The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #23 | Elegant Solutions

Episode Date: December 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:50 Bam, we're live. Good morning. AJ, good morning. Chris, good morning. It's like romper room. Standy room only. Oh, geez. Countdown to the expiration of GG's non-compete.
Starting point is 00:01:05 How hard is it to change your name in your picture? you just do that like as many times as you want like five times a day or do you have to start a new account every time you have a a an alias an alias all the shows go to rumble um but i'm too lazy to spend the 15 seconds it takes to make them go live there every morning but as soon as they're done they go there slater what's up i saw your post all right fine hold on let me i'm uh i got my pen here and i'm uh racial stereotypes because of you slater i'm removing because i had put under there under black men i'd put afraid of birds i'm removing that okay for you only for you black man uh it's right under like fat women uh i'm keeping that and i'm crossing out uh
Starting point is 00:01:57 afraid of birds fine you win okay cool all right that's it thank you All right. That's it. Yeah. Fucking executive order. I saw your comment. I'm feeling alpha. Uh, my CA hormones. Yeah. Me too. Dude, yesterday, uh, ladies and gentlemen, since you care so much, um, I got a standee. No, I didn't get a standee yesterday. I, uh, fasted. That was the first time I fasted since I've been on Carnivore for like 32 or 36 hours. I still haven't eaten anything. Just my black coffee. Just my black coffee. My Paper Street coffee. Dude, some of you made a killing on that Paper Street deal for Black Friday, huh? Paper Street coffee.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Don't spell out street. code word sevan i'm using that voice that my son says is the fake me today we have greg glassman coming on he should be here any second he confirmed uh at 5 32 a.m he said yes. Let me see. We are live. I wonder if he has the, I wonder if, because I'm doing all the shows an hour early. So I'm wondering maybe if he, if he doesn't know. Yeah, clickbait. doesn't know. Yeah, clickbait. Isn't that KZ? Isn't that KZ KV? Isn't that crazy KV when people think it's clickbait? I'm like, Daniel Brandon's coming on the show and she doesn't show and people are like, that's clickbait.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I'm unfollowing. Fuck you, dude. How about like, dude, I'm so sorry she didn't show up. Sucks for you. Sucks to be you. All of a sudden, it's my fault. That's the that's that's the difference between cool people and not cool people something like that happens to me like if i see something like that happen to you i don't blame you the different a quick a quick quick hi caleb good morning hi jacket uh the quick um uh Caleb. Good morning. Hi, Jacket. The quick difference between a cool person and a not cool person is like the kind of person who says – and this is just – you can tell if someone's asleep or not.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Let's say – this is an example I always use, but someone's smoking a cigarette, and they're like, dude, you shouldn't smoke. And if they say to you, hey, but you smoke, like right away, you know, that person's asleep. Like, who cares? Stay focused on the subject. Don't drag the other person into it. It's kind of a cousin of ad hominem. Stay focused on the subject. Don't attack the person.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Don't worry about the person. Stay focused at getting at the truth. Hey, has that jacket got any like, hi, Greg. Has that jacket got any like caulking or anything crazy on it yet, Caleb? Any dirt or nails? Has that jacket got any, like, caulking or anything crazy on it yet, Caleb? Any dirt or nails? Today I got some – yesterday I got some fiberglass and, like, stealing stuff on it.
Starting point is 00:04:55 You think you treat that jacket worse because it's 50% off at North Face? You think, like, you're less kind to it? No, I think I treat a $50 jacket the same I treat a $200 jacket. All right. It's all the same. Hi, Greg. Good morning to both of you. $50 jacket the same I treat a $200 jacket all right all the same hi Greg good morning to both of you I saw that
Starting point is 00:05:10 I saw that jacket Caleb was wearing like three days ago on the show he debuted it and I immediately knew it was on the 50 cent racket North Face I could tell because that doesn't look like a popular pattern so I was just asking if he treats and he's doing a remodel on a house he just bought in Omaha. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And so I was asking if he wears that... If he treats it worse since it was 50% off. He says no. Caleb, you know Joe? Westerlund? Yeah. Yeah, I think he used to own CrossFit Omaha, correct? Yes, sir. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yep. Yeah, I think he's going to teach our L1 in January. My dad, myself, and my wife are all going to take it. Wow. That's exciting. That's super cool. Yeah, he's a nice guy. He was at the last L1 that I took when he owned Omaha. He was just there just watching but who do you sell it to stacy oh so she's the sole owner i think so yeah him uh her and her husband dustin
Starting point is 00:06:16 they're not allowed to uh uh they have a no selling ceo shirts policy at their events yeah that's what i've heard no no sevan CEO shirts policy at their events. Yeah, that's what I've heard. No-sev-on podcast gear sold at Stacey Tovar events. Yeah, don't want to rustle any feathers, I guess. Wow. Yeah, the guy who prints my shirts wanted to show up at one of their events. They were having a competition or event at their gym, and they were told that they could,
Starting point is 00:06:45 but because of their affiliation with HQ, they weren't allowed to sell like a shirt like this no plan b oh i see oh my goodness hey i got a funny story for you, Greg. Let's hear it. So there's this dude out there, Zach T. Lander, and a few months ago he made a hit piece on you. And he's pulled it down since. And there's this other girl named, I think her name is Bethany Robinson, but she goes by Sporty Beth. And she made a video that's called The Most Toxic Man in CrossFit. And I know this is going to break your heart, but it's me, Greg.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And it's a, it had to be me, you or Dave. And it's the most popular video by 25 X that she's ever made. Right. Yeah. And she's done things like change the speed of my voice and cut shit. And like, you know, she's, she's, she's, she's done things like change the speed of my voice and cut shit and like you know she's she's she's used some she's been um very uh liberal with her edits she made anyway all nasally so so they're represented by an agent who is also the agent of um like buttery bros and craig richie and a whole gang of people but this
Starting point is 00:08:05 t-lander guy and this this is sporty beth girl are both represented so that and they represent buttery boys for the lube no no no well i don't know if it's a separate agreement on the lube they rep they rep i assume that they represent them like video wise so like if you wanted if bsi wanted to sponsor a buddy buttery bros episode you would go through their agent this guy james uh neely and then they'd do what shoot it they would just be like hey we're going to the bsi event and then they would show up there and make some footage there and then you would pay james a thousand dollars and they'd give buttery br $500 and he'd keep $500. I see. And this is the kind of thing where they're weighing in on it and
Starting point is 00:08:49 announcing and explaining what I'm seeing. Yeah. And so he's got like 20 people in the influencers, you would say, in the CrossFit space. Anyway, for the last few months, he's been telling people that they shouldn't associate with me.
Starting point is 00:09:08 And so I've been talking about him on the show being like, hey, dude, I made a killing at the games, you know, financially with all my sponsors. And all of your clients are complaining that they took a hit at the games. They couldn't get sponsors this year. Anyway, I find it interesting. But anyway, he's really upset
Starting point is 00:09:22 that I'm talking about him on this show, even though I don't say anything bad about him. I'm just talking about him, factual things. He's really upset that I'm talking about him on the show, although he has no problem representing people who make a living slandering me and you when they've never even met us. You know what I mean? I find it – he's completely freaking out. He's terrified. He's like – he's lost his shit.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And it's like, hey, do you associate with people who slander us and make a – not only associate. You make a living off of people who slander us who have never met me or Greg, and then now you're pissed off that I'm talking about you. It's crazy. It's crazy. Do you have a requirement you have to meet someone to not like them? Do you have a requirement you have to meet someone to not like them? No, no, but if I'm going to make money off of them, no, I don't. But if you're going to make money from slandering people, then you should be able to – you should be open to some sort of reciprocation, talking back. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:24 He wants to be left alone because he's their agent. You know what I mean? He's not the guy that sells you the fentanyl he just makes it so he wants he doesn't want any he wants complete uh autonomy from the deaths it's like i don't think it works like that talk shit about me make money off of people slandering me and so you get to be talked about on the show it seems like that would be the goal right that's what i was also thinking i was actually thinking that also like hey dude you should be happy you're being talked about on the show it seems like like and i warned him like four or five months ago hey can you please stop telling people not to associate with me i don't like that so here we are here we are it's not the
Starting point is 00:11:03 adaptive guy no no no no this is uh just some your typical agent just like
Starting point is 00:11:11 you know what I mean just yeah you're this guy's European got the fancy English accent just you know just a taker
Starting point is 00:11:18 take take take take take uh look yeah see look uh good or bad Seve talking about James Neely has made him more relevant than he's ever been. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:32 It makes sense. Squid pro quo. When people freak out over the truth, that's how you know they need to keep talking. Yeah, it's the reaction to things in the public health space that, you know, we just put someone in touch with. Oh, one of our adaptive athletes is very angry at you already. Jedediah Nelson. Don't lump us up with him like that, Greg.
Starting point is 00:12:06 He's still, he's joking. Yeah. I don't, I don't know that he represents anyone. Yeah. He just takes their money. I was thinking, I was thinking about getting into the agent space.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Now just to compete with them, like let them, let them know how it's done. Here's the thing about that. that space yeah tell me um mentor me every sponsor is soon to be disappointed yeah whether it's reebok progenix the jump rope and it doesn't matter who it is um it starts great they fully expect it to because they're on the banner at the games and because they can pay rich or whomever to hold up to hold up a jar of some shit and claim you're eating it yeah um that it's going to make your company rich. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:13:07 And nothing like that happens. Right. And so each of these, you know, Reebok had a persistent vision of making each of the affiliates a point of distribution, a point of sale. And I was loud and clear about that right from the beginning that no such thing would ever happen. Basically, turn them into foot lockers is what you're saying. They wanted... Yeah, right, right. And whereas the numbers were good for me, they weren't exciting to them. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I mean, they needed it, but what were we doing? I'm probably not supposed to say, but it was good revenue. A lot of swag moved there are there are people that um uh influence like if you were to hold up some electrolytes that you take and be and you were like hey i take i you know i fast once a week and i take these if greg glassman would do that there'd be a spike in sales it's like um uh rich warm out was like the first person to wear a mouthpiece in crossfit and like those people reached out to him and now they give him a bit of every sale and it skyrocketed the sales but i do 100 agree with you that the agent that 99 of the things they give more money than they get on the return the sponsor and they get disappointed like that it becomes a clout thing the people i know who
Starting point is 00:14:27 sponsored athletes they said that they're not needle movers that it's just they thought it was a nice thing to do or a good thing to do or would help their brand and it did not hey listen here's my perspective on it i'm like what the fuck do you want me to do it's that experience over and over and over again with all of them all of them i'm not gonna stand here and tell everyone you got to make commercials for you. I'm not going to tell them you have to wear these shoes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I'm not even willing to say they're the best shoes in the world, although I think the Nano 2 was. I mean, my wearing it is the evidence. Right. And in terms of the people that you trust in endorsements, the people we trust are the ones that don't do endorsements. Right. Hey, do you recognize this guy? Look at his name.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I can't believe if I recognized someone before you, that would be crazy. I think we know this guy. I could be totally wrong. You knew his dad. Is that him? Who are you talking about? San Diego. They rode motorcycles.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Him and his dad were cool as shit. They would help at the office. Is that the dude? Him and his buddy would come around. You really like this kid. He made his own motorcycle. It was a squirrely one. Had the little tiny
Starting point is 00:15:55 handlebars. His dad looked like he fell out of a motorcycle game. God. You're showing this guy's picture When you don't even know if it's a dude No, but he'll tell us in a second He'll tell us in a second I wonder if it's him
Starting point is 00:16:13 Cody, do we know you back in the San Diego days? Oh, yeah Oh, Maggie knows the name Rich Melton Yeah, what's that guy's Yeah, and he got a gun there Yeah, like I picture that dude has a gun Oh, Maggie knows the name. Rich Melton. Yeah. What's that guy's last name? Yeah, and he got a gun there. Yeah, I picture that dude has a gun. What's that guy's last name?
Starting point is 00:16:33 Let me see his last name. Oh, incorrect. Not me. Shit. Damn. All right, fine. But you kind of see it, right? With the mustache and that avant-garde hat and shit.
Starting point is 00:16:44 He's the one who had the jeans he hadn't washed in a year or something. Yeah, that kid was cool, right? He was nice. They were gentlemen. He was a trip. Yeah. I couldn't figure out who you were talking about. Yeah, Melton.
Starting point is 00:17:03 That guy was like a handyman, and he could also bury bodies in the backyard probably. So remember we rented that super nice house and then ripped out the entertainment, built-in entertainment center. The carpeting and repainted, remodeled the house. Is that the one that you rented from the South Africans? Yeah, that was Chris correct and then you upgraded their house and moved out years later but she came in and saw the work we had done helped herself to the house and then loaded my refrigerator with jewish selectables as a thank you yeah they saw that they saw their furniture in the driveway torn to pieces you know in the carpet how's that look
Starting point is 00:17:50 for a new tenant they had this entertainment center built in attached to the wall covering the windows remember yeah why would you do that i don't like it was insanity so i just fixed it there's well there's something that's how we that's how we met rich by the way he was doing why he took the away like the garbage away um he and the carpeting guy did other workforce they between the two of them they could carpenter anything so they demolished and rebuilt a reasonable living room. Remember they had the fireplace
Starting point is 00:18:31 semi-covered? It was like crazy. Hey, do you remember this time that me, you, and Haley tried to lift a 200-pound candle onto a man who was 10 feet over the fireplace and hayley almost got killed yeah this is uh this is like me and this fucking crazy guy from wyoming trying to put the the uh
Starting point is 00:18:55 buffalo head up on the fireplace in idaho oh really you got you did that too how much did that thing i told i told this is the stupidest thing i've done in our forever dumber than the candle the candle was crazy it was very similar oh my god large heavy object overhead with unstable footing and a rickety ass this was a rope and pulley system i improvised i don't think when me and you and Haley did that too, I don't think one of us was sober. That was like an 11 p.m. idea. Hey, this candle needs to go up there. Oh. Bring out the ladder. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Holy shit. Oh, we did it and the candle didn't fall. Yep. I was thinking um all the people we had working at hq every everyone was a diehard they didn't like pretty much like 99 people were diehards they didn't compartmentalize their life right so no one was like okay it's five o'clock i'm going home you know what i mean and on the week in the's five o'clock. I'm going home. You know what I mean? And on the weekends, they weren't like, okay, I'm going to my shuttle board event.
Starting point is 00:20:13 It was like everyone there was CrossFit, CrossFit, CrossFit. That was the toxic environment, Sebi. Come when you want, leave when you want, do what you want. Right. Create what you want. Everyone was known by their work product. Right. Create what you want. Everyone was known by their work product.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Not the number of hours their car spent outside the parking lot where I could see it from my office when I was in. Wow. Good point. Everyone was known by their work product. Yes. And what was so good about that is because that's a match on the affiliate. Because you're not going to own an affiliate and have a compartmentalized life, right? If you own an affiliate, you're 24-7, 365 CrossFit gym owner. It's who you are.
Starting point is 00:20:50 It's like you had a kid. This is why the second, third, and fourth gym, unless you have a remarkable talent, and that talent has to be a capacity to reproduce yourself. Not run a gym, but reproduce yourself. run a gym but reproduce yourself until you have that talent if you do what we see is the second gym isn't is 20 30 less than the first one was and the third is to another 20 30 30 less than the second one was right it impossible to clone yourself right no one's going to care as much as you nobody no way it's tough it's tough and so i was i was thinking about you know and what do we see in that what do we see in that a a a trail of disgruntled ex-friends and partners that's just how it played out i mean you know there was a reason
Starting point is 00:21:42 there was a reason we did no more commercial gym affiliates. And two things. What are you talking about? Those are the ones that are inside like Gold's or Planet Fitness? Yes. Specifically Gold's. First of all, we had to, because of the phenomenon, we had to make the affiliates the licensee of record to be the L1 certificate holder. And so that we were dealing with in collecting fees, we were dealing with the person that had been to the seminar and was doing the training. And so that when his owner, backer, master master i don't care what the fuck it was came forward and said actually this is my gym we would be actually it's not not in our eyes
Starting point is 00:22:31 and he can yes go across the street into an open field and take those members with them we will still see that as crossfit verdugo, or whatever the hell it was. Is that making sense? Yeah, totally. Totally. MikiM317, Greg treated his employees so damn well. Miki? Miki.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Miki. You know what I did? I treated everyone the way I would want to be treated. I provided the atmosphere in which I would thrive did thrive yeah it was a good setup I mean it might have been fucked working for me but it was just better than anyone else people are seeing that
Starting point is 00:23:19 there's this you know you get a guy um who has uh i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get this all out you get a guy who has his inside thoughts and his outward expression aligned and you have a really cool person right like you see an alignment in there you get a guy let's say who his inside thoughts and his outside in the way he expresses himself mixed up and you get a guy um that's fucked up like let's use homosexuality you're gay but you're fronting as a straight man you're you're tortured soul right like your shit's not aligned like you're hiding something all the time right like you just you can't be set free right or you're a really arrogant fucking person
Starting point is 00:24:01 but on the inside you think you're the greatest ever but you try to pretend like you're humble we met those people right it's like dude just say it like like travis like you think you're the greatest ever we get it and it's cool it comes out there's like an alignment there and and i maybe think that that's what authenticity is i know that's it's fuzzy talk and you're not big necessarily always a big fan of fuzzy talk but i i um i think that's what's going on probably one of the things over at crossfit hq is you have 13 000 people or however many gyms they have who are completely all in and then you have a leadership team that maybe just can't be right i'm not blaming them at all on that but i was just thinking about that like it's not their 24 7 right it's it's a job to them that it is not a job to an affiliate owner, right?
Starting point is 00:24:49 There is a distinction between your, it's like, it's like if you farm for food, right. For, for, for food that your family has to eat, right. You're not a, you're not, you're more than just a guy. Like my garden isn't doesn't depend on my family survival, but if it did, things changed dramatically in my gardening. And it's like that. The affiliate owners are running their garden for their own survival, and the people at HQ just can't possibly get there. They're at a disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:25:15 But not for you because for you, it was your baby. Do you get what I mean? Yeah. yeah there was there was no one in our in our structure that was watching the money stream and rubbing their hands together except maybe for brian um everyone else was pretty much busy at a task and can you can you operate that way with the BC ownership? You can't. You can't. I'm not saying it as a negative thing either or a positive thing. It just is what it is. And so there's going to be a huge cultural shift. There's going to be things that just have to change i'm just finally after all these years starting to really understand the implications like the facets and the nuances maybe they're not even nuances maybe there are
Starting point is 00:26:13 things that are just separated like this podcast i would do whether i was under any circumstance if i was sick missing an arm you know anything i'm doing it right I have to it's my survival if I were hired and paid miraculous sums of money to run the ship again I would have to turn it down I have no sense
Starting point is 00:26:37 of how it could be done to a financial I can't imagine obligating the fiduciary uh obligation and keeping my values my interests well theoretically you'd have to you'd have to break the back of the structure it there's few things that could be more deforming of the culture there's few things that could be more deforming of the culture than to go from an encouraged revolutionary to a point of presence where I'm wondering,
Starting point is 00:27:15 why the fuck I can't make you a point of sale? And what have you done for me lately? And I look at the money stream and it's not enough. So what do you do? You turn to the affiliates, pay me more. That's not a culture shift. Well, theoretically, if none of the affiliates de-affiliate and everyone pays their $1,500, Don did an interview where he said, basically the investors are looking for a 20% return.
Starting point is 00:27:39 So let's say they want $40 million a year that might get them to the 50 yard line of, of, of what they want. And then you have to wonder how much, if that 1500 does change the culture, although I'm getting loads and loads of DMS and texts from people who have small 60 to 90 person gyms who are kind of tripping, but, but even if a thousand gyms de-affiliate Greg, and they raise that price there, and then they raise, let's say, the L1 $1,000 next year, don't you think that that would be a success on their part? I mean, they could still run this thing and squeeze it for the money that they want out of it. I shouldn't use the word squeeze. That sounds negative.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Make the money back on their investment, which isn't a bad thing, right? Which isn't a bad thing, right? There are going to be affiliates out there that are going to ask, how is it that you're doing less and charging more? Why is that? Well, then they're going to fall back on why has there been this 50 shift in the what for supplies a 50 shift in the in the value uh equation for my affiliation yeah you're taking me from 3 000 or how about 500 to 4500 or how about zero there's probably 100 there are probably 100 gyms that were grandfathered and i'm making that up i don't know but 100 gyms or 200 gyms that were grandfathered in. I'm making that up. I don't know, but 100 gyms or 200 gyms that were grandfathered in at zero, I'm guessing. Matter of fact, one that was at zero who has 200 members reached out to me yesterday and said they're done. It's a very successful gym, expensive gym.
Starting point is 00:29:19 It's not the 4,500. It's not the $4,500. And inflation, what is it? I buy the inflation argument. This guy is saying he doesn't buy the inflation argument. I don't. Why not? Greg, they haven't raised the fees in 11 years.
Starting point is 00:29:43 You didn't raise the fees in 11 years Shit's gotten expensive under this This country Seriously CrossFit is cheating You know what I want to hear from Bill Henninger About inflation Eating at his costs costs, affecting his business, affecting his top and bottom line. Because, of course, it does.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Right. Their business, like in the law firms, I'm not buying it so much. Now, let me tell you, everyone loves to use inflation to raise a rate if you can i mean it's a kind of a fun thing to do and there are people you know the restaurant for a fact anything that's delivered to you gets caught up in this transportation cycle where the cost of oil and inflation and everything is a huge factor right if you're increasing the pay of your employees so that they can continue to live a nice lifestyle or a survivable any lifestyle over 11 years and you're increasing their pay increasing their pay let's say the l1 trainers and the executives there, and then the cost of living goes up, those people can't sustain it unless they pass the fee down.
Starting point is 00:31:12 In the most simplistic math, that's what's going on, right? And since you don't own it anymore, the new investors want to make money off it too. Wow, yeah. Yeah. There we go. They have a completely different mindset right i was at i was at the helm of that thing when it lost 90 of its revenue without the bow going under the water right good point you mean you're talking about during 2000
Starting point is 00:31:35 yeah yeah yeah early covid lockdowns you all your all your seminars you you waived affiliate fees and all of a sudden no money came in. Yes, and guess what? We didn't go into the red. Yeah. We ended up with a profitable quarter. We adjusted. The deal is that 90% of that revenue was fucking discretionary.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And so having to raise affiliate fees because of inflation, I'll pull a cheek muscle listening to that shit that's funny when you raised affiliate fees why did you raise them you went from did you we we went from a thousand to three thousand right do you remember the and i let me correct me if i'm wrong i think this is how you did it you basically said said, hey, guys, in one year, everyone's grandfathered in. But in one year, we're going to raise affiliation fees. So anyone who wants an affiliate now is the time to do it.
Starting point is 00:32:32 So you gave everyone a heads up and then a year went by and then you raise the fees. And for me, I don't I don't remember exactly why you did it, but I really like that because then all the people who were paying a thousand dollars they're stoked because all of a sudden the value of their membership went up because anyone knew coming in it almost seemed like a way to mitigate growth like when my mom had too many clients as an attorney all she would do is raise her prices to try to slow down the clients here's what the affiliates did for me. Matt Holdsworth was our he had a CPA firm with five or six employees in in Prescott. And I was a personal client, he did my taxes. Then he did CrossFit taxes and CrossFit books for us.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And then everyone in his office quit every project they had and worked for us. And then he took the Matt holes where CPA signed down and put a CrossFit sign up. And then we had to go across the street and employ another 10 or 15 people. And, and the legal team did the same thing. We ended up with it with enough lawyers. You could take,
Starting point is 00:33:44 you have picnics and shit. How many do we have? Dozens? And dozens of outside firms also. Yes. People like Latham Watkins. Very expensive. Extraordinarily effective.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I mean, you're getting what you pay for. But you pay a lot. And so the affiliate program wasn't possible, not in the manner in which I served them. But even with that, enormous amounts of discretionary revenue and we had crazy stuff 40 different kinds of fucking insurance you know yeah yeah and and things and obviously things did change all of a sudden you know you do 500 seminars and
Starting point is 00:34:40 no one sues because they fell off the bar doing fran and then all of a sudden you can't do fran because people are suing because someone fell off a bar like the environment changes and the ship needs different kind of protections our affiliate team provided an enormous service for the lawyers by diffusing deflectinging, heading off, warning. They were really good at that. That's Sarah Lucas, Kathy Glassman, Paula Gravatt,
Starting point is 00:35:13 all of them, all the girls. Adam Blakeslee, I bought a rower five years ago. I remember it being the current price it is now. That's crazy. That's kind of amazing. Dude, I had that guy on, Greg. Greg Hammond.
Starting point is 00:35:32 You know who that is, right? He's cool as shit. Yeah, he does motocross fitness training. Yes, yes. With big names. Yes. Wow, good memory. I didn't know that until i had him on a couple days you know like i knew a guy that was he loves you he's old school as shit he loves you to
Starting point is 00:35:51 death for almost any discipline from golf to football there's some legend with a crazy swim who's producing world champions and he's like just doing crossfit i think this guy's been a uh concept too for 20 years did you ever meet the owners greg dick and oh yeah yeah yeah i never met those guys they they brought us out to vermont and we there's a big rope swing and rowan and everything and it was the perfect summer day right i mean it was so nice and i was like my mind's just drifting off to like i gotta get a place in vermont and then it happened the deer flies came oh and you'd you'd swap one of these things off and you just make a u-turn and come right back to the same spot where they were drinking. And it hurt like hell.
Starting point is 00:36:46 They were nasty. Deer flies everywhere. I couldn't even finish the day, much less on our home there. God, they're nasty. Yeah, those things are disgusting. Will Branstetter, no added value is subjective. No, I don't think so. For each person.
Starting point is 00:37:09 In fact, thank you for that. You think it is subjective? Well, I'd say business is the art and science of creating uniquely attractive opportunities for other people. What could be more subjective? But you do it in mass if enough people. For one individual, sure. And all I can do is put myself in the position of an affiliate. That's all I ever did. And I tell you what, what they've done with has been abdicated. The correcting of the record on public health is gone that's not going to happening at crossfit anymore
Starting point is 00:37:47 and yet that's what i'm trying to do in my box when i unlock the door every day what am i dealing with i'm dealing with clients whose doctors telling them that this shit's dangerous that my diet makes no sense that you're going to burn muscle if you fast. That you have to reduce your caloric intake. It says right here, look at these people. I want to send you to a website that Coke puts up. That's what the trainers are dealing with. And so I got a mothership that is numb to all of that.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Fucking numb to all of it. This is why you got the settlement. I would have been out on the settlement, the NSCA versus CrossFit, because that Glassman guy had been telling me for six years that we were suing Coke and Pepsi and the NSCA and the ACSM in their defense. And right at the point where a judge hands you a win in the case, you go radio silent? This is Hertz with its foot on Nationals throat, striking a deal.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Hey. I would have been out there and you're going to charge me more for that? That's leadership. I want more of that. What do you think? What are we looking for? I mean, I'm sure there's other affiliates that it's so much better now.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I so like the way they run things. All that anti-sugar stuff and the soda. That's nonsense. We love soda. Correction of public health record. I don't know and I never cared how popular anything was. Have you ever used that line before? Correction of the public health record?
Starting point is 00:39:46 I don't know. What is constantly varied function movement executed at high intensity and the correction of the public health record? Holy shit, dude. I wondered forever how it was that public health got nutrition so fucking completely wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:04 And just about every kind of excuse you could imagine from ignorance to evil it's all there but my assumption was is that on other fronts let's say infectious disease that there was probably a vital service then this covet thing comes along and i'm like, got it. All of public health is bullshit. Hey dude, that's really what you were doing. I was never able to pin it down. I know at some points you said, shit, the journal is going to take over the mantle from the CDC. I'm like, is this guy crazy? They ain't doing it. this this is you're right that's what you were doing that's what one of the strongest points of your leadership was you were correct and that's why people wanted to get behind you that's why people wanted to be a part of crossfit is because it was the correction of the public health record
Starting point is 00:40:54 i mean obviously the value is there that you don't die of fucking coronary heart disease at 54 if you follow the protocol but also you want to be a part of the guy who's like what the fuck that's not right and there's no way anyone's going to do that anymore there's no fucking way it could affect the bottom line you can't do it it might even be you could maybe get sued for doing that right or lose your job now i got sued like do you think if you were if you still owned CrossFit, you would tell people not to take the injection? Yes. You would say that? Yeah. That's wild. I was there for the day.
Starting point is 00:41:32 They're never going to say that. There's no fucking way. I'm not blaming them for that either. I'm just saying they'll never say that. That's wild. I had made myself a serious student of the flu vaccine. Not its efficacy, but its prevalence and the number of flu deaths and infections reported by the CDC. When this whole COVID thing came to light,
Starting point is 00:41:59 I was six months into watching that number and waiting every week for the flu report to come out. And one of the things I saw was that there was a period in, I think it was October, November of 2019, the number of deaths is between 23 and 64,000, I think, were the numbers of deaths. And I was like, what the fuck? Like some people kind of dead, not dead. They're debating, you know, what they're debating. The problem is, is the estimate of the dead from the kind of records they keep. It's a hard thing to do.
Starting point is 00:42:34 You got a guy who's in a dialysis treatment and he has a heart attack and he ends up in your ICU and you see him blowing snot bubbles. So you flu test him and he's got the flu and he croaks you know flu didn't help the case but did it kill him there's no right answer to these things and there's so much of that with comorbidity that it's it's frankly a nightmare for anyone that has to give responsible numbers for that now in that haze with a test that's got provisional emergency use because we don't know its its specificity or its selectivity which means it's not a scientific test where the test that the creator of the test the fucking guy that got the nobel prize for it says you can't do this with that it's with this test with the disease with
Starting point is 00:43:25 the similar symptoms and maybe a similar morbidity you're making this discernment you're going to alter the course of a country and basically it's not possible and it turns out that's exactly what was going on you could see it in the numbers you could hear it in the story the narrative was highly flawed from the beginning and so is it weird that jay badacharya dr badacharya and rfk jr and jake cooey and i talk and our friends not on the sea free that's not odd it's not wrong not on the sea free that's not odd it's not there are people that know the truth it's the thing you have to be it's you know i wrote that introduction to lipid lunacy and um in there i said that the people contributing here are unique in their intelligence they see things that others don't their view is often wildly divergent from mainstream, and yet an
Starting point is 00:44:28 essential view, essential in the biological sense of necessary for the organism's optimal functioning, right? So they know something important. They know something essential. It's counter-orthogonal, if not diametric, to the mainstream the mainstream views and here's the other thing so that means you gotta be smarter than everyone else but then you also have to be braver than everyone else yes because they're not the only ones that know and it comes at significant costs you don't write lipid lunacy in a bunch of fucking cash pours in didn't work like that greg i don't think you have to be that smart you definitely have to be brave but i i think that you've been able to explain this to a fucking 10 year old
Starting point is 00:45:17 well i want to go to this and i was talking about this to you recently I saw in in David Stove's writing again I'm rereading his stuff over and over again which is kind of a mark of a brilliant writer that you you'll get something out of it with each read but I saw where he was talking about the dryness of Victorian writing on science. And he says that it's fundamentally, as Francis Bacon said, that the scientific method reduces all wits to a level. And that is that there's such power in the method that being twice as smart as I am doesn't mean you're gonna get a better scientific outcome I get and so what did we do with with CrossFit well we figured out I figured out that constantly varied high-intensity functional movement would increase work capacity we call it across broad time and modal domains,
Starting point is 00:46:26 doing a whole bunch of different shit in different lengths. You could randomly pick it. And from there, and that was the fundamental theorem of CrossFit. And when you do something like posit that increased work capacity is derived from constantly across broad time and modal domains is, is increased by constantly very high intensity, functional movement. You're making a scientific assertion and it's a thing that can be measured and was, and in fact,
Starting point is 00:46:57 all these fools doing the game shit are actually doing that. They don't know it, but the training and the results are data points that make the point, that show the amount of work being done doing a whole bunch of different things. What's fascinating is that
Starting point is 00:47:15 CrossFit's critics have never addressed that. That's enough to make you just smile from ear to fucking ear. Never once. Never once. And so you give me that.
Starting point is 00:47:32 And what else? What does the rest matter? It's been fundamentally ignored exactly what I said. Now, in the end, what we did is we, what did we label constantly varied high intensity functional movement, we labeled it CrossFit. And what did we call work capacity measured across broad time and modal domains? Fitness.
Starting point is 00:47:55 So, it's a bit of a rigged deal, but it's a definition and it works better than others. That took too long fuck no it didn't it was great i want to go i want to go back to this correction of the public record of floyd so so floyd 19 was a correction of the public record floyd 19 was a correction of the public record and what's interesting is a small handful i'd say less than 500 affiliates got upset because they didn't want, they didn't want you. They weren't brave enough to stand behind the correction of the public record. And, and,
Starting point is 00:48:30 and, and that's what got people angry that they're scared. It scared them. They weren't able to stand behind. They weren't brave enough to get behind your leadership. Would you say, I think that's a perfect explanation of what that is. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Hey, you remember the crowd? I think that's a perfect explanation of what that is. That might be fair. Hey, you remember the crowd eating at the restaurant in Brazil? I didn't go to Brazil with you. I didn't go to Brazil. No, no, no, no, no. It's kind of a famous video. It went viral. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. I remember this video.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yes. It's a bar and restaurant, and CrossFitters go running by, and the restaurant empties out. Everyone panics. Yeah. Somehow they construed the CrossFitters running as people running for their lives. Yes. And they joined them.
Starting point is 00:49:16 They ran for their lives. Yeah, yeah. I think that's what happens when someone picks up a rock and throws it and yells racist. I think there's some people that are just bloody. They're figuring out what's taking them rocks. They don't even know why. They're just, they're scared.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Yeah. You got to throw a rock. Yeah. If you don't, if you don't throw a rock, then you must be a racist. There's this guy, he's a country manager.
Starting point is 00:49:39 His name is, um, I don't know if I'm gonna say his name right. Andrew Charlesworth or something. And he made a post saying he represents a bunch of affiliates. Oh, yeah, here it is. Yeah, this is great. God, this is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:49:54 This is the video Greg was talking about for those people who can see it. CrossFitters running by and the people in the restaurant panic like there's a shooter. Fuck, look, people from the street, everyone, people from across the street start running Look at that shit Yeah everyone's gotta get out of here Chairs falling over tables falling over Look someone fell down Jesus
Starting point is 00:50:13 Anyway he He's a country manager or something In the United States And he's telling all his affiliates Don't panic don't panic about the price increase. I'm going to create a safe space. You guys can all contact me and you can, and I'll tell you basically why you should stay, why you should pay the $1,500 and Andrew Hiller and I are talking and he's
Starting point is 00:50:39 like, look at it. Look at it. This guy's basically begging people to stay when the price goes up $1,500. But he's got a black square on basically signaling everyone to run three years ago. Like, what a fucking pussy. Like, pay your money. Stay and pay your money. But Andrew's like, hey, dude, we already know. We already know why you would leave. Don't try to convince us why people should stay. We already know why you would leave. You got scared and you jumped out. You were one of those people who got it from the restaurant and started running instead of being like oh shit he's correcting the public record yeah it's it's it's uh it requires uh bravery and so it's it was i thought it was a
Starting point is 00:51:18 really astute observation that hillar made it's like hey guy hey we already know you're a pussy you would run the second the public record's corrected and it requires someone to stand up. But now they're asking for $1,500 and you're begging people from the mothership, no, no, no, stay on board, stay on board.
Starting point is 00:51:36 You should have been doing that during the Floyd 19 era. That would have required bravery. That would have required bravery and integrity. I watched three physicians fight for their credentials. One in Sweden, one in Australia, and one in South Africa. Western trained and educated super doctors.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Prominent physicians, very successful physicians, fight for their credentials on the basis of their, what would you call it, paleo-friendly, carb-aware take on nutrition. Carb-awareness. For going low. We can't tell you what it is we're taking low, but it works. I watched the system come after them and fail so fucking miserably at silencing them. Except maybe the Gary Fetke one so much. His wife says it now, so he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:52:42 But that one was less than the good doctor sweet he wasn't allowed to say don't eat carbs carbs carbs cause cancer or some shit and he got in trouble he got they said hey if you say that again we're taking away your medical degree he had told patients that i'm removing your toes and then it would be your feet and later your legs for the same reason that i take your mother's toes and feet and legs and your grandmother's toes, feet and legs and it's sugar. And he had to fight tooth and nail to keep his medical degree because of that. Brian Smith, Jr.: Does he point to sugar as the culprit?
Starting point is 00:53:19 Nope said in a blog in a post that when mom says, what do I do? I take the kid off the tip. He's like, you know, meat and vegetables. Right? He got in trouble for that. A lot of trouble. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in trouble. Harvard sent its experts over.
Starting point is 00:53:41 It was all ILC, International Life Sciences Institute, which is nothing but Coca-Cola. They sent experts to South Africa that interfered with his trial. But my point was that each of these failed in epic fashion. And I had to actually have Russ Green explain to me that there was no failure to it. And then the examples poured in when the physicians came to me and said, if I was taken through what Tim Noakes went through, I would be destroyed. crossfitting docs from the neurologist David from Australia said that when Gary Petkey went through with would have bankrupted him he would have been able to pay for the legal fees I'm sure that was the plan what it did was it silenced those out in the margins it out in the margins.
Starting point is 00:54:47 No one wants to take three years off to defend their medical degree against experts from Harvard. Who are being paid. They're getting bonuses for their direct hits. They fundamentally work for coca-cola
Starting point is 00:55:06 uh steph i'll be fair international beverage association i'm an insurance and i was looking at two death certificates yesterday from new york both people died of covid one didn't say cause of death and one said heart problems but medical terms due to vaccine wow two yesterday two injections crazy um cave dastro i know it's been said a million and one said heart problems, but in medical terms due to vaccine. Wow. Two yesterday. Two injections. Crazy. Cave Dastro. I know it's been said a million times before and will be said a million times again, but imagine where we'd be if, Greg, we're still at the helm. I'm so excited that we uncovered this, that that's one of the tenets of CrossFit
Starting point is 00:55:36 that we've lost is the correction of the public record. And that's what you did nonstop. RB, Greg, did anyone privately reach out to you and apologize for their stance during the controversy? I did have a couple of those. But not hundreds? No, no. Yeah, that's amazing. I had an affiliate come on here and just like the Cuban the cuban guy from crossfit light just
Starting point is 00:56:06 fucking bare his soul i'm such a fucking idiot i'm so sorry he was great um blade walker i was ready to fight over that punk ass injection they weren't about to get me definitely weren't going Yeah, the presentation of the thing was very telling. Such enormous pressure for something of so low lethality. And you're not going to get me excited about, though it's tragic, I refuse to get excited about things that are running through nursing homes taking the most frail patients. Extra sloppy. I'm not. Sorry. Go ahead, Greg.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I'll read this later go ahead i'm not gonna i'm not gonna derange society um for the kinds of numbers we saw my brother and uncle were both diagnosed with very aggressive and advanced cancer both of them vax and boosted both of them regret it fuck dude i'm so sorry weird weird cancer shit going on for sure. Did Jason Kalipa ever apologize to you, Greg? No. Hey, do you think... No, but you know what? He's not that kind of guy either.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Like to... What do you mean? Like to be like, hey, I fucked up and I'm sorry? Yeah, I don't... Well, maybe he doesn't know he fucked up let's say he probably forgot or forgot yeah or doesn't care or doesn't care or that yeah it never did really jason wants to be popular he's matured he's an older man now Good Remember the car ride we took with him And he was explaining the The value to his
Starting point is 00:58:13 What was it Give me an example He said you should care more about He said just because That was the example Yeah The difference between one client and ten clients You should still care the same amount He said you should care more about, or he said just because you have. That was the example. Yeah. The difference between one client and 10 clients, you should still care the same amount. Yeah, give them all the same thing.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Yeah. Yeah. He was funny. I enjoyed him on the level one team. Look at this he was he was a he was a regular source of lightheartedness and joviality and contributed significantly to the collegiality he had a mascot like quality to him. I agree. Yeah, that's well said. Yeah, he was the goofball buffoon of the team.
Starting point is 00:59:17 And in his post-L1 life, he wanted to shed a lot of that, I think. I mean, I had to actively work with the L1 staff to keep people from picking on him. Was he a little gullible, maybe? He was just goofy and said shit that didn't make sense or add up. There were people that were with a rapier-like wit that just diced him up. He didn't care. He'd come back for more. I mean, he was like... The Labrador.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Yeah, he was fun that way. He was lovable. You know, I think he enjoyed it. Just a quick answer to Lazar real quick. He says, why do the Americans have such a problem with the vaccines? So, Lazar, just a couple of examples I'm just going to give you. They told us it would work. It would stop you from getting sick.
Starting point is 01:00:14 It didn't. They told you it would stop it being contagious. It didn't. They said that it was safe and effective. And all of a sudden, we have all of this heart attack propaganda going on. And we have kids and people of all ages dying from heart attacks, all case mortalities worldwide, uh, on the rise, uh, only after the injection, tons of evidence, um, that there's, um, tons of tons and tons of evidence that actually no vaccines work, but no one wants to, for some reason, no one wants to spend the 15
Starting point is 01:00:45 minutes it takes to look at that evidence. And then the one that's really weird, if you really want to get start tripping is the two that are weird is all of a sudden when COVID came out, flu deaths went to zero. And we knew that the test was a hundred percent unreliable and that the average COVID death was higher than the average death. Now, think about that. So let me just say that again, if you're, if the average COVID death is 82 and the average death of the person in the country is 80, people aren't dying from COVID, they're dying with COVID. And there just becomes some, the question really should be, Lazar, is why is, doesn't everyone have a problem with the vaccine? What's going, is why doesn't everyone have a problem with the vaccine?
Starting point is 01:01:25 What's going on? Why doesn't everyone have a problem with it? And that's the part where Greg and I were talking about earlier. Greg was maybe insinuating that it took bravery and intelligence to see it. But I think that that's a gentle, fair characterization of it. And unfortunately, I don't even think you're right in your question. I think a lot of Americans don't have a problem with it. Unfortunately, I don't even think you're right in your question. I think a lot of Americans don't have a problem with it.
Starting point is 01:01:49 What would you say, Greg? I don't know what the numbers are. I don't know what the split is. I hear the numbers for the third booster are real low. I think we're on the seventh. I'm not joking. I think in LA, they're on their seventh. Yeah, they just started saying to get it every year now.
Starting point is 01:02:05 They're like, well, it's just going to be an annual vaccine now. So then people would come in and ask for it regularly. Some people would just come in every six months and ask for it. Lazard, there's this book. It's called Sudden Death or Died Suddenly. I'll go get it You know where it's at It's a Dowd book maybe Caleb can pull it up
Starting point is 01:02:33 Dowd D-O-W-D It's right here And you should buy this book Or download it and it has barcodes So you can go to all the articles That show all the weird deaths happening. Cause Unknown. What is it?
Starting point is 01:02:47 Oh, Cause Unknown. Cause Unknown by Dowd. Yeah, Cause Unknown. Check this book out. Wild, dude. Wild. Wild, wild, wild. 1954 five stars. god wow yeah fair it's a fair question go yeah fair
Starting point is 01:03:11 question you don't want to you uh once you take uh an injection your immune system has been altered forever just remember that this isn't like vicodin or doing a line of coke like you take that shit in your immune system you give that to a kid and you've altered their immune system their whole life this one oh yeah yeah cause unknown by doubt the epidemic of sudden deaths in 2021 and 2022 and uh let's pull the world records there's more there's more footnotes and links and research attached to this than anyone has time for. Each of the deaths presented comes with a QR code that takes you back. It's quite a story. But this is, it was the actuarial side of things that kind of broke the story.
Starting point is 01:04:06 The insurance companies know the truth. And Dow dug that up. I got another book, How to Behave and Why, by Monroe Leith. Oh, who is it? It predates Seuss by 30-40 years Who's the author Greg Monroe M-U-N-R-O
Starting point is 01:04:32 Leaf how to behave and why Outstanding 16 years of the CrossFit Games Not a single blood clot incident Two years ago Two blood clot incidents at the CrossFit Games, not a single blood clot incident. Two years ago, two blood clot incidents at the CrossFit Games, both Canadian, both injected. Bizarre, right? Joe Neal's black square represents fear and recency bias. When you don't have confidence in your value, you get rattled by the veil getting pulled and feeling exposed by your lack thereof.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Grateful for Greg. Joe Neils, owner of Kenosha CrossFit. Thanks, Joe. Hey, Sebi, we just met Kenosha people. Kenosha people. Kenosha. Oh, at Legends. Probably at Legends. Oh, Joe was there.
Starting point is 01:05:32 You met him. You met that guy in front of the... Yeah, okay. In front of the... Why are you laughing? Because my boy just woke up, and he's trying to tiptoe through the house hey where are you are you in idaho no dude i'm here back at ground zero it's still when did you
Starting point is 01:05:55 get there uh last night about seven o'clock oh shit okay good trip successful trip so yeah we're not interested in the house Oh okay You know They photographed brilliantly Did you guys both agree? Yeah Yeah I think we could tell
Starting point is 01:06:15 Because neither of us said much Okay thank you Beautiful home Gotta go Lazer my name is Cave Dastro Everything I say is a troll. Not everything. I'm at the beach.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Look at my hair. Look at me. What do you mean, where am I at? I'm at the beach. The beach. Hey, Setti, tell the story of the dude who tells his wife to look out for us. Oh, that was wild. Runs it.
Starting point is 01:06:47 I guess I've just told her, huh? And while he's telling her to look out for Sebi and Greg, they're in Scottsdale. She catches us at the Shake Shack. Yeah. At the mall. Yeah. And we have him come on down and he's a delightful young man.
Starting point is 01:07:04 We've got a handful of little kids about the age of our little kids in that space at least and uh and it turns out he went to high school with uh with maggie's cousin greg's with his eight kids eight of his kids i'm with my three kids we're just walking we're there everyone's in line at the shake shack everyone's excited this chick's on the phone and she looks at greg and i greg and i what's up she's like are you and greg goes i am or something like that and then she goes i'm with my husband knows you guys are both in scottsdale right now and he told me to keep an eye out for you and i I was basically telling him, you're fucking crazy. I'm walking into a mall.
Starting point is 01:07:47 What do you mean keep my eye out? Like, I hadn't made any posts. I didn't tell anyone we were at the mall. And so she hung out. Awesome couple, right? Beautiful couple. Three beautiful kids. Fucking, he was a stud.
Starting point is 01:08:00 He looked good with a mullet. She was cute as all get out. Happy, positive people. They hung out for a few minutes. It was a stud. He looked good with a mullet. She was cute as all get out. Happy, positive people. They hung out for a few minutes. It was a good encounter. And I went home. My three-year-old didn't want to make the walk back the mile to the house. And so she and I took a Waymo back.
Starting point is 01:08:19 It was my first time. I was pretty nervous, you know? I wasn't seeing it at the pickup spot. Then it wasn't really where it said it was. It was cool. As you approach, your phone says unlock. You unlock and the door opens. What is a Waymo?
Starting point is 01:08:35 It's a driverless taxi. Robot car. Yeah. Yeah, dude. Crazy. Scottsdale's littered with these. It's so crazy everywhere dude cars with no drive with no drivers and at first someone's like hey someone's driving it from the back i'm like so i fucking walked up to one i stopped one and looked in no there's no one in
Starting point is 01:08:56 what do you mean you stopped when you like walked in front of it walk in front of it and it just stops yeah it just stops what Yeah, it just stops. What? Yeah. Dude, it's crazy. So it took off abruptly. It missed two left turns and shaken out, went past anything that made sense, then turned around, and I would anthropomorphize the little things in it, thought about what it was doing, and then took out another route and hit it coming from the other direction and let me out kind of
Starting point is 01:09:30 hinky from my location, but I fucking loved it still. It was cool. It was just wonderfully novel. But I think Uber without the driver is better. But I should get some hate mail, huh? You're hurting the economy. you're taking jobs from people good morning coach says eaton beaver good morning super cool if those were all greg kids at legend that man is pumping at his age why does it have to be at his age why can't it just be he's
Starting point is 01:10:03 pumping discover more value than ever at loblaws like price drop why does it have to be at his age? Why can't it just be he's pumping? Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like price drop. Hear that? Loblaws lowers prices every four weeks on a selection of items. So you can save more. Whether it's pantry staples or seasonal favorites, you can look forward to new discounts throughout the aisles at Loblaws to get your essentials at great prices.
Starting point is 01:10:27 It's your cue to stock up and save. Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws, in-store and online. At Best Western, when you stay three nights this summer, you earn 10,000 bonus points. And while you're reliving your summer childhood road trip memories, they're creating new ones. So check into any one of our more than 2,300 hotels and make more memories to look back on. Here.
Starting point is 01:10:54 We'll set the scene. Life's a trip. Make the most of it at Best Western. Visit for terms and conditions. Jed and I, it's Nelson. Caleb's still dressed and ready to take a trip in the hot tub time machine. God, your jacket is ridiculous. I love it. I'm from the past. I already took my hot tub time machine trip.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Ladies and gentlemen, I hate that I got the vaccine, but I was a surgical past. I already took my hot tub time machine trip. Ladies and gentlemen, I hate that I got the vaccine, but I was a surgical RN. I am a surgical RN. Death everywhere. They fed us BS, and I thought I was protecting my kids. A year later, I realized they fucked us. I walked, and we started budgeting. Oh, shit, you did walk. Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Nice. Get out of healthcare as soon as you can. Wow. I don't know. It seems like there's a lot of job security there I don't know about that wait till you get fired I don't I'm gonna stand on my record
Starting point is 01:11:53 of the five buckets of death talk in the spring of 2020 nothing's changed or done anything that shed more light on that um can you pull that up uh caleb and or could you maybe just post the link for five buckets of death in the um yeah if you haven't seen this watch this if and then and then send it to someone
Starting point is 01:12:18 you care about someone you love it's great it's powerful it's. What's crazy is this came out when did this come out? I want to say January of 2020? Yeah, pre-vaccine. Well, now it has a COVID-19 warning on the YouTube video. No shit. I meant to tell you.
Starting point is 01:12:40 I want to be careful with this. I'll share with you, but I don't want to be sensitive to everyone involved. But some friends are passing information around relating to Dr. Seyfried's research. Yeah. And Google put a big fat red, this might be dangerous thing on it. Oh, wow. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. and google put a big fat red this might be dangerous thing on it oh wow wow yeah yeah so i got google i got google's bots probably reading my emails i'll send it to you couldn't have been more innocuous yeah please wow
Starting point is 01:13:19 and make sure you read that the the names all of a sudden i can't write um you know i had my instagram account pulled down for the second time in the last month and third time in my life and uh now they won't even i can post but i can't they won't let me write anything they have me on like some sort of time out i can't like make comments or i can just post pictures i'm just a picture guy now i can't write anything i can't be like hey this is me and greg in scottsdale but you could write it in lipstick on a mirror i could take a picture of it yes yes yes oh i like that That's got some tapping on the prison wall kind of qualities to it. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Hey, let's talk about something fun for a second. What did you think about – I'm going to play this for you since we're just ass-pounding Harvard. since we're just ass pounding Harvard, the president of Harvard was saying that she doesn't have it. Basically she's saying she doesn't have an issue with people saying death to Jews on campus, you know, kill the kikes, all that stuff. She's like, Hey, you know, freedom of speech, let you know, right, right on campus. Let, let you know, whatever. And I think we could all agree that you couldn't get away with doing that.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Like kill the blacks, right? They'd put a stop to that in a second. I don't know. I don't know what ethnicities we should make a list of what ethnicities you could get away with saying that, but killing the Jews is totally cool to say on campus. And then they say she resigned, but she didn't resign.
Starting point is 01:14:58 You know what she did? She, they moved her to the league, to the law school, Greg, you know what I mean? So they didn't, they, they just changed their position, but here she is apologizing and her apology is crazy. Did you see the original testimony by any
Starting point is 01:15:12 chance, Greg? No, but I heard of it. It was so bad. It was so bad. Okay. Here we go. There was a moment during yesterday's congressional hearing on antisemitism when I was asked if the call for the genocide of Jewish people on our campus would violate our policies. In that moment, I was focused on our university's longstanding policies aligned with the U.S. Constitution, which say that speech alone is not punishable. I was not focused on, but I should have been. The irrefutable fact that a call for genocide of Jewish people is a call for some of the most terrible violence human beings can perpetrate. It's evil, plain and simple. It's evil, plain and simple. I want to be clear. A call for genocide of Jewish people is threatening, deeply so. It is intentionally meant to terrify a people who have been subjected to pogroms and hatred for centuries and were the victims of mass genocide in the Holocaust. In my view, it would be harassment or intimidation.
Starting point is 01:16:33 For decades, under multiple Penn presidents and consistent with most universities, Penn's policies have been guided by the Constitution and the law. In today's world, where we are seeing signs of hate proliferating across our campus and our world in a way not seen in years, these policies need to be clarified and evaluated. Penn must initiate a serious and careful look at our policy. Look at the one comment there. It says it exactly right.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Oh, your donor is called and suddenly now you have morals and an understanding of right and wrong got it right that's exactly what happened that's exactly what happened yeah fuck you hey she was smirking and she was laughing and when they asked her that and she was said something like hey we um we don't take action against those kind of words until they turn to conduct meaning we we need to see some dead jews basically uh before um before before what we say you can't do that and what's crazy about that is any one of those ladies there were a shitload of ladies up there i can't remember but it was her and the president of harvard and some other president and any of them could have been like hey man we totally fucking hate this and we wish they would drag these fuckers off the campus but we
Starting point is 01:17:48 can't our hands are tied because it's freedom of speech and then the other you know what i mean they didn't even say that they don't give anything of themselves they're fucking bots like it's so obvious she's just protecting her job and she wasn't present to hear the question hey it would have been no different if someone said hey death to your kids can you articulate by any chance greg that why that's there's a difference between saying that on the streets of new york versus articulating that on a campus like death to a group of people like why that why that's not why that's not okay uh in a place where students are going to school to be demanding the death of people? I'm not going to put you on the spot. that belonged to the university that would forcefully remove someone on campus with a bullhorn at a non-scheduled sanctioned event.
Starting point is 01:18:52 You would say that one more time? I would have them forcefully removed by cops. Yeah, yeah. If they're saying death to anybody. No, just speaking with a bullhorn. Tell me about how beautiful the oceans are. Yeah. Save the turtles. Any disruptive behavior. And you've got free speech.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Write anything you want. Print it. Put it on a poll. But I think that, you know, my old man used to say that you've got these concentric circles of behaviors you don't approve of. And you could have at the core school shootings and then go out to physical assault, you know, fist, and then out far enough he'd get into mores and manners and that kind of thing. And his line was that wherever you draw the line,
Starting point is 01:19:57 that's where you'll have the battle. And so if you wanna be dealing with dress codes and hair length, you will will if the only thing you can do to get in trouble is bring a rifle to school that's what's going to happen and it's it's played out that way i have i would have no problem my kids attending a school that fundamentally has some de facto kind of... Sorry, go ahead. De facto what? Dress code. Like Hillsdale.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Caller, hi. Hello? Caller? Hello? Caller? Hello? Caller? God damn it. How dare you interrupt. Javier Acosta, to evade the First Amendment, your speech must have an imminent lawless action component. General threats are not a violation of the amendment under the imminent lawless action test. Speech is not protected by the first amendment. If the speaker intends to incite a violation of law, that is both imminent and likely speech is not.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Oh, the thing is, I don't know if those, I don't think that those rules necessarily, I don't think those rules apply everywhere. Obviously. Like you can't, you can't write on Instagram,
Starting point is 01:21:24 like, uh, you can't even call someone fat on instagram you get dinged can't do any even name calling even even if it's an objective like you couldn't be like hey uh seven you're fat compared to uh caleb you fucking slap you around for that. That's a social response, not a government one. We're talking about a government one. Well, are we at Penn? We're not talking about... I mean, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:21:55 At Penn, you're paying money to go there. You want your institution to protect yourself. Do I have a First Amendment right to stand up in the middle of my remedial algebra class at the university and start ranting political bullshit? No. How about outside the room? No.
Starting point is 01:22:22 How about out in the quad with a bullhorn? Nope. no how about out in the quad with a bullhorn nope okay well why does it even matter about the jews or death part is it better is it is it more protected if it was instead of lunacy that it was something morally depraved you still don't have the right right that's and that's and that's not for all of society that doesn't mean you can't paint your house yellow if you live in an HOA it might Troy yeah good we don't you don't get into a classroom and and then in the course of 90 minutes exercise all of your rights you're not gonna have the right to assemble you're not gonna
Starting point is 01:23:16 freedom of speech it's not like it's shut the fuck up and learn something it's that kind of place or it doesn't exist hey um i went i went on to the um uh universe i don't know if this story is true but this is how i remember it greg will tell me if it's not true we went to uc san francisco and greg went there to speak uh in to their president and in front of a large group of people. Basically, USF. USF. What did I say?
Starting point is 01:23:49 University of San Francisco or? You said UC San Francisco. Okay. We went there too, but USF. And basically we were, he was going there to talk about how, hey,
Starting point is 01:24:00 how you basically, you guys don't want Coke machines on your campus. You guys don't want to be serving, just pumping sugar straight. Take money from Coke to because Coke would pay the campus money to have their vending machines, their Coke or Pepsi or whoever. He's like, hey, you probably don't want to do that. That's not good for your campus. It's not good for the kids health. And we know that probably the leading cause of death from marginalized people is the over consumption of sugar. So you already know that. So he's there to do that and support that. And what happens? This marginalized group of students comes and interrupts the meeting. like paper plates that were black and not white because the white paper plates were offensive and yet they were interrupting greg who was there to speak on something that would have been the greatest value to their marginalized people it was absolutely fucking insane and they came with
Starting point is 01:24:55 bullhorns and 300 kids and they were absolutely rude to the dean and the president and everyone there they had no dignity about them do you remember remember that? I do. I remember him being shouted down. Yeah. I say bring in the water cannons and spray those kids down. I really do. Just wash them out into the street like trash.
Starting point is 01:25:21 CrossFit Podcast number 17 at the 9 minute 45 second mark Greg called it way before the 49ers Oh I'll have to go back and look at that Wow wait that wasn't Man
Starting point is 01:25:33 What's he talking about? You were on the CrossFit podcast twice And you must have said something on there About the imminent injections that were coming Like basically you probably didn't know but you were probably prophesying something way before the injection this was probably in 2017 or 18 he's saying at the 9 minute 45 second mark look at you what okay let's see i said well keep your head below the parapet. Be careful, don't get in his position because what they're going,
Starting point is 01:26:06 and you know, what they've been put through was designed to make these other doctors afraid. Do we have a vet gear in Oaks in the United States, someone who's been through that? No, but you know, they're gearing up for it. Oh, there you go. The silencing of physicians and trainers is being baked into the Affordable Care Act. It's the goal of Coca-Cola.
Starting point is 01:26:35 They're leading the initiative. And it's exercises medicine. It's all about that. Dan, what year is this? 2017. Jeez. Damn what year is this 2017 Jeez Well let me It's like a broken record
Starting point is 01:26:51 We're like a broken record We're just remaking the old shit Someone kick Greg he's skipping You sit at this long enough And there's nothing new Right Here we go again. A couple of things.
Starting point is 01:27:09 One is I feel obliged to let everyone know I'm much happier doing what I'm doing than doing what I was doing. That hurts. That hurts. The day in, day out minutia of running this enterprise grew on me.
Starting point is 01:27:29 And I was mentioning that earlier, the way, you know, look, we went from one HR gal to 22. And each time I was told we have to have them. We want to be in compliance. You don't want to not have an hr team and an employee handbook and all this but all of that grew and in such an incremental fashion even though it was it was uh it was a long term it was crazy growth over over a decade and it was exposing me to more and more things that weren't that fun to do. And so you wake up every morning, okay, what happened last night? You know, because it was daytime somewhere.
Starting point is 01:28:14 And there's going to be, there was just a lot of shit that came up that wasn't fun to deal with. And where I'm at now is I've taken I've just gone upstream of the problem and the limitations in academic fitness of the limitations in academic medicine are the failures of academic science across the board and I'm going to exempt the natural sciences for the most part, chemistry, physics, biology, math, you know, um, and I'm, and I'm happy. I'm really enjoying it. I'm really enjoying it. But these, but none of this, none of these problems are new
Starting point is 01:29:05 Trevor taking away speech you don't agree with You take away speech you do agree with Dude I couldn't agree with you more Here's the thing I saw a video the other day Where a guy walked into a CrossFit gym with a camera And was playing a prank on the CrossFit gym And it was a busy CrossFit class
Starting point is 01:29:21 And there were people of all ages there Kids to adults And he had this camera on his head And he's like I'm in here to get jacked and get pussy. I'm here – and he kept doing that. I'm here to get jacked and get pussy. And finally the owner is like, hey, dude, you got to go outside. You can't be in here doing that.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Now, this is what I'm thinking. That owner needs to have a space where people can work out. That's his business. And when you interfere with his business, you're interfering with the fact that he's able to put food on the table. And when you're interfering with the fact that he's able to put food on his table, you're interfering with the fact of him to stay alive. That's exactly where I go. You're fucking with his livelihood where he puts food on the table to feed his kids. Immediately, that's where I go. Everything for me is about putting food on the table to feed my kids. And so the second you do that, you can't be in there screaming, I'm here to get jacked and pussy. He bought that space under the same laws that protect your freedom of speech. He bought that space. He got the business license. He has the parking lot up to code. And so if you want to do that, go outside. If not, you should have the shit beat out of you after one or two warnings. I mean, the living shit kicked out of you for interfering with that guy's ability.
Starting point is 01:30:25 And that's what I'm saying. You pay money to $50,000 a year to send your kids somewhere to learn, and someone else thinks that that's a place to say death to your kids? Fuck you. I am open for freedom of speech. You can write death to Jews. It's called fucking Reddit. Go to where all the scumbags are.
Starting point is 01:30:42 And we live in an age where everyone has social media almost as a birthright. And yet the issues of free speech are you wanting to say shit on my site. Why don't you go to your Facebook page and fucking say that shit? I can. Lynn Pitts. I don't have the Sorry one more thing
Starting point is 01:31:08 I don't have a problem with them yelling the shit on the streets It's not the streets Go on the streets Go on the streets That's what it's for Where you pay taxes Our in-house Our in-house standard was collegiality
Starting point is 01:31:23 Lynn Pitts said she ran the forums the message board and the comments with about the same standard or requirement that she'd insist on if you were sitting on the couch in my home that was how she expressed it and so you could be a rude motherfucker and get banned for rudeness
Starting point is 01:31:44 much less death to jews right uh trevor ottman to be clear i'm 100 against the hate speech i'm not against hate speech because i don't even know what hate speech is and and here's the thing and i don't trust other people saying what what um uh what hate speech is or isn't right because? Because basically, if you say taking the injection is bad, some people would say that's hate speech. So I'm not against hate speech either. Hate, hate. I'm turning into an Englishman.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Hate, hate speech. Okay, here we go. Sebi, you're conflating two different things. Okay, please unfuck me. The CF owner can dictate who and who cannot be on your property. The college permit demonstration demonstrations on their campus. I'm not conflating. Maybe I'm just not aware of the rules on a college campus, but then they need to change those rules.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Fine. If you want to do a demonstration on the campus. Fine. Maybe those are the rules that maybe my kids won't go to college i'm not conflating maybe i just don't know the rules of what i didn't know you could do that march around on a college campus and say death to jews now i know i won't send my kid to that one but i'm not conflating i'm just dumb ignorant Ignorant. Ignigent. How can we keep up with it? If Harvard blacks were cool and Asians were a problem.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Yeah. By policy. This was a fucking incredible line I heard you say the other day that I wrote down. Where is this? It's crazy. I really don't want to believe in evil, but I think maybe you defined it for me the other day that I wrote down. Where is this? It's crazy. I really don't want to believe in evil, but I think maybe you defined it for me the other day. It's uncivilized. It's an uncivilized
Starting point is 01:33:32 force that takes rights away from the individual and gives them to groups. And now I see that happening everywhere. Like the Boston mayor just threw a Christmas party that's for everyone but whites. And I'm like, that's exactly what it is republicans in general want to give rights to individuals and democrats in general want to give rights to groups which marginalizes other groups at their
Starting point is 01:33:59 at their essence that's their whole premise is to marginalize people it's not my father my father claimed that hitler's plan was affirmative action plan essence, that's their whole premise is to marginalize people. It's nuts. My father claimed that Hitler's plan was a affirmative action plan. He just gave exemptions to everyone from the ovens except the Jews. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's fair. I think it's solid.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Yeah. Oh, here's an interesting take. God gives, but Greg doesn't believe in God, but God gives free will. Evil takes it away. I'll tell you what I do believe in. I believe in free will. You do? Yeah, and I've not heard an explanation that worked for me. yeah and i've not heard an explanation of it that worked for me
Starting point is 01:34:54 an explanation against against against against free will for it and so when uh when matt briggs says ah my lad there's the it's the kiss of god i like that. On behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu, I cordially invite you and guests to the – oh, wait. Let me see what that says. She accidentally – she admits that she accidentally sent it to the whites. Let me see her apology, Caleb. Go back a little bit. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Her apology is going to be better. Go back a little bit. Let me see. Her apology is going to be better. Go back a little more. Oh, let me see. Turns out they were mistakenly made aware of a holiday party that was only meant to be for her elected colors. Wow. That's like, hey, dude, this is a true story. It's kind of sad. This guy that Greg and I knew, this is a fucking crazy story.
Starting point is 01:35:50 He was invited to a birthday party on accident. He was invited to his ex-girlfriend's birthday party on accident. Just some girl he'd hooked up with once. And she was looking for, and his name was Chris, and she thought she was calling Chris her girlfriend, but she got Chris her one-time hookup. Oh, no. And, yeah, and, like, embarrassingly,
Starting point is 01:36:21 just, like, invited him to the birthday party. So he said, fuck, I'm coming. Well, she also had there a... He had to fly two states over to go to it, by the way. He had to go out of his way to get there. Go from San Diego to, I think it was Boulder, Colorado. A brilliant guy. A physician.
Starting point is 01:36:38 A brilliant physician. Yeah. Yeah. I owe him quite a bit. You you're gonna tell the story what happened yeah yeah so chris shows up at the party and they took it from her house to a public bar and restaurant and she was she had invited um someone she knew who was a hopeful current love interest, was working his way in towards her. And this fellow and Chris got into an argument. And the people at the table told them they had to take it outside.
Starting point is 01:37:23 And Chris is, right, let's go outside. So they went outside. And right as they went outside, they heard gunshots. And Chris staggered back into the restaurant, clutching his chest. And the guy followed him behind him, shooting him still. And then shot him, like emptied the gun into him there in the restaurant. And a cross-fitting Marine chef stopped him and tackled him, beat him up pretty good. But, uh, he's since been convicted of that murder.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Oh my God. It was a friend of ours. Hey dude, this guy didn't have like anything masculine about him. He was the gentlest soul fucking ever. I can't believe that if all the people in the world who could ever get shot, I can't believe it's this guy. Like he was a non-threatening man. He was not,
Starting point is 01:38:09 I mean, it was, it's crazy. He went to, he went to New Zealand on his own dime and set up with the Maori on some CrossFit introductions and was delivering the goods at a diabetes prevention program that was brilliant. And they were loving it.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Kyle Landis, so I shouldn't go to my ex's birthday party. No. Absolutely not. Yeah, Chris. So Chris got invited to his ex, some chicks he banged once, birthday party,
Starting point is 01:38:40 went there and the fucking Newcock blasted him and killed him. Yep. Crazy. We met this dude at a starbucks and greg immediately bonded with them and they became friends and he went to all the same watering holes as us same breakfast place same dinner place he was always turned me on meeting him he turned me on to uh. It's no joke. The fat switch guy. Dr. Dick Johnson at the University of Colorado.
Starting point is 01:39:11 The nephrologist. What were Dick Johnson's parents thinking when they named him? Did they really not know? I'm sure dad was Richard and so was grandpa. That's a curse you just pass on. Fuck that. Unless they're like, hey dude, it worked out for us. dad was richard and so was grandpa you just that's a curse you just pass off that
Starting point is 01:39:26 yeah unless they're like hey dude it worked out for us yeah i i could yeah i'm not gonna i'm not gonna go down there um but uh johnson was able to show that it was the metabolization of fructose that creates uric acid and produces not just gout, but type 2 diabetes. And a very, very important bit of research. And he turned me on to that that day there. At Starbucks when we met him yep so i went went back and looked up the study read it and saw in there that one of the things that acted the way fructose did in its metabolization
Starting point is 01:40:19 it's metabolizing that also produced uric acid in this cascade that produced unregulated uh production of amp um that brewer's yeast did the same thing and i've never had a beer since trippy story huh chris king dude i can't that was one of the craziest things i did not fucking believe you i remember that like it was yesterday the day before you and i drank our last course light together and all of a sudden you're like i'm never having a beer ever again and i've never seen you with a beer ever again because you ran into some dude at starbucks that's that's that's a true story by the way i lived with greg at the time i wasn't drinking for the taste of that and i wasn't drinking for the heart disease
Starting point is 01:41:17 for the what and so the heart disease oh oh you didn't want like the taste or the heart disease of course like yeah it was right you don't like tasting piss every time you drink a Coors Light. Dude, I I cannot I cannot tell you guys how crazy of a shift that was from our previous lifestyle in one fucking second. It was done. No one even believed it. Like if you went to Greg's, you were having Coors Lights. And then it was gone. Never again.
Starting point is 01:41:44 I think I've heard that story two or three times and I'm still surprised by it that's the first time I've ever heard Greg tell it you should hear Maggie's version of it she's like yeah shortly after I met you you quit drinking beer and I go are you sure it wasn't before
Starting point is 01:41:59 she goes no I used to snap out bottle caps at me oh that's right you were a good bottle cap snapper that's right I remember we'd snap fucking caps at me. Oh, that's right. You were a good bottle cap snapper. That's right. I remember we'd snap fucking caps all over the place. Very abusive. Very abusive. I can't even imagine flicking a bottle cap at Maggie.
Starting point is 01:42:16 I think she'd come after me with a steak knife. You do have your hands full. She is quite the... She's a glorious physical specimen. Yeah, she's a, she's a, she's a warrior. Are those genetics got passed on to your kids too? They're freaks. Uh, Sean Sullivan, that is the problem. A lot of people don't believe in evil, but at the same time believe everyone is good. As a Christian, I know my nature is sin, so I must, through the power of the Holy Spirit, be renewed.
Starting point is 01:42:52 There are behaviors that are so repugnant that they're damn near universally found to be known to be pathological, wrong, unethical, evil, whatever. And the problem we have in labeling it and coming to terms with it is that the behaviors themselves are not rational. And so, you know, there's another school shooting and the fucking lady on TV says,
Starting point is 01:43:35 we as of yet don't know the motive. And it's just not thinking clearly to go there with every crime. Some behaviors are entirely irrational, deleterious, damaging, hurtful, murderous, and they don't need explaining, and you don't wanna, it doesn't make sense to talk about the rationality of it.
Starting point is 01:44:04 And for instance, the raping and the murder of the concert goers. Right. I have, I have, I have no interest in hearing of the grievance of those that did that. That's now, it doesn't matter anymore.
Starting point is 01:44:22 Right. Your cause, my cause is to kill you now. That's now it doesn't matter anymore. Right. Your cause, my cause is to kill you now. That's my cause. And I don't need to hear your cause on the way to finding you and killing you. And I just don't have a lot of patience for for for understanding pedophiles and i always said at the point that you go oh now i get it well you just became one it's a sign of your mental health that you can't the shit's inscrutable
Starting point is 01:44:59 hey there's i know we're at the end of the show, but you think you could be cured from that? Or you think it's like saying, do you think you could be cured from sleeping with your wife, Maggie? You think you could be cured of being a straight male? Is it like that when you say, hey, can you cure a pedophile? I wouldn't think so. I don't know. Moving that needle seems like a fucking weird thing to do. Point that thing at something else.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Like, if it's whatever it's pointed at, it seems like if it's pointed at kids, you're just fucked. Like, I remember when there was an owner of a CrossFit gym who was a pedophile and he killed himself. And I kind of thought he was a hero. I know that sounds really horrible. The one on the dock i can't remember he was a firefighter supposedly a really good dude yep yep but i was kind of like yeah like what do you like yep i mean i don't want anyone to kill themselves don't get me wrong but you can't do that you can't do shit like if shit. You think if your needle's pointed that way, you could fix it? Make it go away?
Starting point is 01:46:07 The membership contacted us and told us they were as shocked as everyone else. They never had any suspicion of anything like this. What he was doing was abhorrent and evil, but they all loved each other and enjoyed their gym. Right. And they'd like to continue without him. and joined their gym right and they'd like to continue without him and so we uh we let some of the members come and be licensee of record come take the l1 and i think we loaned them some money to take this shit because the family had locked up the gym but i think we loaned them or gave them money to open up down the street so yeah change the name
Starting point is 01:46:45 is like yeah hit a refresh on everything i remember that hey same thing you did that for a gym in hawaii too uh the owner killed themselves and you gave him a refresh i think that gym you may have even bought all help buy all the equipment or something we had a lot of latitude to do a lot of good things for a lot of good people and did so. Yeah. And, you know, inflation wouldn't have slowed me down. Ladies and gentlemen, next Tuesday, Greg Glassman will be on again. Or no, sorry, next Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:47:20 And we will ask him the hard-hitting questions. Will he be voting for Trump? Greg, thanks for coming on, dude. Always good to see you. I can tell you that right now. No, no, no. They got to come back. They can't. They can't.
Starting point is 01:47:35 This is too much. They got too much in the show already. See you next week. Caleb, thank you. Thanks, Greg. I'll talk to you later. Thanks, Greg. Say hey, what's up to Maggie? I will, buddy. Later, buddy. Love you. Thanks, Greg. I'll talk to you later. Thanks, Greg. Say hey, what's up to Maggie? I will, buddy. Later, buddy. Love you. Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 01:47:50 Epic show. Not one standee. One knot that didn't even ring up the standee. Damn. But Caleb's jacket continues to be a source of great content. Caleb taking one for the team. Like a good dude. Next week, Caleb will visit Patagonia's 50% Off-Rack
Starting point is 01:48:11 and add even more content to the show. We have an REI just down the road, so I think maybe I'll stop by REI during their Christmas sale. 75% Off-Rack. Yeah. We got a couple of Goodwills, too. Maybe I'll stop by there. That's cheating.
Starting point is 01:48:26 I need it to be like high end. I need it to be really expensive stuff. Like this was $800. I got it for 37 bucks. Okay. All right. I can do that. I'll find something.
Starting point is 01:48:37 Holy hell. That was an insane end to the show. I was reading that article. Like the one that they wrote about the, uh, the shooting that's which shooting the one with the the um the lover that came to the birthday party on accident oh crazy right yeah hey dude i think he i think greg i think the guy got shot through the door
Starting point is 01:48:58 i think he shot him and the guy went through the glass that's the way i heard the story yeah yeah and then he could have lived but the guy shot him again like while he was on the ground or some shit yeah it's crazy and then the the the chef in the back came out like took the guy down beat the shit out of him and then took the butt of his gun and slapped him across the oh he did yeah there's there's a picture of his face afterwards. It's pretty cool. Hey, so I was at Starbucks in – oh, wow. Oh, he kind of looks like Chris too. That's kind of what Chris looked like.
Starting point is 01:49:36 That's crazy. Well, he knows that chick has a taste then. Hey, so that guy, he was at a Starbucks reading a book that was like, it's some famous medical book. I don't think it was the DSM, but it was some thick ass book that every medical person knows. And Greg just walks right up to him and sits down and they talk for an hour. Whoa. It was crazy. And I was just sitting there like, fuck, let's go. Greg had probably just bought me a new motorcycle. It was probably parked out front, and I wanted to get on it and ride it. And then he's like, hey, dude. He just looked at me. He goes, hey, dude, I'm never having a beer ever again.
Starting point is 01:50:12 I'm like, yeah, right. Let's go get a 12-pack. Never again. Wow. That was Chris? That was that guy? That was that dude. That was that dude.
Starting point is 01:50:21 And then that dude was around all the time. That dude started being invited to Greg's house for parties and hanging out. We were always hanging with that dude. I think that dude may have even got a job with CrossFit. What are you looking at? What are you looking at? So, and then he got blasted. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:42 What a traumatic way to die, dude. Yeah, just got accidentally invited to a wrong birthday party man that's fucked how many times do you think you've been to Starbucks every time I get in my car I make three stops every 15 minutes in my car I stop at a Starbucks to take a piss exactly
Starting point is 01:51:00 hey the first time I was probably 34 years old 35 years old and i drove from san diego to prescott with greg and i had to stop and pee like five times and he was probably like what the fuck dude i brought you with me to help with the ride not he was dying laughing when i was a little kid my dad used to fucking make fun of me because i'd be like dude you gotta stop i gotta get out and pee cave dastro chris sounds like the type of guy that would buy a membership to the podcast youtube channel so hey listen listen listen listen cave when when i keep hearing
Starting point is 01:51:43 pedro say that you're buying people all these memberships for his show, what does that mean exactly? Oh, that's a crazy question. How did you and Greg become such good friends? Boy, you're not even going to believe it if I told you. My dad took a – holy shit shit wow wow wow that's crazy that's fucking nuts i gotta call greg and tell him that that's crazy wow Wow Before I forget Hey, I'm still live
Starting point is 01:52:34 But there's something I wanted to read one of the comments to you Russell Berger chimed in and he said My dad took that affiliate over, Seve Russell Berger's dad stepped in And took over the affiliate where the dude killed himself The child molester Crazy, right well what a small world yeah we got to get Russell on a show with us yeah I'm uh I speak with him fairly regularly all right he's one of my favorites all right I'll call you later I just I couldn't believe he commented. Okay. Thanks for sharing.
Starting point is 01:53:05 Okay, bye. Wow, that's a trip. All right. I was working at CrossFit. This story deserves more time than this. But I was working at CrossFit, and I would talk with Lauren a lot. That was his wife at the time. And I basically said, hey, I'm really, really fucking good at being someone's friend.
Starting point is 01:53:46 And I think Greg needs a friend, and I'm going to try to be his friend. She goes, yeah, you should. And I just fucking put effort in to be his friend. And one day I flew out to Prescott to see him and they had separated at the point. So she was living in a house up the street and I went there and i was there for a couple days and i said i was staying in his house and i said hey dude i didn't even know him that well by the way like at that point i'd spend less than that was the most i'd ever hung out with him i'd probably spend like long before then i'd ever talked to him was 20 or 30 minutes but i just went and stayed at his house for a couple days and i said hey dude I'm supposed to go home tomorrow. But,
Starting point is 01:54:25 um, and we were just working on CrossFit shit while I was there. And I said, but I'd like to stay for 30 days and film you for 30 days and then make a, a little documentary about you. And he said, sure. So I called my wife,
Starting point is 01:54:37 who's my girlfriend at the time, Haley. And I said, Hey, I'm going to stay here for 30 days with Greg. And that was it. You can still find that video on the journal somewhere. It's fucking dope. And, uh, that was it From then on, I was like inseparable from him. And basically me and my
Starting point is 01:54:51 wife moved in with them. And I had my first kid at his house and we were just inseparable, but I just made an effort. And I am an epic friend. Like, like no shit. It's like, if I'm your friend, you're the luckiest fucking person alive. I mean that with peace and love. That's it. All right. Love you guys. Caleb, you're the man.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Thanks. God bless you and your jacket. Oh, shut up and scribble. The time on that show may have changed today I think so I think they're working on it Okay, and I think they have a special guest today Yeah, with all humility
Starting point is 01:55:35 Thank you I say with A complete No, Tommy and I Tommy Marquez and I We've had a hiccup in our relationship. We'll speed bump. Me and Tonto.
Starting point is 01:55:50 I don't hate him or nothing, but we just have a – oh, Seve, I explained membership as above. Okay, before I go, let me see. Where the fuck are your – okay, here we go. Cave Dastro, I pay $4.99. Someone gets a month membership. You get the money from that membership, and that person gets whatever membership benefits there are for the month. Start selling my friendship for $4.99. Yeah, the Russells were completely, complete savages.
Starting point is 01:56:23 The Russells were completely, complete savages. It focused savagery. Holy shit. What a phenomenon they were. What's crazy is when you had two people like that, it was almost a little out of control. Even people who worked there were scared of them. Not scared in the sense that there was eminent threat, but just like,
Starting point is 01:56:50 imagine like if a guy's juggling knives on stage, you have a little bit of anxiety, right? Like if he drops a knife in it, but now imagine he's juggling knives over you. That's kind of more what it was like working at HQ with them. Like you never knew. You think maybe accidentally they drop one on you? Dropped.
Starting point is 01:57:04 Yeah. Just drop one on you. yeah just drop one on you fucking rattled like they post something in the morning the whole ship gets rattled they fire such big torpedoes off this fucking side of the ship that the whole ship rocks you know what i mean you can't tell if you've been hit or we fucking nuke someone uh heidi crew i'm seven i'm gonna come live in your backyard for 30 days i don't i don't want to open um open a door for that but my i'm sure my we would be fine with that we're such dirt twirlers i'll come do it when i pick up that motorcycle
Starting point is 01:57:40 you should that'd be cool oh um my my neighbors so i live on one more thing i live on this private road i need a lawyer i live on this private road supposedly i didn't even know it's private road and now and there's like 15 or 18 or 25 people who live on it residents on it and now they're trying to organize it so we all have to throw in money every month or every year to maintain the road. Sounds like HOA. Totally cool with that. I'm totally cool with that. I just don't want it in writing.
Starting point is 01:58:11 I don't want it so my house is part of an HOA. If they're like, hey, give us $300 every December 1st, I'll give it. Like, here you go. Here's my money. Right? But there's also one more tricky thing. There's four homes on one side of the bridge and then like 20 homes on the other side of a bridge. I'm on the side that I don't need the bridge.
Starting point is 01:58:33 And so there's talk about rebuilding that bridge, and it's not even a bridge. You know what they've done, Caleb? They've made a big pile of dirt and then put a cul culvert under it a big concrete you know 10 foot pipe right so that the stream can go under the road so that thing's just gonna fucking like wash away someday right right and they want to build like a legit bridge there and i think it's gonna be like 100 grand like i'm like i like i'm trying to figure out like am i morally responsible for that i don't live up that part of the road and here's the too. Technically, the front of my house is not even on that road. It's on the other road because I'm a corner house.
Starting point is 01:59:09 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm not an HOA guy. I ain't doing that. I ain't attaching that shit to my house. Yeah, if you live on that road, then it's your problem. You think I'm morally responsible for paying for the bridge that's up the road for my house that I never cross? No. No. That sounds like a them problem yeah i don't want to be an asshole like it's our
Starting point is 01:59:31 road i'll pay for it but i don't think it's our road the city doesn't come out and maintain your roads either um the only maintenance i see is every once in a while someone there'll be some like three big trucks and 25 mexicans will get out and be like hey can we cut your tree down away from the wires i'm like please what the fuck is that shit grows so fast around me cut everything down just grows right back yeah i gotta do that around the house too we have a bunch of volunteer trees that just sprout up all over the place i don't live like in normal cal, guys. My sister laughs at me when I say this
Starting point is 02:00:07 because she doesn't think it's true, but I'm in the country. I'm country folk. I don't have like parking spaces and shit. You just have a big lot you just drive into. Seve, remember that time you put your address up on the show shut the fuck up uh 25 Mexicans for one tree that's a lot of Mexicans yeah I'm just I'm just part of the PSYOP just trying to colonize the indigenous people there's a lot of trees anyway let me
Starting point is 02:00:40 read with uh they said um so so they they called me and they're like, hey, everyone has responded to the email that went out to everyone in the neighborhood except for you and your wife. So they called me yesterday and told me that, but I didn't answer. So I asked my neighbor, I'm like, hey, what do I need to do? Because I don't want to do anything. okay he but my neighbors like hey just chill don't worry about it it'll all work out all right oh good i like that yeah you are so relaxed i love it thank you all right god i love my neighbor one time in a rainstorm my my house was my roof was leaking i called my neighbor like hey my roof's leaking he's like when i come over i'm like yeah and he just climbed up on my roof and patched it no way yeah just like right there in the rainstorm i mean he used like a piece of wood and a two by four and like you know some shit like that just hastily fixed it uh yeah it was uh look at it yeah Yeah, I'll have Cam on.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Whoever. I'll have anyone on. I'll have your mom on. Whoever. Who's Cam? Send me a DM. Listen, guys. I told you guys that I don't have a lot of DMs right now, and all of a sudden you guys think I'm begging for DMs. No, I don't want DMs. Don't be like, hey, Sebi, how are you? I feel bad you didn't have any DMs. Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:02:22 I don't want to hear from you. Don't send me shit. Last night I had time for a standee. Come on. He's stupid. God, Jake, you're stupid. Listen, listen everyone if you want to get dumb or listen if not turn the show off here we go i'm going to read jake's most recent post golfers have two roofs in case they get a hole in one here jake i got another one for you add it i have a whole crew of dumb jokes too um what did the uh what did the Dalai Lama say to the hot dog vendor?
Starting point is 02:03:07 What? Make me one with everything. Thank you. Me and Jake are taking our shit onto the road. oh my god you think this is true yeah holy crap there's no fucking way yeah you can do that with your like ring doorbell
Starting point is 02:03:40 my neighbors have a security camera on the front of their house and when I get out and when I get out and when i get out of the car it says hi you are being recorded every time fuck that you hear like an ai voice say that i think you can like record it yourself like on your phone you just say hi you're no like anyone cares these days everybody's being recorded all the time my wife hears me whisper every night into a year hold still hold still don't move don't move everything's gonna it's gonna be over in just a minute literally a minute promise you're not being recorded and it's gonna be
Starting point is 02:04:38 listen i i didn't i didn't eat yesterday that's the first time i fasted while on the carnivore i heard that the the results will be traumatic hey i feel like every time i talk about my diet i'm gonna summon a spongebob like it's like rubbing a lamp the beat picking i got so many dms about that yesterday about About our boy? Yeah. Who is that? I don't remember who that is. His name pops up on the phone, but I just like SpongeBob. That's better. Yeah, we'll stick with SpongeBob then.
Starting point is 02:05:13 You call him that because you remembered his physical dimensions, right? 5'1", 575. Yeah, something like that. Yeah. Probably also because he's soft. That's also why. You think he's soft? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:05:29 I get the feeling he's like a fucking silverback. Nah, he's soft. You do? You think so? You can't be soft from. You're going to make him call. How can you be soft if you only eat steaks? I don't think you can.
Starting point is 02:05:45 I just have a feeling. Dude, Mason, you will never see me with my shirt off in a million years. I lack any... I lack any of the self-confidence or humility or... Like, you know those couples that take pictures and, like, the wife or the husband's always hiding
Starting point is 02:06:03 behind the other one? That's me. I totally recognize that behavior. After seeing Mason with his shirt off, you'll never see me with my shirt off. That's for sure. Sorry, I got issues. Unless, unless, I don't know. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 02:06:21 5'1", 500-pound deadlift, 1,100 testosterone, 430 miles. I don't think the 430 miles is an exaggeration. Hell no. Don't forget a huge dong. Yeah, of course. Don't forget that part. No, but you guys won't see it. I'll be at the beach with my shirt.
Starting point is 02:06:37 Other people will see me with my shirt off. None of you guys. None of my friends. Basically, I go to the beach, and if I see 90% of the people are fatter than me i take my shirt off i'm very very influenced i'm influenced uh matt burn soft titty said no i actually have a beautiful beautiful massive chest not soft at all and i can just do 50 push-ups and make that thing hard as a rock i don't have any like i don't have titties like that i'm just i'm shaped like um god there's this female athlete that you guys all love my body shaped exactly like hers it's weird
Starting point is 02:07:11 i was looking at pictures you know i'm talking about i was telling talking about her this morning my body shaped just like hers really yeah everyone loves her body my my my butt's not like hers but my the shape of my torso is identical to hers oh yeah yeah i could see that yeah but every dude in the world wants to get with her so maybe that's why i don't want to take my shirt off you guys all be like dm'ing me i am gay you got a ways to go to get the backside but yeah it's the never. Implants. Seve, you never pop the top at the affiliate? Get out of your fucking mind.
Starting point is 02:08:00 I check the closet. I check my closet every night before I go to bed, before I take my shirt off. Make sure no one's in there. I check the closet. I check my closet every night before I go to bed, before I take my shirt off. Oh, it's in there. No, my body's nothing like Kelly Baker's. Very, very popular athlete. Very, very popular. 10x what she is. All right.
Starting point is 02:08:27 Well, so the takeaway here is, is that's what Greg did. So if anyone offers you, hey, what did Greg do that? I think that's the strongest thing I've heard. What did Greg do that? It's just never going to be done before. What's changed culturally is they basically Greg corrected the public record on health. That's what he did. That was that that sums up better than and that's like like – I mean that's what he did.
Starting point is 02:08:49 It's probably the simplest way to put it. Yeah. Oh, I took my shirt off to encourage Seve to take his off when we worked out together. Oh, thanks. Dipshit. Yeah, I saw you off. Oh, he's so free. I'll be free with him wow right you took your shirt off and i was like fuck i suck the dude is absolutely shredded called my wife and i was like hey turn on my fucking apple tracker i might drive my car
Starting point is 02:09:19 off a cliff on the way home she's like why i'm like i saw a pool boy with his shirt off on the way home. She's like, why? I'm like, I saw a pool boy with his shirt off. Shirt on my apple tracker. Fucking A. Oh, shit. That's funny. What? Am I eating meat soon? I'll eat it cold.
Starting point is 02:09:43 Frozen? Alright. I don't wear a shirt in the pool those days are over I stopped doing that in the eighth grade that's just worse that just makes it worse stick to your body yeah yeah pool boys definitely jack to the juice to the gills yes where is he yes juice to the gills. Yes. Where is he? Yes. Juice to the gills. Yeah. Makes Andrew look like a fucking sissy. He's on a healthy, healthy dose of testosterone. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 02:10:22 I knew it. Damn it. I knew it. Hey, good morning. Hey, do I owe Caleb an apology from yesterday? No. What for? Not at all. I was just telling him, you know, he should eat more meat.
Starting point is 02:10:40 Yeah, he's being a pussy. You know I'm apologizing. You're the doctor with the hard truth. It's fine. Okay. How are you doing? Do you think I'm gullible to think that there's a man out there who's 5'1", with an 1,100 testosterone and a 500-pound deadlift and weighs 175 pounds?
Starting point is 02:10:57 Do you think that's gullible? I don't know. Do you want to meet sometime? Are your arms like weird long? Yeah. Yeah. I've been told that. So. So when you stand up in the deadlift position, the bar only comes two inches off the ground. Yeah. So I'm not moving. Like if I move,
Starting point is 02:11:19 if I'm pulling the bar four inches, it's, that's probably a stretch. I mean, deadlifts are not like i'm not so it's like mikey swoosh back squatting 400 pounds it's like the range of motion is like three inches yeah okay all right yeah yeah yeah it's nothing like i the bar barely moves. You're right on the ground. Yeah. But you look weird short. I don't look weird short. I'm 5'5", but if you saw me from far away,
Starting point is 02:11:54 you couldn't tell that I was short. But you look short. You're like, whoa, what the fuck's going on with that dude? You got some weird dimensions. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:03 All right. I mean, big big torso proportional legs yeah you you uh yesterday's call was really valuable to me that's why i can't have you apologize to caleb because yesterday uh i fasted yesterday i needed you you motivated me like i know that i'll get if i start really buckling down now, like yesterday when I went to the beach, I wore a sleeveless shirt. Even that's huge for me. Like I had my shoulders and my guns out, right? Like this.
Starting point is 02:12:33 Okay. Yeah. Good. Yeah. I mean, do you feel more confident too? I do. I do. I mean, a diet helps a lot with depression, but you can tube all that stuff.
Starting point is 02:12:45 You should really – I've never experienced depression, though. I'm never not happy. Even when I'm angry, I'm happy. I'm so lucky. Well, then you'll be happier. Yeah. How about –
Starting point is 02:12:57 I think a better way to say it, I'm calmer. Okay. I'm less reactionary. That works. That works. Yeah. It's wise man talk. I'm a wise man. I'm not likeary. That works. That works. Yeah. It's wise man talk. I'm a wise man.
Starting point is 02:13:08 I'm not like, you know what I mean? I've transcended some of the traditional elements that people use to categorize themselves. Well, you're 50 wise. Yeah. You're 60 wise. Yeah. There's a difference. I mean, and you're, talk to your dad.
Starting point is 02:13:23 He'll tell you some stuff. I mean, and you're, talk to your dad. He'll tell you some stuff. Hey, SpongeBob, I just want to let you know that I ate my third of steak yesterday. Only for breakfast, though. That's all I had. So here's, the only reason why I gave you. Caleb's really pushing back on you.
Starting point is 02:13:41 This is, I apologize. I appreciate you calling. And I think the podcast is being very, a nice nice place but he's being very contentious with his i i'm refusing to eat more than a third of a steak but so i appreciate you being patient with him so tell us just yes here's my job huh yes the only reason why it's because i care that i tell you this but you can't tell me you eat a third of a ribeye but then you start eating fruit like don't eat the fruit eat the third of the ribeye put it down and then when you get hungry again keep eating the meat. Thank you. Tell him. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:30 Fruit's not good for you. It's contraindicated. You don't need it. It's what? Contraindicated for humans. First of all, the fruit that we evolved on is not the fruit of today. An apple today is not what fruit of today. An apple today is not what an apple was
Starting point is 02:14:48 thousands of years ago. Couldn't you say the same about meat though? Yeah, you could. You muted him. I muted myself on purpose because all the kids talking in the background. Oh, you muted him too I muted myself on purpose because all the kids talk in the background. Oh, you muted him too.
Starting point is 02:15:08 Oh, really? When I mute myself, it mutes him? I think so. I didn't hear him because he was in the middle of a sentence. Oh, SpongeBob, sorry I muted you. Sorry. Caleb. I like the way you say his name, Caleb. Caleb. Is that not his name?
Starting point is 02:15:27 I think it's Caleb. Caleb. But don't change it. Caleb sounds more like it gives you more authority like we're in the 1500s. Caleb, saddle up the horses. Yeah, Caleb. And eat your fucking meat. Castor-raised meat is the same as it was a million years ago.
Starting point is 02:15:47 The ruminant animals, they have more than one stomach. What's a ruminant animal? A ruminant animal are cows, buffaloes, I think multiple stomachs, right? Isn't that what it means?
Starting point is 02:15:58 It has more than one stomach? Yeah. Yeah. So you don't want to eat pork. You don't want to eat poultry. I mean, turkey and chicken, they're scared birds. You want to be a scared bird.
Starting point is 02:16:07 It's a new bird. Hey, SpongeBob, hold on a second. I want to read this to you. Are you sitting down? This could sting a little bit. Okay, whatever. Okay, here it comes from Heidi Krum. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:16:18 Oh, fuck off, SpongeBob. That's not true. Look up 800-gram challenge. 800 grams of fruit or veggies have less cancer and all cause mortality rates, you dummy. Damn. Okay. That's hostile. That's so fucked.
Starting point is 02:16:29 Maybe. That's hot. Maybe not. I'd have to look at the study. I'd have to see the science behind the study. Hmm. All right. Isn't that what Greg's talking about?
Starting point is 02:16:43 Isn't that what Greg talks about? Oh, you're 100% right. I'm not what Greg's talking about. Isn't that what Greg talks about? Oh, you're 100 percent right. Listen, listen, you and I are doing the right thing. And Heidi Kroom and and Caleb are just young and. And, you know, they have more time than we do, so it's less serious to them. Yeah, you got to teach me these things. I appreciate your call. But we have him a third of the way there. He's a third of a... I'm working on it.
Starting point is 02:17:10 One third of the way. Just remember, glucose is demand-driven, not supply-driven. Your body will produce it when it needs it. When Caleb mentioned your name, you were like a genie, right? You came out of the lamp when he started, like, he kind of invoked you, invoked your spirit, and you just arose out of this technology, this phone. And why is Heidi, I like Heidi, why is she going to name college? She's ass-pounding you, Sponge.
Starting point is 02:17:44 Look through the names. You can still be friends. My friends ass- She's ass pounding you, Sponge. You can still be friends. My friends ass pound me. Go ahead, Caleb. Sorry. That's fine, but there's no reason to name call. You got to see through the name calling. Name calling is nothing. Trust me, you can't be 5'2 and 60 and not be able to take a joke. Wait a second. 5'2?
Starting point is 02:18:01 5'1, 5'2. He's growing by the day. You were 5'2 when 5'1", 5'2". He's growing by the day. You were 5'2 when you were 17. Probably. Man, my mom's drunk. Holy, like, she lived to 95. Drinking stuff happens. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:18:22 How tall was she when she passed? 4'9". Wow. But I had no chance. So I went through some of the old records. All my ancestors, I was looking at their old papers from coming over from Italy, and they're all like 5 feet, five feet, five feet. I'm like,
Starting point is 02:18:45 I didn't have a chance in hell to make it past five, five. Right. So did you, do you have kids? I forget. Yeah. One daughter.
Starting point is 02:18:57 How tall is she? Five. Oh, oh, that's good. Yeah. That's good. Yeah. That's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:11 Dastro said he will be three foot seven when he dies. Well, apparently you'll just grow. So just keep on the meat train. You'll grow an inch every couple of days. I can only hope that that't gonna happen that isn't gonna happen all right well thank you for calling i'm i have to go because i have to use the bathroom my whole family's walking around the house now and it's just this show this shows the amateur part of this show is like showing itself now not because of you by the way because of me.
Starting point is 02:19:46 No, no, I'm an amateur. But hey, I just thought I always hold him in apology, but it's only because I care. No, no, no, no, no. Caleb needs tough love. He's a military man. He needs good ass pounding. Alright. You guys have a good day.
Starting point is 02:20:01 Don't get soft. Alright. Bye-bye. Thanks, dude. Jeez, apologize to you. Listen, guys, Caleb's a skate gop. He's there for humor purposes. He shows up every day to be made fun of. What are you talking about? Exactly.
Starting point is 02:20:16 I apologize to him. Make him soft. He's the next thing you know, he's going to want a Caleb shirt. How come there's not a Caleb shirt in the gate store? A Caleb shirt. We don't need that. It's too much. It's not called the Sevan and Caleb shirt. How come there's not a Caleb shirt in the store? A Caleb shirt. You don't need that. It's too much. It's not called the Sevan and Caleb podcast.
Starting point is 02:20:30 Yeah. All right. Love you guys. Shut Up and Scribble will be coming up next. Let's see who we have on tomorrow on the show. Oh, Matt O'Keefe. Oh, shit. Tomorrow's going to be great. 7 a.m, Matt O'Keefe. Oh, shit. Tomorrow's going to be great.
Starting point is 02:20:46 7 a.m. Matt O'Keefe, president of HWPO. I haven't had Matt on in a while. Always a great guest. Gentlemen, standees are better than ass poundings. Well said. That's a good piece of wisdom to leave on.
Starting point is 02:21:01 Remember, ladies and gentlemen, that is what Greg Glassman did. He was a corrector of the public health record god that's so good all right see you guys later bye

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