The Sevan Podcast - Dillon Loewen | Not Just a Pretty Face

Episode Date: January 22, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to Bam! We're live. Good morning everyone. Philip Kellylly what's up dude first yeah look at you
Starting point is 00:01:09 look at you with your little ai photo your big ai photo cancel what's up what's up dude good morning jake chabbing what's up what is uh jake what do you do when you listen to the show what are you you're eight hours ahead so it's 6 55 a.m You're eight hours ahead. So it's 6.55 a.m. here at eight hours. That'd be 3 p.m., 3 p.m. on the Isle of Man. I am not at home, as you can see. Good morning, Natalie. I am in Idaho. I have an entire second floor.
Starting point is 00:01:44 At some point, I'll give you guys a tour. I'll put it on my Instagram and show you where I'm doing this podcast. It's crazy. Right out these doors here behind me is Coeur d'Alene. That's how you pronounce it, Coeur d'Alene. Beautiful lake. Doesn't look big. Has some very, very interesting qualities. Very qualities, uh, very cold in the winter,
Starting point is 00:02:07 uh, warms up in the summer, I believe. But one of the fascinating qualities about the lake, someone was explaining to me the other day is that I think it's something like, and I'm making these numbers up, but it's like Lake Tahoe in California. I think it's the deepest freshwater lake in the United States. It takes, I don't know. It's, it's some, if Caleb's here, he can look it up to the specifics,
Starting point is 00:02:28 but it's some weird stat, like every 800 years, all the lake in the water is refreshed. So that's how long it takes. But this lake behind me, it's, it's less than one season, which I don't know what the,
Starting point is 00:02:42 what, what causes that, but I think that they raise it and lower it and they open dams and there's a river coming in and a river going out. And it's one of the great play lakes, you know, like basically it's just suited perfectly for human beings in the summertime. So there's a lot of really wealthy people up here out in the middle of nowhere. And, uh, it's really cool. It's clean. It's safe. It's pleasant.
Starting point is 00:03:06 It's quiet. People are polite. It's everything that California is not. Hey, Caleb, what's up, dude? Before the show starts today, we're going to have Dylan Lohan on today, Ariel Lohan's husband. Cool cat. What's up, Tyler?
Starting point is 00:03:23 How you doing, buddy? Ana, hi. Hey, good afternoon. Afternoon.en's husband. Cool cat. What's up, Tyler? How you doing, buddy? Ana, hi. Hey, good afternoon. Afternoon. It's afternoon. Oh, you're with Philip Kelly on the phone. You guys watch the show together. That's cute. That's really cool. Jeff, what's up? Deadlifting 365 by five. Good on you. The beer Kelly. What's up? I hope you're enjoying the show. Uh, episode six is a huge hit. I've sent it out to, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:03:51 uh, two dozen people for early screening. Uh, try to send it out to a bunch of the athletes who are featured in it. And, they're absolutely loving it. Can you hear me, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:03:59 Okay. Good. There you go. Awesome. Hey, uh, could you pull up Thomas DeLowers? No no, sorry, Mark Bell's Instagram account? I want to read you guys something.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I'm trying to piece together what happened to Mark Bell. I haven't dug too deep, but the last guest that Mark Bell had on, from what I hear, was Andrew Huberman, who you guys know. He does all the podcasts, right? He's the Stanford PhD. He's always telling you hacks on things for life. I think maybe he's like a PhD neurobiologist or something like that. something like that. He was on with a guy who is an expert. It's going to be at the top where we're going to go. It's that Thomas Dill. It's the sixth post with the writing on it. So the last podcast a couple of days ago, supposedly that Mark Bell had on, he had Andrew Huberman on and some guy who is a sun expert, like basically how humans interact to the sun. And he was talking about light and how we interact with it and and then right after that after he posted that supposedly he was pulled down and as one of my friends uh described uh described it he said hey you know it's some 22 year old girl who uses hearts when instead of dots for the letter of eyes,
Starting point is 00:05:27 every third word out of her mouth is like, spotted that and pulled it down. But this is what Thomas DeLauer says in regards to Mark Bell's podcast getting pulled down. Under the new YouTube guidelines for health information, they have a category, sunlight, in the medical category. Let me read that one more time. under the new youtube guidelines for health information they have categorized sunlight in the medical category this means that only content from doctors and approved sources can have videos on sunlight uh houston we have a problem so so what i'm piecing together here is that Mark Bell had a
Starting point is 00:06:07 guest on to, to qualify people and they were discussing sun and human skin and they were talking about it and maybe talking about, I didn't see the podcast, but you know, generally how those go, what's safe, what's not safe what's healthy do we need vitamin d would that have cured this or that and i'm guessing he did a podcast on that and they pulled down his podcast for those of you who don't know who mark bell is he's been around forever he was one of the first guys that i recall coming out openly and being like hey i'm juiced up and he openly talking about steroid use which which was really cool. We always appreciate someone who's transparent.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And then he was, I think, the first podcast that Greg Glassman did besides this podcast a couple months ago. And what's interesting is a bunch of people who are known, I don't want to say cowards in the community, but a bunch of people who are known to have played it safe. Who would always be like, hey, you shouldn't put this on YouTube. You shouldn't put that on YouTube. They're now speaking up for Mark Bell, which I find fascinating.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Oh, there's one. This guy who was on the podcast before, Zach Tillander, he had given me advice and Hiller advice on how to play it safe on YouTube. I watch Zach's videos. Anytime it's a subject outside of weightlifting, it becomes very abstract and obtuse. And I would say he plays it very, very, very, very, very, very, very safe. And some people are like, hey, Seve, why do you have to talk about snatching and the vaccine? Why can't you leave politics out of it? And I don't think it's politics. Why can't you leave politics out of it? And I don't think it's politics. I don't think it's politics. I don't think forcing your kids to take drugs is politics. yesterday and a dad walks in with his newborn holding it in his hands and everyone gathers around the baby and the first thing he says is the baby's running a little hot this morning he just had his vaccines you would never let someone off the street inject you with drugs,
Starting point is 00:08:50 especially if you didn't know what they were or you didn't need them. And yet for some reason we built this trust with a group of people who inject our kids with drugs and we don't even know what's in them. You know what's in them. You know, what's interesting too, is as I drove up from California to Coeur d'Alene, it took me three days and I stopped at a bunch of places called loves. There are these gas stations. I assume they have them all over the country. There are these huge gas stations and I go in and I get a cup of coffee and I let my kids go over to that.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Every single loves has like this box and there's all these little tiny knives in it and nail clippers and key chains. And every time we go in there, let my kids pick one out. Right. So by the time we got here, they had each had four pocket knives, different ones, like ones with guns that pop out. They had laser pointers. They got all the shit. I probably spent $300 on shit out of that box. And every single person in the loves had a better bedside manner than the doctors at kaiser the doctors at kaiser don't say hi to you they don't ask you your name they don't ask you how
Starting point is 00:09:53 you're doing there's there's no pleasantries but it loves it's like hi how are you doing did you get everything you need today oh excuse me oh did you know that we have a new creamer over there how is it that they're nicer at Starbucks than they are at the hospital? The whole thing is bizarre. Yesterday, I wanted to do a show over on Twitter. I wanted to go over and start doing a show on Twitter and start training all of us to go over there. Dylan, what's up, dude? Hey.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Oh, he's frozen already. That's cool. Did you get a haircut for the show, Dylan? Did you get a haircut for the show? No, man. I just took off my hat. Oh, all right. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Hey, you know, the funny thing is I was sitting in the stream yard for like 10 minutes and I didn't know I had to join. Oh, that's good. Yeah. I was sitting here patiently waiting for y'all. And then I was like, man, maybe I'm doing something wrong. So I'm scrolling down and I didn't know I had to join. Oh, that's good. I was sitting here patiently waiting for y'all and then I was like, man, maybe I'm doing something wrong. So I'm scrolling down and I see that I'm actually having to join. So I apologize for being late. The truth is something like this.
Starting point is 00:10:59 If you know how to use StreamYard, you're less of a man that doesn't know how to use StreamYard. Somewhere the truth is like that. I've taken this very abled soldier in the United States military and made him a StreamYard expert. Caleb Beaver, and now his testosterone is lowered by probably 20 points. Poor guy.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Easily. I'll follow it under disability. It's okay. Dude, what's up? Not much. How are y'all doing? Living the dream, dude. Living the dream. Yeah, you at Greg's?
Starting point is 00:11:30 Yeah, I'm at Greg's house in Coeur d'Alene. It's early in the morning here. Everyone's still asleep. We stayed up super late last night and watched the UFC fights. It's cool. I'm surrounded by friends, and I'm getting to watch all the kids play. I love watching the kids play. There's so many kids here, and they're just running around playing. It's dope. It reminds
Starting point is 00:11:48 me, you know, you kind of live vicariously through them. It reminds you of when you were playing with your own cousins. Yeah, a hundred percent. Actually, speaking of cousins, we all got together every Sunday at grandma's and I grew up with, you know, my dad's like a child of nine and my mom's like a child of seven or eight. So, you know, this is something you probably don't know about me, but my family are migrants from Mexico. You know how they have a lot of kids so they can put them to work on the farms. That's how my family was, too. So I have tons of cousins and all that good stuff. And we get together at grandma's on Sundays after church and have barbecue and get to play with cousins.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I'm really close to all my family, my cousins. We still hang out to this day, and we're all 30-plus years old. It's pretty sweet having that family bond. You have 16 uncles and aunts? Yeah, I have a ton of them. They're all still alive, still healthy, strong. When you work hard every day, it builds a strong heart. You're Mexican?
Starting point is 00:12:52 No, I'm Mennonite. Do you know what that is? Amish? Is that like Amish? I don't know. You're like alien? That's like you came from outer space? What is that?
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah, outer space, out of this country. So yeah, I'm first generation American. What's Mennonite? I thought you said your parents were, so when you said your parents were migrants, they weren't from Mexico migrants. They were. So there were a small community in Mexico that were just Mennonites. So they kind of lived outside of the Mexican people, but they had a community of their own you know i think now that community has grown to like 80 000 people in a city called the temoc chihuahua and that's
Starting point is 00:13:33 that's where both of my parents were born and raised and then my dad came to the united states when he was like 25 and uh my mom when she was 15, my parents are 10 years apart. What is that called? A cradle robber? Something like that? Yeah, that was the affectionate term. Now it's called Epstein Island, but back in the day it was called cradle robbing. Yeah, something like that. So yeah, he got her young and brought her to the United States and been here ever since.
Starting point is 00:14:01 But we've traveled a lot back and forth, especially when my parents were still together to see family, cousins, and stuff like that. So I have a lot of connections to Mexico. Coffee, pods, and wads. Dylan is easily in the top 10 of people I've met since I started the podcast. That's awesome. Wait, so how did the Mennonites end up in Mexico? They're Germans? Someone in the comments wrote they're Germans. Mennonites are Germans. standing is it was in a region like south everybody's told me it's a region south of russia somewhere between russia and germany and uh they migrated from there about 100 years ago so i know my dad's great-grandparents migrated from that area to mexico and then my dad's grandparents and his parents and him lived in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And then from there, they've just kind of scattered. Some live in Canada. Some live with the Amish, like in Pennsylvania area. And then here in West Texas, we actually have quite a big group of Mennonites as well. So is it a cult? Is it a cult? Is it like? Yeah, I would say it's kind of like a cult.
Starting point is 00:15:25 It's more how the Amish, it's very similar to the Amish as far as they grew up in their own little community. And they have more of religion as far as man-made religion where women wear coverings, head coverings. wear coverings head coverings they wear um dresses that really cover them from head to toe not you know shaving uh using deodorant which you would probably yeah yeah maybe i need a mennonite chick i like all that so far i like all that yeah that was funny how about electricity and stuff could you could they can they use electricity and stuff like that because the amish can't use stuff like that right like gas powered shit and electricity I would say the biggest difference between the Mennonites and the Amish was they're more tech savvy so my dad didn't grow up with nice yeah that's my kind of women right there bro yeah I like it I like it that's yeah that's a good that's a good looking woman dude
Starting point is 00:16:20 yeah baby makers those look like baby makers to me hard workers too you know what's funny is growing up my dad always told us that we had to marry him in the night and this is what you would see on a typical men tonight and you see these american women i'm like dude i do not want to marry him in a night hey did you watch did you did you watch the ufc fights last night no but i saw i looked it up this morning. I saw stricken loss, sadly. There was this woman from Brazil who fought a Bueno Silva, and her body was absolutely insane.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And I was just wondering if you like that kind of body. Her body was nuts. I mean, she was like, she was so woman. You know what I mean? She was like, it was, it was, I, I, I was,
Starting point is 00:17:06 I did not like her fighting. I did not like her. I did not like that thing getting punched, man. That thing was crazy. I wonder what other people think. Did you guys think she was incredible? She,
Starting point is 00:17:15 but she always has this look on her face. Like she's crying no matter what. She kind of looks like, um, uh, Lou, she got Lou Ferrigno's face. You know who that is?
Starting point is 00:17:23 The incredible Hulk from the seventies. Yes. I do know who that is the incredible hulk from the 70s yes i do know who that is yeah she got lou farigno's face on the most insane uh voluptuous long-legged body ever it was she she was a trip i was i was oh you got it yeah i don't know if these this oh no that's not her she's hard she's kind of hard to find on the um on the gram chalk one up uh uh for caleb that's that's rare uh january 21st 2024 712 a fail by caleb crazy i don't know if you're saying long leg they're nice but i like ariel's legs you know yeah who doesn't yeah who doesn't yeah yeah yeah long should there yeah who doesn't yeah so that was like one when you when your dad said you had to marry a Mennonite, was he like serious, or was it kind of like tongue-in-cheek joking?
Starting point is 00:18:09 No, it was 100% serious. So I grew up really strict. Hold on, you broke up. Hold on, this is going to be good. Hold on. Look at David Weed. Look at, that's not fair. You're inside my head.
Starting point is 00:18:25 That is so not fair. When I said she has a great body, David Weed says, in other words, she had huge knockers. Come on, come on. Don't share that. That's like secrets that you have inside my head that no one else has. Come on. Am I back? Yeah, you're back.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Okay, so your dad was crazy strict. Yeah, he was really strict um i honestly i almost say borderline racist uh-huh yeah like he didn't want us playing um i kind of grew up not in the ghetto but i didn't grow up in a really good place of town and he didn't really want me playing with like black kids and stuff like that um my first crush was a black girl, so he was kind of down on that. But yeah, he really wanted us to marry a Mennonite woman. But my parents separated when we were like 12 years old, and that kind of just all went out the door. What about Mexican kids? Were you allowed to play with Mexican kids?
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yeah, we were because that's what he was accustomed to being around was Mexican kids. So my dad actually at heart, dude, he's really a Mexican guy. He wears a taco hat and, you know, skinned ostrich cowboy boots. That's his movie attire and all that good stuff. What's he drive? Does he have horns on the front of his truck nah but he drives you know big truck here in west texas everybody drives big truck got an el camino is that an el camino in the garage or i think when he was younger he actually had
Starting point is 00:19:55 something similar to an el camino yeah but yeah he grew up horse and buggy before he moved to united states you know what's interesting i like um there's there's a few things i like about i don't know what you i hate to call it black culture let's call it hillbilly culture because thomas soul says that the blacks took it from hillbillies but and i really like mexican culture but the one thing i don't like about mexicans is they have too many tweeters in their car. Like all their music's on the high range. And I like black music with bass.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I like bass. You know what I mean? So Mexican drives by and it's like, it's just like so high. And you guys got like 10 tweeters in there. And it's like, Jesus Christ, how about take out some of those tweeters and put in some woofers? You know what I'm talking about? That music, that music. I live in the same area as you. You know, the majority of the people where we live are Hispanic.
Starting point is 00:20:53 So, and I grew up very Hispanic as far as my dad just listens to Hispanic music. He doesn't listen to American music. Everything is in Spanish. Like I said, honestly, my dad's racist. He only listens to – he sounds like he hates white people too, so let's be fair. He didn't want you playing with the black kids or the white kids. Were you allowed to play with non-Mennonites?
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah, well, where we live in Midland, there are no Mennonites. The closest Mennonite community is about an hour away, which is where my dad originally moved to when he came from Mexico. And then as he got older and developed in business and stuff like that, we moved to Midland because there's more work, which where we live is the oil capital of the United States. So it's always busting out here with construction. That's what most Mennonites do is either farming or construction. And so my dad went the construction route and there's always been work out here in the Midland.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Is that how you got your construction chops? Yeah, 100%. You know, Mennonites, they're known to be hard workers. So I didn't have a typical upbringing. I went with my dad to work every day. Summertimes, I went to work with my dad. I didn't have really a childhood where I went out and played on the summers like most kids did. I even got truancy issues in school because my dad would pull me out of school to go to work with him.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Yeah, I was 12 years old and my dad would drop me off at a job site. And what our main deal was was seamless rain gutters. Are you familiar with that? No, but I can kind of imagine. Yeah, okay. So, you know, I mean, rain gutters that catch the water off of your facial board instead of having, you know, pieces stripped together that you'd get at Home Depot or something. Right. This is a machine that runs it out in one seamless piece. So, yeah, I was 12 years old around that time and my dad would just drop me off at a job site
Starting point is 00:22:49 bring me lunch and then come pick me up at the end of the day and that was my childhood what's the what's the biggest job you ever did for seamless gutters you know like a mansion well you'd probably consider a mansion but i've done and how much does that cost how much does that cost to get like a big huge 15 000 square foot home with seamless gutters three stories three yeah it starts going up in money when there's a chance of the falling off of a ladder that high but i would say you know like a big house like that maybe 15 20 000 oh that's not bad yeah Yeah, not terrible. So it runs by linear foot.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I'm not too familiar now what it is, a linear foot, but I think my dad charges around $10 a linear foot. And that's for it being custom made and installation? Yeah. You pick your color, all that good stuff. Have you ever fallen off a roof? No, but i've fallen off of the ladder three times has your dad fallen off a roof he has that i think before i was born he was doing do you know what steel siding is no no i think like corrugated that corrugated stuff that like you see on a lot
Starting point is 00:24:01 of crossfit gyms in the midwest and shit something like that i bet you jr's gym is made of corrugated steel yeah so it's you know facade that goes on the outside of a house made of steel oh okay yep yep he did a lot of that growing up and um he was doing it on a church on a top steeple and he fell off of that which he had the ladder his extension ladder wasn't tall enough and so he said he had to put it on the back of his truck to reach the tip and it slipped and he fell 30 feet and he broke his arm and i believe that was before i was born which that's scary to think about falling that far off of a ladder i i feel like that job all the jobs where you work on the roof and in the someone either hitting their head oh my dad fell off the roof broke his back and hit his head and he's never been the same i feel like i i mean you you've probably heard a shitload of stories of
Starting point is 00:24:55 people falling off roofs right yeah 100 100 you ever been at the job site when someone falls off the roof no i have not have not. No server. Mennonites probably do it different. You guys, the Germans do it different. You're probably, there's like, you guys are probably more precise. We are. We take very big pride in our work. I think that's one of the things I pride myself most on is if I do something, I want to do it right. Oh yeah. Look at Jody. Jody Lynn, Mr. Medeiros did that. That's right.'s right okay so so justin's dad fell off a roof i think i remember hearing that and broke his back wow
Starting point is 00:25:31 something in common with the great justin maderos so so you never um you never you never lived in in mexico or you did and then you moved up here? No, I never did. But we came like this close to living out there. My dad actually has a ranch that he bought when we were younger. And his dream was to be a farmer out there and move us back there. It just financially never happened. And also, like I said, my parents divorced when I was like 12 years old. So that just kind of went you know their separate ways but my dad still has that ranch growing up me and my dad would go
Starting point is 00:26:13 out there a lot and that was like a developing Mennonite community so at that time there was very few Mennonites out there and they were all farming and we would just sit out there and camp and he had bought a ditch witcher and would dig trenches for the local farmers to get irrigation to their crops and stuff like that so I did a lot of that growing up with my dad as well you know I would say me and my dad we're best friends you know today and I think that's just because the majority of my childhood was spent around my dad. I don't know if I spent more time with anybody else than I did with my dad. Hey, that's crazy. Cool. I don't know if I've ever heard anyone say that.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah, a hundred percent. And it's, it's so crazy because I've seen, you know, my dad's made a lot of mistakes in his life especially with our family we didn't have a really strong family I never really saw love between my parents and stuff like that and my dad was a habitual cheater I think that's the correct word and so I just saw a lot of that brokenness in my family and especially when my parents divorced i hated my dad for a small season and it's just so it's so crazy because i mean that hate didn't last long it lasted like a summer because it was the only summer i didn't work for my dad it was the first summer that i felt more like a child because i went and did play I bought a BMX bike got into being you know riding
Starting point is 00:27:46 at the skate park and stuff like that and I'm just thankful I was able to forgive my dad and cultivate that friendship again and you know we're still today probably closer now than we were before and it kind of sucks because I feel bad for my mom, the one that took us in and raised. I have an older sister and a younger brother, raised us, took care of us. My dad did pay child support, but my mom was the one there for us for the most part. And I have a closer bond to my dad than I do to my mom, even though my dad did my mom wrong. And I think about that a lot because I think it's messed up of me to have that.
Starting point is 00:28:29 But I just think it's something, the time me and my dad spent together is, I don't know, it just shaped me to the person I am. And it made me the hard worker. I pride myself in that I'm willing to work hard no matter what and i think that's the greatest gift that my dad gave me so i don't know i'm guessing your dad was very i'm guessing your dad was very personable um he's this is what i get from your dad here here's the thing when i hear men cheating i just think of them as running fucked up harems the difference between
Starting point is 00:29:01 cheating and a harem is a harem like that knows what's going on. Cheating is some of the girls don't know what's going on. But the only difference – and so – but what I hear you describing your dad is generous with his time. and he wasn't like these fucking pussies who are virtue signalers now who just put up a fucking Black Lives Matter poster or whatever, or they hand someone a dollar who's a drug addict at the freeway. Your dad was actually helping people water their crops. I see your dad, and he offers a very important service. Rain gutters are fucking crazy important, and he's in the service industry, so he services people.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I'm guessing he's great with his customers. Is that true? Because you're great with people. Yeah. Since I've always been with my dad. That's what I hear. Your dad's just normal. He just likes pussy. Listen, your dad just, listen, part of being a man is when you're about 22 or 23, you go, holy shit. You either say two things. How did my dad never fucking cheat on my mom? Or I'd give my dad a pass if he cheated a couple times. I think that's part of manhood. Now, I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm just saying it's really easy to be idealistic when you're fucking 16. Honestly, I agree with you 100% on that.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Because when I was younger, I was like, man, how could my dad cheat on my mom and do that? When I was younger, I was like, man, how could, you know, my dad cheat on my mom and do that? But as I've grown into adult, I think I've gone to more understanding the temptations that the world have. And I would just say, you know, those temptations are out there for everybody. But the difference, I guess, between my dad and me is my dad caved into those temptations. And especially since I've learned a lot from my dad, that's one thing I never want for my family is to go through that struggle because I understood the hurt that it caused the family unit
Starting point is 00:30:54 and broke that apart. So I'm thankful for that lesson. But I do realize the temptations that the world has to offer and why my dad wasn't strong enough to resist those things. And I do think there's some people in the world that are meant to be married, and there's some people in the world that are meant to just be dogs. And my dad's a dog. Well, also, I do want to say the flip side of that is a lot of people in my younger years, I would think that, okay, we're not made for monogamy. But now that I have kids and I am in a monogamous relationship, there's nothing more powerful. And the worst thing about being in a relationship where there's cheating is that you have to keep a secret from someone,
Starting point is 00:31:48 and so there's a distance between you and them. Ideally, you always want to shit with the door open, metaphorically speaking. You know what I mean? You don't want there to be any secrets, and you don't want to be guarding anything. You want to be just free. And so I met a couple yesterday. They'd been married for 19 years and they were young this is a fucking young couple they were the owners of this gym i went to and it and we were talking and it's like yeah when you're in a long-term relationship it becomes the crowning
Starting point is 00:32:13 achievement of your life yeah um definitely i think me and ariel's relationship is the most sacred thing to me and yeah yeah 100 it's something i pride myself in me and ariel we've been together since high school uh she's the only girl i've ever been with uh no shit yeah no shit wow 100 so it's something that's super i hit that picture of me i feel like i'm balding in that picture are you kidding me you look like a stud. You look like you play in the NFL. Look at you. Dude. Those muscles are all fake, bro.
Starting point is 00:32:49 That's all fake. You are a brick shithouse. Look at you. You're a fucking hunk. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. You're handsome, too. I really love your new haircut.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Thank you. I'm digging. I'm really enjoying it, too. Thank you. Honestly, I hope you never go back to the long hair because after i saw this yeah man bun yeah yeah if that's what you want to call it i just hope when i get you you think i look like one of those old guys with the straggly hair who's trying to stay young like i hate that look oh what was that caleb i saw your eyebrows go up when i said that what was that
Starting point is 00:33:20 i think i think i think you think that i had that look going like I was like the old because I you know that look I'm talking about like the old guy's like dude cut your fucking hair it wasn't that bad it was verging on it was verging on it you're getting there but you know I think honestly you hit the nail on the head when bear from born primitive yeah you know I like his vibe yeah for his his age maybe if he was 20 years older and get on the verge that it needs to be cut but y'all were kind of there on the same same um vibe but you're just a little older yeah yeah all right i'm yeah all right when that hair gets long and the beard got long too it became a security issue everywhere i went I was, I get Taliban comments and it's just like,
Starting point is 00:34:06 I just don't want to be caught up in secondary anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bears rocking the shit out of it. Uh, is that there's mom. I think that's it.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I don't know. Mom. God, good stock. God. His wife, to be honest with you. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:34:24 totally. Totally. Take off my glasses and that that his wife to be honest with you yeah totally totally take off my glasses and that's his wife crazy blessed his dad on the other hand he's looking his age that's it that's his because he got a trophy wife bear's mom's a trophy wife heck i know all about that bro well i'm a trophy husband now is ariel older than you i'm one month older the only reason i said that is because she's now making those big bucks yeah yeah yeah yeah as uh um taylor self would make would say tens of dollars yeah i love it um can can you tell me how you met? Yeah, dude. We met in high school. young age? You think that you were just kept busy? And did you ever get into drugs or anything? Did that keep you? Did he keep you busy? And you didn't get into smoking early, or drinking, or sex or things like that? I don't mean to lump sex up with drinking and smoking. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I don't think there's anything wrong with sex. But do you think that him keeping you busy and things like that kind of kept you on more straight and narrow? Kind of and kind of not. I think it just the basic thing instilled something in me, values, goals that I had for myself in the future that I wanted to achieve. But it didn't keep me away from drugs. I was a big pothead from the age of 15 to honestly 25. When and ariel were going to uh have our child and get married and move in together then i decided that i need to make some life uh changes so when my parents got divorced you know my dad moved out at 12 and i lived with my mom but my mom got remarried when she was 16 years old and she left the house wait your mom wait your mom got remarried at 16
Starting point is 00:36:27 when i was 16 i'm sorry oh when you were 16 okay okay yeah so when i was 16 she got remarried and moved out of the house to a town about an hour 35 to not minutes to an hour away and it left me at home that we had here in midland with my 18 year old sister. So from, you know, sophomore, no, junior, junior and senior year, I basically lived by myself with an 18 year old sister. And that's where things could have gone really wrong for me. Yep. Yep. Yep. Uh, yeah, a hundred percent. I did get in some trouble. I've been, I've been to jail twice in those, in that time. Um, but yeah, I was just, you know, huge pothead. I honestly, I think the reason I saved myself for the biggest, the biggest reason is because I was scared of STDs.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Me too., wow. Me too. Yeah. Why didn't you just use a condom? I had lots. I had fucking so many girlfriends, but I always used a condom. Always. You know what a condom is? Don't use that. Understood. Okay. All right. Fine. I don't know when you were in high school if they would bring people over to the school to talk about sexual education. And then they'd give you this big old spiel on STDs. And then they'd always end it with, there's somebody in this class right now that has HIV and they came and talked to us. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They scared us all like this.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And reflecting back on it now, I'm like, man, nobody had HIV. They were just trying to scare us. It worked. Right. So, yeah. I lived in the Bay Area, and supposedly everyone was dying of AIDS. I didn't know one person who ever got AIDS or died of AIDS.
Starting point is 00:38:13 And I grew up – I was born in 72. I grew up through that whole thing. The only person I ever knew who had it was Eazy-E and Magic Johnson. I didn't even really know them. Magic Johnson's still kicking, bro. I know. Eazy-E didn't even really know them. Magic Johnson's still kicking, bro. I know. Easy. He didn't end up so good. Dad, RIP. Yeah. Okay, so you did dodge some bullets. My life was kind of like that, too.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I got kicked out when I was 16, and I lived in my own apartment from 16 to 18, and it was wild. It was crazy wild. I was just a drunk, basically. I just started drinking like a maniac. I didn't smoke weed, and I wasn't having sex at 16, but I was just drinking. I was just drinking every single day. Oh, nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Did you drink a lot? No, I really didn't drink much. So that's another lesson I learned from my dad is my dad is an alcoholic and no shit man and i alcoholic okay okay yeah oh that's one thing about the midnights know how to do is drink some beers and so that was another tension point was he a chill alcoholic or was he a violent alcoholic i always all my life's been full of just all cool alcoholics like oh no no one's beaten no one unfortunately my dad's never raised a hand to anybody he he is a very calm collective person i can't think of too many times in my life that he's ever even yelled at me i would just say where the alcoholism really
Starting point is 00:39:41 took effect was after my parents split up he went into i would say periods of depression to where did she leave him did she leave him she did she did so there were some like points between when i was really young to 12 that they would kind of separate i only remember one instance where no two instances where we moved into a shelter and another time where we moved into an apartment um before that's some ghetto ass shit you moved into a shelter yeah shelter for you know women or something because my mom she couldn't speak english she had no what was your wait your mom didn't speak english not when we were really young no sir so like both of my parents spoke german she only spoke german german yeah so i speak it it's not the same kind
Starting point is 00:40:31 of german that you would get from germany but we speak a dialect of german so i do speak another language which when me and my family communicate parents wise we're speaking German. Wow, that's crazy. So is your mom like a mail-order bride for your dad? Did he get her from Germany? No, they both grew up in the same town in Mexico in the community together. So she spoke Spanish in this Mennonite language? She didn't speak Spanish. So the Mennonites really tried to keep themselves out of the Mexican community, except for the men.
Starting point is 00:41:10 My dad speaks fluent Spanish. My mom, since she was only 15 years old when my dad brought her to the United States, she never really got to learn much Spanish. She understands some of it, but she doesn't speak it fluently like my dad does. So literally your dad was with her from when they were when he was 25 and she was 15 correct so he was already in the united how old was your mom when you were born are you the oldest sibling no i'm the the second i'm middle child my i have a 33 year old sister and then i'm 30 and then i have a 21 year old brother and how old's your mom I'm gonna do the math here real quick my mom I think just she's 49 holy shit dude that means she had your sister
Starting point is 00:41:54 when she was 16 yeah yeah yeah that's why my dad took uh my mom from Mexico is because he knocked her up and that's what a man does. I guess he took, took responsibility and brought her to the United States and took care of her. He's lucky he didn't go to jail, dude. I wouldn't have brought her to the United States. I'd have run to like Guatemala. I'd have even gone deeper. He went the wrong way. Holy shit. Yeah. So he brought her over here and i had my sister and i guess three years later i came and then my brother came eight years after that and i think that was
Starting point is 00:42:32 their first plan kid to save a marriage that was doomed forever um uh learning to hunt seven are you in recovery? I hear you mention AA a lot. No, not, no. No recovery for me. Lots of people around me. Everyone, everyone. Caleb, are you, Caleb, are you, did you ever go to AA, Caleb? Definitely not. So not Caleb, but I'm telling you, there's a lot of people around.
Starting point is 00:42:58 How about you, Dylan? Have you gone to AA? No, I don't need that kind of stuff. I don't think i need it either dude it's it's so dry where i'm at it's so fucking dry i just want to blow my nose non-stop it's crazy it's so fucking dry i don't need to drink every day i don't even need to drink at all like i could forget i have i don't know if i've i could forget to drink for a month and then be like oh shit I'm falling behind.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Hey, is your dad's brain damaged from alcohol? The people I know, like my dad drinks every single day and something seems off with him. Yeah, I don't know if it's because my dad speaks three different languages and he's not a professional. Oh, my dad, too. That could be it, too. My dad speaks three different languages fluently, too. So maybe that's it, too. I think so. So I think all those kind of in his head,
Starting point is 00:43:48 when you talk to him, he gets, gets a little mixed up, but for the most part, my dad is still really smart and sharp and he used work construction for, he's 60, I think he's 60 or 59, whatever,
Starting point is 00:44:03 10 years difference from, yeah, yeah 59 and he's been in construction for the last 35 years working hard every day and he's a sharp guy so can you talk to him about whatever you want could you tell him like that you wanted to vote for trump or would he disown you uh my dad's not into politics my dad doesn't care about those things could you okay could you tell him you're gay you're leaving you're gay and you're leaving ariel could you tell him that no that would no i don't know how that would go but i could i could tell my dad i'm gay i could tell my dad it's like hey dude i love sucking dick so much it's crazy you don't even know just can't stop i'm leaving the family family, the kids, the wife, everyone.
Starting point is 00:44:45 My dad would be like, I love you. I could be like, I told him I was voting for Trump. A couple years ago, he just fucking walked out of the house. He was like fuming. Not like, hey, son, why is that? I don't know. I'm just not into pedophilia. Yeah, crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:45:01 No, my dad, you know, I think. I'm going to transition one of my kids. I, my dad's, you know, I think. I'm going to transition to one of my kids. I call my dad Heidi. Heidi, I'm thinking about cutting off the penises of two of my sons. Oh, we support you in that. Do you need help financially? Oh, thanks, Dad. I'm voting for Trump.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Fuck you. You're out of the will. Yeah, no, I think my dad is really, he does read the Bible and he is a Christian. And so I think any values that align with the Bible, that's where he's going to draw the line. So tattoos, he said if I ever got a tattoo, he'd cut it off with the sheetrock knife. Pierce things, get a pair of pliers, rip it out. He'd cut it off with the sheetrock knife, pierce things, get a pair of pliers, rip it out. We've never even talked about being gay, but if that would come, I'm pretty sure there would be something.
Starting point is 00:45:54 There would definitely be something there. I don't know if he would still want to have a relationship with me, but I know it would be a hard point for sure. Same honesty goes for my mom. What if he found out you were my mom what if he found out you were black what if he found out you were black you know my dad softened a lot so he you know he's he's cool with black people and he customers whatever cool will you know talk have fun laugh i just think the thought of him but him having the thought of me being married to a black woman probably turned him off and i think that's what he was trying to prevent when we were younger is it's something like that but yeah i mean he was really cool with all people i mean he's chilled a lot since
Starting point is 00:46:37 we were younger because he was really strict like i said when we were younger and he's come a long way i think he's growing a lot as a person in the last i'd say last 10 years does ariel like your family yeah yeah ariel loves my family and she it's funny she loves my dad too her and my dad have a great relationship and uh one of the first things when me and ariel were first dating she told me she saw where I got my ass from because I got a donk. Wow. Yeah. Does she like it? Does she like a donk?
Starting point is 00:47:15 That's the only reason we're together, baby. Yeah. Just she's asked. She's asked, girl. Yeah. Yeah, dude. That thing got me in so much trouble in high school and junior high school. Like I said, I grew up in the kind of. Yeah, yeah, dude. That thing got me in so much trouble in junior high school. Your butt did?
Starting point is 00:47:27 Yeah, bro. Those black girls were chasing me. I told you, dude. Oh. Yeah. I went to junior high in a pretty bad part of town, and so I was one of the few white people there. It was either Mexicans or black people. That's the bad part of town. I understand. or black people and that's the bad part of town i understand yeah yeah that makes sense and so we also had to wear uniforms yeah you can kind of see that baby donk right there you're hiding it you're hiding it you need some barbell cartel uh uh sweatpants those things will those things will show that ass right off but go on so so wow look at you ariel taught me when we were dating in high school she taught me a standing backflip so at one point in my life i could throw those on the ground no problem you know 40 pounds ago
Starting point is 00:48:15 um but yeah i could do that by the way i can do that too on a trampoline does it look that clean though look at that form. Legs together and everything. That's nice. Listen, Caleb, don't get all weird and shit. I'm just telling you I can do it. I want to see it right now. I'd probably fall back on my butt. I'd probably fall back on my butt.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I'd snap my neck. I don't think my legs could do that. I want to try it. Tell me about this butt. It got you in trouble. Girls were chasing you around. So tell me about this butt. Tell me about this butt. So it got you in trouble. Girls were chasing you around. And is that Ariel noticed you, noticed your butt? That's how she picked you?
Starting point is 00:48:52 I think noticed me. I don't know. You know, our relationship is really funny from the start. So we met my sophomore year, summer, her junior year. I got held back one year that's uh that goes into the truancy thing my dad pulling me out of school all the time he uh um i had to get held back a year because i was kind of falling behind in it and reading in first grade was that embarrassing getting held back i think at a young age it wasn't but as I got older I was kind of ashamed of it because I was older
Starting point is 00:49:25 older than everybody but I was also one of the smartest kids in school even though I was a pothead and all that you know good stuff I passed school with flying colors I just I slept all day in class aced the test and that was that like I said I'm really goal-oriented so when I was in seventh grade I knew when I wanted to get to my senior year of high school I wanted to be able to get out of school early so I took all the um what do you call those the classes that the AP classes the advanced classes yeah, I took all the advanced classes. I got all of my language classes done early so I could get the credits to when I got to my senior year. I had the credits I needed to graduate. And then I was in the workers program class. And so I was getting out of school my junior and senior year at 12 o'clock. And then I'd go work with my dad. school my junior and senior year at 12 o'clock and then i'd go work with my dad so i hated school so i wanted to get out of school early as possible so i set myself already uh why did you hate school i loved school didn't you like going there and seeing your friends and looking at girls and like
Starting point is 00:50:35 throwing food and shit like that like food fights and i loved high school but i hated everything before high school you know high school high school was fun it was hanging out with friends it was you know getting high yeah yeah part partying but also i lived on my own and i had to provide for myself financially so i had to work you know i've paid okay since since i've been a a young guy you know my own phone bill i I paid for my own truck, gas, food. The only thing I didn't have to pay for when I was in high school is the bills at the house. You know, my parents owned the house. And that was one thing my mom took care of was, you know, the electric, gas, whatever those bills were at the time. I just had to financially provide for my travel cars food phone bills stuff
Starting point is 00:51:27 like that so i had to work and um dude you live the exact i i got kicked out of the house but everything financially was taken care of for me i had an atm card all the money i could buy a sack of 60 sack of weed every day if i wanted i had a full tank gas cards i had everything crazy so we lived the same life except um i was i was spoiled i was like a prince i was like a prince i was like a little minor prince i should have fucking lived in dubai or some shit okay yeah well what sucked about that is my mom when she did move out she's like hey i'll give you 20 or 40 a week but not shortly after she moved out, she found out that I smoked weed. And so she's like, you're not getting anything. My mom tried that, but she didn't, she didn't stick to it until I was like 30. When I was 30, she finally put the, put her foot down. Nice. It has happened
Starting point is 00:52:17 at some age. So you're, so you're, yeah, I know. Crazy. Well, you know what, you know what else I got that you got? My dad did take me to work too. And I was surrounded by hardworking people. And working was fun and good. And helping people was like, both my mom and dad were like service just good people. So, you know, my dad, we would get off work and he'd be delivering wine to people's houses or we'd go over and help an old lady fix like a wind blowing underneath her door. I just had good same with you. And I had uncles and aunts everywhere. A little different than you. My parents were crazy affectionate. Like people were always hugging me and kissing me and pinching me and just all that shit. But, but some similarities, some similarities, the hard work is huge. The hard work is huge. Does your dad tell you he loves you? Uh, you know, the other day he told me he was proud. And when he told me, I'm like, oh, he must not tell me that very often.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Cause it like, I, I felt like the little boy in me is like, oh, he's proud of me. Like I, I savored it as long as I could. You know what I mean? Like, you know, you suck on a, a, a lifesaver for as long as you can you're like i'm not biting this one it was like that i was like oh yeah i'm proud he's proud of me so so i don't not him but my mom was just like my mom and my aunts and uncles i was like they treated me so good. Yeah. Did your dad tell you he loved you? No. He did a lot, especially as people have been passing away in my life as we get older. I used to tell my dad all the time I loved him, probably until maybe 20, 23, somewhere around that age, my young 20s.
Starting point is 00:54:06 But it was hard for him to tell me he loved me back he would say it back but i could just tell that it was hard it was so awkward for him i know my dad loves me i know i'm his favorite child i know these things oh i like that yeah um do your siblings know you're the favorite child yeah they do you know and it's it's just because that dynamic of my dad was really stern with my sister because she is a female and he knows what the world you know that men chase women and he knows that from personal experience yeah so he tried to keep her sheltered and there was a lot of he didn't want some 25 year old guy fucking her when she was 15 100 100 so there's a there was a lot of hatred between my my sister and my dad especially between her teenage and young adult years and then my brother
Starting point is 00:55:00 he was just so young that he never really got to grow up with my dad. He grew up with my mom and her husband. And so, the one that spent the majority of my time with my dad. And so, I just know I'm his favorite because he's got cheap labor out of me for like, what's that? From like 11 years old until 21, I worked for my dad. For 10 years, he got cheap labor out of me. years old until 21 I worked for my dad for 10 years he got cheap labor out of me and that's how and that's how um it's weird because if I'm not working hard I'm letting my dad down and I feel like that to this day I almost pride
Starting point is 00:55:38 myself when I'm out there on a Sunday working and I know my dad's going to be like, man, that's a hardworking guy because he knows that's something he instilled in me that I'm willing to go out there and grind no matter what. So when I go out there and work hard, it's like subconsciously, I know I'm making my dad proud. And I think we all want to make our parents proud. Of course. Like you said, when your dad said he was proud of you yeah it felt you felt a certain way and i don't i don't know if my dad desperate i felt desperate i felt desperate for affection so you know i know i know i'm making my dad proud in two ways um my work ethic and the way i am with my family because i do know my dad probably has regrets in the way our family was.
Starting point is 00:56:28 And he's kind of told me those things and his drunken, stupid that he would be in maybe that he would be, you know, like sad about it or reminisce on it, that he messed up our family. And so I also want to make him proud in the way me, the way I'm going to, you know, be in my family with my child and with Ariel. That's the most important thing to me is to be a good husband and a good dad. Because like I said, I've learned lessons from my dad that I've taken into my life to try to be the best person that I can be.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Two things. You just inspired me. I'm going to write my dad. My dad's in Armenia right now, but I'm going to write him a nice text or maybe I'll even call him when we get off the show. And I'm going to tell my dad how proud I am of him. I'm going to tell him how impressed I am because he's lived a wild life similar to your, your dad's life. My dad was in and out of the country. He's an immigrant, you know, all that shit. And I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm that shit. Instead of waiting for maybe him to tell me he loves me, I'm going to tell him how much I love him and how impressed I am with his life. I could tell you're proud of your dad. I'm crazy proud of what my dad's accomplished too.
Starting point is 00:57:41 And he probably – that's probably huge. Probably not a lot of kids tell their parents, holy fuck, you're amazing. And I really do think my dad's amazing. I mean I tell my – I think I tell my mom. My mom knows how amazing I think she is. That just made me emotional. Oh, good. I never even thought about telling my dad that I'm proud of him. Hey, dude, when I had kids and my baby, I would sit on this couch or a chair, and I would hold my kid on my bare body.
Starting point is 00:58:14 And then as he got older, he started – the kid starts holding you and touching you. And then even to this day, if I'm sleeping, if my kids come in and put their hands on me or at night when I go to bed, they'll climb in, and they'll just start touching me and holding me. I feel like they have cocaine in their hands. I feel just like the life force powering through my body. I feel just un-fucking-real. It's like this energy that I've never felt before. And so as soon as I had kids, I remember thinking, oh, shit, I need to touch my mom and dad more. Like I need to bare skin touch them more more. Like I need to bit like bare skin, touch them more, hug them more, squeeze them more. So, cause they probably get that from me.
Starting point is 00:58:51 And that's, that was one of the trippiest things about having kids. Do you know what I'm talking about? Like when your kid touches you, like your kid grabs your arm and the whole world stops. It's like they're recharging you with the life force. And so then I started thinking, holy fuck, I really need to, uh, yeah, i just need to be more handsy with my parents especially my mom and i know when i hold my mom my mom makes sounds if i you know what i mean like i squeeze my mom really tight like she makes mom sounds oh i love you or you know i mean like i could squeeze her so tight until she says i love you maybe she wants me to go over to, my mom probably would want me to do more of that. Like I said, I feel like I don't have a great relationship with my mom. She,
Starting point is 00:59:36 she wants me to call her more. She, she, you know, complains about all that stuff because she lives in Florida right now. And I just think I'm going to, I guess, dive in a little bit more in the story of my family, if that's cool. Yeah, please. Okay, hold on, hold on. I want to – because people are just having a blast with you. Dylan can fix a garage door opener. Dylan can replace a hot water heater before anyone turns on the shower. Check out a big brain on Dylan.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Fergie's just loving you. Dylan changes the backsplash twice a year. I mean, I really appreciate the effort Fergie's putting in. Dylan's favorite faucet. Dylan's faucets never drip. Never. Like this, this guy has, has you pegged already. It's not like peg peg,
Starting point is 01:00:30 but this guy, this guy understands your abilities. Okay. Go ahead. So, so go into your family more. Go ahead. Okay. So when my parents first got, you know, divorced and I told you there was a period that I was upset with my dad, then I did feel a lot of emotions towards my mom and how awesome of a woman she is. And at that time, my mom did have a really good friend that helped us. It was their whole family, husband and wife and children. They were really close to us. And they were a really big part of my mom being able to be financially stable and take care of us for a good while, from when I was like 12 to 15, before my mom moved out and all that good stuff. But during all that time,
Starting point is 01:01:12 I did have a really good connection with my mom. And I think I put her on a pedestal. On a pedestal. And I've done this with other people too. Actually, I did this with Ariel when we were younger, first dating, to where I thought my mom could never do wrong. Because I always saw my dad do wrong to my mom. She, I guess you could call it cheating because if we want to go in biblical terms, when, you know, God says, if you just look at a woman lustfully, you've already cheated in your heart. My mom has some kind of relationship with my, with her best friend, that person that helped us, her husband.
Starting point is 01:02:07 And it didn't get to a sexual relationship, but it got was it was going there before it got caught and then i found i found out that my mom is no better than my dad now i'm gotta i'm gonna cry about it just thinking about it because we're just people here we're just people here i just yeah yeah on a pedestal and i just yeah my mom can never do wrong. And I think ever since that, it's kind of, I wouldn't say hardened my heart towards my mom, but I don't have as much sympathy to my mom as I did before. And, and we never had that bond like me and my dad had. So I've just more been drawn to my dad and I don't feel as bad for my mom as I once did because I come to find out that she's no different of a person than my dad is and it's totally fine but also felt like she played that role of I'm a better person and I I kind of hate that when people think they're better than other people because
Starting point is 01:03:01 at the end of the day we're all we're all the same people we all make mistakes nobody's better than the next person and you know I kind of did that with Ariel too because I had on a really high pedestal when we first started dating I'm telling you I prayed to God when we were younger that he would give me the opportunity to be Ariel's boyfriend. And I knew. Before you were her boyfriend, you would pray to God being like, hey, can you get me this chick? I'll be the best dude ever. I'll go to church every Sunday if you just let me just take a shower with this girl.
Starting point is 01:03:39 A hundred percent, bro. A hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. I prayed. There was something about Ariel when we were in high school that she was just different to me than all the other girls. And it was just something I prayed on. She is different, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:52 She is different. Yeah, she is 100% different. She's an amazing woman. Yeah. And so, yeah. She's cool, man. You got a really cool. She is really fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Oh bro. She's the coolest. I mean, I'm do the last five years, six years of my life, dude, they are, they've been the most amazing years of my life. And I'm so excited for the next 40 years of my life to see what me and Ariel can do together and just the experiences we have. You think she felt, let me ask you this. Do you think she felt the pressure of you putting her, that's a sweet picture. Do you think she felt the pressure of you putting her on a pedestal? And do you still think to this day, she's trying to live up to that?
Starting point is 01:04:38 And, and like, she's not in a bad way. Well, it's a bad way, but she's learned how to use it in order to achieve what she wants to achieve. Like, like, does she ever tell you when she has a bad performance that she feels like she let you down? Yeah. Yeah, she does. She does. Yeah. So you have to do this balancing act, right?
Starting point is 01:04:58 You have to like, you know, you'll accept her no matter what, but you kind of can't let her know that because, know that pressure that she feels maybe from the relationship whether you're doing it on purpose or not is what's elevating her so you have to there's this weird balance right i'm guessing like you have to step on her dick a little bit but but but you also you can't let it out of the hat like hey just so you know i love you no matter what you kind of got to be careful you don't want her to like fall off the podium yeah um she just wants to make me proud that's yeah she knows you know when she won elevated elizabeth and tia was to her right and laura was to her left yeah he was she was saying towards the end of that workout when she knew she was gonna win that workout yeah one of the thoughts in her mind was dylan's gonna be so
Starting point is 01:05:43 proud of me and that's so cool do that that warms my heart to think that's one of the thoughts in her mind was Dylan's going to be so proud of me. And that's so cool. Dude, that warms my heart to think that's one of the thoughts that are running through her head when she's out there on the floor. Because when I'm down in a workout. A horrible moment in her life and she pushes through because of you. I know. That's awesome, dude. I don't have Ariel on that pedestal anymore because if I do that, I'm just going to, I'm
Starting point is 01:06:06 going to hurt our family. I'm going to hurt myself because it's what I've done with, with my mom. I had her on a pedestal and I found out that she's not perfect. And that's just something I had to, I think we all have to learn as we get older. Nobody's, nobody's perfect. Like I said before. And so I have, I love my mom but I just haven't been able to nurture that relationship to be what she wants it to be but with with Ariel
Starting point is 01:06:33 when we were younger and I found out that she wasn't perfect I was able to accept you know accept that and I think it's made us even closer for it because i always thought i wasn't getting good enough for her you know i probably still to this day not good enough for her because man i'm so blessed that she chose me to be her husband and uh it's a to me it's a answered prayer from god like my wife is an answered prayer from god holy dude you still got her on the pedestal how the fuck is she supposed to live up to that that's incredible dude i don't know if i've ever heard anyone say that my wife is my answered prayer from god yeah well i i pray to god for it and you know when you're young when you're young and you you're dating somebody,
Starting point is 01:07:25 chances are you're not going to marry that person. Right. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to go through a lot of relationships in your life before you find the person you're going to settle down with. I just knew there was something about Ariel and we went through this ebb and flow when we were younger.
Starting point is 01:07:42 She liked me when we first met. I didn't like her we were great friends but i was chasing one of her friends at that time and then things flip-flopped and i got to know ariel on a personal level and become really good friends and find out who she is as a person and i honestly i fell in love with her i loved her before we ever were dating yeah and so so I would say for a year I pursued her and she didn't reciprocate those feelings and I think I ruined that because when she did like me I was chasing one of her friends and she knows what kind of a woman she is and what she has to offer.
Starting point is 01:08:32 And she's like, well, if this guy doesn't want to be with me, screw him because I have better things to offer somebody than this person. How do you think she knows that? How do you think she knows that? Because a lot of people don't know how amazing they are. And what you're telling me is she knows how amazing she is, which is, which requires a certain level of consciousness. And another thing that's interesting is it requires a certain level of consciousness also, like a lot of people don't know that their whole life is what they ask for. Yeah. And so you ask for something and you got it. So that also is a pretty wild level of awareness too. But how do you think, do you think her parents instilled that in her? wild level of awareness too but how do you think do you think her parents instilled that in her like hey dude you're worth a lot 100 you know the biggest difference between me and ariel is she didn't grow up with i don't want i never grew up with struggle but with uh tribulations
Starting point is 01:09:16 i guess maybe dude you grew up with struggle you lived in a fucking shelter dude that's ghetto as fuck dude i don't know i don't know i like to put my life in perspective of people that have done a lot harder things than i have people that have lost a parent to death people that are getting like persecuted right for their religion or their beliefs right so i could be worse you could live in jerusalem it could be fucking horrible hundred percent quadruple quadruple you'd have a mortgage you'd be quadruple boosted and be concerned this uh iran's gonna lob a missile at you what a fucked up life but anyway you're right you're right what's a shelter in texas yeah yeah bro exactly so i like to put my life in perspective of what a lot of other people have gone through yeah yeah you're bougie
Starting point is 01:10:05 you're bougie i'm bougie bro yeah i'm bougie yeah ariel she grew up of i would say very privileged and loving household parents that loved her showered her you know blakely had her birthday party yesterday and we were talking about and she asked me if i ever had a birthday party and how old's your daughter? She's four? She turned five Friday. Okay. Yes, sir. Yeah, so she had a nice birthday party that Ariel put together for her at her gymnastics place.
Starting point is 01:10:35 And we were talking about birthday parties. And she asked me if I ever had any. And I told her I had one, but it was with another kid. I think they felt sorry for me. They did. I know exactly the kind of birthday party you're talking about. They're like, oh, shit, it's Dylan's party too. Put an extra candle on the cake.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Give one of this kid's presents to him. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's our gym right there. I started working on our garage doors yesterday. Hey, how much does that thing cost to build so the shop right now i'm 90 into it it's 100 by 40 shop i put plumbing in for a bathroom a shower and also drainage for um so that would be 500 if i wanted to build it. It's only $100 because you're doing it yourself? No. I saved money on the garage doors because I got a deal from my dealer.
Starting point is 01:11:35 I saved about $16,000 on material for the garage doors. And, of course, I'm installing it. So I saved about $3,500 to $4,000 on labor. But the shop, I had somebody build it. I would have built it. That's another thing I grew up doing with my dad is building metal buildings. But honestly, if I would have built it, it probably would have sat there for five years
Starting point is 01:11:52 before I finished it because I'm so busy with my business. I just don't have time to do those things anymore. So I'd rather pay somebody to do it and get it done. It got done in two weeks. Dude, it's so fucking nice. I'm so envious. I somebody to do it and get it done. It got done in two weeks. Dude, it's so fucking nice. I'm so envious. I need to go back though. How
Starting point is 01:12:08 does Ariel know? You nailed it. There's something about her that's really special. There's something I think her AirPods are done. No. Sounds like he's taking a deuce
Starting point is 01:12:25 Is he taking a shit? Where did he go? He might have to switch settings on his computer Yeah Sounds like he's in a big room Oh, I hear his kids Oh, it switched to someone else's AirPods Oh, wow
Starting point is 01:12:40 We can hear what's going on What Ariel is doing with the kid right now Switch to someone else's AirPods Everyone be quiet Let's leave this drop on Ariel. Nope, I hear nothing. No, no. No, there's no connection.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Hello? Yeah, good. No. Oh. No. He can just go. Let me see if I can go to a setting set uh edit mic settings no if i can't do it reduce background now and choose wouldn't that be cool if i could choose
Starting point is 01:13:13 his mic for him it's like no i'm sorry dude you're going to use your computer settings i could text him make it easier can you hear me now awesome how how does how does she know because everyone around her knows how cool she is how does she know who how do you think it was instilled in her i like what you said that she has a high value that she has a lot to offer um so yeah her upgrade upbringing and she did a lot of sports and i think she was always the best at what she did. So I think that gave her confidence. And I just want to say her faith in God, that is one of the biggest things that Ariel's been able to give me. is like so I guess biblically speaking the man's supposed to be the head of the household when it comes to faith and bringing God into the home but Ariel kind of took that role over because I wasn't really religious or had a relationship with Christ when I was younger I did pray every night but that was more out of structure. My dad always said, pray at night, pray at night.
Starting point is 01:14:26 So I prayed for things that I wanted at night. I didn't do it the right way. And Ariel brought that into our house. And I don't know, it's hard for me to explain, but she had confidence in that. And when you have confidence in your faith, it just brings confidence to everything else you do in the world. I guess the best way I can do it is I have confidence in anything I do that I'm going to do a good job. Because when I was young, my dad made me a hardworking young man. And when I do something, I'm going to give it my best effort.
Starting point is 01:15:04 And I think Ariel is the same way. If she's going to do anything, she'm going to give it my best effort. And I think Ariel is the same way. If she's going to do anything, she's going to give it her best effort. And a lot of that just came up with her parents bringing her up in church and her finding out who she is. She doesn't need the outside world to tell her who she is. She's got that with her relationship with Christ that gives her confidence in who she is as a person. And she's always been like that. She's got that with her relationship with Christ that gives her confidence in who she is as a person. And she's always been like that. She's always had a really good relationship with her faith. And I think that's just like instilled into her who she is as a person. She just has really good morals. I don't know. It's hard to put my finger on it,
Starting point is 01:15:40 but I just knew Ariel was different than all the other girls that I ever met or were friends with in high school and it's somebody that I knew I wanted to marry so like I said I pray to God that he would give me a chance to be with Ariel when we were younger because I knew if we were get get together that I was going to marry her. You said something really cool. She has confidence in her faith. There's like a new age version of that explanation of that about, I forget what the statement is, but it's something about control what you can control and don't try to control what you can't control. And so there's a, Control and don't try to control what you can't control.
Starting point is 01:16:30 And so there's a – I get that. I totally get what you're saying. Being around people who have faith that everything is going to be okay is – or that things are not even going to be okay, that things are unfolding the way they're supposed to unfold. A hundred percent. Is, is really, really good. Right. So I'll use something really superficial. Um, I could get something that says, uh, Hey, Sevan, we're not going to let you do the behind the scenes, uh, next year at Dickies. And I could go into a panic, but, but that's totally out of my control. Right. And so then, and what's crazy about that is then 24 hours later, I could text whoever back Heather, Dave, and be like, Hey, I just wanted to say, thanks for taking my application. I'm sorry. You guys won't let me do
Starting point is 01:17:17 it. And they're like, we're going to let you do it. What are you talking about? And I'm like, what says here you can't. And she goes, Oh no, that's a typo. It's supposed to be, you can't. And my life is full of shit like that whereas if i would have just reacted to what would have happened it would have been a i see kids do that my kids do that all the time they react to things it's a total waste of energy like they think we're going out somewhere and then it rains and we don't but then 15 minutes later they're making cookies because they didn't get to go out because it's raining and now they're happier than if they would have went out and like picked up garbage at the
Starting point is 01:17:44 beach and it's like hey dude it's cool yeah it's raining, and now they're happier than if they would have went out and picked up garbage at the beach. It's like, hey, dude, it's cool. And so what you're saying, if I'm understanding, is Ariel's in that space. She has confidence in her faith. She's doing her best, and she's controlling what she can control, and the rest she is dedicated to, to a higher power. She has faith in the system. 100%. the higher power. She has faith in the system. A hundred percent. And I think a lot of Christians, myself included, struggle with that confidence in faith.
Starting point is 01:18:15 That's something that I'm working at working on myself is to have that same confidence Ariel does and her faith for me to have that, that same confidence. So, yeah, I agree with you a hundred percent on that. So yeah. Pray to God for Ariel and he gave her to me and we uh made it work and i mean on on a crazy superficial level i i think uh what greg told me this one time he said hey you know why jews are the way they are and i said why he said because they find big brains sexy and so that's in culture, that's a very attractive piece. And to be kind of funny here, but also kind of true, you said Ariel liked your butt. Well, look at her. She's this crazy entity that has this insane physical prowess. And as CrossFitters, we all know, like, it's all fucking being generated fucking from the hips, right, and the ass. And so she sees that, and she knows that's power. Like, if it's got that, I can work with it and make it fucking do anything, right?
Starting point is 01:19:18 It's like if someone gives you an engine, all you need is, like, would you rather have a shell of a car? If someone's like, hey, do you want this body or do you want this engine? You take the engine because then you can build a body around it. The body of the car is fucking worthless if it ain't got a good engine. I just found it interesting that she liked that about you because I don't know if there's a successful CrossFitter out there who has a small ass. It just doesn't exist. And all the dudes have giant asses, big hips, big hips and big asses. Heck yeah. And Ariel's kind of had the body she's had now since she was in high school.
Starting point is 01:19:48 And that was one of the things that draw to me too, that drew me to her as well was just not who she was as a person. Like as breeding stock? You're like, okay, that'll make good kids. Oh yeah, bro. A hundred percent. Her thighs have always been big and nice like they are right now.
Starting point is 01:20:08 I don't know. I like a girl that has muscle on her. Ariel had muscle on her in high school. Look at those bad boys. They're already nice and muscular. That's the high school right there. She used to go to the tanning salon.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Yeah, she, she did a little bit. Not in Rich Froney. Ernest Froney went to the tanning salon. Heck yeah. So, so, um, so how long after you prayed for her, did you get her? How long did you have to wait? Uh, I would say it was almost a year. So I, we were still really good friends.
Starting point is 01:20:46 And she knew my feelings for her because I had told her. How long were you friends? How long? We were friends for two years. So a year she kind of pursued me almost. And a year I pursued her. And then I asked her to go to prom. And we went to prom together and then after prom
Starting point is 01:21:07 she said something about that night changed something in her and we from there started almost started dating we had talked about it and it was after a party one evening. I was taking her back home, and she said, like, what if we started dating? And I told her, you know, if we start dating, it's probably going to – I told her directly, if we start dating, I'm looking for marriage. Wow. Yeah, that's so funny for – Talk about chasing someone off. I'm going to go on a date now.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I want to get married. Oh, fuck. At 19 years old, when I think about that, those are some strong words to say to somebody. Yeah. Yeah. It's just, I don't know. I was just that confident in Ariel was the woman that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Why did you even want to get married? I didn't even want to get married. I never wanted to get married until I got married. After I got married, I'm like, oh, my God, I'm so glad I'm married. But even the day I got married, I'm like, oh my God, I'm so glad I'm married. But even the day I got married, I was like, fuck, what are we doing? How did you know you wanted to get married? I think it's because I grew up in a broken home without a loving family. Like I said, I'm really goal-oriented.
Starting point is 01:22:18 One of the goals that I wanted for myself is I wanted to have a beautiful family as far as there to be love. I just knew when I was younger, I always told myself, I'm not going to have a family like this. And I just think when you're younger, everybody thinks that you're supposed to get married and have a family. That's part of life. That's second nature to me anyways, to have a family. So I just always knew when I was younger,
Starting point is 01:22:43 I wanted to have a certain type of family. And that was something I was going to pursue as I grew older. One of my goals in life was to have an awesome family, an awesome woman, an awesome child, and to be the best person I could be in that family. Because I know it brings happiness. Look at you are is this the happiest you've been in your life since you had a family it's a it maybe happiness isn't the right word a most fulfilled like when i wake up in the morning i'm like i just like cannot fucking believe i have my kids in my life and my wife i'm fucking like like i got a brand new ferrari in driveway. I cannot fucking believe it. Yeah, it's crazy fulfilling. I feel like I stumbled upon it though on accident.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Yeah, I know. You were almost too late to the party. Thank you, Dylan. Yes. Hey, how many kids do you think Ariel's – how many kids do you think you're going to have? Like is there some point where you're just going to just keep – oh, he can't hear me? You lost me? Am I back?
Starting point is 01:23:53 Yeah. How many kids do you think you're going to have? So ideally – Honestly, just off the top. Just let it slip out. Seven. Two. Two. Two.
Starting point is 01:24:06 You're just having two? But you come from your aunts and uncles, you had like nine and eight and all this crazy shit. And she's made to breed, and you're made to breed. Look at your two bodies. You're made to be like put together a team. How old is she? I'm excited to see what our kids can do in the future. How old is she? I'm excited to see what our kids can do in the future. How old is she? Ariel? Yeah. She's 30. Yeah. So two or three more years of CrossFit and then
Starting point is 01:24:37 a child every year till she's 40. We'll take one year off. So six kids, six kids between 33 and 40. we'll take one year off so six kids six kids between 33 and 40. Yeah I mean I wouldn't mind more kids I think the biggest thing about having so many kids these days is honestly the financial strain. Yeah yeah I hear you you'll figure it out you lived in a shelter fuck it. Yeah that's true that's true it's's true. It's just growing up, I didn't want to grow up and be poor. Yeah, but you were. I was – yeah, I was pretty poor. You were dirt poor. Dirt poor, shelter poor.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Shelter poor, yeah. Yeah, fuck it. And you turned out great. And I just – hey, isn't it amazing? you turned out great and and i just ariel hey isn't it amazing um it shows you just the crazy kind of lip service just the world has ariel's uh successful what she does the fittest uh female in the united states of america um a beautiful uh married uh child you it's it's like it's unvaxxed. It's just like it's like she's perfect. I don't know. She's just perfect. It's just like it's kind of
Starting point is 01:25:58 unreal. She got a husband who can fucking change out a toilet. I mean, she scored. Yeah yeah she scored uh she's not perfect i could like last night uh she snored like jesus christ all right let's do it what did she do last night she peed on the toilet when she got up she left a little dribble on the toilet no no she's better than that but oh all right i had a hard time sleeping last night she snores like a machine it's. It's no joke. She's a big snorer.
Starting point is 01:26:27 And she'll probably – Hey, one more thing. She still has her boobs, and she's a CrossFitter. Dude. Yeah. They're not as voluptuous as they once were, but they're still great. They'll come back. They'll come back.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Maybe with the second kid. She kept them. You can tell. You can tell. You can tell. When you look at her, you're like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's kept her womanhood. Yeah. No, she has a phenomenal body. Super, super blessed to have a woman with a body like that. 100%.
Starting point is 01:26:51 What do you do when she snores? Do you roll her over? Nah, I touch her and she knows that she's snoring loud. So it's just like a gentle touch at night. And it gives me maybe just enough time to fall asleep. As long as I fall asleep before she does, the snoring doesn't bother me. But for instance, last night I was really excited for this podcast. I had trouble sleeping. I felt like a little boy on Christmas Eve, you know. Good, good. I like to hear that. Yeah. And then when Ariel fell asleep, I was still up there just like thinking about tomorrow and how cool it's going to be to be a fan of the show and to get to come on and talk to you.
Starting point is 01:27:37 And so by the time I finally got tired, which was like around one o'clock at night. Oh, shit. She was snoring so loud. And so I just had to nudge her. And it's usually towards the end of the week when she's tired from training that it's louder once she gets rest she seems to be you know it's not even that loud of a snoring I can just fall asleep to it's almost like a beautiful white noise to me but it gets to a point to where it can be like a grown man sleeping next to me what hey why not pray to god um dear god insane ass i appreciate it fucking great mom fucking uh keeps the house tidy like a fucking queen uh what about the
Starting point is 01:28:20 snoring thing god what can you do can you work with me on that? Start praying for her. Hey, what about sticking one of those things on her nose while she's sleeping? I don't know. I've never thought of that. That pulls your nostrils open. Is that what causes snoring? Snoring is congestion or whatever in the nasal cavities. Yeah, it's probably the six gallons of fucking whey protein
Starting point is 01:28:45 she consumes every day to fucking keep that body fucking humming bro protein free she is protein free not protein free uh what do you call those she doesn't do shakes she doesn't do shakes no wow wow yeah she does minimal shakes so shakes so we've we've always shakes are just bullshit all all the supplement stuff is just bullshit. Got the fittest woman in the United States doesn't fucking drink Podium or First Formy or none of that shit. Yeah, no, not really. So that's if we want to touch a little bit on PEDs and stuff. Yeah, she's all juiced up.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Tell us. She's all juiced up. All juiced up. Heck, yeah. Yeah, she's all juiced up. Tell us, she's all juiced up. All juiced up, heck yeah. She looks like it, that big old forehead of hers and the space between her teeth and that vein that runs from her toe to her fucking forehead. Yeah, well, you know, I think I have a very different perspective on the PED use and CrossFit than a lot of people do because I get to see what Ariel is doing and what she is putting in her body as far as food, fuel, and that she's able to be third fittest in the world just by eating healthy, training every day, and the CrossFit space of doing PDS. I know that it's possible for the people at the top
Starting point is 01:30:06 of the sport to be PD free because Ariel's PD free and doesn't even do supplements as far as shakers or pre-workout before workout, all of that, like fake it to me, it's, it's fake. Hey, Caleb. Uh, oh, it's so fake. It's a Caleb do a, um, uh, the only drug that's worth doing if you got to is caffeine. Um, Caleb do a poll, uh,
Starting point is 01:30:30 Ariel on a natural or. You're not. Yeah. She might, she might be the most natural. Imagine you're in Ottawa strolling through artistic landscapes at the national gallery of Canada. Oh, then cycling past parliament Hill. Ah, Imagine you're in Ottawa strolling through artistic landscapes at the National Gallery of Canada. Oh.
Starting point is 01:30:45 Then cycling past Parliament Hill. Ah. Before unwinding on an outdoor patio. Oh. Then spending an evening on a cruise along the historic Rideau Canal. Ah. Exploration awaits in Ottawa. From O to Ah.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Plan your Ottawa itinerary at At this exact moment, you're just five minutes away from mouth-watering. Plan your Ottawa itinerary at farms new quick crisp onion rings potato tots and french fries faster than ever before just 300 seconds between you and your all-time favorites quick crisp from cavendish farms made our way enjoyed your way available right away she might present as the most natural at she might present as the most natural athlete in the entire crossfit space now that i think about it oh 100 because you know when a lot of times when we're in competition before, you know, people are going out on the competition floor, they have their pre-workouts and all that stuff. And that's just something Ariel's never done to take a pre-workout. Does she do caffeine? Does she do caffeine? As far as caffeine, she drinks coffee, you know, paper street every morning. That's it?
Starting point is 01:32:03 She doesn't do, she doesn't like snort a line of espresso beans before she goes out no just just nice pressed coffee in the espresso machine two maybe one two cups a day and she's so sensitive caffeine if she would probably drink a cup of coffee past maybe one it's gonna keep her up at night dude someone thinks she's on something how could you possibly think she's on something i don't know i can't tell you but i live with her that's david weed that's david weed he's that's david weed that's david the guy that lives right free in your head yeah yeah yeah i just saw him i just saw him go over to the ballot box yep oh he's voting on five different accounts that he has all that she's on wow i see david get away from the computer back david take a step back away from the computer
Starting point is 01:32:51 sorry i don't mean to influence the poll if you think she's juicing light her up okay now this is going to get weird we're going to let this go for like three more minutes so everyone get their votes in right now and then we're going to get weird. We're going to let this go for like three more minutes so everyone get their votes in right now. And then we're going to pick another athlete. Oh, this is going to get fucking hairy. Because she'll be our baseline. What? Can we do – is there a way to run two simultaneously polls? Is that possible?
Starting point is 01:33:16 Oh, yeah. Can you do two polls at the same time, Caleb? No, just the one. I'd have to do it in this one. Sorry. YouTube's so fucking primitive. I'd have to do this one. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:33:24 YouTube's so fucking primitive. For those of you who don't do YouTube, the tools are, how could Google be this fucking epic company and the tools be so primitive? The tools are so primitive. Yes, it is me. Yeah, look at it. He thinks you're a fucking asshole. You're going to burn in hell. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:33:39 It's whatever. Over the head. I have another. What's the other poll you want to do? What's the other poll you want to do? What's the other poll you want to do? Is Dave Castro on steroids? Actually, nothing to do with steroids. It has totally to do with toilet paper.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Oh, okay. So this is an issue in our home. It's one of the things. I get angry with Ariel about this. Hey, let me ask you this. Do you think Laura Horvath's on steroids? Do you have opinions on who you think is on steroids and who's not a little bit do you think laura horvath's on steroids no way yeah me neither i don't know not even not even a tiny bit but like
Starting point is 01:34:16 you know like i'm saying i with my what i know about ariel and being in the crossfit space behind the scenes it gives more let me say validity that people aren't on steroids because i know what aerial can achieve with um not pre-workout no supplements and like protein powder all that crap and she's able to be the third fittest person in the world fittest in the united states that's i when she posted that the other day i was like what a beast yeah i reposted that shit quick yeah yeah so so i think honestly i'm not gonna say nobody in crossfit's on steroids because there of course are people that have gotten popped and are on there right right but it shows me that people can be the best and not be on steroids because if Ariel can be the best one of the best in the world and not just eat healthy and train every day and love CrossFit and what
Starting point is 01:35:14 she's able to accomplish then it just goes to show what all these other people in CrossFit are able to accomplish if they're natty hey um can we go back and look at her again look how fucking hot your wife is jesus christ yeah she's she's banging bro i got blessed dude perfect teeth perfect skin fucking strong makes babies there could be some editing on there who knows fine yeah oh yeah i see that flag has 52 stars they fucked up um the uh have you have you ever done steroids you look like you've done some steroids look how big your forehead is oh yeah that's because i have a receding hairline no you got that big no you don't have receding hairline you just got like you have you ever done uh steroids no i'm really honestly i'm not really big into fitness you're pretty big you got a big head and you got big
Starting point is 01:36:10 shoulders you've never done any peds no or protein shakes you know so i don't do those either i don't lift lifting is my least favorite thing to do i like doing you know crossfit workouts emoms and stuff like that so that's just a man body you have that's just from moving sheetrock around and wearing a tool belt and and yeah that's from like these aerial back and massive forearms that i have that's from you know um turning springs all day on garage doors yes sir you got them too carrying those kids around from something different minor from something different yeah a little bit of this something i don't don't embarrass me don't embarrass me and i've never masturbated in my life me neither um but yeah no uh my body is just totally from from from work a hundred percent um so so you you see her and you tell her um she's like hey do you want
Starting point is 01:37:10 to date and you're like i want to get married and then how does that play out is she like whoa hold your horses fuck not you know i don't really remember what she said after that but i think she kind of agreed and i think she knew i was different than a lot of people as well just because of my upraising you were desperate for you were desperate for a family because your shit had fallen apart yeah something like that no I'm just not over there trying to bang girls have you know um sex just go out there being a dog you know yeah I I wanted certain things in life and I think she knew that especially since we were friends and we got to know each other. She knew my values and what I wanted out of life.
Starting point is 01:37:50 And she – one of the things Ariel says that, besides my butt, that turns her on the most is what these hands can do. Oh. You know, as far as – Like – Go ahead. Like she sees – she likes seeing you work with your hands. She likes to see it. Yeah, 100%. She says nothing turns her on more than what I'm able to do with my hands as far as construction wise building. She knows if something needs to be done, that I have the abilities to do that.
Starting point is 01:38:22 So she always tells me that all the time when she sees that my hands are dirty, cut up, that it turns her on. Hey, dude, that she sounds so healthy. Yeah, she is. I mean, she's attracted to hard work and she sounds like such a fucking healthy woman. Yeah. My wife used to tell me that she liked my hands and I have the ugliest little fucking hands but I knew when she said that that I was like
Starting point is 01:38:48 I'm like she like she's still will tell me that to this day I'm like yeah that's like I don't I don't take it as common I just see it as like oh she's smart like she's she's not looking at the things that the rest of the other women are looking at who make bad choices I think that's I wonder how many women look
Starting point is 01:39:04 at guys hands I wonder if that's like a common does your wife like your hands caleb i don't know i haven't asked her that i think i think you can't ask her you get that'll ruin it if you ask her she's never said anything but she likes when i run over yeah she likes when i'm like working on the house though like she she does whenever she's just coming hanging out she just likes watching me work on the house like if you're like yeah right oh shit yeah yeah like a uh hard-working man that can build something with their hands yeah i think she likes that it's kind of cool what are the rules dylan if if um are there any rules when she's working out so like um if she's but by the, you got to stop shaking her when she's snoring. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:39:49 It keeps eating away at me. It's eating away at me because my wife does that to me too, buddy, and I don't like it. I fucking – like I'm sleeping. My wife does that to me too. She like touches me a little. I don't like it. It's a gentle nudge.
Starting point is 01:40:01 It's just enough. She's a pro athlete, buddy. Fucking suck it up. You're not wrong. Put something in your ear. Honey, I love your snoring. Or how about just record it? You know what else you could do to fuck with her? You record it with your iPhone
Starting point is 01:40:15 for like two or three minutes and then play it back under her pillow while she's sleeping. Hey, you want some of this? Well, dude, honestly what's funny is she's woken herself up because of her snoring. Yeah, I've woken myself up from that, too. You've never done that? No, I don't snore.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Wow, crazy. Wow. Yeah, I don't snore. I don't fart. None of that. God, you don't fart? No. I don't fart anymore.
Starting point is 01:40:44 I used to fart in the early days a lot, my poor wife, but I don't anymore. Now that I got my diet kind of all dialed in, I don't really fart anymore. I do the morning fart, the morning, the morning obligatory fart, like you walk and you go put your hand on the wall and take a piss. I let like a, usually a huge ripper in there that I try to make loud. And then after that, I'm pretty good. And it doesn't even smell. And after that, I'm good good do you do that morning one do you guys do the morning one oh yeah we do um you should the next poll actually should be who farts more ariel or dylan let's start here's the end of it here's the last one yeah of course so so that was actually an iq 10% of the listeners are retarded.
Starting point is 01:41:26 I agree. I agree. But Ariel's going to hate that I say this, but definitely in the family, the women fart the most. Yeah. Just in general, in the Lowen family. Ariel and Blakely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:44 You are outnumbered though so i am yeah but ariel knows how to fart when when are you going to have a second baby do you know yeah i'll definitely be one the wheels on this train fall off of ariel's career what do you use to make sure she doesn't get uh uh how do you time it does she just do like i know do mennonites just like have a calendar like the catholics and you're like all right don't let one fly this week no sadly she's on birth control oh like the pills the pills yes does she know what she's doing i don't think you're supposed to do that i think that that fucks with your hormones i don't think you're supposed to do that does she know what she's doing uh i mean we definitely don't like it
Starting point is 01:42:25 but yeah dude my pullout game is weak look what happened hey i understand i understand hey dude no one's pullout game is strong dude nobody's yeah there's there's weak pullout game and there's liars yeah and i don't know what condoms are so the next option is birth control. I don't like it. I definitely will say when we're done having kids, I'm definitely going to have a vasectomy. No, no, no, no, no, no. Why? No, no, no. You're just fucking with Savon today.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Bro. Why? What's wrong, Savon? What's wrong with that? He thinks it fucks with the viscosity. That's one thing. That's one thing that's one thing so so this thing fires out of your penis right this this special sauce and then you're in but you're basically going to close one of the valves that that puts the soul that puts in some of the
Starting point is 01:43:16 special sauces the soldier specifically and so that could change the the the texture the viscosity the everything about the the semen but also the ball the balls were never meant to have uh have surgery on them well let me ask you please talk to your dad about that first there's got to be something in the mennonite rule book about fucking snipping the ball you cannot snip the do not do not well let me ask you this devonon. You only have two choices. Okay. You have two choices. Either your wife has to be on birth control or you would have to get a vasectomy. Which one would it be? It would be a vasectomy.
Starting point is 01:43:55 All right. But I don't – what are they saying? I don't accept that notion of their only two choices. I don't accept that. I don't accept that. Just – I think you should ask God, like, hey, God, what would you like to see – here's – I'm going to tell you how to do it as your personal guidance counselor. I want you to start praying, God, how many kids should we have, Ariel and I? And as you go out through the day, like, you'll see numbers on billboards and shit or like numbers will start coming to you you'll start seeing them and you'll see god speaking to you maybe you'll pass a litter of puppies and you'll see that dog had 12 puppies and be like oh fuck i'm supposed to have 12 kids but i but i don't think this you guys are too you guys are too um you guys are too special to only – she's got to get off the pill.
Starting point is 01:44:48 She's got to get off the hormones and definitely don't snip the balls. You're a genetic specimen, and you guys have to have a shitload of kids. I'm getting stressed out about this. Oh, here we go. Sevan believes semen is the life force. Well, that too. It is. There's life in the semen.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Yeah. Bunch of soldiers. Oh, look it. See, he's going to see F-45 and be like, oh, shit. Yeah, there you go. Oh, shit. Listen to this. Leaky.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Vasectomies are so bad. This next sentence really scares me. I wish i'd never made my husband get one made oh i don't know so it's totally no one's making me no one's making me do shit there's nothing my wife could tell me here's the thing my wife could tell me i'm gonna leave you if you don't get a vasectomy whatever bro you said you wouldn't leave your life if she your wife did she cheated on you you're there's no scissors there's nothing there's nothing there's no there's no
Starting point is 01:45:51 you do it no no i'm a fucking super glue the end shut before i fucking let them do a take a tube of super glue and shoot it down the fucking pipe you just wouldn't have sex anymore no well i i know uh uh look at audrey there's no putting sebi in a corner i just can't i just can't but anyway there's time there's time we're just talking about it we're discussing it no it hasn't been done yet so we're all good yeah But I would say, I think one thing I would like to try is when Ariel decides, let's say before the season starts, like this is going to be my last year competing. I would like her to get off of birth control because they do allegedly say that as far as it inhibits performance. Yeah. inhibits performance yeah so i would like to see if that is something that would inhibit or would increase her performance if she got off of birth control right i don't approve
Starting point is 01:46:52 anal anal is the solution i don't approve of that either i approve um sean uh sean lenderman my wife wants me to get a vasectomy because I keep knocking her up. That's fine. She's supposed to be knocked up. Josh, look at this. This is God speaking to us. He has God in his name. Let's see. Dylan really is a genetic specimen.
Starting point is 01:47:18 There it is. God just told us that. You have to look at that. Thank you. Is that? Yeah. Oh, Josh Godinez. I love that. That's my boy that thank you is that yeah oh josh godinez i love that that's my boy you know who that is right no he uh works for hwpo he's one of their right-hand men hayley could you come here a second oh that's my. Hold on real quick.
Starting point is 01:48:00 What other methods could Ariel and – he doesn't want to wear condoms, and she's on the pill. What other methods – but they're very frisky. What other things could they do so that she doesn't get pregnant? You're dismissed. You're fucking dismissed. I can't even tell you what she said what'd she say no he no she said abstain the kind of answer is that no way never in my life i'm not calling you on the show for a month now i'm getting it while the getting's good it's gonna be good for a long time you're in a when a woman is like 30 to 40 they're insatiable yeah you know isn't that weird like we have one and we're ready for a nap they have one and they're like I'm ready for 15
Starting point is 01:48:36 more you're like what the fuck I'm just getting started I think my favorite thing about when Ariel was pregnant which what sucked is when Ariel was pregnant we didn't live together at the time, but she desired sex like a man would. When they're pregnant? When they're pregnant. Yeah, yeah. Pregnant women are absolutely. Oh, sorry. Speak your mind.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Oh, OK. She says you should just jerk each other off. That lacks intimacy. oh okay she says you should just jerk each other off that lacks intimacy hey uh yeah the the pregnant woman is a um it's nuts right and you don't have to worry about getting them pregnant yeah 100 and honestly that was probably when i i mean of course i'm super attracted to my wife but yeah there was something about ariel being pregnant with my kid that made me even more attracted to her. Yeah. Me too. Not Ariel, but my wife.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Yeah. Me too. And the vagina is like just a big, wet, messy hamburger. It's just like, it's just always ready. You don't even have to let you could just run at it from across the room.
Starting point is 01:49:39 What? Oh yeah. She said, just have a kid. Yeah. Yeah. The, the pregnant uh vagina is the is god it's god's end it's god's uh i encourage you to read oh here we go uh jocelyn uh strong with oh she's got wearing the mennonite hat oh shit here we go from a fellow mennonite i encourage you to read taking charge of your fertility for some natural family planning.
Starting point is 01:50:11 Yeah, we don't know how the boobs were at the booth. The boobs get crazy too, right? Oh yeah. Yeah. Just, I mean, amazing. It's just amazing all around. Oh, look at Jake Chapman punched lasagna. I don't know what that is, but yeah, the vagina is like,agna yeah it's like a hamburger it's like a jonathan just imagine the two pieces of bun and then the burger sticking out that's what the it's just a swollen bulbous like it's but with just sauce just everywhere it's just ready i think you're ready to have another kid. Yeah, I am. I would. I would. If my wife told me if I got her pregnant again, she'd give me triplet girls.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Like, that's supposed to discourage me. You know, when Ariel was pregnant, we both really wanted a boy. But now that we got a girl, honestly, once you have a kid and you get their personality and find out who they are as a person you just want a healthy kid and so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll take three girls i'll take three i would love three girls to match my three boys yeah i don't even know how it'd be a boy dad i think it would be weird to to have a son now just because all i know is to be a dad to a little girl. But I do treat her really roughly. She got boxing gloves for her birthday yesterday because we fight.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Have you made her cry? Have you made her cry a bunch? Yeah, I'll put bruises on that kid. I ain't scared. I know. It's funny. Whenever I fight with them, it's like I used to fight with my sister a lot. We would wrestle a lot.
Starting point is 01:51:44 And it always ended in a fight. but it's no different with my kids when I wrestle with my kids. But now usually when I wrestled my sister, it was me who always ended up crying, but now it's always them. It always, I always end up like choking someone out or I put my hand on someone's face so they can't breathe or I pull hair and they're like, what the fuck? I do just some dirty shit and they start crying and then i run out of the room like a little kid then i just run you know what i mean i don't want to get kicked in the knee or something heck yeah no it's one of her favorite things to do getting home from work she's like dad you want to fight you want to fight oh so you know she enjoys fighting and i actually
Starting point is 01:52:20 want to teach her because like she got boxing gloves. I want her to teach her how to punch properly. You know, um, right now it's just this kind of fighting where the arms are wailing left and right. I want her to be able to throw some combinations and stuff like that. I think that'd be cool for her to learn, especially self-defense as she gets older. And she grows up in a ghetto school because we have 12 kids and I can't afford to put them in a good school. Yeah. Yeah. Now you're talking some, you know kids some mexicans some mexicans yeah hey um
Starting point is 01:52:52 uh you when she's you can you can now start taking you i put my kids in a striking class in a kickboxing class not even a class i gave. They've had a one-on-one instructor since they've been four. And now they're – so they've been doing it for three and four years, depending on which kids I'm talking about. But all of them can throw hands, like wicked combinations. They got footwork. You can be like one, one, two, five, and they'll give a bam bam bam bam but they know all they know five's an uppercut they know the hooks it's crazy it's super slow but my kid you should start getting them an instructor you should just hire an instructor to come to your house
Starting point is 01:53:36 and train with your daughter or take her somewhere one-on-one one hour a week and dude you'll be blown away my kids are like it's it's um it's really cool it's really really really really cool yeah yeah that's my that kid's only six look at that he's already got footwork and throws hands yeah it's amazing do your kids show any interest like in ufc do they watch it with you no no like last night i watched the fights and they don't they don't they just they just if they come by they'll be like oh that guy's doing an omoplata or that guy's got a good hook or, hey, that guy's telegraphing his punch. Like they know more than I do, but they have no interest in it like as in – One day he's wanting to be a fighter.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Yeah, no. No, this kid – this kid actually, Joseph yesterday, walked in at the end of the fight and fell asleep on my lap. And one time he looked at the TV and he goes, oh, man, that blood looks gross. Yeah. And I sure as fuck don't want my kid getting punched in the head for a living. Yeah, I guess that's true. Yeah, I didn't watch the fight, but I saw I went to decision with Strickland. What happened there?
Starting point is 01:54:43 He won the first round, the second round, and the fifth round. Okay. In my opinion. In my opinion. He won the first round, the second round, and the fifth round. And the other guy is really scary. The South African guy was pretty amazing, Duplissi. And he took some fucking – he took so many punches to the face.
Starting point is 01:55:01 But they gave it to Duplplicy instead of strickland i think it was close i think it was a split decision one judge picked strickland one judge picked uh the south african um yeah historic fitness he was robbed i i am biased i really like strickland i like him too yeah i really so i'm a little the bruce wayne the judges are horrible yeah but um but the other guy's good and it's good there's gonna be some crazy um there's gonna be some crazy uh fights coming up in the ufc why didn't you watch it are you not a big fan or you were no i'm a big fan but um what was it what i think it's our time, 12 o'clock, that it's on. Oh, right, right. I was up until 1, but I was laying in bed, just being giddy.
Starting point is 01:55:50 I didn't even think about the fight as far as going and trying to watch it. Then, at that time, it's late, and I don't want to pay $50 to watch a fight. I just figured I'd watch the highlights. I usually just like to watch the highlights. I kind of keep up with the people in the fight. So I just figured I'd watch the highlights. I usually just like to watch the highlights. You know, I kind of keep up with the people in the UFC. Very rarely will I buy a fight. If Conor's fighting, I'll buy a fight if Conor's fighting. Or Nick Diaz, I like Nick Diaz a lot.
Starting point is 01:56:17 I'll buy his fights, but they're not really fighting. You know, Nick is out of the, or Nateate my bad i'm talking about nate nate i understood i understood yeah and uh connor's allegedly supposed to fight this year so i'll probably buy that fight and i like strickland but i'm not very invested in him as far as i know a lot about him i've just seen his clips of him, and I agree with a lot of the things he says. I like him as a person. I just don't really know his fighting style or anything like that. The two things – I don't know if I agree with what he says.
Starting point is 01:56:56 I just like the fact that he's being himself, and I accept him for that. You know what i mean like i i he's not saying he's not saying anything illogical to me i think it's i think it's okay to be um uh um like i don't think it makes you an islamophobe to not like uh um um the the religion of uh the muslim religion like you're, you can, it's tons of people openly say they don't like the Christian religion. Why can't you say you don't like the Muslim religion? I mean, and if,
Starting point is 01:57:33 and let's say you don't want a gay son, I think that's perfectly fine to not want a gay son. Like it doesn't make you a homophobe. And so I just love the fact that he's saying that shit. And, and I think it's more, I think it's more honest and I think it's more to the sentiment of society but on top of that dude he basically says hey man i'm there's nothing special about me i'm just the fucking typical story i grew up with a dad who
Starting point is 01:57:57 was a fucking raging alcoholic who beat the fuck out of me and so my comfort zone is beating people are getting beaten and i'm just living my pathology and my issues over and over in the ring and i'm like holy fuck and then he's and then he's like i'm not using this platform to glorify myself i'm using it to stand up and fight against evils in the world which are like fucking we know that all those fucking libtards out there the crazy shit that they're doing he wants to stand up and fight for kids and i respect that but then on top of all of that he fought the greatest striker in ufc history israel adesanya yeah this is the last albender and just using the most basic rudimentary boxing skills but that are so dialed in beat them i mean yeah that was crazy i watched that fight that was crazy dude and so just there's so much being emphasized there and just being good at the basics and the rudimentary
Starting point is 01:58:53 skills and just just always go back to the basics and what's what's greg glassman say do the uh common uncommonly well and that's what he does yeah his jab his jab is insane he would have if would have gone six rounds, he's going to knock that fucker out. Heck yeah. So was the guy that he fought, what was it, like a month ago when he was watching a fight and somebody said something to him and he pushed, he asked the wife and child to move out of the way and then he punched him? That was the guy he fought last night. Those two dudes fought it out in the audience just like he punched him that was the guy he fought last night those two dudes fought
Starting point is 01:59:25 it out in the in the audience just like the week before you know a month or two before which was it's kind of and they didn't even care after the fight they were like oh good even though they fought in the stands there was like they didn't talk shit they weren't like your wife's a whore they were like they were totally cool with each other yeah well i've never personally fought somebody but the weird thing is when people get into a fist fight, they seem to always be friends afterwards. In the real world. Maybe not in the cage, but in the real world, I've seen people fist fight, and then they become great buddies afterwards, which is really strange to me. Well, you have to think at least those dudes in the – oh, here it is.
Starting point is 02:00:04 Look it. Look, look. Here they are. Look it yeah yeah he asked that oh shit he asked that little kid to move you're right i didn't never notice that before he's like yeah excuse me kid yeah excuse me you know i i that's things i like about him i may be oh shit but uh he had i don't know he had a amount of respect and control that he was able to ask this kid to move out of the way before he was about to you know beat the shit out of this guy um hey look what a good fighter he is too as he's throwing those punches down on the head instead of hitting him with the fist on the head he turns it at the last minute and gets in some some elbows yeah damn look how quick the
Starting point is 02:00:53 security gets there look at the bald bald black dude and the bald white dude heck yeah i got a lot of respect for those guys because i've always wondered what type of person i'd be in a situation like that in a flight or a fight mode flight or fight yeah mode if i'm gonna be a fighter or if i'm gonna run away with my you know tail between my pants i'd like to think i would fight but you just never know until you're put into that situation you do you remember the last time you told someone to fuck off like just like on the street or like, or just anywhere, like in your car, like someone likes tailgate you and they pull up next to you at a light, you will under the window. You're like, Hey, and they lower the window.
Starting point is 02:01:29 You're like, fuck off, man. You know, I think I've only been so angry in my life twice that I'd want to try to beat the shit out of somebody. And it's both, it's both been times that people did me wrong in business oh oh yeah and uh well have you ever been with ariel when someone when someone cat calls her uh that's happened actually once when we were dating at a bowling alley and it was like a group of us my sister two of her friends ariel and these guys mexicans wearing their dallas cowboys t-shirts came over there and were trying to holler at the girls and they were trying to
Starting point is 02:02:16 haul or they were trying to holler that's what they were doing you know trying to holler and uh the first time i let it slide because the women, like Ariel and them, said, no, we're not interested. But after the second time, I did approach them and I'm like, dude, they already told you no. And that was the time I did think I was going to get into a fight because, you know, they were hoodlums, I guess you could call it. You know, they weren't scared to get into a fight. But I just told them, like, dude, they're not interested're not interested leave us alone and they're like let's go outside let's take us to the parking lot and I would have gotten jumped because it was like four guys and it was me and one other guy so it wouldn't have worked out well but yeah that's that's big Ariel's been catcalled there
Starting point is 02:03:01 and other times Ariel's just been told that she is beautiful from a man while I was there. Like, respectfully. Right. Hey, I mean, you got to be cool with that. Well, first of all, if you think you're the only person who wants to fuck your wife and you're a man in this world, you're out of your fucking mind. Like, you didn't pick a woman. You're like, fuck, I'm going to pick a fucking chick with only with no arms no legs and a fucking eye missing so no one else wants to fuck oh you i mean like no one's no one's doing that picking a chick
Starting point is 02:03:32 but on top of that um her without a fan base there's no there's no career for um it's like if people didn't need rain gutters there there'd be no job for your dad. So if there weren't people who admired Ariel for her physical abilities, her beauty, her grace, how she performs on the world stage at the CrossFit Games, she couldn't do it and make money. So I guess there's a uh a give and take but it's not like she all the guys out like this sport if these girls were wearing fucking burkas out there uh no this sport would be dead in the water yeah 100 i mean i'm not ignorant to the fact i'm not criticizing you by the way either but the bra and panty working on your bra and panties part is is like like i mean we're at
Starting point is 02:04:25 the 51 yard line of what makes this thing roll oh yeah dude no there's i'm not ignorant to the fact that there's men and probably women out there that would lots of women yeah that desire ariel that probably go and rub one out you know to to the thought of ariel i i did that when i was younger you know so ladies and gentlemen if you're rubbing one out to anything crossfit puts out you have fucking serious issues so you ever rub one out to any crossfit content me no yeah yeah me neither that's just fucking crazy the crossfit games is like the worst porn ever jesus christ but but there are you're right there are there's fucking a half million people dudes out there who do
Starting point is 02:05:07 yeah and I think you know a lot of my growth as a person has come through that because I would say my biggest fault as a person is trust wow did you dig through her phone do you read Ariel's text no not like that I've never you're up at night being like I'll fucking go dig through her phone you do you read uh ariel's texts no not like that i've never but
Starting point is 02:05:25 you want you're up at night being like i'll fucking go over to her phone i swear to fucking god i'll go look in those dms see what sebi's saying to her yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't i'd be lying if i said the thoughts never gone through my mind about yeah one this is when we're younger not in our marriage because my trust has grown a lot but from the time when we started dating and I would say not right when we started dating but a little bit more when we started having you know issues in our relationship to before we got married I had a lot of trust issues and that just stems from when I was younger and the relationship issues that my parents had. Yeah, of course, I'm going to grow up with some trust issues.
Starting point is 02:06:09 I mean, I don't think there's no way around it. But I saw that my parents had trust issues and the way my mom knew what my dad was doing and not trusting him, that I'm going to have some kind of trust issues in my relationship growing up. And those are things that I've worked on. I've of trust issues in my relationship growing up. And those are things that I've worked on. I've never been one to look through her phone. I've been more as a person like I'm going to trust you until you do something that gives me a reason not to trust you. And that did happen in our early years when we were dating. And I just had to overcome that uh that issue and just work on my trust and there you know there was a point to where I think Ariel wasn't as devoted to our relationship as I was and I was probably oh she pulled the internet right there she was sitting
Starting point is 02:07:01 by the internet the whole time she just cut the cord you froze for a second yeah and um so yeah there was issues when we were in our early years dating with me not trusting her and that's actually how i got this messed up eye right here why what happened uh all right So good story. Okay. Back in the day when we were dating, she had told me that she had deleted her Snapchat. Okay. And so the preference before that is I felt like I couldn't trust her because she would talk to some guys and I never know what anything led to. And I, as people usually build up things worse in our heads
Starting point is 02:07:55 than they actually are. Right. And so, uh, I just felt like I couldn't trust her. And so she says she deleted, you know, you were but the truth is you were insecure about her talking to other dudes yeah 100 yeah you know yeah i guess that's how i was insecure and so i felt like i couldn't trust her it was 100 i think a me thing because ariel's never i've never been able to besides just maybe seeing somebody that she talked to that i didn't approve of right there was nothing that i could see that she had been um misleading me or be unfaithful to me you never went you never went you never went to her house and you went to her bedroom and there was a used condom in the trash can 100 yeah yeah nothing along those lines or anything. And it was just all me being speculating and 100% insecure. And so then just issues arise. So anyways, she told me, like, I didn't tell her to delete her Snapchat. And you familiar with Snapchat?
Starting point is 02:09:03 I know of it. I've never used, I tried, I had it on my phone for a second. I couldn't figure it out for the life of me. It's like, it was like, but I understand like it's, it's where you, things disappear. You send like dick pics and then they disappear. Yeah. Yeah. But you can still see who they are communicating to. And so she's just like communicating with people that I probably wouldn't approve of, especially, like I said, I think I was at a different level of commitment to our relationship where I wouldn't say I had any female friends because I just think that can lead to issues.
Starting point is 02:09:37 But anyway, so she told me, she's like, I'm going to delete my Snapchat. And I was like, you don't need to delete your Snapchat. I just don't want you Snapchatting these guys. And I just think it's weird if you're doing that on a platform like that where things are getting automatically deleted right and so she did she deleted it and long story short we're at a wedding and we're talking amongst our friends and stuff and one of her friends mentions to her, hey, have you been getting these things that I sent you on Snapchat? And that's where I come to find out, like, hey, you told me you deleted Snapchat. But when we're not around, you're redownloading the app.
Starting point is 02:10:20 Sounds good to me. Yeah. Sketchy, right? So you can't check it, motherfucker yeah yeah yeah and so i find out that and what what ticked me off because of that is i was like dude don't delete the snapchat i don't care about the snapchat i just care about who you're talking to and but she's like i'm gonna delete it i'm gonna delete it and then when she's not around, she's re-downloading the app. So it's a little – She's a Snapchat addict.
Starting point is 02:10:47 She's a Snapchat addict. Yeah, who knows? Who knows? You know, that's one thing I've talked it up to. This is before our marriage, and it is what it is. You know, nobody's perfect. Dude, that sounds perfect to me. I'm not even giving her a ding for that.
Starting point is 02:11:03 Man, I did some – That's good. It, I did some. That's good. It's my insecurities. So. Go ahead. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:11:11 Go ahead. Okay. Well, so I was already pretty intoxicated at this point. I had bought two small little bottles of Fireball. I was planning on getting, you know, it was a wedding. I was planning on drinking. Yeah. I had drinking. I had drunk one already. And so when I found out that she is redownloading the Snapchat app, when we're not
Starting point is 02:11:31 around, I went and drank the other one. I was like, Oh, I'm like, F this man. I'm going to get wasted tonight. And so, so I got wasted. It was the first time I ever blacked out. I don't always thought people talking about blacking out was fake until it happened yeah yeah yeah yeah and so we're driving home from the wedding well we're driving to her parents house I was going to stay with her at her parents house because the wedding was in a town she was living at and I was upset and I just told her you know let me out of the car I don't want to you know be around you right now and so she lets me out of the car. And that's the last memory I have until I wake up from this blackout and I'm walking on some railroad tracks. Oh, shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:14 So I'm walking on these railroad tracks and I come to a stationary train that has these oil tankers, you know, about 15 feet up, as high as a train can get. And there's just a line of them. And I have the smart idea that I'm going to climb up this oil tanker, and I'm going to run from one to the next, you know, I don't know, just being young and dumb. And so I did climb up there, run from one tanker to the next. And then once I got exhausted, I'm like, I'm gonna turn back around, get off from where I came from. And I'm going to find my way back to Ariel's house and whatever. Well, somewhere along the lines of walking back, I tripped and fell. And the last thing I remember is trying to grab the top of the train. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:58 And then I wake up and my whole left side of my body is hurting, tore up. I can't see. are you are you on the ground are you on the ground yeah i'm on the ground so i fell you know 15 feet ish standing up straight to the ground and then tracks are usually kind of built up so you know i probably i fell a good 15 to 20 feet on a rocky surface and it knocked me out next thing i know i wake up and my whole left side of my body is hurting it hurts to breathe my arms tore up and i can't see out of my eye and so i pull out my phone and i call ariel and i only got out baby i'm not doing so well and then my phone dies oh shit yeah and so I have no idea where I'm at.
Starting point is 02:13:46 You know, like I said, I blacked out and somehow I got to this train place and got there. So I spend the next I walked all night. I spend the next like six, seven hours getting my way back to Ariel's house. And I wasn't really familiar with the city. So I just knew once I got to this interstate, I could get to Ariel's house and I wasn't really familiar with the city. So I just knew once I got to this interstate, I could get to Ariel's house. And eventually I found the interstate, got to Ariel's house, showed up as the sun is rising, knock on her door, she opens it and just starts crying. And actually go to my Instagram page and you'll see my messed up eye after I had surgery. Oh, you had to have surgery?
Starting point is 02:14:25 Yeah. Can you had to have surgery? Yeah. Can you zoom in on that? Yeah, that's like 35 stitches. So I ripped my eyelid off of my eye, and it was hanging on the side of my face. And so I had to get a reconstructive surgery to reattach the muscle that lets me blink. And then I had to get X amount. He said like 35 stitches above my eyelash or my eyebrow to stitch that all back together.
Starting point is 02:14:56 And then I had, I would assume a few broken ribs because it hurt to breathe for, for X amount of months or weeks. Yeah. Yeah. And then I had to get stitches on my arm as well I tore my arm open so um yeah and then I married Ariel after that how long did you stop drinking after that uh I've never gotten to that intoxication rate since then I learned a lesson from that I'm not gonna ever black out I'm never gonna drink out
Starting point is 02:15:26 of anger and I we rarely don't we don't drink you know the last time that I drank was when Ariel won or not won but podiumed at the games so that's the last time I had a sip of alcohol and that was probably with me and that was probably with me at the dinner table no it was at the after party I got drunk oh oh oh oh uh i got a funny story about that too if you want to hear please please you started snapchatting with daniel you snapchat with daniel brandon now yeah if i was doing that area would be so upset with me but no um so i got pretty intoxicated at the when aerial podium at the uh crossfit games at the after party yeah and our flight the next morning was leaving pretty early and i've never been one to have good hangovers
Starting point is 02:16:13 i usually like i'm puking the next day until almost like alcohol is a poison i'm puking till like five o'clock in the evening just constantly and so uh we're we're over here going to the airport i'm feeling like shit i'm throwing up yeah i have a huge hangover wow and do you know what the dads are no but but was she was she hung over like that too no she didn't drink oh she had one drink yeah she i've seen in our 11 years together i've seen ariel drunk twice wow yeah great stories too um but uh so so yeah dads are the day after drinking shits you've never heard of those oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah just like where you got a um basically diarrhea. Yeah. So we're in the airport and I have those, my,
Starting point is 02:17:06 my stomach is grumbling. I'm feeling horrible. And I have to go into a family, one of those family stalls. Cause it's the only thing that was available where it's wide open. You just lock the door. Yeah. So I'm sitting there,
Starting point is 02:17:20 you know, puking where I'm, I'm pooping. I'm puking where i'm i'm pooping i'm puking and i'm on instagram and ariel has her post come up where she's podiumed at the games and it's an emotional song that's like spirit lead me something along those lines you start crying and you start crying so bro get this i'm i puke cry and shit all at the same time probably little p and probably little peen probably because at that point all the words are coming out and so yeah i i'm so i'm bent over on the toilet there's a drain on the floor yeah i can't you know throw up in the i can't throw up in the toilet because I'm using the toilet.
Starting point is 02:18:12 I'm just bent over, throwing up in this drain, crying, looking at Ariel's post that she just made, that post right there. It was just an interesting mix of emotions that all come together in one. I just thought it was a funny story to myself that I'm over here feeling like crap. I'm puking my guts out I'm pooping and then at the same time I'm super emotional about what Ariel accomplished and still you know to this day if you play that I might cry because that thing makes me so hold on hold on one second hold on one second we have to take a one minute break while I pee my bladder is about to pop you don't even have to want to do crossfit't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a trainer. If you just want the operating manual to your body, it's not just Forging Elite Fitness.
Starting point is 02:18:53 It's the operating manual to the human genome. You'll take this CrossFit Level 1 seminar and you will walk away inspired. From the second you leave, your entire life will change. inspired. From the second you leave, your entire life will change. You will make significant changes to your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your diet. You'll start tweaking with your movement. You'll start tweaking with who you hang out with. Everything will take a shift. For some people, it'll be massive. For some people, it'll be a little bit. No matter what, people it'll be massive for some people it'll be a little bit no matter what you'll move towards a better life everyone is going to sense it in you that you are more accountable more personally responsible happier more helpful more thoughtful human being and you'll be nicer to look at
Starting point is 02:19:42 you might talk too much shit about CrossFit, but. Better. Okay. So, so you're puking into the drain. I need to run a commercial for vindicate for now on, whenever I take a break, I need to sell more shirts. You're pooping, you're puking and you're crying and you're peeing.
Starting point is 02:20:09 Well, and, and scrolling through Instagram. Not just looking at what Ariel posted. I'm just, this is on repeat, you know, even still to,
Starting point is 02:20:19 to today, we can't believe that Ariel podium at the games. It, it seems like a dream it's unreal not in our wildest imagination would we ever think that ariel would stand on the podium we're dude laura horvat wrote love you ariel i didn't even know laura had love in her heart that's amazing dude laura is one of the coolest people at the games and her and ariel have an awesome relationship oh wow i love i personally i love laura she's awesome yeah me too but it's it's one way she's not reciprocating it's just one way i love her too but it's the fucking one way i don't know
Starting point is 02:20:59 dude i think she's definitely playing that game that you think y'all are playing that's why i love her because i see that in her i see her being that kind of person i'm here for it i'm here for it i'm here for yeah i mean the other day when i called her phone she could have just um she could have just not answered instead she passed it off to her brother yeah i talked to christoph about that at a lot of you did yeah i did i because i was watching i watch you i basically watch you every morning i thank you i usually don't watch you live i'll just throw in an ear pod and that's usually my mornings when i'm working i'm just you know listening to y'all talk it's it's every morning, so I catch about everything that you talk about every day or whatever you're doing.
Starting point is 02:21:47 I believe that was Christmas morning, something along those lines, that you called her and Christophe... Oh, maybe it was Christmas morning. Maybe it was. God, no wonder she doesn't like me. The audacity to fucking just call her on Christmas morning. Jesus Christ. I will say that was the only thing Christophe wasn't crazy about
Starting point is 02:22:03 was that you had called on Christmas morning. Fuck that dude. Beat his ass when I see him. I'm going to tell you this. This is what a prick I am. I asked someone to be on my podcast and they said, sorry, I can't. It's my birthday. In my mind, i was like uh like that's not an excuse that's like oh you
Starting point is 02:22:34 should be thankful oh there's no better way i'd like to spend my birthday than be on the sebon podcast that's what i'm thinking yeah i mean if you asked me to be on your podcast for my birthday i would think it would be super awesome. What about Christmas? Would you come on on Christmas? How about Christmas morning? Would you come on Christmas? I would, but I would also ask Ariel if it's okay. Like if we're going to speak for two hours or something along those lines, I would definitely ask Ariel about it. I personally would want to, but if she's like, hey, that's going to take away from us opening presents and spending family time. Hey, dude, it's the Christian thing to do is to come on this podcast
Starting point is 02:23:10 on Christmas morning and give. Caleb, stop. It's not a laughing matter. This is serious as a heart attack. Hunter and Hiller came on here Christmas morning because it's their way of giving back. It's a day of giving. It's what God would want them to do.
Starting point is 02:23:26 Yeah, that's true. It was their gift from them to you. To everyone, to all of humanity. Yeah. Next kid Ariel has when we're in labor, I'll hop on. Let's do a lot. Yes, yes, yes. How about Kara Saunders?
Starting point is 02:23:44 Do you like her? Yeah. she's like the australian version of maybe ariel but with the she got a little more she got edge to her i think maybe ariel has some edge to her though that we just haven't seen yet she keeps on the down low but that you see it yeah like when ariel turns off the lights in the bedroom you you ain't turning them back on like when she goes to bed you ain't fucking around if you got to do something like you got to leave the room and do it yeah exactly no yeah she's it's my wife's not like that i'll turn on the fucking lights i don't care but you i know you can't do that she'll fuck you yeah you know the thing about cara is i really she's probably one of the only ones i really haven't
Starting point is 02:24:18 gotten to know because i only saw her at one games you know she wasn't here this past year and she wasn't there ariel's first year because of covid okay say that again she's one of the only ones you haven't gotten to know because of why because she hasn't been around while ariel's been at the games because she was you know pregnant this last year and then the year before that she was at the games and we we spoke a little bit with her but not a lot and the year before that she had COVID I believe I can't remember but she's only been at one of the games that Ariel's been at versus the women that have been there all three years that Ariel's competed we've gotten to know
Starting point is 02:24:58 all of them really well especially the last this last year we've made friends with i almost want to say we're like friends with everybody especially on the women's side since that's what ariel competes in that's what i focus on how about gazan how about gazan gazan jake gazan and alex gazan i could see you guys like going on a cruise with them or some shit oh yeah 100 i would say out of the top the top five uh that we're like really close with the closest would probably be emily roth and her husband oh yeah yeah yeah they seem cool as shit if you guys do oh i want to go on a cruise with emily and her husband you and ariel and kazan and jake oh we would that would be so fucking fun. Those are – her husband's funny as shit.
Starting point is 02:25:46 Oh, bro, dude. Emily's husband. He's so funny, dude. I wish I was that funny. He's such a good guy. Yeah, me too. Yeah. And I like Kyle so much because he's just another dude.
Starting point is 02:25:58 I kind of feel like – Jessica, you can come too. We need someone with – Jessica, you come too. We need you there. Yeah. You know, I think a lot of guys backstage, most of them are coaches, and they kind of act in that role. There's a few that don't. Alexis Raptus is coach. Yeah, he's cool. I like him. He's such a cool dude. I love him.
Starting point is 02:26:23 I love her too. What a cool chick. Oh, dude, love her too what a what a cool chick oh dude yeah she's awesome she's so kind yeah i like her and not presumptuous and not presumptuous there's nothing um she's so she's so approachable i really like her yeah she's she's sweet i equate her i think you said before she's like the girl next door that yeah if my if uh if i could my my younger brother uh man that's the guy that i would set them up with for marriage yes yes you can you can i think you could set that up she might be a little out of my brother's league but nah nah nah but us us low ends we like to we get the girls out of our leagues yeah totally she needs alexis needs a bad boy is your brother a bad boy she's so pure she needs a bad boy nah bro my brother
Starting point is 02:27:12 is the good like one of the best kids out there he just graduated tech with a civil engineering degree but she needs that too she needs a guy with a good job so she can keep pursuing her fruitless uh uh no money crossfit career yeah he uh bro he put himself through school he did every he did all the things that i thought i couldn't do and uh talking about proud i try to tell him how proud i am of him all the time because i always i always had the excuse that i couldn't go to college because I'd have to pay for it. And I still have to pay other bills. But he was able to do all the things that I said weren't possible. And I wish I was a better brother and we would have had more time when we were younger to live together.
Starting point is 02:27:59 Because the only times we lived together was when he was really young and it fell on my shoulders or my sister's shoulders to take care of them and then when my parents divorced and she got remarried he left with them and so we really didn't have our teenage years or his teenage years for me to be like a big brother to him and now i mean he's besides my dad he's probably my other best friend And now, I mean, besides my dad, he's probably my other best friend. And we have a really close relationship. And I always want – he graduated this fall, and I just keep reminding him how proud I am of him because he has accomplished some things that I personally couldn't have done. And so that's one person I also tell, too, I love.
Starting point is 02:28:43 You know, I'm working on getting that to my dad so he can say it without feeling awkward but I do tell my brother all the time I love him so much he was just here yesterday for my uh daughter's birthday party and you know we spend all together we were I made him work I made him help me install garage doors you you know, and he's awesome. Yes. Yes. Yeah. He wants to make, uh, my mom tells me all the time that he looks up to me a lot. And so I can literally make him do anything because he knows it'll make me proud of him. So I can stuff your room into work in because he knows that if he works with me, that I'll be proud of him or i love to hear sibling stories like that i love to hear because i want my boys to get along so well i want them to be best friends
Starting point is 02:29:31 hey you know what i really like about jake gazan too is how proud he's so i mean i mean it comes off of youtube by the way but he's so proud of his wife yeah he's the husband and also her biggest fan he's so fucking proud and he should be proud of her he doesn't it doesn't seem like he takes a second of it for granted it's like i'm just so impressed that his um he you can just tell it oozes off of him how excited he is about what she's doing. It oozes off of you too. I mean it's really – those women are blessed to have two – Ariel and Alex are blessed to have you and Jake in their lives to support them like that. Some fucking husbands – I don't know these kind of people,
Starting point is 02:30:26 but some husbands would be fucking jealous of their wife's success. Yeah, dude, people have actually asked me about that. And, dude, there's nothing but pride in Ariel. The way I equate it to is when, let's say, somebody that has a child and they're super competitive and they were an athlete younger and they had dreams of being a professional athlete and then they lived through their kid and because when i was younger i was athletic i did play sports in high school a little bit and i didn't want to be a professional baseball player that was my. You know, as we're young, we have dreams.
Starting point is 02:31:05 And now Ariel's being a professional athlete, I feel like I'm living my dreams through Ariel. You don't know how much fun I have going to these competitions and getting to see her compete and just the experiences that we've been able to have. The past three years have definitely been the best years of my life just being able to see Ariel grow and do something that was her dream because you know she's been doing CrossFit since like 2012-2013 and I was there when she started CrossFit I was there when she did her first competition and how much love she had for it and the fire she had to compete. And also, I got to see the downside of when she thought she wasn't good enough to make it to the Games because she
Starting point is 02:31:54 always fell short of that goal. And now just the success that she's had the last three years, dude, it's been, it makes me emotional when i think about it because i couldn't be more proud of what she's been able to accomplish the last three years and live out her dream because not many people get to live out their dream you know i'll never be a professional baseball player i don't know what what dream did you have when you were younger um beaver same with you like i'm sure y'all had dreams that y'all wanted to be maybe a professional athlete or some so i don't know about savannah my junior year my junior year there was an essay oh what is your dream what where do you see yourself in in like 20 or 30 years and i swear to god my essay was is that i worked in a brothel and that and that i was yeah i was so proud of that i was
Starting point is 02:32:48 so proud of that fucking essay hey um here's the thing you are she may be living her dream but you're doing something so important it's almost even more important than people who are living their dreams, you're witnessing. And when I think of people like Shane Orr or Sammy or Rich Froning's wife, Hillary, or you or Jake, it takes a very special person to be a witness around a bird that wants to fly up to the sun. that wants to fly up to the sun. You have these, you're married to these people who have these, I don't know if it's Elon Musk type aspirations, but they're fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:33:32 They think we're going to go to Mars. And instead of squashing their dreams or arguing their limitations for them, you take the stance of the witness. You're there to hold the space for them and be a witness and make room for them to live their dream. It's like the difference between the sun and the earth, right? The sun just does one thing. It just shines down that ball of fire on the earth.
Starting point is 02:33:58 And then all the miracles happen here. So it's almost like she's the earth and you're the sun, right? You just shine the light on her, hold the space, and be there for her while the miracle of fucking existence unfolds in front of you. But without you, it might not happen. And it takes such a fucking – that so many people will not either be great or get to be around people who are great because they don't know how to operate and not hold other people's dreams back. And, um, and, and, and those people, uh, Emily Rolfe, um, uh, um, Ariel, Alex, Suzanne, they're blessed to have humans like you in their life who will be there to, uh, to, to, to, to witness it for them, to, to make that a safe place for them to have these crazy unrealistic goals and then achieve them. Do you, do you know what clicked for, well, do you know what makes you, what quality of, about you that makes you
Starting point is 02:34:59 capable to be that kind of person, to be around someone who can achieve greatness? to be that kind of person to be around someone who can achieve greatness um i don't know i just want to see everybody be able to do their best you know i mean like i guess one of the best things we could want for other people is to be i guess happy successful i want other people to feel the same way I would want to feel. But you could have said to her, but Dylan, you could have said to her, hey, Ariel, you haven't made it to the games yet. We want to have kids. You could have given the whole, let's get our life started.
Starting point is 02:35:38 Stop chasing these dreams. Go get a job at Starbucks. In five years, you'll be the district manager for all the Starbucks in the area. You'll have health insurance. You'll be making $103,000 a year. I'll have my construction job. Just be cool, girl. Just be just, and instead you were like, you didn't do that. Yeah. Well, I wouldn't want to hold somebody back from their dreams. You know, one of my dreams also was to be a business owner. And when we were younger and I would need financial backing, me and Ariel aren't even dating.
Starting point is 02:36:07 She's always been really well with money and has savings. She wouldn't hesitate to give me $10,000 and we're only dating. She supported me and what I would want to do. How could I not support her in chasing something she wants to do? I've always 100% believed that Ariel had the potential to go to the CrossFit Games because from day one, she was a phenomenal athlete. It's just those opportunities weren't there when she was younger chasing the dream. I hate to, I don't know, I'm not even saying that I hate to say it, but I just don't think spiritually Ariel was ready to make that next step to go to the games.
Starting point is 02:36:51 Because before she made it to the games, CrossFit was at the top of her pyramid. It was all about CrossFit. Then it was family, relationship, faith. Then it was family, relationship, faith. And Ariel changed that pyramid and put faith on top. And when that happened, I'm going to say God blessed her with like, hey, now you're ready. Because nothing changed. You know, Ariel.
Starting point is 02:37:22 I was going to ask you what clicked for her. And I thought you were going to be like she started incorporating pull-ups more or she ran more. But it's not that. You're saying she changed her priorities. She changed her priorities. And CrossFit no longer was at the top of her pyramid that held so much weight on who she was as a person, her success. And she put God in that place. And I feel like God was like, man, now, my child, you're ready to do something great through me. And that's just how I equate it,
Starting point is 02:37:58 because that's the only thing that changed. Have you ever talked to her about that, or you're just thinking this now? No, no, I've talked to her about that we've we've had that the only the joke that i say is to everybody the only things that changed that made her great was either one she took my last name and and so when she took my last name i gave her super abilities to make it to the games or to something about having a child did something to her as well mentally that changed her mentality I think giving probably birth this it's superhuman and that maybe gave her also the ability to think that I can achieve anything and so those two things the funny one is the last name but having a child and taking my last name were probably, besides God, the reasons she made it to the games. There is a selflessness of taking someone else's name that maybe a piece of her that was maybe holding her back, she let go of, and she transformed. And that's not – it's not so much the taking of your name is just a symbol of that, but it's not actually that. But it probably does point to something that freed her yeah well
Starting point is 02:39:27 you know what i mean like like a shedding of the skin and sort of like this rebirth and it's and it's a um all of those things combined there probably is something there yeah i would say so and you know she had an awesome last name it was armstrong oh that is a good last name fuck yeah so Ariel Armstrong that's strong as shit wow it is strong and so she really loved that name for CrossFit and she thinks about it now too sometimes Lowen's good dude Lowen Lowen's good that she yeah Lowen's good trust me hey and here's the thing she changed it in time i didn't even know that like there's other athletes that like tia toomey will always be tia toomey she'll never be tia or in our heads you know what i mean yeah a hundred percent so she changed yeah i i think of her everyone knows who ariel lowen is so she changed it a good time. Heck yeah. And honestly, it's almost like a manifest destiny.
Starting point is 02:40:26 So Ariel's name means like a lion, I believe, or lion of, I think it's lion of God. And our last name, Lowen, means like a lion. And then my first name means something about lions. So it's weird how the lion is kind of incorporated now with Ariel's first name, her last name, and my first and last name as well. Oh no, Dylan, I'm sorry, I don't think Dylan has anything to do with lion, but Loen and Ariel both mean lion in some kind of terms. And so I think that's kind of cool that that kind of play together. And so that's like why we have her where she works out in her gym is the lions did. And
Starting point is 02:41:12 then the gym that we're building right now back behind our house, we're gonna try to name it something on the basis of a lion. We thought about pride, but nowadays when i think of pride it makes me think of lgbtq because i don't know i'm sure you know a pack of lions is a pride yeah yeah yeah but the cat's name in the smurfs was uh um ariel oh really right look there go. I used to watch the Smurfs a little bit. The Smurfs were crazy. 200 dudes and one chick. Smurfette. That was fucking weird.
Starting point is 02:41:53 That's why they were all blue. That's why they were all blue, bro. They had blue balls. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that's actually a little... God, you're so stoked, stoked dude you're living the dream look at that hey point that out there again what are those three towers to the right of it um are those like cages for trees so deer don't eat them what are those things
Starting point is 02:42:14 man to the right see all those towers one two three four five six there's like six pillars they look like they're uh nets for trees so deer don't eat them no those are pillars for a fence oh yeah i'd like to see some fruit trees i'd like to see some fruit trees planted on the property oh is that where you and ariel sleep is that the sacred bed yeah that's where the magic happens right there all the viewers look how clean your house is yeah that's one of the things i appreciate about ariel too is she cleans our house really really well she keeps it nice and tidy i like a tidy house but i'm not one to do that myself so the fact that ariel will do that for me i'm gonna have to plug in my phone real quick.
Starting point is 02:43:06 My wife keeps my house clean too. It's so fucking cool. I'm so, I wake up every morning. I'm the first one to wake up and our kitchen is spotless. I cannot believe how, I can't believe, and all the clothes are always folded and shit.
Starting point is 02:43:19 It's crazy. Oh yeah, no, 100%. Like when we get back from Guadalupalooza, like when we got back from Guadalupooza like when we got back from wadapalooza the first thing she did was she took all of our clothes out it's late at night we get home at like nine o'clock and she's already starting laundry oh i do the laundry i get we fight over i i do the laundry my wife doesn't like it because i like to use the chemical shit but then i triple rinse i probably waste a shitload of water but um but but i don't do the folding but i love doing the wash i like i like pushing the buttons on the machine
Starting point is 02:43:49 and listening to it start up i just like working outside i'll let ariel do everything on the inside all right dylan thank you i can't believe it two hours and 42 minutes i'm on vacation like i've already told myself i'm like fuck i don't even want to do any podcast, let alone anything over 90 minutes. I can't even believe this. Yeah, no problem. I'm glad that we were able to go this long. My only worry was that it was going to be so boring for you that you're going to be 30 minutes into it and be like, all right, thank you. Talk to you later and then no well hey listen so it kind of was like that so i was already last night i text danielle brandon i'm like hey you want to come on at 8 a.m like i thought i'd have you like for i thought i'd have you for like 45 minutes kick you to the curb um talk about you and ariel having sex and then be done and then uh and then have danielle on but fuck dude two hours and 42 minutes it was easy i fucking love you dude you're dope man i appreciate that i love listening to both of
Starting point is 02:44:48 y'all y'all make a great team and i love listening to caleb every day i love listening to caleb me too yeah um uh for those of you who don't know just a quick backstory uh i did behind the scenes for the first time in five years this year. It was very weird for me. I mean, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a dream come true. And every night I just would get up in the morning. I would film all day. I didn't want to really talk to anyone, just do my interviews. And then I would rush back to the hotel. I didn't want to interact really with anyone. And I would rush back to the hotel and Caleb and I would sit down at this table and Caleb and I would order a steak with a
Starting point is 02:45:26 side of broccoli and then just as many margaritas as we could drink. And just about every night, Dylan would come join us. And it was such a fucking treat. You assimilated so well. I was so comfortable around you. I really just wanted to decompress and not talk to anyone. And I never felt like I had to talk to you. You never made me feel awkward. I get social anxiety and you were just like, you didn't, you were so, and I, after the second night, I was kind of like looking for you. Maybe I even started texting you, Hey, we're at dinner. I can't remember, but I was just excited to see you every night. And, uh, and I appreciate you, dude. I appreciate you. You, you added to my, uh, experience this year behind the scenes. I appreciate you. I hope,
Starting point is 02:46:05 I hope I get to do it again and I hope we're in the same hotel and, and we can have steak and, and booze every night again. Yeah. A hundred percent. I'll look forward to it, man. Hope to see you at the Dickies arena.
Starting point is 02:46:17 Yeah. Make sure Ariel makes it to the games just for that reason. So we can hang. Yeah. That's, that's the only reason we're going. So we can have a savant. Awesome. only reason we're going is so we can hang out with Siobhan. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:46:27 All right, buddy. Talk to you soon. Thanks for coming on. All right, not a problem. Thank you. Y'all have a great day, man. Cheers. Keep going.
Starting point is 02:46:38 I drank too much coffee. How many cups you got? You got the big Yeti today. Damn. Yeah, and I made it way too strong. Not enough water? coffee. How many cups you got? You got the big Yeti today. Damn. Yeah. And I made it way too strong. Not enough water. Uh,
Starting point is 02:46:50 it was a pour over and they told me to use one teaspoon and I put like seven teaspoons and I'm fucking, I'm freaking out. Shaking a little bit. A little shaky. Yeah. A little bit. Feels like I'm on drugs. I have Kyra Milligan tonight.
Starting point is 02:47:15 630, two podcasts. While on, I shouldn't say vacation. People are going to start being like, oh, how was your vacation? I hate that word vacation. Don't take vacation. Triggered. Don't take vacation. Triggered. Triggered myself. Let's see. It's going to be tough to top this one, though. That was cool. Oh, good.
Starting point is 02:47:34 I'm glad you liked it. Kyra. Oh, and tomorrow. Shit, tomorrow I have David Pan on. Wow. Okay. Got to get ready. Then Jimmy Letchford, President of GORUCK.
Starting point is 02:47:48 And then Greg Glassman. Then Dale Ceron. Do I have two podcasts? No. It's a busy week. Then Tommy Hackenbrook. This is a busy week. All right.
Starting point is 02:48:10 Anything else? There was something I kind of wanted to show you guys. Let me see if I can pull it up. Let me see. Let me see. Let me see. Oh, yeah, look at this. I wonder if I can copy. I should copy.
Starting point is 02:48:35 I don't have an extra monitor. I'm going to give this to you in the private chat. Okay. This is a perfect example of outsourcing discernment this is this is how what i'm about to show you is how dangerous it is to outsource discernment be patient with this piece this piece takes a little while to unfold there's a lady um who is the is the big the big the big wig at cnn she has the big show her name is joy reed she is bat crazy but this is what it looks like when you outsource discernment and when you use that to to club other people over the head, it's like this this this fallacy of. Of outsourcing your discernment to some fake authority, like somehow Gavin Newsom knows that wearing masks is more important than you would know by your own discernment.
Starting point is 02:49:38 So so watch this piece unfold. This piece is absolutely crazy. Here we go. Watch this piece unfold. This piece is absolutely crazy. Here we go. So Joy Reid is advocating for children to read sexual books. You know how liberals are always talking about, oh, they banning books is racist. No, we're trying to ban the pedophilia stuff that's inside of these books. That's not for children. You know, if you vote for Democrat and you call yourself a liberal, you're a little suspect to me. But check this out. The question I'm asking is, what is the expertise that you have and other Moms for Liberty advocates have to decide that a book,
Starting point is 02:50:16 an award-winning book like All Boys Aren't Blue isn't appropriate for students to read? What is your expertise? What a tragic story of a young man who's annually by his adult family members. So you have incest, pedophilia. Joy, you said you'd let me answer, so I'm going to answer for you. In what context is a strap-on dildo acceptable for public schools? Why is it your right or a Moms for Liberty activist's right to say that a parent who wants their child to have access to this book, which gives a personal experience of this author, that why doesn't a liberal parent for instance or a parent of an lgbtq kid why don't they have a right for their child to just have access to this book why is it well man y'all liberals are just nasty so remember
Starting point is 02:50:55 so there's some crazy shit going on there she doesn't want a book that involves incest, pedophilia, and strap-on dildos in her kid's school. And this lady, Joy Reed, is asking her what makes her an expert to say that an award-winning book shouldn't be read to kids and available to them. And then on top of that, she – which is just completely outsourcing the discernment that some group of people who gives an award to a book knows what's best for your child. But then on top of that, she doesn't know this, probably, Joy Reid, but she's leveraging liberals and gay people as all agreeing that that should be there can you imagine having being how do you imagine how hard it is right now to be gay or black when the democratic party ties you to every fucked up thing that's out there no gay person wants to be um i shouldn't say no most gay people probably don't want to be attached to defending a book that involves sodomy that's kept in a kid's elementary or junior high school. And yet she puts them in front as a reason.
Starting point is 02:52:24 because other people are using their own discernment not to have books in the elementary or junior highs that involve incest, pedophilia, and strap-on dildos. If I'm gay or black, I don't want to be leveraged for that. That is CNN, and that is the God that the Democrats are worshiping. Are you guys following that? She just drug the LGBTQ community as the shield to hold up – like if you don't like books in your school for your kids that have incest, pedophilia, strap-on dildos, and sodomy in it, then you hate all Democrats, liberals, and all gay people. She's trying to be divisive like that, and at the same time trying to outsource discernment on how to raise kids to people who give awards for books.
Starting point is 02:53:28 her books. Philip Kelly, correct, Sevan. A lot of the LGBT community don't agree with her. Yeah, I would guess the vast majority. We live in wild times. On behalf of all all of humanity i apologize to people out there who have melanated skin and who are gay and who are being leveraged as as human shields uh for these fucking psychopaths completely fucking unacceptable completely unacceptable all right i wanted to shut up with you guys uh we started the show talking about Mark Bell. Head over to Mark Bell's Instagram account. Give him love. It's got to suck. His YouTube page was nothing about exploring his journey and trying to bring all the smart people onto the Internet to talk about health and fitness and wellness. fitness and wellness. And instead he got kicked out. Uh, I know the guy personally, he's a very, very open-minded man and, uh, we need more people like him. He's open-minded and honest and a man of great, uh, integrity for what I know of him and for him to be booted off like that, uh, for, for having a guest on who talked about the sun and the, and the health issues around the sun or health benefits. Um, I haven't heard the piece yet, but I'm guessing that's what it was about is nuts.
Starting point is 02:54:47 Stephen Flores, we'll get the final word. If you don't like the pedophilia books, then you ain't gay. Yeah, right. It's like that. Wow, Stephen, you nailed it. That's basically what she's saying. All right. Caleb, thank you.
Starting point is 02:55:02 See you guys tonight, 6.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Kyra Milligan. Tomorrow morning, David Pan. David Pan is a PhD and professor of German at the University of Riverside, and he's running for Congress. And he wants to get the DEI out of the university system because it's doing – it's not adding to the diversity. It's actually leaving people out. Because it's not adding to the diversity. It's actually leaving people out. Twitter, I know. Twitter. I know Twitter.
Starting point is 02:55:28 I know Twitter. I love you guys. Bye-bye.

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