The Sevan Podcast - Dubai CrossFit Championship - Event 2

Episode Date: December 17, 2021

Event 2 discussion. The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Episode Videos Sevan's Stuff: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:04 It just doesn't account for the tiebreakers. Thanks for joining us. It is early 535 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. I got up early. I'm very glad I got up. I have to say thank you to all the people in Dubai who put this event on. I'm glad I woke up at 3.55 a.m. to watch this. I truly am. The lifts were great. I'm really a games guy only, and this really put in perspective
Starting point is 00:01:34 for me the difference between games caliber athletes and athletes who are just all over the ecosystem. Not that they're not all great, but the games athletes definitely stood out here in this event, just how they look lifting, especially the difference between their clean and their jerk. It seemed like the games athletes, their jerks were significantly better. That being said, that's not really my place to talk about. That's more Brian Friend and John Young who joined me. But I have to say one thing.
Starting point is 00:02:05 You cannot fly people in from all over the world, put them in a beautiful stadium on a beautiful day and, and have them have a lifting competition without something on the field telling us how much they're lifting. You, you, you, you, you, this is, this is like having sex with the most beautiful woman in the world and they blindfold you it might as well be a frog at that point come on guys just some placards i don't know how to spell placard and and you know i i know tommy and and and Derek were doing their best, but, man, because they're handicapped, they needed to be repeating the weights every fucking like every time someone new came up, I needed to hear it again.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Because if you look down for a second, scratch your balls, get a cup of coffee, pet your dog, you don't know if they change the weights on you or not. And I even heard the commentator say at one time, I think poor Derek or Tommy said, I think that's 160. Anyway, enough of the complaining. Amazing event. Well, especially if you scratch your balls, you have no chance of watching the TV while you're doing that. And I don't mean to be sexist. I just don't know what women scratch. So I apologize for anyone who feels left out. Feel free to throw what you guys scratch in the comments. You just say scratch your ass. Everyone's got an ass. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:27 What do you guys think? What do you guys think? What about this event? Better, worse? Clearly, I now know the difference between having a clock versus the implications of having a clock versus only two lifts. It was devastating for people who failed. Yeah, well, the good thing is that no one really
Starting point is 00:03:46 failed like everyone had at least one lift correct john yes and that's you know like that's what i was most nervous about was um you know honestly like one of the better lifters or better or heavier lifters who are choosing to attempt their first weight um towards the end of the of the lifting cycle i I guess, missing one. Because the real travesty would have been traveling, like doing everything that's required to get there these days in terms of travel to show up, run up the hill a couple times, and then miss two lifts and you're done.
Starting point is 00:04:18 That would have been terrible. And Roman was close in his first one. I was nervous. I was just nervous. I felt a lot better, and I was enjoying the lifting more after everyone had hit one. Hey, Brian, they kept saying that if you don't do 50% of the work, you don't get prize money. Is the implication there that everyone gets prize money? All 20?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Men, all 20 women? We don't know. I thought everybody gets 1,000. Yeah, that might be right. Okay. Okay, so it is really, really important. It's a huge psychological piece, for sure, to say the least. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Plus, like, they look forward to competing. Plus, like, they look forward to competing. And if you, I mean, in all reality, so far what we've had is just a gateway to the events that they're excited about. You know, running up and down in the hill and doing the ski, like, that's fun and it's different. But it's not, like, that's not what they really are training for. And lifting the heavy weight in this case, like, they're lifting to be able to execute well on that. But this event, because of the way it was structured, it was like, just make sure I hit sure i hit one and then anything else after that whatever at least i get to do the next events and there were different strategies too some people did struggle with their first lift and other people and other people made it almost look too easy yeah i think andrea should
Starting point is 00:05:40 have went a lot heavier nistler she i, she looks great and she made the biggest jump out of all the women. But since that jump was so big, her total weight, that tiebreaker, she is last in that tiebreaker. So she potentially left like 15 points off. I think she gave away seven points basically to the two girls she tied with on the heaviest lift though by the way go ahead oh two things real quick so
Starting point is 00:06:17 people can just turn the show off right now uh who won the women and who won the men? Well, Manon Angonis ended up taking it for the women. Laura Horvath attempted a weight that would have won it for her, but she didn't hit it. I think she just, honestly, was just a little too casual on the jerk. And that cost her 10 points. You know, we talked about how she was sort of awarded five extra points by the tiebreak system or a few extra points i guess it's not a uniform yeah five extra points by the tiebreak system that they implemented in event one but she gave 10 points away here by missing that lift and uh and who won the men um there was a tie between tola and bron bronislaw um it seemed like they had a gentleman's agreement to just go 165
Starting point is 00:07:07 because they both power cleaned it um wow wow that that's those are pretty strong words uh really we uh we will get to you next we thank you very much for asking that how is this event structured you're lost brian and john will explain that in one second but let's john said something pretty strong here let's get to the bottom of this first. Oh, you, are you, do you agree with that,
Starting point is 00:07:28 Brian? You think that they made an agreement? It looked like it. I mean, we obviously don't know, but it looked like it from my couch. By, by their lifts or you saw something in like a camera angle where they
Starting point is 00:07:41 smiled at each other and scratch each other's balls or something. You saw some sort of swapping. Are you, are your balls okay this morning? They are. They are. I know it didn't work. I ran with the ball metaphor.
Starting point is 00:07:53 It didn't work. No, just, I mean, they, they both chose the same opener and they both chose the same second lift. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:01 so, and, and the list didn't look that difficult. I mean, you still have to commit to the lifts didn't look that difficult. I mean, you still have to commit to the jerk a little bit, but they locked them out pretty seamlessly, I thought. And what was the weight for the men? The winning weight, 365?
Starting point is 00:08:15 365 pounds? 363, but yeah, essentially 365. Okay. The women's leaderboard is updated, by the way, if anybody wants to go look at it it's um on competition corner and the women and what was the women's weight the top women's weight 115 so 253 okay and are those what you thought um i yeah i thought 170 would be the winning lift for the men and it honestly probably would have if they didn't agree to just do 165 um i think if jeff knew that he would probably have gone 160 on his first lift he wasn't involved in the gentleman's agreement he wasn't involved it
Starting point is 00:08:59 didn't look like it uh so yeah so okay uh will you guys explain the event this is event two of the dubai crossfit championships we've already had event uh 1a and 1b and this is event two uh brian will you tell us what was going on here today yeah there were as you see on the screen there were fixed weights on certain barbells and then you had to declare your opening weight so they for the women, they put 70 kilos on the bar. Anyone who wanted to attempt that weight had a chance to, and then they moved to 75. Anyone who wanted to attempt that could, they moved to 80. And they kept doing that until the weights got up to, I think the last bar that Laura attempted was a 117.5. Is that right, John?
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yes. 117.5. Yeah. So at all those stops along the way, every athlete had the opportunity to attempt two lifts and you had to hit one of them to advance in the competition. So majority of the athletes erred on the side of caution with the first lift, just to make sure they got one, they were able to continue, um, for the remainder of the events. And then after that, we saw a variety of different strategies. You know, some people just basically attempted one bar and then attempted the next bar. Some people waited an extra jump or two to make their second attempt. And then for the tie breaks, it was your, if you, if two athletes had the same heaviest lift, then it was whoever lifted the most combined weight.
Starting point is 00:10:21 So in a couple of cases, what we saw was the athlete who opened at a weight, let's just say they opened at 110, and there was an athlete whose second lift was at 110, and that was both of their successful lifts. It was actually the person who lifted lighter first because they'd already logged a good score. So they might have had, if you look on the leaderboard on competition corner, it'll show you, for example, that gabby is in second place with 110 plus 105
Starting point is 00:10:45 and laura horvath is in third place with 110 and there's no plus anything because she missed her second lift so even though they lifted the same gabby gets more points oh well but when tommy when tommy um prepped that i thought he said that it was the opening lift that was the tiebreaker did i hear that wrong it's a total weight lifted yeah i i hear what you're saying but i'm not i'm saying that we were told as the viewers it was something different the tiebreaker well yeah but it's a we're saying it's the same thing just different choice of words and put it okay okay has the same outcome yeah so let's say you and i both lifted 110 but your opener was 100 mine was 105 right then my opener is five kilos heavier and my total is five
Starting point is 00:11:32 kilos heavier i'm an expert at third grade math not fourth grade math and thank you that was a little out of my uh my realm of grasping thank you um the men's leaderboard is also up to date on competition corner now so they got that turned around pretty quick uh yeah they did i'm over here trying to get it figured out and then there's i thought it would take two hours like it did last time really something else you should know also how is this event structured which is really important to know is that and we talked about this in the beginning if you missed both your, you're basically out of the competition. You are out of the competition. You have to hit at least one.
Starting point is 00:12:10 So that makes everybody's first attempt pretty conservative because you have to hit one just to stay in the competition. John, do you know what the second attempted lift that Fabian Benito went for? It was a big one. He was one of the bigger jumps. I want to say it was 165. No, 160. This is a good example.
Starting point is 00:12:34 He's pretty strong and he hit 145. That ends up scoring 16th tied for 15th. If he'd hit that 160 160 the worst he would have done is i guess fifth i guess yeah tied for fifth no it would have been less it would have been eighth it would have been eighth because he opened lighter than all those guys
Starting point is 00:12:58 but those but that's but here's the you know because of the scoring system it sounds like it's pretty devastating, but it's really only 14 points that he gave up. There's just not big gaps in the points. Yeah, I'm a little bit annoyed that they skew the points the way they do it. It just doesn't go down by five the whole time because, like, I think it gives an edge to – mean i guess all in all it won't give an edge to anybody but it keeps everybody in the game yeah keep the leaderboard a lot tighter
Starting point is 00:13:32 throughout like if you look at sam briggs in the leaderboard for the women um you know she's fourth and she got basically last place in that event, and she's still fourth. Mikayla Norman was second to last place, essentially. So second to last and third to last, and they're fourth and fifth. And if this was like CrossFit games or even how Rogue scored it, they would be maybe 12th place, 11th place by now, even though they had two really good events because it's weighted a lot differently this the way they score it in the scoring system it just keeps everybody in the game
Starting point is 00:14:12 almost the entire time basically it's going to give the appearance that the that it's a closer competition that it is for longer yeah uh a couple things for people who are listening who can't see this on the leader board um who aren't watching on youtube laura horvat is in first place after uh two events fanduel casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning which beats even the 27th best feeling saying i do who wants this last parachute i do enjoy the number one feeling winning in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19-plus and physically located in Ontario.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Then Gabriela Magawa, then Kristen Holin holter then sam briggs and then all the way down um the people a lot of us care about uh not to say we don't care about the other people is sarah sigman's daughter this is her coming out party after her surgery and what's interesting is uh we're hearing that basically she hurt her knee um doing a split jerk. And here we are nine months after her surgery, watching her do a split jerk. And after the event, they interviewed Sarah and she seemed almost even emotional.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Yeah, she said it was a 12 kilo PR post-surgery. So that was 24 pounds, 25 pounds more than she had ever jerked after surgery right then, which honestly is kind of brave to even try to go for. Yeah, it's good stuff. I mean, it shows why she is always a favorite at the CrossFit Games. Yeah, and these were, I mean, these were some of the biggest questions we had. How would her knee hold up running downhill in an unstable, on an unstable surface? How would her knee hold up under heavy weight? And so far, not only did she, you know, pass those tests, but she seems confident and she seems, like you said, emotional, relief, happy. And, you know, she's always loved being on the floor competing. competing so it's this is two years in the making for her when when i saw christian holta go out there and do that lift that was when the first thought popped in my head like holy shit these these people who go to the games are different that there's levels to this shit and then you see three who i never give
Starting point is 00:16:40 credit for for being strong and it's more proof and like you know i gotta chew on my own sock after i see her lift and the commentators are saying she's a national level lifter coming out of where are they from finland iceland iceland and it's uh did you ever finish that sock that you had to eat in the spring no i never even still working on it yeah i'm still working on it um but uh i thank you 30 and uh thank you kristin for opening my. But thank you, Thurry. And thank you, Kristen, for opening my eyes. And thank you, Thurry, for shoving the sock in my mouth. I mean, you guys are truly amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yesterday, I just feel like there's always this connotation coming out of my mouth when Thurry's name is mentioned that she's just an endurance person. And it's because we see her at the games. But when you see her in this mentioned that she's just an endurance person and it's because we see her at the games but when you see her in this field you know she's strong as shit she's a fucking ox so congratulations to her on on a great lift and moving the weight easily uh 5800 people were watching live is about the max i saw for the women's lift and about a thousand more 6900 for the men's lift i wasn't checking too closely but i did check a couple times uh the max bar for the women what was that and we never reached it the max available was 120 laura attempted 117.5 and missed it manuel nangonis hit at 115 so that ended up being the heaviest lift.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And every person, I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, guys, who missed a lift, whether you were a woman or a man, was disappointed. Meaning sometimes you see the winners at the end here miss a lift, and they're not disappointed because they know they still did well or they won. But because of the structure of it, everyone really needed both of their lifts there was no there wasn't like a second lift to secure and win it and then a third lift to fuck around with there was no one who walked away it was pretty close to 50 50 on both sides as far as who made one lift and who made two for the men eight guys made one lift and 12 made two lifts. And it was very, very similar to the women.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Oh, that's interesting. It's very interesting. And how did Ricky do? Are we happy with how Ricky did? Are we surprised, disappointed? Because he looked pissed. You know, he came out a lot heavier than i thought he was going to uh for him to even i mean even think that he can hit 160 was was new to me because he traditionally is a weaker
Starting point is 00:19:14 crossfit competitor and i know he didn't hit it but he was close to hitting it and 160 that's all he would need to seriously make a run at the crossfit games is that type of weight and he did not have that before i know he didn't hit it but he was close enough where i i have more confidence in him than i did to begin with that i mean and the thing is like that miss basically cost him it looks like it cost him more than it did and the scoring system and the leaderboard it only cost him seven points however that only cost him seven points and in a normal normal competition with normal point skewing it would have been more like 20 or 30 and he's only seven points behind roman right
Starting point is 00:20:04 now so it would have been you know if you'd hit that list we'd have a tie after these kind of more like 20 or 30. And he's only seven points behind Roman right now. So it would have been, you know, if you'd hit that list, we'd have a tie after these kinds of three events that I, like I said, they're almost like a buy-in to the, now the CrossFit style competitions with the Metcon,
Starting point is 00:20:15 you know, the Metcons and the, the doublets, triplets, chippers style that we're going to see the rest of the competition. I want to switch over to the men and tell people how the men are doing. Roman is in first place. Ricky with 270,
Starting point is 00:20:28 Ricky Garrard with 263 and second, Jeffrey Adler at 243 and third and in fourth place, Willie George, Georges, Georges, Georges or Georges. I think it's a George. George with 242 points.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Then Henrik. Hap. Hap line. And he got it. We we we have about nine minutes before we will retreat from this podcast and run back to our YouTube stations. We're event three at the Dubai CrossFit Championships will take place in the stadium. Go ahead, Brian. Oh, no, I was very impressed with your pronunciation there. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I can tell you made a note of that. Someone asked me today if John Young was Asian. They guessed you were Korean. They hadn't seen the show, but just by your name, John Young. I said, no, you're not Korean, right, John? No, I've never heard that before. Yeah, anyway, I just wanted to share that with you. Go ahead, John.
Starting point is 00:21:26 What were you going to say? This next event will be the event where we are going to know if Laura is going to win the Dubai CrossFit Championship or not, depending on this event right here. Okay. Tell us why. Why do you say that? This is the event with 10 parallette handstand pushups. We don't know how deep it is, but we're told that it's deep. We haven't been told that it's strict, so there's not a lot of information on it.
Starting point is 00:21:53 But if she gets through this one and is not last place or has done the minimum work requirement and gets like 10th, I don't think there's anything stopping her. Oh, my God. How deep is it? It's deep. It looks deep. It's, it's really, really deep.
Starting point is 00:22:13 That's how they, whatever you're talking about. I just, the parallel, whatever you want, whatever you want, grab that soundbite and do with it. I think seven just metamorphosis. He's like in a different world right now.
Starting point is 00:22:23 You are. It's not thinking about cross at the moment. You already like in a different world right now. You are. He's not thinking about CrossFit at the moment. You are. Emma Lawson looks strong for a 16-year-old. Go ahead, Brian, and then we'll come back to Emma Lawson. For sure, Emma looks strong. She's a pretty good mover for her age. This workout is like, this is a great example of the critical decision that programmers have.
Starting point is 00:22:44 This is a great example of the critical decision that programmers have. Because you look at this and, you know, for the most part, a 50-calorie row, we'll just talk about the men for now, is going to take around five minutes. 80, because we looked at both ends of it, 80 aid jumps with a weight vest. You mean like two minutes? What? You said five minutes for a 50-cal row? Sorry, sorry. The 100 calories that they'll have to row in total is what I meant.
Starting point is 00:23:06 My fault. I'm looking at the total workout here. So 100 calories, four to five minutes, 40 A jumps, two to three minutes, 30 sandbag cleans. This is like the big question mark to me. If the 30 sandbag cleans, that's like the second set of those could be pretty tough. The muscle-ups I don't think are going to be a huge separator for majority of the athletes, especially the ones that are competing to win this kind of event. But the parallel handstand push-ups, when there's only 10 reps in
Starting point is 00:23:34 the middle of a down and back chipper like this, like what we're used to seeing at like a regionals, for example, in a rep scheme like this, the 10 reps would be rope climbs or legless rope climbs or partially legless rope climbs where we know that the athletes are going to spend, you know, a couple minutes at that part of the workout or in the rogue, they had to carry the jugs down and back the field. Like it's that middle part of it is something that takes time. This 10 parallel hand stand pushups could be something that literally stops people in their tracks and eliminates them from the competition. If it's like, you know, a 12 and eight inch strict deficit handstand pushups could be something that literally stops people in their tracks and eliminates them from the competition. If it's like, uh,
Starting point is 00:24:05 you know, a 12 and eight inch strict deficit handstand pushup for 10, there might be some athletes who can't do it, or it could be, uh, just skipping handstand pushups that people can knock out in 20 seconds. And then in that point, why is it even here?
Starting point is 00:24:18 So the, this decision is critical, not just for this workout. Maybe we don't know. There could be some others who struggle with it, depending on the difficulties that we don't know there could be some others who struggle with it depending on the difficulties that we don't know but either way it's an odd thing to have that there in the middle and i've asked every single person that i know in dubai what the standard is for this handstand push-up and no one has told me anything including some of the event
Starting point is 00:24:38 directors i like what heidi just said though that would be good i hope it's that heidi i really do what did she say hi brian oh no uh strict for men and kipping for women says heidi um i want to go back to roman real quick we only have a few minutes left before we have to run back to our tv sets what uh they said roman came in 20 pounds heavier than any other competition he's been in. Is that why we didn't see a close race between him and Ricky yesterday and won A and won B? No. No, okay. No, I mean, look, Roman still beat everyone else on that workout.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Ricky is just exceptionally good. And he was only 10 seconds. It was only 10 seconds behind Ricky on the first workout. So I know we act like Ricky crushed him. He was only 10 seconds behind. Now, Ricky did crush him on the first workout so i know we act like ricky crushed him he was only 10 seconds behind now ricky did crush him on the second one um from from a from a technical perspective it does appear oh they're having a glitch in the matrix over on this live stream they got something going on oh heidi said they just announced it brian like that's what it is strict for men and kipping for women that that's racist for sure
Starting point is 00:25:45 i mean pick something that's not i thought she was at what depth yeah what depth heidi you're aware i'm not liking that i'm not liking that man on the ground i'd rather see a change in depth than a um for women and men than strict versus kipping. Do you have any thoughts on that? I have, I mean, there's no doubt about it. Like when I, John,
Starting point is 00:26:13 please tell me if I'm wrong here, but I think that when it comes to the biggest discrepancies and weightlifting between men and women, it's the shoulder strength. 100%. No, I don't, I don't,
Starting point is 00:26:22 I don't have a problem with it at all. Okay. Cause it's parallettes. If it was, uh, just strict handstand push-ups then no I don't think they should scale the number I think they should all go through the same thing but since it's parallettes it's it's working the shoulder so much more it's like a strict press versus why not just change that why not just change the depth instead of actually change the the protocol and the technique? To a certain point, I don't think the depth matters as much.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Like six inches and eight inches, it still feels really, really deep. Now, if it's like two inches versus four inches, then that makes a difference. But when you get certain deep enough, it doesn't make a ton of difference. Yeah, six or eight inches deep is deep. But two to four, it's not deep is deep. Okay. Go ahead and make a clip out of that, people, too, please. You know, this guy said, well, we can see the parallettes on the field of play, yes, but they can always add in some kind of a riser or ab mat plates
Starting point is 00:27:20 with whatever padding on top of it that they want. So they can, the depth of the parallettes is variable and easily changeable without moving the parallettes or bringing in new ones uh let's move through a couple things here really quick i want to go uh what about the guy whose weight belt popped off i'd never seen that that was before that was impressive and he jerked right over it and then he stepped back over it too i was like damn that's and it looked it looked like he was thinking about it too. Like as soon as it popped off, it looked like, I hope I don't get this belt when I go to jerk.
Starting point is 00:27:50 But we'll just see what happens. Yeah, 330 pounds. A part of me was wishing for some sort of fail there. Like after it popped off, like he tripped or stumbled on it or something happened, but he pulled it off. Okay, so that is pretty rare. You guys haven't seen that before either? Like in a competition?
Starting point is 00:28:07 I don't think so. I mean, I've seen it before, but it's not a common occurrence. We spoke about Roman's second lift when the commentator had to say, I think he's doing 160. We drove that in. It's important for placards.
Starting point is 00:28:24 6,900. I don't like this thing when athletes do this when they ask to hype the crowd i think you're a douchebag i throw you in the d bag com and unfortunately there's a lot of athletes that we know that do like at that point that they cheer for well first of all what if they don't cheer for you after they do that after that and second of all uh it just seems weird to be begging for some hype who are you uh referring to i don't remember who did it i'm pretty sure sarah did yeah that hurts my feelings if fraser used to do it all the time and i couldn't stand it i just it's no i wanted to hear him say it right i i i yeah i don't want to say their names i i lied to you i know who did it i don't want to say their names because i like them so some of them i but but i just don't like it do
Starting point is 00:29:09 you guys have an opinion on it i really don't care i don't i just want to see like you know it was a good example of it for me like turi helga daughter's second lift that was a struggle to stand up the front squat she She composed herself and hit the jerk. Like that's what I like to see. And I think that just this format with only two attempts instead of three, we didn't get to see very many of those. Turi is very dialed in as a weightlifter. She's competed in competitive weightlifting. So she knows her.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I think she knows under pressure of that format what she can hit and what she can't. And therefore, we got to see closer to her maximal expression of that. format what she can hit what she can't and therefore we got to see closer to her maximal expression of that but if we had had one more round we would have seen more people hitting that like that kind of a lift a struggle but getting it and feeling great about it if there was three lifts if there were three lifts and i would just add this like my least favorite lift to watch of that was lazar's second attempt like that made me nervous please no one lift like that at home like uh who day's neck is so damn long that that that i bet you if he had a shorter neck he could he could press an extra 20 pounds man that guy has a long neck it's a long way for the bar to travel uh uh someone says uh rich froning does that this i give rich a pass for anything i do find it
Starting point is 00:30:27 hilarious seven when somebody does that and then they miss the lift because i've seen that happen before and it's always hilarious right there you go i just something's weird and i don't understand what this is not as lame as that one dude's sunglasses i'm uh sunglasses are a weird thing like when you watch boxy matches and the guy walks in with the fighter and he's got sunglasses on and you know it's dark in there and you can't see I'm not sure what I think of the sunglasses oh yeah this was a good one Braun what do you think about Braun
Starting point is 00:30:54 standing on one leg I think it's dangerous and stupid and I loved it and I like him he's a weirdo that's not as hard as people think it just looks cool it just seems weird to me are you watching the stream right now He's a weirdo. That's not as hard as people think. It just looks cool. What the hell is going on? It just seems weird to me. Are you there if you're watching the stream right now?
Starting point is 00:31:09 I am. I am. What about it? What are they showing? The field? A leaderboard. They're showing the women's leaderboard. I see Andrea Nistler adjusting her rower.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I think he's behind me. I think I's behind me. I think I'm ahead of you. Oh, I just refreshed it. Really? I see. Oh, yeah, you're right. I see Nistler. Yeah, you are ahead of me. That's because you're in a different time zone. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:31:41 All right, guys. I'm going to schedule another regrouping for all of us to get together at 7 a.m. That's an hour from now. Do you think that event will be over? Because we got to run. We got to run and get to the event as they go live here. Well, they're on. It looks like the first seat of women is about to start.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And what did they say the time cap was for this one? 25 minutes for the women, 23 minutes for the men. And you assume, we're just in Dubai, they usually have a little bit longer turnover between the men's and women's. So I'll assume there'll be 55 minutes of women's competition and then a 10 to 20 minute break and then 50 minutes of men's competition. Do you do all the math that fast? No, I was. Two hours from now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And is there another competition after this one today or is this it? There's one more after this. Okay. Okay. So, guys, I'm going to schedule one for 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. We will see you then. Thanks for checking in. Enjoy the show.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Go to the Dubai CrossFit Championship live feed now. There's 5,500 of you watching. John, nice work on the freestanding handstand push-ups. What's he talking about? Thank you.

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