The Sevan Podcast - Facundo and Friend | All Rumors on the Table #1032

Episode Date: October 5, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I thought you fell asleep, Simon. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I did fall asleep, but I woke up. But bam, we're live. Good morning. Look at you guys. You all right there, Sivan? Say that again. You all right? I'm awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I'm on fire. I am pumped. I was looking for my CEO wristbands, and I can't find them on my desk. So I sent my wife a quick text. I'm like, yo, where's my stuff? You sweating already? No, I'm cold. The CEO Savon podcast wristbands are so big on me that they keep me warm.
Starting point is 00:01:37 They're like a blanket. It's like forearm bands. Yes, they are like forearm bands. I was so happy to see Jamie Latimer wearing them at the Masters Fitness Collective. I was like, oh, I'm not the only one who wears these. I'm waiting for mine. I mean, I didn't get anything from Brian Friend. I've been promised a t-shirt for the last three years.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Nothing. Facundo, will you send me your mailing address? Yeah, I can. Gladly. Yeah, I can. Gladly. Yeah, please. Just reach Florens way and then
Starting point is 00:02:09 Cookville, Tennessee and we get it. Oh, perfect. Perfect. Hey, do you take mail there in Cookville? Yeah, I guess
Starting point is 00:02:16 obviously. Yeah, some. Yeah. I'll have a shirt for you at Rogue Facundo. And if I don't,
Starting point is 00:02:23 then you're going to tell the whole world that I'm a liar. Well, okay. Deal. Facundo. And if I don't, then you're going to tell the whole world that I'm a liar. Well, okay. Deal. Facundo, where are you now? Where are you now? I'm home, Brussels, at my working table where I work most of my days.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah. And who took those pictures behind you? Oh, these are collected pictures that I buy in a store in Europe called Yellow Corner. I like photographs a lot. And so this is pictures that my sister also takes. I don't know if you see a little bit. Well, whatever. Oh, that's a nice room.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Yeah, this is where I try to be clever play to be clever actually hey how many um how many countries have you been in do you know no idea and do you have a camera that you a go-to camera besides your iphone or are you pretty much an iphone guy uh just an iphone guy i mean i'm not very gifted in those things okay yeah i mean i i mean i loved cameras and now i'm just straight an iphone guy but it's interesting with people who travel a lot you never know like hey are they gonna invest in the camera or they just like yeah i'm gonna use my iphone do you take a lot of pictures no i'm really bad at it that's why i like to have them because reminds me how bad i can be taking pictures and I admire somebody that has talent on it that I don't have, clearly.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Brian's been traveling a lot. I feel like I've been to a lot of countries, but I'm definitely last place amongst the three of us. Well, we had a great time with Brian in Madrid. And actually, just for the record, we've been trying to set this podcast for many weeks now and it's not because of me that it didn't work.
Starting point is 00:04:09 It's not because of me. No. I'm sorry. I'm very happy. It is working though. It's really cool. It actually wasn't too hard. You guys are great. Facundo, what's on the schedule now looking forward for you
Starting point is 00:04:26 well we are crossfit wise so we are preparing these uh training camps competitions that dev castro mentioned yesterday we already have the team we start no no no i wish i wish i wish that would be good yeah yeah yeah yeah but uh. But, no, we are preparing for Rogue. We're going to be at Rogue now in three weeks now, I think. Then South America, I'm going to be there giving some seminars in Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina. And after that… Is that with what kind of seminars? Oh, it's Mayhem Athlete Seminars.
Starting point is 00:05:04 So we want to show the people how we work, what's Mayhem Athlete Seminar, so we want to show the people how we work, what a Mayhem Athlete Day looks like in programming. And after that, we're coming back to France for a training camp for Dubai. And after that, we're going to Dubai.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Why is the training camp for Dubai in France? Because you know, Lazar, Lazar's girlfriend is in Strasbourg, which is where I started my career. I heard a rumor that the world revolves around vagina. I never know if it's true, but then I see these data points. Not for me. But then I see these data points and I start to scratch my head. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Well, thank you. Good. Thank you for holding down the fort, Facundo. I'm glad someone's standing strong. Tell me about these mayhem seminars you're doing in South America. Are they for like, hey, this is what it would be like if you were a mayhem athlete? Is it marketing for mayhem or is it education for people? Well, it's a bit of education. It's a bit of community. Many people follow already Mayhem,
Starting point is 00:06:09 but you know, Mayhem is, it's, there's a lot of ways to see the programming and to take advantage of it. So we're trying to come with the community and say, okay, guys, if you see this, these are the different options you have when you read this workout. You know, it's not only lineal. It's not only lineal. It's not like this is what's written. You need to do this and you'll get fit. People need to be inventive and know how to read things and also to a certain degree know how to manipulate
Starting point is 00:06:33 according to their own needs. So it's just about being with our mayhem people in South America and to share a little bit of the experience of programming and how can they profit from it. Speaking of the community, there, there are some, also some interesting data points.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I feel like we're seeing rich hunting more foraging for food more. We're seeing the episode on the guy who doesn't look like he's made of steel um being highlighted and pushed hard man i've never seen rich let me tell you something i get three text messages a year unsolicited from rich and i already hear him he sent me three this last month about this uh uh piece is the guy's name phil phil phil yes phil yeah he sent me like basically three things already like showing me like previews and stuff for it so we have the foraging for food we have the kind of uh the athlete that's always been at mayhem the person who's trained there but but they're really highlighting it and pushing it and then thirdly this newsletter um taking a page
Starting point is 00:07:42 page out of andrew hiller's book with the clickbait you guys send out a newsletter that says crossfit is over sending the world into panic we're in a very sensitive time people are very edgy you can't be like just have a newsletter that says crossfit is over people start jumping off of bridges and shit is is there a and then you have what's crazy is you have someone like brute saying that they're doing a full rebrand. I haven't seen anything from them yet, but I go over to Max Elhaj at Training Think Tank. His video looks completely new. And then I go over to Mayhem, and I see all this not new stuff but stuff being – well, the newsletter thing is kind of new.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Let's start there because that's the most exciting. CrossFit is over. Was that mayhem just doing some clickbait? I don't mean that in a negative way, in a derogatory way. To be very honest,
Starting point is 00:08:31 I cannot answer on that because I saw the newsletter but I was not involved in the creation of it or the content or what was the goal. But we have had this newsletter for a while now
Starting point is 00:08:42 and it's something that people like to read. They get somehow news from us, from the CrossFit world, and a lot of things that we believe that they might be interested in reading. I heard it was a typo and it was supposed to say CrossFit lover. The L got dropped out. It said CrossFit is over. CrossFit lover.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Okay, yeah. It's possible. Stefan, do you still have a newsletter CrossFit, it's over. CrossFit lover. Okay, yeah. It's possible. Stefan, do you still have a newsletter? No, I don't. No. I mean, I do, but just no one does it. Do you want to do it? No, I just was asking because I know that it was something
Starting point is 00:09:17 you were doing a while ago. You have a lot of free time, Brian. We have a newsletter that goes out, but i don't really do anything for that i just you know it's basically just uh in case you missed anything here's what we've been doing yeah i need someone to do my newsletter who wants to do it i'm sure you can find someone uh and and tell me about the um all the the hunting and the ph guy, is Mayhem pushing and sort of broadening its
Starting point is 00:09:46 forward-facing image? No, we are just sharing what we've been doing for a while, maybe sharing differently, but Rich has been hunting for a while now, it's not new. And, you know, people, some people love to hear the stories about him hunting
Starting point is 00:10:04 and we have in what I believe is one of the even not the best media team that is around and they create fantastic material and it's very entertaining and the community loves them so that's about the hunting Phil is a great guy
Starting point is 00:10:20 it's kind of not just the heart but a legend at Mayhem he's always having breakfast there the heart, but a legend at Mayhem. He's always having breakfast there, and he's such a nice, hard-working, sweet guy that, you know, you arrive at Mayhem in the morning, and you want to sit and have a coffee with him. He's always in great mood,
Starting point is 00:10:38 and he's someone that we love very much at Mayhem, and he has a story that we believe that was important to share to the world. I cannot say much because I don't want to give any kind of, you know, special hints about what is it about, but it's a beautiful story about one of our members, about a person in our gym and we are celebrating him for
Starting point is 00:11:05 the many things he means for us. Have you seen the video yet? No. Facundo, there's dissension in the ranks. Sevan, pull up that comment from Logan Ewing. Oh, let's see. Oh, here we go. I think we have Logan scheduled. Facundo, Roman won't turn down the music so Lazar and I
Starting point is 00:11:22 can listen in between the sets. Yeah, well. Because we're not speaking Russian. I know. Won't turn down the music so Lazar and I can listen in between the sets. Yeah. Well, we're not speaking Russian. I know it's a, the, the, the three of them training together. I I'm,
Starting point is 00:11:31 I'm, I'm a bit sad that I'm not there, but I'm happy that I'm not there too. So, you know, let's see. I, yeah,
Starting point is 00:11:40 they are preparing for rogue and they are, they have been very, this is a pretty, They are preparing for Rogue and they are being very cautious. This is a pretty early arrival in the States for Lazar to get ready for a competition, even earlier than the Games. Yeah, I mean, well, Lazar decided this year to be alone before the Games. He trained in Tamarine, where he's from, at home. And we, we decided to, you know, for Rogue, maybe change that and you can assess and evaluate what's best for you.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Roman is there. They, they, they are great training partners. They like each other. And yeah, what's better than two great guys training together for a competition? Is it true that you guys hired someone to stand in the gym at Mayhem and chirp at Roman so that he can acclimate to that new style of training? Not that I know. Everything is possible, though. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And what about the hunting? Is Rich sort of pivoting towards hunting or trying to embrace the hunting community? Because he's obviously doing what he loves. Yeah, he's been doing that for a while. I think because he's obviously doing what he loves yeah he's been doing that for a while i think that he's more into biking at the moment than hunting but hunting is such you know uh an important thing for him for many reasons that he's also dedicating as much time as he can to doing that this uh this note this idea that um put out with having the training camps go against each other,
Starting point is 00:13:08 I don't think Proven has enough athletes to participate in anything right now. Do they? Brian? Brian, were you over at Proven recently? I haven't been, but that's why I asked the question of the group. The training camps, the idea is, is cool, but what is, what counts as being part of a training camp? If I just say like announced that the training camp, let's say there's a training camp competition going on in December of this year. And right now I'm training with a mayhem,
Starting point is 00:13:39 but the week before I decided to train with proven what, what camp I'm on, I've only been there for a week. I either just switch over to the other camp. So I think there's a little bit of a difference. Yeah, yeah, I'm okay with the casualness of that. I just don't think that they – The reason I bring that up is because if they announce it, then Proven might be able to recruit more easily. They might be able to round out their roster.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Even if they do have enough athletes, they might be able to get a higher caliber of athlete because they're looking to represent themselves as well as possible. And if there's no timeline, then people can just make these decisions in the last day the last week and is it really then a reflection of the training camp um we if um what what are the training camps would you add to that like right away to me was i thought oh training think tank definitely should be there well if you're gonna if you're gonna do this it really depends on how international do you want it to be right and um you know i i even think about like uh like if it was mayhem for example would you limit it to one mayhem team could you have
Starting point is 00:14:35 a mayhem lat am team they often no no just one team one just one team three people simple people this year yeah are you gonna invite the european programs? Yes. So definitely, you know, Kriger training plan, the program at the very least, training culture from Spain. Who's Kriger? Kriger training. That's the one in Oslo that I was just at.
Starting point is 00:14:55 They have like 20 to 30 semifinal or above level athletes that train every morning together. Besides that, is that where Lena Lichter is? Lena Richter, yes. Kristen Wol volta is part of the coaching team there do they have any other athletes besides miss uh rick to the governance sahar kaya andrea soberg oslo navy blue their entire team oslo blackout who was 12th at the games do they have any boys there that i would know well the the guys
Starting point is 00:15:23 the best guys are probably on the teams of Nikolai Bilodel Victor Helsinghoff who's right there on the right side finishing the top 20 at the European semi-final you don't know him but you might one day he's coming yeah alright they can't be invited they don't have any dudes but that's the thing
Starting point is 00:15:41 if they are told that by the organizer you in this case then they might if they if they if they are told that you know by the organizer you in this case yeah and they might be able to find someone hey we want to be represented there and if there's no you know restrictions on how long they have to be training with the program to represent the program and someone like mudaris wouldn't end up there because he's not on a training he's not in a training camp well Well, but he very easily could be right. Right. You know,
Starting point is 00:16:06 he is in a training camp. It's, and if you say there's only three that are needed, then it's him and Ellie and Adam, I can find anyone he wants to fill in, even if he hasn't been training them. That's why I think the idea. And they have that.
Starting point is 00:16:17 They are, they do have a boy and a girl there like kids. They have two kids there. Right. But the point, like what's the point of the competition is the point of the competition just to have an event or is it actually to see which one of the training uh healthy propaganda is doing well so what do you think the point of the competition would be
Starting point is 00:16:36 well there's someone who asked dave that and maybe i want to know what they thought um and then what dave's perspective is but if i want to like the people always ask me hey are you going to do a comparison of how of which training camp did the best it's like why do you want to know that do you want to know which training camp did the best because you like one over the other and you want to hold that over their head or the other way around or are you actually trying to evaluate which training camp is the best and what are they the best at would you rather have a training camp that has five athletes and they're all finishing the top 20 of the game? So would you rather have a training camp that's able to get for 50 different athletes at different levels to the CrossFit Games, regardless of how well they do? I don't know, but I always found it impressive when when, you know, Rory says some crazy number like 51 athletes at the games this year.
Starting point is 00:17:22 We're doing mayhem training i'm like fuck yeah or what you know what if i told you and this is not truth but what if i told you that uh 90 of them are finishing in the bottom 10 of their qualifying division that that that's cool too that's interesting bit of information too not true i'm just saying in right now in an example yeah more information the better but i like i like hearing all that stuff and so for me it's like this is and this is something you know people have asked me hey why don't you do a ranking of the best coaches all time or the best coaches in the game right now that's really difficult because let's just take uh you know facundo for example how much credit do i give facundo for what
Starting point is 00:18:01 lazar has accomplished the last three years how much credit do I give him for what Roman's made was accomplished this year or for Karen Frey in this upcoming year? These are athletes who are already good when he got them. How much better has he made them and how much was their success built upon five, six, seven years of training foundation that they had when he inherited them. As a fan,
Starting point is 00:18:21 I give, I give the coaches shit tons of credit and I don't really care. Why don't we invite a friend to this podcast? He's talking so good about me, about mayhem. He's really pumping it up. Did you have a good night's sleep, Brian, tonight, or are you still jet-lagged? Let me ask Facundo his hardest question of the day. Did you get it out of the way?
Starting point is 00:18:41 Is Saxon Panchik a Facundo athlete or a mayhem athlete? Well, Facundo is Mayhem. Okay. So he's a Mayhem athlete. Because I had him on, and he was speaking very, very highly of you. He was one of your athletes. He went over to Proven to try it out over there, and now he's back with you.
Starting point is 00:19:01 He was speaking very, very highly. Are you excited to have him back? I'm very excited. I mean, we worked for a year, a bit more than a year, some years ago. And as he said on the podcast, he needed new stimuli and new ideas. And he was going through a lot of changes in his life. And we talked about it and it was the right thing for him to do to go and find new adventures.
Starting point is 00:19:26 But we always stay in touch and, you know, we were friends. We always honored the time we were together as coaches and athletes. So when he needed to make another change in his training, we talked and we evaluate different options. And when he asked me if he's an extraordinary athlete, so I would be stupid if I said, no, I will not have you back. He's not just a great person, but a great athlete. And I'm extremely happy to have him.
Starting point is 00:20:03 When you have that conversation with him about coming back, are you asking him any things like, what are your goals now? Are you planning to do some off-season? Why do you want to come back? Or are you just like, yes, let's do it? Well, I know that Saxon is a very clever guy. I don't think that it was very interesting for me to evaluate his goals
Starting point is 00:20:27 because i already know them he wants to win the crossfit games and he wants to you know be the best he can be uh but the most important talk we had is just to see how he was feeling the moment we start working together and what were the things that he needed to put special attention on and uh we we decided together how to move forward for that i mean you train a couple other guys who also want to win the crossfit games yeah who's that who's that lazar and roman lazar well i have a lot i mean everybody wants to win the craft game so I can give you 20 names, maybe. Roman, Lazar, Jorge, Agustin.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Oh, Jorge's your dude now. You're Jorge Fernandez's guy now, too. Yep. Oh, that's going to be fun. You're still with Uldis? Well, Uldis follows Mayhem. If he needs something specific, of course, I'm always very happy to talk to Uldis him because he's the coolest guy of them all.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Have we ever had him on here, Savan? I think he has been on here. I get him and Maurice Feibig mixed up, but I haven't had Maurice on. But I had Uldis on and I actually really enjoyed him. Uldis is a skateboarder. Wait, I get Uldis and Henrik Hapelainen mixed up. I had Uldis. Uldis is a skateboard.
Starting point is 00:21:46 He used to skateboard. He was on the show. He was on the – There he is. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, this dude's cool. Oh, I was – I mean, I'm getting mixed up with someone else though in my head.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, he's cool. Uldis is little too, right? Just like you and me. Yeah, yeah. I mean, maybe like an inch taller than me. I mean, he's shredded. He's a piece of steel. He's stronger than us for sure.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Yeah, but he's not working with like – he's not naturally a 200-pound guy. Like he's working to stay his size hard. Yes. I mean, he's working on his strength mostly, but incredibly enough, I have not seen an athlete of that size that can deal with an Assault bike or an Eco bike as well as all this. Oh, he's the parkour guy. And he had some gymnastic skills too, right? He was into planches and shit in a previous life. So that's more like it. I really don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, and he's the one with – is he the one with the –
Starting point is 00:22:46 Caleb, is he the one with the giant hog? He is in the sweatpants? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why you're at him. Yeah. Yeah, I know. It's funny because Ulysses is a great guy. He was competing with us.
Starting point is 00:22:58 A great guy with a giant hog. Sweatpants shot. Anyway, go on, Facundo. No, I was telling a story about all this to see how how how how fun how how great guy he is we were in in the lowlands last year he was qualifying trying to qualify there he is sorry here's the hog shot so i had him on the show i had him on the show and i was trying to be so good because i felt like there were too many eyes on the show that day so i didn't get to be like hey what's that in your pants but i mean look that is a crazy shot if you look at the the diagonal uh what is that four five o'clock my goodness i don't even
Starting point is 00:23:38 think he knows europeans are so casual us americans we're like oh look look at your giant piece okay sorry go ahead facundo i interrupted that picture should be brought up at least once a are so casual. Us Americans, we're like, oh, look, look at your giant piece. Okay, sorry. Go ahead, Facundo. I interrupted. That picture should be brought up at least once a month on the show. I was saying, he was competing at Lowlands last year, and we said after the second event of the year,
Starting point is 00:23:57 I don't know, after one event, stay here, don't go to the hotel, there's a lot of traffic, and Lazar stayed there, and all this decided to go back to the hotel. And we always traveled together, so he was on his own. So he go to the hotel there's a lot of traffic and uh lazar stayed there and all this decided to go back to the hotel and we always traveled together so he was on his own so he went to the hotel had food and when he was trying to come back ask for a uber and they keep canceling on him like five minutes away right that's right yeah and so he started calling me and i had other actors that went competing and said yeah what's wrong? I cannot come to the competition. You get here.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Don't worry. So he kept asking for Ubers and they would cancel him like one minute before arrival time. So he gets a bike and he puts the telephone on the bike and start biking like crazy going to the stadium. And at a certain point, he realized that he's farther from before. So he took the wrong way and he was going the other direction. So he has to turn around, go back to the venue. It was already almost chorale time.
Starting point is 00:24:51 So people were waiting for him in the chorale and he won that event actually, which was a bike. I think it was something. I thought there was some running in that one as well. I don't know. That's like some bad dream shit. Like you go to school naked or you go somewhere and you forget't know. That's like some bad dream shit. You go to school naked or you go somewhere and you forget your shit.
Starting point is 00:25:08 That's like crazy. But for him, it was real life. It was very funny for us. Really funny. Oasis. Shane versus Rich versus Matt. My money's on Shane.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Mine's not. I'll take the bet. Jay Ruffner, I do Mayhem programming, so if Facundo needs a late replacement for Roman, holler, my 5K time is around three hours. Send me a message afterwards so I keep your name in my roster. He'll put you in the hierarchy of roman there's this sometimes people will say stuff like um roman's not really a
Starting point is 00:25:52 mayhem athlete he's just paid to be there and then there was talk that um someone in dubai was paying him more than mayhem so that he was going to move and then we had two and then i had roman on and i and what's interesting is i had gi on and roman wanted to make it very clear that rich was his fucking coach like like he drilled that in and when gi was on he was like like i have a coach my coach is facundo like i have like a coach it's not just like hey can you tell me what those am am I accurate in how I remember that? And can you tell me what those relationships were like? I think it was the opposite.
Starting point is 00:26:28 I think that Guy has been training with – But he kind of sounded like he switched. He said last year – he made it sound last year that he had a casual relationship with Rich. But this year he wants to have a more structured relationship, and he's chosen to do that with you. No. He wants to be, we have a more structured relationship and he's chosen to do that with you. Yeah, no. So, uh,
Starting point is 00:26:46 he's working this year with, uh, another one of our coaches, a great coach called Jake Foster. Oh, that's right. Sorry, Jake.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Right, right. Jake. Okay. Yes. That's what I meant. Sorry, Jake,
Starting point is 00:26:54 whatever. Yeah. It's the same thing. He's tall, he's blonde. Yeah, same thing. No,
Starting point is 00:27:00 no, no. So, um, yeah, he, you know, he needed,
Starting point is 00:27:04 well, you have, you had him in the show earlier this month. I think he needed – he had specific needs, and Foster is there very often. He lives in Nashville, so every Wednesday he's at Mayhem. He's a great, great coach, and they get along super well, and I think that that's what Guy needs after, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:23 the challenges he had to go this last year. He wants more intimacy with someone. He wants to build a relationship with a coach. Like someone to bounce basically everything off. Like, hey, I heard on the Sevan podcast not to use fluoride. Should I quit that shit?
Starting point is 00:27:41 He wants someone. And I think that uh besides uh foster being a great coach he he has a lot of i mean a lot of the things that um make him very compatible to the needs of of ghee and uh they they haven't working for a couple of months now i think i know and it's been um uh and it's been great so yeah yeah, that's Jake Foster. He's ready in case we go training camp against camp. He's going to be certainly one of the coaches that is going to be competing, not me. Look in the background.
Starting point is 00:28:16 It looks like Lazar on meth. I think they got plenty of coaches to pick from ahead of you at Mayhem. I know. Between Rich and Jake Lockard and Jake Foster I put the money in Foster, Foster is very fit too but
Starting point is 00:28:31 in any case, me and Justin and Max were going to go for drinks or whatever, play another game no, so that is the case with Jake we are very happy to have him on board, he's now directing the individual programming at Mayhem, and he's done a great job doing that.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And so I'm quite happy that he's also working with Guy, and I think that he's going to be a right fit for Guy leading to this new season. And one of Foster's athletes will be at Crucible in like eight days, Seth Stovall. Yeah, Seth, yeah. Many, so Seth, he's also did a lot of things for the Mayhem Independence team.
Starting point is 00:29:18 So he knows very well what he's doing. And your relationship with Roman? I ask actually, Brian, I really don't know what this idea of Roman not being a mayhem athlete or being there for money comes from. And I... Brian didn't actually answer me
Starting point is 00:29:37 properly where this idea came from. I'm okay with camps paying athletes also. The thing is, that's not the case. But who cares if, who cares if you, who cares if you were, I wouldn't care,
Starting point is 00:29:51 but it's not the truth. I mean, Roman is a very, very methodic athlete. Actually, we, I think that we were with Brian. We,
Starting point is 00:29:58 we went through a little bit of the dynamics that we have with him and with Lazar and with all of our, my athletes, at least the one that I work with. And, uh, I speak to Roman every day. We, Roman, you know, like all of my athletes at that level, they have a very strong say on the programming. It's not something that I build on my own.
Starting point is 00:30:19 You know, I talk to my athletes and what's, what do you think is missing at the moment? What do you think you need to put more time working on what can we leave on the side for a while and uh roman it's it's yeah it's it's it's a true mayhem athlete he's there and it's funny because he's the most methodic of them all he arrives every day at 8 30 every day he lives at 11 30 11, comes back at 2.30, leaves at 5. And, yeah, as far as I know from him, he's very happy being in Cookville. He found a daycare for his son, Leon, which is something that they were needing. So Anastasia can also train.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And Roman doesn't feel that, you know, that he's training the whole day. And his wife is… I saw her there training when I was up there for the Power Monkey camp. She had a couple of friends, and they were training on the side over there. Does she speak English, Facundo, his wife? He speaks, yeah. She does too. He speaks rather well, actually, better than Roman. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Sorry, my inner demons are speaking. Jesus Christ, everyone. What? what did i interrupt or what what what what do you mean jesus what am i supposed to what you think my shirt's too tight what the fuck's going on sorry my one of my inner demons is speaking to me and it's so going back to uh jake foster and you said he's in charge of individual programming, does he lay out some sort of template that everyone's supposed to do? And then you tweak from there? No, the individual programming is open to everybody. I mean, we have been waiting for a while since he came.
Starting point is 00:31:59 He brought a lot of great coaches with him. And every single athlete that is following mayhem performance coaching gets a program that is individualized for that person there's no template there's you know it's that's what it is they what's the availabilities what are your priorities they have a lot of communication with the with the athletes he's he's doing a great job. Facundo. Yes. Which top women are training at Mayhem right now?
Starting point is 00:32:36 At Mayhem at the gym or following Mayhem? Start with at the gym. Hayley. Paige. Bailey. Allison. And who's coaching all these girls? and a lot of great athletes that you might not know. And who's coaching all these girls? Well, they all have a coach assigned.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I think Amai is with Dom. Well, I don't think I know. Bailey is with Jake Lockhart. Paige is with Darren. Zoe is with Jake Foster. Haley, as she tells the story, she found a couple of... I need to be careful here. She found a coach in California that is helping her. And what we decided to do is um she she's uh following that person and i'm overseeing a little
Starting point is 00:33:49 bit on you know the the overall direction of the programming and uh what athlete's that zoe hayley adams oh hayley adams yeah uh so that's pretty much it of the girls that are Yeah So that's pretty much it of the girls that are at in the gym Ryan. Who's your coach in, California? Can't say I don't know actually Haley said told you herself I think in the show Some weeks ago when you were trying to inquire Why was she so often in Hollywood? Yeah, I can't I need help I need help I can't say more than this while she's so often in Hollywood. Yeah. Comments, I need help, I need help.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I can't say more than this. I can't say more. Well, I can say something. I have a lot of contact with Hayley and she's doing great and I'm so happy to see her back at Mayhem and Training. And I have never,
Starting point is 00:34:41 I know Hayley for many years, many, many years. I've never seen her so fulfilled and so happy and so, you know, full of joy as lately. Oh, okay. I don't know the girl's name, but I know, I know, I knew, I've met her a few times, a handful of times. She has a, I met her a few times, a handful of times. She has a,
Starting point is 00:35:06 her and her husband. No, it's not Bryce Smith. Good guess though. I humbly say no, it's not. But I want to say something because I saw a message now.
Starting point is 00:35:17 No, I'm very impressed with what she's doing because the most important thing is that Hayley is enjoying training and that's something that Haley is enjoying training. And that's something that it's a major achievement.
Starting point is 00:35:33 So, you know, I think that they're doing a great job. Do you think there's some conventional wisdom about when you see athletes get dogs or, oh, yeah, her. Yeah, yeah, her. That's the sick school and her husband husband I think they train actors and actresses I met them at a street parking event at the ranch so what's this lady's name
Starting point is 00:35:55 again let me see this lady's name again Haley oh another Haley well that's shit that's Haley and Haley um Facundo like you saw um I don't mean this to pick on Madaris but you see Madaris get a girlfriend Haley and Haley Facundo You saw I don't mean this to pick on Madaris but you see Madaris get a girlfriend And then you see him
Starting point is 00:36:12 Get a dog Do you have any immediate thoughts on that Even if they're subtle Don't complicate your life Why would an athlete get a dog You have to worry You're training now you gotta go to go back and like walk them. You got to deal with picking up poop.
Starting point is 00:36:28 You got to, is it a drain or is it more like you think it's more, there's a therapeutic piece that they need. Do you know that Roman brought his own dogs from Russia when he moved to Cookville? I didn't know that. He already had the dogs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:44 He had this one. He moved him He already had the dogs. Yeah, he had. He moved them from Russia to the States. That sounds like a pain in the ass. You know that Jason Hopper got a dog last year. Did he really? Yeah, middle of the year. I think if you find success with the dog, no problem. If you already have success, then you get the dog.
Starting point is 00:37:06 There's a trend developing. I'm joking but not joking. It seems like why would you want to complicate your life in a time that you want to be so focused, right? I mean even think of it in the inversion of it. Rich wanted to stop being an individual, and his primary reason was because he wanted to spend time with his kids. He didn't want something competing with the attention he could give his kids. If you were a coach and someone was like,
Starting point is 00:37:37 hey, I want to get a dog, what do you think? Do you have any? No, I really don't. You don't weigh in there? I don't mess with these kind of things. As long as they come to the gym and they work hard and they do whatever needs to be done. Have you ever told an athlete they should break up with their
Starting point is 00:37:54 mate? Have you ever had a male athlete or a female athlete and you're like, dude, seriously? Do you want me to be friends with you? You're pussy whooped and that bitch is fucking you up. I do remember. I cannot say the name.
Starting point is 00:38:10 That's fine. I do remember training grounds in Boston when Reebok used to do training grounds at Boston before the games. Reebok would invite SMEs and they were coaching people that were going to the games, Reebok athletes invite SMEs, and they were coaching people that were going to the games, Reebok athletes.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And I was invited to go there with Hinshaw back in the day, 2015, 16th. And we were working there, and there was a lot of great athletes. Vellner was there. Many other great athletes were there. And I was sitting in a chair, and the telephone of a male athlete who just qualified for his first games was next to me. And the girlfriend was sending the
Starting point is 00:38:49 weirdest messages of why wasn't he answering the phone, her the phone. And I was like, oh man. The messages were really violent almost. So I think that in that case maybe... Did you tell him him do you say something to him
Starting point is 00:39:08 oh no no no i don't know i i was i was very i was a little baby there fresh new i didn't dare to say anything i i remember um i think it was dan bailey talking to dan bailey once when with many many many years ago and he was talking about dating a girl who if she did she needed to be texted like every two or three hours and if she sent a text and didn't respond and he said that was sort of the normal thing for protocol for relationships in whatever year it was 2015 I was like wow this is fucking crazy Dan Bailey dated a girl in 2000 I don't know maybe I'm making it up I know it doesn't sound very plausible. Maybe, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Could have been short-lived. Yeah, yeah. Well, I think that there's a old dogs like me don't realize the demand that's put on relationships these days because of that tether, that electronic tether.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Right? I have a question for you because the the i was invited all rumors on the table you were at the games this year for the first time in many years right and i saw you there we we talk a lot you were very happy you were amazing actually i was high as a kite dude i was high as a kite i was very happy to see you around. Thank you. What was the person that surprised you the better of the people you saw at the games this year? And what is the person that you were like, oh, I don't want to see that person again? Are you talking about an athlete or just any person? Any people at the CrossFit Games that people people can relate to so someone who had a positive
Starting point is 00:40:46 a surprisingly positive impression on him and a surprisingly negative i am such a clout chasing whore that anytime i could stand next to bill and katie i was like so excited and in all the years i've known bill and katie they engage me more ever this year not like like I'm not saying it was even a lot, but more than ever. Like Katie would walk by and like give me the middle finger or push me or say, hi, what did you think of this? And I was I was all for it. Bill would come over. You love a girl that gives you the middle finger. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Anything, any attention I could get from them. I was like more than like I was just included in shit. It was cool. A lot of candid just hanging out with them that I that in years past I didn't um I don't know if they were liking me more or if they just talked more and you want to hear something else this isn't going to probably make sense to a lot of people but I had never seen them hang out so much together in all the years in the past I'd always seen them kind of like doing their own thing but they were together a lot and that made me feel like i don't know i i
Starting point is 00:41:49 liked that it the only time that i was like very romantic about them or something the only time i saw them the whole weekend they were together you're actually right about that and the the people that i had the weirdest the weirdest interaction, I wouldn't say that I wouldn't want to see them because I really enjoy – even my – you know how it is, Facundo. You have kids, and so there can't really be an arch nemesis in my life anymore. You would have to do something to hurt my kids for me to even let you get to a level to where you could bother me. Could bother me. But the people that I. The most disappointing interaction I had.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Was I went up to Shane Orr. And I said hi to him. And I could tell he was like basically like. Hi but stay the fuck away from me. And then a handful of times. I was within. I was standing like I was. I can't remember who I was talking to. But I was talking to someone off in the corner.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Underneath the underbelly. And it was just me and this person and we were face to face it was a big athlete like i can't remember but someone big like like a velner or roman or someone i was very close to this athlete it was crowded under there and tia came right up and entered our triangle like it made we made the triangle you don't want three people are really close she had her baby and she couldn't even like look at me and that just bummed me out not like um because even the people who i who maybe i had the the most beef with i still went up and said hi to them hi how are you i was still very i was so sweet i was I appreciated everyone who was there, whether it was Tonto or Nikki Brazier. I respected their craft. I was super cool to them.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I stayed out of their way. I respected them. I respected everyone there. Yeah. So that just bummed me out a little bit. I won't bring the beef under there. Do you know what I mean? Maybe someone thinks that's fake.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Maybe someone would say, hey, you're a fucking asshole. You talk shit on your show, but in person you're a nice guy. Well, that's not how I saw it. I mean I haven't heard anyone say that. I'm just free-flowing now with you. But at that event, I think it's like, hey, the family is back together. But I'm going through this thing right now that people who normally would have said shit to offend me, I still like. Like more and more people as the show gets bigger and bigger talking more and more crazy shit and but i kind of still like them now like before as a little as five years ago
Starting point is 00:44:14 i'd have hated you but now like i i'm still like yeah we're good it's okay you can say that about me he's a fucking know-it-all i I know. Facundo, are you satisfied with his answer? I am. Thank you. Is it good? Okay, good. One of the things that I admire about Ivan, and he knows that I'm the same, we talk, we say what we, maybe we put ourselves in trouble very often because of that,
Starting point is 00:44:38 but we are rather honest on our answers. There's someone who told me that they don't want to be my friend, really. There's someone who told me they want distance from me because I'm friends with Hiller. And I think that's what's going on with Tia and Shane. I think for some reason – and I've defended them ad nauseum to Hiller. But I think that probably my vicinity to someone who is like, hey, you're on it makes me so that they don't want to be around me and i i'm not mad at them for that either like i get it but that's my only understanding of
Starting point is 00:45:10 why they wouldn't like me and i was critical of her holding dumbbells over a baby's head but like people are critical of me teaching my kid to throw with his left hand they call me hitler because i want to make my kid ambidextrous it's cool. His pistols are pretty good. I look at Hitler and I'm like, who is it? It's funny because it's incredible that people cannot also differentiate that you might agree or not with Hitler on certain stuff but
Starting point is 00:45:40 to expect you not to be somebody that's his friend or just support somebody that you appreciate just because you know it's it's it is pretty it is pretty it is the the ultimate sin it is the ultimate accusation to accuse an athlete of being on steroids though so like i'm not like they're fucking crazy they should be able to tell the difference between me and hillary and also he's like my he's my fucking like I'd let him carry me like a baby around. You know what I mean? This is just this thing about – it's a human tendency, this guilty by association.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Let's say that there's someone that's extremely against hunting and killing animals. And so therefore, they want nothing to do with Rich Fron. Does that mean they want nothing to do with Facundo? Facundo might also have no interest in doing that, but he's part of that group. So, I mean, you can extrapolate it to any situation. And it's just a risky road to go down but i'll tell you something about here i mean we talk many times and uh sometimes he had a question or something and and he could perfectly take oh okay i thought it was different thank you for letting me know that and i think he's a very clever guy in the way he you know he assumes uh his job and whether he's can be right or wrong and
Starting point is 00:46:46 uh and same as you savannah i mean he's a super cool dude to have around i mean he was at the games very often too and uh i enjoyed uh talking to him often he either way he's bringing a shit load of energy to the scene a shit load of energy to the scene. Fucunda Yeah, what about the female athletes that aren't training in Cookeville? A lot. If you want to ask me, I know what you asked me about, because you're involved in the in this story, right? I started working with Karen Frey some months ago. And it's because of Brian, actually. Partly because of Brian. Karin Frey is an extraordinary Slovakian athlete that just won Madrid.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And yeah, she's... She's won a lot more competitions than just Madrid. No, no. She just won Madrid. And yeah, she's won a lot more competitions than just Madrid. No, no, Chas won Madrid. And yeah, she's extraordinary. I'm very excited about having the chance to work with her. And it's very funny because, you know, I met Karen early this year in a competition.
Starting point is 00:47:58 You remember Lazar had been doing not very well at the end of last year in Rogue. He has his ankle issue in Dubai he had a COVID so he was not really really fit and at the end of December Lazer calls me and says coach I'm going for a competition in January
Starting point is 00:48:18 and it's like Lazer you can barely do five burpees in a row you just can't compete and I didn't want him to be again exposed to, you know, to go into a competition and be frustrated. And I said, no, don't worry. Everything's under control. And just send me programming.
Starting point is 00:48:33 And then so I started sending stuff. And he was like, yeah, I mean, it's really complicated. I cannot really train. I've been coughing the whole time. I said, Lazar, just don't go. No, no, no, no. I need to go to this competition. It's going to be fine.
Starting point is 00:48:44 You don't worry. So I go to Germany to this competition it's going to be fine you don't worry so i go to to germany to see him compete and i was really worried because lazar was not you know what was the event it was a competition in cologne i don't remember the name okay but when i get there i see roman sorry i see lazar super happy and he's like oh coach he said it was a team workout it's a team competition with karen frey and she was doing 99.9 of the work you know she did everything and i was seeing this girl competing and he was like oh man i love this woman i really would love to work with her she was so extraordinary and um so um after that i remember that i i texted brian i said do you know karen fray and he's like i love karen fray she's one of my favorite athletes and
Starting point is 00:49:32 yeah a couple of months later i had the chance to start working with her and uh i'm i'm who was she with who was she with she's been working with miko salo for many years oh shit is she Finnish? Slovakia she's like five or six years in a row the fittest in Slovakia that's a country Slovakia? yes when Czechoslovakia separated look at that
Starting point is 00:49:58 that comment from Jake Chapman that should be a t-shirt that should be the Karen Frey's mayhem t-shirt just spell her name correctly. That's good. That's good, yeah. Into the storm, into the Frey. I like it.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Yeah, so that's her. Facundo, you have this situation with Haley being there, but having to coach outside in Los Angeles. Then you have this other situation with Emma Carey actually coming with her coach, or you could say her coach coming with the athlete Dom and Emma coming from Brute. Are these is this the first this has happened for Mayhem where you're are you guys exploring new new avenues of of how the facility can accommodate people and athletes or this is just normal this is just the way it is in high level uh sports well i mean this level of athletes have specific needs and they they need a a reference a coach that spends most of the time with them and is able to build a very close relationship with their athletes.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And for the amount of athletes that we are very lucky to have at Mayhem, we needed also an amount of coaches, of very well-prepared, proficient coaches to help us dealing with that. So I think that's just that. Okay, I'm not happy with that. So I think that's just that. Okay, I'm not happy with that answer. Let me take another shot at it. Did Dom and Emma come to Mayhem because God told them to? I haven't been in Mayhem since the games,
Starting point is 00:51:39 but I think that they're very happy there, and the environment is very good for them. I just put on my toe spacers while you were talking. So they were at – I'm not happy with that answer either. They were at Brut, and they both have a strong – from what I hear from my interaction with Emma, from what I hear about Dom there, they have a strong affinity towards the Bible and Christianity and those values. And they've for, she was very complimentary,
Starting point is 00:52:18 Matt Torres. She'd been there since she was 15 years old over at brute. And now she, she wanted, they wanted to try something new and they came together has an athlete and a coach ever come together to mayhem like that uh no did you come to mayhem with athlete an athlete yeah i had i came with yeah but okay it was different because i was already with rich back in the day okay um so this is a... Is she there?
Starting point is 00:52:45 Did they move there? Do they live there? Do they have residence there? I don't know. I think that they've been visiting and they're considering what to do. Okay. So it's not official.
Starting point is 00:52:53 They're not like... You don't know if the month before the game she'll be there training and that they'll be Mayhem athletes. She's a Mayhem athlete, as far as I understand. And it's official. It's just like you can be a Mayhem athlete, as far as I understand. And it's official. It's just like you can be a mayhem athlete
Starting point is 00:53:07 and you don't have to live in Cookville. And I think that they're evaluating their options. But I understand that they're moving there soon. Is it... Is that... When that happens, does that... How does that affect people like Bayley or Page Powers? I don't think that they would affect negatively at all.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Because one of the things that Rich was very clever in creating at Mayhem is an environment of a lot of respect. And in my eyes, there's only one alpha person at Mayhem, and that's Rich Froning. The rest is great athletes and so on. And everybody's very respectful about each other's job and the way they train and so on. So Mayhem is also a huge facility and everybody has their own space if they need it or they can train together. and everybody has their own space if they need it or they can train together. And so I think that also Bailey and Paige
Starting point is 00:54:11 are two of the sweetest girls that I know. And I'm sure they'll be very happy to have the chance eventually to train up and down with Emma. Have you met Hayley's boyfriend? Excuse me? Have you met Hayley Adams' boyfriend? I don't know. I met a lot of people through Hayley.
Starting point is 00:54:34 And you're not sure if maybe you met someone who's having a romantic interest with her, but maybe not. You're not sure. I might have. You might have. Have you ever seen her open mouth kissing? One of these friends of hers that you met. No, I have not Because if you did that would probably be the one that she's dating Yeah, I haven't I haven't seen any kind of interaction of that kind So you ever see any open open mouth kissing at all at mayhem you ever been like what you wait? When's the last time you see someone french kiss at mayhem you ever seen any tonsil hockey
Starting point is 00:55:08 in the old gym you ever see tyler and bailey you ever did he slap her ass maybe um they are the most both tyler and and and bailey are two of the most elegant people that i know in life so i understand that would be anything that they were likely to do there at least. I understand. But you know, after 300 air squats for time, something needs to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I think that after 300 air squats for times, you don't want to kiss anybody. You got to slap that thing. If, uh, Oh, here we go. Uh, this is, um, uh, the champ's mom uh shannon madaris two times game champion uh i'm disappointed you have to read this in a nice motherly voice right i'm disappointed
Starting point is 00:55:57 in mr jukic lazar after admitting um i ran my bike into his leg. And 2022 elbowing, especially coming from Mayhem, because they're such good Christians. Maybe training with Roman, he can learn some sportsmanship. But Shanna, just because he says he ran his bike into your beautiful son's leg doesn't mean he did it on purpose. Or is that the insinuation mean he did it on purpose or is that the insinuation that he did it on purpose as far as i understand lazar suffered from that event more than anybody else so i think that anything that might happen there was detrimental to him more than anybody else i don't think and and i know to be very honest and i i know lazar well, and he is one of the most correct, ethic artists that I know.
Starting point is 00:56:50 He can be moody, he can be this, he can be that, but he's a very correct guy. And I think that her message also might point out that Roman knows about sportmanship, which is maybe another chapter that he's trying to talk about. No, I think that that was an accident and these things happen in competition. You know, I don't think that any, it would be really, sorry for me to say like this,
Starting point is 00:57:21 very silly for me to think that Lazar will like to do something like that out of lack of sportmanship, which I completely can state that he has a lot of. He's an extremely decent, correct, and also elegant athlete. He is very aggressive, though. He's an aggressive man. I don't mean that in any negative way. I would say Justin Medeiros is a very aggressive man he's an aggressive man um he's he's he i mean i don't mean that in any negative way i mean i would i would say justin madaris is a very aggressive man too well i think that in competition floor everybody needs to be aggressive to yeah they are competing but there's
Starting point is 00:57:55 a line we're going back to this chapter maybe there is a line in which aggressive is still you know part of competition itself and the way and the mechanisms you have to display your fitness or your performance. And there's a crossing that line, which is doing something that will not allow a fellow competitor to show that in the same way you are allowed to.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I would just, I mean, and that is just from like a practical perspective, if you're on a run and you give someone an elbow, okay, if you're on a bike and you crash into them on purpose, that's not going to do yourself any favors in terms of competition either. But I understand, I mean, But I understand, I mean, Medeiros Ma might be concerned about that, but I can vouch completely for Lazar on this topic,
Starting point is 00:58:51 on any topic, but especially on this topic. I do want to say that it was inappropriate how strong the margaritas were she brought me at the ranch the last time. It was totally inappropriate. It was like I was fucking rude last time. It was totally inappropriate. It was like I was fucking roofing.
Starting point is 00:59:05 That was aggressive. Shannon, that was totally uncool. I think you roofied me. Man, I'm going to remember that day. They love Jesus. Would it be blasphemy if Guy had a shirt that says I love Jesus?
Starting point is 00:59:23 But you spelled it like that, would that be cool? I don't think that he would find that funny. Do you think he found it funny when I brought it up on the show? I haven't seen that show. He handled it well. I think he acted like he thought it was funny. Yeah. Because he says Jesus instead of Jesus, which is maybe how they say it was funny. Yeah. Because he says Jesus instead of Jesus,
Starting point is 00:59:49 which is maybe how they say it in Brazil. Yeah. I'll tell you something too. Guy is a very elegant guy. And I have a little bit of a memory of himself at Copa Stour. He did great, but he had one really bad event. The first event who put him almost out of a spot to go to the Games.
Starting point is 01:00:08 And when that last event finished, and he did not beat his fellow athletes that would have given him a chance to come to the Games. You know, I was very sad and very worried for him and for Agustin and a lot of my athletes. But Guy, in a most elegant way stood up from you know and the ending line and start applauding to the two Brazilian guys that made it to the games and I always this is something that of many things that I that I lived with Guy I would
Starting point is 01:00:40 always cherish that elegance that he had. Because it was not fake. It was something that he felt. And that moment, I was extremely surprised on how he behaved. I was watching that too. That was, was that the second week this year? Kapasul was the second week in there. Yeah, and I was watching that and i was impressed because it's uh you know that's that's the weekend for crossfit games athletes like it doesn't matter who you are you have to show up that weekend and qualify and if you don't then your season's over
Starting point is 01:01:16 as far as the crossfit game season's concerned and in that moment it can be so easy to be down on yourself mad at yourself blame anyone else and i didn't see any of that from him that from him. And maybe he leaves the competition floor and he goes and cries by himself or does whatever in the background. But in public, there on the floor, he did celebrate those guys. That was cool. Yeah, yeah. These are people who, you know, I see very often athletes always trying to blame their environment or whatever happened,
Starting point is 01:01:43 everything external to them and something like gi or lazar or even especially roman have it's like they they have they take responsibility and ownership for whatever happens to them uh so yeah and when they do that there's probably more likely that they're going to get better results right because they're paying attention to what they can control. I mean, throughout the games, it's very funny. Every time that Roman does a mistake or something, he goes like
Starting point is 01:02:11 he kind of hit his head like me, silly. I've never heard Roman say, no, the judge was not good or this or that. He's a guy that takes it and takes full responsibility of all the things. Is he pretty excited to go to Rogue?
Starting point is 01:02:31 He's excited, yeah. He's been working really hard on keeping his fitness with the shortcoming of not being able to use his food fully. But this last week, he's been training really hard and he's happy to come to Rogue. What are the last things to come back off that foot injury? Well jumping, double landers heavy rope double landers
Starting point is 01:02:58 step overs, lunges because on the steam of the intensity you never know how your foot is going to be placed you need to have know, on the steam of the intensity, you never know how your foot is going to be placed. You need to have special attention on the things. But I think he's going to be...
Starting point is 01:03:17 I look forward to seeing them competing at Rogue, both of them. I spoke with Justin Kotler yesterday on my podcast, and he was talking about the Ricky shoulder and that Alex Cezanne has this wrist injury coming in. And I kind of said, like, man, you're talking pretty openly about some of those limitations that they might have
Starting point is 01:03:37 approaching a competition. And some athletes and coaches choose not to do that. Obviously, in the case of Roman, it's very public that he had a broken foot at the last day of the CrossFit Games. But what do that. Obviously, in the case of Roman, it's very public that he had a broken foot at the last day of the CrossFit Games. But what do you think about that in general? As a coach or an athlete, is it worth mentioning some of the things that might be limiting you coming into a competition,
Starting point is 01:03:55 or better to say nothing? Roman is a very open guy and very direct. I don't think he's going to say anything about it or how he feels or whatever. I just came to compete. I'm going to do my best. Hopefully, it takes me wherever I want to go, taking into consideration what I've been doing.
Starting point is 01:04:18 No, I don't think that he's going to make any kind of announcement whether he feels good or anything. He just goes for it. Do you think athletes should do that? Sorry? What do you think about when athletes do that? I mean, you just mentioned last year at Dubai that Lazar was sick, but he didn't want to tell anyone during the competition.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I think that in competition, they need to have the support to choose whatever they believe is best for them. Taking into consideration that choice is a correct and clever choice, right? I told Lazar in Dubai, leave the competition. Just go back home or go to the mall or whatever. I said, no, no, I want to compete. It's the same thing last year at Rogue.
Starting point is 01:05:04 And I think that there is a learning curve even competing go to the mall or whatever. I said, no, no, I want to compete. It's the same thing last year at Rogue. And I think that there is a learning curve even competing without having your full strength. And they certainly learned something about that. I mean, it is remarkable how fast Lazar recovered from those events last year to go into the Open, to have a great Open, quite a finals, to win his regional in Berlin with an amount of extraordinary athletes and to do so well at the Games
Starting point is 01:05:34 because he had a rough second semester of the year. That's part of the reason why I ask is because critics and analysts and fans are going to watch the last thing that you did. And if you go out there and you compete and you're Lazar Djokic who's coming off two straight top 10 finishes and you finish 12th place in Dubai and you don't say anything about it, now people are saying, oh, those were mistakes. This guy's not that good. He can't even finish in the top 10 there. but he can't even finish in the top 10 there.
Starting point is 01:06:06 I can tell you that it's been proven lately, Sean, that Roman does not really care what other people say and he just has his way of seeing things and he discusses them with the people that he considers can give a valid opinion to that. But then he will do and he will behave according to his own feeling. And that's something that I admire enormously on them both because to me it's called integrity. And that's what they both have.
Starting point is 01:06:31 They make a choice and they stand by this choice. And I'm not saying that athletes should necessarily do that. I'm saying that's what they have to weigh in their mind when they make a decision to disclose or not disclose something that might be going on. And it's also just, you know, for people to be aware that there are a lot of things that are happening. Like it's pretty rare that an athlete comes into a competition feeling perfect in terms of health and fitness. Like there's often little nicks and things that are, that are happening and maybe they happen on day one and then they have to figure out a way to deal with it. I mean, no one knew
Starting point is 01:07:04 about Pat's hands at the games when he ripped him on the rope he chose not to say anything if he would have finished 10th place and then showed us that we would have been like oh well that kind of makes sense but he chose to just do it anyway obviously had a much better finish than that so just to be like you know for the skeptics for the critics for the people watching just to sometimes consider if someone has a performance that doesn't seem in line with what we're used to seeing from them sometimes there's other things going on i think that if you are not you are not an athlete or you're not the coach of that athlete there are so many things that even with an explanation are so far away from the understanding of the person watching from a television or from a computer. There is a world of things that because of distance,
Starting point is 01:07:46 because of distance, you know, people are not able to grasp. And yeah, who are the critics, you know, in a competition? Let Roman know if he needs some fresh perspective and understanding of the world that he should listen to this podcast. Hey, listen, I can't remember if it was at the Games, I think the week before the Games, Daniel Brandon was blasted with a huge dose of antibiotics. She didn't
Starting point is 01:08:12 tell anyone. That'll fuck anybody up. That'll fucking take 10% off your shit. Yeah. Of course, there's stuff we don't know, but I still think we can talk all the shit we want. Oh, yeah, for sure. Maybe they don't care about it. That's point we can we can spend our i mean how many hours have we spent talking about talking about roman since since the games hundreds of hours so i hope we
Starting point is 01:08:35 put on some followers and his sponsors love it uh car saunders tell me she's coming back tell me she's coming back tell me well she sent a message saying that if the training camps are in she's coming back. Tell me she's coming back. Tell me. Well, she sent a message saying that if the training camps are in, she's going to compete with Mayhem. Oh, okay. So that's a data point. We know she will fight if...
Starting point is 01:08:58 Well, she might have to compete for that spot. There's some big names up there that she'd have to prove herself to be better than. So you know what's crazy? I think those training camp situations is fun it makes me nervous all the questions brian was asking about it because like i don't want it to turn into something like that but that situation is made for someone like carl sanders close proximity other camps she'd be head fucking people no one's head fucking her she's a she's a lion she's made for that close quarter reality show type she'd be awesome in that
Starting point is 01:09:33 awesome in that but don't forget that cara spent july of last year at mayhem already preparing for the games she spent the whole month with uh with uh her wife and her daughter back then her only daughter preparing for the games her husband with her husband whole month with her wife and her daughter, back then her only daughter, preparing for the Games 2022. Her husband? With her husband, you mean? With her husband, yeah. Oh, okay. So, yeah, I mean, she's amazing. She's an extraordinary athlete. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Did she try to go to Rogue? Do you know if she is doing any... Does she have any competitions on the horizon? No, I really don't know. I mean, she was... Last year at Rogue, I remember we were discussing and she was like, I mean, I'm not sure I'm going to be doing
Starting point is 01:10:15 any of this next year for this year. I remember that she won the last event and I remember that she came and said, yeah, now I'm done. It's a good way to finish this. It sure would be fun to watch her compete. There's an open spot for women at Rogue right now. How bad is Alexis Raptus?
Starting point is 01:10:34 Do you know, Brian? No, I just. She's supposed to come on the show tomorrow morning. I hope that's still going to happen. Oh, you had her scheduled before that announcement? Yeah. Hopefully she still comes on. Yeah, it'd be great to talk to her.
Starting point is 01:10:51 I just reached out to her coach last night to make sure they were doing all right. He said yes. So obviously she won't be at Rogue, but I think that she's in good hands in terms of dealing with it. So, Facundo, what I'm hearing from you is that Kara Saunders is, she's retired, but she would come out of retirement now? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:11:12 I mean, that is something that happened last year at Rogue. I knew that she wanted to try to have another child, and that was the case. So I haven't talked to her ever since to see what she i think at the moment she's very very much enjoying uh being a man and i actually appreciated her perspective um last year you know after rogue i wrote an article when i was working at bar bend about cara's 10-year career in the sport and i asked specifically if she was retiring from the sport and she said you know a lot of people have said they're retiring and then they come back. So I don't want to make a
Starting point is 01:11:47 statement one way or the other. I'm just, you know, I'm, I'm interested in building a bigger family and we'll see what happens. Yeah. Uh, Kenneth DeLapp, uh, I bet Angela would open I totally think so. I have no – so far behind on the – Facundo, does Facundo think Vellner can beat Lazar on Thursday? What's Thursday? I don't know what's on Thursday. Yeah. Go to your room. Go to your room.
Starting point is 01:12:21 I think there's a – okay, I'm going to take a guess here. I think there was a – okay, I'm going to take a guess here. I think there was a quote sometime. Maybe it was Vellner or maybe Lazar saying something about just can beat me on any given Thursday or something like that. Okay. Oh, that's right. That was a great – that was a – yes. Wow, Brian. Good memory.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Good boy. That was – I said – so Lazar was on the show and he said, yeah, on my best day I can beat anyone. And I said, hey, Vellner, what do you think about that line? And Vellner was so slick. I think I can beat him on any Thursday or something like that. I think I can beat him any day. Not even Vellner's best day. Everything is possible.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Great answer, Facundo. Horrible answer, Facundo. Everything is possible great answer horrible answer everything is possible I'm digging I'm digging yeah of course does Facundo think Roman will ever be back on the podcast of course but Laura was twice in your podcast
Starting point is 01:13:21 Laura Horvath yeah she was twice in your podcast, no? Laura Horvath? Yeah. Yeah, she was twice. I think that Roman will be glad to see you again, Seban, on the second week or the third week of August next year. Okay, good. Perfect. I like it. Right after he wins the games?
Starting point is 01:13:41 I think so, yeah. Yeah. Do you think that if he would have stayed in, he would have wins the games? I think so, yeah. Do you think that if he would have stayed in, he would have won the games if he hadn't hurt his foot, that that was a slam dunk? It's funny. That was a lot of confidence.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Two hours ago, I just posted on my Instagram that I was coming to the podcast and I have all the questions about that and Roman's Sunday. You know, keeping yourself healthy is part of competing and Roman failed on doing that because he,
Starting point is 01:14:14 you know, everybody knows what's happened. I do believe that if he would have been in full capacities, in my heart and in my head, I don't have any doubt that roman would have been would have won the crossfit games well i i thought you were going to avoid answering the question and then i was going to follow up with so you think it's not cool to speculate if he would have won
Starting point is 01:14:35 but no you're saying undeniably if he would have stayed healthy and you do recognize that staying healthy is part of the game but if he would have stayed healthy, he'd have fucking won easy. You know, on Saturday, when the events were released, we had a list of things that didn't show up. So we knew that we were going to be part of Sunday. The eco bike, for example, is a rogue equipment, rogue, as you will know, manages all the material at the Celtic Games.
Starting point is 01:15:03 So we, I don't know, we thought that it was very likely to have a Sunday with those kinds of events with a lot of parallettes too. There are things where Roman is really, really good. So, yeah, I mean, as I said before, in respecting
Starting point is 01:15:19 Jeff, Roman failed in keeping himself healthy and that was what put him out of contention for winning the CrossFit Games. In my understanding and how I see the sport and how I saw the competition, I think that if Roman would have been
Starting point is 01:15:36 in good health, I don't have any doubt that he would have won the CrossFit Games. Facundo, kind of on the flip side of that, after he gets injured on Sunday morning, you know, I think that now everyone is aware of this rule that CrossFit changed this year, that you could keep your points. So if you withdrew from the competition, you could still retain your points and finish where those total points would have placed you here. And he earned zero points
Starting point is 01:16:00 in events, the last two events on that day was there any conversation about hey we don't have to compete we can still keep our points was that between you and crossfit between you and him or was it just like no i'm going out there no matter what no to be very honest it was a very difficult moment as you can imagine for for all of us uh and i was also coaching um alex caron a couple of months before at the in orlando where he was disqualified for his chest injury. And it was very incorrect because it didn't come very well. Five of 10 minutes before Corral time, they called Alex into a corner. They said, hey, bro, we can only compete.
Starting point is 01:16:39 You're over, and so on. So there was no time for discussion, for conversation, for anything. Alex was out. And I was so upset about how that was dealt by the competition organizers. So when Roman had his injury, you know, I called Rich. Actually, Rich came to the, well, you all saw him. He was on the backstage, on the warm-up area. And Roman was very sure he wanted to compete. And he didn't, I mean, I think that in Roman's head,
Starting point is 01:17:09 he thought, I just want to finish. I don't have a chance to sit on the podium. You know, I just want to finish the competition. There was never an idea of, okay, but I want to earn this money or I will do this or I will do that. He just wanted to keep competing. And we had a super short conversation with Rich and with Roman and with Rosa. You know, Rosa, I love you if you're listening to this.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Just want to let you know very clear. And Roman said, no, I just want to compete. Make me sign whatever paper I have to sign. Any disclaimer, I take full responsibility, but I just want to keep competing. So it didn't even come up because you know like the night before bkg was dealing with an injury and so he found out what the rules were and he went out and did a lift just to kind of log a lift even though it wasn't really competing but this was just roman wanted to be out there we never we never thought that was going to be the case that we would have to find ourselves
Starting point is 01:18:05 into a situation of thinking, well, if this happens on Saturday night. Well, I mean, look, if you think back to Brooke Wells, she could not compete. And because of that, she lost out on a lot of money and that placing on the leaderboard
Starting point is 01:18:18 that she would have had that year. Even if Roman didn't think he could take the podium, I mean, in my mind, it's like someone probably should ask the questions. What happens if we withdraw? Because otherwise, we'll go out there and we'll take the floor and see it through. Because we want to still make more money, get a higher placement, whatever we can. I understand.
Starting point is 01:18:34 But honestly, the possibility of not competing and its consequences were never raised. We would never discuss that. And no one from the competition team said, Hey man, you're injured. I don't think this is a good idea. Yes, of course I did. Of course I did.
Starting point is 01:18:49 But it was very different than how they approached Alex at semifinals. Alex was very unfair because they just didn't approach him. They just tell a bro you're out. Or, or, or you could say Roman was unfair. You could say they, there was inconsistency between the way the two were handled is what you're
Starting point is 01:19:04 saying. You would like to have seen them both handled the Roman way, not both the Christian way. There was a different person in charge at those two times of the season. Well, also there was a different element because Alex had written to CrossFit a couple of weeks before saying, is there a minimum work requirement for that
Starting point is 01:19:20 workout? And CrossFit did not say, you need to come to the briefing and you'll find out. So he still, you know, traveled to Orlando, traveled to Orlando in the briefing. He said there was no minimum work requirement. So he said, okay, why? No, I'll try. If I can, I'll try. I just said do one. But it never came into consideration that, oh, well, if I don't do a rep, I'm out. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing
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Starting point is 01:20:31 Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale. To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. When I had Roman on the show, did you ever hear anything about Rose's interpretation of what he was saying, that maybe it was wrong, that it was incorrect? Because going back and thinking about it,
Starting point is 01:21:04 I was like, man, there's shit he said that for sure he said that she didn't say. No, Rosal is extremely faithful to Roman's words. I mean, I don't speak Russian. I don't speak Russian, so I couldn't say, but I heard him say, fuck Adler, I'll eat his kids. He didn't say that? No, I'm joking.
Starting point is 01:21:21 I didn't hear anything like that. But I did think it was off a little bit. I do think it was something was, okay, okay, fine, okay. But I will tell? No, I'm joking. I didn't hear anything like that. But I did think it was off a little bit. I do think something was – okay, okay, fine. But I will tell you something that I'm sorry that you said the other day, and I think it's the most accurate thing about the situation. I think that when Roman came into the podcast, he said, okay, man, I never intended for this to grow so much. He was like, okay, what am I doing here?
Starting point is 01:21:42 Are we really having a podcast on this topic? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He seemed almost a little embarrassed embarrassed like i did not want this to be like this i don't think embarrassed but i think that's like um uh you know too much energy went to it maybe too much energy and i i want to say something that i you know very often people ask me i have not seen many athletes that are less complaining about like roman Krennikov and I want to tell you something he won his regional 2018 that year there was another Russian athlete who tested positive and the whole world was like of course it's Roman Krennikov he nobody knew him last year how is it possible that he wins the Berlin semi-final so during, everybody was speculating of him being not clean. Roman never said a word. Oh, people don't like me, whatever. The guy then applies for a visa for four years in
Starting point is 01:22:32 a row. His visa is denied. You never heard Roman saying, oh, this process is complicated or silly and I cannot get to there. He comes to the United States. There's a very tragic event between Russia and Ukraine. Roman gets a lot of really hard messages for that topic. You never heard Roman saying, oh, he's complaining about anything. For the one time, he points something out. The whole world is like, oh, Roman is whining. I mean, the guy is in another level.
Starting point is 01:23:04 If he wanted to whine about something, he would have whine about, you know, it was not even that. It was something else. Right, right. Yeah, I mean, when you're at the top, you do get the highest level of scrutiny. I mean, most of the time that Laurel Horvath
Starting point is 01:23:19 comes up in conversation, everyone wants to talk about the one thing she's bad at and not thousands of things that she's good at. I know. I mean, I think that the best ever games of Rich Froning was one of the last years as a team. And he kind of slipped, jumping into the paddleboard. And the only thing that people remember is that Rich had a problem swimming
Starting point is 01:23:39 or jumping into the paddleboard. And it's like the man just won the games with like 300 points or whatever the number is. And it's like the man just won the games with like 300 points or whatever the number is. I don't know. But yeah, I understand that those things call attention. But I just wanted to say that because Roman is not a complaining guy at all on the contrary.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Ready? I won't forget, Brian. Do you want to go? I won't forget, Brian. Do you want to go? I won't forget. Mine's going to be a bomb. Facundo might run away after this one. Let's see. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Ready, Facundo? I'm very ready. Wait until an hour and 22 minutes to ask you this because I know this one can freak you out. this one could freak you out um did proven did saxon and brooke wells leave proven or were they asked to leave proven uh i mean i don't know brooke wells i don't have any contact with her okay i i can know i think that sax Saxon thought that he needed something new. In the Coffee Pods and Wads podcast with Shane Orr and I think it's Nick Johnston, the head coach over there, the CEO over there, an implication that the athletes that were leaving weren't able to fulfill the checklist of duties responsibilities level of commitment to the programming or to the organization that was required they did take blame for it say, hey, we should have been more upfront
Starting point is 01:25:26 what we expected of them, and going forward, we're going to do that. But it almost hinted that Brooke and Saxon did not, like, fulfill, like, all the things. And, like, I'll tell you in the most superficial sense, like, they didn't follow the diet, or they didn't do the cool-down, or they didn't do the, they weren't at the gym
Starting point is 01:25:43 three days a week like they were supposed to. We don't know what it was but there was some sort of hint that like that they didn't do they didn't do what they were supposed to do and that's why they got the results they did and the question is have you have you sensed any have you
Starting point is 01:26:03 I don't know if it's a presupposition. I'm just sniffing around. I'm just sniffing around, Judy. I appreciate you. I appreciate you keeping me true. Do you know of any of that? Has Saxon said, yeah, I didn't show up, or they told me, hey, you're not doing your job.
Starting point is 01:26:18 You got to leave. Have you heard any rumors about that? Look, Saxon, and I think that Brooke, too. I mean, I never worked with her, but we all know each other. I mean, I'll tell you about Saxon, actually. He's one of the most responsible artists that I work with. I would not have started again working with him if I would know that he's a guy who will miss his warmups or what, on the contrary, he's a guy that, at least with me, he's a guy that is extremely
Starting point is 01:26:45 pragmatic in his programming and he's very clever in the the way um he does things and and these people have been around for many years i mean i would be surprised if brooke wells who went to the games how many times brian eight nine ten nine i think it's nine nine and saxon who went four or 5 times are people that don't behave properly. Otherwise, how would they manage to go to the games 9 times? Or 4 or 5 times?
Starting point is 01:27:13 These are great athletes that also know very well what they are doing. Otherwise, how did they manage to go so far in their careers? Excuse me. 8 times. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:27 I've never heard that from Saxons, and I really don't know about that. The only thing that I can say is that Saxon is an athlete. He's the kind of athlete that you want to work with. I was very happy when I worked with him, and I'm very happy to have the chance to work with uh i was very happy when i worked with him and i'm very happy to have the chance to work again with him and if i was will have the glimpse of him not being a responsible guy i would say no but because of the experience that i have with him it's the complete
Starting point is 01:27:55 opposite but i don't know i was not even proven i'm i i'm it's uh no i cannot answer any more than that you can you can dig deep ask me and I'll answer you dig deep buddy you can ask so you
Starting point is 01:28:18 in your assessments Saxon's time was up there he was like dear Shane and um thank you for the year um i'm moving on not not shane and nick being like hey i don't think this is a good fit uh there's the door um no i i think that but the the same way he did with me which is a fair thing to do right right right right okay right, right. He has specific needs. He told me back in the Facundo, I need to try
Starting point is 01:28:47 something new and so on. And we discussed it together and maybe he had the same discussion with Shane. Have you ever fired an athlete, Facundo? Caleb, thank you for your I can see Caleb in the back there Caleb leaned in he's like oh
Starting point is 01:29:09 I I I expressed that I was maybe not the best fit for that person were you fighting with them? were you fighting with them? no no no that i was not the
Starting point is 01:29:25 right fit i mean that i would not be able to to do something substantial with that athlete so i said like you know maybe was it was it was it a personal thing or was it a training thing a personal thing no shit a personal thing yeah but you know that's not i don't think that's that surprisingly you know if you want to if you going to have a coach in this sport for a long time, you need to trust a person as a person in addition to as a coach. specific bond with my athletes and i need to feel you know this this this emotional link with my athletes and it's funny because i i watched the other day the the podcast of my great colleague andre with that that he did with you and andre is like no no for me there's no bro there's no nothing i'm coach she's the name and and it works for him. And certainly it works very well because he's building great athletes. For me, it's the complete opposite.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I don't think that I could be creative or I could, you know, put the best of me if I don't have this emotional relation, this link bond with my athletes. I, you know, i need to have that uh and you know someone else said you want to be uh i don't know if it was maxil hosh at it or someone said it but it was crazy he was talking about noah and it was basically saying god who was on the show who was talking about that but since noah wasn't fully in, the coach wasn't fully going to get in.
Starting point is 01:31:07 And so what you're saying, what I'm hearing you say, and this is kind of a leap, but that you want an emotional intimacy and vulnerability with your athletes so that when you feel they're all in, you can feel that pressure too, that you're all in. You want that same pressure that they're feeling so that you so you will have that community i mean i want my i i want the kid the people who are parenting my kids to feel that pressure i get there five minutes before the class starts i warm my kid up and and they've told me yeah we feel that shit from you like we give your kids our best because we see your you're giving
Starting point is 01:31:39 your kids you bring them clean you bring them early you stay late you train them after so you want to feel that you want to feel their pressure is that, you train them after. So you want to feel that. You want to feel that pressure. Is that it? I don't know if I want to. I think that I don't work. I don't think that if I work, if I don't have it. You're open to it. You're ready to cry and hurt.
Starting point is 01:31:56 You think it brings the best out of you. Whether you want it or not, you think it brings the best out of you. Without any doubt. And, you know, it's funny, when Roman went on this last event, on the one-legged double-lander event at the Games, they
Starting point is 01:32:13 asked me, you know, the coaches, we are taking to an area where we can watch our athletes, just to hit where our athletes are competing. And I realized that I could not go out to see what was going to happen. I had the feeling that it was going to be too hard for me. And I realized that I could not go out to see what was going to happen. I had the feeling that it was going to be too hard for me. And I felt in that moment that I needed to be somehow rational and strong for Roman because there were many decisions that needed to be taken.
Starting point is 01:32:41 But yes, I don't think that if I don't have this – Did you go out there though? You went out there though. No, no, no. You didn't? I couldn't. And I'm happy that I didn't because I would have – Facundo, I'm judging you. Facundo, if your dog is dying, do you not go in the back when they put the dog down and hold the dog?
Starting point is 01:33:00 Well, the difference is that Roman was not dying, was far from dying. I understand. I understand. But these people take their dog to the vet and have their dog put down and they leave the room. I'm like, motherfucker, that was your dog for 15 years. Hold your dog. It's the complete opposite. Actually, actually, actually, Roman was not dying. He was showing to the rest of the world that he was maybe a superhero with the performance he did.
Starting point is 01:33:24 But there was one event to go. And we didn't know how would Roman come back out of that second event of the day. And everybody was very emotional. Everybody was falling apart because this dream of winning the
Starting point is 01:33:39 game was not going to happen. He was losing it, watching it slip out of his hands. Yeah. We knew it. But one of us, I felt, which is funny that was me this case, because I'm certainly not that person, needed to stay rational for that one event that was still
Starting point is 01:33:56 coming and for whatever dialogue needed to happen just that last event and i was happy that uh uh um uh that i didn't you know uh you know yes there are many superheroes but why but why because you didn't you think that you would have been the weak emotional link from you didn't want him to see you cry okay okay okay so i would have but but let me go back to the dog thing. If your dog needed to be put down, would you go in the back with the vet? I had two dogs of mine that were put to sleep on my arms. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:33 All right. Okay. I'm letting you off the hook there. All right. Yeah. And he had to stay in a very good frame of mind because the advice to go into the final was just bike really slowly the whole time. And actually, Brian knows very well how much do I relate with my athletes. When we were in Spain, we were supposed to go to have dinner and he was really hungry.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Brian, he was like very moody. He hadn't eaten anything in like 15 hours. He was very complaining, very grumpy. And I still need to care of Karen, who rented an apartment that she didn't like. So we need to change hotels. I think that that's what coaches are also, not just the programming. And I'm happy to have this.
Starting point is 01:35:27 That actually ended up being great. We had a nice conversation with Karen in the car. I think I held it together okay. At the beginning when you thought that we needed to do more errands, it was like, hmm. Facundo, this athlete
Starting point is 01:35:44 that you parted, and did you end up parting ways with this athlete that you parted and did you end up parting ways with this athlete? Yeah There were many there was not just one, there were a couple there was one that is rather famous but it's not something bad that person has shown that it can work
Starting point is 01:36:04 perfectly well with another coach just like for me, I didn didn't feel I was going to be able to do my best. Is it values that are different? and whatever, as much as I ask and demand to be my choices and my laughter to be respected. I think for me in that case was a matter of moods and education and I felt that it was too rough for me as a relationship and it wouldn't work sorry I have to tend to the flock for a minute Judy
Starting point is 01:36:53 Judy listen Judy Judy you know you've said something mean to me if David gives you affirmation for it when's the last time you called the cops, Facundo? Oh no, two years maybe, two, three years.
Starting point is 01:37:16 What happened? So I was moving into my new house and somebody parked on the space that was supposed to be for the moving truck and so you call the police and they get the car removed yeah those guys good job nice work um facundo is your husband ever jealous of you um you're on the road a lot and you're around beautiful people uh i can give you a very cheesy answer, but he's the most beautiful of them all. No shit, he is. Really? Is he really? To me, at least.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Okay, well, that makes me think he's not. He's very good looking, but you know what? Could he be in a magazine? He's fun to look at? You like looking at him? If he's working out, you watch him? You watch him move? No, he hates when I see him. He does triathlon.
Starting point is 01:38:09 He doesn't take anything from me. He's like, let me do my stuff. Don't even... No shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'll tell you two things. On the one hand thing, the most important thing, I think he's for me the most intelligent person that I've ever met. And it's always this level of admiration that I have for him
Starting point is 01:38:26 that makes me still very, very impressed and surprised that I'm married to this person and he's a great father and a great partner. But we have a rower, a skier, a biker at home. We used to have an air runner. Can you believe that the guy
Starting point is 01:38:44 runs bikes and he doesn't even lift the monitor so he doesn't know what he's doing? He just rolls for three hours and I said, what did you do? Just roll. How long? And I had to go back and see the log, the memory to see what he did. I can't see the monitor on the air runner. I'm too short.
Starting point is 01:39:01 The assault one. I have to run fast and catch up to look no but he's not jealous at all no does he approve what you're doing with your life? is he okay with you squandering
Starting point is 01:39:15 these political aspirations to fool around with sweaty people in hillbilly country? look yeah it's a good question I think so because that allowed me to take a lot of time for dedicating to our kids. We have two girls and a dog. And my choice now allows me to spend most of the time
Starting point is 01:39:37 with them when I'm here. So I bring them to school, pick them up, take them to activities. So I'm very to school, pick them up, take them to activities. And, you know, so I'm very happy with my choice. And I think he's very happy too. Yeah, that kind of would be my answer too. My wife's married to this fucking 51-year-old guy that's turned into like some sort of like YouTuber. But I can spend time with the kids and the dogs.
Starting point is 01:40:02 So you're right. I think that's what, at the end of the day, that's what she cares about. That's what counts. Yeah. Yeah. kids and the dogs. So you're right. I think that's what, at the end of the day, that's what she cares about. That's what counts. Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you. Thank you. Anything you would like to add?
Starting point is 01:40:11 Any stone unturned? I don't know. I thought that Brian had a couple of questions for me. Okay, go ahead. He didn't dare. Mr. Friend, the floor is yours. Well, and the bomb was coming, so I was just stuck aside for a minute. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:24 See how you handled that. Fukuno, what was the first year you coached an athlete as an individual, like one-on-one coaching them that went to the games? Say that again, sorry. What year was the first year that you individually coached an athlete at the CrossFit Games? It was Saxon Panjic in 2000, i don't remember the year now uh 21 when he finished fifth at the games 2000 what 21 that was the first year you coached an athlete individual athlete yes
Starting point is 01:40:58 that went that make it to the games yeah you know it's crazy i thought for years you were an agent and i could not get my head wrapped around that you were a coach. But now I can't even – in the last two years, I don't know what happened, but somewhere you completely switched identities in my head, I realized. And now I can't even imagine you as an agent and I only see you as a coach. It's weird. No, no, no. I mean, I did work – when I was going to the games as a coach, I was the coach of the Mayhem team, Rich's team. And of course, I was not programming. I was not telling Rich, hey, do five burpees and do 100 double-unders to warm up. He knew it very well.
Starting point is 01:41:34 But I think that Rich and me, we had an understanding. And whatever I was providing him, he needed. Or it was good for him to have me around as a coach. And then the different opportunities open up and then I start coaching athletes so when you're when you're so these last two or three years when you're coaching some of the top 10 or 20 male and female athletes in the world and the expectations to make it to the crossfit games i think someone was asking about this an hour or so ago do you factor in to that equation what you're expecting to be tested at the crossfit games or is it more of just a broad preparation um i think that coaches
Starting point is 01:42:17 in the crossfit world we have to a certain degree the responsibility to understand the direction that the sport is going to you know it has changed throughout the years and if you see you know dave's castro's classic programming and then you see bosman programming and then you see last year i think there's in the environment in our world there's a lot of hints of what are we going to be moving or leaning towards. And I think it's our responsibility to know that. That's what I said before, that I would not think that I have this curiosity if I don't feel that I want so much my artists to do great.
Starting point is 01:43:02 So when you're thinking about, okay, we we're nine ten months out from the next year's crossfit games i've got lazar i've got roman i've got you know karen fray whoever these athletes are well in some cases like for augustine he's got to figure out semifinals first like you know he didn't make it this year so he's got to figure out a way to get back to the game so that might be a different challenge but i'm talking about athletes that they're making it comfortably in the regions that they're qualifying through. When, you know, when you, now you look and you say, well, I don't know if Dave is programming the games, but he's clearly involved.
Starting point is 01:43:36 Oh, they're moving to a new location. What do I know about that location? Are those things that even this far out, you're already thinking about when it comes to a nine, 10 month run up? No, no. At the moment, what what i think when i program for my athletes i i imagine i think that we talk about i imagine karen working at her gym in slovakia and whatever she's going through and whatever are the most important things that she needs to take care of before rogue and before dubai and i i program in this idea
Starting point is 01:44:05 her, you know, what is she doing? How is she feeling? What are her needs? I mean, I think that because of this emotional bond that I have, I understand I wish that I or I tend to want to understand what the artists are going through.
Starting point is 01:44:22 And I think that if I understand that I might be able to take the best out of them instead of imposing myself, oh, this is what you need to do because this is the last word and this is the programming and give me a good result here. Did that answer your question?
Starting point is 01:44:40 Yeah, no, it was great. Okay. I imagine Roman arriving at 8.30. I imagine Lazar. I mean, I love Lazar much more than he loves me. That's for sure. I just want to say it because I'm going to make a clip out of this and send it to him.
Starting point is 01:44:53 But I imagine them all, and I imagine what they're going through, and that's the way that I program now leading to Rogue. Thank you, both of you. Great show. Thank you both of you great show Thank you guys Better than I imagined I thought it was going to be a 10 it ended up being a 12
Starting point is 01:45:12 I say that with all humility no no humility with complete pride Thank you thank you very much it's always a pleasure to talk to you guys
Starting point is 01:45:19 Talk to you soon safe travels to will you go straight to Austin from wherever you're at? Brussels or Moscow? Austin and then Santiago de Chile and then Argentina, Uruguay.
Starting point is 01:45:33 Oh, cool. I didn't hear Cookville in there. No, Cookville is going to wait a little bit. All right, brother. Oh, look, 12 out of 10. There you go. Even Audrey agrees. It was 12 out of 10. Thank you, brother. I will talk to you soon. Thanks, go. See? Even Audrey agrees. Thank you. It was 12 out of 10. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 01:45:46 I will talk to you soon. Thanks, Facundo. You're the best. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Adios, Facundo. Mr. Friend, thank you.
Starting point is 01:45:53 Always great having you here, buddy. Hey, what's up, Caleb? Very, very honest show with Mr. Facundo. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Talk to you soon? Definitely. Alright, brother. Have a good day. Peace.
Starting point is 01:46:14 And then there were two. Audrey, don't send Brian away. Surprise, surprise. I'd have never thought you said away. Surprise, surprise. I'd have never thought you said that. Surprise, surprise. All right, Brian friend part two, go. Listen, someone in here wrote. Someone in here wrote, hey, you should do a show every month with facundo and brian listen
Starting point is 01:46:45 someone says that about every show we would we have 75 of those we would just never get anyone new in here i appreciate it i think i i just take it as a compliment oh oh yes uh elise miss redow i heard there's a shattuck in youtube page. Can I see that? Yeah, that's my YouTube page. Wow. Dude, this could be brilliant. Someone said it's really funny. Someone told me it's funny. Are you using skincare products?
Starting point is 01:47:13 Do you have the smooth feature on your... What the fuck's going on with you? No, it's good lighting. Oh, yeah, you don't even look real. You look like a porcelain doll today for some reason. Three a days days let's go sebi uh i have joined it oh good i'm about to join it too as soon as i see what's the name of it it's so it's my youtube channel it's caleb beaver and then this is my first
Starting point is 01:47:39 this is part one funny i'm i don't know i oh shit this is part one funny I'm I don't know I oh shit this is reality wow wow hey that's that looks better than it looks better on YouTube than on your it looks better yeah than in this
Starting point is 01:48:01 on Instagram wow this is look you already got an assault bike in the uh kitchen yeah yeah uh all my so so what happened yesterday is the first time it rained in months here and it decided to like absolutely downpour and uh we had expected there to be like some leaking and that there's like a center portion where they like made a roof and a room and shit. Well, the. Like an add on. Well, so there's two buildings.
Starting point is 01:48:33 There's like a garage and then there's like the main building. And they're the same width and same like length and shit. And but they took a made a ceiling like a roof between the two buildings closed it they connected like the way a little kid makes a fort like throws a blanket over two set couches and i'm between them yes that's exactly what happened that is exactly what happened um and they were like oh yeah there's a little bit of a leak in there like no problem and this was before it started raining so we come back and this like, this is literally my first day ever working on this, on the house, like seeing it.
Starting point is 01:49:10 I saw it on Sunday for the first time, actually walking inside of it. Never actually been inside the property. Cause the previous owner would never let anybody in there. Now we understand why. You bought the place unseen. Uh, yeah. Like we had never never we had set foot on the property like he let us like look around and kind of like see the outside but he never let us inside once until we bought it that's amazing it's absolutely stupid but uh we so it's yesterday it rained like what if there were dead people in there and shit like
Starting point is 01:49:46 Dude I'm terrified that as soon as I Open a drawer something's gonna jump out at me Or like something's dead in there like Okay I'm telling you I'm I'm like Looking for it I'm waiting to find something Yeah yeah And uh rained like crazy like a drawer Full of teeth yeah oh yeah
Starting point is 01:50:02 You know what I mean like just Or like someone's hand somewhere like under a floorboard yes so many nail clippers so many glass like pairs of glasses just like random shit i found a box full of door hinges just random just so nonsensical okay um but uh rains a bunch yesterday and i had left all all of my workout equipment in that center space because I was like, fuck it. It was already outdoors anyway, so it wouldn't be bad. It'll stay dry or whatever. We show up yesterday afternoon after the show, and it's like a torrential downpour in that section.
Starting point is 01:50:39 So if you look on the right of this video, like this is the, that it's just like sagging roof. Like, like you said, is if you were going to like make a blanket for it. Oh shit. Oh shit. That's not a leak, dude. Yeah, I know. So do you climb up there and divert that onto the roofing? Look at that bucket that bucket's
Starting point is 01:51:06 Ridiculous dude Hey dude you have to get something That leads the water outside like You know like a culvert You have to like you can get those at Home Depot I think Yeah so Sorry I don't mean to tell you how to do your shit No it's cool
Starting point is 01:51:21 Basically what's going to happen is that whole section Is going to get demolished Because it's it's an it's an add-on it doesn't make any sense so we're going to demolish the whole thing but that'll be outside again that you'll convert that back to outdoor space right but so that we found that out and i had to my mom and i had to pick up all of our all of the workout equipment and move it back into the main room. So that was like a task yesterday before I could even start cleaning. Yeah. Does it come with a pit, a rope and a basket of lotion?
Starting point is 01:51:54 No, but I did find a pair of handcuffs attached to a pipe in the back, like, like over a doorway. And I, I don't know what it was for uh i know what it was for yeah you mean so like you could have someone like this yes yeah hey um you gave me this crazy idea i probably shouldn't share this on the air but i'm thinking about maybe having like a bucket
Starting point is 01:52:22 that i always cut my fingernails over for the rest of my life and fill a whole bucket full of fingernail clippings. You know, I did. That would be fucking amazing. I tried to fill like a big cup with sunflower seeds one day and my mouth was raw. That's what it reminds me of. I was just like, I would just keep it. I just carried it around with me as I was just spitting in this cup. Every time I go to the beach, I eat so many salted
Starting point is 01:52:48 sunflower seeds that the next day I feel like I sucked the wrong dick the night before. My mouth is so sore. It's crazy. You do the same thing with your fingernails. It gets a sunflower venereal disease. Sevan, this is why Dave never comes over
Starting point is 01:53:06 no Dave comes to my house more than any other house he's ever been to besides his own not that he's here very often but um yeah I wonder how many people are gonna buy I bet you there are seriously
Starting point is 01:53:22 some people buy their own shattikins because of this this is gonna be quite the inspirational story how often are you going to publish to here um anytime that i go over there i'm going to film it and post something basically probably it'll for now it'll be just about every day you should you should also do shorts that show things like the handcuffs yeah no i will all this. All the weird knickknacky stuff, I'm going to post stuff about it. You know you can do that. Just film on your phone, just straight, like Instagram. You can just do shorts.
Starting point is 01:53:53 Okay, yeah, I'll start doing that. Yeah, get the YouTube studio. It's awesome. I used to do that with capable children. Mike McCaskey. Sevan, how does Sevan know what a mouth feels like after sucking a dick? You know. You know.
Starting point is 01:54:11 All right. I wonder if Alexis Raptus is coming on tomorrow. I mean, she's got colitis. She's not on her deathbed. I hate that um i hate that the name of that illness colitis i think it's technically i mean the name name is crohn's disease but colitis is like more technical it bummed me out that she got it in 2018 now i can't blame the vaccine i was thinking the same thing i was like was like, so bums me out.
Starting point is 01:54:45 People are already saying it in the comments. I was like, well, when it happened in 2018, are you going to turn your phone off at 11 a.m. Today? 20 minutes prior to the zombie apocalypse. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:54:56 for sure. Do you know about this? Yeah. And I don't understand the outrage. Cause I mean, we were getting them anyway. Like, Oh, like, like the, we were getting them anyway like like the
Starting point is 01:55:07 we were getting amber alerts yeah amber alerts national weather emergencies all that shit uh holy shit look at that lady's hair wow damn uh
Starting point is 01:55:24 Steph um Derek oh i've asked derrick to come on so many times he's so nice to me in the uh dms but he's but he but kind of like he avoids like he avoids we i'll i'll show okay i'll try i'll try i'll try i'll bug him again That's the one-legged guy covered in tats, right? Yeah, right. Oh, this is a good... Mike McCassey said, and yeah, there were human bones nearby. There were actually bones in the front yard.
Starting point is 01:55:56 I don't know exactly. You know how you can tell the difference between fake bones and real bones? No, I don't. Fake ones are usually plastic plastic ear like not they're not very strong well i found like a i think it's like a clavicle like it could be an animal's clavicle but it's definitely a real bone um uh it's a real human bone hold on hey you know what's fucked up i just went to my ds with him and he had responded.
Starting point is 01:56:26 Yes. When, when are you thinking? Fuck. Uh, sorry. I, um, I just found this. Yeah. Fuck. I lose.
Starting point is 01:56:47 Oh, and thank you. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Damn. Okay, sorry, Steph. Damn, I was blaming him and it's on me. Isn't that normally how it goes? Shit. Yes, you're welcome.
Starting point is 01:57:00 Okay. Caleb, he's not listening. I kind of was. I heard clavicle. I heard clavicle. It's more for everybody else to listen to anyway. Yeah, cl're welcome. Okay. Caleb, he's not listening. I kind of was. I heard clavicle. I heard clavicle. It's more for everybody else to listen to anyway. Yeah, clavicle. So was it a human clavicle?
Starting point is 01:57:10 I don't know yet. I'm thinking it's probably like a deer or something. I love it when Caleb talks and Sebi drifts off. No, I wasn't. Don't make it sound like it's some sort of normal thing. I'm not having a conversation with him. I'm having a conversation with all of you. What'd you say?
Starting point is 01:57:28 No. Hey, did you see this guy, the social justice warrior who got killed in New York City yesterday? No. I probably shouldn't play the video. I'll probably get in trouble. His name is Ryan Carson. He was out with his girlfriend. He's on the streets of New York dressed in a suit
Starting point is 01:57:45 they're out on a date you know if you dig full blown social justice warrior you know if you dig into his shit you're gonna see all sorts of stuff that's just crazy fucked up shit he did like he's the epitome of one of those guys
Starting point is 01:58:04 that claims to like marginalized people but has just got his foot right on their neck keeping them down just like his whole existence is based on other people demanding that they be the victim and he just got like he's just minding his own business and a fucking zombie stabs him in the fucking neck right in front of his bitch. His bitch doesn't do shit. How bitch doesn't do shit. She could have fucking, she could have saved his life. I would go as far as to say, oh, he's a for sure defund the police guy.
Starting point is 01:58:44 His, his bitch could have saved his life he didn't and didn't his bitch could have easily saved his life what just push him out of the way or something anything man anything anything it's such fucking bullshit it's so fucking sad what happens to him it's so sad it's so unnecessary the dude just stabs him It's so sad. It's so unnecessary. The dude just stabs him for no reason. He's just sitting down, minding his own business. Dude comes over, complete fucking whack-a-doodle.
Starting point is 01:59:13 What are they going to do to him? They haven't even caught the dude. They're not going to catch the dude. It's reparations. Call her hi. They were waiting for a bus after a wedding that's why he was all dressed up and uh but the crazy thing is the mayor of new york city mayor adams is going to mexico guess what he's going to talk to the officials to stop the migrants from coming to
Starting point is 01:59:42 his city the same city that he was requesting all these migrants to come. Welcomed them with open arms. Now he's telling them to stop coming. Can you imagine? How is anyone still voting Democrat? Hey, I really hope, I really hope this dude, Ryan Carson, I hope his parents are like,
Starting point is 02:00:00 fuck this, Trump 2024. Me too. Trump's an asshole. Okay. Trump 2024. Me too. Trump's an asshole. Okay. Trump did the lockdowns. Okay. Trump brought the vaccines. Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:14 I hate him. He's an asshole. Okay. But the other team's pedophiles and lets people get killed and is 100% just racist. All right, Trump 2024. I mean, dude dude i just can't i i just can't even believe how slow people are to the trigger what is it gonna take do you need one of your kids killed to start voting right
Starting point is 02:00:43 that's the only reason why you vote a certain way is for your kids not about you right i'm gonna be 50 years old i'm done like i can live like it's my kids right man so sad yeah that guy was completely minding his own business then that psychopath walked by him and then came back and fucking stabbed him and what the fuck was his girl doing i mean what are the police gonna do they can't like they're not gonna get there in time oh it's so sad don't don't get that guy though don't get that guy hey here's the thing though that that guy got every that guy. Hey, here's the thing, though. That guy manifested that.
Starting point is 02:01:29 You know? That's his world. That's the world he wanted. I bet you, hey, listen, Jethro, I bet you some of the people in that guy's life are going to be like, hey, let's not prosecute this guy. It's not what Ryan Carson wanted. You know that's become a trendy thing when social
Starting point is 02:01:48 justice warriors get murdered they don't even give a fuck the fact that that guy might murder someone else by the way for anyone who hasn't seen it it's completely unprovoked murder this is just some tall fucking i don't know he's got the jufro he's got a suit on he's minding his own business he's a big dude too that dude's a big dude doesn't matter how big you are you know the deal they're crazy they have that crazy strength
Starting point is 02:02:18 they have that crazy mentality not stopping that and I'm willing to bet 51% 51% of my life's earnings that that guy who killed him killed him because he was white. That dude was not going to do that to a black guy. There were racial slurs the other way going to that guy, I'm sure. It's fucking nuts. Not that I care, by the way.
Starting point is 02:02:42 Not that I care. Don't get that twisted. But I'm just saying, for those who do care, I guarantee you that wouldn't have mattered if that was a black... If that was a black dude and a black girl, they would not have got killed. And if it was a black girl, she probably would have fucked that dude up.
Starting point is 02:02:59 I saw it on DC Drano. It was on his post that I saw it. Yeah, he's the only fucking dude posting it. He's the only dude with the balls to post it. It's kind of right. The best thing you can do in that situation, unless you are proficient in some type of jujitsu or you have a gun,
Starting point is 02:03:15 the best thing to do is walk away from that guy. And the guy might have been trying to protect this girl and maybe get a couple of drinks at the wedding, waiting for the bus, but he just walked away from that guy that guy would have left him alone but he got in his face and he got stabbed and killed look it looks like his girlfriend's even crying so that guy walked by them oh yeah it looked like she was crying
Starting point is 02:03:43 i don't know if they're waiting for the bus They left those benches Oh that guy kicks over Oh that guy's losing his mind Okay so he's a wackadoodle You can see him at the end of the street I hadn't seen this before start kicking over trash can Like at that point they should have turned around
Starting point is 02:04:03 And walked the other way Get up go across the street across the street that's right oh but if you cross the street when there's a black man kicking over trash cans you're racist go fuck you well you know you're fucking dead no you're fucking dead i'm puerto rican i'm sorry when i'm in uh if i'm in harlem in Harlem in New York And there's some Spanish dudes walking towards me I go across the street I don't give a fuck Anyone fucking who looks fucking to me
Starting point is 02:04:31 Thuggish by my discernment If you start kicking over trash cans I'm crossing the street I don't give a fuck If you're Chinese I'm crossing If you're a dwarf I'm crossing Holy shit You know all this dwarf talk I've been doing since we've had Tim Murray on I've been just talking about dwarves more
Starting point is 02:04:48 I saw a dwarf yesterday, I manifested that shit I saw my first dwarf ever in Santa Cruz I think it was a kid, he came out of Kumon, I was there with my kids My son goes Did you talk to him? No, I was already in my car when I saw him My son goes, hey, that kid's shorter than me
Starting point is 02:05:01 I was like, yeah, I know That guy's shorter than me. I was like, yeah, I know. That guy's older than me. I'm like, look, his forearms and hands are bigger than yours, too. He goes, yeah, that's weird. He goes, he's short. I'm like, yeah, I know. I posted before on Tater Tot's Videos and stuff
Starting point is 02:05:26 Mikey Swoosh wishes he was that guy So bad After everything that happens Mikey Swoosh talks the talk that Tater Tot does It's crazy Yeah come in What What
Starting point is 02:05:44 Hey if you're gonna shoot guns You gotta put the dog away What? What? Hey, if you're going to shoot guns, you got to put the dog away. All right. Oh, oh, yeah, I just played it without looking. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Look at how come she's not calling 9-1-1 she doesn't know somebody comes up and asks if they need help and then she tells them to go grab the guy what a mess should i miss the whole thing because i was looking in the yard
Starting point is 02:06:17 hey this is this is a great example this is a great example if you do any type of crazy workouts any type of stuff that you put yourself in pain, you gotta be in these situations where your heart's racing, you gotta calm down. You gotta get yourself situated, situational awareness. If you don't put yourself in that type of situation ever of you don't know what to do, you're going to freeze. That's exactly what she did. Hey. And so what's crazy is
Starting point is 02:06:45 if he'd had a gun that guy if he'd had a gun and shot that guy he'd be in big trouble it would have turned into like some like fucking Ferguson what's that thing what happened George Floyd he'd be in cuffs the next day they arrested the bodega shopper for stabbing the guy
Starting point is 02:07:04 to death After he freaking almost killed him Fucking nuts Out by the community for once That got him off That guy's still on the street And this Ryan Carson dude is dead I couldn't find this dude's Instagram
Starting point is 02:07:19 I wanted to find it Ryan Carson Instagram I wanted to find his Instagram Everyone I found went to the. Ryan Carson Instagram. I wanted to find his Instagram. Everyone I found went to the wrong Ryan Carson. Someone was complaining that my Jew voice and my woke voice are the same and that's not cool. I apologize.
Starting point is 02:07:41 I apologize. Are you looking for it too, Caleb? His Instagram? Yeah, I just found pictures of him. Man, there's some weird looking Ryan Carsons. There's a shitload of Ryan Carsons. Maybe Ryan Carson
Starting point is 02:07:59 should I put social justice warrior? Oh, activist Instagram. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Did I find it? Oh, activist Instagram. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Did I find it? Oh. That was at 4 a.m. Hey, I'm Malcolm X Boulevard. Why the fuck didn't they take an Uber? Who waits for the bus at four in the
Starting point is 02:08:26 morning anymore hey i know i know people are like there's no honor in teasing the um uh making fun of the dead but look at uh there there it is the insane haircut you see it the asymmetrical haircut there it is let me tell you the two if you have an asymmetrical haircut you have you probably have a mental disorder and If you have an asymmetrical haircut,
Starting point is 02:08:45 you probably have a mental disorder. And if you rock the Hitler mustache, probably something's wrong with you too. Those are two. You can go. You take those to the bank. You got the little fucking... Oh, does he?
Starting point is 02:09:00 Type Ryan Carson, she, her. Oh, shit. That's fucking brutal. But I'm going to do it. And Carson. I'm dying to see this dude's Instagram. It's crazy how all the news outlets call him a social justice warrior advocate
Starting point is 02:09:28 yeah yeah yeah they're just like it's something to be proud of it's like no dude it's what got you fucking killed yeah alright well thank you for calling brother thank you hey guys alright Thanks dude I appreciate it
Starting point is 02:09:48 Send him money Later That shit ain't gonna get fixed with luck That needs a big stag of cash Oh shit I um For those of you Who are
Starting point is 02:10:05 Offended In the I'm gonna use just the Hiller thing If anything if you've ever been The target of Andrew Hiller's anything Target Of his attention This guy
Starting point is 02:10:21 This is probably good for Swoosh And Sporty Beth and just anyone like that. Look at this guy has completely leaned into and embraced his situation. This is... I can't tell you how brilliant this is. This is so brilliant. By the way, did you see Facundo? I don't think Facundo um facundo was
Starting point is 02:10:46 i think maybe offended for roman gee when i brought up the cheeses thing but i don't think but gee thought it was funny right i think so that didn't translate well okay here we go uh watch this. Over here. See that? That's amazing, isn't it? That's pretty good. God, that's so good. Just has fully accepted his situation and just making the best of it.
Starting point is 02:11:24 I would expect him to throw a crutch it's like swing one at you i just love how everyone i mean i'd react to like that crazy right because you just everyone has a leg it's fucking amazing god this is so amazing. Hey, like if I was a dwarf, like I would just spend days going out making content. Be like, excuse me, what did you say about my height? Just like just to just randos. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:11:56 Go to somebody like tug their shirt. Be like, dad. Yes. All the weirdest shit you can think of. C.K. Kevin. C.K. Kevin. Seven would have fallen down down i'd have called the cops on that fucking dude just fucking one-legged dude out of here chris beasterfield the invisible dick kick oh my god that's so good hey he's just fully leaned into it there's a huge lesson there everyone just lean
Starting point is 02:12:26 into it for sure i'm gonna see tia just uh photoshop like needles hanging out of her stomach like 30 of them be like here you go hillary is this what you're looking for i feel like liver king did that for a time and then everybody realized he was actually juicing. That's a good point. Boy, he does not. I actually probably should reach out to him. Have you seen him? Yes,
Starting point is 02:12:53 I have. Uh, it's not good, dude. No, I don't think he's backed off on his, uh, it's not that that I
Starting point is 02:13:05 I'm tripping on so much he just doesn't look um one of his account yeah go to uh right there with he's feeding the dog does he have his eye patch off now is that yeah he does there um Wow that is a shit load of meat
Starting point is 02:13:32 That's crazy Yeah it's a lot Looks so good He doesn't look like he's sleeping He just looks like something happened to him Looks like he has less energy. Like he looks tired. Yeah, what?
Starting point is 02:13:47 What? Oh, you're looking at a different one than me. Did you look at the one where he's feeding the dogs at the table already? Yeah. Yeah. Look at his face. Look at his face Cocaine is a hell of a drug Well he looks good in the next post
Starting point is 02:14:15 Look at the next post I don't think he should wear red ever No why not Look at the one with the cartoon It just doesn't look good on him It makes him look tired and old. who has an xbox 360 anymore not him oh that looks like someone we know you know who i was thinking uh no i just was i was thinking in my
Starting point is 02:15:07 head is like that's somebody somebody knows that person they're just blasting him for eating burgers i i should tell you i should uh post it in the private chat god that looks just like someone we know he looks yoked yeah out of his mind he's Zeus okay yeah he's yoked alright well I hope he gets better whatever's going on
Starting point is 02:15:42 I hope he gets through whatever he's getting through. It's mental struggles. Oh, I'm going to send you... Should I send... I'll just play it. Sorry, I didn't send you the notes. 144, look at this. This is... Did you see this thing with Aaron Rodgers? Crazy impact game.
Starting point is 02:16:04 Obviously, he had some yards and stuff But I feel like for the most part We played really tough on defense For the last three quarters So the guy in the middle is Aaron Rodgers He's an NFL quarterback And he's claimed to fame I mean he's a great quarterback
Starting point is 02:16:20 But also he didn't take the jab And he pushed back heavy on it And I guess he's a regular on this show this uh pat mcafee show and uh he's talking about our say that again pat mcafee pat mcafee pat mcafee what i call him mcafee mcafee yeah yeah if i knew how to read i'd say it right mcafee pat mcafee i said it right mcafee sure yep that's better and um is that a button-up tank top that guy's wearing what the fuck is that guy wearing anyway um i guess this guy aaron rogers comes on pat's show a lot which is cool
Starting point is 02:17:00 and pat lets him fucking go nuts on it right is this an espn property now is pat mcafee is and so sure look it says espn down there and i think i saw something that's it's coming together and i think this guy maybe sold his show to espn for like 150 million bucks or something this this is a big show right this mcafee show that's pretty big yeah and what's so we do you guys remember the the guy we covered travis kelsey he was the tight end for the kansas city chiefs and he was dating taylor swift and he sold out and did that commercial that um to take the injection right right he's like do the twofer yes this was on espn's main channel yeah this is crazy. Thanks, Will.
Starting point is 02:17:48 Look at Will gets a camera and all of a sudden his profile picture is him as a fucking cinematographer. Too soon, Will. Too soon. No, I'm joking. Go for it. Okay, listen. So basically, listen to what he says here. He calls Travis Kelsey Mr. Injection or Mr. Pfizer. Crazy game and Mr. Pfizer, we kind of shut him down a little bit. He didn't have, you know, he was like crazy. So Aaron Rodgers' team, I guess, played that guy, Travis Kelsey's team,
Starting point is 02:18:11 and he refers to him as Mr. Fizer. It was an impact game. Obviously, he had, you know, some yards and stuff. But I felt like for the most part, you know, we played really tough on defense for the last three quarters and didn't have a crazy game. And, you know, Mr. Fizer, we kind of shut him down a little bit. He didn't have, you game and uh you know mr pfizer we kind of shut him down a little bit he didn't have you know he's like mr pfizer god aaron rogers is a stud
Starting point is 02:18:30 right just calling that dude out like a bitch but good and what he so so then later on uh in the in i think in that same show, I have the clip here. They asked Aaron, they said, well, you spoke to him at the games. Aaron, you spoke to Travis at the games. What did you say to him? And so here's that clip. You talked to Mr. Fizer. You talked to Travis.
Starting point is 02:19:01 What were you talking about here? Were you talking about different facts and what's potentially the one for you? I think some things need to be left on the field. You did talk to Mr. Fleischer. You talked to Travis. What were you talking about here? Were you talking about different VACs and what's potentially the one for you? I think some things need to be left on the field.
Starting point is 02:19:20 God, what do you see there in that communication? Hey, is that guy with the hat on backwards walking away because he's uncomfortable? You did to mr pfizer you talked to travis what were you talking about here were you talking about different fact i think that's the that's the old line coach the offensive line coach yeah i think he's he's probably just helping prep for the game or something i don't think and that guy and that guy uh mcafee says dude calls him Mr. Pfizer too Shit That dude's getting ass pounded That's awesome
Starting point is 02:19:52 Look at this asymmetric ears Travis Fauci Wow That's fucking awesome Wow Oh my goodness Love it That's fucking awesome. Wow. Oh my goodness. Love it.
Starting point is 02:20:09 I love it too. Did Aaron Rodgers used to have long hair? I remember him as having long hair and now all of a sudden, okay. He looks like Sam Elliott now or something. Yeah, I think when he was retired or not in the NFL anymore, he just grew it out a bunch. And then when he got the contract with the Jets, he cut it off during preseason or something. And now he's injured? He's not playing?
Starting point is 02:20:33 Yeah. Brandon Waddell, the man who gifted me the two Travis Bajan cards, he had to explain to me how to say his own name. So I used to call him Brandon Waddle. And he's like, no, it's Waddell. Sevan,
Starting point is 02:20:48 it's Mac Uffy. Mac Uffy. Isn't that like some software? Software security stuff. Yeah. Yeah. If you want to see a crazy documentary, watch the documentary about McAfee, the guy who invented security software for PCs and shit, McAfee.
Starting point is 02:21:12 Did you ever see that documentary? No, what's it called? I can't remember. You found it? Running with the Devil? Maybe. Or Gringo, The Dangerous Life of John McAfee. Yep, yep, yep.
Starting point is 02:21:30 Maybe. That sounds right, too. McAfee antivirus software, of course, Jeff knows. I don't know if that still happens anymore, but it used to be like, I haven't used a PC in years, but it used to be you opened a PC and just fucking windows would be popping up everywhere,
Starting point is 02:21:44 invading your shit um exposes millionaire john mcafee's escape from law dude i don't know if he was a millionaire this fucking guy may have been a billionaire but i think he ran off to belize in the movie the movie takes the craziest twist at the end crazy but basically he kills some people his neighbors or something or he's accused of it but he's got this huge harem and in the documentary they're interviewing the chicks in the harem and the chicks say that they don't have sex with them or have any sexual like they don't do any of that but they're but he's got all these chicks and you think that for the whole movie that he's just slaying all this beaver and then you find out you ready for this
Starting point is 02:22:36 god this is fucking disgusting mom if you're listening you should turn this part of the show off what he does with the girls is he puts them in a hammock and cuts a hole in the hammock and they shit in his mouth i'm serious that you wait the whole movie and that's the climax he's not boning the chicks i'm like what he's not boning the chicks Serious. You wait the whole movie and that's the climax. He's not boning the chicks. I'm like, what? He's not boning the chicks. Oh, he was on Pedo Island too? What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:23:16 God. Hey, I saw a great meme the other day. How come there's all this shit coming out about Russell Brand, but we still don't know what the fuck's going on uh on epstein island yeah once again once again like i don't care i don't care about lewis ck asking girls if he can masturbate to them in the in the locker room i don't care about russell brand um talking dirty to girls if until like there has to be a hierarchy to this shit until we know what's going on in epstein's island uh daniel garrity cuts his fingernails and stores them in a bucket if you put it like that
Starting point is 02:24:00 man man all right did you hear about did you hear about the democrat who pulled the fire alarm oh this is nuts too look at this guy, this fucking idiot. This is fucking just... So they were voting yesterday on... They got rid of the McCarthy, the Senate Majority Leader. Is he Senate Majority Leader? Is that who it is? Sure.
Starting point is 02:24:42 Okay. The wildest thing to happen on capitol hill this past weekend besides the potential shutdown of the federal government was when was when representative jamal bowman democrat set off a minor panic by pulling the fire alarm in the house office building on saturday and the day since republicans accused a democrat from new york of deliberately trying to postpone a vote that saw Democrats effectively bail out Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy. Bowman's side, in turn, has issued multiple statements trying to defend why he quite deliberately tried to access a set of doors marked as an emergency
Starting point is 02:25:17 exit. The saga began on Saturday afternoon when Brian Steele, the chair of the House Administrative Committee, announced in a statement that Bowman pulled an alarm in the Cannon office building and the U.S. Capitol Police said was investigating the matter, which led to officers to evacuate the building and saw the D.C. fire and emergency medical units respond. This guy, this guy Bowman, is saying he didn't realize he would trigger the building's alarm. Look, here's the door. Here's the door he left out of. It has three signs that say emergency exit all over it. It says push until alarm sounds. Oh, so it is an alarm.
Starting point is 02:26:05 Like it says it's not even don't push. It's not even don't don't push. Alarm will sound. It's push until alarm sounds. So he pulls the alarm and then he goes out the door that that's off the other the rest of the alarm. I'm not sure. That's a great question. Stupid.
Starting point is 02:26:23 Wow. Congressman Jamal Bowman humbled us oh he's humbled this dude's humbled really yeah yeah yeah hold on I clicked his name this dude's humbled that word's forever destroyed hey I've been saying on this show forever people are like I'm so humble
Starting point is 02:26:41 at the success I've had let me tell you I'm every morning I wake up and I see you guys in the chat just fucking raging. I'm like, I'm so proud. There's zero humility coming from me regarding that. So proud, so proud of the hard work I've put in and the friends I've cultivated in this party we have every morning. Proud. P.R-O-U-D. Congressman Jamal Bowman humbled to serve New York's 16th Congressional District,
Starting point is 02:27:12 providing updates on service and legislation. I don't trust someone when they smile and their eyes close, unless they're Asian. Asian. Today I vote this 18 hours ago. Today I voted in favor of the motion to vacate the chair, effectively removing Congressman Kevin McCarthy from position as speaker of the house. And I also pulled the alarm on the house floor,
Starting point is 02:27:42 the fire alarm wow and then and then right after he pulled the alarm he accused someone of being a nazi and now he's apologizing for that but he clearly was calling the person a nazi to just to spread the um to to deflect right he was accused of pulling a fire alarm and then he's like that person's a nazi over there and then he got in trouble for calling someone a nazi so he's just like deflecting like a motherfucker uh has has chick bowman was a school principal he knows what an alarm looks like yeah fully I mean
Starting point is 02:28:27 Audrey I smile so big my eyes close well keep them fucking open just can't help it just so big J. Wick Humboldt wow that's good I don't even like Harry Potter. Harry Perry's Estes?
Starting point is 02:28:58 I want to see where he called Bowman Nazi. I want to see what he did What his Nazi move was Republican oh here we go Here we go God bless Fox News Republican Bowman Mocked for statement condemning Nazi fire alarm Messaging guidance from his own office Republican
Starting point is 02:29:24 Jamal Bowman democrat was called out again on monday for a statement he issued condemning his office's messaging guidance on him pulling the fire alarm which referred to his republican colleagues as nazis oh shit woman's office circulated a memo to its democratic colleagues on monday urging them to defend him publicly oh shit he was asking for his colleagues to defend him with suggested arguments as republicans continue to demand his expulsion from congress over the incident one proposed talking point in the memo titled messaging guidance supporting congressman jamal bowman after the accidental fire alarm targeted Nazi members of the GOP don't forget also yesterday
Starting point is 02:30:24 some lady don't forget also yesterday, uh, some lady was appointed to Diane Feinstein seat in the Senate by Gavin Newsom because of her, for three reasons, because of her skin color, because of her genitalia and because of the genitalia she wants rubbed in her face.
Starting point is 02:30:44 And, uh, she's not even a California resident absolutely nuts uh AOC was all over the airways defending him wow amazing
Starting point is 02:31:03 alright bizarro world amazing alright bizarro world I wonder who's gonna replace McCarthy what are they gonna do I don't know my mom was talking about that yesterday what did she say what does she think is gonna happen she just thought it was crazy they already kicked him out
Starting point is 02:31:24 yeah it is crazy oh this is awesome uh wesley hunt from texas this guy's mocking him bowman he says uh jamal bowman pulled a fire alarm in a government building because we're Nazis. Says the congressman from Texas, a father, husband, army veteran, Wesley Hunt. Wesley Hunt. What's his name?
Starting point is 02:32:15 Musk is full, full fucking boring. Cracking jokes about the injection again to full speed ahead. Just destroying fucking the CDC. Fauci, everyone. He's awesome. Oh, is Jim Jordan running for Speaker? That would be amazing. He should be our fucking president, to tell you the truth.
Starting point is 02:32:36 I used to not like Jim Jordan. I love him now. Jim Jordan. News. If that's true, that's crazy. Jim Jordan says he's running to replace McCarthy. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 02:32:55 Wow. If you guys don't know who he is, he's sharp as a fucking tack, this guy. Wow. Wow. Jake Chapman, Seve. Come on, man. I know. No, I don't know. Film a cunt, but I know use a cunt.
Starting point is 02:33:19 His uncle. I don't know if I'd call that a comb over. You call that a comb over? Oh, wow, Judy Reed, listen to this. We purposely bought our house in Indiana. Oh, no. We purposely bought our house to be in Jim Jordan's district. What district is that? Let me see his wiki page. Oh. Republican Firebrand The 4th District. What the fuck is the 4th District?
Starting point is 02:34:08 Ohio. what the fuck is the 4th district Ohio he's in Ohio in the 4th district oh ok I can see on the map you guys want to see where it is anyone want to move there here we go I'll show you guys wow that's crazy you moved there just to be in his district
Starting point is 02:34:24 that's cool it's basically everything out out north of columbus and dayton what a beast isn't something did we talk to someone yesterday who was in fort wayne indiana who is in fort wayne oh brian was brian in fort wayne did i lose caleb hi caleb uh my daughter's school has zero woke stuff that's amazing uh carl uh caplan so the guy that calls someone a nazi votes in favor of sending endless bills to Nazis, billions to Nazis in Ukraine. Yep.
Starting point is 02:35:07 I know. Bizarro world again. Oh, you're in Trinidad. Why do I always forget that? I cannot keep up with us politics in Trinidad. We have two parties based on race, African and Indian votes depend on which race votes more that year.
Starting point is 02:35:33 Yeah, I think I think that shit's changing here. I think the I think that shit's changing here. I don't know. Vindicate seven. How was the one day with no podcast i have no fucking idea what you're talking about no it's no cast oh oh like oh like my kids cast oh awesome dude awesome i can tell though um um he's, he's a, that kid is a, uh,
Starting point is 02:36:06 my most formidable kid. Like he, that kid's a savage and, um, super high pain threshold, very aggressive, wins all the golds at all the jujitsu tournaments. Um,
Starting point is 02:36:17 doesn't just does what needs to get done. And, uh, he, I could tell he had his cast off and he's he's going through some shit he's just not himself yet he's like i mean i don't think anyone else would tell but my wife texts me he goes she goes how is ari he doesn't seem like himself i'm like no he's definitely not himself um he's got a boot on for another two weeks and then he'll be back in the
Starting point is 02:36:43 back in the game he Back in the game. He said something that was kind of sad. He goes, my leg looks skinny. And I felt bad for him. Because he's already like, he's already skinny as shit. Oh, dude, this kid's so savage. And what's funny is he's the one you see least on my Instagram.
Starting point is 02:37:00 Avi's chill. Mr. Birchfield. Avi's pretty like chill. This kid is wrecking ball. Yeah, he's like Avi will do a trick, a skateboard trick like 20 times while trying to learn the trick. Also making sure he doesn't crash. And Ari's the kid that's like, hey, crashing is part of the game. Well, that's why he fucking has a broken shin.
Starting point is 02:37:27 So. always the kid that's like hey crashing is part of the game well that's why he fucking has a broken shit so fruit basket no thank you though Eric it's very kind of you all right guys happy birthday Judy oh yesterday was Avi's birthday he turned nine big boy happy birthday uh is today Thursday no today's Wednesday Wednesday Judy. Oh, yesterday was obvious birthday. Turn nine. Big boy. Have a birthday.
Starting point is 02:37:46 Uh, is today Thursday? No, today's Wednesday. Wednesday. Yep. Um, I'm in this trash predicament at my house where I have so much cardboard that like the day I've,
Starting point is 02:37:59 um, because we have recycling cans here in California. So every Wednesday they pick up the trash and then like, I'm going to spend the next two hours, like doing everything I can, or probably two hours is wrong. 30 minutes filling my recycling can. Cause I've just stacks of cardboard in the side of my house.
Starting point is 02:38:16 So that's what I'm going to do. Uh, tomorrow morning, Alexis Raptus, we'll find out about her colitis. Uh, then, uh,
Starting point is 02:38:23 Jr. Howell and Taylor self have a show. show oh it looks like it moved to 10 30 did you know that yeah i i guess yeah that's no i guess yeah is no well i looked at it and that's what i saw yesterday too i saw it was at 1230. Okay. So as of yesterday, you know, fine. Yeah. Okay. That works then. I apologize.
Starting point is 02:38:47 I was too judgmental. I guess. Yeah. Work. And then Friday, uh, Travis mayor, uh,
Starting point is 02:38:53 Devin Kim. Oh, I want to apologize. I haven't seen this yet. I'll talk about this on the CrossFit games update show on Friday. Oh, we don't have the CrossFit games update show on the schedule. Do we?
Starting point is 02:39:02 No, not yet. Um, uh, show on the schedule do we no not yet um uh dear matt susan oh uh can we get update show on schedule and calendar um i i made some wise cracks that there's no way in hell mayhem or HWPO would, would take part in that competition. Like if they did like the Tahoe throw down again, but they did it in modern times. And then I haven't seen the post yet, but yesterday I guess both all the camps responded on Dave's Instagram proven HWPO and mayhem all like
Starting point is 02:39:47 perk their heads up. Like, okay, we might be down. So I apologize to all three of you guys for thinking you guys were too big of pussies to do it. Please accept my humble apology. Just need a little nudge.
Starting point is 02:40:00 Yeah. Sometimes I'm off. I apologize. I'm the apology part. I really mean it. That that's cool as fuck. You guys are going to do it. All right. off. I apologize. The apology part, I really mean it. That's cool as fuck. You guys are going to do it. All right.
Starting point is 02:40:08 Bye-bye. Thanks, Caleb.

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