The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #24 | Live Call In - The Lonely Community

Episode Date: December 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more. That's Introducing TD Insurance for Business,
Starting point is 00:00:33 with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. the licensed td insurance advisor to learn more bam we're live crazy how many uh requests for the behind the scenes have poured in since uh i wonder if the Google Drive still works. Copy. I mean, so many have poured in. Maybe I should try to send them out now. I didn't see all these. I wonder if the Google Drive still works.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Here, I'll send out a few. Hey, what do you guys think about this? What do you guys think about this? We're going to start having tons and tons of trailer content, like little snippets, bits and bobs from the show that we're going to use to promote. Oh, look, Ski Freak. Hey freak hey what's up good to see you welcome to the show welcome back uh should maybe i should make those available too in the google drive just give you guys a link to a google drive with like five clips in it you guys can post away as much shit as you want right doesn't that seem like the way to do it oh some of these are people saying thank you didn't i tell you not to say thank you don't
Starting point is 00:02:16 respond and say thank you i don't have time for thank you you what do you think Hector what's up I don't know how to buy a membership for my phone I think a Pavel hola hola amigo hola hola como esta activate the sebonverse yeah i mean that's why not heidi good morning yeah i think that's the way um i think that's the way to do it google drive with your birthday videos is still live oh is that from just a while back you guys had a google drive with birthday videos is still live. Oh, is that from just a while back? You guys had a Google Drive with birthday videos?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Hmm. Anyway. Oh, look, another new member. Hey. Welcome. Another new member. How do you even say this guy's name? Haschick.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Haschick. Haschick. Paulina. A second. Good morning. Did it break? Paulina. Hi. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Welcome to the show. Slow and steady. Membership's just pouring in. I love it. Slow and steady Membership's just pouring in I love it Only 800,000 more to go Until I'm just absolutely filthy
Starting point is 00:03:52 Filthy rich 800 Let me see 803,742 more I'll be patient Anyone who goes to Times Square For the ball drop Is a psychopath
Starting point is 00:04:05 Have you done that Allison Have you done Times Square ball drop Brittany Brittany Brittany Is that seriously Brittany seriously Is that your last name
Starting point is 00:04:24 What a crazy name Let me see that Brittany, seriously? Is that your last name? Blahowiak? Blahowiak? What a crazy name. Let me see that. Blahowiak. I see Reagan Blahowiak. I don't see Brittany. I'm going to type in your first name.
Starting point is 00:04:44 That might be the new best. That that's a real name everyone oh I found you holy shit there you are crazy hope said I can't follow you of course I can't private well I found you in front of the Coliseum. Hey, what's up? Thank you for the membership. We're shooting for Jan 1, Monday, for the first episode for members. If only we could donate memberships, you'd be rich. Isn't that what we're doing? Someone fill me in. Someone clue me in.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Is that sarcasm? Is that facetiousness? I make myself big. I get the whole screen. Sean Lenderman, I just took the RSV vaccine. I'm feeling a little weird. Hi, hi Caleb Hello What's the RSV vax and should he be feeling weird?
Starting point is 00:05:55 Uh Raid me or he's feeling weird like it's fucking his something got his ticker He's probably fine, uh, there you go Let's see, I forgot what's probably fine uh there you go let's see i forgot what's up uh respiratory syncytial vax virus hey i think we give that to kids and old people you know how like shows will be like none of us here can give medical advice over the show. Right. Like there's this disclaimer. Do you ever heard a show do the opposite? I've never once in my life heard a show be like, just so you know, everything we say is 100% true and valid.
Starting point is 00:06:33 You can take it to the bank. We are true medical professionals. Feel free to sue us if anything goes wrong. That's right. Yeah. At least one of us is a medical professional. We're highly trained. For sure.
Starting point is 00:06:47 The military trained me, at least. I'm super trained. Seve surpassed 10 million views. Oh, on YouTube? Yeah, that's fun. Oh, nope. I thought he was about to sit down. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:07:06 Yeah. He was in for a second. Now he's out. He's got to make his morning brew. Maybe he went to get a tea. Let's see. Let's bring him back in. Oh, look, another member, CK Kevin.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Hey. Wow. We're we're oops I may have done that. Oops I may have done that too. God. 872,601
Starting point is 00:07:36 more members left before I'm so rich I don't know what to do with myself. What's up dude? Good morning. How are you? Good. Are you in the schoolhouse? I am, indeed. You let your kids tape stuff to the walls? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I'm kind of impressed that you allow that. It's a little weird for me, but... Yeah, it seems out of character for you. It probably is uh i'm gonna guess that that was a young girl i'm gonna guess that's like a robbie reason thing that can get away with that kind of stuff yeah that's that bottom one is reason coloring within the lines and the one above it is a robbie attempt which was they were kind of breakthrough moments in coloring yeah i'm not judging you but you're a little soft on those kids those kids have you wrapped around
Starting point is 00:08:30 their finger those two particularly your two youngest daughters uh they have a strong hold on the the force is strong with those two right yeah yeah and the big one all of them all of them just the girls in general man Man, Reason is a... What a powerhouse. We'll be seeing you today. We got a skate lesson after this and then I think we're heading to the plane. I'm pumped. Oh, with Richie at the house?
Starting point is 00:08:58 With Richie at the house. Yeah. Skate lesson. Richie. Isn't that the dude's name? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Rich is coming here for the kids. Yes. Come on, buddy. I'm showing off my memory and you're making me, giving me anxiety. Yeah, Rich.
Starting point is 00:09:16 During the holiday, we just passed through the holiday season. Christmas is the time when Jesus died, right? That's his death? Right. Right. Is that true? Or is it the birthday? This is his birth.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Easter is his death. Okay. Birthday. Thank you. Easter is the resurrection. So his birthday. And I think that in general, there's a consistency there with the holiday right like so we have like martin luther king days the day he was born right those are usually or george washington
Starting point is 00:09:54 day is that the day he's born or lincoln day is that the day he's born is that how all those yeah those are birthdays birthdays and yesterday i was reading about kwanzaa. Did it, has it, did anyone wish you happy Kwanzaa? Has anyone? No, I didn't know that was still a thing. Dude, I was the guy who invented Kwanzaa. The story is absolutely nuts.
Starting point is 00:10:15 It is more of a hoax than the vaccine or, or equally of a hoax. This guy basically just made it up, but this guy's just a known kidnapper torturer is that a word torturer can you be a torturer sure and i was it's so funny a kwanzaa was created in 1966 by mulana ron karenga by the way his name is really like robbie or something robbie kinley it's to reaffirm and restore african heritage and culture to introduce and reinforce ninguzo saba and the seven principles what i was i heard i was reading some uh interview from him and he basically was saying it's to push back against the white psychotic christian holiday
Starting point is 00:10:58 but i was reading it's so funny the different accounts of this guy's life i was reading in the washington post it's just it's like you know it's a it's three pages the article and one line in there was like he's a convicted felon but if you like go to his wiki page and start digging around and click some links i mean he full-blown kidnapped women took them down to the basement and did shit to him you know what i mean like hot irons in their mouth, crushing their bones. That doesn't mean you can't come up with a cool new holiday. I agree. But for some reason, call me a simple man,
Starting point is 00:11:41 but the idea of celebrating someone and choosing their birthday just seems like I'm making the connection, right? Having some random guy who tortures people in his basement pick a holiday for a whole group of people based on their skin color just sounds absolutely insane coringula coringula a secular humanist what's that mean he doesn't believe in god no clue uh challenge the sanity of jesus and delared declared christianity white religion that black people should shun a secular humanist is a philosophy belief system or life stance that embraces human reason logic secular ethics and philosophical naturalism while specifically rejecting religious dogma supernaturalism and superstition as the basis of morality and decision making
Starting point is 00:12:21 i i like the first part but i don't have any i've quickly learned that it's okay to take some of the logic from the religious people too anyway so no one's ever said happy kwanzaa to me ever i don't even know anyone who celebrated kwanzaa but it said in the wiki thing that millions and millions across the globe celebrated. How would I even know? The guys presented at Harvard. Of course.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Full-blown criminal. He's making a comeback, too. I think that's why he's in the news. He sees there's a demand for his for his rhetoric is back invite him to the BSI event yeah Mason Mitchell I'm a capital K? It's yeah Look at Don Fondal Let's all wish Seve happy Kwanzaa
Starting point is 00:13:35 Um Walter he Greg has one Fantastic book here we go Does Greg have a one or multiple scientists Who he'd recommend studying to learn about Or deciphering vaccine injury versus COVID injury. Oh. I thought you were...
Starting point is 00:13:49 I would start with the Dowd book and radiate out. Where is my Dowd book? Dowd is... We got mine over here if we need the prop. D-O-W-D. Dowd.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Follow him on Twitter. his shit is active uh walter if in case you forget that's the book that has all of the qr codes for all of his sources so everything that he says in there you can basically just point your phone at it and it will take you to a it has a link and you can just point your phone at it and open the link on your phone to show you his uh reference it's pretty cool kwanzaa does sound like an airline that's it that's a great it does sound like an airline matter of fact if i didn't know better i think think it was. Oh, there it is. Cause unknown. Edward Dowd. What was the podcast you did in Sacramento?
Starting point is 00:14:56 Big Strong Guy. Big popular podcast. Yeah, by Mark Bell. Mark Bell. Mark Bell. Do you still get regular hits from that? People reaching out to you? I went and looked at it It's got a shit ton of views
Starting point is 00:15:08 There were a lot of people From the CrossFit community That saw it and hit me up Kind of out of the blue Just like a big spike and then down Or people are still regularly Popping up More before maybe
Starting point is 00:15:24 But it was neat to see who came around i was uh mark bell has quite a few fans in the community by the way people were commenting on that um uh monster energy drink there and i'll say it again since we're showing on the screen when greg went up there we had gotten up crazy early probably like five in the morning and we didn't get there till probably i don't know noon right by the time we dilly-dallied and made the two and a half hour drive there so as greg went up there i asked mark bell hey do you have any caffeine for greg and he just set that there so that's how that ended up there and it was and it's a great source of caffeine
Starting point is 00:16:05 and a game sponsor and yeah and that green stuff i don't know what that green stuff is but mark gave that to greg and i accidentally drank one of those and uh it ruined my right my two and a half hour ride home with greg yeah i didn't like that shit either whatever that was what was that it started with do you remember the name of it no it was supposed to be a drug though right like some a sedative or so i didn't even hear that yeah it was supposed to i think he said it was like heroin or vicodin or something so does anyone know what that stuff is oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah kratom yeah look at everyone knows look at all these people everyone knows it must be associated with mark is that right i don't uh i don't know he might i think he's big on kratom yeah yeah i know his brother his brother is too yeah now
Starting point is 00:17:00 that i think about it his brother was telling me about his at his house i think i od'd on it too yeah now that i think about it his brother was telling me about it at his house i think i od'd on it yeah it's supposed to be like tylenol like tylenol like tylenol or like a like a it's supposed to be like pain reliever maybe not like tylenol specifically but oh no it's called scrotum no wonder i didn't like it i had a big old dose of scrotum i chugged a big old dose of scrotum mind bullet yeah that's what it is and in in in in his defense he told me how much to drink and i accidentally drank twice that amount which was still half the amount i think that he said he takes so you could do the math on that
Starting point is 00:17:41 so we're running an ad here for him yeah if you want to feel yeah if you want to feel So you could do the math on that. So you're running an ad here for him. Yeah, if you want to feel... Yeah, if you want to feel... Get your Kratom from Mark Pell. If you want to know what I felt driving from Sacramento to Santa Cruz with Greg, drink twice as much as you're supposed to of that. Oh, Allison NYC.
Starting point is 00:18:01 It helps with withdrawal symptoms. Oh, shit. You're supposed to use that shit to get off. Withdrawal from what, Allison?C, it helps with withdrawal symptoms. Oh, shit, you're supposed to use that shit to get off? Withdrawal from what, Allison? High school high school? Oh, yeah, that's a good question. From her? Yeah, your girlfriend breaks up with you, you drink two bottles. Allison, when are you coming back up to Santa Cruz?
Starting point is 00:18:27 Try overdosing on caffeine. Hey, are you watching the polls for the Republicans? Maybe, maybe not. What are you seeing? Because yesterday I saw that it was like whatever Trump has, he's in the lead. And then Nikki Haley had 30 percent and then Vivek Ramaswamy had three percent. And I'm just like, I'm not buying it. I just I'm struggling to believe that anyone would pick her over him.
Starting point is 00:19:02 She's so she's so Dick Cheney She's so I don't know maybe Dick Cheney's not the right guy She's so George Bush She's so old school I would put her in that Who was the secretary of defense Good looking guy
Starting point is 00:19:26 Lloyd Austin No before good looking guy the Lord Austin no before before earlier oh Colin Powell no oh Rumsfeld yes Donald
Starting point is 00:19:37 there are guys there are people that have effectively held some of the most sensitive positions you can hold in this country. And they're super resources. And that would include Cheney, Rumsfeld, Nikki Haley, in my view. Nikki Haley too, huh? She got optics on important shit.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Yeah. She was an outstanding ambassador to the UN. Outstanding. I think she has the best foreign affairs credentials of anyone running on either side. Let me ask you a personal question to judgment of me, and you know me as a friend pretty well. I saw her in one of the interviews attack Ramaswamy saying he attacked me. He attacked the RNC chair. And he attacked and it was one other woman. He goes, seems like this guy has something against women. And as soon as I heard that, I just went straight to woke.
Starting point is 00:20:40 You know what I mean? She's using, what's that called? It's not race politics, but it's the same, you know, identity politics. And I just immediately went to like, fuck you, get in the other party, go be a Democrat. Like, I never even thought of you as a woman or a man. That's a liberal trick. Anything you don't like is misogyny. If there's a vagina even remotely involved in the story. And I don't like what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:21:03 You're a misogynist. Yeah. story and i don't like what you're saying you're a misogynist yeah i wonder if i throw the baby out with the bath water sometimes when i just like immediately then at that point i just discount her i'm just like i'm done with you the primary candidates in trump and uh mr biden are so Mr. Biden are so unbelievably bad that everyone else running looks very good. Everyone from RFK Jr. to the vet to Nikki. Everybody looks better than the two likely presidents of the United States. Next president. The same the same thing happened with RFK too As soon as I started hearing him talk about
Starting point is 00:21:50 Affirmative action and race I was like oh man this guy's Off the mark He's He's basically He's doing the liberal game He's basically a racist in disguise he thinks lesser of them he believes in equity at the cost of equality and so i struggle with him too but i wonder if i have to choose my battles i wonder if i'm just not at that point i'm just
Starting point is 00:22:20 i'm discounting too many people just based on one or two things you know what i mean like for some people abort abortion is a deal breaker. The nature of politics become powerfully clear. And people become muddled and befuddled. At the point of having to choose the lesser of two bad candidates the lesser bad of two isn't that kind of an interesting thing it's kind of like an inversion layer you know an inversion layer is where hot air trying to rise gets stuck with cold air up top trying to come down uh-huh and it creates big pockets of pollution salt lake city has it in
Starting point is 00:23:05 the winter and la used to in the summer bad but there's a kind of a political inversion layer in that you can conceivably have two candidates call them mr red and mrs blue and um it there's a scenario where they have a very close to-50 of the electorate in support, and it's potentially the case that both of them are highly regarded by the people that support them. So the 50% that's for Mrs. Blue loves her to death, and that's your favorite candidate. You couldn't imagine someone better in the same for Mr. Red. But then there's also another scenario where you have two candidates
Starting point is 00:23:49 running also with about 50, 50 of the vote. And there's not one of the supporters of Mr. Blue that likes Mr. Blue. It's actually that they hate Mrs. Red. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And vice versa. Yeah. Yeah. And that's where we're at. There's no Trump supporters. It's fuck Biden. That's the problem. And the same thing with Biden supporters I don't think anyone really likes him
Starting point is 00:24:10 I don't know I think more people like Trump than they do like Biden That could be And I think more people hate Trump than hate Biden But I think that there's a Trump love That's consistent with With that Just blowing the whole fucking thing up That Roger Moore that's consistent with that,
Starting point is 00:24:27 just blowing the whole fucking thing up that Roger Moore predicted before the election in 2016. Oh, Michael Moore. Yeah, Michael Moore. What did I say? James Bond, Roger Moore. I like it, though. Yeah, Michael Moore, Michael Moore. And I think that what was a surprise but yet turned out to be true, so brilliantly predicted by Michael Moore in 2016, I think it's all more the case today. I think that the middle class feels more disenfranchised now than they did when Trump was elected. They ought to.
Starting point is 00:25:03 They are. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They've got less of everything we've ruined their schools their neighborhoods inflation stores public safety public safety their 401ks i mean what what what isn't wrong in the middle class world how come you never hear them say oh man this is so hard there's two great candidates I'm going to have to pick
Starting point is 00:25:34 it's not like oh god man I just really love both of these guys they're both just so good it's always the lesser of two evils it's not the greater of the two greats. I've never heard anyone say that. Oh, man, boy, I'm going to pick the greater of the two greats.
Starting point is 00:25:50 It's always the lesser of the two evils. I would, I would, look, I've got a personal deal with RFK Jr. I like the guy, and a lot. You sat with him. He's reached out to me twice out of the blue um and uh was kind intelligent thoughtful over the space of a decade on different issues and uh he's uh he's he's capable of learning and he learns fast i mean look look i i was explaining the other day,
Starting point is 00:26:25 I've got nothing in common with the guy except that I recognize that the grand hoax we all got drug through. And that covers a lot of turf. The origins of the virus, the origins and the efficacy of the vaccine, the cost in lives of the vaccine, the destruction of our educational system.
Starting point is 00:26:54 That's a lot. That covers a lot of turf. It does. I mean, at the point that they're going door to door, rounding up your kids for vaccination, you get a lot in common with someone opposed to that. I wanted to show you a video of this guy that was supposed to come on yesterday,
Starting point is 00:27:12 but his audio was so fucked that we had to reschedule. He's running for Congress in orange County, David Pan. He's a former, uh, or he is a professor of German at, uh, UC Irvine.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Former Democrat. And now he's a Republican. But his take on public safety was crazy. He's basically saying that basically what we're learning in schools, he was tying it to why college students like Hamas, too. schools he was tying it to why college students are like hamas too that basically we we've in college you're being taught that there's a class that should be able to break the law god i wish i could remember the way he worded it i guess the asians are swinging in large numbers from Democrats to Republicans. I fell into a little rabbit hole yesterday. They went from like 26% to 36% in the last four years.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Asians, Jews, and Hispanics. All three of them are moving? That's what I'm seeing. And I understand it. I don't really need you to explain to me Is this it or no? Let me see Are failing public schools No, no, this isn't it
Starting point is 00:28:38 It's one on public safety Greg would love it Oh, there is the link between DEI and support for Hamas. There it is. Left-hand side. Click that one. Yep, there we go. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I've been wondering why it is that some college students have been supporting Hamas, even though Hamas has been responsible for raping, torturing, murdering civilians. The tragedy here is that the students are taking their cue from our diversity, equity and inclusion programs, which are based on the idea that certain groups are deserving of special support simply based on their victim status, regardless of individual actions and achievements. So this is the same logic that leads to support for Hamas, simply because of their victim status, and regardless of the sort of heinous crimes
Starting point is 00:29:30 that they've been committing. So you see that this diversity, equity, and inclusion framework has really been a kind of cancer on our educational system. They really need to be eliminated as soon as possible. So I'm going to show you one more thing before we- You know the the dei thing it's just marxism for dim-witted chicks oh dei is marx oh interesting okay yeah yeah it's marxism for dumb girls look i showed this yesterday this is it and this is the same thing now in
Starting point is 00:30:00 practice the term he used there that i was looking for was victim status. So now all of a sudden, people are allowed. It's like what happened to Rittenhouse or George Floyd. And here's AOC defending victim status. So here we go. Listen to this. This is crazy. Their child and they don't have money. They're put in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry that night.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And so they go out and they need to feed their child and they don't have money. They're put in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry that night. So basically that's it. See the victim status. You're hungry.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And so it's okay to run into the store and pull out a whole thing of clothes, whole rack of clothes. More importantly that what she's saying is a lie Right Right But it's all piggybacking That's what we're seeing everywhere
Starting point is 00:30:52 Every thief will tell you they're stealing to eat Right So is Sam Bankman or whatever his name is What's it Bankman Freed Yeah yeah yeah exactly He stole billions so he wouldn't go hungry So is Sam Bankman or whatever his name is. What's it? Bankman freed? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. He stole billions.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So he wouldn't go hungry. Hey, is he going to get let off? I saw something like 10 of his 13 charges are being dropped. I would assume Biden would just pardon him. He gave he gave enough. Kevin, thank you. Thank you, buddy. Prosecutors had previously indicated their plans to drop the one count of
Starting point is 00:31:36 conspiracy to make unlawful campaign contributions against Bankman Free last month in a letter to the court. Oh, it was going to drag up too many Democrats letter to the court oh it was going to drag up too many uh drag up too many uh democrats in the defense no prosecutors did not drop all charges against sam bankman yeah i never trust these fax checkers they'll be like doctors weren't given a sixty thousand
Starting point is 00:32:00 dollar bonus for giving the injection and then you look it up and it's fifty nine thousand prosecutors had previously indicated their plans to drop the one count of conspiracy to make a unlawful campaign contributions against banks been freed last month in a letter to the court the government had been informed that the bahamas notified the united states earlier today the bahamas did not intend to extradite the defendant on the campaign contributions account. Oh. Oh, maybe that's why they're dropping it? So that they can get him extradited? Like he's sitting in jail. Yeah, but in the United States or in the Bahamas?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Oh, in the United States. Hey, didn't he get out and start doing some dumb shit so they put him back in? Yeah. Boy, that's sloppy, huh? I just love that story from this perspective. I like that two prominent professors of economics and two prominent law professors, both of those law professors in areas of economic law development. I like that these four elite university professors produced two of the biggest thieves to have ever walked the planet.
Starting point is 00:33:14 That's kind of cool. You're referencing his parents. His parents and her parents. Meaning he had a chick. Yeah. Economists and lawyers. chick? Yeah. Economist and lawyers? Yeah. Yeah, MIT Illuminati and Stanford Illuminati.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And dad was involved more than as just an advisor. He was on the getting paid end of the scam. What basically happened? He was taking money from people and there was no product? He was living off of investors' funds and spending lavishly. Bought his parents a $34 million condo. With no intention of investing or giving their money back. There wasn't much hope of an outcome,
Starting point is 00:34:15 a favorable outcome. It didn't look to me. But look, I'm a little biased. Every time the Bitcoin thing gets explained to me, I laugh again. Seng Bankman? An inevitability to the FTX thing. Seng Bankman is still alive
Starting point is 00:34:37 because he still has crypto keys to BTC hidden. Interesting. Ken Walters, I just wish or pray one time people were trying to steal like that in front of me just once I would have to ask for forgiveness for forgiveness I would not do good things to that person you mean
Starting point is 00:34:57 like someone leaving a Best Buy like with big screen TV running out good for them at least they tried it grace good morning Big screen TV running out. Good for them. At least they tried it. Grace, good morning. Coach Seve, Mr. Beaver. Ma'am, I was thinking of you on Christmas Day, hon.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I should have sent a note. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Grace. Deja intend to. Sam used money that was being held on the exchange customer deposits to trade by alameda the trading desk that is also owned by the same folks it's all true oh look at this hello hello hello Hello? Hello? Hello. Hello. Oh, I wonder if he hung up. That was Andrew Hiller calling in on the phone. What's Andrew got to say? I don't see if he's here. Hello? Is the phone working?
Starting point is 00:35:57 Oh, yeah. Hey, Andrew. Hey, wow. What a voice. Look at you. I can't believe how polite you are. Usually you just, uh, Andrew has access to the back end of the software. Greg, you've, you've made a Andrew into a gentleman. Usually he just, just comes on the show bargers on the show. What's up, dude? Hey, how are you? I needed to remind people to use this fricking thing. The phone number. Well, thank you. Yeah. Just roll. I can't believe it. Hey Greg, how are you doing? Good buddy. Happy new year. Merry Christmas, dude. You too, man.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Is it cool if I ask you a question? It's been kind of tearing a hole through my... I'm super curious what you guys say about this. Are you a member paid in full, Andrew? Yeah, I am, actually. All right, all right. Go ahead, then. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah, I'm on the $20 a month membership. All right, good. All right. All right, good. All right. All right, Greg. So on my wall in my garage, I have one of these. Well, hold on. Hold on. We lost you.
Starting point is 00:36:58 For some reason, we lost you. Hold on. We lost you. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know what's going on. Hold on, Andrew. Hold on. Andrew, hold on. Hold on. what's going on. Hold on Andrew. Hold on
Starting point is 00:37:05 Andrew hold on hold on Jesus hold on hold on what's going on here? Have a show here Hello Hello, okay. Try again on your wall. You have a back. Sorry. Yeah, I don't know what's going on try again. Oh No Hey, how are you? Good? Go ahead. I'll tell you. go ahead tell us about your wall yeah tell us about your wall all right i got this wall and on the wall is a poster with a quote from greg on it and the quote
Starting point is 00:37:33 reads the magic is in the movement the art is in the programming the science is in the explanation and the fun is in the community you remember that one greg, indeed. So the question I have is, recently it seems as if there's been a lot of work put into the promotion of the community. And I'm kind of wondering if it's at all ass-backwards, in your opinion, to be kind of skipping over the first three portions of that quote to go directly into promoting the community to drive people into the affiliates. quote, to go directly into promoting the community to drive people into the affiliates. Before Greg answers that, so Greg, here's like I think this is just the main site, community-driven culture. And then when you go to F45 and they got the same thing, and then you go to Orange Theory and they have the same thing. They're selling their community facing forward as the main selling point.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And I think Andrew's asking if that's missing the point. that right andrew i just wanted to well because i don't because let me get this straight i don't think that anyone's going to argue the importance of the community but i think that what's getting lost is i don't believe that that is the correct reason people should be going into a anywhere really to to be part of something i think they should be starting with themselves yeah a couple of things first off i've never seen anyone come to the gym that didn't come at the behest of a friend or family member someone brings him in and it had nothing to do with the marketing campaign advertising uh flyers under windshields and none of that shit it was a it was someone brought someone in but more distressful to me is i always saw myself and my staff as maybe peripheral to the
Starting point is 00:39:20 community and the community was the 15 000 affiliates in their membership and we serve them and i don't i it's it's kind of funny to me it's it would be odd to hear a preacher speak about himself as the congregation as opposed to external to the congregation and he serves them as opposed to external to the congregation, and he serves them. And I've been, some of the clips have been shown, where I think that the folks at HQ think that they're at the heart of the CrossFit community. And boy, is that a mistaken notion. notion they serve at the discretion and the pleasure
Starting point is 00:40:08 in service to the community not the fucking community not even close the communities good men and women don't lock the door every morning and we're servants
Starting point is 00:40:24 it'd be like the Secret Service thinking they're running the country because they protect the president. To me, that struck me recently, and I mentioned it to Seve. Is this true, Seve? Weren't you and I talking about this? Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Briefly, briefly. They have a crisis and that is they need to they need to figure out, I would think, fairly quickly what their relevance to the community is. Ah, OK, that one struck. I understand. Stop me if you'd stop me in the store and ask me hey coach what do i get for my affiliation i would i did i did the soul searching i had to struggle what is what is the relevancy of the of us the mothership to the to the community what is the relevance and it was that list of things that we could do that you couldn't do for yourself.
Starting point is 00:41:25 And it's not clean your bathroom. It's not train and it's not give you more push press information. But what we can do is is is protect you from from pernicious legislation. We can litigate offensively and did to remarkable effect. litigate offensively and did to remarkable effect. And we can provide continuing education, bringing around the Zoe Harcombs and the Tim Noakes and David Diamonds and all those brilliant people that we called mess birds. And we can substantiate your methodology, give validation to your methodology.
Starting point is 00:42:00 And on realizing that and delivering that message at Whistler, we did kind of a site redesign to stay true to that service. But now here's the problem now. None of that's happening. None of it. The state of California is about to mow the whole fucking thing down with occupational licensure. And the guys at HQ are asleep at the switch.
Starting point is 00:42:24 They don't give a fuck. I don't know that they're not the instigators of the effort. What happened at CrossFit versus NSCA? Oh, that's crazy. What happened at CrossFit versus NSCA that now we have occupational licensure happening? And I would have thought one of the agreements would be you'd never sign up for any of that shit ever again.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Would have been one of my requirements for the of that shit ever again would have been one of my requirements for the nsca but here we have it again it's coming it's gonna pass jeff came on the on the settle of settling a crossfit versus nsca he said that the uh crossfit train would be illegal within five years. Like, holy cow. Good job on the numbers there, bud. Let me just throw in one thing right here. Fondal, I don't recall media promoting what Greg is saying.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So, just to give you an example, Fond, we did these things called that we had I don't even remember what they were called. Health summits. But Greg would and we had i don't even remember what they were called health summits but greg would uh and they were and we had this group called the derelict doctors club and greg created the crossfit level uh medical doctors level one we call the cf mdl one and basically at all of
Starting point is 00:43:35 these events that happened i don't know quarterly or even more often he would have speakers come in and we would film the speakers and then we would put that stuff all over the website so we made tons of media but not only did we make tons of media the most popular piece of media on dot com in the last 10 years is probably uh media that came from there and it was the gary feng uh jason feng jason feng jason feng um i might gary fetke and jason feng mixed up uh jason feng video has like 6 million views. And so there was a lot of media put out in regards to what- 8 million? Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:12 There's even a stronger answer. Go to the website, go back to December of 2018, and look what happens January 1st, 2019. And look at the difference in emphasis, in style, and the direction and focus of the content. And you only missed it by not being there. So I don't know what you mean by promotion, that the media didn't promote it, but it was a sea change and it was overnight.
Starting point is 00:44:44 You said January of 2019? Yeah, look at January 2019 and compare it to December of 2019. Alright, you're talking my language. I'm on it. December of 2018 he meant. He meant just
Starting point is 00:45:00 a month backwards, not a year. Okay, gotcha. I think. Thank you. December 2018 to january 2019 there was an enormous shift in the site but you get the you get the point what does the shift look like is it everything that we've just been talking about yes that we we went to deep dives on the on the metabolics uh took on framing ham and excrete excruciating detail. We had, uh, uh, Taubes working for us regularly. We had, uh, uh, some of that research staff from Lucy, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:37 uh, or what's the kid's name? Clark Reed came on board. I mean, we were getting, we were getting content from our medsperts on the regular. On the regular. And so we did a wonderful job of covering all of the battles in an extended piece that we had fought on behalf of the affiliates. Now, I know that as some of the games content got pushed to the background, there were a lot of people that never looked at the site again. But my commitment was not to the numbers, but to the 10-year affiliates, to the people that have actually found success with this thing.
Starting point is 00:46:21 And that doesn't look like the games fanatics. this thing and that doesn't look like the the games fanatics um what it looks like is someone who's unlocked the doors at 5 00 a.m for a decade straight and has seen the realities of of the of the impact of the stimulus i wonder if that's the difference in one of the differences you could point out that the current leadership is more interested in getting new affiliates i don't mean this is anything derogatory where you were really focused on um not that you were against getting new affiliates but you were really focused on maintaining the the the people who'd been around forever dude it's actually the opposite that they just bumped the 10-year affiliates by four grand a year that's what that's exactly right but greg's take was just like hey i would give people before I raise their affiliates to 10-year affiliates money, I would consider maybe paying them to stay on. Basically, he valued them differently. The new regime is like, hey, let's grow this thing. And Greg was like, hey, let's invest in securing the base. And that might be a good point.
Starting point is 00:47:23 And that might be a good point. Before we go further, I want to point this out real quick because this is super important. Heidi Krum writes, how is it a waste of time, Jeffrey? There are literally people who have no friends or any other community. What's wrong with coming into a group class for that? There's not. And the community is fucking amazing, Heidi. There's nothing wrong.
Starting point is 00:47:50 That is not – I don't want anyone to think that Andrew is disparaging the community or anyone is disparaging the community. Andrew is just saying that as well, you did that. Um, that is a great bonus for coming there for meeting boyfriends, girlfriends, uh, people that can help you with your business. Um, people who will teach you all sorts of making friends, people to help you move, building lifelong friends, all that such shit's a bonus. What Andrew is saying and I agree with is that's not what's going to draw people in. No one's like, man, I'm looking for a good community. Oh, CrossFit's one. People are like, hey, I don't want to be fat. I want to be healthy. And my friend does it and they look like this and that's why I'm going there.
Starting point is 00:48:18 The mechanism is this. There's a friend that has asked of the new arrival, asked of them to participate 15 or 20 times over months, if not years. And they're finally here. It's always a story like that. It's never, hey, I met this guy last week and he's coming to the gym with me. It's not. It's a guy you work with, live with, neighbor, friend, relative. Sometimes it's for a a need i want to help this guy i want to help my cousin i want to help my aunt i want to help my uncle i'm gonna help my friend i want to help my neighbor and other times it's he's a great athlete he'd love this we did jujitsu together you know and then there was the odd uh i used to be able to to beat you by grinding now i can't
Starting point is 00:49:03 since you started crossfit i I'm going to do it. I got a lot of athletic clients that way. But there was nothing that looked like promo advertisements, flyers under windshield wipers at the mall, Groupon. All that shit's been a fucking disaster. Now this, by the way, is the nature of, I think, all professional trades. So when I'd ask my orthodontist client, where do you get clients from? It's like it's not the advertisement.
Starting point is 00:49:35 It's not billboards. It's family, friends, acquaintances of my current patients. friends acquaintances of of my current patients and i would invite anyone with a professional practice um in the services especially to draw a family tree of your client base and they all kind of look the same you're going to be able to you're going to find one or two people that in that family tree are responsible for a good chunk of what you got. And in my particular case, it was Bruce Edwards, who later became our COO. And it wasn't that Bruce got a lot of people. It's that Bruce got a bunch of people, some of whom stuck around,
Starting point is 00:50:18 each of whom brought in a lot of people. You know what I mean? He wasn't even aware of the impact he had. But when I asked who brought you in, who did this, he just started building one of these trees. And it's, it's an interesting thing. And he was a world-class athlete who brought in other world-class athletes who brought in other world-class athletes who brought, I mean, I'll give another example, Troy, by the way, thank you for the membership.
Starting point is 00:50:40 There was the general council for St jude hospital had been practicing the martial arts for 20 years and couldn't take first place in a tournament he goes to a tournament and some dude beats his ass and he's like dude how did you beat my ass i've been practicing for 20 years he goes dude i do crossfit he's like you gassed out in your week this dude after 20 years i want to say it was taekwondo i can't remember started crossfit as a black belt he was already black belt and didn't lose like his next turn, next, any tournaments like for the next five years. And I remember him telling Greg and I this story in an affiliate. And that's why he did CrossFit, because he saw someone else did it who improved what they were already doing.
Starting point is 00:51:20 And there's a million stories like that. We everyone who does CrossFit has a friend who's like dude my eighth grade son started crossfit now he's the starting quarterback everyone knows what it does it supercharges whatever you're doing and that's why and so you tell that story about that lawyer and so this is to answer your question don i think we're splitting hairs on the community what andrew is saying is they're wasting money making three-minute videos that talk about community where we tune out when they should be making 40-second videos about a lawyer who's 20 years in Taekwondo and now can't lose a tournament because he started CrossFit. That's what's going to get people in. That's what – I think – is that what you're saying, Andrew? It's totally what I'm saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:00 And I'm actually reading the comments, and everyone's kind of getting lost on the weeds saying how important the community is. And I go, all right, yeah. And you joined the CrossFit gym because of the community. But you're saying that as someone who's already been there. Yes, yes. Stop thinking as somebody who's already been there. That's where I'm kind of getting stuck. We're talking about where they're spending their dollars.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Imagine people who haven't been there before. And that's what you're talking about i think yeah and so the way greg was spending his dollars was he was he was the he was spending it to try to to let the affiliates know that your money is going to protecting you so when licensure bills came up he made sure he went over there and stomped on their face and yeah you have to you have to do stuff that's gonna that's going to support the affiliates and what you're saying is community talk doesn't support the affiliates. Maybe it makes them feel good, but you're right. I spent millions in defense of the community that there isn't an MBA on earth that wouldn't have told me it was foolish that what I needed to do was put that money in my back pocket.
Starting point is 00:53:12 back pocket. Do you know when in the in the in the first quarter in the worst quarter of the COVID mess, we had to make some cuts because there was a significant reduction in revenue flow. And during that period where we lost 90% of our revenue, we were able to sequester $16 million. When I sold the company, we had $16 million in the account. We never had, we never had, I've seen some discussion recently, some memes. We never had, my accountant, who was the CFO, the controller for CrossFit Inc. after the sale for six months or a year. He says in 14 years, I never had a, we were never in the red once. Not one quarter.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Not one. And so the company was thriving. Had there been shifts in the demographics of the nature of the affiliates? For a fact. For a fact. We had a period where I think we had too many affiliates. Especially foreign ones.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Especially ones that wouldn't return phone calls and hadn't made payments in several years. But the current regime hasn't found a profitable quarter. Not one. Not in three and a half years. Not one. Now,
Starting point is 00:54:41 maybe that's to be expected. Maybe they're investing so heavily in infrastructure dei and that kind of thing that the the payoff will come down the road later we'll see um daniel garrity i joined crossfit because of bring a friend day community and stayed because of the methodology no that's not you're a daniel i think you're missing the point if if crossfit was stick your thumb in your ass you wouldn't have come if your friend invited you you came because it was a fitness it was a fitness and lifestyle program that you that you're like i want to try this and then you stayed because of the community and the methodology you didn't go
Starting point is 00:55:21 you're you're i think you're missing the point you didn't go, you're, you're, you're, I think you're missing the point. You didn't go there looking for friends. You went there to exercise. If it was like bake a cake day or how to use a vibrator day, you wouldn't have gone, dude. You went because it was it's world-class fitness and you saw that your friend was crazy fit and you respected your friend's fitness abilities. When I first worked at Gold's gym, I had, I think it might've been Dan Connelly,
Starting point is 00:55:42 someone big in the org point to someone in the gym. And I'm like, what's with this guy? And he's like, dude, that's the mayor. And I'm like, the mayor? And after that, it was early in my fitness career, it was 30 some years ago. But I realized that every gym has a mayor. And it's someone who's there for the community and not for the exercise and we had we had one in santa cruz the guy would just sit on the rower and pull 50 watts and if we ran out of rowers he'd give his up and they'd just stand there with his hands on his hip and stretch but i love the guy and if anyone needed a ride to the toyota dealership the mayor is going to take it you know yeah yeah it was it was it was it was nice having him around
Starting point is 00:56:27 and when he wasn't there we'd miss him hey what's up with the mayor man someone give him a call you know make sure he's okay he's there for the community the mayor of my affiliate i had a mayor named jack burnside I had a mayor named Jack Burnside. 100% fit that description. It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah, you need a mayor.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I wouldn't – if you're young affiliates, find out who your mayor is going to be. And they might not really work out. They'll just stand there and be there. It's like the Denmark or the PA for the – or the RA for the dorm or something. It's pretty cool. It's a neat position. There was a guy – Eric Ootley, by the way, thank you. There was a guy at a gym that I did a video on, and he weighed like 400 pounds.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And I filmed this whole video, and I spent a few days with him. And then I edited it down, and we published this video. And after we published it, someone from the gym called me. They're like, hey, remarkable story on so-and-so. I'm like, yeah. And I'm like, thanks. And they're like, but just so you know. I'm like, what? They're like, Hey, remarkable story on so-and-so. I'm like, yeah. And I'm like, thanks. And they're like, but just so you know, I'm like, what? They're like, he's been coming here 10 years. And when he came here, he weighed 350 and now he weighs 400.
Starting point is 00:57:31 I'm like, what's the deal? He's like, exactly what you said, Greg. He goes, he just comes in here and sits on the row or three classes a day and just talks to people. I was like, wow. You know what I mean? Like, Greg, what happened? The vaccine? My earbud fell out and disappeared.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Oh shit. I thought you had a fucking injection. You had a myocarditis. Fucking went down for the count. We had it, uh, it's a Christmas at, uh,
Starting point is 00:57:59 at Rosemary's. We had the honest discussion of who's vaxxed and not. Oh, wow. Wow. Yeah. And, uh, it's a whole shit ton of us weren't. Rosemary's We had the honest discussion of who's vaxxed and not Oh wow Wow Yeah And a whole shit ton of us weren't When were you going to tell me this? This is a great story
Starting point is 00:58:11 Were you going to wait until the entourage today? Holy shit Well you got vaxxed didn't you? And I'm like fuck no Oh shit Someone thought you got vaxxed? We all were thinking each other got vaxxed And kind of being quiet about it
Starting point is 00:58:24 I don't know Were you pleasantly surprised? We all were thinking each other got diagnosed and kind of being quiet about it. I don't know. Were you pleasantly surprised? See, there's physicians in the family, several, and several employees of these physicians, and they had to. And so it created a little bit of family sensitivity. So I've got some medical professionals that got vaccinated and resent the hell out of it i have some friends in the military who had to take it yeah and so hey malcolm kendrick got the vaccine so he could go to france and ski he'd rather he'd rather die from covid than not go to france and ski but resents the hell out of it thinks it's dangerous and it wouldn't surprise him if it killed him damn it's it reminds me of taking steroids as a football player
Starting point is 00:59:10 whoa whoa whoa whoa how well i mean it's it's uh is it is it good for your health um that would be a hard thing to argue uh is it is it good for your health? That would be a hard thing to argue. Is it good for your career? I think we could make the argument that it's indispensable. Does that apply to what you were just talking about in relation to the vaccine? Or no, am I missing something there? No, I'm just, I'm like. Well, it's indispensable if you want to keep working as a doctor.
Starting point is 00:59:44 You had to take it. Roger, got it. And you want to keep working as a doctor, you had to take it. Roger. And you make a shitload of more money like Greg and I know people who bought homes and G wagons from giving people injections. All of the physicians I've known that have stood up heroically, heroically to the onslaught of mainstream bullshit. And I'll just give you the names, Gary Fetke in Tasmania in Australia, Tim Noakes in South Africa, and Dr. Dahlquist in Sweden. Those three individuals were,
Starting point is 01:00:20 and I may be out of line here on Dahlquist, but I know Fetke and Noakes have been described to me by other physicians as being quite wealthy. And they were able to be such heroes because of their power, because of their strength. But Tim Noakes spent several million dollars defending his license and was proud to do so. And the costs to him were insignificant. You know, I offered to pitch in, CrossFit did, and he laughed at me
Starting point is 01:00:54 and told me he had more money than CrossFit. But... Amen. Yeah, but, you know, if I had a choice of feeding my family or getting the vaccine, I would take the vaccine. But I would also coal mine if that's what I had to do to feed my family. Right. Right. Or be a cop in a shitty area where no one cared about me.
Starting point is 01:01:22 I mean, the things people do to take care of their families are pretty amazing. And I think a lot of people got vaccinated just for that. Greg Glassman. Oh, that's weird. You're in the comments too. I love Vibrator Day.
Starting point is 01:01:38 That's my favorite. Wayne Short, listen at 2150 of DC Rainmaker YouTube interview with Wahoo fitness ceo any chance crossfit is experiencing the same man you got a tip for five bucks can you tell us what that is yeah can you just sum it up in a sentence david weed why is this why is this such a big deal for y'all why is what's such a big deal and why isn't it a big deal for you that's
Starting point is 01:02:01 what i want to know and what who's to say it's a big deal? Why can't it just be a deal? Dan Guerrero. Listen, I want to, look, the upshot of this is if your kids are in public school, I don't know if you've noticed, but they're getting stupider.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Yes. Yes. It's a crisis. We're having an educational crisis with the children in this country. At air miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 01:02:37 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Eww. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. E Hey, everyone. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash CA dash PRU dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. We're also let's the victim status has also come into play because certain kids aren't required to know how to read now based on their victim status or turn in homework based on their victim status. I think the two plus two equal five movement says it all. Racist. I think the two plus two equal five movement says it all racist uh Dan Guerrero you ever think that the word community is just for targeting the global gym peeps and not meant to be a priority over your fitness and health goals listen all of that is said all I want to be very clear I think when people hear it they turn tune out don't watch the piece and it doesn't drive anyone into the gym. I'm only saying it from this, from the sense of a dear Dave, dear Nicole, dear Don. If you want to spend money, you're spending your, your, you're basically
Starting point is 01:04:13 burning your cash, making community pieces like that. And then you should focus on, I, Greg's probably going to hate this. You would be better off showing Dan Bailey do grace and world record time, film that for $25 and put that on your website and you will draw more people into the gym than talking about the great community. That's going to draw more people into your gym. Show my mom doing grace in world record time. That's going to draw more people. And you can make those videos for $25 a pop. I found myself amongst my most trusted advisors.
Starting point is 01:04:53 And let's just go the Seve, Brian, Dave, Nicole, the whole pack of you. And it was regularly impressed upon me that none of you had for years on unlocked the doors in the morning and trained all day and until you've done that you just don't know what the community is greg was ran an affiliate every morning 5 a.m rode his bike during the rain and he's saying that i've never opened the doors for an affiliate so how the fuck could i know fair it's a whole yeah that's the community and everyone else is an outsider serving, helping. You're one of the maitre d's. You're a bellman, an usher. You're not the community.
Starting point is 01:05:32 You're not the business. We weren't. And it's all those. Remember the guy that came up to me who owned five affiliates and was embarrassed to. We were at the Royal Hawaiian. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yes, yes, yes. And the guy comes up and he goes,
Starting point is 01:05:50 like we've not met. He's not been to anything I've done. And he sheepishly admitted to owning five affiliates. One of them which sat in a DC super hotel. Yes, yes, yes. And he's just flying under the radar. And I said, God, said god man dude i love you that's and life was good for him he was making bank killing it that's the community that's the
Starting point is 01:06:13 community it's got nothing to do with what's going on in boulder or in santa cruz and i and every time i hear the community reference it seems to me that those talking about it from HQ don't know what it is. They don't know what it is. There's not enough door unlockers in the crowd. Well, don't worry. They put together an affiliate council with Craig Howard, Jason Kalipa, and others. They're going to have some deep insight now. Bernie Gannon.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Oh, Jason Kalipa. I'm mesmerized, by the way. By the way, I think Kalipa's here tomorrow morning. Bernie Gannon, I'm mesmerized, by the way. The Shattuck and Wall seamlessly merges with Greg's door. It's like Caleb and Coach are sitting next to each other. Yeah, that is quite the... They get their paint at the same score.
Starting point is 01:07:05 That's a neat trick. I should just be able to reach out and put a hand on his throat. I'd like to – Sean Lenderman, Greg, would you be a prostitute to feed your family? almost solely done by people who are addicted to drugs who've prioritized drugs over shelter and food and their kids which is interesting that you choose that profession of all the professions and if that was the only way i could feed my family i would i would i would feed my family. It's hard to imagine that being the case. I mean, I've generally been resourceful. Private equity.
Starting point is 01:07:55 What do you mean? Yeah, that's why he got into training right after training, right before he started CrossFit. He was thinking his next plan was to open a brothel. Wayne Short, private equity purchased company on debt. Bank called notes. Wahoo purchased back for pennies on the dollar. That's a Wahoo fitness explanation. I was trying to listen to it too, but it's too long of a story.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I don't really understand what that private equity purchased the company on debt what does that mean i don't even know what that means i think the bank owned the company and then they found a private equity firm to buy it back from the company and like try to run it again basically i don't know greg got 2 plus 2 plus 2 plus 2 equals 5 is that a movement It sure is buddy It's called the state of Oregon Yeah it's unbelievable The old 2 plus 2 equals 4 is a white man thing
Starting point is 01:08:57 It's racist So we have 2 plus 2 equals 5 for blacks It's unbelievable Can I throw some blood in the water real quick yeah yeah yeah yeah i i i have been really wondering whether or not greg thinks that crossfade can cure loneliness and i gotta ask it a lot of writing on this question can i lose you no we're here yeah you know what okay that was it i just want i just that was it i just want to know if i could go ahead yeah it it's not something i would claim but i don't i don't think i could deny. But I'm going to tell you, I've built community around
Starting point is 01:09:48 everything I've ever done. I've got community around this broken science effort. And what is it that when you just, you know, you pick something that looks like noble endeavor and then treat everyone well around it mentor people you know i mean the whole spirit of creating uniquely attractive opportunities for other people is is is pretty egalitarian and uplifting and i don't know i you know what does the mayor of the gym get out of coming? Is that person, are they addressing their loneliness? Or maybe they know better than to not be around other people. I caught Dr. Laura Schlesinger once.
Starting point is 01:10:42 I'd only heard things about her, negative negative things and one day while driving cross country flipping through local radio i heard her on i didn't know who it was at first but uh gal was calling saying she was depressed and uh i was like what are you doing she's i'm depressed and she said i understand how you feel but what's going on she's what do you mean what are you doing what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean? What are you doing? What do you mean? What do you mean? What do I mean? Where are you now? Turns out the scenario is unemployed, no friends, blinds are drawn, and she's on the couch, right? Morabund. And Dr. Laura tells her, there's nothing wrong. Everything's fine. You feel exactly the way you should. If I got rid of my friends and my job and sat on the couch and closed the blinds and did nothing, I would be depressed. You should be depressed.
Starting point is 01:11:32 What you need to do is lift the blinds, go outside, join the gym, find someone to talk to. And I was like, God, I get it. I'm so behaviorally driven. like god i get it i'm so behaviorally driven but but is it is a campaign to end loneliness if you if you if you're just lonely come down to my gym and hang out i wasn't really looking for that i mean we were we're there we're there to transform lives physically and the community is a side benefit it's something that quite, I would take for granted. In that I just assume that's going to be there. It's kind of like Viagra. Where the byproduct of Viagra was it wasn't meant to give you an erection, but it gives you an erection.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Oh, what was it originally called? So now it's an erection But it gives you an erection Oh what was it originally called Maybe Caleb knows that I want to say maybe blood pressure But I don't know Yeah it was like a blood pressure medication And then they found out that it gave you Erections and that's kind of what I heard With what Greg just said
Starting point is 01:12:40 And then the benefits are just trickled down to everyone around you I'll accept that Right I'll accept right right i'll accept that thank you great that that was that's been on my mind for some time i think a lot of others do the the the sildenafil sildenafil compound compound was originally developed by pfizer for the treatment of high blood pressure, hypertension, and angina pectoris, chest pain due to heart disease. During the heart clinical trials, researchers discovered that the drug Viagra was more effective at inducing erections than treating angina. What a finding.
Starting point is 01:13:24 You're welcome. How's your heart? heart is a rock no your heart there was an interesting thing in the Wall Street Journal one quick thing better at treating vagina over angina Sean Lenderman
Starting point is 01:13:39 go ahead Greg there was an article in the Wall Street Journal years ago about the, what is it, ED, erectile dysfunction drugs. And they said they're not treating erectile dysfunction. They're a recreational drug. They're a recreational drug. It's definitely a recreational drug. It's definitely a recreational drug. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:14:16 It's not about treating a pathological condition. No. Well, I don't know. I don't know how that condition, but every time I've taken it, it's, it's led to recreation and it's crazy. It's almost too much recreation.
Starting point is 01:14:27 It's like you buy the week pass to Disneyland, but I had my fill after the first day. I ain't going back. I'm good. Fucking. That's another one of those drugs. I wouldn't touch it. The 10 foot pole.
Starting point is 01:14:37 I'm too afraid. I would like it too much. You break something. You break something. Fucking. I think the 10 foot pole is exactly the point. Yeah. You'll absolutely
Starting point is 01:14:49 break something. Dan Guerrero and some other people were saying that Hiller's pessimistic. I don't know. I think this is fun talk. I think it benefits HQ to talk about this. I think it's good if anyone there is hearing this. I don't think we're saying anything negative. I think it's like, hey, these are people who are in the game these are you have greg glassman who's
Starting point is 01:15:09 been in the crossfit game longer than anyone you're fucking andrew hiller who's uh currently the fucking top dog and making media for crossfit and they're shooting the shit and andrew they're exploring ideas of how the message should be presented. And I think it's incredibly valuable to, if I'm at HQ, I take away from Greg like, shit, maybe we should focus more on the order. Hey, can I flip that on its head real quick? Yeah, yeah, I don't feel it as negative at all. If we were fluffing them up for how good something was, nobody would say you're being overly positive.
Starting point is 01:15:40 We're just, I mean, we would still just be talking about it. Well, no, well, I don't know. Let me push back there, Andrew. We know we've seen people recently in the last month, all of a sudden just take CrossFit's cock balls deep in their mouth. And we're like, what's going on over there? Like all of a sudden they've stopped all critical thinking and just blowing it. We're the people saying that, right?
Starting point is 01:15:59 Sorry, say that again. I don't see anybody in the comment sections on any of their posts saying they're being positive. No, it anybody in the comment section saying they're being positive. No, it's just us who are saying they're being positive. Yeah, if the boat's sinking and we're like, man, this boat's going to look great on the bottom of the ocean floor. What a cool reef this will make. Yeah, this is going to be awesome in 100 years when people come look at this. Everyone else just wants to steer clear of that boat and they're just like, yeah, cool. That's what everyone in the comment section would do if it was positive.
Starting point is 01:16:28 They just don't look. Greg, speaking of positive, what are your thoughts on the level one as a whole? Absolutely love it. Must take for all human beings, operating system for the human genome. for all human beings operating system for the human you know genome is it is it your crowning achievement in your life you think that your l1 course um no impact on society yeah it's humanity it's an important work it's an important work it was uh inspiration and, language I'm using again for a new gig.
Starting point is 01:17:20 But we provided the Inspiration and Pathway for a lifelong learning experience, making as profound a difference in your community as you could make. Listen, look how infrequently I spoke, used the word community. I mean, there's some quotes and it came up, but I was pretty busy doing. And you wear that, you know, you put that out too much. And I'm like you, Sebi, I get a little turned off. But, you know, like Maggie started buying things from the Honest Company.
Starting point is 01:17:52 And as I go, you're going to get ripped off. Like no honest person starts at the Honest Company. You call it the Honest Company laughing to hide something. Right? That's me. That's just how I am.'s just my that's just my nature right right and then they did end up having poison in their products or something right is that what ended up happening yeah yeah and you know by the third time you tell me
Starting point is 01:18:15 how honest you are i like i start to notice but my suspicion is not that you're honest and so my my worry about someone that talks about the community at length is that they actually don't give a fuck about it. Talks cheat. You just raised affiliate fees 50% and then you can sing a community song with that? That's pretty funny. That's because you haven't had a good thing to say about them for three years. Listen, that's not true at all. Yeah, that ain't true.
Starting point is 01:18:57 That's not true at all. I disagree with you. I've been looking for signs for three years that the thing wasn't purchased for dismantling and I've been looking for signs for three years that the thing wasn't purchased for dismantling. And I've been unsuccessful. On a side note, a bird just shit on the side door of Extra Sloppy's truck. I'm sorry about that. Damn, that sucks.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Yeah. You should have used that $1.99 to buy a bag of wet ones to keep in your car. What does that say, even? How did you read that? I think it's in... He actually corrected it to inside, but... Oh, oh. Inside the door of my new truck.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Gotcha. I just make up shit I want to see. Was that the window down or door open? I could just see him just outside his truck smoking a cigarette listening to the Sebon podcast, an old beat-up truck. Not a taxidermy, dear. Greg, if a bunch of affiliate owners had effectively unionized to form a coalition under your ownership, what would you have done?
Starting point is 01:19:58 Shit my pants. that was the thing like that's like your wife telling you she has a boyfriend you know i mean it was like yikes oh my god my hope was to never give them give them the need to do that no one there's no oh my god Thank god the employees all unionized Frank, CF Affiliate Collective would form a non-profit run By a board of directors made up of door Unlocked Over my head Hey, I think that
Starting point is 01:20:43 I think the CrossFit Level one was the best two days most impactful two days concurrently that i spent in my entire life doing anything and what i learned there i take with me still every single day and granted i've been to fucking a hundred of them i think it the the impact that it's had and the fact that it's still available out there for everyone in the world to take is massive. It's an engineered product that took decades to develop. vacation over a period of another two or three years to arrive at the final version that finally kind of found a stasis a static or uh equilibrium in it in uh ann arbor michigan was the when i finally came up with the format shift before ann arbor I was trying to let you know as much of what I knew as I could in three days.
Starting point is 01:21:49 And from Ann Arbor forward, the idea was to let you taste some success. Instead of throwing an enormous amount of material and hoping that as much of it could stick as possible, we shortened the offering with the expectation that all of it would stick. And it was vastly improved overnight. What year was that? And was that at Doug Chapman's gym? It may have been. And that was before my day. What year was that? I've never heard you tell this story before.
Starting point is 01:22:26 What year was that? Do you remember? I don't know. Ask Dave. It's when Dave threw up in the elevator in Ann Arbor. Hey. Sorry. Hey, that could happen to anyone.
Starting point is 01:22:37 So at that point, it was a Friday, Saturday, Sunday seminar. Yeah. And you would give the whole thing. And do you remember exactly where you were? He was like,, Saturday, Sunday seminar. Yeah. And you would give the whole thing. And do you remember exactly where you were? It was like, all right, everyone, you're all going to learn how to do a muscle-up now. I mean, we did everything. We got a GHD and everything. Everything was covered.
Starting point is 01:22:58 And was there anything significant you cut out then that you think that you're disappointed you cut out? No. You really like what it was broken down to? anything significant you cut out then that you think that you're disappointed you cut out no you really like what it was broken down to the expectation was is that you've found success with your own movement you've been intrigued you've locked yourself onto some details that are going to prove to be indispensable in the application with your training. And so that it should be that now exposed to people, you're reminded of your L1 three or four times a week for several years. And I think it did exactly that.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Did you know how potent it was how so so here's the thing bsi is extremely potent and powerful the impact it's going to have we don't know yet did you know that though that the level one how impactful it was going to be just on just regular ding dongs like me like i just walk in to film it and i'm like holy shit i can't believe what i'm hearing like i didn't know what i had no interest in learning that shit but i just happened to be in the room and i'm like what the fuck's happening i remember almond morales approached me at gold's gym and he's like dude what the fuck are you doing you got to share this with me and so i trained him and then trained him how to train and six months later he's one of the best he's still one of the best trainers i've ever known and i saw that i could do that um under my roof brendan gilliam another one made a client into a really fucking good trainer not only so at some point you realized
Starting point is 01:24:36 not only did you have something that really made people into let their dna express itself in the most profound way or healthiest way you also also realized, Oh, I could teach other people how to teach this. Without a doubt. Yeah. That's crazy. And which is the hardest part of any business is that, you know, it turns out that being a bricklayer, um, if you're the world's best bricklayer, we still don't know what your talents are to teach others to lay brick.
Starting point is 01:25:06 And it may be that the best teacher bricklaying is not the best bricklayer. And it's likely that the best bricklayer isn't that good at teaching bricklaying. And so there's a lot of discovery there. But the hardest part of growing anything is that replacing yourself with someone who replacing yourself with someone who may not have had your talents, skills, or knowledge and nurture them to the point where they're better than you were. Yeah. And then to step back.
Starting point is 01:25:34 That's really hard to do. Really hard to do. I've watched people in the organization that went from role to role to role. And as the company grew, more talented, skilled and educated people took these positions. And it was kind of tough. It was kind of tough. It's hard when I was the bookkeeper.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Now we have to have an accountant. And I paid the taxes on Macintax and now we have a tax firm in Miami, you know, filing taxes. Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was, it was interesting. It's a hard thing to grow something up and realize that, that your useful contribution has been, has been reduced. And that just happens to some people as an organization grows. Breaking news.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Holy shit, Caleb, if you can find this. This would be amazing. Kamala Harris is getting destroyed on Twitter over claiming Kwanzaa was a long family tradition in her family, even though she was in high school before it was introduced. God, I would pay her to come give the
Starting point is 01:26:53 Venn diagram talk for me and my friends. You know the three circles? Yeah, yeah. I don't. What are the three circles? She actually thinks it's three circles. Oh, they're in overlap. Okay, yeah. Okay. Sending my warmest wishes
Starting point is 01:27:14 to all who are celebrating the United States and around the world. May your days be filled with love and light. Holy shit. Wow. What a blatant lie. Kamala Harris never celebrated Kwanzaa once in her life It didn't exist until It didn't exist when she was a kid You know what did exist?
Starting point is 01:27:32 Her family profiting from the slave trade Kamala is nothing but an opportunistic liar She's gotten rich from slaves and division She's Jamaican and Indian Or Pakistani How does that comport with Kwanzaa liar? Damn Diversity hires always disappoint. Man, she is getting destroyed.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Maybe she was one of the ladies who was tied up in the basement. And beaten with... Hey, one of the ladies testified That they were beaten with a toaster They were hit in the head with a toaster Jesus Not funny but it's funny For burning A Kwanzaa States
Starting point is 01:28:16 In 1966 Started in 1966 she was born in 64 So she very well could have celebrated Someone's doing the math now. Oh, man. So how do you celebrate Kwanzaa? Is there a Kwanzaa tree? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Does anyone come down the chimney with gifts or any of that shit? Is there any? But the guy openly says it's only there to – oh, here we go. The holiday was invented in 1966 by communist anti-white professor something Kwanzaa, a deranged felon who brutally tortured two women. Karenga created the holiday to counter Christmas and challenge the sanity of Jesus. Yeah, imagine creating something to counter Christmas. Hey, isn't that – that's interesting too, by the way, going back to CrossFit, no one, he spent four years in prison for kidnapping and beating women with cords, searing them with irons while naked.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Yeah. I heard he put a hot iron in a woman's mouth and seared something in her mouth. Hey, there is no, there is no counter to CrossFit. Is that the, that's not the Kwanzaa celebration, is it? mouth. Hey, there is no counter to CrossFit. That's not the Kwanzaa celebration, is it? Putting hot irons in his mouth? Yeah. You feed each other with toasters? Hey.
Starting point is 01:29:33 If he created it, he'd have that right, I would think. How can you do Kwanzaa wrong? He came up with it. When I come up later today, let me hit you with the toaster, Seve. See what you think. You don't have a basement. It's only safe in the basement.
Starting point is 01:29:59 It's interesting. CrossFit doesn't have a counter. There's no competition to CrossFit. There's no, hey, they did this a counter There's no competition to CrossFit There's no hey they did this wrong There's no What would that look like even You know like there's I don't even know
Starting point is 01:30:20 You're saying Kwanzaa is the anti-Christmas, the opposite of Christmas? There would be an opposite of CrossFit? Like Kwanzaa exists because Christmas existed. Marcus Philly program is counter. I don't know. Sporty Beth is the opposite of CrossFit. Oh, I guess. Yes, Sporty Beth, I guess, could be considered the counter.
Starting point is 01:30:46 She says just eat as much as you want. That's her thing. Right. Who says? Sporty Beth? I don't even know if I have time to get you. Sporty Beth is a YouTube character that CrossFit did a piece on about three years ago. And she has said how it basically saved her life.
Starting point is 01:31:03 And if you fast forward three years she's now saying eat whatever you want because eating in a certain way ruined my mental health yeah so she is currently the anti-crossfit individual in my opinion yeah eat sugar eat refined carbohydrates that's her message yeah can you can you see her greg yeah she went from really fit to to now just eating whatever she wants and she's kind of prophesizing pros prophesizing that message eat whatever you want be happy inspired by lizzo and she and she's correct she's but she also says on there she's been diagnosed with seven mental illnesses and she travels with this big bag of valium she's something something's wrong
Starting point is 01:31:51 now i get the sporty part you know your dog that's lost all its hair and we try not to talk about it when he's in the room you don't want to hurt rip's feelings it's like that she's like that you know i've always said there's people you tell them it's like look it's a long healthy life or chocolate cake and okay let me let me let me wait let me think about it man that's tough chocolate cake or a long healthy life tell you what i'm going with the cake i have a lot of respect for that. I don't want to try and talk you out of your cake. I kind of focused on the people that were eating the cake thinking they were doing themselves
Starting point is 01:32:33 some good. It's nonfat. I had very little interest or patience for getting people fit or healthy that didn't want to be. And I had trainers in my program that kind of specialized in that. I know Eva T was a little bit that way. Yeah, sir. Can I ask you what happens if they're trying to convince other people that their lifestyle is healthy? What happens if they're trying to convince other people that their lifestyle is healthy?
Starting point is 01:33:10 So let's say they're eating cake and they're trying to tell everybody else that cake is okay to eat because it is healthy. And you can have both fitness and refined carbohydrates. Yeah, I'd chase them off. Roger that. Can do. You've been given a mission, Hillary. Chase them a mission hey uh this is a great comment and i want to ask according to google only 1.3 percent of americans celebrate kwanzaa hey have no doubt there are more white liberals celebrating kwanzaa than there are black people this is this is the democrats would love to give you have blacks uh celebrate Kwanzaa. They love it. They want to insist that you celebrate all the fucking dumb shit.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Don't get it twisted. It's probably even less than 1.3% of blacks celebrate Kwanzaa. It's probably white college-aged kids celebrating Kwanzaa and enforcing that black people celebrate it. And if they don't, they're not black. Yeah, it's for sure. More propaganda. Uh,
Starting point is 01:34:09 Evelina Noriega. Thank you, Russell. Oh, my dad just had a stroke. Although I couldn't convince him to try the CrossFit methodology. Thanks to Greg. I will, I will avoid the same result.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Yeah. I'm sorry about your dad. Take your level one. Is there a Kwanzaa Barbie? Probably. All I've learned about Kwanzaa is that it's the anti-Christmas. I don't even know what Kwanzaa is. Just watch out for a toast.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Don't get hit with a toaster. Maggie says that you have to throw a can into the Barbie pile. And it looks like, I think her number is like one in 20. For every 20 Barbies, you need to throw one can in there just to reduce the lesbian play that naturally comes about without a can. Oh. And you throw a can in there and the little girls strip them naked and humiliate them. It's typical of the play. It's the craziest thing to just throw that in the mix and stand back and say nothing.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Holy shit. There is a fucking Kwanzaa Barbie. Damn, that's expensive. Look how expensive it is. Dude. How much is it? It's $150, but imagine... Wow. is it it's 150 bucks but imagine imagine wow that's a month at crossfit and most crossfit gyms this is fucking nuts
Starting point is 01:35:52 the stuff people spend their money on i just can't believe like like did they do they know the the history does barb does the barbie store know the history of fucking kwanzaa they're propagating toasters getting thrown at people. That it's the fucking beating and torturing of black women? Judy Lynn, 99.99. Happy New Year, coach. Thanks for your time, perspective, and advice this past year on our favorite daily podcast. Thanks, Jody.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Thanks, Jody. You're awesome. Damn. Has anyone else tried to call in since I've been on the phone? No, everyone's too scared to call in. I have heard the comments that I was hogging it, and I'm like, well, I'm pretty sure if you call in, it'll ding. Get with the programming.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Does Kwanzaa Barbie come with the toaster accessory? No, that's extra. Amazon suggests it, though. Dude, there's other Kwanzaa Barbies, too. It's crazy. Wow. What a scam. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Oh man CrossFit Barbie comes with peptides and IUD You can get a Barbie toaster for $4 as an accessory Oh you can? Yeah Does it have a cord? You need a cord to swing it These are all cordless toasters, if you can believe that. Barbie toaster. I've never even heard of such.
Starting point is 01:37:31 It's Bluetooth. Hey, dude, the Barbie toaster I see is $24. Oh, I'm looking on Etsy. Oh. I'm looking on Amazon. Where you said, Amazon? Amazon, yeah. All right. I'm looking on Amazon Amazon yeah Alright What time
Starting point is 01:37:50 Are we doing lunch Greg You know the kids have The skate coach is coming by and we're leaving after that Okay So I think departure time is about noon But I would like to get over to Cilantro's today Okay I'd love to do that too, maybe 4 p.m. or something.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Sounds good. Thank you for coming on. Thank you. Happy New Year to all of you. Caleb, peace out, bud. Call me if you need a ride from the airport or anything like that. No, Andrew, it's good to hear your voice.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Plan a trip out California ways. Let's hang out. Can do. I'll make it happen. anything like that. No, Andrew, it's good to hear your voice and plan a trip out to California. Let's hang out. Can do. I'll make it happen. All right, sir. All right. Bye, guys. Okay. Bye, Greg. Greg Glassman. What do you think, Andrew? Did you get a good answer to your
Starting point is 01:38:39 question? I think like most things from Greg, you got gotta sit on it for a minute maybe re-listen to it once or twice and then we'll see i think it was probably mostly what i wanted and and also i think everyone else should do the same thing for everyone who would be thrown in the hole like you're being too negative crap at it and go well go listen to what he had to say about it yeah and then listen again and slowly work your way to what the truth is right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's uh yeah it's um yeah because if there's one person who knows the fucking answer to the question it's that dude which is why i wanted to call
Starting point is 01:39:17 and he has the answer to the question there is an answer um there has to be an answer and there's sometimes it's not an opinion there's questions sometimes that like you're asking a question that's not even like a real question like um let me see if i can think of a sporty beth anti-crossfit yes or no yeah yeah so maybe you have to take it somewhere else you have to be like no she's confused and she's got some mental health issues you know it's like there's there's not a cut and dry uh answer i understand why the community thing is so confusing for people too why like so do i because the community is absolutely fantastic but and when i say community let me define it it's like you look at a good you look
Starting point is 01:40:04 at a good will building and you go donate clothes and everything. And you're like, oh, you're doing such a good thing. But then they're profiting on all your stuff. Like, well, yeah, it seems good in nature. You're donating your old stuff, but they're also making their for profit business. Yeah. Which is cool too. Cause then people get jobs and they stay off the street.
Starting point is 01:40:23 Right. Right. But if you're doing it just solely to donate your stuff, I know a lot of people who just bring their old crap there to get rid of it. Yeah. Which is different than people doing it to feel good about donating. Like, well. Oh. I guess it could be both.
Starting point is 01:40:36 It could be both. Yeah. Hey, there was a comment in here by Audrey. Uh-oh.. It said, You and Brian need to kiss and make up. Listen, there is absolutely nothing. There's nothing. There's nothing to kiss up and make up about.
Starting point is 01:41:02 There's no... Why do you say that? there's nothing to kiss up and make up about. There's no, uh, why do you say that? I mean, she, I don't know what she's referencing to. Um, Oh,
Starting point is 01:41:14 she misses him. Right. Being on the show. Yeah. Yeah. Make up with Ryan. There's nothing to make up though, guys. Like there's no,
Starting point is 01:41:20 don't break my heart. There's nothing. There's no, I don't know how to explain it. I don't want to reveal anything. That's, to make it a bigger deal than it is. But like, he didn't do anything to me. He didn't like, steal money from me or fuck my wife or pee on the toilet seat at my house. And I didn't do anything like that to him
Starting point is 01:41:46 there's no it's nothing like that befriend part of the Matt Fraser trap I don't know what that is invite him on and let's talk I have no interest in inviting him on so oh no so he's in the John
Starting point is 01:42:13 Woolley trap what's that not the Frazier trap oh oh yeah I invited Matt I begged Matt to come on last no just um our our relationship has just taken its course. It's like it's just not – it's the same reason why I don't have Andrew on right now and you're listening to him. I don't have anything against him or for him.
Starting point is 01:42:35 I just didn't invite him on the show to be on the show today. It's not like that. Yeah, I had to bother everybody. Yeah. Brian could call in. That'd be sick. But I don't – and, yeah, there's parts of it that make me sad too. There's just the relationship took its course It is it's just where it is because of where it is
Starting point is 01:42:55 There's no There's no Stop being a little bit bitty bitch stop being little little bitty bitch stop being little bitty who said that who said that i don't know but you can't call me a bitch if you use the word lil oh david hey dude every you always refer to your podcast as your house your home and you invite people in you want to make them feel like a guest right yeah now if everyone wants to say have them in and just hash things out it's like you don't have to have people in your house you don't want to have in your house well there's just tons of people that like come on the show
Starting point is 01:43:35 once or like i see people like yeah i agree with you there's people on the like i'll have someone every show i have someone on someone in the comments like you need to have them on as a regular you need to have them on as a regular. You need to have them on as a regular. If you had everyone on as a regular, there'd be a never-ending train of people in your house. You'd never have time to chill. Yeah, I get it. There's people who, yeah. And it's just like, I just.
Starting point is 01:44:01 Yeah. Yeah And there's details and nuances Around relationships where you're like okay That one that that's like That one's taken its course So The next question people are going to want to know is why Why what
Starting point is 01:44:22 Why has it run its course I don't know Because God made it I don't know God made it run its course Kwanzaa Is there a Santa Claus for Kwanzaa Or no We did an amazing
Starting point is 01:44:42 Early on we did an amazing show together and it just Brian and I like three years ago whenever I started the podcast whenever he first started coming on we did some fucking amazing shows together it was fun I used to have so much fun what's different our relationship changed.
Starting point is 01:45:07 Our relationship changed. How we vibe, how we work together. Just our relationship changed. And so because it changed, it's just... Did you guys both change? You and he changed? I'm sure I changed. You kind of grew apart. I'm sure I changed. He kind of grew apart. I'm sure I changed.
Starting point is 01:45:32 I'm sure I changed. Jeffrey Burchfield, yes, and now he's doing his thing and you are too, yeah. And I fully support his channel. Like 100%. Like, I hope it fucking skyrockets through the roof um the other day when the rule book came out all i did was watch his shit and he got snippy uh i watched his shit and just quoted it all stole it all gave him all the credit where do you get snippy heidi Kroon, he wants money.
Starting point is 01:46:05 In his show? Oh, he wants more money. Yeah, well, this ain't the place to be for that. We're only the most successful YouTube Illuminati in the space, and still we don't have fucking enough money for that. Just wait until the podcast takes off.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Yeah. Just wait. My little podcast is growing. Can't wait for that little podcast. Take off. Oh, was Brian a crutch for me for you early on as the podcast got going? Everyone is a crutch for me.
Starting point is 01:46:44 Who's on whenever they're on here. So when ever Caleb's on got going everyone is a crutch for me who's on whenever they're on here so whenever caleb's on here he's a crutch everyone's always a crutch for me when they're on here and i don't i and i like caleb as a crutch um what was great though there were there were things that i learned from having brian on um there were shows that he was absolutely fantastic on like if i had fucking amazing shit i won't even do those shows anymore without him half the shows we did were his idea you mean we're not going to cover disc golf anymore nope not covering disc golf anymore damn it we probably will yeah we won't do rankings i think john young's over doing rankings at um barbell spin and uh brian's doing it on his station and crossfit games has their own and like
Starting point is 01:47:37 yeah like like i don't i didn't i'm just doing the shows that I think are fun. And if someone, if, yeah, so he, and I'm happy he's doing them over there. It just has to turn into a snowball. That's all. Yeah. Because you're, you by all means are a snowball that are sort of rolling down the mountain. And then when you have a show with the rankings,
Starting point is 01:48:03 you get 10,000 views. I don't even know how many downloads, but I'm assuming a correlation between the views on YouTube and podcast downloads. Brian does a ranking show. It's always pretty much double. It's 2,000 or 3,000. Yeah, it's all in.
Starting point is 01:48:16 He's got to keep doing it. He has to snowball. And then it's just a war of attrition. Is Brian going to keep his head in the game long enough to get 10 000 views on a show on his platform that's up to him he just didn't want to utilize your platform for himself right well that's true 10 000 views on the seven podcast versus two to three on his own same show show. Same exact show. Rankings. I'm very open to anyone doing whatever the fuck they want on my station.
Starting point is 01:48:48 As long as they don't get it canceled. I'm doing a good enough job with that myself. So that's why you shut up. I showed Alexis my video today. And she goes, I think this one's going to get you canceled. I go, no, no, it's not. Oh, is it 40 Beth video? to get you canceled. I go, no, no, it's not. Oh, is it a Sporty Beth video? Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Is it published already? I showed it to her, and she was watching it, and she goes, you're getting canceled. It's not, no, not yet. Oh, I can't wait to see it. There's no way. What's the premise of it? There's a video on CrossFit's YouTube station from three years ago. I brought it up with Greg on the show, which is pretty cool that he chimed in on it.
Starting point is 01:49:37 CrossFit saved her life. There's a piece on it. And dude, you're the executive producer on that shit, which is wild. I know. Did you mention that in your video twice great and then right next to it i put the little screenshot of the most toxic man in crossfit which she made about a year and a half later great which which uh which was jason on the Which agent Jason Neely from Sin makes money from? Super agent Jason Neely. Of fame.
Starting point is 01:50:13 Yeah. How about that, Neely? You're fucking your superstar client, Sporty Beth. I fucking propped her up through CrossFit, producing a piece on her. And then she retaliates a year and a half later is the most toxic man across. You know, I was toxic. Cause I introduced,
Starting point is 01:50:30 I will take, I introduced her to the CrossFit community. That was a mistake. A doodle Bob. I received a CEO shirt for Christmas. Best shirt ever. Hey, truly these shirts from vindicate.
Starting point is 01:50:39 Oh, is that dandruff on there? These shoots shirts truly. Oh, maybe it's cause I've been pushing, messing with my beard. These shirts are dope. these shirts are dope these shirts are dope these are nice shirts i've worn this shirt fucking 300 times and it's still not fading and i wash it like a mofo i use triple wash triple rinse just wasting well water um you do a lot of laundry at your house A lot I've never seen anyone do more laundry
Starting point is 01:51:06 And I know Alexis does a fuckload of laundry And when people are like I have a laundry day I'm like you're out of your fucking mind Every day is laundry Your washing machine was going for 7 days for you Every day is blowjob day and laundry day Helping Priorities I don't think Brian is looking to create a podcast show
Starting point is 01:51:23 I think he wants to be a broadcaster And produce competitions. He should have stayed on the seven on podcast then. Everyone should stay on the seven on podcast. I truly do think that. Yeah, that's where I was going a bit too. I say this with peace and love. I, I, I think that every time someone comes on here, whether you hate me, like me, people like me or not, I think your brand grows by 0.1%.
Starting point is 01:51:50 So come on here 10 times and your brand goes by 10. Snowball. 1%. Yeah. I think it's just good. Snowball. Yeah. Johnny, shout out to Blowjob a day.
Starting point is 01:52:03 That sounds like a strong neck. Probably golf. that sounds like a strong neck uh probably golf um sarah buckman uh the vindicate shirts are awesome at i have some ceo shirts and some hillar shirts they are my favorite oh shit oh shit beanies are live oh hell yeah i need to get one of those hey um cold here travis oh shit let me see that yellow one i like that one too wow holy shit why are those so cheap how cheap how cheap 25 bucks How cheap? $25. Excuse me. We got to get one of those. Is there an orange one we can get in
Starting point is 01:52:50 T-Bagents? This one. Here you go. It's a different knit. Hey, that looks like the one that what's the chick's name on Family Guy wears? Meg? Meg, yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:10 That's dope. I just ordered my Lululemon hat for $9. Enjoy. Oh, interesting. $9. I like their stuff. You didn't get shit for nine bucks at Lululemon. All right.
Starting point is 01:53:35 Well, thanks for calling in, Andrew. Great contribution today. Hey, really? No one else tried to call in over me? No. You would have heard it. These fucking people. I know. No matter who I i have on no one calls in it's because people like in the comments right away they're always
Starting point is 01:53:50 just like oh you know what no one did say about you um they said um no one said about you um hang up usually when someone calls they say oh no i saw one but i think there's at least one it was there i was glancing at the comments the whole time and i was like all right i called in and i was genuine about the call-in thing but i also am aware that when people call in there's a peep peep peep peep because i remember there was one with dave where everyone was trying to call in to talk to dave which is the which is the peptide that helps you with your Sarah's saying that there's a dick peptide Yeah
Starting point is 01:54:32 I actually think melanotan Helps with that But it also makes your skin change colors Have you tried that? Melanotan? Oh Melaton No dude you told me not to
Starting point is 01:54:43 Yeah don't do that Yeah you're like don't use that one you're worried about what will happen melatonin no no no no that's the sleeping pill no melanotan but i also don't think it's on the website anymore so there has to be another one no no it's on there I see it but melanotan is supposed to increase libido and increase your the hardness of your erection
Starting point is 01:55:10 and it's also supposed to make you darker probably more bangable than to reduce sun sensitivity oh yes it increases sexual arousal stimulates melanogenesis melanogenesis through the activation of melanocortin receptors, resulting in increased libido and improved erectile function. Anyone want to try to fuck with my knowledge on shit anymore?
Starting point is 01:55:42 I'll fuck you up. Yeah. You need your dick hard? Oh, look here's one that called thymosin alpha Thymus in thymus and alpha Wow, it's immune system booster Yeah, I think Alexis is using that one right now She's got a daily Four shot she gives herself You don't do it for her?
Starting point is 01:56:11 I do Oh you okay By the way if you use code word You get some sort of discount here And code You get some sort of discount as well I think it's free shipping C-A-Peptides
Starting point is 01:56:24 Alexis is on Alpha go to Hiller, you get some sort of discount as well. I think it's free shipping. Alexis is on Thymus and Alpha and she's on GHKCU which I also used for my hair and I think it worked pretty well. Oh, really? You took something that made your hair thicker? Yeah. Alexis took it too.
Starting point is 01:56:42 When she had her hip surgery, she was taking GHKCU and she said her hair started to grow like crazy. So I started to take it because my hair was thinning, and it seems like it's back to normal. Hey, dude, my hair is so fucking long, and I'm an old guy. I can't believe how fast my hair is growing. And I just, when you're saying that, I wonder if it was from the two vats of CJC I took. My hair is so fucking long. It probably is.
Starting point is 01:57:10 It's a growth hormone. Some sort of pump on your growth hormone. I just pulled a crazy long two foot gray hair out of my mouth. That's fucked. There was someone in here. there was a great
Starting point is 01:57:25 dildo takes mycoxaflopin mycoxaflopin that he gets from CA peptides he takes 2mg a day mycoxaflopin is that the opposite of melanotan
Starting point is 01:57:42 mycoxaflopin there's the one that makes it erect My cock's a flop. Is that the opposite of melanotan? My cock's a flop. There's the one that makes it erect and the one that makes it a flopping. Don't take hormones and you won't have to worry about ED. Hiller is now fucked. Will need to be on TRT for life and have weak boners.
Starting point is 01:58:00 I'll tell you what, when I was off for 90 days, I had no issue. Yeah, so take that hey I have a friend who has been on and off on some crazy shit you know him too
Starting point is 01:58:13 Hiller and he says it's never been an issue and he would tell the truth this guy tells the truth but he does say the second that my penis gets touched it gets hard it's wicked and it's always been that way Which is
Starting point is 01:58:27 It always blows my mind When people tell me They have issues with that I have issues It was that way For the time I used No testosterone either Yeah you'll never
Starting point is 01:58:37 You'll never As long as you're healthy And you don't You eat As good as anyone I've ever met in my life And you'll never have issues It's usually the people Who are on drugs You eat as good as anyone I've ever met in my life, and you'll never have issues.
Starting point is 01:58:50 It's usually the people who are on drugs or alcohol. Those are the people I've seen who have issues with that. Cocaine and alcohol. Or they don't exercise. Hey, I remember when I first started taking it, I had to explode. It might have something to do with the pre-workout I always take. You take twice the dose, too. Maybe that's why I've never experienced it. Right.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Incredible blood flow. Sean Lenderman, I started taking creatine two weeks ago. Will I have to stay on that for life? No. Someone has had the same bottle for about 10 years Takes a little here a little there
Starting point is 01:59:27 Of Eno Explode dude I have like Because I got the subscription on Amazon And I got a 30 day supply Now like I have like 4 My wife's gonna kill me Cause I can't take that shit as fast as it's coming It's fucking nuts I need about one 30 day supply
Starting point is 01:59:43 For 4 months Use it that slowly i i feel like i take it every day but i guess i don't i took it the other day and i got a cramp in my pec it was so fucking powerful so you did that workout with the dips and then i told you the next day and you said you weren't sore dude i was i heard you talk on the show the next day and you said you were so sore. Hey dude, I'm still sore. That was a week ago. I'm still sore. I'm still a little sore.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Hey, and I ran stairs for an hour two days ago and I can barely move. I do have... Wow. Oh, this is weird this is really weird what is there a growth on your nipple or something I can't see someone wrote Rambler wrote you still have that creatine in that mason jar
Starting point is 02:00:42 and I'm pretty sure you'd have to creatine in that mason jar. And I'm pretty sure you'd have to be at my house to know that. It is still in that mason jar. That is crazy. I'm not sure I knew that even. I honestly would have guessed that that was still there No Greg doesn't Greg you knew that I had creatine in a mason jar You said it
Starting point is 02:01:13 You said it like years ago Okay Oh I showed it on the show Okay Okay Black John Young Young J Okay, Black John Young. Okay. Young Jay. Young Jay. I don't mean to be a weirdo, but I'm pulling up.
Starting point is 02:01:40 That was you? Yeah, no, I was going to say something, and I decided not to. Stefan, you still have that pocket pussy under your pillow. I've never had a pocket pussy. Hey, dude, I want to know what you're pulling up now. There was a photo that one of the listeners pulled up
Starting point is 02:01:54 and I can see it in my downloads and I double clicked it and made it big on my screen so I could stare at it for a second. It's a great photo. Meat and fruit? It's a great meat and fruit it's a great photo all right um i guess that's it i'm gonna go play with the kids i'm gonna go have a ribeye
Starting point is 02:02:21 you're gonna have avi do a workout i am gonna have avi do do a workout someone contacted me and said hey will you have Avi do this workout and film it and I said sure no problem easy easy day yep go film it with my iPhone buh-bye buh-bye
Starting point is 02:02:44 buh-bye

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