The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #32 | Live Call In - World War 3

Episode Date: June 7, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:57 Yep. Caleb, what's up, dude? Good morning. Morning, Caleb. Good morning, Greg. Yeah, you were up late last night, Greg. Yeah, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:08 My littlest wasn't going to bed. Do you ever, it's funny because last night I went to bed at 930 to try to be fresh for this. And then at like 11 got back up and then started texting you. And then I was surprised that you started responding. I was like, oh, wow. Misery loves company. Oh oh she was coughing yeah yeah dude every kind of bullshit imaginable I uh I had my first uh last night was the first night probably in three weeks that we slept through the night without uh someone getting up with like a violent cough it was awesome my wife woke up with it was it was awesome no stress when she woke up this morning i'm almost more stressed out that she's stressed out
Starting point is 00:01:49 not almost do you get scared when your kids get really sick sure yeah i try to tell myself it's unreasonable. I remember being like, like having a cold. I remember having a cold from when I was, I feel like when I was 12 till I was 25, like, like a sore throat, like at least once a month. I did real young,
Starting point is 00:02:15 but you know what? I'm like the only one in the family that hasn't gotten sick. That right there. I come back here to allergies. Oh, in Arizona. Why? What do you have there? I would think you back here to allergies. Oh, in Arizona? Mm-hmm. Why? What do you have there? I would think you wouldn't have allergies.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Desert? Is it windy there or something? Well, it gets windy, but there is no non-flowering plants, you know? Right. So if it's there, it happens. Yeah. The ugliest cactus in the world.
Starting point is 00:02:46 You know? It's got a beautiful flower. Yeah. I wonder if people are allergic to cactuses? I guess people are allergic to everything. I think it affects our whole party, all of us, when we come back. I also wonder, I mean, you went through, those are some really severe,
Starting point is 00:03:11 I don't know what the word is. I don't know if climate's the right word, but the moisture from Hawaii to just, I'm just crazy dryness of Phoenix, right? Yep. Yeah, I mean, that's got to do something to your sinuses. When we were in, I went to Los Angeles recently for four days, Yep. of a desert that they pump water into. Los Angeles is basically a desert, right? Yeah. If there was no city there, it would be categorized as a desert. Carson?
Starting point is 00:03:52 It's dry. It's dry all the way up to the water's edge. I mean, look at pictures of San Diego from 1906. You know? And it looks like the desert rolled into the ocean like Baja California
Starting point is 00:04:07 very much so yeah Baja is a trip there's cactuses all the way up to the Pacific Ocean just right there we missed a lot a lot oh yeah it looks like a
Starting point is 00:04:24 Clint Eastwood movie. Wow. That's right around the advent of photography, right? The turn of the century, 1900? No, we got good pictures of Lincoln. You know? Died in 65. True. Jazzerbrin.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Did I say it right, Kelly? Sure. That looks right. Our five-year-old started jiu-jitsu this week and he has funky cough but no fever. Calling it allergies and taking them anyways because iron sharpens iron. Exposure sharpens immunity. Yeah, I normally take my kids everywhere when they're sick but this is the first time since we've had kids where they're coughing through in the middle of the night like
Starting point is 00:05:13 they're coughing to waking them up like you go in their room and they're sitting up coughing you're like damn it sounds like it's it actually sounds like it's injuring them their coughs are so violent can you injure yourself from coughing i'm you must be able to yeah definitely yeah your throat or like your diaphragm like you can strain your diaphragm like that's a muscle yeah they sound like a fucking frog yeah it's pretty horrible i think i get i get like one good illness a year and then that's it everything else is like I woke up and I had like A little bit of a sore throat and I drink a hot coffee And that's it and it goes away
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah hot coffee usually does Yeah A ton of shit has Happened since the last time we talked in the news Crazy The all of The the jury weighed in on uh trump what was it 43 or 34 34 34 uh indictments um felony convictions and then you and i were talking and i had mentioned that there's this claim going around i mean you're hearing it everywhere it's like the favorite talking point of the right right
Starting point is 00:06:29 now that he raised 53 million dollars in the week after uh the conviction did you believe that because i know you were like i don't know where's that source from yeah it would it doesn't surprise me i was just laughing that if trump made the number up, it's twice reality. I think that's tabulated by FEC or something. I'm not in the least surprised.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And on top of that, I'm even pleased. I had two friends say that who there's something more offensive than than whatever offense i may have taken about donald trump and that's using the department of justice to uh alter the outcome of an election because your candidate is just you have no chance otherwise yeah that that is that i find offensive and it's it's because of that that i wholeheartedly support trump even though i'm kind of an rfk junior guy. Did you drill down and see some of the lawfare, I guess, as the term is being coined now, that they use?
Starting point is 00:07:52 Like one of the things was is that mismanagement of campaign finance, what he did is normally a misdemeanor, and like no one's ever been tried for a felony on that, and they found some sort of like obscure law that's never been used that some people say was made for Trump in, in in order to charge him for a felony. Yeah. I'm pretty keen on a lot of the details.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I know more about it than I, than I need or want to know. Yeah. Did I characterize that right? That basically. Yeah. And worse. I i mean it's uh that you really couldn't tell till summation what those what those subsequent crimes that turn these misdemeanors past the statute of limitations into felonies magically
Starting point is 00:08:42 and so there's no attempt to really defend it. No, this is a, there are already, I promise you, clerks writing the fix on this from appeal somewhere. I mean, it's a no-brainer. No one's proud of it in any sense other than the politicking. It was designed to keep him from being president. And if it's time to start arresting assholes for ripping the fucking tags off of mattresses, fine. That's a felony too, right?
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yeah, it's a violation of federal law. I remember seeing that as a kid. I'm climbing underneath the fucking chair and it says fucking go to jail, take this tag off. It's a massive tag. It gets in the way. I just want to tear it off every time I see it.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Does it still say that on there? What's it say on a mattress tag? Mattress tag. I remember it on a postered furniture. Is it really illegal to remove a mattress tag? Why does that mattress tag come with a pesky tag proclaiming it's punishable by law to remove? Is it really true?
Starting point is 00:10:08 That's right. The notification that the removal of mattress tags is punishable by law is not directed at everyone. It's actually just for the mattress manufacturers. Consumers, on the other hand, can safely remove these tags after purchase. Oh, wow. Oh, thank God. Finally, I can rip all these tags off.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Crazy. I thought they were going to barge down on my door. Arresting. I don't have the video available, but Greg, recently you sent me that video of two rooms on fire. One with synthetic furniture. Yeah, Westerlin sent that to me. Yeah, that was wild, right? Fucking unbelievable. yeah westerlin sent that to me yeah that was wild right unbelievable it was you know 20 minutes into
Starting point is 00:10:48 the burn uh in the natural fibers someone with a garden hose could have put the living room out 20 minutes in right at 15 minutes and no one's alive in the house with the synthetic oh yeah wow good fine Caleb. That was fast. And that's just from... Wow. That's from all the oils that are in synthetic materials? Am I right? It's still put outable yeah oh totally for sure totally go forward look at it
Starting point is 00:11:30 it takes forever to set natural fibers on fire you can get the dog out if you wanted to and the cat if you really liked it you could save the room the house isn't destroyed the one on the right the house is destroyed yeah 30 minutes in before it reaches damn that's crazy right the house is destroyed yeah 30 minutes in before it reaches damn that's crazy that's also why you close the door when you go to sleep at night because if you close the door you save like a couple minutes think of what it would take to burn my log home down silly oh my goodness hey but once it got going. I don't know. We don't even have curtains. I don't know what the fuck would start
Starting point is 00:12:10 it. I think you'd set the bed on fire and I don't know if the walls would catch. But if it did get going, you could see it from space. Yeah. It'd take a month to burn to the ground. Peter Bonite, firefighters used to have 20 minutes to get everyone out. Now they have it'd take a month to burn to the ground Peter Benight
Starting point is 00:12:26 firefighters used to have 20 minutes to get everyone out now they have 3 minutes wow oh Eric Wheaton he's a firefighter you're just as much at risk of dying in a fire than you were in the 60s interesting
Starting point is 00:12:41 isn't that interesting yeah I don't remember this either what does this mean kids these days don't remember seeing interpol warnings before watching a movie too oh yeah they used to put up like the planets most want pictures of people
Starting point is 00:13:03 the most wanted in the world yeah it was something like that i can't let me see if i can find it do you remember that greg stealing the stealing the contents yeah oh oh like we see now before a ufc fight the fbi if you rebroadcast this that kind of shit yeah okay un Oh, okay. Unauthorized reproduction exhibition. Blah, blah, blah, blah. They used to make it a cool commercial. Whereas it's not cool to
Starting point is 00:13:33 sell copyright movies on the streets or whatever. There was a guy in really baggy pants and a wife beater with a plastic table outside of his down some alley with a bunch of wife beater with a plastic table outside of his uh down some alley with uh like a bunch of movies just laid out on the table or like this is this is for everyone with their like tripod and their iphone at the drive-in right exactly and there were vhs tapes around like that
Starting point is 00:13:59 i remember like you could get a vhs tape of star wars and it was someone filmed it in the movie theater right and it's like a really shitty filming of it like somebody's head gets in the way every 30 seconds kind of thing yeah you get in iraq by by videotape of of just released movies but you'd see people walking by and shit yeah that. That's right. In the theater. Some kids selling it outside the gate. I remember there was a bar somewhere in the middle of nowhere, probably where you live, Caleb, and they were bragging online that they pirate the UFC fights. This is pretty recently, a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Really? And Dana warned them before, like, hey, don't do that again we're going to come after you and find you if you if you do and they kept bragging about it and and he sent they sent someone over there and they caught the guy and they find him bar reproduced is stealing the ufc fight and streaming it in the in the bar no shit yeah but they busted the dude. We did that in an L1 Street stream stream to UFC fighting Projected around the wall batting the beer at night. It's a huge fucking hit That's a great idea. I
Starting point is 00:15:19 had one of the MDL ones at the gym at HQ I remember I played the UFC fight in the evening and we all gathered around but we didn't steal it pay the 70 bucks I mean we paid for it we just showed it probably
Starting point is 00:15:37 illegally in a public area or something yeah yeah for profit business Rodney Troyer it's still happening for UFC and boxing I could send you the website Yeah, yeah, in a for-profit business. Rodney Troyer, it's still happening for UFC and boxing. I could send you the website. Yeah, any time I complain on the internet that I can't see a NFL game in my area, someone will immediately send me a direct message being like, here's a link.
Starting point is 00:16:01 It's so easy, too. Yeah, watch it. That's how you know you're old when you don't know how to do shit like that anymore yeah i watch all the ufc fights on on like weird links and shit you get like off of reddit and stuff yep save myself some money did you see um did you see this japanese uh it's it's the bottom link. Japanese official apologizes for injuries and deaths linked to COVID-19. It was the biggest protest in history against the WHO in Japan of all places. Japanese government officially apologizes for the mass injuries and deaths linked to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Starting point is 00:16:40 This politician got lymphoma from the COVID-19 vaccine. This politician got lymphoma from the COVID-19 vaccine. Foreign Minister for Internal Affairs and Communication, Kazuro Haruguchi, who is now part of the Japanese House of Representatives, made his public apology during a protest against the World Health Organization. I apologize to you all. I apologize to all of you. So many have died. They wouldn't have. That shouldn't have. You know, I want to be I want to be clear on something.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Yeah. We say he got lymphoma from the vaccine. He may have and he may not have, and we can speak about that probability, blah, blah, blah. But I want to make this point. When you have a 40 percent increase in all-cause mortality in working-age people you what you know is something's horribly wrong and it it it makes a certain kind of sense to attribute that to the vaccine indeed i think that is the case of that and i believe that the insurance industry feels the same but it gives me no information about any particular individual do you get that you say that last sentence again what about an individual provides no information about any particular individual in their lymphoma heart attack sudden death yes yes yes but but do i believe that's going on? It's at this point fairly obvious that there's something hugely amiss with the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Right. Hugely amiss. Right. Okay? That nobody's proud of the outcome. And I think for that reason, you know, look, what's the plausibility? Again, I was telling Emily yesterday, broken science needs to have a competition where we put up 5,000 bucks for the best explanation that sounds positive for the vaccine companies, why they need 70 years
Starting point is 00:18:39 before they reveal the raw data. But put that a positive light and win $5,000. Do you remember their excuse? Do you remember their excuse? Was the public not ready for it or something? No, they said it would take 70 years for them. They need to go through it once first, and it would take them 70 years to go through it once before they reveal it.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And it's just a coincidence that that's that's enough time that everyone that got the vaccine is dead and everyone involved is dead uh uh sevag martinian uh stop calling it a vaccine it's an experimental gene therapy fine the gs guess what pal it doesn't matter what you call it. We tried to bring this case. What it is is herd management and it's an abrogation of our rights as individuals. It's collectivist. It's we got public health. Don't you think it does matter what you call it in terms
Starting point is 00:19:46 of the fact that like that's all the word fuckery that we've been dealing with that's like inclusivity is really about is is just uh means to exclude people who don't think it has it has all of its problems and they're fucking huge and it has every single one of them regardless of what we call it And it has every single one of them, regardless of what we call it. Right. But it was, but it was misnamed. Okay. It's, it's not a vaccine. I watched Fauci the other day.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yeah. Yeah. He came off exactly as I thought he'd almost have to, given what's transpired. He seemed like he's 50% of the man he was. There was no effort to minimize the origins of the virus from Wuhan and as if none of us were there while that was going on. And then they, you know, they play audio tape of him on
Starting point is 00:21:00 Newt Gingrich's podcast talking about the language. I don't even know what it was. It's hilarious, though. Fucking downplayed it because he's responsible for the thing. I put a clip up on my... Will you play that clip from my Instagram, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:21:24 Basically, he admits he admits that we're going to make it so Facebook and Amazon and companies like that will enforce and Noble the title sponsor of the games yeah go ahead and play this this this is crazy once people feel empowered and protected legally, you are going to have schools, universities, and colleges are going to say, you want to come to this college, buddy? You're going to get vaccinated. Lady, you're going to get vaccinated. Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others are going to say, you want to work for us, you get vaccinated. And it's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit and they get vaccinated. Meaning we won't let your kids go to school and we won't let you go to work and make money for your family.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And we won't let you get on airplanes. And then you'll get my right yeah ideological my my my body autonomy that's the ideological and that's because this is in charge of herd management just like with a yellowstone with a bunch of fucking white-tailed deer or whatever the fuck's up there. And your concern isn't for the individual nor the individual's
Starting point is 00:22:54 rights. It's your concept of the collective whole. Does this sound familiar? Tell me. The abrogation of individual rights for some moral view of what an ideal world or society would be like? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Sounds like something we fought a war over. It's how we end up with the CDC weighing in on racism and gun ownership. laying him in on racism and gun ownership. I trip on how many, and think of all the cowards there are. I was thinking the other day, I only remember one athlete in the CrossFit space saying, fuck you, I'm not taking the vaccine. This girl named Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And in the NFL, it was Aaron Rogers. It's wild to me. The biggest sponsor for the games that year, Greg, was this company called Noble. They're proud of the fact they were a brand before they had a product. They're like, we were a brand, and we were trying to figure out what we would make. I was there at the inception of that thing.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And they put out a statement saying their employees had to be vaccinated. Someone in the CrossFit space, a space that one of the most well-known... Did you expect a difference from Noble? I expected a community that lives under the credo of we have a cure for the world's most vexing problem and understanding comorbidities that you've educated us on for years and years would be like, wait a second. We're already inoculated from this. I mean, I heard you. I like the idea of a company called Noble having a lack of nobility and full of bullshit. It's put a big smile on your face.
Starting point is 00:25:02 They've started a new company. It's called like Whole Earth or or didn't someone buy them? I think someone did. I think, I think Tom Brady, I think like, I think those, I think some of the people,
Starting point is 00:25:15 the original people who were there fled, they, they ran for the Hills. And then now I think one of the guys has a new company. Um, that's called... While on Earth. Oh, While on Earth.
Starting point is 00:25:32 While on Earth. A soon-to-be-launched performance wellness brand. Footwear, apparel, and accessories. For those who move, go, and do. This is Noble 2.0. and do. This is Noble 2.0. Augustus Link, they left the bull behind and just took the shit.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Yeah, I want those. I wish those people would just leave the space. I wish they'd go sell M&Ms or something. Candy bars. It's trash. We tried to respond with japan's medicine when biological weapons like corona spread the guy called it a biological weapon uh the official added it was ivermectin developed by dr satoshi omura so i didn't know ivermectin was developed in japan we tried to bring this case and it was a first proposal to the national diet. However,
Starting point is 00:26:26 they were crushed. Why? Because they were cheap. He explained that ivermectin would have interfered with sales of the vaccine. Haraguchi went on to explain that he received lethal dose of the vaccine last year and developed a rapidly progressing incomplete somatic type T cell lymphoma. Hey, it's like the Chris Como thing. He got sick right the same thing chris chris was pushing uh calling anyone who didn't take the vaccine an idiot on cnn and now he's sick my father was a shocking 88 89 year old guy and they got his vaccine in parts so he could go to Costco, right? You had to show your vaccine card to get in. And just yielded to it. He didn't expect anything from it.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But within six months, I mean, he's at the Mayo Clinic, and they're scratching their heads. They said everywhere he wasn't bleeding, he was clotting. They couldn't figure it out. they said everywhere he wasn't bleeding he was clotting they couldn't figure it out and his demise was was miraculous post-vaccine um i was open to the idea of the vaccine injury my sister got her hands on his card and went to how bad was my batch and man my dad got a bad fucking hand. You know,
Starting point is 00:27:46 you punch in the code. There's some number on the injection. Yeah. Yeah. And they, they correlate it to number of excess deaths. Yeah. And what, and what if,
Starting point is 00:27:52 what a great, it's, that's as good as I, I hate my, you know? Oh, is that a real website? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Likewise, it's actually entertaining. Likewise, in nearby Philippines, an intense discussion took place in the House of Representatives regarding the alarming rise of more than 290,000 excessive deaths. Crazy. crazy hey uh you know it's kind of like rfk jr on fauci take a look at him come back and defend the guy if if if one percent of that book were fucking true um rfk jr would be litigated into another galaxy. But no, the problem is it's all true. And it reads like the fucking indictment that never came. It's amazing. I can't believe we lived through that. I can't believe that we're actually talking about this like it happened. It's like five years ago now.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Well, I wonder how many people didn't get the injection because of you because of me yeah like i didn't get it because of you like if you had no if you fuck yeah if you hadn't have taught me how to think what to think what questions to ask how to look at things i'd probably between you and wife, I probably for sure would have gotten it. I wouldn't have had the critical thinking tools to be like, hey, wait a minute. I was in a very fortunate position to be watching with a microscope the CDC's reporting of flu deaths as this thing all came onto the scene. And the party line never got on the right foot with me. And it just kept getting worse from the sequencing to the CRC with diagnostics to the emergency provisional use on the test, to it lapsing, to the specificity and sensitivity
Starting point is 00:30:33 never being scientifically established on something with the, you know, and the jimmying with the death records and the whole thing was nuts. The flu disappearing. The first time ever the flu disappearing is just bizarre it's just bizarre uh pat lang the the people who are claiming the hundreds of thousands of excess deaths are just as bad as the people who are trying to claim COVID death on a car accident victim. I think what you mean, Pat, is the people who are claiming the hundreds of thousands of excess deaths on the gene therapy. But the excess deaths are the excess deaths.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I mean, those can be seen from 2020 to to 2022 and then you look at 2021 and you're like oh what happened here yeah pat doesn't get it i don't think and the the understanding for this thing there's no better place than from the insurance companies. They're fooled by none of this. And the insurance companies hold an insignificant amount of risk to the tunes of hundreds of billions of dollars in these shady little policies that if you work for any big corporation, you get immediately effective on hiring. And it's some amount for death, disability, injury. It ain't going to pay for shit, but it's, you know, it's better than the sharp stick in the eye. And think of every big company you've got, put right down 500 numbers of companies. And I'm going to tell you what, every one of their employees has one of these policies.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And so they share the risk. They spread it around. They sell it. They fucking know what millions and millions and millions, it could be 100 million people with outstanding fucking jobs, they know when they're injured, sick, or die. And they find out right away what from. Because that's the fucking business they're in.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And what they're telling you is the vaccine sucks. That's what they're telling you. That's what they're planning it on. That's the official word. Now, what's in it for them in going public with that? Very little. Look at the Dow book. That's his origins.
Starting point is 00:33:12 That's where this comes from. It would be like a casino losing money playing at a blackjack table for three days straight with the same dealer and not going over and being like, what's going on over here. Emerging out of, out of one poker table. Yeah. Guys or roulette table. They just like, they,
Starting point is 00:33:32 they took, they took $175 million from us last night. What? Right. A fantastic book. Uh, causes unknown epidemic of sudden deaths in 2021, 2022. It's a book full Causes Unknown, The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021-2022. It's a book full of amazing big picture to nuances to details with a barcode near every single story.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Hundreds of barcodes in this thing, so then you can point at the barcode and you can research. It's a QR code. Oh, sorry. QR code. Sorry. QR code. Yeah. So you can research oh sorry qr code sorry qr code yeah so you can research what the uh what the author is busy with that as i did with hunter biden's laptop which was so fucking obviously real you'd have to be stupid to think it was russian intelligence you'd have had to have been stupid. To believe that. In the very same sense. That you might watch Blair Witch Project.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And think it's real. You'd have to be that kind of dog. Right. And in fact. My one buddy. Who thinks it's all Russian. Also thought Blair Witch Project was real. It's based on real life events though
Starting point is 00:34:46 so it's got to have some level of truth right the the anguish of the women surrounding that kid reads like it's just it's it's so real if any russian could write that well If any Russian could write that well, he would be another Quentin Tarantino. You can tell the difference between things real or not if you've got any kind of brain going at all. And the pain and suffering that he has caused the people around him couldn't be faked. And then you get to see the, you can watch the video of him getting a fucking foot job or jerking off on a pizza. I mean,
Starting point is 00:35:33 it's like, no, it's the, what makes the videos really really jerk off on a pizza. Yeah. Yeah. What makes the videos real to me is how obviously real the on and on and on texting is between he and the unfortunate women that have had to be close to him
Starting point is 00:35:59 go to the marco polo project dig in on that it's like that. And now his dad's justice department is, you know, the laptop's Exhibit A. I want to read to you this crazy quote I heard the other day. The news didn't really pick it up how ironic it was. This is Biden. Quote, and by the way, he continued continued i say to every young man looking to get married marry into a family of five or more daughters i did my wife is the oldest of five sisters you know why one of them will always love you not the same one and i'm like dude the irony is that your drug addict son ended up fucking your dead son's wife. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:36:47 She's going to testify, right? Then put some shit up on the porn site. Hey, are those two women testifying? Is his wife and his brother's wife? I don't know, but I want to go here. I don't want to see anything happen to Hunter beyond what would happen to anyone else that had been in a similar situation with it. You know, I don't I don't want I don't want more or less. I don't I don't want to see Hunter suffer for what the Democrats did to to Trump or tried to do, failed to do.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I think they've created a monster which has got me laughing anyways I've always I always blame Trump on Obama I said Obama yanked the wheel so hard to the left we yanked it the other way and got Trump wow he looks like he's out of his mind right there his eyes are crazy he is he is it's a it's a sad thing but it's real as fuck hey the charge the charge is is that he bought a gun while being a drug addict and you can't do that right he lied on his application he signed a form saying he wasn't a drug addict so he lied on a on a federal form in application for a firearm something his father has been uh historically very tough on uh eaton beaver um savon rfk was on kill tony on monday did you hear that he had a worm in his brain?
Starting point is 00:38:25 I think I had heard that before. He was on Kill Tony, huh? Mason Mitchell. Go ahead, Caleb. It looks like he, I don't think the episode's out yet, but it's like he just walked up on stage and started doing stand-up. Oh, wow. Rfk was on Kill Tony this week.
Starting point is 00:38:40 His wife awkwardly came on stage and pulled him off before he said something offensive. You have to watch. How do you know that she's pulled him off before he could say something offensive? Because he said nothing? Well, he must have said something about China.
Starting point is 00:38:56 RFK's view of China is spot on. Seve, you were a huge reason I didn't get the vaccine. I made sure my husband didn't get it. Well, thank you. I was just sharing my nightly conversations with Greg and taking credit for him.
Starting point is 00:39:13 This one had stink written all over it from 2019. At the very first talks, I'm like, how in the fuck are you seeing this? Because I can see what your talents are for seeing the flu. They're non-existent. I mean, they really fucking suck.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Some of it their own fault, most of it not. It's not a simple thing to tally your flu dead it's not not when you have people dropping like fucking flies from chronic disease the excess excess death data across the globe is consistent with a mass event that can only be explained by a common cause mortality Mortality tables are extremely stable. To have an unexplained 2% increase in excess death rate globally is all the proof you need that the experiment failed or was successful. Hey, the insurance fella said that a 10% increase is a 200-year event.
Starting point is 00:40:25 He says, we've had a 40. And he doesn't know how to put numbers to it because there hasn't been enough actuarial experience, data, nor history to talk about that kind of thing. It's great. It's got some of the vibes of an early mass extinction. While we're worrying about the climate warming, we're standing in line and poisoning ourselves. And the hilarity isn't lost on me that I got people that I know and care about that are sorting through their cornflakes looking for the genetically modified organisms.
Starting point is 00:41:01 But they stood in line to have themselves genetically modified. And shamed me for not doing it. I was supposed to get genetically modified too and help them dig through the cornflakes looking for the bad ones. It's a wonderful insanity. It's even got the doomsday Cult part to it, right? Because while you're standing in line, you can talk about all the things that climate change has done.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Right. You've been waiting for your injection with the others? Yeah. Or where you got your cool mask at? From the bird flying in the window to the flooding in your basement. It's all climate change. Hey, I'm next. You know, these are the same people that wait all night for a week long for their new iPhone, too, I think.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I'm not sure. Did we get our Seve? Did they come? No, not yet. July 2nd. Okay. Pat Lang, it's just weird that I know a total of nobody that's been injured, died young, or got sick. I know a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:42:13 You'd think the stats would bear out me seeing some negative effect. Hey, Pat, so I've asked probably 100 people who've gotten the injection, did you have any side effects? And not a single one has said no every single one has said yes every single one has been like yes something was weird with my heart or i didn't feel good or i had trouble sleeping or and i find it very hard to believe that you don't know anyone who didn't have some sort of uh effect from it that that seems unbelievable to me. Maybe you just didn't ask. Maybe they aren't telling you.
Starting point is 00:42:48 I guarantee you that people don't want to tell you that. A lot of young men I've asked. I can tell you how to have a different experience and I can tell you how to have his experience. How? Well, I gotta tell you. I mean,anta barbara by the side of the pool having grubhub delivery shit it wasn't that bad the whole lockdown thing i'll just be frank with you
Starting point is 00:43:14 having the kids at home was a little rough but we figured that out once i factored in the school shooting angle the homeschooling became an inevitability or you know just a moral imperative and then the whole thing got fun and it's not fair because you have 10 kids but i wasn't in i wasn't in camden new jersey in a tenement where there hasn't been windows where their glass where their there are windows in a decade unable to come outside and so it wasn't the same for everyone And so it wasn't the same for everyone. Some of us, our kids got smarter, others they got stupid. It's a tragedy, a national tragedy. And the point has to be made that there is nobody, there is no amount of science education or expertise that should allow anyone to have control over how it is that we accept, process, or deal with the risk.
Starting point is 00:44:16 It's not the role of scientists or anyone at the CDC to tell me how many children's suffering is worth closing the schools down. That's a more important decision made way above their pay grade that takes other things into account. And if we don't do so, what this herd management ends up with is the CDC telling us who we should vote for president, weighing in on my expression of the Second Amendment. What the fuck does Fauci know about the true cost of shutting down schools? It's a laughable concept to think that there's something in his education or experience that could speak to the true costs of that. And that he thinks so is a
Starting point is 00:45:12 fatal conceit of the collectivist mindset. He's not thinking about people, he's thinking about the herd. Yeah, what does that mean when you say herd management? If you don't like the numbers in a herd, you go ahead and shoot the strongest, healthiest, fittest males
Starting point is 00:45:39 for the betterment of everyone. It has all that A and B deciding what C should do for D quality to it. It's wonderfully collectivist. We're going to knock down your door, drag you out and vaccinate you for your own good.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I understand that that steps on your toes a little bit. But what we're treating is everybody, not you. Public health turns into animal farm at the blink of an eye. Say that again. What turns into animal farm? Public health. Oh, right, right, right. Our public health department decided that shutting down all of our schools for the coronavirus and forcing mass on everyone and destroying countless fucking businesses
Starting point is 00:46:55 truly countless no one's got a handle on that yet i mean i think the the number is openly public that it's more than 10,000 small businesses were closed in California alone. How many of them are limping along doomed? I saw that in Kauai. I see it in LA. I was talking to an owner of a thriving business in the CrossFit space. And he was saying that basically during, you know, the lockdown, their business went to shit. Obviously they sell things to affiliates,
Starting point is 00:47:33 this business. And then when it came back, 30% of the affiliates were gone and, uh, and they still haven't rebounded. The Baskin Robbins by my house was flourishing. It stayed open the entire time. Oh, thank God. Essential business. You know who didn't have any vaccine side effects?
Starting point is 00:47:56 Those who didn't get it. Yeah, I didn't. Mrs. Burns from The lockdown was great for me Florida still had a job Rode my bike to breweries and hung out with friends all day I did a lot of that too It's an amazing ordeal
Starting point is 00:48:20 Is Fauci going to be prosecuted for anything? I don't know I don't think so but i don't know call her hi bill or hillary hey call her hillary launched the russian collusion thing look at what she got away with a million dollars from her campaign I saw the other day was used to create the dossier. It was attorneys we've retained were involved. Hey, you know, you play enough litigation game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:02 And like I see attorney, I see law firms and lawyers and people. Love your show. Sorry, go ahead. Love your show, Greg. You're awesome. You're amazing. We, you know, the law firms that you hear in the news and lawyers,
Starting point is 00:49:22 some good, some bad, we've had connections. Collin, do you want to say something? Sorry, Greg. Yeah, so listen, the reason why COVID got so bad is because there's too many beta males in this world. They're all worried about football games and eating Cheetos and drinking their lives away. And as far as the COVID vaccine is, the only person in my family that got it was my wife.
Starting point is 00:49:55 She was a health care worker and she got it at the very beginning. And the people that say there's nobody that gets nothing brief or cushions from it is they don't know what they're talking about. Everybody I know that's had something like my wife was borderline anemic. But after the vaccine, she had to get so many benefit irons to get her iron back up. She almost her platelets got so low. They were basically almost died. Her platelets got so low They were basically almost died And everybody I know
Starting point is 00:50:26 That got it if they had anything They constantly Any already pre-existing Condition they all got worse So You know and I think It's planned they want to They want to ruin the country one world order
Starting point is 00:50:44 Fair enough Yeah and I think it's planned. They, they want to, they want to ruin the country. One world order. Fair enough. Yeah. Hey, thank you. Hey, so your wife got it and you didn't have, why didn't you talk her out of it?
Starting point is 00:50:53 No. Oh, I, I tried. It was at the very beginning. And obviously the hospitals were all like, well, everyone's going to lose their jobs. And you guys are going to be around COVID.
Starting point is 00:51:03 And like when it very first rolled out, she was like one of the first hospitals that got the Pfizer and she got two shots and never got another one. And she fought and fought and they threatened her job because she wouldn't get the boosters. She's like, I'm not getting it again. We've got a friend that nurses in the in the uc system and she she in this in like a three-month period she went through maybe it was longer but it was like pack your bags
Starting point is 00:51:33 you're out of here because you won't get vaccines to hey come back we're sorry here's some pay to uh if you have covered wear a mask to like don't give a fuck what you got get in here, all along with pay raises still not vaccinated what you're going to be you know what's fascinating too she has to go to work if she has COVID oh yeah right, I saw that too
Starting point is 00:51:58 yeah, they did, yeah in the Netherlands they didn't give any of the first responders or nurses the vaccine, but they were very strict in mandating it for the public. Isn't that fascinating? Because they didn't want to risk hurting the… Our fireman friend in Santa Cruz was all gung-ho about the vaccine. He got vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Then some personal concerns in what he saw on the job. First two teenage strokes he'd seen in 20-something years on the streets. He called asking me what you had to do to get unvaccinated. I remember that. And I was like, ooh. I mean, there's supposedly a protocol that you can do to help get the spike protein out of your system,
Starting point is 00:52:52 but I don't know exactly what it is. Killing yourself. Kryptonite. Yeah. You need kryptonite. All right, caller, thank you. We did have a... Go ahead. Go ahead. We did have a friend's daughter that got it she was 16 and she was begging and begging because
Starting point is 00:53:11 obviously all of her friends were getting it and she went and got it and she had to quit she was a competitive cheerleader and she had to quit cheerleading because her heart rate spikes to the 190s with any little exercise whatsoever. Like she can walk and do normal things. But as soon as she goes to try to run or whatever, her heart rate instantly spikes and she feels like she's going to pass out. That's what I've heard from dozens of young men in their 20s. And it's insane. And for the fact that so many people allowed this to happen is crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:48 But yet they're ready to help roll out all their new systems like global warming and all this other stuff. They really think these people have any benefits to help us. They're out of their freaking mind. Thank you, Collin. You're awesome. It's climate change now. It's no longer anthropogenic global warming. It's just climate change. Cape Tacosta.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Had to come out of a PR firm. Yeah, language. Cape Tacosta. I took a stand at my affiliate and announced that I will not be checking vaccine passports. I lost 20 to 30 members, but I don't care. To this day, it's one of my proudest moments of my life. Yeah, I'm proud of you too that guy's handsome what's he wearing oh he's carrying a baby no he's got his arm up i think he's just got his arm up hey guys i got the uh i got the boeing uh rocket ship launch going on. And I was wondering earlier this morning,
Starting point is 00:54:46 I wanted to ask you, is it the kind of thing like if I don't trust your airplanes and I don't think I'd be like, oh, but the rockets are good? Don't worry. Rockets are good. How much faith?
Starting point is 00:54:59 Because they DEI their place until like planes are falling from the sky. Maybe they just take things more seriously for space than they do for passenger planes. If I'm an astronaut, I'm taking the next one. Get the SpaceX
Starting point is 00:55:22 one. I want to ride in Elon's. That's right. Oh, no, you're're right yeah absolutely not i'm taking a spacex uh wayne lang uh since vaccine my apple watch regularly shows i have atrial fib uh fib relation i've not felt anything different and the doc tells me it isn't anything to worry about but something has clearly changed I had a 29 year old family member when they're in AFib right
Starting point is 00:55:54 say that again I think people feel like shit when they're in AFib I think they know something's wrong isn't that right they do yeah it's not it's pretty out of you're kidding me. I'm glad I got the cardio mobile thing or whatever that is. Apple Watch is really telling me something I didn't know. I had a 29-year-old family member dying of sleep a few days after a job coerced,
Starting point is 00:56:16 the third jab. A co-worker's son, 21, had a heart attack and sleep, survived, now wears a heart monitor, three jabs. The lady lady the marathon runner uh conservative representative over at cnn 56 year old healthy woman uh just died of a heart attack and i went on her instagram of course and she was celebrating her injection and all of her boosters yeah thumbs up uh frog will froggy will greg hi any advice getting coaching experience outside of classes at the affiliate any calls other than the l1 worth getting just as a foot in the door
Starting point is 00:56:54 it's a good question i don't i don't have easy answer what does he mean by that coaching experience outside of classes meaning like where to teach people. Yeah. I mean, what are the resources available to learn, uh, to learn this stuff? And I'd say original journal material and, uh, and doing it being every day. I heard a cool story the other day. Um, uh, Taylor brought his mom and she stayed in the house when they went to the Northeast semifinal. And Sousa said that, um, when they were in the backyard, he was coaching his mom and she stayed in the house when they went to the northeast semi-final and suza said that um when they were in the backyard he was coaching his mom he coaches his mom through workouts i love it yeah that's awesome and so you know i mean uh getting a broad swath of different kinds of people to coach in different ages and going places where you can find people of different ages is probably
Starting point is 00:57:45 huge too hey sebi i need some inputs and soon from you and matt and caleb there was a i'm being asked about the music recording studio and having podcast quality wiring and setup and all that and i think i really want that in the lounge area where the kitchen, kitchen table, the 10 foot chalkboard and the fireplace are. Yeah. Yeah. So if I I'll make the connections with you, maybe you can help have Matt and you guys pitch in and see what we need to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:21 I think I want to broadcast from the end in terms of the physical school room um we want uh lighting wiring and power for almost any conceivable scenario right yeah um it's cool that you asked that because just the other day we were trying to do a podcast with more than four people live in the same room. And we couldn't figure it out. And, you know, for like 100, the equipment is now, the pricing has dropped down so much. But you can buy, there's so much crazy stuff you can do. And you're going to want a podcast studio that can have more than four people.
Starting point is 00:59:00 You're going to want like, so you can do a round table with eight people. And it's not even that difficult to do, but you just have to think ahead. Okay. and it's not even that difficult to do but you just have to think ahead okay so i want this i want this capacity from the lounge room i think and not the music room yeah and they have these doesn't have the chalkboard it's going to be soundproof there's no fireplace there's no screen to show shit on i'd like i would suffer for production quality to be in it in a more comfortable environment but you could put a screen up there right I mean the music room oh oh you mean in a separate room you want to do it I want to do it in the what was with the lounge or kitchen area of the school house yeah awesome where there's a 10- board, a fireplace, a refrigerator, a bathroom. Yeah. And they got these amazing tables, Greg, where they're multi-purpose, but they have these
Starting point is 00:59:53 holes in them where the mics come out of and it's so clean and beautiful. Caller, hi. Good morning, Siobhan. How are you? I'm great. I'm happy. I'm excited. It's been a while since I've had Greg on.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Yeah, he's amazing i wanted to call him this morning and pay my respects mr glassman thank you for the the methodology it's awesome crossfit is so fun challenging and i think you said the greatest adaptation when we when we do it is between the ears i've always thought that was super cool so thanks for all that you do and keep finding it. Thank you for that recognition. I appreciate it, sir. Thanks, man. Thank you, Sebi. Bye. Bye. Oh, Mike McCaskey. I had a friend that died from major blood clotting within 30 days of his jab. He was healthy with no pre-existing conditions nick b i truly didn't experience any known side effects from it nor the booster awesome happy for you that's cool nick i was more impacted by the shingles vaccine when i turned 50 i'm not pro vax but i only got it so i could stay in the navy yeah um there's
Starting point is 01:00:58 some crazy stats on the shingle vax like like horrible stats like it's like 75 of the people have like some sort of severe um what'd you say it fucks people up yeah well hey um hey my name is paul sebastian um uh i'm really nervous to do this i've been watching the podcast now for the past 30 minutes and uh i've been contemplating whether or not to call you. But just to piggyback onto your conversation about the COVID vaccine, I messaged you a while ago, and I am now one and a half years post bone marrow transplant. I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in October of 2020. And the pushing of the COVID vaccine, it doesn't stop there. I can't tell you how many times my doctor pushed all of the vaccines like the Hep C vaccine, the COVID vaccine and stuff like that to me.
Starting point is 01:02:03 And you don't know how difficult it was. Again, you know, listening to the people talking about the vaccines, I read the book that Greg promoted. And, you know, it was very hard to push back. But eventually, you just have to be stern and say to them, look, this is my body, And they didn't even take into account that I've been following Greg's philosophy now for 14 years. And they looked at me and they were like, you need vaccines to help to prevent you from getting Hep C, which, if you well know, that's a vaccine for people that are intravenous drug users and have the risk of STD and stuff like that. Um, so it doesn't just stop there. Hey, good on you for pushing back. Do you feel relieved now
Starting point is 01:02:52 that you made it through that and you push back? Absolutely. Um, I feel the fact that I can, you know, that again, I feel healthy because I got to choose what I wanted to do, that type of thing. I said to them, no, I don't want to do it. And now I'm better off. And of course, I'll take that risk if, God forbid, something were to happen to me. That's what's going to happen. But I feel, though, that because of what I do and because what Greg has taught us that I don't have to worry about it. And, you know, I don't want to take up too much of your time,
Starting point is 01:03:29 but I just wanted to say that if it wasn't for coach, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today. You saved my life. I've been following your philosophy for 14 years now. And I wouldn't be, I wouldn't be where I am now having been one and a half years post bone marrow transplant without you. Congrats. Yeah. Um, you know, at one point that I never have any hiccups that I never had anything bad happening to me, or they had to change. And I solely, uh, contribute that to the philosophy that Greg has pushed. And, um, you know, I i if i ever get a chance
Starting point is 01:04:07 to meet you in person greg i uh you know i can't thank you enough so and uh i wanted to i know this is kind of a a bad thing but um for every person that was your detractor coach um for you know there are five of us that will stand behind you or stand in front of you and protect you. You know, don't ever, you know, for every person that put, you know, that spoke out against you and stuff like that for what you did. There are thousands of us in front of you protecting you and telling you that, you know, you saved my life. So I owe you the world. So and Savvy, I want to say you're the best in the space right now. Keep doing what you the world. So, and Savvy, I want to say you're the best in the space right now. Keep doing what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:04:51 You make me proud to say that I, you know, I follow Greg's philosophy and everything like that. Paul, you know, thank you, by the way, all kind words. You know, what's crazy, Paul, too, is those that one in five people who says negative things, Greg saved their life, too. That's that's the crazy part. Yep. Yeah. How quickly they forget yep exactly and everybody should buy that book the cause unknown i just read it it is an eye opener um you know facts are the facts and stuff and and you know i just want to say thank to all
Starting point is 01:05:20 three of you and especially you know uh coach and, you guys are the best. Thank you, Caleb. It's cool, too, Caleb. Yeah, thanks, Caleb. Sorry. I'm just going to lie on the wall. Thank you. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Thank you. There's an irony in the cause unknown, and look at the title again. I mean, the book, it's got quotes around it, right, which has a handful of significant meanings. It's describing the commonality of the use, that that's in post-mortem cause unknown, right? It's like fucking croaked all of a sudden. It gets reported that way.
Starting point is 01:05:57 But the truth of the matter is that it's a carefully crafted tale explaining exactly what the cause is. About that, the insurance companies aren't confused, not for a second. And of course, we know I've had actual relationships and relationships with insurance companies that have been positive out around which they've been friendships and so uh not i wouldn't i wouldn't want to put anyone in any bad light or water unnecessarily but i'll tell you it's it's it's been figured out it's been figured out what's wrong.
Starting point is 01:06:49 And I think that would be more than enough for anyone. And if you wonder what the problem with Joe Biden is, it's contained within the Hunter Biden laptop. Exhibit A in the fucking case the DOJ was forced to bring against them. They were going to let it drop, and the judge wouldn't let them. Judge wouldn't let them drop the case, wouldn't let them settle in the manner in which they were. Pointed out she'd never seen anything like this before.
Starting point is 01:07:19 So they were forced to go to trial. And what are they forced to use as evidence? The fucking laptop. And what's on the laptop? All the evidence that a thinking person would need to see and understand that Joe Biden's in the pocket of the Chinese. You're saying that in this case that's being tried now against Hunter Biden, the charges, the laptop is being used as evidence. Yes, it is. And the defense isn't refuting. Their claim isn't that, hey, the Russians made this.
Starting point is 01:07:51 It's too late for that. Yeah. Neva Kaz, I got the shot because I thought I couldn't be any worse than chemo. I've had zero side effects from the vaccine. That's awesome. Good. Happy for you, by the way. Very happy.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Remember I used to say you blindfold 50 people and have them run across the freeway, the five that come off the other side, and don't get hit. You're going to take off the blindfolds and explain the whole fucking thing to you? Yeah. What they did? Yeah. They'll be selling courses in zigging and zagging while blindfolded. That's the Mark Twight phenomenon.
Starting point is 01:08:33 I ran fast for five seconds, then I stopped, and then I ran fast for another five seconds, then I stopped. I said this little prayer. You can try it yourself. I ran again. Right when I wanted to zig, I zagged, and then when I thought I should zag, I zigged twice and made it. Right. And then I spun around on my toes, and then I heard a car come by, and then I just kept running.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Yeah. And I can teach this to you, too. You can be great like me one day. Yeah. With the chorus. And when you show up at the chorus, you're going to see those V-Wide pictures going to be on the T-shirt. Remember that shit? It can be yours for $99.99.
Starting point is 01:09:04 It's just amazing. I took one of my sons to the ER in the middle of the night last week. He was breathing like 40 breaths a minute. His nose was all bloody and dry and shit. And I took him in there. And they asked me in the, I don't know, three hours I was there, they asked me at least three times if he was vaccinated.
Starting point is 01:09:29 At least three times. We got asked in the ER if we'd been exposed to hepatitis, AIDS, and a whole list of shit, right? And I just spent an hour in your fucking ER. And they're like, oh, perhaps then. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:09:54 That's the airport story. There's tons of evidence out there, and this isn't speculation, that doctors made a fortune from the vaccine companies based on the number of vaccines. The payment schedule. Yeah. The payment schedule.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Yeah. And Greg and I also do know a friend of ours who is a doctor who, you know, this is just anecdotal, of course, but who ended up with a very nice, during COVID, ended up with a very nice during the covid ended up with a very nice brand new home on an island somewhere and a very nice brand new car who has a thriving practice
Starting point is 01:10:34 maybe it's not an island but my that country might as well be an island weird stay out of this yeah i mean it's a friend so i mean it's just weird who who is pro vaccine uh taylor hatch i'm in sales uh my old company required vacs for us to travel we had a sales kickoff in person, and non-Vaxx had to join remotely of 100 people. I was the only person who couldn't go. Taylor, you know what? There was a guy who worked at CrossFit named Justin Berg, and I remember he moved to – when the company sold, he stayed with the company, and he moved to Colorado to be closer to the new headquarters that rosa built there and then when he got there they wouldn't let him in the office because he
Starting point is 01:11:28 didn't have the vaccine did he didn't get the vaccine no and you know what's great he was so pro he was terrified of covet at first but something happened i don't i never heard the whole story why he changed his tune yeah Yeah, but something happened. Yeah. Yeah, I would have bet money that he would be vaccinated. Yeah, he was fully. He was saying that this is the next Spanish flu and all this crazy shit at first. Yikes. did you see the video i sent you of the guy throwing rocks on the freeway i did indeed uh and i was i was reminded of my long-held thought that um violent non-violent offenders shouldn't go through the same system.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Oh, interesting. They shouldn't be housed at the same place. So the swindlers and bike thieves and insurance fraud people ought to be kept somewhere. And the people that hurt people need to be kept somewhere special and different. Doesn't that guy look like the
Starting point is 01:12:42 Sasquatch? Yeah, he does hold on we'll call her hi hey savvy hey i just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to greg you know it's 20 20 years in the making i came across um i used to frequent a site called MMA TV. Seve, I know you're a big MMA fan, so I wouldn't be surprised if you've been there too. But one day, August 2005, somebody did a link to CrossFit. And I just thought, hmm, that looks interesting. Kind of came at just the right time for me. And, you know, I think the first workout I did was cindy i said oh that looks pretty easy
Starting point is 01:13:27 got crushed and you know i think it's what separates crossfitters is that there's certain kind of people who when that happens you get exposed and you you just think man i need more of this and then there's people who are just like i don't like this you know this uh are you doing cindy right now are you doing cindy right now no i'm just i don't swear i get nervous oh yeah talking on talking to greg but oh yeah i understand me too i get nervous talking to greg too it's it's 19 years in the making and i just wanted to say how much it's changed my life. It made me into a strong person. And not only that, but it's something that I've carried forth to my children now. I've got two kids that are 16 and four, and all they've ever seen is me working out,
Starting point is 01:14:19 and they're both super fit now. Even my four-year-old's doing all this ninja stuff that I've got a little setup in our garage for that and it's just been completely awesome i mean the the change that you've had i've been reflecting lately about how when i mean if you go to a globo gym today you you cannot go to a global not find like bumper plates and all this like you know wall balls and all this this stuff that when i started working out when i was about 30 years old and this was just a couple years before i found crossfit i would go you know those things that were out there were globo jams and they didn't have anything like that it was all bodybuilding and just how much you've changed the whole fitness industry to where now people have all of this stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Everybody's working on fitness, even though it may not be at a CrossFit affiliate. It's all over Instagram and all over just the whole industry is functional fitness stuff. And it's all because of Greg. and it's all because of Greg and you know without Greg we would still be doing stuff like Bill Phillips body for life or you know just the typical Jim thanks yeah I just wanted to say thanks and and thanks to you savvy for everything you're doing right now kind of having a renaissance with CrossFit I had sort of you know after going through my initial phase of, I went and got my level one in 2008. And then I went and did the Bergener lifting seminar that year too.
Starting point is 01:15:51 And sort of started drifting away from it. I had this base of fitness and it allowed me to just get into other sports. But then just in the last couple of years, I've been like, man, I'm really starting to let my fitness go. So I came back to CrossFit, what I know best. And I was always doing CrossFit, always doing functional stuff, but not really doing it. And now I'm just kind of having a renaissance. And man, I'm just absolutely loving all the content you're putting out. I mean, these Taylor versus the world videos are just amazing.
Starting point is 01:16:24 And everything else that you've been doing, just thank you for everything you're doing. And thank you to Greg. Hey, dude, you know what I think? Very kind. Appreciate it. Very much appreciated. What I was thinking the other day is someone was saying, is CrossFit going to die? And you know what?
Starting point is 01:16:43 The answer is absolutely not. But you know what I think is happening? And I just developed it a little bit more. I think it's at a real low right now, and it is about to have a new explosion. But I think similar to a beehive, I would not – you know when a beehive, when half the bees leave the nest? I think that there could be something like that. I feel like there's something like that that's going on. I just feel like I suspect just from the ecosystem that people want to be reinvigorated. They want to have new life in it, but they're just not happy in the hive that they're in.
Starting point is 01:17:17 And something feels amiss, but also something feels very exciting. Like there could be a lot of bees flying from the nest. The CrossFit message was that what was being taught and practiced in the fitness space had more bullshit in it than need to be there for anything that can optimize stimulus. and need to be there for anything that can optimize stimulus. And the lack of definitions in the whole, the reality that the fundamental theorem of CrossFit, they constantly varied high intensity functional movement would increase work capacity across broad time and moral domains,
Starting point is 01:17:59 that that never got challenged or criticized, only mocked. That never got challenged or criticized, only mocked. And the fruits of that were this global movement. But what came with that was a somewhat epistemic, if not epistemological, revelation as to just how much bullshit is out there in that fitness space later in that health space now drag us through what we've gone through now where we're we're we're gonna send a guy for prison for ripping off mattress tags so he doesn't get elected president in the name of democracy and it's got him wow and and so the germ of the germ that got us moving right and correct and understanding and distrusting clearly lives and it lives a lot of places. It lives here. I see it even in in fucking Joe Rogan and Elon and your show, Sebi, without a doubt. without a doubt but but for me the germ of of uh of being that kid that says i think the emperor is naked is is thriving with a global kind of support out of people that were my mentors on
Starting point is 01:19:20 this epistemological front and so what what we did in fitness was a realization. What's happened in health is a realization of broken science. Well, one thing that I noticed just from the standpoint of having started it in 2005 before there were games is that for me it's always been about just the gpp and and it's been this thing that i can do that's just bare bones and so totally effective that i i used to do the workouts just all i ever did was the main site workouts all on my own and i could do the workout and maybe it's 12 minute AMRAP. I could, you know, when I was young, I didn't even warm up and I could go do that and I could be totally fit and
Starting point is 01:20:12 see these massive increases in, in my, in my work, in my capacity and just in my overall health and wellbeing. I mean, you could see body composition changes in a week. I mean, it was crazy, right? When you started, when you were young. Oh yeah. I mean, the gains at body composition changes in a week. I mean, it was crazy, right, when you started when you were young? And, you know, Savvy, you have got kids. And Greg, you've got kids too. That, you know, we put our kids in these activities. You know, my kid, my four-year-old does gymnastics. She goes to the ninja gym.
Starting point is 01:20:52 My older daughter, you know, she's done both of those. She goes to the climbing gym. She also does competitive dance. And so we need these, like, all of these kids' programs are a good source of income for these little businesses. are a good source of income for these little businesses. And when I look at my affiliate that I was a part of, it was kind of struggling because it's basically just like hardcore people and there's no kids program there. And it's not really that beginner friendly.
Starting point is 01:21:18 I think it's pretty intimidating for just like people who have no base of fitness or anything like that to go step into a CrossFit gym and do it. So I think we got to follow like the CCP, you know, the woke agenda and go after the kids. I think that for CrossFit to survive, what they really need to do is just really focus in on kids because, you know, most of the affiliate members, I mean, probably half of them all have kids as it, as it stands. And we all want our kids to, to do this kind of stuff. Kids all need
Starting point is 01:21:51 to, you know, do, do fitness and get off their devices and, you know, learn how to move. But, you know, it's just not really all that available. I mean, I remember Brand X was, all that available. I remember Brand X was at the forefront of that in the early days. I think that that's an area where CrossFit really needs to focus.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Thank you. Congratulations on being a great dad. Keep doing it. Thanks. Thank you again, Greg. Kathleen Healy, I love the comment about standing protecting greg i'm here too as is my husband we were very angry and disappointed about what happened to greg uh grace pat noire pat patinod patinod hello beautiful lady nice to see you there
Starting point is 01:22:37 do you know grace heavy uh yes i do yes yes Yes, I do. Yes. Yes. Okay, the rock thrower. Different, different, the Sasquatch. This is, when I saw this, I was like, is this a joke? I thought this guy was wearing a Halloween costume. It's just shocking. Imagine driving on the freeway going 60 to 70 miles per hour when all of a sudden rocks
Starting point is 01:23:06 are flying at you. That's exactly what happened early this morning on the 110. An apparent homeless man was chucking rocks and it caused a motorcyclist to fly off his bike. The shocking video shows the man picking up rocks and throwing them onto the freeway from the shoulder near 23rd Street. And this all happened around 3.30 this morning. Now, one of the rocks was pretty big, and it appears the motorcyclist hit it, causing him to crash and slide down the road. You can see that sparks flew, but amazingly, moments later, he got up and walked away. It appears at least two other cars got hit. Holy shit. flat tires because
Starting point is 01:23:48 of all the rocks on the road one of those drivers actually just got into town from lax and was in a rental car but again amazing no one was seriously hurt and no word about where that homeless man is or if any arrests have been made. Video is death penalty. If that was my son on the motorcycle. Oh my God, dude. Hey, do you remember when we, Greg, when we were kids and it was, it was like, if someone was on the freeway, it was like a serious thing. Like no one would ever be allowed to walk on the freeway, bike on theway do you remember that it was like serious and now there's like tents along freeways all over california dude it's insane that's terrifying someone said that guy should be on a remote island i think it's worse than that
Starting point is 01:24:43 a dog bites a person the dog has to be put down, someone wrote. No matter what. But a person takes another person's life and it's okay, you'll be out of jail in less than two weeks. Someone heard I would have sued him for everything he got. I'd give him the same offense he thinks appropriate for someone who sticks a rifle out the window of a hotel and shoots into a concert. shot or ten whatever i run out of penalties for what
Starting point is 01:25:11 i'd give you for one i don't have something 10 times worse oh my goodness i just can't believe this is this is his third world as it gets. I've been all over the world. I've never seen anything like that. It's been going on. Look at, look it up. Rocks being thrown onto freeways.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Yep. And the cars on the highways, beautiful young lady was killed recently somewhere. Yeah. It's a thing now. It's like a TikTok thing or something. I don't know. Do you know what the solution for that, Greg, is more housing. If we had more housing, that would have never happened.
Starting point is 01:25:53 We need to build more free housing. You think so? More diversity. Yeah. Oh my god. Rich white people should have to throw rocks onto the freeway right
Starting point is 01:26:08 equality I was I was using a public restroom over at you know Jade Street tennis courts over there in the park I was over there with the boys the other day we went to the public restroom and it's just you we went to the public restroom and it's just, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:25 destroyed and just gross. And I just thought like, I don't live like that. I don't treat public restrooms like that. Like I, like I use my foot to lift the seat up when I go into a public restroom. You know what I mean? If I dropped toilet paper on the floor, I pick it up. I don't throw my gum into the fucking urinal. And I don't think there's anything wrong with me with wanting to live with other people who have similar uh behavioral traits
Starting point is 01:26:51 you know what i mean it's uh yep that doesn't make me a bad person that i don't want to live somewhere where people shit on the floor write graffiti on the walls or shit like that. Not in the slightest. There's tons of paper and crayons around. You can get it for free anywhere, any restaurant you go to, anywhere you go. You have the urge to write on something?
Starting point is 01:27:19 Resources are readily available. Do it on your Facebook page. Do it on your face. There too. Okay, here, this one you're really going to love. This one's great. Israel not allowed to win a war. This is from one of your favorite people. This is Douglas Murray. Oh, no, no, no. Actually, this isn't Douglas Murray. I don't think I have the Douglas Murray one, but this one's really great. I like this because it has a lot of numbers in it i like
Starting point is 01:27:47 numbers okay here we go first 2200 american servicemen killed at pearl harbor we go on to kill three and a half million japanese including 100,000 in one night 800 americans in 9-11 we go on to kill 400,000 people in Afghanistan and Iraq. We weren't accused of genocide. You had, if Mexico had elected a jihadist cartel to run their country and then they incurred into Texas and on a per capita basis killed 35,000 people of the population of the University of Texas, and on the way back took the freshman class at SMU hostage and hid them under tunnels, what would we do? It'd be the great Sonora radioactive parking lot. Jews are not allowed and Israel is not allowed to prosecute a war. And they are prosecuting a war more humanely than we
Starting point is 01:28:36 have done. The ratio of combatants to civilians is of civilian death to combatant mortality is lower than it was in Mosul, lower than it was in Japan, lower than it was in Germany. So there's just a different standard for Jews in Israel when it comes to prosecuting a war. They're allowed to fight back to a truce, but unlike America or any other Western nation that has attacked officiously, they're not allowed to win a war.
Starting point is 01:29:00 It's a double standard. I'll give you some more numbers. That's very good. You remember you asked me what a Zionist was. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. to win a war it's a double standard i'll give you some more numbers that's very good you remember you asked me what a zionist was yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a kike yeah it's it's all just anti-semitism yeah i just can't believe there is anti-semitism it seemed it seems so uh difficult like i understand like saying chinese people can't drive or black people are good at basketball.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Like, I understand. Imagine a galaxy that inspires hatred. So you live like they do, and they look over and watch our TV shows, and everyone's getting a great pussy and drives nice cars, and you're fucking riding a camel and clitorectomizing your women. You fucking hate of course you do oh right like when you're a little kid and you get pissed when you see an old guy driving a ferrari it's just jealousy you know yeah
Starting point is 01:29:54 people would say the jews rule the world like no no just the important shit. Just art, medicine, sciences, literature. You know, not everything. They're really shitty rioters. They make good revolutionaries, and then they get chewed up in the revolution they inspire. That's it. Seve, have you tried shitting on the floor in a public restroom that's good you might change your mind the rush you get my chain i i've shitten a lot of places i don't think i've ever shit on a floor
Starting point is 01:30:36 oh my god if i have to do a public shitting i in i think uh i'm uh 10 for 10 for digging a hole and filling the hole or, or, or, you know, I always have a dog. So I always have poop bags around. Yeah. I shit in my van. That's true. Do you know that? Do you know, do you know that story, Greg? No, but I don't. You know, I got an airplane with an unused bathroom, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:10 You don't even use it? If I were to use my motorhome, we'd probably park it at the Walmart and you'd run in and use their bathroom. That's what I'm going to do, too. Yeah. I don't. too yeah i don't hate it is so cool to bring your boat into a fucking marina and wash your clothes and fill up with their water and take a shower there and and a shit in the marina so much better than on your boat yeah yeah that makes sense and the people watching and the and and a drink or two That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:31:44 And the people watching and a drink or two. He said he's going to help me bring my boat up from San Diego to Santa Cruz. And when he means help, he means sit in the back with a sleeveless shirt on, scrolling through Instagram for hours, staring at his wife. Do you have to put starlink on that boat or do you have you know i'm putting i'm putting everything on the fucking boat so yeah hell yeah but i'm also i'm also likely to hug close enough to shore for it not to be relevant okay yeah i think i need to get you know the old man in the sea caleb i'm gonna do the old man in the marina Alright
Starting point is 01:32:27 It's a shift Sleeky will be on the boat too I'll help too great Bring that outfit I like Jake Chapman Just grabbing Glassman quotes Take a shit at the marina Right
Starting point is 01:32:43 We'll be there in 20 minutes Hold it dude Grabbing Glassman quotes. Take a shit at the marina, Greg Glassman. Right? We'll be there in 20 minutes. Hold it, dude. Fuck. Hey, what's crazy, too, going back to public restrooms, is so places like that, like the shittiest podunk airport in the world, like even the one in Santa Cruz, the bathroom's perfectly clean.
Starting point is 01:33:01 You can sit on the toilet. There's no piss or shit on the floor. Because people who live that lifestyle they don't do stuff like that they don't shit on the floor there's no there's no at the shitty shitty airport in santa cruz there's no graffiti on the bathroom walls and they have the shitty coffee and the tiny little weird creamers but yet it's still civilized people because anyone who's at the level of flying a plane, and the planes are atrocious there. There's some planes there you're like, Jesus. Check this out. In Croatia, if breakfast went a little long and you're late
Starting point is 01:33:31 back to the washer, someone's put your shit in the dryer and folded it. For you. Like, better than mom. Wow. Just as in, like, marina courtesy. Hashtag civilized. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Hey, Savant, how are you? Thanks for taking the call. First time calling in. And I just started kind of seriously doing CrossFit about a year and a half ago. And since then, I was searching on YouTube CrossFit stuff here and there. And then I'm on your show. And ever since then, listen to it every day. I absolutely look forward to it since I wake up.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Thanks so much for the entertainment. You provide all the knowledge, and probably not too much of a productive call for you, so I'll be real brief. Just wanted to talk to the legend, Greg. Thanks so much for everything you've created. I am all in. Absolutely love that you joined a CrossFit affiliate
Starting point is 01:34:22 for the first time here recently, Carpe Diem in Springfield, Illinois. The community loved the nutrition that you provide and all of the expertise. Caleb, you're pretty cool, too. How old are you? How old are you? I'm 45 years old, and my only regret is not starting this as soon as I found out about it. I had known about it and kind of played around with the workouts every now and again,
Starting point is 01:34:45 but never joined an affiliate with Frey. I didn't think I would fit in as far as like the strength and, you know, being able to do the work. But I was totally wrong. I mean, you could you start at scaled and then work your way up. And I'm still a little bit behind, you know, like unbroken pull ups and-bar and stuff like that and some of the lifting but uh i'm getting there um entered a beginner competition uh right when i started and i actually won um which i was surprised about and i got another one coming up uh in july too that i'm preparing for so are you a country singer by day are you a country singer by day i wish i was yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:35:23 goddamn yeah i actually just went to a hearty concert with my wife on friday so maybe i picked up some twine there yeah so oh my god you sound like a singer what do you do what's your day job i do legislative work speaking of all the bonehead politicians i got to deal with that uh every day and i absolutely dislike politics i just kind of fell into the job and i can't beat the flexibility and the pay. So unfortunately, I'm stuck in that world by day. But I absolutely love CrossFit
Starting point is 01:35:52 and like I said, just wanted to call in and loan my country voice to you for a little bit on your show. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it, brother. Yes, sir. Thanks a lot. Take care. Bye-bye. This has been a phenomenon, Greg these fucking ding ding dongs right when the show's over the phone starts going crazy it's crazy you know what seth i gotta
Starting point is 01:36:14 run okay i've gotta i've gotta oh no no greg no no you can't call her her. Hi. Oh, my God. Here we go. Hold on a second. Greg, where are you going? I'm holding up the project next door, the build. Yeah. And I got cornered today, first full day back from being gone too much. And I'm trying to leave town as well. So I'm packing, unpacking, and I've got
Starting point is 01:36:48 I've got electricians, fireplace builders. Oh, they can wait. Go ahead, caller. They can wait. Go ahead, caller. Those are just day workers. Hey, Sadi. Thanks for your show.
Starting point is 01:37:05 And Greg, I appreciate all that you do. I've been involved with CrossFit for a little bit less than a year now. Relax, Greg. Lean back. Enjoy this. I was talking to my son recently about some of your broken science stuff. And the pushback I was getting was, what does he have for an education? And what's his credentials? All this other crap. It'd be nice to have something to point to as kind kind of a objective source or something i don't know i mean i don't
Starting point is 01:37:31 like that but you know and uh you're gonna have to you're gonna have to judge me by my words rather than my credentials and if i had to wear the badge of a philosopher, I would do that. I'm with you on that. If I had the math degree that might have helped get me to where I'm at or the physics degree or been exposed to probability theory even sooner, maybe I'd have something that I could have pointed to in that realm. But I really don't think it's necessary. And in terms of the Broken Science work product, we're explaining to people that the goal is to inspire this self-odyssey, you're not going to be led down a road.
Starting point is 01:38:27 You're going to be encouraged to give some consideration, and I think we have the tools for that. I like the position philosophically, and it's needed because that's what went wrong. What's your son's major? What's he study? What's his thing? Not even sure if he's ever completed an undergraduate yet.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Right now, he's a recruiter in the national guard okay he was a medic and i know he was involved a lot with the logistics of the whole vaccine thing and all that and uh well thank you tell him thank you for his service i mean that's important nah it doesn't matter greg how did you ever come up with this prospect stuff i mean this is crazy brilliant stuff you couldn't be the short version you couldn't be a successful gymnast and and not have a pretty keen intuitive sense of what was deficient in lateral raises and curls and leg extension and all the machinery and then you get exposed from that environment to the power lifters that are like you show me the machine i'm going to put the pin at the bottom and i'll work it with one leg or one arm and all they do is deadlift squat and and bench and then someone
Starting point is 01:39:57 tries to tell you that it's not cardio even though you're at 200 beats a minute because you're doing push-ups pull-ups and squats instead of running around the track. And how much of that do you have to be exposed to until you realize that what we got here is an utter and complete load of absolutely worthless bullshit? And then expose yourself to what was introduced to me by Lon Kildore as the ACSN's definition of fitness. And I could tell as soon as I saw what had happened, they passed the hat around and everyone threw something in. And of all, I think there were 37 elements as I recall. And I remember two of them were amenable to accurate and precise estimation that is being treated scientifically. And that was a power and energy.
Starting point is 01:40:46 And I don't think in either one they intended power nor energy in the sense that I saw it, which was measurable. I think they meant something more in keeping with their vitality, well-being, and happiness. And so the space was wide open for the taking. And so the space was wide open for the taking. The first person to not be stupid walked away with multigenerational wealth. You know, that was what that was about. Okay, I got to go, but thanks a lot for your time.
Starting point is 01:41:20 No, no, no, we got to go. Okay. You guys are great, and everyone that calls in is great. And I really appreciate all the kind words. And for me, the fitness part is the cat's out of the bag. And all kinds of people know how to do this thing. And it's time to take our fitness and our thinking and the mindset that we've got here and realize how many other places in life it lends itself something of value, whether that's medicine for sure, education, politics, literature, child rearing.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Hey, look, they shut down schools because of COVID. They should shut them down because of the school shootings. How many kids have died in a classroom from a bullet wound? What percentage greater than those that died from COVID? It was to protect grandma. Hey, it's a, yeah, and so yank her out of the ER and stick her in the nursing home.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Where she can spread COVID. Sad. Okay, I gotta go, I love you guys spread COVID. Oh, sad. Okay, I gotta go. I love you guys. Everyone. Thank you. Bye. Talk to you soon. Bye. See everyone soon. That may have been one of our best shows with him yet. Yeah, that was cool. Oh, dang. Caller took too long. My super chat is gone. Oh, can we pull up the new CrossFit Instagram post?
Starting point is 01:43:07 Oh, come on. It's not. Is it bad? Is it good? Just annoying. Let me guess. It's virtue signaling. God damn it.
Starting point is 01:43:21 Is it inherently racist or something or homophobic under the guise of being like good? Is that what it is? There you go. Wait, hold on. Okay, hold on. I'm just what's your what? Okay, so right away. I already know.
Starting point is 01:43:35 Say it. That person put a fucking hole in their upper lip. Well, I'm glad they found CrossFit whoever this is. I mean, hopefully because that's the kind of, whoever this is. I mean, hopefully, because that's the kind of shit it cures. Holy shit, dude. Can you imagine punching a hole in your upper lip
Starting point is 01:43:51 by your gum line? Okay, I'm not even going to read this. I'm just, I'm going to, I'll read it afterwards. What's your why? Okay. All right. My name's Nick.
Starting point is 01:44:04 I am 31. Oh, wait All right. My name's Nick. I am 31. Oh, wait. Pause. Isn't that a girl? Three, two, one, go. That sounds like a girl. Shit, I don't know, dude. Okay, okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:44:19 Go on. By girl, I mean that sounds like it has a vagina, but it said its name was Nick. Okay, go ahead. Hit play. Let me see. Let me see what's going on here. Iowa. I moved out to Portland in 2012.
Starting point is 01:44:30 Pause. Holy fuck. Holy shit, dude. Hole in the lip. Lives in Portland. And has a name named Nick, but sounds like a girl. This is some crazy cliche shit. Yeah, this is wild okay go ahead
Starting point is 01:44:47 but i'm still okay with it it's good so far so good okay here we go but just please yeah go ahead people like the glass the beauty of crossfit is that i'm so invested in people outside of the gym i care about how their performance in the gym transitions into their life. As a queer person, that community, that chosen found family, that has a translation. That person should not be wearing a weight vest. You're not even close to depth on squats. Facts. Like not even close.
Starting point is 01:45:23 That was horrible. Okay, go on. I don't understand. Go ahead. Okay, go ahead. The queer experience, you know, with fitness in particular, and with a lot of spaces as a queer person, there's this looming question that kind of hangs over your head that's like, do I belong here? You either make space for yourself, which can be challenging, or you don't feel like there's space for you. And with CrossFit, I've always, always, always been welcomed, celebrated. People ask me about myself. You have the same experience with people. And that, to me, is the exact same as the queer experience.
Starting point is 01:46:00 I know when I show up in— So clearly, clearly this person feels 100 percent uncomfortable in their skin. If you punch a hole, if you punch a hole in your face above your lip. You feel something's already like wrong with you. Sorry. That's just the way it is. And so like the baseline for this person feeling comfortable or not comfortable, fucking completely out the door. The second thing is, yeah, i understand that if you want to have sex with someone who is with the same genitalia that's not how most people are that's not even that's like you're in such a small minority and on top of that 90 of the fucking population is looking to actively mate because that's why we're here on the planet. And so you're not in that group, and I get that. That's not a bad thing, though.
Starting point is 01:46:48 That's not a bad thing. That's like no one's fault. And by the way, I don't know if this is a boy or a girl. I think it's a girl. I don't think she is saying it's a bad thing either, but I think a lot of people who view it do think it's a bad thing, and it's not a bad thing. Of course you're going to feel,
Starting point is 01:47:05 it's like, it's like I went to a grateful dead concert. I was the only person wearing a baseball cap and I was on mushrooms and I was like, Oh shit. Or, uh, um,
Starting point is 01:47:12 you know, I've been to Africa and many times, although I feel completely at home there, many times I've been with other white people and like, you'll go a week without seeing another white person. You can tell that like the other, the other white people feel uncomfortable i personally enjoy the attention i like being the only white guy okay go on go on into a queer space similar to a fitness space i can assume based on the
Starting point is 01:47:41 space we're in that we've all had a similar lived experience and that connects people yeah i just i don't know i i don't know i don't have an opinion on it i just call bullshit on like that the person just has their own issues and they're projecting them onto the world but it's a nice video it's fine i don't think it's fine whatever the only thing that's weird with it is you'd never see a straight person say that and then someone would say well that's because everyone's straight and it's like well so what you know what i mean you could say you could say everyone say well you could also say that every queer person has a hole in their fucking lip and has changed their they have a boy's name
Starting point is 01:48:16 to a girl's name and obviously she dresses like a boy and there's obviously a bunch of shit going on i'm happy for that she found crossfit it's cool um it's just i i can't give a honest uh uh reaction to it because it's a fuck as soon as i hear the word portland i'm triggered so there anyway congratulations on finding CrossFit. Seems like a cool chick. Hope you get fit. Sebi, I'm trying to convince Heidi that men love burying their noses into the two holes during 69. She won't believe. No, fuck. No.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Oh. Oh, Jake. He's the wrong person to be oh oh that is disgusting i i prefer uh
Starting point is 01:49:19 i don't know this show's been so clean so far. Even Seve's getting soft during Pride Month. I just don't... I just don't have anything like... There's this movie. It's called... I think it's called Brother...
Starting point is 01:49:45 Where Art Thou? Is that what what it is with George Clooney? No, no, no, no it's about Martin Luther King's right-hand man and he's a gay dude and he was a college football player and It's a really fucking cool movie and this guy organized the Million Man March all by himself. I'm not sorry, not all by himself. This guy organized the Million Man March with pre-cell phone. And bust in all these people and organized this whole fucking crazy. There's a new movie about him, too.
Starting point is 01:50:17 I haven't seen it because I know it's going to be woke as shit and irritate me. But there's a documentary from like 20 years ago about him. What's it called? What's the name? I think the new one's called Rustin. Yeah, yeah. Rustin something. Rustin, Brainerd Rustin, Baynard Rustin.
Starting point is 01:50:31 Rustin. Anyway, there's an old documentary about him. It's fucking awesome. And the whole documentary, they never mention that he's gay until it becomes relevant. And when it becomes relevant is the fact that at one point, I think the CIA or FBI basically tells Martin Luther King, like, hey, if you don't do A, B and C, we're going and get rid of we're going to out your buddy Rustin for being a homo. And I was like that,, that's relevant. Brother Outsider. Yeah, awesome doc.
Starting point is 01:51:13 2003. God, this was such a good movie. Guy was such a stud. So to lead with that, the people who do that, they don't realize it's more divisive than helping like like who do you who do you think that who do you think that video yeah it's it's stupid it's stupid yeah it's stupid but anyway i don't care i i don't care at least at least they're making good content it comes from the affiliate and nick seems like a good chick and like i'm happy for her. And you know, maybe, maybe she'll do enough CrossFit and take enough personal accountability and personal responsibility
Starting point is 01:52:10 in her life that she'll realize, okay, this is all on me. Like it's important for me to feel comfortable. Like, Hey dude, I've been to like, I don't know, 50 bars in my life and I hate every single bar experience. I feel so out of place there. Never met a girl in a bar. I can't hear what anyone's saying. I don't like sitting at a bar. I don't like the way people interact in there. I feel so fucking uncomfortable in there. Yep.
Starting point is 01:52:34 I feel horrible in there. What do you mean? Yeah. Caleb, you have no idea what I'm talking about. If I was you, I'd feel great in a bar. I hate going to bar six,
Starting point is 01:52:41 three, just looking over chicks, looking at you cause you're tall. Yeah. It stresses me out. agree that does happen like an asshole it's like i hate it dude i fucking hate it i'm staring at everyone's fucking belly button all the chicks are in fucking high heels fuck you guys you can't move yeah ugly dudes are fucking talking to hot chicks and i'm just fucking a douche canoe everybody's obliterated even then i does like i have to wait till the bar closes and drag out a drunk chick i never went home with a girl from a bar i leave as fast as i can i can't stand it i want to like it. I walk by a bar and I see people sitting at the stool like at 11 a.m.
Starting point is 01:53:28 It just looks awesome. It was cool like when everybody used to be able to smoke in them too. You're just like this old guy smoking and drinking. He's got like a shot of whiskey at his plate kind of thing. Oh, yeah. Listen to Cave Dastro. Imagine the Tops Beavers got a chance to look down that you've never gotten the chance yeah totally it's nice it's convenient
Starting point is 01:53:49 yeah i've i've gone home with i've i've had girlfriends that look like nick for sure um they love me they love me's good. It's what matters. I've had a few mercy fucks from lesbians. They were cool chicks. Damn. They kind of look like Nick. Both of them.
Starting point is 01:54:19 They just didn't realize they were lesbians at the time or what? No, they knew. I'm just nice. I'm fun to hang out with. I'm just cool. It was like in college and you know what i mean that makes sense i'm just cool i'm nice they weren't lesbians they were after i was done with them they're like ew like uh yeah i'm definitely gay you don't ask him you don't ask him for sex I just like I just hung out you have to I used to hang out like 12 hours a day seven days a week If I was awake, I was hanging out with people
Starting point is 01:54:53 And lesbians like me I'm fun. I'm cool. I'm open. I'm accepting everyone likes me gay dudes like me everyone likes me Yeah, I flirt with gay dudes Dude, I get probably more compliments from gay dudes and old black women than anybody else in my life. Yeah, I flirt with fucking anything with a heartbeat. I'll flirt with it. Or I used to. I don't so much anymore. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:55:15 That's it. Even my guy friends in college be like, dude, you don't even communicate with dudes. You just flirt with dudes. I'm like, yeah, I flirt with everyone. That's right. Oh, that's awesome. Mike McCaskey, any seven needs to hear with Mercy Fuck Seve. That's awesome. right oh that's awesome mike mccaskey any seven needs to hear with mercy fuck seve that's awesome wow that's awesome
Starting point is 01:55:29 uh david weed cool dudes never call themselves cool yeah i mean you're probably right yeah old black women are the best just black women in general dude if you can get a black woman interested in you not here's the black women are the same with like old black women are the best just black women in general dude if you can get a black woman interested in you not here's the black women are the same with like old southern women and by old southern women i mean anything over 30 that's like works in a liquor store and smokes underneath a sign that says no smoking in the shop calls you honey yeah like you walk into a 7-eleven somewhere in fucking tennessee and the chicks in there smoking you're like wow we don't have this in california and she's 30 and smoking. You're like, wow, we don't have this in California. She's 30 and looks like she's 60
Starting point is 01:56:06 and her fucking nipples are down at her fucking waistline and she's into you. I'm like, wow. There is someone who likes me. That's right. That's why I always go eat at Waffle House whenever I'm in the South. It's always old black women that work there and they're just always like, what can I get you, honey?
Starting point is 01:56:24 And you're just like, this is the greatest day day ever and the craziest biggest tits you've ever seen and you're just like yes ma'am like a 52 year old black woman with a fucking quadruple g yeah it's absurd i know you're just like a couple of them have like missing teeth but it's okay i'm fine that's cool less metuthian that they use i'm almost done dude you guys just so you know i'm i'm just getting through matuthian's been out for like four or five months i'm just getting um um yeah db's mom's tits those are great you know what i heard in the behind the scenes i was uh uh we they interviewed her and and she was on the top rail leaning over while they were interviewing her and the first thing i asked was there like
Starting point is 01:57:12 eight inches of cleavage they're like dude you won't even believe it like that's awesome i heard she was cool as shit too i was kind of like loving on danielle last night like in my head i was just thinking man i was just trying to think of, she's the only athlete that I remember. Like she, that's, that was like my first attraction to her. Her mom.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Well, no, but that would have been if I would have seen her mom. But, uh, I was on her, uh, someone sent me her story and she said that,
Starting point is 01:57:41 she would never take the vax. Fuck that. I ain't taking that. I just remember she was like sitting in an apartment and she said that. That's right. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Imagine Daniel's mom banging Will's brains out. Fuck off.
Starting point is 01:57:55 Stop saying that. Dude, that's awesome. That's, no, please stop. I am. She had it. Can you go to Danieliel brandon's instagram account she had to ask me anything um and i um you asked her when she's going to come back on the show yeah and i said nice yeah thank you
Starting point is 01:58:19 i got distracted by this other thought hey i, I'm going to call Two Brain Business today and ask if we can do a contest for affiliate commercial contest. Damn, I didn't get my – so she doesn't have to answer them all no no she doesn't she's not held hostage until the 24 hours it's up so she has to answer all how does that work how does she will she even see my question how does that even work probably she i mean i don't know she probably got a million fucking questions but yeah it's like a list on your instagram like you go to the story and just like you can just scroll through them and then you have the option to reply to them and then you can use a picture or whatever and then write your reply and post it and then she whenever the where do they pop in though sorry where do they pop in do they pop in like
Starting point is 01:59:25 in where your direct messages pop in or do they have their own folder or like does something i've never done that does something else pop up uh no it's so like whenever you post a story you just swipe up on this on your own story and then all of the responses are in there oh okay okay oh oh yeah yeah yeah okay that's cool uh savvy a two brain summit this weekend i'll ask no no don't ask don't don't fuck it up i have to like i'll first i'll text chris and then i'll talk i have to smooth talk him but he's already said he would support it an affiliate um uh film contest um and what's crazy is i was like oh we'll give away a thousand he's like no no we'll give away more than that but basically what i want to do you know what's crazy is, is I was like, Oh, we'll give away a thousand. He's like, no, no, we'll give away more than that. But basically what I want to do, you know, what's crazy who reached out to me is, um,
Starting point is 02:00:08 Justin Zim, Zim, Zimboa from salty hive CrossFit. He has a filmmaker. It sounds like on retainer. And they said that they would make me some, uh, if I understood it right, some affiliate commercials, but I want to have like five or 10, 30 second to one minute affiliate commercials that covered just the whole gambit of why it's good to be in an affiliate. And I just want to start running them regularly. That'd be sweet. Yeah. Just give, give a lot of love to the affiliates for sure.
Starting point is 02:00:34 Yeah. Cool. And then, and then, and then, and then also use them during the games, right? Use them like, like when I do the behind the scenes this year, I'll intersperse them throughout the games. I'm so excited to go to the scenes this year, I'll intersperse them throughout the games. I'm so excited to go to the games this year. I had so much fun. I got to hang out closely with Katie, Bill, Dave, and Dawn, and Heather, and Nicole Christensen, and just those people behind the scenes people.
Starting point is 02:00:58 It's cool hanging out with Bill and Katie, and they got their hard hats on. That's right. They look so out of place, it's like it makes sense yeah yeah i just fucking love it i can't wait i can't wait special access for seve new venue and everything yeah be cool zero i haven't heard of anyone complaining to hq about me or anything oh that's good yeah I haven't gotten any calls from
Starting point is 02:01:27 Dawn or nothing. Maybe Jenna Hawke will call you. Oh yeah, and I'm friends with Jenna Hawke now. Very cool. My girlfriend, one of those girls that I told... well, I better not say that.
Starting point is 02:01:46 I'll say that after the games. I knew I'll let you look like Jenna Hawkins with blonde hair. Oh, okay. Man, hearing Colin O'Keefe talk about Bill H., he should be the next owner of CrossFit. Oh, where did you hear that? I don't know. I only saw Kotler talking to him in that
Starting point is 02:02:12 post on Rogue. I didn't see anything else. You heard them talking where? I just saw them in the comments that we were talking about yesterday. That we went through yesterday. Oh, oh, oh. Maybe he was on a podcast or something. Oh, death by. Friday,
Starting point is 02:02:29 Glinton will be here hosting the podcast. I'll be gone Friday. Then Saturday, I'm going to try to host it from my hotel room Saturday and Sunday. As I cruise up the coast,
Starting point is 02:02:38 we're just staying in fancy hotels or fancy hotel. We're just like boating up the coast to California. Oh, shit. Okay. And dude, and Greg's wife is pregnant oh yeah like really pregnant she gotta be having that baby soon yeah yeah and it's getting she's gonna be on the boat and i'm just gonna stare at her the whole time
Starting point is 02:02:59 please don't have this baby on this boat I should do a film I should ask her if I could do a film expose on her for my Instagram Gabe Dastro must be fun it must be fun being Greg side piece dude you don't even know like hey dude listen
Starting point is 02:03:19 hey Tori what the fuck are you doing dude it's the second time he's asked that no fifth time and it's a girl no dude would ever fucking be that much of a dipshit what are you doing dude no dude really
Starting point is 02:03:38 I think we've got a few dudes that do that regularly yeah he's having his tenth kid fuck that's crazy dude um she won't even she doesn't even care don't stare too hard at the booth she doesn't even care wild uh tori you're retarded do you do crossfit tori's annoying as fuck i know get the fuck out of here dude someone the other day told me on my Instagram, unsubscribe. Like, unsubscribe for something I posted.
Starting point is 02:04:10 I know. I was like, later. Cool. Yeah. Like, hey, here's the thing, Tori. Like, say what you really want to say. Like, quit beating around the bush. Quit asking loaded questions.
Starting point is 02:04:21 Just ask what you want to ask, retard. You're such a fucking pussy. Jesus. And I know I'm reading into your comment, but by the time you ask it the fifth time, it's like, I'm okay reading into it. I'll take the blame for it if I'm wrong. When you ask it that many times.
Starting point is 02:04:49 Yeah. Look, everyone knows. Everyone in the comments know. I haven't even heard anyone say anything to Torrey. Oh. Huh. Oh, I literally just want to know his workout routine. I don't think he doesn't do it
Starting point is 02:05:06 Oh my bad. Sorry. I apologize strike everything from the record. I was reading into your comment All right There was something else we talked about the people who had their cameras stolen, right? There was something else. We talked about the people who had their cameras stolen, right? Yeah. We talked about the girl from the UK who qualified for the games, tried to take money from the people for that. Oh, remember, I'm leaving at 940. What's this?
Starting point is 02:05:49 Oh, shit. One of my kids is coughing again uh okay i'm going to pick up my rv today oh i can't believe you got one that's so you know what's crazy caleb i've been looking at rvs too not i wasn't i'm not buying one but i've been looking at them and i like the one that i used to live in one like the one you have got it's pretty like you have to sleep you have to sleep over the cab yep i've got there's a bed over the cab and then there's one in the back i'll take some pictures and send them to you guys when i pick it up today i had a 77 uh 1977 good life you could probably find it and it was 24 feet long. And it had bunk beds in the back. And then the sleepover on the top.
Starting point is 02:06:29 That's sick. 1977. I think it was a Chevy Good Life. A RV. Yeah, I'm stoked. Is the Shattuck in ruin, Sean Linnerman? Well, it's not. It wasn't not ruined.
Starting point is 02:06:53 Basically, as soon as we got it, it's what we got. And it's just kind of, ever since we've been trying to work on it, things have just been popping up with flooding. The roof has more leaks than we thought the gutters are not capable of clearing any water oh wow that's what you had it's like a fucking econoline yeah i think it was like that and it was it was really cool yeah this is exactly what it was mine mine was mine was an incredible shape and it was had a really cool paint job said good life on the side but i remember those windows all that stuff i remember that shit for the fridge on in the water heater down there wow
Starting point is 02:07:35 that's crazy yeah it was cool and this whole top here, this whole roof, was just covered in fucking dead mosquitoes. Like, because, and so there would just be, there were thousands of like dead blood marks because I'd be sleeping at night and all the mosquitoes would be on the ceiling at a certain time of year and I'd just smash them. Oh, that's disgusting. Oh, here, wow.
Starting point is 02:08:04 I build RVs and own an affiliate affiliate my affiliate cannot take off fast enough i hate the rv industry so much yeah i don't blame you yeah it's it's pretty insane just i was talking to a few people uh about rv stuff and it's a yeah it's pretty wild it's It's basically a house that's under constant earthquake. Yeah, that's right. And then, like, none of the RV places do any sort of maintenance themselves. They just work on, like, the house part of it. They don't do anything with, like... The plumbing or the electricity? Yeah, they're just like, oh, yeah, we're just slapping this thing on a Ford chassis or whatever.
Starting point is 02:08:45 It's wild. I was going to tell a story about the RV. I can't remember. I enjoyed it. I never used the bathroom in there. I never used the bathroom in there. I used the bathtub in the back. I never showered back there.
Starting point is 02:09:02 I just put dog food back there. The bunk beds I never used. The dogs just slept on the bottom one. But it had a refrigerator, which was cool. That ran off of propane. It plugged in. Yeah. It didn't have any leaks.
Starting point is 02:09:17 If it got cold at night, all I'd have to do is light one little tea candle. Holy shit. Yeah. And it would warm up the whole place. Dude, it was crazy how fast one little tea candle holy shit yeah and it was the whole place dude it was crazy how fast one little tea candle warmed it up uh the dog i had three great danes in there and they crazy they warmed it up oh yeah um yeah it was it was oh this is what i was gonna say so one time i was going um to los angeles and i was driving up the grapevine and the engine blew up oh and i remember to get the engine
Starting point is 02:09:46 replaced it cost five thousand dollars and for me back then that was so much money i was tripping balls well recently my timing belt went out in my fucking sienna yeah and it was 7700 bucks 5900 bucks plus some other shit that they did do it, but crazy, right? That's insane. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's so expensive. Oh, I destroyed my RV.
Starting point is 02:10:14 There was a table in there where I did all my editing. I destroyed my RV. The seat there, if you sat on it, uh, it just smelled like shit. I mean, cause I, I never used the bathroom cause it just,
Starting point is 02:10:26 you already just had so much shit smell in there, dude. It was crazy. Oh man. It was crazy. It was, that seat was nuts. Everyone knew like,
Starting point is 02:10:38 and I always had people over in the RV and everyone knew not to sit on that seat where I always sat. Cause if you sat on it, just like shit, like shit would waft out of it that's disgusting yeah alright tomorrow kill Taylor holy shit I'm so excited
Starting point is 02:10:58 my whole life has changed because of kill Taylor yeah I used to really look forward to Tuesday nights because that's trash night. And I really just like wheeling the cans out. Right. And now my whole life is pivoted and I love Thursday mornings. Yeah. I like it too. It's cool. Right. It's a Saturday, more Thursday, Saturday mornings. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Eventually Saturday. So you look forward to it too. You're excited about tomorrow too? Yeah, I am.
Starting point is 02:11:26 It'll be good. It'll be like I'll do the show and then I'm going to get on the road. So it'll be like a nice bit of excitement before I start driving. It'll be cool. Where are you going? I'm going to Florida, but I'm taking a couple stops along the way. You're driving there? Yeah, in my RV.
Starting point is 02:11:47 Oh, that's crazy. You're getting your RV and just doing a trip right off the bat. Yeah. I wish you well. Thanks. It'll be cool. Wow, that's wild. Yeah, that'll be sweet.
Starting point is 02:12:01 Do you have the sleepover on the top? That's where you guys are going to sleep there's a bed in the back it says it's a queen size bed but I think it's more of a full how exciting did you get sheets and shit for it and all that we're just going to use some from the house
Starting point is 02:12:17 we've got a bunch of them that we haven't used yet god that's awesome yeah it'll be sweet does it have a refrigerator yeah it's got solar refrigerator generator um tv in there it has a generator yeah it's got a gas generator that runs off of the gas tank damn that's dope yeah i'll send you some pictures it's sweet how fun are you a good driver yeah pretty good yeah they're fun to drive i enjoyed driving them yeah i think it'll be cool i've never driven one before so this will be how long how long is yours 22 feet you you probably know this and it's not as bad with a 22 footer but i
Starting point is 02:13:01 had a 32 footer and a and a 24 footer and um you know you have to be like like very careful like if you pull like i'll give an example if you pull up let's say to a mailbox you know what i mean like a public mailbox one of those blue things and then you were to pull away you got to be careful because the ass always comes out oh yeah okay that's always you got just remember, you have a huge ass now. Okay. That makes sense. Yeah, huge ass.
Starting point is 02:13:27 It's always coming out. It's always coming out. All right. I didn't even think of that. I was thinking more of like, I was more concerned about the overhead thing. Like the fucking camper over the cab. Yeah, yeah. I was terrified of that too.
Starting point is 02:13:40 Yeah, that stressed me out. Yeah. No more drive-thrus. No, you can't do shit. Anything low. There's even places, i drove mine across country a few times and there's even places like in new york and new jersey we're just straight up on the freeway the bridges are too low it's fucking damn okay yeah it's absolutely nuts all right god i'm so excited for you what how fun yeah it'll be cool.
Starting point is 02:14:06 Alright. Oh, I just watched yesterday's podcast. I almost won. So close. Oh yeah, the person who won I saw on a YouTube comment that they want to know how to get their prize for the games tickets. DM Paper Street Coffee. Gabe's so good at that shit. Or Paulina or whatever.
Starting point is 02:14:28 One of his staff who checks that shit. All right. Thanks Caleb. Sure. Thanks Greg. Thanks Evie. Thanks guys for listening. Uh,
Starting point is 02:14:39 do we have, is there around the, is there around the whiteboard today? Uh, yeah, it's at, um, two o'clock central time. So what is that? Oh new noon my time All right, so that's fun. That's a good show. That's something fun to watch
Starting point is 02:14:55 Yeah, who won? I don't remember like someone named Gilmore or something Jim's wrestling Jim Rusty Gilmore rusty trombone. Oh Taylor's on Get With The Programming I don't see Oh James Gilmore won 315 115 your time Get With
Starting point is 02:15:23 Taylor's gonna be on Get With The Programming Get With Is that show live? Yeah 1.15 your time Taylor's gonna be on let's get with the programming get with is that show live yeah looks like it oh shit I'm gonna hit notify me there's already one person waiting with Taylor self
Starting point is 02:15:40 oh that's cool that's gonna be a big show for them give that a thumbs up Taylor self joins Taylor Self. Oh, that's cool. That's going to be a big show for them. Give that a thumbs up. Taylor Self joins the show today as the guys sit down and see if their initial assessment of the programming still holds true after three weeks and hundreds of athletes putting
Starting point is 02:15:55 the programming to the test. Sweet. That's fucked up. They did Bill Dirty by doing the profile pic they need a front on pic for both of them it's fucked up
Starting point is 02:16:11 it's alright it looks fine and to you the guy who posted in the beginning of the show that this show has low energy go fuck yourself bye bye

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