The Sevan Podcast - Fior Fitness | Rory Marlow | CrossFit Affiliate Series - HE OPENED A GYM IN SAN FRANCISCO!

Episode Date: November 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 fucking crazy. Do you hear it? I guess you won't hear it because you don't have headphones on. Bam, we're live. Rory. Fjord Fitness. Fjord, say it for me. We're not Italian, so it's a more harsh sounding word.
Starting point is 00:01:20 It's pronounced Fjord. Fjord Fitness. Fjord Fitness. Fjord Fitness. And why not just write Fjord Fitness? It's pronounced fear. Fear. Fear fitness. Fear fitness. Fear fitness. And why not just write fear fitness? Why does it have to be spelled F-I-O-R? It's, I guess, play on the sound of words, but it's an Irish word that means true. So it's true fitness.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Well, awesome. Okay, I love it. Is that what you are? You're from Ireland? Yeah. And you opened a gym in San Francisco? Yeah. I've run down this path before,
Starting point is 00:01:56 and this morning I was practicing it in the shower again, and I don't think I got a good run on it. But it truly is a blessing any community that gets a crossfit gym in it is so fucking lucky just imagine someone walks into a 7-eleven and then they walk out and 99.9% of the time whatever they did in there is not good for the community right so they got a slurpee and now they're there's chances are they're going to throw the slurpee on the ground they're going to be one day closer to going to the hospital. They're going to consume more resources around them. They're less likely. They're probably
Starting point is 00:02:32 indulging. They're less likely to have their awareness and wits about them to help other human beings. These aren't, these aren't a small things. And yet you get, you get a CrossFit gym in your neighborhood and every person who goes in there is coming out and is probably going to do something that benefits society. Well, they've already done one thing to benefit society, but they're probably going to do something to benefit society that they're not going to do if they walked into any other place. And, you know, call us a cult for that or not. It's crazy. And so then I think of that juxtaposed with you Rory opening Fear Fitness in San Francisco and this is a city that has has the complete opposite of those values I know I'm speaking
Starting point is 00:03:17 a little bit in hyperbole but you can see by what's just manifested everyone everywhere around them people are not taking personal responsibility and personal accountability in that city it's it's abysmal and yet um that's what you're selling in that city it's wild yeah i mean from a leadership perspective that's they aren't taking responsibility i would say but there's still people within the city that are and that's for sure we're trying to get to is that like for any place like this to change the people within it have to like kind of lead the charge yeah not that they have that much control but like what is the what is the alternative just stop and do nothing and let dude the best thing you can do is be an example and all you're doing all your businesses is every day bringing people in and putting them out as example,
Starting point is 00:04:06 bringing them in, putting them out as example. It's the only thing you can do. It's the only thing. And you already know you've made a change, right? I mean, you already know you've made a change. It's crazy. I really do believe that CrossFit gyms or CrossFit affiliates are really the only hope that places like Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's the only hope that they have. It's not more seven elevens. It's not more schools for kids. It's not more. I mean, it's nuts. It's probably not just your like Orange Theory boot camp type classes either. boot camp type classes either it's got to be this kind of togetherness group atmosphere working hard with each other for each other um like creating connections through going through hard things together um and and then going out into the world and then that being somewhat infectious to the people that so like let's say you have a class and you've 20 people then they go off and they affect another five people that's kind of how you're at least trying to spread some kind of positive change in the places that each member that that we have as small as our gym might be they come into contact with multiple people through their day and so if doing a class with us kind of
Starting point is 00:05:27 brings them up to this level of accountability personal responsibility and then they even if it rubs off on one other person that they're that they come into contact during the day well then that's how we create like a better community outside of our gym um but it's not hard it's not easy in in a city like this you've often i came from a very rural town in ireland and it was very community based and that's why cross had struck such a chord with me was like this is i'm now living in a different country but i find the same community connection through doing crossfit training for a long time and so it's like now i want to bring that to other people and create that same positive community but when you go off into a big city then it's like people
Starting point is 00:06:18 go outside the door and they somewhat are just into their own world again and they're not interacting with each other as they much they would in a smaller place but you come from a town where if you're walking down the street you nod to someone or you say hi or doesn't even doesn't even have a street okay and now and now you live in a town where um you walk by someone and you clutch your shit you clutch your purse yeah yeah you're you're um guarded most of the day instead of being kind of open and welcoming you live in a town if you see someone passed out you would run over to them and help them right away now you live in a town where you step over them yeah i mean that's something mindset it's it's almost like it's
Starting point is 00:07:06 almost probably one of them and now you live with animals and and by the way i don't mean just the people who are passed out on the ground those of us who step over them we're also hurting ourselves because we're we're reducing our own connection to humanity yeah yeah it's it's um kind of wild like coming over here how quickly you get just numb to things and stuff that you see that when i first moved here was completely crazy and i it like would make you stop and look now you just walk by and it doesn't, it doesn't cause you a second thought. There it is. Uh, on some of the most pristine real estate on planet earth, uh, sitting there right on the tip of the North American, uh, West coast, uh, the amazing city of San Francisco, the entire Bay area,
Starting point is 00:08:01 they call it the Bay area cause it surrounds that body of water, that inland of water there. Um, at the top is where Rory lives and down at the bottom is where I live. And then across the way, across from Rory on the other side of the water, kind of like where it says like maybe Hayward area is closer to maybe where Craig Howard and Sousa live. Now, if you ask them, they would say they don't live there, but just to give you kind of, um, so, so we all live around this inlet body of water, uh, that's called the Bay area. The weather here is almost always perfect. Uh, maybe not, uh, uh, uh, Rory lives in a bit of a fog belt, but he can get out of it within minutes if he wants to at any time. And, uh, yeah, this is an incredible place to live.
Starting point is 00:08:46 How old are you, Rory? 34. I found CrossFit at 34. Crazy. How long have you been doing it? 20. So I became aware of it back in 2011. I played sport, a sport called Gaelic football.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Growing up from a child still i still play it but um just kind of off season was looking for some strength and conditioning type program to do to to help lend itself to the sport that we play and i found that there was kind of two extremes where you would have one section of um the team who would just just run all the time like that they would just do conditioning so it would be a lot of like long runs building up over the winter period and then they would come into the football season and i went through this period and you didn't really feel very fresh for a football season in a sport that requires like stop start multiple change direction like think of the sport itself is like
Starting point is 00:09:52 the most vague term would be a mix between soccer and rugby now there's a lot of nuances to it but it's a lot of athleticism running physical contact you carry the ball in your hands or is it down by your feet carry it in your hands and it's shaped like like a rugby or a football like no it's
Starting point is 00:10:11 shaped like a soccer ball okay round okay yeah and and you have a team at your gym right like you have san francisco yeah there's we we there's a pretty big ir community in San Francisco and in the Bay Area, but kind of centered around San Francisco. And we have an entire league here with there's like five adult men's teams and two adult female teams. And then there's a whole youth system as well. How many people in your gym sound like you, have your accent? How many members do you have? Probably some classes you could come in and everyone, but probably 40 to 50% of my members, I would say.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Oh, that's awesome. So 13 years, and are you married? Yeah. And do you have kids? No, not yet. Oh, make sure we talk about that, what you're going to do with your kids in San Francisco. You got to homeschool them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:13 You got to homeschool them. Holy shit, I just saw something. For people who don't know, San Francisco is one of the richest cities in the world, also most expensive to live in uh the wealth there is insane it's it's it's it's uh bezos and zuckerberg money and the the um the schools there are holy shit i don't want to get too much into it but i have a bunch of stuff i'm going to talk about on the live calling show the the scores there are so sad i'm guessing kids go to private school there that they do not use the public school system right like no no zuckerberg's kids don't go to public school in san francisco
Starting point is 00:11:53 pretty like pretty few i think that um i know we can probably touch on the kids position a little bit later but do you have a kid's class not yet but we will yeah how old's your gym um six months yeah awesome congrats dude were you gonna say something about the kids sorry i was just gonna say that a lot of it i like i obviously um hang around with a lot of a large Irish community and it becomes a pretty pivotal decision and a lot of our Irish friends out here's future of being here is that when they get kids, it almost sets a clock where they have to make a decision. Are we going to move back to Ireland and educate our kids back there? Right. Or are we going to be able to afford to put them into private school and over here?
Starting point is 00:12:49 Right. I do have some friends who they are in public schools. There's some that are good, but because it's a lottery system to an extent, you could be entering a child into this lottery for public schools and God knows what school they could get into. to an extent you could be entering a child into this lottery for public schools and god knows what school they could get into um we do have some friends that are they just had kids and they're kind of facing that potential because private school is just out of the realm of financial possibilities but um the good thing is is if you can't afford to homeschool there, the city has,
Starting point is 00:13:28 and I, and I say this realizing that every city has this, but the city has the greatest violin player in the world. They have the greatest physicist in the world. They have the greatest jujitsu studio in the world. Like the offerings in this place and the intellectual and physical and just all the, there's amazing people in the city and so those programs you're i mean there's tons of options but there's tons of pitfalls too right so from the outside like obviously san francisco looks like a sham at the minute but it's not
Starting point is 00:13:58 gonna go like san francisco because of the wealth because of the people that are here, it's not going to go away completely. So that's when as crazy as it might seem for me to open a business in this city, very competitive. Yes, large businesses are leaving, but there's still a lot of people living here. They need services like this. So I didn't see it as as risky a decision like a large franchise or large businesses yes they see the downfall of it because their overheads are enormous i'm i'm running a much smaller tighter business than than they would be so i think it's still i can do it and um i didn't go into opening this gym in the city without putting a lot of thought into it.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I spent a long time deliberating opening the business. I was coaching for a number of years. I've been doing CrossFit since I discovered it in 2011. Started doing it whenever I moved to San Francisco in 2013. Basically, back in Ireland, the only reason I didn't do it because there was probably only about four gyms in Ireland and the closest one was in Belfast, which is about an hour from where I live.
Starting point is 00:15:20 So it wasn't feasible to do CrossFit when I lived at home. That's just when I found out about it. I tried doing it in some like just our local community gym, and it just doesn't work in that setting. When I came here, I was very keen to then find a gym, start doing the training. What gym did you join in San Francisco? I was actually working on a project in the East Bay.
Starting point is 00:15:48 So I had a job in San Leandro, and I joined a gym in Oakland, down by London Square. Okay, okay. What was the name of the gym? It was called just CrossFit East Bay. Okay, okay. But it's no longer it was it was right you know where jack london square is uh-huh like it was right there on the little walkway where all the fancy restaurants are there's just a crossfit gym in the middle of that and that that's it now
Starting point is 00:16:19 grassroots i wonder who owns that they move yeah they've closed now oh shit they closed too yeah but they've been closed for quite a while probably oh that's the same as crossfit east bay yeah yeah damn um so so you so you came to the states and you joined that gym and you started doing it and you fell in love with it yeah like just kind of instantly knew that it was the type of training I wanted to do it was like I said before I was looking for something that would lend itself to our sport and you had the two extremes of either just doing running and conditioning or guys just doing strength like just bodybuilding type workouts and they didn't fully help you for the sport because you needed to be fast and conditioned and strong and so when i started
Starting point is 00:17:16 doing this type of training i was like this is literally the perfect type of training for our sport as an off season there's obviously like a lot of skills to the sport but the base level of fitness that doing crossfit give was very noticeable once i started doing it like how i felt that i developed within the sport um and then so i continued training crossfit for over the next few years i moved from a project in the East Bay finished I was down on a project in San Jose and I kind of just bounced around some boxes there didn't didn't fully uh join one and then I moved back up into a project in San Francisco and then that's when I joined a CrossFit gym called Telegraph CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And they would still be the closest gym to me. They're about three blocks from where my house is right now. And we started training there, both myself and my wife. And we were members for probably four or five years. And then i started doing nutrition coaching out of the gym my wife got became a coach she started coaching within the gym and then we continued coaching through 2020 once the gym locked down we basically opened our garage and we're coaching out of our garage like five or six of our friends every evening and uh we continued all the way through that and then is your home in the city yeah and and uh and why did you come to the united states um i whenever i went through call i i done
Starting point is 00:19:02 like a construction management type degree back at home in Ireland. And at the time entering college, it was a kind of no-brainer to get into construction because Ireland itself was booming. But then that was 2007 when I started college. college and it went through a massive recession then while I was in college to the point where a lot of graduates were emigrating to Australia or they were going across to England to work or you were having to move down to Dublin and work in Dublin and I just didn't fancy either of those options um my wife her aunt and uncle have lived in the city for probably 25 to 30 years and alana she would have traveled here a lot when she was younger spent like months at a time because she was actually born in she was born in thes so she had a passport and then she kind of spent months at a time when she was younger so then when we were whenever i finished college she was still in
Starting point is 00:20:11 college we came and spent three months here on a vacation yeah and i played for one of those teams for for a summer met a bunch of friends had some family connections out here went back to ireland worked for a year and stayed in constant contact with the people that i met out here and they basically were like no you have to come out here again you'll you'll love it so how long have you been married um uh 10 10 years but wow yeah Yeah. Congratulations, dude. That's an impressive feat at your age. Yeah. We've actually been together for 17 years.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah. Good. Tomorrow. Yeah. Wow. Good on you. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Good on you. Yeah. It's funny. Me, my brother, me and my both brothers, Honey, me, my brother, me and my both brothers, we both have been going out on our marriage to the same people that we started dating in high school. We all went to the same high school, like both us and our wives. We all, at the exact same age of like 17,
Starting point is 00:21:19 started going out with our now wives, and we're all still together. Yeah, that's wild. Congratulations. Relationships can be, I mean, it always blows me away when people are like, yeah, I got divorced after being with someone for 24 years. I feel like once you make it over like a certain hump and you figure out how to make each other happy, it's like gold. Yeah. What's funny is yesterday i saw your video in that oakland courthouse and oh yeah my when i got married i was on a visa and then it was the
Starting point is 00:21:55 visa process was difficult my wife or my family i was already engaged to alana so then we got married yeah we don't like immigrants in this country. I can't believe you made it in here. But we got married at that Oakland courthouse as well. No shit. So you go in the lobby. Wow, that's crazy. That's nuts. And you had to stand there too?
Starting point is 00:22:19 And the lady did the... Yep. Are you fucking... Me and you got married at the same church. Same place. You mentioned that yours was a Chinese lady that could barely speak. Mine was not. She was an old, old black lady. And again, you could not understand anything she was saying.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Dude. Hey, and was she nice? The lady? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was like she was treating him. I mean, we were getting married, I guess. Alana and I were already engaged.
Starting point is 00:22:51 We'd always intend on getting married. We did have a wedding that our families came to after, but the lady that was there, it was like, this is your legit wedding? Like, this is the best day of your life? That's what my lady. I thought we were just going to go in there and sign papers the next thing you know we got this chinese girl english is her 17th language and she's like doing it like a real marriage like she cares about us and shit
Starting point is 00:23:14 i'm like whoa this is what this is like this is so different than the person who works for the city who gives you tickets like the party you know what know what I mean? This is like. I know. And like, they're going through the whole like vows. I didn't, I didn't expect, I thought it was just going to be like a transaction, just like saying the paper. And then they're going through the vows and it's like, oh, look at your wife and say these, like, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah, that was nuts. Did you, did you just the two of you or did someone's mom or dad come? No, so Lana's aunt and her aunt and her cousin both came as our witnesses. Her cousin was like 12 at the time and he's all like, oh, I was your best man. I was your best man. So I guess Avi was your best man for the whole time.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Yeah, totally. Crazy. We had some friends who similarly went i think it was in oakland as well and they didn't realize that you had to have witnesses so they just had to go out onto the street and get two guys to come in and sit as witnesses for their wedding ceremony hey how weird is it that you're on today your anniversary is tomorrow and we got married in the same courthouse that is the fact that you just brought it up yesterday was fun i didn't even i didn't even know till someone in the comments said because we've been together so
Starting point is 00:24:37 long that date is just like i know i know and the fact that that i actually remember that we started going out that long ago it was i, I was just looking at the date yesterday. I was like, why does this date seem familiar? Right. But then it's, you're, you're a couple and you're, you could celebrate so many dates. Oh, this is the date we started going out. This is the date we got engaged. This is the date we got married. So. My wife, my wife says to me yesterday she goes do you want to go to dinner tonight i'm like why do you say that she's like it's our anniversary and i look at her we started laughing yeah the uh alana said yesterday because she she did not remember until i said it and then she's like oh no what are you doing for me i'm like
Starting point is 00:25:23 until i said it and then she's like oh no what are you doing for me i'm like uh goodwill goodwill racing i visit uh i visit my mom in half moon bay i'll be sure to drop in when i visit next time rory uh you got some cojones uh for opening an affiliate in san francisco cojones are balls yeah familiar man you're not okay yeah um but but the like if you bring up the map again of san francisco um i think what is shown and what you see the the media of san francisco it not to say that our area is not also got its fair share of homeless people. But it's not the Tenderloin. No, not at all. San Francisco, since I've moved here, San Francisco has been overrun with homeless people,
Starting point is 00:26:16 concentrated around the Tenderloin. You've grown up in the Bay Area. I'm sure you've seen it for years and years and years. What's happened now is just expanded out from the Tenderloin. And so now a much wider area is Zombieland. So down around City Hall is complete shitshow. Union Square, a complete nightmare. So Union Square got taken over?
Starting point is 00:26:44 I mean, look how close union square is to the tenderloin anyway so it's always been pretty dodgy as because union square is a massive tourist area yeah you're literally four blocks away from where the tenderloin is and so for years whenever visitors come over you're trying to advise them to stay away from you somewhat stay away from union square because it's so easy to just wander a few blocks off the path i i done it whenever we whenever we first moved over me and alana were on a bus and i was like oh let's hop off here and we had to walk straight through the tenderloin and it was an eye-opening experience yeah um when when nordstrom's went under there for people i mean for people in the bay area who know i knew uh-oh like that that's that was kind of the
Starting point is 00:27:37 that kind of that whole so market street's toast yeah it's been getting bad over the last three to four years. It's been really bad. Down that area now, it's just shuttered businesses. I just never thought in my lifetime that could happen to San Francisco. I never thought in my lifetime that that mall could close down like that. Yeah, but do you go shopping or do you just go online and buy your stuff yeah you're right i just go online but but when i lived there i loved going to that area when i lived there i loved the apple store the union square um yeah i remember i remember when we done
Starting point is 00:28:18 the first trip here in 2011 or my first trip in 2011 yeah and we would go down to the westfield and just hang out as like how to pass the day we we would go down to the westfield and just hang out as like how to pass the day we'll just go down to the westfield and it just had this smell and and when i came back like a few years later it like instantly reminded me i was like oh it like i can remember what we done that day two years ago just by the kind of smell of this this uh mall but we i would say i haven't been in the Westfield in probably three years. How about Pacific Heights?
Starting point is 00:28:49 Is it still just super nice? Well, sorry, if you bring the map up again, the like Northwest, if you were to draw an L on the city, the whole North and West side are way different to what downtown is it is okay hey here's the thing here's the thing now i'm not saying that this is right or wrong although i i do think it's right but i'm not asking you to agree with me it's right if they just took a big huge truck like a um a dump truck that was like four lanes wide have you ever seen like those giant dump trucks like where you could park semis in them and they just drove it around the
Starting point is 00:29:31 city and they had like 40 dudes follow walk behind it and they just picked people up and threw them in the back of it you could clean up the city probably in 48 hours and all the problems would be gone right it's just basically just drug addicts everywhere. That's what it is. Right. It's just, it's turned into a giant drug encampment. Yeah. It's a complete,
Starting point is 00:29:49 just drug and mental health problems. Scoop all those people up, put them in there and then drive them to Vegas. And like the city would be better overnight. Yeah. It's crazy. I know. But like those,
Starting point is 00:30:01 that Marina district is still like nice restaurants, nice bars. It is? Oh, that's good to hear. Okay. You're not going to find any area that's completely free of homelessness, but I recognize the homeless people in my area because it's the same five or six dudes that I see all the time. Right. Have you seen this um phenomenon i would i'm intimately home i'm intimately familiar with homeless and like in in like you know that guy's on that drug that guy's on that drug but i can't
Starting point is 00:30:37 believe this new one that i've seen you and you can tell right away that people aren't have you seen the trank people with their they're bent over i've started seeing them at santa cruz they're but they're bent over right it's like they lose all motor motor ability like you see them and on their feet they're like off their midline so far you're like damn this needs to be in the l1 manual yeah you see them like contorted into positions that's like how did you even get right okay so you've seen that yeahorted into positions that's like, how did you even get? Right. Okay, so you've seen that. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that.
Starting point is 00:31:11 That trank phenomenon is crazy. Or they'll be walking down the street and they're just peeling their clothes off. Yes. They must be just burning up and they're just like, can't get it off quick enough. Good find, Caleb. So you. can't get it off quick enough good fine caleb um so you that that skin i saw on one of the things he pulled up that skin rotting i'm i see that a lot like most of the homeless that we see they have such terrible sores and skin problems that it's like like you just see them lying on the street and they're they look like someone poured acid on them. Yeah. Like one,
Starting point is 00:31:45 there's one guy who does kind of hang around our area. There's a Starbucks, like one on the same block as my gym. And he has just a massive sore on his hand. And I'm like, that looks like the most painful thing ever. Oh yeah. Just like that.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Who are your neighbors? Who's on either side of you in your... Am I Jim? Yeah. Right next door is an East West Bank. Okay. And then the other side is an opticians. So part of, I was searching for quite a while to find a space. There a lot of real estate available like commercial real estate available because so many businesses closed around 2020 but obviously not every not every commercial real estate is suitable for a crossfit gym so i once you start filtering for some of the
Starting point is 00:32:39 important things like like who's beside you no resid residences above, open floor plan. It starts dwindling pretty quickly, the type of real estate that's available. And so this space here was a martial arts gym for years. They don't like kids martial arts and they closed in 2020. And I knew of it because i lived only four blocks away from it for a long time um but they never advertised it as being available so i had to do some poking around to find out what the status of it was and then once i got in touch with the landlords they were super nice and we we were able to get things worked out pretty quickly but
Starting point is 00:33:25 because my classes are morning and evening it suits pretty well with having a bank and an optician's either side because they work that middle section of the day that we're not an inconvenience to them where is that where do your people run they run run on Geary? They go right on Geary and go up 19th Avenue. That's like a pretty nice residential. You'll see there's like a kid's playground there. Oh, and there's a park. Yeah, it's a pretty nice street, and we just do varying lengths up that street.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Do you guys ever train at the park? We haven't. It's pretty big. Our Saturday morning classes is like our biggest and busiest class but the park is also super busy at that time um yeah it's pretty it's a pretty popular area and during the summer when we first opened there was a lot of like kids camps going on all the time it's a good like i mean it's a good marketing tool for me as well because I'm getting parents from that park that are becoming members. Yeah, awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I use running pretty often as almost like a marketing thing where it's like get people outside. And so then people that are in the park see these people running back and forth all the time. Like, what is this? Or they see them if they're driving down Gearyary you see them running up and down through geary or we're doing farmers carries up that street so i i try and use that to my advantage as much as possible on saturdays to get people and i i make the assumption that when affiliate owners come on here they're just diehard crossfitters They're just in fucking love with it. They're in love with the workout.
Starting point is 00:35:08 They're in love with their friends who do it. They're like, are you in that boat? Like, is it any part you see it as a business or do you see it as a love or where do you fall? How would you describe your relationship with it? With the brand CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:35:19 I guess the methodology. Yeah. Very big proponent of it. Like I'm conscious of saying like because of hillary hillary's video um whenever i started doing crossfit instantly loved it loved it to the point where i was doing it most days and then when our next football season came around it felt like football was almost an inconvenience because i was either not able to do the crossfit training or i was like carrying injuries from
Starting point is 00:35:51 football into training and it was just became frustrating where like i want to do this passion but i also like playing this sport so i took a year out of playing the sport just to just to train more often because it just brought more enjoyment i've worked full-time anyway so i wanted that balance of work and then enjoying my workouts getting to push no major athletic kind of goals with it i did like increase my fitness a lot but not to where i ever felt like oh i'm gonna go hard into competing on this i i value the the training and the community aspect of it a lot more than the sport side of it i i love and i'm very interested in the sport i'm pretty much a dork when it comes to the sport but it never sparked to me that i would want to go real hard towards competitive
Starting point is 00:36:47 crossfitting and i think that you saw crossfit begin within the bay area but now you're not really seeing that many athletes come out of the bay area because it's too expensive of a place to live to just live and dedicate yourself to training. Like you need to work here to survive and it's an expensive place to live. So doing the training all along, Alana, she was loving it as well. She wanted to get her L1. I was also wanting to get my L1, but i kind of pushed her towards the l1 and myself towards nutrition so that together we would kind of bring something to the gym that was a little bit different and so we continued coaching and working out in that gym again just
Starting point is 00:37:40 really loved crossfit but um i think what you've done with this show is you've created a hub of where these CrossFit diehards or dorks or whatever you want to call them, they get to come and communicate to each other in the chat or call into your show. It is very hard to find people, even in a CrossFit gym, that are actually as interested in CrossFit as the people that are on the show right right right so it just was this passion that I continued doing the training really enjoyed helping coaching other people from like being an athlete and helping others in the gym doing the nutrition gig and then just wanted to coach it more so hey just so you know i wasn't even into crossfit the nuances of this this i really don't like this word but the nuances of the community when i worked at crossfit because i was too busy working yeah you know what i mean like i didn't like i know way more about the games now than i did when i worked there like like what
Starting point is 00:38:46 did i give a shit if there were 10 or 25 like i had shit to film and stories to cover and like you're a rat's ass about that stuff so yeah i agree this is this is a uh a weird group here i want to go back to so when did you go from realizing CrossFit was the greatest way to stay fit and the greatest group of people to hang around in order to achieve your goals to, holy shit, this is also the cure for the world's most vexing problem? Do you remember at some point? Because as a young man and you find this thing, you're like, yeah, I'm going to get fast and strong and healthy.
Starting point is 00:39:24 But then at some point you're like, oh, dude was gonna die if he didn't find crossfit yeah i i just wanted like i felt like i wanted other people to do it as well and i was trying to be this kind of like fit person within my group of friends and encourage them to to do it and i find myself wanting other people to kind of join us and doing it not being like overbearing on them but just be like oh this is great and then people do start to notice they're like oh what have you been doing because like in the sports side of things like you you're pretty fit this season what what have you been doing and then they pique their interest um but just from a health perspective it was like the the whole methodology nutrition and everything above that it's like
Starting point is 00:40:21 a no-brainer for me when it comes to like how do you keep yourself as healthy and independent for as long as possible this this is definitely the way to to do it fitness itself there's like someone could find the same thing in jiu-jitsu or something like that and that's fine i've honestly no problem with it what i love about this is just the variety that it offers that you are fit fast healthy you're able to you're able to do things without it causing you a second thought our friends said oh do you want to go do half dome and we just went the next weekend and done half dome the fact that for some other people if you said oh do you want to go on this hike and it's a they have to be
Starting point is 00:41:08 like have this internal dialogue that's like 11 miles or something i don't know if i can do that yeah yeah so um just tried to kind of without being overbearing on people just be a good example and we started getting our friends to do it and they kind of instantly enjoyed it and felt themselves getting stronger and healthier and kind of spawned from there i don't know if that answers your question your perspective change on it though when i found it i just thought of it as something like where you get you know it's it's um josh everett versus greg amundsen how who's who can do grace the fastest and it wasn't until i was like maybe five years of working there that i was like holy
Starting point is 00:41:50 if that dude didn't find crossfit he'd be dead yeah i i would say now i feel like we all know it it's like hey the like everyone better be at least doing some part of crossfit like you don't have to do the movements you better better at least find the nutrition part. You better find something. Yeah. And that's why I, that's why I never went hard into compete competitiveness with it. I like, if you catch me inside a workout,
Starting point is 00:42:17 yes, I'm pushing pretty hard, but if I'm coaching a class, I'm, this is going to help you lift your kids or or this is gonna help you in your life in so many ways that's what I'm trying to do here I honestly don't care how heavy you lift I want you to move well and I want you to leave here feeling more capable in your life not and I almost spend more of my time trying to convince people that
Starting point is 00:42:46 crossfit is not just running yourself into a wall every day that you come in here so that you're so sore that you cannot move throughout the rest of your life there's times when that is a good thing but it shouldn't be your every day and and within san francisco here you get a lot of and and within san francisco here you get a lot of people in these high performing jobs type a people and they take that same mentality into their workout space and then they can only just go hard and they just want to be floored after every single workout it's like not that doesn't have to be you every single day you in here. What do you think about like the mindset of people in the, in this, and this is going to be broad and sweeping and by no means agree with me.
Starting point is 00:43:30 If you want to push back, but I think of the mindsets of people in Australia and Canada and the UK, and they kind of want to be told what to do. I feel like more so than the United States and the Nordic countries. And then you open this business like CrossFit and it doesn't cost $500,000 to open it. It's fucking really, really cheap to open it. It's $3,000. What is it?
Starting point is 00:43:51 Is it $4,000 now? $3,000 when I paid it. $3,000 to hang the name up. You do the two-day course. It's crazy potent. There's no one. You hear all the time, it's like, wow, I went to four years of kinesiology school, and I learned more I learned more in two days at the CrossFit level one. I can't
Starting point is 00:44:07 even believe it. It's the only, it's the only seminar that's a fitness seminar, health seminar. It's being taught in multiple countries. It's the only one that does hands-on and written. It's the only one that has just like fucking crazy library of videos and just all, we all know how great it is. And then you, you pay the money and you open your gym and you can do whatever you want to do you know and when i think of these other countries i was always think oh i wonder if they would be rather be told what to do like that canadian mindset they would rather be like hey can you make all of our signs green our paper cups should look like this every gym should have to offer water. Yeah. On that. Yeah. The people of those countries.
Starting point is 00:44:48 If you, if you look now at what the recent startup of talk of affiliation increasing. Yeah. Kind of re brings up the topic of, Oh, what's CrossFit doing for me? Yeah. To an extent. Yes. I don't want to pay more, but it's like, oh, what's CrossFit doing for me? Yeah. To an extent, yes, I don't want to pay more,
Starting point is 00:45:07 but it's like, who cares what CrossFit is doing for you? You have this business now that you can run the way that you want to because of how CrossFit is. Right. What CrossFit does outside of completely destroying the brand, you've got certified through Crossfit take that methodology and now apply it to your people how you see fit you don't need crossfit to tell you what to do that's not the way greg set it up go run your business so the things crossfit do shouldn't affect you
Starting point is 00:45:39 a lot i think that i still would i still want to stay affiliated because me and Alana, who are our two coaches right now, are both CrossFit trainers. What we're doing is CrossFit. For us, our gym name is Fear Fitness CrossFit. If something happened catastrophically with CrossFit, we're still Fear Fitness. That's what our members kind of know us as within the class we are still talking about crossfit talking about the methodology but um
Starting point is 00:46:12 i don't think i don't think any no matter how what you want to say negative about the people who are running the ship right now i don't think they've done anything to damage the brand i don't think they've done anything what i think has happened is they're just floating out at sea and they're susceptible to getting eaten by a shark but i don't think they're doing anything to damage the brand i think the games were absolutely fucking amazing i think everyone still knows you walk into your local coffee shop and you're wearing a crossfit shirt everyone knows you're the fittest dude in there yeah and everyone knows it's hard i think the brand value is still there i just think that we were used to a leader who stood really stood by something whether you
Starting point is 00:46:53 agreed it on it or not and that was greg you know like he had always like one finger like ready to flip someone off and we all kind of like got behind that yeah we don't have that now and so i just think i don't think the brand has been damaged do you do you think that i mean i still think everyone knows if you want to be the fittest you can possibly be just go into an affiliate and they'll get you going yeah i i no one's denying that anywhere in the world no one's like oh uh jeffrey adler's not the fittest dude in the world everyone knows it no fucking olympian wants a piece of him yeah well what what some of the major drawbacks of what holds people off starting is because they think everyone that does it is so fit so that tells you that the general perception is that people who do crossfit
Starting point is 00:47:37 are some of the fittest people that are out there i'm almost spending more time dispelling people and saying the fitness levels of people in here are very wide. Yeah. Yeah. I love the brand. Well, how do you, how do you do that? Because we, I, we want to get people in the doors, right. But, but we don't want to lose the brand value either. Yeah. It's again, they, you talk about it a lot. They need to take a deep look at what media content they're pumping out there.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Well, they need to pump out some media content, just anything. I feel like last year when they had this magic of CrossFit, that just died on its ass. Right, it was just a blip. I know. It needed like three or four years of continuous drum pounding it's hard now it's just back to like some teenager running their instagram and i'm like i can't repost any of this crossfit for for me i'm
Starting point is 00:48:37 marketing my gym but i am marketing the methodology of CrossFit. Yeah. And the level one, like I could just take the level one and just take small sections out of that, and there's a post, there's a post, there's a post. I almost think that the level one should be what all members get, and then another level for coaches, and then another level for coaches and then another level for advancement
Starting point is 00:49:06 of coaches but almost any member would benefit from just sitting through the level one any human should take it yeah the level two you you were actually at my level one um where was that at it was was it at um hq yeah in 2020 dude you know it's cra that that's crazy did i speak with you did i interview you not interviewed but very just a very brief exchange just talking like during the lunch hour we exchanged a few words but um not at any length talking so do you know that story why i was there it was at the time when you were just basically going back to what you had started doing and video and content i was running the media team and then all of a sudden rosa took over and there was just nothing to do so i started just like fucking i'm gonna make more content than i'm gonna just go back in time 10 years so i went to i went to two level ones back-to-back weekends at crossfit hq
Starting point is 00:50:10 and that footage is amazing except people so many people were wearing masks and it fucked up all the footage yeah i i just look like ding dong even the instructors had masks on i know i know it was i i looked back at the kind of photo from that time where it popped up on my feed and I'm like, what was this about? You know the photo at the end where the whole group photo and it's just everyone spread out five feet apart. I'm like, what? Everyone should have just put a dildo in their ass instead. i would be interested in the content because there was one guy that i was paired with during the workout and he was this like guy in his 40s italian bald head guy and i'm pretty sure you interviewed him because i recall you talking to him outside but i don't think he had ever even heard of crossfit so i was like how have you ended up doing this level one? Was he a gay dude, big, like maybe 100 pounds overweight?
Starting point is 00:51:10 No, no. He was in good shape, bald guy. Oh, maybe he was from a – that was the most fat people I've ever seen at L1. I was actually really impressed. It was really amazing. There were some go-getters there. Do you remember that old lady there? She looked like she was going to die.
Starting point is 00:51:33 No, I don't remember. She was a recovering alcoholic. She looked like she was 70, but she was like my age. Oh, I think. Yes, yes, yes. There was an older guy as well who just looked like an older, heavy businessman. I'm like, where did this guy come from?
Starting point is 00:51:47 Where did he come from? Great stories. Damn, dude, I got some great interviews. I made those videos for CrossFit, but they didn't want them. I ended up making them, and they didn't want them. That Italian guy, whenever I was paired with him for the workout, the thruster burpee workout, not only did it seem like he had never heard of crossfit
Starting point is 00:52:05 and done the seminar when it came to the working out part he just like picked the bar up done three and then just sat it down and then was just standing go go and he didn't understand that you had to do the workout as fast as possible i didn't know that either when i started crossfit it took me like six months to figure that out that there was a time piece hey that's great that's crazy that you were there what what a great location what a great group of people that was i was so um it sucked because i basically those were my last two weeks of working at crossfit and i went to two level ones and it just it got me so hyped and then i was fired i was like fuck yeah that's that's i was so bummed i the the good thing about living in the bay area is that you're so close to what
Starting point is 00:52:59 would have been the epicenter of the hub of crossfit so when alana done her um when her l1 was on it was at the ranch yeah and it was like katie hogan was leading it dave was there just kind of floating around in the background and i was bringing her to and from it each day and i was like creeping around the ranch and then i went and dropped in at crossfit santa cruz and then was just like trying to it just felt kind of surreal being there like i've went past the ranch multiple times anytime i'm gonna up and down towards something yeah but uh then then mines was supposed to be in millipedes at uh austin jim but it got moved got moved to hq um so it was like again surreal just being there it was like oh this is cross at hq and then on my alana and i both done our l2
Starting point is 00:54:00 in san jose and it was like hollis malloy katie hogan pat barber and again it was like i know who all these people are it's kind of some big big old names in crossfit katie's the like west coast representative so i spoke to her then at rl2 and said listen we're hoping to open a gym in the future can we we ask you any questions? She was helpful. Hey, look at this. It looks like there's two people who are also at that level one. Look it.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I was the only one out of 50 people that drank a beer with the staff after the seminar. I wonder if he means that one. That's the only workout I've done with a mask on God I think I remember meeting you Zach you must have been so young there there was a young kid there too yeah like a really young kid
Starting point is 00:54:54 was he there with his mom or something God I was so impressed by that kid it was like he had taken the summer instead of doing something that weekend I can't remember but I was impressed with that kid yeah but that the um i was impressed i'm always impressed with the people at the level one all the attendees i'm like damn you guys are fucking badasses you're talking about the like us having to do that l1 masked what baffles me is that if you go to crossfit's website and look up some of the things about the L1,
Starting point is 00:55:26 a lot of the videos that they put up are coaches coaching it with a mask on, like just standing at a whiteboard, and you can barely – their voice is muffled. Just put up a different video than this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's a shame. And the problem is this too. Oh, there's Greg Hammond.
Starting point is 00:55:46 He's coming on the show. I steam one of these pictures. The problem is the main problem I have with the mask is it signals other people, right? So people come into your gym and they get signaled by everyone around them. Okay, that's how you move. That's how you dress. Oh, shit. Notice how everyone has water bottles.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I never see anyone drinking soda pop in here. So people put on that mask, and you're signaling everyone around you that something's wrong. And if you're doing CrossFit, probably nothing is wrong with you, and really nothing can hurt you. No. That's not true. Yes, it is. Fuck off. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Fuck off. Yeah, back in like when the gyms closed down, our gym owner did, like we were forced to shut the gym. But our gym owner at Telegraph CrossFit, he's very, he's been, they're now an 11-year affiliate. Before opening his gym, he coached at Sanisco crossfit along with kelly carl paoli carl was a member of our gym for a number of years so deep connections within crossfit and so whenever the gym was closed down he was like f this and he just blacked out the windows and just let people in
Starting point is 00:57:01 and we were we were running undercover for a while and he basically said if you're comfortable i'm okay with it so that was that was a telegraph crossfit yeah yeah that's cool and so we we ran it that way until he got a couple of slaps on the wrist then we would go to outdoor classes at a close park then we would go back to undercover and we just had the windows blacked out for a long time um it was weird kelly's gym closed right i remember hearing that and i remember like that not yeah that not yeah which is which is i was surprised how bad, like how much it moved me when I heard his gym closed. Yeah. I feel like there's a kind of multiple things that I think he had got super successful outside of San Francisco CrossFit and they had their own red,
Starting point is 00:57:58 that ready state method that him and his wife do that is there probably main focus. And the gym was being run by um they had a lot of good coaches but they had a large a large building inside the presidio i can only imagine what the yeah that location was crazy right yeah and then a bunch of their members obviously once it closed down just stopped paying and so then it it closed but his core group of coaches have reopened a new gym in the presidio again oh no shit yeah it's called crossfit seven by seven oh wow okay yeah there's actually like
Starting point is 00:58:40 within the last i think they're they're maybe just over a year but within the last, I think they're maybe just over a year, but within the last year and a half, there's been three new CrossFit gyms in San Francisco. No shit. Wow. Hey, you know, that's a testament to the name also, that people from that era are still opening gyms and still affiliating. I mean, if I work at headquarters, that's like if i work at headquarters that's like
Starting point is 00:59:05 a really really really good sign yeah it's you've got that one is in the presidio and that's kind of basically trying to pick up they would have had a lot of the marina pack heights that would be their main kind of catchment area for their gym um then which means just crazy wealthy people with really old money yeah yeah and they they have a really nice space their rates are probably intentionally high to keep like that how much how much do you think the rates are there you think it's three or four hundred a month there things that high uh it's over 300 yeah yeah when i was trying to set mine i was trying to consider that it's it's still san francisco so it's got to be up and around the same rates as the other gyms but we are more like suburban neighborhood of san francisco and it is where people
Starting point is 01:00:06 on let's say lower san francisco incomes or families who lived in the marina and maybe now had a kid and realized they need to live in more of a like neighborhood where there's parks and it's more residential so i was trying to consider that as well that it's not the richest area of the city but it's still san francisco so are you living in san francisco do you live there yep do you live close to your gym yeah like 20 blocks from it do you walk to work i don't because i right now i'm still um working my other job in the middle of the day. So I coach in the mornings and then work coaching the evenings. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:00:53 You're what you're what Alana, same thing. She has two jobs. She's the gym and a day job. Yeah. So she, she is working full time. I went down to – so I was working 40 hours a week, and I went down to 25 hours a week. So I work 9 to 2.30 at my –
Starting point is 01:01:13 Day job. Day job. And then I do most of the coaching because she's doing full-time work to help support the loss of income that I got right away. Yeah. But she helps she's there every evening and she helps in the mornings like for today we both went down opened up done the 545 class and then i took off halfway through it and she took the 545 and 645 classes
Starting point is 01:01:41 when i wake up in the morning, I'm pretty excited. I wake up at 6. I usually wake up like I hear roosters and chickens around 445, and then I know. And then at 6 a.m., I hear my alarm go off, and I'm pretty excited. I'm pretty like, oh, shit, this is cool. And I jump up, and I turn on the coffee maker, and I start getting really – I'm like, wow, in an hour, I'm going to be live on the air. Is it like that for you? You're like, oh my God, I get to go to my gym. Yeah. Yeah. Like, because I'm, it obviously is an added stressor, but it was something that I
Starting point is 01:02:22 wanted to do so much that I'm like, this is something I've been talking about for a long time. And Alana was very encouraging all the time. It was like, just, you want to do it? Let's open it. We're both coaches. We're both coaching for someone else. We love that gym. We love that community.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Let's try and grow one of our own. So she was fully supportive. someone else we love that gym we love that community let's try and grow one of our own so like she was fully supportive and people when I tell them the hours that I get up and coach and then work and then coach and then do some like one-to-one sessions or intro sessions and then I'm getting home at like 9 and then back up again at 4.30 people think that's nuts but I'm six months in and I still get up and enjoy that morning every time
Starting point is 01:03:15 you are getting to be a good part of people's otherwise what can feel like a mundane day at least when they come in to us they might come in sleepy in the mornings but they leave otherwise what can feel like a mundane day. At least when they come into us, they might come in sleepy in the mornings, but they leave feeling so kind of ready to go about their day that it's satisfactory every time. Yeah. Do you like your gym when you walk in?
Starting point is 01:03:38 Are you like, yeah, this is my gym? Yeah. We dropped in a lot of gyms over the years. We traveled quite a lot, tried to drop in anywhere that we would go. And it was kind of our chance to see what we liked and didn't like about other gyms, what sort of vibe we got from people,
Starting point is 01:04:01 what's what their kind of style of coaching was how they warmed you up um and and just the general atmosphere around it and we um tried to just take the best bits that we enjoyed most most most of the time it was about how how the interactions with people were we've dropped in to really nice gyms where people would not even acknowledge that you were there dropping in oh yeah it was just like well that was shit we've dropped into a gym in thailand that was literally just someone's garage i think we could barely even find it or it was in vietnam couldn't couldn't find it because it was just it just happened that this like german woman saw that we were wearing CrossFit type clothes.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Yeah. Oh, I think you're looking for this gym over here. And we went in and it was like four people in the garage just training. And were they were they like, hi? Yeah. It was like, oh, we've got a drop in. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Yeah. oh we've got a drop-in yeah yeah yeah um but yeah the the more welcome in the gym the the generally the better experience you leave from it and we just we we have a lot of people what do you want people to know to so let's say i just popped in your gym and i just opened the door what would be the ideal if you guys were running on all cylinders what would be the ideal situation that you feel welcome that you feel like part of a group of people that you've never met before can i see would you if you were the coach would you be like hey what's up i'll be with you in a second i would go straight like i would likely go straight over to you most of the time if i see someone signs up for a drop-in i'll text them right away
Starting point is 01:05:45 and like let them know that i've saw that they're dropping in and communicate a little bit back and forth and then when when they come in i'm like oh i'm worried that you that you were messaging yeah and uh the goal is that they would walk away from it, that they'll want to repost things that you do and that they'll want to come back to your gym. We just had a French couple who were traveling and dropped into multiple gyms in the city and they came over after. He owns a gym in France and he said he's like, this was so fun. This was like an enjoyment. That's satisfactory as well so yeah so the goal is is every person who comes into your gym this is what i just heard you say
Starting point is 01:06:33 you want them to want to talk you want you hope that they have an experience that's worth for them to talk about yeah they'll be they'll go to lunch like dude i went to this really fucking cool gym in the city the people there were so nice the workout was crazy god they warmed us up so good my gym doesn't do that at home just shit like that yeah and do you have do you have any irish friends just pedro like we're generally a super friendly yeah like chill enjoyable group of people to be around. I want Conor McGregor to be my friend, but I'm not. But if you've ever, if you talk to anyone who goes to Ireland, their comments are generally that the scenery is beautiful and that the people are really friendly and inviting.
Starting point is 01:07:18 So that's the vibe that you get in our gym. We're not putting Irish flags or anything up around the saying oh this is the irish gym it's subtle that the name just has one word that's irish most people don't even know that it's an irish word then they come into the gym and you'll start hearing the different voices from around ireland and it's a lot of laughs and a lot of kind of friendly slagging during the class. Rory, when will you know that fear is successful? Is there a, yeah, when will you know it's successful? When will you be able to maybe take the gas or go into phase two? Is there a phase two?
Starting point is 01:08:00 Well, I feel like it's successful already. We're bringing something to a neighborhood that otherwise didn't have it what baffled me was that the gym telegraph that we were working at is about one mile away from where our gym is and it is the only gym on the entire west side of the city the only crossfit gym and they're two of the largest residential neighborhoods in the city all right this is where most people are the most people are living why do they not have this service so already most of my members that have joined are people coming in and saying oh this neighborhood didn't have anything like this
Starting point is 01:08:45 and they come in and get and get started with it not everyone enjoys crossfit sometimes it's too hard for it's too hard for them because the the maybe on not to say unspoken thing but it is still a difficult method of training you have to be willing to come in and actually get uncomfortable and if you want to see progress kind of work hard and for for some people that's not what they want in their training they're they're for them probably wrongly their training is just like a check box that they do each day it's like oh i worked out they didn't really work but for them that's what the gym is um we're just trying to change that narrative for as many people as possible um but yeah i feel like it's successful so far we're growing membership is increasing at a rate that we find sustainable.
Starting point is 01:09:45 It's not where we need it to be. It's not, it's not where we, it's not where we are at this level of extreme comfort, but because it's Alana and I managing this thing by ourselves with jobs, we couldn't have this like influx of 30 people and then you're trying to integrate 30 people into your already community for us this rate of like adding around five members per month has been pretty natural yeah and and it's continually increased that that way to date i maybe projected that when we would first open you would see this huge this bump because it was newly opened and then it would be an increase there wasn't the big bump to start with that i expected but it still increased the way that i was hoping it would
Starting point is 01:10:38 so and you're okay with that yeah Yeah. We are still growing. It's got to the point where it's paying for itself. A couple months ago, it got to the point membership-wise that it's covering its own costs. Congrats, dude. That's great. Now it has to start kind of increasing to where I had to take an income drop to make it happen. Now it has to come back and supplement some of that income. And then it just becomes like a cost balance of at what point can I,
Starting point is 01:11:13 does the membership grow to the point where I can now step away from that? Salary stays lower a little bit, but I can grow the thing a bit more. And we're a little bit, a bit more um and we're we're a little bit um when that happens is going to be slightly driven by my wife alana is also uh in the kind of final stages of going into the fire academy so she's making a she's making somewhat of a career shift or hoping to. And so that'll be, that'll be a little unsettling for us again. So we'll kind of hold tight and then just continue to grow it from there. Hey, it's cool. We just brushed over this,
Starting point is 01:11:54 but it's really cool that your wife supported you opening the gym. Yeah. Like having strong relationships like that. And especially when you don't have kids that someone will allow you to pursue your dreams is, awesome yeah i think it was it kind of falls under the having kids thing of of why we're now doing these two kind of life changes where we have a great group of friends here they're all around our same age and they were all in the early stages of starting families.
Starting point is 01:12:27 They have like one to two kids. Yeah. And so we were on a similar trajectory. I was working as a construction manager. Like I, I have been doing that for 10 years. I could stay in that role for, for a long time.
Starting point is 01:12:44 But the opening the gym was just this like constant itch in the background they're like this needs to be scratched before before it's too late and I we felt that we would potentially have kids Alana was working in her job that she's been doing for 10 years as well just doesn't love it it's not like a passion for her her aunt was a firefighter or is still a firefighter in the city for like 20 plus years wow that's been her little itch in the background all the time that was like yeah she's wanted to do it she's wanted do it, but never wanted to take the leap because we know that it'll be like a step backwards,
Starting point is 01:13:26 but we try to say this, but the, but it's the current state of affairs. She'll get hired just because she's a girl. Yeah. That's, that's essentially. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:38 They'll literally like, like they hire people based on their genitalia now. So, so that, that, I mean, that is not right but she's gonna take advantage of it if she has the proper it's not her fault she has those genitals yeah so she she has wanted to because her aunt was a firefighter for years and she always kind
Starting point is 01:14:00 of looked at her as this being such a cool job. Yeah. And was like very interested in it. When we first moved here, she wanted to get in. But at that time it was super competitive, super difficult to get in. Yeah. And so over the years, there's been times where she's kind of inquired and her aunt was still like, it's not looking good. It's going to be super difficult. You don't have all of the relevant
Starting point is 01:14:25 qualifications to get in and then literally 18 months ago her aunt was like if you want to get in you will get in so yeah yeah i've heard some crazy stories yeah so so she so she went her aunt said oh let's come to this boot camp and we'll get you to meet some of the like fire chiefs and then yeah take it from there and so she goes to this uh boot camp on treasure island oh cool and uh it was it was an all-female boot camp purposely to try and like they're making a push to get more females into the department of course who doesn't who doesn't want a girl saving you from a burning building yeah and so then they were like she goes to this boot camp caleb's wife's a firefighter and she has a vagina too so she goes to this boot camp and like blows everyone away and it's like what what training have you been doing oh that's awesome and she's like crossfit how how are you all not doing crossfit yeah and so she then went down the
Starting point is 01:15:31 path she went done her emt certification got through all of the steps she's went through a lot of the interviews and it's down to like final stages of like background checks and um just medical stuff but goal is that she will get in into the academy in january so awesome congratulations that's awesome but yeah so so i supported her like i support her because i want her long term to be doing something that she wants to do the same way for the gym she wants me to be doing something that i want to do um but it kind of spawned from like we're 30 we're both 34 making this life change yeah our friends had all been our friends had all started having kids and we thought we were on the same path and we're like let's try and have kids as well and it just after a year or so of trying
Starting point is 01:16:26 it was like oh this doesn't happen as easy as everyone thinks it'll happen and then i went through some tests and found out that we i can't have kids naturally so then we were faced with this what does that mean what does that mean like your sperm don't have tails or something um it it was a funny story i had to so i like we've been trying for a while and we were like have sex without contraception yeah yeah okay just checking okay remove the Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Just checking. Okay. Remove the goalkeeper. So we, um, we're trying for quite a while and, and it wasn't uncommon. Some of our friends who had got pregnant were like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:12 we tried for a while before it actually happened. Yeah. And, and so we kind of just would, would. Wherever you're going, you better believe American express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security.
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Starting point is 01:18:24 But then it went so long that it wasn't happening we were like something's not right here so i know there were some days you're like dude that one for sure got you you just know like i was like oh shit my wife was like what did i do i got the neighbor pregnant with that one yeah so then i went and got some tests done and or like basically i have to go and and give a sperm sample to run tests for like sperm count motility yeah and it uh the results came back and it's like no sperm and i was in there in there there were no guys no swimmers in there yeah so i was like what's they said oh there might be something wrong like come do it again
Starting point is 01:19:11 so then came done it again zero zero all right what's going on here so we're like oh you're gonna have to go see this i think it's urologist so i go to this urologist and the the hospital is like three blocks away from where our houses go in and it's just like drop your pants get up on the table and say just start poking around yeah and i'm on the table and the person that's doing the exam it was a guy doing the exam he's like oh this falls on exam. He's like, oh. He falls on your nuts. He's like feeling your nuts and stuff, like doing the pinch thing. Yep. Pinch and roll or whatever. Yeah. So that's
Starting point is 01:19:52 happening. He just stops and he's like, oh, I'm going to have to go and get another urologist here to help me with this. This is a little bit strange. I've seen this movie. I've watched this movie before. Please tell me shit. Please tell me so it was a another female neurologist came in and she was like oh do you mind if i bring in this student nurse as well and i'm like
Starting point is 01:20:21 yeah this is awesome so i'm lying on lying on the table with treasures around my ankles. Yeah. And there's three of them just fondling. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fondling me. And they're like, oh, yeah, this is super strange. Like, you've got what we call a bilateral absence of the vast difference. Oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:20:43 So essentially, there is no tube that connects my connects the where the swimmers hang out to the rest so basically when you ejaculate it pumps out all the different chemicals that go into the girl right and you're saying the one that pumps the actual swimmers in it wasn't uh is it rare obstructive anomaly that contributes to male factor in vitro depravity but basically you have the swimmers they just don't have a fucking tube that goes they can't get there they can't get there
Starting point is 01:21:13 when you get a vasectomy that's what they basically disconnect oh that's a trip could they could they reconnect it could they like connect it there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing there there's no the the tube itself doesn't exist but caleb don't you have two of those tubes one from each ball yes oh but he doesn't you don't have either one what's up caleb hey hey i want i wonder if that's affected you in
Starting point is 01:21:41 terms of like your health like if you like you have more i wonder if you have higher t levels than an average man because you're just keeping all the swimmers in your whole life yeah dude if i were you the first microscope dude the first step myself go ahead to get blood tests and stuff and they didn't see anything right that would kind of yeah look at you your perfect skin you got you're you're healthy i can tell by your skin you're healthy yeah so then um yeah then just kind of got bounced around you probably saw when it came up there that that as rare as that is it tends to come up in people with cystic fibrosis so then they were like oh do you have cystic fibrosis or does anyone in your family have cystic fibrosis and what's funny is i i know of cystic fibrosis
Starting point is 01:22:34 because it's i think ireland's one of the higher levels of it but i didn't know of anyone in my family that had it so i then had to go get more tests done to see if I had like genetic genetically if I had any kind of strain of cystic fibrosis and they did say oh you are like a recessive carrier for cystic fibrosis so you don't have it but if you were to have a child with someone who is also a recessive for it then there's a 25 chance that child would have cystic fibrosis so i had to then go like they they want to be bad is cystic fibrosis bad i'm seeing a disorder that causes problems with breathing and digestion yeah it's pretty bad yeah like the body can't digest the mucus that's developed within the
Starting point is 01:23:27 within your system so then you just have a mucus problem where everything's built up within your lungs for there's a correlation or something there's a correlation between not having the tube for your swimmers and having cystic fibrosis what the fuck
Starting point is 01:23:43 I wonder who found that out okay but yeah so then i guess finding finding that out was basically okay we're not going to be able to have kids naturally so now it's going to have to be ivf here's all your options they're very expensive so now it becomes a very much financial decision of when we have children so we kind of use that finding that out as a second to pause and think if we're going to commit this much to doing something like this are we in the position ourselves in our lives and the jobs we're doing of of wanting to go all in have kids and potentially be not of let's say scratch those itches of doing jobs that we would want to do for the next 20 to 30 years right um so what do they do they'll just take semen out of your scrotum and then just put it in her that's basically it well it's funny so like the health care system they it's just a big referral network i would speak to someone who's like oh let's refer you to someone else let's refer you to someone else
Starting point is 01:24:55 and they were just trying to milk my insurance i mean i'm assuming yeah they're just sending me from person to person to person and i was like okay, okay, I now know that I have this. We'll make the decision. It's like, oh, no, you need to go speak to this counselor because this could affect you mentally. I'm like, I'm okay. We understand the issue. I'm like, you stuck this cock.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Yeah. So then I – God, man, that makes me so angry that they said that that makes me nauseous oh wait for this one so then um i was like it's okay we know some of the next stages essentially they don't want the next stage would be to investigate if there is for sure sperm in the testicle because they don't know so their methods of doing that is to either put a needle in and try and extract or to cut it open and try and extract. They don't want to go through the cut it open one until your basically wife is
Starting point is 01:26:00 also ready to use it as soon as they remove it. If it's there, the needle one is less invasive but the way they described it to me was imagine you're the globe and sticking a needle in it and hoping that wherever you land you get a person out of it hey dude are you just having are you just having tons of unprotected sex now? Well, I just wasted a whole lot of money with protection for years. Yeah. Yeah, I would – fuck it.
Starting point is 01:26:33 I would ignore all those fucking idiots and just keep having sex and then in five years revisit it like you don't know anything. Start over from scratch again. Fuck these idiots. So this is the funny thing. You're going to get her pregnant and're gonna be like what so the funny thing is that um this was happening like probably about a year ago now that i was finding all this out and then about six months ago i had to i i reached out to my like kaiser health care provider for a completely separate issue like I reached out to my Kaiser healthcare provider
Starting point is 01:27:05 for a completely separate issue like it was something to do with a joint pain I was having reached out to my healthcare provider and whatever it must have alerted in their system that I was reaching out again
Starting point is 01:27:21 the urologist contacts me back and was like oh you need to come back in and do another thing. I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck. They want,
Starting point is 01:27:33 they want to stick their finger in my butt so bad. They want to fucking, they want to see inside my butthole so bad. I'm 51, man. They just want to see inside my butt. They let me know once a month that they're dying could they do it like on a live episode probably they'll do anything for money
Starting point is 01:27:53 i'm telling you the last time i went in there the guy's like hey there's two um shots you need i'm like no i don't need them he goes but they're free i'm like, no, I don't need them. He goes, but they're free. I'm like, oh, God. Why not? That's your pitch, you fuck nuts. It's always a money thing, right? That's the problem with the system is they anticipate that everyone does have good insurance. And so they just kill, like they're just trying to milk that insurance system. But then the one per, or not the one one but the many poor people who don't have
Starting point is 01:28:25 the insurance they just get taken for a ride with it yeah and and like through crossfit through my own kind of journey with like taking accountability for my own health at least i could say nope i got this it's it's okay other people will just hang on every word that the health care provider says and so they will just do exactly as they say so this guy Zach says are you guys hiring soon um I think that my my goal for hiring would probably be to grow it from within. And if I can identify a member that I see potential, I would fund their L1 and try and get them on their own coaching journey that way. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Not to say I'm not against higher and outside but i found from our old gym what i liked was that of the four or five coaches we had there it was mostly members who then went to coaching and it kind of like they were already very familiar with the type of community we had yeah i think it to be honest I think that's the problem. What's going on at CrossFit Inc right now. I know, I know that the, the two or three people that CrossFit hired when I was there from outside of
Starting point is 01:29:52 CrossFit are the ones that caused the biggest problems. They, they, they derailed the company. Yeah. And, and, and the,
Starting point is 01:30:00 when the biggest one was, is in 2018 or 19, when Greg hired the CEO, that guy completely, because he came from outside completely derails it. The biggest one was in 2018 or 19 when Greg hired the CEO. That guy completely, because he came from outside, completely derails it. Because they have fucking no idea. It's not even their fault. They don't even know what they don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Yeah. It's not to say that external people can't come in with good ideas. It's not totally bad. But if you had a kid who was started there when he's 14 does crossfit all through high school goes away to college for four years comes back gets his l1 you got a fucking good coach you got a dude who knows he's in love it's his dream he couldn't stop thinking about it when he's at college he wants to be there every day you know what i mean he wants to make relationships with people. Yeah, I mean, the goal of hiring,
Starting point is 01:30:52 I knew that the first year was going to be an intense period, so we're kind of okay with it. But it's obviously not ideal that it's either me or Alana that are always coaching, and there's no opportunity for the two of us to not be there. But, like, we're just going through a period of intensity now. And eventually, it should get to a more sustainable level where we have at least one external coach that can alleviate some of the pressure. Right. There was something in here I wanted to read.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Oh, that's a great question. Rory, what is the drop in fee? And how is the parking for you? Philip? Uh, there's no drop in fee, but just, just pay, just pay your parking because they love giving out tickets in the city here. So parking isn't too bad. Um, my, my morning parking is, is good because there's a Wells Fargo and Starbucks right beside us, like on this opposite corner. And they have a parking lot that is free parking until 9am. So
Starting point is 01:31:56 very good in the mornings, evenings challenging, but generally find something close by. generally find something close by uh and in total uh san francisco racked up 51.7 million dollars across nearly 23 000 parking meters in the past year so that's just the money in the parking meters um that doesn't that doesn't count the probably tan tickets that i've got in the six months that i've ouch yeah so i heard that that five percent% of San Francisco's revenue comes from – a citation generates a lot of revenue, about $90 million per year. That's equal to 1.5 million parking tickets. Imagine how miserable it is to live in a place, like how much it kills morale if you live in a city and you get three tickets a year that's that's what it is about that averages about three tickets per citizen a year yeah that's that's not good it makes you want to fuck you to the city right every time you get one you're like dude i'm working my ass off i'm contributing my ass off yeah i saw a construction worker in san francisco on um instagram the other
Starting point is 01:33:04 day it was a construction worker in san francisco on um instagram the other day it was a construction worker in san francisco working and he got it and there were five parking meter uh meter guys going down the street and uh he got a ticket and it's like dude this guy's like just you just took his day's pay yeah yeah it's there there they also just rolled out I haven't seen it implemented yet, but street parking is generally 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and they approved to extend it from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. So that's good for you guys. No, it means that it's because generally people come and park for the evening
Starting point is 01:33:49 they're usually home by 6 p.m it just means that they basically know that they can't use street parking as parking overnight gotcha yeah but they couldn't before either they could after 6 p.m they could leave oh but now they have to wait until 10 p.m but most people are in their house by six or seven god they're gouging the fuck out of you guys that's such a scam yeah between that and then they've changed a lot of the park into like five minute only or with with the kind of increase in like uh food delivery like doordash and all those it's a lot of outside restaurants a lot of the parking is just five minutes or pickup only for for those food services so right hey um it's you chose an interesting time to become an affiliate
Starting point is 01:34:43 right you've been a crossfitter for a long time and it's it's during just some like i don't know chaotic or dramatic or exciting times um but it was a no-brainer for you huh you wanted to do it yeah it it was kind of a thing of what why does it take until now and maybe it just, it still felt like the right time. You chose a brand that's kind of, you chose a company that's kind of going through a lot of changes, getting rocked at sea in a city that's getting completely rocked. We had, we had the Joe and Gigi in this morning doing grace at 545. Who's Joe and Gigi?
Starting point is 01:35:30 Biden. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, awesome. Their meal last night was at the Legion of Honor, which is very close to where our gym is. So all the, like, there were so many cop cars went up and down the street at the front of our gym yesterday. It was insane.
Starting point is 01:35:52 And when does he leave? When do they leave? I think it ends Sunday maybe or maybe tomorrow even it ends. But, yeah, last night they had this big meeting at the Legion of Honor, which is you probably know where that is. It's like up in the top West corner of the, of the city. Where are they staying?
Starting point is 01:36:12 Are they staying at the same hotel? I don't know if they're staying at the same hotel. I know Biden's staying at the Fairmont. Okay. Okay. I don't know. There's that many. I'm sure they're kind of spreading them around,
Starting point is 01:36:24 but yeah. Wild man. For people who don't know. I'm sure they're kind of spreading them around. Yeah. Wild, man. For people who don't know, the city is really small, San Francisco, and really tight. You can walk the whole city if you have time. Yeah. Whenever my parents came over from Ireland for our wedding, it's the biggest city that they've ever been to, but I was trying to tell them, Oh,
Starting point is 01:36:47 this is a really small city. And they were like, based on where we live, we're in the troubles. I spent so much time walking the city. I used to love walking there. What a great place. I used to do it with my wife,
Starting point is 01:37:00 my current wife. Yeah. We had so much fun walking there. Do you have any advice for people who are in the pipeline now, people about opening a new affiliate, anything that you'd like to share with them? I mean, I know people say that you shouldn't just open it out of passion alone and
Starting point is 01:37:23 that you should be looking at it as a business and that is is very true but it takes a lot of passion to be able to try and continually turn up hour after hour for class to kind of reset do it again reset do it again you gotta you you have to love doing this if you're going to commit that much time to it. That is if you're going to do as much of it by yourself or along with your partner as we are. But there's obviously a reason that someone wants to do it. So if it's there and you see that you could build this community, then I would tell them to go for it. But definitely do your homework.
Starting point is 01:38:07 I've done a lot of Chris Cooper's. I had his Start a Gym book. I read it. I listened to it. I absorb a lot of their content online. I spoke to Matt for probably an hour about a year or more than a year ago and just went through a lot of the different challenges and and he gave me a ton of advice talk to other gym owners ask them what the good and bad parts of are about it but when you hear all of that and you hear that it's maybe not
Starting point is 01:38:42 this money-making thing and you still want to do it, well, then there's something telling you that you should probably do it. Just be prepared to work hard when you open it. How did you know to look at Chris Cooper's work? How did you know about Two Brain Business? Probably through this podcast or through the original CrossFit podcast you've done with him. Wow.
Starting point is 01:39:04 So you've consumed a ton of content yeah yeah like i work as a construction manager i most of my projects have been around the barry and now i'm in the north bay a lot but commutes are an opportunity to just absorb content kind of quieter hours or when I'm just doing like more mindless activities for work just kind of like have something running in my ear that it's helping to learn from do you think let me say something pretty extreme here do you think it's just fucking crazy to open a crossfit gym and not read at least one of cooper's books a two-brain business book yeah like it's he at the time at the time i was absorbing it he was not even he was not an affiliate with crossfit i
Starting point is 01:40:00 don't think at the time but it's like still he is deeply rooted in crossfit most of his content he'll talk about other micro gyms and other forms of training but it is so applicable to a crossfit gym that it's it is your it's it is your manual for what you kind of need to get in place what you need to consider um crossfit themselves do provide a like manual as well what i found was that they wouldn't provide it until you paid the affiliation and like well i have to go through so many steps before i pay the affiliation that most of the stuff that you're telling me in the book i've already gone through having his information before that definitely helped. I reached out and wanted to secure the affiliate name.
Starting point is 01:40:52 And then they were like, you can't fully lock it in. We'll hold it, but we can't fully lock it in until you give us the affiliation fee. And in order to give the affiliation fee, you need to give proof of insurance for the premises. And I'm like do you know how many steps are involved before getting to there so i secured the name and had to keep extending it and extending it because they give me like a three month time frame okay you can have the name pay within three months they're like i can't even find a property within
Starting point is 01:41:23 nine months so So right. Until I found it. If someone had, it came along and wanted the name, they could have taken it off. But, but they accommodated you though. Even though it was a pain in the ass, they accommodated you.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Yeah. The lady I dealt with, I can't recall her name right now, but she, she was helpful. Yeah. Most people aren't, most people aren't trying to get a gym in San Francisco, right.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Or which is, which needs 20 gyms. I, I trip whenever I have Cooper on that, someone would open a business and not utilize two brain as a business. Every time I have them on the numbers are crazy the difference between people who use him and the people who don't like the whole doubling in revenue is kind of fucking like uh you should at least go fucking look what he's saying yeah like i spoke to matt about it as well and and matt suza yeah they when they say people who work with Tubrian people who don't that is like people who are under their mentorship and people who don't there's still people who absorb all of
Starting point is 01:42:34 their content and are able to kind of run a gym successfully like Souza I don't think that Souza ever went through the full had a mentor from Tubrian but he definitely used a lot of the content from two brain and i with that advice went down a similar path um i think it's just an expenditure thing for people and it would be for me as well definitely from day one it's like my my rent is super high my utilities all everything that it takes to just get this thing open is super high. Do I need to add a mentorship on top of that right away? It's not to say you don't even need to, you could get the shit free from the book. When he was on here, he said something so interesting, or I saw it somewhere.
Starting point is 01:43:20 He basically said 95% of the stuff we do is for free. or I saw it somewhere. He basically said 95% of the stuff we do is for free and the mentorship is really at its heart just expedites it. So you can do it all on your own, but if you get the mentorship, things might move a little faster. But like he really believes in the model of giving stuff away for free. I mean, it just- Yeah, no.
Starting point is 01:43:38 The amount of things that- The latest podcast you had with him, the amount of times that he said, oh yeah, we just donated that money. oh yeah, we just donated that money. And yeah, we just donated that money. Yeah. It almost feels like he's not doing it, running this as a business to make money.
Starting point is 01:43:52 He's just running it to help others run their business. Weird how that works. Yeah. Pedro from Coffee Pods and Wads. Has he been? I'm late. Has Rory been mercilessly mocked about his accent? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:11 The northern accent is much nicer than Pedro's southern accent. Brother, thanks for coming on. Thanks for sharing all the stories. And, yeah, stay in touch touch i'm curious how it goes let me know if yeah let me know if you're ever in the area in santa cruz we're on basically opposite ends of the bay but you're a cool dude congratulations on your gym thanks for doing what you're doing just from this is just from being a citizen of planet planet earth it's cool you know you're doing the right thing it's like something when you do have kids you can be proud of yeah i save people's lives for a living so it's cool
Starting point is 01:44:47 yeah if you ever want to i know you sent if you ever want to take the kids up and walk go and get bridge or something our gym is oh yeah cool i do five minutes of the gym so yeah all right brother thank you no problem thank you great to have you on uh rory from fear yeah fear how do you say it i say it fear a lot of our members say fior as well but fior fear fitness in in san francisco drop in great gym thanks buddy have a good day all right cheers ciao Balls of steel No doubt What was Rory's last name? Marlo Rory Marlo
Starting point is 01:45:32 Fuck balls of steel My goodness I say this from the bottom of my heart, from the top of my heart, from the center of my heart. I say this to you. You have to understand this. You have to understand this. understand this Democrats and Joe Biden and all those people in that cohort they fucking hate
Starting point is 01:46:13 black people they fucking hate you it's worse than they want to kill you they want you to suffer and wallow they've done imagine everything you could do to hurt black people oh we have something worse than them than slavery we're gonna let them think that they're free but we're gonna keep them as slaves you
Starting point is 01:46:41 you think oh seven's lost his mind this is some crazy shit this is some fucking hyperbole dude what would you do if you wanted to really really hurt people with melanated skin I'll tell you what you do the first thing you do is you make sure that they can't read write or do math
Starting point is 01:47:00 that's the first thing you do tell us what happened when San Francisco decided to do algebra 1 out of 8th grade It has been a disaster. For 10 years, since 2014, by moving Algebra 1 out of the eighth grade with the idea that African-American kids would have a bump up in their academic math, it hasn't been the case. Only 9% of African-American kids at San Francisco Unified School District are proficient in math. And this is over 10 years. Where's the victory there? You cannot get the calculus as a high school student in San Francisco Unified, which is in the middle of Silicon Valley. Think about that. People with money and resources, they just work around it. While the kids whose families either don't know or don't have the
Starting point is 01:47:37 resources, they're stuck. The results of a Stanford study show that there's been no achievement gains for African-American kids over the last 10 years. This was a Stanford study that was published in March of this year. I say it with peace and love. They fucking hate us. My black brothers and sisters, they hate us. Do not fall for their shit anymore. They support the killing of our babies in the wound they don't want us to be educated and they won't protect us with police officers they've tricked us to hate police
Starting point is 01:48:15 officers so we can kill each other it's a full-blown fucking war against us from that party stop worrying about the... It's okay that Donald Trump wants a Jew to be his accountant over a black guy. That's not racist. It's called just discernment. Thank you. So peace and love. Did I already say that? That is with peace and love did i already say that that is with peace and love
Starting point is 01:48:47 no you said it from the bottom of your heart to start with now you're saying with peace and love yeah that's better because i don't even i don't even know though i don't understand heart talk the bottom the top the main valve damn i've had a scratchy throat for a few days now i wonder what's going on yeah when i heard you talking
Starting point is 01:49:04 i just wonder if there was something wrong with you. Nothing, nothing. Dude, I got some. Oh, but before I say anything bad about coffee, listen, listen. Crazy Black Friday sale. Crazy Black Friday sale. Paper Street Coffee
Starting point is 01:49:25 P-A-P-E-R-S-T Coffee Don't spell out street Paper Seamen Coffee You You want to get tea there It's three teas for the price of one It's going to be a very short window
Starting point is 01:49:45 very short window look it hasn't even popped out yet it's gonna be i don't know what is black friday is that racist uh black friday should be look at the asian girl's gonna buy some tea should be next friday judy that was too easy judy who wants to call in and see that the phone's working what a beast i am i got this shit working now fucking i got this shit working although this one i got it working last night i don't even know how and um this is all fucked up let me call suit let me fuck you guys don't call me. I'm gonna call Sousa My call Sousa Oh Livermore, California, you think that's him maybe oh Shit it's not working
Starting point is 01:50:40 You hear anything no Do you hear anything? No. What a mess. I swear it was working last night. It won't even call him. Maybe someone should call me. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:51:02 Do you hear that? Yeah. Oh, that's a good sign. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Here we go. They're working.
Starting point is 01:51:15 Oh, my goodness. You sound good. Where are you calling from? Texas. Oh, shit. That's awesome. Oh shit that's awesome That means that's good That's far away That means people can call from far away on this phone
Starting point is 01:51:29 Long distance Hey do you like Do you like Wendy's? No You fucked a joke up Oh my god My sister texted me after I told that joke. She's like, you're stupid.
Starting point is 01:51:52 Cool. What's up, dude? What are you doing? Are you eating carrots? What are you doing? What's up, Doc? Eating some grapes. Actually, eating some watermelon.
Starting point is 01:51:59 Eating some watermelon and grapes. All right. Yeah. All right, brother. I love you. Thanks for testing it out. All right. No problem. All right. Yeah. All right, brother. I love you. Thanks for testing it out. All right. No problem.
Starting point is 01:52:06 All right. Late. God, what a great line. I need that too. And in the sound bites, what's up doc? Bugs bunny is such a G.
Starting point is 01:52:17 What's up doc? What's up doc? Man, I started hurting. My inside started hurting a little bit. Thinking about filming the L1 again. I just... Welcome to the Sevan Podcast, the big and best podcast in the crossfit space and soon breaking out of the ecosystem to take over the world how can i help you oh awesome you got the phone working
Starting point is 01:52:55 let a play a play i don't even know how dude i came in here last night and just was just diddling it it's like when my wife has an orgasm. I don't know how, but like, I fucking feel like I was, if I was in the room. Just press every button. If I was in the state, I'm taking credit. I don't know how it happened. Hey, did you see the text thread with Tommy G? No.
Starting point is 01:53:30 the, the tech said with Tommy G no, it looks like our, our, our guest cat class pots again, man. He's with that Ricky guy from San Francisco who we've been trying to get on the show right now. Awesome. They're together. That is awesome. Yeah. He's in the Bay area until, until the end of the weekend. And I reached out to Ricky, too, and it looked like that was our end. Because I was like, dude, Tommy G's coming on the show. Let's get you scheduled. And he's like, all right. So now I'm in communication with him to lock down the day here pretty soon.
Starting point is 01:53:56 Oh, my God. Hey, let me call you. I'm going to try calling Tommy G right now. Hold on. Hold on. All right. Yeah, do it. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:54:02 Okay. I'm going to try calling on my phone So that you Because he won't recognize the The land Oh the podcast That is crazy What's that guy's name That guy's name is Ricky
Starting point is 01:54:12 Ricky yeah They were together The whole morning It was funny Watching it on Ricky's Instagram Hi this is Tom What are you doing Oh
Starting point is 01:54:21 Uh Okay You might be filming it might be on live on the air I'm going to send him a link and see if he'll come on with and see if he'll come on with
Starting point is 01:54:38 pop on for five minutes and then and then i'm gonna send him a little heart yeah that'll get him the heart yeah you know you want to know a little uh tidbit about uh dave castro yeah um well inside dave doesn't use any emojis ever i i could definitely believe that he doesn't seem like an emoji guy yeah no emojis like a hard a hard pass on the emojis hard he's missing out yeah wild hey that dude's cool as shit the fiori guy that's two cool affiliate owners hey my sister even called me yesterday and she even liked that affiliate series. I was.
Starting point is 01:55:27 Oh, my God. Caleb just pulled this up. Hold on, Suza. He's going to play this. OK, go ahead. Go ahead, Caleb. Tommy G out here. And we just got some film over here.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Individuals, you know, doing the San Francisco most. My people right here. Oh, the San Francisco least. OK. My here. Oh, the San Francisco least. Okay. My boy got an ankle monitor on though. Look at that. I ain't telling on you, brother. I ain't going to tell on you like that.
Starting point is 01:55:55 I ain't going to tell on you like that. Come on. But it's not telling if you can't get in trouble though. That's the problem out here, Tommy G, that you really't get in trouble though that's the problem out here tommy g that you really cannot get in trouble out here for anything you can't get in trouble for anything so it's really uh people are walking around the street with impunity they got uh ankle monitor on and they just out here smoking dope it's crazy uh i'm really trying to figure out how everything is working i'm here with my boy damn i'm so stoked for them suza this is so good yeah that's cool right saves us a drive out there
Starting point is 01:56:33 well he actually put a thing in his uh i think it might have been in that post and he's like if you want to film something or do anything, reach out. And I think that's his actual number. He just dropped in there. Oh, he just said a number. No, it should be in the comments or something. I forget where I saw it. Oh, I, I, he just texted me back and he says he's in back-to-back meetings. He said he's going to really try, but we'll be gone by then. But I'm going to just take a, I'm'm gonna take a picture of the screen and show it to
Starting point is 01:57:07 him yeah that's awesome yeah this is so cool i'm so stoked for them i know i wish i would have known that they would have uh come out or it was coming out and getting together would have been cool to try to arrange something with both of them. Jake Chapman says emojis are gay. I think he means like homosexual. I try to use one for every... Emojis are kind of stupid. I'm okay with that. That is impossible.
Starting point is 01:57:37 For emojis to be gay? They're not sexual creatures? Yeah, how are they going to have a sexual preference? Get out of here with that. That's misinformation. All right. Good show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:55 I have some deep, deep, deep state shit I need to share with you. Oh, man, I have a story for you. I was almost going to tell it right now, but I think I'm going to wait. I'm going to tell you first and then I'll, then we'll see. All right. Okay. I'll meet later. Okay. I'm going to call you soon. I'm taking the boys to the skate park. Cause it's not going to rain for another three hours and then it's going to get fucking crazy, dude. Hey, what's going to happen tomorrow with your 10-year? We don't have a part of the reigns considered?
Starting point is 01:58:30 Yeah, it's going to be dumping tomorrow. I don't know if it is out here. We've checked it so far. We might not hit it. And if we do, it's not a big deal. We have a contingency plan. It wasn't focused outside anyway, so we're fine. I just sniffled my nose, and I muted you instead of my mic.
Starting point is 01:58:50 Nice. That shows how much you care about the viewers, huh? Hey, hold on. I'm going to make Sousa stay quiet for a second so you can hear me snort. That backfired. You think I should call Horvat on the new phone celebrate laura laura i don't know did we reach our minimum required distance from the last call yet no it's definitely um we have to have that that minimum time frame yeah
Starting point is 01:59:21 all right um yeah alright oh what's his name oh we have a podcast today at 4 yeah the closet update show yeah you know Taylor oh I should call Taylor alright I'll give you a call later
Starting point is 01:59:44 I'll give you a call later. I'll give you a call soon. All right. Bye. Bye. We should call Taylor. I bet you he's going to flake. No way he'll answer. But I think he said he's going to come on.
Starting point is 01:59:57 Yeah, I'm just saying I bet he flakes on the show today. What do you think? Yeah, because he's doing the Charlotte Classic right now. show today. Oh, you think? Yeah, because he's doing the Charlotte Classic right now. Are there any photos on his Instagram of maybe like him start kicking off the Charlotte Classic? Let's see what's going on. Taylor's supposed to come on the show today at 4 with John Young and Pedro Taylor wants to go through every single CrossFit Games athlete like give him a thumbs up
Starting point is 02:00:36 or a thumbs down I don't even know what the criteria is perception hey this is Taylor if you could leave your name and phone number and a brief message, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you. Bye.
Starting point is 02:00:50 At the tone, please record your message. When you've finished recording, you may hang up or press 1 for more options. Hey, Taylor, do you like Wendy's? You know, Wendy's nuts slapping you across your face. Chin on your balls, buddy. Balls, no, sorry. Balls on your chin, buddy. Man, they're going at it.
Starting point is 02:01:16 I think he had the class to work out first. Someone's going to get a splinter. There'll be a lawsuit and we'll shut down the gym. He works there. What's Taylor's relationship with CF Charlottesville? That's Hendel's gym and he works there. I think Hendel's like his mentor, his father. Hendel works there?
Starting point is 02:01:46 I don't know. Andy Handel owns it. Spencer Handel's dad. Oh, wow. I didn't know that. You literally offered to suck Taylor's dick. You literally, literally. It was not illiterately.
Starting point is 02:02:02 You illiterately offered to suck taylor's hello no no no no everything's good here everybody's working working hard nobody has left their desks all day i've been keeping an eye on them a high on them. I've been doing my tailors on overhead squats. I've only done 100 in the last
Starting point is 02:02:34 eight years. Your mobility? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I'm going to have to see it. Yeah. I don't know if I can do 10 with 75, but definitely with the 45-pound bar, my mobility is easily as good as – I'm going to go put on a pair of Long Johns right now. Do it.
Starting point is 02:02:53 So this is what I was going to tell you about coffee, and then I'm going to leave you alone. Get your tea. Get your Wolverine. Get your Wolverine. Wolverine is going to have a crazy 30% off too, sale. percent off to sale oh someone told me that they bought the $700 bottle from California peptides what of the of the weight loss bottle really yeah they said it's working they said it's five weeks worth and it's working oh you just do it like once a week or something trip trip trip trip trip trip trip trip what is it fucking where is that uh ca peptides
Starting point is 02:03:38 all right uh here we go it's called um Here we go. It's called Tessamorlin? Terzepatide. Terzepatide. Terzepatide. I wonder how much it would cost to get just a bottle of everything. I wonder how much it would cost to get just a bottle of everything.
Starting point is 02:04:10 At least over $1,000. I think I just saw two vials. One was, this is $700 and the other one was $300. But the rest are pretty, I mean, relatively cheap. Someone was asking me how to take it. I like fuck i don't know i all i take every bottle that i've gotten i just can i just split into um um overhead schlong squats yes every every um look at dad the three kiddos every uh bottle I get I just divide it by ten Oh that shit works It does work
Starting point is 02:04:50 That stuff works Oh that bottle goes against Everything affiliates stand for So if you want to put your affiliate Out of business make sure you buy a bottle Of Tersepet of Terzapatide. Terzapatide. Hey, dude.
Starting point is 02:05:11 Jake, let me ask you this. I'm with you. I hear you. I hear you. I don't agree. I think I don't agree with you, but let me ask you this. that is way fucking more benign than a fucking stomach staple or a cut out a section of your fucking intestine i mean i wouldn't even consider those in the same fucking world would you and so if you're you know you're supposed to weigh 180 and you weigh 360 and you want, you fucking want to try that.
Starting point is 02:05:46 I ain't hating on you. That's for sure. Seve loves taking shortcuts. So I was drinking. Oh, look at this. Wow. The phone is on fire uh mr hiller
Starting point is 02:06:07 hello oh fuck two we reached our two phone call limit i ran out of minutes hello hello damn it doesn't work anymore damn it hello uh hold on hold on let me see if i can reconnect it yeah hold on hold on damn that sucks god that sucks i thought i had tracked the code they can kind of hear you you're just on speaker phone how about now i can hear you oh good okay here we go okay go ahead i can hear caleb cool you think terzapatide works i know it works you you gave it to a client or you took some? I've had a couple of clients use it, all of which, from what I can tell, it gives them – when you're a human growing up, you eventually just become someone who consumes too much food when you're overweight. It gives them an awareness of how much food they should consume. Oh, oh, oh oh oh oh so you get on it it you're not hungry and then you realize wow i can live on a sandwich and a banana
Starting point is 02:07:33 every day no problem and so then when you get off of it you kind of recalibrate calibrate and don't eat like an asshole there you go perfect and i think right before I called, I heard you say it's less benign than what? Or it's more benign than having a section of your fucking large intestine cut out. Right, right, right. Because here's what I look at it as. You can go get that done, which you need doctor approval. And I've actually got a close friend who's obese, has been overweight his entire life and is my age, 32, and went to go see if he was a candidate for it. And they said no, which he shouldn't be because he's my age. Go eat healthy, they said. But then he got on Ozempic and is down 40 pounds, which is the same sort of compound as the one that starts with a t that i can't pronounce terzepatide triseptide triseptide
Starting point is 02:08:35 and in both cases it's my opinion that you can re enlarge your stomach so you can slowly become obese again like slowly make your stomach the same size it was, or you can lose that new awareness of how much food you need to eat and still eat and become too big. So with what Jake Chapman just said, it's true. It goes against everything, but at least it gives them a newfound awareness. Give me an example of how it goes against everything. What do you mean it goes against everything? Just like hard work, personal accountability. Did you and I have the eating disorder conversation?
Starting point is 02:09:13 I'm sure. That's half the time we're on the phone we talk about our eating disorder. Like 15-year-old girls. I was going to make an entire video on this but we can talk about it where right underneath eat meat and vegetables nothing seeds a little starch no sugar it says eat that eat for amounts of food that only allow for exercise and no more no excess body fat and fitness in 100 words right and i think kind of at the base of that statement is where a lot of eating disorders are founded, or at least modern day eating disorders. I think that bulimia and anorexia are totally things that
Starting point is 02:09:54 happen, but just like not everyone needs ADD medication, not everyone has an eating disorder. Sometimes if you eat too much one day, you should work out more the next day. Right. And that's the conversation that I'm talking about. eat too much one day, you should work out more the next day. That's the conversation that I'm talking about. Your question was, how do you go against everything? The answer to that is because it's an ass around way of doing the same thing. You would like for people to figure it out on their own,
Starting point is 02:10:25 but in the same light as Coca-Cola is a company and they make billions of dollars and we don't like it. It's kind of what they do with their product that people are going to buy anyway. People are gonna, either people are going to be fat or they're going to get in shape. And if you can give them an out and now they've, and now they've found a new way, I'm kind of,
Starting point is 02:10:48 cause I've had clients go through it and I've worked with them for years. And I've tried to like do every ass around way to get them to lose weight. And then they take the stuff and then they stop taking it and they're not reliant on it anymore. And they keep the weight off. How about this? I all, a lot of people take ayahuasca or LSD or they take these drugs, I haven't done it anymore. They keep the weight off. How about this? I, I all, um,
Starting point is 02:11:08 a lot of people take ayahuasca or LSD or they take these, um, drugs, these medicinal drugs, these medicinal, this plant medicine. Um, I think, I think that's more cheating than,
Starting point is 02:11:15 um, just going off and, uh, doing a 10 day silent, uh, retreat with no eye contact with other humans. I think, I think Ozempic and Terzapatide is less cheating than,
Starting point is 02:11:24 um, taking ayahuasca because that one, what does ayahuasca do for you? other humans i think i think ozempic and terzepatide is less cheating than i'm taking ayahuasca because that one what does ayahuasca do so basically you take ayahuasca you have this fucking experience and you realize that you don't know everything and you get for you for a lot of people it's their first time tapping into the unknown and once you tap into the unknown this these are the cliff notes you start to realize you start to cultivate an awareness that there's something out there that's greater than you or or or maybe that god exists right or that there's one consciousness you start you start tapping into some shit that you might not be aware of just on your day-to-day fucking autopilot mode because you're stuck in the matrix but if you fucking take
Starting point is 02:12:00 these drugs a part of you is always like in the back well maybe it was just the drugs but if you do that shit on your own and you walk off into the fucking forest and you fucking sit in lotus position and fucking um uh commit to fucking no action and stillness you have the experience that you and you did it you know what i mean and there's no question you're like oh fuck i witnessed something that's like that wasn't uh chem induced. And what I'm saying is this terzepatide, it's a more real experience than fucking taking ayahuasca because you're using it to, like you said, to sort of recalibrate. There are levels to it. Ayahuasca is an extreme for his epitides in the middle
Starting point is 02:12:47 but it's on the spectrum yeah but yeah but but i don't think you're questioning like you know i think that that's a perfect example i had that same experience that you're talking about using some other drugs in college when i was uh taking mdma for like a month straight i fucking basically just stopped eating that was like one of the best things i figured out from it and i did have that experience you're saying you're saying i was like holy shit it takes so little to sustain life and and once you're aware of it you can do stuff such as don't eat for a day and then eat the next day right and it's like yeah it's fine if i just eat a fucking apple and a fucking uh just like the eating the steak and apple diet makes total sense to you once you know that if you're like yeah i get it that's the hunter mcintyre special
Starting point is 02:13:34 uh zach my sister take man you know your knowledge zach my sister takes ozempic um she wouldn't change her habit she's lost like 70 pounds and looks great but it's soft as hell i hate the working hard the last few months on my weight loss journey with the pill well zach but what if she did work out that i i get that but what if you what if you take what if you take that drug and you um and you're working out well it's big in bodybuilding and you brought up, God, I can't pronounce it, but I just like to call it ozempic.
Starting point is 02:14:09 We go to your semi-glutide because it's all the same shit. What is it that you compared it to? You compared it to a tummy tuck or a gastric bypass. Right, right. Right? It's not as bad as a gastric bypass.
Starting point is 02:14:24 And in the bodybuilding community, it's not as bad as a gastric bypass and in the bodybuilding community it's not as bad as taking clenbuterol are you aware of what clenbuterol is no no it makes you skinny sucks down oh gets rid of all the water i think it might play a little bit of a role in that but the main thing that it does is that there will be bodybuilders who are in such a huge calorie deficit they're in their final days and weeks leading up to a contest uh bodybuilding show where they're standing on stage and they're trying to lose as much body fat as possible but they're in such a calorie deficit that they can't move they can't work out they can't sit on a bike they can't walk so they take clenbuterol which will make them shake.
Starting point is 02:15:10 It basically bumps your heart rate and it makes you shake and it increases your BMR. Oh, that's what, do you know that? That's why little dogs shake. Did you know that? Because they're cold? No, but, but it's, it's the body's mechanism for producing body heat. It's a, wow, that's crazy. And that's what clenbuter all does shakes you so you yeah so so it just like it makes your body it makes your heart rate elevate
Starting point is 02:15:30 and you'll shake and it's super dangerous but it's also a tried and true method for bodybuilders to lose a little bit of extra body fat towards the end of their uh contest preparation and recently they've shifted uh semi-glutide and it's well, well, it's not the best, it's better. Here, let me read this, what Christine Young is saying, because I think we all are agreeing. You should be teaching yourself to eat healthy. Check. Taking something to get skinny does not make you healthy inside.
Starting point is 02:15:58 Check. If I'm skinny and putting bad stuff in my body, I'm still not healthy. Check. I agree, but what i'm saying is if you are um doing if you're doing cross if you're exercising seven days a fucking week and you've been doing that for uh two or three years and uh and you're still 60 pounds overweight and it's your diet yeah it's your diet and i don't and at some point like i don't i don't and you're a grown-ass adult i don't have a problem with you i don't have a
Starting point is 02:16:31 problem i don't think you experimenting with um terzapatide versus meth or or whatever i just it's different than what my dad's girlfriend different than what Zach was saying. Hey, there was a, we, uh, one second. Um, Zach is saying he doesn't like the fact that his sister got skinny fat from, from, uh, taking drugs. But, but, um, um, when we did the first killing the fat man, Gary Roberts went to a gym and he met a lady there and he did a video on her and the lady got did gastric bypass surgery and she went from 280 pounds to 135 pounds.
Starting point is 02:17:07 But she'd never felt worse in her life. Then she found CrossFit and she got back up to 155 pounds and she said, man, I wish I would have never done the gastric bypass. I wish I just would have done found CrossFit and tried that first. How come? Why'd you say that? Because well, because when she had the gastric bypass, it put her on meds for the rest of her life because the section of her intestine or whatever they took out was the part of the intestine that absorbs certain vitamins and minerals that she no longer had so she had to supplement it's insane it was insanity yeah but but i agree you don't want to you'd rather be um uh 30 pounds overweight and do crossfit than be skinny fat fucking i i i totally agree but um
Starting point is 02:17:49 but i don't think anyone should be if you're supposed to weigh 180 and you're 360 and you want to try that shit like i i ain't hating there's no way i can hate like did you here here's something for you the other days that you were watching the bears game and you realize how niche we are yeah with t Tyson and his handstand walk comment, right? Oh yeah, that's average to us, but everyone else thinks it's fucking crazy. That's how niche the people
Starting point is 02:18:14 listening to this podcast are too. When you put that into perspective, yeah, of course, just eat better. Just tell everyone to eat better, but they're fucking not going to. It's going to take billions of people and they're going to look at something like this and it's going to give them a newfound awareness and the whole world's going to lose weight and be healthier.
Starting point is 02:18:32 And if a high percentage of those people are going to be like my clients where they're like, Hey, I haven't taken this drug in a year. And I still know that I don't need to eat that much. And this client went from 265 to 225. Yeah. And then one year later they haven't need to eat that much. And this client went from two 65 to two 25. Yeah. And, and then one year later they haven't gone over to 35 cause they just know they're like,
Starting point is 02:18:50 Hey, I don't need to eat this much, but I didn't know before. That's where I stand with it because I couldn't fucking do shit to convince him otherwise. Cause he looks at handstand walkers and thinks they're crazy. Right. Uh,
Starting point is 02:19:03 if you're adding a better way, way someone said if you're adding affiliate this shouldn't even be an option i i don't know i i i actually i don't think it should be on the wall no but i actually did go i did a piece on a guy at an affiliate who had lost 50 pounds he'd gone from 400 to 350 and then the other members were like dude he's been going here 10 years dude like like they were like they were like shitting, he's been going here 10 years, dude. Like they were shitting on him. There's this guy who is at Rogue in the Paper Street
Starting point is 02:19:32 booth and he has a podcast called Cancel Culture Podcast. Cancel Culture. No, what's it called? I think I watched it. Counter Culture Podcast. Did he have Travis on? Yeah, and he seems like a cool dude he's from the like he's like been a crossfitter for like three years i think he was a pretty decent podcaster yeah i agree too yeah he's a good podcaster totally he listens yeah he there was something
Starting point is 02:19:57 in there he said before when i found crossfit like three years ago or when i was in this strong man bodybuilding world or whatever world he was in, I think it was strongman. He said, we used to look at over at CrossFit and we'd be like, man, those are like the gun totem libertarian. That's the gun totem libertarian brand. And, oh boy. Yeah. And that was so, and those are like, those are like country folk that exercise, you know what I mean? Like a Colton Mertens, Rich Froney, like Rich sits on his deck and shoots a gun. You know what I mean? They don they don't swim in those they don't swim in a pool they swim in a pond you know what i mean like that shit's like weird to fucking city dwellers like the first time you go to rich's house if you're from like boston and you see they swim
Starting point is 02:20:37 in a pond you're like what the fuck is going on here leeches um i thought that was so and then he said it's kind of weird how woke culture is like um sinking into crossfit coming into crossfit and i just thought that that was interesting i'm just adding that there's no point to what i'm saying but that's adding to that a perspective like yeah for us i get why everyone in the comments like fucked her zepatide the same reason that they're like is that is that what they're saying yeah they're saying yeah yeah they're saying? Yeah, yeah. They're like, fuck you. I could imagine that. Yeah, you and Hill are just trying to make money for peptide shit like that.
Starting point is 02:21:09 I mean, all like nothing mean. Just like, yeah, I want nothing that's a lie. No, I mean, yeah. No, here's the thing. I wouldn't say it if I didn't see it work because i know i put a video out i don't know eight ten twelve months ago saying don't do this but then i've had clients use it since because it's been making the waves and they've caught word of it and they've used it and it's worked and you can't deny it it's like i don't know man
Starting point is 02:21:46 I don't really know like what sort of An analogy to use but it's just once you See it And they're and they're they're doing great Why did you make the crossfit Commercial were you feeling bad for ass pounding Them so hard you were just like fuck I'm gonna Flip the script
Starting point is 02:22:01 How'd you like it Wasn't my cup of tea Too complicated Too complicated for me But I was wondering if it would be lost When I say that It's still a fucking 10 Like it's what needs to be made
Starting point is 02:22:16 Well for a couple of reasons I really enjoyed doing things That I think they should do And I do it for free and they don't do it at all Or like they couldn't pay someone $10,000 it for free and they don't do it at all. Yeah. Or like they couldn't, they couldn't pay someone $10,000 to do it because they don't know where to start.
Starting point is 02:22:29 Right. I thought I saw, Oh look, Matt Sousa called it brilliant, but he's, he's, he's like, he's a little smarter than me.
Starting point is 02:22:39 Yeah. It was probably maybe too smart. I was just rolling through Instagram and I was inspired. Yeah. I was rolling through Instagram and I was inspired. So I just started rolling with it. Alexis wasn't home yet. So I had 45 minutes or so.
Starting point is 02:22:50 Let me read the, Oh, do you need to start your workout? I heard something beep. No, that's from when it started. That's the 99 minute mark. Uh,
Starting point is 02:22:57 Jeremy world, legendary, uh, Scott Rippy. This is the content I'm here for. Uh, Matt Sousa. Brilliant.
Starting point is 02:23:04 Art, Arthur. Fantastic. I hope your 3 here for. Matt Souza, brilliant. Arthur, fantastic. I hope your 3.0 IG account is ready, brother. This is some hardcore stuff. 3.0 is deleted. The conversations that we are terrified of having are the first ones we should be having. Well done, sir. Twitter lady can count the reasons but not the calories.
Starting point is 02:23:20 Well done, young man. Oh, that's from Jeffrey Burchford. Philip Kelly says, this shit is fire. I'll suck your cock. Wow, that's weird. the world's most vexing problem well done hillar i'm ready to run through a wall holy shit that was rob he's cool yeah that's a pretty hardcore comment he's got a great affiliate down in miami travis bellinghausen doing God's work? Boca la rata. That's right. Crazy cool affiliate down there.
Starting point is 02:23:49 Yet most days he hates on CrossFit. Make up your mind. Oh, yeah. Let's read the comments in there. Nah, he's keeping it real. Omet the L1 from your bio. You need it. Will Branstad.
Starting point is 02:24:00 Do you think CrossFit is the people that work for the company and the people that participate in the company sport? When has he ever run down the methodology originally taught by Greg? He's critical of what HQ has become, the direction it is headed. Now they choose to apply standards and other aspects of the professional athletes in the space, not buying it or giving back to the community. However, I have not seen any critique of CrossFit as a means for gaining and maintaining health and wellness there's a difference between there's a difference between hating the institution and hating the methodology i don't even think you hate the institution you've just been like yo i don't know what they expect you can't send out a letter to
Starting point is 02:24:41 the affiliate saying that the affiliate director doesn't have an L1 and not expect like people to fall out of their seats laughing. You know, like you want to hear something. Do you remember that about that? You probably don't remember. But in the 90s, like there was this thing like you always saw, like whenever they showed black people laughing, they'd be falling out of their seats. Do you remember that? Like Arsenio Hall shit. And that's what that's what that was.
Starting point is 02:25:02 Like you sent out a letter to the affiliate saying the guy i mean i don't know i can't at some point i gotta be like hey you guys gotta meet hillary that's 51 your fault and i don't know like that was just weird go ahead go ahead what we can say how come monster only had one year of the games you want to know what i think i don't know this for a fact but you want to know what i think i do so i think i i think someone kicked him out who do you think someone is i think don fall told him we're done with that deal okay now tell me if that's true yeah i'm 99 i would i would bet i would bet 100 bucks on that. And I don't remember. I'm being honest. I don't remember who I heard that from or where. But my understanding was that it's true.
Starting point is 02:25:54 That what you said is true. Yeah, he said, did you hear that also that basically he's like, hey, man, I don't want to I don't want I don't think this aligns with the message we're trying to send, which. All right. Now hold that thought yeah who the hell hired the coons and growl well that's interesting i mean you know you know the coons whichever one worked at twitter twitter was the company and whoever's worked at facebook those are the companies that were against squatting below parallel and reducing refined carbohydrates. And they censored people for that. So that shit is weird.
Starting point is 02:26:31 You said it didn't align with the message. Yeah. And then does this? Does that? That's just an interesting thought. Right. That's all. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 02:26:44 Well, it well just a question mark you're saying like it's a dead-end road there like okay i buy that hey here's the thing too let me also just throw this in there to fuck with you guys greg would have totally accept the sponsorship from monster the same way that panda express was accepted dude he'd accept it from philip morris he would stand up and like, I will take money from anyone who wants to sponsor the fucking game. Let me tell you something. We ain't endorsing that. Any of your shit. Meaning...
Starting point is 02:27:12 But thanks for the money? Yeah, thanks for the money. But we ain't endorsing shit. How about McDonald's? Anyone. He'd have taken money from fucking anyone. He didn't get... He would have... But he would have... He wanted to sequester it all onto the game side, and then CrossFit could say anything they want about it. So he could
Starting point is 02:27:30 be like, Jesus. I mean, he said that about Reebok. Jesus, your shoes are horrible. You guys have 75 different pairs of shoes, and one of them are good. I mean, they hated that shit. He used to ass-pound. Reebok did. Yeah. He ass-pounded them. Well, I'm assuming that there was something in the contract that said he could do that.
Starting point is 02:27:45 Yeah, yeah. They cut out the non-disparagement shit. And then CrossFit only got a fraction of what they could have gotten, I'm sure. Right. Right. Dude, they made a shoe that was a knockoff of the Nano 2. And it looked just like the Nano 2 and fit like the nano 2 the materials were a little bit different it was a little bit heavier and they wanted to give greg money for that shoe
Starting point is 02:28:12 and i sat in a meeting in san francisco on the top floor with the ceo of reebok at the time uh matto tool and greg dave and nicole were there and g Greg said fuck you I don't want money from that shoe and they're like well we're going to sell it anyway he's like don't put my name on it and I don't want money from it and that shoe sold a shitload because he didn't want to it was a Reebok shoe they made a nano 2 knockoff
Starting point is 02:28:39 with just like lesser materials so it was cheaper for them and more money for green potentially. Yeah. But he didn't take it. I thought that was stupid. I was, I was,
Starting point is 02:28:53 I was all about it. He didn't want anyone fucking. He didn't want a lesser, lesser shoe represent affiliated with the brand. I think to tell you the truth, Greg hated the fact that he ever fell for the Reebok deal anyway. I think part of what he had done instead. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:29:11 Nothing. Nothing. Yeah. Just like, you know, I don't want to, but basically it would have gone the way you've been telling me some ideas about a video you're going to pitch.
Starting point is 02:29:21 You were telling me some ideas about a video you're planning on making. You were them by me and i think it would have gone more like that i don't want to give out any clues but i think things would have turned out more like how your video you were telling me about this idea oh interesting yeah uh-huh yeah different different pace i think everyone liked the reebok crossfit games they were. The Nano 2 was cool. They were fans of the shoe and the bright-colored jerseys and whatnot. And I know one of the biggest things at Royal Noble, other than their shipping, was the
Starting point is 02:29:53 color scheme. It's just cream-colored and gay. Well, I hated the Reebok colors. It reminds me of rad shit, but it's like 80s Jazzercise shit. It's like something... Oh, shit! Something that J.R. Howell's mom would wear. Damn. Damn. Fuck J.R. up.
Starting point is 02:30:10 Because she owns a yoga, shit, Pilates? What does she have? A jazzercise? Yeah, she's so gangster. Imagine holding onto a brand so long that it's fucking cool again. Man. That's cool. That's going to be, hey dude, I don't know what you guys were talking about before
Starting point is 02:30:26 i called in but i was watching marble racing yesterday with alexis wow you ever seen that no oh my god guess how guess so so dude dude it has four events this dude sets up all these apparatuses and there are these eight marbles oh i have seen this on youtube i have seen this this is actually kind of addicting i saw it not with marbles i saw with hot wheels i i'm assuming it's the exact same thing how many views did that have i can't remember but it was really cool all right this is beautiful this marble thing has somebody commentating it as if it's a race.
Starting point is 02:31:07 Because it is. And there's four events. And it's like, which marble wins? Or which color of marble wins? And dude, it does not matter. There's nothing different about the marbles. But it's the way the guy commentates over it. The way it's presented.
Starting point is 02:31:19 There's marbles in the stands. And 14 million views. And the entire CrossFit Games. You had a team with the best score. Eight million. Okay, hold on. We're going to watch a little bit about this. Wow.
Starting point is 02:31:33 Hold that stat. You got to say that stat again. Okay, go. Cumulatively from two runs. O'Rangers and Indigo Stars will get us going in this one. The O'Rangers have lost a couple farther back, but they do get one in the ten along with Indigo Stars. Remember, you don't want to end up in that catchphrase.
Starting point is 02:31:52 The Marble League. Is that the one with 14 million? No. Okay, so what were you saying? It has 14 million views? Yeah, and it's one video. And the CrossFit Games in its entirety, all the stuff that was streamed, is not even hitting 8 million.
Starting point is 02:32:14 All four days. Dude, you know this is so popular somewhere fucking weird, like some in Japan. It's Gels Marble Runs. G-E-L-L It's Gels Marble Runs. G-E-L-L-E-S Marble Runs. You know what's crazy? This makes me want to buy a bag of marbles. And then there's that. That's what the CrossFit Games is supposed to do, right?
Starting point is 02:32:37 Make you want to go do CrossFit? What's Danny Spiegel's account supposed to make you want to do? I don't know. Caleb, what does it make you want to do i don't know caleb what does it make you want to do go fast and eat ass run through a wall at the shattuckin oh all right hillard thank you thank you for blessing us ladies and gentlemen Andrew Hiller from Hillerfit when's your next video drop ideally it'll be out before 4 o'clock yeah thank you for saying publish
Starting point is 02:33:14 and not drop I think I'm one of the fucking buttery bros drop get your merch alright buy my whoop. Uh, talk to you guys.
Starting point is 02:33:26 Join the buttery bros. Talk to you guys soon. Uh, I'll talk to you at four o'clock for the official CrossFit games update show. Love you guys. Bye bye. Thanks Caleb.

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