The Sevan Podcast - Denise Moore | Masters LEGEND - Cancer and Breast Implants

Episode Date: February 12, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's I watched your show with Clydesdale Media. Holy cow. Thank you. Yeah. You're like excited to share your story. You want to share your story. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:47 All right. Okay. I want to tell everything. Hi, Caleb. Hi, Caleb. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Good morning. What'd you say, Caleb? Oh, nevermind. It's good. There was something up with your audio, but it's better now.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Oh, okay. Thank you. Okay. What a good dude. My audio or is mine too loud no your sound i think your sounds great does her sound good caleb okay i switched uh mic imports caleb so maybe there was something weird when dave came in yesterday hey denise i ran into you at um
Starting point is 00:01:18 uh the mat uh the legends event right. And that was, where was that? So that was in Phoenix. No, Tempe. Tempe, Arizona. Okay, okay, okay. And you were competing there? I was competing in the 65 plus women's division. And you?
Starting point is 00:01:41 I podium. You won, right? Did you take first? Yes, I did. Badass. Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. And you listen to the show?
Starting point is 00:01:52 All the time. Yeah, that's crazy. Well, when I can. When I can. Yeah, yeah. Because I work. What did your husband say about all of the crass 14-year-old boy humor that seeps from my pores? That is so funny. all of the crass 14 year old boy humor that, uh, seeps from my pores. I know this is supposed to be about you,
Starting point is 00:02:08 but I'm just wondering how he processes it. What do you think about you listening to a show like that? There was, um, an interesting show that you did. Um, and I wanted him to hear it because he doesn't listen, but I said,
Starting point is 00:02:21 you and he have similar views. And, um, Because he doesn't listen, but I said, you and he have similar views. And to tell you the truth, I think it had to do with the thing in New York. Oh, okay, with the police officers, the two police officers who got beat. Yeah, that was sad, right? That is sad. But then there was something else that went along, and you basically flew a few bad words out. And I said, no, he doesn't normally talk this way.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And then at the end of it, he turns to me and he goes, believe me, he talks that way. He figured me out in one show. Yeah. He was like, and he wasn't complaining or anything because he does the same thing so it's just guys are guys when they're around guys yeah yeah that we are i'll tell you a crazy story travis bajan the father of Travis Bajan, the father of Tyson Bajan.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Oh, nice shirt. Thank you. Travis Bajan, the father of Tyson Bajan, the quarterback for the Chicago Bears. Yes. He sent me a video of his son working with Jim Klontmanman the slack box guy the other day and he's balancing and i wrote fabulous now make sure and i said something really crass about him staying away from a certain kind of woman you know what i mean completely very inappropriate thing except for two two men to talk about like i won't even say it on this show um and then i a few minutes later i saw katie modder reposted the owner of rogue posted on the thread i didn't see she was on it
Starting point is 00:04:11 yeah but she's probably used to it yeah yeah but i i apologize still uh kind of walked it back a little bit i walked back i walked because i wouldn't have said i wouldn't have even said that in front of my mom like if i wouldn't say it on the show, that means it was really crass. But man. I'm in a very male-dominated business. What do you do? I'm a system administrator, network administrator, and I've been working for the same company for 40 years.
Starting point is 00:04:43 So I've been around. It's very male- male dominated from the very beginning so you hear some stuff i'm just used to it i'm just like and even my coach will say stuff and i'm just like all right i'm gonna walk away i'm just i know how you boys are hey when you say tell me what you do do you protect um did you did you see you see the guy that James O'Keefe did the undercover reporting on, and he said he was basically a network administrator for the White House? What do you do? Oh, do you make sure that the networks are up in buildings, like internet networks and stuff like that? Yeah, I can't tell you who i work for or anything like that but um i can say that
Starting point is 00:05:26 basically i keep servers up and running networks up and running um and secure do you keep them secure also yes yes it's obviously okay so so everything from making sure that the right whatever cat6 cable is being run to making sure that like people who get on the computers are the right people yes and not actually uh we have to make sure that we have notifications that come out and we have to basically uh keep track of everything and respond to everything so i highly recommend watching this video it's on j James O'Keefe's Instagram account. This is the network basically administrator for the White House, right? And James O'Keefe goes on a date with him. Like he must have found this guy on Grindr or something.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And it's a crazy undercover. Is everyone gay in our government? Yes. But it's hilarious because basically this guy sings like a bird about the White House. It's crazy. I'd be curious to hear your take on it. Check it out sometime. It just came out a couple of days ago. How things happen, how things get leaked. And we as contractors, because we don't work necessarily for the government, but we do government contracts. We have a stringent rules that we have to follow all the time. And then when you see something inside the government, oh, they weren't changing their password you know simple simple stuff sharing passwords things like that you're like yeah what the heck who has access you need to know stuff and why does this person have access in the first place so a lot of stuff
Starting point is 00:07:19 that what state doesn't make sense california oh, okay. Oh, you're in Southern California. Okay. All right. Yeah. Now you have me intrigued. Of what I do? Yeah, who you work for, what you do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 All I'm doing is following the rules that we're supposed to go with. Right, right. following the rules that we're supposed to go with right right i'm guessing i'm guessing you work for someone like northrop grumman or some uh or a huge aircraft or that's what i'm gonna guess that's that's i'm gonna hold it like that something uh someone who has contracts with the government that makes that flies that's on the guess okay so you went to masters and um and you you went to the 60 how long you've been doing crossfit so you went to Masters and you went to the 60s. How long have you been doing CrossFit? Why are you entering CrossFit competitions? That just scares the shit out of me.
Starting point is 00:08:09 At 65, are you a competitive person? That's what you do? Yes. Originally, in high school and college, I played softball and volleyball, and it was fun. And I always wanted to be a professional athlete. And I always wanted to be like a professional athlete. But in those two sports, there really was no nothing that you could do. So when I was 28, I took up golf and I thought, well, this this seems fun.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Maybe I had 28. Yeah. OK, 28. I played before, but is 28 is when I actually got serious. And I tried to play. I played on the mini tour for one summer in Southern California or in California. It was called the Players West Tour in 94-ish, 93, 94. I took three months off work and tried it. Were you married at that point? No, no, no. I wasn't married at the time.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I thought, you know, if I don't do it now, I'm just going to, I'll regret not trying it. And I sucked. I was so bad. I play better golf now than I did then. And I was like, all right, well's what was women's golf like in 94 was it big I know women's golf went through a like a massive boom had that happened yet in 94 yes that's when it was yeah okay okay that's oh that's my husband he has a terrible swing I wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I don't know. It looks great to me. What's wrong with his swing? Tell me what's wrong with his swing. I'm just curious. He dips, and his lower back, he's always protecting his lower back. Oh, yeah, me too. What do you mean he dips? I didn't see him dip.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I saw him dip, but I saw him stand back up before the swing. No, he'll dip as he comes through. Just as he hit, you'll see his hips lower. Yeah. And then he. Damn. Do you see it, Caleb? What she's talking about?
Starting point is 00:10:14 Oh, fuck. I'm an idiot. Okay. I don't see it. So. Can you beat him? No, he's better putter and golf chipper than I am right now. I like how you say that right now.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Well, because I haven't been playing. But if we go out and play like a scramble, like a two-man scramble, we usually do pretty well. Because I get to play from the red tees and I outdrive everybody. The red tees are where out drive everybody. So that's all right. The red tees are where the girls hit from. Yeah. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I always laugh when I hear games athletes be like, and you know, I'm not poo pooing them, but you took like 14th at the CrossFit games. Fucking amazing. Great job. But then you interview them and they'll be like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:11:00 well, Justin Mandaris just happened to be better today. I'm like, come on. Okay. I mean, I hate you because you hear a lot of athletes say that so i just like hearing that yeah he's better than me right now like hey that's like the true competitor spirit like i can't i'm not gonna say he's better than me i like it if i put more time into it i would give him the run for his money but i know what his strengths are, which is chipping and putting. He's really good at that. I have, like, I only see through one eye. So I have, like, a learned depth perception.
Starting point is 00:11:35 So that, I was born with amyloplia, which is basically lazy eye. But the muscle between the two eyes isn't strong enough to make you look through both eyes. And then the, the sight in this eye can only be corrected to 60. So I'm like amelopnea. Impaired vision with obvious defect or changing the eye. So when you said you,
Starting point is 00:12:02 you've learned, what'd you say? You have learned depth perception. Your your your brain's pretty amazing um you basically learn your brain knows sizes so like i play volleyball if you have no depth perception you were thinking oh well how do you know when to hit the ball well you know it by the size how big it is okay okay oh i like that wow and it's since i was born this way i've never known anything other than so but it does kind of hinder putting and chipping how's your driving you shitty driver should you not be driving no i'm a great driver you are seriously yeah Seriously? Yeah. Have you noticed your driving? Because part of it is, even though I don't see in the front, I have good peripheral vision.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Like, I can see my hand. I can see that my hand's there. So it's not like I'm just totally blind. It's just that when you look out here, the left eye takes over. I'm noticeably. My, my driving's eroding. My, my driving skills are diminishing, diminishing. That's the word I'm looking for.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Are your driving skills diminishing at 65? No, no. You still, can you, you're still comfortable driving at night too? Yeah, that. night too uh yeah that i don't i don't i think that you know low light thing is getting is starting to creep in but i don't really drive much at night uh jeremy is it just me or does denise look younger than seve fuck you it's just you okay um uh it's all hair color yeah getting getting older is weird. Like yesterday I was doing 80 and I was like, oh, I'm not as confident as doing 80 as I used to be.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I mean, and I don't tailgate at all anymore. I mean, I should have ever tailgated, but I don't tailgate at all now. But when my mom's in the car, she thinks I'm tailgating and I can tell. And the reason why she thinks I'm tailgating is because she's even older than me. She's my mom. And so her reaction time is shittier than mine right and so then she thinks that like and so everyone's reacting to you've seen those people right you've seen obese people and old people do that when they walk by you they think that you're in their way right or they think my kids are in their way well
Starting point is 00:14:17 the reason why they think my kids are in their way is because they need old people need like 10 times the amount of room to walk through something is young people young people don't care they just fucking slide through or whatever right but you've seen that right old people need like 10 times the amount of room to walk through something is young people. Young people don't care. They just fucking slide through or whatever. Right. But you've seen that, right? Old people get upset. They think someone's in their way, but really it's like, Hey dude, there's plenty of room for you.
Starting point is 00:14:34 You know what I mean? But you, but you're not, if you have any of those things, you turn into a whiny old person at all. Get mad when the neighbors have the radio on too loud. Shit like that. You getting old at all? Oh yeah. That. You know what I mean? All right. I go to bed at like nine o'clock and oh yeah old okay good now and now we're getting
Starting point is 00:14:50 some dirt but but the thing is my husband's uh i was driving the other day he goes god you drive like an old woman oh wow okay here we go here we go wait a minute that's not fair because i'm driving as if i have another person that I'm responsible for in my car. Yeah. That's an old person thing to say. That's an old person thing to say. If he wasn't in my car, I'd be like zooming all around. Seriously, you drive different when your husband's in the car? Yes, because I have that responsibility of someone else in the car. Wow. Look at you. That's good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Someone said, look at my two cents uh i was there in 2000 to 2004 i think she means um the mini tour interesting uh i'm players west interesting because i was trying i was trying to find anything on players west and they don't have anything and you know it's really funny for the internet really 94 is before like youtube and shit so you're saying that you can't find anything on it yeah i've been getting uh annoyed with uh men trying to find the first time I had an application for playing the AM, the mid-AM, US mid-AM for golf. And I remember distinctly the first line of that application back in the 80s or in the 90s, must born female that was the first line wow and i'm trying to look for that and i can't find it because it just kept with me i'm like wow why would this why would this
Starting point is 00:16:34 even be a thing and now it is yeah hey it's a totally fair uh rule for something yeah it's it's totally it's totally a fair rule so it's looking and now they don't have they don't have that in the first line of the application form anymore they must have changed it uh oh masters golf tournament okay okay i don't even know what that is but is masters in golf the same as Masters in CrossFit? It's just for people who are older? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:17:09 A different age bracket. I believe Masters may be 50 plus. Are those guys still good? Yeah. Do people watch them or is it like you guys in CrossFit? No one cares. Except you're... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:24 It's kind of like that. I think the old guys like watching the old guys, but also the old guys like watching the women's golf more. Hey, is that going to, Oh really? Oh, that's interesting because they're girls like,
Starting point is 00:17:36 because they like, they're attracted to them or because they can more relate to their play. I don't know. I, I really don't know what it is. I, interesting. I just find old, older men like watching women's golf.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Clearly, there's no... What is interesting, I guess, about CrossFit is clearly there's no... No one's not watching. It's not like the wmba or the nba people love female people love women's crossfit yes like like women's gymnastics like no one's like well the men can do it better no one's saying that everyone's like yeah the way like it doesn't matter people love women's crossfit and actually i don't know if maybe this is a sign that I'm getting old, but the masters and the adaptive on some levels are significantly more fun to watch in person than individual. Because individual, all the masters who are out there are impressive and all the adaptive are impressive. It doesn't matter if he's a shitty lifter with one arm, you're still like, damn, that dude got one arm. arm you're still like damn that dude got one arm or it doesn't matter what woman it could be the last place woman but if she's climbing a rope and she's 65 you're like you're having your kind of
Starting point is 00:18:50 your reality and your perception of what's humanly possible change right you think about that could be my mother climbing the rope there's no way my mother would call him that rope no way or even think it's possible yeah i. I just saw yesterday. I don't remember where I saw it. I forget the guy's name, but I saw a guy who's 72 years old get his first muscle up. I saw that. I think CrossFit posted that. Yeah, what a stud that guy is.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I was very jealous because I don't have it yet. Yeah, what a great guy. How close are you? Well, I'm still doing the surgery. I was close for getting a bar muscle up at the competition. I got one, one arm over the bar. Are you healthy right now? My kidneys are, are still, the numbers are still bad, but
Starting point is 00:19:43 I think honestly, I'm always fighting something. So lately it's the kidneys. You look great. Thank you. Go ahead. What were you going to say? So what? Two years after I had the mastectomy is when my kidney numbers started going down. And then having the implants out after that, because I had implants and then having the implants out, I feel so much better. So I know I know I am better, but I don't know where my kidney numbers are. I need to go get them looked at again.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Let's tell that story that you told. Is that cool? i heard it on Clydesdale and i mean i heard it briefly when i saw you at masters and i was like oh man this lady wants to tell her story i can't wait to have her on but when you told on Clydesdale i was blown away because it's got so many cool like nuances and turns and like so you were a runner with a frozen shoulder. What is that? What's it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:48 25 half marathons, two marathons. Yeah. Ton of hardware hanging in the back. So tell me that. How do you get into running? So I was playing golf and, and then I thought, well, I'll take up running and help me with golf because I was carrying, walking and carrying my bag. running and help me with golf because I was carrying, walking and carrying my bag. And then kind of realizing that golf, I wasn't going to be as successful as I wanted to be. I just started running half marathons. Well, I started with 5Ks and 10Ks and I hated those
Starting point is 00:21:19 because you had to run way too hard to make any medal. So i said i'll just run a half marathon and you get a medal you get at the end because you participate yes so that was fun and then i held at heart that's all my kids care about too they just want to bring some metal how'd they do they did great they kicked ass so three silvers and a gold big huge brackets yeah my boys did great yeah only only one of the boys they all the two matches that they lost were very close um so i mean they should hold their head up yeah they work hard it was cool that's cool excellent congratulations so um i thought well my shoulder started hurting and I was like how do I hurt my shoulder just running because all you're doing is this I couldn't figure it out um went to the
Starting point is 00:22:15 doctor they took an x-ray and the doctor's like there's nothing anatomically wrong with your shoulder I'm like okay well what's wrong with it? What? And they didn't know they weren't really going to do anything with me because I was like 50. I was like, all right, this is great. And I had at the time, I was like more concerned about my gallbladder. My gallbladder had to come out and I suffered with gallbladder issues for like a year was it um was it um inflamed your gallbladder was expanding what it just stopped working it stopped working it's unusual no stones or anything like that but they did this what they call a gallbladder empty test which is you lay there you get a scan they give you morphine for some reason morphine like triggers
Starting point is 00:23:04 your gallbladder to empty because all right what your gallbladder does is it holds all the bile that comes from your uh liver holds it until you eat something fatty when you eat something fatty uh it spits out bile that helps break down the the fat oh okay hey the gallbladder isn't like what's that called what's that called when you don't need something Caleb fastidious what's that word like they claim the gallbladder
Starting point is 00:23:32 is not one of those things oh like the appendix is the appendix fastidious I mean I don't believe this but like supposedly there's parts of our body that we don't need that are just hanging around that we haven't evolved out of yet uh science refers to the oh vestigial oh vestigial organs meaning that while they're they were once useful they serve no purpose to humans today
Starting point is 00:23:57 the gallbladder is not vestigial no you're saying you need it oh here we go sorry then there are organs such as the gallbladder that are a step above vestigial organs and their function, which the body can still function. Okay. All right. All right. Okay. So basically you don't have a place where your bile is going to be stored. It's constantly being dumped out of your liver.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Into your stomach? Yes. Okay. Into your tract. Okay. tract okay goes down the bile duct and honestly as long as i don't eat anything too fatty um i'm golden uh mine's more i would think you need to eat tons of fat shit because you always have bile ready to help process it no it doesn't work that way okay i'll be about about that big okay um and it's you have to be careful because sometimes if you eat something that triggers your liver to dump too at the same time um you end up going to the bathroom really quickly oh yeah i might have that i feel like that happens to me once in a while i might have Yeah. My brother's gallbladder actually had stones and he had to have his taken out.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Oh, damn. I don't know if it's hereditary or not. So wait a second. So how do we get your gallbladder from your shoulder? Because when I had pain in my shoulder, I was also dealing with the gallbladder. And it was more important for me to get the gallbladder taken care of. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So then I left the shoulder and that's when I joined CrossFit because I thought, well, maybe CrossFit will help me with my running. And so I started there and I went like twice a week, started there in 2010. They had affiliated in Resolution CrossFit, affiliated in 2009, and they opened the doors in early 2010. And that's, I started like March of that year. And I went like twice a week. of that year and i went like twice a week and i realized going twice a week was not the thing to do because you were constantly just sore it's better to go more than less and so i started going that's 14 14 years ago 15 years ago yeah this is my 13th open wow congrats okay so you were you were my age when you started. See how I slipped that in there?
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yep. All right. And I couldn't take the pipe because of my shoulder. I couldn't even put a PVC pipe over my head. So they were kind of... I can't imagine my shoulder being that that jacked up. Yeah, if you don't do it, you couldn't go like that. No, I couldn't.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I couldn't even hang from the bar. Oh, crazy. You weren't strong enough to hang from the bar. The pain was too excruciating. I would walk through a doorway. And if I just tap my my wrist like that, it was like someone took an ice pick and just jab me in the shoulder. Damn, damn, damn. And, and, and, and, and the more, and then, so you were running more to maybe make the pain go away and it was just making it worse. Do you think it was this, was it this that froze your shoulder? No, no, it's just, it's something that happens. Okay. Uh, especially with women that are over 40.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Okay. something that happens okay uh especially with women that are over 40 okay and i i can't tell you why the doctors don't seem to know why from my perspective so you can either go in and have this thing because what what frozen shoulder is is basically um adhesions all through your develop through your shoulder. And so you can go in and have this like sedated manipulation of your shoulder to break up all that scar tissue, or you can just have it naturally. It'll take you two years to, to release. And that's what I did. But I use, um, CrossFit to help me with them. And I eventually was able to hang from the bar, um,
Starting point is 00:28:13 do all sorts of stuff. And now I can lift weight over my head. So demanding full range of motion of the arm, even though it had frozen slowly unfucked it, but you had to push through some pain and discomfort. Yes. All right. I'll buy it.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I'm buying it. I ended up having surgery on this years later because of arthritis developed up under the shoulder blade or the. You've had 12 surgeries. Yes. We've talked about two gallbladder now shoulder well mastectomy oh yeah but let's pretend like we didn't hear that yet that's gonna be a good surprise i had uh three laparoscopies because i also did infertility treatment what's a laparoscopy
Starting point is 00:29:02 laparoscopy is when they go into you belly button and clean out around your reproductive system. Because I have endometriosis. I sound like a wreck. You look great. You look great. You show good. You're like a really nice car, but the engine's got a little pang in it. But I had endometriosis when I was younger, and so they did three laparoscopies to try to clean that up.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Did that work? Did you end up having kids? No. I did get pregnant once and lost it at 10 weeks. And then we did an infertility treatment because i met my husband later in life when i was 39 and so it i didn't i didn't try to get pregnant when i was younger obviously so as i got older your eggs get older and just life passes you by yeah. My wife had her first kid, miscarriage, kid at 39, miscarriage, told me absolutely not. And then we had twins after that, after she told me not to. But I still did. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:20 And they said the reason why the body was dropping multiple eggs was also because that's a sign of getting older. It's kind of like the body being like, hey, you better hurry up. You've been fucking around. Now we're going to give you two. But anyway, okay. That sounds gnarly, by the way. That laparoscopy thing, that sounds gnarly. That sounds wild.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Cleaning up around the organs. Like, what does that mean? Like, I don't like that. Well, I felt better afterwards. Oh, you did they blow you full of air and then you know cut out all the scar tissue because that's what endometriosis like my left ovary was stuck to the the wall of my intestines and yeah oh so it's like a it's like a high pressure wash hey um in all seriousness do you think i think probably going um there's arguments that going upside down is, that's one of the benefits of going upside down.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Did you know that? Really? Yeah, that it gives the organs like a break. Like when you go upside down, like you said they stick to each other. So like being upside down helps like shifts them, and they get a little like little reprieve. Oh, that's a sign. Do you go upside down? Yeah. them and they get a little like little reprieve oh that's a sign do you go upside down yeah dang look at you 65 you go upside down shit well i try to i don't even like to do somersaults anymore i go upside down i still do handstand walking with my kids but i don't like to do somersaults well i have one more one more disease and it's called meniere's disease which i was diagnosed
Starting point is 00:31:48 in when i was 40 and that's um meniere's is it's kind of the weird you have a hearing loss you have tinnitus and it's almost like you have vertigo all the time. Oh, yeah, yeah. I feel like I got a little bit of vertigo. I must have many ears too. Yeah, this was huge because I would sit in my office and I would just hear this, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, that's scary.
Starting point is 00:32:17 That's not fun. Yeah, and they basically said there's nothing they can do. The majority of the time is when they do autopsies on people with Meniere's disease, they have extra salt in their ear. Did you do a lot of drugs as a kid? Zero. Damn. Too bad you didn't do cocaine for like 10 years and you can blame it all on that. Damn.
Starting point is 00:32:41 No, it's just bad genetics. Everyone in your family got this stuff? Everyone got, no. Yeah, my sister has lost some of her hearing. My brother had his gallbladder out. Everyone has arthritis. Do you use hearing aids? No, my husband wants me to, but no.
Starting point is 00:32:58 This ear is good. It's just this ear that's bad. When my dad started losing his hearing um for years he would be like he would accuse everyone of mumbling that shit i do that yeah that shit would piss me off i'd be like dude we can't all have just turned into mumblers but he insisted that we did well so you were talking about going upside down. I would try to do a GHD because I had that very strong. I would get just so dizzy. And the more I did GHDs, the better it got.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Oh, interesting. Okay. So the more I went upside down, the better my Meniere's disease got. I told Greg recently, I'm like, fuck, dude. I don't want to do somersaults or I don't like doing skin the cats or any of that anymore and his response was hey dude do more and i go really he goes yeah you don't want to lose that he's like face that head on right now i don't know if it's they have something to say uh all those little particles inside your ear yeah and they kind of break loose and then if you go upside down they get stuck
Starting point is 00:34:05 again or something i don't know what it is but i would my mom had my mom had that happen to her and she went to the doctor she my mom was basically called me one day she's like hey i'm stuck in bed and i went over there i'm like what's up and she her eyes are closed and she's like i can't move so i basically had to take care of her for like fucking a week my mom's totally capable but she became completely incapacitated and then she found on no doctor no ambulance none of the people could tell her what it was then she found on youtube that there's this thing you could do with your head like and then this little crystal went back in her the right spot in her ear and she was like at the 80 she was like 80 better like that and i was like what but i will say this ever since then my mom is
Starting point is 00:34:44 not as stable as she used to be i mean i shouldn't say that because i don't what but i will say this ever since then my mom is not as stable as she used to be i mean i shouldn't say that because i don't know if she knows that but like i see it or or maybe she has some fear now i mean she's still great crossfitter she's my mom 80 i don't know yeah still great crossfitter you know what i mean um but but she just sent me a PR. She did. I want to say she back squatted 70 pounds for a couple of reps or something. Cool. Right. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:10 So, so, so you go to cross, you get frozen shoulder. That thing gets unfrozen and you're like, dude, this is the shit. I love this. I'm going to do more of this. And so you, so you get totally you're into it. I gave up golf. I gave up running. I was like, I was told as soon as i could figure out
Starting point is 00:35:25 that i could lift heavy stuff yeah i almost said a bad word yeah um i was like this was this was my sport what i'm like what lift specifically was it the deadlift when you started deadlift yeah me too i'd never deadlifted before cross i was like i wanted to be the 200 club for the longest time and the coaches would not allow me to they kept on saying no you're not allowed to lift that much until you lift a long time and so i finally i finally got there it took me a few years you have some kind of some crazy lifts um you have 110 pound snatch 161 pound clean and 137 pound jerk that's that's wild i the jerk is the hardest yeah yeah i don't know why i think it's maybe because my legs are so long it's really hard for me to get under the bar but and my arms are so long
Starting point is 00:36:25 i have really long arms and legs what's your deadlift three into 293 wow god i don't i wonder if i could i don't even know if i can deadlift 293 right now i've started deadlifting again a little bit to get ready for the open. Look at you. Oh, in a comp you did 135? That's you? Yeah. That was my favorite thing was the lift. The lift, I won that event with 245 total because i did 110 and 135 so i easy you clean 135 too that was crazy
Starting point is 00:37:13 oh 135 is not it's pretty easy yeah look at you you get shoulder your elbows up high look at you damn holy shit you always is that how you wear your hair when you compete you pull back like that yeah always yeah i have to my hair's too curly to keep so um this is my new love now weight lifting look at look at even your foot position is beautiful look how limber you are jesus criminy that's a beautiful photo look at you like that caleb beautiful. Look how limber you are. Jesus Christ. That's a beautiful photo. You like that, Caleb? That's sick, right? Look at you.
Starting point is 00:37:49 You even got your toe turned in like you've been to some Bergner camp. I met him. Mike. Uh-huh. I met him at the CrossFit Games this last year. Because I went as a coach for Cindy Hinkle. She was in the 50 to 54. And I said,
Starting point is 00:38:08 Oh, I want to go see their, the Berkner because I've been doing a couple of weightlifting meets last year. And so he was really fun. He was fun. He's great. Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yeah. He's a good dude. So, so you're cruising along shoulders unfixed uh dead lifting 200 pounds and um and then and then what happens and then you get sick so then yeah um so the year i turned 55 was is the year that you you basically turn um the weights go down for for uh crossfit open and all that stuff and so i i said all right this is going to be my year because i get to you know it'll be easier to lift and i was diagnosed with breast cancer right after my 55th birthday um november 1st. How did they find it?
Starting point is 00:39:07 Did you just went in for a regular checkup or you felt something? No, I didn't feel anything. I have had, I have had lumps removed from the other breast, fibroid adenomas, because those came after the infertility treatments because they pump you full of hormones, and it kind of accentuated the fibroid adenoma. So I had those taken out. They were not cancerous. They were just benign tumors.
Starting point is 00:39:41 But they said, with my family history, my mom died from breast cancer. Um, and when she was 58 years old and, and then I had some other, what year was that? What year was that? My mom dying. Yeah. It was, uh, 83. Dude, does that haunt you? Like someone in your family dies from breast cancer.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And then the whole time, like every, like once a week, it pops in your head. Do I have breast cancer? I felt I had, um, ticking time bombs on my chest.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Yeah. That's what I, if so, if someone in my family died from that, I would, that would be, that would be a constant reoccurring thought, right?
Starting point is 00:40:23 In my head. It'd be, it'd be like, also like if someone committed suicide in my family, I've heard that also, if someone commits suicide in your family, like one of your parents that you'll be like, Oh shit. Like you become almost mentally ill about being mentally ill. Okay. So it was like that. So when your mom died, you're like, Oh shit. You feel like it's only a matter of time for you.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Yeah. I was like, all right, well, and the, I was with her when she went through all her chemo, um, and her radiation and it was hell. And I said to myself, I said, I never want to have that happen to me. So I'm not, I'm not gonna smoke because my mom was smoker. She was drinker. I'm not going to smoke because my mom was a smoker. She was a drinker. I thought all these bad habits that she had kind of led to it. Plus, taking HRT, she had a full hysterectomy. So I'm not quite sure why because I was a lot younger.
Starting point is 00:41:20 She died when I was 24. So a lot of this happened like kind of when I was young, I was the youngest of four. So I kept on thinking to myself, I'll just keep myself healthy. I'll do everything I can to keep myself healthy. I won't do, I won't do drugs. I won't do anything. But before that, they said, you need to continue to do scans. And so there was a doctor that sent me, my regular doctor, he said, you need to go and have this done every year. And so I said, all right, fine, I'll do it. So I said, all right, fine, I'll do it. And then the radiologist saw that there were some changes in some little specs on the scan. And he said, we see some changes in this area.
Starting point is 00:42:18 You need to get an excisional biopsy. I'm like, okay, another surgery. Was that when they cut into your boob and get something in there? Yeah, they basically take out a biopsy do they do do they don't just put a needle in there and yank something out you actually have to put you under and they did they tried to and they couldn't because it was so close to the chest wall so they tried uh to get a needle with a mammogram guided needle and it, I just bled all over the place. So.
Starting point is 00:42:50 And you were awake for that. You were awake for that. I was awake for that. That was nothing. I was like, nevermind on that. So then I went under and they said, we'll do a bigger section.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And they found that was cancerous. And they did a test on it. The labs came back saying that was a very aggressive cancer. But it's called DCIS, which is ductal carcinoma in situ, which is, it hadn't broken. It's like stage zero, but it was fast growing. And it was only in one side. So now I'm faced with the fact within. Sounds African.
Starting point is 00:43:39 It means the cells that line the milk ducts of the breast have become cancer, but they have not spread into surrounding breast tissue. Damn. Right. Right. So they caught it at that level, which is like level zero. So now I'm – I got one side that had those fibroid adenomas, and now cancer on the other side. I said, you know what?
Starting point is 00:44:00 We're just going to take both of them. You did that within a month? Yes. Are you just completely freaking out at this point? Well, remember I said I was going to have these ticking time bombs on my chest. I was expecting it. I'm like, all right, here we are. I don't know that I ever cried because I just knew it was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:44:27 It's kind of, it's kind of crazy. The brain's crazy. What I'm tripping on is, is the only thing I can reference it to is like just being addicted to nicotine. But like every day I think about wanting nicotine. Like I, like anytime I go to a gas station i like i see i see the the nicotine i just look like i just see it and i'm like oh hi and they're like it's like hi how are you but for you i'm guessing that for since you were 24 every day like you just be out there doing a golf swing and the voice goes you might have breast cancer and you're like fuck it's like that right right? I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Yeah, that's nuts. It's too bad you can't get rid. I wonder how you get rid of that. I wonder if you can get rid of that. Well, my sister was diagnosed six months before I was. Yeah, that doesn't help. That doesn't ease the brain. Well, and so here my mom died.
Starting point is 00:45:26 My sister's diagnosed six months before. And there I am i'm like all right there i go is your sister alive still no yeah oh good no yeah she's yeah she but her cancer was different from my cancer okay she had to go on tamoxifen hers was erpr positive mine was erpr negative um her two positive it's all these weird things um it tells you how you can treat treat the cancer so our cancers were different our breast cancers were different um when you have the um what would you call it a mastectomy mastectomy yeah when you have this mastectomy um do you get reprieve are you like oh good don't have to think about cancer anymore i do now yeah you felt you felt you felt reprieve yeah good that's awesome all right cool hey that's worth it in itself i'm not for chopping off boobs but fuck like if you can get freedom from the brain, good job.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Oh, and that's why I chose to take the one that didn't have cancer. Where my sister took the one that had cancer and I chose to take both. Oh, so she still, she kept one of her boobs. Yeah. Oh, so she probably still thinks about it. I should ask her. Hey, so in one month you made that decision. I think I remember you saying that to Scott Schweitzer.
Starting point is 00:46:48 In November you were diagnosed. In December you had the surgery. December 10th. Okay. And then that December 10th, and then we also decided to go ahead and do reconstruction, which what they do is they put these little flat expanders underneath your packs and then every two weeks they put a needle in and expand it with saline and so they just don't trying to stretch your skin and just make okay right and so uh you go through that and i think it was apr April I had the real ones
Starting point is 00:47:25 put in so it took that long oh that still seems pretty fast and why did you do that just because you still wanted to just have boobs was it April maybe it was July I have to remember that it was July
Starting point is 00:47:42 like if I had my testicles removed I wouldn't put fake ones in but no one sees them I have to remember that. It was July. Like if I had my testicles removed, I wouldn't put fake ones in. But no one sees them. But you're just saying like, hey, you're used to just having boobs. That's the shape of your body. You want to still present like that. My mother maybe messed us up a little bit because. That's what parents do.
Starting point is 00:48:04 It was all about what a female looks like what does a female look like females have boobs and i she got rocked big time because she didn't have the opportunity to have reconstruction she had to have prosthesis which are those little fake things and she put those in her in her clothes yeah oh okay yeah but uh but it was always you know what's a woman what's a woman well woman has breasts and so that was going through my head and they said this is the only opportunity that you'll be able to make that choice is now and short time i was like all right well what if i make the wrong choice i can always have them taken out but i could never have them put in because of how the body is
Starting point is 00:48:58 ask your question i'm trying to understand this correctly so you're saying that they told you that hey we can give you fake boobs now or forever hold your peace yes okay i don't understand that but it's not my battle okay go so so you decide so you decide to do it because you want to look like a woman yeah that i mean that makes perfect sense to me but then two years after that yeah my kidney numbers started uh the bun numbers like the protein in my blood yeah started to raise were the boob were fake boobs annoying were they in the way did they feel like that they did did you ever feel like they in two years did you ever feel like they, in two years, did you ever feel like they were actually yours? No, never. Does anyone ever feel like they're theirs? Yeah, some people do.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I've talked to other women. And they're like, yeah, they feel like they're mine. Yeah. But they have breast tissue on top. Like if I, like if I got a, if I got like a tongue piercing, I can't ever imagine like settling into it. You've seen tongue piercings before and i just can't i can't imagine ever settling in and getting used to the fact that you had are they heavy yes they're heavy i actually weighed yes i weighed myself before and after oh no i actually looked it up it was 1.8 pounds total yeah so i put one pound wrist
Starting point is 00:50:30 weights on my kids and i play catch with them for 20 minutes and and i always ask them how do you feel they're like man my shoulders and my back and my arms are all blown up and they're like seven and nine like one pound two pounds is legit when it's just like on you. I'll hold a seven pound camera for fucking 13 hours of the games. I feel like I'm going to die when I get home. Well, any, any time I would run because they put them underneath your, your packs and, and as you run your packs kind of like bulk up a little bit. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Yeah. Yeah. I would, I would have an asthma attack. I would feel like I'm drowning. I can't breathe because everything's just closing down because they are being pushed into my rib cage. There's this famous bodybuilder who had her breast removed, her implants, and that was the first thing she said.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Holy shit, i can breathe okay so there is even though you're standing there's the there's this compression all the time wow crazy did you enjoy them at all no no no never ever no because well and my plastic surgeon said well we'll put these in and'm like, these were way bigger than I was ever. Did you ever see me beforehand? I'm like, I'm not even a B. And he made me like a B plus or something like that. And I was like, all right, these are just hitting me in the face too much.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Did you try to hide them? That's the part of the story where you start were they did you try to hide them that's that's the part of this story where you you start yeah bending over like that you hide them there's this girl i know whom very good friends i'm so glad she doesn't do it anymore but i've been friends with her forever and she has she had big boobs incredible boobs real boobs they're still incredible boobs she's like old now like me but when i knew her she walked like this and i talked to her one time and she said she was hiding them from when she was a little kid but now she walks like this i'm like thank god yeah that's pretty common i wonder how many do
Starting point is 00:52:35 you think but yeah i mean fuck you turn 14 years old and every single fucking guy in the world all of a sudden is looking at you well i didn't have that problem i bet you you probably all women have that problem that's the nature of being around men but as soon as i had them out it was it was it was heaven so last year i your husband's cool with all this too he he's like crazy supportive he's very supportive yeah Yeah, that's awesome. You got a good job. He is. He's always said whatever makes you happy.
Starting point is 00:53:18 So and he doesn't he sees me as me, not as my boobs. So. No guy, no human being wants to be around someone who's not happy. So at the end of the day, if you have a girl who has the, the, the greatest boobs ever, but she's not happy, your life sucks. Or if you, if you're with a woman who's with a man who's not happy, your life sucks. Like at that point you realize, I mean, it just, it's ruined. There's no, no one has a body that's so nice that if they're, if they're not a happy person, are they tolerable? So, I mean.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I find that when I'm happy, he's happier. Yeah. My wife's – I'm a mess if my wife's not happy. I'm a mess. And I don't let anyone else usually control my moods. But my wife's is – I'm just like all twisted up with right yeah if she's stressed out i'm stressed out i can't i mean i try not to be but yeah totally that's awesome good job good pick did you know you picked the right guy i had no choice i fell in love with
Starting point is 00:54:18 them oh i thought you're gonna say it was arranged it was certainly not arranged um so so the decision to get the breast was or to get the breast removed was instantaneous tell me how long before you got them did you start thinking about taking them out because you said you had them for two years no i had them for i at two years is when my kidneys started going bad okay i had them out um the end of 2022 oh so you had them for nine years yeah and and one of them one of them exploded and so i had to have yeah well it leaked i shouldn't say exploded but it leaked. I shouldn't say exploded, but it leaked, um, uh, say, uh, silicone in my body. Is that bad?
Starting point is 00:55:10 Is that, that sounds bad. Like that's, is that toxic? Yeah. I think it is. How did it leak? Just, you got a shitty bag? No. Um, I had a car accident and that was my fault.
Starting point is 00:55:25 No, it wasn't my fault. I was driving, I should say. And the seatbelt like pulled. I had, I had, I T-boned a guy that came out from out of the side street. It was his fault, but I was driving. And so I think it started then. Um, and so I think it, it start, it started then and then it leaked for probably a few months before we figured out that it was going to be, um, that it was leaking because I went in to have the nipples created because you have that option to the nipple.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Sorry. sorry and the the doctor looked at me he goes this isn't right and so I was all prepped for surgery and he said no this one's leaking and so I had to leave that day and then have it replaced and they go in and when they create the pocket, it's supposed to be all contained. So the silicone should have all been in that pocket of tissue. That's created when you create this expanders and then you go back in and you put the regular ones in. But it was leaking for months. So that was in October. I had the car accident and it was March timeframe. So it was leaking for months before it was replaced.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Did he say it was contained? Yeah. But you don't believe him. I don't believe him. I don't believe. How could it be contained? Because your skin's right there. I know.
Starting point is 00:57:05 And your skin's porous. It's not like we're made of like glass okay so um uh is caleb his skin porous thank you he nodded thank you medical professional um okay so so but but you just at that point did you year was that? Did you consider at that point having them both just taken out? No. I was still wrapped up in what is a woman. Yeah, yeah. Okay. And I went this far.
Starting point is 00:57:35 I was like, maybe it'll get better. Maybe it'll get better. And it never got better, and it just got worse, and I felt like crap all the time and so uh when legends went to um uh mayhem in 2022 um i i competed there and i was just a wreck i couldn't i couldn't do anything right i was like last place it was terrible and so at point, I had already talked to my plastic surgeon and said, I need to have these out. I, I feel depressed. I feel sick.
Starting point is 00:58:16 I feel like my kidneys are failing because of them. And so right after legends, I had them taken out. And did he say you're batshit crazy, Denise? Or was he like, there might be some validity to this? No, they would never address my feelings about my kidneys. But he did say to me, he goes, why didn't you come to me sooner? You didn't tell me you were unhappy. This original guy who did them, he goes, you should have come to me sooner.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I would have taken him out sooner. I'm like, I don't know these things. I don't know. And I didn't because I was still wrapped up in what is a woman. Right, right. And yeah, and it's not like you yeah you're not i don't want surgery i don't want to lose my boobs um i got a life i'm living like what do you mean why didn't you come to me sooner okay anyway i but i have to tell you yeah i made i did every open after all these
Starting point is 00:59:21 surgeries you still did the opens every open okay so so what does it mean your kidneys are jacked up what do the kidneys do what would you those important any of those okay caleb he's nodding yes you need them you got two of those yes i do and um ever since two years after i had the implants put in, my bun numbers went up, which basically tells you how much protein is in your body and that your kidneys aren't taking the protein out of your body. Okay. And I find myself, I just recently tried to do creatine again and creatine, like my back hurt, like back here. So I can't do creatine again and creating like my back hurt like back here so um i can't do creatine now um i'm gonna have my every after i had my implants taken out i tried to get my numbers of my kidneys you know to come down um they're not coming down so i have a another doctor's
Starting point is 01:00:26 appointment and what are the implications of your bun number being high that means you have too much protein in your bloodstream is that what you're saying yeah what are the implications of that they're not working well oh okay and and um and are there any side effects from that? Like that you feel? Well, back pain. But I haven't had a lot of back pain since I've had my implants taken out. You had two pounds taken off too also, which is nice. Yeah. Tired, dizzy.
Starting point is 01:01:03 I would stand up and I would feel so dizzy all the time oh interesting okay you need to urinate more or less more or less often okay i probably i got that joint or bone pain nope i don't have that muscle cramps no restless leg no fatigue no itchiness no swelling in the arms or legs do you you have any of those? Not anymore. Oh, well, that's good. Shit. Okay, well, that's good. I used to have a lot more swelling in my left ankle, and I don't have that anymore. Interesting. The other option that I said that could make my kidneys not work as well is blood flow to the kidneys.
Starting point is 01:01:51 The more time on the assault bike. But I feel a lot better without them. I can move. I can breathe. I can swim. I was trying to swim with those on on and I felt like I was drowning. They were pulling me under. Oh, those boobs don't float.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Fake boobs don't float. Oh, interesting. Hey, those silicone bags just go to the bottom, Caleb? Oh, he says maybe so. Yeah. Okay. Do they tell you any of that stuff when you get them? Hey, by the way, be careful when you go swimming. No. No, no one tells you. Because they're not any of that stuff when you get them hey by the way be careful when you go swimming
Starting point is 01:02:25 no no no it tells you because they're not looking at that when when women get boobs big boobs yeah from my perspective this is i'm sure i'm not talking for all women they're doing it for aesthetics right and so women that are more into aesthetics aren't going to be into sports. Oh, right. Right. I always trip. I was tripping on the fact of. I think I mean, I never asked her, but I thought Talena Fortunato had implants. And besides that, I couldn't ever think of anyone, any professional games athlete who's ever had implants. There's a, there's a couple, there's at least one UFC fighter that recently got implants, but she hasn't won since she got her implants, which is crazy. And she was one of the best in the world, but it seems like a really weird thing to mix together is implants and professional
Starting point is 01:03:17 athlete. Very bizarre to me. It's like when I go to jujitsu tournaments and I see women with their earrings still in their ears and they put tape over them it's like yo like if i want to be a professional athlete i mean you better not like if you want your daughter to be a professional athlete you shouldn't get her ears pierced you don't want the earrings getting caught on anything you don't want that thing being torn open especially like a combat sport you know what i mean there's things that just don't go with being a professional athlete i don't think um uh fake boobs are um one of them i don't think i should cut someone open and stick anything plastic in their body anyway this doesn't it doesn't doesn't sound right especially something silicone which is
Starting point is 01:03:58 totally foreign to your body yeah i guess maybe if you needed a valve, a heart valve or something. So I, I, my hairdresser, her mother-in-law had a fake boob because she had breast cancer and it worked its way out of her body. She's like looking at her mother-in-law and it's like, there's this thing sticking out the side of her body. Her body was, was rejecting it. Rejecting what? the fake boob wow wow and so it had moved it had moved and it was leaking out or pushing its way outside her skin holy shit and she had breast cancer so she she probably didn't have any breast tissue to keep it.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Twice in my life, I've stepped on something. The first time was I stepped on a puffer fish, and the needle went off into my heel, and it broke off, and it was fucking crazy. And it pushed in really deep. I had been barefoot for over a year. And my foot closed up, and I couldn't get it out. And my leg went numb for a day. And then that hole that it went into closed. So it was just in there.
Starting point is 01:05:16 And a year later, one day, my foot opened up. It made a hole. And it pushed it out. But it took a year. But it was crazy. I wouldn't even have believed it if I didn't see it happen to myself. I had that with when I had teeth taken out to braces. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:39 They take a whole section of teeth out because I had really big teeth. Well, one of the, the cavity or the fillings fell into the hole. Yeah. And at one point point and they closed it up and so at one point i found this filling out in my mouth and it had pushed its way back out and came out in my mouth wow god it's the same thing your body pushed it out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you ever lost a toenail no thank god no oh i i had the same thing happened with a toe there was something i don't one of my big toes there was something growing my wife said it was fungus i don't know what it was but it was just on one toe and another toenail
Starting point is 01:06:16 just pushed up behind it and fucking pushed the top one off just like hey beat it and then i got a brand new toe surprise yeah there you go birthday gift so you have this so you have the breast taken out and are you relieved right away mentally i'm relieved right away okay yes cool um physically i have to go through you know you have a surgery you have to go through all that crap you've got to get the anesthesia out of your body and all that stuff. And then within a couple of weeks, you feel much better. The other thing is I was a little concerned because from taking the implants out, having the implants in, I was always concerned about hitting them and having them break again. So like any kind of chest to bar, I would always end up hitting myself way up here for a chest bar i would never go down here because i was afraid if i hit too hard i'm gonna bust one again
Starting point is 01:07:12 right and so then when they are taken out now you have nothing there for today to protect you you skin and your chest wall, your, your, uh, rib cage. Right. And so it's taken me a good six months to, I feel like now I have enough muscle covering my rib, my ribs to, um, be able to hit the bar with my chest. How are your pushups? they'll never be like what they were before can you do 10 strict good push-ups yes i can do yeah i can do push-ups yeah but it's it's a strain on more of my shoulders because i can't really use my chest as much so i i try to keep my elbows in yeah i was gonna say so you probably get a really, you're using trice a lot and trying to get to the tricep too. Interesting. God.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Wow. And, and, um, uh, how about dips? Same, same thing.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Well, dips are a shoulder issue. Oh, okay. Okay. Right. I can do that. Because when I do dips,
Starting point is 01:08:18 I try, I mean, I mean, as you get tired, you're trying to like get all the muscles, but you know, for guys, a lot of us will just like lean forward and just turn them into pushups.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Yeah. Wow. Interesting. Wow. Crazy. What year was that? You had him taken out 2014. No, 2020.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Oh, 2022. Okay. So they were in for nine years and then, and then, so how are you doing two, two years now? And so, and now 2023, you won the masters legends competition, the biggest, the biggest event to find the fittest people over 35. I'm pretty, I'm pretty happy about that. Yeah. That's crazy. Right. After all you've been through. Yeah. Crazy. But I aged up too
Starting point is 01:09:06 so i mean i'm but everyone yeah you're the young you were at 65 yeah crazy how close was it how close was the calm it was close um i mean in second the person in second place gave me a and the third place they gave me a run for my money, man. You like those other ladies? I love them. I love every, every person that I've ever competed with or against. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:34 I love them. We all share, um, our own stories, meaning that we've all been through a lot of stuff. That's what I was gonna ask you the other girls got crazy stories oh yeah yeah what do you what do you think the commonality is between you guys you think that those crazy stories and those hardships are what push you guys yes i think i that i think that's it and we all support each other we have uh we actually have a facebook group
Starting point is 01:10:07 a messenger group that we that we share there's no no are there any normal chicks in there it's like no i everything's fine i'm just at home here baking cookies and um uh and working out in the morning or is it all you can't reach 60 without having some kind of story crazy shit okay all right yeah that's you at 60 in uh something else you were telling uh scott switzer on the podcast is that you're still you're getting at 65 you're still getting stronger you're still setting prs i set a pr the 110 snatch is a pr i don't think i would have been able to do that with the implants in and scott said something that was um so so i so last night um i i did a podcast late at night and then after that podcast i went in and put that on and i went in the garage and my garage was freezing so i was just like trying to stay um warm and i was doing
Starting point is 01:11:09 like just really like 50 rpm assault bike and i was doing snatches and scott said something really cool to you he said um we take for granted these numbers and of just like being able to do that and i'm a 51 year old man. And as much as I make fun of myself for not being fit, I'm, I'm fucking fit. I can go in the garage and if someone's like, I'll give you a million bucks for doing 20 street pull-ups,
Starting point is 01:11:33 I'll fucking do it. And, um, and I can run down the street and grab someone and throw them on the ground. I'm little guy, but like, I,
Starting point is 01:11:40 you know, I'm a CrossFitter. So I'm in there and I'm just fooling around on the salt bike, staying warm, watching my Janice Moore, Scott Switzer podcast. And I started doing dumbbell snatches and I get to the 60 pound dumbbell and I'm like, Oh, that's heavy. And I get to the 70 pound dumbbell. I'm like, I'm done. Like I'm gonna fucking hurt myself. And then Scott's like, you did 110 pounds. He's like, people don't realize because we're around all these crazy,
Starting point is 01:12:01 strong people. It's he was so right. I so right like i was it was the perfect time for me to hear that 110 pound snatch for anybody is nuts and then for you to do it at 65 is crazy yeah congratulations i mean and obviously the most important part i mean is that is you're being a role model and sharing your story with the world as opposed to, you know, no one knowing. I think because it's because it lets other people know what's possible because you're pretty you look normal. You're just normal person. I thank you. I try to be normal.
Starting point is 01:12:38 I honestly you look like just some chick who's in line next to me at the at the at the Whole Foods. You know what I mean? You just look normal. look like just some chick who's in line next to me at the at the at the whole foods you know what i mean you just look normal but i have to say that crossfit in general saved my life because what do you mean when um when my mother had breast cancer and it came back, she tried to commit suicide. Oh. And that stuck with me a lot. Thinking that someone gave up that much. And I was like, you know what, I want to be able to show that there's a future after things happen. I mean, things happen to you. And it's how, and I think I told Scott, it's how you get through things is what, it's like the journey. And every day you wake up and you're like,
Starting point is 01:13:43 you know, how can we improve ourselves today? How can we get through today and enjoy and be better? And that's what I try to do when I go in the gym. You know, what, what can I do to be better? And there were a couple of days recently, I was like, walked in the gym. I'm'm like I don't know if I want to be here but once you get going once you get moving and you walk away from your CrossFit workout it's like I did that today and I feel better. And when I was going through the surgeries for the mastectomy, I would come in and sit in the gym and just watch people work out. And I would feel the energy and that, and it
Starting point is 01:14:38 helped me, it helped me survive and it helped me get better and it helped me be better. helped me survive and it helped me get better and it helped me be better that that phenomenon you said about once you do the workout outside of maybe getting hurt um i've never done a workout and been like i shouldn't have done that it's it's it's always wow like you said it's like oh i'm so glad i did that i'm so so glad i walked in the door i'm so glad i just kind of faked it until it that first bead of sweat came down and then i'm like okay yeah yesterday was like that for me i was like it was thrusters and i was like no one wants to do thrusters and the rx weight was 65 pounds i'm'm like, fine, I'll do it. It was a partner workout, but I had to do it by myself because my partner was coaching. You thruster 65 pounds in a workout.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Yeah, that's wild. I didn't do, well, it was supposed to be 15 reps, but I did like broke it up 555 or 871. I did 10 broke it up five, five, five or eight, seven, one. I did 10, five. And then there were box jump overs and sumo deadlift, high pulls and GHDs. Is Saturday always a partner workout at your gym?
Starting point is 01:15:57 Yeah. And I always work out with Cindy, Cindy, Cindy Hinkle. She's a, um, games athlete from our gym too. We kind of, would she be let down if you didn't show up on a Saturday? Yeah, I think she would.
Starting point is 01:16:12 I'm let down when she's not there. Does she call you if she's not going to go? We text each other all the time. Oh, that's so cool. God, I love hearing that. Did I meet her at, maybe I met her. Yeah, she was at Legends too. Okay, yeah, she looks familiar.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Oh, and look at her. She won't even give you any space. She's looking over at your soldier, judging your numbers. I love it. She's staring at you when you're on the look at her. What are her friends for? She's always got a smile on her face. She's an excellent athlete.
Starting point is 01:16:46 She, she turns 55 in August. Did you say she went to the games? She went to the games last year. And you, and she took you as her coach. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Wow. You guys really are close. That's us. And what's the, that's, that's a nice gym. What gym is that resolution crossfit okay you said that in the beginning so you've been there your whole time the whole time they are
Starting point is 01:17:12 uh they have two locations but in your belinda is the gym that i go to and the matt alabregue and his wife vanessa started this gym before they even got married back in 2009. It was a crazy dream of theirs. And they've gotten married. They've had kids and opened up a second location. They've got really great coaches. We'll be doing Friday Night Lights for the Open. We've been doing that for years.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Will they do it on Friday or on Thursday? Friday. Okay, good. They always do Friday. Good. If they have a TV, they're having to turn on the Sevant podcast. We're going to do Taylor Self versus the world. I'm looking forward to that.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Me too. Taylor's no joke. joke yeah and he's feisty i love how feisty he is yeah did you ever did you ever see the podcast i did with his story no man what it's like what a fighter i mean oh you know by the time he's 20 the kid had been through so much and i have to go back and look at that oh my god it's so good and he's so great and he so articulates it yeah i mean he he had a harder life by the time he's 20 than i've had my entire life it was it was uh it was great oh yeah i was in late i remember my family was asleep and i was in lake tahoe look at him pudgy taylor look at him all
Starting point is 01:18:41 pudgy and shit right there yeah what a savage a savage, right? Look at this guy thinks Taylor's going to go three and oh, he's going to beat, uh, Dallin Colton and Jason. I watched his, um, which, which one? The rope climb. Oh, when we did the water Palooza workout. Yeah. Yeah. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Right? Oh my God. He kicked out. You climb a rope. Oh yeah. How is is that you get scared well i i've only fallen down once from how high from uh 18 feet oh you fell from the top yeah i did i lost my feet and then slid down halfway, burned my hands and then fell the rest of the way. Oh, good on you.
Starting point is 01:19:26 So you held on and took the, took the burn. Until halfway. And then I said, I couldn't hold on anymore. My coach was standing there going, oh my God, she's dead. Because I'm laying there on the ground with my hands up like this going, my hands hurt. My hands hurt. Oh, yeah. But you didn't break anything. Oh, yeah. But,
Starting point is 01:19:45 but you didn't break anything. Oh, no. I play volleyball. I know how to fall. So you just kind of like hit your feet and kind of crumple. What shoes are you wearing there? So those are,
Starting point is 01:19:55 I hate them. My noble canvas mid tops. Why do you hate them? They look kind of cool. No, I thought you were going to say you hate them. Oh kind of cool no i thought you were gonna say you hate them oh i don't like the company but i but i but i don't care what people there's something to wear whatever they want i don't like their their practices okay well these shoes will
Starting point is 01:20:16 not fall off when i do road climbs i've had they're cool looking multiple shoes like fly off my feet because they're not high enough and hold on to my foot yeah because these are mid-tops yeah or mid-rise or whatever they call them um they stay on my feet yeah when i um uh i i honestly uh i just i just happen to have really wide feet i don't care what shoes anyone wears um it's it's a what Greg used to say about soda pop. I don't care if you drink soda pop or if you buy soda pop or if you get rich off of selling soda pop. What I don't want soda pop doing is having any influence in the sciences, right? And so I have no issue with Noble except for the fact that they have supported organizations that support the legalization of child genital mutilation by child-immune people under the age of 18. And it forced their employees to keep their jobs to take injections, to take drugs. And I find that just – I don't even have a little bit of um tolerance for that like forcing people forcing people to take drugs like i don't i don't even or trial general
Starting point is 01:21:33 mutilation i don't even i can't even get like i can't even do a little bit of it so our company tried to force us yeah oh and you fought it no i did not i had i ended up taking it which one did you get i got the j and j did you did you think about saying hey just squirt that shit on the floor telling the doctor i went with someone who uh my friend that needed it. And so... a contractor or a consultant you can get customized coverage for your business contact a licensed td insurance advisor to learn more i said i was going to support her and go with her we went we went to like a drive-through where you get it when you're in your car and then i did did get one booster. And then I said, then I see all the stuff that happened
Starting point is 01:22:48 at the games with the blood clots. Oh, wasn't that crazy? I said, no more. So you will not see me again another one. Yeah. And I got COVID too. I had it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:03 I think I got it right now. Oh, no. It doesn't matter. I'm a CrossFitter. Hey, real quick. He hates rad. No, no. I have no issue with rad.
Starting point is 01:23:15 I love rad. Sell as many shoes as you want. It's my job to point out crybabies, and I just pointed out a crybaby. That's it. But, Sebon, you don't understand. It's a great marketing tool. Okay, cool. It's a great marketing tool to point out crybabies and I just pointed out a crybaby. That's it. But Sevan, you don't understand. It's a great marketing tool. Okay, cool. It's a great marketing tool to point out crybabies.
Starting point is 01:23:28 But you can wear any shoes you want. And I'm just making fun of narrow shoes because I got wide feet. That's it. My favorite shoe is Strike Movement. Oh, I've heard great things about those. They're great crossfit shoes. Wide toe box, right? Mm-hmm box right yeah so are the noble ones too narrow for you i don't like their trainers too too narrow yes they don't feel as stable i've got
Starting point is 01:23:56 a platypus foot too so do you have a high arch yes oh i have a crazy yeah i did you walk there do you walk barefoot a lot like just around your house yeah i have a crazy high arch and i have a crazy yeah i did you walk there do you walk barefoot a lot like just around your house yeah i have a crazy high arch and i have wide feet and um i i don't need it i don't really need anything but if i wear shoes that are too narrow my toes will start tingling i don't want i don't like i don't like that growing up in california every kid our age never wore shoes yeah our feet would be black as anything because we were running around the asphalt and i i remember as a kid all right we need to temper our feet for a while so that they get used to the heat on the asphalt and then we'd run around fine yeah yeah that and that's what it
Starting point is 01:24:40 was too that when i stepped on that puffer fish my my feet were like, I mean, I was in Baja, California. I was in Mexico. And I remember the Mexicans there who were in the fishing village I was in couldn't believe that I could walk barefoot. And they were like basically little Indian people. It's like, hey, once you're barefoot for a long time, you can do anything. Sorry, go ahead. Go ahead. Was that because we walk barefoot
Starting point is 01:25:06 why we have high arches yeah i think that is why we have high arches i think so um uh before i started walking barefoot a lot i was a size i was a size a bigger in shoe and then i i think maybe i was nine and then i started walking barefoot a lot. My foot pulled up like that. And I think it's because the muscles in your feet get stronger. Makes sense to me. Right. So as they get worked and worked and worked, they do that. That's what I hear. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:25:34 And I believe it. Hey, so what's the plan for a competition for Denise Moore? Like what is the next thing? You'll do the Open this year. Are you going to try to make a run for the games? Yes. Yeah. My goal is always to go to the games.
Starting point is 01:25:52 I've also been introduced myself to weightlifting. So Olympic weightlifting. I did the NOA 2. And then I just signed up for the, um, masters in, uh, Reno and that's in March. So I'm going to do that one, but any other, yeah, that, that was an away too. Do you feel like you need goals like that in order to keep working out like that? That helps you. Is that why you do it? I a goal-oriented person i have to have goals if i don't have goals then what am i doing i'm just gonna be like doing nothing for
Starting point is 01:26:33 the rest of my life yeah it's weird i don't have i don't yeah you have goals not Not really. Yes, you do. I do? Yeah. You have goals. You want to be on the floor in Texas. Yeah, that's right. That's a goal. Yeah. Yeah. And I want it to just rain money. I want to open my bank account and see billions of dollars in there.
Starting point is 01:26:58 And I want to have the best podcast in the world. And you want to be number one in the space. Oh, yeah. Okay. All right. You're right. I guess I do have goals. And that's why I get up every morning at 7 to do it. have the best podcast in the world and you want to be number one in the space oh yeah okay all right you're right i guess i do have goals and that's why i get up every morning at seven to do it because i'm working towards my goals yes yeah i started a new news show oh i love it you do like it okay good i do it'll get better it'll get better i'm still like working out the kinks the one thing i i was asking last night which um i don't think uh dave saw i feel like legends location is left over from the negotiations from the games that they were originally going to go to birmingham alabama and now the masters are going there and i was like
Starting point is 01:27:47 it feels like a leftover meaning that go ahead uh so i hear you has there ever been a big crossfit masters event in um in birmingham or no not that i know of oh i bet you it's a nice town i bet you you don't like it because it's too far away. I'm only concerned about heat. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Location. Oh. Going to Birmingham is going to be like the same as going to Madison.
Starting point is 01:28:18 For me. Yeah, yeah. It's going to be two flights no matter what. You can get LAX to Birmingham? I so you can't get la you can't get lax to birmingham i bet you can't you know how far lax is from us is it far wait where are you i thought isn't your linda where are you it's like an hour an hour and a half depending on the traffic all right all right i gotta do that anyway anytime i fly i feel I feel like, cause I'm in Santa Cruz. Even if I go to San Jose,
Starting point is 01:28:48 even San Jose is a pain in the ass. Yeah. There's nowhere. Hey, how competitive, how competitive is it going to be to make it to the games? I think it's very competitive. I, it'll be interesting.
Starting point is 01:28:58 I'm hoping that everyone will, uh, want to do it. Meaning some of the old people the old people the legacy people like susan susan clark patty susan clark's like been to the most games out of anyone or something right she got like some crazy who's to pull up her she's like go ahead she. She ages up. And so does Patty. There were a few of us that are aging up to 65. And Susan Clark's like the kind of the gold standard in Masters athletes, right? She's won like five games or something crazy like that, right?
Starting point is 01:29:35 Very sweet, too. I like her. Oh, yeah. Fucking nuts, dude. Every time she's gone to the game, she's won. Oh, yeah. Fucking nuts, dude. Oh, my God. Every time she's gone to the game, she's won. That's something to aspire to right there. Damn.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Dang, dang, dang. So I'm hoping everyone will buy in and come. How tall are you, Denise? Five, seven and a half. And how much do you weigh? This morning I weighed 148. And what's the most you ever weighed in your life? Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:30:23 When I was in college, I weighed like over 200 pounds. No shit. Yeah. Wow. When my mom was going through breast cancer, I ate my feelings. And so I ate everything. 200. So then after breast cancer, I gave up.
Starting point is 01:30:44 I was like 150-ish. And then I just kind of gave up i was like 150 ish and then i i just kind of gave up and for two years i just ate eight and so finally in like 2016 i was 186 pounds wow okay so then um i lost about 40 pounds over the past eight years. Kept it off. And what's the least you've ever weighed when you were 5'7"? Have you ever dropped down to like something? 145. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:14 So you've always been healthy. You never dropped to some ridiculously low weight, like 115 or anything. I don't think I could. My bone structure is too big. Yeah. My hand, like if you put my hand up to your hand it would probably be bigger yeah don't embarrass me why are you trying to embarrass me it's my show no no i'm not like i have a man i have little i have little kids hands i have men's hands so hey you use the men's bar? We used to. Before, like, back in 2010, they didn't have women's bars. We all used men's bars. Do you have a preference?
Starting point is 01:31:51 Do you prefer the women's bar? Yeah, for hook grip, I do. Okay, okay. But, like, if I'm doing deadlift, I will use the men's bar every once in a while. Just to, you know to mix it up. I have a women's bar at my house. I don't like the way it feels. Maybe because I'm just not used to it.
Starting point is 01:32:17 I have tiny little hands, but I don't like the way it feels. It feels too small. You know what I mean? If you ever climbed a skinny rope, you're like, that's what those ropes were pretty small. So they, we have both types of ropes. We have, you know what fast ropes are? No. For jumping for fast ropes are those for climbing helicopters.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Oh no, no, no. I don't know what they are. caleb oh caleb's not in his head caleb knows all the man shit so we have that's the second time you've embarrassed me we're getting to the end of the show and you're really you're really putting it to me small small hands and i don't know about rope and other man shit okay fast ropes no it's a military thing okay fast ropes um they're braided repelling ropes. You take two and four sets of two ropes
Starting point is 01:33:11 and you braid them. Those are pretty thick and that's what we have at the gym. Yep. See how they're braided together? Yeah, that looks nice. Those are our ropes at our gym. And then we have the smaller ropes at the other gym.
Starting point is 01:33:27 What's the material? Is that really – I think maybe we had those at HQ and I hated them. They're really – are they really slippery? Like I like the rope ropes. I feel like that they're made out of like twine. And my little finger, when I grab it it my little fingers actually go in between the i'm not just squeezing my fingers are getting like stuck in the braids you know what i mean so i'm getting like leverage like that but those break down faster sure yeah but i'm going but does
Starting point is 01:33:59 that black one is that really slippery like really slippery or no no okay all right you ever got a nylon uh splinter never no if you leave the if you leave those nylon ropes outside like you hang them from a tree outside that nylon will slowly start to get more and more uh rigid and rigid and rigid until it starts like flaking off like the um like the other ones and those nylon things will actually like you'll climb a nylon rope that's outside and you'll get like a thousand uh splinters it's flaking off like the, um, the, like the other ones. And those nylon things will actually like, you'll climb a nylon rope that's outside and you'll get like a thousand, uh, splinters.
Starting point is 01:34:28 It's horrible. It's actually kind of dangerous. It's nuts. I've never heard of that. See, I learned something today. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:34:34 I had to try to make up for it. I had to do some mansplaining for not knowing, not knowing. I just don't know that. Uh, seven, you can clip that nail. No,
Starting point is 01:34:43 I clipped my son's pinky nail the other day before the jiu-jitsu tournament and he said seven or he said heidi that's dad oh no i want to grow my nail like yours i'm like no you are not growing your nail like mine i've always grown a long pinky nail that's for picking for picking my nose, people think I do cocaine because of it. I'm like, cocaine? So the one thing I want to talk about is the open. I really want everyone to do the open because every surgery I've ever had
Starting point is 01:35:17 seems like it's been January or December. And no matter what, I still showed up for the open. I did shoulder surgery five weeks later. I did the open. So you're saying it can be scaled. Like, don't use the fact that you can't do certain movements as an excuse not to do it. Oh, no, I did an RX.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Oh, yeah. Okay. I did, like, what we were doing wall walks five weeks after shoulder surgery oh yeah no one listened to Denise Moore she's not normal I take that back you're not normal but you can you can do it scaled people were talking about oh I don't know if I want to do it scaled yeah and um i highly people were talking about oh i don't know if i want to do it
Starting point is 01:36:07 i said you have to do it you have to do it because then next year you have something to um measure against and it doesn't matter where you are compared to anybody else it matters where where you are compared to you i'm doing it for two reasons one i know i'll feel better once i do it and two i'm just trying to kiss crossford's ass so i can keep getting access to the behind the scenes so do you think i'll get you floor access dude there's no there's no way that they don't there's it's in fucking possible but but no impossible well how do you and let me tell you this they gave me crazy access last year like that day was very polite yesterday on the show when i was pressuring them they gave me like they let me go with cameras that no one else was going with cameras like when i'm
Starting point is 01:36:59 they let me go in the war room they let me go everywhere i mean they were really really good to me but if there's not going to be media pits and i don't need to be running around on the floor i just need to be able to like if i need to run across the field or i need to be able to do stuff i can't be lumped up with the rest of the jackasses i just can't and and it is really true like i need to feel like i'm a king there and this is like or else because it takes uh every little bit of confidence that i have to just talk to every single person i want to are you an introvert uh no but i have social anxiety like like i don't want to like i'm not interested in i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not like i'm not interested in
Starting point is 01:37:40 being in that environment i don't i don't i'm not flourishing in that environment as a person you know what i mean like i'm not i don't want that attention i think i i stood next to you in the media pit like behind you yeah um when you were it was oh the open oh i forget what they call it north. And I saw you there. And I was like, you looked really at home. Yeah, I felt very, they treated, I'm telling you, CrossFit treated me. The people there, like the audience, the members of the community, and the people, everyone treated me so good. It really made it easy for me. I mean, I was like, I didn't even like flying there.
Starting point is 01:38:27 I hated flying there. I hated going there. I hated everything about it. But once I got there, everyone treated me so good. So thank you. I felt at home. So do you think you would show up at either the Masters or the Teens? No.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Yes. No. But I really do. You know who I want to see see i want to see that um i did actually enjoy the teens last year there there's uh that kid really impressed me that ty jenkins kid do you know who that is no oh i can't and i and i know if i went to the masters i would really have fun i just can't see i don't even want to go to the games because i don't and i and i know if i went to the masters i would really have fun i just can't see i don't even want to go to the games because i don't want to leave my kids yeah this kid oh it seems so cool i got to talk with him a little bit at the games man i really liked him
Starting point is 01:39:15 i'd like to meet his parents too i just can't see myself going to alabama maybe if i was i don't know and leaving my kids. What about you? Do you have any, do you think you'll go to the games? You think if you qualify for masters, you'll also go to the individual event? Well, I don't have a ticket. All right.
Starting point is 01:39:37 But I will be signing up for volunteering for the West. Oh, in Carson? Oh, yeah. I'm going to try to go there. So last year. I think I got access to do the behind the scenes there. Oh, good. Yeah, I think.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Last year I was for athlete control at Pasadena. And I was taking off all the timing chips. I did that. And you can really tell the OGs versus the new people there. And that's where I met Olivia Kerstetter. She was so sweet, and that's why I bought her shirt because met her there just to support her. So you were saying tell the difference between the newer people and the people who have been around longer. Why is that?
Starting point is 01:40:35 What do you think the difference is? When they come off the floor, the OGs. Yeah. Take their timing chiffon and hand it to you. Oh. And then the other guys just stand thereon and hand it to you. And then the other guys just stand there and sweat on top of you. And expect you to take it off. They need to be serviced.
Starting point is 01:40:56 And then they're like moving their feet. I'm like, I need to get that out. And then I'll tell you at the very, very, very end, the very last day, Cole Sager came over to my station where I was and shook my hand and thanked me, looked me straight in the eye and thanked me for volunteering. Cole Sager did that. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:41:21 And he did that for every volunteer that he came across. Wow. wow wow and he did that for every volunteer that he came across wow so you see the character of certain people yeah you know what's crazy is there's people like him down there him and uh and and like noah olsen who are just so sweet and people in people in the community like hate on them and i i'm gonna i just want to be like hey man if there's a god uh he's gonna ask you why you were hating on cole sager and no also you better have some fucking like good reason because those guys are those i mean you're what you're saying about cole isn't like like everyone knows that right like cole's that guy he's not faking it that's like someone brought him up, right?
Starting point is 01:42:07 And same with Noah. Did you notice how nice Noah is? Did you have any interaction with him? He was one to hand me the, hand it to me. Yeah. There's no prima donna in those guys. Those guys are like, those are the guys who let, if you pull up to a parking space at the same time they're not like fuck you get away they they let the person go in yeah they're such good dudes i know it's crazy
Starting point is 01:42:30 it's crazy too yeah jet right i've done nothing but fucking poke at him online for three years and when i saw him at the games he was a complete sweetheart to me complete gentleman waved me over treated me like a yeah and in in when i dm with him yeah total class act i agree yep yeah there's so so i'm gonna try to um to do that as opposed to go all the way to texas i don't have a ticket anyway so oh if you make it to the masters uh um your husband will go with you no no he got shit to do yeah unfortunately we have cats at home that need to be taken care of oh shit plus it's like they're around here we have hey does he that he doesn't crossfit no he doesn't oh shit wow are you glad
Starting point is 01:43:26 that he doesn't or do you wish he did i i wished he did uh-huh if he liked it okay but he doesn't like it it's not for him so he's out playing golf right now he plays baseball and he bowls oh okay okay i like bowling i'm bowling a couple weeks ago in idaho i like bowling he's he's a really good bowler he's like uh he's had a 300 oh shit he's an excellent bowler i suck at a 100 i suck too but i still like it we used to do you put your finger in all three holes yes oh but we do finger shifts where you just put your fingertips in there. Oh, okay. This most recent time I went bowling, I just put my finger in one hole.
Starting point is 01:44:14 And I had never done that before. But I like it. You never put your thumb in? I never put my thumb in. I just put my middle finger in and then just. Oh, and then just. Oh, and then you put a spin on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:27 And I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it. That's fun. Bowling is a good drinking sport. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:44:35 No, I was just, so he will, he will probably never, we just had a friends and family week for the gym and he didn't show up. We had a lot of, a lot of people show up though um if i know my wife's working out in the garage i'll go in there because i want to watch her body move around you want the energy i get i and i just love watching
Starting point is 01:45:01 my my wife move and i kind of i just, and she's like sweating and she's just like, and she's a better CrossFitter than me. So I just like it. She's like doing double unders and shit and kipping pull-ups and she's like, she does it. And, and she's strong, like, like really strong. And, um, uh, I'm surprised, I'm surprised he doesn't want to watch you move. Like he doesn't like, just want to go out. Like, I mean, uh, I think he, if you can, you should drag him to the master's event. If you qualify, cause he'll be so excited to see you like climb the rope. And when you come down, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:45:35 Like I just, when my wife's done, I just like, want to just like eat her like a cat. I want to, you know what I mean? Like I'm overstimulated. I want to just like scratch her and shit. He's that way when we play golf. All right. Oh, he likes watching you swing like he's he. Yeah. Oh, that's nice. OK. He will sit there and like talk to people that we've been paired up with and talk about all sorts of stuff about me. He'll he'll talk me up all the time. Oh, good. OK, that makes me feel better. OK, so he knows what he has. Yes, yes, he absolutely does.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Bernie Gannon said, my hand size makes it difficult to manage all three in bowling ball. Maybe that is why. You think that's why? It might be. Jesus Christ. What was the poundage of the ball? I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:46:22 Nine or ten or eleven or something like that. Is that good or bad it felt heavy usually well my husband's my husband uses a 15 pound no no i definitely was not using a 15 i i think i was lying i think i was using a nine pound ball and I was embarrassed. So I made up 10 and 11. When I shake hands, Denise, when I shake hands with a man whose hands smaller than mine and it happens occasionally, I feel so bad. For him? Yeah. Yeah, I feel horrible. I'm like, oh, that sucks. my mind went on that so it's good it's healthy all right hey thank you for coming on the show uh stay in touch i um i consider you
Starting point is 01:47:15 a friend i appreciate all your support thanks for the shirt uh thanks for being a good role model um you go thank you for having me and allowing me to talk about my story yeah it's great story appreciate it yeah and um uh text me anytime you have my number i consider you a friend i don't sleep on my phone text me 24 hours a day send me pictures of your uh silly cats all that shit okay thank you savannah all right girl thank you caleb have a have a have a great day oops oops well okay all right thanks guys bye Have a great day. Oops, oops. Well. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Thanks, guys. Bye. Bye. Birdie Gannon, Denise, you were great. 161 pound clean wonder if I can clean 161 probably deadlift to like 225 or something yeah but I haven't cleaned
Starting point is 01:48:20 over 135 and I don't know oh my wife's texting me what does she want over 135 and I don't know. Oh, my wife's texting me. What does she want? Oh. She says her shoulder's been bothering her. Oh, Andrew Hiller's with Tyson.
Starting point is 01:48:44 Tyson Bajan right now. Oh, Andrew Hiller's with Tyson Bajan right now. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. So I posted he's in Martinsburg. Yeah. Hey, can I post that? Can I post that? Yeah, Tyson's with the slack box guy and his brother ezra that's cool yeah and and his brother's wearing the uh tyson's brother's wearing the uh ceo shirt
Starting point is 01:49:16 oh shit it looks like it looks like tyson is wearing a dave castro. Jesus, these guys are all in on the CrossFit shit. Tyson was in my weekly Toastbacer email. Oh, I thought you were going to say you had it in your dream. No. I wish. I had I had i had um i had a uh the the pizza place by my house makes a gluten-free pizza
Starting point is 01:49:51 and it's a really thin crust that's like crackery and it had broccoli and chicken on it and i didn't eat all day yesterday was at that jiu-jitsu tournament and then i came home and dave was doing i did that podcast with dave and then i ate like half the pizza the and my fucking nose has been just clogged up ever since but it was supposed to be gluten-free god i love that fucking pizza and we don't have a refrigerator so it probably went bad so i can't eat it in the morning sure you can you can hell yeah even though you're sitting out all night for sure that's good pizza still okay okay okay if you hold on wait make time what made you try to tell my wife not to throw that away
Starting point is 01:50:43 yeah that's that's for sure good I'll probably eat day old pizza regularly even if it's not been in the fridge yeah for sure hey did you see the Dave interview last night I watched a little bit of it yeah it was good hey babe
Starting point is 01:50:59 hi hey don't throw the pizza away I'm gonna eat it oh no we're not throwing that away okay Okay. All right. I love you. Bye What say that again? Oh shit say that again. Hello shit. Hi. Hi Okay, hey i'm gonna take him to the beach like and and could you get him ready Yeah Okay, are you coming? I want to, but I also
Starting point is 01:51:30 wanted to go to a class at 11. Okay. Go do your class at 11 and then I'll meet you down there or something. Okay. Well, there's only a drawing. I guess it depends on him.
Starting point is 01:51:45 Okay. Bye. Hi, Caleb. okay well there's only nine I guess it depends on how many okay hi hi hey hold on a second Haley can you hear me how come the phone's not working Haley Haley hello Haley don't hang up hold on I want it to work again
Starting point is 01:52:05 like proper I think she hung up hello Haley did you hear that did you hear me dial yeah I don't know why it works sometimes it doesn't work other times
Starting point is 01:52:28 there was someone else oh so did you see the show with dave yeah i watched a little bit of it last night yeah be honest how much did you see 10 minutes yeah probably 15 minutes so people were like uh so so many people like like one of my friends text me and goes god you having callers and ruin the show and then and then like there's all these people in the comments saying how bad the callers were
Starting point is 01:52:57 fuck the callers fuck the callers was one of the callers frank no frank believe it or not frank didn't call but i thought the show i really enjoyed the callers and um uh jesus christ jesus christ nick david you were you david david that's gonna stick with me the whole day. You've ruined me. That's a good joke, though. That really is solid.
Starting point is 01:53:34 Wow. Wow. Nick's my buddy. He was just always cock-blocking me and stealing my bitches. No, that's good. You're good. I love it how well you know the story. Sorry. Fuck just said sorry to me are you fucking okay someone check on him he's just turned over in your leaf wow the fuck is happening that denise's story got to him
Starting point is 01:53:57 uh i love the colors but so for them listen this is how easily i'm manipulated then so someone calls me this morning and i said hey dude i thought the colors were great and they're like nah the colors were too much i go really yeah and i go here's the thing dude without the call with all those colors people didn't get to see you be witty you and dave be witty and then all of a sudden i was like yeah fuck the colors because like you know what i mean they made it like i'm better than the callers then all of a sudden i hated the callers but i thought it was the best podcast i've ever done with dave like i i was i was the loosest i've ever been around him that's almost how it is when i talk to him on the phone except we're we're even we're way more aggressive when there's no one around i mean it gets aggressive
Starting point is 01:54:43 yeah i liked it the 15 minutes that I saw was, it was a good back and forth. And I think I caught like one of the callers and I didn't mind it. It's just, it was an interesting change. Usually it's just the two of you talking. I like that. He can answer things on fly and do that kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:55:01 It's cool. I like it when he tells stories. Yeah. I like them too what is this um uh oh fasting's talk are you watching the super super bowls today right i think so yeah are you watching that yeah i'll probably watch it just cause are you gonna watch it uh
Starting point is 01:55:30 I wanna say no but I kinda I kinda want my boys to watch it cause I just remember as a kid like it being kind of like a fun thing
Starting point is 01:55:37 to like so that they don't like completely fall out of what socially you know like going on I'd like them like to see it and I used to love the 49ers
Starting point is 01:55:45 i never heard of their dude they got a dude purdy i never heard of that dude so all of a sudden now he went to iowa state he's the like a basically a no name i think this is like his second or first or second year starting for the 49ers it's kind of a cool story i love it that he i love it that he's a bible beater yeah they're They've just been asking him questions and when he talks to the press, they're like, well, let's talk about the Bible today. It's interesting how quickly he can just ramble off on stuff. It's kind of cool. I feel like you ask people about Bible things
Starting point is 01:56:23 and they say that they're religious and they don't actually know what they're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Did you see this? Yeah, I did. This is crazy. So this is when I used to watch football. This is the shit that I watched.
Starting point is 01:56:41 I watched this guy. This is what made me do it. This is the shit that I watched. I watched this guy. Made me do it. But one day I hung up and I'm sitting there going, Oh, I wonder if these things call out.
Starting point is 01:56:51 So I pick up the phone. I hit, what, what do you do normally hit nine, right? Gives you an outside line. I hit nine. Got a dial tone.
Starting point is 01:57:01 I got my house and the phone would ring. I pick it up and it'd be Joe. Fuck. His wife is hot yeah by the way joe sounds just like graham holmberg joe montana graham holmberg are the same dude and what a little boy joe is right still at heart he seems like it's like a 10 year old kid talking what are you doing i go hey how you doing what are you doing what do you do who is it what are you doing why are you where joe's eyes look like he smokes weed by the way i'm just saying that looks like you smoke weed you tried to cover it up with some visine
Starting point is 01:57:37 that's what that looks like yeah yeah who you call me from because i'm calling you i'm calling you to say i love you and i go i love you how are you calling he goes they have an outside line i i check in every stadium i go on the sideline phone i found out that it calls i didn't give you a call since i'm just sitting here waiting to go on the field i don't know what made me do it. But one day... That's awesome. Why wouldn't he? Because weed's bad for you. Only jackasses smoke weed.
Starting point is 01:58:10 That's why. You smoke weed, Caleb? No. Yeah, good. That makes me so happy you don't smoke weed. I get drug tested regularly. Dave didn't keep me in check. I kept his ass in check last night.
Starting point is 01:58:23 I was the alpha last night. Dave was a power me in check. I kept his ass in check last night. I was the alpha last night. Dave was a power bottom last night. Is the couch down angle from you? Are you sitting up and the couch is below you? Or is it kind of at your level? Are you on a stage? No. I'm in one of those chairs it's like
Starting point is 01:58:45 you know what i mean like i could like i like i could like i could go i could go lower but like i'm not like i felt like when he was sitting in the couch he was just slouching and like looking up at you like this oh yeah i could see. Probably like one head lower. Okay. My seat is probably like this much higher than his. What sucks too is like, I have all these cameras in here and TVs and just all this crazy shit, but I just don't have it set up right
Starting point is 01:59:20 so I could show more angles. Because even though we're in the same room, you never get that feeling really because you never see the camera shot. Oh, the both of you? Yeah. Or there should be one over my shoulder that shows him or something.
Starting point is 01:59:35 Yeah, that'd be cool. Look at Audrey thinks that the Super Bowl is rigged. That's the... That's the newest conspiracy theory? I can't remember what it's called. It's like the... The script. NFL script. There's an NFL script.
Starting point is 01:59:51 They're going to make the Chiefs win because of Taylor Swift. Probably. Jesus. Jesus. I don't think that's true. The Psy-O. That's true. The psyop. That's right.
Starting point is 02:00:07 The psyop. Um. What is this? I'm not even enjoying doing this show. Because my nose is so clogged up. What is this? There was this one time. My husband was coming home for dinner.
Starting point is 02:00:26 Dinner time is very important to us. One particular day, my husband was late and I could feel myself getting a little bit like, you're late. And Holy Spirit said, when he comes in this house, you make a choice of how you're going to greet this man. Holy Spirit says, because you have no idea the things he's had to fight today. So even though you don't know why he's late, when he walks in this house,
Starting point is 02:00:52 you greet him like the king he is. Then I hear the door turn, the key coming, and Holy Spirit said, it's almost time. When he comes in this house, you decide if you are going to be the type of woman who brings life or you bring a knife. So he walked in and I greeted him. I hugged him. I let him know I was so happy to see him. And he just melted in my arms. He said, let me tell you what happened today, what I've had to deal with. And it broke me down because there's a scripture, Proverbs 31 and 11 it says the heart of her husband safely trust her when you endeavor to be a woman who follows the holy spirit holy spirit will teach you how to love how to be safe how to be nurturing and how to be the type of woman where a man comes home and he knows I fought out there but I never have to fight in here. I'm home.
Starting point is 02:01:48 There was one time Wow. Men are so different. Like if my wife came, if my wife was like my wife would call me, I'd be hey what's up she'll be like hey like what do you need what you need she'll be like uh i'm running late i'm like yeah but why did you call well because i'm gonna be home an hour late i know but did you call for something
Starting point is 02:02:17 tell me something can you feed the boys yeah no problem all right i'll call you later and then i just hang up i fucking pull a piece of salami and some cheese and leave a knife out on the counter like dinner served like i like is she saying i think you if you're you i just think you have bigger fish to fry if like you're tripping on like your mate being late like home from is that is that a woman is that is that is that like a woman thing or like like are there dudes who are like that like my wife is just like hey can i go to yoga class yeah go i don't give a fuck like i mean i want whatever makes you happy like what she's whatever makes you happy do it yeah do you have a podcast well let's try it like my wife
Starting point is 02:03:10 does the same for me i'm like hey i got a podcast tonight she's like all right i'll ask your mom to do this or something fuck it's that that relationship i heard that and that just stressed me out does that stress you out her saying all that yeah absolutely like you were gonna be mad at your husband for being late. What did he do? Yeah. He don't want to be late. My wife's excited to be late.
Starting point is 02:03:30 My wife texted me the other day. She was working and she's like, yeah, I'm going to be late. And I was like waiting to have dinner with her. It's because I was just because I like having dinner with her. Yeah. She's like, yeah, we have a we had like a transport to transport a patient. I'm going to be late coming home. Okay. I'm just going to go pick up dinner and eat. And she's like yeah we have a we had like a transport to transport a patient I'm gonna be late coming home okay I'm just gonna
Starting point is 02:03:47 go pick up dinner and eat and she's like okay just pick me up something too and I'll eat it when I get home yeah if anything you feel bad for her yeah why would you why do what do you yeah I feel bad for my wife that she can't be with there yeah now she's gotta wait another two hours to eat dinner and it's gonna be like late and then
Starting point is 02:04:03 I'm gonna go to bed yeah so, you better not say something to undermine my story, Haley. Well, did you just call back? Oh, no. I thought you were going to be like, no, this one time you blah, blah, blah. All right. No, I ain't talking. I love you, bud. Well, lucky for you, I'm not. I wasn't referring to that part.
Starting point is 02:04:19 Oh, hey. Are the boys dressed? Yeah. Have them, if they can, open the garage door and have them ride the one wheels around to the front of the house. Don't let them ride through dog shit. Okay. Okay, thank you. Bye. Okay, bye. Does she get mad at you if you're late to something?
Starting point is 02:04:38 Or like, does she like, were you cheating on me, Caleb? No, never. Caleb, you banging some hoes? Never once. No, she's always been so chill it's like the greatest gift I've ever mistaken upon it's awesome
Starting point is 02:04:51 holy shit Andrew I said Andrew can I post that video he said Jim has stuff on there he doesn't want being shown on the internet jesus christ that guy's paranoid as fuck blackbot guy uh yeah of course not weirdo god he's such a weirdo god there's so many weirdos out there God, there's so many weirdos out there. This, um... The comments on YouTube never cease to... amaze me. So, I've been doing this new show.
Starting point is 02:05:48 And... me so I've been doing this new show and the comments are fucking hilarious let me see this one I see this stuff around rad is fucking hilarious someone says well i completely agree with your approach but i don't even know if he knows what my approach is does it worry you at all that you could be losing athletes danielle was one of your biggest supporters You fucking jackass I'm only asking to see if you were worried about potential trend Potential trend? Do you know how many fucking athletes already won't come on the show?
Starting point is 02:06:34 Do you know who that hurts? One person only And it ain't fucking me Listen, listen, listen, listen. Here's the difference between me and 99% of the idiots out there. I have a neighbor under no me. I live, I live in a neighborhood where all the homes are multimillion dollar homes. And I have a, and I have a neighbor.
Starting point is 02:07:04 And, um, some people, some people don't like my neighbor and under no reason at all ever am I going to fight with my neighbor because I live next to my neighbor and that's like my neighbor like I'm going to have to see that person every single fucking day and I'm going to need stuff from him and he's going to need stuff from me. And his kids are going to throw parties late at night sometimes. And my kids are going to throw something over the fence and break a window at his house. And this shit's going to happen. And under no circumstances can he do anything ever to make me not love him.
Starting point is 02:07:39 Ever. Because our living together is like. Ever. Because our living together is like. It makes my life amazing because I'm like that. Because I can get along with anyone when it's best for me. To not get along. To be in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 02:08:06 I say this with peace and love and humility. To be in the CrossFit space. I say this with peace and love and humility to be in the CrossFit space. I am everybody's neighbor. They are not all my neighbor to not get along with me is complete fucking insanity. fucking insanity and i say that and so and so listen there's there's maybe two people in the world i wouldn't let come on the podcast don't get me wrong i'm like i i want all of these people to feel comfortable coming on podcasts like there's people who won't come on here but at the end of the day it only hurts them i never play gotcha with anyone i love on everyone you can go on the most popular podcast show in the space and be the most popular athlete and you'll only get 2 000 views and you'll come on my show and you'll get 50 000 views and i'll fucking jerk you off to the whole world and even if i fucking can't stand you you're still welcome to come on my podcast
Starting point is 02:09:01 and i'm not gonna like call you out for getting your seventh booster or for being a fucking racist bigot like like like i'm not gonna do that to you and so this comment worried about a trend i'm worried about the fucking idiots who are going to be in the sport for four years and they've gotten bad advice from their fucking agent not to come on my show like you you're fucking yourself did you see do you think that really is drake's dick on that plane have you seen that fucking thing you think that why is this dick so rubbery? I don't know. Like, your dick, when you're looking at porn, your dick should be so hard you could chip a tooth on it. Yeah, that looked like a dildo.
Starting point is 02:09:56 Yeah, I've seen dicks like that before. You think he just has a hard time getting it hard? I don't know. i don't know if i thought maybe i don't know i mean it was quite it was quite this quite the specimen what do you he it was like one of those things you see outside of a car dealership that just like flops around yeah hey was he was hey listen if my dick's acting like that i ain't playing with it i'm putting it away i'm like fuck you behave well obviously you didn't want me so we're just gonna yeah fuck you yeah yeah what did he he he did a concert and he addressed his giant penis have you seen that no i did not know that oh my god and just the fact that there's a video out there about it it's so fucking funny let me see if i can find it he just has a massive flaccid dong yeah where where is the
Starting point is 02:10:47 um uh it's a it's a nice penis it's fucking it's a world-class penis but i just am not probably doesn't even get any bigger than that though it's probably just that i i it's just weird that it's just so flat it's just so flaccid while he's and do you think he let that out on purpose? It looks like he's on a private jet and someone filmed it. Oh, I thought he was like in a house or something. Let me see if I can find it.
Starting point is 02:11:18 Someone sent it to me in my DMs. I think. The video. Oh, no. I don't. Oh. Oh, maybe. i think the video oh no i don't oh oh maybe uh i thought he was in front of a concert and he addressed his video went viral on social media yesterday that appears to be drake laying in bed and swinging his penis around oh yeah i thought it was on an airplane to be honest but but here uh look at um so uh supposedly this is at a concert somewhere and he addresses it but listen what he calls his penis it's so great drake's response to the world seeing his rocket here we go everybody listen up
Starting point is 02:11:59 for a second it's come to my attention that there's a video going around y'all may have seen me with the apollo 12 rocket ship he calls his penis the apollo 12 oh my god uh oh but i'm here to clear it up i wasn't hiding my meat from the world i was hiding the world from my meat so now that it's already out there ladies with gentle hands where you at what do you say i wasn't hiding the world from i wasn't hiding the meat from my world i was meet yeah hashtag lean into it Jesus okay there's a text message to him that says you're blessed with your voice you're blessed with your performing you're blessed to be you you're blessed
Starting point is 02:12:55 to be number one and you're also blessed to have a fucking missile who said that someone in the comments no somebody texted him that or something okay listen to that listen to this. Day three of Sevan not realizing this is a rad ad and not that serious. Okay, so wait a second. You fucking retard.
Starting point is 02:13:19 You can't even write a sentence. You can't even hold a thought. Crazy how you mentioned them more than any other sponsor in this segment why is that crazy i thought you just said it was an ad and i didn't realize what was going on so now it's crazy you fucking moron listen uh not realizing this is a rad ad so i um what i am the media director of the fastest growing chain in world history. And I can go on and on, but I'll take my cock out of my mouth now. And now you're saying, I don't realize this is a rad ad.
Starting point is 02:14:04 So it's not even relevant whether this is a rad ad or an ad rad or or or whatever the premise of what i'm saying is that this guy was crying about something that's very very normal in the sponsorship space look at look at like you don't you don't see me having good dudes coffee if good dudes was like hey seve could you i know uh uh paper i know paper street pays your bills but could you put a Good Dudes coffee link up on my screen? It's like, no. I take money from Paper Street in order for them to be my official coffee sponsor. I'm the coffee. I peddle their beans.
Starting point is 02:14:43 I sell space on my show for them Oh my god, but they're being such dicks because they won't let me talk up fucking strong coffee Listen every single fucking stadium in the fucking world is either coke or Pepsi Bud Light or Coors either coke or pepsi bud light or cores they wouldn't let us use wadapalooza in our storefront that's a little extreme you fucking morons you don't know shit if you if they let one person do that that sets precedent that everyone can do it it's not even what they want to do or what they don't want to do. It's about the fucking law. You can't just be like, hey, do you know what happens? Do you know what happens if CrossFit allows someone?
Starting point is 02:15:35 They're like, hey, you can go ahead and use that CrossFit name. It's okay. We're just going to look the other way. And then someone else fucking finds out. And they fucking take it to court. And they can prove through discovery that you let them use that. And you didn't defend your mark. You know what fucking happens?
Starting point is 02:15:48 No, you don't because you're a fucking retard on YouTube. The live and loud people are trying to fucking get some fucking money to put on an event for these people. And this guy at Rad is a crybaby bitch who don't understand business and is playing the victim. Does that mean he's a bad person? No. Does that mean his shoes suck? No. Does that mean I'm being consistent with the kind of shit I fucking call people out on? 100 fucking percent. Do I think it's an ad? I don't care if it's an ad. If it's an ad, then the fuck, it must be really working for the fucking BLM booster people because they love that victim shit. I don't.
Starting point is 02:16:25 I don't want to be around victims. That's not how I fucking roll. I get up every fucking morning because I'm a bad motherfucker. And I work my ass off to fucking reach my goals that I don't even know I have. I love it that he's a nice guy. Thank you, Eric. Yeah, fuckingny's probably cool as fuck maybe it is an ad maybe it's not an ad you're missing the i'm missing the fucking point
Starting point is 02:16:51 you fucking youtube tard let's go on furthermore you just need to turn things off just because you have a paid partnership with a brand doesn't mean you can't be considered a collaborator with that brand. Say hi to your peptide mongers and coffee pushers. Uh, uh, uh, Pysinian Paul. Now listen, Paul, that's only true if you don't know what the word collaborator means. I'm not fucking collaborating with fucking paper street coffee. Well, that's not true. I did a little bit.
Starting point is 02:17:35 I am. I suggested I asked him if they would make a blend that was 50 percent caffeinated, 50% decaf. And we discussed how the process would be regarding the decaffeination of the beans because I didn't want it to be using chemicals. So I guess I had some influence or some input. But you fucking moron! None of those people are collaborating on shoes. Choosing the shoe color isn't collaborating.
Starting point is 02:18:09 Yeah, I know. You're a fucking idiot and you express it you know what youtube is for some people just a place to express their idiocy um uh let's see there was there's another one here i just love the ones where people say I don't get it like I don't care not only do I not get it I don't even get what I don't get I'm not even interested in getting what you're getting
Starting point is 02:18:36 I don't care like you think that I care if Danielle comes on you think I care like I hope Danielle comes on I hope that they sell a million pairs of shoes that's not even what I'm talking about i'm just talking about woke shit just fucking pussy like i ain't wearing pussy brands every time i see someone wear that what's that brand you probably wear it caleb um fucking it irks me but all the men used to wear it like guys who have tool belts wear it what is that brand carhartt carhartt thank you whenever i? Carhartt. Carhartt. Thank you. Whenever I see Carhartt, I just fucking think you make people get the injection.
Starting point is 02:19:08 They make a really good jacket, though. I know. Fuck. I was just in Idaho. Everyone wears that shit. So many of my friends love that shit. And you know what? I love my friends for loving that shit.
Starting point is 02:19:20 Anyway. But listen, Caleb still comes on the show. He's not like fuck you Sebi to do a new show I need like 7 pieces so I want all those videos to be between 9 and 14 minutes
Starting point is 02:19:41 and so I need 7 to 10 topics and i only have four so far for today's news so if i don't get three more i won't do it yeah born primitive shoes raise my t count that's why i bought them they're just the toe box they're just dope if i had any complaint about them is is that if you like minimal, they're a crazy minimalist shoe. Like you feel shit under your foot when you're walking. So my wife got, Kevin, my wife got a pair of Nikes the other day and I said, why are you buying that woke shit? Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 02:20:21 I agree with that. Like, don't give them any money. Fuck those guys. I don't know. I'm buying a BP for tactical games just because they sponsor Seve stuff. Oh, thanks. I don't know what the terrain's like for tactical games. I think they had... Born Primitive came primitive came out with like tactical outerwear. They have like a uniform type style.
Starting point is 02:20:50 I wonder if they're going to actually start. But if I was running on gravel, I probably would want a thicker soul soul than the born primitive. Like it is really, it is. Yeah. It is a straight up CrossFit fucking shoe. It is.
Starting point is 02:21:00 It's, it's nano. It's nano too, but lighter. Oh, It's nano tube, but lighter. Hey, this guy, someone gave me this guy's phone number. Oh, Dylan Val gave me this guy's phone number. Should I have him on, Noah?
Starting point is 02:21:23 Noah Kaniga? Oh. Or did you give me his number? Someone gave me his number and his dad's number. That would be incredible. Noah who? Who's number 10? Kaniga.
Starting point is 02:21:37 Hey, you know I'll pass. You already got one, man. That nigga nice, man. Don't take that white boy the ball. Get that nigga the ball. Noah Kaniga boy the ball. Get that nigga the ball. No, I can make it at the line. Shoot me, dude. Get it?
Starting point is 02:21:52 I did it, my nigga. I'm lucky, nigga. Let's go, Tigers. Now I can't, nigga. So when they cheer his name, the white people say his first name and the black people say his last name. That's so good. Holy shit. God, the internet's great.
Starting point is 02:22:14 You hear what? Man, that nigga's wide open. Should've passed it to my nigga, man. Bro, the ball gotta go from my nigga to nigga, bro. So it's Noah. Noah Kanega. Oh. Kanega.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Okay. Just keep grinding. Do your thing, man. That's where I go. We're going to make it through. I race the greatest white basketball player. I love the way he looks too. He's a stud.
Starting point is 02:22:47 Oh my God. This lady has this, this lady has to say his name and she, you know, that K is silent, dude, but she ain't doing it. She's just caniga.
Starting point is 02:23:01 The school probably all agree. Well, he did. She says Kanega. The school probably all agree. Well, he just says Kanega. And how about his first name is Noah? Come on.
Starting point is 02:23:13 I know. He really just fucked his kid up for life. I'm dying to talk to his dad. Dude, why would you? What the fuck? Oh, my God. Let me see what's going on here uh someone's giving us money i like i like that uh bp will have a d-day shoe that comes in an ammo can saying from normandy Oh, shit. That's a joke, right? Yeah, I think so. This shoe's like $600 for the pair.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Because of the can and the sand. Oh, that's good. The Ridgeline Realtor, Colorado living. Oh, not a joke? Oh, wow. No, come on. Come on. Oh not a joke Oh wow No come on Come on BP will have a D-Day shoe that comes in an ammo can
Starting point is 02:24:11 Sand from Normandy Come on Bear said it on his podcast Oh it's Lecoq Oh that's who that is Come on dude Want me to call Bear just live right now and just see what's up? Let me call Bear.
Starting point is 02:24:27 Let me call Bear. Let me call him. Let me see what he says. Let me call Bear. Let me call Bear and see what the fuck's going on here See if I have access to bear the CEO born primitive on Super Bowl Sunday do I have that kind of access Do I have that kind of access? Do I? Call Laura Horvath.
Starting point is 02:25:09 Ask her if she's... Hey, dude. Can I call you in like 20-ish? I'm at the pool with the kids. It's pandemonium here. Eight seconds. We're live on the air. There's a rumor that there's a born primitive shoe coming in a ammo box with sand from Normandy. Is that true?
Starting point is 02:25:24 Or am I an idiot? That is a fact. Oh, shit. All right. Yeah. This is the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Sorry, it's super loud. I'm at like a water park.
Starting point is 02:25:34 It's the 80th anniversary of D-Day coming up. We're doing a limited edition shoe. A bunch of it's going to go to charity that takes World War II vets back to the battlefield. So the first 500 will be limited edition it'll come in an ammo can with a crate uh a challenge coin sand from omaha beach that the prime minister is allowing us to take back um it's gonna be badass dude what's the date on the release and i'll leave you i'll leave you alone unfortunately unfortunately it's gonna be august because it took longer so it'll be a pre-order like on D-Day.
Starting point is 02:26:07 And then it'll come in August. We couldn't get the timeline sooner. I'm still learning the shoe game. The lead times are crazy on shoes. But it'll be awesome, man. I'll send you some pictures of the shoe. It's badass. It's got like the Band of Brothers vibe on it.
Starting point is 02:26:20 Awesome. Love you, dude. Thanks for being on the show. Love you. Yeah, man. All right. Have a good Sunday. Later. Later. Fair handling. Damn. That's sick. Awesome. Love you, dude. Thanks for being on the show. Love you. Yeah, man. Have a good Sunday. Later. Bear Hanlon.
Starting point is 02:26:26 Damn. That's sick. Crazy. All right. I'll sell him some fucking sand from my beach and just say it's from Arnie. Oops. Oops. That's going to be dope uh pool boy uh sebi that's my birthday month uh you know you
Starting point is 02:26:51 love me fuck i love you to death too all right i so i need five more stories to do the news tonight and then we'll get the news tonight um Caleb thanks great show Denise Moore was great nothing like nothing to pep your Sunday morning up little breast cancer
Starting point is 02:27:12 talking boob removal see oh do we have a show tomorrow oh you know oh no I don't know who I... Oh, no. I don't know who's coming on tomorrow. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:27:27 OPT tomorrow. James Fitzgerald. Okay, that'll be good. I feel like I need to make up with him. That last show went sideways as fuck. At the end. Right at the end. Brian asked him what's the difference between CrossFit and OPEX.
Starting point is 02:27:39 And shit got fucking squirrely. Do you remember that? Yeah. I still kind of feel bad about it. Oh, can we pray for Scott Switzer? We sure can. Everyone head over to the Clydesdale Media
Starting point is 02:27:51 Instagram account and send your love for Scott. More to come on that with the news tonight. Go 49ers!

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