys named Christian Turner, he's 5-2, I believe, is a pro now, but he started off, I think, like 3-2,
Starting point is 00:23:31 fought like two really good wrestlers, was at the gym, American Top Team in Atlanta, made the move down here, and he's, from what I've seen, he's progressed greatly. He has great striking. His wrestling has come along. His wrestling defense and his wrestling offense, he's taken people down, too, even though he's a striker super slick striking um and i think he's gotten a lot better since he's here and he's only 22 years old so he's young and uh i think maybe two years
Starting point is 00:23:57 he'll be in the ufc and a lot of people will know him soon after that uh dublin is 66 feet above sea level okay that's good hey dalton how old are you i'm 28 and dalton i just remember from just like previous talks with you that you you're you you're basically an independent man like you're you're you're not surrounded by family no and go ahead sorry my dad passed away i don't really talk to my to my mom or too much my other family i talk to my sister page a lot and i've been trying to talk to my family a little bit more but uh you know i still like to stay isolated for most of them and i just talk with them here and there but the only one I talk to regularly is my sister Paige and so fighting is you're like all in there's like no are there any distractions in your life no I mean I wake up in the morning I go train I come back I either sit on the couch and watch TV or play a video game until the next practice just just to rest, you know, unwind, get my mind off
Starting point is 00:25:05 fighting for a little bit, or I take a nap. And then I'm back to practice at nighttime. And, you know, doing cold plunges, doing sauna, massage therapy, chiropractor, you know, the diet, every supplements, everything, I got my functional medicine sponsor, I do the injectable vitamins, I got my functional medicine sponsor. I do the injectable vitamins, injectable peptides, stuff like that. Like I'm all in. And I don't think there's much more that I can do to increase the likelihood that I become champion. So right now I'm putting in all the work.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I'm getting better day by day. And honestly, I think this camp I've grown a lot. And I honestly, I think this, this camp I've grown a lot and, uh, I'm willing to bet that it's going to show within the first or second round in this upcoming fight. Can you tell me, uh, by the way, someone said, uh, why, um, Dalton's been on the show, Jeff, like a few other times, and we've gone into quite detail about his upbringing and his family, some great shows. Um, tell me, uh, what do you mean? What's it like? What are the things, what's it like, what are the things,
Starting point is 00:26:05 what's it like to know you're getting better? Like, or what are some of the observations you make about yourself? You know, just, uh, like some of the people you're going against in the gym, uh, you know, closing the gap between you and people that are better than you, or maybe somebody is better in a specific area, you know, whereas like I might be a better wrestler than somebody that might be better striker or vice versa. And then in sparring or whether you're in those specific training practices, whether it be wrestling or striking or whatever, just all MMA sparring with small gloves, big gloves, whatever,
Starting point is 00:26:36 you're able to, you know, it's like a benchmark almost. You use the person as a benchmark. And you don't want to look too far into that. Cause sometimes people are just trying to work on something and they're not necessarily trying to win the round. And sometimes some people are, they're trying to win every single round. They don't care if they're getting better or not.
Starting point is 00:26:58 So it just depends on the person also. But, um, you, it's just a feeling yourself to not only who I'm going with, but I can just feel the difference myself physically and mentally, you know? And it's,
Starting point is 00:27:10 um, like I said, some, some, some, a little bit of the sparring partners, a little bit of the training partners. And then a lot of it's myself.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Like you wake up and you're like, fuck, I'm, I'm different today. I'm getting, I'm different. I'm moving better. I'm stronger.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I'm faster. I'm smarter. I'm seeing more. Yeah'm stronger. I'm faster. I'm smarter. I'm seeing more. Yeah, and some days you go into practice and you're like, fuck, I'm tired. But it's because you've trained two or three times the day before and the day before that and the day before that. It's finally catching up to you. And you might train once hard that day and you get through it.
Starting point is 00:27:41 And you're like, okay, I could have taken today off. Or I could have slacked off and not given it 100%, and then you wouldn't have got better. But then you leave that practice, and you know that you left it all on the mat, or you left it all in the cage, or all in the weight room. Or if you're doing a run, you left it all out there, then you know 100% that you got better that day, and it wasn't a waste, and you mentally pushed through it as well. out there, then you know 100% that you got better that day and it wasn't a waste. You mentally pushed through it as well.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Standy Randy. Hi. Nice to see you. Great outfit. There we go. I got hot hair. I got hot hair. You didn't say anything. What is Dalton's fighting size, weight, and height?
Starting point is 00:28:23 I am 6 foot. Right now now I weigh about 205. And what does it mean, fighting size? He'll fight at 185. Yeah, middleweight. And still comfortable getting down to 185 for you? Yeah, I mean, listen, cutting weight sucks no matter what. But for me, it's easy to make 185 just because I do everything correctly, but it still sucks. The night before when you're ready to cut the water, you're like, this is going to suck.
Starting point is 00:28:54 This is going to be a shitty 12 hours, but you get through it. Let me see if I have a – give me a second here. Let's see if I have a... Give me a second here. Standy, here. Hold on a second. Let me show you something. Here we go. Standy, this is Dalton. This is Dalton when he's fighting.
Starting point is 00:29:20 This is what he's going to look like when he walks into the ring. There you go. There you go. Now you go. Judge away. He's fuckable, I'd say. He's breeding material. Speaking of fuckable, I know you had a very serious girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:29:41 You still have her? Yes. Awesome. Congratulations. That's awesome. She's in the room Yes. Awesome. Congratulations. That's awesome. Thank you. She's in the room right next door. You went from a 7 to a 9.2. Okay, that's good.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I didn't even see her put the 7. Yeah. No, 5. Alright. 10 out of 10 for sure would be 11 if he was taller. Jesus, cry me. 6 fucking foot. What am I? Someone rate me. I he was taller. Jesus, cry me. Six fucking foot. What am I? Someone rate me.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I'm five foot five. Someone rate me. You won't get any shirtless photos. What if I put a lisp in my shoes? He doesn't lisp. How's that? It's got to be worth something. He doesn't got a lisp.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Dalton, what are the things? Is there anything noticeably different about this fight for you or the way Mike Brown talks to you or the coaches? Or does it seem like this is just another fight? Like you're 8-1, you're at a pretty, this seems like you're arguably one or two fights away from the championship. Does any of the conversation become different? No. No. I think every fight's the same for me and for them. Like you said earlier, every fight's kind of like your Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Every fight's the biggest fight of your entire life. So right now, this fight is really all I'm focused on, and it's the biggest fight to me and to my coaches of my career because none of the shit that I did in the past matters now the only person i'm focused on is normer so we'll address the other shit after this fight good um do you the other guys you fought like when you fought aaron jeffries or any of these other guys do they come in the do you sense they come in the ring like that too the cage closes you're looking at the guy and you're like yep here we are two guys who are does it always feel like yep all eight of these wins that you have,
Starting point is 00:31:27 fuck, these guys came, this is it. This is 100% them. Yeah, none of that matters. Like I said, though, like whenever you're in a cage with somebody new, it doesn't matter what you did to the eight or nine guys before that or if they got 10, 12 fights, whatever. It doesn't matter what they did before that because they got a new person standing in front of them. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And it's a different fighting style and that person has gotten better if they haven't been slacking off or just going to the gym and going through the motions. So you got a completely different fighter standing in front of you than you did in their seven, eight fights before that.
Starting point is 00:32:00 This is a three-round fight? Yes. And your cardio is otherworldly, right? Yeah. My last fight, I got tired, but it had nothing to do with my conditioning leading up to the fight. I'm not the one to make excuses. I'm not in the business of doing that, so I'm going to still leave that behind closed doors. But just know that won't be an issue this fight. And you're known to have crazy conditioning.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah, I'm known to put on a high pace and dictate dictate where the fight goes yeah every time i've seen you fight it's like just the pressure's fucking insane it's not going to change this fight and um the difference between have you ever fought a five round fight i have not i've trained five rounds and training before it's a different pace than a three round fight i have not i've trained five rounds and training before it's a different pace than a three round fight um i prefer fighting three round fights just because of my style of fighting but i can do five rounds as well and so for people who don't know the conventional wisdom and correct me if i'm wrong around a three found three round fight and the distinction between a five round fight is that you can't there's not a lot of time for dilly-dallying because there's only going to be three scores and so ideally you want
Starting point is 00:33:09 to like you have to start fighting quicker and there has to be usually more violence in it than a five round fight yeah but this fight i don't want to let it go to the judges i'm not interested in a three round score i'm interested in the finish and uh as long as i'm hunting for it the entire time it'll come and if it doesn't come i would imagine the way that i'm gonna fight that it would be a sweep on the scorecards too when you when you land in dublin um how much will you weigh when you land on sunday i don't know sometimes you hold a little weight whenever you fly. So anywhere in between 203 and 208 probably. And then do you eat plain food or you bring all your own shit? Well, I'm going to bring food for probably the day that I travel because it's like 19 hours.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I think the flight. And then I was talking to Dakota Dishova and she fought there. And then I'm, I was talking to Dakota Dishova and she fought there and she said for her like weight cuts, she just found like a healthy grocery store that they do like hot ready food there. And she went there. So I might give that a try. And, and then, um, when, and then, but the weight cut begins immediately, right? No, I diet and then I still drink all my water.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I drink electrolytes, salt, potassium. I do everything. And then even the day of the fight, or not the day of the fight, the day before weigh-ins, the last day where most nutritionists and everything had the fighters stop drinking water, they're like, okay, you're just going to cease from drinking water and we're going to do a water cut. I still drink a gallon of water that day okay and still make weight so i'm doing it the proper way and that's why like i see some of these nutritionists the way they handle some of my teammates and
Starting point is 00:34:54 handle some of these fighters i don't i don't tell the fighters that because i don't want to get in their heads about their performance or you know you don't know how that'll affect somebody but if i had the way that i see them handle some of these fighters, there's no way in how I'd let them touch my fucking fight camp. There's no way in how I'd let them control my weight cut or my diet or any of that. It's like they don't even know how they're doing. Most of these nutritionists never cut weight a day in their fucking life. And most of them don't look great themselves. And it's like a lot of people are like, oh, well, you don't have to look great to know what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Sure, but who's going to go to a dentist that has shitty teeth? Oh, good point. You know? Good point. I'm fucking not. Hey, tell me the logic between – tell me about the logic. So I'm just making this up, but you keep drinking water because it's so easy to sweat it out, but you still want to keep the body hydrated and keep all the height,
Starting point is 00:35:45 the body works on like, I guess a lot of hydrodynamics. So you want to provide water for the body to do all of its normal functions, but you also know you could sweat out a gallon easy. Yeah, the thing is, it's like another thing I don't understand is when they have them stop drinking water
Starting point is 00:36:00 24 hours before weigh-ins, that's 24 hours without water for your body plus you're you're going to be doing like a severe weight cut you're sweating the shit time you're your body's going to be at an increased core temperature for most of that time getting the weight off yeah for me if i drink water a gallon of water that day i'm gonna piss out all of it you know okay and i'm gonna return i haven't started cutting water yet so whatever i drink i'm gonna fucking piss out and then as soon as i'm done drinking water at the end of the day that's whenever i start my actual weight cut i throw my sauna suit on i get in the sauna i throw on my sweats you know i do the workout
Starting point is 00:36:38 on the pads a little bit of grappling get the sweat going sit in the sauna take a break get back in the sauna take a break in the back in the sauna and i i try to get on weight at at night but it's like if i feel i'm too thirsty my mouth's too dry if i can't sleep i'll drink and then i'll just cut it in the morning you know i i typically am able to get off 10 to 12 pounds of water within an hour and a half holy shit yeah uh and so the fight is on saturday the 22nd and when are the weigh-ins friday the day before i don't know what time they are but they're always the day before and i'm going there do you already have a place set up to where like hey like mike's already called the gym there and it's all set up and when you guys go there you have a spot to like get your shit shit on groove on bags and whatever not yet um i'm probably gonna talk
Starting point is 00:37:31 to him about that this week before i leave but they usually have stuff set up in the hotel like little workout rooms and stuff like that and i'm gonna have my coach there we're gonna be hitting mainly pads and stuff like that i mean if i wanted to uh get some rolls in somewhere with somebody that'd be an option. But also during fight week, you don't want to risk getting cut or getting hurt. Do you stress about that? Having everything right? Making sure that stuff or no?
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah, whenever it comes to that stuff, I'm a little bit of a perfectionist. So if I'm missing something, I get a little anxious. What do you travel with? Is there any, is there anything you travel with? Like, I guess your gloves. Yeah, my gloves, um, a couple of pairs of sweats because sometimes the day before I start to wait, wait, cut just like a little bit of heat acclimation while I'm working out, I'll throw the sweats on while I'm hitting pads and doing everything and start that process.
Starting point is 00:38:24 And, uh, then the sauna suit, obviously to go underneath my sweats, the day that I actually to sweats on while i'm hitting pads and doing everything and start that process and uh then the sauna suit obviously to go underneath my sweats the day that i actually start cutting weight the night before weigh-ins um wrestling shoes usually because i'll throw i'll tuck my sauna suit and everything into my socks and then put wrestling shoes on hit pads and work out in usually throw a beanie up top too don't let the heat escape anywhere jump rope no i don't jump much rope i i did i did this camp but uh it's not very good on my knees and my ankles i usually have problems with them if i do that too much and and whose idea was it then to bring it back for this camp just me just trying new shit i was doing like uh
Starting point is 00:39:03 like footwork on the ladder jogging jogging distance doing a lot of sprints uh you know changing up sparring partners like i was working with somebody i was doing a good job entertaining my opponent and then i just wanted to switch it up just in case fucking i see something different during the fight you know what i mean so having to adjust on the fly and there was points during the camp that i was getting two guys to spar spar me in one round where like one guy would come in for two and a half minutes the other guy would come in for two and a half minutes and then sometimes when they started getting tired because i was putting a pace on them they would only be in for
Starting point is 00:39:37 a minute and a half another guy would come in for a minute half another guy would come back in for a minute and then another minute for a cumulative amount of five minutes and then i get a one minute break i'm working the whole five minutes and they get three minutes and 30 second break every single round and they're only working for two and a half minutes each total you see what i'm saying so no matter what i have a fresh guy on me when yeah yeah a little bit of that yeah no sprints uh i stopped lifting weights. I did more stretching and that's it, really. Do you do that for other guys too? Like split rounds? Yeah, like let's say so you're done with this fight.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Hell no, bro. I'm too fucking good, bro. If I play rounds with somebody, dude, somebody might actually get knocked out, dog. Good, bro. Somebody might actually get knocked out. So so but but there's not people who are training who are like, hey, Dalton, will you be one of the guys like, will you prep me for my fight and be one of the guys split rounds? No, I help guys for their fights coming up, like I'll imitate like one of their opponents, but I'm not going to, you know, OK, I'll do two and a half minutes. Another guy comes in and does it just because you'll just be too good the whole time Yeah and it's not Like a good look for them cause then they went Two and a half minutes with somebody else and I come in And I'm fucking fresh
Starting point is 00:40:53 And they already had two and a half minutes with somebody else who's already high level And then I'm coming in and I'm gonna be It's not a good look for them cause It's not realistic And So who are the guys you picked? Who do you get then? Guys who are fat guys?
Starting point is 00:41:09 No. There's a guy that I fought as an amateur. Okay. I used him for the first half of the round, and he was a beautiful look for my opponent. Did everything exactly the fucking same. He was on film. was a beautiful look for my opponent did everything exactly the fucking same is on film um and then we brought in another guy who uh is undefeated as well and they were splitting time on me but you
Starting point is 00:41:34 have to understand like at an american top team like they're they're still even though everybody there's a good fighter there's still levels to the fighters so if uh somebody wanted two people to split around on them unless it's you know johnny evelyn or dustin poirier or somebody like that that's super high level and they're having just random guys in the gym split rounds on them it'll be good for them but if they have a guy like me split rounds on them and then a guy like let's say uh i'm trying to give an example so so the champ is in your gym too he's your buddy yeah he's he's actually been helping me do a lot of sparring for this fight coming up meaning we're just going at it today uh i always trip on that yeah the last three sparring sessions we've been fucking killing each other so they've been really competitive
Starting point is 00:42:25 really good rounds like in your face fighting you know we're like fucking we're fucking each other up um how many fights do you have left on your contract this one this one oh shit so this oh wow god damn that's what i'm saying dude this. This fight's fucking crazy. Yeah, I know. There's a lot on the line for me, too. The last one on my contract. Hey, when I told you that I had Norbert on, did you feel like your boy cheated on you? No.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I was a little surprised, a little caught off guard. Okay, because when I had him on, I was like, fuck. In the morning, I was like, okay, just pretend like you don't know Dalton. Pretend like you don't know Dalton, and then I just couldn't keep it in anymore. I was like, okay, just pretend like you don't know Dalton. Pretend like you don't know Dalton. And then I just couldn't keep it in anymore. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:43:08 Hey dude, I got to tell you something. I love Dalton. He's been on the show a bunch. And he's like, really? I'm like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:12 dude. I'm going to fucking mash your face. How do you react to that? He was cool. He's so fucking, he's as cool. He's like you, he's just a fucking cool fucking dude.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Who's all in who just, you know what I mean? Fucking, you know, uh, uh, he got the story dude you know his dad fucking divorced his mom he got fucking his mom married a dude who beat the shit out of her you know what i mean he just got the story and then he fucking 13 you know he found fighting and he's just this i mean you know the story i don't know all that but but no but you know what i mean it and he just, I mean, you know, the story. I don't know all that. But, but no, but you know what I mean? It's the fighter story. I mean, you like been through some shit, right? Just like you, you know what I mean? Yeah. The, the, the interesting thing with you though,
Starting point is 00:43:57 for sure is that I always think about that, that like you're, you're only 28, but you're still already, you're, you're all grown up. Like, there's no, you can't, you can't like call your mom and dad and be like, Hey, I'm coming home. Like, like at 28, I was like, Hey, fuck that job didn't work out. Can I come back to my bedroom? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:18 There's no, like you're all in it's, it's, um, and I, and I love to hear that you're just living the fight life, that you're undistracted, singularly focused. You got to be, man. If you're distracted in this, it's not going to last long. Is your girl coming to Dublin? Yeah, she'll be there. I she gets in on thursday as well and and how do you make that decision to bring her or not so i don't i don't bring anybody with me like to the fight except for my coaches anybody that's actually going to physically help me with the fight right her and her family come out to watch you know i mean my friends have the so they know not to burden you they like it's not like hey can i stay with you or yeah um call you in the middle
Starting point is 00:45:11 of the night hey did you turn off the stove who fed the dog it's like they're there they they they stay on the outer circle just like a regular homie yeah well that's good that's a fuck that's smart that sounds like a real healthy really and she's cool with that you have someone who's cool with that yeah they know i gotta be dialed in i gotta focus on the fight so last fight i i got away from that a little bit because i didn't think it mattered you know i figured you know i'm so fucking good at this i'm a great fighter uh changing this a little bit probably won't fucking matter and i got
Starting point is 00:45:44 i got you know out of my tunnel vision so so so the so it did change you let me go so maybe let me let me so it did change you the loss like you you no like like let me let me explain it like this okay for that before that fight i was the same way i am right now leading up to the fight I was the same way I am right now. Leading up to the fight, I was the same way I am right now. But I was so, I don't want to say fool myself because I had full belief in my abilities and I still do. But I was so overconfident of the fact that I thought that I could beat that kid on my absolute worst day. I was wrong. Because I had one of my worst days.
Starting point is 00:46:23 That might not have been my absolute worst. But I still had a pretty bad day and I could have beat him on that day you know um had a beautiful first round second third round not so much you know and uh you know you sit there and try to assess the loss after what you did wrong what you could have did better what you could have did in fight camp what you could have did on fight day what you could have did in the cage what you could have did in fight camp, what you could have did on fight day, what you could have did in the cage, what you could have did leading up to the fight. And it's usually a sum of a bunch of different things that led to your demise. You know, it's not one singular thing that led to me having a shitty performance. So all the little things that I changed that fight, like that fight week where I was like, ah, that don't matter. You know, I was, I was a little bit too like strict with the way that I handled things before my last fights and you know I was too
Starting point is 00:47:09 serious and I need to just live a little bit you know I that lasted one fight you know fucking and that wasn't the singular reason as to that why that happened the outcome that happened happened. But I believe it's one of the many reasons that happened. So every little thing that I did different that I think that could have caused that result, you know, right back to fucking normal. Savon clearly is probing that question. He wants to go to Dublin and see if he can hang out with Dalton. me that question uh he wants to go to dublin and see if he can hang out with dalton hey um when when i when i lost my when i i got fired from a job in i don't know uh 2020 uh-huh and um i immediately i started like throwing shit overboard by that i mean like uh tell the gardener he can only come
Starting point is 00:48:02 once every two weeks uh don't re-up my Sirius XM. Like, I just start, like, clean my house. Stop drinking. You know what I mean? Like, reduce, right? Oh, that's a cool effect. Did you see what your computer just did? Yes, I saw it.
Starting point is 00:48:18 That's dope. That's just, your computer just does that? It's the iPad that I'm actually using. But, yeah, the camera adjusts. Oh, that was sick. This guy is moving behind me, so I decided to sit back and... The 14-pound Frenchie.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And then here's the other one. Got both of them. Are those boy and girl? Yep. They bone? And that's Athena. They try. Can they have kids? I got Athena fixed. But before,
Starting point is 00:48:51 I thought they for sure were about to have kids. Before. I thought she got she did get got, but she was hurt. Hey, so but that's what I'm hearing you did. You had the fight. You came back.
Starting point is 00:49:07 You assessed. And there were things that were in the program that got pushed, that hadn't been in before. Yeah. That got pushed back out. Like, okay, you got to get back out. You can't be in the circle. Yeah. Good on you, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I'll just fucking tell you. I was so relaxed that fight and so fucking confident in myself. I was out at a fair in South Dakota until two hours before my fight. A fair? I was at a fucking fair walking around, hanging out with my friends at a fair. Wow. In South Dakota. I was doing shit like that.
Starting point is 00:49:40 You know what I mean? And like I said, I'm not in the business of making excuses. I'm not going to say that's why I lost the fight. It's not. Right. But that just goes to show you that I was too too confident in myself you know what I mean I need to realize that these these fighters that I'm fighting are capable fighters and they train hard just like I do and they're professional fighters and they've done this for most of their life and if I fuck up and I'm not on my shit, they can take advantage of it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:50:06 And I think that day, I just got a little bit too egotistical. You know what I mean? I fought in that fight too. We are in the clinch. I know Aaron Jeffrey, every single fight, likes to hold his opponents against the fence.
Starting point is 00:50:19 And it seems like nobody could ever get away. And then he got me there and I circled him super easy. You know, and I'm like, the fuck? You know know what were you watching on film and I got my own head instead of sticking to the game plan where my coach is like stay on the outside stick and move stick and move box kick everything that was working and everything that we game plan I got away from the game plan because I'm thinking in my head this dude's weak you know I'm way stronger than him I just circled him back on the cage so easy. Then I'm digging uppercuts to the body. He's throwing knees back, touching me. It's not hurting me. I'm like, I could play this game all day long. This dude wants
Starting point is 00:50:53 to go for a point victory. I'll beat him at that. I'll beat him at his own game. That's another part where the ego came into play, where I should have just listened to my coach. We had a game plan in place. I got away from it because of my ego and it's just like little things like this whenever you assess the situation you have to sit for it for so sit with it for so long it's been 10 months you know fight time will be 10 months since i fought last 10 and a half months whatever it is i had that long to sit with this and assess the situation and think about it at training and if i ended up in a situation in training where i was at in the fight and i was losing in the fight and then about it at training. And if I ended up in a situation in training where I was at in the fight and I was losing in the fight, and then let's say I still lost it,
Starting point is 00:51:29 I'm like, fuck, that happened in my fight. The same shit fucking just happened right now. Next time I practice, that ain't fucking happening again. I'm going to fucking go through the same process the next day and the next day and the next day until it's finally fucking fixed. And like I said, there's some other shit that will never see the light of day in anybody's fight camp a lot of fighters get injured they they go through shit during fight camp and a lot of it will never see the light of day unless people are excuse makers or people like to lighten
Starting point is 00:51:57 up a a picture of them or like how people view them i'm not that guy. Every fight goes through it. And at the end of the day, it was those little things that I told you that made the difference for me, I think. Hey, so you know how they say in sports, like don't admire your work. So you know what I mean? Like so in tennis, I see my kids do that.
Starting point is 00:52:21 They hit a good shot and I do it too. You admire your shot and then the guy fucking returns it, and you didn't get back to position. Is it kind of like that when you spun off the – spun around them, you kind of, like, admire your work for a split second, and it's not like that. There's knives and shit and guns flying around, bullets flying around everywhere.
Starting point is 00:52:39 You can't admire your work. 100%, bro. And I do that sometimes in sparring. You know, you land a fucking good combination. You do something you're working on with the pads with with your coach you know and nine times out of ten people can't hit that you know and then all of a sudden you're the guy in the gym that's able to hit it and then you hit it in sparring and then next thing you know you admire your work for a second and then boom boom you get returned on yeah and it's like fuck well i should have my
Starting point is 00:53:02 hands up or i shouldn't have fucking sat there and paused after because I was so fucking fascinated with what I did. Do that shit in sparring too. And I got away from that too. That's where like the little nuances like that is where I think I've grown the most. And there's obviously more places I've grown. Skill, you know, mental toughness, my just more physical ability, strength, speed. I've been doing a lot of shit with hand weights this fight camp, ankle weights, shit like that,
Starting point is 00:53:29 just trying to increase the speed of my movement, the endurance in my movement. Same thing with my shoulders. I'm using fucking bands. So I'm attaching bands behind my arms, attaching them to my wrist while I'm using hand weights and shit like that, boxing with those on, hitting pads with 18, 20-ounce gloves, Hitting pads with 18, 20-ounce gloves.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Hitting a bag with 18, 20-ounce gloves as opposed to 8 to 10-ounce gloves, which most people usually use. You know, just changing shit like that and making things harder for myself when they don't have to be, you know, intentionally making them harder. In the second round with Aaron Jeffries, the second round's over, and you go to the corner, you go to the bench and the stool. Does Mike Brown tell you that too does he say to you hey what does he say you're not following the game plan yeah he's like why are you why are you wrestling don't stop wrestling you don't need to wrestle
Starting point is 00:54:16 them you're outboxing them there's like a huge skill difference on the feet that you're faster you're stronger you're more powerful. He can't hit you. Just check the calf kick and stop wrestling. And fucking, I listened to him for 30 seconds. And then after that, the next round back to wrestling,
Starting point is 00:54:37 you know? And, uh, I think a lot of that was because I got tired in the first round with all that clenching that I did. I got a little bit tired. And then in my head, like instinctually, subconsciously, I'm thinking I need to take that. I didn't say that to myself during the fight.
Starting point is 00:54:51 But watching back on the fight, I'm even watching. I'm like, why the fuck are you wrestling? Why am I taking shots? Why are you just on his leg? Like, it's like, so people like sit there and watch the fight. It's like, why is he doing that? Is he dumb? Is he this?
Starting point is 00:55:03 Like, it's like sometimes like you're not even like fucking mentally there you know what i mean like you're not processing your thoughts you're kind of your body's kind of just acting on its own and they would think it was a little bit of that too you know because after the fight i'm watching the fight i'm like why the fuck are you shooting you know you're fucking tagging them up on the feet everything i'm doing on the feet's working i was rarely missing the only time i was missing is whenever i'm throwing big looping hooks that i'm starting the combination with you know what i mean and lunging in on the only time i'm getting hit is with a calf kick you know that's the same thing mike told me the cat to uh to check it and then if i don't shoot on them i don't end up in front headlocks and i don't have to have 200
Starting point is 00:55:40 pounds on my neck weighing me down making me more tired than I already am so what about when Dustin what about Dustin's fight with the French dude like they're fucking yelling at him no more guillotines and he just fucking he's like a fucking dog that just like can't he just couldn't stop doing that like I said sometimes
Starting point is 00:56:01 I'm not going to let it happen again. You know, I learned my fucking lesson. I learned it the hard way. Yeah. But sometimes that shit happens. Your brain just shuts off and your body just fights. You know, it's just instinctual at that point. And whether it's for the better or for the worse, sometimes that's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah, that was stressful watching Dustin do that. Yeah. Even for me. It gave me fucking anxiety. I'm just at home on my couch with my feet up. I'm like, Jesus Christ. I mean, was stressful watching Dustin do that. Even for me, it gave me fucking anxiety. I'm just at home on my couch, my feet up. I'm like, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I mean, thank God he won that fight. But, but, but, but that's what you're talking about, right? They're yelling at him to stop and he just can't.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Yeah. It's like I said, he looking back on the fight, he's probably like, why the fuck do I do that? You know what I mean? But like there's, there's also the fact that it's not that he might be blatantly not listen to his coaches he might feel something that the
Starting point is 00:56:48 coaches don't see right you know and then also like I said then there's the instinctual part of it where he's just like thinking like he can get it you know it's just there I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna take the risk you know if I go for this 10, I might get it on the 10th time. I might miss it the first nine, but I'll get it on the 10th. You know, so. Mason Mitchell, Jeremy, his girlfriend was into CrossFit. We did sanctional team in Montreal in 2020. COVID hit and we just flew back home after. Oh, were you on her team, Mason?
Starting point is 00:57:19 She told me about that story. They were like, they're forcing them to go across the border or else they'd be stuck canada or something like that oh yeah yeah yeah i remember that it's crazy was this dude on her team mason mitchell i don't know hey um is she still doing um uh training to do uh wwe uh right now she's healing from a surgery she had and uh she's She's doing some real estate stuff right now, but I'm pretty sure that she's still trying to do the wrestling. Is Florida home for you? This is where I stay 75% of the time.
Starting point is 00:57:55 I'm down here strictly for American coffee. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be living down here. You'd be in Pittsburgh? 100%. I love it up there. I'm not a fan of Floridaida i'm not a beach guy hey um uh how the fuck are you not a beach guy that sounds like a mental disorder dude what's wrong with you why aren't you a beach guy i like the hills the valleys the mountains
Starting point is 00:58:17 all right i can see that i like the hunting i like to go to the woods and not being surrounded by cars and traffic and like being alone and like trying to like be able to hunt a fucking deer or a bear or something else with no interruptions. Amen. All right. Makes sense. There's a lot to it. How about I hadn't been into football Since Joe Montana And Steve Young And Jim Plunkett This is back in the 80s But a buddy of mine
Starting point is 00:58:51 His son is the quarterback For the Chicago Bears And he's been coming on the show a bunch He's a great dude And his quarterback I think the quarterback that was on his team Switched to your team Did Justin Fields go to yeah yeah yeah uh how what's what's the what do you guys are you guys
Starting point is 00:59:12 glad to get justin fields i'm fucking super excited about that man you are yeah i think kenny pickett sucked that was the that was the quarterback before yep and what happens to him does justin start over him no he got shipped off to uh Philadelphia for like a seventh round draft pick sixth or seventh round draft pick and uh we got Justin Fields for a sixth round draft pick as well so and now we got Russell Wilson on a one-year uh contract as well that's minimal and do. Do you watch every single game? Every single Steelers game, yeah. Yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I try to watch most of the NFL games but it's hard to. When you're in Florida, you don't get most of them anyway so you only get Dolphins games down here and occasional Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Yeah, it's fucking crazy hard watching football. Last year I tried to watch all the Chicago Bear games.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I feel like I spent like 700 bucks on like different packages and i still couldn't fucking watch like three games or maybe four did you do like the nfl ticket and youtube tv and all that shit yeah stuff like that yeah chasing around to amazon and fucking wherever netflix or wherever they pop up also in other places. It's a mess. I don't like it. Yeah, Thursday night football is on Amazon. I think, is it Sunday night or Monday night? It's on Peacock.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Oh yeah, I got Peacock too. I just saw my subscription for that renewed. I was like, fuck, I gotta cancel that. I do that all the time, man. You see the bill pop up and you're like, well, forgot to do that all the time man you see that you see the bill pop up you're like well forgot to do that again yeah next month uh i'm really i'm i'm so stoked for this fight dude i'm i'm so pumped for you what what a tremendous opportunity and uh thanks for coming on so close to the fight
Starting point is 01:00:58 uh you sound so squared away um this truly is like this is one of the most excited i've ever been about fights and i watch all the fucking ufc fights and i just i'm just so pumped for this and you've added so much like texture to it especially since you're eight and one this guy's five and oh or seven and oh and then also that your contracts coming up this could be this could be crazy i guess i guess we'll talk afterwards but because you're not speculating on after this victory what what doors could open yeah no i'm just focusing on a venue right now like i said there's people that wanted to plan trips with me after this fight i'm like listen like i don't even want to plan a trip i just want to focus on going to dublin yeah and coming home i want to go there i want to get a win on my record i want to plan a trip. I just want to focus on going to Dublin, getting a win, and coming home.
Starting point is 01:01:45 I want to go there. I want to get a win on my record. I want to get my win bonus check, and I want to fucking come home, and then I'll sort out the rest of the shit after. Awesome. Hey, dude. You the man. Thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I can't wait to talk to you after the fight. I appreciate it, bro. Thank you so much. All right. Later, Dalton. Yep. Have a good it, bro. Thank you so much. All right. Later, Dalton. Yep. Have a good one, bro. Whew!
Starting point is 01:02:11 Damn. Sandy, Randy, yeah, come back. You're good to look at. Yeah, Jesus Christ. You gave him a 7 out of 10 at first? My God. Go for the American. Fuck that other douche.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Rasta all the way. Yeah, Dalton's been so good to me in the show, man dude, I'm stressed about it, dude's a beast, I can't even imagine at 28 having, God I was still running back home to mommy, Imagine at 28 having – God, I was still running back home to mommy.
Starting point is 01:02:51 He's just taking complete control of his life. It's funny. A tennis coach was saying to me about even today, even about Avi, who's only nine. He's like, yeah, at some point, the coaching diminishes and it becomes a partnership. And I was just kind of listening to what he means by that. I'm like, this kid's only fucking nine but like i can hear it in dalton's voice like you have to take so much fucking responsibility for everything i mean no one's doing a thing for him i mean the coaches can only do so much and it's not and it's not really that much even though they're vital To the success To the game plan Take away from Ken Walters
Starting point is 01:03:29 If you don't wear a hat if you want a Standy if you want standy randy to rate You yeah All right I can't even I can't even believe how small the UFC shows are I can't even believe it What's wrong with people It's the fucking greatest sport
Starting point is 01:03:52 How are the MMA shows so small Bunch of douches I don't care Listen When I don't care. Listen, when, when, uh, um, uh, today there's, uh, there's these two guys, some of you who are in the fight scene. Anyway, anyway, when someone asked me, Hey, who have you had on the show? I'm not, I don't ever mentioned a single fucking CrossFitter. I don't know. I'm always like patrick bed david kayla harrison alexander volkanovsky
Starting point is 01:04:32 uh richard johnson author of the fat switch sam apple biographer of uh auto warburg i don't i'm not i'm not like i don't want to say any crossfitters name and offend them but i never ever fucking like yeah i say a flat earther yeah totally i'd say a flat earther before i said a crossfitter a crossfitter david lucas yeah thank you thank you mason hans kim it's not because i don't love the crossfitters and i appreciate them coming on the show, but it's like, Jesus. David Lucas. What a mess that show was.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Liver King. Yeah. Liver King. I think it was the second. The first one he did was with Paul Saladino. I see Tyson Bajan. Paul Saladino I see Tyson Bajan how about the fighter today
Starting point is 01:05:28 knew who Laura Horvat was that was crazy yeah man wow if Dalton wins this fight uh If Dalton wins this fight... Damn, Hunter Biden got fucked up up what does it say uh uh biden hugs hunter on tarmac after federal conviction first son hunter biden found guilty of all counts in historic criminal trial president gives statement after first son's conviction juror speaks out after
Starting point is 01:06:19 guilty verdict americans react to to Hunter Biden's conviction dude if that's my kid I fucking give him a fucking pardon sorry I don't care he gets a straight pardon you know what I mean You know what I mean? Only four accounts versus Trump's 34. Yeah, but Trump did. What did Trump do?
Starting point is 01:06:56 He he supposedly. Paid. Legal fees out of of the wrong. Account. As opposed to. Fucking buying a gun. And lying on your gun application. And throwing the gun in a dumpster. That someone found.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Jesus criminy. How are those two even closely. In the same world? Biden will pardon him. Biden will pardon him. Joe Biden will pardon him and use that as an excuse to bow to the race
Starting point is 01:07:45 I don't know what do you do yeah those were the two things right the valuation of his building even though he paid the loan back and then he had to he fucked some chick and she was going to he didn't want her to talk about it so he gave her money like and then that money came out of like his personal expense when it should have
Starting point is 01:08:18 come out of his campaign expense was it some some weird shit it's like dude give him a slap on the wrist and fine him or don't or but fuck six six weeks in fucking court my god what a waste of our taxpayers money jesus seven you sound like biden i was well i was having fun with the words i dig butter you're talking like biden now yeah i was having fun with the words it was a i'm always trying to do like a bit or something and sometimes they go sideways uh there's a billboard where i live picture of trump and epstein shaking hands think it says never forget or something like that Trump broke federal campaign laws allegedly by classifying his hush money payment as legal services it was supposed to be marked as campaign expenditure
Starting point is 01:09:14 how that violates New York law is mysterious to me it should have been classified as legal services but it was supposed to be Marxist so if I'm running for office and I don't want some chick I bang to talk about my cock size and I
Starting point is 01:09:35 pay her money and it's so that I don't get embarrassed I mean what's the argument there is that they have to prove that he didn't want that he thought it would affect his campaign if she came out and said he had a small dick I don't fucking doesn't even make I am not slim
Starting point is 01:09:52 I'm fucking I'm chablito right now oh yeah Kenneth DeLapp you're right about Tommy G's RFK video yeah don't watch it I ended up liking RFK. It sucked. I liked RFK so much after I watched that.
Starting point is 01:10:15 The end game is to take away a secret service detail, so some whack job will take that as a green light. Wow. How is anyone okay with 24-hour fitness? Why doesn't like the NAACP or something just fucking go to war with BLM? I don't understand. I just don't understand how BLM works. Like can't you just be like okay
Starting point is 01:10:45 two billion dollars in damage in black neighborhoods three thousand black businesses closed down excess mortality in the black community by gun violence after George Floyd up by 600 deaths per year just start explaining it like why can't
Starting point is 01:11:09 you just explain it like hey that didn't work like like none of the money was given to uh so and so uh they're trying to trick your black kids into thinking george floyd was a hero like well i don't how i just don't fucking get it i don't get how people are standing someone in my comment says i don't like this content of yours it's like hey listen i don't like that content of mine either i don't want to have to fucking do it i don't want to have to do it do it how does it make sense like your IG post post destroy statues no arrest teenagers drive over pride flags on street with scooters felony yeah if you don't want to like RFKk watch his interview with charlemagne oh charlemagne is charlemagne a tranny i was looking at pictures of charlemagne
Starting point is 01:12:10 what's wrong with him what happened to him did he go down the eddie murphy route like he just had too much um uh did he just have too much like what happened to that guy he is bizarre looking look at this hey listen i'll take the homeless look over the super coiffed look any day i ain't doing this look at this guy this is just he is a how do i make it bigger he is a trip trip yeah i don't i don't want all my i guess it's like my food like i'm one of those people like i don't care if my food all just on my plate like i prefer it actually i like to eat out of a bowl i like to eat out of a bowl so everything just kind of in there and I can choose and mix stuff and do stuff. I don't need I don't want all my features like Charlemagne's like all being distinguished from the other. I just want to have a face. I don't need my eyebrows completely separated from like I don't need all my shit separated. Jeremy world the god of what taking dick. Yeah. Oh They got pictures of this dude really is that Wow, is that true you think he's the CIA got this dude
Starting point is 01:13:45 There's an absolute epidemic of AI videos rewriting history. All AI images and the same creepy AI voices all made to spoof PSYOP divisions. Oh, interesting. When I was watching the P. Diddy shit, man, it just seemed like just AI shit everywhere. We are like in so many ways. I'm definitely paying the $500 for a GG comp. Yeah. I mean, basically, basically that is, I mean, if, if, if it goes perfectly the way I see it, it'll be in his backyard in that gym.
Starting point is 01:14:23 There'll be like six men and six female athletes. It'll just be two hours of workouts on Saturday, two on Sunday. Or maybe we do two on Friday and two on Saturday. We stream it and then Sunday it's party. It's just an excuse to get together and party. The 500 bucks is like so that no one comes except cool people like Ken. And it's two days and we'll have a taco truck there and have everyone oh the cathedral yes the cathedral sorry the cathedral and the BSI cathedral and
Starting point is 01:14:54 you know don't tell the athletes this but it would be cool like to give all the athletes like a thousand dollar stipend you know just for showing up and then have them qualify through the crash crucible or some videos shows we do online here like let people call in and qualify and then give away fucking ten thousand dollars to the first place woman in first place dude and that's it it's a wrap but really we just hang out for three days the excuse of like people who listen to this podcast who just want to hang out and just like take a vacation that's part of the expenditure just use all that money just to make it fun just like just pay it's like a rave like i don't even like bring whatever you want have a shitload of alcohol hang out with greg swimming his big ass 35ass 35-by-70-foot pool,
Starting point is 01:15:47 or whatever the fuck that thing is. I think he'd be into it. Wouldn't it be funny? It's like a frat. I don't pay for friends. Well, this, when you get, then you aren't gonna be there. Yeah, it is gonna be like a frat It's a bunch of fucking homies get together and throwing money and get a keg. That's exactly what it is Under the guise of it being a crossfit competition But I got this other idea too you guys want to hear this other idea
Starting point is 01:16:24 I don't know I should tell you this one I'm going to save this one this one's this this other idea is great too some just pouring with good ideas I wonder I wanted to pitch it to a sponsor today I wonder if uh Today. I wonder if. Oh, chats. No. If you come in this bathing suit, I bet you you get in. I bet you if you come in that bathing suit, you get in.
Starting point is 01:17:02 I bet. For like free. I bet. For, like, free. I run everything by Sousa. What do you mean, do you need to? I run everything by Sousa. I get calls from Sousa. Maybe you shouldn't have said that. Very rarely.
Starting point is 01:17:18 I'm just joking. no i don't uh no you don't have to hoe yourself out you just have to um you have to hoe yourself out you just have to uh come in that bathing suit uh seven did you ever see the clip of rfk getting pulled off kill Kill Taylor stage by his wife? She ran up and said, don't do accents and took over interview. No shit. RFK kill Tony.
Starting point is 01:17:56 He's got a wife. Was it, was it supposed to be funny that she did it Damn he's got a great body. Okay, let me see. Let me see. Here we go. Let me see it.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Here we go. Seven seconds at a time. Sorry, guys. Here we go. There were two leprechauns. And they were knee-walking drunk. They were so drunk. Let's not do, uh... Oh, she's banging too, huh?
Starting point is 01:19:18 Oh, wait, she doesn't have his last name? He's a cuck And she got the plastic cup so she got her swerve on Oh come on dude, she didn't pull him offstage. That's that's the bitch. She's supposed to do that. What are you talking about? Jesus Christ? No, shut up. no mason no come on uh let me see uh cheryl heinz nude uh cheryl heinz nude photo collection oh shit they're all um uh Oh, shit. They're all... Oh, I don't think... Oh. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Oh, man. I have to approve every one when I click it? I don't think this is her. Huh. Must be a different Cheryl Hines. Oh, no maybe it is her holy shit wow maybe it is her so him and trump got something in common wow okay who knows right maybe it's ai was she a porn star
Starting point is 01:20:47 uh 41 50 mark of last week's kill taylor it's a different kill tony it's a different angle hmm oh Tony it's a different angle oh huh you forgot to share the screen not this time I didn't all right tomorrow morning Greg Glassman is tomorrow Wednesday what is tomorrow Wednesday Greg Glassman tomorrow
Starting point is 01:21:23 Haiti can you had he can you on thursday uh friday russell burger will be calling 24-hour fitness doesn't allow flags, USA flags? That's amazing. Oh, so that's going to be a crazy show. I agree. Last week's Greg Glassman show was really good. Yeah, it was amazing. I agree. Last week's Greg Glassman show was really good. Yeah, it was amazing. I agree.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Last week's show was great. Are you still uploading your shows on Rumble? I don't know. It used to happen automatically, and YouTube put something in to block that. Oh, did you know, by the way, the first episode of the behind the scenes from Compton, Carlson, where the fuck were we? The West Coast Classic, what's the name of that town? How come I can't remember the name of that town? I can't remember it.
Starting point is 01:22:40 But anyway, West Coast Classic from Compton. Excuse me. probably be released Carson cheese Louise thank you you guys have made me lazy blaming you the West Coast classic from Carson episode one of the behind the scenes will be behind the paywall any second now tonight tomorrow the next day something soon because I saw a copy of it pop up in my inbox. And that means it's done. So that'll be going behind the paywall. Time to become a member.
Starting point is 01:23:16 What other wares do I have to peddle? Paper Street Coffee, California Peptides. Heat One app. um paper street coffee california peptides heat one app there used to be this really cool commercial of the metoothian where it just rolled into the scene it was really short nope not that that's one i haven't ever shown.
Starting point is 01:23:45 I need to show that one soon. I need to get Thomas DeLauer back on here. Talk to him about sugar. You don't even have to... You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a trainer. If you just want the operating man...
Starting point is 01:24:02 Do I have a moose knuckle in that video? You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a trainer. If you just want the operating manual. I started seeing commercials come in for the affiliate campaign contest. We're making five commercials as kind of demos before we like release. So I can show you guys like examples of what they look like.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Ooh, they're cool. Wow. They're cooler than I ever thought they were. Uh, Jeffrey Birchfield. I will be helping with a chemistry teacher conference. So I'll be out of pocket for the next couple of days.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Out of pocket. Yeah. Uh, Thomas DeLauer just did a big video on Alu out of pocket. What the fuck's wrong with you? The corporate stooge, uh, bulging. Thank you. Bulging. Um, Thomas DeLauer just did a big video on allulose out of pocket. What the fuck's wrong with you, corporate stooge? Bulging. Thank you, bulging.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Thomas Lauer just did a big video on allulose. Says it actually helps to lose fat. Yeah. Crazy, right? I'll show you this thing. I eat these. This company here. Oh, here, look at that one uh where's my alias commercial oh here
Starting point is 01:25:10 watch this i've actually i don't know if i've i've never i know i've never shown this i don't even know if i've watched this all the way through myself yet uh here we go that's so bad fuck those bars are so good that's a shame that's so bad that is such a bad commercial damn it i need to call the guy dan uh i eat those bars the interesting thing is i'll eat like one of those a night maybe that's why i haven't been drinking alcohol but i'll eat like one of those a night and maybe that's what people keep saying my skin looks nice but i'll drink one of the i'll eat one of those at night and uh after dinner and he said it's like a twix i don't think it's like a twix at all it's shaped like a twix i think it's more like a snicker bar personally it's so fucking chewy and so filling and it's tiny and i never
Starting point is 01:26:22 feel you know how normally when you eat candy you feel weird and you don't feel any of that shit i invited that dude to greg's last bsi event he bought like brought like 20 cases of those and i've been just like it's crazy maybe that's why people say i look thinner i've been eating allulose anyway well the guy who's on the board for that company, Richard Johnson, wrote The Fat Switch. And that's the book that Greg read that made it. I was there and Greg read this fucking chapter in his book. He goes, I'm never drinking beer again. And he stopped drinking beer.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Because something he read in that book about type 2 diabetes and yeast and the connection between them and uric acid. Anyway, so that guy who wrote that book is coming on the show and he's also on the board of that company, RX Sugar. No, no, no, no. Twix and Snicker, not the same thing. No. I think Twix is like crunchy, isn't it? Or am I thinking of Kit Kat? Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right, Magnus. Maybe I'm thinking of Kit Kat? Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right, Magnus. Uh,
Starting point is 01:27:28 maybe I'm thinking of Kit Kat. Uh, speaking of corporate, my boss told me today that if I'm up for promotion, they're going to pick DEI people first. Yeah. I had a buddy recently at his job, uh,
Starting point is 01:27:43 get offered a promotion. They said they gave it to him and then two weeks later said sorry we like just straight up we have to give it to a woman and then two months later they gave ended up giving him a promotion anyway fucking weird it's weird that they say that that shit out loud now sorry we have to give it to a white guy. Imagine if they said that. Sev. Hey.
Starting point is 01:28:15 What's up, BJ? Good to see you here. Loved your fighting. What's all the hype about zero acre cooking oil? I don't know what that is. Babe Ruth is pretty good. I mean, I had one in 20 years, but pretty good. I guess I should take RFK's wife nudes off my screen. Let me see if this girl responded to me in my Instagram before I go.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Let me see what's going on in here. 12 Daily Doses got in the mix. Of course, being a douche canoe. Oh, here we go. These posts are where I don't like what you say. Your CrossFit stuff is good. This is bad. Island lifestyle.
Starting point is 01:29:25 I said I love black people and don't have tolerance for pedos I'm a free speech advocate and then oh and then these people just got my back it's so weird that 12 daily doses always goes after the church i don't get it or where's his stuff oh uh no only harbors pedophiles i didn't see christianity anywhere on this list fine then fine then I don't care. Fine. And you're doing the rainbow pride thing. Cause a drag queen,
Starting point is 01:30:10 not drag queen, drag Queens everywhere. Read a book to kids. It's like, I don't understand the minimization of hurting kids. Oh, here we go. Listen to this.
Starting point is 01:30:28 This is a 12 daily doses plans from the chat nobody in the gay trans pride community is normalizing pdos how does he how does he how does he not think that i i see it every i see it every single fucking day some new video with a trans person with a kid doing inappropriate shit tits out ass rubbing in their face putting dollars in their fucking clothes dudes dressing up as women hanging out with kids isn't weird on the reg or a drag queen reading a book that the entire gay community is not on it yeah they're not on it i don't know they're not there's no evidence that pride is a pedo enabler there's plenty of fucking evidence it's where they fucking hide dude unless you're like a wacko unless you're like the wacko, unless you're like the wacko people who want to defund the police because of a
Starting point is 01:31:26 few bad cops. It's not like that, dude. It, it, it's not like that. Comparing police have a function that we've all agreed upon needs to be done. There's,
Starting point is 01:31:40 there's no, there's no need in normalizing, enforcing trans shit on kids. But I don't think that's the extreme you want to go. Gay people are gay. Dude, those aren't even parallels. Straight people are straight. Yeah, why are you conflating the two? You're conflating the two, Mr. Plange.
Starting point is 01:32:01 I'm not conflating them. I'm completely okay with my gaynessness i'm not okay with the pedos hanging out with my gayness pedos are pedos come in all shapes and sizes of course they do they don't discriminate and they're all evil fine they've attached themselves to a movement that's about the kind of love people want to have between grown adults yeah public school this is well anyway absolutely disgusting yeah
Starting point is 01:32:56 it will also allow you to bring your whole dick to the lady shower that's amazing well it'll be fun it'll be fun it'll be fun with Russell Berger you always hear the falsehood that there's no connection between child sex abuse and LGBTQ plus there are studies on this
Starting point is 01:33:21 pedophilia is a much greater problem yeah of course hey and listen it's not the church that causes that but anywhere you have just a guarantee look prison you want to go straight to prison like the prison scene
Starting point is 01:33:36 anywhere you got huge numbers large dudes huge numbers of guys congregating where women aren't allowed weird shit's gonna happen uh no more letting 12 daily doses rent space in your head homie lost and can't be found yeah but i got to because it's such it's we need a representative. Of we kind of need a representative here, a foil. You know what I mean? We need a.
Starting point is 01:34:19 We need we need we need someone who hasn't. What do you think it is? Do you think he shouldn't go there? I wonder what it is that blocks him from seeing that. Why in every post like that he's defending it this was my favorite post i've ever done it's a shame what do i i have 168 likes i should just kill myself that that's like those are kill yourself numbers right 168 likes I should just kill myself. That's like, those are kill yourself numbers, right? 168 likes. My Uber driver merged onto the highway at 32 miles an hour.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Guesses on ethnicity. I was so bummed when it wasn't a woman. Hey, so what happened was, is he got on the freeway in the wrong direction at 32 miles an hour. And I knew he was going to have to turn around. So I hurried up and got my video, my phone out. I'm like, I'm going to film this. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Interestingly, even in church, the problem of sex abuse isn't by male heterosexual clergy. Yeah, of course not. I mean. Yeah, well said, Bernie. Hey, and just like it's not, it's not women either. Sorry, women, you're out. Zachary Kadatz,
Starting point is 01:35:41 those 168 are definitely all of us, I know. I'm in this chat today and spinning spinning comparing posts where they've gotten over a million views like god damn it that's like a post that had 168
Starting point is 01:36:04 views can't get a view for the fucking life of me oh do you guys want to hear some juicy shit i really should go to bed not go to bed but i should go in the house i i don't i saw this hillar explained this to me today so i asked hillar where he got all those clips from from his video i'm like hey is that like like how did you get all that stuff uh i gotta play this for you again here we go.
Starting point is 01:36:51 It would be great to have you back with Savant. I miss Brian Friend. Yeah, man, that was fun. Brian and I had a fucking thing going, didn't we? Fuck. Yeah, I agree. I mean, I am really hopeful that at some point me and i can do something together again we're crushing i'm kicking ass and and i can and i can let off the
Starting point is 01:37:11 gas pedal um i do think at this point that we're planning on doing crucible we're crushing i don't i remember i don't think we're so i said hey when did he say that and he said that he said he said you were saying that at the same time he was he said our shows were on like basically at the same time or within a few hours of each other i don't i don't think brian and i are doing the crucible together i don't think we're we're not doing anything together that doesn't mean that i didn't have a good time with him when we did stuff yeah he was the golden boy i fucking a yeah i agree but i don't i that i was like when did he say that and he's like oh he just did a couple days ago i don't i i don't if i did say
Starting point is 01:37:54 that i apologize i i'm not making any plans for the crucible yet i mean i'm definitely going there and filming it and streaming it if jr will have me and blow that shit up but i i don't i haven't picked the the team for that i'm brought him on the crossword podcast amazing day great day what is it what does it mean in terms of preparation for tomorrow um what does what mean i don't know um we've been working together for like two days i mean we are into the end of it oh brian yeah uh you know just super honest there's some stuff that they're doing over there that i don't really want to be a part of there's some stuff over here that he doesn't i'm like when did he say that i wonder does he really like like listen
Starting point is 01:38:34 the reason why he's not here is because that because of that he doesn't want to be a part of anything that's over here not some stuff no stuff but could someone really not want to be a part of anything that's over here not some stuff no stuff but could someone really not want to be a part of kill taylor do you think what do you think he was referencing what do you think brian was referencing there there's some stuff i don't want to be a part of i when i saw this i thought this was just shit that like i thought i didn't think there was any truth to any of this i thought it was just frank and bit together for comedy sake but hillary's like no he said that like listen dude listen you jackass listen brian i don't know i don't know oh my god i don't know if i should just go off
Starting point is 01:39:24 welcome to kill taylor the greatest show on the internet purpose of this show taylor was that you I don't know. Oh my god. I don't know if I should just go off. Welcome to Kill Taylor, the greatest show on the internet. The purpose of this show, Taylor, was that you don't lose. Peter, Peter, Peter. Peter, Peter, Peter. Pedro, Pedro, Pedro. Are a handful of words that I've really made a strong oath to never say again. And you're fucking testing me on every single one of them. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:39:49 Let's go off. It's just like, dude, like, shut the fuck up. Like, if you want, like, you're not going to be invited on here. And you already had, like, more than a million fucking chances to come on here. And you fucking shit the bed. So don't tell me, like, don't act like you can pick and choose fucking anything you can't pick and choose nothing oh yeah i guess brian could come on the mma shows pick and choose there's some things you don't like over here. Eat a dick. All right. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Talk to you soon. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Bye-bye.

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