The Sevan Podcast - Dave Castro Live in Studio

Episode Date: October 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Up on your screen.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Is that live? Is that all right to put live? Yeah, you said I don't bring the... Bam, we're live. You said I don't bring the heat, so I'm coming at you hard. Put your shit right on your screen. Is that live? Is that all right to put live? Yeah, you said I don't bring the – bam, we're live. You said I don't bring the heat, so I'm coming at you hard. Put your shit right on the spot. Oh, we're probably going to start very quickly. Dave's not ready.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Stand by. Who's that? Oh, look, we have an issue. Do you see what's going on? Oh, there we go. It's lag. Yeah, we'll figure it out. Guys, what's up?
Starting point is 00:01:23 First time in the studio. Second time? First time. First time in the studio second time first time first first time with this studio dave was the dave was in here um hey could you lower your phone dave checking out some instagram uh the first time dave was in here it was a total uh completely separate studio uh he was just sitting it was just two of us in a room together with a small computer and now we got a whole fat studio set up. This is cool. You like it.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I think so. Check it out. Rookie move. You see those little things that they have, the little circle. You need one of those little black screen. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:55 You don't have those. Everyone who's serious has those. Okay. And also, it's really fucking hot in here. You've done a really good job improving on the recommendations I gave you last time or making the improvements. It's a much better layout.
Starting point is 00:02:14 No, not that. I'll try that, but not that. You know what I'm talking about. Oh, that's cool. But I mean the little black circle disc that... Oh, oh, the... Right, right. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Upgrade, upgrade. And that's just for kind of the show, make it look like... Visually, yeah. It makes you look a little more professional. Like, hey, I know what I'm doing. Yeah, exactly. You like the intimacy of this? I do.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I like that I can see you this time. Last time, you had a computer screen blocking you, and we were in the same room, but yet I still felt like we weren't in the same room. And what about the height? That couch sinks low. And I swear to you, if you don't like that couch, I'll replace it.
Starting point is 00:02:56 If you're okay with it, I'm keeping it. No, I like it because I like to sink low and just chill, so I like it. You're vato. This is my jam. I don't know about the pattern of the couch at the local thrift store hey hey my mom gave that to me okay i'm not gonna get like bed bugs and shit maybe maybe i want to start with some gifts for you um uh first we have uh from vindicate
Starting point is 00:03:19 uh knew you were coming into the house and so they've made you this oh that's nice yeah it is nice right it's super cool yeah thanks a lot vindicate that's clean yeah and you'll use that right we should do a collab there you go there you go yeah yeah i'll use it of course hey uh there's a delay yeah there's a delay we're working on a few things okay i didn't even think about this a wad zombie makes these uh playing cards. Okay. The newest ones. And these are all your sponsors, Vindicate, Wad Zombie. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:03:49 You're just doing this like. No, these guys don't pay me at all. Okay. Well, this guy just paid me $4.99. This is Christine Kolenbrander. It's Wad Zombie's newest card. He sent me. So he sent me a bunch of boxes of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Okay. Why not? Would you do a Dave Castro card? No. Why not? Would you do a Dave Castro card? No. Why not? Because. How about a ranch card, a location card, the ranch, and a Madison card, and a Carson card, and a Dickies card?
Starting point is 00:04:14 I would entertain that. Oh, you're not supposed to touch the card. That's not the way it's supposed to go down. This isn't like a Jose Canseco rookie card. You know what I mean? This isn't the way it's supposed to go down. This isn't like a Jose Canseco rookie card. You know what I mean? This isn't the way it's supposed to go down. My goodness. There you go.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Thank you. Christine Kolenbrenner, ladies and gentlemen, on the new card. And then, also, I'd like to plug the olive oil. Thank you. Yeah. Haley used all of the olive oil. The bottle's so small that used all of the all the bottles so small that she used all the oil in one meal no and oh well because she cooked with it or maybe two meals it's two that one's a 300 milliliter i think and then i had her clean it off and um uh and fill it up
Starting point is 00:05:00 with water and then recap it yeah kind of smart kind of cool. Yeah, very cool. Thank you. Hey, you don't follow anyone on your Instagram, right? On my big one, no. Okay. I want to make an argument for you. Okay. To follow someone for the next 21 days. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:05:17 His name is Joe Neals. He's the owner of CrossFit Kenosha. And he has started a program that's called 3030. I'd sent you one of his videos. Oh, you did. Yes. And basically what he's doing is he is taking Don's word of wanting to increase the the the the cult to 30 to 30 million. Right. To an additional 30 million or get it to 30 million. And how he's doing that is he's taking every day, he's making the effort to go out and recruit people. And I think if you follow his Instagram account as like some sort of like support, it's not, it just would show tremendous support for the affiliates. I think what is that, what the effort, the thing he's doing, I watched the video you sent the first video and I watched the first half of it uh how he's going in and um talking to people telling you about crossfit getting them to basically sign up for a free intro on the spot it's uh it's pretty
Starting point is 00:06:15 cool it's pretty aggressive it's pretty unique meaning like that style where super cool and i like what he's doing is definitely not for everyone. Right. No, no, no. I know. And I know you're not suggesting that, nor is he. But like when I saw that, I was like, that's really cool. Good for him. I could never do something like that. Um, let's try to sell in that way. Try to sell CrossFit to, to, to share his passion. He's an, he's a, uh, an apostle. Yeah. He is spreading the word in a very powerful way that, um, might prove to be very effective for him. And maybe he'll influence others like him to give it a shot, to give it a shot. And they might have some success too.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And what about this idea of really getting behind him and him being the one person you follow for the remainder of his 30 day project to really be like, yo, I really like this. Or do you think that so many do you think that even if you wanted to that people like how come he didn't follow me? That's not fair. He's playing favorites. And the reason the argument to that is I think this transcends CrossFit Kenosha. I think this is like on behalf of all the affiliates, on behalf of the community, he's growing. He's growing people who will come into gyms. I don't know if my account makes that much.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Oh, it does. Like that has that much power. It's symbolic. If nothing else, it's symbolic. It's definitely symbolic. But to your point that you made a second ago, where does that end? Where does this stop? Every month, am I having a different cause or a different thing I have to follow to show support? When I start saying no, I can't say, hey, I've never done this. Like I could say that now. Right. Then I could say there, then people will be like, well, you selected him, but you didn't
Starting point is 00:07:52 select me. And like, it's a, it's a snowball that'll just start gathering in mass as it goes down the hill. I don't think you should let the haters influence you. I'm not letting the haters influence me. I'm letting, I'm letting the, the conversations I'll have to have in several months with other people. When I say, Hey, I, I don't really want to do that again, or I don't want to do that right now. Or I don't want to do that with you. I did that with, then I have to explain what if Don asked you, what if
Starting point is 00:08:17 it wasn't just some chump down the street with a podcast in his backyard? What if Don asked you? I'd say the same thing. I'd say the same argument that like, Hey, it's just, I don't want to have to say no to people down the road because I said yes to one occasion now. Okay. But it is cool. I would like to help amplify him. If he, I'd like to repost his stuff in his story. I'd like to share with my reach, my limited reach that I have. I'd like to share what he's doing so so he should he could tag you yeah yeah anyone can always tag yeah yeah okay tag away bug you tag me tag me the thing about that account and i'm not proud of this but i mean like i was just looking at it right now
Starting point is 00:08:57 because i was posting from in here and i was looking at like a bunch of stuff from people that tags and dms and they're all from like weeks. Like I hardly check it. So I miss what people are hitting me with. So I'm not, I'm not on that one on a daily basis. I should be, I should get on it more often,
Starting point is 00:09:14 but I kinda, um, I'm on my hunting one a lot. I'm on my hunting one on a daily basis, but that one, I don't go too often. It's chaos. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It's noise. It's loud. It's a lot. It's's um, just busy. There's so much going on I never check the comments on that one ever at all Like I hardly look at the feed if anything i'm looking at what I like in the dms what i've been tagged in or um who's reached out to me but And then for the most part, I mean, I guess I posted a few days ago. I posted the um, A clip from my weekend review, but um for the most part, I mean, I guess I posted a few days ago. I posted a clip from my week in review. But for the most part, I have a majority, probably 90% of the recent posts have been done by Christine from the games.
Starting point is 00:09:53 What about maybe a mention in your week in review? I'll retract to that. Maybe a mention in your week in review. For sure. Hold on. I want to do something. I want to show you something. You're going to make a note?
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah. So do you use the Tasks app ever? No. On your iPhone, there's this little Tasks in the iPhone. That's native to the iPhone? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've never seen that before. It's great.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And so I have my Tasks. I have Week in Review. I have Sack Items. I have Post Items. I have Lecture. I have a bunch of different categories. I have Books, Words, Stages, Ammo stuff. So anyways, I have a bunch of different categories I have books words uh stages ammo stuff so anyways I have a week in review stage so or a week in review column and anytime I have a
Starting point is 00:10:34 thing I want to talk about my week in review I put it on there so I'll write it on this and that way I can be sure to talk about it in my week in review. Kenosha affiliate. Kenosha? Yeah, Joe Neils. I'm fucking sweating. Me too. Fucking hot in here. Hey, today's probably the hottest day ever at my house in the last two years, by the way, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Like 87 degrees or 97 degrees or whatever it is. Look at there's your sweat. Do you want a towel? I can summon Haley to bring us towel. No, I'm good. A rag a towel. No, I'm good. A rag or something? No, I'm good. It's good.
Starting point is 00:11:08 It's like a sauna. It is like a sauna. Take my shirt off in a minute. That's nice. So that was – you had done some other podcasts with like Jocko and Mike Ritalin, and you had made some comment on those podcasts that like you don't get the hard-hitting questions. I don't think it's Ritalin. And you had made some comment on those podcasts that like, you don't get the hard hitting questions. I don't think it's Ritalin. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I'm just telling you that you're missing the point of what I'm saying. His name is Mike Ritalin. I went to Bud's with him in 98 and Pat Sherwood. We were all three of us were in the same Bud's class. Bud's is the SEAL training. It's the, it's the six month course you go to when you want to become a SEAL. And we were all in class 215.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I'm sweating so much I feel like I'm talking to you underwater. Maybe that 90-inch TV being on doesn't help. Generally speaking, I think you know this, but I'm going to say it anyways. I don't like doing podcasts. And if I am going to do them, that's kind of the reason I do the week in review because instead of doing my own podcast, I have just a really short overview
Starting point is 00:12:13 that I can talk for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and then just be done. I don't have to make it this big hour thing, hour and a half engagement. I know this is your life and you do this every day. So it's a different, obviously different, we're in different realms or different periods where, and you're really good at this and I'm not. So point being, I don't like doing them. So if I am going to do them, I'm going to do them
Starting point is 00:12:36 live when possible. And with people that I am really interested in helping or supporting, with people that I am really interested in helping or supporting or, or I think that they can help, um, you know, in the Jocko case, that's a unique opportunity because it's Jocko and he's so big in Ritland's case. Um,
Starting point is 00:12:54 it's cause we were old teammates and wanted to help him out and go on his show and shoot the shit. I just did recently do a zoom one with a shooting, um, guy named Tyler Hughes. He's a shooting coach. That one was really fun. Um, very little CrossFit talk. Oh, that's not true. recently do a zoom one with a shooting uh guy named tyler hughes he's a shooting coach that one was really fun um very little crossfit talk oh that's not true we talked about crossfit we
Starting point is 00:13:10 talked about the fitness of it but we didn't talk about crossfit like you talked to me about crossfit he talked to me about crossfit and for people who who don't know um i don't know when it was and i think this is accurate but dave basically said hey i'm not doing any more streaming podcasts with you yep and he's basically tried to put his foot down from that from day one that's why the very first podcast i did with him he came to my house and then the second one i went out to the ranch and he's basically said that and in fairness it's 51 of the reason why there's this killer studio today. I,
Starting point is 00:13:46 uh, I don't need them. I don't like, I don't feel like I, I feel like there's some people who just never say no. Like you should see some of these guys on everything and always out there. You're different. Cause you're, this is your living.
Starting point is 00:13:56 But I mean, like, I don't want to just feel like I always have to, to, to be relevant or to get my word out or to, to advance anything for that. I always have to be out there on podcasts, um, because I don't think I have to be relevant or to get my word out or to, to advance anything for that. I always have to be out there on podcasts, um,
Starting point is 00:14:08 because I don't think I have to be. And so I don't want to be in that position either. Right. Uh, Wad zombie did, uh, did he get all the stains out of the couch or never any stains on that couch? It was in my mom's law law firm.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Uh, Fergie shows Dave going to sell CrossFit cemetery plots at the ranch. If so, I'm in wow oh that's nuts wow cross done email me tdc at crossfit ranch uh forward slash um lucky camera straps from australia always thank you your support. Uh, love the in-person studio. Seve. Hey, Dave, if you would like a custom TDC leather rifle sling, I would love to make one for
Starting point is 00:14:55 you. Where, where's that? I was looking at some other comments. Say that one again. I wasn't paying attention. Uh, he wants to make a, a leather rifle sling for you. Oh yeah. I'd love it. Hit me up. Yeah. Hit him up hit him up what's it what's a you know what that is yeah
Starting point is 00:15:10 yeah i think it's a leather rifle sling you use it do you sling yeah yeah for my hunting guns okay thank you for the money and interrupting the show um i love that thank you uh jeremy world uh question for Dave. Why'd you go live on IG with a porn star today? Who said that? Jeremy Eat World, what's he talking about? I went live with a Gabrielle Lyons this morning. The nutrition lady? The health lady?
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yes, the nutrition lady and health lady. And a good friend of ours who used to work for CrossFit, Karin Thompson, she mentioned, hey, would you like to go on IG live with Gabrielle Lyons? And I said, sure. And I don't know her. I don't know Gabrielle, but decided to do that and went on this morning with her.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And we just shot the shit and talked about CrossFit and talked about fitness and talked about health. And she has a new book coming out. So we talked about her book. Hold on. Let me see what the book was called. This is her hair. Yep, that's her.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And so. That's weird. I apologize. Jeremy must have. You don't ever apologize. The book, I think, is called Forever Strong. Oh, yeah, yeah, it is. Forever Strong. Oh, yeah, yeah. It is. Forever Strong, A New Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Oh. All right. It was a fun interview. Fun time. I'm surprised you did that. Did it for a friend. How long were you on? 20, 25 minutes.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Wow. It was quick. Wow. I had trouble logging on. I didn't know how to do it. I hope that so far it has been difficult for you. I noticed how much you're sweating
Starting point is 00:16:52 and I didn't appreciate you saying it was easy to be interviewed by me. So I hope that this series of questions has been difficult for you. They have been. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:02 On to more important things. We, I was talking on the show the other day, and I'm sure I've talked about this subject with you before years ago. Oh, you are making money. Look at all those sponsors on the bottom of your screen. I've never watched your podcast. Those are friends. Those are friends.
Starting point is 00:17:22 If they're friends, where is this? Those are. If you're not putting if they're friends where is this those are if you're friends where is that he doesn't give me money yeah those do give you money my friends that share their money with me we're closer friends wolverine what's that well this dude oh the toast bakers the toast facers they they hook you up those facers you do them you want to put yeah i do want to put these on during the show if you put them on for me uh california hormone hormones paper street cafe birth fit who's birth fit uh lindsey uh lance cantu's uh oh no way wife yeah okay she's about she's about to come on the podcast share her birth experience i was trying to think like there's this idea out there that um i don't want to pick on the pfaa but um uh there's this idea about there how we're going to grow how we're
Starting point is 00:18:13 going to grow crossfit specifically the athletes want to grow the games they want to make more money um don talks about there being more opportunity and i was just um thinking and i'm like wouldn't wouldn't the games and the opportunities for games athletes grow at the same speed as the rest of the community is like if the affiliates went away the games would go away it would be like florida grid league it would just turn into like just nothing i'm guessing and people have these ideas break the games games off. And I'm like, no, you, this thing is not existing without, um, the, the, the 10,000 or 15,000 affiliates pouring their energy into it from the, from the open to the closing ceremony. One, I'm wondering if you agree with me and two, are there any athletes that exemplify this that are like or training in an affiliate or doing the zone are like, i got a great one i got a
Starting point is 00:19:06 great one so first of all people say it doesn't exist i mostly agree with you on everything you're saying there about listen the games aren't going to grow independent of everything else growing at our points where things were growing and really good across seminars and across affiliates the games are growing too and like to use that silly analogy, a rising tide raises all ships, same sort of concept here. We need a really strong affiliate community. We need a really strong trainer community, community of participants, community of those engaging for the games to grow and be successful. Growing that in isolation, I think is possible, but to a smaller degree. The bigger we grow the base, the more all of that's going to grow. I want to share
Starting point is 00:19:52 this question. Yeah, that's what I think. The roots of the tree. Yeah, they're absolutely the roots. And honestly, they're the most important roots. They're the most important part of the tree. This root system that we're talking about being the affiliates and the trainers and the coaches and what they're doing in these 13,000 gyms. There's 13,000 gyms around the world that are every day changing the life of a single individual. And that's fucking powerful. You know what I mean? Like this guy here and the clients he works with, Sousa, he has the opportunity every day to take an individual and give them a healthier life, a happier life, maybe even a longer life. I don't want to say for sure a longer life because I think all these studies that are based on longevity in life, we could go down a rabbit hole on how that's just bullshit. Anyways, how many new clients do you get a week?
Starting point is 00:20:46 On average? Yeah. Probably like a client a week, two clients a week if it's a good month. Yeah, that's amazing. Listen to that. If I could change the life of one person a week that comes into my gym, if I was running a gym like him, that's some pretty powerful and profound stuff. And that's happening across 13,000 gyms around the world. So there, that opportunity and turning every one of those single individuals into an ambassador for the methodology, an ambassador for the lifestyle and getting their family members in. That's why the games exist. That's why the games matter. And that is what will propel the games to the next level. If you just focus on the games and lose track of the community and the affiliates and that aspect of changing an individual's life, we're misguided. And what I mean by that is some of these athletes these days are kind of, you know, there was a phase.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I've talked about this probably on this podcast before, but I've talked about this in other places where early on these athletes like Froning, like Kalipa, even Thor's daughter. She's still like this, but she's kind of an outlier now in this regard of what I'm going to say. We're all affiliate owners. They were all trainers. They all a lot of even those names I just mentioned. They were all on seminar staff like they were really involved in the community. And then maybe the post Froning era into the Frazier era and into the current era, a lot of them didn't even come from affiliates. Majority of them are not trainers. Very few of
Starting point is 00:22:20 them own affiliates or are trainers at affiliates. And very few of them train in a box. So it's a different thing. It's becoming a different thing at the highest level. And now that's at the highest level. It's interesting because we look at that a lot. And we talk about that a lot. That games and the highest level. But the foundation for this, and you said this, but you're not saying it this way, the foundation for all of this and the existence of it and what's allowed it to grow is fundamentally this community event that happens in March, we have a really large online event called The Open, where several hundred thousand people from the CrossFit community come together and compete.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Of that, 1.1% of them advance on to the games, obviously more advanced like semifinals and quarterfinals, and then a very few advance to semifinals. or quarterfinals and then a very few advance to semifinals. I think we almost collectively focus too much on the, the smallest amount and the elite rather than continually looking at what the foundation of that is. Second point, what that all makes me think about, I got this text today. I don't think that that part's true,
Starting point is 00:23:39 by the way, I disagree with you on which part. I don't think we focus too much on the elite. Oh dude, all your fucking show is talking about. Dude, you do shows on a regular basis just interviewing elite athletes. But I do shows with affiliates. I do all sorts of shows.
Starting point is 00:23:54 What do you think about how much coverage you give related to competition, not to the elite? I'm just guessing. None. Oh, you mean competitors who aren't elite competitors or yeah just like okay so let's say all your competition space at uh focus is on the elite because it's what moves the needle for engagement it's the most entertaining piece right yeah it's what i'm interested in too but so my interest exactly yeah so but my point there is, as it's so interesting, we all kind of lose focus on the elite but more on there is a missed opportunity
Starting point is 00:24:47 that we need to correct and or fix and or address that gives a little more focus to the community throughout the season give me because i'm just making sure i don't know i don't have the answer but i will say this, um, more engagement opportunities for, uh, the community. Maybe it's more in person stuff, more virtual. We've done more virtual stuff in the past that hasn't really resonated, but experimenting with touch points for not the 1% after March. So we're engaging with the, the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I'm sorry, the whole community in March and April. And then when do we engage with them on a competition level again? Okay. Okay. Not again. I just I don't I'm not Michael Jordan dunk a thousand times and I only want to watch the kid dunk next door one time. But where
Starting point is 00:25:39 Michael Jordan where you're watching Michael Jordan dunk, there's still several hundred thousand kids in parks shooting and playing basketball that Nike's selling shoes to, that they're selling jerseys to, that they're working with, that are playing high school basketball competitively. engage with our competition and our efforts that are at every level and not just the elite level. Then I'll give you the solution to that that I think. What I'm suggesting is the athletes need to be the ones who are engaging that part of the community
Starting point is 00:26:16 if they want to do their part. They need to be engaging that part of the community. They need to be doing stuff at local affiliates. They need to be pumping up. We're both sweating like a lot. I'm not'm not sweating yes you are no okay it's raining someone's oh nicole christiansen so crossfit roots you know nicole yeah yeah she sent me this text today are you allowed to share this i asked her i'm like hey could i share this text i'm going on savon's podcast oh cool she said sure excuse me you always do ask before you share a
Starting point is 00:26:43 text yeah don't you yeah i try to no you don't yeah i do name this crossfit games athlete one does the zone doesn't over consume carbs does 3x fat two takes groups group classes four this was her impression after being at this location and seeing him in action, immersed in his affiliate with members like he's any other guy who's just paying his dues. Four, does 85% of main site workouts. What percentage? 85%. Skips the pure strength days as he has a separate strength program. Five. Does three on, one off. No Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, rest, Thursday, Friday.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Or hold on. Rest Thursday, Friday, Saturday, rest Sunday. That's what I do. I do the three on, one off, two on. She's kind of taking a little jab at that. Maybe not a jab, but she's pointing that out. But anyways, who's that athlete? Can I ask, do I know them?
Starting point is 00:27:56 I think so. Are they an individual? Yes. Individual athlete? Yes. Like in the top 40 in the world? Like they go to the game? Are these all the responses? Oh. Adlerith oh maybe ben smith uh uh uh not adler ben smith was
Starting point is 00:28:12 my first choice i said that to her and she said no it's a good guess why are they saying adler it's definitely not adler adler stephen pleiler they God, this is a great show. Fuck, I don't know, dude. It's fucking Adler. It is Adler? It's Adler. She went out there for a course. The fucking champ?
Starting point is 00:28:35 The champ. Let's re-say this again. So, does the zone. What the fuck? Does it? And you did a podcast with him, right? And you didn't learn any of this? No.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I contend that's because you talk too much. And you don a podcast with him, right? And you didn't learn any of this? No. I contend that's because you talk too much and you don't listen. You don't actually give your guests time to speak. That's not true. That's not true. That's not true. Does the zone. Let's go through this. How dare you talk to me like that?
Starting point is 00:29:00 The number one podcast in the space. Give any new feedback. That's the same feedback. Self-proclaimed number one podcast in the space. That's the same feedback you give every show one does the zone doesn't over consume carbs does three times fat here's what's really cool about that all you young up and covers everyone who's uh an aspiring athlete or an aspiring games uh competitor i don't think you have to be influenced by this significantly high carb consumption environment
Starting point is 00:29:25 that is being really promoted right now amongst those athletes. So does the zone doesn't overconsume carbs, does three times fat. So standard zone is 30, 40, 30, 30% protein, 30% fat, 40% carbohydrate, which is a moderate. It's a lower than traditionally prescribed carbohydrate protocol, even though it's of the three macronutrients is still the largest quantity, but it's still lower than most Western diets, but he's also doing it at three X fat. So he's having a, he's consuming a significantly higher fat diet, moderate protein, and pretty much relative to what everyone else is doing lower carb takes group classes that's cool and does 85 of main site workouts we should call this show doing a podcast in sauna yeah
Starting point is 00:30:16 hey um do you like kind of fuck this up do you like you didn't test this? Dude. It is hot today. That's all it is. It's just hot. It's not like this. It's not like this. I've been here every day. It's not like this in the morning.
Starting point is 00:30:32 It's these little panels. Those panels definitely make it warmer. Yes. Hey, and look at it. I even have a heater in here in case it gets cold. Unprecedented times today. What do you think I should do to help it cool down? Just get an oscillating fan in here? I mean, we just need to push through.
Starting point is 00:30:46 No, no, no. I don't mean for us. No, no. We're in it. Yeah, we're in it to win it. How do you think I feel? I'm drinking a hot coffee. How hot is it?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Tell people. What temperature do you think it is in here right now? 80? 100. I got you. Do you want me to have Haley bring you another sparkling water? Yes. It says it's 83 in Santa Cruz right now.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Yeah. So it's got to be 90 95 in here yeah and my hat my house holds that heat hey um do you um tell me to grab it no she wants to participate i'm sure she's got she's doing nothing she's just watching three kids hey dave way he summons your his your water can ask you a question for sure hello users yes hey you spoke earlier about buds though is the one of the things that i had the most uh like curiosity about was like does curiosity about was how long does that carry on? Meaning you went through that super hard thing, you must be feeling like on top
Starting point is 00:31:50 of the world like you could do anything. Hold on. Haley, can you bring Dave a sparkling water? Couldn't you have just texted her? Extra cold. Yeah, but then I can't use the phone to show off. Okay, thank you. Have Avi bring it.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Okay. Okay, bye. You when uh like these people go to like a tony robbins like event and they get like super fired up to just like take on the world and then that that fit that fades pretty quickly right but like in buds you continue on with the training and everything else does that piece of you ever kind of like fade or is it always inside like someone bumps you and you're like, I could kill this motherfucker. Like you still got a little bit of that. Or like you're not, you'll just go out and lay in the surf in the freezing cold and you could get
Starting point is 00:32:31 yourself right back there pretty quickly. No, I don't want to fucking do any of that. I hate the cold. I hate the water. Um, no, here's the deal. I mean, like, I think, um, it's, uh, it creates a unique tolerance to difficult situations and a unique perspective to take on challenges and overcome that you wouldn't have unless you've done something like that. Or you might not have or you might develop in another way. But I don't. I was pretty humble after it because you get to a team and you're like starting over and still dealing with a bunch of shit.
Starting point is 00:33:06 And like, it's like, it's, it doesn't, that here's the best way to say it doesn't end there. The training never ends. It continues. It gets even at times more difficult.
Starting point is 00:33:14 There were points where I looked back years later and said, I now, I really see why it was so hard because I think the moments, the things we're doing here are much harder or as hard. You can come over here. You can go give it to him. Yeah. What's up?
Starting point is 00:33:29 You didn't even give me a fist bump. Come over here. Give me a high five. Is that cold enough for you? Yeah, that's cold enough. Tell me about it. Come here. Sit down, kid.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Come here. Tell me about the podcast today. You did a podcast with your dad? He's got to lean into the phone, into the mic. Yeah, I did it yesterday. You said something that was pretty cool. I've never heard anyone say that. Was that scripted or did he just say that on his own?
Starting point is 00:33:55 I said it on my own. You said something about technique and about... Say what you said. No. Progress, about progress. Oh, yeah. What. Progress, about progress. Oh, yeah. What'd you say about progress? There's always room for more progress.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Like, there's not this box and you can't fill it up. There's, it keeps going on like numbers. Like numbers. That part was really cool. Why like numbers? Because numbers, you said, keep going on too numbers. Like numbers. That part was really cool. Why like numbers?
Starting point is 00:34:26 Because numbers, you said, keep going on too. Yeah. Yeah. That's super cool. Maybe you should have him on as a guest and not me. Proud of you, buddy. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:40 You're a good dude. I love you. I'm going to take you to a Navy recruiter the moment you turn 17. Would you like Dave to give you shooting lessons? Go ahead and ask him now. Yeah. I would like Dave to give me shooting lessons. Every Sunday?
Starting point is 00:34:54 Yeah, every Sunday. At the ranch? Yeah. I'll get you set up. We'll get going. I shoot BB guns. You do? I saw the little targets out there.
Starting point is 00:35:02 We'll shoot big guns. All right. Love you, buddy. Bye. Dude, you told me just today you were giving advice. You're like, dude, never do a live show with him. That kid's capable of saying anything. Can you fucking sit him down? I directed him. I directed him on exactly
Starting point is 00:35:20 where to go with it. That was what made him sweat. That was it. Dave, make sure this $4.99 goes to you. Love your creative programming and we are all happy to see you back helping with the CF Games. Jeff's Lift Bro, Girls Lift Bro, thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Your symbol looks like a penis and balls, which is kind of weird, but it's supposed to be someone lifting weights. You can't say we're glad to see you back. He's been back too long for that. Hold on. That does not look like show this. Which camera is the best to show this?
Starting point is 00:35:50 He's saying that symbol looks like penis in a ball? No, no, no. His. Look at lift bro. His. His symbol. Oh, yeah. It does.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Yeah, yeah. Your symbol looks like cock and balls. And you can't say he's back. He's been back. He's back. He's like, he's old again. He's like, that shit's like, back he's like he's old again he's like that shit's like the but if dave's if this was a party all the balloons all the helium balloons
Starting point is 00:36:11 would be on the ground by now uh extra sloppy dave who wins in a fight uh miss miss danny spiegel or sebi seriously seriously spiegel no fucking fucking way. Tell me why. No, I don't want to get into talking about me beating up a girl, but there's no way she beats me up. No way. Dave. She's fitter. She's more powerful.
Starting point is 00:36:37 She's more coordinated. She's more athletic. I don't know about that. She's faster. She's younger. She's younger. She's significantly more powerful. She she beat you up in a fight uh dave is hq pushing towards a franchisee model with affiliates over the next two years like nc fit i don't even know i'm not sure i understand
Starting point is 00:37:00 the question i don't understand what nc's fits, but no, there's not going to be a franchisee model. Can you put the mic up closer? Yeah. Seve used to do it with affiliates. I had an affiliate show two days ago. What do you mean, used to? Dave Driscoll.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Dave Castro just implied that you are friends. Eaton Beaver. Thank you. Okay. Hey, why did you call Doug, Doug? So that's a great question. Because Doug's a girl dog, right? Was that your question or their question?
Starting point is 00:37:37 I don't want to talk about that. I didn't see it here on the list. I'll tell you that. Okay. So we moved up here and we had our two dogs. We had Poppy. Poppy's a little golden doodle. I thought we had Francis first.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Francis is a shepherdoodle, German shepherd and a doodle. He looks like a poodle, but he's protective like a German shepherd. Cool dog, weird dog. Weird. That dude's weird. I like him, but he's weird. He was abused from his previous owners and we bought him from a a breeder but really we rescued him the the breeder you bought a rescue you bought an abused dog yes we didn't realize it was abused but um so that dog's been a lot
Starting point is 00:38:17 then i wanted and we thought we were buying a puppy it wasn't a puppy he was much older already and so then eventually we got a uh a shepherd i'm sorry a golden doodle which i don't think is really a doodle at all it's just a golden something yeah it's just yeah exactly it's like a it's like a a runt golden retriever you just got like a shitty golden retriever like really small basically yes and so had those in carlsbad in san diego when i was living there moved up here to the ranch and i started doing or moved not i'm not living at the ranch but moved up here to norcal in 18 and i started going to the ranch every day started shooting every day i mean i've
Starting point is 00:38:56 been shooting but like set up my shooting range got into hunting here and um was doing all these outdoor things at the ranch and i said i need to have a dog with things at the ranch. And I said, I need to have a dog with me at the ranch. I need a ranch dog. And so I tried bringing Poppy and Francis out to the ranch. And the first exposure, I took them to the top of the hill and started, I went to the shooting range and they were fucking freaked out. They jumped in the car, were shaking. I took them outside of the car later, just tried hiking around the hills, terrifiedified city dogs, the gunshots wrecked them. The gunshots, the experience, the whole thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:30 And so, um, at that point I was like, okay, this isn't going to work. These dogs aren't ranch dogs. I need to have my own dog. And so I told my wife that I'm like, I need my own dog. And she's like, we can't have a third dog. And I'm like, well, this will be she's like we can't have a third dog and I'm like well this will be my dog she'll go to the ranch or the dog will go to the ranch with me and she said okay fine but if you get a dog I get to name the dog I'm like all right cool
Starting point is 00:39:54 she goes in the dog's name's gonna be Doug I'm like great Doug's the dog Doug is the dog we don't have the dog we don't even have a fucking dog picked out but Doug's the dog's name and so This is crazy There was a breeder that I had talked to when I was in San Diego who said he wanted to work with me on a Dog and it was a dog or Argentino and then at this time I was in the pig hunting and I was like, okay We talked to that breeder reengaged with them. It's New World Dogo and his name's Preston I don't think he owns it anymore, but he did at the time. And then I'm like, hey, I want to do this with the Dogo. I want to get a Dogo. He's like, all right, I'll get you set up. And so he had a litter and he was
Starting point is 00:40:36 like, hey, I have the perfect one for you. I'm like, all right, great. And he's like, yep, she's this one in the litter. And I was like, oh shit. And I'm like a female. And he's like, yep, she's this one in the litter. And I was like, oh shit. And I'm like a female. And he's like, yep, she's great. Got great temperament, just a really good dog. And I'm like, okay, cool. So we ended up with a female Dogo Argentino. And I said, okay, I told you we could name him. We could name, you could name the dog and he chose Doug. So her name is Doug. Sorry, I'm picking up the card. You started the show off by throwing. How's her temperament?
Starting point is 00:41:10 She's nuts. She is nuts? She's super protective. As she's aged, she's just become like, the ranch is her place. And like, she deals with people. And she, it seems like as time has gone on, has become less tolerant of like just everyone being around, everyone being in her space. Like she runs all around that ranch with me and it's hers, you know, and she's always by my side and she's super protective of me.
Starting point is 00:41:40 And so she looks really cute and nice on the gram and people always comment they want to see her but i'm like hey if you see her at the ranch just ignore her um she'll come up and sniff you and she'll look at you and she'll walk around but when people reach down and pet her head you just see her do this and she's like just goes off and does her own thing and looks at people funny and so it's weird because it's not like i didn't socialize her i did socialize her a lot where does she live like where does she sleep at night in her kennel at the house at our house so i've been to your house i don't know i go to your house twice a year for some game of hot shot or whatever that game is hot shot knockout i never see her there yeah because I don't want to put her in a situation to where one of your little boys is poking her or picking at her face and she accidentally bites one.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And so like that's where I'm at with. So it would be my boys poking and your dog accidentally biting. Yeah, absolutely. Not my boy walking away and your dog attacking. Exactly. All right. But she's there. But I don't regardless of what were to happen either direction.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yeah. I don't want to have that scenario be a possibility but she's there she doesn't sleep at the ranch I never even hear her bark when I'm there did you see the video of her chasing up a bobcat up a tree we were walking and it's on my it's on my TDC hun my tdc hunts is
Starting point is 00:43:06 it new yeah i put it up today we'll see it shortly basically um we were walking at the ranch and she takes off sprinting and then she's in the trees and i see something fucking run up the trees and i'm like holy shit and i walk under and i look and it's fucking bobcat up there just staring down at us drawn no i actually at that point uh didn't have a gun so i'm like hey if this something happens it's uh it's you doug you got it here's the thing about the bobcat wow dude that cat's crazy how many how often do you see bobcat up there it's first time ever in person uh they pop on my camera. Watch the face.
Starting point is 00:43:47 When I zoom in, I'm going to zoom in in a minute. I saw his face. He had it. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, watch. So I pulled my camera out after she'd already chased it up the tree. And then it actually, you know what's nuts? If I hadn't seen it run up the tree, I would have never seen the thing.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Even after it ran up in the tree, I had to look really hard and i'm like oh there it is and then i zoomed on the camera and watch the next clip that plays you'll see its face it's basically blended in perfectly yep exactly hey dude it looks like a little lion that's not what i i feel like i've seen bobcats maybe i haven't seen bobcats but look at hold on hold on it's the next clip right here i feel like I've seen bobcats. Maybe I haven't seen bobcats. But look at, hold on, hold on. It's the next clip right here. I feel like I've seen bobcats and that does not look like the ones I've seen. And here's the crazy thing. Ready? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:32 There's been a hundred times, maybe even a thousand times when we're walking around the ranch and she sprints off into the trees like that. And maybe, look at the face. Look at the face. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's crazy. Maybe half the time That's crazy. Maybe, um, half the time it's that maybe a quarter of the time,
Starting point is 00:44:50 or maybe five times it's been the mountain lion and the things just disappeared up there. And I've had no idea. And it could just count you and smoke you. Well, I think she's going to go down in a, in a blaze of glory, tangling with the mountain lion,
Starting point is 00:45:03 your dog. I think that's her destiny. I kind of be cool if that does happen. Do you ever think about getting a second one? Yeah, but not her. I didn't get another doggo. What would you get?
Starting point is 00:45:17 Something a little more chill. She's fucking powerful, big, a lot of energy. She's a protector. You could get something a little more friendly. She's friendly, but still, there's that edge. Your fucking dog. Your dog snapped at me.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Today? No, last time we were here. Your dog's 130 pounds. 150 pounds. Gentle, gentle giant. Extra sloppy. My favorite part about the games is participating in community workouts and watching red shirts deliver cap. I have been swayed. That's the best CF I've ever been exposed to.
Starting point is 00:45:51 That's the bar for me. Doing workouts at the games. All right. Cool. All right. So be it. Jacqueline Robinson from Canada. Thanks for the awesome hospitality at Fitness Freedom event hopefully there
Starting point is 00:46:06 will be another you do anything more with street parking at the ranch we haven't talked about it but yeah I would love to if they they're interested have you talked to Miranda or Julian lately I haven't Dennis O'Leary Dave still seems like it's
Starting point is 00:46:22 cooled off a little what in here yeah do you feel that you're still sweating I can't tell because I'm surrounded by Dennis O'Leary. Dave, still- It seems like it's cooled off a little. What? In here. In here. Yeah. Do you feel that? You're still sweating. I can't tell because I'm surrounded by- Heat lamps?
Starting point is 00:46:31 Heat lamps. Dave O'Leary. Dave, still waiting for you to release programming. What's he talking about? Oh, man. I mean, like what everyone else is doing. Oh, cellular programming? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:41 In the past, it hasn't been an option for you. Is that- I don't think it's an option. I don't think I can do that well. I don't think I should do that. I mean, I wouldn't do that while I'm working for CrossFit. Yeah. In the past, it hasn't been an option for you. Is that, I don't think it's an option. I don't think I can do that. Well, I don't think I should do that. I mean, I wouldn't do that while I'm working for CrossFit. Yeah. I mean, if I, I should have started it when I was not working for CrossFit. And then when I came back, kind of had, um, had an exemption written in for, for having started it already, but I didn't do that. So I don't think, especially because I'm overseeing programming for CrossFit, programming the games, the cap stuff, the main site stuff,
Starting point is 00:47:12 it's not appropriate. So can't do that right now. If there are workouts, you're overseeing it? If there are workouts, what? Period. Yeah. If there are workouts, you're overseeing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Dot com. Yeah. Cap. Yeah. Games. Yeah. Semifinals. Yeah. Everything. Yeah. If there are workouts, you're overseeing it. Yeah. Dot com. Yeah. Cap. Yeah. Games. Yeah. Semifinals. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Everything. Yeah. The programming at the ranch for the team. Yeah. So the program for the ranch, the team, I put that all on. Okay. I want to ask you some questions. I want to end with that.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Don't let me forget. I want to come back to that. I want to talk to you about three things about programming. The first thing is the guest programming you have. Yeah. You went first so people did get some of your programming yeah through crossfit which is appropriate adler did 85 of it did you do any strength training during that week yeah i think i had some snatching and some uh
Starting point is 00:47:55 squats you like adler more now huh oh he's a good dude yeah i like him more now too yeah give a little home cooking you need to you need to get him on the show and discuss those things yeah totally or carolyn lambre yeah either or both coach she talks good yeah she speaks english good he's he's he's is he hard to have a show with no i'm just mostly just just trolling him right now no he's great okay he's i can't tell if he have you ever hung out with him he's got he's either got a really dry sense of humor or no sense of humor. I think, well, a little at the 2020 games because those were so small. Like I spent a little time with him,
Starting point is 00:48:33 and I just remember him being like really intense and really focused. And even then, like they both said, hey, we're going to win this thing. And not there, but eventually. Yeah. And obviously they did, but they were really confident. They were really confident in his abilities. He is like super well-rounded, obviously.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yeah, and he's cool. He's cool as shit. He's a great guest. Yeah. Okay, so then Adrian goes, who's going now? Who's doing it now? Who's doing what?
Starting point is 00:49:03 The programming now Adrian went, and then Kara was. Who's going now? Who's doing it now? Who's doing what? The programming now Adrian Wint. And then Cara was. Cara who? Hipskin. She was? Yeah, she was the one behind the programming. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:17 She did a good job. So for those of you who don't know, the guy who programmed the longest was formerly Cara's boss for the longest time leaf leaf yeah and so she was i don't know if he programmed longer than greg and lauren did yeah for sure no not for sure for sure not for sure close greg and lauren programmed from 01 okay to call it when 11 12 10 call it 10 8 9 i don't know call it 11? 11, 12? 10? Call it 10.
Starting point is 00:49:46 8, 9? I don't know. Call it 11. So 10 years. They program for a decade. Okay. All right. See what I mean?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah. Close. As long. Close. Yeah. Close. The most seasoned outside of Greg. For sure.
Starting point is 00:49:58 And Lauren. Yep. At doing that. I stand corrected. And his second in charge who reported directly to him and who worked very closely with him every single day sat in the same building was carrie hiskin whose idea was that to choose cara uh as that all went down with leaf she kind of asked for it and stepped into it no no no but who decided that it would oh she had been doing it prior to you stepping in yes so when you adrian and then back to cara oh yeah yeah cara's been doing it prior to you stepping in yes so when you adrian and then back to kara
Starting point is 00:50:25 oh yeah yeah kara's been doing it is my point okay okay oh that's in good hands okay well shit kara's been the one like the transition from leaf okay it was then to kara but that part's not public i want that to be more forward-facing i want anyone who's programming for main site to be forward-facing you know she's running a successful affiliate. Yeah. Yeah. Do you know, do you remember like when you guys were making videos and I'm like really big on attribution and you guys, Tony, remember this? Tony was not. I had forgotten, but I love it how you're remembering how great you've been to me in
Starting point is 00:50:58 my life. Yes. Yes. Tony was like, Hey, none of these videos should have any attribution. And I fucking went to war with greg and tony for you and the team and i changed my life that changed my life and i said hey all of these guys every piece we make every written piece every video piece stop not giving credit to where credits do right let it let the video say who made it hey that was before social media too that
Starting point is 00:51:25 was before social media yeah it was before social media and then people could have favorites and people could see style and people could see um different why do you think they didn't want to give attribution in the early days they were afraid it would make go to people's head or yeah i think it was because of you i think they didn't want to give people like you attention or give and then you know you you hear that kind of talk a lot like not giving attribution because what if that person leaves yeah you know what i mean we made them big i mean i imagine the same thing has been said about me a hundred times right you know right um so i think that was a lot of it and then they brought you back because of that okay um uh okay so now i want to so who's going to do it next? Who's deciding who does it?
Starting point is 00:52:05 Will there be more? So I was making this assumption that every two weeks it was going to change for now until eternity. That's not it. So you have to guess people and then we go back. Yeah, every two weeks it's a guess for two weeks and back to us. Okay. And even when it's us, I think we should be saying who it is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:20 The guess for two weeks and us. Okay. Guess for two weeks and us. I probably, I shouldn't scoop who it's going to be. Okay. So yeah, it'll, it'll come out, I think Monday. But it's going to be someone cool. And what are the, and no, and it's known as soon as you see the program, then you see
Starting point is 00:52:36 their name under it. That's how you find out. Actually, it says it, pull it up. It says it all. Can you, or is it? Yeah. It says it at the top guest programmer oh okay but i mean that's when people will find out on monday everyone finds out together when they see
Starting point is 00:52:51 the workout well they introduce them they say like new guest programmer okay let me uh scroll down i don't see guest programmer there do you, because it's not a guest programmer now. Oh, okay. It's currently not. Yeah. Oh, I don't know if on this page it will. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:11 that's good. Keep going. Let's look. Um, and, and how do you choose the person who's going to do the programming and who chooses the cap team programming team kind of led by Sarah Hopping Estrella. Right now, she makes recommendations and suggests,
Starting point is 00:53:30 hey, how about, and we're taking recommendations from anyone. Some people have emailed and asked to do it. So it's super, here's the deal with this whole thing. Yeah. Super informal and not laid out with clear cut, here's how it works and here's how we're doing. It was one of these things where I'm like, hey, fucking cut. Here's how it works. And here's how we're doing. It was one of these things where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:53:47 Hey, fucking launch. Let's make it happen. Yeah. And we'll figure it out as it goes because it's, it's so, there's so low risk. And so like, we didn't need to have,
Starting point is 00:53:55 if you were talking about what are you going to be the standard operating doc on how they're supposed to program and what they're like, how relative to how we do. And I'm like, none of that matters. Let's just, we'll, we'll get it going.
Starting point is 00:54:05 And this is one of those things that has so less risk to it that we're approving it all. We're looking at it all. So the process we'll figure out as we go. And I like that. So is there hope for anyone who would want to do it? If there's some affiliate out there who's like, oh my God, it's my dream to be on there.
Starting point is 00:54:28 There is a chance in hell. I don't know about that. Okay. I mean, 52 weeks. Not that informal. 52 weeks in a year. Like there's still there's only a limited number of space. There's 13,000 affiliates. So it's not like any.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I know. But you could be like, hey, it's only people who are on the 26. You could be 26 opportunities hey, it's only people who are on the payroll. Twenty-six opportunities. Ten-year affiliates? Oh, there you go. Okay, even amongst the only selected ten-year affiliates, there's still several hundred. There's almost a thousand ten-year affiliates. So to get even a few. But I mean even one.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Like is there a chance in hell? There's a chance in hell. Absolutely. Okay, that's what I'm just wondering. So there is a chance in hell. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, there's only I'm just wondering. So there is a chance in hell. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, there's only going to be 12 programmers a year because the other – something like that.
Starting point is 00:55:11 No, it's more than that. It's – 12 guests. There's only 12 months. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, and every month basically. Mazel maynows. Yep.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Karina Rain. Who? Karina Rain, this post. I need to show you who this chick's boyfriend or husband is. Why? Because you know who it is. He's someone famous. He's been on the show.
Starting point is 00:55:32 You'll like his job a lot. Have you talked about aliens anywhere? You'll really like his job. David, have you talked about aliens anywhere? If not, will you touch on the topic? Yeah, what's your deal with that? Are you doing any... Being Mexican, I don't think I should talk about immigration i know that's not what you're mentioning um
Starting point is 00:55:49 no i i don't like you're at the ranch a lot at night you go hunting a lot at night you spend a lot of time outdoors at night a lot more than probably most people know correct i know it's a fucking lot you never seen any aliens nope if you did would you tell us i have i have trouble seeing not trouble i've never seen anything at night i've never seen the mountain lion that lives on our ranch ever during the day much less at night so what are the chances if i can't see a fucking mountain lion that lives on our ranch i'm gonna see an alien right you're not right ufo is like the yeah it's so like hey okay do i think they exist maybe um do i think they're watching us and plotting any um world domination no not at all um i don't know
Starting point is 00:56:39 i don't care enough okay no it's not on your radar great question though i like it a barry mccawkner is it true affiliate fees are oh it's a crazy your radar. Great question. I like it. A Barry McOchner. Is it true affiliate fees are, oh, it's a crazy way to ask the question. Is it true affiliate fees are increasing? And if so, how much? I think people get their questions answered for free on YouTube and here they gots to pay. My model is way better. They are paying you to ask these questions? Yeah. No, I should be getting some of this money then.
Starting point is 00:57:06 You should have paid for dinner. I'll take you out to dinner. Bring Don. I paid for dinner tonight. And I should have had you. You did pull your card out and I said, no, no, no. I got this. And the only reason why I let you is because there was an affiliate here. And I didn't even use the company card even while
Starting point is 00:57:23 I'm having dinner with an affiliate yeah that's crazy i use my personal card that's great uh um do you want to field this question can you talk about affiliate fees let's go on okay eric ootley uh who would win in a standoff doug or the bobcat i think doug so the bob the bobcat 50, 60, 70 pounds. Doug's 100, 110 pounds. The mountain lion, zero chance. The mountain lion's going to kill her. Although in Argentina, I'm sorry. Yeah, Argentina.
Starting point is 00:57:54 The stories are that they use Dogos to fight the mountain lions, especially old school. I don't know if I buy that or maybe just much bigger Dogos than her because the Mountain Lion, it's like, I think 150, 200. It's like almost double her size.
Starting point is 00:58:13 And so like, I think she has no chance against the Mountain Lion. And it's a professional full-time killer. Yeah, exactly. Full-time. Yeah. It kills to eat. Doug gets fed raw food, but she doesn't kill it to eat it.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Although, did I tell you that time? Did you see that time? I think I showed you the video. We were out there hiking, and she runs off into the bushes, and I'm like, I have a recall device. I have a remote control. She has a caller. I hit a button.
Starting point is 00:58:40 It has an audible noise. She hears the noise, and she comes returning to me. If she doesn't return or if she's doing anything naughty It has another button where you can hit the button and it gives her a little shock She ran off into the bushes and disappeared. I'm hitting the recall just the audible. She's not returning. I see her doing something and then so I gave her a little shock. She still didn't come over and so i'm like, all right I got to check this out. I go through the bushes and I get up there and the freshest dead deer that is half eaten.
Starting point is 00:59:12 She's just going to town on. She is now eating it. It's a deer that had probably been killed within the last hour. And I don't know if as we walked up on it, the mountain lion, which most likely killed it, hurt us and sprinted off, and then she ran and started eating. I don't know what happened, obviously, before that, but she was primal and going to town on that thing,
Starting point is 00:59:36 covered in blood. Did she snarl at you? She didn't snarl at me, but she was definitely enjoying that moment. Wow. And what do you do? That video's on there. You can find that. Here, I'll find that video. Hey. And what do you do? That video's on there. You can find that.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Here, I'll find that video. Hey, and what do you do when that happens? Do you just start looking around for the bobcat? I mean, for the mountain lion? I mean, then it's like quick, like, yeah, I'm on total watch for like- Whatever killed this thing. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Yeah, would not want any branches over my head. For people who don't know, mountain lions are like real around here. Like you can go on our home or what's that neighborhood? What's the neighborhood app? And there's always someone posting a picture, always of a mountain lion they saw on their front porch or some shit. Like they're here. Yeah, but you know what's crazy about that too is what's nuts is like in these rural areas,
Starting point is 01:00:22 it seems like the mountain lions are seen way more on cameras around houses and like because because the ranch is so big and the property behind it is so large like i've they've popped on my cameras a few times but i've never seen it um like uh close to the houses or just in general we when it get um the one year we were here where there was no rain one year the coyotes came really low we had coyotes every night nuts huge packs of them now when there's good rain we don't we don't hear them for we're not gonna hear them for a couple years now we had so much rain what do you think most rain you ever seen in california this year yeah for sure in your life yeah me too yeah for sure uh jared ellis 999 dave castro that's a lot of money thanks for your wirs yeah buddy what's that thank you what's that you do a review of my
Starting point is 01:01:16 week in review oh we can review oh yeah how genius is that i found that video david's up on screen how how amazing is that, Dave? The goal is to review your review before you people get to watch it so I get your views. That's good, right? I didn't know. Yeah. Hey, that's gnarly. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Yeah, that's gnarly. Look at how happy she is. And so she eats raw. So when she saw – I feed her raw hamburger chicken bone look at look at she's going to town hey that's just um look that's just the front legs and back legs are left the whole torso and head are gone yeah yep wow pretty cool look at she's just look at she looked at me and then just went to town she's's like, Hey, I'm good. Let me do my thing. Hey, so that cat tore that off and took it back to its litter or something. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 01:02:10 That's crazy. How well the dish, the torsos ripped out. Hey, a lot of flies there. No, just no. I mean, it's too fresh. Yeah. Woo. Uh, Dave, thanks for your weekend reviews.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Your direct high value communication is not only great for the sport i've used your videos to teach my staff on word equity saying more with less come to golden bear games and sack what's golden bear games okay i don't know i'd love to go if it's in sacramento susan do you know what about that competition yeah yeah i think it's been going on for a while if it's the same one i'm thinking about, I think it's at the high school. Shoot me a note. I'll try to get out there. Um,
Starting point is 01:02:48 read his comment again. I want to hear that. We're going to bear games. He's basically saying, you know how to say shit with it. Golden bear, bear game 2000. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Well, he pulls that up. I'll do this. Uh, Dave, thanks for your weekend review. Your direct high value communication is not only great for the sport. I've used your videos to teach my staff on word equity,
Starting point is 01:03:02 saying more with less. So saying more, even as verbose as I can be, saying more with less is something that I very much try to pride myself on and try to encourage my staff to take those principles on. I think often people communicate via email or Zoom or presentations with way too much info or way too much needless um context so i uh even though i don't think the weekend reviews are as short as they could be sometimes even when they're 15 or 20 minutes long i think i've talked for too long um i do think about that a lot in my style of communication, just trying to get the most important and powerful pieces across and
Starting point is 01:03:51 leaving out a lot of the fluff. Well, it's crazy that someone's using it to, um, I think it's a November 11th. It's this, it's this gym CrossFit 916 get fit. I'm hotth. It's this gym, CrossFit 916. Get fit, make fun. I'm hot again.
Starting point is 01:04:08 It's hot. Hey, I want to show you something. Oh, this is good. This is so good. Look it. Should we report? This is a great... Should we report this?
Starting point is 01:04:19 They don't have a link to the journal on their homepage. Isn't that a requirement to be an affiliate? What the fuck is going on here? Have you heard this quote by Mark Twain? This is great. Ready? I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. Think about that.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Think how powerful that is. I didn't have, you know why? Because to write a short letter or to write a short email or or do anything short and concise is more difficult than just spewing at the mouth and putting all your thoughts out there. And so like, that's like when writing emails, when doing presentations, people way over bias towards mass amounts of information rather than just consolidating it to the most powerful parts. I didn't have time to write a short letter so I wrote a long one instead. That's
Starting point is 01:05:09 fucking great. That's a beautiful quote. Most people would say to you, dude, I fucking get it. But I didn't get it until you explained it. I didn't. Hey, so the other day, I just typed into, to just write into the URL, I just typed in CrossFit heaven.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Let's see what we get. And there's a gym called CrossFit heaven. Hey, but even that concept that just this 20 thing, it applies to fucking podcast and applies to all of you guys who just keep going on and on and on and on. Sorry. Go on. And I came over to this and I come over to this url and it's um it's uh it's crossfit heaven right and it's a gym and it's in denmark crossfit heaven you know heaven
Starting point is 01:05:54 that's like where you go when you're dead and god is hanging out and it might mean something different in their language fair okay so i scroll down here scroll down here, and there's a link, CrossFit Journal. Okay. And I click on that shit. Boom. And it takes me to the journal. Damn. That's powerful.
Starting point is 01:06:17 This is a powerful tool. You just used my word. That is not being utilized by CrossFit Inc. This is a huge miss. And then look what video it is. Killing the Fat Man Season 2. That's sitting on the homepage. And then you click on it.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Hey, you got to switch it on the share screen. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Thank you. And then you click on it and it takes you to it. Was that the last click on it and, um, and it, and it takes you to it. Was that the last post on it?
Starting point is 01:06:49 No, I know that couldn't be. Uh, yeah, it's a great December 23rd, 2008. It's close. It's close to one of the last posts on it,
Starting point is 01:06:57 dude, because that's when all the shit went sideways on Jan one, 2019 is basically when media got shut down. So, um, there's a new CMO there, right? Yep. Did you get my number?
Starting point is 01:07:07 Does he want me to consult? Does he want to consult with me? Yeah, his people will contact your people. Thank you. How is he? Is he better at his job than I was? He's good. He's good?
Starting point is 01:07:14 I like him. Let him know. I'm here. Here to support. You want to support? I'm here to support. Maybe you are supporting. You're supporting in your own unique way.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Yeah, stay away. Don't let me support uh okay say yeah that was that's a good line thank you for the uh mark a twight quote that's really cool twain motherfucker twain uh bernie gannon five dollar dave i'm sweating my ass off. Do you want another water? Yeah, tell your little man. My little water? Your little man. Do you have to pee? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Tell your little man I want water. I am going to, but do you need to pee? Is it going to be too much for you? No, I'm good. Are you calling? Just text. Hey, he's like the trolley car Mr. Rogers when he comes in. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:08:02 Everyone gets excited. Remember that as a little kid, the trolley car comes in and you're like, ah, here comes the trolley car. Yo. Hey, can you please send the little man with another water, please? Yeah. Thank you. Yes. When I call, babe,
Starting point is 01:08:19 and it's the show phone number, you can't keep washing dishes or whatever you're doing. Okay. Don't call me. Bernie Gannon. Dave, have you considered – Dave, this is for you. I'm listening.
Starting point is 01:08:31 This is $5. Have you considered revisiting the softball throw? Oh, jeez. I can't tell if this is satire if he's taking a jab at you, dude. Dave, have you considered revisiting the softball throw at the games? Only this time baseball into a bucket at 23 paces. Wow, all the elites are doing it. Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Bernie, I love you. I don't get it. Okay. I made a video the other day where I walked out 60 feet from a bucket and I grabbed a baseball and first throw I hit the bucket. Oh, that's pretty impressive. Yeah, thank you. Just one throw.
Starting point is 01:09:04 No practice. Hadn't thrown. I was just letting people know, like, hey, I's pretty impressive. Yeah, thank you. Just one throw. No practice. Hadn't thrown. I was just letting people know, like, hey, I have crazy focus. I can throw a grape into a piece of PVC from 100 feet. That's that bobcat at 10 a.m. in front of the well. Oh, it looks like an ice bath. You got a new well? No, it's just a trough. That's a water trough. That's what ice baths typically are new well no no it's just it is it's a trough that's water
Starting point is 01:09:25 trough that's what ice baths typically are in front of it look in front of it yeah is the is the bobcat yeah daylight yeah it looks big yeah it is big that doesn't play well on a podcast that's why i'm showing you i appreciate you giving advice on talking more or less or whatever it was, but that doesn't play well. Okay. What about throwing something? What about throwing an object?
Starting point is 01:09:51 God, I'm going to have to shower when I get home. This sucks. And I want to ask you about your, what you do to prepare for your weekend reviews. What about a throw? Would you ever do throwing again? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:10:01 So the throw, I think the throw in like a one-off event or something like the Tahoe throw down or something like the team proven versus mayhem versus HWPO that we're organizing. Yeah. Something like that, um, would be fun and cool to do.
Starting point is 01:10:17 But the, uh, you know why that happened? I mean, that year Greg was like, Hey, I want him to throw. I want him to throw a softball as far as they can.
Starting point is 01:10:24 And what he actually wanted them to do was he said, I want them to throw strong arm and I want them to throw weak arm. And I was kind of like and that was the peak of like us getting clowned by people in the community and like outside the community. They're still I know. But that was like that was the peak, not the peak, but that was like. But that was like, that was the peak, not the peak, but that was like, there was momentum and there was a lot of haters and a lot of people criticizing us. And here's the thing. I knew with throwing with one arm, how poorly they were going to throw with their strong arm, much less than also asking them to do the same thing with their weak side arm.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Also asking them to do the same thing with their weak side arm. Right. So what we ended up doing was a compromise that I didn't tell Greg. So basically I made the executive call. Cool. We'll include the throw, but I didn't tell him, but we're not going to include the weak side. Cause I just could imagine all the spoofs that would have came up from that.
Starting point is 01:11:23 And I mean, that was like one of. So everyone got to throw with one arm, whatever they want. Their strong arm. Yeah. Okay. That was like one of three or four things ever that Greg asked to put in the games. And you would never do throwing again.
Starting point is 01:11:38 What's up, big man? Give us some pearls of wisdom. No, I'm leaving. Oh, keep it short. Thank you, Avi. That, I'm leaving. He said, Oh, see, keep it short. Thank you,
Starting point is 01:11:47 Abby. That was, that was, that was, he listened. Yeah. Thank you. Would you not do throwing because you're vindictive and resentful of the past experience, or you just don't think it's a good test for,
Starting point is 01:11:59 for, for, for the games for CrossFit? I think it's a great test of athleticism, or, or throwing, specifically of throwing a ball I think you'd be very athletic at other things and maybe not throw a baseball That well, but I don't think in terms of what we're asking these guys to train for and ask them how to prepare
Starting point is 01:12:18 I don't think it's appropriate But again, I know at any of these other events not semi-finals any of these other events where we're not testing for the fittest live, they're fine. It's cool. It's fun. Dan Guerrero, thank you for your money. Okay, next question. Yolana.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Oh, I have heard of that dude. I remember him from back in the day. This guy? No, no, no, no. Rambler. Whoever Rambler is talking about. He used to be a big shit talker. Who's Rambler talking about?
Starting point is 01:12:49 Have you heard of Elgin Intensity? Back in the day, that guy used to be a big hater. Oh, that sounds familiar. Oh, Susan, will you close the door? Yeah. Thank you. Dave, what's the value in affiliating? Why not spend the money on equipment instead? in terms of its impact and what it can do for society.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Meaning you can do this on your own without using the name or without affiliating, or you can be part of a community of 13,000 gyms, like-minded and contribute in a arm-in-arm way. And so... This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items.
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Starting point is 01:14:35 Find us at There's that side of it that's kind of, you know, more, I don't want to say esoteric, but more idealistic. Like doing it because, well, you're doing CrossFit for one. I mean, like there's that aspect. If you are following CrossFit and having CrossFit for your people, there's the aspect of actually engaging and labeling yourself a CrossFit gym because you're doing CrossFit. But you put that aside. But being associated with this great community of like-minded individuals that are all steering in the same direction with the goal to make individuals better, their gym better,
Starting point is 01:15:25 their community better, and ultimately the world, a better place is a powerful thing. And something that is worth associating with and being in line with. Dave Driscoll said he wants, I asked him the same question. He said, Hey,
Starting point is 01:15:40 I want to be part of the club. Yeah. I mean, that's one way of saying what I'm saying, but there is a whole other list of like, oh i mean there's still there's a list of super official things you get right yeah there's use of the names yeah there's use of the name cap programming is including affiliation there's affiliate partner there's there's a lot of things that come with it right and there will always be and they're doing more and they're
Starting point is 01:16:01 building more out of it but they're neat um in my like my reasons to do it, if I were to do it or what I think why people should do it. Those are all great and all nice to have. Those aren't the difference for doing it. And if they're the difference for doing it, we've done a really poor job. You know what I mean? Like you have to want to be with us and associate with us and and believe in us to to steer the ship in a direction that is powerful and impactful on the world. When someone affiliates to be open a McDonald's. Franchise. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:37 But let's just say there is no difference just for the sake of it, right? Okay. I wonder how much that is. It's probably like $500,000. Probably a lot right and what you're getting is is you're getting with that the a name that means that everyone who comes to your restaurant knows that they're going to get a burger that tastes exactly the same for a certain price at a window with pretty much this one kind of service yep right and what you get from cross from CrossFit is, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:05 you're going to go somewhere where there's going to be someone there to teach you the most potent lifestyle methodology with life minded people on the planet today. That's what I believe. Yeah. Like, I know that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:22 I mean, I'm open to someone proving me wrong, but like, for me, it's like the methodology is like bringing people to believe. Yeah. Like, I know that. Yeah. I mean, I'm open to someone proving me wrong, but like for me, it's like the methodology is like bringing people to tears. Yeah. And obviously ineffective. And if it didn't deliver the most, if it didn't deliver the results that it does, we wouldn't
Starting point is 01:17:37 be here where we are 20 years later. Right, right. You know, you and I crossfit the brand. Right. 13,000 gyms still. It is only at this point and it is only still in its existence because at the fundamental level, the methodology is that powerful. So you pay this money. You get to put the name on there and then people know, oh, shit, that's what my crazy friend does who their whole fucking life changed.
Starting point is 01:18:02 They got a new boyfriend, a new job. They got a good body and they're so fun. And they've met. Look at, let me, let me, I mean, that's what you're paying for. Same thing that people pay for McDonald's, but just different shit. But it's really the image and what's guaranteed with what you're going to get at the place. Now people might be like, well, they're shitty CrossFit gyms. Well, who cares?
Starting point is 01:18:19 They're shitty McDonald's too. There's McDonald's where you get your car broken into every time you park there. Pissing me off. I don't know. I'm i'm getting wind up because i i have a beef with dan anyway there's um there was a phase when if you wanted to do this style of training the only way to find it was via a crossfit gym meaning you weren't going to find other gyms to do this easily then there was a period where a lot of these gyms who had been around for a number of years and as CrossFit gyms had built up their own communities, had a lot of members, had their own following and realized, you know what, maybe I don't need the name and I
Starting point is 01:19:00 could still thrive. And so it became easier for them to just move on without the name. It doesn't affect their local community as much. And then functional fitness started becoming because of our efforts, more common, more popular. And really it became less of, okay, to do this style of training, CrossFit gyms aren't my only option. There's also probably another gym in the community. Maybe once was a CrossFit gym or maybe is not anymore, maybe as their own gym. And so the options became a little more, um, the options to do, to go to non-affiliates opened up a little still, all that being said, I believe, and there still is a tremendous amount of value, uh, value in having the CrossFit name associated with your gym in terms of people searching, in terms of people looking for this type of training, in terms of people knowing they're going to a like-minded community and going to somewhere where they can train the way they like to train or want to train.
Starting point is 01:20:01 It helps that you're there. You're cool as shit. People want to be part of a club that has cool kids in it. Yolana, Dave, pass my L3 this week. Congratulations. See that?
Starting point is 01:20:13 See how I pause so that you could do that synchronicity? You don't often do that. Dave, pass my L3 this week. That's it? Was weird doing an exam that you get no feedback on areas for improvement i like that oh and dave's big on um feedback so this is going to be good when cf had a big focus on giving feedback oh yeah you agree with that yeah what's up no feedback on the level three oh but you passed
Starting point is 01:20:38 what feedback does she need yeah exactly so the cf is a certain the cf the level three is a certification that's certified by ANSI, American National Standard Institute. It's an official certification. The level one is not a certification. The level one is a certificate course. A certificate course can have education associated with it. And it's an ANSI certified or it's an ANSI certificate course, anything that has education with it cannot be in this world a certification. So it's a certificate course, the level one. Education component, test at the end, certificate course. Everyone out there, everyone else in fitness, everyone offering weightlifting seminars, anyone offering any type of seminar where they're saying certification, weightlifting certification, this certification, that certification, they're all fucking wrong.
Starting point is 01:21:34 They're all wrong by industry standards. They're not certification. The only way you can have a true certified certification is if it's an independent test, a standalone test that measures subject matter expertise. That's what the level three is. It's a test independent of and isolated of any education that anyone can take. You don't even actually need your level one or level two to go through a level three there is a requirement to have proved training hours for um a lot of training hours to go this route but you can take the level three with no other requirements it's the same thing has anyone
Starting point is 01:22:16 done that yet like one or two people yeah and i don't remember how they did it um because to be able to prove subject matter expertise in the certification world, they don't want to tie it to any training because you might have found it by another path. Yeah. And so via that, that is why there is no feedback to it because we're doing it strictly by the rules, their rules. That being said, like the bar exam, you know, you don't even have to go to law school to take the bar exam. Did you know that? No, maybe I did.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Maybe I've heard you say that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can, you can take the bar exam without ever having gone to law school, pass and pass the bar. Um,
Starting point is 01:22:55 so that was a long winded way to answer. Fuck you and your feedback. Yeah. Hey, but, but, but here's the thing. I was,
Starting point is 01:23:04 you don't even, even um they don't even know which ones they got wrong right because the test is so well protected yeah correct and that's really what it comes down to they can't record they can't ask for their test and then study the ones they got wrong correct i wonder if there's some loophole there where you could give the people who pass the test well i don't Well, I don't know, actually. I don't know if we give them any feedback on what they passed. Someone could then accumulate all the questions. Yeah, we definitely wouldn't tell them.
Starting point is 01:23:33 I think there might be something. There's subsections. I think it might tell you, hey, in this section, you scored this percentage right and wrong. But there's no way we're telling them the questions. It is a valid question. It is a fair question. It is a fair question. It'd be cool if there was a way to get feedback. Right?
Starting point is 01:23:50 Especially if you passed. I don't know. Well, you were never eaten by a bobcat or a mountain lion, but it sure as fuck would be good to know if they had been in the tree the whole time. I don't see how that connects. Do you? It's a stretch. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Hey, Dave, who makes the rifle scope? Who makes the rifle scope? They meant to say the best rifle scope. They corrected themselves in a later one. Oh, okay. Who makes the best rifle scope? It depends on what the purpose is. I mean, you can go for for like 500 scopes that'll get
Starting point is 01:24:25 things done all the way to five thousand dollar scopes um there's a ton of different brands out there uh depends what you want to use it for but i mean like the big brands make really good scopes that probably will fit your needs leopold um night force vortex all of those guys make good scopes that you could use. Start with Leopold. Leopold it is. Extra sloppy, $4.99. The best part isn't simply working
Starting point is 01:24:55 out at the games. It was the delivery of the programming that was so exceptional and unexpected it was eye-opening. Oh, meaning by the staff. He's talking about in the affiliate area with the CAP program. Okay. I think you read that one already.
Starting point is 01:25:09 They like the delivery. I think it's a follow-up. Okay. Oh, here we go. Now we're talking. $49.99. Dave, will you take my daughter on a date? Where's that one?
Starting point is 01:25:20 $49.99. Dave. Fernando Pimp. No, PMI Premium Services. Damn, it's been a while, Fernando. I think this guy's a real estate agent. Okay. Cool properties.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Dave, thank you for all you do. And as a person that worked for you on the old CFE staff with BMAC, I want the world to know that it was an honor. Oh, you know who that is? I don't remember him, but I do remember Brian had a really large staff, Brian McKenzie. So like it was, it would have, it's not a stretch for me not to remember who that was because Brian at one point had a lot of staff members on the CFE team. I like that one. Dave wrote an aggressive email back to me after receiving my level one
Starting point is 01:26:08 feedback. Probably. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, yeah. I would like to know what here's the thing about something like that. Yeah. That's one half of the story. Yeah. Yeah. That's one half of the story. Hey, if I wrote an aggressive feedback, why? Yeah. So, Hey,
Starting point is 01:26:29 that was the best part. That was one of the highlights of working at CrossFit Inc. With Dave. Is because every once in a while, there'd be an email that came in that would be like, Hey, Dave sent me this. Someone thought he was going to get in trouble for what he said.
Starting point is 01:26:44 I mean, like, I don't do that unsolicited you know like if i'm aggressive like cucumber yeah it's not for yeah so when i see that i laugh because i'm like well what did you do or what did you say yeah for you to think you received an aggressive response uh patricia uh attention deficit something ADHD Armenian. That's me. And autistic Mexicans show each other pictures on their phones. Is that like you commenting, making shit up? That sounds like something you would say. It does sound like something I would say.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Three guys, one sauna. The hottest episode in CF podcast history. Thank you mr world literally hottest i'm glad i prepared like 3 000 questions for you but i didn't have to do anything today allegra r uh earlier you said i don't listen that is such bullshit by the way i'm pretty much always listening but stuff slips through the cracks when i'm also finagling over here, fingering things. Allegra R, 499. Hi. Have you watched Pat Barber's 2001 CrossFit Odyssey?
Starting point is 01:27:51 Super cool. Glad to see Dave on the show. Glad I was able to watch it live. Yeah, Pat sent me that a couple weeks ago, and I promoted it right away on my podcast, like immediately. Yeah. 2001? I don't get it. He's gone back to doing.
Starting point is 01:28:09 Is it new? Workouts from 2001. He's basically just celebrating the fact that the programming in 2001 was amazing. So he's like, hey, I'm going to start at 2001. Who wants to join me? You know, that's. I've seen a handful of people do that over the years. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 01:28:23 It is cool. Amundsen was a big believer in that right yeah cool yeah it's awesome good job you da man dude you da fucking man Pat Barber who is Pat Barber Trip River CrossFit
Starting point is 01:28:42 put it towards changing the earth put towards what towards changing the earth. Put towards what? Towards changing the earth. A dollar 99. Um, sorry, Mr.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Watkins. I just passed by one of yours. Uh, Oh, so let me get this right. You only read comments who pay, not usually, but today there's so many. Okay. Oh, so let me get this right. You only read comments who pay. Not usually, but today there's so many that you get pushed to the front of the line. Patricia.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Who is Noble doing a 50% fire sale on all of their CrossFit branded merchandise? Partnership dead. Is that true? They are doing a 50% sale? How would I know? Oh. Is the partnership dead? How would I know? Oh. Is the partnership dead?
Starting point is 01:29:28 How would I know? No. What's going on with the partnership with Noble? Is there anything you'd like to release? Nothing I would like to release. Wexler asked Don the same question
Starting point is 01:29:44 when Don was on his podcast. Who's Wexler? It was a guy who has a podcast in space. What's his story? You know what his claim to fame is? Is that the semifinals when they didn't show events number like one and three, he ponied up his podcast equipment so that Chase and Ingram and Adrian Conway could broadcast it. Oh, that's really nice.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Yeah, it was really cool. What a good dude. Yeah, so Conway could broadcast it. Oh, that's really nice. Yeah, it was really good. What a good dude. Yeah, so he had Don on recently. Oh, that's cool. So basically, you don't want to talk about it, but you're in negotiations with someone. It's all, it's just moving along nicely. It's in flux. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:17 And there's nothing to share yet. Nothing to share. Are you excited? Always. Okay. Your whole demeanor changed. Like you're hiding something. Joe Neals.
Starting point is 01:30:30 $19.99 worth every penny. Oh, this is a guy from Kenosha CrossFit. Honestly, I'd pay more to know that CrossFit has the resources it needs to drive it all more effectively forward. CrossFit has the resources it needs to drive it all more effectively forward. Well, that's a big part of it too. Meaning like that does help the obviously the affiliate fees are not insignificant. Right.
Starting point is 01:30:52 And the more people engaging and the more affiliates that are Oh, that's what he's saying. He's saying the $3,000 is worth every, sorry. Joe Neal is saying from Kenosha CrossFit the affiliate fees are worth every penny. I wasn't connecting that. Honestly, I pay more to know that CrossFit has the resources it needs to drive it all more effectively forward.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Okay, that's good. That's a crazy endorsement. Yeah. That's awesome. Okay. Here we go. Fitcom Media. This dude didn't pay.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Ready? Yeah. Charity. I'm an ex-personal trainer and I was thinking of getting the CF level one, but looking at the jobs board, there's no CrossFit jobs. So taking something that expensive is not necessary.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Well, so you could take the level one and you could start training people out of your garage gym or you can start training people out of a park or you can start training people out of a, even if Global Gym would let you, or you could find a local affiliate. The jobs listing
Starting point is 01:31:47 if he's talking about the HQ jobs listing that's not going to have affiliate openings or jobs at affiliates. I know there's a lot of gym owners I don't know where this guy's from but are having trouble finding coaches. A shitload. Sousa, is that true? Yep, that's a big problem. Finding good
Starting point is 01:32:04 people to be trainers at gyms. Huge problem. Almost every affiliate's been saying that. Fitcom Media. We'll just take over for answering questions for Dave. Your hand's looking very vascular. It's because I'm fucking dehydrating right now. I need to leave in a few minutes.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Hey, do you want to take this one, Sousa? What's that? Why should someone take the level one? I mean, should you do it just if you want a job anyway? I mean, usually you'd be at a gym and the owner would walk up to you and be like, dude, you're fucking good. You want to be a coach here? Let me tell you why you should take the level one.
Starting point is 01:32:39 If you're passionate about it. Never mind, Sousa. I didn't come on the show to fucking listen to him talk. You're passionate about it. Never mind, Sousa. I didn't come on the show to fucking listen to him talk. You're passionate about the methodology and about changing people's lives. That course is the key and a prime motivator in getting you up and into this world of coaching and changing people's lives. The motivation, the inspiration, the knowledge that you will take away from that is like supercharging you to take that next step.
Starting point is 01:33:09 This man, this person saying that comment is clearly interested in training people. He's clearly interested in wanting to make a difference in someone's life or in the world. He wants a job. He does want a job, but he wants a job specifically in this realm. In the fitness space. Yeah. He wants a job in this realm and shows some interest for going in this direction of this style of training. You take that training, you start looking at local affiliates, you start talking to local affiliates, you will find some work because our affiliates are having trouble getting enough trainers for their staff. So in your case is it is a lot of money it's a lot
Starting point is 01:33:46 of money for everyone it's but it's a it's well worth it and it's going to be something profound in your journey into training people and into fitness um i i've invited don here can you imagine if he had come tonight and in this sweating hot box how do you think he responded he would have been fine he would have never came back he would have been fine he never came back he would have been fine oh shit uh dave uh do you still do drop-ins at the ranch yes i still do i still have crossfit has a section to where you can sign up and take a drop-in uh there are limited offerings and i don't run we don't run classes there they have, you have the ability to sign up and come and take a basically an individual class. Usually I'm not leading it, but sometimes I do.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Who will lead it? Kenny? Sometimes Kenny, sometimes some other friends, sometimes other coaches from Salinas. If I'm around and not doing anything, which isn't always the case, I will take them. I want to tell you my, my two cents on that. I've been there many times when Dave's taught the class. And I think Dave just says he doesn't teach them because he doesn't want anyone to get their hopes up.
Starting point is 01:34:51 But I think if you do sign up, there's a fucking great chance you see him. That's my two cents. Ernie Garza, going to take my level two in a couple weeks. Dave Souza, any advice or tips? So I'll answer this too. My advice and tips on level two are just really go in with open, with an open mind
Starting point is 01:35:12 and soak in all the knowledge and the cues you can from the trainers. So level one is very much about teaching you the fundamentals of how to move safely and how to execute the movements where the level two is really about assessing your ability to teach. So become really familiar with the movements, how to teach them to a group, how to teach them to a small group, how to teach them to an individual
Starting point is 01:35:36 and use that time when you are teaching to take the feedback from these trainers and coaches and apply it at the moment on scene. And really, more importantly, taking the lessons and skills you learned from there and using them when you go back to your affiliate or wherever you are training people. What's the deal with the olive oil? When's it going to go on sale?
Starting point is 01:35:59 Great question. So Monday, a significant amount of tins arrive. The tins are pre-labeled. So you're not doing this anymore. I'm not doing that. That was a rush job for the street parking. I'm doing an actual cool little 250-milliliter tin that's pre-labeled that I have purchased with the label, our label on it, my label on it. And then I'm also buying the first batch of oil from my guy who's local.
Starting point is 01:36:26 buying the first batch of oil from my guy who's local and then the person who is supposed to do the bottling which is the actual place who processes my guys oil he's really busy because of harvest season so he can't bottle it so today I was on the phone calling a number of other olive oil producers in the area trying to find someone who can bottle this stuff for me or put it in the tin so if you know anybody out there and you're in this area who can do that hit me up because i need someone to bottle the oil in the tins or put the oil in the tin i gotta hate the way he has his mic dude it's driving me fucking nuts dude what do you like he's in a helicopter he's turned it like he's in a fucking helicopter and he's back in nom and it's like the mouthpiece it's like he's in a helicopter. He's turned it like he's in a fucking helicopter and he's back in NOM and it's like the mouthpiece.
Starting point is 01:37:06 It's like sideways. You can see it. You want it like this? Yeah, and it's just the quality. Well, you should have had that. That's why you have that black thing. I know. The whole thing is messed up.
Starting point is 01:37:13 The black thing is like it's the target. I know. Pop screen. I hear you. Okay. Let me get to you before you leave. So I had a guy on here the other day. He was a ranger, um, uh, former ranger and a former, uh, and, and 10 years on Chicago
Starting point is 01:37:29 SWAT. Oh, very cool. And, uh, he based, I basically said to him, I think I'm paraphrasing, but I think I said, Hey, do you do CrossFit? And he said, no. And I said, well, what's one of the favorite workouts you do? And he says, he does Murph every week, like every week. And then I'm like, I started tripping.
Starting point is 01:37:42 I'm like, I'm pretty sure like Murph is like. Murph is quintessential CrossFit. Here's the deal though. What I need to say or what I need to see before I can tell you if that guy does CrossFit, what everything else is. So that's the thing about CrossFit. But Murph is a CrossFit workout. Yeah, absolutely. Like Fran.
Starting point is 01:38:00 Yes, but you're still not listening to what I'm saying. Okay. Oh, cool. You scared the shit out of me. What is it? Don't tell me what to do. Do we have a wide shot of the whole system? That's so nice. Look at that. Can we use a wide camera or something?
Starting point is 01:38:20 He brought me a cooler of water. Are you going to bed or something? Thank you. No, but you brought three cooler of water. Are you going to bed or something? Thank you. No, he's just being generous. No, but you brought three cans of water. Because look, I have three cans of water right here. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:38:31 I appreciate that. Dang, dude. Dang, what did you bring? Thank you. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. What I need to know in that regard is what everything else looks like. Meaning, if the rest of his training sessions are, you know, run three miles one day, chest and tris the other day,
Starting point is 01:38:57 back and bys the next day, swim two miles the fourth day, and then on one day he's doing MRF. No, that guy's not doing crossfit he's doing um his own training protocol and on one day of the one of the sessions a week he's doing a crossfit workout oh so that's kind of what i'm doing yeah yeah i don't know what you're doing but sure yeah i don't know i think so if you do Murph once a week, I'm saying you're doing CrossFit. Nah, nah. He's doing a CrossFit workout a week.
Starting point is 01:39:30 It depends. It really does on what everything else is. This is what gets us in the trouble of- What about a guy who does Murph every single day for 365 days? He's doing a poor expression of CrossFit. Okay, but it is CrossFit. Yes. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:39:40 All right, all right. Here's the deal. You know, people say, oh, well, you guys just think CrossFit is everything. No, no, no, no. We don't think CrossFit is everything. And you can't make a determination off of what CrossFit is off of one session. I'd argue even off of a week.
Starting point is 01:39:52 I'd have to see the totality of the programming and the training to understand if someone's doing constantly varied functional movements at high intensity. Period? Go ahead. That's it? Period? Done. Done. Okay. Sit back a little bit. You done okay sit back a little bit you're making me i'm telling you i'm done hold on hold on when you program that when you how did you determine what you were going to program for all of the staff of the 130 people thank you good job thanks man thanks for the cup you're welcome Thank you. Thanks, man. Thanks for the cup. You're welcome.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Is he mic number two? Oh, that was you? Yeah. Okay. There you go. I'm back now. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Here we go. All right. Magnus Holmgren for the AC there's never there's never any this is the hottest day there's never hot like this this is crazy oh shit I wanted to ask him about Travis Kelsey
Starting point is 01:41:02 yeah it won't be an issue for a while. Bam. He's gone. That was fast. The whole thing or him leaving? Say that again? The podcast in general or him leaving? Yeah, the whole podcast in general was fast as shit. Yeah, that was fast. Hour 40. All right. Well, I didn't get into that was crazy because of all the questions being asked um
Starting point is 01:41:31 on the show yeah yeah so i didn't really get to but i'm cool with it i'm okay kind of like just just running it god there were there were some people in here that i wanted to fucking slap around there was one or two people in here i was like i'll bust your ass i will bust your ass how'd the bears do last night let's find out you can hear my dog barking right yeah uh thank you magnus for the loot dude appreciate it how about that question from Jeremy World? Live with a porn star. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Wild. Bring this up. Hey, that him following that Kenosha CrossFit is a brilliant idea. I should have whispered it. Oh, they got yesterday. Bears. Oh, shit. They beat him up. They beat the, Bears. Oh, shit, they beat them up. They beat the Commanders up, so they got a win.
Starting point is 01:42:30 They're 1-4. Yeah, 40-20 there. Wow, okay. All right. Time to get Tyson back on. Ernie Garza, Sousa, honestly, how would you respond to someone saying CrossFit hurts people? I want to hear your take on the level too.
Starting point is 01:42:54 That's such a vague CrossFit hurts people. So do cars. So do sidewalks. So do walking into a house. Anything you do, you're going to pose risk. I need a specific to pose risks. So, I mean, I need a specific to ask that. Like if generally somebody just were to show up and be like,
Starting point is 01:43:09 Hey, I heard CrossFit hurts people. I'd be like, well, I've been doing it for 10 years and we haven't, we haven't seen that happen. You know, like how,
Starting point is 01:43:16 how do you answer that? I don't know. Dude, I wanted to ask him, uh, how he, um, how he chooses his outfits before he does the weekend review.
Starting point is 01:43:27 He looks like he just got off the fucking John Deere and just walks in front of the camera and hits record. You know what I mean? I imagine that's exactly how it is. Yeah, it looks like he was just mowing the lawn, doing some calls. Up in the back 40. Jeez, please. Ernie, here's the thing I will say about the injury thing when we bring people through our on-ramp
Starting point is 01:43:47 course the thing I talk about through day one all the way to the end is really focusing on being smart doing good warm-up and having some sort of cool-down protocol because so many people go from zero to 60 with CrossFit like maybe they haven't had a lot of exposure to intensity or high intensity exercise and most of them definitely haven't
Starting point is 01:44:04 had a lot of exposure with the movements you're going to be doing. So by purposely putting a governor on them when they first start, and then really making like a cool down and, you know, recovery, a part of the conversation when you when you have them all in class all the time is a huge way to start to hedge against that. And then the one piece that I would say, I just mimic everything Dave said about the L2, like really pay attention to the coaches, really go in there open-minded, just be ready to learn, but read the book beforehand, read the book. So many people don't read the book. And then you're going to start to get worried about the material and the tests and stuff like that. And you're not going to be able to be present with the trainers.
Starting point is 01:44:38 And when you guys are on the floor during those breakout sessions, that is some of the most valuable stuff you will get that you could bring back into your gym, like tangible cues and warmups and everything that you could bring back into your gym. So if you're too busy worrying about the test or trying to verbatim remember the material because you didn't come prepared, you're not going to get as much out of the course as you could.
Starting point is 01:44:59 I've taken the level two twice. Ernie, there is an equation. And on one side of it is orthopedic calamity. And on the other side is cardiovascular health or cardiovascular disease. And every time you try to mitigate or reduce your cardiovascular disease or your cardiovascular health, if you try to increase it, there's going to be a chance of orthopedic calamity, right? So put in more simpler terms, every time you get off the couch, there is a chance of injury. What do you want to do? And how far do you want to take the mitigating of disease?
Starting point is 01:45:45 And you can find something like CrossFit where at its foundation, it's nutrition, which is extremely, extremely safe. The zone is extremely safe. And then from there, you add in the components of movement, and those movements can be incredibly, incredibly safe too. They are incredibly safe because they're not made up by anyone at, uh, they're not made up by anyone. As Greg Glassman said, they're part and parcel with your DNA and they were invented by God or whatever evolution. And it is squatting
Starting point is 01:46:18 on a toilet. It's picking something off the ground and setting it in the tree. It's just all things that are, um, that you were made to do the way your being was made to move. And so the question is how quickly will you be injured? If you don't do CrossFit, what are you losing? If you don't do CrossFit, what are the risks of not doing CrossFit? And those risks are huge. Uh, and, and then, and then the bonus is being in the gym at CrossFit Livermore with all those people who will give you that support in that they're doing the same thing. They may have had certain injuries or hiccups with their nutrition, or it's just this, it's a, it's an organization of, with a wealth of history and knowledge. It's all propelling you towards your goal, which is a better life, right? Through movement, health,
Starting point is 01:47:07 mindset, people you're surrounded by. Thank you. That is why right here. Right. No, right, right, right. Oh, right there. Yeah, there it is. Thank you. And I bet you pickleball has far more injury rate than CrossFit does. Thank you. And I bet you Pickleball has far more injury rate than CrossFit does. Sevan, when are you going to start doing CrossFit? If you don't think I do CrossFit, you fucking have your ears clogged up. Don't get anything twisted or confused.
Starting point is 01:47:41 CrossFit and mofo. All right. Who do we have on the show tomorrow? Lab Colin. Oh, my. That's so nice. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:55 And then Sunday we have somebody, though. Logan. Oh, Ewing. Roman's training partner. Yep. Hey, we had a crazy cast scheduled today. It was going to be amazing. We had Taylor Self, Bill Grundler, John Young.
Starting point is 01:48:16 Senior analyst, John Young. Senior analyst, John Young, Cookie Cruncher. And basically what happened was I was going to try to do both. I was going to try to do both. Good thing we didn't try though because how would it out we would have tried to come on now at eight o'clock or we would have pushed tried to push dave out earlier like that would have been tough to juggle i i want to know how everything went um i want to know how everything went at the workout yeah me too at the ranch yeah yeah i'm curious i wonder if everyone did the workout i wonder if they
Starting point is 01:48:45 scaled i wonder how many people didn't like if i wonder if everyone there does crossfit that's the question right yeah i wonder if i wonder if they i wonder if anyone complained to hr that the workout was too hard oh he's being mean what does he think this is the games oh my god uh sub on the most important prominent figure in crossfit who does not do crossfit uh mason mitchell a dave said it you probably take a shit in the toilet you're like i didn't do that my anus did it my anus did it I'm addicted I'm addicted You know what I did today for my workout?
Starting point is 01:49:32 What did I do today? What did you do today? I was so sore from fucking around with Murph yesterday Today I did Oh today I was just trying to get loose Today I did assault bike push-ups and pull-ups. And with pull-ups, I did a really...
Starting point is 01:49:52 I did dead hang too because I'm so sore from all those pull-ups from Murph. So I basically did like two pull-ups and then one dead hang for like a count of 15. Did I think... No, 75 rounds. You asshole. Jack.
Starting point is 01:50:10 That monitor's got to move. How was everything? Did you get to use any camera angles? Well, I wanted to, but I think one thing we'll have to work on is my computer is very lag. So I was nervous because if I double hit a button or something like it did when we were playing with it it like on my end it bogged down i don't think it mattered to anybody else because i didn't see anybody complaining about it on the chat because if
Starting point is 01:50:33 it would have been as slow on their end as it was a mind there people for sure would have said something but now it's fine so i don't understand why why it was like that i don't know if it was because dave's camera was on or maybe we have too many cameras hooked up yeah that could be and then this monitor i'd like to ditch because i can't i can't see you or or dave oh okay so like he would lean back to like interact with me a little bit and i'd have to step out and then like step back and like right now i'd rather just look at you than look down at my screen he doesn't have any browser tabs open. He only has two. He's pushing a shitload.
Starting point is 01:51:12 There's one, two, three, four. We got some more angles. Six. That angle. This angle. There's six cameras. I think this camera was, yeah, that camera's off. And there are one, two, three, four, five, six big monitors, all big.
Starting point is 01:51:27 Smallest monitor's 27-inch, then it goes to 32 quickly, and then to 80 or 90, whatever that is. Mm-hmm. I love these in-studio ones, though. My stomach feels better. That's good. I was kind of nervous you might have had like food poisoning or something me too yeah i didn't want to say it out loud when we're in the car there's something i wanted to tell you guys about dave can you oh i like when he gives i like when he talks about his wife he's been doing that
Starting point is 01:52:07 like a little bit more yeah he's like so i wanted to get a dog and my wife said no yeah yeah let's see i'm turning this camera off so that did that cameras does that camera behind me still work no that one's off i don't know if we never turned it that's that can does that camera behind me still work? No, that one's off I don't know if we never turned it. That's that can you see the screen now? Yeah, it probably overheated. I think so Cuz I had it earlier was a good test run it was That angle shot was good. I want to get a dog so bad, too I just wanted I want the same dog. I have a Borbo. I did not like him throwing the
Starting point is 01:52:46 Christine Kolenbrander card. Don't disrespect the Cods. Put some respect on it. Oh, shit. What did you just do? Did you just open the peel?
Starting point is 01:53:05 It's a little film on it. Patricia's kind of aggressive. I guess Patricia is Trisha's ghost, right? You think that's the same person? Is that what happened? I don't think it is. Alright. Wait, can I answer this question? I don't think it is. All right.
Starting point is 01:53:27 Okay. Wait, can I answer this question? This is like the third time I think I saw this pop up. Go ahead. About the L1. Yeah. Susan, one of my coaches is, one of my coaches failed at the L1 back in 2018
Starting point is 01:53:39 because he worried too much about the book. Said my other coach that got the L2. Is that... I don't know. Maybe he second-guessed himself a lot in the answers. No, that is not true. He didn't worry too much about the book. That's impossible.
Starting point is 01:53:54 What do you mean he worried too much about the book? Like he left it at home and he thought someone was going to steal it? It's like, oh, fuck, I can't be... Where's my book? He studied the book too hard, so he failed. That's insane. No, that is... It doesn't even make sense. Yeah, that's insane no that doesn't make sense yeah that is insane the more you know the material the more the more like nuggets you're gonna pull out of the lectures rather than just trying to like learn the material and then the more you the more
Starting point is 01:54:16 knowledge you have in the book the more you could just be present and really like deepen the knowledge of what you read in the book rather than trying to like catch up uh seven um even if even if you don't make even if you don't even seven even if you don't make sure you tell everyone you adopted your dog listen i'm the exact opposite i'm gonna i'm gonna get a dog i'm gonna be like hey jay-z has the brother to this dog and rick ross has the other brother to this dog and i got the sister this dog was 8 500 bucks even if i got it from the pound it's designing doesn't do crossfit and he brags about he lies about the pedigree of his dog fuck you it's amazing how many of you don't fucking see what the fuck is going on here the fucking show what a dipshit
Starting point is 01:55:07 I think that's in reference to the guy who worried too much about the book and Sevan when are you going to be a guest on someone else's podcast listen I'm not seriously do you want to know how much I suck the only people who invite me on the podcast seriously are you ready for this people with hot
Starting point is 01:55:27 mail accounts do you understand did you get that yeah step on i and it's like this i know it's a it's a it's a one in a million chance well right there, fuck you, no. But it's been my dream to have a podcast, and I'm on episode three, and maybe you could contact me at george at Like, fuck off. I mean, thank you. That's really cool. I'm flattered. That's really sweet.
Starting point is 01:55:59 I'm going to go kill myself. Hey, you know what's crazy? I suck. I suck, dude. I suck. I would be worse on someone's podcast. No one wants me on. I'm totally the person.
Starting point is 01:56:09 The second you meet me or hang out with me, it's like everything's ruined for you. I am the classic don't meet your heroes. Just like stand back and throw just you don't want to see me on anyone else's podcast either. Thank you. Go ahead. I did that same thing to you and it worked that only will work once one time one i already got it yeah oh that's amazing yeah the soft spot in my spot for did you have a hotmail account
Starting point is 01:56:39 no no but i think i had already i had already like met you in person by that time i was like sneaking into the ddcs and like cruising around and stuff yeah so you kind of had some familiarity uh jody i wouldn't if i go on a podcast i'll tell all you guys you're like my fucking security blanket i'm nobody without you and you know what else is crazy yeah that was three years ago to tomorrow uh oh when you came to my house we did that filming in the garage yep yeah wow um um um didn't you just agree to go on someone else's podcast? No.
Starting point is 01:57:27 No, I'm going to have Garrett. The only podcast, Garrett did a podcast. I haven't listened to it yet. Can we go to her YouTube page? I want to see if that's up. Yeah. She did a podcast, I think, with someone from. Do you know what it's called?
Starting point is 01:57:39 Glinton. Glinton. That's going to be the hardest one. G-L-I-N-T-O-N. G-L-I-N-T-O-N. Glinton. Glinton Academyinton glinton glinton academy glinton talk it's something glinton glinton
Starting point is 01:57:54 glinton because I was there before glinton bill glinton glinton things glinton things Glinton things oh I don't see it up yet oh maybe she sent me a link and she hasn't posted it yet
Starting point is 01:58:12 videos home live oh can you spell it for me again sorry G-L-I-N-T-O-N Glinton things
Starting point is 01:58:23 sorry I could pull it up too T G-L-I-N-T-O-N Glinton Things Sorry, I could pull it up too G-L-I-N-T-O-N I probably was not even spelling it right Glinton Things You got it on your hand? Oh, I got it Can't tell if you pulled it up
Starting point is 01:58:37 I'm going to have Garrett Glinton back on my podcast to ask her about her podcast after I watch her podcast they tell i'm going on coffee wads and pots oh no coffee pods and wads sometime later this month it's scheduled after crash oh that's awesome 19th i think well you're gonna see pedro crash yeah I've got to hang with him a couple of times. Really enjoy my time with him. Um,
Starting point is 01:59:09 I saw, Oh, I wanted to say, is Trina is the one that, where's Trina? Uh, where's Trina's, um,
Starting point is 01:59:17 Oh, Trina, this is who does gone rogue with seven on the, that Instagram account. Oh, I wanted to show you guys this. I haven't shown you guys this in a long time. What is it? Going Rogue with
Starting point is 01:59:27 Yeah, Gone Rogue with Sevan. Gone Rogue. Trina pulled some great clips from the show too. She pulled some gold from there. Gone Rogue. Trina who made me that Paulina from Paper Street Coffee made me the
Starting point is 01:59:43 clip with my son tonight. Yeah. Going Rogue with Sevan. Sorry, I should put it in. I steered you wrong. Going. Oh, there it is. Oh, dude, I'm so stupid. I just understood the shopping cart.
Starting point is 01:59:57 Hmm. Going rogue with Sevan. Oh, yeah. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. Here's the thing that people don't fucking understand. You don't fucking listen. You don't fucking listen. I put my shopping cart away more than any of you.
Starting point is 02:00:15 By the way, this isn't directed at you, Trina, at all. More than any of you. What I'm saying is it's not obligatory. Obligatory is you peed on the seat and you wipe it up. That's obligatory. Putting your shopping cart isn't obligatory. If it is,
Starting point is 02:00:29 you have broken fucking thinking. I'm not saying whether we agree or not on that. What I'm saying is you're not even listening. You can't understand. I'm not saying that Coca-Cola is bad. I'm saying Coca-Cola
Starting point is 02:00:42 shouldn't be involved in the health sciences. Do you understand what I'm saying by that? I'm not saying like, fuck you, Coke, you shouldn't be involved in the health sciences do you understand what i'm saying by that i'm not saying like fuck you coke you shouldn't exist i hope everyone there dies no i'm saying make your fucking money drink that shit with jack and coke but don't don't fuck around in the health sciences don't try to say it's healthy don't try to say anything positive about it because it's just a bucket of sugar but you fucking simpletons can't make the
Starting point is 02:01:01 distinction Rippletons can't make the distinction. Probably because most of you live in a world of just complete and utter fucking duality, bouncing back and forth between two piles of shit. Uh-oh, I hope this isn't my wife telling me not to yell. Hi. I'm live. What? Are you still live? Do you want me to get off so we can talk?
Starting point is 02:01:27 No, no. How'd it go? It's good. We're still live, though. Everyone can hear you. Okay. Okay. Okay. Later. Bye.
Starting point is 02:01:38 You guys understand? You understand? Think about the shopping cart On the sizing scale Nice work 7 out of 10 triggered event Oh that would be awesome I need to be rated every time for how bad I'm triggered That would be awesome Yes
Starting point is 02:01:58 Oh we need a sound effect Like a And then we need an effect button where my screen shakes. Dave and Seve are homies. Yeah, but I tried to come at him hard. He tried to say on that fucking... On one of those podcasts with Mike Ritalin or Jocko that no one asked him hard questions.
Starting point is 02:02:19 I was like, fuck you. I'll ask you some hard shit. I'll show you some hard shit I'll show you some hard shit too fine we understand but you're still wrong okay it's good alright but I don't think most of you do understand or else you wouldn't say dumb shit like you need to put your shopping card away
Starting point is 02:02:46 like everyone's like trying to catch me in something got him Dave tried to act Dave tried to act like he walked out not calling for his buddy to come out and play and he's driving home he probably wants to tell me like something yell at me tell me how I fucked something up Dave tried to act like he walked out, not calling for his buddy to come out and play. Now he's driving home.
Starting point is 02:03:05 He probably wants to tell me like something, yell at me, tell me how I fucked something up. Ridicule me. I'm a, I'm a scapegoat for misplaced aggression. That's what a scapegoat is. Someone you target for misplaced aggression,
Starting point is 02:03:20 scapegoat, scapegoat. Oh, dusty, dusty, which you are slightly behind. Oh, that's a great question. Dan Guerrero, do you think Dave misses Greg at HQ? I'm writing that down for next time.
Starting point is 02:03:35 He wrote that earlier, too. I spotted it. I thought that was a great question. That is a great question. Hey, I was going to bring up the Travis Kelsey shit to him. I was really curious how he was going to answer that. Did you see Travis Kelsey? He's like, man, fucking, now I see why that guy is so popular.
Starting point is 02:03:50 He's a fucking smooth operator, dude. Oh, is he? I haven't seen much of anything with him. Talk about game, recognize game. So you saw that Aaron Rodgers called him Mr. Pfizer. It's everywhere, all over Instagram. Yeah, yeah. Mr. Pfizer. Yeah everywhere all over Instagram. Yeah. Yeah, mr. Pfizer Yeah, okay. Here we go. Here we go I mean with the stash right now, I look like mr. Pfizer
Starting point is 02:04:15 Who knew who knew I'd get into the Vax Wars with Aaron Rodgers Mr. Pfizer versus the Johnson Johnson family over there versus the Johnson & Johnson family over there, man. I don't think we asked you about it since you're in this commercial. Can you kind of just say why you wanted to do that? I mean, I've always been, you know, once I got the vaccine, I got it because of, you know, keeping myself safe, keeping my family safe, the people in this building. So, yeah, I stand by it 1,000%,
Starting point is 02:04:40 fully comfortable with him calling me Mr. Pfizer. Travis, anything you want to say? 100% fully comfortable with him calling me Mr. Pfizer. Hey, uh, Hey, this is for anyone who has can rub fucking two stones together. This is some crazy shit right here. He's saying,
Starting point is 02:04:56 watch, listen to this. I thought it was pretty good. I mean, with the stash right now, I look like a guy named Mr. Pfizer with this stash right here. I look like Mr. Pfizer.
Starting point is 02:05:05 Uh, please someone break that down for me. I'm curious what you think that means. I think he's just leaning into it. That means he looks like Adolf Hitler? Isn't Pfizer German? Is that what he's saying? That's what I think he's saying. No?
Starting point is 02:05:17 Yeah? Uh-oh. I turned the light off. I turned Dave's light off. Do you think that's what he's saying? No, I don't think that's what he's saying. Why does he look like Mr. Pfizer? What's Mr. Pfizer? What else is he going to say? I don't think that's what he's saying. Why does he look like Mr. Pfizer? What's Mr. Pfizer?
Starting point is 02:05:25 What else is he going to say? I don't know. Floyd, maybe he should be saying Pfizer 19. I don't know. I mean, I don't really know what we want from him. Like, does he do like a samurai thing? He's like, you know what? I feel like you guys are all right.
Starting point is 02:05:40 I gave back the 100 mil and I have this samurai sword. No, no, no no no hey dude i'm telling you he's slick i thought he handled it like a champ yeah he did he just i think he handled it like a champ he's a slippery little fish you know you can't pin him down but but what is what is what is uh what is uh i look like mr pfizer and i didn't understand this one what's he saying it's it's pfizer versus johnson and johnson i didn't get that one. What's he saying? It's it's Pfizer versus Johnson and Johnson. I didn't get that. Was that an old sponsor of Aaron Rodgers?
Starting point is 02:06:09 I get into the Vax Wars with Aaron Rodgers. Mr. Pfizer versus the Johnson and Johnson family over there. God, I hope so. That would be a great dig back at Aaron Rodgers if it was. Yeah. Or maybe he's even just trying to play it like it wasn't. He wasn't like against against the 49ersers he was just he was for the other brand
Starting point is 02:06:29 right you know that would be a good yeah switch i get that johnson johnson is another vaccine company but they make tons of other shit too i just don't understand why like aaron i don't think aaron rogers was supporting johnson and johnson either hey would you have felt the same way if he was sponsored by the same exact company minus the 2020 issue 2020 2020 meaning like if you were sponsored by pfizer but you're like yeah let's just say it's 2017 and you found out he's sponsored by him you feel the same way no much less why all the same stuff is happening. This specific drug has been known to kill young men dead on the field, shitloads of them. More than Oxycontin? More than opiates? But those aren't being presented. Great questions, by the way. Those aren't being presented as cures and being forced for you to take.
Starting point is 02:07:21 Those fall into a different category of entertainment drugs and granted maybe that there is some there's levels to this shit right me telling you hey this is going to save you and save your grandma and it kills both you sorry the we here's the thing like did really drive home for comorbidities and over the average age of death in most countries meaning most of the people who die are above the average age of the average day age of death already who die from covid and they have four comorbidities at that point anyone who can think has to say you died with covid not of covid and this is a general truth and there's a million other things but that one right there should just crack the door open for anyone and be like wait a second and then on top of the fact that we know
Starting point is 02:08:09 it's killing young men everywhere under the guise of it saving his grandmother i mean he said it he does he really believe that you think that he's that it's helping the truth is is that actually once you've you never give uh you never this from the cdc's website you never uh demand deployment of a vaccine during the middle of a pandemic because what you do is you cause mass shedding. And that is what we had. We had probably had mass shedding events in old folks' homes. What's mass shedding, people? It's when you give someone an injection and certain people will have a reaction enough to it to where they'll start being contagious and spreading the disease. Very common. Huge problem with polio vaccines in the past.
Starting point is 02:08:47 And, and, arguably now, you can look, this isn't like conspiracy shit, you can look, one of the leading spreaders of polio now, no, sorry, the leading spread of polio now is what? The vaccine. Look it up. Anyone can go look it up. Olson Dudes.
Starting point is 02:09:03 What if fellas just started watching the new Mayhem documentary? It's really good so far. Crush the weekend, gentlemen. Oh, awesome. How long, what, can we go look it up. Olsen Dudes. What if fellas just started watching the new Mayhem documentary? It's really good so far. Crush the Weekend, gentlemen. Oh, awesome. Can we go look at that real quick? Good job. Good pivot, Olsen Dudes. I think it premiered earlier tonight, didn't it? Yeah, that's the thing on the guy Phil, right?
Starting point is 02:09:19 Yeah, the heart of Mayhem. Yeah. Let me bring it up here. Zach Jones, 4-10 ten triggered yeah that's fair hey did you see what uh three clydesdale media and will said about mr johnson and johnson no oh no what did they say that uh it's a same person that is owned or was an owner of johnson johnson is now the owner of the jets or something like that oh right right right right right oh that's interesting is that the guy that got in trouble for like being with the prostitute or something like that oh right right right right right oh that's interesting is that the guy that
Starting point is 02:09:45 got in trouble for like being with the prostitute or something no those patriots some one of those owners got caught paying money for sex that ain't tricking if you're not allowed to do that you pay for everything else huh it's not that right are we clicking it oh yeah yeah yeah the um oh what's happening should i close oh you know what maybe you want to stop sharing screen maybe that'll help your connection oh yeah oh 32 minutes okay so this is sensitive content shit Wow. Wow. Look at that. Is that a trigger warning? Yeah, it was. I'm triggered by the trigger warning.
Starting point is 02:10:36 Okay. What's up, Mr. Olson? How you doing, buddy? Always good to see you. Okay, let's watch a few. Should we watch a little bit of it? Do we want audio? Can we get audio on my end?
Starting point is 02:10:44 Yeah, yeah. We can. Yeah, let's do it. I'm turning off the tea. I'm turning off the TV. I love it. Stop the share screen Yeah, I stopped it already. I stopped marrying it. Let's see if that speeds it up here Let's play the hard part for us for the longest time was to get past that. Oh, it's just for elites Rich Roding, the fittest man on earth. In 2014, Rich Roding is the fittest man in history. That's the showcase of CrossFit. That's not what CrossFit is. CrossFit is the everyday people doing it. He's just a dude. He's one of those stories that you hear of like,
Starting point is 02:11:26 you know, came in with just looking for something and just kind of found a home. And that's the type of story. It just premiered just tonight, 5 p.m. Let me see. Scroll down. Let me see. Are people watching it?
Starting point is 02:11:43 Oh, yeah. Yeah, three hours ago, 38 hours ago 38 000 views an hour they're on a roll yeah awesome crushing it wow i wonder why i wonder why at that time at 5 p.m which be what time 8 p.m their time uh asymmetric ears never stop the 49er talk the worst thing to do would be to stop they will definitely try this again i mean they're trying in my area they're trying it right now I just went out to dinner with Sousa and I don't even want to tell you
Starting point is 02:12:10 the shit we saw in the restaurant fucking crazy so nuts I love Will's comments it's so sad that boys are dying no kid should have to die to save anyone who's 85 years old ever
Starting point is 02:12:32 maybe someday when you're 85 Sammy you'll think different well I'm not 85 and I'm not gonna think different then my grandpa was 83 when it went down and. You'll think different. Well, I'm not 85, and I'm not going to think different then. My grandpa was 83 when it went down, and he didn't think different. He's like, why? Explain that to me. What do you mean? He was just like, this is ridiculous.
Starting point is 02:12:54 Because he knows, obviously, I own a business and everything else. He's like, you need to open your business. Why are we jumping through all these hoops? He's like, I've lived my life. Even if this was strictly targeted at me, he's like, so be it. He's like, you guys need to get on. Why would you do something that is going to put a huge detriment to all of your careers for all the young people that are going to continue on? And then he was part of the rebel group that showed up to church still at his community thing when they had tried to stop it.
Starting point is 02:13:22 Oh, awesome. Yeah. Thank you, Grandpa. Did he die of COVID? No, no, no, no. He got it. He's kicking. He's doing his thing, it. Oh, awesome. Thank you, Grandpa. Did he die of COVID? No, no, no. He got it. He's kicking. He's doing his thing, man. Oh, he's still alive? Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah, he's still alive and kicking.
Starting point is 02:13:34 He's going to come out soon. SSC Fitness. Did I miss Dave? No, no. He's still coming on. He'll be here in a minute. Just hang tight. Yeah, he's coming on. Hey, I wonder if I should, I wonder if Rich wants to come on tomorrow and talk about this. Oh, that's coming on. Hey, I wonder if I should. I wonder if Rich wants to come on tomorrow and talk about this.
Starting point is 02:13:49 Oh, that'd be cool. In the morning. Yeah. Up on for a little bit. Yeah. You can jump on the morning show with me for a few minutes if you want to talk about
Starting point is 02:14:10 Phil. I won't keep you on. Is that weird if I say you can jump on like I'm doing him some sort of favor? Yeah, I would say we'd love if you jumped on. Okay, we'd love if you jumped on.
Starting point is 02:14:29 We'd love to have you for a few minutes or something like that. Yeah, okay. We'd love to have you jump on. And good morning. on in morning for a few minutes if you want to talk about Phil I won't keep you long and then if you want to get specific and say 10 a.m.
Starting point is 02:14:59 your time 10 a.m. ish your time i don't think you have to say um i don't have to say to rich either like no stress or if you can't nah he knows um he's a homie too yeah you don't give it yeah you don't stress about shit yeah i'll be at church it's saturday no i rich isn't sensitive i don't think i just don't want it to make it like i i'm not i just i want to convey what i want to uh i don't want him to make it like i'm not trying to big dick nobody no that's not true i'm not trying to big dick rick no big dick rich big dick Big Dick Rick. No, Big Dick Rich. Big Dick Rich. I'm going to have to talk to Avi. Be like, dude, you can't just walk in. You weren't
Starting point is 02:15:52 summoned. You think it's fucking cute to bring a cooler with three drinks in here? Oh, man, don't you do that to him. Don't do that. Nah. You know he's already like feeling some type of way about coming on and doing all that. Man, there's great shit for tomorrow's show. Hey, I was thinking about getting this
Starting point is 02:16:13 vacuum cleaner that's battery powered so that I could go into the bowls at the gyms at the skate parks and suck out all the leaves and dust and lint and shit down there. You know what I mean? Like a Milwaukee M18 vacuum cleaner that's like you know what do you think yeah i think that'd be awesome but for whatever reason i just pictured you showing up on my
Starting point is 02:16:32 explore page with some random teenager who filmed you and put you online when you're not knowing it like look at this dude vacuuming the bowl like zooms in and i'm like wait i know that guy yeah and i got my ponytail yeah okay i think anybody who's ever ran over a rock on a skateboard and fell on their head would appreciate that for sure. Step on your bun is looking great. I'm telling you. I don't know what I want to give credit to, but I'm like this CJ, I'm almost done with my bottle of CJC 1295.
Starting point is 02:17:02 You can buy your own here. Go bro. nine five you can buy your own here go bro i think obby said hey your skin looks really nice and i know he said that because he's been hearing me tell people dude i think something's going on with my skin but just all my shit i just i look cute lately i've been looking cute if i'm on a two-week just fucking run fucking shit up looking cute yeah Renee K send me some I don't think it works on girls I don't know I don't know
Starting point is 02:17:36 what I'm talking about I'm just saying that I got that bottle and and and here's the thing everyone keeps asking me stuff I don't know anything about it no one told me a thing I didn't ask killer nobody but I got the. I filled it up with the reconstituted water. And I basically just started a protocol that I made up. I read some books on, I listened to some audio books on peptides. I took the whole bottle in 20 days. Someone tell me if that was stupid in In 10 different shots. Well, I'm almost about to. I have two more shots left. Will Branziter, if you got on TRT, that's what I heard.
Starting point is 02:18:12 If you got on TRT for a week, that bun would fall off. That's what I heard. Yeah. Everything is more robust in me. I'm more robust. Everything's girthier. Good night, Dan. See you in the morning, buddy. Bye, Dan. You should think about loving on me more. Stop being such a contrarian.
Starting point is 02:18:34 All right. Thank you, everyone. Susan's got a... How long is your ride home? Well, hopefully there won't be any traffic going home, so it'll probably be about an hour, hour 15. It's the traffic that kills it. Do you have time for a uh never mind okay bpc here i'm gonna tell you what to get here do you want to can you just go to the website real quick i'm gonna just show you just really quick what yes you're gonna go you're gonna you're gonna want to get these these these three things if you want to like do drugs with that and then tell people you just did
Starting point is 02:19:11 peptides it is like me like be a pussy you want to get bpc 157 you want to get i should actually have hillar on here to tell you this you want to get this thing called tb 500 and i think you're supposed to get them separate and then get the cjc1295 get those three things and get the five milligram one oh and a lot of people i didn't do it but a lot of people take the curcumin to reduce inflammation and then get the reconstituted water dpc 157 which is this one here uh tb 500 i don't know where that one is but they sell it probably down here and the cjc 1295 and then get reconstituted water and start reading and get a bunch of book there it is there's the tb 500 tb 500 and learn how to mix it all up a book there it is there's the tb 500 tb 500 and learn how to mix it all up
Starting point is 02:20:10 hey do you know what this really expensive one does not really but the most expensive one where is it which one this one no uh discover the remarkable cutting edge compound designed to rejuvenate the body and support anti-aging process oh that might be the one that stops the telomeres from falling off the ends of your DNA strands. I don't even know if any of that shit's real. There it is real. I don't know. I've never seen a DNA strand.
Starting point is 02:20:38 Fuck, what do you mean it's real? You've seen one? Every image is CGI. Every image of DNA, CGI. Look it, I'm gonna Google right now now have they isolated the virus oh boy i've isolated the 49ers has uh uh cvs uh 19 been isolated has it been seen uh those nerdy girls my uncle says scientists never isolated the 49ers and that therefore the 49er cure is fake
Starting point is 02:21:19 oh you should see this lady who wrote the article. That's not true. The 49ers virus has and the 49er was isolated way back in January of 2020. Hmm. I wonder how she knows that I don't trust the way she looks but she says it has been blue hair, blue glasses
Starting point is 02:21:55 anyway bye guys see you in the morning 7 a.m pacific standard time love you buh-bye

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