The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #32 | Live Call In

Episode Date: June 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:51 Show me where. Show me where. YouTube deleted my second comment. I love being censored by the regime. Show me where. I want to see that. I want to see that. Good morning. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. I didn't hear back from Greg, so... This title's mislabeled. Where is that clock? I got suspended from Instagram last night for saying tranny on Seve's post. They suck bad. Give me a break.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Really? I say tranny all the time. Why? Is that bad? How is tranny bad? I guess if you can't wear an American flag at 24-hour fitness, but you can wear a pedo flag on your clothes, you're good to go, I guess. Child genital mutilation flag. You know how someone will be like,
Starting point is 00:02:39 someone will be a Democrat or Republican and they'll be like, yeah, but I don't believe in that policy. You know what I mean? So like someone will be a Democrat or Republican and they'll be like, yeah, but I don't believe in that policy. You know what I mean? So like someone will be like, I don't know, I'm a Democrat, but I but I don't believe in. I don't know. Pick your topic. Are there are there any of their their policies that are so big and so strong that you're
Starting point is 00:03:07 like hey you can't you can't you can't step away from that one there are any that are so big that it's like i can't step away from that one you like if you're a democrat like like you have to take responsibility for that one i understand maybe if you don't it's a two party system it's not fair oh Greg is ready oh he is ready oh shit alright here we go Greg's ready here we go
Starting point is 00:03:42 there he is What a show What a show Gregosaurus Yeah he is coming Clock this was the comment redacted You can support a Marxist organization and Pedo train psychos any day of the week, but not good old USA.
Starting point is 00:04:11 It was on YouTube on one of our videos. I want to see, because sometimes, for some reason, people think YouTube comments got deleted, and then you go back and look, and they're there. It's weird. Jake Chapman, I have a Netflix- worthy idea for you yes how do i kill taylor so excited for this week's kill taylor how about hunter hey look what i got in the mail look what i got in the mail because i have friends who do that they'll be like like, yeah, I'm a Democrat, but I don't agree with this. I'm like, hey, dude, you got to take responsibility for that.
Starting point is 00:04:50 That's a big one. This is a mint trading card. Oh, it's a Legends Edition. Jamie Higaya. Mint trading cards. You too can have these. Holy shit, and a Jeff Adler. The champ.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I got the champ. Jamie Higaya, Jeff Adler. With a with a stand oh I don't like these stands I think these are the stands oh no I do like these stands these are the good stands you don't want the folding stands the folding stands are always like closing on themselves and shit so this is cool uh you can get these, let me see if I can find the website, if I type in, mint trading, cards, oh here it is,
Starting point is 00:05:34 yeah,, they got a bunch of them, I think that they're limited edition, so these things run out, look, oh there it is, the Adler one,
Starting point is 00:05:45 Jamie Hagaya one. That's cool. I think this is a wad zombie property Let me see if it says wad zombie on here Nope just says mint trading cards Shit god I have so many of these cards at some point I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with them
Starting point is 00:06:20 You know who has all these in his background is tyler watkins He won at might be somehow affiliated with these guys too. This was the comment that was redacted. I'm trying to figure out where I can find clock shit. Pat Lang, that's why you should be an independent. Think of your own. That way you don't have to defend the dumbass policies of both sides of the aisle. the dumbass policies of both sides of the aisle.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I didn't see Suze's podcast yesterday, but man, it's crazy popular. Holy cow, the engagement's crazy. I was thinking this morning, I was seeing some comments about direct-to-consumer and I was like, to think that you're gonna do a
Starting point is 00:07:06 a direct to consumer program from crossfit is going to be uh really weird i mean it's gonna fail too there's a winner in the space her name's like kaylee kylie sweat or something she's like the undisputed champ of direct-to-consumer fitness hey Greg yo so what's up direct-to-consumer fitness what is that like a show no um it and I and I might be speaking out of turn because I haven't seen uh yesterday Sousa did a show and I was I haven't seen the show but some of the comments were talking about if CrossFit pivoted to like a direct-to-consumer model, meaning an app. And my two immediate responses were,
Starting point is 00:07:49 they'll never succeed at that because that means they don't know what CrossFit is. That's like selling ice at the North Pole. You don't know what you actually have. And then the second thing is that there's a lady in that space who owns that space. It's like Kaylee Sweat or Kylie Sweat. And she says things on her Instagram that CrossFit would never take the risk in saying, like, I just watched one of her videos today and she says, Hey, after you have a baby, it takes about two years to feel back to normal. And like, and she connects with her audience, you know what I mean? And she's got the great
Starting point is 00:08:18 fake titties. And I just CrossFit will never do that. And they might as well just like get rid of CrossFit and start their own from scratch. You know what I mean? It's not – I just think it's a total miss. They don't know what they're selling if they think they're going to go direct-to-consumer. But I haven't seen the show. I'm just responding. I was looking.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Susie's show yesterday had crazy engagement, and it's getting so many views. So I just – that was my knee-jerk reaction when I thought of that. getting so many views so i just that was my like knee-jerk reaction when i thought of that like the original the original blog if i was i would just go back to the original blog excuse me or if i was if i had a fitness program i would just copy your model from 2000 you know what i mean? Just rip it off. Maybe even steal it. And the articles. I think I could make a significantly popular
Starting point is 00:09:15 Instagram account. Yes. I've never featured anything other than sub-Twitter-sized expressions in lipstick on a mirror in a public bathroom. Oh, like...
Starting point is 00:09:35 I think I could do the same thing on OnlyFans. Like Bible quotes? No, I don't have any enthusiasm for that, so I don't know. Yeah, maybe. I'm sure someone could. What would you write on the mirror? I don't know. Probability is a physical property of matter.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah. Nothing. Right. But see, I could do this. I could do this for five years. And there's, I think there's enough smart people on the tab,
Starting point is 00:10:19 one another on the shoulder. You won't believe this fucking shit. Look at this set pool called only fans. We don't know who it is, but they're putting lipstick shit on the mirror yeah and look at the people that have kind of gathered around it look at the phenomenon of less wrong of who less wrong oh right okay like you know i don't know if anyone listening to us knows of it, but I go there and I see a post that's several years old. It has, what, 65, 70 pages of comments when I print it.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And the post is two pages long. My reaction to it every time I read it is different. I found it overly arrogant and exceedingly humble on the 50th read and I'll be permanently impacted by some of the comments like the dude that asked his roommate I looked them both up they're both famous
Starting point is 00:11:18 motherfuckers isn't this rare if I could face the people that think but yeah so is anyone as smart as we are? And he's, let me think about that. And he comes back with, the only thing I'm certain of is that no one is as smart as we think we are.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Nobody is as smart as we think we are. And he says, what you do is you define intelligence by the same 13 brilliantly chosen parameters that they put you on top. It's like I wanted the games to be able to generate a t-shirt that you were the fittest guy named Ben, engineer with a belly of 47 inches in the world.
Starting point is 00:12:03 And the shirt just gets printed out. You can pick your feelings and there's your CrossFit shirt. Greg, your audio is weird today. Are you using a different... I'm in this office here on the computer. If you go to settings and go to audio, do you have any other choices for mics or do you just have one,
Starting point is 00:12:19 just the computer mic? I think I just have this Apple Studio thing. Okay, so that's how far the mic do you have airpods by any chance yeah let me get it okay awesome it would help a lot it's it uh dale king uh susa drank some of the ohio river water and became enlightening enlightened and inspired yeah possibly dan guerrero good morning Yeah, possibly. Dan Guerrero, good morning.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Jeez Louise, I'm already following Les Wrong. Wadzombie, they have Forging Inclusive Fitness copyrighted. Who does? CrossFit does? Forging Inclusive Fitness? Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Are you making a joke? Tyler, Greg, please make a CrossFit rival company that puts it down behind the shed and everyone will just jump over to Greg Fit.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Jump over the shed. Sounds echoey. That's the fucking things. Oh, that's better. Yeah, that's better. That's better. Do you get these new ones ordered, the USB-C? No. Remember what happened, the USB-C? No.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Remember what happened at the vending machine? Oh, we tried to do that at a vending machine? No. Remember we were at the airport in the vending machine, what happened to the credit card? I do. Because I sent you a text yesterday. I tried to.
Starting point is 00:14:03 I got slapped around. I'll bug you again after the show. Thanks thanks did you go out on the boat last night no but i we're gonna today okay you coming i'm gonna try to i'm taking um i'm gonna try to take avi back to uh to the uh surf camp Did you hear what happened yesterday? Well, what happened? Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. So they have a beginner show. They have a beginner's class and then like the advanced class, like they separate the kids into beginners in advance and your kids,
Starting point is 00:14:38 your your older kids, your 10 year old and eight year old went to the advanced class and my kids, specifically Avi and your six year old were stayed in the beginner class and they had the kids like swim out. Right. And then they fought and then there's a guy in a surfboard following, well, your six year old and my nine year old did not want to let go of the surfboard. Rightfully so was fucking, I mean, it was, it was miserable looking out there.
Starting point is 00:15:03 You know what I mean? Completely overcast, you know, 50 feet of view. And, uh, Avi, I, Avi was struggling. He came, I mean, it's three hour class right out in the ocean. And he came back and, and, um, I'm like, Hey, what happened out there? And he's like, I cried and I go, how come he's all, cause I swam out there. And then I wanted to hold onto the surfboard and they kept telling me, don't hold onto it. Push through, push through, push through. And I through and I go okay and I go how'd the Glassman kids do he's like they went to the advanced class they were actually they got to surf and stuff and I was with Robbie swimming rightfully so your kids are like significantly better swimmers than my kids I mean like I would keep quitting Robbie swimmers like a fish but but it was far they swam far out there, right? So they kept just telling She must have had shark phobia Or was doing something dramatic
Starting point is 00:15:49 Or attractive to the instructor The instructor's a stud All the instructors They're these beautiful Robbie would jump off the second deck of the boat He'd jump from the hands He was supposed to jump from into the water Oh, right, yeah
Starting point is 00:16:04 So this morning I'm just Last night when he went to bed he was begging me not to go but i'm still gonna make him go today but i but i want to go with him at least in the morning and get him suited up and let him know that i'm there watching from the shore and so i think the i think the call man I think the class is great why yeah tell me I'm looking for an excuse to let him out but I don't think I'm going to I told Maggie before
Starting point is 00:16:32 when you read the book on how to get kids to hate everything you love I just don't I don't know that having your nose put to the grindstone until you you fucking bloody is always best when it works it works look i'll give you my the example i live with is that i was i was the i had a front row seat to my sister and my dad fighting and at one time they got no they got in a fight in hawaii over her playing
Starting point is 00:17:01 the piano in l.a was a constant fucking battle. It should have been an Instagram page. Jeff and Kathy and the fucking piano. He didn't want her playing the piano or he made her? He made her take lessons and made her play and made her practice. She'd do everything, including sit there at the piano and just cry. This went on for
Starting point is 00:17:21 I would say between the ages of five and fifteen yeah okay today she has a payout and she plays every day and every time she comes to my house if i don't want to hear her play i better lock it up so i asked my kids who was who you know who's the here who was right and they think my dad was my mom never forced me anything to do anything that in hindsight, I look back and I'm like, she shouldn't have done that. I thought you were going to say my mom didn't force me to do anything.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I don't do anything. Well, that, that too. She hardly forced me to do anything, but the year she forced me to play soccer. My dad forced me to do everything. I did nothing.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Right. Except you. Except create a cross. So we, soccer forced me to do everything i did nothing right except you except creating so we we've gotten a little family dispute over junior guards oh yeah yeah yeah i sat there for it was it was a summer-long program i you know i'm i wasn't a methamphetamine who was kicking a kid out of the car in the sand and then going off and getting high for a few days I rode with my bike with the kid sat there with Blake on the beach until it started and he ran out there and he dutifully went
Starting point is 00:18:37 he had a couple of friends that were in and the whole time I'm watching I'm thinking I would fucking hate this you get yelled at, whistled at, yelled at, whistled at, get back in line. And in between you run into the water and get cold and freeze. It's like some kind of fucking buds with no purpose. But there's lots of things that people don't like to do, right? You go into the beach every day. Yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I get it. Like algebra, if you wonder. So I'm sitting there a little bit torn. And then one day after six weeks, Blake starts crying and asks if we have to do this every day. I said, no. Now listen, and then, so everyone put your comments in about how fucking wonderful Junior Cards was. I was like, good, I'm glad.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I've got friends all around that are Eagle Scouts. I've got a couple of families I'm close to in Preston. Every every male is an Eagle Scout. Like my buddy TJ would get ground into his room until he came out with five merit badges or some fucking thing, And I was a boy scout, and I fucking hated it. People are different. Let me tell you, I also believe in the philosophy of making space for people to do their own thing. So two days ago or whenever, obviously, it was late at night, and he goes, hey, can I watch TV for 30 minutes? I want to watch Magic Tricks. And I said, no. And he said, Hey, what if I do a workout?
Starting point is 00:20:12 And I said, fine. So, and then can I watch the magic tricks? I said, sure. So we go in the garage, I give him a workout. It's five burpees, a rope climb to pivot over to a pull bar, two pull-ups, 10 rounds. Right. And the other boys go, Hey, can we watch the show without doing the workout? And I said, absolutely. And then Avi goes in there and Ari comes in and goes, Hey, I'll do it with him anyway. And I go, Joseph, you want to do it? He goes, no. He yells at me. I said, okay, cool. So they do it. Right. The two of them do it. They finished the workout and Joseph goes, okay, I'm ready. Right. And he, and he does a really, really hard workout. And so the, the, the premise of my story is is like i want them all he needs to get out there in the ocean and be proficient at the ocean we live in fucking santa cruz so there's only two options that are possible for me i make space and he makes a decision on his own to do it
Starting point is 00:20:56 or uh i force him and you know you know what i mean like like not being proficient in the ocean isn't an option really I ended up you know to no downside but the truth of it now is I see what was my attitude as a young man about the ocean was probably foolish but it was marked by competency
Starting point is 00:21:20 and braveness and I got certified as a scuba diver and a scuba instructor. The only part of scouts I liked was getting in the fucking water unless it was cold. But I also had a pre-teen experience with the blue and yellow raft at Santa Monica Beach in 18-inch waves day after day after day after my mom sat on the beach in the sun waves day after day after day after my mom's sat on the
Starting point is 00:21:46 beach in the sun and did her copper tone thing and I'd get to bring friends and it's just we all had wraps and and so but your kids I mean like the fact they're like new to pool swimming new to pool swimming. And so half of your sense of water you can't see, bottom you can't touch. Water 25 degrees colder than it ought to be. It's rough. I don't know if a one size fits all things works.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Fighting, fighting's like that too. And yesterday I saw a pretty cool breakthrough. There's a kid who's a year older and obvious jujitsu class who just always puts it to him, always puts it to him. And after every class I tell him, I'm like, Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:22:38 until you fucking go hard at this kid and teach him a lesson, he's not going to respect you. He's going to keep putting you in headlocks, throwing you around, grabbing your arms, swinging you you around basically fighting him instead of doing jiu-jitsu yesterday we show up to class and there's that fucking kid brazilian kid you're older than him 20 pounds heavier than him and obby double-legged him three times and i think two of the three times knocked the wind out of him and then the kid was like settled down and he's like
Starting point is 00:23:01 holy shit it worked i go yeah like but but he did not want to go out there you know he's when before when he had to spar with the kid he'd be like a bathroom break you know what i mean like i see him come over to the side to put on slippers anytime sparring happened anyway i'm gonna take him to the class i'm gonna suit him up and i'm gonna put it on him i'm gonna be like hey dude if you don't want to go out, you got to tell the teacher. I think my kids, the thing they like most about jiu-jitsu class is taking care of bullies. Mashing kids? No, just bullies, really, especially Riley.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Hey, and then yesterday, Avi's like, like hey can I invite the Glassman kids to my tennis class and I go what for he's all because I want to hang out with him I'm like dude they're going to surf camp you can hang out with them for three hours go there you can't hang out with them in tennis class you're doing tennis they're sitting on the side watching you he's like oh uh when my son was five I forced him to stay in jiu-jitsu. Now he's 16, trains with me three to five days a week, and always thanks me for making him stick with it. Yeah, I'm not saying that that's a bad approach.
Starting point is 00:24:17 It's just like... It's not a default? It has to be other factors? No, I mean, like, my kids are forced to do piano and violin they have no choice but to learn to diagram sentences they're gonna read proficiently their math competency is gonna be driven down the road, deep into junior level college math. They're gonna do a calculus before they leave the house. The jujitsu isn't optional.
Starting point is 00:24:58 The swimming isn't optional, not time. It's none of that's optional. not time. None of that's optional. And so you, in that, there's a lot of explaining on the constants to why we're here
Starting point is 00:25:11 and what we're doing. And I've just, I've got to have a view of the world that doesn't have me thinking I'm the ultimate power. Look, I'm in love with mathematics my father had convinced me I hated it ah 10 years old 11 years old I knew I fucking hated it and him that sat with
Starting point is 00:25:42 me for 15 years. Anytime my kid wants to skip hobby hockey practice, I make him call the coach. He's only skipped once because he was sick. Wild zombie. That's brilliant. Yeah. Except when you're really, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:01 I can say. Yeah. when you're broke. Yeah, I can see. Emily has a friend who hadn't been in class at college somewhere good, Harvard or something. It was out having just an extraordinary amount of fun.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And the professor called and said, asked her, is something wrong? And she said, yes. And he said, okay, sorry to bother you. And it was like, it worked. It was perfect. It was done.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Wow. You know, ready for everything but that, right? He was used to people explaining themselves to him When they didn't, he had no tape to play He had to go It's an excuse to absence My mom hauled us to the beach all the time Usually Bolsa Chica
Starting point is 00:27:03 I like playing in the surf But now I lo us to the beach all the time, usually Bolsa Chica. I like playing in the surf, but now I loathe the beach. If it weren't for the yellow and blue raft, I would have hated it. We got Dracula pizza, we thought. The guy was from Lithuania or something. He walked around with a cart? No, he had a little booth. And then there was the corn that was in a uh vat of whatever the and it had and they put a stick in it jab a sharpened stick into the end
Starting point is 00:27:35 and serve it in a hot dog boat you know wet with butter and head a salt and pepper shaker with the salt and pepper mix the big holes drilled because it was at the beach. Shake that on the corner. But for me, the beach was the blue and yellow wrap, the Dracula pizza and the corn on a stick. And the rest, I didn't really like the sand, the temperature, the water. But the wrapping was fun. So, you know, I still don't want to go to the beach and lay out. Putting oil on yourself and sitting there and doing nothing is like a little hard
Starting point is 00:28:14 for me. What was your favorite? Did you have a favorite part about the boat ride we just took? Or a lasting impression? or lasting impression? You know, I like the wildlife a lot. All the whales and the birds and all that stuff and the seals. Yeah, yeah. Moving freely and at a reasonable speed.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Just a mile on the other edge of 7 million people packed in along the coast so hard that they should be falling off the cliffs into the water is cool right right i mean i sense all of that i couldn't believe how much of the coastline is built i had no idea no you're you're in the middle of nowhere, a mile away from everything. It's got a little bit of like going into space feel, right? Yeah, it was a trip. I mean, there they are. And the angle of the coastline, it's interesting. Jake Chapman, did you like the smells there was
Starting point is 00:29:26 only one when we pulled into the newport harbor there was a jetty that was the whitest jetty you've ever seen from uh bird it was wild it looked like it had been painted white and i think that's the only time i remember uh bad Yeah, those birds that eat fish, their shit smells like fish. Oh, is that what it is? Yeah. Yeah, you're right, because I don't ever smell the birds that just, like, the bird shit in my backyard doesn't smell like bird shit. Fish shit. Ocean water shit.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Ocean water bird shit. Ocean water shit. Ocean water bird shit. You know, Maggie's dad got a picture with his iPhone of one of my oak trees here with what turned out to be a Dungeness crab 70 feet up into the fucking thing. And he took the picture to the fish lady, you know, the little, the vendor. And the guy in there says, yeah, there yeah dungeonous right out of the bay red tail hawks poached the crabs from the crab boats when they come in and carried it to your house just up in a little bit yeah i had it on the tree and where we were i was tripping because it was missing a couple legs wow hey took that thing home uh jake yeah that's crazy cool oh did you see that did you see
Starting point is 00:30:53 the fishing boats last night no you no we could see the whatever it is halibut or i don't know the boats with the lights they were out all night it was clear from your house yeah so it's going to be hot today the boat's well for getting on the boat house? Yeah. So it's going to be hot today. The boat's well for getting on the boat today. Is it foggy? It's really foggy at my house now. Is it foggy at your house? Yeah, but I expect it'll be burnt off quicker.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah, I think it'll be burned off by the time the podcast is over. The inland trends, it's getting warmer, right? Eaton Beaver, good morning, Greg. Good morning, Savon. Good morning. Hey, Eaton Beaver Good morning Greg Good morning Savon Do you guys have those Cum bushes bushes that smell like jizz Yeah we got those We got everything it's California There's a bunch of weird
Starting point is 00:31:38 Smelling bushes here There's this hotel It's a carob tree The cum tree That's what That's a carob tree. The cum tree. That's what it is? Oh, is that? Yeah. The one that's at...
Starting point is 00:31:48 The carob tree. The one that's at the Valley Ho? They got them there. There's this really nice hotel by Greg's house, and they have a beautiful outdoor eating area. And then in between the outdoor eating area and the pool, there's one giant tree. And it is the worst smelling tree of all time. For the life of me, I can't figure out why they don't chop it down
Starting point is 00:32:10 and put a different tree in there. I mean, it's huge. I mean, it would take a lot. It's a huge tree. You know what tree I'm talking about? Yeah, I think it's a carob tree. Carob, yeah. It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And I have a pretty high tolerance for smells. Like carob. Oh, yeah, yeah, it is. You're right. And it has those giant pods. Yep. And that's what we, like carob, like the chocolate? Yeah, I believe so.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I believe so i believe so geez the legume family yeah it's this tree it's a legume oh and the arizona daily star yeah the arizona daily star it's the plant it was the plant of the month on december 13th 2022 so uh so hunter got uh oh here we go i always like money uh the unknown echoes of my father and greg's thoughts on raising children for what it's worth it couldn't have worked out better for me there we go have worked out uh better for me there we go how about the hunter thing yeah hunter i look i think i have a i know i got a few raised some eyebrows and just about started an argument here at home, but I feel
Starting point is 00:33:45 to some extent sorry for Hunter. Sure. I think that if he gets any punishment that's even by a hair more significant than standard for this shit, it'll be
Starting point is 00:34:02 a sin. Offensive to people who believe in the rule of law. I believe that the thousand felons a day that get grabbed doing evil shit with guns, that most of them weren't supposed to have a gun anyways. And so i don't think it's gonna be easy to hide the realities of what he's done in light of what's typically done for that and so we'll see but the thing is is that the the evidence largely of his own making right that that was admitted and sealed his fate is one and the same I think of the evidence
Starting point is 00:34:50 that spells his father out to be paid for by the Chinese amongst others clearly so as clear as there he is jerking off on a pizza or smoking crack or whatever you're watching.
Starting point is 00:35:08 And my hope for him that he can straighten his life out. But what we have to do to pay attention to him because of that evidence is to deny the fact that his father is president of the United States and a crooked man that has sold his influence and thereby compromised his ability to respond, say, intelligently to China and several other countries, at least. And so I'm supposed to ignore that and care about this kid with the pizza and the crack pipe and getting a foot job, you know? And it's hard for me to do. And I think I used the example of it's like if Marshall Clark had brought OJ up on charges of being late for child support after he saw his wife's head off. You know what I mean? Right, right. You're saying that the laptop that was
Starting point is 00:36:10 good yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not going to play the game i'm not going to get all upset about hunter in lieu of that's the offering because the dad's a crook it's the laptop the laptop's the real deal they found a laptop that shows that your pres your dad who's president united states was taking money from China for favors. You were leading it. And instead, when they find the laptop, they charge Hunter for We call it fake. We call it Russian.
Starting point is 00:36:36 We get 50 people to commit their integrity to the idea of this being typical. Looks exactly like Russian shit. The thing that's so amazing is anyone that has a brand where. It looks exactly like Russian shit. You know, the thing that's so amazing is anyone that has a brand where you know it's not Russian shit, it's obvious.
Starting point is 00:36:51 If Russians could do intel that good, if they could write that well, to confuse me, the difference between Russian propaganda and the anguished thoughts in it from the text of a woman who's being wronged as wrong as that fucking wronged her. If you can do that, you're Quentin Tarantino.
Starting point is 00:37:13 You're also telling me that you can make a movie so good I think it's a documentary. And I say bullshit, you cannot. So the laptop was for anyone with a functional brain the laptop was clearly the real deal and tragic, but it also revealed the president of the United States to be a crook, a thief. Nick Shapiro, former top aide under CI director John Brennan, provided Politico with the letter on Monday.
Starting point is 00:37:48 The letter was signed by 50 former senior intelligence officials, outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden's son had all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation. And now we know that that's not true. They were all real. And I'm going to say this. Not one of them was fooled. Oh, that they all lied. One of them, yes, that is correct. They all 50 fucking lied. I don't think I possess a unique capacity for being able to tell the difference between a documentary and a, and a,
Starting point is 00:38:32 and a piece of dramatic fiction. Dude, listen, you could savvy. You think if I took a five minute clip of documentaries and then at random, and then searched for the most realistic movie scenes ever and interspersed them,
Starting point is 00:38:46 you'd be fooled? No. Of course you wouldn't. No. When people act, when people are acting, they don't act the way people act. They act the way actors
Starting point is 00:39:00 are supposed to act. Right. So this laptop that they said was fake and made by Russia, which we now know is real. Listen to the people who signed it. Jim Clapper, Director of National Intelligence.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Yeah. Former Director of... He should be imprisoned. John Brennan, director of the CIA. Another guy. How about this? Former deputy director of national intelligence for analysis, Thomas Finger. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Former deputy director of national NSA director, Rick Leggett. Another director of the CIA, John McLaughlin. Another fucking director of the CIA, Michael Morrell. Former Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, Mike Vickert. Holy shit. So all these people fucking lied to try to get Biden elected. That's right. Former Dean of the Kent School of Intelligence Analysis, Timothy Kilbourne.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Wow, this is amazing. This is quite a list. Wow. It's all just – It's a political – It's all CIA people. It's like 40 of them are CIA. A political operative writes the thing and then passes it around to these guys and asks them, are you going to sign this fucking thing or not?
Starting point is 00:40:35 And they go, I'm signing. Yeah, of course. Of course I'll sign it. Do you want to read it first? No, I'm good. I'll sign it. That's what's going on. It's not a plot. They had to know there was a very good chance they'd be exposed as liars. Seems like they just don't care.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I don't know that they've been exposed as liars. The fact that us sitting here know doesn't... I don't... I know my... No, no, I know my, my, my, no, no, I, I, we have relatives who don't grow up. Right, right, right. My friend since the fifth grade still thinks it's Russian bullshit. Did anyone on the Hunter trial contest?
Starting point is 00:41:21 Did they ever contest in the trial? No, no, no, you can't do that anymore. No one's done that. No one's done that. No one's done that that holds a microphone. No one's done that for two or three years now. All of a sudden, we went from it's clearly Russian bullshit, 50 signatures. Yeah, it's good. To it being used by his father's weaponized DOJ to prosecute his own son,
Starting point is 00:41:46 and only because a liberal judge, God bless her, said your sweetheart deal stinks to high heaven. She asked the prosecutor if he'd ever seen a deal like this before, and he had to say no. And how bad does that make you look? How bad? You've got a run-of-the-mill, routine fucking case of felon that lied on a fucking application for a gun? About drugs? You've got this routine fucking case, and the prosecutor has to admit he's never seen a deal like this before. So she's like, we're not going to do this not like this so they come back and charge him they're telling joe of course dude we had no choice you heard what she said
Starting point is 00:42:31 right and i wouldn't i won't be bothered if he gets a fifty thousand dollar fine five years probation and random drug tests for the period of his probation that won't that won't bother me the form requires buyers to answer several questions including those about the buyer's competency criminal history drug use immigration status history with domestic violence applicant applicants who knowingly make false statements may also face criminal prosecution for a felony and up to 10 years in federal prison. How many people go to jail for lying on the 40? How many individuals were prosecuted for lying on the ATF gun purchase form
Starting point is 00:43:13 four, four, seven, three in the year Hunter Biden purchases gun in 2019 on 27 million, 44, 73 is filed. There were 478 people who were reported to federal prosecutors for lying on the forum form of those 298 were actually prosecuted.
Starting point is 00:43:31 All right, so we're in that 40% space on it even coming up. This isn't the tit-for-tat sparring in any way. Well, less than 1% of 1% of people are actually caught for lying. And of the 478 people who were caught for lying, 298 are actually prosecuted. In terms of justice, my interest is people that did something similar right okay so so half of 500 and then let's from those i want you to take out the ones that don't have prior felony arrests right and what you're going to find is that this isn't this isn't and and there's some history between then and now, a significant amount of time. I don't think this thing warrants jail time. But I think his father probably ought to be in jail.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I agree. For something he didn't lead, for something he was a conductor. a conductor. The family's running an organized, highly illegal business that jeopardizes every American.
Starting point is 00:45:00 I think that's how... He's the leader of the country. Yeah, he's posing. Who knows where he is? I think that's how Putin is the leader of the country He has Who knows where he is Hey Let me say one thing In defense of Hunter and then one thing
Starting point is 00:45:15 That's really weird I don't have a Hunter problem No one testified that they even Saw him doing drugs I would Is what I read I would No one testified that they even saw him doing drugs. I would. Is what I read. I would.
Starting point is 00:45:30 That you saw Hunter. Yeah. You've seen him doing. Oh, you. Oh, through the video. And I can say I've seen him get a good job. I've seen his dick. I've seen him come on a pizza.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I mean, what the fuck? Like I went through the Marco Polo shit and watched more video of Hunter than I wanted to see. I was hoping it was AI. I hoped it was Russian shit. Where I could see the reality was the text. It was sad as fuck. Sad as fuck. He's destroying two women's lives.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And they are articulate, intelligent. They don't even do it. You mean his wife and his sister-in-law? Bo's wife that he fucked? Yes. It's so sad. It's weird. I'm not better off for having waited through that shit but i did and i also followed the the uh secret service logs that match up with the emails and so like
Starting point is 00:46:36 he's saying we'll see you tomorrow night dad will be there and the secret service log has dad across the fucking street that night and there's a picture of Joe with these fucking guys, I believe they met, and I believe the big guy got his 10%. I mean, I'm not, it's like, it's what it is. Am I gonna lose sleep over it? No. Does it explain why Trump got convicted
Starting point is 00:47:04 of ripping furniture tags off of chairs? Of course it does. And so I'm not excited by the chemistry of this equation that feels the way it does to so many people. I don't think Trump's a felon. I think Hunter is, and so what? I think his father is, and it matters.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Right. Coach, you're the best. Good morning. Daniel Coulson. Thanks. Coach you're the best Good morning Daniel Colson Thanks And you know me You know I don't You know I don't like Trump
Starting point is 00:47:51 But I'm Enthusiastically Supporting him At this point And I don't like him But I'm a grown up And it's not about Who I like
Starting point is 00:48:01 A wad zombie I saw Hunter Biden's dick And George Floyd's dick All in the same week It's not about who I like. A WAD zombie. I saw Hunter Biden's dick and George Floyd's dick all in the same week. There you go. I never saw Hunter's, but I did see George's flaccid meat stick. Yeah, it's crazy i i hunter's new wife is beautiful he has a new wife yeah i hear she's talented uh i wish him sobriety and happiness. Is she related? Is she in the family?
Starting point is 00:48:47 No. I believe she's South African and a filmmaker. I think that's right. Melissa Cohen Biden. Oh, shit. Wow. That's wild. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Hunter Biden has been married to Melissa Cohen Biden since 2019 and they share one child. Is this the stripper he got pregnant? No. No, this is a he seems in a good direction from what little I know or care. But we also know that he's hanging around other drug addicts.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah, you know, let's don't dare get into particulars on this. I understand. Stomping on friends' toes. Would Greg wear a Trump hat? Yeah, I would. Like where? Out in public? No.
Starting point is 00:49:58 How come no one would? Someone would slap it off my head and I would have an unbalanced, unhinged reaction to that something i want to show you something so funny uh what is it here we go Think of what an adult thing it is. I was thinking I could sit with probably any liberal and listen to their gripes about Trump and sound like a therapist. Yep, yep, you're right, I see. Uh-huh, take notes. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. And then
Starting point is 00:50:44 sit and tell you you haven't addressed any of the important issues. All those things may be true of the bastard. But that's not what's important. And in fact, what you have to do is you have to put your grown-up pants on and really come to terms with why you'd vote for a man, what it means to lead this country. Right. And what those qualities must be. I need like a beginner Trump hat. Like see that guy wearing the 47 there in red?
Starting point is 00:51:14 Maybe that. Like I need one that just kind of like breaks me in slowly for Santa Cruz. You know, they told me a vote for RFK Jr. was a vote for Trump. And so I'm like, oh, that's me a vote for RFK jr. Was a vote for Trump. It's I'm like, oh that is that's like a dog shit man What a what a wonderful tool because I vote for a k jr. All day long and that you did tell me I'm voting for Trump Okay, listen to this song this this is someone sent me this this is famous girl i i never heard before, but she has 25 million followers on Instagram. Her name's Ambrosia something. Black girl.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And she's just like, hey, I used to be a libtard. I'm not anymore. I vote for Trump. Look, every time I turn on CNN, they got black people, but they all sound like black people. And they're aggrieved, angry. like black people and they're aggrieved angry and uh whether it's you know affair connor don lemon there's a similar kind of vibe i go on the fox and and it's a different it's a different black man and i find that the the black men that aren't aggrieved um and are highly articulate
Starting point is 00:52:59 that's racist to say that by the way listen not aggrieved and highly articulate if they've if they've supported and i'm not easy to say conservative but if they've supported, and it's easy to say conservative, but if they've supported traditional morality, irrespective of religious or not, and traditional kind of sensibilities around economics and such not, they're castigated and a special hate is reserved for them that i find i find unimaginable i mean it's it's crazy to me the left's reaction to uh uh ben carson oh it's crazy it's crazy yes and you know what these are you know what they are you know the problem for for the left these are negroes who ran away from the plantation you're supposed to be aggrieved you're supposed to to this is the two plus two equal five set right in the minds of of white democrats right the the soft bigotry of low expectations The soft bigotry of low expectations is only a soft bigotry because it's a glimpse of the heart of people who think that the black man is inferior. Right. They think that he is clearly inferior.
Starting point is 00:54:22 And without their help, he's got nothing. And it couldn't be more racist by what I call racism. And that's that broad paintbrush by which you assume things about an individual. Not a group, but of an individual based on their color. But of an individual. Based on their color. My liberal friends think blacks are stupid.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Right. They do. Right. I mean, they say it. They say it out loud. Like the governor of New York said that black people don't even know what a computer is. Recently. last month. Sinful.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I bet you can't find one person in the United States of any color who doesn't know what a computer is, who can't point to a computer. Like you put a giraffe, a computer in a car and be like, which one's the computer? They can point to it. But you can't find one person who can't do that. and be like, which one's the computer? They can point to it. But you can't find one person who can't do that. George Bush didn't know what was going on at the grocery store with the swiping of the things. Gavin Newsom didn't understand
Starting point is 00:55:33 why people were walking out of Target without paying. Yeah. It's like, what? Yeah. Joe Biden wonders why his fucking peanut peanut m m bag has fewer in it right and he's making policy around it yeah yeah hey the other day he said that he said that realtors should take smaller uh commissions to help people get into a first home so we hit up our real estate wheeler friend in santa barbara with this? You know, it's like, it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:56:06 The federal government's really asking that? Yes. Yes, it's their patriotic duty to help Americans buy that first house. Real estate commissioners should reduce their commission. I wouldn't let my five-year-old, I wouldn't let my five-year-old bring that story to kindergarten. Like, hey, we're going to talk about right hand do that. It's not like that, dude. You know?
Starting point is 00:56:30 It so fucking misses the point. I like Ben Carson a lot. How could you not? Pediatric brain surgeon with a big heart and you listen to him, he speaks slowly and calmly, softly, and makes a lot of fucking sense. Even when I don't agree with him,
Starting point is 00:56:50 I like hearing. Oh, I like hearing him too. He was on the view and he was amazing. It was, it was, his patience was out of this world. He's a pediatric brain surgeon.
Starting point is 00:57:03 And he wrote, he wrote some software That changed the way There's some story about him And coding And how pediatric MRIs Are conducted and read And taken and analyzed
Starting point is 00:57:15 He's a pioneer In pediatric brain surgery Ben Carson is? Yeah You think he'll be on the cabinet again? He might brain surgery. Ben Carson is? Yeah. You think he'll be on the cabinet again? He might have. There's another black surgeon
Starting point is 00:57:32 that did a heart transplant on a pair of German Shepherds. He's a kid. Not really resume shit, but holy cow. Ben Carson did that? No, it may have been. It was someone. I think it's another fella.
Starting point is 00:57:49 I think it's another black super surgeon. Did a heart transplant on Jeremy Shepards in high school. Didn't go over well with everyone. I want to see if I can find it. Is it Christian Bernard? No. Oh. I'll think of it.
Starting point is 00:58:15 It'll come to me. God, German Shepherds are so cute as puppies. Then they kind of go to shit quick. They get all weird. You know, they're so good at who to bite and who not to. Oh, their discernment in biting the right person? Yeah, they're good with, they gotta, they gotta, they're good with kids and they're hard on
Starting point is 00:58:47 intruders. Hey, without going to school. I'm slipping. You're right. That was the follow-up question. Jay Hartle, was the transplant successful?
Starting point is 00:58:57 That should have been the follow-up question. Yeah, I think semi. Enough to, enough to get everyone's attention. And then,
Starting point is 00:59:04 and then spent the rest of his life trying to downplay the thing. Like what you think, ruined her career by just South Dakota style and she shot the family dog after it bit someone.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Oh, oh, oh, right, right. Did that ruin her career? It seems to me You can't say you shot a dog? You know I mean, you can be You can behead Jews And get college students to stand up for you
Starting point is 00:59:41 I called someone prominent In the community out as being just a fucking liar. And Brian Mulvaney went into an apoplectic fit of regret, and he didn't know, and he was really upset. And I explained the why of it and he says he says yeah but he says what you did is like dragging the family saint bernard out of the front lawn during a barbecue and blowing his head off with a shotgun so someone in the crossfit space in our circle, you publicly slapped around and Brian was like, you took the dog in the front yard and shot it.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Yeah. I remember that. I just don't remember who it is. I'll tell you off air. Jake Chapman, if I'm Trump, I pardon Hunter Biden when I get sworn in. Yeah, fair enough. Oh, hell yeah. Yeah, fair enough. I agree hell yeah. Yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 01:00:45 I agree. Easy enough. I agree. I agree. Yeah, and then they sick the dogs on Comer, Brennan, all the rest. If this felony's been done, we're going to prosecute him. It includes Papa Joe And his brother Jimbo Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:06 I agree And you know what I'll give Hunter immunity He can testify against the whole fucking pack I also Wouldn't hold it against Biden If he pardoned his son I just can't
Starting point is 01:01:22 You just can't sit there and let your son go to jail and his son. You just can't sit there and let your son go to jail. I don't think he's going to go to jail, though. Do you? My guess is that that would be disproportionate to what's normally done and what this warrants.
Starting point is 01:01:42 I can't find anything that shows if anyone's gone to... I couldn't find anything that shows if anyone's gone to... I couldn't find anything from just a quick look to see if anyone's gone to jail for it with no other previous crimes. The part that bugs me, though, Greg, is that he threw the gun in a dumpster. That's where it gets weird.
Starting point is 01:01:55 She did. Oh, she did? Oh, okay. Yeah. She didn't want him to hurt himself or anyone else. So she took the bullets out and put the gun in a dumpster then went back after he flipped out and uh uh we we've talked about me and the beer drinking it was a chris king yeah i think he wants to know the mechanism of the yeast and the uric acid and the type 2 diabetes? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Brewer's yeast does the same thing that fructose does, in that its metabolism creates uric acid amongst other byproducts. That's part of what happens. And it degrades mitochondrial function so that we get an unregulated production of amp and msg can do it brewer's yeast does it and fructose do it are there other things i wouldn't be surprised if a whole lot of medications didn't have that impact but it's it's something you absolutely do not want going on whatever's wrong with alcohol that's another thing that's it's bad and you don't want to participate in so that was my last beer but uh
Starting point is 01:03:12 uh you can by the way richard johnson will be coming on the show shortly and um uh i mean not today i think i think you should get a Nobel Prize in medicine And the name of the book is called Fat Switch If you guys want to read it It's a great book That's a pop That's for all y'all The papers that
Starting point is 01:03:37 He and his team have put together Are brilliant Brilliant science Heidi is that applicable to all yeast? You know what? I don't know. Heidi, thank you for the gifts. That was really sweet.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Oh, she's saying gifts, huh? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Thank you, huh? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Thank you, Heidi, for the gifts, too. I appreciate it. Thank you. Beautiful. Did she send you what she sent me, just like a notebook full of nudes?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Tastely shot, of course. Yes. Okay. Yes. Yeah. Exactly. Tactful. How about vagina yeast, Jake Chapman wants to know?
Starting point is 01:04:24 Jake's having a journey today. Grow up, Jake. This is serious. Yeah, brewer's yeast, baker's yeast. I don't know. I already had my bread issues worked out. The beer thing and the MSG one were interesting to me. Let me share the MSG one. If you give cats a diet based on fruit, you know, absent protein, they starve
Starting point is 01:04:54 to death. They die. You lace it with MSG and they'll get fat and diabetes. With MSG, they can process fructose. Isn't that fascinating? Yeah. Do they have an explanation for that? Richard Johnson does. You can have him on and talk to him about it. You know, he came to my broken science thing here. You were here.
Starting point is 01:05:16 You shot that. And by the way, how does that look on, did that video well here? Extremely well. Extremely well. Okay. Good. Extremely well. Having him here uh was delightful for me and the enthusiasm with which he
Starting point is 01:05:36 with which he says this is a great thing i'm really glad i came i could tell he was both surprised and that it was genuine. That was cool. But that was the second event I've done where someone of prominence, global prominence in their scientific field showed up at one of my broken science things uninvited by me. And I think that's a, for for me that's a metric of success being on the right vein. Hey dude, for someone like him to come he was crazy stimulated.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Stimulated, relieved and... He didn't know anything like this was going on anywhere. Yeah. Yeah, it's a neat thing to network and hub yourself or your organization effort or commitment um to people that need to be networked so as you learn a field like you know the the
Starting point is 01:06:38 brokenness of science what's wrong in academic science. People start turning you on to other people and you fill your Rolodex up, if anyone remembers what that was, with basically the key players in any endeavor. Movement. I'm really excited about putting on a super exclusive, not inclusive, exclusive competition at the cathedral, the BSI Cathedral. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Yeah, building the best CrossFit gym that ever was. And it's such a natural thing. It's oddly revolutionary in the approach, I think, and structure and look. And yet it's not at all anything other than an amplification of what I had in the original CrossFit gym, both at the half scale and the full scale when we took the next unit and blew out the wall.
Starting point is 01:07:46 David Weed, Dick Johnson sounds like a gay porn star. Yeah. I wonder if there is a porn star named Dick Johnson. Dick Johnson. Porn.
Starting point is 01:08:00 I mean, he must have heard. He's got to have heard all his whole life. Yeah, of course. There's a porn star Dick Johnson It's featured in five full-length adult movies hits like a piledriver. It hits like a piledriver to different strokes and babes balling Babes balling boys. Yeah, he's got a whole Whole library of movies of course very creative David
Starting point is 01:08:30 very creative good job thinking out of the box there Augustus Link he called it a CrossFit gym he did are you going to affiliate to Jim? No, I don't think I'm eligible for affiliation. It's $4,500 a year now.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Yeah, you know, I was tripping on this the other day. Now I'm like, I can't never buy. Hey, what about, what about, I'll just say it. What about as your, I've never like, I think directly asked this, but what about as your non-compete expires, does it open your thought to other forms of building a community of some sort? Not even building a community. Go ahead. I am building one. Right. You're putting out information and people are coming to it.
Starting point is 01:09:41 You put out more honey and now more people are coming to it. And people are coming to it. You put out more honey and now more people are coming to it. I've got people that I am honored to know and meet whose writings and teachings have been hugely impactful to me. Saying to me, do you know? And I know of their work, but not them. And like, well, I'll have to call you or let's talk you know and Emily's connected on that for me 15 or 20 times where I just I can't even believe that that's who's going to be on the phone here in a few minutes and so I've got so all that desire
Starting point is 01:10:18 to build it kind of goes there and what's neat about the space we're in is how few fucktards there are. People just want to say something nasty. Right. What's that? Meaning you put out honey and you're attracting quality bees. You're not, fucktards aren't coming to eat it. Yeah. yeah i mean you know i i one of them that just made me laugh was you know you're trying to make a an important point for people and people are commenting on your fucking shirt right
Starting point is 01:10:55 my favorite one is when people talk about your hat being on backwards like you're telling people how to avoid getting typed unless you take it off then they're like look at his hair he's gone like gi what's going on you know it's like it's the people that don't listen the the people are picking their nose and eating it counting the spots in the ceiling it's like i think it's it's better when they're not around by the same reason it kind of gets nice at night when the kids go to bed and so i don't have i don't have i don't have that and there's something there's a a natural part of getting older and smarter and asking
Starting point is 01:11:50 and smarter and asking what was it that was wrong in fitness that whoa it's also wrong in medicine what's really wrong and getting the common denominator yeah we have what what's upstream what's causing this because the the fitness problem is just like the health problem and that there are obvious and profound truths that are being ignored, hidden, contested. And to come to terms with that face to face with it, in fact, and realize you're in the land of no one gives a fuck is kind of cool. and realize you're in the land of no one gives a fuck is kind of cool.
Starting point is 01:12:30 You think probability and hairs in matter? Good on you, you know? But the problems in deduction, the bridge of induction and deductive logic, all this stuff is, it's rarefied air. But the people at LessWrong know exactly what I'm talking about. They know why science is broken. It's been epistemically debased, which makes it the fucking hugely attractive
Starting point is 01:12:55 for every kind of fraud you could ever imagine. And how many people know? Maybe a thousand. How many care? That thousand maybe? I don't know. It's all of the thrashing and talk of the replication crisis and all.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Many of those people have no idea what's really wrong. There's no rational expectation of replication from sciences at Speneth University. There is no rational expectation of replication from science as it's done at the university. There is no rational expectation of replication. The replication crisis, the fuck the thing should be, what in the fuck makes you think it should replicate that that shit would replicate? And what am I talking about? Null hypothesis significance testing, p-values, unstated, unst uh uh hypotheses against which some some intervention is is is is offered a null and you're taking p-values on that of course that won't replicate
Starting point is 01:13:58 it was meant to get published it was meant to get you ten years meant to get grants it was meant to to earn your phd is meant to put another feather. It was meant to get grants. It was meant to earn your PhD. It was meant to put another feather in your cap, increase the size of your lab, get more assistance, more NHS dollars, more government cheese is what it did. But it won't replicate, it's not science. And I can now count as friends the people that clearly understand that.
Starting point is 01:14:26 And what an interesting group of folks it is. And the cool thing for me is that the Nesperts, the Zoe Harcums and the Malcolm Kendricks and the likes, they get it too. And they also get kicked off of Wikipedia. Oh, yes. What an honor. I would love to be delisted from Wikipedia. For views, Malcolm's was, what was it? Views, something about too contrary to the mainstream or something? I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:15:08 It was a delightful bit of Orwellian doublespeak. I had forgotten we got him that t-shirt that he wore so proudly when he came here. He's a good dude. He's a great man. Kendrick? Yeah. He has an uncanny knowledge
Starting point is 01:15:37 and instincts around math and inference. Yeah, Grace. Hi, sweetheart. Grace is one of my dear friends. The Less Wrong blog is just amazing. Where do you dig in when you dig in on this,
Starting point is 01:16:00 Greg? Less Wrong? Yeah. For me, like I, if you dig into, uh, David Stove or E2 James enough,
Starting point is 01:16:11 you find, you find less wrong. Do you ever just go there and search a term to see if there's a topic? Like you go. Yeah, I have, I have. I've done a fair amount of that.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Is it a pretty active? Is it active or is it? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's Daniel Pearl's dad, Jedediah Pearl. The mill guy? The guy who got his head sawed off by Al Qaeda. Oh, right. His dad. Started this? He's one of the principals there.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Wow. And a UCLA superstar. He got the equivalent of the Folger Prize in computing. These guys are highly regarded by the elites of the AI world, the two men that started Less Wrong. And the idea is it's very Bayesian. Yeah, I've searched a lot there. It's a powerful resource.
Starting point is 01:17:30 And the kid that's the easy target there and posts the most, I do believe he's a genius. And I'm really impressed with how thick his skin he has. And what's his name? Do you know? Do you remember? Yeah, I'm checking. I'll check on my dates. It's Pearl and... Oh, and what's his name? Do you know do you remember? Yeah, I'm
Starting point is 01:17:49 It's pearl and Jake Chapman I have a favorite page on my browser It's the 2003 post on the cross and message board where coach replies and gives one of the best breakdowns of why CrossFit Trump's specificity. You don't even remember. Eliezer Yudkowsky is one of the guys. And Robin Hanson, but the other guy, Pearl. It's funny, I looked and I got back to him. Judea Pearl. Judea Pearl.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Oh, and that's the son of Daniel Pearl. That's the father. His son was executed by a terrorist. Kidnapped. He's a journalist. Wall Street Journal journalist. God, I vaguely remember that. That was crazy. Kid grew up in Encino. And his father's a
Starting point is 01:19:09 superstar. A colossus in the computing world. And has written on uncertainty and other things. I think I've got his book here somewhere. These fucking assholes. But the less wrong idea is that
Starting point is 01:19:29 you make theories less wrong the way science develops. Yeah, and it's powerful. You don't get to write. You can just be less wrong. Do you have plans this morning? Yeah, I wanted to go to the Silver Spur. We got Dale here.
Starting point is 01:19:58 And I wanted to see some of the surf camp. And about the time when it would be warm and nice i think we'd even drag the boat out and i think today would be a good day to probably get in some sun and so maybe i'd go out after surf yeah i'm looking outside it's going to be sunny here any second you are so you are going to go down to the surf camp today I'd like to see it yeah Yeah I've got that I've got that much interest Have you ever been down to that beach I'd never been down there before
Starting point is 01:20:30 That was my beach when I lived on Oh that's right That's right you said you had a key to that gate Yeah Wow Carlos Cueva Hey Greg Every chance I get I want to thank you for creating this methodology i love and i'm able to dispense to my community i'm just a simple man that you help become a
Starting point is 01:20:52 business owner thank you welcome and thank you it's it's kind yeah i uh you know there's a point where we got the community consisted of 15 000 small businesses and i'd have to pinch myself as to the impact of that it's it's very important but it was never it was never the goal and I just saw this 15,000 bright lights and this darkness that's helped and you got a place
Starting point is 01:21:34 where they're telling you you got to move and you might ought to back up on the carbs a little bit right? it could look like this and doing that in your community man you're you're the lighthouse at the mouth of the harbor but just an indispensable asset to your community and that that was what was amazing to me and i was motivated by protecting that
Starting point is 01:21:59 that's a once-in-a-lifetime thing to to be able to spawn something that looks like that right hey outside of um the the organizations that bring us clean water and electricity and food you got to rank the crossfit affiliate or in a community is one of the most. I'll remind everyone in that, in that community to you, you know, just in your, like bring us food. I can't get past that. It's this nation's fed on the, on the hard work of what we call the illegal aliens. You can't believe it is. it is i know it it is oh right right right before the border became politicized remember we'd stop at the checkpoint
Starting point is 01:22:54 and they'd ask you if you're red hair and freckles if you're a citizen yeah and then they'd all jump back and remove the cones for the white school bus full packed full yeah over capacity school bus with with migrants there to work in the imperial valley that gets us through there's not a person on there that came here legally if we if we if we stopped if we threw out every illegal person in this country, we would shortly thereafter starve to death. And I'm not for open borders. And I think that. OK, let's throw out the Asian ones and black ones and just keep the Latin ones in. Throw out the white ones, Asians and blacks And then just keep the Latins
Starting point is 01:23:45 It's amazing Where Asians don't count Can we run the economy How do you get over half those people Hey can we Can the farms stay open if we just keep Latins Get rid of the white, the Asian and the black Hey
Starting point is 01:24:02 Greg I want to go back to the gym thing so fuck all the stuff good like just looking at the business so think about that if there were 15 000 gyms there were 15 000 gyms and each of them directly employed two people that's 30 000 jobs that crossfit created but then you think of the ecosystem around that and each of those let's see gyms another three jobs because the shit that people buy there we've got a sense of ourselves being at some point two percent of the global ecosystem and rapidly shrinking with a with a with a dramatic increase in in total revenue and highly profitable and then you think about the people- The entity that was purchased was highly profitable with an extraordinary amount of discretionary spending with powerful, powerful revenues.
Starting point is 01:24:57 We had such amazing control of the throttle that in the quarter that we lost 90% of our revenue, we also deposited $16 million in the bank. Okay? Let me say that again. In the worst quarter in the company's history, where we lost 90% of our revenue, voluntarily, by the way, stopped taking checks from gyms
Starting point is 01:25:22 that couldn't legally be opened, just cut it off. In that same quarter, because it came back, within that same quarter, we put $16 million in the bank. Without doing seminars. Trying to deny affiliate fees. Amazing controls, really. And in the eyes of the NBA, it was an unsuccessful business.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Successful brand, a potent and powerful brand, a great workout concept, but a shitty business. So NBA's got their hands on it, and every quarter has been an unmitigated failure just fucking floundering I'll make an offer for now and give them 12 million for the whole fucking thing
Starting point is 01:26:14 could I work there? yeah let the affiliates decide yeah of course I didn't like yeah let the affiliates decide yeah of course you would just buy you would buy it and not work there yeah give it to someone give it to the affiliates i don't know i don't know i don't know who or where would have the concerns that I did.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Right. That's the part that I don't think a lot of people understand. Hey, it's not even that they... But it's also that they can't. I'm not saying for any reason because you're better than other people. They just can't. No one can have the concerns that you have for your kids that you have. They just can't.
Starting point is 01:27:11 And it's when you have, when you have investors, they pick a management team and that management team has, is in business. It is, it it is it is it is in business the obligation is ethical legal and profound that you that you work in the interest of this of the shareholders interests you're there to make the thing fucking profitable or you're breaking the law
Starting point is 01:27:53 Patrick Clark Frank will run it for you Greg that's great. I don't know what you'd do to run a business. I have no sense of that. I've thought about it. It's not that I'm not creative. It's that I would be unwilling to reverse the effort that we started, which was really the professionalization of the training space and offering a dose in your own neighborhood to bring you to some metabolic health. Cool as fuck. Hey, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Would you ditch the games? And before you answer, like. I tried to. I tried to. Nobody, you couldn't find anyone that could rub two quarters together was smarter than to buy that fucking thing. But here's the thing. Invariably what they did is they courted me and courted me and courted me and tried to make passionate, mad love to me, only to tell me what they really wanted was affiliates and seminars. Oh, the part that makes money is helping people. Yeah, we don't really – they didn't want the bag of shit.
Starting point is 01:29:24 They wanted the cat. Okay, but let's say someone bought the company and they convinced you to run it for five years, or you bought the company and you're like, okay, I'll run it for five years. Would you get rid of the games? Because I love the games, right? I love the party.
Starting point is 01:29:43 I love getting the community together. I think before you weigh in, I just want to remind you, I want the games, right? I love the party. I love getting the community together. I think before you weigh in, I just want to remind you, I want to try to manipulate you. You enjoyed being there too, right? And by that, I mean,
Starting point is 01:29:52 not because of the, to watching the events, but you enjoyed the energy there, the community, the safety, the camaraderie, the FaceTime. Didn't you enjoy all that?
Starting point is 01:30:01 Like you go to bed at night and you're like, wow, this is pretty, this is pretty cool. Or no. The Woodstock part of it. People bringing their kids, getting to see each other once a year, being friends with people you've never met before, but you have that deep commonality.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Like I went to that. I couldn't believe how fun it was at the games last year. When I went there, I had forgotten. I felt no negativity. It is better than burning. To stand in front of a group of people and the reception line forms and people want to give you a hug and tell you,
Starting point is 01:30:45 thank you. And if they love you and have a picture taken. It's humbling. While doing it, you feel the need. You've seen me. I'm not going to stop until there's no one else in line. You want me to stop them? They look at this fucking 14-year-old girl with her dad and say, no, I'm not going to stop. We're going to stop.
Starting point is 01:31:05 We're going to finish this fucking thing. There's, there's a lot to that. It's, it's magical and extraordinary. And there's an enormous sense of obligation. It's what you do when you, when you're in that position,
Starting point is 01:31:22 you know, it's a, it's the thing you do. I think if it's fun for you, I think, I think you have a problem. If it's fun for, okay. If you, if it's fun for you to stand in line, hug a thousand people. Right, right. Yeah. That's a, yeah. I think you've mentally ill. I think it's natural to have a...
Starting point is 01:31:46 I think it's healthy and natural to be a little averse to the effort. Right. Okay, so outside of your... Okay, let me... I mean, you can be proud and not having fun. Right. But you know that the other people there... Like, I go to the games and i every
Starting point is 01:32:05 year i see someone that i haven't seen in five years or seven years or eight years or you know what i mean who's still in the ecosystem but you've just worked your way apart or you meet new people and you're like holy shit like every year you go to the games you leave with 20 phone numbers of 20 affiliate owners and like at dinner you're like i met this dude and he told me this and i met this so you get some sort of positive you get some sort of amazing stimulation there anyway back to the question would you ditch the games i always get people are always like i want greg to come back i'm like fuck what if this guy gets throws the sport away i wasn't quite sure why i went you know and a lot of people that i saw and loved they've come around
Starting point is 01:32:41 for the broken science thing and talk to me still anyways. Right? And so I've got the Josh Honeycuts and the Dale Kings and those people are just a regular part of my life. We ran into the affiliate this weekend, right?
Starting point is 01:33:01 That was awesome. I told that story guy just runs up to you and grabs you and says i love you and then he said do you remember what his follow-up was after he said i love you i mean it i really love you yeah big old man, buff dude What a good kid Yeah, with his wife and his kids in tow Yeah I was At the nicest hotel on the west coast Of the northern hemisphere
Starting point is 01:33:33 Yeah, of the hemisphere, it's crazy Yeah, I'm glad he's successful And I'm proud of what he's doing And I was honored to meet him But I don't sit back down and wish another guy like that would come up right right right and if there were enough of them I'd go somewhere else
Starting point is 01:33:50 right it's nice to have anonymity you know and so like we were in split and a guy runs out of a restaurant and picks me up off the ground from Spain And It's cool
Starting point is 01:34:10 But just blending in and relaxing Is cool too I'm going to take the kids I'd love to continue this conversation And Yeah and I'll show And I'll call you shortly i'm around thanks everyone yep hey thanks for coming on too sorry for the miscommunication
Starting point is 01:34:31 about what i don't know i just felt like i didn't know if you were coming on or not until the last minute and i wasn't yeah make this a priority it's a fun fun thing i'd like the rest of my week. This is fun. I enjoy this. I don't feel an obligation. But the reception line, you know, the difficulty is it's someone you don't know and they're saying thank you, thank you, thank you, and I love you.
Starting point is 01:34:57 And, you know, sincerely, the best I can do is to say I greatly appreciate that. I enjoy your success. It means a lot to me. And you have to know that whatever success I've gotten has come about through you. So I owe you a thanks as well. I mean,
Starting point is 01:35:13 it's a, Hey, well, those thousand people who wait in line from you really enjoy it. They're not, I'm not trying to be a dick to you, but they're not like going home being like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:35:21 I had to wait a long time to meet Greg. They're like, fuck. I met Greg. Yeah. I met Greg. Yeah. I understand that. And I think that someone that doesn't have time for those people is an asshole.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Right, right. I mean, I watched Bob Harper on a corner get mobbed and then just stood there until the crowd went away. And I knew what he was doing and I knew why and I admired him for it. We saw him at a restaurant in La jolla do the same thing too it took quite a while to get everyone in the restaurant who recognized him have their hands shook sign something take a little picture so he could sit
Starting point is 01:35:56 down and eat and he apologizes and i'm like dude i fully get it you're a good man that's what a good person does right right. Right. But like, he's not there jerking off on himself, excited because he's famous. And that's my point. That's my point. It's, uh,
Starting point is 01:36:13 you just given back, right? It's what you do. If you play baseball for a fucking living, let me tell you, your life has no purpose until you get down on a knee and sign a card. Pinch a six year old's cheek and pinch a six-year-old's cheek and tell them, hey, what position do you play?
Starting point is 01:36:27 You know what I mean? That's why God put you on earth, not to knock the ball out of the park, but to have an in with kids. And if you can't figure that out, you're a piece of shit, Darryl Strawberry. I'm going to read something to you, and then we're going to get off. Please do not try to answer this. I'm going to read it to you and then we're going to get off. Please do not try to answer this.
Starting point is 01:36:47 I'm going to read it to you. I took a picture. We will come back to it. You get maybe one metaphor to explain where this, but please do not. I have to go, but you have to see this question because you and I were just talking about this.
Starting point is 01:37:00 I get why Greg doesn't like the greater science machine as a whole due to all the issues with tenure and shit, but does he not believe in the science process either? Wow. It's a great question, Spencer. We were way past it, but I would like Greg to walk back to that door and revisit that and do a whole hour show. He's basically saving science. Go ahead. Go ahead, Greg.reg there you go you did it yeah he's basically trying to save science imagine science is in a burning building
Starting point is 01:37:32 and he's running in to get it and someone accusing him of starting the fire and he's trying to get it out of the fucking building safely and not for the masses but just for the smart people okay love you guys talk to you soon yeah go to broken Yeah. Go to broken Yeah. Broken I think it speaks to the heart of everyone involved. That thing that we're okay. Bye Greg.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Okay guys, I'll see you. I don't know when I'll see you next, but sooner than later, no later than tomorrow morning, 7am. Remember kill Taylor this week, Tyson Bajan.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Remember to get your Matoofian. If you're from the hood, it's Matoofian with an F an F you're not from the hood it's matoofian love you guys bye bye

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