The Sevan Podcast - Dan Thiessen | Radix Gym | Affiliate Series & Live Call

Episode Date: November 17, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:59 Other conditions apply. Okay. Can you not hear me at all? No, barely, barely, barely, barely barely you're muffled you're muffled good good muffled well dan the affiliate owner my uh there we go wait a second nope bad again while dan uh works the audio i got more details on the paper street coffee deal check this out uh buy one seven ounce bag of tea and get two more for free only on black friday so it's three bags of tea for the price of one. That's only going to be for one day, it looks like.
Starting point is 00:01:47 That's a crazy deal. We should try to put them out of business. Four different teas. Four different gourmet teas. Hey, Caleb, what's up, dude? Oh, I'll send you the notes, Caleb. Caleb, what's that called when someone is late, but it's just by a little bit? It's like fashionably late?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like it. You're fashionably late. Is this better, Siobhan? Yeah, I can hear you now. It's horrible. It sounds like you're in a tin can, but it's better than it was before. Something was wrong before.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Like maybe there was earwax in the mic or something. What am I doing? Oh, that would be the note. Pose. Caleb. Caleb Beaver. Matt Souser. Dan, pronounce your last name for me.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Dan, please. The gym is called. What is it? Oh, no way. No way, Danny. No way, buddy. No way. What is it? Ethan. Oh, no way. No way, Danny. No way, buddy. No way. Take your time.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I can't hear him at all. Could you hear him, Caleb? That was bad, right? It was pretty bad, yeah. I can't talk to you. Come on, Caleb. Now you're frozen Now you turned into That is crazy
Starting point is 00:03:34 Oh, that's you Oh I can hear you but it's reverberate oh now it's me here how now better it's good I think it was echoing off of his laptop or whatever computer he's using
Starting point is 00:04:02 that was nuts I'm sound laptop or whatever computer he's using. That was nuts. Um, Sam. Dang. I had some buttons. I just moved them around. I think Dan's frozen again or he's pissed. Or both.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Dan's like, what the fuck is happening? Autobots. Autobots. Come on. Wow. I wish I could tell you what was going on. He might be on a really old computer or something. Or a PC. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I can't hear him at all. Oh, he's muted. Yeah, I muted him. It was just reverberating. Oh, so when he comes on, we turn into Autobots. Right, because it's just echoing off of his computer. You think Dan's really an AI? You know what? Probably.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Dan, do you have a phone? Maybe you could use a phone. Do you have an iPhone? Okay. Yeah, maybe log out of your computer suite. He looks like he got a new one me and him have similar taste in case did you see that that's a good that's a good you'll have to use safari dan safari or chrome i don't think chrome will pull up your like a stream on there every time
Starting point is 00:05:36 i've used it it's told me to go to safari oh interesting and on computers it's chrome right makes no sense you sound fine even when he's unm. I know we sound like autobots. What are you talking about? Dude last night show is wild. I was a great show it was all over the place Which was cool, though Cave Astro says, these are not the droids you're looking for. These are not the droids you're looking for. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:13 We'll leave a spot open. We'll leave a spot open. Nope. We already took his spot. There was a clip I wanted to play last night. Shit, I might as well play it now from Greg's show. Oh, no, it was on the Zachary. Was it the Zachary Kadat show?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Oh, yeah. I was going to show you this last night. This is because Zachary's into movement videos. So I was going to play this. Sit in the back seat in the middle legs wide open you are going to sit with your legs together on your partner's lap and then you're going to take your elbows over the insides of the front seat to kind of like pull your weight up and then you can come up and down what's great about this position is you can also grab the headrest lean back and do some
Starting point is 00:07:07 grinding or you can even lean back over one shoulder of your partner and grind like this your partner is going to sit in the back seat in the middle legs wide open you are going to sit with your legs together on your partner's crazy and then you're going to take your elbows over the insides of the feet. What if the CrossFit Games had movement standards like this? Like an explanation. Probably be way less confusing.
Starting point is 00:07:36 God. Austin Hartman, this woman needs Christ. No, you need her. Yeah, what do you mean? That would be... Or maybe Jesus needs her. I'm going to burn in hell for that one. Hey, what do you mean? That would be, or maybe Jesus needs her. I'm going to burn in hell for that one. Hey, what's up, Dan? This is Better Savant.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Oh, money. Amazing. Jeez, good thing I have a wife who understands how to work this kind of stuff. Were you on a computer? What do you think? Yeah, no, I have a brand new MacBook Pro so I was ready to throw it through the window but I think we got it figured out yeah
Starting point is 00:08:09 too expensive to throw it through the window no definitely too expensive are you still on the computer now yeah I'm on the computer now I just switched it must have been the headphones I had in so everything's good okay cool thank you hey you own uh crossfit
Starting point is 00:08:27 radio radix gym but it's crossfit radix radix radix yeah yeah yeah okay it was one of the i just see the x and i'm like don't even dare to try to say cross oh yeah yeah And that's in Canada. That's in Canada. Yeah. About 30 minutes outside of downtown Toronto, the GTA. And you've had the affiliate for 10 years. We're eight years now, eight year affiliate owners,
Starting point is 00:08:56 my wife and I. Did you guys start it from scratch or did you buy it from someone? No, we, we started from scratch. My wife buy it from someone no we we started from scratch my wife is actually like og crossfit so she did her l1 in california in 2008 with dave castro uh bosman so she she's uh i probably did yeah i i bet you i was there at that one if it was in california in 08 yeah do you remember whose gym she did it at
Starting point is 00:09:25 rach what gym was that wow that you did your l1 one world right you must go dude i was 100% there hey hey was that the word was that was the one where did she hear when dave said hey this is the 95 pound bar for men and this is the 65-pound bar for women and pussies? Were you there? Was he climbing all the way? No, no, no. That's where he said that shit. That's where he would say that shit.
Starting point is 00:09:53 He said, I've heard him say it at gym. So he's asking if Dave said, this is the 95-pound bar for men and this is the 65-pound bar for the pussies? Oh. And women and pussies. Which is what he said. I've heard him say that at One world back in the day in 2008 i'm sure i was at your uh level one
Starting point is 00:10:10 i'm sure probably filming or something yeah they they filmed all those dave castro videos for his talk like the ones that made it onto the crossfit journal were filmed there at that uh at that because it was like the first one without glassman it was like the first one and we were like no we're too late we missed glassman hey do you remember him saying that they lined up all the night oh darn it was so crazy and i remember because i was just this just this crazy sensitivo from berkeley i was like this is totally unacceptable you can. Talk to people like this. Wow. So much of CrossFit was unacceptable back then, but I mean, like that's where the fun was. Crazy. All right. Thank you. Great. Great to talk to you. Wow. What's her, what's her name, Dan? That's Rachel.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Oh, she's fine. You did good. Good job. Oh dude. I, I killed it. So I, uh, uh, dude, I killed it. So we met at a CrossFit gym that she was managing in 2012, and I had just retired from kickboxing. So I was getting ready to fight in a style of kickboxing called low kick for the national championships. And during that fight camp, I got concussed really bad for about, I think at that point, the fifth time in my life. And so I was in a bad place for months after that. I couldn't function.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I couldn't work out for the first time since I was like 15 years old. And I didn't know what to do with myself. And one of my buddies, he sent me a link and he's like, listen, these dudes compete in working out. just got to work out nobody's going to punch you in the face so that was my first time that was my first time googling like okay what is crossfit where like where is one of these you know gyms around me and so i found my local box and I emailed the owner and the owner at the time there he was a big power lifter dude big strong guy and I'm like oh yeah this dude is gonna like show me how to get strong I've been kickboxing forever so I was always cutting weight and
Starting point is 00:12:17 was it Jesse Ward by any chance no no uh yeah so he uh yeah so i was like super excited for the like i had spent five months pretty much not being able to do too much and getting my head right again and officially retiring from kickboxing after spending you know a good decade doing that kind of stuff um and so i emailed him i told him who I was excited. He convinced me that I needed to do 10 PTs. I said, Okay, I'm like, I'm in. So I bought 10 PTs, I showed up to the gym ready for this big, big, strong dude to show me what's up. And this little girl comes up to me and she's like, Hi, I'm Rachel. And I'm going to teach you how to CrossFit. And I almost laughed in her face, but I was like, this little girl is like,
Starting point is 00:13:08 she has no idea what I've been through in the last 10 years, what I'm capable of. And she's going to show me. And dude, hour later I was begging to get punched in the face again. She tore me a whole new world. It was unbelievable. You ended up dating and marrying and having kids with your personal trainer yeah yeah that's a little boy's dream good job yeah yeah yeah so yeah we uh we opened up the affiliate eight years ago i actually proposed to her on the grand opening and then um it was like it was everything we wanted to do together and love together and now we have three
Starting point is 00:13:45 boys who are growing up in the gym and kind of crossfit became this thing that brought everything in my life into where it should be and end up which is uh pretty cool are your boys doing martial arts yeah so my uh my six-year-old he uh that's him they're doing some thrusters uh he he does bjj um one of my best friends marcio owns the local uh jiu-jitsu uh gym and so he goes to bjj uh at least a couple times a week he does gymnastics and those are my they are a brazilian immigrant to the great country of Canada. Yeah, from Rio. He's awesome. So I do jujitsu there as well sometimes.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I don't do it as much anymore, but he goes all the time. My twins will go once they're old enough to go. I think it's the perfect way for them to be introduced to that whole world. Dude, 100%. Hey, so tell me the age of your kids so my oldest is turning six and then my twins are uh turning two in january so you're you're kind of doing what i'm doing i got i got mine are two years apart years or four years apart but i got an oldest in 20 yeah yeah exactly we follow the instagram my wife sends me stuff from your uh from your boys all the time look what they're doing dude congratulations yeah thanks dude it's amazing i love those kids more than anything man like it's the greatest blessing in
Starting point is 00:15:21 life i i'm i'm sure you've heard this a thousand times so i'll just pile on dude it's only going to get better i can't wait i can't wait it sounds unbelievable i mean you're gonna love every second of it but last night i was going to bed and i was looking at him and i'm like this is nuts i mean i just partied so hard with the three of them yesterday it's crazy that's amazing yeah yeah it's cool i just i can't wait for the jiu-jitsu tournaments and uh i'm excited for when the twins get old enough where they all beat each other up like it's just going to be absolute bloodbath um my kids have been doing tennis for three years and it was only until basically the last couple weeks that they can all play together now right the nine-year-old they can actually rally with the the play together now. Right. The nine-year-old, they can actually rally with the,
Starting point is 00:16:07 the nine-year-old, well, the nine-year-old and the six-year-old, that's almost seven. They can all rally. So I can just sit in a lawn chair at the tennis court and they can just play, you know what I mean? King of the court. That's the best. Yeah. You're going to have a great time. So, so you open a gym and why do you guys open a gym? Well, that was, that was all she knew so it's all we both of us ever wanted to do on our separate paths um actually before i started going to the crossfit gym i was going to open up my own uh like strength and
Starting point is 00:16:41 conditioning facility at that point i'd been training all the fighters at the gym i was at uh as their strength and conditioning coach so that's what i wanted to do and then you know once you get bit with the crossfit bug it's over so it just changed my whole trajectory of what what i saw i could do with people what um just like how i i how i train my fighters for fights uh even still to this day i'm i train a lot of pro boxers and i'll use something like the ghost that dave castro wrote for uh guerrero who is a former wbc world champion boxer uh i'll use that workout like the exact workout and i'll give my pro boxers that workout to do as part of their camp and we have times on that workout um and we know like as they get
Starting point is 00:17:31 closer to a fight uh they're going to be in shape if they can hit a certain amount of uh reps on that workout so yeah this is the ghost here and uh we do this and i switch out the rowing for echo bite calories as well sometimes. I like this motion, especially for boxers. But it's a cool video they have. You can find it on YouTube of Guerrero doing the workout at the beginning of camp with Castro. I think they're at the ranch. And then they do it again in the middle and end of camp.
Starting point is 00:18:05 And just how much better and how much fitter he got through that camp for a world championship fight and he was going 12 rounds so six rounds is like i'd say an average uh pro boxer will fight six rounds more towards the beginning of their career and then the closer they get obviously to those uh championship and titles, they'll fight, uh, eight, 10 and then 12 rounds. Um, so like I'll have my, uh, I just had what pro boxer who I train, uh, John Michael Bianco, who's, uh, just won the Canadian super middleweight belt, uh, about a month ago and he'll do like eight to 12 rounds of that workout. And it is, it's gnarly. It will knock you right out.
Starting point is 00:18:44 So I don't know. I found CrossFit. She was already obviously, she quit university to run that gym. She was going to the University of Toronto. The one she worked at. The one that, yeah, the one that we met at. She always wanted to be a teacher,
Starting point is 00:19:03 but she was going to the University of Toronto, the Mississauga campus for, I think it was geology. Geography. Geography, sorry. Physical geography. And she just hated it and loved being in the affiliate. And she just became the general manager pretty much there and ran that place and quit school. And that's all she wanted to do. That's all I wanted to do. That's all I wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I had been in the gym, like in combat sports since I was 16 years old. So I didn't really know much else. My dad always told me that I should, you know, follow up somewhere where I have a passion and I really love what I'm doing. And he was a immigrant who kind of worked to make sure that we could be provided for. And he never had that. So my dad was born in Chihuahua,
Starting point is 00:19:52 Mexico. Now he's yeah, he's not Mexican, but he was born in a German Mennonite colony in Mexico. They're farmers. You can kind of, I think there's some youtube documentaries on that as well where they use the uh they use the german mennonites to bring drugs across the border because
Starting point is 00:20:11 they were in horse and buggies and it was easy way to get the drugs across the border i don't think they can do that anymore but um so yeah my dad yeah they can't don't don't yeah they can't they can bring anything across the border is open You can come back and do what you want. Yeah. The majority of Mennonites are farmers and produce various agricultural products. Wow. So your dad's a German that ended up in basically some sort of cult that thought it would be best to farm in Mexico because of what they could grow there. Basically, your grandparents were homesteaders but in mexico yeah yep and so uh when they got here
Starting point is 00:20:51 uh they lived uh in a like a farming community uh outside of gta probably a couple hours and uh they jumped the good country they went from mexico to canada they just jumped a good country just came right on through yeah and yeah so he he grew up on the farm just just working and honestly he had a horrible upbringing because uh my grandfather was a drunk and a drug addict and beat the snot out of him um and he was abused on a whole bunch of different levels. And he actually, so it's interesting because, you know, you think of Mennonites as they believe in God and they have these set of rules.
Starting point is 00:21:34 And then he got the crap beat out of him because my grandfather was not a good person. And then a pastor from the local church found him one day on the side of the road, just like kind of bawling his eyes out because all his German Mennonite families are huge. So he had he was the third youngest out of 13 children. Yeah, so all the older ones had left because they weren't taking it anymore. And it was him, his younger brother and sister that were left. And he was him, his younger brother and sister that were left. And he didn't know what to do with himself because the other thing about being a
Starting point is 00:22:10 German Mennonite in those communities is that the farmers and the people who grew up there didn't like them at all. So when he would go to school, he'd get the crap beat out of him. And they hated him because he was a Mennonite. And then when he would go home, his dad would beat the crap out of him. The local Mexican kids? No, the local Ontario, like the local Canadians. Oh. When they moved here. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah. So when they moved here, he would get – he just got the crap kicked out of him everywhere he went. So a local pastor had picked him up and kind of taken care of him in the church. And then that's where my dad went from being a Mennonite to a Christian and just kind of changed his whole trajectory of life. And he started his own business, started a trucking business that he still owns 30 years later. He's done really well for himself.
Starting point is 00:23:01 He still owns 30 years later. He's done really well for himself. And the hardest working man I know, and I think we'll ever know, he's 63 years old, still goes to work every single day, still works the same business he's been running for the last 30-something years. You're still proud of him? He's the greatest. He's my hero beyond anything I could ever tell you, Siobhan. Yeah. How cool to have a great dad like that that pulled his shit together for his family.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah. And you know he did it for you. Yeah, 100%. And he worked like a dog for so many years. Hey, dude, how do you switch religions? I was telling my mom this the other day. I was like, you know why I'm not religious. She goes, why? I'm like, because i have no calling like like i'm just doing my i'm doing my calling right yeah i have a calling
Starting point is 00:23:52 but i'm doing my calling at the fidelity and the clarity that i get it right like i'm not having dreams where jesus is like wake up and go to church you know what i mean or i'm not seeing i'm not i'm not it was my awareness i'm getting, I'm not seeing like the Buddha calling me or Islam calling me or Christianity calling me. I just don't, I'm open to it, but I don't, I wonder what calling your dad. And so I just don't want to fake it. You know what I mean? I don't want to, I don't want to fake it. I want to be like, I want to get called or not called. Yeah. I think when you're in those, like a situation where he's in, where they're telling you that, you know, they believe in one thing. Like, there's a God and there's all these rules that you have to follow.
Starting point is 00:24:34 And then you watch your own father, as soon as things got hard, turn to something completely different than the God that he claimed was there. Right? So if he really believed in that god and the times got hard why did he turn to something else rather than that god so i think he saw that and how fake it can be that that that is like a cult of um you know where they have all these rules but they don't actually believe in them because like this you know this man who uh would go get drunk and do drugs every night and then come home and beat the crap out of his own kids uh so i think he was just searching for like what why am i this person who has to take all this abuse all the time and then i think when he met that pastor
Starting point is 00:25:20 and he saw the the flip side of somebody who didn't know him at all, but had a love to give him that he had never received from anybody else. And that love was coming from, you know, from some other place. Like, why would this man, why would this man just love him for no reason? And there was nothing asked for in return. There was nothing, it was just given to him where everything in his life was taken away from him constantly and then on top of that he had to go to school for certain amount of hours and then work on the farm for the rest of the time to make sure that that my dad's family didn't get kicked off that farm that they were renting they had to work the land to stay they had to work the
Starting point is 00:26:00 land to eat so his whole life is based around all this hate and all these physical things that he had to do all the time and then somebody showed him love and compassion out of nothing for no reason and i think that's where when that when that somebody shows you that and their their purpose is from something up above that they believe that you know there is a god and there's a god of compassion and he's there to uh he's there to be there for you when you have nobody else and he put this man in that position to do that for him once i think once those two worlds you go from that to this, it can change you forever. Because he could have been the most bitter human being.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And you want to know something even crazier? He didn't leave. He wouldn't leave the farm. So he believed that he should stay. He should make sure that his little brother and little sister were taken care of. He, he believed that he had, he should do that, that he should continue to work to make sure that they didn't get kicked out and end up homeless on the streets. And he forgave his dad.
Starting point is 00:27:14 So the grandfather, I know that I grew up with is not the same man that he got abused by. So my, my grandfather actually ended up. My dad led my grandfather to to the lord to jesus after that whole thing after everything he had done and my grandfather who was an alcoholic he repented he became completely sober he never drank another day in his life and then the grandfather that i knew was a loving man who loved us he would build he would build these little wooden toys in his shed for us we would go there until the day he died he was a
Starting point is 00:27:50 loving man i never knew any of that stuff until i got older and my dad and my dad told me and it was even interesting at his funeral you could still see that some of his older brothers when they talked about him had resentment had anger towards him and everything that had happened and my dad was just at peace my dad put that to peace long time ago and he decided that he was going to stick around and do something that you know i guess 99 of people couldn't or wouldn't do. And he attributes that to his faith and what he believes in. Well, what a great story. Holy shit. He lived a full life, full circle. Yeah. And my dad is living a full life. Living a full life. We didn't grow up normal in our family. Our whole dynamic is so different.
Starting point is 00:28:47 As a four or five-year-old, I remember this man who lived with us. His name was Ted. My dad went downtown Toronto, and he was feeding the homeless during a Christmas kind of time. He found this man who just had this crazy cough and had nowhere to go. He picked the man up, put him in his van, and brought him home. That guy lived with us until the day he died of lung cancer so how many years how long did he live with you holy shit your dad sounds weirder than me i ran yeah he's in my backyard it was wild yeah so like he doesn't he brought a dude home he found who was who was sick and just let him live in your joint for with his kids for a couple
Starting point is 00:29:33 years and then he died yeah yeah i still remember going to that funeral as a as a kid because ted became like a like a live-in grandfather for us's a Polish man. He spoke English well enough to take care of us. But yeah, he just was part of the family. My mom, she loved him just like you would an older uncle or something along those lines. Dude, I've never – I swear to you, in 51 years of me being alive besides me and now your dad those are the only people i know who've taken in homeless people i mean there was a movie like called beverly hills bum or something there was a movie where they took in a homeless guy okay yeah crazy that your dad did that wild i wonder what i wonder wow i'd like to meet your dad someday see if like yeah are you sure
Starting point is 00:30:26 he's not armenian he's not no he's mexican mennonite oh yeah down and out in beverly hills there we go wow what a what a great what a great story yeah you did not you did not have a um you did not have a uh a normal upbringing's this guy. I've told this story before, Dan, but there's this guy that it's too long to tell now, but how I met him was just wild. The circumstances I met him. And then I didn't see him for, it was in Santa Barbara. And then I didn't see him for 10 years, right? I knew nothing about him, nothing. Right. I knew nothing about him, nothing. And my wife goes, hey, I wonder. And he's a homeless guy. And he goes, hey, I wonder what that guy is doing these days. And I go, yeah, I wonder what he's doing, too. And I went down to the local Starbucks that I hadn't been. This is in Santa Cruz, 400 miles away from Santa Barbara. I went down to a local Starbucks that I hadn't been to since COVID because they had all these rules there.
Starting point is 00:31:23 But they and I went down there and I look on the patio. And I'm like, hey, dude, what's up? What what are you doing here and he's i'm waiting for you and i just brought him home again like the first time i saw him and so i post pictures of this guy periodically on my instagram when our paths cross again but it's a big fucking state california yeah geez oh yeah there's some there's some weird shit uh in the in the uh in the ether what a great what what a what a bizarre uh trippy fun world we live in there's this saying who don't talk to strangers don't talk to angels that and my dad believes exactly that too yeah yeah yeah there's a there's a a verse in Bible too, but something along those lines. Oh, maybe I stole it from there.
Starting point is 00:32:09 He, yeah, he believes it and he lives it. Like he lives it every day to this day. He lives that same, like he will not stop doing what he believes is his calling to do. Yeah, there he is. There he is. There he there he is that's yeah that's the guy yeah he hasn't changed a bit since i met him 25 years ago so weird we have we have one guy around our gym uh his name's thorsten he's a from germany originally and he drops in i make him a. I give him a protein bar. We talk. I always ask him, do you need anything? He always tells me, no, I'm good. I like the coffee. Then he goes about his way. This guy doesn't want to take anything from me.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I even said he could live in the backyard. He's like, no, thank you. You hungry? No, thank you. You got to have something. You see dome of my wife without the domas yeah um why did you name your gym uh what's it called again rad radix oh radix radix uh radix is like a latin term uh and it's the latin term that uh that i pulled up was the it stands for the force that gives rise to all movement. So it's like the force inside of you that starts any kind of movement to happen. So I just love the way that sounded and that it was off the beaten path. I had originally started my original business was called Core Performance. And then there was this guy in the States who had core performance and he threatened
Starting point is 00:33:45 to sue me and he sent me all these letters. And I was like, dude, I got like five PT clients. The name is all yours, bro. Like I will figure this out. So yeah, I, I just, I liked the way it felt. I liked the way it rolled off my tongue. And then there was actually a CrossFit radix in norway when i had go went to affiliate it um and we uh we wanted to have the name we weren't able to have it for as our crossword affiliate
Starting point is 00:34:13 um and uh but they ended up closing down so then i was able to change over because we had crossfit rpx just as a in-betweener and uh so now we have the crossfit radix name as well which was uh cool sucks that gyms are closing down everywhere but are you just google searching like once a month to see if they've closed down or like eventually like i did i did i did a couple times how did you because after covid uh like i don't know how long COVID lasted for you guys in California, but in Ontario, it lasted forever. And they never wanted us to run a gym again. It's still going. It's still going there.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Don't know why. And the masks are coming back. It's driving me absolutely insane. So after COVID, I think there was four different CrossFit gyms in our area that just started shutting down, shutting down, shutting down. And it just gave me a thought like, oh, man, these gyms are shutting down. I'm going to check out CrossFit Radix again. And when I Googled, they had shut down as well. So I just emailed my CrossFit Canada people and asked them if I could grab that name and switch it over. They were good with it. Hey dude, don't let your kids be around people wearing masks there's 11 conclusive study all 11 studies done with kids who are around people who are wearing masks
Starting point is 00:35:31 they end up with a stunted development and the reason that why they're speculating they claim it but i'll say it's speculating is it more than um more than half of the kids learn uh uh talking skills or learn from lip reading people we've always just assumed it's from listening but kids are lip reading and watching mouths and so when you cover the face and then of course you're stunting their emotional development because everyone's trying to read everyone right that's That's what we're doing. And what's crazy, so I had a friend who got an exemption for – he was the only kid in the school who didn't have to wear a mask. The parent got an exemption. The kid still fucked up because everyone else was wearing masks.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And they didn't think about that. So you don't want your kid around those people because your kid needs to see shit, especially the little one. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah. The stuff, yeah the stuff man savon the stuff that we went because my wife was pregnant through that time the stuff we went through around here because of that or even in man she's so she obviously she's pregnant and people are trying to push the vaccines on her while she's pregnant and she's like adamant about this is never happening you guys need to just leave me alone right um but savant we get in there she has a scheduled c-section for the twins because my first my first
Starting point is 00:36:57 was an emergency c-section that it was like the longest birth of life and i didn't do anything like the longest birth of life and i didn't do anything but um we get in there the anesthesiologist finds out that she's not vaccinated and starts like losing it you're not vaccinated and just immediately starts screaming at different nurses like where's her where's her covid test is she positive is she and i'm like why is this lady freaking out like your wife you're trying to have two children here right now and your wife can hear this lady freaking out? Like, we're trying to have two children here right now. And your wife can hear this? This is with your wife? Yeah, we're both sitting.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Yeah. Yeah, this is literally 30 minutes before they're going to cut her open and bring two children into this world. Okay? This lady is freaking out about it. And she's grabbing my hand like, what's wrong with this lady? Also probably wants to, you know, do something else, like, I'm sure. But so finally, she's not positive, whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:50 This lady kind of calms down and then starts explaining to my wife about where the nearest place she can get vaccinated is as soon as she's done giving birth. And I'm like, what? I'm ready to, like, just lose my whatever. So I just told her, I'm like, listen, that has nothing to do with what's happening right now. Like you need to do your job and let everybody else, you know, let's get on with this. So far, my wife is getting cut open, babies being pulled out. The anesthesiologist looks at her and starts telling her the advantages of getting vaccinated in the middle of the birth, man. Like literally she's cut open side to side babies coming out. And that's what she's,
Starting point is 00:38:31 that's what she's trying to like. Was the anesthesiologist a healthy person? Like when you looked at her, were they a healthy person? She just reminded me of like a very old, angry. Yeah. Like slightly psychotic. Tell her to move to Berkeley. We want her a very old, angry. Yeah. Like slightly psychotic. Tell her to move to Berkeley. We want her. Tell her, please. She'll fit in perfectly. So the other thing is they had a, so my wife had to wear a mask while she was doing this too.
Starting point is 00:38:57 I'm uncomfortable hearing this story. It's not even like over. My wife is giving birth and they're telling her, you know, do whatever she does. Her mask comes down to here. This lady, as soon as she sees it, grabs the mask and puts it back over top of her face. And if there's ever been a time in my life where I wanted to like punch a lady in the head, it was in that moment right there. Like just know how do you do this for a living? Like there's no empathy that she's having two children right now.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Like, what is wrong with you? But anyway, that's my brain. They don't teach bedside manner. They don't teach bedside manner. They don't really. It was brutal. Absolutely brutal. Hey, you know what's crazy, too?
Starting point is 00:39:43 On the other end of the spectrum with home birth, the thing is that really no one's supposed to talk to the woman at all. She's going through... No man, no doctor, no nothing. You are there just to hold the space. Every person in the room should just be focused on their own breath and leave the woman alone. The woman is... And just serve the woman.
Starting point is 00:40:06 She wants music. You play music. She wants water. You bring her water. You're not to show any expression on your face, excitement, sadness. You're just to hold the fucking space. She's about to go through fucking the biggest miracle of any human being can go on on planet Earth. And you're there as a as a fucking witness.
Starting point is 00:40:23 You're the luckiest human being in the world. You get to witness it. Shut the fuck up. Just if you have a prayer, say a prayer in your head. And it's crazy that this fucking bitch is grabbing your wife's face or doing anything to elevate her anxiety. It's crazy. It's hatred. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:44 It's so selfish. it's so fucking selfish how roberts hebrews 13 2 do not forget to show hospitality to strangers for by doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it there you go that's damn damn how have you heard that one do you know that one yeah that's the one that like my dad has told us through our whole childhood is why like i have stories and stories so on of like again our childhood was not normal he he took care of so many people uh he took care of uh like he started a whole bus ministry where he would go to like the ghettoist area of where we were and pick up kids and bring them to school on the bus every Sunday morning. Those, those, those kids are still my friends to this day.
Starting point is 00:41:34 And their lives are changed because of his, like his heart to help other people, you know? He just, he's an incredible person. Do you feel that way about CrossFit now too? Do you feel like it is, is that how you view what you're doing? You feel like, is that, you know, Glassman's line, we have to care for the world's most vexing problem. You hold that. Yeah. Is that why you guys are in the game? You think is your, is your, is your wife a woman of servitude also?
Starting point is 00:42:06 Yeah, that's all she wants to do, be a mom and be in the gym and help people. That's all that we really want out of it. I don't disagree. Listen, I listen to your podcast all the time. So when you're talking about affiliate owners should have a nice house and a nice car, I'm all for it. I agree with you 100% because the happier i am the better i am in that gym as well uh but i i truly believe that each and every one of us are put here for a certain purpose and if you find what that purpose is you follow it with everything then every day
Starting point is 00:42:42 is an amazing day i wake up every day and I'm excited to go to the gym. And I wake up early, but I'm happy. I'm the first one in the gym. Sometimes Coach Allie gets there a little bit before me if she's got a workout to do. I'm the first one there. I want to set the tone. I just love to see people when they come in and greet them.
Starting point is 00:43:01 We're going to have an awesome day. Every day in the gym is just amazing. I'm grateful. I'm so blessed. It's crazy. Hey, if you go to the supermarket right now, you'll see people wearing masks in your hometown. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:19 It's hard. Do you see that? Yeah. Not very many many probably like one person for every hundred the midwest is completely different we don't not very many people fuck around with that still how many do you see do you see half i know i wouldn't say lately closer to because uh there's been like a flu slash covid going around again which is just whatever or fall sickness whatever it is uh so then you start to see it creep up quite a bit i still catch people driving alone in their cars with them i see that in my town too i see that every day now in my town i see people driving yeah it's not it's crazy is that that can't be good for you i wonder where they're getting their information from where they think it's not what's crazy is that that can't be good for you
Starting point is 00:44:06 I wonder where they're getting their information from where they think it's okay to cover your face and breathe your shit all day no dildo ain't nobody wearing them in West Virginia listen you guys don't even you guys can't even afford one mask you guys have one mask
Starting point is 00:44:22 your whole time you rotate it you guys don't even have teeth yeah you guys yeah yeah we're talking about civilized areas your name is dildo oh geez the other thing that's the other thing that's interesting is all of these people who are um getting the palestinians killed all in college campuses around the country by saying free Palestine. Those groups, when I see those photos, it looks like 20% of those kids are
Starting point is 00:44:52 masked. That's another thing I can't... When I went to college, our whole thing is like walk around and smoke weed wherever you want. The whole thing was the middle finger to the man. Yeah. It's flipped right on the other end yeah the same people that are wearing masks are probably
Starting point is 00:45:12 smoking weed in the evening too oh for sure they look horrible everyone looks horrible no 51 year old man should look better than you have you been to Haiti? No, my, my brother, my brother is the one who went to Haiti. So in 2010, after the first major earthquake there,
Starting point is 00:45:36 he, he just came home one day and he looked, we lived together at that time. And he's like Dan I'm I'm going I'm going to Haiti I gotta do something and to me I was like what is happening what do you mean yeah bad idea bad idea yeah yeah so uh he's like I feel like God wants me to go to Haiti and do something and what do you say to that I said all right well let's uh you know have at it and uh he went down brother a younger brother younger brother we're about a year and a half apart uh his name's mike he's uh so he's got a huge heart too and as soon as he got he's got a huge heart and he's one of the most stubborn human beings on planet earth all at the same time and when something's locked in he's gone so he left uh he found uh some type of mission
Starting point is 00:46:27 that was going up there and uh he booked a plane ticket went down when he got there some guys tried to uh basically kidnap him but somebody uh who was in the mission found him and grabbed him and got him uh from getting in this car um and uh yeah so he lands he lands in port-au-prince yeah yeah and some dudes try to kidnap him yeah like three guys came up started pushing him towards the car saying oh we're here to take you um to where you gotta go and they're just pushing him towards this car and he's like you know you're talking about like we like we live in the suburbs you know what i mean like he doesn't he's i don't and he's like you know you're talking about like we like we live in the suburbs you know what i mean like he doesn't he's i don't think he's got no street smarts he has no idea what's going he feels like god told him to go to haiti so he's in haiti and three dudes are
Starting point is 00:47:15 like you know god's got him a car yeah yeah exactly exactly yeah three bodyguards yeah so then um you know god had his back enough to have somebody from the mission saw what was happening ran over grabbed him and said listen you go in that car you ain't coming back um they're gonna either try to ransom you or kill you so uh he ended up where he was supposed to go and he spent um weeks there helping rebuild orphanage and a bunch of houses and stuff like that. And when he got back, I remember him just looking at me and he's like, it's not enough. You have to see the kids, man. It was like visibly changed.
Starting point is 00:47:57 And he just started just selling his stuff on like Kijiji and like sending the money down to this mission. What's Kijiji? That's Canadian eBay? Yeah, exactly. his stuff on like kijiji and like sending the money down to this mission and you know canadian ebay yeah exactly it's so he just started selling his stuff whatever he had he's like i'm selling it it's i gotta help these kids i gotta help these kids and so then he started this uh foundation called the dream dealer to be able to uh yeah there you go that's kijiji you can buy and sell anything in canada sounds racist yeah it's also like you meet the worst people on kijiji um but yeah so he started wait what did you he started what dream what the dream dealer so he wanted something where these kids are like it was the kids that changed him the most being what they were going through um and he just he's like i want them to be able to have hope to be able to um to be able to have a way
Starting point is 00:48:53 out of all this uh so he started it and he he was working at the time at uh our local golf course and he would do this charity tournament every year and as his business grew which he owns a landscape uh landscape business he just kept helping things build and grow down there and we have a guy who is a Haitian who lives down there with the kids him and his wife we have the school is that that your brother? I know that's one of the volunteers there. That's my brother right there If you go back I was gonna say man, he looks young That's him there with the foot joy. I don't in the back sack. That's yeah, that's gotta be 50 almost 14 years ago now, so
Starting point is 00:49:44 How wait so oh, yes, so 2010 wow yeah a long time yeah and you know it's a trip for people who don't know haiti share haiti's a trip man haiti is on an island with dominican republic they share the same island and there's some crazy crazy social class issues there. Basically, everyone there is black, but the lighter black you are, the higher you are up on the class scale. So they have this crazy – it's like so bizarre, their class system. It's nuts. Do you know that that's the only successful – Haiti's the only successful slave colony that rebelled against their slave owners and won?
Starting point is 00:50:36 Did you know that? I didn't know that. And do you know that we got – we bought half the United States. What was that called when we bought half the United States from the French? Louisiana Purchase. Yeah, the Louisiana Purchase. If I remember my history right, we got the Louisiana Purchase because the French were trying to raise money to try to get Haiti back because they were fighting with Haiti. It's a trip, man. It is a trip.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And, man, the economy there is fucked. The Dominicans are basically the light-skinned black, and the Haitians are the dark-skinned black. And there's just like this fucking case system. Is that what it's called? I've been there a few times working with malnourished children. It's a trip. And the Haitians in Dominican Republic, those poor fuckers,
Starting point is 00:51:21 they have no ID, nothing. Dominican Republic won't even recognize them as real people. Yeah, it's not. Is India, I've been to India a bunch too. I know they have a case system, but is it by skin color? Haiti's filled with voodoo. Shut the fuck up, Mr.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Burns. Okay, so he's been doing that for 14 years. Is he married to a Haitian woman? No, no, he's married to a Haitian woman? No, no. He's married to a German woman, Colleen, who has this beautiful heart and same thing, just loves it. They have four kids. I could tell you another story about they were trying to adopt
Starting point is 00:52:01 and they wouldn't get vaccinated, so the Canadian government wouldn't let them adopt. and they had bought a bigger house in a bigger car and had set up everything so that they could adopt children and because they wouldn't get vaccinated they took them off the list that they had been on for a long time so my brothers just imagine that think of that someone Imagine that. Think of that. Someone who wants to help a child. It's mind-boggling to me. That's who you want to have a child. He literally bought a bigger house because there was like all these – the list of things that he had to be able to prove that he had enough rooms for another child, that he had a big enough car, that he made enough money. And he did everything on this this list and he'd been on the list for a while uh before covet ever happened and then as as soon as he him his wife and decided they were not going
Starting point is 00:52:53 back they just took them off the list they decided that they weren't worthy so he the blessing I guess out of it is They got pregnant again and now Oh that's cool Is that number five That's number four I'm guessing they'll go number five Like they just want to have as many kids As possible Wow crazy
Starting point is 00:53:19 He's got a huge heart And now you're doing A fundraiser for your brother's uh what's it called dream what's the dream dealer dream dealer yeah tell me about that you're doing and that's how that's how you and i started talking we were started talking about this dream dealer 12 hour echo bike ride yeah so um after the charity golf tournament this year i was just talking to my my brother about the um just like how things were going in haiti and and how the money was going and he's just talking about you know since covid it's harder to get him it's hard to get a lot of people
Starting point is 00:53:57 to these golf tournaments and uh he's been funding just a lot of it from out of pocket and so um i was like you know what i can do something i can do something way better than that so i just i stuck out a little thing to my members and i'm like listen guys i'll i'll echo bike one calorie per dollar that you give me over a 12-hour period and whatever we raise i'm gonna i'll bike it off. And so I don't know, maybe my members just want to see me suffer for 12 hours, but the money started coming in. And so we're over $5,000 now. Shit. That's dope. Yeah. Yeah. It's awesome. People like, again, I don't know if they love me or hate me, but either way I'm it we're going with it right it's uh the
Starting point is 00:54:45 goal is 7 000. so i can i think i can physically do 7 000 calories in in 12 hours uh it's about a 59 rpm pace on the echo bike throughout that time uh so we're gonna we're gonna put on the line people outside do you have a gofundme page, so if you go to that website you had up, the, there's a donate button, and you can just donate straight. Mike will get the notification, and then he tells me, and we got a list up of who's donated and how many calories I'm in for. So if people donate an additional, if like $50, if people donate an additional $50 from this podcast,
Starting point is 00:55:29 you have to do an extra $50 calories. You got it. Yeah. Can we post the link in the somewhere, Caleb? Yeah, I can put it in the bio and the chat if you like. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:41 That'd be awesome. Yeah. That'd be so cool. What do they do with the money there? What do they do with the money in Haiti? What's your dream deal? Yeah, so there's a house.
Starting point is 00:55:56 It's like a community center slash orphanage slash school and Vlad, who is our main guy, him and his wife there um there's over a hundred you named vlad lives in haiti and runs it yeah i know it sounds like a russian name but he's definitely haitian oh he's a black dude he's not a white dude no he's he's very haitian yeah he's super black and got a French, one of those cool French accents.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So him and his wife, yeah, they run this community center and we take care of like 100 kids, food, clothing, schooling. Schooling is super expensive if you're going to send kids anywhere there. And usually they'll get a couple of weeks in and then their parents can't afford anymore. And then they just end up dropping out. So like we take care of all that stuff for these kids and give them the opportunity to get an education. But also we bring in specialists that will teach them, like we have a bread baking oven now. So we'll teach them how to bake bread
Starting point is 00:57:00 and we can make food for them and they can go to the market and sell the food. We brought in somebody who taught the women how to sew and make clothes or to repatch up clothes or to sell different things like that um and yeah that like all the money goes into that uh house and and those programs for those kids to be able to have that opportunity. The the gangs in that area are like it's out of control. So a lot of these kids, when they don't have that opportunity to either go to school or learn how to do a trade or something like that, they just end up
Starting point is 00:57:36 in these gangs and like even for Vlad to go to the market to sell the bread. He has to pass through gangs and he has to pay them off as he goes to be able to sell his bread in the market it's just a it's a whole different world a whole different way um and so just seeing how are the free palestine protests going in haiti yeah exactly they're getting shot up by the gangs i don't know hey you know another interesting thing is I talk about this on the show in Africa like if you ask someone what they are
Starting point is 00:58:14 no one says they're black and like you never confuse a Kenyan with a Somali dude or Sudanese people have their own look or there's black dudes there's the whole black culture there that look like they're Asian. Same with Haitians. No Haitian dudes.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Like I'm black. He's fucking Haitian. And you all know, their hair is different. There's nuances to their hair. You know, the same way there's nuances between my fucking middle Eastern hair and Chinese people's hair,
Starting point is 00:58:40 even though it's like all straight. Right. But it's like, it, that is that, that's a pretty strong rooted uh it's not haitian is not only a nationality it's an ethnicity like those people look like those fucking people i saw um slater called them super black yeah they have their own skin color their own yeah it's cool as shit. What a tragedy that it's so fucking hostile there. I wonder if there's any hope
Starting point is 00:59:07 for that island. Yeah, I don't even know where you would begin to change that whole system around. You know? Those poor kids, man. You know what's cool is to see the videos that Vlad
Starting point is 00:59:24 sends because they'll watch the yeah it's just everyone's the kids will watch survival mode yeah yeah but that that community center and that that house is like this kind of safe haven for them where they can go and they can learn and they can like uh glad we'll have them they'll see like a video on the story on his phone from the gym and the kids will be doing like wall walks and burpees and it's just a safe place for them to be a kid to have something to eat to learn you know some math to not be harassed by the gangs it's uh you know that's that's what we're trying to trying to do and to give these kids just a little bit of an opportunity. What a wild place to live.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Let me see the map again. People talk about how you can't get out of Gaza. I bet you I get out of Gaza before I get off of Haiti. Man. Hey, why doesn't your brother hey why doesn't your brother why doesn't your brother oh oh man it is close to cuba yeah why why doesn't your brother i don't know why i'm asking this i'm just curious why doesn't your brother fall into dominican republic and then drive into Haiti. No one does that. If you're going to Haiti, that's what I thought
Starting point is 01:00:48 he would have done. I don't know. That's a good question. I could ask him. I don't know if there's anything at the border that's stopping you from moving through or not. What airline does he fly? Do you know? Who goes there? I have no idea. It's been a while since he's been back do you have any desire to go i yeah i i would 100 go with him and
Starting point is 01:01:14 go to uh where that where the house is and especially if there was some like work to be done like build something new uh i'd love to do something like that um what's the i i wonder if there is a is there an affiliate in haiti there isn't no way i doubt it would be cool but i don't there isn't even one in armenia nuts hey um um uh during during all i live in this you know this bubble where we're always like, look, watching what HQ is doing. Does any of that register with you at Radix, or you guys just have your head down, pay your affiliate fees, and just keep helping people?
Starting point is 01:01:55 I think there's two sides of that as an affiliate owner. One, I feel like I have this – like if there was no crossfit what i wouldn't have met my wife i wouldn't have had like a second um like who knows what i would have done i was very almost i wasn't completely depressed but i was depressed that i couldn't work out and i had you know this athletic career that was come to a complete end and also in crossfit gave me this you know outlet to for myself to how to you know methodology i had to train my clients uh and then i met my wife and then you know so crossfit has this very special place for me um so i never not once have ever thought like oh i'm not paying my affiliate. It's not worth it because everything that's happened in my life because of
Starting point is 01:02:46 CrossFit has, is more like, you know, I can double that payment and I would have been, you know, very blessed because of it, you know? So there's that side of things. I do, I do miss the Greg Glassman CrossFit, you know, what steps they're taking in the right direction or wrong direction with the people they're hiring. And I just it's nothing I can control. So it's nothing that I'm going to spend too much time worrying about or doing. And I know I have a personal responsibility to my affiliate, to my people and those in that affiliate.
Starting point is 01:03:26 my affiliate to my people and those in that affiliate and so i'm gonna keep you know doing what i'm doing and preaching what i believe is is the right thing to do for your health and your body which to me is crossfit so it you know the if they're going to raise the affiliate fees it is what it is i don't know exactly what their plan is with how they're going to use that money or if they're just trying to make more money and make it a more profitable business. I don't know. It's the same thing with the open. Why did they go to 25%? Are they trying to make more money or is it trying to give people more of an opportunity to feel like they're going to go further in the season? All those kinds of things you know but what i'm hearing you say is you're very thankful that there is the methodology you're very thankful for yourself you're very thankful that you get to train other people you're enjoying your life you watch it from
Starting point is 01:04:17 afar it's not in your control um i'm adding this maybe you're glad that there's people out there, like all the podcasts and stuff, keeping you up to date. But at the end of the day, you're going to keep showing up to work early, serving your clients, and no one's going to stop. As long as they're not stopping you from doing that, you're all good.
Starting point is 01:04:37 But do you enjoy watching the drama? Yeah, it's fun. Like even the Rich Bronings, you know, like I follow all that stuff. I just think it's like, the rich browning you know like i follow all that i follow all that stuff i just think it's like people are like you know people must not have a lot of other things in their life when they can you know watch a guy go hunting and then absolutely lose their mind over it you know but um i follow it all i i enjoy to see what's happening and uh i'm just i'm a fan too right so like with the crossfit games and the athletes like i'm at the end of the day i love I enjoy to see what's happening. And I'm just, I'm a fan too, right?
Starting point is 01:05:07 So like with the CrossFit Games and the athletes, like at the end of the day, I love watching it. And, you know, I love to hear what Hiller's got to say about it. You know, I'm just a big fan of the sport in itself. And I think that it's good. The more attention we can bring to crossfit will be be good you know the more you can show people what people's bodies are actually you know capable of doing when they uh want to you know like even what i've i've you know i've been um in the martial arts scene since i was 16. Before that, I played rep hockey and baseball. So I've been playing sports at a higher level
Starting point is 01:05:49 and competing at a high level for my whole life. And just being like into something every day that you're seeing how it's progressing. And I just, I think it's an amazing thing are you ufc fan oh yeah yeah i'm so i went the reason that i went to start kickboxing in the first place is i watched the first season of tough so you remember that on yeah yeah and i'm like i was like i'm this this is what it's about i'm done playing hockey it's like get so i got in the gym and some like hundred and like i was you know decently built to play sports all my life uh some 130 pound like 40 year old man choked me out in a nogi nogi grappling class they had at the time in like
Starting point is 01:06:47 20 seconds and i remember laying there thinking like what what happened what just happened to me and uh i was like just hooked that first class i'm like this is the greatest sport ever known to man so i started showing up there every day multiple times a day uh i'd get it was right across from my dad's work so i'd go into to work with him sometimes and go to go there and then he would drop me off at school and then i'd come home from school and then i would go back to the gym and i was doing muay thai i was doing boxing i was doing every type of, like, they had something called CSW, which is combat submission wrestling, kind of before there was MMA. That was, like, one of the big things.
Starting point is 01:07:30 So I did that class because they let us, like, really go at it in that class. And I, like, lived in that gym and in that world for a long time. And I'm still involved. I still get to train boxers mma guys uh and i just yeah i always be a fan you hold gloves i don't hold pads after i had shoulder surgery in 2017 i don't hold pads after after shoulder surgery it's just some of those guys can like tear your shoulder right off holding for your son oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and your daughters yeah i'll hold a whole pads for i still will hold pads for even like
Starting point is 01:08:12 some of the kids around the gym if they want to let their hands go a little bit yeah that's cool what a cool skill to have to be able to hold pads oh yeah yeah it's fun and when they get when they can start to put together like head movement you know slip come back with the cross and you have that flow going on oh yeah and you should see the look in their eyes as they start to realize they have this like superpower they never knew they had right yeah so yeah yeah i love i love that i i'm a little of my of the people who hold pads for my kids because i can tell they're they're like dancing with my kids yeah and they do do all that the parries the kicks and they add new moves
Starting point is 01:08:53 and the the clinches and the spinning kicks and they're like they're communicating and i i i can't even communicate with my kids like that it's cool yeah i had a kid uh who was born without um these three fingers here he just had his pointer finger and he couldn't his parents couldn't really figure out a way for him to play many sports so we just wrapped up his hands put some boxing gloves on it and you want to see a little guy with little hands that move faster than you've ever seen in your life it was the greatest and it was like when those gloves were on he was like he was more than anything he ever thought he was you know and he just let him go slip boom boom you know it was it was just incredible to watch uh it's like watching you know those videos where
Starting point is 01:09:38 kids can hear for the first time and their eyes like light up and stuff like that it was like it was like watching that happen it's like he he's like realized that these hands were meant for something you know he couldn't grab stuff but he could light somebody up if he wanted to so it's uh amazing and what uh dan is there a biggest um health turnaround story in your gym and the reason why i bring this up is we've established you have professional athletes in your gym and the reason why i bring this up is we've established you have professional athletes in your gym but you have any people who've like you know lost a crazy amount of weight or came in and they couldn't even jump to a two inch box and now
Starting point is 01:10:14 they're jumping to a 24 inch box yeah we had an so we had an amazing year actually my dad lost 105 pounds holy shit yeah wow so we had one of those heart to hearts at the beginning of the year i said listen like you're my hero but uh you got three grandkids that also need a hero so this is gonna change uh and my dad's got like really bad asthma so we had to you know obviously get his diet dialed in first. That was the first thing. And then we upped how much he walked every day. So he was only walking like 3,000 or 4,000 steps. He got to the point where he was walking 20,000 steps a day.
Starting point is 01:10:54 And then it just got to where I would call him, like, what are you doing? He's like, I'm watching TV. I'm like, all right, stand up. And he's like, okay. I'm like, sit back down. I'm like, you just did a squat. Now do that 20 more times, and then you're going to rest, and we're going to do that three sets tonight, and that's like okay i'm like sit back down i'm like you just did a squat now do that 20 more times and then you're gonna rest and we're gonna do that three sets the night and that's it and we
Starting point is 01:11:10 just kind of built a flow off of that and then the competitive side of himself started coming out so i'd get screenshots like look i did 22 000 steps today i did 23 000 steps today and then uh by the time september came around he was over the uh from january to september over 100 pounds and now he's at the point where we're like you know what let's put a little bit try to put some muscle on it on him a bit you know start to lift a little bit heavier and focus on um just being healthier and stronger as he gets older he's 63 uh so there was that and then i have uh sorry he lost 105 pounds what did he go he went from 300 to 200 yeah he started off at 317 yeah dude that is amazing dude
Starting point is 01:11:56 hey man i don't think people realize that's that's twice as hard as losing weight 100 pounds when you're 35. Oh, yeah. Like way, way, way, way, way, way, way harder. That's crazy. How's his asthma? Did that clear up significantly? There was two things. One is he would keep getting his right leg kept getting infected and swollen, and his feet would swell up like crazy.
Starting point is 01:12:22 And the doctors couldn't figure out why, and they wanted to put him in a bunch of different pills. And I, I remember having this conversation. I'm like that. Don't take the pills. Just, just give me three months.
Starting point is 01:12:33 And then if you have to take the pills up, just give me three months first, no pills. And in that three, first three month period time, all the swelling out of his legs gone, completely gone. The one leg didn't
Starting point is 01:12:45 swell up anymore. He wasn't getting this like reoccurring infection that they kept telling him he was getting all that swelling gone. And to me, it was just inflammation based off the crap he was eating, right? So his system is just like in a constant state of inflammation, too much sugar, you know, obviously not enough protein, not enough movement. And so after three months, went back to his doctor. His doctor's like, your blood pressure is fine now. You know, we don't need to do any of these pills. So he was totally good with that. And he went from taking his puffer like 10 to 12 times a day down to like two times a day.
Starting point is 01:13:20 So he doesn't have to take his puffer nearly as much. He has asthma attacks like way less often he just moves around he looks he looks like probably six or seven years younger than he did when we started uh it's did your kids say anything to him yeah well my my six you know kids right my six-year-old he's uh because we would do every every Sunday, my dad would come in for a weigh-in, and he would stand on the scale. And then I remember like the third week, my dad left at least, and my son looks at me and he goes, Opa's pretty fat.
Starting point is 01:14:00 I'm not arguing with you, right? But then we celebrated the 100-pound weight loss mark. Yeah. And he looked at my dad and he goes, Opa, you don't have that fat stomach anymore. And my dad just smiled like, nope, it's gone. So the kids do notice. My son, my six-year-old notices a lot of things. He had some like eczema going on his stomach.
Starting point is 01:14:28 So my wife was looking at it and, like, around his abdomen there. And he's like, what are you looking at, mom? And she's like, oh, just looking at the bumps on your stomach here. And he's like, oh, are mine coming in? And she's like, what are you talking about? He's like, are my abs coming in and she's like what are you talking about she's like are my abs coming in like daddy's so he thought he was he thought he was getting his six pack yeah that's awesome so they they know this man they know this hey um when obby was young um this is a total side note
Starting point is 01:15:01 i would feed him uh uh perfect those peanut butter perfect bars sometimes okay yeah and he and that was like besides that he didn't eat any processed shit or sugar and i noticed that every time i fed him those he broke out in red bumps wasn't the peanut butter at all no it wasn't the peanut butter it's the sugar and it was the sugar or the honey or something and it was just it was because because he he could just if he if i just gave him like just peanut butter it was fine or just honey but whatever was in there and i just remember that and if you have really fucking healthy kids and then you you can start spotting exactly uh uh what i mean literally it would be within 30 minutes after
Starting point is 01:15:42 i gave him one of those bars he would break out with little red dots. I was like, yeah. Yeah, um Dude, your whole gym was affected by your dad's weight loss, right? I Mean like everyone in the gym knows I mean, it's got to be crazy powerful for the gym Yeah, we had a we also had another guy uh his name's tony um he came in at 34 body fat we have a in-body scanner um and he we did a eight week challenge block with him on his diet and stuff uh and he just kept doing them so every eight weeks he's like we do it let's do it again let's do it again so uh yeah so here's tony here wow yeah 34 down to nine percent um and he gained lean muscle mass the other thing savannah is he's right now yeah yeah yeah he's like uh we like he's like an older vin diesel but he's in
Starting point is 01:16:39 better shape than ben diesel is right now yeah but yeah so he this was this year uh he's kept this off for the like the last four months he's the other things have won he he drives from uh 40 minutes out of town every morning to our 6 a.m class 40 minutes every morning to 6 a.m yeah because he said it's just, it, you know, I help change his life. I'm the guy he, because he would email me and look for ways out
Starting point is 01:17:12 and I would just call him out on his crap. And he ended up really appreciating the fact that I didn't, yeah, here's Tony again. Holy shit, dude. Just like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:21 Diesel, right? Yeah. Yeah. From Michelin to Mr. Clean. Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah. shit dude just like yeah diesel right yeah yeah from michelin to mr clean yeah yeah no yeah give me an example would you call like he would call you in the morning or at night and be like yeah i can't come in tomorrow i have to do this and he'd be like he would he would always show he would always show up pretty much but he would email me like oh this is hard or um you know uh why didn't i lose a pound this week like those i'm like you're stop being a baby man like this is not the way it works so he just appreciated the fact that i would just call him out and be like you're just trying to make excuses
Starting point is 01:17:57 don't make excuses you just keep showing up and if you keep showing up and do what i tell you to do i guarantee you this is going to work. I know this works. There's nothing that is going to stop you except for you stopping yourself from not showing up. And he just kept showing up. And he still shows up. I saw him this morning at the 6 a.m. class. He's like, oh, I listened to the 7 podcast a couple times now because you've been talking about it.
Starting point is 01:18:26 He's a good dude. He's like – he's a lot of soul art. He's like – he has some really good stuff on there. But sometimes I don't know about what that guy says. You'll come around, Tony. You'll come around. Just give it to him. I said, dude, Sivan is the greatest so don't worry he looks incredible
Starting point is 01:18:48 yeah congratulations another another huge inspiration for the uh for the gym uh gym goers he's uh he's uh he was viral around the gym for sure everybody was talking about Tony it was like anyone come up to you and be like, hey, can you do that for me? Yeah, 100%. Lots of people. And we've been working with lots of people. I have like a list of people that this year alone we've made very dramatic changes with.
Starting point is 01:19:19 And a lot of it's based off of seeing a Tony or my dad, stuff like that. And I always warn them. I'm not trying to make it seem simple or easy that it's going to be outside of their comfort zone. But everything in life that takes you out of your comfort zone and makes you uncomfortable is going to help you grow. So it's important that people really lean into that and not just constantly run away from it, which I think society has taught us to run and not lean into, you know? Is there, is there a, what eating program are you putting these people on? So I just teach them, like I teach them how to, you know, track
Starting point is 01:20:02 their macros, but I build it out. I make it as simple as possible. I'm like, these are simple whole foods that you should eat for lunch, breakfast, lunch, dinner. Here's this is a snack. You need to be in a bit of a calorie deficit to make sure that we're losing fat. We need to eat enough protein to
Starting point is 01:20:19 support all the workouts that we want you to do. And then the carbohydrates you eat are going to be based off of how hard or how often you're working out. And they're going to be complex whole, you know, sweet potatoes, stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:20:32 And then we want healthy fat in your diet. It's like, it's a simplest process to be honest with you, but it's amazing how many people I have to keep always telling myself, like people have never been taught this. They need to be retaught. You're teaching them like you're teaching a kindergarten child, you know, many people i have to keep always telling myself like people have never been taught this they need to be retaught you're teaching them like you're teaching a kindergarten child you know their abcs and maybe if we taught kids how to do this from the time they were you know five or six years old
Starting point is 01:20:57 they'd be in a lot better place in the future but um i just teach them the very basics of like this is a healthy protein carb and fat this is how much you're eating this is how much you're burning and now we can play around with whether you want to you know lose weight or maintain it or if you're trying to put on some muscle then we're going to go into a bit of a surplus but the same the same rules apply right it's all all healthy food stuff that uh is put here on this earth for us to eat so yeah i mean you said it beautifully you you said it so beautifully if someone if someone wanted to um um open an affiliate is there any any practical advice you would give them? Yeah, definitely. Or unpractical? No. So opening an affiliate out of passion and love for CrossFit and helping people is great.
Starting point is 01:21:58 But if you have no prior business experience, then you could be in for a hard run and a lot of trouble. Personally, I was lucky and I had a couple of mentors from my dad, first of all. And then I have two members who own a real estate brokerage in our town, Tom and Nick Carrazza. And they're actually pretty well known. even netflix i think was trying to pitch a show on them and stuff but they have a huge marketing background um and just an amazing business sense and nick is like nick became one of my best friends and we would just like uh i had a garage gym for a while and he would come over and we would just work out together and uh he he just taught me so many things about what it means to actually run a business, how to market something, how to sell it, how to, you know, retain those members that you're you're getting and how that process works.
Starting point is 01:22:57 So if you don't understand that, it can go. It's very easy to open up and you can get a loan and buy equipment and sign a lease. And you can very easily close down within the next year or two years. Very frustrated me having made no money. If you don't understand or have a mentor to bring you through that process. The stuff that you were going over with Chris Cooper of Two Brain, I think, is invaluable to people who are wanting to get into this type of thing, who don't have a business or a marketing or some type of background like that. Because you have to fully understand what it takes to run a business to make sure you make
Starting point is 01:23:39 money. And trust me, your passion and your love for people and doing what you do can only go so far if you can't pay your mortgage or get to the gym with the vehicle that you can't afford to buy anymore. It becomes hell on earth. So you got to have that business background or mentor or somebody or learn the hard way. It's kind of up to you um what about this um are you not made for that since you want to it sounds like you have this serve mindset right serve yes you come from a serve mindset does that does that you're in your in the business do those bump up against each other they you so they very much used to and i'm i i think by nature i'm uh like like a nice guy you know right and i want to pay ah so what if you don't have money for the
Starting point is 01:24:35 lights oh exactly exactly so uh which you know coming from fighting combat sports is interesting but to me combat sports was never about hating or hurting somebody. It was a, it was a game. It was a sport, right? For me, I just enjoyed competing, but, uh, the inside of me, I want to help people. So I was easily kind of taken advantage of, or, uh, you know, people walked over me if they had, you know, that ability to do so uh but having the right people telling you like listen when you make more money then you are a happier person you can do more for this gym you can bring more to the gym um and you're not stressed out about having to pay a mortgage or that the lights are going to turn off in the gym it it becomes better for everybody. There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to charge more to upsell people on different services that you provide. You know, ask Tony, you know, ask Tony what that transformation
Starting point is 01:25:37 was worth. And I guarantee you is probably 10 times more than I, I charged him for that transformation. You would have showed him a before and after picture and been like, Hey, before he would have been like, Oh shit. Yeah. Here, here's my credit card. Yeah. Charge it up. Whatever it was. Pretty much rack it up however you want to, you know? But then going forward, as I got better at realizing the value that I brought to people and what I'm
Starting point is 01:26:02 worth, I just kept, I haven't had any problems raising my rates, raising what I charge people to work with me personally, because I have confidence in what I'm bringing to them and what that's worth to them in their life. And it's still, you know, it's still, I still feel like I bring more value than, than I get paid, but I get paid very well now. And it took a process of, you know, coming out of that mindset of like, Oh, I'm just here to help people to knowing that, you know, again, I can't help them if those lights get shut off, shut down, or that gym gets shut down. And like I said, I think there's not just CrossFit affiliates, but there's
Starting point is 01:26:46 been five different gyms that have shut down in Oakville, Ontario, where we are just over the last like six to eight months. And it's a crazy real estate market here and landlords are jacking up prices. CrossFit gyms? I think three affiliates and then a orange theory and uh some like some guy who had his kind of his own soul thing i just keep getting people coming like oh this gym shut down then they they search and they find me this gym sit down this year and i just have these people coming from everywhere because these gyms just keep shutting down uh all over the place so uh again i don't want to be one of those people so i need to make sure that i got all my everything that i need in
Starting point is 01:27:32 order and i need to make enough money to do it and i've you know none of my members would ever ever complain to me about how much they spend because we we just we have we give so much um and we have such an awesome atmosphere and i have the like i have amazing coaches and such a great community of people um once you once you're in that community it's it's amazing place to be and i don't think there's any better place in all of oakville to be or even all the gta to be on a 6 a.m any morning like my my head coach tyler is the the craziest amazing human being you'll ever meet in your life i walked in in the gym this morning 5 a.m and i guess he had found somebody dropped off these old looking chucky dolls in the back
Starting point is 01:28:19 dumpster and he had set them up on my on my desk chairs like staring at me and it's five a.m in the morning and i i was like this guy but that's him he he uh he comes in the gym every morning and he'll scream every single person's name who's in that gym out loud like calling them out one at a time good morning tanya good morning tony good morning and just like and all of a sudden this energy is like boom everywhere and everybody's smiling everybody's like okay you know it's time to time to go and i'm just telling you there's no better place to be at 6 a.m anywhere than in our affiliate when that energy just kind of hits you know what what a cool thing for what's the name of the town that,
Starting point is 01:29:05 that your gym's in Radix is in. It's in Oakville, Oakville, Ontario. Yeah. Think about how, what a positive influence that is on, on your community, all the people who come in there and leave their healthier and with a more positive vibe. It's crazy. There's a,
Starting point is 01:29:24 I think one of the kids has a skateboard instructor right and he's and he was a former professional skateboarding and the learning curve on skateboarding is so fucking hard and the risk of injury is massive and so if you could teach let's say you had the clientele and you could teach four private one hour skateboarding lessons a week or a day, that would be insane, right? That's a lot of fucking uptime to be teaching skateboarding at a super high level. If you charge a hundred dollars per class, that's $400 a day, right? And so that's $2,000 a week. And then let's say there's 12, let's say there's four weeks in a month and that's 12 months.
Starting point is 01:30:03 I know it's a little back of the napkin math, but you basically end up with, what is it? 12, wait, 2,000, 8,000 a month times 12. That's $106,000 a year, right? Dude, you can't fucking, like you cannot, in the Bay Area, you cannot get ahead for 106 000 a fucking year you cannot you can poverty line for a family of four is 120 000 here where i live in california the poverty line and uh i mean it it's um yeah it's crazy how lucky we are when we have people who are really good at their craft like you in our community and we can get to them. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:30:49 Like people in your vicinity, within the vicinity of a great CrossFit coach or a great CrossFit gym, it's nuts. Yeah, it's absolutely nuts. It's worth every penny. I'm so glad. You sound like you've been exceedingly successful a great year. Well, a lot of the world is just, you know, twiddling their thumbs. And I'm so happy to hear your story, dude. Yeah, it's, it's been, this is a, so two years during COVID,
Starting point is 01:31:16 I worked for my brother, Mike, uh, in the landscaping company that he owns. So when, when they shut us down, um, during COVID and deemed us unessential to people's lives, we had a good core group of people who would pay for like a Zoom class. And then I felt that I needed to make sure I took care of Tyler because he was my head guy. He'd been there for me from the beginning. So I had him coach all the Zoom classes, made sure that he was able to still make a living. I went and worked for my brother for eight to 12 hour landscapeships for two
Starting point is 01:31:54 years. And we kept everything going, you know, like kept the classes going. I rented out every single piece of equipment out of that gym so people could take it home and do their Zoom classes. of equipment out of that gym so people could take it home and do their zoom classes um and then uh this is our first full year back and being in that like i'm telling you siobhan you cut people's grass for two years straight and do that kind of stuff and then you get back in your affiliate and you get to do what you love you'll never ever go into that gym again in an angry mood or regretting anything you've ever done because it's everything and anything you wanted to do so this is our first full year back and just to see how crazy and quick things went from just like kind of breaking even and and barely you know
Starting point is 01:32:40 holding on uh to being profitable and everything kind of, you know, working in the right direction again. It's just a testament, I think, to what CrossFit is and the people who end up being in these communities and the core of all that. I'm telling you, I think if you met me a year ago and you asked me about it, I'd be a totally different person, but it's changed, changed me, changed my perspective and how lucky and grateful I am for every day in that place, man. I tell the, I tell people all the time, I write it on our Instagram stories. Like I'll go in on a Sunday and mop that gym down and I'll post like,
Starting point is 01:33:22 I'm just so happy to be here. I'm so grateful for each and every one of those people man awesome um in um in the in the eight years you've owned the affiliate is it do you have the most clients now that you've ever had uh so right right before covid was we were definitely at our highest point um and we're probably like 90 there now after yeah so it's it's a good place and honestly the if there's one good thing about covet it it brought out um a bunch of people around me who obviously didn't hold the same beliefs that i did and it sipped them out and it got them out of my life and that for that i'm also forever grateful uh yes yeah i had a you know i had i had a coach who
Starting point is 01:34:10 uh lost his mind on me because i didn't post a black square um called me all kinds of stuff you know it was a rough time during that time um my my wife rach uh just had a miscarriage and i have this coach who's you know calling me all kinds of things including a racist because i didn't post a black square and i'm working a 12-hour day landscaping shift i don't even know what was going on that day i still didn't post a black square but yes like oh i'm sorry i'm working so hard that I can't vote for Black Square. I'm sure you don't understand.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Holy shit. Yeah, dude. Hey, dude. Great to meet you. We will post a link in the show notes. It's already up. Awesome. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Good on you for helping your brother raise money for the dream dealer and helping the the the the the school and the gym and whatnot in haiti you're a good dude and good luck on that ride hey thank you i don't want to what are you going to do nine nine calories a minute sounds um Yes, thank you What if you get to 12 hours Will you stay on? Yeah You will stay on Oh, if I have to, dude I'm telling you, for those kids
Starting point is 01:35:37 I'll do whatever I gotta do I did 4 hours You can do it for 20 hours Who knows, or I get another, I make my brother. Do you have to, do you have a plant? Will you lube your thighs and all that?
Starting point is 01:35:50 Like, are you prepared for like, and all you are? Okay. So I have bike shorts. I have a, uh, endurance bike seat on that echo bike.
Starting point is 01:35:57 I have chafing cream. I have, uh, yeah, I have a nutrition strategy. Uh, I did a four hours, uh,
Starting point is 01:36:04 last Saturday at the pace. And my last hour was my best hour. So like I'm slowly building up. I've done a deep dive into ultra endurance training and how they do it, how they like cycle through their volume. So I'm doing everything within my power to be able to do what I say I'm going to do. Yeah. Yeah. And you want to you know you want to tell people how to lose you know 10 pounds real quick just hop on the bike and just don't stop biking hey what uh what's the day we're doing it january 20th it's a saturday we're gonna go from six to six okay if if uh i put a little note here but if you remember will you so we can maybe we'll check in
Starting point is 01:36:46 on you while we're doing the podcast yeah i love that yeah yeah stay in touch text me anytime you got my number now yeah perfect that'd be awesome and if you have any way of talking to uh katie at rogue yeah just uh i just you know yes i trying to, yeah, I've been trying to get a hold of somebody there that, you know, might be interested in what we're doing and the fact that I'm abusing the crap out of an Echo bike and what it can handle. What's the longest, do we know what the longest an Echo bike has been ridden? I don't know, but I know that I'm going to destroy those hours. Okay. I wonder if anyone's ever been on an echo bike for 12 hours. I'm not seeing anything.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Just quick look. I haven't seen anything yet. Seve, do it on the assault bike while doing the show. Man, I've been on for an hour a few times and it's or it's horrible yeah all right brother thank you so much hey you're way cooler than i ever imagined i always dread the affiliate series shows but thank you thank you for being so cool you're a cool dude thanks i appreciate you guys man i like honestly i listen to you pretty much every day so this is a real honor for me.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Cool. Thanks. Stay in touch. I can send you a friend, brother. You're a good dude. Tell your wife what's up. Okay. Well, okay, guys.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Ciao. See you, Dan. Good dude. Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan Thiessen. That's right. CrossFit Radix. Oakville Canada outside of Toronto
Starting point is 01:38:31 doesn't like to wear masks while he works out I mean me and him are on the same page dad brings home fucking homeless people what a fucking weirdo didn't Rich and the boys do 24 hours outside the Waffle House? They did, but
Starting point is 01:38:49 it was like sectioned. I don't think they did it 24 hours straight. I don't think Rich really killed that bear. You don't think so? No. Why not? I just think it's fake
Starting point is 01:39:05 i think it's i think it's a fake you know like people like airbrush their abs i think that's a fake uh i think that's not even a real i think he's just like showing off you think that's a chat gpt image ai image dude someone needs to put me over a bear. Can you just ask chat GPT, show someone with a dead bear? God, I'd probably cry if I saw that. Oh, my God. I did something so stupid last night. You know how Greg said in last night's show, Greg's like, trust is built through predictability, right?
Starting point is 01:39:44 So you trust your weather app on your iPhone because it's predictable or you don't trust it because it's not predictable right trust is just predictability you trust your wife because she can't every night you come home and she's in bed with you if like for a couple nights a week she's not there like that predictability goes out the door you start like your trust kind of gets weird gets a little squirrely right okay yeah so trust and predictability like they go hand in hand you see it right right yeah like i know that my wife will make coffee for me in the morning so i trust that i'm gonna have coffee first thing in the morning i'm out to make it that kind of thing yeah or if one day the sun didn't come up the fucking everyone would panic like that would be yeah yeah you predict that the sun will be up so you trust that it'll be up such trust it's just like take it for granted
Starting point is 01:40:35 so i have this so i have this relationship with like um hillar the, very trustworthy relationship. And last night as a prank, I posted a video on his YouTube channel. And that's so out of character for me. Right. So out of character for me. Like, I can't even,
Starting point is 01:41:00 when I did it, I was like, it was like 11 o'clock at night. Like, I'm like, I can't like, it was a video I posted on my YouTube channel, but I also had access to his YouTube channel from some other shit we had partnered on before.
Starting point is 01:41:11 And so I clicked. So I became unpredictable, and it affected our trust. Man, he had to have a strength. We had a fucking man-to-man this morning. Yeah, I bet he wasn't too stoked about that, huh? No. I thought he would i could i thought he thought we might think it was funny but he's a he's like he's a very disciplined creature of habit and he has a plan for everything and it didn't man it was intense it was it was an
Starting point is 01:41:41 intense 15 minute um 15 minutes yeah 15 well i talked to him for probably 20 minutes but 15 minutes of it was like five minutes of it was like us like but then afterwards i didn't think it was a big deal but then afterwards i was like oh fuck now i'm unpredictable to him and so i've probably damaged a little bit of our trust yeah do you know what i mean right so now that sucks i don't know if one of those things i don't know if he bent me over but i grabbed my ankles i felt so bad he didn't take it so good he didn't take it bad but he didn't take it so good he didn't take it so good he don He probably changed the password on his account. I bet you he didn't.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Locked you out of the house. Changed the locks. Hiller sunned you. What's that mean? Like how to talk to me, son? Son? Yeah. I woke up to a pretty...
Starting point is 01:42:42 I wish I could have seen his face when he opened his YouTube page and saw it. Yeah, I wonder how he even noticed that. I wonder I should call him. I wonder why he didn't think it was an accident. He's very analytical. All that mattered to me was is that he knew that I didn't do it with any like malicious intent like right um for now on i call him daddy hiller let me out let me i'm gonna i'll call him and ask him oh how did you how did you not know that it was on purpose and not let me call him ask him maybe he did maybe he did know that you were being unpredictable, that you can be unpredictable. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Oh, he probably. Oh, shit. He probably read the comment where you said you did it on purpose. Oh, yeah, that's fine. That's true. Good point, Pedro. I forgot about I was in the comments, too. Pedro I forgot about I was in the comments too
Starting point is 01:43:51 someone goes someone wrote outed yourself someone wrote in the comments is Hiller testing shorter content and I write no I'm testing our friendship oh no oh cave to astro did Hiller call the cops on you Oh, no. Oh. Cave to Astro. Did Hiller call the cops on you?
Starting point is 01:44:09 Maybe. What if the cops came to my house and they're like, do you know Andrew Hiller? He goes, yeah, he's reported you for posting on his YouTube channel. No, I think we're good. I was also imagining him telling his wife, Alexis. Yeah. I think she knows everything. Dude, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:44:31 Sevan posted on my YouTube channel. You think he talked to her first and then called you? He didn't call me. He just sent me a text. Oh. Yeah. You think he talked to her before he texted you? It wasn't harsh like you fucking asshole he's like what's up with that
Starting point is 01:44:49 when he called when we're talking i'm like oh sorry dude i was just fucking around and i go you can take it down he goes it's down i'm like go ahead he's like it was like i'm in control of his channel you can take it down from your channel if you want. Oh, my goodness. But really, the only thing I was thinking about is I was thinking about how apropos it was, how germane it was to last night's conversation with Greg. to last night's conversation with Greg because really predictability is apropos
Starting point is 01:45:32 with reference to, concerning to, appropriate to a particular situation yeah, I did call him, he didn't answer it because that's what makes good that's what allows trust is predictability that's how you trust people if they become if they're predictable that's the thing too um that's the nuance by the way so if you have a friend some people don't like people who like always lie or who always do things that like they don't like but as long for me as long as they're predict like on some level if they're predictable that's the thing
Starting point is 01:46:10 with shame on me the first uh shame on you the first time shame on me the second time like it's okay if you have friends who have behaviors you don't like you just have to accept them and just that's part of it. No, I don't, he's not, um, no, no, he's not really pissed at me.
Starting point is 01:46:38 If he was listening, he would probably just come on the show. Now he can do that. That's the other thing. It goes both ways for him. He has. Yeah. Yeah. He can come on my show and he can do that that's the other thing it goes both ways for him he has yeah yeah he can come on my show and he can do that yeah i always find it interesting that he just doesn't maybe i'm sure he's pretty busy but i always found it funny like if we were talking about him and he's like in the comments or like he could just show up whenever you want. Yeah. He had a handful of times. I'd say he has. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Yeah. Someone. Did you see the new proven? HQ? No. Who cares? I see the sun is out and it's supposed to rain today. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:47:23 Yeah. No sun here. This is very interesting. What's today? Thursday. Oh, shut up and scribbles on. Wow, that's beautiful. Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:47:41 Wow. Wow, good on them. That ductwork alone is probably like 15 grand. That's crazy. Wow. Wow. Good on them. That ductwork alone is probably like 15 grand. Wow. That is so beautiful. I'm not a fan of the black, but wow,
Starting point is 01:47:55 that is beautiful. Wow. Congrats to those guys. Weren't we just talking about how there weren't affiliates that there weren't like black affiliates, like affiliates that painted their walls black. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:04 Yeah. Yeah. We were just, what do you know? painted their walls black. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We were just. What do you know? Yeah. Athena Perez. Yeah, that's beautiful. Speaking of darker colors, somebody suggested to me that I paint the ceiling, the wood on the ceiling.
Starting point is 01:48:22 And I was like, no, I'm not touching the ceilings. And then they sent me like a bunch of pictures of painted wood ceilings very similar to mine I was like damn I think you're right maybe I will paint it it fucked me up yeah yeah that's that's nice Dan Guerrero seems a bit tight for space I think he's being sarcastic but
Starting point is 01:48:40 are the ceilings high enough for ropes I think so I don't know it looks if anything they're at least 15 feet one of those gyms where you have to touch the rafter to make it a full 15 foot rope climb it does look high enough I think so let see. There's a person right there. Let's say they're six feet tall. Did Pedro... Two of those in there.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Did Pedro find his dad knocked out? I don't think he found him knocked out. I think he found him... With a broken back. Yeah. Oh, he was on his way. Oh. I'm wondering if, like, he found his dad, like, just with a broken back on the ground and he had to come save his dad.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Looks 20 feet. No shit. All right. I hope his dad's okay I think Pedro's dad's older or younger than me I think I'm the same age as John Young's dad How old are you again? 51 Oh
Starting point is 01:49:58 You're probably Older than Pedro's dad That's weird I also don't know how old Pedro is Uh, Oh, you're probably older than Pedro's dad. That's weird. I also don't know how old Pedro is. So, Oh, five years ago. That was five years ago that it happened.
Starting point is 01:50:17 that his dad fell. Yeah. Oh, I had a feeling it wasn't like yesterday. He said it in the chat. Oh, Oh wow. His dad's 75. Oh, wow. His dad's 75.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Oh, your dad's old as shit. Yeah, what the fuck? Well, his dad's like almost as old as my dad. He said, so you're older for sure. Shut it. Oh, in that chat, he said it. Oh, that was five years. That was five years ago damn
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Starting point is 01:51:51 Jesus, what are you like some... You were an accident then, Pedro, right? You have a bunch of older siblings? Or he's the only one. I do not fucking look like I'm 75. What the fuck are you talking about? Hey, but I have been out with my mom and people thought
Starting point is 01:52:08 we were married. And people do think that my kids are my grandkids. They're like tentative on like I'm guessing Pedro's 34? God, I can't imagine having kids at Pedro's age. That's a disappointing accident imagine having kids at Pedro's age. That's a disappointing accident, he said.
Starting point is 01:52:28 Is Pedro's wife pregnant again? I don't know. How about that Grill Your Ass Off logo? That's too small. Yeah, I agree. It says veteran owned. Texas made? Oh, he's 34.
Starting point is 01:52:46 What do you know? My mom does look young. My mom does not look like she has a 51-year-old son. Maybe like a 41-year-old son. That'd be crazy if Pedro's mom was Anna Nicole Smith. Wow. Wow. Jeez. I told you guys about Paper Street Coffee, the Black Friday sale. I think you mentioned
Starting point is 01:53:12 it at the beginning, but three teas for the price of one. That's going to be a really small window. Isn't there another promotion for somebody else, too? Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. I think for Wolverine. Yes yes thank you for telling me that oh that's good that's important let me pull up the live call and that's god i can't believe how good
Starting point is 01:53:32 dan thesen was he could have been a always all i'd say 90 of the affiliate live affiliate shows the affiliate series shows are good but for some reason i always think they're going to be ass. Okay, so Swolverine is get 30% off subscriptions to lock a lifetime savings. Holy shit. How do companies do that? I think Gabe does that sometimes, too. A lifetime savings? Fuck that. 30% is a lot, dude.
Starting point is 01:54:01 That's like shipping and tax, probably. 30% I don't know inflation that's what I imagine it is or customers can get 30% off any one time purchase with code swole Friday 223
Starting point is 01:54:17 I don't know does it start now I don't know I have to go to their website and see. I just put there's the... It starts tomorrow. Oh, Swole Friday. Swole.
Starting point is 01:54:38 Is that even a word? I mean, I know we use it, but can you look up the word swole? Swole. Oh. U. Oh. U.S. dialect. Form of swollen or swelled. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:52 Legit. Swole. Hmm. I take the crittin. I take your mom and I take the crittin. The crittin. I, um... Sometimes I take too much. I take that, that crea-al-
Starting point is 01:55:21 Alkalin. This one? Mm-hmm. And you know what else I have i have a bag of um i wonder if swolverine sells it i have a bag of um can you go back and look at the other show what's the stuff that starts with an l lucene maybe yeah there there's this l? Oh, citrulline. Maybe I have citrulline. I think citrulline is what you take. I think that's like the new creatine. Really?
Starting point is 01:55:52 I think you're supposed to take citrulline. And then if your body needs creatine, it'll turn into creatine. Or if it needs glutamine, it'll turn it into glutamine. Huh. I think that's what it is. can't remember i looked it up that might be an emma ween's question uh chad f it's the current tense of swell look at this guy wow shit while holding the hose dude he just did something horrible right he like he just did murph and he's just like fucking hating life he's overheating he cut a pipe in the back of his shirt is he just hosing himself down yeah that's what it looks like god looks like that's a nick the fight i think that
Starting point is 01:56:37 might be a fucking big dude too look you can always tell how big someone is by like this spot like if they got a weird one of these like your forearm and tricep yeah where the whole fucking elbow meets yeah this thing you know that they got some weird like shit going on like that dude might be a giant you might have like
Starting point is 01:56:58 that Tony Robbins or he might be juiced up you might have that Tony Robbins shit does that dude have a man bun up. He might have that Tony Robbins shit. Does that dude have a man bun? Yeah, definitely does. Yeah, juiced. Anytime you see a man bun, just think steroids. It's a 172 pound body. Wow, good blow up.
Starting point is 01:57:22 Good mobility. Yeah, that's pretty good. His heels are on the ground. Yeah. I'm fucking two sandwiches away from fucking being bigger than that dude. Two sandwiches? Probably. Salami?
Starting point is 01:57:40 Extra salami. Mike Gardner just sent me a screenshot of my fucking monthly bill fucking hate that bill's period or sad i know i don't even want to open the i know what it says text message from the gardener oh man ignacio guess what ethnicity he is he meant his people got colonized and now they call them mexicans 50 pistachios away do i really talk about how much pistachios eat i was tripping the other day when the person knew that i have a pistachio problem like i i i legitimately have a pistachio problem do you eat them shelled or do you have to take the shells off no no no no you just get them unshelled and just take a fistful of them
Starting point is 01:58:27 and I buy pounds I buy pounds of unshelled pistachios like I just with goji berries I'm in a really bad I'm in a dry fruit nut fucking tailspin if
Starting point is 01:58:44 I buy one of those like big, like two pound bet one, what is it like two, three pound bags of mangoes. I can eat one of the like dried mangoes. I can do that in a day. Yeah. I got those and I have goji berries and I have,
Starting point is 01:58:55 they're, they're, they're not, so mine aren't salted. There's no oil or salted on them, but it doesn't even matter. It's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:01 I'm sometimes embarrassed when Haley comes in the room and I just have the fucking pound and a half of pistachios and a big old thing of goji berries jr said it's okay so i just do it oh he does jr howell yeah jr howell will be like taylor will just go off on the show and just say the craziest shit. Jabba gets fine. It's fine. It's fine. You're just,
Starting point is 01:59:28 you're being yourself. It's cool. It's fine. It's fine. I wonder what a Hiller must be with a client. I'll text him. What are you doing? Hiller. What are you doing what are you doing nuts are meant to be shelled so you don't eat a million of them
Starting point is 01:59:51 what are you doing what are you doing dried mangoes at Costco smell like sweaty feet but the family loves them yeah does anybody have any like where you can get mangoes for cheap like dried mangoes because I feel like a bag of them for
Starting point is 02:00:20 $35 is expensive I know that this yeah they are expensive I know this is I'm a texting machine you don't even know I should not be allowed to text I live on text I am like a 16 year old girl
Starting point is 02:00:42 this is I know this show is usually just 100 positivity um uh this one's gonna break some people's hearts if you are a brags person i used to work at this place called um sojourn it was a home i made that's where i made the movie about developmentally disabled adults and their headquarters was right next to the braggs headquarters and when i say headquarters they were our headquarters is a 6 000 square foot building theirs was a 6 000 square foot junk building both our buildings were junks and they
Starting point is 02:01:19 were just on some like country road out in the middle of like isla vista california south north of santa barbara and one time when i pulled up there this brags lady do you guys know who she is the brags lady i forget her name with the mother she she wears that hat with all the flowers and shit on it yeah maybe you could pull a picture of her up i'll um i'll remove mine patricia brag yes yes that's her yeah and so she was out front and i pulled up in my motor home that i was living in and i was gonna like i pulled it off the driveway of the home for developmentally disabled adults yeah and patricia was there yeah yep and she was wearing that hat that's exactly what she looked like oh do the other picture where you can see her tits. Find if you can see her tits a little better.
Starting point is 02:02:09 And that's probably like at the Lotus Garden. So anyway, so my girlfriend at the time was with me, and we jump out of the motorhome to go into a work meeting, and this lady's out front. See if you can put in Patricia Bragg's boobs. And my girlfriend's talking to her at the time it wasn't hayley i think hayley may was a maybe in the rotation but she wasn't like the the bad what's it called the main bitch the bad bitch that whatever
Starting point is 02:02:35 and this patricia bragg chicks this lady old lady pulls up her shirt and shows her tits to my girlfriend and she's like this is from i'm taking a shot of apple cider vinegar every single day that's why my boobs stay all firm like this i was like damn you got any shots of her does she nah no no granny titties nothing hayley hayley told me that That lady just died at Yeah in August Yeah 94 Yep
Starting point is 02:03:18 I used to use that stuff When I had like Listen Travis I'm fighting now I'm about to start fighting with Travis from Vindicate Jesus Christ I have these rules And anyway
Starting point is 02:03:44 Travis got me all Distracted uh Travis If you're inside my head living rent Free will you tell David to quit smoking in There I don't want anyone smoking in my head No smoking if you're Gonna live in there rent free no smoking Anyway so she showed
Starting point is 02:04:02 My girlfriend her tits and anyway so Everyone knows about brags i used to take a shot of uh cider vinegar in high school uh it was supposed to eat away the food in your belly how are your tits doing god i love that dress i really like that picture that chick's hot right agert agert i would have so made fun of you in school for having that last name agert i did call you aggie oh there was a guy there's a guy at dan theessen's gym who has a third nipple. I have bad news about the brag shit, by the way.
Starting point is 02:04:49 I feel horrible telling you guys this. I want to stay until Hiller comes on, but I don't think I'm going to make it. I don't think he actually has a third nipple. You don't? On the left? Yeah. That's a tattoo.? On the left? Yeah. That's a tattoo. Oh, it is?
Starting point is 02:05:08 Yeah, it's like lipstick. Oh. All right. Um. Oh, shit. It backfired it stunted the growth of her boobs the shot of uh apple cider vinegar fair enough oh that chick's cool that chick's funny wow do you think that the the people in this i bet you the people in this chat have the best sense of humor of any podcast ever. You think so? Dude.
Starting point is 02:05:49 What that guy said yesterday was fucking crazy. About his chick? About his chick will always look like a hooker. That was nuts. As soon as Eggie's your best joke, you lose. Yeah, I know. I think I've met that Magdalene chick. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 02:06:08 Yeah, her kids stopped me at the games. Oh, that's cool. And they were like, can I have your hat? And I was like, no, this thing is sweaty and disgusting. You don't want it. But I had a shirt from Travis. He had just given me a CEO shirt. I was like, it's a extra large.
Starting point is 02:06:26 And the kids were like, probably like six and nine or something like that. Or like they're a little older. I was like, you want it? And he's like, yeah, sure. And then we got a picture and they're like, thanks. And that was it. Super nice kids. Nice lady too.
Starting point is 02:06:40 If you gave it to someone who fit, those things are expensive. I know, but I mean, the family got it. Maybe the dad will wear it. Good. I gave it to someone who fit. Those things are expensive. I know, but, I mean, the family got it. Maybe the dad will wear it. Good. I hope so. Good-looking family, for sure. Nicole Eggert. How do I know that name, Eggert?
Starting point is 02:06:54 I know. I know an Eggert. I think there was a hot chick in my high school with the last name Eggert. Andrea Eggert? No, that's Andrea Eggert. Yeah. I didn't go to high school with her. She says. Wow. Wow. no that's Andrea Ager I didn't go to high school with her wow wow
Starting point is 02:07:09 you both have met me in person my kids are savages six year olds they wear it in bed that's fantastic I'm glad it's getting some good use so this brags thing this is gonna this is this is just horrible do you remember those do you remember that stuff that um we we showed it's called like apple ghee or something it's it's basically this spray that bill gates puts on all fruits and vegetables that it's called like apple ghee or something it's it's basically this spray that bill gates puts on all fruits and vegetables that it's a company he owns and he wants this spray to
Starting point is 02:07:50 be put on all fruits and vegetables and now the fruit has a sticker on it that shows it's been sprayed with this fruit and vegetable so that they last longer it's basically some chemical and they won't tell you what the ingredients are in this chemical that they're spraying on all our food okay well here we go brace yourself that you're not gonna like this my oh here he is here he is hey yo i'm live on i'm live on the show oh Oh, okay. Hey, so when Greg was on last night, he said that trust is built around predictability, right? Right. Yeah, so in science, the value of science is in its predictive value, the value in studies. So we're looking for things we can trust, right? Right.
Starting point is 02:08:49 And I'm pretty predictable, right? Correct. But last night when I posted that thing on your YouTube channel, while you were asleep, you were probably cuddling with your wife, thinking the world was a safe place and all. I was just knocked out. and one of your good buddies is posting shit on your youtube channel without you knowing i became unpredictable and i i'm just curious the damage that i've done to our trust because of the unpredictableness of my actions? I mean,
Starting point is 02:09:27 it depends on who you are. So I sit there for a little bit and I try to figure out how it happened. And I'm thinking... How did you know it wasn't an accident because of what I said in the comments? I don't know if I had seen that by the time that my brain had gone the way that it went. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:46 But basically, I just know the way that you work. And I know that it was probably a one-off thing and a button click away. And it wasn't too big of a deal. So in your understanding of me as a human, you know that there's a little mischievousness in me. So do you think that maybe you just don't want it? You're too attached to me and you don't want to let our friendship take a damage, so you're giving me a pass? I don't know if it's quite that deep.
Starting point is 02:10:14 I just kind of... I don't know if there's... I just knew there was no malintent towards it, so why should I take it personally? It was just like, hey, this is kind of what he does. And then, like, i had texted you i just said not cool and then by the time that you had called me because i knew you were sleeping i didn't want to wake you up but you would call me and i saw that you had posted it on your channel too and i go oh he just was on stream yard and i think i And I think I recall linking my YouTube to your StreamYard.
Starting point is 02:10:46 And I know it's a button playing away. And I knew it was no big deal. I knew it wasn't like you were trying to fuck with me or anything. Now there's people out there who, if they did that, I would fucking melt them. And I heard that. So I wasn't even awake when I called you. I just saw your text message And I basically just called you as I was stumbling into the kitchen
Starting point is 02:11:08 And making my coffee And it was definitely the most Intense I'd ever heard you Oh boy You weren't being a dick But I could tell you were intense You know like your lips were pursed pretty tight I was also pooping Oh I'm being a dick, but I could tell you were intense. You know, like your lips were pursed pretty tight.
Starting point is 02:11:27 I was also pooping. Oh. Oh. Oh, that makes me feel a little better. Okay. Okay. Okay. That makes sense. Maybe I was pushing.
Starting point is 02:11:34 And as you caught that, he seems angry. That wasn't cool that you did that. That was just working We're good Alright That's cool Hey you know what I didn't hear something crazy
Starting point is 02:11:51 There's people that you and I know There's people that you and I know Were in the new then I think that there was something behind it Right I don't I was just like Oh he's just messing around
Starting point is 02:12:01 I knew at the time Don't do it again I knew at the time i shouldn't do it but i just couldn't resist i was like okay i gotta try hey you know what's crazy i was pooping when we were on the phone this morning too oh crazy yeah you poop the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning dude first crazy, crazy. You want to know the worst thing about my current age? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:31 I'm 32. Yeah. I had this system for the longest time where I'd wake up and I'd work out an hour later. But in between the time I'd wake up and when I would work out, I'd always have pre-workout and it would make me go to the bathroom. And I loved it because, like, by the time you're done working out, you're clear. Yeah. And at this point in time, it just doesn't come out the same way. So I'm kind of jealous that the first thing you do when you wake up is you empty out.
Starting point is 02:12:56 Well, I used to not be that way. It only started happening when I did the podcast. But the thought of doing the podcast, if I didn't poop before I did the podcast, I would probably have anxiety or panic a little bit. I feel like I have to do the podcast with it on an empty colon. Wasn't it you who I was talking to where you didn't, you're trying to convince me that everyone's crapped themselves at some point? Yeah, yeah. And I didn't have any idea how that's possible like how do you not have control of your bowels oh yeah yeah you've never oh and i and i like sat down on the toilet yeah and i just pooped and i'm like holy hell i didn't
Starting point is 02:13:37 even know that was coming and then the first thing i thought is maybe this is what it's like when you accidentally poop yourself yeah like this's the only way it makes sense. Yeah. I've gone 32 years of a life and I've never experienced it. You've never sharted? You've never sharted? You've never farted and poop came out? Like a rabbit pellet or a little spray?
Starting point is 02:13:57 Never, never. Wow, wow. But then when I did that that morning, it was sometime in the past couple of weeks, I thought about that conversation we had and I go, oh, he wasn't kidding. People do this. And now I know. What if the content I would have posted on your site would have been different? How much did it matter what it was as opposed to that I just did it?
Starting point is 02:14:18 Well, you and I had a conversation about that, and I thought it was an interesting conversation, Conversation about that and I thought It was an interesting conversation But I wish you would have picked up on The fact that it just wasn't It wasn't like my Sort of thing I liked it I liked it coming from you and it made sense but it's Your thing right right right
Starting point is 02:14:35 Right and I don't know if maybe you Misconstrued that or maybe you didn't even Remember but I was like yeah it's cool but I wouldn't say it Right right right, right Oh, you're not endorsing You're not endorsing that Matt Torres Is the greatest coach of all time
Starting point is 02:14:51 Or currently the greatest coach Yeah, yeah, yeah That's definitely true And generally, the way that I go about I don't know, talking about people like Daniel Brandon I don't say they should wipe shit on their armpits. Oh, right, right, right. Not that I have an issue with it.
Starting point is 02:15:09 I don't. Right. But generally, I don't just, you know, put that stuff up. Right, right. Yeah, I understand. I would actually say that I do endorse that. So maybe I should have been cool with that being up there. But I also don't think that Matt Torres is the best coach.
Starting point is 02:15:26 I actually don't think that there's any quote-unquote great coaches out there. Whoa. I had a conversation with somebody recently about this. I feel like you're letting... Do you have any idea what I'm talking about there? About the... Well, I know that there's a few Do you have any idea what I'm talking about there? About the... Well, I know that there's a few people you and I have talked about recently who you've told me you don't think are very good coaches.
Starting point is 02:15:51 Well, I know Ben Bergeron's not a good coach. For the athletes that everyone knows that he's been associated with. He might be a good coach if you're an everyday person walking to the gym. He might be the best coach ever. I don't know. I've never had that experience. I don't know anybody who has, but I know that he didn't create Katrin. I know he didn't create Fraser. I know Cole Sager has an entire athletic background behind him, and he didn't make him the crossfitter he is. I think that's the case with a lot of these coaches out there,
Starting point is 02:16:23 especially people like Shane Orr. Like, he didn't create Tia Toomey. And he certainly can't replicate her. That's been proven. Yeah, but I don't know if that's the— LOL. Good one. Good one, Hiller. That's been proven. Oh, oh, wow.
Starting point is 02:16:47 I just got it. Thank you, you boys for catching me up with that but here's the thing i don't know if that's the criteria for being a good coach that you have to make someone right so like i think that what little i know about football that under the right um uh offense um tyson bajan could go on to be fucking absolutely amazing in the NFL, but with the wrong offense, but, but no one's going to make him or break him or no, no one's going to make him, but someone could break him now. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:17:14 Like someone could be, I don't think you have to make someone in order to be considered a great coach. You know who Bill Belichick is? Yeah. The conversation about him for the longest time was was it the chicken before the egg or vice versa with tom brady right like was tom brady making him look good or the other way around and when tom brady left and won a super bowl and belichick's patriots aren't that great anymore they're thinking oh it was tom brady the whole time
Starting point is 02:17:42 but there are coaches out there who elevate teams. And I think it's just the way that you work with your people. Right. So it could be the fact that Tyson does or does not work well as a coach. So it could be that Torres elevated his team. That could be true. Yeah. And that might make him the best coach.
Starting point is 02:18:01 Right. Now you're unfucking me a little bit. It's the least I could do For what you did to me This morning Yeah Thank you for that Alright brother Good to hear your voice
Starting point is 02:18:14 Thanks for answering Were you just coaching? I was yeah Alright I'll bug you later Alright How was the show? It was good
Starting point is 02:18:23 That dude was way better Than I thought I always dread the fucking Affiliate series shows But that dude's a fucking cool dude I It was good that dude was way better than I thought I always dread the fucking affiliate series shows But that dude's a fucking cool dude I would hang with that dude actually If that dude was my neighbor I would probably Go to his house and like sit on his couch And like fuck with him like talk to him
Starting point is 02:18:36 And I do not want to do that with anyone He's doing something to raise money He's a serving dude He's like He comes from a long history He's, he's, he's like, he comes from a long history of servers and he basically, his brother's like doing charity work for Haiti and, um, and he,
Starting point is 02:18:52 and he's helping his brother out. He's doing some long ass ride on an echo bike to raise money for it. That was kind of the least interesting thing like about him. Um, even though like I, I want to support that about him cause it's fucking cool. I just have, when I hear charity, I have this kind of like, I get triggered by it, adverse reaction, but this dude's cool.
Starting point is 02:19:11 Like he, the show started off with him talking about how he trains professional athletes. And I was like, Hey, do you have any success stories? And fucking, he lit up like a Christmas tree, dude. And the first story he told us how in the last year, his dad lost 105 pounds at his gym. I'm like, damn your dad. What a stud to get your dad to do that. dude and the first story he told us how in the last year his dad lost 105 pounds at his gym i'm like damn your dad what a stud to get your dad to do that you think hq heard that story someone did i mean no actually i don't know i don't think hq listens i don't think they're listening i think at
Starting point is 02:19:40 this point they i don't know i don't know that's cool though no because i agree with you with the charity deal um charity is one of those things where you can do it and you can do it for the wrong reasons but it's cool when you can hear people say and they light up when they're doing it for the right reasons yeah i think this guy does his shit for the right reasons i just always wonder where that money's going and and I just don't trust people. I just like doing, like, he told a story on the podcast today where his dad met a homeless guy somewhere and brought him home, and this homeless guy lived with their family for two years until he died of cancer. Like, that's fucking charity to me.
Starting point is 02:20:18 That's the kind of charity I like. A homeless guy died? His dad brought a fucking homeless dude home The homeless guy lived with him for two or three years I think he started like calling him Uncle Bob and shit And then the homeless dude died of cancer Hey dude I think that that's the premise of some
Starting point is 02:20:35 Like stranger things or something I swear I've seen that on a TV show Oh you think Dan's just making shit up Hey do you think Froning really killed You think Froning really killed that um Um bear I'm starting I want to send that to goob and have him study the picture i was thinking that you could do a satire piece on that where like you accuse froning of not really killing the bear because and zoom in on it and show like bent shit and stuff do you have a reason to believe
Starting point is 02:21:02 it's not dead no no but i just it would be awesome if all these people were bent that he killed it. And then you find out he didn't kill it, that he started crying and he couldn't pull the trigger. So they photoshopped it. Hey, I know you're into comedy a little bit, right? Or at least you follow these comedians. You know the dude who does The crowd work He's younger Maybe upper 20s
Starting point is 02:21:30 I think his name is Matt Rife Yeah I heard he has a comedy special Miss Rodow Alisa Carr Rodow sent it to me Yeah I watched that last night And somewhere around the 45 minute mark In his comedy special,
Starting point is 02:21:45 I made a note because something he said there sparked Froning's posts on Instagram quite a bit. And I wanted to do what your idea was with Dave Chappelle way back when. I just have to figure out a way to pull it because you can't pull stuff off YouTube without getting banged up. Remember on the Dave Chappelle thing? He had the four things that make you an Instagram or a popular. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, that wasn't Dave Chappelle. That was Chris Rock.
Starting point is 02:22:12 Yes, but I know you got your black guys confused. I get my comedians messed up, right? Yeah, yeah. I know Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, and Matt Rice. Right. Yeah, you could be... What were be uh uh what what were they you could you could show your ass that was one of the ways you could be like a sex tape right yeah that was you could become that's becoming infamous yeah that's like the sex tape you could be a victim oh yeah
Starting point is 02:22:40 you could be like be the greatest at something like Serena Williams or you could Play the victim like Capper dick Or you could Or you could do like three four of them Like Danny Spiegel is a genius she Plays the victim she shows Her ass and she's Fucking amazing at something dude
Starting point is 02:22:59 Her and who's that buddy Yours that I think's not juiced up that you swear to me Is not Street and her should release a sex tape Or actually she should go no offense to street she street should actually release a sex tape with like some famous chick and She should have do it like who's the who's like, oh, you know that new famous basketball player with the No, it's got to be someone the dude with the giant weird long arms the seven foot four dude with the eight inch eight foot arm reach him and uh danny spiegel should release a sex tape that
Starting point is 02:23:37 shit would go crazy that danny would then could just tell us all the fuck off is that dude that popular he would be if he fucking banged his i would love to see that tape i would love to see him and spiegel fuck i'm not even into porn but i'd be so curious like to like you know like have you ever watched like weird animals fuck like rhinos fuck i actually really if there's one thing i don't enjoy looking at It's probably that Animals having sex Right it's really weird to me They're so odd They always choose the same position
Starting point is 02:24:13 Everyone does doggy style Horse style I never You never see animals doing missionary Like the dudes don't want to look at their chicks I just don't know if their hearts work like that I don't think anatomically they can do that Imagine a couple of horses trying to do that
Starting point is 02:24:35 I don't think they work like that Oh my goodness Yeah, Abdeja says Webby's incredibly popular Oh my god, Rambler said Rambler just said missionary position is the best i've never heard anyone say that wow of course rambler did yeah i do too that means that the people that you had sex with you probably really like yeah that's fair the opposite of what you just said yeah animals don't like looking at the people
Starting point is 02:25:03 yeah they're having sex with not people no they're animals That's fair. Yeah. Yeah. What the fuck? The dude getting banged by a horse. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. You'll be going through the comments on a post and people just post this thing on Twitter. They think it's funny. And they think it's funny because I hate it.
Starting point is 02:25:34 And I'm sure a lot of other people hate it. I've never seen anyone get banged by a horse. Don't you love how we went from talking about how Matt Torres isn't the best coach ever to getting banged by a horse? Yeah. But I think he might be the best coach ever, but where I think we settled is you just think there aren't any good coaches, that the bar's been set really low? If there were somebody out there who you would want coaching you, I think Matt Torres would be up with the best of them because he's got – the proof is in the pudding. Like, he's got Daniel Brandon.
Starting point is 02:26:22 He's got – or had Emma Carey come up And threw his program right For the most part James Sprague, Dallin Pepper But didn't a couple of them come on over from Underdog Daniel Brandon being that person I don't know Where did Dallin Pepper come from
Starting point is 02:26:39 Wasn't he working out with Cole Sager No dude you know what I think he I think Dallin Pepper He was a champion as a kid under Torres Or I know I think Emma Carey was I think Emma was with Torres since she'd been like 15 Yeah
Starting point is 02:26:58 Hey And especially in the CrossFit world, I mean, most people are mediocre athletes and something else. Like, Froning's biggest thing was that he was a shitty baseball player his entire life, and then he became the best CrossFitter ever. Matt Fraser was an above-average weightlifter who couldn't even make the American team, and the American team sucks, and then he becomes one of the best CrossFitters ever. I think Froning was probably a better baseball player than Matt was a weightlifter.
Starting point is 02:27:30 No? No. Oh. Well, it depends. If you take into account the rules that they're playing in, there's way more baseball players out there than there are weightlifters. But from what I understand, Freezer was on the Olympic track and just shy of making the
Starting point is 02:27:45 U.S. team. Broding was a D2 baseball player, but there's way more baseball players out there. Right. He probably would have been minors or something. That's hard to say. And we also know that Tyson was a D2 football player who is now starting out as a quarterback.
Starting point is 02:28:03 Not anymore, but he has started games as a quarterback. Not anymore, but he has started games as a quarterback. What do you think about people being excited about a 1-7 quarterback coming back to start? Did I lose you? Caleb just said, what do you think about people being excited about a 1-7 quarterback coming back to start? He's referencing Justin Fields.
Starting point is 02:28:25 Did you say Caleb? Yeah, you couldn't hear Caleb. Oh, no. Yeah, you can't hear Caleb. Yeah, he is here. He can't hear you. My phone's all fucked up, so I'm just holding my phone on the mic so no one can talk to you but me. My shit's all fucked up, dude. I'm in communications with Roadcaster now.
Starting point is 02:28:41 They want me to send a video showing them how I set it up. Interesting. Do you think that it's just I'm just not tech savvy or do you think something's wrong with the equipment? Well, they've sent you
Starting point is 02:29:01 for how many of them? Three? Yeah, at least. I feel like I've had seven. Yeah, yeah. Someone on the internet said that they got the iPhone 15 hooked up. Only one person, though. Someone on the internet said that they got the iPhone 15 hooked up. I heard you say that. Only one person, though. Well, how long has the iPhone 15 been out? Long enough for someone to potentially have a roadcast or have issues with it?
Starting point is 02:29:37 It's all new. I don't know. That's a good question. Within two months, you'd have to find forums on that? Within two months, you'd have to find forums on that. How do you feel about the Bears bringing back a quarterback that's only 1-5 out of 30? I'm glad they're bringing him back. I was watching a video on it, and someone was saying that, like, hey, they need to bring him back to assess him. And then someone else is like, fuck that.
Starting point is 02:30:00 They already know that I respect. But I'm perfectly okay with it. I may even watch the game. Hey, and I don't think his thumbs... I don't think his... What'd you say? That's what I wanted to know if you were going to watch it. I don't think his thumb's 100%.
Starting point is 02:30:17 I watched him in a press conference yesterday. How did you... Alright, you watched the press conference. How did you feel about the press conference I thought it was fine But I don't think his thumb is 100% You didn't do what I like to do When you analyze the person
Starting point is 02:30:35 Being interviewed Well I only have one data point That's the only press conference I've ever seen him do But they sure did ask him a lot of questions about Tyson. I, in a world of people where there's people like Justin Medeiros, who every bit of word that they say is like, and Tia Toomey, every other word she says is um. Tyson is on the spectrum
Starting point is 02:31:06 Of somebody of a Joe Rogan And Justin Fields is on the spectrum Of Justin Medeiros And that's kind of As far as I think I should go with that It's hard to listen to him talk When Medeiros
Starting point is 02:31:22 Didn't do the like thing when he was Talking with Fraser that video that just came out when Medeiros didn't do the like thing when he was talking with Fraser that video that just came out oh he did oh okay I well I was on the assault bike and I listened to the
Starting point is 02:31:37 first 15 minutes and I remember consciously thinking oh I haven't heard him say like yet oh shit consciously thinking, oh, I haven't heard him say like yet. It's a 53-minute episode, and guess how many times the word like was said. Oh, shit. Oh, Nelly. Do you think it was more or less than 500?
Starting point is 02:31:55 Way less than 500. More. You'd be wrong. Oh, no. Is there a video coming out? Do you think it was more Or less than 750 Oh Way less than 750
Starting point is 02:32:10 863 What Wow In 53 minutes dude What's the likes per minute on that one I'll do it. 53 goes into 863. I'm just doing it long.
Starting point is 02:32:32 No calculator. Long math. One, 53, and then carry the 333 down. And then that goes in five times, uh five times which would be uh 15 carry the one 26 i can't believe i can't uh i can't believe i still know how to do a long division i uh then you carry that to the um uh that would be eight and that would be five 58 uh 15 uh and 58 15 and then that goes in one time into 53 of 5 No, 55 at a 0 15 point 1
Starting point is 02:33:22 No, I'm gonna use a calculator now I. I just did back of the napkin. Like just over 16? Back of the napkin? 16.28? That's what I got. 863 divided by 53 equals... Oh, 16.2. Wow, I wasn't even close.
Starting point is 02:33:43 Wow. Really? Let me check my math again here. Six times five would be... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Hey, did you catch the end of Madero's cross-dressing video? Yeah, I really like that.
Starting point is 02:34:07 Ellie makes fun of him for saying likes, and he takes it like a champ. When I hear that, it actually makes me really like Justin Madero's. I agree. He does not give a fuck
Starting point is 02:34:21 about it. Or he just acted like he didn't give a fuck, and then afterwards when the camera turned off, he fucking bitch slapped her. How did you feel about, yeah, right. I don't think he bitch slapped her, but. How do you feel about on the Fraser podcast, he brings up the fact that he'd rather have Fraser there
Starting point is 02:34:42 and finish second every year than ever win. He brings up the fact that he'd rather have Razor there and finish second every year than ever win. I didn't hear that part, but I didn't hear that part. I need to see it. What's interesting is they clipped it. They clipped it and put it on Instagram. So that's what made me go and watch the video. Because I think I needed context. Because when I heard it on Instagram, I go, what the hell does that mean? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:26 Hey, remember what I told you about fucking with madaris and his mom do you remember the other was that you the other day i said that too i was like yeah i ain't fucking with them because his mom's in my listens to my show right right right well she just she just commented in the comments what'd you say leave him alone. Or I know that he says like too much. No. No. She said,
Starting point is 02:35:52 can you please stop Hiller? He speaks from the heart and loves CrossFit. CrossFit is community. I thought you were good for the sport. Stop bashing athletes for not relating to fitness.
Starting point is 02:36:02 For things not related to fitness. But they are the poster children for the sport. Hey, I, I can't, I can't facilitate it, but boy,
Starting point is 02:36:14 that, that sure as fuck makes me feel uncomfortable as fuck. I mean, Dan Guerrero says Shanna has a good point. It's, it's getting awfully petty. I don't think it's petty. I, I, I mean, itrero says Shanna has a good point It's getting awfully petty I don't think it's petty I mean it's
Starting point is 02:36:28 It's fun I mean There's a piece of it that's fucking hilarious That it's 863 likes in 53 minutes I mean that's fascinating to me But it's also cool that him and Ellie Did that thing I really liked that.
Starting point is 02:36:45 Where Justin like took it like a champ, right? Right. Yeah. I thought that I just said that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:52 You said that. Yeah. Yeah. I'm piggybacking off of what you said. I thought it made me really respect him. I'm like, yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:58 He has a good sense of humor. Like he's, yeah, he has a good sense of humor and even his girlfriend's making fun of him and he posted it on his own channel. Yeah. Come on his own channel. Yeah. Come on.
Starting point is 02:37:09 Come on. That was the most important part of that whole, that whole topic. Uh, tank reef says, Seve, your Badoosie is showing. I know it's, it's, it's always showing. I know. Sorry, Caleb. I know. I promised I wouldn't say it.
Starting point is 02:37:20 All right. Let's just say I'm being petty. Go ahead. Let's live in that world for a minute. Okay. How about the other world where you just completely ignore the fact that that is something that happens? And every single time he's up there, no one's going to tell him, but everybody's thinking it. Well, that's true. And obviously she doesn't like anything negative about her son. And I sure as fuck don't blame her for that.
Starting point is 02:37:45 But yeah, I, what makes it negative? Um, it's just, well, if he was offended by it, it would be negative just that maybe it's just a,
Starting point is 02:37:55 it's a, it's a, um, it's just an immature trait to say the word like 863 times in a 53 minute video. That's it. And by immature, I don't mean like um like uh immature in the sense of it he's he hasn't reached full maturation that it will it will go away
Starting point is 02:38:19 with the more reps he gets in i don't mean immature in the sense the way that i'm immature on this podcast by always talking about boobs and farting sounds. That's I'm not talking about that kind of immaturity. I understand that Justin's best thing is his fitness, right? Right. So everything he does is to get bitter. So when I hear him say that on his own channel,
Starting point is 02:38:44 where I was making fun of him acting like he's like like like like right i i kind of wrap my head around the fact that it doesn't fucking matter to him that he says it because it does because it's not what he's trying to get best at he's not going to care about his language right his language filtering out the words and maybe even practicing his his dialogue isn't going to make him fitter in any way so why does it matter and the first time that i ever had exposure to this was probably college i remember i was in an english class and everyone had to give a presentation and the teacher legit said if you repeat the same word more than a couple of times on the series of your presentation, you're going to get a 1% to dunk it every time you say it.
Starting point is 02:39:32 And there were person after person after person would go and give a presentation and then have the ums and the likes. And I just could not believe that something that important to their overall grade and the way that they presented themselves completely went out the door. When I hear people like Tia or Justin do this, I just think that they're leaving room to either get a point across better or make themselves look better. And I don't like it when people make themselves look bad. So you're giving them feedback. It's all benevolent. Yes.
Starting point is 02:40:09 And, but also entertaining at the same time. And that's social media. And I don't know. I do enjoy the fact that he doesn't care. And I suppose that Shanna has said, leave him alone, stop talking about it. Now we've talked about it for an extra 10 minutes. That's accurate. What's that last part? Yeah, just the way you said it yeah all of it
Starting point is 02:40:46 Alright It's accurate it's all accurate Hey someone say my shit is so Bush league you don't even know I have a phone barely propped up It's so sad Yeah they can't even hear me Oh the people can hear you
Starting point is 02:41:03 Alright dude Thanks for coming on um I'll bug you later thank you Okay bye Oh no Shannon I think he's gonna make another video How did he know it was 863 that's a weird That was weird
Starting point is 02:41:18 It made me uncomfortable I suspect there's Alright Uh let's go on to more bad news I suspect there's... Alright. Let's go on to more bad news. I'm going to play this for you. This sucks. This really sucks. Okay, here we go. Yo, how did I totally miss
Starting point is 02:41:37 that this Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar was purchased by Katy Perry and her husband and they are teamed up now with Bill Gates so yeah Katy Perry Orlando Bloom by Bragg's back in 2019 so this happened now what I'm about to show you next is actually the bad part, okay? This wasn't so bad, but who Katy Perry is doing business with, now, y'all be the judge of this. So you got Katy Perry and her husband, Orlando Bloom, using Bill Gates' A. Peel apples to make Bragg's apple cider vinegar yeah that's correct you heard it correctly now let me let me tell you about it a pill Bragg's it's about the use of the mono glycerides and the dig a glycerides I might have
Starting point is 02:42:41 butchered that but these additives are byproducts of oil processing including partially hydrogenated canola canola and soybean oils which contain artificial trans fats and dangerous food ingredients known to cause coronary heart disease and link to 50,000 other fatal yo How did I total? and link to 50,000 other fatal... Yo. How did I totally... Dude, this stuff has... Dickerides.
Starting point is 02:43:12 This stuff has lived on my kitchen counter, bottles of this, for the last 10 years. And last night, I saw Haley pour it out. Pour it out for the homies. So bombed. What's the what's the alternative? You probably make it yourself.
Starting point is 02:43:36 How many posts is how many comments does Rich Froning's video have now? Can you see I looked on I think you have to look. I think that's the kind of thing like you don't get I looked online. Oh, I think you have to look. I think that's the kind of thing. Like, you don't get that stat on a computer. I think you have to look on a phone.
Starting point is 02:43:52 Rich Froning. 5,600 comments. That's it? Dude, that's crazy, bro. He's 7,700 on the bear post. Oh, I see 5,600 on the bear post. I got 7,700, and there's only 1,100 on the elk post. Let's look at one where he's sliding under a regular post.
Starting point is 02:44:24 His would have 48 comments. That's amazing. Yeah, the one where he's doing an elk call has 75. Ones have been working out, 52. It's a significant uptick. Wild. Did you see my response
Starting point is 02:44:44 to it? No, what did you say? Let's see. You know what's crazy? This – look, my mouth looks like a vagina. Oh, yeah. Okay, here we go. This is my response to the froning video.
Starting point is 02:45:03 Here we go. I got to get something off my chest here uh my uh this is in response to that rich froning video with that bear that he allegedly killed i'd like to see the whole video but anyway uh my wife was a vegan you know she didn't eat any dead animals and um god i feel horrible for this now and uh i got her pregnant you know you know how that happens and um i mean if you don't i can make a different video but so i get her pregnant and uh immediately she starts eating meat and i can't tell you how many animals have died since then because she turned into a meat eater because I got her pregnant.
Starting point is 02:45:46 I don't know. I just see how angry so many of you are that Rich allegedly killed a bear. But it's really nothing compared to what I did with my penis. With my bare hands, I've, you know. Anyway, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. My penis, my black penis has done way more harm to the animal kingdom than Rich's alleged bear kill. To the animal kingdom. Then riches. Alleged bear kill.
Starting point is 02:46:30 Yes murderous hog. That's correct. That's correct. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:41 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:44 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:44 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah crazy peeps in those comments. Yeah, totally. It is kind of like the, that, that post of his is kind of what's that called? Like the, the, is it a dog whistle or it basically summons all the fucking it's, he summoned all the retards. There they are for anyone who wants to,
Starting point is 02:47:01 you know, gather them up. And those people need to be just flown on a plane to kenya and left out there out in the wild on their own for two months two months oh it's the opposite of a dog whistle oh okay it's an actual whistle
Starting point is 02:47:34 in in a few minutes in a few minutes there will be two gentlemen one bald one with hair coming on this podcast to do a show that's called shut up and scribble weekly show
Starting point is 02:47:52 one of the guys Andrew Hiller made a video about calling him the greatest coach alive J.R. Howell remember that video I do greatest coach alive, J.R. Howell. Remember that video? I do.
Starting point is 02:48:13 And now that guy has a show because of Hiller's and many people's endorsements. He now has his own show on the most popular podcast channel in the ecosystem, the Savon Podcast, along with his protege, his buddy, his bald buddy. Hello. You've reached Andrew Hiller. If you do not leave me a message and or text me about what it is
Starting point is 02:48:36 that you are calling for, I will not be getting back to you. I thought you should know that. That's all. Thank you. Goodbye. He's so weird that is so weird dude anyway um Anyway Oh Hi
Starting point is 02:49:12 Hey Didn't you make a video saying J.R. Howell Is the best coach in CrossFit Yeah I did Alright so he's a good one He is Why is he a good one. He is. Why is he a good one? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:49:28 How come? We could probably use the same stuff that we just talked about to define that. He had a games athlete this year. Nobody knew who Jason Hopper was. Yeah. And then everyone knew who Jason Hopper was. Oh. If you walk into his doors, there's a whole bunch of people that you've never heard of in the CrossFit space, but they're all incredibly fit.
Starting point is 02:49:51 Right. So where you have people like Fraser and Froning, who are decent athletes, but not the best in their respective areas. You've got a whole bunch of people at jrs who are probably average folk who are incredibly fit because they just believe him they trust him and then he's smart as shit he is smart that's for sure and he did have a game and he did have a game that i was just gonna i was just telling them that hey i was just about to sign off. And then I remembered, oh, J.R. Howell and Taylor's coming on. And then I was like, oh, shit, he called J.R. the best coach in CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:50:33 So I thought I would. You still stand by that? Is that video still relevant? Yeah, the video's still relevant. But the thing is, that sucks, is I don't think he coaches anybody, really. He has the chick that was on my show. She's cool. I wonder if she's coming back again this year to coach.
Starting point is 02:50:55 I think he's spread pretty thin. JR's time is hard to get. Between kids, the gym, competitions, and the podcast? Correct. Yeah. I would stick by that, but the thing about making that claim is
Starting point is 02:51:14 if he's the best or one of the best in the space, nobody can have him. Right? I mean, Tom Brady's the best quarterback in the NFL. And people are okay with not having him because he's just too old. But imagine he's 25. I guess he would still be the best.
Starting point is 02:51:36 It would just suck. What if I would have, what if yesterday I would have just changed your profile picture on YouTube? Would that have been less? Oh, yeah, I wouldn't have cared at all about that. Less disturbing. OK, right, right. All right. Well, it's the thing.
Starting point is 02:51:53 It's I think I tried to say this to you. You turn on the TV and you go to ESPN and you're expecting sports. Yes. And I put a lot of effort into like giving something that's consistent. Yes. And I put a lot of effort into like giving something that's consistent. Yes. And it was just inconsistent. So it was almost like I spilled a cup of
Starting point is 02:52:14 coffee on your fine suit that you worked so hard to present. A perfectly matching suit. It's forward facing. And then I came and spilled coffee on it while you were asleep. That works. Oh yeah. I put a stain on it it's just unacceptable okay it had like 1200
Starting point is 02:52:32 views and 1200 people were like oh fuck what did I just turn on it just doesn't feel right and the thing that I'm worried about which is like the biggest worry because it can be overcome yeah is that 1200 people saw it and now they're not going to click on the next one my right
Starting point is 02:52:49 that that's that's probably the biggest issue like oh well fuck make something that they have to click on no matter what so that that way i get let off the hook and you won't be upset at me for damaging your uh i'm not upset i'm not upset not yet but wait till your next video only gets 3 000 views oh yeah then it's all on you yeah yeah yeah what uh what's the what do you recommend what do i make a video on i'd prefer to tell you off the air. Oh, why? Because it's the one with Jason. It's the one with Madera saying like 863 times. And I don't want Shanna to think that I'm. No, I'm not making a video.
Starting point is 02:53:34 I swear I was actually going to make another Instagram thing on that. And I had the whole thing fired up. I was ready to chop it up. And then I watched that clip on the end of his own video where he's basically cool with it and i'm like well i don't need to do that he knows but it could be oh well you could make it yeah okay and it's just like it's done hey um how do you know how do you know it's 863 likes did you ask ai to check that how do you know it's 863 likes? Did you ask AI to check that? How do you know that?
Starting point is 02:54:07 I'm not telling my secrets. Fair enough. But I can guarantee you that's accurate. Dang. But I'm not telling. I don't want other people. It's a trade secret. I'll tell you that off the air.
Starting point is 02:54:19 Okay. All right. I'll talk to you later. Okay. Bye. Shut up and scribble. We'll be to you later. Okay. Bye. Shut Up and Scribble will be on. Do we know when, Caleb? Damn, this is a three-hour show.
Starting point is 02:54:32 Probably 1230 my time. I think that's usually when it's at. Let's see. I don't know. It's not on the schedule right now, I don't think. It's not? I don't see it. It's not on StreamYard.
Starting point is 02:55:03 Shit, maybe. They might not have one because uh taylor's competition is this weekend oh i think they were gonna they were gonna try to but i wasn't sure if they decided well shit let's make one more phone call cheese dick phone call cheese dick with the ghetto setup shit talk about um talk about poor representation oh my god look at we stayed on just long enough to get 49.99 that's hey you're live on the air i'm live hey you're not doing a show today no we're not doing a show today because Because of your competition this weekend?
Starting point is 02:55:46 Yeah, I've got a competition tomorrow. Tomorrow? It starts tomorrow, yeah. Three-day comp? Yeah, three-day. Wow. But you will be coming on the CrossFit Games Update show for an hour tomorrow? Yes, I'm pumped about that.
Starting point is 02:56:01 Can people just... We're going to... What? No, you go ahead. No, I was going to say,, are we gonna do that ranking segment? What ranking segment? The one I suggested to the group text with me and Pedro. No, I thought it was stupid, whatever it was. No, dude, you did not think it was stupid either.
Starting point is 02:56:20 You thought, holy shit, that's a hit. No, let me think. Well, hold on oh i didn't even understand those oh okay i didn't understand that i didn't even understand those. Oh, okay. I didn't even understand. I don't even know what a mongrel is. I thought a mongrel was like you're a gang member in California. The mongrels. We want to go through all the athletes and who's. Okay, we got to think of better words then.
Starting point is 02:57:00 Okay. Better words? What's wrong with those words, dude? I don't know. Mongrel? Humanizing? I don't care about that. Okay, dope.
Starting point is 02:57:13 Neither do I. What's up? What's up? What are you calling? So can anyone still enter your competition? Like, can people just walk in and enter it? No, dude. It's all locked up.
Starting point is 02:57:22 It's all closed. Oh, that's dumb. Why is that dumb? Hey, I'm on my email. I'm trying to send an email, and I'm trying to figure out how to add my signature. Are there any... Oh, my wife knows how to do all that stuff. Hey, are there any competitions where you can just show up and compete?
Starting point is 02:57:39 Are they all fucking, like, uptight and shit, like yours and JR's? Well, dude, mine's not that uptight, but they would have had to let me know all the heat sheets. I mean, look, there's probably a handful of people who could probably reach out and be like, hey, can I compete in this
Starting point is 02:57:57 division? I'd be like, alright, if there's a spot and somebody just dropped out, sure. Is there money? Can they win money? Yeah, first place in the elite division is going to win $2,000. Oh, shit. So it's not, you know, no small... Who's going to win it? Is there a ringer already in the group? I think so. There's a guy on the guy's side.
Starting point is 02:58:20 Spencer... Handel? No. No. Fuck, no. Austin Spencer sorry he was uh he was eight to granite games when I was there eight eight which is I mean top ten in the semifinals why wouldn't hopper just come up there and get your money Wow Wow why wouldn't Colton just come up and get it oh he didn't live there he lives in iowa or something where does he live yeah it's probably a
Starting point is 02:58:49 bit too far for just two thousand dollars i mean his trip for him would probably cost him a grand right but for like local semi-final athletes it's pretty i mean two thousand dollars nothing to shake a stick at i don't want you contacting any of my sponsors without asking me first. Me? Yeah. Who are your sponsors? Yeah, good answer. Okay, Vindicate.
Starting point is 02:59:13 I already contact them without talking to you all the time. They've actually got a prototype cock ring that they're coming out with for me. Who? Toe Spacers is? Toe Spacers is? Yeah, cock ring prototype. It's called the Dong. Who Toe Spacers is? Toe Spacers is? Yeah. Yeah, cock ring prototype. It's called the dong spacer. Cock spacers. Oh, God. That's horrible.
Starting point is 02:59:36 I wonder what JR's wife thinks about you. Becca loves me. We have a great relationship. I wonder if she thinks you're just another one of JR's projects. I wonder if she sees you as like... He's trying to domesticate you. No, stop. You should see how good I am with Lilia and Quinn, his daughters. They're amazing. The cutest girls ever.
Starting point is 02:59:57 Yeah, I'm sure you're good with kids. You're fun. You're the fun uncle. But still, I feel like JR's wife sees you as a domestication project. Do you put the toilet seat down and shit like that? Yes, dude. What are you talking about? Do I put the toilet? I pee sitting down. Hey, do you like Wendy's?
Starting point is 03:00:18 Are you asking me if I had to pick a fast food restaurant, would Wendy's be my top pick? God, I forget how the joke goes. Caleb,aleb can you do it what do i say to him wendy sucks what do i say he can't hear you tell me what do you like wendy's and then he says yeah and then you say or i don't know and then you say do you like wendy's nuts drag across your face you kind of oh do you look Wendy's? No. Do you like Wendy's nuts dragged across your face? Yes. See, I'm holding my phone up to the mic, dude. This isn't even a real podcast anymore. I thought you didn't get your board working.
Starting point is 03:01:02 No, I don't have anything working. That's dumb. No, I don't have anything working The only thing my penis has killed more fucking animals than rich fronings gun Yeah Turn my wife into a meat-eater dude After I fucking good or with the baby batter. But she was a vegan before then. I got her pregnant and she turned into a meat eater. And I feel horrible for it.
Starting point is 03:01:37 Hey, you gotta go join my... Do you have Facebook? No. You don't have Facebook? No. Shut the fuck up. That's a lie. No, I don't have Facebook. No. Shut the fuck up. That's a lie. No, I don't have Facebook. I don't have Facebook.
Starting point is 03:01:49 You should go make one. You should join the SMTP community group. I don't have time for that. How do you find it, Taylor? You don't have time for that. What's it called, Taylor? My penis could turn a gay man straight. That's a great line. I don't even know if that makes sense. I don't think it does, but I could turn a gay man straight that's a great line
Starting point is 03:02:05 I don't even know if that makes sense I don't think it does but I like it did someone comment that yeah who cave dastro oh my god I don't have Facebook
Starting point is 03:02:17 Jeremy World said the fuck you don't I don't have Facebook how do you like SMTP cave dastro how do you like SMTP? He said it broke his vagina. Let me see. I'm going to type in Sevan Matosian Facebook. Tell him he's an asshole for programming 150 walking lunges.
Starting point is 03:02:40 I can't find it. All right, I got to go back to work. I love you, and i'll see you tomorrow okay bye love you too bye um i i that may might actually there is maybe i do have a facebook but i think it's only used for this podcast to go on to or something like that because sometimes yeah but i don't i don't know how to use it or go over there i've never made like i've never purposely made a post on facebook the old you know what i do wish when people talk about this thing called um oh by the way thank you for the
Starting point is 03:03:14 guy who gave the money that's crazy money thank you adam a thompson anthony thompson andrew thompson and thompson with the hot girls, Thompson at the beach. There's this thing called Facebook marketplace. Do you know what that is? Yeah. Yeah. That, that when I hear people talk about that,
Starting point is 03:03:36 my I'm like, Ooh, I bet you I can make a killing on that. For sure. Yeah. I've sold a lot of the stuff that I found in the, in the Shattuck and on Facebook marketplace, you get a lot of the stuff that I found in the in the Shattuck in On Facebook marketplace get a lot of response from it. Yeah that like that
Starting point is 03:03:51 What seven matosians always sex messages me from Facebook? Amanda Oh Amanda Thompson. Oh, you're one of the hot chicks I thought for sure you were one of the dudes Pedro I found two dead mice yesterday when I was cleaning out the air ducts so I'll throw them up on Facebook marketplace probably later today
Starting point is 03:04:30 I parked my van at Greg's house I was there for a couple fucking hours his kids were playing in the woodshed and they were bringing wood out to the chiminea this is a month ago I'm sure I've told this story already.
Starting point is 03:04:47 When they ran back from the woodshed, Greg's son says to me, dude, I saw a fucking big old rat in the fucking woodshed. It's like, no shit. And he goes, yeah. And Avi's like, yeah, we opened it up and he was jumping around and shit. It's late, 830. I'm like, okay, everyone get in the car Later Greg see you in the morning come over Like yeah later dude And I turn on my
Starting point is 03:05:10 I get in my car and my fan's always going In my car cause I just have the auto button on You know what I mean the temperature fan Whatever the temperature regulator is For your car And it's like I hear this And I turn the fan on full speed And the whole fucking front of the car
Starting point is 03:05:26 starts shaking and the whole dashboard not the whole car just the whole dashboard starts shaking and so i turn the fan back down to one and i hear like something turning in there and you know like when something's spinning and it's out of equilibrium yep it causes a vibration turn off the fan turn everything off i get home and every day for the next three days my wife's like hey man you gotta take that car in hey man you gotta take that car in hey fourth day she goes hey man the van stinks and i go out to the van and it smells like death so i drive the van down to the toyota dealership and i'm like hey i think something died in my vent. The guy's like, okay.
Starting point is 03:06:06 He calls me back an hour later and he goes, we pulled the rat out. We sanitized this. We sanitized that. We changed your cabin filter. It's going to be $958. What? changed your cabin filter it's going to be 958 what then he goes for a little bit more this we can make it so rat broden's can't get into your car ever again i go how he's like we put a screen up where they climb in oh so they know where they're climbing in
Starting point is 03:06:38 i said okay cool i come to pick the car up 3 hours later $1549 you think it's cheap to party with Greg you think it's cheap a little bit more only a little bit more $700 more $1549 to clean a rat out
Starting point is 03:07:01 fuck that nope nope nope nope oh Thompson was a to clean a rat out. Fuck that. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Oh, Thompson was a dude in this. Now I check. Oh, no. Fucking rat. I typed in Seva Matosi on Facebook and all this shit popped up that I want to click, but I just don't go to
Starting point is 03:07:27 Facebook. Oh. Nope, I still don't see my... I don't see... The whole... I don't see a... I don't see... I don't think... I don't see my account. I don't see an account that says Sevan Matosi. There are a lot of Sevans
Starting point is 03:07:44 that live in Paris, apparently. Oh, shit. Oh, I definitely found your Facebook. Oh, you did? Oh, pull it up. Let me see what's going on on there. Is it this show right? Nothing?
Starting point is 03:07:56 Like your personal Facebook. Have I ever posted anything on there? Just your profile picture. on there just your profile picture oh wait let me see that let me see I have 15 friends did I have to accept those yeah I don't even know who some of those people are oh josh honeycutt that's an affiliate owner can you add him you already oh i thought can you click add no oh if i did it would add to my facebook oh don't even bother i'm not I don't even know I don't know anything about any of that Okay
Starting point is 03:08:52 That's it Jeff were you here Jeff were you here for the When Shanna told Andrew to stop picking on her son Stop making That was That was fucking wild
Starting point is 03:09:11 I'd rather talk about like Animals having sex Than deal with that I feel her on that I'd be like I'd go over to Hiller's house I'd go I'd call Hiller's dad I'd have a talk with his fucking dad
Starting point is 03:09:29 I'd call his dad You know what I mean? Mr. What's his last name? Oh that is his last name, Hiller Mr. Hiller, hi this is Shanna Medeiros Oh hi Shanna Do I know you
Starting point is 03:09:46 Yeah well if you don't you're about to Your son is naughty on the internet Miss Medeiros My son has a slight case of Asperger's I don't give a rat's ass I should be using a girl's voice for her right I don't give a rat's voice for her, right? I don't give a rat's ass, Mr. Hiller That's better
Starting point is 03:10:11 Your son is an internet He makes his living being an internet bully Miss Medeiros, settle down,'m old and i and i ran out of trt um can we have this call next week after i got back on my cycle again no you're gonna talk to me right now okay miss uh madaris um what is exactly has my son done? You know, he's over 21 and moved out of the house a weeks ago He he's making videos that take a compilation of words that my son has said and put them in a line Okay, miss Medeiros, I'll have a talk with him Andrew no more compilation videos of miss Medeiros, I'll have a talk with him Andrew, no more compilation videos Of Miss Medeiros' son
Starting point is 03:11:09 Yeah, okay Yes, thank you Thank you, Mr. Hiller It's the only sound effect I have Adam Blakeslee That's the only sound effect I have. Adam Blakeslee. Solid three hours coming off a late night show. Boy, I hate doing late night shows. Dude, it's her son
Starting point is 03:11:46 Cave Dastro Shanna doesn't know how the internet works Dude it's her fucking son She can do whatever she wants Oh shit Nikki Haley's daughter's 25? Bro parenting Parents speaking for kids is the worst thing ever that scene where Nikki Haley took offense to Vivek mentioning her 25 year old daughter was pathetic
Starting point is 03:12:11 yeah that was pathetic but listen I need to work on my Shanna voice all right fine uh listen this is different this is different these people have all met each other. This is like, we got something weird going on here. This whole CrossFit community and this podcast and all that. Oh, shit. Her daughter's... Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:12:40 She got it going on? Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. She had it going on? Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. Oh, she's married? What a mess. Do not get married at 25. She looks like a Disney adult. Let's see. She looks like a Disney adult. Oh, this is interesting.
Starting point is 03:13:35 There... There's a excuse me there wow i clicked on insta i saw my name when i typed in seven on my toes in facebook this instagram account popped up and it's my instagram account but in a foreign language. Wow, that's crazy. All right. Caleb, how old were you when you got married? 24. Holy shit, you're crazy. I mean, oh, 24. Holy shit, you're crazy. I mean, oh, congratulations.
Starting point is 03:14:10 That's cool. You're gonna have a long and happy life together. Extremely lucky, that's for sure. There you go. Alright. You weren't gonna fuck that up. No way. Janelle got married at 23 I like this
Starting point is 03:14:29 the taxidermy guy is like your brain wasn't fully developed oh you got a colonoscopy congratulations I'm glad it went well I should probably get one of those. No, I do not have a mustache in my wedding pictures. Clean shaven.
Starting point is 03:14:58 Actually, not even clean. I think I still had scruff. As opposed to Cave Dastros Everything sleeping with a thousand chicks before you get married Is a good idea You mean as opposed to after you're married Jackass. Wow. Wow. This is the fucking best comment of the day.
Starting point is 03:15:39 Not a taxidermy, dear. I sliced my finger open mounting a 14-point buck. I don't even know what that means, but I think that's true. He cut his finger open mounting a 14 point buck. I don't even know what that means, but I think that's true. He's basically, he cut his finger open while that dude, that dude, I guess works with dead animals. Turns them into stuffed animals.
Starting point is 03:15:55 Turns dead animals into kids toys. Into wall mounts. 14, like a point is how many points on the antlers there are i think how come those ones on the top got like barnacles and shit growing on them and the rest don't you see that right here moss and shit yeah i think it's an age thing like as they get older they start to develop like imperfections in the antlers it's just a buildup of uh tissue or something because the antlers were like mold what did he slice his finger on you think like he had a you think he had an he did it himself
Starting point is 03:16:33 with like his knife or you think that some part of the deer sliced him open probably an antler an antler yeah Those things are sharp. Wow. Mason Mitchell is not 45. Yeah, he is. He is? Yeah, he told me that. I met him at Rogue. Seriously, I thought he was fucking 18.
Starting point is 03:17:01 No. I didn't believe him either. He's like, I swear to god they must lose their antlers every year because they got a pile of them at the pet store that you can buy to feed your dog unless they're just killing millions of deers those are so expensive too yeah
Starting point is 03:17:17 does he say does he say how he cut himself open? He hasn't said yet. Hey, dude, how'd you cut yourself open with just poor wielding of the knife, the tools, or the antler? Yeah, Mason Mitchell. Yeah, 27 max. I agree. You saw this dude in person? This Mason?
Starting point is 03:17:46 Mason Mitchell? Yeah. Could he be 45? No. Oh. Like, just the way he does... He looks incredibly young. The drinking water in Mississippi has tainted and caused Mason to reverse age. He keeps commenting, but he still
Starting point is 03:18:05 hasn't told us how he cut his finger. I'm out of here. What's the longest show we ever did? What's going on? Oh, I wonder what my wife is. My wife hasn't texted me this morning. I wonder if everything's okay. What's today? Thursday? Thursday.
Starting point is 03:18:23 Do you not have a sister? No. Wait, not have a sister? No. Wait, you have a sister? Yeah, did you know that? Yeah. She DMs me every once in a while and just talks about stuff. It's kind of funny.
Starting point is 03:18:34 Hello? Hi, is it raining? No, it's not. Oh, I'm going to take the boys out. Cool. Okay. All right. Where are you going to go?
Starting point is 03:18:48 I don't know. Do you want to come? Yeah. Okay. I'll be out in a minute. Okay. Bye. My son is the same age as Caleb and my daughters are 30.
Starting point is 03:19:05 Holy shit. That's crazy. That's wild. Happy anniversary. Happy anniversary. I think Haley posted that it was your anniversary. No shit. Check to make sure.
Starting point is 03:19:30 We don't, that would be ridiculous if she did that. We don't, oh. We don't even, we don't have, oh my God. Is she out of her fucking mind? What's happened to my wife? You guys are so cute. My mom said she'd give us $50,000 if we got married. That's why we did it.
Starting point is 03:19:59 What? No, I'm joking. This is crazy. White wedding part one to the day we got married. No shit. She asked me yesterday if I wanted to go to dinner tonight. I wonder why.
Starting point is 03:20:26 I was like, what for? You don't just go on dates with your wife every once in a while? Fuck no. Wow. You should do that more often. No. My anniversary next week. The kids have to come. We're going over it.
Starting point is 03:20:45 Let your mom watch them. I'll buy a tree for myself and plant it in the yard and tell her that I bought it for her. Don't fuck up now. Look at all these apples that I got for you. She's so cool. She has to pay the price For all the animals she killed Since she got pregnant Dude that's a courthouse wedding right there
Starting point is 03:21:14 That's awesome Yeah that's in the courthouse They got that little They're like hey do you want to take a picture there And she's pregnant with twins Little white chapel or whatever God I look like i'm a fucking mess i don't even have my shirt tucked in i'm wearing fucking tennis shoes
Starting point is 03:21:29 yeah you're wearing nanos you fucking dork my wedding i'm wearing nanos okay rich god damn the lady who got us married was chinese like she just like and she gave us some chinese blessing her english was fucked up i was so amused by it oh you you want to marry your say i do i was like all right i do have a nice day thank you for coming it was long It was long. It's like five or ten minutes of just fucking us having to repeat shit. She was pretty. She was cool. She took it seriously. She was all smiley and shit.
Starting point is 03:22:11 She was happy to be there to witness our wedding. We had to bring my mom. We needed a witness. Yeah. Did anybody object to the marriage? Probably Avi. I'll get a mounted fox squirrel on the way to you so hands can hold your wedding bands when you take them off your finger. He can watch over you.
Starting point is 03:22:38 If you give me a stuffed squirrel, I'll put them back there. That's for sure. Especially if you stuffed it yourself. It probably was Judy's cousin. Probably was Judy. I have a better Asian accent. Yeah, I mean, I've been with her. We've probably only been married.
Starting point is 03:23:07 Seven years, not very long. Relative to how long I've been with her. And I saw her naked a long time ago. Many, many moons ago god i still have all those clothes i still have those nanos that's not cool that she posted that. I'm going to have a talk with her. I didn't even know Haley had an Instagram. Oh, my God. All right.
Starting point is 03:23:59 Thanks, guys. Have a good day. I don't even know who we have. Oh, there's no show tomorrow. I don't know what's going on tomorrow Tomorrow I'm going to No Friday There is a show tomorrow
Starting point is 03:24:07 Oh Oh We have another affiliate owner tomorrow From San Francisco Yeah that should be crazy Cause you know we got Gigi Ping and Joe Biden in the city Sick
Starting point is 03:24:19 Oh Bye bye Bye-bye.

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