The Sevan Podcast - Garrett Glinton & Brandon Waddell | Live Call In

Episode Date: December 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:00 I'll not be named. Shirt. That is a dope shirt. Bam, we're live. What's up, girl? What's going on? Look at our haircuts. What happened? He said, look at our haircuts. Yeah, man. Viking Dyke.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Let's go. My haircut. I mean, I know you know this, but other people probably don't know this. I cut my hair like this to copy your hair. I remember. I was like, just you were. I'm like, hey, I'm going to do your hair. remember i was like just you were i'm like hey i'm gonna do your hair you have too much you had too much hair you're like i want to shave it but i don't want to shave it i was like just get the get this one garrett um what do i it's getting my hair's
Starting point is 00:01:36 getting long yeah is your hair long yeah man oh what are you gonna do with it what do you do with it just keep letting it grow long i mean I Yeah I would feel bad cutting it I think I either braid it Or I mean I mostly wear it down When I You do wear it down
Starting point is 00:01:52 Yeah Like this Yeah the curls Love the curls I guess I follow you on Oh you know what I bet you I don't even follow you
Starting point is 00:02:00 With my new account I'm going to request you right now To follow you on my New account Oh you You gave me bravery My account's open now You can just go to it follow you with my new account i'm going to request you right now to follow you on my uh new oh you you gave me bravery my account's open now you just go to it okay okay g strong 81 okay i guess all this i guess in your account is it always up yeah there we go i i don't comment on a lot of people's stuff, so I don't get... Yeah, your hair's up in every single post that you make. Well, pictures, yeah, but when I go to work or walk around or go to dinner, date night, it's always down.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Down, alright. Hey, even with your hair down, someone will confuse you as a boy? Yeah. No shit. Oh yeah, all the time. Crazy. Confused you as a boy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:42 No shit. Oh, yeah. All the time. Crazy. That's why me and my wife don't get, we don't get messed with very often because people just think we're a straight couple. What state are you in again? New York. Oh, they don't care there, do they?
Starting point is 00:02:58 They got lesbian hate there? No, not, well, out here on the east end of Long Island, it's pretty, nobody got an eye at you, really. Hey, how close are you to Jethro's Gym? I said it wrong last time. Chief Nation? I think it's like 45 minutes. God, it's a fucking small world. They're closer to the city. I'm more
Starting point is 00:03:20 on the fishtail part of Long Island. Hey, thanks for doing this last minute with me. Hey man, anytime doing this last minute with me. Hey, man, anytime. How's the podcast going? It's so fun. I just like practicing. It's just practice.
Starting point is 00:03:32 And how often are you doing it? I'm trying to at least be on twice a week, but when I have the time, now that it's wintertime, I have the time. I try to get on like three or four times. And are you doing that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I'm going to type in it. What's called glinton glinton things and it's you and your lady you and your wife yeah my buddy was on with me last night we were talking crazy probably if you talk like that you probably get demonetized but we're not monetized, so it doesn't matter. I had a video pulled down, episode 198. That's 1,300 episodes ago. I can't tell if it's just a bot going through my old episodes or if it's someone going through with them. It's kind of weird because it synchronizes with the day before. Pedro had one pulled down where I was a guest on the show. synchronizes with the day before Pedro had one pulled down where I was a guest on the show. But in the show, I said that. The vaccine will not stop the spread of infection, it will not stop the spread of infection, and so they pulled it down because of that. And then so then I Googled, will they will the covid vaccine stop infection? And the first thing says, no, it won't.
Starting point is 00:04:43 If it does, it's they called it a scant. um and then i peeled it and i got my show back there you go i can't even fucking believe it i feel like we i feel like they told us that it wasn't going to stop the spread of infection after we all took it like it it it was immediately, first off it was, Oh, you're not going to get it if you take it or, and then it was, Oh, it'll just reduce the symptoms. Did you take it? Yeah. I regret it. Are you nervous? Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:16 You are seriously like, like if you're like, if I know you're very active CrossFit boxing basketball, when you play you, you trip. CrossFit, boxing, basketball. When you play, you trip. I don't. I feel like I have enough fitness in my background that I'm probably going to be okay. But, yeah, it freaks me out. I mean, we definitely, when they rolled out the, hey, this is safe for kids under five or whatever it was, I was like, there's no way. So you didn't give it to your son?
Starting point is 00:05:44 No. No. Absolutely not. I did it at the job by the way good job yeah now he i mean no i'm not even i don't even like the flu vaccine i haven't taken the flu vaccine i took it once when it first came out and i haven't i'm not even a fan of that i took it once too this the same year the only time i've ever had the flu is the year i took the flu vaccine yeah i only had the flu once in my life yeah yeah and they tried to make me take it in the hospital actually when my kid was born um because if you want to take the baby home get a flu vaccine and i was like i do not have to get a flu vaccine to take my kid home so i'm not like it just i now so none of us got it we all went home it was fine uh for those of you who don't know uh this is a garrett glinton uh she was a guest on the show
Starting point is 00:06:34 she's a listener of the show and she became a friend she's someone i text with uh regularly i don't the rest of the guests don't anyone try that shit this was just a she asked me she said uh i don't know exactly how you said it i'm gonna paraphrase but hey are we just friends because i'm black and i'm a lesbian uh-huh yes yes that's what they told me yeah that's the reason that's what they told me i got plenty of just regular white dude friends travis pagent told me he's like hey dude uh now that my son's famous, I'm not doing any normal people. Not doing any normal. I'm not doing it like fuck the normal people like you got like there's you could be grandfathered in.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Right. Normal people could be grandfathered in. But I'm not doing any I'm not doing any like, I don't have time for that anymore. I'm, I'm, I'm being more, I'm selfish with who I let in to my friendships. That's fair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Cause you only have so many hours in the day, right? Yeah. You can't just let in someone like, if it's like someone just has the exact same perspective as me and live in my life. Fuck it. Like you're just normal.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Do you have it? Do you have a cohort of people and no matter what you answer, if they call like two or three or four people, you do? Yeah. Yeah. Well, you've given me such a good lesson about this. People freak out immediately if you don't answer their phone call. I'm like, oh, are you mad at me? Oh, you don't like me anymore. Oh, whatever, whatever. And through being friends with you, I've realized that that's, that's, that's a you problem. If that's what you think, if I don't happen to answer my phone that day, or I don't respond to you for another, you know, two days or something like that, like, dude, I'm busy. I got things to do. It's I got a whole life right now. Like, I love you. I'll
Starting point is 00:08:22 answer you when I can. And then there's other people i'll show you i was looking at um andrew has this new video up and um it's the 26 34 mark give me one second yeah uh Hiller fit What'd I say 2634 Oh wait is it here Okay look at this This is at the 2634 mark
Starting point is 00:08:57 And And he's in the middle of making a video I don't know he's in the middle of making a video I don't know he's in the middle of making this video right He's just making a video and I call him And he answers And you're calling me Jesus Hey dude I'm working out
Starting point is 00:09:17 Okay bye And I just say okay bye I'm so excited That he answered right that's enough i'm good i know the rule i know the rules i'm lucky you answered i know the 10 other people call he ain't answering that shit so when i call i'm not taking advantage i'm like oh cool uh yo what do you we want to talk about something no he just he's breathing heavy he's working. I'll call you later. I'm like that with Jana, too. The super awesome, free-thinking lesbian.
Starting point is 00:09:52 She is. She's also, she's got a, she's very conservative. Do I know her? Is she the one who's on your show? Yeah, she comes on whenever she can. But I'm like that with her too. Like I call her, she'll, she'll answer and be, Hey, I'm in the middle of talking to the school board right now. And I'm like, Oh my bad. I'll talk to you later. You're doing. Yeah, totally. No offense. I'm so excited. You answered.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yeah. Like, and she does. And she talks like to her representatives and, and goes to all kinds of marches and things and whatnot. And when she answers my call, I'm like, Oh, thank you. And if she can talk, she can talk. And if she can't, Hey man. Um, uh, Kenneth, did he call you later though? I didn't give him a chance. I guess I haven't watched to the end of that video yet, but I guess I called him again at the 44 minute mark.
Starting point is 00:10:44 So 18 minutes later, I called him again. the 44 minute mark so 18 minutes later i called him again i was i forget what i wanted to tell him but i was so excited to share something with him hey this dude um let me see this guy here uh in the upper left hand corner this black dude is that a guy a regular on your show uh that's the dude that remember i said there there's one there's one guy that babysits my kid that's him he's our best friend and does he run the back end during the show i hear you talking to some guy yeah that's jeff what's he think about the transformation and perspective that you've gone through how long you known him long time with probably over 10 years now we've been all of it but my wife has known him for probably over 20 years at this point.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And now they were kids since they were kids. Yeah. High school. Wow. Yeah. So, yeah, he he kind of has gone through the transformation. Like when I started to get out of the liberal,, he was the first one I tried to talk to to see if a liberal could understand what I was going through, what I was seeing, what I was thinking. He was the first one.
Starting point is 00:11:56 And honestly, he came along with me. If you listened to him last night, he's against reparations too he's like what is that so we're just gonna pay ourselves hey is it is it hard i was thinking you know that story came out about city bank uh a few months ago where city bank in armenia is not lending money to armenian people or any of these people with the last name of IAN and YAN you know they got in trouble for that and I sat still for a second I'm like I was like does this hurt my feelings at all anywhere and I and I couldn't really I didn't really feel anything was like, no, it doesn't hurt my, I can honestly say it doesn't hurt my feelings. But does it hurt your feelings or is it hard sometimes because you identify with going with one team? let's say being black for starters. And then there's a, there'll be a, there'll be a story. You know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 00:13:15 it'll be like, um, uh, um, uh, black youth or, uh, half as literate as white youth graduating from high school. Let's say, some shit like that, right? 50% of white kids can read and write when they come out of high school, only 25% of black kids can. And you see that, does that, hurt still like are you like fuck god damn it like like that's my team well well first off I can't even say that that was my team because uh I I they'll tell me now black people tell me now that i i i can't identify as black because does that hurt does that hurt hearing that it used to i mean it does if you don't want to if you don't want to say that i'm black or i'm half black or you don't want to acknowledge the fact that my dad is looks like
Starting point is 00:13:57 jeff then fine that's on you jeff's the dude in the in the Yeah. Yeah. He's just a bigger version of Jeff. And so, I mean, that's fine. I came out super white with blue eyes and blonde hair as a kid. Okay. But so I don't even get that because I don't, I haven't gone through anything. I've never had a cop pull me over and treat me differently. So I've never gone through the black struggle. So I can't. So I was always like, let me help my black family, my black friends by, you know, you guys are all bad because you treat them horribly when they get pulled over. You follow them around the grocery store because you just assume they're going to steal.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And so I went down that road, I guess you can say, when I i was like super super liberal and super triggered but i now i'm not hurt by people are just people and you got good people and you got bad people and if you if you look at me and assume that i'm gonna steal something or whatever then that's on you yeah and the truth and the truth is in my opinion obviously I'm not black, but I could easily say that about being a boy. Like I've been followed inside of 107-11s and Safeways. Yeah. And I accepted the fact is because I was a 16-year-old boy. But you can say that about rednecks too.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Yeah, if I saw some dude come into a store with torn jeans barefoot and a fucking flannel and a shoe and a fucked up budweiser hat you're like hey i'm watching him through the fucking mirrors too as you like yeah fuck yeah especially when he's by the hennessy aisle yeah yeah i think it's equal opportunity like he just it doesn't yeah for sure and hey and but that doesn't mean that some people don't do it because some people are black just like i wouldn't have done it i probably wouldn't do it if it was a girl just wearing a dress right yeah like how far are you going to take this are you if it's a well-dressed black man in a suit and tie right that smells good that's got the perfume cologne on or whatever right you're not gonna are you gonna not watch him because he's well-dressed?
Starting point is 00:16:08 Right. If it, you know, how far are we going? I, oh shit, is my email not working? What the fuck is going on here? I want to show you this clip. I was telling you about this clip. Oh, wow. My email is not working.
Starting point is 00:16:22 All right, here we go. Give me one second here. My Gmail signed up. You got a RODECaster? Yeah. And you dig it i love it i i still think one of your your number one episode on the mount rushmore of of seven is the one where you can't get sound for like 45 minutes oh great great that was the greatest episode ever your Your chat was just on fire. It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:06 It's a good team. Yeah. Okay, where is this? Where is this? Oh, here it is. How about this one, speaking about being black? So you saw in the congressional hearings that lady this i don't know if she's a senator or a congressman oh shit is this chick armenian
Starting point is 00:17:32 nazarian anyway um yeah so so this i think this is her not asking claudine i think this is her asking the lady from penn the white lady oh yeah and she says she says but here watch have you seen this clip where they switch out jew for black no oh wait to see this they use ai wait to see this this is nuts this is so powerful right here watch this Ms. McGill at Penn Does calling for the genocide of black and brown people Violate Penn's rules or code of conduct? Yes or no? If the speech turns into
Starting point is 00:18:19 Crazy, right? Whoa Crazy, right? Crazy I heard that shit and i was like holy shit holy shit it's the best it's the best it's the best use of ai i've heard yeah that's great miss mcgill at pen does calling for the genocide of black and brown people violate pen's rules or code of conduct?
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yes or no? If the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment. Yes. I am asking. What does that mean if it turns into conduct? You got to actually kill somebody? Yeah, you got to beat somebody up. You got to.
Starting point is 00:19:00 It's got to be a physical altercation. That's crazy. That's crazy. Specifically calling for the genocide of black and brown people. Does that constitute bullying or harassment? It is a context dependent decision, Congresswoman. It's a context dependent decision. That's your testimony today.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Calling for the genocide of black and brown people is depending upon the context. That is not bullying or harassment. This is the easiest question to answer. Yes, Ms. McGill. Look it, look it. Look what someone wrote in the comments. This is fake. Yeah, no shit, dog.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Someone wrote, this is fake. This discussion was on how the calling for the genocide of Jews across college campuses is not about black and brown genocide. This is race-based story. What the fuck? Yeah, no shit. It says it's fake. If you look at the bottom of the screen, do you know what AI generates means?
Starting point is 00:19:58 Someone's like, yeah, that's the exact point. Wow. That's the problem, man. We're dealing with some retards. Wow That's the problem man we're dealing with some retards Yeah and the The lady from The white lady from UPenn doesn't have her job anymore But Claudine still does
Starting point is 00:20:12 Well you know what I heard Garrett I heard that They just moved her to the Law department Oh they took her away Yeah they took her away They put her in the law school Hey and here's another thing
Starting point is 00:20:24 You know I don't want to like Claudine Gay Claudine Gay is the president of Harvard The black lady They took her away? Yeah, they tucked her away. Nice. They put her in the law school. Hey, and here's another thing. You know, I don't want to like Claudine Gay. Claudine Gay is the president of Harvard, the black lady. But I searched yesterday for about 30 minutes looking for where she cheated because, you know, they're accusing her of plagiarism. Yeah. I looked on Fox. I looked on CNN.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I looked on MSNBC. I looked on ABC and everywhere. They're just telling you she did it, but no one would actually show me where and what she did. Oh, it's in the post. It was in the post. She plagiarized off another black lady, which is why they were like, oh, well, she's not going to get in trouble for this.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It was in the New York Post. And it is fair. She plagiarizes like 99% of it. She changed three words. Oh, okay. So this goes all the way back to December 12th. Harvard covered up secret plagiarism probe into President Claudine Gay during anti-Semitism storm.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Wow. Okay. All right. Because I'm like, hey, I can't really. Yeah, they gave examples. And the lady actually that she plagiarized off of came out and said like hey they're not going to do anything about it because she's black and it's in its legit plagiarism so so the way cnn was saying it is she just didn't use the
Starting point is 00:21:36 right citation that's that's i think how harvard's playing it off i wonder how much you have to copy before it's plagiarism i think that's the discrepancy oh shit they are right they actually have it here wow okay all right it's fairly close is that it though that's the only thing uh no there's a couple different ones look at you Is that it, though? That's the only thing? No, there's a couple different ones. Look at you. Okay, all right, all right, fine. I'll have to go look at this. Because last night I'm like, hey, I can't smash her if they can't prove it to me. It's like when they said that Trump was racist and all I could find was that he wanted a Jew accountant instead of a black accountant.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I'm like, I can't. Hey, listen, I made that mistake with Trump originally. I'm not making it again. I'm looking shit up because I made this shit up to you. I did that. He hates Mexicans when all he said was is like, hey, they're sending over their worst people. Yeah. Yeah, of course they are.
Starting point is 00:22:42 You do you ever get is your is your podcast uh heavily what are the main topics you guys talk about we've got our main topics uh i usually try to pick one or two um but i mean we've kind of found our niche a little or niche a little bit with the the transgender thing is i've been watching too many jubilee podcasts because they have a lot of debates on there with conservative versus liberal. And it's like conservative trans versus liberal trans. It's conservative parents versus liberal parents. Even I want to watch the one that's like alpha male versus beta male. Like who says they're a beta male?
Starting point is 00:23:19 What dude is like, Hey, I'm beta. Let me go on that podcast. What, um, what's the podcast Let me go on that podcast. What's the podcast called? It's Jubilee.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And it's called it's middle ground episodes. There's a bunch of them. They're pretty cool. How'd you find it? By accident, because I found it with with Jenna, because one of her friends that's also from Gays against groomers went on the podcast and she was fire when she went on that was the liberal lesbians versus uh conservative lesbians becky weiss was on that one oh this is a um well this is a huge podcast yeah yep how have i never heard of this this thing is fucking massive look at this they got one where men rank themselves by their penis size it's yeah there's the alpha verse beta male yeah i mean it's
Starting point is 00:24:18 since some of the they say that jubilee is more left-leaning um if you kind of uh watch some of the podcasts from the people that have been on it they try to lean more towards the left asking questions but i felt like all the conservative participants handled it like champs look at this flat earther versus scientist 26 million views yeah man that's nuts it's so some of them are really good some of them are ridiculous but some of them are actually really good who is the gay man oh that's where that's where i asked the question uh because there was somebody on there that was like i'm a what the hell uh non-binary lesbian i'm like that doesn't even make sense what does that mean what are you trying to say look at this rank by height
Starting point is 00:25:13 oh shit this is so good yeah oh these are fun they're very fun i cheated i went straight to the end look they gave the tall black dude a basketball you see that i really want to click this one, this penis size one. Wow. Yeah, you probably have to play that every four seconds. They'll definitely come at you.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Yeah, and look at this one, gay or straight. This one looks so fun too. Oh, yeah, here's your alpha versus beta. Jesus. Okay, so this is inspiration for you this this yeah i like it a lot they have a lot of really good conversations on there that like why aren't we talking about some of this stuff just israel versus palestine fat versus skinny yeah lgbtq versus former LGBTQ. Yeah, that's the pray the gay away. Hey, do you do any of that? LGBTQ.
Starting point is 00:26:34 LGBTQ. What? I mean, now do you identify with any of that? Do you have a bumper sticker on your car? Do you be engaged? You have any like. Affiliation with that, like you when I you have any like affiliation with that like when i when i came out when i was like 18 19 like 20 something years ago sure because it didn't mean all this stuff it just it signified that it was a safe place to go that they you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:27:00 back then there really was still prejudice about this stuff like you really couldn't there's for sure still prejudice i mean definitely definitely among uh i would definitely say men and understandably so like i understand why i understand why straight society especially men are afraid of the unknown yeah i totally get it right like we know what we're about and um then you then you see one that's like not what you're doing and i mean different different bit different scares people right yeah sure and so and so so gay men kind of threaten straight men's masculinity sure yeah and and of course men don't want to have a gay son. I get that. Like I completely understand that. Why do you think they don't want to just because they don't want the hardship for their kid or that they want their, um, genes spread forward? I think both. You have
Starting point is 00:27:56 a son. Do you want him to be straight? Uh, yeah, I think it would be easier for him. I, if he's not, obviously we'll handle that and we'll you know but it no of course it's easier you have kids it's easier to have as gay men it's very difficult to have kids if you want to have kids they're not really letting you adopt then you have to go find like when me and my wife had a kid we already had the womb right like we had we didn't have to pay for that yeah two gay men are gonna have to pay a woman to birth their kid if they want to use their own sperm so if if that was a safe place right so you walk by a bar and it has it has a sticker that says lgbq on it in the and then now that's been that i guess that's been taken from you i guess it's kind of
Starting point is 00:28:46 like it's i feel like it's kind of like blm that's gone it just got and it kind of sucks because like it like i wouldn't like it if there was an organization that said armenian lives matter and i didn't like it yeah no it it you can't because they don't accept they don't accept everybody like if i like i'm gay if i walked into a lgbtq whatever whatever whatever with the trump shirt on mag of 2020 and i said like hey i don't believe in everything that you guys believe they're gonna kick me out the door faster than any other group would yeah so it's it's not as accepting as you might want to think it is or they make it seem it is the main problem it's just trying to it's trying to put too many people together i mean like so let me let me throw one thing out there that i think that you don't agree
Starting point is 00:29:37 with that organization seems to think it's okay for men to participate in women's sports. Yeah. So they, they support this 51 year old man who's competing in swim competitions and changing in the locker room in Canada with girls who are between the age of eight and 16. Yeah. And you, and you find that utterly disgusting. That's absolutely awful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:59 He should be drug. He should be drug out, handcuffed and thrown in a cell somewhere. There's no way my, if I had a daughter no way yeah absolutely not and maybe if you saw him and no one was looking you'd punch him in the fucking neck if he's in the locker room with my daughter yeah my 13 year old daughter yeah hey dude if he's in the locker room with my 13 year old boy yeah you need to be punched in the face
Starting point is 00:30:21 what what is what just happened why why do you want to that's my question why do you want to be in a locker room and swim and change and go to the bathroom next to children that's more my question why is that yeah why is that why do they want to normalize that is there any chance that we're wrong oh no it's totally normal i don't think so i think i think kids find a naked adult disgusting that aren't their parents i mean yeah i found naked adults disgusting absolutely the first time i ever walked out my grandfather was peeing with the door open i had a heart attack i was like traumatized for the rest of my life yeah no nobody wants to no kid wants that uh sleaky uh can someone fill me in this is a trans man or a gay man this is neither neither but most people would think i'm probably a trans man you think she's talking about you
Starting point is 00:31:20 or you think she's talking about what the person we're talking about oh usually they're talking about me so are you talking about i'm happy to answer um go ahead go ahead no that dude's a trans woman that that's where this is why it's so but he that's a man that's a man well for for me you're a woman and that guy is man, and I don't care what he says. Yes. I mean, for me, it's easier just to just say, oh, yes, the guest. Yeah, the guest is just a black woman. I know.
Starting point is 00:31:51 It's weird. Go figure. It's just a black woman. You know, as I'm staring at you here, too, you kind of look like Shelby Neal. And she got a black dad. You know who that is? I've heard the name. I know she's a CrossFitter.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah, she's the redheaded girl. And now if I just kind of go like this to you and just look at like between your eyebrows and your lips. Yeah. Hey, man, we all come out in different shapes and sizes and colors. I don't see. Oh, let me see. Shelby Neal. Shelby Neal.
Starting point is 00:32:25 CrossFit. So that's every day. Oh, here she is. So that's every day for you. That's a regular listener on the show. Yeah, that's a regular comment for me during the day. That's crazy. When I see you, I just see girl.
Starting point is 00:32:42 It's so weird. I don't know. Is something wrong with me? No, because you know me. Oh I but you but look at your cheeks and your lips and your eyes. You're just girl you got girl That's why people I don't I have no idea. You see this this girl's black Yeah, that's what i'm saying, but i'm sure that she's not accepted that way. No, probably not either. Yeah, I agree. But I mean, like, legit black. Like, her dad's, like, black black. Like, I saw the dude. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. If you scroll through my Instagram, somewhere down in the middle, there's a picture of me and my dad.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I look just like him. I'm just the white version of him. Yeah, Sleeky, no, I didn't get any bitch from you. I wasn't trying to be a bitch. Legit confused. Yeah. Oh, everybody's confused when. So you go into a bat. So you go, I know we talked about this before. Bear with me here, but so you go into a girl's bathroom,
Starting point is 00:33:32 you're at the movie theater and you go into the girl's bathroom and like five women are like, what the fuck is she doing here? Or he, I've basically just try not to do it anymore. What if you have to pee? I'd be fucked. I have to go to find like a gas station bathroom or
Starting point is 00:33:45 you know like i said before i've literally planned long distance driving trips around where bathrooms are and i can go into wow that's why i'm like uh no sorry transgender women can also not go into a woman's bathroom crazy yeah um garrett was uh a listener of the show um and um i was very liberal i guess i need to fight with you yeah and then also um just through conversations when we became friends she also helped me process stuff so we helped each other process stuff and we just became friends and then yesterday i was like hey i don't have any guests and she's like i'll do it and i said fucking a and i've been and i've been meaning to have her on and she started a podcast and she got a roadcaster and what's crazy about that is so many people want
Starting point is 00:34:37 to do it but the the consistency and getting in the practice is a son of a bitch no one wants to do it and you're doing it and you got your wife to do it with you. Yeah. I wrote Terry into it. Why did you think I didn't like Terry? What? What's your wife's name? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Colleen. Colleen. Sorry, Terry. Why did you think I didn't like Colleen? Because I called her Terry? Yeah, right. No, just because she was always more kind of critical of you, I guess. Or just whenever you would talk about political stuff,
Starting point is 00:35:17 it took her a little longer to kind of understand your presentation. Yeah. She didn't like a lot of hog talk oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i understand okay fair okay fair but but i but i but i don't dislike her at all and i and i completely understand why people don't like too much hog talk even my wife will be like man you talk about dicks a lot. That's the, yeah. I mean, I think it's funny. Now I'm just like, this is just,
Starting point is 00:35:53 now I'm also a 15-year-old boy running around downstairs going, saying whatever I'm saying. I'm like, pause, no homo. You're going to get yourself in trouble. I know. It's fine. Steven Flores, she doesn't like hog talk. Makes sense. Well, Carl Kaplan, Garrett, what what was the cause of the change to move from liberal ideology? Was there something specifically that happened? Really, and I tell this story all the time um is when you had xavier deruso on i mean i was already
Starting point is 00:36:28 i had already watched a lot of your your political shows and i made the promise to myself that i would listen all the way through all of your shows to hear everything you were saying and then i started asking you questions but then when you had x Xavier Duruso on and I listened to that entire episode, it really was the truth. It was like three minutes later, I'd just gotten home from visiting family and I finished the podcast and I texted you and I was like, I just can't. I can't do it anymore. The fact that they say that black people can't be racist or that there's actually a group of people that can't be racist the the all of it the the gender identity so the cognitive dissonance was too much for you to make the leap you couldn't keep making the leaps i couldn't keep saying that i agreed with 99 of this stuff defending lies is fucking a lot of work
Starting point is 00:37:26 and being that heightened and that triggered all the time yeah i just you know one of the things he said xavier said we were talking about earlier on the show is the fact that he realized that all the stories they were telling him about cops and black people weren't true that that that basically they had painted his reality for him about the relationship of cops and blacks and that it wasn't that way and i remember thinking yeah like i've known that forever just because i've had i've had so many fucking interactions with with cops and and when he said that that made me so happy that someone could see that like, Hey, they're painting the victim story for black people, like the media. That's what they do. They're just constantly painting. Even now when I hear people say a CrossFit gym is too expensive. I just hear a victim like, Hey, go out and get another fucking job. is too expensive i just hear a victim like hey go out and get another fucking job and also a bunch of people telling me about cops and relate like and race relations a bunch of people telling me
Starting point is 00:38:33 about that who are not cops have never been cops have never put their life in danger for anybody or anything but for something higher than yourself for country for get out of here like you you can't you just can't it's one of those things unless you you don't have if you went through their training have you gone through you don't know you're only dealing with shit bags on the set every day you're just dealing with shitbags. People who are addicted to shit, domestic violence, the worst of society. Yeah, absolutely. And people who are high on shit, who are out of their mind and running around, just don't know where they are, who they are.
Starting point is 00:39:19 And then you got a bunch of cops that want to go home to their families. Right. I get it. I understand it if if if it's between me and somebody else me getting home to my family i i don't know what i would do i'd probably do some unthinkable shit to get home to my family right oh uh uh she did what she hasn't garrett is a good dude she needs to come on here again wait wait she just got here hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:39:45 You gotta save that for the end of the show. What are you talking about? I mean, I can go and come back. Oh, that's a good line that Garrett said. Yeah, it's too much work. Being a victim is so much work. Yeah, I like the way he said it. Or Taxidermy said it better. Yeah, being a victim is too much work. I don't know. I like the way he said it too. It's exhausting.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Or I was thinking it's too much stimulus Bad for your fucking whole nervous system Always being triggered and upset Hey and those of us who are perfect citizens Like me and you We have an obligation then To be extra nice to police
Starting point is 00:40:17 To help mitigate the stress they have to go through Dealing with all the scumbags We do in the Dallas You know what I mean Just as citizens just as good citizens wave to them stay out of their way just don't be a douche a douche and we have cops at the schools too um every morning when we drop our kid off and and i always make sure that my kid like goes up says hello says thank you um you know knows their name you know that's cool yeah cool yeah and he loves it
Starting point is 00:40:47 and they'll let him jump in the car they'll run the lights for him when they roll past the deli so that he can look out the window and see the lights going like even the fire department the fire department too they all know yeah i agree same with fire guys yeah yeah so i i'm sure firefighters know now but uh you know 20 years ago 25 ago, I had a friend who became a fireman, and he thought he was going to put out fires. And that is not what he does. He just fucking – he basically just goes to old folks' homes and tries to resuscitate old people and goes to fucking crazy car accidents. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:29 fucking crazy car accidents yeah i um i watched in the um did you see the did you see the facebook executive that uh former facebook diversity uh head of diversity equity and inclusion pleads guilty to stealing four million dollars from the company have you seen that oh yeah i did see that in the newspaper the other day yeah and it's like um uh what's her name a furlough smiles and i'm just like um uh prosecutors say that furlough smiles made payments on behalf of facebook to friends relatives and other associates for goods and services they were never provided and those associates then return the money to her i just think it's funny how people do all this like good work right you're you're inclusive you're helping all these you're supposed to be helping all these people and just behind closed doors man people if you're a bad person you're a bad person well hey dude if
Starting point is 00:42:18 you're a head of the dei council you're a fucking scumbag you know when there was the kkk and there was uh the nazis those people the people who escaped that like the the bad guys the guys in the they were wearing hoods no one knew who they were right and the nazis they fucking escaped to um argentina and shit we're not in that era anymore yeah these fuckers are all on youtube we know who you are in five or ten years when this shit blows over we're gonna know who you are we all know who you fucking are we know who you are in five or ten years when this shit blows over we're gonna know who you are we all know who you fucking are we know who you are from your black square like if you if you are hiring people based on their skin color and their genitalia and you're purposely saying shit like we want to reduce the footprint of white males on campus like the president of harvard said that like like of course you steal money of course you steal
Starting point is 00:43:07 money when did you watch the podcast coffee pods and wads did yesterday with don i didn't get to that one i was too busy he brought up dei he asked he he asked i listened to 1.5 speed he asked which you don't even understand pedro at 1.5 but you can understand don and he asked Don at one point, what about the DEI? And Don says, basically, like we put it on the back burner. And I wanted Don to be like, fuck that racist fucking organization. We rooted those fuckers out. The way he – like, hey, I'm all for finding a way of getting CrossFit next to a church, a big black church that has 20,000 members and getting those fucking people into the gym. I'm all for it. I'm all for it. But not because those people are black, but because those populations, however you want to organize them, have a – they've been told to drink Sprite by LeBron. And I want to see what happens if we get them doing CrossFit. But the way they say it is like we need more black games athletes. No, motherfucker, the NBA needs more fucking white athletes.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Like what are you talking about? Like I just hate the way he words it. It's just so blatantly racist. Everything – they always try to do about race. And it goes back to me, too. For me, it goes back to, again, saying that minorities can't be racist. You can be just like white people can be racist. Of course, anybody can be racist.
Starting point is 00:44:38 It's you're putting this all on white people. So now you're just going to have a bunch of angry, mad white people so now you're just gonna have a bunch of angry mad white people yes calling them something so now all of a sudden we can't wear the american flag because that's racist we can't you know stand for the national anthem because that's racist yeah who's who's racist yeah you think dana white's worried about who the fans are for the fucking ufc nobody cares he wants people who have money in their pocket. Okay. I went through like two or three years of not being able to wear the American flag
Starting point is 00:45:10 because I just felt like, oh my God, I'm racist if I wear it. Right. Oh my God. Hey, I was raised like that. Yeah. I was raised like that. You know who this is, Garrett?
Starting point is 00:45:19 Yes. Look at him. I've definitely heard his name. What's more important than this conversation? Holy shit, dude. This is the Viking Dyke show. Bring your Viking Dyke haircut to the show. Brandon, meet Garrett Glinton.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Garrett Glinton, meet Brandon Waddell. Sir. As I used to say, Waddle. Well, what's more important than any of this nonsense is being alive, right, brother? Right. Oh, I could barely hear you. How about now? Better now? Yeah, kind of. I guess you can't talk loud because you're in a hospital setting. Will you tell us where you are?
Starting point is 00:45:56 Sorry, Garrett, I didn't even tell you that this guy's coming on, did I? No, I knew. I saw the thumbnail. Oh, okay. Yeah. So I'm at a Carta Cancer Center in Little Rock right now getting immun, okay. Yeah. So I'm at a Carthage Cancer Center in Little Rock right now getting immunotherapy treatment. And why are you there? Does someone in your family have cancer? So I do. You have cancer? Yeah, I do. Mom had some, like a little bit that showed up, but nothing like this. But yeah, I'm probably the worst case in the family right now. And what's going on?
Starting point is 00:46:29 Paint the picture for us. When did you find out you have cancer, and what is a menotherapy? What actions are you taking? You're a CrossFitter. Yeah, I am. I saw you do the snatch. I saw you do the one-handed snatch. Yeah, look at the CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I saw you do the one-handed snatch. When I was telling people I was going to snatch a 100-pound dumbbell, you sent me a video of you snatching a 135-pound barbell with one hand. Yeah, that's exactly what you called me twice. Maybe more than that. Back in April of this year, my wife noticed a spot on my back. She's a nurse, and she was like, hey, this spot doesn't look really good. You should go get that checked out. And I just ignored it. And so then she made me a doctor's appointment and basically was like, I'm taking you. And so I went to the doctor, and the doctor was like, yeah, that bothers me too.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I don't like it either. And so they cut the spot off, tested it, and it came back positive for uh tell me what's the spot look like i want to i want to see if i can pull it up on google like an image of it like a mole like a mole how big like the size of your pinky fingernail oh so not even that big no but it was getting bigger is it raised it was i got one on my back that's just all of a sudden shown up. You're scaring me. You should get it checked out. And it's raised.
Starting point is 00:47:50 It feels like a scab. My wife's like, it's a pimple. I'm like, that ain't no pimple. My wife just asked if you want her to make you an appointment. Tell her I'm going to take a picture and send it to you. He's going to take a picture and send it to you. She said, okay. What was the spot called?
Starting point is 00:48:07 I want to see if I can look it up. It was just a mole. Just a regular mole. There's thousands of different kinds. Yeah. But yeah. And it just started looking worse, started getting bigger, started changing colors. And so she was like, hey, we should get this checked out.
Starting point is 00:48:24 How long did you have it? All my life. Oh, you had the spot your whole life. And then it just all of a sudden started changing. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one.
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Starting point is 00:49:22 and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Okay, I'm going to send you. Can you see? I want to post a picture of something to see if this is it. I don't think mine looks like this. Mine's like raised and shit. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:40 It started out like that. And then it like raised up and got like and changed colors, just like that one was. Did you, when you would reach back there, would you feel it and be playing with it all the time? Be like, what's that thing? It's so big, I can't reach that. Where it was. So you didn't even know. If she hadn't have told you, you wouldn't have ever seen it. I mean, I see it in pictures, but I didn't know it was changing or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:50:04 So it was all up to her just, like, seeing it. God. Someone's saying Google melanoma. Is it a melanoma? Is that what it is? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, send me a picture.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Everyone send me a picture of theirs. I'm fucking, I'm tripping now. I got one on my back that's crazy. Yeah. And I'm always, like, I know, like, a year ago, I scratched it I scratched it off and it was bleeding and it went away and now it's back again. Yeah, same, same. Now I'm not scratching it off. I'm like, what the fuck is that thing?
Starting point is 00:50:33 I ain't scratching you off again. Yeah, don't do that. Okay, so she takes you in. Do you have any other symptoms besides the spot? Like do you feel weak or no? Nope, just the spot. And we go in and literally the doctor was like, why are you here? And I was like, well, I just a spot and uh we go in and and literally the doctor was like why are you here and i was like well i got a spot on my back that annoys my wife
Starting point is 00:50:49 and bothers her and uh and so he was like all right well let me look at it pulled shirt off he looked at it he was like yeah it bothers me too he said we're taking it off right now oh he did and they did cut it off right there and then they sent it with what with what they froze it no they they numbed it up and just took like a like a straight razor like a razor blade and just sliced it off oh wow and then he sent it to a lab and they looked at it yes sent to the lab and they tested it came back positive for melanoma so then they sent me to uh here in carti and where i got my own oncologist and uh so they were like all right we're gonna go back like they started telling all about moles about the depth of them
Starting point is 00:51:32 like the whip you know all the things right and they're like we need to do surgery to take more area around where it was so that we can make sure that we get everything that might be cancerous around it. Yeah. Yeah. So then they were like, we're also going to inject a dye around it to see what lymph nodes it goes to. So that they could know where, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:58 cause your body's all connected, right? So if there's cancer there, melanoma there, it's in your lymph nodes that are connected to it as well. So they put a dye in to find out, did it go to my node my armpit did it go to my groin like what lymph nodes were connected they traced the dye it went to my armpit so they found the one lymph node that it went to and they did a biopsy of it took the lymph node and took a big chunk of my back so i got like
Starting point is 00:52:22 a big four inch scar on my back and so then they're like okay you're good like we got it all it's not in your lymph node we tested your lymph node it's good to go that was all May 5th of this year and they're like once I got the okay from that they're like you gotta just do scans like PET scans MRI MRIs, stuff like that. We're just going to check, make sure nothing else shows up. And the last one in October, it's going to be done. No more scans after that. It showed up that I had about a golf ball-sized mass growing in my armpit. Did you feel that thing?
Starting point is 00:53:01 I can now, yeah. And I just thought it was like scar tissue from the surgery from where they took the other lymph node. Like, yeah, you know, like swollen spot, you know, I mean, no big deal. It doesn't hurt. Doesn't bother me. Yeah. They're like, we need to look at that. So they did a biopsy of that lymph node and it came back positive for the same melanoma that was on my back. And so now what? Can they go in and take that golf ball out yeah so um so what they're doing is instead of treating it with like radiation and chemo um that has no effect so instead of introducing a toxin that's why they're doing the immunotherapy so um i've got a year of immunotherapy and then we'll do after three rounds of immunotherapy, they'll take the golf ball out, take that spot out.
Starting point is 00:53:49 And what is immunotherapy? What is it? Yeah. Imagine when you were being made into Savan, you know, you had a row of lights, which is like a breaker box. That's your immune system. And it flipped on and said, we're not going to allow these things in your life, right? Like we're going to fight these things automatically. Mine never turned on asthma. So I had asthma as a kid until my body learned, oh, we don't like this. We're going to fight it. So my melanoma switch never got turned on. So immunotherapy resets your breaker box of your immune system. Is it successful? Is it usually successful? Yeah. Yeah, it is. Are you freaking out?
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah, sometimes. Yeah. So basically they had to shut my immune system off and then reboot it and start over. When you shut it off, does that make you exposed to shit? I was, yeah. shut it off that mean does that make you exposed to i was yeah so after my first treatment um like there was a risk that my asthma would come back that i outgrew as a kid yeah and i actually woke up with like the worst ear infection i've had since i was probably six or eight years old tuesday right after the um therapy the first session, because I had an infection since I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And I had to relearn that I don't like those. So all that. So there's a window where I was susceptible to all that. So they don't actually turn it back on. They just reset it, hoping that now it turns on. When it sees that, oh, shit, he's got melanoma, your body's going to be like, oh, fuck, let's go get that, take care of that fucker. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Wow, this is great. And did you get to talk to any other people who have gone through this treatment? Yeah, so I've got – a couple people have reached out, and I've talked to them, and they talked about how successful it was for them and the positive outcomes about it and everything like that. So basically – Did you get the vaccine, Brandon? I did, unfortunately. Do you think there's any – Is there any relationship, any connections? I mean, I'm the type of person that will go down that rabbit hole and say, yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Right, right. So, but I don't want to spin, you know? Right, right, right. So I'm the person that will just spin down. You're not opposed to that, exploring that, though? Not at all. You're not like, oh, okay, all right, interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:07 that though not like you're not like oh okay all right interesting yeah and um so basically uh we're doing the immunotherapy after the third treatment so if you didn't my dad has a giant mole on his back now that i think about it because i i remember being in the shower with him all the time and i remember looking at that fucking thing and i would ask him if i could touch it and shit someone told me that if there's no hair coming out of it, you're good to go. Is that true? No clue. I think that's one of those. Like, and I would see my dad soap his off.
Starting point is 00:56:31 My dad would rub his so hard. He would, he would rub the Brown it off and it'd be white. And then I'd like a week later, I'd be showing him like, I'm gonna fuck it Brown again. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:38 It was kind of creepy. It was big. Yeah. They come back. Yeah. I should ask my, my dad's here right now. He just came from Armenia. I'm going to ask him if he still has that thing.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah, you should. He's 80-something now. Yeah. He's still got that giant mole. Yeah. I do know where I got the giant hog from, though. Saw that thing. That thing was scary as a kid.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I got one. Okay, go ahead. Sorry. So with my immune system relearning to not allow this melanoma, it now knows that that's cancer and it's fighting it. My own immune system is. So three rounds of this immunotherapy like boosts up my immune system and it's going to like go after the cancer.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Then they're going to do surgery and remove it. So my immune system says, hey, what the fuck? You just took it out. We're fighting this thing. And then it goes and looks all over my body for it. And that way, if it did send any cells like through my lymphatic system, they'll go find it to keep it from going from stage three to stage four where it's localized to keep it from spreading everywhere else. Have you changed your lifestyle since this? Are you eating different? Yeah. So we made a change, my wife and I did, back in January.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Hired a nutritionist to really dial in our nutrition. We always worked out. We've been doing CrossFit since a long time. And you're crazy strong if you can snatch a 135-pound barbell. I mean, that long time, like a long time, uh, probably. And you're crazy strong if you can snatch 135 pound barbell. I mean, that's just ridiculous. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, but you know, I was one arm snatch, by the way, people, one arm snatch, one arm, 135 pound snatch with a barbell.
Starting point is 00:58:18 It's crazy. Yeah. It's, it's on my gram. So it's on the Instagram. If anybody wants to watch it but uh but yeah we uh we hired a nutritionist to like dial in our food and everything and um since last thanksgiving i've lost 100 pounds and uh just dialing in the nutrition and eating right and then continuing working out um and then as soon as i got this news that it, the cancer was in, you know, full blown,
Starting point is 00:58:47 like we're, we got to like do something about it. I talked to my nutritionist and said, we got to go on a strict, like carnivore, carnivore, um, started reading more Paul Saladino stuff and getting rid of, I mean, I was eating very few carbs anyway at the time. Um, a lot of just like white rice and, and and sweet potato stuff like that and so now we're we're very minimal very minimal carbs and i talked to my doctors about it and told them that's what i'm doing they were all supportive and uh you know positive about it they are supportive with the carnivore yeah yeah yeah look at this so that that's 100 pounds. Man, you know what's crazy too is you carried that weight good. I mean, even at your biggest.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. I mean, I'm 6'4", so I could always carry the weight really well. And so you didn't really notice that I was 300 plus pounds. No shit. You know, yeah. I guess Thanksgiving notice that I was, you know, 300 plus pounds. No shit.
Starting point is 00:59:46 You know? Yeah. I was, I guess Thanksgiving last year I was three 30. And you were crossfitting at three 30. Oh yeah. Oh, that's a bad dude. Crazy. I mean, I was, uh, I was avoiding all the cardio workouts, but I was, you know, doing all the strength stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Right. Right. Of course. You know, don't ask, don't ask me to do a hundred burpees, but I was doing all the strength stuff. Right, right, of course. Don't ask me to do 100 burpees, but I'd definitely max out on back squat with you. This was the rogue 1,000-pound challenge. Damn, nuts. And this is a year ago. A little over a year, I guess, yeah. i guess yeah yeah yeah 52 weeks ago 53 weeks ago all right so you're on the beginning of this journey
Starting point is 01:00:33 yeah yeah like there's you know treatment number two and uh uh yeah so uh steven's talking about my landlord because, you know, we're homeless, houseless right now. We built our house. Because a tree fell on your house, right? Yeah. So that happened. Yeah. So all the cancer stuff started in May.
Starting point is 01:00:57 In June, we're at the beach and an oak tree falls through our house and crushes our house and totals it. So we had to tear it down and rebuild our house. So we're it right now so shug's our landlord and she's a she's a trip she likes to just walk in sometimes stephen flores of uh forward for waddell introducing me to shug and burb bourbon um marx does flores live in your hood you know him like he's your mom we're just uh we just talk a lot oh okay And did you meet him through this podcast? Sure did. Oh, that's a trip. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Your wife kind of looks like Nicole Carroll in this photo. Right here. She's hot. Yeah. Damn. Good job. You scored. God, look at you.
Starting point is 01:01:38 You look like you fell out of... Look at this picture. You look like you fell out of the fucking 70s. You look like fucking like you're john denver's uh bodyguard or some shit look at this this crazy photo my god you definitely used to smoke weed right no never never in my life well good on you because you look like you smoked a fucking mean took some yeah alright well I appreciate you letting us know now I'm going to be freaked out
Starting point is 01:02:10 for the rest of the day get it checked out I'm going to take a picture and send it to your wife you should I'm 100% going to with this new macro feature that the iPhone has like why not Robbie Myers all the love
Starting point is 01:02:25 to Mr. Waddell. Robbie's close to my hood. He's like two hours away from me. For Brandon to get a margarita at Chewy's. No, he can't. He can't. He's on the carnivore. Hey, what's your go-to on the carnivore? Mine's a ribeye. Oh, yeah. I love ribeyes. I'm eating
Starting point is 01:02:41 ribeyes and eggs for breakfast right now. Six ounces of ribeye and three whole eggs. Why do any eggs? Why not I'm eating ribeyes and eggs for breakfast right now. Like six ounces of ribeye and like three whole eggs. Why do any eggs? Why not just just do the ribeye? It's just I do whatever the nutritionist says. So, I mean, that's what he sends me. That's what I eat. So I've been doing it a month now. Pretty strict except for the tequila. And my nephew, I hadn't seen my nephew in a while like in a few weeks and he put his arm around me he's a big dude he put his arm around me and hug me he goes dang you're getting buff i'm like yeah it's working the carnivore is working yeah i love it i love it the only thing at my last treatment they were like hey your your bun is a little high and they're like are you
Starting point is 01:03:19 drinking enough water i'm like yeah does that mean your bun they don't like how high you wear your bun your b your buns too high they don't like my bun? They don't like how high you wear your bun? Your bun is too high? Dr. Tim Jackson They don't like my bun. No. Dr. Justin Marchegiani I'm never sure how high to put it. Dr. Tim Jackson Higher the better. Higher the better. It's like that. Dr. Justin Marchegiani That's what I think. That's what I think. Dr. Tim Jackson It's, uh, your BUN is like your kidney functions. It's, uh, it's how healthy your kidneys are and how, how hard they're working. And, uh, they're like, hey, you're, it's high. You should, uh, are you drinking enough water? I'm like, yeah, I drink a gallon to a gallon and a half a day. How much protein are you eating? I'm like a gram per pound.
Starting point is 01:03:49 And they're like, that's way too much. You got to cut that back. So I cut it back a little bit just to make sure my labs were good. How would you cut it back? I cut it back to like 475. But how? You still need to eat? What do you eat then?
Starting point is 01:04:06 I just told the nutritionist. I don't know. I feel like I'm eating just as much. I think he just changed me from like – he changed me to turkey burger instead of ground beef and stuff like that. And then he changed me to – I'm on a lot of salmon right now. I'm on a lot of salmon right now. Oh. Gobble, gobble. I feel so much calmer on... I've reduced my caffeine intake and I feel so much calmer.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I just feel... This is going to sound fucked up. I don't mean this in a bad way. I feel so much less motivated now that I'm on Carnivore. Really? Yeah. I'm just like... I didn't work out for three days when I was on vacation. I didn't give a shit. That's really weird for me.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Usually I would have some, like, meltdown, like I got to do something. Yeah. No, I'm like, I guess I'm the opposite way. Like, I'm wanting to work out more right now. Oh, interesting. Okay. Like, yeah. And I just, you know, visualizing all this crap going on, you know, like, work out and just get through it, you know, helps me from going crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Phillip Kelly says Brandon eats ass. Is that true? Yeah, 100%. All right. Fine. Mike McCaskey, it's the meat shits. I don't know if those have, I mean, I do have the meat shits, but the body is a chemical reaction in human flask. I don't know what that means, okay i like that sure all right uh taxidermy it's all true and confirmed i think that's about the those are two of your uh two people who've experienced your ass eating christmas
Starting point is 01:05:38 all right brother thank you very much. Check in. Check in often, please. Will do. All right. And tell your wife I'll be in touch. All right. Yeah. Text me.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Okay. Bye. There he is, the garage father, Brandon Waddell, sharing a story. Holy shit. Who gives a fuck about racism if you're getting immunotherapy, right? Yeah. Right. He got kids.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Yeah. I'm feeling my little bump right now. Judy Reed, he's been through so much and always still positive. Yeah, having your house destroyed sucks too, right? Your shelter. Adam Blakeslee, perspective. You don't work today? Me? No.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I got to go to a little... My kid's doing a little play he's got some things he's gonna read in spanish later because he loves spanish so like one o'clock ish for me do you know do you normally work on fridays uh now it's winter time so i'm off uh friday saturdays and you have a good ass life you found your niche yeah i have i have a really good life yeah you got a good life uh you have a a wife that loves you that you love uh you you got good income you got a beautiful child um you love your job you're yeah you found your niche you're in it yeah we're there's always someone with him we've never had to have a nanny we've never you know she got to stay home for the first year after he was born yeah no we have a good ass life yeah
Starting point is 01:07:32 crazy um any more kids we were thinking about it but then it's it's such a good ass life right so yeah he can do all we can put him in all the things we can go on vacations. We can, and he's happy and healthy and we're happy and healthy. And yeah, it's kind of, he's not off the table, but it's not actually, we're not, we haven't talked about it in a while. Philip Kelly, exactly. Sevan, nothing matters. Another guy who basically fucking died for three months and got to come back. Yeah, crazy. His story
Starting point is 01:08:09 is crazy. It's funny, Philip. I forget that about you. That's a really... What a tremendous asset you are, probably, to people around you because you offer that perspective probably every day. Much more valuable to you than most people. I don't sweat the small stuff
Starting point is 01:08:28 uh not a taxidermy yeah if i was seven feet tall and sexy as hell i'd be happy to are you seven feet tall me yeah six six feet tall you are six feet tall yeah damn yeah one day i have to hug you i just want a picture of me hugging you and like just engulfing me yeah your head's gonna be in my boobs perfect i wouldn't have it anywhere else hey is your son gonna be tall yeah he's pretty well you mean if you listen to the doctors he's supposed to be between six three and six five holy shit does and does he seem tall already yeah and his feet are huge whatever that's worth yeah yeah yeah that's i mean for dogs that matters yeah. That's – I mean, for dogs, that matters. Yeah, he's a tall, skinny kid. And Pool Boy would like to get into – oh, he would like to join you and your wife.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Thrub. Dude, your body is amazing. Yeah, his body is ridiculous. Hey, and it doesn't disappoint. I got to work out with him in person. Oh. It's nuts. Wow.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Yeah. Yeah. He's a really – he got special dude vibes i really like him poor boy yeah that too i know what what a slut huh what's the term for that someone called matt torres a fuck boy oh but that insinuates that he's not a good dude oh all right like he has a lot of i kind of like that name i mean he could be in his hoe face is he in his hoe face hoe face yeah hoe face d1 breeder have you ever seen the d1 breeder no did you know that instagram account no but it's a t1 breeder how many kids you got? I used to follow her. Oh, it's a girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I'm probably going to start following her again. Now that I, let me see if I can find her account. D oh, there she is. Okay. Here she is. D1 breeder. Follow. Hold on. Let me see if I can pull up her account.
Starting point is 01:10:32 It's such a fucking brilliant name. I was pretty obsessed with her for I was pretty obsessed with her for I don't know, like a few weeks. Oh my god, I have seen you pull this account up., like a few weeks. Oh my God. I have seen you pull this account up. She is a fucking freak.
Starting point is 01:10:47 I don't know if this is, I don't even know if this is true, but that's her mom. Wow. I mean, that's amazing. Good for that dude too. Good job, dad. Dad, six, three. If that's true, that is crazy. I mean, her legs are really long.
Starting point is 01:11:06 She's in high heels. She's in high heels. She hides them. I mean, get it, girl. I'm not mad at it. I mean, besides the fact that she's strong, we don't know how light that couch is, whatever, but still, look at just her wingspan.
Starting point is 01:11:29 And her mobility, dude. You know it's not that easy to fucking move being a giant. No. But you move really good, too. So you're lucky, too, but you work at it. I had to do so much mobility. So much mobility. Yeah, what a name, d1 breeder i totally thought
Starting point is 01:11:47 that was gonna be a dude when you are seven feet tall but your mom is wow and look her mom's kind of her mom doesn't look weird now if she's over the refrigerator, though. What? I don't know. Maybe her mom's standing on something. Her kneecap is... Yeah, come on. I mean, I'm not saying it's not possible. You've seen chicks that are like 6'8 or something, but 7 feet?
Starting point is 01:12:20 Anyway, it's a hell of an account. D1 Breeder. Let's see how many followers she has. Yeah, you go, girl. Oh, and that's not even her main account. Let me see this. Oh, she has a million followers over here, too. A million followers over here.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Oh, she has a backup account, too. Look at her brothers. Her mom really is that. Okay. Wow. Her mom really is that Okay Wow 7'10 Holy crap And once again she got the crazy heels on Anyway
Starting point is 01:13:00 I think we found Seve's kink Found Oh she has an only fans I think we found Seve's kink found the fuck oh she has an OnlyFans oh boy I have tried to get her on the show oh look pool boy
Starting point is 01:13:20 it's all a lie she's wearing heels look at their other videos I trust everything pool boy says Chris Beasterfield Coolboy, it's all a lie. She's wearing heels. Look at their other videos. I trust everything Coolboy says. Chris Beasterfield, it would take all day to eat that. So whenever someone writes shit like that, I always think, okay, so is he, does he type that out while he's thinking it or does he think it and like pause be like i don't know if i should write this or not or is it just like oh he just types it out and says it no
Starting point is 01:13:51 no editor yeah no just like oh like he's seen it like you know how like when we're talking right now the same time you're hearing what i'm saying i'm hearing what i'm saying like it's just in real time i'm like oh fuck what are you gonna say savvy um and as you talk you're like okay i guess i'm saying this that's what i'm wondering like is he typing that out it would take all day to eat that holy shit return like fuck i can't believe this well what was the other guy that was said something to you uh to your friend about eating ass or something like that and my mind immediately went to it's groceries, bro.
Starting point is 01:14:26 But I didn't say it like that was my, so, um, I guess if you're just typing it out, then you got no filter. You think, you think your filter, as you've been doing the podcast,
Starting point is 01:14:39 you're, you're, you think you've ever, have you ever been doing the podcast yet? And you're like, like oh shit there I am wow you had some moments like that yeah that's coming
Starting point is 01:14:51 yeah sometimes it'll happen with me you know when usually it happens with me I really hate to share this but if I've been drinking a lot the night before and I come in here and I really don't want to do anything and I'm just being kind of lazy I'll start like tap into who I really am. I'll start hearing my real voice. It's weird. It's so trying to, I think I've just stopped. If you don't like me for something that
Starting point is 01:15:18 I say, or you don't agree with me, I think I've just come to that calm where that's fine. You don't have to agree with me. That's fine. It's not the end of the world. Right. I mean, it might be the end of the world for you. You might be pissed and yelling at me and triggered, but it's not the end of the world for me. You gotten any bad feedback from family members or anyone on your podcast? Anyone who, who mattered to you? No, no, I think, uh, you know, I think they're pretty much, that's kind of what I'm trying to, to show a little bit is I think we're all pretty much close to the same, right. But who, who, who your family members? Yeah. We're, we're, I mean, we're in disagreement about some things, but not so much so that we
Starting point is 01:15:57 can't have a conversation or hang out or have fun and still talk shit. You know what I mean? It's just, there's nothing like morality wise. There's nothing that we're disagreeing on. You know, they'll clap back at me, but drag Queens are great. I'm like, no one's saying drag Queens aren't great. They're great. I love a good drag show. I go, I went to drag shows all the time.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Right. I just am not, don't think they're for children. They don't belong in the, in the children's section at the library. Right. Yeah. Yep. I just am not – don't think they're for children. They don't belong in the children's section at the library. Right. Yeah. Yep, I agree. So – Hey, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Yeah, man. Thanks for having me. Yeah. It was good to see you too, bro. And thanks for hanging out with me as – with Brandon also. That was cool. Yeah. He's – yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:43 I can't wait to see what happens, and God bless him and his family too. Yep. All right, girl. Stay warm. You got snow on the ground there? Not yet, but it's freaking 20 degrees outside right now. All right. I'm going to Sunnyvale today, skate park, first time in a week.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Oh, fun. Have a good time. I'm excited. Yeah, we've had rain here. All right. Thanks for coming on, Garrett. Yeah, absolutely. Talk to you guys later.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Bye, Chad. had rain here. All right. All right. Thanks for coming on, Garrett. Yeah, absolutely. Talk to you guys later. Bye, Chuck. Garrett Glinton. Podcast is called Glinton Things. God, did I say that right? Glinton Things. Yes. Glinton Things. G-L-I-N-T-O-N Things.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Jeffrey Birchfield, catch you on the show garrett she's a good dude she's a good dude she's a great dude i really enjoy having her as a friend i like perspective i'm joking not joking when i say yeah of course I want I want I you know she was like hey you just collecting friends it's like yeah I want to I I want to have uh friends who have walked the earth in a with a different reality Slaky she's cool yeah she's cool as shit right I want to know like I don't have I don't have an opportunity to have a lot of black Jewish, sorry, not Jewish, black lesbian friends. I want to be friends with Tim Murray. I don't know any, I don't know any dwarfs.
Starting point is 01:18:12 I think it's perfectly okay to, um, I think it's cool that I have a friend who has a private jet. I like that. Um, it's cool. Not only do, not only am I making a friendship with Tim Murray because he's a dwarf but he's the fucking fittest dwarf I'm perfectly okay with that I ain't hiring for a fucking job though for that just because he's a fucking dwarf
Starting point is 01:18:33 but but listen I would hire him because he's the fittest dwarf because you know what that tells me that tells me he's a fucking hard worker who understands discomfort dedication commitment structure discipline but no I'm not like That tells me he's a fucking hard worker who understands discomfort, dedication, commitment, structure, discipline. But no, I'm not like, okay, we need a dwarf in here. Fuck that.
Starting point is 01:18:53 I'm not going to hire Garrett because she's a black lesbian. But I would hire her if I saw her fucking striking skills and I saw her fucking effort that she puts in the gym and when I watch her boxing videos, that makes me like her more. Like, she's cool. But I do like the fact that I do like, I do like the fact of having people like, not just black people,
Starting point is 01:19:21 but I like different ethnic friends, different friends like that. I like Sleeky. I like Sleeky. I like Sleeky. I know what Sleeky looks like. I like her because she what she looks like. Sorry. I like the way she types in the comments.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Well, that's not Zach. It came in late and thought that was a feminine dude that I mean, that's's kind of cool i should have asked her if that's what she's going for i mean she told me something so funny one time she she she understands what it's like to be a guy she was like she was like i'm paraphrasing i should probably should have asked her when she was on but she said something like, yeah, I play the guy in my relationship. And it's like,
Starting point is 01:20:08 if the fucking rain gutters, I think she said, if the rain gutters are clogged, I don't know how to unclog them. But I just like, like a man, I'd get the ladder. I put it up.
Starting point is 01:20:14 I go up there and I unclog the gutters. I'm like, holy shit. That's what I do. I have no fucking idea how to unclog the gutters. But like, when I see the water going over the rain, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:20:22 Oh fuck. I guess this is some dude shit. My wife ain't going to do this. So i get the ladder out that i don't even own that my neighbor left over here fucking two years ago i put it up against the roof and i go up there and i would and i pretend to uh clean out the gutters like i know what i'm doing i take the blower up there and i take my hands and i scoop out all the fucking leaves and shit and i do feel kind of manly i feel like i don't know if manly is the right word but I feel really productive like I'm adding value to
Starting point is 01:20:48 my family I've set the bar very low for me and when she was describing it yeah I just fake it I'm out there in the fucking rain cleaning my gutters using my neighbor's ladder that he left over here two years ago my neighbor's like a real man like a real
Starting point is 01:21:03 fucking man and he's a contractor you know how they are My neighbor's like a real man, like a real fucking man. And he's a contractor. You know how they are. Like he just always has like a hammer in his hand. And he's tall and, you know, he chewed for 30 years and he's got trucks and boats and all that shit. Probably like Brandon. I bet you Brandon Waddell is like that. But I'm on my roof and he can see me from his yard.
Starting point is 01:21:26 And he's like, hey. I'm like, hey, dude, what's up? And I'm all proud because I'm out in the rain cleaning my gutters. He goes, you're supposed to do that before it rains. I was like, great. I'm up here impressing myself cleaning the rain gutters. And my neighbors fucking basically tell me I'm an idiot. rain gutters and my neighbors fucking basically tell me i'm an idiot you're telling me uh dudes with podcasts aren't real men well that
Starting point is 01:21:52 i wasn't saying that but i i think a podcast is a pretty fucking uh uh and i mean this with all peace and love but i think a podcast is a pretty uh gay thing to do podcaster uh hold on caller i'm gonna uh podcast pretty gay like get a real job you know what i mean like uh caller hi caller hi yo he left that ladder there On purpose for you dude Oh maybe he's got like 20 ladders that's funny you say that
Starting point is 01:22:31 Good catch Totally He showed a lot of faith in you by leaving that ladder So you could do stuff on your own Ladies and gentlemen Jethro Cardona Serve and protect people on Long Island. And not only that, has a facility that cures the world's most vexing problem and turns little bitches into fucking badass motherfuckers. CrossFit Chief Nation.
Starting point is 01:22:57 It's funny you say that. I was talking to my 515 yesterday. Look at you already just coming off the fucking your lips like it's nothing. I was talking to my 515 yesterday look at you already just coming off the fucking your lips like it's nothing i was talking to my 515 yesterday is that a kind of gun is a 515 a gun uh is it 9 11 19 11 oh no no no nothing like that i was talking i was talking to them and they were looking around it was cold like garrett said it's like 20 degrees over here it's just awful and uh i told none of your friends are up right now you will be done with your workout driving home before they even think about that alarm going off yeah just how productive the days are going to be just for the simple fact that you are done with your workout and you do this five
Starting point is 01:23:42 days a week four to five days a week and you eat right. You're honestly better than all your friends. Plain and simple. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I agree. It's a great,
Starting point is 01:23:54 it's a great metric. It's a great metric. You, you are better than other people. You're already doing my, my training. It's not your fault. It's not arrogant at all.
Starting point is 01:24:04 It's not arrogant. It just is. It just is. You should own it. Yeah. My training partner had a review with his boss in his office, and then he started talking to him. He was just like, you know, he wasn't here.
Starting point is 01:24:23 He was wanted here. So then he was just thinking god damn what the hell is his friend time i am so much better than him right right right i don't care what to me your friend time must be like 12 minutes yep what are you doing for uh is your is your mother-in-law still there no no uh so i was in la look at you i was in la with my mother-in-law and now my dad's in town and uh i'm getting confused yeah that's okay and so my dad's in town so we hung out i hadn't seen my dad in weeks and weeks and weeks and you know or months my and my dad was in armenia and they
Starting point is 01:25:02 got some crazy shit going on there right their neighbors azerbaijan are like hey motherfuckers we're gonna fucking blast a corridor through your country and and and they pushed a shitload 150 000 armenians out of one of their towns so and my dad's basically like telling calling me from over there being like i'm staying and fighting to the death i'm like jesus christ and uh and he's 80 yeah yeah he's can he's he's he's he's able-bodied 80 you know what i mean got a farm and acres and acres of fruit trees he's telling me yesterday at the dinner table he was telling me he bought a um a thousand pounds of apples that he's turning into 15 gallons of vodka. 15,000 apples in the 15 gallons of vodka. I'll bring you some.
Starting point is 01:25:51 I'm like, thanks. Man, a lot of work. Hey, dude. A lot of work for 15 gallons of alcohol. You know that dude who calls, Spongebob, who calls the show, and he's like, God, I need to go on this carnivore thing. Dude, something is happening to me. time i did this i just ate hamburger meat this time i'm just eating basically ribeyes like i'm i'm like like i'm getting like something's happening to me like he's right i'm like turning into like something like i have a feeling i'm like
Starting point is 01:26:19 two or three months away from having the best body i've ever had like something's happening i'm not even i'm not even on the peptoids i'm not even on the peptoids i'm not even on the peptides right now so it's you so you wake up and i don't think you're having a ribeye at yeah yeah yeah motherfucker i am crazy i know my wife my wife right now is cooking something for me so when i walk in there i eat so then it's you do eat twice a day three times dude i eat all what's crazy too is i eat all day like all these dudes who do it um uh only like this guy anthony chafee just eats at night but like my wife always has a pan on the stove now with a piece of meat in it so it's and it's usually a ribeye it's usually two ribeyes and then i go in there and and i i
Starting point is 01:27:07 take i have a cutting board next to the next to the pan i stab the steak and i or the ribeye and i put it on the and then i eat as much as i can and dude i eat like a fucking like probably like how dommer eats dude like i chew on the bones and the fat and i don't even give a fuck if something's happened to me and then when i'm done i take i stick the bones and the fat and I don't even give a fuck. Something's happened to me. And then when I'm done, I take, I stick the fork in the ribeye and I put it back in the pan and then I run off.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Like, you know what I mean? Like I had enough of the kill. And then like, you know what I mean? Where do you shop? Do you shop at the regular supermarket? Do you get like a special? My wife, I would go, I like to go to buy the cheapest,
Starting point is 01:27:42 most fucked up meat ever, right? But my wife goes to the butcher. My wife buys the shit that's literally twice as expensive as the shit I buy. So what I buy is like $15 rib eyes. She buys $30 rib eyes. But like I don't even care. I'm just like whatever. So with carnivore, can you season it?
Starting point is 01:28:01 You can. My wife doesn't. Maybe she puts a little bit of salt. I don't even care anymore, dude. That salt i don't even i don't even care anymore dude that's what's weird i don't even care i don't know what's happened to me but i'm telling you special diet yeah go ahead i was on a special diet for six weeks and my go-to was chopped up meat i cooked it up with peppers and onions and i had to do it for six weeks and then i got off of it and And just recently I was like, you know what? I'm going to go back to that diet because I felt better. I was leaner,
Starting point is 01:28:31 had more energy. And it was just, I went that, I did that twice a day, just chopped meat, peppers and onions. And that was it was so good. Yeah. I, I, uh, I love peppers and onions. If I'm going to do this for a few more months and then if I were to incorporate new stuff, I would incorporate cilantro, onions, peppers, garlic, shit like that for sure. Are the boys eating it too? What's crazy is they all want to do carnivore now. Something makes me feel like that they shouldn't just be doing it, but I don't let them. I still like making me a banana
Starting point is 01:29:06 or some shit or apples. You're going to have to buy a cow. I know, right? Christine Young, you need to start eating organs. That's what all the carnivores do. Philip Kelly approves of cilantro. Oh, look at
Starting point is 01:29:25 oh shit I think Spongebob may have just texted me on the house phone don't add stuff Jesus Christ can he can you get a picture of this guy does he have an Instagram I'm dying to see what he looks like uh I think this is him
Starting point is 01:29:41 I don't know if this is him but someone's texting me don't add stuff in no organs. Jesus criminy. SpongeBob is fucking gnarly. You can't have all that beef without seasoning. Well, I stopped eating. I don't really do.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Oh, no. Oh, it is SpongeBob. I have to quit Instagram and no organs. Jesus. Quit Instagram and no organs. Jesus. Quit Instagram. Jesus Christ. Instagram's going to quit it for you. Don't worry. Spongebob, send me nudes of your wife if you want me to quit Instagram. Send me a picture of your back. I want to see your back.
Starting point is 01:30:24 That was a great interview uh with don fall yeah it was i thought pedro did great i thought don did good but i want to hear like i but but there's things that like i want to hear i don't i don't tolerate that dei like like like hey dude that's the kkk to me not to me it is the dude, that's the KKK to me. Not to me. It is the KKK. It's the KKK. It's the Nazis. It's the worst of society. I just wish he'd be stronger about it. But I know that his lady, his right-hand man over there, it was the – his people's person was the – was part of the DEI council at Facebook, some shit like that. And so I know he's Probably in a weird position with that
Starting point is 01:31:05 I don't know if Don really knows I don't know how I don't know how awake Don is I don't know how conscious Don is as a human Well two things that Two biggest thing I took out was that Guy Gra was gone Oh yeah that's amazing That was in that's interesting right
Starting point is 01:31:21 Yeah Gra's gone good point That was worth the podcast right there Good to hear And you know he couldn't take the heat He got out of the kitchen Like Andrew said He like went private Didn't hear from him
Starting point is 01:31:35 He just wiped himself off Has Hiller responded to that I don't think so Yeah that's crazy So you think that's Andrew Hiller got rid of him? Oh, shit. Here it is. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:31:51 He posted something 18 hours ago. Andrew did on this. Hold on. Let me pull this up. Oh, shit. Okay. Hey, I wonder how long Graw's been gone. That's what I want to know.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Josh Graw was another hire that kind of caused a bit of a fuss. I haven't heard him mentioned at all. He's still being there. Yeah, right. Hold on one second. You can't hear this, but we're all watching something at home. Hold on a second. We're watching this Hiller video.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Hold on one second. Like, is he still around? Is he still there? Has he made it through his? Josh. Josh transitioned, so he left and was that just like i'm not putting up with the level of scrutiny or was it just like personal reasons or whatever yeah it's so personal and so i won't go into the details on it yeah that's fair you reach out to josh hey it's okay oh shit okay Oh shit. Oh shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:50 So, uh, Hiller writes, Josh, I tag you, but you block me both here and on LinkedIn was hired to be the CMO of CrossFit. Shortly after being made aware of this, I took a scroll through his socials doing this.
Starting point is 01:32:59 I found multiple posts where he hadn't only never done CrossFit, but was actively making fun of people who were working out and trying to better themselves. I made a video on this and he was and he has left the building. Good riddance. Watch the full episode on coffee pods and what's. Here's the thing, too, ma'am. The guy is a full blown censorship nightmare. He is he is the fucking Gestapo, that guy, Josh Gar. Whether you like him as a person or not,
Starting point is 01:33:25 I went through all of his fucking Twitter shit, and he was against everything that Greg stood for. Everything. Everything. And so, in my opinion, Greg, the creator of CrossFit, if you stand for everything Greg's against, then you don't belong here. And just to give you an example, Facebook was pulling people down and Twitter was pulling people down who were saying eat low carb or restricted carb
Starting point is 01:33:55 diets. And that guy was a full supporter of that kind of censorship. Oh, did I lose you? Oh, no, I did lose you. lose you hold on hold on you got disconnected or something where are you i can't hear you i only hear you in the phone do you guys hear him what the fuck's happening we lost jethro hello hello you're back can you hear me yeah you're back he's also me? yeah you're back he's also a Trump hater yeah yeah he opened
Starting point is 01:34:27 yeah his whole life and by the way nothing of substance of Trump he was never like hey I don't like Trump because of blah blah blah it was just all name calling
Starting point is 01:34:35 childish shit it wasn't like hey I don't like Trump's policy on China or I don't like the way Trump forced the Fed
Starting point is 01:34:44 to lower interest rates it It was nothing like that. Normal shit. Yeah, it was just like, hey. Yeah. What's crazy is this. Trump will openly say, I want a Jew accountant instead of a black accountant and people like Graw will say it's racist
Starting point is 01:35:01 and yet they will hire people strictly based on their skin color. Will say it's racist And yet they will hire people Strictly Based on their skin color It's like come on And deny and deny and deny that it's like That there's something wrong with that Yeah at least say it
Starting point is 01:35:19 I think that's great that he's gone by the way And I wonder if Don fired him I wonder if Don realized that. I'm going to say Don did fire him just in my own head so I like Don more. I'm going to be like, Don realized he's a douche and fired him. Hiller defeated the Nazis. Yes. Yes, Hiller did defeat the Nazis.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Thank you, Jan Clark. He said that the investors wanted to raise the prices as soon as he got there. And he said, no, just wait. Let's get some stuff in order first, and then we can do it. That's the takeaway that I got. They wanted to do this long before. He said, just chill. We'll give it a shot.
Starting point is 01:36:00 All right. Hey, thanks for calling. I'm off to the skate park. I see sun's outside. Nice. Have fun. It's sunny here, but it's about 25 degrees. Thank thanks for calling i'm off to the skate park i see sun's outside nice have fun it's sunny here but it's about 25 degrees thank you for calling what a good show jethro from uh crossfit uh chief nation uh garrett glinton and uh brandon waddell this was this is like the most caller this was the most like listener centric show i've ever done my pleasure all right buddy love you talk to you soon love you too thanks bye all right guys that's that let me see what spongebob else is saying he says uh don't do it
Starting point is 01:36:34 okay so this is no organs don't add stuff all right no instagram i use instagram to find uh people to uh invite on the show show now that we have CEO toothpaste CEO deodorant I don't know let's get the toothpaste out I don't really wear deodorant I mean I wear it like maybe like once every six months God I'm really worried
Starting point is 01:36:57 about that thing on my back what if I had the same thing Brandon has what What are the chances? It's God speaking to me. Got this crazy bump on my back. Oh, here we go. Listen,
Starting point is 01:37:14 Bob, I can't talk to you, Bob. I have to go. Hi, good morning. It's Bob. Hi.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Hey, I'm glad you're having luck. Yeah, what do you think? But I got this thing of growth on my back that I got to have dealt with now. Yeah, get that checked out tomorrow. Yeah. If you love your kids, get that checked out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Right? I guess, yeah. I'm going to take a picture of it and send it to Waddell's wife. I know, but just get it checked. You don't want to mess with that right when you're younger you're out in the sun a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right yeah don't go ahead don't don't be adding stuff to the meat just eat the ribeye eat it straight up you don't need vegetables you don't need honey
Starting point is 01:38:06 you don't like saladino is a fraud in my opinion my opinion my opinion he's a fraud or he's lost his way maybe a little of both okay all right i have to go i'm going to skate park thank you for calling though it's good to hear your voice oh okay hey merry christmas okay call back soon okay okay spongebob too wow what a show okay talk to you guys uh later uh buh-bye happy friday

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