The Sevan Podcast - For the Dad's | Live Call In Show

Episode Date: June 17, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Prime Day is here! With epic deals exclusively for Prime members, you'll feel like a winner. Behind door number three is Amazing Deals! Shop deals on electronics, home, and more this Prime Day. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news! We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply
Starting point is 00:00:45 hello hello hello bam we're live uh good morning guys ryan what's up dude money well spent i've been reading the uh comments on youtube about the behind the scenes 100 of the people are like damn that shit is good which is cool thank you patrick rios and will brandstetter matt souza they're killing it the one in uh noctil doesn't even have my involvement in it at all they they murdered it murdered it such a good job uh they were expressing concerns they were expressing concerns about about not knowing the athletes and just going up and talking to them. It's nerve-wracking, but they killed it.
Starting point is 00:01:30 They killed it. So thank you for the memberships. It's the memberships that make the world go round. So I appreciate you guys. Let me put up the live call-in number. Yesterday killed Taylor. No one won the money uh jody lynn bam happy father's day bam bam to you happy father's day to you too sabir and kelly happy father's day stevan thank you
Starting point is 00:01:54 happy father's day to you too matt schindeldecker good morning brother happy father's day oh that's the guy right there matt schindeldecker crossfit crave i keep getting excuse me i keep uh you know regularly once a week someone will ask me for matt's name they're like who's the guy who has the program at the uh affiliates who's that guy you know you know the guy that helps the kids the kids that like instead of going to jail they go to a crossfit gym for like nine weeks or 13 weeks who's that guy that's him right there matt schindeldecker, CrossFit Crave. Reach out to him. He's got a bunch of crazy successful programs.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Then you run through your CrossFit gym. And more importantly, instead of kids going to jail, they go to a program that puts them in a CrossFit community, CrossFit gym. Puts them in a CrossFit community, CrossFit gym. And it's crazy, not retention rate, crazy. You know when someone does something? Oh, recidivism, recidivism. Crazy low recidivism rate. Like much lower than all the other programs that people have tried. And I know I've told you guys this a million times,
Starting point is 00:03:05 but one of the coolest parts about the program is that when the kids go to the gym, the bad kids, the parole officers go to the gym with the kids and they work out with the kids.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And as we all know, as soon as you have like a hard workout with someone like that, you have a totally different bond with them. So that's cool. I love you, Daddy Seve.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Thanks. I don't mean to be a downer, but I'm not a big Father's Day person. Or Mother's Day. I don't know why. I wasn't as a kid either. I mean, I'd do it. I'd make my dad a macaroni and necklace or something, but I'm just not.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Lower recidivism. Thank you, Bernie, again. Lower recidivism, is that actually documented or just an opinion? It's actually documented. I mean, it's crazy low. You'd have to go back and watch the couple podcasts I've done with Schindeldecker. I'm sure he's going to be on again soon.
Starting point is 00:04:10 He's one of those guys that I like to have as a regular. Oh, even Greg just wished me a happy Father's Day. That's weird. I wouldn't think he'd be into that either. That's cool. I mean, I don't have a problem with it. It's not like a nose ring or something. When Schindeldecker was on the podcast, I want to say that they compared it because there's other programs, you know, like there's running programs for kids and all these other programs for the naughty kids.
Starting point is 00:04:34 You know, the kids who are slinging dope or being prostitutes or chronic thieves or, you know, the ones with the bad parents. But it's the the the difference is is huge it's like not even close so you can check it out uh ryan is today celebrating gay fathers yeah all the fathers gay fathers all the fathers all the fathers we can start with something depressing if you want they're they're they're very close to making it legal to sell babies in uh massachusetts it's crazy i don't know if you guys have seen this it passed the uh maybe i'll talk about it some other day it's kind of too heavy to talk about. Under the guise of protecting the rights of same-sex parents,
Starting point is 00:05:34 they've passed a law in Massachusetts that basically, they haven't passed it yet. It passed the House unanimously, 156 to 0. It hasn't passed the Senate there, but basically what they're going to do, I know I can't handle this topic either. It's a, it's a fucking crazy story. I don't know if I can handle this topic either, but basically you can, they're very close to making it so you can sell kids. So what's that look like?
Starting point is 00:05:55 That looks like if you're a pregnant woman and someone sees you on the street, they could come up to you and just be like, Hey, I'll buy that kid from you and you could sell your kid. And right now that's illegal. You're not allowed to do that. You're not allowed to buy that kid from you and you could sell your kid and right now that's illegal you're not allowed to do that you're not allowed to buy a kid and they have some they have some ways around they have you know like just just one final thing on it and then i'll leave it alone i'll bring it up some other time when i'm in a shitty mood but basically now if you want to adopt a kid from someone and you want to have a surrogate mom you it has to be planned you can't wait till she's pregnant and then offer money up and there was and that was happening in california
Starting point is 00:06:29 and three in the fbi did a sting and and arrested three people in california for doing it the wrong way for selling their babies after they were pregnant but massachusetts they're going to clear the way for that and it's under it's under some guise of uh it – they've positioned the law. I know I'm not explaining it well, and I'm not going to explain it well right here, but basically you'll understand the big picture. They're positioning the law so that it looks like it's helping same-sex parents protect their rights over their kids. Which you don't even – if you're inifornia you don't even have rights over your kids anyway after they turn 12 please pull your kids out of school do not send them to school uh curious uh recidivism the tendency of a convicted criminal to re-offend
Starting point is 00:07:17 the prison has succeeded in reducing recidivism for sale by owner is for houses not children it's like straight just slave trade okay I've been going to my my kids been doing this camp. It's called the Waterman's Camp in Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 00:07:49 And it's taught by this guy who's a local legend. Young guy. 30. Surf's Mavericks. If you don't know what Mavericks is, go ahead and look it up. I think it's probably it's got to be the biggest wave in the United States for sure. Super famous, uh, surf spot. Uh, when it goes off, people fly in from all over the world to surf the spot, huge waves, huge, huge, huge, you know, like the 50 footers, a great guy, a three hour course,
Starting point is 00:08:21 a great guy, a three hour course, eight 30 to 1230. Um, the kids, uh, swim out there. They work out, they do a lot of run,
Starting point is 00:08:30 swim, run. It's like a junior guards, but on roids. And it's a small class, six kids, 10 kids, four kids.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Oh, look, there's Caleb from the star link. Hey dude. Good morning. Good morning. Oh, I can barely hear you.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Can you hear the air conditioner if I turn it up? Nope. Perfect. Is it hot outside? Yeah, it's like, well, probably not hot for you, but it's like 87 and really humid. Oh, you know what's interesting? When you talk, I can hear it. It's not bad, though. But when you talk, something happens to the microphone, and it sounds like it talks. When you talk, if you wouldn't have said it, I wouldn't have noticed it. Okay. If it keeps going, then I'll just open my windows. No, no. It's fine. You be very, very comfortable. I don't want to see a bead of sweat roll off that forehead. Hey, is that a – you got a Vindicate shirt on? Yeah. Nice. I got it at a, he had a pop-up at my local, at the affiliate that I go to.
Starting point is 00:09:36 And he was just selling a bunch of stuff. And so I, my wife likes their joggers. So, or his joggers. So I, we just bought a couple of shirts with it too. Oh, look at the shadow shirts with it too. Oh, look at the shadow van via Starling. Yeah, that's right. It must be fun in,
Starting point is 00:09:55 in wad zombies head. What do you mean? Just cause he always, he, he, I just liked the way he thinks. I like his comments. I like his posts.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Oh yeah. I get what you're saying. Yeah, it must be fun in there. He's a creative dude, for sure. Yeah. I wish he'd start a meme account. Stuff that's too risque to post. I feel like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I feel like he holds back, for sure. Yeah, he's like, ooh, that's too much. Mm-hmm. Ooh. Those people are too young. He still moderates it a little bit, I think. He doesn't just go, he doesn't press the fucking button every time.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah. Those people are too young. Ooh, I shouldn't say that about black people. Ooh, I don't know if I should say that about kids. Ooh, I don't know if I should say that about kids oh I don't know if I should say that about that girl like there's got to be stuff getting censored out you know what I think it's a lot I think it's like half
Starting point is 00:10:50 you think it's half yeah I think half the shit he comes up with oh I may have already everybody be on the lookout any new accounts and you don't know who it is probably wad zombie there's there's all these new meme accounts or like crossfit accounts and they keep tagging me and shit like i don't don't tag i don't want to be tagged yeah i don't know what to do with those just i give them a thumbs up i sometimes i accidentally repost their shit and then i'm
Starting point is 00:11:24 like and then i go back i have to go back and unpost shit and then i'm like and then i go back i have to go back and unpost it because then i'm like looking at it later i'm like oh why did i repost that doesn't even make sense i know ryan this was really cool burt kresher and greg fitzsimmons trained at josh uh bridges who's greg fitzsimmons i did see that brett kresher did that's really fucking cool. For Kresher. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:11:49 it's interesting. Um, I think, uh, Josh Bridges is like having a resurgence. Yeah. I think he's, he's really killing it. The,
Starting point is 00:11:56 um, his YouTube channel is exploding. Uh, I, I don't, I don't think I can go a day, probably maybe an hour without seeing something on my feed from him yeah yesterday my
Starting point is 00:12:08 YouTube was like hey just butt fucking me with Josh Bridges content I even watched a little bit of it I watched his rad video really yeah it's like four and a half five minutes long it's like the low rent version of the Daniel Brandon documentary
Starting point is 00:12:23 I was gonna say it's just like a little bio of him kind of thing yeah it was it was really cool i watched a video of him training with uh that's the SWAT team i thought that was cool yeah wild right i wonder why dave doesn't film when like la SWAT came up and film with day or was up training with dave i wonder why he doesn't film it i wonder if he's allowed to. Oh yeah, who's Greg Fitzsimmons? Who's that? This guy? Is that a funny guy? Is that a comedian? Yeah, I think he's a comedian.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I don't think I've seen his stuff. And that's Josh's new beaver on the end, right? Yeah, that's his new wife. That's cool. Alright. I think she's a realtor. Maybe she can sell some of those rich guys homes uh fitzsimmons uh came up with joe rogan very good improviser super perverted and awesome i'll be the judge of that uh They are comedians. They are not funny. Brett's funny as shit, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Oh, yeah, let's watch. My dad hates Bert Reicher, I think. Oh, really? Yeah, I don't know why. In Boston, you don't perform for the crowd. You perform against the crowd. Oh, I like that. That's against the crowd. Hey, now. Oh, I like that. That's kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I like that. That's a good attack on the libtards of Boston. Let's see. When we first started dating and I went to my first Easter dinner with her family of Catholics in the South. Oh. Sure.
Starting point is 00:14:08 That's not him. Don't worry. I'm going to get back to the surf camp story. This is just a quick me and Caleb hanging out. Standby. He doesn't have any fucking... Oh, wait. What's the girl with the boobs? Is that his chick? Her daughter. Damn, Greg. How did your
Starting point is 00:14:24 offspring turn out so hot? Wow. Oh. That's a crazy shirt. It's like, not even like a crop top. It's just a top top. Yeah. How low can we get?
Starting point is 00:14:39 How close can we open up the neck to the boobs? Oh, my God. His wife is full Jew. Let me see his wife again. Yeah, she even got the Jew glasses. Crazy. Matt Reynolds, Bert only has one story. Just about him. Hey, let's check out
Starting point is 00:15:02 support dogs. Let's give him one more chance. Let me see. Oh, this one? Yeah. Let's see. It's a new thing? Having dogs on flights? Support dogs. Support.
Starting point is 00:15:12 You're going like this. Support dogs. Yeah, they're not really for support, are they? No. They're mentally weak people. He just told me to shut up. No, no. You should talk. You just told me to shut up. No, no. You should talk.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You're hilarious. I think it's important that we come down hard on these mentally weak people. They're fucking holding us all back. As a matter of fact, I'm picketing the Special Olympics from now on. They've had it too good for too long. That's not what I mean. from now on. They've had it too good for too long. By the way, after the show, I will be selling the Greg Fitzsimmons tour pin. $10,
Starting point is 00:15:51 10% goes to Best Buddies, which you're going to hate this, ma'am. It's for people with intellectual disabilities. So, you don't want one of these. It's a new thing. Okay. I didn't even...
Starting point is 00:16:11 Right. Emma Raid, you should rename this show to KKK Show. Wow. emma raid uh you should rename this show to kkk show wow emma you should come out of the closet and just openly admit you hate black people and under the guise of uh helping them uh you're part of the psyop you should that's what you should name yourself do you know how that reads y'all y'all should rename this stream to kkk show? No, the name. Emeroid? Oh, Emeroid. Oh, Hemeroid.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Like Hemeroid. Hemeroid. I totally missed it. Good one. I think it's really cool. I think it's really cool to look up to George Floyd. He's a great man. He sacrificed his life. He sacrificed his life. He sacrificed
Starting point is 00:17:08 his life and he's the role model for all children of all ages. All melanated kids should wish to go down like him. I invited this I'm going to get back to the surf guy in a second. I'm not going to forget.
Starting point is 00:17:24 So I got to lunch with this guy the other day. I just met him. And he's young. And we're sitting there and we're talking. He doesn't know me at all. I don't know him at all. He doesn't know I have a podcast. He doesn't know anything about me.
Starting point is 00:17:39 We're in Santa Cruz. We're sitting outside. We're sitting outside at a bar near uh right on the beach uh a bar patio you know like they have fish and chips and shit stuff like that yeah yeah and we're sitting there and then like 30 feet not even 30 feet 20 way feet away from us are the are the showers right so every for the beach yeah for the They're outdoor showers. So every like – and this beach is like – it's a really popular local beach, but it's a super popular beach with like people from Bakersfield, the inland people. You know what I mean? Like all the fucking people who live inland, mostly like white trash people, right?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Everybody from the desert. Yeah, just all the dudes with trucks and you know what i mean like like yeah right you know what i mean like the the the mom and dad are 40 and they waddle and the mom has like quadruple e titties and the dad's like you know what i mean the dad wears a shirt that hangs off his belly you know what i'm talking about oversized tires on their trucks all all that shit yeah yeah and tons of mexicans tons yeah and tons of mexicans the mexican girls who wear the pants uh like eight sizes too big and they have like the crazy or eight sizes too small and they have the crazy fupa you know what
Starting point is 00:18:57 i mean like you're like how the fuck did you get into those yeah and they still button the top they don't just let it fly open kind of thing yeah it's wild anyway and so um they're in the shower is crazy right because it's just a parade of people of girls showering in their bra and underwear that's all it is i mean because the bathing suits are so tiny these days it's just a crazy spot right it's a fucking crazy, crazy spot. And I've never taken a picture of anything there. And now that I think about it, I'm glad I've never even been tempted. But it's like that. If I wasn't, it's just nuts. Like Walmart?
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yeah, but like a porn version of Walmart. I've never been to Walmart, but it's like a porn version of Walmart. Okay. You know what I mean? There's just like just the bodies you see there. I mean, there, and there are some amazing bodies too, right? It's the beach. I mean, you see bodies you can't even fucking believe.
Starting point is 00:19:53 But, um, and, and, and anytime I go there with my wife, I'm just like, I'm going bonkers. I'm just like, holy shit, Haley. Look, oh my God, Haley. Look, she probably, she probably can't. I don't know what she thinks. I should ask her. Anyway, cause you know what I mean it's like people with like someone with like a thong
Starting point is 00:20:10 will be bending over cleaning their toes I mean that's like a just a regular thing okay yeah it's just right there and the bars there and it was another thing is I look around at the patio and I feel like no one else even notices it desensitized you've never been to a Walmart I mean I
Starting point is 00:20:24 I mean I have but not not in 20 years or something i mean i don't even know what i don't even know where there is a walmart wow anyway i'm sitting with this guy and somehow um vaccines come up i don't remember how and he says to me did you get the vaccine i'm like no Somehow vaccines come up. I don't remember how. And he says to me, did you get the vaccine? I'm like, no. And he kind of like looks up and I could see like, he's like, Mike, did you get it? He goes, well, I didn't get it the first two years.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Young kid, super fit, super fit. I didn't get it for the first two years and a legend in the town too like every few minutes like someone walks by and says hi to him everyone knows who he is kind of famous in the santa cruz area i mean definitely definitely the most famous person i've been with in the santa cruz area like being out with greg it's like being out with Greg. If you're out with Greg, someone eventually is going to see him. And, um, he goes, I didn't the first two years. I'm like, okay. And he's like, and then I got it. I'm like, oh, why'd you get it? He's like, well, I had pressure from my wife. No, sorry. Yeah. My wife, my mom, and my sister. I'm like, oh, okay. And he goes, and I got it. and I hadn't been sick in like five years and all of a sudden I got really really sick and I got COVID like oh I'm sorry to hear that and he's like and
Starting point is 00:21:51 then I had a heart attack oh I'm like what he goes yeah I had stabbing pains in my chest I had to be rushed to the hospital and then he says this ready do you think it's related just like dude no i'm not at all i think that's i'm just like very normal for a for a young strong so then i so then i go like this to him just out of the blue i don't know him at all so then i make the presupposition in my head i'm like i'm just gonna say this and see what he says oh i drank my first cup of coffee out of a cup that looked just like that this morning yeah at a walmart uh that one looks thicker than mine mine's really really thin oh really yeah yours is thick huh, it's pretty heavy duty. Yeah, mine's the opposite. Mine, like the premise around mine is how light it is.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Do you like that? No. Oh. And he said, where was I? You think it's related? I think it's related. Oh, so then I said to him this. I said, hey, what's your – I just said this just out of the blue.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Like I have no idea if he's Republican or Democrat or independent. I said, hey, what's your girlfriend going to think or your wife going to think if you vote for Trump? And he says, she's going to leave me. I'm like, really? Yeah. It's like that, huh leave me. I'm like, really? Yeah. It's like that, huh? Yeah. I was like, wow. And I thought, I don't really meet a lot of strangers.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Like I avoid people like the plague. Like anytime I'm anywhere, if there's a group of people standing somewhere, I go stand somewhere else. Yep. I don't know why. I used to not be so much like that, but I'm really like that now. I just don't want to talk to anyone. It don't not, don't want to talk to anyone. It's not that I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm just not interested in talking to anyone.
Starting point is 00:23:51 You know what I mean? Yeah. I, I feel that way. Like this campground is just a lot of like older people, obviously. Yeah. And most of them just really just want to talk like, cause they just got nothing better to do. They're all retired and like, right. Their wives don't want to talk to them. So they just want to better to do they're all retired and like right their wives don't want to talk to
Starting point is 00:24:05 them so they just want to talk to anybody else who will listen and like I find myself like avoiding it at all costs like somebody came over and was like oh hey like nice car whatever just talking about this Jeep that I have and I was like thanks
Starting point is 00:24:21 yeah yeah yeah I try to avoid it as much as possible yeah like five answers come up in your head oh I just got it or this or that and you're like And I was like, thanks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like five answers come up in your head. Oh, I just got it or this or that. And you're like, uh-uh. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Thank you. Yeah. And I just found it just fucking amazing that, I mean, that's in, in my head, that's how I think the world is. Like, that's exactly how I think the world is like. That's exactly how I think the world is. And there's just one guy I talked to and that I think that there's a shitload of people, tons of people out there who got the injection because of pressure and that they did have health issues from it and they don't want to talk about it and that they want to vote for Trump. But someone in their family is going to hate them for it. That's, I just kind of have that general, um, that just passes through my head. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:12 Like if I, if I were to pick someone, like if I were to pick the stereotypical, you know, man, especially man in the United States right now, that's what I would come up with. Yeah. I feel bad for those people that like their families just force them to or maybe not force them but have that pressure on them like yeah you can't be yourself you're not yeah you're not allowed to be yourself not at all sad yeah no i don't think he was jealous of me we got along really good i think he was happy to me you know what else this guy told me he does which was fascinating he goes he belongs to a um he belongs to a men's bible study group but he's not a bible but he doesn't believe in god but he goes there because he likes all the stuff they say he likes the bible oh and i was like wow
Starting point is 00:26:01 dude that's awesome he goes you don't think that's weird i'm like no dude i'm like do they know that you're not he goes no no they don't know i go they don't he goes no i don't think they would like that and and this is this is this yeah um because he also said this he said they'll spend like time talking about how like yoga and stuff like that is like um evil and part of like satan's uh you know way and so and you know and this guy's into that stuff they're like real bible beater kind of thing i guess yeah uh my uh my parents um my family judges me for homeschooling but then compliments me on how well behaved and friendly my kids are yeah my sister got that too my family doesn't fuck with me at all and judges us for uh and
Starting point is 00:26:43 judges us for not letting them eat like assholes um my my family doesn't fuck with me at all and judges us for and judges us for not letting them eat like assholes. My family doesn't. My family's happy with. They're OK with the no sugar shit. But, yeah, my poor sister had to, like, blaze the trail for the homeschooling thing. Yeah, like yoga is new age or something like that. That's crazy. I mean, it's been around for
Starting point is 00:27:05 ever yeah and like who cares who cares if you if you want to go to a room that's super hot and stretch like good on you if you want to sweat it makes you feel good fucking do it you know it's healthy um uh the real matthew if you can't tell your parents to go kick rocks and fuck off you're a pussy i don't know i don't agree with that i think man i think it's important to be yourself but i think you i think it's really important to respect your parents i don't think you should do that yeah i mean i understand holding your ground like on certain things but i wouldn't want my parents right yeah my dad my dad when i whispered in my dad's ear a few last election
Starting point is 00:27:45 i'm voting for trump and like basically like you know he he hated me for it and i hate pissing my dad off yeah and i didn't i was bummed that he got all wound up my in-laws call us right-wing insurrectionists i know that's crazy isn't it i trip every time i see the news and they're like they talk about the riots at the capitol like dude anyway so my kids are going to this camp this waterman's camp it's really amazing uh it's it's it's obviously expensive it's it's a lot of one-on-one time and uh the it was monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday i'm gonna i'm gonna have him do it again this next week uh avi came home and looked in the mirror and he's like oh my god look at and he's like looking at his lats and he goes look how look how big this muscle is under my arms
Starting point is 00:28:36 and i go yeah he goes do you think that's from all the swimming all the paddling i'm like dude 100 hell yeah 100 so he's all. He took last in all the activities. I mean, not in the surfing. He's good at the surfing part, but in all the paddling and running and all that stuff. He's the only kid who does push-ups to depth. The other kids don't even really do push-ups. You know what I mean? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:29:03 But anyway, every fucking... and it's this amazing beach. I can't believe I've lived in Santa Cruz so long and not seen this beach. It's right by my house. It's like two minutes from my house. And there's this opening between homes. And you go down a little stairwell and it opens up into this massive isolated beach. Massive. Dude. Yeah, with the killerest little waves and when i was down there and here's the whole point of story
Starting point is 00:29:33 50 of the girls i saw had this ring 50 of the girls had septum rings. That septum thing? Oh, man. Yeah, that's the thing, right? That's what chicks are just getting, septum rings left and right. And, you know, I was thinking about Hattie Can You and her ring. And I think it wasn't through her septum, but it was through her nostril. I think the reason why I didn't like it is because it came on the outside of the nose.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Like, I think there's three levels. There came on the outside of the nose. Like, I think there's three levels. There's just the, the stud in the nose. Sure. Then there's, that's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:11 I'll give that like on the unattractive, like, like I don't like, I think that one, even some people can pull off, you know what I mean? I mean, I'm not a fan of it,
Starting point is 00:30:21 but I think some people can pull it off. And then the one that goes up like this, and I don't think anyone can pull it off. And then there's this one. And it's just, you'm not a fan of it, but I think some people can pull it off. And then the one that goes up like this, and I don't think anyone can pull it off. And then there's this one, and it's just, you're just a fucking, you're hideous. I just think you have serious fucking issues. You're just screaming. It screams something at me. I don't know what, but it's not good.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I'm not sure what it is, but you had, there's some when, I don't know what, what was passed or if anybody, if there was anything, but something in the military where like people were allowed to have some sort of piercings and like a bunch of dudes went out and got septum piercings too. And so then what they would do is they just like, they'd have it in and then they just flip it inside,
Starting point is 00:31:02 like upside down so that it was, you couldn't see it. It was just in their nose. I just found that so weird. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, bullring is gross. But it's just all the rage.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I don't know. And some people have two some people have three i just don't understand the thought process there i mean i'm i'm 99 sure they don't understand the thought process either but i'm gonna go somewhere and punch a hole in my nose and it made me start thinking about that relative to fake boobs. And I know fake boobs is like a full surgery and it's way more involved. But if you get fake boobs, like you're going down the path, I think of like,
Starting point is 00:31:55 and I'm open to being wrong. Someone call and tell me I'm wrong, but you're going down the path of like trying to be more attractive and like get more cock to look at you. Right. Or to feel better about yourself. I don't think the septum ring is that like a fake boobs is this way. Septum ring is this way.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Yeah. If you got fake, I feel like fake boobs is normally like a, Hey, I wish I had bigger boobs kind of thing. So yeah, like this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:20 You feel better about yourself if you got it. Yeah. But the, the septum ring, it's like a, like, what are you doing? Yeah. I don't it. Yeah. But the septum ring, it's like a... Like, what are you doing? Yeah, I don't understand. I'm not sure I understand that either.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Did she ever tell you that Vax story off-air? No. I didn't ask her. I mean, I made up a story in my head. I mean, we know the story, right? Did you see the Hattie Canyon interview? I was able to watch some of it. I didn't get the chance to watch all of it we talked about um the vaccine and um she said i'll tell you my story off air but her story is is that like she had to get it
Starting point is 00:32:55 but she somehow did a workaround that's that's my assumption you know i mean she told the guy to shoot it on the floor or she got a fake like notice saying she got it i mean she's canadian right yeah and she's a comedian she's i think she's like uh like a canadian version of like an amish she's part amish part hippie part hick you know okay because she lives comes from a small town and she's an outdoor kid and farmer type yeah totally um uh or you lost weight and they are deflated and the pancakes hit your face when you run and you want to do something about it sure I'm down for that too man but that all
Starting point is 00:33:34 falls into the category of like um like trying to make yourself look better uh Ryan uh the bullring is just another way to claim I don't give a fuck meanwhile they're the most emotional people if I may assume yeah I think that's fair you're right they're all the people that start getting like face tats they're like i don't give a fuck but i really give a fuck a little bit god the face tats wild i'm almost i'm i'm i'm i i almost the fit but i find the face tat um i just find the bullring is
Starting point is 00:34:07 so i was i'll give you another example i was hanging out with this person the other day it was a female and i struggle around this person and i realized why the other day it's because their voice have you ever been around someone who they have a really bad voice they talk like this this and they're like, and they yell a lot. It's just too much for me. And I'm like, oh, your voice repels people. Yeah. And somehow that's worked for you.
Starting point is 00:34:33 You've chosen that. Like, I don't know what happened. Maybe they got molested or something. Right. But they've chosen a voice that it's not their real voice. And they've chosen a voice that that pushes people away. Yeah, I get that.
Starting point is 00:34:48 There was somebody who was yelling at us in school and there was a woman and she had the scratchiest high pitched voice ever. And I just, and then, and then what was even worse is like, she talked like that normally. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:10 nobody, I never, I could never like listen to her because I, it was just so obnoxious listening to like this nails on chalkboard. If this person sits next to me or is in the same room with me, which happens, you know, on the regular,
Starting point is 00:35:24 I get up and leave. Like it pushes me out. It's that huh yeah yeah it's not and i don't it's not i don't dislike this person sure or i catch myself going like this putting my hands on my ears like i'm autistic you know what i mean like i can't stand the stimulation it's like that okay and so the boobs aren't like that like i see giant boobs and i want to move i want to see i whether they're fake or real i want to move closer to them yeah right and that's what i mean it's it's a um but i don't feel that way about face tattoos at all i'm not like i don't know why i mean i wouldn't get a fake face tattoo but face tattoos and septum rings even the face tattoo is much more permanent but i just i don't i'm not repelled by them
Starting point is 00:36:12 i just want to see what it is uh i get them so i wouldn't have to wear a bra bra suck but never a nose ring yeah i could I could get that too. That's actually a great idea. When the big nose, small bicep, huge dong is coming. Thank you for your membership. I'll answer that question. I don't understand it though. But you've almost described me to a T. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Wait a minute. Yeah, I like what you said. The people also with the nose ring, there's the I don't give a fuck component, but you're right. They're the most emotional, right? Right. For sure. They get triggered the easiest, even though they got this, like, I don't give a fuck thing. Yeah. I don't care. They get, they get triggered the easiest, even though they got this, like, I don't give a fuck thing. Yeah. I don't,
Starting point is 00:37:06 I don't care. They want the attention. Uh, I so don't care that I pierced my face to show it. I don't understand what you're saying, but you say a lot of smart shit. So I'll read it anyway. A man bun is on the spectrum.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Really? Oh, you mean like of just ugliness or what star for attention and I spent which spectrum autism oh your this one wow really get the boogie down i don't think that's true at all but it's functional yeah nose ring's not functional makes it harder to blow your nose my uh my grandfather had a long pinky nail, and so did my dad. Is that just a generational thing? I guess. I've never asked him about it. Steven Flores, yo, Seve, I got to meet Grunler yesterday.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Cool dude. But I do have friends that will just say to me, your pinky ring is so gross, your pinky nail. I will have people say that to me. It looks clean. It's pretty clean. You know how some people have dirt under their nails all the time? Yeah that to me. It looks clean. It's not like it's just... You know how some people have dirt under their nails all the time? Yeah, not me.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yeah. Even if you do pick your nose with it, it looks... I don't like long nails. I used to bite my nails as a kid. I'd let them get so long. Not because I was nervous or anything, but they would get so long that I would bite them. And have you ever tried to bite off your thumbnail?
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yeah, I have. and it's like impossible it gets shit gets weird quick you gotta bite so fucking hard to get through the nail and then i always get too much and then it rips down to the skin i don't i remember that as a kid the same you know another dumb thing i did as a kid a lot i would chew on my pencils and next thing I know I'd have a mouthful of wood just splinters and shit I hate and I'd be like what am I doing I used to chew on my erasers that metal part that's pretty disgusting I would just like
Starting point is 00:39:19 bite down on it but then I would realize that just like you said you get a bunch of wood in there and I would just stop. Last night there was a guy fighting in the UFC main event named Alex Perez. He'll be coming on the show next week. He was winning the fight the first two rounds.
Starting point is 00:39:40 The commentators were complete fucking morons. Unfortunately, I really like Bisping, but they suck. They kept talking about how good the other guy was. He was from Japan. The other guy was 15-0. It was like they were wooed by his record and not his fighting because Perez was fucking him up. Perez had takedowns, more punches, more solid punches,
Starting point is 00:40:02 moved better in the ring. It was crazy. But the whole thing with this guy, this Japanese guy, is that supposedly if he got you on the ground, you were fucked. Because his thing was that he could take anyone's back. And he got Alex Perez's back, and Alex Perez stood up with him. So just imagine there's a guy standing there and there's another guy on your back
Starting point is 00:40:27 like piggyback how you'd carry a kid and normally in fighting when you get someone's back you stay as close to them as you can you press your chest up against their back and you try to slip your hand underneath their chin and get your forearm on their throat and then you
Starting point is 00:40:46 crush their windpipe or some side artery here and you put them to sleep usually they tap first they do this let go of me and then you lost the fight well this Japanese guy gets on this fucking dude's back
Starting point is 00:41:02 and he's tall and he takes his leg and he puts it he puts it he he slides it down between the crotch of the guy in the front so imagine i'm i'm on someone's back and i take my leg and i put it between his legs and i hook my foot on behind his knee so now my legs wrapped over one thigh and then my foot and ankle or yeah like that wow good find great finds and then what happens next is something i've never seen in uh in mma instead of staying close to him he leans back if you just go forward just a tiny bit, he leans back and falls right there. And he does that on purpose to trip the guy and bring him down to the ground. So instead of staying close, he leans back and then wedges underneath that leg to lift that leg up and put Alex Perez on just one leg. on just one leg.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And I had never seen anything like that before. I'd never seen anyone lean back and ride him like a rodeo. And when he does that, if you look at Alex Perez's right leg, it's so weird. The commentators are like, he snapped his ankle. I'm like, what the fuck are you guys looking at? He snapped his knee, got fucked up. Could you go to Alex Perez's Instagram account? I want to see if I'm right.
Starting point is 00:42:24 The commentating was so bad last night. No, Dalton did not fight last night. Dalton fights this coming Saturday. Dalton fights this upcoming Saturday. Is Standy Randy a boy? Who just uses a girl's ass as a picture? Probably. Yeah, that's what I think too.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I wish you wouldn't do that. Let me see. Does he describe? Let's see. Keep going. Let's see if he makes a post. Nope, he doesn't have a post yet about it. Yeah, nothing yeah, let's see post no no stories either
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, there's the Japanese guy I Didn't see the Eddie Hall fight yet where he fights the two to two dwarfs. I didn't see that. I Know they said the Japanese kid is a beast but he was losing the fight. He's getting his ass beat Ryan stats say Perez had ten more significant strikes eight more body shots Japanese guy had two date towns to Perez's one I don't know if that's true. I Don't remember the Japanese guy. I don't remember. I only remember the Japanese guy getting one takedown. But Perez was beating him up. I watched the other fight last night, too.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Gervonta Davis and Frank Martin. That one cost $75. How was it He was getting his ass beat Adam He was getting his ass beat dude He was taking fucking He was taking crazy combos And he had no fuck
Starting point is 00:44:16 And Perez was controlling the ring I don't know what you're talking about He was getting his ass beat His face was red like a radish Yeah just from the little bit I saw Alex Perez was Yeah he was beating his ass He was beating his ass
Starting point is 00:44:39 And his takedown was like a legit Fucking takedown now he wasn't able to hold the Japanese Guy down And he called out And his takedown was like a legit fucking takedown. Now, he wasn't able to hold the Japanese guy down. And he called out Pantoja, who's like the man in that division. The Japanese guy did? Yeah, he called out Pantoja. And Pantoja's a fucking animal.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I mean, he didn't even really win. I know. I know. That's just kind of bullshit i know like you went on a because you fucking broke the guy's knee i mean i guess a win to win but at the same time like you didn't show anything to be able to call out anybody after that adam did you what did you think adam did you think it was ankle or knee issue commentator said it was ankle i there's no way it was fucking ankle just it looked like a knee thing yeah rb i want caleb to disagree with seven for an entire show yeah rb i want your wife to send me a picture of her titties
Starting point is 00:45:39 oh my god you're biased the Japanese kid was doing whatever he wanted Dude he had no Are you out of your mind He was getting lit up He had no He was just completely Out of his rhythm He had nothing
Starting point is 00:45:58 He had a good jab In the middle of the first round He had almost twice as many Significant for us did yeah, look at that Better accuracy more punches and more and more hits RB but I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What's wrong with your wife's boobs? Not cool, Seve. All right. No, hold on. Let me see if Caleb agrees with me.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Caleb, was that okay to ask for a picture of his wife's boobs? I mean, it's pretty on par with what you do normally. See? See? There's Caleb agreeing with me again. Kind of, 50%. Oh, my God. I'm so excited for Norbert and Dalton it's gonna be nuts that's next weekend Ryan makes a sarcastic comment too bad the fight
Starting point is 00:46:56 isn't one round dude he was winning the second round too that tie clinch are you kidding me he couldn't even get the tie clinch that's what I mean, Adam. Here's Adam. Here's what I think, Adam happened to you.
Starting point is 00:47:07 You were believing what the commentators were saying. That's another thing. They're like his, his weapon is going to be his tie clinch. I think of like the six tie clinches he attempted. He got like one, all the others fucking soon as he put it in there, Perez would spin around him and fucking dodged it.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Fuck him up. And Perez was fucking the upperc he put it in there perez would spin around him and fucking dodded fuck him up And perez was fucking uppercutting him in there Just 10 the 10 seconds after that stat that I read Was him just flipping him on the ground was perez flipping tower on the ground? Yeah, I mean he was missing a shot of him on top. Yeah, he was beating his for 30 seconds A japanese kid was killing him with that Thai clinch. Oh, yeah, I already read that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:49 That rematch, I don't know. That might be it for Alex Perez. He's 32. We'll find out when he comes on the show. There's no way they'll do a rematch. Yeah. It sucks because Perez was, like, rank number five, and I think that kid was ranked, like, 15. Yeah. It sucks because Perez was like ranked number five and I think that kid was ranked
Starting point is 00:48:05 like 15. Yeah. Fifth and 13. Perez was fifth and Japanese guy was 13. So I think like a shitty voice I think like a shitty voice and
Starting point is 00:48:23 bullring are like take you the opposite direction of like fake boobs or like even eyelash i like fake eyelashes unfortunately i'm a sucker for them like the really big ones i don't even know about the really big ones but like um uh like i think 80 of brookwell's charm is her eyelashes the other 20 or vice versa i'm or 20 eyelashes and 80 are ass but i just like i the long eyelashes i'm a sucker for him i don't know holy shit this i this is hard to argue. Adam Blakeslee. Perez is a poor man's Frank Edgar. I could see that. Okay, 99% asked.
Starting point is 00:49:08 But whatever the divide is, I'm fine with that too. But I do like the eyelashes is what I'm trying to say. And maybe my numbers are off. I'm open to being wrong. I don't know about Spiegel's eyelashes. I'm not so much a fan of when they start clumping, like 10 eyelashes come into
Starting point is 00:49:33 one thick one. Like Spiegel, it looks like she has like six eyelashes and they're really big and thick and they're like too long. Yeah, those are the eyelashes that I think of when you say fight fake eyelashes, I don't like that. Yeah Uh, ryan, uh wasn't the japanese guy undefeated and this was his first ufc fight maybe And I think he was a last minute, uh call in I think uh, I think perez was supposed to fight someone else I love my fake eyelashes. Yeah, fake eyelashes are cool. Oh, calling numbers down.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Oh, it's funny you say that. Is it really? Is this the right? Did you get a new phone number? No. Oh, that's Suze's phone. This is, yeah. right did you get a new phone number no oh that's suze's phone this is yeah oh sorry sorry guys call if you want but we're not gonna answer oh yeah shit oh how about this like and subscribe i wish that could be read with a little YouTube symbol. How can the cool shows have a little YouTube symbol? Someone the other day on the show said that their kids thought that their breath was horrible.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And they use metoothian. And my kids are really sensitive to bad breath. So I've been asking my kids throughout the day. Oh, here we go. God, I hope this is about boobs and not fighting. Caller, hi. Hey. What's up, Seve? It's Plummer.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Oh, Plummer, what's up? It's been too long. It's been way too long. Hi. I'm calling to stir the pot a little bit. Please. So, I'm down... By the way a little bit Please So I'm down By the way if you want to buy a baby You're going to be able to do it in Massachusetts
Starting point is 00:51:29 Gay guys can buy babies now in Massachusetts Or it's close to passing I just thought I'd tell you Why do I need that? I don't know You never know dude That's good information I'm down in Fort Jackson South Carolina
Starting point is 00:51:43 For some army training And this past week we took a I'm down in Fort Jackson, South Carolina for some Army training. And this past week, we took an Army combat fitness test, which is the new PT test for the Army, or at least it has been. Caleb, I sent you on your Instagram and TheRealSavon a post talking about the minimum scores. I figured if you could pull that up and show seven i wanted to get his take on it oh no the standards and where we are at plumber yesterday yesterday i did um uh normally when i do squat cleans like i don't like if i'm
Starting point is 00:52:18 doing exercise and has squat cleans in it i'll clean the bar and then front squat it and yesterday i was squat cleaning like a champ like my squat cleans are so fucking good i was thinking about like even posting a picture of it i'm like you should have my my my movement and my technique is like world class i cannot believe at 52 i cannot believe how explosive i still am and how quick i can turn under the bar um passing two mile run test men, 15 minutes and 54 seconds. No, no, no. That's maxing it. Yeah, that's pretty good. I'm okay with that. So wait, is the minimum. Well, then look at this. Oh my God. 22 minutes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Seven, 11 minute miles. Wow. So that's, so the APFT is the old one and then the acft is current yes and then if you keep scrolling you'll see the breakdown on all of the tests um 140 pound deadlift for a man that's for a man three reps on a trap bar that's the bare minimum and push-ups and release oh my hey oh my god so let me see some of those other numbers that's crazy dude dude i think my nine-year-old can deadlift 140 hey i have a horrible deadlift and when i put 140 on the bar i always i use that means i'm gonna have 100 deadlifts in the workout and i probably do that at least a couple times a month you know what i mean like it'll be something
Starting point is 00:53:57 like you know uh five chest to bar pull-ups 10 deadlift at 135 10 rounds like i'll do that our pull-ups 10 deadlift at 135 10 rounds like i'll do that just like so wow that's nuts dude a couple things right like obviously the standard has just been lowered so much that plank for 130 isn't bad though is it is a plant is that hard that sounds hard that's no no it's either you get zero leg. Yep. No, there's no leg tucks anymore. They took the leg tucks out.
Starting point is 00:54:31 What's that? Knees to elbow. Pretty much. Yeah. Knees to elbow, but you have like a mixed grip. You like hold on the bar. And then you just bring your originally. Five sounds just crazy low.
Starting point is 00:54:47 That was the original. And in the passing, when it as like the last iteration, when it still had the leg tuck was one and people couldn't do one. So enough people were failing. So they just scrapped it. And instead of them making and training people up to the test they changed the test hey i think i can spit six meters i'm not even joking i think i could probably spit 18 feet yeah with a good with a good fucking snotty loogie what is that throw what do you throw so you throw a 10 pound med ball.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Basically you throw it backwards over your head. So imagine if you're doing like a kettlebell swing, but instead you have a 10 pound med ball and you're throwing it over your head behind you. Wow. So it's a max power test. Do you get the roll? It's wherever it lands. Yeah, I'd have to try that.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Hey, I think my kid could pass this test my nine-year-old you should yeah you should do it um well the sprint drag carry might be rough because it's 45 pound kettlebells in both hands for 25 meters so that one might be a little bit rough but yeah that would be that would be body weight for him or double body weight you could you can modify that for for ari but i think it'd be a good video he could probably pass it overall even without that hey and i think how far do you have to drag it so so the sprint drag carry that one's actually like the one test where I'm like, okay, I'm glad they did it right. It's a 25 meter shuttle run. So run 25 meters down, run 25 meters back.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Then you're dragging a sled with two 45s on it down and back. And then you do like a lateral shuffle down and back. Oh, you do a lateral shuffle with 45 in each hand. No, no, no, no, no. body weight that's just that's just straight up so you drop you once you pull the sled back then you shuffle down and back and then you do your carry so farmers carry down and back and then you sprint down and back so it's like sheer anaerobic hurt fest but the problem and this brings up kind of why i'm calling hurt fest but the problem and this brings up kind of why i'm calling right that's the one test where everyone is left like what the fuck just happened like they're people are throwing up they're laying on the ground right because no one actually hurts in their training right no one trains that
Starting point is 00:57:18 glycolytic system to the intensity they need to right which? Which is why, I don't know why CrossFit isn't trying to tap back into its base, right? The military first responders is its base, right? And there's so many people that need it and to the point where it can affect our country drastically, right? Where there's such a big problem and they're doing some things,
Starting point is 00:57:46 but they're not marketing it enough. They're not. You don't agree with Craig Howard that we should singularly focus on things like Barry's bootcamp and only try to attract homosexual men, um, to do workouts. You think that maybe we should focus on the base? I think we need to focus on the base. Oh, that's interesting. on the base i think we need to focus on the base oh that's interesting like like i i just applied to get my l2 through the army program which is great right and i'm gonna be able to do that but like are you in the army well you're in the army well yeah i'm in the army reserves did you take that test yeah i took. I scored a 580 something. So I maxed every event except for the pushups and the throw.
Starting point is 00:58:30 So what's the max deadlift they let you do? 340 for three. Holy shit. Good job, dude. Thank you. Wow, good job. I'm most proud of my run time. What was your two mile? 12 58 good job holy shit
Starting point is 00:58:48 good job dude and and and how tall are you will you're a big dude right i'm like i'm like 6 1 2 15 give or take i haven't weighed myself in probably six months and did you did you train for this at all or no this is just how you are just because you're a crossfitter crossfit yeah like you didn't even weren't even fit you didn't get ready for this at all you're just like oh i took a rest day the day before i didn't go to class isn't that funny you took a rest day to get ready for it i played i played basketball um instead and then i went took the test and then after the test i had to do the work from wednesday then I went and took the test. And then after the test, I had to do the work from Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:59:29 So I went and trained after in the evening. Man, that is pathetic, dude. But what was, and I mean, the amount of like grown men that I saw walking on the two mile, like that were brought to a walk. It was, I probably saw at least a dozen people right out of like 60 yeah how do you how do you let that happen how do you let that happen well well the problem is that congress right has a say in what the test is right and how the standards are defined so basically what we what we have is a recruiting and retention problem, right? We're understaffed right now. And also, um, I don't know if you saw it, but the,
Starting point is 01:00:14 the house is trying to pass the new defense bill. And for a while they were trying to get, it was like a 19% raise for e1 through e4 which is basically like your base like joe's of the army right so like they want to get a what listed a 90 percent raise 19 19 but that would mean i would get a raise yeah i hope that passes what they're paid right now is so low anyways to the point where it's almost ridiculous that it's not happening and it's been overdue and the white house um did not recommend it they're like no i don't we should not go through with this at least we can't even afford like we can't even afford to rent a house. If you're married and have kids, you can't afford to rent to have a house. I know probably five families who are E4 and below who have two or more kids and a wife.
Starting point is 01:01:18 And they can't go off base and find a house to live in. They have to like wait for government subsidized housing to live in, uh, for months because the amount of money they give us isn't enough to pay for rent, uh, utilities, all that shit. Yep.
Starting point is 01:01:39 And so that's the problem, right? Is no one wants to join because you're not going to make any money, money to support yourself, right? That if you're not a single soldier that's, you know, motivated to do it and self-motivated, right, that they have to keep the standards so low so we can keep recruiting people and we can maintain the force, right? But all that does is it lowers the standard. Hey, is there, is there like a, is there, is, is running on a runner harder or easier than running outside? Like if you, like if you, if you run two miles in 20 minutes on the runner, would you run
Starting point is 01:02:17 it faster outside or slower? I personally would probably run it faster. Outside? Outside. Is that, is that like a hundred percent certainty? Is that just the way that works or no? I personally would probably run it faster outside, outside, outside. Is that, is that like a hundred percent certainty? Is that just the way that works or no, it's different for different people. I think, I think it has to be different for different people, right?
Starting point is 01:02:34 Some people like the pace in front of them. I like to go out on a track when like we took it, there's like 60 people doing it. Ken says runner, runner, runner is harder for me. That's what he said yeah because like if you're out on a track taking a test with people yeah as you're catching people and lapping people you get a little more of a boost i just ran i just ran 20 minutes for i probably ran it twice in the last five years but it's it's all been in the last six months and i want to say that I was on the air runner.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I ran for 20 minutes the other day and I was closer to two and a half miles than I was. Two miles. I want to say it was like two points. I ran like 2.3 miles on the runner in 20 minutes. And I want to say my first mile was really slow. I want to say my first mile was like, like a nine minute mile or 10 minute mile. And then once I got warmed up, I got going.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I just can't imagine running. What was the time to be 23 minutes, 22, 22 minutes. Yeah. That just seems, that's just crazy to me. That's just like,
Starting point is 01:03:40 and I suck at running. Like I was just, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like barely going, but, but, but you're like, you said, walking's not acceptable. Like you have to just slow down.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Yeah. But I mean, people would walk. It's mind boggling. Adam Blakeslee. Uh, I, I am, I am on a runner the majority of the time, but when I randomly go outside, I'm faster. I am on a runner the majority of the time, but when I randomly go outside, I'm faster.
Starting point is 01:04:10 I also don't ever run with shoes on. I've never been on the run with shoes. Not even once. I think it's probably easier barefoot. I don't think so. No. No, no. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Justin Zimbo says you could quickly walk an 11-minute mile. That's what I'm thinking. Justin says, Zimbo says you could quickly walk an 11 minute mile. That's what I was thinking too. I want to say the other day I walked three miles with my kids and it took us 40 minutes and we, and we were just fucking around like looking at houses and shit and looking at lizards and like we were just fucking around. Well, and that's the thing is that people know that they can walk it or like do kind of like a half like i'm gonna run the straights walk the curves yeah right then they never really have to get into that good of shape right because the thing with this test is it's really easy to pass and hard to max so people are only worried about passing it hey do people not pass some no seriously yeah no i don't know the numbers
Starting point is 01:05:10 yet from my class um but i'm sure there might be one or two that didn't easily but i'm in i'm in i'm in uh i'm in ag bolt look which is the army's HR. So like, I understand that. Oh, you must see some crazy shit. Yeah, I do. Wow. You must see some crazy shit because the Caleb, Caleb's, uh, was a medic and he sees crazy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:39 You must see some really crazy shit. It gets worse. The more, the more time you sit at a desk. It really does. The more the job sits at the desk, the less likely they are to be fit. It's not like you're getting any opportunity.
Starting point is 01:05:55 If you're sitting at a desk, you probably have more opportunities to train because they usually give you PT in the morning or something like time to go work out because if you're working in an office, it's usually like a nine to five to five hours so like well you need to go you have pt from seven to nine so you can work out shower change and then come to work at nine hey do you think lloyd benson could that that black general dude that we always see on tv you think he could pass the test lloyd austin yeah lloyd austin fuck no um that dude probably wasn't even taking any tests before Lloyd Austin? Yeah, Lloyd Austin. Fuck no.
Starting point is 01:06:26 That dude probably wasn't even taking any tests before he retired. Probably for the past five years that he was in the military, he wasn't taking tests, I guarantee. What about the tranny general, Rachel Levine? The one that, like, believes in child general mutilation?
Starting point is 01:06:42 Can that thing pass? No. Hey, dude. Yes. Nothing. Hey, did you see this? House passed this bill to automatically register young men for the draft. So I guess it still has to pass the Senate. I did see that.
Starting point is 01:06:59 The House passed a large defense bill Friday evening that included provisions that would automatically enroll men between the ages of 18 and 26. Hey, does it automatically enroll women too that's what i heard i heard they're going to opening up the draft the draft for women is that true well they were but i don't see that i mean it doesn't say it in there so i feel they would right like they're very obviously they're smart with their verbiage. So I feel them not including that in there. I don't know. It's just, it's hard to make an assumption on what that means. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:31 But it doesn't come to some ideas of what it means. It doesn't sound like it's going to pass the Senate. Oh, what do you mean? There's like some wording in there that makes it seem like it might be open to women, but it doesn't explicitly say that. Oh,
Starting point is 01:07:44 selective service, women registration proposed men to be. Why are we passing that now? Right. We've always just you've had to self register for the draft. Why are they automatically registering you for it? Yeah, that's weird, right? Yeah, the selective service provision through, though, is part of an enduring bipartisan effort to keep the framework for military conscription in place even though the draft ended in 1975. For people who don't know, all of us boys when we turn 18 – it's weird. A lot of people don't know this. You have to go – I think I went down to the post office and did it. You have to go up and sign up to be for the draft.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Automatic registration would – and if you don't, there's all these weird restrictions. I don't think you can borrow money from any bank ever. There's some restrictions come on you. I forget what they are. I don't think you go to jail. Automatic registration would replace the coming-of-age tradition that all 18-year-old male U.S. citizens experience when they get a card in the mail from Uncle Sam informing them that they're required under threat of criminal penalty to register for the less selective service. Oh, okay. So criminal penalty. So maybe it's just an automatic thing, right? They're just taking your social security number and going off the birth date and just registering for you. Yeah. It's like a clerical thing. Huh?
Starting point is 01:08:59 Olivia said it's a felony if you don't register for the selective service. Well, I didn't have that. The draft is a hobby horse for Houlihan, an Air Force veteran who also spearheaded a House bill in 2021 to require women to register with the selective service, effectively doubling the draft pool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I want to say something so crazy, controversial. I don't know if I even have the balls to say it. Everybody needs to serve for two years when they graduate high school? No, I'm not even opposed to that. If you're a woman and you go into the U.S. military and something happens to you, the penalty for being sexually assaulted or like um whatever that
Starting point is 01:09:47 whatever you know the sex crime is should be like cut in half like you cannot expect young men that age to be in close quarters with women and not shit to happen you just cannot you can't it's like you're setting people up for failure it's like having the fireworks factory right next to the fucking um bick lighter factory like what the fuck do you think is going to happen it's fucking i don't know i i do i think that's i do i do i do i don't know i think if you're gonna if you're gonna hey dudes hey do dudes jack off in the bunks Yeah exactly When I was in basic training We were in bunk beds and this fucking guy
Starting point is 01:10:30 He was in the bottom bunk and I was in the top bunk And he just Every night Two nights straight I would just feel the bunk shake And eventually I was like wait a minute Are you fucking beating off underneath me And then I just Swashed that real quick
Starting point is 01:10:45 Sandra I know I know Sandra says what the fuck I hear I hear you That's that's my point what the fuck Exactly here's my point I'm not I'm not justifying it what I'm saying is You're setting young men up for failure Like it's just fucked I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not
Starting point is 01:11:04 Condoning it fucked i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not uh i'm not um condoning it or i'm not um what's the word there's a stronger word than condone what i'm saying is is like you can't do that to you can't do that to men it's not like that for men like we nocturnally we nocturnally emit like dudes catch their hand on their cock and they don't even know it like you can't set men up to be around around women we're just like a hundred percent programmed um we're just a hundred percent programmed to to do that like like yeah it's um why would why would why would you just go to the bathroom and jerk off in the shower because it's not like yeah it's um why would why would why would you just go to the bathroom and jerk off in the shower because it's not like that it's it's not like that being a guy
Starting point is 01:11:50 i bet you if you took a poll an honest poll of how many guys have jerked off in weird spaces you would hear some the craziest stories from 50 of men caleb i got a question for you sure it's like drinking water for us. What's the weirdest thing you did in the bathroom at basic training? I never do anything weird in the bathroom. Oh, I don't know. Cause I have,
Starting point is 01:12:18 are there doors in there? Is there privacy in there? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's doors. I think maybe the weirdest thing we did was we all shit with the doors open and we like looked at each other in the mirrors. Yeah, look it. I beat off on the subway once. Totally normal. Like no one should think that that's weird.
Starting point is 01:12:51 I was so hungry that it was like after we went to dinner and like there was like a little black market system of like people would smuggle food back to the barracks. Peanut butter. And I like asked around and someone like would take like they'd have like white bread, ham and cheese sandwiches at the end of the line like that you could grab. It'd be like you could grab two of them and someone would smuggle them back right would throw it underneath their shirt or whatnot yeah and bring it back and i was so hungry that i paid 15 for a white bread ham and cheese sandwich and i went and ate it in the bathroom because i was worried about drill sergeant's guy jesus that's not even weird at all well there have only been four listen to Well, there have only been 14 convictions for selective service refuse nicks. And none since 1986. So no one's been convicted since 1986 for refusing to register.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Those hundred thousand or so young men per year who disobey Washington's marching orders are typically barred from working government jobs receiving student loans or obtaining a driver's license so those so no one's been convicted of it in a fucking uh 14 plus 24 is 38 years so maybe now they're just like we can't trust you to do it yourselves we're just going to register you too bad i don't know if trust is the word but something there's a growing centrist consensus among liberals and hawkish conservatives i don't know what hawkish conservatives are on the expanding the selective service the american civil liberties union for example is fighting for the right of women to be conscripted and argues selective service is an example of overt sex discrimination.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Yeah, that's batshit crazy. You cannot have women in there. Horrible shit's going to happen. I would just rather not have women be in that kind of danger. That too. I don't care. There are some. Pretty.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Savage women in the military. And I'm cool with them being around. But I would rather them not. Like I want them to have kids. With their husbands. Like I want them to like perpetuate this. Like. This freedom.
Starting point is 01:15:04 And I'm not arguing that if a woman wants to go into the military that she shouldn't be allowed to try. Don't anyone get that conflated. If you're a woman and you want to be in the military, go for it. But at that point, it's on you. At the point that you're forcing women to be in close quarters with men, dude. with men dude i think yeah i think the problem lies in the fact that we've been lowering the standard for certain things right and it and disgust oids too dude if you don't have the discipline to not eat if you don't have the discipline if you're a fat motherfucker you you we already know you don't have discipline and then we expect you to be disciplined around women.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yeah. Sorry, I didn't think of that. Yeah. But like it's just it's just a. No, there's exceptions to the rule either way. Right. Like there are exceptions, tons of exceptions, tons of exceptions. Women. Yes. But but also like you have to look at it from a a biological right like physicality standpoint yes right like russia or china doesn't care if you're a man or a woman right like they're gonna kill you either way everything wear the uniform everything has a place i love i love going to a good uh a good vaudeville show or a good show good play good musical that that has like 20 trannies in it i love i like i love that shit the thespian shit like that's where trannies belong in the arts not in the fucking military not in the sciences not in the fucking school uh library with your kids like everywhere everything has their place and everything has their place like stay in your fucking lane
Starting point is 01:16:42 like those dudes those dudes who make like statues out of chainsaws you know what I mean they sell them on the side of the road places and the guy's taking a fucking chainsaw and carved up a bear like like that tool is not appropriate for that activity but there are some exceptions there's some dudes who figured it out
Starting point is 01:17:13 my god true true well happy father's day savvy okay thank you caleb you too are you on the starlink right now is that working finally no this is starling this is that's it's better than yesterday so yeah you know it's weird when you came on it was ass and now it's all good yeah i think it just said itself, but it's running during that or something. Awesome. All right. See you, fellas. Okay, bye. Later, dude. Oh, yeah, this is an interesting contradiction, too. The problem is believing anyone should
Starting point is 01:17:36 be forced to do something against their will and saying that you believe in freedom, that you're forcing people to fight to the death in order to protect freedom. Hey, there's this thing that, um, there,
Starting point is 01:17:47 have you seen, have you seen Tom McDonald's new song? It came out yesterday. No, there's this, there's this group of people who are, who are like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:17:59 there's puppet masters at the top who are, who are forcing the Dems to be against the Republicans and the Republicans to be against the Dems. And there's this whole fight that's being put in in place by these by the illuminati or these powers that be or these higher-ups or just that stuff and to tell you the truth like i just don't believe that i don't believe that i i'm more i believe in the theory of uh uh financial interests when they collide um they just work well together meaning like pharma and big food right pharma loves big food because it makes people sick and uh and so they support each other they have uh interest at the top and they're really really rich right so they're
Starting point is 01:18:37 yeah their interests run to each other and greg in the last week has been interest greg in the last week has been explaining this thing to me that's just fucking fascinating to me and i think he got it from victor david hansen i heard victor david hansen say it too and he says what's happening here is happened always happens in time there's countries that become so fucking powerful like the united states that we get on this crazy high moral uh high ground like crazy crazy high moral high ground, like crazy, crazy high moral high ground. And the United States did that in the 40s, right in the 30s. They're like, there's no way we're going to war. We're anti-war. No war, no war.
Starting point is 01:19:13 We don't believe in killing people. We don't believe in killing people. No war, no war, no war. We're not going to do anything. And what happens is, is that's perceived by other people as just fucking weakness. happens is is that's perceived by other people as just fucking weakness and so here we are in the united states on the super high moral high ground where anything goes love pedophiles love people who want to fucking fuck with kids don't know on all circumstances turn the other cheek right and so you get on this you we're living this plush life over here and then it's seen as weakness and hitler fucking what's that quote and hit it's seen as weakness. And Hitler fucking... What's that quote?
Starting point is 01:19:46 And Hitler saw it as fucking weakness. And he fucking thought he was going to fucking take over all of fucking Europe. And the world. Well, it's the quote. What is it? Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Weak men create bad times. We're at that end of the cycle olson dudes what's up buddy happy father's day i can get into father's day with you yeah that'd be cool have a blessed day gents yeah thank you and so uh who else is depressed today well my dad's not dead so sorry okay i'm not sorry i hear you is that taylor yeah his dad his dad's dead my dad fell asleep on a phone call with me yesterday wow did he just eat like something uh did he just eat like a fucking lemon meringue pie or something like did he just have a shower yeah something like that with some milligrams in it.
Starting point is 01:20:47 I called him and I was talking to him and I was ranting. And then I hear, I like got to the end of my rant and I'm like, dad. And I just hear like the birds chirping. He's sitting outside. I'm like, did you fall asleep, dad? And I hear breathing. And he texted me. He's like, shh.
Starting point is 01:21:04 I asked, would you fall asleep passed out mid-conversation hello dad that will plumber you've been on the phone now for um uh 30 minutes and no one has said to hang up on you that's pretty good yeah that's a new record i think yeah you're you you have some bona fide haters out there David Weed must be asleep at the wheel or something Alright dude, thank you for calling Yep, see you fellas, bye Later I used to have this friend
Starting point is 01:21:36 And I thought I saw this And it was so awesome First I'll play this and I'll tell you He used to have this line he would say all the time. Tell you something crazy about New York. Not having a job makes your life so much easier. I know you're like, huh?
Starting point is 01:21:53 So, boom. Let's say you got mad kids and you don't want to work. You just want to stay home all day, smoke weed, be lazy. Go to a shelter. Free housing. What's the next step? An apartment. Free housing. Or you're going to have a little co-pay. But guess what? You don't have a shelter. Free housing. What's the next step? An apartment. Free housing. Or you're going to have a little copay. But guess what? You don't have a job. So where's the copay going to come from? Cash assistance. Where's the food going to be coming from? Food stamps. So as long as you don't have a job, you will always have a roof over your head and you will always have food in your stomach. They will always look out for you.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Can I tell you something? By the way, for anyone who doesn't know, when I just hear this girl talking, I think she's stupid. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, I guess. Like, I just hear the way she speaks. I don't know. She articulates
Starting point is 01:22:40 herself, the way the words come out of her mouth. I just think, oh, you're a retard. I can't tell, by the way, if this is facetiousious or not or you know what i mean but anyway i just i i anyway i used to have this friend and he used to say he used to say this line suck my dick i don't got a job and that was his that was his line suck my dick i don't got a job he's like wow that's the hell thanks all you games athletes for not calling in and gaping my butt yesterday and making my weekend 10 times worse than it already is. Hey, Taylor, did you see that Colton accused us of...
Starting point is 01:23:16 First of all, he did those... I should probably punch myself in the fucking nuts. Those box jump overs. Did you see the video Colton put up? Yeah. You want me to pull it up sure oh my god it's crazy hey i don't mean that in a bad way that i think this girl is stupid it's just i just passed judgment on her i just the way she talks and articulates herself i just think she's
Starting point is 01:23:40 a moron and i'm guilty of passing judgment on her but Yeah, and look how high his bar is too boy It's like climbing a mountain just get up there but wait you see his box jump overs they're crazy I Don't think he put his time but let me tell you I hate to it, but he may even be, he's jumping over the box better than, uh, Taylor. Taylor said he did five reps of each movement as fast as he could with 10 minutes rest between. Oh, fair. Okay. So you think this is just IG hype? Fuck Colton. Got to get a couple of good reps in and then you just
Starting point is 01:24:30 Rest and do it again. Yeah, if he does that little swingy thing each time he's not He should jump into the swingy thing You know what I mean Colton call me if you want some coaching tips Yeah, you could use it that he needs to jump into that swingy thing He's not going fast enough This sign's square Yeah, Colton's square I don't know if Colton's square Did I say Colton was square? I don't know if Colton's square
Starting point is 01:24:57 I don't think Colton's a dork Oh, it says someone called and I missed the call Oh, Jeff Mary's DMs. Jeff Baco called. Sorry, Jeff. I missed your call. I don't know why I didn't come through.
Starting point is 01:25:19 I wonder what I'm going to do today. My dad's coming. You know what I think I'm going to do today? I should probably make a video of it. We're going to graft one of my mulberry trees today. Oh, really? Yeah, or probably a bunch of trees. We're probably going to graft a half dozen trees.
Starting point is 01:25:33 By the way, Mary, thank you for having Toast Spacers. Thank you to yourself and Toast Spacers for sponsoring the show yesterday. I was actually thinking, I was like, fuck, maybe we need to always invite Colton to be on the panel. That way he doesn't come take the money every week. He's like,
Starting point is 01:25:52 no, I won't. I won't be on the, what? Just do that with every games athlete. Yeah. Next thing you, we got 30 dudes on the panel.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Yellow hosta, old Mertens. I'm so, I'm so glad. I'm so glad we've only had one girl try, right? Jamie Latimer. No, no. We had that one chick who had that like crazy voice and was super shredded. Did the burpee workout with the, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Marge, large Marge, large Marge. There you there you go yeah did you i loved her did you like her body she's one of like a sports bra and shit i liked her body yeah she's dead i liked her is she gay no she's one of she's she's there's no way she's probably like straight and just works
Starting point is 01:26:37 with dudes all the time oh colton's girlfriend came on too oh that's right yeah ally came on three girls yeah you got to be really brave to be a girl and come on. Cause like, you just know you have no chance. She's probably the closest. Zero. Allie was close. She did zero,
Starting point is 01:26:56 zero, zero chance. I'm excited to see, I get excited to see what the workouts are I've been this excited to see workouts since um Oh, oh, what's this? Can you guys hear that What could you okay, hold on Can you guys hear that? What?
Starting point is 01:27:25 Oh, okay. Hold on. Wow. Oh, can you play? Look at this. Andrew Hiller's at some competition somewhere in Idaho. I just sent you a clip. Can you play that? By the way, I'd do it if I knew how.
Starting point is 01:27:48 I could play it. I just don't know how to get the audio. Excuse me. Oh, yeah, she stole Colton's rope that day. That's right. Andrew, our online correspondence from the great northwest is Idaho the northwest close yeah I think so we'll take it
Starting point is 01:28:13 the Haley Adams in the comments from the week before I guess was fake Haley Adams look at this here we go oh you don't have audio either you can't hear it no that makes me feel good is there something you're supposed to click when you share it no the i think just quick time just doesn't do it let me see if i can play it another way but let me see if I can play it another way.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Oh, like save it or something? Yeah. Here, let me do this. What do you do? Open with QuickTime Player? Try this. How about that? No.
Starting point is 01:29:02 Still no? No. Weird, right? That's super fucking annoying. How do you do it? What's this button do? Share, playback speed. Maybe if I do it like this.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Don't normally. Normally, I feel like you're good at this. I am. Usually it works. No. What the fuck? Maybe I'll just do this. Hey hey I'm on the podcast one of my buddies calling to talk about the Gervonta Davis fight
Starting point is 01:30:01 who's forehead is bigger KSI or Hiller? Is KSI the UK, like, YouTube guy, Instagram guy? Yeah, I think so. Mary, Toastbasters completely fixed my plantar fasciitis. By the way, I've been using them for close to a year now one of the best buys to date oh there you go Seve tell your wife's bee story again what bee story
Starting point is 01:30:38 Greg offered to get me a couple bee hives. My wife doesn't really like bees. I don't know what I'm going to do. But she hasn't said no to it. So. Ken Walters, have a great day. Off to spend the rest of the afternoon with my young adults. Hey. What's up? hey caller caller hold on one second that was it that was it caleb did you hear it okay that was it hold on caller one second oh no we'll come back to it caller go ahead we'll come back
Starting point is 01:31:17 to hillar go ahead caller all right um so i was going back to your conversation with will a story came came to mind that I wanted to share. I thought you'd think is kind of interesting. I teach middle school. So when it comes to standards and physical fitness, all that. Is that middle school seventh, eighth and ninth grade? Yeah. So my middle school is a little different. I teach fifth grade as well. Okay. So I did. I also teach health. So I did a little survey, just kind of curiosity. It was one question and I asked them like, or I told them after you get done with the workout and you're really sore, you have two options for something to include in your dinner. you're really sore. You have two options for something to include in your dinner. And I just had two nutrition labels and I didn't say what either of them were. So one of them was piece of chicken breast and it was like 120 calories and like all protein. And the other one was sour kids is like 110 calories, all added sugar.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Like sour patch kids, like gummy bears bears like gummy bears yeah but sour yeah okay yeah yep so like after a hard workout you need to recover which food would be best out of 120 kids three of them got it right holy shit how did you ask the question which would you rather have or what's better for you? Yes. What would help your body recover from a heart attack? So we talked about before that, we talked about, you know, like protein helps your muscles, carbs give you energy. So just very basic. I even included the ingredients.
Starting point is 01:32:58 So if they would have kept reading under the nutrition label, they could have seen chicken breasts versus all the fake chemicals and sugars and garbage. So I asked them like why they picked what they picked. And they all said something along the lines of choosing the one with less calories because more calories make you fat. Holy shit. Hey, I want to ask 130 women of the age of uh let's say 30 years old um if you're stressed out uh what would be better oral sex or vaginal sex as a as a as a companion to your survey it'd be interesting answers i cannot fucking believe hey you know what's crazy so the other day i went i went out to eat and there were a bunch of kids there and um uh they could order
Starting point is 01:33:53 whatever they wanted and uh there was i had three kids there and all the kids ordered pancakes and um my oldest son ordered an omelet oh one other kid ordered steak and eggs and then my two youngest kids ordered bacon and eggs and pancakes and then they they said to me across the room hey we finished our bacon and eggs can we eat our pancakes now and um uh it was just interesting like you know what i mean like they knew like i probably have been more strict with the oldest son but yeah it's crazy yeah fucking yeah my my nieces my nieces are raised the same and would when they go buy like a mcdonald's billboard with like the picture of a burger on it yeah they get so grossed out but when their dad grills a hamburger they'll eat hamburger so it's like it's just wild like what kids grow up around and what they think is good
Starting point is 01:34:47 and i mean there's just zero like families don't know and it's it was at a high poverty school and they just walk around the halls all day eating sour patch kids and he does so like it's it's crazy how overweight they are but how malnourished they are because they just don't know. Think about how that's affecting them hormonally and their decision-making and their understanding of the world. I keep seeing all of these articles that exercise will make you right-wing. What's so funny is it's the, and it, it's the truth. Exercise and hard work will make you right wing. And it like, like that's somehow like a bad, like that's somehow a bad thing to have values
Starting point is 01:35:34 and believe in personal responsibility, personal accountability, and being a high leveling contributor to society and be able to be healthy. It's just bizarre to me. And meanwhile, if you're say it again, I could go on for days about like the changes and just kids in general and how different it is and like the correlation between the lack of exercise and the crappy diets are just unreal. Um, just think about the needs that you would demands you would put on the u.s government and accept if you're 100 pounds overweight versus if you weren't right you're 100 pounds overweight
Starting point is 01:36:12 you have all these demands you want like special you want laws for special access into stores you believe you you want you don't care that sugar subsidized and broccoli's not i mean you're just fucked up you're just so you're what's best for the civilization as a whole there's just a high chance that your shit is fucked up you know what's crazy so in when my kids do these things like this uh surf camps and stuff it's crazy the stories they tell me they'll be like yeah that kid talked back that kid pushed that kid like i cannot fucking believe this shit that kids do. And my kids can't believe it.
Starting point is 01:36:47 They're like, dude, and they tell me these stories, and I'm just like, what the fuck? And they're like the same thing. They're like, we can't even believe it. Yeah, it is unreal. Their minds would be blown if they came to a day with me at my school. What kids get away with. It's wild. Do the kids have phones
Starting point is 01:37:06 yeah yep all of them it's yeah so the the one unit that i ever had success with like the best unit of the year is a swim unit because they can't have their phones and it's it was it blew my mind how they were just different kids when they got in the pool. And none of them knew how to swim because it was post-COVID. All the pools shut down where I was at. It was crazy. But they all got in and they were just kids having fun again. And it was the coolest thing to see.
Starting point is 01:37:40 But they couldn't have their phones with them and it changed everything. What demographic are your kids are they white kids mexican kids black kids what are they asian kids not asian we are the school i was at this is two years ago the school that previously was um minority was white so it was a lot of hispanics black yeah like a mix or mostly hispanic and black um mostly hispanic black and none of them and none of them knew how to swim no and you can blame it on a lot of things but i think a lot of it was just nobody did anything during the whole covid garbage when everything was shut down right of it was just nobody did anything during the whole COVID garbage when everything was shut down.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Right. Cause it was definitely worse after that than before that, when I taught it, like coming back after that, there was, it was, it was way worse. Well,
Starting point is 01:38:37 Hey, that's a, that's a good little bit of information there, by the way, though, uh, put kids in a pool, get them away from their phone,
Starting point is 01:38:42 put kids in a pool, take them to the beach. Yep. Hey, are you allowed to collect the phone? away from their phone, put kids in a pool, take them to the beach. Yep. Hey, are you allowed to collect the phone? Are you allowed to collect the phones as a teacher? No, no, no. I've been called. I've been called out by parents.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Their response is, you don't pay my kids phone bill. You're right. So can't touch their phones. Jesus Christ. you're right so can't touch their phones jesus christ you've allowed a device into my classroom that gives access uh pedophiles access to my classroom and yeah and like that's not a lie you've given a device you've given a device to my kid that you're basically if someone brings a phone into your classroom they've brought porn into your classroom everything that's on the internet has been brought into your classroom so porn drug sales uh predators pedophiles just you name it yeah people fucking animals i mean just think of the craziest grossest shit you could think of and it's now in your classroom
Starting point is 01:39:40 because of a cell phone it's fucking absolutely bonkers it's bonkers your classroom because of a cell phone. It's fucking absolutely bonkers. It's bonkers. It's bonkers. It is. Totally is. And you know, the worst thing about the education system though is, well, I guess there's lots of bad things. But I've been trying to get CrossFit in my school like affiliate. Like I've got the okay. I've got the free voucher. I've gone to the online seminars.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Like I've done everything and my administrator will not respond to me with a go. You can do it. Like it's fitness and health and PE is so low on the priority list for admin that they won't even give me the time of day to say like, yes, you can do this. I i mean i've showed them the grants i can get like i've done everything and presented everything and they won't just say isn't that amazing so uh so all that other stuff can come into the classroom via the internet but not crossfit yeah i mean i've showed up all the research with like just all the benefits and I've even like there's articles out there from like administrators view of CrossFit in schools. So it's like they just would need the time to read one article.
Starting point is 01:40:54 And I feel like they would have no reason to say no. Yet they think there's a chance for injuries. So, no, they're just not going to respond and ignore me. There's a chance for injuries. So no, they're just not going to respond and ignore me. It gets, uh, Christine young says my kid has never been able to have a phone in a classroom, especially in middle school. So I guess some schools don't allow it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:15 So that that's our rule. Like they're not supposed to, but that doesn't, that doesn't stop it. Just like boys. Aren't supposed to go into the girl's bathroom and rape them, but that happens too. Yeah. Yeah. I'd be curious to go into her son's school. And like, I mean, honestly, teachers don't, like, they ignore it because it's so much harder on us to enforce it.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Hey, how about the amount of paperwork we have to do and the parent calls and like, it's just such a chore to like call out every kid that's got it, that it's just, yeah, it takes over. Hey, how about, um, uh, the way the kids dress? Is that pretty crazy to the girls? Yeah. Oh yeah. I mean, this school is better where i'm at now, but the school I was at before with the pool situation They took the dress code out of our handbook Yeah, because I see kids walking around now. Um junior high kids and I cannot fucking believe what the girls are wearing. I I Oh, it's nuts. They would come to school and like Like bras. Yes. Yes. That's what I see. That's what I see. Especially now that it's getting warm here.
Starting point is 01:42:26 I see kids coming to school dressed like CrossFit Games athletes. Yeah. They took it out of our handbook because it was culturally disrespectful. Some cultures allow their daughters to dress like whores and that's part of the
Starting point is 01:42:43 cultural, you're being racist. Yeah. They're acceptable to steal from Walgreens and other stores, too, so we should just let them do it. CK Kevin says they have no parents. Yeah, that's probably more true. A hundred percent. Yeah, it really is. It really is sad.
Starting point is 01:43:08 it really is sad like when i did have to contact parents and like realizing where kids were coming from it it was hard like there was a reason they were the way they were like it i didn't blame the kids i guess at the end of the day it really wasn't the kids but um when i took my kids to this surf camp i got there like on the third day, I was down there and one of the parents came up to me and they're like, Hey, I think one of the coaches is too hard on the kids. I'm like, really? He goes, yeah. And you go, and she said to me, I don't really want to say anything cause I don't want to be a helicopter, blah, blah, blah, mom. But if you could say something for me, that'd be cool. I'm like, okay, cool. No problem. I'll say something. So then my kids finished camp that day and we're driving home. I'm like okay cool no problem i'll say something so then my kids finish camp
Starting point is 01:43:45 that day and we're driving home i'm like hey is uh is that teacher being an asshole and my kid's like yeah only because he has to because those two kids were fighting and it was that kids that kid was slapping other kids in the back and it was that it was the mom who was complaining to me that the teacher was an instructor he's like i'm like is that a bad kid he's like oh he's the worst kid ever and he's telling me all the shit he does oh yeah and i'm like yeah i should have fucking known yeah yeah that's that doesn't surprise me at all yeah i wonder if i should tell that mom hey by the way i looked into it your kid's a douche oh she would defend her kid till the end. Like she would never believe you.
Starting point is 01:44:27 She would just hold it against you. Wouldn't get you anywhere. But I looked into it and your kid was slapping other kids. I mean, I would love it if you said that. Maybe I will. She needs to hear it. Maybe I will. But whether it actually.
Starting point is 01:44:43 She's hot. She's hot too. She's hot too she's hot too i need a reason to go talk to her she's hot and she has her tits out all the time it's pretty funny we'll go for it then yeah then i'll go talk to her the ones with the most unfortunately then that'll be the last conversation i have with her make it a good one yeah that'd be good but all right i'm sure people want me to hang up no no only one person david weed said hang up on her and that's like a good sign that means you're a good caller yeah no one else yeah cool well i feel special all right well, thank you for teaching our kids. Yep, I do my best. All right. Bye. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 01:45:27 Bye from Caleb. Okay. Yeah, she's hot too. I mean, she is. It's just the way it is. I don't know. She wears this shirt with like spaghetti straps and shit. Nice.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Jody Lynn says, no, it's a very good call Okay, uh action Through so what I'm gonna have to play it all the way through like I can't pause it or anything Okay, that's we have our limitations. I Caleb has cracked the code. I'm playing audio We have our limitations. Caleb has cracked the code on playing audio. Tell me exactly what you just said about why you can't watch Kill Cain. Oh, my wife gets upset if I watch it without her,
Starting point is 01:46:14 so I have to wait until she gets home so I can watch it with her. Like some sort of a sitcom, right? Yeah, like a sitcom. Like don't watch Game of Thrones without me. Yeah, you can't watch it without her or it's game over. I'm so proud of that. That's awesome. Yeah, that means't watch it without it or it's game over. I'm so proud of that. That's awesome. Yeah, that means it's legit. Yeah, that means people like watching it.
Starting point is 01:46:33 That's legit. Thank you, Hiller, live from shirtless Hiller. Hey, I wonder if I can post that. Can I post that? My wife was texting me yesterday during it, and she said she was watching. And I was like, really? She's like, yeah, I really love the banter. I thought it was our worst kill, Taylor, yet.
Starting point is 01:46:52 My sister called me afterwards and said it was great. Made me feel so good. Yeah, it was pretty good. I still liked it. Don't get me wrong. I just didn't think it was like – I just thought of the eight we've done. It just was the worst one. But I guess it was great. It's pretty good
Starting point is 01:47:08 What do you know my wife's watching again? Uh, oh I saw stephen flores yesterday with his shirt off Working out at um crossfit inferno at CrossFit Inferno. Mr. Reed, for Judy and I, Kill Taylor is must-see TV. Yeah, it's good shit. Sean Roddy, that's so accurate.
Starting point is 01:47:38 My girlfriend is not into CrossFit at all, and she was annoyed I watched them midweek without her. She was happy to have it back on Saturdays. Oh, good. Okay. Hey, when is... Taylor is a girl's name uh when is um i wonder when the show is actually gonna like grow you know what i mean like it's still in um it's still in this it's still like it in the um like it's like a low i don't know what an example is but it's like a local rapper only people only the locals know about them like no one knows yet okay still in its infancy kind of thing yeah more than its infancy it's just like
Starting point is 01:48:22 i don't know if out of the crossfit, it's not like people don't even really know in the CrossFit community yet. So, you know, there's this thing, like people be like, no one cares what's going on at HQ or no one cares about that. And I'm always like, yeah, you're probably right. No one cares. No one cares. No one cares. But this thing like, like someone might not be into an Andrew Hill, like into an Andrew Hill or video because they don't care if a rep's good or not. They just want to work out and then get on with their day, right? Right. But there becomes a point where I just think that that show could appeal to more people. Oh, more boobies equals growth. Like, if we had chicks doing it hot chicks Probably you're right I will say my reels that I have My wife and get more traction than
Starting point is 01:49:10 It's just me so significantly More right It's just her face too They're like yeah Pool boy I masturbate to kill Taylor that's how good It is I should probably stop doing that and actually Text in to try to win Surprised you haven't yet.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Anyway, it'll happen. Maybe it's going to... Well, sooner or later, the money's going to go up to $1,000 a show. I think that'll make it more attractive. I think more people will watch just because of that number. I think people will make it more attractive. I think more people will watch because of just because of that number. I think people will talk about it more. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:49:52 Like if you win 500 bucks, you might not tell anyone you in 3000 bucks. You might tell like three people at your gym. Yeah. You know what I mean? You in $6,000 and someone's like, Oh, you got a new car.
Starting point is 01:50:01 And it's like, yeah, I won the down payment just working out on, on some show on the internet. Yeah, for sure. And then, car? And it's like, yeah, I won the down payment just working out on some show on the internet. Yeah, for sure. And then maybe some local news station that Lauren Khalil works at picks it up and does a little story on it. Yeah, I think you're right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:50:16 That's like three grand would be like a month's rent. You know? Like you just paid your rent off that. Eh. I think Taylor's still trying to figure out what kind of workouts, what works better to make them crazy elite workouts so only CrossFit Games athletes want to enter or ones that are accessible to everyone and then everyone enters.
Starting point is 01:50:37 At some point, the first week it was really hard to get in. Now this last couple weeks it hasn't been that hard. Well, I guess two people didn't get in this week the thing is is people wait too long right they know when the show is yeah i wonder i saw i saw a 215 number on there i wonder and colton said he tried to call in i wonder if that's colton's number let me see colton no i think he think he would be 7-1-2. Oh, he's 3-1-9. Oh, never mind. Let me see. 2-1-5 is Philly.
Starting point is 01:51:13 Okay, he did not call you. He did not try yesterday. At least I don't see it. Say it again. He's just trying to put us on blast. Oh sorry i'm looking at the wrong i'm looking at phone calls not text messages sorry hold on sorry sorry oh he did he did he did oh oh shit oh at 9 10 we started the show i think at about at about 8.10 because of the StreamYard issues yesterday. So when he sent that, we were still on the air.
Starting point is 01:51:52 So maybe we were ducking him. Maybe he has a valid argument. Shit. And I kept him on for like an hour and seven minutes. Oh, yeah. Three people. Colton and then two other people. Oh, Travis Breit.
Starting point is 01:52:08 And then... I'm a line Voorhees. If I was fitter and had bigger boobs, I'd call in. Sorry, Seve. Well, fair. You can... Do things you can fix. Listen, i like all boobs by no means the pancake ones that droop down to the knees caleb tell them how much i love them right i really do loves the big old
Starting point is 01:52:37 droopy titties yeah anything anything with a nipple on it the ones that have been chopped off the girl who chops off her love those those too. I just love them all. Weird. Doesn't make sense, but it makes sense. Thank you. Uh-oh. What's that sludge on the bottom of your mug? Coffee grounds.
Starting point is 01:52:58 I make it in one of these little fucking cowboy coffee. One of these. So I have. Oh. I have. I have a stovetop.
Starting point is 01:53:11 In my. Here, maybe I can turn the camera. I have a stovetop. And. Oh, here we go. Those are nice seats. That's a nice bench seat. So I have three burners.
Starting point is 01:53:26 And a lime. And some jalapenos, I think. Oh. Yeah. And I usually just make it right here, and then I can just set it on top of one of the burners, turn it on, and then just let it cook. Yeah, those are awesome. Kristen Kettler, a percolator. I let it cook. Yeah. Those are awesome.
Starting point is 01:53:45 Uh, Kristen Kettler, a percolator. I love those things. Yeah. I will say I've had this for less for like a week. I bought this one and already the little, uh,
Starting point is 01:53:55 uh, strainer in the middle is like broken. Oh, that's why the grounds go through. Yeah. And it like leaks out the side and then it's kind of annoying but i like the way the coffee tastes so hey so we don't get um so we don't get you tomorrow on tomorrow's show negative no
Starting point is 01:54:19 that sucks i'll be on wed. Cause it's Juneteenth. Oh, nice. I can't wait to do research to figure out what kind of fucking scam that is. We had a briefing about it. You did? Yeah. They had like a,
Starting point is 01:54:37 they did like a, it was like a 30 minute spiel with a, with a, uh, PowerPoint slide and everything, trying to educate us. So I paid for a million soldiers to have a 30-minute briefing on Juneteenth. Yep.
Starting point is 01:54:54 That's for my technology. You paid for us to have a day off on Wednesday, and you paid for us to have a briefing on Friday morning to inform all of us about how important Juneteenth is. And what is Juneteenth? Uh, I don't want to know. Don't tell me.
Starting point is 01:55:16 I don't even want to know. I'm going to be honest. I wasn't paying attention. I don't know. I just let, they just scrolled through the PowerPoint and I just let it happen. I'm going to watch one crazy liberal article on it. I remember when it first happened, I listened to the New York Times did a whole thing on it on their podcast.
Starting point is 01:55:34 It was before I had a podcast. And I just remember thinking, oh, this is just a fucking crock of shit. I kept thinking of Kwanzaa. Is that what the one is where the guy like beat his wife with a toaster and he like created a religious holiday off of it? He kidnapped women and put them in his fucking basement and sexually assaulted them and beat one woman with a toaster. That's all I could think of. And he's the inventor of Kwanzaa. He spent time in jail and shit. And the whole premise, you know, the premise of Kwanzaa is that you hate white people.
Starting point is 01:56:02 It's to fight back against white people holidays. Imagine a holiday holiday imagine if we had a holiday that was like to hate black people shit i know it's fucking crazy yeah i remember the the guy who was briefing us was telling us about how uh he's like you know when you're walking down the street and a crime is committed and there's two guys in hoodies and one of them is black and one of them is white, that's the kind of stereotypes we need to break or something. What do you mean? I was like, statistically speaking. Yeah, that's not on you to break that. That's on black people and that's on whoever's doing the crime to break it.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Right. is doing the crime to break it right i was like if you look at the yeah i didn't get into it with him but i was i knew it was going down that road and i was like this is just so bad i felt bad because the dude who was given the brief was like he's uh he's from ghana so he's like native to ghana he came here yeah he's a yeah he is he's like yeah so he's a black dude that doesn't steal. Right. He's a very like. He's not American black. He's like he's he's out of American black. Right. He he like speaks Ghanaian or whatever language that is.
Starting point is 01:57:15 And. I'm guessing he's pushing the propaganda and he's pushing the fucking propaganda. He used he used the military to get a green card, which I'm guessing he used the military to get a green card. And he's like using the United States as like a way to give himself a better life, him and his family. And, but he's still advocating for this nonsense. It's fucking,
Starting point is 01:57:42 it's fucking absurd Yeah Uh Pool boy um Juneteenth celebrates the date of June 19th 1865 when enslaved people Of African descent located in Galveston Texas finally learned of their freedom from slavery
Starting point is 01:58:01 In the system Yep It's kind of funny like the way learned of their freedom from slavery in the system. Yep. It's kind of funny, like, the way they travel. Why not call it that? Free... It's the day the slaves were freed. Free Slave Day. Why Juneteenth? Why Juneteenth? Why not just have a Remembrance
Starting point is 01:58:20 Day? Hey, I'm willing to give up Valentine's Day for that, by the way. Can we just put it on Valentine's Day? Valentine's Day is pretty stupid. I'm willing to give up Valentine's Day for that, by the way. Can we just put it on Valentine's Day? Valentine's Day is pretty stupid. I'm totally fine with recognizing the day that slaves – and hey, the day the Republicans set the slaves free. Wasn't it the Democrats? No.
Starting point is 01:58:42 Good guess, though. You had a 50-50 chance. It was the Republicans. The Democrats were the only slave Oh sorry I meant Yes that's what I meant Hey listen Tomorrow On the show
Starting point is 01:58:56 This is one of the biggest The crazy Hawaiian Damn Wow Hawaiian. Damn! Wow. Oh. Oh. This guy will be on the show tomorrow. They call him the crazy
Starting point is 01:59:21 Hawaiian. They call him the crazy Hawaiian. The Hawaiian hitman. The crazy Hawaiian. Oh, there's two Hawaiians. Jeez. Oh, that's confusing. That's confusing,'s confusing right what
Starting point is 01:59:45 I don't know which guy's coming on I think it's duh crazy Hawaiian's coming on oh shit that shit must get confusing I gotta make sure I don't fuck that up tomorrow when he's on the show right yeah that's weird why would they do that
Starting point is 02:00:01 which one had the name first? I don't know. I wonder if our guy won or not. That's right. He said last time when I watched it back and I saw... So that's the crazy Hawaiian. Okay. The one with the big beard. I was actually embarrassed by how big I was and how out of shape I got. So that's the crazy Hawaiian.
Starting point is 02:00:34 Oh man, these guys look so similar. Yeah, they do. What the fuck? Okay, the crazy Hawaiian. Okay, and the Hawaiian hitman has a short beard. Okay, I can figure it out Yeah, one of the guys right and one of the crazy Hawaiian looks like a black dude and the hit Hawaiian hitman Looks like a Hawaiian dude Shit here we go Speak to Speak to Her
Starting point is 02:01:03 Her Not only from Hawaii but from the same town Why not We want the guy in the black shirt to win right That's our guy coming on the show tomorrow Okay yeah Yeah Look at all the dudes to catch the big dude.
Starting point is 02:01:27 Oh, and you got to hold that stick behind your back? Yeah, I think. God, this is stressful. Here we go. Look at his head, dude. Main event. He's shaking it off. He's shaking it off. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:08 I wonder why they have to review it. Oh, you can't step. There's a rule. You have to keep your feet planted. You can't step into it. They're going to give it a review. That seems good to me. They're looking at the guys ready to catch him Fuck dude oh yeah fuck dude holy shit scary he went into it and looked like he didn't need it wow
Starting point is 02:02:57 i don't know Oh, shit. I'd love to see. Here's the replay. He did. From that angle, it doesn't look. I don't know. It doesn't look good. Second hit.
Starting point is 02:03:21 Oh, shit. So he went with the lefty. Yeah, I didn't realize you could switch. By the way, the crazy Hawaiian is grabbing his left arm, his left elbow, his left wrist. It looked like he heard that.
Starting point is 02:03:40 Oh, shit. Here we go. Arm has been compromised. He gets another shot Duty hit his face on the podium. He did Sounded like it Hey, it's weird how close they happen to the edge of the stage, right? Yeah. Kid Rock's there? Okay, so this guy's coming on the show tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:04:39 I want to see his face hit the... I want to see... I Want to see his face hit the podium in the middle Oh, yeah straight down damn, we're not gonna see it Maybe here Tonight's Monster Knockout is brought to you by Monster Energy Unleashed the Beast. I mean, I'm looking back at... Oh, man. Whoa. My God. Sentinel Training, we should do that at the games. Damn.
Starting point is 02:05:19 That's fucking awesome. The CTE waiver must be rock solid. Wow. Kristen Keller proposing something new to Dana White. Dear Dana White, how about a new sport with dudes with huge cocks, mushrooms slapping each other to knock out? What? Sam Valenzuela seven hi sam those are my initials sam a couple months ago a gym shut down and we had all the members come to the affiliate i go to i saw a guy with the ceo
Starting point is 02:05:56 shirt and i said nice shirt and we became friends because of the podcast oh that's awesome that's cool that's a good story. Mr. Valenzuela. Cute kid. You don't need a pacifier. Pacifier. Don't use pacifier. Okay. That's my free advice to you.
Starting point is 02:06:16 All right. Cool. Clock. We're about two short steps from real alligator fights. Real gladiator fights? Damn, yeah, that's true. Uh, Mr. Kevin, Audrey and I met the other day at her gym because of the podcast. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 02:06:43 All right, guys. Uh, tomorrow, the crazy Hawaiian We don't have a show scheduled for tomorrow morning But I suspect I'll be here anyway to hang out with you guys Thanks hope you had fun Caleb thank you see you guys later Happy Father's Day Oh wait We met a guy who knew you
Starting point is 02:07:02 When you were coming up in CrossFit Listen I arrived at the top. I was born on the mountaintop. Everything was given to me. They come up. How dare you? All right. Talk to you soon.
Starting point is 02:07:22 Remember, don't punch any holes in your body. Try to make it through the weekend without punching a hole in your body. Jesus. Are you kidding? Is this a joke? Please tell me this is a joke. I think it's a joke. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:38 God damn it, Mary. Love you guys. Go put on your toe spacers. Bye-bye.

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