The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #11 | Live Call In

Episode Date: September 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Bam! It's showtime. Good morning, Chris Biestefeld. Yes, I'm first. Suck it. All right. Exciting developments this morning. Looks like we have a tension building for the 2024 CrossFit Games. Roman Krennikoff.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Adler was on the show. Jeffrey Adler was on the show, and we asked him about the, what do you call it? What do you call it? What do you call it? The back and forth between him and Roman Krennikoff, The back and forth between him and Roman Krennikov, the Russian mayhem superstar, supposedly Adler was needling him during some of the events. What does needling mean? I don't know. I'm just using an ambiguous word because we don't really know. I asked Adler about it, and I don't remember him actually landing on anything. I don't remember getting him to say, yeah, I tripped him or I punched him or I told him he's a sissy or his mom's crotch smells like Lucky Charms.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I don't remember Adler saying that he said something. something but either way roman made a post yesterday and it appears that it appears that uh it upset um whatever adler did roman doesn't like it and he made a post about it kind of acknowledging it kind of being vague about it but then again uh we'll find out more this evening when roman comes on roman krennikoff andrew hiller will be joining me tonight at 5 p.m with roman's translator, Rosa, who's made quite the name for herself in the space too as being cool as can be. And we'll find out what's going on.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Wow, we are still being throttled on YouTube. Crazy. These shows, they're still building. Every show still builds up to be a big show. But before last week, every time we we went live we would always have 190 people and they're still throttling us back crazy hey brandon good morning hey dude thanks for the travis bajan cards wow this is really really cool crazy cool brandon you know who else is into cards is um uh ken walters' way into playing cards.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Hey, Greg, good morning. Good morning, brother. How are you? I'm awesome. Pumped. Shot out of a cannon this morning. Had an extra shot of espresso. There we go.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Do you have a machine? I have one of those machines where you put the beans on top, and you pour the water on the side. Yeah. Yeah, and then you push the button and it makes you the coffee. Yeah, like we had in Del Mar? Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I actually – I used to have that – almost that exact one, but the model down, and then it broke, and then I went and bought like a cheaper Japanese version of it in these troubling times. Yes. What's that one?my buffett passed away oh yeah yeah i saw that you know i'm a huge fan but i never was uh-huh i didn't go to a jimmy buffett concert i've never you know i don't listen to the to the margaritaville serious station but there's a part of me that I almost feel like standing up and put my hand over my heart when I hear his music. He couldn't have been more authentic, honest, sincere, a decent guy, it clearly seems. And he went on the road for 50 years with 10 songs and made himself a billionaire. Really? He did that good, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Now, there's products and hotels and tequila. Again, that play. I like all those. I like hotels and tequila. The people that appreciate him, the parrot heads, they call themselves, like Jimmy Letchford. A few people
Starting point is 00:05:03 know that about Jimmy Letchford, but I think he's been to 35 50 uh jimmy buffett concerts and uh is it an amazing individual truly an amazing man he sang he sings the song margaritaville yes okay hey what happened anything in particular or just he just old I think he died the same day as my dog I think that's true and sorry about that too that's okay since the day my dog died my wife
Starting point is 00:05:40 like every day has been like dropping kids no just no not ends uh trivia trivia quotes trivia little bits of trivia to me did you know our dog died the same day as jimmy buffett did you know that uh our dog you know what i mean yeah did you know that our dog's birthday was the same day as greg you know she's just like she she wants to keep uh she's keeping the dream alive i got the same birthday as that little puke in the Supermax that blew up the pressure
Starting point is 00:06:07 cookers at the Boston Marathon. You have the same birthday as that guy? Yeah. Wow, crazy. Well, you kind of did that. Astrologically speaking, you kind of did that to the
Starting point is 00:06:21 nutrition and health and fitness industry. Boy, ripples, ripples, ripples, ripples. I want to – God, I got a couple of cool things I want to show you. Did you see that in California – I'm going to pull up this article from Yahoo, I can't believe Yahoo is still around. And California is State Farm is now saying that they're not going to issue any more fire insurance in the state of California. haven't heard this conspiracy but there's this conspiracy that there's some machine it's in one of the poles i don't remember if it's in the north pole or the south pole but it makes earthquakes around the planet and then also can start fires and all sorts of shit right so they're just people are just going crazy about this all in in that in that world it gives them it gives them something
Starting point is 00:07:19 to think about other than that our president is a paid crook in the hands of the chinese and ukrainians right isn't that enough no that's you that's the one you don't want to you don't want to absorb uh because it's too true that's you know like and what can you do about it you've been had uh this is basically just the fact this is just a numbers thing right as you talk about the actuaries are like okay uh there's fires in california and we're losing our um why not just raise the cost of insurance oh you can still get it it's just not they see better profit margins in other products but they're saying here that um uh they're saying here listen the state
Starting point is 00:08:06 farm is closing its doors to millions of new customers exposed to rapidly growing catastrophes i mean i think that what's interesting is i heard that actually last year there's been fewer catastrophes on planet earth and then the hit or fewer people have died of natural catastrophes last year than in the entire history of mankind which is but they're saying that you just can't get new insurance and isn't it enough to just say hey it's because the math isn't working out the claims are outnumbering the money that's coming in it's just that simple right i don't know maybe the maybe politically the easiest thing to do is is back out due to global warming but I'm going to promise you that it looks nothing like this. They look at places
Starting point is 00:08:48 like California and Florida and that's where their payouts are. And the premiums don't reflect the, you know, it's just not as profitable an instrument as selling elsewhere. Right. According to the EPA,
Starting point is 00:09:05 the area burned by wildfires each year has been increasing since the 1980s, which is interesting because yesterday I saw that we've had the fewest acres in over a decade. At least a decade. The 10 most destructive years on record have happened in the past 20 years, causing more damage thanks to the plentiful dry
Starting point is 00:09:21 plants left behind by drought. See, they don't even tell you what metric they're using here, Greg. If it's like the buildings are more expensive that are burning down to like is the metric cost or is it? I mean, the state farm doesn't care how many acres were burned. They care about the cost of replacing whatever was on it. That's correct. And the places that burn all of the all of all of them, most of the fires that I'm aware of, it seems to me, they burn in expensive neighborhoods. I remember as a kid
Starting point is 00:09:55 one of the first big fires I saw as a kid was what we called the Bel Air Fire in the 60s. The sky glowed orange from 40 miles away all night long and uh it took out a whole bunch of extremely valuable properties and i think that the fire in paradise was much like that how many times is malibu? We were there one time when it burned. Maybe twice. Yeah. Yeah. I lived with Malibu burning and stars rebuilding.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Barry McCogner, I still can't believe you and Greg still live in California. I don't live there. I have a home there that I'll never sell. He does not live here. I'll second that. I don't get to. I have a home there that I'll never sell. He does not live here. I'll second that. I don't get to see him enough. Yeah. But it will always feel like home,
Starting point is 00:10:53 but it's not a sensible place for me to have shop. Rambler. An actuary is a professional with advanced mathematical skills who deals with the measurement and management of risk and uncertainty yes um allison nyc very poignant message i just got here hey good morning allison it's been a minute uh california is a beautiful shithole wow allison you're just beautiful Yeah. Allison's the beautiful part of California. She's one of my dear friends and has been for a long time. I also want to play you. God, I have so much.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Look at my shirt. You had me at P less than 0.05. Yeah. And the intention was, I'm sure, from the creator to it's a celebration of low P values. And I like the double entendre of you had me like I've been had. And it gives me a chance to talk about one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated on humanity. Oh, tell me. And that's p-values. Give it to me.
Starting point is 00:12:12 So p-values is basically some form of validating some sort of information? The probability of the data on the assumption that the null is true. And what is the null? What does that mean? And when held to a test statistic of your arbitrary selection, that's what a p-value is. And it's used, it's that inference,
Starting point is 00:12:36 and it's mildly, and I just love that term, it's mildly inductive. But that is offered as validation instead of the prediction of an observable, the forecast of a measurement. And this is why academic science won't replicate. It's not even designed to replicate. None of the qualities, the science that, uh, that, uh, allows Elon to rescue our astronauts from the international space station. Is he having to do that? Well, you know, I don't know what's
Starting point is 00:13:16 going on, but he, he's, he's doing that now. That's how they're getting home and they're going to be getting there that way. Okay. The part of the P value I understand is what it's not. It's not the prediction of an observable. That's correct. Okay. That's good. The inferential statistics that, that delivers the P value, that crowd maintains that the probability of a hypothesis doesn't have meaning that you can only take the probability of data.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And the problem with that is that, is that science validates through the predictive strength of its models and so that very system removes any meaningful reliable uh validation for which you can have a rational trust can you give me an example of where p-value is used where it's just ridiculous? Oh, there are countless examples. Look it up. Every time it's used, it's ridiculous. You could make an argument for a p-value and a quality control, perhaps. But the role that inferential statistics is playing in academic science is exactly the problem. It's exactly the problem.
Starting point is 00:14:34 We need to be focused on the prediction of observables, forecast of measurement. The p-value is defined as the probability under the assumption of no effect or no difference. No effect or no difference is a null hypothesis. So you assume the null is true. Meaning every time you flip a coin, it's always the same? No. No, okay. Of obtaining a result equal to or more extreme than what was actually observed. Yeah, what I want to take you to, to dissect this and go back
Starting point is 00:15:06 so that you can repeat these kinds of definitions in which everyone just kind of tunes you out when you say that. And there is an important element here that that probability is determined from a test statistic of your choosing, of your arbitrary selection. It's completely ad hoc. And you can pick different tests and get different p-values. You can also increase your sample size and get different p values you can also
Starting point is 00:15:25 increase your sample size and get a better p value you can keep at your experiment until you get the p value you want and then quit there's a lot of ways to game it but the point is at the end it's mildly inductive it's it's it's startlingly weak evidence. And I think no one has done more work in this area in terms of making this palatable, palpable, whatever the word is there quite. But then Gigerenzer, Gerd Gigerenzer again, and his great papers on p- uh are available online you can pull that up you can also find links to all this stuff at uh broken um this is this kind of helps me get my head wrapped around it for a split second i think if this is right the p value of the next nuke going off in japan is pretty high
Starting point is 00:16:20 meaning that the only two nukes ever gone off are in Japan, right? No, this is everything. Okay, shit. Events don't have p-values, data does. And this is the problem, that you're not going to ever get to validation from the probability of the data. What I need is the probability
Starting point is 00:16:42 of the event. And if you don't think that has meaning, as the frequentists that promote p-values do, you're not going to ever have a system of validation. You get lots of research grants, and you can demonstrate just about any damn thing you want to demonstrate, but the limiting factor is validation you're not going to put a rocket a satellite uh around mars with p values i have a p value of 3.25
Starting point is 00:17:16 inches he he doesn't he's he's lost like me right yeah it's all right now we'll get it we'll get there sean i um emily caplan but that picture is incredible, by the way. Is that a painting Emily has or is that a real picture? Do you see that? Yeah, I think it's a picture. That is incredible. Researchers found a significant reduction in cardiac risk with a new drug. Researchers found it's better to read to your kids than beat them,
Starting point is 00:17:43 according to significant findings. Every time reporters say significant, it's p-value. Okay, okay. I'm sniffing it out a little bit. I have data to suggest. I think Jake was right. He has data to suggest that the next nuclear bomb will happen. No? No.
Starting point is 00:18:12 No. All right. Sorry, Greg. It's the probability of the data on the assumption that the null is true when held to some test statistic of your choosing. Yeah, whenever I hear null, my brain just puts in a question mark. The probability under the assumption of no effect or no difference, null hypothesis. You can take any large sample, like do something like preference for red hats east or west of the mississippi and you will find that that has a low p value and then you attach that any kind of causal
Starting point is 00:18:53 factor you want and suggest and that's that's what that's what that's how academic studies go they find the thing they want to demonstrate and they dick around and come up with a low p value and the thing doesn't have to be true. It does not have to be true. It could be patently false and you've established a low P value. Phillip Kelly, Taco Tuesday, Greg and Seve. Thank you. That sounds good. I'm trying to figure out when, figure out, figure out when Greg will get here.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Eaton Beaver. Good morning, coach. Morning, sir. Or is it ma'am um uh cave cadastro the only way this chat will ever understand p values is if greg puts it in sexual terms that that would help me if it had a pornponent. Jake Chapman, another example. I have insider knowledge on North Korea's plans. We'll get there. We'll get there.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I just need tons of examples. One day it's just going to click. It's prior information he's talking about and it's and it's a it's important uh statistically this is what briggs did when he when he wrote down a number asked everyone to imagine a number between what was it zero and five okay yeah and he asked people to explain what they thought it was and how sure they were with what probability and someone said three and he asked what the probability was and he said i'm 20 percent he asked what the rationale was that there was a one in five chance right well it turned out the number was something like pi right 3.1415926535 that kind of thing
Starting point is 00:20:47 which is between zero and five and so what is the probability now that you're going to guess it when you understand when you remove the assumption that it was an integer almost zero almost zero right and and you could say i think it's pi and with what confidence almost none because i expect it's got decimal places. Right. Right? Someone else claims they saw him write down a two, and they were certain of it.
Starting point is 00:21:11 He explains they did that on purpose to fool you. Remember that? Yeah, yeah, that was great. And the point was is that every probability is conditional. Conditional on what? On prior knowledge. And what is the P-value relationship to that story? That illustration?
Starting point is 00:21:34 Well, our friend here kept coming back with, you know, like the inside information on North Korea. Right. And I said, that's a prior. That's valuable information. And it alters your knowledge of something. There's a great
Starting point is 00:21:53 YouTube video where a gal flips a coin and then she's got it, she's flipped it and she turned it over on her wrist and she asks, what is it, heads or tails? And the guy wrist, and she asked, what is it, heads or tails? And the guy's heads, and she says, with what probability?
Starting point is 00:22:11 And he says, 50-50. She goes, again, is it my turn? He says, you peed. And she goes, yeah, but what's the probability? He goes, well, it's 100%. And the question is, did the coin pick up a new – did the coin change? If you think the 50-50 lies in the coin, then you might think that the 100% does too. Wow. Wow. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I've got an incoming plane in my target identification device, my 081 unit in the online fire control system tells me that this plane 400 miles out that there's a 70% chance it's a MiG and in another couple hundred nautical miles that turns into a 93% chance that it's a MiG did the airplane have a change
Starting point is 00:23:00 in physical properties no it's got closer. No, it didn't. No, the probability in hairs in our heads. Uncertainty is a feature of our brains, not the physical universe. Regardless of misinterpretations of quantum theory regardless of that and boar's confusion on that subject which is an amazing topic i'm just running down
Starting point is 00:23:33 rabbit holes here that no one's interested in but look at that look at anyone look at the debate between uh boar and einstein it's ein Einstein was perfectly fucking correct. Can you tell me more about it? That's a great line. Uncertainty is a feature of the brain, not of the physical universe. Niels Bohr thought that uncertainty was a physical feature of the universe.
Starting point is 00:23:57 He had an ontological... He confused the epistemology for something ontological. Limitations to our understanding, he projected them onto a universe. And Einstein thought that was bullshit. So did Schrodinger. And they were correct, I believe. And I think James makes a wonderful point of that.
Starting point is 00:24:20 All things ends up back at James. This guy. There it is, people. Buy the book. I would come back every all things ends up back at Jane's this guy. I, there it is. People buy the book. This is the most important book written in my lifetime. Easily. Probability theory,
Starting point is 00:24:32 the logic of science by a Jane's. Yeah. E T Jane's E T Jane's read the Amazon reviews on it and see if that's not intriguing. There's some brilliant men on there weighing in with some, and you know, what's like in with so few reviews for a work so
Starting point is 00:24:47 completely fucking important. What James gave us was he pieced together from the work of others a probability theory as an extended logic that allows for the optimal processing of incomplete information.
Starting point is 00:25:08 And that's an amazing thing. And it produces enormous fruit across all kinds of fields. This is where AI is the gift in this space, exactly this space, probability logic. The optimal processing of incomplete information. the optimal processing of incomplete information. The editor on this guy named Brett horse is in the radiology. He just left. He just retired, but he was in the radiology department of physicists who trained with James,
Starting point is 00:25:37 but he was in the radiology department at Washington university, St. Louis. And they wrote code that reads MRIs. Wow. Yeah. at Washington University, St. Louis, and they wrote code that reads MRIs. Wow. Yeah, at an inconceivable rate with an unprecedented accuracy. Guys like our buddy Will go, man, they're coming for me.
Starting point is 00:25:58 This won't be done by people soon. And that's this, that's this optimal processing of incomplete information. We use, we use that same stuff to, to improve that audio on the botched. Oh yeah. Incredible.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Wasn't that incredible? Dude. Incredible. Amazing. Huh? Yeah. I mean, we were told by experts in industry we were fucked it's gone that is how that's gonna sound you can't untenny we lost mics in a five or six mics in a soundboard only one mic picked up and it was echo and distance
Starting point is 00:26:38 and behind the crowd and we turned that into stuff so good it has an eeriness in that it's dead other than the perfect voice of Malcolm Kendrick. Play that, Sammy. Do you have it? No, I don't have access to that to play right now. It's somewhere in my text messages. But yeah, that's crazy. I'll pull that up for the next time you're on.
Starting point is 00:26:59 That's crazy. I've never seen anything like that. Greg did that event in Arizona with Emily. Emily and Greg put on the BSI event. Big, huge event. Amazing group of speakers and the audio got destroyed. Recently, they found
Starting point is 00:27:15 some AI software that pulls out the speakers and I heard examples of it. I seriously can't even believe it's real. It's like one of those old 1970s, look, you have a stain on your carpet, now it's here, now it's gone kind of thing it's crazy yeah i didn't think it was possible uh emily kaplan uh it's supposed to be a tool that judges if an intervention has an effect a null is just saying there is no effect then you compare it to the intervention group and see if there's a difference but it doesn't work like that so it it's a miss use of the tool to assume it will prove any anything having to do with the validation kind of reminds me of the pcr test
Starting point is 00:27:56 a tool that was used improperly you can ask nearly anyone, especially academic scientists, university scientists, what a p-value is and what you're going to hear. And many have done this. Briggs has made a parlor game of this, asking a group of physicians, researchers, what's a p-value? And he's like, nope, nope, nope, nope. And Gigerenzer has a list of common perceptions as to what a p-value is. And we've heard all of them. You know them. And they're all patently false. They're just not true. Now, what's interesting is the statisticians are saying, well, I never said it meant that. I never said it meant that. I said, it didn't say it said anything at all about your hypotheses. It's the probability of the data on the assumption that the null is false given the test statistic I've chosen. That's what it is. And I'm going to borrow from Ethical Skeptic, who said it's mildly inductive. And that's great. What that means is it supports, it may lend plausibility,
Starting point is 00:29:14 but it's far from compelling evidence. And in fact, I can always jigger things to get the p-value of my choosing. P-value is just the educated guess of what the results will be versus what the results actually show? You know what? I don't have a huge problem with that. P-Value is the educated guess of what the results will be versus what the results actually show. I like this. Dildo, Emily, Miss Emily Kaplan, explaining things to us in the chat is the equivalent of a good-looking teacher with the dumb idiot middle schoolers who make the hog jokes during the whole class.
Starting point is 00:30:03 We can still try. We like a good hog joke yeah and you know i remember my father talking at the health conference what eight years ago nine years ago on p values and you know i was looking around the room, I mean, I got, I got some of my speakers were falling asleep. It's, it might be the most boring subject on earth, but it is certainly the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on humanity. And not just P values, the whole of academic science, P values is, is a symptom. It's that's, that's, that's an identifying piece. P-values is a symptom. That's an identifying piece.
Starting point is 00:30:48 You've got to study with a P-value, take a look at it. What my dad used to do is he would go through, look up all of the authors on the papers, and find the statistician amongst the authors. In medical work, there's always one of the authors is the statistician, right? And then he'd look up the statistician. And if they were one of these frequentists, if they were doing confidence intervals and significance tests and p-values, and if they were of the view that the probability of the data is the only place that only data has probability, that events do not, you're gone. You're gone it finds something else to read here's what smart physicians do
Starting point is 00:31:28 they collect those papers and and and consider them to be true that jive with their clinical experience and if they're lucky enough and experienced enough and intelligent enough their clinical experience will be a reliable guide. And they learn things like the toxicity of carbohydrate. And so then you collect those papers. And that's being empirical. And that's about all you have. Because the CDC is not a reliable guide.
Starting point is 00:32:01 New England Journal of Medicine is not a reliable guide. What they're telling you on CNN is bullshit. Let me throw this out there real quick. A child falls down. You walk over. You pick a child up. Someone says you helped the child. Someone else says, hey, you're hurting that child Cause you're not giving that child an opportunity to stand up. Right. So you, you can see both perspectives, right? You can see, okay, you can see how the person who thinks is picking up the child is helping it. And then you can see how the, and the same thing with like what we gave with math the other day, you can see how two plus two is four, but let's not judge people based on their answer. Let's give everyone a correct because we want them to pass. You can see that like you're going for the end goal of the result and you can see how they're misunderstanding what it means to help people right yeah why is it that some of those scientists can't see
Starting point is 00:32:53 do you see where they're losing their way when they say it's the outside universe that has uncertainty as opposed to it's only the mind it's only the human? The line was uncertainty is a feature of the brain. Can you see where those people are thinking wrong, where they lost their way? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you started with describing the well-intended idiot, right? Right, right. But in terms of academic science,
Starting point is 00:33:26 the number of scientists and the fields of science are exploding. And it's all extremely profitable. For whom? For the university, department heads, people getting grants, researchers. It's the world they live in. And it doesn't necessarily have to reflect anything that's real. Okay. I've heard you say before that money is equivalent to human energy,
Starting point is 00:34:00 and I really like that, right? It's human potential energy. Right. So you give me money, and then I show you you address you you bought some of my human energy i've decided to and that i've got a i've got a research grant in a laboratory funding tenure and fame for anyone that can show me that for you. Right. Right. And they will. We watched Children's Hospital of Philadelphia take some soda money and then produce a study that showed that diabetes was genetic. Ain't nothing you can do about it. Someone should be executed for that.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Going back to a conversation you and I had last night, I'm going to try to take this even one step deeper. We were talking about values. And we were talking about, I wish I could remember the exact line you said, but you said something like a godless man without values or something is a rare man to behold or something or is a unicorn. I can't remember the word you used. And I know values is an abstraction, but what's to stop people – what could you put in place so people – what I'm taking away from this conversation is that people are chasing the money by any means necessary as opposed to staying true to the truth, which would – which I would also like to speculate would help civilization. Do you know what I'm saying? I'm trying to see where the fix is at the deepest level. We can't go through and fix every single one of these studies one by one.
Starting point is 00:35:51 We don't have enough time. Something at a very deep level has to be fixed. The nature of man or something, or the way something has to be tinkered with. It won't be fixed. It won't be? The best we can do, the best we can see. Listen, with CrossFit, the thought with CrossFit, I never had a dream of everyone on Earth being fit.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Right. It's absolutely not going to happen. One of the problems that CrossFit has is you bring people face-to-face with the costs of being fit, and they find out that the thigh master or bow flex or whatever the thing is it that's not going to do it it makes some difference but it's not that's not where fitness is found and you're like oh wow that's that's just really hard yeah that's that's true like doing your taxes and calculus and raising kids these things are are hard. Playing the violin, it's hard shit.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And not everyone's going to do it. Not everyone's going to do it. But what we can do, again, it's my notion of any man in the sense of like every man. We can provide any man with the tools so that he, she are less likely to be a victim of someone's bullshit science. Look, validation comes from predictive strength, not degrees, not titles. A model that's predicted nothing is not science, not yet. And we just crippled our civilization over models that have never predicted anything successfully.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Wow. And we call that following the science. It's exactly what science is not. Exactly what science is not. Putting faith in models that have predicted not shit. And what models are you referencing? The climate models? COVID models? The climate models the covid models the climate
Starting point is 00:37:45 models yeah there's and and uh the uh covid 19 models what was going on at ihme and uh and at the imperial college with ferguson these guys these guys were selling to political power models that justified a lockdown and the models had never successfully predicted anything how about the model that um you know is the ionati says we need to see the code we need to see the code he knows the code's bullshit he knows the models don't work and he'd like to expose this as a fraud from the level of the shitty code. But he doesn't need that. You don't need to see the code for a model that's never predicted anything. If it's predicted something successfully, at that point, I have interest in the code.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Not until. These models, not only should they not have been used they shouldn't have been published in anything that called itself scientific and we've we've ruined a generation of kids the upside is going to be that so many of us have pulled our kids from public school and those kids are going to have an unnatural advantage for the rest of their lives for the rest of their lives. For the rest of their lives. Well, I don't know what you mean by unnatural, but definitely an advantage relative to the herd.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Greg, let me ask you how this works. Twelve unarmed black men, I forget what year it is, let's say, just bear with with me here. 2020 were shot and killed by the police. Twelve unarmed black men. Now, probably all 12 of them were resisting arrest or whatever. But that was the stat. And because of that, that put a nation in frenzy that did not look at the other three hundred and sixty four million nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred and eighty eight traffic stops that police officers made where nobody was killed and because of that looking at that data wrong and letting emotion come into play we started this thing that caused a defund the police movement which led to the increase in death of 34 percent more black men than than the previous year so their solution created more deaths because they didn't look at all the data right that's another just that's another just fucked up model right okay the police killed 12 people so we're going to get rid of the police oh shit we didn't look at the other 100 000 people the please save their lives.
Starting point is 00:40:28 And the inversion of that is the mammogram, right? The mammogram. Give people the mammogram to... It's all tied together. You know where I was going to go with that? You give people the mammogram to try to fight their cancer, and then after you start looking at the data, you realize actually the mammogram is hurting people,
Starting point is 00:40:42 causing misdiagnoses. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Screening absent symptoms is a problem mathematically. It turns out. And is there a relation to that? Perhaps. But Gilbert Welch is the guy
Starting point is 00:41:01 that's published on this. And he was so effective in what he published that someone had to invent a scandal is the guy that's published on this. And he was so effective in what he published that someone had to invent a scandal about the guy. Kind of like, if you come up with something that's a threat to the vested financial interest in medicine, we're going to hear soon that you're some kind of pervert or predator. Nothing specific, nothing formal.
Starting point is 00:41:24 It's just rumored enough to knock you out of a position. You have the cure for the world's most vexing problem and a serious threat to all of healthcare profits. And then all of a sudden, someone takes a tweet
Starting point is 00:41:39 Floyd 19 and twists it around and comes after you like that. Makes up some bullshit. Talking of Garyary fetke and tim noakes right i know you were but i was thinking we've watched we've watched the playbook oh you have to expect it you have to expect it and rfk is gonna rfk i have so much respect for that man and in fact i i would say i'm a friend. We've had several conversations. We couldn't be – I think the only thing we share
Starting point is 00:42:12 is a compelling authenticity and honesty. But the things he's saying on COVID are very, very important and real true. I don't think he's bringing that logic, though, to the, for lack of a better word, to the George Floyd landscape. I don't think he's bringing that logic to race. You know what I mean He's still I think he still believes from what I've heard That it's okay that 2 plus He still believes that It's okay to have what's it called
Starting point is 00:42:52 The soft bigotry of low expectations I mean I guess nobody's perfect Imagine the rate at which His world is changing Right Fast Nobody's perfect. Imagine the rate at which his world is changing. Right. Fast.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, it's going to be a completely different Bobby in another year. He's learning it's all bullshit. I'm going to play this for you. this is just the first part of this um this is a fun little piece here uh this is from fox news uh and um what's this guy's name is this uh jesse waters so jesse waters is going to share with us um some talking points from vivek ramaswamy i'm curious what you think about this here we go candidate vivek ramaswamy. I'm curious what you think about this. Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy isn't so sure 18 year olds are ready for that kind of responsibility. He's proposing a constitutional amendment that would make 18 to 24 year olds pass a civics test before they had the right to vote. It's the same test immigrants take before they become citizens. If you pass, congrats. Here's your registration form.
Starting point is 00:44:06 But if you fail, you'd have to wait until your 25th birthday to vote, unless you do six months of military or first responder service. Primetime was intrigued by this idea, so we decided to put it to the test. Thoughts on that? Well, yeah, I think I'm going gonna guess what comes next because i've seen them do this kind of thing they're gonna ask people how many states there are and half don't know right that kind of thing right right right the vice president no idea right right yeah the bit the bit goes to that without they ask some harder questions like – How many U.S. senators are there?
Starting point is 00:44:47 No, but what's the law of the land? And no one guesses the constitution or what are the three – See, I wouldn't have gotten that right. The three government bodies. government bodies um but i don't know a part i'm okay with this like i'm okay with this i don't have any the only part of me that doesn't like this is i don't like change but i'm okay with this i'm okay with like hey if you maybe you shouldn't be um uh voting unless you know some just some really rudimentary shit yeah it's a way to weed out the idiots from participating in the game
Starting point is 00:45:30 you know the democrats are going to hate this right yeah he's got no chance that's going nowhere really what do you think about it are you against it that idea that whole you're like fuck it I don care. I'm older than 25. Some of both, but it's the wrong cross to bear.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Oh, for him? You're saying – okay. You're saying he should stick to really drive home, become like a one-issue or two- two issue politician and just stick with it and run like that in inflation's an issue the border's an issue what's happening at public schools is an issue uh public health as a as a instrument of political control is an issue failing of academic science is an issue. Failing of academic science is an issue. But, you know, the age at which we vote, I just don't see, I don't, again, you'll
Starting point is 00:46:36 spend all your time arguing that issue. And when you say he has no chance, why do you think he has no chance? Because the angry orange bastard is going to get the nomination. Oh, okay. I have a better idea. You have to be able to do 20 pushups In order to vote
Starting point is 00:47:06 Who was it Elon was saying you should have to have children To vote Yeah I'm Maybe you should get one vote for each kid you got I could run with that Yeah I like it I have 8 of my 9 here today
Starting point is 00:47:24 Yeah congrats That's awesome We'll probably know when we're going live Yeah, I like it. I have eight of my nine here today. Yeah, congrats. That's awesome. We'll probably know when they go online. What'd you say? We'll probably know when they go online. Yeah. I'm going to go get a jacket.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I'll be right back. I'm freezing. Vivek loves the smell. Please. Vivek loves the smell of ginger taint. He's saying that he has his nose so far up Mr. Trump's ass. Oh. Good question. Little pivot.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Greg, we'll come back to that one. Hopefully I don't lose it. Seed oils versus sugar. I can play this for you guys. This is an oldie but goodie. We've played this. I can play this for you guys here.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Greg, there's a question here. Greg, can you comment on your current understanding of total devastation caused by seed oils versus sugar? Yeah, I would reference again the blue Paul Roche book and the material in there by Cromerow. And compare the two. And, like, compare the two. I think the seed oils have been demonstrated to be dangerous. What else can I say?
Starting point is 00:49:03 So you're not saying cut one out or the other, cut both out. You're not saying one or both. Yeah. I'd give her both. There you go. Which is worse? Both. Sean Lenderman and Vivek. You know, Trank or Fentanyl?
Starting point is 00:49:21 Right. You know, what are we measuring? Wasn't that video something I shared with you yesterday yeah that's what the gas station yeah was that trank is that what that is it's trank i was told let me see if i can find that that was fucking crazy the commentary was fantastic and the music i wonder if I can play that. More glamorizing drug use, right? I don't know if I can play this with the music, but this was crazy. They're wrong with it.
Starting point is 00:50:03 The zombies. Mr. Lee, what's wrong with them? I don't know. Wow. Wow. Oh, dang. Oh, man. And that's the, I saw some, look at the guy just right up in his face filming. He can't do anything. He's just stuck at the, and she's holding on to the pump. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Oh, wow. How does this end? Poorly. Oh, geez. I don't think this is an isolated incident either. I've been seeing too many videos of these people hunched over all over our cities. Yeah. What is Trank?
Starting point is 00:51:26 Do you know? It's some mixture of stuff. Is that the one that causes the skin rot too that I keep hearing about? Yeah. Oh my goodness. I got to keep my kids away from that. I think not having them in school is going to be a huge first step yeah no iphone should be the second i agree okay how about this uh this is uh you're not even going to believe what I'm about to show you
Starting point is 00:52:06 This is A global warming protester Who they've cemented their hands Into the ground Look at this See that? Can you fucking imagine that, dude? They've cemented their hands in order to block traffic. I can't give them a dedication credit for that.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Hey, why not just leave them there? What country is that? That's Germany. Germany. Climate activists in Germany have been cementing their hands in airport runways and streets to protest against carbon emissions. There button. You see that?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Oh, is there? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I hit that a few times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Damn. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I hit that a few times. Yeah, damn. God, you button people are the bottom of the barrel type people. I'm good with it. Let starvation sort it out. No, I just support the protesters' right to make a statement. That's not making a statement that's interfering with others' free passage. It has some of the charm of a kidnapping. Makes you a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Yeah, why not do a little bit of investigating to find out if you're really on the right path? Extra sloppy, the two biggest issues we face is ending wars and ending the systemic destruction of our money. Everything else is a distant third. You mean like the value of the dollar? Is that what he's referencing? Yeah, inflation, I'm guessing. Turntable, does your skin need to breathe? Like there's that famous story about the dude who played the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz almost dying because of the face paint.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Yeah, people have died from painting their bodies. Yeah. I cannot imagine cementing my hand in somewhere. I just think that that's complete idiocy. I'd let Putin work that out. What do you think he'd do? Yeah, just rip them off. He'd drive his car over you.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Yeah, or just yank them out. Let the cement or the hand go to war. Yank them out. Let the cement or the hand go to war. I saw this is a. Oh, did you see Canadians were given a travel advisory not to come to the United States because of our transphobia and homophobia? Did you see that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:32 And then I saw that i saw this uh about inventing your own gender there's a department in the state of california it's funded with approximately two million dollars that encourages uh it's under gavin newsom that's encouraged uh in people to invent their own gender but there's a rule to this you're gonna trip they're called uh neo pronouns whatever that is but there's a rule to this you're going to trip they're called uh neo pronouns whatever that is but there's a rule to this with one exception your child if your child chooses a gender that encompasses a racial ethnic or religious or disability group they are not a part of the parent must direct the child to a different gender so you can wait with rogue ads all over it you're looking at oh it's uh it's just um it's google it's google populating it you know what i mean it's google populating the uh the page right for you yeah for me i guess okay um uh but I think it's fucking I thought Rogue was the sponsor of the
Starting point is 00:56:26 neo-gender website no no dear Bill and Katie no this is fucking crazy so you can identify with whatever you want unless you couldn't identify
Starting point is 00:56:42 as being they have limits to the craziness like you can't if you're not down syndrome you can't identify as being they have limits to the craziness like you can't if you're not down syndrome you can't identify with being down syndrome so those limits of what you can identify with are ethnic religious so if you're a jew you can't identify i guess as a catholic disability so like if you're autistic you if you're not autistic you can't identify with it it's fucking crazy that they have rules to their imagination thing it's like i understand don't bring a gun to the halloween party like if you're a cowboy like don't bring a real gun like i get it right but this shit is like wild it's a mockery of their own imagination.
Starting point is 00:57:27 This is funded by the state of California. Millions in taxpayers' money. Gender spectrum will collect $2,340,000 from the California Department of Public Health. Office of Health Equity for the California Reducing Disparities Project. It's the politics of 25 year old girls with no education uh tell me more let's just look at the look at who's writing what's in the new york times oh right wow wow look what they studied in school.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Look what they believe. Look at the way they write. The Times has taken a shitter. Oh, it's unbelievable. It's absolutely amazing. Cave Dastro, I'm surprised there are no Pornhub ads on this site. I told you I don't use this computer for porn ever
Starting point is 00:58:26 this is my office computer no Kleenex tissues or porn allowed Coffee Papa Mountain Mama Mom I've decided to be a black spaceship no honey you can be a spaceship not a black spaceship and finally Bruce Wayne AOC politics yeah And finally, Bruce Wayne, AOC politics.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Yeah. Yeah. Where would she be if she weren't hot? She never would have left the bar she was attending when she became a congressman. Right. Here's something else you're going to like or not like. Did you see – do you follow anything that the mayor of New York says? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Oh, yeah. Yeah. How can you not be entertained by a sanctuary city being driven to its knees by immigrants coming? He liked the immigrants in Texas, not in New York. Is that what's happening there? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait till you see this. The finances of what's shown up there
Starting point is 00:59:46 and their inability to pay for it is breathtaking. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail
Starting point is 01:00:10 with professionalism and compassion. We're your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery.
Starting point is 01:00:39 It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers. And yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or... Oh, him on the meat thing. He's a moron. Yeah, they're trying to get rid of meat in New York City. I'm excited to announce that for the first time in our city's history,
Starting point is 01:01:04 we're measuring just how much of an impact our food choices have on our emissions. First time we're doing this. We've worked with the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. And I want to take my hat off to a great corporate partner, American Express. I had off to a great corporate partner, American Express. I'm excited to announce that for the first time in our city's history, we're measuring just how much of an impact our food choices have on our emissions. First time we're doing this. With American Express. Listen, I mean, I think Maggie's listening.
Starting point is 01:01:44 She's probably hitting up Holdsworth right now about Amex. That's it for us. If I run with this call, we won't be Amex customers. I'm going to be told by my husband. Oh my goodness. It's funny you say that because I actually
Starting point is 01:01:58 believe it or not thought that. I'm like, oh, if Maggie sees this. Oh yeah. No, she's just going going the way PayPal did. She doesn't want to support anything that's stupid at all. She's anti-woke. Militantly so. We were talking about
Starting point is 01:02:21 traveling internationally with Canadian Tags on your... Tags on our shit, right? Yeah. Big Maple Leaf shirt. Yeah. I don't think that flies anymore. Does it?
Starting point is 01:02:37 She said she'd rather be the subject of a terror attack than promote even the slightest implication that she's stupid. Yeah. It really is like that. Canadians are stupid. Well, I don't know if the people are. The way they're being governed is just completely retarded.
Starting point is 01:03:00 When we did our broken science thing, we had Canadian friends that had to drive into the U.S. to fly to Phoenix. Because they couldn't leave the country without the latest jab. So they drive out and then get on planes in Boston. Or Seattle. Hey, and you know those immigrants coming into New York City where the vaccine was mandated to eat? Now, none of those immigrants are vaccinated.
Starting point is 01:03:28 The problems would be worse for the city if they were. A credit card company that profits off the free market participating in government monitoring of food choices isn't capitalism the best. Oh, someone from Canada was just about to call. Go ahead. Let's do it oh no mad marv my wife believes no meat is good for society oh no hey have you seen this have you seen this um uh report have you seen this study where women who take birth control, their attraction towards women increases, and so therefore they're attracted to men who have more feminine qualities, and then they get with these men, and then they get off the birth control, and they're not attracted to those men anymore because they were attracted because of their hormonal change from the birth control?
Starting point is 01:04:22 Have you seen that study? No. hormonal change from the birth control have you seen that study no and that um basically that they're saying that that's one of the i guess so many women were on birth control and there was such a that there was a natural i don't know natural selection that more and more men started feminizing themselves to become attractive to those women you haven't seen any of that stuff no but look i think i talked about i'm not sure i believe in You haven't seen any of that stuff? No, but look, I think I talked to you about... I'm not sure. I believe in the possibility of that kind of shit.
Starting point is 01:04:49 I came to Santa Cruz in 95 and the place is about the most liberal place I'd ever been or heard about. I mean, far to the left of Santa Monica, which was my exposure to Venice, to liberal LA. But the liberal ethos has a feminizing effect on men. And the women, it makes them unhappy.
Starting point is 01:05:27 And so I got to listen to a lot of the superstars of CrossFit early days, well-known names, nasty girls, in fact, complain in detail about the men in their lives. And it was a lack of masculinity i told one of them once you know i i think he needs to tell you to shut the fuck up but doesn't have the balls to do it and uh took immediate offense and then relaxed and goes god i think you're right yeah he's taking it i mean i'm just hearing one side of the story and what i'm hearing is you're giving him an unbelievable amount of shit right right and he's he's just you know of course he's getting
Starting point is 01:06:15 his mom involved he's a pussy you've made him that way damn and you can't be attracted to him damn yeah there's a There's a fertility problem? Of course there is. If your husband gets his mom involved, you have a problem. I want to come back to this. Caller, go ahead. Hey, Siobhan and Greg.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Yeah, I'm from Canada. I'm from Montreal. And it's the exact same thing you guys were talking about. We drive to Plattsburgh, New York, or Vermont just to park our cars. And we drive drive anywhere or we fly anywhere in the u.s it's way simpler and cheaper to do that than just to fly from canada it's crazy but uh that was just a side note the first the thing i wanted to really talk about was uh are are you greg or savann aware of uh joel who joel seaman is i just uh listened to the podcast with joe the trainer and he's amazing and i was curious to know if you were aware of who jo Seidman is. I just listened to the podcast with Joe, the trainer, and he's amazing.
Starting point is 01:07:06 And I was curious to know if you were aware of who Joel Seidman was. Is that a real name, Joel Seidman? No, Seidman, yeah, yeah. It's this guy on Instagram who's a supposed trainer for professional athletes, and he doesn't believe in squatting below parallel. I know Zach Tallender, who you know, Sivan, athletes and he doesn't believe uh in like squatting below parallel uh i know zach calendar who you know savann um just had a discussion with him on his youtube page and it was pretty
Starting point is 01:07:31 fascinating and i would love for you guys to actually talk to him or just to review some of his videos and just see what type of nut job he is it would be really cool to see look hey i'm pulling thanks for uh bringing this to my attention jo Joel Seidman, what's interesting is right in his picture, his profile picture is him not squatting below parallel. Correct. He doesn't believe in it. He says there's more injuries by squatting below parallel than by not, and that during football games or anything like that, you're never going to be in a position that's below you know 90 degrees so he doesn't believe in it so just right there it sounds to me like
Starting point is 01:08:11 i would i would have him uh sit on the ground and then stand up and show me how you do that without the leg one of the legs going acute or both. And the truth is you can't do it. So he's, so he's just, he's full of shit from that perspective. You can't get your ass without going acute in, in one leg.
Starting point is 01:08:37 It's, it's with just, it's, it's with just one, it's kind of hard, but what does that mean? What does that mean? Going acute? You know,
Starting point is 01:08:47 I'm bent more than 90 degrees. Oh, right, right's kind of hard. What does that mean going to Q? What does that mean going to Q? You know, I'm bent more than 90 degrees. Oh, right, right, right, right. Yeah, I mean, it's the one. I don't want to attack this guy, but just based on what you're saying, but, but hey you could argue that getting out of bed is the most dangerous thing you can do if that's i'm sure he has more to say than what you just said but if you just say hey people who squat below parallel are more likely to get injured or you don't do it here or there that's like saying yeah people who get out of bed are the ones who get injured there's like it's just it means nothing it's um well the scary thing about
Starting point is 01:09:26 what he's saying is that he's specifically referencing the athletic performances of some of these professional athletes and whoever um misses and you know pops and mom and you know the kids and stuff who want to go to the gym and imitate some of those professional athletes whether they aspire to that or not. I mean, they look up to those athletes and if they look up to the trainer of those athletes to see, you know, how they can develop and become stronger, well then that's where it becomes a problem in my opinion. Outside of just crazy, I'm not talking about stupid ranges of motion,
Starting point is 01:10:00 but all the people I know who get injured doing the sports that I see my kids doing things like jujitsu and tennis and skateboarding, it all comes down to just them not having, especially in jujitsu. If your kid doesn't have a good range of motion, um, someone's going to put the hurt on you and you're not going to be as good at your sport period. 100% of the time. Speaking of ranges of motion, Greg, I'd love to hear your opinion on that. If you're born with a type of anatomy, can you change by getting more flexible in certain end ranges of motion,
Starting point is 01:10:35 can you change the way you're innately born to move in a certain way? I don't know if that question makes sense, but... You mean like if one of my kids can do the splits at four and one of them can't even can't can you teach your kid to do the splits well let's say like you're you're um let's say my hip anatomy allows me to squat below parallel but my toes face outwards more because let's say i don't have as much uh i have a bit of tightness in my hips if i stretch and i let go of that tightness in my hips, can I then be in a more beneficial position that maybe I wasn't born to be in?
Starting point is 01:11:13 And is that something that's good, bad, or just neither nor? You need a range of motion that will allow for functional movement. you need a range of motion that will allow for functional movement. And there's some natural aspects to limb length that will determine the squat. Our friend Bruce Edwards has long femurs and short tibia. His knees for his height are too close to the ground and it makes for an interesting squat but regardless what he needs is the sum of all forces to to come to zero so that each each force is counteracted and so i don't have a
Starting point is 01:11:59 change in balance as i as i lower my center of mass and if there's a flexibility problem in there it will it will manifest and it does need to be addressed um i can see it uh lack of shoulder flexibility by looking at your ankles when you press overhead if the shoulder doesn't open up, the pelvis has to come forward to find balance, and it pushes the knees forward, and it reduces the angle at the ankle. Hey, let me ask you this, too, real quick, for anyone who might think that Joel's on to anything.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Would you rather move like this, and I'm putting up a picture of people doing Louie Simmons shit or go to the knees over toes guy? Who do you want to move like? What I see when I see people moving around out in the world
Starting point is 01:12:58 and I see right away reeks of how old people are and sometimes I wonder people see I'm 51 but but i don't think i move like a 51 year old i think i move like a 30 year old still i don't want to move like any of the louis simmons people when dave had uh when greg brought dave tate to speak to uh crossfit he had some crazy like i think he did like a 500 pound deadlift cold but dude the guy couldn't from the standing position couldn't bend over and touch his shoes. No, thank you.
Starting point is 01:13:25 I'd way rather, I don't want to move like this. No human being wants to do this. Last question too, Greg. I'll let you guys go. I just have one more question for Greg because he mentioned it and it's something I was wondering about. A lot of Zach mentions it often too, is the whole limb length thing, the femur length.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Is there like an actual equation to know if you technically are considered long femur or not? Because I think I have long femurs. But is it subjective or is there an actual measure that you can go off of to maximize your… You can spend a lot of time putting energy into this, but fundamentally it's something you can do nothing about. And so what I asked of Bruce was the same thing I asked of everyone else, is to stay on your heels. I don't want to see the toes mashing hard. This is the same guy.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Yeah, did you see me hitting the guy? That's now where it's strike three. So I didn't like the way he vectorized that thing, this little drawing at the top. I hate that fucking... That is... That's his bulletproof body injury encyclopedia program. That's not good for the brain.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Idiocy. But the thing I'm trying to understand is when people say they have long femurs long femurs in relation to what this guy's asking when you have long femurs what do they mean long femurs in relationship to what the total leg length oh okay so it has to be more than a certain amount of your total it doesn't have to be it's not i'm not compelled by this subject but i do recognize that not everyone at five foot ten
Starting point is 01:15:15 has their knees in the same spot interestingly and that's going to govern how you squat but i don't think it's i don't think you get a special parking place or a discount on anything at Del Taco. It's amazing how much that vectorized thing that he did. He's drawn his angles off of the perspective from the photograph. And it's not the angles. It's not the angles of the body. That. Yeah. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:16:01 He's. Do you see what I'm saying? Yeah, it's not relative to the earth or the floor he's standing on. It's just relative to the position of his body in space. Meaning that might be at 90 degrees. That hip is not at 90, I don't think. And neither is the leg But he drew it on the picture From what it looks like to me
Starting point is 01:16:39 How he's getting those numbers for those angles is because his knees are the way the position of his knees coming forward right that leg is not at 90 that leg looks it but looks like 110 degrees to me and the and the torso the hip inclination looks to be about 80 degrees. Okay. To me. Meaning he's come forward and it's a low bar? No, nothing to do with the bar. I'm just saying that that isn't, that isn't, that, that, the hip and the knee, I don't think they're at 90. I think the, I think the, the legs greater than 90.
Starting point is 01:17:23 And I think the hips less. the uh legs greater than 90 and i think the the hips less i think he confused himself with the drawing if if i were if i were to vectorize that movement i would have to be i would have to be uh i'd want to see perpendicular to the athlete. Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I need to see him from the side. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Then look at those angles. And they're not going to be what he's claiming on that three-quarter shot. I'm amazed at how, and this is a kinesiologist, I'm amazed at how little vectorization of movements has been done. And when I did that for the deadlift, and you know, that got made into a sweatshirt. Yeah, yep. These movements are part of your physiology. No, more important, the physiology is determined, governed entirely by your anatomy. That looks like it's right at parallel, those. Yep. I mean I don't have an issue with that do you from what you can see
Starting point is 01:18:54 yeah it's a little high that one Yeah, it's a little high. That one? I'll tell you what, if he'd reach out on that lunge another eight, nine inches, it'd be way more effective. Wow, eight or nine inches even. Yeah, just you want to take as few steps for the distance as you possibly can the further out you'll put that leg the more you're doing with the gluten hamstring i'd like to reduce the quad in that lunge by 25, 30%. He's keeping that, he's keeping that, that lunges, he's keeping that comfortable with the maximum control. And what you want to do is expose yourself with as far a reach as you can and
Starting point is 01:20:00 claw yourself forward. And that brings it into the posterior. We get way more glute hamstring. His stop down here is pretty impressive. It looks almost like he's hitting something, but he's not. You know what I mean? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Is he Canadian? Hmm. all right is he canadian advanced human performance i saw that link you sent me about the pirates in um I saw that link you sent me about the pirates in San Francisco. Yeah, crazy, right? Yeah. There's just thievery seems just like it's skyrocketing. Does it seem that way to you when you look at the news? What?
Starting point is 01:21:03 It's been legalized. Yeah, yeah. Appearance of pirates in San Francisco Bay leaves boaters and mariners on edge. Marinas. Oh, mariners. Mariners, too. Mariners are true. Yeah, everyone. According to ABC, thieves are arriving at night aboard small watercraft using bolt cutters
Starting point is 01:21:26 and other break-in tools to gain access to unoccupied boats. Boats are being stolen from the Alameda Community Sailing Center. They had four boats stolen. What happened? Something is reading something i'm saying um something recorded what i was saying the computer and started reading it back to me uh four uh what would it say something about four boats over the last couple months it's become extremely severe boats are being stolen almost on a nightly basis. I bet you the security down there is horrible, right?
Starting point is 01:22:08 They're not used to it, and so there's just like one rent-a-cop down there. No one even with a gun. Yeah, it's... Joe Westerlin, don't fall a victim to his spell. Any amount of moderately charisma and production quality makes anything seem compelling. Hence the Game Changers film. He's talking about... That guy. Yeah, the Joel guy.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Hey, Joe, do you get what I'm saying about those angles? Joe, what did you think about the angles, Joe? There's a number down at the bottom if you want to call in. Send Dave to sort it out. What, the boats or the
Starting point is 01:22:58 squat? Send Joe to Seidman for squat help, some therapy, and have Davey take care of the parades. There is a – last week we talked about – last week there was a mention of math. We did that talk about math being racist and the soft bigotry comment. And then this popped up in my feed. I thought I thought everyone would appreciate this.
Starting point is 01:23:32 OK. Soft bigotry of low expectations, soft bigotry of low expectations. Here we go. Supposedly correcting black students when they say X instead of ask is racist. When a black or African-American child says to their teacher, teacher, can I ask you a question? And the immediate response being from the teacher with a sense of superiority based in white racial superiority, often with our 84% white female teachers, the response being, that's not how we say ask. We say ask. Ask isn't a word. And so we have children that understand their home language practices to be not just deficit, not just wrong, but broken, ignorant. The list goes on and on as to what it communicates when you police a child's
Starting point is 01:24:20 language that their home and their community has taught them. See, people like this feel like stupidity and ignorance is black culture. If a student, no matter what their race and culture is, is in English class, for instance, and they say a word wrong, the teacher should correct them and show them the proper way to say the word and the proper way to pronounce the word and the proper way to pronounce the word and the proper way to use the word in a sentence. They shouldn't be like, oh, I know all your people say that word wrong, so it's cool. Just keep doing it like that because I don't want to be racist. That's ridiculous. And why are black people the only people who excuse stuff like this. We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. So supposedly correcting black students when they say X.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Although I have never I've never heard anyone correct a Chinese student in class. But it's usually just their parents that say words wrong and not the kids. I just heard that woman say that x isn't a word right in her explanation uh-huh yeah hey and that's the 25 year old girl you're talking about so uh sorry uh to be a sexist in ages but that's the 25 year old girl you girl you're talking about who works at the New York Times, right? Unfortunately, that is the demographic. You can parrot that shit.
Starting point is 01:25:50 You can mimic it. It doesn't take a lot of work to be stupid. And she's conflating stuff, like there's some relationship between the fact that 84% of school teachers are white. It's just conflating stuff like there's some relationship between the fact that 84% of school teachers are white. It's just conflating ideas. It's not relevant to her argument.
Starting point is 01:26:15 And yet she wants it to be so bad. What do you got planned for today? What do you got planned for today? You know it's I'm hoping the weather is going to support Some boating Did you look out the window? Is that you like looking out over And raining off and on
Starting point is 01:26:34 And you're looking at the lake when you do that? When you look out to your left? Yeah Oh that's cool. Wow. You could throw a rock from that window and land in the water? Yeah, I think I could. Me too. I think I could too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Hey, you think you could throw a baseball from 60 feet and hit a bucket how many tries do you think that would take you like a home depot bucket one of those big orange ones i don't know i don't know how is your shoulder i know i it's not good oh i know that wouldn't be good for my shoulder right right but i also know that i would get better with each throw right and half hour into it i i'd probably be doing my best and then pay the price the next day look right look heidi's been listening depends on the rock that's brilliant. That is brilliant. Yep. Some of the boys were suggesting I couldn't hit a bucket from 60 feet away.
Starting point is 01:27:54 So the other day, from 40 feet away, I used tennis balls, and I easily hit it just a couple tries. But I could definitely see as it got further and further away, my shoulder would hurt. And I didn't warm up, but I can definitely tell that throwing not warmed up is dangerous. Yeah, I think I've done more shoulder damage throwing than anything. Oh, really? You're not joking? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Yeah, worse than swimming or gymnastics. Eaton Beaver, Seve is a smart dude and his IQ is even higher when coach is on oh my goodness well thanks Greg for coming on, good morning it's good being here
Starting point is 01:28:36 thanks everyone where are the boys, where's Matt and Caleb I don't know where they are this morning they almost never come on Monday through Friday in the mornings because they have jobs, Susan. But when you were coming on, they tried to adjust their schedule. You're the only guest they do that for. Isn't that funny?
Starting point is 01:28:59 They never even said anything to me. All of a sudden, I'm just like, that's interesting. Eight out of ten shows Greg is on, you guys are here in the morning so they like you they're good dudes yeah they're great dudes all right sir thank you what are you doing today i'm gonna um you know it's right yeah yeah from here i'm going oh here's something i'm doing for i'm going to take the boys to the skate park right now for a couple hours uh with the instructor but there's two um we got our first kind of real rivalry in crossfit there's a couple there's an athlete we got our first kind of real rivalry in CrossFit. There's an athlete who took second or third
Starting point is 01:29:28 at the CrossFit Games who's claiming that the champion was shit-talking him and pushing him and roughing him up a little bit during some of the events. It's the Russian guy. It's claiming that the champion, Jeffrey Adler, was doing some things that were unsportsmanlike. And so I had the champion on, and he says, no, it's all good.
Starting point is 01:29:46 But the Russian is the one that's complaining. And so he's coming on tonight. We're going to get to the bottom of it. I'm kind of excited. A little drama. Kind of like physical contact? Yeah, supposedly during the – supposedly, this is just all hearsay, but supposedly during the run, three things.
Starting point is 01:30:02 One, that he was texting him throughout the week, you know, talking shit to him. I don't know what that means. I don't know if he was saying, like, you know, your wife's crotch smells like Lucky Charms. Like, I don't know what he was saying to him. But he was supposedly texting him and taunting him, and so was the coach. Supposedly, during the events, he was talking shit to him, which we actually did see him during some of the events talking to him. Like, which I don't have an issue with any of that.
Starting point is 01:30:26 But supposedly the other part is that there was actually some physical contact, that during the run and the bike ride there was actually some pushing and shoving and some things that were unsportsmanlike. So I like it. I like all of it. Oh, yeah. I think on the bike ride all the athletes ought to be given a piece of PVC about 24 inches long. Spokes are fair.
Starting point is 01:30:50 What's that thing you have in the office in Larkin Valley that stick from Africa that if you hit someone with it, it could just rip out their insides? Do you remember that thing? Yeah, what's that thing called? I don't know. That thing's crazy. Hey, you give someone rhabdo and kill them. Yeah. With hundreds of bruises.
Starting point is 01:31:16 So, Julie Jones, Roman is not wrong about how he feels. Jeff Adler said that he was trying to play mind games with him with Roman during the games. Yeah, but I mean I don't know what your implications are, Miss Jones, but either way, I'm okay with all of it. I'm okay with all of it.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Are you okay with all of it? I'm okay with texting your opponent. Like that time Tiger Woods gave his competitor a tampon. He slipped him a tampon as they were walking from one hole to another. I remember that. I love that. Look at Dildo. I hate sportsmanship.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Me too. Me too. Look, I would suggest to both of them that letting some guy get into your skin is inconceivable to me. And thinking about someone else trying to play the psych game rather than controlling yourself. You know, I used to enjoy watching the old games champion. What's his name? Not Frazier, the one before.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Rich, Rich. Rich. I liked watching Froning watch Bailey. And I watched, I liked watching one of our Icelandic gals watching the little French Canadian. Camille, Camille, Camille.
Starting point is 01:32:52 Yeah, yeah, yeah. See how invested in games culture I am. Yeah. But the Icelandic girl's assessment of Camille was one of complete and total dismissal. And Camille was trying to complete and total dismissal. Camille was trying to glare at her hard ass. She didn't exist.
Starting point is 01:33:13 It's like a horse worried about the flies instead of the race that's about to start. It's a mental lapse, both having someone get under your skin and trying to get under someone's skin. It's a mental. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:33:28 I think, hey, you remember the attitude of the Terminator? Yeah, yeah. You know, fairly unflappable, right? Yep, yep. If not perfectly so. That's what you don't want in an opponent. And Froning brought that to the table. The unflappableness. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Amazing. Powerful mind. Powerful mind. Poised. Poised. I don't know I think Fraser utilized leveraged
Starting point is 01:34:10 his insecurities I feel like as a motivational tool but I guess I see what you're saying yeah I see what you're saying running through just he was always very poised okay I paid enough attention to him I see what you're saying. Yeah, yeah. I see what you're saying. Running through just – he was always very poised.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Okay. I didn't think I paid enough attention to him. Fraser didn't? Yeah, yeah. You didn't? Yeah. Rogan said what? That you made him so much money and he doesn't – Modern-day gladiators destroying themselves for our entertainment. that you made him so much money and he doesn't, you know.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Modern day gladiators destroying themselves for our entertainment. You think the gladiators were concerned about being nice to their opponents? Hell no. Thank you. I think we're out of here. All right. Thanks, dude. Have a good day. I'll call you later. I'll be around. Bye, everybody. Bye. Ladies and gentlemen. thank you I think we're out of here alright thanks dude have a good day I'll call you later I'll be around bye everybody ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 01:35:09 Greg Glassman can you guys hear my mouse hitting the table wow we got a guy who says you shouldn't squat below parallel That was good That was fun Out of nowhere
Starting point is 01:35:29 I'm cleaning up my notes now for next week There's a great Jordan vs LeBron piece On the show my notes now for next week. There's a great Jordan versus LeBron piece. I'm going to show Greg. I think Greg's a Michael Jordan fan and not so much a LeBron fan. Hiller needs to do a video on joel seedman what zach zach uh talander talander did uh is that on talander's site Daniel Garrity
Starting point is 01:36:26 at Invictus they told Camille to watch my wife's rowing form so she can improve Camille then told my wife she'd beat her at anything else besides rowing for no reason oh yeah I got some stories too i got some stories too
Starting point is 01:36:52 i don't know where do you draw the line between um it being respectful versus I think, I think Camille has this thing where she just thinks she's being honest. It's like, we were talking about yesterday. It's like when my relatives would just be like, I had an aunt who would just like,
Starting point is 01:37:13 see, see me or see someone they hadn't seen in a while. And she'd be like, Oh, you got fat. And like, she didn't understand the, the,
Starting point is 01:37:20 the, that some people don't want to be called fat or that it was a good or bad thing. They just think they're giving an observation. Wild zombie Shaquille O'Neal is better than LeBron. Shaq intentionally made his shoes cheaper so kids could afford them. I don't know if that makes him better,
Starting point is 01:37:38 but not a fan of LeBron. Oh, thank you, Kenneth DeLapp. Thank you. Please, everyone, subscribe to the Sevan Podcast subclips. Get us up to 1,000 subscribers. Thank you. Yeah, that's the thing. I've seen a bunch of asshole stories from Camille.
Starting point is 01:37:59 I just can't. Part of me wants to let her off the hook because it's like maybe she just doesn't almost like it's Tourette's you know what I mean like all these people like people are bringing to the uh or what kind of like what wad zombie just did like you have to bring your values to the situation um to say that cheaper shoes make asking for your shoes to be cheaper so more kids can get them is like a nice thing to do i don't know if that is. People yelling at Oprah because she's not giving enough money to Maui.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Someone said the other day that Matt went to a competition for free. And when the competition asked Tia to come, Tia wanted $20,000. And they were using that to dig at Tia. I'm like, I don't. So, yeah, she should charge $20,000. I'm not going, I'm not, I'm not going fucking to any competition for fucking free. Fuck that.
Starting point is 01:39:14 Why would I do that? I got shit to do here. How could you even say that? What if Tia's mom was dying or something and she wanted to spend time with her mom, but she needed that money in order to pay for her mom's surgery? I mean, there's whatever.
Starting point is 01:39:32 I don't give a fuck what the reason is. I just don't judge people like that. That seems like liberal retardation. I almost said the word. To me. Vittorio. You went to the games for free and recorded the behind the scenes. the sebon podcast blocked jake chapman really someone unblock him can we unblock him how did that happen he's one of my favorite labranda is the leader of the victim culture yeah i agree it was probably an accident no one blocks um how do you unblock them i'm gonna call susan see if he can unblock them what happened um i don't think anyone would block jake can i give him a wrench so he can unblock himself? How does that even work?
Starting point is 01:40:49 I have to just look for the city of How do I find Sousa's phone number? Just look for a 925 number. I wonder if that's it. Should I just try a random number on here? Fuck. Do you remember when you used to memorize people's phone numbers? You guys probably don't remember that.
Starting point is 01:41:13 There it is. That was yesterday. Literally blocked by the podcast account. Literally. Yo. Hi. What's up? Um,
Starting point is 01:41:32 someone accidentally blocked Jake Chapman. That wasn't actually, that was me. You got to get a card. What? Say it again. So there wasn't actually, that was me.
Starting point is 01:41:42 He was acting out. Oh, no, I'm just kidding. I acting out oh no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i heard you say that i was trying to think of something hey there's already some crazy conspiracy theories starting uh cave dastro jake asked heidi to block him so he could get a wrench. Wow, that would be slick. That's some deep state shit right there.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Yeah. Are you near a computer? Do you know how to unblock people? I do know how to unblock people. Hold on, let me just let me see something. Kenneth DeLapp, Sousa sounds drunk. What are you talking about? He sounds the opposite of drunk. That's his workday voice.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Oh. I'm like... Oh, shit. No, he's not blocked. It says, Jake Chapman, I'm here. I just fell asleep thinking of burpees. Well, shit. All right. Rumors. I'm so sorry to bother you. Hey, is that... Is that true? I'm seeing the... I saw Roman
Starting point is 01:42:42 pop up on the schedule. Is that true? We're getting Roman tonight? Yep. 5 p.m. Wow. Good job, dude. I saw Roman pop up on the schedule Is that true we're getting Roman tonight? Yep 5pm Wow good job dude 5pm this should be really interesting Hiller's a beast dude Yeah God
Starting point is 01:42:58 Thanks for doing that You and Hiller fucking nailed it I almost feel like we should have hillar on 10 minutes earlier to find out how he got how he he got it going are you gonna be around for that no i'll be doing a 5 30 p.m intro class well that sucks i mean good job yep i like it how you help yeah speaking of speaking of uh which it sounds like we might have a a new sponsor on board too oh who's that should be um is that the one you showed me some uh yeah yeah yeah dude so i've been consuming because i'm making a studio in here i've been consuming so much fucking crossfit
Starting point is 01:43:41 content on the big big screen in here and i've been spending hours and hours in this room, and I just realized that I don't know how it works, but remember I used to kind of be resentful towards people, like all these people had like the Whoop sponsorships, right, and all these supplements, and just what are some of the other ones? Was there a watch, or is the Whoop the watch, or tears? Yeah, the Whoop. Everyone had all these sponsorships, what are some of the other ones? Was there a watch or is the whoop the watch or tears? Everyone had all these sponsorships and I was like, how the fuck are people getting all these sponsorships? And now they're just, they're pouring in and it looks like
Starting point is 01:44:16 other people are having trouble and almost all of our sponsors are listeners. It's crazy. Yep. Yep. Yep. They enjoy the show and they want to be a part of the ride. Plus two, they know how awesome our audience is, which is very hard to come by. Meaning it's more than just an audience. It's kind of like a community. Like if I'm drinking paper street, everyone, you know, everyone's drinking paper street. If WAD zombies drink and paper street, everyone's drinking paper street.
Starting point is 01:44:41 Everyone wants one of these stickers on their car, like that kind of shit. Exactly. Yeah. And we have a whole a whole uh ecosystem of us between you know hillar spin pedro right walk-ins like oh what's that called we're like a um uh um a co-op or something we're like a uh unofficial we're like a unofficial you're right. We're all kind of subsidiaries of each other without being subsidiaries of each other. Yeah, because I mean especially on the Games Update shows and some of these
Starting point is 01:45:17 competition coverage and all that, it's like a blend of all of us. Oh, Heidi said it's called a harem. A harem. I'm fine with that. That's an interesting definition for this one, but sure.
Starting point is 01:45:34 Okay. Yeah, it's crazy. I cannot believe how many sponsors. Do we have a limit on how much money we'll take or we just take money, right? Send us your money. No. Supply and demand. We'll just start up in the ante on everybody right send me your beef jerky i'll eat it send me your beef jerky i'll eat it and help you sell it that's right oh speaking of which i'm sending my eight sleep today to will oh awesome yeah okay hey we'll make some really funny creative videos.
Starting point is 01:46:05 I agree. I'm excited to see like what he, uh, I think if he, if he makes something with that. Yeah. Aidsley will get more value from me sending that to him than me keeping that. Agreed. Yeah. Way more exposure and everything. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:21 He's going to make some sort of video for it and then we'll show it. Unless he makes fun of it and destroys it, then we'll lose him as a sponsor. At least it's still authentic. If Ricky Barr uses the 8-sleeve, who doesn't use the 8-sleeve? That's true. Everybody should be using it.
Starting point is 01:46:38 If Ricky Mack does it. I actually want to show... Are you in front of your computer watching the show? Um, I'm in my living room now. I have a call at nine though. Oh, can I ask her who,
Starting point is 01:46:52 or is it none of my, I mean, I know it's none of my business, but who do you have a call with? I have a call with my buddy, Trevor. Help us out with some post-production stuff. Potentially.
Starting point is 01:47:01 I don't think, um, you can, if you have a call with someone i don't think you can also call them your buddy oh okay why is that i don't know just being dirty like you know what i mean like it's too it's too it's too rigid and scheduled for them to be your buddy yeah well i'm time is money baby mine is mine is spent all day so you got the schedule you got the schedule i want to show you.
Starting point is 01:47:25 You're the only person that gets that pass. You're the only one. Oh, thank you, dude. I only call you 1,700 times a day. What's the most number of times I've ever called you in a day? Do you know? I mean, it's different, right? So sometimes lots of stuff pops off at one time.
Starting point is 01:47:44 It just gets crazy for us sometimes. So I don't know if those count. Look at this. Because in which case it would be like 10 times. This is what I've been looking to show. This is crazy. If I was 8sleep, I would put this video up all the time from all sorts of different angles. This is how the 8sleep works.
Starting point is 01:48:04 put this video up all the time from all sorts of different angles this is how the eight sleep works and i i didn't know that because it came in a box and i looked at it and i was intimidated as fuck by it but it basically just something that just slips over your mattress god that that's such a nice graphic they do well i'm trying to see it without oh yeah that is a nice graphic it just lowers onto your just slips right on yeah how did they do just like the commercial said well will's gonna do that to his bed and some lucky girl or boy is going to be stoked. When I was in Newport, there was an AC in the room, and I kept the room at 66 degrees,
Starting point is 01:48:59 and it was the best I had slept in fucking years, even though the room was freezing. Yeah. Robbie Myers, 3D baby. I can create that. Nate Dog looks cheap. I'd rather keep my sleep number. Dude, this thing is not cheap.
Starting point is 01:49:24 The way they send it to you, the box, the carrier, this thing is like, this thing is not cheap. There's nothing cheap about it. I am intimidated by boxes and male and female. Oh, Rory, my wife's boyfriend will be stoked. That's like Sousa's wife's boyfriend was stoked on it. Right, Sousa? That's right. All right. Thank you. I'm bummed you won't be on tonight's show. I hope your on-ramp class cancels. Oh, you know, Greg asked where you were this
Starting point is 01:50:00 morning. I know. That was pretty cool. Yeah. I hope you felt horrible well just telling us bump it to uh saturday so we're all good all right we just need more sponsors so that you don't need to so you can get mornings off yeah yeah the 7 a.m that's the hardest part because so much of my stuff happens right at that time. We just got to bump this bad boy to like 11 a.m. and I could probably make every show. We're close to that. Pushing to 11 a.m.?
Starting point is 01:50:33 No, I think we're, well, no, no, no, no. I have to do the show early so I can play with my kids. But we're close to having to be able to afford you. Getting there. Dude, what are you chugging? Is your boyfriend over yeah that's my 9 a.m i'll drink up some paper street drink up some paper street
Starting point is 01:50:54 all right um hi how do you probably yell at me for swallowing into the phone dude that was some crazy swallowing i've never heard you you... I got my AirPods in too, so I think it makes it way worse. All right. I feel like there's some stone unturned, but... Oh, tomorrow we have a UFC fighter on. Yep.
Starting point is 01:51:26 What's his last name Blake Builder yeah Blake Builder that should be good alright oh show is at 5pm Pacific Standard Time I updated StreamYard thank you shit yeah yeah cause it was 7am Central Time
Starting point is 01:51:44 was what was on our thread with uh everybody 7 a.m or 7 p.m i mean 7 p.m okay yeah all right and so i'm guessing you can make that right we didn't need to shift anything i kind of just took it and ran yeah oh that's so funny what pedro our Our thread is good. Is someone ever going to invite Halpin back on that thread or no? Seat toast. I don't know. I'm sure he'll come back on at some point. He's too good not to.
Starting point is 01:52:15 Someone has to just add him. Someone has to add him, right? Are you hinting at me to do it? Just add him in there? I think it's okay to get kicked on and off the thread. Yeah, yeah. Just a little seat change, that's all. you couldn't think of me to do it. His dad had been there. I think it's okay to get kicked on and off the thread. Yeah. Yeah. Just a little seat change.
Starting point is 01:52:29 That's all. Yeah. Just like, welcome back. I don't think he would be offended if he was kicked off and brought back and kicked that. Maybe he'll even get used to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:40 It's like, he just walks into the lunchroom. Sometimes there's an extra seat and sometimes there's not. Yeah. You know, maybe you get to sit down with your lunch. Maybe you don't. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:52:49 Mike says with that eight sleep, he'd get electrocuted for sure. If you know what I mean. That's interesting. I don't know. Hey, how do you get to Wad? Does Wad Zombie have a... Oh? Does WAD Zombie have a... Oh. Does WAD Zombie have a...
Starting point is 01:53:09 Oh, there it is. Okay. Have you ever been to WAD Zombie's URL? Yeah. He's got all the cards and everything on there. Yeah, he's got all sorts of crazy shit on here. Look at this Patron Saint of Hard Work.
Starting point is 01:53:29 That's my favorite sticker. The Colton one? Yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. This is what I want. Trading cards. So they have Gazan, Ben Smith, Ariel Lohan, Emily Rolfe, Jason Hopper, Danielle Branion, Dallin Pepper, Colton Mertens, Patrick Bellman,
Starting point is 01:53:44 Alex's Raptors. Hey, someone told me today, I got to ask Ken Walters if this is true, ralph jason hopper daniel brannion down pepper colton mertens patrick bellman alexis raptus hey someone told me today i gotta ask ken walters if this is true but if you send someone if you have someone sign a card it loses its value i thought it was the opposite yeah someone said that in the in the youtube comment in our youtube comments that it means that yeah maybe like if i sign the card oh no no way you mean tell me if you have a Tom Brady card and then you have a signed Tom Brady card, the non-signed one is going to be worth more? I don't believe that.
Starting point is 01:54:14 I know. I don't believe it either, but fuck, I don't know shit. Hey, two of the cards are sold out. That's awesome. Yeah. I wonder if that means their value is going to go up oh he's got a link to our to our YouTube page
Starting point is 01:54:30 oh shit Roman Krennikoff speaks out oh is that the show scheduled tonight he's leaving the show for tonight should I change the title to something more aggressive Roman versus the Roman Adler drama or do that after the show for tonight should i change the title to something more aggressive roman versus the roman adler drama or do that after yeah the roman adler i like that hey remember that guy dj efron we had
Starting point is 01:54:53 on the show is that great champs yes yes yes yes what about him and it's good it is going for one so i i know something just like popped up in my feed right here. He's in this round table with other rappers, and there's this other rapper, Simba, that's talking there, and I met that Simba dude last July. Oh, is that the guy we were trying to get on the show? Yeah. It's funny because now they're kind of connected. That's happened to so many of our guests.
Starting point is 01:55:21 They've ended up on the Drunk Rapper show? No, they just all seem to connect with somebody yeah we had hans on yeah remember we had hans on like way back before people even knew you know knew about him as a comedian and the next thing you know he was on the kill tony show then he was with rogan and then david lucas our best podcast guest ever, was also connected up into them. Yes. And then we had PBD on, and then PBD and Joe became buddies. And, yeah. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, kind of cool how they all – somehow everything's connected a little bit. I got your camera hooked up on the producer's desk here in the podcast studio.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Oh, awesome. Yeah. Yeah, I'm coming out on on uh sunday make that 5 a.m drive dude it's so impressive in here you're gonna be blown away the pictures you showed in the chat were like made it look awesome now we just got to get some guests you're like you're like a real podcast now. You got a whole studio and everything. I told someone the other day, I said, hey, this is the nicest podcast studio I've ever seen anywhere. And they said proximity bias, proximity bias. But it is whatever.
Starting point is 01:56:37 I'm just telling you. It sounds like something Dave would say. Ah. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. KGC, I think I told you about this. This is last week reviewc i left him i think i talked about this his last week review i left him a comment i said hey dave you want me to help you set up a mic your audio could use an upgrade oh and then in this week's he read my comment he said yeah come help me set one up oh no shit oh yeah he has a new that's the one that went up 23 hours ago yep yeah it was kind of
Starting point is 01:57:08 towards the beginning of that one he's actually getting some views these days he used to not get any views yeah yeah he's really paid those bots off huh it's funny uh the it's soon as he became director of the uh crossfit games his shit skyrocketed As soon as he became director of the CrossFit Games, his shit skyrocketed. Wow, he's almost got 16,000 subscribers, too. His shit's popping. Give him a thumbs up. We should get him hooked up with a mic.
Starting point is 01:57:40 Or a sponsor. I don't think he can have any sponsors. How is someone not sponsored? Well, I mean, like, he could buy the mic, and then we'll just go over there and hook it up. Oh, shit. Wow. That shoot the club up 42 douchebag.
Starting point is 01:58:01 Dave engaged him once, and now he's in the comments. He says, CrossFit should have changed games leadership eight years ago, 20 years in and still no cohesion about how an affiliate should implement a class should implement. That's that doesn't make any sense. No, it doesn't make sense. This guy never makes sense.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Sports getting smaller, buddy. And you've shown you have no new ideas. God damn. Hey, do you see that? That tweet that i guess it's an x or whatever it's called now that hillar put up a couple days ago and said would you rather pay three grand for crossfit licensing or to put a smoothie bar in your gym no i didn't see that is that how much it costs for a smoothie bar three grand seems a little cheap no i thought that was like the worst analogy ever i don't even get it i mean not even an analogy but like options i guess
Starting point is 01:58:51 like that doesn't those that that option doesn't even make sense maybe he was doing it to be to make it it was supposed to be preposterous preposterous preposterous possibly i'm curious about that one no leadership usually needs wholesale changes, not the same retreads. Wow, this guy is a retard. Oh my god. Wow. I want to see this guy's YouTube page. Of course, nothing. Just straight troll.
Starting point is 01:59:25 Wow. Yeah, that guy used to come over to the podcast and say the dumbest shit. Has David told me to hang up or anything yet? I haven't been looking at her comments.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Okay. I'm always afraid to look at it when I'm on the phone. I feel like I get roasted. Yeah, I don't see anything. He must be slacking. I haven't seen David today in the comments. Oh, he's taking a day off, huh?
Starting point is 02:00:14 There are some comments in there I wouldn't dare read that I really like, though. What do you read? I'll tell you afterwards. Chester, Chester, Chester Chester A little behind When a card is personalized Like to Seve, my number one fan Oh, what does that mean? I want to know what happens If you sign a card
Starting point is 02:00:33 Oh, so this weekend We need to get together with You know who also I know your meeting is just about to start The Crash Crucible guy, J.R. Howell We need to get together with um uh you know who also i know your meeting's just about smart um the crash crucible guy jr howell we need to run tests oh yeah yeah yeah i have all the stuff here the new equipment here oh awesome okay i'll give him a i'll give him a call today um usually around 11 o'clock he's uh he's open that's like 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock his time. Okay.
Starting point is 02:01:07 And then we'll get to more detail. I'll see to find out what the hostess hotel is. My wife's teaching a CrossFit class in 15 minutes in the garage, so I'm going to – I'm not allowed to advertise that because she's not an affiliate, but I need to go blow out the garage. Okay, right on. Dick Butter says, Sousa, wipe your butt.
Starting point is 02:01:30 Thank you, Dick Butter. All right, bye. Thank you. Bye. Later. Guys, thanks for tuning in. I'll see you tonight. It'll be a fun show with Roman.
Starting point is 02:01:39 Rosa, his translator, will be here. Andrew Hiller will be here. I assume Caleb. Hopefully, Caleb will be here. Chester says, the value goes down when you have the card signed. Wow. All right. Now we know.
Starting point is 02:01:53 No, I'm going to blow out the garage. I blow out the garage before every class she teaches. Russ Stevens. Wow. We should keep going. I got go to the scavenger this is a great comment i can believe that but imagine many women wake up one day and realize they married an incompetent wet flannel i don't understand your wording but i like it and yeah that would suck imagine marrying someone and they just go to shit too. Do you know what I mean? Like they become. Like my values fucking increased like.
Starting point is 02:02:38 As a human being has increased. A million fold like. My wife is 20 times the woman she was when I married her. 100. I don't even know how you quantify it, but it's crazy. I want to be inspired and impressed. And I don't need to be competitive with my wife, but man,
Starting point is 02:03:09 can you imagine marrying someone and they just go to shit? That would suck. Okay. Bye. Bye. I'm going to skate park. If anyone wants to meet me at the skate park, they can,
Starting point is 02:03:17 it can be a fat session today. My Instagram will show all sorts of crazy videos. Oh, wait, one more last thing on signed cards from Patrick Clark catching up regarding autograph cards it's based on authenticity so getting something signed in person needs to be authenticated to confirm it's not fake
Starting point is 02:03:32 I don't go to weddings but send me an invite anyway if it's really close and kids are welcome I would possibly attend okay bye bye

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