The Sevan Podcast - Ezra Aderhold | Team Discraft - The Greatest Arm #935

Episode Date: June 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. That is the only point. Bam, we're live. Ezra, what's up? Good morning. Hey, guys. How's it going? Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Originally, when I had you on, first, you popped on my radar because my buddy here, Brian Friend, you see him over there with the baseball hat on? My buddy Brian Friend is pretty into Frisbee golf, and he knows that I like Frisbee. I'm like a beach Frisbee guy with the 175-gram discraft and Miller High Life and a joint and a pack of cigarettes. Early plug for discraft. He likes you already. Oh, God, I love discraft. I don't even understand how anyone else is even in the game innova it's funny watching um anyway don't get me sidetracked here um and uh i he so he we started
Starting point is 00:01:16 watching um he's like hey dude you should check out frisbee golf disc golf so i start watching it and i start watching every weekend with him and then he comes on the podcast and we talk about it and then all the callers kind of make fun of us right we got this whole live chat that makes fun of us because we're into disc golf and i'm like there's there's one dude that's yoked that wears his clothes too tight and why am i why am i fascinated with that fucking guy and obviously because we're in the crossfit space and so i started obsessing on you and i started getting in your dms and then i tell brian i'm like, Hey dude, I got Ezra Aderhold. I said it right. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah. Yeah. That's it. You were at her hold until I started doing research on you. Now I know. Yep. That's what it is for a lot of people. So thanks for getting it right. And what kind of name is that? Goldman, I think. Goldman or Russian maybe. Are your parents born in this country yeah yeah you got you got a little uh hint of like foreigner in you a little bit where where were they born were you were they amish or were they born on a commune or were they hippies no they're just you got
Starting point is 00:02:17 something off with you a little bit you got something a little like quirky hippie yeah yeah it's uh it's just a speech impediment so a lot of people think it's like an accent buff hippie with speech impediment yeah yeah with incredible arm incredible all right yeah all right but were your parents hippies um not i wouldn't say hippies um i think they they grew up in like a pretty normal like lifestyle and then after they got married they kind of did research and uh then started kind of adopting the vegan lifestyle so I wouldn't say like full hippie but they adopted like the health side of of kind of that lifestyle I suppose um if you I know you get your blood work done and i want to tell you right away that my biggest
Starting point is 00:03:05 sponsor is a company called california hormones they give you free blood work for you especially because you've been on the podcast if you're ever in southern california and newport beach bring you into the facility cool and i don't know if you're if you're um uh if your sport tests but they will also offer testosterone replacement therapy so you can get a little more in your swing, and they offer peptide. They don't test, but I wouldn't feel too comfortable going that route.
Starting point is 00:03:34 All right, fine, fine. Yeah, me neither. Me neither. But me neither. And then I also want to offer, do you know about these? Oh, my God. I don't.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Those are my feet. I know they look like bird feet. Those are my feet. I've got a lot of those, I don't think. Maybe I've seen an ad or something. I don't know. Toe spacers? Yeah, what's that?
Starting point is 00:03:58 This is what they look like when they're not on someone's foot. Oh yeah. Okay, there we go. I would like to, how do people mail you stuff since you're always on the road well we've been doing albans so sometimes if we time it right i can get stuff sent that way um and then also i guess i'll be back home in like a month so sending stuff to my house with well like my you know residential address location would work as well. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:27 I'd like to send you a pair of toe spacers. I'll try them out. Yeah, I don't want them to fuck up your game, but I personally like them. Do you think they would mess up his game, Brian? No, not at all. Okay, good. What's the benefits? The idea is that in the Western world,
Starting point is 00:04:46 we spend so much time with our feet in shoes. And so, you know, they're like this. And the feet are meant to be, you know, able to manipulate each individual toe and spread them out. And so this is just a thing that you can do kind of at the end of a day or while you're doing computer work or watching TV or, you know, whatever things that you do. And spend some time with your feet spread out so
Starting point is 00:05:06 that it gives a chance for the body to learn that movement pattern as well. Basically your feet are trapped in shoes all day. Let them free. I figured a hippie like you would appreciate that. Physically conscious buff hippie. Like I'm, I'm me. I'm you in 30 years, the way i'm the 51 year old version of you uh you're 26 okay jamie latimer did he have to use a strip club wi-fi are you parked because sometimes we have a guest who's on the road and they have to park in front of a strip club for wi-fi are you parked in front of a strip club uh No, I'm in front of a Planet Fitness, but I'm just on my data.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Have you worked out already? No, no. I just went and brushed my teeth and stuff. Oh, awesome. I walk out at night. I don't like to walk out and then try to go disc golf. That can be kind of difficult with lactic acid buildup and stiffness and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I heard you say basically too that obviously that would be the point of not doing steroids stories might actually shorten your throw but basically that one of the benefits of working out is not necessarily to get more on your throw but for injury prevention and i kind of love that yeah that's honest i feel like that's probably like the main benefit is just uh injury prevention and then probably some confidence that I can gain as well from being in shape. A lot of the guys at the top don't have
Starting point is 00:06:32 super built physiques and they can still just rip the discs with their athleticism and their flexibility and that side of the physicality. You know what I was really fascinated by after watching a bunch of podcasts you were on and then watching your YouTube channel
Starting point is 00:06:51 is that basically you're a dude who's chasing your dream. And I spent years homeless and then I spent years living in a car and during that time I was the only person I knew who wasn't a drug addict. And now here's another dude. And it kind of is the misnomer about homelessness because here you are purposely choosing to be homeless so that you could fucking pursue your fucking dream. all over the planet. If you're a painter, you should be driving around in your Prius that's set up to cook beans to paint the Grand Canyon one day and the Empire State Building the next day. And if you want to be a professional athlete, you should be chasing the circuit. Or if someone wanted to be a professional videographer or photographer, they should be chasing you, chasing the circuit in their own car. And I just want to tell you kudos to you for just like really showing what human beings are capable of and making life fun.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Is your life fun? It looks so fun. I mean, it's definitely up and down. I think like probably anybody's life, you know, but the I mean, I'm definitely blessed to be able to travel around and see a lot of cool places and compete and just play disc golf. You know, obviously it's walk at the same time. I have to, you know, actually put time into practicing and you know preparing and stuff like that but it's really cool to see all the people on tour kind of just doing the same doing the same thing you know on the playing side and also on the videography side just kind of you know like you said kind of living in living
Starting point is 00:08:17 vehicles and you know traveling around and pursuing that and it's getting to a point to uh you know less and less people on tour actually have to do that lifestyle. This season, I'm actually living in the Airbnb's, which is a lot nicer than sleeping in a Prius, obviously. It's cool to see the sport move in that direction as well. By the way, this throw is beautiful. Where is this? That is in Des Moines, Iowa. God, it's beautiful that was a fun spot
Starting point is 00:08:48 are you playing a hole there is that a hole or are you just having fun you're like hey guys film this watch this yeah just having fun I think that was actually one of the days that might have been a Saturday I think I went and had a tournament round right after this but I kind of just zoomed in on the map
Starting point is 00:09:04 and I saw this little river and I was like, oh, this looks like a cool spot to like throw across. So then my brother who was on tour with me last year, I was like caddy and film guy and stuff. We just went over and, uh, threw some shots and it was like the perfect distance to where I could actually cross the river. So we got a couple of different camera angles and he shot it all and found out pretty sweet. Okay. I think I saw pictures. I didn't realize that was your brother he's a little shorter but he's all buff too yeah yep he's a little bit shorter but he's probably pound for pound a little thicker than i am so he's not traveling with you this year not this season no how is he is uh he plays as well he does not play no i mean we started playing at the same time so
Starting point is 00:09:47 my brothers and my dad kind of found disc golf at the same time so we kind of all casually played for a couple seasons or a couple years i guess and then uh when i started taking it more seriously he was still playing golf you know pretty seriously so he kind of stopped playing disc golf and i kind of stopped playing golf and kind of went the disc golf way. So he doesn't really play. He kind of wanted to do his own thing. I think, you know, it's not, it's not super fulfilling, just kind of traveling around with me.
Starting point is 00:10:14 I don't think, and just kind of, I guess living my dreams. So I think he, he kind of wants to pursue his own, his own path. So I can totally, totally, you know, relate to. So I think, yeah, I think he'll be better off kind of, yeah. Most of his own stuff. Uh, a hundred, a hundred percent natural. Someone over here asked, so he's not natty. No, you're, you're completely natural. Yep. You're just maximizing what a human body can do and you're vegan and you've
Starting point is 00:10:38 been vegan your entire life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean the last, the last handful of years or so I've, you know, tried some non-vegan food here and there, but, you know, 98, 99% of my diet is still plant-based. Are there other guys on tour that are vegan? Yeah, there are a few. One of the best players in the world for the last five years or so grew up vegan throughout his whole life as well,
Starting point is 00:11:06 but he's recently turned to carnivore. So there was one last plant-based guy on 2-0. But I think there's a handful of people that are plant-based or at least mostly plant-based. There's basically one guy in CrossFit that I know of that was able to get very, very good being vegan. He's an Australian guy. So I just always find it interesting when there is an athlete that –
Starting point is 00:11:28 because a lot of people, they perceive the vegan diet to be limiting to a certain degree, but to know that there are a few people in each of these kind of select sports that are still able to get to the top with that diet. It's kind of cool. I'll show you the guy. You're talking about Newberry, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yeah. James, I think that's a wooden. Oh, geez. Okay. I think that's a wooden dumbbell. But yeah, Australian dude. Pretty jacked. Cool dude.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Jacked out of his mind, dude. Jacked out of his mind. You know what's interesting? You know what's interesting, though? Kind of like your body. You know what's interesting? You know what's interesting, though? Kind of like your body.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Your body changes tremendously between whether you're relaxed or pumped. When you start working out, you start getting really, really jacked, right? I mean, there's like a noticeable difference. Like when you're just relaxed, you just look like a swimmer. And then I look at videos of you like after you've been working out a little bit, I'm like, oh, shit, he's pumped out of his mind. Your body goes through a pretty quick transformation. Yeah, I mean, the pump definitely adds a lot. I mean, I think flexing, just flexing, it probably changes the most.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You know, if I don't flex, you don't really see any striations or anything. Whereas if I flex, those striations in my chest or my shoulders, you know, or stuff like that obviously the size changes too so i mean i keep it pretty consistent as far as like walking out throughout the season and off season so i don't really see any huge like you know like mass differences as far as people who like bulk and cut i kind of keep it pretty consistent so i don't see a huge difference in that that way how tall are you six well a little over six one oh wow okay how much of a factor do you think height plays in the ability to be elite at disc golf i think it definitely helps um i don't think it's the most important thing like
Starting point is 00:13:19 it is in you know other sports like basketball or something it's not that physical of a sport but it definitely it definitely gives you an advantage as far as distance goes because I think you can use your length and those levels to get more power. But at the same time, like, the most dominant player in our game so far is only 5'9", I think. That's probably right. So it's definitely not, you know, those more things that are more important, like focus and consistency, accuracy, all that stuff, which height doesn't really play a huge factor on just a few weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:13:50 The guy that won is maybe, maybe five, seven. Um, who's that? You know, he's, he's still totally fallen. He got the win. So, so Paul, Paul McBeth is a guy that he's referencing. It was five, nine and Emerson Keith, I think is the other five, seven. I never knew how tall Emerson was, but he's – I mean, he is – I would say they're both an outlier
Starting point is 00:14:10 relative to most of the guys. It seems like 6'1 is kind of like a – a lot of players seem to be about that height, that are, you know, towards the top. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm not even – I'm not even considered that tall in, you know, professional fiscal. I mean, Calvin and Ricky and Gannon. It's like it's just –
Starting point is 00:14:29 Right, exactly. Look at this guy. This commentator is as tall as Gannon. Unless he's maybe standing uphill a little bit. He's probably standing – that's Nate Hawkins. He's about 6'1", 6'2", as well. I think Gannon's probably 6'5", maybe. Maybe 6'6".
Starting point is 00:14:49 He's really big. So Gannon's, what did you say? Who's 7'2"? In a couple of years, he'll probably be like 7'2". He's only 18, so he's probably going to keep shooting up. I think there's a joke on tour that Gannon grows 2 inches every year. Yeah. Does he really stand out?
Starting point is 00:15:07 Cause he's so tall. Is he that tall? It's like, Oh, like if he walks into like a seven 11 or something, it's like everyone looks. Um, maybe.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yeah. I mean, like on to all, he doesn't stand out. It's like super tall. Cause you got guys like Ricky and Calvin, like, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:21 like he said, so he's not like, he's not way taller than everybody on 2-0, but I guess compared to our average population at 7-11, he maybe would stand out. Have you ever seen a woman spectator in all the years you've been playing disc golf? I've been waiting to see one woman in the stands. I haven't seen one.
Starting point is 00:15:40 You ever seen one? I mean, it's definitely male-dominated, but there's definitely women out there as well.'re allowed in they're allowed yeah okay just checking all right sorry this was pretty inclusive okay good all right great um uh when you told can you go back and tell me um the first time you held a disc in your hand? Any kind of... 2014, I believe. So 10 years ago. Yep. Yeah, about 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:16:09 At 16. Yeah. Yeah, we played Ultimate Frisbee a little bit, like with the swim team. I grew up swimming competitively. And so a few, like every Wednesday morning, I guess, we would go out and play Ultimate Frisbee with the team. So I knew how to throw a Frisbee. out and play ultimate frisbee with the team so i knew how to throw it how to throw a frisbee but then we just kind of saw some people randomly playing disc golf in the course they must have just recently put in so we kind of saw it thought it looked like fun and then i think my brother
Starting point is 00:16:34 maybe found a disc in a creek or something so we like used that and some ultimate discs went out and played and kind of liked it right away and then got on youtube and started watching all the drama stuff and you know central coast and fell watching all the Joma stuff and Central Coast and fell in love with that side of the game too. Do you remember – so at 16, I'm assuming when you started playing, are you right-handed? Yes. And do you remember the first time you threw a forehand?
Starting point is 00:16:58 Oh, man. I don't. Did it take a while though? Did it take a while, like at least a year? Yeah, I think it kind of went at a similar pace. I can remember we used to travel as a family in the wintertime because my parents hated the cold, I guess like I do. But I can remember we were in Vegas at a course,
Starting point is 00:17:19 and I felt like my forehand was almost stronger than my backhand, so I started kind of throwing it more often. And then my brother Judah was, he kind of told me to not like lean on that so much just because the backhand is, is kind of the better throw. So I think, I think it was, I think my backhand forehand was probably somewhat even right away. And then after I kind of took disc golf seriously and put a lot of time into the backhand, then my, my backhand's gotten to be a lot more prominence so you started backhand but quickly realized you had a better forehand that's
Starting point is 00:17:49 interesting i never even thought it's such a for me it's such a bizarre uh throw it it it seems yeah unnatural to me i think i think a lot of people pick up the forehand easier because i feel like it's a more comparable motion to like a baseball toss or tennis you know hit or something like that while the backhand is kind of more of a unique movement i would say and then what about switching from a ultimate frisbee disc to a disc golf disc it's to me it's like almost not even the same game it's not right yeah it's it's totally different it's it's like a different throw as well with the ultimate disc you can get away with you know kind of really getting your arm super like cold up and just spinning the disc a lot you don't need a lot of speed whereas the
Starting point is 00:18:33 way the discs are designed speed is a lot more important to get the disc to travel so you i mean you know you'll see some some ultimate play i'll try to transition to disc golf and it's not it's not as easy as maybe you'd think. Brody Smith, obviously, being probably the most notable one. He's done a good job of transitioning, but it was definitely difficult for him right away. I don't feel like transitioning from ultimate gives you a huge advantage. Was Brody a good ultimate Frisbee player? He was probably the best. He was definitely the best at the time he played
Starting point is 00:19:05 I don't know about Still but he might be the best at all Also a big man sport Yeah for sure That's when too while like jumping And being able to jump high and be tall in that way Helps as well So
Starting point is 00:19:20 16 you're swimming Did you go to high school or were you homeschooled? I was homeschooled. God, dude. You are a fucking hippie. Beans, vegan, homeschool, travel during the winter. Why are you having trouble accepting this? You and I are from the same cloth. I mean, you're on a slightly different part of the blanket.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I mean, I'm only 5'5". But we are weaved. That's generous. Yeah, thank you. Homeschooled. Yeah. Where are your parents? What ethnicity are your parents?
Starting point is 00:19:52 I mean, just white. We did... Are you Amish? How many years Amish? No, no. Where were they born? South Dakota. God.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Both of them. You have cool parents. they're cool you feel pretty lucky oh for sure yeah i feel super blessed to be to be raised by them i think they i think they did a good job as far as you know parenting can go it's that it's a tough job so you're an independent strong human being that there's not a lot of those left chasing the dream. It's it's. Wow. Okay. What generation are your parents? Um, I think my, I want to say like my, maybe my, my mom's grandma, maybe my great grandma, like couldn't speak English. So what did she speak? I think German, I believe.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I think it went like German, Russian, Switzerland, maybe. It's as far back as we've gone. Do you know how your parents met? In college. In the Dakotas? Yeah. Yeah. I didn't even know they had college in the Dakotas.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I mean, it is pretty, it is pretty skillful. Not a whole lot going on, but Hey, will that, will that five-five When the man bun is on top That's correct Where would you consider home? I still claim South Dakota You know, so when they announce me, you know, for the false T
Starting point is 00:21:20 They still say They still say South Dakota I haven't, i haven't settled down anywhere else since so you know maybe if i buy a house somewhere for the off season then maybe i'd claim that but i would still i would still claim south dakota do you still in this sport of disc golf is that something that they like ask you at a tournament or they ask you before the season because sometimes the players will change you know like right yeah we have to we have to uh plug that in when we sign up for the for the pdga membership i think is what it is um so we have to like claim a residency somewhere
Starting point is 00:21:58 and so mine is still still something so like every year when you update your pdga rating you could that's when you can make the change. Yeah. I could pop, I think you can go in and edit it as well. So if I wanted to go change it now, I probably could do that as well. You mean like what his home state is? They'll just say, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:12 now taking the T from South Dakota, Robert sponsored by discraft as a radar. Okay. But, but some players, you know, they move, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:20 like, you know, Paul McBeth for a long time. I don't know what he claims anymore, but it always was Huntington beach, but he hasn't lived there for a long time. Right. Yeah. Now it's, what was, you know, like, uh, you know, Paul Macbeth for a long time. I don't know what he claims anymore, but it always was Huntington beach, but he hasn't lived there for a long time. Right. Yeah. Now it's, well, it was Virginia then for a couple of years. And now it's, uh, it'll probably be Florida now.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Hey, and you were into real estate. Uh, that was your, that was your first occupation before you, did you still own any property? I don't. Yeah. I mean, mean growing up my dad had rental properties so you know we got pretty familiar with uh like the renovation side of of all that and uh yeah so that interested me i wanted to kind of just be like a real estate mogul make a bunch of money so i got out of high school my brother and i bought like four houses, fixed them up, and then sold them. And kind of realized that with all that time spent, we couldn't really do anything. Like even if we had money, it wasn't really worth it at the time.
Starting point is 00:23:13 And I kind of realized that I could probably just make money when I'm older if I wanted to. So it made more sense for me to take the, I guess, a little risk maybe that there was and create something that I thought would be a little bit more enjoyable. Do you guys do the manual labor on those yourself? Yeah. Yeah, we did most of the stuff
Starting point is 00:23:31 ourselves. So, 16, you pick up a disc for the first time. Was there a time where you were like it started taking an inordinate amount of your time? You're like basically like in between renovating houses or class or whatever, you were like, it started taking an inordinate amount of your time? You're like basically like in between renovating houses or class or whatever, you're like,
Starting point is 00:23:49 well, I just want to get, or you start noticing you're on the internet looking for new discs. Is there a point when you're like, okay, something's going on here. I found my passion. You're playing on rainy days, windy days. You're playing at night with a headlamp. You know what I mean? When you just start seeing, you set up, you get a basket, you steal a basket from a course and put it in your backyard shit like that starts happening um not until after the houses so i would say from like 16 until 19 um it was super
Starting point is 00:24:19 it was super casual you know i mean even in height like for the first couple years golf was my main focus so from 16 to 18 i was i was still playing golf primarily and just would play disc golf casually and then um yeah for that whole summer of doing the renovations didn't really spend any time disc golfing at all um just because we were we were trying to put 10 10 11 hour days into the houses to get them fixed up as soon as possible. And then after we got done with the walk, then I kind of realized, like, I kind of want to do something else. And I was already confident in my disc golf game for whatever reason. Like, I felt like I was already good enough to be, like, professional,
Starting point is 00:24:57 which was obviously not even close. But then after putting in a lot of work, I knew I'd be able to, I guess, make it. Excuse me for one second. Sorry, I apologize. I'm just being honest. When Mayhem goes live, I'm out of here. I'd rather watch Kettlebells and Cox than listen to Disc Golf.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I respectfully say, you fucking cunt, get the fuck out of here and don't post in my chat again. Thank you. I appreciate it. No hard feelings. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Okay. Wow. You're sweating now? Fucking dickhead. They're having a fucking conversation about going over. You want to go over and suck Rich's cock? Go ahead. I ain't hating on you.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Go. Go. Rich Froning is kind of like. I'm ready to leave fucking two, Brian, with this guy so they can talk about Frisbee to go give Rich a hand. Go ahead. Dickheads. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I'm just kidding, Ezra. Ezra is kind of like Paul McBeth. He's been the best guy in the game for a long time, and he's actually, he's a friend of ours, but he also has a podcast going on right now. They're over here talking in the chat about going over there. Okay, look,
Starting point is 00:25:58 here's the guy who's pretty happy he met you, Brian, at the West Coast semifinals. Here we go. Met a lot of good people this last month. Look, Jody Lynn, I love this guest. Yeah, what's done to like about him i'm gonna put up some um um pictures of him with his shirt off will that keep some of you around look we have one girl look we have one girl who listens to the podcast there we go way more than that okay
Starting point is 00:26:17 uh okay uh here we go back back back what what do you do for a living oh yeah golf Here we go. Back, back, back. What do you do for a living? Oh yeah. Golf. Here we go back to Ezra Aderhold. Ezra this, this year, you and Brody have started doing like the course reviews, like, you know, the, you know, you'll play when you get there. Have you, I'm just kind of curious, have you been, has that been rewarding for you or is like the time that it takes to do that sometimes a distraction or is it a, and a lot of extra work? Yeah. So we actually kind of started doing that last season as well.
Starting point is 00:26:49 And it's definitely beneficial. You know, YouTube does do pretty well monetarily, so that definitely helps out. Last season, we did all the editing ourselves. And that definitely, I felt like, took a little bit of a toll just because I'd be up kind of late at night editing the video or early in the morning trying to edit so we can get it posted before the tournament would start. And I feel like that maybe had a little bit of a negative effect on my game. Thankfully, this year we've been able to outsource that, which obviously costs a little bit.
Starting point is 00:27:20 So the revenue is not going to be maybe as good as it was last year, but think it'll be it'll be worth it um and then it's also it's enjoyable you know it's something we have we have fun doing and we'll already make like practicing so it's like we might as well film it as well and then people enjoy it so i really like it you know i i uh it looks like it's a lot of work just to add to what you're saying brian i watched one last night and i was like oh this is this seems pretty stressful like he should be like chilling the day before yeah we usually film on like monday or tuesday so we have a couple days of just like practice without the cameras um after before the before the tournament um but it's i mean it doesn't it's not really a whole lot different than like a normal practice round goes you know we kind of We're typically talking about the shots during a practice round
Starting point is 00:28:06 and typically making jokes anyway. We're just capturing what we would already do and then just posting that. Has it led to you eating a lot more waffles than you usually would? I've definitely eaten more waffles since meeting Brody.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Why? He's big into waffles? Yeah, he loves Waffle House. So we'll have these, like, we'll have a little side bet sometimes for, you know, who has to buy the waffles next time. There's nothing at Waffle House that you should be eating, by the way.
Starting point is 00:28:36 No. Final hole. Hey, do you like playing with your shirt tucked in? I think I was more professional. Yeah, I mean... You look professional. Yeah, I mean. You look great. Pants are tight. You can see you squat below parallel.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Shirt's tight. But I was thinking that when you rotate that you would feel that tug in your waistband, and that would be like take your attention away from the throws, no? Oh, man. I hope not. I don't think so. Okay, good. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Don't let me get you in there. Yeah, I've been tucking it in for a while. I played golf in high school, and I think I would tuck in for that too. At the very least, I'm used to it. Do you look down upon the guys who show up kind of just looking like hippies? Like, come on, guys. Tighten up your shit. Professional up.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I maybe did at the beginning, but since I've been on 2-0, it's gotten a lot. I guess since I've been involved in disc golf and watching the sport, I feel like there's been a shift. So even from six years ago when I started watching, I think the way people have presented themselves is more professional, which I like to see. But I like the jolts that people weigh on. I think that looks good enough, and I think that's a good look for disc golf. Some of the athletic jolts is maybe not on i think that looks um you know good enough and i think that's that's a good look for this golf um some of the athletic schwarzes maybe not what i'd love to see but at the same time it you know the the run-up is athletic moves so i can understand what people
Starting point is 00:29:55 would want to wear all the more athletic clothing so i can't i don't look down on it too bad do the sponsors get involved in that at all would they like like reach out and say, hey, man, you know, we might appreciate you wearing this or not that? Well, there is a dress code in the PGA rules. So, I mean, kind of have to adhere to that. The sponsors, I don't know if the sponsors, you know, care too much. I think they want us to look presentable, which most people do. So it's not really an issue, I don't think. By the way, Jamieie latimer i apologize
Starting point is 00:30:25 you're right quit counting us girls out uh you're absolutely right i will try just i forget that there's girls out here uh chelsea uh speaking of uh females i'm loving this i just recently started disc golfing it's a lot of fun awesome um you're so so you're young you're you're young. You're athletic, good parents, and you dabble in real estate. You read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. You think having money would be fun. Please continue to think that. It is fun. And then you – at some point, you believe in yourself enough to think that you can play professional frisbee golf. Is that confidence or naiveness? Yeah, honestly, I think it was naiveness because we, I don't know. Congratulations, it fucking worked. Yeah, I got lucky.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I don't know. We thought like right when we started playing, we were arrogant enough. And I think naive is a good word for it. To think that we were already like good enough to be professional and we watched the YouTube videos. We're like, we can arrogant enough, and I think naive is a good word for it, to think that we were already good enough to be professional and we watched the YouTube videos and we're like, we can throw these shots. Their distances, they'll just hype that up to make it look better.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And I can remember going to a tournament in California. I can't remember. It's the real-time open. I can't remember the town. But we saw Paul McBeth play and some some other pros as well and even watching them in person We're like, yeah We can fight you can fight foes for all these guys
Starting point is 00:31:51 And then we went out after the round and played the same course and then we would feel like me through the shot It was like half the distance and we're like, oh my gosh. Well, what will be bad? and So they're like that was really like that was really What will be bad? And, uh, so they're like,
Starting point is 00:32:04 that was really like, that was really like disappointing to, to just be a lot worse than we thought. So then I kind of, I kind of made a decision at that point to either like not play anymore. Cause I just, I was like, this is, I don't want to be this bad or to like take it seriously and try to make it
Starting point is 00:32:18 my job. So I think that would have been, I must've been 2019. Um, and I was like, I guess I'm just going to, Oh, I guess I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:32:25 But you did your first pro tour in May of 2019. So quickly. Oh, it would have been 2017. Okay, 2017. Okay, 2017. And was that a test? You were testing me? No.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Okay, okay. And just to, so if you're throwing half as far, so you – in those two years, you think you doubled your drive off the tee distance from 17 to 19? A little more close. Yeah, double is maybe a bit much. It probably wasn't quite half either. I was probably throwing three – maybe 350 on like a full flight. That's me now, by the way. And now what do you throw? Now what do you throw? I would say like 600. I mean, my longest like – my longest like – my actual throw is 679 in a contest.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Wow. God. I'm not – I mean, I'm not really hitting 600 in a tournament setting usually just because it's such an aggressive line. And there's really few holes that demand that. Yeah, exactly. And especially now, the calls are becoming increasingly difficult with OB and decision-making and all that stuff too.
Starting point is 00:33:40 You can't really get away with just spraying a shot as far as you want on most uh on most courses that's actually that's one of the two things that i appreciate i think most about the videos that you and brody put out is the kind of the course analysis and that you guys aren't really afraid to say like i can see where the course designers coming with this hole or these style of holes that they've chosen to sprinkle into the course layout and then you'll say and i and i like it for this reason or i don't like it for that reason but in general um how how difficult do you think it's becoming for course designers to find like holes or layouts that are challenging enough for you guys without being kind of like over the top ridiculous yeah it is it is a difficult thing um you know i, I think we always make the comparison to golf
Starting point is 00:34:26 just because it's a somewhat similar sport. And they have the putting so difficult. They can easily adjust the greens kind of and the speed and all that stuff to make the whole play so much more difficult just on that one small area where we don't really have that. You know, the putting is one of the easier parts. Well, for some people, it's one of the easier parts of well for some people it's one of the easier parts of the game so i'm sometimes still working on but um without without making a
Starting point is 00:34:51 whole fluky but still difficult is one of the biggest challenges um and obviously those things you can do with ob to make you maybe want to play safe um but i don't know you know i'd like i'd like to see i'd like to see them shrink the baskets and see what that would do because i think i think making the putting more difficult would make everything about the game more difficult i think i'd really interested to see interested to see what what that would do is there a is there a minimum or maximum requirement that the pdga enforces for that like do the baskets have to be a certain diameter? Yeah, I believe so. To be, you know, it's one of those things that like, in my opinion, and this is kind
Starting point is 00:35:30 of coming from the CrossFit space, like there's certain parts of the season that are part of the season, but then there's, you know, like tournaments or competitions outside of the season that could do some experimenting in that regard. So it might be cool for an like out-season tournament to just try that with the diameter that's like 75% of the mandated PDGA one and just kind of do a little study and see how it is. Right, for sure. I mean, there has been an event in the past in Utah, I believe,
Starting point is 00:35:59 where they had a basket with basically just the inside chains. So it's like a Marksman basket, I guess. And it's just like um it's like a marksman basket i guess and it's just really it's like the width of a disc is all and that basket doesn't really catch very well because it's so easy to just hit the pole and bounce straight back out so i don't think that's necessarily the the route i think they'd have to shrink every every aspect of the of the basket the width and the height and proportionally just bring it down smaller yeah exactly um and then somehow figure out a way to make a catch well and then if that could happen then i think it'd be ideal uh jeffrey birchfield 679 wow and yeah that's crazy uh jamie does he play real golf yeah i played i played real golf in in high school for four or five years um since then i
Starting point is 00:36:48 haven't played a whole lot you know i'll go out maybe a couple times a year um and maybe go to top golf once in a while but not not super committed to that anymore um just to put things in perspective um let's uh tell people about this shot one more time. Jeffrey Birchfield, good, great question. How far is this? How far is this being thrown? That was about five 50.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I think. Okay. Cause that looks like it's just going forever and ever. Yeah. And that's, I mean, I can't tell if you got a full flight out of it. It almost just looks like a Heiser flip to flat.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah, I think it did tone some, those were, those were some pretty flippy discs. The first batch of the Nukes last season came out pretty flippy, so I was having to put those on a pretty steep Heiser angle, and we had a little bit of headwind too, so it got a lot of movement. God, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:37:39 You look like a friend of mine and Brian's in this. Do you know who I'm talking about, Brian, who he looks like? No. Chase Ingram. Oh yeah. Actually a great comparison. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Every time I watch that, I'm like, is that Chase? Chase is playing for the Judy Reed. Our elbow injuries or shoulder injuries, common, similar to baseball players. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:01 there has been, there has been a few elbow injuries from some of the top players and then also knee i think would probably be like the next most common um you know i think one of the one of the things is we don't have as many staff members kind of helping people with the injury prevention stuff that like mlb will have so we't have, we don't have as much access to that. We do have one guy. I think that helps a lot. Like a body worker who's on the tour. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:31 So, you know, he helps a lot with people getting warmed up before the round and stretching after the round and all that, that stuff, which I think is important. But yeah, I mean, there's definitely a lot of strain that goes onto the elbow. So that's, it's definitely, you know, if you want to work with that guy, do you have to like sign up for i mean there's oftentimes 100 plus players in a tournament that seems like one guy's job almost impossible yeah it's it's
Starting point is 00:38:55 it's included with the tour call that we sign up for so we get access to it um and then it's all it's also spread out throughout the day so you know if I tee off at 11 o'clock, you know You know, maybe goats. Oh somebody sees off like 11 o'clock We go see him for like the half-hour also leading up to it and then the pulse that he's off at noon will go you know talk to him like right before that and she kind of Goes up his day. Oh, how difficult is it to get a tour card? You have to be top 80 tour card? You have to be top 80 from the previous season
Starting point is 00:39:28 I think or top 72 I think it's top 80. Is that based on player rating or is it based on the world rankings that the I think it's based on the pro tour points pro tour points so if you don't
Starting point is 00:39:42 I'm a very analytical mind. For CrossFit, I do a lot of data analysis, research, and evaluation of the players and the competitions. And I'm starting to gain a lot of knowledge and interest in disc golf in the same regard. And I'm always curious where I should look. On the PDGA, they have the rating. And so you can see who the highest rated rated players are on the mpo site or
Starting point is 00:40:07 udisc with mpo they have this dominance index which i don't entirely understand and then of course there's the tour points which one of those do you think is the best reflection of who actually are the top players at any given time i like the the two points the most i think at the end of the season especially so if you even if you just look at the end of last season, I think that probably has the best gauge. Ricky Wysocki is going to love that you said that. Yeah, I think the player rating is probably the least accurate. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:43 The player rating is a tough one just because you can go play events off to all that will rate differently depending on the field and the difficulty of the quals. So it's not a perfect system. I think it's a good system for amateur players, but I don't think it's super necessary for the pro field. And then the UDisc, the UDisc ranking is also, it's decent, I think. I don't think it's perfect either.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I think maybe the StatMando World Rankings is maybe the best one. That's probably pretty similar to the UDisc, I guess. But I think that's maybe the best outside of the Pro Tour points. Congratulations in Portland. You're on the chase card with Calvin. Good call, right? Chase card with... No, Calvin...
Starting point is 00:41:32 I think Calvin was like third card, but he just shot really well. Okay. Yeah. Okay, and you put it to your homeboy Gannon too. Yeah. And to Brody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yeah, I'm glad Brody played well. You must have felt horrible for that. He's been chasing down the USDGC spot and the ULP and Open spot, so I'm happy he's going to qualify for both of those. Say that one more time. Sorry, say that again. I'm happy that Brody played well. He's been chasing down the USDGC
Starting point is 00:42:00 spot, like the qualifying spot, and the ULP and Open spot as well. So he got both of those this week, which is super nice. That is awesome. And it's, I mean, let's be super honest. I think it's good for the sport also that he's able to, you know, elevate and qualify for those tournaments.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Obviously, I think he's probably brought a big following over from his previous endeavors. Yep. Ezra, right here it says Brody's number is 128 000 and yours is uh 121 000 and uh and then let's say like someone like james proctor is 34 000 is that just when they came into the sport because that guy's been in the sport for so long yep that's just literally psychological oh wow yeah yeah holy cow okay and it only as far as i can tell it only matters in very specific scenarios uh where there's a tiebreaker like if um for example if ezra and i were playing in round two and we both shot the same in round two and had the same total for the tournament then the next tiebreaker would be the
Starting point is 00:43:02 fact that he had a lower pdga number than me when determining which card we would play on in the third round correct yeah brian said something to you that i didn't understand you guys were talking going back to courses and about holes being uh difficult or good and i and then he said and then i think you guys said that word versus a floaty hole or floky hole what was the word fluky fluky what does that mean like a hole that's like got a gimmick in it that's like kind of yeah yeah so i mean you can make a whole floki with just having like if you just imagined having like ob cross the fairway every 10 feet this would be like a super extreme example well you could just have you could have the ob for out of bounds for people who don't know out of bounds so what you're saying is if you made a checkerboard
Starting point is 00:43:44 and the white was out of bounds and black was in't know out of bounds. So what you're saying is if you made a checkerboard and the white was out of bounds and black was in bounds, that would be cheese dick. Right. It'd be a very difficult hole, but it also is just super gimmicky and fluky. Okay. That's one way to do it. You can also have a whole world. It's just throwing through a wall of trees. But you have just kind of poke and hope that you get through. That's, that's one of the more common ways I would say. Or you can have thing like hills can be kind of fluky as well,
Starting point is 00:44:07 depending on how you land on the hill and roll away, but that's something you can actually manage those different ways to make a hole difficult. Um, but those, you know, like, like some of those, those examples, those, some bad ways to make holes difficult as well. Or, or even, even the mandos that they put in the mandatory, like right off the tee, sometimes there'll be some mandatories. And while I'm, because I'm not super familiar with the sport and I'm watching on TV, I can't really tell what the purpose of it is. I can't tell like, hey, why are they trying to guide the dude right through this?
Starting point is 00:44:36 Or if the mandatory is pretty far off the tee, it's like, oh, shit. What happens if you go outside a mando that's out of bounds? It's basically, yeah, it's typically this kind of similar to going out of balance and you take you know you take your stroke for going out you take a stroke for coming back and then you throw at it at it like a drop zone right next to the mandatory it's like the typical the typical ruling the purpose of a mando is basically to limit people from taking an easier line to the basket so if you can imagine like a dog leg a big dog leg left that's like 600 feet in the wide open. You could just go straight at the pin at like 400 feet.
Starting point is 00:45:10 They put a Mando half way down the fairway, makes you go all the way around the hole. So they can. Gotcha. On more open calls, especially it's, it's definitely necessary sometimes. Sometimes it's for safety.
Starting point is 00:45:19 They don't want you throwing into another hole as fairway or they know there's going to be fans over there. Yeah. Heidi groom. Is he single? Are you single mr ezra i am single yes yeah did you ever come back to the game oh nice i like that um in um uh some sports i'm trying to think what like professional basketball and i want they have like words for the for for the girls around the course are like called like something bunnies or something. I can't remember. Does golf have those? Like girls who are on the tour, like chasing you down,
Starting point is 00:45:52 trying to get you to marry you, try to spend the night in the Prius. Anyone ever try to spend the night in the Prius? I mean, I don't think, you know, back when I was living in the Prius, I don't think that's a super attractive quality for a guy to have. So I didn't have any issues back then. As soon as you upgraded to the motor home. Now, I mean,
Starting point is 00:46:11 it's, it hasn't, that hasn't really been, there's not a whole lot of this golf groupies. So do you have any time for courtship? Do you have any time for dating? Anything like that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I mean, every now and again, I've gone on some dates you know in the past couple years but it's kind of a difficult it's kind of a difficult part of the job just with how much i travel i feel like it'd be difficult to actually get into like a relationship you know i don't i don't think the long distance thing would be super fair for either people so i don't know it's it's kind of unfortunate, but for where I'm at in my career right now,
Starting point is 00:46:47 I feel like it's not a super plausible option. In the CrossFit competitions, I always recommend, if possible, for someone to bring a person with them, whether it's their girlfriend or their wife or a manager. Really? Your girlfriend or your wife? Really? Just hear me out, Stefan. Okay, okay. Someone that can be there for them to do simple things you know make sure
Starting point is 00:47:08 that they're eating or you know if they forgot something at the hotel they can run and get it for them it's just like these little things because crossfit competition is very demanding physically and you know in in this golf and specifically relevant to this conversation i notice i don't know what percentage but there's a decent amount of players on tour that have their girlfriend or wife that travel with them all the time. Do you think that can be an advantage or do you think that sometimes it's too distracting? Yeah, I think it could go either way, depending on the person and depending on the situation and how they handle things. I think, I mean, I could definitely see, they're all benefits, I'm sure. You know, and obviously Some people make it walk so
Starting point is 00:47:47 I don't think it'd be a completely just like Negative distracting type thing And if it's the right pulse I think it could be A benefit I don't know what if you get in a fight with your girl About something just inconsequential Just prior to getting on the holes That would suck
Starting point is 00:48:02 Like someone forgot to pick up the dog poop i mean just some bullshit right yeah i don't know you'd have to have a great mate who at all times can just give you a kiss and be like hey just drop it let's let this go they'd have to be able to just squash anything yeah i mean it's wild there are certain players and sometimes like very high level players, you know, like Chris and Eagle that you just expect their significant other
Starting point is 00:48:30 to be there all the time. And for those, it does seem like it works out very well. Mm-hmm. Yep. You said you're 26? 25.
Starting point is 00:48:39 25. 25. A 609 mile. That's pretty crazy that's that that's uh that's that's pretty crazy did you ever read in that video you said you were going to retime it i didn't believe you i'm like there's no way he's retiming that after getting a 609 i planned on it well that was i didn't train at all for that and my plan was to like, yeah. My plan was to. By the way, another sign of a hippie. See the way like you don't brush your hair and you just let it fro and like that.
Starting point is 00:49:11 I mean, it's kind of you got to live free, dude. Yeah. You're totally living free. Okay. Go on. My plan was to, you know, practice like train a lot through the offseason and then go back and time myself, uh,
Starting point is 00:49:26 at the mile again, just to see if I improved. I did the same thing with swimming as well. And about a month into like run, like, you know, going on runs every other day or whatever. Uh,
Starting point is 00:49:39 my foot, I got some foot pain, I think is what it was. And so I kind of stopped. Uh, maybe I'm not super familiar with, Like plantar fasciitis? Ah, maybe. I'm not super familiar with anything like that. Did it feel like you were stepping on a tack? Did it feel like you were stepping on a tack?
Starting point is 00:49:53 I don't know if I would say a tack. Okay. I don't know. I'm like a doctor. Okay. Okay, go ahead. It was a while ago, yeah. So I kind of stopped doing the running side of it,
Starting point is 00:50:01 and I kept up with the swimming until the season started. But it would have been interesting to see what I could have ran after all. How much did you weigh? About 190. What's the shortest dude on the tour? We were talking, what's the shortest, like absolute shortest? Is there any like 5'4 dudes? 5'6, 5'7.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Emelson's right there with the shortest guys. There's no dudes who are so short where you're like, hmm, I wonder if he goes in the dwarf category. No one like that? No. Mason Ford, probably another one. I think he may be an inch taller than Emerson, though. Yeah, him and Emerson are very similar in stature, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Any chance to – is there any concern about drugs on there i mean everyone looks so svelte and i kind of liked your analysis of um in one of the videos i saw that getting stronger isn't necessarily and may not equate to a better throwing but any how about what about weed do they test for that yeah they don't they don't test for anything in disc golf which um i would like to see that you know become a thing at some point they don't they don't test for anything in disc golf which um i would like to see that you know become a thing at some point i don't think it's cost effective at you know at the level disc golf's at i think it would be too expensive um unfortunately but i mean yeah i mean there are definitely substances that that get used um i don't know like what like
Starting point is 00:51:23 adderall like something to help you with your focus? Like Adderall or something like that? Well, I think stuff like that would be more beneficial than like steroids. Right. Well, I don't know. I even think weed might be better. Like people don't say weed is performance enhancing, but I feel like if it calms people's nerves and can help them with folks and stuff like that, I feel like it could be a performance enhancing one. How about nicotine? That's obviously a legal, a legal drug though. So I would think nicotine to chew.
Starting point is 00:51:48 I would think, or do a lot of guys chew? Um, I don't think you can actually, so I don't think you can actually use any of that stuff during the competition. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:57 I think people might maybe smoke a little bit before they go play off. They chew, they maybe choose to be true before they go play. Um, but during the ice competition, I don't think it's actually allowed. What if someone wanted to take like a THC edible? How could you regulate that?
Starting point is 00:52:13 I mean, yeah, they, I mean, they can't, they really can't. I mean, yeah. Is there something that I've always been curious about? Is it, well, you have another question about Drug 7. Yeah, yeah. So you don't think there's any guys with nicotine pouches while they're on the tour? Like out there? If there is any –
Starting point is 00:52:36 That should help you focus tremendously. I wonder if that's illegal in baseball. I didn't – is it illegal in baseball? I don't think it is. Someone will know in the comments. I didn't is it illegal in baseball. I don't think it is someone will know in the comments. Oh If there are guys using it they've done a good job of not letting me see So I don't maybe I don't pay good enough attention
Starting point is 00:52:56 right, but Are you guys pretty close the group the guys on tour It's definitely I feel like this golf's a lot closer than most sports just because most people travel, you know, all over the same spots. You know, we camp out. A lot of people kind of stay in the same parking lot in our vans, and we see each other on practice rounds. And so I think the pro disc golf community, I guess, does see each other a lot more often than maybe other sports.
Starting point is 00:53:28 So I'm not friends with everybody, but we definitely know, we definitely are familiar with everybody. I mean, in general, I'm very impressed with sportsmanship, at least that's shown outwardly. I mean, even in this past week, you know, these guys are in a very like contentious, it's very close. Every shot matters. There's some people getting good breaks, bad breaks, having good holes, bad holes. People react to those things differently. But when it comes down to it, like it's not very much time that passes and fist bump, great shot smiles.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Like it's, it's really quite impressive. At least what it appears from my end. Yeah. Yeah. I would say, I would say I would say the vast majority of people on tour are at the very least like,
Starting point is 00:54:09 quotable with each other, you know, so like, at least like, friendly on a certain level. And then like, last weekend, Adam and Aaron
Starting point is 00:54:16 battling it out, you know, they're pretty good friends outside of disc golf. And so I think that is probably maybe what you saw. Even more of that,
Starting point is 00:54:24 like, you know friendsmanship I guess how about when tiger gave that dude a slip that dude a tampon do you remember that recently I do oh I actually watched that that I watched one of the days live in Bolson that's that's so good yeah it's so good it's so good you got back you got backlash it's like oh fuck those people hey any any shenanigans like that going on uh you know like maybe like um spray something on someone's disc so it smells like something you know like perfume or any any um no i mean i think the most maybe we should step up our game and do more of that but i think think the most we'll see is, like, somebody maybe on the card previous or the card behind us or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:10 We'll throw a good shot and maybe somebody will, like, put some grass on top of our desk to kind of, like, try to hide it. Oh. Or a stick or something. You could put, you could take a permanent marker and write something on someone's desk that fucks them up, too. Like, you have a tiny cock or, you know what I mean? Just like. Just as they would oh sure well like all two seasons ago there was this like hot dog banding going around stamping or like a hot dog on people's discs uh-huh so he's like you know
Starting point is 00:55:34 when people like warming up you'd like pick up the rest and stamp it and like for the longest time nobody knew who it was oh wow and wow i guess that's that's probably that's maybe that's the biggest like janice shanigans did anyone ever find out who did it yeah uh jeremy coaling finally confessed and did he get in trouble no it was just like a funny light-hearted thing it wasn't jeremy coaling seven you know who that is he he does the commentary for the jomez videos that we watch and review he's a taller guy kind of a silly guy and he's been around forever and from what i can understand pretty much well liked by everyone so he's like the perfect person to kind of pull off something like that yeah um 2000 so so do you do you consider yourself um a
Starting point is 00:56:21 professional uh disc golfer? I do, yeah. Yeah. That's how I get paid. And did you consider yourself that before you were one? Like when you had ambitions to be one going back to like 2017? Let's even go back a little further. When were you just like, okay, you were telling the story, you were like, I can do this, and then you saw Paul McBeth
Starting point is 00:56:44 and you had to scratch your head and be like, okay. Yeah. Did you have to have like a, uh, I don't know, come to Jesus mom, like, fuck, I'm going to commit everything to this. What are my parents going to think? Is this really what I want to do with my life? Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:58 That's a good question. I mean, um, yeah, I did have that moment. I think I had that moment pretty soon after watching Paul play in person. And I kind of had that, I had that make that switch in my head of this is what I'm doing. All this is what I'm not doing. I wouldn't have called myself a professional at that point just cause I, you know, I hadn't, I hadn't made any money in it.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I hadn't competed. I hadn't really done it. I just, I kind of treated it like a job for like two years before actually competing. So I kind of, did you have a for like two years before actually competing. Did you have a day job at that point? No. Just burning through your reserves.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yeah, exactly. I lived cheap. I lived with my brothers in an apartment, so rent wasn't too expensive. Didn't spend a lot of money on food. But yeah, I practiced for a couple of years, not as a professional or anything. Just kind of pretending like I'm already a professional And practicing as if that's my job And then I played for
Starting point is 00:57:51 About nine months or so Kind of on the local level in the Dakotas In professional events But I wouldn't call myself a professional at that point either Just because the term professional disc golfer Was kind of a loose term in disc golf Because you have touring professionals You have local golfer was kind of a loose term in disc golf because you have touring professionals you have local pros it's all kind of all over the place
Starting point is 00:58:09 um maybe maybe like halfway into my first season on tour is probably when i would be like okay i'm cashing at every event you know i'm i'm playing every weekend this is that maybe that's when i would say that i was a professional was it it around that time that anyone started reaching out in terms of sponsorships, or did that take a little longer? Yeah, that took towards the end of the season. Maybe just a few months. End of 2019? 2020.
Starting point is 00:58:41 2020, okay. Yeah, so for 2019, let's see, 2019, I just played local stuff, mostly until the very, very end. And then I kind of went to Texas and just before the season. And then 2020, I played kind of okay throughout most of the season. And then I had a few kind of events happen in a row
Starting point is 00:59:01 where I kind of popped off and got some recognition. And then I got some people kind of reaching out to me and then didn't, didn't commit to anything for the rest of the season. And then at the end of 2020 that's when I made the decision to go with, with this craft. But actually before, so before 20, the 2020 season,
Starting point is 00:59:19 I played a tournament in Texas with Nate Perkins and then he put in a gold, good word for me with OTB. So they actually sponsored me for the whole 2020 season. Oh. Yeah, so that was super clutch. Nate Perkins seems like a genuinely good dude. For sure, yeah. Jeffrey Birchfield, Major League Baseball's 2016 collective bargaining agreement
Starting point is 00:59:43 banned the use of smokeless tobacco, including tubing tobacco, for all new big league players. Oh, for the new guys. Okay, so the guys who are addicted already got to, like, finish out. Yeah, I ain't hating on that. That shit. Interesting. You ever fuck around with nicotine, Ezra? You ever smoke cigarettes or no?
Starting point is 01:00:00 No, never have. Man, that stuff is – Seve, did you show him that lady who missed a shot by... He's talking about Evelina Salanen, hole 17 at Wake. Did you know... Oh, look it. He cringed a little bit. I've seen some shots, but here's the thing. I'll cringe at the shots, but at the same time, I've missed some putts pretty badly too. So it's like, I don't know. Dude, the guy who won this tournament last week in Portland, ultimately,
Starting point is 01:00:30 he had one of the worst putts I've ever seen, like three or four holes before he won it. He just hit the biggest tree right in front of him. It happens. Right. Yeah. Oh, that was insane that he had to make the putt from inside the tree, I think. Yeah. Yeah. So this period, so you're touring. You're trying to – oh, sorry, sorry. I want to go back a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:01:04 So these two years that you're just practicing golf, is it basically like you're in this apartment with your brothers, you wake up in the morning, you eat your food, and then you have a regimen you go on. Okay, I'm going to practice putting for an hour. I'm going to practice drives for an hour. I'm then going to nap for an hour, then I'm going to work out, and then I'm going to go back and I'm going to practice more drives. Was it like that for just two years? Yeah, it wasn't that structured, but yeah, on that level, I guess it was a lot of technique work, so I would spend most of my time
Starting point is 01:01:32 in front of my phone camera just doing slow motion shots and slowing it down and trying to really iron out my throws. I was in a basement thrown into a tult that I hung up in my parents' old house. Um, but yeah, so I remember then were people tripping on you?
Starting point is 01:01:50 What do you mean? What do you mean by tripping on me? Like, it just seems like such a, it's so, um, on one level it's so extreme. Like, Hey, I'm going to put my life on hold for two years and I'm going to refine some motions using an iPhone. Are you a Droid guy? I am. I was actually an iPhone guy at the time, though.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Holy shit. Pause. You went from an iPhone to a Droid? Yeah. How come? Good question. I don't know because now the Android is the same price as the iPhone. So it's not really like a cost. It's not a good question. I don't know because like now the, the, the Android is the same price as the iPhone. So it's not really like a cost.
Starting point is 01:02:28 It's like, it's not a cost move. Um, I think the specs, the specs, the Android has is better. Um, and then like now I've gotten used to the, the, to the UI of the Android. So I'm, I'm more familiar with how everything works. Wow. And I prefer it. You know, the iPhone people hate you because you fuck up all the like group text threads oh yeah definitely this morning i had to tell the producer of the
Starting point is 01:02:50 show i'm like hey can you text them a link because i don't have cell service at my house and i only so i can only text people who are on wi-fi okay or or who have an iphone and i'm like god damn it this guy yeah Wow, that's impressive. I didn't know people went that way. I didn't know people went iPhone to Android. Go ahead. You got to try it out. I agree.
Starting point is 01:03:11 You're bold. You are a unique man. You're a renaissance man, dude. There's no doubt. Go ahead. Go ahead, Brian. You said that you hung up a tarp, you throw into a tarp, and I think sometime in the last month or so,
Starting point is 01:03:23 Cole Redallin did an interview where he said, anyone who's trying to get good, I would recommend throwing into a net. and i think sometime in the last month or so cole redallin did an interview where he said anyone who's trying to get good i would recommend throwing into a net does that actually work like for me seeing the flight of the disc is very meaningful what is the benefit of throwing into a tarp or a net yeah i would say that the scene of fight of the disc is definitely beneficial but when it's like 20 degrees below zero and it's like you know four feet of snow outside it's not really an option so that's that's where the you know throwing into a net is kind of the best option at the very least you can still film yourself and see what your mechanics are and kind of have an idea of if you're hitting the right points and having the right technique so you can still have some benefit but maybe not quite as
Starting point is 01:03:59 good as as seeing the disc fly one other benefit too is you don't have to pick the disc up so that that can add a lot of time as far as having to go pick up the discs, run back, throw them again. You'd film it at 240? You'd film it at 240? 120? Man, it's been so long. Yeah, probably
Starting point is 01:04:17 240. And then project it onto a TV, like AirPlay it, or just actually watch it on the phone? I would just watch it on my phone. I could just scrub. I used Huddle Technique. I watch it on the phone? I would just watch it on my phone. Yeah, because then I could just scrub, and like I had a, I used Puddle Technique, I think it was the app I used, so I could like compare them, I could put my
Starting point is 01:04:31 video right next to like Simon Lizotte, or Will Hustrick, or whoever it was that I thought had really good form, and then I could compare and see if I was getting to the same positions. Ezra, I apologize, the chat has turned hostile towards you. Let's read a few of these. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Here's one. Android is so much better than iPhone. Let's go, Sean. This one's going to hurt. This one's going to hurt a little. You ready? Anita Dickamy. I bet he likes Pepsi. Wow. That's vicious. Oh, here we go. I'm not sure
Starting point is 01:05:04 if this is good or bad. Droid guy and a vegan. Yeah, it's getting weird. I think that's vicious uh oh here we go i'm not sure if this is good or bad droid guy and a vegan yeah it's it's getting weird i think that's positive i'm gonna take it positive all right take it take it how you want um uh what what about uh um so so so you're doing that for two years and in periodically you're doing local tournaments you said You poked your head out of the basement? No. No, not for two-year-olds. No, for the four-year-olds, I figured it was – I kind of wanted to get my foundation of my disc golf game strong enough to where when I went and played tournaments, I had that base to build off of.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I felt like if I went and just played tournaments right away, I wouldn't – it wouldn't be as easy to focus on technique. I would maybe limit my ceiling as far as not getting the distance I wanted off the tee. You know, so I'd focus more just like playing, playing tournaments well, instead of like having my technique good to where I could throw 550 feet. And then when I get to the top level, like having that would be a benefit. Brian, what's up with this dude? He's like a mad scientist there's all these like did you ever see his video brian with the prius uh probably not okay so basically what he did is he sets up a prius and he and and he puts a there's a he sets up a prius so that there's a wire that goes from the
Starting point is 01:06:18 front basically to the back where he can put a crock pot right a quick cooker where he can boil beans while he's driving right and then he has and then he has a seat that lays down where he can put a crock pot, right? A quick cooker, where he can boil beans while he's driving, right? And then he has a seat that lays down where he can sleep in it. So he has this thing where he basically drives from tournament to tournament, flipping on a switch, cooking beans. He gets there, dinner's ready, he eats and goes to sleep and plays the next tournament. I mean, it's like, and then now, why two years, Brian?
Starting point is 01:06:42 Pretend like he's not here. Is he crazy? Two years he's working in the lab before he takes his Ferrari out for a test ride? Is that what I mean? Honestly, I think it probably parallels to a lot of different disciplines. If you are passionate about something and you want to be confident in it when you present it forward-facing, that you've got to put in the time to refine it. And I think, you know, there are elements of being in a live competition setting that are difficult to replicate
Starting point is 01:07:09 in your basement, you know, the pressure of the moment and how to calm the nerves when there's, you know, cameras on or people watching. But if you can lean into two years worth of practice, and you can, you know, you know, there's still a mental discipline to be able to do that. But if you're confident in the stroke that you've been developing over that time, I think that, you know, you know, there's still a mental discipline to be able to do that. But if you're confident in the stroke that you've been developing over that time, I think that, you know, it is a good foundation to lean on, you know, when when you have to start to learn some of those other skills. While you're doing that, are you second guessing yourself as you're watching your money supply dwindle? And are there days you wake up and you're like fuck what am i doing i don't think so no because it's basically you didn't get to cash a check for a long time i mean i mean that metaphorically like you don't it's just like working on your car working on your
Starting point is 01:07:56 car but you never get to see it just like race right yeah no i mean i didn't i didn't really make any um i didn't really make any money until yeah it a half years, I guess, when I made some money in local tournaments, which didn't pay super well. I don't know. I was pretty confident in it. I knew it would take time. I kind of expected that I'd have to go through that period of not seeing the immediate return. have to go through the through that period of like not seeing the immediate return um but i feel like it's i feel like it's something that a lot of people that um i guess chase their dreams kind of have to go through you know like you know we see people in all those sports at the top of the game playing whatever on that's what we see but we don't really see what goes into it and i feel like a lot of people have to have that that that period where they put a lot into it without the retone in order to get the retone later on.
Starting point is 01:08:47 You've even curated your Instagram account to be really disc golf specific to basically everything's washed off of it, right? You've archived everything pre, pre, pre disc golf. Yeah, I didn't actually have Instagram before disc golf. So I got, I got instagram because of this golf wow crazy god hey dude you're a good catch you don't have girls um do you sabotage relationships um are you like how come how come someone hasn't yeah i probably do oh okay i don't know i mean like your expectations are too high of girls like like like you meet them and like she's everything's perfect,
Starting point is 01:09:25 but you see one quirky thing and you're like, fuck, this isn't going to work for 50 years. Uh, you're out. Um, I don't know. I mean,
Starting point is 01:09:33 I'm a little, I'm a little cynical. I'm a little cynical of relationships in general, which isn't, I don't like about it, but, um, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:41 I think, I think the main thing, I don't think I necessarily look at the goals I've gone on dates with and like see the flaws or whatever as something that I can't know. I think the main thing, I don't think I necessarily look at the goals I've gone on dates with and see the flaws or whatever as something that I can't overcome or whatever. I think I'm mostly, at least at this point in my life, I'm mostly looking at myself
Starting point is 01:09:54 and thinking that I'm still not ready for that with where I'm at in my career and what my goals are. I feel like I wouldn't be able to dedicate enough time to a relationship. Ezra has nice hands. It's probably also just like if you do meet someone at a tournament
Starting point is 01:10:11 and there's a little bit of a spark or you have a date, it's probably easier to just a week or two from there, just like unintentionally, intentionally forget to respond to some text and be like, sorry, I got busy on the tour. That's a legitimate thing that you can kind of say, like,
Starting point is 01:10:25 like I believe that. And then just never kind of respond again. Right. Yeah. I mean, I try to be, you know, I've,
Starting point is 01:10:30 I try to be clear, kind of going into like, if I do meet a goal, the gym or whatever, I try to be clear on kind of say like, you know, I, I travel all the time.
Starting point is 01:10:37 So like, I can't really change relationship right now, but if I was a girl, I would just take that as a challenge. I would fuck you up. That's the problem. I think they might like that. I don't know the women's psyche.
Starting point is 01:10:52 I want to apologize because I've now realized this is probably true for every guest, but now you're probably going to go on a 10-year run until you come on this podcast again that you've never had. This is the best podcast you're ever going to be on for the next 10 years. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:11:07 It's all right. We got to hit those highs sometime. Your Frisbee golf career will continue to excel, but this is – Okay, here we go. Ezra has nice hands from Sleeky. Anita Dick in me. It's probably that I cook beans in my car. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:11:20 When I was living in my car, I was slain. Has he considered OnlyFans? Have you ever considered OnlyFans account? I have gotten a few comments. You know, like if I post a showless picture or something, then people will be like, oh, is this like your false advertisement for OnlyFans or whatever? Yeah, that could be super slow.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Oh, would you date a meat eater? Yeah. Yeah. I've gone on dates with people who eat meat, for sure. Jeffrey Birchfield, what size shoe does he wear? Big hands, big feet. Asking for Heidi.
Starting point is 01:11:54 11 and a half. Oh, okay. Yeah, that is a big foot. So you, Matt Burns, 10-year run. He ain't coming back, if that's the case. I can tell, 10-year run. He ain't coming back if that's the case. He is. I can tell.
Starting point is 01:12:07 10-year reunion, of course. You have to. No, he'll be on before that. Okay. So you're two years in the lab. You come out. You do, in 2019, you do some local tournaments. You're happy with what you see
Starting point is 01:12:26 no i was worse than i thought i was oh actually still so like yeah after all the basement you're a bad dude in the basement outside the basement yeah yeah well so like after two years i played my first event i just kind of signed up for it and went and played it and my fourth round was actually really good. I shot, for people who know ratings, I guess I shot like 1,016. I think it was my first rating ever. And I was like, oh, okay, sick. I can make this.
Starting point is 01:12:53 This is good. Second round was like quite a bit worse. And then the last round, I could not make a putt to save my life. I shot like 920. And I lost by two strokes. And the first round is on a Friday, then a Saturday, then a Sunday. So, okay, so it was one weekend you got this feedback. Okay. Yeah. It might have even been a two on Saturday, one on Sunday type of deal. my life i felt like 9 20 i lost my first round is on a friday then a saturday then a sunday so okay so it was one weekend you got this feedback okay yeah it might have even been a two on saturday one
Starting point is 01:13:09 on sunday type of deal um but yeah so then i was like oh wow well like there's so much of my game that's that sucks like i can i can obviously throw further than the competition at the local level but everything else my game is is holding me back so then I had to kind of shift my focus of where my practice was into all that side of the game to really build that. And then I'm still, I'm always, I'm kind of always still in the lab. That's just kind of a, a never ending process. And how do you become a pro that Brian was saying that there's like 80 or 90 guys you guys were discussing who are on the pro,
Starting point is 01:13:41 how do you make it from the b team or what's that process yeah um so right now um we're still at a point where if your rating is high enough at the local level and you're fast enough to sign up for these pro tour events you can sign up okay so usually what will happen is is that you know the tournament might have 110 spots and 80 of those are going to be pro tools um to our card holding spots and you've got you know 20 or 30 spots left over for whoever else wants to sign in and if your rating is high enough you can you can sign up right away and then if not enough 10 20 plus people sign up then it'll open up to like 10 10 after a week or so so you know you're waiting high enough you can actually play in the pro tour events and that's how you can you know play a whole season on the
Starting point is 01:14:28 pro tour get the tour called for the next season hopefully and then kind of just keep going from there do you try and so one and then once you're on you're on for how long like do you ever get concerned so you've been on the pro circuit in the clique for three years now? Yep. Do you ever get concerned that you could fall out? I haven't had that concern yet. There was like 80 spots, and I think my fall season on 2R was 21st in standings, and then like 11th and then 14th. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:02 And how about your first year going on the tour were they welcoming to you where people do people haze you a little bit test you i don't think so no i mean i kept i kept mostly to myself you know i didn't really know anybody on too long so i just kind of stuck to myself and my prius my beans and stuff um and then yeah i mean people were always nice i don't think i don't think i had to go through any hazing rituals. How about – did you ever break any etiquette? Like you set your discs or your bag in the wrong spot, in the spot that always Paul McBeth set his bag,
Starting point is 01:15:34 and so someone came over like, dude, that's Paul's spot. No, I don't think so. No. Okay. And in this – so now you've been doing it three years, and how many tournaments will you play typically in a year? About 25. Wow. And is that 25 – is that every other week, consecutive weeks? Yeah, it varies a little bit.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Sometimes we'll go back to back. Maybe have three events in a row at most. And then have, you know, we'll have off weeks kind of sprinkled in. It's like a nine, nine and a half month period. Well, we all play 20, 25 events. 24 this year, though, because you didn't get into the Champions Cup. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:21 It still holds. Thanks for the memory. Well, I was hesitant to bring it up. I know it's, but I didn't understand it. I'm like, yeah, I mean, I don't,
Starting point is 01:16:33 I don't know how it works. Like, why weren't you able to play in that tournament? Yeah, it was kind of just an unfortunate, it was kind of a, a few unfortunate things that, that happened.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Um, so that was one way. Oh, this is like a month ago okay yeah yeah we didn't we didn't automatically get signed up when we signed up for the tour card because that was a major and um yeah it was kind of its own thing i guess we didn't get we didn't get signed up automatically for that so we had to actually go in and sign up for that event when the registration opened which was like a week-long period and there wasn't a great job done of letting us players know when that was,
Starting point is 01:17:08 which was kind of odd. But most people signed up, so I do take responsibility, obviously, for not hitting that window. So I missed that window. The tournament fills up. Me and like 15 other tour card holders didn't sign up. And so we're obviously frustrated with that. We reached out to the TDs. People are a little obviously frustrated with that. We reached out to the TDs.
Starting point is 01:17:25 You know, people are a little bit frustrated. Why would you reach out to the TDs? Always reach out to the TDs. What are you talking about? All right, all right, all right. No, the tournament drag don't. Oh, the TDs. Sorry, my bad.
Starting point is 01:17:36 TDs, yeah, yeah. Okay, my bad. You hear what you want here. I can't blame you. Yes, yes, yes. But so we ended up – they ended up having a qualifying event on the Monday before the tournament for eight spots. So there was like 25 guys playing for eight spots.
Starting point is 01:17:51 I did not have my best day. Did they create that tournament specifically because so many people had missed it or was that tournament already in existence? No, no, it was just like, yeah, that, that qualifying event was just because so many people missed signups. Well, I think, I think what happened is the PDGA realized that they also messed up and didn't do a good enough job at letting people know. So they're like, well, we got to do something to let some of these people in
Starting point is 01:18:14 just to kind of help with the PR side of it. So yeah, just didn't have my best day. So I had opportunities to qualify for the event even after missing signups, which was nice for the PDGA to allow and uh just didn't didn't have my best day now sometimes like oh you told me about that i think you text me you said oh yeah he wasn't the only top top player that didn't it wasn't right in that tournament and that the qualifying tournament he's talking about if you go look at the like the leaderboard like there are a lot of good and well-recognized players playing in that. But you finished second at Las Vegas Challenge.
Starting point is 01:18:52 That wasn't good enough to get you a spot in? No, that was not one of the ways to qualify. That qualified me for the UOP Open and the UFGC, though. It was nice. Well, hopefully they'll clean that up next year because, I mean, especially at the majors, it feels like it should be a very low barrier of entry for the tour
Starting point is 01:19:14 players to get in. Right. Yeah, I think they will. I think they got some negative feedback. You know, I mean, like, there was some of us top guys that didn't qualify. Kevin Jones didn't make it in the qualifier. Andrew Malweed. I mean, there was there was some top some of us top guys that didn't qualify kevin jones didn't didn't make it in the qualifier um andrew mallweed i mean there was there was a handful of guys that people expect to see when they go out and spectate and they didn't get to because of that um that that's almost all year you play if you're playing 25 uh tournaments
Starting point is 01:19:40 yeah it's about nine nine ten months what do you do during the week is it do you play every do you play frisbee every day tournaments? It's about 9-10 months. What do you do during the week? Do you play Frisbee every day? Do you throw the Frisbee every day? Almost every day, yeah. Do you ever throw a disc craft? Do you ever throw an Ultimate Frisbee disc anymore?
Starting point is 01:19:58 Ever? No. No. Would that be bad? It would recalibrate your arm and your brain. You don't want to do that. Yeah. I mean, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:08 some of the, some of the people on tour will kind of play catch in the parking lot with it, with a Frisbee. So it's probably not super detrimental, but it is a little bit different throw. So I'm not, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:18 I would be down to like play an ultimate Frisbee game. I think it'd be fun. I don't think it'd be too detrimental, but, um, Brody does actually play with like, uh, a little slight shrunken version of an ultimate disc Which is like kind of halfway between an ultimate disc and a disc off disc So okay, I'll pull boss that out sometimes in woods for who makes that
Starting point is 01:20:36 This craft as well. What is it? It's like it's a super old old disc But it has you know, it has a different flight just a little bit straight on because it's the way it's shaped and stuff do you have to can you do you have to play with um um those discs the the frisbee uh frisbee disc golf discs or could you play with just a regular disc i think an ultimate frisbee disc is pj approved so it has to be as long as it's, yeah, as long as it's PDJ approved, it counts. The Ultradisc, I think, was approved a long time ago before the discs changed, you know, vastly. So I think it's kind of grandfathered in. So I'm not sure if like a Wham-O would be PDJ approved. This is something I was going to ask you about a while ago when we were talking about drugs.
Starting point is 01:21:32 What are the limitations on the number of discs and the kind of discs that you can use in a PDGA event? Like another guy following you with like three bags? Yeah, I don't think there's any type of amount that is limited. So I think if you wanted to have five bags on your back and carry 100 discs, you probably could. The disc has requirements. The shape of the rim has to be a certain way, and it can't
Starting point is 01:21:56 be too fast or too shallow. The flight plate has to be specific. So there's all those requirements that make up the disc, but as far as how many you can actually take, that's not part of the game. Is there too many discs you could bring on
Starting point is 01:22:14 to where it becomes like a headache? Do you ever like, fuck, I shouldn't have brought this many? I'm overthinking everything now. I should have just stuck to... That might be. I mean, yeah, that definitely could be a thing. I definitely carried more discs last season um it is an interesting one because you know there are some players that carry quite a
Starting point is 01:22:32 bit less discs and some that carry quite a bit more and so those kind of benefits to both you know you can if you carry more discs you can kind of just stick to one angle and let the disc change the flight or if you carry less discs you can just kind of trust one disc and know exactly how that flies and then manipulate it with your throw. So kind of depending on how you like to attack the game, you can kind of cue out your bag to that. It seems like it would become an obsessive compulsive issue. I mean, that video of you when you lift up the –
Starting point is 01:22:59 when you're in the RV, you're in the discraft RV, and you open the trunk. I mean, that's crazy.'s crazy. There's over 100 discs in there. I have 100 discs in my trunk alone. You too, Brian? You have 100 discs in your trunk?
Starting point is 01:23:18 We get addicted quick. They just pile up. I've been giving them away recently. I was playing a local course the other day and there was just some young kids playing and they're like hey can we throw a disc and i let them throw it and then these they ended up being in the parking lot with me after the round and so i just gave them each a putter and a driver that i'd like found over the years nice um any any crazy stories you have where like like you're well Let me ask Is there weed wafting through the air
Starting point is 01:23:47 The entire time No Come on Have you ever played Nine holes and not Smelt weed Yeah On the pro tour
Starting point is 01:24:02 It's not It's not that It's not that super common. Maybe if you go to the parking lot after the round, some people will be partaking, so you'll get some of those wafts. Is it frowned upon? It's definitely more on the local level. Is it frowned upon or is it okay?
Starting point is 01:24:20 I don't think it's super frowned upon. As long as it's not in the actual event, it's not really a problem. Yeah, you can't go anywhere in California. Hey, did you see any zombies when you were in Portland? Was Portland scary? Portland's going downhill. Portland was great. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:36 I talked to my brother before, and he was like, you have to tell me how Poland is. It's supposed to be really bad. And it was fine. I did not see any zombies. So I'm on the apocalypse. Absent of whatever is actually happening in Portland, to be really bad and uh it was fine i didn't see i did not see any zombies to the fox lips absent of whatever is actually happening in portland that course looks amazing dude it is glendale's what i like both courses and then obviously just the fact that it's on such of
Starting point is 01:24:57 like a well-maintained golf course and you have these massive trees and the grass is cut and you have mountain hood in the background it's yeah it's it's one of the most um I would say I would say you liked the east course five times better because you had five times fewer bogeys on it yeah that definitely helped I definitely scored better on the east course so I liked it better this weekend I knew we were doing this this podcast with you I just got back from Germany for a CrossFit competition so I was like trying to keep up with the Portland open over, uh, in like the nights and stuff.
Starting point is 01:25:28 And if I'm not mistaken, um, I think, I don't know if it was Proctor or Corey, but someone made a putt on 18 that prevented you being on Joma's coverage for the last round or lead card for the last round. Like it was super close. It was super close.
Starting point is 01:25:42 I think you were on the, like you were on the border. I think you missed by one spot and i was like really hoping when i saw you making the charge i was like man i hope he gets on lead coverage that'd be so cool if that happened right before we played i mean it's really difficult to get on the lead card in any tournament these days right yeah yeah i wasn't paying a ton of attention but that definitely could have been the case i know olden olden harrells was a spot above me on chase carl so he would have been the first to bump up.
Starting point is 01:26:06 But maybe there was two guys that needed to miss a putt or something. I think the top three were pulling away. I think it was whatever Proctor did on the last hole. For months leading into the Portland tournament, Jomez would have these commercials, or someone would
Starting point is 01:26:21 put the commercials on Jomez and be like, we love Portland. He would whisper that. And I would always whisper back to the tv no you don't no one does but you were in a good spot you were in a good spot you're wait what they whispered they whisper yeah you love portland oh you know what i mean like it would be a commercial be like for some reason they were really hyping that tournament for months. Yeah, that was the false Elite Plus event. So we've got Majors, we've got Elite events, we've got Silver events, Sanaj Blow, and this is the false you're having a tournament between Elite and Major.
Starting point is 01:26:58 So just for the perspective, a normal PDGA tournament, the winner gets 100 points. And the Silver Series is half the points, so you get 50. In a major, is it 200 if you win? A major is 150. So a major is the same, actually, as the Elite Plus. But I think the
Starting point is 01:27:15 approach of all kind of wanted to really boost these Elite Plus events and make them special. Do you know how many there will be this year? Just two. Portland and which other one? Ledgestone in Illinois. I live in Illinois. Maybe I should come for that tournament. There you go.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Thayson Hopper, Savant seems lost in this conversation. I feel like he's just waiting to make a joke. Listen, Thayson, that's because you just came back from Rich Froning's podcast and there's a dollop of semen clogging your ears and eyes. Ezra, what do you think? Do you ever use caddies in your tournaments? Not this season. Let's see. My parents were at
Starting point is 01:27:54 the tournament in Waco. I had a really bad false round. I was like, if you want a caddy, you can come caddy for me for the last two rounds. I actually played battle for those two rounds. Maybe I should go back to a caddy. Last season, I had my brother Judah caddy all me for the last two rounds and actually play battle for those two rounds maybe i should go back to a caddy last season i had my brother judah caddy all all throughout the year um and then this year i've been going i've just been going solo for most of it i mean even in tournaments
Starting point is 01:28:13 even in tournaments i play in if i have someone available to caddy i'll usually let them do it it's not like i don't feel stressed by carrying the bag around and obviously you know we we spend some time in the gym so so physically it shouldn't be an issue. But for me, it's sometimes just to have a sounding board, just to be like, should I run this? Or is it, you know, whatever. I can't imagine you liking a caddy, Brian. Well, Scott Polanski, you just got to find the right person.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I think if you find the right person, it can be really helpful. But when I observe and watch disc golf, like I'll just use Paul McBeth as an example. It seems seems like he hardly ever uses a caddy but then at the biggest tournaments he has so i'm always curious how players decide to make that decision yeah like i know he has the same guy at european open california that he's had for like the last decade um so i it's it's the caddy thing is very specific on the pulse i think that's maybe probably why i haven't been using it this season is just because i don't necessarily want to just have somebody that i don't know on the bag just because i'm not sure how the dynamical walk i don't know how they're going to be and act and stuff so i don't really want the the added stress from that
Starting point is 01:29:17 um side of it i mean i think there are some benefits i think obviously you know not having to carry the bag is probably a benefit on the endurance side of it and the physicality side. I don't know. I think I think, too, for me, like just being alone with my thoughts is sometimes better than having somebody to talk to. I'm not I'm not a player that needs to talk throughout the whole round. You know, I'm kind of fine just keeping to myself. Yeah, I think I feel the same. But, you know, there's and there's just some a few moments.
Starting point is 01:29:42 So it's it's having someone that's like, hey, let me be, if I need something, I'll let you know. And then in one or two moments where it comes up that I can just ask that question and get like an affirmation from someone that I know has my best interest in mind. Yeah. You should, when you were in Portland, um, Ezra and I'm judging you for this, you should have hired a stripper to be your caddy in order to help the economy and give them opportunities outside of her traditional field. His or her, his or her. Oh, sorry. Either one. Either one. It was very, very.
Starting point is 01:30:13 That would have been, I mean, that would have been news all day. I would have been buzzy in this call. I just, I'm sorry. I watched the last dance with magic Mike on the plane. So, you know, male strippers exist too. Thank you, Brian. I appreciate you keeping the show inclusive. Hey, last dance with magic mike on the plane so you know male strippers exist too thank you brian i appreciate you keeping the show inclusive hey ezra what's the what's the protocol for like doing podcasts and media and like with with the dudes on the tour like like do they do them do you do
Starting point is 01:30:37 them midweek do they do some guys do no media like is it hard getting the guys to come on the show like do podcasts like what's their Do podcasts? What's the deal? Why are you doing a podcast? Why did you do this? Just bored? Yeah, I don't know. I guess it's not super uncommon for people to do podcasts. Brody Smith and Paulie Libioi both play almost every event, and they've also got one of the most popular podcasts in disc golf
Starting point is 01:31:03 that they actually produce. They started doing that for the Tour Life, and they started doing it this year, right? Yeah, Tour Life podcast. And so they get guests on every single week, that play, pretty much. So it's not, I don't know, it's not super uncommon for people to go do podcasts or do media. I think disc golf is also at a point where it's it's beneficial kind of for everybody to partake in a lot of that stuff all right we we are you were amongst the the guys that we were most hoping to get because of some of your lifestyle things that just are you know aligned
Starting point is 01:31:36 with what we often do but we we have reached out to a lot of people and been turned down so not even turn not turned down just not just that maybe they just don't check their dm they're not like hey eat a dick they're just but yeah i mean that's part of it too is like a lot of times the dm will just go into the um requests and so people won't see stuff but thanks for having me on i mean i appreciate it dude you're the man i i'm sorry i'm i was an instant fan when i saw you um uh have lots of things to judge you about, and I love judging people. And you're cool as shit, dude. Thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Anytime, if there's anything we can do for you, you want to promote anything, but either way, we'll be watching from afar, and then we'll be bugging you to have you on again. You're an awesome guest. I bothered Stefan enough about it that he made a commitment to do a review show for each of the PDGA events and the majors this year. So we'll be following. We'll be trying to promote you guys in our space.
Starting point is 01:32:37 And I would like to get out to a tournament eventually. I've still yet to go to a Disc Golf Pro Tour event. But if I go, maybe I'll let you know and we could grab a waffle a waffle or something yeah there you go how often do you guys uh get out and play me none i play like i probably play three four times a week oh wow nice thank you you know you know what's crazy my neighbor i live out i live out in the country and my neighbor has a uh five acres right across the street from my house i could play from my front door and he has two two baskets out there right and so we went out there and we were playing i hadn't played in years and we went out there and started playing every day for like two weeks and then he put a lock on his gate oh that was the end of my my frisbee golf career well he also lives
Starting point is 01:33:21 like probably a few miles from de la so he could go play yeah that's true that's a special place for sure all right brother thank you um uh i'd like to stay in touch thanks for uh i guess thanks for sharing your phone number i'll try to use it sparingly wisely yeah sounds good thanks again guys appreciate it okay brother have a good one guys appreciate it okay brother have a good one as raider hold that was cool for me that was very cool dude that was went a thousand times better than i ever imagined that's because you had me here oh well thank you god well you can i mean i think it was a good balance between who he is and and how he got to be in this position and then able to you know obviously i i can talk to him a little bit about the the disc golf stuff that's current and
Starting point is 01:34:07 relevant for him. So I think. Oh, that he plays disc golf. I know all your, all you see over there is a, a body and a, and a, and a story. So. A body and a homeless guy. Savon is scared to leave his house per Hiller. Scared's not the right word, but you're close. But it's not scared.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Jeez Louise, good job, Savan. That was good. Robbie Myers, thanks, Ezra. Yeah, that dude's cool. He was cool. He rolled with it. Some of your shenanigans, he embraced that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:41 Very cool guy. That was cool. All right, Jack Jones. Eaton Beaver, watch it, Brian. Confident, not cocky. I hope that he'll mention to some of the guys, and maybe we can get another player on here sometime. Oh, yeah, yeah. I'll start bugging Morgan. Sleeky, I enjoyed that.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Oh, good. Sleeky said uh made the observation that uh aterhold had nice hands all right um what are you doing the rest of the day other a lot of things i'm behind on from traveling for three straight weeks the really you're behind because your shit's it seems like you're publishing regularly on the on the um on the be friendly and and your youtube
Starting point is 01:35:32 page is up and going most of the stuff on the back end um and when i say i'm behind i'm not behind on any of the crossfit stuff it It's just like life stuff that I – and then it's just some other projects that things have been filtering in about that I would usually keep up to date with on a more regular basis that I just kind of put on hold for this month. I was home for I think a total of 50 hours over those three weeks. Holy shit. Yep. 50 hours over those three weeks so holy shit yep just wanted to do laundry and sleep and
Starting point is 01:36:10 and pack again um are you gonna uh uh so you basically your primary thing is to get back to publishing you want to you want to be publishing at a regular cadence uh yes yeah but i mean there's a lot there's a lot to figure out quite frankly all right all right um do we have any more shows scheduled you and i portland open tomorrow night oh we do is that tomorrow night that's what i have let me see what's going on wednesday the 7th i have it at 8.30pm central time oh yeah wow holy cow okay
Starting point is 01:36:55 we're about halfway through the season so we gotta you know we gotta keep doing it I think we made a commitment on behalf of the Sebon podcast and Be Friendly Fitness we would like to apologize for our 3 week got to keep doing it i think we made a commitment on behalf of the sebon podcast and be friendly fitness we would like to apologize for our three-week lull in pdga coverage no we didn't miss anything actually the timing worked out really well where they had there were two silver series events in this in during that period and then portland open was the last week so we actually
Starting point is 01:37:23 haven't missed on anything that we said we would. There's another Silver Series event this weekend, and then they have a tournament the weekend after that. Can we talk about Brian's voice change on his BeFriendly IG post? What does that mean? I don't know. I think your response was – you know I had Michelle Michelle Bassnet on here.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Yeah, three hours, three and a half hours or something. No, no. No, no, two hours. Oh, oh, that is true. There may have been another part of it. She might not have been on for all three hours. Yeah, she was on for two. Where is it, Jethro?
Starting point is 01:38:01 Is it on as BeFriendly or is it on Brian Friend, his voice change? What is he talking about friend his voice change talking about my voice change can we talk about his voice change on the be friendly IG post I don't see any posts where you're talking there's like a cover image on most of them
Starting point is 01:38:19 so you don't see necessarily me I don't know how if I like that or not the cover image yeah because you know then you don't see necessarily me. I don't know if I like that or not. The cover image? Yeah, because then you don't know what it is. Well, I would see it had a little play button, even if it had a cover image, right? So click on that. Let's see what it is.
Starting point is 01:38:33 Okay. And it immediately goes to me. The semifinals for the 2023 season. Individuals had the stage all to themselves today. The women started things off and closed out their competition first. At most, I don't know if i would say that there's a voice change maybe it's loud and you're talking loud so the interesting thing about these is i did it with a different guy every week because we had different people
Starting point is 01:38:57 on the ground so like i did this with patty or and we and it was you know we had to find a spot yeah there were some things going on i didn't know. I didn't know how much of my body would be visible or not. It was different every week. Day two for the teams in Berlin. Day one for the individuals. Oh, yeah, your voice is deeper here. I wouldn't have noticed that, though. And there was no shortcuts making a big move today.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Third place on both of the tests. Did someone tell you? Do you hear your voice different? No, I was just maybe because like here I've done it so many times and I know what it sounds like. And there he was kind of far away from me. And then I'm not used to doing it with a mic on my shirt like that. So maybe I was just projecting more.
Starting point is 01:39:43 What's going on with you? Are you wearing tights underneath a pair of noble shorts? That's how I dress my kids. No, I think I just have things in my pocket on the left side that are like making them project. That's just a pair of noble pants. I wore them pretty much every single day for three weeks or at least on the days of competition. Because it's cold inside the venues and actually overall considering the relative warmth of the cities that we were in orlando los angeles and berlin in the summer you would that you would
Starting point is 01:40:12 expect it wasn't it wasn't that warm at any of those places i think the entire time i was in california there was like three hours of sun damn that we walked outside i walked outside with tommy on like saturday afternoon in between events and there was sun out and i was like oh you guys actually do have sun in california and he kind of laughed he's like yeah man it's been a pretty shitty week cocaine changes my voice sports voice powerful voice uh he also put in a giant hands filter oh those aren't your real hands i think whatever that lens is that he's using, if you just
Starting point is 01:40:47 extend forward, it really dramatizes it. Zach Jones, I love the branding. Oh, are we concerned about Justin Medeiros at the CrossFit Games this year? No, I think Tommy actually handled that really
Starting point is 01:41:04 well on the recap we did for talking elite fitness he basically said it was a nothing burger no he didn't say that he said you know this is seven seven events it's about half as many as we're used to seeing and he you know if you just look at his Tommy pulled a stat that said he's never finished lower than 10th on any workouts on the on a weekend at the CrossFit games so he's usually getting better as the weekend goes on and even though he's relatively close to the top throughout he kind of makes his move and accelerates into the top position later in the weekend and he actually did that at the semifinals too he had his best day on his last day and that was actually
Starting point is 01:41:39 true of quite a few veteran athletes where they had their best day on their last day at semifinals. And I think that to Tommy's point, you know, if that, if those, that competition, even against those guys had continued over the next, another seven tests that he might've closed the gap, but I mean, we cannot ignore how good Vellner and, you know, Vellner in particular, but also Fikowski looked during that competition. Um, are, are, are you going to pick Vellner and Vellner in particular, but also Fikowski look during that competition. Are, are you going to pick Vellner to win the game? I haven't actually thought too much about the games.
Starting point is 01:42:12 Oh, that's already a problem right there because it used to be no Justin until someone beats him. And now he didn't even let me finish. Okay. All right. But I still, I still think that he's the favorite.
Starting point is 01:42:25 I still think Justin's the favorite at the games. Now that he has been beat, I'm off the hook on that one. Right? I thought when you said, no, I thought when you said until he's beat, you were referencing beat at the games. No, at any competition. So, for example, if he'd lost at Rogue last year, I would have considered that being beaten. Semifinals is not the games. No, at any competition. For example, if he'd lost at Rogue last year, I would have considered that being beaten.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Semifinals is not the games. I do think Tommy's point is very valid, which is why it's the first thing that I brought up. I still think that the consistency he's displayed across all events and all competitions over the last two years is extremely impressive.
Starting point is 01:43:04 The reason why I haven't given too much thought necessarily to the games yet is I just wanted to let all of the semifinals play out. You know, they're just to see there's, you know, I, especially being there live, I feel like there are some things that I learn, whether it's in conversation with coaches or athletes or, you know, and obviously live, I can see all 10 lanes the entire time. And I know that on the broadcast, you can't see that. So there's different things that I can pick up on for certain athletes and certain tests that are critical. You know, I'm, I'm not looking to learn a ton about Pat Vellner. I know a lot about Pat Vellner, but there's very
Starting point is 01:43:38 specific things that if he were going to win the CrossFit games that I would be on the lookout for in a semifinal that I can kind of hone in on with regard to him specifically or Brent or Justin or Sam Quant or any of these guys that I think are towards the top where the margins are really small. Someone sent me a text and it says Sarah Sigmund's daughter is Dunzo. Oh, well, I mean, people are obviously talking about that. I believe that Andrew made a talking about that i believe that andrew made a video about that i haven't had a chance to watch it at all but dunzo
Starting point is 01:44:10 you think she's dunzo i don't know what that means i mean dunzo meaning she's never gonna have a chance to win the crossfit games again no no she's never gonna have a chance to make the cross yeah yeah yeah or dunzo she's never gonna compete in the sport in any capacity again she's never gonna make the crossfit games again i Or done so she's never going to compete in the sport in any capacity again? She's never going to make the CrossFit Games again. I mean, she's missed it by what? Basically one movement this year and one spot last year. I think it's a little bit naive to say she never has a chance to make the Games again.
Starting point is 01:44:39 And in her case in particular, I think there are some things going on that most people are not aware of. And I don't want to make any excuses for her, but I don't think it's impossible that she makes the games again. And she switched to Kotler. Yeah, I mean, that was a few months ago. Yeah, but that's interesting also, right? I mean, she was at a powerhouse training camp, training think tank. training camp, training think tank?
Starting point is 01:45:04 I mean, I guess. I don't know how to quantify necessarily what's going on at the training camps. I think that it doesn't take a lot of observation necessarily to realize that Sarah's made a lot of coaching changes over the years. And she likes it, and she thinks it's beneficial for her.
Starting point is 01:45:21 She likes change, right? She likes travel, and she likes change, and she likes competition. beneficial for her she likes change right she likes travel and she likes change and she likes competition true on all counts yeah i didn't mean it in any derogatory sense no and i think that you know people often apply apply a perspective to something like that as a generality and it's like it doesn't it may not work for everyone but it doesn't mean that it can't work for someone uh face and hopper he's back this is just a stepping stone she will come back stronger than ever many athletes fall off and miss the games and go back to train harder i believe in her oh what oh go ahead go ahead no you you go ahead what about catching david's daughter okay well i'm crazy impressed. I mean, let's just see. So to Thayson's point, I mean, Sarah's not going to be at the games this year.
Starting point is 01:46:12 She wasn't at the games last year. She wasn't at the games the year before that. The year before that was an online game. She finished 21st, so we didn't get to see her live. The year before that was 2019. She finished 20th or 19th, so she was cut after five or six events and then 2018 she withdrew we haven't actually seen sarah complete a crossfit games since 2017 wow that's a really long time i used to work for crossfit back then it's yeah if you want to
Starting point is 01:46:42 parallel it with katrin david's daughter that's fine and actually I think great to do. She missed the games just like Sarah did by one spot last year. But the year before that was 10th, the year before that was 2nd 4th, 3rd, and then we get to 2017 So in that same time period, Katrin's had two podiums, four top 10s and missed the games once. Sarah's had no, she hasn't even finished the games a single time. So it's a little bit different. What about
Starting point is 01:47:11 Brooke? Are you impressed with what Katrin did before I switched move? I'm pretty impressed. I was impressed. I did think there was a good chance for her to make the games. I think I picked her in the last spot in because I just wasn't sure. You know? But she was impressive to me. Even if you told me, no, she's going to make it games. I think I picked her in the last spot in because I just wasn't sure, you know, but she was impressive to me.
Starting point is 01:47:28 Even if you told me, no, she's going to make it. I wouldn't have thought she would, she would finish second and have a chance to win it. And I do think that my, my like early thoughts about her at the games is that she's a, she has a chance to make the top 10 again, based on what I saw and the,
Starting point is 01:47:42 and just how many women are missing from the field this year. And the fact that, you know, there's certain athletes that are better at the games than they are otherwise. And we just kind of referenced that with Justin, but in the case of Katrin too, I think that game suits her pretty well. And she's, and she's in a good place in her life. And I think that, that that's probably the thing that I've learned the most over the last two years, dealing with athletes in a more personal level is being settled in your life
Starting point is 01:48:08 actually is a huge, huge element of doing well in this sport. Like Ezra, settled in the Prius. Jan Clark, Sevan has been at the games more recently than Sarah. That's a tough stat. Well, it's not a true stat. Well, I guess, I don't know. When was the last time you were at the games? 2019, 2018, 2019.
Starting point is 01:48:28 You weren't there in the, uh, the international year with every. Oh yeah. Yeah, I was. Yeah. So she was there too. And in 2020, when it was at the ranch, were you there? No. And she would, she didn't make it to the game.
Starting point is 01:48:39 She did the online version. So I think I was fired by that point. I think so too. What am I doing here what am i doing here it's time to move on um okay that was my inner voice i'm getting out a little bit so much to talk about we should just do a show just where i um just a show with no title where we just talk about some shit. When do you want to do that? I don't know. I'll have Susan contact you.
Starting point is 01:49:12 There's certain topics I'm not that interested in talking about, as you know, but you'll talk about anything CrossFit related. That's likely, likely true, but depending on the topic, I may disappoint you. You don't disappoint. Even when you disappoint me, I'm excited. I get excited that I touched on something that disappointed you.
Starting point is 01:49:31 Oh, you're not disappointing me. It's just that I'm, you know, I'm very much interested in, in trying to make this sport great. And, you know, to do that, you know, some things that I just probably want to talk about publicly thank you everyone and bye bye

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