The Sevan Podcast - Dave Castro Fired From CrossFit

Episode Date: January 5, 2022

One of the last standing pioneers of CrossFit. Fired. A true professional. A man of integrity. A man willing to stand for what's right, even when it costs him.  Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:00:53 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Bam. You know what that means? We're live. Bam. We'll see. Bam means we're live bam we'll see bam we're live well thank you thank you yeah weird all yankovic no not really better better looking version of will i brian, there is some breaking news this evening.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Is that how you do all your news shows? Yes. I'm sitting here trying to prepare for Ariel Lowen. Lowen? Lowen? Yeah. We're going to be on with her at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning, talking about Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:01:43 And this is probably the biggest news in the history of uh crossfit games and you know arguably you could say it's the biggest news in the history of crossfit and you could say no no the the firing of or the the selling of the company from greg glassman was actually larger but here's the thing and and i'll give you guys a metaphor that you guys are a simile that you guys can all relate to. Great. Dave Castro being fired is like the last 10 burpees. And what is the stimulus you get from burpee 90 to a hundred as opposed to
Starting point is 00:02:15 the first 90, those last 10 are sick, have a significantly greater impact on your fitness. And what I'm telling you is, is that it appears from the letter letter that uh rose x rose x mr woke himself sent out to the uh to the staff today at crossfit um at crossfit inc that dave castro has been fired and uh man i don't there's there's a there's a bunch of people there who are going to be devastated.
Starting point is 00:02:45 You should always be careful what you wish for. Not just there. Around the world. Around the world. I mean there's people who thought that they probably hated Dave and wanted him to go and now are devastated. had integrity and a belief in CrossFit and in the stimulus and a deep understanding of what Greg Glassman was trying to do. And with him gone, I promise you with the staff there, there is a ton, a ton of hope that's gone. I know that the little bit that I've heard from Dave when I spoke to him briefly was that they wanted to say – they wanted to release a letter doing the same bullshit corporate stuff that they've done in the past. My words, not Dave's.
Starting point is 00:03:34 They wanted to say it was mutual, and it is not mutual. I don't think that Dave expected this in the slightest, but we won't know until we hear it from him. There's the practical thoughts, and we'll get into some of that with Brian tonight, and we'll let some of you guys call in and pick our brains. And then there's the big picture. The practical is why would they do it right before the game season? I mean, this is going to be a mess.
Starting point is 00:04:03 They had a super high-level dev group, SEAL Team 6 operator of the highest level, programming and organizing. I mean, you guys have been to the games. You guys have seen the workouts doing this. Everyone else is going to be Richard Simmons in comparison. They're in trouble, man. They shit the bed. And I definitely don't like this at all. I mean, you know.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Brian, your thoughts. And I'll read you the letter here in a minute. Yeah, this was not what I was expecting tonight. Kind of came on real fast and a lot of thoughts but don't uh it's almost like i don't know where to go first so i think i'm going to kind of rely on you for a little more guidance because there's so many different ways that dave's contributed to what crossfit is what sport his sport is synonymous with him he transcends any athlete in terms of the sport of the games um so there's just a lot
Starting point is 00:05:05 of different directions that we could talk about. They have a, they have a lady there who's now in, uh, what the position that I had had. And she came from some internet company like ways or Google maps or something like that. And she's now running the media department. And she basically replaced the guy who originally replaced me whose name was andrew weinstein the guy who fired me and he was a pr guy so they still don't have a media guy in there we just went through what the greatest indoor campaign in the history of this planet what do i mean indoor campaign people were forced to be inside for two years who exploded. Tons of people, Netflix,
Starting point is 00:05:47 Disney, anything that was on the screen in front of you. No one at CrossFit Inc. lifted a finger to take advantage of that. There's no leadership there. An outside firm from New York City. God, I'd love to tell Greg this. An outside firm from New York City has been hired to tell greg this an outside firm from new york city has been hired to tell crossfit inc what their vision and what their mission is that's how lost they are can you imagine can you imagine someone trying to tell greg glassman what the vision or what the identity of crossfit inc is it's going to get it's going to get wild It's the same as trying to imagine Dave consenting to a mutual parting of the ways. Yes, yes. There's just guys of principle.
Starting point is 00:06:31 They have their principles, and they stick to them. Yes. We'll go back to that pig. So these – can you pull out and just look at Dave's Instagram? Dave's Instagram. When you have someone who was a SEAL Team 6 operator now working with someone who came from Waze or was managing databases at Oracle, I can see that there are going to be some challenges, right? This is a leader of the highest level where everything is life or death and success. There's no option but for success. And then you have these other people who are just already wealthy, and they are serial executives, and nothing is mission critical. There's going to be a problem.
Starting point is 00:07:12 But they're definitely – you see that dead pig – not going to appreciate that coming from woke society. They really care what other people think. If they thought it was popular to kill pigs, they would flip in a second and love this photo. Renee Murphy, do none of them know where their food comes from? So I'm sure it's been enlightening for all of these people, the 50 percent of the staff or whatever the percentage is at CrossFit Inc. that didn't work there before that's been hired, the mass amount of hiring they've been done, the mass amount of people they've hired who don't do CrossFit, when you interact with Dave, I'm sure it's eye-opening. I'm sure they've never met a true operator before, and it was eye-opening for me. I get it. There's this thing when you manage talent.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I get it. There's this thing. There's this thing when you manage talent. It doesn't matter when you have super duper high talent. You have to realize that the main objective is not to get them to comply, not to get them to fit in, but to get the product you want for them. And I'll give you an example. If you have this amazing painter, but he always comes to work naked, but he's the best painter in the world, but you have a policy at work that says you have to be clothed. You don't enforce that policy. That's your ego. There's nothing practical there. That's all on you. The whole mission is about, about put your ego aside and have the greatest painter. And what they've done, I guarantee you you we're going to hear from hopefully eventually we'll hear from dave depending on how fat the check they cut him
Starting point is 00:08:49 um we'll hear that they were unable to manage him he's just he's their ego got in the way but there won't be anything it'll be the same it'll be the same i hate to bring myself into this it'll be the same as me there'll be nothing they'll be able to point out that was um wrong with your performance no one will say that dave didn't show up to work no one will say that the games were getting better every year no one will say that he didn't stay within budget no one will say he didn't inspire the community no one will say that he didn't show leadership you yeah you all us motherfuckers that fucking hated trump look what we got now i mean i am telling you this thing if i am an affiliate i am tripping balls i'm tripping balls
Starting point is 00:09:34 you're gonna hear some of these fucking dumb shit athletes, these maggots, these vultures, and these hyenas come out and think it's okay to say something. He made us wear shoes. It's his fault that we had to wear the Reebok shoes, and I got a blister on my foot, and I've hated Dave ever since 2018. I'm telling you sounds like you heard that and you've been you've been just waiting to to repeat it I mean just you hear you hear everything I mean the the the the it's it's funny because I'm doing all this research on Ariel uh Lowen and and she's like she she's still like she still can't believe how good she is. Right. She's just starting to realize how good she is. So she's nothing like the other athletes.
Starting point is 00:10:28 As soon as one of these fuckers gets on the podium, everything changes. Everything changes. I mean, you, you know who I'm talking about. You guys love some of these people. You guys are in my DMs telling me how much you love some of these people and they're fucking just. Dave or, um, seven, a lot seven a lot of i think a lot of people have just joined in recently yes there's i don't know if dave has been fired but there was an announcement sent to crossfit hq minutes ago from the um the guy who told us he owns the company
Starting point is 00:10:58 which he doesn't own maybe he's like four percent owner% owner. That guy who bamboozled you guys and told you that he was buying the company, his rhetoric and his semantics, he convinced us that he was buying the company and that he cared about it. Well, now there's evidence that really he just made the purchase like any rich fucker. He was fucking depressed and he went out and bought a Lamborghini. Unfortunately, what he bought was CrossFit Inc and there's 15,000 small businesses around the world that rely on that.
Starting point is 00:11:31 And it's a lifeboat for us to save millions of people's lives. And for him, it's possibly a hobby. There's, there's that reach is far greater than even just those 15,000 businesses. You think about all the businesses that were born out of this, this movement. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Okay. You guys want to hear the letter that went out to the members from what I can tell to every employee at CrossFit Inc this evening, approximately 30 minutes ago. I thought I was going to get hired back to do the games this year. I was like, damn, my shit's blowing up. Team. I've made the difficult.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Excuse me. Take two. This is from Eric. This is from Eric Rosa to the staff at HQ. the staff at HQ. Are people trying to call the show and I just turned the volume down so we don't hear the live callings? That actually may be happening. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I can't wait to hear from some fucking affiliates how they feel about this. Team, I've made the difficult decision to change the leadership of the sport team to best support CrossFit's go-forward plans, and Dave Castro will be leaving the business. Over the last 15 years, Dave has played a key role in building CrossFit into what is today. His vision, creativity, drive have taken the CrossFit Games from an informal backyard competition at his family's ranch
Starting point is 00:13:14 into a global phenomenon with hundreds of thousands of participants and millions of viewers worldwide. Dave was also a central figure in the growth of CrossFit's training business, helping to scale the seminar department to reach tens of thousands of trainers. All of us in the world of CrossFit owe Dave a debt of gratitude for his contributions, and we wish him well as he brings his talents to his next chapter. Dave has assembled a world-class team, which will now be led by Justin Berg, and we are excited to see this new generation of leadership build on his
Starting point is 00:13:45 legacy as we work together to bring our sport to the next level of success. I look forward to seeing you at the next week's all-hands meeting. Let me tell you what that looks like. First of all, I don't know when the last time Rosa's been to an all-hands meeting. No one on the, hardly anyone on the staff has heard from Rosa since he declared he's mentally disabled a couple months ago. from Rosa since he declared he's mentally disabled a couple months ago. And, yeah, this is – this company, I'm telling you, all they care about now is going to be mitigating damage. I don't know if I should hold that against them. I'm saying that like that's a bad thing. I mean, yeah, what else can they do? What else can they do?
Starting point is 00:14:35 No, no, no. Dave will never let us talk. Are you kidding me? Hill to hill, Dave will just come on, talk for 10 minutes, and then say the podcast is over. Oh my goodness, guys. I'm so sorry. I don't have my headphones on. That's why I can't see your calling.
Starting point is 00:14:50 So sorry. Here we go. God, the calls are pouring in. Mr. Rodriguez. So everyone knows this guy's biased as shit. He's Mexican like Dave. Go ahead, Kevin. Okay. So I'm watching the show live and I put it on pause,
Starting point is 00:15:07 but I want to ask you a question and it's kind of playing the devil's advocate. If you could clarify what, how do I frame this? What does Dave bring that no one else can bring? No, not that. More of like Glassman versus Rosa. Where was Glassman taking the company? And now that Rosa is in.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Glassman believed in CrossFit. Rosa believes in the games. When Rosa came on board, he didn't even know what the L1 team was, is what their function was. He had no respect for them. When he spoke about the pillars of the company, he didn't even mention the L1 team. He has no idea what CrossFit is.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Zero. He thinks CrossFit is CrossFit games. In his text to me when I left the company, he said, hey, thank you for everything you've done for the sport. Like no one's ever said that to me in the 15 years I've been here. Like the sport? The sport? Like come on, dude. Like I get it from people from the outside i get it if you're just a regular joe and like you just look at chicks and you just see
Starting point is 00:16:13 big tits i get it but like if you don't got a good ticker in there a good heart if you're not venereal disease free like who cares how great your tits are? The games are just the thin, thin epidermis on this great thing called CrossFit. I had to do everything in my power to hold back on Jake Marconi trying to tell me that there needs to be a balance and symbiosis and an equivalence between the games and CrossFit. You're a fucking idiot if you fucking think that. Sorry, I don't mean to say he's an idiot. It's just you totally have no fucking clue. What's going on. It's like thinking if you wash your hands.
Starting point is 00:16:50 And you're 400 pounds overweight. Your heart is still in good condition. Doesn't work like that. It's all. This is all affiliate man. There is nothing without the training team. And the affiliates. The games are a fucking circus.
Starting point is 00:17:04 They're a sideshow. And Greg knew that. And don't get me wrong. I didn't agree with what Greg was doing with the games. The games should have been used as the greatest tool in the world to push forward this methodology that will save people's lives, teach people not to eat added sugar and refined carbohydrates and to train regularly.
Starting point is 00:17:26 But you would hear Greg say on the regular, you will not out-train a good diet, a bad diet. And I wish I could tell you different. He would say just your diet is 95%. We'll get you the 95 yard line. So there is no comparison between Rose and Greg. Did I lose you, Mr. Rodriguez? No, absolutely not. Sorry. And I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to say this by playing devil's advocate. There's no comparison. Eric Rose is a 50-year-old guy who can keep his dick hard three seconds longer because he found CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And he found a vein on his bicep, so he's excited. on his bicep so he's excited greg is the founder and creator and push this thing forward with no interest other than to try to fucking give not even save the world he was convinced it was impossible to save the world but give people the opportunity in the world who wanted to save themselves jump on these lifeboats and there's no one at crossfit inc who know who who will push that now the only person who still knows it who has any influence over there any is nicole carroll and she's man you heard you got to think her days are numbered you got to think her days and she's gonna she's gonna feel really isolated going she's gonna feel like go ahead i want to ask you a question and then i'm gonna jump off this call and continue watching live okay and
Starting point is 00:18:42 i'm gonna open my uh i'm gonna open my door because it's hot as shit in here okay go on okay so was this kicking dave out precedented did anyone see this coming i don't know you know i don't know okay i mean you you have to know that these guys can't handle they cannot handle someone someone of Dave's talent. They've never managed a talent of this degree. They've never managed a character of this degree. That was obvious from just the three months or four months, however long I worked there while we were still there. You could tell they were like, holy shit. And CrossFit Inc. used to be filled with people like Dave. There used to be a ton of operators of the highest level. Now there's one, and they can't manage them. Man, talent is hard to fucking manage.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Maybe Dave quit. No, I appreciate that. No, Dave did not quit. Dave did not quit. Two more questions, and I'm going to say both of them, and then I'm going to hop off. Okay. I don't believe you.
Starting point is 00:19:47 How could they kick him out? And let's say kick him out because we don't know whether he resigned, whether he was forced. How did they kick him out? Because Rose is his boss. And I'm sure I have to imagine the people on the board are smarter than rosen are tripping they must be tripping it's gonna be really now at all it's all in dave's hands what's dave gonna do and and i don't know if there is a right thing to do i hope they give him a fucking shit ton of money and he fucking shuts his mouth and walks away and never talks to me again too
Starting point is 00:20:24 they're like and to stop talking to that dipshit savant i hope he's filthy rich but i don't think they're going to be able to do that and i think uh they're in big trouble like really big trouble and and i and i'm really curious what the affiliates are going to say like even if you hate this guy you have to be like hold hold on a second. Hold on a second. Like he's the real deal, man. He was the real deal. He is the real deal. I guarantee you what happened was is that there's all these new serial executives on the team. There's this president guy from England who came from like Panda Express or Nike or wherever the fuck he came from.
Starting point is 00:21:03 There's this other chick from Waze. They got Rosa from Oracle. They got this dude. What's the guy's name? When they introduced him to us in my very first meeting with the entire company, Eric Rosa introduced him as a black American. I'd never heard anyone introduced as a black fucking American. What's the guy's name?
Starting point is 00:21:24 He's really nice. I don't know. I think he runs the affiliate team. American. What's the guy's name? He's really nice. I don't know. I think he runs the affiliate team. I can't remember this dude's name. And that dude came from SoulCycle. That was my point. You guys, CrossFit, Morning Chalk Up already wrote an article, but Sevan broke the news first. That's right.
Starting point is 00:21:47 That's right. Where is this going? I didn't break the news. Rosa broke the news. Let's be super clear about that. Where is this going to take us with the integrity of the game? Where is this going to take us with the affiliates in CrossFit? What are they going to try to do? Just go over to your local Orange Theory and look how
Starting point is 00:22:04 they run.'s that's exactly where crossfit's headed yep uh curves orange theory um everything and you can and don't get me wrong you can still fucking save your life over there but everything badass about this place that made you want to wear a crossfit t-shirt i mean I mean... Dude, dude, they got rid of this. They got rid of this. Thank you for answering my call. All right. they got rid of fucking pukey imagine that they got rid of fucking pukey they got rid of pukey uncle rabdo i'm sure he's been long gone
Starting point is 00:23:01 did we lose Victor Rodriguez? Hector? He said thank you. He was taking his call and answering his questions, and he hung up. Hello? Hello? What's going on? Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:23:17 Well, you might have to come on and talk. We can hear you. He's giving me a thumbs up. Audio, default, Mac, Rodecaster Pro. Hello? Ah, much better Rodecaster Pro. Hello? Much better. Good? Yeah. And let's be clear,
Starting point is 00:23:32 this is very emotional for me too. Oh, what the heck's on your neck, Sevan? God, no one's ever supposed to see this. Sorry. That's how I talk to, they're wearable speakers because I'm old. This is how I talk on the phone because I don't put things in my ear anymore. I don't – by the way, I don't recommend – if you are cheating on your wife or if you don't want Eric Rosa to hear what you're saying, you don't want these because people around you can hear your conversation when you wear wearable speakers.
Starting point is 00:23:59 They're not like bone conduction. Should we look over at the morning chalk up and see what LaFranco says? See if there's anything new in there. We can. Do you want to pull that? No, we'd nothing new. We'll in there.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It's just a recap. Nothing that I think is worth discussing. Okay. Okay. Okay. So it's out. So it's out. I always think of LeFranco as kind of a shill for CrossFit. Like basically he has to do this dance with Weinstein over there.
Starting point is 00:24:41 They're a PR guy. He's not a media guy. That guy just loves problems so that he can fix them and make himself stay relevant. And I wonder, uh, I wonder how Justin got that. If he just got it the same way I got it, like from Rose's email that came out.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Um, uh, Dave Castro, please make the games at the ranch. only no athletes should do the open for the crossfit anymore they should call it the ranch games let's make it the ranch games and fuck you're as emotional as i am nancy settle down only one person can be this uh ah look at this one stefan is stuck in in 2012 Hey, Adrian, I wish. I fucking wish.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Go get your fifth booster, Adrian, and shut the fuck up. Brian, bring us back. What happens now? Yeah, bring us back, Brian. What happens now? So what happens now? What do you think happens with the games? Who's going to do the programming over there?
Starting point is 00:25:41 Is Justin Berg going to do it? Are they going to call him? There's been a lot of questions and comments about that the thing that you read there said justin is gonna step into that role yep so you know there were some some comments some people who had said that justin should just should go with dave you should just like you shouldn't continue without him and i think that to a lot of people as you know just just most people didn't know who just. And I think that to a lot of people, as you know, just, just most people didn't know who Justin was for a long time.
Starting point is 00:26:07 He started making like small appearances in the documentaries. And then he's had bigger and bigger presence there. But really, if you don't, if you never worked for cross or anything or worked at the games or volunteer at the games, you never would really interact with him. And so he's just like the background figure where Dave's in the foreground
Starting point is 00:26:26 for a long time. So it does have kind of a weird feeling for Dave to be removed and him to just step to the front. But it also kind of makes sense if you're going to put someone there. It's a guy who's been the closest to that process for the longest time. So you can kind of see it both ways with Justin. Was this always in the – and I want to circle back about Justin, was this always in the works due to Dave saying that he wouldn't be doing the open anymore? No, actually the backstory on that's
Starting point is 00:26:53 quite interesting. Many years ago, the CEO that Greg hired that Dave actually replaced, him and Greg told Dave that he couldn't do the open anymore and that and what's the irony of that is just weeks before they told dave hey we don't want you to do the open anymore david told me hey i'm not going to do the open anymore but the second they told him that he was like fuck this is bullshit i'm doing i want to do this on my own on my own on my own is it just on my own dave said i want to do this on my own, on my own, on my own. Is it just on my own? Dave said, I want to do this on my own.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And basically when they forced him to do it, he got fucking pissed. So then the company was sold, and then Dave started doing the open again, and then he said, hey, now I really am going to step down away from the open because I can do it on my own accord as my own man. He just doesn't like anyone telling him what to do. I guarantee you that's what happened. Something happened. They push. They were probably trying to push like like all of these things must have been weighing on Dave because Greg would have Greg would have never allowed some of the things that are going on there, like the sale of these thorn vitamins. This thing we're bringing doctors in to harvest money
Starting point is 00:28:02 from the affiliate members. David. Greg would have never allowed any of this monetization of the community. Greg called it leaving money on the table. Just leave it all for the affiliates. He would have never allowed this. And so now that that's happening, I guarantee you that Dave and other people are pushing back and they reached a point where he was probably trying to maintain the integrity of the brand and and and it broke and it broke and and and and they don't have the leadership there there's clearly no the leadership there is atrocious and like really what they should have done is they should have fired rosa and made dave the leader like if that if that if that leadership team was having trouble
Starting point is 00:28:43 managing that talent at that point you you you replace the leadership team was having trouble managing that talent, at that point you replace the leadership team. You guys understand that, right? If you're the producer of a movie and the director can't get Brian to act properly or can't get the best work out of Brian, you don't fire Brian. You get rid of the director. Yeah, CrossFit did die tonight. I mean they still got Nicole over there but I mean she's she's going to be toast there's another perspective there is that
Starting point is 00:29:10 CrossFit is I think as critical as some people have been to the evolution of CrossFit they've also created an opportunity for so many people to learn about CrossFit and there are tens of thousands of people around the world who have the
Starting point is 00:29:26 knowledge and have the experience to, to maintain that in their own communities. If they, if they choose to, even if the, you know, the mothership, so to speak,
Starting point is 00:29:38 isn't operating the same way that they were used to it. It is really hard not picking up the shiny objects and making the money. And that's what Greg was so good at. Uh, go ahead, Mr. Smith. Um, I was just gonna kind of talk to the other perspective too. Very, very sad to hear that. And it feels like the end of an era. It makes me want to throw up to be honest. Like literally, I'm not saying that not figuratively, like literally.
Starting point is 00:30:03 No. Yeah. Yeah. You have that feeling in your stomach. Yeah. I feel the same way. But does that kill the game system as we know it now? And are they going to run, is this going to open up for everybody else just to run like their own tournament style cross? But now almost like how tennis runs their tournaments, different tournaments in the year
Starting point is 00:30:25 points for each tournament well you know you got to think that henniger was always smelling blood in the water like like you you got to know that bill and katie like like they're even so i don't know this i'm completely speculating this bill and katie play nice with the crossfit games because the crossfit affiliates buy so much rogue shit right yeah rogues the bomb i mean like going to that website's like it reminds me of being a little kid in a toy store right there really is no better website if you're a crossfitter you just it's dangerous it's like crack for us and they know any moment they could take the crossfit games from crossfit they could just take it at any moment if they wanted to. They don't obviously,
Starting point is 00:31:06 because they're trying to play nice as my guests, because they still, they need that, that community and those gyms. And every time a gym sells and every time new, new, um, there's a pant,
Starting point is 00:31:16 like a pandemic and people have to like buy more workout gear. Like they want to be affiliated with the community. So they play nice with the games, but if they wanted to, if they found a way to tighten their belt and be able to sell equipment to all the gyms in the world like they have to the crossfit community then yeah they could take the games at any moment the games is so vulnerable nike could take it anyone could take it it's so vulnerable but the problem is this the the like the games first of all the games don't make any money and then second of all like
Starting point is 00:31:46 this community there will be no integrity anymore this thing is going i mean you already see with that thing julie foucher is standing up and then you see it with this thorn deal and then you like this thing is going to be fall apart and just become just another it's just coca-cola all over again it's just they're just selling widgets like it's not um there will be dreamers there'll be people still like who open affiliates and they want to help people and save people and like brian said the little niches will be in communities but the but the spirit of the big movement it's it's this is right yeah yeah this is that this is. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, this is worth noting. Dave visits Greg and gets fired not long after. Sure, sure, sure. So is there room now for like a newer group to step up and take over what the old, no, no, what the old CrossFit stood for? No. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. You don't think there's people in the space that want to step up and try to bring back that
Starting point is 00:32:53 and let the Games be its own entity and be run differently? If the Games were its own entity, though, it just becomes like Strongman or just like fucking track and field or just one of those things you only see every four years. I mean think of all the shit that's in the Olympics. None of those fucking people in the Olympics, they pop up once every four years, and then they're poor again.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Like this thing is not close to – like have you ever read the book about the history of ESPN? Do you know about the history of ESPN? It was basically for 30 years floated with getty money oil money it was a father and son who started it and they thought it would be cool to stream high school sports 24 hours a day and then someone else picked it up and someone else picked it up and for 30 years it was losing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars that's what the crossfit games is it's just a fucking it's just a giant fucking money pit to help promote um to celebrate crossfit
Starting point is 00:33:47 but there's a new owner there who thinks it's actually real just like the fans think it's real they think it's real it's not i'm telling you it's not it's a fucking party it's not sustainable no it's still nothing sustainable right now. the heart, the liver, the kidneys, you know, you exercise regularly. You're right. I mean, the skin's got, the skin can then flourish and we don't have to worry about the inside, but, but the games are just the outside. It's soon as you scratch past the games, there's someone losing a hundred pounds in an affiliate, right? Of course. Yeah. So this thing can't, um, and man, where's the mojo without our seal team six asshole.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Right. No offense, Justin Berg. I worked with him a long time. Hard worker. But he's he's he's he's made for corporate America. Dave's a fucking activist, a killer. Right. That's who I want programming the games. That's why I believe that Fraser T and Rich Froning are the fittest because that asshole programs. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:07 They just don't want to ask this right now, I guess. Hey, how many people are promoting an event by showing the guy who did it barfing like Dave did a couple days ago? I mean, I think those days are over. There's going to be – I'm telling you, it's going to happen that they're going to take swimming out of the games because black people don't have enough access to pools. I'm telling you and i say that it's not even true it's colton mertens doesn't know white motherfuckers dwarf white motherfuckers don't have access to pools either thank you i try he's finding a way
Starting point is 00:35:38 i have to open my door brian entertain his next question or should i hang up on this dude he's this guy's on fentanyl. You can hang up. Not on fentanyl. I'm not used to these call-in shows. It's kind of entertaining. Dave will not speak on it. He might to Seban because that interview interaction with them is that well.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Give him time. Okay. Well, I'm not sure where he's going or what. Maybe he's not sure where he's going with the direction here either. But Savan. Savan, are you there? Yeah. Yeah, it is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:36:19 This is some surreal shit. Surreal shit. Savan, what do you think about the thought that – is this something that he could have done forever, program the games, or was it inevitable that at some point he'd have to move on? No, I think he was going to step away. I think he was going to just a bigger – I think he wanted to step away from doing the Open.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Well, I'll tell you this. I know that he was crushed when he was separated from the training team he thought his true his true contribution to crossfit inc was the training team he loved working with nicole he loved working with the trainers he loved that um and then when he was taken away from that he said that uh but basically the same way that i'm saying he i think he was unfulfilled professionally with just the games. You know, it was a – so him and Nicole made the same amount of money at CrossFit Inc., and then Dave started the games and was never given a raise, never made any money off it. Like that's the way it was there. Like just something he just did. There was no –
Starting point is 00:37:23 like just something he just did. There was no. Yeah. And so, you know, I guess I think that there's, you know, there's, I don't know if we should really talk too much about the future right now. You know, we're just going to be speculating different things. I think it, you know, it's a little bit, give me a little bit. What are they getting? That's fine. But I think there, I think that what you just said about Dave and, and what he did for the affiliates is something that is not known by a lot of people you know who've entered into cross in the last five years because he's say that again i don't i don't think that that you know everyone necessarily
Starting point is 00:37:58 understands how pivotal he was in the affiliate movement. Um, you know, because people have just found, people are continuing to find CrossFit all the time. And in the last couple of years, that has not been a focus of any of the media surrounding him really. Right. I mean, they haven't done any, the media is just, has just been pathetic. As I mentioned earlier for the last four years, I can't just blame Rosa for the two years, but, but, but I mean, that was a massively missed opportunity. You know, Greg and that other. But you, but you, but you had an opportunity to see that is what, is what I'm saying, you know, right. Because, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:35 between 2009 and 13 is when there was just a huge surge of affiliates. So you think there's some people who came to the sport and they're like, okay, Dave's Dave's fired. Okay. Bye Dave. Okay. Justin Berg, you're up. Let's some people who came to the sport and they're like, okay, Dave's fired. Okay, bye, Dave. Okay, Justin Berg, you're up. Let's go. Let's do the open. Come on.
Starting point is 00:38:49 No, I'm saying that, well, I don't know. But Dave was a- There's got to be. I mean, I agree with you. There must be some people who are like that. They have no realization of, just like there's people who think the games can sustain. Basically, I want to ask you something.
Starting point is 00:39:03 It's like back during that time, not only were the affiliates growing, the games were obviously growing and moving as well. And you were, you were working with Dave during a lot of this time, but we, most people who just get to see what's going on, associate him with the games, but how much of the, of his time working for CrossFit was he spending working for the affiliates or for the level one staff? Greg, Greg, Dave had his hand in everything. To give you an example, one of the projects he did on his own, he went to every affiliate in San Diego. He basically went to an affiliate every day for like 117 days.
Starting point is 00:39:39 He was involved in the training team deeper than anyone outside of Nicole Carroll. He was involved with the games. He was involved with the accounting office. He was, nothing happened at CrossFit HQ. He was involved with the lawyers, the legal team, nothing happened. Even when people tried to keep him out, if Greg was doing something, he didn't want Greg involved. Everyone still would come to Dave for leadership. There was, there were, he had, he, he had such tremendous insight into everything. Would come to Dave for leadership. There was. He had. He.
Starting point is 00:40:07 He had such tremendous insight into everything. And he was. And he was always available there for you. And he always gave it to you straight. There was no like. Nothing was sugarcoated. Hey that was horrible. Hey that was good.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Hey I would do this. Yeah he was. He was involved in everything. Even when he was deployed overseas. And he was going out on jobs every single night, he would Google chat with us and keep us up to speed on stuff. anyone else there um the thing is is there are some amazing people still there and i don't want to say their names to fucking jinx them or put a fucking target on their back but there's other people there who the um there there must be they must be devastated tonight there's people there who just like their only hope in the last four years, the last two years at CrossFit when Greg was there, and in these last two years where I'm sure it's just been a nightmare. Actually, it probably went from a nightmare to just a major disappointment.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So, yeah, Brian is the future. Hey, man, now that Greg, Savon, Dave are gone, is Nicole the last breath? Yeah, I mean, like I said, there are other people there. There are some fucking legends who've been there forever. I just don't want to, like, start dropping their names and. I don't want to start driving their names, but man, everyone, everyone, everyone in the company, there was someone in every department in that company who looked at Dave for leadership. I wonder if they have to run something like this past the board. The board cannot possibly think this is a good idea.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Seven, you should summarize what we're talking about real quick. About 15 minutes ago, maybe a little bit longer, I got notice that Eric Rose had sent out a letter to all the staff at CrossFit HQ basically saying that Dave was gone. I'll give you the exact, if I can find the exact. I read it earlier. Let me see if I can find it. Oh, okay. It's basically this. It says, team, I've made the difficult decision to change the leadership of the sport team to best support CrossFit go-forward plans, and Dave Castro will be leaving the business.
Starting point is 00:42:42 So I got news of that, Uh, I don't know, 50, 60 minutes ago, uh, morning chocolate also posted it. So they must've got news of it too. And, um, I immediately reached out to Dave and asked him if it was true. Um, he said it was true. Uh, and, uh, I said, is it a mutual? And he said, absolutely not. They wanted it to they wanted to paint the picture that it was mutual, but it is not mutual. And I've seen them do that many, many, many, many, many times. Here's your check. Here's the story we're going to go with. I mean, they've had Gary Gaines. That's the guy I was trying to think of earlier that was introduced to me in that meeting. trying to think of earlier that was introduced to me uh in that meeting um dave was the last of the individuals who crossfit was designed for and by the military the elite special forces now crossfit has gotten rid of the tip of the sword i mean that's uh that's i mean if you don't know
Starting point is 00:43:40 the story about uh dave finding crossFit, it's definitely worth hearing. Maybe I can have him tell that story, but yeah, Dave basically was part of the people who found part of the original seal team guys that found CrossFit and brought it to the seal teams and started doing it with Pat Sherwood, exploring it and realized that it was the way, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:00 I have the podcast with Josh Bridges. Josh Bridges will tell you that in 2005, he started CrossFit to become a seal. And that when he went to buds and i spoke to his buds instructor there they said josh was the fittest guy in his class by far so um please get tdc on and expose the bs that's going on to you i will but you know what i'm hoping that they just cut him like what i hope they cut him a check for like three million dollars and there's says like don't do podcasts with sebon don't be friends with Sebon. That would be stoke for him.
Starting point is 00:44:28 But man, he's tough. He's going to be fucking expensive. Oh, man. That boy has integrity. James Hobart, Spencer, Austin, they will be better choice right now. Give the OGs some reason to stick with the Kool-Aid. The thing is, I think it's Austin Maliolo's gym is demanding that people get vaccinated he's that to me that's
Starting point is 00:44:50 just a makes him a lost cause you cannot work out in that gym unless you're vaccinated they posted that on their instagram today or yesterday the same day that a study just came out of belgium i think it's bel no norway of 12 000 people showing that if you are vaccinated and even more so if you have a booster that Omicron spreads faster amongst you than the unvaccinated. And then this guy that you're saying still holds the flame, Austin, Austin Maliolo, he's got – I think it's his gym. Sorry if it's not, Austin. It's called One Nation CrossFit. They're saying you can't go to their gym unless you're vaccinated. It basically means, hey, come in here and spread the disease.
Starting point is 00:45:29 And don't anyone tell me that the city of Boston has to – that's a mandate of the city of Boston, so they have to do it. Who cares? They didn't have to post that. They didn't have to – and then they say that they're committed to the health and safety of the people. They ain't committed to shit. They're committed to – health and safety of the people they ain't committed to shit they're committed to just tell the truth hey i'm fucking terrified the city of boston is going to shut my gym down so you can't come in here without an injection i mean i would much rather have you be honest now you're a fucking liar uh devon you've already given money stop
Starting point is 00:45:59 i mean thank you that's very kind of you you're a good dude uh i i and someone was thinking that dave would probably start his own thing i don't think dave would do that i don't think he's interested i i think he seems like the type of guy that dave is vaccinated dave who i don't think dave is vaccinated i don't think he's allowed in the offices at HQ. What were you going to say, Brian? Sorry. No, I mean, he does seem like the kind, he seems like a very private guy. And, you know, we know that he's always kept his family life very separate from everything else. And it'd be easy to see him just kind of, you know, recede into that for a little while. But I don't think that there's, I think that Dave does believe really strongly in the, in, in what CrossFit does. And that story that you mentioned about when, how he found
Starting point is 00:46:49 CrossFit, when, what he describes that as, this is the saving of his life is, uh, is not something that he says lightly. So I think that there's a good chance that in one capacity or another, he might, you know, resurface in a, in some kind of a, you know, maybe an advisory role or as part of a team or something that does something, you know, a year or two from now. I think, I think Bill Hanager hires him. Very well could be. That's a good story as well as the, of the story of when. I don't know if I really think that, but man, that's a great story. I just love that. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one
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Starting point is 00:48:38 You know, he's a man of great dignity, great integrity, honesty. He will also, and he's very calculated. He's very calculated. He's extremely calculated. This woman, Julie Bauer, she says, Savon saved my life. She was in a burning building, high on heroin and nodding off, and I ran in and carried her out. I carried her appropriately.
Starting point is 00:49:00 I kept my hands on three and six at all times. Or is it three and nine? Three and 12. Three and 12. 3 and 6. I think he will... Let's see. I think... I don't think so, Brian. I think he will move on privately. Unfortunately, yeah. I think he will too.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I think that we will... I think there'll be a period of that. But I think that eventually he might come back into the space in a less public role. Man, that would be awesome. Foreign country, how are you? Good, how are you?
Starting point is 00:49:35 My name is Flynn. I'm from Australia. Oh, hey, what's up? How are you? Tell me your name. I'm Flynn. Swing? Flynn.
Starting point is 00:49:44 S-L-y-n-n oh sling never met a sling s-l-y-n-n sling yep yeah how you guys doing
Starting point is 00:49:54 good I'm fucking tripping I'm tripping tripping about what I'm tripping that Dave got fired oh no shit I was talking about it to the guys in the gym.
Starting point is 00:50:05 I thought it was a joke, but it's obviously not. Yeah, I'm tripping. Are you actually being fired, or is he like, what's actually happening? I know that it wasn't mutual. I mean, those are the words I can tell you. I know it wasn't mutual. Well, he posted something on Instagram like two days ago about the CrossFit Open. Yeah, yeah. and he posted something on instagram like two days ago about the crossfit open yeah yeah maybe maybe the new regime doesn't like to see um the sport promoted by one of the top athletes
Starting point is 00:50:32 vomiting in order to sell open tickets god i love people love that people want to see that oh yeah they they think that these new guys don't even know what fucking CrossFit is. These fucking new guys. The lady runs the media teams from Waze. The guy who's the CEO is from Oracle. The other guy, Gary Gaines, who runs the affiliates is from SoulCycle. Like, you're not supposed to vomit on your new SoulCycle clothes. Come on, man. Like, half the staff there, but you doesn't even do CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Well, anyway, something else I want to talk about. I don't know if we're allowed to. This better be good. What? No, no, no. You'll like it. Do you follow the tennis at all? The Grand Slams? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, are you going to talk about
Starting point is 00:51:18 what's-his-name-can't-come-to-Australia? No, he doesn't have to come now. This guy, Grand's grants him permission he's playing he is what's his name Novak what Djokovic Novak yeah
Starting point is 00:51:29 yeah he's won the last like 4 or 5 in Australia wow yeah it's absolutely uproar it's uproar yeah so they're gonna let him play even though he's not vaccinated
Starting point is 00:51:40 but the rest of your country has to fucking suck to fucking go in the grocery store that's incredible yep I fucking love that. I know, right? Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:51:47 You love that? Fuck, man. I hate that shit. I love, yeah, well, you know what I mean. I mean, I don't love, like, I just love the hypocrisy. Yeah, I know you, man. It just, it's, it's...
Starting point is 00:51:57 I know, the government, people are gonna just, people are planning to bloody boycott and boom and stuff, which half is, half the government's not allowing it to happen. It's just corruption. Yeah, that's nuts.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Well, you might like that, yeah. Yeah. Hey, do me a favor and have a moment of silence in your gym today for Dave's passing, please. I will do. I'll pass over the couch. Okay. Yeah, take care.
Starting point is 00:52:24 All right. Thanks, man. Okay. You guys take care. All right. Thanks, man. Bye. I wonder if they're still going to use my open workout. No shit. Is that tonight? No shit. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Someone's calling me. I'll call you back in a couple of minutes. Hello. Caller, how are you? Wait, no, sorry. Now go.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Now tell me how you are. Good, man. Yourself? I'm great. Hey, man. I just logged into YouTube and saw your posting about Dave, man. That's crazy. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Where are you from? You got a little accent. I'm from Gilroy, man. It's crazy. Crazy. Where are you from? You got a little accent. I'm from Gilroy, California. Oh, what? Yeah. Do you know Dave? Yeah, kind of. I kind of know his brother, too.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Oh, yeah. Yeah, okay. Oh, you don't have a foreign accent. You have a Gilroy accent. Oh, come on, dude. I'm from Watsonville originally. You drive a car that's lowered to the ground and has a custom paint job. I wish.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I just drive a normal Honda, man. Yeah, it's crazy. This is absolutely nuts. He is an outstanding human being. It's a massive, massive, massive loss to the community and to people's health and fitness worldwide. Yeah, I totally agree, man. I wonder who's going to take over.
Starting point is 00:53:57 It's going to be interesting. Ronald McDonald. Probably Rich Froney, man. He'll probably like you know unretired from teams and go bad um it is going to be interesting if they hey you bring up a really good point what if they try to do something like that that they're basically setting anyone up who steps into that spot for failure right so like if all of a sudden they're like it's okay guys we're going to have rich promote it there's going to be so many people who fucking shit on that that's oh yeah really
Starting point is 00:54:30 good point they better be careful with that whoever whoever thinks it's going to be fun to fucking take dave's spot you better be careful yep that is not you are going to be have a massive fucking bullseye on your back it's just crazy how like the sport like the closet has changed so much ever since like you guys started in 2010 right in 10 years it's not how everything has changed it's just crazy man no new people coming in new regime you know it's just crazy it would be fine if the if the people who were in it all you need to do to be successful at CrossFit Inc. is have the people in it and change their life, right? It's basically the same as the Catholic Church. You want someone who like God – they found God and it changed their life.
Starting point is 00:55:15 You want someone who was like high on fentanyl, found CrossFit, and it saved their life. Fine. Get a job here. You were fat as fuck and you couldn't walk up the stairs in your house. You lost weight, found CrossFit. You can now use the second floor of your house. Yeah. And now it's not like that anymore.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Nope. And that's what made it a mega brand. Yeah. They should call back Greg Amundsen back into CrossFit, man. He could bring God back into CrossFit and everything like that. Greg Amundsen sold his uh gym yeah i i kind of heard that that was a couple weeks ago right he moved back to move over to the east coast or something like that right yeah he cruised over there sounds
Starting point is 00:55:55 like he's got a pretty gnarly job with uh law enforcement over there oh that's crazy man yeah i used to attend his gym i was a member for for like two to three years. Oh, cool. Yeah, man. Well, thanks a lot, man. Appreciate it. I enjoy you guys' podcast, you know, with Brian, too. So, thanks a lot. Appreciate it. Thank you for letting me profile you.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Hello. Pomona. Hey, Siobhan. How's it going? That's one of those cities you used to be able to go out at night and you can't anymore, huh? No, you can't. Definitely not. I know. What the fuck is happening to California?
Starting point is 00:56:34 A lot. So what's up? You need a shoulder to cry on? What are you doing? Yeah. No. I was introduced to Dave in 2009 at the L1 CERT at USC. And he was a super cool dude and ran into him a couple more times.
Starting point is 00:56:57 One time at Aromas, where I saw you, actually. Who was nicer to you, me or Dave? Dave. Oh, that's bullshit. That is bullshit. Who was nicer to you, me or Dave? Dave. Oh, that's bullshit. That is bullshit. I was probably just shy and insecure. You were nice, too. And I actually ran into Sherwood up there at the same time.
Starting point is 00:57:17 But any time I ran into Dave, he always recognized me. So, like, at the OC Throwdown in 2010, he would see me and be like, hey, what's up, dude? He's just always a cool dude. So it's a bummer to hear about him getting fired like this. Now, before I think that's really cool that he recognized you or not, are you like a burn victim or do you stand out? Are you missing an arm or anything that's like, was he cheating? Do you have like a fork hanging out of your eyeball or anything like that
Starting point is 00:57:46 distinguishes you from everyone else at first glimpse? No, I'm just a normal looking guy. You're not a dwarf? Uh, no, not quite. All right. Well, fuck it. That's cool. Dave's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yeah. No, it's just a trip. He's a, you know, a staple obviously. No, it's just a trip. He's a staple, obviously, and I actually am in shock that it's gotten to this point. Yeah. It makes you wonder if the picture he posted with Glassman had anything to do with it. Yeah, all that stuff. I think it's just a whole series of things. I think Dave is very, very hard to lead. He was very, very hard to work with when I first started working there.
Starting point is 00:58:29 He's extremely intense, but he's extremely open-minded, but he also takes his job more seriously than anyone you could ever fucking imagine. So it's like, and he's never told me this, but I believe it's because his job 12 years in the Navy, every decision was life or death, and that's what he brings to the table. But he's super talented, like crazy talented, crazy creative. And people want to follow him. Once you understand, once you're not a pussy anymore and you're not a bitch, you can be led by him to do anything.
Starting point is 00:58:58 He believes in people. And so I think for the leadership who was there, he was a leadership challenge because he was such a strong leader, which makes me wonder who made this decision. Because what you should have done is when you have someone who's that talented, you keep that talent and you fire the leadership for failing to be able to lead them. Do you not think it was Rosa? I mean, I don't know. I don't know who he has. I don't know who he answers to. But I know he has a board and I've heard that he doesn't own more than 5% of the company. And so I have to imagine that he had to jump through some hoops. I mean, it's a big – it's a crazy thing to fire someone like Dave who's so fucking capable.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Like I said this earlier, you're never going to be able to say that, like, he showed up to work late. He didn't perform here. This didn't grow. Like he has no shortcomings in terms of his performance. And so what did they fire? It's got to be people's egos that just didn't get along with the guy. You don't like a guy who shoots a pig on his ranch. And you're calling your boss to complain about that while you're eating bacon at the four seasons
Starting point is 01:00:05 yeah no i remember the story about when yeah i agree i remember the story when uh dave was hired it was uh you could correct me if i'm wrong but it was he would kind of show up here and there to the l1 search and then as soon as he didn't show up, last one was like, Hey, things aren't running smoothly. Where's Dave? We gotta, we gotta hire this guy. And he just got everything, everyone in order and had the leadership to, to, uh, get that flow gone. fitting most other people would have hired someone to do what dave and nicole did and what and what tony budding did tony budding nicole carroll and dave castro started a world-class media company um uh world should pull up dave's instagram thank you well are you cool should you want to do that or should i do that you got okay thanks dude um hold on a second caller uh yeah well are we past your bedtime dude what's up like you good with this you ready to party i mean it's 12 40 but i'm going i was in bed when he texted us i'm a good dude but good thing i fucking pay you guys so much money
Starting point is 01:01:18 see that you pay people good and they'll show up. Hey, what time does your regular J-O-B start tomorrow, Will? I mean, I start working at 6 a.m., but it's up to whatever I want to do. All right. I felt bad for a second. Bye. Yeah. Oh, so, okay. Is this? Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Perfect. Dave has just reposted the morning Ch so, okay. Is this, okay, perfect. Dave has just reposted the morning Chaka, so read what's highlighted. I've made the difficult decision to change the leadership of the sports, sport team to this. That's, that's a quote from Rosa in the morning Chaka, but on the right side is Dave reposted the morning Chaka and added this text that will highlight it in blue. Besides, Dave reposted the morning truck. I'm going to add this text that will highlight it in blue. Okay, I'm going to read that one second. So the post, it says, breaking, I've made the difficult decision to change the leadership of the sport team to best support CrossFit's go-forward plans, and Dave Castro will be leaving the business at Rose X. So Rosa wrote that, and Morning Chalk Up posted it.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Rosa wrote that and Morning Chalk Up posted it. Then Dave responds on Instagram and said, I have talked to Rosex once in the last three or so months during his time away. He called me tonight to fire me. He told me they had messaging prepared. This was mutual. I asked him not to use that because that couldn't be further from the truth. Okay, this is heating up. This is heating up. This is heating up.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Oh, and so here's the thing, just so you know, they're going to freak out probably about Dave. Dave's never going to do anything crazy. He's, he's just going to be honest. They,
Starting point is 01:02:58 so they have to be so crazy careful right now because everything they say, if it's not exactly right, Dave's going to correct them and he's, and he's just going to make them they say if it's not exactly right dave's gonna correct them and he's and he's just gonna make them look stupid he's not he is so sober this guy he's sober he just has equanimity he's just chill the guy's so chill uh by caller new caller how can i help you oh you're calling from from europe you're calling from amsterdam no man 801 utah calling from the tabernacle hi how can i help you
Starting point is 01:03:43 yeah join the church man you slept you slept with david the 2014 games and you have his baby no i just god i hope you're 18 how old are you yeah i am i am i miss you i'm super excited about your podcast coming up but um did you notice that he's being replaced by justin berg yeah i did see justin berg is replacing him justin's been there forever i mean that only makes sense and i'm and you know what it makes me think and i'm kind of uncovering this as i just ramble here on the show it makes me think that they're setting justin up for for failure right it's going to be impossible to follow dave and so they're going to need to fucking hit some road bumps go ahead brian hold him in front of the board well i mean look the thing about the thing about dave is you know he did way more than just program for the games the programming
Starting point is 01:04:36 is something that's public and people are aware of that and they talk about it and associate him with it but if you've ever been in the back rooms of the games, then you understand that there's this, this, like you've talked about this aura of leadership that Dave has, that is going to be difficult for anyone to replicate. But in the, you know, it's kind of, it reminds me of almost like, you know, when you fire a coach in the middle of the season, then you have like an interim coach, like it's someone who knows the system. It's someone who can step in and get you through until the, the next phase is so i don't know if that's the plan or not but at the very least justin is a good person to do that he's the only
Starting point is 01:05:13 he's the only person well when you watch the road of the games or whatever they showed you the series they showed you the back what dave was really doing it wasn't just programming like he's exercised with athletes they were he was programming for the spectators and he really knew how to like make it this sport for the spectators so i just wonder if he was going in a direction that they just didn't agree with or do you think he was just well this is this actually this is a very important thing that you mentioned here is you know know, year after year, Dave would have innovative things implemented into the various stages of the competition that then trickle out to all of the farthest reaches of CrossFit or competitive CrossFit. But even programming and affiliates, the way that floors are laid out at competitions, the way that, you know, all the decisions that everyone makes about these things. And he just subtly did this year after year after year with different movements,
Starting point is 01:06:07 which with different concepts. And, and I have to believe that he has, you know, cause I mean, when he talked about the fact that he programmed the standard, the workout, the standard, he had that idea a decade before he brought it to the games. And when Savant says this is a sober man, that kind of patience to wait for the right time with something like that makes me think that he had another 10 years worth of ideas. And that's one of the things that we're losing. Yeah, he's a straight mastermind when it comes to CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:06:37 This guy, Nicholas, write this down. This will be the best year for the CrossFit Games. I'll bet the house on it. I would love to know what you mean by best by best. You mean least trash made at the CrossFit games? Cause there'll be the fewest people attending. Is that what you are? Is that environmental?
Starting point is 01:06:52 Uh, what do you mean best? It won't be a super spreader event this year. Uh, what, what, what do you mean by best? Uh,
Starting point is 01:07:01 what's your name? Caller. Oh, this is Haley. Haley. Hey, Haley, Haley, Adam. Yeah. No, no. Haley Matosi. No, I think we said to see him go, I'm really bummed. And I hope,
Starting point is 01:07:16 I don't know. I think he has a lot of respect from a lot of athletes. And I think the athletes are going to be kind of bummed too. They are going to be super bummed. They are going to, this is going, this is going to be one of those things. Uh, this is going to be one of those things. Did you, did you do the,
Starting point is 01:07:31 were you there before when, were you at the games before Greg or sorry, before Dave or after Dave? I mean, it's, it's a whole chain. It's going to be a whole change of an era. It's a pivotal moment.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Yeah. Yeah. All right. See how it goes. Uh, I hope for CrossFit that they can keep his legacy going, but I don't think he could replace a mind like that. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:52 I agree. Well, not anytime soon. Not anytime soon. They better get, they better get like David Goggins or fucking Jocko Willick or someone like you. Even those guys can't hold them a match today.
Starting point is 01:08:03 All right. Thank you so much. Oh, Savon, why so soft? What do you mean? Because I couldn't pronounce your last name? I don't know. Just a dipshit. Nepo Moussenio.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Man, a lot of people awake tonight. Hello. Hi. Wow, this is the most women who've ever called the show. Dave's really fucking putting their heartstrings. I called Christmas Eve. This is Eva. I'm going to be hanging out with Matt at Waterpalooza.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Oh, yeah. I just said my name wrong a couple times and stuff. Yeah. Do you have her Instagram, Will will eva what's it eva yeah that one yeah um hey thanks for helping us out there brian's gonna be there too um yeah i'm excited it'll be fun i think it's gonna be you and he Heidi. It'll be Eva, Heidi, and Sousa. Wow, look at those arms. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:09:11 You know who I'm having on tomorrow speaking of arms is Taylor Williamson. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, I've been listening and watching all your lives. It's been great. Thank you. Oh, this is hilarious. Tomorrow, I don't know if i'll be able to make any of the shows though so if you're gonna miss any shows tomorrow's the day okay
Starting point is 01:09:29 oh that's the poster that's the picture i reposted of you the taco one no it's not yeah i hear you posted that one the taco one yeah that's what i just said where's the tacos i posted the taco um this is hilarious but okay well I'm calling because I oh man I'm I'm really sad about this too and I'm I'm one of those people that I got into CrossFit after doing a few years of Olympic weightlifting um so I'm kind of an outsider on this whole thing because I was I kind of just was a big fan of like documentaries and sort of thought oh oh my God, I can never do that. And then I decided to try it and now I'm doing it and it's great. I feel that this is a morning for a lot of you guys that especially were here from the beginning.
Starting point is 01:10:14 That's how, that's how it feels, especially listening and from somewhat of an outside perspective, I'm still a huge fan of everything that Dave Castro, you know, I don't, I'm looking in from the outside so it's not like I've ever talked to the guy even but what it seems like he's a really great leader Brian this is the perspective you
Starting point is 01:10:34 were talking about do you have any questions for her right I mean she's new to the club yeah yeah that's yeah what you were saying Brian about how like from the outside looking in the thing is is every year there was something with Dave. If you followed the games every year from 2007, there was always something
Starting point is 01:10:50 with the games. He yelled at an athlete one year. He changed the weights in the middle of the event this year. He did cornrows another year. There was always something with him. And so if you've been here, and then if you spoke out too harshly, get him. People would be like, hey, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:11:06 He fought for your freedoms. And he was always – there was always a mysteriousness to him. And yet he was always there yet always in the shadows. He was just fantastic for the fucking sport. When he spoke, everyone listened. There was no bravado. There was no cheese. no bravado there was no cheese there were no gimmicks it was like anytime i'd be like hey why don't you dig a hole and put a thousand
Starting point is 01:11:30 pounds of change in it and they have to jump in and pull the chains out he's like dude we don't do gimmicks you know it's like um and you see in the grid league this isn't a dig at them they do a lot of gimmicks and that's fine there was just something really raw and honest not just something there was he was really raw and honest and and he knew his shit and he's super qualified. They're fucking up. I know they're fucking up because they're getting rid of someone who is real and honest and he doesn't fit the light. Yeah. Well, the way I, I personally though, I, I don't disagree. I, again,
Starting point is 01:12:01 like I said, I feel like right now the stage is mourning. However, I do think there's two ways to think about it. Like there's the hardcore and the great and everything that he brought to it. But then there's also like, what is the next step? And are we going to let this kill CrossFit? Because from my perspective, the only thing I've ever known is that I fucking love CrossFit. And I don't ever want to stop doing it um and i don't think that i mean i i do think his contribution is huge and i'm not trying to understate that but no he's only one person and there are thousands affiliate members there are many affiliates that like you know i didn't i never knew dave castro personally i only
Starting point is 01:12:41 saw him as like a goofy guy in the documentaries that was screaming in a microphone the whole time. The people that made CrossFit great for me were my coaches. My coach did Murph every day for a year, like this guy that you guys have talked about a couple times. I know someone extremely personally that did that. I talked to him about it probably every day that he was doing it, too.
Starting point is 01:12:59 And then he tried to break the record for doing it every day as many times as he could. Dave's one of the guys who, from the old guard, and it's the reason why your coach isn't pushing supplements on you or pushing shoe sales on you or that they don't have a Coca-Cola banner up in your gym or that they kept it real. And how old are you? I'm 26.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Yeah. Well, you're getting there. I'm 26. Yeah, you're getting there. There'll become a point in your life where you will know more, and maybe it's already there, you'll know more sick people than healthy people. Well, I'm a nurse, so I already know most of the sick people. Okay, that was gone when Gregreg glassman left and so basically the only people there are some people in the shadows there who i don't want to mention their names but there's probably 50 of them left
Starting point is 01:13:50 and there's uh and then there's nicole carroll who everyone knows and other than that this thing is just this thing is just selling widgets now and it's and i know it's hard for you to see because you're in your gym but the corporate messaging in the last two years, this is not the CrossFit it was five years ago. And CrossFit was always changing. Don't get me wrong. But there's an ideology which kept this thing pure. This thing wasn't trying to sell anything. That's a really important statement with regards to Dave because he was a level one flowmaster for a long time.
Starting point is 01:14:24 He knows the level one literature as well as anyone who's alive. And if you have any experience with the people on the level one staff, those guys all know it that well. It's like, you know. And then, you know, people who take their L1, they're open to their affiliates, and they'll stick with some of the information. But it's just hard to explain how deeply embedded that part of CrossFit was into what Dave brought to the things that we saw publicly from him. But it's nice to hear that. And it is true that there are people like your gym owners out there that are carrying that message forward for other people to still learn it.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I'll give you an example. Yeah. And also, real quick, though. No, hold on example yeah and also real quick though no hold on no you real quick no no you real quick here um here's the thing i'll give me and give you a perfect example crossfit hq has a dei council dei council they would have never started a DEI council they would have fucking opened a gym in fucking Harlem would have opened a gym for obese people he would have opened a gym for midgets the fucking DEI council Steve Cousins Eva is talking the truth.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Shut the fuck up, Sevan, on the defensive when someone talks the truth. The thing is this, and I'm going to be patient with Steve because there's probably a lot of people like him. I want to try to explain what they're missing. If you have a liter of Coca-Cola and that liter of Coca-Cola steps down, sure, it's no big deal. It's just going to be another guy trying to push Coke. That's not what CrossFit is. That's not what CrossFit is. that's not what crossfit is i think this is supposed to be seven seven stop trying to break people apart yes
Starting point is 01:16:34 this isn't this isn't coca-cola that you you're, you're, you're not replacing. You're not going to replace someone. Um, they're trying to sell you something now. That's not what was going on before. I know it's so hard for you guys to get your heads wrapped around that. You think it's just a one-to-one transfer. You think it's just like, okay, it's changed. It's moving forward. You're looking at, you're looking at the world through a paper towel hole like this just go like this just open up a little bit bigger i get it it's not steve it's not it's not that it's bigger than it's not bigger it's not that it's bigger
Starting point is 01:17:18 than one person it's just the ideology when venture capital CrossFit now, and they're there to make money. And that's not the cloth that Dave was, that's not how Dave was raised. That's not how we were brought up by Greg. We were brought up to do the right thing for the right reason for the right people. Dude, the beeping, is it that bad? I think you should either answer it or decline it. Okay. Oh, it's all different people. Oh, this is going to be interesting. This is Eddie Yift.
Starting point is 01:17:52 This should be very interesting. I think you should either answer it or decline it. Oh, it's all different people. Eddie, you got to turn off the YouTube. What's up, brother? Oh, sorry. I'll turn off the YouTube. You just said to call in. I just saw it and I know it was calling me. You wanted to hear my opinion on this. I did. I'll turn off the YouTube. Um, you just said to call in. I just saw it and I know it was calling me.
Starting point is 01:18:06 You wanted to hear my opinion on this. I did. I do. I don't have an opinion now because I've been retained by CrossFit as the new head of the CrossFit games. Congratulations. So I wish you guys would, uh, just turn just turn this uh turn your live feed off right now or i will send my people over and you will not be allowed on the internet ever again hayley lock the front door thank you good luck i locked the front door i just have a question was this for shooting a pig i don't know that's a know. That's a great question. That's a great question.
Starting point is 01:18:49 That was a great question. Nobody knows why? I don't. I don't. No, I mean, I'm guessing. No, I don't know why. I don't know. And I don't know what they told Dave. I mean, you know, they told me that my position was eliminated when they fired me. I don't know. I don't know what they're they're going to say to Dave. I don't know what I mean. They said they're moving i don't know i don't know what they're they're gonna say to dave i don't know what i mean everything's in a different direction isn't that what it said yeah maybe this can be did you hear the letter i read eddie no i didn't i just i
Starting point is 01:19:14 got this like alert on youtube i've never had this before but live like that i had to come over i was watching some dumb stand-up video and i was like, Oh my God, I got to get over here. What's going on right now? And I've, it, it hurts me because Dave and I just started our love affair for 10 years. I didn't like the guy and now I'm in love with him and he gets booted. Yeah. Now I, I, it's like I'm my, my parents are getting divorced and my new step, my stepfather that beat me for 10 years that I now found out why he beat me and I love him. I want to I want to stay with him and leave my mother.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Eva, Eva, Eva and Steve, this is what you need to understand. Private equity guts businesses, removes and replaces management and applies best practices. Dave does doesn't apply with those best practices and image. That's what you guys have to see. I know you guys are happy in your affiliates. I'm stoked for you. Awesome. That's great. I'm glad you still want to just have fun. I'm sure glad you want to get healthy, but there's a bigger picture here of leadership. There's someone steering the ship that you just don't want to look at. I get it. I get it. I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to tear anyone apart. I'm pointing out that there was a guy there who did his job to perfection, but because their egos couldn't handle his positioning and who he was, they fired him.
Starting point is 01:20:37 What do I mean by doing his job perfectly? He maintained integrity while driving the bottom line up. He continued to be a great asset to the company. They fired him because they couldn't handle him. I guarantee it. I guarantee that's what we're going to end up finding out. You don't bring in – you don't want the fucking guy who used to work at SoulCycle as the head of the affiliates. You don't want a fucking Oracle Data guy that is the CEO of your company.
Starting point is 01:21:04 You don't want a lady from Waze being the chief marketing officer. We didn't even have a chief marketing officer. Like, you're missing the big picture. Okay, fine. I mean, yeah, yeah, it's going to evolve. It's going to evolve. It's going to evolve. You look like a serial killer.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Change your profiles, dude. Fucking nutter. We'll hear more. God, I hope he does my podcast before yours, Eddie. This one's really going to drive the numbers. It's the end of the world as we know it all right brother i'm going to take this other call thanks for calling it's an honor hey see you thanks bye huh who's that carol ferrari how are you hey how you doing good
Starting point is 01:21:57 hey i i can't believe this news you can't believe what the news of him getting fired yeah i can't believe this news. You can't believe what? The news of him getting fired. Yeah, I can't believe it either. But it's real. I opened a gym within the past year and I didn't affiliate because of what's going on right now. And give me an example of what's going on right now. You mean the lack of support from HQ
Starting point is 01:22:19 as governments tell you you have to shut down because you're spreading COVID and gyms are dangerous? Yep, exactly. If I owned an affiliate right now, I would be like, what the fuck is going on? Hey, I don't care what anyone says about Greg. He'd have the fuck, he'd spend every last cent on lawyers to keep the
Starting point is 01:22:36 affiliates open. And what did this team do at CrossFit Inc.? They ran to the government for help. And they didn't get it. And they didn't get it. What do, and they didn't get it. And they didn't get it. What do you mean they didn't get it? There was supposedly going to be some sort of fucking plan where it rained $30 billion on gyms across the United States.
Starting point is 01:22:58 I don't think that ever happened. I don't think that ever happened. That's why people like Craig Howard, who was the affiliate rep in Northern California, and he was walking around saying, fuck you, I'm not closing my gym. Diablo. Diablo, yeah. And CrossFit Inc. contacted him and said, hey, either you get in, step in line and close your doors so that we don't offend any congressmen or senators so that we can get this bill passed, or we're going to pull you off as affiliate rep they had another another strong leader so he said no i'm leaving my doors open i i actually listened to your podcast with him and uh did he did he stay affiliated holy shit howard just posted that well there you go yeah yeah yeah he's still affiliated he He's a soldier. He toes the line pretty good.
Starting point is 01:23:46 He's not a hater. He's not a hater. Well, no, I've been across the HDI for 10 years, and when it was time to open my spot, I decided not to affiliate, but obviously stuck with the methodology, but didn't feel like they were supporting the affiliates like they should have. Yeah, I mean, you got to, sometimes you got to fight.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Yeah. Sometimes you got to fight. Dave has never failed to deliver the highest quality games programs ever. He could sue probably if there was no NDA. I don't know what that means, but suing sucks. They need to boycott Rosa. You spelled Rosa's name wrong. It's R-O-Z-X
Starting point is 01:24:34 Rosex. He posted it before the podcast went live. Well, damn it, Colin. Did Caster delete his Instagram? I don't know. What do we got going, Will?
Starting point is 01:24:48 No, Will says no. Yeah, that's going to be hard. Hey, yeah, that's going to be hard for him to change his mind. I got to let you go, buddy. There's more people who want to call in. Okay, bye-bye. All right. Hey.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Sin City. Hey, Siobhan. Hey, what's up, man? Hey, what's up man Hey what's up man I just was gonna say Why can't Greg, you, Dave Why can't you guys restart CrossFit
Starting point is 01:25:16 Just call it whatever you want to call it Like all the old school CrossFit gyms would follow Everybody that knows Greg's vision Everybody that knows what CrossFit's really about, like anybody would follow you guys. Like there's nothing to follow right now. I've been an affiliate for 14 years, and it was like CrossFit's gone. I know. Isn't it crazy?
Starting point is 01:25:42 Like you could – there was such – like, imagine, like, you hated everything about fucking Greg. He doesn't do CrossFit. I went to a party, and he was drunk, blah, this, that, this. But, man, was that guy's vision strong as shit. He would not stop talking and putting out videos about saving people's lives and that nutrition was everything and that you've got to get moving. I mean, it was just relentless pounding of vision. And yeah, it's been, it's been for two years. It's been fucking crickets, nothing. Yeah. And that's what these new CrossFitters don't understand that that's why they have good coaches. That's why their affiliate is doing a good job.
Starting point is 01:26:20 It's because of all the years and years and years and work that Greg put in, that Dave put into the training department. Like they don't understand that. They don't, a good job it's because of all the years and years and years and work that greg put in that dave put into the training department like they don't understand that they don't they don't understand um like all of what what crossfit was built off of and all the foundations gone yeah it's a trip it's a trip it's funny look at listen look at this post. I think he means, and guess what? CrossFit will be fine. That's awesome. I love people. People use these words, and it's just vapid talk. What do you mean by fine? What do you mean by fine? When we create you, you will be fine. You will be fine.
Starting point is 01:27:11 When someone does a job as well as Dave did, you let them leave on their terms, and then the successor would have Dave's support and community support because Dave would have molded them into the role. Yeah, and you know what's crazy, Dustin, now that you say that? He's been trying to do that for like four years now that I think about it. I mean, I don't know that for a fact, but he's been trying to get further and further away from the games for a while now. He's been talking about it to me and other people. He doesn't say it like that, but he's like, hey, I don't want to do this.
Starting point is 01:27:35 I don't want to do that. I want to give other people the chance to program. I don't want to be in front of the camera anymore. Like he's been making that effort. All right, caller. Thank you. 14, 14 years CrossFit affiliate. That's nothing.
Starting point is 01:27:52 That's not something. Yeah. Yeah. Sin City CrossFit in Vegas. And, uh, it's, uh, I've met Greg a couple of times. Like Greg's awesome. Uh, we posted right when Greg got fired, that it was bullshit. awesome uh we posted right when greg got fired that it was bullshit and we still um you know we're always going to be what about what cross it's always been about and in this day leaving
Starting point is 01:28:13 i met david plenty of times too and uh and i met you once upon at uh at big sky montana you and your wife and i remember when she got her first muscle up and yeah, it's just, all of this has been so frustrating to see. And if, like you said, if Greg was still around, that shit would be different. He'd be supporting the affiliates. He was on a call.
Starting point is 01:28:33 He was on a zoom call with us just before he got, all that shit went down and he, and he gave us a lot of good advice as far as staying open. And right now there's no leadership. It's bullshit. And I just, there's no leadership. It's bullshit. And I just, anyway, I love the show and I agree with what you guys, everything that you're letting people know,
Starting point is 01:28:54 like what CrossFit's really about because there's no media team left to do that. So I appreciate your show. Thanks. Hey, what do you think about what those, what do you, I know what people are saying when they're saying, Hey, don't, you shouldn't be tearing the community apart.
Starting point is 01:29:07 You shouldn't be using this as an opportunity to be divisive. Um, and other people saying, Hey, this is just the evolution and growth. What do you think the answer to those people is? I, I, I, what, what do you think that they're seeing that I'm not seeing or what I'm seeing that they're not seeing being that you're a 14 year affiliate? No, they're not. They're not seeing that. They're not seeing that all, all that, all that's gone into making CrossFit what it is. And now all they,
Starting point is 01:29:33 it's so fucked up. It's confused. They think it's just a sport or it's just this or it's that it's just that. And, uh, and it's not good. Like, well, the way it's going, it's not going to be a brand worth, worth following because it doesn't, like you said, there's nobody leading it. It has a vision and, uh, they don't see, you know, they don't see that because they're just, they're just new to CrossFit and they're like, like,
Starting point is 01:29:58 they don't know like what's what's all the work that's been put in to build, to build it. And and uh yeah you're but you're not you're not tearing the community apart you you're like in my opinion like your podcast like you're you're keeping the community together like there's no there's not much going on with CrossFit right now at all except for the bullshit Crossfit health is just trying to rip off affiliates so i mean that shit is crazy what they're doing hey if the affiliates really want hey here's another thing here's another thing to look at eva or uh what was the guy's name the serial killer look at look at what go back and look what happened with the nsca case and look what
Starting point is 01:30:42 happened when rosa and the venture capitalists took over try to find out what happened with the NSCA case and look what happened when Rosa and the venture capitalists took over. Try to find out what happened to the NSCA case. Basically, for those of you who don't know, the NSCA basically fabricated a story about CrossFit and said that it was injuring people. And they did a study on it and they got caught. And basically, they were the largest organization in the world, in the united states um around sports science or they claimed it and they and through through discovery we found fucking hundreds of thousands and shit tons of documents that basically showed that they were in bed with other characters that you guys all know their names uh big huge corporate entities and they were looking to take crossfit inc down
Starting point is 01:31:25 and when they wanted to settle and there were numbers like 50 million dollars put out greg refused because he said that when you have cancer the thing isn't to make a deal with cancer it's to cut it out in the movies he used to use this metaphor all the time when the cowboy was dragging the bad guy around from behind the horse, there was no destination. It was just to prove a point. And so they were – Greg used every fucking cent that he could fucking find to fucking take those people to court. And the judge kept saying, why don't you settle? Why don't you settle?
Starting point is 01:31:57 Because he just wanted to discover more and more, and he wanted to fucking put them out of business. And you know what else they wanted to do? wanted to fucking put them out of business. And you know what else they wanted to do? They wanted to become the body in the United States that every, every single trainer would have to pay money for. They wanted licensure around training. And so, so every CrossFit trainer, every, every, every non-CrossFit trainer Greg fought for so that they couldn't get that mantle. And, and, and, and basically they were on the verge of being put out of business. and basically they were on the verge of being put out of business. The new ownership came in.
Starting point is 01:32:29 The case was settled and sealed. Greg used the money of 15,000 affiliates to fight this case, and I remember there was one thing that Greg would always say. No matter what, this case can't be sealed, and it was sealed. He's gone. Wow, I didn't know it was sealed. Yeah, and no one will – And who's gonna Yeah who's gonna fight For the affiliates now
Starting point is 01:32:46 When that shit comes up again Nobody No one's even gonna see it coming They're gonna participate in it No they're gonna participate in it They're gonna see And who's Who's to know if
Starting point is 01:32:56 Like Yeah what's the easiest way To take down Something as great as CrossFit Is from within So who's to know If that's not what's already happening And that's why,
Starting point is 01:33:05 that's why Dave's getting fired. Like they're changing the company from within. It's not going to be the same anymore. Like it could be the NSAC. It could be any, any enemies that CrossFit has. They're, they're winning because the company is,
Starting point is 01:33:20 it's not the same. It's not the movement that it was before. Yeah. The NSCA won. Basically Coca-Cola, NSCA, Pepsi, Budweiser, ESPN, they won. They fucking got it. They own it. They own fucking CrossFit, basically.
Starting point is 01:33:34 And metaphorically speaking, I have to say that part. All right. There's just got to be a new CrossFit. You got to tell Greg. All right, brother. Tell Dave. Stay in touch. Thanks, Javon. Bye. Have Phil Gregg. Stay in touch. Thanks, Devon.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Bye. Have a good night. His phone still says Sin City CrossFit. What is it? That's probably where he's calling from. Yeah. I thought he said he affiliated. I thought he said 14 years.
Starting point is 01:34:01 I just went to their affiliate page. Oh. That was good, by the way, that you brought that up. I'm so fucking out of my mind. I didn't said 14 years. I just went to their affiliate page. Oh, um, that was good by the way that you brought that up. I'm so fucking out of my mind. I didn't even hear that. And that is cool that he's there for 14 years. Well, do you want to tell this guy what happened?
Starting point is 01:34:11 RNBH AM 39. He says, wait, what? Uh, sure. Rosa, Eric Rosa said this letter to the staff of CrossFit headquarters tonight
Starting point is 01:34:21 announcing that they're going in a different direction with the games team. And Dave Castro's, um, going to be set aside, removed, and Justin Berg's going to fill in for now. He didn't say for now. He's going to fill in. He's going to fill in. For now. Replace Rosa with Travis Mayer.
Starting point is 01:34:41 I ain't hating. I ain't hating. They should change the name to woke fit for sure. Yeah. I never de-affiliated and my phone is linked to my gym. Fair enough. Fair enough. Shows,
Starting point is 01:34:57 shows that he's a better listener than me. Uh, I will, I'm assuming eventually I will talk to Dave. Um, assuming I, uh i will i'm assuming eventually i will talk to dave um assuming i i'm actually going to text eric rosa right now and ask him he wants to come on for an interview tomorrow morning uh i think i think that's about it unless anyone else wants to just fucking go ahead and attack me, and I'll stay calm and try to address what you're not seeing.
Starting point is 01:35:29 But other than that, I think I have to. I think I got Ariel low in tomorrow morning. What do you want to do? Brian. I have a few more minutes. I have a few more minutes. Oh, my goodness. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:54 I mean, we talked about this earlier, Barry. You know, Henniger and Katie, the Hennigers, they can do anything they want. I mean, look, the thing is, like, this is pretty surprising. I don't think very many people anticipated this happening today or tonight. And there's, like we mentioned earlier, there are so many different fallouts of this within the company, as far as the sport's concerned. And obviously CrossFit's going to have to make a public statement, presumably tomorrow, you know, you would hope. And then, you know, there's going to be a lot of opportunity for us to talk about what, what this can mean going forward. The more that I sit here and think about it, I'm, and I'm starting to think that what I said earlier about Dave just kind of receding into the privacy for a while. I don't know. I feel like he, I feel like there could be a lot of different avenues that goes pretty quickly.
Starting point is 01:36:47 He won't do anything that compromises his integrity. I know that. And so which makes him very. It's both. He makes him very safe and very dangerous. Yes. Yes, that is correct. You are right. Eva, no sweat. And I'm not hating. I appreciate your perspective. And Brian brought it up early earlier that there's people who just haven't been around and might not know it. I do. I do think that there I think you're you and Steve are right. Even though Steve's an asshole, that there is a component of mourning here. And I but there's also like a big picture of the ideology.
Starting point is 01:37:24 of mourning here and i but but there's also like a big picture of the ideology this thing was something and um let's say you like coke because it's a sugary drink and then now it's not a sugary drink like it it's it's completely changed it's completely changed and uh and for some of us we were in denial that it was being um basically ransacked and being um monetized and now with dave gone we can't deny it anymore we can't we can't deny it anymore it's like it's like obvious and so is that a good thing is it a bad thing i mean we'll see we'll see We'll see. We'll see. Yeah, Dave's going to kick out. I mean, whatever happens, whatever happens.
Starting point is 01:38:12 Thank you, Steve. Love is. Oh, that's, you know, that's important to recognize. Like Dave will be fine. Dave is very is and has always been very successful in all the things he pursues. He's got tons of passions and hobbies and interests. And he'll he'll be able to do just about whatever he wants to do and he'll do it well and he'll do it well i think he should run for congress or senate i i talked to him about that one time a few years ago i said hey are you gonna run i go now's the time dude it's like you're fucking mexican and a seal and he was like he's
Starting point is 01:38:44 like dude the guy i think the guy he's like, dude, the guy, I think the guy, he said something like, the guy who holds the seat in my county or in my state or in my area, he's not only Mexican and was SEAL Team 6, but he also graduated from Harvard. I was like, oh, you're fucked. Yeah, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:38:59 That is the thing, Angel. Eric should leave. Rosa should leave. He failed in his leadership to protect the company's – one of the company's greatest assets. And he's brought in people from the outside. And he should leave. He – I don't know how he's couching this to his board, what he's saying. But it's not like, hey, we need change or he couldn't get along with the team or blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:39:23 That's just fucking denial. That's not like hey we need change or he couldn't get along with the team or blah blah that's just fucking denial that's not that's not accurate i've worked with him the outcomes are always good he's not he's not gonna take the fucking. He's going to call you on your bullshit. He probably called the wrong person on the – yeah, yeah. I agree. Racist, racist. He probably called the wrong person. Yeah. Do you want to talk about that in all seriousness though?
Starting point is 01:39:57 When they were forming the DEI council and when they were doing all the things where like having phone calls with all the affiliates with um melanated owners and they were doing all that shit there were people online openly attacking dave saying that they should get rid of dave because he's white and saying that he only hangs out with white people shit never acknowledging the fact that the dude's a straight vato he's a hundred percent like he's he lives in the fucking in the in a neighborhood that I wouldn't fucking live in. Lives over there in the Watsonville, where that guy called from with the accident and drives a lowrider. Like, the guy's fucking as Mexican as all get out. You've been to the ranch?
Starting point is 01:40:38 They got fucking a dozen broken down cars there. I mean, this shit is Mexican. And no one stood up for him. Rosa wasn't like, fuck you. Can't be talking to the games director like that he's full on Chicano no nothing it's just fucking lip service bullshit Kate I should buy CrossFit right
Starting point is 01:41:00 I'm going to start that affiliate program with you I'm selling stickers and then use the money to buy across it okay last one last one I just feel bad getting off right now but I got a big day hello Devin how are you great how are you doing I'm I'm I'm in mourning I'm throwing temper tantrum I think everyone is or I mean at least, you know, a good portion of people are. First of all, love you, man. Follow all your stuff. Especially since back, you know, like the early videos where you're just asking Dave stupid questions and he's just so annoyed. Careful, buddy.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Careful. No, stupid questions in a great way. Hey, you think when I fire Brian that there'll be this much outrage? Definitely. Oh, yeah. One thing, I really appreciate the way that you, you know, just dig and you aren't afraid to, like, talk about, you know, like, the thoughts on, you know, basically NSCA1. And there was, like like everything was dark like i was like trying to follow that and you like didn't find anything on it now like you're like helping people hear that you know um and then also uh maybe like dave being fired could just like open people's eyes to that,
Starting point is 01:42:25 you know, that, that could be like a, an important thing. Um, but so that's, that's like my, my bright thought about it.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Okay. But, but at the same time, Steve would be very happy with you. That's a very positive twist on it. I appreciate that thought, Mr. Devin.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Yeah. But, uh, but on the other hand, like, uh, you know, our affiliate, affiliate, like, you know, we've been open for eight years. And it just, like, everything that we, like, joined up for, like, when people ask, like, why CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:42:57 Why don't you just do this on your own? You could have just, like, saved $3,000 a year, you know? And I've always thought, like, because CrossFit's got my back, you know? And I'm, and I've always thought like, because CrossFit's got my back, you know, and hear about big corporations trying to crush small people. And I thought I was immune. I thought I was immune to that. I was like, I'm with CrossFit. Uh, I coach what I want. I charge what I want. Uh, uh, you know, I, I treat people the way that I want. And, um,
Starting point is 01:43:24 It did have your back by the way, Greg had your fucking back, man. Greg was like, that was the dude you wanted to go into a dark alley with, man. Yeah. And, and I, I honestly felt like I was like, I heard stories of like small businesses getting, you know, gobbled up. And I was like, I wanted that t-shirt that he wore that said unviable. And I was, you know, now I just kind of feel. Hey, dude, on the reg, something would happen. An affiliate would call him and be like, one of our clients or no, a client from a gym would call him and be like, hey, our owner hung himself in the gym. And no one wants to go to the gym anymore and greg would be like okay and he fucking hooked them up with a find a new gym for them pay their rent for six months
Starting point is 01:44:09 and fucking get them started again somewhere there was like shit like that that happened every single fucking day this thing was never run like a fucking business this thing was run like a motorcycle gang yeah and that's why we got in and those people were fucking good at it like like like yeah there's i uh and there's a ton of amazing people still there who know that a ton and at the top of the food chain the only one that i dare mention her name um who's probably you know strong enough to handle it's nicole carroll she knows i had a grad school professor who worked for the nsca shit on burpees all semester, and I tried to find the results of that case, and I couldn't. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:44:49 That is a world-class shit organization. It is really, really bad. If you're an affiliate, you have to fucking write a letter to HQ and ask them what the fuck happened. Why is that case sealed? How much money did they get? Why didn't they give it back to the affiliates? Why did they seal it? Why did they settle it? There was give it back to the affiliates why did they seal it what why why did
Starting point is 01:45:05 they settle it there was no reason to do any of that those were those were bad guys who were not only talking shit about your gyms and your training and your methodology but they were also trying to pass a law that would make them the head of all licensure over trainers nationwide yeah meaning you couldn't practice crossfit unless you paid them money. These are the same guys who before CrossFit was around, told you that you shouldn't squat below parallel. How the fuck are they going to monitor you guys? No,
Starting point is 01:45:34 they can't. It shouldn't. It shouldn't. It's nuts. It's nuts, man. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:45:41 Dave be joining the seven on podcast on a more regular basis now. No, no, fuck no. no uh no dude he's probably seriously i'm gonna tell you something about dave i'm gonna tell you something there's a chance wow wow there's a chance that um uh dave won't talk to me again dave is not not because he's mad at me or i'm mad at me. Dave just moves on. Dave just moves on. I don't know what's going to happen. I know he'll be fine. He's got a fucking amazing life and amazing family.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Awesome kids. I don't know if I'm supposed to say that. This shit's good. He got a fat, fat ranch on the fucking Highway 101 in California. That shit's got to be worth something. He's right. It's right outside of Silicon Valley. It's by the Tesla plant or the old Tesla plant.
Starting point is 01:46:33 All right, Devin. Bye. Bye. Okay. Um, okay um are you getting a lot of text messages ryan i saw you look down and laugh at a few yeah sometimes laughing at the comments uh sometimes some texts coming in you know uh maybe a year ago two years ago i think when when when crossfit was first purchased um i think it was miranda it was either miranda or julian made a joke i don't know
Starting point is 01:47:16 if it's on my podcast or it was a private text but they had mentioned that maybe street park if dave got fired maybe street parking would hire him maybe dave will go over there just that would be amazing oh my goodness yes uh oh let's not be let's not be rude eric is racist he doesn't know he's racist arming in flag v Vahe. Vahe. All right. Thanks, guys, for tuning in. Tomorrow at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, we will have Ariel Lowen on. If you are here for Brian, there's a very good chance Brian will not be here,
Starting point is 01:47:56 and it will be John Young. So save getting up early to see Brian. Jerk a load on your screen to him. And then we will be on again at 6 p.m pacific standard time with taylor uh williamson i also don't know if brian will be making that um but i will be doing another live call-in show as i get my thoughts wrapped around uh uh, this incident. Don't stop now. Look at that. Whew.
Starting point is 01:48:28 Oh, Lazar, Lazar. Um, uh, we've been on for too long already. Hour and 46 minutes. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:48:36 Bye.

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