The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #16 | Live Call In - Greg on Chief Marketing Officers

Episode Date: November 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:03 Ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem. Bam. We're live. Bam. I want to have a vitamin C expert on Caleb in the his house. All right. All right. Let's do it. Caleb. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:01:21 What's up, dude? Hey. Hey. Shoot. Someone needs to tell uh his week in review he didn't have the headset on right shit all right uh good morning everyone rambler hi you're gonna run and tell dave that right now he's in the room next door uh zachary cadets daily training a daily dating trip so glad we get get Greg on every week. I know, crazy, right? I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to do with this information. But I find it absolutely flattering and fills me with pride.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I guess I'll continue later. Hey. Hey. What's up, dude? How are you? Awesome. How are you? I'm good, man. Living the life, right? Say it again? Living the life. Yeah, I wish we would have played
Starting point is 00:02:22 Bob Marley when you came on. Like, Africa, unite. Yeah, we're here. the life yeah i wish we would i would have played wish we were bob marley when you came on like africa unite something yeah we're hearing we're hearing a fair amount of reggae music the seychelles that's off the coast of kenya yeah in somalia and belongs to the continent of africa yes is it the tip of a volcano or something why is it sticking out i know you know i know you like stuff like that yeah in the uh indian ocean all of the islands with the exception of the seychelles are a volcanic you know made of igneous rock and the volcanic remnants but uh this is this is a big chunk of granite that I guess just through sublimation got thrusted up out of the ocean and formed this series of islands
Starting point is 00:03:15 absent volcanic activity. What are the implications that, I know, like you're some sort of geologist, but what are the implications that it's like you're some sort of geologist but what are the implications that it's on granite like there's oil under there or it's it's I have no idea micro food or yeah I don't know I don't know but you know where we are in Arizona we're on the very edge of that Colorado Plateau and it's one of the largest geological formations on earth bigger than any mountain and uh the belief is that uh that the heart of ghanawana land was that plateau but anyways it's uh all the dirt and earth of arizona is uh decomposed granite so i i recognize the look of it all you know and um kenya had just amazing people
Starting point is 00:04:08 exceedingly nice polite spoke to queen's english just is it like that there it is it is what are the people look like is french their native language are they black yeah the creole and uh are they black yeah the creole and uh they've uh kind of a european featured uh very often uh dark-skinned people and that and just uh uh you know black folks but like our our captain on the boat is uh his uh father was swiss and german or uh yeah swiss German, and his mother was African. And you can see it. He looks like a black Buddy Holly with the glasses. Why do I think Creole are kind of like hard to understand real white people that are in louisiana they eat crayfish there is there is that but there's those people too yeah throughout wherever the wherever the
Starting point is 00:05:12 french found colonial success you end up with a remnant population that speaks creole it seems so we saw it in saint lucia belize i everywhere. But you hear a lot of Creole here, and there's Creole restaurants and cooking. It's great. Last dumb question. Is Creole, does it sound English or it's a kind of a... It sounds very French. French, okay. It sounds very French.
Starting point is 00:05:39 So it's like a French dialect, almost even. I would think that'd be fair to say. Okay. But they, you know, bonsoir, bonjour. I mean, it's close. You can kind of figure it out. If you know even a little bit of French, you know a little bit of Creole. It's got a country.
Starting point is 00:06:00 It's got like a, do they have their own currency? They have their own currency, the rupee. country it's got like do they have their own currency they have their own currency the rupee and uh they've got a new government that uh eliminated all kinds of corruption is the story and uh i'm body it's it's a it's a good place i didn't know they had enough people to have corruption isn't it tiny it's very tight yeah uh judy uh reed Reed good evening Good evening Hi Ken Walters good evening Greg and
Starting point is 00:06:31 Sevan Sevan We're You know it's 7 in the morning here 7 in the evening There and boy is that Convenient when you're trying to interface with Back home 12 hours
Starting point is 00:06:47 12 hours man I think Armenia is on the same time You don't have to play with your watch How far away is Armenia from where you sit? Crazy I don't know that right Let me see Yeah Armenia
Starting point is 00:07:01 And then would I just go to maps? Cause I'm We're 10 10 200 miles away um savvy you and i were due to leave mombasa once and we had a flight into uh from mombasa to nairobi on somalia airlines right and um i know you know the story but i'm sharing it through you with you with everyone but uh somalia airlines like the jet looked like this duct tape together and they didn't even have a computerized flight manifesto they had a yellow legal tablet and she identified her names in arabic on the which was a sight to see and then the flight got cancelled which was somewhat of
Starting point is 00:07:41 a relief and we were having trouble working a flight back home i'm not gonna give all the details of this song it was kind of funny but uh was that that we were talking to the lady outside the airport and we were there several times but it was like the booth outside the airport is her own glass private booth yeah and we were just trying just trying to get home and finally and we're like you got anything to phoenix no la no and so realizing that we were 12 hours away time wise i just got the idea like how what's the farthest place you can send me and it turned out it was chicago so we took it oh and so we went home via chicago and then went in chicago finagle the a flight to to san francisco what was your thinking on that what if she would have said saint petersburg
Starting point is 00:08:31 like what was your logic on that i'm up well it's i'm on the exact wrong side of the earth home is on the top and i'm on the bottom and right the part of this the way you can get me i'll deal with it again from there i feel like i looked at a globe once in the is the way you can get me, I'll deal with it again from there. I feel like I looked at a globe once in that if you drilled straight down from Santa Cruz through the center of the earth, you do come out like in Kenya or something. Oh, Caleb, I can see. It doesn't matter, but I can see the reflection of the screen in your glasses. So if you have any porn open, I don't know. Good to know. Yeah, just in case. yeah just just in case yeah just in case i don't want you to get uh
Starting point is 00:09:10 canceled canceled you know what i mean god forbid the new speaker the house has a porn monitoring app on his phone and computer and then a responsibility partner for monitoring and it reports to your responsibility partner any kind of uh inappropriate stuff you're looking at and his partner's a 17 year old son no shit yeah and i was just like oh man it should have been some really private shit. I think I like that guy. What's the guy's name? Johnson, is it?
Starting point is 00:09:54 Can you Google his name, Johnson, and then porn, Caleb? No shit, a responsibility. Yeah, that doesn't seem, I like the guy. That doesn't seem right to do that with your son. It seems a little weird to me. Yeah. Yeah, I was was thinking you know maybe maybe he's just it's just something he's doing it for his son and participating right um and he said he was happy to report that his son wasn't looking at any porn at all in the video dug up by x users
Starting point is 00:10:20 receipt maven last week johnson described his use of covenant eyes as an app that monitors activity on computer devices and reports potentially pornographic content to a predetermined ally what does this mean in the video dug up by x users receipt uh that means like twitter users receipts maybe he had i think that he had He had openly bragged about the thing. He was proud of it. Yeah. And, you know, I don't think it's shameful. It's just it's odd.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I don't think it's shameful either, but it's weird. That crowd that's driving around in their Priuses thinking they're avoiding a doomsday climate scenario with their mask on to protect the world's health. Confident in their belief that there's no difference between men and women, so men should be in women's sports, that crowd will lock onto this and it will be the issue. And that's why it's making the press it is. Because what we don't want to talk about is the real issues. Oh, what is their problem with it?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Why doesn't the Prius drivers like it? It's the same thing for you and I. It's just kind of a weird thing. as a woman and read story time to kids and for parents to invite those people into their schools and and protest and fight for their rights to read to your kids that's fucking weird i can explain i can explain why that's weird yeah it's there's no there's no good intention there the the problem is is that it's it's gonna be a distraction um it's it's funny and i think it's going to be a distraction. It's funny, and I think it's funny. And that will be discussed instead of the issues because they can't have discussion on the issues. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:17 It's almost like every single aspect of Trump that we all find deplorable, and there's a lot to find deplorable. And most of it is insignificant to the greater issues. CrossFit, Andrew Hiller, who you met at the BSI event. I know Andrew. Okay, and then you met him at the Chicago game. He made a video on CrossFit's Cheap Marketing Officer.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yeah, I haven't seen that. Send it to me. Okay, and he is the – it's the first – I mean, I guess he was was hired 11 months ago according to Andrew's video, and I didn't know much about him. But one of the things that is interesting is he has – and Andrew points this out. He has a post of Greta Thunberg, and it says, thank you for being a great leader. He has the post of the black square, and it says, I've taken off my hashtags not to disrupt from the event. He has an orange square that's like all this anti-gun stuff without talking about what the effects would be if you outlawed guns in the United States. He has pictures of himself wearing two masks.
Starting point is 00:13:35 He posted a picture of his vaccine card. He brags about how he quarantined for 12 weeks. He talks about how he worked at Twitter and helped build Twitter up for nine years. And now when Elon bought it, it was a shame and he was going to get off of Twitter, which he didn't. And it goes on and on.
Starting point is 00:13:56 So he's got all of what he thinks are the perfect credentials to lead and market for a large organization, a successful international business. And he comes across a large coterie of truly authentic people. Over time, he comes to realize
Starting point is 00:14:14 he doesn't have a fucking thing in the world for him. Because there's nothing about a real person. The guy in the Prius wearing his mask to avoid climate and health disaster, there's nothing to offer. He doesn't live in the real world. He lives in the postmodern world where politically and deliberately there's been a suspension of intellect and morality.
Starting point is 00:14:41 That's what he lives in. And I'll tell you right now, he's condemning Israel for what they're doing in, for their liberation of the Palestinian people from the horrors and terrors of Hamas. He's condemning it. I promise it. It's all in a package. You know, this is my new thing. We see these people, I see people in Priuses wearing masks, driving by themselves, and I can tell you everything about them. I know they think there's no difference between men and women. I know they think that diversity is more important than merit. On and on. It's an easy list of things. And each of them requires a suspension of intellect
Starting point is 00:15:18 so that you'll swallow immorality. So like the. Same people by. This is the same mindset. That ignored. Hitler's attempt to eliminate. The Jewish people from the face of the earth. New York Times. It is the same mindset. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:39 The same logic dynamics. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We've got it. We've got to get you to lock onto a bill of bullshit goods before i'm going to get you to sign on to things that in normal times would be seen as as profoundly wrong to the point of being just blatantly evil that's where we're at i need you
Starting point is 00:15:58 to believe that greta thunberg is a great leader for climate change and then the next thing is is like hey let's kill these people because you'll believe anything it's it's on the way to my mom's got a cock and dad's trying to get pregnant and don't laugh or you're you're you're a transphobe you and you think that the cross you know here, like Islamophobe, like, you know, who's afraid of Islam? Well, I think a lot of people are afraid of Islam. Well, they and the media portrays them as chanting death to the Jews. I mean, I've seen that, you know, every other week for 50 years. Hey, pick an Islamic country.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I have no religion. Is there is there an Islamic country country I would want to live in? And the answer is no. And it may have nothing to do with religion. It may have nothing to do with religion. What, UAE? Well, no, I was maybe thinking Indonesia, but probably not. Shit could go sideways there.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I was thinking like Bali. But actually, I don't think the actual island of bali is muslim i think that's where the like the the the minority um religion is yeah we were on the way here we went through qatar and uh you know the hamas leadership lives there and the place is beautiful i mean it's modern's modern. It's gorgeous. Unbelievable. But it's not for me. What do you think that those things when you say that believing those things is an intellectual failing? I've heard you talk about that before, that sort of the whole liberal mindset is an an intellectual failing that you don't get there through intellect you don't get there through two plus two is four or plant a tree today and in three years you'll have fruit that there's there's a a failing somewhere of a connection of the dots yeah you know there was this line about uh if you're if you're not a socialist at 20 you
Starting point is 00:18:00 have no heart and if you're a socialist at 60, you have no brain. I firmly believe that, that liberalism in adults is a failed intellectual development. Clearly, clearly. I mean, I get the idea of rent control. We're going to protect poor people, right?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Right. And look, and look what it does. It creates slumps. Every single fucking time is what it does. Yeah yeah and it's where all the crime is it's it's it's the way to create a slum out of a reasonable neighborhood in that rent control um the the crazy minimum wage in california mcdonald's come out hey you know what we're gonna have more kiosks we're gonna have less employees there's gonna be a tough tough competition jobs, and the price of everything is going to go up, and we're going to close stores.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And they just had a great quarter, by the way. McDonald's is kicking ass right now. right now more minimum wage increases hitting california employers soon effective january 1st 2024 the general statewide minimum wage will increase by 50 cents bringing the hourly rate from 15 50 to 16 um uh caleb i think that there's an article i put in there that shows actually in april it will be going to 20 yeah there's a there's a there is a date for a 20 failure so and and that's gonna that's going to turn into a, you know, $7 order.
Starting point is 00:19:28 You mean dirtier bathrooms, slower service, all that shit? Sure, sure. All under the guise of it being nice. So they have this idea but they don't consider what the outcome is. They just like the idea. There are young people whose talents and, let's just call it talents,
Starting point is 00:19:51 and station in life makes them a good deal at $12 an hour and an absurdity at $20. And they're going to be driven out of the job market. So you can count on unemployment and increased prices. You can count on unemployment and increased prices. That combined with the Blue City law enforcement is going to push Mickey D's out of shitty areas. Oh, you know someone else? This guy, Josh Grau, I saw a post of his where he was supporting um wiener the guy out of san francisco that we met with wiener was also one of the ones supporting the law that would allow um uh would it make it illegal to interview parents or to do investigations on
Starting point is 00:20:40 babies that died within the first seven days of being born i don't i and i guess that would be the moral failing right to actually pass a law saying a baby died in the first Seven days of its life you couldn't investigate it. I know it's You know when we when we sold the company They want to know who got our sales department. We don't see any data on Sales department. I mean, what would they sell? It was like affiliation. And so they had this vision of people cold calling. I don't know. What is it?
Starting point is 00:21:11 When we sat across the table at Reebok, we were introduced to their CMO and Dave kicks me under the table and writes on a notepad, what's a CMO? And I wrote back, it's the chief M officer. I don't know what the fuck it is either. Right. But we didn't, we didn't do, we didn't do marketing.
Starting point is 00:21:29 What we did was, was fitness. We were experts on, on health, wellness, and sickness and knew nothing of marketing. It didn't care about marketing. We weren't trying to market anything.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I want to come back to that. A market, a cmo is going to find quickly that he's he's got nothing to do that's going to help people that are running a jam hey it took an enormous intellectual effort on my part lots of lots of consternation and and contemplation and interview and looking around to realize that we at the HQ could only find success in supporting the affiliates and doing those things they couldn't do for themselves. And that looked like defensive, defending against predatory legislation, going on the offense with litigation, validating the methods of the affiliate, and education further along those lines
Starting point is 00:22:31 as to the value of what they were doing. So it came down to validation, education, litigation, and legislation, all those things that you couldn't do because you were cleaning your bathroom and training and taking care of people. And I still can't imagine anything other than that having any kind of value to them real big picture what you used to tell me about media
Starting point is 00:22:52 the direction you would give me obviously some of the really big picture things was obviously do the right things for the right reasons uh for the right people you would also say um don't ever make anything that's um selling anything ever make anything that's selling anything. Always make thing that's adding value. You would always say, Hey, speak directly to the affiliates, give the affiliates content that like, that speaks to them because people would say to you, well, Greg, people who don't do CrossFit aren't going to understand this. And you're like, well, the affiliates will understand it. I'm making stuff for my affiliates. We speak to you. You really like speaking to the inside crowd. You change that a little bit as we crossed over into 2017 and 18 and you wanted to
Starting point is 00:23:30 and we started focusing more on the cure for the world's most vexing problem um those those are things that i don't think that they oh here's another thing we would post something in the journal let's say some uh let's say some uh squat there a video on squat therapy and then we would want to put a link in there for more feel free to buy a seminar and you'd be like no don't put that in there and we would argue with you and be like but greg people might want more and they might want to buy a seminar you're like dude i'm not trying to sell seminars and it was something it was something i mean that's the fucking hard thing to get your head someone to get their head wrapped around, right? Hey, you know, we, there was a point where we were,
Starting point is 00:24:14 we had experts on bit delivery on and told us that this free information does well until you get to, what was it? I don't remember the number. I hate to make numbers up too, but I think seven or 10 terabytes a month. And you're going to go broke quickly after that, that experience has proven that over and over again. And Brian offered up, well, we delivered 40 terabytes last month and we're growing at 15 to 20% annually. They had it exactly wrong. Exactly wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I had countless times business people that after a while, they were considerably less successful than we had been telling us that the thousand dollar uh seminar was a mistake you need to make it 999.95 oh i remember you said more and i'm like you know what if you don't realize 999.95 is a fucking thousand dollars i don't want you sitting in a chair at my seminar. You never wanted our, you, you, I remember one time,
Starting point is 00:25:07 uh, the first time Reebok tried to do a sale on our gear and you were, you called up fucking the CEO over there and mashed them. We don't do, we don't, we got hit with in Europe with the value added tax. And so all the experts says, you just have to raise the cost of your seminar.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And I go, the fuck I don't my seminar is still a thousand dollars plus here's what your country's gonna take from you you know right right right I'm not collecting that it's them right uh Barry McOchner um uh what is that some orange
Starting point is 00:25:39 mango tea you're drinking you know I don't know what it is but it's does that caffeine is your morning drink yeah it's got caffeine and it's... Does it have caffeine? It looks like it's your morning drink. Yeah, it's got caffeine and it's not sweet. It's got a sourness to it, so I'm kind of cool with it. Are you in a boat or are you in a room? No, we actually got off the boat yesterday and came to a hotel here.
Starting point is 00:25:58 The Sixth Sense, it's absolutely magnificent. Four Seasons kind of quality. Is that a window behind you? No but there's one in front of me Oh good lady Barry McCaulkin Barry McCaulkin I love it
Starting point is 00:26:20 I would have missed that I know I was trying to hint it off to you. Too obvious, Caleb? Yeah, maybe a little more subtle next time. Let me read this real quick, Greg, for the people who – because the vast majority of people listen to the podcast. They don't see it. Why aren't we holding Mr. Don Fall accountable?
Starting point is 00:26:38 He's the one making the hiring decisions, Dekuch, and Grau. Why aren't we holding him accountable for the last two hires? I think he's an honorable guy. I think he's a good guy and I think he's trying hard and I think he has an impossible task. I think I've said before where I tasked with ringing every fucking scent out of this thing that I possibly could. I don't know what I would do,
Starting point is 00:27:00 but again, I built an organization that I would eagerly participate in. And none of that had anything to do with seeing how much revenue I could extract from the affiliates. And he has an obligation to do that. And that obligation is a fiduciary obligation to the shareholders. And they've hired him to do that. And it's a job I wouldn't take, chiefly because I have no sense of how i could do it because from my reference point at the point that you want me selling shoes in my gym and we've got crossfit aid and crossfit jump ropes and crossfit dumbbells and the things become predatory towards
Starting point is 00:27:37 rogue which is inevitability um i would be out and so i wouldn't i don't i don't have a sense of how you do that without losing everyone. And they're not going to be able to do it. They're not going to be able to turn the, what is it, 9,000, 10,000 affiliates left. They're not going to be able to turn that into 9,000 or 10,000 points of presence or points of sale. The best Don could do, I think think would be to protect the people Like Dale King and Josh Honeycutt The best he could is this thing
Starting point is 00:28:09 Unwinds and Ends up packaged and sold For someone else to exploit What do you mean as this thing unwinds? Well I think it's In collapse Right well I was actually thinking this morning That it's dead but not in a bad way dead.
Starting point is 00:28:26 It's like a skeleton. And like basically the leader of this company has to be able to be so raw and authentic that if anyone says anything, you're comfortable just saying fuck off. The people that own this thing have no sense of what they own. None at all. Right. None at all. Okay. this thing have no sense of what they own none at all right none at all okay they can't they can't they couldn't begin to explain craig howard or dale king or josh honeycutt right they couldn't
Starting point is 00:28:52 begin to right and everything they do will be irritating and foreign to them and they're sticking around out of some brand loyalty but the truth of the matter is that the entirety of it is in wonderfully good shape because the magic lies in the relationship that each of those good men and women have with the people that come into their box. And if you don't call it CrossFit at some point and you just call it Craig's Gym, it will be just as good. It's not made better by being called CrossFit. Yeah, every affiliate I have on here says they're doing great. They're having fun. They don't really – like they know everything's being fucked up, but behind their doors, legislation and litigation.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And so when the soda pop decides the CrossFit's got to go and they pay the NSCA to fake some data on a study with us, we sue them into the next fucking time zone, you know, and it was very effective. So what happens? New ownership. Settle that suit in silence. It stinks to high heaven. The NSCA case. Do you think we'll ever know? Yeah, I do. By ever know, you think it'll be public? I think it's going to leak.
Starting point is 00:30:19 I think someone's going to come forward, like the guys that sat with Brett Ewers in the bar in D.C., telling them that they worked for uh not pedestrian group but another lobbying organization that was working for the american beverage association announced the coca-cola campaign operation sparkle to unseat me right by the way the gym here at this hotel is techno gym and that's basically coca-cola that was the they were the they were the proud co-sponsors of exercises medicine when coke made its enormously successful foray into the fitness space through exercises medicine and actually got it baked into the affordable care act
Starting point is 00:30:59 i mean imagine imagine my shock to find out that there's another there's another 800 pound gorilla in other than CrossFit, and it's exercise is medicine, and it's nothing but Coca-Cola. Right. Tyler walked in from the Heat One app. Just an FYI for minimum wage. Just an FYI for minimum wage. It was started in Mississippi or Alabama to keep jobs to whites who were losing jobs to black people due to undercutting prices. Back pocket facts. Ian Arsvold.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I was shocked when I stopped at McDonald's for a coffee, went on the road, and there wasn't anyone taking orders. All kiosks. Oh, yeah. I've been seeing that shit, too. I got a bag of breakfast checks and Ultimate Cheeseburgers for me and the four kids traveling recently. And I think it was $47. Wow. Rodeo Drive McDonald's caller hi hey caller
Starting point is 00:32:13 hello oh hi hold on of course of course it's just normal normal problems here at the podcast hey Sebi I'm sound and image good? Yeah, you sound great. Your image isn't as great as it – yeah, I mean, it's good.
Starting point is 00:32:30 It's better than Caleb's. Caleb hasn't settled. Hey, Seve, you got me, baby? I guess I do. I do have you. There we go. I wouldn't store it without my laptop. Oh, Blade, what's up?
Starting point is 00:32:40 Greg, Blade is a – I don't know if you met Blade before, long-time CrossFitter, police officer out of of california hi blade thank you for your service hey what's up man i appreciate the kind words i appreciate the love um i wanted to chime in because two things i have stopped doing jumping jacks while you talk to us i'm sorry well i'm actually on a ruck march right now. Okay, go ahead. If it's disrupting my sound too much. No, no, no. I'm busting your balls. You go ahead.
Starting point is 00:33:09 You ruck away. Okay, go ahead. I actually have met Coach Glassman, and it speaks to him. He practices what he preaches because if it weren't for me knowing who he was, I wouldn't know how big time he was. So he's the freaking man. But hearing you guys, hearing you guys talking every time I hear Coach Glassman speak, it reminds me of an analogy like just got
Starting point is 00:33:32 to stick to the fundamentals and CrossFit is getting too cute. And I know you're new to football, Seve, but there's a few basic plays that you can run and kill a team with. You just run the ball, get three yards, get get two yards get seven yards and you can work your way down the field with just the fundamentals but then every once in a while a coach will think he's too cute and want to run a double reverse clicker pass and it'll get intercepted and you're like oh what the we were just killing the team with our basic formations, running basic plays, sticking to the fundamentals. And it feels like CrossFit's getting away from the fundamentals, getting too cute, trying to hire all these outside sources that don't know the game, that aren't, you know, aren't homegrown from one of us because it worked for whatever super billion dollar company but that's not that's not our culture and that's not what we're about you know what i'm saying yeah yeah i'm with
Starting point is 00:34:31 you i think they're trying to bring i spoke to a couple um uh facebook executives this past week which was interesting and they know some of the people and they know what's going on here and they were saying hey beware what they're basically doing is they're trying to bring in Silicon Valley culture. That is not the culture of CrossFit. There's two things. I think I agree with the sentiment that it won't survive, but these people are like, hey, dude,
Starting point is 00:34:55 they'll try to fucking corrupt you with all the fucking woke talk, all the fucking crazy talk, all the anti-Martin Luther King shit. Quite frankly, as long as the big dogs aren't scared that's not that's not that big of a problem because if you're not scared you'll stand by your values but the problem but the problem is motherfuckers be scared to ruffle some feathers and hurt some feelings on the base of their values and actual factuals. You mean employees at CrossFit might be scared?
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah. Employees at CrossFit and the higher up the employees are and the higher up that fear goes, the more it's going to crumble. Because if you're scared and your boss is scared, you know, their boss is scared. It starts with the, it starts with the big dogs and we need big dogs that aren't scared to stand steady to their values because if i know my boss has my back and we're our values are deep rooted then we're good to go yeah and we knew that when greg was at the helm yeah we could all kind of walk around exactly finger in there like fuck you yeah we have the cure for the world's most exactly yeah you know when you believed it yeah yeah yeah yeah when you're running a box and you're first-hand participant in the miracle of renewed
Starting point is 00:36:13 health and all the wonder that happens in the application of what we do the power of of this program it's almost impossible to believe that the people that represent you at HQ are yawning at all of that and they just pay lip service to it. But what they're really excited by is that you're a point of presence and could sell you some shit or getting you better yet to sell some shit for them. And to the extent that that's successful, pretty soon the guys like Craig Howard and Dale King are going to realize that they don't want to stand abreast with the people that are there selling shoes and CrossFit aid and CrossFit jump ropes and CrossFit kettlebells. That's very different from what I've done. of professionalization of the training space and what the mba will find unavoidable is to is to turn that into into a money stream and so it's like a guy that wants nothing more in the world than to make the world's best pizza and and achieves that and we we metric that by
Starting point is 00:37:22 the enormous lines lining up at his pizza parlor. There are people that look at that big line and they just see the dollar. And they think, man, if I could get my hands on that, I'm rich and we'll have a whole bunch of these. And the guy that was making the pizza may not have been thinking about money outside of I have to pay for the cheese and the crust and keep the lights on. For me, and we use this in harvard business school that the goal of an airline isn't to burn jet fuel the goal of the airline is to get people safely from safely and comfortably and economically from point a to point b to the extent that you're successful at that goal, you're going to be burning a lot of jet fuel, but that's not the goal.
Starting point is 00:38:06 It's just like that with money and business. The world's best products don't come out of people that are fully and completely or entirely consumed with revenue.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Hey, Blade. Thanks, brother. Thanks for calling, dude. Hey, Blade. Thanks, brother. Thanks for calling, dude. Yep. I appreciate y'all, man. All up. Again, thanks for your service and stay safe. And we got to get you retired as soon as that's possible. I feel it, man.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I feel it. I still love it and I still love people. So I appreciate your kind words and I'm going to just keep trying to humanize the badge. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Blake. Everyone in the ring knows why we sleep safely at night. It's not the gun under your pillow. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Appreciate you. All right, sir. Three beautiful kids, crazy beautiful kids in one beautiful way. The name sounds very familiar. Yeah. I mean, you might know him by a different name He likes to stay a little bit anonymous I'll give you more details on him
Starting point is 00:39:09 Do I know him for sure? He's on the show 50-50 50-50 Allegra R If they would have never cancelled Greg out A marketing team wouldn't have been necessary The media team at CFHQ was the marketing team That't have been necessary the media team at cfhq was the marketing team
Starting point is 00:39:25 that's true and the affiliate team right right right hey i i do think that they also made a mistake getting rid of the gary gaines guy i think he was a good front man i think he having a big strong guy with a great smile who's worked 10 years, who's been doing CrossFit for 10 years, who can walk the walk and talk the talk. I think the affiliates wanted, I think he would have been a great, yeah, I think that was a big mistake. He was one of the only people that they presented that seemed honest and sincere.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Yeah, from the new, from kind of the new bunch, From the tech bunch that came in Yeah Did you see the interview By any chance any clips with Joe Rogan And Elon Musk No That was the one where they smoked a joint
Starting point is 00:40:19 This is more recent This is in the last couple weeks I think they do that regularly And Elon basically said to Joe This is more recent. This is in the last couple weeks. I think they do that regularly, but yeah. And Elon basically said to Joe – Joe said, hey, why'd you buy Twitter? And he said, I don't want to sound melodramatic, but there's a mind virus. And it was in the megaphone for the mind virus was coming out of Twitter. And what they were doing is they were silencing any thought against the mind virus or that didn't work with the mind virus. And if you look around the Twitter building in San Francisco, you can see the mind virus.
Starting point is 00:40:54 It's just the zombie apocalypse is here. Those are Elon's words. And you and I have been talking about the zombies for five years and people thought we were joking. You were attacked by a zombie one time at a Starbucks. You had to beat him down. we were joking you were attacked by a zombie one time at a a starbucks you had to beat him down uh but um it really is it it really is kind of a mind virus more and more like i don't like it because i think it's offensive and the people who have the mind virus might automatically get defensive to the to to the to being called that but it really is i like better you're he's calling what he's calling
Starting point is 00:41:25 a mind virus is what you are calling an intellectual failing yeah i i agree entirely with him and i've used completely different words but i get the sentiment and i know he's talking about in fact what he did was more noble than he's he's yeah i think he's being humble oddly enough right um twitter was an instrument of an evil government, ours. And he exposed that. noble thing to do to spend that money and flush it down the fucking toilet because it was doing it was it was censoring essential truths about our health and well-being perpetrated by a fraudulent government their role in covid is unforgivable and the government's exploitation of of what they did i i was on the show the other day i was thinking about um the kind of the collision of events that were horrible that have happened one was uh what the george floyd incident um did to uh the reputation of cops and basically the defund the police movement and just that that's made it.
Starting point is 00:42:48 So cops aren't engaging criminals, then shutting down the the basically the US economy for two years that those that those two things together. And then and then the third thing is leaving the border open. and it's like a world-class dumpster fire. It's like holy shit. Do you see those three things as being like, oh shit? Those are the three big ones? I think that economic ruin is the tool and the fruit of socialism. And what pushed socialism is – and part of the components of socialism was pushed by this kind of hatred towards the police, which helped us make sure capitalism works, defending people's properties. We're going to end up with failed law enforcement, which is going to give need to federal law enforcement. Which is needed for the socialist plan? STEPHAN KINSELLA It's top-down, complete control. STEPHAN KINSELLA When you and I were talking the other day, we were talking about how you were sharing with me that 50% of the politicians in Nazi Nazis before they started taking the Jews away to kill them, 50% of the politicians were Jewish and 50% of the doctors were Jewish.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yes. Meaning that it doesn't mean anything. At any time, if we just keep allowing all of this crazy shit to happen and people don't stand up to it, at one point it's just going to tip. people don't stand up to it at one point it's just going to tip like this fucking lady letitia ward letitia james the attorney general of new york who's just openly attacking people for the color of their skin and their sex their genitalia it's like how is that tolerated too male too white too too male too pale and i wish people knew that next week it could be too slant-eyed too whatever you know what i mean like it already is it already is harvard's not letting in asian kids I wish people knew that next week it could be too slant-eyed, too whatever. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:46 It already is. Harvard's not letting in Asian kids. There's too many of them. Crazy. It won't say that on their website, but you think that wasn't what was said behind closed doors? Yeah, so that was one of the things that the Facebook executives told me this past week behind closed doors these people say the craziest shit they said you wouldn't even they said you wouldn't even believe the arrogance and the racism they said it's absolutely that is the basically the tech culture just open war on people for the way they look just everything the
Starting point is 00:45:19 opposite of martin luther king said well they post good the funny thing about racism is that it it the lack of a definition feels deliberate um and the reason for that is that you can't do racist things like affirmative action once racism has been defined in any meaningful kind of way. Right, right. And so it's best if we just keep this fuzzy. I was going to litigate on being called a racist and got all excited. Got the world's best anti-defamation and libel team that money could buy. And hey man, we got problems.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Two of them. One is that it doesn't mean anything. And so it's not like they said you're raping little boys. They called you a racist. And nobody knows what that is, so we won't get any there. It eats at the case. And the second thing is that you've already been ruled by a federal judge as a famous person and that changes
Starting point is 00:46:26 the law and you have these slap laws in new york and california and i have to prove the intent to harm not that it was not that it was false i have to prove the intent was to harm me, which is an odd thing to do. And unable to do that, I have to pay their legal fees. And what will happen is their legal fees will be enormous because they're going to get ACLU and other support. Do I know who it was who said it? Oh, yeah. I don't know. I think I remember. There was a lot of people right queue up big i think i think it's sinful to call someone a racist as a as a political tool
Starting point is 00:47:14 especially where there's been no animus or uh haven't done anything that shows any kind of uh what i would call racism. Do you think people who are in support of affirmative action, that that's racism? Yes. Right. I think judging a man by the color of his skin rather than the quality of his character is sinful. I've fully bought into the Dr. Martin Luther King message and philosophy. What if they worded it different? What if they
Starting point is 00:47:50 just said to you, Greg, hey, what if they said to the people of the state of California, hey guys, we would I'll do the Holocaust for you in a non-discriminatory way. Everyone into the gas chambers except, and now you let everyone out except the Jews, right? I'm not fooled by it. We we this school can hold 10,000 people every 10,000 new freshmen every year and 16 percent of the state is black human beings with black skin. And when we don't put rules on it, only one percent are getting in.
Starting point is 00:48:37 So what we would like to do, because with the criteria that we're judging them to get them in, we're only getting in one percent. And so what we would like to do is we would like to get 2% in. We'd like to double it by 100%. But at that cost, that means some white kids and some brown kids and some yellow kids are not going to get in. What if they said it like that? Yeah, quotas over merit. I think it's wrong. But at least it's honest in its presentation. Well, I think Hitler was pretty honest.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Right. Fair. But like the abortion thing isn't honest. The abortion thing isn't honest. Hamas is honest. They say death to the Jews and the liberal Jews go, I wonder what they really want. Right, right, right. Like you weren't listening.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Right. They are now. I don't think they are. I don't think they are. I disagree with you. I don't think they are. You think they are? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I know some liberal Jews and they don't seem to have woken up yet. Yeah. They're scared, though. They're scared like motherfuckers. Jewish people are really scared right now in the United States, like really scared. Anti-Semitism is a tool for the axes of evil, and this includes China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and radical Islam. And an attack on Jews is seen as a pivotal, essential, vital attack on the West and our civilization. Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali K ali kameni just said days ago from the national
Starting point is 00:50:29 review quote when you chant death to america it's not just a slogan it's a policy it's a policy yeah holy shit holy shit Holy shit In a moment of candor I would put one in that dink's bedroom Fucking window So I want everyone who's listening just to think Your neighbor takes a megaphone And yells over your backyard While you're sitting back there with your family
Starting point is 00:50:58 Having a barbecue When I say I want you fucking dead I mean it Don't take those words lightly and then you go to bed that night you're like what the fuck i saw a uh dramatization it wasn't a dramatization it was a school play high school no no uh kindergarten graduation performance by kindergartners and they're beheading Jews. Are you kidding me? No, look it up. You can watch the thing.
Starting point is 00:51:32 What country is that in? It was in Palestine. It was in Gaza. You know what? I think I saw that. You got people three feet tall in guerrilla gear You got people three feet tall in gorilla gear pretending to saw the heads off of Jews. Lucky camera straps. Instead of – lucky camera straps.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Hey, what's up, man? From Australia. Instead of Roe versus Boz at the games at the Open this year, what about DeCones vs. Grah? CMO vs. uh, uh, Chief Affiliate Director. There it is. There's our little play. These are five-year-olds practicing killing Jews. There we got a martyr. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Wow. Wow. Hamas needs to be eradicated. Are you sure those are Arabs? Those look like Mongolians. I see Asian in them. It was in Gaza. I know. I'm just fucking wishing it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Lucky camera straps. Let's the community see their tenacity and their love for CrossFit. I would get them some street cred. Mike Poolboy. Damn, I'm so motivated by officer blades rucking speech right now crossfit needs to hire blade i need to hire blade to train me jeremy eat world two black guys calling in in one day shit you know imagine imagine the how do you know blade was black imagine how tough it is for uh
Starting point is 00:53:30 that cmo and the and the other guy oh dude to get it to get in and realize that you know remember i said once it's like enter Scientology and not a workplace? No, I said I think we sold Hell's Angels to Costco and they're not going to know what to do with it. Right. That's the problem for these guys. They don't...
Starting point is 00:53:56 You can't take that off your resume fast enough. It's not even compatible with the other stuff they did. Wow. Oh, wow. I guarantee you enough it's not even compatible with the other stuff they did wow oh wow i guarantee you every one of those people that's come and gone and wish to hell they'd never been there right like that hey i lost a year of my life working over at crossfit the last thing the world
Starting point is 00:54:17 you want to do is have to represent an authentic community when you're when you're one of these diversity inclusive equity save the planet morons right well you know what's interesting if i listened to a few of the chief marketing officers um this josh the josh degras josh degras uh talks uh he's not made for public speaking but he he but he has the just the normal rhetoric it's all about authenticity and knowing what your brand stands for and i'm like oh buddy you're in deep shit if if your stance is uh because because he because none of his he has thousands of posts on the internet and none of them stand for personal accountability and personal responsibility and uh not a single crossfit post except for the tyson beige at one bandwagon he jumped on. What Hiller said about him is that he's – Hiller compared him to this quote that Martin Luther King had that was basically like, hey, in tough times, you need to be able to stand up and not worry what other fucking people are doing.
Starting point is 00:55:17 And you need to make tough decisions and you need to do what's right. And then he's like, this dude made no tough decisions and just towed the uh the line the whole way through through i don't think yeah yeah i i do kind of i do have i do kind of feel bad for him and de coons they don't they don't know what they walked into probably no one warned them uh the day craig howard gives up crossfit is the day I give up on CrossFit. I'd never have known a man so dedicated to the brand and someone who's done so much for the affiliates. Jeff Giardina. I appreciate Greg's explanation of HQ's purpose. What do you all think HQ currently thinks their purpose is?
Starting point is 00:56:13 Well, Greg said it many times. Yeah, it's to extract every possible cent you can out of the ecosystem. They have a moral and ethical and legal obligation to do that it's not a secret it's the nba creed remember the nba oath oh yeah yeah yeah the book from harvard you gave me that book yeah i read that book yeah yeah yeah fascinating someone says that we're the only professional organization that, you know, MBAs are the only only kind of professional set of academics that don't have some kind of loftier aim. It's just all about making money. There's something wrong with us. MBA oath setting a higher standard for business leaders as a as a manager.
Starting point is 00:57:01 My purpose is to serve the greater body by bringing people and resources together to create a value that no single individual can create alone. So begins the MBA oath. Conceived in early 2009 by Max Anderson. Go ahead. Go ahead, Greg. Repeatedly showing up at Harvard Business School annually, which was probably the biggest downside to being canceled, was not getting brought back there. Why? Because you liked going there? You liked it? Oh, I really liked going there.
Starting point is 00:57:30 And the kids were awesome. They were very, very smart. You actually got to see them absorb the message. And they did that vote before and after. And we could, in real time, in the space of several hours, expose them to some errors in their own thinking about what business is about. But they drove me to be able to articulate after the second or third appearance.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I had to define business in a way that would give value to them and help them understand what I was coming at. And that was, and I see it in that first sentence there. But for me, business was the art and science of providing uniquely attractive opportunities for other people. Art and science will provide uniquely attractive opportunities for other people. The affiliate, being a trainer, uniquely attractive opportunities. Any business, whether you're selling pizza or like, and what does that look like?
Starting point is 00:58:26 Well, you know, I'm going to give you the opportunity to purchase the best pizza you've ever had. And how do we know if we've done that? Well, it's because you spend your money because it's uniquely attractive. You spend it with me and not the other guy. And so there's a money component, but it's a downstream effect, really, of creating uniquely attractive opportunity. And you can't find an example of someone who's serially created uniquely attractive opportunities for other people. And look how little self is in that other than you're going to do the work, right?
Starting point is 00:58:57 Create the uniquely attractive opportunity for other people. Anyone that's serially successful at that finds well. It's crazy that you would go in there and define business at Harvard Business School for them. Isn't that something? What a wonderful opportunity to do that. The first time you did that, I'm like, this guy has some fucking balls to walk into the best business school in the world and define business for them. them one of the i remember one time i don't know meeting in the office in scotts valley and you sat me down you're like hey here's some questions i'd like you to ask people when you interview them some regarding affiliates when you visit affiliates and we brainstorm some questions and i remember this one question you said you said ask them what they would be doing if they
Starting point is 00:59:41 didn't do crossfit and ask them what they were doing before and those two questions would elicit such a crazy response because basically it all came down to oh my god i'm so happy i found this ability to run my own small uh business and grow it as opposed to like being some slapdick fucking uh phone operator calling people and trying to sell them shit you know i've been a trainer for 20 years when i finally had moved to a small enough town where i fucking phone operator calling people and trying to sell them shit. You know, I've been a trainer for 20 years when I finally had moved to a small enough town where I only took a couple of years to get kicked out of every commercial facility. And so I,
Starting point is 01:00:14 I needed to keep training because that's all I knew how to do. And you're not joking. You got kicked out a lot. The only place I didn't get kicked out of, and I was offered refuge there and it was Dave Draper's gym. It's not hyperbole. Nope. Dave was a – no, I went from 24-hour fitness to golds to spa fitness,
Starting point is 01:00:35 and the only place left was worlds. And I trained Dave's wife. In fact, I was the only person that ever trained Louie Draper other than Dave himself, and I was very honored by that. In fact, I was the only person that ever trained Lou Reed Draper other than Dave himself. And I was very honored by that. He was wonderfully complimentary. And he's a bodybuilding legend. And I hadn't been always so kind to bodybuilders.
Starting point is 01:00:53 But I didn't want to lose that relationship. So I didn't go there. And I realized that I've been kicked out of all the others. And I don't want to get kicked out of Dave's gym. And my concern would be that I would submarine his business and the rest of his training program, because that's kind of what had happened elsewhere. The other gyms I was at, it went really well for me, but less so for them. And what we were doing is putting their trainers out of work. And they wanted different equipment, and they wanted the
Starting point is 01:01:21 gym arranged differently. And it became a kind of a pressure to change the business model of the gym. And I didn't want to lose the relationship with Mr. Draper. And he'd spoken very highly of me publicly. And so I had a lot of regard for the guy, but anyways, I was trapped. I went out on my own and I was like, well, I guess I need a little space. Um, and, but it was funny. I'd never considered myself a businessman ever before 20 years training and never for a moment thought I was a businessman but a point that I have to rent a box and and pay the utility bill I feel like now it's a business and so I went to Capitola Book Cafe and I went through the business section on books there and all I could find was marketing bullshit what jumped out at me there was nothing there
Starting point is 01:02:05 nothing in the business literature that talked about improving the product the quality of your product or service nothing nothing it was all things that had nothing to do with it right it looked like fooling people like 999 dollars and 95 cents that kind of shit and that's why you didn't want us to sell stuff in the journal next to the article. And you didn't want us making videos that didn't add value, offer something, make sure it offers something. My thought was, is that you could give enough away that was so important for free that if you were to say, I've got a seminar this weekend for a thousand dollars,
Starting point is 01:02:42 people are, I'm going to gonna go pay it and then let them this is the way this is the way all professional services work when i realized i made a i made a family tree of my clients and it was interesting that that it came down to bruce edwards was responsible um directly and indirectly for a large large chunk of my clientele in other words he had gotten me someone who got someone who got someone who got three people that each got 10. It wasn't his labor, but there was a connection that way. And you talk to orthodontist lawyers. In other words, where do referrals come from?
Starting point is 01:03:16 Where does business come from? Where do you get leads? And it's from happy clients. It always is that way. I don't know why I was going there. I'm going to get you back on track. I took you off at Harvard Business School. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Hi. I was wondering if Asima, since everyone's going to sing out. Oh, hold on. Hold on. Hold on, Asima. You're popping. Hold on. God.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Damn it. I apologize. This is a, i don't know why i apologize it's just part of the show now i retract my apology wasn't sincere okay go ahead and see my So I sent Beaver WOD Sciences post about Julie Foucher's study on how CrossFit helped reduce metabolic syndrome after six weeks where BMI did not change, but fat mass did. And I was wondering if Greg could comment on if the p-value is significant in this study. I have a couple of comments here. The problem is, the problem of p-values is different from the problem of using, of using body mass. And what they're doing is they're using you're using a uh scale weight and that's combined of of something good and something horrible
Starting point is 01:04:56 and pushing that into a single variable then make an assessment of it is absolutely stupid an assessment of it is absolutely stupid. And so, you know, this is why we have CrossFitters that that are being denied insurance because of their obesity, because they are, you know, five foot ten and 207 pounds or something. But the p value, the p value is a relic of bullshit academic science. We don't find it in industry unless it's allied with government somehow. But it's at best mildly inductive. And it sits on the probability of the data side of probability theory. probability of the data size of probability theory and the people that espouse p-values and null hypothesis significance testing um the the frequentists they're called deny the pro that they're that the probability of a hypothesis or of a theory even has meaning and in doing so what
Starting point is 01:06:01 they've done is gutted the validation of science that we'll replicate. And so if you want to look for bullshit science, there's no bigger tip-off than there's a p-value associated with it. No bigger tip-off. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio. Exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated.
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Starting point is 01:07:06 Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Miss Nsema. So would you agree that the study is relevant or not relevant to CrossFit being effective at reducing insulin sensitivity, regardless of weight? Let me tell you how smart and honest people use these studies. They have a clinical experience and they accept those
Starting point is 01:07:46 studies that support and jive with that clinical experience and they reject those that don't. And so no one could train and not, and you couldn't be in a gym six months training without coming across someone who's had all of the risk factors or markers for chronic disease reversed. And so then you see a study like this and you go, yeah, it must be good. And you feel no one wants to admit that that's what they do. But you really have no choice because the p-value is absolutely bullshit. It doesn't show anything. It can be easily jiggered. I can get you any p- i want by increasing my sample size a but the the other piece is that uh i don't know that's it i think i've said it all oh you have you have you you haven't we used to explain this to the physicians at the mbo1
Starting point is 01:08:39 you have an obligation as a to to be scientific and to be honest you have to be empirical and so if you've got a theory that doesn't support what you're seeing empirically you have to find fault with the theory and reject it and theories that do support what you're seeing empirically you have to make the assumption that the study is good even if it were fraudulent even if julie faked julie fouché even if she faked the numbers well to be fair look you got it you got it you got it this study is what this favor is unfair of crossfit increasing insulin sensitivity and that it's good overall for metabolic health and so i'm trying to find out where are the studies that are proving that crossfit is a good methodology apart from any other so many problems first of all science doesn't
Starting point is 01:09:41 prove anything that's not as soon as you talk about proving, we're not talking science. Science doesn't prove things. That's the exclusive province of mathematics, logic, and our legal system. That's where things are proved. And science doesn't prove. It presents. She's looking for – would presents be a better word if she used presents? she's looking for would presents be a better word if she used presents she's looking for a study that presents data that people could uh come to the modern science modern science finds validation
Starting point is 01:10:13 to the predictive strength of its assertions predictive strength nothing else and i don't i don't have that in p values i don't have that null p-values, I don't have that in null hypothesis significance testing. Look at the origins of null hypothesis significance testing. It's a chimera put into use by psychology departments in American universities and the people, the Fisher, Pearson, and Naaman that had competing systems of inference, and that had competing systems of inference, the worst of all of it was bound into one thing. And it's been an unmitigated disaster for the replicability and reproducibility of science, but it's been a goldmine for the university.
Starting point is 01:10:59 So what it does is it makes everyone a scientist, including Julie Foucher. It makes, expands the department. I heard the study is getting smiled ear to ear on that notion. Beautiful, wonderful girl, great athlete. She's no scientist. She doesn't know what science is.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And neither do the people, and I'm gonna exclude the natural sciences. I'm gonna, For the most part, let physics, chemistry, biology off the hook. But the social sciences are absurdly non-scientific. And what's happened, the tragedy of all this, it wouldn't matter about the replication crisis, but medicine has gone that route. And it's devastating, absolutely devastating. I can get you a p-value for anything you want. Come up with the most absurd notion in the world,
Starting point is 01:11:57 and we can jigger up a good p-value of less than 0.05, arbitrarily decided, where the probability of the data is assessed against an ad hoc arbitrarily chosen test statistic? So my dad is very piled higher and deeper, has a PhD and is very into data. And I'm trying to get him into CrossFit. And if I were to present him with a article of evidence, what would you suggest I provide to him? I wouldn't suggest an article of evidence. I would ask him to state what he would hope he could accomplish or want from a fitness program. And then I'd have him try CrossFit. And then he would hope he could accomplish or want from a fitness program and then i'd have him
Starting point is 01:12:45 try crossfit and then he could he would see it for himself it's like you know listen it's like me wanting to wanting to to find a study that shows that chocolate's good why don't you why don't you just try a piece of it did you say you're a doctor in sema no no my dad so everyone in my family has a phd my grandma was a doctor she was the first woman doctor at kaiser and she was asked to be on the board at kaiser and she did the first studies on um puffed wheat for the university of michigan under general mills and so wow they were um given a certain amount of money and my grandma proved that puffed wheat caused uh hypoglycemia hypoglycemia diabetes and so she was kicked out of her program and so she went to a different one and she worked at and uh kaiser in sac Sacramento and was asked to be on the board.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Is she still alive? I want to answer your question. I can answer now. I've got a study for you. It's great. It was the one the NSCA did. Here's what we learned. In fact, this study was heavily reviewed, not just peer reviewed, but reviewed by federal courts and state courts.
Starting point is 01:14:04 peer reviewed, but reviewed by federal courts and state courts. And here's what we know, that the study showed that CrossFit produced amazing results. And it also showed that there was significant injury. But what we learned in federal court and through emails and discovery was that the injury part was faked. And so what we have in the divorce Smith study is CrossFit improving a slew of metabolic markers. I don't remember all the positives, but it was all positive except for the fact of the injuries. And then we got admission from the NSCA and from Ohio State University and condemnation by our federal judge for faking the data, and a bioethicist at University of Tennessee. And so there's your study. By people who tried to show it was bad, they actually proved it was good once they got caught.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Okay, so if I looked up that federal court case, I i could my dad would be able to decipher that crossfit is not a methodology of injury but it actually improves health in some form devore came back to kramer with the initial study and Kramer says I can't publish this thing unless you give context in terms of injury and DeVore said there were no injuries and he says that I can't publish it two weeks later he comes back with this study and now he's got injuries and we found out through through eight million dollars in my fucking money that the whole thing was made up. The judge said
Starting point is 01:15:49 that they had never seen, like, 20 years on the bench, they'd never seen anything so fraudulent by the MSA. It was the most egregious misuse of science and abuse of the court that she'd seen in 25 years on the bench.
Starting point is 01:16:05 So there's proving that CrossFit is. Proof. Yeah. That's tough. We're not, we're off the science realm when we talk about proof. As soon as you say proof, we're not talking science anymore. What we need is, what we need is, is, is need is is is and and and this is it it's that constantly varied high intensity functional movement increases work capacity across broad
Starting point is 01:16:32 time and modal domains that is the testable proposition that is the prediction that is the forecast of a measurement and your and your father needs to show that for himself that constantly varied high intensityintensity functional movement. It just so happens that we call constantly varied high-intensity functional movement, we call CrossFit, and work capacity across broad time and modal domains, we can label fitness. And CrossFit creates fitness. And then your dad can decide if that's really what he wants or not or maybe change the terminology. And Seema, here's also, I'd like to add this one small problem. And SEMA, the only real study that's been done, Greg had to sign a,
Starting point is 01:17:12 we all had to sign NDAs not to report on it and tell you about it. And that science was done by actuaries at one of the world's largest insurance companies. And they basically said, shit, we need people doing CrossFit because it actually reduces our costs and like there's no other go ahead go ahead one of the world's largest health insurers discovered on their own through their data that they were witnessing the first health creation engine they'd ever seen seen so i understand that there was a study done that was fake that said that crossfit was more that caused more injuries than any other sport which is not true but i'm looking for a oh let me cut you off sorry since that same study talks about the efficacy and success of CrossFit that basically it says, hey, this is the most amazing training system ever.
Starting point is 01:18:11 But when the guy turned it in, the NSCA – what was the fucking ding-dong's name over there? Big fat guy. William Kramer. William Kramer sent it. Greg's dad actually found it in a PDF that they did a horrible job of hiding. Hamer sent it. Greg's dad actually found it in a PDF that they did a horrible job of hiding. He said, hey, I won't publish this until you show that there's injury in it. So the guy went back and they made up injury. So in and then and then they put the injuries in there and then Greg sent lawyers to all the people's houses who said they were injured. And the people said, dude, we weren't fucking injured. What are you talking about? We just dropped out. And so if you look at that study minus the fake injuries, your dad will be like, yo, this shit's fucking legit.
Starting point is 01:18:47 But what Greg is saying is that it's not even going to be enough for your dad. He's got to go down there and do it. They needed to say they needed the NSCA needed to say we also fake the good part, but they didn't. They said we fake the injuries. Yeah, I didn't accuse him of faking the good part. The judge didn't accuse him of faking the good part. They didn't admit to faking the good part, but I did accuse him of faking the injuries. The judge accused him of faking the good part the judge didn't accuse him of faking the other part they didn't admit to faking the good part but i did accuse him of faking the injuries the judge accused him of faking the injuries the bioethicist accused him of faking
Starting point is 01:19:11 the injuries and they admitted in internal emails that they were faking the injuries they also they also in emails said why can't pepsi do something about these crossfit emails they also said it's a shame that that cross doesn't get attacked by Islamic terrorists like Charlie Hebdo did. Those are the kind of discussions going on amongst the scientists. There is no exercise science. There is not. There's no one doing exercise science. Hey, and Seema, and what happened there they basically they offered Greg significant amounts of money.
Starting point is 01:19:47 People came out of the woodwork and they said, hey, will you settle this? And Greg said, no, I don't want any money. I want to keep driving the case home and get more and more information about you guys and keep taking the case until it goes to a jury or to a judge for decision. Because Greg said that he doesn't want to let the cancer survive. He wants to cut the cancer out of the system, which is Coca-Cola meddling in, in, in the fitness space and in the health space. And that's when, and then so when Greg sold the company,
Starting point is 01:20:15 these people settled it for an undisclosed amount and Greg, and there were, and you know, we can speculate on what that was, but it was a shitload of fucking money. And I also would speculate that they don't want to tell you why how much they release because i think the affiliates will be like yo where's our cut if your data loving dad is influenced by p-values and we have another problem and where we need to tend them next would be probably nowhere better than gert gigarenser to help with that um gerd giger g-i-g-e-r-e-n-c-e-r he's at uh uh the max planck institute i believe it is and he's written extensively for 20 years on the problems of no hypothesis significance testing in
Starting point is 01:20:55 p values and the people that have written effectively and importantly and correctly on p values it's extensive it's well known to be well known to be scientific fraud, non-empirical, non-empirical. Surrogate science, well understood. It's part of a scam of university science. And sociology is fake, oh well. Psychology, fake, oh well. Economics, fake, oh well. Psychology, fake, oh well. Economics, fake, oh well. But now what we found, it's stepped into oncology and hematology. And it's just, it's so sad.
Starting point is 01:21:33 But this is what the broken science effort is about. And circling back to what Blade said in the beginning. So this poor kid who fucking writes this paper and shows that crossfit's fucking amazing ends up getting pressure that hey we won't publish your shit until you put in the injuries and there's tons of proof of that right and so the kid puts in the injuries and he doesn't do what blade says which is stand up to the people who are in power and the bullies and he put it in there and he got caught they ret they retracted the study because it they hadn't gotten uh oh what's the what's the consent you need for uh human subjects what do they call that and the bioethic even yeah yes the no it's the whatever it is that may be it but uh there was a process that's required at all
Starting point is 01:22:29 universities for doing tests on human subjects and the the people at nsc hadn't done that and so they retracted it on that basis and the bioethicist said even the retraction is scientific misconduct even the retraction is scientific misconduct they Even the retraction is scientific misconduct. They needed to say this has been retracted because the data came about through falsification and fabrication. That was the honest thing to do. The bioethics are pretty solid and the committee on research what is it, Committee on Research Ethics Corps, states explicitly that half-truths are lies. And to withhold the information that this thing was being retracted because they had faked the data is another bit of scientific misconduct. And I hear that, Greg, and aside from anecdotal evidence is there anything stopping from any other university
Starting point is 01:23:29 from playing the same game and providing evidence that crossfit is a positive impact aside from injuries like what if they did it all over again and followed all of the routes you won't get it published by anything controlled by the nACA, the ACSM, because they have gold and platinum sponsors of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and they can't keep the lights on absent soda money. And so you're not going to – it's kind of like trying to get something published for the longest time. You couldn't get anything published that showed directly that a reduced
Starting point is 01:24:02 carbohydrate bolus was increasing health, improving health. And people would do that secretly by undertaking a study where carbohydrate was restricted and not make a big deal of it, but show it in the charts. And so it could be inferred from what was there, but you didn't want to see it in the introduction or the summary. from what was there, but you didn't want to see it in the introduction or the summary. You got, if you, and Simi, you want your daddy to do CrossFit, right? Yes. Yeah, and you know what's funny? I tell you what, the best trainers in the world have,
Starting point is 01:24:47 are mixed in their abilities to get their parents to do that thing. I failed. I couldn't get either one of my parents to give it a try. I put my mom on the rower, and she gives it about three pulls, and she goes, how long do I have to do this? And I go, well, you've been pulling for 25 seconds. Yeah, it's been more than 25 seconds, and it's counting 27, 28, 29. I mean, it's like it's hard to be a hero at home or in your hometown. My mom's family is full of physicians. And Sebi and I have a friend who's a physician. And it's funny how the parents of physicians will lecture their son and daughter who are doctors on medical science. It's often, often.
Starting point is 01:25:31 It might be impossible to do, but I think through love you could get them to go to the gym. And then what happens is the problem of evidence is when he's going to come back to you with. Like, how do we get more people? Let it be his problem by showing that it works. He'll know. And Seema, thank you. No. Thank you. I appreciate it. And Greg, you saved my back through CrossFit and I'm 100% pro CrossFit. And Seema, I think we've met before. Is that correct? No. Okay. All right. All right. Bye, dear.
Starting point is 01:26:08 We will see. Bye. I hope so. Dennis Olari, any chance they sell CrossFit eventually? I've got no information other than what everyone else has, but it seems like an inevitability. And with the constant turnover of CEOs, CMOs, CTOs, CFOs, the people in the VC community that are friendly with me say that they don't need to see the books.
Starting point is 01:26:45 If the books showed they were making money see the books. That's, that's, there's, if the books showed they were making money, the books are live. That state only occurs in collapse. Hey, I know, I know for a fact, I know for a fact they haven't had, they haven't been, uh, uh, in the black one quarter since purchasing the company three years ago. And I, and I know for a fact that in 14 years
Starting point is 01:27:14 of, of, of monitoring our work, we never had a, we never had a quarter in the red, not one, even in the quarter where we lost 90% of our revenue, we didn't go into the red. David Macello, the return you get from CrossFit was never intended to be monetary. That's just a statement. That's just a fact. Yeah, I guess as a 15-year-old boy. Look, it's like this.
Starting point is 01:27:39 It's like the jet fuel thing again. You can't run an airline without jet fuel, but the purpose of the airline is not to burn jet fuel. Sarah Cox, CA Peptides, most gym owners don't make a lot of money, so why not make a model where they help people and can support their families? Sarah, that's exactly right. I saw it as I wanted to give the affiliates an opportunity to allow them to live as well as a successful orthodontist. That was my model. That was my mindset. In other words, buy a new car every other year or so, put your kids in private school, send them off to college, and fund a retirement.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Who's the kid? She's suggesting that the current model doesn't support that. But I guess there's people like Craig Howard or Dale King or, I mean, thousands of others that would refute that. Sarah did used to own an affiliate. Yeah. I would bring up, and I'm trying to remember the kid's name. Sorry, I can't.
Starting point is 01:28:56 The thumbs up crossfit? No, there's a kid that has twice built 700 membership gyms and sold them for seven figures you've had him on the show is it ackerman yes okay i i had him on the original crossfit podcast that's right crossfit podcast that's right okay good um uh frank dubac uh seven please read to greg the message i sent you i i don't see a message you sent me um i want to know what he thinks about affiliate representatives pushing products on affiliate owners so i i don't know if you know this is happening, Greg. I just found out about this. And I think I'm expressing this correctly. I saw an email go out the other day from the Southeast Affiliate Country Manager, and it went out to the affiliates and it basically
Starting point is 01:30:00 said, hey, do you come to this affiliate gathering in our area? And we're going to present you stuff that you can sell to your members to increase revenue. It wasn't like sell to your members to increase their fran time, sell to your members to make their life better. It was like, here's some shit you can sell. Kerry Hare will be coming there to sell it. I guess Kerry Hare doesn't work at CrossFit anymore. He works for Go Ruck and Momentus. I think Momentus is a supplement company.
Starting point is 01:30:24 I don't know that for a fact. But Kerry Hare is going to come there. It is, Caleb? Yes. He's going to come there, and he's going to talk to you guys about selling shit. What I heard is that these companies pay CrossFit so that CrossFit will then call meetings
Starting point is 01:30:39 with all the affiliate owners in the area and then charge people money to come sell shit to the affiliates. owners in the area and then charge people money to come sell shit to the affiliates i recognize the model right it feels like some sort of um uh not ponzi scheme but um uh pyramid scheme right where like i i'm at the dermatologist and i'm sitting there waiting and i realize that there's a network marketing opportunity that there are supplements that there's skin cream and i'm now convinced that i've gone to the wrong person for my for my skin cancer do you think that there's anything an affiliate can sell that that doesn't delegitimize them
Starting point is 01:31:21 what do you want your lawyer Or your heart surgeon Trying to sell you Peripheral to What's going on Let me push Do you want to hire the lawyer On the billboard
Starting point is 01:31:39 Over the freeway Do you want to go to the doctor with 40 offices? What about a refrigerator full of water and FidAIDS? I had an obligation to provide clean, cold water. And when I sit in my attorney's office and I go, hey, can I have some water? He better be able to bring some water out for me. And if it comes in, I see it on my bill. I got a problem with the professionalization i worry about the quality of
Starting point is 01:32:07 the legal representation okay okay okay let me push one more time um there's this supplement that i love taking right um i i i um i uh i don't care what it is it's weed let's say let's say i don't read it official official yeah great great official i take fish oil and this is the brand i take and I love it, and I've been taking it for three years, and I'm going to have it on my counter so that when people come in, they can see what I take, and they can buy it. And they're going to buy it anyway, so I might as well get paid for it to help so I can live a better life.
Starting point is 01:32:43 When Amazon contacted us, they could tell us how much fish oil crossfitters were eating and it was an enormous amount and they connected us with nordic naturals and you know why it was an enormous amount because you told us to take it you well i mean you didn't tell us to take it but you you brought barry sears around and you talked to him we we always heard about the the value of taking it so it was from your from you right yeah i mean i had a i had a client that i put on mega doses of fish oil he tried everything in the world to bring his blood pressure down and shazam it dropped within two three weeks of high dose fish oil. Barry saved his mom's life, added time to his mom's life, right? Yep. But,
Starting point is 01:33:28 uh, uh, when we met with Nordic Naturals, they said they'd be selling us the same fish oil they're selling, except it would say CrossFit. And, uh, I'm not, I'm not going to sell.
Starting point is 01:33:43 I'm like, I didn't want to do that. I, if I would, we would offer Nordic Naturals, And I'm not going to sell. I didn't want to do that. We would offer Nordic Naturals. We would offer fish oil. If the fish oil was better, it had to be comparatively superior to any other fish oil to the extent the training was or we're diluting the brand with each pill sold. Let me say that again if the if the fish oil isn't better than other fish oil you can get in the manner that crossfit training is better than the drain you
Starting point is 01:34:10 can get every fucking pill you sell is hurting the brand as if the fish oil you were selling is not more benefit like doesn't alleviate pain or alleviate like it has to do something that no other fish oil could do because our training did something that no other training program was doing and that is the speed with which we were increasing work capacity across broad time and modal domains through constantly varied high intensity functional movement by the way that is the fundamental theorem of crossfit that is the science of crossfit that's something that every box owner has demonstrated and it's the one thing that has never been challenged addressed recognized and that's because there's no academics if you're in academic fitness you're in you're associated with the acsm of the nsca and i still
Starting point is 01:35:02 people floating that c CSCS certification. It means that you're sponsored by a fraudulent organization that went to criminal lengths to impugn effective training. Every one of you with a CSCS on your name is flouting a title given to you by a criminal organization, criminal in what sense? They went to, they perjured themselves in state and federal court, and this is according to the federal judge, they perjured themselves, one of them admitted to committing perjury in the federal case to the state judge, and the federal judge found out that day that he had admitted to the state judge and the federal judge found out that day that he had admitted to the to the perjury that was their that was their director of certification admitted to perjuring himself in the state in the in the federal case and from then on the rest of the case the the judge referred
Starting point is 01:35:57 to him as the perjurer in the public record so they'll be proud of your CSCS. I think you're a fraud too if you're putting those initials after your name. But look, for me, a lot of this is personal. Affiliate or not, and if you want to be selling shoes and if you want to sell water and you want to sell supplements, do so. But what I tried to do was create
Starting point is 01:36:24 what I thought was an atmosphere where someone could provide a professional service. And I set up a program that I would participate in, and I wasn't going to sell water or shoes or miracle juice or fish oil or rings in my gym. I wasn't going to do that. Why would you when you can offer training better than anyone else i remember like mercedes-benz made an electric bike and it was like horrible and then like lamborghini made an electric bicycle and it was horrible and i remember oh those fucking idiots should have not done that it damages their brand porsche's bicycles bullshit too yeah or or it's like if you if you
Starting point is 01:37:06 if you you know when you i don't know what those brands are but there were these brands back in the day that were like good like patagonia north face and shit and then all of a sudden one day zipper started getting stuck on them and you're like oh fuck you you went cheap on the zipper i remember you and i having long discussions about that. What if your zipper fails while you're fucking on a life or death fucking hike? Yeah, the snaps on Patagonia's bags. Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah, one after another. And then you read Yvonne Chouinard.
Starting point is 01:37:40 You read his book. You don't have to get two, three pages in it until you realize what a fraud he is. That sucks. Let me go through here a little bit more and see if I owe anyone a question. Damn, there were a lot of fucking comments I missed. Hundreds. Here we go. Magnus Holmgren Greg
Starting point is 01:38:07 TRX You're asking the wrong guy dude He's had all these trucks Let me ask the question Greg Raptor or TRX I got to select what I would ask my wife To give me for birthday in two weeks Hands down TRX
Starting point is 01:38:23 Let me say this The Raptor is an amazing truck amazing the damn folks at ram and i i was disappointed because i was always going to have a raptor i love my raptor it's all the only car i'll ever do is my raptor and then the trx came out and it's just slightly better in every regard and to be fair i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell you what the raptor has over the TRX. Ford's two things, that step-down window that marks all Ford pickups. You notice the window drops as it moves forward to the nose of the car. It lowers the mirrors, and the mirrors don't block people on the sidewalk or your view of the traffic. And so from the perspective of visibility and safety,
Starting point is 01:39:07 the Ford's setup is better. And I assume that's patented, right? I think everyone would drop their windows that way and lower the mirrors. Tundra's the worst. The TRX, it's not good. If you're sitting in a light and you're gonna make a right-hand turn,
Starting point is 01:39:22 it behooves you or a left, it behooves you to lift crane, look around and pass your mirrors to make sure that no one has stepped off the curb because the mirrors will block pedestrians the other thing on the raptor that's superior is the keyless entry i fucking love that thing to be able to leave the keys locked in the car and be able to go to the beach or do whatever go to the gym and i have to tote my keys around with me outside of that everything else the trx has beat the raptor the uh the ergonomics the horsepower everything it just just notice the raptors how many raptors have you have you owned i had one raptor and how many trxs you're on your fourth fifth fourth i think yeah i just got the hennessey one which is no rational need for that but i love it uh mike pool boy it's just
Starting point is 01:40:14 sema i don't know what a douche i am sorry sorry there okay next time whisper it to me don't publicly post it publicly make me look like a douche please uh yelana yelana uh my youtube premium subscription is solely for the sebon podcast oh so you don't have to listen to commercials that's cool thanks for coming on the show greg always enjoy hearing you talk uh seve's monthly subscription thanks girl yeah thank you right right ilana yes uh gerd is a uh psychologist where these p-value studies are insignificant was gerd uh yeah but what do you mean where the studies are insignificant the the psych the origins of p-values comes from the psychology departments at the university and so he kind of has an obligation as an honest psychologist, acutely aware of the science of inference. He had an obligation to speak out and has consistently and effectively for 20 something years. So I, and it's funny you say P-value
Starting point is 01:41:19 studies are insignificant. The problem is that P p values claim to demonstrate significance and they cannot how are you on time are you cool we're way over 90 now i'm good okay uh tfs greg in my science degree i witnessed my classmates faking and falsifying data and was simultaneously being held to their standard and i knew then that the world was fucked. Yeah, there's a corruption of academic science and it starts with the epistemic corruption of denying, of flensing from the scientific method validation. And validation comes on the predictive strength of of of its models and they've replaced that with the mildly inductive p-value and no hypothesis significance testing and which has not turned it into politics and so you've got two corruptions that we have the
Starting point is 01:42:21 corruption in the sense of altering a computer file so that it no longer runs effectively and that's the epistemic corruption the method of validation is political and not and not objective and that invites the other corruption which is all the the deliberate fraud nothing could be more exciting to co-Cola than fucking P values and peer-reviewed hey Draper owned a gym in Santa Cruz yeah that world John the west side yep Caleb pulled up a picture of him when he was 78 damn he is jacked is that dude still alive yes he trained Sharon Tate
Starting point is 01:43:10 in his prime no shit yeah the blonde bomber good looking kid straight shooter one of the best guys to come out of that whole Venice Golds thing Daniel Garrity I bought my truck for 10k in 2000 I can't
Starting point is 01:43:29 imagine spending 70 oh is that her wow touching the titties bare chested with big chested such a great caption man she is beautiful that lady was killed that
Starting point is 01:43:45 sucks oh my god uh i bought my truck in 2000 for 10 grand i can't imagine spending 70k on a truck hence i still drive a 24 year old truck fully understand that
Starting point is 01:44:02 oh oh he did pass away recently oh did he yeah it's a bummer fully understand that. Oh, he did pass away recently. Did he? Yeah, it's a bummer. All right. He was a dear man. He was a good guy. 842 AM where you're at?
Starting point is 01:44:23 Yeah, indeed. What do you do today? Will be like going in the water today we're gonna go we're gonna go uh we're gonna eat breakfast here at the hotel then we're gonna get in the dinghy and go back out to the boat and then uh i don't know if today we go to bird island or whatever but there's there's other places to see there's one of the islands is le dick and fucking maggie loves saying that She can't ask about Liddick enough I like Liddick too Hey
Starting point is 01:44:50 Where are we going today Maggie? Do we really? Are you serious? We're staying here another day Do you do any Are you out there in the middle of nowhere And you walk around on the boat naked And put suntan lotion on your Johnson
Starting point is 01:45:07 And is it like that? In fact, even here at the hotel You walk around naked at the hotel? Yeah Is it raining or is that moisture from the humidity? It's the air conditioning moisture. It looks wet on the ground. Yeah, it's raining.
Starting point is 01:45:30 Oh, but warm water. It's raining warm water. Can you see that? Yeah, it's so awesome. Holy shit. It's 90 degrees and 90% humidity. Look, it's like we're looking through his fingers. It's like we're peeking through his fingers.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Hey, so what is that? Another island out there? That's the Indian Ocean? That's just another island next to you? Yeah, yeah. You can see the rain coming. Are you on the main island? No.
Starting point is 01:46:02 No. We're on one of the lesser islands Would you ever go back there Or is this like okay I'm done Oh absolutely Would we go back here Yeah Did you She's already reserved for next year
Starting point is 01:46:18 No way Oh god I can't wait to hear about Liddick So check this out we go to the restaurant last night And it's been amazing No way. Oh, God. I can't wait to hear about Le Dick. All right. So check this out. We go to the restaurant last night. And it's been May's on the carnivore diet now, right? That's her new thing.
Starting point is 01:46:34 Yeah. And last night at the restaurant, she got the carnivore plate. And there was like 15 different cuts of meat on it. So I knew we'd be revisiting the Seychelles and coming here. Yeah, awesome. We got our own little swimming pool and the boats out there should the weather improve.
Starting point is 01:46:55 We were slated to be at the Four Seasons in a few days. Remember, you and I always wanted to go to that Four Seasons. Yeah, I did. I can't wait to see it I can't wait for you to send me pictures Keep sending me pictures
Starting point is 01:47:09 I invited you on this trip I know Don't remind me Don't tell these people They're going to think I'm stupid You know what's funny I didn't want to go What did you say?
Starting point is 01:47:21 I didn't want to go And now you're glad you made it there right of course yeah you miss your kids though they're terribly yeah you you facetime with them the only thing yeah every day the only thing they made coming here possible is spending three weeks or four weeks with them in a croatia italy and switzerland and they're like you know what we need to get away from these fuckers yeah hey um four little kids on a on a on a boat uh day in day out it's uh there's some exciting moments in all of that hey um one of the things that makes it hard was communication with mom and dad because near impossible oh right because they're always in your shit.
Starting point is 01:48:05 Yeah. On the 18th is Matt Souza's 10-year anniversary for CrossFit Livermore. You don't come back until the 18th, right? Yeah, and that's also George Ryan's retirement party that I would have paid money to go to. I couldn't rearrange things. All right, that's fine. I'll FaceTime you from the party. I would love to go to. I couldn't rearrange things. All right. That's fine. I'll FaceTime you for the party. I would love to do that. It starts early in the morning.
Starting point is 01:48:32 I'd like to make a little contribution to some of the catering or something there just as a token of my appreciation for Matt and what he's done at CrossFit. All right. You're a good dude. We'll talk about that offline. Hey, thank you guys. Caleb, thank you.
Starting point is 01:48:48 Yeah. So next Wednesday, we'll do this again on Wednesday in Africa. You bet. All right, brother. Thank you. And did time work good for you? Until you get sick of me and my strong opinions. No, no. We're getting better and better. These shows are getting better.
Starting point is 01:49:03 We're kicking ass. All right, guys. Thank you's easy it's hard it's hard for me to see the value and this is like just what we do i mean these are the conversations you and i've been having for 15 years now whatever it's been word i agree all right brother thank you all right sir bye everybody love you man caleb say bye. Bye, everybody. Love you, man. Caleb, say bye. See you, Greg. Shit. You missed him.
Starting point is 01:49:29 Jesus Christ. I said it was great to see you. Oh, you did? Oh, I missed him. I was too focused on hitting the kick the guest button. Oh, Audrey, I wanted to read him your statement. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:49:47 What? What'd I do? I know, I called her in SEMA. It's SEMA. I know, that was stupid. What do you mean? Oh, for not going? Listen, listen, you fucking ding-dongs. Can't go. Who the fuck's gonna watch my kids?
Starting point is 01:50:01 I can't leave my kids. I'd fucking die. I would die. That that's a crazy trip i was looking at the hotel fucking insane it's like to beg him to go to the four seasons in uh seychelles but and he would always be like yeah sure yeah let's go let's go come on let's go but we just couldn't pull it we were always just busy dude that's incredible so he's not like somebody he has somebody driving his boat to those places no no no no his boat thing his boat thing you buy a brand new boat yeah and then you put it into a co-op he'll never go on his boat oh and then you can only have crazy nice and once your boat's like a couple years old you gotta pull it out of the co-op So every
Starting point is 01:50:45 Boat's nice and they're all over the world And they're only in warm water locations That's absurd Uh Paul why don't you ask your mom Hold on I'll ask her Hey Miss Peters Take your mouth off my cock
Starting point is 01:51:03 Yeah Paul wants to know if I have a bun. You fucking douche nozzle. Who the fuck uses Facebook? We have one viewer on Facebook. You fucking hairless cunt. Welcome to the show, Paul. Nice to see you, buddy. You people are always welcome.
Starting point is 01:51:23 Which two? Oh, Paul. You deserve better. on Facebook which too oh Paul you deserve better you doing you doing drinking surfing the surfing the net this is a cult show buddy this is a cult show come on be cool man bun was like they ripped on me on the man bun that's like six months ago
Starting point is 01:51:40 haven't had a new listener since then thank you wad zombie oh so I want to show you guys something. Um, I actually should, um, Oh, thank you, Philip. I actually need to, uh, let me just see something here really quick. Um, as you know, Andrew Hiller made a video today featuring Craig Howard. Okay, sorry. I mean, it's a little late.
Starting point is 01:52:10 Oh, my God. It's midnight who I'm calling. I wonder if he's still up. It's so inappropriate. Damn, that's a good comeback. Racist racist but fair like kind of complimentary racist right hey
Starting point is 01:52:28 he's talking about his own mom that's a great comeback though isn't it it's alright I mean just like just drag some Asians through the mud but they're hot like hey like when you're done around you get
Starting point is 01:52:46 an asian chick it so listen uh andrew made a video today so there's this clothing brand. I didn't watch the, I didn't watch Craig, um, uh, Craig, uh, Mr. Ritchie's video. And,
Starting point is 01:53:08 and I, and it's kind of fucking douchey move on my part, but I, but I got a little douche in me. So whatever. So I saw Craig Ritchie at the games and I said hi to him like so many times that eventually he had to say hi back to me. And, and,
Starting point is 01:53:21 and his chick Chaz had to say hi to me. And we ended up being good there it was fun it was cool but i like them and i enjoyed working uh side by side with them and it's important for me to like to like like them oh jeffrey you're not gonna like this uh se fitness i'm asian want some dick and so the Craig Ritchie has this brand and it's called hustle HST L hustle
Starting point is 01:53:53 and that's supposed to be that should be gangster shit right yeah I think so hustle with some gangster shit hustle oh you guys aren't gonna like this you guys are not gonna like this and and he's got this fucking brand called hustle oh all right well all right um uh thank you for being so polite and uh when i think of hustle It's like that's a fucking tough That should be a tough brand right
Starting point is 01:54:27 Like I fucking hustle Like you get knocked down you get up You fucking hustle Like I fucking hustle I'm a motherfucking hustler You better ask somebody Can you find that clip Better ask somebody
Starting point is 01:54:44 Yeah I'm a motherfucking hustler clip better ask somebody yeah I'm a motherfucking hustler you better ask somebody I'm a motherfucking hustler uh Tori K um Seve does Greg do CrossFit no he does your mom that's the 18th time you've asked that settle down Seve it's just people
Starting point is 01:55:01 why are you so aggressive oh Jeffrey Birchfield Settle down, Sevan. It's just people. Why are you so aggressive? Jeffrey Birchfield. I'm getting to it. I'm getting to it. You better say, Vaughn. Your black is showing. Wow, that's a good line.
Starting point is 01:55:18 Wow. Oh, my God. That's a great shirt. My black is showing. Your black is showing. Oh, my my god that should be the name of my podcast should I change it from the 7 podcast so your black is showing oh my
Starting point is 01:55:33 god dude uh Steve you're on it buddy Steve Cousins with the hot chick camera angle down the shirt craig hasn't hustled on his youtube channel for three years say vaughn i've been farting the show have you noticed like anytime i lean like left or right you should like turn your volume up. I noticed. Does Jesus do Christianity? Great question. Sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:56:10 You deserve better, Tori. I didn't mean to yell at you. It's just not a question I'm interested in asking. So I get defensive and insecure and so I attack. I apologize. My wife's been helping me on that for 2,000 years The brand name is fucking hustle. He makes a fucking video where his fucking company's hurting and his shows his wife crying I think I was driving while I was fucking listening to the video
Starting point is 01:56:38 Now is that supposed to be authentic because like I don't show that I wouldn't show that shit When I fucking was like tripping't show that I wouldn't show that shit When I fucking was like tripping for like eight months until I found The the fucking six million dollars in my youtube account I was tripping I wasn't about to tell you motherfuckers I was tripping I don't need no fucking pity party I'm a motherfucking hustler I'm a Tory. Oh Tory. You really don't know if he does it or not? Jesus Christ. No.
Starting point is 01:57:11 I think you and Rambler should have a picnic. Save Vaughn. So, I'm tripping on the fact that he's got a hustle brand and he's showing like, dude, save that crying shit for later. Save that crying shit for later. Sometimes being authentic is just pushing shit down. And Hiller fell for that fucking bullshit. Or maybe he didn't. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:57:47 You never know. You never know what anyone's doing. Someone could be beating the fuck out of an Armenian dude, calling him a fucking armo, but he's not racist at all. He's just doing it to look racist. You never know because the only people who know are the people inside between your ears. Hustle then cry oh shit oh my god hustle then cry damn hustle shows how not to hustle so hillar falls for that shit but but what's kind of funny is the guy the guy With 20,000 fucking
Starting point is 01:58:27 Subscribers or 40,000 whatever The fuck Hiller has has to come over And pick the guy off the ground who has fucking 300,000 or 600,000 whatever the Fuck Richie has and he Kind of big dicks Richie by doing that And I don't think Richie was actually particularly nice to Andrew at the games Andrew's toxic
Starting point is 01:58:50 By the way, your agent, Craig You better tell that motherfucker to check himself All you people who That guy, whoever that fucking dude is Who's your agent, all those guys That guy better check himself That fucking guy Dude, himself that fucking guy you better dude you better fucking stop fucking saying my name don't even look at me don't say my name
Starting point is 01:59:12 ignore me to the fucking ends of the earth because you know who you're gonna hurt you're gonna hurt all the people you represent you fucking dickhead You better keep my fucking name out of your mouth as P. Diddy said. I know it's Will Smith. Are you multitasking? Anyway, so. Wad Zombie sent me a picture. I don't know. He probably sent it to you too But I'm fucking dying You want me to start calling you to help me get over my Islamophobia
Starting point is 01:59:51 Kaleeb Oh okay I think I did that when you were over in the Um Um Wherever you were In the Islamic state In the desert, Khalif
Starting point is 02:00:05 it's perfect so I'm just tripping because because Hiller fell for that victim bullshit oh my god the price of materials are so expensive with Blexit or whatever that
Starting point is 02:00:21 piece that Hiller played and all you fucking guys fell for it. This fucking joker. Who the hell are you talking about? I don't know his name. I don't even know if it was the guy I was on the call with. But this fucking guy represents Craig Ritchie. And the Buttery Bros.
Starting point is 02:00:35 And all these fucking people. Sporty Beth. And like hey. No matter what. No matter what. I will never. I will never tell anyone not to go on anyone else's show. I have said that I think it's bad for your brand if you go on the Wooly show, the kettlebells and cocktails show.
Starting point is 02:00:54 I think just because you can be on there for 90 minutes, and I think you look kind of – I just am not stimulated by watching their show, and I think it makes their guests look bad. I think that's not good for your brand. But I would never tell anyone. And I'm not doing it behind their back. I'm not like, hey, don't – like some of these people are like, don't let someone go to the games. He's this. He's that. I never do that. That's fucking cheating.
Starting point is 02:01:21 I would never tell anyone, like, don't go on Talking Elite Fitness. Go on there. I would never tell anyone, don't go on the morning fitness go on there I would never tell anyone don't go on the morning chalk up I encourage people to do all of that I don't do any duplicitous shit like that behind fucking people's back none but if you think for a second that it's bad to come on my show and you're telling your people that or you're telling people that are in my circle of friends like hey I don't know why you hang out with him he's bad for you you better ask why Rich Froning comes on you better ask why Greg Glassman comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why Chris Cooper comes on you better ask why, hey, I don't know why you hang out with him. He's bad for you. You better ask why Rich Froning comes on. You better ask why Greg Glassman comes on. You better ask why Chris Cooper fucking is doing the state of the industry report here. You better ask Dave Castro why he comes on. You better ask Tyson Bajan why he comes on.
Starting point is 02:01:57 Because, you know, at the end of the day, I'm going to fucking turn on you for being like, just say publicly, hey, I want to think you're a fucking dick. I'm so fucking cool with that but if you're gonna try to undermine my fucking show or do shit like fucking call Don Fall and be like hey you shouldn't have him come or or tell people that I work with like hey why are you working with him he's bad you bet I'll unfuck your
Starting point is 02:02:19 shit real quick I'll make it so fucking all the people that you represent don't don't fucking want to go on your show because I won't have them on my show because coming on my show is actually good for people my me being an asshole doesn't stick to people i may be like i've said this before i might be covered in fucking diarrhea but when you come on my show it doesn't get on you it's weird it's a weird phenomenon i'm cool. Phillip Kelly, what about the seminar staff who think you are – who think are your friends but then they go behind your back and tell people not to come yeah all those people like don't do it behind my back especially don't ask to come on my show and then fucking not and then and then anyway just be smart don't cheat
Starting point is 02:03:19 don't cheat I'm not cheating I'm not going I'm not going around and undermining your fucking business and your shit thank you Ken please Haley Matosian at the time code is two minutes did I have a stroke Caleb
Starting point is 02:03:42 paranoid about having a stroke and someone not telling me. I'll just watch it happen. It's okay. Do the injection. Okay, so I am releasing a shirt. I'm playing with something down here. I should stop playing with it. It probably looks like I'm touching myself.
Starting point is 02:04:01 It was like a twist tie. I should play with my... Oh, shit. I only have one toe spacer left oh what what do you mean left they're not disposable don't you just use them once the wrong way i'm coming out with a shirt you guys ready you ready no one's seen this yet. This is the release of it. Uh-oh. Limited edition. You ready?
Starting point is 02:04:33 I think so. Damn, I almost shared my page with my emails. Not that, I mean, I don't know if I have any. Victim. The Sevan podcast. Oh, oh, oh oh oh oh my goodness yes wow
Starting point is 02:04:53 oh shit sorry I don't know if I was supposed to show that wow and I think I'm gonna I've never sponsored anyone but I think I'm gonna sponsor Craig Ritchie No Okay Bernie Gannon
Starting point is 02:05:11 Sorry okay here we go Bernie you frequently talk about Being forgiving and not holding grudges but how hard Is it that with some of the folks from your past Oh I thought you were gonna say why am I picking on Ritchie Stop I can't help it Thank you I mean it's brilliant right that's pretty good I I don't I I have to tell you something and I'm not gonna
Starting point is 02:05:31 say who until they can come out but I was brainstorming the idea with someone and I had a brand name and then this person told me the brand name and and they came I didn't come up with that someone else came out with that and just i was just they're so fucking brilliant and creative they came up with this so fast no not will brandstetter i know everyone's thinking that he's because he's brilliant and creative but the dude who came up with this is brilliant there's only one guy you know who it is yeah he he knew the nuances you should have seen the title i came out with god that's amazing i don't know that's a great picture of him too he does look like he's is it crip walking or crib crib crib walking it's crip with a p oh it is yeah i always
Starting point is 02:06:20 thought it was crib walking no No. Look at this. Are you fucking kidding me? My shirt will not be oversized. No? No, I don't think so. You think it should be? Yeah. True to the mentality.
Starting point is 02:06:38 Oh, my God. At first, I was like, man, that's really fucking nice of Hiller. And then I was like, whoa, Hiller got the mind virus. Or Hiller's just like genius. Like he's just like, he's playing chess and I'm playing checkers. Chess. He's playing chess for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:59 Man. Oh my goodness oh no no oversized i know i know let's talk let's talk to caleb let's talk to no oversized for sure oh my vctm oh my goodness it's so good oh my the font is great it's so good the font is great it's fucking so good oh my goodness oops oops oops now that's an email that's okay that's just my show notes could have been nudes of my wife
Starting point is 02:07:44 that would have been bad in your email? no I'm joking I don have been nudes and my wife that had been bad in your email what no no i'm no i'm joking i don't have nudes in my wife i'm just joking okay let me see if i can um using dial-up oh oh shit oh you know what's crazy someone else sent me um a picture of one an athlete's only fans page that almost popped up too oh yeah i looked into that i don't think it's actually an OnlyFans. No. Another one's. Oh okay. Yeah. You mean Sasha
Starting point is 02:08:12 Nevis? She doesn't have an OnlyFans? Yeah no. It's just a fucking Instagram channel. Okay let me see. I don't understand the point of. Let me see where is that shit where did um i need to close some shit on here in case that happens again yeah you have like 100 tabs open on one window where was that original uh oh okay I'll put this. Okay.
Starting point is 02:08:46 How about this? Let me see. How about that? You think I should go back to this? Look. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:09:01 You're so supportive. Okay. Where is the, um, what was the, uh, Oh, this. Okay. It's mild, Bruce. It's not even...
Starting point is 02:09:15 It's nothing. What? Bruce is asking if it's mild or spicy. It's mild. What is? Sasha Nieves' OnlyFans page. Oh, oh. oh like she's not giving head in there no it's literally like the instagram channel which is the dumbest shit yeah the other one the other one with him actually wearing the clothes is pretty crazy way better yeah it is way better you know what about the line through it so you're like
Starting point is 02:09:45 hey this isn't um i don't even notice that okay yeah that's kind of cool maybe it so it's like it's like a thicker line could you make it a thicker line and still know what it says thick sure i don't know man i didn't even mean to just pull that other one up i just was like double clicking it to see it let me see if i can make it um how do i make it bigger there we go yeah oh this is kind of cute look at this you'll like this this is um me and Craig together. Look, there we go. As the great Khalid says, it's nice.
Starting point is 02:10:38 It's nice. That's so good. Sean M. wants to know what VCTM is. It's what you are when your hustle brand hits a speed bump and you start crying and blame Brexit. Brexit. Brexit. Oh, yeah. Brexit's like blacks leaving the Democratic Party and Brexit is Brits leaving the European Union.
Starting point is 02:11:06 Yeah. What were we doing? Are we done? Did we have Greg on already? I think so. Trying to think if there's anything else. My favorite part about this Paul Peters guy is that he's just commenting to himself oh
Starting point is 02:11:31 like there's nobody else in that chat you look like crackhead Mel Gibson what's even better is that that'll stay on the YouTube or that'll stay on the Facebook page so if you go back and look at the comments you can just see him talking to himself hey dude how did you find this station
Starting point is 02:11:48 oh i still have one more question to answer oh i see what you did there um uh zach my favorite part was when he said the 250k he saved had to go back into the business and save it that's business yeah it's it's it was it's weird we have to ask we have to get hillar on and ask him if like what the fuck he actually meant by that am i doing chad chad who the thousand step ups for time i haven't been gay so far in life oh oh probably not i did that workout once without a vest that's a stupid workout because you're doing the same thing repeatedly yeah i know it might be blasphemous i mean it's just a great way to
Starting point is 02:12:36 fucking injure yourself like pull a wire or something especially like if four times with a vest uh yeah with a backpack I'm not saying it's easy for you in the slightest I'm not suggesting but that the full size box too is crazy for me what it's like 24 or something it's only 20 inches actually oh it is kind of nice for me it's like
Starting point is 02:12:58 it's easy yeah I'm more like a 12 inch box I'm a 12-inch kind of guy. Anything else you want to say? Anything else you want to say, Mr. Peters? I'm trying to think if there's anything else we need to do. I feel sad leaving everyone, But I think it's time Oh, fuck, it's 9
Starting point is 02:13:28 Oh, it's midnight where you're at 11, 12, yeah Oh, what happened with What'd you say? 11, 12 Oh, yeah, Nebraska So, okay, we'll wrap up the show here What happened with the pipe?
Starting point is 02:13:44 I probably Can I tell you what I think happened? I'll tell you what i think happened you went to home depot and you got some welding equipment and you welded for the first time um close i got equipment to solder it or braze it which we found out what brazing is and we attempted to do that oh we mean in you and your pops yeah first it was just me because i was like just i was like i'm gonna fix this problem right now it's gonna be no no issue i made three trips to home or lowes yesterday and then couldn't get it fixed came home for the night and then today this afternoon i did another trip to lowe's
Starting point is 02:14:26 because we thought maybe we'll try a different substance to try to solder it can't you just go on youtube and see how to fix copper pipe i'm telling you i've watched every fucking video on soldering copper pipes yeah under the sun every short every youtube video i've asked every person that i know who knows how to do that i think there's some tape you put on there and then you light a match under it and it's sealed forever yeah i would think yeah yeah doesn't that sound so easy yeah no it doesn't work like that so uh we have a friend who's a like a family friend of ours is a plumber so i just said it. I'm spending too much money being a retard trying to figure out how to do this. So I'm going to have it.
Starting point is 02:15:10 He's going to come by tomorrow and fix it, I think. I sent it to him, and he's like, yeah, it's an easy fix. I was like, all right, well, I cannot wait for you to show up, leave the car running, fix it, and leave in 10 minutes. Who's going to do that? A friend of ours. Oh. Yvonne Kiz Jensen.
Starting point is 02:15:29 Well, Brexit – I've seen that picture somewhere. I've seen that picture somewhere. Is that the Matrix? No. No, I've seen that picture somewhere. I'm trying to think if I'm having an adverse reaction to it. Like this person said something before. That person has that same profile picture somewhere else under a different name.
Starting point is 02:15:53 I'm going through the fucking giant fucking Armenian brain of mine right now. Yvonne, well, Brexit is a real thing Yeah no shit motherfucker It's when you guys fucking sold out And fucking bonded with the rest of fucking Europe Like a bunch of retards And took the first step to fucking having your souls Completely fucking
Starting point is 02:16:17 Ripped out of your insides You zombies over there You guys are on your 18th Fucking COVID shot Believing in your fucking fucking healthcare, which we all know sucks dick. That shit's fucking invading our country. You zombies will take order from anyone. You Canada and Australia should be over here bowing down to us, thanking for fighting the good fight. Well, Brexit is a real thing, Sevan. Thank you, Yvonne.
Starting point is 02:16:46 If you know, you know. And thank God someone over there had a brain and pulled out of that shit. And now they're trying to punish you for it. Suck it up and fucking get to work. How's that? Do I know about it? How's that? Now this is how you finish a day.
Starting point is 02:17:04 7 out of 10 trigger they were so stupid to ever go along with that thank god they pulled out of that shit and I know what's happening I know they're fucking you when you guys are pulling out I followed it a little bit but you have a bunch of...
Starting point is 02:17:26 You guys have more sheep than we do. It's crazy. You guys are fully bred. We have the middle of our country, thank God. You guys are fully bred to be sheep. And same with Australians and Canadians. Those of you who get out of that are so lucky. Kind of lucky.
Starting point is 02:17:43 It sucks. It's like being smart with everyone around you is not. It's like, you know what it's like. You're there. All right. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Did you hear the phone ticking? Mm-mm.
Starting point is 02:18:13 Oh. What was that thing? You better ask somebody. What was the thing I wanted to look up? Yeah, I tried to find it. I couldn't find exactly what you were looking for. Okay. Bye-bye.

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