The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #33 | Live Call In

Episode Date: June 20, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But, like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrollment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrollment sale at Planet Fitness end July 18th. $49 annual fee applies
Starting point is 00:00:25 see home club for details prime day is here with epic deals exclusively for prime members you'll feel like a winner behind door number three is amazing deals shop deals on electronics home and, and more this Prime Day. Podcast show. It's the Savon Podcast Show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's the Savon Podcast Show. Bam. We're live. That's not my voice, is it?
Starting point is 00:01:01 No. My wife's like, is that your voice? Sounds like you. I'm like, I don i don't think so no it's whoever that guy is we use the latin guy to make it like add to the uh diversity and acceptance of the show oh that makes sense you know what i mean like it's a it's a subtle nuance to attract my listeners of maybe they maybe they need to you put a little like guitar and like a tambourine or something into that you know
Starting point is 00:01:30 latin descent oh you oh yeah like something really high pitch like the guys who drive by with the mexicans who drive by and it's like they're all tweeters isn't that interesting what does that mean you know you know tweeters are tweeters like the speakers tweeters there's woofers and tweeters.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Oh, okay. Mexican music's all tweeters, Latin music. Yeah, that makes sense. And tweeters are way more affordable than woofers. Woofers, you need an amp and shit to push them. Mexicans got it easy with their music. If you want really loud Mexican music in your car, you just need a shitload of tweeters.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Right. Otherwise, you got to put a bunch of audio equipment in there. Yeah. Let me see. Uh, uh, classic Mexican music. I wonder if I can find like a song that's like,
Starting point is 00:02:14 Oh, uh, let me see. Is it mariachi? No, I don't even know what that does. Anyone know what that music's called what would I um what I mean like you're talking like this when do uh let me let me play it let me see here
Starting point is 00:02:33 yeah I guess that works yeah if the if the intro music that he made had that and it'd be way better for to to appeal to that audience Yeah, sure Sounds good What what about uh, what about la bomba? La bomba videos, uh, let me hear la bomba Oh You're gone
Starting point is 00:03:05 can you could you hear that no oh that's interesting I can hear it blasting through my headphones but if I don't share if I don't hit the share button it like cut out your audio and then didn't hear anything yeah I like that Starlink Caleb is what they call him in the hood Yeah, I like that. Starlink Caleb is what they call him in the hood.
Starting point is 00:03:32 In the old RV park. Hey, did you get a notification from Instagram for double authentication? If I did, I probably deleted the notification like you just ignore that you didn't take advantage of the double authentication authentication yeah i don't really do that i probably should but i just don't bother with it did you i did and i regret it because not everywhere like i log in where there's instagram like i have shit i have to do oh yeah like type in the code that gets sent to your phone number um i missed um uh you yesterday you missed a great bit on front hole there was some some like uh fundraiser cancer fundraiser and they they referenced they they called the cervix the cervix and and like people got upset and they wanted it to be called the front hole
Starting point is 00:04:32 right can can you imagine like using that term with your mom front hole front hole my front has a little smelly front Front hole. What the fuck? I was about to say front tail. But David Wee did bring up something interesting. He's okay with back hole, and I am okay with back hole. Back hole, really? Yeah. Just because the anus doesn't deserve the respect the vagina demands.
Starting point is 00:05:04 It seems disrespectful to call the respect the vagina demands. It seems disrespectful to call the vagina the front hole, but to call the anus the back hole seems fine to me. Okay. It doesn't demand the respect the vagina does. Hi, Greg. We were talking about how a cancer fundraiser was being criticized because they referred to the vagina as the vagina, and that was offensive to the trans community.
Starting point is 00:05:25 They would prefer that it was referenced as the front hole. You can't make this shit up. Front hole. It sounds derogatory, doesn't it? It sounds derogatory to me. Front hole. Hey, those apricots on your wall back there, those oranges kind of remind me of like the PragerU.
Starting point is 00:05:47 They give me PragerU vibes. Yeah, I think that was just commemorating a three-year-old or whatever. What is Prager? Why does it do that? I'm not eating the crayon. Oh my God, you got crayon on paper. Oh, PragerU just has the color orange with those white dots i wonder what that symbolizes for prager you you know they're little look at that google should be punished forever for taking them down oh out of youtube like their piece on like ten commandments and stuff no it was more recent than
Starting point is 00:06:26 that it was uh i don't know what's the story look it up it was only 24 hours though and they put it back oh they did yeah oh that's right and that's right what was that uh prager you that's some PragerU some SEALs were talking about what they had witnessed of people that they were fighting culturally and it got called hate speech that's right
Starting point is 00:06:58 PragerU received notice that its app was suspended and removed from Google Play that's right they took their app down. Wow. On Monday afternoon, once again, YouTube banned a video from PragerU, put out in 960, the Patriots own. The video entitled Born to Hate Jews featured Cosmin Hafiz, a British Muslim who is a pro-Israel activist. And the video Hafiz explains how he overcame the anti-semitic indoctrination and that was wow oh last night youtube retracted its hate speech label oh my goodness uh uh you know greg you know who uh sanjay gupta is the cnn doctor
Starting point is 00:07:39 what's watching in restricted mode what's's that? I think that maybe for when you have it in for your kids, maybe. You have to prove that you're 18 or something? Is that what it was put under? Watching in restricted mode? That's where they met him halfway? Is that what the article said?
Starting point is 00:07:59 It said it would be restored unless you were watching in restricted mode. Oh, no. It's just a setting like you can just turn on restricted mode keep yourself from seeing things you shouldn't yeah i guess so just in case a set of titties come across the screen you know or anything that uh with critical thinking in it right right we heard the term laptop denier yesterday, and I just loved it. We can't make up enough of those. Laptop denier?
Starting point is 00:08:33 Laptop denier? Yeah. Like if you think that the laptop's not real. Like if you think it's Russian disinformation, if you don't believe it actually belongs to Hunter. There needs to be a movie laptop got it there will be how could you not can you imagine at one point he bought that laptop brand new and then just filled it with like text messages about smoking crack and videos of him jerking off on pizzas you could probably have chat gbt do it for you right they they should
Starting point is 00:09:06 tell the movie from the perspective of the laptop they should personify the laptop oh today was rough he installed on me a video of jacking off on a pizza i i saw sanjay uh gupta interviewed fauci a few days ago on CNN. And what's crazy is, I don't know if you remember, but Sanjay went on Joe Rogan and Joe Rogan didn't even on purpose, but just destroyed him on accident. Sanjay just couldn't. He was just waffling all over the place. This was a couple of years ago regarding the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:09:40 But he did a 10-minute interview with Fauci, and it's so different than when Fox talks about Fauci. They're like, so what's it like being a grandfather? How's your wife? What's your favorite baseball team? Why did you join the NIH? And he's like, I've always just wanted to help people. I mean, they don't ask him one.
Starting point is 00:10:02 They don't ask him like, hey, so was there a gain of research function? Where did it go sideways? They don't even ask them like they don't even give them a chance to defend himself. They're not like, hey, where do you think that the most false accusations are coming to you from? Like nothing. It's just 10 minutes. And at one point Fauci said, hey, it's undeniable that the vaccine saved millions of lives with no context of the troubles that it's caused. It was unbelievable. Don't watch CNN. I have to watch it. Grace, hi. Good morning, beautiful. I have to watch it because I have to see what those people are being told.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Yeah, I have to watch it. I may have told. Yeah. I have to watch it. I may have taught you that. I think you did. Like I'll force myself if I'm in the car on a six hour drive that no more than three for every three hours of Fox, there's three hours of, you know, CNN. It's wild. You know what I realized, Greg? They're the feeling class. Maybe you maybe you explain this this to me actually, as long as they feel good, that's all that matters.
Starting point is 00:11:09 So even if they're doing racism or bigotry or hatred or, or supporting the killing of someone, as long as they feel good about it, that's enough for them. They don't need to, there doesn't need to be any critical thinking. It's bizarre. Yeah. It's bizarre yeah it's a it's fashion the fat oh it's fashion wow okay yeah they people will adopt an ideology because they think it looks good on them because it's trending trending. The new Gucci bag. I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:48 you remember the, what was it, the pink ribbon on Seinfeld? Is it? Oh, yeah, that's a great clip. The AIDS ribbon and what's his name
Starting point is 00:11:58 won't wear it and the mob chases him. Yeah. Yeah, they're going to kill him. Because he won't join the fashion? He just doesn't want to wear it wear and that's not good enough i thought we were gonna get to that with those fucking yellow uh lance armstrong bracelets oh yeah they're only a dollar it was so easy so accessible
Starting point is 00:12:22 like if you didn't if you didn't wear them, it was going to be frowned upon? Dude, the number of people wearing them in the gym every day. There was another person that's got one of those fucking things on. Probably more people not wearing them than wearing them. What year was that?
Starting point is 00:12:39 What year was the Lance Armstrong bracelet? I don't know. But I... The thing with him and the drugs was, was amazing. 2004. Here's what's crazy. So you buy that,
Starting point is 00:12:55 you buy that yellow thing to support cancer. Okay. Let's say that that's a noble cause. And let's just assume that they were actually working on cancer research, right. To help people with the cure for cancer. Let's just assume that without pushing back on that. And then everyone's wearing them and they're supporting them. And then you find out that he cheated in the tour de France.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And then all of a sudden everyone stops wearing them. Like all of a sudden cancer is punished because he used drugs. Cancer research is punished because he used drugs in a, in a, it doesn't even make sense it reminds me do you remember when millie vanillie got busted for um uh not being the singers of their songs they were just the dancers and when that leaked and then all of a sudden all the radio stations stopped playing millie vanillie and i'm like what does that matter who sung it it was still a great song do you remember their song it was still fun song like who cares who sung it i never understood there's a huge disconnect for me there and i guess that's the fashion piece people yeah i don't know
Starting point is 00:13:55 it's like vanilla ice i don't like i don't like my menu on an ipad in a fucking restaurant me neither i have a bad attitude about the place starting right now. Like if they have a QR code and you have to scan it, that kind of thing? Oh, that's worse. That's even worse. No, I just don't like an iPad sitting on a table instead of a printed menu.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Okay. It's me. It's weird, but I don't like it. I was watching these people order at McDonald's up the kiosk, but I don't like it. I was watching these people order at McDonald's up the kiosk, and I don't do that. And I was thinking, and then I asked someone, would you eat here if there were no people? I mean, a lot of people just won't eat that shit,
Starting point is 00:14:38 but I know Sebi and I will. And if it came out of it, if you put quarters in a machine and a quarter pound of the cheese came out, would you, would you like it still? And for me to know, I'm not sure why. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I want to see the guys in the back cooking it too. I want to, when I go to Jack in the box, I want to see the guy pull the fries out of the fryer. I don't want to, when I go to Jack in the box, I want to see the guy pull the, the fries out of the fryer. I don't want to, I don't want a, a printer printing my fries. Seve,
Starting point is 00:15:14 you're very disconnected. I know. I'm so proud. I'm so proud of it too. I'm so glad that I'm able to appreciate Milli Vanilli, even though they're not the singers. It makes me feel superior to other people.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Like, I'm more real than you guys. I didn't know who Steph Curry was. Yeah, that's awesome. I was jealous. Yeah, I get that. Denise Moore became a YouTube member Thank you best $20 you ever spent
Starting point is 00:15:47 Thank you how are you all night members Is that what it is 20 bucks Makes you a member 20 bucks 20 bucks a month They told me no one would buy them it's too expensive They Tyler Spilde I went to a place with 10 upcharge for the staff but you order on their website from the table plus suggest tip on top of that what
Starting point is 00:16:12 yeah i saw something that said if if you if the both of you are standing when you order and pick up your food then you don't deserve a tip oh that's like that's like just some basic logic right yeah i guess i never thought of it that way i just did but that makes sense say that again like if you're standing to order your food like like a mcdonald's like if you're standing to order your food and they're standing to like receive your order and give it to you then you don't need to tip them but like if you're seated like if you go to a sit-down restaurant and they're standing to receive your order and give it to you, then you don't need to tip them. But if you're seated, like if you go to a sit-down restaurant and they come to your table and wait on you and bring you water and more drinks or whatever
Starting point is 00:16:53 and bring your food out, then you tip them because they're actually performing a service. I don't know. There's a little local grocery store I go to, and they have a tip option at the register. I always skip. So that would tell you you'd be a no-tipper at Starbucks. Yeah, right, right. I'll just pay for the drink and leave.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I used to tip at Starbucks. I used to tip a dollar. If they were nice, like if the kid said hi to me and smiled to me and they were just nice I rewarded them that's all it takes hi how are you look at my kids can I help you you know shit like that when I go to Starbucks I pay with the app and it doesn't even give me the option to tip i just like have them scan my little thing the app screwed those people yeah screwed those people i don't even consider tipping them just because i'd like show them my phone and then they scan the scan a little card out of millions of dollars screwed those kids out of millions of dollars for sure hey greg weren't you telling me yesterday at dinner that they're proposing – Trump's proposing no taxes on tips?
Starting point is 00:18:07 That's what he promised, and then the – what was it, 300,000 people there all got excited? That's – people on the service – I just love that. People on the service industry, that's how many there are, 300,000? No, no, no. It was his audience. Oh, oh, oh. Hey, that's fucking brilliant. I think so, too. In fact, it's the first kind of smart thing that's come out of the campaign.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It's great strategically. And it incentivizes people to be cool at their job and work harder. And that's what we need. We need people to be incentivized to be cool. And those are low-income earners, even at their farthest reaches. I disagree, Mike McCaskey. No tax on tips is pandering.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Just like the Dems do. I disagree completely. And whether it's pandering or not. I think it's a huge valuable contribution. To civilization and humanity. At the front of Twitter. What was the gentleman's name? What was it?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Mike McCaskey. Mike. Mike here's the thing. The money that's taken, all taxes, it's taken from people. They're the ones that own the money. And in an effort to help the lower classes, and I'm going to tell you, everyone that's getting tips for a living is low income.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And I would just compare that to, say, what someone makes in tips compared to the highest, compared to the highest end of nursing pay, or dentistry, or accounting, or pick any damn field, anything that people do. And so it's a low income position. And if we really wanna help you, what are we supposed to give it, Mike?
Starting point is 00:20:24 You'd have the government take it from them and then give it back to them in the form of some program that returned a fraction when it take because you got to employ an army of people to administer it. That's what's going on. And so, if you asked me, if I support a tax cut for before you get to what the fuck it's for, I'm for it. I want the government to have less money for everything. Right, me too. Is this a Coke product? Is this a Coke product?
Starting point is 00:21:06 I believe. Is this a Coke product? Pure Leaf. Pure Leaf. Black iced tea. Do you ever drink green tea, Greg? No, I don't really like it. It's supposed to make you live forever or something. PepsiCo and Unilever joint venture pepsi's lipton tea owns pure leaf iced tea pure leaf is brewed in liquid hey i was talking to this guy the other day uh he owns a uh
Starting point is 00:21:36 soft drink company and he told me that for every if like if you want to be stocked on this on the shelves at safeway there's a thousand stores and you have to pay two hundred dollars a store just to them just to be stocked on their shelves so the upfront before they even start buying any products from you is you have to pay them two hundred thousand dollars so everything you see on the shelves at Safeway those people paid to be there and that's why it's so hard being a startup in any of those spaces. And that's why all those people end up taking private equity money and venture capitalist money because they can't, they don't have the money to get on the shelves.
Starting point is 00:22:17 And then once you get on the shelves, you'll have a minimum requirement of like a million bottles to print, right? So then you got to make a million cans to get on all those shelves that you paid two hundred thousand dollars for there's a there's a well-known grocery chain of which we became friendly with the creator and people in that set communicated to us the large number of staff in the back of the store that were opening up giant containers of things like apricots peanuts whatever but they were that were delivered from the biggest of the brands and they were buying them in bulk
Starting point is 00:23:06 and then wrapping it, rewrapping it in little cellophane packages. Yes. An old-timey kind of label and putting it on the shelf for three bucks. And so they could make just crazy money on little bags of apricots and walnuts.
Starting point is 00:23:22 And you're getting them from Blue Diamond in 500-pound bags, you know? Yes. little bags of apricots and walnuts and they're getting them from blue diamond in the 500 pound bags you know yes like 100 people in the bag like santa's helpers repackaging shit look bryson knows bryson knows i didn't say that hey you know what's crazy? I like Whole Foods. But I tell you what I wear grates on me, there's brands of things I want. Like if I'm getting pepperoncinis, I want the Mazzetta. And I don't think they'll have it.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Oh, Whole Foods doesn't care. Oh, yeah, they got their own little weird brand. Yeah, it's something else. And they might even be taking the Mazzettas and putting them in a new bottle and making up some fucking name, you know? I heard that also what they do, Greg, is
Starting point is 00:24:15 they'll even buy it packaged individually there, and they'll open the individual packages, throw away the packaging that it came in, and then individually package them in their packaging. Sometimes they don't even buy a bulk i think that's what they do at trader joe's save the environment is that what they do at trader joe's yeah they just repackage whatever other shit and then let's just put a trader joe's label on it uh carlos cueva i worked at Whole Foods. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Hey, Greg, I was telling a story to someone the other day, and I can't remember exactly the details, but just prior to the sale, wasn't there a plan that was pretty significantly in motion to open up two gyms, one in Atlanta and one in Los Angeles? We were playing. I had done all the pro formas and had the cash. And so, you know, I mean, it was, we were doing it. The accounting department had actually figured out the rent of the place, what would cost to staff it the equipment the plan was in place i designed
Starting point is 00:25:29 the gym i i picked some trainers i had in mind i knew what they would cost because i was paying them and you had already talked to at least one of the trainers i think i was in the meeting for the gym yes several there was there was some and some affiliates what was interesting is the affiliates were uh fairly chilly to the idea of hq building a mega gym and making it free and uh i even had to i even knew my angle of approach you know i mean we were gonna go hit up uh like a uh black minister with congregation in an underserved neighborhood of two or three thousand people. A guy like that's doing diabetes funerals one a week, you know. And so that's what I told the person.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I said, I'm pretty sure the locations were going to be near the largest black church in Atlanta and the largest black church in L.A. And it had nothing to do with the fact that they were black. It was just because you knew through, because you're racist that the black church had a lot of type two diabetes and you wanted proof of concept that in an easy proof of concept that CrossFit would cure type two diabetes. And you knew that that community had it. Is that accurate? If there was, if there were ever a hope that the notion of carb restriction
Starting point is 00:26:48 and functional movement would be the antidote to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and the attended illnesses, I think that's how it would happen. And then didn't you point to those two models directly that you had to Rosa and be like, Hey, by the way, we were just about to activate on these. Here's the plans. Like he knew, right. He was acutely aware. The fine tooth comb with which they went through everything was, you know, thousands of hours of diligence i don't think there was anything anything that wasn't that wasn't abundantly clear and i don't i don't have specific
Starting point is 00:27:37 remembrance of that but it would seem like it it's one of those great it was an important project to me it was enough that i was going to take take my buddy charles and pull him from the training department and stick him in the in a gym somewhere you know yeah and i was ready to go talk to some ministers i had a nice list of potential candidates, underserved areas, and talk to the good people at the church. Daniel Garrity, Seve repackages everything he learns from Greg and calls it a podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Wow. Hey, someone sent me a reddit thread on that Seve doesn't know anything he just takes Greg's stuff and regurgitates it I'm okay with that I'm fine with that I'm sorry for fucking that
Starting point is 00:28:37 he used to be a liberal and we fixed that and then the rest is self enlightenment I mean you see the world through a different lens rather than a bag of shit over your eyes you know i'm perfectly okay with uh i'm doing you a huge disservice uh greg should get a cut of the podcast i'm doing greg a huge disservice by perverting everything he says. Putting a vagina metaphor onto everything he says. You remember my cosmogony? My cosmology?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah, I do. Is that different than everything's a mating strategy that was different than that right yeah it's a failed failed breeding strategies remember that yeah yeah i remember when you got me into that for like a month everything that anyone did i i put through the lens through the paradigm of it being a mating strategy yeah we were in we were in denmark and the guy goes by on a bicycle with a boom box that how big was it dude it was it was half the size of the bike it was like he was carrying like
Starting point is 00:29:49 furniture yes yes god and he had this on so loud i mean it was like a thousand watts of blazing music as he pedals by he must have had four car batteries to run it. And Seve's asked me, what the fuck is that? And he wasn't asking what we see. He was asking, what would possess a soul to do such a thing? And I told him it was a failed breeding strategy. He thinks he's going to get that so loud, and it's so obvious he's going to get some pussy Somehow I totally saw it
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah Wow Without Greg and Dave Seve would have blue hair and a septum ring Without Dave Seve would be full of estrogen Oh man Seve would be wearing,
Starting point is 00:30:45 have a face tattoo and wearing a tube top. Oh, my God. That's too far. The tube top's way too far. Tube top is way too far. I'm coming after you. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:31:01 He was never known to tie his T-shirt and not in the front. Yeah. Yeah. I came to work one day-shirt and not in the front. Yeah. I came to work one day. That's how hard it was working at CrossFit HQ. That's the lack of inclusivity. One time I came with my t-shirt tied and not,
Starting point is 00:31:13 and they told me to take it out. Yeah. You have to send them home. Yeah. Oh my goodness. That is the toxic work environment. Yeah. The, the gym and I remember that very clearly. I remember Holdsworth and the team, the accounting team working on that.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And I just remember being in, you know, half dozen meetings about that. And I thought that was going to I was getting excited just from the filmmakers perspective, like, wow, we're going to get some crazy content out of there. But but obviously the thing that I think that people the irony is that it had nothing to do with the fact that those people were black. But it was just that that demographic had a large variety of the people that you wanted to prove concept of what CrossFit can do to – how it can help humanity. And I think that's the part that the current regime misses is that you can do those things with it not having any skin color component. Like you can just stay true to your mission, which is to cure the world's most vexing problem and forge elite fitness. And you can scoop up everyone. You don't have to play any of the fucking corporate games. You don't have to do any of the virtue signaling, libtard stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:25 You can just be a good person. We're told you couldn't drop F-bombs in public. Fuck that. It's told you can't have a vomiting clown. There's no fucking way. You cannot do that. All right. That settles that.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Two vomiting clowns. Yeah. Seve, who texted you yesterday about buying CrossFit? I can't tell you that. Ever since that last, three people have texted me since that last show we did, Greg. And asked me what the price is for CrossFit. I said, how would I know? Yeah, I have no information.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah, I have no idea. But I know it's not for sale because, and I also know it's for sale from listening to Don's response. It's like for sale, but it's not for sale. I mean, it's not for sale, but it's for sale. Basically, he said it's not for sale, but that's what private equity does. They buy stuff and sell it.
Starting point is 00:33:30 So it is. I think I know what he's saying. Yeah. It's just fun. It's just I think I find it funny, too, though. I can also imagine it being for sale and not telling him. But listen, just is it for sale? Dude, you can buy Walmart if you got the fucking
Starting point is 00:33:47 cash. Right. I mean, Elon bought Twitter. Yeah, even if they don't want to sell it to you, it could be done. So I wasn't my wise
Starting point is 00:34:03 ass remark was, was reflecting on what it would be worth to me and what I think is probably, probably going on. I have, I have, I don't have clearer visibility than anybody else, but I know that I'm cringing at some of this shit that everyone else is cringing at. cringing it's some of this shit that everyone else is cringing at oh wow olivia everything is for sale i am for sale that's right hey did you see in um the diversity equity and inclusiveness drive
Starting point is 00:34:39 was was is in the end adopting a racist view of the workplace, creating a racist environment in your workplace to be fashionable and attract human support, what? what's the answer i i heard someone saying boeing tried, and planes started falling from the sky. Right. Did you see the CEOs retiring? Of Boeing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Yeah, that's... Early on when the planes were falling from the sky, he gave notice. But it was like a year away. I think it was last December he said he was going to quit in December. Oh, good find, Caleb. This was kind of funny. God, I like Hawley. Yeah, I like the way he's great.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Senator, that's well disclosed in our proxy documents in each of the years that I've been employed. Yeah, but what is it? It's a big number, sir. Well, let me help you out. It's $32.8 million this year. Does that sound right? Yes, it does. That's a 45% increase over last year. Does that sound right? Yes, it does. What is it you get paid to do exactly?
Starting point is 00:36:24 I get paid to run the Boeing company. Yeah. So just help me understand that. I mean, do you get paid for transparency? I don't have a problem with the dude making $30 million a year. No. You think you give a guy a 45% raise, look what's happened is planes are falling from the sky,
Starting point is 00:36:42 but the price of the stock went through the roof. Is that really what happened? Yes, it is what happened. That's the Boeing story, dude. And the fucking CEO wrote a tell-all book. I forget where it came from. Where was it? General Electric or something?
Starting point is 00:37:00 But he came there saying that he was going to cut senior people. He had a gripe against the high-earning long-timers who had no concern for the stock price and only cared about performance and safety were the only things they met with. And he called them something like really intelligent assholes and he got rid of a bunch of really intelligent assholes and this included senior engineers he moved the he left the engineering unit behind and moved the company to the sears towers and then to arlington virginia to get closer to DC. And they started building, they moved manufacturing to, I think, South Carolina and made the whole thing really diverse, inclusive and equitable. And the stock price tripled, but the planes are falling out of the air.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Oh, you're going to love this. You ready? He comes from Blackstone Group as a senior managing director and head of private equity portfolio operations perfect and what and that's exactly what they do they gut companies he was a he was chairman wow Wow. His salary is $1.4 million, and he made like $22 million in bonuses. Well, $32.8 million this year. Yeah. 45% increase from the year before. He gave $20 million to Virginia Tech.
Starting point is 00:38:42 That's probably for taxes, right? It doesn't say where he worked before. He threw his name into Wikipedia. I did. I couldn't see that he – I can't see where he went after Blackstone. Vice chairman of GE. Oh, yeah. Wow. He worked at GE for 26 years overseeing transportation, aircraft, reinsurance, lighting, other GE units
Starting point is 00:39:12 before being appointed vice chairman and member of GE's board of directors in 2005. Wow. So he was successful at a really early age. Okay. Can I see? Let me see some more of that. I don't have a problem with how much money he makes. I mean, fuck, he's running –
Starting point is 00:39:27 I do. I do. You do? He's running the largest fucking plane manufacturing company in the world. He has very likely destroyed it. Okay, well, in that regard – I have a problem for getting raises for destroying a company. Okay, I'm okay with that. I mean, word on the street is that in the industry that you don't recover from two mega disasters like this that are engineering problems. You just don't recover from it.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Tank Reeves, you guys actually trust Wikipedia? No, just joking. We know he worked at McDonald's at the front desk, you fucking moron. He's on one today. Fuck. Yeah. joking we know he worked at mcdonald's at the front desk you fucking moron okay okay yeah hey dude put the bong down and stop smoking the meth go ahead go ahead see is that is that part of is that one of the metrics for your income i think the board counts on me for transparency really because you're under investigation for falsifying 787 inspection records the boeing's under criminal investigation for falsifying 787 inspection records. Boeing's under criminal investigation for the Alaska Airlines flight. You were investigated by DOJ for criminal conspiracy to defraud the FAA.
Starting point is 00:40:36 This is all in your tenure. This doesn't sound like a lot of transparency to me. What about safety? Is that a component of your salary? It sure is, Senator. You know, have you seen the reports that the subcontractor that you use to make that door piece that fell out of the sky, that when the FAA went and toured the facility, they found one door seal being lubricated with Dawn liquid dish soap and cleaned with a wet cheesecloth, and another was being checked with a hotel room key card. Does that sound like safety to you? Senator, I think our relationship with that particular supplier has been well
Starting point is 00:41:22 documented, reviewed by the F faa and most certainly us and i'm very intent on acquiring that company so that none of that ever happens you know the faa also said hey that's kind of unfair right that's okay to use dawn to check the seal right isn't that you like spray isn't that like a standard you put soap in a bottle on a spray bottle and you spray it and if it blows bubbles it's leaking leaking. Isn't that like a standard? Yes. You do that for like gas lines and stuff too. It just sounds funny, right? Right. The wet cheesecloth.
Starting point is 00:41:54 The rum tea. Holly's savage, dude. I'm gonna guess that that it caught the attention of FAA regulators because there's an assumption of you testing this in a pressure chamber where any leak can be measured with an enormous amount of precision. It's not like putting your bicycle inner tube in the sink. Right, right. Yeah, that's where your bicycle inner tube in the sink. That's where I've seen it before with bicycle inner tubes. The bike shop has that.
Starting point is 00:42:33 The standards for aircraft assembly and manufacturing looks very different than that. I would expect those pieces, every one of them to get x-ray diffraction and right no yeah i guess you're right i guess you're right god right i i couldn't remember where i saw it but that's where i've seen it at the bike shop the guy will have the the the tube with soap water yeah it's great on that okay maybe i've seen you do it. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Let's go. I remember all the years that we were talking yesterday about the time you spent walking your bike as a kid for the hills. Yeah. And I don't know, Caleb, if you ever had the experience of living on a hill where you could jump on a bike and be at the thrifty drugstore in five minutes, but it's a 25-minute ride home. Right. thrifty drugstore in in five minutes but it's a 25 minute ride home right and uh we did a lot of walking and it wasn't until you got older that you rode a bike but i remember patching inner tubes is to sit around at night and and listen to music and hang out with friends and drink beer and repair. Sew up tires,
Starting point is 00:43:46 you know, bite tires. So familiar with any of that shit. I'm familiar with putting a patch on with that, that little patch kit where you rough it up and you put the goo on there. It's the tire that sits on the rim, like a tube. Oh,
Starting point is 00:44:02 pressure keeps it on and it's stitched shut and so when you get a flat you've got to get through the stitching repair the tube and then sew the tire back without puncturing the tube complete pain in the ass i've never seen that no i don't remember that i i've seen i've been to the bike store and had a i had a bike one time that didn't have a tube and they don't i don't think those are around anymore and they would seal it to the rim but i don't ever remember the sewing part where where did the sewing take place no no the tire itself was sewed oh oh it would sit in there like the tube Yeah Oh yeah no I'd never seen that
Starting point is 00:44:47 I had a bike with a solid rubber tire God that bike sucked Tubular Tubular race tires Also called soaps Alternate to clincher tires Often lighter and more durable than clinchers Tubular tires feature a completely
Starting point is 00:45:04 Rounded blah blah blah, blah. Look it up. So they do still make them. That's a tough world. What do you mean, what's tough about it? Just like changing those tires? I don't know. I guess nowadays I should just buy them and throw them away.
Starting point is 00:45:21 But they were expensive. They always have been. You're in a different tax bracket now that's true you have a full tank of gas you buy what i do when i get a you'd have you'd have spare tires so ups and you'd put them on pump it up and then that night you're gonna be sitting around watching tv drinking beer or whatever and uh fixing tires but you have to unstitch the back the piece that sits on the rim it's a it's all round right the whole thing like a hula yeah yeah and you stretch it
Starting point is 00:45:51 over the rim and pump it up well the the part that touches the rim has a incision that's been stitched shut all the way around on the inside. And you have to cut that, pull the tube out and be lucky enough to find where the, where the, where the puncture is. Right. And this game is aided with soapy, warm water.
Starting point is 00:46:18 What did you sew it shut with? Like a wax thread? More soft thread. No, it was a tan colored shit. Waxy. And did you heat it with a light or anything to seal it? No, no. No.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Matt Burns, I used to work at Raytheon for 10 years. The bullshit that the union protected was disgusting. Yeah, you know, I'm not generally a union guy and uh the boeing dude certainly broke the back of the union and got all new assembly people and and and i guess had just the right amount of people of color and and and the right sex and sexual preference I probably checked all the boxes Do it right
Starting point is 00:47:08 It's the Blackstone guy right Not anymore They fell down on the protected class ladder There was a There's already an app To make sure you're not flying on a Boeing plane Oh wow And you know There's already an app to make sure you're not flying on a Boeing plane. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:47:30 And, you know, it's not the old stuff that's falling from the sky. It's your new shit. Imagine that. Imagine if the F-150. Man, this year is no good. It's not nearly as reliable as last year's model. Southwest just had a problem on one of their 735 Max's last week Yeah, it was another Yeah, what was that club? The
Starting point is 00:47:55 Dutch Roll What's a Dutch Roll? God, that sounds like something that should be like up there with like the Dirty Sanchez or the Rusty Trombone The Dutch Roll God, that sounds like something that should be up there with the Dirty Sanchez or the Rusty Trombone, the Dutch roll. I think it's when the wings start teetering back and forth. I think the backup computer got in a fight with the main computer for control of the plane. There was one other – what was the other comment? Did you read the AI is bullshit
Starting point is 00:48:26 Piece And it was specifically on GPT chat Ethics and information technology The large language models. Yeah. It's a good piece to start discussion. STEPHAN KINSELLA, JR.: Recently, there's been considerable interest in large language model machine learning systems which produce human-like text and dialogue. Applications of these systems have been plagued with persistent inaccuracies in their output. They're often called AI hallucinations. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:08 We argue that these falsehoods and the overall activity of large language models is better understood as bullshit in the sense explored by Frankfurt on Bullshit Princeton 2005. Wow, it really says that, huh? The models are in an important way indifferent to the truth or their outputs. The models are in an important way indifferent to the truth or their outputs. We further argue that the describing AI misrepresentations as bullshit is both a more useful, more accurate way of predicting and discussing the behavior of these systems. This is the one you were telling me where it's like 35% of the information you get from ai is just false well yeah but it was uh it was said to me by a lawyer friend who said that they were paying for uh what is it westmark um law for an ai version to to assist research and he said that the product ships with a 35 error rate
Starting point is 00:50:08 and he found it appalling that he thinks it's going to destroy the firm man there's so there's going to be a lot of dumb – Or maybe more real, not destroy the forum, destroy the practice of law. They're going to forget how to practice law. Young lawyers are going to be pumping out this bullshit. I heard something the other day that I swear was AI. I don't want to say what it is in case i'm wrong but it came out of the crossfit space and um someone read it to me and i was like right away like how can i know if something was written by chat gpt can you put it can you just grab it and put it into chat gpt and
Starting point is 00:50:55 be like did you write this no but there's an i know there's an app that you can let me see if i can find it somebody sent it i can tell you i can tell you how to tell um but only the difference between um something well written and and and ai generated what i can't tell the difference between is idiot writing and AI. It's artificial stupidity. And it's pretty fucking good. And it has all of the hallmarks of idiot writing. And what that looks like is once you get past the hurdles of usage, punctuation, grammar.
Starting point is 00:51:49 What matters is word selection, sentence order, paragraph structure, and the relationship of one paragraph to another. And the AI shit doesn't do any of that. It fails early. Punctuation's okay, the usage is correct. The paragraphs are odd, and their relationship to one another is bizarre. And they make the hair stand up on an English teacher's head. People are using text slur and slang in place of grammar and spelling. AI is smarter than their writing.
Starting point is 00:52:36 But here would be my challenge. I could give you a list of 15 publications that have a 50 year or longer track record. And you could take any five paragraphs from any article at any of those, and then shuffle that up and offer that against some chat GPT on the same subject. And I'll pick, I'll mail it all day long. All day long all day long the chat gpt never can form an argument there's no journey when i if i get you to write one paragraph i'm setting you up for that second pair which is taking you to the third which is taking you to the fourth the third, which is taking you to the fourth.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And they all have structure, quality, form, and function to do that. On top of this, all of the writing, if I can tell you, I named the Palio Nash review. This stuff, there's a keen awareness of rhetorical flair. Flourish. There's just some beautiful constructions. Chachipedi doesn't do that. It does.
Starting point is 00:53:51 It looks like idiot writing. It looks like some half-witted chick from the New York Times, 24-year-old with a degree in journalism. It kind of writes like that. I told you I read that thing the other day about some new alloy and there was no mention of the what? No element listed. I told you I read that thing the other day about some new alloy, and there was no mention of what the metals were. Yeah, no element listed.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Like, geez, leave me alone. Gene, I had AI take a call at work, and it was wild, so real, and close to human conversation. Wow. Yeah, I could do that i could this article that um this uh do you notice girls yeah yeah have you been paying attention to that i only because you told me it's getting worse and worse yeah no yeah no yeah yeah yeah it's like a comma, a pause, a period. The chat. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:54:54 You'd ask me if I want to go to lunch and I'd say, yeah, no, I can't. You know, like, whoa, yeah, no. This article, look at they've defined bullshit, bullshit and utterance produced where a speaker has an indifference towards the truth of the utterance. Wow, that's like that just described Gavin Newsom. Hard bullshit, bullshit produced with the intention to mislead the audience about utterance agenda. That's Joe Biden. Soft bullshit, bullshit produced without the intention to mislead the hearer regarding the utterer's agenda. And their
Starting point is 00:55:30 claim is that... That's Chad GPT. Yeah, it's soft bullshit. But it might be made hard. I can think of ways to make it hard. So many people are using it now. Good. Hey, if it can't make an argument. You know what it does?
Starting point is 00:55:55 It makes, it lowers the bar by which a writer can become brilliant and well-known. Hmm. If lawyers are using it and it can't make an argument, the whole law process is going to become a joke. These things that make stupid people stupider don't make the smart people
Starting point is 00:56:23 any less smart. Right. It's at the point, it's like Travis says, you don't give a kid an iPhone and he's one of the best kids in the fucking state. That's the kind of thing. I apologize. We're having phone issues. Caller high. Hey, what's going on? You know, I was just having an argument with someone about chat GTP or whatever. I use it for my work. I use it to write contracts and emails, proposals, estimates on my website, whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:58 And one of my employees is like, well, that's what's wrong with America. You don't even know how to form a sentence. I'm like, but I don't need a calculator most of the time but i do need chat gpt to help me write things so i feel like they're like it is a great it's a awesome tool for all of us who are like are like you know what i mean give me an example of what you would ask it to do so i um i work with like i work doing like house washing pressure washing window cleaning and i need terms and conditions so that customers understand like like liabilities like if i scratch your window that's part of the work i'm not taking liability if i'm pressure washing and your house gets damaged from that i'm not liable for it But if my ladder falls over and bends your car, I am liable for it. So agreements like that. And can't you just download those online? Let's like generic
Starting point is 00:57:52 term agreements anyway. Like I remember I used to do that for when we would go film documentaries, we would just go online and download a generic, you know, you know, piece of paper for them to sign. That's like a standard release like a release of the use of their image it's just a standard just giving you a standard oh you're you're right but i can either go to chat gpt or i can take 30 minutes to go search for one gotcha you know gotcha and like i'm horrible at writing in general, but like, I'm very good with numbers. So it's helped me. I've even asked it's like, hey, Chad, I'm starting a second business.
Starting point is 00:58:31 How would you write a business plan? You know, I know it's probably sounds so stupid to so many people, but like, I come from like a pretty rough background. So like, you know what I mean? So I feel like it's a great tool for some of us are like a little less educated. All right. Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah. All right. See you guys. I understand.
Starting point is 00:58:57 What where where I see it is, is it gets weird as someone will be like someone will type into it. I want to start a non-profit and I want to help fix the climate. Can you write me a mission statement? And I feel like that's how it's being used. Every time I, when I see it, I feel like it's around those. But I felt like I saw that stuff even before.
Starting point is 00:59:22 The whole world, electronics went huge digital. Everything digital. Chips, digital, digital, digital, digital. And I met a kid hang gliding who was an analog engineer. And he made stuff on circuit boards. And when my dad caught wind of that, he's, what and i said yeah he's uh he's old school he does everything analog and uh he made a a hang gliding piece of electronic equipment called a variometer and and his his variometer was in pretty widespread use.
Starting point is 01:00:06 What is that? What is a variometer? What was it? What did it do? It measures your rate of rise and fall. Okay. And you could see it when you're on the hang glider? There'd be like a little…
Starting point is 01:00:15 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And was it also analog? There's a needle and it made a beep. Okay. And I don't think I have variometers right. What is it actually a beat. Okay. And I don't think I have variometers right.
Starting point is 01:00:26 What is it actually measuring? I forget. But when my dad found out that this kid was an analog engineer and made this thing, he had to meet him. And next thing you know, the kid's fucking living with me and working for one of the laboratories that my dad's running. And getting paid at King's Rans found an analog engineer the whole all the crowd everyone went digital and he was it was extremely valuable there was a great need for that i uh not saying that that's what this is, this is like, but when, when with fewer writers and fewer readers,
Starting point is 01:01:16 those who can read and write have more power. All of them. But before there was a AI writing stuff, all of the black square posts look like ai uh all dei policy like someone sent me the dei policy of rain energy drink it all looks like ai even though it's not it's just substanceless i was invited to one of the nation's preeminent soldier training facilities. And I found out a guy was invited there by brass that the boys had no interest in, but senior management senior officers and asked this guy to talk and I was like you know better than to have me out you don't want to invite me there while he's there
Starting point is 01:02:13 you know because I'm going to say something and they're like dude that's why we're inviting you so I'm oh fuck so I just brought in like a hit man, right? And I listened to this guy talking, and I came away believing that I could write a program that would generate text that you could use to win grants and take money from generals. And you got to talk about alcoholism, suicide, depression, wife beating, resiliency. You just add nauseam. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:53 And it's big dollars. And the guy didn't have a fucking thing to say, man. He put up these Venn diagrams and he said to this shit. And I was just like, I can't believe anyone's listening to this and and uh people started getting up and leaving the room you know and pretty soon there was just just me and the people I was with and a camera on a tripod recording it and the last soldier out the room kicked the leg accidentally, I guess, of the tripod. And I'd pay money to have that thing. But he's putting up this Venn diagram very much in the spirit of Kamala Harris and talking about the spiritual you, the physical you, and the emotional you.
Starting point is 01:03:42 And then someone asked, well asked what's that intersection in the center is what do you mean what intersection because well you got these three things there and what's the what oh no wow oh no what are you talking about what are you talking about intersection that doesn't even sound believable, Greg Right? Right? And you know, I never did say anything Because nothing needed to be said And the guy was so fucking nice So he was a really kind person Defrauding the fucking government
Starting point is 01:04:20 Offering bullshit He probably believes his own bullshit, though No? Yeah, it's a funny thing you you can pay someone to believe something hey you'll think you'll think people are your friends while you're paying right and they thought you were they thought it was friendship. Right. Big John Young, off subject here a little bit. Does Greg indulge in any ridiculous sports like slap fighting, toe wrestling, car jiu-jitsu, unicycle, hockey? Is there unicycle hockey, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:05:00 Let's find out. That doesn't sound ridiculous to me. I've done all stupid shit as a kid. I won't do any of it now. We used to sit around this pyracantha bush, cross-legged, and you were allowed a rock and a piece of string. So you'd bring the thread out. Everyone would get your own little rock and a string.
Starting point is 01:05:19 And we'd lay it under the pyracantha bush until the rock and your hand and the string were covered in ants. And then swing it around and tap your buddy, and you'd put a line of ants on them wow and that's and and you you could first brush them off and make someone put some but pretty soon someone became overrun with ants and you get up and run off and they're biting you and it was like off and they're biting you and it was like what an awesome game is that a great game yeah and we had we played with on unicycles we took bamboo and then had these canvas uh book bags little backpacks cheap canvas backpacks that everyone had and we filled them with ice plant uh buds so you'd have 25 pounds of ice plant buds on your back.
Starting point is 01:06:06 You reach back and pull one of those out and stick it on the end of your bamboo on the unicycle and you can fling that thing probably 200 miles an hour. A headshot would knock you off your unicycle. Wow, that's an awesome game.
Starting point is 01:06:22 That's amazing. Isn't that cool? You'd see a hand go back and you'd turn away and wince. And if it hit you in the head, you'd come off the unicycle. Holy shit. And it wasn't the force of it. It was neurologically, you'd have a little brain freeze that would knock you right off the bike. Freeze they would knock you right off your bike
Starting point is 01:06:50 Yeah rain has a rain has a Commitment to equality It says to our valued customers like many of you who are deeply saddened by the pain and division occurring across this great country rain energy drink stands against injustice and police brutality oh fuck you i know but also against hatred but also it's like but but also against hatred and discrimination of any kind they don't i've never seen anyone stand up for hatred and discrimination against cops never Never. Not once. I was going to say. There it is. The issue of race and the experience of too many people of color cannot be ignored. And the events of this...
Starting point is 01:07:34 Yeah, it just goes on and on of just bullshit and divisiveness. Yeah, it's fucking crazy we support peaceful protests but do not condone any forms of violence nor the destruction of property oh please fuck you what do they make they make uh um uh energy drinks like monster and they're red bull red bull low rent red bull low budget red bull is it popular the cans are pretty it looks it's what all the crossfit games athletes have sold out to these guys they pretend to drink it it's the new monster yeah monsters out god these they're wasting so much money on these athletes no one's drinking They pretend to drink it. It's the new monster.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah, monster's out. God, they're wasting so much money on these athletes. No one's drinking shit that they drink. Oh, Sean M., it's really popular. I've never seen anyone drink one in person. Really? No. Have you? I used to drink them.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Oh, there you go. Then I got on a seat. Hey, listen. One year at the games, everyone had compression fabric. Yeah. Everyone. I remember that. You had to have that shit or you had no chance of winning. Austin Maliolo had it up to his eyeballs. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 01:09:01 From his eyeballs to his toes. Do you remember that? He had a burka compression suit the people that were making it insisted i tried and i was like i have nothing it's no you gotta try it and i remember going into the bathroom on the airplane to take it off and it was like some crazy gymnastics i got one foot on the toilet one on the sink and i'm trying to peel this shit off of me. I don't give it anything for another Bloody Mary and a knife. But anyways, you had to have the compression fabric or you had no chance of winning. And two years later,
Starting point is 01:09:35 no one has it on, but you have to be in an ice bath or you have no chance of winning. Two years after that, they're not doing ice bath i fast but they got the tape and the more tape the better it's on your titties and your ribs and your everyone's wearing the fucking tape everyone what's the matter with i will put some of this little kinesiology tape we'll put it on your knee we'll put one part on one of your chakras and like, fuck, and now that's gone. On your front hole? Yeah, you can put some on your front hole. Patrick Lang sold out.
Starting point is 01:10:12 You're against these guys trying to make a living. That's just a retard connection, by the way. So that's strike one against you for being a retard. I don't know how you jumped to me being against these guys making a living. So fuck you for that, moron. Not selling out, you would do the same. No, actually, fucktard, I would not., fucked hard. I absolutely would not. Patrick Lang. Don't you remember when, um, uh, California hormones was selling TRT on here? I said, I would never do that. I, and just so you know, a gym support company offered me a six figure deal that I turned down
Starting point is 01:10:41 because I didn't believe in their, uh, their product. And, uh, if I were to take money from rain, uh, I would absolutely tell you that I don't drink that. There's a difference between taking money from them and wanting them to make a living and lying to people about what you're drinking. I was recently, recently just talking to one of the most popular athletes in the CrossFit space. And they were telling me that they were offered a fat contract from a shoe company, but they company but they're not going to take it because they don't like the shoe. And it's like
Starting point is 01:11:09 so how about you fucking smoke pole? And I'm totally for people making money. I love that the fact that guy at Boeing made $32 million. Dave Castro was bummed out when Tiger Woods showed up
Starting point is 01:11:24 to shoot with the Seals and didn't come in a Buick. Oh, because Tiger was pushing Buicks? Uh-huh. Yeah. I mean, I would drive a fucking Subaru with a rainbow flag on it if they gave it to me for free, but I would tell you that I think pride's deeply connected to pedophilia in the same show. They're not going to, sorry, just not going to do it. And I'm totally for people making a shitload of money. If you want to line up a bunch of rain cans and shoot at them and be like, this is the best can ever to shoot because it's tall and easy to see from 500 yards i love it let's do it and hey i could have sucked nobles dick too and probably gotten a fat sponsorship for the podcast
Starting point is 01:12:18 and then just live and look at all the rest of your life and never done anything else. Thank you, Caleb. Yes. Hey, look at all the people who conform. Just watch where they end up. Watch all the people who end up conforming and don't stay true to themselves. Watch what happens to all of them, especially in the CrossFit space. I've been drinking FitAid like crazy. I begged begged for a fide sponsor my first six months someone you know did you get one savvy uh not yet but they had they had the word creatine on there and someone's like dude it's such an un un um it's like they're so i forget what the word is
Starting point is 01:13:02 there's so little creatine in there it doesn't't even matter. And I said and I'm openly say, yeah, I don't care. I just like the word. I like the white can with the gold writing on it and it says creatine up there and I like it that it tastes like cough syrup. You know what I mean? That's like my I like that. It's enough. I don't like the fruit. I don't like the
Starting point is 01:13:20 ones that all the boys are drinking the energy drinks that like taste like I'm drinking bubble gum. You know what I mean't like the ones that all the boys are drinking, the energy drinks that taste like I'm drinking bubble gum. You know what I mean? Like the... Yeah. I'm ripping them. I am ripping them.
Starting point is 01:13:35 I think all you have is your word. Yeah, that one. Yeah. Those are treats. I always have one of those in the fridge, like just sitting there, like just in case. Like if there's a fire, I would drink it. I like to keep one one of those in the fridge, like just sitting there, like just in case, like if there's a fire, I would drink it.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Like to keep one in backup in the fridge. That's it. All you have to do is tell that you can, you can sell stuff and tell the truth. It's not going to stop people. They sold a California hormones, sold a shitload of TRT. People probably looked at me and be like
Starting point is 01:14:05 hey yeah I don't want to look like a little pussy like you I am going to get on that you know you can just tell the truth when Greg went after Reebok when we signed the Reebok contract they made a shoe that claimed that it made your butt fitter and Greg made fun of them on Twitter for it
Starting point is 01:14:23 and instead of reebok leaning into it and be using that to like be like yeah we've signed with someone who has integrity and he believes in our nano too they got all butthurt and it's like like hey you can they should have just leaned into it yeah i told them explicitly that any any performance advantage claimed by apparel was going to be countered by me. I'm going to call it bullshit. And I said, your job is to make apparel that doesn't get in the way. Don't worry about enhancing performance. I'll do that. What you want to do is make sure your fucking board shorts don't need to be pulled out of my crack every fucking squat that's what you need to focus on yeah part of the move squat squat yank squat squat yank
Starting point is 01:15:17 but nailed it I knew that the shoe I I told them, no lift on the shoe. I said, like, you know, we go through all these sports, none of them have an elevated heel. Not for competition, you know. No, no, no, no. I go, well, CrossFit's not going to be any different. And they were surprised that the athletes, some wanted heels, some not. But when they exposed them to less,
Starting point is 01:15:44 they preferred it without telling them what was going on. So, you know, some of heels, some not, but when they exposed them to less, they preferred it without telling them what was going on. So, you know, some of them are just that way, but they told me that the flat shoe had no box appeal. It had no box
Starting point is 01:16:00 appeal. I was sitting around with all the designers, and I told them, you just got to hit the clear button on that thought. Fuck that. You need to reorient your aesthetic. In fact, that's fundamentally the theme of A Better Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:16:16 We had reordered the aesthetic in terms of the female figure. Rather than chasing some hyper-idealized standard standard we let the chips fall where they may when you eat right and gain enormous functional capacity they changed their models there because of greg just so you guys know so they have these uh synthetic styrofoam i don't know what they are dress forms they're dress for dress forms and they had these bodies and greg
Starting point is 01:16:43 told them hey that's not the bodies of our CrossFitters. So they built these unique dress forms for women with larger backs, for example. They scanned hundreds of spectators, offered them some kind of gift certificate if you'd get in the scanner. showed us old dress forms, new dress forms based on the CrossFit games attendees that were offered a coupon for getting in the scanner. And it was interesting that the females' waists were slightly bigger, but their back and hips were so much bigger that proportionally they had smaller waist it was really interesting it's kind of like the mannequins you now see like they have you ever seen like the potbelly mannequins like they got Matt fat mannequins now yeah I saw some in Lululemon. You saw Fat Mannequins in Lululemon? Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Holy shit, yes. I saw it too. Yeah. That'll be good for the brand. And I saw crazy shit, by the way, people, on a half dozen accounts with audiences up to 200 people. And kudos to Reebok for doing this. When Greg would come to town, they would gather up to 200, up to 200 people who work there in the design department. And Greg would lecture them on design. Here's the dumb meathead fitness guy would lecture him on design. It was great. It was like when they gathered. It always fascinated me when people would do this.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Greg went to Harvard Business School many times, but I can't I'll never forget the first time he went to a room and there were 200 kids in the room or something 100 kids in the room and then they also filmed it and sent it to uh um that's not a fat model that just has huge tits that's a pregnant model but do you remember you went in there and you defined business for harvard business school to a thousand kids sitting in six different classrooms and i I was like, holy shit. And when I say kids, these weren't kids. These were people getting their MBAs who had already been CEOs of companies and very successful business people. That was wild. Here's Greg Glassman. He's going to define here at Harvard Business School.
Starting point is 01:19:00 And then you start with, I'm going to tell you guys what business is. They probably never heard a definition, right? They'd probably never even gotten the definition ever. No, they, they, uh, it was interesting. Smart bunch of kids though. Yeah. I mean, you could, you could, uh, you could measure the impact and that they were exposed to some material and voted.
Starting point is 01:19:24 And then after hearing me, they'd vote again. And I had my way with the audience. And that was neat to hear. Right. What you need to see. And their backgrounds were amazing. I mean, you could just sit there. They had their names on name tags.
Starting point is 01:19:41 And they sat at the same seat every time they went in and there's an embossed name plate. It's not even a handwritten thing. And so you could, some chick could say something, you could look her up and they all, they all seem to have resumes already. There was a very, very pretty gal, one of them that was a, ran a family cattle concern
Starting point is 01:20:03 with several hundred thousand heads of cattle and she was brilliant like i'm like wow man they invested nicely in her well baby sitting there running all these people right where we're sitting oh googling googling the students yeah uh-huh and it was it was an impressive lot of people and the classroom was beautiful right it was so it was so conducive to like the classroom respected the level of intelligence, the design and the decor. That's where we got the chalkboards
Starting point is 01:20:31 in the schoolhouse at HQ. That's how I found U.S. marker boards. From Harvard? I believe so. And it was that triple-tier slide up thing it almost felt like a maniac push it up yeah it almost felt like a a parliamentary setting like the classroom was uh it was um uh it's a theater a wooden amphitheater yeah but not modernized like like i went to uc
Starting point is 01:21:03 santa barbara and it's a modernized version of that. This one was more in the round and there was lots of wood. It just felt intelligent. It felt smart. It felt like an old school library. Each classroom was like that. Beautiful. There's a guy
Starting point is 01:21:22 building a house in Scottsdale with my landscaper. And the guy sat in on one of those early classes. Oh, really? Yeah. And he's asked to be introduced. Re-introduced is the way he put it. He was a student at Harvard when you came and spoke there?
Starting point is 01:21:50 I go and speak there. What was that like? Probably 10 years ago now, if it was one of the very first ones. Right. I've been out four. How many times did you speak there? Five, seven, I think, six or seven. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:02 So six. So it could have been, you know, 12 years ago now. But anyways, he's building a multimillion dollar house. And you spoke at the School of Divinity, not just the business school, the School of Divinity got their hands on you too, right? Yeah. I mean, we meet some great friends there. some great friends there.
Starting point is 01:22:27 I said I wasn't sure if CrossFit didn't have more in common with a biker gang than a business. What do you think the chances are that I can do a Kill Taylor World Championships at your gym? Sorry to put you on the spot, but not sorry. Totally can. Like what it went.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I, you want my projection on the due date on it? Yeah. Yeah. I think it happens this summer, this summer. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:59 And I'll wait that, you know, I was thinking after October, I was thinking in the, I was thinking in the winter when it cools down a little. Let me ask Elliot to guess. What's going to happen is they're going to have the air conditioning and all the windows hooked up. And the trades that have to finish on the inside might possibly be able to do so in an air-conditioned building.
Starting point is 01:23:29 and um and um i was thinking about like making it like super exclusive charge let 100 people pay 500 ahead and there'd be a taco truck and it's like a two-day competition a couple hours each day that you use it under any design you want to be your production I'd be willing to loan the space and to Help with the workout And could People swimming your giant pool there In their bikinis Yes Okay
Starting point is 01:23:55 So pool party World championship kill Taylor event How many people I was thinking 100 Charge $ dollars a pop handle that easily yeah and then like 10 or 10 athletes could qualify for it and it just be basically the really short days though you know what i mean like two workouts one day two the next day all in the short time domain and then really just eat tacos and party for for 10
Starting point is 01:24:20 athletes i could have each on their their own of rings, their own wall ball target, their own section of pull-up bar, their own weight stack, dumbbell supply. And it would only be five and five. Five girls and five boys at a time. Yeah, you could
Starting point is 01:24:39 swallow that easily. And then just give a huge prize purse give all the athletes a couple thousand bucks for showing up but just just hey you know it's debauchery the av guys hit us up and said that that for um that the system that they would use for for music they wouldn't recommend that for voice amplification on a live event they would or would not would not okay said that that works out best done portably and at ground level and that's exactly what we're doing.
Starting point is 01:25:27 It's exactly, I mean, we knew that. We figured out, but there's no way to match that quality on a ceiling broadcast. Right. Which makes sense to me. That you don't want to fill the space with the speaker's voice. Did you think that was perfect last time? Yeah, well,'re it was yeah because we kept it so low that you couldn't tell it was amplified but that the people in the back could hear it
Starting point is 01:25:53 was awesome it was perfect yeah i thought it was brilliant and there were over 100 people in there right about 100 yeah that's yeah that's always a problem and shanna madaris will make margaritas she'll be our bartender there we go she did that in days right yeah I got fish I can I drank two of them I can't even remember the I would fucking went to La La Land Can I please work at the new gym? Of course, Heidi. And thanks again. God, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 01:26:37 I think we just had our biggest Kill Taylor show ever. I'm so excited about it. And Tyson, Tyson came on the last one. So we've got pull-up bars of varying diameter in the new gym. Color-coded.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Oh, that's cool. Really? By thickness of bar, yeah. And some rotating bars. Rotating bars? Yeah. Dang. thickness of bar yeah and some rotating bars whichever rotating bars yeah so and said that makes it almost impossible to do pull-ups you know yeah that's that's right that's the point you had that and that's that's you had that the santa cruz gym yeah that gym was that gym was fantastic no one's ever done as much with 2500 square feet uh jeffrey birchfield sorry go ahead greg that is a special gym the same with the trusses in this space the opportunities to do things with cargo nets and ropes and rings is just unlimited.
Starting point is 01:27:49 We're going to be able to go to perambulate under the swing from ring to ring to ring, down the length across the width, down the other length and back. And that's like what? Almost 300 feet of travel. Yeah, that's nuts. Your kids are going to love that. That would be so cool. We'll be accepting only $100 bills
Starting point is 01:28:17 at the front door. The boat was a blast. I saw that question. Greg, how did the boat run last night? Amazing. Amazing. And you've taken it out twice now? You're in Santa Cruz? Three times? Yeah. question. Amazing. You've taken it out twice now. You're in Santa Cruz three times?
Starting point is 01:28:26 Yeah. Twice. The weather sucks. I don't have no interest in going out in the fog. You know? I got an Axel Bar 37 XC. I love it.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Are you going to the museum today? No, they're going to the uh aquarium oh yeah that's what i meant the aquarium are you doing that no i don't think so so you're here yeah and maggie's got lunch with colette because i think because i don't think i do anything until what's today wednesday yeah i don't do anything till three if you want to have 11 o'clock uh absolutely uh lunch i'd love to do that yeah we should let's invite dave let's do that yeah Yeah. I miss him. Yeah. I'll text him now. All right.
Starting point is 01:29:31 Well, great show. Thank you. Thank you. Caleb, how are things? Good. I'm living in an RV right now. It's cool. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Tell Greg your situation. This is good, Greg. Yeah. So I'm attending a school in Florida, like in the Panhandle. Oh yeah, tell Greg your situation. This is good, Greg. I'm attending a school in Florida, like in the Panhandle. For firefighting? For the military. For the military.
Starting point is 01:29:55 He was in the military. He got out, but for some reason, he keeps going back. This is the second time he's left his house. I don't know what he's doing, but he's doing something for nine months in Florida. I'm in Florida. Yeah. So I'm in the guard now and they just asked if I wanted to go to school.
Starting point is 01:30:09 So I said, yeah. And I needed a place to stay, but it's really expensive to get to like rent a furnished house or do anything down here. So I was looking around and I my wife and i decided to buy an rv instead and so we bought an rv and we drove it down here and i parked it on base and we're just living in an rv for the next nine months and going to school yeah it's pretty cool the base let's him have it there for five months greg he can be there five months and then he has to kind of like figure out his situation but also one day before kill taylor last week he um i went out to west marine that like boating store and and i found that they sell starlink just in this in retail stores they're having a sale on it. Yeah, they are. Exactly. It was like a hundred dollars off.
Starting point is 01:31:06 So I went and, uh, went to West Marine and I picked up Starlink and now I have it hooked up to the RV. It's like running through one of the skylights in the RV, just sitting on the roof. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:31:16 yeah, it's perfect. We got that and, uh, uh, bike racks for the boat and all the fishing gear you could ever. You got Starlink for your boat too Yes indeed
Starting point is 01:31:27 Is it I would assume Bruce picked it up And I'm sure he got it from West Marine Bruce was their COO Oh wow It's waterproof you can just it's good It's rained on it's rained pretty hard here And I mean I'm still got a good connection i'm sure it
Starting point is 01:31:47 is salt proof whatever yeah i guess that makes sense yeah it has to be outside elon's not stupid yeah works great oh is that fun going to catalina dude awesome i didn't to come. I wish we could have stayed there like three days. I want to take our kids and just stay there like a week. Oh yeah. Just let them go. Yeah. Turn you.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Exactly. Hey, dude. As soon as they're car proof, I think we're gold. What do you mean? They know not to get hit by cars. Yeah. Don't run out in front of a car. And there's no cars really on Catalina?
Starting point is 01:32:27 Not very few. Get hit by a golf cart. Hey, so after you left yesterday, Isla came out, and Isla and Brooke and Michelle told me this crazy story of a guy that's been stalking kids at the point. And yesterday, the cops grabbed him. But they couldn't grab him for stalking kids because being a and yesterday the cops grabbed him but they couldn't grab him for stalking kids because being a pervert's not illegal but they got him on some other shit at the fucking point dude the girls he was watching the girls change into their wetsuits like on 32nd street so the girls locked themselves in the car and then ran and got an adult. I don't want to say my thing wrong.
Starting point is 01:33:07 It's not Angie's list. What's the fucking Craigslist? No. What's the, I'm not suggesting anything, but the guy didn't speak English either. I'm just letting you know. He was not American.
Starting point is 01:33:22 What's that? What's the place where you look up Where the perverts are In your zip code Megan's what's Angie's list Is that for the like for people who help you like fix your house Yeah You can't get your list
Starting point is 01:33:38 It's Megan's Megan's list Yeah look that up for your zip dude No thank you You should Megan's List. Yeah, look that up for your zip, dude. No, thank you. You should. Dude, we had one on Gladys Athens. Megan's List. And Blake goes, oh, I know that guy.
Starting point is 01:33:55 And I'm like, really? Well, look what he's done. Santa Cruz is full of them. Full of them. And these are the ones that are good enough to make it on the map. Is it just Megan's List dot com? Megan's List dot com? Or is it Megan's Law?
Starting point is 01:34:14 Megan's Law maybe? Yeah, I was asking if I want to buy the website. Megan's Law. Sure. Hey, go to the law hey go to the map go to the map i want is there a map she put in a zip megan's law dot com uh it says use the site with extreme caution. Yes. Yeah, be careful. Oh, okay. I see it. I'm putting in my zip code. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:34:50 My house popped up. Oh, this is pretty cool. It's going through all of the... It shows you as it goes through it. National records, identifying offenders, offenders building profile search complete uh lewd lewd or lascivious acts with a child sexual battery possession of control controlled or obscene matter possession of obscene matter of minors possession of controlled obscene oh i am not a robot wow there's 197 in my area.
Starting point is 01:35:26 This is getting crazy. I told you. My wife cannot see this. Oh. But you can't. I can't see them. Oh, I got. What I saw, we just got pictures.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Yeah, right here. Like mug shots and shit, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go. Oh, that guy's at the 7-Eleven. Wait, there's a girl on the list? Probably a teacher that diddled some 16-year-old boy. Let me show you mine real quick. Look how mine looks.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Mine looks like this. Where does she live hey look at mine we would have surfed that shit as kids huh yeah gone over to her house and start talking yeah trick or treat yeah hey why does mine look like this i don't know if you're on the list you can't see the others They block me They don't want you communicating with those people How did you get past that Caleb I don't know it just popped up this way
Starting point is 01:36:37 Just gave me pictures Did you put get neighborhood watch data You have safe search on Safe search, yeah, probably. I got to go get a beverage. I'll be right there. Can I? Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Wow, this is crazy. These poor fucking people. I hope they're really guilty. That would suck if they're not. These poor fucking people. I hope they're really guilty. That would suck if they're not. These poor people. Get to know the faces and descriptions, convictions and offenses.
Starting point is 01:37:15 It's like going through something right now. It's like, there's like a, my shit takes forever to load. It's like 60, it tells me the percentage that it's uploading. Mine took a while, too. Oh, Goob is hunting down sex offenders. Yeah, his whole account turned into a sex offender Instagram account. Goob is crushing Steffi Cohen. Yeah, he crushed her, too.
Starting point is 01:37:42 That was fun. Create an account to view complete neighborhood watch report I don't want to put my name in here why what are you doing why are you this is what it wants look at this is this is a
Starting point is 01:37:55 look at people look at they want me to create an account but no thank you you're not even on the right site. Oh, I'm not? Uh-uh.
Starting point is 01:38:16 I just want to see how close there is one to my house. Okay. I've read – did you click I've read everything, the disclaimer? Continue. Yeah. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Okay. I've read... Did you click I've read everything, the disclaimer? Continue? Yeah. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Okay. I got it.
Starting point is 01:38:31 I got it. Then I just did search by zip code, but you can be more specific than that. Yeah, I typed in the street. Offenders registered as transient. Yeah, fine. I'll click that too. Transient. I'll put within. I'll put within two miles.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Oh, yeah. Wow. There's no one on my whole street. That's good. Yeah. Let me see if there's one down by the beach is this just for California it's gotta be right
Starting point is 01:39:08 oh yeah there's someone down at the beach oh shit wow I want to see if I recognize anyone in here it's a small town where I live oh anyone in here it's a small town where I live one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen people within a two-mile area Greg I think you're
Starting point is 01:39:38 muted the diddle kids only Only one girl. All dudes. Oh, shit. There's not a photo available for Mr. Ortiz. There you go, Chris. Well, that's scary. If I were to judge them, if I were to judge them by their skin color
Starting point is 01:40:03 and their weight, they're 90% fat white guys. That makes sense. I totally agree. I totally agree. But I think only like 2% of the people, I think like, I think Native Americans outnumber blacks in Santa Cruz. I think I saw that one time. And when you, when you see Native Americans outnumber anything, Santa Cruz. I think I saw that one time. And when you,
Starting point is 01:40:25 when you see Native Americans outnumber anything, you know, that that other population is tiny. So, so I got, I got something for you in regards to cats. Oh, I think that life's choice.
Starting point is 01:40:39 You either, you either have cats or rats. You mean his pets? Yeah. Except the, you know, You either have cats or rats. You mean as pets? Yeah, except you have cats as pets or rats as vermin. Uh-huh. Oh, oh, oh, oh. You get to pick. And I say that from having done Santa Cruz for an extended period of time with and without cats.
Starting point is 01:41:01 Right. And wherever the short side of cats are the rats are worse i think parking at your house one time cost me 1500 bucks i've spent 50 60 000 on on rat damage of rat and dog damage oh that dog after rats. Yeah. I remember your dog destroyed one of your cars going after several, several pulled a bushing off of, uh, off of a bl uh, uh, uh, suburban that's for mechanics. It did dealership. Didn't believe a dog could take off. But we had it.
Starting point is 01:41:48 It was a bushing on the front axle, right? Something, some bushing underneath. I don't know where it was. But we identified what it was because Rip had it. And we looked up the serial number and it was a part to a Suburban. Just throwing that in Google, like a 12-digit number. Are you 50 or 60? Do you have a beard?
Starting point is 01:42:10 Live at home with your disabled mother? Play Call of Duty online? We want to hear from you. Diddler. That's not cool, dude. Trying to reach out to you about your projects in the morning. That's not cool, Jake. Yeah, hey, Jake Chapman, that is.
Starting point is 01:42:28 We had a friend who had a couple of Jack Russell Terriers. I mean, they're a handful, but yeah, they probably. Man, they're a handful. I don't get the Jack Russell. To get rid of rats and shit, but those dogs have a mental illness for sure. That should be called the mental illness. Those dogs are crazy. Does anyone in the chat own one of those? Holy shit, they're crazy.
Starting point is 01:42:51 We had a friend who had a couple of them, and for like three years, they ruled his life. I think he eventually got rid of them, right? It's not a recommended dog. No. No. Unless you live on fucking 100 acres. Yeah, Mulvaney had all those jackrises.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Yeah. Fuck, they were nuts. My neighbor has... I don't think I can have cats at my house, but my neighbor has a shitload of cats. And they're awesome. And I find dead gophers and dead like stuff in my yard all the time they they killed come in my yard and kill the shit
Starting point is 01:43:29 but i i think the cat would get killed on my street don't you think because i have the street i live on i do yeah i don't think i can risk it. Some cats seem to learn though. I know. I can't believe their cats survive. Oh, when I drove, when I drove home, uh, when I drove the kids home last night, a coyote ran, um, across Soquel right in front of me. Little one skinny. Yeah. Little one.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Rhett saw it. My boys didn't see it. Hey, that house we went to last night, they don't have a well. They're on city water? Yeah, they're on city water. That's why the landscaping is the way it is.
Starting point is 01:44:22 You know what I mean? More sparse as opposed to me and you have wells and it's just fucking like we live in jungles. I have two wells. Yeah, come on. Don't make me feel bad. When I bought the house,
Starting point is 01:44:43 they said there's an old well so within the first month of living here i went and dug up where the old well was and they had filled it with concrete i guess you have to do that legally so you can't get so you can't tap into two spots i mean you can't because you got the ag land and you have like the hundred trees rule or whatever what were you going to say? This would be my the only place I've got that would really be good year round. You know,
Starting point is 01:45:14 to come to things got in a bad way. Oh, right. This would be the off the grid spot. But ironically, it's kind of where the worst of. The shit creating our problems is. Right.
Starting point is 01:45:32 Hey, you need to get a pool there. I heard Maggie say that yesterday and I was like, God, I need to put pressure on Greg for that. Yeah, I think I'm cleared hot for the pool and a second story. Oh, you did get that it looks like it hell yeah yeah pool there you're gonna have five fucking kids in a second five kids under under 12 under 10 under 11 all right um i'm gonna go inside do it play thank you but yeah uh and then uh i sent a text over uh to dave and you for cilantro's at 11 beautiful yeah all right come by here and get me okay i will all right bye caleb wish you could join us me too good to see you
Starting point is 01:46:25 Greg Caleb can you tell us what the courses you're taking um yeah yeah so I'm going to school to be an EOD tech oh bitchin yeah what's that disable bombs yeah yeah are you sitting around with like glasses on and like wire cutters and shit yeah sure basically pretty much caleb there was a great scene in the in the old mash tv series
Starting point is 01:46:54 where they've got a bomb that lands in camp and the guys are diffusing it and one of the doctors is reading the instructions for diffusing the bomb. And it's like, cut the green wire and then click and cut the red wire. Snap, cut the yellow wire, snip. But first,
Starting point is 01:47:15 you know, like, wait a minute. Yeah. Fuck. Instructions are, we're kind of fucked up. Do you have suit do you have a suit caleb that you put on uh i mean there is a suit i don't like it's not i don't have one like every day you
Starting point is 01:47:34 don't put it on like everyone isn't sitting around in class in the suit yeah no oh it's like a section of the course basically this is this at ATF taught? No, it's a Navy school. It's kind of like a joint school. Yes. So kind of everybody teaches, like Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps all have instructors here.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Do you get to make a bomb? I don't know if I get to... I guess technically, yeah. You get to like build one And detonate it It's cool Was that Amazon just delivered you a nice tea? Yeah
Starting point is 01:48:14 We know a cop that went to a school Where They had Shown how You could shoplift All of the ingredients to make meth in a Pepsi bottle. There's a word for our sponsor.
Starting point is 01:48:31 In one of these, you can make meth in one of these. In a pure leaf tea bottle? Yeah. With all shoplifted shit. Yeah. You can make a lot of stuff with just things from the Home home depot or grocery store
Starting point is 01:48:47 hey do you have any do you look around at the people in your class and are suspect of any of them like they're like they're like the 9-11 guys like you're like wait a second this guy shouldn't be there there's one guy who knows just a little bit too much about like russian military stuff yeah yeah we've just been saying that he's a Russian spy this whole time. Wow. He doesn't have an accent either. So no, he's,
Starting point is 01:49:09 he's, that's very, very American, but you know, his, his background, I know, I think he was raised here and he's just a sleeper.
Starting point is 01:49:16 So. All right, Sammy, let's go to cilantro. All right. I'll see you in a little bit. I'll come over in a little bit i'll come over in an hour all right buddy okay bye bye see you greg
Starting point is 01:49:27 greg glassman hey we went to a party last night me and him yeah he yeah he left early sleepy guy there's this idea that I've been trying to explain for all three years on the podcast and for some reason people don't get it and yesterday I saw a perfect example of it
Starting point is 01:49:54 and the notion is that under the guise of trying to be nice and educating people all you're doing is the demand there's this demand I'll just play you this. I'll play you this. And then and then I'll explain to you what I saw. I saw it happen in real time. and Islamophobia, and there's just a demand. And the people who are demanding that it exist are the people who are supposedly fighting it. But I'll give you an amazing example I witnessed yesterday.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Here we go. Because white people were once racist does not mean I'm going to sell out my life. I'm going to ask less of myself and claim that I'm being held back by victimization. And that's what is so startling to me, the way that you see now of inventing, reinventing, as I say, the oppression in your mind, the same oppression that is fading out of the world. As it fades, you cling and reinvent it rebuild it and so you now become
Starting point is 01:51:08 the racist overseer of yourself just because i used to say that all the time in the first year of the podcast you remember that holy shit we were just about to be free of racism and now the world because people are still racist in their head they're demanding it come back and they're trying to see it everywhere and project it onto everything so yesterday um my son comes up to me and he goes man i heard something stupid and i go what'd you hear and he goes uh i heard someone say that i heard these girls say that they're going to go play boy sports and i go oh why is that stupid and he goes because there's no difference between boy and girl sports and i go oh i go who told you that they were going to go play girl sports and he said i was watching a sky brown video do you know who fucking sky brown is
Starting point is 01:51:51 sky brown's like the youngest person ever to go to the olympics she's this female and she does all this fucking stupid fucking girl power shit and so she in the name of trying to do girl power, she introduced to my boys that girls are inferior. And it's like, holy fuck that. I mean, that was the classic example. And he goes, there aren't girl sports and boys who words. Right. And I'm like, no, it's just fucking idiocy. Like, why the fuck would you teach? Like in the name of trying to say that girls can do what boys can do.
Starting point is 01:52:23 She introduced to my boys that girls are inferior. And she's demanding that the world see them as inferior and that they're doing boy sports. Call her high. I'm just a squirrel trying to get my nut. Understand. Me too. Just a humble monk trying not to fuck all the pussy in the world. Later.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Later. All right. Fair enough. It's just fucking wild. I just don't understand how they don't see that. That's what Pride Month is. That's what Black History Month is. It's just this fucking demand that it's there.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Demand. We're demanding. Yeah. You've become the creators of it. And I get it And I get it I get it when you're always trapped in your head It's this it's this notion. It's it's funny from watching andrew hiller's post. I see those of us who Those of us who understand what andrew was trying to say we see you we understand the mechanism the flaw that you have in Your logic that makes it
Starting point is 01:53:25 so you think that you're doing something right we totally get it you have a superiority complex you want to feel sorry for everyone because you're better we get it i understand that it's coming from a noble place but but but what you're doing is just hurting people like really bad like you're getting people fucking killed i'm off to coach love you guys good job heidi go save a life uh jay chapman question do we need kill taylor every saturday yes we do thank you for sure yeah silly question but okay i but it's okay I liked Taylor's interview On Glinton and Things Oh
Starting point is 01:54:09 I haven't watched it yet, is it good? You liked it? Yeah I liked it, I'm halfway through it now I like hearing him talk about Kill Taylor and how much it stresses him out I love how it stresses him out It stresses me out My whole world I love how it stresses him out. It stresses me out. My whole world has changed because of Kill Taylor. Everything has slowed down because I'm so excited for Saturdays.
Starting point is 01:54:34 I haven't been this nervous. Saturday mornings, I'm so nervous. It's so awesome. Really? Dude, I'm just like... Saturdays are like exciting. They're like... Because of Kill Taylor, you're excited too?
Starting point is 01:54:49 Yeah, it's like one of the few things I'm like... Yeah, me too. Yeah, I get that. Yeah. Kenneth DeLapp, Glintons are killing it, Sevan. Yeah, I thought... They're great.
Starting point is 01:55:06 I listened to another one of their podcasts uh where they had the two chicks on and they reflect on pride month good yeah it's great it's awesome i one of the chicks i kind of want to have on the show i started following her i forget her name chandler or something um it's funny because suza said hey did you listen to that podcast of theirs and i said yeah and he goes i know what you were thinking i go what he goes you wish they would have done that one on your channel i was like yeah totally yeah that's how good it was um mike mccaskey vindicate they're still a contingent that are trying to morph cf to their liking making a fitness program about inclusivity rather than personal accountability oh mercedes chandler yeah that was the girl's name yeah
Starting point is 01:55:51 oh i'm not going to... Avi gets to skip surf camp today because he has to go to a piano lesson at 11. Sounds like oppression to me. And my mom's taking him. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:56:22 So... Then I can go to Cilantro's. That's cool. So then I can go to cilantro. What is this? Oh, and this phone thing really is fucking bumming me out. Do you have any thoughts on how I can fix it? A caller.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Hi. Just buy another broadcaster. Cause those seem to work real well. Dude, you would scream. We have them. Maybe I should swap. Just buy another Broadcaster Dude Leave them Maybe I should swap back to one of my old ones That was like shitty It's crazy Maybe
Starting point is 01:56:54 Maybe I only have two Maybe I left one with I gave one to Will No I probably have three in here somewhere Yeah Secret time Nobody's listening right I gave one to Will. No, I probably have three in here somewhere. Yeah. Secret time. Nobody's listening, right?
Starting point is 01:57:10 Nope, just us. Me, you, and Caleb. Remember when you were kind of on the fence about the Kill Taylor shirts and should we sell them? Do you think anyone will sell? Yeah. I just don't want to waste your time. I don't want you to like to make them and they waste your time. What?
Starting point is 01:57:29 Oh, you did. Oh, that's awesome. That's awesome. Taylor called me and he's like, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:57:38 who gets the money from those? I was like me. He goes, all of it. I said, yeah. And I go, don't ever worry about that again he said fine
Starting point is 01:57:46 get some money for that motherfucker who gets the money for that Caleb Starling gets the money for that motherfucker thank you thank you
Starting point is 01:58:01 I was having a discussion with somebody in the comments she was arguing with me thank you thank you hillary post deal i was having a discussion with somebody in the comments she was arguing with me because i called her a victim and she said i was telling her how well what if only white people applied for that job and hired a white person without the company's fault because she wasn't replaced with a person of color and her response was a company with the responses they are getting to their post they should then take a look at their what job boards they're posting on and what advertisements they're... Hello? Is this mic on?
Starting point is 01:58:56 It's not the company's fucking job. Yeah. If I want a job at a company, I'm going to go out of my way to apply with that company. Well, when we post jobs for the Sevan podcast, we go to And we go straight to their message board. Straight to the source. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 01:59:26 Yeah. No. Yeah. It just played this, again, this victim status of, well, the company didn't come. They got their fucking job. It's the same else. Yeah, you're sick pretty bad. At the end of the day, any place you would want to work is going to be hiring based on merit. And if people like whether regardless of what you're a tranny or a blackie or a brownie or a whitey, you don't want to work anywhere unless it's a strip club where people are hiring you based on DEI. And so it's completely nuts.
Starting point is 02:00:04 And there are some professions where it's just really sad, you know, like firefighting and police. I mean, did you see did you see the other day there was a black woman who is the chief of police and someone recorded her saying she's not going to hire any more black women? And they said, why? And they and she said, because there's too much drama around black women. It's all the black, all the employees that they have trouble with are black women and we need to hire more white men. And like for anyone to think that that's racist is absolutely fucking out of shit inside. And that's easier to deal with than black women who are more verbal and emotional and speaking outside. Then fucking like, that's a discernment that like you should maybe think about when you fucking hire people.
Starting point is 02:00:55 I'm not saying that they're absolutes. I'm not saying that it has anything to do with the color of their skin, but this kind of talk where you're not allowed to just say those things out loud. When we all know we've seen examples of it all over the place. fucking insane it's the same thing with yes it's insane it's like you should have a healthy fear if you if you've watched all the propaganda on us tv you should be afraid of covid the same way you should be afraid of fucking islam islam and covid have had about the same propaganda you should be terrified of islam
Starting point is 02:01:23 and you should be terrified of COVID. It's what the TV is telling you to do. It's not like it's some sort of thing out there. If you're a fucking healthy biological male who fucking loves pussy, and then you see two guys kissing, it should make you feel fucking weird. There's nothing wrong with that. That doesn't make you fucking homophobic. Yeah. It's fucking nuts what we're trying to box people in.
Starting point is 02:01:44 And in the same circumstance, like if you call someone if you're walking down the street and you call someone a fucking spick you should not be surprised when fucking three dudes with baseball bats beat your head in like like hey like you shouldn't have said that. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Yeah. You don't like it fucking be the difference and change it yeah that too yeah and also there's some good ones my dad came here opened up a middle eastern guy
Starting point is 02:02:10 opened up a liquor store and very successful and living the American dream now been retired since he's been 50 planting cherry trees for a living now yeah it's like fuck dude you wanna come to this country you're Vietnamese open a fucking dry cleaning service and fucking send your kids to college and fucking get rich. Yeah get rich or die trying. It's okay
Starting point is 02:02:30 Your wife your your washed-up filmmaker who doesn't want to who's too lazy to sit down and do editing start a podcast. It's okay Yeah That's the American dream right there. Yeah. All right. I've been trying to get off the show for a bit, so have a good one. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:02:50 Bye. I guess, Travis, I guess I should just switch out roadcasters. Go to an old one. Oh, this one I think has all my cool, like, audio shit on it. Oh, fuck. Yeah, it does huh like wrong hello wait it's so deep it's so deep oh my god you can't even tell
Starting point is 02:03:18 it's so deep you can see how deep it is. Oh my gosh Wow two road casters at once that was good. Uh, yeah, there's no fucking way i'm getting rid of this road caster There's no fucking way. Yeah, it'll take you another year to set up the new one yeah there's no fucking way i'm getting rid of that yeah wait wait wait there what a stupid song but so we built Yeah, there's no way. Thank you, Kenneth. I forgot I had that one. You can't get the phone to connect again? No, not at all now. Before, it used to come and go.
Starting point is 02:04:23 I basically just updated everything. Right. The roadcaster got updated. The computer got updated. The phone got did. I've tried turning the phone off. I guess I could just completely reset the phone. I've tried disconnect.
Starting point is 02:04:40 Yeah, it sucks. One time it did work. I went to Bluetooth and i disconnected all the devices forget the device and then i connected it back uh system oh maybe if i'll try what if i try connecting pushing the Bluetooth button? Oh, this one doesn't even have that. Search for audio devices. It even gives that, you know, like when they give us a secret number, 244635 for pairing, and then you hit pair. Right.
Starting point is 02:05:20 Yeah, I don't know what's going on. And now it says it's connected, but you can't hear me dialing right no no i can't oh shit zach said russian nuclear warship off of the coast of florida and he saw it when he was surfing. You get pictures of it. I want to see it. Oh my goodness. Uh, Oh Jesus. That sucks.
Starting point is 02:05:58 When Casey Acree can talk shit to Jesus crying. Until you get your tech problems figured out, you're no longer allowed to talk shit about my Wi-Fi connection. Hey, dude, did you go on Get With The Programming show? Did you go on Chase and Bill's show? I was in a chat and they were telling me you're coming on the show. I'm like, you're fucking crazy. That dude's going to be in and out.
Starting point is 02:06:20 Did you go on? How did that work? I need to have you back on. I want to be friends with you I want to I want there needs to be a kill Taylor show that's just a one arm show and you go against them a one arm workout
Starting point is 02:06:33 unplug it and plug it back in it works 100% of the time all right oh shit Casey says yeah i won fuckers oh he did win i guess was it um wow okay hold on i'm gonna switch the audio to uh i have to switch the audio to something else first, right? For the phone? Can you hear me now?
Starting point is 02:07:11 Yeah, I can hear you. It's not the microphone. But it just got really shitty? Yeah. Can you hear me? Okay. Yeah, I can hear you. Okay, I just unplugged it hey listen dude i'm i'm on the cloud no i'm not getting off fuck you
Starting point is 02:07:31 this is painful to watch yeah fuck you don't watch it go go away you're painful to watch yeah okay it's booting back up Okay, it's booting back up. I think I'm going to go to Waffle House today. Just by yourself? Yeah. It's probably one of the only restaurants I'd go to by myself. And actually dine in, you know?
Starting point is 02:07:58 Yeah. Just sit down and get some waffles and coffee and breakfast. How much will that cost? Probably like $10. And when you play to shit, will you ask for extra butter? Will you get waffles? Yeah, I'll probably get waffles. The waffles are pretty good.
Starting point is 02:08:16 I'll probably get some butter for my waffles. Probably get over easy eggs, hash browns, sausage, coffee. Probably whatever it's called in All-Star. Whatever the All-Star is. All-Star breakfast. Sausage. Coffee. Probably whatever it's called in the All-Star. Whatever the All-Star is. All-Star breakfast. I think the Grand Slam was Denny's. Yeah, yeah. I'm not in Omaha.
Starting point is 02:08:37 There is no Waffle House in Omaha. The closest one to Omaha is St. Joe, Missouri. Carla. What store? Waffle House. Oh. The closest Waffle House to Omaha, Nebraska is St. Joe, Missouri, Carla. What store? Waffle House. The closest Waffle House to Omaha, Nebraska is St. Joe, Missouri. And the only reason I know that is because my dad always wants to go there for any occasion. Oh, really?
Starting point is 02:09:01 He'll make any excuse to drive an hour to go to Waffle House in St. Joe, Missouri. And then we're like, oh, well, we can just go to Kansas City and we'll just go shopping or something. So we always just make a random trip down to Kansas City and we stop halfway to go to Waffle House. And that's insight into my life. That's why I go to Waffle House. Every time I go to Waffle House, there is something wrong with... I shouldn't say wrong. There's something weird about the experience. One time
Starting point is 02:09:33 I went and they had... I got a coffee cup and it had red lipstick on it. I didn't watch it. I was like, can I just get a new one? It was pretty funny. There's always something like that that happens. Pubic hair in your eggs.'s always something like that that happens Pubic hair in your eggs
Starting point is 02:09:48 Yeah something like that Or like the one time we went And the workers were sleeping in the booths And we showed up Who works at a Waffle House? Everybody It's a very diverse group It is diverse?
Starting point is 02:10:04 Yeah It's like Starbucksbucks are there blue hairs there no definitely not i've been to the waffle house three times in my life and i've all the employees were always black and all the waitresses were always women yeah i had one dude waiter otherwise it's yeah it's usually women like tatted up women sometimes missing a tooth or so or a couple and then the people behind the on the line are usually like middle-aged black guys oh the cooks yeah and i went to a popeyes and all the people behind the counter were white and
Starting point is 02:10:49 Like, you know drug that you know Like when you've seen someone like who's damaged from doing too many drugs like they did so much meth that they just they're fucked They were all 100% those and then all the people eating there were black and The Waffle House was the other way all the people working there that i've been in were black and all the people eating there were white huh yeah maybe i know a lot of the people that work at wap house look like they've done too many drugs but now they're clean and like i say clean and they they just work at waffle house and the waffle house always has a lady working there who's like got quadruple G titties like this Yes, you like down to her fucking waistband like yeah, I can't stop staring at him. Yeah
Starting point is 02:11:33 Daniel Brandon's mom looking waitress Shit she could work at Popeye's not Waffle House though. Yeah She could work at Popeye's, not Waffle House, though. Yeah. All right. Everyone at Popeye's gets a free pair of rads. Shit, maybe I'll start going to Popeye's. No, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 02:11:58 There's nothing more depressing than really... You're crazy. Thank you, Jake. You're fucking out of your mind, dude. Thank you, Jake. That's how I know you, Jake. You're fucking out of your mind, dude. Thank you, Jake. That's how I know you're gay. Okay. Oh, shit. Dave's out of town today.
Starting point is 02:12:16 Oh. Yeah, Jeff. They always call me like, they always say sugar or like, what can I get you, baby? Or honey. Yeah. They always call you some some endearing sweet name. And then I tip them extra. Give them like 25% instead of 20%.
Starting point is 02:12:30 Kill Taylor, the sponsor this week, is Carl. I think. The CBD guy. Oh, cool. Yeah, that's really cool. Thank you, Carl. That's awesome. H-G-R-C-B-D.
Starting point is 02:12:46 Hard grown? Happy grown? Homegrown. Homegrown. What a moron I am. That's so obvious. Maybe. I'm taking a guess on that one.
Starting point is 02:12:59 Oh, wow. Look, so Jake is gay. I'm not a boobs guy. I like huge delts and traps. There you go. Oh, I like those, too. But, but like droopy boobs are cool. Awesome. Just giant fucking pendulous titties Or fantastic Yeah homegrown relief Augustus Lane
Starting point is 02:13:25 oh shit I lost my I lost you are you there yeah I'm here oh my all my screens went black for a second I'm trying to figure out if I'm trying to figure out oh oh that's real. What is this reps ahead thing?
Starting point is 02:13:51 I have no idea. I keep seeing it on my feed and it doesn't make sense. I think I tried to watch this. I was excited because it was supposed to be, if someone got more than a certain number of reps ahead, they would be the winner. But then the one I watched person wasn't was that many reps ahead and they weren't the winner it like kept going and then i was like okay too complicated for me fuck they have a lot of big names doing it yeah i think i picked up when alexis raptus was on but it's it didn't make sense. So I just stopped watching.
Starting point is 02:14:25 Oh, shit. Training think tanks riding fucking Alexis Raptors hard. I'm so proud of them. A training think tank. YouTube. Man. CTP is doing some great shit. I'll tell you that. More Raptors.
Starting point is 02:14:41 More Raptors. The mental game. Yeah, they just released something 15 hours ago 15 minutes of Alexis wrapped as being yeah, how about this? How about this 15 go down 15 minutes of Alexis wrapped as being hot. Geez. Oh, yeah my god How is someone not scooped her up? I think somebody has. Oh, she has a dude?
Starting point is 02:15:12 I think so. I don't think she has openly said anything about it, though. Here's the thing. Listen, if you're rich, like, she needs, like, a rich guy who's, like, 35. What? And she doesn't know it. I'm telling you, that's what she does so that she can continue her passion. And like he like she needs like a private equity D bag.
Starting point is 02:15:36 That sounds not fun. Well, I'm just telling you. Oh, look at it. Wrap this vagina around your face. Get wrapped wow wow oh my god jake great great job you're a great role model jake yeah tell your daughter i said hi man she presents good raptus howus. That was a great line, though. She makes a comment about 69. CTP asked her how many calories she got, and she said 69,
Starting point is 02:16:15 and then they both said nice. She needs a guy not interested in having kids. Dude, listen. Listen, she needs like a 30. How having kids dude listen uh she goes listen she needs like a 30 how let's how old do you think she is she's like 22 23 or 24 yeah she needs a 35 year old guy who has fucking five million dollars in the fucking bank who is like so spun up on god that he just is out of his mind. And, but, but his day job is just fucking people out of their fucking money. And,
Starting point is 02:16:50 uh, and then, um, and then he has a come to Jesus moment. He retires when she's 40 and she retires in five years and they just have kids and she fucking lives on the beach in Florida. Thank you. Thank you for coming to my tech talk.
Starting point is 02:17:03 Yeah. And then she can start up like a non-profit that saves like turtles off the coast of Florida or some shit. Hey, and I think her I think Raptus comes with good parents too, so your fucking in-laws will be dope. I'm telling you,
Starting point is 02:17:21 I think she might be just like the super catch. For sure. Yeah. For sure. Not to mention the superficial aspects of her fucking absolutely insane body. Perfect smile. And she just seems so
Starting point is 02:17:38 cool. I should run her Tinder account for her. Does she have a big head?. Does she have a big head? Does Raptors have a big head? Like size? Yeah. Ego.
Starting point is 02:17:54 I don't feel like she's got a normal head. Yeah, I feel like she's got a... Oh, she does have a massive head. Well, maybe that's why I'm so spun up on her. She probably has that Bethany Shadburn kind of head. Or looks good, but it's not really good.
Starting point is 02:18:09 Oh, a paper shoot coffee. Her mom buys coffee and never asks for anything free. Her dude is cool too. Oh, like, oh, so she does have a dude. Jesus Christ. I feel like last time we had her on, you asked her about it and she said no. Or like, she not said she said no, but she just didn't want to talk about it and she said no or like she not said she said
Starting point is 02:18:25 no but she just didn't want to talk about it like no i'm not answering that yeah she has a well proportioned head yeah there you go this morning i was extra excited about my paper street coffee for some reason oh really yeah so the dog so i slept so fucking good last night it was bizarre um really yeah and i kind of i was touching my wife like the whole night like i had like like i had a leg or an arm on her the whole night and like not on her but like you know like touching yeah like touching on her calf kind of thing. Yeah. And I slept just great. And then at like five 20, Avi came in the room and he said, the dog threw up in my room. And I looked at him, I'm like, okay. And he goes, don't worry. It's just a little spot. And like, I know that the little spot is just what drips out of his mouth after the big throw up.
Starting point is 02:19:25 So my dog always throws up this time of year because our backyard is full of fruit and it just picks fruit off the tree and eats it. Avocados, peaches, and it's all green, shitty fruit, right? Because it's just not ripe yet. It just fucks the dog's stomach up. So I'm like, okay. And I'm like, can you just go get a towel from the laundry room like we have a just a drawer full of rags in there and i can like just put it on the vomit so i lay back down and my wife's like what time is it and i'm like fuck it's a 5 20 or something so six o'clock my alarm goes off
Starting point is 02:20:03 i don't think i slept in those 40 minutes i just was just lying there i walk into his room and there's just a fucking just a yellow stain on the carpet that's like this big that's just stomach acid i'm like hey dude what about this he's like oh shit didn't even see that you don't want to bother you. So I got out the resolve. Yeah. I was feeling like a shitty dad because I waited 40 minutes to clean it up. I cleaned it up. And then I was like, paper street coffee.
Starting point is 02:20:34 Oh, he even said to me, he looked at me, he goes, you need coffee. I'm like, I don't need it. Shut up, kid. No, I don't. Avocados are poisonous for dogs. Well, that explains a lot. Huh. This time of year is tough on the dog, then.
Starting point is 02:20:50 How about all the grapes in my yard? Shit, I don't know. Those are poisonous for dogs, too. Janelle Winston, she must have slept like shit. I'd call her and ask her. I reset the whole Rodecaster. Nothing nothing phone still doesn't work by the way hey dave was it worth uh sticking around to talk about um uh wrap this legs around your head or whatever a joke for what like that was a pretty good joke for sitting around waiting for the
Starting point is 02:21:20 roadcaster to rebuild i mean i don't get credit for it uh jake chapman does but it's pretty good uh what age do we get separate bedrooms you mean me and my wife i don't think so she would have to do that i i cannot stand being away from her from her it's a miracle that seven's dog's alive oh please stop yeah who cares let him eat it all that's what i say my wife panics my wife will actually go outside and cut i mean we have we'll have a fucking 500 pounds of grapes on the property this this year and my wife will go around and cut all the fucking baby grapes off the spots where the dog can reach it it's crazy drives me fucking nuts i mean i just grit my teeth and let her do it yeah but but like i guess i guess it's saving the dog's life my parents all go do that with all the pears
Starting point is 02:22:22 that they get dog shouldn't eat dogs all the pears that they get. Dogs shouldn't eat pears. Dogs can eat pears. Yeah. Yeah. But he he'll do the same thing where I'll just eat him till he's sick. Oh yeah. Like just find them all. Like all the ripe ones that fall on the ground, he'll eat them and then just, we'll just. Dude apples too. My dog, my dog. Oh yeah. What's crazy too is we'll have apples all over the ground underneath the apple tree and you can like pick an apple up and just throw it at my dog and he'll catch it and eat it yeah you know what i mean like doesn't give a fuck gone
Starting point is 02:22:55 uh my kid uh one of my kids hyperextended his knee two days ago on the trampoline ouch did i tell you this already no so he's been hopping and limping he won't put any weight on it so yesterday we went to this party and they had a swimming pool there and the pool is 90 degrees and all the kids were in and my and my kid joseph's like i'm not going in i'm not going in i'm like the fuck you're not he's like dude my leg is so bad i'm like i don't care go in and he and because i knew it was going to help right and he got he went in the pool and uh 30 minutes later when he got out he was walking again and so he's like hey i feel better can i go on the trampoline i'm like no you cannot so he starts crying a little bit little tears come out of his eyes and then i see him running and and and i see him take
Starting point is 02:23:49 a step and then get jolted and start hopping again i'm like hey dude just because you go on the pool for 30 minutes and it feels better from like you know taking weight off of it doesn't mean it's like you're healed right no not the same one who broke his shin or leg no this dude's never been injured this is a situation he was doing a backflip on the trampoline and avi tried to bounce him and so when he landed the trampoline was like all the way down and his leg got jammed up and it hyper extended yeah and my and my and my um my stepmom was there and she's like oh they it was just the two boys ran into each other like she's she's, like, giving me her assessment. And, like, I just want to be like, yo, listen.
Starting point is 02:24:28 It's okay. Yeah. I don't need all that. Yeah, like, don't. There's this hierarchy of people that there's this, of all the people I hang out with, there's this hierarchy I put them in of people who, like, know what they're talking about and don't know what they're talking about based on observation. You know what I mean? So there's like some really smart people that I like listening to, but based on observation,
Starting point is 02:24:51 they're just complete fucking morons. They have no, they have no discernment or assessment of what's safe, not safe, what actually happened, what didn't happen. Right. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:03 Trampolines are dangerous. So on, you know, it's crazy. Greg's been telling me trampolines are dangerous since on you know it's crazy greg's been telling me trampolines are dangerous since the day i met him for 20 years he's been telling me how dangerous trampolines are so i was talking to his wife the other day and she's like hey are you guys coming over for blah blah blah i'm like i don't know joseph's all fucked up and she goes what happened i'm like i ain't telling you i mean she's cool she don't give a fuck but i know it'll get the
Starting point is 02:25:24 last so last night greg's like what, what happened to Joseph on my trampoline? He goes, God damn it. And I go, what? He goes, nothing. He's like, you'll hate me if I start talking about it or something like that. I'm like, I will. Shut up. I know.
Starting point is 02:25:36 Yeah. Yeah. My wife wants to throw the trampoline away. It's like that, huh? Mm-hmm. The thing is is is like my kids can all do like flips forward flips back flips twists they can do all this
Starting point is 02:25:49 shit they would they would have never learned if they didn't have a trampoline yeah never not the same like a tumble track either no so it's like fuck I don't know what to do keep it So it's like fuck I don't know what to do Keep it And they have some epic fights in there
Starting point is 02:26:21 Uh, how does the chat fall out using that logic? No, chat's pretty high. I value the chat. I like the chat. I like the chat. Everything in the chat, for the most part, everything in the chat's pretty logical. I like the chat. What's the CF? What's what?
Starting point is 02:26:50 What's this CrossFit saying about risking orthopedic calamity? Oh, the CrossFit saying. Yeah, I heard Greg say it once. This is this show is just a regurgitation. The podcast, the regurgitation podcast. Greg said that with every. Attempt to work on your cardiovascular health, you have to take some risk with orthopedic calamity.
Starting point is 02:27:17 There you go. Can you hear me spraying? Oh, Joseph's my smart kid. And twice I've seen him spray himself in the eye Twice dude Oh my god And hey dude like I have no
Starting point is 02:27:39 There's sometimes when I baby them a lot of times But I have no sympathy for him when he does it I'm so excited it's like watching someone get maced just like a quick like and he's like I hate you you're an asshole because me and his brothers are on the ground just dying laughing
Starting point is 02:27:55 just a straight shot of fucking Listerine spray to the eye how did you do that I didn't know anyone from Santa Cura is using breathless thought I heard crying all right I thought I heard crying. Oh.
Starting point is 02:28:28 All right. Let me see if there's anything in my live notes before you go to Waffle House. You guys want to look at Scott Pancheck's body? He's got a crazy body. This is a fucking crazy video. This is nuts. This is nuts. When you marry a farmer's daughter. Jeez, those pecs, dude. jeez wheels packs dude
Starting point is 02:29:05 this is this video is nuts look at him this looks like like this should be his grind a grinder ad yeah hey doesn't that look so fun what he's doing though Like this should be his grind, a grinder ad. It's a grinder. Yeah. Hey, doesn't that look so fun?
Starting point is 02:29:29 What he's doing though with that machine. I like this next video where they, God, I want to see a little more. I want to see if they both actually catch it at the same time. What a crazy machine. What's it do? It scoops up the hay and mashes it and then quickly wraps a wire around it. Like that all happens inside that machine. Yeah. And then it just fires it out the back end.
Starting point is 02:29:50 Hey, can you imagine if you were standing like in the wrong spot and that thing hits you in the head as it came out? It would fucking go from standing to laying down in like one second. Boom. Oh, and he flips it. That one he flips. that one he flips that one he didn't flip it looks like it just wrote like it starts to rotate in the air and you just kind of pass it along watch watch this first one like after he does the the grinder walk watch this next one look at at it. He flips it, right? He rotates it. Yeah, yeah. God, smooth. Oh, he's a born primitive guy.
Starting point is 02:30:34 Those are born. I didn't know that. Yeah, I think he's been one for a while. Damn. Well, what's this guy saying my dad didn't work out and he had bigger pipes than that your dad did not have bigger pipes than pan chick yeah that's pretty unlikely buddy
Starting point is 02:30:57 he milked cows at 4am came in got cleaned up drove 45 minutes to his full time job came home banged my mom then went straight to the barn milked the cows again came to the house to get cleaned up for dinner ate watch a little tv and did it all over in the morning the vacation time was spent in the fields uh haying or harvesting crops and banging my mom hardest working man i ever knew miss him every day damn people are getting real riled up that he did it in a sleeveless shirt oh really yeah ain't no way i'm bailing hay and sleeveless shirt says no way only rookies work with hay
Starting point is 02:31:37 and shirt no sleeves we never uh stafford 93 never wore shirts. Calling all soft wannabe hay throwers. Bring your long sleeve rubber dove in suits. I wouldn't let you cry babies cut my grass or mow my bitches twat. Thanks for the great post, Scotty. Love to see ya. Mow my bitches twat. Oh, shit. At least he's got jeans on
Starting point is 02:32:05 Oh Kristen pan check is that his chick? Yeah Yeah. Why aren't you supposed to do it shirtless? Like you get itchy or. Yeah, just. A is like sharp in a way. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:43 Ain't nobody work harder than a farmer. Hey, so that's the thing too. Like, listen, don't worry about hiring someone based on their skin color, but if they were a farmer, hire them. Like if, like if you milk cows, when you were a kid, hire that kid, that, that dude's getting up early, like every morning, he's going to stay late. Like that's the kid to hire. getting up early like every morning he's gonna stay late like that's the kid to hire how about that what if they had that as their mission statement what if like dei was um the whole thing was hire farmers first i could get behind it yeah do you know what i mean because it's like basically that's like gives you street cred right yeah uh we have a farmer's quota. 30% of our employees have milked a cow at 4 a.m. I'm not even joking. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, it's totally legit.
Starting point is 02:33:37 What did you score on your AFTC 5-4 exam? That's a good one too, right? Yeah. Scotty Pancheck. If he wouldn't have found God, if he wasn't a God dude, he'd be in porn for sure. There they're they're coming around to our schools in the united states like checking everyone's gender but this is what they're doing in china have you seen this
Starting point is 02:34:17 oh yeah yeah yeah who's the fastest who runs the longest whose parents are the gayest oh no wrong country now she's crazy right fucking they come and harvest they come and harvest fucking Olympians look at the fucking uh indoctrination here it's crazy how athletics like the ones that they pick
Starting point is 02:35:01 like they're just automatically like fast twitch fucking studs athletics and like the ones that they pick like they're just automatically like Fast twitch fucking studs Look at them they just look at them like cattle nah fucking rod This new imagine dude parents in America would fucking lose their shit if they watched somebody do this to their kid. I don't blame them. It's kind of weird. So good. Just checking them out like cattle. For real. then they just go live in a fucking training hall until they're
Starting point is 02:35:53 shit's busted they can't lift weights anymore uh this friend of mine who's a crossfit coach in town i told her to go over and and uh become a vendor for my kids homeschool program so that the money that the state gives you you can use to like purchase crossfit training so she applied for the program she got it and she's gonna and it's all working out good and i'm like okay i'll find you a bunch of clients now and you know what they told her you can't teach weightlifting because weightlifting is bad for kids. Oh, yeah, of course. It's dangerous.
Starting point is 02:36:33 How dare you? All right. Thanks, guys. Tonight, we have a great show. Fuck. Yeah, it'll be cool. Do you guys know who Jack Dela... If you don't know who Jack Dela Madelaine is, you should go back and watch the podcast we did with him before. He's a
Starting point is 02:36:51 beast. He's the guy from Australia. He lost his first two UFC fights, then won like 10 in a row, and a couple months ago he knocked out fucking Gilbert Burns. Beat up fucking Gilbert Burns. This guy's a striker from Australia and he fucked up one of the greatest Brazilian jiu-jitsu are Jiu-jitsu artists in the Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 02:37:20 BJJ one of Brazil's greatest BJJ practitioners of all time and Yeah beat his fucking ass and I think Gilbert Burns was number five ranked in the And the UFC oh oh shit caller hi Hello, hey Is this theon this is what's up is this my son are you my son from college my college years dude my wife's gonna freak out i just i was like dude there's no way he's gonna answer that it's gonna be like some person in the background answering the phone uh hello this is the hotline uh how can i help you hey so uh i I was watching one of your podcasts and you're talking about people wearing your shirt.
Starting point is 02:38:07 And so I'm from the Fort Worth area in Texas and excited to go to the CrossFit Games. So two things like I want to get one of the CEO shirts. But then to like, what's the deal with these tickets, man? Like, how can I get to the games? Oh, that I that I don't know. I'm trying to get to the games oh um that i uh that i don't know i'm trying to get to the games myself but um uh you can get the ceo shirts at um are there any tickets left for sale i don't know what happened this shit sells out fast i don't know how people get tickets
Starting point is 02:38:37 so my wife tried to look at on it the day that they went on sale but you know that all that crazy weird stuff went on and so like we've been trying to track down some stuff but when you say crazy weird shit you mean rich people got the tickets with fast internet yeah that or like what do they call those things those people that like just buy them and then
Starting point is 02:38:57 wait till like the week of and then sell them for triple the price you think that that's really true I just heard that rumor two days ago. You think there's truth behind that? Yes. Wow. I really think so.
Starting point is 02:39:12 Like, how in the world is the whole CrossFit Games going to sell out in a matter of hours? Well, in Carson one year, it sold out in 11 minutes, dude. And it wasn't scalpers really yeah okay well sweet so so you'll be there at the games yeah i'll be there but but but like i won't be accessible to uh the average citizens like you i'll be like you know what i mean like i'll have crazy access and i'll be filming behind the scenes and like i'll hear you screaming my name and from the back seven and like i'll pretend like to smile but really i'll just be focused on my job okay so there won't be like no time to meet you no you know the best time is just to cost me in the parking lot with the end of my day when i'm fucking hate everyone and it's like seven o'clock
Starting point is 02:40:04 and i'm going home to lick my wounds yeah wait i'll bring my tent just like sleep by your car or something yeah yeah dude it's a dude you are gonna have so much fun the games are so fun so again like uh and everyone's accessible you can you can literally talk to everyone like everyone's accessible no one's hidden like you could go and you could sniff danielle brandon there if you wanted to everyone's accessible it's okay yeah yeah like i said we're super bummed that we're not gonna be able to go like into the i guess arena and stuff but we're just really gonna just hang around uh the what do they call it the village the vendor village vendors village yeah and so i was like maybe we can meet and greet some people out there or something and just and i and that's what i told her i was like
Starting point is 02:40:49 we might just see people walking around yeah you you definitely will it's it it's it's gonna be blast i mean obviously i haven't been to dickies but um every year i couldn't believe how much fun i had at the games last year it was it's so cool and i had a blast at semifinals semifinals were the shit so like i grew up in weatherford which is outside of fort worth and my brother he works in fort worth and he was just saying that the olympic trials were out there and simone biles was at the dickies arena uh like qualifying for the olympics and stuff so i mean i think it's a pretty big venue and lots of good stuff is going on out there. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:41:29 Are you a cowboy? Someone said this guy is very cowboy. Dude, I'm... So, again, so I come from Weatherford, Texas, but I'm living up in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and we go down to Texas all the time. And I've always wanted to go to the games, but it's always super far away. And so especially now being in my backyard, basically, I was like, okay, we got to go.
Starting point is 02:41:54 But again, we just felt like the tickets went surprisingly way too fast. Stillwater, Texas, I think is mine. No, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Oh, oh, oh, oh. That's where i live at now oh okay i grew up right outside of fort worth okay how's oklahoma didn't you guys get destroyed by tornadoes this year yeah it was crazy i was uh in town and my wife was at the house by herself and she called me freaking out because there was a tornado like within a square mile of the house holy shit she saw it she made visuals on it yeah like it was like in a field across the street from us and she's like oh my gosh i was like going
Starting point is 02:42:36 to the storm shelter and she's like there's spiders down there i was like do you want to die of spiders if you want to die of a tornado was she like baby i'm so sorry i didn't blow you this morning that'll never happen again i'm feeling like i could be dead tomorrow like yeah remember that yeah you remember that i'm gonna use that on my wife right now can i get a blow job no why you could die tomorrow yeah tornado might hit i'm glad she's okay i'm glad she's okay i know tornadoes are no fucking joke. Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. So we've been doing good out here.
Starting point is 02:43:11 But yeah, awesome to talk to you. I just figured I could maybe see if you had some type of connections or something to get tickets or something like that. Off the record, I would try to sneak. If I saw you there and I could sneak you in, I would. Okay. I'm as inclusive as they get. Send me a signed shirt or something, man. Oh, dude, if I tell you I'm going to mail,
Starting point is 02:43:33 you never want to try to get me to mail anything. You'll never get it. Not worth it. No, I suck. I have a TDC hat I'm supposed to mail out and two Slack boxes, and it's just like, I don't know. I suck. All right. It's good talking to you guys you like going when's the last time when's the last time you've been to ups or fedex yeah it sucks like you got to go there park your car get out of the car stand in line it's always old motherfuckers yeah i don't like it
Starting point is 02:44:12 all right man all right appreciate you guys in the show like it all right wear your mask be safe no mask all right love you bye wow the phone works amazing did i say i was gonna send you five grand cave was that for like throwing the ball into the hey dude you gotta tell me the truth did you really make it into the bucket on your first throw into the bucket because i'm gonna tell you the truth i really did hit the bucket from 60 feet first try but did you actually make it in the bucket first try? Just tell me the truth. Cause that was crazy. Oh, good. Okay. I won't even pull that up. Thank you. Okay. Maybe I, I want to go. I've been kind of scared to try it, but maybe I'll do it today.
Starting point is 02:45:07 I haven't taken my baseballs down in a long time. Oh, you did hit the first bucket on the first try. Yeah. But it took 100 to go in. Well, that's good. That makes people. Dude, that's a lot of walking. 100 times 60 feet.
Starting point is 02:45:23 Because you can't have the balls like hanging out around the bucket because people will see you missed right you got to make it look clean yeah it's still impressive to hit the bucket on the first try i was i fucking impressed myself i was like wow i'll put weight in the bucket okay like a rock or something. Or, or I guess I'm heavier than a rock. It's gotta be like a, like a,
Starting point is 02:45:49 I think I have extra stepping stones. I'll put one in there. No, a Bernie Gannon. Look, God, Bernie's so good. I love it.
Starting point is 02:45:58 How everyone has their fucking role. You're such a G Bernie. Do you remember what you did to just now to fix the roadcaster for next time tomorrow no dude i turned it off and reset the whole thing and it wasn't working i tested it now it's working oh let me try to call someone oh you can't hear me dialing though nope i have no idea what happened it's not working again that's a one in a million. Whatever. What do you know? You can't handle the balls. Jake Chapman, you can't have the balls hanging outside the bucket. Good quote.
Starting point is 02:46:41 I don't know if a 10-pound plate would do it. Call Horvat. Mike, you've been getting squirrely Mike I might Mike you've been getting a little squirrely I was thinking about maybe putting there's levels to the uh to the douche canoes like the king of douche canoes is like um uh tank and then um uh and then and then 12 daily doses and then dan guerrero used to be down there but he's kind of vacated the spot he kind of turned into a pussy we saw each other and hugged and ever since then i think i think our i think when we hugged our balls touched and like he's you know i mean like through our genes not like skin to skin it's over since then it got soft oh David Weed's in there
Starting point is 02:47:32 David so sorry Tank Pat Lang David Weed and McCaskey might be like holding down the like the next levelkey might be like holding down the like the next level. He might be like entry level turning to entry
Starting point is 02:47:49 level troll. I'll hug you at the games out. Care you of your trolling docked with him. I docked Jesus. No, no. I know he's not a douche canoe. I know.
Starting point is 02:48:16 But he's just been doing some entry-level trolling. Just some like, he's dabbing. Oh, Dan Garrity. Yeah, you're in there for sure, you cunt. Is there a name for when two guys' balls wrap together when they're closely closing the bag of your Dan's in there to Dan that Dan vacillates depending on how his bipolar fucking is. He's like sometimes he's a lover. Sometimes he's a fighter. Daniel gets in the mix.
Starting point is 02:48:44 Yeah, throw throw Garrity below below weed, though. Daniel gets in the mix. Yeah. Throw Garrity below weed though. Dan likes to throw rocks at the house once in a while. Wouldn't you say? Yeah, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:00 No, Dick Butter. No, sorry. You don't do any. You're just funny. You're like Jake Chapman I'll be a victim dick Yeah with peace and love yes All right, so a Jack Dela Madelaine, let me show you this guy really quick Maybe we get I don't understand. Why don't why don't you guys like the UFC shows? Why don't why don't you guys like the UFC shows?
Starting point is 02:49:30 No, not not Chad Jack Jack Dela they call him Chad check day Jack Dela Madalena He was um, oh Shit, he got like a serious infection. So he broke his arm in the first round against Gilbert Burns. Oh, yeah. No, SEMA, Jeff Baco, I just take as, like, senile. He's in his own category. I just see him as just, like, I don't know. SEMA said they have less personality than Brookwell's.
Starting point is 02:50:02 Ouch. Had surgery on my arm one week after 299. Ten days later, my wound began splitting, which was indicative of infection. Look how nice his skin looks. Went in for surgery, too, is believed to be infection present. Bone cleaned up, plate replaced, stayed in hospital for nine days. On IV and antibiotics, then moved to oral antibiotics.
Starting point is 02:50:24 Thought the infection was under control the wound itself has a couple of abscesses pop up over a five-week period which has been cut and drained which had bacteria present abscesses god damn that's scary shit man yeah for sure look at that blood in that carrier. Did you read the last paragraph? No. I am still motivated to compete. The years end in the fight, I believe, is the toughest.
Starting point is 02:50:52 Wait. No, unfortunately, this means I won't be competing at UFC 305 in Perth. Oh, yeah, yeah, I saw that. That sucks. Yeah, it does. My wife had an infection so bad that that they thought they were gonna have to amputate her leg from from a surgery gone wrong it sucked it was crazy crazy crazy crazy yeah look at gilbert burns
Starting point is 02:51:19 jeez uh yeah oh yeah i going to take it out and base. Oh, my goodness. Are these just behind the scenes fight to future opponents? We relive Jack 17 fight win streak. Is that what he's on at 17 fights now? Jeez Louise He was there was a there was some footage of him training with Jay Crouch Really? Yeah, and maybe not Dan Bailey, Martin Bailey,
Starting point is 02:52:05 Bailey Martin, Bailey Martin. Yeah. Oh, he got a kid too. Did I know that? Did I forget that? He had a hot wife and a kid that kid looks just like him right
Starting point is 02:52:26 yeah look at it yeah little ginger how cool big old melon head like his dad oh his dad oh yeah yeah yeah I wonder what to deal with
Starting point is 02:52:48 I wonder if he's gonna get his nose fixed He's probably gonna have a nose like that Um What was that guy Wanderlei Silva He's probably got a nose like that Or he can't even breathe out of it Yeah he definitely can't breathe out of it
Starting point is 02:53:04 Holy shit his wife is an avatar he probably won't ever get it fixed until he's done fighting oh my god that kid is so cute holy damn damn well good I'm glad he's living a good life because he's living a he earns his money the hard way yeah for sure
Starting point is 02:53:34 is that his cup you just get a custom cup like a jock oh yeah wow introducing the Jack DeLaManna X-Pilot protective cup. Oh shit Wow and What's pilots area of expertise? I'm not sure I understand this commercial. Oh
Starting point is 02:54:03 I'm not sure I understand this commercial. Oh, they mailed him a... Oh, shit. Pilot, send me my very own protective cup. Thanks, Pilot, for keeping me protected this weekend. I look forward to testing this thing out. He does not want to test it out. Okay, I'm putting that in my notes. They'll do a consultation with you
Starting point is 02:54:27 For your cup They will? That's what it just said yeah Free consult for your cup Are you on tonight's show? Jack's Cup Uh Yeah I'll probably be on for a little bit
Starting point is 02:54:43 Okay Oh cause it's late for you Yeah I'll probably be on for a little bit. Okay. That would be, oh, because it's late for you. Yeah. I'll try to keep it to 45 minutes. We'll talk about his cup for 15 minutes for sure. Okay. Jack de la Magdalena. Okay.
Starting point is 02:55:01 All right, guys. Um, I think around the whiteboard happens today. God, I got to pee. Oh, wait. What do you mean stupid fucking YouTube ads? In the middle of our show, there's ads. Testing. Hello? Hello? Dad? Is that you? Hello.
Starting point is 02:55:28 Is that you? Yeah. Around the whiteboard is today. Dad. Hello. Caleb. Come on. Travis. Travis bright. is that you
Starting point is 02:55:47 Around the way does he is he doing any Interviews today I want to really watch that Dawnfall interview Just Coffee pods and wads is the Whiteboard today he doesn't have Dawnfall interview until Next week who's chase Interviewing oh Thomas McCoy pods and wads is the around the whiteboard today. He doesn't have Don Paul interview until next week.
Starting point is 02:56:06 Who's chase interviewing. Oh, Thomas McCoy from the health society. When is that on? I want to hear that too. Let's see. Uh, Graciano Rubio,
Starting point is 02:56:17 uh, seven squeezing every last come drop out of us. That's correct. Uh, that one is today after around the whiteboard. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:56:37 Two hours to around the whiteboard with Pedro. And then after that, you go over to billy chase's station get with the programming and find out exactly what this health society is i'm gonna try not to eat until uh 11 i'm gonna go inside there's gonna there's gonna be like eggs and sausage and all this shit i smelled it cooking already you're fucked now i want to try not to eat so i can go to cilantros good idea all right squeeze every last dollar out of greg when he's paying for lunch uh if i watch an old savon show i almost always get pharmaceutical ads wow gabe dastro when is is the next Talking Elite Fitness podcast dropping?
Starting point is 02:57:30 I think those dudes are done. I think those dudes tapped. I think they've had enough of the bullshit. They did one yesterday for an hour. Number one bullshit with who? yesterday for an hour number one bullshit with who uh looks like kotler chase and oh oh i actually i actually uh watched a little bit of that is that the one where o'keefe said we should just merge with f45 did he say that no i think he said something similar.
Starting point is 02:58:05 He said something along the lines of like, yeah, we should just start allowing a 45 and fucking gyms that run classes to call one of their classes a CrossFit class. I heard that, I haven't seen it yet, so I don't want to accuse O'Keefe of it yet, but someone was saying that there was someone on that show was arguing that the point that they should allow CrossFit become a generic name, genericize the name.
Starting point is 02:58:33 If that happens, that's the end of CrossFit. Oh, was he joking? I don't know. I don't even know if he really said it. Someone just told me that. But that will be the end of CrossFit if that happens. Like, then that's it. sure it's toast like if they can't guard the trademark it's toast like if every tom dick and harry can do trade crossfit and use the word then it's basically if that accidentally happens it's like the private equity threw away 200 million dollars yeah it's like yeah pilates at a fucking global gym
Starting point is 02:59:05 yeah and pilates lost their trademark someone owned that shit and they lost it that's a trademark name but now anybody can do it anywhere and any fucking thing I think elevator too you know that I think elevator was a brand I don't know that one
Starting point is 02:59:22 yeah to toast yeah when's the glassman invitational the glassman invitational listen motherfucker podcast invitational kill taylor world championships at the glassman cathedral i need to see if i can come before my third kid arrives you did come that's why you have a third kid that's right you dumb son of a bitch do i have to explain third kid that's right you dumb son of a bitch do i have to explain everything to you you're a stupid son of a bitch uh quick uh jake chapman's in a pinch uh caleb uh please uh beaver from a medical perspective is it safer to burp and
Starting point is 02:59:57 fart at the same time or jizz and cough i need a quick answer uh probably burp and fart but you might shit your pants you might want to be on a toilet there you go can i get an invite you think we'll sell that out at five five hundred ticket you think i'll be like shit we should have charged six hundred five five hundred dollars a ticket. If we get 100 people to buy tickets, that's $50,000. Yeah. And if we have 10 athletes and we give every athlete $1,000, that leaves us with $40,000.
Starting point is 03:00:36 And then you got to rent an Airbnb for all the homies, like a huge dope one. For the week. So that's probably ten thousand dollars thousand dollars like a day or eleven hundred day what is uh i better write this down i'm doing the budgeting here uh ten thousand uh for the athletes thousand dollars like a stipend right right and then what i say the other ten thousand000 was for Airbnb. Airbnb for everybody. Yeah. And then I don't know how much food costs, but let's say 10,000 for food. Right.
Starting point is 03:01:13 You got to have like a taco truck that's just there on the property. Just. Yeah. So because that's what you're paying 500 bucks for. Just just crazy taco truck. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:01:23 Yeah. Yeah. OK. And just to be with the elite. It's the elitist party. So 10,000 for taco truck, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. And just to be with the elite. It's the elitist party. So $10,000 for a taco truck. And then let's say another $10,000 to bring
Starting point is 03:01:38 everyone out, right? Like you and Rios and you know what I mean? Yeah, right. Bill Grundler, just the team. everyone out so that's 10 000 uh for that so that's a travel for team and then um and then you got to pay someone probably like there's probably what else is there anyway and then and then and then let's say twenty thousand dollars in prize money right oh yeah right so because because ten thousand for each winner right it's like a top three to get paid out kind of thing no no fuck that everyone gets it the ten athletes get a thousand bucks each and then the winner just gets ten grand oh okay uh you know what i mean
Starting point is 03:02:18 fuck like whatever you're lucky like you lucky first you're last. Got it. Yeah, fuck you. Okay, prize money. So that's $20,000, $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. That's $60,000. $50,000 for me, just for lending my name to the event. Right.
Starting point is 03:02:41 So we're going to need a sponsor, too. So $38, K for prize money. Is that what it ends up being? No, no, it's 10,000. No, no,
Starting point is 03:02:52 no. 20 K for prize money. And then a thousand dollars for each athlete. Just like, cause they need money. Like, you know what I mean? Like just like,
Starting point is 03:03:00 you can't just think they just need some pocket cash. Just like, it makes a good point. We might want to hire ring girls too. Oh God, that would be so awesome. There'll be so much. The CrossFit girls basically are ring girls. No, it's not the same.
Starting point is 03:03:14 We need like... Sluts? I wasn't going to say that. We need like ring girls. 10K plus 10K. 18 K for an arm. No, no. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 03:03:29 How many athletes did I say are coming? Five, five each. Yeah. Five men, five women. So they each get a thousand. That's 10,000. And then another 20,000 in prize money. That's 30,000.
Starting point is 03:03:42 I had my math right. 10 plus 20. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, ring dudes would be cool too just Scott Pan yeah Scott Pan chicks yeah
Starting point is 03:03:56 no problem Augustus it's good back to your fact checking does Susan Caleb and Will 1000 calorie salary come out of Seve's 50k or is it separate good question
Starting point is 03:04:12 they each get 1000 I get 50 we just need to find a sponsor two day show part of me wants to do Saturday Sunday but part of me wants to do Friday Saturday so that on Sunday we can just hang out at Greg's house and just everyone just just be going crazy
Starting point is 03:04:28 yeah that's a good point three days Friday Saturday be cool well will you at cave dastro will you accept camera equipment as a form of payment? I know a guy who came up on some a couple weekends ago At the West Coast class
Starting point is 03:04:49 I will take $16,000 worth of camera gear Instead of $500 Fuck yeah Okay 28k plus 8k No no no Even the
Starting point is 03:05:01 Jesus Christ Augustus Everyone gets $1,000 Even like The winner will end up getting $11,000 No, no, no, even the athlete Jesus Christ, I guess just everyone gets a thousand even like The winner will end up getting 11,000 this the stipends thousand dollars is if you just show up like when you show up Caleb and we'll all be working the event So like you'll show up and like Caleb will hand you an envelope with a thousand dollars in it. Yeah, right Like by the pool for my service. Yeah
Starting point is 03:05:22 No, like he'll hand it to Dylan and Dylan will keep it for Ariel like that. Don't worry. Austin Hatfield will be there. I know everyone cares. Can I be paid in Bitcoin? All right. Caleb, thanks.
Starting point is 03:05:52 Long show. Happy free black day. Happy slave day. Yeah, slave release day. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Talk to you guys later wow through our show love you guys I'm buh-bye

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