The Sevan Podcast - Dubai CrossFit Championship - Event 3 & 4

Episode Date: December 17, 2021

Recap event 3 and live event coverage of event 4. The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Episode Videos Sevan's Stuff: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:16 What did you think? For the most part, I thought there was a well-programmed event. It seemed like there were different components of it that gave different athletes different challenges. And we had talked about the fact that it could come down to just one of the movements in particular, but it seemed like different people had opportunity to shine on different components of it, which is kind of nice in a chipper.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Any surprises in the victories? Roman and Briggs, no, not really. I mean, Engin still carried the day there, but – or did Lazar win? Lazar and Briggs. Lazar won. No, I'd say like, you know, not in terms of the of the victory no but some of the other finishes you know i think ricky he still think finished fifth but it wasn't as uh it wasn't what i was expecting from him on that um the bag tore him up and then gabby similarly also you know ninth place finish
Starting point is 00:02:20 on that not uh probably what she was looking for there and gabby is most surprising to me because she struggled with the handstand push-ups and laura and laura did not um i don't know if she just went for a big set and messed up but uh and maybe she got tired of the places but they're both laura's worse than gabby traditionally at that no she, she's not. Only when they're strict. She's good at kipping handstand pushups, dude. And you said deep parallettes, man. That wasn't deep at all. I was expecting regular parallette handstand pushups, which
Starting point is 00:02:53 would have been way harder. Don't blame me for that. I'm just relaying information that I was passed. But they were negligent. Everyone is tuning in. Welcome. This is the Sebon podcast coverage of the Dubai CrossFit Championships. We are in between event number three and four on day two of the competition, and we are recapping event number.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Can we just clarify something here? Sure, sure. What event number is this? Three. Oh, we're recapping event number three, which was the chipper. It was done in two heats of men and two heats of women. Go, Brian. I mean, Tommy said this on the stream, and you guys have to listen.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I feel like I'm in a class, talking to the class, and I'm saying, okay, guys, we have some pull-ups today, and you can do them any way you want. And then everyone asks, well, can I kip these pull-ups? Can I strict them? It's like, pay attention. Tommy just said it on the live stream. We've said it on here multiple times.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Laura Horvath is bad at strict deficit handstand push-ups, really bad, like bad enough that if they were the requirement here, she she might not have done five and she might have been eliminated from the competition when she can use momentum from her lower body she is fine upside down she might not be as good as the rest of them if there were sets of 50 but in a set of 10 if she can kip them she's going to be okay uh fair very fair uh let me ask you this for us just regular everyday crossfitters i. I fuck, I'm fucked around with keeping handstand pushups once and I'll never do them again. It's it fucked my backup. Fuck my neck up. I wasn't even landing on my head hard at all. I'm great at strict handstand pushups. Did you see the way Sarah Sigmund's daughter was bouncing off that mat?
Starting point is 00:04:40 Sure. And I don't think she was the only one. I mean, definitely. Right. Does that make you cringe? I mean, like why, why are they doing this? So this is a, well, it's a good example of the difference between sport and training. So I would not recommend anyone in your local gym doing handstand pushups that way. These athletes are the best of the best and they're competing against the best of the best.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And they have to look for every advantage they can to get the best score on a workout so that they can have the best result in the rest of the competition. So what they're doing there is more aggressive, violent, and damaging to the brain, honestly, than what I would recommend any of you doing at home. Okay, good. And I think it should be taken out of competition, me personally. And if you want to make it easier or harder, just change the depth. Don't allow kipping. Period. I don't know. That's just me. Who won these events?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Who won the women and who won the men? We already said. Let's say it again. Lazar won the men. And then Briggs won the women. And has the leaderboard been updated? It has for the women. And so who's second and third place for the women on that workout?
Starting point is 00:05:48 It went Sam Briggs, Laura Horvath, Kristen Holta, then Emily Rolfe. Um, and the, and the top three in that workout are still top three overall in the competition,
Starting point is 00:05:59 just in a different order. Uh, Laura Horvath still in first place, Kristen Holta is in second place and sam briggs is in third place and the dudes uh lazar took first and who took second third and fourth lazar was first roman was second i think elliot simmons off screen finished third then adler and ricky was fifth and there were no finishers in the first heat. So those were the top five for not just their heat, but also the overall event.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Um, is, is Roman Krennikoff the only, um, male who wears Lululemons? The same, he wears the same clothes as the women. He competes in the same clothes as the women.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Uh, you can see his pat, you can see his package, see his package. Does he wear a cup under there or can you actually see his bits and bobs it's an amazing it's amazing no judgment these like who's gonna say anything to his face is there anything not masculine about his outfit that's why gender's stupid and it's made up there's nothing unmasculine about this guy and he wears women's pants shut the fuck up okay back on subject here uh are we surprised um are we disappointed in
Starting point is 00:07:12 anyone's performance here are we like yo what's going on ricky you're supposed to dominate you're in fifth and was the weight on the men's bag too heavy i didn't see any of them touching go like the women and i really really liked watching Manganese do that. What's her name? Manganese? Manganese? That was cool watching her touch and go that bag, even though maybe it wasn't a winning strategy.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I mean, Laura did it too. Yeah. You mean when the camera cut away from her? Yeah. Brian, any thoughts on the men's weight of the bag? John? I didn't have really any surprises. I thought the bag would have been hard for Ricky.
Starting point is 00:07:55 He still got fifth. So, I mean, it's not a bad finish for him. The bag is always lighter for the women. If it's 100 and 150, I mean150 Even if you go by the standard rules Which they don't do in the games anymore Of the 70% rule It's still lower than that 66%
Starting point is 00:08:14 And typically in the games Or bigger competitions The women usually do 80% of the weight So the women are just going to move the bag faster uh i do think they should have the time cap the same though for the men because they obviously weren't faster yeah go ahead go ahead ryan well i agree i mean i think that in this you know sometimes sometimes time caps are imposed because of scheduling constraints.
Starting point is 00:08:47 You know, for Wadapalooza is a good example of this. They have 3000 athletes competing. They only have so many stages. They only have so much time in a day that they can run events. So they have to have like they say, like we only have 10 minutes per heat for this event and we have to make an event that fits inside that time cap. This also happens at the games. And Dave Castro has talked about this in his book and in some podcasts that he's done. But here at Dubai, there's only four heats maximum for every event. There's only 38 total
Starting point is 00:09:10 athletes competing. There is absolutely no time constraint. And in my opinion, there's no reason that they shouldn't be having time caps where a majority, if not all of the athletes can finish, especially on a day like this, where the compounding impact of these events is real and relevant because there's not a ton of time between events. It seems like it's about an hour from when you take the floor to when you take the floor again. And we know what the last event is today. And we know that the impact of doing this event is going to be an impact on the final event. And so you have some people that had to do a sprint 50 calorie row basically to finish that workout and others that didn't even get to that. And you could say, well, they were doing so
Starting point is 00:09:49 bad. They were so tired that they didn't get to do it, but they didn't have to do it. And not having to do it could be an advantage later tonight. What is the next event? The next event's a little bit complicated in its layout on the screen, but it's not really that complicated. It's a knockout style event. And so there are going to be five total rounds of this workout per division, five for the men, five for the women. The first three rounds will be run in two heats, and the bottom four times, the slowest four times, will be eliminated at the end of each round. at the end of each round. Each round consists of the exact same thing,
Starting point is 00:10:26 which is going to be 20 calories on a biker, a 15 meter, which is about 50 feet, unbroken handstand walk, and then one set of 10 overhead squats, which is 85 kilos for the men and 60 kilos for the women. Okay, and we really like this one. So think about the last event of Rogue. It's very similar to that,
Starting point is 00:10:44 the way it lays out. Eliminating people as they go along. Notably, it's very different than Rogue because everyone has to do round one. You're still bitter about that. Rogue is like Dubai. There's no reason that they needed to do that. They're free to make their schedule and their events however they want want. And they fucked that up. But, but it's basically bracket elimination, 2016, 12, eight, four. Yes. And so, and what I do like is that
Starting point is 00:11:15 it's the last event because of this event had been second. And some people have to do this, have to do 50 overhead squats at one 85 and others only have to do 10. That would be obviously punishing for a subsequent event but in but because we know that some athletes are going to have to do more work here and then they still have 20 hours 18 hours to recover from that it's a good placing for this i think do you think it's unfair that it's in the middle of the competition though as opposed to the end um because they're still doing more work i get get to have a long recovery time. It's still a lot more work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I think it's okay because, um, I mean, this happens in competitions. Like we've seen squat, clean ladders, squat, snatch ladders, clean and jerk ladders in the middle of competition at the games before. And I don't have so, so much of a problem with it, particularly if it's the end of the day like this. Mm-hmm. particularly if it's the end of the day like this. It's 8.20 a.m. Pacific Standard Time,
Starting point is 00:12:09 and a notable event has occurred. Heidi makes her first contribution that is not, I'm talking about Brian's something or another, his looks or his voice or something. And she says, did you guys see in Heat 1, it looked like one of the bags broke open and corn spilled over. Did a bag break open? Yeah, they were pretty fast to replace it, too too they had a guy on standby just run another bag out there i wish i would have seen that what a great observation did the commentators talk about
Starting point is 00:12:33 that no uh you're probably scratching your balls so you missed it i actually fell asleep in heat one i'm not gonna lie he wanted the women towards the end i fell asleep somewhere i fell asleep uh there was another interesting comment in here oh no i wanted to talk about the the vests being loose i didn't pay i didn't really notice it with the women but with the men i saw them uh heat one of the women event four is gonna start very shortly they're on the floor all righty uh did those vests need to be tighter is that is that is that a uh a costume error or that's just the way no this is one of those things like when they brief the event the athletes will ask questions and the athletes asked if you have to fasten your vest and they said that you can't
Starting point is 00:13:14 have it open on the sides so outside of that you could choose to tighten it as much as or as little as you wanted to um and so i would think that that would just be an athlete preference would you rather have it a little less tight around the midline so you can breathe more, but then it's going to bounce up and down on your shoulders more, or would you rather have it tight and snug and secure? Wow. Athletes turnaround event four has already started.
Starting point is 00:13:36 It has a three minute time cap and our show is not done yet. Let me say one more thing to you guys. It looks like the Prince who owns this event, who sponsors this event. I wish I could say his name correctly. It looks like he's out on the floor at times, and he's a very handsome man in a black shirt. So if you want to see the guy, the man, he's Eric Rosa and Dave Castro wrapped into one. He is out there on the floor somewhere uh that is him right that's
Starting point is 00:14:07 the crown prince can anyone confirm that oh shit now we're screwed we're stealing their youtube link or their youtube video we're definitely toast what what happens when we steal their uh when we steal their shit we just can't't monetize? I have no idea. But look at this. Look at how fast some of these women are going on their hands. This is a little behind. Oh, I see what you're saying. I'm going to pause the live feed and just watch over here.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Are we doing this? We're just going to do this? We're going to live stream through the event? I mean, it happened so fast. It's not our fault, people. It's not our fault. Why did you pause it so long? That's not me.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Will's killing it. Will's doing everything. I think that's just a bandwidth issue that we're dealing with. I think Will uses PCs and not Apple products, so all his shit's kind of junk. So one thing to keep in mind in this workout is it does not matter right now who finishes first. All you need to make sure is that you're not one of the last four. So you see Andrea Nistler walking across the line there, composed when she finishes her workout. You'll see it in a second here. She still beat four people, so she's good to go for the next round.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And there's a heat to come after this but yeah if you're as long as you're not one of the last four in your heat you have absolutely nothing to worry about here oh so this is a great visual if you're in the stadium this is definitely the best event you've seen so far this is like this is an exciting event live yeah for sure and that emma lawson girl's only 16 who's out there that's right yeah that's nuts hey did you see i think it was her did you see on the whoopee her heart rate hit 200 did you see that yeah emma lawson on the second a jumps on the way back in the chipper they showed her heartbeat hit 200 wow she could probably get to 204 which um which colin says is the same number of people who are in the stadium about 200 200 viewers 200 heartbeats very intimate setting yeah
Starting point is 00:16:14 uh did sarah come out too strong while we wait for them to set up the next heat on the uh on the chipper is that why she lost it or did she need to do that i mean the the nice thing about that first heat of women right there is that you could see that even in a relatively short event sarah was ahead of emma after the bike emma handstand walked faster than her sarah passed on the overhead squat so even in this short style workout you can see i don't know if that looks like 15 meters i'll be close anyway you can see that there's an opportunity for some play back and forth within the movements god sarah sigmund's daughter looks like she fell out of like the viking show doesn't she like she
Starting point is 00:16:56 belongs on game of thrones with that hair and that those piercing eyes yeah she's awesome um i i think tommy's also mentioned or derrick mentioned and i didn't know this from yesterday that emma lawson beat emma carrie on the lift earlier this morning she had a heavier clean and jerk is that correct emma carrie missed her second lift and emma hit hers and that that's the reason why man that's impressive they're still really strong they're but to put in perspective you know so emma lawson opened at 90 kilos and then hit 102.5 so she probably had pretty close to perfect execution on that compared to you know what she was looking for emma carrie opened at 125 so the confidence was different emma lawson's heaviest lift which was a 12 and a half kilo jump was Emma Carey safe opener.
Starting point is 00:17:46 But because Emma Carey missed her second lift, she scored less points than her. So I don't think that's an indication of Emma Lawson being stronger. And in fact, I think it's a clear example that she's not stronger than her, but she scored more points in her on that event because the execution was better. It does.
Starting point is 00:18:02 It does mean though, that she's competitive with her. Correct. Yeah, for sure. they're in the same ballpark i i was speaking with someone who uh is very intimate with the crossfit um crossfit games uh events around the world and uh uh they said something very interesting to me uh in between earlier this morning they said hey just watch because i said hey it's interesting whoop isn't afraid of ricky they got the whoopie on ricky garard and they're not afraid of him and i see a little bit of bashing and of course it's always the bashers who get the make the most noise of ricky on instagram but this person said to me hey just wait
Starting point is 00:18:40 the more ricky wins the more people will forget and the more people will love him and the bashers will just vanish so i kind of want to give whoop a whoop the whoopie a pat on the back for not being afraid of sticking a whoopie on ricky and letting us see his heartbeat sure i mean look this uh watching ricky yesterday was one thing now we got to see him twice today and he uh you know was obviously frustrated with his second lift that he didn't hit. And it seems like relative to the,
Starting point is 00:19:11 the other top guys, even though he took fifth in that workout relative to the other top guys there. And those are guys who he's looking at as I should be as good as the, at these guys in a chipper style workout like that. He wasn't, he clearly struggled with the sandbag, but this is good for him.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It's good that he has a couple of, he wants, he needs to have a, he can't have a perfect run here. A perfect run would be bad for him. This is going to give him and his coach an opportunity to go back and say, look, we're right there. These are small things that we can work on. It's not, he can improve on sandbag cleans and his capacity on sandbag cleans with some specific work on it. He can hit that lift. He just didn't hit it today. And that's okay. He can learn from that in terms of maybe taking an extra breath, bracing a little bit more, committing to that jerk, whatever it is. So I think that this is actually more valuable for him than the dominance yesterday.
Starting point is 00:19:55 There are, it looks like. In the blue. Yeah. It looks like her. Yeah. And I think Gabby is right next to her and that i don't know if that's jackson dalstrom on the outside oh emily rolf actually they might be one too it looks like there's about 5700 live viewers watching this on the dubai channel and i'm not sure I heard it's also simultaneously streaming at CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I think that's true. I actually have been impressed with CrossFit games coverage of this event all day, this or all morning so far, they've got Instagram stuff up. They've got YouTube coverage. They're reposting some things. And overall, I would say that this is like, this is really good. They're doing a good job of interacting with off-season competitions this season. And I think that's great. I mean, obviously, it's correlated with this event. CrossFit's part of the title of it. And they're supporting it via their social media platforms, which is great. So just remember here also,
Starting point is 00:21:01 as they're finishing, it doesn't matter if you're first, you just can't be the last four between the two heats. So even though these two women are still out here on the floor, they might be better than the four from the previous heat. We don't know yet. Actually, it's only three that you have to be better than because that looks like Michaela, Michaela Norman,
Starting point is 00:21:16 right? Michaela Norman. And is that, is that Briggs? Probably. Yeah. And not surprising. I mean,
Starting point is 00:21:23 Sam Briggs talked about this after winning the chipper. She said, you know, there's two power output events today. They counted that last rep. They were, you know, the judging is still, I would say, a bigger issue in competitive CrossFit is that there are no professional judges. And especially this year, it's still difficult for people to travel. So you don't know what kind of experience necessarily all these judges have. I thought some of the handstand pushup reps were loose. So I would just say that for now,
Starting point is 00:21:51 that's something that's unfortunately not perfected. You don't think she stood up all the way? Was that the issue, John? She was running. I don't know if there's a rule about having this. I mean, you should, you should have to stay in your lane, honestly. I mean, I know you just have to stay still. I don't know about that, but in your lane, for sure. I know that there was no one else on the floor at that time,
Starting point is 00:22:09 but if there are, that's incredibly dangerous. No, like to finish the rep is what I'm saying. You should have to demonstrate control at the top. You need to stand still. Yeah. So we go from 20 to 16 to 12. Is this the 12 we're about to see? No, we just saw two heats, so now it'll narrow down to 16.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Okay, okay. The bottom three will get cut. It's a shame we can't do all of them at once. All the women? Yeah, just to see. You get to see the four that are left out there and then boo them and heckle them and throw tomatoes at them each time. Yeah, that would be nice.
Starting point is 00:22:47 They don't have the floor layout for that, I don't think. But the last two heats, we will for sure. We're also starting to get a split on the scoreboard of the top four and then five through ten. I think that there might have been a withdrawal. Who? Emma Carey. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Oh, wow. Medical. It's an unofficial report, but that's what I'm hearing from some people over there. I hope it's nothing serious. I hope it's like the DVOC or something, you know, just like something that's just nothing. If that's true, that's a bummer. This was a good opportunity for her. You just got a text.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Is that how you know, Brian? Yeah. But the leaderboard on the women's side, one through four are starting to split from the others. And then there's a race for five through ten. They're all within 10 to 15 points. Well, let's see. Because I think that, like, you know, I think Sam Briggs was probably eliminated right there from this.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah, but the way the scoreboard works. yeah but the way the scoreboard works i know but she's probably but you know if laura kristin and gabby all make the um the final round they're gonna gain they'll split 30 to 50 points on her yeah uh colin can you paste the link in the comments here i'd like to see that list in real time i think that's more important than this fucking the shenanigans that we call crossfit and then um uh magnus holmgren makes a very astute observation sarah can you save on as a spinner yeah i'm yeah yes correct i wonder what's going to happen will are they are We'll still get to put this up on our site. We just won't get to monetize it, right?
Starting point is 00:24:47 We won't make 38 cents on this video. But people will still get to see it with our commentary. And if that's the case, maybe we should ask – can we ask O'Keefe if we can do this for Wadapalooza? Do you think they'd let us just run the stream? just run the stream. Another thing we can do because we can have so many people on simultaneously is if we just had four people in the stands with iPhones filming down at the stage, we could just choose between our own cameras. Basically do a $1,000 production that's better than a million-dollar production.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Million-dollar production. Is anyone listening with audio? I am not. I mean, have they announced the bottom four, bottom three or whatever it is? No, but it looked like Briggs was adjusting her bike, so I don't think she was eliminated. Well, yeah, because if Emma Carey has withdrawn and we already know that Karen Frey is not here, then there are actually two eliminated. And she obviously, she beat Michaela Norman in her own heat. So she would have just had to beat one person from the previous heat and we saw a couple of those women
Starting point is 00:25:48 drop the bar and not be able to do the 10 overhead squats unbroken so if she got through i mean that's that's that's big for her in terms of points you know four or eight extra points the way the scoring system structured is is going to be significant for her overall placing. But based on what we saw in Heat 1, I would expect this to be her last. This is it. Yeah. We don't have to show the stream, meaning we just watch it on the – ah, it's too late, but thank you. I mean, look at this.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Brian doesn't even show his face, and they think he's handsome. Like 30% or 40% of his face is covered between the mic, the headphones, and the hat, and someone thinks he's handsome. Some dude named Anna. of his face is covered between the mic the headphones and the hat and someone thinks he's handsome some dude named anna all the eyes seven it's all the eyes oh right right my bad i tried i don't look directly into your eyes makes me uncomfortable oh that's interesting colin colin look at colin and you know what colin maybe that's why will has the audio off. He might know that also. I'm looking at Will right now. Let me see if he nods his head.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Is that correct, Will? No, he shrugged. He says you're smarter than him, Colin. He has no fucking idea. Oh, man. I'm trying to see who's in this heat. So I know Briggs is. Mignon is.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Evie Hollis is there. Emma Lawson. Yeah. What was that, Ryan? Well, I was about to see, and then they changed the camera. Turi's there. Martine Solheim. Evie Hollis is in the blue for sure. There's a couple of women wearing similar outfits.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah, so Dahlstrom's on the right and Manonangani's on the left. They're both wearing like pink leggings. By the way, someone was asking me or me somewhere. There are different rules about what the athletes are allowed to wear and specifically have to wear on the floor. So you won't see any of the men or women taking their shirts off throughout the competition here. Oh, interesting. Interesting. Is that so that they won't take
Starting point is 00:27:45 their shirts off just a cultural thing i i hear you but is that so they won't take their shirts off yeah they're not they're not allowed to okay okay interesting interesting and i think i think i actually saw at the end of i mean everyone saw at the end of the event number two people laying on the floor there and i think it was reeson, like kind of pulling on her shirt like that, like trying to get some air in there. But they can't take them off. I would have liked to have seen the guy who won. He won. Was it Mahmoud or something?
Starting point is 00:28:17 Alamda did not win it. Sam Stort was in the lead and then Alamda was second. Yeah, that Alamda dude needs to take so i think that's chris those guys are jacked amama chelan and the moment alamda for sure i think that's christina agar back in the bottom right and sam briggs and you know basically i'm assuming they receded for this heat based on their times from the first one so that's did them dirty yeah so probably agar back and briggs will be eliminated in this round, but we're looking at 220-plus time here.
Starting point is 00:28:50 You can't reseed them. That would take away rest that they need, right? I know, yeah. No, you definitely can reseed them. You have to for this. I know that it takes away the time, but let's just say, for example, that all of the athletes that were eliminated were in the second heat. I think they'd still run it as 8-8.
Starting point is 00:29:09 So they'd reposition them, and I think it makes sense. I think it's fine. Even though you get less rest? Yeah. All right. I'm surprised, Brian. You're usually such a fair guy. Yeah, well, in this case, I would say what's fair is that if you had one of the,
Starting point is 00:29:26 if you were in the top half of the athletes who advanced that you get to go against other athletes that had the top times in the second heat, like that's the advantage. Right. And you get more rest. And you get, I think the rest is more of an advantage than that. Looks like the women can't wear shorts either is what Heidi says.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Yeah. Like a typical booty shorts. Yeah, probably not. Colin. Oh yeah. Heidi says yeah like a typical booty shorts yeah probably not um Colin oh yeah here we go oh shit bananas are about to go extinct there's a disease on bananas that we don't have the cure for that's cool they're bad for you anyway. Let's see. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:30:15 This is crazy. Is this true? Colin? Oh my goodness. What are you talking about? He sent me the list of people being charged in the Gisele Maxwell case. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Man, oh, man. One thing I always like about these knockout style events and it like gives me some nostalgia going back to the games from you know six seven years ago is that the athletes after they go they're just sitting on the floor or after they're eliminated they're sitting on the floor watching everybody yeah so yeah we got all the top competitors here and a couple empty lanes rebecca vidison's there in the far side in the purple pants that girl is common yeah she's actually surprised me so far this competition she's looked really good um she has a lot of experience competing on a team we don't see her that often individual competition but i'm hopeful that she can kind of stay uh stay strong in some of these crossfit style events and maybe be in the final heat throughout the weekend that would be
Starting point is 00:31:29 kind of a nice surprise but even as fast as she's going she's not keeping up with sarah on this bike oh shit we're live i'm surprised sarah's beating laura laura will get her on the handstand walk though yeah she will but laura runs get it on the handstand walk though yeah she will but laura runs on her hands i know i can't post the list i need it somewhere else where i can copy and paste it but i will post the shit out of it i would love to post it on here and laura gabby sarah emma lawson first four to the barbell, Wittesen, Holta, and Andre Nistler last in this heat right now.
Starting point is 00:32:08 But again, everyone from this heat can advance. All they have to do is... Anyone who finishes, I think, under two minutes will advance. Look at Kristen Holta's cycle rate on these overhead squats. Man, it looks like everybody's struggling with these overhead squats, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:32:24 Some people did in the first round, and this is not 185. I'm just saying the top people aren't going to struggle at all. You're choosing an argument that I'm not making. I never said that the top people would struggle with this barbell. I said some people will struggle with this barbell. And let's see how it goes in the fourth and fifth rounds. The good news is that everyone beat the minimum work requirement, which I think was beating the handstand walk in the fourth and fifth rounds. The good news is that everyone beat the minimum work requirement, which I think was beating the handstand walk in the first round,
Starting point is 00:32:49 so no eliminations from the competition. Well, we had to let the guys go. I think girls are just a little bit better at handstand walking. do you think this favors a power athlete or an endurance athlete power or does it just matter who can handstand walk the fastest no no i think that's what we saw in the um you know in the early heats is that there is a possibility to make ground up on all three of the movements um but there's not just like for laura horvath for example there's nothing here that's going to stop slow her down and she's the fastest handstand walker so that's the fact that she's good at that and she's not
Starting point is 00:33:43 doesn't have a problem with the other two things makes her the favorite in this one. And Gabby seems to be right behind her on both on all aspects. You see Jessica Pearson's comments. No. I love how there's two podcasts going on right now. Seven bananas will kill you. Brian CrossFit. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I'm just trying to figure out who who's going to beat who with Roman and Ricky. In this workout? Yeah. I lean towards Roman, but I just don't know. I mean, it's one of those things. I don't really know how fast Ricky is on his hands. So I think it'll just come down to who's faster on their hands. Which makes me think that maybe neither of them is going to win this event.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I'm just thinking out of the two of them. Okay. Maybe a back injury for Emma Carey. Not really kind of sad to hear that. Is it serious? Do you know if it's serious or not? No. I bet it's pretty serious if she went all the way there and she's pulling out for it.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Hey, Colin, I'm looking at Ghislaine Maxwell's trial defense is quickly unraveling on Newsweek. It was posted two hours ago, and I don't see the list. Just post the list in the comments. Let me just start going crazy. You know who's a dark horse for this event and the guys i bet you can guess it ryan depending on who you say i wouldn't say i don't know if it's a dark horse or the favorite to win it tola i was gonna say bronislaw yeah bronislaw tola like these guys should should be really good at this but i think we had i don't think they're dark horse i think we had them as the favorites
Starting point is 00:35:23 what's funny though is i think they'll get tired. I think come round four and five, they'll just be too tired. Oh, you mean they'll struggle with the 185? No, I think they'll just go slower. I think everything will just be slower. I think they are clearly better, but I think they might get tired after round four and five. We'll see. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Just for posterity's sake seven we had a projected uh laura horvath gary mcgallow sarah sigma's daughter and andrea nistler to do well on this for the women and i think they're all still in so far uh colin i watched that too that's the story of my life people just completely misunderstanding taking out of context it's just woke nonsense heidi you're about to get banned for rolling your eyes at Colin. Colin is one of the most abusive people in here, and yet he takes abuse. Don't bring the woke shit. Don't bring the woke shit.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Anyone can ask anyone what they're wearing in here. And he didn't even ask you what you were wearing. It was in reference to what they're allowed to wear on the floor. So just chill. Brian, do you have pants on right now? Maybe. No, I said pant pants on right now? Maybe. No, I said panties, not pants. I said maybe.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Maybe. So apparently, yeah, you're seeing these comments, yeah. Oh, no. Thanks for the good news, Adam. Okay, so this is going to be the last heat. Okay, bad heidi my bad proceed my bad this is interesting me being sensitive it's interesting because this is the last this is the last round where there should be um multiple heats and they have six women on the floor but they've they're not using the six middle lanes which i'm not sure why maybe you think they'll go forward
Starting point is 00:37:05 go all eight yeah what is it no no they're gonna go they'll go all eight in the next one i don't know but anyway we have turi rebecca vidasin from top to bottom manu nagonis i think that's nistler evie hollis and jacqueline dalstrom which means means that Emma Lawson was still in the top half in that last round, even though she, yeah. So that's, she's doing very well today. Emma Lawson.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Nistler was one of the fastest in the first round and she was obviously in the slow, you know, slowest half of this round. So she, I think, I mean, she,
Starting point is 00:37:46 this is where, what you were talking about, seven matters. She was in the second heat in the last round and slowest half of this round so she i think i mean she this is where what you were talking about seven matters she was in the second heat in the last round and the first heat in this round because she didn't do well enough and so that means there's an athlete who was in this heat that probably bumped into the next one potentially are you keeping track of how much the bike is fading or not uh i haven't been i mean i think they're still all under a minute but there's like a 20 second variance from laura horvath to maybe the slowest person or sarah sigman's daughter to the slowest person now this is so here what we want to see is basically when the second person finishes nistler is cycling super fast what do do we want to see Brian say that again? So the top two athletes in this heat know they're safe in advance to the next round.
Starting point is 00:38:30 So Nistler and Dahlstrom are definitely through. And I wish they would do this. Like the fact that they change this camera angle is terrible because now we can't see who else is in there. And there we go. So Turi Helgadotter finished at a minute 40. So if everyone from the next heat finishes faster than a minute 40, then the lat then turi and everyone who finished after her will be out going into the next round what's the weight on that 135 i i think it's 135 yeah i think it's i think it's 65 so kilos yeah so i'd be 143 i don't i don't know though if it's 60 it's 135 there looks like change plates on there, though. It's listed at 60, but...
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah, Nistler did take it easy. I agree. The min is 85, correct? Yeah. All right. So now it should be all eight, the top eight in one heat. Six. They're down to the round of 12.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I'm saying after this round. Oh, yeah, right. Correct. So this is. You don't find that unfair to this heat Brian what's unfair about oh the fact that then they well they might have a longer rest time between those two
Starting point is 00:39:56 we'll see I mean either way like this is you know this John this is the type of workout that athletes train all the time work for three minutes rest for one go again work for three minutes, rest for one, go again. Work for three minutes, rest for one, go again. It doesn't mean it's easy. Yeah, but some people are working for three and resting for three.
Starting point is 00:40:15 You see what I'm saying? Of course. Huh. huh it looks like they're like not using that same lane was that emma carrie's lane i don't know they could just but they could always just move them in there's a guy in the black shirt seven yeah there he is so is that someone needs to confirm that for us i think think that that's out. I don't know his title over there, but we have Sarah, Kristen Holt,
Starting point is 00:40:49 Delora Horvath, Emma Lawson, Gabby McGowan. And I think Emily Rolfe on the far right when they show the wide shot. Look how steady Sarah is on the bike. That's her way down on the end. Yeah. But Emma Lawson's first with the judge's hand in the air.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Not expecting that. She's fast on her hands, too. I think she won the handstand walking event at the Games for the teenage girls this summer also. Oh, here's a great idea. She is running on her hands. You know, there are some people who are pretty skeptical about her getting an invite to this competition. And I've mentioned it a few times in the buildup. Dubai likes doing this.
Starting point is 00:41:28 They like having athletes who haven't made it big yet, but they see potential in them giving an opportunity here. And so far she's capitalizing on that. When you see Thomas spelt like that, is that Tomas? Oh, probably. What do you think about this?
Starting point is 00:41:44 This is great. They should do all the is great they should do all the male they should do all the male eliminating he's before the final that would give the women more rest i i disagree with that because the event is who can recover and if everybody gets a 30 minute rest then so they're all in there which means that those six plus uh the first two finishers from the last heat, which was Andrea Nistler and do you remember Jack? Dahlstrom. And Jack and Dahlstrom should all be in one heat going into the next round. They were all under 140, correct?
Starting point is 00:42:16 Yeah. And let's see if maybe Dahlstrom and Nistler benefit from that. It's actually like, yeah. Or how well they do relative to those six women, I guess. Thanks, Tyler. You're a world-class cheerleader. Now this is not only is this, you know, interesting in terms of the time, obviously these, they had to go, you know, a couple of minutes later there, Thanks, Tyler. You're a world-class cheerleader. finals here and then they'll be able to earn 85 points or more immediately. Whereas the last place finisher in this round can only get 71 points. I wonder how many breaths a minute they're taking. There's a lady sitting in front of me at my kid's tennis class the other day.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And I counted. She was enormous. And I was counting her breaths per minute. And she was taking 30 breaths a minute. Sitting still. And every time she breathed, I just saw Kristen Holt do it. To take a deep breath, she lifted up her shoulders. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:43:48 And to generate forward locomotion, she like moving her her shoulders right and left after the workout and and there's some people who just sit and do that seven i have two bananas in my um house here should i like freeze those are they going to be valuable yes they're going to be extremely valuable. Extremely valuable. Bananas are going extinct. Look at them all just lounging. So what are they waiting for? Some official tally? Yeah. They look at the scores.
Starting point is 00:44:29 In workouts like this, there's always a little bit of uncertainty about if there's a potential to dispute something that could happen on the floor, so you never know what the holdup is. But either way, they're just trying to find out who advanced to the semifinal round. I'm looking at this sticker. See this wad zombie gave a dollar 49 and on our screen you can't see but he also sent us a hot dog and a banana oh did you see okay i didn't even see that before oh yeah you're right okay i know i don't normally see those hey that's the first time they've they've shown these women here they before when
Starting point is 00:45:08 they were earlier they just kept showing the same three women over and over and over now they got three new women i got a bunch of women seven eight eight women and a guy with a dubai hat okay so here they come. And looks like all the women we expected. So no disputes or disqualifications. All the women who seem to be fastest in that last round in the semifinals here. It's going to be fun to see the stats on this to see like, hey, did someone have the fastest time in every round, the winner? I think that the fastest time has been different every round. I haven't been tracking it because it's completely irrelevant to the overall results,
Starting point is 00:45:52 but I think that that's been the case. And you know what else is interesting? Rogue, weren't they just getting better and better every time they did it? I wonder if they're getting better and better here. Probably not like Rogue. Because this is more work just different i mean it's just multiple sprints and it's a longer sprint yeah i mean i know the overhead squats are are difficult and they're heavy but also they got to be finding sort of their groove too they got that that groove greased i mean it's 20 it's 20 to 40 seconds longer than it was at rogue for the women it seems like um and that's a huge percentage when
Starting point is 00:46:31 you're only talking about 90 seconds are all these women doing the overhead squat unbroken these ones yes sarah's pumping now um emma carrie put a post up on her Instagram announcing the situation. So we can pull that up in a little while and talk about it if you want. All righty. Will, are you on that? Oh, yeah. Will's nodding his head. Thanks, Will.
Starting point is 00:46:59 All right. Who's first off the bike here, Brian? I don't know. I think this is a round where you have to be aggressive. So I would guess that the overall. I'm going to say Sarah. Okay. It looks like everyone's going to be off the bike within five seconds of each other.
Starting point is 00:47:16 There you go, Sarah. Go, go, go. Sarah, Laura, Gabby, Emily. Yep. Laura's about to take off. Holt is way behind on the bike. Yeah, she was. She does have one of the fastest overhead cycle rates,
Starting point is 00:47:30 but I think against this, at this point in the competition, that's not going to matter. She's going to be out. So if you come down in the handstand walk, you're done. Well, yeah, it has to be unbroken. So you have to go back to the start. It's over at that point. I haven't seen anybody break the handstand walk, though.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Have you? No. I mean, I like we talked about this. That should be routine. But it's always a matter of just executing. And the women have executed the handstand walk fine. OK, so Laura's in. Sarah should be next.
Starting point is 00:47:59 But see, why are they paying off right here? It's just this is the stuff I was telling you guys about. We missed. Oh, shit. Why are they paying off right here? It's just, this is the stuff I was telling you guys about. Now we missed everything. Oh, shit. I have no idea. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:48:11 That makes me so mad. This is the same thing that happens at the games, though. You can't just blame these guys. But, guys, this is a sport. We're only watching this for the competition's sake. We watched people work out and then didn't get to see the competition part. That wasn't even a sporting event oh man that's bad oh man that's bad they have a replay and i'm watching so travis bellinghouse just oh that's on ours yeah okay that's on ours yeah stop showing the effing bending over no one cares yeah bending over is a different a different website that we want to see people bend over on not this one man that was bad
Starting point is 00:48:49 just show us we watched that entire we've been watching for 35 minutes now to see to see the money shot and they cut away it was the two most important seconds of the event. Yeah. And this is just an example of, fuck. Same thing happens at the CrossFit Games, though, man. Same fucking thing. It's bizarre. It is a really, really bizarre. If anybody's listening with audio and they say the top four, can you let us know?
Starting point is 00:49:28 I just want to know how many of them are on their menses yes colin that is all i care about i don't even care who wins i just want to know for who's on their menses man i wish i could zoom in on brian's face right now hey that by not doing that the thing is it's it's a tough business to be in because if they they would have shot it right, we wouldn't have been like, great job, not fucking it up. So, I mean, we only care when you fuck it up. And I know that sucks, but at least you're making money. Don't fuck it up. Yeah, exactly. It's exactly like when they didn't show Mayer and Panczyk neck and neck.
Starting point is 00:50:04 That girl's too young to have a tattoo. Hope those are fake. All the tattoos. You know what I see? You want to tell you how I pass judgment on people? When I see manganese with all those tattoos, I just think that she's not serious about the sport. I don't see those tattoos all over Sarah, all over Laura.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Travis Mayer has tattoos. What about Sam Briggs? I understand. I understand. I just – yeah, you know, there's people who do. I just don't think – you take the time to – Matt Fraser. Matt Fraser.
Starting point is 00:50:42 So it looks like the top four to advance here are Horvath, Magala, Nisar, Serra which were the exact four that we projected to do well in this event it's part mental illness and part not taking the sport seriously but you have to have a significant amount of mental illness to win the games so
Starting point is 00:51:00 do you think Matt Fraser didn't take it seriously? No but he has a significant amount of mental illness. And he added tattoos as he won. You know what I mean? He didn't copy Conor McGregor's chess piece until he'd already won a couple games. So this, I am really interested to see how Andrea Nistler does here
Starting point is 00:51:22 because I feel like her approach overall to this event has been better than everyone else in terms of really understanding. I don't have to ever win. I just have to do enough to advance. And it looks like she's not pushing it, too. It looks like she's not going full throttle. So, yeah. So the question is here, does she have that push in the finals now? that push in the finals now. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 00:52:09 Please play responsibly. If I was there, I'd punch her thighs for her. See how she's punching her thighs? I'd do that for her. Just walk right over to her and just sock her up. I want her to win. It's the first time I've not wanted Laura or Sarah to win. I'd like to see Nistler win.
Starting point is 00:52:26 It'd be cool. Great podcast guest, by the way. Little weird, little weird, little bumpy. Great guest. I think it'll go Laura, Gabby, Andrea, and then Sarah. Guys, right after this event is over,ah is going to be coming on the show and we will be interviewing her so stay tuned it looks like andrea's pushing brian knows that's not true brian's like he's lying he's lying
Starting point is 00:52:58 uh that's my best impersonation of our president, Joe Biden. Look at that camera. Did you see that shot? They panned away from her up to his hand. Well, it's okay. It's okay to show a close-up sometimes, but there's specific times where we don't need to see that. Here we go. It would be good to see all four athletes at this point, you know?
Starting point is 00:53:27 They're getting there. All right. John, what do you think about that clean and press that they're doing instead of snatch? Andrea snatched. Right. What do you mean? What do I think about it? This is going to be close.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I'd be surprised to see it. It's just whatever's more comfortable. If you do that, you're more stable overhead because you have a narrower grip, but it does take like a half second longer to get into it than a snatch. Nistler's second. So I think Andrea executed this event perfectly.
Starting point is 00:54:08 And second place finish is great for her there. And it's actually really helpful for Laura because it gives her an extra buffer between Gabby and Sarah. So, well, very well. We thought this was Laura's event to win. She won it. Andrea Nistler
Starting point is 00:54:24 basically a perfect execution across all four rounds, in my opinion. Someone's camera is about to run out of battery. Will you send that into the media team, Brian? Someone's camera is about to die. Yeah, I also just let them know that if Andrea wants, you can be there in 15 hours to take care of her thighs. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Thank you. The point spread is, I think it's five points for a while, and then it drops down to four points. It's five points to sixth place. Oh, and that's only two points. And then it's two points. It's two points after that all the way down. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Well, that's why it's, you know, the scoring system should be known for the athletes. And so we understand that even though it's kind of strange that you get last place and you get 50 points, basically finishing the top six in any event is advantageous compared to, you know, everything below that. But Laura will be significantly in the lead, like almost untouchable in the lead after this event and then uh holt holta and gabby will be very close second and third did holta give a reason why she's retiring from the crossfit games i mean she's been doing this a long time i don't know and there's you know there's always the question for women too is if they're interested in having a family at some point.
Starting point is 00:55:45 She's 36 years old. If she wants to have kids eventually, it might be a time for her to start thinking about that. You can't compete while you're pregnant? I mean, you can come back from pregnancy and compete. We've obviously seen that, but maybe that's not in everyone's interest. But you can't be like five months pregnant and be out on the floor? I't know if we've seen it yet if you're good enough you can you know what is interesting that um there there have been women uh in all seriousness who are who didn't know they were pregnant who competed in the crossfit games pregnant i think that this uh
Starting point is 00:56:21 this guy who used to document stuff for crossFit has some footage of athletes talking about that somewhere on YouTube. Yeah, it's great. It's pretty amazing. And all the kids came out okay. These points that they're showing, by the way, were prior to this event. So they're not updated based on that event. John, did you see Will's private chat to you? I didn't.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Okay. You can see it if you want. You can chat to you? I didn't. Okay. You can see it if you want. You can go up there and look at it. They have no idea of what? I don't know. It's in reference to a comment you said, but basically I think it's in reference to something that Tommy and Derek were commentating on.
Starting point is 00:57:02 They're not in the stadium, right? Correct. Oh, he's probably talking about the top four. We had no idea who the top four was in the last seat. Seven. There's Emma carries announcement. If you want to read that,
Starting point is 00:57:14 I'll be back in a minute. Emma carries post beautiful picture of her Emma carry. That's it for my 2021 Dubai Crockett CrossFit championships. It was the absolute hardest decision I've ever had to make. But after a back injury in event three, we decided not to take the risk. Continuing, big things coming for me. I will be 100% when it matters most. This is just a small bump on the road to greatness.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Thank you, Dubai. I'll be back. And I guess when she means we, she means her coach, and maybe she called her dad or mom and dad. But that means it's probably not super serious and like, she's not out for a year, but if she kept competing, it would get worse.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Yeah. I, I want to agree with you, but right now in my mind, I don't think she knows. And I think that's just to help mitigate psychological stress. All right. I'm going to let you talk about that.
Starting point is 00:58:05 I'll be right back. I'm not talking about anything. What if we all take a pee break? We can talk about the list if you want. What list? Oh, yeah. If I had the list, I would post it. I don't know where that list is.
Starting point is 00:58:17 It'd be fantastic to see that. Let me see. Refresh the news thing. Yes. Thank you, Will. Wow, look at this. Look at this. Our trusty Mars Logan. Mars, you're on the floor at the Dubai CrossFit Challenge.
Starting point is 00:58:41 What's it look like there? What are some of the insights you can give us from being on the floor there? I mean, I stole a tomato from a street vendor and I'm currently on the run from men with scimitars, so I gotta make this really fast. You are gonna have your hands chopped off when they catch you. I'm pretty sure that's not
Starting point is 00:58:58 the only thing they're wanting to chop off right now, Siobhan. Do you have a shirt on? There's a strict dress code there. Maybe that's another reason they're chasing you. No, I cut a few holes in a fancy rug and I'm just using that as poncho. Gotcha. Well, I hope you find a magic carpet and you're able to jump on it and evade the authorities because it would suck if you died for stealing a tomato and not being dressed appropriately in Dubai. Well, I mean, all I was doing was I was just looking in the health-wanted area. But, I mean, I wish there was a better place to look for a job.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I'm in Dubai just trying to find a place where I can frickin' propagate tomatoes. And I got a frickin' tomato, and I'm trying to propagate the seeds, and it's just not working for me, Siobhan. Is there anything I can do? You can go to, Mars. Find a job anywhere on planet Earth. There are jobs all over planet Earth. By the way, what are you?
Starting point is 00:59:54 Are you at like an auction? No, I wish I was. That would be fantastic. You're probably hearing the goat mating in the background. Ah, that's supposed to stimulate Brian and Heidi. The goats mating in the background.
Starting point is 01:00:11 That's nice. There's a YouTube channel that we use. There's a YouTube channel we use when we get together just called Goats Mating. It plays for like 45 minutes. That's fantastic. That's fantastic. Okay, Mars. Are you sponsored by a shoe brand real quick no but i should be okay well i was gonna plug them but i won't okay why did you get a pair
Starting point is 01:00:36 well not anymore no okay good i'm sending them back all, Mars. Thank you for calling. Dude, on cue, this guy calls when you guys leave. Get him on the fucking payroll. Sousa, get him on the payroll. I was getting uncomfortable sitting here in my panties with everyone knowing about it. Yes, I understand. Well, it was nice of you to stand up and give us a shot of your panties as you
Starting point is 01:00:59 walked away. Damn, Brian, don't tell everyone. What else is there heidi share the youtube pages we want to watch naples seven i heard the next podcast is with laura the best crossfit correspondent in the game we have i i agree correspondent did i call him that um who's in emma carrie's corner in that who who yeah that's a great question tyler uh who is um who's who's with emma who's in emma carrie's corner in that who who yeah that's a great question tyler uh who is um who's who's with emma who's her coach i'm not sure who traveled with her there but matt torres is her coach from brute strength okay and travis billen how how howzen says her mom and
Starting point is 01:01:40 dad are there thankfully that would be rough yeah that is cool that makes me happy i think her dad i think she got like a really good dad like a really good dad probably a great mom too i'm not dissing the mom but i think she got a really good dad like she scored so he probably goes everywhere with her i think that's a good dad that's what i'm gonna do uh what what how long before we see the men go? I don't see any of them on the floor yet. Do you? Refreshing the feed. Everyone's bandwidth is doing pretty good
Starting point is 01:02:17 that we're able to watch both at the same time, huh? John, do you notice in the last round how much more difficult the overhead squats looked for Sarah? Yes, they did look harder for Sarah. Oh, by the way, some were. How are they for Horvath and Nistler? And did anybody fail? I was just, you know, just wondering if it's the fatigue of the event or if just maybe for her is the overall accumulation of
Starting point is 01:02:45 of you know competition that she hasn't done in a while i mean i think the handstand walking probably made her shoulders pretty soft in the chipper someone's uh lulus were see-through by the way i don't know who it was doesn't really do much for me but it's interesting that they make pants fitness pants for women. I don't even know if they were Lulu's. Actually, maybe Witt made them because they said Witt on the top. But it's weird that you would make fitness pants for women where they're supposed to bend in all sorts of different directions. But at a certain bend, it compromises the thread count and pulls it tight and that you can see through them.
Starting point is 01:03:25 It just seems like that would be like one of the main things you would check right are these pants see-through and when you pull put this much pressure on them just to just to maybe they're supposed to be see-through maybe i'm making i'm making a presupposition who knows he called says seven shut up you're gonna get more of those pants recalled i don't really want to see through someone's pants they're already so tight you can see everything do i don't need them to be see-through also seems like cheating oh i want to let's talk about the bar muscle-up standard why do we need a push out at the top why why stop them from just being getting to the top in the lock position that was one of the rules by the way sam stewart congratulations you are killing it what a showing you're having here uh tell me um why is that why do we need that
Starting point is 01:04:18 yeah brian why do we need that why did you say that about Sam Stewart I just I just saw his name pop on the screen but I was pretty happy with him I thought his list his heavy lifts were good I thought he did good in the last workout I'm just impressed with him I know he's he's basically he's such an underdog he's coming some from some fucked up island called Ireland where everyone's inbred there's not a lot of opportunity it's just. It's just... Well, the really unfortunate thing for him was he's been pretty good for a couple years. He had a breakthrough this year, made it to the Games, and
Starting point is 01:04:52 he basically didn't get to compete there. He is one of the few guys who got an injury early in the weekend, and so not everyone really got to see him at the highest stage. However, he's really young. I think he's 24 or 25. He got injured where? At the Filthy 150? At the Games.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Oh, at the Games. Okay. Yeah. So he had to withdraw. It was a bicep injury, I believe, but he's only 24 or 25 and he's already good.
Starting point is 01:05:12 And he's been doing this for a while. So I agree. He did very well. He looked against that first heat. He really accelerated in the back half of that workout and ended up taking a, you know, a top 10 finish there. He's, he was also fifth on the lifting and he's not the biggest guy out there.
Starting point is 01:05:29 So good technique with lifting, good capacity on the back end of a chipper are both really good signs for Sam. Yeah, I'm stoked for him. Now back to the bar muscle-up thing. Why have that standard in there? There's different things that come to mind for me but oh you know at the end of the day i don't you know i don't really care too much about the standard as long as it's known and understood by all the athletes the thing that bothers me is when the standards are not known or the or you know whatever but what's what's their reasoning for doing that?
Starting point is 01:06:07 Is it just to tax the triceps more for the handstand push-ups or throughout the whole event? It could be that. It could be, you know, a lot of times I think they make decisions for the sake of judging. But I don't know. I feel like that's always been the standard on bar muscle- i never have had an issue with it what is stefan doing sorry guys uh amazon's dropping off a packet oh you're checking the paperwork thank you
Starting point is 01:06:36 i think that they were getting at you couldn't just checking you can't you couldn't straight arm it the way briggs does some some of herups. She's one of the few people that do that, though. Like, most people don't do bar muscle-ups that way. That's basically a glide kick. Yeah, and I mean, but the feet over the bar, I think, is a good rule. Looks like heat one of the
Starting point is 01:07:00 men are taking the floor. Who's in heat one? Do we know? Is it just the bottom? Well, I can't tell if they've reseated based on anything that's happened today or if this is just the bottom 10 after day one.
Starting point is 01:07:18 I think they got Bronislaw and Tola right next to each other. On the outside. So they have, this is still, the seeding for round one is still based on the outside so they have this is still the seating for round one is still based on the results from day one but by the time we get into round two they should be reseated based on their performance in the previous round what was the reason you gave for the lockout sorry that was Amazon. Why do it? So it's easier to judge?
Starting point is 01:07:52 What was the reason he gave? John, talk to me. Ryan's not going to talk to me. He didn't really give a reason. He just said as long as the standard was uniform and everybody understands it, it's fine. The only thing I can think of is it would tax your triceps more but not very many people do bar muscle-ups straight arm anyway sam briggs is one of the only people that i know that does it religiously um so it doesn't affect very many people they weren't judging about camille did camille do it did camille do it um i don't think so i think she does regular dip like a little bit a little bit of a dip yeah it's it sucks i don't think so i think she does regular dip like a little bit a little bit of a dip
Starting point is 01:08:26 yeah it's it sucks i don't think it needs to be i don't think it needs to be i would be more concerned to tell you the truth about when they were shouldering the bag i felt like some people weren't shouldering it high enough and you know their hips were open but i don't know some of the bag the bag shouldering look questionable i would be more concerned about that than i would be about the bar muscle pushing out the top. That's just me. What am I, what do I know? Oh, I think you have a good point on that. The bar muscle up seeing thing didn't seem like it affected anybody,
Starting point is 01:08:54 but this, this is a bigger conversation. It's really about should there be a uniform set of standards for specific movements in CrossFit? And right now we don't have that. We have each competition with the ability to impose standards as they see fit. That makes it, you know, there's some people that like that because it means each competition has a little nuance for athletes to overcome. But on the flip side, it makes judging difficult because a lot of times, even if you have experienced judging, you'll get to an event and they'll have a standard that you haven't had to hold athletes to before.
Starting point is 01:09:26 And you've also just found out about it. Damn, these guys are flying. Hey, Will, we need a sound. So when Brian says stuff like that, you push a button. Hey, Tola is behind. You push a button and it screams freedom. Behind, he's not even doing it. I thought.
Starting point is 01:09:42 He's just standing in the back. Oh, he was just up with standing in the back. Oh, he was just up, up with Brian in the beginning. So I'm guessing that is also withdrawing here. He's withdrawing. Well, he's just standing in the back of the,
Starting point is 01:09:53 of his lane. He did not compete in this round. So again, I would be nice to see the whole floor here because it looks like there's four guys left on the floor. Oh, they cut away again. So what we want to see is when this guy crosses the line. So I think a minute 27, a minute 28 is the mark to beat for the next heat
Starting point is 01:10:15 because there were still four guys on the floor. Or maybe it's a little slower than that, a minute 30, because we already had – oh, no. No, you're right. No, because Tola's out out too so that's actually only going to be two guys eliminated so it was the second to last finisher from the sea why is tola out well this happens sometimes an athlete goes out on the floor and you know they just take i mean he didn't i don't know we will we don't know yet but he didn't i bet you it's a shoulder issue
Starting point is 01:10:39 i bet i bet you it's a shoulder issue. That bar is heavy, people. 185 is no joke to overhead squat 10 times. No joke. Not even for some of the best guys in the world. Tell me. Tell me, John. Laugh at me.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Tell me. It's heavy. You know it's heavy. I don't think it's that heavy, but both of you have disagreed with me, and I've gotten kilt in the chat you're a different you're a different creature i just saw james hobart test that games workout one year i don't remember what it is but it was like five rounds and it was at 175 or 185 it was the first cut workout running legless rope climbs and that's squat snatches that's not overhead squats oh those were squat snatches? And I just remembered watching him do it, and it was nuts.
Starting point is 01:11:27 It was absolutely nuts. I'm just thinking for the top half, so just say 10, top 10 guys, I don't think it will be a problem. Fair. Okay, fair. And the reason I think that is because the Naughty Nancy workout had 185 squats, and it was harder than this. And it had 75 overhead squats with 185 and everybody did it unbroken it's um and i know i know i'm preaching to the choir but
Starting point is 01:11:54 it is so crazy neurologically taxing i mean every single part of your body from your fucking toes to your fucking your scalp is getting uh fired up from heavy overhead squats like that it is nuts your core your glutes your shoulders okay okay so this is interesting because toll is in this group circle here so maybe he just took the floor when he wasn't supposed to i think he missed his heat because look they're all getting around he's acting that's the head judge that's briefing them on something yeah a guy named graham scott is just bombing the dubai youtube channel saying sevan's podcast has been a great lawsuit where's that that's the head judge right there he's a he's
Starting point is 01:12:39 a good dude craig harriman very um he handles adversity under pressure really well. So is Tola competing then? We're about to find out. I hope so because I wanted to see him do this event. And a couple of the other ones that are coming tomorrow. Those lanes are so dicey. One of the guys looked like he almost had a bar dropped on his head as he was sprinting to the finish line, meaning another competitor almost dropped a bar on him or he dropped it on
Starting point is 01:13:08 himself and here we go this heat and this is and this is what john is referencing maybe the best guys in the seat this heat will destroy the overhead squats but we will see the overhead squats i think take a bigger toll as we go on on the men than on the women, but we shall see. I don't know if I've ever overhead squatted one 85. I've done one 75 for a set of 10. I know it wasn't easy. Steel plates. I got kicked out of the gym when I dropped it on the 10th rep.
Starting point is 01:13:40 I'm pretty decent at overhead squats. So I'm probably just biased. Uh, you had, you had a biased. You had a good assessment, though. It probably is the type of thing that separates the men from the boys, the big guys, the guys who are going to be at the games, the CrossFit games. You guys, watch Tolo walk on his hands, because when he wants to sprint, he is the fastest handstand walker I've ever seen. We've yet to see what's happening here.
Starting point is 01:14:09 I swear they're running them in three heats. It looks like it. They had to call an audible. And look how they have them. And they have them in weird lanes again, too. I'd love to know how they have them what and they have them in weird lanes again too i'd love to know how they decide that it must be it must have to do with scoring and tabulation just to keep it consistent and easy so who's in this heat we got tola on the right um is that roman roman's in the yeah yeah uh tola Roman, can't tell, Jeff Adler,
Starting point is 01:14:48 Feebick, and Hapalainen. Where's Tola? Is he on it? He's not – we can't see him, right? He's on the bottom, closer to us than Roman. There he is. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's catching them.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Nice. He took that bike easy, man. Where's Ricky? I think Lazar's in this heat. Nice. He took that bike easy, man. Where's Ricky? I think Lazar's in this heat. I don't think Ricky's in this heat. So I think that for whatever reason, they're going to have three heats in this first round. We don't know why, but it appears to be. Did you see Tola there?
Starting point is 01:15:16 What was that? He just rushed it. But see, watch him now. Now he'll crank it. Look how narrow his grip is, dude. I thought he would crank it. So 128. 128's the time, right, Brian?
Starting point is 01:15:29 I think it might be 130 because of the fact that there's only 19 competitors. Roman did great. Wow, this is kind of surprising. Yeah, I'm surprised. He told us he was gaming the mic. Boy, I barely surprised. You think Tola was gaming the bike? Boy, he barely made it in. You think he was gaming the bike, Tola? It looked like it, but then it looked like he had to rush to, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:58 He was either rushing. Is that a hypothesis, equipment malfunction? It's solid solid they probably i mean they probably have said that on the broadcast by now okay okay his bike was broken nice thanks for the update nice work gershwin gershwin i've never known a gershwin it was actually pretty impressive he even saved that one because that bar bent like he basically half push pressed it out
Starting point is 01:16:29 or strict pressed it out. He's talking to the judge there. I am surprised more people aren't just snatching it. So, I mean, now what you have in play is that, especially the athletes from the first seat that will advance, they're going to get a significant rest here. And it's either going to be an advantage or not.
Starting point is 01:17:08 I mean, it is possible that there's an amount of time that goes by that's disadvantageous in a workout like this too. Holy cow. Watch that. I think that's Epilinen in the middle. And he looks like he's cranking. Yeah, he is. In this seat, there's
Starting point is 01:17:28 Ricky Garrard, Willie George, Henrik Hapalainen, Luka Djokic, and Elliot Simmons. Did we miss Jeff? I haven't seen Jeff Adler. I think he was in the previous heat. Oh, obviously. But I didn't see him. He's just in the middle of the pack.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Probably inconspicuous and I think that's what you want to be in this workout in the early rounds. Well, I think the question about Ricky's handstand walking is being answered. It's fast. Yeah, he was pretty quick. Oh, he missed the snatch.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Did you see that? Oh, of course not. No one's going to struggle with this barbell, dude. It's easy. He recovered, though. But see, he's cranking now so he just rushed it he finished in 118 man i think it's actually gonna be really tight for the last spot to get in. Tola was close.
Starting point is 01:18:48 They ran a heat while I dropped a deuce? Yeah. It's crazy. You left. I didn't even notice you left. Ricky was really fast on his hands. I mean, it was definitely some dead air time, but I thought you were just… So that was Ricky we just saw go for the first time?
Starting point is 01:19:07 Yeah. And did he make it? Yeah, he killed it. I need a shirt. I'm here to watch Ricky. He had so much time, he missed his snatch. He tried to snatch his first overhead squat. He missed it and then just recovered and then snatched it again and then did his 10 overhead squats
Starting point is 01:19:25 and was still in the clear easily uh because he smashed the bike and did the handstand walk so well i really think the handstand walk just the handstand walk i know brian is funny today it's like he got it's like yeah we have funny Brian. Yeah. It's interesting. I noticed last night we started seeing some signs of funny Brian towards the end of the show. What is, what's your max overhead squat, John? I'll let you guys go first. I mean, my max ever is probably one 85.
Starting point is 01:20:02 I've done one 75 for 10, as I. But, oh, no, you know what? I think I've done more. I think maybe sometime when I was in my 30s, I probably did like 205 maybe once. I mean, that's getting close to be – I hate to say it. That's getting close to my max like front squat of all time. I think my max front squat of all time was 215. So it's nothing special. What do you got brian i mean probably today i probably i
Starting point is 01:20:27 i don't know if my shoulders can barely do anything i'm i 195 205 something like that i think you guys should have an overhead squad battle i'll try 135 today just to see if I still got it. And live stream it. What's your max overhead squat? I have no idea, but last time I maxed out was 335. Yeah, that's what I meant to say. I have no idea, but I've done 175 for 10. But I have no idea. I haven't maxed out in a long time. My limiter is the jerk.
Starting point is 01:21:02 It's just getting it overhead. Yeah, okay. What's the most you've done with 10 um i've done 225 close grip for 15 wow and and like by close grip i mean clean clean grip wow that's nuts that is nuts it kind of used to be the gold standard in CrossFit to be able to do. I think Nicole Carroll in that video from way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way back in the day, way back in the day, the gold standard was 10 overhead squats at body weight. And I think if you could do that, you were good. But overhead squats, one of them things, if if you're not if it's not a max effort
Starting point is 01:21:49 whatever you can do for like three you could do for 10 at least in my opinion uh oh right uh uh i can't wait for john to make it to the game so you all can talk about it. We'll be waiting a long time. A long time. He's too old. He started too late. All fair points. No, Adler and Ricky weren't in the same heat, right? Adler was in the heat before,
Starting point is 01:22:21 correct? The guy that was next to Ricky that you thought was Jeff Adler I in the heat before, correct? The guy that was next to Ricky that you thought was Jeff Adler, I think was Willie George. Fair. Why was Roman in the first seat? I can't. I'm struggling to understand the
Starting point is 01:22:37 seating at this point. Brian have you been to Dubai yep have you been to that stadium yep was that last year they didn't have a competition last year it was two years ago I'm surprised they let that stop them ah they got a huge type
Starting point is 01:23:06 diabetes problem there never mind never mind huge diabetes problem okay so there's some pretty big names in this first heat of two um let's see how they show the cameras once they get on the bike and we'll see if we can identify everyone but at the top of the screen
Starting point is 01:23:22 well everyone. But at the top of the screen... Well... That's Ricky right there, right? In between Tola and Adler? Yeah. And then there's Henrik Heppelainen on the outside. See, they're pushing the spike. So Heppelainen, Adler, Gerrard, Tola, Alex Katoulis, I think that's Mahmoud, Al or muhammad el-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-al Oh, dude, this heat is crazy. Dude, Ricky's a beast.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Here we go. Takes his time. Takes his time getting the bar overhead. I mean, you know, I always tell athletes, take your time getting the overhead squat into the right position because, like John said, once you get there, you can crank, you can rep them out. But if you are slightly off getting it there, then you can start to panic wow that's an this is impressive this guy in red here this is a very long there's a yeah there's a lot of good athletes in this heat and he just yeah
Starting point is 01:24:33 oh dude it is sketchy they're too close to each other unless that's just a weird camera angle did you see how he had to run in between those two guys? Wait, wait. Is Ricky last right now? Not last. That angle was tough to tell exactly. Was that him finishing, though? No. No, no. The last guy to finish? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Man, it would be nice to see their faces because they're all wearing the same color shirts. Maybe someone will tell us who's listening to the real feed dude in red is not below parallel that's exactly what i was thinking it's so hard though to say because sometimes bridges doesn't look like he's below parallel and he is the difference is uh josh bridges is five foot four and that guy is a normal height the other difference is that when you're competing five foot four and that guy is a normal height the other difference is that when you're competing on the floor the only thing you have to do is satisfy the requirements of your judge and even though it might not be what we would hope it would be if they're giving you the reps you're not going to change what you're doing that doesn't defeat what he said though
Starting point is 01:25:41 no no but that's part of competing is like if ref says go lower, you've got to go lower. If they don't, then just keep doing it. Yeah. That was Willie George, not Ricky. My mattress is here from Amazon. I'll be right back. Okay, so second heat here. Moritz Fubik on the far left.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Lazar Djokic, I think, is in the blue. Roman Krennikov, Braun is in the red Andre Houdet is that Henrik Hapelainen? What is going on? Jorgos Ketovic on the far right that's not Hapelainen oh Simon Montilla
Starting point is 01:26:17 one of these is Simon Montilla and the other is Hapelainen this is Hapelainen Montilla was in the last heat they're both you know Scandinavian guys with white shirt and blonde hair so until we
Starting point is 01:26:30 get the close-ups it's gonna be tough what is the what is the time do you remember oh man I was just trying to see
Starting point is 01:26:40 who finished I'm not sure what the time was and I think that now it's four guys so we'll just say 125 you're in trouble that you know that heat seemed like it was actually a little slower than the first round for several of them but yeah i would say you want to be under 125 to feel safe man these guys because it's what's going to be 30 seconds? 26 seconds.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Yeah, El Amda surprised me. He did do really good. Okay, this is... Slower handstand walks. Wow. Wow. So, I think 113. 113 was the top time
Starting point is 01:27:25 that's a narrow grip for roman roman's overhead and you see henrik's got and yorgos like they've got really wide grips yeah they do i can't squat like that i have to be narrow God. So Roman with the fastest time in rounds one and round two. There's Braun. I'm thinking everyone in this seat is going on. Yeah. They're all under 115. So Willie and Tola are out.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Willie and Tola definitely out. And besides that, we won't know yet. What happened to your pick, Brian? Tola? Who knows, man? I mean, I don't know yet what happened to your pick brian tola who knows man i mean i don't know he seemed like he was unhappy talking to the head judge after round one but either way or from what i'm seeing here is just not uh honestly the whole competition is not what i expected from him he's got basically three last places in the first place And considering what he's supposedly been working on all season, that is the exact opposite of what I was expecting.
Starting point is 01:28:30 That's already what he was doing. Yeah. First place in the lifting event and last place and everything else. I thought he was just running every day for six months. I have no idea. But the main thing that I hope is that Savant sleeps really well tonight. Thank you. Did I miss a heat?
Starting point is 01:28:57 Yeah, you missed a heat. Everyone in that heat was very fast. We think that for sure Tola and Willie George would be eliminated heading into the next round. And Roman had the fastest time in that round after also having the fastest in the first round. 106. Something like that. I mean,
Starting point is 01:29:14 I'm wondering like how hard he's pushing or if there's still room to improve and we might see a sub one minute eventually. He's not the first off the bike. And we know he can be. Yeah. Yeah. That's what, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Seem faster. Um, at least the second heat was definitely the fast of that round was definitely the fastest heat we've seen yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:44 This is an interesting, this is an interesting comment from, um, uh, Maddie and that, and that's why it was so, it was kind of cool that rogue made it the last event in their competition. Is it unfair? Yeah. Yeah. He's always asking the question that we asked earlier. And, and yes, like there's a degree of where you would say yes, but I think the fact that it's the last event of the day today is okay. Like all of these athletes and they don't have to compete till 4 p.m. tomorrow. It's not like they have to wake up at
Starting point is 01:30:13 six in the morning and go to, you know, whatever. So they'll all be able to go home, do their normal recovery, get some food, get as long as a sleep as they want, do some body work in the morning. And all of them should be prepared regardless of the amount of work that they have to do today. If you don't have to compete till 4 p.m. again tomorrow, they have protocols and routines in place to get ready to go. So I don't think, well, it does, it is a different amount of work that they have to do. I don't think that it's, I don't think it's a poor decision. For people who are listening who can't see, basically the question was, for people who are listening who can't see basically the question was um the people who the winners of this event obviously have to do it three four five six times right what's the
Starting point is 01:30:51 five times five times so someone might have to do this workout five times and someone else might only have to do this workout one and the question is hey since this is in the middle of the competition is that unfair to those guys and brian is saying no they're conditioned well enough and their recovery is good enough to where it shouldn't matter too much and the scheduling is is appropriate so that they can recover from it it's the last workout for today yeah and they don't have to work out again until tomorrow evening okay sometimes what happens like it's happened at the games before where athletes will finish, you know, an hour before other athletes finish an event on the Friday night for whatever reason. And then they have to wake up and compete Saturday morning early. And in those situations, I would say that extra hour in the evening is a big advantage.
Starting point is 01:31:40 I had four cups of good dude's coffee, and now I'm drinking a Perrier. I think I had three pieces of bacon today also, and that's it. I fell asleep. I've been up since 3.50 a.m. No hard cheese this morning? No hard cheese this morning. Is there a cheese shortage in California? No, thank God.
Starting point is 01:32:00 We've been struggling with cheese over here. Really? In Chicago, you guys got cheese issue. Uh, some people were talking about that last night at the holiday party we had. I mean, it seems like there's a shortage of everything. No, no, I don't, I don't drink CBD drinks unless they're free at the hotel. I don't do CBD stuff. I don't do any, I'm a good dude. I do BPA in my plastics. That doing it. I'm a good dude. I'm a good dude. I do BPA in my plastics.
Starting point is 01:32:25 That's it. I'm just trying to look at the heat here. I feel like I only see five guys on the floor. We see Moritz Fiebig on the far left in the blue. Adler's next to him in the white. In the middle, kind of standing on his own, I think, is Alex Kutulis. Oh, here comes Lazar. So I think it's Lazar, Alex Katoulis, and then on the far right,
Starting point is 01:32:51 Elliot Simons and Mohamed El-Omda. And so we saw El-Omda win his first heat, and here he's seated towards the back of the advancing athlete. So even though he looked good against that heat, I think that there's actually a pretty big gap in performance here from the top eight guys to the rest of the field i liked how that chick just walked in front of the camera like it was mystery science theater 3000 or some shit you see up in the top of the stadium there, above that red opening, there are some VIP seats. Yeah, those are always there.
Starting point is 01:33:30 And they are... Shakes. Oh, they are shakes? Mm-hmm. That means dudes with a lot of money who are related to the right people? That's what a shake is? Shake. I wonder if they're offended by shake,
Starting point is 01:33:45 check. That's cultural. Shake weight. Yeah. That's cultural appropriation. So I'm the, I think right here, if you're in this heat that you have to push a little bit because,
Starting point is 01:33:58 uh, the last seat was so much faster. Yeah. You can't, you gotta be top two in this seat. I think. Oh, I'm just faster. Yeah, you got to be top two in this heat, I think. Oh, El Amda's tired.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Uh-oh. Uh-oh. What's going on here? It's Will. Look at Will. Will threw his hands up in the air. Circle of death. Will threw his hands in the air.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I'm going to have to turn it on over here on my TV. Oh, Will's gone. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I'm turning around mine. Jeff is done at 113. El Honda and a couple blue guys at 115. Do you think El Honda got in before all of them?
Starting point is 01:34:34 No, no, no. Jeff was 113 and then El Honda was at 115. Sorry, do you think El Honda was the second to cross in this heat? If Jeff was the first one. Okay, then those are the only two guys safe in this heat. And even though those guys are only tenths of seconds behind Alonda, I mean, it might not be enough. Oh, Ricky Gershwin said Ricky is cut. I like Eric.
Starting point is 01:35:06 They found you and turned you off. Is he in this heat, Brian? Do you see him? Wait, this is a repeat. Yeah, there's, yeah, yeah. So this already happened, what we're watching right now? Yeah. We're a little behind i know i you know willie i will i couldn't uh i couldn't refresh mine either to the present it's a trip oh he's just trying to we're trying to stay here for a second yeah jeff was the first one
Starting point is 01:35:37 and then el on no but you see how close he was yeah yeah that lived that hundredth of a second could be the difference if everyone else beats him in this next heat. So what? Hold on. Hold on. So let's just say 115. If anybody gets under 115. Everybody gets under 115. I'm saying if anybody's past 115,
Starting point is 01:35:57 then those two are safe. And if not, then we don't know. Good job, Will. So Ricky got cut last round. That's surprising. And if that's the case, that's going to open up the opportunity for Adler. Yeah, Jeff's going to get ahead of him. And if Lazar sneaks in, they were only 10 and 20 points behind him.
Starting point is 01:36:21 He's given up a lot of points if he did, in fact, get eliminated there. I don't think Lazar will be ahead of him, just the way the scoring system works. If he wins the event. I mean, I know it's unlikely, but... Yeah, unless he wins it. Ricky is so overrated. Graham Scott. Not cool. Not cool at all. Hey, do they clean these bars off every time?
Starting point is 01:36:54 Are they concerned about the Omicron spread? Are they using that bar scraper that Roblando sells in between every round with a spray of clorox because i know there's it's a safety first safety first i mean he's great to watch yeah he is great to watch and he's gonna he's gonna make it to the game uh think dubai's man no no not that where is it uh and he's great uh here he is i I mean, he's great to watch. Yeah, he is great to watch. And he's going to make it to the games. Oh, Harry. No, you didn't.
Starting point is 01:37:32 No, you didn't. You know, I'm just going to start handing out fucking burpees. Is this the next heat? Yeah. Oh, that's unfortunate. Is that Roman? Roman, he'll advance. And they always do this. Why do they always do this?
Starting point is 01:37:44 Okay, here we go. Here we go. Braun. That's Yorgos. Gervais. All these guys are still faster. Whoever's the last person on the floor right here is the one guy that might allow both Lazar and Alomda to advance, but we're not going to see it.
Starting point is 01:38:00 I like the down the line they have. They should do that immediately once the first person finishes. I like when they show the first person's finishers back for a while, so I can't see anything else. Barbell service. Is that the case at Barbell Jobs, Sevan? Yes, all the barbells at are vaxxed. It's all, this is, yeah, this is a disease of the unvaxxed, a disease of the unvaxxed.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Even though in California, it's 100% of the people are vaxxed who got it. I love it. It's good times. Good days. Good days to be alive. Good days. Good days to be alive. Good days. It is. It is.
Starting point is 01:38:48 I know. It's weird, Colin. I'm freezing, and it is sunny and beautiful here today. My office is freezing. It's so well insulated, and it was freezing last night. I know these are weird things that you see. The camera ran out of battery. I mean, they do so much right right here and yet you see those things and
Starting point is 01:39:08 it's a little weird you can be transvaxed if you like i don't know what that means but i'll pass thank you though for the opportunity to to sign in uh willie what's up baby what's going on how did we get oh here we're coming back here we go so we got one more heat to figure out who the winner is of this event no this should be the semi-final heat so the last uh eight and but it's only going to run in it'll run in one heat where are the guys right now i don't even see them on the floor they're all um they're getting double vacs ah good good before the semis they're all, um, they're getting double vacs. Ah, good,
Starting point is 01:39:46 good. They're getting their hands sprayed with, uh, uh, antibacterial soap right now. You think this is Roman's to lose right now? Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 01:39:57 He's not only, um, had the fastest time in each round, but he's gotten faster every round. The event. This particular, the, the overall competition. No, Dubai, Dubai, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Well, we thought that before it started. Nothing's changed. I mean, just the fact, we talked about it. The fact that Ricky beat him on day one in those workouts is, it's not that surprising. We wanted to see him lift. We wanted to see him on the floor here. And we know, like Roman has been doing this.
Starting point is 01:40:22 He's been beating everyone in Europe and uh all season I'm just restating this is kind of how we thought it would it would shake out Roman doesn't really have any weaknesses and no and we expected Adler and Ricky to be fairly close I mean that was kind of what we were thinking and probably after tonight tonight, they will be. I mean, it looks like. I think the reason Ricky gets so much hype is just because he has this thing that he's just better at than everybody else in all of the CrossFit world. And nobody else is really close. But. Looks like El Omda made it through.
Starting point is 01:40:57 This is great. I'm happy for him. There you go, El Omda. And Lazar got through. So whoever was last in the second heat, which I couldn't tell who it was. Was it Houdet? Lazar got through. So whoever was last in the second heat, which I couldn't tell who it was.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Was it Houdet? No, I think I see Houdet on the top of the screen. Wait. Yeah, I think that's Houdet over there bending down, fixing his bike, second from the top. Braun's up there. So we got Braun, Roman, Lazar, Jeff. Where's Jeff at? There's a lot of people out there.
Starting point is 01:41:33 Let's wait till I get on the bikes. What do you think, Brian? Follow your own advice, John. that's what I'm trying to do did I tell you about the guy who contacted me following that article and said he was going to do some data compilation for aerobic events similarly and he did actually send me
Starting point is 01:42:03 the data for it how aerobic do you have to be to podium? Basically? Yeah. It wasn't, uh, it was similar to what you did, but not exact.
Starting point is 01:42:11 And his conclusion was relative to the field. You have to be a little bit better at aerobic workouts and strength, but I haven't like sat down with it. Like I did with the stuff you sent me. Yeah. Is that to make it? Okay. So we've got,
Starting point is 01:42:24 so we got Braun, Andre whooudet, Adler, Lazar, Roman. Roman. Kerevis? No, that's Fabian Benito, then Kerevis, and then Alomda. What's the temp out there on the floor? Now the judges are in shorts. So Hapalainen didn't make it. Norm Antila, right?
Starting point is 01:42:48 I don't know what the temp is in Dubai. Jeff is walking really good. That was fast for him. I'm wondering something. Roman just overhead squats so fast. Strong, mobile. Wow, check this out. In Dubai at 6 p.m., it was 66 degrees, and at 3 a.m., it was 79 degrees.
Starting point is 01:43:16 It gets hotter at night. Oh, my gosh, dude. So, Jeff is stayed at 113. Dude, Roman, Jeff, Lazar. So Lazar is, in fact, going to pick up a bunch of points on Ricky here. And it might be tight. And is this Yorgos going to be the fourth one in? Get over the line, dude.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Oh, my God. So that's the time that you don't want to be casual going over the line. so we think that the final four will be roman lazar jeff adler and yorgos karavis and you know what yorgos has looked pretty good this is the guy that christoph was talking about just competed last week in the madrid challenger series christoph took third at that i think he was i think he was i can't remember if he was first or second, but less than a week turnaround to competing at this competition. And he was very impressive on the chipper.
Starting point is 01:44:14 And then he's obviously made a top four here. Is he kind of like, not as much, but like Tola a little bit on the aerobic side? Because he didn't do very well in the first two events and he's been lighting it up ever since. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:44:30 Omda's in trouble. He shouldn't be messing with this. Can he tap? Stefan, don't worry. We'll never see a guy in the top 10 struggle with a 185 barbell. I didn't think El Omda was going to make the top 10. I'm sorry. If you tell me El Omda's's gonna make the top 10 i'm sorry if you tell me alone there's gonna make the top 10 i would have i would have never said anything yeah that was interesting right heidi i i was tripping on that a little bit too i'm tripping
Starting point is 01:44:58 on the the announcer and and it was a weird kind of yeah i was tripping on that it's tripping on that i was tripping on that too it's a it's a different culture there that you know dubai i think is one of those places it's like armenia like when the cops pull you over you jump out of your car and you put your arm around the cop and you start talking to him it's not like the united states where everyone's just terrified and freaked out hey this was the first round Roman kind of slowed down and Jeff hasn't slowed down. You think it's possible Jeff could get him? I do. I mean, I know that you say it's a light barbell, but doing 10 overhead squats five times at
Starting point is 01:45:36 this weight, racing on your hands five times in a row, pushing the bike that hard. I think Roman has done more than he needs to in every round so far. Why are you winning these rounds by so much? All you have to do is not be last. He should have done what Nistler did. Yes. And he keeps finishing and looking around like, where is everybody else? It's like, you have to learn.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Have you not learned anything from the first three rounds? Just slow down. Anyway, yeah, that's definitely what i'm watching here romans four for four on winning the round but the only round that matters for the event is this one you know um lazar is scraped by in the round of 12 had a good performance there in the semis and who knows maybe him and jeff can both beat him it's only a couple seconds i'm surprised lazar is doing so well in this event why because the overhead squat what what about it i thought it'd be a little heavier for him than some but i didn't think tolo or braun would be as bad as they were like they weren't they're not in the top four you know what i mean and i thought they would blow this up
Starting point is 01:46:50 and and they haven't they did not know um i think lazar is one of those guys that uh probably can cycle like high percentages of his lifts pretty well relative to others and i agree but so can ricky you know i expected the same from ricky and he you know what i actually think cost ricky on this one was the bike he was like five seconds behind most of the guys getting off the bike he overpaced it maybe i mean it's hard or maybe he thought he could make up more time on the handstand walk i don't know well it seems like the people who are doing the best this event are just the fittest people and like a specialty doesn't matter it's
Starting point is 01:47:32 just whoever's the fittest other than ricky i mean think about it roman jeff lazar and then uh the great el omda hey what was what was what was the limiting factor for Ricky? Was it the overhead squats? He just said the bike. Who said that, Brian? Yeah. I mean, that's what it seemed like, was that he was five seconds or so behind most of the guys on the bike,
Starting point is 01:47:58 and he just wasn't able to make it up. So, Kerevis. It'd be funny if Kerevisis won that'd be kind of anticlimactic we haven't talked about him there's an interview i typed in this morning on google fucking 4 30 in the morning uh roman krennikoff roman krennikoff uh why can't he come to the United States or something like that. And one of the videos that pops up is a, it's a video with Tommy interviewing him for the morning chalk up and there's a translator there. And I'm, and I didn't get a chance to see it to see if it's in there earlier. I had heard that there was a video of him originally of him talking in,
Starting point is 01:48:42 in whatever language he talks, Russian or whatever, where he says he special forces in the Russian army. And because of that video, Russia won't let him out of the country because they're afraid he's going to defect and never come back. That's completely hearsay. I have no proof of that. That's just something I heard on the side. But if anyone wants to know,
Starting point is 01:49:03 eventually I'll listen to that video on the morning chocolate where Tommy's interviewing him. Okay. We're off. This is the final event. The winner here wins this event. Uh-huh. Yeah. And this is the one where I think you get, just got to go for it.
Starting point is 01:49:16 You know, the, like if you can win an event, it's huge with the way this point scoring is. Um, and losing it, like finishing last in this heat is it's not that bad like you've already locked in 85 points so i think you just see jeff and lazar pushing a little bit harder here and they'll probably get off the bike a little closer to roman than usual yep as expected and now it's just a matter of can they hold on jeff's handstand walking has improved a lot because he was not a good handstand walker and he looks great. Yeah. I agree with that. Really good workout for again,
Starting point is 01:49:52 huh? All right. If he doesn't go too fast, he should have it. He's cutting parallel pretty close to it. It doesn't look like it, but his judge is giving it to him yeah who's the guy in it closest to us he's not getting very deep either that's kind of us
Starting point is 01:50:10 it's so hard to say from that angle so he was slower again but so is everyone else so clearly clearly the rounds are taking their toll and jeff's actually going to take last out of the four guys. Oh, my gosh. Jeff. This is a good finish for Lazar, man. It was. It was. I think Lazar did the best out of this event compared to what we thought was going to happen. Damn, Roman's hurting.
Starting point is 01:50:38 Well, he won every round. But that time in the last round would have been like eighth or seventh and took two rounds ago. Hey, what is the fastest time we've seen from the men? 1.06 was Roman's fastest time. Can this be done in under a minute? Can anyone? You would have to sprint the bike. Can the great Matt Fraser, the greatest of all time,
Starting point is 01:51:04 do it in under a minute and six? I'm not going to say he can't. I bet you he can. I think if it's only one round, and especially if you haven't done that brutal chipper right before, that there's a handful of guys that could go under a minute for one round of this, yes. I agree. Guys like, I mean, I think Medeiros could. I think Froning probably could for one round.
Starting point is 01:51:26 I think John, if Guillermo, I, you haven't seen me handstand walk. Cause it's not that fast. I think Guillermo probably could. Um, definitely,
Starting point is 01:51:39 uh, there's a second or two for everyone to make on the makeup on the transition. Um, if you're willing just to just you know send it when you finish i love it this is the learning roman talk to the crowd and i think that's his translator next to him yeah oh in russian yeah roman whatever roman was saying was definitely in russian and now he's translating it but he this guy was smiling as roman was
Starting point is 01:52:00 talking so i'll have to play that back and see what he said. What do they speak? There's Arabic, the main language there in Dubai. What's their language? Anyone know anyone? I got the wiki for Dubai pulled up. Arabic. Is that what it says? Is that what you found?
Starting point is 01:52:22 Yeah. What's happening here? What are we doing doing well roma's just talking he seems like he's having a good time that's it are we done for the day the athletes are done for the day yeah yeah oh that's crazy my day's's ruined. When does tomorrow start? Why is your day ruined, Savant? Because I've been up for too long and my eyes are burning. Like I was going to go to Big Sur today and I just can't. It would just be unsafe. I think I'm going to go take a nap.
Starting point is 01:53:18 Yeah, I'm probably going to take a nap too. I got work all evening. Go get some food. Okay, let's recap this again um who are the top three for the uh for this event this was event number four yeah this is event four and they have not updated um scores for the uh for this event for either the men or the women but john we had laura yeah gabby or andrea gabby and, or Andrea, Gabby, and Sarah. Was it Gabby, then Andrea, or Andrea, then Gabby?
Starting point is 01:53:48 It was Laura, and then Andrea, and then Gabby, and then Sarah. So those are the top four for the women. And then the overall leaderboard, Laura has a pretty decent lead over everybody. And then Sam Briggs and Kristen Holt, or not, no Gabby and Kristen Holt are going to be pretty close for second and third. And I think Sarah's daughter is going to make a big jump because she was in 10th before that event,
Starting point is 01:54:15 but she was only 11 points behind fifth and she scored 85 points there. So she, she might be all the way up to fifth after this. Well, Nistler where's Nistler. That's right. Yeah. It depends how far Sam Briggs falls down. So it'll probably be – yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:54:29 It'll probably be Laura, Gabby, Kristen, Briggs, Nistler, Sarah. Those will be the top six. Yeah. And then for the guys, the top four were Roman and this event were Roman, Jeff Adler. Who was second? Lazar? I think Yorgoz got second Jeff Adler. Who was second? Lazar? I think Yorgo Scott second and then Lazar.
Starting point is 01:54:48 It was really close. Roman, Kerevis, Lazar, and then Jeff. And then overall for the guys, it looks like Roman will be in first. Not by the same amount as Laura, though. But he'll have a decent lead for first. And then Jeff will be in second, right? I think it's going to be Roman, Jeff, Lazar, Ricky. But Ricky and Lazar are going to be really close.
Starting point is 01:55:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Ricky and Lazar will be really close for third and fourth. Jeff will have a little bit of a lead in second. And Roman has a decent lead over everybody. The interesting thing is that the guys behind, like those were the top four coming into this workout. And then the next guys, Willie George, Elliot Simmons, Henry Capilano, Luca Jukic, all did pretty bad on that event.
Starting point is 01:55:40 And it's pretty tight in that range, especially from Elliott Simmons down. So we could see a shakeup in that five through like 15 area, but the top four are, I think at this point, the top four, they're the top four we thought coming in. They're the only four that I mentioned that I thought I had a chance to make the podium. And it's basically, it sets up for a good competition on the last day. The cool thing about it is two of those guys are men who made the top 20 this year at the games they finished 9th and 13th respectively lazar and jeff obviously jeff had a top five finish the year before at the games as well and we have roman and ricky who are potentially two of the best
Starting point is 01:56:14 threats to podium at the games that we haven't seen at the games in a while who are hanging with top 10 games athletes um tell me about Kerevis. He was in 16th, and now you're saying he took second in this workout. Does that do anything for him or too little too late? No, it's significant. Go ahead, Brian. It'll move him up. I think, you know, the first – like, Kerevis probably will continue to move up the leaderboard a little bit as the weekend goes on.
Starting point is 01:56:48 He's pretty good in the gym stuff. He'll make a push for the top 10, but probably not the top five. And this is like CrossFit, is what you're saying? The CrossFit Games, basically, as we get further and further into the competition, we're going to see more and more CrossFit-style workouts? Yeah, I mean, we know the rest of the workouts so tomorrow morning or tomorrow evening in dubai they'll start with the ring muscle-up thruster okay then they'll have the back-to-back workouts of 21 15 9 um echo bike toes to bar one minute reset 21 15 9 calorie row bar facing burpee and then i think there's a final and i think it's unannounced so there'll be four events but they'll like only take the floor three times four scored events which means that of if
Starting point is 01:57:32 that's the case there's 900 total points available there's still 400 left tomorrow so there's a significant amount of points up for grabs you know 40 or so and um it starts at the same time for am pacific standard time again i think so damn it um let me see i don't i don't think it's that And it starts at the same time for Pacific Standard Time again? I think so. Damn it. Let me see. I don't think it's that early. Yes, it's that early.
Starting point is 01:57:53 I hope it's done before the UFC starts. No problem. And one final thing before we sign out. How do we feel about Sarah's performance? Are we like, yeah, she's doing good, and she can get 10% better by the time it comes to the games, and she can make podium this year at the games? Like, are we seeing something like that from her?
Starting point is 01:58:09 What are we seeing from Sarah? I don't know if she can podium at the games, but 100% the rest of what you said, like she's been able to do everything and it doesn't seem like anything's holding her back, especially the downhill run. The downhill run is honestly the biggest test that she could have. And then she clean and jerked almost her PR and competition clean and jerk. So she's passing all the tests. You know, me and Brian didn't know what to think of her. She was kind of a wild card. But she's doing great.
Starting point is 01:58:44 I wouldn't expect her to podium at this competition. But, I mean, she can make a push for top five for sure. And then she's only going to get better. If Tia was here, would this be easy 50K for her? Yes. And if Matt Fraser was here, would this be easy 50K for him? Yes. Just easy.
Starting point is 01:59:03 Just crushing people. You disagree or agree, Brian? I agree. I mean, obviously, assuming Fraser is coming into it prepared to win. But, yeah, I mean, there's nothing that either one of them has shown us in the last five years to think anyone can beat them if they want to win a competition. Right. Complete steamroll if they're here. I do ricky would beat him on the first two events yeah i don't know man yeah yeah probably roman would beat him too i mean he doesn't you don't
Starting point is 01:59:39 have to win every event to win the competition and right he'd probably be third third second and then first first first first all right guys thank you uh we will start back up tomorrow at uh after the first event so it's probably around 5 a.m right pacific standard time yeah, there's a pretty quick turnaround to the next event though. Have you seen that Ryan? I guess. Well, if we want to do it like we did today, it might be, you know,
Starting point is 02:00:14 we might come in after event five, stay on for event six. Okay. No. Okay. Well, it'll be interesting to turn around. It's quick like this.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Yeah. All right. I'm pumped. Thanks like this. Yeah. All right. I'm pumped. Thanks, guys. Thanks, everyone, for tuning in. Thanks for all the kind words. Everyone's been great. Peace.

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