The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #38 | Live Call In - Games Athletes

Episode Date: August 15, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ---------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash y amex. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash ymx.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. Mm, bam, we're live. I was listening to Talkin' Elite Fitness, and I heard Tommy Marquez say that he slept 12 hours and was still tired. I was so happy to hear that. I didn't even realize that's where I was at too. I didn't sleep 12 hours. I slept 8 hours and I was still tired yesterday. I slept another, I don't know, I slept 7 hours last night. I'm still tired. I don't know what's going on. I'm sore. I did a shitload of thrusters yesterday.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I mean, not relative to some of you guys. I did a hundred thrusters with a forty pound, forty-five pound bar. That shouldn't have made me sore. I am sore. I guess it's good I'm sore the next day. Normally an old guy like me takes a few days to get sore. Good morning, Todd Butler excited. Yeah, this one's gonna be wild. I look forward to Greg's unfiltered response to this scenario. Yep, it's gonna be interesting. This should be a spicy episode. Yep, I think it will Interesting Olivia buckle up gonna get bumpy Yeah Sean M. I don't think his response will be surprising at all CrossFit secure for the world's most vexing problem and the games are just An unnecessary extreme demonstration of what can be don't forget
Starting point is 00:01:58 you know Greg put the stopwatch to fitness and so There's there's some you know, that's what turns it into a game i'm more interested in how sebon responds to greg yeah me too hey congrats how am i thank you how am i can you hear me see me it's all good. Yeah, it's good You're nice and loud the birds awake different laptop, I didn't know oh New did you get a new laptop? No, I pulled out the little 16 inch Pro. Oh I'm just leaving that air packed as my shuttle computer
Starting point is 00:02:46 Gotcha. Well, it sounds good Good. Yeah, you've been getting any sleep Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah getting your four hours a night How old's the baby two days, you know? I'm not staying the night in the hospital. Yeah. Good point. But whenever I call you, you're going back and forth in between it seems like. Yeah. I mean, I'm getting a lot of busy. We're done today. What time does she come home?
Starting point is 00:03:17 You never know that Seve, hours after you want to. Are the kids excited? You know, my buddy Craig was just, the warden showed up in his cell after 37 years wrongly convicted of murder, right? Uh huh. The warden showed up and looked inside with a smile on his face and he knew he was going home. He had heard nothing of the case, had no sense of why, but it was the last thing in the world you'd ever think would happen. It would be the warden to show up and smile. There ought to be something like that in a hospital where they walk into the room and you can't believe it, but they're going to disconnect you and send you home, but it doesn't happen that way. How many years did Craig do in jail? Was it 37? Framed by a shitty cop.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Shitty doesn't even do it justice. Who now I believe is a successful minister. The cop is. Uh-huh. He's repenting, Greg, he's repenting. Boy, dude, crazy weekend. Oh, man. Absolutely wild. Event one even.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Is there been an autopsy? I was with someone who had their phone out who had knew how to like finagle get to like the whatever I guess it's public records. So I was with someone who kept refreshing the page looking to see if the results came back from the autopsy but I don't think it's come back yet I wouldn't think so what do they do in an autopsy do you know what are they gonna do cut them open and go to straight to his heart look to see what happened to if something happened to his heart or a checklist? Yeah. They'll look at his heart and his brain and technology.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Can you can you distinguish? You can distinguish that if someone drowns like if it was whether they drowned from taking in water versus if they had a hard time? You know, I'm going to be very careful and not be any kind of medical expert in this bullshit. I know, know this that in these kinds of things, if there's no water in the lungs, that's different than if there is, right? So I don't know. I've got to see here.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Here's part of the problem. I have athletes, oddly and in significant numbers, important numbers, dropping dead in the midst of play in every sport. Right. That's just how that is. And yeah, it's a tragedy. We didn't have any in CrossFit. And then one year all of a sudden, I lived in fear of this. You did?
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yes. This this shit stressed you out every year at the games. You got stressed out. I fucking hated it for that What did you think would happen they drop a barbell on themselves always something odd, you know was I shocked by all ours ricochet Spinal severance. I Mean, yes, I was shocked by it and yet I was I was of the view that when you're going overhead with weights, you can't have anything 10 feet behind you. My fear was stumble back, hit the head.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I never considered the bar itself could become a dangerous projectile hurdled towards you. Right. I would have not had the inventory there for reasons of stumbling back and hitting it myself. That is the weight pile. But fall from the rope, hit by a car, fall off on the bicycle race
Starting point is 00:07:40 and get a subarachnoid hematoma, heat injury, heatatoma heat injury heat injury heat injury You know Complications with performance enhancing drugs. I like all of that. It's a it's a but Look, dude, look up look up death in in in a triathlons and Endurance sports where it was I went through the list. You can spend hours with that. Hours. Eaton Beaver says, Good morning, Greg. Good morning, Coach. Good morning, Seve. There's two things they want to get from an autopsy, cause of death and manner of death.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Are autopsies public Greg, do you know? Yeah, most made otherwise. Could he have a cardiac event and then drown and it'd be hard to tell what he died from. They will dissect the heart, examine all the chambers and veins, also the body releases, do you know that word? Tropicponin? During heart attacks, so they will check for that in his blood. Does the autopsy, I wonder if it gets compromised, the quality of it, because of how long he was down there? I don't think so. Multisport deaths.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Oh, wow. They have a Lazar Jukic already on there. Wow. Yeah. He got up there like second day. Police believe they're here. Please. What year is this? Just for a specific year. Oh, these are two thousand twenty four.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Only one. The only one that they have a. Oh. Oh, vehicle collision. Actually, there's drug driving incidents. The only one that they have a oh Vehicle collision actually there's drunk driving incidents. There's a lot Now look at the ages a lot of them are older folks 62 50 73 49 34 71 62 53 50 26 53, 50, 26, 53, 44, 62, 51, 58, 66, 64, 44, 48, 50, 34, 70, 61, yeah, 58, 63, wow, 2024 has been a busy year, 49, 59. I would ask you this, is the lifeguard vigilance different at a NC2A D1 swim event? Is there greater vigilance than you would have for a, say, a senior's water aerobics class.
Starting point is 00:10:47 And if you say, nah, you're a fucking idiot. Meaning it's more vigilant at a swim meet. Look at the ages of those deaths. I mean, this is a significant death and that it's a very young man and of extraordinary condition. What mean, this is a significant death that it's a very young man and of extraordinary condition. What happens is those events are open to any asshole that aspires to be there. And they engage them. Right. And many of them, I think in the swim, become exhausted and drown.
Starting point is 00:11:20 He did not become exhausted and drown. Right. And this is all irrelevant of responsibility and all that to a large extent. I'm not addressing that and morons are going to assume I am. I'm just saying for me personally, the more I can know about something, the more informed my judgments become. Right. Already someone I'm sure in the comments is saying, but he should have been saved. Yeah, no one's talking about that Sign up for the idiot list
Starting point is 00:11:54 It's almost but by the way out there in social media World, you know the same ten influencers who have a million followers are all posting the exact same thing. It's almost like someone sent them a script. I'm heartbroken that Lazer died. We've been complaining for years. It's wild. It's wild. You know, Dave did 79 interviews with the athletes and none of them brought up safety. They had three weeks notice of the event. Not a single complaint. Not a single worry. The organization the organ there's this
Starting point is 00:12:44 organization PFAA I don't know what it stands for, but they've been trying to insert on safety at events for years now. And kudos to the guy who's doing it. I mean, he's done his exhaustive research and you know what I mean? There's one man, there's one guy at the I and I appreciate his interest in his obsession with it But it's interesting. They've been involved in one event that I know of and it was wadapalooza last year and um both incidents there Ironically, he was involved in his rower was too close to a wall
Starting point is 00:13:18 So the back of his head was hitting the wall And when they were doing wall walks when you lowered them the the tall guys lowered themselves their head Hit one of the pull-up Bar beams on the ground that held the pull-up bars up, and I'm thinking wow The US Army now when someone collapses on a rocker training Will will test for sodium this they'll set up a line, but before they let it flow, they get a sodium test. Because you don't want to start pumping the ringers in if they're hyponatremic.
Starting point is 00:14:07 So they test for sodium before they start that because they'd had fatalities where athlete would collapse due to the hyper hydration campaign of our beverage industry. They were trying to avoid heat injuries, so they were over hydrating with your favorite electrolyte drink given to them for free in vast amounts. And it was killing soldiers. for free in vast amounts. And it was killing soldiers. And it was CrossFit's work that got the army to make the decision that you would set up the IV, but before you started, we'd get the sodium results back to know whether we needed to give that 3% 10 milliliter
Starting point is 00:14:41 bolus or not to snap them out of it, to bring them out of it. All that work was the sciences, Tim Noakes and the, you know, reed water log. And with the work through the army was with CrossFit. That was with CrossFit. We have sent athletes to the emergency room who have been released, who we've sent back to the emergency room with a polite phone call from our medical staff? Hey, no, no, you need to look at this again. You're missing it. You don't see what's going on here on on a high level Kidney function shit. I remember that so the sense that I mean we're world leaders in this kind of thing Oh, no, no were leaders were leaders The best of the best and not still still are dead that comes that comes from Dave's character
Starting point is 00:15:33 Your 2007 article I say that was our culture and it had that part hasn't changed Your two seven 2007 article on safety efficacy and efficiency says it all Hey Greg, you know, I've you know, I've forgotten about that Was that's just baked into who you are if you're worth a shit Dave's worth a shit. I Know I was thinking I was thinking that I know a lot of people in a lot of different professions. I know a boatload of seals. It's crazy how many seals I know.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Well over 100. That young man stands out in my mind to the point where I've labored to become his friend. Right, right. That's how good a person he is. I would trust him. I would trust him with my kids in any environment. The worse the environment, the more trust I'd have in him. Right. This was a, this I can't even imagine the emotional dynamics behind this and did something go wrong? Yeah. Hell yeah And all you out there think you could do better for the fuck you can I've spent my whole life. I've had you know, I spent a good chunk of my life doing something. I've never No one had ever done before and all you assholes were out there telling me
Starting point is 00:17:05 I'm doing it wrong. Right. It'd never been done before and everyone of you assholes with an opinion was sure I was doing it wrong. Right. People that have never found any kind of success of any sort in their lives have opinion on this.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Right. Good, huh? Have opinions. Look, and our first idiot has already posted it. Whether he had a heart attack, a leg cramp or bug flu in his eye He went under the water. Nobody helped him. No ops autopsy is gonna tell us why that was allowed to happen Pat you know what? Do you think like how stupid you have to be to think that's not obvious to me?
Starting point is 00:17:45 Pat also thinks that George Floyd died by asphyxiation. What caused his distress isn't part of the problem, wouldn't relate to future concerns. You're a moron, dude. You're a moron. Do I need to go out in public? Would I need to go out and publicly say it's bad when someone drowns? I'm sorry I didn't cover that.
Starting point is 00:18:09 It's a horrible thing. Did I forget to mention his wife? I mean, what's the appropriate thing to do? What does it look like to you? Because you've zeroed right in on the obvious. Nice going. You need to listen to Chris Henshaw on Talking Elite Fitness. He has Adler's Garmin stats during the swim. It was disturbing. One one of the athletes
Starting point is 00:18:35 Garmin stats shows that he was treading water in one place for six minutes and 41 seconds. It's so it's so outrageous that number. I'm I'm I'm going to stay on disbelief for that for a minute. I find it very hard to believe that a guy was treading water in one spot for six minutes and 41 seconds at the beginning of the race. You know, I would have never let the games go to Dallas. You would never.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Never. Oh, because of the heat. You know that for a fact I Told I might statement was I'll blow the city of Madison for the rest of my life to keep it here because of the cool summers, right Will T resist the mob always yes Hey, do you see this stuff I sent you? Elon's post.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Oh, that's amazing. It's amazing. Fuck, that's so good. Yeah, he's so good. That's so good. I'll pull that up real quick. We'll take a break from the from the game.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I'm not sure if I, how I'm going to bring this up. Let me see. Um, uh, and tires. Oh, I wonder if I can make this bigger. Yeah, I can make this a little bigger. On this thing, I've even come to the point where I feel my sympathies extend to the person on the paddle board. Oh, yeah. How could you not, right? How could you not, right? How could you not? Like, like that. Hey, I was sent a clip of a cop
Starting point is 00:20:32 sending to a cop that was shot by a suspect who just wanted a cigarette who was in cuffs and they're interrogating them, getting some, he was gonna give the lowdown to these guys. And they took him out to get a smoke and while they did, and he'd going to give the lowdown to these guys. And they took him out to get a smoke, and while they did, and he'd been in custody, given to them to talk to, he pulled a gun and killed a cop, got the cuffs, or I don't know what the deal was,
Starting point is 00:20:57 got his cuffs in front of him and shot this cop. And as they were working on the cop that later died, one of the guys tending to him looked up and said, Nick, he had a gun. You missed it. And he goes, Yeah, this one hurts. It's gonna hurt. Yeah. Wow. That's that's there in real time. You bet just like, wow. That's there in real time. You bet it hurts, Nick. He's not letting it go. It's going to hurt.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Danny Sherard, a sympathy for the lifeguards? Are you joking? Wow, Danny, you sound like a really good person. Yeah. He's a moron. Danny Sherard is officially a moron. That's all good person. Yeah. He's a moron. Danny, officially a moron. That's all that is. I mean, that's just how it is.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Wow. The response, the response from people is, is, Danny's likely to have a kid drought. Do you have children, Danny? No, you do you breed? Wow, you know, we've we've we've published on the on the myth of hyper vigilance. The myth of hyper vigilance. There's no great lifeguard who says there's no way someone's gonna drown while I'm sitting here. There's no great lifeguard who thinks that. You can't be good at that and believe that.
Starting point is 00:22:39 It's not realistic to believe that. It shows an inexperience with lifeguarding to believe that So fuck off Danny All my lifeguard friends it's tough work with you know, and was there a failure of course there was to go back to the last Moron who noticed that? Thanks for being gentle. Morons. Morons are very gentle. I'll get rid of half your audience this morning.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Good. Good. Good. I'm not, I'm not. I should have trimmed my own earlier. Hey, and you know what? I'm not, I'm not. On the heat element.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Yeah. Let me read this really quick. Hinch also blamed the heat stroke at Murph in 2015 on the lack of proper heat acclimatization. This is true in fact, but now he's bringing it up as an example of CrossFit's negligence. Oh, so okay, so at one point he said it was- Okay, well look, Chris, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:39 we've had a significant influence on the way the world looked at heat injury. And in fact, in the very same seminar or whatever the hell it was, the symposium, the symposium that CrossFit sponsored, funded, brought the scientists out and resolved the issue of hyperhydration once and for all, got it published in medical journals. At that very same deal, we had a scientist get up and talk about heat injury and its etiology. And if in fact, whether it was temperature driven
Starting point is 00:24:18 or is it more like a thermostat failure. And the math on that was very, very revealing. And in fact, it is more like a thermostat failure. And the math on that was very, very revealing. And in fact, it is more like a thermostat failure. And you don't get the response to temperature like you'd think you would. And the fact of it occurring more often at shorter distance than longer. And the science of it was fascinating.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And we were world leaders in that. And so negligent, you know, for Chris, it might mean not getting your way. I didn't always get my way. I was overly concerned perhaps about heat injury. And in fact, I'm telling you right now, I'm sharing with you that we spent millions of dollars on that very subject.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Sat there with Tim Noakes and that scientist, by the way, who did the math on this thing and was a huge help to everyone in that business was my father. And so you think you're seeing CrossFit negligence here, you're stupid. That's all, you know, maybe we, and we did a lot of bragging about what we were doing, tried to let the world know. I mean, could I do better than to spend three or four million dollars and have a conference and videotape it and put it out on the fucking net and ask everyone to watch it? And that was on the subject of exercise-associated
Starting point is 00:25:36 hyperdysthermic encephalopathy, where we got the medical community to say in a consensus statement, whatever the hell consensus statements are worth, but to publish in several peer reviewed articles in medical journals, drink when you're thirsty, don't when you're not. And drinking to avoid heat injury is ridiculous. And drinking to avoid exertional cramping is nonsense. and drinking to avoid exertional cramping is nonsense.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Now there's, is a fatal mistake. And for that there will be blame and maybe should be, but just to think that you see systemic negligence or disregard or you know, you don't get it. Hey, we had level one trauma crew in the bowels of Carson Navy corpsmen that have done more trauma work than anyone at your local level one trauma unit. And then they train with our guys. We got those guys in the bowels of the facility and we've got a spot all roped off for the helicopter to put down. And we've got a SWAT team there, LAPD SWAT with a contingency for multiple shooters. I don't know how it's in place worried about heat injury because it's 80 something degrees out.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I remember all of this. I don't know how I do it better. No one's done it as well as us. No one's done it as well as us and that includes managing of alcohol managing of crowds managing of garbage treatment of injury protection of athletes safety all that, better than has ever been done before. That's just a fact. And you think because of our casual attitude
Starting point is 00:27:52 that, or maybe even at times a bit of arrogance or pride that we haven't taken care of these things or thought about it. We've thought about it more than our critics could ever imagine thinking about it and probably more than they've ever thought about anything ever. And let me tell you something,
Starting point is 00:28:18 I'm hearing interpretation of interpretation. I'll tell you for a fact, Christian Shaw is not gonna look me in the zoom eye and tell me I was negligent. And I'll take responsibility for everything CrossFit did while I owned it. I've been chatting with people on the list there of deaths and see which of those was was one of the fittest human beings on earth that's went to the bottom. You mean our guy that went down this weekend?
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah, look at look at look at fatalities in in Olympics, in the national swim events. It doesn't happen. I'm missing your point, meaning? There's something ahead of laying blame. We should all, if you care about anybody, if you don't want to pretend, but you really want to care about someone, find some way to form an interest in what would make an elite athlete, a gifted water polo player, drown at the finish line of a simple swim. And if you can't ask yourself that question, do everyone a favor and shut up.
Starting point is 00:29:56 You're not growing up enough to even look at blame. So why am I interested in the autopsy? Because I'm not stupid. That keeps coming up this morning. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of dumb people. So why am I interested in the autopsy? Because I'm not stupid. That keeps coming up this morning. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of dumb people. It doesn't matter why Lazar went under. Nobody noticing he went under is what matters. No, that's wrong. I know. That's wrong. I know. And wait, wait, wait, put that back up. Put that back up. Yeah. Okay. It doesn't matter why Lazar went under. You're a moron. Nobody noticing he went under is what matters. It's very, it's important.
Starting point is 00:30:28 It's huge. It's huge. That's why he drowned, perhaps. That's why he drowned. And why he went under, it doesn't matter why. That might be the stupidest thing that anyone in the world will type this morning. Wherever morning comes around the world, you're going to have to work hard to say,
Starting point is 00:30:52 it doesn't matter why Lazar went under. I would keep you away from anything that looked like planning one of these ever, because you don't give a fuck why someone drowned is there is there reason to think well and DQ from this event right right well it's because this person singularly focused does that not matter to a That that maybe he should have been disqualified from even doing the event I don't know. Yeah, there were no Vera's gonna tell me the medical history doesn't matter Because the only thing that matters to a various throwing blame
Starting point is 00:31:38 I did like, you know something a vera. I you're the last person On earth i'd want to be in a fucking lifeboat with or anywhere where critical decisions or important thinking has to happen. You're ineligible. Next comment. This person just gave us $2. Thank you. Did Greg watch the event live? No, I don't. I don't watch that shit when I'm there. I don't my backs to the event. I'm talking to people that came there to talk to me. Drew, I always love the intellectual stimulation you and Greg provide. Seve, been a fan since 2011. Keep the great content coming. Heat index appears to still be affecting the intellectual capacity of some here today. Cheers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah, the heat thing. I can't hear Murph and not think that. That it's said vest. Oh, the vest was the contributing factor that pushed people over the... Well, like, of course, you know? The weight of it, or keeping the heat in, or? Keeping the heat in.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. Did your research touch on electrolyte drinks with sodium like LMNT or liquid for sugar-free? That was me. Any opinions on those things? No, it's a data-driven link of, I believe it involved ambient air temperature, athlete temperature,
Starting point is 00:33:24 and sequela, like, you know, outcomes. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna repeat the thing. I'm not, I'll also be frank, it was technical enough, and it was a mathematical affirmation of what had been suggested by a lot of people, including Tim Nokes, and it was technical enough to bore a lot of us. But the unmistakable takeaway is that something goes wrong in the athlete. We can actually, we know how to induce it, but there's drugs that'll bring it on, bring on heat injury at low temp, at low ambient air temp. We can, we can easily dysregulate our, our, our thermal regulation system. This, by the way, is Tim Notes is a, is a world renowned authority on this exact subject. And it was he and my father working together was the research and they weren't playing with, they weren't doing experiments.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Greg over- Disproving that Gatorade was saving lives. Greg, over at Boeing, it's become quite conclusive that the firing of all the intelligentsia, firing of all the old white guy engineers and then outsourcing all of the work is now the cause of the non merit based hiring. All of those things combined is now the cause of the plan. They still bragged about doing it before and as he was doing it. That he was going to get rid of the really intelligent assholes and bring in a new, you know, and so the message the stockholders wanted to hear and in fact the stock,
Starting point is 00:35:20 the stock went through the roof. Right. In fact, the stock went to the roof. Right. And so I've been talking to medical personnel who were on the team from 2015 to 2022 about the vetting process to get on the medical team. And it was insane. The quality of people that they were getting from the far corners of the fucking world
Starting point is 00:35:40 and their fucking vast experience and the fire captains and Navy SEALs and you know head of huge lifeguard teams and the quality of doctors was wild and I only and I only have that you know information from 2015 to 2022 and then private equity comes in and we it's very clear that there's non merit-based hiring as the most important aspect of CrossFit Do you think have you thought about that playing a role also? Cutting corners and not hiring based on merit
Starting point is 00:36:17 When I've spoken to these people look honest to God I haven't given cross enough thought to say I've thought about any of this Right. okay. Most of the thinking I've done has been in the past. 15 minutes? No, in the past week. And that comes out of my personal connection to the guy running the event. a personal connection to the guy running the event.
Starting point is 00:36:55 And coupled with a near sheer glee, probably akin to missing your flight and it goes down kind of happiness that I'm not having to deal with this. Right. We never had any serious events at the CrossFit Games and then all of a sudden in 2022 there was a stroke and there was a clotting event. The woman who had the clotting event clearly admits that it's Vax related. I haven't spoke to the guy who had the clotting event clearly admits that it's Vax related. I haven't spoke to the guy who had the stroke.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And now we have another guy who's at that perfect male age where all the males are going down. And during COVID, he was traveling between France, UAE, the United States, and Serbia. Do you find it at all peculiar that all of a sudden we have three of these after not having any for the first 16, 17 years? No, I think it's consistent with what's happening globally in every sport. I listened to a FIFA coach saying that he coached for 30 years and he saw 18 months ago this first athlete die on the field. And six months after that, he saw a second, and here today I've seen my third
Starting point is 00:38:08 or whatever his story was. I mean, that kind of thing, like I get it. It's like the guy in dermatologist in Sino, it's in a Kaposi sarcoma. And it's like a once in a lifetime find for a dermatologist, right? Amazing to see that. And then he sees another one, and then another one.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And it's like, this is before we knew that AIDS was AIDS, this guy's seeing this crazy rash of rare, rare cancer in people that aren't, don't seem to be otherwise, didn't have a reason to be, believe they're immunocompromised, right? You know, compromised, right? Would Greg have continued the weekend? Go ahead. Caring about the athletes, and this is something that a bunch of the commenters
Starting point is 00:38:56 aren't going to understand or don't understand apparently, but it's such a compelling thing to pay attention to. There's nothing street race about it. I mean, these are people's lives, livelihoods. I mean, everything's on the line. You're representing 15,000 affiliates with a party. It's no place to get someone killed. The company, the affiliates, the heart and soul of the company is in the business of improving and saving lives.
Starting point is 00:39:34 There's no there's no greater mishap than to lose one. I want to say that these same influencers who are raging now are the ones that kind of brought this upon themselves. The last time you complained, this is the outcome of it. This is what you got. There's a little piece of me that sees that. Not a little piece, a big piece of me that sees that. Not a little piece, a big piece of me that sees that. And now you're going to raise your voices and make a bunch of vague complaints without any specifics.
Starting point is 00:40:12 You're going to jump on the bandwagon and post whatever people are, whatever that the template is that people are telling you to post. And you think you're going to cross over to the other side and it's going to be grass, it's going to be green grass on the other side. once again, you're gonna be fucked again. It's only gonna it's it's just And what's also crazy to me is isn't you know, another year two years dawn will be gone and all these athletes will be gone there'll be a whole new set of athletes in and everyone will forget this but they'll have to deal with the repercussions of Of them of the morons that led them over that next grassy hill.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Would Greg have continued the weekend? No, and I'm not, I don't, there's not a right or wrong there. It's just kind of like how you take the gut punch. And me, I'm shut down, go home, we'll finish this thing in 10 days with a Monday, Wednesday, Friday online effort. And maybe even have a workout that you can do at your gym and send to Lazar's family. I don't know, but my sense would be to retreat. I mean, it's a party for God's sakes. There's nothing important about the games. There is nothing important about the games.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Except what? That nobody gets hurt maybe? Coach, did you watch the event? How often have you heard me say, we're running a car dealership and someone has suggested that if we had a clown and tied balloons that people could look at the cars while their kids played with the fucking clown. And then eventually we get some cotton candy and that that's what the games is.
Starting point is 00:42:10 You've heard that, right? Yep. And I go, here's my problem. Now you have a thousand clowns. You have more clowns than car salesmen. You can't see the cars for the fucking cotton candy machines in the Ferris wheel. That's what the games is.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And now the clowns are making the decisions. I tried to remove CrossFit games from CrossFit and sell it. I couldn't find anyone stupid enough to buy it. Let me say that again. I tried hard. I tried really hard and I had the best help that money could fucking buy. WME IMG, we were going to package that fucker up and sell it. So we were going to sell the games, had a lot of bidders, everyone was interested. Everyone was interested. Everyone wanted to buy the games. And then as we get close and we had to explain that you don't get seminars and seminars and
Starting point is 00:43:22 certifications, you don't get affili. They've ran for the fucking door right They ran for the door I there's a group of people who are saying that they're gonna organize a competing event to the games And I competing event to the games. I tried to get into it. And I, um, and a bunch of my friends, we were, we got together and we were laughing. We were trying to think of one successful, um, outside event besides the CrossFit Games. You're not gonna get me to name names, but I'm gonna tell you that there was a healthy contender in the space whose backing included people being hunted by Interpol, and the money laundering angle and opportunities
Starting point is 00:44:17 were glaring to all who cared to look. Yeah, get into that space, get in there. Real money, having a competition. It'll go over like the fucking grid league, more idiots. And I think that was an idiot fest. Right. And do you think that Bill and Katie, do you have to assume that Bill and Katie subsidized the shit out of their event?
Starting point is 00:44:44 Because they throw a great event, but I have to imagine that it's a it's a loss. It's it's a They're doing so well. It's it doesn't matter like it was right for me until it matter right I had people in the media department that thought that that was what was driving the whole show the media department that thought that that was what was driving the whole show. Right. People were coming to seminars and affiliating because of the games. When you, when you, when you spoke to Rosa, did you give him any advice on, on the games?
Starting point is 00:45:25 They got to see everything I had done and was doing. There wasn't much interest in what I thought. They were super impressed with something that had never been done before, and they were convinced that I had done it wrong. Right. And so now they I had done it wrong. Right. And so now they're going to do it right. By the way, I have, I have absolutely no interest in competition.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I do not want to be deeply do not want to be in that space. Oh, you mean, um, uh, uh, CrossFit competition space? Fitness. Right. I'm going to stay in the broken science area. I'm loving it. This is, and in fact, everything I'm doing in broken science, we can follow that downstream and see why the opportunity for CrossFit arose. And why it is that you can't trust your doctor's advice on diet or exercise.
Starting point is 00:46:40 It was amazing to me that I could come across him Rob Wolf made a comment on Fikowski's Instagram post saying Greg and Dave were allergic to input from the community But the the problem is is that I wasn't I wasn't sensitive to Rob Wolf's input as to what the community was. Rob Wolf came to me and told me that he couldn't get a fucking uh uh small business loan off of the Chico campus because they went to the website and saw pictures and that we were jingoistic. I'm like jingoistic. Look that up. He thought I needed to take down all the American flags and the guns and soldiers. That's Rob Wolf. Characterized by extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive war-like foreign
Starting point is 00:47:37 policy. He was take down the flags and take down the the pukey guy Rob Wolf. Rob, Rob paleo don't eat salt sells salt for a living guy. Right. I couldn't get Rob to step aside from his ego long enough to to to help him in any meaningful way grow or develop. I spoke to the head, one of the people in charge over medical from 2015 to 2022. And what this person told me was that there was never ever a single request denied, never a single no for extra resources. That CrossFit, the Dave and Greg always provided the, um,
Starting point is 00:48:32 all the support that they needed. Any request, any protocols, everything was always provided. And that it was the easiest. This person, um, has a very, crazy career in, um career in safety from the bottom to the top over 25 years experience. And that the vetting process to get in to get in to be on the games team. Now once again this person was just you know they haven't been there in the last two years. Is anyone doing the ice baths yeah they got all the ice they have all the ice is that there still they have ice baths everywhere yeah i didn't see him at the um i didn't see him at the oh uh i'm not i can't remember ice
Starting point is 00:49:16 i mean that's an event but was that down in the bowels with the medical shit and all the prep is yeah and i and i'm pretty sure that they had them now that I think about it. I'm pretty sure that they had them at the swim at that first event too. So moving forward would it be suggested that there should be a lifeguard in each tub? Probably. I mean wouldn't that be considered anything could happen, right? Because it doesn't matter what the cause would be. Right. You're in water and someone should be there to make sure that could what happened? Those are have conceivably happened to someone and they slid under their ice. Yes. Yes. PFA and athletes say they constantly were not listened to about safety.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Don't compete and take a stand then. Multiple athletes tested the course, most likely no safety personnel in place. Yeah, Lazer did the event with his brother a few days before. Dave swam the event. He's a few days before. Dave swam the event. He's a fucking old man who is not in great shape. He did the event. He also beat some. And I think he did it during the day in the heat of the day.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Do you think Don's comment about... I can, I look. Do you think Don's comment about- I can, look, it's official advice. You can still look it up from ACSM to drink 40 ounces of fluid per hour as much as can be tolerated. I don't think that's been retracted. tolerated. I don't think that's been retracted. I could follow official protocols right to the fucking morgue with you.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Once again, I do want to mention that the only event that I know of that the PFAA, maybe they've done hundreds of events, I don't know, but the only one that I remember following that they were involved in were the two most insane incidents I've ever seen in the history of the sport. Putting a rower so close to the bleachers that the head of the PFAA was hitting the back of his head on there and had to adjust. And then the second item was when they were doing the wall walks, the people's heads, the tall guys, their heads were coming back down to one of the steel beams.
Starting point is 00:51:53 And you know what's crazy is one of the, what I keep hearing over and over is that they need to outsource the safety. It's like, what does that do? That just pushes it down the street? So that the next guy can fuck it up? What about Kara's heatstroke? That was bad. There's been a handful of heatstrokes. You're testing for the fittest fucking human being on the planet. They've run thousands and thousands of athletes through fucking hundreds of
Starting point is 00:52:28 workouts. Now you want to cherry pick one here, one. I don't, I still don't. What about Kara's heat stroke? That shit was bad. Would disagreement be what about Kara's heat stroke? That shit was good. Yeah. Hey, let me ask you this. Do you think that you can, you think you can, I wouldn't, I wouldn't have run. I wouldn't have run Murph at that, at that temp.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I didn't like it. Period. I didn't like Carson. Period. temp. I didn't like it period. I didn't like Carson period. I didn't like that my agent's SUV was broken out to and her backseat stolen. I didn't like that our chief council's SUV was broken into and his backseat stolen. I didn't like the summer temperatures. I didn't like getting to drive so far to stay somewhere comfortable. Right? Remember all that? Yeah. I didn't like that we got driven out of Monterey. I liked Madison a lot. One year they did the one of the years they did the games in Aromas. I can't remember
Starting point is 00:53:43 the guy's name Steve something he was a he was a famous TV personality in Australia, and he was a Special Forces Australia guy and I remember him being in the ice bath on the last day, and he was crying and He said this event was so hard I shouldn't be doing events like this because I have kids and a wife at home. And he was crying in the bathtub. There was no swimming that year. Yeah, I mean, wasn't the point of the marathon that guy croaked, right?
Starting point is 00:54:22 Steve did? No, isn't that the marathon story? What's the marathon story? I ran from somewhere to marathon isn't it a Greek city am I inventing this shit or what? Oh, oh, oh he arrived and he gave the message and dropped it. Oh Is that what is that? Is that how the marathon got there? It's not true. I'm going to write this show. I make a story.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Right. It's amazing how many people are just doing the mob thing. Just asking for someone's head. Can you can you work yourself to death? Yes. Yep, you can. Is the athlete's annual income important? I think this is, it will be to a settlement.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I think this is a leading question regarding your saying when you said you would cancel the event and there's the thought of, and this is, this is a leading question regarding your saint when you said you would cancel the event and there's the thought of and this Is this is true? Oh, no No, they're in there. Their income is their fucking sponsorship. It means nothing to me It brought that brought nothing but disease and misfortune to the entire everything Every robot dollar was poisonous. Have you thought about offering HQ five million dollars to get CrossFit back no that's yes no what would I what would I fucking do with it I have to deal with this shit all day long you could trade it for one of your boats
Starting point is 00:56:02 I Would do that they could come pick on a Perfect time for Greg to buy back HQ for the cheap and buy it and give it to Dave. I Do like the I thought someone liked the games. I fucking love the games. I Love the games a thousand times more than Greg does Yeah, I didn't like it. That's me. I Love that shit. I Had't like it. That's me. I love that shit. I had an incredible experience there this year.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I liked. What was that? Was that restaurant love to give her a shout out? Oh, and Madison. Greg and I had many of fucking, of fucking disagreements over the games. Any games junkie. Yeah, I'm total games junkie. You know what I am? I'm a you know, let me tell you the kind of junkie I am that the fact that the standard metrics. that the standard metrics, parameter by parameter for your health are presumed to be independent variables when in fact they are dependent variables under complete and total control
Starting point is 00:57:17 over what's for dinner and are you going to sit on the couch or not. And that nobody knows that. That's what I am. That is so fascinating to me that it's hard to believe A, that it's fucking true, B, that it's gotten so wrong, and C, that it couldn't be more important. That's what I am. And, and what the fucking clown is wearing and what kind of cotton candy he's serving, I couldn't give to Fox.
Starting point is 00:57:57 We're selling cars here. That's saving lives for all you tarts. I didn't say retard. I said tarts. It's different. Thank you. No disrespect for anyone that has biological reason for their incapacity. Oh someone just said something so mean about you. Good. You're not gonna like this. Why does this guy sound so much like Donald Trump?
Starting point is 00:58:30 Who should I sound like? That cackling imbecile? She shares all his bad personality and character traits. How are the athletes going to, how the athletes going to feel when CrossFit cancels the games or does them only every four years? No, no one. I mean, we already know no one else is going to prop up anything significant other than Rogue. Chinese are are gonna buy it. The TikTok game. Hey, they've got some that's kicking Starbucks ass.
Starting point is 00:59:13 They do? It did it in China and they're ready to go. Have you heard about this? No. Yeah. They got a coffee shop. I think it's called Lucky Coffee, or Lucker, Lucky. Lucky Coffee China.
Starting point is 00:59:28 God, I love all this shit, you know. It was founded in Beijing in 2017. As of March, 2023, it had 10,000 stores. Wow. Oh. 6,000 which are you know owned by you know franchises and a three thousand which are owned by them and someone else Hey Starbucks just can't get it right with them like a third CEO and And the numbers just keep looking worse have you quit going
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah, I quit going is that because of us I could go in well They they it was all it was all the virtue signaling shit. They had in there. I was just Yeah Yeah, I'm done with that when they when they Do you remember when those two guys went there and they didn't buy the first thing that I remember is there were two guys in a Starbucks and they hadn't bought anything and the manager kicked them out and it became a race issue and they didn't stand their guns and be like fuck you like if you didn't buy something you can't be in here and so they changed their policy anyone can come in and sit in there and at that point I was fuck you guys. I'm not spending five bucks for a coffee so any fucking buddy can just hang out in here. Tim Silva told me how hard it is to talk to a family when their nine year old son gets a token
Starting point is 01:00:55 to use the restroom and puts the money in, opens the door and there's a dead guy in the toilet with a needle in his arm. Right. That you're telling them the pizza's on you and they're just not hearing it. Damn. Hey, we've had Starbucks experiences. We've shared it before.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Yeah. Yeah. Several, many. We went to Starbucks so many times. we have a whole list of stories. Guns, knives, and throwing drinks. Oh, I didn't even think of that one. You remember the guy that was 51-50 that was doing the high-speed figure eights with the bar stool, the giant man, and the little gal, the little barista, the manager was elected at five feet tall to go up against this six-foot-five guy treating stools like they were nunchucks. Right, I remember that. That was San Francisco, right?
Starting point is 01:02:05 Yeah. I was sitting there with a backpack with a weapon in it, and I just announced to the table, if he hits her, I'm shooting him. Just everyone look out. And do you remember there was a guy there with a like a violin, like studying musical sheets, just kind of like oblivious to the whole thing. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah Luis of course is it not both it's important to know why he got in trouble in the water and shouldn't they double-check the protocols on safety were correctly carried out
Starting point is 01:02:53 Absolutely, absolutely and like how obvious is that? I want to know, I want to know why he drowned and I want to know why I want to figure out how to so that the people on the paddleboards are more interested. I mean, my, my first question was, were those lifeguards or was that premium seating? I'm asking myself, I can make a volunteer out of a nephrologist, but can I make a volunteer out of a lifeguard? Like, can you do security at Taylor Swift's concert if you're dancing to the music? So emotionally involved with the song, you're uncontrollably crying. Are you good for security? Someone wrote, Dave also went slow as shit.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Well, he may have went slow as shit, but I'm pretty sure he beat Jack Rosen, Bailey Martin, Alexander Caron, Guy Melharris and Patrick Villeneuve and Archer Seminoff. And maybe Austin Hatfield and Cole Grayshaver. I can't remember his exact time. And maybe Austin Hatfield and Cole Grayshaber. I can't remember his exact time.
Starting point is 01:04:14 My point isn't his time. It's the fact that people, the stuff that people are posting out there. And there's no argument that in a perfect world, Lazar should have been grabbed absolutely no one should be sinking to the bottom no one's no one's suggesting that he shouldn't have sunk to the bottom no one's suggesting that he shouldn't have been grabbed at all and no one's but people are suggesting that the lady who missed him um shouldn't be devastated that we shouldn't have compassion for the lady who missed him that the lady who missed him shouldn't be devastated. That we shouldn't have compassion for the lady who missed him or the man who missed him shouldn't be devastated or that Dave's not devastated or that these idiots who are making posts saying we've been complaining for years and we've had these problems for
Starting point is 01:04:56 years but they yet they can't give one example and that the examples they fucking give were fixed. They should. And now all of a sudden, by the way, I did ask the medical staff, there's this story going around that Matt Fraser almost drowned and I've asked a half dozen medical staff about that and they said, we never had that reported. Funny how that story is now all of a sudden a story. And there's no mention about the master, the master's athlete who is saved. Shouldn't that be like a, Hey, congratulations. And there's no mention of the master's athlete
Starting point is 01:05:21 that had actually a CrossFit staff swim the entire event with them. And there's no mention of the Masters athlete that had actually a CrossFit staff swim the entire event with them And there's no mention that Rob Orlando was plucked out of the water in the ocean It's just like It's just like hey we've been clamoring this when I don't ever remember you clamoring for it I see you selling I see you selling fucking everything from fucking Vagisil to stupid fucking powder in a plastic bucket with a sticker on it three times a week, but I've never heard you mention about, I've never heard you talk about safety. And now all of a sudden, because someone's passing out some sort of template for you to complain you want someone's head. It's like fuck you like it's like listen if you have 15,000 posts just with yourself
Starting point is 01:06:09 Selling shit and now you have a fucking post with Lazar Jukic And that's the only post you have on there ever doing anything besides selling anything I also know that you don't care about Lazar You're just trying now to use him to sell yourself more. We've already established that your account is just to sell shit And maybe you had an epiphany and that's your first post and you're going to change but the history shows no, you don't fucking tag people you don't care about anything. You just take pictures of your ass for the last five years. And now Lazar died. Now you got a picture of them because you
Starting point is 01:06:38 care. No, you're posting that to help prop up even more ass pictures and to sell more shit. Like, that's okay, I'm not judging you for it, but then for all these people to jump on the bandwagon like it's sincere, it's like, holy shit. I'd like to take any of you at your lowest moment and start passing judgment on you. Someone called me the other day, absolutely terrified and worried about the athletes not one person has been like hey I'm worried about the chick on the board. I'm worried about Dave. I'm worried about the head of medical No one's saying shit about all the people who fucking gave the last fucking ten years of their life concerned about the athletes and what they might be going through and
Starting point is 01:07:18 Without them the event doesn't go on and don't be surprised if the games are canceled forever They're gonna get what they want and when the games only happen every four years it's gonna be so much better I Think Roger Why not yeah, they can I mean sure why not every two years three years four years fuck it who cares dude No one's gonna fill the space. They still get to keep the patent, the name fittest on earth. I think Roger Gilroos who delivers the throwdowns, Oslo, Norwegian, French, Sweden, French, etc.
Starting point is 01:07:55 will begin to grow more. The European throwdowns are growing among the athletes. Yeah, something definitely, I mean definitely Europe and Australia have way bigger crowds than the US. Yeah, I get that. Nobody grew like Canada until nobody grew like Australia until nobody grew like eventually, like, we're wondering why there are no French affiliates. Now there's a thousand, right? What is it? 500 now? What's that? I don't know what's going on, but okay, what else? That's it.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Hey, Elon and and is That's it. Hey Elon and Did you pull that up oh I'm having issues pulling it up, but it's I'll read it You watch the hundred get the Hunger Games and sided with the resistance you watch Star Wars and sided with the resistance you watch The Matrix and sided with the resistance you watch watch The Matrix and sided with the resistance. You watch The Divergent and sided with the resistance. You watch V for Vendetta and sided with the resistance. When it's fiction, you understand, yet you refuse to see it when it's the reality you're
Starting point is 01:09:14 living in. That's great. I know. It's so good. Hey, did you see that they did a someone did an attack on his and Trump's live stream? Yeah. Very expensive attack. Crazy, right? Yeah. Yeah, do you know someone shot at him?
Starting point is 01:09:46 Shot him, fuck, shot him. Sounded like a liberal. Hey Danny, I was just so you know, Sevan Gregg, what would you say to Luca right now? Just so you know, Danny was when That's a Lazarus brother who was also in the event when when when when Dave was first notified I was standing right there and I immediately stopped filming and started looking for him At the ice baths and everywhere and I continued to look for him the entire fucking time in the crowd to see if he had come in or not and baths and everywhere and I continued to look for him the entire fucking time in the crowd
Starting point is 01:10:25 to see if he had come in or not. And I also saw Luca after the event. Uh, uh, Sleeky, Danny Shit Tard. Yeah. Can we go back to talking about how much money Greg has and where he'll be vacationing next? How's the schooling going? Oh man, it's, you know, we just had a new baby. I know.
Starting point is 01:10:59 I was just trying to imagine what it's like at your house. I'm slotted for a start here in 20 minutes with the Rat and Riley and we're gonna try and kind of be nosing our way back into action. So you're not ask- Luca is mad is what I'm saying is he right to be you're not asking that that's another fucking stupid question. Yeah, he should be fucking angry and devastated. His fucking brother just died. His best friend just died. We should all be angry and sad.
Starting point is 01:11:44 And no, I wasn't asking for the head of secret service two minutes after the shooting. I actually fucking felt bad for the lady while she was fucking being grilled. I left that one pretty, I left that one slide through the cracks pretty good. I'm not worried, one more thing, I'm not worried about people being angry or mad. I'm not defending the organization on what happened to Luca. I'm talking about the people who are jumping on the fucking bandwagon or people telling stories like they like the other day in one of the shows they mentioned Deborah Carden cordon lane or whatever her name is as an incident that happened at the swim and there's no context put into it Dave went into the fucking ocean with her clothed put his arm
Starting point is 01:12:41 around her she won Spirit of the Games. Seve, why is there no drone footage of the thing? I think there is. Oh, I think there is. I think there is. You know what's crazy, Greg? I'm just making this number up. There were a hundred videographers on the edge, and when we all got home, we all have footage of the drowning. Like I have footage of the drowning. I just didn't see it being there. I didn't see it because I was looking through the lens, right?
Starting point is 01:13:12 The whole time. And I'm, I'm, I'm, it happens to lifeguards in public pools that are hyper vigilant, watching, looking, scanning the water. And what you notice is there's someone drifting underneath. Different than the other kids drifting underneath. This one's not moving for a while. And you jump in and it may be too late. Often not, often it is. There's a myth of hypervigilance. This Stirling
Starting point is 01:13:51 story that we published was great. A little different context with kids, but mom goes to a friend's house, sits the kid on the floor, goes to the fridge, turns around, he's gone. Looks around, looks around, looks around, starts running in different houses, rooms, you know, looking everywhere. And he got out a doggie door behind a bookcase that she didn't know existed. That he went from living room, crawled out the doggie door. Took her five minutes to get to the pool where he was on the bottom? Uh, Clint, I'm behind, I'm behind, but the 2017 story about Fraser was told two years ago and Brent confirmed it two years ago. Yeah. But why wasn't it reported to the medical staff?
Starting point is 01:14:37 I went back and asked. They said they have no fucking report of that. They'd never heard of that. I spoke to the head of medical back then. So who is Fraserzier telling the story No, I should leave Frazier out of it because I Frazier's Frazier state is being chill But Henshaw told this story and I guess Recently or he told it a couple years ago on the mark Bell podcast and now it's resurfaced that supposedly he was going under and in Fikowski grabbed him
Starting point is 01:15:14 So he won the event did he No, I don't think he won that event He he He wasn't a good swimmer that year, I don't think. Greg's opinion of the one minute situation Sevon the true Noah come out. What's the one minute situation? I don't know what that is sorry or else I would I don't know what that is, sorry. Or else I would, I would, there's no big, oh, thank you for the money. There's no bigger hypocrite than you.
Starting point is 01:15:51 You have two sets of rules for everything. Mirror time. Okay. Thank you. You know, I like, would I be less interested if it weren't the CrossFit Games? Would you what? Be more interested? I wouldn't know about it.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I mean, some of the two people died and drowned in an Irish triathlon. Recently. I would assume there's the same, this is same kind of hate spinning. I don't know. This is fucking stupid. Johan Wu, medical wouldn't have a record unless there was a problem. That is their obligation. However, a concern or complaint would have been sent to the organization. Listen, if Fraser was drowning and he reported it to the medical staff, they would know. And I'm telling you that I fucking talked to them.
Starting point is 01:17:07 And I wouldn't be surprised also if Fraser didn't say anything because he likes to keep a tight lip on everything on all his performances. Oh, someone has, this is an important question. Yes, I would guess if we pulled the, the, what we all call the community. That, that like electrocuted. Good third of the community had no idea men died. My kids have all drowned, ask him. Say that one more time.
Starting point is 01:17:50 All my kids have drowned, ask him. Oh, oh, oh. He drowned me so I hit him in the face. Right. Oh, okay. He said, you know, you're trying to have conversations with people that aren't conversation ready Seve will you please shout out Enrique Noriega we were both there and his spirit and love met meant a lot to me When we needed it
Starting point is 01:18:26 Okay, shout out to Enrique Noriega. Who is that? I don't know. Agatha? John, my frustration is the present and response time on site water safety personnel. I hear you. Very valid. Yeah, I'm frustrated too with that. More than frustrated sucks. I'm frustrated that he wasn't, he wasn't, he didn't get medical clearance before he went in the water.
Starting point is 01:18:53 I'm frustrated that no one asked him about what happened at the Burj Khalifa a year ago or at the Capitol event. I'm frustrated about all that. I'm frustrated. I can't imagine the lifeguard stopping me from swimming to someone that needed help. I don't think they've made one. Say that one more time. There is no lifeguard that could stop me from getting to someone that I thought was drowning. Right. I'm frustrated that the guy who jumped in the water to save him will turn back.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Where they needed help and continue with my journey. Put one of your eyeballs in your hand and then go about my business. Doddy Dumpling Dowery. There we go. Someone, I cheated, someone sent me a text. Great place. That was the best part of the games.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Remember we made it free for everyone there one night. Food and drink. That was fun. There's only one thing better than that, and that was the international athletes reception and dinner. When we opened the door to the games to the whole world in 2019 was it 18 19 remember that yeah yeah that was cool sorry for my poor grammar no no problem hammer. No, no problem. That's a wild picture of you. Is that you or is that? I don't think that's you. What was that? Javelin throw? What was he looking at? I'm not sure. And you couldn't walk because it was so packed that night. Yeah, that was that was cool. And here's another thing. When you spend the
Starting point is 01:21:16 last 10 years of your life screaming you want people's head, it invalidates at some point it becomes the boy who cries wolf. It invalidates, at some point it becomes the boy who cries wolf. It invalidates you screaming for people's heads. When everything for you is just like a life or death situation, like if you don't do this, you're gonna die. It all of a sudden becomes invalid that everything you say about life or death situations. It gives them a sense of belonging. It's a community of other people doing that Jost you sorry Greg Jost you're a fucking dipshit
Starting point is 01:21:56 So you only react to comments if you pay how about fuck you? How about there's fucking thousands of comments fucking flying by me you moron and those ones are fucking highlighted Fuck you I'm kicking you out. Hey, what were you saying yesterday? I go so I'm just dude out. I'm kicking that dude out and yeah, and even if I did do that So what fuck you? I'm you're out ban user delete their comments What are we talking about? Is that an option is bad user block comments Here listen Trish. Thank you Trish Trish Joe's sometimes. He doesn't even react if you pay. Thank you Trish
Starting point is 01:22:39 Fucking dipshits Seve what were you telling me that something was accused of working on? I go, yes, oh, oh, oh. That he, so you're saying that someone, people do interviews with him, someone had accused you, said of you, that people did interviews with you because they're afraid you'll attack them if they don't.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Yeah, someone told me that the other day that people come on my show. You should aspire to that being true. If there's any even remote possibility of being that good, aspire to that. There's also this other thing, I'll bring this up to you too, Greg. There's also this other thing, there'll bring this up to you too Greg, there's also this other thing, there's like this panic from people in the ecosystem that if CrossFit goes
Starting point is 01:23:30 down that like their lives will be shattered. So like for some reason, like if CrossFit were to go away for whatever that looks like, that somehow like it would affect me or like my podcast would go away or like all of a sudden of HQ shut down poof all 15,000 gyms around the world fucking disappear or It's kind of like the January 6 thing like people who like think it's an insurrection Like that they were gonna get in there and grab the hammer and all of a sudden they were gonna run the country You know what I mean? But but but it was it was kind of funny because it was like that with the media.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Like they all of a sudden everyone thought they were going to be out of jobs. Like their whole purpose or their only existence or the only thing they could do is film people who do thrusters. There's a lot of Icelandic chicks waiting tables. Finished reading The Fountainhead last night and couldn't help but compare Rorick to Greg. Have you all read it? Thank you all for speaking the truth. I have not read it. I'm ashamed to say.
Starting point is 01:24:33 That's kind. Thank you. He was a good dude. Is it better than comparing you to Donald Trump? know, my opinions are Trump. Yes. Yeah, I'm gonna vote for him proudly. Yes. You know what kids, we're not,
Starting point is 01:24:56 it's not the high school president. Whether you like someone or not has nothing to do with it. There's all kinds of people that I like that I wouldn't vote for president. This is how stupid people are. Imagine not liking someone and thinking they would be the best choice for president. That's an intellectual exercise for all my lefty friends. They're not able to do it. Say it one more time.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Imagine not liking someone. Conjure up the scenario where you would say, yeah, I don't like that guy, but that is who I'm gonna vote for. I do not like them and I'm voting for them. My like or dislike is irrelevant to what matters in selecting the candidate. Just play with that and see if you can create fruit. Because it's a very real thing for almost all thinking people.
Starting point is 01:26:06 almost all thinking people. That's the world we live in. See, my lefty friends, part of what makes me say they're not as smart as they need to be, as non-lefties, they're flummoxed at the choice of dumb and dumber. They're incapacitated. And they're going to keep telling me over and over, but he's dumb. I go, but the other guy's dumber. Please. Dumb and dumber. Telling me my guy's dumb doesn't help.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Yours is dumber. telling me my guys dumb doesn't help yours is dumber how about telling you your guy is weird he has an enormous obligation to explain a radical shift in position she's assumed to be the principal architect of a position she's abandoned on fucking 180 degrees at the speed of light explain explain to us. That happens. I expect apostasy of genius. I expect it. And the best of it comes with explanation. Hey, my book, conservative intellectual movement in America since 1945, I think is the name. Conservative in the United States since 1945. I believe it's another one of those works. I might have been a pull that up. Did you just read it recently? No, a long
Starting point is 01:27:40 time ago. Oh yeah, yeah, I've seen this book. I've, you've given me this book more than once. I give it to everyone. It's a fantastic introduction to some extraordinary thinkers. Nash, right? George Nash? Yeah, yeah. Huge, great book, great book. There's a lifetime of reading to be found in just the references from that. Brian Clark, Greg is nothing like Trump. Uh, positively fit adventure. Seve has skipped over even some of my paid ones. Who cares? Don't be a bitch.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I know. I just, I just thought it was funny. I just wanted to make a bit out of it. Thank you. Uh, Seve writing it down, like he's going to actually try and read it. Thank you. Trish, it's an easy read. Hey, there were some crazy things that happened.
Starting point is 01:28:31 I mentioned it. Sorry for the interruption. I mentioned that because the lesson you learn is that the best of political thinkers, almost all of them were, and there's the notable exceptions are like William F. Buckley, but they were all darlings of the left, deeply committed to socialist, leftist, communist cause, and found apostasy and pulling their heads out of their ass and getting the shit out of their eyes. And that's actually expected. And so I said, I expect apostasy of genius. There's nothing wrong with changing your mind. Someone said of, I'll think of who it was, and I should remember now, darkness at noon, Kessinger, right? Arthur Kessinger, did I see
Starting point is 01:29:20 that? Am I doing that right or I got the wrong. But anyways, he gave up his citizenship and moved to Russia. And then oops, came back and took his citizenship back and denounced Russia. And he said he went to hell and didn't come back empty handed. Wow. It's just a great line. Went to hell and came back and not empty handed. to hell and came back and not empty handed. And so it's okay for her to change her mind, but she needs to explain to us now why. Like what happened? Why do you now think that instead of their response to inflation was to spend a billion dollars looking after waiters and waitresses on the tips they were keeping. That's baked into that. And all of a sudden, no tips. Why? I mean, it's the right position.
Starting point is 01:30:15 It puts us in the awkward position of criticizing her for finally making sense. Greg is a modern Russell Kirk. Dave Smith for president, Greg for VP. I want a petition for my five dollars back. Just DM me, I'll send it back to you. Hey, what's crazy is she's saying all the things she's going to do, but why doesn't she do them now? Why don't her and Biden do them now? The implication would be that he won't let her so that things are bad because of him, not her.
Starting point is 01:30:59 This debate is going to be something else. I can't wait for the convention. Even my kids, even my kids, because I watched the whole Republican convention, they're like, when do they went right when I got home from the games, my nine year old like, when do the other guys go? Do we get to watch that? I'm like, oh, yeah, we're gonna watch that one. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. All right, Seve, it's new baby time. I love you, I love everyone.
Starting point is 01:31:31 I love you too. Are you headed to the hospital? Yeah. No, it's a couple hours of homeschool. First wave of kids go to the hospital. We decided yesterday they need to take turns. I just wanna tell you a story, okay? Real quick.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Yeah. So there were some athletes who, when the event started, like they would be out there on the floor, like a team of athletes, right? Like four people and it was team events. And they would say, three, two, one, go. You already know this is going to be great, right? Yeah, yeah, and take the knee.
Starting point is 01:32:04 They took the knee and they let a minute go by and the ESPN cameras stay focused on them and the whole crowd goes crazy. I don't know why the crowd goes crazy, but they go crazy. I was tripping on that. I was trying to figure out why they're going crazy. And they're so excited. And then as we get closer to prize money time,
Starting point is 01:32:21 those teams send out a survey asking the other teams if they can get to vote so they can get their minute back. And that right there, that right there, and that's cool. Like kudos to you for like fucking having no value. No value. I I used to have no values and morals I get it and I liked and I actually really liked these people who did that like this This is the crew that you spent, you know the type that spend enough time in church presenting to give the money So you learn to run your hand over the plate and palm your your money and then a few years later You learn to actually take something out.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Is it worth that? You drop a one and pull out a five? Yeah, yeah, you make change. I was thinking of it's like donating to GoFundMe and then calling your credit card and canceling. Yes, yes, $20,000 to Lizards how much money they raised yet? You know I did a live podcast right after it happened and we raised two hundred thousand bucks the posse in the chat
Starting point is 01:33:38 200,000 it went from when we started the show it had a 66 donations when we ended it had 66 donations. When we ended, it had 2,800. Oh, Alisa Bow, 467,000, half a million. That's gonna be a hell of a fucking funeral. Is there gonna be a competition? No, they quit CrossFit. No, what is this money for? He's got to fly his fucking family back.
Starting point is 01:34:10 There's going to be just expenses. The fucking family gets crippled, right? No one wants to work. Everyone's going to be depressed. Just all that horrible shit that must come with that. The debilitating fucking mental state And it makes people feel good. I felt better giving 100 bucks I'm gonna put you down for a hungee Trey Newsome first triathlete this weekend. I emailed about their swim safety protocol. This is the response I see.
Starting point is 01:34:46 I don't know what you're talking about. I think there might have been a link there. Oh, I can't do links. Hey, one more thing. You ready for this? Yeah. They asked the athletes what they want to do. You're gonna love this. This is just like a perfect view. And there was a proposal from one of the athletes or some of the athletes
Starting point is 01:35:10 that they take the three million dollars in prize money or two million, whatever it is, and spread it evenly amongst all the athletes. Like that. That idea never quits coming. Like the second you ask them for something, they immediately go to That idea never quits coming. That's like, yeah, I like this. Like the second you ask him for something, they immediately go to... Yeah, that again.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Give me access to the coffers. So the men's and women's champ of prior, of the year before withdrew. Yeah, that, yeah, he withdrew. And now he's claiming he almost drowned too now. Yeah, well, sure. The purpose. The purpose of the game is to do what?
Starting point is 01:35:57 Crown the fittest. Yeah. And so that becomes way less probable. way less probable. Let's the possibilities are diminished of accomplishing that. You mean if that guy pulls out with those two out men's and women's from last year? Yeah, yeah, yeah, man. But the women were no, no, maybe the man, the man could have won. The woman had no chance. Not at all.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Okay. Is this sponsor driven, you believe? The reason that they kept going? Didn't go. I thought you said they withdrew. Oh, they didn't go. Well, there is now, there's more crazy stories there. I so didn't want to get into this but there's now stories
Starting point is 01:36:47 coming out that they checked with their sponsors before they pulled out to make sure that it wouldn't affect their money. I mean you better it'd be stupid not to. But I mean you're pulling out based on something you're saying to the world you're pulling out based on some values and morals and yet you check your bank account first. Yeah. The, when the games athletes turned on me, that was sponsor driven. Oh, okay. Well, so at the point that you're the sponsors of your sporting event, I'll get together and decide you're done.
Starting point is 01:37:18 You pretty much are. Like poor sleepy Joe, they told him, you can run for president, but there'll be no money to spend. That he understood. Yeah. You think they paid him to step down? There was some financial package. Nothing like the Chinese had given them. They're going to carve his ass on Rushmore.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Oh God. He's one of the greatest presidents ever. Joe and Kamala, everyone needs to watch Being There tonight. Chauncey Gardner, Jersey Kaczynski wrote that I believe. Being There, it's great. They're not there, neither one of them. Okay, I gotta go, it's time for baby shift. New baby pickup, maybe.
Starting point is 01:38:37 All right, have fun, call me later. Thank you everyone. Can't wait till you come back to Santa Cruz to nest a little bit. Yeah, the nicest place in the world All right. Ciao. Bye And the most expensive All right I did what I did watch the the
Starting point is 01:39:07 Interview with Hinshaw and Talking to the fitness I did watch that I watched Sean and Lauren I did watch that I did watch that I hope that dawn doesn't collapse under the pressure of these These fucking idiots that come and go and aren't saying anything. I so I so I so want to Oh First of all, I need to apologize that post I made yesterday, I should have been more clear.
Starting point is 01:39:59 I, the only person that I give any footing like to stand on is Fikowski. Like if, like he's been, he's been banging this drum for years, but if you're not, if you're not going to post a list, if you're going to say we've been complaining for years, that means nothing to me. You're basically just inciting a riot. It's like, where's the list of shit? Where is it? Anytime I ask anyone, they're like, we've been talking about and concerned
Starting point is 01:40:22 about safety for years. Okay, cool. CrossFit's been concerned and concerned about safety for years. Okay Cool cross it's been concerned and asking working on safety for years, too. Okay. Now those two cancel each other out now what? Well, we asked them to make sure that they only had the games and Places where it never went over 80 degrees. Okay, what did they say? They said that they can't do that. Okay, cool All right. There's a data point. I mean, I just made that up. I don't know if they did that But it's not but it's not like that. That's not what's going on It's all these people with just shit loads of followers been saying we've been complaining for years
Starting point is 01:40:56 Like I don't ever remember the complaining and the only and like I said over and over the I Okay, here's a complaint I remember I remember them complaining the pull-up bars were too low one year for Fikowski and maybe one other person and maybe he has shitloads and shitloads of documentation about the complaints or the changes but how about how many of
Starting point is 01:41:21 them did they how many of them did they make and change all I'm hearing is? Basically attacks and even from Fikowski's that they want to keep the event secret. So what? So what if they want to keep the events a secret? Like now all of a sudden you're leveraging one of the coolest parts about the games. Listen, you know, it's so funny He says they want to keep the event secrets But if you ask the fucking 80 athletes there 78 would have them would have told you Yeah, we love keeping the event secrets. Oh, but just tell the PFAA so they they can review them God you've I got him I of address Patrick.
Starting point is 01:42:07 God, you're so fucking dumb. Someone needs to show leadership at CrossFit. Don Fall should step down. He's a CEO and someone died under his watch. Tough break for him. Dave Castro moves into CEO position Joe Howell replaces Dave Castro condolences to the community Dude I I would I I have a prediction and it's not gonna be good for the athletes man. They are fucking up again
Starting point is 01:42:43 you just sit out there and say you want heads to roll, and we're in private equity world and the heads are going to roll, and what you get left with is going to be just the next level of stupidity. You better be careful. You better fucking be careful what you ask for. No one's even, no one's even, no one's even talked about or, or, or knows about the requirements, what it takes to be on those on that medical team. And that's what proves to me that no one even fucking really cares. And when I say no one, I mean, I mean, just the, all the athletes who are posting
Starting point is 01:43:23 just the vague stuff We've been asking my heart is broken. We've been asking for changes for years How about how about how about get behind your leader How about get behind your leader? How about get behind your leader? I saw frog grips even went on the attack. Savaan, where's your new shirt? I left it in, great question. I left it in, Sus question. I left it in...
Starting point is 01:44:06 Suzer was nice enough to carry it for me and I left it. I left it in his bag. I need to get it. He lives close to me, like 70 miles. Yeah, I can't stand the argument, no one at CrossFit is an athlete or coach. What the hell does that have to do with not knowing what's safe or not? Yeah, and none of the athletes have ever fucking led anyone either. And have never run a fucking event. I mean, it's just, I know it's just endless. It's just endless fucking stupidity.
Starting point is 01:44:43 I know someone in here wrote, frog grip should be worried about the wrists They're hurting not be worried about fucking safety at the games They can't even cut out a piece of fucking leather and hand it to someone without it injuring them fucked hards All right, I'm done. Thank you. Great for Greg to come on. We're so lucky to have them. All right. Those of you who are new here, welcome.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Don't hang out too long oh you're at I think Seve knows he's done once Dave is out buddy I've been out for a long time. Buddy, I've been out for that CrossFit is doing wrong. All the athletes are bringing this up so there should be some truth. So after my post yesterday, there's already a dozen athletes in my DMs who agree with me. You have to remember that the people complaining are the same people who always complain, and they never say fucking anything and there's no fucking examples.
Starting point is 01:46:48 And it's all the people with a fucking million fucking followers. And if you don't think that, you know, fucking I love Shelby Neal, but if you think it's odd that after a CrossFit workout someone threw up, well then you fucking haven't been following the games or you want to watch a different event than I did because I want to see the test for the fittest. Everyone was complaining that fucking Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd and we know that's not true. Everyone was saying to take the COVID vaccine and we know that that was a fucking mistake. And that's just fucking, sorry, Rakesh, I like you, but that's just horrible fucking logic. Just look at their posts. They're not fucking saying anything. They're just fucking virtue signaling.
Starting point is 01:47:44 You can't have a thousand fucking're not fucking saying anything. They're just fucking virtue signaling. You can't have a thousand fucking posts selling fucking hand cream and then all of a sudden you get one picture of Lazar because he's fucking dead and you want me to fucking take that as like your opinion matters at all. You posted that picture of Lazar so people will like you and you'll sell more hand cream. The fucking internet's full of people asking why aren't you posting anything about it. It's the same people that are aren't you posting anything about it? It's the same people that are fucking upset that Rebecca Fuseli opened up her gym so people could fucking go there and grieve. It's the same fucking people that are getting upset that fucking we were
Starting point is 01:48:16 we um smiled you know the same people who are upset that we smiled on the fucking podcast because we were having audio issues in the beginning and it was funny And yet we raised two hundred thousand dollars for Lizard's family. It's just fucking idiot world, dude It's the same people pointing out the fact that a Masters athletes was Almost drowned and that he was saved but was like yeah But he was saved or forget that the another mass Masters athlete that year yesterday had a fucking lifeguard swim the entire race with them I masters athlete that year yesterday had a fucking lifeguard swim the entire race with them. I mean it's just like you don't you don't think that there's gonna fucking be heat stroke once in a while at a fucking CrossFit event sorry then then we're just gonna have to like not see uh
Starting point is 01:48:58 eye to eye on that and then all of a sudden to keep conflating it with the fact that Lazar died and there's somehow some diminishment of that, that's not it at all. But these people want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. And I don't want to do that. And like, to be honest with you, I don't care what happens to Dave as long as he's happy with it. I don't give a fuck. It's not going to affect me fucking at all. I'm not even going to be affected if CrossFit goes away. I's not gonna affect me fucking at all. I'm not even gonna be affected if CrossFit goes away. I have no fucking attachment to it at all.
Starting point is 01:49:29 You're a fucking nut. The only fucking conspiracy that anyone's remotely close to being correct on is that, yeah, I have a profound fucking love for Dave and I'll fucking go to war for him. That's it. Norm K, $1.99. And I've said that every day since the beginning And so now you know and and for infer infer any infer anyone who thinks like that whatever that I'm incorrect or too faced or just loyal to Dave or
Starting point is 01:50:02 Pile on all this shit. I'm not a nice person, whatever you want to say. Just remember, there's no one who's gonna give it to you more straight than me right here. Nobody. So even dipshits like Pat Lang have to come here because they know everywhere else it's fucking worse. Because at least I'm gonna fucking tell you my bias. Because at least I'm gonna fucking tell you my bias. Alright guys, love ya.
Starting point is 01:50:35 I have been talking to shitloads of people behind the scenes, shitloads and shitloads. I must have spent fucking nine hours on the phone yesterday. So, Seve, you turned off your camera during event one and you do behind the scenes. You are up CrossFit's butthole. Listen, I wasn't... first of all, you're fucking crazy, you're fucking nuts. But um, oh fuck you, I'm not even gonna explain it to you. Does anyone want me to explain it to them? Yeah, he helped fucking look. It wasn't like I was like, hey, I'm fucking turning off my fucking camera. I wasn't like, hey, I'm fucking hiding this.
Starting point is 01:51:32 You fucking dipshit. I wasn't like, oh, I better not film. This will fucking backfire on CrossFit. I was fucking right there when the fucking fiance came up fucking crying. Where's my fucking dude? And I immediately went fucking searching for Lazar. By the way, I don't like buttholes at all. I have no fucking interest in the Cheerio. On a final note, to be absolutely fucking clear, the job of the safety staff, in my opinion, my sole opinion, was to make sure that everyone crossed the finish line. And that no one was to drown. And that if someone did have some sort of event,
Starting point is 01:53:21 regardless of what it is, that they would spot that event, get to the person and pull them to shore. That kind of Care from the organizing body Alright Peace out and remember keep posting that shit I'm taking screenshots of all of it Eventually we'll circle back around Right now, the only reason. I'm taking screenshots of all of it eventually will circle back around Right now the only reason why I'm not doing right now is because there's so many fucking emotional cucks out there And they'll eventually move on to the next thing
Starting point is 01:54:14 But I won't let this go down like I did and stay quiet with you fucking assholes who went after the Floyd 19 thing You will all get your fucking day one by one. Even my closest friends. Love you guys. Bye bye.

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