The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #29 | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 8, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Introducing TD Insurance for Business, with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. From now on. Bam, we're live. Greg, good morning. Hey, what up, kid? Paulina, good morning. As they pile in, good to see you guys. All you guys. Good morning, Michelle. Good morning, Augustus. Good morning. Tax Moose. Okay. Tax Moose.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Good morning to you. Jeez Louise. Good morning. AJ. Good morning. Elizabeth. Good morning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Saber and Kelly. Good morning from Trinidad Tobago. Marissa. Good morning. I had this guy on from the UFC Sacramento kid yesterday, Greg, and I was like, hey, what do you think about normal society? And he's like, man, it's just crazy right now. It feels like it's just falling apart.
Starting point is 00:01:42 And then I was looking at that article just really quickly that you sent me, Victor David Hansonansen this morning and um there seemed like there would be some really quick fixes to um the problem that could like clean like if people were littering and the streets were dirty then you could just be like okay if, if everyone stopped littering, the streets would stop being dirty. The problem would change so quickly, right? Okay. Do you want everyone to quit being stupid? I just want to have no tolerance for some things.
Starting point is 00:02:19 What if we just had no tolerance for violence? How quickly could we just like – how much better would everything get just overnight? You mean, like, hark back to an era of, like, judging people by the quality of their character and the color of their skin? And where democracy didn't require require silencing people yeah unless they speak their minds and fuck up your democracy they kind of they kind of yeah yeah i mean specifically this this incident of what happened in arizona uh. Why are cops beating people or why are bad guys beating cops in New York and getting released
Starting point is 00:03:12 but then getting arrested in Arizona? I think I was talking to you about it and you said to me, hey, if they'll do that to police officers, imagine what they'll do to your friends and family and loved ones. And it's like, that just seems like something we should all
Starting point is 00:03:30 be able to agree upon. Let me let the fucking dog out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Widely publicized images of three handcuffed migrants sitting in the Arizona dirt were not to be members of the crew who beat up two NYPD cops in Times Square last month, law enforcement sources told The Post.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Those four suspects still apparently on the lam. Oh, all right. I think maybe one of the other suspects may have been pulled off a bus and headed elsewhere. John Miller, NYPD's former deputy commissioner of intelligence and county counterterrorism said last week the group likely boarded a bus heading for Calexico. How does the district attorney let these guys go after they were beating cops in their city did you see did you hear his response to that he gave this really big response that was hey when we arrest people and we hold them we take it seriously and we need to make sure we have the facts basically he doesn't even say it but alluding to the fact that we weren't sure if we had the right guys.
Starting point is 00:04:57 If I'm a cop, I'm not protecting – I'm not going to protect anybody if the citizens won't do their part. If you allow people to beat me and you won't convict them and you won't hold them, why would i run if you why would i run into your um wife's house and stop her from getting uh raped sandy that's a different story there right the one you have up uh migrants arrested by ice agents in phoenix might be uh suspects in nypd copy no this is just uh this is yesterday this is this is the same story. Four guys ages 19 to 24. I just don't expect – I just don't understand how we expect anything to operate normally if we're not doing just the bare minimum. Keeping people off the streets who beat cops.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Blade Walker, our local police officer. Me wishing a motherfucker would. Those cops did not look like you, Blade. The ones that were getting beat up. This isn't wildly different than letting people walk out of stores with goods, right? No, no, no. Well, here's the part.
Starting point is 00:06:16 If we can't even protect our cops, then we can't expect our cops to protect the goods. I guess this is just a word. Is it weirder than letting letting little boys into the girl's bathroom no it's it's there it is kind of there it is exactly this sort of the same thing because then basically you're just setting people you're just setting the criminals up for success i don't i don't know how there may be the same thing only in the sense that they're in that in that family of inconceivably absurd notions i i would i would suggest we could probably make a list of 50 or 60 of these things without
Starting point is 00:07:03 stepping on you know know, without overlapping or being repetitive. Toby Laron, morning. It's like the notes, Seve, it's like the notes you could take watching someone schizophrenic just kind of bounce off the walls of the real world.
Starting point is 00:07:21 In what sense? Well, at some point, you just can't, you gotta stop with the surprise oh oh well okay this is you know like we stopped saying the pledge of allegiance and we don't know the difference between boys and girls so even you can even be a supreme court justice and not know the difference and blah blah blah the list of absurdities and it's a it's a it's a body divorced uh you know social body uh divorced from reality Hey, we cross the bridge with political correctness, right?
Starting point is 00:08:10 It's idiocracy without the comedy. Yeah, the humor's there. Toby LaRoe. It's crazy. Good morning. I've had my level one since November. What are some other ventures I could use it for other than just coaching classes at the affiliate? That's a good question. Save your mom's life, your dad's life.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Extend your life. Yeah, who knows huh lulu dallas uh multipass uh i would here's what i did i took everything that i learned in the l1 and extrapolated how to raise my kids uh through that. So basically I, the whole, the whole piece that where Greg talks about adaptation, hard work, stress leading to adaptation, just all that. I just took that and put, put it towards everything. There are some concepts in there that, um, you're, you're only gonna, you're only going to get better at the margins of your failure, all that stuff. So whether it be in math or cleaning your room
Starting point is 00:09:30 or setting the dinner table, like we're going to keep pushing things and doing them better and better and harder and harder so that we can get adaptation and keep doing things better. So, man, it's been sort of the key to raising my kids for me. Applying it to that stuff. Braylon Tender, fitness competitor.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Dear Greg, I have a ticket for you to my men's seminar. What's a men's seminar maybe I know yeah he's just like a men's group that kind of thing we will peak your fitness masculinity and fortitude oh shit
Starting point is 00:10:18 wait there's more you'll come out of the weekend with your piss hot and your ears pinned back brother that's good Wait, there's more. You'll come out of the weekend with your piss hot and your ears pinned back, brother. That's good. Blade Walker, Seve, I'll give you a standee if you have your level one certificate on you while you visit his house. Robert Cowton have you reviewed Daniel Smith's
Starting point is 00:10:52 premiere of Alberta new transgender policy presented last week hold on hold on what is this I don't even know if my phone's hooked up. Hold on a second. Hey, caller. Hey, good morning. Can you hear me? Yes. Hey, good morning. It's Frank from the CF Affiliate Collective with a question for Greg. Frank, good morning. Good morning. Good morning, Greg. Hey, Frank.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Good morning. Good morning, Greg. Hey, Frank. Hi, Mike. Hey, so my question is around, when you were on with Matt Souza a couple weeks ago and Sebi was out, you had mentioned that you own your intellectual property. I was wondering if you could elaborate on whether you can license your intellectual property
Starting point is 00:11:41 to other parties. Hello, can you hear me? Yeah, yeah, I'm thinking. I don't know. I don't have a good answer on that. I'd go back to counsel for that. Okay, sorry to put you on the spot. Yeah, you don't know?
Starting point is 00:12:02 Not at all. And here's, you know, on the spot, my ass. I mean, here's what I yeah yeah you don't know not not at all and here's you know on the spot my ass i mean when here's what i do when i don't know something i go i don't know i don't know i don't know yeah um i i know who would know here's why it hasn't come up it's not been of any interest to me you know it's it's not something i can imagine doing. My concerns initially is that there were some fundamental truths in that material that kind of defined my contribution to the space. And almost regardless of what happened next, some of that would probably be referentially important to me. And so I kept the rights.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I was also worried about adulteration. Once they own it, they can edit it. And I'd be limited in what I could say. So if it turned into meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and what the fuck, an occasional Coca-Cola, the adulteration would be theirs and not my original that I probably couldn't use anyways.
Starting point is 00:13:17 So it was that kind of thing. But anyways, not a tough question. I just don't know I'm sorry do you have the IP hosted anywhere that we can link to or is it just purely hosted through CrossFit
Starting point is 00:13:37 no I have no sense of what sits on their servers still at all. I mean, the blind between us is thick, perfectly opaque, and three years old now. Have you Googled Level 1 Training Guide? Oh, it's online. The entire one's online is it all 250 has it saved somewhere else all 258 pages are just sitting online you can just google crossfit level one it's all there free no but there's a there are tools available, and it's not that's the level of granularity that I'm not really focused on. But I know there are people I can talk to that have a pretty good sense of what I've done and where it's at.
Starting point is 00:14:43 good sense of what I've done and where it's at. In fact, when I'm looking for something that I know was once sat at, I have several people I can go to that have absolutely everything and they have nothing to do with the mothership they probably they probably better sources than the mothership for what has been on the prospect so for sure but um yeah i'm not you know what you know what i'm not i'm not in the fitness space frankly um i like i like the upstream I like having
Starting point is 00:15:25 climbed up the tree and gone upstream maybe that's the better analogy to what's wrong with fitness what's wrong with medicine what's wrong with climate science what's wrong with all kinds of shit one of the things that's nice about being medicine is what's wrong with climate science is what's wrong with all kinds of shit.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And one of the things that's nice about being here, Frank, is that the material, there's enough sobriety and seriousness to it, enough rigor that the knee jerk half widths are kind of gone. And that's, so the air is really clear. It's nice. I don't have stupid people screaming at me that I'm wrong. And that's yeah yeah it seems like that I'm past I'm past the level where where morons care about anything which is like it's it's yeah it's rare it's nice and it and it and then people left are polite and And it's also more interesting. Morons don't have the intellectual capacity and assholes to weigh in on the –
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah. Where you've gone. Right. That's awesome. Right. Yeah, election on p-values isn't the most interesting thing in the world perhaps to everyone and the challenge is to make it interesting because it's it's it's vitally important it's in fact it's at the heart of of why people are believing utter bullshit and thinking
Starting point is 00:17:16 it's science you can't tell that story without telling the p-value story but i think the upside if there is one to the fact that it puts everyone to sleep is that no one's going to stand up and tell you you're full of shit and call you a racist or whatever else in the midst of explaining your p-values. I do have some unrelated question, if that's okay. I do appreciate the work you're doing with Broken Science. It's got a chance to attend the lectures, and they were fantastic. But my other question was regarding, you stated that HQ should do it for affiliates, what they can't do for themselves, and kind of broke it down into four categories, legislation, litigation, continuing education, and validation of the methodology.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And I was just wondering, what would you consider to be validation of the methodology as, you know, how you would validate the methodology more specifically? Well, if you look thematically at what was happening metabolically and the sciences out there and the people that were addressing health issues, it's pretty clear that the presence of Fung's and Harkov's and the Eads and you know all of the people that we call Mesper birds, they were collectively interesting in that their views were counter to the mainstream, and yet also vital in the kind of the biological or essential in the biological sense of key to optimal performance of the organism. And so they were orthogonal or antagonistic to the mainstream and yet and yet vital and important and uh um in total and individually they certainly supported what was the dominant theme in the box. If you were good enough to be talking to your clients
Starting point is 00:19:29 about carbohydrate toxicity, the perils of sedentarism, the perils of hyperinsulinism. So that to me was a key part of validation. Not at all different from continuing it. I've heard different discussions about the gains and was the gains, you know, validation of the efficacy of the training methodologies. What is your thoughts on that, if you don't mind sharing? of the efficacy of the training methodologies. What is your thoughts on that, if you don't mind sharing?
Starting point is 00:20:16 No, I think what the games do and the predictiveness of the outcome is it kind of speaks, I think, to the realness of the athlete having maximum, the highest work capacity across broad time and modal domains, or something at least as tangible as that, in that there was enormous predictive strength from the open to the final. And I can give you three or four female named workouts and dispense that amongst 10 people of your choosing and give you an outstanding chance roster of where they'll rank at the games after three days and 15 workouts or whatever it is. That kind of thing. Yeah. We played with the numbers, and there's almost no anomalies. You didn't find that Frazier's or Froning's had glaring deficiencies. They were just outstanding to various degrees in the different workouts that were asked of them.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And so it became a pretty simple matter to get a cardinal, maybe a head of ordinal ranking or sense of the capacity. God, this shit's boring Frank thank you buddy Talk to you soon Thanks buddy Back to my favorite subject Everyone keeps asking about fitness I hate that shit What was this uh
Starting point is 00:22:06 so that guy has a men's seminar for you there was a there was a uh damn i lost your damn i lost your thing the question was talking about um alberta's transgender restrictions the lady's name is danielle smith listen this i still think it's not even close to strict enough this is crazy i don't even know if strict's the right word among the new policy policies regulations and legislation smith said she plans to introduce in the fall is a ban on puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy for those 15 and under i i don't i don't accept any um i think just the the the mass amount of sugar that's consumed and the havoc it's wreaked on hormones the hormones of our youth already is bad enough i'm not interested in pharma prescribing hormones to anyone fuck i would say even under 21 i have no interest in that
Starting point is 00:23:02 at all i think it's gross i think it's gross. I think it's vile. I think it's dangerous. I'm not open to that. If we're going to have laws, why don't we protect our youth? You think there's any place to give a 15-year-old something to stop their guy from going through puberty, Greg? A 15-year-old boy? It has all the appeal of cutting the hands off thieves or uh you know i i don't i don't like it at all there's no there's no returning from that you're you're a 15 you're going to do
Starting point is 00:23:38 something to a 15 year old who's never going to recover from yeah when, when I see Canada's upset about that, I'm like, what's wrong with Canada? Why aren't they pushing harder? Why aren't they protecting their kids? Augustus Link. And by the way, once you're 25, like, I don't care what you do. You can get your face covered in tattoos. You can go to a plastic surgeon if you can afford it and have them turn you into a cat. And you can charge your penis off and put it in a jar and people can visit your own personal penis museum at your house.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I don't care. But also don't be surprised when those people end up being the pedophiles or the ones who are in jail or just doing all the weird shit. People don't do a little bit of weird shit. The people who are doing weird shit do a lot of weird shit. Augustus Link. Thanks for the methodology, Greg. It helped my dad lose some weight and get in better shape a couple years ago. There's more of that boring fitness shit.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And to this day, he still drives 45 minutes each way to a CrossFit gym a couple days a week. Oh, that's cool. That's a beautiful thing. I didn't do that, though. You didn't? Who did it? He did He got his dad in the gym His dad wouldn't know about it though
Starting point is 00:24:53 If it wasn't for Oh he might have gotten him to do Something else Listen if you didn't sit in That coffee shop down the street from my house With your pad and paper and your pencil sharpener and obsess on your notes and your writings, there would not be a gym that opened 45 minutes away from his dad to drive to. Now, don't get me wrong. Whoever invented the combustion engine also played a part, but you did your part too. We had an affiliate, Seve, who he might have been in the Boulder area,
Starting point is 00:25:28 but it was a gentleman that lost 100 pounds and opened a box. And the manner by which he came to the 100-pound weight loss is his son was crossfitting, and his son, enthused by CrossFit, I believe was the story, decided that he wanted to take Dad and get him active and doing things and eventually bring him into the CrossFit gym. And they started hiking and he ended up in the gym and the guy lost 100 pounds and became an affiliate to dad, right? That went past his son's expectations and interest. The dad, from the dad's story, the motivation came at the moment when he yielded to his son to go hiking and they went to REI to get him a jacket. And the kid working there, REI to get him a jacket.
Starting point is 00:26:24 And the kid working there, because the dad's like, you know, they're having to push him towards the merchandise. The dad's going, you're not going to have anything that fits me. And the kid's told him, we've already been trained on what to do in this case. And he pulls off two extra large
Starting point is 00:26:39 and zips them together. And slips them over the sky. And the guy says, right then, I have to be a CrossFitter. I'm like, this is the most humiliating thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Two fucking jackets. Isn't that a great story? He went hiking and got wet, I think is what it was. And then went to the CrossFit gym. Lost 100 pounds and became an affiliate I'm not taking credit for that it's a beautiful story
Starting point is 00:27:11 that's a father son and a gym close by Eaton Beaver good morning coach morning Eaton Seema Boobs said something funny in here did Greg just groan he did I heard him groan too
Starting point is 00:27:28 don't embarrass him why are you calling him out on that not cool mom he's a guest to the show right now uh uh this is definitely a Greg question
Starting point is 00:27:38 someone what's the difference between a lentil and a chickpea I've never had a lentil on my face Jesus crime I've heard worse a chickpea i've never had a lentil on my face jesus crime i've heard worse jesus i almost took a shot at answering that that is inappropriate my goodness um oh my god uh squirm squirm that's good squirm squirm that's good let me see before let me see
Starting point is 00:28:08 when someone calls for 10 minutes I always the questions pile up um okay that's good uh boy there's so many fun there's so many fun things in the news
Starting point is 00:28:24 did you see I'd never seen this video before. Have you ever seen the video of, uh, of, of Kyle Rittenhouse getting chased? He just released a book. I think so. And I never, I never seen this video. This is fucking wild. So this guy with the gun here guys this is kyle running and you let me know this this guy for those of you who don't know kyle rittenhouse was
Starting point is 00:28:53 in a riot in kenosha wisconsin and he's white and he killed three white guys who were attacking him but for somehow it was racist even though one of the guys was screaming let's kill all the black people kyle kyle ridden he didn't say it like that by the way he's a little more aggressive kyle riddenhouse killed the guy who was saying let's kill all the black people and uh and he still was tried as a racist in the public eye but check this out This is wild right here. Look at this. So, he's running with a gun in his hand, and someone hits him in the head from behind. So, I think, in my opinion, that guy should be shot. He keeps running.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Now the mob is chasing him, right? It's like a dog just ran into the dog park Right and so now all the dogs start chasing him That helps me understand Now look he trips and falls And that guy goes to kick him And Kyle shoots I think he misses. Oh, so someone tried to grab his gun and the gun went off.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I'll play it again, the whole thing, without my interjection. That guy just gets shot. Boom. That guy's already tried to attack him once. He gets shot. That guy's backing away with his hands up. Crazy, right? Hey! Hey! Oh! Get him! shot. That guy's backing away with his hands up. Crazy, right? Oh, he yells, get back.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Oh, that guy's lucky he didn't get shot in the face. Just some dad just some guy and girl riding by That guy has to be shot right guy does a flying kick on your face Yeah, that guy did a flying kick on his face, that guy did a flying kick on his face oh he gets shot and he's limping amazing right so i went back to review some of the case after seeing this and it's it's really crazy i ended up at national public radio npr and one of the guys that um uh uh written how shot was that guy rosenbaum yeah i remember i watched the trial oh you did yeah yeah and they and they talked about rosenbaum how hard rosenbaum's life is how hard it is in
Starting point is 00:31:39 like four paragraphs and at the bottom it's like rosenbaum was also convicted for sodomizing five pre-teen boys it's like but all they talk about in the first three paragraphs is how hard his life was growing up it's nuts oh that fool got his hand blown off oh that guy got his hand shot off wow no he got he got he's the one who got shot in the arm right so it looked like he grabbed his arm yeah yeah um he's in the trial they were asking him to look at the footage and uh he's uh he said to uh to kyle i think that's where you vaporized my bicep and of course i had to laugh poor kyle And of course, I had to laugh. Poor Kyle.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Jay Wade, the last guy pulled a pistol to shoot him. Listen, don't like you chase a guy running down the street with a rifle. Yeah. That's your role in the riot is to run after armed people. It sounds like your hobby's getting shot. Yeah. Oh. So, so, so That's a true story. That was it. The last guy
Starting point is 00:32:59 pulled a pistol to shoot him and Kyle shot him in the bicep. There are other angles. Listen to this. So the guy Rosenosenbaum one of the guys uh that kyle rittenhouse shot his name was rosenbaum he was a convicted rapist and pedophile i haven't i haven't seen this video i'm going to play this video for the first time here's him uh here and he had just been released from not jail but like some hospital so he's a rapist with a pistol. I don't know if Rosenbaum had a pistol, but he was a rapist and a pedophile who had just gotten out that evening. Okay?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Bad day. So here he is in the crowd prior to getting shot. Here he is. It's this little short white bald dude. Shoot me, nigga. Shoot me, nigga. It's this little short white bald dude. So I guess he was asking for it earlier in the day. That guy has a pass for the N-word. Crazy, right? It's because he acts so hard.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Crazy, crazy crazy crazy i cannot believe why would that even go to court the rittenhouse case this is this is from national public radio this is a lady who's testifying who was there she's testifying about rosenbaum listen to this testimony here we go rosenbaum started shouting back at us that he's gonna pardon me judge for saying this and everybody else but he's gonna kill us motherfuckers motherfucking niggers and cut our hearts out That gentleman on the screen there said that Yes I'm gonna cut your hearts out So Rittenhouse killed a guy Who's swearing at black people specifically And threatening to kill black people But he's yelling it to
Starting point is 00:34:56 White people from NPR Right Holy shit. What a waste of taxpayers' dollars. And where was this again? In where? Kenosha. Kenosha.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Yeah, yeah. Eric, why is judging the lady on the stand? Dang, that lady has a six head. Man. What's a six head Like you know this is a four head And then there's a five head and then a six head Five head and a six head What a
Starting point is 00:35:38 What a mess Hey did you see what happened in with Nikki Haley in Nevada? What happened there? Trump wasn't on the ballot there. Their votes don't matter there. Is that how it works? The legislators end up choosing the candidate in Nevada. How does that work in Nevada?
Starting point is 00:35:59 Do you know the system? No, I don't follow it. It says Haley loses Nevada primary to none of these candidates, in quotes. I guess the ballot was out. Oh, great. How come I can't see this? The whole thing is a train wreck, and the moment of impact is, what, November 4th, or whatever the date is. I'm tripping. I'm paying loose attention until we get closer.
Starting point is 00:36:29 So this is – I guess this is what the ballot looked like in Nevada. I don't know. If you look at Biden's decline from what we've seen just in the past three months, it doesn't seem like he's going to make it to November. months yeah it doesn't seem like he's gonna make it to november i i asked someone yesterday who's a democrat i said hey what are they gonna do in the debate and they said they're gonna prop him up and i go wait a second what debate he's not gonna be in a debate he's not doesn't he have no doesn't he have to debate Trump? Fuck no. I'll be his campaign manager right now. Nope. No way we're debating a felon.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Will T, the... Oh, we'll come back to that in one second. The caucus... You gotta say something. You can't say my guy doesn't know what fucking day it is and we're not gonna put him up for a debate. But you can't. You can't. You can't. There guy doesn't know what fucking day it is And we're not going to put him up for a debate But you can't You can't
Starting point is 00:37:27 There's no fucking way Hold on The caucus chooses the delegates She lost the primary to a blank space But the caucus is in a few weeks She lost the primary But the primary doesn't assign the delegates The caucus does
Starting point is 00:37:44 That doesn't assign the delegates? The caucus does? That doesn't seem right. Hey, so they're going to come up with some reason why he can't go like on CNN and have those standing stools and yell back and forth at Trump. They're not going to do that. Who? Biden? Yeah. Trump?
Starting point is 00:38:01 There won't be a debate. There's not going to be a debate. Do you ever remember there not being a debate in the history of your life? No, but I've never seen this. Did you see him the past few days? I did see. I saw the thing that just happened. Let me see if I can find it where he's find it. No one's going to let him debate.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Let me see if I can find that video where he's blaming Trump for the border. You would be the most famous shitty campaign advisor in the history of campaign advisors if you let that fucker get up in front of anyone and debate.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Damn, I can't find it his eyes are closed when he's doing the um let me see if i can find it let me try one more time uh biden border speech let me see if i can uh Watch How about him on him Recalling his just having Spoken with Mitterrand the other day He who Biden said something about it Let me see this
Starting point is 00:39:21 Let me see this. And they decided, they decided, Border Patrol decided, this gives them the tools they need to do the job, more personnel across the board. It's also why the U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsed this bill, because they know this bill is not just good for the border, it's also good for American business. He's talking.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Kind of, he's talking. They want to secure the border. Now they have the strongest border bill this country has ever seen. We're seeing statements about how many oppose the bill now. Look, I understand the former president is desperately trying to stop this bill because he's not interested in solving the border problem. He wants a political issue to run against me. I've all but said that
Starting point is 00:40:14 across the board. No one really denies that and I'm aware of it. Everyone denies that. Oh, I don't think there's any hurry on the Republicans' part now to fix things the the board the the changes aren't going to affect the border the the changes that i don't think that biden if as long as you're going to allow people to wait in the united states for their court date nothing's going to change to me to me that's that's the that's where
Starting point is 00:40:45 everything went fucking sideways biden came into office they said it's inhumane to when we catch people to make them wait in the mexico side like trump did and in that when he soon as he said that court dates are now pushed out to 2030 and everyone and their mom's coming correct and that was all deliberate yeah that's all deliberate and and now they're they're actually there are instances now where people are voting um who aren't legally voting who aren't citizens in three states and and the reason the reason they're going to turn this spigot down and stop it now and you you wanna do that with as much and get as much for politically as you can.
Starting point is 00:41:29 But the problem is, is that the sanctuary cities are at their brink and the repercussions of that can be to change the voting. And so what were some solidly blue areas? And there's also some traditional kind of folks that are like, what the fucking, you know, right.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And you're seeing it in the black community and in the brown community. I play. I mean, mean, the sanctuary city idea was, was first off wildly insincere. None of these fucking mayors ever, ever intended for those fucking people coming into their city. Okay? And so it was a cheap, insincere attempt to look gracious and open-hearted and open-minded.
Starting point is 00:42:46 hearted and open minded. What they wanted was a massive influx of immigrants to change the political complexion of Arizona, Texas, Florida. That was the hope. That was the draw. But what happened was, these people ended up in these sanctuary cities, and made life there challenging for the wealthy and untenable for the poor. And so the cry now from the blue mayors is turn it off. But you don't want to like, well, what do you mean? Like, how do you turn it off? And you go back to the Trump policies that you did. And what better way to do that than to do it and while doing it, blame the whole
Starting point is 00:43:32 thing on Trump and see who's stupid enough to even follow that crap logic. Every facet of this problem was engineered to make illegal voters. Paul Jay Plan from day one. Robert R. Right from the beginning. The Epoch Times was calling this while Obama was president. That was their border while Obama was president. That was their border crisis in a nutshell. It was about the bluing of Texas if it were all possible. Florida, Arizona. The hope was, the plan was that the Republicans would never win another
Starting point is 00:44:31 national election. It backfired as these people flooded, We'll see, is they flooded into the sanctuary cities? Look at Eric Adams now. It's laughable the the amount of stupidity that we're um man do you think the amount of stupidity we're dealing with on the other side can be overcome can be overcome? I think we shouldn't have quit teaching kids math
Starting point is 00:45:32 and how to diagram sentences and manners and the pledge of allegiance and the difference between right and wrong. By the way, let me give a shameless plug for the Tuttle Twins. My kids actually actually love that stuff and each episode it's emily and ethan tuttle these twins and they they're uh
Starting point is 00:45:54 some kind of cub reporters and we i think i have 12 volumes of this and i got a copy for I got a copy for each of my older scholars. And yeah, brainwashed. And they parallel things like Leonard Reed, The Mighty Pencil or whatever it was that book was, Frederick Bastiat's The Law. It's important stuff stuff the story's good there's oh the road to serfdom i mean those are those are uh very important books for for thinking people and to be able to introduce them to kids is is pretty cool
Starting point is 00:46:50 kids is is pretty cool is this the set you have the law yeah yeah food yeah truck fiasco 12 rules yep in the road to serfdom uh uh there's a successful farm that's been in the sanchez family for generations and they get taken away so a highway can go through, go into some utopia called serfdom where everyone's excited to see and go. And in the Sanchez family gets served with eminent domain, they build a highway right through their farm, which renders it worthless. And so they sell out, of course. But Riley, that's my 10-year-old for those that don't that don't he stops and goes they can't do that and i go but they can and we're on the eminent domain you know yeah she's aghast aghast there's no fucking way then we got to talk about the
Starting point is 00:47:40 institute for justice and that sweet old lady that stopped Trump and moved his Atlantic casino to a whole different part of town, whole different neighborhood, because she wouldn't let go of her $50,000 home she'd had for 80 years. It's a great story. But we got to share all that and it came out of their own curiosity.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And if you ask them what they want to do every day, it's like some more Tuttle. And we can pound one in an hour but the questions are perfect and stuff that needs to be talked about someone wrote i thought you um i thought you said the tunnel twins god i'm scared to google that i'm not going to google it google what someone said i thought he said the tunnel twins instead of tunnel twins um i kind of want to google that and see what pops up but i'm not Someone said I thought he said the Tunnel Twins Instead of Tuttle Twins I kind of want to google that And see what pops up but I'm not going to I think it's PragerU stuff isn't it
Starting point is 00:48:32 Tuttle Twins I don't think it is I think the guy is independent I think he's probably been on PragerU though Yeah This Connor guy Will T how do you work with people Tom Prager, you though. Yeah, yeah. This Connor guy. Will T., how do you work with people who think you should give 15-year-olds a voluntary mastectomy?
Starting point is 00:48:52 I know. Yeah, right. Look at even the comments in here. There was a guy in here who's concerned about something Trump said about magnets working underwater or not it's like dude really you got distracted by that you can throw gripes about trump up one after another we can just sit here and you can post them, just watch them go by, watch them go by. I'll probably have nothing to say until you throw up that the problem with Trump is that Biden's better.
Starting point is 00:49:35 That's my problem. I don't think, I think Russian collusion was utter, complete crap. I think Chinese collusion is a highly – perfectly plausible. You think it is or you know it is? I mean Vivek called the reporters out on it. I want to be careful. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:02 It's super highly – it's perfectly plausible and seemingly probable. Okay? Like to not go there would really be the most significant kind of stand. To think, ah, no, that's not possible. What the fuck's the matter with you thinking? I'm not saying it's true. I'm just saying it's unavoidable, unavoidable to give deep and hard consideration to that. And if this were a sport, I would have a couple thousand bucks and we could get an easy answer right now.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I got a couple grand that say, fuck yeah. A couple grand say, fuck yeah, what? Well, they've given him money. And do I think that they have enough evidence of him having taken it and presented that to him in a fashion that had him paralyzed to act against their interest? That seems inevitable to me. I don't think they're stupid.
Starting point is 00:51:06 That's not part of what I think. I think he is, but I do not think the Chinese are stupid. I have a bunch of opinions of Xi Jinping. None of them look like he's a dope. And we know that they'd give it a money. Why do you think they did that? Was it quid pro quo in real time? Was it something while he was VP?
Starting point is 00:51:35 Or was it because this dipshit is a perennial candidate for president, and what if he ever got in? How cool would it be if he'd been on the gravy train the whole time well guess what the moron got in the guy that's running he's been running since 1974 isn't that the date look it up yeah that's i that's year i graduated from high school i'm almost 70 he's wanted this maybe more than anyone's ever wanted it And he's been And he's been eaten out of our enemy's trough All along
Starting point is 00:52:10 Were they savvy enough To keep an accurate record of him Kissing him in the cheeks And saying thanks for all this money It's really going to help It says he first ran for political office in 87 I wonder if that's true oh um i mean that's still forever ago when was his first presidential campaign uh at the age of 44
Starting point is 00:52:36 biden became one of the official candidates for democratic nomination formally declaring his candidacy at the williamton train station oh that oh 1987 was the first time uh he so so maybe he did start running for office in 1974 maybe that's the first time he ran for president was in 1987 holy shit wow yeah sorry you're right i think you're right In 1968, Biden earned a Juris Doctor degree From the University of College of Law He ranked 76th in a class of 85 students
Starting point is 00:53:15 Sounds about right His wife died December 18th of 1972 In a car accident He lies about that Um His wife died December 18th of 1972 in a car accident. He lies about that. He said it was a drunk driver, and it wasn't. She ran a stop sign. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:53:37 That's true? Yeah, yeah. And I think he's been sued by the guy that he said was drunk. He graduated from college, ranked 506 out of 688 students. There was a plagiarism issue that delayed graduation, right? Yep. During the draft, he received five 2S student deferments.
Starting point is 00:54:00 So it sounds like five times he was asked to come and he got it deferred. This is wiki too and they're usually nice to him. The mom, the wife didn't, the wife's parents didn't want them marrying Joe. But he did. I'm trying to see where, oh, 1972 U.S. Senate campaign. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Sorry, this took a while to get to. Biden's entering into the 1972 U.S. Senate election in Delaware. Okay, so 1972 is the first time he ran for Senate. Wow. That was the year I was born. I'm 51. So he's been running for office for at least... Oh, look, someone already wrote it.
Starting point is 00:54:46 U.S. Senator from 19... Wow, he was a senator in the same state for that long? Holy shit. When did he first run for president? What's the date? What did I say? 1987. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:55:04 Okay. Yeah. If you consider running for the democratic uh nomination yeah right it is this is the clip this is the clip that uh gets me this is the clip i played the other day this is this is what makes it uh completely i i don't care what you say about Trump. This right here sums it all up for me. Why? I think he's a complete douchebag. This is him talking about the vaccines. Here we go. Is our vaccination rate protect ourselves and others? If we raise our vaccination rate, protect ourselves, requiring this United once a week. Some of the biggest companies are already requiring this. United Airlines once a week. Some of the biggest companies are already requiring
Starting point is 00:55:46 this. United Airlines, Disney, Tyson's Food, and even Fox News. My message to unvaccinated Americans is this. What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see? to wait for. What more do you need to see? We've made vaccinations free, safe, and convenient. So those are three lies. It's not safe, free, and convenient. What more do you need to see? We've made vaccinations free, safe, and convenient. The vaccine is FDA approval. Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot. Here it comes. We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.
Starting point is 00:56:34 We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. Hey, isn't that what you say to your kid when you tell them to go take a shower and on the other side of that, you carry them into the bathroom, right? That's a threat, right? From our president? That's a threat?
Starting point is 00:56:50 Of course. If you don't go to your CVS and take the drugs or else. Don't make me send out the jab police. God damn, I cannot fucking believe I know anyone who voted for this
Starting point is 00:57:07 fucking guy and listen you fucking idiot who's in the comments who's worried about whether trump thinks magnets work underwater or not uh you've completely lost your way dude you're an emotional emotional one-year-old suppose he suppose he didn't know suppose he didn't know what if magnets work underwater or not yeah yeah who cares which is worse no but yes the guy and you know you'd have to interrupt him telling him you know how great he is and you go oh hold on a minute i just have a question do magnets work underwater and he's like i really don't know how how is that compared to a guy and here's the combo on the take and and really doesn't know where he is right can't find his seat again which way off stage forgot what he was talking about was in the middle of a story that wasn't
Starting point is 00:58:06 true and got lost uh trevor uh ponick you know he was he got he stumbled the other day you still haven't shown the footage but it was it was good and i think it was all this weekend or sooner but he he got lost telling a story about having just spoken with mitterrand who i think's been dead 30 years of course you'd get lost because like oh no fuck that wasn't yesterday that was 30 years ago is there it's really it's it's really yeah yeah yeah we can't see enough of that guy as far as i'm concerned and so that we aren't going to get to see any of him. You think he was hidden four years ago in his basement? Watch now.
Starting point is 00:58:50 They're going to somehow do some kind of virtual Joe for us. Oh, my God. You're right. He did talk. Oh, my God. Biden said one of the first things he said during the meeting was America is back, which he said prompted a response from Mitterrand before connecting it. Oh, my goodness. Oops.
Starting point is 00:59:15 And Mitterrand from Germany, I mean from France, looked at me and said, you know what? Why? How long are you back for, Biden said. And I looked at him and just nonsense. I need to find the video because the reading the transcript it makes no sense it's rich oh my goodness when you watch it makes perfect sense he has no idea where he is yeah this is two days ago crazy i thought so and i think you failed to mention uh trump on maria bartiromo on fox i was doing something else and was in the background i hate listening to him i enjoyed listening to jo. I hate listening to Donald. But I did hear him tell her that Iran called him
Starting point is 01:00:09 after he fired the shot in Baghdad at Soleimani and killed him, that the Iranians contacted him and told him they were going to respond with 18 missiles that were going to miss and not to move anything that they had to do something i got it for you here we go this is this isn't crazy i'm and then afterwards i want to hear what you what you think the implications are of having a leader like this as opposed to what we got okay this is uh trump a few days ago being interviewed oh let me let me go back a second and fill in what uh greg was saying um in uh in 2020 oh what is going on here how come i can't see this article ah okay i don't i can't pull up the article but but in 2020, Trump, as Greg was saying, attacked Iran and killed one of its leaders.
Starting point is 01:01:09 In Iraq, in Baghdad, at the airport. Damn. Too bad I couldn't pull it up. Anyway, so this is now 2024. This is four years later. This is a couple days ago. Trump did an interview, and they were asking him about that attack he did on Iran. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I had Iran in check. You know, we hit them very hard for something that they did and they had to hit back. They feel they have to do that. I understand that. You know, they called me to tell me we're going to hit a certain location, but we're not going to hit it. It's going to be outside of the perimeter. Iran called me. Iran called me, called for me. And they let us know. And we had 16 missiles went off. I believe it was 16. Six or seven failed in the air. Wait, when was this?
Starting point is 01:01:48 This was prior to the attack on a fort that we had, where they hit back. Do you remember when they sent 18 missiles or 16 missiles? Five failed. They let us know, don't move. We're going to have to hit you back. Psychologically, we have to do that because we hit them on something.
Starting point is 01:01:59 You remember. They sent 16 or 18 missiles, and we knew they weren't going to hit inside the fort. And the media was going, and now I reveal it, the media was going wild because they say it's strange. They're very accurate missiles. How come they all missed? Nobody was killed, if you remember. With all of those missiles, nobody was killed.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Now, they had to do it because they have people and they have to show strength. So they aimed the missiles, but they said, please don't attack us. We're not going to hit you. That was respect. We had respect. The implication being? us. We're not going to hit you. That was respect. We had respect. The implication being? You know, if you need that
Starting point is 01:02:31 explained to you, there's no hope. But it's... Do you believe that story? Do you think that's a true story? I do. I do too. Yep. Yep. We would have already heard if we're not
Starting point is 01:02:49 That's the same as our response to recent drone strikes Killing our soldiers it's all theater Do you think that our strikes back at them Was all theater Yes Damn Yes. Damn. I think the appropriate response would be an effective one. And I think an effective one, you would know it by a massive outcry from mainstream media that we've gone too far.
Starting point is 01:03:34 You know, if you like, at what point do we start whacking Mulas? I probably, we're voting on that. I probably one of the early hands up. And the attacks still aren't over, right? They've done two attacks. That's the story. Right. He's trying to play tough guy.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Who knows? But why you'd explain anything about your response is unimaginable. I can't come up with it. you take away from your desire for them to look and listen carefully. I think the image that you want to portray as a strong leader is a certain degree of unpredictability
Starting point is 01:04:44 and an assumption that the reaction would be, if anything, excessive. Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I keep thinking about how easily lies just flow from that dude's mouth to, uh, when he says that the, uh, the vaccines are free and FDA approved and just all that shit. Like,
Starting point is 01:05:12 like how, like how the fuck are vaccines free? They absolutely, they're not free. You, they took your tax money and they bought those vaccines. Yeah. Fauci is a partner.
Starting point is 01:05:28 In late January, the U.S. Department of Education canceled another $5 billion in federal student loan debt, owed by some 73,600 borrowers, bringing the total that Biden administration has so far approved for cancellation to a whopping $136 billion for
Starting point is 01:05:43 3.7 million people. It gets paid for people's students' loans are now getting paid by those of us who repaid our own college loans. And for those of you who didn't even get into college. Isn't that fucking wild? those of you who didn't even get into college isn't that fucking wild in august 2022 biden administration unveiled its plan to forgive up to 20 000 in student debt per person for about 40 million people holy shit at the same time senate republican leader mitch mcconnell called president biden student loan cancellation scheme socialism and a slap in the face of every family who sacrificed to save for college every graduate who paid their debt and every american who chose a certain career path
Starting point is 01:06:32 or volunteered to serve in our armed forces in order to avoid taking on debt meanwhile uh you know biden's bragging because the supreme court shot down his ability to do that but he found a workaround and now he's bragging about it oh He found a way to circumvent the Supreme Court's decision. Look, Seb, he's got an approval rating of 37%, and it seems to be fairly, maybe even somewhat plastic at that number. It goes below, comes up, but covers around there. But that's the base, you know? And, uh, and he, he's, uh, it probably represents a number of, a percent of people that are directly in the, in the, uh, on the plantation eating out of the trough, whether they're
Starting point is 01:07:24 federal employees or on assistance or getting their student loans forgiven or getting their stimulus checks. And I think when it gets that low and that's the crew, that's what you got left, I don't think you ever betray that purpose. I don't think you ever betray that purpose. I don't think he can afford to. I don't see him climbing up out of that, but it could be lower.
Starting point is 01:07:57 He's probably – Are you saying there's no chance in hell he can win that 100 are you saying that you're unequivocally that uh he will not be the president in in january 1 2025 if he loses the popular vote um that would be a shock to me if he loses the popular vote who trump if Trump? Trump does. Trump does. Yeah. Let me put it another way. If you'd asked me four years ago to paint a scenario that would be Trump's hope for what Biden would do, we're there. Like make it so easy for me to win. Like, Biden, fuck everything
Starting point is 01:08:48 up. Yeah, yeah. Worst case scenario. Worst case scenario. Do this, this, and this, and I'll win for sure. Yep, yep. I think we're there. Plus some. Yeah. If it was close before, and I think it was, right? It was close before? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:04 How could it be? How could it be anything but horrible? It was close before. I think it was right. It was close before. Yeah. How could it be? How could it be anything but horrible? Is Trump what's it? Trump's been indicted. So what? Doesn't change any issues. Well, like I said, there's a dude in the chat here who's concerned about what Trump thinks about magnets underwater. It's the 37 percent%. Eric Brandt, one day we will have free restaurants. You know how good the food will be? Yeah. That's great.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Hey, my kids got out of that one book, The Road to Serfdom. They don't like collectivism. Central planning No It's good Magnus Holmgren Sebi you already know the chat is full of special people
Starting point is 01:09:56 I know but it's different I get not liking Trump I totally get it Even though I don't dislike him But I i get not liking trump i totally get it even even though i i i don't dislike it i but i do i do get not liking him i've not liked him for a long time i don't like now i like him i get not liking him but when you start saying stuff outside out loud in in a conversation where adults are talking they're like hey the border's open and people are coming across and beating our police and we're letting them go and you have daughters and sisters and
Starting point is 01:10:28 moms out there now that if they did this to the police what do you think they're going to do to them like when you start having like some logical conversations and someone's like but trump doesn't think that magnets work underwater it's like holy shit man like uh would you if your mom was in the room next door to you getting raped by uh five illegal aliens uh from some fucking country you've never heard of you'd be worried about the magnets i just at some point let me show you just one. I mean, there's endless crazy things. This one is absolutely fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:11:12 This is in Canada, which I'm about to show you. This is a varsity, women's varsity fucking volleyball tournament. One of the teams had three guys on it. Oh. One of the teams had three guys on it. There were two teams playing against each other, and between the two teams, this is women's collegiate varsity volleyball. This is a shocking moment. Five men players hijacked a women's college volleyball game in Canada. I hear you. The word hijacked a women's college volleyball game in canada i i i hear you the word hijacked is biased a footage showed the five athletes dominate
Starting point is 01:11:49 women's volleyball matches between seneca college and sentinel college in toronto on january 24th the biological male athletes were seen smashing the ball past their female teammates and then and listen the game sparked outrage among conservatives. Why conservatives? Why not? Just like the biological males were always on the court, meaning there were at least five female players benched at any given moment of
Starting point is 01:12:20 the game. Seneca college, a school with more male players won the best of five series. Yeah, this is a bizarro world. Last month, U.S. protesters hoping to save women's sports gathered in front of the NCAA's annual convention to demand and then to male athletes playing on women's teams. Hey, you know what everyone's doing too, Greg? Everyone's just punting it down. When they ask the Olympics, they're like,
Starting point is 01:12:51 we let the governing bodies decide. No one wants to take a stand. No one wants the smoke. Whatever smoke that would be. That's what I did with the Chloe Johnson thing. I was like, let the courts handle it. I'll abide by any rules the courts want to put on all sport.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Well, that's because you would have loved to have seen the games just be just one sex, just like everyone against everyone. You know, Andrew Hiller threw an event last year. It was called the Nopen. And he just did one programming, men against women. He just programmed it in a way that he felt like the men and women could compete against each other. I don't remember what happened, but it was successful. Same weight, same everything?
Starting point is 01:13:43 Yeah, yeah. But I think he kept it chill. You know what everything yeah yeah but i i think he kept it chill like you know what i mean i don't think he did anything crazy like he didn't have like a max blah blah blah lift event oh what would it be i mean i'd like to know that's i've thought about that just one event with one one like competition where everyone competes against everyone. You know, we had the... You remember Mary...
Starting point is 01:14:11 Are women going to turn out to be better snipers than men? What would make you think that? Aren't they going to be more emotional when they see the guy's head explode? Probably not. No. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:28 I just saw something alluding to that and skipped by it. Oh, maybe they did have different – no, not the same weights. Oh, he had different weights? Oh. Oh, okay. I thought it was just one program. Same time. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:41 I thought it was just one program. Okay. Ken Walters, what I don't get is how these coaches or men on these teams feel they accomplish anything, and the feminists don't see this as setting back women and what they have gained in female sports. I don't understand it either. Ken, there are stories now popping up all over the globe where women don't want to report who their rapists are because they feel like it would be racist or because they have the privilege. They have privilege and almost like they deserved it. We are in a chaotic – there are some people out there who are just batshit crazy.
Starting point is 01:15:21 We're in a chaotic situation. It's a post- epoch and we kind of went off the cliffs our universities took us off the rational clips with post-modernism and what people don't realize is that the postmodern cancer, what it has done to the social sciences and the humanities in our universities, the contagion has spread into the sciences as well. And it was introduced through the philosophy of science in our universities, the paprikun-fairab-evlekatos is more postmodernism, more irrationalism, and kind of started in the 20s of the last century at our universities. That's my belief. I can stand flat foot and defend that too.
Starting point is 01:16:30 There was a quote. It's related to the P values, by the way. Right. Under the, under the theme of believing utter bullshit, swallowing shit. That's not real or true. Look at, here's more of the stupidity.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Look at, here it is. Another dumb comment. Pull up the video of Trump telling people to take the vax and the people boo him. Do you see, like, okay. Not only did he tell people to take the vaccine created it under his uh regiment yep and under his control under his uh sorry regiment under his regime so yeah but what's the point i so david what's the point so i pull it up let's say
Starting point is 01:17:21 let's let's let's imagine we've seen it. I can readily imagine it. I can readily imagine him telling everyone to get the vaccine, and I can readily imagine people doing it. He thinks it's like some sort of damning. He thinks it crosses like some sort of damning. Like he thinks like it crosses the, this, this, this,
Starting point is 01:17:46 I guess this deep markation line where it puts him in the same camp as Joe Biden under his leadership, where we couldn't go to restaurants. We were being told we, our kids can't go to schools and we can't travel on airplanes. Novak Djokovic can't come here and play tennis. He thinks that there's some sort of uh comparison between those two it's like hey dude every president for the last hundred years has
Starting point is 01:18:10 been under their leadership vaccines have been made and been required it's completely different than what we're pointing out about joe if you can't see that you're a fucking idiot idiot i i think uh trump's handling of cobin was a disaster trump's in front of it yeah i think he you know it's funny i i learned i learned through his administration i didn't i i knew of the but I saw it to be true through the liberals' response to Trump. What I wasn't ready for was deep health, and neither was Trump. That caught him off guard. So Fauci and crew just took him in a horrible direction. And by the time that Atlas and others had come around, it was kind of too
Starting point is 01:19:08 late. He didn't do anything but bad on the handling of COVID. I think it could have been much worse. Things can always be worse. Maybe, and Joe made sure it was worse. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Seve, ask Greg what he thinks about Dave working with the Pentagon and his functional fitness terminology. Dave released his video yesterday, and he just kept referring to the fact that it was kind of odd in this video that CrossFit's doing – working with the Army now. I think they're one-day courses or something like that. It's really, really cool. They've basically taken your work and turned it from a two day course into a one day course and they're running it, uh, soldiers through it.
Starting point is 01:20:06 But when he talks about it, he always refers to it as functional fitness. And I've never heard Dave talk like that. And I'm, and I was speculating yesterday that there's some sort of reason why some sort of deal with the government, why they can't be like overtly calling it crossfit yeah i'll tell you it would be if there if it's coming from the military side it would get it would get uh offered with some kind of a highfalutin integrity thing and that would
Starting point is 01:20:45 just be a lie. I mean, I've stood there where the guy's got the Oakley goggles and the Danner boots and the fucking sidearm's got a brand on it and they're bragging about the beaver boxes but careful not
Starting point is 01:21:02 to say the word CrossFit. You know? That's NSCA boxes and but careful not to say the word crossfit you know um that's uh that's a nsca influence i would have to guess or acsm but i don't know i don't care either why it would be relevant if it was an nsca uh issue was because they were let out of them they were caught in the mousetrap and they were let go. And then now, here we are four years later and they're causing problems again. Yeah, it's functional
Starting point is 01:21:34 fitness. Something they can't even define. They wouldn't even be able to define it. Hey, do you think going back to the trump thing do you think that it was what do you think his biggest blunder was do you think his biggest blunder was even going down the shutting down the country or attempting to make the vaccine
Starting point is 01:21:58 or not shutting down the border sooner anything in specific that you think, like anything tangible that you think was an error? You know, yeah, maybe. I mean, I would have resisted
Starting point is 01:22:22 the closing of the economy. I mean, that was have resisted the closing of the economy. I mean, that was clearly a fuck up. Yeah. There's no amount of scientists running around ripping in circles, screaming and crying and yelling, we're all going to die ripping their hair out. It would make me change the fabric of our society. And models are scientific to the extent that they can accurately predict shit. And none of these models had ever predicted a fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:23:03 In fact, very, very early, they were proved to be failures. And we continued to act as though there was some criteria beyond their predicted strength that earned some trust. the outright hostility, censorship, anger, threats to those even deigned to look at Jay Bonacciari's sins, demonstrating that there was some prevalence to the antibodies that preceded the known infection rate. And he became that piece of shit. It's crazy. And so I don't have a lot of interest or admiration for public health as a political science. And that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:24:06 You know, look, the difference between herd management and veterinary medicine, in herd management, you'll shoot perfectly healthy deer for the benefit of the others, right? Right, right. Perfectly healthy.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Even the most viable have to go first. You're doing it for the good of others. That's what public health is like. And I think that the admonition to first do no harm, I think it has its origins in a suggestion to not practice public health on people. To not? That's right, to not practice public health on people. As we did, we had, that's right, to not. We had public health practiced on us by non-scientists.
Starting point is 01:24:54 And they interfered in the social order where in a normal society, economists and politicians and clerics and educators would decide these things ahead of a ahead of the public health community man jay jay is really uh he's he's really embraced the fact that they canceled him and he's just running with it now on twitter you know what i mean like he he's kind of he's not scared hey i mean that is the interesting thing you know uh through through the push for all the injections i it forced me to do
Starting point is 01:25:42 my own research and it's changed my understanding and my course of direction. So there's that. There's a lot of positive things that came from this for a lot of individual people. Check this out. The DOD the other day says that Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift are not on the DOD payroll in spite of what these crazed MAGA people
Starting point is 01:26:16 are saying. What I keep hearing is that they're both on Pfizer payroll and if anything that would have them on health and human services services and for DOD to make such a powerful insulting denial of something I hadn't even seen accused of right I had to I had to run that by a mutual friend of ours who's worked for the federal government for 35 40 years in an important capacity and he agreed that's a that all you assume is that they're on hna health and human services payroll that's what it sounded like
Starting point is 01:26:53 to him that what you do is it was typical hack to have an agency unrelated deny any involvement with the case because the other one was was she was uh was taylor swift also pushing the vaccine i have no idea i just you know i heard it i thought it was funny it made sense to me i heard that she's not his taste in women i saw saw some funny things about that. Yeah. And I so absolutely do not care. But at the point that the Department of Defense is denying paying her out of the fucking blue and coming after MAGA people, it now becomes plausible to me. Also, millions, if not billions of dollars. She's being paid by Health and Human Services.
Starting point is 01:27:56 And there is no denier that, quote unquote, the government was paying influencers, meaning kids on Instagram, to push the vaccine. So it's not like it's it um and they admit to it it's it's not it's not even uh it's not even hidden let's see influencers pay uh paid to uh push the backs by government do you remember that all that stuff? Yeah. Authorities recruit an influencer army. Yeah, in New York Times. To fight the vaccine lines, authorities recruit an influencer army. Yeah. Shitloads of people were paid money who had big followings on Instagram
Starting point is 01:28:39 by the U.S. government to push it. So to think that they wouldn't pay Taylor Swift or Travis Kelsey to push it. So to think that they wouldn't pay Brittany or Taylor Swift or Travis Kelsey to do it is, it's not conspiracy theory, it's just adding them to the list of what we already know is happening.
Starting point is 01:29:00 I've come across just a little bit of influencer stuff. Most of what I know about influencers are the ones that have died suddenly. Yeah. And you see a lot of that for some reason. But it's a cult of profound and deep stupidity. And lest I be influenced by that, I'm careful now. I hear anybody influencers and my mind goes the other way. Because I would hate to think that those people might maybe,
Starting point is 01:29:28 what if I became influenced? President Joe Biden has called for States and local governments to offer a hundred dollar payments to newly vaccinated Americans. Yeah. That was a, it is part of a $350 billion effort. So, so you're an influencer. You show that you got the shot, you get paid a hundred bucks. I mean, that's just one of, I mean, you can just find article after article. Vanguard will give $1,000 to any employee who can prove they've gotten one of the COVID-19 vaccines. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:29:59 One of them. According to the New York Times, high school student Ellie Zeller, aeller A 17 year old TikToker with 10 million followers Was paid by the White House To partake in a campaign To entice her followers To get young people to take the vaccine I mean yeah it's not a It's not a conspiracy theory
Starting point is 01:30:17 But I also see what you're saying You're saying that hey Just because Pfizer was paying Kelsey And Pfizer is an agent of the government is what you're saying, right? Basically. The fact that the money comes from Pfizer doesn't mean that they're not working for the DOD. The partnership between the vaccine people and our own CDC makes it so that i don't see distinction between pfizer and health and human services gotcha and fauci it's all it's all the public with a with a k not a c the public health apparatus i don't trust it i i came from era when I assumed they would get infectious disease right, and that's why we had them,
Starting point is 01:31:07 accepting of the fact that they could shed no useful light and were part of the cover-up on chronic disease. Now I learn it's all just one big fuck-off. The king of England has been diagnosed with cancer right is your estimation that he will live longer or shorter we'll never know it's entirely hypothetical any answers conjectural but uh what's what's your sense of things? I'll tell you mine. Mine would be that if we could take the same gentleman at the same age
Starting point is 01:31:50 with the same or similar lifestyles and not be king, I think that the pull out all the stops treatment that a King will receive is going to be life shortening. That would be your guess. I'd rather get nothing than everything. I've
Starting point is 01:32:18 had family in that great position where the family was very senior at a big teaching hospital and my cousin Marcia got, I won't even name the school. I hate to do it to them. But they pulled out all the stops on her. And my God, it wasn't a pretty sight. Anecdotal.
Starting point is 01:32:41 My mom was telling me the other day that I was saying that word wrong. I was saying anecdotal.. I was saying anecdotal. She says it's anecdotal, like the way you said it, right? Yeah. Thanks, Mom. What kind of cancer do you think he has? They're saying it's not prostate, but they found it while they were doing the prostate cancer. So what I hear is stomach?
Starting point is 01:33:02 Oh, that's not good, right? Is that what they're saying? I don't know. It says that it's the type of cancer has not been revealed. It is not prostate cancer, but was discovered during his recent treatment. Damn. Someone in the comments will know. People in the comments know everything.
Starting point is 01:33:20 Someone out there following the royal family. I think I heard stomach cancer. It'll be interesting to see what happens with the former head of the CDC what's her name Whaley CDC what the fuck's her name there's another big story another fraud scandal
Starting point is 01:33:40 something's happening at some crazy rate regarding what regarding uh scientific misconduct savvy get your mom to work on you minneapolis i think i do minneapolis correctly now minneapolis I work on you, Minneapolis. I think I do Minneapolis correctly now. Minneapolis. What were you saying?
Starting point is 01:34:08 I don't know. It was just too much for my tongue to handle. Minneapolis. But now I see all the letters. Minneapolis. Minneapolis. Here's another good one. This one's... Well, you look another good one this one this one's uh well you look for scandal look at this one this one's great uh what's more aptly called a book
Starting point is 01:34:32 ban when a middle school library removes a book with porn in it by middle school sixth seventh and eighth grade or when the white house pressures the world's largest bookseller to hide books whose content the white house dislikes have you seen this thing this thing just came out a couple days ago not only was the white house telling um uh you know twitter and facebook and who to kick kick off and who to keep on and who to hide they were telling amazon to not uh to push books out of the uh ranking system even if they were selling well if it didn't go against the vaccine guidelines this guy's a real piece of shit this guy what's his name stats what's this guy's name
Starting point is 01:35:11 let me see if I can find it Andy Slavitt the senior Biden White House official who demanded that Facebook censor a meme and true information was pressuring Amazon at the same time. Slavitt fired off an email demanding to know who he and his White House colleagues could talk to at a company about the high levels of propaganda, misinformation, disinformation of Amazon. The White House ran keyword searches for controversial topics such as vaccine and emailed Amazon when it didn't like how the search results appeared. What a shitbag government we have right now.
Starting point is 01:36:00 I can't find that piece. I'll send it to you, though. It's weird some platform inconsistency here with my devices i pointed out the other day that um i was getting different results from duck duck go and google yeah one of these fucking nut jobs in the chat who's a notorious troll and nut job in my DMs was like I did the search and you were lying and it's like oh geez buddy
Starting point is 01:36:34 everyone knows DuckDuckGo and Google have different results like easy I don't even respond to them alright alright thanks for coming on I don't even respond to them. All right. Thanks for coming on. It's the best. Thank you, everybody. It's going to be an exciting year.
Starting point is 01:36:56 There's going to be some fun shit that happens. The elections are going to be so cool. It's off to an amazing start. It's going to be chaos. Fun chaos. Make the rain stop up there Before I come visit Oh yeah I'm gonna see you in seven days
Starting point is 01:37:14 Yeah that's cool Are you coming solo or are you bringing kids My sister might come up Oh cool I'd like to see her Yeah I'll talk to see her. Yeah. I'll talk to you later today. Give me a call.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Okay, bye. Bye, everybody.

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