The Sevan Podcast - EMERGENCY PODCAST | Dave Castro is Back! #949

Episode Date: June 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:00 You're a good dude. You're a good dude. Bam, we're live. If you'll have me. A letter has been sent to affiliates worldwide. Dang, look at Tyler Watkins' hair. Are we going to a funeral? I'm getting married.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Oh, you're getting married? Yeah. Oh, congratulations. Really, is that your wedding haircut? Yeah. That's as good as you can look, dude. You fucking look good. You went from fucking, seriously, you went from redneck to a model. That's as good as you can look, dude. You fucking look good. You went from fucking, seriously, you went from like redneck to like a model.
Starting point is 00:01:28 That's crazy. Maybe it's a blue shirt or something. That's weird. A redneck model. You went from like four-wheel drive to Tesla. That's good. We got an email sent out to all the affiliates of which um mr susan down below is the owner of crossfit livermore and the executive producer of the seven podcast and right as i was getting off
Starting point is 00:01:51 the show a little i don't know 30 minutes ago i started hearing rumblings of this thing it sounds like dave castro it sounds like dave castro is now head of the crossfit games can we pull that up or should i just read it i was gonna i was trying to pull it up oh here it is yeah hold up i'm gonna pull it up okay and i'm seeing some other links too it looks like clydesdale media is also reporting on this okay here we go i'll read this to you guys out loud um uh dear affiliates i'm writing to let you know justin berg will be moving on from crossfit dave cast Castro will step in to lead our sport team as we prepare to have an amazing 2023 CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:02:31 We are fortunate to have a talented team, and they are working hard to deliver a world-class event. We are looking forward to seeing many of you in Madison soon. Best, Austin. I'm guessing that's Austin Maliolo. That's Austin Coloni. Positive first. Let's start with a question for Mr. Sousa.
Starting point is 00:02:55 The most important people to notify would be? The affiliates. The affiliates. So we're cool with that, right? Yeah, that's actually awesome that they did that as quick as they did. And I do – this email came like moments before simultaneously when Morning Chalk Up did it too. Okay. So – oh, are you suggesting that Morning Chalk Up had inside scoop on this?
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yeah, for sure. I mean it was like email them and – or it might even have been blurry a little bit as to who got it first. God, I hate them. Yeah, but at least they did send it as an email to the affiliates at the same time. How much did they pay for that exclusive? None. Just their souls. Exactly, souls.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Just their integrity. Their souls. Those are expensive. Hey, so I'm going to put that in the huge pro column. Fantastic that they announced to the affiliates first. Just fucking awesome like that's who needs to know as the great eric rosa said our shareholders like those are the only fucking shareholders right or is that what the word he used what were they called that was right
Starting point is 00:03:57 yeah and so and so the affiliates deserve to know first uh the the letter is a little um affiliates deserve to know first uh the the letter is a little um i mean we have questions right is he now the dave castro that i know doesn't do anything half-ass so i'm guessing does that put is he now in the role that he was originally in is that and if he is who i know justin berg was critical to to the success of the crossFit games when Dave was in that leadership position. And my first question is, well, who's going to be the new Justin Berg then, right? I heard it's John Young. True. John Young, welcome to the show. That is not true.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Um, from a, uh, from the, uh, bottom of your heart, what, what is your, uh, first thought, John, um, emotional, intellectual, uh, when you hear that Dave's back in charge? I'm happy for Dave. I'm more happy Justin's out rather than Dave is in. Why is that? What are you happy about Justin being out for? What? What are you happy about Justin being out for?
Starting point is 00:05:01 What has he done that's been good? I don't know. What has he done that's been good i don't know what has he done that's been bad well the weights are wrong in 23.1 yeah i just don't know what he answers questions no no no you're cool you're cool i i i don't like the way he he doesn't answer anything first off uh dave dave you know whether dave does bad or does good d Dave will answer you honestly with what he's thinking, whether you agree with him or not. Yep. And like this was the reason we did this. If you don't like it, you can back it up and leave it. Justin, we get no information from Justin no matter what question is asked in what format.
Starting point is 00:05:39 We get no information. I don't even know like what he does. That's a great point. Justin is just a lot – there was a lot of spin it was hard to be like uh so so why did you pick um uh Orlando isn't it a beautiful day today first I want to make sure I thank everyone for showing up you're like wow wow this community is beautiful I just want to say we have the best community I am curious how this affects the games though like does he and boz partner up as
Starting point is 00:06:05 far as making the games events go or is it um you know what i mean i i'm just curious how much of a hand castro will have in in the programming i want to give you guys i want to give you my uh go ahead go ahead if someone wants to answer that do you want to take that hillar i i with what you said the first thing that came to mind is when they had those little press conferences where Justin Berg and Boz would be sitting there. Everyone would go, thank you for allowing me to ask a question. It just means so much that you let me sit in on this thing and ask you. It just never accomplishes anything.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's like, get to the fucking point and tell us what you're here for to ask a question to. And that's how Justin would have. It's so nice to be in Orlando. That's the first thing that I thought of. And I'm hoping that that era of CrossFit is done. The pleasantries. So because good or bad, we respect Dave just for his honesty, right? That's at the end of the day, we respected him.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Correct. Like him or hate him, everyone respected him. Okay. And I agree with that. And we know why. Because he was forthright and honest. He's also a man of responsibility. Like the thing – he would live and die on his own sword, and we didn't see that same thing from you – or from Ferg. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Can you give me an example of that? By the way. What, Taylor? What Tyler was alluding to. He just what Tyler was alluding to, he just, or not alluding to, but mistakenly saying Hugh Banks, the Freudian slip.
Starting point is 00:07:32 What do you, what do you, do you have any examples of that off the top of your head, Tyler, that he's a man of responsibility. It's just like, I mean, I keep my brain.
Starting point is 00:07:41 We already talked about this, the lane eight situation. Why, why was Justin Burke talking about that? Why was it handled the way it was handled? It should have just been squelched from the top and done. And it wasn't handled well. Or the fact that the lake situation, right? Justin Burke kind of muddled that whole situation.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Oh, there might have been something in there. He never just came out and said no. There was no poison or whatever in the lake. It's just like he just lets things muddle too much. Like come out, talk, and go back to work. Yeah, this went in the lake. It was full of shit. End of story.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Or yeah, there is a discrepancy with the runners. That's what happens. Make sure you show up as the best guy. Like that's what Dave was saying. And then we could have judged him based on that, it based on that hey it's unfair then we could have cried or not cried there's this whole season have been debacles and they have not owned it and he never came out and said we messed up on this it was just like oh let's kind of sweep it under the rug it was always rug sweeping it was never like yeah we screwed up sorry my bad we're
Starting point is 00:08:41 gonna handle this oh this is what i see from the the little perch that i sit on the crossfit games operations the crossfit games programming and the crossfit media have not had an alpha in in many a year and regardless whether you you like the commander in chief you like the alpha if you don't have an alpha all the other dogs will fight and they'll spend their times fighting and for anyone who's had three, four, five, six dogs, that's exactly what it's like. One of them has to be the king shit. One of them does eat first every time they figure that shit out. And I think what someone had realized is that, oh shit, instead of people, everyone doing their job, there's people there competing who have no business being in charge, have no business being alpha, don't have what some people call leadership.
Starting point is 00:09:23 But I actually do just think it's just straight up.ave's a fucking alpha and when he was there there's a there was always a little bit of uh i don't know how you want to word it fear or you want to please daddy or like for me it was it was it was more on the side of i wanted to please daddy like you wanted to you knew he was in charge and you wanted to please him. You like that, Hillary? Please, Daddy. I knew it. And so if you don't have someone in charge who's like that, that you're willing to work for, that you're excited to work for, then it's just going to become a competition of who's the biggest asshole. The whole job becomes political and drama,
Starting point is 00:10:00 and that's what they had fallen into, just a complete fucking disarray. Can we assume that Don made this decision? This is a Don Fall decision? Should we send him a link? We'll ask. I don't think you can be CEO and this not be your decision. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:22 And why fire Justin? Why fire Justin? Hey, you said fire. The thing says he's leaving. Yeah, he moved on. And we don't know that. It's a new chapter. And it says from CrossFit, so he's not even doing it. He's leaving via someone else's choice. Okay, so what you're suggesting also is they said to him, hey, Justin, we're going to give you a demotion.
Starting point is 00:10:41 And he said, eat a dick. And they said, okay, here's your severance buy. He didn't want to take a lesser role. I also think you had to get rid of him because if you were going to ladder Dave back into his position at the top, there's no way. I mean, you just said it. They're going to be jockeying for position. It's going to become extremely political.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Alliances will be taken, and they won't accomplish anything. So I think the only path to really do that is rip the Band-Aid off and have it be done and now just put Dave in place. Justin V., does this make Castro Adrian's boss? I assume yes. I think Sevan said, do it all days. It's his daddy. It's his dad.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Ryan Tate, Andrew Tate's stepbrother, a fiver to help fund Sevan's campaign trail, a make media Sevan again. Well, thank you. That's very interesting. What is this? Coffee pods and wads, Pedro, the biggest thing in Europe that CrossFit has, holding down media on all other continents besides the important one north america uh pedro says he's right i'm tired of debacles i want debacle season that must be a european word
Starting point is 00:11:53 that's fantastic uh joel kelly a davis fucking alpha yeah there's no um there's no doubt and he does it without talking so um seven wouldvan, would you go back to CrossFit if asked? Absolutely. I'm so fucking – I was waiting for a not to follow that. Absolutely. And then it never came. Sevan, are you going back as media director now? No, not even when – no, I don't think he has that – yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I don't think he has that authority. Sevan, are you excited for the games now? What I really want to do is I want to talk to Dave. I've been bugging him, and I can't get a hold of him this morning for obvious reasons. We've got a couple ideas. Yeah, I do have a few ideas. And Sevan, are you excited for the games now? Yeah, I'm crazy excited.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I'm crazy excited. Does anyone think this is going to affect the programming, or we're going to keep going down the Adrian Bosman pathway? I would like to think that Dave lets Adrian go and make his mistakes on his own and learn from it. But we'll see. I'd be curious to find out how much they were talking ahead of time before this, Dave and Boz. I'd be curious to find out how much they were talking ahead of time before this, Dave and Boz, and if there was any continuity between logistics that need to be handled, maybe some holes that Dave might have seen that wasn't originally brought up in the programming. So that way there's just more cohesion as far as logistically how it rolls out, how they're going to handle scoring issues and the inevitable problems that are going to happen across each event because if you look at it i didn't necessarily didn't see like there's obviously a change in the programming but it seemed like their biggest
Starting point is 00:13:26 struggle was like logistics getting their shit together making the rules holding a standard and so i think that boss will actually excel in that environment when you have somebody like dave who's like here's what we're doing this is the course we're taking and we're not going to budge from this andrew hiller plugging the dave castro extra virgin olive oil, which will be available online soon. It's a limited edition. That is the first sold bottle, by the way. That is true. Andrew Hiller did buy the very first bottle of Dave's new olive oil brand.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Can't have it. It's not for sale. It's going to sit right there. Like your Ariel Lowen card. eBay. Go ahead, Tyler. What do we think justin is responsible for because we can pontificate all day on what dave is going to do but if he's replacing justin what what were justin's responsibilities and then what did he end up doing that we didn't like his i think his overall response i think that was the problem i think we didn't know whether
Starting point is 00:14:23 adrian or just Justin was responsible. But in an ideal world, Justin would have been the new Dave and completely in charge of the operation. And the people who would have reported to him for the operation would have been media and programming. And they weren't, and they weren't reporting to him. And so I think his job had fallen more into the fact of sponsorship. had fallen more into the fact of a sponsorship, right? The fact that we don't know exactly what he was doing proves that he was not a good in charge of the sport, director of sport. In his defense, he was set up to fail.
Starting point is 00:14:58 I don't think that those people were put into a, I don't think Adrian was said, hey, you report to fucking Justin justin i think it's like hey this is going to be a collaboration i i have to i can't wait to dave is not like that type of guy he's not the hey i'm the collaboration guy he takes a shitload of advice he has lots of meetings where you sit down and anyone can express their opinion but at the end of the day uh it's the buck's going to stop with Dave and the decisions are going to be made by Dave.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Do you think Rich gets kicked out of the semifinals if Dave is the director? No. It's stuff like that. Hey, or if he does, Dave gets on and be like, yeah, I kicked that pretentious bitch out. He says one or the other. I don't think he gets kicked out,
Starting point is 00:15:43 but if he does, Dave speaks to it. Yeah, I kicked him out. Who the fuck does he think he is? He's't think he gets kicked out, but if he does, Dave speaks to it. Yeah. I kicked him out with the, who the fuck does he think he is? He's last week's news. And we all go, Oh, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:15:50 yeah, well at least that's what, that was the best part about Dave. It's like, whether you liked it or not, he was going to stand in front of the firing squad and give his answer. And then he was going to hold to it and move on. You know,
Starting point is 00:15:58 it wasn't so ambiguous. Like his answers weren't ambiguous and stuff. You were like, he made the decision and he's sticking by the consequence, good or bad. As painful. It is for me to say the best interview ever done with don fall was with pedro coffee pods and wads i can't stand how he lets people talk so much but he does and he got a great interview by letting don talk and he says listen to this this is from pedro in the chat um he says when don was on coffee podsODs podcast, it was clear he felt people were hiding things from him.
Starting point is 00:16:25 This is the result of that, surely. Yeah. Like I said, well, that's good to hear. That is in line with they have a massive communication breakdown there. Massive. They have crazy inside fighting there. Crazy. And that won't happen with Dave there.
Starting point is 00:16:42 The masses will huddle and be like, it's us against Dave in a good way. Has Don made a statement about it yet? True. If he, if he has, it's on that shit rag morning chalk up or, or maybe Clydesdale.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I see Clydesdale posted something that says a morning chalk of reports. Oh, and they're reporting off of morning chalk up. Yup. Yeah. posted something that says morning choco reports oh and they're reporting off of morning choco yeah yeah they went downhill really hard like really quick like they were they were trying to tread water and then they drowned who morning choco yeah like last week they just completely murdered themselves yeah it seemed like a good idea until you go missing underwater next to the titanic they felt they felt safe expressing their wokeness again that's the problem god uh wad zombie uh who makes the um best cards in the business my aunt the only cards um uh after
Starting point is 00:17:39 pedro's interview with don i think it was clear that there were a lot of issues don wasn't aware of pedro may have gotten justin fired no shit you think it's like that you think that pedro asked him some questions that possibly caught don fall off what questions are those hmm feed us wide zombie wow yeah what do you mean so so you think that pedro asked him a question in that podcast and then don kind of flinched and was floundering, thus exposing he didn't know that something was going on? I mean, how much should the CEO know about the games? Should he have known that events one and three weren't being televised? I think he should be putting the correct leader in place and he should forget about it. Put somebody like Dave in charge and say, here's your baby.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Do what you need to do. We'll meet about it you know whatever in a quarterly or something like that just to keep my thumb to the pulse but other than that he needs to put a strong leader in and then forget about it needs to move on and focus on training the affiliates he shouldn't have to know that's for sure yeah and games game stuff should not problems should not come to his attention and should just be sorted out by Dave and then find out later about it. I mean, you shouldn't find out about it. It should be fixed.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Yeah, exactly. Uh, coffee pods and wads, Pedro chiming in again, carrying the show. Pedro, you should have just come on after the recording.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Don hinted that he had no clue about you banks on the, uh, talking to the fitness podcast and how bad he came across or how pissed people were about this that side of things yeah how can he know that i one time uh text don and apologize for something i said on my podcast and he said i've been in a very gentle way he said i have no idea what the fuck you're talking about so i mean he doesn't have time for us uh he's not he's not in the dirt with us say that again hillary he watches all my videos so he must have missed the one where i just chewed out eubanks he does watch all your stuff yeah don
Starting point is 00:19:33 yeah yeah let me see that in writing he asked me about eubanks interview on talking elite fitness where eubanks sounded like a clown don said he wasn't aware of it okay frankly is the word about Eubanks interview on Talking Elite Fitness where Eubanks sounded like a clown. Don said he wasn't aware of it. Okay. Frankly is the word that Eubanks uses. Frankly. And by the way, even if Don was aware of it or wasn't aware of it, that's going to be the statement he makes
Starting point is 00:19:55 because he's not going to try to back himself into a corner. Don's really good media trained. So if you ask him something, whether he has an opinion on it, whether he doesn't, if he feels like it's a setup or it's going to pigeonhole him into some sort of opinion about something he'll just stay clear of it now guys want you to listen to this very clearly what you're what i'm about to read listening listen very clearly this is not a um a statement that this person wrote lightly this is 100 Berkshire decision.
Starting point is 00:20:25 You have to know this though, Tyler, the board knows Dave, the board knows Dave. This is 100% Berkshire decision. If the games don't work, they don't get their money back. Dave seems like the only one who can fix the games.
Starting point is 00:20:40 There, there are two people. There's at least two people on the board who are, who are intimate with Dave, I think. And there may be some real truth to that. Why are you shaking your head, Tyler? Do you think at the end they wouldn't do that? The board wouldn't circumcise Don Fall?
Starting point is 00:20:59 I don't think that's the right word. I don't think that's the right word. Yeah, that's the right word. That was it. I would say I would hope not, and if the board is that involved, that's worrisome as well. Oh, well, don't you think that they're in that situation? Why would they not be involved? I mean, they're always going to keep tabs, but I'm going to let the CEO do his job.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And if the board is reaching that far down in the system, that's a problem. That means we're in a lot hotter water than we thought we were. Right. Meaning that they're, yeah, right. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:36 They're running out of money and they're like, fuck, we have to have, we need to come in almost on like day-to-day operation status. Just make sure that this thing doesn't sink completely. I don't think we're that far. I don't think we're that far i don't think we're that far down so you think it's out of desperation no i think i think that don's pulling the trigger and he's like no you're out you're done i don't think this is the board's decision i think this is done i want to say one
Starting point is 00:21:59 more thing too because some people are going to be like this is moving backward this is not moving backward by the way this is moving backward like you is not moving backward, by the way. This is moving backward like you had a cocaine habit, and then you quit and you moved back to not doing cocaine. If you think that's moving backwards, then yeah, then this is moving backwards. Having a guy who fucking started the games, ran it to fucking incredible success from a fucking podunk sport in the backyard to a fucking international event,
Starting point is 00:22:24 former SEAL Team 6 operative, crazy passionate, crazy alpha, from a fucking podunk sport in the backyard to a fucking international event uh former seal team six operative uh crazy passionate crazy alpha extremely articulate and also very able to be very quiet um who who who also ran the training team who does run the training team i guess that's a whole subject we should talk about how the fuck is that going to work how's he going to run both i mean he used to but he had nicole assistant uh nicole carroll as a uh co-runner co-lead um this is not this is not in my opinion there's no step backwards here this is like this is like the first we put diesel and we put gas in the diesel tank and this is like now putting diesel back in it that's my opinion yeah i felt like we were on a... It's a bad analogy. You can't use that engine anymore.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Oh, sorry. Oh, fuck. No, the thing that I was thinking was that we had been at sea with no wind for a year and then all of a sudden, like, hurricane winds are blowing. Like, that's what it felt like to me. You guys and your analogies. I get it, but...
Starting point is 00:23:24 You think it's a step backwards to put you guys in your analogies i get it but um here you think it's a step backwards to put dave back in mr hiller no no no i'm just i'm just hating on the analogies okay fine uh they're good i like tammy this is interesting here um i think we're cutting adrian too much slack decisions like the sled and semifinals had to be his that may be true but those are also the things that dave would have been like okay let's test this 50 times and then dave would have come on afterwards and been like hey that's those were a complete fuck up or hey um uh suck it up um see that was my point with the lane eight situation is that i think what's going on is that Berg and Bosman, their lines have been crossed.
Starting point is 00:24:08 It wasn't clearly Bosman, this is my playpen and that's your playpen. It was crossing over, and then it was no one's responsibility, and then things got out of control. And I think we're having clearly defined lines. What you were saying before, Stevon, well-defined roles, and I don't think that they were well-defined before. Joseph Pia, follow the money. I think that's what the previous comment was saying.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Greg C., just getting started. Stevon, you've got to be in Madison now. I can't wait until you're contracted. Oh, which makes me remember, if if jay gazan is listening i got your text and i'm excited to work with you at the games especially if i'm going to go to the games oh circumvent no you're going to the game set mine uh boy i i would i i would to be i will ask dude i would i for just the sake of kind of like the double middle finger in the air i would love to do the behind the scenes again i would love the opportunity to go back there and do
Starting point is 00:25:10 the behind the scenes i would love the opportunity to love on the athletes with all my fucking heart i would love to take uh um go do there with all you guys take the fucking whole team there and fucking yeah killer me whoever wants to go and and just and just cover the shit out of it and love on the athletes just do a crazy behind the scenes in some bunch of real time live shit too it would be great yeah and it's not like we're asking the chat to overflood them with uh dms or tagging us or anything like that because that'd be crazy but if we were vocal about stuff maybe it might help a little bit. The sevenistas. Be very nice.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I would never employ them like that, though. But I would. Whoever it takes. Kevin M., it's a good one. I like it. The playbook to fix the games and create a massive spectacle there. See Hard Knocks F1 Drive to Survivor PGA full swing. Yeah, the most viewed minutes minutes wise was the behind the
Starting point is 00:26:06 scenes i mean the the the eyeballs on that and it was great um uh cornholio let's clean house with this momentum bod has crapped the bed and needs to go along with eubanks there's new sheriff i don't i don't think so i don't know honestly i bet you ad you Adrian's relieved that Dave is back. He might not like it at first, but I bet you there's a sense of relief from everyone except for people who – I love it for – I love it for Boz. There's some people who aren't relieved. Dave will force him to be better. Yeah, and Boz probably – Boz got a lot of support from Dave in the past.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I don't know where Boz was getting that support anymore. Well, going back to what we were talking about earlier, if there's no defined roles in leadership, as a person like Boz, it's probably very frustrating to work inside that environment because even if you have a boss that you like, maybe they're not going to agree on everything, and you kind of have to walk them through different stuff. At least you know where they stand, and then you also know how to deploy
Starting point is 00:27:03 your message and where you stand with them. was an intense comment with this one no one bernie gannon oh i was it up yeah bible it was car it was yeah biblical statement i missed it hold on let's go back let me read this and then we'll go back to it a gunner wolf great name uh what are don's current priorities for growing crossfit when will don fix the media team it seems like marketing community and games should be priorities for crossfit i don't disagree yeah hey one step at a time all right it's probably it's probably uh jessica valenzuela please do would love to meet you and can stand next to a six foot woman whenever they sign Seban as the head of the media team I can't wait
Starting point is 00:27:48 for that exclusive podcast this is it guys three minutes I'm about to have a new job it's over it's over with Dave's second coming he will reset his kingdom judge his enemies and reward the faithful living and dead.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, I think he's – it's going to be interesting. I'm really excited. I kind of can't believe this is true. Are some of you guys having trouble believing this? A little bit. It's like Christmas came early. Do you think that there's anything we're misunderstanding? Maybe – let me read this again.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Let me read it one more time. Can we pull it up one more time? What did you say, Hiller? What if Bird comes back? You know, I said achieving, but what if it's like a little break? What if Boz gets fired and now Justin's in charge of programming for the game? What the hell would be allowed? You would talk about
Starting point is 00:28:45 anarchy. Kenneth DeLapp, would totally abandon us to work for HUGEN. I would never give up this podcast. Never. Unless one of my kids got rich and took care of me. There's no fucking way I'm giving up this podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I have too much fun. I wake up every morning to hang with you guys. Dear affiliates, I'm writing to let you know justin berg will be moving on from crossfit uh what does that mean um john young he's gonna take up uh skiing so that means he's not gonna check for crossfit hq anymore right is that yeah he's done with crossfit yeah can he go to the affiliate department is he going to the affiliate department su Is he going to the affiliate department, Sousa? No, he's definitely not going to the affiliate department. The way that's worded, does it not sound like
Starting point is 00:29:31 you're not allowed to do CrossFit anymore? He's a bodybuilder. Yeah, he's got to change sports. Yes, sir, he's a bodybuilder. $250K a year and a job with HQ and Savant is done here. Not true. That is not true. $500 and now we're in the ballpark Dave Castro will step in to lead
Starting point is 00:29:53 Our sport Sport team is that what I used to call the CrossFit Games What is that sport team Games team Games team Dave Castro will step in to lead our CrossFit games team. Are you guys okay with me doing that, making that edit? Thank goodness.
Starting point is 00:30:08 It makes me feel better. As we prepare to have an amazing 2023 – We're not preparing to have an amazing – Why is the S in sport capitalized? We're just preparing. Say it again. Why is the S in sport capitalized? It's like with God
Starting point is 00:30:25 You capitalize God Okay Oh shit well here we go Zach Reiter not nice Justin got fired for using weird upward inflection On words in the middle of sentences So maybe that's what that is sports Maybe that's the way Justin said it
Starting point is 00:30:43 I'm sure Reiter Oh lord Um, so maybe that's what that is. Sports. Maybe that's the way Justin will step into their sports. I can sure Raider. Oh Lord. Be nice. Seve as we prepare to have an amazing 2023 games. Hey, what do you think about? Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Let's talk about this. Why now? Why not just let Justin get the ball? Why not? Um, uh, September one. Oh no, this is the perfect time. If you want them in there right after semifinals, like if it's in the work in the process, process but it's not happening yet during semifinals i feel like you have to wait until it's done and like it just finished so now we have a month and then it's the games correct a month and a half
Starting point is 00:31:16 so like this is if you're gonna do it i would rather do it sooner than later and if it wasn't like done deal you know open quarterfinal semifinal time like i think it's the perfect time because then it's like the 2023 games this is castro and boss and i mean you know roll it back to 2017 i thought 2016 to 2018 were the best games years in my opinion and i feel like we're just trying to recreate that when austin when austin uh wrote this did he know that 10 000 people would be staring at his his letter did he like was he like okay austin wrote that it looks like it was written by a crossfitter it's short a couple lines in there his name chris isn't it wrote it i think chris andrew hiller uh
Starting point is 00:32:06 no all kidding aside uh you were offered you have one of the fastest growing um youtube stations if not the fastest and most influential in the space and you were also offered a ceo position of one of the uh fastest growing people ever in the history of instagram's company recently what do you think about taking justin berg out just prior to the games two months before the are we two months away month and a half month and a half before the games what about this let me propose something crazy they're doing it to set dave up for failure they had to do something and i don't see that being one of the things that they're they're they had to do something, and I don't see that being one of the things. They had to do something? Is that what you said? They had to do something because where I sit, they were and maybe still might be completely shot. And somewhere in here, someone said CrossFit was a newborn star that's in its dying phase at this point.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And this is probably one of the few things they could do to fix that i was actually when you go hey we're going live i was putting a video together together and my first video was on this topic i go how can you remove this guy how can you get rid of greg and then dave there's no one left and it's going to be dead forever and it was just fizzling out and this this could help a lot it's one of the only things they could do. Dave Castro will – I like that. Dave Castro will step in to lead our sport team as we prepare to have an amazing 2023 games. We are fortunate – and this part, I don't understand this part.
Starting point is 00:33:35 We are fortunate to have a talented team, and they're working hard to deliver a world-class event. I don't know why that sense annoys me. And you know, something that I thought Dave was always really, really, really good at is, is laying out,
Starting point is 00:33:50 uh, laying out a workout, the workout, like layout. It was always very, like it would end on a lunge and it was all like a lot of races were happening. You could see the progress of who was in the lead.
Starting point is 00:34:02 He was always really, really good at that type of stuff um and i don't i don't think we get 10 runners out there in the semi-final if he's in this position i feel like bods might create this work create that workout and be like okay we have to make a way to make it work 10 runners is not going to work that's not going to be okayed off oh that's why when they did the marathon road the games they had that big old tv screen showing you where everybody yeah yeah at the semi-final too that would have been cool i feel like he would find a way to make it
Starting point is 00:34:36 more likable than just 10 runners we have no idea who's in the lead and then um we get all the controversy all that stuff like i don't think that happens with Dave. It's like small things you wouldn't think about until they happen. I think he's got a good sense of how to lay out a workout. Hiller got offered to be CEO of ShakeWeights. No, close though. Keep sniffing. Along with what John is saying about Dave, if the games don't – the hiccups that the games will inevitably have this year,
Starting point is 00:35:12 I cannot believe we will ever hear Dave say, sorry, guys, but I only had six weeks. No. No. He's not really big on excuses. Yeah, we're not going to hear that from him. Wad Zombie, Don saw the semis fail. Can't have it at the games. Did the semis fail?
Starting point is 00:35:27 I thought they did great. I thought they sold out everywhere. No? Week one felt pretty rough. I mean, they didn't fail. It was just execution errors. And I think that's what we can learn about timing on this, because you already have all the sponsors taken care of. You already have the event space taken care of.
Starting point is 00:35:41 You already have a lot of the logistics taken care of, except for the events themselves and so what dave's great at is game planning those events and making sure that they execute properly why wouldn't you remove justin at this time if that's the only thing that needs to be solved do we know if anyone else got let go i would imagine we'll hear about. Anthony TPA, so was Dave secretly interviewing Hiller at the ranch a few weeks ago for a head judge position at the CrossFit Games? Wow. Wow. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Hiller, in all honesty, when you met him, did you, now that you reflect on it, any weird questions he asked you, any cozying up he did you? Everything he did was a test. Oh. At least that's how I took it. I don't know. Maybe I was looking a little bit too deep. Give us an example. Give us an example. Give us an example. He's over to the corner. I walk over. I'm just kind of hanging out around him. He goes, I got a drop in coming in about 20 minutes. You want to do this workout with him?
Starting point is 00:37:04 You can either say yes or no. I feel you say no you lose the test oh wow yeah i said that is dave yeah what are you doing we're gonna run up that hill i'm like god damn it we've ran up this hill like 10 times this weekend sure all right let's go i didn't say god damn it i'm like all right here we go we're in in. I said yes. Wow. How did you not know this was coming, Taylor? I feel like you would have pulled this out of him. I can't say some crap, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And it's not one of those things. I had someone reach out to me and they go that they've known or they've had their feelers on something. It was no one on this show. And it's nothing I can say. But I'm'm like this has been around what not long how long do you think how long do you think they've known how long do you think justin's now i feel like if i let that information out how long it might uh lead to some stuff that might not want to be heard by some people which is alluding to john's thing how did you get it out of him like well he's got to keep some things hush hush for possibly dave's sake okay so you're saying
Starting point is 00:38:11 that you may have gleaned some things now that makes sense that you didn't glean at the time potentially yeah that makes sense being purposely vague yeah yeah i've been playing back some conversations with people i've been having and i'm like fuck i wonder if that's what that was yeah like i had no idea he had to sign an mda as soon as he got to the ranch to be completely honest i thought it would be does anyone else agree with john that it's smart that they did it now instead of after the games yeah i agree i also think it's a great marketing strategy because now there's this whole new buzz to it there's a shitload of conversation coming about what it's going to be like whether you hate it whether you it, the buzz is going to be real and it's going to be leading up and there'll be more stuff like this talking about it now. Right. I hate that. You're probably
Starting point is 00:38:51 right about that, Susie. Like it is a great marketing buzz. I hate that that might be motivation, but that's true. If you go back to the things that we talked about with the board, if I'm sitting there and I'm saying, okay, how do I get my money back? We've tried a couple of things. All this has been a failure. The one thing that we did have was the games, which was like this big spotlight on CrossFit. Now it's fucking up left and right, and the people within our community are pointing at every single flaw. So now if you're trying to be a newcomer coming into that,
Starting point is 00:39:15 it's not going to look very good. So if I'm the board, I'm saying, okay, get this guy out, bring Dave in. The king returns. Everybody talks a shitload about it. We're doing a show now. Marketing goes through the roof, and the board is also saying this is our best chance of getting a the return on our investment right so it's obviously showing that that's where everything's pointing to now at least in my opinion uh the games are going to be dope david the helm bosman
Starting point is 00:39:38 gets input from tdc on programming i can't wait steven flores there was another test he gave you too uh that you mentioned to me do you want to mention that one hillard was it the one involving running up the hill at a certain point yeah uh nobody makes it up the hill twice without stopping you're gonna have to oh no not even that one i mean the one where everyone got to wear a fucking 20 pound vest and then all of a sudden yeah we're doing're doing that story. That story is crazy. That was the Monday where I was over there with the street parking crew. We were doing Murph and Dave goes, I got a bunch of these vests in the back and a giant storage container. He walks out with a bunch of them. He's throwing them on the ground. He goes, these ones are 10. These ones are 20. And, uh, that one that wound on how much it weighs. And he looks at me and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:40:23 yeah, I'll take that one. And then we waited afterwards and it was a 50 pound like backpack rock thing. And that was, that was something else, but that was another one, right? He looks up. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:40:34 yep, I'll take it. Yeah. That's total Dave. So he brought a 50 pound. He brought a 50 pound. This isn't 20 pounds. That's as much as I knew.
Starting point is 00:40:43 So he brought a 50 pound rock out there to see if you'd do it. Correct. But I'm not sure he knew how much it weighed either because he was counting it up with me afterwards. A Madison person, a dude, no joke. Alphas do tests like that all the time. Tommy Hackenbrook used to do that to me all the time just to see what you're made of.
Starting point is 00:41:00 There was another thing. What was it? Interesting way to end up uh you asked me those questions and i go i don't want to tell anybody because i i don't so i'm like i'm going to tell you for the fun of the show so everybody knows but i also wanted to hold it in i don't want him to know that i was telling people i was on to him oh right right right okay i don't want to have that on but if you listen to this part of the show cut that out he's gonna watch it live we know he's not doing that he's all knowing he was already two steps ahead he planted the seed tested you knowing you were gonna talk about the test and want to see how long it would take for you to spill the beans i called seven right when i was i'm like dude that thing was heavy he made me do it
Starting point is 00:41:37 there was another thing that um i thought was very telling i can't remember i think hillar shared this with me um where a bunch of them were going to do the MRF and a couple of the and it was street parking and so someone said hey set us watch and then someone else said no we you know we don't need to time it you just have to do it and um Hiller looks over at Dave and Dave goes no I'm setting a watch looks down and presses the button three two one go and and these are these are these are small things uh that point to uh significant attributes of why um that was my number one thing what makes you a crossfitter and uh that played a large role in it seeing dave press that button on his watch before he started
Starting point is 00:42:16 that workout yeah he had me do it before you worked out with the drop in he looked at me and he goes hey can you keep time and i was like yeah, yeah. He was like, okay. And started it. Justin wouldn't keep time. It's a nothing burger. This is it, Aaron. See, I just failed. And I knew I was failing as I was doing it. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I'll take responsibility for that. This is our fault. This isn't his fault. I'll take complete notice. Notice how I didn't make a video on it. Hey, so the real question is, do you guys think there's going to be any massive change like between now and the start of the games that we're going to recognize as Dave being in charge?
Starting point is 00:42:51 Or do you think it'll be business as usual until we actually get to the event? I don't think we'll see the change. What, what change could we see? Like, what could we, you know what I mean? What could we see that we would know this is Dave's influence. Bring back fluorescent Reebok colors to the crossfit game and get rid of the mobile i were watching the 15 games and she goes i really liked when they were all fluorescent i mean tears coming i was 24 tier crossfit games is coming are we gonna have dave in front of a camera right now like is he gonna be more forward facing in front of the odd audience
Starting point is 00:43:23 leading up to the games is Are we going to hear a statement from Dave? That's going to be interesting. I vote that they do put him up front. That they use him like a whore. The problem is, that's going to be the problem. That's going to be interesting. The media team there hates Dave.
Starting point is 00:43:40 With the fucking passion. They hate him. I was going to ask you about that. They hate him. They was going to ask you about that. They hate him. They hated Justin. Oh. They hate everyone, and everyone hates them. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:43:54 That's what's fucking going on. So that is going to be a huge thing. How much control does Dave have? Before, when I ran media, Dave would be like, there were only two affiliate commercials at semifinals this week. Are you, are you doing your fucking job?
Starting point is 00:44:08 And even though he wasn't my boss, I'd fucking run back to the fucking office and fucking call the team together. And we, next week we need four affiliate commercials. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Yeah. Well, so that's what I'm wondering, freaking out. Like, is his involvement going to become more through this time? Are we going to see hypes about the events? Is he going to be the one to hype the events and create that kind of
Starting point is 00:44:24 like, you know, tension and excitement that always came with Dave when he would come into the room and talk about what to expect or as they release stuff or the way they release the type of events? Just like run. Event announcements. Whether they push Bosman
Starting point is 00:44:39 forward or they push... They're going to make a violent decision on that whether they push Dave forward or Bosman forward. I think you can push both though. I mean yes, but speaking on certain topics, whether it's games or partnerships or something like that. Because he was their boss, not many people love their bosses. I hear you, but my one a lot of people when i was head of media hated me who worked for me but they never sabotaged me they still i still
Starting point is 00:45:10 got tremendous work out of them and they did fucking amazing work and they always made me proud these people they're these people who are in the media department now have such massive egos they are not being driven by what's best for the affiliates what's best for the team what's best they're they're they're not doing that what are they driven by they're driven by what's best for the affiliates, what's best for the team, what's best. They're not doing that. What are they driven by? They're driven by their fucking own egos, their own presumptions of what they think is best. For them, for them to keep their job, for them to not empower people, even if they think that those people are better for the community and for growing the affiliates and for growing the sport. They don't care about any of that.
Starting point is 00:45:44 They're just worried about themselves. I saw a post put out by somebody on that media team, one of the people I'm sure you're speaking of, and maybe we talked about it, and it said, I'm so proud of what this team did over the course of the semifinals, and all I could think is, what did you do other than ruin it? Yeah. From the media perspective in particular
Starting point is 00:46:05 like you removed the vents i saw that post it just got worse i saw that post and i know what and there was only one person there that i would consider a media person in that post only one the rest of them i would just consider there was what 12-15 people there interns at best I hope they watch this here we go Aaron Soler Brian friend hates Sevan but we still get the best out of Brian shots by Shroka I disagree with Sevan here most of the media team are
Starting point is 00:46:40 contractors and follow orders I don't think that's that's not disagreeing with me at all he has a camera but that's not disagreeing with me at all he has a camera yeah but that's not disagreeing he made the cold the cold barrel commercial this is so good uh logan ewing uh dave castro equals uh crossfit dana white no matter who owns it fuck dude it's so true yeah no matter who owns it if he's at the front it will be much better dude it's so true because even the people who hate him love to hate him. It's the same as Dana White. I hate the weigh-ins when Dana's not there.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And that's so weird. That's how I know I'm gay. I thought it's because you liked fake boobs. That was good. And I like fake boobs. Those are two of the foundational elements of me being gay. Boobs gets this charm.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Thank you. That's good. Renee Novantana. Been a while, ma'am. Would Hiller take a position of CFHQ? Oh, no, this is, sorry, CFQH. That's the queer version. But anyway, either way, Dave asks, even though Hiller said it's too late and he would not work for HQ.
Starting point is 00:47:49 No, I don't think Hiller goes either. God, it was your money number that was just like unfathomable. And I know they'd never give it to me. And then I'd have to know where they were anticipating going with it. Yeah, 500 years. With no freaking abstract or concrete numbers on what that means it's 30 million
Starting point is 00:48:09 I'll do whatever y'all want me to headquarters 50k is all I need anything Johnny that's locked you down for a year I got a lot of shit that you can do over here and I'll tell you how to do it for free episode 374 Tony Boster
Starting point is 00:48:28 Tony I'd like to see you comment more I don't see you in the comments very often I hope you're not just listening to this show because it's about Dave dickhead okay Tony here you go why can't CrossFit stay consistent Greg found a methodology that improved health nutrition that is healthy
Starting point is 00:48:44 why is CrossFit always switching clothing sponsors and bringing in Monster, etc.? It's the methodology. Constantly varied. Got to make a buck, dude. Got to make a buck. Because the two things you said are completely opposing. Look at this. That's awesome. That's what I was saying. I just want to train full time and not worry about it guys
Starting point is 00:49:08 I'm not greedy the answer is no to this one 150k a year hell no alright I appreciate you guys coming on last minute any closing words Tyler you'd like to mention All right. You got three John Youngs, I guess. I appreciate you guys coming on last minute.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Any closing words, Tyler, you'd like to mention? Any speculation, anything that you're like, God, I probably shouldn't say this, but – No, I'm just excited. Okay, thumbs up. I haven't been this excited in two years. Good. Okay, I like it. You're getting married tomorrow, dude. Not tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I never said tomorrow just thought of like a tuesday mr uh mr hiller uh final thoughts speculations things you're afraid to say that you just want to share get if i get off your chest about dave being back yeah yeah i got something to say i wasn't trying to attack John Young. Excuse me. I didn't feel attacked, y'all. I didn't think so, but I'm just clarifying. On a one to 10, how much more excited are you now that Dave's at the helm?
Starting point is 00:50:17 Eight. Wow. Good. Okay. I like it. And this morning, if you would have asked about the future of CrossFit, it would have been uh i got two at 1.8 or at two so that's quite the swing oh shit uh cory leonard breaking news justin burke takes ceo position at nasa oh no nsca john young uh tell me buddy uh any, anything you don't want to say?
Starting point is 00:50:46 Any speculation, any fears, any excitement? I know I equal Tyler's sentiment. I'm excited to see what happens next. I'm interested in what Sousa said. I'm interested to see what other changes are coming. It's hard for me to think this is the only thing that's going to happen. Um, so I'm excited to see other,
Starting point is 00:51:10 what other things are going to happen to, but you know, just excited. Uh, and, uh, Mr. Sousa,
Starting point is 00:51:16 uh, affiliate owner, uh, executive producer of the funnest podcast in the world. Um, tell me thoughts on, uh, Mr.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Dave being back. I, I'm just stoked about it i'm actually like invigorated about the games now far more than i was before with dave at the helm and then the last piece i would like to say is if some of our ideas come to fruition um and you want to sponsor it you better fucking do it now because we're going to completely change the game if we get some access and some things that we were talking about actually come to life and i really think that they're close to our so if you want to get involved you better fucking do it now because we're going to blow it up everything else will be irrelevant morning chalk up talking fitness who what i don't even know what's going on so if you want to get involved what about hillar
Starting point is 00:51:58 what about hillar fit oh he's already he's part of the family he's part of the he's grandfathered in step last year. I hope we're buddies again this year the whole time, holding hands. I'm pumped. Love Dave. I think it's going to be fantastic. Whoever said the Dana White comment, I mean, that is 100% my sentiment. I have a very dynamic relationship with the man,
Starting point is 00:52:27 and I enjoy every second of it of him being at the front uh we will keep you updated thanks everyone for joining in last minute um someone the most offensive thing i saw in the comments was someone said 727 listeners is that the most you've ever had and it's not even close you asshole

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