The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #34 | Live Call In - The Complete History of CrossFit

Episode Date: June 27, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of america express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Bam, we're live Okay Sorry about the late scheduling We had a little mishap This morning We forgot to put this one up
Starting point is 00:01:28 But we are here I am here Greg has the link He should be here any second I think I got I think I got a question that's so big So fun So stimulating I think I got a question that's so big, so fun, so stimulating that it's going to be just a one-question show. Actually, two questions.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I'm going to start with a simple one. And then the big one. and then the big one who is the guy who is the guy um who wanted to take over the world he was in the lineage of uh aristotle socrates and plato who was that guy what was that guy at 33 the rump was it caesar who was that does anyone know someone tell me hi audrey good morning kenneth what's up this whole this entire show is uh my podcast is oh alexander the great dang kenneth that's who it is alexander the great thank you i'm gonna work that name into my question for Greg. Thank you, Caesar. I know. I was thinking Caesar, too.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Great minds think alike, Judy. But I think Kenneth is right. I hope I'm on the tail end of this, whatever this coughing is. Oh, Bernie Gannon. Better late than never. Old, trusted Bernie. Old, trustworthy Bernie. Old, trustworthy Bernie. Bernie, is that really you in your picture?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Where did you come from? I think of, I probably shouldn't say this. This is going to hurt someone's feelings. But I think of all the listeners in the chat. You're the one I'm like, I, you, you, you, you're kind of a head scratcher. I kind of want to know more. Yes, that is you. Wow. Are you, are you flying an airplane in there? What are you doing with your headphones on? What are,
Starting point is 00:03:34 what's going on with your headphones? God, you look like Robert. Is it Robert Downey jr. Alexander the satisfactoryisfactory. Okay, fine. Oh, Gun Range, wow. Gun Range, keeping it real. Hey dude, you made a comment the other day in the YouTube section that you thought I didn't like you.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I don't dislike you. I don't know, I don't even, I don't know you. I don't dislike you. I don't I don't dislike you I don't know. I don't even I don't know you I don't dislike you I don't have any ill thoughts I'm, sorry if it came across like that. I am I don't want anyone to like pick up on Well, unless I want them to pick up on the fact that I don't like them Elizabeth good morning and happy wednesday. Yeah I'm so excited. Um
Starting point is 00:04:24 I'm as excited for um for oh the link goes to darkness I'm as excited for tomorrow's debate as I am excited about like a UFC fight that's how it's like that for me I feel like it's a fight. Dan Guerrero, good morning. I saw you said good morning. I lost it. Sorry. I'm hungry. Drink some Dave Castro olive oil. Where's the coach?
Starting point is 00:04:58 He's coming. Thank goodness it's hump day. What's that mean? Is that what Wednesdays are? Hump day? Or just any day you bone. Ever since the real, Kenneth DeLapp, ever since the real Hawaiian was on, I keep getting fed power slap videos.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I did a Chase and Bill's show yesterday. That was kind of fun. I wonder what you guys thought. Did you, if I, if I seem like I was out of my comfort zone, I definitely was out of my comfort zone. I definitely was out of my comfort zone. As much as I love these shows with Greg, too,
Starting point is 00:05:33 and they're so easy for me, they're a little out of my comfort zone, too. Oh, great show. Oh, cool. I feel that... Oh, I'm quiet? I'm quiet? The volume's low? I feel that, um, Oh, I'm quiet. I'm quiet. The volume's low.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I feel like, um, when I'm invited onto those shows, I'm, uh, constantly, uh, managing whether I'm bringing enough energy to the show that I'm adding value to it.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And then also like being cognizant being aware of the of the that it's not my show yo what up what's up dude you know i clicked on this thing like three four minutes ago and it just went to blackness yeah i gave you a new link that's probably my fault i probably send you a. That happens every once in a while. It happens. Hey, I'm great. I'm excited for tomorrow night. Like I'd be excited for a big UFC fight.
Starting point is 00:06:35 You know what I mean? I feel that I want to be sitting in a good chair and be with friends. Like I'm going to a party. Yeah, I mean, the stakes are high. and be with friends like I'm going to a party. Yeah. I mean, the stakes are... It's a big deal. Yeah. It's complicated for a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:07:00 What do you mean by that? Well, you've got dumb and dumb, you know? And you forget which one was which. But the difference here is crucial. Yeah. The difference is one guy can't push his own shopping cart and the other guy puts his away.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Chuck doesn't put his shopping cart away. At least you know who I was talking to At least you had the guys right That's enough for me He let it roll off And did someone's car He doesn't give a fuck That's my take on it That would be my expectation
Starting point is 00:07:41 I respectfully disagree Greg I want to propose this idea to you. I got to tell you, though, I got to tell you, the story has been over and over again, sitting around with the guy, he's a completely different person. So maybe he's got this, which one was it? You know, Barclay and Bailey, right?
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah, like people like being in his presence, right? Even people who didn't think they would. No, maybe the great, what do you call them? You know, literal ringleaders, these guys in the circus. What's that called? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Hey, let me fix your, let me fix your.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I hate this circus. Me too. Let me... Can you go to your gear down in the bottom where it says settings? And then click the audio button.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And then on the top, there should be something that says mic with a drop-down menu. You should get to choose which mic you're going to use. Which mic does it say? I'm on the AirPods because you told me to. Okay, maybe try it. Let me just try the computer real quick. Can you choose that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Excuse me. Look at even your wife sent me a text. Greg's link isn't working. I went out there and it was out there she's a good dude man he's the best i try to respond to her as quick as i can do you see that drop down menu if you go to the gears yeah yeah i'm trying to turn off the bluetooth and i can't make it work oh now we lost your audio completely oh you now you got muted now you have to unmute
Starting point is 00:09:33 yourself maybe maggie's listening she'll tell you now you have to unmute unmute yourself can you hear me in the lower bottom there'll be like a line through your microphone if you click on that microphone it'll unmute you and then we can start the show you can't make it happen dude i could read your lips i didn't even know i could do that we'll do the whole show where i read your lips you see that picture of yourself in the bottom did you try clicking that little microphone or or in the very bottom there's a mute stop cam settings. Maybe you can click there. Oh, yeah. Oh, you know what it was?
Starting point is 00:10:15 Well, anyway, fuck it. Who cares? This is great. Is that better? Yeah. Greg is on testosterone replacement therapy. No, I don't think. Are you?
Starting point is 00:10:24 Are you on steroids? Not yet. You're waiting till your 70th? Hey, so here's my question for you. Ready? It's a little long-winded. When a baby's born, it comes out into the world and it has some skills built into it in relationship to its caretakers that its whole premise of existence under this story that I'm going to tell you is for survival, right? Somehow make a connection with the mom, get on the tit, be kept warm at night, be protected. It has the survival skills it needs to manipulate the creatures around it, the mother and father to provide for it. There's a relationship there that it's suited to get what it needs for ultimate survival, right? And then this baby grows up and
Starting point is 00:11:16 goes through the phases of a man. And then on the other end at 33, this creature in all its glory is Alexander the Great wants to take over the whole fucking world. Right? That's this evolution of this creature from like, Mommy, take care of me to fucking if the sun's up, I'm going to own that piece of land somewhere. You know, I want to own land where the sun's always on that land. could you tell me the phases or the additions that you built on to CrossFit from being a 15-year-old boy who developed it for your own survival in the off-season to this wanting to become the singular source for health and wellness and take the mantle from the CDC? singular source for all for health and wellness and take the mantle from the cdc could we go through the phases that may turned it into what it is and and and in its direct relationship to what you wanted for yourself in the world what you you know what i mean it's kind of interesting you picked up a stick at 15 and carried it until you were, you know, 65.
Starting point is 00:12:25 It's a trip, right? The same stick. From my perspective, I would have to just attribute all of it to circumstance. You know, I was musing the other day that I've been to cycling, and I think I don't bicycle much, but I got a lot of bikes, and I'm still getting them. I have a relationship with the two-wheel vehicle that's important to me. And I remember when I got my first bike when I was eight years old, and I got my last one last week.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And I learned a lot about what people call cardio and what was more important to me was gymnastics and so here I was riding a bike nine miles to the gymnastics gym
Starting point is 00:13:19 to the high school and farther on Saturdays to work out at one of the colleges that had open gymnastics would routinely do that okay hold on sorry sorry you you got to put the air pod i think you have to put the the microphone didn't change and this is going to be too good not to so we'll just be patient and chill maybe put the air pods back in and then make sure you had them chosen i think you just had them as the hearing piece and maybe not as the mic piece because it's it's using the mic on your studio
Starting point is 00:13:51 it sure sounds better to me yeah that's better now we're closer to you okay now it feels like i'm standing next to you it automatically now switched to the right mic Now we finally have the right mic Yeah it was It was like this before though Okay well At least from what I'm looking at Yeah real Kevin good call So the bicycle You got your first bike at 8
Starting point is 00:14:16 And your most recent one last week Bicycling was transportation For you know For my In my youth and to to a lot of my adult life. I always got around by bike. And so you learn a lot about bicycling by biking a lot. My commute when I first came to Santa Cruz was 109 miles a week. And I was doing that on a mountain bike.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And time was of the essence you know so you're going to a pretty good clip i used to gauge my success by being able to pass run down city buses and not have number 74 pass you again you know and uh and the gymnast in me was looking for support, strength support in the offseason. Rings aren't available, weren't, not at least to me. And so I developed a lot of strength with dumbbells and barbells and pulleys and bullshit in the garage. And that was felt like out of necessity, too. And that was felt like out of necessity too. Now you add to all of that a kind of laziness that I like being in the gym.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I like working out. I liked, you know, it was just a, it's kind of, it's a great kid's job. And I learned a lot, but I knew a lot. And then filter all of that through the being brought up by my old man. What happened is at the moment that I realized that I'm rapidly approaching middle age. What would that be? Rapidly approaching 40? In my 30s. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And I realized late 30s. And I realized late 30s, but I realized that if I'm going to stay in this space, I need to give it attention that others haven't or can't. process of turning, being precise about terms, giving definitions to things, and then taking your observations and turning them into measurements. And from those measurements, build models, test them, see what their predictive strength is. I mean, that exact process led to constantly varied high intensity functional movement increases work capacity across broad time and modal domains. And the essence of that, the spirit of that, the manifestation of that is your improved times on, say, standardized workouts and what that does in application to other efforts.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And so for me, when we'd hear from a string quartet or a hockey player or an Olympic rower, you know, bringing, bringing their success to our feet. I saw it as a, as a wonderful vindication. I do as well the success of the affiliates. That's the test of that model. What you're doing when you ply the trade, when you put the rower out and the rings
Starting point is 00:17:41 and the rope climb and the bumpers and all that, roar out and the rings and the rope climb and the bumpers and all that um what you're doing is you're you're exposing people to constantly varied high intensity functional movement and it increases their work capacity across broad time and mortal domains that's the whole of it so okay so phase one is enjoyment and passion phase two is innovate phase three is test your innovations but but but it didn't stop there no because the chilly response we got from some in academia it wasn't it wasn't everyone I would even say it was a lot but it was certainly the recognized and accepted powers I mean as fuck as it NSCA are telling everyone that everyone doing CrossFit's getting
Starting point is 00:18:37 hurt while they're having CrossFit competitions inside the gym of their own building competitions inside the gym of their own building. So would you say phase four is a fight? Well, it got that. Yeah. Look, I mean, they came after us. I was completely content ignoring the NSCA and the ACSM and all that they got wrong and the irrelevance of what they were doing. I used to say of the NSCA manual, the big thing of which
Starting point is 00:19:20 Kramer's the editor, I had that thing memorized from cover to cover. There was nothing in there I didn't know. It was referenced as the Bible to my field. But yet I'm amused that you could memorize every word in this book and have no idea what to do with a client tomorrow. In any way, shape, or form. What exercises, how they're performed that knowledge doesn't sit with that community
Starting point is 00:19:56 no it was there for the taking it was there for the taking. It was there for the taking. So stage four is your innovation, your baby grew to a point that it started encroaching on what those people perceived as their turf. You were doing seminars in foreign countries, which they only did in the United States. You were doing seminars and more seminars in one weekend than they were doing in the entire year and because of that the the two empires collided your turf started going to their space and they attacked and when they attacked you began uh you began fighting back that that that was like the first war. They got cornered in federal court, called out for tortious competitive business efforts disseminating lies did so across state lines the whole thing just got turned into into a big federal action and their claim was that we were never competitors and the head of their of their training and certification
Starting point is 00:21:28 And the head of their training and certification testified in deposition that we weren't competitors. And then a forensic court, a judge ordered forensic examination of these scumbag servers, put an email in our hands that came from the guy that testified we weren't competitors. And it was called a competitive analysis of CrossFit. And there it was from the guy that testified we weren't competitors and it was called a competitive analysis of CrossFit. And there it was from the very guy, the judge referred to him from there on as the perjurer, whatever his last name was. Like it was amazing. Judge said it was the most egregious thing she'd seen in 35 years or 30 years sitting at the bench.
Starting point is 00:22:08 That is their behavior. It was a beautiful thing to see. Some asshole just got the William Kramer Lifetime Achievement Award. We were there when Kramer got the Lifetime Achievement Award. And this is a guy that sock puppets fucking reviews in the peer review process, promotes the shit that he's selling, network marketing. It's unbelievable. And we have the emails where he's sub's supporting the falsification and fabrication of data.
Starting point is 00:22:49 To which the researcher dutifully gave him what he wanted. Injuries that never occurred. And he was head of the journal that was publishing that and demanding that. They demanded when the guy tried to have his paper published. They asked, he says, what about injuries? And he goes, we didn't have any. And he goes, we can't publish this. This has got to be contextualized. But contextualized?
Starting point is 00:23:20 He got it. He came back two weeks later. We had the emails. And voila, there were injuries. They took the dropouts and they made them all hurt people. Manhattan to fucking Colorado to Ohio. And they deposed everyone involved, all of the participants in the study. They'd never been done before. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:23:52 Guess how many injuries there were? How many? None. And the people that dropped out, they dropped out for, you know, all kinds of typical kind of dropout reasons so this is the guy who won the william cramer award rodry lloyd so if you were to talk to him you tell him he probably shouldn't be like celebrating that that's not like you don't want to be known as a someone who's... This thing...
Starting point is 00:24:26 This... Avi Moran, who's now become a friend of mine, but is a world-renowned authority on scientific misconduct, lectures on it, sits on the Committee of Research Ethics Corps that sets guidelines for what is and isn't misconduct and very, very active in this space. She says that what the NSCA did is the first demonstrated instance
Starting point is 00:25:02 of institutional scientific misconduct. That is, from the top to the bottom, they were in on this. She says, every other instance of scientific misconduct, there's a misclient or two who has fooled the rest. This isn't that. to who has fooled the rest this isn't that this is from the this is a top-down commitment to to to to the scientific misconduct they did it again in the retraction they said in the retraction the reason for it was there hadn't been a uh what do you call it i forget there's a doesn't matter to me but um they lied about the retraction, and that is, by research ethics, another dose of scientific misconduct.
Starting point is 00:25:53 She testified to that in federal court. Came forward again on her own by watching the news, had testified for us on her behalf as an expert on publishing ethics, and then came back with a supplemental report on her own volition, because she was watching what was unfolding in the case, and there was more even apparent to her that was going on. The sock puppeting of reviews from Kramer was really a wonderful bit of research she did. What she did was she looked at these reviewers of reviewing papers and there was
Starting point is 00:26:35 a couple of reviewers used the same corny phrase he did and regularly and they also misspelled a word um oddly in the same i mean it was just it was clearly him it was a linguistic fingerprint that look he's this guy and so we're like okay produce this guy they such such a person couldn't be found. Nobody was confused by anything there. So, yeah, I wouldn't put CSCS after my name for anything in the world. No more would I put a fucking swastika on my forehead. What that thing stands for is it's not as bad as Hitler.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Listen to everyone talk about Trump being like Hitler. That's a stupid comparison, if I might add. But what they represent to research ethics and to good science is motivation for my broken science work.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And I enjoy it. I'm not even pissed. I think it's fascinating. In one of my PT books, it talks about CrossFit and the benefits of it, but it also talks about injuries. The book has the link to the article Greg Glassman has talked about. Since then, it's been removed by the NIH. So that fake study,
Starting point is 00:28:13 it was referenced hundreds of times. It was the most referenced article in the history of peer review in the sports medicine exercise science space. And they blamed that on me. And I understand. It's probably true. But our... How is that your fault? Well, it's not my fault, how how is that your fault well it's not it's not my fault but it is because of me it's their fault and it's because of me and it goes like this you whisper
Starting point is 00:28:54 around and tell everyone that John Doe is a is a pedophile and he's not and you get everyone looking at him funny in church and staying away and kids don't come around and he's not and you get everyone looking at him funny in church and staying away and kids don't come around and he figures out what you've done and now he puts a billboard up in town that says you're a piece of shit and you called me a fucking pedophile because you're trying to take my business from me as a competitive cement worker right yeah and then now everyone fucking knows and the news comes around and you blame the spread of the pedophile rumor on me in the billboard and i'm like no no no that's part of the remedy asshole right and the judge the judge understood that perfectly so yeah the the most thing ever read the most cited article in the history of peer review uh exercise science
Starting point is 00:29:48 and like the rest of it too all i got we have to see the process we get to see how peer review works at the nsca i've seen how it works at the acsm firsthand the ACSM firsthand. I've seen Gatorade's, Pepsi's, Coke's influence on them. It is complete. So what? In these phases that I have down kind of holding these place markers, you were really good at enjoying yourself and chasing your passions. You were great at innovating.
Starting point is 00:30:30 You were fantastic and fortunate at testing as the affiliates grew. You know, you could argue it's the largest test ever implemented, you know, fucking anywhere. And then I was told, I was told by harvard it was the fastest growing business in the history of business and they compared it to starbucks and i forget i think it was uh subway it took subway 26 years to do what we did in six or something uh and and then and then obviously then and then obviously you were great at fighting too you you were world-class at fighting you could see the enemies from far away um you could attack
Starting point is 00:31:11 back and in in the nsca is a perfect example of that you had them fucking on their heels and completely uh hogtied would you say um this is how bad it was our world-class attorneys and i mean that literally like you know all-star super famous successful attorneys like they represented dubai and shit and like people in united arab emirates and restructured dubai when they went bankrupt what my personal attorney in that group uh i shared attorneys with larry ellison you know i mean like i got i got i got the world's best attorneys and they fought so hard for me and were so good and so smart and stayed up so many nights so late um we became friends and i also want to say this they all ended up embracing crossfit and all ended up doing
Starting point is 00:32:11 crossfit and their kids ended up doing crossfit yep and you know i remember that i remember like wow they started bringing their kids around to meet greg it was crazy crazy my harvard and georgetown law attorneys would crush the stanford attorneys west coast attorneys it was like it was like it's like your little league team going up against the majors. To emphasize that, the NSCA went through several different lawyers. Their own insurance companies, I recall, abandoned them. They're like, oh, shit, sorry, we're out. Yeah, the insurers tapped at perjury. They were like, you were drunk.
Starting point is 00:33:05 We're not defending you. You were drunk at the wheel. We were given inference sanctions, and I was starting to say, my attorney said they'd never seen anything like this. The only thing that we're left to litigate would be damages. She's handed us our case. It was like, here you let it be be known everything they said you did you did now let's move forward it's right into the record there was this one meeting we went to i can't
Starting point is 00:33:35 remember if it was in los angeles or where and oh where they were afraid of me and and and their attorneys yeah they said they were afraid of you but you, but also the judge had required all the attorneys to get you. It was a mediation. A mediation, yes. And Greg got up to go to the bathroom, and I went to the bathroom with him. And one of their lawyers followed us into the bathroom, and he just started fawning over you. Oh, my God, I love CrossFit. I do CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:33:59 How'd you come up with it? Do you remember that? That was so crazy. Their own lawyer was like did everything but ask for an autograph i i was thinking of a different instance but yeah in fact what he wanted to do his name was ken there was a mediation too for that one though too right yeah and we saw him later that night at the bar their attorney but he he was wanted me to point out the window and show him where on water street
Starting point is 00:34:26 we're doing crossfit when i first came to santa cruz i mean he was a fan boy yeah that was wild yeah um so so so then um it goes into this fight phase and then um would you say that there was a phase after that where you know it went from being for you to serving people you know as a young man you developed it for you and then it became a you turned it into a uh a service oriented company right i knew something because i rode bikes too much because i was a very strong gymnast and i and how i got there i knew something about fitness that others didn't know or appreciate. And so I took that to market advantage. Now, the fruit of that is, you know, reversing and preventing chronic disease. Younger, you don't appreciate that quite as much.
Starting point is 00:35:39 The older you get, the more meaning that has to you. The older you get, the more meaning that has to you. But by the end, you were doing it completely. In the beginning, you were doing it completely for yourself. And by the end, you were doing it completely for other people. Yeah, that sounds right. Yeah. I just lost my screen. There's something there. Maybe try hitting the escape And so there's lost my screen.
Starting point is 00:36:07 There's something there. Maybe try hitting the escape button. That's what I do. Or go down to the bottom and hit, uh, Chrome again. I lose my screen sometimes too. And I just hit Chrome and it, um,
Starting point is 00:36:17 it, it, it seems like there was a real natural, healthy, like evolution that, uh, runs parallel to just how a healthy man should grow anyway, is what I was thinking this morning in the shower. Do you remember the origins of the Soda Tour? Probably. Refresh me. Well, the…
Starting point is 00:36:43 What year was that? Was that 2015? I don't know. OK, you you you were there. Podesta, our our lobbyists there got picked up some permanent friends out of that interaction. But they were able to demonstrate for us. They found that there were what, 26 instances of legislation being brewed at the state level in both houses, the Senate and the lower house of representatives, whatever, for each state. And this had been going on over and over again. I think it was 13 states, 26 instances, getting closer and closer. It was occupational licensure. It was to limit. And we didn't realize any of this was going on until it passed in D.C. And so it was occupational licensure and the rules basically criminalize CrossFit training.
Starting point is 00:37:50 We had a certification that was ANSI accredited, but the law was requiring a certification that was whatever the other accredited the cheese cheese dick is certification people the one that that your nsca certification is accredited by okay and we got the better one we got the antsy accreditation the more serious accreditation for our certification it's a more serious certification certification too as well by the way um but these efforts had similar language in some places identical language and each time the carve out left us holding the bag and so it was obvious that this came from competitors in the space and it didn't take too long to figure out who that was and who funds this shit. And this was Soda Money. This was Soda Money working in conjunction with the NSCA and the ACSM to do CrossFit harm. And it was a long, drawn-out campaign, and we got wind of it.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And so I was out there talking about soda pop, and I go, this shit kill you, but I'm going to be frank, that's not why I'm here. I said, we're not on the methamphetamine tour, and we're not going to do a fentanyl tour. Those things are deadly and plaguing the country. But we are doing a soda tour, and the problem is this, is that the shit kills is one reason.
Starting point is 00:39:29 But they've come after us is a more important reason for me. And their corruption of the health space through their bullshit research and the researchers they paid, like hydration case with Pepsi and Gatorade. researchers they paid like hydration case with with Pepsi and Gatorade oh so in fact in terms of the irritation to me it's the coming after us trying to criminalize what we're doing with a big dollar effort in 13 different states where you finally succeeded you in DC by the way we got that reversed made the Wall Street Journal page two it was the first time it only I think it was six or seven times in 42 years had the occupational license should have been repealed that's usually a one-way street but the real irritant to me was that, was that effort.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And so I went after their sponsors. They were meddling in the sports sciences and you were like, hey, you got to get out. Yeah, yeah. That's what it was. Dude, I couldn't believe it. I mean, the whole exercise is medicine. It's Coca-Cola. Is that the Obama, is that the Michelle Obama thing, exercise and medicine it's baked into the affordable care act you pivoting a little bit just kind of look swinging around looking at it
Starting point is 00:41:00 from a different lens and do you think that this fight was important for your affiliates in your community and that i know you didn't do it for those reasons but that it was important for them to see you fighting something and to and for them to know of a common enemy as something that sort of brought us together as sort of like an ancillary benefit you were like hey you guys people were like oh that's kind of cool do you think that that galvanized the base or or like i know when you did it you didn't think of the implications of what people would think about you i know you were doing it just because it was you knew it was right and they were a threat but do you think it's important to have
Starting point is 00:41:45 now in hindsight yeah maybe maybe i mean it's important to have values and i think it was i think it was fortunate for the community that uh that we stayed in the lane we stayed in because i because i hear that now um i hear that now we know know what Greg was doing and he was fighting for us and he gave us, and we had a common enemy and it was a, a thread,
Starting point is 00:42:31 you know, obviously there were other threads too. There were threads in the, in the movement patterns and in the nutrition and, and, you know, there were things like that, but it added another thread to weave the community tighter together at the,
Starting point is 00:42:47 at the level of the affiliate owners. That was extremely valuable to, to, to know that, okay, that's our enemy. You know, there's our leader.
Starting point is 00:42:56 He spotted our enemy. Yeah. I mean, maybe. And, yeah I mean maybe and I think it probably inspired them on whatever level they were working at and gave them the balls to stand up for what they stood for
Starting point is 00:43:19 it gave them a backbone instead of just to go with every, every fad, every turn at every new machine. And somewhere in somewhere in there is when it rolled off of your lips. We have a cure for the world's most vexing problem. And I remember you telling me in, in, feel free to unfuck me if I'm not getting this right. But you were like, Hey, we have a hundred thousand trainers out there.
Starting point is 00:43:49 And I'm not sure if all of them or any of them know that they also have, that they have the cure for the world's most vexing problem, that this isn't just like, Hey, this is just the best way to get your best GPP and for your DNA to, to represent itself. You're like, we need to, we need to let them know that that's what they have. Not as some sort of marketing ploy, but just as like, as you,
Starting point is 00:44:09 as you were able to articulate, you're like, Hey, this message has to come out. This has to be like, they have to know that that L one gives them the power to cure the world's most vexing problem. And then we had that affiliate in Arizona put up on the,
Starting point is 00:44:21 on the huge sign. We cure type two diabetes. Yeah. in Arizona put up on the huge sign, we cure type 2 diabetes. Yeah. And what's interesting is that guy was going to de-affiliate Greg just like the month before. And then I remember him saying, holy shit, like when you let him know what he had, he was like, oh, like he almost put it down
Starting point is 00:44:44 and walked away from it. He did. He had done his 10 years. You know what I mean? And so and so that's got it. That's that's a that's a that's a phase, too. It wasn't like you. It wasn't like you innovated at that point.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I guess that's the education part. You educated. There's a very conventional view of business. Well, hell, it was Harvard Business School. The students there. Each year we'd go, there was the invite centered around some litigation that we won. And I don't want to make that a topic here because we could spend weeks on it,
Starting point is 00:45:49 but it was about that litigation. And the students were asked when they saw our business model, if I knew what I was doing or not. And there was a pretty strong vote prior to my visit that I didn't know quite what I was doing and
Starting point is 00:46:12 on leaving they'd vote again and it would be like 90% that yeah he was exactly what he's doing and there were many of the students in real time that would catch on to the whole thing hand on the forehead could raise their hand then and make a contribution to what it is that i was telling like would come on in a big way
Starting point is 00:46:34 and i saw susan was running some clips of that and i don't know if that was at harvard or where that was but it's to me talking about least rents, about a movement where you have control of the thing, and it'd be the brand and the website, whatever else. But just being first there with it. CrossFit universe ecosystem, Mulvaney called it, financial ecosystem, where we had rapidly expanding revenues but a shrinking chunk of the pie. So our section, our portion was getting narrower, but the pie was growing so fast that that narrower chunk was more and more money. And that's not usually how people will want to do business. In fact, the argument would be made very quickly with investors that you're in violation of your fiduciary obligation
Starting point is 00:47:34 by not trying to grow the wedge rather than allowing it to shrink. And this in the business parlance was leaving money on the table was is the language so by not getting into the fish oil shit and jump ropes and dumbbells i was and and uh t-shirts i was leaving money on the table and you could take you could get 450 harvard business students to to think that's what I'm doing. I'm fucking up. I'm leaving money on the table. I'm leaving about 90% of them would have a different view of things. I was proud of that.
Starting point is 00:48:15 I mean, that was fun. I'm going to play this clip real quick. And then I want to ask you about a follow-up question to it. Okay, here we go. This is from Matt Souza's Instagram account. Here we go. Call this the least rents model. I am not interested in the activity that sits out here. It doesn't belong to us. It belongs to other people. Our job is to force these boundaries out to make the circle bigger for everyone while our section narrows. And we have to do that. We have legal authority. We own the name, but we have moral authority in that we speak for the affiliates and we will
Starting point is 00:48:55 defend them to the end of the world. The private equity and the venture capital that have approached us, and they do, we deal all day long currently with private equity and venture capital. What they want to see me do is this. They want us to take a bigger chunk and we know that that would shrink the circle. It might make me wealthy. I had someone from private equity sit down with me and tell me, you should be a billionaire. He said, why is that? He says, it's all the money you're leaving on the table. I said, the money we're leaving on the table is an opportunity for other people. Let me give you one for instance. There's an outfit called Rogue. They're in Columbus, Ohio. They make equipment for CrossFitters. They'll probably do $60 million this year. Now, I could help myself to some of that by requiring the affiliates to use CrossFit branded gear, and then Rogue would have a real problem.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I don't want to own Rogue. I don't want to step outside of our core competency i don't want to lose the moral authority i'm not trying to make money i'm trying to grow a community i'm trying to i want to go to that part where you say um take a bigger piece of the pie is raising affiliate fees taking a bigger piece of that pie? Yes. And then Susan went on. The irresistible areas will be franchising bullshit in a can to drink
Starting point is 00:50:19 equipment from jump ropes to pull up bars. Everything Bill does. It's, it's irresistible. Because of the, the, just the ability to just start printing money from it. Yeah. The NBA, NBA is in a hurry for you to get your shit in costco for connoisseurs of brands you know that that's like wow oh look tommy bahamas fucking costco
Starting point is 00:50:53 oh meaning that means you're circling the bowl but it kind of seems like it for me do you buy your clothes there no do you know anyone that does people must i mean i think my dad my dad my dad probably gets his underwear and socks and shit from there probably his shoes like he probably was a jc penny fan right oh huge sears jc pennies yes yeah yeah my dad too my dad my dad's shoes are look look matt he wears like these now it looks like he's going on the moon yeah nowadays dads that haven't seen their kids in two years any of them any of their kids and haven't had a job ever as an adult wear 200 pair of tennis shoes right yeah my dad was buying the multi-packs of underwear at Sears with a good job
Starting point is 00:51:48 yeah saving for retirement you know right nobody does that anymore no one's saving for retirement I understand you know we're being overcome by a massive wave of stupidity it's like a stupidity tsunami do you feel it you don't see it dude when you showed me that movie about 10 or 15 years ago
Starting point is 00:52:18 idiocracy yeah yeah i remember thinking how can greg like this this is so depressing this is so depressing. This is so depressing. It was like the comedic version of Requiem for a Dream. It was so depressing. I enjoyed that too. Andrew Hiller, I just bought a 15-pound ribeye from Costco. I know, I need to get a Costco membership I could have attached that purchase
Starting point is 00:52:46 to that name he said of all our friends so then here's the real concern by the way that Rogue 60 million they're doing 300 400 million now yeah right
Starting point is 00:53:07 that's old they were they were more a baby then that's 10 years ago um so here's the part that gets really squirrely if bill should buy crossfit and require that the affiliates use rogue gear before it's done to him oh interesting if we had better relations with China right now someone would be up his
Starting point is 00:53:37 ass what do you mean well we're closing steel mills down here in this country, I think, right? Yeah. Isn't the industry hurting? Yeah. Compared to...
Starting point is 00:53:51 We need to increase tariffs on everyone. Isn't it China that's erecting high rises everywhere in the world? Yeah. A lot of the world is. A lot of the world is in just a massive building phase. You and I travel around we see fucking Chinese steel going up and fucking all over the world every continent Yeah, some a friend of mine who was just in Armenia told me that you can't believe how fast the buildings are going up and only one in five Condos is um populated it reminds me of vancouver when
Starting point is 00:54:27 china did that to vancouver and and when cocaine money did that to miami if you would remember we would go to miami and the skyscrapers would be empty remember our wheelchair friend in santa barbara yeah yeah yep crossfitter yeah she uh she grew up in colombia and his colombian has no accent it's freckled beauty yeah she's hot and uh yeah and uh And yeah, and she said that when Escobar was killed, some of her uncles who were physicians went out of business. were so critical to the local economy that there were good people that didn't have jobs in factories. You know? Right. I mean, it created a horrible economic downturn. And people were, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:42 trying to pay for their medical bills with chickens and shit. There were some, I mean, if you're making billions and billions worth of dollars in a country, then there's going to become a whole ecosystem around you. It's not like those, no matter how good or how bad a person is, you're funding a ton of shit. Right. Soccer fields, like that's another thing i heard i heard every village had just the most beautiful fucking places for the kids to play soccer in schools and he was just funding all sorts of shit like that yeah and i again your point that you made
Starting point is 00:56:17 is worth making again is that i don't know if you've ever said that i don't know if you've ever said that. I don't know if you've ever said that, by the way, savor that for a second. It has dirty origins, maybe, but it gets filtered into a very real economy. Right, right. the the the the one of the things that um then susan then proposed is that this extra money that they were extracting from inside the pie would be used to make resources more available for people who aren't in affiliates to directly purchase from crossfit inc so that instead of like currently the model with crossfit right is to go
Starting point is 00:57:17 from crossfit to the affiliates support the affiliates and then the affiliates are able to maintain their businesses right so the people come in there and then and then the affiliates and then the affiliates are able to maintain their businesses right so the people come in there and then and then the affiliates make money and so if you're an affiliate and you're paying money to crossfit on some level at bare minimum you don't want them driving people away from your affiliate in the best circumstance you would want them doing things supporting people coming to your affiliate suza was proposing the idea that if CrossFit takes this extra money and then uses it to build a relationship with consumers directly, then the affiliates would be directly funding their own demise. That the extra money being taken from HQ, if they were to build a direct-to-consumer product that then it would be taking from the pile of cash that people would want to spend at the affiliates what's the direct-to-consumer product an app where you pay 20 like basically what street parking is doing or that sweat with kylie or um
Starting point is 00:58:20 you know just or uh that that stupid thing Sherwood does, whatever. Those things where basically you're selling garage gyms, I guess. Like to build a, what's it called? A vertical. Is that what they like to say in the business world? A vertical that competes directly with the affiliates. Now, the argument could be that maybe it doesn't direct that's a whole different consumer market but if that's true if that's true that's uh that's some diabolical shit but but you also can't hold it against them because their whole goal is is
Starting point is 00:58:59 once again is just to make money i mean don's very honest about it again, is just to make money. I mean, Don's very honest about it. Listen, yeah, you're circling back around to the real world here. Matt has this idea of what would be best for affiliates. Whoever's driving the company speaks but one language. And what happens when you increase the affiliate fees is the company looks less like a dog immediately, regardless of where this is headed.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Remember, MBA think it's Q2, Q3, Q4 next year, Q1, Q2, Q3. They're losing interest. This is like you're talking light years away. Chris, Besterfield calls it they're only interested in valuation. Hell yeah. And you could argue, let me play devil's advocate, and you could argue Let me play devil's advocate And you could
Starting point is 01:00:08 I should have taken more money out of the company And lined my pockets with it And I could have gotten way more for it Right Right Way more for it Right Right. Right. Way more for it. Right. Yeah, I'd be I'd be a billionaire if I had taken out 50 million in the last 10 years. So you were more of a conqueror than a businessman. Oh, for sure. Yeah. I mean, it was obvious to everyone who was around you too all your staff knew
Starting point is 01:00:46 that you were i mean i mean do you remember that it's funny i never thought of this do you remember that statue um that you had at the entryway of del mar did the native uh african man that was completely covered in yeah yeah in beads with the spear yeah and and then basic and then in your prescott house you had uh african warriors too now that i think about it sit that huge bust do you remember that what happened to that woman i have i have here um a shambach and a uh messiah spear waddell brought me that back yeah you know now that i think about you had a lot of african you know now that I think about it You had a lot of African warrior art Now that I think about it Hey what happened to that giant man
Starting point is 01:01:30 In Del Mar I know this is a total off subject But what happened to him I have art in storage And it's in a place that stores art In San Diego I keep threatening to bring it out How much did that thing weigh The giant man covered in eggs?
Starting point is 01:01:46 500-600 pounds. Dude, that would be amazing in Idaho. I know it doesn't fit the motif, but fuck, that guy was amazing.
Starting point is 01:02:03 So you were interested in um uh dissemination and and conquering of the the health medical fitness whatever all that um you were in full like i'm taking over the world i remember you saying i remember the first time you said this i thought it was so crazy i'm like wow he he's nuts you were saying we need to take the mantle from the cdc that's right that's right and i said they've abandoned it and it's like um it's like elon saying he wants to go to mars and you know you were dreaming really big now in hindsight i see it wasn't crazy at all
Starting point is 01:02:41 I see it wasn't crazy at all. If my broken science friends and I can make a difference in even a small number of people the way they view science, even a small number of people, the way they view science. In fact, it's really the campaign against science illiteracy is a continuation of what we've been doing all along. What was wrong in fitness is wrong in medicine. It's wrong in public health. It's wrong in the climate bullshit, religion.
Starting point is 01:03:32 And there's a huge opportunity here. And what do we mean by some way to make it rain money? No, I'm not talking about financial opportunity. It's just where there's ignorance, it's fun to shine light. I enjoy it. I know you should do. Chris, do you have any – Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Anyone, just go to the Wikipedia article on the confusion of the inverse, I think it is, is the article. uh confusion of the inverse i think it is is the article and again my wikipedia my favorite source to hate so much so i love it is that pulling up yeah uh is it is it called inverse inverse function rule? Oh, confusion of the inverse. I see it. I see it. I see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:29 In there, you learned that you're given some real simple data. And somebody actually sent that out to 100 physicians. And what these physicians concluded was that from this data – and I don't want to bore anyone with this. No, no, no. This is great. You gave me this talk in Idaho. This was amazing. This blew my mind. This is great shit. blew my mind. This is great shit. Yeah. The 95 out of 100 physicians responded that the probability of malignancy would be about 75%. And that's because the physicians believe that the chances of malignancy given a positive test result were approximately the same as the chances of a positive test result given malignancy. In other words, the probability of A given B may have no relationship to the probability of B given A. And this is something that I can teach children. In fact, I'm teaching my children. And everyone's education on it can come with some understanding of what a
Starting point is 01:05:40 conditional probability is. And to use the Kalmagarov definition of a conditional probability is, and he used the Kalmagarov definition of a conditional probability to start drawing out some Venn diagrams. And it's exceedingly simple. But when I saw that 95 out of 100 physicians gave the answer to 75% instead of the proper answer, which is true answer, and that is the probability of it being malignant given that you've tested positive, is 7.5%. And this confusion of the inverse is also part of what's wrong with p-values. The sleight of hand is to pretend that the probability of the data given our hypotheses somehow relates to the probability of your hypothesis given the data. And in fact, the frequentists that have delivered
Starting point is 01:06:33 the inferential scheme that's supported the science that won't replicate the bullshit fake science that the university's practicing, they even deny that the probability of a hypothesis can have, it has meaning. They say that only the probability of a hypothesis has meaning. They say that only data can have a probability, that a proposition only has values true or false. And that deductivist desire that the allure of certainty took them down that deductivist path, and it's why we have the bullshit science we have. Fascinating about the bullshit science is it's epistemically debased by some weak thinking
Starting point is 01:07:14 that you could fix in children, like this very thing here, this very, show the top of the page. And imagine your doctor telling you, yeah, it's a 75% chance it's a brain tumor sorry when in fact it's seven and a half percent but this is this is something that can easily easily be taught to school children and we'd have a whole different divide on how many children can we teach it to greg i think the quick example you gave me one one of many, we talked about this for a couple hours in your schoolroom in Idaho, and you gave me tons of great examples. But I think one that you said was, we're going to get married and it happens to be raining. You know, it's raining. And then you said, and then people can't confuse that as just because it's raining we're going to get married it's along those lines correct
Starting point is 01:08:12 i like the uh go ahead you didn't like that one the probability of of having nightmares um okay is super high for molested children. Okay. But having nightmares doesn't suggest molestation because the incidence in people that haven't been molested of having nightmares is very high. Right. and people that haven't been molested of having nightmares is very high right and so you just you you're on you're on illogical grounds if you draw conclusions about the probability of your being sick by the because your test came back positive. The odds of the sensitivity associated with your test, the 95% is of people shown by some gold standard to have the condition, 95% of them test positive. So having tested
Starting point is 01:09:20 positive, what is the probability you have the condition? It may be low. And this example given here, now we're beating a dead horse, but you see right with your very eyes here, how you can confuse the probability of A given B and B given A in something that's stumped 95 out of 100 doctors. Because of bad thinking. 95 out of a out of a hundred yeah yeah it's it's a it's a logical fallacy greg i think it was spencer last year or last show all of that spencer it's a statistics problem it's it's and it's a it's a problem in in in inference of which the Bayesians have a proper perspective.
Starting point is 01:10:09 And it's a problem in science. We might have to define what science is, but it plagues academic science. And I'm not talking about your chemistry class, your physics class. What I'm talking about is primary research. What I'm talking about is primary research. And sadly, and none of it would matter who gives a fuck what's being published in psychology or sociology or gender studies. But the problem is that medicine has adopted the methodology of gender studies and sociology and psychology. And it produces it produces bullshit science. Spencer was the one at the end of last week who asked Greg, is it that you have a is it that you don't like science at all or or even if it's strongly stated hypothesis, and you commit to some intervention and you check that data on the assumption that there was no difference in the intervention, your null hypotheses, and the data that becomes improbable based on uh say less than the magic five percent based on a test statistic of your of your selection ad hoc selection and
Starting point is 01:11:37 and and tied to a distribution that is also an assumption of your own making and you get different answers depending which way you want making and you get different answers depending on which way you want to go you get a P value now on the probability of your data you can reject the null and therefore your hypothesis stated or not is true what I'm going to tell you is that's not doing science it looks like it fools think it is but it isn't for science fence or what we need doing you don't prove anything right or wrong in science science doesn't do proof that's the exclusive province of of the law where they stumble with it constantly what does it mean you know beyond reasonable doubt like what do you
Starting point is 01:12:19 mean by prove it's Dale Saron is brilliant on this by the way but and math does proof science doesn't doesn't do proof andaron is brilliant on this, by the way. But and math does proof. Science doesn't doesn't do proof. And this is part of this deductivist problem, too. Scientific models, a hypothesis becomes a theory by by the predictive strength. That's how. That's where that's how science works. We take observations, tie them to a standard scale. Observations are registration of the real world on our senses of sensing equipment.
Starting point is 01:12:56 And if you can tie that to a standard scale with a well-characterized area of a measurement, and if I can tie a measurement or a set of conditions to a future unrealized measurement um i have a forecast of a measurement and the predictive strength of that thing determines whether this is a it gives me the quality of the theory and it's bounded by zero and one so it's not it's not things don't get proven in science. You can support models or not. And that is source and repository of man's objective knowledge. I don't think you could believe in science, trust science, love science more than I do. And I'm using the vernacular there in science, but I'm not talking about the work product that uses P values in that inference
Starting point is 01:13:46 to draw conclusions. No one should. You can't. You can't. Now, this epistemic debasement, that's what it is. The code's been altered. And what that debasement has done is it's brought the thieves in, the bad guys. Once you figure out how they're doing this, wait a minute, all they need is an experiment, some data, write p-value, and we're good? Coke's good for you? You're fucking kidding me. And they do, they have, they will, they are. It's easy to jigger.
Starting point is 01:14:24 If I increase my sample space, my p-value drops, mathematically guaranteed to. The thing's been figured out. The game's been figured out. AI could do the science that's done at the university. AI is doing the science that's done at the university. AI is doing the science that's done at the university. And it was designed so you could turn a crank and spit out research. It turns out that any such system is going it's what it's a plague of over certainty and you know what make you can make your departure point start with ionides uh why most research findings are false i love it when uh god jake chapman's good. Look at a statistically 100% of the people who died from nuclear bombs are Japanese I like the all crows the alt when you explained to me the all crows are black one. That one was good, too
Starting point is 01:15:50 one that one was good too popper said that that was the form of a general of a scientific assertion this universal generalization and uh my father's response was he thought it more likely that no no scientific assertion ever took that form and then he says maybe i'll correct myself and just say i've never met a scientist so stupid as to think that that's what a scientific assertion ever took that form. And then he says, maybe I'll correct myself and just say, I've never met a scientist so stupid as to think that that's what a scientific assertion looks like. But what he wanted to do was put it on a deductivist footing. Popper was going to modus tollens his way to truth. And he set up, and the university bought into that shit what's modus tolamine it's the if p then q not q therefore not p uh john i 90s uh positive assumptions about the way people perform and report these tests then
Starting point is 01:16:40 he constructed a statistical model which indicates that most published findings are likely false positive results. And Ionides is the most cited living scientist alive today who won't speak anywhere that's not. He's the ninth most cited scientist ever, but the most cited physician in peer review literature of all. all and doesn't he have some pretty uh stand on some pretty high moral uh high ground like he won't speak for money you can't purchase him to come speak yeah he's uh he's in an odd position he spoke honestly and early about AIDS and about COVID and any it hurt he he did some studies right a lot here it's it's really very very simple this is the thing you you don't have to study much conditional probability to understand clearly.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Just it's some very simple logic. And then kind of watch the magic as I roll up my sleeves with the chalkboard and do some algebra on some obvious logic. And it's just beautiful what you can come up with it's pretty cool caller hi hey hello hey hi Hey, hi You're live Let's go, uh, yeah, so I have a question for
Starting point is 01:18:38 Greg okay. He's here too. Hi. This is Spencer Oh Spencer. Uh, answer What so like I understand that the problems that you have with like the like whole science machine like the whole bureaucratic process and the tenure the fact that like you know the the pis want to just get their own research funded so they push their agenda on the you know the the lab assistance or whatever it is um like i'm very familiar with that but when looking at the scientific process you know like you know you make your your hypothesis and then your job is to effectively disprove your your own hypothesis um to kind of like come up with a framework or a model that can predict yeah um whatever i don't think that i don't know i don't think that's how science goes i i'm gonna i'm gonna say it again there's when you think of proving or
Starting point is 01:19:34 disproving or proving you're outside of the space of science right spacex they're not trying to prove anything. There's no proof in science. So you think that science should be just observations and it's just observation all day? No. No. No.
Starting point is 01:20:01 No. It starts with observations. It's empirical. Right. No, no, it starts with observations. It's empirical. And it's from these observations that we form data. But the observation, which is just a registration of the real world on our senses or sensing equipment, we then endeavor to turn that into a measurement, okay? And a measurement is an observation tied to a standard scale with a well-characterized error, a foot plus or minus three inches, that kind of thing. And if you tie –
Starting point is 01:20:35 Oh, and I'm going to finish because I don't want to have to do the proof thing again because I'm going to tell you the whole process here. We're almost through it, and we're not doing any proving okay and what we do that is we take that observation and tie it to a future observation and uh and i'm sorry a measurement and tie it to a future measurement is a forecast of a measurement and the predictive strength of that of that forecast of that prediction determines whether my model gets to go from hypothesis to theory right the quality of the in the quality of the predictive strength is the quality of the theory and we do not arrive at truth nor proof so someone said swamps cause
Starting point is 01:21:25 malaria and you drain the swamp and it made a big difference. That works for now. Then someone's like, it's the fucking mosquitoes. So you go to war on the mosquitoes and part of that's draining swamps and you get an even better result against malaria. Then someone says, you know what, the fucking mosquito
Starting point is 01:21:41 it's actually, it's been infected with something with a plasmodium. And I've been saying for years, someone's going to do this. They're going to vaccinate the fucking mosquitoes for the plasmodium. In fact, that's been done. And none of these things, nothing was proven. Nothing was, you know, there wasn't true or false. Right. So when you move from like having your observations and then the data and then trying to extrapolate that to the next data point or observation, and you're looking for a pattern, how do you do that without,
Starting point is 01:22:27 like, I'd imagine you'd need a mathematical model to help you with that. So is, do you think statistics is still necessary, but it's just being, like, manipulated by the people? like manipulated by absolutely absolutely okay okay i i test i test my hunches with statistics that's what that's what laplace did he he he could make newton's theories work but only to a certain extent and newton thought that god would come along every so often it reeks reset the universe and so that his theories work but where they're off by some percent this is god's in in you know it's like a watch that winds down really believe that and laplace came around and says i you know i'm not i'm not seeing the God thing so much. What if the Earth were oblong? And then he, on the assumption of a 1% or whatever the hell it was,
Starting point is 01:23:38 eccentricity, an oblongness to the Earth, he rechecked the calculations and they matched what he was seeing in the telescopes and then the next thing he did was tried to look for other evidence of that oblong nature and found it and now we know that's he fixed it he fixed the he fixed the problem he did very similar things with tides too he said he used probability theory to cure defects in his knowledgeically of what he was doing and how he did it is is probably the single greatest contribution to science i would think sure i could i hold him on a par with einstein and uh and newton for sure at least so so my next question then and I might need to get off of the call after this unfortunately I have to go coach some people but I'll come back and
Starting point is 01:24:54 watch your response if like good science requires some sort of mathematical framework and statistical analysis and that statistical analysis and mathematics is also the thing that's being used to like bastardize science what would your solution be because it's like you you know it's like you need the evil thing to do the thing well so what what's the solution what do you think the solution is? And how do you, like, is there a system of checks and balances that have to be in place? Because, you know, people read, like, in academia, people do, like, go back and reference and scrutinize other people's
Starting point is 01:25:39 papers. And I know that's, I mean, kind of, because, you know, they all know each other, and it's all this whole thing. It's like like you know um so i understand that there's issues with that but i guess to summarize why like if you need statistics and you need a mathematical framework to do good science but that's also what's being used to manipulate science then what is the solution i'm telling you what it is. We need to do things like realize that it's not about proof, that it's not about true or false. In fact, Ionati's paper, Why Most Research Findings Are False,
Starting point is 01:26:22 it should have been why most research findings are improbable, but it's splitting hairs and entertainingly so too. No, the problem is a philosophical problem that has people thinking things about science that aren't true, that are incorrect. Okay? Got it. And P values are a big part of it. that are incorrect. Okay? And p-values
Starting point is 01:26:45 are a big part of it. They are clearly another facet of this confusion of the inverse. In fact, I think that Wikipedia article treads there. Does it, Sebi? The confusion of inverse or the Ionates one?
Starting point is 01:27:10 The confusion of the inverse one, Ionates does for sure. His punchline is that low-powered studies produce high false positives, which, again, is something that I can teach children. No, it's a, there's a. Spencer, thank you, by the way, if you have to go, I understand. Yeah, I gotta go, but thanks guys. So have you love the content. I'll I'll see you guys later.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Okay. Thank you, dude. Thanks Spencer. Yeah. I spoke at Hillsdale, and the students there, I think, were overwhelmingly convinced that I don't like science. Hey, it's the Floyd-19 phenomenon, too. It's like saying, not mourning George Floyd, like somehow is like some attack uh melanated people when now all the data has come out and and you know it's more than proven now you know it's skyrocketed uh crime skyrocketed and deaths of melanated people have skyrocketed because of the george floyd incident so here you
Starting point is 01:28:17 are trying to hey like you're trying to defend them and protect them and get it back on the right path and instead you're accused of harming them. You can't do science until you understand what a conditional probability is. And it's such a simple and beautiful little thing that you can show to children on the blackboard. to children on the blackboard. And the probability of A given B can be shown as the area of the intersection of A and B divided by the area of B, the part given. And you can show that going the other way doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:29:03 The Wikipedia is good enough on this too. Right there. And go down. Right there. See that? The probability of A given B is equal to the, and you can draw that out and show two circles a circle a and a circle b that intersect and the probability of a given b is the area that's the intersection
Starting point is 01:29:34 of of a and b divided by the area that's b and that in fact is, is the definition of conditional probability for Kolmogorov, who probably contributed more to probability theory than anybody, as much as anyone. But you can draw these things out. It looks like a lot here, but it's really not. And if we could just get people to not think that the probability, that the 95% probability of your test on the assumption that you have it is not the same thing as the probability of having it given the way you test it. We need to start making those videos. It's counterintuitive maybe.. It's counterintuitive, maybe. Maybe it's counterintuitive. But it is an intellectual error,
Starting point is 01:30:30 a very, very simple one, with horrific consequences, sequelae, downstream from that bad assumption. What do you think of the... What do you think? I mean, Emily has sat with physicians and had this argument about the mammograms she actually gives she actually tests them oh she does oh yeah
Starting point is 01:30:56 what does the 95 mean well it means that there's a 95 fuck no dude it's like more like seven percent fuck no dude it's like more like seven percent someone in here um someone in here wanted to know what you thought about the hawk tui girl she's great if you don't i don't she might be crazy but there's there's no doubt about her funness no i i i want to i want to say she's not crazy i don't know that they're amenable to to the scientific method let me read the question but first greg can you explain how you study something like sociology or psychology with sound science hi caleb i go ahead greg there there i i know some people i'd love to know what douglas murray thinks in that very question but uh he
Starting point is 01:31:55 and i would probably share the view that uh more insight to human behavior has been given to us by shakespeare than all of the works in psychology combined god douglas murray's great man if you just want to if you just want to have fun on youtube uh or or reading or listening to books listen or watch or anything he does he is so awesome. I'm a huge fan. How has he never come to your house, Greg? Do you know him? I don't know, but I, no, I wish I did. Hey, here's the thing, Dominic. We got to get Greg on a whiteboard to show us these things on the show.
Starting point is 01:32:40 I know. And Greg actually told me the other day, hey, man, we need to start making like 10 minute videos and i can just go through and i'm going to tell you like this shit does not stick with me but i've been at greg's house and he's explained things in like five or ten minute segments at a time for weeks at a time when i like hung out in idaho and there's so he can do it all like in five minutes here ten minutes here and he teaches it to me like i'm a 10 year old and i get it i'm like oh it's a you know i've uh coupled this with my uh homeschooling right yeah yeah yeah the kalmargarov interpretation of a conditional probability is just something that my kids are gonna understand in
Starting point is 01:33:26 their gut but that going uh oh man yeah that's a that's a good start watching doug murray uh take out malcolm gladwell was like porn yeah i haven't seen that have you do you know what he's talking about yeah yeah okay that's it poor malcolm it was great hey um so we're doing we're having are we having a viewing party at your house um fight night tomorrow night? Yeah. Hey, did you see the Babylon Bee thing that Trump was practicing for the debate? He's prepping for the debate by going into nursing homes and arguing with demented people.
Starting point is 01:34:20 I did see that. That was amazing. How else are you going to get ready for it? Oh, here we go. Here it is. It's like a whole article about it. Damn. How you doing, Caleb? Good.
Starting point is 01:34:43 It's hot down here, but it's nice. My joints feel good. That's because of climate change. Oh, that's right Forgot about that. I think that i'm feeling it every every day, you know Shit I just realized I was going to try to take greg to or greg Avi to skate camp so he could see ret today And then I just spoke to i'm speaking to your wife now and she says that Rhett's going to surf camp to see Avi.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Fuck. Yeah. You and Maggie working together closely. Oh, man. George, you're wrong about lime jello nobody likes it trump said as he argued with a 94 year old dementia patient who claims to be constantly observed by russian spies hey you do um this is this is a tough question but you think they're giving um they're going to give biden like adderall or something you think they're going to give Biden Adderall or something? Do you think they actually inject him with something, Greg? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:51 You do? Yeah. They have to, right? Like they give him a bag of vitamins, something stronger than a bag of vitamins than that shit people do in LA? Or do you think they give him more than some B12 and vitamin C in a saline bag? Yeah, I would imagine if they're giving him amphetamine. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:36:12 That's what I'd give him. There's no way he stays loose. Am I responsible with winding him up and sending him out there? Yeah. We should do some kind of game Like Count the number of times Trump says crooked and Biden says
Starting point is 01:36:37 Fallon or something Every time Biden stumbles over his words Take a shot Every time Trump saysumbles over his words, take a shot. Every time Trump says China, take a shot. Man, I really fucked this up. What? I just know Avi is going to have... I told Avi he could go to skate today to hang with Rhett,
Starting point is 01:37:03 and now Rhett's going uh change the plan no I'm getting Haley to change it easier I think it's easier to get my wife to change it than your wife my kid doesn't want to go to surf camp bad yeah but if him and Avi are there they can just fuck around and like paddle around and like get strong
Starting point is 01:37:19 and run and you know what I mean and then afterwards like we can take them out to hamburgers or some shit all right um what are you doing now do you want to hang out i don't think i have much to do yeah it's i want to i want to get on the boat okay is it it's not sunny in my house. Okay. No, it's not either. But it's going to get sunny. Hamburgers are the devil's meat. You know, Sebi, why don't I produce, you help me, some short explanations coming off the chalkboard for things.
Starting point is 01:38:05 And we could just hit them up once a week, just quick things that gives other people things to look at and i could use a universal reference and i love it you know you you can handpick your sources and the one i've handpicked is one i don't like but it suits my purposes and and that's wik Okay. But the misthinking that afflicts science that won't reproduce is our logical misconceptions that are nearly universal, like the 95 out of 100 physicians that did their arithmetic wrong on that test versus reality. These are intellectual defects that can be fixed in grade school, which I think is really exciting. There's a lot of things like that. A lot of things like that.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Spencer, this is the gentleman who's on the phone.reg i'm sorry for interrupting mid-sentence i think my audio is delayed i was in my car i'm sorry you're we're all good spencer i appreciate because i know you're not the only person that's thought i might be anti-science no it's you know look up look at the replication crisis do a little research on that and that's that's my problem science it won't replicate can't be trusted and i'm no fan of it and it's it won't replicate for methodological reasons and they have to do with not following the scientific method that's how delicate communication
Starting point is 01:39:45 is in these days. You could be defending something and someone thinks that you are attacking it. It's all in the tongue. I find myself defending Hunter Biden, which is really an odd thing. We were handed Hunter in lieu of his dad. which is really an odd thing. I've not,
Starting point is 01:40:09 we were handed Hunter in lieu of his dad. Right. Oh, shit. Wow. Yeah. And take the son. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:18 Don't worry, son. I'll commute your sentence. Thanks dad. Wow. The evidence, the veracity of the laptop, it wasn't disputed to keep Hunter out of hot water.
Starting point is 01:40:35 The problem is that the laptop demonstrates that Dad's a crook. Holy shit. Handsomely demonstrate that Dad's a crook. Dovetails with Secret Service records spectacularly well as to where dad was and who he hung with. And the reason he's telling us he had nothing to do with his son's business because his son's business
Starting point is 01:40:53 was making the dad wealthy through their fucking little influence peddling scam. That's the family business. And the laptop makes that abundantly clear. The problem is that they got half of the world, they're laptop deniers. It's hilarious. My friend Tom's one, he's a laptop denier.
Starting point is 01:41:17 He still thinks it's Russian bullshit. Yep. There's a low probability of that It's obviously not Very low probability Obviously not Okay Alright
Starting point is 01:41:38 I'm gonna go deal with Seeing if I can get this kid to skate camp And then I'm gonna call you and pass it off to the wife And try to find you Have you eaten yet? No Okay me neither Alright thanks dude
Starting point is 01:41:54 Thanks Caleb Great show See you later Greg How's school bud? Uh it's good Uh we're just kinda waiting around Um right now but It's nice to just hang around and go to the beach.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Hey, are any of the structures all blown up, guys? Like missing an eye, no fingers, any of this? Not that I've seen yet. I'm sure there are a couple, but there are a couple of guys with purple hearts on their cars and shit. So if somebody's been blown up i just got to find them is this true biden refinanced his home 37 times yikes hey do you know what uh someone came on the show the other day and was basically saying trudeau is a groomer i hadn't heard i mean it doesn't surprise me but they were saying that
Starting point is 01:42:44 he groomed his wife. Did you know that? Did you know he divorced his wife recently when he was in office? I didn't know that either. What is he grooming her for? Did I mean, is I'm diddling that she was too young. Gotcha. Joe Biden and Joe Biden refinanced their Delaware home 20 times.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Oh, my God. They used their home like an ATM, taking out multiple mortgages and refinancing their Delaware properties. Hey. I hope Trump brings that up. Hey, you don't pay taxes either. Me neither. That's cool. We have more in common than you thought.
Starting point is 01:43:32 All right, Greg. Thank you. Talk to you soon, dude. Bye, buddy. Okay, bye. See you, Greg. Yeah, Trudeau is the worst human alive. I agree.
Starting point is 01:43:43 He's definitely up there. Canada hates him. They're a little shitty human. It sounds like Canada had some elections the other day and their whole shit's swinging far to the right. Thank God. Wow, it's about done. Only took them four years, five years, six years.
Starting point is 01:44:09 All right. Hey, dude, I really want to hang out with you. Let me see what's going on. Let me see Let me just see Really quick. I fucked this all up. I let all be off the hook for a surf camp And now I want to go He's probably fuck it's he's probably so bummed so cold in the morning when he gets there Yeah, and he got to put on a look hey, hey How's Prince Avi doing He's practicing his no he's doing the lesson that His teacher gave him so he's on the piano.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Can you take me the phone? Take the phone to him? Yeah. He's pretty pissed. Let him know we're live. Tell him not to say anything crazy. Tell him to act cool. Don't cry or anything or make me look like a bad dad.
Starting point is 01:44:59 Okay. Okay. See how this fucking goes This is risky You know this is risky right here, right? Big time You don't know what's gonna come out of that kid's mouth Yeah, this could get crazy For life
Starting point is 01:45:20 What'd he say? I said he doesn't want to talk for the first time in his life tell him we're on the air tell him it's on the podcast i did and he said no you'll be he's running from me oh shit oh he's really oh hey caleb oh hi all right that's my fault. I fucked up. Okay, maybe I will. I don't know. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:53 I gotta figure this out. Alright, thanks, babe. Okay, I tried. I know, I know. I fucked up. That was my bad. No, I wasn't.'t alright I'll come inside in a few minutes okay love you bye okay love you bye
Starting point is 01:46:09 bye sorry alright shit oh no you just can't please him I just hate he's so good in the morning too if he knows what he's gonna do he's just fucking a warrior and he probably got he's he now he's gotta recalibrate for something else yeah and in the fact that he's already practicing his piano on his own and he's
Starting point is 01:46:36 just such a good boy i i got it buddy buddy but i but he's so spoiled too in the sense that like he has i got him three he has three wet suits that he can, like, circle through so he never has to wear a wet one. Oh, okay. That's cool. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, I mean, that's good. You know, it's not like you're – it's not really spoiled.
Starting point is 01:46:56 It's smart. All right. What is today? Today's Wednesday. Wednesday. Around the whiteboard. what was that today i was i was i wanted to i i knew that i wasn't going to be able to like put greg in a funnel but i tried to put him in a funnel this morning did you hear any of the show this morning yeah i heard like from start i was like okay this like maybe we're maybe we'll get somewhere and like learn some crazy details or
Starting point is 01:47:28 something and then kind of went off the rails yeah but it was good it was still great i give it a 10 out of 10 but like i wanted to i was curious if i could get him to like take my metaphor and run with it yeah of like hey from when you invented crossfit to 15 to what it is today but whatever someone's like what was your question what was your great question that was my question that was going to be a you jackass who was that sean sean or dan sean and dan are the same person of me i'm gonna put them on the uh trolling scale oh shit the hawk twoaktui girls in here. Safe space, girl. Always safe. Welcome to the show.
Starting point is 01:48:10 Love that. You give everything a 10 out of 10. Oh. Oh, this is my wife. Oh shit. Hi, Heidi. Hi. Who is this? Hello? Who is this Hello, who is this
Starting point is 01:48:28 Ari oh, no wrong son. I love you. Bye. Can you get all be on the phone? Sure Oh, he told Avi it's his grandmother. Oh, shit. It's my name. It's my name. All right. Don't ever let Ari call in again. Now you're in trouble. Bye.
Starting point is 01:48:55 Bye. God damn it. The fuck? She thinks this is... She doesn't take the podcast seriously. This isn't just like any kid. Any kid can't just call in yeah just let them all fuck it just speed dial jesus christ yeah ari don't give a fuck ari's cool as shit that's my that's
Starting point is 01:49:14 my most emotional one and toughest one he's a bad dude that's so funny um uh so so uh pedro has a show today uh i think um uh spin has a show today right uh the boys have a show uh barbell spin does uh they have their kind of their version of the crossfit games update show every wednesday yeah it looks like uh six or i guess 4 30 pacific standard time yeah okay and then uh who else who else who else get with the programming? What do they got going here? Oh I had fun on their show yesterday Yeah, let's cool. I was I was it felt awkward. Oh, they have a show today at 115 Ranking the rookies for 2024 CrossFit Games with John Young Oh John's busy today busy
Starting point is 01:50:13 So you can go from this show to around the whiteboard to get with the programming and then does shut up and scribble go to no that's Thursday yeah it's tomorrow and then obviously Hiller's fuck I haven't seen this video yet but Hiller put out a video that looks gnarly it It's pretty good, dude. You've seen it? Yeah, I watched it early this morning. It's really good.
Starting point is 01:50:50 I cannot fucking believe how many comments this thing has. Holy shit, dude. When I saw it this morning, it had 184 comments. Now it has 231, and the day hasn't even started. Oh, my God. Oh, my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Did you watch it regular speed? Yeah. 47 minutes of just getting ass pounded. Wow. Is it Bryce Smith level?
Starting point is 01:51:28 Ass pounding? Would you say that's the biggest? That dude took it the hardest? The killer drop one balls deep on him? With some Viagra? Yeah, I suppose so. But I think you... I think it just blew up the biggest I don't think that Bryce took it the hardest
Starting point is 01:51:50 I think it was just like that was the most monumental one. I think this is like it's on par with like Just getting shit on. Yeah, how about is it is on par with the DeGraw guy? Yeah Yeah, it's pretty bad. Oh, Nelly. He just, like, he just rips them apart, man. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:52:14 Don takes it? It's Don who gets the pounding? It's just Don for 50 minutes. I wonder if Don will go on when Don's next pot, if that's going to make it so he doesn't do podcasts anymore. Maybe can Don lean into it all and have fun with it. Or is Don going to get defensive or shell up?
Starting point is 01:52:38 He should lean into it. He should be like, yeah, I don't want your videos, but everybody tells me they're negative. So I just think they're nice. Like you like you buddy he won't even watch that video just like dave won't watch the video about all the good things pillar found about crossfit the problem is this dude and i'm opening this screen with me but if they have a hundred people who work there
Starting point is 01:52:59 99 of them are going to watch it yes they need So they need to watch it. And so that means like, you know, everyone on the seminar staff is going to watch it. You know, everyone like all the departments affiliates are going to watch it. Media is going to watch it. You know, everyone's going to watch it and then it's going to be just weird.
Starting point is 01:53:16 It's, um, it's just going to be weird. I think everybody's going to watch it. And there's just still going to think that Hiller's. It's like, if you read your wife's text and you know she's texting with someone inappropriately like like she's having and and you you don't tell her there'll be that between you and them you and your wife do you know what i mean yeah yeah you know it's like you're hiding something so if all the staff watch it and and he doesn't watch it or it's not talked about it's going to
Starting point is 01:53:46 be like this weird thing in the room every time you see don you're like holy shit i've seen your underwear your underwear drawer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh will this affect seve's behind the scene chances i hope not if there were any and same place no they have to listen listen i'm the i'm the uh i'm the i'm the champion of there's no there's no media source better than the seven podcast that champions affiliates and they're level one how could they not they have to do every they have to appease me they have to like work with me. I'm a good dude to them. Done more for their own community than they have.
Starting point is 01:54:29 I'm navigating the politics like a champ. What? I agree. Thank you. Yeah, I'm navigating the politics like a champ. I recognize that um did you did you take any like uh like pr training for that like did you have to do like no i recognize crossfit is an agent of change and um uh and that that uh personal accountability and responsibility it can't be avoided if you're in the CrossFit ecosystem
Starting point is 01:55:05 and that slowly, even if there are some lost sheep in the flock, some lost souls in the flock, that they'll eventually find their way. They'll find their way. Very well said. Thank you. If Sevan identifies as black, will net okay is higher. What is this? There was another funny one uh graciano do you still have your l1 what uh did he say that somewhere right here no like a like a like an active one like a one that would like no i couldn't like i couldn't
Starting point is 01:55:41 legally teach at an affiliate if that's what you mean. You got to stay 500 feet away from all affiliates at all times? I mean, I don't have a current L1. That's not CrossFit anymore, though. CrossFit is just a company that no longer stands by what it used to. Greg Seed. Sad. It wouldn't shock me if they tried to leverage Sevan's influence against Hiller.
Starting point is 01:56:13 That's impossible. I don't know. That'd be a tough ask. Yeah, I don't know. I don't even... I can't... One million dollars. I don't even, I can't. One million dollars. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:56:29 Listen, dude. He's a force of nature. There's no like, what are you going to do? He's just a really nice guy, dude. He's a good person to be friends with. All this aside, I'd be friends with him any day. I told you guys this before. I try to treat Hiller. I have the same simple method for Hiller and Dave.
Starting point is 01:56:53 Don't stand in front of them. Don't be like, you know what I mean? Like he has, Hiller has x-ray vision and so does Dave. And if you stand in front of them, they're going to see your cock and balls. And so if you, I don't, I don't want my – I'm shy. You've watched The Boys, right? You're watching The Boys? Okay, so you know the initial episode where his girlfriend gets fucking ran over by A-Train?
Starting point is 01:57:23 Not ran over. Plowed through? Different preposition through yeah ran through yeah ran through that that dave and hillar are a train and if you stand in front of them you're you're that you're the girlfriend you're that you're dust yeah just be cool you're being missed you're fucked yeah stay out of the way and hey and if you do and if you and if and if you are in their circles fear you're gonna there's gonna be like body parts that land on you and blood and you know what i mean like it's just what it's just what you know what i mean if it rains gifts on hill or it's gonna rain on you it's just like whatever you have to just accept the fact that whatever he's he's a tornado and just like if he goes by a fucking money tree, it's going to rain money.
Starting point is 01:58:10 And if he goes by a fucking car lot, you got to watch out. Some cars are going to be falling from the sky. It's just what the nature of tornadoes. Rising tides. Rising tides. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:24 I'm crazy stimulated by that's the other. Yeah, i'm crazy stimulated by by that's the other yeah i'm crazy stimulated by just everything i at all fuck fuck all right now i'm just now i'm just postponing the inevitable you have to go in there and face the child well now the surf camp starts in two minutes so now i gotta think if i'm willing to take him late i think the the first 30 minutes are a pretty hard warm-up like not pretty hard it's like basically they do something like you know like something that's like a half murph every day to start the class it's brutal but that has swimming involved i know it's crazy oh my god yeah they do a run, swim, run, swim, run, swim, run, swim, run, running upstairs shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:27 Like on the beach and stuff? Yeah, on the beach. And he's in full wetsuit. But the thing is, is if he knows that we're getting there late, he might know that he doesn't. I mean, he never complains about that, but I'm trying to figure out like ways I can be like, hey, let's go now. Imagine you don't even have to do the workout. Yeah. Stop. Just hang out. You treat those boys so so well it's okay to fuck up time to time i know i know but they i can't like dude listen they can't just be in the
Starting point is 01:59:55 house right yeah i swim good i swim good i mean not like mean, not like swim team good, but I swim good. I'm not scared of the ocean at zero. I'm trying to go swimming out here, but we've had so many shark attacks, I do not want to go out there. Yeah, hey, do you want me to show you something that I haven't shown my wife?
Starting point is 02:00:19 I'm fucking freaked out if she sees this. You're going to fucking trip wonder probably all you guys are gonna trip oh no so there's the largest school of great whites in the history of the bay we live in and it's a small bay and they claim there's 24 great whites in there right now living in there. Nuh-uh. Dude. And it's like you're not even – I just typed in Santa Cruz great whites. I don't know how it hasn't popped on my wife's radar yet, but watch this. I mean, they're everywhere supposedly out there right now. So the juvenile sharks here average 7 to 8 feet. We get an occasional 10 to 13 footers. They're all juveniles or sub-adults.
Starting point is 02:01:09 They're in Soquel Bay. I live in Soquel. That's where Avi surfs. They're in the shallow water. They're coming in to warm up. If the water temperature is drop below 60 degrees, they leave. If it's above 60 degrees, we see a lot of sharks. Today, I was out there droning. I only saw five sharks. The water temp dropped. Five sharks. I was out there droning, and I saw five sharks. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:01:35 That's like two miles from my house where I'm sitting right now. It dropped a little bit, but they're really not out to get surfers. They're there to warm up the coves. They're just there to warm up. Hey, dude, and there's so many surfers in the water right now. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:01:53 They're not there for the people. There's a lot of misconceptions. There's a lot of rumors. There's a lot of misinformation. A lot of people are saying they're breeding out there. Dude, there's so many. They said they've never seen so many great whites in this bay. And it's a small bay.
Starting point is 02:02:07 Do you know what I mean? Like, I could fly my drone across it. It's small. Oh, wow. Okay. People are saying they're coming in the feed. That's just not true. They're there to warm up.
Starting point is 02:02:18 They feed off Soquel Point. Soquel Point. Dude, I live in a tiny little town called SoCal. It's so crazy. It's a rock. But for the most part, they're docile, and they're not going to bother anybody. Okay, well, they like you because they were smiling. I don't know what they were thinking when they looked at you.
Starting point is 02:02:40 That smile. Dude, it's crazy. Holy shit. It's crazy how many they are absolutely not uh let me see if uh new santa cruz uh santa cruz county shark has been especially active this year over the past 10 years an area of socal co between new brighton beach and state beach and rio del mar that's where they serve uh the ocean is uh let's see um since 2000 about 2014 juvenile white sharks have been moving up the coast from baja california in higher numbers than they had historically why because of mass
Starting point is 02:03:13 warm water that scientists dubbed the blob damn no thanks damn Damn. No thanks. Damn. Damn. Yeah, they actually call them whites, white sharks instead of great white sharks. Surveyed an area from a helicopter two weeks ago counting a whopping 50 to 60 sharks. A big increase from the 10 to 20 that researchers often spot with aerial summer view.
Starting point is 02:03:42 Yeah. I don't think, I think if my wife found out out about this she'd put the fucking kibosh on surfing i've definitely not told my kids about this this is like a huge story here what you think they'd care your kids the fuck i i would care um oh yeah that's right by my house right there see oh you can't see it look look at this they made a gif of a shark swimming I don't even know and that's
Starting point is 02:04:14 right by my house like there's some stairs there that I walk with my mom oh there's Haley thank god it's not hey what's up dude yo yo Thank God it's not. Hey, what's up, dude? Yo. Yo.
Starting point is 02:04:30 Hey, dude. If great white sharks are called great white sharks, why aren't killer whales called great black sharks? Great black whales? Great black whales. That's a really good question.
Starting point is 02:04:48 I wonder if they have a great... Do they even have a great black... I'm just going to type in great black... Oh, it came up great black wasp. There's a great black wasp. Oh, yeah, and I've seen these around my house. Not quite as badass.
Starting point is 02:05:04 Yeah, I've seen these before not quite as badass yeah i've seen these before that's pretty it's pretty fucking intense we need to change that we need to change that we need a great black shark okay let me let me just type in great black shark before we say that there's nothing geez uh the birds in your area the great black shark oh it's a musical band oh scientists find an all-black shark. Wow. Wow. Wow, dude. I don't want to come across as insensitive,
Starting point is 02:05:32 but a black shark's scarier looking than a white shark. Let's go. Fuck, this thing is crazy looking. Look at its mouth, dude, where it is. Oh, what the fuck is that? Wow. Oh, but it's only 1.5 feet long. Oh. So it just bites your dick off, that's it? Wow. Oh, but it's only 1.5 feet long. Oh. So it just bites your dick off. That's it. Wow.
Starting point is 02:05:49 1.5 meters? 1.5 feet long, and it's the 5,000 feet below the surface of the ocean. It lives down at the bottom of the ocean. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's lame. A mile deep. They hang out a half mile to a mile deep. Wow, okay. Yeah, that's lame. A mile deep. They hang out a half mile to a mile deep.
Starting point is 02:06:07 Wow, dude. Its teeth are translucent. Whoa. Yeah, that's fascinating. You think some great white sharks identify as black sharks? Yes. They identify as...
Starting point is 02:06:22 I'm going to fuck you up. That is a great question. Good answer. yes it identifies you up that is a great question yes i did have a serious question uh although that was pretty cool finding out about great black sharks i'm gonna say something and i just wanna hear your reactionary response to it and it has to do with your boy dave castro i feel like he's been infected i feel like dave castro has been infected and what i'm specifically talking about in this case is his response to uh hillary's video about annette and the things she was saying and then his response to it on this week in review i'm watching that i'm just shaking my head like i don't know what's going on i i get being a leader having the having your team's back
Starting point is 02:07:14 i've been there i get it but as a leader you also have to be able to call your team out hold them accountable whether it's killer or anyone saying anything about them so when i watch that i'm like man i feel like homeboy's been infected excuse me infected jeremy do you think dave walker dave calls annette and be like hey annette um uh just out of curiosity do you still practice discriminatory uh hiring practices based on skin color. Do you think he does that? No. No, so you don't. So basically it's only one instead of like –
Starting point is 02:07:53 but then we did see Dacoons walk back saying that CrossFit's dangerous. So what you're saying is he came forward facing and said, hey, I've never been asked to hire anyone based on their genitalia, their skin color, their sexual preference. And it's not fair to go after Annette for that. That's what he said, right? But he didn't say that she doesn't do that. He said he doesn't do it. Right.
Starting point is 02:08:23 Totally. 100%. Yeah. it right totally 100 yeah there he is he like it it was his reaction his response was more of uh which i i appreciate hey come at me come at me and you know that's that's great but hillar's thing i don't think is coming at Dave. It's just coming at the entity as a whole. And in this case, and I haven't watched today's video yet, Hiller's video yet. I look forward to it. But in this case, he's coming at someone that apparently works close with Dave.
Starting point is 02:08:59 The things she was saying, how off base she is and so many. And, you know, I'm a black guy. You know, i don't claim that victim stuff i don't think that if i smile too much i'm told i smile too much it has anything to do with my race i don't know how she made that leap uh but he's coming out hey by the way that was extremely bizarre by the way and i i think that was disingenuous because other places in other interviews i've heard her say that she gets criticized for being so aggressive, which is, you know, that stereotypical and not unjustly so the aggressive black woman. You know what I mean? The one who waves her hands and talks loud so you can hear from five tables over.
Starting point is 02:09:37 So that was a week. I think she was having her watch. Here's the thing, Jeremy, I'm going to pivot a little bit and i don't talk to dave about this in specifics it wouldn't be appropriate but sure what we're really just picking up from hq right now is just dishonesty like if don was like yeah fuck yeah we believe in dei and yeah of course we're high you know i mean like like we're just picking up dishonesty and double talk and political talk and so like like if they were, if they were just honest, you know, and they can't be because there's no, there's no, they can't be for some reason, but if they, all that outside of the black and white thing and the hiring and everything else and being critical of no restness with the community is in the big
Starting point is 02:10:20 picture we're picking up is just a lack of honesty. And every, like when a, when pedro says hey are you tripping don that a dude in his garage drinking c4 makes uh has a hundred times the views as all of crossfit hq media don needs to be like yeah that's fucked up we need to work on that not hey we've been looking at the numbers and we're doing pretty good you know what i mean it's like he's talking to the yeah so that's that's in the big picture. That's all we're all picking up on it because at least in this group, because we just want you to be honest. And like maybe he doesn't even know how to be honest.
Starting point is 02:10:51 Like, do you know what I mean? Like I don't even know the level of people's ability to be honest. It's just like, Hey, once they go down that rabbit hole far enough, it's very hard to be honest. It's just a whole bunch of word soup and that's what you get from Don. Right. That's what I'm saying. It's just like Dave was always that honest guy. He was always that, like, hey, man, even if you come back with something negative, you know, let's talk about it.
Starting point is 02:11:15 But for some reason, when Hillary does it, he gets, I don't know, is the correct term, butthurt? He gets super butthurt, and instead of being like, you know what, he might be on to something maybe we'll talk about it in next week's review i don't know whatever uh he just attacks hillar defends a nest i'm like i don't know that's why that's why i asked like like if a net came out and said yeah i'm fucking hiring black people because i feel more comfortable around them instead of like instead of going the other way saying,
Starting point is 02:11:45 hey, I didn't get hired at my job because I'm a black woman and it has nothing to do with the woman because I'm black. And hey, you can't say stuff like that unless you give evidence, right? So if you tell me, you know what I mean? So if I tell you, hey, someone crossed the street because I was black, that's just complete bullshit. And then, you know, their default is, well, that was my experience. I know we're not talking about your experience experience we're talking about what's true or not
Starting point is 02:12:07 true so like if she knows that because she saw it written on paper you know like disney has this thing written on paper somewhere if you're not a jewish man you can't be hired um on the on the executive team or some shit it's like yeah we need to see the fucking proof and so other than that it's just your insecurity being projected onto the world and we're all smelling that and it's just uncomfortable and so hillary just keeps going at it yeah i i don't i don't know i don't know about i don't know i think dave is just i think dave's trying to keep his head down and get his job done but because this is my two cents and i have not spoken about this but because he has that forward-facing show he does not want to appear like he's avoiding anything right and so it's right and and i don't
Starting point is 02:12:50 and i think i'm assuming that if he works with annette that he does i i trust that he has a good relationship with her um and so i think more than defending her he's also just wants to make sure that he doesn't appear like he's afraid to address anything. I thought that's what would be my thought. That's what I like. That's what I like. Like, even if I'm afraid to address something,
Starting point is 02:13:13 I'll want to come on here and be like, sorry guys, I'm afraid to address that. Like, I at least want to be honest about my fear. For sure. I wish he had, that's what I'm saying. It's kind of like he could have taken that road and been like,
Starting point is 02:13:23 you know what? I'm not, I'm not in a, in a in a place to talk to talk about that. I don't want to talk about that. But instead, he comes out with this defense as if he's defending you or something, you know, someone that we know is no nonsense. Instead, he's defending someone who seems almost entirely made up of nonsense. And it was just kind of one of those, like,
Starting point is 02:13:46 I just had that thought when I was watching, I was like, man, this isn't, this isn't the, uh, this isn't Dave that I, that I remember.
Starting point is 02:13:52 And I'm, I'm not you. So I'm not like his best buddy, but like, this isn't the Dave of yesteryear. You know, here's also, what's more interesting. Like Dave would never need to defend me.
Starting point is 02:14:02 Like he would never defend me because like, he knows that maybe I would even think it was an insult. Like, like he, he wouldn't need to defend me like he would never defend me because it like he knows that maybe i would even think it was an insult like like he he wouldn't need to and and i'm guessing he does feel like he needs to for people who are there especially people who i mean you know as well as i know like anyone who hasn't been there for more than five years has absolutely no idea what's really going on. Like they just have no, they have no idea what's going on there.
Starting point is 02:14:32 It's birth. It was a baptism by fire. Like they're like, they're like, Holy shit. What, what is this place? I'm in like,
Starting point is 02:14:41 like we seriously, like what's that thing that jaco says the like the um something accountability or extreme ownership extreme ownership yeah like basically think there's like think of another community that has more extreme ownership than this one there isn't one so when you come into it there's no blaming like the blame game's hard here man who and if that's your biggest and if that's your biggest tool man you are you are uh an intimidation and bullying and all that shit none of that shit's fucking tolerated here it seems to be though that's like the growing thing no not not not well what i not, not. Well, what I'm saying is not all,
Starting point is 02:15:26 no, but I'm just saying like people like Hiller, like that's why they view it as just attacking and whatnot. Or like they don't view it as help. They don't realize that basically what he's doing is he's maintaining the culture of, of, of,
Starting point is 02:15:38 of accountability and, and personal accountability and personal responsibility, but they see it as attacking like like if you walk by like if you like like so when i like when i when we went and filmed at the west coast classic all that was on the counter basically except some jackass put out a bowl of cookies it was just every night everyone just ate steak and fruit and there was a high level of accountability and personal responsibility to do like don't be a scumbag you know what i mean it's just the social pressure of like hanging out with the guys there and everyone worked out every day and if you didn't they drag you to work out and just
Starting point is 02:16:13 shit like that and it's like man that's it that's and and that's a great example what what i'm thinking and what it seems like with me is why I think this infection thing is Dave doesn't have that many men or women like you guys, like the crew that you're just referring to. He's less and less, that person that's holding each other accountable, holding themselves accountable, living up to a standard, so on and so forth. When that starts to dwindle, there's less and less people around you like that. And in fact, you have more and more of the Annettes and the Dacoons and Don, the people that just can talk really good, people that put a lot of excuses. You either start to become that person or like them or you you don't and then you're super lonely and doing a bunch of shit yourself
Starting point is 02:17:13 and i wonder if dave is kind of just like well if i want to keep my job here uh i'm just gonna have to i don't want to say he's becoming like them, but he's allowing some of their nonsense to, uh, infect him in, in certain ways. And I don't know, maybe I'm being a little bit too critical or harsh on the guy. I still love him. He's awesome. He's given us a lot, but Hey, if someone's on your team, if someone's on your team, you're going to try to bring them along. Right. So, so, so they're on him and annette and don are on a team together and they're probably trying to bring dave along
Starting point is 02:17:51 and dave's trying to bring them along right and and fair enough you know and so i um but i don't know if dave has it in in him to really go in that direction. I think he's trying to, he's toying that line to keep his job and do, I don't think he can do it for much longer. Hey, um, uh, that's an interesting observation. I probably don't want to have that one on the air though, but if you want to talk about it privately, I would, I'd be, I'd be curious because that's just such crazy speculation, but I will say this, him doing this series of videos with the athletes like that,
Starting point is 02:18:30 there is, there's something's going on there. That is way, way out of his lane. And dude, he is a guy who stays in his fucking lane. And that is way out of his lane. He is not a man.
Starting point is 02:18:44 He'll get out of his comfort zone, but he always out of his lane. He is not a man. He'll get out of his comfort zone but he always stays in his lane and That there's some that's indicative of something. He's feeling Oh David weed thinks you're gay the caller sounds super gay. Are you super gay? Not super just just a little Semi Semi Semi David loves me
Starting point is 02:19:13 Uh David Gora Also why is he doing it so quickly dude Like 10 interviews in the last 24 hours I mean he's got 80 to get through so quickly Yeah he's got a lot of athletes Hey you know what I'd love to see what are the you know what i want to see him jeremy i want to see him start going live those aren't live i don't know the athlete ones i've only seen one so far
Starting point is 02:19:37 i've only seen the brooke wells one but it but it wasn't live but if he starts going live dude it will be amazing. They're not live. Live is so much better. I think that would be – they're not live, Caleb? Negative. They're all just posted back to the factory. Okay, so he's done four.
Starting point is 02:19:56 Yeah, he's basically – I mean, he basically needs to stay on pace for two a day if he's going to do them all. So he's on pace two a day right now, I think. He's on pace. He's on pace for two a day if he's going to do them all so that's he's on pace two a day right now i think he's on pace it's it's what he's having uh it's wild to see him doing that for the reasons we're talking about but also i mean we're two months out of the games you're in the final prep of you know how it's going to look, everything. I'm like, and Hey, and think of what it's doing for his relationship with all the athletes. Like that's probably the most he's ever talked to Fikowski or Justin
Starting point is 02:20:33 Medeiros, right. Or probably he's never said one word to Luke Parker. It's, it's going to be a dynamic change. Clydesdale media will never go live. Why not? I mean, maybe I'm not suggesting you're wrong But why not
Starting point is 02:20:48 Yeah That's a good question Oh sure Sure Especially if he interviews Camille I'm kidding BeFriendlyFitness Clydesdale Media talked about it yesterday on a show.
Starting point is 02:21:06 Booking is a pain in the ass. Oh, God. Tell me about it. That's a really good point. He doesn't have a Sousa. I mean, yeah. I don't even know if Dave has an assistant. No. They need to be live. They need to be live because of what
Starting point is 02:21:23 it will do for him and the audience. Because if Dave starts going live regularly, he'll start building his own community. And when he starts interacting with people, there'll be a massive dynamic shift. Something that I couldn't, I can't really explain. Hey,
Starting point is 02:21:40 Jeremy, let me ask you this. Oh, damn. You know what I wanted to ask Greg today? I wanted to ask Greg today if he wishes he would have gone. We would have done this podcast when he was CEO and gone live every week, once a week. That would have been good.
Starting point is 02:21:57 Dangerous. Well, when he's CEO again come August, then you guys can do it. Yeah, good point. What were you going to ask? That's it. I don't know. I don't know. Hey, don't be hard on yourself about screwing
Starting point is 02:22:17 the pooch here, man. You do a lot for those boys. It's okay. It's okay to not be perfect. Hey, how dare you? I know, right? For being such a shitty dad so long. If you're an athlete, Christian Kettler, if you're an athlete and you don't go on Dave's show,
Starting point is 02:22:39 then you're as dumb as the ones that don't come on here. Yeah, I agree. Good point. That is a good point, Christian.'t come on here. Yeah, I agree. Good point. That is a good point, Christian. CrossFit. Clydesdale. What's weird is him not going live but including technical issues
Starting point is 02:22:58 like the Brooke episode. Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm thinking, CrossFit, too. All he has to do, he just has to include those. That's the charm of Dave. That's what I'm thinking, CrossFit, too. Yeah, all he has to do, yeah, he just has to include those. That's the charm of Dave. That's the charm. Just all the fuck-ups and just all that. He doesn't know how to post-produce, but he's just gonna record it and post
Starting point is 02:23:14 it anyway. Not gonna cut anything out, but he'll just... Have you told him to go live? I think you were saying that the other day. You told him he should do live? Yeah. I really want him to do live? I think you were saying that the other day. You told him you should do live. Yeah. I really want him to do live. What do you say? No. What did he say?
Starting point is 02:23:34 I think maybe. I think. I forget. I don't want to misquote him. I'll say it to him again today and see what he says. And then I'll text him today. Hey, dude, you should go live and see what he says. Love it
Starting point is 02:23:49 All right, cool, thanks, dude Hey, thank you guys. See you later. They look stay cool. Let it I swear I'm ready to fucking start my own fitness program I swear I'm ready to fucking start my own fitness program. I'm going to have a hundred of these. You guys should get used to seeing these. This was made by Brett over at, um,
Starting point is 02:24:16 I'm going to have a hundred of these soon after the, the film contest. Remember those you want to enter the film contest. It has to be, it's a campaign. You're going to be submitting a campaign, but I have so many of these already pouring in. So a campaign is like five videos, 30 seconds to 90 seconds. I'm going to play one for you.
Starting point is 02:24:31 I'm going to have the guy bread on who made all these, but I'm just going to play one for you because I'm so fucking excited. Here we go. There's no magic here to getting you out of that mindset of focusing on how you look, but an affiliate is, in my opinion, by far the best place to help you with that shift. Before starting at the gym, I was somebody who just always wanted to be smaller, and I always wanted to look a certain way way and I was never, never satisfied with my body. All my goals were focused around all of my exercise was like, how do I get as small as possible?
Starting point is 02:25:15 And so I was like super unhealthy. Like I wasn't eating and all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately, like when I had gotten really bad, I had Megan had me join here. So it was very quickly that I was like, okay, well, if I want to like, lift with all of these other girls, and if I want to, like keep up with them, and if I want to be strong, and all those things like I like that this has this has to switch. It was like, within six months, I like realized that switch where it was like all of a sudden on my Instagram feed, instead of like tiny little people, I had like these
Starting point is 02:25:50 strong, beautiful, capable women that could lift hundreds of pounds. So this for me has been a whole mindset shift of like, I now appreciate my body for what it can do, not what it looks like. In here, we don't care what you look like as long as you're hitting what you want to achieve. Damn! So I'm on podcast partnering with 2Brain. That's cool. Yeah, those are going to be my pee breaks. I'm going to have like 100 of those just showing the power of what you can do in an affiliate damn you're gonna have to drink a lot
Starting point is 02:26:29 of water play all those yeah i'm gonna start well i'm gonna start drinking a shitload of here in a minute i'm getting ready i'm ramping up i'm gonna have like seriously like 50 cases of fit aid sent to my house and i'm just gonna just lab of fit aid yeah oh oh like a pallet i wonder if i could order so much fit aid that it has to come like in a truck and they have to like put lower down a small pallet that would be dope yeah and i'm just gonna basically i'm gonna have a wall of today because i'm getting i'm ramping up i'm gonna be doing a um today because I'm getting, I'm ramping up. I'm going to be doing a, um, uh,
Starting point is 02:27:08 we have so many shows coming up. I'm basically gonna invite all the athletes on the show again. So I have to guess like 40 will accept. And then we're going to, I'm going to start doing the CrossFit games update shows every Friday here soon. I think this Friday is the first one. And, um,
Starting point is 02:27:20 a paper street coffee's in the morning. A paper street coffee would be a better option to drink. Yeah. Paper street, uh, paper street coffee is in the morning. A paper street coffee would be a better option to drink. Yeah, paper street coffee is always the morning beverage. And then I'm going to pivot to just during the games, get on my creatin needs. Where's the link to the competition? There isn't. You mean like a landing page where you talk about it?
Starting point is 02:27:45 There isn't. You mean like a landing page where you talk about it? There isn't. Basically, but I'm going to have the guy on for like the official launch of the contest, but it'll be kind of ghetto, the submission process. Basically, I'm guessing you'll upload them unlisted to YouTube or you send them in Google Drive to Caleb. And then I'll start just putting them in. CrossFit dropped Sean Woodland. Huh? Huh? I mean, I don't think he ever worked.
Starting point is 02:28:16 I don't think he worked there. Not sure if you saw this. He made a post. Oh, shit. I think he's private. I don't even think i could see his page instagram oh there it is oh wow here we go oh god i do i knew a day would come for this post but i was hoping that it would be a time of my choosing unfortunately in this business people rarely get to go out on their terms oh nelly oh fuck oh god i feel a little sick to my stomach i have been informed that i will not
Starting point is 02:28:54 be calling the crossfit games this year to say that i'm disappointed would be a major understatement i was far from ready to give up a role that was meant more to me in my career than any other I have had. As of this writing, I have not been told why the decision was made or who ultimately made the call. Ooh. This might have been premature, Mr. Woodland. This post. I also do not know if this is a temporary thing, but 25 years in broadcasting has taught me that once you're out, you rarely ask to come back.
Starting point is 02:29:28 I hope that's not the case in this instance. I probably shouldn't have made this post. Isn't going to help as disappointed as I am right now. And I'm disappointed too. That's crazy. That's so weird not to have Sean. I'm equally excited for Chase Ingram. He has the opportunity to call
Starting point is 02:29:45 the games in his home state oh this is take this is getting fucking weird did they announce somewhere who the who the this is getting really weird he has more than earned his chance and i his chance and i cannot wait to hear him on the mic. Chase has been an incredible broadcast partner and friend over the past few years, and I wish him the best. He's going to do a fantastic job. Chase has been around for fucking as long as Sean. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 02:30:16 Or, you know, close. Maybe more, maybe a few years less. There's so many people I want to thank for these last 12 years, and I plan on reaching out to all of them directly in the coming weeks. I do, however, want to take this opportunity to thank all of the fans and the athletes without your passion and dedication to sport. I would not have been able to realize my dream of doing play by play on national television. It has been the honor of a lifetime to be able to describe the incredible efforts at the CrossFit Games. I hope I did them justice. You did. You were amazing.
Starting point is 02:30:46 You're the best who ever did it. I mean, uh, I will miss, uh, seeing people who have become like family to me. No, that wouldn't be me unless it's the uncle you hate. Uh, I will miss seeing people who have become family like family to me over these past 12 years. I'll miss all the late night meetings and early morning call times. I'll miss all the laughs I've shared with my best friends. I'll miss seeing a rookie get excited about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I'll miss the weekend hug from Roth. I'll miss giving Mike Arsenault crap for being Canadian. But most of all, I'll miss the acai bowls. This isn't goodbye.
Starting point is 02:31:22 It's see you later. I'm still planning on being a part of the sporting community. Take care of each other and be better, and I'll see the acai bowls. This isn't goodbye. It's see you later I'm still planning on being a part of the sporting community take care of each other and be better and I'll see you soon There's no better commentator in the sport Yeah, wow, what the fuck the chase thing's so weird what the fuck's going on weird what the fuck's going on yeah this is insane someone wrote I needed a dislike button this is sad so sad to hear this this is sad
Starting point is 02:31:57 wow what is going on how the fuck do they how do they make that decision who's gonna replace him i don't know i don't know this for a fact guys but bear with me here i'll just paint the context of this a little bit um the way it works is there's a company out there owned by this coolest dude in the fucking world named charlie doobie
Starting point is 02:32:31 and he's been around forever and uh he's young i don't know like 35 and he owns this company called Hamilton Road. Yeah, Hamilton Roads. Hamilton Roads. And they do production for like anyone could hire them. You give them a half million dollars and they'll come film your bar mitzvah or they could film the Super Bowl. They're just a big production company that Charlie fucking is what a stud started. And,
Starting point is 02:33:06 uh, and they can just cover events like just whatever event it is. And they've been covering the CrossFit games for fucking ever. They got the con Charlie used to work at CrossFit and he built this outside production company and CrossFit started. Um, uh, yeah, I think Joe and Joe Novella was,
Starting point is 02:33:20 I think his mentor in the beginning and Joe and Charlie that worked at CrossFit together. And then, uh, I think Joe inspired Charlie to start his own company. And then what I, and I think, uh, I know, I know that Charlie and Sean and Tommy are very close and that they've always had some sort of business relationship. I don't know if Tommy and Sean like work for Charlie or if they were contractors, but there was some relationship there and some relationship with talking to fitness, but they were a team regardless of what it said on paper. And so I think what would happen was, is Charlie would go, uh, you know, he would get a call from
Starting point is 02:33:54 someone from Justin Berg and Justin Berg would say, Hey, Charlie, can you cover semifinals? Charlie would be, yeah, it's going to be $6. Justin would say, okay. And then it would happen. And the same thing with the games. And assume charlie's doing the games this year although i don't know that for a fact but then charlie would put the team together and the team would be um you know whoever you know whatever the guys bill uh grunler chase sean tommy just whoever to tanya wagner he put the team together jamie and then they'd go there and they'd kick ass and then there's a bunch of that guy rothy described that's like a truck dude that guy might be like the producer the director of the cameras or something but there's the same group of guys you start to recognize them even the
Starting point is 02:34:34 cameramen and sean was integral like in that team and if you see those people interact at the games or at the semi-finals they're like family like you know what i mean ass slapping each other high-fiving hugging eating from the same sandwich you know what i mean like they're like family like you you know that's their team and so for sean to be out and and sean's very well respected whether very very very well respected you don't you don't hear. You don't hear people bad-mouthing him. Especially never
Starting point is 02:35:10 about his work ethic. Yeah, they share towels. They probably share towels. I'm telling you, they're close. They're like, they're thick as thieves, those guys. The whole team. They get up early and stay up late together.
Starting point is 02:35:28 It's going to be an interesting story to see how that unfolds, who made that decision. I can't, unless like Sean fucked Charlie's wife or something, I can't see Charlie and Sean separating ways ever. Something's amiss
Starting point is 02:35:45 That's a tragedy Yeah it's pretty wild They jelk together Dude I'm telling you You know how it is They've all worked at the same restaurant together For fucking 10 years Like they're good
Starting point is 02:36:04 They rock 10 years like they're like they're they're good they're they're they they they rock which is weird that they can't ever get the cameras right so fucking weird but i've never i to be honest with you i can't think of anyone who's ever criticized sean for the job he does yeah i, I don't think so. Of all the commentators, I think that we've had in the past. Just socially, he's been ass pounded. But but not not based on his merit for the job. Right.
Starting point is 02:36:38 And you put him on the mic and for these events, he does a really good job. He crushes. Matt Sousa said, I'm pretty sure we could find find have kilo build us a simple landing page for the video submissions and also with instructions on what to do and oh okay fuck someone would have to do that okay that's a good idea All right, I'm gonna take my boys to play tennis or something. I wonder I wonder if skate camp is happening I could I have to do something. They can't just sit at home. We'll fucking be Insane Yeah, can't do that world war iii Wrestle no, it's not world war War III. It's more like WrestleMania.
Starting point is 02:37:26 That makes more sense for sure. People's elbows coming down on each other. Dude. Ladder. Ari and Joseph had a one-hour fight. I timed it, and I watched it the other day. Just a one-hour fucking sparring match. And it finally ended when Joseph kicked Ari off of them and Ari went flying into a door hinge
Starting point is 02:37:49 Oh Yeah, and his in his head split open and it swole the side half. It was like this dude You know like when your head swells like when you get a What's that called a hematoma or something? Yeah, that's right What's that called a hematoma or something? Yeah, right But but it split right on its and I put ice on it and it went away like in I don't know five minutes But it was nuts. Holy shit. Call the boys in uber Yeah, they and then once he'd like once his swelling went down they're like can we keep fighting swelling went down they're like can we keep fighting no go find some miles to do
Starting point is 02:38:33 uh in retrospect it's kind of a weird show to have on get with the programming it's kind of weird a weird show to have on get with the programming now i don't know what you're talking about uh maybe sean's day rate is too much for HQ to swallow I think that they have a close enough relationship Where they would just tell They would tell him that Hey dude lower your price I mean Tell Caleb that every day
Starting point is 02:38:56 Lower your price I don't have a price Lower your price I just come to hang out Caleb's unbuyable Every time I try to give him money He sends it back He's unbuyable I just come to hang out Caleb's unbuyable every time I try to give him money He sends it back He's unbuyable
Starting point is 02:39:06 I just declined the No Oh Someone told me I think someone said They sent me a Starbucks card The other day that was weird I never checked Oh wow Alright what a day
Starting point is 02:39:27 if you lower his to caleb's salary anymore he'll be paying you caleb have you been mode me for every show you've been on this year probably get on that this is podcast podcast lessons for caleb i charge him 25 a show throw that shit out, that Starbucks card. You know what? I was on the phone with a guy and he said, hey, I like you so much. I'm going to text you some money in the form of a Starbucks card. I never even opened it, Gabe.
Starting point is 02:39:53 I swear to God I didn't. So when I first got here, I didn't have any paper street coffee. I just had like, I went to the commissary and just picked up like a big old bag at Starbucks that I could just like grind up and throw in my coffee maker.
Starting point is 02:40:09 A little piece of Gabe just died. Yes. Immediately as like within probably five minutes of me posting a video of me making coffee, he Deandrean is like, what are you doing? Throw that shit away. And I was like,
Starting point is 02:40:23 Oh, I'm sorry. Like I just got like, I don't even have an address yet was like, I'm sorry. I just got... I don't even have an address yet. I'm sorry. Once I got an address, I sent it to him. He's like, it's on its way. Thanks. I love opening a bag of
Starting point is 02:40:36 Paper Street Coffee and sticking my nose in it. Oh, it's so good. Does everyone get it in beans? Everyone... I get it in beans. Yeah, I get it in beans too. You can get it in beans? Like everyone? I get it in beans. Yeah, I get it in beans too. I think you can get it ground however you want. Like if you want Gabe to grind it like super fine,
Starting point is 02:40:54 so you can make like espresso, and he'll just grind it fine. Or like coarse for a drip coffee, he'll grind it coarse too. On the website, you can ask for that? Yeah, I think it's an option. When you go to, you can just pick the narrator,
Starting point is 02:41:12 let's say, and you get it in whole bean, coarse, fine, or medium ground or something like that. Then you can just have it delivered in a bag like that. Oh, tea bags too. I was thinking about getting some tea for me.
Starting point is 02:41:29 Oh, do you know what I have? I don't even know if I'm allowed to talk about this. Uh-oh. And I haven't used them yet. They just came in the mail from Paper Street Coffee. Where do you go to the shop? I want to see if I can find it. Nope, I don't see it.
Starting point is 02:41:45 Wait to dude. He did. Oh, that looks good. That Oh, bluebird. Uh, cool.
Starting point is 02:41:53 I have, um, Gabe, when are you launching that thing that I have? It's a kind of coffee. It's dope. It's a kind of coffee. It's dope. It's so dope. So what do you do?
Starting point is 02:42:10 I buy this and then, and then it asked me if I want it blended. Oh shit. Okay. Oh shit. Okay. I'll find medium course whole bean. Okay.
Starting point is 02:42:18 Yeah. Uh, Hmm. Yeah, I have something Oh, oh the games only that's when you're gonna launch that new product. I can't wait to show you guys Hey, you should send rios. You should send rio some Uh, so he can make a video dude with it The guesses are coming in super secret i don't know if it's super secret the postman knows he pulled some out of the package he delivered for you uh christ Kettler, Instant Coffee. Damn, that'd be crazy. Viagra Coffee.
Starting point is 02:43:08 Viagra Coffee. Crack Cocaine. There you go. Cocaine Coffee. Cocaine. All right. What a great show. Greg was wonderful today.
Starting point is 02:43:24 Oh, here we go. This game again, huh? Call her. Hi. Hello? Hello? Did you? Are you still on?
Starting point is 02:43:35 Oh, yeah. I'm still on. Oh, dope. I caught you as you were going to leave. Yeah. Dope. Hey, just talking makes me want to drink another cup of coffee. I'm going to make another cup. Do it. Yeah. Do it. Dope. Hey, just talking makes me want to drink another cup of coffee. I'm going to make another cup.
Starting point is 02:43:46 Do it. Yeah. Do it. Do it. Just put that little teabag inside your mouth. Yeah, your voice makes me just want to get teabagged. In like a good way or like a bad way? Is there any bad teabagging?
Starting point is 02:44:10 The type that you don't know about oh there we go rios already has some running we he was like one of those people that got uh the tea bags okay but they're not tea bags but we're just gonna call them tea bags ah i see awesome i see very nice I see. Awesome. I see. Very nice. It's nice. Yeah, so we're only going to sell those for the games. We'll probably do like an easy discount on that plus our cans and then just have you guys have all the coffee out there. So when you sell out, of those, that new product that you're coming out with, that'll be it? You'll never do that again?
Starting point is 02:44:46 This was a test run to see how good it was. It came back really, really good. And it's a small local company that does it for us. We tried going with a big company and they screwed us over. So we're like, you know what? We can't use big companies anymore. We have to stick with the small companies that have direct contact, like the owners and stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:45:08 It just makes life easier. When does it come out on the website? Probably before the games or whenever Rios sends us a cool video of it. We can start promoting it. Awesome. Hey, what did you think about my affiliate? Did you see my affiliate commercial? Oh, dude, that's so cool. Thank you. Like imagine you a dude. That's those are out. Okay.
Starting point is 02:45:31 Speechless, right? Why am I speechless? Cause it's so easy to do. So easy, right? It's so easy to do. You can post one every single day. Let's say if you were cross and it's super anecdotal it's super personal it's not highly like it didn't take thousands of dollars to make it took hundreds and someone that's passionate you can't buy you put a price on a passion project you can't throw money at something or someone and say hey replicate, replicate video. It's impossible. It's like the person who is, who had that connection, who had the connection with that athlete and that had that intimate connection with the videographer, whoever it was, something that's just pure and passionate. So that's the point. Like, Hey, define CrossFit,
Starting point is 02:46:24 show them that 30 in video. You're good to go. Hey, and what a great, great resource just to show any woman or any man, uh, who's tripping on their body and just going straight for aesthetic and be like, Hey, I just thought you'd see this. What a great thing just to show every kid wants. Hey, just so you know, check this out. You check so many boxes with that small video like so many boxes get checked and what you have a few thousand people will see it through here through the podcast and through you know your your connection and your reach but so many more see it if crossfit decides to get behind it and stops with this whole middle management, has to talk to other middle management and all this bureaucracy that just keeps everything in limbo.
Starting point is 02:47:09 Hasn't there been any videos? It's because middle management. It's because of bureaucracy. It's because of people not wanting to talk. And only certain things get filtered through there. And obviously, we know it's all the bad things. Yeah, that's my rant yeah for for 40 grand you could you could easily show one of those every other day on dot com dude for for having someone be like hey you want to be an
Starting point is 02:47:34 intern you get absolutely nothing but your video will get what is going to get done on crossfit you don't have to spend money if that's what they're worried about the you know being in the black all the time you don't have to spend a lot of money. You just need to give people the opportunity, passionate about it, and they'll make the content. You don't need to spend money. You're a big enough business that if you're worried about, hey, we want to make sure that we make money so that when we sell, we'll pay us more than what we bought it for. Dude, just leverage the community. Thousands of people that are willing to make that video.
Starting point is 02:48:08 Your call to action probably got you so many. Look at this. Bernie Gannon. Sorry to pivot. Bernie Gannon. Taylor should do a commercial for Paper Street teabagging images of his adversaries. That's amazing. Hey, sorry.
Starting point is 02:48:23 One second. Hey, Greg, what's up? What are you doing? I'm just getting off right now. I'll call you back in two minutes. Okay. That's amazing. Hey, sorry, one second. Hey, Greg, what's up? What are you doing? I'm just getting off right now. I'll call you back in two minutes. Okay. Okay, bye. All right, you guys go. Okay, you demand. Okay, thank you, bye. Bye, Greg. T-bagging with paper street coffee. That's a great idea, Bernie.
Starting point is 02:48:39 Okay. I'm doing it all. Caleb's doing it all. Seven Podcasts is doing it all. Competitions competitions affiliate series business advice business direction having Greg Glassman on every Wednesday
Starting point is 02:48:52 how is it every affiliate should just start paying me three grand a year there you go I swear to fucking God do all your marketing yeah too easy
Starting point is 02:49:04 yeah and we'll pinch hiller off some money and then he can be like the shark that swims in our water and anyone who comes close to our ecosystem he visits their boat that's right just like the good old days where cross would actually training by sentinel we'll do sentinel training we'll just bring it bring it all just like draw a line around the whole thing Perfect hey I'm not Gonna I'm gonna tell you something I'm not gonna go I'm gonna go to I'm gonna try to get him
Starting point is 02:49:34 To go to this uh just so You know I'm gonna try there's this restaurant on the beach Here where you can sit on the patio I'm gonna try to get him to go there just so you know 10 30 a.m. party All right take my boys there love you guys uh caleb thank you i wish you lived close by me too okay talk to you guys soon oh do i have a show what's my show tomorrow let me tell you what the show is tomorrow real quick
Starting point is 02:49:57 tomorrow might be the guys from jail do you remember the guys i had on from jail they had life sentences and they were teaching CrossFit in the jail. Those guys are coming on again tomorrow. Really? Crazy, right? Holy shit. I know. Sousa and my sister teamed up to get that.
Starting point is 02:50:17 Yeah. I find it hard to believe that that's actually going to happen, but I'm so excited. One of the best shows. Yeah, that show was crazy. That was so cool. Yeah, I wept like a little bitch. All right. happen but i'm so excited one of the best shows yeah that show was crazy that was so cool yeah i wept like a little bitch all right uh talk to you guys again sometime in my life bye

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