The Sevan Podcast - Drew Marvick | Sevan Gets Casted In A Horror Movie #882

Episode Date: April 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Claire Winthorpe and her friends don't know it yet, but they are about to have the worst pool party ever. I'm not going to let you get away with this! I'm not going to let you get away with this! I'm not going to let you get away with this! I'm not going to let you get away with this! I'm not going to let you get away with this!
Starting point is 00:00:50 I'm not going to let you get away with this! I'm not going to let you get away with this! I'm not going to let you get away with this! I'm not going to let you get away with this! I'm not going to let you get away with this! Pool Party Massacre, coming soon. Pool Party Massacre, coming soon. Pool Party Massacre, Coming soon.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Ladies and gentlemen, you, Marvick. Good morning. Damn, you're a glorious man. Just like God. You don't let down at all. Look at you. Oh, man. I appreciate that. Are you in California? I'm in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:01:24 You're in, is it 7 a.m. there? Yeah. Sorry. I'm having some technical issues. We had a power outage here yesterday, and I'm seeing something wants to up. Oh, I apologize. Holy cow. My Rodecaster is not even on.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Here we go. Everything rebooted uh so so is it 7 a.m there brother it is yeah i really appreciate you doing this i'm surprised you didn't ask for a reschedule some people don't like this 7 a.m uh well i mean i don't like to ask for a reschedule okay well you well, you're a good dude. I like to get things done. I figured 7 a.m. was a good time for you guys, so I'd make it a good time for me. Cheers. I was trying to rehash how you came on my radar. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Hold on one second. Hey, Seban, your audio is messed up. Okay, thank you. It should be fixed now. Did you guys see the trailer okay? Was the audio on the trailer okay? If anyone didn't hear the trailer, you gotta see the trailer. Good morning, Heidi.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Good morning. Good morning, Robbie. Good morning, Jody. Good morning, Rosie. Good morning, Barry. My cockiner. The horror story would be the Tillander video. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:39 No inside jokes yet. No, audio is great now. Okay. But how about for the trailer? Did you guys see that uh i i watched that movie last night you did i'm sorry on the uh 50 inch in my garage while i sat on the assault bike um and it's pretty funny because um my kids would come in and out and they really wanted to see it and you know what's funny is
Starting point is 00:03:05 um i only let them watch segments like one to two minutes long but it scared the shit out of them really yeah that's right that's my target audience then even though they shouldn't be watching it because it's not the sound mix it was i it was it was the sound mix well sound mix the sound scared him the sound mix is incredible and that scared him. The sound mix is incredible. That's what makes, I mean, really, that's what makes a horror movie scary is the sound. I mean, maybe when you're little, the visuals too, but I mean, the only thing that gets you to jump out of your seat really
Starting point is 00:03:36 is the mix, is the stinger that gets you to jump out of your seat. And that's when I would see them flinch. It was just the the music yeah it's your it tells your brain you're supposed to be scared and then your brain is scared even though on screen is a six thousand dollar slasher movie i made in my parents backyard that's how much that movie cost yeah wow yeah hey congratulations um i've i've made uh you know probably 10 documentaries a totally different creature documentary filmmaking is lazy man filmmaking i mean it is uh no matter how much hard work you put in it's still lazy man filmmaking well i mean that's i tried to
Starting point is 00:04:21 make a documentary and i started it seven years ago, and I still haven't finished. So I don't know. Maybe I'm not lazy enough. Yeah. What's the subject of that? A cult filmmaker who has been making movies since the 50s that I befriended named Ted V. Michaels. He made a couple really big cult movies, one called Astro Zombies, Another one called Corpse Grinders back in the 60s. And he lived in Vegas and I was just fascinated
Starting point is 00:04:49 by him. He was still making really bad movies in his 80s. Shooting of himself with a camcorder with no money just trying to do the only thing he knew how to do. I just was fascinated by him and liked him as a person. So I was helping him make his movies and trying to make a documentary at the same time and then he
Starting point is 00:05:08 passed away unfortunately like in the middle of making his last movie and the middle of the documentary i changed your uh name here so your instagram's here i hope that's okay yeah yeah authority okay um speaking of cult filmmakers i wanted to ask you about a movie I saw as a little kid. Okay. It's three movies. It's an A, B, and C. I cannot remember the name. I watched them.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Do you already know what it is? No. Horror movie. Okay. I watched them all. I don't know why or where I watched them them but i watched them all probably 20 times each and it's about a man or some creatures that go from town to town basically harvesting bodies out of graveyards and the guy's like really big and like the scary scene is like him carrying the um total low budget movie yeah uh and he carries um
Starting point is 00:06:08 the coffins by himself i'm 51 yeah and i probably saw these movies when i was 12 which would be like 1984 okay man well i don't know i don't know what that would be i mean that would have been lots of scenes in graveyards in um in embalming rooms the guy was huge the main character and he always walked really slow wherever he was going i mean old man i mean it sounds like parts of it sound like you're describing the phantasm movies yes yes that's it all Alright, awesome. Because the villain in the Phantasm movies is known as the Tall Man. And they work in a mortuary and a cemetery. And he has a flying metal sphere. Yes!
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yes! And it'll hit people's heads. Yeah, those movies are great. You should revisit them. So tell me. So I watched your movie and I get i get um a little bit i i this is gonna be weird but i get a little bit of fast times ridgemont high and um porky's sure um to to it um that that genre is that fair yeah i mean i mean those are the movies I grew up watching and loving um and I'm a big fan of
Starting point is 00:07:26 comedy and I guess just in in life um I prefer to be in a good mood and use comedy rather than even like work in horror than fear I mean I watch a movie my favorite horror movies are funny so that's kind of my where I go it's also a crutch in a way because it's a lot harder to scare someone than it is to make someone laugh it is it is i think for me it is yeah i mean you could i mean you could have a character fart in a movie and someone's gonna laugh right but in order to genuinely scare someone and have a real sense of dread and feel like like i did when i watched nightmare on elm street the first time yes i don't know how to do that i would love to and maybe someday but it's a lot easier for me to just make the type of movies that i that i like and
Starting point is 00:08:17 hopefully i can make people laugh and they can unfortunately they're hopefully they're not all sitting on an assault bike. Sevan, you should see Tucker and Dale versus Evil. Yes, you should. That's a great example of a top-tier horror comedy. I have an aversion to straight horror movies. I don't see – I don't – I was just watching – I don't know if you watched the UFC, but I was watching the UFC this weekend weekend and the entire show was sponsored every break and you know there's a hundred breaks had a commercial of this movie it's called like the
Starting point is 00:08:53 evil day something or another part evil dead rise yeah and and it's looks scary as shit yeah like i didn't want to watch the trade i felt i mean i felt like the trailers were unhealthy for me to watch well they might be our horror movies unhealthy i don't think so um i mean i'm sure there you could find an example of someone that took it the wrong way um but i think they would be in the so far in the minority i mean most people watch movies to escape and there's and to get a feeling and to invoke an emotion so it's like a roller coaster i mean it'd be like saying our roller coasters unhealthy because they make you scared or raise your heart rate i mean i haven't seen anything in so long but um like the exorcist do you remember the
Starting point is 00:09:46 first time you saw that yeah i mean i don't i just remember my how old i was i don't actually remember like where i was sitting or anything but i remember the way it made me feel and i've seen it hundreds of times since then or amityville horror or poltergeist poltergeist especially because that's i mean i was born in 77 so so when that came out, I was a kid. And it fit. It's very 80s. If you go back and watch Poltergeist, everything about it is dated, not in a bad way. E.T. with ghosts. It's exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Same neighborhood. But I mean, yeah, it is. But that movie terrified me, because they were also... Terrified me. also, so I could relate to it. So, yeah. And it's funny funny now i show that to my kids and they're not like i remember when i showed them jaws i'm like this i wouldn't go in my own swimming pool for months because of jaws and my son who was nine maybe at the time just laughed at me no shit yeah you were a chicken this is not scary at all that shark looks like it's made out of rubber.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Okay, so that was my point about it being scary. So it's okay. Like, you don't think, like, I was afraid to go in pools too. Forever. Not if you were there or someone else was there, but, like, I wouldn't go swimming by myself. Or I would literally get out of the pool, Drew, and walk around and look in the pool first.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Yeah. I was the same in this. Our pool was in my backyard i mean mine too nothing changed there was you know there's no way a shark could have been introduced but i was terrified i would wait for my friends to come out same thing and there were times where i would just get freaked and swim to the edge and jump out real fast yes hey dick butter also sharks and lemons i. But I would literally, we had a pool, and when I would go swimming by myself, every time I'd walk around and look in, and then I would also do that. I would be swimming, and my imagination would get,
Starting point is 00:11:33 so my imagination would get the best of me, and I would jump out. Yeah. And there's no, I mean, looking back in hindsight as an adult, of course, there's no way a shark is going to be in your pool but it doesn't matter your child mind is convinced so that's the part i'm saying was that unhealthy should we not have been exposed to that did we have bad parents um well i don't know that my one i don't know that my parents had any say i mean i had a little bit more freedom i have great parents still still they're still great parents and they're still together but um they are still together they're still together yeah impressive impressive they beat me um but yeah but i mean they just weren't really worried about me watching things like that so i had access to um all the videos in the video store and my mom actually would record she would go once
Starting point is 00:12:21 a week to our local video store and rent five to ten movies and take them home and spend two days dubbing them all onto blank vhs tapes so that we could watch them at our leisure and she could still return them like the next day and not have to pay additional fees so that was like her move every week so every week we would have a new five to ten new movies to watch and i had access to all of them they were just in our bonus room on a shelf. So trading places. Yeah. Great movie.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Wow. I mean, like my house was the house that kids in the neighborhood would come over. Like when my, if my mom was out playing tennis and we would watch like police Academy too. So we could see boobs. Yeah. That's what I was.
Starting point is 00:13:02 I, when I thought trading places, I thought boobs. Yeah, exactly. Same thing. So those were the movies that friends would come over and then some of them would be dumb enough to tell their parents and then they'd never be allowed over again a top gun yeah i've seen i mean that's those are the movies i would watch with my dad of course yeah she top gun like have you seen top Gun 20 times? Yeah, probably. Yeah, me too. I've probably seen it a hundred times.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Not recently. Like I was oddly not even excited to see the new one. Did you end up seeing it? I did because my son asked about it and it was and it was like, I mean, it was the only thing in the theater at that time. And it was it was currently saving the movie theater industry. So I felt like i needed to go see it um uh they have a movie night at the pool i go to and they show jaws every year wow that's fun i've been to one of those um on a lake where they have a floating screen and you sit in an inner tube with your feet in the water and they show Jaws. No shit. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:14:08 There's a theater chain out of Austin, Texas, the Alamo Drafthouse. I think, as far as I know, they were the first ones to do it. And they used to do it often. You just mentioned that maybe Top Gun 2, Maverick was important to an ailing movie industry. It's funny you say that because I used to know, I mean, like you, I used to ride my, probably ride, I rode my bike to the movie theater. I locked my bike out front and I went inside. And then afterwards there was an arcade
Starting point is 00:14:37 next door and you went to the arcade and then hot dogs were 50 cents. And we, that's how I grew up. I mean, we did that once or we did that every saturday sunday with the other kids in the neighborhood and now i couldn't i can't tell you where i barely know where a theater is in my town and i don't know what's playing and like i recently just went and saw shazam and i would uh i would watch pool party too before i would ever go see another shazam i mean it it's crazy crazy is has the movie industry just taking a shit or what's going on it has but first can i have your permission to put that on the cover of pool party massacre too yes of course is that going to be made is that going to be made
Starting point is 00:15:16 yeah wow because i saw you you you completed your uh gofundme you're crowdsourcing yeah like before covid yeah amazing and then everything got shut down but yeah it'll get made i mean i owe it to everyone that contributed and i just need to i'm very goal oriented and it's been driving me crazy now for four years that i haven't finished it uh alien movie industry what do you know what happened do you have a theory um well i mean i specifically the theaters it was covid i mean it was already they were already suffering a little bit because of streaming and everything but then when covid happened of course and so my comment was just that like top
Starting point is 00:15:54 gun was what got i mean it broke box office records like at a time when no one was going to the theaters and then all of a sudden maverick sat in the theaters for i don't know how many weeks it was there but it was there for a long time just filling those seats and i don't know what it is if it was the nostalgia if it's tom cruise if it's scientology magic i have no idea what it was jets jets i like i mean i guess i mean yeah, I mean, red blooded Americans, there's fighter jets and yeah, but it worked. And it sat, I think it sat for two years because I remember seeing the first trailer when it first came out and being so excited about it.
Starting point is 00:16:35 And then it just kept getting postponed. Right. And postponed. Yeah. Cause I remember when they were, well, I remember when they were shooting it, I was on a job in San Diego on a set and like our wardrobe stylist was also had just wrapped top gun she was a wardrobe stylist on that and that was way before it came out um you there isn't a uh a lazy bone in your body it is so clear how hard you work by going through your Instagram. It is absolutely nuts how much you've done. You even have a fake head of yourself.
Starting point is 00:17:15 I do. Actually, I don't have it anymore. But that was from a movie called The Barn Part 2. And the effects team made that head for my spoiler for my death um yeah and then i was lucky enough to to have it but a fan just bought it off me and so it now lives in houston texas on a shelf how much did it go for i sold it to him for pretty cheap because he's a huge fan that's now become a friend and so his and his wife got it for him for christmas so it was more like me giving this fan a christmas present in a way does any part of you uh feel
Starting point is 00:17:53 bad that you parted with that it does um there's a second one there were two made for the movie and so i'm currently in the works to get the other one that's at the director's studio because i miss it the the pool party movie yeah i would miss that too that's director's studio because i miss it the the pool party yeah i would miss that too that's that's uh but i think you did the right thing don't get me wrong i don't yeah i mean i get yourself i also had two from pool party i had two severed head props that were my ex-wife's head i sold those as well i don't miss those. You're recently separated from your wife? It's been, I think it's almost three years now. And how old are your kids? My son is 16 and my daughter's 12. Wow. That's intense. That's a lot. It is. I mean, and I don't, I've never done it before,
Starting point is 00:18:42 so it's all new to new to me, but I think we're in a good situation. Like we had a nice and amicable split. It was, you know, one of those relationships where it felt like it was coming for a long time. And so we were able to just talk about it and split and she got an apartment and the kids live with me and which i guess that's the unique every time i say that i people kind of tilt their head like wait you have two kids and they both live with you um but yeah hey congrats congratulations there's nothing better than kids yeah i love my kids and she's still involved like she didn't bail or anything she's still in town and sees sees him every chance she gets.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I just was the more active parent. She is a very corporate. She's an accountant and has a very corporate job and works a lot. And I'm a good for nothing filmmaker who has a lot of free time. Well, it is interesting in your post. And I went through them all the way back to the beginning where it starts off with just a lot of kid photos. I do appreciate the write-ups that say there are some posts in there, several, a lot of posts in there that talk about, hey, they're jokes, but they're sincere. I juggle work and kids and then back to work and then kids and work and kids. And I get it because I'm doing the exact same same thing and I wouldn't have it any other way. Like it's basically,
Starting point is 00:20:09 it's just jump off the podcast and immediately start partying with the kids. Yeah. And it's, and that, that party changes obviously as they get older, but it doesn't go away or at least I'm not, I'm trying not to let it, but, but in my kids my kids have always been super involved in in my life you know so like they've been like a pool party masker i have pictures of them on set like they were on set every day because we shot at my parents house my dad or mom would pick them up from the bus stop and bring them to the house and if we were shooting a scene they couldn't see they'd have to go upstairs or in the basement and otherwise they were there my son would like work the blood sprayer for kill scenes
Starting point is 00:20:48 and things like that there's an amazing photo in here i hate to tell you what happened to my notes i don't want my audience to know either they'll fucking harass me i put all my notes on gmail and then save them in a draft and this morning i had three computers open and, and I had a link all set up to show when you said that. And it was of your son and your daughter standing in the entryway of the house. They were outside and there was someone on the ground with an ax in their head. It was like the dead pizza guy,
Starting point is 00:21:18 I think. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. His guts are spilled out.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yes. Yeah. Maybe that's what it was. Yes. Yes. The dead pizza guy. Yes. And of course I don't have it to show you now.
Starting point is 00:21:27 God, I'm a schmuck. In the back there, you have four axes. Oh, yeah. Which seems apropos for a horror movie guy. I do. I have a collection just from movies that I've worked on. So the one on the end is from a movie called Axemus 2 where I played a killer Santa. The next one is like a clown axe from a movie called Popcorn Killer I did.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And then there's one from Pool Party Massacre. And I think the last two are both from Pool Party Massacre actually. Heidi Krum, holy smokes, imagine using your ex-wife's severed head in a horror movie well yeah i mean it made for great joe i used to bring it on the road when i was promoting pool party massacre and it made she was my wife at that time and it made for great jokes when i now it got weird when it was my ex-wife's severed head wasn't it funny uh this guy is the big lebowski it's funny you say that there is a series of photos in his instagram where he's wearing the uh big lebowski
Starting point is 00:22:31 sure yeah people started photoshopping my face on the big lebowski and making fan art so my girlfriend bought me the sweater and now it's just evolved what what what happened to your body in the last 10 years you um you got you got pretty fit i did um so congratulations by the way you look awesome oh thanks well i'm going back the other direction i need to curb that but um i had a i got a movie role where i had a fight scene in my underwear, and I decided I wanted to get into shape because I was certainly not in shape. So I went to my local CrossFit gym. Reluctantly, I walked in thinking that everyone was going to make fun of me and shoo me away for not being physically fit. And I found the opposite and then you know started doing crossfit got in
Starting point is 00:23:26 pretty good shape for that movie and then just kept doing it for whatever that was like till covid happened so three years what do you do you walk in there and you're like hey i'm gonna be um let me ask this when they cast you did they did they want a frumpier version of you were they disappointed when you took off your shirt and you were all muscular and shit? No, it was – and I didn't get super muscular by the time. You're pretty muscular. You're a big dude. How big are you?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Six foot. Yeah, you look – I mean, you look great. Now I'm like 225. For that – I only had three months to get into shape for that role though. So I didn't get – I just lost a little bit of weight and felt less embarrassed about being in tighty-whities and having a fight scene against a wizard. But CrossFit is where that kind of jumpstarted. But then I got in the best shape of my life during COVID,
Starting point is 00:24:13 which is the opposite of like everyone else I know, because I, I ran, like my, my box closed, which for like, what we thought was going to be two weeks, I guess it was like the two week reset. And I decided I was going to run a 5k every day until till it opened again and it never opened and i ran a 5k every day for like two years wow every morning i woke up at 5 a.m ran a 5k took my kids to school and then started my day and then i started introducing like hit workouts and garage workouts after I'd run, after I'd drop off my kids.
Starting point is 00:24:49 What CrossFit gym were you going to in Las Vegas? I almost said Sin City Horror Fest. Sin City CrossFit. Who was the owner of that? TJ. I don't know if I know who that is. I must know who that is. You might.
Starting point is 00:25:03 There still is a Sin City CrossFit main, like the first one that ever existed. And so TJ had like, was like a franchisee of Sin City, I guess. And so he had Sin City South and it was just right by my house. And it was great. I mean, well, you know all about CrossFit, obviously.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Greg Glassman said that um people who start doing crossfit um three things happen to them i forget what i can't remember one of them but um they they either uh quit their job and get a new job or they get a raise at their current job uh their relationship with their current person either gets better or they get out of it and then there was a third one did your crossfitting have anything to do with your relationship changing i not instantly because it had been years but it did cite one of the reasons that she didn't like that i exercised so much oh she didn't no it was a weird yeah that's a weird that that is weird that's like i had a friend who lost his girlfriend because she hated the fact that he would order healthy food at restaurants and it made me boring.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And then I started ordering healthy food at restaurants, which made me even more boring. And then I would get up at five in the morning and go to the gym before she was even awake. Like I would make it home before she was even awake, but it really bothered her. Amazing phenomenon, right?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yeah. Hey, I quit drinking. It doesn't mean you keep drinking and blowing giving me extra blow jobs i don't mind you get all drunk and blow me all you want like wow is that what happens with some wives mine would just fall asleep on the couch i think that's what drinking's for no i thought it was just so you could carry your wife to the bed every night. And you got strong enough to do that. Oh, you're a good dude. If
Starting point is 00:27:08 my wife did that, I'd leave her on the couch. You're a good dude. But I can also understand the flip side. I mean, I guess when I drank, there is this camaraderie in it. You don't want to be the only one at the table drinking. So I mean, I get it that our relationship
Starting point is 00:27:24 started when I was the general manager of coyote ugly on the las vegas strip and she was no shit you were yeah and she was a bartender there is that what you said yeah so i mean our relationship in the beginning revolved around drinking and bars and and you know the las vegas nightlife so so i'm the one that changed i mean to use a cliche like she could definitely say that I changed and I 100% did. I just think I changed for the better or for me. Right. Uh, two people are like robbing banks and one of them wants to stop. Yeah. It's not going to work. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:01 One of them stops, doesn't want to go to jail, doesn't want to push their luck. And she found someone that is a lot like her and they like all of this the same things and they get along really well and they have a great relationship and i found someone the same so is coyote ugly there wasn't there a movie named coyote ugly that's the beer where that's the bar where it's like a there's a lot of hot girls and they dance on the tables and stuff is that exactly yeah yeah there's a so there's one in i think new york was the first and they made the movie and that was a bunch of franchises um but yeah it's it's an empowering bar where women run the bar they're all female bartenders and they dance on the bar and pour shots down your throat is Is that the, is that the, is that sort, is that the,
Starting point is 00:28:47 I want to say justification for it, but that seems kind of mean, that's the thought around Coyote Ugly that it's a, it's a woman's empowerment bar. Yeah. I mean like the women are in the women run the bar. I mean, obviously I ran the bar, but actually in my situation specifically, I barely did because the owners of the bar or the owner um kind of like his favorite girls do whatever they wanted so there were a couple of them that could even like
Starting point is 00:29:12 if i asked them to do something could be like really do you want me to call you want me to call stevie um that's awesome that sounds more like the mob oh it was that's how that's how it was run but it but it was also i mean it's a great job i've never been a female or a bartender but um but they did they kind of had control of the situation and it became the theme of the bar like for instance an example would be if somebody came up and ordered you know 10 coors lights and then didn't tip they would they had a remote they could pause the music pause the music, and they had microphones, and they would literally climb up on the bar and be like, pause the music. Can I get everyone's attention?
Starting point is 00:29:52 See this asshole right here in the black rimmed glasses and the black T-shirt? He just ordered 10 Coors Lights. You want to know how much he tipped me? Zero dollars. Zero fucking dollars. So on the count of three, I want everyone in the room to say, fuck you, you no-tipping pussy pussy and throw your beers in his face and i'd be in the corner going no no no no and they would depending on how drunk the bartender was yeah there are plenty of nights
Starting point is 00:30:14 where they would have everyone in the bar throw throw something out of patron wow don't worry my manager drew will buy all of your drinks again. Wow. Yeah. And so things like that, I mean, in a lesser scale, usually they would just make fun of the person and have everyone give them the middle finger or call them a pussy. And then that person would leave. And then I would get a phone call. You've seen any good bar fights? Like just full out, like the whole place is just fucking tossing chairs.
Starting point is 00:30:43 They never, I mean, I've seen some start, but our security was top notch and we're in like the UFC capital of the world. So like every one of my security guards, even back then were aspiring fighters and at least a Brown belt in jujitsu. So yeah, that's crazy. It would end very quickly,
Starting point is 00:31:03 but, but I saw some start where, you know, five really big guys thought that they would take out the four guys at the door and it never worked. It never worked out for them. What, what about, um, uh, boning in the facility? You ever seen any, like just like over boning, not a coyote. Like my biggest problem, my coyote was people pissing in the corners because there was no bathroom on that entire floor of New York, New York.
Starting point is 00:31:35 You had to go out of the bar and down an escalator to the casino, to the closest. So people would pee. There were potted plants and people would just air trash cans that pee in the plants or the trash cans constantly. That was the biggest issue and fighting. But I was a manager at the Hard Rock Pool for a while also. Tons of boning at the Hard Rock Pool.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I want to talk about the boning. Sorry, I know that you've done a lot of things in your life and that wasn't the intent of this. But I like boning stories drew um the peeing in the plants would you catch them with security cameras or you'd see someone in the corner just peeing and you'd go talk to them usually i'd see them and do you get kicked out for that yeah yeah peeing in the corner of the bar i could that's i couldn't let that slide i i went to this uh i went to this party once i went to it every year it was called the erotic exotic ball in san francisco and it was it used to be called the um the hookers ball and it was the hookers in san francisco um would uh
Starting point is 00:32:39 throw this ball ball and then they would donate the money to orphans that was the origins of it and it was a crazy party san francisco right just shit loads of trannies and it was basically just a just a giant transvestite rager right yeah and my friends and i would go there and just fucking get crazy have fun we were under age at the time like 17 year old boys right just go there and just with these freaks and who just were free and were just nuts and we drank cisco's do you remember those okay i do okay and so there was the bathrooms were the lines were like 200 long and men and women in both a lot in both lines right like because they were just women on both lines and right in the middle of these 200 people was this huge like 50 gallon trash can so i just walked up to it and just hung my cock and balls up over the edge i'm only five
Starting point is 00:33:29 five and i took a pee in it you know with like 500 people watching me right before i put my dick back in my pants i was shoulder to shoulder with other dudes who circled the can yeah and later on i came back to that can like i don't know 20 minutes later and it was full to the top with urine like 50 gallons of urine dude is that the trash can that's referenced on the screen uh yeah that was that i must have told that story before and um yeah it was it was i mean it was it was crazy that's great so so they would pee in the plants and then they got kicked out and and um and then and then you you did the pool where not the bellagio at the hard rock hard rock okay and where do people bone there in the pool uh in everywhere
Starting point is 00:34:19 but yeah in the pool just on their chairs and then you can rent a cabana so that would be i mean i guess the most obvious place because you have some kind of seclusion but you're not allowed to close the like the front of the cabana is open and you would see everything like blow jobs and sex and doggy style and missionary and cowboy you'd see them all yeah we also had there were process there were working girls that would come out every weekend too that we would catch oh wow like uh they get in the pool with you and like hey i'll give you handy in the pool for i guess i was never there for the like negotiation but yeah i mean i i mean i'm sure there was more of like a grooming where they would and they didn't look like a stereotypical
Starting point is 00:35:03 street walking prostitute from trading places or whatever. I remember one of them in particular. She was just a really cute blonde girl with a Von Dutch trucker hat. She always had a Von Dutch trucker hat on. And she would just kind of talk to guys and let them buy her drinks and then work her way in. And we all knew her.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I don't remember her name now, but like newer by name and several of them. And they were allowed to come in the pool. They just weren't, it was just kind of like a, you can't do this here. You have to take them somewhere else to do. Yeah. Like I,
Starting point is 00:35:34 if I see it happening, then I have to make you leave. Or if I catch you in the act, then you can't come back kind of a thing, but I'm not, I'm not here to police what you do for a living or speculate on it, but it just, this not here, not what you do for a living or speculate on it. But it's just not here.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Not in my pool. Calm down, Seban. What do you mean calm down? I can't calm down. I'm already too wound up. But yeah, we would catch those girls sometimes in the bathroom, give them blowjobs or in a cabana. But usually by the pool usually they were this they were smart enough to take you to your room whether it's to rob you or just to please you i have no idea but it would
Starting point is 00:36:12 be just drunk people from wisconsin that were in vegas for the weekend i got too drunk that you would find having sex just on a lounge chair out in the open and then i'm sure they're mortified the next day or often it was not even with their partner. Like their partner was getting a massage at the spa and the dude got too drunk and was banging a drunk chick. And then we were escorting him out. He would start crying and go, my wife's at the spa. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Tell her I've never done anything like this before. I'd be like, man, that part's not my job. Corey Leonard, I groomed myself this morning understood yeah understood i did yeah i'm not hating um i did the uh someone in here made a comment about me oh piss piss in the trash can is mild i thought it was showed great leadership i thought i could probably run for president with that one incident showing my leadership. Yeah. I mean, it's it's definitely a great metaphor. The the when you would approach someone who's having sex in public, did you ever like I would probably stay?
Starting point is 00:37:20 I would probably get some I would watch for a little bit. Did you ever like gratuitously just watch for a little bit? Well, I mean, like a lot of times I had to. Like give it a 10 count, one, two. Well, I would usually call security if they were in a cabana or if they're, you know, and I would let security go over and talk to them and not deal with it myself. So I would just watch until they got there.
Starting point is 00:37:42 The only time I can think of where I didn't is when there was a couple out completely in the open on a lounge chair, just like right by the beach entrance of the pool. And just completely going at it on a lounge chair. And I couldn't wait because there were people. It became a spectacle where people were
Starting point is 00:37:59 pointing and... Just slide the bathing suit aside and put the penis in the vagina. She was riding him on this chair. And so I had to go over and I just tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around in shock and I told him I needed to stop. And then by that time security came sprinting over and escorted him out. But it's the only time I've ever had to like tap someone on the shoulder in the middle of them having sex.
Starting point is 00:38:30 What a unique experience hey uh um is that that's illegal right yeah you can't fuck in public no i mean and i don't know all the legality of it being a private business or whatever but yeah it's definitely illegal and i think in that instance my head of security did actually call the police just because he was pit like he was pissed that they had the nerve to do it in front of fan like families and people right there they had no didn't even try to hide right god it's funny i've become sensitive to i have three kids two six-year-olds an eight-year-old and i've become sensitive to a lot of stuff but boy i sure would uh i sure i sure find that scene set fascinating where people get so intoxicated young beautiful people get so intoxicated that you just start boning i just feel
Starting point is 00:39:13 like i could enjoy watching that wow yeah there were lots of people that probably were enjoying why they they were probably booing me from across the pool when i walked over but i wanted to keep my job the um the the pool party did you write that yourself i did can you tell me about that uh process i actually thought it was very well written i enjoyed the whole thing like i was never like hey i want to walk away from this i want to turn this off or fuck why did i invite this guy on i enjoyed the whole thing i I was never like, hey, I want to walk away from this. I want to turn this off or fuck, why did I invite this guy on? I enjoyed the whole thing. I thought there was a good smattering of boobs and funny one-liners. And if I was one year younger, I would have taken your virginity.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I thought it was great. I thought the twist at the end was fantastic, a couple twists. The drill bit part, I don't want to give away too much, but I, I didn't see that coming. I loved that character. Did you?
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yeah. I loved that guy. That guy was, that guy was great. I loved the girls too. You know what I liked about all the girls? They were straight bitches to each other. And yet they didn't.
Starting point is 00:40:21 These days, if you were a bitch to someone like that, that'd be the end of the friendship, but they toughed it out yeah they toughed it out they were bitches to each other and yet they no one complained they just you know no one ran away no pussies they weren't pussies no cowards in the group yeah no one was spineless uh today we live with a bunch of spineless uh i feel like a cancel culture these bitches just had it out yeah they were just busting each other's balls so can you tell me about the writing of it yeah i mean i and i don't necessarily fancy myself a writer i enjoy writing but especially when i wrote that it was the first movie i'd ever first screenplay i'd ever written um and i
Starting point is 00:41:00 actually wrote a kind of in a rush i had a a, I mean, the catalyst was a friend, a cinematographer friend of mine called me and told me he got a new camera setup and cause I was producing commercials at the time. So I would hire cinematographers a lot and he was telling me that. So I would hire him. But at the end of the conversation, he made a off the cuff comment, said, hell, even if you know, even with a script, I would even shoot a movie for free. Cause I'm so excited about my new camera and i just said wow i have one he's like
Starting point is 00:41:30 you do send it to me and i was like all right give me a couple days to polish it up and i literally locked myself in my office and road pool party massacre and i and i had a picture of that too of a shot of the camera it was like oh here it is look at look at here we go it's fs7 or something yeah is this the is this the camera guy that's brian yes brian mills he shot and edited the movie and helped produce it and like we were partners in the in the movie and he did all like he did everything that required skill how did you know how to write a script? Script writing requires such an intense, at least what I think is an intense formatting. How did you know how to do that in just a week? I had written commercial scripts and I had written a couple of short film scripts. So I knew, I mean, I had Final Draft, which is the common program used.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah, I bought that three times. I still haven't got a script out of myself. Well, it formats it for you in a way that actually you'll look like you know what you're doing, which is great. And then as far as actual screenplay format, I didn't follow it. I mean, there's other people that have picked it apart.
Starting point is 00:42:40 My inciting incident is in the wrong spot and things like that. But I wasn't worried about it. I wasulating the like slasher films of the 80s that I grew up watching that I didn't know that I thought they were their own formula and in a way I think they are so I just kind of emulated those and wrote something that I thought was funny and engaging and related to a lot of the the girl characters are similar to people that I know. And I've met managing nightclubs in Las Vegas that they just kind of represent a lot of the girls from the hard rock pool.
Starting point is 00:43:12 And then I was a manager of a nightclub called tangerine for a while. And just, those were the girls that would hang out there. Hey, right, right. What you know, exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:21 And that's what I did. And the clay character that you really like yeah loosely based off one of my best friends named clay um not exactly but i mean he when we were younger and in college like kind of was that character and was the life of the party and he actually did in that exact pool since that's my parents backyard like get everyone's attention and take he's he climbed on that same waterfall and said, Hey, have you guys ever played the catch your shorts in the air game? And everyone turned around and was like, what's that? And he's like, Oh, it's when you take your
Starting point is 00:43:52 shorts off and you try to catch him in the air. And he just pulled his shorts off, butt naked, threw him in the air and jumped off the waterfall and made no sense, but it was hilarious. And it, and so I always remember the catch your shorts in the air game so that's where that like that scene is in there um so yeah i just wrote that based on the movies that i loved and the the friends that i have is is there i bought the version i bought it on amazon then later on i saw it's free on YouTube. Does the YouTube version have all the nudity pulled out of it? No, it's actually the same version.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I didn't make no shit really weird to me. Um, and I've never watched it on, it's on Kings of horror on YouTube, which is like a horror channel that generates revenue. There's lots of good. There's lots of like, um, I shouldn't,
Starting point is 00:44:42 I don't have lots of the right word, but there is a, it's visually pleasing the movie. a, it's visually pleasing, the movie. Well, Brian did a great job shooting it. You get a great look at that girl's boobs who's on the bed. Like it's not, like you can really just sit back and enjoy them while you're on the assault boat. And she was cast because she has great boobs.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I mean, she's an adult. Alexis Adams is her name. If somebody wants to Google her, she's an adult alexis adams is her name if somebody wants to google her she's a adult film star um and she was great she actually was great and she was the first thing she had done that that wasn't in the adult world and she was super nervous but i think she played that character really well she played the bitchy hot chick super well and she looked great on that bed do you think uh alexis adams uh times 3 18 oh oh oh yeah this is her oh wow did you find her oh yeah her boobs have changed since the movie oh really i haven't talked to her or seen her in a long time yeah yeah those those uh they're uh
Starting point is 00:45:40 yeah she's wow she's gotten a little bigger since the movie. Curvy's in. Yeah, I ain't hating. I ain't hating at all. But yeah, that's her. Those are bigger than the ones that were in the movie though, right? The ones in the movie are big, but these are... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:03 It's too bad you had to kill... Well, I don't want to ruin the movie it's too bad she won't be in the part two there's i don't it's the kind of movie that it's in my opinion you can't spoil i mean maybe like i put most of the deaths several of the deaths in the trailer and people complained that i was ruining the whole movie and i was like really you think you can ruin a movie called Pool Party Massacre? Either you want to watch it or you don't. Oh, she got shadow banned too.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I'm shadow banned. I got kicked off of Instagram. Oh, really? Yeah. I just got my YouTube station back. I was suspended from YouTube. I heard I got a text from a friend that knew I was coming on here. And they're like, ah, bad timing.
Starting point is 00:46:41 He just got kicked off of YouTube. Yeah. But I'm back stronger than ever. Don't worry okay i'm gonna i'm gonna get alexis on i'm gonna i've never had a uh adult film actress on the show oh you should for sure if you can get a hold of her and she's willing if not i happen to know 50 more i could point you in the right direction is is vegas is vegas a big area for that it is yeah how is that even a business anymore now that porn
Starting point is 00:47:06 is just free everywhere on the internet but i think um and i don't know the business model but i i think that there's still a way just like you mentioned pool party massacre being on youtube for free like that still generates revenue for me yeah so i i'm assuming that there's an ad-based revenue whether it's actual video ads clickable, banner ads that are all over porn sites. I mean, someone's making money because they're spending – it costs a lot. So – and I don't know exactly. Like I said, I don't know that business model, but – I knew only – I only knew one girl who had sex for money with the camera on her.
Starting point is 00:47:47 And she was very attractive, incredible body. I think she was Filipino or something. Cool. Yeah. But I want to say she made less than $60,000 a year. And she told me she did shoots every weekend. And she would have sex with like three to seven guys.
Starting point is 00:48:06 And I'm like, Holy fuck. That sounds, I don't, I don't really like that, that, that seems like, but I guess it just depends.
Starting point is 00:48:15 I mean, if you enjoy it, if she enjoys it, then she's doing something that she loves and right. But that seems like a lot of fucking work hey just getting on a plane and she traveled yeah so so just getting on a plane every weekend for 50 grand a year doesn't sound like it's yeah i feel like she deserves more thank you but i think she's an agent i i think that they're that that has changed too like i have my world overlaps into the adult like i don't i've
Starting point is 00:48:43 never done anything adult uh i've been asked to direct things and i haven't yet have my world overlaps into the adult. Like I don't, I've never done anything adult. I've been asked to direct things and I haven't yet, but my world overlaps just like how Alexis is in my movie. I just got done shooting a movie where I feel like almost every female cast member, what had an only fans or was an adult in adult film. So we overlap a ton. So I've become friends with a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:49:04 And even actually now like i don't know if you remember ginger lynn from like uh 70s and 80s like maybe more actually 80s i don't want to date her um but she and tabitha stevens was another one tabitha was really big and was ginger lynn oh american a pornographic actress so. So they were pretty famous adult stars of their time. Like Ginger was super famous and Tabitha was. And still, they both still are, I guess. But like I work with them. Ginger's played my mom now.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Oh, she's all over your Instagram. Holy shit. Yeah, she's played my mom in multiple movies now. It's kind of funny. Wow. Because I remember her. She was in a movie that my dad had under his bed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:54 There was a porn called... Oh, I'm going to get in trouble. Fuck. There was a movie called Behind the Green Door. Yeah, I remember the title. And I saw it on VHS at a friend's Yeah, I remember the title. And I saw it on VHS at a friend's house when I was like 15, but I only saw like
Starting point is 00:50:09 30 seconds of it. And he got it from underneath his dad's bed. And there was a guy in a cream of wheat box with like his dick hanging through it walking around, I remember. I haven't seen that movie, but now I want to watch it. I had no idea who Ginger Lynn is. I'm telling you, I don't know shit. I don't know shit.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I don't know shit. I don't even. Do you like Las Vegas? I do. I can't tell you exactly what I like. If I told you what I liked about it, it would be really generic and benign answers. I like that the airport's convenient. Yeah, great airport.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I can be at the airport in 11 minutes from my house. Um, but I also don't feel like I live in a bad part of town, which most places, if you were that close to the airport, you'd be in a really shitty part of town. So, um, I like things like that. I don't mind the weather. Like it's warm. Most of the time I can deal with the heat. Um, I don't get snow. There's no tornadoes. I'm close to California. Um, I have nights like last night where I don't get snow. There's no tornadoes. I'm close to California. I have nights like last night where I flew home from Baltimore last night and the flight was five hours. And then that's when I feel like I should live in the middle of the country. And my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Anywhere is good if you were in Baltimore. If you're in Baltimore, like if you hate the town you live in, anyone, go stay in Baltimore for a week and then fly home. You'll love your town. Well, true that's true but like i just got my girlfriend to move here from dallas and that's like the first thing she noticed because she was never more than like three hours from anywhere and she travels for work she's in the same business and like she was with i was with her in baltimore and so now she has to deal with five-hour flights every time we have an event or anything happening on the East Coast. So it's really only the downside. But I also don't see myself staying in Las Vegas forever.
Starting point is 00:51:52 I'm not tied. Other than my children. My family is the only reason that I'm tied here. And eventually they're going to leave me. They're not going to stick around for me once they're adults. Where were you born? Orange County, California. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:52:10 One of the things about that airport, I can't believe every airport in the world isn't like Las Vegas. I also love on the ground when you drive. Everything's written on the ground huge. And I don't understand why every airport doesn't have that. Everyone has it up there. And I don't understand why every airport doesn't have that. Like you like, like everyone has it up there and I'm old now. So like, do you remember when you would be stoned and you'd be driving and like, you look in the side mirror and I feel like three minutes past and you're
Starting point is 00:52:31 like, Oh fuck. Now I'm 51 and I don't smoke weed in life's like that. Right. I look in the mirror. I'm like, Oh fuck. I better not take my eyes off the road. Yeah. You don't have to vid. The Vegas airport, everything is laid out. So perfect. It's pretty. Yeah. I mean, I live, I feel like I live in airports and it is really easy to navigate.
Starting point is 00:52:49 No trains, no bullshit. Yeah. It's not bad. Now, now you do have to take a, now that there's the second terminal three, you do have to a tram over,
Starting point is 00:52:58 but Oh, there is. Yeah. But it's, but it's easy, but it's not like other, not like other big airports. So you, so you write this movie.
Starting point is 00:53:08 It takes you a week. Yeah. And during that week, are you thinking about how you're going to pay for stuff? How you're going to get all these actresses? How you're going to? The original plan, because he offered to shoot a movie for free, he had a time. He's like, oh, I have this time off before I move to Orlando that I can shoot a movie for free he had a time he's like oh i have this this time off you know
Starting point is 00:53:26 before i moved to orlando that i can shoot a movie uh so i was trying to just fit it in this little window of time that he had so i wrote the movie with the intention of making it for zero dollars or actually i had this gimmick in my head i was going to make it for 11 like i wanted to make an 11 movie so that could be my marketing point um so I wasn't really worried. And having produced commercials at that point for 15 years or whatever, like that's what I did. So I knew I could pull it off. I had a lot of friends and connections. And I actually, when I pitched it to him, I was going to play every role.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Like I was going to play every female, every male, and put on wigs and change my clothes. And we had like one week to shoot it. And it was just going to be the stupidest thing ever made. I'm so glad you didn't do that. Well, but I thought we only had a week and I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:54:11 it'll be stupid. And my friends will laugh. No one will ever see it, but I'll show it to my friends. And, and then he read the first draft of the script and said, can we not do that? Like,
Starting point is 00:54:20 can we actually let's, this is funny. Can we make a real movie? And I said, oh shit, I guess. Why not? Yeah. Okay. And then it kind of went from there. that like can we actually let's this is funny can we make a real movie and i said oh shit i guess why not yeah okay and then it kind of went from there i did some rewrites we held auditions i reached out some other friends and and it just evolved but it never financially him and i just
Starting point is 00:54:38 kind of agreed like that we'll just spend as little as we can and but spend spend as we go and it ended up being six thousand dollars we didn't think it was going to be that much to be honest when we started the the main girl's outfit um that white skirt and that bikini top who provided that that's a great question there was such a mix of me running to ross and marshall's to look for things and pulling things from a wardrobe stylist friend of mine named Joss. I mean, that's actually a super stylish outfit. So I'm going to guess that came from Jocelyn, who's a wardrobe stylist here, here in town that works on, doesn't work on things this low budget ever. And she helped me out as a friend and gave me some stuff. Did you give all those clothes to those girls when they were done?
Starting point is 00:55:26 Did they give it to you? I offered it to most of them. A lot of the girls, their stuff was covered in blood. They were just excited to take it off because it sounds cool to be covered in fake blood if you never have, but it sucks. It's sticky and it hardens as if you just poured honey
Starting point is 00:55:43 or maple syrup all over you. It's just not pleasant. Who was the girl? her name blair the main character uh kristin yeah blair the like villain main girl yeah where oh yeah yeah yeah i forgot about that yeah yeah there's nancy and blair are the two the two leads so blair was uh kristin mccusick is her name and where did you find her she how did i find her that's a wow what a great question i didn't know her her body's kind of insane she really grew on me i was like tripping on her being cast in that role in the beginning and by the end i was i really liked her when she changed by the like she points that out to me she's come to a couple screenings over the years.
Starting point is 00:56:27 And I didn't even notice until she pointed it out at an event that she lost like 10 or 15 pounds by the end of the movie. She did. Why was that? Breakup. She's what she said. Like in the Q&A, she's like, oh, every time I watch this movie or see photos, it reminds me of the breakup. Because I, by the end of the movie had a breakup and was totally depressed and wasn't eating. And it was like a low point in
Starting point is 00:56:50 my life other than working on the movie. So, and I had no idea that was going on or, or. Yeah, she did get thinner. Yeah, for sure. And so she, she mentions it and there, and it took us six months to shoot the movie. So she had time to do that. Like from the first day of shooting to the last day of principal photography was almost exactly six months. I thought it was a 30-day shoot. I thought the camera guy had 30 days.
Starting point is 00:57:15 So he ended up moving to Orlando and would have to fly back periodically just because we had to work around everyone's schedule. When you don't have a budget and you can't pay people to take you know it should have been if we had money it would have been a 10-day shoot and i would have paid people to block 10 days you know five days on with a two-day break and then five days on again but i couldn't afford to do that so since i wasn't paying them or paying them well then i felt like I should work around their schedules the best that I could. There were a lot of people in some of those scenes that must've been hard to
Starting point is 00:57:49 coordinate. It was. And for a movie, it wasn't, I mean, there's like 12 cast members I think in the whole movie, it still is hard. I mean, trying to wrangle 12 people on their schedules, but I mean, so I'm on low budget movies where people will write 50 people in a scene and it's which is dumb um but yeah it was hard which is why it took six months because we'd have to find weekends or days where people all the people in a certain scene were available and sometimes we never did there's actually dialogue scenes in that movie sitting out on that couch by the pool
Starting point is 00:58:20 where one person's dialogue was shot three weeks before the other person's and they were just talking to me on that couch and then three weeks later we shot the reverse of that and the other character was talking to me and you could i bet if you paid enough attention you could see flowers bloom like during a conversation and like leaves change colors because it went we started on november we started on black friday it was our first shooting day so i mean it was cold it was winter and we ended in june and it was 102 so i mean the weather changed like most of those pool scenes where they're sitting on the in bikinis on that couch by the pool it was maybe 35 40 degrees outside
Starting point is 00:59:00 um there is a once again there's a picture on instagram of course i fucked it all up of the ladies sitting on the couch uh with blankets on them yeah they all had snuggies and blankets we had multiple heaters out that we'd have to pull everything out of the frame right before we'd roll and then rush it all back in so they wouldn't turn blue oh and then there was the original girl who gets smoked right in the beginning that chick's pretty hot too the mom that's trying to bang the pool boy yeah liana vamp is her name she is a pretty famous uh model and a cosplayer um she's pretty famous in the comic book world she's a good friend of mine too um what's a cosplayer that means you dress up as superheroes? Yeah, you dress up as characters. And I think that's how she started going to Comic-Cons and cosplaying.
Starting point is 00:59:53 And now she's a TV host and a judge on a bunch of reality shows and has a couple of her own shows. She does a lot now. And the pool guy is actually her husband, Cameron. The heavy metal pool guy, as I like to call him. There's a magazine called Cosplay. Yeah, there's a whole sci-fi, had a whole TV show about it, if I remember correctly.
Starting point is 01:00:16 So these are people who literally, in their day-to-day life, dress up as movie characters? Yeah. And now it's become a whole old thing like she was one of the pioneers i guess i don't think that's true and so she would get paid and flown to comic cons and events and people would take want to take pictures with her in you know dressed as sexy boba fett or whatever whatever it was. But, Oh yeah. I saw the Boba Fett with titties on your Instagram.
Starting point is 01:00:48 But now everyone does it. Oh, I mean, I mean like cosplay, like you go to, I just came from a horror convention in Baltimore and there's, you know, people dressed as Michael Myers and Jason.
Starting point is 01:00:59 And I took a picture with a lady gremlin from gremlins too. Look, she's with the Lost Boys. From the movie Lost Boys? Yeah, the guy on the left is Jason Patrick with the glasses. He plays the older brother, Michael. Oh, shit. Corey Haim's older brother.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Yeah, and then the other guy on the right is Billy. He was one of the vampires with Kiefer Sutherland. I would they were both sitting next to me at the convention. I just flew home from. What about that movie? Do you like that movie? Lost Boys? I love that movie. Yeah, too. I grew up wanting to be like a cool, heavy metal vampire that lived under a pier. vampire that lived under a pier i live in santa cruz and like i literally think about that movie like three days a week probably when i whenever i drive by or and i walk on that bridge periodically oh really the bridge in the movie yeah it's crazy and it's all ghetto like that it's just like it is
Starting point is 01:01:57 in the movie scary and ghetto and anyone can walk out onto the train tracks and jump off and die if they want i mean it's crazy really yeah it's so crazy have you ever been up here to santa cruz no i've driven through yeah you should see it it's crazy i was just up in monterey is monterey close to you yeah very close okay so i was just in monterey a couple weeks ago but uh how is seven just finding out about this i don't know i'm 51 i don't know look mason mitchell look he doesn't even know there's still magazines look at every everyone's in their own man everyone's in their own shit yeah and this is a weird listen i my i exist in a strange bubble like this i mean horror thank you i feel better horror movies are big they make it into theaters and everyone has a horror movie that they love but the horror fandom and independent
Starting point is 01:02:46 horror is definitely a niche that i mean there's probably a lot of people in your audience that have never heard of anything that i've ever worked on or touched and that's and that's very fair they guarantee it uh 90 of them have heard of your CrossFit gym, but you're right. Probably not a movie. Yeah, exactly. Yes. Yeah. They're going to know things like that. Robbie Myers does Drew know Brian McDonald. That well, the name sounds familiar, but man, everyone knows Brian McDonald. I don't know who that is, but everyone knows him. Who's Brian McDonald. I would need, I would need more who that is, but everyone knows him. Who's Brian McDonald?
Starting point is 01:03:26 I would need more context. My answer whenever anyone asks me something like that at a convention is yes, of course I do, because I'm not sure if I'm supposed to. Was there any bad acting in Pool Party? Yeah, I'm in it. You think your acting was bad in it? What about besides? Let's say besides you. You can't critique yourself. You think there was any bad acting in it do you think you were you think your acting was bad in it what about besides let's say besides you you can't you can't critique yourself you think there was any bad acting in it yes definitely there's some great actually really good actors in the like a lot of the people in the movie are working actors and i think they did a great job um a lot of them didn't even perform as well as they could have if they had a better director um because there is that there
Starting point is 01:04:06 is something to that and that's first thing i first film i ever directed so i mean i was learning as we went along as well but there's certainly like friends of mine that i mean my ex-wife is in it she had never acted before she gets there's one that get killed with a hammer she's the one that's the only one that's closed yes which wasn't even on purpose she hated me for that actually oh she did yeah she's like really every other girl's wearing a bikini and you put this on me so people are gonna assume i look like shit and i was like i didn't i just thought i would you i don't know well she's right that's exactly what i thought i thought not that she looked like shit i said well that that chick must be like not have as good of a body as the other girls so they hit her and it wasn't true at all she was she's like super thin i just she was my wife so i was like i don't
Starting point is 01:04:50 want to like make her wear i'm already making her be in my movie like that so i don't want to make her wear a bikini and then it backfired i thought i was being like a gentleman and totally backfired robbie meyer says brian mcdonald, and then he said Little Shop of Horrors. So your ex-wife had a great body? She was just thin. She didn't have a reason to hide, I guess I would say. She didn't exercise. She was against exercise.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I've never seen her. In the CrossFit space, we call that skinny fat. Yeah, okay. I would not make – Sevan would make soft. Yeah, okay. I would not make – Sevan would make soft porn with his wife. I would not. I edited porn for a week, and it was so stupid. It was so fucking stupid.
Starting point is 01:05:35 I basically got fired from it because I wanted to edit stories into it, and they didn't want storylines. They just wanted to cut – We want stories now like you referenced the like what was it dick through the cream of wheat box yeah your childhood like those things are done i remember finding a movie and of my parents and it had like karate had ron jeremy doing like martial arts fight scenes in it and i was fat like what is this like they're also stopping to have sex every seven minutes but then in between it was more like choreographed martial arts fight
Starting point is 01:06:10 scenes do you remember the name of that i always remembered it as raw deal but i've tried to google it and find it and i've asked friends that work in the industry and no one's ever heard of it i saw a movie called raw deal it. It either had Van Damme or as a little kid. Not that one. Who was in that one? Was that Schwarzenegger or Van Damme? I feel like that's a Van Damme movie.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Or what if it's both? Raw Deal, 1986 film. Oh, Sergio Leone. Oh, from a story of Sergio Leone. Wow. Oh, Sergio Leone's leone screenwriter oh it's schwarzenegger it is schwarzenegger it is okay yeah yeah crazy well it's not that one that's not the one that has naked ron jeremy fighting oh yeah of course um blair and um nancy's acting
Starting point is 01:07:03 got significantly better as the movie went on. The last half an hour of the movie, they were really like, they were doing it. Yeah, I think they're both really good actors. Like Kristen, who plays Blair, has a degree in musical theater. She comes from an acting background. And Nancy, she had done a lot of acting as well i think they just got comfortable in what we with what we were making and the characters because they were kind of just thrown into this movie with this first-time director who was trying
Starting point is 01:07:35 to figure everything out and at his parents house when his mom was making sandwiches for for lunch and for everyone and things like that it was a very like down-to-earth family even though it's not a family movie but um so i think people got more comfortable they didn't know me either so they kind of stepped into this like who is this guy can we trust this like what do we do what are we even doing here and by the you know halfway through the movie we were all really good friends and we were you know had a common goal to make this movie the best that we could, even though at that time I didn't think anyone would see it. Like I never thought there would be a,
Starting point is 01:08:10 I never thought there would be a Blu-ray of the movie that people, that's so crazy. Like that. I was making a movie that just, I kept telling them, this is a movie that 15 year old drew would have loved. And that's what I want to make so that I can check making a movie off of my bucket list.
Starting point is 01:08:26 And I'll promise I'll have a premiere. So all of you will see it once and it'll be great. It'll be a story. We can tell our families and our children, but no one's ever going to watch this movie that we're making. Like, let's not, let's be realistic.
Starting point is 01:08:39 And that was what I thought. Are they all, are they all residents of Vegas? No. At the time, every single one of them, except for Leanna Vamp and her husband, they're in LA. So I flew them in. But everyone else was in Vegas at the time, but now
Starting point is 01:08:54 most of them, I think, are gone. Have moved either to LA or some of them, Florida. Now they're all over. Because we shot the movie in from November of 2015 to June of 2016. So it's been a while.
Starting point is 01:09:10 You know what's funny? It doesn't even seem old. No. Well, that's great. I mean, there aren't too many things to date it. It takes place in one house. So you don't see. And it takes place in real time almost. I mean, there's no sense of there's never a night. It's all the same day.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Yeah, I like that, by the way. I just thought it would be fun. I like it was all during the day. I just thought it would be fun to make a horror movie during the day. And my producer brain was like, oh, save money. I don't need to rent as much gear. I don't need lights. I only need a couple.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Let's make a big, bright, shiny daytime movie. Nancy's a foreigner? She is. What is she? Oh, man. I wish I could tell you. Colombian? No.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Oh, my God. Is it European or is it South American? Latin? I want to say like Eastern European. i feel so bad that i can't remember where she's from polish belarus bulgarian okay i don't know that i would even remember if you said it right and and was she cast because of that because she was the friend i thought it was appropriate that she kind of her english was a little fucked up because she was the friend who was like kind of adopted by the other girls.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Yeah, so it wasn't intended. It wasn't in the script or anything like that, but she just came in to audition. She saw it on backstage and came in and auditioned and was great, and then it kind of evolved into that. Like, oh, wait, this actually works. This makes sense. And she didn't want to have the accent.
Starting point is 01:10:43 She was like, I can not have it. I'm like, no, it's fine. It looked like she was trying to fight it. It did accent like she was like i could not have it i'm like no it's fine like it looked like she was trying to fight it it did look like she was trying to fight it she was especially in the beginning in like the first few dialogues and she was really trying to fight it and i kept telling her she wasn't you don't need to it's fine like for this role it doesn't matter did you like um uh directing i did yeah it was i just like creating i just like making things it feels weird to call it art but i like making art um but i'm a very collaborative person so i liked directing but i don't feel like i'm need to be in charge like some directors would like i liked sitting down and talking with everyone
Starting point is 01:11:25 what do you guys think about this scene or does anyone have any suggestions and we would often shoot things in multiple ways if somebody had an idea i'm like okay well let's shoot it the way that i wrote it but then let's shoot it that way too and see what happens that that scene where the girl's tied on her bed yeah um is she really restrained uh no no she could get out yeah okay and um and that axe that's held above her is that a real axe so there's a real axe when the killer walks in the room like you like kind of establish the real axe in the close-up but then once he starts slowly swinging it it's not it's actually the one that's right there and i and i say this because i don't think people realize um
Starting point is 01:12:13 how vulnerable people have to be so she's laying like so i was put in the trunk of a car a few times uh to go to places that i that i wasn't supposed to see where we're going just so that I could get access to some drug dens and do some filming. And being put in the trunk of a car was scary as fuck, and I didn't realize it until I was put in the trunk of the car. Yeah. That would be the kind of thing that would scare me. scare me and um i just think wow like that's i i there was a i first realized this when i was a kid there was i can't remember what the movie was but jodie foster was in it and she was getting raped on a pinball machine and i remember thinking this looks like acting and we're watching a movie but they had to fucking live through this yeah and that's something like that's something i would
Starting point is 01:13:03 never like i'll never make a movie with a rape scene. It's just not. I don't think it's I don't think it's necessary. It's definitely not necessary in anything that I do. And it's just not something I want to visit. Right. But in your movie, you take it for granted that it's I don't want to say it's a I guess. Yeah, it's a it's a comedy horror movie. But but there's a girl there naked with her arms tied up in a fucking gag in her mouth.
Starting point is 01:13:28 And there's a dude standing over with her in an ax. And I just think immediately like, Oh shit, like there's some real trust going on here. And there is, and there's a lot, I mean, there's a great balance of trust and also planning and safety too.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Like, I mean, even though it's an independent film, I mean, I take everyone else everyone i say everyone else's because i couldn't give a shit about my safety but everyone else's i i care tremendously about so like behind the scenes there's a lot going on we're like hey if you know if you're not comfortable with this these restraints are only taped on behind the headboard
Starting point is 01:14:00 if you feel like you need to pull your hand out don't worry about ruining the scene like we would love to get it but you you know your safety's first here's the prop axe here's the real axe here's how it's going to work touch the prop axe just so you know this is rubber it is all that oh i love hearing oh yeah this is good oh yeah so we'll go through and and depending on the size of the movie like the movie i just left we had a prop gun on it and so like you have to have an armor on set and he stops everything and makes an announcement and says look everyone every even if you're not in this scene if you're on set you know this is a this is a prop shotgun it cannot shoot it's actually an airsoft shotgun this is how it works
Starting point is 01:14:35 you know this is how we're using it do not touch it unless you are an actor that's holding it in the scene and i hand it to you, you never touch this. And, you know, but, and he shows it to everyone and asks if anyone needs to further explanation and everything. So yeah, we, we always like safety is first, but there's still trust. I mean, even with a prop ax, I mean, you're still one, it's still scary and there's a level of trust and two, you could still get hurt.
Starting point is 01:15:02 I mean, if I hit someone with a rubber hammer it's still gonna still gonna hurt trish uh yes uh being blindfolded gagged and forced to listen to the wreck of edmund fitzgerald three thousand times as horrifying however it was necessary god i wish i knew what you were talking about why was it necessary do you know what edmunds uh the wreck by edmund fitzgerald is no me neither i'm dumb i make i make low budget horror movies for edmund fitzgerald the wreck uh oh it's music oh well there you go it's uh i don't know uh that's like that's um I'm gonna make my kids listen to this
Starting point is 01:16:01 27 fucking million views man yeah I'm down with make my kids listen to this. 27 fucking million views. Man. Yeah, I'm down with this. I like that music. What's wrong with you, Trish? Were you taking dick when that was playing? What was going on?
Starting point is 01:16:15 No, she was gagging. She was gagging. There's tons of trust, and safety is important. Like I say, I don't care about mine because if I have to do a stunt, I don't care if I hurt myself because it's my movie and I'm reckless. But when it comes to everyone else, safety is paramount. Veronica, Vaughn, all the rape scenes are just too much for me. Movie making is crazy.
Starting point is 01:16:43 It is. I actually auditioned for a role in a movie that and that character was a rapist. And it was like the most it was definitely the most uncomfortable thing I've ever done as an actor. And I just I didn't even get the part. Thank God. But I had to like pantomime like the beginning of the scene on tape. I'm sure it exists somewhere. And thank God I didn't get it. Thank God a better a better actor out of la got the role and i was actually on set i still got cast in the movie so i watched that scene get filmed and while while it was happening that's all i
Starting point is 01:17:17 could think of was like thank god this isn't me i don't know that i could have even done this yeah there are some there there are some if you when you watch movies if you think what if i was that person there are some really dirty roles yeah super and i've turned something like freddy krueger would be fine compared to some of these people who've been on like i'm trying to think of someone but someone who's been like on a series that's been going on for 13 years and they're a complete piece of shit yeah or just i mean like a lot of horror movies in the 70s and even 80s were like rape revenge movies and they'd start with this brutal like gang rape yeah like oh like dirty harry like clint eastwood movies and shit yeah oh yeah you're like the harry series yeah i mean
Starting point is 01:17:54 charles bronson's like wife and daughter like in the death wish series like so yeah a lot of those movies too that aren't even horror they're just revenge flicks and that was normal and then in horror there's like movies like i spit on your grave and that's the whole plot of the the movie and so i don't yeah it's too much for me it's too real again like i i make movies because i want i want people to enjoy themselves and get a laugh like i tell people when they watch pool party massacre that they if they drink or they smoke, they should do that first. I would like to give a disclaimer here. Being the greatest interviewer who ever lived, it pains me to ask this question.
Starting point is 01:18:49 And I despise anyone and may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits if anyone ever takes this question out of context and tries to paint me as anything less than the greatest interviewer who ever lived because this is just a horrible question but but i think it's important right now um do you have a favorite movie i don't like i have a really hard time answering that question um which i think is like a i think i delivered a really shitty question fantastically don't you think that was good? Okay. Thank you. I definitely, the buildup was great. Okay. Thank you. Not the question I was expecting. Had me on the edge of my seat.
Starting point is 01:19:13 But yeah, I, I actually have a, give me five. They're not even a favorite. Tell me like some, like, like what,
Starting point is 01:19:20 what is, what is, what is, what is good? What's a good movie? What's good. And what I like are two totally different things. Okay, what you like. Let's go with what you like.
Starting point is 01:19:28 What I like tend to be older, like 80s horror sequels for some strange reason. I prefer Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 over the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, for instance, which people would often give me shit for. Is there nudity in that? Do you think a horror movie should have nudity? I don't think it needs it. I don't like the idea that it
Starting point is 01:19:57 would be necessary because... I respectfully disagree with you. But I think it's an expectation of the audience thank you but I don't like that it needs to be it would be weird if it was in Poltergeist they could have had the mom
Starting point is 01:20:13 getting railed well there's certainly great horror movies that don't have any nudity or even that don't even have much blood they're just well made and well written I knew I was going to catch shit for this look at Heidi fuck you
Starting point is 01:20:28 well I get asked I mean in every interview fuck me you have to get asked what your favorite horror movie is this is going horribly wrong why? no it's not what's your favorite horror movie? if you were an ice cream what flavor would you be?
Starting point is 01:20:46 I have to read it because she paid me and I'm, and I have a little bit of horror in me. I have to read everything that people pay money for. Well, that's a great question, Heidi. Let's. Oh,
Starting point is 01:20:58 what about, what about, um, uh, Kingpin? Not a horror movie. Um, the bowling movie.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Yeah. You like that movie? I do. Yeah. It's a great movie. The bowling movie? Yeah, you like that movie? I do, yeah. It's a great movie. That's one of my all-time favorite movies. I love that movie. I've seen it a bunch of times. I mean, if you wanted to get... If somebody wanted to look... And I like it, and I think it's good acting
Starting point is 01:21:19 because I was able to suspend disbelief in this completely fucking ridiculous movie. Completely ridiculous. But I was like, fuck, I was able to suspend disbelief in this completely fucking ridiculous movie. Completely ridiculous. Yeah. But I was like, fuck. I was like into it. Like, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:21:30 You're invested. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, it's a great movie. But yeah, if somebody wanted to like sliver into my brain and what I like, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 would be a great movie. Like in the 80s, a lot of good horror movies or movies that are considered to be good, they would make a sequel that would go completely off the rails
Starting point is 01:21:48 and would add comedy. It was a completely different movie. Texas Chainsaw Massacre is considered one of the best and scariest movies ever made, and people are terrified by it and felt like it was real. Then in part two, it's the same family, and they're making chili. They're entering chili cook-offs with the chili that they're making from the people that they kill. And it opens with them like in an RV with their chili trophy.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Giddy that they won. Like that's how polar opposites they are. And that's where my brain is. Like I'm over here like, wow, they're making chili. Like that's funny. And they're having family dinner together. So movies like that what what about silence of the lambs is that a horror movie i think so yeah yeah i mean it's terrifying and and your movie has a uh a self-pleasuring scene and that movie has a self-pleasuring scene. Yes. I think self-pleasuring scenes are necessary.
Starting point is 01:22:46 You do? Is that kind of a... No, I don't think they're necessary, but I think they're funny. It's like a taboo subject for a lot of people. Lots of guys will deny that they've ever done it. I've never done that. I've never even looked at my penis.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Yeah. Well, you're in that group then. I cover it with all three hands when i masturbate hey um did you think uh i will tell you this this is fucking crazy because this is true there was a part of the movie i was disappointed in that's not shocking and it was in the self-pleasuring part and i think did you consider letting him let one fly i thought it was i thought that the execution honestly i actually had this thought some i was probably pedaling in reverse now to like to cool down i like to pedal in reverse on the assault bike too uh i thought you should have had him let one fly like you just killed him and i don't Well, I mean, there was like the the blood splatter kind of represented his. I saw that.
Starting point is 01:23:51 I could see what you're doing. You let it go on the on the picture. But yeah. Did you think even for a second? Like, what if you would let like some white fly and then blood right after? Did you even consider it? Oh, yes, of course. OK, tell me.
Starting point is 01:24:03 So can you walk me through that process? Why didn't you go with that i just went i just i went back and forth and i didn't know if it would be crossing a line i just yeah i see i yeah and i did like i'm multiple reasons like i'm in my mom's bat hall bathroom first of all um things like that your parents have a cool house it's very it's very uh it's like wealthy version of the brady bunch they've since sold it which is screwing up pool party massacre 2 because it was supposed to the entire script is the whole movie is shot in that house and now i can no longer use it um so they fucked up but but yeah so like i didn't want to do that in my mom's bathroom. I knew my parents were going to watch this movie.
Starting point is 01:24:48 So, I mean, there were things like that, but plus I also didn't know what like the rules were if, if I did want to screen this movie or if I ever did have a chance that someone could watch it. Like I, like I had no idea. I didn't, I wasn't familiar with MPA ratings, which I didn't even need. And I don't have now I'm familiar with them and you have to pay money to get it and it's completely that movie's not rated no like the the rating system like you pay to get your movie rated and it used to be necessary for your movie to screen in a theater you had to have an mpa rating but now you no longer
Starting point is 01:25:20 really do and certainly not to put it out on a blu-ray there's no reason to do it so i wasn't going to spend thousands of dollars for somebody to tell me that it's nc-17 when i can just put not rated on it and save money um have you seen this documentary uh uh this film is not yet rated? Yes. I'm trying to picture... My wife's... I don't know. My sister-in-law produced this movie. If you have not seen this movie,
Starting point is 01:25:55 you should watch this movie. It is completely fucking absurd. No, I have not seen it. It's a documentary, and it's about how they rate movies. Oh, really? It's a complete fucking racket dude it is it's just complete fucking insanity yeah oh i need to watch that then it's so good you'll love it hey dude it could be a premise for a good horror movie one of those people needs to get killed hey for the record he said that not me
Starting point is 01:26:23 if one of them ends up dead but if one of them ends up dead i mean it's just so it's so absurd like they count the number of pumps let's say like your let's say your skull fucking someone it could be like one pump but if it's two pumps it's x if it's one pump it's r yeah or it's like i i used to make these shows for public access and they and they tried to kick me off they tried to kick my show off and we went back and forth in the la times it ended up being on the cover of the california section of the la times it became this like you know battle and eventually they let us show penises on public access and you know what they said because the penises weren't hard there's a difference between an erect penis was considered like vulgar and a flaccid one was considered obscene or vice versa.
Starting point is 01:27:07 And you could be an obscene but not vulgar. It was crazy. All of it's arbitrary. I mean they're just making their own rules and then enforcing them. It's a really strange and unnecessary thing. I mean I guess there is a time where it was necessary so that a parent could know what they were bringing their kids into. Do you ever, do you ever read,
Starting point is 01:27:26 you have kids like the, um, my sit, my wife does all the reading, like go on. Well, if you Google like parent ratings for a movie, like if you want to take your kids to see a movie on IMDb and there's other
Starting point is 01:27:38 services that do it and you can find like a parent guide for, for almost every movie that's out, maybe not mine, but like every bigger movie and they'll break it down of why it's like, how many uses of each curse word. Oh, like bitch or ass or shit. Down into sections.
Starting point is 01:27:55 And it'll be like three, three instances of a character smoking a cigarette. One instance of a character making a reference to a marijuana type product, three beer bottles shown in background, consumed how about any jesus is six references is that jesus is the saver two that muhammad is there probably are in there but then they get funny and i think one of the one of the sites is a religious site then that's why they have it so you don't take your kids to see movies that they shouldn't watch but it'll be like four uses of fuck one motherfucker one and like totally breaks down everything wrong everything bad and then they give a suggested age which is always like 17
Starting point is 01:28:33 hey that's how workplaces work now okay we need uh uh no white guys uh two black guys one asian uh we need someone who's gay i mean that, that's how – I'm not even joking. That's the work environment. I come from an advertising background, so I know all about. It was weird. I'm a huge fan of the UFC. It's the only TV I watch. And about two years ago, all of a sudden, every commercial had an interracial couple.
Starting point is 01:29:02 It went from just like, not like, like I didn't notice it. If there were, if there weren't, I don't know to everyone. It was like T-Mobile had a black husband, a white wife and a fucking Indian son. I was like, how the fuck did that happen?
Starting point is 01:29:16 Adoption. Yeah. Adoption. I love adoption as an option. A seven meant he has never done it on the live show. Masturbate. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Not yet. I have never done that on a live show. Masturbate, yeah. That's fair. Not yet. I've never done that on a live show. How many episodes do you have? 800, I think. So out of 1,000, maybe? No, I'm not. I'm going to draw the line. I do think now that I spoke to you about it, you're right. It would have been like if you saw like some semen hit the picture before,
Starting point is 01:29:50 it may have pushed it into another level. Yeah, and again, it's just my train of thought. But I already walk like being in horror, kind of walk a line. Like I have a topless girl tied to a bed with a ball gag in her mouth. And I'm very sensitive to those things like i don't want to make something overly sexual or i don't want people to think that that i'm a pervert like you're scared to make a porn and so this is your way around it yeah when i never thought that by the way never ever well that's good yeah and i'm not scared to make a porn.
Starting point is 01:30:26 I just don't want to. Or I just make them and I don't show anyone. Well, there you go. Yeah. But yeah, again, I've had, going back to you were just talking about masturbating on the live show, I get offered, maybe I guess it's because of my look. I have a large gay male fan base. And I get it. I do see that.
Starting point is 01:30:50 I understand that. I can understand that. And I love it. But I get asked for videos all the time and get offers. And it's just something that it's funny to entertain, but I would never do it. The idea that there would be a video of me masturbating in existence anywhere uh is like terrifying to me and i can't imagine it would be attractive either that's part of the reason maybe i'm just like a narcissist and i don't know that i could possibly be attractive
Starting point is 01:31:17 and masturbate at the same time um but you know the ns nsa has uh dozens if not hundreds of uh videos of you masturbating oh i know that yes yeah i i remind myself that every like like are you sure yeah you know someone's filming this are you sure you want to stick a piece of tape over your camera cevlon yeah nah fuck it they already got 97,000 fucking. It is crazy. Do you think that that's really happening? I believe, I mean, I can't remember if it's Snowden or the other guy, but one of those guys basically said that they're recording everything, that they have everything.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Yeah. I mean, not that they're, not that they're, not that anyone's looking at it, but that's how those people eventually got caught. There were people at the NSA calling the pictures that they wanted and the videos that they wanted and then some leaked out and that's how they got caught there's something that makes it less frightening if they're recording everything yeah yeah or they have me and you and all the listeners like we've all there's footage of all this jacking off somewhere if there's videos of everyone in America masturbating right I'm not going to be the worst right like I'm not going to be the worst. I'm not going to be the example. I'm falling in the middle somewhere,
Starting point is 01:32:27 so now I'm not worried. But just the idea of just me, that's different. I don't want that. And I'm not going to put it out in the world. And kudos to the people that do. I have even guy friends that have OnlyFans, and they'll do that.
Starting point is 01:32:43 And they make money doing it, and they have no shame. And I'm jealous because I just can't. I have an internet friend named Cameron. He's a, he's a viewer of the show and he likes to rub it in my face. Just yesterday, he sent me a text. Isn't that funny? He, he's a, he's an only fans guy. So I made sure he got my phone, my personal phone number. Anyway, so he told me, he rubbed it in my face. I'm probably mixing, conflating stories, but hey, yesterday in two hours, I made $1,200, and he sends me a screenshot, and he goes, you'll have to sell 72 CEO shirts to make that. You know, just like a big fuck you.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Yeah, but it's true. Yeah. but he's doing something that i can't like i've had people seriously pitch it to me like friends of mine that make good money on only fans and like because of your fan base you could do really well if you just do these and i'm like i don't like usually they're telling me to do porn basically on my only fans, which I'm not going to do. And then they're like, pitch. Oh, you have an only fans already. No, no, I don't. But they're like suggesting that I make one. And then, and then they're like, well, if you really want to make money, you just need to do scenes with other. And I'm like, oh, so you just, that's, you just want, I should just do porn.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Okay. Well, I don't want to do that. And then they go down the list. Oh, you could do this. You could do that. Okay. You could just do classy nudes, but you won't make as much money. And then one of my friends point like pointed out that a friend of hers, uh, makes a really good living having sex with inanimate objects on his only fans. And that's an option. If I don't want to have sex with females or if my girl, she said, well, if your girlfriend, he puts them in his ass or he pumps them? He pumps them. So he said that he made a bunch of money off of video having sex with a watermelon.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Oh. I didn't see the video, but she used that as an example of something I could do instead. How much money does that guy make doing that? She said that he was making like $8,000 to $10,000 a month. Wow. Various in that she's like, sometimes it it's fruits sometimes it's couch cushions some it's she's like i think people pay to suggest new items yeah and things like that so he could make a lot he makes lots of money when someone's like oh can you do it to a donald duck stuffed animal or whatever one of my friends told me he fucked a cantaloupe once that seems that never crossed my
Starting point is 01:35:06 mind it seems like a lot of work to me would there's prep yeah prep like i don't do it yeah like that all that cosplay stuff none of that stuff like for some reason interests me fucking fruit cosplay uh um uh i had a friend recently who was talking to me about anal and about how you have to have the butt has to be prepped. And I just I just want to walk by the shower. My wife showering and I go in there, too. And it just you know what I mean? Or I don't.
Starting point is 01:35:33 But like I just like easy. Oh, she's sleeping. I sneak a piece. You know what I mean? Just like easy. Yeah. The idea of having to like go to the store and pick out the big enough cantaloupe. It's ripe enough.
Starting point is 01:35:51 No, dude, you pick a small one and put two holes in it, one to enter and one to exit. That's how I do it. Well, clearly you've done a lot more than me. Well, you could be making money from it. You could hang a cantaloupe from there, like the old towel trick. Just hang a towel, hang a cantaloupe from there. Like the old towel trick. Just hang a towel, hang a cantaloupe from there. I don't even know the old towel trick. You get out of the shower with a hard-on,
Starting point is 01:36:12 you just hang your towel on it while you brush your teeth. Like the Austin Powers scene where everything is hiding as junk. You could just have a cantaloupe. Michael C., I don't know what this... I apologize. I apologize. Don't include yesterday's show. I didn't jerk off on yesterday's. I don't know what this sorry i apologize i don't include yesterday's show i mean i didn't jerk off on yesterday i don't really know i'm not of uh a public guy like that i'm not at all like i
Starting point is 01:36:32 had never um i don't know and i don't know what's too clearly i think we've set a precedence i was worried about something being too far to talk about on this show but i know i feel like there's nothing um but like i had never sent taken or sent a dick pic in my life until i started dating my current girlfriend wow did she ask for it yeah like but for months and i was like no no yeah there's not a picture of my penis in the ether anywhere like even even with my ex wife, it was with, for whatever it was 15 years, like never, I just had never had done it. And I was married for a long time,
Starting point is 01:37:11 but, and then, then I didn't want to. And I thought it was weird. And I'm like only creepy, like creepy dudes take pictures of their dicks and send them to girls. And she's like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:37:19 but I'm your, like we're in a relationship and I'm asking you, it's not like I actually want. Do you think she showed, do you think she showed someone? I have no idea. Maybe. I mean, realistically.
Starting point is 01:37:31 Did you take it next to one of those small bananas? No. I just, well, now I take one like every day. Like, it's funny. Like, once the damn, once the levy broke. But it was a big deal to me, for that to exist is your face in the picture yeah the very first one i sent her my face was and that was her comment she's like obviously you've never sent a dick pic because you're like it's just you standing there
Starting point is 01:37:56 how they're supposed to be she's like no like no i mean she's like, no. I have a friend whose wife sends him nudes all the time. Pussy shots, tit shots, nude shots, like all the time. Actually, now that I think of it, I have two or three friends. And they share them. I mean, they don't send them around, but they'll show you. If you're with them and their wife sends one on the phone, they show you. Oh, okay. See, I don't do that.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Like, I've never shown anyone a picture of my girlfriend. And I don't know if she's showing anyone. I'm not embarrassed. Like I don't mind if she does necessarily, but it's not part of like I didn't not do it because I was embarrassed. It just seemed taboo for that to exist. You manifested that because listen to this. I think you're going to be impressed with this. In a pool party massacre drew there is a
Starting point is 01:38:45 scene that's there's a shot it's very quick do you know where i'm going yeah i do and it's a cell someone who's dead i think they're dead someone calls on their cell phone and it's their boyfriend and their picture of their boyfriend when their boyfriend calls is of the boyfriend's penis yes and the boyfriend's name is drew oh shit, shit. Wow. So you manifested. And that was before you had ever taken a dick pic. 100%. Yeah. Yeah, that's some Illuminati shit.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Yeah. That's like, what's that called? There's this like the conspiracy people. Sorry, the people who are right about everything eventually. They say that Hollywood movies, it's like they prep us. The lizard people have to tell us what they're going to do ahead of time so i was telling myself yes i have to do yeah ahead of time and i actually get asked about that because the character's name is drew like her boyfriend that you never see and then i there's
Starting point is 01:39:38 the dick on the screen i get asked oh a lot of people see that i thought that was me who just caught that no because people always people always want to know if it's my dick. Like that's a question that I get at tons of Q&As. Is it? No, that dick is huge. It's a pretty classic looking penis too. It's like, it almost looks fake. It's like a prop penis.
Starting point is 01:39:57 And I don't think it is fake, but I just found it on Google. Like I just Googled dick pics on set and I asked all the girls that were willing to come over and help and weren't offended to help me pick the best one to use for that because it was a like impromptu thing like the that wasn't in the script and i just had this idea i'm like oh this would be funny let's get this shot of the phone ringing and and it's her boyfriend calling and i'm like oh and it's just this dick and then then that just evolved. How many penises were in contention for that? I mean, we looked at pages of them.
Starting point is 01:40:29 It was funny. I don't remember exactly what was going on in the news that day because I don't know what day we were shooting, but in 2015 or 2016, I was like asking. I asked the girls how I should find a good dick pic, and a few offered some up on their phones and I was like I don't want to use someone that could like recognize it and come back and then I was like I could just google dick pic and I googled dick pic p-i-c and the entire first
Starting point is 01:40:58 page was pictures of dick cheney oh wow and I was like are you serious like I've googled dick pic and all I get is now i tried i've tried it since and now i actually get dicks again but it took me wow it's a lot of cock being more specific yeah and then i got pages and pages we scrolled through because it needed to not have a face or any recognizable characteristics or anything in the background um and i wanted it and because the character's name was drew, I wanted it to be big and beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:28 Fair enough. I understand, man, there's some ugly penises. Yeah. Don't screen share. What a weird, I did that one time.
Starting point is 01:41:37 Did you? Yeah. I can't remember what I Googled. I was so naive to think that it was going to work out. It didn't. Patrick Clark says, Drew, if you would want to give CrossFit a try again, you might go to CrossFit Rhino where Justin Kotler and the Underdogs crew train. I would.
Starting point is 01:41:59 CrossFit Rhino. That's a cool dude. He's a super high-level coach, Kotler. I don't know if he trains mortals like you but um probably but but he's a super cool dude i i need to um i need i've actually been thinking about it because like i got mentioned earlier like i got in the best shape of my life during covid from running and doing hit like one of the coaches from sin city again she thought the gym was going to be closed for a couple of weeks. We all did.
Starting point is 01:42:26 So she started doing it. She did the HIIT classes. She started doing a HIIT class in the park every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And I started doing that. So I would like run, do garage powerlifting workouts, and do HIIT classes. And did that for years. And I got in really good shape. And then fell in love and started traveling
Starting point is 01:42:47 again and stopped doing the classes and stopped running so i need to go back um i'm trying to think of a nice way to say this because i hate people telling me what to do maybe you could consider and pool party massacre too having a little paying a little homage uh to your crossfit training like someone gets choked with like a rope a jump rope yeah i would do there's a there's a crossfit shirt in part one there is yeah the um so the character you like did i miss that i don't. The character Clay that you like when he walks in with his friend. Oh, he's wearing the rogue shirt? No, he has a sleeveless Sin City. You wouldn't recognize the logo because it was just the box that I went to,
Starting point is 01:43:36 but he's wearing a Sin City CrossFit shirt with no sleeves. And there was another video you made where you're pulling your head through a shirt, and it's a rogue shirt. Oh, yeah. Yeah. and it's a rogue shirt. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But that different movie. That's just a video I made actually for my girlfriend one morning. And then I posted it on Instagram like a year later when I needed content.
Starting point is 01:43:55 But yeah, I have tons of. That's a cool video, by the way. The slow motion. Yeah, she loved it. And so that's why i eventually posted it because she's like i watch this video almost every day of you putting on your shirt that you i just sent it like good morning and i sent her that video um because we used to we had a long distance relationship for the first year she was in dallas and i was here so i would like to send her try to send her videos
Starting point is 01:44:21 and pictures every morning and talk as much as we could is is uh is is um i was gonna say street parking too is um a pool massacre uh uh to is it written is the script written there is a version that was written that i wrote right after i finished the first one but it wouldn't even work now like it all takes place at my parents house which i don't have access to anymore um and it's actually starts the second that part one ends. So as soon as you see Nancy walk away and the killer on the balcony, it starts with police sirens pulling up and police coming in. But it's been five years.
Starting point is 01:44:58 I've lost 50 pounds. My hair is two feet longer. It just wouldn't work to start in that exact moment no i think i like it dude i mean it'd be silly that's for sure but i don't even have the house oh i see what you're saying because you would need a shot right i see what you're saying maybe you could just show yourself from the back sneaking out yeah but i so the new version is like five years later like a the new script that i'm writing right now it it takes place like five years later and it starts with a stupid bit where it's on the news it's like the anniversary and people are
Starting point is 01:45:38 watching the news in their house and they're shooting content for their only fans actually and the news is on because i'm sure people watch the news while they do that and one of the girls is like what if he comes back for the anniversary and the guy's like what are you fucking stupid like that really happens in real life like he's hiding in a cave with a calendar waiting for the five-year anniversary and he's gonna come back and then i'd show up and kill them well the, the guy is pretty proud. He he's, he's openly proud of his accomplishments. Yeah. It's the best thing he's ever, the only thing he's ever been good at.
Starting point is 01:46:11 Right. So how about the tools in the garage or were those actual tools somewhere in the garage that were hung like that? And you're like, okay, I'll use those. Or did you, is that set design?
Starting point is 01:46:21 Uh, set design. So it was a, like an homage to my dad who had a pegboard like that when I was a kid with all of his tools outlined, the house that I grew up in. So if I ever took a hammer to go build my skate ramp, he would walk by and know it was gone and ask me where his hammer was.
Starting point is 01:46:40 So it was kind of like a little tribute to my dad. And they also happened to pop up in the Evil Dead there's a this an outlined tool board like that too uh but it was most like i get credit for an homage to evil dead not when it really wasn't that wasn't the point it was tribute to my dad but um and then i just thought it would be fun i was like oh what if he uses a different weapon every time and just keeps going back to that board and putting them back bloody and grabbing a new one. I decided it was kind of ridiculous, but fun. Oh,
Starting point is 01:47:08 it's cool. And people could try to predict what was next. And I remember when the movie was like hot, like when it first came out and was getting a bunch of love that people would message me about like what so many people are like, why didn't you use the level? It would have been so funny if you use the level, like the least dangerous weapon on that. There's like a little level and i'm like shit now i gotta use
Starting point is 01:47:30 that in the part two i gotta find a way to kill someone with a level um when leanne was sitting by the pool and she kept doing this with her uh her bra her bathing Yeah. Did you direct that? No. That was just her being that character, being flirty. So when I see girls doing that on Instagram, that's on purpose. Well, I don't know about for all of them, but it certainly was when she needed to kind of be flirty and play that character. That was her instinct, so maybe it is. And what is that about that? As a man, you see that was her instinct so maybe it is and what is that about
Starting point is 01:48:05 that as a man you see her grab her shirt and adjust it and so it draws all your attention there like maybe you might see a little nipple is that what that movement is is that what's happening in our minds it's just instinct they go like that and then we're at attention like something might fall out or something yeah i mean i'm i don't know it's like it's like in the western when the guy puts his hand on the gun it's like all of a sudden you're like yeah you freeze but it works oh it crazy works it's a pavlovian response i want to show you um this is uh one of my um listeners i noticed let me see if i can find this Instagram account here. Okay, so this is one of my friends, close friends I'd say, lives down the street from me and one of the listeners to the podcast and a fellow parent.
Starting point is 01:49:03 This is her Instagram, and look fellow parent this is her instagram and look at this is yesterday's post look at look at this move right here watch what she does with her top right here watch what she does with her top see that's the move you saw it that's the move right i gotta feel like that's the move like that's a weapon and yeah and that's the move that was used in in your show yeah like allison yes allison allison nyc yes it's it's a fucking brilliant move i wonder if guys have a move like that, that where we can demand girls' attention. I bet, you know. Do we? There probably is, but I'm not that cool.
Starting point is 01:49:52 I don't know it. Yeah, I don't know it either. Yeah. You'd have to have a gun. I noticed that one of my other friends, you know who Rich Froning is? Yeah, I mean, I never met him, but of course I know who he is.
Starting point is 01:50:05 One of the things he – there's tons of footage of him competing at the CrossFit Games, and right before 3-2-1, he's always, like, adjusting his dick. You know what I mean? Like, you see him, and he's doing that move, like, peeling his balls off his thigh. You know the move. Like, you're just, like, fixing something. It's like he's got a go-to, like, dick adjustment. And I always like it because he's, like, the super Christian, you know good dude but he but he still has to adjust cock yeah well and he still is a male right
Starting point is 01:50:31 but i don't think he was doing it for me no but now i'm starting to think allison did that for me well for people like me sure or at least subconsciously my instincts yeah like i don't know that she has i don't know if she's like storyboards it out and tries to remember to always do that before right before every rep or whatever before she picks up the bar but i think it's like i said it's like it's a weapon yeah well um thank you for coming on uh you you some fun insight into the movie and and what it means to be a filmmaker and uh if there's anything that you would ever like to promote uh yours i can't even believe you're so easy to speak with and you're always welcome on my show drew brad yeah hopefully i'll
Starting point is 01:51:15 have something maybe i can kill you in a movie oh i would love that i would that'll give us that'll give us a me a reason to a really good reason to come back on i would love to be in a scene with a girl in a bathing suit okay but that would be that would be crazy that would be i'm not i'm not greedy i'm 51 i'm what it doesn't even matter well there's definitely going to be girls in bathing suits in pool party masker too without a doubt at least twice as many because that was my whole gimmick did you ever get drunk on the set uh i never did no i mean i did drink back then like there's a picture of me it's kind of funny i don't like to post it because i haven't drank in so long
Starting point is 01:51:55 of me like with a paps blue ribbon like drinking and holding the hammer above nancy's head like we posed for it but yeah i'm like oh how weird like most people know me now as someone who doesn't drink and i didn't drink i just quit drinking to get into shape like i didn't even have a drinking problem or anything and i never went back to it well um you bailey we'd all watch a movie with seven on in it so that's an extra 200 views for you yeah well i'm glad i'm just i'm glad i think of my friend dan that pointed you guys to me so i'm what's dan's last name oh my god you're putting me on the spot sorry is he a crossfitter yeah what is dan's last name oh my god you train with you trained with him at sin city
Starting point is 01:52:40 yes okay well thank you dan i can't believe i can't remember dan's name right now this is super embarrassing i i do that shit all the time don't worry it's normal for coming on this show is it that's yes i you know i had a guy on right now he should comment like you're an oh dan garrity i'm offended drew there he is there I was like, oh my god. Dan, listen, I'm on a live podcast right now. Oh, you'll be my agent. Thank you, Matt. I need an agent.
Starting point is 01:53:15 Go ahead. Sorry, Drew. I was defending myself to Dan, who is a friend of mine, and I'm on a CrossFit text thread with him daily. I'm like, oh my God, how can I not remember? And I used to see him five days a week in the gym and I just got murdered in the alley behind his house in a movie last weekend.
Starting point is 01:53:35 Do you have an agent? Do I have a, I do. I have a commercial agent here in town, but I don't do that much commercial acting and for movies i don't i just people book me directly like i'm gonna in this day and age where people can get a hold of you through social media you don't i mean unless you're at a certain tier then you need one and so i just i like living like off the radar off the grid a sense, and being able to do what it take, whatever roles I want and not have to worry about giving someone a cut or if they would not want me to do something for free and things like that.
Starting point is 01:54:13 Right. So I just live off the grid. Like people say, Bill Murray does that. I don't know if that's true, but that's like the, the story is that Bill Murray doesn't have an agent. And if you want to get him in a movie, you have to like call his house phone and leave a message on his answering machine and hope that he calls you back.
Starting point is 01:54:31 Wow. Not to compare myself to Bill Murray at all. Hey, I could see you. I mean, you're still young. I could see you. God, I could see you just doing everything and anything wow well i don't know yeah i do have my own action figure so maybe i've done it all wow i forgot that this i brought this up here that's fantastic i mean how come you haven't done how
Starting point is 01:55:01 many pot you haven't done any i couldn't find one podcast. Well, I found like one or two podcasts you've done, but but but all pretty specific. They're all I mean, I've done hundreds of horror movie podcasts. You have. OK, yeah, it's weird because I looked up I looked up your name and put podcast on YouTube and just kept scrolling. I couldn't find them. Really? No, I found like one or two. Maybe a lot of them aren't on YouTube and they're just they're audio.
Starting point is 01:55:23 A lot of audio only like the big one called indie film hustle which is like one of the biggest film related podcasts and that that actually got me a ton of press and the guy who hosts that wrote a book on indie filmmaking like people bring to every convention i do people bring up that and he was great like he he brought me on because of the way that i marketed because i self-released pool party massacre that's the one i listened to and so everything i did and i marketed like it was star wars is what i would say like i made like i showed up to my first convention to release the movie as someone that no one knew a movie no one had ever heard of and i had like shirts hats lunch boxes an action figure posters
Starting point is 01:56:08 blu-rays vhs dvds like i had this giant array of merchandise like that scene in space balls where yogurt is like space balls the movie uh it was like that but i just didn't know if i was ever gonna get a chance to make another movie so i just wanted to treat it like it was my star wars and i figured if i take it seriously then maybe people give it a chance maybe my marketing background but and it worked because people did give it a chance and whether they liked it or not um it got it got me out there and so some people recognize that and saw that i here's this kid that made this shitty $6,000 movie and is out working, hustling, traveling the country to horror conventions and film festivals peddling his movie. So it got me noticed at least. And now it's kind of a model.
Starting point is 01:56:56 If you have an independent movie, it's become a good model to get your movie out there without relying on the system. to get your movie out there, like without relying on the system. If you, if you're willing to hustle, you can get out, you can be a carny or like a snake oil salesman and get out there and sell it. I keep thinking back to what we started talking about to the sound design. There's nothing $6,000 about your movie now. And that's crazy. The audio is just crazy. Cause that will really fuck up a movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:25 And there, I mean, that's an unfair part of it is because I worked, like I said, I produced commercials for now 20 years. So, I mean, I know people in the industry.
Starting point is 01:57:35 I work in the industry. I was able to call it like even Brian who shot the movie and edited it just to have him shoot. If somebody hired him to shoot a movie, it would cost a lot more than $6,000 or to edit the to edit the movie for right or to load it onto his computer would cost more than six thousand dollars exactly and then same like kevin santos who did the sound mix again like would have been more than the whole budget of the movie but he was a good friend of mine and had mixed tons of commercials for the company i worked for and was happy to do it because it was
Starting point is 01:58:03 a fun project he could do out in his spare time but yeah so I was fortunate enough I had this huge advantage where I could call in favors from people in the industry to make a six thousand dollar movie feel like a hundred and six thousand dollar movie or whatever the comparison would be one million and six thousand could sound I mean I million-dollar movies that have a sound mix that is not that good all the time. Which is sad. Katie Ritz, I first heard about Drew from my 16-year-old who loves horror, but also Christy from Nightmare Toys in Vegas, formerly of Huntsville where we live. Very cool guest, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:58:38 Yeah, Nightmare Toys is a big horror toy store here in Vegas and used to be in Huntsville, and they moved and christy and uh her boyfriend philip are the owners and they're big champions of indie horror and friends of mine it's crazy that a store like that can stay in business it is like niche like that that's how big horror and it's a huge i mean it's a big store it's not like a tiny little corner market and they now they just built a restaurant next door called nightmare cafe and it's not like a tiny little corner market and they now they just built a restaurant next door called nightmare cafe and it's like a horror themed bar and a cafe that's connected to it and they do really well i mean they also there's a huge online uh presence for that like their
Starting point is 01:59:16 online store it probably if i had to guess would be most of their merchandise is sold online but they're still their store does really well. Jay Hartle is suggesting that you cast Allison in Pool Party Massacre 2. She looks like she would be great. And she's your neighbor? Well, I live like three miles from the beach. She lives on the beach. But she's a friend.
Starting point is 01:59:43 But I see her four days a week, five days a week. I hang out with her. You guys could carpool to set? Oh, my God, totally. That's perfect, man. Totally. She's, like, constantly breastfeeding. Do you have any issues with breastfeeding?
Starting point is 01:59:54 No. Okay, well, then. I'm a big fan of it. Yeah, she always got a baby on her like that. That's cool. And I love babies, too. I don't know if I want to kill a baby in a movie. Maybe that's a line i don't cross i don't know don't cross that line i don't like that either yeah but but i feel like i would kill like a 10 year old a bratty one yeah that's what i mean
Starting point is 02:00:17 like i feel like there's a funny way to do that there's no funny way to kill a baby i actually had to turn down directing a movie because there was a scene where the killer killed a newborn. Oh, and you said no? I just refused. Yeah, and talking to the producers, it was like, I'm not going to – we have to rewrite. I'm not going to kill a baby. Or it wasn't even me, but directing the movie. I'm like, I'm not going to direct a scene where a killer cuts a newborn baby out of a pregnant woman and then kills it.
Starting point is 02:00:43 That's insane. killer cuts a newborn baby out of a pregnant woman and then kills it. Like that's insane. We, we, it crossed it when you're, we wanted to film someone doing Fran naked and the, the, the employee refused to do that.
Starting point is 02:00:55 He said, I, sorry, I can't, I can't film. I can't be around a naked. Yeah. I wouldn't film it.
Starting point is 02:00:59 The film. You had someone that would do it. No, actually. Uh, I can't remember if we found someone who would do it i mean i'm sure you could have if you tried hard enough you definitely yeah right right right i you know what it was is i think i reached out to a couple affiliates to see hey is there anyone who
Starting point is 02:01:13 we could film doing fran nude of course there were half the people got like offended right yeah and and then and then the filmmaker there who we were originally going to have do it said no i can't do it um i can't remember if he was married or he's very religious. The guy's never had a sip of alcohol in his life. That could be it. Cause actually Brian who shot pool party massacre is, or was Mormon his whole life. And wow.
Starting point is 02:01:37 Yeah. It was a Mormon guy. It was a Mormon guy. He couldn't. And so Brian wouldn't shoot the nude scenes. Like we, I'd have a sec, a separate cinematographer for that scene on the bed.
Starting point is 02:01:48 I had to bring someone else in to shoot that because he didn't want to be part of it as like a courtesy. Why do they hate women? They hate the female. They they're misogynist. No, they hate naked women for him. It was just more of like a Kurt.
Starting point is 02:02:02 Like, I think it felt like the gentlemanly thing to do for his wife and his family was to be a part of it um because he was there and he had nothing against it and he would watch the movie like and now he's no longer a mormon he's not no he probably has great stories maybe we should have him on the podcast um he un-mormoned himself yes but well after the movie had come out but But yeah, so we had a separate cinematographer come in just for that scene because he felt like it would just be better that way.
Starting point is 02:02:31 And he still edited the movie. He still saw it. It's just, it was his, he felt better that way and I was totally fine with it. It didn't matter to me. But it was an interesting dynamic to have that because everyone else on set wanted to be. I noticed the filming was completely different in that scene.
Starting point is 02:02:49 Well, there you go. You picked up on that. Hey, what about Denzel not kissing chicks in his movies? I think that's pretty, I think because he's married, not to disrespect his wife. I don't know if I heard that. I don't know if it's true. Interesting. that's pretty, I think, um, because he's married not to disrespect his wife. I don't know if I heard that. I don't know if it's true, but I, I, I,
Starting point is 02:03:05 interesting. I just watched the equalizer and he never kisses anyone in that. Um, I respect, I respect that the, the not filming nude people though. I, I struggle with like,
Starting point is 02:03:15 it's some sort of like, um, shame. Like there's, there's all these things that people do that, that I think is like, they're claiming that it's respecting women, but I just see it as hatred towards women like yeah i mean what are you doing like the female body's like second greatest thing after like brisket on the planet earth yeah i mean
Starting point is 02:03:35 i would argue it's depends where you get the brisket it's better right there you go there you go i won't even i won't even push back but But I mean, like in my current relationship, like I would be fine. Like I don't want to do a love scene anyways. Like I've never wanted to do a love scene. It just doesn't seem like it would be awkward and I've never been super interested in it. I'm not excited to do it. But in my current relationship, I would even want to do it less. And I would actually have to talk to her and say, hey, are you, you know, what do do you think about this are you okay with me taking this role where I make out with this girl or where
Starting point is 02:04:08 we simulate sex um it hasn't happened yet because usually I play the killer usually I'm god I hope that happens I hope you have to I hope I wish that trouble on you you want me to have that conversation yes I want you to have that um that type of hardship in your life that's well it's been brought up because also in the like the movie i just came off the set of triple xmas or xxxmas i play a killer santa of murdering porn stars that are shooting a christmas themed porno so like every actress in the movie most of them are in the adult world um so in real life and they're playing porn stars making a christmas themed porn and i play the actual real santa claus who flies down from the north pole and brutally murders all of them and so she it
Starting point is 02:04:59 got brought up then she's like do you like do you have a love scene like how does this work anything i need to know and i said no i just murder them all luckily in this you don't have to put the d to any of them no i mean they're all naked though i mean it was me in an airbnb with like seven naked girls for 10 days um how was that was it was it was that fun was it cordial was it nice it was super professional i mean it seems like it's hard for some. Some people might not believe that, but it was very professional. I believe it. But was it friendly? And is it intimate?
Starting point is 02:05:33 Like just like the living quarters? I mean, it was certainly friendly. Like are people cool? Yes. Everyone on that set was great. It was very professional, very cool. There were no issues with anything like everyone's being friendly no one's making anything awkward everyone's fun the girls are cool the dudes are cool a couple of the girls had never been in a movie like that because the movie set is a it's a job it's a professional environment
Starting point is 02:05:59 um so like a couple of the girls it was their first movie and i remember one of them asked the first ad if it was okay if she just walked around naked all the time so she could get to know her character and like feel more comfortable with it and the first ad said no and then asked me what i thought as one of like the veterans on the set and i said no fucking way this is a job play it's a workplace no like she can't just walk around and and we're living here like it's already creating an interesting dynamic that we're trapped here in rural missouri in this house but no she doesn't need to walk around nate as much as i like the female form i don't think she needs to be eating breakfast nude in this house where the
Starting point is 02:06:40 cast and crew are living like god you're you sound like an adult i am it's crazy but but oh my god is this holy shit santa is coming well i wish that was the title maybe that's the tagline santa i'll suggest that to the director. That's a good tagline. I don't see it being used as a movie. Santa is coming. Although it is misleading because I don't think I ever did. No.
Starting point is 02:07:18 All right. All I did was murder people while they were trying to. Well, I'm excited for you you've put yourself in a position where life is just like bringing new shit to you every day I'm so excited for you it seems like you got a cool life
Starting point is 02:07:36 any temptation to cut your hair yeah I mean I'm not like married to it it just was a COVID thing like I didn't get a haircut for a couple years during covid um and then but now it's like same with my beard i've had the beard for 10 years every time i want to shave it i'm told that i can't like now it's my look and that's what gets me roles and i probably shouldn't my ex-wife hated it max i think she would cite that as
Starting point is 02:08:01 the top five reasons why she left me the beard would be in the top five for sure. She hated it. Beard, exercised, and quit drinking. Yeah. Those would be definitely all in the top five. And I'm sure there's other – I'm sure she would have other things. But my girlfriend, who I'm madly in love with, loves the beard and my hair and i think likes the idea that her boyfriend looks like he'd be on a romance novel as she says or a viking so yeah dude you look like a crazy viking
Starting point is 02:08:34 you could totally be in a game of thrones type movie that's a role i mean i'm a i am norwegian i haven't i would love to play a viking but instead I play homeless serial killers and Santa Claus over and over again. You were in that Wiz Khalif video. I was in a Wiz Khalif, a Juicy J video. Yeah. Yeah, that was cool. I saw that last night. One of the weirdest experiences of my life.
Starting point is 02:08:58 You got stoned with Wiz Khalif? I did. And I don't smoke at all. I don't do anything. I'm super boring. So I tried not. I didn't want to. But the camera was like he handed me the joint while the camera was on the two of us while it was rolling and i wasn't going to ruin the take so i took it from him and
Starting point is 02:09:14 in my mind i was going to not inhale i was like i'll just i'm an actor i'll pretend to smoke this joint but i didn't i never practiced pretending how to smoke a joint so i just accidentally hit it it took a big hit and it made me uh super high but also super nauseous like i got my anxiety i guess i got i thought i was gonna throw up like i genuinely there was like 20 minutes where i was 99 sure i was gonna vomit and i had this like thought going through my brain, brain trying to decide if I throw up, like we were in a tiny motel room. Do I throw up like on the nightstand and try to hide it? Or do I throw up on the back of Juicy J who's right in front of me rapping and have potentially the best video clip that's ever been recorded of some
Starting point is 02:10:02 white dude in a wife beater projectile vomiting all over juicy jay um and i just sat there trying to decide which one to do when it started to come out and then i thought about it long enough that they yelled cut and everyone left the hotel room and i got to get fresh air but how how what was the name of the song again um ain't ain't ain't ain't easy or easy ain't i had that queued up with the time code at 240 that doesn't sound like the name of the but i could find it real quick if you can tell me i know the exact time code where you're in it too because of course i had that in my notes too yeah you're i mean you're in it a bunch but at 240 there's a great shot of you or 241 and it's um i was supposed to be in it a ton like my character like checks them into the motel
Starting point is 02:10:53 and we have a whole interaction and then i like drop their suitcase full of drugs and it spills everywhere and they beat me up and throw me out of the room like it was a whole narrative to it that they ran out of time and never shot so the director was just like well we'll just throw you in the party scene now so it makes no sense there's wiz juicy j their entourage a bunch of hot chicks partying together in a hotel room and then me still in my costume as like the sleazy white trash hotel front desk guy for some reason i'm partying with them and their entourage and their hot chicks so it's yeah it makes absolutely oh ain't nothing ain't nothing that it ain't nothing uh daniel's
Starting point is 02:11:31 doing his part even though you can't remember his name he knows what videos you're in that doesn't even sound like it's the right one to me uh i don't ever watch it but let me see if this is it let me see if this is it no no nice try though i appreciate the help uh i like remember the chorus it's about doing xanax and smoking weed it's like you mix the weed and the xan and you how many fucking videos does wiz khalif and J have? I thought one, but now that I'm trying to find the one that I'm in that I can't find it. Cause. And then, and then,
Starting point is 02:12:11 and then, so you're, you're stoned. And then for 20 minutes, you feel like you're going to throw up. Your mouth is probably watering and stuff. Yeah. And then,
Starting point is 02:12:19 and then how much more of the shoot is left? A couple hours. But once I got outside from that, that take that camera set up there was 7-eleven next door and i went and bought a slurpee and like i bought like 11 slurpees and brought them back and gave them to everyone oh that's cool like yeah i wasn't going to show up with one slurpee and that was and so i bought a bunch and gave them to like i think every like juicy jet like whiz and like everyone their whole entourage everyone got a slurpee from me and then we hung out and then
Starting point is 02:12:49 I felt better by the next take and I didn't completely embarrass myself oh here I found it thank you Daniel yeah that's good um I filmed the video say it again all It's called All Night. Yeah. Okay. I filmed the video with Rick Ross once at his house. And as I was leaving, he put all his gold chains on me. And he lit up a blunt. And I thought I was going to fake hit it too. And then afterwards, I went straight to an Italian restaurant. We were in Miami. I went straight to an Italian restaurant. I was st was, we were in Miami. I went straight to an Italian restaurant.
Starting point is 02:13:25 I had to eat. I like, I was stoned out of my fucking mind. I hated it. I had to eat for, I ate for like an hour. I was, I was miserable.
Starting point is 02:13:35 Plus it's a weird, like they kept saying like, just dance like your party. I'm like, I don't dance. Like I didn't get cast to play a dancer. Like I'm supposed to be the creepy white trash clerk so they're like so luckily i'm not in it as much as i could have been because i'm just holding balloons
Starting point is 02:13:52 trying to figure out what to do with my hands oh you're in a wife beater yeah and look you can even see the lights in the mirror in the background yeah it's just all hot chicks and their entourage and then that dude with a balloon in his hand god you've really lost a lot of weight yeah i was like probably 255 at that point are you in short shorts are you in jeans i was in pants oh okay i thought i was in like khaki dickies or something that they dirt like wardrobe provided them some dirty probably dickies but in that moment i thought i was going to throw up and i didn't know what to do with my hands so i just picked up a balloon and how how many projects do you have going on simultaneously how many projects do you have going on now anything i mean there's not just you but things
Starting point is 02:14:43 you've been hired for things that you have on your calendar and i mean i have like 16 i think there's 16 movies that have acted in that that are scheduled to come out this year that haven't come out yet wow the count i'm at right now is your calendar crazy busy like do you know like oh shit this is gonna be like a busy fucking month i gotta be in this part of vegas this part of vegas i gotta fly to new york i get like is your shit just crazy and then there's also months where i have nothing like that's the ride of it all that's the scary part of all because i don't like i don't make a great living as an indie actor and an indie filmmaker like i made a really good living managing nightclubs and even producing commercials
Starting point is 02:15:25 but now that i'm doing what i really love i don't like it's feast or famine and so like there's months where i have nothing and i'm like oh maybe i'll have to sell that some of these axes on ebay you know and then yeah yeah super busy and i'll get a bunch of good roles and you know appearances where i sell autographs or blu-rays and i'll make good money um so yeah i do that too i'll be like okay well gotta gonna have to sell a camera to pay for the mortgage this month i totally it's feast or famine that's exactly my my life and i'm not very like i'm responsible with the things i need to be like my kids will never want for anything or or even my girlfriend. I would die to take care of them.
Starting point is 02:16:08 Wow, you sound like a man. Yeah, accidentally. Good job. You sound like a fucking man. Well, you know. With the cock and balls. I try to be. That's my priority in life.
Starting point is 02:16:23 That's the biological homeostasis of a man. You just heard it. I will take care of my woman and my kids. Sorry, you don't like it? That's sorry. You're stuck on a planet with a few billion of us. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 02:16:37 And if you don't feel that, then you should check yourself. And it's the only thing I'm really, truly good at. I don't know. Oh, you are a good dad. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 02:16:50 that's awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Being, I don't know, like taking care of the people that I love, I guess you could say, which would be my,
Starting point is 02:16:58 my girlfriend and my kids. You're a good lover. Something that I would, like I said, I would, I would die for that. I'll give up. I'll sell everything that is important to me, whatever that would be, in a heartbeat for them, to provide for them and to make sure that they don't want for anything. But, yeah, that happens a lot.
Starting point is 02:17:18 Look, there's Allison. She just showed up. She missed the whole party. This is the Allison? Yeah. Good morning. That guy's beard is beautiful. I agree.
Starting point is 02:17:27 I was making breakfast. What did I miss? Oh, Allison. What did we miss? Oh, Allison. Well, Allison, you've now been cast in the movie Pool Party Massacre 2, so you did miss a little. Yes.
Starting point is 02:17:40 Look, even Bailey knows. Allison, you're in the next Pool Party Massacre movie. What happened? You'll find out. Drew, I want to reinvigorate, reassess, restate, reemphasize. I want to emphasize the sincerity that I'm always here if there's anything I can do to get you an extra 200 eyeballs on anything you're doing brother brad i appreciate that tremendously and thanks for having me on this was great i came in cold like i didn't know what dude my i had fucking three pages of notes and links and your ex-wife and your mom and your kids and it's fucking all gone before the show
Starting point is 02:18:20 started so that's good i think i probably made it a better episode okay um but yeah i mean i i knew who you were and i'd watched a couple of the episodes but i mean i still didn't know what i was getting myself into because you can't you there's no theme like you don't have a running theme or anything it's not like i knew why i was coming in to talk about crossfit or i was coming in to talk about horror specifically like i had no idea what you were gonna where where this which road we were gonna go down. Me neither. And it was great. And I love that actually. I like having conversations with people rather than regurgitating the same thing that I've said a hundred times before. So. Awesome. And I apologize for the, what's your favorite movie?
Starting point is 02:18:59 No, I'm glad. Even the great slip and fall on a banana peel once in a while. No, I'm glad you asked it because it made you human. I got to see you vulnerable. I am not human. Fuck this guy. It's too late. You are.
Starting point is 02:19:15 And my answer is The Princess Bride. Okay, fine. That's my favorite movie. All right, brother. Peace and love and have a fabulous day yeah you too I'll see you on set yes
Starting point is 02:19:30 holy shit I'm gonna be in a horror movie that's Seve's way no theme just shit loads of notes cause I'm a scared little boy and then just fucking go off the cup yeah I think you do get killed I think you do shit loads of notes because I'm a scared little boy and then just fucking go off the cup. Yeah, I think you do get killed.
Starting point is 02:19:49 I think you do. I think you do get killed. But he did cast you. I showed him your some of your modeling photos. Some of your acting. Yeah, I like that guy too. That's a cool dude. Yeah, no plan B. i get the total no plan b from him good point philip yep you you can't right i mean it's he's he's uh that that whole artist uh gig thing is is nuts that's it's a it's a it's a challenge. Wow.
Starting point is 02:20:29 This picture of you, Allison, is that Puerto Rico? Wow, that's a crazy picture. That's a crazy one here. Last Allison picture for this show. Allison, you stole the show. That's an insane photo. Can I make that bigger? Nuts.
Starting point is 02:20:50 Splits. Anyway, yep, you'll be in a horror movie soon. Good show. Sebi didn't know what to expect of having him on. No, I was actually a little nervous. I was a little more than nervous. Tomorrow, am I i nervous about tomorrow's get i'm nervous about all week um here's here's why uh tomorrow shit because this calendar is not up to date i think tomorrow we have pastuch on again no no tomorrow we have asia bartow and leo bartardo his wife birth fit okay i'm not nervous about that
Starting point is 02:21:27 that's kind of like a um i'm gonna love that because i'm gonna love that they loved uh baby talk and birthing talk that should be easy uh and um sean pastuch is coming on Wednesday. I'm a little nervous about that because I really liked him the first time he was on. And I'm just curious where that goes. Daniel, by the way, Mr. Stone, Lifting the Heavy Stone Garrity, thank you for introducing me to Drew. That was cool. Nervous enough to cancel another live call-in? Nervous enough to cancel.
Starting point is 02:22:07 I didn't cancel that. My fucking power was out. My power went out yesterday. You want to see the – I'll show you. I took a picture of the two circuit breakers. It actually blew. It's kind of cool. This is the pole outside on my country road.
Starting point is 02:22:24 This is the pole outside on my country road. And those are supposed to be folded up, right? And locked in. And there was this huge explosion in the middle of the night. And those breakers popped down. And so you can just go outside and I can look at my pole and be like, yep, I'm fucked. Also, what's up with Talander giving CrossFit Media credit to the Buttery Bros? Oh, you guys want to do the Tillander thing? I don't know if I want to do that.
Starting point is 02:22:59 Tillander video about Greg I I washed I watched it. It's a rehashing of just – it's just a complete rehashing of idiocy. So I don't know what to tell you. I can – there's any one of you. I can check out the route that you take from your house to work every single day, and I could say this. I'm going to post a story about you that says this. I'm going to post a story about you that says this. John, every day you drive by a preschool twice every day, and you've done that for the last year. And actually, you slow down in front of that preschool. I don't mention there's a stop sign. And I just find it extremely interesting that you do that, that you spend so much time driving back and forth in front of preschools. You have a box
Starting point is 02:24:33 of Kleenex in your car, your windows are tinted and you slow down in front of that preschool. And I could go on and on and just make up shit like that. That's true. Facts that are true about any one of you, but just being an ambiguous douche and paint shit. And so when I see what Zach did by rehashing a video that's just a bunch of ambiguous bullshit, it stirs emotion in me. Like I want to love all human beings on the planet. I really do. I want to love all human beings on the planet. I really do.
Starting point is 02:25:14 I fancy myself in my natural homeostasis to be maybe one of the nicest people I know. But I just – it's deplorable. It's brutal. And I know more about those stories than anyone who's talking about them. And I'm not interested in like... I know more. I know everything. Quote me on that. Is there for it all.
Starting point is 02:25:50 And I've never driven by a preschool, exactly. Yeah, but what is interesting about you, Andrew, what is interesting about you is I find it weird that every morning I see a kid walk by your house very slowly. It always trips me out. And then you always happen to be in the garage when a kid walk by your house very slowly. It always trips me out. And then you always happen to be in the garage when that kid walks by. And the timing is really uncanny. And the way you smile at that child. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 02:26:22 And people who do stuff like that just look, just always look to the source. And what's even more sad is that like, okay, let's say someone does that. Someone's throwing a temper tantrum and I just start, you know, spewing ambiguous shit like that. Then what's worse is that I see my cohort believes it.
Starting point is 02:26:43 So you can go into the comments and you can be like, man, it says stuff in there like Greg's a really despicable person. And it's like, but that video didn't say anything. That video just says you drive by preschools with Kleenex in your car and your windows are tinted. And it's like, it's not, I'm across the street, Hiller, with binoculars. I just don't – it's just fucking mean.
Starting point is 02:27:09 Those are fucking – that is just such mean shit to do. It's unsporty. Beth did it to me. I'm a – she paints me as a creep who asked a girl about birth control. Then I finally go back and watch the video thanks to Andrew Hiller, and there's nothing creepy about it at all. And she basically states that that birth control fucked up her performance, and she wished she would have got off it because all the other girls who got off it performed better. And now we're finding out all the fucking bad shit that's coming out from birth control, but someone's painting me as a creep. It's like – and you can look in the comments there.
Starting point is 02:27:44 There's people who fucking believe it. Even in the T-Lander video, there's someone who fucking attacks Pat Sherwood and the Buttery Bros for shit. Dude, those are like the three squarest dudes I know. Whatever my feelings about them at all, they don't deserve to be dragged into any smut that I ever saw. Those dudes are square as shit. And I wouldn't drag Pat or Heber or Marzen into any of that stuff, like even remotely for a second. I mean, I have my own – I mean, it's crazy. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:28:31 Everyone who – here's the thing. I'll tell you the truth. Here it is. You ready? You ready? Everyone who worked at CrossFit Inc. for any duration of time longer than 3 or 4 years which is pretty much everyone
Starting point is 02:28:48 from anywhere from between 2003 or 4 to 2018 lived the fucking dream they were rewarded everyone they were rewarded handsomely for a job they fucking loved
Starting point is 02:29:04 they were free to explore and do what they wanted. They were surrounded by other like-minded individuals who really gave a shit about their job and pushed hard. You could work out whenever you wanted. The diversity there was out of fucking control. I could touch a dyke, a faggot, and a fucking black guy at all times within fucking six feet of me. And they're ruining this crazy experience
Starting point is 02:29:37 where they got to sit there and witness the blossoming of one of the greatest gifts to all of humanity. Constantly very functional movement executed at high intensity. Eat nuts and eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, blah, blah, blah. No sugar, a little starch. They got to see that fucking explode. They got to be a part of that.
Starting point is 02:29:59 They got to share that message. They got to learn from some of the greatest, hardest working people from fucking our lowest fucking – there were no low people there. It was flat. Everyone – if you had pride and you were a confident person there, you could walk around with pride and confidence. No one was put down. Everyone could walk around like they were the shit if they wanted to. Everyone got to tell their moms and dads that they were at the beginning of this explosion on planet earth it was like being at apple during week one it was incredible
Starting point is 02:30:39 she can clip it all she wants i hear you it. It was for dramatic effect. It's just because it's just so nauseating. It's like eating the best chocolate cake in the world and then complaining that it's not the right tint of brown. They're complete fucking idiots. All of those people. They wouldn't trade anything that they got there for fucking anything. Ask any of them. It was fucking amazing.
Starting point is 02:31:08 Tell them to just be like, hey, don't be a whiny bitch for one second and tell me how amazing was it being at CrossFit Inc. during the early days? Oh, dude. Yeah, exactly. Ask yourself. Good question. It's a great question. Is Zach a 49er fan? everything that made on the internet is is to get eyeballs and so there's different words for getting eyeballs there's eyeballs clickbait educate um uh whatever what any of those things
Starting point is 02:31:53 that cause you to get attention any of those things you do right show ass play the victim uh do something extraordinary um uh what was the other one uh do something infamous those are the four things right that chris rock said it's all to get eyeballs just some of us a few of us a few of us have integrity around it a few of us have integrity around it if that if if if if zach's uh zach's premise is that greg was a bad businessman because he got rid of social media and got rid of media and then started showing old people working out and greg did that greg wanted eyeballs on that right but he didn't do it to get eyeballs greg wanted eyeballs on that wanted clicks on it but he didn't do it to get eyeballs. Greg wanted eyeballs on that, wanted clicks on it, but he didn't do it to get clicks. And so therefore Zach says he's a bad businessman. Do you see all the presuppositions there?
Starting point is 02:32:55 And then does it see – what do you think about Zach's integrity or Andy's integrity or the integrity of the people who are making those videos? or Andy's integrity or the integrity of the people who are making those videos. I mean I haven't spoken to Zach about why he made that video, but I suspect integrity wasn't a component of it. I suspect. I suspect it was to get attention. It was to get a certain kind of clicks. I suspect Andy's was for other intentions.
Starting point is 02:33:33 But when Greg did those things, and hey, I'm not a fan of those things. I'm just trying to lay it out here. I'm not a fan of getting rid of me in 2018. I thought there was some shit Zach said in there that was fucking spot on. That was completely insane. Completely insane.
Starting point is 02:33:48 Completely insane. But no one will say Greg wasn't showing old people work out for the same reason that Dannyy spiegel is showing her ass danny spiegel is showing her ass ad nauseum fucking every single day from different angles and different lightings and different outfits because she wants to liberate women and make women allow women to eat whatever they want make women strong and feel free and not make shit about their bodies greg was showing old people work out because he wanted to show old people that they – anyone – old and fat people work out because he wanted to show people like, hey, you can take control of your life and save yourself. Knowing that he couldn't get everyone and knowing that it would maybe lead to some people going into one of the lifeboats, which we call the affiliates. I mean you – I don't know how much more I can paint it than that.
Starting point is 02:34:44 I feel like I did a pretty good job of laying out the whole fucking thing. And at the end of the day, like I haven't, I haven't spoke to Greg since that video came out. I mean, I've been texting with him. I'm going to call him now when we get off. But really, I don't think he gives like, I don't think anyone realizes one, how much money he got for CrossFit. And two, how passionate he is about about really fucking big things that matter. He's such a... Someone said to me the other day,
Starting point is 02:35:17 this was crazy. They said, yeah, Greg doesn't give a shit. I know. That's the thing. Someone said to me, I mean, he gives a shit, but someone said to me the other day, do you think Greg deserves a second chance? And I was like, what the fuck kind of question is that? What the fuck kind of question is that? A second chance? No, this is, I said, let me reword that for you because there's a presupposition in there. Like, why would he need a second chance? The question is, does the world deserve a second chance?
Starting point is 02:35:54 There's some of us that get to hang out with Greg and talk to him, like Allison. Anytime he's in town, Allison sees him all the time. We all hang out with him. And you learn and hear the coolest shit. Fucking Hemingway and Tupac and Elon Musk wrapped into one. And it's fucking fun. It's so fun.
Starting point is 02:36:13 It's intense, man. And if you, it's not whether Greg deserves a second chance. It's whether the world is going to get a second chance to hear him. Yeah. Yeah, hear him. Yeah. Yeah, he did. Yep. Has HWPO ever said anything woke? I thought that Fraser didn't say anything,
Starting point is 02:36:35 but as soon as I said that on the podcast, people started sending me shit from around the internet where he said shit. It's hard not to. It was hard not to. I mean, I'm not to, it was hard not to, I mean, I'm not justifying it, I don't, I don't,
Starting point is 02:36:49 I don't have any, I don't have any like, venom towards, Matt, I do, I do, I do have, I do think that Matt wishes he was free,
Starting point is 02:36:57 and, freer than he is, yeah, so, all right, that's it maybe we can always do a live call-in show on thursday i kind of wanted to let all this um zach stuff kind of like mellow out so i wasn't so emotional about it before i um before i uh talked about it i am curious i haven't talked to and it. I am curious. I haven't talked to Andrew either. I am curious if Andrew is going to make anything about the whole subject too. Andrew actually does have a relationship with Greg also. He went to, Andrew did go to the Broken Science event
Starting point is 02:37:37 and actually did do some research and build a relationship with Greg. We hung out at Greg's house together. So it'll be interesting to see his take on it um yeah yeah they do have the woke uh they do have the crazy woke strength coach who to i i can't remember what he wrote i don't remember if he hates women or what but he he something something he wrote something that was completely uh idiotic i don't want to misquote it, but I think he's okay with men and women's sports or some shit like that. It's like, dude, gay people and trans people are not – dogs and monkeys aren't the same thing. Dicks and assholes are not the same thing there's two separate things quit feeling like you have to stand up for idiocy support mental illness illness uh allison nyc uh greg knows
Starting point is 02:38:34 everything it's incredibly entertaining and draining i feel stupid and loved at the same time yeah it's crazy yeah exactly Yeah, exactly. Anyway. Oh, wow. Okay, listen to this. Andrew Hiller, Emily is coming on tonight. Is that? Hold on a second.
Starting point is 02:38:58 Hold on a second. Hold on a second. What the fuck is this? Let's call it. Let me just see if I can. I'll do a show at the same time just to compete with it. Hello. You breached Andrew Hiller. other oh that's crazy andrew has a block andrew doesn't uh andrew's phone that's right he told me that because he doesn't like it because he does so much recording on his phone it's hard to break in to call him hello you bre reached Andrew Hiller anyway uh Andrew Hiller
Starting point is 02:39:47 it sounds like um what he just is saying in the comments here is Emily's coming on the show tonight okay and Emily is uh Greg's business partner in broken science okay it's gonna be good
Starting point is 02:40:04 you've been big dicked Well Oh here we go Are you big dicking me? You can hear me right? Are you big dicking me? No no no no no Are you big dicking me?
Starting point is 02:40:22 You gotta call back quicker Why do you say that? Are you big dicking me? No, no, no, no, no. Are you big dicking me? You got to call back quicker. Why do you say that? Oh, because people in the comments like to start shit. So someone says he's big dicking you. Hey, I'm excited that she's coming on your show. I can't wait. What time is she coming on?
Starting point is 02:40:42 Five o'clock central, which I believe is three your time. Oh, and is that live? It's gonna be, yeah. Oh, yummy. I will be driving my kids to jiu-jitsu, completely enjoying it. Oh, boy. Yeah, yeah. BearKCS.43,
Starting point is 02:40:58 Savage move by Hiller. Which one? I think having Hillary on. Hillary. Emily on. Which one? you it will be a thousand times better with andrew than with me because i know her and so so with me it's kind of a day it's a dance with her and hillary will be much more sincere i met her once in person well you know what i mean i know her you know her i don't know i know her too good i know her too good i know her like a two out. Hey, the comments are going to be crazy in there. People are going to be throwing up all sorts of amazing questions for you.
Starting point is 02:41:52 You think Zach will be in the comments? Yeah, for sure. Ooh, he's going to be sweating. For sure. Do you think he'll be sweating? Do you think he's worried? I don't know. I don't know him that good. Do you think he'll be sweating? Do you think he's worried? Do you think there's anything to it? I don't know. I don't know him that good.
Starting point is 02:42:09 I mean, it's kind of hard to know. I think for some people it's hard to know how much that they've really walked into, right? So I don't know how much he knows he's walked into. I don't know what he, you know, I don't know. I don't know how much research he does. I mean, he spent a lot of time putting that piece together. It was well put together, right? I could tell.
Starting point is 02:42:39 Yeah. Incredibly. I almost, the first 10 minutes, I enjoyed. And then it kind of went downhill quickly i would i think i would enjoy it if i just didn't know it's just too close to home for me it's like it's just rehashing a bunch of shit i just that i just don't i'm just like wow this why is it why do why are we reliving this again and you and i talked last night and I was like, I don't kind of don't want to do it again. I've said my piece about it and I don't want to
Starting point is 02:43:09 keep redoing it. He needs to go into present day. He was rehashing everything but there was no purpose. Right? It's funny you say that. The purpose was is that for people
Starting point is 02:43:26 who don't know the history they got the cliff notes of andy stump's fucking podcast basically right i mean that's what that for me that's what that entire podcast was it was just a rehashing of the andy stump podcast i remember watching that the first time when he's just sitting on the firing range I watched the whole thing on a big TV like you do yeah I listened to it I didn't even know there was video there's video of that and he's sitting on a firing range
Starting point is 02:43:57 yes wow I was thinking that this guy is going down I thought the whole time Who Andy or Greg? Andy Oh This guy's in trouble
Starting point is 02:44:12 There's so much stuff I never found out what happened to him He's doing well I think I think he's partnered with Black Rifle Coffee I think he has his own coffee shop I think his Instagram is doing great I think he went through a divorce I think he own coffee shop I think his Instagram is doing great I think he went through a divorce I think he's doing great
Starting point is 02:44:26 I mean I don't when I interact with him it's very very limited and the reason why is it's a very delicate situation him and I both know a lot of stuff and it's a very delicate delicate situation it's very
Starting point is 02:44:42 delicate and I don't think if you were to really ask me i don't think i don't think he's proud of how he handled it yeah yeah and he's been on joe rogan at least a fuck a shitload of times but i don't think i don't think anyone will i i think people don't realize that when you go nuclear on someone, that at the end of the day, you feel so fucking dirty. Do you agree with that, Andrew? 100%.
Starting point is 02:45:13 We've had this conversation. Do you remember? I don't remember it, but I feel it. Say it again. It's the thing. If you're going to burn a bridge You better nuke that motherfucker And you don't do it often
Starting point is 02:45:29 Maybe once or twice in your life You better be ready for it Because you feel dirty Yeah I never like leave here being like Yeah I really got Dan Bailey today Or I really got Ketchum Like I feel dirty I don't like it
Starting point is 02:45:41 And I don't think he likes To be honest with you, I'm kind of surprised he hasn't erased that podcast. I wonder... I'm probably at 100-something thousand views. I wonder how his next video is doing, view-wise. There's no hiding.
Starting point is 02:46:00 That's why it's there, right? It's for views. Say that again? He's a YouTuber. He's trying to get views. But what's the limit? What's the limit? I didn't have Drew. I have a podcast because I want views.
Starting point is 02:46:22 I didn't have Drew marking on because I wanted views. I didn't have Drew Markin on because I wanted views. Do you get what I'm saying? Do you want to know what the difference is between someone like you and somebody like what Zach just did? I don't even want to say like Zach, but what he just did is he brought up Greg without talking to Greg. And when you have people on, let's just say you had on a woman and you knew that something that she had
Starting point is 02:46:48 done she'd be terrified that you would talk about it but you wouldn't do it because you don't want to make people look bad you want to make them look good oh like like I had James Newberry on and I didn't bring up his I'm out video right right kind of a kind of because I'm out
Starting point is 02:47:03 the next day right Yeah Kind of because I'm a pussy Do you think so A little bit It's a little disingenuous It's a little weird But I do really like him Well I think there's an assumption there
Starting point is 02:47:20 That you don't think he'd be able to handle it Yeah there is that Well there is that I don't want to make'd be able to handle it uh yeah there is that well there is that i don't want to make him look bad it's like what you said i'm not worried about me i'm not worried about me i'm worried about him which which who am i to be worried which is kind of insincere right it's kind of like why am i worried about him he's a big boy and i like him i'm not doing it to be mean. I don't know. He somehow gets through his entire Instagram inbox every morning. He can deal with you.
Starting point is 02:47:51 So going back to what you were saying about Zach, you think Zach should have talked to Greg before he made that piece? Is that what you're saying? I don't think that that's necessary. I think that he should have done more research or put himself
Starting point is 02:48:05 more into the position of Greg because all he did was take everyone else's points of concern. There was no counter argument. He said he was just reporting on stuff that already was, but he did
Starting point is 02:48:22 insert his own bias in there no matter how hard he tried not to. You can tell at certain points he tried not to as well. I watched it with Alexis, and in the first couple of minutes he said something about CrossFit injuries, and she took away that he's addressing that CrossFitters get injured. But I go, you didn't hear the way he tried to spin it, right?
Starting point is 02:48:46 It could, and it may, lead to more injuries. I go, he really tried to fluff up the argument that it's possible, but it's not set in stone. But that went away with the back half of that video. I read all the comments
Starting point is 02:49:01 last night, and people are I feel like the comments last night and people are, people are, I feel like the mass vast majority of people are defending Greg. Do you get that? No. You didn't, you didn't get that. I'd say it's 50 to 60% are telling Zach that he's done a good job, which I don't argue. He put the video together well and people sometimes get lost in the fact that it's done a good job, which I don't argue. He put the video together well, and people sometimes get lost in the fact that it's well
Starting point is 02:49:26 put together. And then I would say it's 15% defending Greg, and then the other, I think it would have to be 25% are saying he's disgusting. Okay, let me, what was your intention in making this video? I think that's a dig. That's the first comment. To Beach House Cross, i'll i'll pull them up i think it's it's it's uh it's pretty heavy well a beach house crossfit two points
Starting point is 02:49:52 crossfit started 1974 there's no record of a failed apology other than that nice work i think that's supporting greg really nice well-balanced reporting there fucking Fucking idiot. Ben Almond. This is so good. The B-roll with the... No, no, no, no, no. Did you take that as a dig? No. Unbalanced reporting? No, I take that as a compliment. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:11 The B-roll with the narrating is really good. This is so good. Yeah. I think these are all just fucking... You could just brain rot. He was right about Floyd 19, though. It was an unbelievable display of hypocrisy a Russell Berger is actually a personal friend and a jiu jitsu buddy
Starting point is 02:50:28 of mine who gives a fuck great video and you know what's funny is I look at these people who say great video and yeah like I get it this dude just looks like he's brainwashed what do you mean it's just a beta dude it's just a dude who will fucking believe anything looks like he's brainwashed I don't know what do you mean like I can't
Starting point is 02:50:45 it's just a beta dude it's just a dude who will fucking believe anything like you didn't have to show him any evidence all you had to do is be like yeah Greg drove by a preschool yeah Zach drove by a preschool it's like dude anyway okay let's say your assessment
Starting point is 02:51:01 is right I just feel like that there's a lot of um uh stop deleting Emily's comment Okay, let's say your assessment is right. I just feel like that there's a lot of... Stop deleting Emily's comment. Zach says he didn't... He says he didn't delete it. Well, that's good to know. I can't see that. Try filtering by most recent.
Starting point is 02:51:18 See if that makes Emily's comment populate. I've heard that that helps. I did. I put it newest. I always go by newest. Okay. And you haven't been able to find her comments. I, uh,
Starting point is 02:51:30 on my phone, I wasn't able to find one of them. Okay. I hadn't seen them either. I mean, uh, look at this guy, Dave Prothero.
Starting point is 02:51:41 All of us need accountability. Absolute power corrupts. Absolutely. As Glassman was right about the two 20, 2020 BS shutdowns accountability absolute power corrupts absolutely as Glassman was right about the 2020 2020 BS shutdowns absolute power like that means there's something that someone in there thinks that Greg was corrupt
Starting point is 02:51:54 and this guy has dog videos of course you do have a go at it just fantastic video look at Clive one of our listeners to the show fantastic video like how is that a fantastic video how have i not taught you anything i wonder where he's coming from with that comment maybe this is why i don't take them all as wow sporty beth is in here here Yep This take is so accurate How is a take accurate?
Starting point is 02:52:30 How is a take Listen to even her verbiage Are you tarted? This take is so accurate You can also tell there was a super sexist culture amongst employees By the ones who have left and were a huge part of the culture And still publicly very sexist Say gross things about women
Starting point is 02:52:44 Sporty Beth, just so you know, I suspect you're talking about me and I apologize if you're not. When I was there, I didn't fuck anyone who was married. And I can tell you a handful of people who stayed who didn't get fired who did fuck people who were married.
Starting point is 02:53:09 I never fucking touched anyone inappropriately. I never did any of that shit. You're a fucking psycho, people who left. Let me tell you, they just had their biggest fucking scandal in the history of the fucking company, and no one's fucking talking about it. What's that? They hired a – I'm not going to say it it i'm not gonna say it not yet not yet they they hired somebody uh this is it's all right all right all right um they they they but but i will talk about it but i will talk about it but i will talk about it just give me give me a little time give me a little more time people i will talk about it they they hired a fucking dude to be the president of crossfit who was fucking gay and now i hear he's suing the fucking company for discrimination
Starting point is 02:53:55 rosa hire well of course he's going to you hire someone woke that's what happens they end up suing wait we aren't supposed to fuck married people no i'm not i'm not suggesting that you can i'm not suggesting you shouldn't i'm just saying that like um you can also she writes you can also tell there was a super sexist culture amongst employees by the ones who left who are a huge part of that culture, and who are still very publicly sexist, say gross things about women. Get off the soapbox already. Did you work at HQ? Do you know the details?
Starting point is 02:54:31 Barry McCogner. No, she never. No. As a matter of fact, yeah. Emily even responded to it. What are you talking about? Be specific if you have claims. Otherwise, it sounds like you just want to be part of something you think is cool to hate.
Starting point is 02:54:45 Get back to your cheesecake. That's a big thing. That's probably the biggest dig at Andy, right? Stop trying to jump on to be cool and hating something while it's easy to hate it. That's how I took the Andy Stump podcast. Like, alright, pile it on, dude. That's really cool of you. You're a real big bad military man. Let it loose. Now that he's in trouble.
Starting point is 02:55:10 Hey, isn't it funny? This guy, Marcus McClow, says he doesn't look like he could do a CrossFit workout. And then Bossman says this dude had polio when he was a kid. It's okay to make fun of Greg because he has the torso of a 6'5 man and a 6'5 wingspan, and he had polio as a kid that caused that, and he's only 5'5 tall, same height as me. But it's not okay. Something he cannot fucking control
Starting point is 02:55:40 from the endless surgeries he had on his fucking legs. But it's not okay to make fun of this fucking chick, Sporty Beth, who has a fucking massive eating disorder and fucking pushes fat culture, fat acceptance over accountability. Fucking amazing. You're a fucking hateful fucking person. I apologize for you. I know you're in a fucking bad place. And I hate this line, but Emily says it.
Starting point is 02:56:08 You can do better, Sporty Beth. You can do better. You don't have to be that person. Let it go. I don't know what your dad or your mom did to you. You can do better. She can do better, right? Sporty Beth?
Starting point is 02:56:25 Yeah. Yes. Oh, yeah. It's not too late. She can unfuck herself. She doesn't see what she doesn't want to see. And she won't. Unless she wants to.
Starting point is 02:56:35 Something's got to happen. Yeah, no one... We don't even hate you. Do you understand that? Like, we don't even... No one even... Like, Andrew, do you hate Sporty Beth? No.
Starting point is 02:56:45 Do you dislike her? Why would I hate sporty Beth? Yeah, right. Exactly. No, I understand her. And I wish that she figures some stuff out. I hope. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:56:55 Figure it out, man. It's no fun on the side you're on. I'm telling you, we're raging over here. It is dope. I mean, I've been overweight i know what that was like it's just you don't know any better and you don't think it's your fault you really you had that mindset too i mean i just didn't know i had no idea but she's taking it a little bit further where she thinks that she's justified. Because she's maintaining? Yes.
Starting point is 02:57:30 Well, I was younger. So when I was younger, I had no freaking idea. I would just eat what was in front of me. And then once I became educated and knew that there was something you can do about it, everything changes. She just doesn't want to do that. I would propose this to her, Andrew. What do you think about this? Eric Weiss, Scorched Earth, let's go. No, I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 02:57:47 I'm not even close to doing it. But I would propose this to Sporty Beth. What do you think about this, Hiller? Like, hey, why don't you just make it fun? It doesn't have to be heavy that you're fat and overweight. Why don't you make it fun? You're already comfortable like working out with just like all your rolls and like your shorts like eating your ass, your ass eating your shorts.
Starting point is 02:58:04 Why not just like make it fun and just be like, yep, I'm overweight and that's the way it is and I'm going to keep trying. Oh my God, guys, today I'm going to try not to eat this. I'm going to go to bed. Good night. Like instead of justifying it, why not just make fun that like have fun showing that you're struggling with just losing weight and having the body you want to have. That's my take.
Starting point is 02:58:25 I'm just struggling having the body I want to have. That's my take. I'm just struggling having the body I want to have. By the way, my kids shaved my chest yesterday. You guys want to see my titties? How did that go? Arrow over the bed again? Look, there's a nipple. For everyone who's ever wanted to see me with my shirt off. There, I just showed my nipple. I wish I could see it. I'm on the phone with you.
Starting point is 02:58:43 Portly Beth. Cheesecake Beth. I mean, come on, girl. Everything doesn't have to be so heavy. What if some guy told you you look fucking fine and he wanted to fucking throw flour on you and fuck the wet spot? You'd be offended by that?
Starting point is 02:59:02 Come on. I mean, I don't understand that but throw a flower on you and fuck the wet spot that was a line from like when I was in the 5th grade I fucked this bitch who was so fat you throw a flower on her and fuck the white spot
Starting point is 02:59:16 I was probably negative 10 at that point she should just have more fun anyway there are different people in this world and she's one of them it's just that she's you can be different to have the perspective she's got but you also have to not put your opinion onto a video like that without also understanding that it's not a great video it's well put together in the terms of the production of it, but the content isn't good. And she thinks it is good. So she,
Starting point is 02:59:50 she just doesn't understand. It paints people's biases. You ever just meet people and then you automatically think they're very similar to somebody else that you know. Oh, hey, this person's a lot like Sporty Beck. I thought you were the non-reptilian. I recently thought you were the non-reptilian version of Ricky Garrard. He's a reptile? He's got some reptile quality.
Starting point is 03:00:20 You mean Australian? Yeah, Australian reptilian, same thing. He's just so angular. Dude, you know there's lizard people in this world and that's what I'm thinking you think he's a lizard person no I'm just like I think his like jawline in his forehead they're prehistoric
Starting point is 03:00:37 I just like he's like the super manly version of you like you look manly but then next to Ricky Garrard you're soft you're like all you like use lotion and shit. You know, if I were Sporty Beth, I'd be upset by that. But I'm just glad that I look anything like Ricky. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 03:00:57 Sporty Beth should be happy that she resembles a woman. That should be enough for her. Right. In some ways, you look like, I don't know, Margot Robbie. I do? You know who that is? No, no. I look like?
Starting point is 03:01:12 No, no, no. No, I mean, you do too, kind of. You got long hair like she does. You're probably about the same height. Oh, my God. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 03:01:23 Holy shit. For those of you who don't know, she is fucking something else. Did you see a movie with her in it last night? I've always told Alexis that she reminds me of her. I could see it. I totally see it. I'm a wolf of Wall Street.
Starting point is 03:01:40 God, she is a fucking hottie. You've actually seen movies with her in it. That's new for you. No, I haven't. What movie have I seen? Like The Wolf of Wall Street or Suicide Squad. She's in the movie with Will Smith on Focus, which is really good. I did see Wolf of Wall Street.
Starting point is 03:01:59 I don't remember anything about it, but I did see it. She's a blonde chick. His wife in that movie. Does she get naked? Yes. And that's what Sporty Beth doesn't like. That's the part she doesn't like when I say, does she get naked? That's the part she doesn't like, I think.
Starting point is 03:02:18 I would say that you're right. It's the only thing she'll remember from this entire conversation. We're giving Sporty Beth what she wants. Just ignore her. I'm all about giving people what they want. Use me, but I appreciate it. Let's get her on the show.
Starting point is 03:02:33 Uh, seven looks like an uglier version of Dustin Hoffman from rain, man. That. Okay. Listen, is that, is that you?
Starting point is 03:02:41 Oh, look at that pictures. Ben Bergeron making eye contact with Catherine, David's daughter. That's a great profile pic. Listen, you fucking asshole. There's no fucking way Dustin Hoffman is better looking than me. Are you out of your fucking mind?
Starting point is 03:02:58 Oh, I thought you meant David Hasselhoff. I don't know who Dustin Hoffman is. You're out of your fucking mind. I'm way better looking than him. He's way richer than me. Who cares? What movie are you seeing? Dustin Hoffman. Fuck this. I'm done with this show.
Starting point is 03:03:21 I'm done with this show. Someone just read Seban's smaller version of Danny DeVito. I'm fucking done. I'm not going this show Someone just read Someone's smaller version Of Danny DeVito I'm fucking done I'm not gonna take This bullshit Hey You know his twin though right
Starting point is 03:03:32 Danny DeVito's twin Arnold Schwarzenegger Yeah Yeah So you kind of share Some similarities To Schwarzenegger
Starting point is 03:03:39 I I Thank you I appreciate that I ordered a shaver I ordered a Like a N I ordered a, uh, like a Norelco shaver yesterday from Amazon. It should be here in the next day or two. To do what you said you were going to do a couple of days ago and trim up your face.
Starting point is 03:03:56 No, I'm not. I already trimmed up my face. I shaved the sides of my beard. I don't know if you can tell. And then, uh, I'm, I'm going to shave, I'm going to shave my, I'm going to shave. I'm actually going gonna let my kids shave the side of my head so i can go with um you know that guy um who owns the gym in um in indonesia do you know what i'm talking about yeah like a hundred thousand is his name dave yeah david um Is his name Dave? Yeah, David.
Starting point is 03:04:24 Something with a B. Yeah, let me see. Oh, Dave Driscoll. David Blackwell. Dave Driscoll. Oh, yeah. I know Dave. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:04:32 Yes. God, have you seen this chick that he's been posting pictures with that I think maybe he's engaged to, this blonde chick? Right here? I haven't. Holy shit. Anyway, I'm going to – um, I think I'm going to, um, I'm going to, I'm going to cut my hair like that. You, you, you can't see the computer. Does he have a ponytail?
Starting point is 03:04:53 Yeah, he's a ponytail and the sides are shaved. I'm going for the Dave Driscoll look. He's a good looking guy. So I say do it. See if I look just like him. He's a, what guy. So I say do it. See if I look just like him. He's probably 40. Jack, you have to take your shirt off more often.
Starting point is 03:05:13 God, look at his fucking chick. The downside of being on a phone, I can't see her. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Anyway. Yeah, he works out in his underwear all the time.
Starting point is 03:05:33 Yeah, I'm going to get my hair cut like his. That's what you're going to have to do. I'm going to get my hair cut like his and I'm going to let my six-year-old boy cut it. Awesome. Are the others going to be jealous no they'll probably all do it and if I wear a banana hair
Starting point is 03:05:50 I'm going to stuff it holy shit his chick is so fucking hot you should have that camera guy over and have them record the shaving of your head oh okay that's a good idea I was just going to set up my iphone and then you go to the three playing brothers uh heidi crew i'm going to step on if you get any hot hotter this becomes a late
Starting point is 03:06:12 night show please oh thank you maybe daniel brandon will actually come on then if i'm hotter if you're hotter i've crossed over the hot age there's no chance if you want that window closed yeah incorrect because what's his face george clooney he's just he was winning that award in the 50s he's just rich one of these days you'll be rich yeah as soon as your podcast it really takes off rich again rich again i was telling my mom i was asking my mom when am i you'll be rich Yeah As soon as your podcast really takes off Rich again, rich again I was telling my mom I was asking my mom
Starting point is 03:06:48 When am I going to be rich again? She goes, I don't know, hurry up All right Thank you, Andrew, for coming on Good luck We'll all be watching tonight Andrew Hiller will be continuing the drama The saga
Starting point is 03:07:02 The fun With the incredible Zach Till The fun With the incredible Zach Tillander Story Of the release Of the wild video Go watch it now on Zach's page That way tonight
Starting point is 03:07:14 At 3pm Pacific Standard Time When Emily Kaplan comes on From the CrossFit book You will understand exactly What her and Hiller Are talking about And make sure you're in the comments Asking the tough questions.
Starting point is 03:07:28 So that I can just ask him that Emily. Yes. Emily, what do you think about this one? Yeah. Is that true? All right, guys,
Starting point is 03:07:40 are you asking me something? No. Is that true? That's what people are going to be like, is it true? And there's going to be tons of presuppositions. You'll see who all the idiots are. What about the women who signed the NDAs?
Starting point is 03:07:49 Like shit like that. If they signed NDAs, how the fuck do you know that there's women who signed NDAs? Yeah, right. Fucking morons. And if you fucking rape someone You can't have them sign an NDA And shut them up
Starting point is 03:08:08 You fucking morons It doesn't work like that If you're fucking breaking the law Okay anyway We live with morons Alright Hiller thank you very much I will talk to you soon I'm really excited about your show Congratulations thanks for big dicking me
Starting point is 03:08:23 Anytime Okay bye I will talk to you soon. I'm really excited about your show. Congratulations. Thanks for big dicking me. Hey, anytime. Okay. Bye. Andrew Hiller with giant swinging that giant cock around. It's going to be a good show. 3 PM Hiller fit. Thank you, Drew,
Starting point is 03:08:35 for coming on the show today. Eric wise. Thank you. Appreciate you holding on the fort. See you guys tomorrow morning with Asia Barto and Leah Barto. It's going to be a great show. Love you guys. Bye.
Starting point is 03:08:45 Bye.

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