The Sevan Podcast - Etienne "E.T" Waite | Armwrestling Whisperer #969

Episode Date: July 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:13 I wonder if that means that he's not getting my text. Because I don't have a very strong signal here. And that would mean that my link... Oh, there he is. There he is. There he is. There he is. What's up, dude? Hey.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Made it. How's it going? Good. Are you on the West Coast? Yes. Oh, shit. So it's early for you. Sort of.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Yeah. I didn't go to sleep yet. You didn't it's it's late technically but early yeah what what were you doing well i've just been having so much things going on lately that uh i've just been a complete night owl i've wanted to get to sleep earlier, but I fly to Hawaii on Wednesday, and there's so much stuff that needs to get done beforehand. Just catching up. What city are you in? Right now, I'm in 29 Palms, so pretty close to Joshua Tree.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Okay. Is that home for you? Yeah, home right now. I mean, I've been here probably the longest for a while. Oh, this is going to be fun. I can tell. This is going to be good. Oh, this is going to be fun. Pronounce your name for me.
Starting point is 00:02:40 It's Etienne. Etienne. And what kind of name is that? It's French. And Etienne. And what kind of name is that? It's French. And are both your parents French? Just my dad's side. I'm pretty much like a big mutt. Just a bunch of different things combined.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Do people call you Etienne or do they call you E.T.? They actually call me the arm wrestling whisperer. They just call me E.T. Most people, surprisingly, even since I was a kid, couldn't say Etienne right. So, like, right off the bat, people would be like, oh, I'm just going to call you E.T. And that kind of stuff. Etienne, Etienne. And where were you born?
Starting point is 00:03:26 I was born in Baltimore, but I think I moved even before I turned one, so I don't remember much from there. Travis's neck of the woods. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Have you been out there to West Virginia to play with Travis? No, not in a long time. I did grow up partly in Virginia, vaguely though, for a few years,
Starting point is 00:03:57 and then just kind of back and forth between Hawaii and other places for a while. Fergie wants to know, Sevan, why are you interviewing my dealer from college? Oh, I can tell. Yeah, this is going to be... Heidi Krum, this guy needs some paper street coffee. No, no, no. This is the arm wrestling whisperer.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Don't agitate the man in his natural habitat. Arm wrestling table in the background over your shoulder. Yeah, that's the little half table, training table. How old are you, Etienne? 28. 28 years young a single I have a girlfriend
Starting point is 00:04:48 you have a girlfriend is she in is she in palm palm 29 palms yeah yeah she's here
Starting point is 00:04:56 she's in the other she's in the main house right now I'm in the garage you're in the training facility that's right I pretty much live here
Starting point is 00:05:04 she just brings me my food and slides it under the door pretty much hey is 29 Palms is there a military base there what's the deal when I think 29 Palms is it also Palm Springs is Palm Springs out there
Starting point is 00:05:20 yeah so 29 Palms is where the marine base is Palm Springs is like about an hour west that's palm springs is like a nice rich area and then you've got morongo valley uh yucca valley joshua tree and at 29 palms and it's like gonna be hot as shit there today yeah yeah i think it's like 100 something it's usually by this time of year it's like 115 116 already so it's not it's not as bad as it should be technically yeah it's 7 a.m it's 75 degrees at your house already and it says it's going to
Starting point is 00:05:58 go up to 105 that sounds about right yeah yeah shit that's kind of uh and then down there you got the salt and sea that's like there was i think there was a i'm trying to think if there was there was a famous movie a movie with um what's the guy's name he was in the original top gun he played an fbi agent there was like some sort of meth ring down there by the salt and sea what the name what the fuck was the name of that movie do you know i what I'm talking about? It was a great movie. It's probably older than you. I might have seen it, but it's not ringing the bell right now.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Who's, not Keanu Reeves, who's the guy who was in the original Top Gun with someone, oh, Val Kilmer. Thank you, Mr. Burns. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Etienne, how did you, how did you, for those of you who don't know who are watching by the way in 2004 i think it's 2004 in 2004 i made a movie called pulling john about this guy named john brazink the documentary did extremely extremely well and so i was kind of really immersed in the arm wrestling scene for like three years four years maybe five years and then i i started
Starting point is 00:07:03 fooling around with crossfit and kind of fell out of the scene, but I stayed friends with a bunch of guys. And then recently about a year, I don't know, six or seven months ago, this guy popped up in my Instagram feed Etienne and I was just, it got me really, I really enjoyed his content. It was fantastic. It was fun watching him arm wrestle and, uh, and we'll get into it. So that's how kind of how our paths crossed. And I just reached out to him on Instagram and bam, here we are.
Starting point is 00:07:29 How, how did you find, um, arm wrestling? How did it pop up on your screen? It's actually, uh, it's pretty funny. Cause cause in my book, you're a legend for making pulling John. And I was in my last year of high school in 2012. I used, I guess I always stayed up late late I remember it was like 3 in the morning I was supposed to be working on the school project it was like a school
Starting point is 00:07:54 film for the end of the year and I was making a boxing drama and I'm just looking up like all these fight movies, fight scenes on YouTube and you know old YouTube had different recommendations and how they worked back then. And Pulling John popped up in 2012.
Starting point is 00:08:11 So I clicked it, and I remember watching the whole thing. And it was just, I was amazed. It was one of the most amazing things I've seen. But the one thing that didn't click at that time was that it was like a current sport. Because, you know i could watch a basketball movie or football movie baseball but i also know that exists because it was in school you know it's uh it's available for people and uh growing up in hawaii i had never
Starting point is 00:08:37 heard of any arm wrestling groups tournaments or competitions so i was just like this is so cool but i didn't think it was a real thing. So it was seven years later that, um, I, my girlfriend at the time and I, I think we were smoking a blunt on a couch or something and scrolling through YouTube and the video of Devin and Michael Todd from WAL popped up. And I was like, wait, hold on, like scroll back up. And I watched it. AndAL popped up and I was like wait hold on like scroll back up
Starting point is 00:09:06 and I watched it and ever since then I was just like this is I got to get into this and it's one of those things where uh you see how amazing it is you look up how to do it you're like oh there's there's these secret techniques I'm gonna I'm gonna crush everyone let's like I'm like okay so this hot top roll and the next day or, or maybe I watch a video for a few weeks. I arm wrestle my ex and I'm like, oh, this is so easy. Of course, it would be easier. And then I go to the local supplement shop and I walk in. I'm like, whoever's there, I'm just going to challenge and beat.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I'm expecting somewhat of a kind of athletic person. I walk in. This guy's 270 pounds of solid muscle. I'm like, whatever. You know the secret technique. You'll beat him. I know the secret. Two weeks.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Two weeks. I'm a professional. I could probably beat John Brzezinski now. I walk in there. I challenge him. And there's no table. It's just the checkout counter. He's like, sure.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Kind of laughs. And I'm going like 200% on him. Pretty sure my face is turning red. And I look up at him and he goes, are you going yet? And doesn't even move across center. Horrible technique. He just pins me down and I'm just like, damn. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:26 But something that day sparked it even more to the point where i'm like okay it's not all technique there's something to this there's strength i was just hooked so you saw the movie in 2012 and then 2019 you come across another youtube video and and that's what kind of really gets you off on your journey. Yeah, because when I was making that movie at the time, I remember I was directing and acting in it because it was my student film. So I just remember in between scenes of choreographing, boxing, or I'd have my rival for the boxing scene, we'd meet up and do choreographs and train and at all i just have
Starting point is 00:11:06 arm wrestling in my head and that like after we've done training and doing thousands of sit-ups i'm like hey let's arm wrestle and then i remember moving i always ask my brother to arm wrestle uh my friends they always said no and so it was like there's something that was attempting to emerge at that time and it just i guess it didn't happen or didn't line up. I remember I moved to LA in 2013 and every place I worked, I wanted to arm wrestle people and some would say yes, but it wouldn't amount to much after that. So until 2019.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It takes kind of a special person to ask a stranger to arm wrestle, isn't it? There's an intimacy to it and a bit of violence to it, right? And by violence, I mean intellectual violence because you're basically putting – or emotional violence. You're basically saying, hey, I'm going to challenge you man to man. And people can be like, it's just arm wrestling. Why dare you to go out and do it? Why don't you just walk out today and ask five random strangers to arm wrestle and
Starting point is 00:12:08 see the, the psychic energy transfer that happens there? Because you're asking someone to, to make themselves extremely vulnerable and put themselves on the line, right? I mean, are you, are you aware that you're doing that? Or do you think you got a little, little weirdness in you that you're, Are you aware that you're doing that or do you think you got a little little weirdness in you that you're. Do you enjoy that? That tension of asking a stranger that or do you think are you ignorant of it? I can't imagine you're ignorant of it. I have to guess that's part of the excitement for you.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's definitely there in the back of my head. And I've noticed it. Very early on, I think I've noticed it very early on. And I think I've noticed it at a younger age, back in 2012 when I watched the documentary. I'm like, oh, all right, John's the hero. Travis is so confident. But I want to be like Alexi.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I want to be strong. Like, how do I get strong like him? I've got to challenge everybody, right? So I go and I challenge my brother. I'm wrestling. And he says, no. I'm like, okay, there has to be something be something there why he doesn't want to do it and i asked like my friends like one out of i don't have many friends but like one out of five friends and say yes i'm like why why are they saying no what's the big deal so what if you lose
Starting point is 00:13:17 so what if you win like it kind of clicked then i'm like okay there's something to this you know it's a it's vulnerable there's ego involved right it's let's be honest then and especially when i went to the store that day there was even reverse ego involved where i go in and i challenge this 270 pound guy and he's just like what why is this guy challenging me so of course he accepts it in the other way and he was right he crushed me and uh every person i've challenged since then there's definitely always that and you see that what uh what kept me going though in the beginning was if i don't ask someone i'm not gonna have anyone to arm wrestle with so you know you just kind of have to get over that some people it's it's surprising some people do get offended, really, when you ask them to arm wrestle in a weird way.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Other people get excited. There's multiple different reactions people have, but it's all part of the game, really. How much do you weigh right now, Etienne? 166 yesterday morning. And how tall are you? 5'9". And I was speaking with travis yesterday and i told
Starting point is 00:14:30 him you were coming on the show and i said hey is this dude any good he goes listen if this guy fucking sinks into his hook you are in big big fucking trouble and he goes and i go really he goes dude he's the real deal he goes this guy gets in his position and he's getting you. And I'm like, did it start like that? Were you good from the beginning? No, I was definitely not good from the beginning. Did you have any weightlifting background? Were you weak as a bird?
Starting point is 00:15:01 Did you have any, like, could you even do one pull-up when you started? I mean, did you have any like could you even do one pull-up when you started I mean did you have any athletic background so sort of yeah I seventh grade I remember waking up one time and I just I remember taking a shower when I was in seventh grade and I looked down I just like I got like this belly on me. And I'm like, what the heck? I never used to have this. Where did this come from? I didn't know about. I barely had TV access growing up, let alone internet access. You lived a ghetto poor life in Hawaii? No.
Starting point is 00:15:40 No, I can't say that. I had everything I needed. And I can't complain about that. I was definitely fortunate. Far from rich, but not poor. What kind of car did your parents drive? My mom had a the something. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Uh, growing up, there's, you know, a little soccer ball van. And then my dad had like the Toyota trucks growing up, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:15 working class, working class parents though. Nothing. I mean, like people, people working. Yeah. So it's like my parents,
Starting point is 00:16:22 my parents did great jobs. My dad's an engineer and my mom's a doctor but there was complications that that made it so like uh like if they were to remain together probably we would have been really well off but because they split at a young age it made it very difficult for them so okay okay basically like going back going back seven years old you're you're in the shower and you look down and you're like seventh grade whatever yes yes seven you did say seventh grade seventh grade and you're like god i'm turning to frumper so um i'm i don't know why but i usually want to do things it's like i'm just not going to do it at all or I have to do
Starting point is 00:17:06 everything. I have to go all in. I decided for a year and it ended up being more than a year that I'd eat a banana a day just to lose that weight. It got to the point where I got weight. I don't understand it. Just a banana, Etienne? Just a banana a day.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I was eating a banana a day. That's an amazing eating disorder. i've had shit like that where i'm i did i'm only gonna eat bananas and tomatoes but i just lasted like a month that was in college yeah it was uh it was bad i was i you know like growing up i i was like oh you know what i gotta fix this i want abs and i i want to be skinny like every kid growing up nowadays, then they're power lifters and they're like dead lifted 600 pounds bench and three plates. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:17:49 if that was like in my generation, I would have loved that. But now it was like, I'm going to eat a banana day and, uh, I'm going to do sit-ups every day. So I did that for a few years and everyone like in my school, um,
Starting point is 00:18:03 they had like, their parents were going to my parents and they're like, there's something wrong with your kid. He's anorexic. And I was swearing to my parents I wasn't. I didn't even know what the word meant, but let's be honest, a banana day I was. And I was probably so weak and frail. No, let's not be harsh. That's just disciplined.
Starting point is 00:18:23 It was the point where I could grab. I'm not an eating disorder. I'm just disciplined. I'm just disciplined. That's exactly what I said. Yeah, and I thought I was. And to a degree, I was. But I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I look in the mirror, and I'm like, I'm not skinny enough. But there's one point I snuck in to the neighborhood pool. Well, it was the other neighborhood's pool. And I was there with my friends. And we went to, like, you have to kind of shower before you go into the pool. Even though we were sneaking in, we still, like, somehow did that to be nice, I guess. And I remember I wrapped my arm around my torso. And my thumbs could touch and my hands could touch all the way around.
Starting point is 00:18:58 And I was like, and I still didn't think I was skinny. But everyone thought that that was crazy. Yeah, so when I went into high school. You could do this around your waist? Yeah, it was weird. I could do that around my waist. And I guess high school saved me. There's a funny story.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Like, I did the entrance exam to, like, every high school on the island. I think I failed every single one of them which uh so i ended up in high school that uh they just like accept everyone but i remember on like my first day of math class uh the teacher was also a martial arts instructor and he said that he was teaching martial arts for free and i remember like i'm looking around i'm like why is no one saying anything i'm like yeah heck yeah i'll do it and uh i ended up doing it he helped me realize that i was anorexic and kind of gain weight back slowly and then i started lifting a little bit of weights but nothing like kids are now like uh
Starting point is 00:20:04 i never would pick up more than like 40 pounds and curl them or bench two plates it was like I remember like coming from anorexic to weightlifting I'm that I'm that skinny guy at the gym who's using the squat rack to uh to bench just so the bar doesn't crush me you know it's like not even doing a full plate yet but um like I did lift. It was not to a crazy extent. So I think how I developed the hook was when I started arm wrestling, I just loved doing it, and I want to win. But I had nothing offensively for anyone, so I'd always end up defensively. And that kind of led me to being like, well, if I don to lose I guess kind of hold on that last inch and uh what you work at grows I think because
Starting point is 00:20:52 I just ended up most of my training since 2019 right above the pin pad I kind of developed a hook there you know was it easier to challenge people when you knew it was more likely you were going to lose than now? Now you can't just walk up to anyone and challenge them. It kind of goes both ways.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Before I met Derek Smith, who runs the Alpha Empire team in California, I actually messaged him. Tell me that Derek Smith runs what runs the Alpha Empire team in California actually mess what's it called tell me that Derek Smith runs what team Alpha Empire and that's wrestling team yeah it's the biggest team in Southern California
Starting point is 00:21:33 okay and I messaged him on Instagram I think he left me on read for like two months so and he didn't mean to but so he says so I would go to the local supplement shop built a table out of wood and i was like hey you know i kept challenging that guy he's like you know i gotta work i can't keep arm wrestling you i'm like could i challenge everybody that
Starting point is 00:21:56 walks in here you didn't work there you didn't work there no not yet i came later what city was that in that 29 Palms right off the Marine base so you would walk you walked into a supplement store and were like hey can I bring my arm wrestling table here and just challenge people yeah well it was the same shop that that guy crushed me yeah wow
Starting point is 00:22:19 he was like sure so even after he crushed me I'm still like okay I want to know how I do against regular fit people and most people that come in here are pretty tough they're all marines mostly so they'd come in and I'd ask them to arm wrestle and most of them would still brush me off
Starting point is 00:22:36 like and this is when I wouldn't know how the outcome would be still barely knew any technique I wasn't conditioned so I was like okay what if I offer them something to arm wrestle? So I was just like, hey, if you arm wrestle me, I'll buy you a protein bar or something like that. And because I offered something, I kind of got a little bit more going on. So there's a little bit more people that would bite, but sometimes I'd have
Starting point is 00:23:05 to be like at the shop for maybe 20 people and only like four would arm wrestle if I was lucky. Oh, I recognize this bald kid on the left. This kid was arm wrestling when I was, uh, yeah. Jamie. Yeah. Jamie. What's his last name? Sheldon? Yeah, Sheldon, yeah. Wow, I can't believe I remember that. And he had a nickname. What's his nickname? The Natural. Oh, no, that's not that. I didn't remember that. Wow. Yeah, he's still in it. He was good back then. He must be great now. He's killing it right now, yeah. He weighs much more now.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Okay, sorry. And that's how it started. You'd be in 20 customers would come in and you might get one. Like one or four or something like that, yeah. Listen, you ding-dong-ding. I am writing stuff down. Look at it. There's my notes right there.
Starting point is 00:23:58 What are you talking about? I'm trying to write stuff down. Check this. Look at this guy. Carries a stone around start arm wrestling some of that strength to use so so in in is that um is that typical of you i mean it's it's odd behavior right this is um you get into arm wrestling.
Starting point is 00:24:25 You're looking for people to arm wrestle. You just go – I mean it's one in a million behavior. Like who does that? You built your own arm wrestling table. You carried it over to a place where there's guys who are like into working out and who like buy protein powders and creatine and shit and are like, hey, do you want to arm wrestle? It says something about you, right? I don't want to say it's excessive. I don't want to say it's excessive.
Starting point is 00:24:57 But it's in the banana world. It's in the one day, a banana a day world. Yeah, yeah. There's a level of commitment there, a fixation. Autism, autism. Yeah, yeah, autism. Probably. I wouldn't be surprised.
Starting point is 00:25:16 But normal for you, but normal for you, right? Yeah, I mean, this is all I know. You don't think anything of it. You kind of know it's weird, but you don't think anything of it. You're like, I am. You just kind of embrace your own weirdness. Yeah, it's what I wanted to do. So I'm not going to be like, oh, is this weird?
Starting point is 00:25:32 Should I do it? No, I'm like, how am I going to figure out a way to do this? And eventually that table broke, and I bought a real arm wrestling table. And then from there, Derek from Elf Empire messaged me back. So I didn't really get to end up using that table for a while because I travel for a year straight, two hours with them for like five or six hours every Sunday. And I think I made every week for the first four years, like 52 practices in a row. And it was the best time, best time ever. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:09 And did you get significantly stronger in those four years just from doing that? Double, triple? That's what a lot of people say. Yeah, maybe so. I didn't start off at the weight I am now, too. I was around 190-ish, a little pudgy. And I had some things came up where in two months I went from 200 to 150.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And surprisingly, I had to go almost a year without arm wrestling. Drugs? Was that from drugs? No. I mean, I was smoking a lot of weed. It may have contributed, but my gallbladder exploded. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Like literally it ruptured? Your gallbladder ruptured? Yeah, and I had symptoms in my head.
Starting point is 00:27:10 So I thought I was going crazy and everywhere I went, they would check me in my head. It took them pretty much a year and a quarter to find out. After putting me, like i remember going to places and laying down for like nine twelve hours or two days for like two days in a row i'd be doing 18 hour brain scans where i can't move they're injecting me with these things and trying to figure out what's wrong in my head and then they find out nothing's wrong and then the last thing like you know uh having symptoms for like a year and a half people
Starting point is 00:27:46 kind of like think you're milking it or going crazy but i was never really that kind of person and uh until one person was like well maybe you should check out a gi doctor because that stuff connects with your head and then they did gi tests and they couldn't find anything and then the last test they did was like a hiatusA scan or something for the gallbladder. Little do you know, they found something wrong with air. I had to get my gallbladder removed. And they were like, oh my God, this is one of the worst things we've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And this was a year and a half after essentially it happened. I remember the day it happened too. It was July 7th, 2020. I remember it was 109 degrees out of 100 and something and I was filling my truck up to do like a dump run and clean my property and then I go in to eat a quick meal
Starting point is 00:28:34 and as I'm eating that meal I was just like I felt like I had to lay down and then you know it was like that's how it all started every single time I had eaten something after that, for almost a year and a half, I would feel like I'd have to lay down after. And there's points where, like, I was pretty much in bed for, like, six months
Starting point is 00:28:52 and lost a bunch of weight. And I didn't get my gallbladder removed yet. But I was, like, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was just, I got up and attempted arm wrestle again. And maybe like, it used to be like where I'd be at like a six-hour practice. I'd arm wrestle for seven hours in a six-hour practice, like that kind of thing. I'd be at a, I'd start a practice at the local shop with the old Marines that I ended up creating a team with.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And I'd be like lucky to pull for 20 minutes out of the two hours and then I'd be standing there with a migraine and being nauseous the whole time. And it was just like, damn, that sucks. But for the 20 minutes I was pulling, best feeling in the world still.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Like everything just- Is all of that shit gone, Etienne? Well, the gallbladder's gone. What remains now is what they call chronic gastritis. So my stomach is pretty much in a constant state of inflammation, which basically means if I eat the wrong thing,
Starting point is 00:29:56 I'm going to feel like crap until my stomach lessens up on the inflammation. So it sucks because I, like, I did a bodybuilding diet before for many years, very strict. I did chicken and rice. I didn't even have salt for like two years and do it. So for the first year and a half, I didn't know why fats would bother me. So before I knew I had a gallbladder problem, I was back to eating chicken and rice. And, um, now after I got my gallbladder removed,
Starting point is 00:30:26 thankfully I'm able to have red meat. I'm just pretty much eating red meat and rice every day. Cinnamon Toast Crunch I'm able to handle. It's a weird food. I can't complain because Cinnamon Toast Crunch and steak, it's the life for me right now. But if I go off to a restaurant and I eat, if they put black pepper in my food,
Starting point is 00:30:45 I'm going to be in bed for a week and it actually happened like a year ago when I was in a restaurant and I joked to the lady well she joked to me I was like I want like a turkey sandwich and just the turkey just the bread I can't even have black pepper she's like oh will it kill you I'm like I might I could die you know it's like I'm not allergic to it, but I could die. The restaurant's dark, and I eat 75% of the sandwich, or pretty much all the sandwich, but I left one of the top pieces of bread. I think there's three pieces for some reason.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I'm like, my lips are burning. I turn my phone flashlight on, and it's just engraved with jalapenos all over it. I was like, no. like a week after that i was pretty much screwed holy shit and it's still like that when's that gonna go away can you can you cure yourself of that it's something that's curable and ironically like if i had gotten my gallbladder removed right away it would have been something called acute gastritis which then would have only lasted five or seven days and would have been fine but because it went on too
Starting point is 00:31:49 long um and i kept repeatedly inflaming my stomach and my gallbladder messing things up because it wasn't working um and i had toxins leaking into my body which probably didn't help it's like i don't know how long it will take to heal but i haven't been real really able to eat anything like pizza or or any fly foods or anything like that but i'm kind of over it like i can eat i can handle steak now that's all i could live off steak for the rest of my life honestly so he um this yeah and a lot of people are doing that these days yeah when did this is
Starting point is 00:32:32 the this is the Instagram account arm wrestling whisperer who did someone give you that name yeah so I kind of started like I was supposed to do a little bit to YouTube. And then TikTok was like blowing up.
Starting point is 00:32:50 And I remember just seeing on Facebook all these arm wrestlers, TikToks, losers, or a bunch of other different names associated with it. And I was like, you know what? I don't care what people think. I'm going to download it and give it a shot. Yeah, I downloaded it. My first few weeks, there's a bunch of girls dancing on the app. But if you keep scrolling and stuff, like you can set your own algorithm.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And I started posting arm wrestling videos. I was like, oh, you know what? I'm going to be, I love riding motorcycles. I'm going to be the arm wrestling biker. So I wear my helmet for a while and it kind of coins for a little bit. But one video, I think, got for a while and it kind of coins for a little bit but one video I think got like a few million views and someone commented
Starting point is 00:33:30 no you're not the arm wrestling biker you're the arm wrestling whisperer and that comment got like 60,000 likes on his comment every video after that and that was just that comment like that video really took off as a surprise and ever since then every time I attempted to do something as the biker,
Starting point is 00:33:49 people would just comment, like, whisperer, whisperer in the comments. So it's almost funny because when I got into arm wrestling, I'm seeing Devin, like, No Limits or John, The Perfect Storm. I'm like, I kind of think of a cool nickname. And to me, I guess it was biker. But they always say you can't pick your own nickname, and I was left with the whisperer. Chase Bryan, I got my gallbladder removed for the first year.
Starting point is 00:34:14 About five minutes after I would eat, I would squirt out of my ass. Fucking terrible. Oh, man. Shoot. Robbie Myers, giving steak advice. Oh, man. Shoot. Robbie Myers giving steak advice.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Put the steak in a cast iron skillet to sear, then move it to the oven for about seven to ten minutes. Okay, thank you. Cooks everywhere. Do you cook your own steaks? Yeah, right now my girlfriend cooks them. I was using a cast iron for it. But she'll just cook it, whether it's a cast iron or a regular pan, depending on the curry. But, yeah, I mean, it's hard to...
Starting point is 00:34:55 What's the deal with cast iron? Why do people like cast iron? I like how hot it gets for this year. Apparently, there's something about it, too, that cooks it really well. I like how hot it gets for this year. Apparently, there's something about it, too, that cooks it really well. I had researched this years ago, and I'm very forgetful, so I don't remember exactly why it's better, but I can definitely say if it's cooked right, it does taste better. What's up with the shoes?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Is that because you're always on a motorcycle, the boots? Yeah. I just feel comfortable in boots, really. It's funny because growing up in Hawaii, everyone wears, you know, like people call them sandals, but I call them slippers, you know, growing up out there. Yeah. And it's funny i'm wearing
Starting point is 00:35:46 them now but uh i would always wear boots and jeans out there and everyone would look at me like i'm retarded they're like you're on an island you're wearing boots and jeans and i i didn't even ride motorcycles then i just knew i always wanted to but uh it's just what felt comfortable. And, yeah, I mean, I even, when I first moved to L.A., I'd go to the gym, like the Santa Monica Super Sport, at like 3 in the morning, and I'd play basketball in jeans and boots. And I actually would, like, do pretty okay on teams, like 3 versus 3. But someone eventually complained and said i was scuffing up the court with boots and they kicked me off and they said i'm never allowed
Starting point is 00:36:29 to play again if i don't change out of jeans and boots so i was like screw this wow yeah hey who who paint the scene here for me what are we looking at here so this is the uh supplement store you're in and that dude in the back is he the owner uh yeah it's tough to see what i think i remember um yeah that chick's a real arm wrestler that chick's a real arm wrestler this is yeah that's uh the arm wrestler she's uh gabby vasconcellos the um the number one female arm wrestler on the planet. So she's got like 34 world titles or a bunch of world titles and stuff like that. What country is she from? Brazil. Yeah, look at this.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Look at this. She's with Devin, John, and Travis. Holy shit. Yeah, yeah. And there she is on the table with John yeah and she's good she's amazing I can't say enough about her
Starting point is 00:37:38 and what was she doing in the supplement shop well that's in the middle of nowhere so she was in San Diego which is three hours away and i pretty much messaged her and i was just like hey you gotta you gotta come out here we need arm wrestle and um it was in november and i ended up making a youtube video about the whole thing like a month ago because it took me forever to get to it. But it was funny. She luckily happened to be going through Vegas.
Starting point is 00:38:11 And San Diego to Vegas takes you on a different route. But I was like, hey, if you come and meet me in Joshua Tree and we arm wrestle, the drive from here to Vegas is no traffic and so much better. It's just going to be a little bit of a detour. And she agreed to it. And then that's how this came about. All right, So she rolls in the shot. Is this the first match? What does it say? No, this was the second match. Okay. Okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Going too smart. Everyone usually just grips up. There you go. So it's really on right there? It's on? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wasn't hitting, but I'm not really a hitter. I do like catching more. It's more my style is that, like Travis was saying, that defensive hook. So that's real, really real. Real.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Is she dominant as all get out in the women's division? Yeah. She lost to one person recently. But other than that, she'll toy with every single woman. She'll beat most guys that aren't elite level arm wrestlers. Not that I'm anywhere near elite. She was probably tired. Does she
Starting point is 00:39:57 pull right and left? Yes, but she's right dominant mostly, I believe yeah she can do rope climbs like nothing like this style easily no shit
Starting point is 00:40:13 yeah like easily it's crazy and she's not a little girl her arms are bigger than mine do they have her rope climbs on her Instagram? I'd love to see that. Oh, man. Maybe if you search her name and rope climb, it will show this.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I think it's on YouTube or something. Here's this. This is pretty impressive right here even. Yeah. right here even. Hey, is arm wrestling even that big in Brazil? It might be bigger in Brazil than it is here right now, honestly.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I don't know. There's so many other countries that support arm wrestlers are doing a lot more than they are right now for us. I'm trying to think. The only arm wrestler I knew from Brazil is Marcio. Is he still arm wrestling? Marcio Barbosa?
Starting point is 00:41:15 He is still arm wrestling, yeah. Oh, my goodness. Look at this girl. Oh, and there's Ingen Terzi. Holy shit. Yeah, so that's the girl that beat her, but it was an all-out war, and Gabby had the first few pins. Like, this girl is, like, she's huge.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Huge. Much, much bigger than me. Yeah. It's crazy. Wow. Yeah. Hey, is John, I saw that John holding up a piece of paper saying he's arm wrestling Alexi again. Is that a joke?
Starting point is 00:41:51 No, that's a real, real thing. It's going to be crazy to see because obviously that ties back to pulling John. So, like, it's definitely happening. Alexi must be – how old's Alexi now? He's got to be 10 years younger than John. I think he is. It's just crazy because he hasn't, you know, he's not in the arm wrestling scene for a while.
Starting point is 00:42:15 But when you see him, like, post stuff on Instagram, he'll still just do these feats of strength that are just ridiculous, that most people can train their whole life and not do especially for his size and it's just like him not training can do this stuff so it's like I think Alexi went to the Olympics
Starting point is 00:42:35 in bobsledding and in judo both I didn't know about judo yeah crazy right let's see what's he doing here okay okay so he's getting ready he's not training yeah yeah he he was a freak he was a freak of nature he um he kind he kind of looked like a when i when i went out to sochi and filmed with him he had the long hair and crazy pale skin and it was full-blown it was full-blown vampire vibes oh yeah for sure he was uh john is
Starting point is 00:43:14 always going to be my hero but alexi was uh what made pulling john stick out to me. I've watched it once in 2012, but when I got back into arm wrestling, I probably watched Pulling John every other month since I started arm wrestling. Whether I put it on in the background or just watch it, I'm just like, man, I love this. And every time a leg-seating scene comes up, he's hanging with one arm,
Starting point is 00:43:42 or three people are yanking on his one arm, I'm just like, man man this guy's too cool damn not bad for an old man right holy shit yeah it's gonna be a fun match and he's big what do you think he is right there
Starting point is 00:43:58 you think he's 225 250 oh yeah at least I think he was probably 6'3". Yeah. Crazy. Where are they pulling that? Is this Ingen's doing?
Starting point is 00:44:15 It's either going to be through Ingen or through King of the Table, which is probably going to be in Dubai. One or the other. It might be King of the Table, which is probably going to be in Dubai. One or the other. It might be King of the Table in Dubai, but I'm not fully sure. Who is this? I saw this on your Instagram. You have him down as Etienne. Who's this guy?
Starting point is 00:44:39 You have him down as a nine-time world champion. I didn't recognize this guy. Who's this guy? So this is David Hall. I didn't know he lived locally until one day he came into the shop and challenged me. He's a tough guy.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Not super well known. And do you enjoy pulling him? Yeah, yeah, I definitely do. He's got a lot of that old school knowledge. Ready to go. And he's got some of that Alan Fisher fucking just out of his board fucking shit going on.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yeah, it's funny. He's like, oh, everyone in the 80s was like this. Ready to go. Like, he's like, oh, everyone in the 80s was like this. There you go. Hey, is the, what's the supplement shop think about what you're doing there? They must be completely cool with it. Yeah, yeah. They love it from what I heard, and I love it from what I heard and I love it
Starting point is 00:45:46 it's just a pleasure being able to be like have a spot it started with me challenging random people and now a lot of these random people are on my arm wrestling team so it went from me having to bribe people
Starting point is 00:46:02 with the protein bars to if you beat me I'll buy you anything in the store having to bribe people with the protein bars to, if you beat me, I'll buy you anything in the store, to now people come in and being like, hey, I want to join your arm wrestling team. And every Thursday, we can have 12 or 16 people that are arm wrestling together. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:19 It's definitely growing. And do you work there now? I do part-time right now. Yeah. That's crazy. So you went in there just arm wrestling people and then eventually you're like, fuck,
Starting point is 00:46:31 I spent so much time here. I might as well work here. Yeah. One day I was, uh, I'd bring my table there and sit there all day challenging people on wrestling. And the guy that works there was just like,
Starting point is 00:46:42 you know what? You just want to work here. I was like, would I still be able to challenge people to arm wrestling while I'm working? He was like, yeah. As long as there's not a huge checkout line. Unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:46:58 the one thing I regret is while I was working there, I ended up arm wrestling a lot less people there than when I wasn't working. Oh. Oh. Yeah. Hey, is it in a strip mall, Etienne?
Starting point is 00:47:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah, it is kind of. It's an outdoor kind of little strip. What's the name of the supplement store? It's Athletes Nutrition. Athletes Nutrition in 29 Palms. Someone can just cruise by there And if you're there they can be like hey Etienne can I arm wrestle you Yeah and I've
Starting point is 00:47:30 Is it safe Is it safe to arm wrestle you Like can like just like the bagger from the grocery store That's in the strip mall come over And arm wrestle you or Will you accidentally hurt someone If they want to arm wrestle I I don't turn down anyone. I'll arm wrestle a 90-pound guy or a 400-pound guy that I have.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I've rarely gotten any injuries in that shop. I've only had one person break their arm. Oh, in there, in there while you're working. And it wasn't there it was actually on venice beach um while i was filming with uh someone else for a youtube video it was unfortunate but in the shop the only injuries that happened were torn elbows um because they weren't listening and i had like kind of doing the best to guide them to not pull that way but sometimes when you tell someone that there's ego involved
Starting point is 00:48:27 they think you're telling them what not to do because you're about to lose and I'll be holding in my comfortable spot and inch from the pad so they'll be like this and then they'll just go crazy and kind of turn their body and like I really suggest you don't do that, that's not going to work and then they'll keep doing it and then you just hear
Starting point is 00:48:43 boom but other than that it's not gonna work and then i'll keep doing it and then you just hear boom but uh other than that it's pretty safe like i i'll go over with every single person every time 10 or 15 minutes of warming up and safety and it's almost uh it's it's really kind of a treat to see different people that are out there some people will just be natural right off the go. And some people you can tell someone 15 minutes exactly how to do it and they won't do a single thing that you had told them when it actually comes time to that ready to go. And then other people like will do everything perfectly. Some people will do it horrible and be really strong. Some people will do it with perfect form and you won't even feel them.
Starting point is 00:49:30 And it's just every time you give up with someone, it's just a different experience. Speaking of different experiences, this video is fucking amazing right here. Is the shop closed here? Yes, this is after hours. Okay, here we go Who is that that's my girlfriend Oh Who is that? That's my girlfriend Oh She's an arm wrestler?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Your girlfriend's an arm wrestler? Yeah Yeah Where did you meet her, Etienne? It's a complicated story, but I met her through arm wrestling. Now listen, if you go to an arm wrestling match and there's a girl there and you ask her for her phone number and you date her and you live happily ever after, it's not complicated. It's only complicated if it's someone else's wife or girlfriend, right? Yeah. Like, um,
Starting point is 00:51:13 it's a very, it's a complicated situation. You have to be crazy to bring your girlfriend to an arm wrestling fucking practice. Crazy. Unless you want her to be taken from you. Sorry, go ahead. Well, it was like, I mean, we don't need to get into the crazy details, but we were both
Starting point is 00:51:26 in relationships when everything had happened, essentially. But, yeah, I mean, it was,
Starting point is 00:51:36 there were complications in what we were going through and it didn't even start as like a, oh my God, I want to be with you kind of thing. We kind of found,
Starting point is 00:51:44 we ended up on the same team training together and then kind of found comfort in things that similarities we had and stuff that we were going through and then we ended up you know like I ended it with my girlfriend at that time and then ended up with her it wasn't like a i'm leaving you for her type of situation for me so yeah it's just yeah but still it is a complicated like subject essentially my my wife who's been who i've been with i mean she's only she's only been my wife for i don't know how many not not very long few years but she only been my wife for, I don't know how many, not very long, a few years, but she's been my girlfriend for over 20 years, right? We went to college together.
Starting point is 00:52:30 We lived in the same college town, and we would do late-night script writing together for like every night for like six months. I'd go over to her house, and we would sit down, and we were writing this movie script. And she had a boyfriend. And I basically, I basically after that courted her for like five years and she knew it, but she kept me like this at arm's distance. Right. Cause she had a boyfriend, right? Yeah. Like, Hey, nothing's ever going to happen. I got a boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And then one day she walks into, she, she walks up to me and she goes, Hey, I broke up with my boyfriend. She told me that I didn't say one word to her. I walked right over to where my girlfriend was in town and said my girlfriend i'm breaking out with you yeah just like that oh man yeah it's uh and we lived happily ever after well kind of yeah it's uh you know it's it's a funny thing. Oh, sorry, go ahead. And then he fingered me. Oh, my God. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Yeah, for a lot of people, it could be a touchy subject. And even for me, sometimes it is. But sometimes you just can't control it. Sometimes these things just, they just happen. And it's, it's what it is. You know, I, we did everything as respectfully and best as we could, but you know, sometimes there's just that, that energy that you can't really deny. It's really, um, uh, old fashioned of you, uh, man and woman together.
Starting point is 00:54:04 It's really, it's kind of, It's kind of like 1960s shit. Now it's like – now shit's getting weird. Now shit's getting really weird. You were so old-fashioned, a girl. So scary. And there's this fusion you know how like um there's like uh there's that restaurant nobu and it's supposed to be like a fusion of like mexican and japanese i guess yeah there's this fusion with etienne of this french
Starting point is 00:54:42 artist filmmaker of this French artist, filmmaker, arm wrestler that, that really like, it's not like you're, you know, like there's kids, like you look for something like this week,
Starting point is 00:54:57 you're non-binary. The next week you're straight as fuck. The next week after this, you're a, um, a goth the next week after, like, they're just like jumping from identity to
Starting point is 00:55:05 identity they can't take a deep breath and they need to really go out into joshua tree and find themselves but instead they're just jumping with you you didn't you're not you didn't dump things you're like fusion you you're adding things um to you're a peculiar mix right you're like a great dane fuck the dachshund you're like wow i've been that dog before like you're you're a trippy mix right something like that yeah like something weird is fused together that's not a common it's like when you talk to someone um i have this friend greg glass greg glassman he's always juxtaposing words together that i would never imagine would go together which i could give you an example but that's what you are you know i mean they're like poets or like tupac rappers are like that you're like whoa you put those two words together yeah that's your you've you've really come together
Starting point is 00:55:49 as this kind of unique creature i i don't even know if you know it because it's you you know what i mean yeah i mean i guess it's just things that i've i've wanted to do and then they end up merging together and i I've always wanted to make films. So after I made my short film, everyone's like, you've got to move to L.A. and be an actor. And I moved there. I wouldn't say it was a mistake, but I definitely learned a lot from being in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:56:20 That helped me realize I'd definitely like to make my own things instead of going through the process of getting in something big and having to do a bunch of other things to get there. But I realized I loved arm wrestling, and I'm like, well, there's something I could do with this. I want to document where I'm going with it. I want one. I feel like it is what it is,
Starting point is 00:56:51 but there's so many arm wrestlers out there that work and train like actual athletes and there's others that don't. But there's so many athletic arm wrestlers out there that really are going all out and they get nothing out of it well if I could bring arm wrestling to a place where it gets in a spotlight people are viewing it and there can be more money in it more sponsors and just more
Starting point is 00:57:15 opportunities for all these other people and of course I'd be awesome to do that for myself and I've got like a couple sponsors now and stuff like that it's nothing where I'm like making a crazy living off of it yet but I'm able to do what I love without having someone tell me what to do you know pick up a few shifts
Starting point is 00:57:36 at the supplement shop to help pay some bills and stuff along the way I got this impression this is very interesting this comment because i got this impression from uh travis too this is how travis explained you not about himself travis is a very open-minded guy but um he said that this is how the community in general um accepted you in the beginning i feel bad for judging him so early as someone who competes i was probably jealous he
Starting point is 00:58:05 was getting so much attention as a novice i'm happy that he's competing now yeah travis explained to me he's like yeah this dude came on the scene and people just thought we're fucking hating on him now you get into a hook with him and you're fucked and i mean but travis is not you know he's i don't know how well you know him but he's like he's really open minded he's like he's crazy he was probably excited to energy and he loves weirdos yeah Travis is one of those characters in Tim Pong and John where I was
Starting point is 00:58:34 like man this guy's confidence is something I'm never going to have like he's just that cool cool dude you know he is cool I was never that I was always introverted but I watched it i'm just like man how do i get more like that while being a hero like john and having alexis strength and all this but like at the end of the day i remember meeting travis and he is he is as cool
Starting point is 00:58:56 as he is in person as he is on video and uh he's being nice but i would that is weird right sorry go ahead i mean ideally my goal is to have as hook of a strong kind of dyslexic uh a hook as strong as travis says but it's not there yet it's just uh it's just my favorite spot to pull in and i'm able to stop some people along the way um it is weird that he's as cool in person as he is on TV. It may be even cooler. And then when you hear his story, I mean, you know about his son too, right?
Starting point is 00:59:29 Yeah. Crazy, right? Yeah. Is Etienne a bit Japanese? Do you have any Japanese in you? Do you have any Asian in you? Filipino. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah. It's like that Ancestry DNA thing where you spit in a tube and send it off. It's like, oh, wow, I've got a bunch of stuff in me. When you do that, use a fake name. Oh, I wish I would have known. Yeah, well, now you do. Yeah, I'll do it next time. Because you don't want your uncle
Starting point is 01:00:05 like who killed someone 30 years ago going to jail cause they connect him to you or some shit you know what I mean yeah I didn't think about that
Starting point is 01:00:12 uh okay so there's someone in my comments who is always mentioning a guy named Larry Wheels yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:00:21 he's uh and then here he is on your um uh uh Instagram he's he's so Yeah. And then here he is on your Instagram. He's so... So basically, Larry's story is like... I don't know the full story, but he had many hardships, went through addiction, and then he found strength sports
Starting point is 01:00:42 to kind of get him out of that. And every single sport that he's gotten into, he quickly climbed to the top and got into arm wrestling. People that were like half my strength were pinning him on day one. And now all of a sudden he's got a left arm. That's arguably the strongest in California. And he's winning almost every tournament he enters now. Oh, he's not in?
Starting point is 01:01:08 Super humble and nice. He's not in Dubai anymore? He just moved to California a few months ago. Oh, shit. Hey, he's got a bit of a rock vibe to him, huh? Like his smile and his... He does. He does, and he's that nice in person
Starting point is 01:01:25 he'll take the time to talk to you and if someone goes up to him for a picture he'll take the picture I think one of my teammates is a powerlifter and I was very excited to meet him on this day he told me later he went up to Larry to ask for advice
Starting point is 01:01:42 on something and Larry politely declined in that moment, but said, if you wait a little while later, I'll come up to you and we can talk about it. And he did exactly that. And I'm just like, man,
Starting point is 01:01:53 this guy's a class act. So I see in this video right here too, that I'm Alan Fisher chomping at the bit to pull them out. But for those of you who don't know that bald guy in the back, there is, is, is a staple in the um arm wrestling world uh i don't know gazillions of world champions is he just chomping at the bit to pull larry is that what i mean look he looks like he's ready for you just to move over look at him they they pulled in the overalls uh because that day i got uh was this that yeah i got second to Alan Fisher.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Can't seem to figure him out yet. He pulled Larry in the overalls. Larry was able to hook him in. Then there's this. Have you pulled with everyone now? In the States, who's anyone? In North America? Here you are with Devin. This is crazy. Yeah, I'm missing a few, but I'm full of definitely a lot of my idols.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I'd like to really get some more pulling with John and more as well. He's probably closer to me than mostly everybody else. John and who? Who's the second person you said? I was just saying I'd like to pull with John Moore. I've met him once, but I've never really got to work with him or really have a conversation
Starting point is 01:03:18 past a two-second arm wrestle. That's some random practice. Where is this with Devin you went up is this in Canada you went up there no this is uh this is the place where um the South Empire team pretty much so um I remember this is actually a funny funny thing like I'm not very like I'm not a person's like oh like give me a sign kind kind of person. But I was working at the shop, and Devin, I just looked down at my phone because it's ringing, and it says Devin Larratt. I'm like, how the heck?
Starting point is 01:03:55 I don't even remember giving him my number, but I guess someone gave him my number and I answered. It was him. And he was saying he's driving through and he was potentially planning to meet at the shop to make a video and he's filming his documentary so he had the crew at that time it didn't work so he let me know that he's going to be at this place and it wasn't on a usual sunday it was on like a tuesday i think so i called or I walked out. He told me this at 9 or 10 p.m., and it was the next day. And I'm like, man, I'm working. I worked every Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I'm like, I probably can't go. But I walked outside, and I'm standing there, and I'm just like, oh, man. If only there was some sign that just told me to do this, because I think I'd already called off too much days of work beforehand. So it was not a good idea to and like the biggest shooting star and i've seen you see a lot out here and i haven't seen one in a long time this insane shooting star like green just like blew through the sky and i was like all right that's it i called the i called the owner of the shop i'm like hey yeah i'm gonna need tomorrow off it was like what the fuck but
Starting point is 01:05:04 he ended up being like super cool about it. I told him it was Devin. Because I'm always like, we have a couple overlapping days where we would work together. And I'm always watching videos. So when he heard Devin's name, he's like, okay, you have to go. And I ended up making out with him by covering for him for a while. But thanks to him, I was able to meet Devin. What's going on over at your TikTok account is your TikTok account as big as this
Starting point is 01:05:28 Instagram account how many followers do you have on TikTok I guess 900 right now I'm going through like a slight shadow ban because I did a live video in my garage. And I'm supposed to have people like under 16.
Starting point is 01:05:48 And one of my teammates' kids was like 13 and he ran through the camera instantly right when he appeared on the camera. Or not 13, he was even younger, like maybe 9 or 10. Right when he went onto the camera, my whole TikTok screen went black. No shit. or 10 right when he went onto the camera my whole tiktok screen went black no shit so yeah it's taking a little bit to keep the views back up there but it was like a wait a second no one no one 13 or under is allowed on tiktok period no images it was 13 now it's like 16 on live videos are fine but on live and so it was so weird how it was detected maybe there's there was like maybe 9 000 people uh in the chat watching and this kid pops in and half a second later the live goes black and i was confused and i looked at my phone and said i broke a guideline
Starting point is 01:06:38 and i was like what the heck and i looked and you had a minor in your video or someone under age damn it. Holy shit. What if it would have, couldn't you just been like, hey, that was a dwarf? Yeah, it was pretty sumptuous of them, right? Like that could have been my third cousin who's older than me. And how does this work? Do you just, do you repost the same thing on both TikTok and Instagram for both audiences?
Starting point is 01:07:04 Because it looks like it's the same thing on both TikTok and Instagram for both audiences? Because it looks like it's the same stuff. Yeah, in general right now, I'm just kind of doing my best to finesse the algorithm back on TikTok so I can get back into the millions of views range where I was. It's a little difficult after being somewhat temporarily
Starting point is 01:07:23 banned. It's not impossible So most of the time I'll film something And then I'll kind of like Put it on Like if it's on Facebook You might not be able to use the same music as TikTok This is a great This is a great video here
Starting point is 01:07:41 So here we go But that's all perspective. Someone's going on here. I'm going to have to mute it. So this is – this guy works at the store with you and outweighs you by 100 pounds? That is the guy that I first arm wrestled on the counter and had nothing for. And it took me forever to be able to beat him. And no one believed you that he's 100 pounds more than you,
Starting point is 01:08:08 and so you guys switched shirts. For some reason, no one would believe that in the videos. Yeah, so he was just like, you know what, let's just do this. Dude, he holds that weight so well, though. Yeah, yeah, he does. He holds that weight so well. That's crazy. He's a character. Are you loving this whole Instagram thing?
Starting point is 01:08:35 Are you surprised that it's grown like this? Well, it definitely happened in a way that I didn't expect, but it was always something I wanted to do. I was like, when I first started a couple of weeks into my arm wrestling practice, I'd bring a GoPro and I'd have this little mount and I'd just stick it onto the arm wrestling table
Starting point is 01:08:58 and let it record. I was like, I'm going to make something with this. I started making YouTube videos. I went from YouTube to TikTok. And I kind of didn't do anything on YouTube. Grew the TikTok. And then everyone was like, oh, you're just a TikTok guy. There's no reason why you're just a TikTok guy.
Starting point is 01:09:17 And I was like, I wonder why I'm only posting on TikTok for some reason. And then I started posting on other platforms. And stuff would do well there, too i was like okay so i guess it's kind of cool knowing that it's not just people on tiktok that want to see it and then it gives you diversity on different platforms so if you get temporarily banned on tiktok you have a couple other platforms you can post on so everywhere you go though people know you now. There's almost like a target on your head, right? Everywhere you go, you're not just another arm wrestler.
Starting point is 01:09:52 You're the guy with the big arm wrestling account. Yeah, yeah. And it's funny. I remember when it was first starting to blow up, a lot of arm wrestlers that I really look up to. And some of the ones that I even talked with, like to ask for help when I first started arm wrestling, uh,
Starting point is 01:10:14 someone like I log onto Facebook and I was tagged in something and I just saw like a crappy comment. I'm like, Oh, that sucks. And then I look at the thread and there's 134 comments and like 130 of them are like great arm wrestlers that i like not like super elite but like really good ones talking crap about me i'm like damn that's how everyone sees me that i'm like because there's
Starting point is 01:10:39 one point where i first started like my first uh you know i had a couple million viewed TikToks. A million views doesn't mean a million likes, right? My first million liked TikTok, I think, had like 4,000 comments. And 3,000 of them were hate comments towards me. And I was going through my health issues at the time. I still had my gallbladder in. I remember sitting up in bed. I don't think I had an anxiety attack.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I was like, oh, what is this? And I realized at that moment I just have to let it go and not let it bother me. And I didn't. And so every other comment I got from TikTok, I'd almost laugh it off and kind of make a spinoff or a video on it, addressing it and how ridiculous it was. But then like a year ago or so, when I got all those comments from arm wrestlers, I was like, shoot, that hurt then too.
Starting point is 01:11:32 And then I kind of needed to correct myself and be like, all right, let it go. People are going to do whatever they want. Just keep doing what you're doing. It doesn't suck though. You get a lot of hate when you're really just attempting to grow a sport you love. Or in general, I guess you're doing anything you love and get that.
Starting point is 01:11:49 But you have to imagine people hate for their own reasons and they're entitled to that. It's fine. It's perfectly fine. It's life. You're not going to like everyone you encounter. And I wouldn't expect it. But I remember the first arm wrestler I talked to. And I was only talking good about him everywhere I go.
Starting point is 01:12:07 I'm like, this is my favorite arm wrestler. He's not the best, but I love him. And then seeing the comments he put about me, I was just like, oh, I felt that one right here. You know what it is? Do you know what it is, why people write negative stuff about you? Have you figured it out? Wherever you're going,
Starting point is 01:12:25 you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout?
Starting point is 01:12:40 Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. I mean, I have a little bit of an idea. So, like, maybe it's just
Starting point is 01:12:57 because, like, uh, I'm getting, like, sort of, like, attention in a way that they don't like or something. I don't know. It's just, I would guess it's three main reasons. One arm wrestling is a click. And I don't mean that in a negative way, but it's, it's a clicky group. And everyone has to, everyone who enters has to be hazed a little bit.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Then the second thing is yeah, the attention you're getting. But the third thing is dude is like like you're so unique as a person and so there's like an unknown element about you that scares people it's like it's like people being afraid of gay people or being afraid of like dwarves or like being afraid of the guy with one leg you know what i mean like you just stare at the guy from the corner of your eye walking down towards you with one leg missing and little kids aren't afraid of them right they walk up to me like hey where's your leg like there's a there's an element about you that's um that's unknown and people who are afraid like people and just it just insecure people most people are seriously seriously insecure um um i don't know compared to like girls who are afraid of spiders, right?
Starting point is 01:14:05 Or people who are afraid of spiders. It's just idiocy. It's like that. But you should know that there's nothing – it's not like you're the fucking island boys. You know what I mean? Those guys are fucking weird, but they also like they need help. Like you can like – like their moms – I understand why they get 4,000 pieces of hate even though they need compassion like you you can like like you know then their moms um i understand why they get 4 000 pieces of hate even though they need compassion right those guys like need their
Starting point is 01:14:29 parents back in their life and like to stop putting tattoos on their face but with you it's not like that i i can't convey to you how what a unique uh like like you're cool you're a fucking cool dude man you you you beat your own drummer it's so obvious um you are a uh you're cool you're a fucking cool dude man you you beat your own drummer it's so obvious um you are a uh you're a fun dude man you're you're absolutely uh you're a gift to the sport to be honest with you they need people like you in order to like you make it accessible to more people i appreciate that that means a lot because because literally the goals get arm wrestling out there. It's crazy. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Hold on a second. Imagine thinking only girls are afraid of spiders. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'll strike that from the record. All right. Fine.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I'll retract that. Fine. Even though it's true. Go on. Go on. So go ahead. It's like I was going to North Carolina a few months ago for a super match. To watch or to participate? To participate.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And it was my first time traveling since my health issues. And I grew up like moving place to place. I'm used to flying on planes. I love heights. I want to learn to fly actually. But for some reason after my health issues, I felt like I'd get like a spike
Starting point is 01:15:56 of anxiety, feel nauseous if I was enclosed in this space. Like for some weird reason before I got my gallbladder removed, if I went into a drive-thru, I'm fine. the second someone pulls in behind me and I'm locked in I'm like oh my god I'm gonna be sick like why why do I feel like this and I know it's my head but it's because you know being for sick for a year and a half you know I think something hit me around the two-week mark where I was like I've never been sick for this long in my life. Why do I feel like I'm constantly in a horrible state?
Starting point is 01:16:27 I was so nauseous for a year and a half awake that in my dreams, I was also nauseous and dizzy and spinning. So I almost never had a break. I'd lay in bed all day or sit up in bed and then when i'd go to sleep i'd have a dream i was freaking like spinning and nauseous and i'd have a dream like that i couldn't arm wrestle or i couldn't do anything or i just was like it was really weird so i guess that kind of gave me like a new form of anxiety which i'm not used to so i didn't know how i was going to handle being on the plane it's nerve wracking and people are recognizing me
Starting point is 01:17:05 I'm like shit oh man there we go but when someone comes up to me in the airport and they're like oh you're the arm wrestling guy you're the whisperer and I'm like yeah that's cool but I'm like do you know who John Brzezinski is
Starting point is 01:17:22 because you should know you should know who he is more than me. How'd you do in the supermatch? I ended up winning four to two, but it was not easy. I was nervous. It was my first time arm wrestling in another state. I did it for a super match
Starting point is 01:17:49 and it ended up being across the, you know, coast and the first round I got flash pinned. The first round, nest of six, you got flash pinned on the first round.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yeah. And everyone there is like going to be in the guy's favor. Oh, you were on his home turf. Yeah, yeah. He's the number one in that state of his weight. And I just remember I get flash pinned. The way they set it up was everyone was circled around, and everyone was just cheering for him.
Starting point is 01:18:26 I'm like, I did not come out here for this like I did not come all the way out here for this so I ended up like mentally being like you know if I'm gonna stop his hit he's gonna like I have to really put everything into it so at one point like I was like around round three
Starting point is 01:18:42 or four I'm like he ended up getting another pin on me but this time he took my wrist back I'm like around round three or four. I'm like, so you ended up getting another pin on me. But this time he took my wrist back. I'm like, if he's going to beat me, he's going to have to break my arm because it's at that point where it's like I'm not just trying to catch him. I'm going to put everything into it. Hold on, Etienne. Hold on. First round, he flash pinned you just with straight side pressure?
Starting point is 01:19:02 Yeah, he just kind of had pressure in my fingertips and I couldn't wrap my wrist around his, so he just flash pinned me. And then the second round he flashed, and then the second round he just straight top rolled you? Second round I caught him. Oh. And in the straps, he slipped, went to the straps,
Starting point is 01:19:19 I caught him, and then I hooked him and then pinned him. Okay. Third round, he adjusted but this is where I really got worried because the first round I didn't get wrist to wrist but he didn't take my wrist back. The third round, he took my wrist back and flash pinned me
Starting point is 01:19:36 and I was like, he figured something out. Out of the straps? That wasn't even in the straps? Third round, he pinned you out of the straps with the top roll? In the straps. In the straps third round. He pinned you out of the straps with the top roll. In the straps. In the straps. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Which was more concerning because that was my plan was to get him in the straps and he did that to me in the straps. And I was like, shit, if I haven't going to have anything for him, I have to give it everything. He's going to have to break my arm. And then I kind of went in with that mindset.
Starting point is 01:20:04 I believe I won every round after that. Then I think I kind of ended up top rolling him in the last round, but in a very funny way. I was going for the slip, and he ended up holding on, so I ended up top rolling him and he accidentally touched the pad. He was a
Starting point is 01:20:19 great sport. He's a great dude. We talked for a while after it. I can see why he's a legend from where he's from. It's really overall. It's a great dude. We talked for a while after it. I could see why he's a legend from what he's from. It's just, uh, so really overall, it's not just like based off his arm wrestling capabilities, just like kind of how he is as a person.
Starting point is 01:20:34 You can tell like, Oh yeah, I could see why people like, um, I want to show you guys something here really quick. Sorry. At the end, excuse me for saying,
Starting point is 01:20:43 I have to explain stuff to the, to the listeners. So these are the kind of guys he arm wrestles big buff guys who fuck the table he wears a batman mask um he he he his girlfriend arm wrestles he's wearing sunglasses in this um in this video here with um uh alan fisher right, he – like I showed you, here's the guy humping the table, and here's the Batman mask. Here he is. He arm wrestles randos in a fucking supplement store. He built his own fucking table table here he is with sunglasses again um here he is arm wrestling a guy who's 400 pounds and so you're right here he is with this he's a fucking youtuber here he is proud of his little youtube plaque and you want me to ask him why he has his fucking sunglasses on and he's already told me he's been up all night and he
Starting point is 01:21:41 wears sunglasses everywhere and he's a he's like part thespian this is a fucking weirdo I'm interviewing I don't give a fuck why he has sunglasses on you understand like it's not like I already know I already know it doesn't matter he's doing him he's having fun he's doing him there is a story
Starting point is 01:21:59 I was wrong take all that back you guys were right here comes the story I apologize sorry I've always wore sunglasses anyway just so Oh, okay, fine. I was wrong. Take all that back. You guys were right. Here comes the story. I apologize. Sorry. I've always wore sunglasses anyway. I apologize. You guys were all right. Okay, okay. Sorry. Long story short, I thought I was getting better after my stomach had exploded. Two weeks in, my girlfriend at the time, I woke up and I felt great. I had a weird thing where I actually thought I was going crazy because I wake up feeling great
Starting point is 01:22:27 and then I was like, why do I feel so great? I can do whatever. Then I eat something and then I feel like the whole world comes crashing down and I need to put two and two together forever. I'm like, all right. She had to go pick up a car two hours away and I was like, yeah, I'll go with me eat something i eat something i'm like no i can't go
Starting point is 01:22:49 i just feel absolutely horrible now again i like i physically felt every time i ate i have to lay down so she leaves and i lay down and i'm just laying in bed my eyes closed and I feel like all this light is coming into the room and everything just gets so bright and it felt like my head wasn't gonna explode and there was just all this tons of pressure I thought I was gonna die and then I was just like okay I guess sleepings out of the picture for some reason after that day I felt like my brain was swelling my eyes were so sensitive that pretty much for that whole year i had a constant migraine so i pretty much had to wear shades everywhere you know like a power strip has that little red light yeah um i couldn't go to sleep
Starting point is 01:23:38 in my pitch black room with that power strip plugged in. And as everyone knows, it's in everyone's room. You don't notice it. So I unplugged that. And then the moon, and it's like, like a Cheshire moon. That's not even that bright. It would shine through the blinds.
Starting point is 01:23:56 And when my eyes closed, some weird thing was happening. I don't know what, but it felt like light would keep coming in and building up. And my eyes would just be like white, bright, even in the middle of the night. And that moonlight would just build up in intensity. And then I'd have to open my eyes and get an insane migraine.
Starting point is 01:24:12 So I'd have to roll like a black towel and put it above my eyes just to sleep. And then I'd see like pulses of like lights. I pretty much had a fucking migraine for like a year and a half. And I was the kind of person that grew up I haven't had a single headache and wearing the shades Helps a lot after a gallbladder moved The inflamed stomach and the light sensitivity kind of stuck the light sensitivity is a lot better
Starting point is 01:24:41 But right now if I were to walk outside Without my shades from the garage to my house which is like 100 feet and then go lay down and attempt to sleep i won't be able to i'll be like my eyes will be like burned with brightness and it'll make me feel a little bit off and that's why i kind of wear the shades pretty much where everywhere and it's fine like everyone thinks i'm a douchebag about it like i don't know maybe i wish i would have and uh geez louise simmer down savvy we're just ruffling feathers and now look he has a story i i don't didn't want to hear that story i prefer thinking he was just
Starting point is 01:25:15 a fucking cool dude who wore sunglasses god damn it hey listen i don't think a guy who carries a switchblade in his back pocket in a pack of cigarettes and rolls them up in his sleeves is a douche bag I think it's cool and I think wearing sunglasses at night is cool I like all that shit I can't do it that's why I wear see mine are clear down here at the bottom
Starting point is 01:25:37 like if I look down at my phone I can see my phone you know what I mean so they're just really dark appearing and clear down here it looks badass like I can't pull that off like but honestly i think what do you mean you can't pull it off look at you you're wearing fucking tom cruise glasses inside mirrored fucking way you're pulling it off okay so for some weird reason i'm five nine but my head is big for my body uh regular hats don't fit me and uh sunglasses these aren't regular aviators they're extra large aviators most aviators you find are like 58 to 60 millimeter
Starting point is 01:26:16 these are like 64 and for some weird reason growing up i could never find a pair of shades that fit me like uh and these were the only pair like so it's like find a pair of shades that fit me. And these were the only pair. So it's like the only pair of shades I can wear are aviators that I won't look half dumb in. But, yeah, I mean, I probably will wear the shades whenever now, even when my eyes do heal. Because they are getting better over time, and I still technically am wearing them. I could probably sit in here without them if I really wanted to but there was a point in time where that would be a nightmare
Starting point is 01:26:49 it's funny I've never thought of I find people with really large heads very attractive I love Wonder Woman because Gal Gadot because I always think she has just a fucking ginormous head oh does she? I mean I think so maybe it's think she has just a fucking ginormous head. Oh, does she? I mean, I think so.
Starting point is 01:27:07 Maybe it's just she has a giant forehead. Look at Schwarzenegger has a giant head. I just think when I – you know Wonder Woman? Gal Gadot? Yeah, yeah. And I have this girl coming on either tomorrow or in the next couple days who's got a big head, Bethany Shadburn. I really like her head. Look at that big fucking –
Starting point is 01:27:23 Oh, wait. Where is that big one? God. God. Wonder Woman is wonderful, isn't she? Oh, yeah. She does have a big forehead. Look at her. Look at her. Here she is with your glasses on. How many pairs of glasses do you have, Etienne? did you have at you well when i could find the right pair i'll stock up on it so for a long time like the big companies they don't have like the big size that i want like ray brand or everything like the david is too small so i have to find shades from local gas stations and when i find them like sometimes they're still too small if i get a big one, I'm like, all right, I'm stocking up. But right now, these are custom-made ones. So I have a pretty good
Starting point is 01:28:09 stock of them right now, but I'm actually selling them. So the stock's probably not as big as I think because they're selling, but I have definitely one or two pairs set aside for me. At least they're affordable there. Enormous tits. I would take this serious. Maybe you've done this before. For the love of God, Etienne, do a parasite cleanse. They build up over time, especially around the full moon.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Parasite cleanse. I'm going to have to look it up. I don't even know where to begin with that. Ivermectin. No, I don't know. There are parasite cleanses. Hey, I know three people actually. I don't know if it's become the trendy thing, but I know three people in the last three months who had some pretty significant parasites. Really? That they didn't even know about. Yeah. One of them for sure was very serious because the person was getting lesions. Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Definitely look that up. Mason Mitchell, being a dick, like usual, I appreciate it. When a person is being interviewed, I always hope to see as little of their face as possible. It really helps to connect. Thank you, dickhead. Appreciate it. You're a good dude. What kind of Harley is that behind him? A fat Bob or a sportster? What kind of Harley is that behind him, a Fat Bob or a Sportster? Yeah, a Fat Bob. Oh, this is a good question. I like this.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Does he have a chain wallet? Do you have a chain wallet? No, I have a Ridge wallet. It's a very thin little wallet where you can only fit like 12 cards, but more than that, he's's more than I need, really. He's Filipino and French. Yeah, it's like the main two main ones, Filipino, French, and then it goes to like 20% Scottish and then English, Irish, stuff like that, but the main one is Filipino and French, I believe.
Starting point is 01:30:06 stuff like that but the main one is filipino french i believe two topples and of course like usual everyone loves uh um uh big heads her jawline is hot um gal is gal gal whatever name is beautiful five head um does she really have a big head or does she just have a huge forehead let's just go with she has a big head hey how do you feel today when you came on the podcast? Did you feel like shit? Did you feel like shit? Were you like, fuck, I've been up all night. I don't want to do this shit. Well, luckily, like this is around the time that I've been going to sleep at.
Starting point is 01:30:36 So if I were to kind of go to sleep and wake up, I'd probably feel a lot worse right now. I feel okay. It's just it's more tough so that my schedule is completely messed up and i have like a day to correct that before i fly hawaii and then compete in a tournament a few days after that but uh that's what's next for you that's that's what your next week looks like you're going to hawaii yeah i'm gonna fly out there and i'm gonna compete in my first tournament out there which is uh it's probably more nerve-wracking than most of them
Starting point is 01:31:05 because I grew up in Hawaii. There's more pressure to perform there. I also don't want to tell anyone out there that I have a ruptured disc in my back. I like hitting in tournaments
Starting point is 01:31:22 and just turning. I got this watch sent to me by this like pretty cool company and it's supposed to track your sleep and it can't even track my sleep because I'm not staying still long enough for it to activate because of my back and yeah it's like
Starting point is 01:31:37 it's not great so I'm gonna have to figure something out but I don't want to ruin it I just want to bring everything I have and do my best, but it kind of sucks that like, Oh, I could have been like a local tournament when that happened. I'm going to go compete in Hawaii and this is like not happening with my back,
Starting point is 01:31:54 but I'll find a way around it. Hey dude. Uh, you should, you should, one of my sponsors is California Peptides but you should get Peptides BPC
Starting point is 01:32:09 157 and shoot it into your back you should fucking do that I actually heard so much about that stuff yeah you should do that you should try that you should 100% try that I've been shooting into my
Starting point is 01:32:24 I had a fucked up bicep and I've been shooting it in there for the last two weeks, and it's crazy. I think I might be fucking healed. I was lowering a 70-pound dumbbell as slow as I can, and something weird happened in there. And I've been just nursing it for four months, and it's kind of crazy. But fuck my testimony there's a guy i don't know if you know who um andrew schultz is the comedian i saw that clip go ahead on your on your instagram where someone someone used the bbc and like in two days and they're back or something yeah andrew huberman yeah the the he's like some some stanford neuro fucking
Starting point is 01:33:07 biologist and he's like yeah i did two shots into my ruptured disc after it hurting forever and ever and i totally know that feeling um last not last night but the night before i only got up two times and because i have a fucked up back too and i was like holy shit that's fucking pretty amazing for me to only get up twice in the middle of the night like by get up i mean just like roll wake up i don't mean actually get out of bed but i mean like wake up yeah you'll never when your back's fucked up you never want to sleep but just you just know that when you wake up it's going to seize up right and you just hate oh my gosh yeah yeah so you got like a um a code for the ca peptides or something or it's like it's just um you can just go to their website uh yeah if you use my
Starting point is 01:33:45 name you get free shipping but you should try to get it before you should try to get it before you go to hawaii it'll probably have to be like shift to hawaii or you could go or you could go somewhere locally and buy it i don't know where but if not you should definitely check it out the bpc uh 157 and then there's another one uh bpc t500 that someone swears by it i guess i should say i'm no fucking doctor but i'm just telling you just 500 or something right yeah have you heard of that one too yeah i heard that they might have both like combined synergistically. Yeah. That's what someone told me too. I haven't done the, um, the five, the 500. Oh yeah. Here it is. I haven't done the 500. Um, and some people say it's just bullshit too, but fuck so far it's,
Starting point is 01:34:37 it's everyone I know when I say, and the people who say it's bullshit haven't taken it or they're on steroids. So the people on steroids are like, fuck, this is nothing. But I'm not on steroids. I'm a believer in peptides. I take collagen peptides. And it works wonders for tendons and stuff for arm wrestling. So I really do think BPC is something that's great.
Starting point is 01:35:00 All right, brother. Well, great having you on the show. Great to meet you. I hope our paths cross again. Oh, look at Andrew Hiller. Here he is. This is the guy. This is one of the guys that kind of got me into peptides, him and California Peptides, TB500. Yeah. And this guy is on testosterone, and he still swears by peptides. Oh, wow. Well, that says something. Sure, yeah. oh wow that says something
Starting point is 01:35:22 alright dude great to meet you I hope our paths cross again I'm excited for what the future holds for you I guess the takeaways are parasites and peptides yeah
Starting point is 01:35:38 if I got anything I'm going to do a parasite cleanse take some BPC it should be unstoppable. All right. Safe travels. If you ever want to tell the story about the juicy details of you and your girlfriend meeting and the drama around it,
Starting point is 01:35:54 please come back. I'd love to hear that. I love good drama. Makes for good parts. Hey, Siobhan, thank you so much for having me, man. It was a pleasure to be on here. Anytime, brother. I'm glad you have my phone number. Hey, you're on a droid? Yes.
Starting point is 01:36:08 That's a final question. Why? Why? Why? No particular reason. So I go through phones. No one wants to do group threads with a droid or no one wants to do group threads with a droid. So I break phones easily, unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:36:23 And every time I break a phone, since i was like i don't know like got phones like late high school i'm like okay i'm gonna i'm gonna have an iphone when it breaks i'm gonna go to android and then back back and forth so that way i'm like i'm kind of like seeing the best of each on top all right i can appreciate both for what they are, but iPhone definitely is smoother in terms of using, but I do feel like Android can do a lot too. Androids are great, just no one wants to be friends with you. That's it.
Starting point is 01:36:54 That's true. I'm okay with that. Okay, fine. Look at this ridiculous comment. Check the rules of your competition to make sure peptides aren't banned. Arm wrestling is, how shall I say it? Open-minded. A free sport. Untethered.
Starting point is 01:37:11 Untethered to the rules. There are some things where they're very highly tested in arm wrestling, but not in the U.S. Oh, interesting. Oh, James is back. Sorry, I'm 20 minutes back into the pod, but addressing the hate. I think it was arm wrestling novices as a competitive arm wrestler,
Starting point is 01:37:29 and to show how strong you are, most of us can crush people off the street. Oh, I see what he's saying. Okay. He's saying that he was just frustrated that you were crushing people off the street. Oh, yeah. See, that brings back something. Yeah, I think a lot of people were just like, oh, who cares that this guy can beat people off the street?
Starting point is 01:37:45 Can he beat any other arm wrestler? They thought I was like, oh, who cares that this guy can beat people off the street? Can he beat any other arm wrestler? They thought I was like, oh, you're just showing off to these non-arm wrestlers and to the world how strong you are. But no, when I started posting my videos, it was kind of like I can really only walk across the street and arm wrestle at the shop. I wasn't physically able to drive two hours and train with that team, like how my health issues were. So I had to challenge the only people that walked in the store to arm wrestle and it happened to be non-arm wrestlers. I might as well film it.
Starting point is 01:38:16 You live in the middle of nowhere. Yeah. I always told people my ultimate goal from living out here was to find a team of people that are stronger than me so i can just unleash everything i have every week and get stronger on it and i'm getting very close to finding these freaks of nature that are coming in very strong and i feel like in a couple months might be beating me or holding me and it's like wow this goal that i that i'd set even before really like wanting to post these videos and interactions
Starting point is 01:38:45 is coming to life. I think that's cool. But everyone overseas that doesn't understand it because I never really made it public. The only thing I made public was the videos, right? They have drug testing and arm wrestling overseas. You've heard of that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:01 And the crazy thing is not just steroids. Someone could take a a regular like a nootropic someone just took a nootropic and tested for it and his band for like a year or two now and he was like this amazing world-class arm wrestler i heard it's like wow that's crazy nootropic uh hey have you had any have any dudes uh entered the um uh women's class yet in arm wrestling? I think there's one. No shit. There's one dude.
Starting point is 01:39:33 It's like he is a dude. It's, yes. I'm surprised that's allowed. I'm surprised that's tolerated in the arm wrestling community. Did you freeze? Yeah. yeah i uh it's definitely i don't think i and i have a hard stance on it i don't think men should compete against well i don't think i don't mind men competing against women i don't think men should compete against women pretending that they're women i have a pretty strong stance on that firm I'm open to having my mind changed, but so far, no one is too close to changing it.
Starting point is 01:40:08 I stand the same way, and I think almost everyone in arm wrestling does as well. It's ridiculous at that point that the guy's just going to be every single woman pretty much, or she or he's going to be every single woman every single time
Starting point is 01:40:23 he enters. It's's like if you want to be if you're a guy you want to be a woman that's great go for it that's fine i'm all for it but let's be real you're born a man you grew up with testosterone advantages your bones gonna be more dense you're gonna crush these women you've got the frame of a man it's not like you grew up as a woman and then even like took testosterone later on like you know it's just completely different and it's unfair it's bullshit all right thank you very much safe travels to hawaii i appreciate you doing this uh and uh and uh sleep well my friend thank you man of course take care all right brother ciaoienne, the arm wrestling whisperer.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Now what? Now what? What do you want to do? Hour and 40 minutes in. Now what? I'm getting my hair cut today. Let me see. Let me see what's going on in my house. See how much I'm going to fool around with you guys today. Shit. Really?
Starting point is 01:41:52 I liked him. That was a stony cat. I had to work a little bit, right? I could not let his energy level... I had to let him be his own person and me be my own person, right? Bluetooth. He was mellow.
Starting point is 01:42:10 He was mellow. Okay, here we go. Very mellow hello hello oh hi oh shit for some reason it's not working my phone's not
Starting point is 01:42:38 working here oh hey what's the plan today I don't have one are you What's the plan today? I don't have one Are you You're going somewhere Oh Do you want me to make
Starting point is 01:42:53 Okay I teach tonight Okay And then you're Okay Why? All right. I'm just trying to figure out how much time I should fool around here.
Starting point is 01:43:07 Like, what am I going to do? I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with the boys today. Did I lose you? Did I lose you? Shit. Hello? How come this phone doesn't work? Son of a bitch
Starting point is 01:43:25 alright 843 AM Pacific Standard Time very unique show you could hear her I couldn't I couldn't hear her through the Pacific Standard Time. Very unique show. You could hear her? I couldn't hear her through the I couldn't hear her through the headset. I wonder
Starting point is 01:43:54 I should have my wife call right now and see and see if she my phone's working. Can you call? Can you call? Can you call? Do the boys take a summer break from homeschool? No.
Starting point is 01:44:10 I could hear them. They were at the table doing their school now. No break. Oh, here we go. On the podcast phone. Oh, no. Shit. Shit. On the podcast phone. phone oh here we go can you guys hear that
Starting point is 01:44:32 hello I'm trying to figure out why my phone's not working ever since I got this new setup everything's all fucking wonky a little choppy. Oh, there it is. How's that?
Starting point is 01:44:49 Do the boys take a break from homeschooling in the summer? Do they? Yeah. They still do Kumon, but I'm a little more lax with the other subjects. But they do Kum on Monday through Friday. Not Saturday and Sunday. Why don't they do school seven days a week? Um, I just figured that they could use a little break.
Starting point is 01:45:19 That's why they're better at sports than they are at schooling because I'm in charge of sports and you're in charge of schooling. Are they better at sports than they are at schooling, because I'm in charge of sports and you're in charge of schooling. Are they better at sports than they are at schooling? No, probably not. How do you know? I don't. I do try to encourage them to read, though, on the weekends. So even if they don't do Kumon.
Starting point is 01:45:42 It just seems like Monday through Friday is plenty. That could change. Did you see me naked this morning in the bedroom? No, I don't think so. Because I fasted yesterday. I want to know if I look skinny today, this morning when I woke up. Did you feel skinny? I felt skinny as shit this morning.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Did your pants feel looser? No. Thanks for ruining it for me. They did not feel looser. Thanks for fucking a little reality check there. Next time I'll make sure to open my eyes when they're naked after a fasting day.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Hey, I'm not going to do, I'm going to drink that. Someone sent me in the mail. What's that stuff called? A1, A1. Someone sent me something in the mail. It was really weird. What did we get as a package of A what's that stuff called? A1G? AG. It's just AG. AG. AG1. AG1 greens. Oh, AG1. Yeah. AG1? AG1 Greens. Oh, AG1. Yeah, AG1. Comprehensive, convenient
Starting point is 01:46:49 daily nutrition. Is it called Athletic Greens? I'm trying to see if this is the right website. Oh, yeah. Here it is. Okay. I'm going to drink that. I'm going to break my fast with fast with that today i'm gonna drink a couple packages of this shit someone sent me like a ton of this stuff in the mail a ton i wish more people would send me shit was it that um guy you met on your podcast? James Newberry?
Starting point is 01:47:25 Yeah. I don't know. Is this his company? I don't know. I vaguely remember something like that. Are you talking to Heidi? Yeah. Okay, I better get back to Avi. Okay, bye. Love you, bye.
Starting point is 01:47:43 Okay, love you, bye. There it is. Two guests today. Etienne, the horse whisperer, and my wife, Haley Parlin. Haley Parlin. Hell no, it's not Newberry's. Oh, it's not?
Starting point is 01:48:00 Break it with the protein. Oh, here we go. A pool boy. AG1 sucks. Stuff is like $100 a bag. As much a riff off as that flavored melatonin crap from Beam. I'm not worried about the cost. It was sent to me for free.
Starting point is 01:48:13 I want to know how good it is. Oh, shit. Athletic Greens is a super woke company. They were big into BLM movement. Product may be good, but I canceled my subscription. Oh, no. Really? Let me see.
Starting point is 01:48:22 My product may be good, but I canceled my subscription. Oh, no, really? Let me see. I don't want to be that guy, but I don't want to support fucking racist. I really don't. I don't want to support racist or fascist. I'm okay, like, supporting stuff that I don't agree with. Some things, like.
Starting point is 01:48:46 But not things that are going to fuck up the work planet for my kids. Oh, they have an accessibility statement. What the fuck does that mean? I don't see anything woke on here now. Learn more? Quality and standards? Oh, our story. I've become too sensitive to all this stuff. I'm aware of my sensitivity to it.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Why does the toy store in town have a giant gay flag in the front? A pride flag. I should stop calling it a gay flag. Did you order Swolverine products for your boy, for our boy Mertens? No. Should I go over to his Swolverine? Swolverine products for our boy Mertens? No. Should I go over to his swolverine?
Starting point is 01:49:47 Swolverine. I'm about to run out of the pre-workout that Hiller left at my house. I should probably get some of this swolverine shit. I don't have money for this kind of stuff anyway. Plant proteins, wheyey proteins i just like caffeine where's the stuff with the caffeine pre this i don't even know what these things are hey did you see that the the horse was dormer sling whisper um a raw of earth followed him that's fucking weird right why is Raw of Earth following that guy
Starting point is 01:50:26 I guess they're two unique cats who beat to their own drummer why not transition to a woman but still arm wrestle men yeah that's the thing I'm totally okay with that to a woman but still arm wrestle men. Yeah. That's the thing. I'm totally okay with that. I'm okay with women using the men's
Starting point is 01:50:51 restroom also. I'm not okay with men using the women's restroom. Bro, look up the owner of Swolverine. She's fucking gorgeous. Oh, really? I would love to do that. Does she have a big head? Our story? I would love to do that. She have a big head. Our story.
Starting point is 01:51:06 I'm looking at our story. I like it's made in the US. That's kind of cool. How we are different. What you see is what you get. Everything you need, nothing you don't I hear kids
Starting point is 01:51:34 I don't what's her name here get it thank you you bought me some Wolverine here get it thank you you bought me some uh swolverine uh heidi i i will uh what did you say i need to send you a link during the games to break up the sausage party thank you eaton beaver you're a good dude ron et should do uh should interview each other and see who's the most mellow.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Alex? Oh, is that the Swolverine on her? Okay, let me type in Swolverine Alex. She got a good ass? Is that what someone said? Swolverine Alex. Let me see. Oh, shit. Wow. Okay. Yep. Alrighty. I see what you're talking about, bullboy. Yeah. Damn. Follow. Yeah. Jesus. For a really long time in my life, cough,
Starting point is 01:52:42 cough, my whole life, I was raised and taught to be a people pleaser, to mind my manners, to not speak out, go against the grain, and to play the game. And play it way better than everyone else. And if you know, it's gotten me pretty far. But to get to where I want to go, it's going to take more than that. It's going to take more than standing idle, giving in to others, staying quiet, and keeping calm waters. My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to find strength in my trembling voice, my opinions, and to take foothold in what I stand for. Wow, I can relate to that. To uphold my own expectations, boundaries, and self-respect. Oh no, I see the word boundaries,
Starting point is 01:53:16 I think mental health issues. Oh no. To uphold my own expectations, boundaries, and self-respect, even in the face of those who don't agree. To take ownership and pride in my thoughts, my talent, God-given gifts, and my flaws. To honor them as they are, and to magnify them for myself and the greater good. Not just one or the other. To seek peace, but always be ready to go to war.
Starting point is 01:53:42 Damn. How do people write this much on instagram okay let's go back to looking at pictures of her body i don't see a picture of uh um colton merton's on here oh yeah she has a crazy ass wow yeah that thing's nuts that thing's Oh shit, her bathing suit's falling off. She loves the beach. She loves the pool. Who doesn't? fitness and business mindset founder and chief operations officer of fulverine swolverine uh founder and head coach of the swole kitchen let's go over there oh wow all right She's in it. She's fully immersed.
Starting point is 01:54:50 Hey, anything that's good enough for Colton is good enough for me. Clock. A non-binary transgender, whatever that means. Non-binary transgender. A non-binary transgender, whatever that means. Non-binary transgender. That means you're one sex, but you want to be the other sex, but you have no sexual preference.
Starting point is 01:55:17 And who, whether you have cock or vagina in your face. I think that's what that means. I think non-binary refers to like, whose genitalia you want to sniff, and transgender is your own, I think. Whatever that means exactly, who's a female, just won the 1500 meter national title. Why would you even need to tell someone you're non-binary? You can't be non-binary transgender, can you? Because you're already infatuated with your sex and then you're saying you're not a sex. Anyway, just won the 15 meter national title, Nikki Hiltz she's delaying hormone treatment still competing against women wow are you fucking
Starting point is 01:55:50 kidding me hey um what are you guys gonna do when you see a man breastfeeding that's just just straight open pedophilia isn't? Having, forcing a child to suck on a man's nipple? Can someone convince me otherwise of that? What's the function of that? Oh shit, this, hey, dude, this Nikki Hiltz went to fucking the high school right around the corner from my house. Aptos High School. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Listen to this. Listen to this. This is going to fucking trip you out. Listen to this. Ready? Nikki Hiltz, a mid-distance runner from Aptos, California. Nikki Hiltz attended Aptos High School, where in 2012 they won the CIF California State Championship.
Starting point is 01:56:48 They? Wikipedia refers to Hiltz as a they? What the fuck is going on? Oh, 5'4". Wow. Wow. foot four wow wow yeah this is my whole this is uh california wow how confused is he or she it's it's a boy the dream season for nikki hills continue on saturday when the runner took first place in women's 1500 are Are you out of your fucking mind? This is a dude?
Starting point is 01:57:32 Are you sure this is a man? Maybe it's a woman competing with the women. Maybe it's a transgender. oh shit look at this chick in the background falling down that's awesome so is he I guess I need to type in is Nikki Hiltz a man or a woman Nikki Hiltz man or woman Hiltz is a biological female. Oh, no, it's a female. Okay, it's
Starting point is 01:58:12 a female competing against women. That's all that matters, right? Hiltz is a biological female. Who gives a fuck what she identifies as then that's just bullshit that's just nonsense it's just made up shit right oh yeah yeah yeah listen rambler all these conservative fuckers, they would fucking – they bang trannies for sure. They go to Thailand and bang trannies. All the – if you listen to people talk about what being a tranny is and transhumanism and all the fake tits and fake lips and all that fake shit, dude, that's steeped deep in Los Angeles culture. in Los Angeles culture those men are already those straight men are already steeped in that shit
Starting point is 01:59:08 I haven't even begun to talk to you guys about that I know you guys know how I feel about that but all that fake shit is all that's why those dudes are so afraid of trannies and shit like that and gay people it's all some sort of fucking weird shit uh chest uh feeding and pedophilia seven you are right and any rational person knows this but truth has little to do with the law and how current authorities apply it yeah i don't get how you can allow a baby to suck on a man's uh breast i don't get it i don't i don't get how any of my
Starting point is 01:59:46 democrat friends are um i don't get any of that how you're part of that team anymore what are you going to do what am i going to do when i see that at the local coffee shop where's my values and my morals and my and my what do i stand for you know what I'm going to do, David? I'm going to call the cops. Where's David? David, when I see a man breastfeeding at the local coffee shop, I'm going to call the cops. I'm going to be like, hey, I see a guy here forcing a pedophile here.
Starting point is 02:00:19 I think I'm going to do it and just see what happens. And then they're going to show up and I'm going to be like, hey, that dude and that kid over there having sexual relations here's the thing i don't mean to be as a man and and maybe i'm just um i don't know maybe something's wrong with me i'm open to that but i can just look at boobs but if i touch boobs or put them close to my face, I get sexually aroused. And I like boobs as a garnish for sexual play, a kutramah. Thank you, Philip. Yeah. I love some titties.
Starting point is 02:01:03 I love putting them together. I love squeezing them. I like touching the nipple. I like just the boobs. I just like the boobs. And there's no – oh, you too, Jan? Okay. And like just seeing them and smelling them and listening to them. And I like all the things about them.
Starting point is 02:01:28 And their practical value is tools for feeding as a man were for feeding me and for feeding my offspring. spring but if you're a guy and but at no at no time did i ever have i ever wanted anyone to suck on my nipples it just it seems um and i've never and i've and i've spoke to a lot of guys and i'm and i have some pretty open conversations with people and at no time can i ever remember guys um really i can't remember one i mean guys like they're people some fucking weirdo guys like girls to touch their balls and juggle their balls and shit. But I don't know. I can't think of one guy.
Starting point is 02:02:29 Oh, my God. I love it when a girl sucks on my nipple. My boobs are good. No, not my nipples. I don't want mine pinched. Yeah, living on the edge. A little foreplay. Yeah, I live on the edge a little bit.
Starting point is 02:02:45 I have foreplay for a few seconds if i can get to the business yeah it i any way i slice it up for a dude it's just straight pedophilia it's some sort of perversion now we're not equal men cannot men are not equal to women and nor should they be. And obviously there's practical concerns also of the six medications that men need to take to induce liquid to pour. I don't even want to call it lactating, but liquid to come from their nipples. One of them has been advised from female mothers not to take while breastfeeding because it will harm the baby. And yet they're saying, the CDC website's saying men should take that shit. This one's going to take me a while to get over.
Starting point is 02:03:33 No. No thumb in the butt. Nope. I don't want anything touched. Like, there's a demarcation line at the root of my penis. Don't go further south than that. Not to the balls, nothing. As a former police trainer, I remember when trans advocates were called into our academy to educate us.
Starting point is 02:03:55 They had a disdain for us and were offended when questions were asked or when challenged. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this. It's insane that we have to talk about this. We can only control yourself and your family, take care of your own. I hear you, but is that a paradox of what you're saying? I understand that, but where do you draw the line? You're openly seeing a kid being molested in public. What would it take for you to insert on a kid being molested in public? That's what it is. It's molestation, right?
Starting point is 02:04:36 Or is it not? I can't even read that comment. I mean, at some point, I'll tell you what happened one time I was at I was at a supermarket with my mom in Benicia, California and we came out of the market and there was a kid there collecting carts
Starting point is 02:04:58 and my mom and I were getting into our car and as my mom hands off her cart to this kid another kid starts talking shit to him they obviously had a beef and the kid's just trying to do his job and collect the shopping carts and the other kid's like fucking with him kicking over carts and being really aggressive and wanting to fight challenge him and i'm just sitting there like with my mouth closed just watching i was probably 25 and my mom starts yelling at the kid who's being aggressive to the other kid. The other kid's just trying to do his job, get the carts and go inside.
Starting point is 02:05:30 They clearly had some history. But my mom felt compelled to stand up for that other kid. The kid who was doing his job and trying to collect the carts. I don't know what the backstory was, so I don't know whose fault it was. But that kid was definitely not the aggressor then he he looked actually a little scared no i didn't call the cops this is pre-cell phone but nice try i need a dick in me you need a dick in your mom anyway um you know it's uh anyway at what point do you um at what point do you step in and protect some random kid and it's not like you can only control
Starting point is 02:06:13 your own All right. I don't think there's a show tonight. Let me see. I think the schedule is about to get crazy. Tomorrow, Henrik Hapalainen. His name's been butchered a thousand times on the show. Wednesday, Bethany Shadburn. Making a comeback this year.
Starting point is 02:06:51 That's exciting. Wednesday, no, sorry, Thursday, Jay Cooey. Works over at, he's a PhD, and he works over at Robert F. Kennedy's Children's – what's it called? The Children's Fund? Robert F.K. Children's? What's the – let me see this real quick. Let me figure this out. Jay Cooey. Okay. children's health defense fund science advisor JQ Cooley that should be fun right Science advisor J.K. Cooley.
Starting point is 02:07:49 That should be fun, right? Will you tell her you love her head size? I'll be careful about it. I won't be as cavalier as... I won't make it a comedy bit. Well, maybe. I don't know. I don't know what I'm going to say to her. Okay, so where were we? Jay Cooey, and then at 11 a.m. is...
Starting point is 02:08:16 Oh, shit, there's three shows that day. Then at 11 a.m., there's Taylor and JR's programming show, Scribble Up, Scribble It Up, with Will Branstetter, pretending to be the host and then in the evening is hibble luller uh productions flat earth flat earth uh shit in the evening wow that's awesome and then thursday there's nothing scheduled or friday there's nothing scheduled except the crossfit games update show i thought that um i thought the taylor Taylor and JR show was on Wednesdays.
Starting point is 02:08:51 I always think that, I think. We need more people scheduled. We need something scheduled for Friday morning. I'm going to tell Sousa that right now. I thought the schedule was supposed to be like Crazy Fool. Let's call Sousa. Fuck it. Let's see where he's at.
Starting point is 02:09:12 Might as well have the phone working, right? Okay. 9-2-5-6-8. Okay, here we go. six, eight. Okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:09:30 I'm going to, so please rapid fire these CrossFit athlete interviews for us. I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I'm going to, I'm going to try to do like two to four every day, like 45 minutes long, except people like Shadburn. I'll give the full hour and a half to, because I've never interviewed her before.
Starting point is 02:09:44 But like, if you've been on here before, it's just in and out. Bam, bam. Thank you, ma'am. Bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang. That's it. I'm done with you. Hey, what's up, Patrick Villan? How are you? Good? Good. You reached Matt. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks. Have a great day. Tell me what to do. I'll have a good day or a bad day, whatever I want.
Starting point is 02:10:02 At the tone, please record your message. When you've finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options. Hey, Sousa, I never leave messages for people. Okay. Thursday. Okay, this shows – Katrin. Yeah, we're's through. Katrin. Yeah, we could try to get Katrin. We're trying to get Katrin. Try to get everyone.
Starting point is 02:10:29 I'm gonna... Here's the thing. Every single fucking games athlete's gonna be invited on the show between now and the games. Every single one. Every single one. Oh, man. Okay, guys.
Starting point is 02:10:56 Have a good day. I haven't told anyone this, but I keep wanting to do just a late night show with Hiller. But every time it gets late, I start to get tired. Start playing with my kids. But maybe one of those will pop up this week. Need to hang out with that dude. Oh, yeah, Laura Horvat. I've invited her twice in the last couple months.
Starting point is 02:11:19 No response. I even sent Ben Smith a... I even sent Ben Smith a, um, I even sent, um, Ben Smith a text asking if he would come on and pretend like he's Laura or should I call Ben on the live line just right now? I don't want to piss him off. I don't know what kind of sense of humor people have. I could, I could just, um, no, no. Horvath is really hard to like. Really? No, no. She's cool. She's cool.
Starting point is 02:12:01 Yeah. I'm going to ask all those people, Laura, Katrin. I've already, I've already invited 30 on. 30 of the 80 athletes. How many are there? 80? 30 of the 80 athletes have received some sort of invitation. And tonight I'll do, by the end of tonight it'll be 40. I'm just going down the list from the leaderboard.
Starting point is 02:12:25 Brian Friend. We'll invite him on too. He's a standing. Ben Smith would be nice on the show during games week. Should I call him now though is the question. Oh, call Brian now? Remember he had a fucking temper tantrum one time when I called him yeah we can get Jake Douglas to you we can invite him
Starting point is 02:12:50 I'll invite Tia on too yeah good point Adam Clink I don't know about Adam I need to have Adam Clink on I don't know if this week's before the games is the call call Ben okay fuck it let's do it just fucking do it
Starting point is 02:13:10 don't be a pussy oh here we go hey hey yo I'm gonna call Ben Smith on air live yeah Hey. Yo. I'm going to call Ben Smith. On air? Live?
Starting point is 02:13:27 Yeah. Okay, cool. Is that weird? Is it weird? No. What are you going to ask him? Hi, how are you doing? Do you think Laura could come on? Can you come on sometime? Can I?
Starting point is 02:13:45 Perfect. Ask him if he could come on on maybe Friday morning. Okay. Oh, that's what I was calling you about, Friday morning. Okay, cool. Okay.
Starting point is 02:13:54 Yeah, tomorrow morning is open too. Do you want to do a live call-in show? Or do you want to just wait? Oh, maybe. Okay, I'll ask Ben if he wants to come on tomorrow morning. Yeah, because we have that... I forget the dude's name.
Starting point is 02:14:09 Henrik? Oh, yeah, we have Henrik. We have Henrik. Yeah, he's tomorrow. Oh. Anthony Shaburn. So then we don't have tomorrow morning open. Well, we do.
Starting point is 02:14:19 He's an evening show. He's the oddball slot at 5.30 p.m. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I'm glad you said that to me. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I'm glad you said that to me. Oh, shit. I'm different. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:14:31 Do we need to move? No, I just need to tell my wife. That's Tuesday? Yeah, tomorrow. I need to tell my wife and my mom I can't do the kids tomorrow night. Shit. That's good. The sacrifices I make.
Starting point is 02:14:44 The sacrifices. kids tomorrow night shit that's good now the sacrifices i make the sacrifices and if you want you could ask bet if he wants tomorrow 7 a.m or wednesday 8 a.m if you want to have him on before bethany shabbert or flores i think it's her last name now she got married oh say that oh i think i'm going to give bethany the whole hour and a half i should oh yeah but she said she has to leave early well she's got it she's got an hour okay i'm gonna ask ben i'm gonna ask ben to come up what are the choices for i'm gonna write it down friday it's tomorrow morning or friday morning 7 a.m okay and then after that the following week starting on sunday is when it'll probably start picking up.
Starting point is 02:15:26 Because we already got a bunch of these athletes laid down, and I got a bunch more that are right about to be scheduled. We just went through all the Euros first, so we have all these weird time zones that we're trying to navigate through. I didn't tell you this yet. For the CrossFit Games Update show this week, we got Sam Briggs coming on for 15 minutes. Oh, awesome. Yeah. Maybe she can help us out with uh mcquade too we'd love to get her on crossfit champ okay yeah all right call back i'm gonna turn it on and see how it goes okay okay thank you all right all right okay bye why is he why is susan laughing is it going to get weird? Let's see. I don't know if you're supposed to live call people. I'll just tell them right away, hey, we're on the air. Right? Here we go. Maybe I should put on my sunglasses.
Starting point is 02:16:21 Maybe I should put on my sunglasses. Ben Smith. Former CrossFit Games champion. I think right about now he's like regretting he gave me his phone number. Maybe he's listening your call has been forwarded to an automatic okay should I call Danielle Brannan and tell her that Matt Torres did a great job on the podcast?
Starting point is 02:17:10 Man, I have a lot of people's phone number in here. I'm old. Call Adrian Bosman. Call Dave. Why won't Dave come on the podcast anymore? I've invited him to come on every... It's coming from a random number, uh... So he won't pick up. Try him
Starting point is 02:17:30 from your phone. Oh, Sousa says. I know, but then will people be able to hear it? Oh, my mom said she'll help with the kids tomorrow night. That's good. Hmm. Okay, fine. Fuck it. I to try calling from my phone uh ben smith i can't can't i can't um roxanna's wonderful you should do a whole show where you just call people at random okay as soon as you put in a profile picture i will uh beast beatmaster jag so is dave avoiding the podcast to prevent
Starting point is 02:18:33 spoiler leakage for the games no i well i don't know i don't think so i i honestly don't know but here's what I think. I think that since he became in charge of the CrossFit Games, he's not sure what his next forward-facing move is going to be. That's what I think. So there's that. All right. I'll see you guys later.
Starting point is 02:19:13 Bye.

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