The Sevan Podcast - Fee Saghafi vs CrossFit CRASH | SHE'S IN!

Episode Date: March 23, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. If you missed yesterday's show, which was the best show in the history of the Sevan podcast, you can no longer watch that on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I have... I moved it over. It's sitting on Twitter and Rumble. I uploaded it to Rumble last night. I just started... I started Googling around on what the rules were for YouTube. I didn't know what the rules were. And just to see.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And it's pretty vague about... Ron, what's up, dude? Over at Twitter. How you doing, buddy? Good to see and it's pretty vague about ron what's up dude over at twitter how you doing buddy good to see you uh it's pretty oh thank you thank you vindicate vndk8 for all your ceo shirt you not have a ceo shirt already thank you so i so i moved i moved yesterday's show over to rumble and twitter i just didn't think um i was getting nervous i was looking uh i was just thinking um probably not a smart idea to leave that trip on um youtube they have a lot of rules at youtube hey fee hi savann good morning good morning right on time i don't know if it's right to say youtube has rules or censorship rules or censorship i wonder what the right term is for that
Starting point is 00:02:04 I wonder what the right term is for that. What are you chatting about? Yesterday I did a show and the guy on the show, Russell Berger and I, Russell Berger was on the show. Oh, yeah. And we were calling Planet Fitnesses and asking them their locker room policies. And it was so funny.
Starting point is 00:02:22 It was so, it was amazing. What'd you end up finding out? What are their locker room policies? If you want to be a boy and you want to go in the girl's locker room, it's all good. Stop. What? Yeah. Like me, if I felt like a boy, I could go into the boy's locker room.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah, but girls don't do that. For some reason, that is just something boys do. for some reason that is uh just something boys do i that's still like i was like respect to whatever you want to feel but like yeah i agree if i if i saw a legit man walking into late like everyone's naked walking around like and a man walks in like a legit born man no he was so what happened he was there was a gentleman in there and he was shaving his legs and a woman took a picture of him um he was naked shaving his legs and a woman took a picture of him and then she was kicked out of planet fitness for her lifetime for breaking the policy of um taking a picture in the locker room but if but if you're crazy right and then planet even though he was in the women's locker room yes and then planet fitness doubled down and said hey we're a judgment free zone which we know isn't
Starting point is 00:03:39 true because you do have you it is a judgment zone you can't take pictures but you can be a man in the woman's locker room yeah did they come out with a statement with that like yeah it's wild that makes sense yes no no that made sense no they came out with a statement but it still never made sense you can't get your head wrapped around i mean the presupposition there right is is that men and women should be kept separate when they're naked Especially strangers like being naked is like what you're supposed to do with like your husband Or your mom or your mom and dad, you know what I mean? Yeah, I think it should be like if you have certain body parts
Starting point is 00:04:16 This is your locker room if they want to like swing it that way And then you have if you have these body parts, this is your like i'm flexible like that I'm flexible like that. I'm flexible like that. And then you could kind of feel whatever you need to feel, but if you have these body parts, this is locker room number one. I'm even okay with the double standard fee. I'm okay with the women being in the men's locker room because I don't find women as a threat.
Starting point is 00:04:44 But I think it's pretty clear if you just look at the jails and just the stuff that boys do I mean our insurance is higher when we drive right I think we're a bigger threat like I would never trip if I was just like in a if I was like it I don't know some you know like you go to a concert and the lines are like you go somewhere and the lines are huge for the women's bathroom and no line for the men's bathroom i have no problem with the women going in there yeah but not vice versa but not no i've had instances where um there was one instance like as a young girl i think i was just like young in high school maybe even just like 14 years old well before like this time like that we live in now and i walked or I was in the bathroom,
Starting point is 00:05:26 washing my hands, whatever. And a grown, like big grown, like man, man walks in instantly. Like gut just doesn't like just drops. Like I don't feel safe. Like instantly, like I'm in fear. Right. And it's just, it was just like a healthy response. That's a healthy biological response. Yes. Right. And instant response, right? And on his end, he's like, oh my God, I walked into the wrong bathroom. I'm sorry, but within those just five seconds, I'm fearful. I'm the only young girl and I'm the only person in the bathroom. You hear all these real stories of instances where things happen in lonely bathrooms at a Target. This was at a target,
Starting point is 00:06:05 but that's my natural response. And I can't even imagine in a locker room where you're even more vulnerable, like that feeling. And now it's okay. Now there's like no barrier, you know, to keep you safe or feeling safe. Or that's like, you know, that's a, that should still be like a place where you feel respected and you feel safe. Right. And no, I mean, I don't even feel comfortable going into a sauna where there are men and women together because I've been I've like experienced my own like thing on being talked to inappropriately, looked at inappropriately and instantly I have to leave. But, you know, and now we're just like, now we're accepting things that are making those moments probably even more. I don't know. Yeah, that's tough. What's crazy is that what you're saying here for some people is considered controversial. Yeah. And you've made it clear in all the statements that they're i statements you're not
Starting point is 00:07:06 saying there's anything wrong with them like hey if you want to if you want to do that but you're not comfortable with it and for some reason that's controversial and here's the thing too in defense of men that's a hard topic those inappropriate ways that um men look at women or the things they say that's in them. Men are biologically. If, if, if you have a, if a beautiful woman walks by and a man doesn't look at her,
Starting point is 00:07:31 he's, he's pushing back against his biology. You just have to know that. I'm not saying it's. Yeah. He's just, he's pushing back against his bio biology. We are programmed to find women attractive.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And if we see attractive women, we're going to look at them. It's the same way like little kids look at people with missing body parts. Yeah. They try to figure it out. They're staring and they're figuring it out. And so, yeah. So in those places, since we know men behave like that and we know it's their biology, when women are vulnerable it's okay to keep them separate it doesn't make you a bad person there was a one time in the sauna i was at lifetime fitness oh i like and and i was in the sauna and this was
Starting point is 00:08:15 after like a swim session so obviously the sauna is like the wooden room that's hot yes that yes um cedar wood you know sauna and this is in the middle of the lifetime pool. So obviously, men and women could, you know, share the space. So I just go in and I'm stretching and I'm not doing anything crazy. I'm like stretching my arm against like the wooden panels. Like, I'm not in odd positions necessarily. Like I'm not in odd positions necessarily after some swimming. And there was this gentleman, like older man, like definitely in his like 60s, maybe already pushing 70s kind of thing. And he's just like fully making eye contact, staring. And I look at him, I'm like, can I help you? Like, do you need to ask me a question? do you need to ask me a question and he makes this inappropriate comment on like pretty much like it wasn't like hey you look strong like keep up the work it was just a comment that um he's just like no I'm just staring at you like like that was the comment and I look at him and
Starting point is 00:09:21 I'm like do you have a daughter do Do you have daughters, granddaughters? You said that to him? Yeah, I look at him and I'm like, do you have a daughter or granddaughter? He goes, yeah. I was like, would you ever let a man allow himself to talk like that or look at your granddaughters in that way? Like, would you ever let that happen? And I was like, don't talk to me. Like, I was just like, I had this moment of like, stop staring. This is uncomfortable. And now and like, don't talk to me. Like, I was just like, I had this moment of like, stop staring. This is uncomfortable. And now and like, I instantly left. I was like, this is not where I'm supposed to be right now. And it sucked because I had this moment of like, all I'm trying to do is like, enjoy a recovery, sauna stretch, whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And now it was like that small moment completely ruined my experience. And the fact that I had to address it with this older man, who's also like a family member, a leader of his family. And I'm just like, no, instant, like respond fee. Did he respond to that question? No, he did it. He pretty much said like, he has a daughter, he has granddaughters. And I said, would you I guess he said, like, No, I wouldn't. And then I guess like, my response was like, so don't do it to me kind of thing. And then I kind of just like walked off. Um, and I'm like, there it is. Now I can't go back into the sauna. He's going to, he's going to remember that for the rest of his life. I hope so. It was like one of those moments where it's just like, come on, like,
Starting point is 00:10:39 just be better than that. Like we're all here just trying to yeah feel safe be comfortable do our thing and what i love is like when people guys or women like say things super respectfully and it makes like it makes you feel good when you acknowledge someone's like oh man you got an amazing body like i could tell you work very hard keep it up yeah totally different than when you're just like i'm just staring at you yeah like that's just creepy. Yeah. Like, that just makes me want to leave. There is that nuance there, though, because I remember years ago I had Brooke Ensign, who has just an insane body, right? You can see all of her muscles.
Starting point is 00:11:19 She's so well-defined. She just looks statuesque. so well defined um she she just looks statuesque and if she if i'm if i was at the hilton at the at the pool with my kids and she walked out there i would look at her now i wouldn't i i would sneak peeks but any crossfit girl out there um any any like any of the games athletes if they walked out to the pool with a bikini on i would look but the truth is this too fee if any cross the games athletes, if they walked out to the pool with a bikini on, I would look. But the truth is this too, Fi, if any CrossFit Games guy walked out there, I would look. Like if Street Horner walked on, I would be like, holy shit. And I think it's more like you're just acknowledging like, man. Someone's put a lot of work in that body.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Someone's putting in work. Yes, that's more like for me, that's what it is. Like that's how I see it. work yes that's more like for me that's what it is like that's how I see it like you know and I love I think the biggest compliment ever to someone is like acknowledging that they work hard like that's awesome that'll that won't ever at least for me I'll never like take that offense to that I'm always like man like that means a lot but there's other comments that make you feel some kind of way and it's it puts you down. It makes you want to stay covered. Like I say covered, I think more than maybe other people, other women in the sport in general.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Just like I love like just being covered and saying. And I think I like because I've had experiences in the past where if I put on just a little bit too short of shorts, there's pictures that are getting taken. There's comments that are being made or just like, I don't know, like something in me just doesn't. So I love being like fully covered most of the time. Not all the time, but. My Instagram yesterday, someone sent me an Instagram account. This was not the way this interview was supposed to go.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I know. Yesterday, someone sent me an Instagram account of this lady. She looks like a foreigner. She looks like Trump's wife, this, you know, European, beautiful, you know, woman. And she has these huge fake boobs. And she pulls down. This is Instagram. She pulls down her shirt and her boobs are out and then she takes a plastic baby fee and pretends to breastfeed it
Starting point is 00:13:32 oh my god and then i went back to my search and now my search is full of naked topless women breastfeeding plastic babies they found a way around the sensors wow um because originally it was like those things would be like kind of flagged as inappropriate but now they would they have it written they have it written look at you started playing with your hair and people are gonna be like seven you asshole you should have picked up on that symbol i don't care i'm as no what does that mean i don as, I don't know. I don't know. My hair looks a little ratty right now. Then I'm projecting on you.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Your hair does not look bad. So what they've done and what they say is it's called a breastfeeding consultant. And their title. And it's like, so it's like so clearly. And then someone else told me, well,
Starting point is 00:14:23 that's almost like a disrespect to actually like people that do that. Or if there's a tight, I don't know. I don't know if there's like so clearly and then someone else told me well that's almost like a disrespect to actually like people that do that or if there's a tight i don't know i don't know if there's like an actual but that's just like a disrespect oh you look at the comments that has there's no women in there learning about breastfeeding yeah no no it's just all dudes definitely uh it's like how um social media is like that like you search one thing or you look at one thing like a little too long. Have you seen that Netflix documentary? What's it called? The Social Dilemma?
Starting point is 00:14:50 No, I'm scared to see it. Oh, God. You got to see it, Tavon. It's like it's so good. I mean, it is kind of it exposes a lot of the reality behind the scenes of social media. But it's crazy like how if you look at a picture for a certain length of time, the algorithm on Instagram, like, I guess starts to acknowledge that, okay, if you looked at it for this amount of seconds or this, if you watch this clip, this amount of minutes, you like this
Starting point is 00:15:16 kind of stuff. So it'll generate, if you specifically go to a page, it means that you have a certain level of interest in these things hence why your profile now or like your following page whatever was filled with certain things um yeah it's like crazy the things that they expose and how everyone in the world of social media now those engineers and everyone behind the scenes there they all say that all, they know so much that they would never, that they wouldn't allow their kids to have social media because of kind of the dangers of it and like what they know about it. It's crazy. It's actually, it's an awesome documentary. You're going to be a great parent. Um, one of the best things you can say to your kid, I believe
Starting point is 00:15:59 is, uh, Hey, you work so hard. Like that's always what i say to my kid i never say um you did good or you're great at that or i just say holy cow dude i can't believe how hard you work i can't believe how committed you are because then that's what they see that's what they value then hard work and it's obvious it's obvious right it's so obvious that kids and it's very normal i have no issue with it that you send kids to a school and they're going to feel the social pressures and this microcosm of the other 300 kids, right? We all just want to be accepted, right? So the fact that Dave, Katie Henniger, and Chris Cooper come on my podcast is all I need. I'm like, fuck, I'm the man, right? Because I'm being accepted by my peers. I'm the man, right? Because I'm being accepted by my peers. So these kids have this cohort of people they want to be accepted at their high school. Well, now that if you give your kid a phone, he's going to try to be accepted by over a billion people. Those are the users on Instagram. And every creep in the world now has access to your kid why would you give your kid a phone oh i'm concerned he's gonna he's gonna get hurt at the park he's gonna need to call me
Starting point is 00:17:12 dude they have ways around that i remember i used to have a gas station phone do you remember track phone um like those were the kinds of phones you bought at gas stations like your local like marathon or speedway. What ethnicity are you? Mexican and Persian. That was a cartel phone that your dad had. It was like a burner phone. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:33 That was your dad's burner phone. It was a burner phone. You would buy minutes. You would buy like 50 minutes, 100 minutes, whatever. And every text, every phone call minute counted as obviously a minute. And the only the two like the screen was like this big, it was it would flash green, and you would have like pong and snake on it. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, yeah. And I would use this phone just to like text my parents or call my parents where I was at, like after
Starting point is 00:18:01 volleyball practice or after, you you know school if they were picking me up and all it was just to text my parents and once I was out of minutes I had to wait until the next month to like my dad to literally purchase more minutes for the next month and so I wasn't like and all the other times we were outside playing and now I feel like everywhere I go and I'm not a parent and I can't speak on it obviously like you can you can there's so many shitty parents out there anyone can speak on it obviously like you can you can there's so many shitty parents out there anyone can speak on it now go ahead but I see I see kids that can't even like talk full sentences know how to function an iPad right like I go to a restaurant and I sit
Starting point is 00:18:37 there but I like to go to restaurants like and have my alone time when my husband isn't uh in town um it's my excuse to still take myself out on dates and it's cheap when you go by yourself and it's maybe sometimes if i get a little spicy but um no and like i'll see families around i saw this i went out we went outside ice cream actually two parents two kids outside of cold stone the parents were on their phones their kids on each on their ipad having ice cream not talking to each other i'm like what is like you start to notice those moments and it's so sad it's like this is why there's so much disconnect between like the relationships that people have among their family no one is comfortable talking to each other anymore
Starting point is 00:19:23 and everyone is just so distant even they even you could be in the same room and be so distant at the same time and i one day when i'm a parent savannah i'm gonna be a mom one day i hope and i just pray that it's not that's not what my circle looks like or what a family household looks like i i my kids are seven seven and nine they're never ever allowed to touch my cell phone and like even if like we were standing in line for two hours somewhere and they i wouldn't be like okay watch some cartoons my kids are never allowed to touch my cell phone they're never allowed to touch my car keys unless it is to go outside and start the car um yeah they start the car hey go start they love
Starting point is 00:20:07 that shit um uh yeah it's it's wild the only and now what's interesting is um my mom has like a how to speak armenian app and so she gives she has it on her phone and she gives her phone to my kids for that so i see that you know and i try i try just to set the rules for myself with my kids since I'm around them, and then I let other people do them, right? Yeah. And my mother-in-law is in town now, and she plays Solitaire on the iPad, so they see that, and she lets them play. But yeah, it's – You still have like your barriers. And when they're gone, they're gone.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yeah. Yep. It's the same thing. We used to get 30 minutes. 30 minutes of screen time when we were younger when we like all shared one computer. Yeah. And like it was like if someone was using the phone, the internet got all funky. But if we wanted to go on like and play Disney games, we each had our turn and we got 30 minutes for the day.
Starting point is 00:21:05 And once our 30 minutes were up, they were done. Like we used them and we couldn't go back. And the computer was in my parents' bedroom. Like we had to like ask permission to go into my parents' bedroom to like my parents had to log us in and play games. And that was it, 30 minutes. And then we're out. And then we're outside playing. One of my friends, their son has a
Starting point is 00:21:27 TV in his room and he's young like my kid's age and the parent was telling me they went in the room and looked at the last thing they watched on YouTube and it was how to shave your bikini line. Oh my god. And this is why I'm already planning on what my kids lives will look like when it comes to
Starting point is 00:21:51 technology the boys told me that there's a video on youtube um not my boys but like my boys like my my friends the gang i hang out with um they told me that there's a video on youtube that has 40 million views that's a guy teaching people how to shave his butthole and bleach his anus and it's and you can see everything as soon as i heard that i'm like and you know i was kicked off of youtube saying for a week saying that um diet and exercise are the best way to stay healthy. Wait, you were kicked off of YouTube for that? Yeah, it's against world.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Oh, thanks. How many views does it have? Look at 180,000. Don't click it. 50 million views. Oh, my God, dude. That's crazy. Oh, God. See, there's so much good that social media could bring and platforms could bring.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Like I use YouTube to learn so many like little things for me. It's nothing crazy, but like, you know, recipes, education, all those things that it's just like, oh, now it's so accessible. And then you get people get on and post things like that. It's like that needs its own platform. Like that you almost like have to be paying for it at that point like just because it's that's too much that's too much yeah i agree why not put that on another platform yeah just completely like that's like a only fans kind of thing like throw it on there or or um you have to click through a bunch of links like are you 18 just a bunch of shit like that like a proof yeah right like you have to prove through a bunch of links like RU18, just a bunch of shit like that.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Yeah, right? Like you have to prove that you are too. Seema Beaver, speaking of inappropriate. Nauruz. Happy Nauruz. That's the new year in Iran. Happy new year in Persian. You make the Persian-American community proud.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I love that. Thank you, community proud. I love that. Thank you, Seema. I love those messages. Thank you. That makes me feel good. I want to put you on the spot here. Yes, Savan. But we're friends, so I know that every yes or no question could get yes or no.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Okay. or no so okay um it's looking very very um likely that in at crossfit crash in spartanburg north carolina that we are going to be doing um taylor self versus the world and it looks like your teammate um dallin pepper and then the great colton mertens and then the um ever uh bizarre jason hopper will all be going up against each other uh and they'll be doing it six days in a row and they'll be competing against each other and they're willing to put their scores out there i guess that's something you guys don't want to do in general you guys don't want to be filmed and have your scores out there because then other athletes can watch you and pick up on the nuances where you fell behind and they can learn from you but these guys are like we don't care we're gonna do it um and
Starting point is 00:24:54 um you're one of your teammates uh suggested to me he couldn't even get the full sentence out he said what have you thought about feet and i was like bring her i said so i asked her i said i'll ask her on the air we would do a separate show those six days and we would find the fittest girl at crossfit crash and there's some really fit girls there um we'd find one girl like that to go against you there and that we could do a separate show six days in a row with a feast of coffee versus. I love that. You do love that? I love that idea.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Okay. I'm down for that. You are down for that? Yes. I love opportunities like that. And I called Matt Torres yesterday to thank him because um dallin told me he's coming down and i guess one of the other coaches do you guys have another coach at brute um yes actually well there's there's multiple coaches at brute but like here in jacksonville it's just matt
Starting point is 00:25:55 but i believe he there's a coach coming in from out of town um especially because there's camp coming up okay who's the other coach? I think, I think. Did he say Joe? Is there a Jordan, Jordan or. I don't remember, but he said.
Starting point is 00:26:12 There's a new coach that got hired that I haven't gotten a chance to meet yet. So I believe he might be coming. Okay. And so there's still a little bit of time and we're crazy flexible, but we would love to have you. I think it would be a great addition. You'll have your own show.
Starting point is 00:26:31 It'll be completely separate than the boys show. Oh, nice. So it won't be like we all go at the same time. Like boys will have their episode and you'll have your complete own episode. We did that with the open. we had a bryson del monte show where we all just sat around and looked at him so then we'll have a separate show your show will replace that show and it'll be fisa goffey versus and we're just going to pick gr said he's going to offer it to whoever the fittest girl is um at his gym the world's the world. Yes. Oh, I love that. And I guess he's got some girls there
Starting point is 00:27:07 who are crazy fit. I believe that. Actually, I've heard very good things about the Crash Crucible competition. Is that what it's called? Yeah, and Crash Crescendo is the team competition that's coming up. Oh, sweet.
Starting point is 00:27:21 When's that? Crescendo. I think it's the week after quarterfinals. Okay. Oh, that's sweet. I've heard some really awesome things about the girls, the women, the women, not girls, the women that compete there and have competed and won. And there's a pretty fit. Actually, Dale told me a statistic briefly. He said that everyone that, or at least for females too, everyone that stood on the podium at this competition
Starting point is 00:27:55 has made it to the games the following year. So these are like, yeah, that's something that he noticed. I don't know if it was for men and women or just the women or just the men, but it was something that he noticed. I don't know if it was for men and women or just the women or just the men, but it was something along those lines. And it's like, you know, that competition has, you know, some big up and coming names and there's some pretty fit people that I've heard that compete there. So I'm excited. You know what, Savant, this is such a cool idea.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Like CrossFit doesn't do like the fact that we can make this phase of competition, which is still pretty competitive right they've knocked how many spots are going to semis and just the transparency of it but also like it makes watching fun it's like that added excitement that yes we're in a competing stage and it sucks to be a fan that you're hoping to watch your favorite athletes even throw down at this stage and you can't even like see their videos you can't even see a good show like this is going to be awesome and I'm always down to be competitive when I need to be competitive and I think that's during quarterfinals like that's another phase where I want to tap into that
Starting point is 00:29:00 but by the way that's not why I invited you on the show i invited you on the show long before this a few weeks ago i was like oh yeah you have feedback feedback on and um and then this popped up and uh dallin you know planted the seed in my head and i'm like dude i'm yeah let's do it dallin always has my back he's always like listen we're we do things together now you know way more than uh well last year we were there was just so many of us in the gym and this year we've gotten way closer and man he's just he's awesome he's a we're always we're connecting even more this year being in jacksonville so i feel like everything that we do like we go in on it together we're like like, let's do it together. Like if we're just not together, we're not doing it at all kind of idea.
Starting point is 00:29:49 So I wish, I wish is James Sprague still with Bruce? He is. He's actually coming next week. Oh, awesome. I called him yesterday because we don't even really, I don't know how to explain this, but we really don't make any decisions or organize anything. Like we'll just be on this show, and someone will be like, let's do Taylor Self versus the world. And J.R. is like, you could do it at my gym. And Taylor is like, sure, I'll do it. And then next thing – and Will is like, I'll set up the cameras. And then the shit just comes together.
Starting point is 00:30:18 And so the same thing happened with this quarterfinals thing. We don't really put too – we just have an idea and then everyone's like i'll do this i'll do this and um i'll judge and my my wife can do this and jay's like i'll set up the floor plan and so yesterday i was driving in my car and james sprague's head uh name popped in my mind because i really there's people that i really want to work with like i really enjoy working with dallinin and Colton. Like I love them. And, and I,
Starting point is 00:30:48 and I have the same feelings towards James. And so I called them and I was like, Hey dude, just so you know, and I felt a little arrogant saying it. Cause the, I was making the assumption or the presupposition that he would actually want to come.
Starting point is 00:31:00 But I was like, Hey dude, if we had any more spots or if your name would have popped in my head instead of someone else's, you'd be here. And he's like, dude, we had any more spots or if your name would have popped in my head instead of someone else's you'd be here he's like dude i'm i i love you to death i'm always here for you don't you're over but i really like him and i want there's athletes that i want to people will suggest athletes that we should use but it's it's i don't think they're thinking the way my group is thinking like we're not just looking for the best athletes or the athletes with the most followers or like what
Starting point is 00:31:32 i think a lot of traditional people are looking for we're looking for a um i don't know what we're looking for but we know the fit when it works and so when dylan said fee would do it i was like dude she's perfect for this group that's i think i think almost like what i what i think of when you mention those names right now the people that you enjoy working with the first thing that pops to mind is just connection with the community and their fans and you know some athletes like truly like their priorities are focused on training their scores, their focus is just kind of in that world and some athletes like prioritize connecting with their fans the community a little bit more. kind of finding the people that for you you know providing a platform for athletes to be vulnerable be transparent with their scores but also connect with fans like that's everything that you want and you can't force someone to want to do that either so and also um none of these guys ask if they're getting paid you're right it's just it's just it's cooperation and vulnerability so it's um it's
Starting point is 00:32:44 people who you're right. Afterwards, when Taylor comes on and you're interviewing him, he's like, I was scared. Or I didn't know what was going to happen with my leg. Or Colton's willing to talk about how his mom passed away. And you don't even have to. They're so low maintenance. Like when I asked Dallin if he'd come, he's like, uh-huh. I'll be there. Yeah, sure, come, he's like, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I'll be there. Yeah, sure. Dude. He's like, don't have a good time. Yeah. Thanks for thinking of me. I'm like, what America's fittest man that easy. I'm also, I'm also, anytime I hear something fun, like I'm the kind of person that says yes immediately before like maybe thinking anything through, like if someone comes to me and they're like hey pete do you want to do this i'm like yes yes let's do it let's go do you want to go here this weekend yes absolutely and it's like maybe i already have things going on so i'm always down to throw down but also have a fun time do things i've never done before. I will start a thread with you. And I think also, Dallin, normally we do travel and hotel for the boys. But Dallin said, Dallin's taking care of that himself.
Starting point is 00:33:56 He has some abilities to get different travel and better travel and different hotel and better hotel. But we'll get you all situated after this and um i spoke to torres i spoke to torres i called matt yesterday thanking him for coming down because he's coming down he was so sweet he's like dude you're doing me a favor i go what do you mean he goes jr has to set everything up i know like, probably the most stressful phase of the season is actually quarterfinals with everything like measurements, cameras, angles, multiple things. It all falls back on a coach if something gets missed. That's just the hit that you take as a leader. He's a little bit less stressed now actually my
Starting point is 00:34:46 husband's coming yeah awesome oh good awesome in uh uh another um i wanted to say something about jason hopper participating too it's interesting because when he first came on the scene he came on the show a lot and then he sort of vanished for a year he tried he tried he thought maybe that it was better i mean i'm making this up i don't know what he thought but he thought maybe it was better to stay on the down low and not be in front of the camera and then i remember jason kalipa telling me this in 2009 or 10 at some point as an athlete you have to tell yourself hey i can either fight with the media or I can go with it. And I have to realize that this sport has other things besides exercising. It has the judges that
Starting point is 00:35:31 you have to deal with. It has the media you have to deal with, and you have to deal with all of these things equally. Like it's all part. It's not just go out there and do Fran as fast as you can. It's also, can you be cool when the cameras come up to you? Can you be cool when the judge no reps you? He says it's a whole thing, and you have to work the whole thing at a super high level. And it's awesome because in the last two months, I think Jason has realized that. Like, hey, this is my life. I'm just going to work the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I'm not going to resist any of it. I'm just going to work the whole thing. I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to resist any of it. I'm just going to just do all of it at a super high level. And then I think people realize that the group I roll with, our point is just to like, we're interested in making content, but we want to glorify people. Yeah, not like find the things that break them down the whole the whole premise is just to glorify of these events hey what can like how much can we glorify um these athletes and so yeah i love that because not everyone not every media outlet is like that and i think i'm finding more of those things out now actually i'm I'm, see, I'm not one that's like, I'm not an athlete. That's like, I don't make a lot of noise. And I don't think I'm not talked about, like necessarily to the point where I'm like, I know about it. But I can't imagine like some of the athletes that are constantly like, seeing the things, the comments, the,
Starting point is 00:37:02 you know, predictions, the pressure, those kinds of pressures. But even though I'm not, I don't experience that side of things as much as others. I actually don't read any articles. I don't read any predictions. I don't, I don't look for things for people that might be saying something about me. There've been a couple of times that people have sent me articles where like my name is mentioned on like how fee might struggle in on like, how fee might struggle in this event, or how fee might struggle in this semi final considering these events, whatever. And I don't even open it, I just respond, like,
Starting point is 00:37:34 don't send these things to me. Like, I don't want to know, like, I don't want to read it. I don't want to know. And I actually never read those things. A lot of articles are very positive and good. And then some I'm just like, I don't need to be, you know, reading those things and putting it in my mind. So I kind of stay away from it naturally. I don't. So even just like chatting on podcasts, it's always easy for me to go on and just have a good conversation. Cause I don't ever feel like I have to be anything but me. And if people say negative comments, I'm probably not reading them anyways.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Right. Right. me and if people say negative comments i'm probably not reading them anyways right right um you were on uh the um what is it the monkey podcast the oh power monkey power monkey i was gonna say yes you were on the power monkey podcast um caleb could we play that clip it? It's the very bottom link. And this is interesting. I really like what you say here. I think a lot of athletes from the biggest athletes in the world, I believe any athlete should hear this. I think there's some tremendous wisdom here. Okay, here we go. power power number one isn't the thing that fuels me i've never been close to being number one so if that was my sole purpose i've i'm not i'm not anywhere near where i need to be why do i do this sport like it kind of has me thinking like why do i even do this like it's not the thing that i went to school for i have two degrees that i'm not even using and And the more questions that I got of why I do it, it continued to bring me back on the other things in my life that have elevated and fueled this goal, which brings me back to the people in the community. And kind of in pursuit of being the best in the
Starting point is 00:39:17 world at the CrossFit Games, it's brought me so much closer to bringing out, I think, the other gifts that truly are my gifts. The gifts that I have aren't necessarily being an amazing athlete. I think the gifts that I think are my gifts are the way that I help people or have a passion for helping people and coaching people and working with people and connecting. And, you know, my purpose isn't being an athlete, but kind of the sport is just a vehicle that I'm using to share my gifts. And it's a vehicle to be able to do that now so that one day when I transition out of sport, I continue to share those gifts in a different way. Most people, I want to believe that people will remember me as, you know, like the person that I am, not the finishes that I had.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Being number one is the thing that fuels me there's some interesting points in here sharing that there's some really interesting points in here because I don't I don't blame the fans at all for liking Rich or Mal for how good they are I and if they weren't that good no one would know who they are and i'm totally okay with the fans being like hey i um that's why i like you it's it's it really it's up to the athlete what then they're going to do with that attention where can they where can they point it um you hear athletes say stuff like hey i'm i'm realizing that i'm just more than just an athlete fine but don't project that onto the fans is my opinion because it's okay that they like you that you can throw the fastest ball in major
Starting point is 00:41:01 league baseball that is a totally fine thing it's now that's that's the athlete's problem solely to figure out how to parlay that into something more and I but I do also agree with you if you don't have that understood you will go crazy you one you'll go crazy and two you will have wasted all that hard work. Exactly. And it's kind of like that struggle where you kind of live in that space long enough or in that like, you know, headspace, I mean, long enough where you kind of identify as this one thing, even though like deep down, you know, there's other things about you that you want to share. But if you don't choose to share them or express them in some way that is also healthy for you like along a 5,
Starting point is 00:41:50 10, 20 year career in whatever sport that is like that eventually becomes your identity and that's all other people know about you so like the moment that you have a bad performance like we only have I only get to compete maybe three times, like three weekends a year. If I'm lucky, if I sign up for a little extra one, that's just a bonus. But if I fail or I kind of fall short within those three weekend opportunities, and I solely identify as a CrossFit athlete, now there's so much feelings of shame, because I only identify as an athlete. And if I didn't do my job, now I'm feeling shame. Now I'm feeling embarrassment. Now maybe I'm not valuable. I'm not good enough. People won't like me because I failed at my job. I failed at what I I'm great
Starting point is 00:42:38 at. And I think that's where the burnout starts to come, right? When people start to truly burn out over a sport that they used to love, it's because they've kind of wrapped themselves only in this one thing. And if they don't meet the expectations of other people or their selves that they set on for themselves, instantly it's failure. Instantly it's what else even am I good at? Like, what else is there? If I'm not great at this one thing that Like, what else is there? If I'm not great at this one thing that I'm known to be great at, and I'm not great at it anymore, or today,
Starting point is 00:43:10 or this weekend, like, you kind of lose your purpose that in that. And I think I'm very lucky to not have ever felt that not saying that I've never felt like shame and embarrassment. And like, man, like I didn't qualify, like, there's all those feelings that come. But because I've never felt like shame and embarrassment and like, man, like I didn't qualify. Like there's all those feelings that come, but because I've, I've been so much, I've made it a point to be close to my community and the people in my corner and even just like expressing the other things that I enjoy outside of just competing. Um, it's allowed me to feel way more purpose than just being an athlete.
Starting point is 00:43:46 There's another piece that there's this saying, this Taoist saying, stop thinking and all your problems will end. And I know that there's a lot of scripture out there and a lot of religions say that basically when you're thinking of other people or when you're servicing other people, that's where true happiness is. And I, and I truly, and I truly believe that. And that's the weird part about being an athlete because I don't think you're ever like in my happiest moments is when I'm serving my wife or my kids.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And there is no seven, right? It's it's three in the morning. And your wife's got food poisoning and you're rubbing her. You can't keep your eyes open, but she's throwing up at the toilet and you're rubbing your back. Those are like I'm experiencing almost like these out of body like experiences. There's no Sevan. I'm doing something that Sevan does not want to do. And yet I'm present for it. Because that changes someone else's life in like some way, whether you're doing that or, you know, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:44:45 life in like some way, whether you're doing that or, you know, whatever it is. And there's no greater feeling than like doing some, something for someone else, not because you have to, but because you want to. And that'll always make a person feel good. I've never heard of an instance where a person does something good for someone else and then they feel bad. Never, never, never. So, but by the nature of your daily practice and your vocation, it's all about FISA Goffey. And you can see that in the athletes that are kind of losing their mind because there's so much focus on the self. Do you know what I mean? They don't have this. They're not going out and being of service. They're more about garnering more attention for themselves so that then they could get more sponsorship.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And some of these really big athletes that I've had on the show, they can't even hold a conversation because they've been trained for the last five years to only answer questions that you ask them. Yeah. Do you know what i mean they're only capable of one kind of conversation if it's about them they've been trained that way and then you're like man that that is um or maybe it's just hard to like for them because maybe it's that's kind of you can't you can't almost like blame even athletes that are like that now because if that's all they've known, like whether that was them in sports when they were younger, if they grew up in the CrossFit space, like a lot of young athletes are starting to just like only do CrossFit at like 12, 13,
Starting point is 00:46:15 14 years old. And as soon as you start doing CrossFit as an individual, it kind of just becomes about yourself. If you make it about yourself, if you're not investing in others along the same time. But if that's all you've known, like that's all you're going to be like, you don't know what you don't know kind of thing. And I think vulnerability is very hard for everybody, like everybody. And it's one of those things that if you haven't practiced being vulnerable, in some past, you're not going to have the confidence to do it, you know, online on on a podcast, when the cameras are in your face. And vulnerability is not, doesn't always feel safe because that's your most, you know, you could get judged in every single direction. I don't think, I think 90% of the athletes wouldn't have weighed in on the Planet Fitness discussion that we had in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:47:10 That would be too vulnerable for them. That's a lot. That's like, there's probably, you know, there's critique on, I'm sure there's critique on there. And maybe the things that I've said, you know, didn't rub some people the right way, but there's also like, there's a confidence that I have. It's not like a cocky confidence. It's like, I'm, I'm confident in myself, who I am, how I think, how I speak, how I connect with others that like, even if someone says something negative about me, yes, I'll have moments that maybe I do feel an emotion attached to it. But I'm also like, it brings me back to like, no, no, like, this is who I am. I'm very confident with myself. And I'm confident in having hard conversations. It's kind of one of the things that I, I don't, you know, veer from anymore,
Starting point is 00:47:50 having hard conversations. Let me, let me propose this to you. I think the reason why they don't. So it sounds like you're trying to be the, it sounds like you're trying to stay connected to whatever you are. You're trying to stay connected to whatever you are you're trying to stay connected to whatever you are but there's other people and i don't blame them i used to be like this too you're basically trying to make the world happy because you think that's the method for getting ahead and so you know like i've had i've had guests who say hey i don't want to talk i don't want to talk about this this and this'm like, what do you mean? We talk all the time about it.
Starting point is 00:48:26 They're like, yeah, but I don't want it to affect sales of this. And the logic is sound, but the price to pay can be severe because you'll start to lose yourself. You won't be being true to yourself. you'll start to lose yourself. You won't, you won't be being true to yourself. And when, you know what I mean? There's a garnering, there's goals outside of being, um, yourself. When, when I think that freedom in that, say that again, there's so much freedom and yes, yes. Like just being yourself and doesn't mean you have to, you know, always like not saying on everything. I agree. Yeah. Right. Yeah, exactly. And you know always like not say in on everything I agree yeah weigh in on it right yeah exactly and you know the whole toxic positivity like I would never want someone
Starting point is 00:49:11 to think that like he just thinks that everything is you know sunshine and rainbows like not at all like farthest thing from it but I think um just the freedom of like truly having confidence with yourself loving yourself and being okay like being okay when things aren't going your way and not kind of succumbing to all all the things that bring you down um whether it's through sport or your profession or another career or your student in school dealing with all those things among your peers yeah and i i guess the best way to practice those things is when those moments come, right? Where a lot of athletes, there's moments that come that, you know, allow them to maybe be vulnerable if they themselves allowed it and they shut it down
Starting point is 00:49:56 or get off camera or, you know, maybe try to steer a question in a different direction. But yeah, it's a hard space to navigate. Definitely something, it's a skill to practice. Caroline M, this is one of my favorite people in the chat always. I sat behind Fee's family at the Mid-Atlantic in 2021. They were the most fun, loudest, and loving seeming family. First moment became a Fee fan. Yes. Oh, i love it my uh family my my actually my mom couldn't make it but my husband or my al was there his family my family for our family right my sister-in-law my niece my mother-in-law everyone was there and they've always been so supportive man thank you for that thanks caroline going back to the power monkey clip um what is it that what are those things that you enjoy parlaying your your crossfit this foundation that you've built this um i don't mean this in any negative way
Starting point is 00:51:04 this superficial foundation you've built with this amazingly capable body, the success in the CrossFit space. What are the things that like you want to parlay that into or that you do parlay that or you point that at? Yeah. I think my biggest passion has always been, maybe not always, but ever since, you know, joining the CrossFit, I mean, I started Crossfit in 2013 and did my first open in 2014 and every when i think about where my life is now today standing
Starting point is 00:51:35 like on this podcast none of this would happen if i didn't have the people in my community the coaches in my community the people that inspired me to just do things that would better myself. And along the way, you know, motivated me to share what I what has helped me in my little small journey in the space to others. And I think I started to use things that I've learned to help other people, just like in CrossFit class. Like, you know, you're just there to help each other. And that's kind of what also made CrossFit class super fun for me, it wasn't going to do a workout to beat certain scores on the leaderboard where we used to use Wattify, and there'd be this leaderboard, I would never just like walk into like beat people, I would always just walk in to just be a better me and also have fun, maybe helping someone else to the right of me to the left of me
Starting point is 00:52:25 pushing each other. And I think all that fed into having a passion to eventually coach a little bit more, become more involved as a CrossFit coach in the space. And I started to explore my L1. And I started to coach at CrossFit Mentality, Scott Pantic's gym, Kristen Pantic over there. And then I just got my L2. So even though I'm not directly like coaching at an affiliate, I'm still kind of pursuing that, you know, that side of the community and coaching and the education because I do eventually want to transition out of being an athlete to how I could become a better coach and how I could, you know, help someone else in their journey. And it's, it's so great to still have opportunities like that. And I, I think I used to think to be
Starting point is 00:53:13 an amazing athlete, you only have to focus on being an athlete. And I guess I'm starting to realize, I get to define what amazing is to me. No one else gets to define that. No one else gets to define amazing as being standing on top of the podium with gold medals. I get to define it my own way. And I think being an amazing athlete to me, even though it looks different, it's what I like connect with the most. And to me, it's expressing myself in a healthy way when I compete, but also sharing what I love and what I do with others. And that's what keeps me going. Would you ever consider trying to get on the CrossFit level one team, the seminar staff? I've definitely thought of it. I've all, I mean, I've never like, I won't say no to that just because I, I mean, there's a reason
Starting point is 00:54:02 that I got my L2, right? Like, I'm so I feel like this is the community that I've stayed in for so long, and I have a passion for it. And the more I connect with other coaches on the seminar staff, they tell me about their experiences. So it's not definitely not a no, I think I could definitely grow into a bigger role within the community. And I guess I'm the kind of person that just takes it like year by year, day by day, and we'll see. I'll tell you what, I've never thought a day in my life that this is like where I would be when I first started CrossFit. So there's more in there that maybe I could become later.
Starting point is 00:54:46 What do you mean when you say you never thought this was where you would be? What do you mean by that? I just never did CrossFit to compete. I really didn't. I'm a competitive person. Put me on. I played sports growing up. My main sport was volleyball.
Starting point is 00:55:02 That was the thing that I just loved. And man, I wish I could have played in college and I actually never got the opportunities um to play in the off season as much as I wanted to growing up because my entire life was actually violin and music and I would beg my dad I would just beg my dad are you still playing the violin uh yes I actually I touched it just about a month ago just to kind of like fiddle around i played for 14 years which is like crazy and um people who don't know the the there's three things in life that are if you really want your kids to be just superstars you get them into
Starting point is 00:55:40 skateboarding the violin and physics these these i mean dude these are like just very difficult graphs yeah skateboarding so hard and unforgiving the violin is nasty man the learning curve is fucking atrocious if you're if you're a musician in any way or an artist anyway these are big brain pieces yeah i mean i started when i was four and i played until i was 18 and i got an instrument what are you again you're mexican and what persian i guess yeah iranians like put their fucking fucked up situations they like violence perfect but it's kind of one of those things where i uh i played for so long and naturally like in my heart and soul, I'm like sports. I love sports way more than like anything else. And I was the girl that I wanted to be
Starting point is 00:56:33 outside all the time. I wanted to play with the boys. I wanted to play basketball and softball and football and volleyball and, um, all these things. And when I wanted to do more volleyball to pursue that um I start like it was an instant no because you know violin classes are on the weekend and if you know volleyball tournaments are on the weekend and volleyball practices are throughout the week and so there was like this give and take and unfortunately I had to give up a lot of the sports that I wanted to do for violin um and it was more for, you know, my dad, kind of like, I just kind of do what dad says. And yeah, it's kind of one of those things where I, I've always had a passion for that. But man, I didn't do CrossFit to make it to the CrossFit
Starting point is 00:57:18 Games. I'll tell you that one. I didn't do CrossFit for any other reason other than I started because I needed to be a better person for myself. And then eventually started to learn about the local competitions. And I think instantly anytime you have a sense of account, like you hold yourself accountable to something, you're a little bit more disciplined in your habits. So I would sign up for a local competition. And because I had something signed up, I was like, okay, now I got to go to the gym. I got to eat a little bit better. I got to practice the movements a little bit more. And that's just how it started. And you do enough of that. Eventually you start to find out what you're really capable of. And it just so happened to qualify me, uh, eventually to the
Starting point is 00:57:59 games. And now it's like my career, but, uh, yeah, yeah it didn't it never started like that do you have do you have a is there any of you playing the violin on instagram no it's not on instagram i have to like send you uh maybe some pictures later there's a pictures when we were younger i want to hear it i want to see video man i don't have any. My parents weren't the kind of parents that took videos of anything. Do you have a violin at your house? Yeah, it's in my closet. Can you play for us right now? No.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Maybe I got to practice. Can you play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? Can you play something really simple right now for us? No. How about another podcast, and then I'll get some more time to practice. Okay. Yeah, I love to practice. You know, my sister also like plays, actually all of my siblings play.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Myself, like I have three other siblings and we all play. But my sister and my brother are actually way more naturally gifted. Like she just has the like the fluidity, the fluidity of an artist, of a musician. And for me, it took a lot more work to perform naturally. It's almost like some people have a natural singing voice. They just are born with a singing voice. Right. And some people actually really have to work to eventually have a singing voice it's kind of one of those things where what I do I love my
Starting point is 00:59:29 love violin is in is in my room and it's one of those things where I got so burnt out I actually stopped playing it for the longest time um I was dealing with like some pains my mom just retired after playing 51 years wow that's incredible playing a symphony professional violinist I mean where were you having pains in your neck no in my wrist so like when you hold can you see when you hold the violin you're kind of rotated a little bit and you're moving your fingers up and down but you're kind of in this rotation and I would get pain literally from like my wrist all the way to my shoulder and i would get very stiff and i would just have this radiating pain and look at your forearms my goodness yeah you see it yeah that's fun forearms are forearms are awesome
Starting point is 01:00:18 but yeah i had a lot of pain and but also my dad burnt I would say like we played the violin I think for my dad like to kind of live through us a little bit a lot actually and we didn't just have one private lesson like it was we would we lived in Youngstown in Boardman when we were little four or five years old and we would drive to Cleveland about an hour and a half away. We would have Suzuki class. We would have music theory. Eventually we had a second private lesson that day. We would sometimes have orchestra or chamber group. This is all in one day. It was like eight out, like six to eight hours of just straight like classes and music. And then at night, we would go to the Cleveland Symphony, Cleveland Orchestra in Cleveland, Ohio, we would go to the symphony, one of the greatest orchestras known in the country, still to this day, and we would sit as like four or five, six year olds,
Starting point is 01:01:18 my dad, we would all be in our little dresses. And we would sit in the front row of the Cleveland Symphony. And like some parents take their young kids to like children's music concerts that it's like maybe a 30 minute concert. No, like we would sit through like two hours of Mahler and Beethoven and Mozart and Prokofiev. Like my dad would whip out the score of the piece, the concerto that they were playing that night.
Starting point is 01:01:46 He would have us follow this score. My brother would be conducting the seat. It was a whole thing. Does any part of you regret it? Does any part of you resent it? I'm living through my kids too. I'm having my kids do all the stuff that i wish i would have done and you know that's like parenting 101 don't do that but like i'm
Starting point is 01:02:10 fully doing that i think i resent the fact that like not that music was introduced into my life because i do think it's like the most beautiful thing that you could introduce to your kids is just being like music and art and just the ability to express yourself in way in different ways right another language like you speak another language yes four languages the violin uh spanish uh do you speak fitness and no i don't i don't speak but it's a language right music's a language yeah and to be able to have that skill like people use music for therapy like people use music for so many more things than just kind of like playing for others and um so there's parts of me that the only thing if if i were to tell my dad this the only thing i
Starting point is 01:02:57 resent is how much he instilled music um in us to the point that it took away from other things that we wanted to do as kids. And now I don't get those opportunities anymore. Like, I want an exam. Okay, good. Like I, you know, when I was younger, like I wanted to play more sports, like I wanted to do not just volleyball, but I wanted to play softball, I wanted to play, you know, club more club sports. I wanted to go swimming. I wanted to just do all these things. And just like, because I've always been geared towards sports and the athletics. And it was no, you have violin. I wanted to play collegiate volleyball. I wanted to pursue like volleyball at a higher level. I wanted to do the whole travel everything. And I mean, that's 1000s of dollars. It's very expensive to do all those things.
Starting point is 01:03:46 And it was like, no, we can't pay for those things because we're paying thousands of dollars for your violin and for your orchestra and for your concerts. And like, it took away, it started to get to the point where now I have to give up the things that I want to do because now I'm doing the thing that my dad wants me to do because, you know, he's living, he's giving me the opportunities that he didn't have as a kid. And that's always so hard. It's
Starting point is 01:04:10 like, you try to be understanding of that. And, and I think maybe that's like another reason why I even like competitively do CrossFit because it's like, now I get to compete on my terms on how I want to compete. I get to be the athlete that I want to be and no one can tell me otherwise. And I'm not on anyone else's timeline versus when I was younger, you know, you're on your parents' timeline. How old were you now? I'm being very selfish. How old were you when, um, you started having desires to do your own thing and it was in conflict with what your dad wanted you to do i was definitely in high school i was starting to so i have time i haven't fucked them up yet okay i was in high school they're not pushing back now they're not mine mine aren't pushing back now they
Starting point is 01:04:58 they but they don't know any better right like they still wear the clothes i tell them to wear they still do everything like they're they're still excited to do all the stuff but as long as i should be in tune to that i should be in tune to that if he's ever like hey i want to like i want to play flag football or something like that because he sees that in the area or yeah okay it's never like no you can't do it's i think it was more you know as a kid you you're, you're just finding out who you are, what you like, your group of friends, your friend, you see your friends doing these cool things, and you can't do it because dad says, you just can't do it. And it kind of like invalidates your feelings a little bit. It invalidates what you are passionate about. Like, I'm passionate about all of these things, but my parents, or my dad is telling me, I can't pursue the things that I'm passionate for, because I have to have passion for this thing. And it just invalidates, like, what you feel as a kid, and you kind of live enough years like that, you're just like,
Starting point is 01:05:56 I hate this, like, it used to be a thing that I look forward to, like, you, you play music for any little kid. And they're just just like dancing, waving their hands. It's something that they naturally love. And then you start to enforce something that you truly don't love or you love onto other people. Then that's where the burnout happens. Yeah, I won't do that. Yeah, I won't do that. I mean, I hope I'm not lying to myself, but I think I'm pretty sensitive about that.
Starting point is 01:06:25 There's this, my kids go to this jiu-jitsu academy, and once you've been there for like as long as I've been there, you see there's kids that come and go, and then there's the kids that stay, right? And there was this girl there, and she's really talented, and she's really aggressive, and she's got a little bit of nastiness in her. And she hazes the new kids and i really respect her i i mean i really respect her and her sister is the best kid in the academy and every tournament we go to her sister just gets crazy all the golds just beating up everyone she was doing poorly in school and so so the dad took jiu-jitsu away from her. And I was just thinking, man, like – because that's the conventional wisdom. But I think – I thought that was a huge mistake.
Starting point is 01:07:29 I would be – I just think, like, anything that your kid can earn self – like, there was – I saw this clip the other day, Gary Vee, and he was like, hey, the secret is give your kids confidence. And I was thinking to myself, I understand what he's saying, but really the best thing you weren't ripping on him either, but your dad gave you an opportunity to play the violin and you earned those skills and you, and you built an identity. You didn't have to, you don't have to say anything. You, you like, it's you, you built it and you earned it. like it's you you built it and you earned it and i just feel so bad for that girl because i think her dad's making a mistake because if she's having trouble in school i don't think taking something away that she's good at is the um like i didn't work like that as a kid hey if you if you don't get better it's not like it's not the same thing as like taking an xbox away right like right right but again i guess like right i just don't think it's like no take your phone away from you where it's like truly like physically like you know affecting the hours that you're putting in when you when you could be doing you know things that are progressing you but to take one of the things that clearly it's a natural gift it's something that it's her outlet it's a way that
Starting point is 01:08:44 she you know expressed but almost like as a parent what would i do like i would just sit down with my kid and try to be able to pivot together and like find alternative ways on how can we you know make our days more balanced where i would make them join cross country oh you don't want to figure out i'd be curious you're gonna start around you or make them join the fucking swim team i wouldn't take something away to punish them i'd add something crazy oh you're gonna start running or make them join the fucking swim team i wouldn't take something away to punish them i'd add something crazy oh you're not doing well in school no problem i got this great team for you there's the rowing team oh fuck you know what i mean rowing team for fuck's sake there's uh some parents that i've chatted with and it's so cool
Starting point is 01:09:21 to hear you know how their kids handle like, and these are kids that are like 10 years old, 11, 12 years old, and they're handling multiple sports, but are also being successful in school. And I'm always like asking, like, what is it like, why can some kids handle, you know, one, two sports throughout the year and be successful in school. And from what I've heard, it's just parents kind of create an environment where when it's time to work on school, it's we're focusing here and the parents are like, guiding them and just like super involved in school just as much as they're involved in their sports. And they it's almost like creating an environment where you're you could be successful in both um and just just heavily
Starting point is 01:10:06 involved in both worlds not just the aggressive parent in sports or the all-in-on school kind of parent um but i don't know i've never actually lived that life so hopefully one day i get to experience it with my own kids are you gonna have kids i kids? I want to, I want to one day. Do you think you'll have a bunch? Uh, it's one of those things that I've talked to Al about where in my head I want, cause you'd have babies with Al if you had babies, right? All right. Fair. No one else. Um, yeah, my husband is my go-to, uh, man for getting pregnant that's smart i like yeah but uh yeah he wants two two only um i used to like want four you know maybe maybe naturally because i come from like a family a big family and i think i'm realizing how expensive everything is now versus
Starting point is 01:11:00 what it was like 20 years ago and now it's more more like, I think two is good. I hope I even have one, you know, but I still want to continue to compete in the sport for however long I can, you know, maybe a couple more years. And, but we have like this, you know, as a woman, you can't just have pop babies out whenever you want to. Right. Yeah. They take nine months to make like my mom sent me a sheet you only have you have a small window every month my mom's like when i was getting older and i didn't have kids yet my mom sent me a sheet she's such a nice lady on how to get uh pregnant there's you know once a month and it takes you nine months to make a baby and then
Starting point is 01:11:43 you need recovery time before you can have another baby. This is the craziest thing is I just realized this is me being so just out of tune maybe with like being a woman when it comes to certain things. I didn't know. I thought you could just be pregnant, like become pregnant. Like, isn't that so stupid of me? And I guess like people track. like if you had unprotected sex you're pregnant look there's yes like instantly there's no question from like the first day of the month to the 30th day whatever like when did you learn that it couldn't be that way that the
Starting point is 01:12:17 like two years ago oh that's awesome isn't that nuts because i don't pay attention to any of those like i don't pay attention to any of those things because I guess I don't care because I'm not worried about it right now, truly. Yeah, and it was just one of those things that I'm like, wait, you can't just get pregnant whenever you want. Well, Mexicans can. Mexicans can. Mexicans can.
Starting point is 01:12:40 She's Mexican. She can't be a zero. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, listen. You guys are special. You guys are keeping the population going of the planet i know that's um yeah we got that youth in us a little bit longer than most people i think no i it's very normal to have like eight kids do you have opinions about birth control about taking hormones to um change your ovulation do you have opinions on that the only opinions i have is what kind of the women like the my friends or my sibling like my sister
Starting point is 01:13:13 has talked to me about is she older she's younger well she's only 11 months younger but we're super close see mexicans yeah he's 11 months 11 my brother hey mom same mom yep wild yeah we're all we're almost all of us 11 months apart but she was like around 35 when she started having kids um hey that's a sign that your dad's a healthy dad too because yes I think biologically when a woman gets pregnant I think a healthy man is even more attracted to the woman. Is that a thing? I didn't even know that. I mean, when my wife was pregnant, I,
Starting point is 01:13:47 my whole fucking, I couldn't even believe that it was my wife. And like, I always loved my wife and thought she was beautiful, but when she's pregnant, I, I was out of my mind. More in love.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Yeah, it was nuts. It was absolutely nuts. Okay, go ahead. So you have a healthy dad. Well, yes.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Taking hormones. Um, so I've never heard, I feel like I've heard more negative things about taking birth control than positive things. And I don't know anything about it. Obviously I'm not a professional at all. Um, but every time I've heard of other women taking birth control for whatever reasons they are taking it. Everyone has their reasons, right? Not just to like prevent pregnancy, but, um, it messes up. It messes them up, whether it's hormonally, they either gain a bunch of weight, lose a bunch of weight, become infertile, um, messes with their brain in messes. Yes at their um i mean everything and my sister for experienced so many different symptoms um not mine to share but so many symptoms that weren't healthy in her life
Starting point is 01:14:55 and it all kind of went back to like her starting to use um you know birth control for her own reasons and you know and so when i hear things like that, it's like, man, like, and you start thinking about it when you start to put a chemical literally in your body, that's preventing your body to do what it's naturally supposed to do. In my mind, that just can't be good. Like red flags, you see red flags. So I don't say, I mean, I don't take any of that, and I'm fine. I'm healthy. Like, truly, I've never had an issue. You don't take pharmaceutical drugs, and you're still healthy.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Isn't that crazy? That's weird. You're weird. I drink salt every morning, my Relight salt. I eat some good food. I get some good sleep, and I take care of my body and my mind, and hopefully I continue to stay good There are some even some weird studies out there. I shouldn't say weird studies, but some studies out there
Starting point is 01:15:55 That say that women are attracted to different men which makes sense based on the birth control they're on What? Dude's a study? Dude, you should look into it. It's crazy. So basically, a woman... In what way? Well, if I read the study correctly, a woman who's on birth control
Starting point is 01:16:15 is more attracted to a feminine man. And so when they get off of birth control to get pregnant, they're looking at their mate and they're like, what the fuck? Like, I'm not as attracted to you anymore. That's a proven thing or they just like took a. I mean, I mean, it's just I think it's more proven than a lot of the stuff out there.
Starting point is 01:16:38 But but I definitely think that change. I mean, I've I've had friend guy friends who are just hideous to look at, and they get on testosterone, and it just rains girls on them. Oh, my God. Because the girls just sense it. They smell it. Yeah, they smell it. Pheromones, I guess it's like there's something there to explore. Also, though, I have to—
Starting point is 01:17:00 Do you love all the stuff about Al? Do you like the way he smells? I love it. Yeah. I mean, do you like all that he smells? I love it. Yeah. I mean, do you like all that about him? I love everything about him. Maybe not, like, after a hard workout smell, sweat. But I guess none of us smell good when we sweat.
Starting point is 01:17:13 But I love everything about him. My wife smells perfect. I guarantee you Al thinks you smell perfect when you're dripping in sweat. Yeah. He'd tell you otherwise. He'd be like, but you smell like crap. I guarantee you he does not. And he'd tell you otherwise he'd be like but you smell like crap i guarantee you and he still loved me anyway but no he uh it's so funny living with my i'm living with my best friend it's like the best thing in the world yes like we have our little you know we start to realize little
Starting point is 01:17:37 things that make us tick our little quirks but it's so fun no there's a andrew i wasn't talking about you girls still don't like you what are you talking about no there's a i actually heard also on that end of things like taking birth control how it like it develops almost like more anxiety in women i don't know the science behind it but how birth control may affect who you are attracted to. Hormonal... Is that peer-reviewed? A decreased preference for male facial masculinity. In a study in the Journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology,
Starting point is 01:18:18 which sounds like bullshit, but anyway, women on birth control were found to choose male partners with more feminine features. Yeah. Birth control pills suppress women's mid-cycle estrogen surge has found that women's levels of sex hormone estrogen predicts their preference for masculine looking faces. Yeah. If you don't, if you, if you are healthy. What's a masculine looking face? Just like beard?
Starting point is 01:18:38 Al's fucking masculine as shit. Okay. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. shit okay yeah you know what i mean like he's like fluff and tall and just he looks like he wrestles lions and shit he looks like a fucking persian king i mean he actually does kind of look
Starting point is 01:18:53 a little fucking he just needs a robe and a gold necklace and he's a person that's our next halloween costume now choosing your partner on the pill may result in less long-term attraction and sexual satisfaction in a study of over 2 000 women with at least one child with half being on the pill when they met their partner was concluded the use of hormonal contraception may contribute may contribute to relationship outcome with implications for human reproductive behavior family cohesion and quality of life oh i buy it i i i'm not gonna lie i buy it completely it's not going to lie. I buy it completely. But the hard word there is may.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Right, right. But it just makes sense to me. If you are a... I think a healthy young woman is going to be attracted to a very masculine man. That's just. If that's kind of, I guess if that's what, you know, I've also know women that are very attractive to very, no, I guess. I gotta even be careful with my words. I've never been attracted to very rich men. I think that's how, but that i mean at the end of the day people are looking for a mate that they can be successful with
Starting point is 01:20:10 yeah yes that's exactly it i mean it's crazy and you're like hey this i can be successful this is like if we dock our stations we can be two candles burn brighter than one yeah i mean when you're when you are i will say like and al will say the same. I mean, when you're, when you are, I will say like, and Al will say the same thing. I think, um, when we first met, we met through the CrossFit space through like, we had the same friend group. So like, that's one thing that's very attractive to me in general is if I'm connecting with someone and we, we mesh when it comes to our circle of friends, we align with like the same values and morals and we just like believe in similar things. Like, that's an attractiveness to me, like, not not even like how you look, obviously looks, there's like a, that's a huge part of it. Like,
Starting point is 01:20:55 you got to be like, at least sexually attracted to the person in some way, eventually, right. But when I first met Al, it was kind of one of those things that we were friends for like, a year and a half, maybe for a while. And I was never like, Oh, I'm like, I have a crush on him. Because I like how he looks. It was like, I connect with this friend on a deeper level. I trust there's this trust that I have with my like, we were friends, truly, he would give me like boy advice. Like there is a time that I went to him and I'm like, Oh, this guy was just, you know, giving him the lowdown on whatever the situation was. And he was the friend that was like, fee, why are you with scumbags like that? Like they got they can't be treating you like that. Like, you know, just having my back. And then eventually, there's more trust there. And
Starting point is 01:21:44 we continue to align in the same ways. And then eventually there's more trust there and we continue to align in the same ways and then eventually our best friends Chad and Mary pretty much sat me down over a nice big glass of wine and they're like what do you think about Al and I'm like he's a great friend and that's like all I ever saw him as he's just like an amazing friend and they're like no like, what do you think of him more than a friend? And my instant reaction was like, Oh, he'd never liked me more than a friend. Like we're too good of friends, right? Or I was in school at the time, and he was already professional in his accounting career. And I was like, No, he's not looking for that. He's probably
Starting point is 01:22:19 looking for, you know, a lady that's ready to settle down. She's got her life together. I'm still figuring out myself out too and they're like we don't think that and let's they're like let's just explore this and um we eventually connected and on an attractiveness level why did he like you before they had that talk like when you ask him now how long was he like i think when you walked in the room he thought i was cute but i don't think he was ever like I want to get like I want to date her I want to become more than friends until they brought it up to him too. And I think you guys are an arranged marriage Are you guys married yes, we're married. Yeah, you look like an arranged marriage.
Starting point is 01:23:06 I would totally arrange. Like if I was like, if I was Al's parent, I'd be like, her. Bring her. Bring this one. We have five cows for your dad. Bring her. She wants that one. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Oh, my God. We got married at Moon Palace in cancun mexico last year and i mean i guess we have very similar like feature dark features what is he what's he again he's italian oh yeah hey so how so how long so how long did he have a crush on you before like maybe like not even long maybe like a month or so i guess i'd have to ask like, Hey, how long did you actually have a crush on me versus not? But we would, I think we would both say like when we first met, there was never this feeling of like, Oh, she's hot. He's hot. I want to get with him or her. It was a very respectful, like slow, trusting friendship that developed into something way more.
Starting point is 01:24:07 But I mean, I think we would still be friends even if he wasn't necessarily attractive to me and attracted to me in that way. And not every relationship is like that, but it's just cool. It's cool to like eventually find that person that you started as like very good friends and eventually built into something and it's been working so far i i pursued my wife for five years what yeah oh that's that's dedication how did that like you pursued her for five years as in you would try to take her out no no yeah i just i just wanted to just see her naked in the back of my pickup truck for five years. Were you friends with her at all? Yeah, I was very good friends with her.
Starting point is 01:24:51 I hung out with her every single fucking day. I was losing my mind. Were you the guy that was like, where's my hug kind of guy? And she was like, no. No, no, no. You weren't the where's my hug guy. How dare you? How dare you be?
Starting point is 01:25:04 I don't know. If you pursued her for five years, You're probably asking for a couple hugs. No, I'm very insecure around girls. But I but I but she knew like, you know, a couple of years in, she's like, hey, dude, like like we would like we work together. And like like we would have to do something for work, like drive somewhere together. And like I would try like to just like let her know that I liked her and she just put the brakes on hey I have a boyfriend oh good for her yeah and then that went on for like and then once I crossed that line but she still was my friend I still like I was like all right let's see if we can just keep pushing the line then she would always remind me hey dude I would never ever do anything with you while I have a boyfriend you
Starting point is 01:25:42 have to like she would just always just be like yeah that's so good did that make you even more attracted to her like how she's just like oh my god I was losing my shit I was just that's that's a life yeah so what what made her like eventually say yes like so even going on the first date in hindsight she told me so we worked at the same work together and she said that in hindsight um she um i would and we worked at we worked like five days a week together for five years in the same place worked at a home for developmentally disabled adults and she just started noticing like if i would ride up on my bike or when i showed up to work, her whole mood would change. Aw. Yeah. That's exciting. And then she would be – if I wasn't there, she would be bummed.
Starting point is 01:26:29 And so then she started realizing she didn't want to go to work. She wanted to see me. And then one day – and I had a girlfriend. And then one day, she just walked up to me at work and she goes – this is a crazy story. And she goes, hey, me and my boyfriend broke up, and my girlfriend worked there too. Oh my god. And I just walked right over to my girlfriend and i'm like hey i'm breaking up with you oh no and my girlfriend was this crazy young hot blonde like probably five years younger than me so you didn't really like love her though then, clearly. No, no, my girlfriend. I mean, no, not really.
Starting point is 01:27:05 She was kind of mean to me. She was abusive to me, psychologically abusive. But she goes, this is her response. Wait, you're breaking up with me? Oh, like how, peasant. Like, how dare you? Wow. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:27:21 So you walked up to her and were like, you know, this is not going to work or. Yeah, I was nice. I was chill. I was like, hey, I mean, we were. And then you walk across the room and you're like, it was bumpy. Yeah. And then and then. Yeah. And her boy and my and my wife's boyfriend worked there, too. Yeah, it got weird. Where did you guys work? Where is this? In Santa Barbara, this home for developmentally disabled adults. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Great. It was wild. That's a crazy. Wow. That's a great story. I love a good story when, uh, knowing how people meet and their story on how they came together.
Starting point is 01:27:58 But that five years of courtship. Five years. Um, made it. Oh yeah. I made this movie there there it was at this place this is a movie i made about the home for developmentally disabled adults that's the motor home i lived on in the driveway i lived in that motor home on the driveway wow oh wow
Starting point is 01:28:15 um that but but going back to the trust thing because you said you knew al for uh a year and 18 months yeah just about a year and a half yeah so the time i knew i would say that that is one of the things that made our makes our relationship so crazy successful to this day is those five years of courtship i mean i really knew her yeah there was like so much right. There's, you got to see different sides of her. And even like, I met two of Al's like girlfriends during our friendship. Yeah. Like my wife met fucking.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Yeah. Yeah. Like there was one, one time we went, we tried to go to a basketball game and it was like him, his girlfriend. I was there like single friend, like just third,
Starting point is 01:29:04 fourth wheeling with everyone and I was trying to have a conversation with like that chick at the time and in my head I'm like Al doesn't have to be with her like he they don't they don't connect she's so hard to I I feel like I could talk to anyone I could talk to a brick wall and I just couldn't get through to her I couldn't connect with her and she just wasn't fun to talk to and I'm like she ain't it like he she kind of sucks I'm not thinking that I hated my wife my girlfriends hated her wow hated her your ex your ex-girlfriend hated your wife all my I had a bunch of ex-girlfriends they all pretty much hated her and my wife is so nice there's nothing to hate she's just a do you think that's just them being insecure and probably sense that yeah they probably
Starting point is 01:29:53 yeah i mean they said something yeah they probably sent something you know they probably who knows but but we weren't flirt my wife never flirted with me in those five years. Like never. Yeah. She, your ex girlfriend probably could tell though, like if you were kind of attracted to her or tell your, now your wife, you can always tell there's like a certain energy when people come together and you could like two people don't even have to say a word and you could
Starting point is 01:30:20 tell if they're attracted to each other in some way. Right. You can. I was probably horrible at in some way. Right. You can. I was probably horrible at hiding it. Oh, yeah. You probably had the whole heart eyes going. I was going crazy. And your ex just saw the heart eyes.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Yeah, I was going crazy. Hey, so you were at Brute, and it was Emma Carey, Daniel Brandon, Nate Ackerman, James Sprague, Dallin Pepper, Fittest Man in America, and yourself. And you guys were in – what's the great – We were in Naples. Naples. You were in Naples, Florida. Yeah, we were in Naples. This was just about last year, a little bit over a year now.
Starting point is 01:31:01 And now you have moved north to Jackson with the brute camp. And is it just you and Dallin now? Yes. It's the best thing ever. Like I'm so like, it's every like, it's still our camp, right? It's still our brute camp, but we just don't have 10 people within our camp, five people within our camp. It's just me and Dall and Matt. We just train hard every day together and it's this is the most fun and connected i've ever felt um and it kind of takes me back when i used to be training with scott like years ago but it's been so fun i could scott and dallin could be related they really yeah they totally could like um you and dylan are two of the um i don't know what the
Starting point is 01:31:47 word is i was gonna say wholesome wholesome is not right nice is kind of weak um but you guys are two of my favorite people you guys are so fucking cool he's so cool and you're so cool you guys are so so genuine i think that's like people a lot of people that follow you know fans that follow him in the sport. I think genuine is a good word, right? Especially for Dallin. And you see how amazing he is as an athlete. And I don't think enough people see who he is as a person. And he's just this big, strong, young man. Aggressive.
Starting point is 01:32:19 So young, right? So young. 22. Wild. But so mature. Yes. Yes. right? So young, 22. Wild. But so mature. Yes, yes. And when we're training Sivan, our environment is so healthy, because like, we train different, like, we're two completely
Starting point is 01:32:33 different athletes, but we're so crazy supportive of each other. And like, when I'm having like, a bad day or a bad session, whatever, I could lean on Dal to like, pick me up. And when Dal's having, whatever, I could lean on Dal to like pick me up. And when Dal's having, you know, a certain kind of day, like I'm there to pick him up. And we're never just in our own world where a lot of times you bring different kinds of athletes together within a camp and everyone's just kind of like about each other. Or at some point it's like, you're probably, you're probably training with a future competitor. But with Matt there, there it's just we connect so well and we support each other we get to work hard together we get to have our hard days together um but every day is just it's solid are are there rumors of other athletes joining your camp oh like new ones
Starting point is 01:33:20 yeah what happened to nate what happened to nate oh nate Ackerman well he's um they they're at Mayhem so Don went with Nate went with Emma and uh well Nate's always been with Dom DiAgostino and um so Nate Ackerman Jessica and Josick um like they're all with Dom at Mayhem and they you know they were at in Naples and there was a shift and they're doing from what I know they're all with Dom at mayhem and they, you know, they were at in Naples and there was a shift and they're doing from what I know, they're doing great. They're having so much fun over there. Nate's freaking strong.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Yeah. Well, something happened to Emma. It's built like a brick house. I don't know if Emma's having fun. She's definitely taking, she's, she's,
Starting point is 01:34:00 I'm so proud of her for taking time for herself and truly finally doing that without feeling the pressure of coming back quick from it too. She's around good people. Let me push back on that a second. You're proud of her. What if I said this? What if I went the opposite way way i'm not proud of her um she should have pushed through you're only young once a suck it up buttercup no no tell me tell me why tell me tell me what what you think is important that she takes space from from the the life the CrossFit competition life. Yeah. I think when I think of, if I were to put myself in her shoes as, I think she's 19, right? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:34:52 And I would never, like, if I were to give my younger self advice, when I was, I was dealing with some hard things at 19, not CrossFit related, but still things that stripped me of some dignity and purpose. And I felt very empty inside. And I dealt with a lot of things, everything on my own. And it's one of those things where maybe I don't know what Emma's going through, considering how CrossFit's been such a big part of her life, but has also burnt her out. But there's so much, I guess there's so much more to life than just the one thing or the one thing that has made you feel empty. And just the feeling of feeling empty is so scary. And it's such a dangerous place to be because you start to lose yourself and you start to lose life in that way. And to take to continue to push in a space that actually used to bring you joy now brings you kind of feelings of emptiness.
Starting point is 01:35:54 No one deserves to live that life. And especially no one, no matter how young or how old you are, like that's not what life's about. And life's meant to be lived, not to be, you know, hidden from. And, yeah, so I'm proud of her for owning kind of where she's at mentally, finally, publicly coming out and saying, this is kind of what I'm, I'm doing and dealing with. She did it in her own way, expresses it in their own way own way but yeah i would say i'm proud of her for like taking that stand for herself and not feeling like not kind of doing this spinning in circles in this sport for 10 more years and then maybe have more issues down the road you start to dig yourself in a deeper hole the digger you deep the harder it is to get out so
Starting point is 01:36:42 when you say empty i couldn't think of a time where I felt empty. What, what is, what is, tell me, what does empty mean? Empty for me, like what it meant to me? Um, just like lack of purpose, lack of like, why am I here kind of thing? Yeah. I always had drugs and alcohol to fill that hole yeah no I never necessarily like relied on any of those things but I mean I guess I came out with it publicly on one of my one of my reels that I have pinned um when I was 19 I was dealing with uh I did have some like suicidal thoughts at 19 because I uh I experienced something very hard my first year in college. And anyways, like without like getting into it,
Starting point is 01:37:29 it like stripped me of a lot of, yeah, just like dignity. And you start to have those feelings. And that's like you live your day like wanting to hide, not wanting to be seen. And yeah, that's freaking hard. And even though I have my own experiences, people have their own experiences, whether it's sport, whether it's other relationships, whatever. And it's, it's such a dark time. And yeah, I mean, I pulled myself out of it. But and that's kind of CrossFit saved my life in a lot of different ways because of it.
Starting point is 01:38:04 And that's kind of CrossFit saved my life in a lot of different ways because of it. And instead of being in my room, I would go to CrossFit class. And instead of continuing to be in my thoughts that I could have not been here anymore, I decided to be around good people. And you kind of pursue good and you pursue good things for you and you you look to those things um eventually they find you and you know you could build you could rebuild yourself so just because something isn't broken doesn't mean you can't rebuild it back up um so i think that's something she could do too what a great explanation to empty because um when i was in my 20s i started mine nothing bad happened to me but i was like i was i had reached a point where i had no purpose and i started thinking okay how am i going to get off the planet that's how i started thinking like how am i going
Starting point is 01:38:58 to end my end my life and i didn't want to hurt my body. And so I started like coming up with like really, uh, interesting ways to, to off myself. And what's interesting is, is I wanted to turn myself off. I wanted to, I was done. You're in, you're right. You nailed it perfectly. I had zero purpose. Nothing, uh, inspired me. Mine was different than yours. Cause nothing bad happened to me. Mine was different than yours because nothing bad happened to me. I was just done. And fortunately, I had some experiences that gave me a rebirth, which gave – yeah, basically a rebirth. So when you see – and thank you for explaining that. Thank you for explaining that so well, because that you nailed it. You brought me right back to that point.
Starting point is 01:39:49 And I was like, oh yeah, Seve, you were in that exact, you were in a spot like that of your own. Um, so when you see what Emma's going through, you, you're taking, you take your and if i'm using the wrong word sorry lowest point and you're like if she's feeling like that she needs space yeah yeah like is that is that what you're doing i feel that like i feel you know that from her when you were with her not to get too personal but did you ever feel that from her like did you ever look at her and be like oh maybe she's going through some shit that i went through she she was so strong on the exterior like she's able to just like turn it on and i would never necessarily know how much she was dealing with um and i would like we're great like we're good friends and
Starting point is 01:40:43 you know it was like the biggest joy was like training with Emma because we would continue as competitive as she is. Um, I'm competitive in a different way, but like, there was never like bad blood. We never, we always cheered for each other. Like truly always cheered for each other. If I performed in a, you know, in a very good way, she would always tell me like feed great job. That was awesome. performed in a you know in a very good way she would always tell me like feed great job that was awesome like whether it was in quarterfinals or semifinals like always there and so but yeah
Starting point is 01:41:11 in training I mean she's tough as nails and it's one of those things that I also relate to you know when I was younger because no one necessarily knew how sad I was and how I was feeling because I always put on, you know, I'm good. Like I got it. Fee, how are you doing? Awesome. Like it's one of those things like that you truly don't know what someone's going through. And yeah, it's, it's, it's when she came out with that and like other athletes coming out with, you know, how they've been struggling. It's, I relate to that in a different way, even though I haven't felt those emotions through sport. I've had to have my own hard moments. And I think everyone could relate to hard moments.
Starting point is 01:41:53 And it's important to just be understanding of people. Very well said. You never know what's going on in the background. Fee love. Fee love. Marissa, sending love. Seema Beaver, thank you for sharing so fun why y'all you always get me all emotional good good oh thank you guys i'm uh i'm very emotional person i'm very very emotional person i don't think i'm embarrassed to cry
Starting point is 01:42:20 anymore i've done it enough times but yeah that's and you know you start to hear more about i think ever since you know more like athletes are coming out more being vulnerable and owning that they're going through something hard and it's just for me in one way it's sad to see that it's happening but at the same time it's awesome to see that there's athletes that aren't staying in that space of struggle. And they're coming out, expressing that and you're always going to get backlash. I think that's the hardest thing is coming out with some vulnerability, knowing that there's always going to be people that are going to have something to say, judge, say that you're being soft, that you're doing it the wrong way, whatever. And just knowing that those things are going to come and taking time, still allowing yourself to have that moment to express it and then take time for yourself.
Starting point is 01:43:14 So hopefully even the athletes that do do that, stay off social media and just like not necessarily look at all the bad comments. And as superficial as it sounds, and I'm not defending defending these people but i'm just putting perspective on it the only reason why um i might be frustrated that um frustrated might be too strong but the only reason why people comment about mal or emma or hayley is because at the end of the day these people want to see them compete and i know it's so superficial and it doesn't their feelings don't matter because they really don't but it's like hey we invested in you and we want we've been following you we like you get the fuck out on the field so we can see you compete and i know it's nothing but that's yeah that's what it is it's not that they don't know no one like hates emma
Starting point is 01:43:59 or mal or hayley it's just like oh shoot your favorite athlete's not competing you're frustrated or it's like hey you just we know they're. Your favorite athletes, not competing. You're frustrated. Or it's like, Hey, you just, we know they're great. And we just want to see them compete. I'm not justifying it. I'm just perspective. I don't like, we all want to see Matt.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Like Emma's a fucking, an anomaly. Yeah. Like there's glimmers of Tia Toomey in her. And it's like, Holy shit. Like we want to see this thing go. So for whatever it's worth,
Starting point is 01:44:25 I think that's where it comes from. And not because people shouldn't have more compassion, but they see it in her and it's like holy shit like we want to see this thing go so for whatever it's worth i think that's where it comes from and not those people who have more compassion but they see it in her everyone sees that yeah but it's crazy too it's like you can have all this talent and but if it doesn't bring you joy you could have all the gold medals and how sad is it to like live a life that you're super successful by other people's terms you know the quote you know success is the best revenge i see it all the time i'm living it i'm living it i'm living it just so you know let him know let him know and i actually i see this i see this poster it says success is the best revenge i think think I've seen everywhere. I see it in every local TJ Maxx now. But either way, success is the best revenge. And the more I think about that quote, the more I disagree like or I guess success to other people's standards of success
Starting point is 01:45:15 to me like happiness, like joy, fulfillment, peace, like those are the things that people can't strip from you because you get to dictate that success, you could not be standing on the podium, you know, like, next year, next season, next competition, like you can't, you know, control other people's hard work that if you consider success, statistically, monetarily, new position, a new, you know, level in your sport, that could so easily be taken away. You could get injured. And now what? You're unsuccessful.
Starting point is 01:45:48 It's not could be taken away. It's going to be taken away. It's going to be. Exactly. Because all of those things aren't long-lasting. And so when it comes to success is the best revenge, I wholeheartedly disagree with that. is the best revenge I wholeheartedly disagree with that because you could also be super successful and super empty at the same time let me give let me give you an example
Starting point is 01:46:13 um I I I worked at CrossFit I was fired um I was on the media team I ran the media team I don't think there's anyone in the world better than me at it. And I never cheated. I never did steroids. Like, I did everything right. I never fucked anyone at work. I didn't, like, I was cool. And I got fired.
Starting point is 01:46:39 And so now I just put my head down and work. And my goal wasn't to take over. My goal was just to put my head down and work. Yeah. But i'm taking over and look and you're doing it on your turn and it's like now it's like you're doing it on your turn yeah and i'm really enjoying it and how much i guess how much more free do you feel now than like free right yeah don't get me wrong it maybe it's because just my my and i never even think of it as revenge by the way until you said it i'm never like hey i'm gonna get these fuckers but like it's funny it's like um
Starting point is 01:47:09 i was a rock at the top of the hill and someone pushed me off and i rolled to the bottom and without even trying i've rolled back to the top and you know why i rolled back to the top because i belong there not because because you believe that yeah but I don't even but yeah but it all kind of happened on accident it's kind of like how you said about CrossFit yeah you I just maybe that's why you're so happy because you just know you belong because you just put yeah you just belong it's yeah the feeling of belonging is doesn't come from other people telling me that I belong here. It's me truly just being me and being who I am and expressing who I am and
Starting point is 01:47:50 being confident in that. And like, I believe I don't belong in one place. Right. I don't feel like I only belong in one place. I belong in multiple places. And when I'm even by myself, like I enjoy being by myself. And like with myself, I feel like I belong now. If you were to talk to me when I was 19, I felt like I didn't belong anywhere that, you know, I didn't deserve to belong anywhere, right? It was like those feelings. So kind of belonging everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I think that's, that's a powerful quote, I think by Maya Angelou, it goes along something like that. But are you cured from that?
Starting point is 01:48:32 I think I am, but it doesn't mean that when I talk about it, I don't like, feel all those things. But do I have I now feel yes, I don't. I don't feel that what I used to feel when it came to like that lack of purpose and lack of just not even happy. I had no happiness. I'm so fully happy and joyful and grateful. And I think everything that I do now has that much more purpose because I've seen because I've been in that kind of darkness. that much more purpose because I've seen, because I've been in that kind of darkness. So I think I have that perspective and I appreciate all the good now because I didn't feel that when I was younger, when I was 19. And it's powerful.
Starting point is 01:49:14 You don't always have to like go through those hard things, but hard things also make you appreciate what's pretty awesome in your life. Let me ask you this before this. Do you think you hit a before this do you think you hit a rock do you think you hit a rock bottom fee yeah you did yeah it was probably like the worst yeah like was there a was there an actual moment like a like a and and then right at that moment did everything turn around was it like you hit the bottom and bounced up or did you have to stay in the bottom you think it was like bottom and it was like up and down up and down up and down and
Starting point is 01:49:49 then eventually there were more ups than downs you know and i think a lot of that i have to just credit crossfit community like the people like i would go to this, like my gym, I started at Crooked River CrossFit. And I just had the best relationships, like the moms of the class, which is like, I just cry and like, you know, crying to their shoulders. And I didn't, I never went to therapy, actually, my mom eventually found out, you know, something that like what happened in college. And that was six months later. And like my I never actually went to professional for help. But like, my mom was kind of like the person that I trusted. I never told my dad about anything. Like I was struggling a lot behind closed doors, physically, literally, I would just like,
Starting point is 01:50:43 some people actually thought I left John Carroll. Cause I stopped. That's where I went to college. Cause I actually stopped being around campus or I tried to like, hi. And I would just go to class and I leave and I'd go to class and I'd leave. And I would just go to my CrossFit class.
Starting point is 01:50:57 Actually. That's where I was. I started to just. Just go to shitload of weight. No, I actually gained a lot of weight. You did. Interesting. I gained a lot of weight. You did. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:51:07 I gained a lot of weight during that time. I was overweight. I was probably like 25 pounds overweight than I am now. How much did you weigh? What's the most you weighed? Like 155. To me, that's not my natural body. At 5'1", I don't want anyone to hear that
Starting point is 01:51:23 that weight is a lot, but to me, I was just very unhealthy. was doing just not eating well like just sitting around with a can of pringles and it wasn't like that it's not like i was just like ripping like bags of cheetos i would just almost like not eat all day and then just like at night i would just eat a ton and i would also deal with like a lot of body image issues in general and then you know and then eventually I was just I felt I was depressed I was depressed for that entire year year and a half maybe and um yeah and I just it was like in the middle yeah yeah oh little fee 155 feet oh that was my first uh competition that was one of my first crossfit competitions rx i was super proud too i like got uh i think maybe fifth place out of
Starting point is 01:52:17 like eight girls six girls i don't even know um but it was awesome the girl on the far left in the like purple sports bra um yeah she she like was doing ring muscle-ups and she hit like five or six total within a workout or like or something like that i can't even remember but i just remember her doing ring muscle-ups i'm like you are the coolest girl in the world. Of course. I was like, you're so awesome. You can do your best. What year is this? This is, oh, 2014. 2014, yeah. That was like when I first started. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:52 I was just. Elise Carr-Riddell. Thank you, Elise. You are so beautiful inside and out. Thank you for gracing us with your time. Thank you, Elise. Oh, that's so sweet. But yeah, like, it's wild.
Starting point is 01:53:16 It's just wild how where my life is now. I can't I don't even want to think where it would be without CrossFit. Like just in general, without stumbling into it. That's how I feel too. I don't think I, I wouldn't be who I am as a woman, if it wasn't, you know, walking into my first gym in 2013, someone introducing it to me, choosing to do good things for myself. There's a, what's that? There's a quote that I just read, where it's like, if you find reasons to give up, you'll always find them. If you find reasons why you're a failure and why you suck, like, you'll always find those reasons. And I used to live in that space. I'm like, why? Why? I don't feel like I have purpose and all those negative thoughts. But then I also kept. But when you find the reasons why you can be successful and you can do good and you can be better and you have to work a little harder for them.
Starting point is 01:54:02 But those things eventually do come. And it's kind of just choosing your route and choosing where you have to work a little harder for them but those things eventually do come and it's kind of just choosing your route and choosing where you want to go but um do you do you have like conscious values what do you mean in what way like um if someone would have asked me 10 years ago hey do you have any values i would have said yeah and they would say what are they and i'd be like uh i don't know or like they'd be like hey do you have any morals and i'd be like yeah and they'd be like what are they and i'd be like uh don't kill spiders in the house i mean like yeah you know and put them outside do you do you have and i asked specifically about values i had sarah sigman's daughter on here and she was saying how she replaced and i apologize if i'm if i'm misrepresenting
Starting point is 01:54:47 her but either way it doesn't matter whether it's her or not but this this is the way i interpret it and this is what was so potent to me she said that she put her performance as her self-value and then she switched it to like having value so one of your values might be never lie and that way it's yours and it's on you and it can't be taken from you. And so like I started thinking, oh, I want to have values too. Like I like – I want to have some – and I guess I had some – I guess I had some values. But they weren't – I didn't – now it's kind of my values are more my North Star. Yeah. I guess like thinking about that, that's a good way to put it.
Starting point is 01:55:26 I guess when I was younger, I always like look to other things that I, I never had the confidence to have my own like set. I mean, yes, like I had my own set of morality, right? But I always looked like I want to look like her. I want to have that body to feel good about myself. I want to, um, you know, have this certain image or I want to be known to be these other things like this other person. And if I could be like this other person, then I'll feel happy for myself or feel rich. Froney must be so happy because he has everything, right? Right. Like her, she has a great body and he's, and he's nice to kids. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 01:56:07 And it's one of those things where it's like, maybe I could be like someone else versus focusing on being the best me I can, not looking to someone and trying to be like them. And I think I did a lot of that when I was younger. I was trying to be like other people. I was trying to be someone that I wasn't. And it made me feel even more out of touch with myself, right? Even more unsuccessful. The more I focused on other people, how much better they were than me, um, or looked or felt or seemed or seemed to be,
Starting point is 01:56:37 I felt even more out of touch and even farther from that. And that almost made me even more unhappy. Um, so that was a lot of struggle. You nailed it right there because the pedestal that I would put someone like Rich on, I couldn't even get to the 50 yard line. You're like, it's untouchable. Yeah, it's like... Yeah, and you're like, I'm not to live this whole life.
Starting point is 01:56:57 I'm holding him up so fucking high, it's never gonna be... Yeah, fascinating. Hey, do you have an agent? I do, Cooper Marsh. yeah fascinating yeah hey do you have an agent i do cooper marsh my he he is just everything that uh you know is so special to have in my life where he keeps me ground he's not just an agent like he keeps me grounded he's one of my best friends he looks out for he looks out for me and i'm so like feel so connected with him i'm so i actually met him in amanda introduced us amanda
Starting point is 01:57:25 barnhart she connected us another great guest she's awesome when she's on the show i think it was like in 2020 cooper reached like we got connected and cooper reached out and he started to just explore uh who i was as a human being like as a person and yeah ever since then he actually got me my first big contract he got me Reebok he made the the connection and ever since then I've just he's been such a huge part of my career I want to ask you a delicate question okay um I'm all for everyone um making money I think making money is so fucking cool. Having money is awesome. It's so fun. I love money. I've been fortunate
Starting point is 01:58:12 that my sponsors have just let me continue to be who I am. Whatever. You know what I mean? It's been fantastic. The podcast, it's just fucking nuts, the support I get from my sponsors. There was a campaign recently
Starting point is 01:58:30 where you guys, all these athletes, put mush out at the same time. Yes. Mush. Mush. Mush. And I feel that it was bad for mush. Really?
Starting point is 01:58:46 Because of the simultaneous, it's kind of like what I feel, kind of like how tear fucked up. Like they just did, you do so, I didn't believe that any of you eat mush. Do you know what I mean? I'm just like, bullshit. Someone got a big contract. And someone Like, I'm just like, bullshit. Someone got a big contract and someone like,
Starting point is 01:59:07 and I just wonder, I guess I could, I could invite Cooper on to like, um, like ask him like, but to me, um, I just tripped on it.
Starting point is 01:59:18 I'm like, Hey, no one's, um, I'll say this. I was eating mush. Well, before I, uh, partnered with them for their uh campaign
Starting point is 01:59:28 you were so there's there's something not every athlete's like this i want to believe that uh most people are though um i actually i i would never partner with someone that i didn't believe in that's like 100 if we're talking values, 100%. Like I would never, never, I would never partner with someone that I don't use. I don't believe in. I don't connect with. And that's, but when Coop came to me with that opportunity, I'm like, Oh, I've actually had mush many times. And wasn't necessarily packing it in my fridge well before then, but I've had it and it's like, I've always loved it. I would never put something that doesn't align with even what I enjoy in my life, but it is crazy.
Starting point is 02:00:12 It's like, but this is what I would say. If devil's advocate, you think it was bad, right? Because I don't, I don't, I don't know. Or maybe it wasn't the smartest choice apparent, like, but everyone knows mush now, and I guarantee you there's people walking past it, and they're like, whether they're buying it or not, they know about it. Hey, and also along those same lines, I've never heard of mush, and we're talking about it now, and I would have never eaten anything called mush, but now if I saw it somewhere, I want to try it.
Starting point is 02:00:45 Yeah. I'm curious. To some extent, I, for me, thought it was so cool to get athletes together that truly their eat – mush is good. It is spot on. I actually sent it to my mom. I'm like, I actually sent a package to Al in Cleveland. I was like, you got to try this because he is notorious for skipping breakfast because he you know works long hours and all
Starting point is 02:01:09 these things he wants to look like rich froney no then you don't oh does he skip breakfast um sent to my mom but anyways they got a group of athletes all of us have different like platforms and we have different fans and we have different fans. And we have different like, for me, obvious, like, for me, I'm very, I'm honored to represent the Latino community and the Iranian community. And it just happens that those are people that also follow me. So like to have a group of athletes where you have different kinds of followings, different kinds of loyalties, and fans. That's great. Now you get, you know, you get a little bit of everything and you get to throw your brand out there to different people, different markets. I thought it was great.
Starting point is 02:01:52 The entire third party media is talking about it. So something worked. Just saying. Yeah. I mean, shit. Clearly it's in the media now. Right. Right. I actually, I'm about to smash. I'm about to have a, you know, during sessions I grab mush, eat it during a session. I told my, the owner of our affiliate, I was like, you got to go get some because it's so good. I can't buy Savage ones because they're out of stock. So I'll buy some mush instead.
Starting point is 02:02:18 So it sounds good. Yeah, do it. Do it. It's also I think that there's two. Like like. There's there's two avenues, right? There's sponsorships to get sales and then there's sponsorships to get your name out. Yeah. And so and those are and those are just two different avenues what someone wants. I mean, ideally you would have both. But you can see a lot of sponsors are clearly not going for sales. They're just going to get their name out. And so I sometimes am blind to that because I'm always like, fuck, like, find something that truly aligns with someone and then, and then everyone will buy it. And so, because then the person can just talk authentically about it. So I,
Starting point is 02:03:10 I don't know, just, it was just, it was just, I saw that and I was like, what the fuck is this? There's no way these people eat it, but maybe they do.
Starting point is 02:03:17 I mean, I mean, I can guarantee you. Okay. All right. All right. There's people in my circle that are, uh,
Starting point is 02:03:23 they don't necessarily, or they're not promoting Bush the way that like I am or, you know, us. We are collectively, but they're eating it because it's so cool. It's this is kind of the power of having some kind of platform and some kind of, you know, influence. And if you have a positive, good influence, like the people around you will notice. And like I wear Reebok every single day. And naturally, people are going to be like, see, what are you wearing? Where is that from? Can you send me the link? Because not only do I wear it, but I trust it.
Starting point is 02:03:55 I believe in it. It's so easy to talk about, you know, their gear and their shoes. When I use a supplement like I, you know, I'm sipping on my Relight salts. And like naturally naturally people are like fee what are you drinking how are you fueling what supplements do you take why does it work and I'm able to easily talk about it because I would take this I was actually taking this before I even started to work with them and that's something that's super important to me is working with brands that I'm already passionate about.
Starting point is 02:04:29 And then eventually I get to kind of transition as part of their team as an athlete. But if I don't believe in them and they don't believe in me equally, then that relationship probably won't be in the long run. I want to see this relight salts thing. Oh man, you got to get on it. Can I see? Yes.
Starting point is 02:04:44 Well, it's actually this thing uh good the only reason why i like believe it or not any of the salt drinks is when i have late night podcasts i don't want to drink coffee anymore so i put um any kind of um electrolyte powder just a tiny bit in a hot and water and then i just fill it up oh this is a good one dallin introduced this to me so dallin introduced me to relight and in general actually one of our best friends she's a coo of another salt company element element uh the big one and dallin goes fee i found something that tastes even better and i'm like no way like no way and he just like gave me a couple packets
Starting point is 02:05:24 and i was obsessed with the taste and then the history and the quality and like the transparency that they have. But then Dallin told me about the little like get some bubbly, throw some like salt in there and it tastes like a little sweet treat. So good. Yeah, they come out with some good stuff when it comes to how to use relay and salt in just different ways. And I think people also want to be able to see that where you're not just
Starting point is 02:05:47 like chugging salt water all the time, how you could use it in your real life. So, Oh, they got Ricky. Oh, they got Alex Guzzan. Yeah, they got, they got some awesome athletes. They don't have a huge roster. I think it's actually Ariel, uh, Alex and I, and then Ricky and Dallin. Um, and maybe some others, but mainly. Do you know Alex? Yeah. I love Alex.
Starting point is 02:06:10 She's awesome. She's great, isn't she? She's awesome. She's just a great person, great athlete, great person, more importantly. She grew up fast. I don't, you know, I'd love to like sit down and coffee chat with Alex. Definitely. I've heard she's
Starting point is 02:06:25 i i feel like she's got some good a good story yeah she grew up fast she she's handling her business hey uh she and she got she's uh attached herself to a good dude oh man i i met her you got a good fucking she's smart she got a good fucking partner in crime that dude's a beast they've been together for some time i think yeah but oh no she's got it no they got a good fucking partner in crime. That dude's a beast. They've been together for some time, I think. Yeah. But, oh, no, she's got it. No, they got a good team. Damn, dude. I got to send you some Relay, Savon, now that I'm thinking about it.
Starting point is 02:06:52 Yeah, please do. I'm going to send you some. Okay. Two hours and ten minutes. Are you good for time? Yeah. I got... How easy is it to...
Starting point is 02:07:00 I love chatting. What about this level two thing you did? Why did you do... Yeah. Why did you about this level two thing you did? Why did you do, uh, why did you take your level two? Well, I ended up taking my L2 because I was stumbling on some emails and I realized that because everyone that made it to the CrossFit games had the opportunity to get their L1 or L2 for free. So like, okay, why would I not do something that's also free? Immediately, I sign up. No question about it. But I mean, I got it because I continued to, like I have, like I said
Starting point is 02:07:32 before, like I have, I do have a passion for working with others, furthering my education. And I want to continue to do that in this space. And like I said, even I used to think that you could only be one or the other if you want to be used to think that you could only be one or the other, if you want to be a great athlete, you could only be a great athlete, just by being athlete, if you want to be a great coach, or just person in the community, you should only do that. And I'm starting to realize and I'm starting to learn from other people in my life that you could do both, like you could be both on your terms in your own way. And I do have a passion for furthering my education and continuing to build myself up. And I think that's, that's
Starting point is 02:08:12 something to say too, because I want to be the person that I, you know, I didn't have when I was younger that I was looking towards. And because I stepped into a CrossFit community and I had incredible CrossFit coaches that completely changed my life. Like if I could be that for someone else that maybe is struggling in similar ways, that's huge. Just to kind of go back to my roots. And that's what I want to continue to do. And I think any opportunity that I have to do it, I'll do it. What just, can you describe the level two? Like what was the, what did you do there? What do you do? The level two was mainly geared around when you go and take your, your L one is more like fundamentals learning, kind of more macro level of CrossFit methodology. Level two
Starting point is 02:09:03 is more on developing yourself as a coach, kind of those beginning phases on how to work with people, how to work with other athletes, how to coach movement in a way that's efficient, and it makes sense to people that are just starting off, and also how to build on those skills. And then at the end, you start to, you know, they're very good at, I guess, making it a point to let everyone know in the L2 that coaching is not a cookie cutter style. There's no one way. It's how, how can you just bring who you are to your coaching? And that's really what it was and how, you know, how to develop in the gym as a coach. how, you know, how to develop in the gym as a coach. And so you we, but it was super interactive, and it exposes you so much, like, you're starting to, you're in this circle of, you know, people in class, and you get to be put on the spot with, you know, the flow master there. And you're put on the spot to like how to coach the push trick, or how to coach an air squat. And you're going through it and you're just getting like you're getting critiqued.
Starting point is 02:10:08 You're getting, you know, you have to you're getting kind of but exposed on your coaching style a little bit. And you coach the air squat and you're like, do I suck? It's kind of your first thing and you don't. But they really they hammer like a lot of that, a lot of coaching cues, styles, efficient ways to coach movement. Um, and it's more, it's not all movement, right. They kind of just pick a handful of staple fundamental movements that we see. And that's what it was for a three day or yeah. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or yeah. Saturday, Sunday. And so you're glad you did it?
Starting point is 02:10:46 Oh, I loved it. Yes. I mean, I think there's so much work that can continue to be done for the L2. But I really loved how, I mean, they put it together and I had an incredible experience. It was a close group and they spent, I felt seen the whole time. a close group and they spent, I felt seen the whole time. Like I felt like among, you know, the 20, 25 individuals there, I got so much attention and I walked away a better coach. It's awesome. I wonder how many, um, games athletes did or did not use their free level one or level two or level three or four, wherever you could use it.
Starting point is 02:11:25 I wonder, I wonder if everyone took them up on that opportunity. I hope so. It's kind of one of those things too, where, um, if you have a passion, even just for continuing to be part of the CrossFit community in some way, it doesn't necessarily have, you have to have a passion, um, for full time coaching, but if in some way you want to stay part of the community, or you love working with other people, I think getting your level one, level two, just exploring that education is, especially if you have the opportunity to do it, it's so special. It's kind of realizing too, we wouldn't be who we are as athletes if it wasn't for the CrossFit coaches,
Starting point is 02:12:02 if it wasn't for the affiliates, if it wasn't for the people leading us to make us realize what our potential, the sport wouldn't become the sport if the affiliates weren't around. That's the truth. That's the truth. Hey, I appreciate you coming on. What a wide gambit of things we talked about. We talked about a lot of things. Thank you, Siobhan. I always love coming on. We have some good chats. You're always welcome.
Starting point is 02:12:36 And I'll be in touch. And feel free to – I know there's a lot of moving pieces between now and quarterfinals. Hopefully it works out and I'll be in touch with you and with Dallin and with Mr. Torres, but also feel free to text me or call me anytime. Yes. Okay. If you have any questions or anything, you can't possibly bug me. So I'll take you up on that.
Starting point is 02:13:03 All right, dear. Thank you. Stay high. Yes. Oh, oh yes oh oh oh oh um what kind of tooth uh uh hygiene do you use what what do you what do you brush your face with your your girl oh i actually um brush my face what do you brush your girl with yeah that beautiful i use the charcoal so actually redmond uh real salt has charcoal activated toothpaste oh and they use they use their like uh i mean their formula if you go on uh redmond real salt uh their website not only do they have relight
Starting point is 02:13:39 but they have like lifestyle seasonings but also like I use a clay mask for my skin. I use their charcoal toothpaste. They just hook it up with different things. Could you text me your address? I have a tooth powder, the Matoothian. I will. I'll text you my address. Have you ever used tooth powder? I've never used tooth powder. You are in for a special special what like what is it so it's it's it's
Starting point is 02:14:09 eggshells and bentonite clay and charcoal and salt is that your brand on it yeah look at that i'll have to i'll give you i'll give it a try and you just get the toothbrush a little wet and you bang it out on the side of the sink and then you just barely put a little on not the whole bottle jeremy and you will never feel cleaner and you'll be like why did i ever use toothpaste ever in my life you are going to be so oh so you don't use toothpaste after that no what it's a wonderful experience i'm so excited okay great will you send me your address and i'll and i'll send you some sounds good awesome Saman thank you guys bye
Starting point is 02:14:49 love you Sean see you at quarterfinals love you Sean the fuck is that that's the thing people don't realize how much gay love there is in our chat also this is a very this is a total safe space lately it's getting getting pretty gay i think we might need to you think there's more gay than straight yeah you think we think we've that's because it's trendy right now you're right right. You're right. It is. It is very, very trendy. Very trendy.
Starting point is 02:15:27 Exploring our sexuality. Holy shit. Fisa Goffy. Not that I didn't like her before, but I definitely like her more now. I couldn't even tell you exactly what I like her more for. I just like her. She's very attractive and very cool.
Starting point is 02:15:52 So cool. Yeah, it's kind of hard not to like her. It's pretty fucking crazy. I almost want to lump her in with the OG. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Miss Redown knows I do need a cigarette. I really like her. Fuck, she's cool. She's dope.
Starting point is 02:16:09 Yeah. And when I see, I mean, I don't know Al, but when I see a good girl like that, and the person that I think Al is, I'm so fucking happy for. It's the same with Alex and Jake. I'm so happy when there's good people who
Starting point is 02:16:27 docked their ships up against each other. You froze. Docked. Yeah, docked. I think this chick was on birth control when she met her husband. Oh, shit. when she met her husband oh shit hey i'll look at the mayor of boston look at the mayor of boston and her husband she was definitely on birth control hey dude it's no leap for me at all uh that you do not ever want, you should never like, a woman should never take hormones.
Starting point is 02:17:08 Like, it's not like a leap, like for birth control at all. Like that's just started. Right. And if you're a guy, you should stay away from those women too, until they get off.
Starting point is 02:17:16 I'm, and I'm not saying it as like a good or a bad thing, but like, it's no leap for me at all that it fucks everything up. Like, dude, it's your hormones. It's the whole premise of fucking CrossFit. Like,fit like hey eat that was the whole thing with um that was the whole thing
Starting point is 02:17:31 with greg and eating in the zone right to um to mitigate your uh hormones your your hormone spikes hold on this is uh let me see what he's calling I think this is a spam caller caller hi thinking pinky shopping for birthday hello hello all right fine gonna get her something very nice because she's a very sweet pinky yes the shopping in Venice is so good, by the way. It is. They have every store. What are you wearing for this occasion? I'm wearing a bubbish little cardigan. I thought it might be a little bit too much because it's raining.
Starting point is 02:18:14 What the fuck is this, Caleb? Is this satire? I don't know, dude. What the fuck is this? I don't know. What happened to her face? That chick's face. I don't know. Is that makeup or is that um
Starting point is 02:18:27 it's everything dear crossfit women i'm going to stop talking about your bodies i'm going to start making fun of those of you who are fucking doing shit to your face listen stop putting shit on your face all of you are so hot just playing jane in it jesus criminy oh my god no longer will comment on your bodies if you i'm gonna start commenting on your faces what the fuck are you guys this is i mean i know this isn't a crossfit girl but it's like the perfect example was is like like we we find you attractive right after you fucking jump off of the fucking muscle up bar. Just all hair and a ponytail covered in sweat and your fucking sports bra got too tight. Like that's how we like you.
Starting point is 02:19:20 No, no. Stop doing shit. No one wants to see you with fucking rouge on. But Savvy, we like to dress up sometime. Fine. Don't take any pictures when you look like that. You look fucking ridiculous. You look like fucking Ronald McDonald.
Starting point is 02:19:38 Oh, shit. No way. Is this true? This? Oh, my God. You need like pictures in the wild of that. That is, it's honestly,
Starting point is 02:19:47 I just peruse sometimes I'm bored and I'll just scroll through their Instagram account and just watch the shit on there. It's amazing. The dude is like a, he's like some attorney, like works with mergers or something of business mergers. And, uh,
Starting point is 02:20:00 she used to be a flight attendant and they met on a flight or something. And now they're married. Slater, out of curiosity, what happened to the Swolverine sponsorship? I don't understand the question. I do not. Ask me again. Try it one more time. What happened to it?
Starting point is 02:20:28 What happened? Yeah, like why is it not on the bottom of the screen anymore oh they're not a sponsor anymore yeah wasn't it just for they're not a sponsor anymore water blues or something yeah i don't even know if we had i don't know if we did a contract i think they were just like i think um they were just like hey we want to support you through the games we love what you're doing i said awesome thank you i drank a bunch of their shit i still drink a bunch of their shit i had their cans up here forever i think i ran out in my house so i took the the bottles that they had here that lady's great and the dude great No, toast toast pacers aren't a sponsor either anymore. But But if anyone wants toe spacers
Starting point is 02:21:12 I could still like probably ask Mary to give them to people for free We'll just send them those if you're a good guest. No, fuck. No, these are these have these are... These are... I bet you if I gave these to a girl and she smelled them, she'd orgasm. No, she'd probably vomit. Send me yours. See? Look it. She knows. Yeah. yeah there's only so much space down there on the bottom some other people there's only so much space those are like the homies down there
Starting point is 02:21:56 those are the homies and like i you know yesterday i yesterday in the podcast a birth fit came up and i was and i just and they're a sponsor and i just like it that they just come up naturally like i don't have to plug any of the like you know what i mean like i don't have to like force any of it like i drink i drink um um paper street coffee every morning except for when i run out and i would tell you that i've tried peptides, but I can't because I don't want to get kicked out of the open. It's over now. But
Starting point is 02:22:35 I would love to pedal Swolverine. I can get behind that. I mean, I still got it in the kitchen cabinet that's what i used when i um don't tell them this because they don't pay me but uh for my nighttime shows i take i think it's their bcaas or something i don't know what it is but it's just something that doesn't have caffeine and i put it half a scoop it's gonna last me forever in a cup and I put it in hot water and I just sip it like tea, electrolyte tea,
Starting point is 02:23:07 I guess it is, or some shit. Nice. I wonder if you can put your, uh, tooth powder and water and make it like electrolytes, right? Is that how that works?
Starting point is 02:23:16 No, it's just for douching and brushing your teeth. It's just for your two, two major orifices. Right, right, right. Hey,
Starting point is 02:23:22 I bet you could, uh, if you needed a clean um cheerio you could wipe it on your cheerio yeah you think so i don't know it's sound it feels like you could take it like have your your partner dip uh this is probably not good for the brand yesterday i come home from uh tennis with joseph and i walk into the house and obby's like hey dude i wrote this story you want to read it and i'm like yeah and it's a story about this about poop the main character is poop and just how poop spends its day no really yeah and there was a section in there about um how poop got hungry so it ate a bowl of soup okay and it just kind i just had this flash of this image of just
Starting point is 02:24:15 a log of poop sitting in soup and i just i was just like i just kept a straight face while I read the whole thing. Was it broth or urine? I don't even, I should have asked him. He was so proud of himself. That's amazing. Did mama have you write this? He's like, no, I just wanted to write a story.
Starting point is 02:24:39 He's like, you know, I want to be a rapper. I'm like, I understand. Wow. Okay. He's on his way already. Hey, did that clip go up from, oh so yesterday's show by the way i can't have russell burger on youtube anymore really we're yeah we're too good for Russell and I are just going to do our shows on Rumble and Twitter okay there's just too many rules around YouTube
Starting point is 02:25:18 we're going to get kicked off if we fuck around yeah that makes sense they're not going to like us calling people you don't think so no they are not gonna like they are not gonna like that at all maybe we should have planet fitness call us excuse me that clip didn't go up though it did yeah can we watch it jesus what's going on here savvy yeah burpaholic i'm gonna uh i'm gonna check to see, what's going on here, Seve? Burpaholic.
Starting point is 02:25:46 I'm going to check to see if it's uploaded on Sign In to Rumble. Okay, I'm signed in. This one? A clip went up, I guess. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. Oh, no, no, no. I mean, sorry, on Instagram.
Starting point is 02:26:03 How long is that clip? Seven minutes, eight minutes. Oh, no. Let's watch the one. Let's see if one Okay. Oh, no, no, no. I mean, sorry on Instagram. How long is that clip? Seven minutes, eight minutes. Oh no. Let's watch the one. Let's see if one went up on Instagram. Oh, not sure.
Starting point is 02:26:09 Sorry. Oh, we were waiting for a change on it. Oh no, we got, uh, no, it did not go up.
Starting point is 02:26:20 I think the final one has been sent. Didn't I send it in the, in the text oh someone just texted me dude how crazy is it that brushing your teeth is something I look forward to I know it's awesome I know I have to be careful I would get addicted to this brushing them with the metoothian someone just texted me that crazy me too hashtag me too see one of your story boy do i so my neighbors are are like they they made it clear to me that they don't like trump right fair enough and so yesterday and i love my neighbors and they're the coolest fucking neighbors and so yesterday I when I'm done with the podcast, I go out into the front yard and my they have my I have this $10,000 skate ramp in my front yard or kind of on my side yard.
Starting point is 02:27:21 and some of the wood was rotted. So he's over there and he's pulling up all this masonite, which is so fucking expensive. And he's gently pulling it up with his son and another kid. And they're going to rebuild my ramp, right? And this dude builds high-end houses in the area. So the fact that he's over here doing this for me is fucking so cool, right? And I'm high as a kite after yesterday's show. I can't tell you how excited I was that show with Russell.
Starting point is 02:27:45 I was like, Holy fuck. I feel like it was a, it's a turning point for the show. Did you feel that at all? It was a good show. I agree. All right.
Starting point is 02:27:54 Don't get too excited, Caleb. Fucking I keep it in your pants. And so, um, I I'm out there and I'm just high as a kite. Like I want to start drinking even like I'm ready to have like a shot, a drink.
Starting point is 02:28:05 Cause I'm so fucking wound up. Yeah. And he goes, and I go, dude, I just did this crazy show and it was so fun. And he's like, Oh yeah,
Starting point is 02:28:11 what'd you do? I'm like, we were calling planet fitnesses and asking them their policy of men in the locker room. And they look at me like I'm fucking crazy. And they're like, well, what do you mean?
Starting point is 02:28:20 I'm like, well, I go, they've doubled down. They lost $400 million in their valuation. And they're crazy excited. They're crazy excited because now they let women in the women's men in the women's locker room. It's like, no, they don't. I'm like, yeah, dude, we called about a handful of them. They allow men in the women's locker room.
Starting point is 02:28:37 And they're like, what do you mean? I go, well, they had, and I told him the whole incident. I said, they had a guy naked shaving in the women's locker room and a lady took a picture of it and she got kicked out of planet fitness for taking a picture and they said that safe spaces and men can go wherever they want there and he's like dude shut the fuck up i'm like yeah and i wanted so bad to be like dude like dude i didn't say it but i wanted like dude that's your boy biden that's the boy Biden. That's the whole thing. Bring the trannies and the fucking perverts and the rapists and the pedophiles all to the White House.
Starting point is 02:29:11 Make everything cool. Make everyone uncomfortable. Yeah. All right. No values. Justification for everything. But I did. And I was like, yeah, dude, it's wild. But I it gave me so so much hope so so and then here's here's the other
Starting point is 02:29:28 crazy thing so then i went to tennis yesterday and there's this spot at tennis it's called dad hill and it's not even a hill it's just this it's just tiny but but we call it dad hill and it's where all the dads sit and i was listening to the dad's talk and you know, it's, I mean, you have to know I live in libtard heaven and they're all like, they've, they've all flipped the script in the last two years. They're all talking and it's tons, tons of dudes who work in the tech industry. Right. And they're all buff dads. I'm the biggest pussy there.
Starting point is 02:30:01 They're all like buff dads and they're all like surfers and athletes and like dudes holding on to their fitness for dear life right right and um and athleticism and they have because they're the dads who come and watch their kids it's all the dads with the good kids and uh they're like hey we're done we're done with the libtards they were all i just couldn't believe it i was like holy fuck really yeah and they were all talking about how they're going to teach their sons to shoot now and like the script's flipping i couldn't believe it right before my eyes in my own hood wow i was like yeah you guys don't like women you guys don't like women men playing women's sports they're like no that's stupid i was like oh tell me about it you know what i mean i'm late to the party. They're like, dude, it's crazy.
Starting point is 02:30:47 He's like, there's these parents at the schools who are abusing kids and allowing them to come. Boys allowed to come dressed as girls and everyone's calling them girls names and they don't realize it's abusive. And there's people there saying that how brave those parents and kids are. I'm like, how old is the kid? They're like in the second grade. I'm like, oh, shit. Wow, that's crazy. I never would have guessed.
Starting point is 02:31:13 That's cool. Jake Chapman was always going to bounce back. It's happened one million times in history. Well, good. Hey, I don't know. Matt Burns, a typical in history well good hey i don't know matt burns a typical libtard doesn't know reality you know my thing is though
Starting point is 02:31:31 too is um i called uh i called my mom and i was telling her the story and i was like hey i guess just most people just don't sit around all day and just like keep up the breast on all the fucking drama and politics and the news and she's like no savon that's you my god all right so i got a big old dose of like like most people i guess just don't give two fucks of what planet fitness is doing right it's kind of sad like who do i talk to about this you guys okay who you you personally yeah because i'm like i like to talk of everything internationally like i mean especially a lot of like war stuff but like i don't the only person i could talk to about it is my dad and we can't even really have conversations because he knows things that we're not, that other people are not supposed to know.
Starting point is 02:32:26 So like, I can just like talk to, I can just word vomit to him, but it's not like reciprocal. What do you mean? Was he in the military? Was he in the CIA or something? He still,
Starting point is 02:32:37 he still works for the government. Yeah. Oh shit. Yeah. Fuck. Look at, I've been with Caleb with a million shows. Still, Yeah. Oh shit. Yeah Fuck Look at I've been with Caleb with million shows still I still don't know shit about him I know I deadlift the same amount as girl. Booyah You know, what's funny is after that she's like I think it was probably just the open in general
Starting point is 02:33:01 But she is like wound up dude. She's like i'm fucking i'm gonna get a muscle up by the end of the year i'm gonna do fucking pistols i'm gonna what else i'm gonna get just from us all hanging out at greg's oh that's cool that's cool that's awesome she is wound up dude she's stoked but uh yeah it's really cool she, I'm going to deadlift 300 pounds, like, tomorrow. Tell her there's no rush. No rush. Don't get crazy. I'll let her know.
Starting point is 02:33:31 Seve says, don't rush. I don't want you injuring yourself. You got to save your next PR day for the next time we go hang out at Greg's. Oh, my God, I got it. I got it. The whole show I've been trying to pull this drawstring out because it got fallen back into the hole. And I just fucking, the whole show, too. That's why I was keeping Fion for so long.
Starting point is 02:33:50 I got it. What pants are those? Fucking A. I can't tell you. Oh, okay. Damn. Holy shit. That's hilarious. That's his penis, Jay chad it's awesome there was a funny ass comment
Starting point is 02:34:11 jake said in there about a dick there's people in there who want a dick flavored matuthian or something or read light i wanted to read it so bad but i just couldn't with fee yeah she's she's she wouldn't stoop so low yeah i don't want to talk about the flavor of my dick in front of fee the furthest she'll go is planet fitness yeah that was good she went in hard yeah she yeah for i think for her probably for sure yeah she went in hard um um dve it's so deep vibes so deep oh good all right so if you want i don't know i don't know why i can't find it
Starting point is 02:35:02 um but if you uh can you find the Sevan podcast? I can't find the – I pushed that episode. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, here it is. I pushed the episode of – it's called Calling Planet Fitness Locations. It's on Rumble. If you didn't see yesterday's show, you've got to watch it. It's the best show ever.
Starting point is 02:35:27 And it's over on Rumble. It's called Calling Planet Fitness Locations. It's on Facebook and Twitter as well if you don't have Rumble. Okay. Who's on tomorrow? Matt Schindeldecker. Oh, yeah. That's going to be an amazing show too. What a fucking week. Yeah, Matt Schindeldecker oh yeah that's gonna be an amazing show too what a fucking week
Starting point is 02:35:48 yeah at Schindeldecker no Jesus crime in you did you see this text Caleb that uh Taylor just sent play don't do that my god Do that. My God. He wants to send a picture of his junk so we can look at it. I'm down. It's because you're a medical professional. I want to take a peek. Make sure he doesn't have any warts on there.
Starting point is 02:36:24 professional i want to take a peek make sure he doesn't have any warts on there oh mrs burns a seve your wife keeps trying to buy my products i don't know how to convince her it's free for you guys oh from sabbath essentials oh yeah yeah we're your friends we don't take free friends don't take free. Friends don't take friends. And never mind. Okay, tell her. Slap her around. Fine. Yeah, fine. Send it.
Starting point is 02:36:50 Did Russell Berger show get taken down? Reply. I took it down. I took it down. Go to Rumble. Or where else or facebook facebook twitter Oh Damn it. Did you watch the new roadhouse david? Don't tell me it's bad. Oh my god, dude. I heard it's dei
Starting point is 02:37:23 oh no, I heard it's uh's uh uh someone told me yesterday they go hey dude i'm in the theater now watching the new roadhouse movie it's so bad they said it's just full social justice warrior shit i guess that dude um the guy that the main guy um has a equal symbol tattooed on his neck for equality or equity. I'm not even joking. I heard it's completely unwatchable. That's so disappointing. God, I watched that movie. Jake Gyllenhaal?
Starting point is 02:37:59 The last movie I watched was the Beehive movie, the Jason Statham movie. It's so fucking crazy. DEI. It's wild. I cannot believe the shit they're working into movies. I guess they just can't watch movies anymore. It's so horrible.
Starting point is 02:38:18 It ruins the whole movie for you. It's so not... There's nothing realistic about it at all. Everything's forced the original was dumb but at least it was awesome and fun to laugh at yeah the new one is just fucking awful yeah the b movie with jason statham it's called like the beekeeper or something it's it's completely unwatchable you're right. Yes.
Starting point is 02:38:52 Ugh. I was so looking forward to that. I was hoping it was going to be good. I watched the first one when I was deployed, and I thought it was amazing. Yeah, it's fun, right? It's like Point Break. It's dumb, but it's fun. Yeah, I love Point Break.
Starting point is 02:39:06 Point Break's great. What's the line? Can you play it? I'm an FBI agent. Is that? Clock says time to go or something like that too uh oh yeah here it is here it is look at this oh you got it oh shit yeah it's at the end oh man i am an fbi agent agent. I know, man. Isn't it wild? Keanu! Woo! Good.
Starting point is 02:39:47 One more time. One more time. Just for fun. One more time. I am an FBI agent. I know, man. Isn't it wild? Oh, Jesus. So fucking good, dude. Such a great movie.
Starting point is 02:40:04 Maybe I'll watch that today. Oh shit. What's it? Hiller has a new video up. Oh, and the thumbnails, this, the photo I took.
Starting point is 02:40:19 Oh, Nelly. That'd be cool. Uh, what? This is a profile of who? This is a Bill Leahy video? The fuck is this? His new video already, it's only been up for three hours and it has 5,000 views.
Starting point is 02:40:48 Who does? Oh, Hillers. Yeah. Like, here's the thing. Hiller could have sold more rain than all the other athletes combined. You,
Starting point is 02:40:58 there's no amount of rain that Daniel Brandon can drink. That's where she sells more than Hiller. It's, it's just, it's, he's got the numbers and the people believe him. It's just everyone. You just believe him.
Starting point is 02:41:09 He's just not lying. Yeah. Did you see that fucking, did you see in his video mush? I think mush offered him money and he, even though he eats mush, he's like, fuck you.
Starting point is 02:41:18 I ain't doing this fucking shit. He did. Is that on his IgE? I still haven't, I just heard about it. I haven't seen it yet. Let me see. I thought it was in his.
Starting point is 02:41:27 Where he torches them a little bit. And hey, what's crazy is he probably, he didn't take their money. He made fun of them and he probably still got more views than any of those people. Oh, yeah. I think I see Matt Frazier. Dude, 1300 likes with 118 comments. Oh, yeah see oh yeah and what did he okay let's watch this let's see you ready to to revolutionize your crossfit lifestyle with the latest culinary it's brian friend's voice on introducing mush the overnight oats that have the crossfit community
Starting point is 02:42:01 dropping their kettlebells in off yes you, you heard that right. Why waste time with protein shakes or, heaven forbid, real food when you can scoop up a serving of pre-soaked oats that have been sitting in your fridge overnight? And because we know CrossFitters love a challenge, we're offering mush at an irresistible... How does the AI node like to do the uhs and ums and shit? I'm honestly not sure, but I know you can,
Starting point is 02:42:27 you like upload a bunch of clips of the person talking. Cause I've been trying to fuck with it. I was fucking with yesterday and you just add a bunch of clips of the person talking and then eventually it just kind of like goes together. And that's how we use it. I don't know. It's crazy. Takes all their voice inflections and everything.
Starting point is 02:42:45 Yeah, it's wild. Okay, let's keep listening. This is fucking amazing. $3 off exclusively at Costco. That's right. Now you can navigate the hordes and pallets of toilet paper to grab your very own economy-sized tub of mush. It's like we're practically paying you to improve your diet.
Starting point is 02:43:02 But wait, there's more. Moosh isn't just any overnight oats. No, it's the kind of breakfast that makes you question all your life choices up to this point, especially as you stand there in your... Was that Alexis Raptus' mom? I don't know. Maybe. Fuck. They look very similar. I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 02:43:19 Her mom's fucking hot as shit. Holy shit. For sure. I guess that makes sense. what is it the acorn doesn't fall far from the the apple doesn't fall far from the tree yeah okay all right i love how fee says near far wherever you are i believe that much will go on oh that's awesome oh fee's great did hillar write this like when he's like you have to navigate the hordes at costco he wrote that yeah you like type it out you type out whatever you wanted to say and then i guess you could you can say it too and then it'll just convert it to whatever voice you want it to speak as but
Starting point is 02:43:59 otherwise you just type it out yeah uh oh look at cory leonard uh alexis is wrapped as his mom is deadly level hot yeah she looked she looked pretty wild like you can't bring your boyfriend home hot um okay uh let's see let's more more more moosh crossfit box spoon in hand um wondering if this is what peak performance tastes like and all for $3 off. It's a no brainer. So to all you hardcore CrossFitters out there looking to add that extra edge to your already intense lifestyle, look no further. Mush is here to turn your breakfast into an exercise of its own because nothing says I'm serious about fitness quite like a discount tub of overnight oats from Costco. Get yours today and take your post-workout regret.
Starting point is 02:44:51 Why the fuck would Fraser do that commercial? God, I hope they paid him like a hundred grand. I wouldn't, how, how did they get him to do that? Maybe they gave him equity in the company. Maybe. It's very disingenuous. Anything he's selling that isn't, I don't know. Anything he's selling, I don't think he uses or does.
Starting point is 02:45:10 Well, I think he uses Podium. It's his shit. Okay, sure. One thing. Anything that he actually owns, anything that he doesn't own, I don't believe he does it. He uses his programming. Right. Oh, but he owns that right right god i uh and here's the thing
Starting point is 02:45:32 i now that fee said that to me i suspect all of those people eat it and i'm not i'm not suggesting that matt eats it or doesn't eat it i just surprised he would do it unless it was just crazy fucking money who owns mush I don't know will you see if there's seed oils in there hey so listen what Hiller just did right there he took one of the most recognizable voices in the space Brian friend
Starting point is 02:45:55 and used an AI on it with the most recognizable faces in the sport and made fun of it like if I'm mush I Venmo him $2,500 yeah with just a thank you the sport and made fun of it like if i'm mush i venmo him twenty five hundred dollars yeah with just a thank you that's crazy dude investment banker at goldman sachs ashley thompson that's who it is that's who owns it it's just one person yeah i guess oh that's fucking awesome
Starting point is 02:46:22 i get behind that That makes me feel good. Oh, and she's an investment banker and she's a crosser? Holy shit, she has the same head as Katrin's David's daughter. That fucking chick's Icelandic as a motherfucker. Find out if she's icelandic that's how good i am i see it i didn't see chin ethnic chin from a mile away are icelandic people ethnic i think that's ethnic it just looks like a game of thrones they're just not fey sagafi ethnic what does ethnic mean hold on let's see i'm about to short circuit caleb i have too many desires uh the quality of fact of belonging to a population a group or subgroup made up of
Starting point is 02:47:12 people who share a common culture yeah icelandic people are ethnic that's nice for saying inbred as fuck i mean my group's inbred as fuck the armenians i mean we're crazy inbred overnight oats blend whole rolled oats, almond milk, dates, and Madagascar grown vanilla. That's the vanilla bean one. Wow. It's got mush. Almond milk, though.
Starting point is 02:47:34 Super mush. Mush. Mushy mush. Finnish. Oh, you think she's Finnish? Maybe Swedish. That's a fucking chin on that chick. Her, Katrin David's daughter, is to the late night show. He's gone.
Starting point is 02:47:56 He was really into cars. They all have the same head. Jay Leno. Jay Leno, yeah. Jay Leno. Jay Leno, yeah. Trying to find it. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:48:18 Yeah, almond milk, rolled oats, and then whatever fruit they use in each one, and then cinnamon and sea salt is what it says for Apple. Just think of the value that they got. I wonder if Hiller's video has more views than any of the other people that they actually paid. Can you see views on people's shit? Not the way that Hiller can now. I want to know if his has more views than Fraser's. I could probably find that out. He had...
Starting point is 02:48:50 I have to blow up my phone. I could probably find that out he had that's the thing god damn so on his on Hiller's post they had 77,000 views holy shit holy shit So on his on Hiller's post, they had 77,000 views. Holy shit. Holy shit. And then Matt Fraser. His mush post got 363,000 views.
Starting point is 02:49:21 Oh, OK. All right. And then let's see. So. So Fraser got three times as many views as hiller right or four three or four fee had 4 200 views okay and so she has uh let's say the first lack of for just ease the same amount of followers as Hiller. And she had, how many views did Hiller have? 70,000? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:51 Yeah. I suspect, and I would be willing to bet $10,000 on it, that Hiller sells more mush, though, than Matt Fraser's 300,000 views. You think so yeah Thanks, okay. I really do I Really do it's um You probably sell more tooth powder than real light yeah yeah i we have born primitive as a sponsor we wore all their clothes we all love their shoes they're a natural fit and i bet you that they had more trend and they didn't even have shoes in stock and i would be willing to bet that they had more transactions than all the sponsors combined
Starting point is 02:50:42 at the game for the games open shows i would be, God, I would, I feel so confident about that. And it's just because it's just like Hillard, you can see Hillard, that's just a passion project of Hillard's. You just feel the authenticity and just the funness and the satire. And that's what people are attracted to. Holy fuck, the cat. Can I see? That's the cat that uses the tube?
Starting point is 02:51:04 That's the cat that uses the tube? That's the cat that uses the tube. Yeah, wow. She barely fits, to be honest. Hey, David Weed, you smoke crack, dude. Hey, dude, listen, listen. Craig Ritchie has 362,000, 42,000 subscribers on YouTube. I have 25,000. Let's just say he has 300 and I have 25.
Starting point is 02:51:48 He lost money at the games. I think that, let's say he made $1. Then that means the Sevan podcast made 200,000 times more than he did. With 160 amount of subscribers. It's not that I smoke crack. It's that you're retarded. Retarded. Who's the one that declared bankruptcy again?
Starting point is 02:52:19 Retarded. You're just confused. You're just confused you're just confused yeah that's crazy that they didn't have those shoes and stock oh i wonder if i could jesus i'm gonna call bear right now yawn i wish this were true but i have a dog too cats are for people that don't want the responsibility of a dog true but i have a dog too cats are for people that don't want the responsibility of a dog yeah well i have a dog too this cat got pawned off on us by my in-laws hey man we're about to record a podcast can i call call you after? Yeah, I'm live on the air right now. I got one question for you.
Starting point is 02:53:06 Oh, shoot. We're live. Okay. What do you got? When do the Savage Ones come restocked? Hold on. Let me ask. I have my supply chain.
Starting point is 02:53:16 You sense the tension in my voice, right? The lack of patience. When do Savage Ones restock? Stand by. I think at the end of next month. End of April? Yeah. Let's step on it.
Starting point is 02:53:28 Let's step on it. One sec. We'll get you a tentative date here in a second. My God. Fly him in a faster... April 15th. April 15th. No shit?
Starting point is 02:53:37 Is that real? That's real. All right. All right. I'm holding you to it, buddy. I'm holding you to it. You should see. I got some samples in my office of some upcoming designs.
Starting point is 02:53:45 You're going to ship. And we'll tease those on another show. All right. Love you, buddy. Thanks for picking up. Good luck on your podcast. All right. See you, man.
Starting point is 02:53:54 Bye. Oh, fuck. God, he is the biggest dude on the planet. Every time you call him, he's doing something. It's crazy that he picks up, too. He's a good dude. Yeah. Oh, he's so cool.
Starting point is 02:54:04 All right. dude. Yeah. Oh, he's so cool. All right. Fine. April. Should I call Swolverine and ask them when they're going to have their shit bag in stock? See if she answers. Are they out of stock? No, I don't know. I'm just.
Starting point is 02:54:16 Okay. I need some tactical underwear. Oh, shit. I wonder when he's going to start coming out with multicam uniforms hey that's the kind of shit Dave would say too because Dave loves making fun of I think like tactical gear
Starting point is 02:54:34 you know yeah I mean it's all pretty much shit but his stuff looks pretty good if he can make it look if he can make stuff that's compliant i would fucking wear that like crazy jesus i'm looking for david's comment someone said good you're you're a good dude david i can't see what they're talking about oh jesus christ jeremy go find your father my god whoa that's racist he's implying because Jeremy's black that he doesn't
Starting point is 02:55:08 have a father or I'm just projecting my prejudice and discrimination on the situation which is different than racist mercenary panties I like it that That'd be cool.
Starting point is 02:55:28 Jesus Christ. But what David is, what David said, racist. I can't. Am I racist or is David racist? If you. If you. If you see a guy who's seven feet tall and you say to him, did you play basketball in high school? Is that racist? No. If you see, I guess, is it some kind of ist? I don't think so.
Starting point is 02:56:02 You asked my wife if she played volleyball or basketball when you met her. Prejudice? Oh, your wife's tall? So I did that to your wife? I showed some prejudice? Yeah. You're like, did you play? I faced my prejudices right on.
Starting point is 02:56:16 Face on. I just asked her. She didn't care. She's like, no, I played softball. I saw her dribbling your balls that's why oh it's a mushist it's a heightest oh it's oh uh it's not a racist it's stereotypical oh yeah yeah stereotypes oh thank you god they're one of the same at this point what i'm gonna see if stereotypes is a bad word. Stereotypes.
Starting point is 02:56:47 Widely held, but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Sure. Not racist. Matt Souza. sure not racist Matt Souza if you see a dude playing woman's sports it's not okay to ask if he's a dude oh my god if you see a dude shaving his legs in the women's locker room it's not okay to ask if he should be there why even have a sign on the door like hey
Starting point is 02:57:26 seriously at this point why just hey we can make why why don't we just throw out all identities let's just throw out the idea of it uh just knock out the wall between the women's and men's dressing rooms and just roll yeah open-faced hours like living in a hostel if they do that they're gonna drive all the women away yeah if it's i i don't know if this is true but i i heard women consider a like just like a family bathroom it's just a dude's bathroom if it's a public bathroom and anybody can use it it's just a dude's bathroom they'll refuse to use it right because men will just go in there and destroy it they're like toilet paper rolls in this in the toilet piss all over the seat shit on my linkedin account the other day yesterday i probably i probably haven't been there in i don't know five years and i and i and i went to my profile, and I put as like skills or something, I put in, I can tell the difference between men and women.
Starting point is 02:58:33 Yeah, I know the difference between a man and a woman. That's what I put in my, that's one of my skills. Here it is. Yeah, let me see. Yeah, so Seva Matosian. Let me see. Go down a little bit. No, the other way, up a little bit.
Starting point is 02:58:49 Sorry. At the very top, it says, I know the difference between a man and a woman. That's like my tagline. And then my, let me see what else I put. CMO, fastest growing chain in world history and didn't know it. I know the difference between a man and a woman I don't outsource discernment How long have I and I'm a humble monk
Starting point is 02:59:09 You see that that's my position I've had that job Since 1972 Wow out the womb Yeah humble Booyah come get me Headhunters they're banging at the Door Mr. Matosi and we would like You to run Runners, they're banging at the door.
Starting point is 02:59:30 Mr. Matosi, we would like you to run curves. You've been endorsed three times for public speaking. Good for you. I want to start a gym chain. When Planet Fitness goes under, I want to buy some Planet Fitnesses that are going out, and it's going to be called Savon Fitness, where your pussy's protected. Yeah? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:59:51 All pussy in there is protected. Like, dudes can't get to it. That makes sense. While you're in the workplace, yeah. Right. I went to this Jewish wedding, and they hang a curtain up between the men and the women because they're not allowed to see each other in the wedding. Like when in the after party, the women are dancing on one side and the men are on the other side.
Starting point is 03:00:11 And that's the way my gym is going to be. Jew gym. Jew gym. We protect your pussy. They'll be just a curtain. Hey, and do you want to know what's fucking crazy? So you go to that wedding. This has had to have happened a million times and the kids can go on either side so there's a thousand fucking kids there right and they're running
Starting point is 03:00:29 through the curtains back and forth what what happens somebody gets knocked over two kids collide into each other because it's a fucking curtain and they're running through it and like you just know it's going to happen you And of course, it's like it happens and still it just keeps going. Christian Leon. Oh, yeah. Someone looks like he sells jewelry in downtown L.A. And I'm an Uber driver in L.A.
Starting point is 03:00:59 Oh, look at jujitsu. That's what my kids do. That's good. Alright. So tomorrow, Matt Schindeldecker's on. I think it's the second or third time on the show. I'm stoked. I love the guy. That's going to be a fun show.
Starting point is 03:01:21 If you're an affiliate owner, or you want to be an affiliate owner, you definitely need to check that out. I'm going to start doing the new shows again. I don't know when. Lots to talk about. Let me see. Hold on before I go. Hold on a second. My live call and the show notes are just completely insane. Immigration, abortion.
Starting point is 03:01:55 Did you hear about Tyson Chicken? No, what about it? They fired 1,200 of their employees, but they're hiring all sorts of illegal aliens now. Oh, they've always done that. I went to a university with a Tyson packing plant next door to the stadium. And you just have semi-trucks filled with pigs squealing all the way to the packing plant. But the entire town is built on immigrants. They just, I mean, everybody who works there everybody who
Starting point is 03:02:26 lives there the high school alone had 400 different languages and dialects spoken holy shit yeah wow they've always done that that's not anything i don't know who they're firing if they're just firing other illegals to hire other illegals. They fired 1,200 of Colton's relatives. This is Milton Friedman, one of the most influential economists. Milton Friedman is one of the most influential economists of the 21st century. So when he explains why illegal immigration is actually a good thing, I listen. Illegal immigration over the border is a good thing. It's a good thing for the illegal immigrants. It's a good thing for the illegal immigrants. It's a good thing
Starting point is 03:03:05 for the United States. It's a good thing for the citizens of the country. But it's only good so long as it's illegal. Why? Because as long as it's illegal, the people who come in do not qualify for welfare, they don't qualify for Social Security, they don't qualify for all the other myriads of benefits that we pour out from our left pocket into our right pocket. And so as long as they don't qualify, they migrate to jobs. They take jobs that most residents of this country are unwilling to take. They provide employers with workers of a kind they cannot get.
Starting point is 03:03:39 They're hard workers, they're good workers, and they are clearly better off. Mexican immigration over the border is a good thing it's a good thing for the illegal immigrants makes perfect sense right does that make our population super fucking lazy though uh well they just well yeah that too probably and probably move to other jobs but what's crazy dude is is that they're coming here and getting money phones and health care and guns now apparently did you see the video on tiktok that has five million views and it's a mexican dude telling you how you can take homes from citizens of the united states no but i'm not surprised that's fucked up he's like hey all you have to do is squat into a home
Starting point is 03:04:23 and they won't and they can't get you out i saw a lady got arrested for that she owned the property and she had squatters in her home who'd been there for 30 days or they'd been there for 30 days and over the 30-day time frame she was trying to press charges on them but obviously the courts can't work 30 days because they're only in the office probably 20 of those days and uh she ended up getting arrested trying to evict them from the house and the guy's like that's the law that's the fucking law dude i fucking live here because i've been here for 30 days and blah blah you it's absurd what yeah that's that's the kind of shit this guy's saying in spanish like don't worry they can't even get you out. Right. Exactly.
Starting point is 03:05:12 Careful, Seve. You'll get down the Milton Friedman Road shortly after you'll find yourself on the Murray Rothbard train and really have yourself questioning everything. Alright, I'm on the train. All aboard. Jake Chapman, anyone else like it when their wife sits on their face every day you want to take a poll
Starting point is 03:05:37 you think they'll let me write that poll mustache rides You think they'll let me write that poll? Mustache rides, no mustache rides. Do you give mustache rides? Do you not like giving mustache rides? Do you like... Now ask yourself who benefits the most from that and why. I don't know if he's talking about mustache rides, but I really like proposing that.
Starting point is 03:06:03 That's a great question. That is a great question. That is a great question. Now ask yourself who benefits the most from that and why. Everyone benefits from the illegals coming over as long as you don't give them benefits and you force them to work. Everyone benefits. I mean, that's the way it would. Everyone benefits. They get away from whatever the fuck they were running from. And they get to build a new life.
Starting point is 03:06:32 And fucking. Other people get pushed up the. Totem pole. So socioeconomic. Do you like it when your wife sits on your face? Oh, you did. OK. Yes. OK, let's go for it. See what happens. No. totem pole socio-economic do you like it when your wife sits on your face oh you did okay okay yes okay let's go for it let's see what happens no
Starting point is 03:06:48 fresh beef oh hey when we get to 50 votes can we let's do another poll and say do you like sitting on your husband's face and see what the uh oh yeah science science yes yes magdalene we'll do them for that'll be the next poll is there a poll for the writer yeah great great great question great yeah i think we'll we just got to get to 50 votes almost there how do you get a got rid of a vote i'm dying to know why you wouldn't like that i'm so interested in why like it takes no work right you don't have to do anything no i can't see who ever you ever seen a dog or a roll in a dead seal roll in a dead seal yeah like do you ever live on the beach like i had dogs and we went to the
Starting point is 03:07:38 beach every day and when they see a dead seal they go fucking bonkers like they're on cocaine dude they roll in it and they just go fucking berserk they run by it and start tearing chunks out of it they just no shit yeah that's how i feel when uh vagina is on my face i feel like i'm just like you know what i mean like i'm a dog rolling in a dead seal like i'm just losing my shit right oh claustrophobic wow really yeah i i guess i can see i can see that i guess i kind of get that maybe you got maybe honey honey wizard sleeves making me claustrophobic those thick thighs are straining all right you guys are too slow i'm gonna do it listen listen if if sporty beth was my uh uh wife i'd vote yes. Yeah, there you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:08:25 That's Christ. That's because you're not a racist. So what was it? Like 90%? 90-10, yeah. Okay. 90% of dudes. I'm taking notes here. Dudes like face sitting.
Starting point is 03:08:42 Like to be used as a chair. Yeah. Like to be used as a chair yeah like to be so what does your wife know that this is that the show takes this slant sometimes science slant yeah yes she does okay i because i don't know if she i i just don't know if she appreciates how that you're a scientist how smart you are she's just over there she's kind of just like brute force kicking down doors and putting out fires while you're over here doing science. Do you like your...
Starting point is 03:09:07 Do you like sitting on your husband's face? Yeah, does that make sense? That makes sense, right? Yeah, because the other one was... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I was expecting more like a 50-50 here. I can't believe we have 17 girls who watch the show.
Starting point is 03:09:29 I think there's guys voting. Listen, you dickheads. You can't vote in this one. Yeah, if you're a dude, you can't vote with this. Yeah. Only the Spiegels and the Magdalens and the Sleekies can vote. There's no's just haven't tried it yet no that's a different poll
Starting point is 03:09:49 sure alright let's see if we can get to 34 votes I'm really please please vote this is what is this after a long day my legs are tired yeah you just want to hang out just want to need a place to sit.
Starting point is 03:10:10 Yeah, gay people can vote for sure. Totally. Gays can vote. But if you're a, I don't want to hear a vote from my tranny audience. I don't want to vote from them. Like if you're, unless like it's what you're born with. Do we need to have like a you have to be born with a vagina okay yeah we need to ask people before they before they vote what
Starting point is 03:10:31 they are no i trust i have deep trust in the audience oh you do okay okay that's cool yeah that's good i mean no i don't think so ivan I don't think so. Ivan, I don't think so. Actually, they don't sit. They hover. No, I like a good grinding like they're trying to use my like their pussies a block of cheese in my face is the greater. I'm looking for like I'm I like living on the edge. Like I feel like my nose might get broken. because then I really don't have to do anything. Yeah. You really incapacitated me all personal responsibility, accountability is out the door. I just have to make sure I don't get injured and we're good to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:11:13 Just make sure you can tap, you know? Yeah. Think of me as a couch arm. Exactly. Just let them sit there. Safe word. It's like a CrossFit workout.
Starting point is 03:11:23 Don't stop unless you hear me like three times say I'm done. Yes. Oh shit. My my mom's calling I'm in big trouble no I'm joking alright so for women I'm gonna go with 80-20 yeah and for men I'm gonna go with 90-10
Starting point is 03:11:39 yeah that's good yeah that's close you can't you can't ask for much more men like doing that than women like doing it or their husband oh jesus come on we're pigs hey we should just say how many we kind of we need to uh for a different show we should just do a bunch of these we need a baseline how many women actually like being with their husband that's right that's right exactly my wife always tells me when she hangs out with some of her friends that they'll uh or like when she's at work all the women they're just complaining about their
Starting point is 03:12:15 husbands and they're like why don't you complain about your husband like because i like my husband because he's a fucking scientist. Because he's doing science. I experiment every day. Is there a scaling option? No. No. Full facial. All right.
Starting point is 03:12:43 We'll see you tomorrow. Matt Schindeldecker. Oh, does... I forgot to promote Pedro's show, his game show yesterday. Oh, yeah. It's up there. Let me see. All right. I'll wipe.
Starting point is 03:13:00 You guys, does everyone here know the schedule? On Wednesdays, Wednesday's a big day. Oh, is Shut Up and Scribble today? Oh,ble today oh today's Friday yesterday holy shit I'm a mess yeah yesterday fuck it fuck promoting my friends uh Pedro did Pedro did burpees live yesterday that was kind of cool Pedro he's much yeah I heard he did 400 burpees hey bring that up let me see that shit real quick. There's no fucking way. I never made it. I'm stuck at the 80.
Starting point is 03:13:31 Hey, what I need is I need a 90 pound. Okay, let's hear this. 24 minutes. I've done 24 minutes. Wait, rewind that. What's he doing? I want to hear what he has to say. The fuck's he doing i want to hear what he has to say the fuck's he doing 10 minutes on the minute for 40 minutes
Starting point is 03:13:59 i'm not doing 24 minutes Oh my god Hey dude How is he not breathing heavier I have no idea Let me go to the end dude Wow that's crazy There it is hey dude he's not a little man dude that's a big dude
Starting point is 03:14:31 I love this one looks like my house in the house dude that's disgusting he's a filthy animal, dude. That's crazy. Fuck. Oh, Jesus. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:15:02 Even his head is swollen. What? It'll be four and a half minutes. That's still generous. Alright, any questions? No, let me hear. I want to hear what he's saying. What the fuck is he saying? Comments.
Starting point is 03:15:21 Do you hate yourself? I don't hate them, actually. I can't show you the fucking messages. Hide user. One time out. Report removed. Pinned message. Ace of Magic Gears said,
Starting point is 03:15:36 it's highly comforting to be affirming that every human is. I actually don't hate them anymore. I did. For the month of Januaryuary augustus link says that's not bad for 400 are you fucking kidding me that's insane dude hey i don't think that's good for you 400 burpees yeah yeah it's tough i don't think i've ever done that i've never done that wow he's a beast, dude. Yeah, what a stud.
Starting point is 03:16:07 He crushed that burpee dumbbell snatch workout too. Probably from doing all those burpees. Mason, how many calories do you typically get in your 10-minute saw? I usually just shoot for 100, but you know what's crazy? Yesterday, I got to the 8-minute mark I was, I was approaching a hundred calories. So I kind of just pushed hard yesterday. I got 127. It was weird.
Starting point is 03:16:31 I didn't take any pre-workout or anything. I just took it. I just took a nap and got up. I wasn't even trying. I wasn't even like, I wasn't even trying to go hard. And my record's not even like that. My record's not even like that much high,
Starting point is 03:16:44 higher than it. I Did it twice I did it yesterday I did two little workouts one in the midday and then one at night like at 10 o'clock at night I'm watching the bubble in ski trials. Have you been watching those at all? I just caught some glimpses of the of him being interrogated by AFC and her just like losing her shit. Yeah. Um, if anyone wants to see,
Starting point is 03:17:10 watch the bubble in ski videos on YouTube, there's like 10 of them and they're 10 minutes long. Each start watching those. You will fucking trip. It is such good drama. It is wild. It is absolutely wild. There, there's one where, uh, Mace, that female, uh, It is wild. It is absolutely wild.
Starting point is 03:17:32 There's one where Mace, that female senator's grilling him and another guy, and she's going back and forth. And like, were you in the room when Joe Biden signed on for the $10 million? And it's like, holy fuck, this is getting crazy. Either those dudes are lying or Joe Biden and Jim Biden and Hunter Biden are the most corrupt motherfuckers ever. I can't. Part of me wants those guys to be lying. I just can't. Even though I think Joe Biden's a ding dong. I just can't imagine.
Starting point is 03:17:57 I just it's it's it's brutal. You spell Bubba Linsky. I think a B. You B. O. B. U. B. O. L. I.N-S-K-I, just how it sounds. Yep. You have to, you won't believe these testimonies.
Starting point is 03:18:20 And it's crazy, AOC uses her time to defame another witness that everyone agrees is a bad witness. And that's how she uses her time. It's wild. Winter Sky. I'm supposed to lose. Listen, Winter. You cannot become a member now. I'm supposed to lose people.
Starting point is 03:18:39 Winter and Sky. Look at someone gives a shit about their kids. Got their kids working out. Sweet. This is the part where I'm totally off brand. How dare you? How dare you reward me for this behavior? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:18:56 Thank you, Bob. Bob. Bobby. Bobby. Bobby Linsky. Really? Bobby Linsky. Yeah. Oh, B. O. B. U. L. I. N. really Bobulinski yeah
Starting point is 03:19:06 B-O-B-U-L-I-N-S-K-I I'm telling you you'll really enjoy it even if you're it's fucking wild it's worth watching the videos I'm gonna call Greg right now right when I get off this podcast and ask him if he's watched them what he thinks oh shit if he's watched them. What do you think?
Starting point is 03:19:29 Oh, shit. The House has passed a $1.2 trillion spending bill to fund the government through September. This bill including money for Jordan's Border, transgender underwear for kids. You should go to Jordan's border. It's sketchy, to say the least.
Starting point is 03:19:53 That's one of the Middle Eastern countries. Do they have a king? Does Jordan have a king? Yeah, they do. They have a king. And he runs the show. He's like a real king. He's not like Prince Charles, King Charles.
Starting point is 03:20:03 He's legit. He's a legit king. Like off with his head Charles. He's legit. He's a legit king. Like off with his head. No problem, sir. Yeah, pretty much. He's a... I think he used to be like Jordanian Special Forces or something, and now he's the king of the...
Starting point is 03:20:17 And he's got an American girlfriend? Wife? Yeah, I think that's correct. Yeah. But their border with Syria is porous. Nothing like a border fence made out of Swiss cheese.
Starting point is 03:20:43 Their border guards are more focused on pointing their guns at us as we drive by. They would do that? Yeah. What douche nozzles. They would just, they got their 50 cals and just, as we're driving by 100 miles an hour. Okay, that's it. Listen, that's it listen that's it oh you want to know some things we're working on fine so we it's it's crazy i'm gonna try to do i'm going to try no one like hold me to this don't
Starting point is 03:21:17 hold me to anything i don't like stress but we're gonna try to do quarterfinals and so we got uh i think um i saw uh haley's we're already starting to work on travel for all the boys and hotel room for all the boys. And then we're going to have the pre-show instead of Bryce and Del Monte. We're going to have FISA Goffey. And I think Sousa is going to go out and Will Branstetter is going to get them up to speed on how to run the live feed. So we'll have that. And Born Primitive is going to sponsor it it again pay for all the travel and food and and i think we're gonna have some pretty good prize money um and then when that's over
Starting point is 03:21:53 we're going to scramble to that's i think that's going to be huge then we're going to scramble to head over to semi-finals and i'm going to try to go to both Carson and Knoxville with Will and Rios and just get as much footage as we can. And then we'll release two pretty big behind the scenes. I'm guessing probably five episodes, three to five episodes from those two events. And those will probably go behind the paywall for a week and then release some. And then so those will be fun. And then also we're going to try to do some other
Starting point is 03:22:28 stuff that I don't, if I told you it might fuck up our ability to do it because of politics, but we're going to try to do a couple other things at these events. So, and then, and then it's off to the games. It's making sure I, you know, have a good enough relationship with Heather Lawrence,
Starting point is 03:22:44 Dave Castro, and gang at the games and get to the games it's making sure i you know have a good enough relationship with heather lawrence uh dave castro and gang at the games and get to the game so and then who knows what other harebrained should we do oh yeah and then obviously the the other thing i'm excited oh i want to do a film film festival contest with uh um uh two brain business i want to do film contest affiliate film contest i better write that one down I need to just start that I need to talk to Susan that's going to be fucking hard to organize right here affiliate
Starting point is 03:23:16 make sure you put a post-it on your monitor film festival just hang it like up here on this monitor over here yeah that's a good idea uh and um yeah anyway there's stuff going on all right Yeah, anyway, there's stuff going on. All right. Look at this.
Starting point is 03:23:56 Someone's just like late to the show. Nina. The Nina, the Pinta, Santa Maria. No. Hey, listen. So listen to the... Sorry, Nina. I don't mean to pick on you, but listen to the logic here. Late to the scream,
Starting point is 03:24:11 I agree kids don't need phones, but I'd say get one for middle school age girls based on previous convo, how girls deal with creepy situations. You do understand that the phone will put them in more creepy situations than the real world.
Starting point is 03:24:22 Like significantly. Like... And introduce them to them and normalize them it would jesus criminy that that's a fear-based decision god damn it uh okay just because fucking i need to live on a good note jr how adam knows i do you in the butt while we drink sangria like that is that a song yeah from step brothers great movie I need this for my I need this for my roadcaster what I'm about to ask
Starting point is 03:25:16 JR to do boats knows boats knows service is temporarily not available Boats knows. Boats knows. Service is temporarily not available. Jesus. Somebody forgot to pay their phone bill. I know.
Starting point is 03:25:34 That didn't sound good. J.R. Howell. I wanted to ask J.R. Howell to do an impression of Travis Bajent, Tyson's dad. Oh, it's so good when he does that. It's like making fun of Rich Froning, right? Yeah. When he says the Tin Man. The Tin Man. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:25:50 Shit. He does a really good one of those. All right. See you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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