The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #13 | Live Call In

Episode Date: October 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:58 Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I'll send you the live call and notes. And then, bam bam we're live and then I'm Greg I'll send you the live call-in notes hey dude
Starting point is 00:01:11 are the people where you were deployed scrambling right now I don't know it's a couple of rotations after I was there but I imagine they're very busy. They are very busy because of what's happening. Yeah, the proximity is close.
Starting point is 00:01:36 They're on some sort of alert. Oh, yeah, for sure. There are a lot of resources that can be utilized there so i think that they're probably they're on alert or that i know that i've seen some videos some places where they're taking supplies to them already they're like dropping off big cargo planes worth of weapons and stuff to the israeli uh military you've seen evidence of that already oh yeah i mean on also they're they're moving a lot of the naval boats or ships or whatever you want to call them into that area too so hey um when i hear that they moved an aircraft carrier and it's supporting ships that have over 5,000 troops on them combined with, and it's the largest aircraft carrier in the world.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Is that fair to say that we've deployed 5,000 troops to the scene? What is it? Oh, because they're out there in the water. We're not saying they're deployed it gives you kind of like some wiggle room with your vernacular yeah well and i think those is david weeded you that would be amazing that'd be hilarious god that would be amazing go on i don't well the thing is if you're i think from a naval standpoint, if you're on a boat, you're deployed. So wherever you go is part of that deployment, I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:10 So I think technically you could say that, but there they were deployed to an to an area of responsibility, not necessarily deployed to Israel. You know what I mean? Like different carrier groups have different areas of responsibility throughout the world so this carrier group just so happens to have responsibility within like the mediterranean and adrian um kind of like the middle east eastern europe if we said if we sent 5 000 marines let's say to the lebanon uh okay oh here let me i won't even use a hypothetical there's UN troops on the ground there okay when the UN has troops in uh you know in that region peacekeeping troops I think specifically at the Lebanese um Israeli border those troops are deployed okay so so at least you could say they're deployed to the mediterranean and to a closer proximity
Starting point is 00:04:17 and and i've heard that though that boat has weapons um basically guns with bullets that are so fucking gigantic that they weigh like they're the size of a volkswagen bug and it can shoot them from so like 15 miles away like over the horizon line like you won't even see you won't even see the boat shoot it right yeah they can do that for sure they could they don't even have to be like they don't have to see the target they just have to know on a g on a map like gps coordinates kind of thing where to where to throw it another thing i keep hearing is is that the palestinians are stuck so when i was in college my dad came and saw me i was like you know fucking running
Starting point is 00:05:00 around town naked and he's like hey dude what the fuck's going on with you? He drove like five hours South. I'm like, I don't know. I'm just having fun and partying. And I, one of the things I said to him is I go, I said, I wish there was something in my life that I was so passionate about. Like Jesus was that I'm willing to die for it. That's what I said to my dad. I used Jesus as the example. And my dad said said to me what about having something you're so passionate about in your life that you're willing to live for and that kind of changed the trajectory of my whole life when he said that now my dad's in armenia and he's like basically i talked to him on the phone the other day and he's like listen i'm fucking gonna i'm not coming home
Starting point is 00:05:41 i'm gonna stay here and fight off these fucking azerbaijanis if i have to really go hey dude do you remember what you you have fucking three grandkids here six grandkids three my sisters three of mine remember what you told me in college like you got some shit to live for over here what do you mean you're gonna die over there and i'm thinking so i said to myself i was thinking hey if i'm palest Palestinian, I'm out. My country is basically, it's a hiding ground. It's a breeding ground for these Hamas fighters. Iran is using us. Everyone's using us. This piece of land is not even really a country.
Starting point is 00:06:17 It's just a staging ground for war. So if I'm Palestinian, I'm like, fuck it. I'm taking my kids. I'm leaving. And, oh, okay, yeah. So zoom in there for a second. Show me some shit. Tell me what's, show me some stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:36 That body of water right there. Okay, go ahead. This one right here? No, no, no, no. By the Jordan, but go ahead. Okay, so where's the, so where's, what's where's the. So where's what's the Gaza Strip? So the Gaza Strip is completely surrounded by Israel. Correct. OK, so those people can't get in and out of their land. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Who gave them that land? What's to the south of them there? What borders to the south of them there where it says highway 40 there's is that part of egypt i think i think that's part of egypt this right so does the gaza strip border with egypt can they leave out through egypt yes it does they could so so one of the things i heard is is that palestinians are fucked because they're they're stuck in there and they can't travel in and out of Palestine without the approval of Israel. And yet then I Googled it and it said 100,000 of the 2 million people there work in Israel and commute back and forth every day, which would be 1 in 20 people. Which means that there's massive commuting going on.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Yeah, that's pretty significant. I know this is going to sound like just such a dick move, but if I'm Israel, I take that land back. I go house by house and I push all those people out of there once and for all. You can't have those people there if there's going to be fighting there. You can't have a neighbor inside your country that's trying to fuck with you. I guess that's the same thing that's going on in Armenia. Oh, there it is down there. That's a great map.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Okay. So all that fighting that's going on in Armenia. Oh, there it is down there. That's a great map. Okay. So all that fighting has been going on there. In the Gaza Strip? Yeah. Yeah. What a mess. That's pretty gnarly. I'm out.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I'm out. I'm sorry. I know it's easy for me to say, but I'm out. Hey, dude, there's people um because um they don't want to be around people who chop off little boys penises and i'm telling you california is better than the gaza strip absolutely if jesus could redo his story he'd do that over here yeah i think this is a pretty good example of like actual hatred like so much hatred that you're willing
Starting point is 00:08:45 to invade another country and kill everybody anybody what a mess it's pretty there was um there was uh a whole thing let me see if i
Starting point is 00:09:03 can find it oh oh There was a whole thing. Let me see if I can find it. Oh, oh. I guess I'll show this when Greg's on. I got some pictures of the aircraft carrier. There was a lady I saw. Oh, this. This is Israeli history. Oh, look at 167.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Pull up 167. Check out 167 this was interesting this is kind of long but i don't care fuck it let's do it oh heidi says no so on that's the point jesus goes to the most undesired location and safe we should have gone to antarctica she's fucked up over there okay listen and listen to these guys now these guys these guys look like jews so maybe their shit's a little biased but but let's hear let's hear the fundamental narrative about israel essentially is that as a compensation for the holocaust the jews were given
Starting point is 00:09:58 a piece of someone else's land in the middle east where they've settled and now there is a battle over that piece of land because of that original sin, if you like, which is a viewpoint that frankly, up until I started listening to some of your talks, it was unshakable in my understanding. Yeah, absolutely. Because I don't know. I honestly don't know enough about it. That's the default narrative. So in what way is that not the case, Melanie? Every single thing that you've just said is untrue. Most of your conversations, that'll make him happy. Obviously it's a big subject, but the idea that the Jews had no connection to the land of Israel until a guilt-ridden West took them out as a
Starting point is 00:10:48 remnant of the Holocaust and stuck them into someone else's country is the opposite of the truth. So what is the truth? The Jews are the only people for whom the land of Israel was ever their national kingdom, hundreds and hundreds of years before Islam was even invented and before the Arabs invaded. The Jews were the original nation, the original nation upon which America and Britain, in a kind of mystical fashion in Britain, modeled themselves. Why do I say that? They were a nation because they were a people in a particular area of land which they governed according to laws they made and which they defended. Now, they were a nation for several hundred years under various kings and then they were basically kicked out and then they returned,
Starting point is 00:11:49 then they kicked out again. And then that land of Israel was occupied by vast numbers of different civilizations. The Romans, the Assyrians, the Arabs, various sorts of Muslims, Christians, Crusaders, and for a long period, the Ottoman Turks, who were Muslim but not Arab. And then we get to the turn of the last century. And there grew up in Britain, mainly as a result of evangelical Christianity, a movement to return the Jews to their ancestral homeland. And these people were called Christian Zionists. And the kind of apogee of Christian Zionism in political terms was the Balfour Declaration in 1917. It was a cabinet which was dominated by Christian Zionists.
Starting point is 00:12:42 1917. It was a cabinet which was dominated by Christian Zionists, and they believed that it was their duty to help the Jews return, to restore. Greg, what's up, dude? Buddy, how are you? Good. So those guys have been there forever.
Starting point is 00:13:01 What, the Jews? Yeah. Yeah. I didn't i didn't go ahead what do you think they were in brooklyn yeah exactly that's what kind of dipshit i am i i believe the narrative that the guy started it with that that was just like the united states and britain's way of like all right we got these jews what are we going to do with them we're going to give them this little piece of land here take it and it fucked other people but then when you go back and you just scratch the surface just a little bit you're like hey that was always their home my southern baptist family prays for the jews anytime there's
Starting point is 00:13:38 a conflict because the old testament says that they were the chosen people. These are the people of Abraham. And that's, yeah, it's a fact. Hey, if you're Palestinian, do you leave at this point? You're like, hey, I was thinking like, if you're Palestinian, are you like, holy fuck, the Iranians have taken our homeland and turned it into a staging ground for war. It's time to pack up and get to california i got to go to the united states of the two point something million there are 285 000 of less left in the past five years okay so ten percent of the population has already left yeah and and the hamas leadership is is vile
Starting point is 00:14:23 it's crazy yeah it's absolutely vile this is this striking a deal with them makes as much sense as if they had set up a deal with this with the uvalde shooter instead of killing his ass gave him four classrooms and 20 students right right that's an interesting for me for me it's it's about that simple hey yeah they can come to california all the palestinians i know are great people they're like armenians they just want to fucking put their head down and work all the ones i know here we got we got we got a handful of them in uh santa cruz that are amazing run liquor stores and and a lot of the beach markets. They're great people.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I've not met a culture or race that I find objectionable. I don't know what that would look like, really. Right. Well, I can think of some cultures that I don't like. Ghetto culture. I don't like that culture I can think of some cultures that I, that I, I don't like ghetto culture. I don't like that culture. I see like in Oakland, I don't, I don't like fentanyl culture. I know that's a little different than a little bit of a stretch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:35 You know, pick your, pick your stereotype for what's wrong in the black community. Yeah. in the black community. And what you have to do is ignore the black doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, clerks, school teachers, principals, cops, firemen,
Starting point is 00:15:54 construction company owners. I mean, there's a... Look, on CNN, if you don't speak if you're not aggrieved you're not a black person Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:16:11 has the fucking the gall to say that if you don't support him you're not black right and so there's an entire there's an entire cast of characters brilliant amazing men you never get to hear them speak.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Not on mainstream media. And you know what else is interesting too? Like I'm not really fond of a Jew or Armenian LA culture. Like Armenians outside of LA are some of the greatest people I know. Armenians in LA are like, I'm like, geez, what happened to you? So some of it, like, like it's geographic. Same with Jews. All the Jews I know outside of LA are awesome and pleasant. So at some point I'm just like, well, fuck, it's not Jews or Armenians.
Starting point is 00:16:56 It's fucking Los Angeles culture. I've met too many Jews and Armenians in LA that I have just hold in my highest regard. But I do the same thing with it with the Mormons to like I've got a long list of Mormons that I just love to Death right and people can hate on them all they want. It's not it's not consistent with what I've seen Hey, dude, is that aircraft carrier they deployed to the Mediterranean? I guess I guess carrier they deployed to the mediterranean um i i guess uh um i guess um caleb was helping clarify for me a little bit that it's not that we're trying to figure out if it's really been deployed
Starting point is 00:17:32 to the mediterranean i was trying to understand the vernacular and if i understood caleb right he's like well that is their turf right so if something goes down they go that's the aircraft carrier that goes over there anyway i was trying to figure out like can we say that we've deployed 5 000 men to that area now and also are there seals and delta force on that boat like is that a really bad sign for anyone all bad guys over there you know who steps in next and with what uh-huh um what what do we do when iran uh launches a thousand effective missiles on Israel. What happens then? That's the boat? Jesus Christ. Just one of them.
Starting point is 00:18:11 My thought is that Israel needs to declare war on not just Hamas, but on Iran. On Iran. Someone asked me what I'd do.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I said, were I Bibby Netanyahu? Now, let's just look. No one's ever going to put me in charge of a country, right? So don't worry. Don't get your panties in a bunch. I know 183 people who would vote for you. And I am hawkish by my very nature. But I told Jimmy and Emily in a text that where i did the yahoo i would destroy iran's capacity to produce oil and eliminate their
Starting point is 00:18:53 navy and air force and encourage their army to mount a coup or be next oh oh oh so just do some of the periphery work and then let there be a cause a civil war there i'd take them out of the oil business permanently and i would get rid of the or at least until until there was an opportunity to rebuild the resanction and i would uh i would get rid of their navy and their air force and i understand it if you if you sink a Navy and cripple an Air Force that the, who's ever in charge of the ground forces finds that extremely illuminating. And let the army take it to the moon.
Starting point is 00:19:37 But you know what? The Iranians deserve a better leadership. The Persians are a wonderful, proud and amazing people. And they desperately... This is a perfect opportunity. We can solve this nuclear problem too at the same time. Tell the general in the army
Starting point is 00:19:54 that, hey, you're going to be the guy. We're going to have a military leadership. We're going to dismantle your nuclear program and we're going to help you back into the oil business again. And you're going to be a wealthy, proud people and you'll have elections in two years. I think we tried that. And then what the election thing.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Yeah, we tried to, I think we, we attempted to make it a democratic nation probably in the eighties or the seventies. And it just, the, the tribal actions. That's what happened to raise a Pallavi to the shop. Right. He wanted to, to develop a petrochemical industry so he could develop a full functional economy before the oil was gone. And they had some growing pains. But this is also the period of, you know, it was Jean Kirkpatrick's Dictatorships and Double standards. And she says they go from a totalitarian to an authoritarian to a democratic regime. Historically, it takes five to 800 years. And then if you force the process on authoritarians,
Starting point is 00:20:51 you end up with totalitarians. Are we better off without Saddam Hussein? No. No. Would you agree? I mean... Right, right. No, I don't think so either.
Starting point is 00:21:07 It's the Hydra thing. As soon as you cut off one head, another tribal leader is going to come out and they're going to try to do the same thing. Now you've got a thousand people from a thousand Palestinians who got together and said, yeah, let's fuck up Israel. It's just one thing after another. It's the same ideology, essentially. after another it's the same ideology essentially yeah i would treat i would treat hamas as as uh agents of iran and i would punish iran and i would slaughter every every card-carrying member of hamas all of them all of them hunt them down and kill them much like with a school shooter these are school shooters yeah like with a school shooter these are school shooters
Starting point is 00:21:46 yeah it's a school shooter culture wow greg um uh yesterday i ran into our friend who um uh six foot five uh wealthy nigerian yes um he has a daughter who has a full ride scholarship to columbia another daughter has a full ride to Stanford. He's a Nigerian immigrant, blacker than the bottom of my screen there. Great dude. Very good friend of both mine and Greg. I hung out with him at the coffee shop yesterday. money laundering operation. There's no... This is all planned at some level. Do you agree with that? What's going on in Israel? Yeah, that it's basically just another...
Starting point is 00:22:36 On the big level, it's just moving money around again. Buying weapons, selling weapons, just moving money around. I mean, we just released $6 billion to Iran in assets. Buying weapons, selling weapons, just moving money around. I mean, we just released $6 billion to Iran in assets. We just unfroze $6 billion in assets to them. I'm pretty sure they're the ones supplying a lot of this stuff to the Palestinians. And the rockets to Hezbollah in the north.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Oh, look at this. Speaking of fucking wackadoodles. Jay Wade, any thoughts on Andy Stumpf and Craig Patterson podcast? Look forward each week to listening to both of your insights. Great. Get your booster. I can't believe Craig Patterson's still alive. It'd be fun to,
Starting point is 00:23:28 it'd be fun to talk to him. You can count some, some good times, you know, Andy, like when I, when I hired a real pilot and he sabotaged the airplane, you were there for that. I was there for that.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Or when he used my credit card and bought a, ah, whatever. Um, d. Um, dildo, we captured Saddam and bin Laden after they were hiding in holes. We realized there will always be someone else to take down. It will never end.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Tom Satterley, a Mogadishu, a veteran. Yeah. What you do is that what's the line? He's a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch. Right. You know, and, and you decapitate the's the line? He's a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:06 You know, and you decapitate the new guys like, you know what, I'm gonna do the same thing except fuck with them. I know how I got here, right? The last guy, the last guy got sideways with the US and they cut his head off. And now I'm the new guy. I don't think I want to be sideways with the US. I'll do everything else. I'll be just the same except for that. And that's an improvement for us and provides security. Hey, if they start showing those executions publicly, that's that's like going to be a bad PR move right the numbers on this this was eightfold on a per capita basis the damage inflicted on israel in terms of headcount is eightfold or 9-11
Starting point is 00:24:52 say that one more time eight eight x 9-11 on a per capita basis oh oh and um and the stories pouring out of there on social media are kind of crazy. The media coming out of this is absolutely nuts. What do you think about that also? It's like someone said, hey, the Ukrainian war has been going on a year, and we've already seen more images from Israel than we've seen the entire Ukrainian war. I mean, the social media shit coming out on israel is nuts that's the kind of stuff that gets my brain thinking like okay is this plan i mean literally they're showing they're
Starting point is 00:25:33 showing they're showing the gunfights they're showing the palestinians walking into the kibbutzes and killing people eat let's start lighting their homes on fire eating the food out of their fridge all that shit yeah let's don't let's don't lump them all together this is hamas and what's all right guys thank you thank you they've they've come into houses and slaughtered the people there and filmed it with their iphones and put it on their social media for their family to see where's my grandma they just killed her I know because I saw it on her Facebook page right I've heard they've been like taking people's phones and texting their loved ones from the person like after they've captured a person
Starting point is 00:26:14 they'll take their phone and like text their loved ones like we have your sister or whatever yeah and posting images of the dead bodies on the Facebook page belonging to the victim yeah uh fiona hs oh my god delete that person from your lifestyle who said money laundering that's so disgusting hey man it can 40 children had their heads cut off money laundering oh my god
Starting point is 00:26:38 what a delusional person i i don't agree with you at all it can be both you can do all of those it can be a it can be it's to incite a situation where money laundering is easy to do. There's crazy people out there, man. I don't think money laundering is the right term somehow. But I did meet someone in this vein. I met a Croatian who said that every time Americans need to have a skilled or semi-skilled labor shortage of major war breaks out somewhere in the world. And, you know, look, I do know that the people at Raytheon, TRW, Grumman, Teledyne, Boeing. I know these are boom times for them.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And they're getting to sell and test equipment. And I have mixed feelings on that. I would probably be willing to test a lot of things. That new missile that the Brits gave that the Brits gave to the Ukrainians that dropped the building where the meeting was going on.
Starting point is 00:27:53 That worked better than anyone thought it would. The Brits are really impressed. Very much surprised. Yeah, test this shit out on these scumbags. Heidi Kroon, please, Heidi. Don't incite violence. Bottle what? Vittorio, anyone who thinks money is an exchange in a time of conflict is naive.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Hey, you know, racism has been like this huge subject, I mean, I guess for our whole forever. I don't know, my whole life. But look at this. I've never seen anything like this. Look at this. This is in Australia at the Opera House. And they're chanting, gas the Jews and fuck the Jews. And so I started putting other people's...
Starting point is 00:28:47 I've never seen anything like this in the United States. Fuck the Armenians. Fuck the Chinese. Fuck the blacks. This is crazy. A gathering of people that's chanting gas the Jews? You ever seen anything like that? I think they were doing that in New York too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Getting together and gas chanting gas, a group of people. Oh, sorry. Vittorio BLM did that all summer. My bad. They didn't just do it. They burnt down.
Starting point is 00:29:31 They burnt down cities. Cave Dastro showing a little empathy. Seve, this is all they've been taught. Fair enough. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. And what does that mean? Meaning I was raised to resent Turkey and to think that they're horrible people because of what happened, the genocide.
Starting point is 00:30:00 You know what I mean? And so you're born in the Middle East and you're an Arab. And so from day one you're basically taught that the jews are bad people and it becomes a part of your identity just like i'm seven and my birthday's march 16th and i crossfit you know what i mean like it's almost like it would be crazy if i found out that it was actually the Armenians who killed the Turks. But, like, we've seen history say crazier shit. Flip the script on crazier shit. So I think that's what they mean. It's all they know, right?
Starting point is 00:30:38 It's not justification. It's an observation. This reminds me of after the school shootings. an observation this reminds me of after the school shootings yeah i'll say this is this is the kid that did it this is how old he is who put his picture up and then cnn was giving them a ranking like third worst fourth worst didn't come close to the record but he moved he's in the fourth of the place and so you've made some some pathetic piece of into a hero you've turned it into a sport and they say but we don't know the motive yet and i've had to explain to my kids a bunch of times on this trip that that there are there are
Starting point is 00:31:20 acts for which a motive doesn't make sense. It's not within the realm of rational thought. And so at the point you go, oh, wow. Ah, now I get it. Oh, okay. That's why you crept into the window at night and slipped the woman's throat that you don't even know. Ah. You won't find understanding until you're also evil.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Right. And I'm not in the least bit religious, but I just lump all that shit into evil. I don't really care about these clitoral devising. You know, women are unholy in the sight of the Lord that's why their heads are covered do we really care about women's rights or is that just a game are we pretending
Starting point is 00:32:13 or do we care if you think women really matter I'm in a multi-coast left If you think women really matter, if you think they're, I'm in a multi-coast. Left Rome this morning early, went to Pompeii, and that's a trip, and then drove from there to here, and got online. I don't think we arrived here 30 minutes ago. I don't even know where that is. What country is that? Italy.
Starting point is 00:32:48 What's it called? The Maltese Coast? Like the Maltese Falcon? No, Amalfi. A-M-A-L-F-I. Check it out. Pull up images. They're places you can pull your car over and jump,
Starting point is 00:33:01 and you might fall 2,000 feet into the water. And just stunning. Oh, my goodness. It's like you're in a bond movie very much so yeah wow wow that's where you're gonna stay for the next week a molfi uh three days wow pull up some of the coastal images this is nuts dude yeah the view is like nothing i've ever seen coming in hey was was part of you um like hey i'm getting i'm going home like if this war is going to be here and they're going to start fucking grabbing americans i'm out of here
Starting point is 00:33:37 yeah no no no we're not there yet but i'm But I'm eager for Israel to have what mainstream media is going to call an overreaction. I did hear Netanyahu, one of his generals was saying that this will be the largest military move that Israel has ever made. Good. It does put some pretty crazy. So are you, if I'm looking at this picture right here, are you in that picture? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:34:13 could, could be. So what is it? It's like Catalina, but nice, but not white trash. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:34:24 I, other than driving here and setting up at the table i've seen nothing but the view coming in was was incredible um spectacular terraced hills of uh olive trees and grapevines and and uh you know you it's it's like it's like you're a half mile up when you're a quarter mile from the ocean you know uh matt burns my mom basically told me the same thing yesterday she put her hand on her head and she goes oh man you really don't want to fuck with the jews matt burns burns the jews don't fuck around and then now who is special forces tip of the spear? Um, I,
Starting point is 00:35:07 a friend of mine read his autobiography recently and said that, Hey, his whole thing was, is like, Hey, my only mission in life is to protect Israel from Iran. And, and recently I was chatting with that friend and he said, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:16 Hey, he's going to make this his legacy. What we're about to see. He's going to, he's going to make this next move, his legacy move. No matter what he does, this is his legacy. And his, he's going to make this next move his legacy move no matter what he does this is his legacy and his he's the hawk not the most hawkish but he's on that hawk side of things for sure
Starting point is 00:35:34 and his operating assumption of his of his cabinet as i understand was that nobody wanted this that neither side wanted this and so that it wouldn't happen. And it has. They're there. I see it as the biggest story as 9-11. What about Iran and Russia? What's their thing?
Starting point is 00:35:58 What's their deal? Their relationship? It's one of convenience. I mean, how tight were the Italians and the Japanese? Probably not too tight. You mean in World War II? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:22 And I think Russia has proven itself to be fundamentally toothless in its struggles with Ukraine it's not a NATO country they couldn't take from them every destroy every bit of weaponry they have in a matter of hours on a side note a man with a guitar. I just arrived. Quick question, Greg. I booked my O-1 in the United Kingdom.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Any tips before I go in November? Yeah, they send you materials. I would look at them. The study guide. Spend some time with that would be my tip i'm taking mine with my dad in january oh that's super cool where uh in omaha across the hydros super cool bless you thank you um uh when you when you're when you're walking through um when you're when you're going from croatia to to Italy, are there any signs that the world's in turmoil, that something happened, like different vibe traveling than in the beginning or anything?
Starting point is 00:37:35 Any noticeable newspapers, anything? I haven't seen anything like that. Okay, okay. But we're not – I'm not as glued to News sources as I Would be naturally normally Caleb I'll be there in Omaha Brother oh that's cool I think he was there when I took my first L1
Starting point is 00:37:57 At CrossFit Omaha like 7-8 years ago So that'll be cool Hey Joey People weighing in on the sneeze. When Seve sneezes, a baby is born. Not the noise I thought Seve's sneeze would make. More or less masculine. Hey, so, but on that carrier are some pipe hitters, right?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Seals, Delta Force, guys like that? I would assume so. Yeah. If not, they could be put there quickly. Yeah. Carrier are some pipe hitters, right? SEALs, Delta Force, guys like that? I would assume so. Yeah. If not, they could be put there quickly. Yeah. Very quickly. And there's concern that these Hezbollah guys at the Lebanese border who kind of basically control that portion of Lebanon, not kind of,
Starting point is 00:38:46 do, that they're going to see an opportunity to strike Israel too now? You know, I would give them, I would incentivize them by what I did to Hamas to think twice. Sean Lenderman.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Listen, if I ran uh sean lennerman listen if if uh if if iran launches some kind of devastating attack from iran on israel i think it would be perfectly appropriate for them to nuke them to nuke iran yes are there nukes in that region? Israel has them. Oh, I didn't even know that. Threaten their existence, and it would be irresponsible for them not to use.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Can I see the map again, Caleb? How does that work just superficially? It just launches right out of there off just off a piece of land in israel and just flies over there and just hits them that's it it's like that or drops out of a plane i know nothing about their program but i understand they now have uh sub uh uh missile capability nuclear missile capability they nuclear missile capability. They're technologically advanced. They can shoot out of a sub in the middle of the Mediterranean. You think that's what they would do, Caleb? Sure.
Starting point is 00:40:16 That way you don't... You're not endangering anybody within Israel, I suppose. Show me Iran. How far is it? It's all the way out here. I suppose. And the show me, show me Iran. How far is it? It's all day out here. Oh, you fire.
Starting point is 00:40:34 It flies over Iraq. It can do that. Probably. I think inter, not intercontinental ballistic missiles could reach that far. So if you launched, I mean, like in the United States, I think you can launch one from – at least from Alaska and make it to Russia, like mainland Russia. I think we can hit anywhere in the world from Vandenberg. You're probably right. Hey, two of the things that I heard that were complicating the situation for the United States
Starting point is 00:41:09 was the fact that one, we don't have a Speaker of the House, and two, that the United States doesn't have an ambassador in Israel. Is that weird that we don't have an ambassador in Israel? Did Biden never appoint one? Anyone know the story on that? No idea. Hey, we don't even really have a functioning president. I wonder who makes the calls for the United States.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I mean, he sleeps in until 10 a.m. He goes to bed at 8. I'm not joking. I mean, it's like. He goes to bed at 8. I'm not joking. I mean, it's like... There were two fantastic articles in National Review this morning.
Starting point is 00:41:56 And let me go to that. Bryson Del Monte. Seve, I got a buddy who blows Andy Stumpf oh that's cool and can explain the beef with him really quick and why he's a puss oh thank you for the money a friend of mine
Starting point is 00:42:17 who's a SEAL said when all the SEALs hate you it's always for a reason oh and I found that when all the SEALs hate you, it's always for a reason. And I found that easy to see, both the truth of it and that he's hated by team guys. I know a guy who knocked him out and was told, if you ever do that again, you're going to be thrown out of the Navy. And he knocked him out again shortly thereafter and stayed in the Navy.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Oh, wow. Yeah. So, Michael, today in National Review, for Israelis, this wasn't 9-11. It was worse by Michael Rosen. Israel will never be the same. And the other one was it's time to sober up by Noah Rothman and I thought they were both
Starting point is 00:43:11 perfectly lucid deals for me seriously this isn't much difference than a school shooter I would respond and then we could all talk about motives and whether I overreact and all that shit later. I don't think it matters. Have you seen the images of what they're doing
Starting point is 00:43:37 with the women they're parading around? Yeah, it's brutal. Shit, I don't want my mom to see that stuff. I'm seeing all over social media, they're showing all the young girls too that they've got or that are missing. And like what Caleb said, their families and friends getting text messages from their phone being like,
Starting point is 00:44:03 hey, we got your friend, we got your sister, we got your friend we got your sister we got your daughter they're showing they they showed a um uh a family that was slaughtered and then and then they found two babies in the house that the parents had hidden that the hamas dudes didn't find so it's it's fucking crazy it the thing it's it's um it's all just I felt like this wave I wonder if you're going to hate me for saying this Greg But I want this way After 9-11 happened
Starting point is 00:44:31 This wave of unconsciousness swept over The United States Like we turned into like One bad thing Let me tell you Something negative happened to the country Here's the end point. Mommy has a dick and daddy's trying to get pregnant.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Right. That's what all of this sums to. And if you think there's something absurd in that, impossible or immoral, then you're some kind of mentally mentally ill hater what's the relation to that and and and what's going on over in israel with the hamas it's the ideology of the left it's wholly destructive of everything we hold dear kill kill anyone that disagrees with you basically like the democrats or the socialists just like they like they want like they wanted to do to us in uh with covid19 like the stuff that hollywood and politicians they think they think republicans
Starting point is 00:45:38 are the greatest threat to the to the world and to think that you have to ignore this. And I think that point is Noah Robinson know is no not the National Review guys talking about. I mean, it's a great point. At any rate, this isn't a deep issue for me. It's not a complicated issue for me. And I don't think the choices are that hard. I think that the Israelis are going to kill every single Hamas kind of person they could. Hey, what did we do to people that were wearing a Nazi uniform? Kill them all. Kill every single one you fucking can, and the ones you catch, you hang them.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Right. And then move on. let's get on with it and you can you can and then there's going to be a response to that more of the same and do it to those people too what i see right now is worst case scenario hey if one nuke goes off wouldn't that mean that multiple nukes might start going off? Someone else might feel cavalier enough to launch one? Does that scare you at all? The chance of just a full-blown World War III?
Starting point is 00:47:16 Yeah. Turning huge chunks of the planet into uninhabitable land? I'd rather go that way than have Hamas in Canada and dealing with this, you know? Right, right. Okay. We're going to... Are we ready for the global caliphate? Jethro Cardona,
Starting point is 00:47:41 a terrorist attacking our partner in the Middle East and we're here eradicating COVID and stopping global warming. I know every time I see this crazy shit, I just keep writing on social media. But I need to know if they were vaccinated and what color they are and what their sexual orientation is. We are fucking we live with idiots. We are idiots. And then here's the thing that Heidi's saying, too. And it's like one of my friends was trying to talk sense to me the other day war is inevitable and it's like
Starting point is 00:48:08 yeah hey dude we're not peaceful creatures by nature there's going to be war man Man. Caleb was over there in that part of the country. I was asking him what he thought if those people were scrambling. He said, well, definitely they're on high alert. Some people in the comments were saying that special forces have always been there, that they're there, not deployed there. They're just there. That's that is true. I got to be careful what I say, but I know that I know that I know that to be a fact.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Yeah. We've had we've had someone was saying we've already started operations we've already we've already started trying to go get hostages you think that's true too i wouldn't be surprised at all we've had we've had uh spec apps guys killed working alongside uh israelis and their family was told they were killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. Ah, okay. That's a lot of stars on this wall in CIA or blank. Right,
Starting point is 00:49:37 right. What does that mean? That went over my head. What does that mean? There's a wall in the, in the entrance of the main cia building in langley that they just have like black stars that they've carved into marble and a lot of them don't have a name and don't say where they're from or where they died i mean that and that's just a fact of uh
Starting point is 00:49:59 war in general you're not gonna be. It's not completely known exactly how you died or where you died or anything like that. You just touched it. There are heroes who have died fighting for this country and their family never knew them as other than representatives for a shoe
Starting point is 00:50:19 manufacturer traveling the world selling moccasins. Indeed, that wasn't what was going on. Wife didn't know. Jay Hartle. Some U.S. hostages. And definitely going to get them. Dudley Rando.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Yes, U.S. have tons of military law enforcement. Circulate through there for training. You have those guys exactly for this. Right. And my only doubt as to whether you use them or not is the fact of a Biden presidency. You're not joking. You mean that. He's just so much.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I mean that. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's not that he's a pussy. He's seriously compromised cognitively and and in terms of what either Ukrainians or Chinese have on you think you think the Chinese don't have all the proof that could possibly be needed to show that that the Biden family is a criminal Enterprise that's been being paid by them for years they only pay him for years
Starting point is 00:51:26 in case he became president. Wow. Holy shit. How many times has he run for president? Caleb, four or five? Yeah, I think so. Since he had... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:45 He's been a perennial candidate. What's it cost to throw him a few mil? Just in case. Just in case. Blaine McConnell, there are non-government related forces who have been deployed to the area to rescue hostages.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Joe Biden, the current president of the United States, former vice president, former U.S. senator, and sought the presidency four times. Holy shit. Yeah, it's a horse. It's like he's been to the Kentucky Derby. You know, he's a horse that's training who's had a horse in the Derby
Starting point is 00:52:23 six, seven times, you know? Give them some consideration. I'm anxious to see this unfold. And I hope Israel is condemned by all the usual suspects, from the New York Times to CNN. Fuck them. It's weird to see that group start warmongering the way they are, like to flip the script.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Yeah. I mean, I know they did the same thing in the Ukraine. Gal writing for the New York Times. It was a male lead, and then there was a story all supported by or contributed to it. And I had to jump to the bottom and see who was involved in this. And the had, what looked like a Arab name. And she needed to point out that there were 7,000 Americans who are serving in the way they call them lone soldiers that are serving in Israeli Defense Forces.
Starting point is 00:53:43 And the place in the story, it seems so odd and so dangerous to do, but it looks like you're making the justification for these innocent civilians and not being innocent civilians. That they're actually in IDF, these Americans. Dude, we got people there on vacation
Starting point is 00:54:09 that got caught up on this. Yeah. Then we'll let them leave either. All the airports are shut down. How is this, how is shooting up a concert in Israel less offensive than doing it to one in las vegas
Starting point is 00:54:35 is there it can it can it be just a oh no this vegas that was nuts those people didn't have that coming but the ones in the ones in the kibbutz did but the ones in the kibbutz did. You know what this feels like for me? It's like, you've heard my line. If we ever have to go into town and have the debate on free speech and whoever wins the debate, you're gonna have free speech or not,
Starting point is 00:54:57 I'm gonna go and do my best to debate and I'm bringing my gun in case I lose the debate. I'm gonna start shooting. There's things, there's behaviors for which the only response is murderous revenge. This is one of them. This is one of them.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Jake Chapman, shall we move on to a topic we actually know shit about? Here's the thing, Jake. I hear what you're saying. Here's the thing, Jake. I hear what you're saying. Here's the thing. This is something that a lot of people don't want to think about and don't know how to think about. And so the important, the relevancy of the conversation is to help people. Really the biggest problem in society is people just don't know how to think, how to think,
Starting point is 00:55:38 what to think. They need help thinking. They need direction. They need to hear other people talk about their thinking out loud. And that's what's going on here. So if you already know how to think about it or if you're too sensitive to hear it or, you know, you're going to put a gun in your mouth, go run around the island a little bit. I understand his. I understand the sentiment. I do for sure. Me too. But I just utterly dismiss it.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And I understand it. Are the Israelis killing innocent women and children right now? For a fact they are. Because what's happening is Hamas is launching attacks from schools and
Starting point is 00:56:22 buildings full of innocent people. And to whom they're more collateral damage than the Israelis is Hamas. Hamas fires from this location not to protect but to create the moral equivalency that would be missing otherwise. but to create the moral equivalency that would be missing otherwise. Is there any upside for Israel in killing men, women, and children? I mean, killing women and children? Absolutely none.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Only downside. It's painful. And that comes out of their values, and there's a very practical sense of this turns the world against us. But what are you gonna do what are you gonna do we uh they blasted a mosque right full of people with what guns this is just a video um kind of how close the Israelis are getting to women and children.
Starting point is 00:57:33 This woman is just sitting in her house, and she's just taking a video of herself, kind of explaining the situation. She's Palestinian. So, here you go. Okay. It's during COVID times, all the neighbors can just keep their doors open, so you can just enter your neighbor's house. It's okay. For my neighbors, they didn't evacuate as well.
Starting point is 00:57:51 They have their windows down. Here are their windows. And here is the family. They're gathering all together, also in a place far away from the window. I was trying to explain things, but I think you can hear them now. Yeah, I don't. Is that an atrocity? Not in the least.
Starting point is 00:58:25 No, but by the way, that's happening full time in Israel right now, too. I watched yesterday I was watching live footage and they showed a reporter. It was Fox News and the reporter had to get down. He was in Israel downtown somewhere and he had to get down low to he was in a city scene and he had to get down and rockets were coming in. So so it's going both ways. I suspect that the Israelis are using a little more intelligence in their firing. But, of course, innocent people are going to be killed, shitloads of them. I don't know what innocence means.
Starting point is 00:58:58 At this point, you have to leave. You have to find a way out. At this point, you have to leave I think I leave I leave with my family I don't stay If I know Israel's firing rockets Into Santa Cruz
Starting point is 00:59:11 I'm leaving Savon they can't leave Well I'm gonna try I'm not gonna stay I'm not staying there I'm not huddled in my living room With my family I'm not doing that
Starting point is 00:59:20 I'm finding a way out Would you leave Would you leave Greg If you were there doing that. Finding a way out. Would you leave Greg if you were there? Fuck yeah. Would you leave Caleb? Yeah, absolutely. Anything I left behind is replaceable and I don't care about it. Yeah, grab your kids and fucking go. Yeah, my family's
Starting point is 00:59:41 coming with. There's no question. And if terrorists were mounting an attack on a country and from a school where my kids attended and they were killed, I would blame
Starting point is 00:59:58 the people that launched the attack from the school, not those that fired back. Great point. Great point. Great point. And I think that I think that the government's position will be in fact, the defense minister said something to this effect, but the hostages are lost. You're saying that basically the story is for people who aren't following the story is is that hamas went into israel grabbed 100 people brought them of all ages and sexes brought them across the
Starting point is 01:00:34 border and should israel be worried about that when retaliating and what you're saying greg is is like fuck it those people are lost anyway full steam ahead if they're going to execute them they're going to execute them but they're going to execute them. But I'm going to go door to door and kill everything that looks Hamas. Use my intelligence. Pretty soon, people in Palestine are going to start pointing at people. This one, this one, this one.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Like when the Germans were getting chased out of France. Right, right. There's one. Get him. You know, this guy, this guy, this guy. And they were being rounded up and shot, executed, executed by sergeants. Flee Nazi. And for those people who aren't following the story yesterday, Israeli general came on TV and said, hey, we've we've already we've sent text messages and we've leafleted, sent drop leaflets all over Palestine telling you guys to leave.
Starting point is 01:01:24 We're coming door to door and we're taking the city and we're leafleted, dropped leaflets all over Palestine telling you guys to leave. We're coming door to door and we're taking the city. We're taking the country, basically. He basically said that. So that's what Greg's referencing. They're coming. They're going to go. They've already done it
Starting point is 01:01:33 in the parts of Israel where the terrorists came in. They went door to door in Israel. And now they say that they're going to cross the border and they're going to go door to door. And I have no doubt that they're going to clean out
Starting point is 01:01:42 a whole section. I think they're going to take Gaza and never return. They have to they're i think gaza's done in our life experiments over yeah it's over i agree and you know what there's some there's some puke sitting there right now painting on the walls abusing these people that the hostages and when word gets out they're like dude they're creeping along and they're executing it when you know you're gonna show up with your hostage and go here. I'll be a hero.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Israel. Not everyone's ready to die. And the evidence for that is the is the effort of the nature and the kind of. Fucking. Twerps it takes to make a suicide bomber. What shows on that? On who they have to recruit. And their mental defects.
Starting point is 01:02:31 These people aren't eager to die. And if they are, so what? I don't care. I'd help them. But I think you turn the tide by being tough. Sean Lunderman, Israel already told Egypt they would bomb any vehicles evacuating or offering aid
Starting point is 01:02:50 to Gaza. Hey, they've cut off electricity, and they're saying there's not even enough. They're giving them just enough juice to, like, they can't really charge phones. They told, was it mobile oil to shut down a platform that was that was providing fuel no this is the real deal and what's so interesting for me is that there's going to be there's going
Starting point is 01:03:13 to be a unified uh israeli response there's gonna be what israeli response say that again unified there's no you're not gonna there's no faction there's's no party that's going to see this other than the way I do. You mean all of Israel will be unified behind this? They're not going to have people out there with BLM flags protesting? The hope for peace caused death of our innocent people.
Starting point is 01:03:39 The hope for peace is resulted in death. That's the enemy you're dealing with. Again, I'll go back to it being like, given that you've all been, fuck you want some chick filet and a million dollars and four classrooms and a quarter of the school,
Starting point is 01:03:55 you can have it. And when that is gonna be like, everything's gonna be good. Right. These kids are gonna learn algebra and it's going to be nice? Graciano Rubio, requesting an economic portion
Starting point is 01:04:15 at the next Broken Science Initiative on how broken economic and monetary policy funds broken science and endless war. I know the perfect guy. I like that. Can I just a kind of a jump here because i hit something today that i'm kind of dying to talk to you about yeah yeah yeah let's do it jump jump the crypto thing i didn't understand it at all and then i kind of been tripping on this sam uh uh bankman freed oh Bankman Freed. Oh, yeah, the guy in Panama who was fucking ugly girls?
Starting point is 01:04:45 Yeah. No, the guy behind the... Yeah, the kid. Yeah, the kid, that guy. Yeah, he was in Panama having orgies and shit, I think, and the girls were hideous. Sorry, that's the part of the story I like. All right, you tell your part you like about Bitcoin.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Well, I like this about it i like that mom and dad are very well-known professors of law at stanford and his partner is caroline ellison that he was that he's and is is facing 50 years in jail and that's that's as that's his estate's witness right for the prosecution um both her parents are econ professors at mit wow and his yeah so i got four academics talking about broken science right what was her name caroline caroline what ellison yeah look her up and look up mom and dad and ellison see See, because this is an unbelievable story. But Bankman Freed, I think it's Goldman Sachs, is suing mom and dad.
Starting point is 01:05:56 And they say this thing is right on the cusp of criminality reality because uh uh bankman joe bankman and uh the freed's uh name uh they've profited immensely from this thing immensely that well we got 30 million dollar condo in the bahamas or something I don't know if i got all my facts right but look it up the parents the parents yeah the parents the parents and the dad was attending meetings with him as the thing was unraveling he was trying to help right the mom said we're partners in crime on this thing but in a non-criminal sense and so my point is is that two econ professors from MIT and two law professors from Stanford have produced two kids that are responsible for the greatest fraud ever perpetrated, financial fraud in the history of the world. And of course they did. Of course they did.
Starting point is 01:07:03 And they're all liberals, too, by the way. Of course. I mean, look at her. Check out the thing on the Goldman Sachs suing him. This thing there, it is such a fine line. See, for criminality, unless it's like one of these strict liability kind of laws that we see in analytical jurisprudence, the mens rea, something about what you knew matters, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:41 What's that called, mens rea? Yeah, I think I might be, because I'm talking about something I know nothing about have Dale Sarah and come in but I think that's the term I kind of just explained to you over and over again and I never listen but but in the civil case it's like
Starting point is 01:07:58 whether they knew or not and it sure seems like they did they sure the fuck should have and the parents are involved mom and dad are involved knew or not, and it sure seems like they did, they sure the fuck should have. And the parents are involved. Mom and dad are involved. He got bailed out
Starting point is 01:08:14 to live with mom and dad. And he started intimidating witnesses from mom and dad. Bankman did? Sam? Sammy? Yeah. They let him go home to Palo alto and he set up a vpn and then he started contacting witnesses he released some of her per uh uh private google diary wow he went on the warpath so the judge threw his ass he's been there since august he's looking at 150 fucking years dude if this these two kids make make bird off made off look like a pickpocket
Starting point is 01:08:55 altogether approximately eight billion of ftx users money landed in alameda's coffers while ellison was serving as the trading firm's head. So now she's going to testify against him here today or tomorrow? Everyone is. They all are. And it's cool because even their tech guy, her, they're like, did you defraud? Yes, I totally did. I committed fraud.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Did you know? Yes, I did. Can you imagine getting out on bail and then fucking up and getting thrown back in? What a... He said he set up the VPN just to watch football games. Can you imagine this thing hanging over your head and you have any fucking interest in football?
Starting point is 01:09:40 No. Man, she is... Dude Dude she looks like she fell out of the Crumb documentary I can't even believe this is a real girl They're both math They're both math kids That went to math camp and that kind of shit right And I'm a math guy
Starting point is 01:10:02 So I'm bothered by that They're math people. She's uglier than all of Will. She's uglier than Popeye's girlfriend. She is hard to look at. Bertrand Russell said that mathematics is the last refuge of the truly insane.
Starting point is 01:10:19 And I love that. You can be entirely divorced from reality and be a mathematician. Mathematics just has to be internally consistent, like Harry Potter. And by the way, she's a Harry Potter fan. Of course she is. She's a liberal. Of course they are.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Harry Potter and liberalism, they very much remind me of each other. Vittori, Seve, you'd hit that. I would, but I don't know why you're... Don't be a dick. Imagine the sex tape. She just oozes sex. I mean, it's just fetish material. She's a caricature.
Starting point is 01:10:57 They both are. It's amazing. Seve would yank off her glasses, bust them in two, throw them away, and spin her around and wish she were 300 pounds facts facts no matter what you'd show him someone 600 pounds and he's like oh my god look at that cheese that's unbelievable that's so sad it's disgusting
Starting point is 01:11:22 imagine having sex with that just juxtapose those two thoughts i don't know if it's so sad it's disgusting imagine having sex with that just juxtapose those two thoughts i don't know if it's just to fuck with my head or what no just just free-flowing thought eric wisevi would wear her glasses then break them um i saw a uh let me play this here real quick lighten the mood a little bit a little Jewish humor my last Jewish comedy these are heavy times
Starting point is 01:11:56 what we do is we got World War 3 brewing I know it's scary Cave Dastro, I like this, Greg. Great. You like Greg talking about my fetishes? Okay, here we go. I'm going to start the show by telling you a story.
Starting point is 01:12:15 A guy goes to his rabbi and says, Rabbi, you never believe what happened to me. My son left the house and became a Christian. The rabbi said, shh. You never believe what happened to me my son left the house and became a christian the rabbi said shh they believe what happened to me my son left the house too and became a christian so what do we do we pray to god they prayed to god and god said you never believed what happened to me That's good, right? That's rich.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Hey, I was in a St. John the Baptist cathedral in Rome. And he's a hero to the Muslims. He's the hero to the Jews, a hero to the Catholics, a hero to the Baptists, a hero to the Baha'i. I mean, this guy is like a top three, top five in all major religions. St. John. St. John the Baptist. Why? What did he do? What's his deal?
Starting point is 01:13:14 Why do they all like him? You know, he... That's where you went, Greg? That's where you went? You saw those chairs like that and all that? It was... It doesn't even get to do with justice. Okay. But you stood there where that cameraman stood.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Yeah, I walked through it. I mean, I was humbled. There's very few people less religious than I am. But for anyone to... Any humility. I mean, I just, you know, what I know,
Starting point is 01:13:47 I go Wikipedia on the guy, right? Yeah. Yeah. But he, he appeared to be Elijah. They thought he was the Messiah.
Starting point is 01:13:56 And he goes, no, I'm not the Messiah. They go, well, then you're the guy that predicted the Messiah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:14:01 no, I'm not that either. I mean, he wouldn't, he's, he makes no claims but everything is claimed about him and i kind of like people like that yeah i'm a fan it was really interesting
Starting point is 01:14:20 he's a cousin of jesus first century bc interesting the paintings of him from the painting of him from 1540, he's yoked. Yeah, I think the Romans were like 5'2 and weighed like 97 pounds. The statues are huge and burly and gnarly.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Romans were little people? I read this thing about the barbarian hordes. It was an account all derived from Romans. And these Roman
Starting point is 01:14:56 Praetorian guard, whatever they were, centurions around the beach, and they're watching these Viking ships row ashore and everyone's drunk and singing and they're blonde and they're watching these viking ships row at shore and everyone's drunk and singing and they're blonde and they're like two heads tall and it takes it takes three of them to kill one of them yeah and and they just they kill everyone that comes ashore and they're like okay it's over and then two more boats show up same thing and then two more boats and then two more boats show up. Same thing. And then two more boats. And then two more boats.
Starting point is 01:15:27 And then two more boats. And this is going on for months. And then your confidence is shaken. Are there an infinite number of these fuckers? What motivates them? They've come here to die? That's hard to imagine. And it was unsettling as hell.
Starting point is 01:15:42 It was tough psychologically. Jake Chapman, I feel you, buddy. I hate being misunderstood. And so I totally understand what you're saying here. He says, Sebi, I spent hours over the last few days speaking with my physical therapist client who is an Israeli Jew with many family members there. I'm far from buried my head in the sand. My comment was referring to some suggestions in the chat. I apologize for misunderstanding you, but I still like, regardless, I still like my answer. And just so you know, hi, what are you doing? Yeah, that's a nice top. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:17 And you guys, I love you guys in the comments. And even if I seem, when I get wound up, I feel like I know you guys and I love you guys. guys in the comments and even if i seem when i get wound up i know you i feel like i know you guys and i love you guys and i love the discourse and it's just an opportunity to to look at different facets and sides of the of the stone of the diamond so don't don't take it personal but i also appreciate when you come back and help me clarify to understand your position i hear you 100 thank you for the clarity thank you and i was sensing that with jake too like i get where you're coming from. A couple of soldiers have already from the front lines there who are Israeli, who have crazy names I can't even pronounce, have already contacted me and said they'll keep me up to speed on anything they see through.
Starting point is 01:16:57 And I've sent them my phone numbers through WhatsApp. And some people here on the ground who are ex-military have contacted me and saying that they are trying to get involved and head over there right away, which is kind of crazy. What kind of person does it take to do that? I have no interest in going. I would think that a good chunk of our friends from the elite U.S. end of things would love to do that. And I'd also like to say this, because for those of you who don't know, I'm going to get in trouble for saying this. This isn't Ukraine versus Russia. And I think Russia is the bad guys and Ukraine are the good guys. No, this is really, it's a school shooter thing.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I don't think – someone needs to talk me out of that. In 2005 or 2006 when the SEALs embraced CrossFit, you have to also imagine Greg has spoken to people who all over the governments, specifically in the military in many, many countries and has shit tons of contacts. So there's tons of shit. There's he's, he's not even saying 1% of what he knows. And I, and he,
Starting point is 01:18:14 and Greg and I haven't talked about this. So maybe after the call, he's like, dude, don't say shit like that, but whatever. He knows a lot of shit that he's not telling us. And a lot of people are in contact with him.
Starting point is 01:18:24 And you can only imagine because of CrossFit, how many people he knows in the military who use fitness for survival. So there's that. We were doing a bit with Bergner in his high school where he was teaching. And one of our SEAL friends got up and was telling a story. And he's like, there's one time when we were in syria and one of the other seals is up in the corner but and this is like wow this would have been new york times fucking shit at that point this is me like you know u.s army admitting being in cambodia right whoever's denying we're not there and it was hilarious and we're like okay we gotta play was hilarious. And we're like, okay,
Starting point is 01:19:05 we got to play with this thing here. We need to do some editing. This can't go out like this. But Navy SEALs, yeah, there's one time in Syria. Not a good place to start. That's for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Happy to be here. I want to share this. I'm excited to step on it. No, no, go ahead. It's funny. Always step on me. I don't have inside knowledge, but I share this. I'm excited to step on it. It's funny. I don't have inside knowledge, but I did this. I've never asked a question.
Starting point is 01:19:33 I would think about it with these guys ahead of time, and I don't want to pry or push anything sensitive, and so I do nothing, and pretty soon you'll hear everything. These guys are taught to resist the pull you know there's never a pull pretty soon guy stands up on camera telling about this one time in syria um uh let me see uh happy happy to be here we love you jake
Starting point is 01:20:03 um kenneth the lap we love you, Sevan. I'm awake now. Yeah, his wife will do that to you, Greg's wife. Greg, wife cam, please. Fair enough. I agree. That'll be $2.99 for that. Eaton Beaver, good morning, coach.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Jake, money always makes Seve forgive. Jake, money always makes Seve forgive. You figured me out. Let's see uh by the way it's saint john the baptist uh cathedral i i've been with like a dozen catholic churches in my life maybe two dozen they had so many confessionals active with guys that are working i think that this uh john the baptist guy might be like a hot one to release your sins to you saw the booths there there were just shit loads of them yeah yeah i peeked in and the guy kind of opened the door and i jumped back are you glad you went on this trip i know in the beginning you're i know you're a bit of you prefer
Starting point is 01:21:05 to stay home even though you travel a lot are you glad at this point are you like oh this has been cool i'm glad i'm doing it i never wanted to travel and then my work took me everywhere and i didn't uh you know i didn't want to see the world and i did and i'm not better off for it and so this was you know i i felt like i my i wanted i want I felt like I I want to I want to be like I want to be like Marlon Brando in the tomato patch watching my
Starting point is 01:21:33 watching the King of the Godfather watching your kids play and tip over but no I'm going to be traveling so but you didn't answer the question are you glad you didn't answer the question. Are you glad? Are you glad you embarked on the trip? Yeah, I have to be.
Starting point is 01:21:50 I mean, it's like. What a great answer. I have to be. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for recognizing that. I didn't know it was a great answer. It felt like a little bit of a cop out.
Starting point is 01:22:02 But it is. It is bottom line honest. I have to be. And you come home soon, and then you go again. Yeah. Hey, we're at Pompeii, and these people got buried in basically volcanic ash that with water and time becomes cement. And so in the excavation, they step into these hollows,
Starting point is 01:22:31 and I'm like, oh, so it's the shape of a dog. Oh, wow. And so they start pouring plaster into them and then chiseling it away. And so we see these people in their death throes, right? Yeah, yeah. And my kids are like, whoa, dad, wait a minute. You know, like, that's a guy,
Starting point is 01:22:50 and I go, no, it's a plaster impression of a guy. It's like the footprint of a dinosaur. Right. And they're just fucking tripping. I'm going to bet you're not going to go out for the second run. Oh, the, no, I'm going to bet you're not going to go out for the second run. Oh, the, no, the Seychelles? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:12 Yeah, it's not. I just want to say, I want to say you heard it here first. Don't get Maggie to hate me, but I'm going to bet you don't go on that. Nope, nope. And I'd already canceled both these trips then they got reignited because i was just not cutting it or something but uh oh my goodness we get back on october 20th and on the 24th right please have an oral surgery in dallas have an oral surgery in Dallas.
Starting point is 01:23:44 On the 24th of what? On the 30th of October. And you come back on what day? Oh, shit. What's she doing there? What's wrong with her mouth? She got a tooth or something? She's got a permanent tooth that in the x-ray it's like upside down, inside out,
Starting point is 01:24:00 backwards. I mean, it's sitting on the jaw and it's threatening other teeth. She's got a beautiful smile and a perfect face and everyone's scratching their heads. Jim and Katina, I hit them up
Starting point is 01:24:14 and told them of the story and, you know, he's a maxillofacial plastic surgeon. She's an anesthesiologist and they got six kids
Starting point is 01:24:23 and just super dear friends and so she started asking around and, plastic surgeon. She's an anesthesiologist and they got six kids and super dear friends. And so she started asking around. And there are people you can find that will heroically get in there and glue a button to it and then pull the tooth up and make it erupt. But my read on the scenario is that these people are famous because one time in 10 this works right and my numbers up nine times out of 10 it just kills the other permanent teeth you get implants and they don't publish that shit right and so they think they say the thing to do is yank it delicately and carefully and uh do everything you can to protect the primary, the baby tooth
Starting point is 01:25:07 that's above it. Wait as long as you can. Let the jaw fill, the other teeth come in and then start moving teeth around and try and pretend like you weren't missing a tooth. And it's a canine, which is the bummer. It's the pointy one. That's one of these suckers? Yeah, on the bottom though.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Oh, the vampire ones, yeah. Yeah. So we're going to take the more conservative approach and not do the heroic thing. And Katina is going to be the anesthesiologist. So I feel good about that. But when she hit me up with, with more options and explanation and discussion than anyone we've talked to has. And she said, if Riley were mine and I just haven't thought,
Starting point is 01:25:57 that's it. I'm going to go with that. Dude. Usually you have to ask that question. That's awesome. She came up with it. Usually you have to be like, what would you do if it was your daughter? Yeah. For people who don't know, Katina Thornton, the anesthesiologist, is also the Daniel Brandon whisperer. She was the one who stood by Daniel Brandon's side the entire CrossFit Games in 2000.
Starting point is 01:26:17 I don't know what year it was when they were wondering if she had COVID or not. Katina was awesome that she did that. Here's another thing. She's been selected uh repeatedly to be presidential anesthesiologist so that's important to me too right yeah hell yeah imagine that background check yeah no she knows her stuff and so we're gonna go to dallas it's an easy flight we're gonna be there and the And the surgeon wants us there for a week in case there's complication. So we got a rental house.
Starting point is 01:26:51 In fact, I come back on the 31st, and we're bringing all the kids, all of them. To Texas? You're taking them all to Texas with Riley? All because we're not going to see them for two weeks. Because she can't fly? They're not going with us. They're not going with us. It's just a mom and dad one.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Right, but why take your whole family in Texas because she can't fly again? Why take your whole family in Texas because she can't fly once she has surgery? If we do that and leave the kids with Nani and Poppy, we won't have seen the kids for three weeks. Because we're going to be two weeks in the Seychelles. And I'm about that, too. I don't want to miss them for three weeks. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:27:35 It just sucks for me. That means I'm only going to... So are you going to be here for a few days? Yeah. Yeah, that sucks. I was hoping you were going to be here for weeks. And on the second, we're off again, and I come back on the 20th. So are you going to be in Dallas for two weeks just at an Airbnb while she goes in?
Starting point is 01:27:50 No, one week. No, we get to Dallas on the 24th. We leave on the 31st. Drop the kids off at Nani and Poppy's. And then on the second, we fly out of SFO heading towards Seychelles. And we're there until the 20th when I come back.
Starting point is 01:28:12 There's no way you're going to the Seychelles. Matt Burns... You know what? No, I am. I am. It's done. I've already been past the point where I was like, signed up and then said, there's no way i'm gonna go and we canceled it and like i let it reignite okay i'm gonna bet caleb five bucks he doesn't go you want to bet
Starting point is 01:28:31 caleb i'll take it okay i can't i can't do it at this point no i'm going i'm going to the seychelles when i come back when i come back with any luck the world will be at war and I won't have to travel ever again. There you go. Get it out of the way. Yeah. Maybe all the hot spots will be nuked. I'm going to jump back to another thing here. If the worst thing
Starting point is 01:28:58 that can happen is nuclear war, in your mind, I think that's the mindset that guarantees nuclear war. Explain. Help me, walk me through that a little bit. You have to be fucking, you think I'll live that way?
Starting point is 01:29:17 I'll nuke your fucking ass for the people that will be like, oh shit. See, I don't think, I don't think Xi Jinping is insane, and I don't think Putin's insane. I think they're good chess players. And I think when they shake the nuclear chains, we get weird.
Starting point is 01:29:38 And out of that, with a half-baked bullshit system pretending to be capitalist, china's an economic ruin economic ruin it's failing it's a crazy collapse and and russia's worse but the fear of of of of a nuclear exchange of of of a nuclear exchange exposes us to something worse than being nuked and that's their way of life i'd rather my children be incinerated than live like that you know what until you can say give me liberty or give me death and fucking mean it, you're going to be a slave. That's just how that is.
Starting point is 01:30:32 That's the chess. That's the chess. And the only thing they don't have a tape to play against is this guy would rather be dead than a slave. I would rather be dead than a slayer. I heard this lady yesterday, Greg, say that she was so – Caleb's shaking up. You get it, Caleb? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:52 I like it. I heard this lady say yesterday that she was against guns in the house, right? And so the guy asked her, hey, what if there were three guys that came into your house and they were threatening you and your family family Then would you wish you had a gun And she basically said no I'd rather be killed Than Own a gun And have my kid be killed
Starting point is 01:31:12 And I was like what the fuck And you're saying kind of the same thing You're saying that But the opposite They want to hear You have a live audience Academy We're almost done anyways right But the opposite. They want to hear. You have a live audience. Academy?
Starting point is 01:31:29 We're almost done anyways, right? Is that cool? Yeah. Is what cool? Are you talking to me? Everyone wants to take out the earbuds. They want to hear. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Oh, she's got a butt in. Okay. Sorry. So basically, or they can watch it on YouTube on their phone so basically what they're saying did Rhett get a haircut? no that's are you talking about this one? no the guy in the back
Starting point is 01:31:55 isn't that Rhett in the green shirt back there? no he did his hair he combs it funny oh basically she's saying she'd rather die You're saying that you'd rather You'd rather die than be a slave There's no gamble I wouldn't take
Starting point is 01:32:19 To protect my children From no free speech Female genital mutilation to protect my children from no free speech, female genital mutilation, Sharia law, and I'm not even anti-Muslim. I'm gonna pick your territory, Nazis, whatever, whatever. Can you imagine a Jew that thinks that getting on the train was a good thing? No.
Starting point is 01:32:50 It's your point. No. Until you feel and think that way, until not being free is a worst case scenario. You'll be a slave. What do you think about this really quick? I know we're running out of time. The fact that Israel has stopped all supply to Gaza. I have trouble believing this.
Starting point is 01:33:18 And Egypt has closed their borders. Where are they supposed to go? Swimming? Yeah, where are the Palestinians supposed to go? They need to stay put. And when the Israelis knock on the door, you need to answer it and feed them let them look through your home and make sure you've gotten them and and when they're going to ask you um who in the neighborhoods hamas you need to tell them it's come to that we've been here before. Over and over and over and over. Think of the liberation of the French. From the Germans.
Starting point is 01:33:56 That was some crazy shit, man. People were wearing women's clothes and trying to get out. And people were pointing them out. There's one. There's one. They'd grab him, rip the women's clothes off blow his brains off they're occupied these are occupied people a displaced people for sure occupied for sure by what by evil maybe i'm wrong and all of them think that way, then kill them all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Right. Kill them all. I don't, my belief is that it's, it's, it's, uh, 5%.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Yeah. I don't think, I think you're right too. I think it's low number two. Um, Matt, Matt Burns, Greg, what's the story with Rob Wolf? Was there a falling out with CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:34:49 Love you guys. You know, Dave Castro didn't like that I set in motion Rob's firing. I called him and tried to talk to him. He wouldn't return the call. Dale Saron called him and he wouldn't return the call. His treatment, it's just always a problem. And I didn't care about the politics. I didn't care about the nutrition. What I cared about was the integrity of the community. And Rob had his own mission going.
Starting point is 01:35:35 And he still does. He's a lone wolf. He wasn't building an organization. He's an influencer. He was an early influencer, right? Right. And I wasn't trying to be an influencer I was trying to
Starting point is 01:35:47 I was trying to Support people that were Making a profound difference In their community I was trying to set up a situation Where someone like Adele King Would come along To do something beyond
Starting point is 01:35:57 Anything I could even imagine That's what I was doing So Dave was I never heard that rendition Dave was actually Trying to like protect Rob. And then they ended up having a falling out. No,
Starting point is 01:36:10 it was after the way he treated Dave and someone brought me video and told me what happened. Now, Dave did call, uh, what was Rob's sidekick? The lifter kid. Oh,
Starting point is 01:36:20 he called Greg. He called him a fat fuck. That was before it was not okay to call someone fat, though. Back then, it was still okay. I think it was the fuck part that now you can't do that. I told Dave, you have the liberty of forgiving someone for treating you that way. As you, my employee, and Rob, my employee, I'm obligated to none of that. But since then, you've kind of patched things up with him you've talked to him i mean it's not like there's not like hate there between
Starting point is 01:36:51 you and rob right yeah we talked and while i was getting canceled he dropped a line to let me know Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Yeah, yeah. Oh, shit. Hey, I want to tell you a really funny story. I don't know if I've ever told this story. So I didn't know. Basically, Dave and Rob had a beef.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Let's just say that. So Greg reaches out and offers an olive branch to rob wolf and says hey i'm basically on me come to the crossfit games in carson and blah blah blah and so he he opens the door up for rob wolf um rob wolf is eager right because no one likes to be kicked out of the community so he comes back he shows up at the games the biggest festivity of the year he gets there a couple days ahead of time. He's hanging out with John Wellborn and his buddies like that, some other troublemakers and shit.
Starting point is 01:37:49 And Dave finds out he's there. He sends Johnny Mack and some other people over. They escort him out of there. So Greg invites him and Dave kicks him out even before the event starts. Do you remember that shit? I do.
Starting point is 01:38:05 I forgot about it. Oh, my God. What a great. Those are some of the best years of my life. Thank you, Greg. What a fun time. All right, dude. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Thank you for everything. Thank you. Caleb, good to see you pretty face brother uh i have your app i have your your new apple watch here by the way at my house and your new phone should be arriving any day yeah i'm just telling you that so you make sure that you come here at least stop for a day so i can see you fire it up and fix what you can on the i'm not firing it up. I want you to come. So you're going to be here for at least a couple of days. You'll land in San Francisco before you take off to Dallas? Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Oh. I've told Mark Bell I'd do his podcast. Oh, awesome. Okay, cool. Are you going to go to Sacramento and do it live? He was willing to come to me. Okay. Well, let me know
Starting point is 01:39:08 how I can help set up mics. Come with me. Oh, I will go to Sacramento with you. If you're going to drive out there, I'll go with you. Yeah, I am. On the... I know the answer. Okay, I'm coming. We're done here. I tell my wife that all the answer. Okay, I'm coming. We're done here. I tell my wife that all the time.
Starting point is 01:39:29 The 22nd? Yeah, that's Sunday. That's a perfect day for me. Perfect. I think that's right. The 22nd. Will you come with me? Yeah, Sunday.
Starting point is 01:39:38 We'll drive there, leave at 7 a.m., and come back immediately thereafter. Straight to Cilantro's. Yes. All right. come back immediately thereafter. Straight to cilantro's. Yes. Good. All right. All right, dude. Love you. Tell your wife thanks for making it.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Yeah. And all those that care about caring, people that don't know what they're talking about, talking about things. Thanks for tuning in. things you don't know about you talk about from the only perspective you have which is basically one of principles right oh i like that yep that's good yeah all right thank you guys okay love you bye see you greg Greg Glassman dude that was crazy
Starting point is 01:40:26 I was like oh shit Dave fucking Greg invited this dude here and Dave is sending people over to boot his ass I was like this is gonna be crazy no Dave had him kicked out of the games before the games even started
Starting point is 01:40:45 but just imagine like how confusing that must have been for rob yeah right it's like i thought you guys wanted me here and then all of a sudden the fucking security rolls up on them and they're like dude you're not wanted here beat it fuck i was dying i was dying i was like dying. I was like, wow. That sucks. I didn't know Rob at all. I mean, I heard him speak a handful of times at CrossFit events.
Starting point is 01:41:13 And like, you know, he presented great. Whenever he spoke, I always enjoyed his talks. I didn't know him at all but uh for the mbpp fund doesn't it like mark bell something fund oh hey oh mark bell something hey it's so weird watching the numbers when we do the show now because youtube has us throttled it's so weird how they flop around and
Starting point is 01:41:50 how our live shows have the most viewers than ever but then the shows have it's just something's weird is going on the infamous black box incident yeah i think they the uh greg everett or someone put up a picture of Annie Sakamoto doing a like a med ball clean and then was critical of it and then Dave just fucking screamed at him you fat fuck seal talk
Starting point is 01:42:18 we were just young boys back then that showed that showing great yeah that was good that's showing great uh oh oh shit sorry sorry just saw this sorry just saw this greg was asking for a link oh shit i sent a link to the wrong oh did i send a link to the wrong. Oh, did I send a link to the wrong phone number? Oh, this is so cool. Maggie sent me a video of Greg doing the podcast, but from outside. Oh my goodness. Holy shit goodness holy from outside from the deck of their airbnb and they are they yeah and it's over they are on that cliff oh that's
Starting point is 01:43:33 amazing overlooking the ocean yeah it's so cool that's rad what a cool experience yeah nuts I got some I got some some notes from some people who are like who I'm assuming are Palestinian and they're like hey dude love you
Starting point is 01:44:01 don't be a fucking idiot and side with the Jews and I'm like hey dude I don't know if I'm taking a side or not, but you can't have stuff flying around on social media showing a bunch of young men going into homes, killing women and children and not think that there's going to be like a crazy wave of emotionally charged people wanting those people toast wiped off the planet. Like no one wants to be with those people. It's like coming home. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:44:31 As soon as you start doing that, you look like the bad guys. You start broadcasting. As soon as you start broadcasting your beddings and your executions and your ratings. And as soon as you start broadcasting that stuff, you're the bad guys. It's that simple. I mean,
Starting point is 01:44:44 I, which I, I guess you can't really, I know they've been doing it in Ukraine and Russia, like the between the two of them, they've been posting a lot of the videos of what's been going on there, but like that's, I would have, I mean, semantics, I guess, but it just, that's like a full blown war. But when you're looking at it from like somebody, you're taking a thousand people and you're invading a country And you're broadcasting
Starting point is 01:45:07 Civilian deaths That's a problem You're already the bad guy that way Yeah you're in trouble Only fan star Mia Khalifa celebrates Israeli Attacks urges Hamas to film Horizontal on phones
Starting point is 01:45:22 The adult whore Turned only fan star who has long called israel in the part by whore i don't mean that in a pejorative way i just mean it like she took money for she sat on penis she does stuff with penises for money sexual stuff she made penises fire off for money. She was filmed with ejaculating penises. Massive ejaculating penises. Who has long called Israel an apartheid state
Starting point is 01:45:54 drew ire after posting a series of controversial tweets on Saturday's surprise attack which has claimed the lives of at least 800 people. If you can look at the situation in Palestine and not be on the side of Palestinians then you're on the wrong side of apartheid and history will show that in time. Can someone
Starting point is 01:46:15 please tell freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal? horizontal jeez are her boobs real yeah I think so her whole thing was is like she made like a thousand dollars But had to fuck like 500 dudes right
Starting point is 01:46:47 Like she was like one of those chicks In the porn industry who was like Taken advantage of I think they all are but yeah She was definitely one of them They're all taken advantage of Yeah I'm looking at her images
Starting point is 01:47:03 She's Palestinian I'm looking at her images. She's Palestinian? Oh, shit. Playboy fired her? She was working for Playboy? Zero tolerance for hate speech. Oh, I hate that term, hate speech. Playboy fires ex-porn star Mia Khalifa for supporting Hamas terrorists.
Starting point is 01:47:21 Deletes her channel from app. Just kidding. Everybody'setes her channel from app. Just kidding. Everybody's saying her boobs are fake. Oh. They look too bouncy, though. I don't think anyone. Yeah. And then and then Playboy writes, Playboy's always been a champion of free speech well not really not
Starting point is 01:47:46 if uh we have fought in the courts for rights of all people speak no you haven't not if you're canceling her for saying that we also have no place in our company nor our platform for speech that is hateful or dehumanizing well just say that for our platform it's i mean they can they can publish whatever they want right can you discriminate against someone so you can't discriminate for someone if they're a pedophile but you can discriminate for hate speech like you can fire someone if they say that i hate jews what if you said i hate marines what if you said i hate air guys in the air force i don't think you get fired for that you can definitely say what was the first
Starting point is 01:48:28 one you said any any like just say i hate it i hate yeah like i hate uh guys in the air force i hate black dudes i hate jews like when does it become hate speech i hate people who ride bmx bikes i hate i think if it's based on race, then you get fired. Yes, then it can be. Marine is not a protected class. Yeah, that's why you can't have any of that. For anyone who thinks that you, for anyone who thinks you should be,
Starting point is 01:48:55 there should be a law against hate speech. I mean, this peace and love, you are a fucking moron. And I don't mean it because you disagree with me. I mean, because you're not thinking clearly clearly you don't know how to think clearly the problem is no one knows why the palestinians did this in their relationship with the saudis and israel deal that was excluding them this was a this was to stop that as you can see the saudis sided with hamas well you're i think you're complaining Palestinians and Hamas, by the way. Maybe rewrite that or something.
Starting point is 01:49:29 I'd also like to know why. You said nobody knows why. What do you think why they did it? Is it because of that? Because they were excluded? Or is it something else? Maybe to stop the deal. Basically to stop the deal. There was going to be a peace deal with the Saudis and the Israelis, and this was just
Starting point is 01:49:44 a move to stop that deal there was going to be a peace deal with the saudis and israelis and this was just a move to stop that dude man it was pretty amazing to fire that many rockets it seems like it's been a long time coming um uh leaves changing color beaver yeah a little bit mostly falling first they haven't really changed yet. 5D chess is being played, and the globalists have some big moves coming. Cardi B, what does she do on OnlyFans? Shit, I don't know. Matt Burns, Muslim extremists can't have peace. How about liberal extremists can they have peace
Starting point is 01:50:26 man that's crazy that fuck the jews chant and gas the jews that shit is crazy that that that causes you to recalibrate like crossing the street because you see a fucking four black dudes walking towards you is totally different than um gas the jews they're not even they're not even in the like they're not even in the oh my god and i didn't mean four black dudes i meant four black dudes with their pants sagging and being in men not girls and they're 18 years old and uh that's what i meant they have other signs besides their skin color and if and if you if you're not scared of black dudes add mexicans or armenians or whatever you
Starting point is 01:51:19 want just four guys walking with their pants sagging i don't care what you choose my age five guy came the other day and his pants were sagging. I should have walked to the other side of the room. Different, different, different, different. Different. Did you see his butt crack? No. It was close though. If he would have leaned over
Starting point is 01:51:37 one more inch, it would have been... I've told you guys this before and I can't... but I didn't know guys this before. And I can't, but I didn't know it like this. The, the,
Starting point is 01:51:52 this is, this is kind of amazing that this is in the Washington post for anyone who doesn't, isn't familiar with the Washington post. It is a, it's just a straight propaganda machine. It says the worst things. It is a huge proponent of pushing the it's a race baiting newspaper it's nuts it's like triple mask everyone injections for babies it is the worst
Starting point is 01:52:14 it's basically just a pawn of pharma and um i don't know as tank would say globalist i don't even know what that word means but that it's a complete tool for manipulating sheep and i've talked to you guys before about lobotomies and about how they were oh can i not scroll this oh that sucks i could scroll this on my phone i just can't in my oh lobotomies used to be legal. So lobotomies in the, in the, in the thirties and forties are what peanut chopping off penises and tits are today. Right?
Starting point is 01:52:52 So it's basically, you have a psychiatric condition and, and instead of like dealing with it, you know, with like long walks and change of diet and, uh, uh, therapy and maybe meditation, they would just fucking cut fucking cut open the front of your brain and take a butter knife and mush it. And it's called a lobotomy. Treatments for severe mental illness were limited and the leucotomy offered so much hope in 1949. Moniz was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Starting point is 01:53:21 The procedure commonly known as a lobotomy held lofty promise for some families including that of future president john f kennedy they fucking destroyed john f kennedy's sister it was so fucking sad that is if you want to read the wiki page on rosemary you will have your heart broken they gave her a lobotomy and completely destroyed her it did not after the third surgery the 23 year old rosemaryemary Kennedy could not walk or speak. It erased years of emotional, physical, and intellectual development. Oh, dude, it's a crazy story.
Starting point is 01:53:53 Anyway, it's illegal now because there is no physical surgery that you should do on someone for fucking being a tard. Like, Sporty Beth does not need a surgery. She needs to go on a long walk. She needs new friends. And she needs to change her diet. There's a cure for her that doesn't involve. Cutting open her forehead.
Starting point is 01:54:21 And mushing it with a knife. There's a cure for these fucking people besides shocking them and this thing that we're in 2023 and they're chopping off people's penises in order to fucking fix their mental disorder is not cool and we're going to look back at it the same way we look back at lobotomies and be like how the fuck well that guy won the Nobel Prize think of all the people you know who are like well oh you're going to listen to some internet Karen over some doctor from MIT yes a bunch of PhDs nominated
Starting point is 01:55:00 that dude to win the Nobel Prize for cutting off people's foreheads and mushing the front of their brain with a butter knife. And now, this year, just now, the Nobel Prize was given to the two people who developed the mRNA vaccine injection.
Starting point is 01:55:18 It's bizarro world Kenneth DeLapp Obama won a Nobel Prize yeah he won the Peace Prize which is just crazy how did Trump not win that hey that just goes to the Nobel Prize has nothing to do with your actions it's just what you speak right trump spoke with force we lived in peace biden spoke with uh obama spoke with peace we lived in war he wins the prize i mean that's who we live with people who just believe anything tank Reeves said he booked me for a podcast then I can
Starting point is 01:56:09 prepare and we can have a chat I'm too scared to talk to you I think you're gonna open up some door in my brain I'm never gonna be able to close it again Nobel Prize for the lobotomy. You're really going to like this one. You guys ready for this? Sorry, Caleb. I'm taking your job today. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:56:43 This is 175. What a joke this is. This is nuts. Okay, buried a 2007 video of Senator Joe Biden discussing troops removal from Afghanistan. Quote, and you leave those billions of dollars of weapons behind. I promise they're going to be used against your grandchildren and mine someday. And what he's referencing is that now people are claiming that those
Starting point is 01:57:18 weapons that we left behind in Afghanistan are now being seen being used by Hamas. Listen up people. Listen up, people. This is from 2007. It's a difference to tell the American people the truth about what our options are in ending this war. If tomorrow the order goes out from the president, I'm president of the United States, I issue an order,
Starting point is 01:57:40 end the war today, begin to withdraw all American troops. It will take a year to get the American troops out. You hear me now? That's the truth. It will take a year to get them physically out. Now, if you leave all the equipment behind, you might be able to do it in seven months. And you leave those billions of dollars of weapons behind. I promise they're going to be used against your grandchild and mine someday. And you leave those billions of dollars of weapons behind, I promise they're going to be used against your grandchild and mine someday. And you leave those billions of dollars of weapons behind,
Starting point is 01:58:09 I promise they're going to be used against your grandchild and mine someday. Who left billions of dollars of weapons behind? Joe did. So he knew. So he's saying he knew. Of course he did. Everybody knows that. What do you think is going to happen?
Starting point is 01:58:24 As soon as you leave like it's so much everything all of that is so valuable I mean it was valuable to us and we decided to leave it in a week we're like oh gotta go Joe Biden said so
Starting point is 01:58:37 I think it's funny that he said it was going to take seven months even if we left everything behind like what the fuck he's such an idiot how are our loved ones voting for that guy shit i don't know do you have loved ones who would vote for this guy for sure, me too. I don't know, man. I was making so much fucking money, and the New York Times wrote an article about me
Starting point is 01:59:18 that mischaracterized me at best. I wish I could remember this stupid bitch's name who wrote it. Fuck. What's her name? Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath, Kath Rossman. This fucking loser fucking wrote an article about me right here. Not about me, about CrossFit. And there was a she was nice enough to include a paragraph about me, this fucking skank. This is the one I showed you the other day It looks like her son's transitioning Awesome And
Starting point is 02:00:06 And that And I have family members who still send me articles From the New York Times Like I give a fuck Like it all does is piss me off Like you give money to the New York Times When they fucked me It's crazy
Starting point is 02:00:23 But it's completely over their head they don't even know do you know what i mean they're it's not like they're bad my relatives aren't bad people they just don't even think oh i'm sorry i lost your job have you seen um it's so great what's going on and blah blah blah so sweet oh isn't that great 50 judges said that seven you need to look into that 50 judges have signed paperwork saying that the election wasn't tampered with. Oh, really? What about the laptop? Oh, we are. What about the Russian collusion, Hillary? That was that. It's what about the what about the 50 top security advisors who said that the laptop was a fake and now they're being tried in court? They're all being sued, saying that we know they lied on purpose.
Starting point is 02:01:03 Do you think that has anything to do with election fraud no what about my friend athena perez who went and testified that there was election fraud she saw witnessed election fraud fucking nuts no that bitch ain't single she got some fucking beta that's okay I'm climbing another tree right now that's bigger Catherine Catherine Rossman. Catherine Rossman. Oh, I want to see.
Starting point is 02:01:57 Let's see what... She posted on her Instagram that she's thankful to be an American Jew. As opposed to being a Palestinian? Yeah, Palestinian. I'm looking at all the articles she's written. She just writes garbage oh ho ass
Starting point is 02:02:42 which has a rapper so i could rap a song about her um uh seve did you connect with ryan no did he text me i have so many texts my phone is a fucking train wreck bear with me from Jerusalem we can hear the rockets and bombs when we talk it's so scary yeah it sounds like there's a lot of Jews who've been displaced too damn Yeah, it sounds like there's a lot of Jews who've been displaced too. Damn. War doesn't sound fun.
Starting point is 02:03:32 I hope it doesn't ever come here. Crazy beta. She's married to Judy. Catherine Rossman is married to a crazy beta. Crazy. Like... beta crazy like Joe Biden so he left the guns behind knowing that they would be used against people's grandkids I couldn't date someone in
Starting point is 02:04:03 commie form right right I couldn't date someone in California right right bang anything with a set of tits oh shit this one's crazy brace yourself people this is Norm Macdonald
Starting point is 02:04:25 Hosting the Espy's In 1998 Some of you aren't gonna get this joke Cause you don't know about OJ Like this one's gonna go right over Beaver's head Beaver ain't getting this one How old are you Caleb? 28
Starting point is 02:04:44 Nope not getting this joke maybe I'll play it twice and you can pretend to get it all right look at look at you you're like fuck you I'm getting it here we go Charles Woodson how about that I want to season me up he became the first defensive player to win the Heisman Trophy congratulations Charles that is something that no one can ever take away from you. Unless you kill your wife in a waiter, in which case. All bets are off. Just a word of advice.
Starting point is 02:05:18 And there's Charles Woodson. How about that? And what a season he had. He became the first defensive player to win the Heisman Trophy. Congratulations, Charles. That is something that no one can ever take away from you. Unless you kill your wife in a waiter, in which case... Damn, dude.
Starting point is 02:05:37 I'll get there on time. It's a word of advice. Damn. That's awesome that's like that's like the theme of this show is going nuclear that's like pretty much going nuclear in the in the joke realm right at the espies even yeah it's about as hard as you can go just call them out on live tv yeah it's like it's not racist Just like saying that Chinese people eat rice isn't racist But people were like For some reason that feels weird That feels weird
Starting point is 02:06:12 Should I be laughing at this? Yeah Is that offensive? I was in college When he was acquitted That's how old I am I remember being in college and just sitting in front of the TV and watching him drive in the Bronco for hours.
Starting point is 02:06:29 Every TV station had it on. It was awesome. He didn't lose the Heisman like that. I don't think they didn't take it. Cave Dastro, I agree with you. I don't think they should lose a Heisman for actions not related to sports. I don't think he lost it like that. I think he had to sell it
Starting point is 02:06:46 or something to pay for his court fees. I don't think like they like in hindsight took it from him. No, even if they took drugs, I'm okay. I'm just going to go with if you want it, you want it. But I think that the trophy like
Starting point is 02:07:00 a Simpsons Heisman was in his possession until he was auctioned off. Yeah. He was forced to sell his belongings to pay 33 million in compensatory compensatory and punitive damages after losing a 1997 wrongful death civil suit. So he lost the civil case. I wonder how much the milkelk Boys paid to interview him.
Starting point is 02:07:36 He didn't interview with him recently. I was so naive I remember them showing like a room full of people the melanated people and when he was found not guilty and they were cheering and I was like wow those people really think he's not guilty wow I just remember just being so just like god life was good back then
Starting point is 02:08:00 I loved being that naive Bob Menary claims the Nelk Boys paid OJ Simpson 100,000 to be on the Full Send podcast. Yeah, for sure. Something. I mean, I'm not mad at them for that. It's probably worth it. Yeah, it was good. It was good.
Starting point is 02:08:37 Zach. Mr. Matosian asked her if she was sexually active with her husband and if she took birth control pills. He told her he preferred a bathing suit photo. I know. What kind? Yeah, that's how that, dude, that's exactly how that's written. I think he copy-pasted it. Yeah, that's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:08:59 Can you imagine Jux at Light? Like there was some sort of... Mr. Matosian asked her if she was sexually active with her husband and if she took birth control pills by the way then she responded with yeah and i wish i wouldn't have been because when i got off the pills my performance got better and all the other girls i spoke with said that they had a performance um boost significant performance boost when they got off of hormones too like like that that's kind of an important part and how about the fact that um it's she sold at the time photos of her butt on a fucking website and that was the context of talking about her bathing suit
Starting point is 02:09:36 she sold pictures of her butt in a fucking in booty shorts. God, Kathleen Rossman is such a fucking cunt. What a fucking world-class bitch. Never called me. I mean, how does that even... Mr. Matosian asked her if she was sexually active with her husband and if she took birth control pills. He told her he preferred
Starting point is 02:10:00 a bathing suit. Then they went on and ate a bologna sandwich together. Her dog's name is George. She cuts her toenails with clippers that she got from cvs her favorite color is blue sometimes she dances to rap music i mean what who pays for butt photos it was a different time back then it was different but photos were she um uh um she i mean go to her go to her um i was never into this but there was a couple there was a um a couple people at crossfit that were there she she was always marketing her butt as i recall that was like her thing i think she sold butt photos and i never looked into it too much but recently she look at this photo she recently posted someone sent this to me i don't even know i mean can you
Starting point is 02:10:50 imagine i like stacy don't get me wrong like i'm not this isn't diggity but like what would be the point of that photo but i mean it's an incredible photo but like what i said that she by way, that bathing suit looks great on her, she's tan as shit, uh, Dave, Cave Dastro, if I had an ass that nice, I would sell it too, but for somehow to, like, she's trying to paint me and then that's the by the way that's the sentence right there that's the wonderful there was a few more sentences that um eric rosa uh said to someone hey that guy needs to resign
Starting point is 02:11:32 uh zach um your body is freakishly amazing he said lamenting changes brought about by the meaty movement yeah. Crazy juxtaposition. That was the time that the NYU professor and actor, forget his name, you guys all know him, he was really famous like five or ten years ago. He was in Spider-Man. He was in a movie, he was in Spider-Man. He was in a movie. He was in.
Starting point is 02:12:14 His girlfriend came out and me too. A girlfriend of two years. Girlfriend of two years. Said that he asked her for a blow job. And she felt like she had to because he he was famous they had been dating for two years now granted in hindsight i don't know what the fuck i was thinking bringing that up on the crossfit podcast god i i must have thought i was the unstoppable fucking king shit over there to do that. I did.
Starting point is 02:12:52 I don't know if I asked her, like, if she was sexually active. Like, I don't think I asked it like that. But I said something about, like, I mean, it wasn't it wasn't anything perverse. I wasn't like, please tell me about what's the first move your your husband does to your vagina. It wasn't like that. It was strictly from the athletic performance perspective. One hundred percent. There was like it was like so obvious that's where I was going. Do Daniel Brandon was either on my podcast or I heard on another podcast, but I think it was on my podcast. She was talking about her performance. We were talking about uh uh adversely affecting it by the way which they
Starting point is 02:13:29 will which they will and every girl knows it now and no and it's it's not taboo to talk about at all meanwhile the same year espn asked fucking katrin david's daughter to pose naked and for some reason because it's espPN, it's okay. Like, what was I like? I was never like, Oh, Stacy,
Starting point is 02:13:49 can you please take your shirt off in the podcast studio? It's fucking not. Mr. Hartle, she's living rent free in your head. Seve, forget her. This show is probably going to make me $600.
Starting point is 02:14:07 And you are a horrible business advisor by telling me that she's living rent-free. Because she's not, I'm going to make $600 off this show. And if I forgot her, I might not be able to reuse this material in a year. So please take your business advice and run with it to some kids lemonade stand which is about the quality of business advice you get thank you eventually the story is going to be worth 6,000 an episode jackass
Starting point is 02:14:32 you're not Armenian fucking disappointment to my people everywhere her ass is better now than it was then i think she may have gone woke though i know she did she said she's another one of those people that eventually turned on the podcast turned on me sucks i like her i like her husband i, I go to another gym and I have to drive by her gym to go to the gym I go to. She's a sellout, unfortunately.
Starting point is 02:15:11 Yeah, dump truck hottie for sure. Oh, that last part was, okay, fine, fine, okay, fine. You can come back to the tribe. You're Armenian. I apologize. I apologize. Zach, to get you over 600, yeah, baby. If all of you only gave $3,
Starting point is 02:15:32 I could reach my $600 today and I could get off the show. Phillip Kelly, she's fake like a lot of the folks at HQ, cucks. uh philip kelly uh she's fake like a lot of the folks at hq cucks it just you you know i i posted i had i have i had a dear friend bragging to me about how no one knows their stance on woke ideology and this friend of mine was kind of like bragging to me like it was something like they were proud of because i've hit it and i'm only going to come out and stand up against it when i'm supposed to and i'm like what i need to i need to talk to this friend again and be like dude you sound like a bitch when you say that i'm not like oh you're so sophisticated and strategic do uh you've seen this this i'm gonna try to get this guy on the show
Starting point is 02:16:27 blind joe did you see this post i made i know we're gonna get in trouble for this for sure here we go quite trying to take me to task Cause I don't wanna wear a mask Or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up All they do is feed us lie after lie That's why I will not comply Maybe it's a little harsh to say she's woke.
Starting point is 02:17:04 I know she wanted to distance herself from... She wants nothing to do with me. So maybe my feelings are just hurt. I mean, like, nothing. Like, I think they threw a competition at her gym. And, like, if you were wearing a CEO shirt, you had to take it off. Like, that kind of shit. Because I'm close with HQ.
Starting point is 02:17:24 Asymmetric ears get Anomaly anomaly on the show he's supposed to come on soon maybe i should get him and tank on at the same time and i they can talk and i can just sit back and just be like get drunk um he's supposed to come on very soon this is a cool song right yeah it's good since back last march i've had a nicky breaking heart like a billy ray cyrus so this guy's blind he's got the glasses so he must be been catching a case of the blues from the news around this damn coronavirus. Now they're telling us we gotta keep our chin diapers up even if...
Starting point is 02:18:08 Chin diapers. Gotta keep our chin diapers up. We got the shot in the arm. Nobody's talking about exercise or eating food that's fresh grown from the farm. How's that? He does it.
Starting point is 02:18:22 He drops the big bomb. By the way, that's the thing right there too that's the so there's the oh oh oh oh oh that's the thing right there those are those are the two those are the two main um things right you need four comorbidities or more to really be in danger and you have to be over 50 years old but probably over 80 that's that's the big one and then the other big one is that there was never any advice for the real for i can't even say it because i'm getting trouble that's why we got uh suspended for a week before but just remember there was no mention of um dietary or lifestyle changes those two things
Starting point is 02:19:06 alone just make you just go oh and and the nobel prize was one for the lobotomy mr suza mystery solved and why youtube throttles us back i said stacy tovar's ass was nice i was being positive what are you talking about what are you talking about what are you talking about uh she went full thirsty after she retired she was thirsty before she was selling the butt photos before she's cool i'm cool there just sucks that just sucks that she sold out and fell to that pressure. Too many, too many of you doing that. Hey, and here's another reason why in the short term, like you might think it's smart to do that.
Starting point is 02:19:57 But in the long term, it won't. It won't be. It's not the long game. Johnny. Johnny. Johnny Nostradamus. Johnny. Johnny. Johnny Nostradamus. Johnny Damas. Rumble is in our near future.
Starting point is 02:20:12 God, I hope not. That platform sucks. Jay Hardwell, I don't think you're right. You're saying Chris Abbott has an OnlyFans. You know what I think she has, dude? I think she has like a Christmas fans. I think she has her own platform that she runs Like she's the pimp I should ask her to come on
Starting point is 02:20:29 Uh Vindicate The problem is with Stovar she didn't stand up for you Yeah but she didn't bury me She didn't jump on the bandwagon You know what I mean I don't expect her to stand up for me But she didn't bury me She wasn't like yeah he was a scumbag when i was on
Starting point is 02:20:45 the show and she's come on to my shows a bunch of other times it's just more recently it's gotten back to me some of the shit she's she said and it's like dude why are you doing that why are you acting woke you don't need to do that it's like she's playing some political games like don't do that just be cool that just be cool anyway anyway and i do like i i i think it's important uh who's i chatting with this yesterday if you're if you're if you're um an athlete male or female i think you lead with your ability what were the four these were the four things that um chris rock says you can do to be famous you could be um show your ass um you can be um uh infamous that's um uh like make a sex tape um the third thing you could be really talented so so so show your ass would be um
Starting point is 02:21:46 playboy model right uh mia khalif right infamous sex tape would be um uh paris hilton i might be showing my age or a kardashian then the third one um super successful would be um serena williams or federer or Joe Montana. And then the fourth thing is to play the victim. Right? That's Jesse Smollett or everything that's on CNN or the guy, the Nike guy with the fro
Starting point is 02:22:17 that claims he's black. Josh Kavanaugh. What the fuck's that guy's name? Kaepernick. Kaepernick right so those are the four things um um Sevan can dish it but get sensitive when it's his turn to take it
Starting point is 02:22:43 imagine this imagine how fucking stupid Dan is I Devon can dish it but get sensitive when it's his turn to take it. Imagine this. Imagine how fucking stupid Dan is. I purposely pull the comments up that make it so I'm vulnerable and then do a little song and dance and pretend to be offended with some drama and some comedy. But then he says I can dish it but i can't take it when i'm the one choosing the comments you fucking moron i was just i've been thinking about this the last like 20 times i've been on the show and then i forget and i forget to write it down
Starting point is 02:23:18 about how stupid you are that you don't realize you're being played and even though i just said it you still won won't. You'll still, you'll still, you'll still throw me, um, uh, uh, pitches that I can alley-oop and dunk and feign, uh,
Starting point is 02:23:31 humility and, uh, kindness. So I appreciate it. I thank you very much, but fuck your dumb. 6.5. I bet.
Starting point is 02:23:52 That's my earthquake sound. Sounds more like a vibrating pillow. Dan Guerrero, this is an example of not being able to take it. Well, thank you. I appreciate it um so so if you're an athlete and you lead with if you if you want to be a respected athlete and you lead with your ass or your body or your pussy or your titties instead of your physical prowess then you should expect to be treated as such you think that's a purr i meant okay i meant it as oh chewbacca
Starting point is 02:24:27 chewbacca daniel garrity it always freaks me out when someone pulls up dan guerrero's comments our name our names sound too familiar at first. But we're both classified as assholes, so I guess it doesn't matter. You're more a thorn in the side, Mr. Garrity. Mr. Garrity. Dan's an entire fucking cactus. Dan's an entire fucking cactus If Dan were a weed
Starting point is 02:25:08 I would be like fuck maybe I should just use chemicals And spray it so it goes away forever Um Yeah why are you leading with your ass If you want to be um a great athlete Why why Why are you leading with your ass I'm okay with uh Stacy doing it want to be a great athlete. Why? Why? Why are you leading with your ass?
Starting point is 02:25:29 I'm okay with Stacey doing it. She's kind of a retired athlete. I think she has balance, some balance. But dude, some of these athletes, it's like, dude, you're leading with, you're basically making yourself look like a porn star first, and then an athlete. And it's like,
Starting point is 02:25:44 I don't know. I think it kind of takes away from the. It would be like putting the frosting on the bottom of the cake. The weight of the cake would just push it out to the sides. It becomes pointless at that time. I think it's way cooler that like. I think Serena Williams is a fucking. Incredible piece of ass.
Starting point is 02:26:04 But but if she didn't play, I don't want her to lead with that. I like her because same with Oprah. I think Serena Williams is a fucking incredible piece of ass. But, but if she didn't play, I don't want her to lead with that. I like her. Cause same with Oprah. I think Oprah is a fucking amazing piece of ass, but I like her cause she's a billionaire first. If she just led with a piece of ass,
Starting point is 02:26:15 I think she's disgusting. You know what? You feeling me on that? Caleb, I'm not saying you have to agree with me, but you understand the logic. It's a little trashy. I want to know you as a person before I know you as a piece of ass.
Starting point is 02:26:27 Well, yeah, and I'm just not attracted to Oprah if she's poor. Because she's a billionaire and she got size quadruple Z titties. I'm like, okay, let's take you for a spin. Okay, I knew. Kristen, yeah, what? And so my point being is If you're a crazy attractive woman or man And you're leading with the ass
Starting point is 02:26:49 When you're When you're an equally amazing athlete I think it's dumb Adam Blakeslee I think that's why Raptors is hotter than Danielle Brandon I don't see any I mean fuck Alexis Is hot as shit but I don't see any um i mean fuck alexis is hot as shit but i don't see her leading with any ass but i don't think danielle goes too far off one
Starting point is 02:27:09 end do you i don't think she's like no definitely not she doesn't it's not like a point i don't get that from danielle at all yeah i think you're projecting uh john wick taylor swift has no ass but she's a Swift has no ass but she's a billionaire yeah no ass is no good lead with the hog Daniel Garrity Mr. Guerrero I have to get on a plane please continue being a little
Starting point is 02:27:41 cunt sincerely Daniel Garrity. Big gap between Danielle and Spiegel. Yeah, totally. I mean, like, thank you. Mr. Pedro. Okay, let's go over to Danielle Brandon's Instagram account. What the fuck's going on over there?
Starting point is 02:28:09 I don't agree with you guys. I get no ho from Danielle. I get no, like, not that I get ho from any of these chicks. That was a mischaracterization. I don't get, she's not like just, it's not just about, oh, well, there you go. Click on that one of her bathing, some bathing. I don't know. I'm OK with that. I don't think that that's a. It's not look, it's far away. It's not scandalous. You have to make the effort to zoom in.
Starting point is 02:28:39 You have to pinch that and pull it open in order to be a perv. Yeah. And that's for an ad too that's to draw attention especially so that's the only one that's just one that's the only one i've seen so far one out of the last okay and there's another one that's two maybe the bathing suit one yeah i'm giving i don't see danielle danielle's not doing hoochie mama shit at all no god damn she's hot I don't see Danielle. Danielle's not doing hoochie mama shit at all. No. God damn, she's hot. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:29:14 I'd like her. I'd make a, I'd change the, if I was president, I would change the Statue of Liberty to look like her. That's what you would do. that's uh we don't have the funds to deal with the israeli palestinian conflict i'm gonna build a statue off the uh putting off the coast of california somewhere um olivia uh danielle did show a video of a guy having a hard-on for what's that about oh that was the video you played it you said it made you uncomfortable it was the it's the british guy what the fuck is his name oh yeah yeah i didn't like sam cornforth yeah i didn't like that video at all that shit was hilarious yeah let's see yeah i'm it's times like that that i'm like
Starting point is 02:30:11 maybe i'm old maybe it happened yeah the makeup and the lips and all that i'm not a fan either but whatever i'm not a fan in the eyebrows and i just i just want to see her natural on natural but but but i accept her i accept her uh john wick that dude's weird as fuck the corn corn corn why I do not Samuel Cornwhy but the corn hold it yeah yeah I don't like that outfit she's wearing right there either why
Starting point is 02:30:59 I don't want to say why okay but thank you for asking do you like it I like I don't want to say why. Okay. But thank you for asking. Do you like it? I like long sleeves like that. Yeah, her arms look great. I agree.
Starting point is 02:31:14 I like that too. Anyway. uh um oh man this is a good place to hide this because I really don't want to celebrate this but this is so fucking this is dude Travis Kelsey's a fucking genius dude
Starting point is 02:31:44 and so is Pfizer yep Dude, Travis Kelsey is a fucking genius, dude. Really? And so is Pfizer. Yep, they're fucking smart. Look at 173. These fucking guys leaned into the Mr. Pfizer joke. Pfizer made him a fucking jersey that says Mr. Pfizer. Wow. Minneapolis welcomes Travis Kelsey says Mr. Pfizer. Wow.
Starting point is 02:32:07 Minneapolis welcomes Travis Kelsey with Mr. Pfizer billboards. They're learning. Dude. You can't. The sport. You want to know what the biggest problem with our sport is that we fucking have athletes that don't know how to lean into shit i thought it was the affiliate we need more support from the affiliates we need more affiliates more crossfitters dude this is fucking genius okay i'm mr pfizer give me the mr pfizer
Starting point is 02:32:36 yeah i stand by a 1000 fully comfortable with him calling me mr pfizer and then he fucking puts on the fucking pf Mr. Pfizer jersey, and they got Mr. Pfizer billboards everywhere. Dude, that's just leaning in. Just killed it. Okay, fine. So I am. John Wick, Kelsey, don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 02:33:03 I think he's just stupid, but maybe he doesn't give a fuck I just think he's dumb Dumb's cool I used to be dumb D-U-M Dumb Yeah they fuck Just leaning into it Just leaning into it. Just leaning into it.
Starting point is 02:33:32 So smart. I had no idea. I had no idea that they were that smart. None. Which kind of makes me stupid. stupid okay one more okay we'll finish with something racist here we go uh one uh mr blood clot okay that's good that yeah that yeah let's see him lean into that I agree let's call him that Mr. Blood clot I like it Let's see him lean into that
Starting point is 02:34:09 169 let's finish with First of all this guy When you pull this up don't start playing it right away I want to ask you what ethnicity this guy is Because he's claiming one ethnicity and I do not see it What do you think he is uh i'll give you choices black white hispanic or asian asian yeah me too that's what i would say okay but listen what he's listen what he's kind of claiming here this is by the way this isn't for
Starting point is 02:34:39 this one's this one really is racist. This isn't a joke. I can never be gay, dude. Not because of what you're thinking. Just because it's disgusting. But if you just... If you just... I'm kidding. You can do what you want. Have fun in hell.
Starting point is 02:34:59 But if you just... I didn't write the Bible. What do you want from me? I need like this. Spanish people are homophobic. So if you, if you, if you. I could never be gay. Is he, so is he claiming he's Hispanic?
Starting point is 02:35:24 I don't know. I think he said he's in, it said he's Hispanic? I don't know. I think he said he's in Miami. I think there's a lot of Hispanic people in Miami, so maybe he's just playing to the crowd. I think he said, I knew Hispanic people would like that, I think. Oh, okay. He didn't even finish the joke.
Starting point is 02:35:42 That's the funny part. He's a good dude how about 170 we're not ending the show anytime soon although i do have to pee okay this is the last one 170 here we go god this guy is a douche. Whose 15-year-old daughter was rubbed in a bathroom by a boy wearing girls' clothes, and the Loudoun County School Board covered it up because it would have interfered with their transgender policy during Pride Month. And that man, Scott Smith, because he went to a school board and tried to defend his daughter's rights, was condemned internationally. Do you apologize to Scott Smith and his 15-year-old daughter, Judge? Senator, anyone whose child was raped is the most horrific crime I can imagine and is certainly entitled and protected by the First Amendment to protest to their school board
Starting point is 02:36:38 about this. But he was cited by the School Board Association as a domestic terrorist. Judge, this is shameful. Your performance is shameful. thank god you are not on the springboard you should resign in disgrace judge scott smith you guys remember that story too right it's it's it's worse than you can even imagine the the boy was pretending to be a girl he's clearly a fucking psychopath he fucking assaulted one girl in the bathroom at one school they transferred him to another school school where he raped a fucking girl in the bathroom. And then the dad went to the school board to protest and they fucking arrested him.
Starting point is 02:37:13 It's a horrible, horrible story. And yeah, and all the censorship, like censoring the word raped is crazy. Makes me fucking hate the people we live with. He sounds like my 75 year old aunt yeah loudon county all right guys on that note uh oh wait should we leave us something positive
Starting point is 02:37:36 let me see what's this uh oh yeah let's uh this is um uh this is a good one. I'll just read this one out loud. It's 174. Here we go. This is from James Woods. America is not divided by race, color, gender, or sexual orientation. America is divided into the wise people and fools. And fools divide themselves by race color gender or sexual orientation damn that one's good all right see you guys
Starting point is 02:38:14 what's today what's today oh do I have a show tonight no oh no alright I'll see you guys tomorrow 7am bye bye

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