The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #30 | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. There's this, uh, there was a comment in the uh chat um i cracked a joke yesterday about about uh jesus um and mary and mary magdalene maybe having sex? Oh, yeah. I cracked a joke about that yesterday.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah. And that got someone so twisted. That got this girl really twisted. Oh. I didn't know that that was like, I didn't know that there was a joke about that. I don't think it is. I think it's just one individual
Starting point is 00:01:42 we're talking about, yeah? I mean, like, you're not supposed to have, you're not, Hey Greg, good morning. Morning. Hey, what's up? You're not supposed to draw, you're not supposed to draw Muhammad, right? No, no, no, no depiction of the image. Yeah. And yesterday on the show, I made a joke about Jesus, uh, maybe, uh, having fornicated with Mary Magdalene. Someone like this lady said, like, if like if she said hey i don't mind your comment yeah will you read that check
Starting point is 00:02:10 will you read that oh yeah uh savannah i love your show and i listen almost every day i respect you thank you thank you by the way thank you oh yeah because you love my show thank you even though i may not agree with them all i hate that's the stupidest line ever. Well, I don't agree with everything they say. Who the fuck agrees with everything everybody says? It's just. Yeah. Thank you. Check.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I'm a Catholic woman who is devoted to her faith. Thank you. Cursing, crassness and vulgarity may be an issue for me, but I look past it because I love your show so much. Thank you. But what I cannot stand for is your comment towards Jesus. You may not be a believer, and that's completely fine. But for those of us who are true believers, that comment you made about Jesus and Mary Magdalene was like a stab in our hearts.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I didn't even say – it was just a joke about Him having sex with Mary Magdalene Inappropriate sir This is your show and you speak as you please But it may Turn me away from it Which will make me very sad I started like tripping on the fact Is he not supposed to have had sex
Starting point is 00:03:20 Is that one of his deals You're asking the wrong guy if you're asking me Who the The person that sent the email Hurt Is that one of his deals? You're asking the wrong guy if you're asking me. Who? The person that sent the email? Her too. I saw her profile pic. She looks very attractive. I came in late.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I hope someone's having sex with her. I was just tripping because I didn't know that. I thought Jesus was cool and fun and he could crack jokes and he was loving. And I didn't know you couldn't joke about him. If I said that to Jesus, like, yo, you bang that bitch? And he'd be like, nah, come on, guys. Come on, all right, get back. I thought he was cool.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I thought he was a homie. I thought he was a homie. I thought he was a homie. I thought he was lighthearted and cool and fun, but intense with conviction. You think that was a you think that? Oh, my goodness. One of the comments. You see you, you, you, you kind of roll with it. It's like it's like just a sex difference within believers. So you roll with a joking, fun Jesus, and she's got the more serious kind of Jesus going on. Yeah, and if I did find out he had sex, I'm not pissed at him. I'm like, I'm cool.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I'm like, I'm not even mad at him. I'm like, I get it. had sex i'm not pissed at him i'm like i'm cool i'm like i'm not even mad at him i'm like i get it when i joke have does the joke does the joke have value um in consideration of the of the swath of humanity that it could offend that's i guess that's always the question right yeah and i didn't even say basically dave's reading the bible and then dave said he's also reading some companion books to help like him understand the bible and i said i wonder if he's read the companion book that's like claims that jesus had sex with mary magdalene i didn't even say our day
Starting point is 00:05:19 oh yeah dave castro the mexican dude lives by your house and we go to lunch with him once a month. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's my Dave. Your Dave, yes. Dave, yes. Your Dave. He's reading the Biblo. And he's getting some help. Well, from companion books.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Things must be tight over there, huh? No, no. Well, I... things must be tight over there huh no no well i i in all honestly i don't want to speak for dave but i think he's strictly reading it at litter as literature i think because he reads so much he's trying like and there's so many um uh what's the word illusions or illustrations or parallels or... References. References, thank you.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Thank you. References to the Biblo that he wants to be more of a student of it. But you never know what can happen with a powerful book like that. He could get halfway through it and... I wonder if there's any other literature where he's looked for outside help, be it like Hamlet or Moby Dick or what have you. Yeah, I think he said he did. I forget which ones, but yeah. Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me. Like James Joyce, Ulysses or something he read, he was like, God, I had to read the book to help me read the book.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah. I think I tried to read that and gave up or one of those books one of the james joyce books oh i just got approval from your wife to come to your house oh cool wow hey that's no joke you'll make plans to visit greg he'll be like dude come anytime and then i call his wife he's like no we're not even gonna be home that month he never said he was gonna be there he just said come anytime that's what greg will say too yes so what what's your point just come let's talk greg can i yes yes yeah come on anyway there's there's always people here. Always. Like homies or like gardeners? No, that too.
Starting point is 00:07:29 But I mean, you know, we were supposed to have lunch with Erin from Jackson Hole, Wyoming today. But one of her kids got sick and she left early. Otherwise, we'd be there. But there was something the day before, day before. TJ came down and spent the night. I mean, we've got The East Coast TJ came? East Coast TJ?
Starting point is 00:07:49 No, no. No, no. Pool Baron TJ. Oh, yeah, yeah. Cool. I know him as Boat TJ. We've always got people here. Always.
Starting point is 00:08:03 When they're my friends, we need a schedule. Bernie Gannon. Hey, before I bring up Bernie, are your kids going to jiu-jitsu? Because my kids have a tournament right when we get home, so I was going to send them to jiu-jitsu with you every day. Are they still going a lot? Yeah, all the time. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Bernie Gannon. I love Bernie. He's so insightful always. they still going a lot yeah yeah all the time okay good okay uh bernie gannon um and i love bernie he so insightful always uh the the lady offered constructive criticism i understand uh she's not alone fair enough the message was not aggressive or twisted i agree it touched me though i'll tell you that like like like i was it got in my head she opined that it was disrespectful many would agree all right i'm with i'm with uh i'm with bernie you know there's a there's a needs to be and in my head there's a coalition of decency and it includes it includes plenty of religious people. The allies I have in terms of allies, and I'm a godless sort, but I have significant allies amongst Christians of all sorts, Mormons, and where they're sensitive, I'm, I'm, I'm try to mirror that sensitivity to some extent, and remain amongst them a non believer, but in, but in good company.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And so there's, there's bears that look, you know, I'm told I've got to have respect for all religions. Fuck that. Not going to do that. I'm the godless guy, right? Not going to have the same respect for all religions. Not going to, not going to, not going to. I think it would be unethical to, immoral to. I agree.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Dangerous. Dangerous to hold them all in equal regard. It's like one of my ways. True to civilization and true to decency and all my values and everything I hold dear. I won't find it outside of Judeo-Christian culture.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I give those good folks a pass and when they all bow their heads and can take their hats off, I look around and I'm fucking to do the same. I take my hat off and drop my head. I don't better connect with a God. I see myself somewhat as an outsider in that I don't share that faith with those whom I share everything else.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I hold dear from free speech to not molesting or clitorectomizing my little girls if we can go back to the church again Greg there's a difference between me saying hey listen guys I know Jesus
Starting point is 00:10:59 was really just a scam and he was just around banging everyone's wives while you were out working and he's a fucking whore. I cracked a joke about maybe him having sex with Mary. I didn't even say maybe. Maybe it's like ripping a 20-second fart at Thanksgiving during the prayer. I mean, it's like you can explain it. I'm okay with that, too.
Starting point is 00:11:22 That's God speaking. Only God knows why things happen. That's the Seve that too. That's God speaking. I'm only God knows why things happen. That's the savvy I love. I just don't think I was a, you know, when I'm high on mushrooms and 23 years old and I'm at the beach, I'm like, fuck, I love everyone. I accept everyone. No matter what, under one God, I love everyone. Now I'm 51 and I think all pedophiles should be scooped up into a giant
Starting point is 00:11:44 fucking cloth bag and with the world's largest slingshot shot into space with no questions asked. Oh, that's too tame. I think it's fair to – I just – I'm more – to be honest with you, I'm more concerned that you hold this man Jesus in such high esteem that someone can't crack a joke about someone else postulating whether he's had sex before. That shouldn't rock you. I'm more concerned about her than I am about – Did it rock her though or did she just – than I am about... Did it rock her, though, or did she just... Dude, you should not be offended. If your homie is Jesus, if you love Jesus, if you have faith in Jesus,
Starting point is 00:12:27 and some dude cracks a joke that he banged Mary Magdalene, or maybe he did, I don't know. It shouldn't, like... Sounds like it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Oh, like she had already had enough semen jokes and stuff. Four other things devoted to her faith, the cursing, crassness, and vulgarity
Starting point is 00:12:43 may be an issue for me, but I look past it. Augustus Link, the pedophiles could still survive that. No, dude, a big slingshot shot way out into space. Way, way, way. You can't. It would take
Starting point is 00:12:58 more than a slingshot. What would it take? Fire and brimstone. You know what? that evon would make without containing propulsion it's actually just a missile like throwing a rock right yeah not a missile not like a ballistic missile which is technically a rocket but uh you're not going to be able to give it enough speed to take to get out of orbit you're not going to be able to give it enough speed to, to, to get out of orbit. You're not going to get into space with it. So you're saying they'd fall to the ground and perish.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Oh my goodness. Jeez Louise. You put them in the wood chipper. My goodness. Wow. Wow. I have something funny to show you. You're going to love this, Greg. You are going to love this. God, California is great. I wonder how Jessica feels about California.
Starting point is 00:14:02 I should probably send this to you, Caleb, because my Instagram is all jacked up. This is Barbara Lee. I don't know what she's running for is she running for I don't know what she's running for but this is a debate she's having this is amazing Susan this one's gonna
Starting point is 00:14:18 rock you dude this one's gonna hit you straight to your core wait to you. Oh, $50 minimum wage. Count me in. Oh, Senate. She's ready for Senate.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Oh, fuck. Barbara Lee, right? Yeah. Hey, this lady, in some of the circles that I run in, this lady's been a hero in some of those circles for ever. And she's a bona fide quack job but wait till you hear this dude uh she's running for uh is she running for u.s senate yeah u.s senate oh here we go listen to this crap this is crazy listen to this
Starting point is 00:15:01 20 and 25 dollars an hour you're calling for a $50 an hour federal minimum wage. That's seven times the current national minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. Can you explain how that would be economically sustainable for small businesses? You have 60 seconds. First, let me say I owned and ran a small business for 11 years. I created hundreds of jobs, benefits, retirement benefits, also health care benefits. I know what worker productivity means, and that means that you have to make sure that your employees are taken care of and have a living wage. and have a living wage. In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way came out with a report that very recently, $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by. Another survey very recently, $104,000 for a family of one, barely enough to get by, low income because of the
Starting point is 00:16:04 affordability crisis. And so just do the math. Just do the math. Of course, we have national minimum wages that we need to raise to a living wage. You're talking about $20, $25, fine. But I have got to be focused on what California needs and what the affordability factor is when we calculate this wage. Ms. Lee, thank you. Mr. Garvey, you've said a primary. Congressman Lee received her master's of social work from the University of California, Berkeley, specializing in psychiatric social work.
Starting point is 00:16:34 During her graduate work, Congressman Lee founded the Community Health Alliance for Neighborhood Growth Education, which provided mental health services to many of the East Bay's most vulnerable individuals. That's small business by the way that was her small business and it was government funded she didn't have to raise a fucking dollar she never had to make payroll she never had to sell anything she does that she has she has a master's degree in giving um other people's money to crazy people yes yes yes master's degree in spending no and giving and giving giving tax money to crazy people her entire page is about you course it's a $50 an hour I wonder like what kind
Starting point is 00:17:18 of what kind of outside-the-box thinking would it take to make this $100 an hour? Like, why not? If all you have to do is clap your hands, click your heels together and wish real hard, make it a cool $100. What would that do to your
Starting point is 00:17:41 gym? They hate small business. Every person on that stage that's nodding their head or agrees that the government should be involved in any dictation of small business hates small business. You know who would love a $50 minimum wage? Amazon. Right, right. Target, Walmart. Any corporation loves that. Does it matter to them?
Starting point is 00:18:01 No, they're going to pass that buck on to the customer and they're going to keep going on as business as usual. You know who it absolutely destroys? The small businesses that are trying to make it. Every single person in their constituency, all of a sudden hamburgers and McDonald's go from $2 a piece to $14 a piece. We've already seen that happen with the raise of the price of the Big Mac because they're just going to pass that on to the consumer and the corporations could foot the bill as long as they need to until everything else dies out and there's no more options how stupid is she do you think
Starting point is 00:18:28 she's stupid greg yes just stupid yeah not even and not not not even malicious how much malicious to stupid what's the ratio imagine this imagine this um not real bright and hugely ambitious damn it's a scary combination you learn a lot um living in that education grant world about about living off the tit and being a grant suckling spending other people's money it's addictive and you and no matter what your success is is a grant suckling and i've worked for them before um and it's a talent writing grants writing federal grants and making money come that's a talent Writing grants, writing federal grants And making money come That's a talent
Starting point is 00:19:26 And all the people I know who like her Are sucklings by the way You're describing the people I know who like her They live off of the government And no matter what success you Imagine or have seen You'll always see greater and bigger success Someone who's actually
Starting point is 00:19:44 You know Put themselves off of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, giving away other people's money all on the basis of grants. You can make a fortune for yourself. People have done that around the homeless in Seattle. You get rich ministering to the homeless, bringing them medicine, food, social services, just spending other people's money. Yeah, all those people I know who like her, that's what they do. They're all in some sort of job where they spend other people's money. They don't actually add any value to society. They don't actually have any contribution.
Starting point is 00:20:24 They're all like in think tanks or ways to help now i gotta let the fucking dog out excuse me uh birch mckay mike mccaskey birch uh the the dems running for office on 50 so so is that what it is it's just to get votes 100 percent it just votes that's not sustainable and it doesn't even make any sense when you put it into application. But the type of people that also believe that the government has their own money and that they're going to write them a check and they're going to become dependent beneficiaries of the government and don't understand that the government has no money are the type of people that vote for this stupidity. Someone pointed out to Barbara that 75% of her constituency Makes less than $50 an hour Oh
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah I'll give them all a raise Yeah Yeah Hey it's got to kill entrepreneurs Destroy entrepreneurs Small business, innovation It's got to be entrepreneurs Destroy entrepreneurs Small business, innovation It's got to be just a giant anchor to all of that stuff
Starting point is 00:21:28 100% And the down the road consequences The costs So These programs At some level they end up funded Supported, subsidized with tax money. And when the funds aren't there, when we can't take it from people, which has a crippling effect, the government decides it's just going to print the money, right?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Then we have inflation. I think we've seen that. And there's another cost here still, even with inflation, because the thing that drives the rate of technological development is the cost of money. And so we can anticipate as a downstream consequence, delayed technological development. It's funny you say that. I feel like in the last three years that the two technologies that I watched the closest, Apple and Sony, have just all of a sudden come to... But before it felt like every month
Starting point is 00:22:38 something was coming out. Every two months, every three months. Now it's like almost come to a halt over the last three years. It's just... Every two months, every three months. Now it's almost come to a halt over the last three years. What's the new Apple thing? Someone explain that to me. The goggles? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I'm laughing at it, but I'll probably have four of them in a year or something. I'm always slow to this shit, but I don't get this at all. Dave did a review of it he told me he got one and i asked him if he was walking down the street making odd gestures he came on the show and he put them on and he was doing the thing where you go like this it's basically you're looking at a giant desktop but you can also see the world and he said that the the picture is just insanely crystal clear and you you can – yeah, it's like that. And so you just move those apps around with your hands, and you can open apps and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And so you're basically – and he said he thinks it's going to be amazing for reading books also. You can just lay there and just read books. Did you ever have an Oculus? Did you ever have an Oculus? I did. No, but I heard they're amazing have you had one caleb yeah they're pretty wild the i just use it to play games on it because my parents got it but they're so clear like you could just you could it's very responsive it's pretty incredible i
Starting point is 00:23:58 heard you're playing a game on your in looking at your tv set and all of a sudden your tv breaks in half and you have to take the goggles off because you can't believe it's not really broken in half that's how good it looks like it incorporates your reality what's it called augmented reality or like there'll be holes in your walls at your house like you'll throw something a ball and you'll miss the target and then you'll look on your wall and there's a hole in your wall where the baseball went in the wall right you have to take classes yeah what's like say it again like walking a gangplank like on a ship like you're hired you have to like walk the gangplank and people will like jump because they think it's real real it's wild well that's not going to have
Starting point is 00:24:37 terrible second and third order consequences later on dude hey i will say i will say this um uh for all the people who thought crossfit was dangerous dave said this thing will fuck your neck up he says this thing is heavy oh it's so heavy he says after like uh he said you want to do a zoom call after 30 minutes you want to take that shit off yeah it's like that greg like that you see how he's just in the room but all the stuff's like just like floating around him like minority report and you move it with your hands pinching and stuff you know i feel like i'm losing my mind having my iphone on my on my watch right i keep i've had every apple watch i can't wear any of them Maybe I need to attach something to my fucking head
Starting point is 00:25:26 What do you mean? You don't need something demanding your attention like that? No, I just can't stand it physically Oh, oh But you do like watches I like them more than I like wearing them Oh, okay, right. I put this one on this morning, grabbed it, and I was putzing around.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I didn't want to be late to y'all. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. And that's also true. I mean, I'm not looking for closer ties to my shit. You won't find me in the line for the neural implant. And they did that, right? They did that? Hey, I didn't like the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah. You don't want to be injected with stuff? You don't want a computer chip in your brain? Hey, what does the Neuralink do? I think the best of it is something attached to your head frankly it's an improvement on the ankle bracelet it reminds me of the poor uh moose and elk in in uh jackson hall say that again the what and the moose and the who they have those they have radios attached to them
Starting point is 00:26:43 half the wildlife you see in Wyoming. So you go to Yellowstone. No, there's a bear with a big yellow collar. There's a goose with a big yellow collar. An elk with collars. Everything's got collars. Heidi Groom, I'm only sitting on Greg's desk spread eagle in honor of Valentine's Day. I'm not sure what that means but i like it it's cool
Starting point is 00:27:06 whatever you have to use your imagination on that one i did i didn't use it i did because i wasn't able there was some there was some i wasn't exactly understanding so i just made some shit up that works it works nicely use your augmented reality to figure that one out yeah yeah don't need a computer tied to your head for that. It's only going to be five years, and that'll be a contact lens. You won't need the goggles. What is the Neuralink?
Starting point is 00:27:33 Does anyone know? Like, what is that? Did they place it in some dude's head who, like, his arms don't work, and now they work? Or what did they do? What's the deal? You can get on the internet now?
Starting point is 00:27:43 My understanding is that it just... He can do Starlink without the receiver He's just always on wifi He doesn't need any of the hardware He's a hotspot I have no idea I've been careful not to figure it out BCI's record and decode Brain activity with the aim of allowing
Starting point is 00:28:03 A person with severe paralysis to control a computer robotic arm wheelchair or other devices through thought alone wow is it working has anyone seen video of it can you is there just like the guy sitting in a chair and just controlling shit around the room like he's no but there was where they were like asking him you know really ridiculous math questions and he was able to do it in his head oh really yeah so like no seriously what yeah whatever i don't know if it's true or if it was just a spoof but what i read from it is that it attaches into where whatever you're thinking about it's sending signals to the neural link so
Starting point is 00:28:41 at real time if you were to be like you know what happened on this day in 1856, it would run the search through whatever it's hooked up to, which is the scary thing. And it would spit out the information and it just appears as like a thought in your head. So wrap your mind around that. It starts off as just a calculator. I don't know, but I'm more worried about whoever it's attached to and searching and the information it's providing and having it think that it's your own thoughts. I mean, once you tie the algorithm into that, if you thought you had free will before, you definitely don't now. I would just imagine someone just controlling an army of 3 million robots just with their own Neuralink. Like just being the king of your own fucking planet and just controlling everything.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Flip a switch. Yeah, you're just like in charge of all your shit. Like Mormon heaven. Is that what Mormon heaven is that what mormon heaven's like careful just don't say anything about jesus you get your own planet is that how the mormons
Starting point is 00:29:55 roll i'm not sure we don't get to that level of granularity me and my mormon buddies i don't want my own planet Not with that attitude You don't Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:11 I think everyone knows what I think I'm gonna Cause you're on Neuralink Caleb I'm gonna send you something else I have not Researched this next clip So I apologize for any misinformation. But this guy was on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:30:32 He is an educator. He has a curriculum out there. And you can play just maybe the first 30 seconds of this. This is wild if this is true. Here we go. Who's that over his shoulder? That's the governor of California. That's your old leader, Mr. Newsom.
Starting point is 00:30:48 He looks like, it looks like the American Gothic, the... American Psycho? No, the woman with the pitchfork, you know? God, he does look a little bit like a sociopath in that picture that's not a good look that's a little bit look at that you know what I'm talking about I think it's no tell me tell me what to
Starting point is 00:31:14 google isn't it called American Gothic the classic painting it's a man and the woman with the pitchfork and they look like farmers yep I know yeah what's that called and embarrassed. It's a man and a woman with a pitchfork and they look like farmers. Yeah. What's that called?
Starting point is 00:31:30 The artist is Grant Wood. The oil paint was painted on beaver board. He looks like the woman. Hey. Which artist do I always confuse this with? Who's the artist who all his shit looks like this?
Starting point is 00:31:48 He does the Americana stuff. Famous guy. This artist's name is Grant Wood. I would have never known that. I would have thought it was... Damn. What's it called? It's called
Starting point is 00:32:05 Oh It's Yeah You got it right American got Beaver board Hold on I want to
Starting point is 00:32:11 Okay Let's show some Supreme ignorance here That's okay American got Anyway It looks like It looks like
Starting point is 00:32:17 The chick or dude He reminds me of that Okay Sorry Rockwell is who You're thinking of Oh yes I'm thinking of norman rockwell yes how did you know someone said it in the comments a bunch of people in the comments said it yeah why why do i confuse those two why do i don't know do you know who normal rockwell is me yeah yeah i don't
Starting point is 00:32:40 mean like have you had a dinner with him but do you know his work I'm of that era yeah yeah do you ever think that that American Gothic is Norman Rockwell do you ever get that confused because look it feels like this right it feels like this it feels like let me show you this one sorry Caleb I'm gonna push you out there's something in American Gothic
Starting point is 00:33:03 yes all of the Rockwell stuff is super wholesome That would never fly today Look at that kid That would never fly today He's being re-evaluated And seen By art historians
Starting point is 00:33:24 In a kinder light. Rockwell or Grant Wood? Yes, Rockwell. Why? He wasn't respected? Look it up. There's been an interesting resurgence in interest and appreciation for the guy. I think he's gone from a commercial kind of reputation because he was a Saturday evening post-cover guy
Starting point is 00:33:51 to now perhaps seem as of an Andrew Wyeth kind of standing. A truly great American artist. I think that's fair to say. Look, I got a bias in that I've always thought it was impressive But I grew up with it Norman Rockwell Like Greg said Illustrated covers of the Saturday Evening Post
Starting point is 00:34:14 For 47 years He was first commissioned at age 17 In 1916 He created the first 321 covers Of the Saturday Evening Post He created World War II posters And received the Presidential Medal of Freedom In 1977 Wow the first 321 covers of the saturday evening post he created world war ii posters and received the presidential medal of freedom in 1977. wow wild all right hey that's like what you i remember what you used to say about what would you use to
Starting point is 00:34:41 used to have this talk you would give about album covers you want the album to cover the art on the album cover to be remembered as much or more than the music or what was that you used to say stuff like that and and this guy was kind of of that i don't know guild uh for magazine some of the stuff look at it i, it's pretty clear what it's, you know, it's a, it's tear jerky, emotional, direct. It's got a, there's a transparency to it. Born in 1894. Died 1978. Yeah, that's an, that's a, wow a wow yeah those are incredible that guy's gay for sure right the guy cutting the hair if you hold your fingers like that that's
Starting point is 00:35:32 that's that's caleb you're a medical professional is that guy gay with the bow tie and holding his hand that yeah okay yep definitely i'll see you anytime i anytime i catch my fingers doing that I want cock Strong correlate Yeah Did you see Jillian Michaels on Bill Maher I did it was wild I realized Bill Maher has Slipped into
Starting point is 00:35:59 Retardation He just goes ad hominem every time he disagrees Look at the little girl in trouble. I have three or four of my five, soon to be six little girls could pass for being in the principal's
Starting point is 00:36:16 office from a fist fight and not giving a fuck. Yeah. She won. Clearly. I don't even need to hear her side of the story You know what I mean Seveon did you see Jillian Michaels On Bill Maher we're supposed to hate her
Starting point is 00:36:32 Since she's anti-CrossFit but she ripped Newsom On his show now I like her It's kind of sad Have you seen that clip going around Go back one Seve I'd rather do the Rockwell Go back I'm going to guess the cop's been Sent to find the runaway boy around go back and savvy you know let's do i'd rather do the rock well go back okay yeah look
Starting point is 00:36:45 at that i'm gonna guess the the cops been sent to find the runaway boy and his father oh yeah nice right he just pulled up there and goes what are you doing kid now better than that smoother more more small town you need a ride tell him about he's probably talking about the time he ran away right and the waiter's just so i mean you clearly don't want to throw him in the fucking trunk and slam the lid and take him home that's that's that'd That'd be New York style law enforcement. This is small town America. All of our political differences really boil down to philosophies essential to living densely packed versus comfortable in and around the land.
Starting point is 00:37:40 All of our issues left, right are really red, blue. And so at the point that you're far, far removed from anything that's life-sustaining, you're a cog in a wheel. You live on the 15th floor of a building, and you go down underground and pop back up somewhere and go under the 30th floor. And you don't know where the carrots grow in the ground and you don't know you just like none of that's a part of your life you haven't seen an open sky maybe in your entire lifetime um these people are going to be democrats and they're going to and they're going to fancy socialism and and get someone who's got a couple of chickens and has to get up in the morning and feed them. And kids walk safely to school a mile on a country road.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And none of those notions become tenable. You can't even keep your fucking chickens going on the belief system that you have when you live dense packed. And you're not an environmentalist. You're living on and with and around and for the land like people have forever. The environmentalists live where they have polluted their environment. They're in New York and LA.
Starting point is 00:38:55 They live places that are unfit for habitation. And they're going to tell us all the rest of us how we should live, how we should interface with the earth now that they've destroyed any kind of anything healthy about the way they live. In a pattern language, which is perhaps the greatest thing written on architecture, maybe one of the best books ever written, I think there it's observed that there's no mental health living above three stories. No accountability in that group also.
Starting point is 00:39:37 They gladly give away their accountability and personal responsibility. They gladly give it away. They want a daddy. Pattern language, towns, buildings, and construction. Pattern language by Christopher Alexander, Sarah Ishikawa, and Murray Silverstein. Wow. They got a whitey, a Jap, and a Jew.
Starting point is 00:39:56 It's a trip. It's roughly 250, 300 chapters, but no chapter. They average around three pages. And so it's single, single sitting, quick, you know, and there's some autonomy, but it moves from the macro to the micro. And I'd say a third of it, I kind of, I'm not sure if it's not lefty hooey. sure if it's not lefty hooey and a third of it is uh uh mildly amusing to comforting to hear and there's another third that's kind of uh shockingly amazing and and maybe even counterintuitive but on digestion becomes becomes clear crazy good book and you can just pop it open anywhere and read and an eight cheap it's brilliant brilliant what I one of the things I really like about it is the the structure of the book is unique to me, and I'm a book lover. I've got a book problem.
Starting point is 00:41:08 So what would we call that? Well, it's architecture, right? It's a book on architecture with an extraordinary architecture itself. Sorry, what were we talking about? I didn't mean to. No, no, no. That was good. That was good. Does this book talk about the university that let all of its students design the campus?
Starting point is 00:41:31 Sounds like Prescott College. Oh, is that what it was? Okay. No, I don't know. I don't know. But Prescott College existed in an area that was residential that has become commercial and residential and Prescott College. So every second or third house seems to be belong to the college. So you go to an address for your history class, right? Hey, Greg, what happens? It's cool. Greg, so if you take those people out of that environment do they become uh more red and less
Starting point is 00:42:07 blue like what what comes first the chicken or the oh yeah you get green acres there's a tv show about this so you take so all of a sudden you take someone out of um the the new york city where they're just completely dependent and just a cog in the machine and you move them out into the middle of upstate new york and all of a sudden they want to have a pistol on their hip and they're and and they start thinking more clearly and they start believing in more personal accountability and they live a healthier life and and they see environmentalism is different it's as simple as in that clip you were offering jillian michaels tells bill mark like what do you what the fuck's the matter with you dude go buy some fucking eggs like on the economy you know like oh wow he's he's basically he's coming across like uh
Starting point is 00:42:55 who was it george bush that didn't know what was going on when they were swiping groceries across the scanner oh i don't remember that that's funny funny. Yeah, he's like, whoa, what's that? Or when Gavin Newsom didn't know when the lady at the checker at Target told him that it's okay to steal because of our governor and he didn't know. That was his fault. That's crazy. No one around him had ever told him that's what would happen. And the fact that it's happened everywhere and there's no one that either watches, I don't know, flips on a TV that hasn't seen it, that he's been kept from that is fucking amazing, isn't it? Think of his handlers. Like, imagine your job is whatever you do, don't let him see the downstream consequences of his action. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:46 He probably doesn't know there's a homeless problem they didn't clean up san francisco for gg ping they cleaned up san francisco for gavin newsom or for uh joe biden so joe biden wouldn't yeah for uncle joe yeah well joe wouldn't fucking know what was happening either way you might as well strap those apple goggles on them and just lead them around like that did you hear they're shooting a leonardo dicaprio movie in sacramento so now they're cleaning up sacramento which has twice the homeless uh population per capita than san francisco that's scary dude sacramento must be fucked wild yeah hey so um tomorrow uh by the way Fannie Mae has to get in front of Fannie Mae
Starting point is 00:44:29 Has to get in front of the judge And say who she's banging The chick that's The Georgia district attorney that's trying to prosecute Bush, she got an answer to the fact That she hired some dude You sound like Biden, dude I can't remember their names She hired some new people. You sound like Biden, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I can't remember their names. Yeah. Man, that's going to be so good. I hope I'm near TV. I hope I don't forget to watch that. I hope I get to see that good on YouTube. She's going to get removed from the case. Oh, look at Will T.
Starting point is 00:45:06 That trial is never going to happen Did I ever tell you about the bump on my back Greg I had a bump on my back And I was all freaked out about it It's just a wart Turns out it's nothing Had strong edges You know what's crazy the lady so i went to the doctor and the lady was armenian and her husband was ashkenazi jew the inverse of me and hayley i'm the i'm armenian and she's the ashkenazi jew
Starting point is 00:45:37 that was cool it was cool we i spent like 10 minutes talking to her about our backgrounds and then one minute freezing the ward off 30 seconds freezing the ward off but it's still on there it hasn't fallen off it's a descriptive update thank you for that surprise it and scrape it so that was the thing i i don't want to give medical advice but the thing is the fun the thing that gave me uh relief mental relief is if it's cancer, the edges won't be defined. They'll just be chaotic. Irregular margins. Thank you, Greg.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Irregular margins. If it has regular margins, if it's nice and tight, it's probably genital wart on your back. A genital wart? Just a VD. Even Christine knew it was going there like even she knew i i think i beat you to it oh yeah the general that escaped or corn escaped your penis and landed on your back saw my penis and got scared and ran over to my back oh my goodness sebi i know i know there's a lot of jewish doctors are there a lot of
Starting point is 00:46:46 armenian doctors is that a common thing yeah i think so yeah uber drivers and doctors yeah lawyers uber drivers doctors all the shit you would make your parents proud but armenia never has one uber you know what i mean like you got like a gaggle of them you got like 12 we got like uberbers. We got, like, Uber's so done, we got Waymo and it's Waymo better. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:47:11 You rode in it again, right? You don't know what the downside to the Uber driver is to the Uber experience until you've Waymo'd. Oh, is Waymo, is that inappropriate?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Waymo? I don't know. Is it? Is it like a cultural procreation, Waymo? I don't know. Is it? Is it cultural procreation, you think? It sounded like it. It sounded like it. It either is or you're racist. But either way, you're racist.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Oh, it's a self-driving car? It's great. Do you see the Tesla that stopped in the middle of a tunnel? You know what Maggie said? I tried to get her to get in the Waymo with me to go somewhere, and she said her line was, I don't want to say it right, because Rhett was quoting her. I think it's, no thanks, I'm staying away from the fucking robots.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah, that's good. Isn't that great? I'm glad I got to live long enough to hear a hear a wife exclaim i'm staying away from the fucking robots that's pretty that's pretty cool caleb they're every they are everywhere caleb in phoenix like seriously um anytime you like if you walk from greg's house like two miles like start i don't know half a mile start walking towards the mall you will you will you can't you can't put your head up and not see one they're everywhere wow dude that's wild it's interesting too i've only done it three times and each one's been a little bit different experience and for different reasons. But on the last one, I had Riley and Robbie in the back seat, and I got in the front. when we want to go. So we're all sitting there in the car. It's closed. We put the seatbelts on.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And right as I slide it, some knucklehead steps off the curb in front of the Wainwright. And so I'm like, let's go. And before it even moves, this guy steps and we were not moving. There was a long pause. The emergency flashes came on and then it started rolling. We started driving. Now we're driving with the emergency flashes on. Hey, can you grab the wheel if you wanted? There's signs everywhere to keep your hands off the fucking wheel.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Okay, all right. That's the one thing apparently you shouldn't do. But there's also a pull over and let me out button. It's clearly evident in the back and the front. And then there's music and there's help. But we're driving with the emergency flashes on and people are honking at us. So I turn them off because there's a button there and it doesn't say don't do that right i'm in the front seat and a voice immediately comes on and it's like what's going on and i tell it the story and she was keenly interested in the knucklehead that
Starting point is 00:50:16 stepped off the curb but i think she wants to know what he looked like was it an asian guy did she ask no they probably have they probably have all that. But I think the flashers came on because maybe it thought it hit him. It was that close. Was it his fault or did he have the right of way? Yeah, his fault. He stepped off of a red curb in a planter directly in front of the Waymo. He looked over and saw no one was driving. We hadn't rolled, but we were going to any second.
Starting point is 00:50:48 And so. Was it an Indian accident? Hello, Greg. This is. I want to know what happened and told her is we're cruising towards the location. And then she told me that my passengers in the rear needed to use the shoulder restraint because my girls just put the seatbelt portion on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:07 So I was like, wow. Did she have an accent? Was she from a foreign country? Slightly, but she was uber confident. It was cool. When she said that, did say Did you say Did you say Hey Make me
Starting point is 00:51:26 When she's like Hey they gotta put on the Seatbelts You're like no make me You talk back No I just I like the thing I'm just gonna do this shit
Starting point is 00:51:33 Please stay with my seatbelt on And get out And I'm glad I don't have to talk To a guy that lives in his car You know And smell his Curry and Tupperware. 12 daily doses.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Sevs, what's up, dude? In honor of Valentine's Day, I will only be making positive comments for the rest of the month and no longer make the hateful comments you say I only make. I love your handsome face, buddy. Wow. Really won over by Valentine's Day, huh? Really moved by today's comments. I love your handsome face, buddy. Wow. Bullshit. Really won over by Valentine's Day, huh?
Starting point is 00:52:07 Really moved by today's comment. Is today Valentine's Day? Today's Valentine's Day? Yeah. Remember the Valentine's Day comment that Heidi left? Yeah, and I said, happy Valentine's Day. Is it all? Yeah, I didn't know that was real.
Starting point is 00:52:20 I just thought that was just like. It's John Kramer's birthday Oh happy birthday John Okay Where were we Oh the guy The misinformation I'm about to give
Starting point is 00:52:36 Will you give the newsome thing Will you give the misinformation What is our fearless leader This can't be true by the way this guy was on the podcast great guest here we go forget his name just signed a bill that will mandate california school children be taught media literacy and in the official press release it says that it will protect children from climate change denial vaccine conspiracy theories and questioning what occurred at the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:53:06 This is just me reading the official press release. That's allowed, right? And this comes right after New York just announced their media literacy curriculum, which means they are now encoding teaching children not to ask questions into school curriculums. Why aren't more people talking about this? I mean imagine going to the school board meeting and being told our new curriculum is to teach kids not to ask questions because what they're really talking about
Starting point is 00:53:32 is teaching young people to look to reputable sources and then cross-reference. So if the New York Times reports it, great. If it's the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Reuters, you know it's true. But anyone who knows the history of the church committee knows that's complete nonsense, which is why I wrote a children's book about fake news, because authority could be purchased. So I actually write a fake newspaper for my students. You learn the logical fallacies, they scan the article for
Starting point is 00:53:59 fallacies, and then fill out discernment charts. I know and how I know, I think I know and why, I heard, and I include fake sources that I make and they have to evaluate those sources for themselves. And that's what real media literacy should look like. Pick out my private homeschool community and my based books on free speech, second amendment and more. It's a learner.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Gavin Newsom. God, I love that dude. Yeah, it's good. I hate the background music though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hate the background music, though. I feel like it delegitimizes this whole thing. Like the haunted... Yeah, just lose that shit.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Why are we doing that? What he's talking about schools, this isn't new. There's no Socratic method in schools. It's all memorization and take what you're told and then regurgitate it on the test and move on. How is this anything new? Because it's focused around media now. I'm trying to think of anything I learned in school.
Starting point is 00:54:53 I do think that there's a value in memorizing some things. I think there's a value in knowing things. I think there's a value in knowing what are the difference between a highway and a freeway. Is knowing the same as memorization because i mean you have i mean you have a fact but can you tell me about it i think it's i think there's value in knowing all the states and all the capitals um i think it's it's not it's good knowing that there's seven continents and what continent like memorizing that stuff i think that there, I think that there's shit that they made me, uh,
Starting point is 00:55:26 uh, spelling tests and, uh, uh, uh, uh, what's, what's,
Starting point is 00:55:34 uh, you know, definitions, memorize, memorize, memorizing the definitions of words. Sure. But,
Starting point is 00:55:41 but to start telling me it's the stuff that's, um, to start telling me stuff instead of showing me stuff. That's the part. That's the part. That's the part that, that, that makes me nervous.
Starting point is 00:55:55 That's the part that I'm like, wait a second. Like anyone, anyone can do, anyone can start doing some research on the polio vaccine and then realize, Oh shit. The first polio vaccine that came out that everyone's touting and gave the guy credit for for inventing
Starting point is 00:56:07 that thing got pulled off the market like in a year that thing was horrible but no one ever talks about that but anyone could do the research and so that's the kind of shit that makes me uncomfortable you can't question January 6th?
Starting point is 00:56:28 My kids are memorizing as few things as humanly possible. The effort, our schooling effort is entirely skill-based. I want to teach them skills. There's no week
Starting point is 00:56:43 that you could carve out that piece and say, hey, everything that happened this week or this month, we're never going to apply it. We'd just be dead in the water. And so, and this is what happens once you've learned all the capitals of 50 states, you move on and what do you hold on to? 25, 30, maybe 50. And you can talk of the advantages to that. My thought is look it up. But even in a curriculum that's entirely skill-based, and what I mean is skill-based, we're not doing juggling and hack and sack and that kind of shit. Though we do have external maybe to the,
Starting point is 00:57:27 for me is the formal schooling. I've got jujitsu, gymnastics, woodshop, art, piano, all that kind of stuff. But in terms of the scholastic pieces, it's skills entirely. And these skills are cognitive skills and they break down into quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Starting point is 00:57:44 And things like reading, writing, rhetoric, trigonometry, calculus, probability theory, all that stuff, all of this stuff of qualitative and quantitative analysis, these skills can only be expressed, demonstrated, or contextualized against knowledge. And so to claim that you've got a little scholar who sits here and can read anything and write masterfully or forcefully about it, that is employing all of the accepted standards of common usage and some modicum of rhetorical flourish. By the time a kid can do that, you got to have reading something. Right. And so what? Well, how about the Western canon?
Starting point is 00:58:39 And so rather than trying to force a... I don't want to belabor the point. No, no, no, no. Keep going. This is good. It's easy to pick up some non-skill-based kind of learning, but to get to a point in a reading of a representation of bestiat's The Law, or I guess it was The Road to Serfdom. We have a hero in this story. This is the Tuttle Twins. We have a hero in the story, the Sanchez family, whose farm was taken in a scheme for a highway under eminent domain. And Riley stops the show, my 10-year-old, and goes, wait a minute. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And I'm like, oh, you can. And next thing you know, we're talking about the Institute for Justice and telling the story about the old lady that stopped fucking Trump from building a casino and taking her house against her will. Super cool. What a nice thing to her house against her will. Super cool. What a nice thing to do. What a setup. What a great setup.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Greg, what if we are too stupid to teach our kids the things you are talking about? Well, we didn't used to be. You know, I mean, this is the stuff. This is the reading, writing, and arithmetic. In fact, I think parents were fond of it before they knew that arithmetic was started with an a and not an r some knucklehead chowder brain southern yokel knows that people do arithmetic can rule the world you know they figured my out do my taxes and help me with my yields and everything else so So you want your kid to learn arithmetic. So the three R's make sense.
Starting point is 01:00:26 But whether you spell arithmetic with an A or an R, to not be able to do it is an impediment. And so I apologize to Riley that, I'm sorry, but 9 times 7 is 63. Not only do you have to be able to do that and do it quickly, but you have to be able to do 63 and come up
Starting point is 01:00:42 with 9 times 7. Now, as uncool as that is, 8 and 5 is 13, et cetera. And I fought that shit forever. Until you can just spit it out quickly, until you have it burned in deeper than you think it should be, the more creative, expressive, and philosophical aspects of math stand in the room. the philosophical aspects of math stand and remove. But there's less to memorize in mathematics than there is in any other field, almost definitively, so almost by definition.
Starting point is 01:01:16 In fact, with each passing year in math, you're memorizing less and less until very early in the process, long before you're out of high school, there's nothing else to memorize. You don't have to memorize a fucking thing. It's all derivable. God, it's that powerful.
Starting point is 01:01:35 But you do have to memorize your multiplication tables. I apologize ahead of time about the 8 plus 5 and the 9 times 7. You've got to be able to just fucking do that quickly. But as you memorize them, you can also apply the logic to them. I don't know what value it is.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I don't know what value it is. I'd go out to Calc Canada and do 9 times 7. But I know this. To not see factorizations quickly is a huge impediment to low-level math. To memorize it without knowing why it works would be a mistake. You memorize it. I don't. You know, the why of 5 plus 4 is this.
Starting point is 01:02:19 There's your fucking why. And counting on your fingers. If you don't know it's 9, if you haven't memorized it, you the next the if you haven't memorized it you have to go at it rationally and i've told riley well fuck you man put make nine piles of seven i've got blocks here i've got little tiny and that's what i'm talking about the rational piece that's what i'm talking about the rational piece so there's a difference between memorizing something and being also to rationalize it versus being told something that, for instance, don't question January 6th and it not being rational.
Starting point is 01:02:49 There's a distinction. You're okay with people memorizing stuff that can be explained rationally, right? No, I'm telling you that if you have to come to a – if you have to figure out by argument that nine times seven is 63 you will be paralyzed at later math and right when we want you to learn lessons and and not facts when we want you to see patterns um and and as the math becomes increasingly powerful it also in many senses becomes abstract. And if you're going to the calculator for nine times seven, you're moving into quicksand.
Starting point is 01:03:31 And the bummer is in and of itself, I don't think there's really much advantage to knowing nine times seven is 63, but not being able to do that will make algebra and consequently trigonometry and therefore calculus all but impossible. And the significance of that is that, well, what is calculus but the science and math of change? It's a huge thing. I mean, in the quadrivium we were studying we were studying music and astronomy
Starting point is 01:04:07 hoping to learn what it is that we later able to do with calculus it's a vital essential piece of of of instruction and i and i have to apologize again for you needing to be able to just spit out eight plus five is thirteen if you go go 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, there's your proof. You just proved it. But it's too hard. But if you can't prove it, you shouldn't memorize it.
Starting point is 01:04:38 You'll do it automatically. Kids can count on their fingers. Dan Graves said something funny And until you memorize it, that's all you have That's all you got No adult uses a calculator For 9 times 7 If they do, they're not an adult
Starting point is 01:04:54 Hey, what percentage of the country Do you think doesn't know 9 times 7? The same percentage that agrees with the $50 minimum wage? What's the literacy rate? Yeah. Yeah. I bet you she doesn't know.
Starting point is 01:05:12 It's a New York Times reporter that's putting hearts for the dots on the eye. Imagine your only argument for raising... It thinks that Trump is just like Hitler. Imagine your only argument for...... It thinks that Trump is just like Hitler. Imagine your only argument for... It wants to free Palestine. She doesn't know 1970. From the river to the sea.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Yes. It's people that find power in the argument from rhyme. Bush lied, millions died. That's got to be true. It rhymes. It rhymes. Yeah, Bush lied. Millions died. That's gotta be true. It rhymes. It rhymes. Yeah. Like the way it's packaged.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Yeah. Yeah. It's that William F Buckley called this the, uh, the, uh, uh, the,
Starting point is 01:05:56 the, the logical power of the, of the, uh, rhymed coupler. It's a, it's a common feature of fucking stupid people. You must be quick. The glove doesn't fit, right?
Starting point is 01:06:09 Oh, I thought of it like that, and it rhymes. It's dead back to the jury box. Don't say Gabriel. You must acquit it, the glove don't fit. It rhymes. Beautiful tagline. Sell it. They don't mention the rhyme because that's a higher order
Starting point is 01:06:26 intelligence you have to notice it they just god there's something about that it makes a lot of sense they're just feeling the rhythm that's what it is to be stupid i'm looking at the literacy rate uh worldwide literacy rate what's the literacy rate for the United States? My eight-year-old Rhett noticed someone taking two from six with their fingers. And he loved that.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Where did he see that? Just like at some kid event? I'm not even going to say. I'm not even going to say. It's not cool. The global literacy... I had not even going to say, I'm not even going to say it's not cool. The, the global literate, shut up. The global literacy rate for all people age 15 and above is 86.3%.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Oh, that's higher than I thought. That's good. Yeah. That's my survey, right? Are you illiterate? Fuck no.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Everybody who, uh, we should have answered that. I couldn't read the survey, so we don't actually have to. Or you could just hit a stadium if you're illiterate and put your hand up. There's only like two in the whole fucking stadium. They got their Apple goggles on. I don't think anyone performing literacy Studies is literate I would be surprised Hey dude California has the lowest literacy rate in the country
Starting point is 01:07:52 Yeah Only 77% Of California is literate Holy shit According to experts at Harvard I'm gone Right it's one of those things Oh my god The US ranks 125th In literacy amongst all countries According to experts at Harvard, I'm gone. Right? It's one of those things. Oh my god, the U.S. ranks 125th in literacy amongst all countries.
Starting point is 01:08:11 We're a bunch of morons. We're on team moron. That's because we have people in universities studying literacy. Taking surveys. Listen to the countries that have the highest literacy. Tonga, Antigua, Cayman Islands, and Saudi Arabia. I imagine in the clicks and whistles places
Starting point is 01:08:36 you have 100% literacy. Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan. ukraine uzbekistan kazakhstan cuba azerbaijan tajikistan belarus and kirgiz kyrgyzstan oh yeah is it oh yeah kyrgyzstan all claim to have 100 percent claim oh africa's bad wow chad has 27 literacy that is fucked up. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I wonder how much that literacy rate would run parallel with the credit card debt. Hey, I got a guy for you guys. A guy named Abul Barakat Al-Baghdadi. Sounds like a terrorist. What do you think? What do you think? You can't say shit likeadi. Sounds like a terrorist. What do you think he said on that? He can't say shit like that. I'm just telling you. He either runs the 7-Eleven
Starting point is 01:09:33 or I found him on Wikipedia. Abu Barakat al-Baghdadi? Yeah. He won the Ibrahim Award. You know, it's funny. I have this great story to tell about this guy with that name from Iraq. He was the first person to properly understand Aristotle's fuck up and free falling objects over a 2000 year period. But this guy knew that it turns out he's a Jew.
Starting point is 01:10:00 So I have to forget it. Doesn't count. Right. Not that kind of Iraqi. Really? Is that true? That's a true story? Yeah, true story.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Yeah, the guy had it figured out. But then when he found out he was Jewish, he had to... No, I don't know. I'm just saying now that I've read of him many times, but I didn't catch the Jewish part. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Physician and physicist of Jewish descent from Baghdad, Iraq. Wow. You know, I mean, it didn't catch, but the fact that this guy had the answer in wonderful, wonderful detail,
Starting point is 01:10:40 not in the traditional sense of detail, but in the exactness of understanding that acceleration is created in action against a constant force instead of a limited, you know, I'm not talking about a drag effect. But it's funny because Galileo had the answer the answer too and kept it a little bit under his hat was a little bit more careful with it wait greg what did this guy do i'm reading shit about how like he's in guantanamo bay and shit what are you saying he did no no no no i'm looking at uh a different bagdad dude abu barakat al-Baghdadi. You had him there for a second.
Starting point is 01:11:25 It's this guy. Yeah, it's here. This guy. He's born in... Okay, I got the wrong dude. I got close. Well, see, that's why we got to be careful. Wouldn't you hate to have put one of the greatest businesses of all time into Guantanamo?
Starting point is 01:11:44 And you're like, oh, I thought he was a terrorist. It happens. We didn't look past the name. We apologize for that. Yeah. Yeah. It was forever believed for 2,000 years that the heavier an object was, the faster it would fall. One more time? Your audio went out.
Starting point is 01:12:11 It was believed for 2,000 years, and Aristotle was perfectly clear on it in his physics, that the heavier an object, the faster it fell. And this guy said no? Yeah, he understood. Is he the first one to say it? No one had a clear, less correctable answer sooner. Yeah. Sorry, Greg, I don't mean to uh uh this is not it makes him it makes him a a scientist of epic proportion yeah i i don't know what i'm about to say sorry this isn't a dig at you i love greg because he knows how much a moron trump is and says it and
Starting point is 01:13:01 he's still going to vote for him which tells tells you how awful the other choices. Listen, everyone says that. Yeah. Let me be fair. I don't even believe that. I want to argue with Greg on this. Go ahead. Go ahead, Greg. I've never liked that fucker. Never liked him. I think he's more likable now than ever before. What do you think about that? He's more what? I do too. He's more likable now than ever before. What do you think about that? He's more what? I do too. He's more likable now than ever before.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I think he's aging nicely. I think that he had some douche years, for sure. I think to do what needs to be done, you need to be a creature that can and will dwell in the sewer and feel good about it but for 50 years that i've been alive everyone always says that we're just voting for the lesser of two evils and finally i'm like dude like like who do we want to run um uh jesus somebody young somebody who's gonna like who's gonna who's gonna run that we're gonna be like
Starting point is 01:14:05 Yeah he's perfect Well no one's gonna be perfect that's for sure Right I am starting to like JFK JFK Robert Kennedy more More and more I love the Superbowl ad
Starting point is 01:14:22 And I I smiled at the legacy part And then I loved him getting even more press the next day apologizing for leaning on the legacy. So it was like a two banger when it really paid off. Anytime you make an ad that's good, and then and then the new story of apologizing for it goes even broader. That's pretty good. Story of apologizing for it goes even Broader that's pretty good It is me going around something To the effect of I'm no football Fans I don't give a shit but Whoever this Taylor Swift is Just by the name I'd guess he's fast
Starting point is 01:14:54 Hey that is a black guy's name Taylor Swift I never thought of that is that her real Name or she just took she Culturally appropriated that No that's her real name? Or she just took... She culturally appropriated that? No, that's her real name. Oh. I bet you it's not. You don't think so?
Starting point is 01:15:11 No. What is her real name? Taylor Allison Swift. What is it? What is it? Taylor Allison Swift. It's her real name. Oh, that's her real name?
Starting point is 01:15:19 Taylor Allison Swift. Allison's her middle name. Yeah. Why would it not be her real name? Because most... Google has removed anyone else's her middle name. Yeah. Why would it not be her real name? Google hasn't moved anyone else with that last name. Because so many of these ding-dongs don't use their real name. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:33 You mean 50 Cent's not his real name? No, that is his real name. Yeah. Lil Wayne. Hey, have you seen the videos that Kanye's putting up with him and his chick? Yeah. Lil Wayne. Hey, have you seen the videos that Kanye's putting up with him and his chick? Yeah. He's a great marketer. What happened to Kanye?
Starting point is 01:15:51 I don't mean to be a dick, but he got fat, too. I don't really like fat Kanye. Dude, he's got shit to sell. That's all that he cares about. Everything's $20, bro. Everything's $20. Will you pull up the video of his girlfriend? She's wearing, like, an apron or something. It's crazy. That's his20, bro. Everything's $20. Will you pull up the video of his girlfriend? She's wearing like an apron or something.
Starting point is 01:16:06 It's crazy. That's his wife, bro. Oh, they're married? She's an architect, right? Is she really? Wow. I respect architects. I like that.
Starting point is 01:16:21 That's a cool profession. Yeah. I like it. Designing homes. Oh, she does that? I don't know. Not the same kind of architect.
Starting point is 01:16:35 But her body's crazy. Usually when people say this, Greg, it's an insult, but I think this is a compliment ken walters greg knows everything yeah go go to the can you go to his instagram you want to see her walking with the trash bag is that what no no she's wearing this thing it's like i don't even know how to describe it's like she's like her whole outfit's just a bib. Her whole outfit's just a bib. Dan Guerrero, you guys are dipshits.
Starting point is 01:17:17 I don't even know if he's talking about us or the... Look at this outfit. That's for the barbecue. That's wild, dude. Do you know what's crazy is he posted it three So pull out a second Caleb show the whole profile So he posted that video three times Oh he took it down He posted it three times in a row
Starting point is 01:17:38 Hey is this a bad sign I want to ask you this Greg Kanye walking around in a public airport That means shit's gotten bad for him right That he's not at fbo that's what i was thinking i don't know but he's she lets him walk through the airport and got not be noticed man her outfit is crazy in the airport. What airport is that, I wonder? I don't know, but he made the same post three times,
Starting point is 01:18:14 and then here he's defending it. Yeah. I guess he has a new album out. I wonder if it's any good. No. Oh, it's not? You've heard it? No, I don't know. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Do you like his music, Greg? Do you like Kanye? No. No? Probably not. Probably not. The feud between Kanye and Taylor Swift swift lives on this is great oh i'd be on his side probably he did he did something douchey to her like 10 years ago i remember as a kid yeah i guess i was was... He was on stage and he
Starting point is 01:19:05 upended her, grabbed the mic and just said... Yeah, she got an award for best actress or something and then he's like, uh-uh. Was that Kanye? Kanye? Yeah. And he ran up there and he took the mic and said, no, it should be Beyonce. What a mess.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Which was like... You know, who wasn't thinking that but it's funny can you what an interesting comparison Caleb could you play Taylor Swift's like five of her most
Starting point is 01:19:42 popular songs for me real quick just like five oh this is oh okay okay even better I just want to's like five of her most popular songs for me real quick. Just like five. Oh, this is – oh, okay, okay. Even better. I just want to hear like five seconds of each one. I can't think of – I don't know any of her music, so I want to just hear it and see if I know it. But go ahead.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Play this. This is good. 15 years ago. Damn. I dreamed about what it would be like to maybe win one of these someday, but I never actually thought that it would have country music or – I'm really happy for you. I'll let you finish. someday, but I never actually thought it would have country music or not. I'm really happy for you. I'll let you finish. But Beyonce had one of the best videos Oh wait, can you go back so we can see him jump on stage?
Starting point is 01:20:12 Oh yeah, he used to be skinny. He looked so cute there. That's the Pfizer rep right there. Pink, she turned to Bambi and took money from Pfizer. Oh, they didn't show him on stage. He's just running out. Okay, go ahead Taylor I'm really happy for you
Starting point is 01:20:28 I'll let you finish But Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time I look at her and she's like Hey is this the same as the Will Smith slapping Christopher Rock Is this very similar to that but you can't slap a girl so you just tell her that she didn't really win in front of the world i guess interesting comparison what the fuck dude 15 years later kanye's walking around in a public airport and
Starting point is 01:20:59 taylor swift made five billion dollars off of her last tour. Hey, is that mentally ill, you think, doing that? Or is that going up on stage? I hypothesized in a joking manner whether Jesus maintained his virginity with Mary Magdalene. This fucking guy jumped on stage during one of the biggest announcements in the world and shit on someone getting the award. He was gentle the way he shit on it, but... Then definitely attention-grabbing. I would not do that.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Philip Kelly says, that's some shit you would do, Seve. There's no way. Wow. Oh, Dan Guerrero didn't like it that I called Kanye fat let's see your six pack Seve Dan's a yay fan huh
Starting point is 01:21:51 wow okay you know Dan reminds me for better or worse Dan no offense, please. I hope you do, Fenn. He's always fun to watch.
Starting point is 01:22:14 I'm never sure whether I should turn her up or mute her. Just enjoy the watch. But she was responding to Biden's senility. responding to Biden's senility. And she dismisses it deathly with Trump's almost the same age that he could have gone to high school together and then puts her palms up like that, takes care of that. And what I wonder is if, you know, is this where you like, you don't have to be much smarter than the message.
Starting point is 01:22:50 That's kind of the David Stowe view on philosophers. He says philosophers don't come up with stupid shit to fool other people. They're in the throes of it themselves. And so the worst of their ideas are things they actually entertain. of their ideas are things they actually entertain but uh the the argument about his his age is is is a a strongman it's an absurdity it's ridiculous no one's concerned about his age we're concerned about his senility his dementia his cognitive impairment and if he was 16 years old and hit in the head with a lacrosse ball and ended up at this juncture or if he was 16 years old and hit in the head with a lacrosse ball and ended up at this juncture, or if he's 200 years old and wait, listen again, say that again. That's important. Age isn't where I base, it has no element in my assessment of cognition.
Starting point is 01:23:39 None. And I think that's true too for skin color And gender Who the fuck cares If Jean Kirkpatrick had a vagina She was brilliant And her dictatorships and double standards Explains Most of what we're confused about today From 40 or 50 years ago What do you think about
Starting point is 01:24:04 Claiming firsts like um uh first black astronaut first dwarf astronaut first uh armenian astronaut first uh black woman to coach an nfl team first like what do you think about like when what do you think about that when like that's being celebrated i thought i thought that if the games after the open you ought to be able to have a shirt printed up and have it authenticated by hq that said you were the third fittest engineer over 50 named ben that lived in the socal right right like you there were drop down menus yeah yeah yeah filter yourself down to number one yeah yeah yeah filter yourself down to number one yeah i don't care about any of that shit i all of that for me it comes down to its motivational value to tell people that some guy comes into me with a walker and thinks he's going to the olympics and pole vaulting
Starting point is 01:24:58 after he gets his neural implant and uh they're aging i'm not going to like your fucking nuts. I'm like, yeah, well, we've got to get started then. Let's get warmed up. We've got a big road ahead of us. Even delusional aspirations can prove to have enormous value. I got more out of gymnastics than anyone i knew and i and i you know became uh first name familiar with some of the best who've ever lived and i got more out of the sport than they did okay let me let me let me so so let me uh put it in context a little bit so so you got someone like jackie robinson and uh he in the modern era robinson broke the color line when he started at first base for the brooklyn dodgers the dodgers
Starting point is 01:25:47 signed robinson heralded the end of racial segregation uh that had regulated black players to negro league since the 1880s okay so i get that first uh black dude to play uh baseball then what do you think if then uh first i bet you there was a post for first black, like umpire, first black, like first baseman, first black, like coach, first black bat boy, first black, like hot dog stand attendant. And at some point it's like whenever I see that in CrossFit, like anything about women, I feel like it's a step back for women because like i don't think any it just reminds me that you should should i it triggers me like should i think women are less like anytime anyone's like we already know all the women in crossfit are like like holy shit you know what i mean i feel i feel like that that what you built and uh let's just use this as a superficial example, but the equal pay at the games for women that you demanded that not even demanded it. It was yours. You did it.
Starting point is 01:26:53 I just feel like we've transcended all that. Like no one cares if you're a woman coach or a male coach or a woman athlete or a male athlete or like. And when I hear that shit drug back anywhere now now, I'm just kind of annoyed by it. Like it's diminishing the value of a woman being there. Like, oh, really? They can't be there. Like somehow they have some shortcoming that they overcame. Like they're a dwarf or something.
Starting point is 01:27:17 They're not. They're just a woman. I've got people that have or had penises taking trophies from women and keeping them from scholarships, from standing on the podium. It's a horrible thing from so many angles. From the common sense of it to the impact and all the values and the debates we had. And, you know, for better or worse, we ended up with Title IX because there seemed to be a universal realization that without some equal consideration,
Starting point is 01:27:58 women were denied much of what is so extraordinary about sport. And by the way, denied in a way that the Greeks didn't deny their girls. They didn't? They didn't? The Greeks had women's sports? Yeah. Yeah, you could box
Starting point is 01:28:21 the girls. It was actively involved in combat Yeah, you could box the girls in, you know. It was a... They were actively involved in, yeah, in combat sports. And that was the gymnastics version. Oh, yeah, they swam, wrestled, and drove chariots. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Wow. Chicken put a spear through your neck in Greece. It was a real deal. I don't know I lost my train of thought But I'm also okay with celebrating Jackie Robinson As being the first black guy But I feel like there has to be some
Starting point is 01:28:55 I like that there was a Super Bowl ref That was the first referee that had been in a Super Bowl Now referee Yeah, that's cool I don't mind that shit, that's all fun Yeah, it's fun right yeah right yeah totally that's more like stats or just like his history and look kamala harris is the first what black indian uh person in the in the oval office yeah i'm okay with that too and look how easy it's gonna be like and it's a start right
Starting point is 01:29:22 the first black woman indian think how easy it's gonna to be. And it's a start, right? The first black woman Indian. Think how easy it's going to be to come up with a smarter one. That's true. That's true. I remember the humble origins. The first one was like fucking profoundly stupid. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:39 I think it comes down to the motivation behind it, right? Like you already said, Greg, it's like, why, like, why are we celebrating this? Is it because it's actually a triumph that you overcame something? Is it just like a stat or are we doing this for like some sort of political gain anytime i hear anything being celebrated on that level too i'm just like well where's the asian guys like every position like how come there hasn't been an asian president or asian vice president like everything how come there hasn't been an asian football player has there ever been an asian quarterback like they're like there's not enough black quarterbacks i'm like what about asians every time that's right where my brain goes what about a chinese guy there's so many of them yeah we got an asian baseball player and he's the highest paid athlete in the world oh that's awesome from j yeah Shohei Otani
Starting point is 01:30:28 he's a pitcher but also he hits right yeah he's really good that's awesome oh Asian linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys wow Asian punter look at you
Starting point is 01:30:44 look at it go yeah Linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys. Wow. Asian punter. Look at you. See, look at the girl. Asian from Tonga? Yeah, that doesn't count. Oh, I like this guy. Does he speak English? Does he speak English? Does he talk English? Caleb?
Starting point is 01:31:03 I think so. He speaks pretty good English. 6'4", 210? That put on some weight there. He could be like 225. Holy shit. And what they cost him, Caleb, what's the number? Listen to this.
Starting point is 01:31:21 Let me look that up real quick. It's like hundreds of millions almost billions oh thank you judy i know my my asian accent was horrible english does he speak english thank you thank you thank you 5.5 million it's like two million a year or something like that oh he's making more than two million a year or something like that. Oh, he's making more than $2 million a year. That's the deferred portion. You just get some chunk change and then they owe him. It calls for $2 million. $68 million is deferred each year.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Without interest. There we go. $700 million deal. It's $700 million. Yeah. Holy shit. Deferring it probably for like it says like tax purposes yeah yeah yeah he's gonna owe nothing and they're gonna and they when he by the time he retires they're just gonna have to throw hundreds of millions at him
Starting point is 01:32:16 yeah that's crazy seven they got him on it yeah 700 million dollar deal and that many people even watch baseball still so so every year every year they owe him 68 million wow it'll get invested wow it's a long deal too six years so he's rich wildly more interesting is the guy who has eventually cleared the dodger whose career is ruined oh yeah i recently just watched a podcast with him wait what happened um i forget his name recently somebody uh basically claimed that they were sexually assaulted by him and it told out that it turned out that it was just totally made up and she was clearly doing it for financial
Starting point is 01:33:10 gain it's even more interesting than that if i'm forever bauer it looked yep it looked like this he's some girl shows up and she's beat the out of him yeah i beat her up and then it's like but and they've got this history of she comes over he the out of her beats her up and she's beat the fuck out of him. Yeah, I beat her up. And then it's like, but, and they've got this history of she comes over, he fucks the shit out of her, beats her up. And on their first date, she woke up, he strangled her with her hair and she woke up from unconscious and he's having his way with her anally. That was the first date. And then there was a second, a third, a fourth, and then a lawsuit. And so it's like this is their thing you know this is what they do yeah like it or not and then she turns it into a lawsuit and it took several years to unravel now they're like yeah this is all nothing it's a kinky bitch
Starting point is 01:33:59 this chick i tell you and he's ruined his career. Really? His career got ruined because he had anal? I'm telling you. The first date, he chokes her to unconsciousness with her own hair. And he ass rapes her. It's not even rape. And for me, the coming back for repeat dates and being in love and all the texts. That was amazing. I mean, the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:34:23 But you don't understand, Greg. That's what victims do. They keep coming back. you don't understand greg that's what victims do they keep coming back you don't understand that's what they do they keep coming yep yep hey by the way i'm not no one could be like hey seven that's mean i i'm not describing i'm not saying whether it's mean or not or whether it's right or not but at the end of the day it's personal accountability and personal responsibility you can't just keep coming back walking back over to someone's house and getting ass raped and blame them you cannot you have to have some boundary when you walk to their house and banging on the door begging to come in what say it again patty hurst was a kidnap victim, but then she's appearing in a video cam with automatic weapons, ordering bank cards around with her captors.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Right, right. Carter gave her a, what's that called? Did he pardon her? Thank you. Pardon her. Yeah her yeah yeah that's interesting because it's a tough one i'd be like a bitch in the closet and abuse her for a month or two and maybe when you're when you let her out she's willing to be a bank robber and i i would i would say say that's mitigated somewhat. That's not an easy one. Damn. Poor Trevor Bauer.
Starting point is 01:35:51 That sucks. So he doesn't play baseball anymore? What's going on with the Trev? No, but the girls calling him is nuts. Oh, like girls just want... I just made that up. I don't know. Damn. calling them is nuts. Oh, like girls just want... Oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:36:05 I just made that up. Oh, shit. That's funny. It's got to be true, though, right? Is that plausible? For sure. Yes, yes. I want to talk to that son of a bitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Show me a picture of him I think all those High profile murderers in jail I think they get tons of beaver thrown at them All the serial killers Yeah I think they get tons of beaver thrown at them That's crazy
Starting point is 01:36:39 That's crazy Girls are great Wow girls are great wow i can't imagine choking someone out let alone with their own hair and then sticking something in their butt just particularly specifically my penis that sounds that does not sound fun to me and then later you're like i hope she calls me i hope she calls me yeah i hope she has fun. I wonder if we're going to have a second date. Yeah, and then she calls, yeah!
Starting point is 01:37:12 Oh, my gosh, I was worried you'd have a little bit too much to drink. Oh, no, are you kidding me? Dude, you're the best. Oh, shit. It says it led to unprecedented suspension from Major League Baseball with no money exchange between the two parties after the suit was settled. I wonder if they're still together. No. Hey, dude, that's got to be a movie.
Starting point is 01:37:40 It's an incredible story. And what's interesting is, you know what? Mike Butin of my baseball fan my wife who happens to have a vagina and myself we all had the same conclusion from the beginning like wait a minute second third fourth fifth dates yeah beating her up she's showing up at things with sunglasses on that she's into this shit right she wants the attention i think it's somewhere that i read that she was trying to like just get him for his money like she found out oh 51 mil and then she was like oh i'm just
Starting point is 01:38:11 gonna fucking get this guy forever she made up a bunch of shit and in her text messages she was saying she was setting him up to take his money oh yeah i think i remember that the text message never text that to anyone by the way she like sent snapchats to her friends of her in bed with him and he's like asleep and she's like i'm gonna take him for 50 000 this time or something oh yeah yeah yeah and i think even the snapchat showed she didn't have like a mark on her at all she was completely unscathed do you think do you think at some point do you think she settled because at some point he was going to counter-sue her and she knew she was going to do prison time for extortion? I think that's happening now.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Oh, really? Yeah, I think he did counter-sue her. Yeah, he did counter-sue her. Because conservatively, it's something like $300 million that he lost. She'll be able to pay him. She'll give him $300 and he gets to beat her up and fuck her some more. That's not part of the terms. Yeah, the money's gone. I'm like, you should give him $300 and he gets to beat her up and fuck her some more. That's not part of the terms. Yeah, the money's gone.
Starting point is 01:39:08 I'm sorry. Read the fine print. Oh, she was on Alex Stein's show? Oh, she was? I haven't been following his show. What, is that a sports show? No. Alex Stein is a political commentary guy he's been on he's been
Starting point is 01:39:27 on here a bunch of times and uh he recently got his own show like what maybe a year ago or something and i think it was funded by like turning point usa or one of those whatever blaze yeah i saw him announcing um uh trump somewhere the other day. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I saw that too. Chick's got a massive forehead. Holy shit. Oh, that's her. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Can we watch a little bit of this? Yeah, let's see this. Wow. Is this Alex Stein's channel or is this Blaze's channel? So is she portraying herself the victim? Yes. What year is this? Four months ago.
Starting point is 01:40:09 Okay, here we go. Like I said, out of context, the next line under that is, oh, my friend's saying, can't wait for you to be a rich baseball wife. There was never text that intermingled violence with finances or anything like that. It was just a way for them to weave this narrative. protects that intermingled violence with finances or anything like that. It was just a way for them to weave this narrative. So, I mean, when you asked me what happened, it's probably the longest story in the world. I think that video of me in the bed the next morning definitely raises a lot of eyebrows. Because your face didn't look that bad,
Starting point is 01:40:44 but then I saw other photos where you had black eyes so what was that from the same thing that's i was i was confused yeah so there's another thing that hasn't been public was when my entire body um was photographed by uh it was called a start exam um so really the timing of that video how i what really happened was all of that i did not make up an accusation about what he did to me all of that went down i have the pictures to prove it i have the phone call that directly aligns you know with no denial of doing all of those things um so all right we gotta have All right, we got to have her on the show. Lindsay Hill? Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:41:33 So she still feels like a victim. Well, she's got to play the part, right, if she's in a lawsuit too. Let me tell you something. MLB put themselves in a position with him and her that it was extraordinarily in their self-interest at some point to make a mountain of a molehill if they could, and they couldn't make shit of it. Why would that help major league?
Starting point is 01:41:54 I mean, these guys, cause they pulled a superstar off the mound and you need to come up with something and you're going to dust them off and go, I'm sorry, dude, our bad. And he's done.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Why don't they just pick a fucking... Why didn't they just leave him alone and keep letting him play? How about just pick a Cy Young award winner and shoot him in the head? They fucked this guy up. Yeah. I hope he gets I hope he gets 700 million out of Major League Baseball Oh good me too
Starting point is 01:42:30 She hooked up with like three other Major League Baseball players And each time has had drama She needs to be on the no fuck list Oh shit God Alright Oh, shit. God, what? All right. Yeah, I'd like to see that list.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Yeah, there's a Padres player and DBE. Another guy. Hey, Greg, are we going to San Diego on Saturday You know it's weather dependent I want to get out on the boat And I kind of got it set up But if it's going to do another one of these Crimean atmospheric river I'm going to pass
Starting point is 01:43:18 Because it's not supposed to be raining right now And it's pouring here I see how it is I'm going to wait and see. You know what's funny? Sunny tomorrow. I'm going to give testimony to my love of the drive. Look, there's my shit kind of piled up here
Starting point is 01:43:32 in the school room because I'm proximate to the door in the truck. I'm going to drive tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn and I'm going I'm gonna drive tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn yeah and I'm gonna have uh I'm gonna have uh Mike and the bird catch me in Watsonville for going to uh to uh Alvarez's thing on Sunday with you or Saturday Saturday yeah so I'm so I'm driving
Starting point is 01:44:01 a thousand miles and having my airplane fly behind me with the pilot to meet me there. So I can be with my truck. Isn't that amazing? Like a cowboy who someone stole my horse or something. You're like my kids who bring their shit places that they know they're not. They got a new remote control car. They know they're not going to be able to use it, but they still bring it in the car with them. That's good.
Starting point is 01:44:24 There's an interesting Barbie discovery in my house. And my girls have this, this pile of Barbies, this like a wicker basket of Barbies. And it could be, it could be two full bushels of Barbie. And some of them are missing limbs. They're almost all naked and have my favorite kind of Barbie hair. They're in a pile, but Maggie, about every 20 or 30 Barbies, because we just blow through them, brings home
Starting point is 01:44:53 a can and unwraps it and throws it in the mix. The girls in the Barbies go after the can and it's just immediate abuse. The can will get dismembered. It gets stripped and he's just made to suffer two or three barbies and like hi i'd seen the engine and smack them you know tear an arm off come up wow and she does that the violence the violence on the cans she says about every 20
Starting point is 01:45:21 barbies you need to throw in a can. Otherwise, the Barbies turn lesbian. Oh. I'm going to order you a Ken. I'm going to send a Ken to your house right now. Isn't that it? Yeah. Yeah, I've watched a Ken. I've done all but put the Apple AirTag on him. It's a great video.
Starting point is 01:45:38 I wish I had a camera. The life of a Ken in this Barbie horde. What about a titanium Ken? They play school and he's getting punished. You got to try a GI Joe. They're a little bit more durable. I used to throw them up three stories and then they just come crashing to the ground. Damn, Ken.
Starting point is 01:46:03 So I'll see you tomorrow Yeah Yeah Yeah I've got I've got to be there on the 16th So on the 17th We're going to Richard's thing So I'm
Starting point is 01:46:13 Just Delaying All right But My thought is If I leave Leave super Super early in the morning
Starting point is 01:46:21 I'll be there mid-afternoon Mike you'll get in too All right Or he can even come to 16th All right Leave super, super early in the morning. I'll be there mid-afternoon. Mike, you'll get in too. All right. Or he can even come to 16th. All right, come early. You're going to 17th, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:31 I'm doing every... When you're here, I'm going to stick to you like glue. I'm excited for you to come. We'll do dinner tomorrow night. Should we bring Davey with us? Or is he... Yeah, oh, yeah. Is he able to be seen with us in public? At least invite him and get credit for it he's looking
Starting point is 01:46:46 into it he's gonna look into it internal discussions are being oh my goodness oh my goodness all right greg uh call me when you're driving tomorrow yeah i'm glad i glad i got to be here on this one i was stoked Greg, call me when you're driving tomorrow. Great to have you both on. Yeah, I'm glad I got to be here on this one. I was stoked. I'll see you tomorrow. Call me. You're out here in March, right? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:47:13 Indeed. Yep. All right. Call me in the morning or early when you're driving. I have Chris Cooper on tomorrow, and then I'm free after 830. I'll start bugging you while you're driving. Tell Chris I said hi. I tomorrow, and then I'm free after 8.30. I'll start bugging you while you're driving. Tell Chris I said hi. I will, for sure.
Starting point is 01:47:28 And if something comes up, call me from the road. Okay. I've got a reception there that I think I do at home. All right, gentlemen. Everyone, bye. Sounds good. Thanks, buddy. Happy Valentine's Day, ladies.
Starting point is 01:47:41 Ladies are on the no-fuck list. Yeah. Lindsay Hill, specifically. Is that her name? Yeah Go yeah go enjoy Tomorrow Chris Cooper It's Oops wait
Starting point is 01:47:57 Thank you I'm excited to have Chris on No agenda usually I have like a bunch of shit I want to talk to Chris about I just want to say what's up Just see how he's doing Yeah it'll be cool It's been a while since I've talked to him Yeah get his kind of his
Starting point is 01:48:11 Great Sorry Great supporter of the behind the scenes Big time Huge huge The biggest supporter actually More financial support Than anyone
Starting point is 01:48:27 Even more than CA Peptides believe it or not Really Gave us all the tools we needed to edit Um He said he loves media And wanted to contribute to media that the That the community had Which is really cool
Starting point is 01:48:42 I'm like why are you doing this I want to put my money where my mouth is. We'll ask him about that tomorrow. We can all thank him and tell him how cool it is that he got that across the finish line. That he bought steaks for Caleb and I and spicy margaritas. That's great. I'm yet to see one negative review about the behind the scenes.
Starting point is 01:49:04 Really? I haven't seen any. I got that lady didn't like me talking about Jesus's sex life, even in a joking way. But other than that, everything's been actually that wasn't even in the behind the scenes. You're muted, Susan. Are you still talking about that lady's comment no i'm over it um i was talking to i'm glad you want to say do you want yeah i got because i i here's how it did really get to me because i don't want her to feel i i can't stop jokes like that. I can't like,
Starting point is 01:49:45 um, when I was a kid, my mom, that people who were in the, who became sisters or nuns or whatever, that she said, she explained it, that they were getting,
Starting point is 01:49:56 they were like marrying themselves to God. Right. Yeah. And so I was like, well, isn't that just polygamy? And I thought that was a sin. And cause that's just what.
Starting point is 01:50:06 Did you get in trouble for saying that? I did. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah. I was like, how dare you make something so, so beautiful, so not beautiful. Yeah. Adults would say shit like that to me too. And you're like, you're like, dude, I don't even get, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:50:23 I'm just doing math. I'm just doing the algebra. Does he got 10 wives or not you said it was marriage and now we have all of these nuns how about you work on your fucking explanation yeah please still think about that to this day i never want to get mad at my kids for like questions that they ask that like make me feel insecure in situation without explaining it to them honestly like i can't i can't the example would be that the one caleb yet but but one time i went to a dealership and um i was with my stepmom and she was buying a car and she wrote
Starting point is 01:51:01 a check and she and she wrote and i looked at how much it was the down payment or whatever for the car and said like whatever 2200 and i go oh do you have that much money in your in your account and she got mad at me like i was in like like anyone took me seriously as a six-year-old like all of a sudden like she felt insecure you know you know like some people feel insecure if your card gets denied at the Target? Credit cards get denied all the time. Home Depot, Target. Don't feel insecure about it. It just is what it is. Just switch cards or look at your phone and fix that shit.
Starting point is 01:51:35 Yeah, but I just care so much about what other people think about me. Yeah, yeah. I'm so caught up in their opinions of strangers that I'm never going to see again at Target when my card doesn't work that I have to completely change the way I behave, Sevan. You have to understand this. They're going to go home and tell their friends that they saw somebody get their card declined at Target, and I had groceries.
Starting point is 01:51:54 How embarrassing. I had to leave them there. I had to leave all my groceries there, and now all the Target workers have to pick up all that stuff and put it back on the shelves, and now I can't deal with that. It's like, fuck dude he's the person's it's just a kid like lean into it no i don't know i look at the guy at the honda dealership i don't know if i got enough money for that would have been funnier if she just said i don't know we're
Starting point is 01:52:18 about to find out in a couple days the guy to check should i text danielle and invite her onto the show probably you know it'd be a good idea that i think would really win her over if he did it every show like that's a winning strategy in my book and then she could post um she could post um he invites me every day hey what do you think about her i don't know this for a fact but i think that her and and hillar will just post what do you think about people who just post people's dms i would never do that not a fan of it me neither not a fan of it unless of course they ask permission ahead of time or something and yeah yeah yeah if you yeah i don't think you should do unless unless someone's like when you have the username
Starting point is 01:53:03 in there that That's fucked. Then you just put that person totally on blast. Yeah. Now they can go over to that page and be like... Dave does it too. Dave does it too. I thought he put the username and covers it up. No, if someone gets aggressive to him, he'll...
Starting point is 01:53:19 Well, actually, I should take that back. That's not true. Dave, I've seen... I misspoke. Sorry. I've seen Dave do it, but it's stuff back. That's not true. Dave, I've seen that. I misspoke. Sorry. I've seen Dave do it, but it's stuff that people post usually on Instagram that he'll – so they've already outed themselves, and he'll amplify it. Okay, that's – Yeah, if it's public, it's public, right?
Starting point is 01:53:36 Yeah. Yeah. Like – If you know that someone I don't know if I want to go down that way Okay Just remember that anything that you see People doing to other people
Starting point is 01:53:57 Know that they could also do that to you So the Taoist saying If they lie for you They'll lie to you So if you see If you're with your husband And Someone cuts him off and he's like Fuck you and you're in the car
Starting point is 01:54:16 You should know that he'll also say fuck you to you Like that's in there And I'm guilty of that I've done that to people and I've said fuck you to my wife And I've said fuck you to the car. Like no one – there's not these boundaries. Just know that. The person you're dating is a whole, but the people you're around are a whole.
Starting point is 01:54:37 And also you should give people what I think you – a Bible number is called grace. You should give people a lot of grace. I was talking with someone about this. I don't know if it was you, Suze, yesterday, but trust. Like no one is 100% trustworthy. And so if someone breaks your trust, you don't just fucking throw them in the trash. Like, hey, man, like, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:56 Well, I trust everybody in the sense that I trust that they're going to pursue their own self-interest as much as they can. Well, for instance, let's say me and you are a team which we are me and kayla are a team and i tell you something and i tell you not to tell someone and then i find out and it gets back to me i'd be like hey you told so and so that but i wouldn't even be upset at you i would like right away go to the part that like you did it tactically or strategically you made that evaluation that it was worth saying or they'd be like shit sorry i forgot or dude sorry i drank too much or whatever or yeah i know like sometimes i have trouble q my shit but i'm not i'm not like i'm not there to play like i got you or like i'm not even mad at you i mean depends on how much is on the line like if you like show show my wife a photo with me like banging some chicks and i i't take the photo and be like, what the fuck, dude?
Starting point is 01:55:46 Dude, we can have a conversation about this first. Yeah. What the fuck? But – oh, here we go. Ken Walters, I say fuck you to cars but have never said that in 35 years to my wife. Yeah, but you're capable of it. Right. Trust me. I understand. ever said that in 35 years to my wife yeah but you're capable of it right trust me i understand uh dave and don killed people overseas and they haven't killed me yet i i understand
Starting point is 01:56:10 uh capable of it but they're capable of it yeah that's fine that's fine but i appreciate you not talking to your wife yeah hey the other thing too is like we say i talk to you about this in conversations all the time i don't think people are either honest or conscious of their intention when they enter certain conversations. So like we've had a conversation, you said, hey, I'm going to tell person X this. And I said, OK, well, by saying that, we're putting them in a position to where they have to be defensive. And what is the goal that we're trying to accomplish with this conversation?
Starting point is 01:56:42 And is putting this person into a defensive position going to be indicative of us getting to that end result that we want? Right? Right, right. Just recently with that dude, right? Yeah. I mean, that's how I process information, right? Yeah. And so that's the same way I look at it. Like, why would she share somebody else's, you know, DM or whatever as they go back and forth?
Starting point is 01:57:06 Because, you know, what is her motivation there and what does she have to gain out of it by outing this this person? Right. Even when I want. Right. But even when I that's why even when I want to out someone, I wouldn't unless I ask them. Yeah. I mean, it just depends, again, on like what what's the point of you? Why are you doing it? Right. I don't take screenshots. I don, it just depends again on like, what, what's the point of you? Why are you doing it? Right.
Starting point is 01:57:25 I don't even take screenshots. I don't even take screenshots. Anything like that. Yeah. Unless I'm like, unless, unless like, unless it's like, I want to show you like someone's boob or something like, like I'm on Instagram and I'm like, did that girl just show her boob and I'll take a screenshot and then try to go frame by frame and see it but like other than that like i don't even like i'm not interested in doing that tanny i think it's on i think it's on i think it's not i think it's cheating it's a low blow for sure especially if you're just trying to accomplish something such as like make yourself look better on the internet right like? Like she was only attempting to do that. I can't remember the specifics on the DM, but it was only an attempt to make her look better. Miss Brandon? Yeah, in this particular example.
Starting point is 01:58:12 Oh yeah, like she was trying to put Tom on blast or something, right? Tom Guerin? Yeah. Yeah, it's like whatever. So you try to put somebody on blast to prove your point or to, you know, whatever, make herself look better or something like that i think i'm gonna go work out my whole day has been kind of throttled oh i should do the news
Starting point is 01:58:41 maybe i'll make a news is it time to make a news? I can make a news. I never release a news in the morning. You could do. You could do a news. I'd release it later in the evening, though. Say that again. What? Again? Who? What? Caleb? What? You should talk about Tim Tebow in your news.
Starting point is 01:59:02 And I was saying... About him circumcising boys? Yeah. God, that's fucking so weird, isn't it? He does genital mutilation. Why is he doing that? Why is he circumcising little boys? That is bizarre.
Starting point is 01:59:18 I guess it looks like it might have been a while ago, even. ago even so it's been a while uh it's been a while since um it's been a while since we've had don on we've only had don on once yep and then we invited him on a couple times and we just he had some scheduling issues right sure do you think and do you think those were legitimate scheduling issues i do yeah i bet he's busy yeah yeah i mean he's always been responsive right always responsive very responsive yeah hey we should do something though i bet you you and i could do the interview without don and i'll be don you be you and then we'll bring don in and see how closely our answers are aligned oh like a mock a mock interview yeah i think i should bring him in here and just like shoot the shit with him in studio would be really cool that would be a whole different vibe he lives close to me
Starting point is 02:00:18 close enough oh shit will branstetter uh it wasn't cool for the main reason that Danielle twisted perception of DMs to be creepy or something they were stuff like rad shoes are sick and she's trying to expose someone yeah exactly oh Danielle 1B is out for people who haven't watched 1B, behind the scenes 1B.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Like some of you might, it's kind of hard to find. So it got put on the homepage, on the landing page. Mike Poolboy. uh mike pool boy uh my mom said she cut my uh foreskin so my pp would look better and can stay clean i don't think she cut it dude i think she let some dude cut it i think the first person that ever touched your penis was a dude yeah explains a lot about pool boy uh does Pedro have a um fake news the long silence breaks here
Starting point is 02:01:50 cause I kinda I don't wanna really get off but I think I should contemplating yeah cause I was gonna go to the skate park um oh uh what really please send me code to your phone for oh uh What, really?
Starting point is 02:02:07 Please send me code to your phone for... I have a past due balance on my Xfinity account? That's how the internet went out. Oh, shit. Wow. I guess I could... Can we pull up Pedro's fake news let's just watch we'll watch that together let's see if that inspires some
Starting point is 02:02:29 every time I look for Pedro I just type in Pedro and none of his socials go by Pedro so yeah me too when I in my contacts I always type Pedro instead of Peter yeah it's crazy I'm gonna I going to pay some bills while... You don't have that on autopay?
Starting point is 02:02:52 No, should I? Maybe. I forgot to put my gas on autopay and now I have an outrageous bill. Oops, shit. Just let it stack up. Great news with the Heat 1 app. First up ariel lowen has released some new apparel this week you might know her as the wife to the most handsome and hilarious man in texas
Starting point is 02:03:12 or america's fittest woman in order of importance her new apparel has the lowen lion and i don't actually know why it has i train in my garage on it that's weird I don't holy shit anyway buy her t-shirt so she can feed her child or put another door on her garage gym or whatever I don't know CF affiliate collective have upped their operations this week as they look to move to do something having talked since the affiliate fees were raised head honcho frank has moved to further clarify his plans to buy back CrossFit. No, actually, no, it's just repetitive shouting. It's not a plan. It's just pointing and shouting. The CrossFit Affiliate Collective refused to pay for the use of the name and brand because it offers no value. Wait a minute. I see what you're doing there. No numbers, no facts,
Starting point is 02:04:01 no figures, no plan. Just IP theft. The CF Affiliate Collective. Join Frank. Mine rank. Mine rank. Mine rank. Mine blank. Fresh off starring alongside Dallin Pepper, Ricky Gerard, and Colton Mertens in Savan's Mic'd Up at Tier Waterpalooza,
Starting point is 02:04:21 Jason Hopper has relaunched his YouTube with the fresh idea of, well, he's doing Mic'd Up up but it's missing dallin um so it's it's better well actually taylor self is going to be on it from time to time and with him and jason together you might actually get to see and hear a murder if you want real news you should download Heat One app. And they've got some games and gambly things going on during the Open as well. They've got different stuff, like they've got over-under on bets, and they've got back and forth and side to side, and I don't know anything about gambling. Fake news with the Heat One app.
Starting point is 02:05:01 I want to see the first part again. I was paying my bills. Let me see the first part again. I was paying my bills. Let me see the first part again. I was paying my bills. Wanna. First up, Ariel Lowen has released some new apparel this week. You might know her as the wife to the most handsome and hilarious man in Texas or America's fittest woman in order of importance. Her new apparel has the low and lion and I don't actually know why it has. I train in my garage on it.
Starting point is 02:05:25 That's weird. Holy shit. Anyway, buy her t-shirt so she can feed her child or put another door. Hey, why is that shirt so short? The crop top. They have a bunch of different versions, but that's a crop. Oh, alright.
Starting point is 02:05:42 Here, I'll show you the it's in her bio if anybody wants it oh look at this uh after seeing pool boy yesterday video i ordered one of those sweet c sweet ass ceo jerseys also snagged a mandate fitness shirt can't wait to represent oh thanks dude that's cool nice what is that is that a dress what is it for little kids what is that one on the right dress crop the crop oh that looks like a dress like a five-year-old girl who designed those i don't know maybe aaron i don't approve of that. I don't approve.
Starting point is 02:06:25 I like the line in the back. That's pretty cool. What don't you like about the shirt? I don't know. Just I train in my garage. I train your mom. How about that? How about we train your mom?
Starting point is 02:06:37 How about we train your mom? But instead of train, it's just a picture of a train. How about we'll train your mom? CrossFit Livermore? Just a train emoji. Like a choo-choo train. That would really do it. Hey, crop tops are cool when the boobs kind of push them out and then they hang.
Starting point is 02:07:02 And so, you know what I mean? And there's like you can – the shirt's like hanging off their stomach like this far and you just know you're you just know in your head that like if you were like just two feet tall you could just look up and look up into their shirt like it's almost like you could look up in there but it would be weird yeah like you've never walked over and been like that but you could you know i what I mean? There's a – what's that called? There's a – it's tantalizing. You're seeing the boobs are pushing the shirt off and creating that space. You know what I'm talking about, right?
Starting point is 02:07:36 It's that effect. I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. That was two feet tall. I had a mirror in my shoe.
Starting point is 02:07:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I paid $400 in my shoe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I paid 400. I paid 400. It's it. When I went to my bill pay,
Starting point is 02:07:52 it said I hadn't paid my. Internet or cable since. That can't be right. It said nine 23. Have I not paid my. Holy shit holy shit yeah that's fucking five months holy fuck look at this olivia my husband loves it no bra there you go yep oh no no no no i see i have two different accounts. Shit. Okay.
Starting point is 02:08:29 No, I paid it in October. So I hadn't paid it since October, since November. I paid it in October. So November, December. Okay, shit. Yeah. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 02:08:41 Maybe I should send, I'll send 500. An extra? You don't need to do that. I'll just send $600 total. Wait, why? Fuck it, send $700. It's $200 a month minimum, and it's been three months since I paid. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:56 I was going to say, just pay the whole thing. I thought you were paying like a portion of it. Abortion? Abortion? Abortion? Abortion. You put words in my mouth all right uh all right pat mcafee i'm thinking about selling my podcast to um. Selling your podcast? What does that even mean?
Starting point is 02:09:28 What does that mean? I'm going to sell all three of us. I've always wanted to be a podcast. Caleb's always wanted to get sold. That's a dream come true for us. Here at the Sembog Studios. We've been sold brookshire partners hashtag we're looking into it oh who can i sell us to
Starting point is 02:09:52 i'll buy it i'm just so i'll buy it so tired i'm just i'm tired balls okay uh Chris Cooper the owner of the uh largest gym consulting service in the world uh I don't know ten dollars you and that crop top t-shirt
Starting point is 02:10:19 sold Olivia the crop top I'd like to see Olivia on the crop top. I'd like to see Olivia on the crop top. All right. Tomorrow, Chris Cooper's coming on. That'll be cool. That's it. All right.
Starting point is 02:10:42 Yeah, that will be cool. Oh, so what's the – I should do the news now and release it is that the thing release the news or wait i was i was gonna say you should release it um in the evening like do it now maybe and release it or like middle day like maybe like noon 12 or something like that hey you want to hear an interesting story right before we go please and actually the picture of it actually came in the text started with you and i um i always screw up the name of the uh jim here i don't see it um what do you think about the no rep news post with you and and um dale and dale that's hilarious huh dude that's weird that that that that means whoever's running
Starting point is 02:11:21 that count i mean that's some pretty inside shit. Well, they found it off, like, somebody else who was at the summit's story and then took that photo from, like, their story. Yeah, that's wild. Yeah. Crazy. Okay, what were you going to say? I don't, I can't find the, um... Shit, I can't find the shit I can't find the thread anymore
Starting point is 02:11:47 oh yeah yeah it's with me you and Brendan from CrossFit I always say it wrong CrossFit Mecklenburg Mecklenburg Mecklenburg Mecklenburg yeah
Starting point is 02:12:04 so my brother's going to CrossFit gyms and that's him there Mecklenburg. Mecklenburg. Mecklenburg. Yeah. So my brother's going to CrossFit gyms and that's him there. Oh, the owners of it. And it was funny cause I was talking to him and I was like, which gym did you go to? And I was like, did you talk to the owner?
Starting point is 02:12:16 Just did he like, did you explain that you knew CrossFit? He's like, I don't really lead with that a lot. But, and then yesterday he was talking with him for a little bit and he was asking, what country is that in? It's, it's it's in uh charlotte oh yeah that gym's like um two minutes away from his house less than he says he could walk there okay yeah has that dude been on the podcast yeah
Starting point is 02:12:38 yeah he was part of our affiliate series that guy um uh with the rainbow colored barbell looks like um uh romero the ufc fighter ex ufc fighter oh yeah look you're tagged in that oh yeah yeah so anyhow that was pretty funny because at first my brother was like, Oh no, like he didn't mention anything. And then he sent that text the other day and he's like, yeah, we got talking. Is he a member there now? I think, I think he is. I think he's going to be a member there. He's going to try out a few.
Starting point is 02:13:16 I told him to go check out a Taylor too across. Okay, good. Yeah. But I think, I think that Jim's a little bit away from his house and like my my brother needs something super close by so he could just get into the routine. Like if he's got to drive 20 to 30 minutes, he won't make that consistently. But if it's walking distance from the house, it's a little bit. Was your brother ever a member at your gym? Well, did he go to the gym?
Starting point is 02:13:41 Yeah, he didn't pay shit. I know, but did he go regularly? Yeah, yes and no. Yes and no. When I started the gym, he was actually studying abroad, so he was spending some time in England then. Has he ever been crazy into CrossFit like you? Yeah, so when I started, I did a lot of the stuff at the garage.
Starting point is 02:14:02 I had moved back in with my parents for a period of time, and so he was still living there, finishing up community college before he went down to San Diego for school and um so it's funny because my brother and I were always like hyper competitive with each other and I would get pissed off because like I would buy it like I bought a set of rings right so like I bought like a set of rings and I was like okay cool we're gonna hang these up at the time it was like in a tree in front of the house and I was like I'm gonna learn how to do muscle-ups and so we were watching videos on youtube and shit like that and then i leave because i gotta go to work and he doesn't and when i come back he's like hey check this out like late at night in the garage and just like hits a muscle oh shit oh you son of a bitch so
Starting point is 02:14:37 technically he got uh he got uh a muscle-up before i did but yeah we used to do we used to do crossfit in the garage together quite a bit before I moved out, before he moved to San Diego. I was like that with the guy I started CrossFit with. We were crazy competitive about who could get muscle ups and all that shit first. Uh,
Starting point is 02:14:57 um, a T W B semifinals, young spin and Jason, Jason, who, Spin, and Jason. Jason who? Oh, Jason from CF Media, John Young, and Brian Spin will all be on the, in two hours, be on the, what does it stand for? Around the whiteboard.
Starting point is 02:15:21 Oh, around the whiteboard. Why doesn't he write it out? Around the whiteboard. Why, around the whiteboard. Why doesn't he write it out? Around the whiteboard. Why doesn't he write it out? So much writing. So many words. So many letters.
Starting point is 02:15:38 I think, look, he doesn't even, he doesn't, it's not even in the description. It says, head to beyond the whiteboard for all access, perfect solutions to your affiliate management and workout tracking problems. Should say solutions. Tracking solutions, not problems. Right? That makes sense. Providing solutions, not more problems. How the fuck is anyone supposed to watch this?
Starting point is 02:16:02 Oh, John's wearing a CEO shirt. Look at that. Oh, and he got a shirt that says real Brian and Jason CF media jeez I think the one that he did with about Hiller finally eclipsed the show that I was on which was the number one most viewed one for a while and he's got some other big shows too now
Starting point is 02:16:23 he does he got quite a few of them. He's got a show with 29,000 views. Yeah. Do it by popularity? Yeah. Yeah. See, look at that. 11 and 12.
Starting point is 02:16:39 Two most recent on six days ago, eight days ago. Is that from home or live? Oh, those are live shows. Okay. Yeah. Andrew Hillard, the days ago. Is that from home? Those are live shows. Andrew Hillard, the needle mover. Dang, Suze all the way down here. At least you're ahead of Boz.
Starting point is 02:16:57 Oh, no, no, no. But around the whiteboard, he's number three. Suze is number three. And that was only until eight days ago. He was number one before that. I'm being pushed down to number six makes sense thanks thanks I heard seen if you caught that caller hi
Starting point is 02:17:18 what's going on hey I know I'm gonna be very good who is this um what do you think it is What's going on? Hey. I want you to know I know I'm going to be very aggressive. Who is this? Who do you think it is? Oh, hey. What's up?
Starting point is 02:17:30 I'm not going to be. I was going to be. I'm going to be very aggressive. I'm going to just start hanging up on people. People are so stupid. People, like 100 people have said they didn't like the show with Dave because of the collars. It's not the collars they didn't like. It's how I handled the collars.
Starting point is 02:17:41 But they're too stupid. You can hang up on me whenever you want. They're too stupid to know that. Hey, how many shops you got? How many shops you got? How many, how many, how many paper street, uh, um, locations are there? One, 100%. Uh, location number two is coming up.
Starting point is 02:17:58 I'm actually got a no call, no show for a virtual interview that was supposed to happen at 12 and I never showed up. So there's that. Dude, the podcast ran longer than I expected. Pretty much. I was going to be ready. I could be listening. I could be listening to the show instead of having to wait here for a guy to show up.
Starting point is 02:18:23 Gabe, what are we doing for um uh taylor self versus the world are we giving away like a hundred dollar bag of coffee or something i forget you or uh gabe you said something to me about that what are we doing were we doing something a hundred dollars seems not enough how about we do a two hundred dollar gift card oh damn that's awesome what do they have to do do they have to do? Do they have to do something? They have to pick the right winner? No, not at all. Just at the end of the, yeah, be in the chat. You know, the competition, let's say Taylor wins.
Starting point is 02:18:53 Hey, Taylor, pick someone that's in the chat. And he picks Barry McOchner. Barry gets a $200 gift card to the website. Okay. Awesome. And if he picks Rambler, Rambler doesn't get any prizes right Because Rambler doesn't want to give up his identity So if it's Rambler he doesn't get it
Starting point is 02:19:08 Yeah we gotta know who you are I mean Rambler He's gotta make a decision He wants to keep his identity secret Or he wants really really good coffee So that's on him Look at David That show with Dave was one of the worst shows ever.
Starting point is 02:19:25 God, I can't even. It was good. I think it was great. It was amazing. Even if you hated the colors. Yeah, I think it was amazing, too. You know what show I'm looking forward to? The show with BirthFit.
Starting point is 02:19:38 Can we talk about your best sponsor? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. BirthFit. Lindsay Cantu. She's coming on soon. Dude, she is so amazing. Well, I don't know if people know, but I'm not expecting a child. My fiance is expecting our child. And the day I found out, I texted you. I think I called you. I was like, Sevan, i need to get in contact with birth fit asap
Starting point is 02:20:06 and like without hesitation you made that happen so i appreciate you for that and those ladies lindsey and leah oh my god what did you like about them what did you like you you feel like they soothed you they gave you confidence what did you like they what why do you like working with birth fit what do they do well what happened was we had an ob-gyn uh appointment right so we went there we went to your regular you know with a regular doctor at a clinic it was a 90 minute wait for like a two minute consultation with the doctor the doctor was such an asshole asking about, oh, why don't you take this? Oh, you should be taking this, you know, this injection, et cetera, et cetera. And it was just a horrible experience that at the end of the appointment, Michelle, my fiance, she like literally was crying. She's like, I hated that. That's so like, it was so weird. It was
Starting point is 02:21:03 horrible. And a lot of people go through it. There was a lot of people there. So anyway, the next day, we had just a quick text and a phone call with Lindsay. She made everything seem so great. She's like, hey, I have about 45 minutes. My newborn, I think she was was what a month postpartum it's like my newborn is taking a nap i'll give you all the time i can 45 minutes just answering questions then we hopped on the phone with uh with leah it was only supposed to be a 45 minute consultation and ended up being 90 minutes oh that's just and i dude because because you needed it you guys had questions you needed like you wanted to hear you guys had questions You wanted to hear You guys had questions You didn't want to be told what to do You wanted to be given some understanding
Starting point is 02:21:51 And the ability to understand your own situation And they let you do that 100% Just the wealth of knowledge And just being present I guess Even though it was a Zoom interview The fact of being present Being able guess. Even though it was a Zoom interview,
Starting point is 02:22:07 the fact of being present, being able to read the room, being able to not have it be transactional. Yeah. Because before I even reached out to them, I paid for everything. I did not use your promo code because I wanted to give them all my money. I didn't feel like using your promo code. I did tell them, though.
Starting point is 02:22:20 It was because of you, obviously. But it didn't feel transactional. It felt comforting. And when we finished that conversation michelle felt so happy she was afraid of going through the process yeah that after we finished that conversation shit yeah exactly i was scared to go through the process i wasn't even fucking pregnant exactly she went from literally crying not no she's like dude i'm so afraid to after having that conversation with with with both lindsey lea and then they uh recommended nast she's out of new jersey uh a doula she also gave us a bunch of information everyone that uses it i i cannot understand how people don't either know about birth fit or don't
Starting point is 02:23:01 use them it's so crazy they've been so helpful through this journey it's they're your best sponsor i'm sorry sarah and i'm sorry myself but they're me they're freaking amazing hey you definitely are going to be a good dad like when you say shit like that yeah because you the reason why you're saying that is because you care about your wife and your baby and so nothing's more important to you than that if you saw michelle crying after that that a doctor visit to how she felt the next day after speaking to leah it was night and day it was it's life changing like if you are expecting or even if you're you're you're you're you know planning to have a child definitely use them and don't use them as like, even they said you could still use your regular OBGYN.
Starting point is 02:23:49 Like, it's fine. You could still use them. Have them as a, I guess, not a backup, but just have them as a second opinion. A resource. Yeah, I totally agree. They're not even in conflict with the doctors. They'll just give you perspective on things that the doctors will not tell you. One thousand percent. Like what you just said, I, people need to understand, like, it's so,
Starting point is 02:24:13 so crazy. And obviously this is a brand new journey that, or if it may be through second or your third journey through, through, through, uh, through some childbirth and everything. They're such an amazing resource. They are amazing. To me, I can't put a price on it. So whatever they're charging, it's not enough. I'll be completely honest with you. Whatever they're charging, it's not enough to some.
Starting point is 02:24:37 It might seem like, oh, shit, it's a lot. But just the comfort, the peace of mind, and the ability to make something that is supposed to be personable feel personable, have it feel like oh shoot i'm just going to the doctor they're just going to tell me get this vaccine buy this thing go to walmart spend the money on this do this like it's it was amazing amazing i'm telling you man like when when when we went to the um we went to the uh we'd already hayley had already had one home birth we did use a midwife and a doula and we went and the – we went to the – we had already – Haley had already had one home birth. We used a midwife and a doula, and we went, and she got pregnant again. And we went to, you know, wherever, fucking Kaiser or wherever the doctor is, and some lady is, like, doing the ultrasound on Haley's stomach, and she saw that there were twins there. The lady in the hospital started saying all this crazy shit to Haley, like, oh, you're going to need to be induced.
Starting point is 02:25:23 She's not – she's in the first trimester you're gonna need to be induced you're definitely gonna have a c-section and she starts saying all the stuff and we left there and my wife was in shambles crying yep and she spoke to the midwife and 30 minutes later my wife was happy as shit the 100 yeah they're about they're about empowering the the the woman about empowering the woman. Telling the woman what she's capable of, not what she should be worried about. Not that they're not safe.
Starting point is 02:25:52 They're very safe. But it's a different approach, a different bedside manner. They're just human beings. While one seemed mechanical, where, oh, I have to check off these boxes with them it was more of a okay let's have a conversation let's see where you are in your fitness obviously because you know how they explain it this is more like a like a season you have to get ready for childbirth
Starting point is 02:26:16 um and the more prepared you are your body is and your your mental is for childbirth the easier it's going to be for the mom and the easier it's going to be for the kid and yes i'm having a son oh congrats hey i want i saw her last name is matthews what if i'm like hey i refuse to call you matthews i'm only calling you lindsey can too but that's not my last name i know i know but that dude boned you and you had a baby now you're a can too it's a my last name. I know, I know, but that dude boned you and you had a baby. Now you're a can too. It's a great last name. Can too.
Starting point is 02:26:50 It's an amazing last name. It was a strong, powerful. Yeah. Famous artist. Yeah, man. I just want to call in.
Starting point is 02:26:56 Okay. Well, thank you. One. Thank you. Congrats on the baby. Congrats on the first location. Congrats on the upcoming second location.
Starting point is 02:27:02 Congrats on the third location that you're not allowed to talk about. Congrats on all that shit. Love you guys. I'll talk to you. I'm out. Love you too. Bye. Thanks, Gabe. Bye. Gabe, what a good dude. Gabe keeps the lights on here, people. Sends the coffee, sends the money,
Starting point is 02:27:27 sends the CEO cup. Good dude. Sends the, uh... Sends the CEO coffee. Oh, no, this is the narrator. What do I get from Hiller? A chocolate cock My whole day is fucking in shambles Because of the rain
Starting point is 02:27:53 Like all my plans I gotta readjust Alright yeah that'll give me time to That'll give me time to do more CrossFit news People still are only sending me like Tranny stuff Even though sent even though i'm doing a new show across a new show no one sends me like crossfit news stuff you know what i mean it's still like hey did you see that there's a guy competing in blah blah not yet not yet eventually yeah i think it's catching this is only what the fourth one you've done fifth one
Starting point is 02:28:21 you're gonna do maybe i should maybe i should maybe should i change it to um uh i heard uh i heard a rumor yeah cf i heard crossfit i heard i don't know you could just drop the crossfit and just say i heard a rumor really just drop the crossfit i mean are you using it for a keyword search or something why are you using it I don't know you can probably drop it and be okay I heard a rumor I heard a rumor and then I'll still use the little news logo
Starting point is 02:28:54 like I've been using fair what's Hiller up to oh he did a podcast with Athena. Holy shit. His podcast with Athena has 3,500 views. My God. Nice.
Starting point is 02:29:12 Then he did one with CrossFit and steroids and used Justin Medeiros and Matt Fraser. Oh, my God. His Bill Leahy video has 21,000 views. Wow. That's crazy. Yeah, that's cool. Everyone's on steroids, proven rogue, bankruptcy, 48,000. Wow. His new show has 48,000 views.
Starting point is 02:29:41 48,000. Wow. His new show has 48,000 views. His new show has six times as many views as my new show. Fucking Hiller. Let me see what Lone Ranger is doing. Okay, I gotta run though. My time has run out. Later, guys. Oh, let me see what Lone Ranger is doing.
Starting point is 02:30:06 Okay, I got to run now. My time has run out. Later, guys. Okay, bye. Later, dude. Oh, Lone Ranger has a show on right now with 30 people watching. It's a death by show. And then.
Starting point is 02:30:27 Legends from Alabama. Goodbye, semifinal. All right. I think Craig Ritchie. I just love my own channel and Hiller's channel and Pedro's channel. Oh, what's Barbell Spin doing? Is Barbell Spin still making? Is he just during the non-season?
Starting point is 02:30:52 Is he just focused on Instagram? Oh, yeah, he's chilling. He's doing stuff here and there. All right, guys. Oh, hey, Ken Walters. Athena is awesome. That's why it was so fun to do a workout with her. Going to plan another down the road. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:31:19 Yeah, dude, people are way into her journey with her and Hiller's journey. It's awesome. Dude, people are way into her journey with her and Hiller's journey. It's awesome. Barry McCockner, John Young, Snatch 305, Wada showing up at his front door as we speak. Yeah, that's the kind of stuff. Send me stuff like that for the news.
Starting point is 02:31:36 Should I change the show's name to I Heard a Rumor? I like that name. All right. Caleb, thank you. Oh, Shut Up and Scribble is scribbles on today guys today's Thursday no no tomorrow shut up and scribbles tomorrow sorry okay alright bye bye

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