The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #35 | Live Call In

Episode Date: July 15, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam! We're live. Good morning! Oh, there it is. I thought the overlay was stuck again. I was going to need help from someone. Good morning, everybody! I was looking at the Matoothian. Someone said they were having trouble finding the Doc Spartan Matoothian this morning, so I was trying to send them a direct link, and I went over there, and it has 63 five-star reviews. I expect nothing less I expect nothing less Greg Glassman will be on the show this morning
Starting point is 00:00:36 good morning everyone Gus Augustus good morning Heidi when is the behind the scenes for North America East coming out? Good question. Great question. People are...
Starting point is 00:00:51 I'm seeing reviews saying it's the best behind the scenes ever. I wasn't even involved in that one. That was Sousa. Raving reviews for Sousa. Maybe he's taking over as the king of the behind the scenes. Oh, this is in a different. This is an Augustus link, and this is just a Gus link. Weird.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Chris, good morning. Vittorio. Vittorio, good morning. Mr. Coach, hi. Sean, late again. I was late. Was I late? Late again? Late, consistent. I'm consistently late. Will he play my jingle this morning? Sure, why not? It's a Sebum Podcast Show It's a Sebum Podcast Show Everybody's welcome Peace and love
Starting point is 00:01:49 It's a Sebum Podcast Show Bam, we're live What a great way to stall Thank you Stalling mechanism Mr. Slop Mrs. Slop Dog looks fat
Starting point is 00:02:01 Fergie, hi Hi Omar Jeez Louise dog looks fat uh fergie hi omar geez louise sean with a uh accent over the a that's weird oh no she's so fat come on on, man. I do it better than Joe. My wife's listening. I better behave. Wyatt, hello.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Greg should be here any minute. I was watching. Someone sent me a video of a lady who can hula hoop on her butt. And her boob at the same time this morning. That was my treat for this morning. I saw that Dave Castro released something else regarding the CrossFit Games. We'll take a look at that later. The barbell spin has it if you want to take a look at it now.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Hey, good morning. What's up? What's up, dude? Nothing. Everything. How are you? I'm good. I was tripping on that.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I woke up this morning. I kept hearing people telling me, hey, what's going on in France? What's going on in France? Yeah. So I woke up this morning an hour before the show and I started digging around a little bit. And I started thinking I was pretending to have a conversation with my parents. I was wondering, like, how much taxes are OK? One percent to two percent. how much taxes are okay? 1%? 2%?
Starting point is 00:03:49 Are you cleaning your glasses? Oh, no, your screen. Look at you. Look at you. That can't possibly be true. 90% tax on people who make over $400,000 a year. The Brits have seen taxes like that before. I mean, it's not unheard of.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Really? How would you survive? How do you pay for it? Everyone just starts lying on their taxes? That and get the fuck out. There'll be a flight of capital and talent. I know what I would do. It's basically just stealing from the rich. I mean, at that point, I don't even understand 90%. Hey, there's a book everyone ought to read.
Starting point is 00:04:40 It was published, I think, in 78 by George Gilder, and it's Wealth and Poverty. It was published, I think, in 78 by George Gilder, and it's Wealth and Poverty. And it's a wonderful exposition on where does wealth come from? George Gilder? Yeah. Wealth and Poverty. When's the last time you read it?
Starting point is 00:05:02 Is it something that you read like years ago? Yeah. Yeah, I read it when it came out. that you read like years ago yeah yeah i read it when it came out um and it was hugely impactful for me it's a delightful read hailed as the guide of capitalism the new york times bestseller wealth and poverty by george f gilder is one of the most famous economic books of all times do you remember who recommended it to you, Greg? I know this. I know when Reagan was shot, someone brought him a copy in the hospital.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And I was employed by the Hughes Aircraft Company, I think, at the time do you remember and so is that why you read it you saw that someone brought reagan a copy you're like well you know um i was kind of in the thralls of uh milton friedman okay and uh he had a television series on public television that i watched that was i I mean, the arguments, you know, the unguided hand, and I also at that same time came across Frederick Hayek and the road to serfdom was impactful, but the fatal conceit blew my mind. That might be my, I'd probably rank that right above wealth and poverty.
Starting point is 00:06:35 There was, I just saw a great line. It's the easiest read, Seve. It's the easiest read. You're just like, yeah, fuck, of course. Yeah, one of my takeaways is that capitalism is that if you if you in a state of nature you'd have you'd have capitalism i think all the other all the others capitalism wasn't invented by anyone it just is our our natural psychological state it's what happens until someone figures that they can through coercive means acquire shares of the of public wealth in the articles i was reading about the 90 tax in france uh the majority of the money is going to pay for public uh public employees government employees so it's basically the people you elected
Starting point is 00:07:34 in the office will be taking more money from the people who elected the seaplane about to land yeah that's cool listen to listen this this is this is the one i always try to explain to people this is the one i always try to explain to people this is the most make sense book on economics i've read people who acquire wealth are usually those who provide others with what they want who provide what others want meaning like packages delivered to your door airbags um insulin needles right that's all private sector like like the guy that said that business is the art and science of providing uniquely attractive opportunities for other people. Yes. Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Much the same. Government only distorts this process to favor those who are unable to sustain what their predecessors had built. A business can only survive as long as it serves its customers, and if those who take over for the builders cannot maintain what was built they will lose it man it's it's it's um i've never hear anyone who wants higher taxes talk about where the money goes they just it's almost like they have a hard-on to get just wealthy people or to take money from people. They're never like, yeah, I think Nancy Pelosi,
Starting point is 00:08:49 I want to take this money and give it to Nancy Pelosi. I think she spends money really well. It's always to make sure. Listen to that language. Make sure. Use it in a sentence for me. We need to make sure.
Starting point is 00:09:03 We're going to make sure that all children's needs are met. We're going to make sure that all children's needs are met. We're going to make sure that your prescription drugs don't keep you from being able to eat a normal diet. We're going to make sure that the infection doesn't spread. That was making sure. Obama, my father, counted 65 make sures in 30 minutes once or some fucking thing. I come in and I go, what's going on? He goes, Obama's making sure.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Listen, this guy says, I thought- It just rolls off the tongue. It means nothing and the idiots clap. Yeah. Oh, I like this guy. He's going to make sure. nothing and the idiots clap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Oh, I like this guy. He's going to make sure. Greg, this guy says it's not an easy read. I, it, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:58 It's gotta be rough. Were you filled with seething rage? I mean, like look at the one star reviews on that thing i got i always go there uh gilder and other supply siders are the real redistributors of wealth and income decades of top-down tax cuts and deregulated corporations has transferred trillions of dollars from middle class to super well i love it i love it i. Fuck-tard. Look at the thing here. The guy thinks that the money belongs to the government. Another thing that's fascinating along that same line is during COVID,
Starting point is 00:10:36 which was, I want to call it a liberal lockdown, was the greatest transfer of wealth in all of human history from the poor and middle class to the wealthiest people yes while i was sitting out by the pool having my carne asada burrito delivered by uber eats i was trying to imagine what it would be like to be in one of those high rises in Camden, New Jersey with the, where the glass has been removed years ago and replaced with plywood, unable to leave the building.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Can you imagine that? No, I can't believe that's even the United States you're describing. I can't believe that's even the United States you're describing. I wonder. Something everyone should see. I can't tell if the headlines in France are real or if it's just media. But if you type in 90% France, I mean, there's article after article. I can't tell if it's just hype. I just don't know how people would function.
Starting point is 00:11:47 By the way, this guy also refuses to condemn Hamas, Hamas' actions. I guess the guy who wants to get in power and raise these taxes to 90%. How will people operate? Yeah, I would guess that everyone wealthy – I would guess everyone wealthy who's pushing the country forward would leave the country. Why can't they see that? Why wouldn't they just see that? I don't understand how they don't just see that. Why wouldn't they just see that? I don't understand how they don't just see that. I know people that think in Santa Cruz as though Philippe Kahn came to town,
Starting point is 00:12:38 and on Pacific Avenue there were millions of pounds of gold, and he elbowed everyone out of the way and took it all. And they would point to his his wealth and the homeless and talk about what an unjust country this is and yet they all have obama phones that probably philippe not only invented but uh it's stupidity it's stupidity at 90 so what what happens let's just theoretically play this through with me real quick so if they tax the people 90 and then you basically become completely dependent on the government for everything i mean basically food line startup i, you can't even afford food at that point.
Starting point is 00:13:26 You can't buy food for your pets. You can't buy clothes for your kids. You have nothing. Well, it's 90% over that. What was it? 400,000. Yeah, but I would hope that there's a shitload of people there who make that much money.
Starting point is 00:13:39 What happens to all? You can't live on. There becomes a cost for the shelter. So you hire accountants and tax attorneys and all kinds of there's an enormous drain on the economy just in because what you'll do is you'll find a way to spend 30 to protect the other six right right and and you'll do it and we're me here you know i've already got some spots picked out i could live hey so so you like you know it looks like this it looks like this i'm i would be in that i would be in that that tax bracket i ain't paying it
Starting point is 00:14:19 you know what that means right you get that the english is clear isn't it right not gonna pay it right and i can't imagine anyone feels any different than that so you leave so people leave i mean i would leave you fucking leave yes basically if you make enthusiasm if you make 400 000 a year and the government takes 90 am i doing the math right you get to keep 40 that you that 40 thousand dollars no it's over it's not so each dollar has to now you're in a marginal tax rate oh okay each additional buck they get you know okay thank yeah thank you for the clarity it's 90 just on the amount over 400k i'm not saying it's right but that's different than 90 of 400k right yes okay but but you know what it's just as insidious it's like what i want to
Starting point is 00:15:08 i agree business you know fuck i will not here and there's there's other places you know that are like in applause of this like uh monaco right oh because people will come there of course they will applause of this like Monaco, right? Oh, because people will come there. Of course they will. What's their tax bracket? Oh, it's crazy favorable.
Starting point is 00:15:38 You can, I believe, buy your way in. There are no properties taxes in Monaco, but the rental properties are taxed at 1% of the annual rent. The state has no income tax. Low taxes have drawn many foreign individuals to Monaco and account for about 75% of the $8 billion annual GDP. What's the population? Good question. Let's see. 39,000. And what's Luxembourg? What's the story there?
Starting point is 00:16:26 We had an affiliate there. Everyone that belonged was a billionaire. All the members were billionaires. Let me see. They got a flag. Let me see the population here. Luxembourgers make up 50% of the population 14% Portuguese, 7% French
Starting point is 00:16:48 3% Italian 21% other oh interesting I can't find it population 672,000 small landlocked country in western Europe it's bordered by Belgium to the west and north is Germany, France let me see if there's anything interesting here Small landlocked country in Western Europe. It's bordered by Belgium to the west and north is Germany, France.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Let me see if there's anything interesting here. 2,500 square kilometers, so it's tiny. Europe's seventh smallest country. It has an advanced economy and one of the world's highest GDP per capita. Their LGBT equality is ranked the highest in Europe Oh thank god The country started in 963 Yeah so I mean Yeah it's one of the cantons that didn't
Starting point is 00:17:46 that didn't coalesce into modern day Switzerland it sounds like it's and it's the wealthiest country in Europe I'm telling you there was our affiliate there he he was quite explicit that does they're gym full of billionaires
Starting point is 00:18:04 damn they're gym full of billionaires damn I wonder what their tax is the wealthy have options you know who really gets hurt by a 90% tax rate who the poor and tell me why there's a revenue and talent drain is so is there is there is there is there a magic number like 15 flat tax well you know the laffer
Starting point is 00:18:40 curve the idea and in in fact the essence of the Laffer curve is fully articulated in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. But at 0% tax, you have no revenue. At 100% tax, you're going to get no revenue. And why is that at 100%? Because everyone leaves? Well, I'm not paying it, yeah. Yeah. I'll be nonproductive. How hard do you want to work if someone's going to take all of the money?
Starting point is 00:19:08 There's no incentive. I'm not doing that. Right. I'm not going to do that. I got a job. You make $20 an hour, but they're going to take $20 an hour from you. This is the problem that people have in poverty. They're in 100% marginal tax rate. So if you're living off the government tip and you earn 100 bucks and it's reportable,
Starting point is 00:19:36 you lose $100 in benefits. And this is actually mentioned in wealth and poverty, that what's really needed for people in poverty is they need to be able to, they need to be exempt from taxes. You can say that the rate below some income is zero, but if you're living off the government tit and you make a buck, they take a buck from benefits away. And that's by design. Every effort to fix that has been fought vigorously by the left. Vigorously. They don't want anyone getting off the plantation, dude. Ken Walters, 100% tax is called slavery. Well well that's what I was going to say isn't 90% tax
Starting point is 00:20:30 just like straight communism it's 90% slavery Jake Chapman Ken is correct it's uh it's actually patently obvious is that a slave
Starting point is 00:20:58 he just works for free oh okay Oh, okay. So we are at least... We know someone who got in trouble with state and federal authorities for working with someone that had serious cognitive deficits but could code. And the coder was being paid Doritos serious cognitive deficits, but could code.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And the coder was being paid in Doritos and like nothing to do. And doing incredible work. I'm trying to think. Do I know the person? Oh, yeah. Do I know the person? Oh, yeah. Do I know their parents, too? Um. No.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I don't think so. No, I don't think so. God, this is just fucking nuts. Are the people in France for this? Is that the makeup of their country? Don't they have an immigration problem there too? Doesn't France have a huge immigration problem? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:25 They basically just let the Muslims have just come in and taken over? Muslims, France. The French Muslim community grew from 1 million in early 70s to 7 million in 2024. Oh, and that's interesting. And that's... in this guy malachian exploit and leverage france's large muslim vote and that's why he won't he won't denounce uh october 7th
Starting point is 00:23:10 man oh man did you see uh did you see biden do the fake little squat to like crack a joke that he shits his pants have you seen that video no yeah he poked he pokes fun at himself let me see if i can find it uh biden uh squats uh as a joke. I saw a clip where he was, he, where he says anyway, and then he goes, I guess that's the Jill knows that's where he goes off the rails with the anyway. And then she taps the woman that's standing next to her to go ahead,
Starting point is 00:23:39 interrupt and stop. Let's stop him. Like you can see Joe get cut off. Cause he's about to ramble some bullshit for 20 minutes damn where can i where can miss maybe someone will send it to me in my dms do you have any thoughts on what's going to happen have you thought about any predictions on what they're going to do? I really don't. Yeah, I can't get my head wrapped around it, too.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Do you think that most of the pressure is probably coming from Jill and Hunter for him not to step down? I don't know. I believe that they're pressuring him not to step down. Those two in particular, the son and the wife. They've got a lot at stake. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. She doesn't want to give up her lifestyle, right? Right. I mean, it's that petty.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Well, she's a doctor now. Yeah, but it's that petty, I think. What's crazy is... You know, I mean, is there ever a point in life where someone says, hey, you know what? I'm 84 years old and my cognitive capacity is significantly diminished. I think it'd be best if you just took over everything for me
Starting point is 00:25:06 and made life easy and comfortable for me at this point because I'm now a threat to myself. I mean, it doesn't go like that. It's something like, hey, listen, Dad, here's the deal. Fuck, dude, you can't drive anymore. I mean, it's... Right. Right?
Starting point is 00:25:21 Right. These are big family moments where you have to confront someone with their incapacitation. And as petty as this sounds, but it's kind of like the typical fucking white trash drug addict story. The son doesn't want to lose his ability to get drugs. And if in his dad's position, leveraging his dad's position as president of the United States has allowed him to live a lifestyle that allows him to buy drugs. I mean, it's got to be terrified that the guy is going to step down ahead of commuting his sentence. terrified that the guy's gonna step down ahead of commuting his sentence oh my god you know like locking the cat in the closet or something just to or or what if his dad died tomorrow what if joe died tomorrow and there was no one there to do that for him
Starting point is 00:26:26 yeah he must be terrified. There's something about a Kamala Harris presidency that I find hilarious. There's an evil side to me that would fucking love to see that. There's an evil side to me that would fucking love to see that. Let me tell you, if that happens, I will be enormously entertained. Enormously. I'm going to be perfectly honest with everyone here. There's somewhere between a small and a medium-sized chunk of me that would like that.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So 25% to 50%? I feel the left deserves that. Why is it non-discussable how obviously fucking stupid she is? Why is it or why is it not? Why is it not openly discussed? I mean, the... The analysis and the input, it seems like she's quirky, she's odd, she's got an inappropriate laugh, she giggles strange, highly affected.
Starting point is 00:27:49 But yeah, that's all peripheral to the fact she's profoundly fucking stupid. Do you think it's the same reason why Kobe Bryant is an admitted rapist and still held as a hero? Yeah, I'm not going to touch that. I guess Kobe at least was confident at basketball
Starting point is 00:28:06 i mean i don't remember the deal on that and i haven't i haven't i never heard the confession i thought it was a matter of he got permission to put it in one hole and he stuck it in the other one it was like a technicality. The way I heard it... You stick it in but not there, fucker. That's rape. The way I heard it was that he said he didn't have consent and that he
Starting point is 00:28:37 understands why she thought she was raped. Like he met her at the 50-yard line. He didn't have verbal consent, and he understands why she thinks she was raped. Jim Watt told me once, he goes, I don't know, Greg.
Starting point is 00:28:55 He goes, man, this is a tough one. He goes, this is so complicated. I think it's going to take like 12 people to figure it out. That's him telling me someone I knew was likely guilty and needed to stand trial um uh greg you are correct he's definitely not admitted rapist shut the fuck up with that oh let's see yeah uh i think kobe uh he's a he's a god now he's uh i think he raped a woman and because his ball handling skills were so amazing that he was given a pass by society hey dude listen george look at george floyd george floyd replaced martin luther king as a hero and now there's a
Starting point is 00:29:44 bronze statue of him in new y York city on a park bench and you can sit next to him. I mean, we're the, the society is capable of some remarkable shit, dumb shit. They pivoted their hero. That,
Starting point is 00:29:59 that, Oh, here we go. Josh, uh, Kobe just had to shave his head and change his Jersey number. And everyone forgot, dude, did he really change, change his jersey number and everyone forgot.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Dude, did he really change his jersey number? Is that true? Holy shit. Kobe changes jersey number. Kobe started his career wearing number 8 but eventually moved to number 24 for the rest of his career. Huh? I wonder if it was, why did Kobe? I wonder when it happened.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Hmm. I wonder if that's uncommon. So, you know, I got those sailboats and a sailing coach. Oh, you did? Did the sailboats and a sailing coach oh you did did the sailboats arrive yeah and they're strung up you know it's all set up and the super cool sailing coach girls coming around yeah and there hasn't been any wind like nothing. Oh, what's, what's the wind normally like?
Starting point is 00:31:10 What, how much breeze do you need? What do you need? Five miles an hour. What do you need? Yeah, we get, we usually get a lot in the evening and what happens is the day starts off classy,
Starting point is 00:31:17 the jet skis and boats and row boats and everything else. And then it gets choppier and choppier by the end of the day, the jet ski and the boats, no real, not really fun unless you have like a stand craft, something with enough displacement to, to, to where the conditions don't really matter to your comfort.
Starting point is 00:31:36 And the sailboats come out in large number. Not now. I know you don't want to talk about this but let me just ask one more question did the lady who kobe uh allegedly raped oh i don't i don't mind talking about it she said i don't know anything about it and so i can't i can't say much did she come out did she come out ever like do we know who that is like the lady who raped trump like we've been to her house and we see like she dyes her hair and she's she paints her trees and her rocks in her stream and and we've seen that uh there was a lawn have you seen there was a law and order episode that came out um before she told
Starting point is 00:32:17 the story that's identical to her story have you seen that no but i like that. It's fucking amazing. That's like... Raped in the exact same dressing room in the exact same department store. There's Law & Order episode. It's wild. So this is where she got the idea from? I mean, I don't know, but it's... I mean, it's a hell of a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:32:42 It's a hell of a coincidence. Oh, Pat Lang. it's a it's a hell of a coincidence oh uh pat lang yes we know um who she is she was in and out of men's still institutions okay uh she also said rape was sexy crazy bitch which one uh nick yes evan you wouldn't you wouldn't believe her if you knew her story okay it was his nurse right it was his nurse i didn't know he had a nurse kobe's nurse no wasn't he in the hospital and it wasn't in his nurse he plugged i really i really honestly don't know anything about it okay i'll just look up one thing who did kobe rape oh 19 year old hotel employee accused brian of raping her in his hotel on july 1st she followed the police report and authorities questioned brian about his bruising on the
Starting point is 00:33:29 accuser's neck he admitted to a sexual encounter with the accuser but insisted it was consensual oh shit time magazine has an article that said that gives you the rules of how to discuss kobe um it's it's um the title of the article is how to discuss kobe bryant's rape case after tragic death man all right i'll do a little research. Get back to you. Jury found him innocent, right? Is that what happened? It went to a jury? I think it did.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Didn't it? Someone will tell us. Hmm. what year was that you know it doesn't is it 2000 is it 2003 god that was a long time ago Is it 2000? Is it? 2003. God, that was a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:34:53 She refused to testify in the case. Separate civil suit was later filed. The suit was settled out of court. He publicly apologized to his accuser. July 2nd, 2003. Is that a basketball story? He admitted that he was holding her around the neck and that strangling during sex was his thing. That's according to Wiki. I don't really i don't do that i don't strangle oh if you were asked to you would of course but i'm i'm a pleaser hey uh he took a voluntary
Starting point is 00:35:41 uh polygraph test he was really an involuntary one look like? Wow, he faced life in prison. Man. Brian's defense stated the exam showed a compelling evidence of innocence. They found vaginal trauma. I call bullshit on that. Vaginal trauma. I wonder if there's always...
Starting point is 00:36:16 Look, I don't have a sense that this is different than the Trevor Bauer thing. What was that one? thing. What was that one? It's the chick that says that one of the hottest properties in all of baseball. That he choked her out with her own hair and then fucked her in the ass, right?
Starting point is 00:36:36 But the thing is that that was the first date and they went out a bunch. He ended up being found innocent on that, right? That was the first date and they went out a bunch. He, yeah, he, he ended up being found innocent on that.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Right. But lost. It was her, it was her kink, you know? Wow. That sucks. Didn't they destroy his career?
Starting point is 00:36:57 And didn't they find text messages where she was like basically texting her friends? Is that the one I'm going to get this fucking guy for 50? It was a lot. It was, it was, it was pretty obvious that he was being taken for a ride damn oh and he was a great pitcher too trevor bauer had the nastiest arm in the league wow
Starting point is 00:37:14 yeah destroyed his life nick's like back to kamala and joe okay this is this is one of the questions i i i don't think it's a big deal because I think the Democrats can get away with anything. One of the things that they keep saying, Greg, is that whoever runs for president doesn't want to run for president because the media is going to press them so hard. No one wants to replace Joe because the media is going to press them so hard on this question. You knew he was a fucking wackadoodle why did you support him this long and especially kamala that they're going to ask kamala that hey how can we because trump's that bad because trump's that bad and they've pivoted to that too they're openly saying now no they're openly saying now the only thing i see coming out of liberal media is we can't let Trump win. But there are there. I got a three month free subscription to XM Radio. So I've been listening to CNN nonstop.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I mean, Jake Tapper's declared holy war on Biden and Jake Tapper is a scumbag. there's no there's no deficit or deficiency in Joe that isn't worse than Mrs. Harris oh you think she's even worse than him oh yeah yeah congenitally
Starting point is 00:38:36 she was five years old and stupid she was 25 years old and stupid and she's what 50 and stupid she'll always be, what, 50? And stupid. She'll always be stupid. So her stupidness makes her dumber than Joe's current, like... For a fact. Condition.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Wow. I guess I kind of buy that. Listen to her. Go to YouTube and hang out with Kamala Harris for a while. I couldn't make sense of her until Victor Davis Hanson explained it. And she came up in the post what he called retail politics era in California. And that is, is that the machinery, the Democratic Party decides who's gonna be in office in what position and it happens.
Starting point is 00:39:37 And you don't have to debate, you don't have to make sense. You just have to undo what was already undone. Dude, I think she was the original hot tour. She was, for sure. She hot toured her way all the way to the fucking White House. It's absolutely amazing. Have you looked into anything about the 25th Amendment? Do you have any thoughts on how they would get him out?
Starting point is 00:40:08 Yeah, I don't see it happening. You don't? So you think this goes all the way to November 5th or whatever? Yeah. And that the choice is… Here's the position the Democrats are in that's really, really rough. It's really, really rough. The plausibility on stealing this won't pass.
Starting point is 00:40:34 It's just, it's not there. They, you wanna steal a close election. You don't wanna steal against a landslide, right? you don't want to you don't want to steal um against a landslide right well uh why not because then the crowd if you you get something that's completely unruly you take over something let me tell you something if biden wins this thing with 70 of the popular vote i will i would that would be that would be exhibit a for me and compelling evidence that the election was stolen last time stolen or not i don't have a strong opinion okay i thought i watched trump losing the election in the debate that's what i thought i was seeing i thought i was seeing him lose it and so when it happened i i didn't i didn't run to stolen stolen you're talking about in 2016. yes yes and in 2020. and and here we are now what would have improved Biden's stock since
Starting point is 00:41:37 then stolen or not the last election in 2020 was close. Very close. How could it be close again? The 8 million people that have come over the border? I don't think they're going to be able to get ballots in all their hands. Not yet. I think that was a long-term plan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I don't think faking a million votes is going to do it this time. Hanging with Kamala, new show segment. Oh, we should do a segment where all we do is watch Kamala videos. I've spent hours watching her on YouTube. I would pay $50,000 to have her come into my home and give a half-hour talk on Venn diagrams. And maybe a little warm up with the yellow school bus shit. I wonder if she'd do that.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Hey, did you see the video where the protesters are protesting her? She thinks the Venn diagram is three circles. I mean, it's like SNL good that she opens up, introduces the thing with a profound misunderstanding. I just love Venn diagrams. You know the three circles? And I'm already, she's already got me. I'm already laughing. Let me see if I can. I haven't seen this video. Let's see. We've had a lot of serious stuff on tonight and in a moment, Mick Mulvaney is going to break down how the crisis in Israel is playing out in the presidential race
Starting point is 00:43:24 and some pretty controversial comments by Donald Trump. But before we go to the break, let's lighten things up a little bit with a little fun, Kamala Harris style. It seems the vice president was in Charleston, South Carolina this week to talk about college kids and their fight for freedoms. And it turned out instead to be a fight between Kamala Harris and the English language. I will tell you, I eat no for breakfast. No for breakfast or just no breakfast? I don't know. That must be very confusing for the hotel staff. And also there was a fight between Kamala Harris and her inability to go five minutes without talking about Venn diagrams.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I'll tell you one of the things about me. So I'm kind of a nerd on certain levels about certain things. So here's one reveal. I love Venn diagrams. I love Venn diagrams. I love Venn diagrams. I'm telling you, whenever I'm facing a conflict and I need to sort it out, give me a Venn diagram every day of the week, right?
Starting point is 00:44:37 She also loves the yellow school bus, but we'll talk about that some other time. Hey, do you think that she thinks she's smart? No. She knows. She knows she's ill-equipped. I'm surprised we've held on this long. I'm surprised China hasn't attacked. At this point, I'm surprised China hasn't attacked Taiwan. I'm surprised that there's not more things going on.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Maybe there are more things going on behind the scenes that we don't know. But I'm surprised there hasn't been more advantage taken of our inability to be strong in this country. Are you surprised? I'd be surprised by everything, really. Yeah, you'd be surprised if they did attack and you'd be surprised if they didn't. China's never going to attack Taiwan no matter how many times you say it. Good. Good. Good.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Why wouldn't they? I hear something outside. Sounds like thunder. Can't be thunder. I hear something outside. Sounds like thunder. Can't be thunder. Hey, so your teacher's there for the boats for three weeks, but there's no wind.
Starting point is 00:46:13 So what do they do? They just go out and study the boats. How do they do it? They just go out there and talk. Is your coach coach boat there too? Yeah. Oh shit. You got that shit together fast. Yep. too yeah oh shit you got that shit together fast yep and and so when will you have wind
Starting point is 00:46:32 today it's supposed to be uh five to seven knots of wind in the in the uh afternoon late afternoon and how many that'll be enough to sail how many of those little boats did you get That'll be enough to sail. How many of those little boats did you get? Two. And it'll be Rhett and Riley? Yeah, but I get more. I'd like to have a little fleet of them.
Starting point is 00:46:52 They store nicely. And so they'll go down there and then the, it's a 15-year-old instructor, the girl? She's a 16. 16. And she's like eminently qualified to teach him? Yep. Yep. What's it called?
Starting point is 00:47:11 What kind of sailboat, Greg? It's a RS Terra. Are they the same? Oh, that's adorable. It couldn't be cuter. These are the ones we... Very similar to the ones we saw when we went out on... Very much. When we left the Santa Cruz port.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Yeah. Do you have the pretty sails like that too with the orange on them? Yeah. They got some kind of color. God, how cute. Are they excited? Are your kids excited or are they dreading it? Riley's enjoying it. But they haven't really
Starting point is 00:47:55 done anything yet. And it's also, there's not a there's not really a requirement that they enjoy it right now. there's not really a requirement that they enjoy it right now. I fully, I fully understand.
Starting point is 00:48:12 I don't, I don't want to go sailing. That's okay. Get down there. Have you seen any of these on the lake besides the ones you have? No, but we're not on the sailing side of? No. But we're not on the
Starting point is 00:48:27 sail-y side of the lake, you know? And I'll pay more attention now. I'm thinking, and you brought this instructor in, right? She doesn't live there? No, she's from Santa Cruz. Yeah, I wonder how many, does she say the lake's a good place to learn? Well, I didn't ask her.
Starting point is 00:48:52 But it is. I mean, it's windy in the afternoon. The lake fills up with sailboats. What the fuck else do you need? Oh, right, right. The water's warm. The water is really nice. 75 degrees.
Starting point is 00:49:07 We were in the Santa Cruz Harbor a couple weeks ago greg and i and we were on his boat and in the harbor we saw two separate classes running right one was like these boats and then one was like a little more advanced boat but all of them had each each boat had its own little kid in it it was adorable and the classes were big right 15 kids in the harbor two piles yeah there was a pretty good little show it was neat yeah what a cool skill to teach your kids damn they're living a good life g Greg. Yeah, those are some fucking lucky kids. We went to North 40 yesterday and re-upped on the air guns, air rifles, targets. I brought all that shit to Santa Cruz because of the near impossibility of getting it there, right?
Starting point is 00:49:59 Right, right. I mean, I couldn't even send BBs to the fucking house. I know, it's crazy. I tried to order some BB guns for the house and I couldn't get them. Yeah. The three BB guns you got me, my kids use at least once a week. Will says the ammo here is a third the cost of California. In Idaho?
Starting point is 00:50:24 Yeah. I was sitting down on 4th of July. I sat down at a table with a couple. They're probably 15 years older than me, husband and wife, Santa Cruz couple. They live actually probably like two miles from you. And we're talking about just all the crime that's in the Bay Area. And then I go, have you ever been to Coeur d'Alene? And they're like, Oh my God, we love it. And I'm like, what do you like about it? They're like, it's so clean. I'm like, Oh cool. What else?
Starting point is 00:50:51 They're like, it's so safe. I'm like, Oh, what else? They're like, the people are so nice. I'm like, Oh, what else? They're like, nothing's locked up in the stores. I'm like, what else? They're like, there's affordable housing there. I'm like, what else? And you know, it just keeps going. I'm like, there's no graffiti. no graffiti yeah yeah so it goes on and on and on and then i go man have you ever thought and they're they're retired and they're thinking about moving and uh and i go oh would you ever consider moving there and they go no it's too conservative and i wanted so bad to say. I haven't heard anyone honk a horn yet, Sebi. I was just tripping.
Starting point is 00:51:35 They couldn't. I'm like, is there anything you don't like about it? They're like, no, it's just too conservative. I want to be like, what does that even mean? It's wild, right? They like everything. They like everything about the lifestyle being around conservative people, but there's just too conservative. This is the least political place I've ever lived.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Oh, interesting. What does that mean? I don't see any evidence of governance. Where are the cops? You don't even see them around. There's no crime. In your car, you're like, no, you go. You go, please. There's no crime in your car you're saying no you no you go you know you go please you
Starting point is 00:52:26 after you there's no one tailgating they don't speed um pat i think you're i think you're wrong conservatives are a bunch of pussies you better stock up on ammo biden wins the, the MAGA wacko crowd is going to go full Revolutionary War. Dude, all the evidence, there's no evidence of that. The evidence is completely opposed in the opposite direction
Starting point is 00:52:55 of what you're saying. Who would there be to shoot? When has the mob ever been the conservative crowd yeah all the pat you must have mixed missed january 6th yeah all the guns and in the fire and the looting right the looting was crazy right yeah it's uh my my dad came to this country at 18 or 19 years old i would rather have seen the congress burned to the ground and a quarter of its members incinerated
Starting point is 00:53:42 than see one black man's barbershop be burned to the ground. Me too. Yeah. And there were 1,300... I think it's good. I think it's good for congressmen if their house is set on fire every once in a while and they can barely escape. I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 00:54:01 As long as their constituents are taken care of. I don't... I have a problem with their attitude. I'm looking to see how many black owned businesses lost in BLM riots. I wonder if I can find that. So funny. Man, Google hates you searching for shit like this. It was thousands. It was in the thousands pat you might as well just think of it like this all the black owned businesses were burned down during the blm riots
Starting point is 00:54:53 the government literally got attacked over complete and utter bs lies and you're cool with that the government got attacked. Yeah, I missed it. Where did the government get attacked? They did release the tourism videos from January 6th. Thank you, Adam. Pat, I honestly want you to compare this, like like to the riots you've seen at soccer games uh blm riots um uh conventions political conventions where would you rank january
Starting point is 00:55:34 six in terms of its violence and attack like of all the riots you've seen just like just think of all of them where would you rank it be and be honest i I would rank it as, if you want to call it a riot, I would call it the lowest, the least effective and lowest riot ever. I think the media gave a name for that. What'd they call it? The Mostly Peaceful Protest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:59 If you ignore the shops on fire and the people getting stomped. That January 6th was a mostly peaceful protest. Yeah. I've learned, I've learned the language. We can play the game. It was beyond peaceful.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I would say it was ineffective and done by a bunch of pussies. I mean, seriously, what Adam said, most of the video looks like tourism tourism gone well you know what you know what pat i would even argue this i've seen more violent footage at a walmart on on black friday i swear to god when the playstations for sale right way more violent footage at a Walmart. Yeah. A smaller crowd, maybe only 1,000 people fighting over six playstations at 50% off, but way more violent.
Starting point is 00:57:06 When I was a kid, the liberal media used to call riots police riots. And at eight years old, the stupidity of that is obvious to me. The cops aren't rioting. That's not what they're doing. You know the Point Market at the Point? Yes. So I guess on 4th of July, there were 400 or 500 people there gathered and shut down the street. And the police showed up to disperse them.
Starting point is 00:57:47 And they started shooting Roman candles and throwing M-80s and M-1000s at the cops. And the cops requested to shoot tear gas and pepper balls into the crowd. And they were told it's illegal. Gavin Newsom outlawed it. And they were given the order to retreat. There we go. Did they empty the store of its contents? No, but you saw that.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Why not? I know they could have. Well, because you know that store is owned by a friend of mine, and he's a Muslim. Great dude. Great fucking guy. I'm glad it didn't happen to him. He owns five liquor stores in Santa Cruz. Shops just like that that make sandwiches and sell booze
Starting point is 00:58:35 great dude uh but but but the I was going to tell that story too that you and you and I talked about this uh yesterday the irony is you know my dad came to this country opened a liquor store worked his ass off fucking for 15 years seven days days a week, 15 hours a day. Just never took a day off, right? Christmas, the whole shebang. And two days ago, a liquor store in Oakland, a convenience store, a crowd of 100 people came in and completely cleaned the place out. And the cops never showed up.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Cops were called at 11, 12, 1, 2, 3. Finally, like at 3.30 in the in the afternoon they showed up the place was completely fucking emptied there's there's got to be something about if if the police can't protect small businesses it's over there's got to be some sort of you know what i mean the police can't protect the middle class it's like it's fucking nuts i sent it to my dad hoping that it will give him like hey dude i said to him i said this is an immigrant that just like you just down the street from his house had his fucking business wiped out and you want to pay more fucking taxes so that the police can offer this kind of support i don't think he gets it
Starting point is 00:59:42 I don't think he gets it. How could you not? California, J-Wade, California is like a crazy hot ex-girlfriend that's bipolar. Yeah, Pat, you and I probably agree there. If the police can't protect your elected officials hey man i'm a what's crazy i'm a huge proponent if anyone gets fucking crazy on government property that there's uh different rules there i think anytime i think that they should have uh completely wiped out that fucking those people i don't think you should be allowed to storm the
Starting point is 01:00:21 capital i think it should be very very serious there should be guys on the roof and you just start dropping people pat pat doesn't understand that every political system regardless of what kind of aberration it is is able to protect its officials elected or not. What makes this place special and rich is the freedoms we have, the liberty we have, and that needs to be protected. And guess what? It's not. it's not so i'm not going to fret the security of elected officials where they've opted to not protect a black man's barber shop speaking of which did you see what happened in chicago last weekend what a bunch of people got shot dude
Starting point is 01:01:31 was it a particularly good weekend for shooting over 100 shot 19 fatally in chicago over fourth of july weekend the fireworks are perfect cover for gunfire, right? Yeah. I mean, yeah. There's probably just no response. And the mayor was blaming Richard Nixon for it. Oh. Chicago's explosive 4th of July weekend left 19 people dead, more than 100 wounded,
Starting point is 01:02:16 in shootings including multiple mass shootings across this windy city in a four-day span. The victims included two women, Nikesha Strong and Capri Edwards, who lost their lives shielding children from gunfire on Independence Day. and Capri Edwards, who lost their lives shielding children from gunfire on Independence Day. Bullets struck all three of the boys with them, ages 5, 8, and 8. Oh, that's like what I have. A couple twins and a... Pat should chime in about now.
Starting point is 01:02:40 What do you think, Pat? Those victims were all from single... This is not violence. This is not violence in Pat's... What do you think pat those victims were all from single this is not violence this is not violence in pat's uh what do you think's worse what happened in chicago on the 4th of july or january 6th pat i'm just curious and look at that's all that's always what they do they pivot to uh gun laws those victims were all from a single shooting. Police responded to dozens over the weekend, including an incident in Little Italy that left eight people wounded
Starting point is 01:03:08 the ages 18 to 74. Man. Here, let me show you the mayor. This fucking guy. This guy replaced little lightfoot our communities understand that we're trying to work with them there's going to be consequences for the violent criminals said the mayor he blames generations of disinvestment and illegally purchased firearms which
Starting point is 01:03:53 he said are fueling a culture of violence look he even knows they're illegally purchased damn yearly yearly car thefts nearly tripled from 2020 to 2023 in chicago from 10 000 to 30 000 holy shit dude can you fucking believe that in the four years that fucking biden was president car thefts have tripled from 10 000 to 30 000. what do you think pat there's three million should every city follow the chicago model follow the Chicago model? Hey, 1% of the cars in Chicago are stolen. There's 3 million cars registered
Starting point is 01:04:49 in Chicago and 30,000 are stolen every year. So you have a 1% chance of your car being stolen every year. That's fucking nuts. That's if you have only one car right
Starting point is 01:05:08 wow you're good at the math stuff I can buy a gun off the streets way easier than I can get a gun legally hey I've never heard that argument but that's an interesting argument right you make guns I guess it's like the drug argument you make guns illegal and then everyone just starts purchasing illegal guns and then you're not even tracking them
Starting point is 01:05:29 did you see the um did you see the uh overturning uh the supreme court's overturning of the uh what was it the chevron thing the chevron case um yeah the supreme court decision yeah yeah what did i say did i say trump or did i say supreme court they get my wires crossed yeah the supreme court decisions yeah anyway that's pretty cool right i i think it was a probably a good decision i mean I haven't read it. Okay. Basically, it's taken away. The judges used to have to defer to agencies, like to the experts.
Starting point is 01:06:13 They had to defer to the experts. Congress would make the law. Then if someone challenged the law, the courts then would decide, define the law or interpret the law. But the judges had outsourced that by law to agencies government you know just appointed people yeah so they were adjudicating their own conflicts yes so now they've now six to three of the court says that's bullshit yeah and immediately we hear of this this court is now referred to you'll catch this, it's Donald Trump's hand-picked Supreme Court. As though no one else's appointed people was hand-picked. Hey, we were in Telluride,
Starting point is 01:06:57 and the little village was a place of handmade burritos. And Rhett wanted to know how they're usually made. That's good. That's awesome. Isn't it? That's awesome. He's like, Dad, wait. How do you usually make them?
Starting point is 01:07:22 I just typed in who's next to retire in the Supreme Court. And it's, I guess, Alito and Thomas is where the talk is. Damn, Sotomayor looks like she's got fucking diabetes. Damn, Sotomayor looks like she's got fucking diabetes. Yes, marshals were sitting outside of her house doing security detail, protective detail. And some guy tried to carjack her car. He got shot.
Starting point is 01:08:03 No shit. Yeah. Yesterday shit. Yeah. Yesterday, I think. Oh, that's awesome. I got to find that story. Will it be in the paper or is that just something you know someone? No, it's a news story. Deputy U.S. Marshal
Starting point is 01:08:20 shoot carjacking suspect. This is amazing. Is there video of this? I don't know, but imagine seeing two buff-looking dudes sitting in a Crown Vic in a nice neighborhood and thinking, I'm going to get that car. It kind of looks like a police car. This would be cool.
Starting point is 01:08:44 A would-be carjacker was shot Friday in Washington, D.C. when he pointed a gun at a U.S. marshal assigned to protect the homes of U.S. Supreme Court justices near the residence of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Two deputy U.S. marshals were on duty working a protective detail on the 2100 block of 11th Street Northwest at 1.15 a.m. when Cantrell Flowers, 18, exited a silver minivan and approached one of the unmarked Marshall's vehicles.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Wow, that's a new kind of stupid. I would love to see the car. Cantrell Flowers pointed a handgun at the Deputy U.S. Marshall through the driver's side window in an apparent attempt to carjack him. According to the police, the deputy marshal pulled out his service arm. Service firearm and fired approximately.
Starting point is 01:09:33 I love it. Service firearm and fired approximately four times at flowers through the window, according to a police criminal complaint. The second marshal from another vehicle also responded and fired his service weapon. Why do they keep calling it a service weapon? Damn flowers a Cantrell was shot in the mouth and rushed to a hospital Yeah rushed hospital. Yeah, rushed. Authorities recovered a .40 caliber Smith & Wesson with eight rounds of .40 caliber ammunition and a 13-round
Starting point is 01:10:12 capacity magazine, according to the complaint. Flowers was arrested at the hospital. He faces charges. Oh, shit, this guy lived. Holy shit. He got shot in the mouth? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:32 It sounds like he got shot a few times. It sounds like a guy from another car came over and lit him up too. In January, former President Trump administration member Mike Gill was shot during a carjacking rampage in D.C. Gill died later of his injuries. In November, U.S. Secretary of Service agent assigned to protect President Biden's granddaughter, Naomi, opened fire at an attempted car break-in suspect in the Georgetown neighborhood. neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:11:06 A month earlier, U.S. Representative Henry Kuhler, Democrat of Texas, was carjacked near the Capitol by three armed assailants. What do you think? Where's Pat? D.C. sounds horrible. God, D.C. sounds horrible. It's because it is. Hey, your internet's good today.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Is everyone asleep at your house? Yeah, the kids aren't. The kids aren't. I mean, never that it's bad, but it's really good today. Yeah, I've got Will's kids are here. And they probably won't get up for probably another three, four hours. What time is it there? Is it
Starting point is 01:11:53 nine or eight? It's eight, eleven, eight, twelve. Okay, so me and you are on the same time. Yep. Are you situated there good now, or do you have any plans to leave? Do you have any like, um, like, any trips planned planned, like you're coming back out here? The only thing that would get me out of here would be smoke. Okay, so you're settling.
Starting point is 01:12:12 I promised myself I wouldn't repeat last summer, sitting here hoping every day that smoke was going to clear. And those are fires that happen. Boise smoldering him on record setting. Oh, I don't see any fires. So there's no fires really in your area, right? Yeah, there was just a little bit of smoke in the air yesterday from the fires in Washington. Oh, they have like serious fires there, like something real? Yeah, there's four pretty good fires.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Wow, How close? I'm looking it up. Whatcom County air quality on decline as wildfire smoke drifts across Washington. See, that's the thing. It's where the smoke goes. And when California's burning, the smoke was coming up here.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Is that not normal? I don't know. I think it is. I mean, it's fires. There's been fires in the, in the Northwest the past seven years that have, that have kind of polluted the summer in the Coeur d'Alene.
Starting point is 01:13:17 But I'll, I'll go to Santa Cruz. I'm not wishing for a fire, but if one happens, I'll be here for you. I'm, you know, I'm, I'm prepared. I get fire But if one happens I'll be here for you I'm You know I'm I'm prepared
Starting point is 01:13:27 I get out on that axle part fast Jeremy E. World How much longer Until baby number 20 comes? Okay Taking a long time To get the 10 So
Starting point is 01:13:38 Probably not gonna make 20 He's gonna need Three more wives Yeah You got an August baby coming. Yep. August 12th. Remington. How are the kids responding?
Starting point is 01:13:58 They're great. I mean... Are they kind of clueless until the kid comes? Just like kids are just present and just doing their shit and they're like, what? The baby's currently facing to the rear, head down on Maggie's bladder. And the feet are up on her diaphragm. Does Maggie like that?
Starting point is 01:14:19 Not even a little bit. She's pretty fucking miserable. And she has exactly a month. A month and two days. Yeah. What can she do there? Does she go out on the boat or anything? Can she do anything?
Starting point is 01:14:39 She's waddling around? She'll do everything but rest. Oh, okay. That's good. She's got four kids to take care of doesn't have the we get the help the kids are the kids are fine but she's moving things dragging things picking things up it's good she's just another mom uh and um have you done the trip to the baby store and gotten
Starting point is 01:15:03 the strollers and oh my gosh yeah we're loading up shit's coming every day and it's cool that as fast as you can have kids the uh the landscape changes on the on the the stuff it gets better and better hey you know what's weird to me that someone someone like Specialized hasn't benched it off into the stroller space. Oh. I mean, I've got a 14-pound bicycle. Why can't I get a 14-pound stroller that's titanium or carbon fiber or sealed bearing hubs.
Starting point is 01:15:48 What would I Google to see baby stroller economy and get a number? Baby strollers sold. What should I Google? Total. I wonder if it's bigger than the bike economy. Total baby stroller economy. You think it's larger than the bike economy? I suck at Googling.
Starting point is 01:16:24 When we, when we, Gregreg when we had our first uh when we had obvi we got like uh wipe warmers you know what i mean like you put the wipes in a warmer the global baby stroller market was valued at 11.29 billion in 2022 expected to grow to 15.27 billion by 2028. okay so 11 to market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.16% during that time. And what about the bike economy? So the U.S. baby stroller market was valued at 1.55 billion in 2023 and expected to reach 1.8 billion by 2029. So 1 to 2 in the U.S., but 11 to 15 globally. Is each baby of yours getting less and less pampered?
Starting point is 01:17:21 Like we did the baby warmers with kid number number one kid number two didn't get any of that shit yeah i you know what i got three little girls that are to stand in line and demand time you know to change the kids and handle the kids you should just be put in her room. Oh, just she should sleep in there and everything. Absolutely. God, you should do that. You should give that a try and see how she. Bicycles may be greener than cars and globally outsell them, but the $61 billion global. So the stroller market's won six globally.
Starting point is 01:18:10 In 2023, the bike world was $61 billion. Yeah, they should add it to the repertoire. Yeah, why not? It can't be that hard. I think a stroller is a luxury item and a bicycle is not. Like generally speaking speaking, worldwide. Yeah. You buy someone a bike in some places
Starting point is 01:18:32 and all of a sudden they're middle class. They can do shit that other people can't do. I would guess that half the world doesn't own anything with wheels on it. I bought a kid a I bought a kid a bike in Malawi yeah and they said it changed his whole fucking life
Starting point is 01:18:51 and within a couple days I saw him running a taxi service on his bike people would sit on the you know on the rack in the back and he would pedal them around that was crazy when I bought him the bike he pedaled me around I sat on the back for like an hour through just Malawian villages. People probably thought he captured a white kid. No, they thought you were a sex tourist. That too.
Starting point is 01:19:21 I didn't look quite German enough. No, no. Are you watching anything right now? Like a series or anything? Yeah. No. I don't recommend The Boys.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Yeah, I'm watching The Boys. Have you heard about this show? Yeah, Maggie was watching it. Oh, that's right. That's right. You don't recommend it. No. Maggie was watching it. Oh, that's right. That's right. We were talking about it. Yeah. Have you seen any?
Starting point is 01:19:48 Have you walked by and seen any of the crazy clips? Just a little bit. Dude, there was a scene I saw. There's a superhero that just split. He can split in half, right? Yeah. And he's a guy. So he splits in half guy so he splits in half
Starting point is 01:20:06 and he splits in half so many times that there's like six of them and there's a scene where the six guys are having an orgy with each other it's fucking I mean it is some are they little no they're
Starting point is 01:20:22 they have a little guy it's not that he's split in half It's that he's like replicating Yeah replicating yeah You're right he's replicating But when he replicates they show it And he just rips in half He's split in half enough times
Starting point is 01:20:37 And you wouldn't even see it God it's crazy There's another chick Greg Why don't you recommend it If you're watching and enjoying it? I don't know. Maybe I don't want it on my... I don't want anyone...
Starting point is 01:20:51 I have to recommend it to you in secret. I'd write it on a bathroom wall. Watch the boys for a good time. I've walked in a few times and seen them in their little costumes. Their superhero costumes. Yeah. And... you know yeah superhero costumes yeah and uh i it looked profoundly gay it is the show is profoundly gay it is profound yeah that's the whole thing two and a half seasons i saw 30 penises and finally in the two and a half seasons and i saw some boob so So it's a gay thing.
Starting point is 01:21:26 For sure. But that's not why you should... No, I'm just saying it looks it. Yeah. One of the characters is straight until season three and now he's gay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Is that his superpower? i don't know but it but there hey there's a there's a chick in there greg she's the smartest woman in the world and in order for her to have sex she has to like turn her brain off so she has her partner basically put a screwdriver in the side of her eye here and give her a frontal lobotomy that that's the foreplay so it can turn her brain off and then her brain regenerates it takes two hours and that's one of the i mean it is an insane show yeah it's an insane show what is maggie liking it i don't know if she's stuck with it okay yeah. Yeah, X-rated superheroes. That's basically what it is.
Starting point is 01:22:26 It's X-rated superheroes. Yeah. Yeah, Sean, exactly. Where is that? No, not that. Yeah, there's a centipede scene in Asana. Six-guy centipede scene in asana six guy centipede scene in asana it is interesting though the show seemed profoundly bent on on attacking conservatives and now in the fourth season the the other side it's just profoundly
Starting point is 01:22:59 just attacking the left like their their shit's just unraveling all the good guys shit's just unraveling yeah you know it's like it's got a sons of anarchy vibe to it i had trouble with that too yeah i could imagine there was this scene in sons of anarchy where they were moving some precursors in like 50 gallon drums. And this guy's walking across this uneven surface with the drum. And it's obviously empty and bouncing around and jumping and he's got to hold it on and do some real good TV acting like it's heavy and i just like
Starting point is 01:23:48 god i can't i just can't do it like it would be immovable if it was full and now it's bouncing around the pickup truck yeah right yeah this i will tell you this we use barrels with in them but no actor could move them. Right. And so we emptied them, and now act like it's heavy, and they don't even know what heavy is to act like. You know, the irony of what you're saying is this movie, this show may have the worst costumes ever, this boys, but it has the best special effects you've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:24:22 You can't even believe the shit they're showing you. You've never seen anything like it. Well, this is like game of thrones sometimes you got the fire breathing fucking flying dragons it looks like that's what that might ought to look like yeah and then i figure they chewed through buzz budget because the next episode we're back at the fucking wall again and it looks like it's done at a junior high school fucking uh theater right with uh theater with someone throwing styrofoam into a fan to look like snow. I mean, just so poorly, poorly done.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Yeah, Game of Thrones was trippy like that. They kind of fucked themselves in that final season. Well, long before there, I gave up. There was no one left that I cared about. Well, you won't care about anyone in this with the boys. Every single person is fucking despicable.
Starting point is 01:25:13 Hey, you know what the irony is too? The entire premise of the show is that these people are obsessed with their social media, right? And their likes and their following. All the superheroes are obsessed with it. Well, yesterday I was looking at one of the characters, and her, she had to get off of social media. She had a bunch of plastic surgery done between seasons three and four.
Starting point is 01:25:32 She doesn't even look human anymore. Like, she got turned into a cat. And she was getting all this hate from, like, Megyn Kelly and people on fucking line. And I use hate in quotes. Like, it wasn't really hate, but just observation. Like, hey, what'd you do to your face? And she had to get off of social media because she said she didn't want to be
Starting point is 01:25:47 bullied. It's like, it's like real. It's like, are you peeing in a cup? No. What a great, are you peeing in a tea bottle? Uh, someone, you skipped over, uh, the Gen Z, uh, and missed the superhero that could change sex. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:04 That one was weird too. How do you have time for that? Late at night, 10 o'clock. I've been staying up way too late lately. Way too late. I had a friend show up from out of town. I didn't even know they were going to be here
Starting point is 01:26:23 last night and they showed up So we went to Cafe Cruz. Had a couple spicy margaritas. Came home. Worked out. And then watched the boys. How was Cafe Cruz? It was cool. The company was so good. It was someone that I
Starting point is 01:26:42 didn't expect to see at all. And I just had a couple of spicy margaritas. I didn't even order food. You know what I mean? I just sat there and watched everyone eat. It was cool. It was outside. It was five o'clock. No one was there. Oh, because, no. Are you trying to get me in trouble? No. I'm not supposed, I wasn't supposed to know that this person was in town. I took the whole family. I took my wife too. This wasn't a trip where I was out cheating on my wife.
Starting point is 01:27:19 But thanks for checking in on me. No. Did you fuck them? I did not fuck them. I did not fuck them. And then I went to the park and I flew drones with them. But yes. Wow, is that obvious?
Starting point is 01:27:36 I was hiding the person, huh? Yeah, we had a confrontation yesterday. Riley comes running and Red attacked me with the drone. And had me cornered in the garage and then he flew it right into the skateboard. And Red took a baseball bat style swing with the skateboard and hit the drone. But it was interesting. The drone. Hey, is that kind of like your face hit my fist? Yeah, I'm not sure which. I really don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:22 So she may have just been holding the skateboard to protect herself Or she may have taken a swing at it I think both stories are true Hey if you fly a drone Towards someone's face They have a right to hit it with a skateboard I think that's fair Yeah I mean the art of
Starting point is 01:28:40 Navigating the drone Would not be Not be where you could get hit. Right. I can't believe he's flying that thing in the fucking garage. That's tight quarters for that drone. They're zipping around down at the
Starting point is 01:28:57 dock underneath the canopies shooting through there at 40 miles an hour. Damn. Yeah, this drone's doomed. Damn. Okay, anyway, what were you gonna say did you saw what what ended up happening so he what happened to the drone is it broken um it seems to have recovered but it was weird it needed to be rebooted and have the battery taken out and put back in it knocked the shit out of it then it was even flying a little crooked for a bit. And now it unfucks itself?
Starting point is 01:29:28 It seems like it. Which is all mysterious to me. Flu drones is code for gay nerds fucking. Dude, look at your profile pic, Christian. What is it? It's something gay i know it makes me horny savvy do you have a summer bod no big like house all right thanks for coming on hey Hey, when are you going to come up? Tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Tell me when the house is empty and I'll come up. It's going to get quiet here soon. Yeah, seriously, let me know because... The Portland kids are coming. I'd like to be there for that. Yeah, that should be fun. I'm going to... The plan is... I haven't got approved yet but the plan is i guess the crossfit games have sent out a bunch of rejections for people
Starting point is 01:30:31 getting media access and i haven't got my rejection which makes me think that i'm going to get access um and so i i forget the dates on that august 5th or something? Yeah. So if I were to come, I'd want to come now or after. But September's kind of crazy for me, too. So just let me know when and I'll... God, I'm so glad I'm not going. Sooner or later. God, I wish you were going. God, I wish you were going I wish it was in Spokane
Starting point is 01:31:09 so you had to go I wouldn't want to leave that house where you live either it's amazing how uninterested I am surprises me yeah if you don't have a mission when you're there I totally get that uninterested I am. Surprises me. Yeah, if you don't have a mission when you're there, I
Starting point is 01:31:28 totally get that. I was explaining the other day that I was surprised to learn that my interest in the UFC was professional only. I was a huge fan when I had fighters on the cards. Oh, yes, yes,
Starting point is 01:31:44 yes, yes. and then the saturation got to a point where like it was way less fun when i had uh both fighters on the car you know the card was was both my guys like josh thompson versus bj pad and they got it and they got a draw and I was happy with it and they both were pissed at me you know oh damn but that's that was that made it no fun too it's interesting thing but uh yeah that was the job yeah um I I guess for me it was the other way around I started watching the UFC and then started interviewing I like the you I like watch fighting, it was the other way around. I started watching the UFC and then started interviewing. I like the, I like watch fighting. Cause there was something to talk about with some people.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Right. Yeah. And then, and then I started interviewing the guys and you're right. Like, and it's, and it's hard. The other day there were two fighters, one undefeated, one with only one loss and they had to fight each other. And I both had them on the show on the same day. And I loved both of them. One of the guys has been on the show like five times.
Starting point is 01:32:43 And I was like, fuck, this kind of sucks. Who was it it was a guy named dalton rosta and a guy named norbert both great dudes young men you know what i mean both with the story of tough upbringings right just like fighting for survival and one of them had to lose yeah it sucks you think fighting is barbaric you think the sport is barbaric? No, I don't have objections to it. Yeah. Sometimes I watch it. If they fought to the death, would you think it's barbaric?
Starting point is 01:33:15 Yeah. I'm just taking it out of the window. Because sometimes I see it and I'm like, not very often, but I'd say twice a year I see it. And I'm like, man, this can't be this. I feel dirty. Not very often, but I'd say twice a year I see it. I'm like, man, this can't be this. I have something. I feel dirty.
Starting point is 01:33:31 I enjoy these like the active self-protection. YouTube channel. And it's a. Like a breakdown of videos. Yeah. I can see. You should do some. Do you know who the Inman is?
Starting point is 01:33:55 Inman is on the Sportscaster. Inman is on Twitter? No. He's a sports commentator, and he basically commentates fights, like street fights from, like like parking lot cams. Okay. And it's just two minute videos. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Oh, God, you would love it. Send me a link. I'll look for it. Okay. It's hilarious. All right. Thanks, dude. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Love you. Talk to you soon. Yep. Thank you, Greg. Mr. Greg Glassman. Very casual today. Very casual today Very casual So yeah, so yesterday I tried to do 30 muscle-ups for time strict
Starting point is 01:34:36 I did 10 in the first two minutes And then it just got fucking crazy I can't believe how out of shape i am i am very sore very very very sore i don't want to say anything dickish about david goggins but i never watched one of his videos and i put on a motivational video of his for like the first like four minutes on my TV set. And it was horrible. It didn't absolutely nothing for me. It made me think like, it's just, it wasn't, it wasn't, um, and my forms are tight.
Starting point is 01:35:16 It wasn't anything. It wasn't anything for me. How much do you weigh? I think I probably, I don't know how much I weigh. I weigh 170, but it's funny you asked that. Cause I was actually thinking, Pat, that I would fast today and then maybe eat the next day
Starting point is 01:35:32 and then fast the next day and then try it again. Like try to lose 10 pounds. It literally, I thought I was going to be able to do it in 15 minutes. I thought I was going to do two a minute. And then I came out and I did five the first minute minute five the second minute and then i just fucking hit a wall and i failed four times failures were brutal brutal um and uh i want to say like at the 13 minute mark, I was at 29. And then I didn't get my 30th until 17 minutes and some change.
Starting point is 01:36:11 By then my, by then the clock had actually stopped. Cause I had set it for 15 minutes. Cause I was so confident I could do in 15 minutes. I don't ever remember failing a muscle up. I never like, I guess I never pushed hard enough. You are as broad as you are tall. I don't know if that's a...
Starting point is 01:36:34 I don't know. And I just come from fucking getting boozing up. I drank two margaritas on an empty stomach. Maybe that's the only reason why I was confident enough to do it. All right. I'm sweating this morning.
Starting point is 01:36:55 The paper street coffee is so damn strong. Oh, this is what I wanted to see. I knew I wanted to look at something on the... Is there some barbell spin Instagram. I think Brian got something up from Victoria Campos' interview. Okay, here we go. Let's look at it. It looks like there's some breaking news. What is today?
Starting point is 01:37:35 Is today Wednesday? Please tell me today's not Wednesday. Today's Tuesday. Oh, shit. Today's Wednesday. Fuck, I hope I took the trash out. God damn it. Is today really Wednesday? Yeah, Greg comes on on Wednesdays. Fuck, I hope I took the trash out. God damn it. Is today really Wednesday?
Starting point is 01:37:47 Yeah, Greg comes on on Wednesdays. Oh, fuck. Okay, here we go. So it's the last one before the first cut. Hey. So talk about the extra added pressure. It's the seventh event prior to... So it's the Saturday morning event. And then after that, that's when we cut down to 30. So with the current mental stress of it,
Starting point is 01:38:16 there's also that additional pressure because people are going to have to go faster to make the cut line. How bad do you want it? I'll say this. It's the last one before the first cut. They'll work out. Everyone works out Thursday. Everyone works out Friday. Saturday morning you wake up
Starting point is 01:38:41 and you do this iteration of Chad and whoever's outside the top 30 they're done go to the beer garden alright that's cool I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it
Starting point is 01:39:02 barbell spin always got the good shit always got the good shit always got the good shit i want to do a prediction show with uh colton and um taylor just the two of them of course we do one with john young also but with colton and taylor would be great too uh that's amazing how many men at your age can do 30 muscle-ups oh i don't know i'll do it i don't know i don't think it's that amazing but thank you
Starting point is 01:39:38 all i do is ride the assault bike for five minutes every day it's easy everyone can do it and then you can still do muscle-ups hey here's the deal people who put their shopping carts away are spending too much time policing themselves and following the rules to be able to do 30 muscle-ups it's only those of us who don't ever put our shopping carts away. Seve's a specialist. What are you talking about? I got a 100-pound front squat. My front squat's savage. All right. Chill show today.
Starting point is 01:40:26 We're bringing the heat we're bringing the heat this evening Carl Saunders at 6pm and Jay Crouch at 6.45pm, two Australians I think Miss Saunders is still in Australia but I think Jay is here ... Still in Australia, but I think Jay is here A little peptide doesn't hurt the muscle-ups You know what I'm saying? I wish I could plug
Starting point is 01:40:56 I wish I could tell you I haven't done any peptides in I don't know seven months six months seven or six months since maybe January or February maybe even maybe even December
Starting point is 01:41:20 anyway someone remind me to do it again in a week. I need to get under 15 minutes. All right. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

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