The Sevan Podcast - Everything You Need To Know About CA Peptides w/ Hiller #954

Episode Date: June 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply it is the absolute truth bam Bam, we're live. Sabir, Sevan pulling out, only out of your mom. Okay. There you go. Answer your question, Matt.
Starting point is 00:01:13 There it is. And thank you, Sabir, for that alley-oop. I appreciate it. I know you just threw that up so I could fucking reverse dunk on that shit. In the center of your screen is matt maldano that's right maldonado that's not his fault that's just that i'm not so good at reading i have bb pro bodybuilder yeah correct i've been pro the last couple years i won the uh usas in 2020 so i've been competing the last 10 years and here I am, man, still, still at it.
Starting point is 00:01:46 So can you tell Stefan what that means to be an IVFB pro bodybuilder? Well, the IFBB pro league is the top level of bodybuilding. The Mr. Olympia contest is sanctioned by the IFBB. So all the top physique athletes are in this organization. So be confused with other organizations. Arnold Schwarzenegger obviously won the Mr. Olympia seven times. He was an IFBB pro as well. So this is like the cream of the crop for bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Hey, congratulations. That's cool. Thank you, sir. You put your head down and made it to the top of your sport. Yeah, man. And it's obviously you guys know it's like a grind and a journey to get there and ups and downs and peaks and valleys and get discouraged when you get so close and it's not happening. But, I mean, finally it happened. And it's, yeah, it's a goal you're chasing for so long.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And to finally get there, it's like, man, what a feeling. But then you start at the bottom of the totem pole again. So, you know, as an amateur, I was always in my mind, okay, I'm top guy. Like, I'm in the, you know, compared with the best guys. And then you turn pro, and it's like, oh, man, you're back on the bottom. So it's another hill to climb for sure. You know, we had Tyson Bajan on here the other day. He's the kid who broke the NCAA all-time touchdown passing record.
Starting point is 00:03:07 You know, best quarterback, you know, ever at his high school. Best quarterback ever in Division II. Best quarterback ever at his college. Goes to the pros and he's like, yeah, dude, like no one even talks to you. He said you're in the room with all the other athletes and you're just the dude in the back taking notes. He said it's a trick. Everyone's weird at that level, man.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yeah. You know what? I was just thinking about your – this is off subject here, but one of the things I like to focus on on this show is the difference between men and women, that we are just totally, completely different. And the joke is that you just don't have women masturbating in public. It's not a crime you hear about, but there's just dudes who do it like constantly that's just something we're just different creatures and another thing is is like i bet you the vast majority of your the vast majority of followers for like danny spiegel i don't know if you know who that is but she's a an athlete in the sport of crossfit and she has like 1.8 million uh instagram followers or maybe more 2 million
Starting point is 00:04:01 and she posts just shit tons of thirst pics, right? Doesn't really have anything to do with her performance, but just shows the manifestation of what her body looks like because of all the hard work she puts in and dedication she puts in. So she's in all these weird poses so that people can look at her body. And so the majority of people who follow her, I'm assuming, are men. But that being said, don't forget, the majority of people probably following Maldonado are also probably men. And it's not just the fact that men are perving over girls.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's just that men are into bodies. We like to look at shit. We love to fucking look at shit. A man walks in the room, and you might think the first thing he looks around at is for pussy. No, the first thing he looks around at is to size up all the other dudes. Then it's to look at pussy. And so there's a – there's just this understanding you should just have of men. It's not good or it's not bad.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah, that's an incredible photo. Holy shit. Oh, thank you, man. Yeah, that was right after I turned pro right there. Yeah, it's the funny thing. Do you play any other sports, Matt? I played sports growing up. So, like, I played football.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I wrestled. I did a bunch of stuff. But, you know, when I got to the level where, you know, kind of like the quarterback, you know, you get to the next levels and it gets good. And I'm only like five, eight. So I'm not a big guy. So playing football at that level and you start playing the older big guys, you know, things hurt and your body kind of breaks down a bit. So when I got to that point, I always train and I was always into bodybuilding. So it was an easy transition for me to stay competitive in something um and still push myself so that's kind of how i transitioned over to to bodybuilding i just said okay let's put all my
Starting point is 00:05:34 focus into training and and building my physique and see how far i can take this uh pickleball oh sorry go ahead taylor can we kayla can i make you small, Caleb, in the four of us? Sorry. Thank you. Pickleball. Like a wizard. Make you small. Matt, how much do you weigh in that picture, the black and white one? What's that? I'm sorry?
Starting point is 00:05:57 How much do you weigh in that picture? I turned pro. I was a middleweight. I was 176 pounds. So at that point, I'm probably 10 pounds bigger, 15 pounds. Cause I was just a few days after the show. Okay. So, and then I, 230. How tall did you say you are? Five, eight. Yeah. About five, eight, maybe slightly taller. A couple, not an inch, but a couple of hairs.
Starting point is 00:06:23 And then, and then in that black and white photo how much did you say you weighed you weighed 186 that photo shoot was like a Tuesday after I turned pro I turned pro on a Saturday excuse me so I turned pro at 176 because it was a weight cap and so I'm probably about 10 pounds bigger they're rehydrated a bit and stuff wow 176 The morning of that weigh in for that show, I was 184. So I had to lose eight pounds that from, it was in Arizona, from California to Arizona to make the weight. So how is that? Is that absolutely horrible? Or is there like a balance where you're kind of like, well, this is kind of cool. Like you're motivated by seeing more like veins and striations. Yeah, for sure. But at that point there's like nothing really left to lose.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I mean, you're already starting to drop water and stuff. So it's like, okay, how am I going to make this weight? And, and you, you kind of like a fighter or a wrestler or something, you find the way to get that last bit of water off. But to be honest, you don't feel real well. You're, you're very weak and muscles cramp and stuff. But you make the weight and you make the adjustments. And it's kind of the part of the sport that no one really talks about, you know, having to go through certain things to get to a certain level. Certain things.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Correct. Which ones are those? Just like the extreme dieting? Extreme dieting, you know, the diuretic use to drop the water. It's like it's, you know, when you air tighten like a piece of chicken or something in the surround. That's exactly how I like to compare it because you're super lean going into the show. And then you're like, man, I look pretty good. And then you, you know, start the diuretics and,
Starting point is 00:08:06 and you wake up, you know, throughout the night and the next morning, it's like, Whoa, you start to see everything. And it's impressive and crazy to see, well, this is myself. But again, there's always a kind of a price to pay for it. So. Do you take a shot the second before you get on stage? A shot? No, some guys do that. I've never done that. I you take a shot the second before you get on stage a shot no some guys do that i've never done that i'll take a sometimes i'll take a viagra though uh yeah increases blood flow and and you know you get a little better pump and you know the veins come out a bit so it's kind of
Starting point is 00:08:37 one of the tricks there what would they what would they shoot themselves with before they go on the show? What would you do? Shot. Oh. Oh. That was my favorite part of college. I was drinking, and I didn't really drink very much. And I was also incredibly lean into bodybuilding. And I'd go, all right, here's the one shot. And then you just explode. You get super veiny.
Starting point is 00:08:59 You get super dehydrated. You get real veiny. Yeah, for sure. So the little tricks of the the sport man dang these pictures are crazy um there's something i wanted to start the show with and sorry this is totally off subject i i apologize uh matt um oh i i was i was watching there's a guy who runs the crossfit games his name is dave castro is Dave Castro. He just came back to work at CrossFit. There's something I wanted to share with you guys.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Back in the day, there were all these little whiny bitches who would complain that Dave released a bunch of shit on his Instagram. And that's for some reason that that wasn't professional. And they'd be like, I don't want to follow Dave. Why should I have to follow Dave to get the information? And you guys are such pussies. i cannot believe the bitches that you are in your total misunderstanding of how the world operates and then dave went away and you got no information and the grass wasn't greener on the other side and then you got fucking jack shit then you got no comms
Starting point is 00:10:03 zero now listen and no comms zero now listen and the comms you did get were just fucking diarrhea now listen Dave's back you can go over to his YouTube page he put up a video yesterday and I'm telling you his shit's gonna blow up now I can't wait now you guys gotta go back and be like and drink from the tit
Starting point is 00:10:19 again get back over there and why don't you first thing you do is apologize for the shit that you used to whine about you don't have to know what you have till it's gone assholes what say it again yeah you don't know what you have exactly you just make that up i like that exactly it's so it's so like that and then and then one of you jackasses the worst part about being on youtube is is it floods out all the retards. Not that there's a lot of them, but there's some.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Someone in the comments wrote, fascinating how Sevan's anti-vax has taken a bunch of peptides. First of all, I'm the furthest thing from anti-vax. Just because I don't want to take the measles vaccine because fucking no one's dying from it, but they tell you that they are. Or that the polio vaccine has killed more people than it's fucking saved it doesn't make me anti-vax it just makes me want to use the right medicine at the right time and i haven't taken any peptides yet and then there's no correlation between the aspects of what um vaccines do versus what peptides do it's like saying i can't believe someone eats steak when he doesn't want dick in his mouth it's like dude work on your fucking simile game his ass
Starting point is 00:11:26 punk ass bitch thing is they're gonna miss that right there and they're not gonna understand even if they did hear it they'd be like no it's a needle and it's the same yeah they're so dumb dude injecting my kids with so that they don't get a venereal disease two hours after they were born is different than me having a bicep issue and wanting to bring Matt Maldonado on to help me figure out what kind of peptides I can take to fix it. Fucking ding dong. Very different. Yeah. And I'm going to scratch the surface on both of them. Look at Jake Chapman's like, what the fuck's going on?
Starting point is 00:12:04 No one knows. No one knows. It's like it's like going on? No one knows. No one knows. It's like a Kanye song or Lil Wayne. No one knows. I just drank a bunch of cough syrup and here I am doing a show. He apologized to Matt. Look, the listeners are apologizing to you. Sorry, man.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I let myself into here, man. Yeah, welcome to the show. All right. I did. Andrew Hiller, congratulations on that video you put up. That was a really cool video. And I, and I have my, um, I have, uh, I got, I got my needles and I have my alcohol swabs. Oh shit. And so, and so not, not today because I, how long does it take Matt? Um, Andrew says something in his video
Starting point is 00:12:45 where you have the special bottle of water. Yeah, it's bacteria static water. So when people reconstitute peptides, it's important to use that, not just the regular water. People use sodium chloride sometimes too, but I think bacteria static water is the one to use. There's a benzoyl alcohol to preserve the peptide in there. So if you do use peptides or people use growth hormone, you always want to mix it with a bacteria static water.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Okay. And then Andrew shows in that video – let me see if I can find it here real quick – that you turn the – you take that special – what did you call it? Something static water? What did you call it? Bacterial static water. Backwater, yeah. Bacterial static water. Right. And you slowly drip it in there with where the BP-157 is. What I like to do is I'll shoot it.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And what's reconstitute mean? You're bringing it back to life. You're turning the powder into something that's injectable. Yeah, so when you have the peptide or whatever, it's just a powder. And then you have water. So you'll draw the water. Then you'll put it into the bottle of the powder. But what I like to do is I just kind of shoot it towards the side of the bottle and let it together because you could damage the the peptides so you just kind of let it uh slowly get into the um powder it'll mix on its own it might be a tad cloudy or a tad you know um you know it might see a little bit of powder but it'll it'll settle together um and that's the way to do it and then once you after mixed uh you want to keep it in your refrigerator too you don't want okay and and once you – after mixed, you want to keep it in your refrigerator too. You don't want to – Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:26 And Andrew talks about how you shouldn't fire it in there. Yeah. Is that really true? I was like – Dribble into it. For sure. Yeah, because they're very sensitive. They're very sensitive, correct.
Starting point is 00:14:39 So, yeah, you want to be very careful with the reconstitution of it. With what you said and what I said, we're one and the same. You do not want to hit it real hard with the water. Yeah, no way. Andrew's 100% correct. You might as well not use the peptide at that point. And he says you shouldn't shake it either. As Andrew's saying all this, so basically he takes this jar, a little tiny jar full of powder,
Starting point is 00:15:03 and then you slowly let this special water drip in there, and then you roll it. That's how you let it mix. And then you take out your little portion and you inject it, and then you put what's left over in the fridge. But what made me nervous about that is because it's so sensitive, how do I know that the powder in there isn't already damaged? Well, if you shook it, it's damaged. But if you're just moving it and you didn't drop it or anything. The bottles you've got, Sevan, the powder is going to be stuck to the bottom of the jar, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I noticed that. The powder is all adhered to the sides. They shoot a bunch of air in there, so it's compressed to the bottom. So as it's being shipped and transported and whatnot whatnot it's not flying around everywhere in the bottle it's also great for you to know whether or not it's black market crap because if you get your bottle and the powder is shifting around and matt you can tell me if i'm way off if you look at the bottle and it's not packed to the bottom you know that it probably wasn't produced the right way hey i listened to five
Starting point is 00:16:05 peptide videos with doctors and shit last night and i still i never heard that bit of information we're already great you're absolutely right you're not allowed to talk about that so hillary's right on it man you get it showing up and you're looking at it like that it's probably all fucked up don't take it yeah you're seeing a lot of stuff come from like china or cheap stuff and uh it's it's not good stuff so people who are interested in using peptides be sure you know where you're getting them from uh judy reed this uh sounds like a show i watched on netflix on how to use crack thank you um because the and it is like that that's a that's a interesting hillary because i was wondering about that too
Starting point is 00:16:43 the the two little jars i have of bp157 it is all stuck to the side and it doesn't move. So that's a good sign. That means it's – you're saying the pressure in that jar has made it so that it can't bounce around in transit. Correct. Oh, sweet. Well, this show is over. There, we're already better than the other shows. Solved it in 16 minutes okay and and and so this is the part i'm really tripping on on what are peptides i watch these three shows and i still don't really understand what they are or five
Starting point is 00:17:18 shows whatever i watched last night but they have they they seem to. People are really into them. And they have something that's called regenerative properties? Correct. So basically peptides are just chains of amino acids linked together to do certain things. Naturally in our body, we have like 7,000 naturally occurring peptides. Obviously what we're injecting is synthesized in the lab. It's not natural um but when we you know use it on ourselves through subcutaneous injection or intramuscular injection you're basically just
Starting point is 00:17:51 signaling these natural peptides to do certain things or enhance the body's ability to do things so you're speaking uh bpc 157 that's a healing peptide you It can help regenerate ligaments, joints, muscles, wounds. That guy Andrew Huberman said he shot it into his fucking back. He said every time he stood up, he had back pain. He said he did two doses of BPC-157 in his back, and his back's better. I was like, holy shit. It's incredible. That was my intro to peptides was the first one I ever used was BP-157.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I was working with these chemists who kind of, you know, showed me peptides about five, six years ago. I was always having shoulder pain from training or something. They're like, try this out. And so I was in the lab with them and they, you know, mixed the BP-157 and put it right in my shoulder joint. And I swear within 15 minutes I could lift my arm again. You weren't nervous that they were going to inject you something that you were going to test positive for? shoulder joint and I swear within 15 minutes I can lift my arm again. Uh, I mean, that's not a,
Starting point is 00:18:45 you weren't nervous that they were going to inject you something that you were going to test positive for and you're, uh, you never, that's the risk you take. But that was a great joke. Asshole. I grinned. I worry. I'm a bodybuilder and I've, I've stuck some, some things in me that are normal. So as have the needles this big, let's do it so she said too
Starting point is 00:19:07 honey i have a tiny penis it's really not sex coming it's not that bad yeah it works your husband will never know hey did you check out the comment section on that video because in relation to what matcha said and what he you also heard on huberman the comment on that video is just littered with people talking the praises of the BPC 157 experience. It's kind of nuts. There's one up top. There's the next one, the first two. It's a lifesaver.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Let me read that one right there. Matt Craig, that guy wears a tie. And I know for a lot of people that matters. A BPC 157 is a lifesaver. I had a torn labral hip flexor that kept collapsing on me. Oh, my God. I couldn't train for 11 months and tried everything, including surgery, which only helped for two weeks before it collapsed again.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I tried BPC-157, and after four doses, it gave me enough stability to actually start my rehab, then Pilates, then eventually training again. Ten years later, and it's still stable and trained consistently. Please go to and get your Bpc 157 now code word seven i added that last part people he's not that guy's not selling by the way we're speaking of reconstituting ca peptides will provide the water to the correct bacteria static water dog i messed that up okay wait say that again i didn't follow that part matt i said speaking of reconstituting the peptides, CA peptides provides the bacteriostatic water, so you don't have to go searching for it.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Oh, right. So you get the water and the stuff. The only thing you don't get, you don't get the needles. Correct. What about a prolapsed anus? I'm asking for a friend. If my anus is hanging out of my butt, can some BP-157? Andrew, do you have any prolapsed anus i'm asking for a friend if my if my anus is hanging out of my butt can some bp 157 andrew do you have any prolapsed anus hey i mean i heard you can shoot it into your dick i don't know why the anus wouldn't be any different but i wouldn't do those two things don't not recommended i don't i don't even understand what that guy had a labral whatever but um dude wrong with her does literally you inject that in there? They, they can check a, do an MRI or an x-ray.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Then you inject that in there. And then a month later it actually looks like some shikru injection. Uh, it'll work a lot quicker, but it also, if you just get it in close or in the system, it'll, it'll find it. But, um, if you can actually hit the exact tendon, it'll work that much better. I know it's hard. Sometimes people have wrist injuries and how you're going to put a little needle in your wrist and stuff. But, uh, if you can find it.
Starting point is 00:21:34 If I live with Hiller, if Hiller lived close to me, I'd have him injecting me with all sorts of shit. It'd be the science experiment. Hey, totally off subject here. Could I inject my dog with that? Yeah. So actually when I was working with these lab guys, we had a dog with cancer and they used thymocyanalpha with them and to help
Starting point is 00:21:54 with his, you know, treatments and stuff. And it seemed to help for sure. The dog's now 57 years old. It's great. Yeah. It's the oldest living dog ever. I took BPC, Melissa Odear, just a normal hot chick listens to the show. I took BBC 157 TB.
Starting point is 00:22:15 What's that, TB? TB, another healing peptide. Is it slightly different than BPC 157? Slightly different, but, again, it's very similar. So actually the combination of the two, which the peptides has the combo of the two yeah that's my favorite one wow okay i took a bpc157 tb500 saved my lower back uh relieved my gut issues but did not work on my cervicals what cervicals is that something up here that's clavicles clavicles oh what are cervicals are those your testicles but girls version what are cervicals i would have to guess it's cervical
Starting point is 00:22:55 fine like maybe she had something wrong with her neck but that's the same wow hey and if it doesn't work it could also be you missed the spot right this stuff is really um i don't know if the right word is sensitive but it's relevant where you inject it right it'll work better for sure if you find the spot i'm not going to say it's not going to work if you have a shoulder joint issue and you put it in the delt like you'll still get the benefit of it and like melissa saying bpc is also great for for your gut health why why is that i think i think it enhances the microbiomes in the gut and uh we just i briefly mentioned thymocin alpha which is like a tb is thymocin beta thymocin alpha is is TA. That really enhances the microbiome in the gut and helps with immune function.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So yeah. Caleb, will you throw some of that in the card? I want to ask Matt something. I want to see what happens. You're telling me – look at all the people popping up in the comments saying this shit works. Yawn. Oh, for sure. I took BPC-157 to heal an MCL tear.
Starting point is 00:24:08 It's incredible. So you're telling me that someone could go here, buy this, it gets to their house in a week or whatever. Where do they get the needles from? Oh, you can use my name as a code. There you go. Oh, yeah. Free shipping.
Starting point is 00:24:27 By the way, I don't get a portion of that sale anyone i mean sarah takes really good uh care of me california peptides takes good care of me but i don't get a portion of that like she's just people to really you know do your research and read the studies and read the um the comments and what people are saying and how much it's helped them it's it's pretty remarkable what these things can do. And then where do I get the needles from? Because it's a different needle to reconstitute it? Yes, an insulin needle. They're over the counter.
Starting point is 00:24:58 They're not illegal to buy. You can get them from any pharmacy. They might limit the amount you can get um but you can get them on online uh amazon i think even sells them can i just go into san francisco and just walk around and pick them up off the ground they're everywhere absolutely you just gotta wipe it off like their shirts can i go into any major city matt in the united states that's run by democrats and uh and just pick up my own needles sure you could find some man that's why by Democrats and just pick up my own needles? Sure, you can find some, man. That's why I vote Democrat.
Starting point is 00:25:28 That's why I vote Democrat. Holy shit. Yes, for sure. Amazon. Amazon. Make sure that you're using an insulin needle. Yeah, this is like perfect what you just pulled up, a 30-gauge, one-milliliter needle. Don't use the big, long ones or anything guys in 27 that thing's
Starting point is 00:25:48 gonna be like a dart man so use the the thought the thin small needles for sure because a lot of these injections are just under the skin so but that's not the needle though they keep using the word reconstitute because they're smarty pants so i'm going to change the word to that's not the needle you use to mix it with the water you have to use a different needle or can you also use that needle if you're in a patch yeah the water it's just water it's not like oil or anything so it'll go in the syringe pretty well um but you'll want to find one that's probably 100 units because you'll want to reconstitute with the milliliter of water in my video i cover that like you could throw in through these needles it just takes longer the thing about the thicker needle is that there's usually more liquid that you can hold in the
Starting point is 00:26:28 and it makes it easier to grab all that water and throw it into the bottle of bpc or whatever you're using now this is illegal um uh um uh if rich froney were in the games this year which he's not and he were to take this and got tested, this would be illegal? He would pop for this? Yeah, I think WADA and USADA have banned certain peptides. 2020. Not because they're performance enhancing, just because of their structure, I think. Hey, Matt, what's the half-life on this stuff?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Say that again, Hiller. I cut you off. What is the half-life on this stuff? Say that again, Hiller. I cut you off. What is the half-life on this stuff? Very short half-lives, which is kind of a good thing because some are like four hours. So that means that if they drug test you about five days out, you're good. So we're talking about getting around the system a bit. Yeah, for sure. Science. It's science, Matt.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It's science. It's science. It's all science. Is that the same for all of them or do they have listen i ejaculated in my boyfriend's mouth and i'm concerned he's going to test positive he's a game i'm concerned i think you're safe of using it a week or two weeks before your test i don't want to tell you that because what if for some reason you it's lingering but a loaded question because over here uh what do you got there jay is that the half 30 minutes yeah some are are tiny yeah some are super short but the good thing about that is if you have a side effect from from one of them for whatever
Starting point is 00:27:56 reason which is very very rare uh it'll go away very quickly it's not going to stay in the system the thing about the peptides they're very tissue-specific. Or if we took like a medicine or a hormone or something, it has kind of like a systemic – you'll feel it systemically. Peptides are very isolated and tissue-specific. And they're also very small molecules. So like the cognitive function peptides pass the blood brain barrier very easily um so you get you know the cognitive ones work extremely well for adhd or uh we've used them successfully with uh early uh dementia and and alzheimer's so oh these are all the people who've tested positive at the crossfit games? CrossFitters? Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I don't think it's got all of them, but it's got most of them. Oh, there's my boy, Nicholas Joyel. What's up, dude? What do they say what they're testing for? They do. That's why I brought it up, because I'm going to tell you, there's not one peptide on this list. No.
Starting point is 00:28:58 A lot of GW. Lots of GW. Lots of – There's mandrelone. There's anafar. There's terrain ball. There's all that stuff. Good the peptides why are there no peptides uh poor alexa hiller going on mel malana tan no don't go on that hiller do not go on that i do not approve of that you don't approve no is that the one that'll tan you up
Starting point is 00:29:25 correct it's cultural appropriation you're still you're not no dreadlocks no uh melatonin you were talking about uh sammy sosa bleaching his skin yesterday it's like completely inappropriate same but different um so in in all in all so going back i want to go back to this half-life thing basically what your half-life is is the short way of saying how long is it in your system that it can be tested for and what you're saying is is these pass through your your system pretty damn fast how's the testing done it for crossfit games they give you 24 hours notice i think you have to always tell them where they are and then they give you 24 hours notice i'd be interested to see if they're actually testing for
Starting point is 00:30:08 peptides to be honest that's also interesting because if you remember the balco scandal if you guys remember that from years ago with yeah they they couldn't test for these designer steroids because there was no test for them and they weren't looking for it that's why they were able to get get away with it for so long so totally off subject yeah they had a little whistle sorry to get off topic but they had a whistleblower who you know gave a sample of it to this lab and they were able to create the test for it and that's how they started catching them hmm what about this i want to come back to the testing thing in a second but what about this what about autism is there is there uh that's a fucking great question. Is there a lot of research on peptides and autism?
Starting point is 00:30:51 I know there's a lot with Alzheimer's and dementia and traumatic brain injuries. To be honest, I would have to look into it or talk to some guys about autism. I do not know that answer. To be honest, I would have to look into it or talk to some guys about autism. I do not know that answer. What about just being a dork? I have this friend, John Young. He is such a dork. It'll help him out. Increase the testosterone, man.
Starting point is 00:31:15 He'll be a very confident guy. He won't be a dork anymore. His testosterone is through the roof, I think. He's good. He's a dork. He's a good guy. He's a religious guy. He probably doesn't masturbate enough. That's the problem. John Young young oh yeah you're right thank you you like that's a clinical assessment um
Starting point is 00:31:33 uh so but what about that we we actually do is is crass or as ridiculous as it sounds we have had a handful of athletes i feel say that they were kissing their boyfriend or or going down on them yeah i've heard that so so what about um peptides being trans like if i shoot bpc and then i'm with my girlfriend is there a chance and then she has a test the next day i don't think that's gonna pass to pass to you but if you get caught and that's a good excuse for sure. Okay, that's what Hiller thinks too. Hiller thinks it's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yeah, I would agree. Well, it could possibly happen, but what's the likelihood? Well, Emily Abbott said it was sublingual what her boyfriend was taking and she was kissing him. That one's kind of plausible, right? Yeah, like in theory, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:32:24 But did he have it in his mouth and all over his lips when she's making out with him yeah she like he like spits in her mouth they're like related to that matt matt did you hear but did you hear about the guy who um was using testosterone cream and uh he was holding his baby a lot and he ended up having pubic hair and a huge dick at two years old. You know that's true, right? I mean, I didn't see the kid. Yeah, you can look that up.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I didn't hear the end part of the story, but I know for sure. It says he has a huge cock and he has pubic hair at two. And he's fucking jacked, a two-year-old boy. Remember that little Hercules kid from 20 years ago or whatever? Yeah. Oh, yeah. But no, for sure, if it's on your skin, it's going to pass germally and you're holding your baby and you just applied it, for sure it'll pass to someone else.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So guys who are afraid of injection and want to use the creams, that's something you got to be aware of. Okay, here we go. A two-year-old showed signs of puberty after he was exposed to his dad's testosterone gel. He developed pubic hair and his height was off the charts. But if you keep going, it says his dong is bigger in there too. It shows it in the silhouette. You can see it there.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Let me see. Toddled developed sizable penis. Oh, my gosh. That's incredible. That's insane. Hey, this is totally off subject, but I have a friend who has a kid, and the kid has a man penis. And I would just love to go into a locker room with him somewhere.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Seven, his penis is bigger than most men's penis. It would be fucking awesome to see him just walk around in there and just fuck dudes up. Swinging him around. Yeah and just fuck dudes up dude it's a fucking it's a fucking it's a he the kid has a fucking four and a half inch flaccid penis it's fucking like two fucking lifesaver fucking. It's like, holy shit. Like you realize, oh, the world is unfair. The DEI department would fucking get rid of him in a second. It's totally unfair what he's packing.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Eaton Bieber, I have a mouthful on this topic. Is that an inappropriate statement? No. This statement, yes. The one I think he's referring to, no. Let's go somewhere bad for a second, Matt. Are there any of these that – can we look at the peptides? Are there any that like you would stay away from?
Starting point is 00:34:55 You're like, ooh, that one. Yeah, so like if you have a history of cancer, you have tumors or something, I would for sure stay away from anything that's a growth factor. So like ipamoralin or the tesamoralalin or the GHRPs or any of that, anything that's a growth factor. Uh, and you, if you have tumors, it could potentially grow tumors if you have them already. Um, so if, if you're concerned about that, I would for sure stay away from, from something like that. Um, and then, uh, certain ones too, like epitalin, it's up a little more, that's like then uh certain ones too like epitalin it's up a little more that's like uh lengthens the telomeres which is the strands on the end of dna to kind of reverse your biological
Starting point is 00:35:31 age that's one you you wouldn't use constantly that's like a once a year thing um and so you only use a bottle uh i think that's 50 milligrams you'd probably use up to 50 milligrams one time a year maybe twice a year and then take the rest of the year off. What is that one for? It lengthens the telomeres, which is like at the end of the year, it kind of looks like shoelaces. So as we age, those telomeres shorten. And supposedly the belief is that those telomeres will eventually fall off
Starting point is 00:36:04 and your fucking DNA unravels and it's falling off the DNA and you're toast. For sure. And then that's really when you get the bad signs of aging. So this kind of lengthens them and kind of restarts that biological clock. I guarantee you that Brian Johnson guy uses this shit. Oh, the guy who's spending millions of dollars to stay alive forever? Yep. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:36:28 He looks like dog shit. So epitalin is not something you're going to feel or think like, oh, this stuff's really working. It's more of a long-term approach. A little off-subject here, but Hiller, I have a theory why that guy looks like dog shit. Do you know who we're talking about, Matt? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Brian Johnson. This guy is worth like $800 million, and he's trying to live forever. And I watched a video on him, but one of the things he's staying away from is the sun. And it looks like it. Yeah, he looks like dog shit, and I would swear it's because he thinks the sun is evil. Oh, man. Oh, maybe something to it. Have you seen that picture of Elon Musk, these rich guys, man?
Starting point is 00:37:10 Have you seen him on his boat? He's like ghost white, like almost transparent looking. Like it's incredible. And I'm a good company then. Yeah. You're ahead of the game, man. Austin Hartman said I would do great Navy bootcamp. Lots of dong.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I know that's the, that's the sucks that I never played sports. I didn't get any of that. Good listeners, man. I like to be honest. They just know me. My favorite part about this jackass is he's on TRT.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Like you're doing all this stuff to try to get as young as possible. Look at this creepy ass family photo. He's got that one with Joe Biden. Joe Biden. Yeah. But using testosterone and anabolics ages you. It just does. And he's trying to be as young as possible.
Starting point is 00:37:56 He's a freaking idiot. That's his dad? Yeah. Crazy. Is that the next latest boy band to come out? Well, then it's not creepy I take it back I didn't know it was an album cover
Starting point is 00:38:09 hey that guy that guy said he's always hungry looks like it because of how little he eats he said he's always hungry sounds like a freaking awesome life man yeah interesting okay
Starting point is 00:38:26 where does he live is he European he looks Euro as fuck right he's in LA I think I got the impression he's in LA yeah of course look at this let me see that family photo the DEI photo yeah
Starting point is 00:38:41 and then let's go to this photo of him showering clearly dei photo yeah and then let's go to this photo of him showering clearly oh that's someone at a what does anti-aging look like when you have a few more years of extra life for starters a deep appreciation to be alive oh it's some sort of retirement house all right uh better before we did any of that crap david weed uh brian johnson is a fucking weirdo he's just committed and right now eccentric people are weird aren't they yeah but you ask yourself why he's doing it does he actually think it's i don't know yeah what about what about um uh i heard you should only the peptides you should only be on them for eight weeks and then you should take a break and another thing yeah certain ones not all of them yeah not all of them some you can use
Starting point is 00:39:34 all the time but it's like anything why use something if it's dependent or you can use it all the time yeah i would for sure uh cycle them and and then another thing one guy was saying that I thought was pretty stupid is you should – when you go into it, you should try to increase your awareness of the effects it's having on you and when the effects wane, stop using it and take a break from it when it stops. from it when you stop some of them you can kind of desensitize to so for sure if you're not getting the same effect from a certain one at the same dosage and you have to keep going more and more to kind of feel it that's probably a good sign to to come off and cycle off um but some of them like the glps and stuff you kind of start on the low dose and taper up uh, it kind of just depends on what you're using. What's GLP? GLP. So it's, uh, uh, like the semaglutide, the, the ozempic, the, that stuff that's, you know, kind of a buzzword these days and you start on a very low dose of that to build tolerance because, uh, one of the side effects of that one that people have experienced, Not everyone, but it's nausea or stomach issues a bit.
Starting point is 00:40:49 So you kind of start slow and build your way up. Basically through that slowed gastric emptying, huh? Yeah. So GLP – Say again, I'm sorry? Just blood sugar control and insulin release. That's what it's designed for is people with high A1C and stuff. So it's going to increase ghrelin, which is like the hunger hormone.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Or just don't eat sugar, you freaking idiots. Yeah, that'll work too. But do people have that kind of self-control? I don't know, man. I know some. I've made a video on this, and I've worked with people who have used this. And the best thing I can say in favor of it is that it teaches you how little you actually need to eat. True.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Because after going through this and seeing they're like, hey, I'm going to vomit if I eat this. And then they survive that way for a period of time. It reminds me of wrestling and what you were talking about with bodybuilding and the shows you would lead up to. When you go through that sort of a diet, you realize you don't really need that much and almost everything extra is that it's a surplus yeah 100 you're 100 correct uh you're doing no sugar right now i am yeah how's that going pretty good i don't know how uh has it affected your training at all he doesn't train seven i did this workout you should do it i'm not working out today i got videos i worked out this morning yeah but you notice a difference yeah if i were trying to be a competitor
Starting point is 00:42:21 yeah there's a window of time where you'll get there and everything just slows down like you need you're out of gas yeah because even in my diets and stuff i'm getting close to the show obviously the carbohydrates are very low uh you you definitely feel the effect of not having that burst of energy in your training and stuff you run out of gas not two hours in but one hour in yeah a couple A couple sets in, like, God, this sucks. You lose a pump fast. Matt, where do you work out? I work out everywhere. I live in Orange County down here in California, so I bounce around.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I trained at Fit Nation Gym in Norwalk for a long time. I went to Dave Fisher's Powerhouse in Torrance for a long time. That's where I did a lot of my training for my shows. But now I'm more South County, so I just kind of bounce around in what environment I like these days. So I like the kind of hardcore bodybuilding gyms and that kind of environment. The, the P you, you go by people or equipment or temperature. Man, like gym culture these days. I mean, I don't know if you guys experienced it that much but it's like uh instagram and so all these kids come in with the phones and the tripods and
Starting point is 00:43:29 bullshit around machines too much and it's like you're obviously i'm not just there to exercise i'm there to for my training so when that's around it's kind of irritating and stuff so i i like to try and find the gyms where it's like-minded people and everyone's there for a purpose and a goal people come in with the trot you've seen someone come into the gym with a tripod oh my god i'm like no one cares about your shitty form 20 pound incline press or whatever you're doing it's like oh my you don't know about this holy shit they just built a gym out out here by me that's all set up for it. It has all the nice lighting. The whole gym's painted black. It's like one big studio. So when you go in there,
Starting point is 00:44:09 they have editors and shit. So you could go in there and do your stuff, have somebody else film you, they'd chop it up for you and stuff. Are you fucking kidding me? No. The membership is through the roof
Starting point is 00:44:20 because it's so expensive because the equipment is top of the line. Yeah, it's called The Lab out here in San Ramon. Let me all my tripod really quick wait a second so like hey i could understand i could understand if me and you are going to gym together and you're going to set some bench press record for yourself a pr and you want to put it on your instagram and you're like hey seven will you film this while i will i bench this i'll be like sure or hey i'm going to go for a fucking max pull-up or some shit like that or i'm gonna i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a posing routine i want to
Starting point is 00:44:48 look at later for sure can you film it but a fucking tripod seems a little fucking excessive it's crazy man i can't believe it you're telling me it's a gym editing suite so you film yourself and then they cut you like a reel when you leave while you're showering they cut you a reel and you pick it up on the way out they airdrop it to you that's actually freaking cool if you ask me it's actually a really good idea oh this is a shitty picture but that's basically what it looks like oh is there new culture i'll stop no it's a new gym that opened up i know the dude who uh owns it good dude good dude but um yeah so it's set up specifically so that way all the lighting is correct and everything else.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And that's what it's for. You go in there to like make content. He's probably killing it, man. That's how the people are, man. Yeah, yeah. Smart guy. 200 plus membership. Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Matt, how much winging it is there when you work out? Like when I work out, I just fucking wing it. I have a plan going in. Usually like I'll know exactly in my head what I want to do. Set wise rep wise, which direction I want to go. But sometimes, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:54 if you're in these gyms where these kids are and stuff, you got to kind of improvise. So that's the only time I'm really winning it. But I always have a set thing in my mind. Okay. This is what I want to do today. This is what I want to accomplish. This is the weight I to accomplish this is the weight i want to get to this is what i have to beat uh i'm pretty precise when it comes to that are there any movements you love and you just have to
Starting point is 00:46:13 tell like that you will not do fucking pull-ups or lat pull-downs you will not you'll leave your lats alone for days are any movements where you have to like dude do not fucking work that body part again but you just love the movement no i love I love all kinds of stuff. I love deadlifts. Uh, but as I'm getting older, they're not as fun as they used to be, you know, right. And stuff. And, and, uh, you got to train a lot smarter. I don't train now like I did in my twenties. So, um, but now it's, of course I still want to build muscle, but it's maintaining it and the quality and preventing injuries. But I still like to lift heavy. I mean, I was doing incline press with 315 yesterday for reps.
Starting point is 00:46:53 So I still have some of the strength there, but I'm not doing two-rep stuff or one-rep maxes or anything. I can tell you last time I took a max on something. What about – we had Jen Thompson on. She's the 50- 50 year old lady. Who's the, you know, bench press record. She has 75 or something crazy world records. Um, and her magic number is five. She's always been a, do you have a number that's like, yeah, for like hypertrophy, it's
Starting point is 00:47:18 like 10 to 12 usually, but I'll go down to eight sometimes. Sometimes I'll do, you know, working with my trainer sometimes at the end of the workout, we'll get, we'll do a you know, working with my trainer. Sometimes at the end of the workout, we'll do 100 rep sets or something crazy he designs. So a lot of my training, we did a lot of – it's called giant sets. It's like if you've heard of a superset, it's two exercises back-to-back. Well, these are giant sets. It's anything more than four or five from different angles, different tempos, different speeds, all for the same muscle group just from different, you know, parts of it.
Starting point is 00:47:44 So it's a big kind of like a circuit. So if you're doing 10 exercises of 10 reps a piece back to back, you know, it's a hundred reps set or we'll do like fast like circuit training too. Are you just, are you just going through them with no rest? Yeah. You're going back to back at each exercise, but again, it's some of the exercises will be like slow reps or like explosive reps or like eccentrically slow or a drop set. So it's a combo of different things. That's pretty tough stuff to do. Anyone who's experienced a giant set will know what I'm talking about,
Starting point is 00:48:16 but it's an incredible burn, and it's more mentally challenging than physically sometimes. But sorry to get off topic, but to answer your question, I typically go 10 to 12 rep range. Eaton Beaver, going back to the peptides, what about pill form? Yes, we're going to have these available in pills. For instance, the BPC. On the California peptides website, though, there will be pills? Eventually.
Starting point is 00:48:42 It's not quite there yet, but's the um the progress we're making but the bpc 157 uh from my understanding if you use it in pill form it'll be better for your gut health it might not work as well for the the ligaments and the joints and stuff um but the bpc 157 if you're having gut problems, I think it will be more effective taken by pill. Dana M., I have a bone spur. I was sorry. I got distracted by her horse. Her horse, yeah. Crazy horse.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yeah. I have a bone spur in my patellofemoral joint. Could this help? Possibly it could help with the inflammation around it. I believe bone spurs you have to, remove or have it right so it might help with the inflammation i don't know if it would help the actual bone spur uh steve cousins california hormones stop handing out trt no not at all yeah that's still available not at all um uh damn savvy you're just hating on caleb lately oh didn't you know it's uh it's crazy it's pride month and um ass pound caleb month it's it's crazy they just happen to coincide
Starting point is 00:49:53 hate on caleb what the fuck are you talking about i love caleb i talk non-stop i wanted to have the mr matt square to be bigger that's it you have to have thick skin to be in this business. Okay, what is this? Tell me. What is this one? I want to talk to Matt about this. Okay, I've tried this before. I mean, this is something, again, you won't want to use for a long period of time because you will grow muscle quicker than joints will want.
Starting point is 00:50:20 This one right here, counteracting myostat. And I read that, and I was thinking, Oh dear Lord. So I don't know what any of that is. You guys have to help. Yeah. Have you ever seen the picture of those cows or those bulls or those dogs that are extremely muscular? Everyone's like, Oh, they're just juiced up. That's not the case. They have a genetic deficiency where myostatin is inhibited.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Myostatin is something that we all produce. It limits growth. So these cows and these dogs don't have that gene, so they can almost grow like double muscle. So phallostatin is supposed to buffer that gene in humans. So when taken, so you can grow muscle quicker but again i've used it for sure you you you will grow but again the what i experienced from it after a while was okay now my my bicep tendons hurting my shoulders are hurting uh because you're able to grow muscle quicker than the joints and ligaments and that's like the purpose of the myostatin is to keep you from outgrowing the rest of your body. It is pretty incredible, especially if you sporadically or for a certain amount of time. It definitely works. That one should be injected into the penis for sure.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Absolutely. Hey, Matt, how do you know – because you take testosterone, right? You have to do steroid how can you tell like some people it was like someone sent me uh the the hottest girl in the world i know her by the way the most beautiful uh the chick with the greatest body who ever walked on planet earth she sent me a text the other day i think she was drunk and she said quit being a pussy with the peptides and just do some TRT. Yeah. That's not true, right? Peptides are good.
Starting point is 00:52:11 I'm not being a pussy if I don't do TRT. People think to combat low testosterone, you need to do testosterone replacement. That's not always the case. We have peptides for testosterone support. Basically, the testosterone support peptides are going to just signal your body to produce more of what it's producing. So if you're producing low testosterone, you take a testosterone support peptide, it'll stimulate the pituitary gland to release LH and FSH and restart to production of testosterone. Now, will you get to a level of synthetic? That remains to be seen, but it will definitely help you from where you're at. So you don't need to use TRT if you don't want to, but TRT is great too.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I have no issues with TRT at all. How do you know the peptides are working if you're taking stuff that's so much more powerful? I'm very calculated, and I've been using these anabolics for a long time, obviously, as a competitor. So I can understand when something's different or when something's changed because I can use, you know, the steroids for so long and see what's happening in my body. But when I add something else in and you start to see different changes, especially when competition time, when you're at a extremely, extremely low body fat and you can actually see the changes, then you know. Or you feel your training different or there's different indicators. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Austin Hartman, the gentleman earlier who was telling me I would enjoy being in the Navy because of all the dongs, he says he uses an 18-inch box and leans his iPhone on a barbell clip to record. That's some solid advice. Thank you, Austin. There you go. And that's in the shower. That's what he uses in the shower to record the dongs. Sorry, how many followers has that
Starting point is 00:53:49 yielded? I want to follow the followers. This is a question that I hear asked quite a bit. What's the half-life? Well, we answered that. And is the muscle sustained once you stop using it? That came up while we were talking about FST-344.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I think you can kind of bridge it off of the BPC one. You see the people who said that it healed something and it hasn't been an issue in a decade. If you build something and you maintain it, for sure you're going to be able to keep it. I have this way with these things
Starting point is 00:54:27 if um if you're a giant pussy and you've never pushed yourself and you haven't spent a lot of time digging in and you've never really expressed your true genetic potential and you take some of this stuff you're gonna get to that genetic potential really quick and maybe go a bit over the top and then you stop taking this stuff and then you're a giant pussy again and then you go all the way down here and then you're like oh i was off the stuff no shit but in all reality there are people out there who have done every bit of everything they can do and they're hanging out right there and then they introduce stuff and then they go above and they can hang out above their genetic potential 100 that's how i've always viewed antibiotics, peptides and everything.
Starting point is 00:55:07 So if you do throw on a bunch of muscle, you're taking something. You have to put in the effort and you have to make it, you know, part of your daily life. I mean, one of the old sayings in bodybuilding is like steroids don't grow muscle. They repair damage. You need to create that damage in training to have the steroids take effect. So I know a million guys, I'm sure you guys have seen it. They're all juiced up more than me and they look like nothing. It's because they're not putting in the effort or not putting in the,
Starting point is 00:55:35 the effort in their diet or their training or any of that stuff. So it's not a magic pill. You, you still need to do your part and provide that effort to really experience the benefit of it. Or really sports-specific athletes who take steroids. You just don't see their whole being change. What was that comment you pulled up? This is a compliment, I believe. You're saying this won't help.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Because I was basically saying that you're like already up there so you're not gonna see oh oh good okay sorry i'm so insecure i thought it was an insult uh eaton beaver seven i missed the first 15 minutes uh so not sure if you address this when are you going to stick yourself with the needle stop being a baby first of all i'm not a baby wow i'm not afraid of a fucking needle at all hey question soon soon i'm gonna do it soon i haven't figured out how i'm gonna do it and do Wow. I'm not afraid of a fucking needle at all. Hey, I have a question. Soon. I'm going to do it soon. I haven't figured out how I'm going to do it in here. Do it live on your podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Yeah, I'm going to probably just impromptu, probably later, maybe even later on today. I got, I got all this stuff out. It's really just a time thing. It's just,
Starting point is 00:56:37 I'm just, my days are just full. Go ahead. Azusa. Sorry. No, I played asked the question. He asked if it has a shelf life.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Like if you just bought it and I just stored it up here, how long would it actually be? If it's reconstituted, for sure, you're going to want to use that bottle fairly quick. You probably have a month or two, I would say. Do not leave it in like sunlight or heat because that will for sure damage the peptide. You might as well just throw it away at that point. But not reconstituted will last a little longer i i would still keep it in your fridge uh just to be safe but uh yeah if you got it use it don't let it uh sean um stop asking good questions people sean stop asking good questions
Starting point is 00:57:22 because i have my own questions uh sean asked what about for bulging lumbar disc would that help that's what hoover hooverman that's what my fellow gaucho from ucsb said he said he had a bulging disc and he shot it in there and the shit fucking got better yeah yeah it's a healing peptide bpc is body protective compound there you go so i mean yeah that's what it your body produces naturally so now we're just enhancing what your body's doing so for sure hey can i can i just take one of these needles and just shove it into my cheek right now so people know i'm not a pussy damn that's right in the neck man right in the neck everyone knows i'm a pussy stop saying that i'm a pussy. Stop saying that I'm a pussy. Of course I'm a pussy. You guys already know that. Hey, what about just taking one of these peptides? Let's say I'm just perfect.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I'm a 51-year-old, 5'5", little Armenian man. My life is perfect. But now I've been doing the research, and I just want to try something recreationally. I'm just like, well, I saw one on there. It's called um tesamorelin tesamorelin yes that's very similar the ipamorelin very similar uh it's a growth hormone releasing peptide uh obviously we know the benefits of growth hormone um so that's going to make your body produce uh more growth hormone naturally the cool thing about tesamorelin is in
Starting point is 00:58:45 some of the research it attacks uh visceral fat as well especially in the abdomen so um i would like to see some more of the studies but they say it's the closest thing to spot reduction body fat um that you can get and i and i also heard it does something to your brain yeah it'll enhance cognitive function for sure. Because like, again, I heard this guy saying it was crazy how, how different their brain feels.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Is that true? Small molecules. So they're easily passing the blood brain barrier. Yeah, for sure. You'll have some more mental clarity and stuff. For brain function, there's peptides for brain function.
Starting point is 00:59:25 You can't shoot that into your, you don't shoot that into your head. No, no, no. That's a good question. Hey, when you see the – excuse me. When you see the YouTube comments, how dumb some people are, like every question. There's no dumb questions. You have to be very clear on all this. There's no dumb questions. You have to be very clear on all this.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Another thing I heard, Matt and Andrew, is that you should take this stuff before you go to bed. The peptides are to be taken right before you go to bed. Is that true and why? Well, my opinion is that's when your body, when you're sleeping, releases a lot of their natural things anyway to repair or whatever. So if you're going to use it before bed why not enhance that uh that time where your body's naturally doing it anyway uh for instance if i'm using growth hormone i like to do it at at uh before bed as well or right when i wake up um i like to do certain things before bed maybe andrew has a different opinion but that's how i always like to do things no that's oh i don't i never like doing it around training however far removed so first thing in the morning or in the evening was just and it
Starting point is 01:00:30 became a scheduled thing which makes it easier yeah and and this ladies and gentlemen is why this is the greatest podcast in the world because audrey even the girls get in on the jokes on this show you are what you eat savannah thank you um so so in injury basically any injury you have this bpc 157 it's worth giving it a try that's you know people are utilizing uh and good reason, because it absolutely does help, uh, speed up the recovery process of injury, or like I said, even, uh, burns and, and wounds, it helps. Uh, so it's, it's very popular for a good reason. Uh, again, I would encourage people to, you know, do a little more research than we can provide just so you can kind of see on your own or hear people's, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:31 testimony about it. It's pretty remarkable what these things can do. I think that all peptides are going to be the future of medicine because of their powerful effects. Obviously, it's not at that point because people need to know how to monetize it. And I don't think you can trademark a peptide. It's just chains of amino acids. However, some peptides are now being FDA approved. So I think that's the trend we're seeing. But right now, look into certain peptides if you have certain ailments or certain things you want to enhance. It's fantastic for anti-aging. I'm ailments or certain things you want to enhance. It's fantastic for anti-aging.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I'm at the point now where I want to live a long time optimally. I don't want to just make it to 90 years old and stumble to the finish line. At 90, I still want to be able to move and active and walk around and be independent. And I think this is a good road to go down to get there. What about this one that's called – I don't know if it's even on the – Really quick. You said they are not able to be trademarked or branded or what is it? They're becoming FDA approved, but you can't really put a –
Starting point is 01:02:47 it's the reason you don't hear about them more because it's hard to turn them into a – what was the word you used? Turn them into a – you can't monetize them right now. You can't monetize them through the typical – Through Big Pharma and stuff. Yes, yes. So that's why they're over here.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Oh, that was a – sorry, let me just add this really quick, Matt. That was another thing that people kept saying over and over. The reason why you want to take peptides and not pharmaceutical drugs is because peptides address the issue and pharmaceutical drugs just address the symptoms. Exactly. That couldn't be put together any better. You're attacking the root cause of something with a peptideide and you're doing it through your body's own pathway. Uh, medicine attacks or treats symptoms. It's like a bandaid. Right. Why not get to the cause? I mean, I don't want to make claims or medical claims or anything, but I mean, I've seen cancer
Starting point is 01:03:42 patients who are on peptide therapy, uh, you know, do really, really well, especially when you enhance your immune system to be able to handle chemotherapy and stuff. It's not as detrimental for people. So, I mean, chemo just crushes people sometimes. So if you can enhance your immune system to be able to handle this chemotherapy and these treatments, you have a lot better chance of survival or living a good life while you're going through the treatments and stuff and not, you know, being put on the back burner or the bed or anything like that. So again, I can't encourage people enough to look into this stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:26 It's the next thing and CA peptides as a variety of different peptides with more come in and, and, uh, they're, you know, they're made in a approved lab. It's not just like you're getting some random stuff. So, um, it's a good source to get them from. How about this Tessophenzine? Have you heard of this? Yeah, it's for your brain, right? Yeah. Is that not a peptide?
Starting point is 01:04:50 Is that something else? I don't think it is a peptide, to be honest. By definition, that's not available yet by CA Peptides, but we'll see down the line. What do you mean it's for your brain? What is it? Like cognitive. It's going to make you smarter, sharper, focused? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:06 From what I read on it and heard about it, it's supposed to be pretty remarkable what it can do. Yeah, people are going off about it. Now you're talking about my kind of enhancement. I think this is taken orally too. It's not an injection. What about this one? Intestine fencing helps you lose weight. Thatla fencing uh helps you lose weight that's the
Starting point is 01:05:26 byproduct is you lose weight but i guess it makes your brain supercharges your brain what about this other one that i heard uh ta1 that's thymus and alpha we kind of spoke about that briefly at the beginning that's people take that before they get on an airplane yeah it's it's for immune function so any virus that tries to get in or any kind of bug or anything like that, your body will want to fight it a lot better. That's when people use year-round microdosed, you know, combined with a healthy lifestyle and diet and stuff. I mean, it's going to be hard to get sick. I know people used it for treatment of COVID and had good success with it. Is that one sold on California Peptides? It should be on. It's available for sure. I don't know if it's on the site
Starting point is 01:06:14 yet, but it's available. I don't see it. TA1. Yeah. It is available for sure. I'll see. I think it's the last thing on the list. I could be wrong. I think it's funny that the curcumin looks like cumin it's only brown that's that's just kirkman that's the active ingredient you know in uh turmeric so uh that's injectable
Starting point is 01:06:40 uh version of it uh it'll help with inflammation it It'll help if your ALT is high on your blood work for your liver enzymes. It'll help bring it down. That's fantastic too. Hey, what about this one that's called this EPO? Does that one help your lungs? EPO, it will increase red blood cells. But if for any athletes with endurance problems or need a lot of endurance, EPO could be something to use. That's the,
Starting point is 01:07:13 what's the half-life on that thing? Should I be taking that a week before the CrossFit games and I'm good to go? That's what, yeah. Like Lance Armstrong got popped with and you know, all the blood doping is to do what EPO does. But is, but since that's a peptide, can you skirt testing with that? Can you take that and a week later you're good to go?
Starting point is 01:07:32 That's probably a test available for EPO, I would imagine. Andrew? I cannot speak to that because I don't know, but I do know that you don't fuck around with that. If you don't know exactly what you're doing, be careful. Please be smart about the epl because that one would that one could spread if you got cancer or something that could exacerbate your issues with increasing red blood cells he said it increases red blood cell and it can like make you stroke out the blood
Starting point is 01:07:58 becomes too viscous if you dose yourself too high and it's just it's it's a one that you don't fuck around so i mentioned in the bpc video that i did the article i was actually referencing from the person who had initially written it had done he moved his hero into the wrong spot and instead of shooting 250 micrograms he shot 2500 micrograms and it made him feel sick to his stomach and he felt like but it's fine with bpc like you can do it once and you're good if you do that with epo you could kill yourself yeah you need to be yeah be very careful how you're mixing it and understand measurements and stuff so i mean do your homework for sure that's uh yeah so don't be like i want to make the crossfit games i'm gonna take epo it's like yeah you're a freaking idiot don't do that yeah
Starting point is 01:08:43 it says it's convenient and safe. EPO is a synthetic peptide that is easy to use and safe when used as directed. When used as directed, but people don't even know what that means. Yeah. No, our fire arms. They're not moving it as directed. Okay. That said, someone
Starting point is 01:08:59 asked earlier, if you reach out to CA Peptides, they've got doctors who will talk to you about this stuff and no you don't have to rely on matt hey we gotta wait for matt i'm not a doctor guys he's just usually probably more than all the doctors uh seven i have a serious question do you ride with the windows down do i ride drive do i drive yes yeah fuck yeah i drive with the windows down. Especially now that I got a man bun.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Pull that shit back tight and fucking roll. Gangsta. Hey, so, but here's the thing. I will say this. You're not doctors. Absolutely, you're not doctors. You're not fucking quote-unquote professionals. But the truth of the fact is,
Starting point is 01:09:41 is the doctors are just being programmed by pharma anyway. So please, even if you are using doctors, go to fucking people who've actually used this stuff and who've done actual research not people who are being programmed yeah drug pushers if you're buying weed from me i'm not gonna tell you this has been sitting in my office for fucking eight eight years you want to come over and that this weed is no good i'll sell anyone this bag for a thousand bucks right now and I'm not going to tell you it's old as shit. It's been in here forever. You don't want it. It's so dry. It's so dry.
Starting point is 01:10:11 So also listen to the people who've done it and who've actually done some research. I mean, honestly, I think fucking that shit rag Reddit is probably a better source than most doctors. Damn. It's the truth. There's some fantastic books out there too, that are available. Uh, yeah. Read up on it, man. See what, see what these things can do. That's,
Starting point is 01:10:33 it's remarkable. All right. Um, what I'd like to do, Matt, um, uh, you don't have to answer me now, but after you get off the show and you decide whether this was a positive or negative for you, I'd like to be in a few months. I think some of these people will have in the, in the chat, we'll sample some of the goodies over at CA peptides. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:10:52 absolutely. And then we can have you back on and people can just fire a bunch of questions and be like, my needle broke off in my arm or I jabbed my girlfriend where she's sleeping. Was that unethical or just shit like that? And we can, and we can,
Starting point is 01:11:03 yeah, I want to hear people's experience with them especially people who haven't tried them and i'd be happy to answer any questions or give you some of my personal uh experiences with them or or anything yeah i'd be happy to be back on uh joe i um i am gonna i am gonna i will inject this stuff live the the bpc 157 in my arm i just need to get with hiller first first and get all the stuff out and the wipes. I don't know when we're going to do it. And then I also – I'm not sure if – I think I'll reconstitute it before we do the show.
Starting point is 01:11:35 There you go. I think we could do it on the show. You do think we can do it on the show? Okay. Okay. How long does it take to reconstitute? Just when you were talking about snow dripping in there, I was like, ugh. Maybe don't last minutes.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Oh, okay. And then am I going to be able – and then do I just put the – I'll just go like this and push the needle in right there where the pain – Is that where it's hurting? Try and get it right in there. It's not hurting, to be honest. Hiller worked on it. Oh, good. He rubbed it with lotion, and he was at my house,
Starting point is 01:12:05 and he rubbed me with olive oil. Talking about your arm, right? A butter knife, yeah. And it's crazy how much it fucking got better. Yeah, I'm not a doctor, but I know more than all of them. For sure, man. So I just aim for that thing. There's like a little wire in there, I feel,
Starting point is 01:12:22 and I just aim for that. How am I supposed to grab it and do that and shoot it at the same time? If you put it right in there, I would just put it wire in there i feel and i just aim for that how am i supposed to grab it and do that and shoot it at the same time if you put it right in ten and i would just put it right in there man i wouldn't you don't need to grab it it just makes you aware where the muscle is like there there it is so that's gonna be this we'll do that i put some right behind my elbow the other day i was you know obviously a little nervous to do that but where really back here yep right there yep so i'm just i'll just be just live on the air and i'll just push it in here and then you hit the plunger all right ever since i got the freaking stem cell shot into my elbow with a two inch 23 needle, and it was all the way in there.
Starting point is 01:13:06 I swear to God, if I had to imagine the needle coming out the other side. But it came in from this angle and took the needle as it was in there and just turned it the other direction. I almost died. What about this TB500 Olivia wants to know? That's the one that they mixed with the BPC157. If HIP has them individually or in combo, I always hit the combo. I think the combo is the best way to do it, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Matt, they do very similar things, TB500 and BPC 157, yeah? Correct. What differentiates them? Is it just how you respond to them? Yeah, and I think the Bc has more of the effect on gut rather than the tb as well and uh there's just slight differences is there a reason you would take one over the other i don't think so i think it might be preference what about can i just go to my doctor and just be like hey i want bpc 157 can i just like go into my kaiser doctor and he just
Starting point is 01:14:01 shoot me up with it it's quite possible do they do that? I think BPC you can get from the doctor. And will they just shoot you? Can anyone just go into a doctor's office and do it? Ask your doctor. I don't know. I'm not sure like a general doctor you can go, but there are clinics everywhere that are doing this now. And in the video,
Starting point is 01:14:20 I referenced the individual that I know had the freaking heart container sealed, everything to a T, and like a super case. When you open it up, there was chilled packs in there as they received it, and it was $400 for two weeks' worth of it. Yeah. Which is why when you see this, I looked at my – thank God it's not that expensive. Hey, you think that would be a good business? When I was in Newport one time visiting Sarah, Haley got really sick with covid and and she just called someone and and they just fucking did a drip bag they came to the house and did a drip bag of vitamins on her and she was like buying a lot yeah wash that lady's there she might as well just shoot you in the ass with some bbc 157 too
Starting point is 01:14:58 right do they do house calls do people do house calls i'm not sure i know there are the therapy clinics for sure especially with like the nad which is a brain one and and uh but i don't know if they'll do a house call and how often will i do this i do the bpc 157 tb combo uh when i have a like a nagging injury and i'll use it for like a week like every day for a week i'd spread out like a day day on day off and i have two bottles isn't that enough for like two months yeah and then you can also microdose that if you want to you know improve your gut and stuff wow and it could i shoot into other places where i have like little niggly like uh injuries like i got this ankle i would put it anywhere close to what's hurting for sure so if i had this shoulder and this tricep so i didn't
Starting point is 01:15:45 half here half here spread out obviously i didn't do it all at once but i did like first day here then the next time i did it here so yeah put it put it where it's hurting uh joe i'm sure uh youtube will flag your videos about the 49ers if you were simultaneously teaching people to inject what is the legality of that are you not allowed to inject themselves live on the air. What is the legality of that? Are you not allowed to inject yourself live on the air? I have not looked into it. Great.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Great. Matt, thank you. You're the man. I appreciate it, guys. I appreciate you, brother. And we'll be in touch. Yeah. Matt Maldonado, yeah, great having you on the show you're a wealth of knowledge i
Starting point is 01:16:25 appreciate your uh tempered and sober approach you're a good dude look forward to talking to you guys again and next time you're in town let's get together yep definitely ciao brother adios i think you fit in real well there's caleb who caleb oh no who caleb fit in real well. There's Caleb. Who Caleb? Oh, no. Who Caleb fits in really well? Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. You're great. Very informative.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Dick Butter, put 157 in your butt loop so it doesn't hurt as bad. I don't think it would stop the pain. I think it would just repair the tearing. Oh, yeah. Caleb and Pam are back. Who's Pam cat oh bam and bam you're back uh melissa odier bpc more localized injury tb 500 more systemic action okay yeah what is the what is the story on that what what if someone does report me hillar and they do
Starting point is 01:17:27 say hey he's trying because like i showed an old man defending himself from a young kid with a really blurry camera angle i remember that from pole and i fucking got a strike for fucking promoting violence and it was like it was the furthest thing from promoting violence yeah that's uh that'll be trippy. That'll be tough. So what if someone reports to you and they're like, hey, he's trying to teach people how to shoot fentanyl? Look at Matt starting to sweat.
Starting point is 01:17:59 That was the whole time you were talking about it. We don't even – but our strike goes away in July. Yeah, we're close. Hey, why can't I film it and put it on Instagram? I don't even – but our strike goes away in July. Yeah, we're close. Hey, why can't I do – why can't I film it and put it on Instagram? I don't know. Instead of YouTube. Can we do that? You're asking me? It's your channel, man.
Starting point is 01:18:16 I'm about doing anything you want. And then you could put my Instagram clip on your YouTube. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll tell you what. I'm clicking through this one video right here with 750,000 views on how to inject yourself and they don't show the needle going in.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yeah, let's do Instagram live. Oh, they completely skipped the part where the needle is going in. Interesting. I don't want to go. I don't think I'll go to jail. You wouldn't go to jail, but you would get the dematization you'd lose YouTube for a couple of days
Starting point is 01:18:49 oh look they inject into it no it's my second strike dude I'll lose it for two weeks yeah we can't this is how I fucking pay my bills dude this is how I fucking buy rubber bands for my man bun there you go this is how you do it into a dummy this is not a real human
Starting point is 01:19:04 there you go this is is how you do it into a dummy. This is not a real human. There you go. This is a dummy. Look at it. That's a guy with a mask on. No, no, that's not a dummy, dude. That's Brian Johnson. There's your sound effects.
Starting point is 01:19:21 And not the liver king. No one get it twisted. We're not talking about that, Brian Johnson. Yeah, that's what I thought you guys were saying at first. I forgot that dude's name is Brian Johnson. Different Brian Johnson. Oh, do it at the games. That would be interesting. I wonder, could you sell? Hey, could you do that?
Starting point is 01:19:36 Could we get a booth at the games and sell peptides and just be shooting people up right there? The games? You know the thing that Justin Medeirosaris is gonna win you know you know the games denied ca peptides of a booth correct no i didn't know that because ca peptides at the crossfit games they said uh-uh oh really oh like there's a legitimate claim put in by the owner of California Peptides saying, hey, we want to booth the games.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Found out the cost of a booth, which is expensive as butt, but then also said you can't do peptides there. What was the booth, like 10 grand? More than 10 grand? More. 20 grand? More than 20 grand? About that.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Dependent on like where and how big and all that. Okay. Hey, it doesn't even. It doesn't even... I heard that if you drink three or four Red Bulls, you would pop at the games. That there's something even in Red Bull. It's just the caffeine. There's a limit?
Starting point is 01:20:38 There was a part of me when I was getting drug tested in 2018 regionals that I just had two scoops on to explode dude there's a lot of caffeine in there i know that that's illegal no shit yeah you you took an illegal amount of caffeine and competed and passed and got away with it i didn't i never got anything back saying i failed wow i heard the other day on your show you did two scoops i was like tripping dude i do it every single day every day on your show you did two scoops i was like tripping
Starting point is 01:21:05 dude i do it every single day every day yeah it's different doing it every day versus two at one time no every day for about a decade i've taken two scoops first thing in the morning dude dude makes me nervous and then i and then I started to do your kind of workout. I got on the salt bike, and I did 10 minutes of bike calories, and I did 10 minutes on the runner instead of doing burpees. You're giving me shit for not working out, so I was doing it. And I go, all right, I'm going to do his workout kind of.
Starting point is 01:21:40 So I just pulled the cap off the needle. Oh, shit. It's live. It's hot. Oh, yeah, shit. You're right. we can't do that fuck i just come on come on i kind of want to just stick it in me just to see how it feels that and we're done i've never met a dude who's not a salesman i'm like come on bro can you reuse these no yeah you can take it down to san francisco you got the needle exchange okay and i i only have i, four, six, eight. I have nine.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Oh, no, I have two bags of nine. I have 20. That's enough, right? That's enough for what? To shoot both bottles of stuff. That's enough for 20 days. How many days are you going to do it for? 60.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Every day. I guess if you go every other day, which you could, then you'd get away with it. 60 every day I guess if you go every other day which you could then you'd get away with it hey do you think I should do it in my other bicep too no yeah I mean you've never had any pain in that bicep there'd be no reason to right
Starting point is 01:22:59 right right you'd probably be good doing them every other day on the one arm um Sevan uh vindicate Right, right. You'd probably be good doing them every other day on the one arm. Sevan, Vindicate can pay half for the booth since it's prohibitively expensive to go solo. Let me tell you something. If California Peptides wants a booth, she'll get a booth. There's nothing prohibitively expensive. It had nothing to do with the money.
Starting point is 01:23:22 It had to do with what would be sold at the booth or promoted at the booth. Nothing to do with the money. It had to do with what would be sold at the booth or promoted at the booth. Nothing to do with the money. They don't want a freaking hormone steroid peptide company sitting at the games. Isn't that what's in line? Wait, what are you doing down here? Don't worry about it. It's out of my system in three minutes. Olivia, it doesn't hurt I do it every day.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Wow, all these people are doing peptides? Ken Walters, can you reuse a needle? Yes, yes, should you know? Good answer. I feel like we were getting late night at the house party and someone busted out a little baggie and headed to the bathroom, and next thing you know, the whole party's in there, and you realize they're all doing the baggie too.
Starting point is 01:23:59 The fuck's going down? No one's a drug user until it's late night. I've been on for three months. Shit. All right. Your skin looks great. Ken right there. I've been... Say it again.
Starting point is 01:24:16 I realized with what Ken said right there that I've been paying attention to words since basically kindergarten because the students would go to the teacher and they'd go, can I go to the bathroom? And the teacher would just stare at them. And I thought it was the funniest thing ever. It's like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:24:28 you can. May I, may I go to the bathroom? And then also ironically enough, when I look at the rule book for the judges course on the crossfit games, like you may do pistols all the way back to kindergarten. They're, they're saying you can do it.
Starting point is 01:24:46 You're allowed. What a, What a fuck up that was. Off topic, we need an update on Jeremy's woke girlfriend. Look at this, David. Joe, fuck no. I like it. I like it too. David, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:25:05 Didn't they break up? What? Joe, don't listen to him. Damn, I missed the conclusion to the – no, I don't think there has been a conclusion. I know where we're at in it, but he hasn't come on and told us yet. The last bit on air, was it the camping trip where he was listening to the – yeah, he was listening to the show and she was pissed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I thought that was funny. He was watching semifinals. Every morning, if I'm not caught up on the show, I have it on in the shower and I'm catching up, listening to the show. And Alexa will walk in. I'll look at her and I go, I wonder how she feels about it. And she'll look and she goes, you can keep it on. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:25:40 She always tells me I can keep it on, but I look at her. Is it this morning? You just woke up. It's good. Yeah good yeah it's good like dude this show hasn't been flagged yet oh why'd you say that oh no that's like driving me like there's no traffic here we said the c word he did yeah you're right matt maldonato said the C word. Yeah. That was you. Your favorite word. There it is. You see what? It got flagged? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:26:09 It's not. It's still going. I was joking with Hillary because she said the C word. Oh. Wow. Crazy. Yeah. You know what I think?
Starting point is 01:26:17 What did you think? What did you think about that Dave Castro bit I did there? That's true, right? Do you remember when people are like, it's so unprofessional that he's on his own account? And then they lost everything. You got nothing now. And then what you do get is nothing in a press conference.
Starting point is 01:26:35 A whole lot of nothing. Yeah, and then everybody later on will be like, I'm missing the hints on Castro's Instagram. Hey, if... Right. Right. Listen, if... So Andrew if, right, if, listen, if, so Andrew Hiller made a video showing that someone got through the judging pool
Starting point is 01:26:51 without being vetted, right? So Justin Berg did an interview and he said, hey, we vet people, we take it very seriously. Then a few days later, Hiller did a video showing that a guy got through, not only didn't take the judge's course, didn't take it, didn't have his L1, and actually isn't even a real human being if that would have happened hillar could have just
Starting point is 01:27:10 gone to dave's youtube asked about that and dave would have been like yeah that's a complete fuck up it won't happen again thanks for pointing it out to me or he'd been like fuck you hillar that actually is a person there was three bruce lee's lee's the most common chinese name in the fucking chinese and then we would know and uh and but but we it's just crazy it's crazy hey dude don't take anything anyone says about dave as face value if you i i my biased love for him is still more true and information you can get about him than anywhere else forget all the fucking ding dong they're projecting their own shit even kotler who i love is coming on the show tomorrow he even said yeah dave banned me on from instagram yeah i get it that shit fucking hurts you're pissed you get it i taught dave how to make a youtube video yesterday yeah he posted that on his did you just send that directly to him how did he get that i i clicked onto his he released i
Starting point is 01:28:04 saw six minutes into its release time. And I started watching. He goes, what do I look at? Yeah. And I go, I got it. And I sent it to him right there. I made 300 videos talking to a freaking iMovie right there. But you don't look at the camera.
Starting point is 01:28:17 You look at a little box right under the camera. Oh. I never do that. I'm always like. He's recording himself in QuickTime though. he's talking about so he just makes that little quick time box small and then drops it right underneath the frame oh so you can kind of look at yourself but your eyes are pointed out at the camera yeah because they was all over the place he's like do i look here should i look here i don't know where to look because he got a new computer he got a new computer is that what it was it's something I could have
Starting point is 01:28:46 told him about eight to ten months ago and I was telling him I would tell him how to make a YouTube video but now like here's a computer I'm like yeah yeah oh yeah there you go let's see I don't know what to look I'll figure
Starting point is 01:29:01 anyway so new setup filming I like it shows more of his background Let's see. Anyway, so new setup filming. I like it shows more of his background. So I'm going to look here. I'm going to look at, I guess, me while I record this one. Post in the comments. What is that shirt he's wearing? Is that some Illuminati shit? Mr.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Let me know what I'm supposed to do. I thought it was too, but it's got roads. I'm watching your week in review. haven't answered your question about how to this is dope so yeah you think he's already taking feedback from the from the biggest dick in the space andrew hiller i can't wait to see where his eyes go on the next video wow wow wait you just open up photo booth you minimize the box you stick it right under the I can't wait to see where his eyes go on the next video. Wow. Wow. Wait, you just open up photo booth.
Starting point is 01:29:48 You minimize the box. You stick it right under the camera and then you stare into your own soul as you talk. Oh, uh, shoot the club up. You are a world class piece of shit. I just want you to know that. But that being said,
Starting point is 01:30:01 thank you for watching the show. Uh, Dave is not only friends with the police, but he is, uh, only friends with the police but he is uh also friends with the the hell's angels and a variety of other motorcycle gang guys that will roll through there it's quite the uh menagerie of characters um that's like the allure of like the the really high up like seal team six dev group guys like they're liked by like the gangsters and by like just everybody right it's the fucking tip of the spear and if you've done some shit these guys have done it better and and more uh extravagant okay um i uh audrey i love it that dave doesn't hate hillar
Starting point is 01:30:39 well let's not get carried away you just had to test them a little at the ranch and scope them out first i respect it yeah well a little a vetting a uh hazing hazing period i'm not gonna lie i i like it when uh i pass these tests so i don't think i've passed though by the way that doesn't mean i think i've passed i like the idea of possibly having done more tests and having more tests you don't even know when they begin right uh sabir um oh shit that's you in that picture hillar yeah in a ceo shirt oh yeah at the games i probably took that did you change this caleb or did will this is fucking, whoever changed our comment size, because the pictures are bigger now. Is that from the Scratch and Scribble show? It's me, bro.
Starting point is 01:31:30 That is right next to the monster booth, it looks like. Caleb, don't worry. You don't have to say anything. I can read your mind. Sabir and Kelly, California Hormones is getting their money's worth here. This show is honest, authentic advertising. If I lived in the U.s i'd be flying to their offices tomorrow well that's cool thank you uh olivia uh ck kevin yes my doc recommended
Starting point is 01:31:58 it i couldn't take it before my surgery because they don't recommend if you have tumors in your body. I had tumors before, but they are gone now. Dude, dude, have you talked about this yet on the show? The WOD zombie post? This? No. Yeah. Because here's the thing. This is how I determined how well healthy a social media profile is slash if they bought their followers the wide zombie has not first of all but this one's got you can see just by
Starting point is 01:32:30 scrolling over the number of comments and the number of likes yeah of the ones that are just comment or uh photos posts this is the most popular in quite some time and it's got 168 comments and the first thing i notice here is you've got spencer panchuk saying behind the scenes is what made me fall in love with the sport of crossfit i remember watching videos aspiring to be a games athlete one day now he's there and then you got don fall i'm calling him a scared no balls no balls no balls so i'm just playing with them you know we'll see but then a lot of people in there there's susan there he is i thought the panchayat comment was cool though yeah that one was cool look at that camera look at that camera no thanks i know him from reddit
Starting point is 01:33:22 lion's mania he'sia. He's so polite. He's so polite. No, thank you. No, thank you. No, thank you. I'm in my mom's basement on Reddit right now. Drinking off 10 times a day eating Cheetos. No, sorry.
Starting point is 01:33:34 We don't want the ESPN show, the Netflix documentary, the behind the scenes, and the road to the game is brought back. No. No, thank you. Yes, that's necessary. You're talking about the furry thing on there? It's just the biggest microphone I've ever seen. Yeah, yeah, that was necessary.
Starting point is 01:33:54 That's basically just a shotgun mic because it's so fucking noisy there. I really like what Will Branstetter said to me on the fucking group text thread. He said something, were you working aviation at the time and you just borrowed those headphones from the fucking group text thread uh were you working he said something were you working aviation at the time and you just borrowed those headphones from the fucking tower or some shit what year is that that was like oh wait right fuck i don't even recognize the big picture is with um otp so it's like 2007 maybe 2008 so all that micro all that equipment right there is fucking so expensive too, and it wasn't readily available. Now you go on Amazon, and you're like, oh, road mic,
Starting point is 01:34:30 and it shows up, and it's this fucking big. But back then, that was all top-of-the-line shit. Yeah, that mic is still insane. Hey, what that girl Christine said was kind of crazy too, because I just assumed that chick hated me. Wow. Oh, too, because I just assume that I just assume that she hated me. Yeah. Wow. Oh, wow. Seventy two likes.
Starting point is 01:34:48 That's why that's kind of my default. Unfortunately, I'll be having someone just fucking probably hates me. I was watching some of the old behind the scenes the other day with Alexis. It was nuts. You click on it. It's got 700000 views. You know, wow. Are you watching it in preparation for the games um no i was just watching it because oh i did that last year to be honest alexis goes this is seven talking like i didn't know we did any of these
Starting point is 01:35:22 she's and she's been around for some time dude he let me ask you this if this is this is i'm guessing this is the characterization of the whole thing um when when greg said floyd 19 there was this thing there was this you know common narrative that there was a mass exodus of affiliates from CrossFit Inc., which just wasn't true. There was less than 500 who were leaving. And the truth is, for whatever it's worth, who cares? So 500 leave. You probably don't want them around anyway. In the bigger picture, yeah, it did put a lot of hardship on the affiliates
Starting point is 01:36:03 because if you have 5% of all the people in the affiliates upset because they're fucking – you've manifested and triggered their psychological fucking issues. And they now for some reason think that they're paying money into a racist organization and they're going to pay people money and they're going to start causing problems inside your gym. Yeah, that sucks. Even though it's all bullshit and lies, that sucks. I get that. The only reason why they wouldn't bring me back to do the behind the scenes is they're afraid of some sort of, or in any capacity is they're afraid of some sort of repercussion, right? They're, they're're they're afraid of like i've like someone's gonna say he's anti vax or um that um uh whatever that he uses the word tranny instead of transgender or whatever there's gonna be some sort of because other than that the pile of my accolades and what i've done is like i i'm not trying to be braggadocious at all i have no peer anywhere you probably have to
Starting point is 01:37:04 dig into the bowels of fucking Apple computer. I was the first at so many things, and the growth that happened under my leadership is like, there is no second place. The affiliate growth, the media growth, the L1 growth. Like there is no – the spread over the country. While I was there, there is no – like I have no – I can't think of any peer anywhere. Like where?
Starting point is 01:37:35 Like is there someone at Starbucks? Like where are they? Howard Schultz. Hey, the other thing that gives you insight on – It's this sorry and then I'll give up the floor Seve is too polarizing for the new world for me it doesn't even make any sense
Starting point is 01:37:51 I'm not whining or complaining don't get me wrong a ton of people asked me yesterday hey would you go back I can't even answer that question because I'm living such a fucking good life as you've seen Sousa when you come and visit if you've seen hillary you stayed with me for a week it's fucking it would be it's it's fucking hard man it would be hard to do anything different than what i'm doing okay sorry go ahead susan i was just gonna say it gives
Starting point is 01:38:14 you insight on the hq's uh decision making there because they're saying this is like everybody agrees moj i might even assume a big percentage of the people wouldn't even know that it was you or the history. They're just going to see this amazing thing that comes out of it, right? The behind the scenes. And that's telling you that they're going to give up something that could potentially do really, really well for the company, really, really well for the sport, really, really well for the affiliates, everything in general. They're going to say no to that just because of the possibility of somebody maybe getting upset. So listen to that decision making. And that's not isolated to just this. That is how they make decisions. So that maybe they think I'm better for the company outside of it. Either way, like I've said, I would do the behind the scenes for almost free. Like I would do it for fucking cost. Yeah, I would go there for a fucking week and do that.
Starting point is 01:39:01 You and I have talked about it. You're like, hey, would you go? And it's like, really, it's just like i would just have to leave my loop but if i went there i would not want to go there and just um sit around in the stands or work in a booth i need to be running around and sweating and doing like what you and hillar did or you know like a job like caleb has i have to have a job i can't go there without a job. Thanks for the great info today. Sparky says hi. Hi, Sparky. Is that the horse?
Starting point is 01:39:35 Yeah, look at its nose. I'd get a tattoo like that across my nose that says Sparky. No, you wouldn't. Wow. Can you imagine that? If I just had a tattoo that went from like up, traversed my nose, up one side and down the other, just on my face, and it said Sparky. I might do a show like that. With like one of those ones that you just iron on. I wouldn't stop you. You hate me, don't you?
Starting point is 01:40:07 What do you mean, Ken? Where have you been? 22.3 thousand subscribers. We're putting on 10 subscribers a day on the steady. Did you see Nate Edwardson made a video? No. How's he doing? in the golf world fine he's about to pass me in subscribers and he's been there for like three weeks so i know his golf shit dude his golf shit oh uh nope i'm still ahead he's got 25.9 on his golf channel wow
Starting point is 01:40:42 that was when he started just like a couple months ago, right? It is. It is. I don't really know what he's up to on it, but I'm going to pull it up in a second here. Nate Edwardson. We used to do these shows where we would just talk about the happenings. There he is.
Starting point is 01:41:02 Nate Edwardson golf. Damn. I have a buddy that I'll golf with, and it was funny. I go, do you know who Nate Everton is? He goes, yeah, his videos pop up all the time. I'm like, of course. He pays no attention to CrossFit. But if you are a person who's about Nate Everton's age, and you go on YouTube, and you follow any sort of golf channel,
Starting point is 01:41:25 Nate Everton's popping up through the on YouTube and you follow any sort of golf channel Nate Everton's popping up through the algorithm and he knew him yeah and he said he hated him and I was like that's a little mean I had a good back and forth with Hiller and um uh John Young this morning which one was that John Young was like flexing like he's picking velner to win the games and i'm like dude like come on that's not a flex that's not a flex hey why what do you think the craziest thing that is that happened in semifinals like the most like is it danny not making it or is it kelly baker making it or is it alex gazan one or is it that you know emma carry like what do you think like in terms of performance what do you think is like the oh shit wow i can't believe you did that or that or that madaris took seventh what do you what do you think i mean there's a lot of cool
Starting point is 01:42:13 shit that happened that's fun right that shakes up your mind emma carrying katrin's placings yeah katrin yeah katrin's worth noting yeah okay, okay. More so than Gazan. Did Gazan win? She won hers too, right? I don't know, though. I kind of saw that coming. If Katrin were to finish, I don't know, 10th or 11th or 12th, I don't think anyone would have been
Starting point is 01:42:38 surprised. How about this? Brooke not making it? That's pretty wild. Sydney making it? I mean, there's some wild shit. Tud Brooke not making it? That's pretty wild. Sydney making it? There's some wild shit. Tudor not making it? The wrong Wells sister. Or the right wrong. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:42:53 The other Wells sister. There's no right or wrong. Yeah. Yeah, Emma Carey was probably the one for me. I'm going to say Justin Medeiros taking 34th was for me. I'm going to bet him fifth or sixth overall. He finished.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Yeah, shoot him up. Stop saying good shit. I don't like you. I don't want to bring up your shit. Stop saying good shit, please. Guy not making it? That didn't surprise me. No?
Starting point is 01:43:24 But it's fair. it's a surprising thing yes after his after what i remember walking around a lot of palooza i believe i was with suza we're over at bayfront they're doing a workout 225 overhead squats or something with the ring muscle ups and he was getting his ass handed to him on that workout. And then he laid down on the floor afterwards. And I go, this is a pretty conventional CrossFit workout. I don't know. Didn't you remember that, Susan? We were right there.
Starting point is 01:43:53 I think Lauren Khalil was over there on the left side of Bayfront. Who was on the ground again? Sorry, I was reading a text message. And then I walked over to him and everyone's like, he's overheating. And I go, the dude's from fricking Brazil. He works out in Cookville, Tennessee. He can't be overheating. Sorry, you're talking about Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Yes. Right. Right. Okay. Right. Right. Okay. And you asked him too.
Starting point is 01:44:18 You're like, you good? And then ever since then. Yeah. You're good. You're good on block me. All right. Do you need a water? Unblock You going to unblock me? All right. Gene to water? Unblock me first.
Starting point is 01:44:28 Unblock me first. Ken Walters, you guys do a lot of shows, but they always seem to stop. Affiliate shows? Do we? We just had James Townsend on. That was an affiliate show. UFC show?
Starting point is 01:44:37 Okay, you win. Justin Nunley? He stopped. I think Justin stopped coming on because I was using the word trannies and he didn't like it. He didn't specifically say, but disc golf. The disc golf was just, it was too much. It required, yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I could do some disc golf. I just can't do it every single week. It was fucking crushing me. I'll be 100% transparent on this one. Yeah. I put up a video and I know it's going to get 5,000 views, but I could put the time and effort into a video that's gonna get 20 000 views the decision becomes easier hillar was not a big fan of me doing um disc golf shows he was very gentle he never said that to me
Starting point is 01:45:18 but he he he gave me some free therapy on just how to choose shows to do. And I'm like, hey, I'm doing it, but it was interesting. Do you remember that? A couple times you called me and you were like, hey, let's talk about your choices for shows. And then Max Mormont was just on on Monday. That was an affiliate show. Which one?
Starting point is 01:45:37 Max. Max Mormont. Oh, Max Mormont owns an affiliate. Yeah, but I know what you mean, Ken. I know what you mean. Testosterone won Tuesdays. I just got start getting into that and they're gone oh um i think killer still doing testosterone tuesdays are you probably monthly now though oh i check in once i had the most recent one i did was on bpc all right ken you win fine i wish there was a day of the week i had an eye it could be like injectable ideas oh i think this
Starting point is 01:46:05 is a positive thing he's saying he's saying thanks for not one as soon as i get addicted to something cutting me off i think that's what he's saying i appreciate you don't we don't like to curate an addictive personality ken i i am gonna try oh don't forget the sunday night news shows oh yeah we did the we did the news shows for a while but that was more I think Kate and James had to bail than me Bernie Gannon isn't trannies just a term for people
Starting point is 01:46:33 who are fans of transportation modes no but I appreciate thank you I mean thank you I got into a fist fight with Kate Gordon the other day oh yeah how did that go tell me what happened tell me what happened there I like to go through twitter and made a tweet about hey that would be amazing if trish was hobart that would be amazing okay go on
Starting point is 01:46:56 that would be amazing i don't know k gordon that well i used to watch the sunday talk on the show when you guys would do that and i follow one of her accounts but apparently she's got multiple and i don't like speaking in absolutes if i don't really think i have a handle on it but the gist of this is she wrote this tweet where she said that she doesn't understand why crossfit affiliates use their top athletes in the gym doing the most complex movements why don't they show them real people and real stories and the real community? And it's exactly what I just told you. I can put up a video at 5,000 or 20,000. And it's probably just bombardment. So I have a feeling she probably follows an affiliate, but she follows a couple
Starting point is 01:47:36 of affiliates and she sees this, this, this, this, this, and she's like, where are the normal stories? But it's the seventh one in the lineup. Maybe it's the 14th one. And every seventh post, the affiliate's doing something on the member who did a transformation or someone doing some burpees to a box. But the only way people are going to see it is the same format in which I created the YouTube channel. You've got to like suck people in somehow, some way.
Starting point is 01:48:00 And people like to be inspired. Like nobody, everyone knows who Michael Jordan is. And I bet you three don't know who Brian Scalabrini is. He's the worst player on the Bulls, but he was probably the most popular bad player in the year 2010 to 2014. Wow. The most popular, not impressive person. That dude has championship rings?
Starting point is 01:48:22 That dude has like five champions? He does. Not in the 90s, but he's got some from, I believe, playing on the Celtics. The Celtics, yep. If you take that all the way down to the affiliate level, there are people who are incredibly cool and inspiring and might be the coolest, most fun person there, like Brian Scalabrini was at the Bulls,
Starting point is 01:48:38 but they want to watch Jordan. They want to see Froning. Well, yeah. I guess go back to that, Caleb. Look at her opening sentences. I guess that's the part that's weird. It's brian scallop oh wow he's just the most average dude ever but he's the most popular average dude in the history of basketball i bet wow uh she says i never understood and it's like yeah yeah like like that's kind of crazy because
Starting point is 01:49:03 we all uh we all wanted to be like we all fucking admired rich froning i don't know wanted to be admired loved thought he was cool and and that is the reason why even the biggest pile of shit to to the fittest person went to an affiliate yeah that's i i think that there's a good there's a good place for a mix but dude using top tier athletes awesome people to promote your affiliate will always be vital vital or or you'll end up like um i don't want to say um there's two let me use one that's outside of our community you'll end up like um um curves but there is another curves. But there is another popular program in the community that you could get rich doing that, but
Starting point is 01:49:52 I don't know. I like promoting the best of the best and then the rest of us like admiring them and liking them. That's okay. I really like that you just do both yeah and you do both right yeah you never understand why they do it you just do both because if if you actually put an effort into doing what kate's recommending there then
Starting point is 01:50:19 you're avoiding people like you don't avoid anything you just talk about it all yeah with a plan as humans we're inspired by the grades to make us better i don't think there's anything wrong with that yeah it's like we talked about it on yesterday's show status drives more than anything else what does status so when you see like one of the greats you're like oh i want that status i want to be admired i want to be looked at when i come into the room i want everybody's head to turn and so that's why that sells a little bit more because when you see it and you see what they're doing you're like i'm going to do that because i want to move closer towards what that status did you guys come to any any agreement hillar or did you guys duke it out i wanted her to push back hard and she she was kind of on my side of the fence
Starting point is 01:51:05 with every single response, at least how I read into them. And I would respond, and I would try to push back a little bit, trying to get her to – You wanted to fight, and she wanted to run into a field of daisies with you. And I think we ended up somewhere in the cornfields. So it's cool. But, Suze, I'm sure you've done that before, right? Member stories.
Starting point is 01:51:23 I mean, I made a video at some point about all my stuff i would do it when i was in the affiliate yeah dude i had a podcast i went every single uh week for the last four years and i only stopped it because i started this and that was member stories coaches stories the members like it right yeah the people at the gym dug it and then i branched out, and I interviewed Sevan. Oh. Yeah. And then Bosman, and then that brought more attention to the channel than member stories. You know what else that does?
Starting point is 01:51:54 It gives you the reps, so then you can go and interview someone like Sevan, and then you can do the show. So you did four years of repetitions. Right. And you saw the old videos they used to make. Yeah. I've seen this. Right. And you saw the old videos they used to make. Yeah. I've seen this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Oh, yeah. That sounds like that should be a montage, just ripping Sousa, put together a bunch of his old shows, and rip on him. No, they were good. Oh. Hey. You would rip on me pretty hard.
Starting point is 01:52:19 What about Heidi and Emma Carey? Did they brawl somewhere? I didn't see that. What happened? On Instagram? Caleb, do you know the story behind that? Yeah, I'll pull it up. Jesus, Heidi. And Emma Carey were fighting? Heidi Krum?
Starting point is 01:52:35 CrossFit Games, Emma Carey, and Heidi. Cool. Excuse me, Caleb. CrossFit Games, Emma Carey, and the Sevan podcast, Heidi Krum. Heidi does it all. Oh, shit. Okay, let's play this first. Wow, this is
Starting point is 01:52:50 crazy. Here we go. I like how she's starting. I haven't seen this. Has anyone here seen this? This is fucking nuts. I haven't seen this. Oh my goodness, here we go. This is amazing. Competition-based snacks, a lot of cereal, Cheerios.
Starting point is 01:53:05 Chocolate Chex. Fruit snacks. Apple sauce. All just carbs, but at least I can kind of change the texture. Honey nut or standard? Honey nut. Competition-based. Dude, Emma Carey is for sure on BPC 157.
Starting point is 01:53:23 Her gut... Dude, her gut health is amazing amazing i can smell it from here yeah but she's also a tester 15 uh okay yeah i just made that up people everyone who's that age has good gut health okay uh heidi croon uh wow that's a fucking great instagram uh profile pic of her uh great idea share all the foods that are detrimental to health by someone that is younger in the community that younger people in the community look up to so that they think it's okay to indulge in these foods so a little a little uh show sarcasm so she gets her with some sarcasm a few replies okay people what they want emma carrie heidi this is not an indulgence this is
Starting point is 01:54:03 part of how i feel my body during competition curious as to what makes you view carbs is detrimental to health heidi krum emma carrie my comment was directed at crossfit for sharing this not at you you're an elite athlete who needs are different than the 99 of the people well said heidi it's not that they are carbs it's that they carry an insane amount of added sugar they also refine carbs and increase inflammation the average joe shouldn't be consuming these things on a regular basis, but many still see this and say, well, she does it, so can I. Well, Heidi's kind of a thousand. I just don't understand why CrossFit would – and she's being polite to Emma too.
Starting point is 01:54:35 I just don't understand why CrossFit would highlight this to the community when their mission of fitness in 100 words is in stark contrast because the people in the meat department are fucking morons, Heidi. I know you know that, but eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Heidi, most of the people in the media department don't even know that. I guarantee you the head of their fucking media department
Starting point is 01:54:53 doesn't know dick about that. Because they don't have a head of the media department. Keep intake to levels that will... But they do know how to sleep their way to the top. Keep intake to the levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Maybe that's why they don't want me sleep their way to the top. Keep intake to the levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Maybe that's why they don't want me to do the behind the scenes. They're afraid I'll end up sleeping my way to the top.
Starting point is 01:55:13 Emma Carey, Heidi, I understand where you're coming from. Thank you for sharing that. Because I am fucking good in bed. Emma Carey, Heidi Kroom, I understand where you're coming from. Thank you for sharing that. Speaking to the younger generation of competitors, I want them not to be afraid of carbs or see certain foods as bad. Sounds woke as fuck to me.
Starting point is 01:55:32 Oh, be nice to Amicare. Some foods are very bad, just so people know. Really bad. Not in moderation. No. Not for me. I'm an athlete. No.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Yeah. I used to struggle with that, so I underate and underperformed as a result. Yeah, but some foods are just bad. It's funny. She wants to be honest, but she doesn't want to let people know that some foods are bad. Okay, there's some foods that are bad. Competitors need lots of carbs. I love Emma, so I need to be careful. A competitor needs lots of carbs, and eating only whole foods when you have limited time between events just doesn't work for most. Yet, Heidi's not arguing with you.
Starting point is 01:56:06 She agrees with you 100%. She's just saying this isn't the place to share that by the organization whose foundation is Greg Glassman's methodology. I share my experience in here to hope that it could help someone not make the mistakes of being scared to eat to perform. See, it sounds like fucking woke, fake face noises. She doesn't address anything heidi said she just doubles down on the fact of like i need oh my god heidi it's okay to keep it real dude oh oh my god that's not a count heidi is the one keeping it real you fucking idiots she's the one calling you out on your shit for not contextualizing what the fuck she emma said
Starting point is 01:56:44 keep it real. Oh my god. God, the CrossFit Games. Who runs this account? You are a retard. Yeah, that was bad. CrossFit Games, thanks for taking the time to address my concerns since you're here answering questions. Should the Games promote health or just exercise?
Starting point is 01:57:04 Oh. And are the Games supposed to be the ultimate expression of fitness in 100 words if not uh why are they even associated with crossfit at all holy shit that was good how about a little dude heidi you don't have to dry fuck him oh wait wait hold on hold on hold on caleb hold on i like this is good good for her. They don't care about either. Monster Energy could probably answer better than CrossFit. Wow. Let's get a little street fight going on. CrossFit does promote a healthy diet. You have to be mindful of what you consume every day so you can perform.
Starting point is 01:57:35 I've been doing CrossFit since October. In my experience, that's the most clarifying aspect of life change is the need for quality diet. Wow, that's cool, Mr. Lemon, that you're new and you already get that. Show up and do the WOD. Now, I don't know about your experience, but the nutrition coaching I've received inside and outside of CrossFit has been the same. It's about balance. Quality diet doesn't get nullified because you ate some Cheerios. I feel like it's a pretty extreme response to assume Emma or CrossFit has given young people diabetes because of this post. I don't think Emma said that. Attack the schools schools they go to more
Starting point is 01:58:05 healthy options that's far more productive but so this is i couldn't i couldn't disagree more mr lennon there's tons of people who are look up to emma carry young people and look up to all these athletes and are going to eat and wear and do everything that they fucking do. And I think that I agree with Heidi. I don't think I don't. I think you should contextualize this stuff. If you not not Emma doesn't need to contextualize it. If she did the posted this on her account. I don't need to contextualize it.
Starting point is 01:58:41 But CrossFit that's supposed to be the pinnacle of fucking health needs to contextualize it yeah one you have to contextualize it does anyone disagree with me no no and they don't and they don't contextualize it you have it you have a two-hour show where you can contextualize it emma carey is just chatting the crossfit games is retarded yeah yeah and the reason why i would say well the reason why i said woke is because it's just that whole thing around diet culture where you can't say things are unhealthy we don't want people that bad a relationship with food they can't be challenged to change their diet that taught me is all the same shit it's all the fucking yoga babble all
Starting point is 01:59:18 the fucking well yeah and this isn't an emma carry issue i agree this has nothing emma did nothing wrong like yet she's the one keeping it real it's crossfit games that didn't keep it real crossfit games fucked her yeah and and i'm in the crossfit games here let me tell you what you should have wrote hey heidi good point thank you you're right guys uh emma carrie's elite athlete um who who has to super charge her uh who believes she has to supercharge her consumption uh when when asking the body to perform at the pinnacle of human performance is it simple i've had for if you want to even take it to the next level go to hill or fit and you can take the triple supercharge
Starting point is 01:59:56 yeah and then california hormones quadruple or quintuple supercharge um i've been doing the no sugar thing and i kind I kind of really took it from hanging out with JR. He goes, all I do is I eat meat and fruit and that's it. And it makes things easy. If it's not meat or fruit, you don't eat it. And I had a conversation I've done for 80 days. And I was out with some people the other day and someone else had tried it for three weeks. And I go, how was it? Just eating meat and fruit. It it was always amazing I didn't get sore okay I've experienced that I lost weight all through inflammation I go okay I've experienced that and then I ask myself how once you realize that those things start to happen you can go back so for for people like Emma Carey I made the post about this entire process
Starting point is 02:00:42 and there's people in there yeah yeah, but in order to perform, you got to eat carbs. And I go, yeah, I get it. Emma Carey's got to do these sorts of things as an athlete, and people don't understand where you're coming from. I'm not in a position where I'm trying to perform. And 99% of people are not in positions where they're trying to perform. But once you realize what sugar does to you,
Starting point is 02:01:02 which the CrossFit Games media account should, then you don't post shit like that without context which is what you said right she were emma carrie's not normal i mean she's two two or three years away from becoming in the top 50 all-time fittest women who ever lived that walked on planet earth i mean she's fucking incredible. What? The context is if she wanted to eat carbs the way the cross methodology could, she'd have 40 pounds of sweet potatoes in her belly while she's trying to do her muscle-ups.
Starting point is 02:01:34 Right. It's fair. Yeah. And most people wouldn't need that many, but she does to do the shit she has to do, and that's the context. Yeah, Justin, we are trying to distinguish uh between refined
Starting point is 02:01:47 carbs and and just shit you pick up pick off the the tree if it has a face or a round you can eat it yeah nothing's wrong no you can't eat all the carbs you want but we're just talking about fucking eating a pack of fucking lifesavers for Like there's people who – here's the thing. There's people who see that who think, okay, I'm going to go to my fucking affiliate at CrossFit Livermore, and I'm going to bring a fucking – two packs of fucking lifesavers, and every six minutes I'm going to pop a lifesaver in to keep my fucking sugar high in my life. And at the end of the day, it's like, hey, that's – you're not helping yourself. You need to have a reason to be doing that shit, and no one has a reason to be doing that shit and a lot of people does a lot of people do it when it's presented
Starting point is 02:02:29 by the athletes it's the same thing i tell people all the time they'll see the newest latest weightlifting shoe by noble or whatever they're like should i buy those and i'm like no you have a 10 cent squat why are you buying 200 dollar pair of shoes oh damn mechanics of your squat first before you buy the shiny fucking object that's put in front of you by the athletes. And this is the same conversation we're having about the food here. If Sousa wanted to tell me he was trying to squat 600 pounds and he was guzzling fucking donuts to do it, I'd go, all right, at least you have a reason.
Starting point is 02:02:59 But people who try to justify shit food have no reason. It's just because they want to. Yeah, 100%. Caleb? try to justify shit food have no reason it's just because they want to yeah 100 caleb caleb's like i love donuts i do too god being young's crazy isn't it do you remember you could just walk into a 7-eleven and just get like you know those those donuts that would just be covered in white powdered sugar what about them you could just oh just get a pack of those and just put it in and just burn it off as you walk to school i had a half gallon insulated mug that you buy from 7-eleven with a big metal straw and when
Starting point is 02:03:41 you get that you can fill up it from the slurpee machine for a buck and i would walk to 7-eleven twice a day and fill that slurpee thing up with a gallon of slurpee for an entire summer ironically i was obese but hey why did you have a metal straw it was just like a cool thing that came with the uh it was like an extra four dollars oh okay, okay. $7 a little while. And it's got a big hole, so you get more slurpy. You know? It's not one of those little plastic stupid ones. What does this mean? Someone asked Hiller about my MFK BPC.
Starting point is 02:04:17 Oh, oh, oh. Mary TRT fuck C4 and kill BPC I can live in pain I can't live without the other two Joe Nell's a month in and it's been a game changer for my energy levels
Starting point is 02:04:37 what has been he's been doing the meat and fruit he sent me a picture the other day I don't like to name people but he's outed himself he's shredded doing the meat and fruit. He sent me a picture the other day. I don't like to name people, but he is out it himself. Yeah, he's shredded. He looks great. It's incredible. You know who else?
Starting point is 02:04:50 Hunter said he lived off of apples and steak for a while. Steak and apples diet, yep. Yeah. I'm going to pull Joe up. Ernie Gannon, Hillary can use a metal straw. He has a $200 squat. Yeah, dude. Judy, this is what I think too.
Starting point is 02:05:07 Deep throaters like me and you, Judy, can't be having no metal straws. Metal straws scare me. I don't want my throat to get impaled by it. I put at least four inches of the straw in my mouth before I start slurping. Weird. Straws are dangerous. You think that's weird? That is a weird,
Starting point is 02:05:25 right? I had a buddy who would drink Gatorade, but he had to put his entire mouth over the Gatorade hole. You know how most people like sip from the bottom. He goes, uh, he turns it upside down. Wait,
Starting point is 02:05:37 Oh, Oh, that's what you do. That's what you do to get rid of hiccups, right? You're talking about drinking from the other side. No, he would put his entire mouth over the top of the Gatorade bottle to drink.
Starting point is 02:05:47 You had a friend who did that? It's the weirdest shit. Hey, I made a – in his defense, I made a bong out of a Corona bottle. So it was a small mouthpiece, but still, you would still like – you'd put your lips inside of it when you hit it. I had a fucking roommate. He put his whole fucking mouth over it. Imagine being in a room with fucking like six stone dudes and one dude every time puts his mouth over the whole bottle.
Starting point is 02:06:18 I've never used one of those. No, your mouth never goes over a bong okay completely over any bong no matter how big or small ever crazy just because it's gross or what no it just looks like you're sucking cock like imagine it just it's just like imagine if i drank this and i was trying to get my mouth over the whole top of it i mean obviously it's small but you just don't do it you just you never put you never put your mouth over the entire of anything it's like it's small, but you just don't do it. You never put your mouth over the entirety of anything. That's why you don't eat a banana in public. But have you seen how big a Gatorade bottle is?
Starting point is 02:06:53 Yeah, yeah, I know. It's even crazier. I know. His lips would flare out over the top of it. And I always eat bananas in public. What's wrong with you? It's your fault, not mine. You're a very confident man.
Starting point is 02:07:03 You're a very confident man. I skin it. Now you did it in two bites. Hiller's as innocent as John Young. I don't know. Maybe. I went to Catholic grade school. All right.
Starting point is 02:07:20 Who do we have on tomorrow? Hopefully Rich Framing at 6.30 a.m. Oh, yeah. Alex Kazan and Kotler. Yeah, that's good. At 8 a.m. That's good.
Starting point is 02:07:36 Both of them had critical perspectives, Kotler and Rich, on Greg's return. Greg's. On Dave's return. That could be the same show. Are we going to split that into two shows? Two shows. Oh no. Same show,
Starting point is 02:07:53 but two different. They won't all be on together. Yeah. Cause one goes at six 30 to seven 30. Assuming Rich is about an hour and they don't go until eight. Why did Castro block Kotler? Wait, six 30 to seven 30. Oh, oh. So then I'll be on a half hour by myself oh unless unless uh maybe rich will stay the whole time i'll come back from 5 30 a.m around
Starting point is 02:08:15 seven and then i'll have until eight so i can help you bridge the gap okay we can just run the whole time that's good good question all right hey did you see how good our crossfit games update show is doing it's killing It's murdering. Yeah, it's doing awesome. What's it at? We're just getting started. It's over 7,000, but a Sunday night show? That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:08:33 Friday night. Friday night. Yeah. Did you talk about this freaking Titanic torpedo yet? A little bit. Go ahead. Would you like to talk? I would go ahead. I mean, it's not that you like to talk i would go ahead it's that i tried to avoid it and i became obsessed with understanding it it's just cool it's uh it's amazing that anybody would pay
Starting point is 02:08:55 money to go down there and do that if you're like hey i'll give you a free trip to go see the titanic i would have said no hey dude that's a two thousand two hundred and fifty thousand dollar ticket i go yeah i'm not going yeah i got you i'll just look it up it would have been before all this stuff they'd be like all right you know what maybe i'd be more interested and i go all right what's what's the ship look like it's like oh it's not a ship it's uh it's like a minivan two and a half miles down fuck that that. I heard they asked the lady. I heard they asked some lady who is an expert. They asked her, they said, hey, do you think they should go down and recover the bodies?
Starting point is 02:09:31 And she goes, recover the bodies? They go, hey, every cell in that, there's so much pressure down there that every cell in the body has been smashed and destroyed. Like there's nothing left of those people. They're just completely obliterated. I haven't seen this video, but no, I don't want to go...
Starting point is 02:09:51 That's them three weeks before five people have lost their lives. Wow. This was another trip that they were going to take, but ended up not going down because it was too overcast or too foggy. This probably would have happened to these people,
Starting point is 02:10:11 but they didn't actually submerge themselves. Oh, shit. Their trip got canceled. God, that's ghetto in there. Right? Hey, dude, how much pressure is down there at 12 000 feet does anyone know is it just fucking they said i think i it's if you put an elephant on a quarter yeah that's what it would have been like one one half of the way down and then once you go even further down it'd be like trying to fit 500 elephants on top of that same quarter.
Starting point is 02:10:47 That's how much pressure is on one spot. I take that whole spot and put it around the entire thing. It's like you put 500 elephants at every corner in one second. It's billions and billions and trillions of pounds of water, of weight just on your shit. It's fucking nuts, dude. You ever been hit by a freaking wave? Like that's like ground level. Dude shit it's fucking nuts dude you ever been hit by a freaking wave like that's a that's like round level dude it's crazy imagine hey what about what about the dude what about the
Starting point is 02:11:13 the fucking guy who was bringing 25 000 troops to fucking kick putin's ass he that guy turned around huh was he on the titanic ship no yesterday yesterday yesterday uh one some guy was going to fucking attack moscow with 25 000 of his troops he got into a tiff with putin no they uh i guess they met and then they haven't disclosed the details of it but we're pretty sure that putin just paid him off wow massive check i don't think this is the one i was going to pull up. This is the one. I've stepped my knee in half. Hey, tell me about this.
Starting point is 02:11:50 Sorry about that. Are you telling me about these boobs right here? Do you want me to tell you about them? Do you think that that's really Seema's boobs? Or do you think that that's just a picture she pulled off the internet? Most definitely. Those are her boobs? For sure. Those are her boobs. For sure.
Starting point is 02:12:06 Those are big. Can you confirm, Sina? Can we confirm? I think those are pulled off the internet. So we got one pulled off the internet, one that are hers. Hillary, are you taking a vote here? Those are real. Those are her boobs.
Starting point is 02:12:22 Yeah, I think they're hers too. Definitely. Rich Froning might be the oh wow yeah wow he does he might be able to withstand that type of water pressure but not us or ordinary wow yes and they are uh fantastic yeah they're they are fantastic. Hey, next show, I want a profile picture from the other angle to prove it. A different shirt and a separate angle. Zima has very large. How does everyone know about her boobs but me? And then back it up a little bit so that play button doesn't cover a majority of it. You got to angle those bad boys differently.
Starting point is 02:13:01 Maybe they were put there on purpose. Oh, okay. Fair enough. Oh, shit, Rosie. we were talking about this yesterday rosie says i have pecs not boobs i'm okay with it so me and suza and jay vera were in greg's backyard yesterday and for about a good 40 minutes we were discussing if a woman was like complete do you do you think that if a woman was completely flat like just a completely flat chested woman i don't even know if one of those really exists but let's say one does exist they just i know they say that they're completely flat but
Starting point is 02:13:35 let's say there's a completely flat chested woman and she could do like 225 for a set of eight bench press would she have it would she have a test a test Would she have a chest that's like a dude's chest Like would it fill out and just be like Firm and like Like what would that What happens I was just curious what it was like I'm filtering through the flattest chest
Starting point is 02:13:58 I've ever seen in my life and I'm imagining Them having benched that amount of weight Even the flattest chest I saw in my life It was still like when you touched them, it was still like boobs. You ever see gyno? Like on a dude? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:14 Yeah. It would look anything like that. Oh, you think it would look? I mean, I've seen girls who have like almost no boobs who then get fake boobs, and their fake boobs are like weird. They're like setting on like the muscle kind of weird it's like they have a double boob like those mexican chicks you see in kmart who wearing their bra too tight and they got like the double boob
Starting point is 02:14:33 oh you know what i mean and the shirt's also too tight yep yeah everything but then yeah like brook ends yeah brook ends has it that's exactly who i was thinking brook ends has like a like you see your muscle underneath it and then like the the boob on top it's like a it's like a i i think the answer to this is that they would likely have like if there was zero boob and but there is a boob no matter what it happens at some point right around puberty you start to develop the breast tissue you can get the biggest chest ever but there's going to be a little bit of fat there. I just, well, here, you'd still have boobs, but you can flex them. Yeah, I think that's what it is. I think if a girl really works out a lot and she doesn't have fake boobs,
Starting point is 02:15:12 no matter what, it will spread. Yeah, like that. It will spread proportionately underneath the fatty tissue that women have, right? Hiller's lost himself in his dance. I haven't lost myself in the dance, too. I don't know. You still have boobs. You can just flex them.
Starting point is 02:15:29 Okay, yeah. I think that's... I accept that. We're going to start a video series, and we're going to go out and find the flattest women with the heaviest bench presses to figure this out.
Starting point is 02:15:41 Got to be above 200 bench press to count. Yeah, you can start sending emails to the Stefan podcast. I'm going to type in flat women and put in hit images. Oh no, let's not. Oh, it's just shoes. Just shit loads of shoes.
Starting point is 02:15:55 Come on. Flats for women. Yeah. Oh, okay. So I'll put in flat chested. I like, I like it when people say that I'm right,
Starting point is 02:16:04 but then i also want someone to tell me why i'm wrong but what no andrew all of the fat would disappear see now we would need we would need to see this is an accurate statement because and bench is 275 and it's not flat now we yeah with no hey and here's the thing about her i want to be careful is she is she over 18 she actually has boobs yeah but we need someone without them i know but but but but but even girls who have boobs who do crossfit let alone someone who does 275 they go away i mean i've seen girls with really fucking good bodies who fucking get into CrossFit, and their Cs go to fucking mini Bs. Genetics, homie.
Starting point is 02:16:48 I mean, they're going to get smaller, but here's the question. There's a difference between being fucking anorexic and not having boobs, and just not having boobs. Like Kate Moss is fucking anorexic, but she got no titties. I don't know who that is. It's like a model from the 50s. Yeah.orexic but she got no titties i don't know who that is it's like a model from the 50s yeah brooke ends would probably be the best thing we could look for if she didn't have fake boobs brooke we need you to take those out i'm trying yeah there's some good pictures on on the internet oh oh oh
Starting point is 02:17:26 flat chested buff girls there's a tumblr gallery for it holy shit I'm afraid to click this button oh man anyway I don't have an issue with it and someone was calling me gay oh I don't want to say who and I don't want to tell you that i'm not gay either i'm just telling
Starting point is 02:17:50 you just the facts of what happened in the conversation i was like i think it would look fucking be cool well that's because you're gay and i said oh boobs are so interesting you know what no and then suza said no you just want savon to be gay and then that that's that's when it got really weird we decided you're 40 gay remember you're not more than half gay that was on a show not too long ago at the lab you are gay god i've fallen into just boob mania now on this look at I'm gonna just pull up this one chick look at this fucking body on this chick
Starting point is 02:18:30 this is crazy you think those boobs are real it's loading no no dude that body is nuts I don't believe so
Starting point is 02:18:49 how did that picture come up you're looking for flat chested i i i don't know hey um that was in the other tab uh big titted girls that i also had open hey um what uh hey hillar when you're when you're, when Alexis looks in the mirror, does she have a mirror face that you see her do? You're like, what are you doing? I've never seen someone look in the mirror more than Alexis looks in the mirror. Does she have a mirror face? Like she does something with her
Starting point is 02:19:17 lips or tilts her head a certain way or cocks it? Like does she have a mirror look? Every look you could possibly imagine I think she looks at it's what she does she does skin and i you know what's crazy about what i'm thinking right now is we spend all this time working out coaches work out people who've coached no no from experience yeah that alexis she's like all up in her shit and then i think that that probably helps her with her work and yeah she has a mirror face.
Starting point is 02:19:45 She does. Does your wife have a mirror face, Susan? A mirror face? Yeah. You don't see when she looks in the mirror, she does something? No. So my wife looked in the mirror. I'm like, that's not what you look like.
Starting point is 02:19:58 She's like, I know that's my mirror face or something like that. What does it look like? You should make it. She does something with her. The way she holds her mouth, I can't even really do it. But the way she holds her mouth. I can't even really do it. But the way she holds her mouth. Do you have one? That's not her mirror face. I don't think I have a mirror face.
Starting point is 02:20:13 I think I have a mirror body. I think when I look in the mirror, I stand up more straight. That's actually how I put my shoulders back. Yeah, I stand up more straight. Huddled over. But I'm not like. I have a friend. I have a friend, a male friend of mine who has – he has a whole mirror posture. It's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 02:20:32 Is it me? No. No. I haven't been around you enough. But it's like a tough guy posture. He tries to get all tough. Like when he looks in the mirror, he tries – yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Then he goes, are you looking at me?
Starting point is 02:20:43 Like everything's great. He looks in the mirror and he's like alright you ready to go and then he's like hold on yeah like almost like yeah like you know like have you ever seen like you hold up a mirror to a fish tank and the fish gets all fucking puffy on it have you ever seen that you ever do that as a kid
Starting point is 02:20:58 fishy fishy yeah if you hold the mirror up to a fish tank they get all fucking puffy and shit like they want to fight I've never seen that it's like dude it's you Yeah, if you hold the mirror up to a fish tank, they get all fucking puffy and shit. Like they want to fight. It's like, dude, it's you. You should start telling your buddy to chill out. Quit going all fish on me, dude. No, I'm not telling this dude anything.
Starting point is 02:21:17 What? What? You should see me. Oh no, it's Greg. I'm not telling this dude anything. Greg, I'm taking all the mirrors out of your house. You're all puffy-chested. Oh, here we go, Ken.
Starting point is 02:21:29 This is good. My wife turns her legs and hips a certain way when pictures are being taken. Yeah, yeah. Right? That's 100%. I'm told to stay in a certain way. You have to angle people. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:40 If you don't angle people, then you're a bitch. Wow. Caleb has spoken. Strong feelings on that. Do you chub up before you look at your junks heavy? No. Before?
Starting point is 02:21:56 Like just reaching your pants and give it a few squeezes before you actually look at it? Scroll the Instagram. Wow. I turned my ass to the camera no i think cameras really bring out an interesting side of people and i'm sure you've seen this with all the people you've thrown a camera in their face they can completely change for sure it's weird it's either for like a really good change it brings out the best of them or you
Starting point is 02:22:24 can tell that they're completely going into a hole and that's no longer the same person, which I would say is bad, but it does stuff with people. I, it wasn't until a few years, I had to really, really fucking bite down on a dowel. The first time I started talking to a camera, it's just a couple of years ago since I've been fired. Like the first time I ever made an Instagram video where I was like talking to the camera like boy did i not want to do it did i have some fucking judgment for people who did that shit look at you now like
Starting point is 02:22:55 yeah totally garden doors and all yeah i wonder if uh castro is going through that internal dialogue right now. Now I got to stare at myself as I talk to myself. Yeah, he probably has some ideological or judgmental attitude against it. It's because you don't practice, Will. Yeah, Will. You're going to be in bed forever, Will. If you don't practice, yeah will will will and i've been been comparing camera gear but i don't see him on the camera ever so i'm giving him a hard time
Starting point is 02:23:34 all right i'm going i'm going to play tennis wish me luck good luck wait are you playing playing i'm gonna play against my son, Avi. Awesome. We played a couple days ago. He won two games to one. We're going to play best of 11, and we're going to take Cheerios and chocolate chips up there and a bunch of stuff. I'm going to rewatch that Emmett Carey video
Starting point is 02:23:56 because it's going to be 11 games to 11. The whole thing. I played my dad in tennis once he plays oh shit we have to call Jake Gazan by the way me and you no no me and Sousa
Starting point is 02:24:15 Jake's offered to help us at the CrossFit Games okay like now or are you just saying in general no just in general okay call him on my way to the gym. All right. I'm leaving.
Starting point is 02:24:28 Bye. Thanks, everyone. See you tomorrow. Kotler, Gazan, Froning. Tomorrow. Caleb, thank you. CA Peptides, use password Hiller or 7 on free shipping. Bye-bye.

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