The Sevan Podcast - Dave Castro Mainsite Programming | Shut Up & Scribble Ep. 21

Episode Date: November 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:04 What's up, everybody, we're live. Roll that intro! What does the buttery bro say? Roll the butter. Roll the footage. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the main event of the week! So keep the political commentary to yourself, or as someone once said, shut up and scribble. It's time! Shut up and diddle.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Look at the comment. I could probably update that footage down that after crash i have footage of more footage of jr i think that was i like was digging through an old folder when we went down to crash to train that one day and i was like there is i have one shot of jr and it's just gonna have to do a little bit of diddle a little bit of daddy we got king diddle on the left king daddy on the bottom wow dude how you feeling dude you recovered from your big weekend you're talking to me yeah i'm talking to you dude it's been what three weeks a month Almost a month. Yeah, I'm good. All right. You're recovered. How much are you working out every day right now?
Starting point is 00:02:27 Right now? Yeah. I work out every day. Okay. But how many times a day? Oh, usually just. Not usually. Usually just the class.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And then additionally, one of my members wanted me to do like uh just a year-long challenge with him he uh is a military guy still um in the regard uh still in the guard and uh he was like hey i just want to do like 50 straight pull-ups and 100 push-ups a day will you do them with me like the army uh t-release standard with the hand release arms out to the side what's t oh you do a push-up and then reach you have to flash them for a hand release yeah you go all the way out correct like your arms have to be straight yeah so anyway he just was like let's do 50 and 100 every day for a full year so other than just the class workout i just make sure i get those in at some point and if i have time like yesterday i
Starting point is 00:03:20 did a little gymnastics emom on the new rig in the room by myself. Okay. You working out with Jason, Eddie? No, dude. I'm sure he's taking at least a full week off. I haven't seen him since before he left the Rogue. Oh, it's still been a full week. Okay, that's why he hasn't texted me back.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Because he texted me back what we were talking about. Yeah. But I responded, and he never responded. So I was like. Yeah, I think he's in like cashiers or somewhere yeah he hasn't i haven't spoken to him until like since sunday when the competition was over dude this is funny bruce wayne my grandfather uh was a um command sergeant major he's like a dad to me super close but like the life of a drill sergeant, like just having that drill sergeant personality, like from fucking a full metal jacket.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Like that's kind of what my grandpa was. He would just say things that were so outrageous that like, I'm like, where could you even think up something that vulgar? Like, how could that even come to your mind? So when you wonder why I swear so much and like say things that are just like, what? It comes from my grandpa. And that's an endearing quality. So don't get it twisted. I'm not freaking talking shit about him. That's a good thing, dude. But yeah, command
Starting point is 00:04:35 sergeant major. Wow. Just that's hilarious. Cool. So today we're going to be talking about some main site programming. We're going to be having a little fun with Dave's two weeks. we're going to be talking about some main site programming. We're going to be having a little fun with Dave's two weeks. We're going to look at those two weeks. We're going to talk about them, what we think about them. Do we like them? Is it complete doo-doo? And then we're going to look at Ben Smith's two weeks. We're going to contrast the two a little bit. But we're stoked to just have some fun and talk about programming. I think at some point we discussed doing that, how we program for our affiliate. So we are definitely going to do that.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Maybe we'll do that next week. We'll, we'll discuss. Um, and we, Jr also mentioned doing a, how I, whatever,
Starting point is 00:05:17 dissecting a week of SMTP, whether it's computer 60. So something like that too. And I think we should also look at a week of crash or, you know, to some degree. So we're just gonna have fun we're gonna nerd out a bit today sweet so do we just want to all read out every day you can give brief comments on the day and we'll just try to make it through pretty quick through reading out all three weeks this workout i'll start with this one jr do the the next one. So 10 rounds for time,
Starting point is 00:05:45 200 meter run, three ring muscle ups. Four or five months ago, I programmed for SMTP 60 and our class at the gym, nine rounds for time, 200 meter run, three ring muscle ups. So when I saw this,
Starting point is 00:05:56 I was like, oh, cool. Love this workout. Basically already did it. There's really not much different from the 10 rounds. I think I made it. I think I wrote it as
Starting point is 00:06:05 nine rounds because i didn't want people in class to be like oh 30 muscle ups i think i wanted it to just be three less so it wasn't that big daunting like 30 number for our affiliate or for the 60 track i actually did that day yeah yeah so awesome workout this is a great it's like this is such a good low barrier to entry issue day. If you're just getting into the muscle up because it's still 30 reps total, which is a substantial amount for a ring muscle up, especially if you've just gotten them, um,
Starting point is 00:06:36 but are broken up into sets of three. So you can keep the intensity pretty high. You can hit the runs hard and do your sets of three unbroken, or you can run slow enough to keep your sets of three unbroken, which I'm sure was the stimulus. Yeah, something just kind of as a blanket statement that we probably need to put out there before we keep going is when we're looking at these and we're looking at the reason why these workouts are programmed, right? They're programmed for main site.
Starting point is 00:07:02 So basically for everyone, doesn't matter who you are are doesn't matter where you're working out whatever when we look at these is going to be difficult for me especially are you going to critique these and look at these as if you were programming them for your gym for smtp or if you were given the responsibility to program for everyone how you would do it um because i think it's tough like i think ben ben did a really good job with his couple weeks but it was clear that he and even put little caveats in there like if you want to do exactly what krypton did do this after or do whatever so like i think it's important distinction to make There are a lot of people that I think some people have already done like a programming review type thing like this. And it's easy to get into the weeds of like, well, if we're really sticking true to what
Starting point is 00:07:55 methodology was supposed to be, then it should be this. And you should have scheduled rest days every three days or every three on one off, two on off. Like how, how, when you're looking at these workouts and how they fit in a week, are you just looking at them for the workouts themselves? Are you looking at them for who they're programmed for? I think I'm looking at them in a general sense of how true to the methodology are they, but also I am, I want to be really clear that I believe this. And I was listening to the newer podcast with Glassman on the power project, Mark Bell's power project, where he talks about, you know, you program for the seal and you can scale that for grandma. But if you start with grandma, you're never going to get the seal and essentially saying program for the best scale for the rest.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I really take that idea to heart. So I think I'm going to be looking at it through that lens. Because if you look back at, there are workouts that, and he talks about this, Greg Glassman talks about this in this new podcast, is putting out workouts that the fittest in the world are struggling to complete or having a hard time completing. And not that it's 100 deadlifts at 405 but a workout that's like three l-sit rope climbs seven l-sit pull-ups and etc etc like things that are highly challenging or three rounds for time one minute freestanding handstand hold one minute l-sit 800 meter run like things that are you look at it you're like oh that's easy but you get into you're like oh my god
Starting point is 00:09:22 this is so hard to do um in essence programming for the best scaling for the rest i think that's easy but you get into it like oh my god this is so hard to do um in essence programming for the best scaling for the rest i think that's really important and true to the methodology and i think that's why a lot of people fell in love with crossfit because people had the rug of coddling pulled out from under them like oh i'm not going to be coddled anymore they're going to say hey if you want to have elite fitness you should be able to do this and if you can't you've got a gaping hole and you your your difficulties describe your needs, so to speak. Um, so I basically didn't answer your question. I'm going to look at it through the lens of, no, you did. That's fine. Yeah. Like, I mean, we can go back through them and just talk about them,
Starting point is 00:09:59 but for now, yeah, let's just run through them. So couplet couplet, monostructural gymnastics, you hit this one. through them. So couplet, couplet, monostructural gymnastics. You hit this one. Oh, yeah. So the workout for that Tuesday, the following day after the run ring muscle up is 2115, non-deadlift, 975 wall walk, 225, 155. Two pretty different time domains, right? The 10 rounder you could assume is probably like a 15 to 20 minute workout.
Starting point is 00:10:23 This one you could assume is probably like a eight ish minute workout. Um, both couplets, different time domains, one's body weight and running the others, heavy ish and body weight. Next. And then you follow that up with a heavy day.
Starting point is 00:10:41 A lot of shoulders on those first three days, right? Sure. Yeah. Something I look at. Yeah. Right up with a heavy day. A lot of shoulders on those first three days, right? Sure. Yeah. Something I look at. Yeah. Right away. So heavy day, you probably knew what was coming for most people that have been watching.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I was not expecting another hinge following the deadlifts. Nothing wrong with that, but it's just something to keep in mind for people. If they're looking at the totality of the programming over a week and especially over two weeks to kind of make note, there's a heavy day we know with crossfit methodology you know every one to two weeks you're going to have one if there is another one is it another hinge is it a squat all that kind of stuff this is both and i and that's an interesting distinction when i look at hang i i guess i look at it it's they are very similar moving patterns right the hang position the hinge and hang, and then obviously the pull from the floor.
Starting point is 00:11:26 But I feel like the hang, at least in this sense, is so mild coming after a deadlift. Like it's one, it's a hang, but also it's half range of motion pulling. But then also it's a hang squat snatch, which I think for a lot of people is not going to be. It probably is not even going to be the way that they're performing on the deadlift it might even be quite a bit less sure and will like i'll ask you this if you were taking a class at crossfit charlotte and you had this hang squat snatch program for a heavy day what what kind of specific instruction would you be expecting from andy or taylor or any of the coaches and i'm i'm wanting you to get into variations of the hang. What would you expect to hear?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Exactly what position to go from, the position you're weakest at, that kind of stuff. On a personal level or coaching a class? Coaching a class. The way that it is written if you came in and you were like okay um we deadlifted the day before this is supposed to be hang squat snatch heavy would you expect like them to tell you with the position you're going to go from do you think it's going to be like any hang position will do do you think taylor would say hey if you're a little bit sore from yesterday maybe don't go from the low hang maybe try to stay like high like at the hip and try to pull directly under like what what kind of like coaching would you expect to get
Starting point is 00:12:53 on a workout like this that coaching of hey think about if you're feeling this from yesterday reconsider that i think that's one of the biggest changes that I've seen from being at CrossFit Charlotte is I kind of talked about this, I think another show of understanding better for myself in totality the week. And within that, how to think about scaling or changing slightly movement pattern or where you're starting from or what you're doing based on that rather than just, okay, this is what it is. We're all doing the same thing and so i would definitely expect to say hey we deadlifted 225 yesterday for 45 reps or whatever if you're feeling that then maybe this is an option to consider taylor if if this were to be programmed would you would you and andy write it like this or would you specify like no there is no question like you guys are going from the high hang you're going from above the knee you're going from below the
Starting point is 00:13:47 knee whatever typically when we program hang clean or hang snatch I coach them that you can take it from anywhere above the knee and the hip so between the hip and the top of the knee is fair game but with our level of athlete I really think that the standard hang position, taking it down just above the knee, working on a pretty substantial hip extension. So like if you're just taking it from the high hang, there's a lot less opportunity for feeling like a full hip extension, right? If you take it from above the knee, you get way more feeling of that hip extension. That's what we probably lean on the most. that's what we probably lean on the most um we don't really get into the high hang quite a ton which is maybe an opportunity for us to explore some variance i would have if that i would have expected for sure the overall like this is what we're mainly doing unless you're scaling for
Starting point is 00:14:37 someone specifically to be right about the knee hang yeah right just a standard above the knee and we only do low hang like i've programmed low hang a handful of times at a very lightweight for high reps like the 2009 games workout three rounds we did this one time three rounds of 30 wall balls and 30 low hang squat snatches at 75 55 like that is a weight that i would like okay let's do low hang and you guys are going to experience what it feels like to explode. Okay, sorry for the derail. This is just something that I thought of
Starting point is 00:15:10 when I was going through the programming. I was like, huh, there is no distinction here. Like if I'm someone just looking at this, like do I know where I'm supposed to go from? Yeah, I guess I would have read it and just thought, yeah, you just go right above the knee. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Rest day. Scrolly, pulley, oly. Wow. Rest day. There we go. Three on, one off. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Friday. Okay. So we had 15 to 20 Monday, maybe like seven to 11 or seven to 12 Tuesday, heavy day Wednesday. Now we've got a 20-minute AMRAP, so another 20-minuter. And this time it's an MWG, so it's a triplet. So we had two couplets, monostructural gymnastics, then a weightlifting gymnastics, then single-edality heavy day weightlifting. Now we have pretty light pretty uh within each round lower
Starting point is 00:16:06 volume um but we have a triplet in the amrap i think this is we're probably following a pretty standard dot com trend with dave's programming i remember we did this workout at our affiliate and I thought it was a great workout. Um, but again, for those four days, a lot of overhead, a lot of pressing, like pressing out of the ring muscle up in support in the wall walk, uh, catching in support the snatch. Now you're going to press overhead for the push jerks and horizontal press for the pushups. A lot, a lot of shoulders. Sure. Yeah. So that's something that jumps out jumps out at me first five days lots of pressing um two monostructural movements which is very like normal very common right you get a row and a run but for me something that really stood out too is only one day of squatting and that was only for
Starting point is 00:17:00 the and that was for the heavy day so really no volume volume there. So that, that's interesting to me. And a lot of times I think people, when they think main site, they think old school programming, they think Cindy, Mary, Karen, they think just like tons and tons and tons of light or body weight squatting. So not something we've seen yet. And there you go another heavy day um not a big fan of this to be honest i don't like two heavy days in a seven day period i i personally hate it um but there's a bit of
Starting point is 00:17:41 your squatting i also think it's very interesting that both squat days, to your point, JR, are heavy days and low volume. So you've got 25, what, 40 reps here of squats. I would call that – that's like right at the edge of moderate, but it's heavy. Sure. When we're talking about volume, typically you and i know we're going to talk about number of repetitions i know volume and strength conditioning setting we should probably address here because this is going to be high volume load times reps it is going to be aggressive it is going to be heavy you are going to be feeling it after and there's a rest day
Starting point is 00:18:21 coming right so yeah i feel like days like this are the most – days like this for me are the ones that you feel the most. Sure. Where you really go into it. And that's something that we'll get to when we look at Ben's stuff and maybe just the more new school outlook. Or really, I just think it should be all based on what you have in your gym, what we've talked about before.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Really, I just think it should be all based on what you have in your gym, what we've talked about before, where if you hit this, the back squat, front squat, with 100% effort, you probably don't need anything else. If you're truly going for your heaviest sets the whole time, it's going to wreck you. It's also interesting, I think, for the general pop because I think, well, one, when this is going for total load, so you're building up for me, at least I would build up pretty
Starting point is 00:19:10 high before you're actually getting into these sets. But also a general population, you're probably going to feel a back squat and front squat a lot more than you're going to feel a heavy day of a hang snatch just because of the loading. Hey, do you think this was the real Hunter McIntyyre in the comments yeah yeah it is oh yeah dude i would have i watched their uh what was it the fucking uh high rocks high rocks partner one no um the what is the competition he just put on battle bunker oh oh uh hypercon games you saw that hypercon games fucking philip muscarella won it it made me be like it made me be like yeah he won Oh, oh, Hypercon Games. You saw that? Hypercon Games? Fucking Philip Muscarella won it.
Starting point is 00:19:47 It made me be like, yeah, he won 30K. It made me be like, damn, dude. I should have signed up for that. I would have fucking smacked the shit out of Philip Muscarella. Hey, Hunter, if you're still listening, I really mean this because I listened to you on the show with Hiller and Savon recently. And then I watched the High Rocks attempt at the world record that you did, the partner version. And I know you're trying to go for the Murph world record again.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Like I said, I'm doing tons and tons and tons of push-pull. I'm like six foot. I'm only about 185. I'm a good runner. If you're looking for someone to do Murph with you, next to you, when you do it, I'm your huckleberry. JR is probably one of these.
Starting point is 00:20:29 He's not probably. He's one of the fittest people on Earth. And Hunter, we're big fans of you, dude. You're a savage. So cool to see you in the comments. Hopefully you, even though Sevan wasn't here, you hung around and listened to us chit-chatting about the minutiaia of working out. So then another rest day?
Starting point is 00:20:50 Yeah. Is that typical or is this a day variance of three on, one off, two on, one off? I think he talked about this and was saying like typical main site is three on, one off. What we're going to do is my schedule and that's monday tuesday wednesday thursday off friday saturday sunday off yep is it bad that i do typically if i'm going i do a five on two off is that bad no some people do that i think i don't think so i think that's really common. Yeah. All right. Now back to Monday, money Monday. So running on Monday, two Mondays in a row running. Um, I look at weird things like that. Like what did I do last Tuesday? And am I doing the same thing this Tuesday? I hate that. So that's, I'll go back and look and see,
Starting point is 00:21:42 do we do GHDs Tuesday? Okay. I'm not doing them on Tuesday. If anything, I'm probably not doing a Monday or Wednesday. I'll probably wait till like Thursday or whatever. Yeah. Uh, good workout. So we've had two single modality weightlifting days. This will be a single modality monostructural day. I'm good with the workout on its own.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Um, I just look at that one thing. Okay. Running two Mondays in a row. I don't want to ever fall into the habit of like mondays back and buys tuesdays chest and tries whatever that kind of you're doing the same thing each day of the week yeah i think something to to mention also too is dave talked about the like the the mini retest mindset you go because i think we're going to retest the run muscle-up workout um at the end of this
Starting point is 00:22:25 little mini cycle so i wonder if maybe just kind of prepping you for that like let's let's make sure we get out and run within another week and that that's why he put this in there on the monday it's just something to think about next this was a classic dave chipper yeah i would say like i remember when i was looking at the workout each and every day and i think having the having the guest programmer did for me just keep me a lot more engaged because i was like almost trying to predict what was coming the next day based on what had been there and a lot of times it kind of made me wonder oh maybe that's just like a bias in my programming that i expect to see a single leg movement like a lunge or a step up when I haven't seen one in 10 days. And some people just don't program that way.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Oh, two or three hinge days in a row. Maybe I wouldn't do that. But there is something to be said for like the variance being that like it's not constantly varied if you're always able to say oh we hinge yesterday we probably won't hinge today um but this is yeah this is classic like you said classic chipper um i would call it uh for high level athletes sprint chipper yeah for sure um and i think this is cool too because we haven't done a lot of squatting for the first 10 days. Right. If you want to do those cleans, full cleans, why not? Like I think that's some freedom there.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And I would probably tell my classes the same things like, Hey, it's clean. So it's anyhow, but like, if you think the one 85 isn't going to challenge you don't just go heavier, either show me how light it is and go touch and go. And you get there or do squat cleans. Yeah. I love that. And that that's like for like you said the top of lathe or maybe five minutes flying cool like it make sure you read the workout are people are going to cry in the comments oh oh workout are they going to cry in the comments? For time, 50 GHD sit-ups, 40 alternating dumbbell snatches,
Starting point is 00:24:27 30 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 20 handstand push-ups, 10 cleans. 50-pound dumbbells, dumbbell for men, 35 for women, 185 clean for men, 125, 135 for women-ish. More hinging. And not much squatting. Yeah, I mean, interesting. This is like two weeks of you're not going to squat, but we're going to blow that back out.
Starting point is 00:24:54 We're going to blow that ass out, bro. Interesting. Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Welcome to BMO ETFs. Where do you get your insights?
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Starting point is 00:25:55 24 inches for men, 20 inches for ladies, and 25 kettlebell swings, 53.35. Yeah, I got a few thoughts here. One, this is like probably what holds me back from programming sometimes and what makes Dave what it is. The fact that it's not five rounds of 20 and 20 or 25 and 25, it will almost make me lose sleep tonight. I just, I want to know why is it 125 and 100?
Starting point is 00:26:18 Like, is it because you think that over the course of those five rounds, the box jump actually gets harder. So you're trying to balance that out a little bit with having five more repetitions of the kettlebell each time. I would love to know little things like that. Or is it just because he's like, no, not really, 20 plus five is 25. You know what I think?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah, no, I think you're onto something. I think when he looks at workouts and specific rep schemes, he very much so is looking at the time and duration that each set is going to take as the workout unfolds. And I think I saw a little bit of this when I was up there testing. So I definitely think that's why the kettlebell swing is 25 reps is to balance it a little more with the 20 rep box show. I think it's 20 kettlebell swings. You're finishing that in 40 seconds every round. The box jump is going to start to take 50, 55, 60, 65, maybe 70 seconds. So I think that's why. And this is a, this is another thing. Like you look at consecutive days and we looked at
Starting point is 00:27:15 consecutive days last week, and this is just a small detail, but just something to think about. Also a Tuesday and Wednesday, you have deadlifts and then hang. You have dumbbell snatch from the floor. Then you have kettlebell swing. So you're going pulling from the floor, pulling from the hang, pulling from the floor. Essentially a kettlebell swing is the hang hinging from the hang. So it's just, those are little, little details that I think about.
Starting point is 00:27:44 And I wonder, I was like, is, was that purposeful that purposeful or is that just like oh that's just a coincidence yeah yeah this is bussing bruh it's general pop of gen z term dude i don't think so but i said bruh and he goes ew so it's bussing bruh this workout would destroy me it It would hurt. The 2025? Yeah, it's a stinker. We did one. Oh, man. Our class workout last week. It was so awesome. Five rounds for time.
Starting point is 00:28:13 21 sumo deadlift high pulls. 75 pounds for men. 55 for ladies. 12 burpee box jumps. Just a stinker. Like, you got to go gas pedal from the start. It was nice. I hate anything that's sumo.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I love that. I hate sumo i love that people like the titles when people see box jumps i found typically they just think like heart rate uh calves maybe quads but when you do them with a explosive hip opening movement like a sumo deadlift high pull or a kettlebell swing you you cannot appreciate the amount of posterior like the amount of glutes that you're actually using. So people that don't program, people that don't do those two things, jump and explosively open the hip in the same workout, try that.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Rest day. You can read the book. How do you say that? Chrysanthemums. Oh, chrysanthemums. It's a flower, right? Yeah. Come on, man. You're a homeowner now. You got to plant some? Chrysanthemums. Oh, chrysanthemums. It's a flower, right? Yeah, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:29:05 You're a homeowner now. You got to plant some chrysanthemums. Pass it. By John Steinbeck. Legend. 50-foot overhead walking lunge. 21 burpees. We did this workout, too.
Starting point is 00:29:21 It was class. I like this workout. We did this workout too as a class. I like this workout. I think when you're programming for main site, it's pretty clear that they're not putting the affiliate first because trying to get 20 people in a class to walk 50 feet with a barbell overhead is a fucking nightmare. Yeah, and you're really – if you want them to do it too, you're probably doing 25 feet. You're forcing them to put it down. And the whole point, I would say, is to just do your 50 unbroken. Now, easy fix.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Hey, guys, we're just going to do plate lunge. Yeah, that's what we did. So, yeah, I mean, and that's a, if you're moving fast on that, depending on what standard you're using for the burpees, like if I program this to the class, I would probably tell them to do it laterally over their plate just to just to make them go faster i wonder what my time was on this workout i think it was around seven because i did it with a plate it was a 55 pound plate um what date is this august 25th yep okay i'm just gonna look back do you think dave do you think dave wrote these scaling write-ups no they have content writers that's what i figured i was like there's no way dave dug up a link to or said watch the overhead lunge a good yeah a good friend of mine is a
Starting point is 00:30:34 content writer for them a level four he just passed his level four do you think they did the same thing for ben's programming or ben wrote all that he probably i would imagine he wrote that but i could be wrong yeah i was just gonna say for this too something taylor pointed out with week one when you had the push jerks um and you had the hang snatch um you had to dip out and all this kind of stuff same same kind of trend here like you're getting you're still getting a lot of like traps you're getting a lot of press out overhead kettlebell swing dumbbell snatch overhead stability with the overhead walking lunge in the burpee so you're still seeing some trends from week one to week two that are very like similar as far as like
Starting point is 00:31:16 movement patterns go you're not just seeing a ton of pulling on week two even though we saw a ton of pressing on week one you're just kind of seeing a steady dose of everything. That is seven 49 on that workout with the, with the plate. All right, Taylor, you read this one. So Saturday we've got a super unique format. You're going to do five rounds of Cindy for time and then immediately go into five minutes to establish a heavy deadlift. So let's say Cindy takes you five minutes and 10 seconds. Then from five, 10 to 10, 10, establish a heavy deadlift so let's say cindy takes you five minutes and 10 seconds then from
Starting point is 00:31:45 5 10 to 10 10 you're gonna find a heavy single deadlift then at 10 10 you're gonna finish off with five more rounds of cindy for time um so we're probably looking at like 13 to 18 minutes uh maybe less maybe 12 to 17 12 to 16 minutes yeah all right guys and i this is something like i i thought about maybe just saving for like when the open comes starts to come up but i kind of want to talk about it right now remember this workout remember the format remember who wrote it this format has never been done before this could be a format seen in the opener quarter finals you could do five rounds for time um 15 chest to bar 15 handstand push-up that's that's a time as soon as you're done a five minute clock starts for a one rep max clean and jerk
Starting point is 00:32:40 and then five minutes after that starts you're going to redo that couplet again you're going to have two scores the lift and then the time added together i think we would more likely see it in quarterfinals for sure but i just think it was is really interesting because it's not something i remember ever being programmed before as far as the format goes and you never know when when when boz or when dave are like testing little things out like that. Yeah. I think it's a cool format. I don't like the pairing. I think five rounds of Cindy is dumb on either end for, for a very high level athlete.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Five rounds of Cindy is like, why am I doing that? Ah, I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, Jr. Are you just talking about like if, uh,
Starting point is 00:33:21 if, uh, if a high level competitor want to incorporate main site, you would have them, you would, you would would have them – you would tweak this how? Yeah, I would make it strict hand release or I would go five strict pull-up, 10 ring dip, 15 squats with a dumbbell or 15 wall balls. Yeah, I mean I just – yeah. I do think this format – they've had some very interesting formats early on main site. I'm thinking of run one mile Tabata, this run one mile Tabata, that movement particularly.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I didn't see this and think this is the first time I've seen it, but I did think this is a very unique format. Like the pulls on a machine for max calories. wrote a workout on smtp a while ago i'll find it and pull it up um but it was like anyways continue i'll find it so i can read it verbatim all right we should have another rest day here you read while i look and you can read edgar allen poe on the rest day. Oh, Edgar Allen Poe. Great. I would love to do that. Some good poetry. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So this is the workout I wrote. It was a seven-minute AMRAP, seven-hang power snatch, 135, 95, 14 crossover double under, 21 skier pulls for max calories. So when you're done with the seven-minute AMRAP, your score is, say you got seven rounds or you got, let's be more realistic, five rounds. So you're going to go five times seven, five times 14, add that together. And then whatever your calories say on the machine, when the workout is done, you add that to your total, but you're limited to 21 pulls on the skier every round. Then rest three minutes, another seven minute AMRAP, 21 skier poles for max calories, 14 hang power snatch, 95,
Starting point is 00:35:05 65, and then 70 crossover single under. I like that. So just a, it's an interesting, unique stimulus format, nothing they would ever put into the open or quarterfinals because how can you,
Starting point is 00:35:17 it's like so hard to watch like poles, like what, but I like that format. It's new. It's unique this workout monday more running on a monday um so we've run three mondays in a row hate it i think for strength progressions if you're writing like a strength cycle you need consistency um but in this format i don't like the redundancy this is still dave right this is starting the third week yeah second Wednesday yeah so we got like taylor mentioned um i do like seeing a different monostructural element on main site
Starting point is 00:36:02 i think echo bike has now been put on main site or just biking has been back on main site now for a few years. We've talked about this before leading into the competitive season. How long is it going to be until the official bike of CrossFit is put on the equipment list for things like the open and quarterfinals. And you give gym owners a full year almost to prepare for that. Even if you only have two or three of them them do we think that's ever going to happen i think it would be a great thing to have something other than just jumping rope and
Starting point is 00:36:32 rowing and shuttle runs i think adding another monostructural element would be really cool and i think it's something that people should probably just be doing as far as gpp goes this workout going long again on a monday like we had the ruck or the long run the monday before um something i am glad to see and i gave taylor crap but he knew i was just giving him crap the other day on a group thread i'm glad if you're just gonna do meters let's just do meters i think in general when you're programming long aerobic pieces, you should just use calories because meters on an echo bike does not translate you. The amount of the amount of output that you have to put in to get a big return on that from a time standpoint is crazy. The same thing on a
Starting point is 00:37:20 rower. If me and you row a 2k Taylor, and it's in the middle of a workout and you row one 50 and I row one 45, I did so much more effort just to be 20 seconds ahead of you. It makes no, it makes no sense at all. But if we were doing it for calories and you rode a 1400 and I wrote a 1200, it would be considerably faster. Much faster. Yeah. I'm sorry. I know that that's just something with me. It's like a pet peeve of mine is to, I try not to program distances. If I can help it. I always try to program calories. I like to,
Starting point is 00:37:57 for the sake of variance, I think athletes should know and be very comfortable with meter paces, but I, but I get what you're saying. He's complaining about a workout. I sent, it was every 10 minutes for four sets. saying. He's complaining about a workout. I sent, it was every 10 minutes for four sets. This'll come up on SMTP because it was, and I'm not complaining.
Starting point is 00:38:10 It was a great workout. I was just, yeah, no, but, but I mean, I get it. This was one of the stinkier workouts I'd done in recent memory. And it was every 10 minutes for four sets, 500 meter row, 40 wall ball, 30 calorie echo bike, 20-burpee pull-up. And it left me feeling disoriented for quite a while after finishing it. If you were writing this down, this workout, would you have written 1,600 meters instead of one mile? No.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Yeah. Do you guys do stuff like that? Dave is a big fan of those. Mainsight in general is a big fan of those main site in general is a big fan of the run one mile they don't like to say one mile run they like to say run one mile you'll notice that you'll see a workout it'd be like run one mile 100 thrusters but you don't they would never write it run one mile thruster 100 times yeah but, but dude, super OG is thruster, 21 reps. I love that.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Well, dude, what I was going to say is – And he writes like that all the time, and he can't spell either. Dude, when you sent that workout you just described to the group, I thought about how OG your coach John is. to the group. I thought about how OG or coach John is. Dude, if you, if you still program workouts and you write out wall ball shot, you are super OG. I write that out. I wrote that workout. You wrote shot. Yeah. I write it in all. That is like that. I can't remember the last time I didn't just put WB. Oh dude. I dude i love it i love i love things like that because i think it distinguishes you from someone who like hey i've been around a while and i know
Starting point is 00:39:49 what i'm looking at sure from someone that's like you know just um dingbat you're not a dingbat obviously because you can call that distinction but john writes like that too and i think probably that's where i pick it up from is him he very very much so writes like that. And I don't know. Yeah, while stuff like that doesn't bother me, it will very much bother me if someone asks me where the wall balls are. I'll say the med balls are in there. But the wall ball is the thing that you do when you squat and throw this thing. It just is – man, it's nostalgic. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Next workout. Last Dave workout. We're going to have to do a whole nother show on Ben. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. We can do Dave today and then do Boz and then do Ben. Is this another, Oh, he's the retest. Yeah. And again, right. We, we, we had a lot of running mixed in. He had said at the beginning of this, Hey, I'm, I'm, I've been kind of experimenting with this instead of going like months at a time before retesting a workout. Can you see improvement?
Starting point is 00:40:49 Is there some merit with doing this quick turnaround retest? Yes. I am of the camp that, oh man. This is, can I? Probably six months in, Will, Taylor, you guys can tell me I'm crazy. I think at least six months into your CrossFit journey.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Maybe it doesn't even take that long. You can do a workout and then do the same workout the next week, and you should be able to get a little bit better at it. And it doesn't really have anything to do with fitness. It just has to do with, hey, remember when it was a 10-round workout and you ran the first 200 like you were sprinting? Just don't do that that and then you'll go a little bit faster right for sure so like i don't see any merit in a retest this soon because
Starting point is 00:41:31 it reminds it's too akin to doing an open workout in the morning seeing somebody else's score that beat you and then doing it again at night and beating them you didn't get any physically fitter in those eight hours you just understood how to do the workout better. And I think there's – I just don't think in terms of seeking adaptation and practicing variance that there's enough space to do a repeat two weeks later. If I'm looking six months down the road to repeat, okay, now you've had ample time for some physical adaptation. You could be quite a bit fitter. You also know how to do the workout better because you've done it before, or you got fat and lazy and you're going to, your old time's going to shit on you. And that's a wake up call. I think repeats like from
Starting point is 00:42:21 a six, from a three to six month period period i think is a sweet spot for me i love repeating workouts we do it not frequently on smtp but we do it enough like maybe you know every month you might get two or three repeats now that i've been around for a year and a half um but i would never repeat a workout in two weeks i think it's too close to doing an open workout twice in a fucking day and repeating it i just it's dumb yeah so last thing i'll say about that workout that was programmed twice is for a class too that's a that's a beautifully written workout to where there are so many levels like if i look at crash and they're probably, so like if I program that workout at crash, I'm just going to say people that do ring muscle ups,
Starting point is 00:43:12 like are able to attempt the workout prescribed. There's probably 30 people, which is nuts. Now a lot of seven at my job. Now, a lot of them though, I would tell them, Hey,
Starting point is 00:43:24 I think you should do two around. And some of them I'll say, Hey, I think you should do one or my way of stroking the ego a little bit. We'll just be like, Hey, you can start out doing two, but when you fail one, you have to go to ones because the stimulus of the workout needs to be preserved. And while a lot of people can just say, well, there's no time cap. So I'm just going to go until I go true. But the whole point is for you to have to do this high skill thing at a high heart rate, not do one rest 30 seconds, do another one rest 30 seconds. Like that's not what we're going after here. So the levels here, sure. Can you do burpee pull-ups? Absolutely. Can you do straight pull-up and straight ring dip? Absolutely. Can you do kipping pull-up, kipping ring dip? Absolutely. There's a lot of different
Starting point is 00:44:08 scaling options here, but one that I would start with with my classes is something I really am adamant about. Scale the number before the movement. If you can do a muscle-up, just do one every round. You're still getting 10 in a workout under like you will improve doing stuff like that. Just because you can't do 10 unbroken bar muscle ups for five rounds doesn't mean you're a failure and you shouldn't do bar muscle ups. Just pick a number that you can do unbroken. And that's something that I think a lot of newer and older athletes think, oh man, I go to this gym. The programming is really hard. There's going to be people in here that can do this prescribed and unbroken. I guess I should just
Starting point is 00:44:49 do pull-ups. No, it's not. It's you should get the same stimulus they're going to get, but just make it appropriate to you. And that's where good coaching comes in to help. Always scale volume, fan intensity, then range of motion, then the actual movement. But cool. I mean, what do you think over overall? I have not been a big fan of main site programming for a while. Dave's was a bit of a breath of fresh air, whether that's because it's actually good or it's just, Hey, Dave's doing it. So I'm more interested in it. I liked the two weeks. We were just obviously so nitpicky. I mean, look, you strive for. Please dude, send me that. Please send me that.
Starting point is 00:45:43 That's fucking hilarious. send me that please send me that one time you made that that's fucking hilarious um yeah we nitpick and the hope is that in striving for perfection you get close i was gonna say like to your point it's um we were talking about this when they started it and about how we should go on and just like dissect each programmer and kind of look at it and one of the things we talked about was we know how main site's been programmed in the past do do we want to be able to look at the workouts and say that just looks like some main site programmer wrote it or do we want to be able to look at it and say that's a dave workout that's a boss workout that's a ben smith workout there's a
Starting point is 00:46:25 little bit of both here like when i looked at these couple weeks of dave programming the cindy variant the 20 minute amrap with the push shirt push up push up in row when i read that i was like that looks like dave wrote it and then there were some workouts like the kettlebell swing box jump workout looked like a million other workouts that main site would write. But is that the, is that the point? Like we could argue back and forth on that because it's classic. So yeah, in general, I mean, you got a lot of couplets and triplets. You, you, you got a triplet mixed in there,
Starting point is 00:46:57 like a sprint chipper mixed in there. You got some monostructural stuff. We did see running what three Mondays in a row. Yeah. And then, and then, and then a fourth day right after that. So yeah, this one question before we go, how do you feel about scaling up the reps? Like for that 10 round workout, if you can maintain five unbroken muscle ups for 10 rounds, should you scale up to that? And I am always very hesitant to scaling up because I'm hesitant, but there is a place for it. So I'll leave with that. I'm hesitant. There is a place for it in that workout for me. I don't necessarily
Starting point is 00:47:34 think I would need to scale that up. And I've considered myself pretty good at ring muscle ups. You just run a whole lot faster. You absolutely sprint the two hundreds. And I think that is the stimulus there. Um, an example of appropriately scaling up for a really fit athlete would be that five round of Cindy, five minute deadlift, five round of Cindy workout. I think there is only so fast that you can go for five kipping pull-ups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats. And at that low volume for an elite athlete, making them a bit harder, I think is good. An example of where I scaled up and it was not necessary is on one of Ben Smith's workouts. There were 185 power cleans and I bumped it up to 205 and it just was not, I didn't need to do that. And I got into the workout and I was
Starting point is 00:48:15 like, well, this might've not been needed. There's a time and place, but I think generally speaking, go faster and harder before you try to do more. JR? All right, guys. Yeah, I agree with that. You guys keep going. I got to pick Willie up from school. We're not keeping going, bro.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Yeah, we're fucking. We're ending stream. Oh, he's gone. Wow, he dipped hard. Well. What a stud. Love you guys. Hunter McIntyre, if you're still in the comments,
Starting point is 00:48:43 drop a love you too, bro, down there. See ya. Hey, guys. Hunter McIntyre, if you're still in the comments, drop a love you too, bro, down there. See ya. Hey, guys. Much love. Sign up for SMTP if you're not. You know what I'm saying? We know. Oh, Mason Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Did you already drop the stream? No. Okay, Mason. He posted this workout just real quick. It was every five minutes for eight sets 12 cal ski 15 cal echo 18 cal row for ladies 9 12 15 great workout i did today in my garage um but i didn't have an echo bike at home so i did every four minutes for 10 sets so still 40 minute time domain two more rounds a minute less rest. But I was curious.
Starting point is 00:49:25 I feel like there is a substantial difference in how fast the machine will track calories, depending on like the humidity level and the heat and maybe like even the oxygen content of the air. Like it's just we just got a huge cold front and it felt easier tracking calories than it typically would like when it's humid and hot and heavy in charlotte and another piece of like um speculative like evidence that i have it's not really like anything concrete is when i was in colorado where it's like you have you know it's to breathe. There's less oxygen in the air, thin air. I did like a devil's press workout that fucking put a 10 foot pole in my butt.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Like I was supposed to be really easy. I couldn't do it because it was like, you know, less oxygen. But I did a 30 cal echo sprint, not even trying in like 15 seconds just to finish off. And I was like, whoa, that's the easiest 30 calories has ever been for me. I don't know. Just an interesting thing that I noticed today as I did these intervals outside in my house. Anyways. See you guys.

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