The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #39 | Live Call In - Making Demands

Episode Date: August 24, 2024 If you own a gym fill this out!! FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam! We're live. What a day. What a day. What an exciting day yesterday was. So much stimulation. I think I had a beer for the first time. It was the tennis coach's birthday so I went to a place called Beer 30. I don't, I can't remember the last time I had a beer. I don't think I've had a beer in I'm gonna say it's been over a year. I Had to I had two beers something blonde I just picked the one with the lowest alcohol Then I came home Rode the assault bike For 30 minutes. I wanted to try to sweat it out. Oh And then I stayed up late perusing
Starting point is 00:00:51 the YouTube channel and all the comments. Boy, there's a lot of confusion. Boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, there's a lot of confusion. If you, if you, it's hard for me to, not hard. It's impossible for me to make any sense out of comments when someone wrote, say, uh, writes, uh, Hey, Sevan, you don't make any sense. Like if you were like, Hey, I'm not understanding why you're bringing the PFAA
Starting point is 00:01:20 into this when it's Dave's, uh, Dave's event, Then I can like, I can see your point, I can be like, okay, got it. I didn't bring the PFAA into this. They demanded, they demanded that they be brought into it. I'm not bringing them into it. People are like, oh Sebi, why are you blaming them? Or why are you putting responsibility on them? I'm not. They're demanding to take responsibility. They're demanding. It's their demand. And so, you know, they're showing up to the scene as an expert. And so, okay. I mean, they've demanded I think it was pretty clear. I think we all we all agreed on everything they're making demands and that's where we disagree. Other people, by the way, the amount of support I get in my DMs is absolutely insane. It's like
Starting point is 00:02:12 a thousand DMs saying, Seve, we love you. Thank you. I appreciate it. It's cool. It's fun. I'm having fun. I'm enjoying this. That being said, I wish we weren't in this situation, but I'm enjoying this. I got a DM from Luca yesterday saying, Sevan, my brother did not have a cardiac event. Please stop saying that. Okay. Noted. noted. Yeah, he sent me a DM that basically said, hey, I'll never contact you again, but in this one contact that I make with you, I want to let you know that he did not have a cardiac event. Of course, I wanted to say, well, what happened to him at the Burj Khalifa?
Starting point is 00:03:00 I mean, that's what I, but I didn't say it. I just, I just, I didn't't say anything I mean because it was very clear. He didn't want to communicate. He just wanted to get And I'm not hating on him for that at all. I Actually appreciate his His take so If you are if you show up to a If there if you're looking out your window and there's a fight going on in the street and you run down there You're gonna get punched in the face whether you want to or not so
Starting point is 00:03:40 I Just I need to let you guys know those you people who are inserting remember money you guys won't have the stomach for this if this is your first rodeo. Hi Greg. What's up kid? What's up dude? You got like you giving warnings? I mean just not not like a warning like a threat but a warning like hey cigarettes will
Starting point is 00:04:03 kill you like I just you know what I know it a warning like, hey, cigarettes will kill you. Like, I just, you know what I mean? I know, it's like, yeah. Like, hey, you're gonna show, if you show up to go and watch a murder scene and you just think you're coming there to watch it, don't forget that like all of a sudden now there's implication that you're the killer. Just know what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Like PG-13. Kind of warning. Yeah, you're gonna see some titties. Maybe. Someone smoke out of a crack pipe something. People wanna put their names on the line here and this is the kind of thing that will follow you around the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And so like, if you don't already have like, if you don't have experience in this, the internet will fuck you up. You know what I mean? Like people will be like, this is one of those things you're not weighing in on. You're not weighing in on whether, what your favorite flavor of Fid-Aid is,
Starting point is 00:04:54 you're weighing in on something that's gonna change people's opinions about you in the community that you live in. And so if you're not ready for that, which I don't think a lot of people are, I just want them to know like careful You get fucking it's like running. It's like running with the book. You're running with the bulls now You know what I mean I
Starting point is 00:05:19 Want to thank you for the Floyd 19 experience that really that was a fucking crash course I want to thank you for the Floyd 19 experience. That really, that was a fucking crash course. And, and, and running with the bulls. No baby steps here. Jump in and run. It's funny. You know, if I, if I ever for a moment If I ever for a moment could conjure up some feelings humble enough to apologize, but you were always like,
Starting point is 00:06:16 I mean, you were always like so far ahead of everyone and seeing the future. But man, this thing, first of all, in the beginning, you're like, from day one, you're like, hey guys, I just want this to be a festival and a celebration. I want this to be the Woodstock of fitness. And then it went over to Carson. And then you're like, hey man, we need to never be, and I'm paraphrasing, feel free to say it's not true
Starting point is 00:06:37 what I'm saying, but then you said, hey, I never want, this thing can never be, we can never have obligation as a company to sponsors or to shoe companies. It's like, okay. And then the thing got, the thing started having a disproportionate voice to the, to the, to the relevance of the business because of social media. And you're like, Hey dude, we need to fucking stop this. This thing is creating fucking like noise that's irrelevant to the, to the affiliates. And, and it's going to cause us to lose our way. And now it's like so obvious. I mean, to me, finally, I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:07 I know it was obvious to you six years ago, but look, Craig Paisley, Greg was correct, yes. It's so crazy. It's so wild. Tell me if you've heard this story before, because I feel certain you have. Game after game after game, I stand in a reception line, and I look through the line,
Starting point is 00:07:36 and I'll see faces that I know from way back, getting on 10 years now, maybe longer, a good number of them. And if there was, and it's a joy to see them excited, you know, like... Like in 2006 for a seminar, now it's 2016, you see them. Yeah, I see them in the reception line, waiting like sweethearts to say hi.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And they come up, it's a big hug and lots of love and we don't need to communicate much. But what does come across clearly thematically over and over and over again is fundamentally distills to what goes on in my box. Has nothing to do with this, with this spectacle, nothing whatsoever. And I stand there flat-footed trying to express back, I fucking know.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I mean, the affiliate concept is an attempt to replicate what I was doing in my gym. And if people had started making serious book on the outcomes between Lloyd and Greg that, that was disruptive to the business, it would have been obvious to me. And that was the inspiration of that affiliate summit. It caused also a real heartfelt, long thought examination of what we offered us being HQ, the people that own the brand, managed and own the brand. And I tell you what, I couldn't come up with shit really. But I went back to the only thing I ever knew is like, you know, build the gym that I would
Starting point is 00:09:27 go to and build a program that I would experiment with, tinker with, and see if I liked. Put a journal together that I would pay for. In fact, I thought there was, I'm going to put in the hands of people things that I've known for a long time and I wish they had someone to put in the hands of people things that I've known for a long time and I wish they had someone to put my hands on ago. A seminar that I would cough up the money for, an affiliation fee that I would pay. And when I looked at that, the stark reality is that once the constantly varied high intensity functional movement, its execution, maintaining the social relationships to keep in application of that and watching the result in
Starting point is 00:10:16 changes is the whole ball of wax. And almost every HQ is fundamentally irrelevant. And so And almost every HQ is fundamentally irrelevant. And so the soul searching there led to what is it that we could do that would attract me as an affiliate that they can't do for themselves, that couldn't be done for me. So I'm in the gym every day. I'm open. And I've got 60 trainers, whatever. Imagine the success, that just looks like a... It's just a thriving gymnasium.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And... What do I need from the mothership? And I looked to our offering and I saw that we could make a contribution in education. We could present speakers, Zoe Harco, Malcolm Kendrick, on and on. that we could make a contribution in education. We could present speakers, Zoe Harko, Malcolm Kendrick, on and on, check that off. And the things I'm describing were a deliberate effort to bring those things to bear because this was the narrow space in which we had relevancy.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And without chewing up all your time here, it was- Oh, this is great. It was education It was validation of the methodology It was litigation largely in the defensive sort. There was a fucking Hundreds of million dollar effort to knock your shit your dick in the dirt affiliates Fought that successfully make, made Wall Street Journal
Starting point is 00:11:47 second page on success there in DC and set the path. Also explained what the terms would cost for those that had hundreds of millions to spend, what it might cost them to keep this trick up. Knocked it flat and it's stick, knocked its stick in the dirt in Massachusetts with some really intelligent crossfitters that we put into the audience there to speak to the assembly or whatever it was, the Senate. But it was education, validation of the methodology, defense against litigation, largely defensive, had no sense or aspirations ever to build our own litigation. And then on the litigation front, I'm sorry, that was the first one was legislation, to stop legislation entirely in the defense. But the litigation was defensive and offensive.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And the defensive was the people that thought they were gonna come through and serially sue the gyms to make a living of it. We battened down the hatches and spent a million dollars to stop a $10,000 payout, and finally got a reward of zero for the assholes. It was a setup. It was a Rabdo case setup.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And we, we caught them. Well, one of the witnesses and friends in the case was a Rabdo attorney. How do you like that first catching on to what was going on at the end? They want to say ambulance chasing Rabdo attorney. He was like an expert in- Yeah, yeah. At the end, they're like, give us 10 grand and we'll go away.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And we're like, fuck off. You hang your 10 grand. And it was a million dollar cost, but it caught attention. But anyways, education, validation, Todd Butler- Legislation, litigation, that's it. And there was no other way to be worth a fuck in terms of what I would sign up for. Todd Butler, I remember what an uphill battle it was for Greg to make box owners understand how valuable that was.
Starting point is 00:14:12 The legislation, the example is someone trying to make it so every CrossFit trainer had to pay $100 to be a part of their organization that validated them, things like that, licensure. Is that a current figure? No, no, I just remember the guy in New Zealand was trying some shit like that. of a register of exercise professionals. There was an international front and a national one. And we lit into them and it turned out to in successful litigation, extremely successful international litigation. We found out that the thing had is its mailing address, an agency in Atlanta that builds proxy organizations and does PR and strategies for the food and beverage industry so like this would be
Starting point is 00:14:57 one of these do-gooder organizations don't trust any of that. I remember one of the largest lobbyists and PR firms in the world who worked for the democratic machine and the fucking whole army of lawyers that you led. And it was crazy because you were even steps and steps ahead of them in terms of seeing the enemy and seeing what you needed to do on the litigation and legislation front. And I remember you were like a dad with a kid who would be like afraid to fight or just want to follow the playbook. And you'd be like, no, we're not doing it
Starting point is 00:15:33 that way. But we, we surf, God bless John Podesta and his friends. We surfed that organization and their and their effect. Like we were sitting there reaping the benefit is they're taking the paintings off the walls It was crazy how good that was for us how strong they were how good that advice was How powerful what a force for good? I don't even know if a gentleman wants me to name his name or not that was instrumental in that But but we couldn't have been better represented by the Podesta group. But I mean, you even had to unfuck them.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Like they, they had a playbook that was like, Hey, this leads to this, to this. And you're like, no guys, we're doing it this way. And I just remember thinking, Holy shit. How does Greg know, know how to do all this? What, what does he see? These guys are experts in the field. What does he see? These guys are experts in the field. You remember when we went to see the gal,
Starting point is 00:16:33 I think she's passed. The Washington DC lady who is Gore? Yeah. Yeah, I was pushing for statehood and she taught at Georgetown and her staff was mostly behind us like she's nuts. Right. Cause we're looking around like, what the fuck? And on the way over there, I told her-
Starting point is 00:16:50 A congresswoman, a non-voting congresswoman, or a non-voting senator or something? Yeah, that's right. Yeah, some kind of at-large position. But on the briefing on her, we were told that she was pushing for DC statehood. And I said, well, let's just go in and just tell her that's what we want. And David said, if only it were that simple, my boy. And I'm like, all right, whatever, what do I know?
Starting point is 00:17:15 So we went and listened to this, this poor woman add along, like it was so bad. It was so bad. But anyways, on the way out the door, I said, hey, I like this statehood idea. And she says, well, that's what you should have said when you came through the door. And our able leader threw his hands on his head and said, I can't even believe it. He goes, I I never forget this. That was funny. Oh, she's still alive. Oh, is she? God bless her. Don't point her out now. I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:52 I don't. We went into this congresswoman's office for DC and like, I mean, clearly she wasn't, and she had a staff of 20 and she had a massive fancy office in the Capitol building or whatever. And it was unbelievable how bad off she was. I mean, she was like, like, you would have thought she was going to die tomorrow. It was like she had Alzheimer's or something. She couldn't even make sentences. I was like, Holy shit, how is someone like this in the US government? It was bizarre. And her and I do remember her staff like when she talked would roll their eyes behind her back and shit. Yeah, that was crazy. I think she's still a congresswoman, dude. Trying to look at her. Yeah, she, yep, she is. She didn't function then. We're not, I'm not, we're not even exaggerating a little bit. I mean, she didn't know what eight plus eight was. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I think there was, I think there were moments. Like a lucidity, like Biden, like just in and out. I would, you know, someone proximate to her said, you know, this is a law professor. Yeah, it says she went to Yale Law. I think she taught at Georgetown. What do I know? I think you're probably right. Delegate to the United States House of Representatives since 1991, Yale Law School, Yale University. So there's maximum campaign contributions that you can make. Oh, she wrote a book, how to land a top paying federal job.
Starting point is 00:19:48 You can't make that shit up. I swear to God. Sorry. There's a maximum comp campaign contribution that you can make. And it's a, it's like crazy low. And so you make that across the board, say in a city council. And then, um, like you give all 12 people on the board, a thousand bucks, whatever, okay, whatever the max is, everyone gets it.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And then you, you, uh, and that's like your auntie in poker. And then you get, you get a little show of force together, like a crowd, a meeting of affiliates where representatives from other affiliates come and the local representative is, is more than eager to be there or send someone there and word gets back This is a network and if you can institute some kind of mass email campaign And put us to help just do that You can create a flood that is like in the case of Washington DC
Starting point is 00:21:00 Real is fuck Like gee whiz. Okay, nice job and the people get them they know it's email they they know that someone's whipped these people into going to this site fill it in their partnance and this thing looks legit and it is because I mean they know how it happened but you've somehow got the wherewithal to get thousands of people's panties in a twist. And it fucking matters. And now all of a sudden you come back in
Starting point is 00:21:34 and it's crazy the difference in how you treated, how you're spoken to. The nose picking, looking out the window in difference turns into like crumpets in fucking coffee and shit. And enthusiasm, little personal stories about bike riding and cousins coming over and like you're friends now. It's like fucking crazy. The difference is crazy. Humble, like, oh, my God, we're going to work this out.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Like this, we're on the same team. We're going to do this. I mean, it's as good as done. It's fucking weird. And then, and then you get, and we got this one, man. It'd be illegal for me to ask for money here. But I'm leaving and well, you met there on the way in the door. Wait, all right.
Starting point is 00:22:26 It seems to me that checking checkbook and make an illegal contribution. And it's all for chicken scratch too. It's crazy. My lawyers make 20 times more than the politicians wanna be paid in their graft. Right. They'll spend more in legal fees trying to figure out what Joe and Hunter were doing than they ever got. Right. It's crazy how
Starting point is 00:22:56 cheap politicians are. What complete and total scum. Fuck. Yeah, I miss that shit a lot. Big Jess, I always look forward to Greg shows. Good morning. Me too. Todd Butler, can the games be fixed if athletes were still L1s? No.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I don't think so. Hey, if um, do you have a perspective? So this organization is, this organization, this guy Brent Fikowski is making these demands from on CrossFit. And so basically he stepped up to the table, right. Um, as, as some authority that to make demands and he got a few other athletes, um, the, uh, the black square athletes to step up and sign with him. the black square athletes to step up and sign with him. And I was I was thinking, boy, this guy, Dave Castro is kind of like the last temple in my mind of what is CrossFit that's left over there. It wasn't that, wasn't that the sentiment before he was fired and kind of part of the resurrection? Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:23 So he's already in his like Jesus one face Right. Yes. He's been resurrected once that way. Yeah. Wow But he didn't go be with the father he was resurrected and stay stay but I was thinking about the implications to the affiliates. I was thinking I was thinking about the implications to the affiliates. I was thinking, like, who cares what the athlete thinks? What are the affiliates? Like, what best benefits the affiliates?
Starting point is 00:24:51 But I don't think that there's any, I wonder if Don knows that. What was my line? I think you just asked this of me. Or I chimed in. Can I share it? Please, please, please, please. Oh, you say that you're not sure if the athletes
Starting point is 00:25:14 in the aforementioned letter, if they think about the affiliates at all. Yeah. And I say it may not be in their interest to. Right. As an affiliate, I'd have trouble comparing their relevance to something known in the community and equally unimportant, like who makes my chalk important.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I mean, they have nothing to do with the miracle that is CrossFit that translates to a healthy way to put braces on your kids and send them to private school. Right. You know, between, in the space of all that good, what is their relevance in it? Zero. Right. I wouldn't trade all the games athletes rubbing my feet in front of all my customers, my clients, my friends for one dirty window in the building. I mean, it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Hey, I was laughing earlier because you remember my, I kept going to the analogy where we've got a car dealership and someone says it's people who've got their kids and it's hard to get them under contract because they're wrestling with the kids. So my buddy says we should bring in some cotton candy and a clown to make balloons and people could leave their kids there.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And here we are now, dude. And the fuck it, your fucking clowns are all over the city. Jizz and cotton candy on everybody. Right. And there's, and there's no cars being sold. Right. Yeah. Good.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I, I, I could, I see this as an opportunity for them to be a force of good. And instead it's just become a force of like My effort to sell that shit was legit How many and you tried a few times right? They talked to like big big, you know big and little and medium vc Had all the connections and medium VC had all the connections. So many interested people. No one wanted just that shit. Nobody. crack habit to your would look to your checking account. Heidi has a great point. Maybe we should do a different show on this. What's wrong with jizzing cotton candy on everybody?
Starting point is 00:27:59 I like it. Just don't complain about it. You wanted clowns, you wanted cotton candy, you got it. Now what? My birdie has Robbie, you hear it? It's outside. outside. It gives you a sense of what you what what said a lot in the house. Oh, like what words? Yeah. 13 year affiliate owner. Hi, Dan. Definitely not happy about it feels like Dave has been the only man holding down the ship. Thank you Sevan for acknowledging the affiliates I mean at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:28:49 There's just nothing without the affiliates Just like nothing I'm not running the affiliate contest video contest for fun It's just nothing it's just nothing there's no just nothing. There's no business. There's no people. There's no fans. There's no dissemination of the message. If the membership is concerned about its relevance to the affiliates in the manner
Starting point is 00:29:21 that I became concerned, like gee, whiz, what the hell am I really, what are we offering here? And your fear is that it could be nothing. They suppose, just suppose they ask themselves the same question, I would maintain they came up with the wrong answer. And I can easily answer that, because I know what it's like to unlock the fucking door at 430 expecting that 5 a.m. client.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I know damn well. There's always been a dichotomy here in those that have unlocked the door hours before the sun came up and not. The people who know the coldest part of the day comes just slightly after dawn. That's it. There's no substitute for that For that experience Right in terms of like understanding this business
Starting point is 00:30:37 Clean bathrooms cleaning windows trying to get it done where you in your hands are clean You don't smell like fucking Windex when the first client comes in Anthony Martorano, Anthony Martorano, Tony, hi Tony. Hey you know what's funny? So many people are coming and I laugh every time. The ladies name I think is Callie Means, good honor, but did you or Greg listen to Tucker Carlson's podcast where the Stanford doctor basically says what Greg has been saying for 20 years? That's what I thought. I was like, holy shit, this lady's living what we're what we're practicing. She's finally found it. I just anytime in those comments on those posts, I just write hashtag CrossFit. respect to them and I do. People just throw that out there with all due respect. I'm offering my respect to the means. My introduction to them has come over the past year and a half
Starting point is 00:31:35 or so and I have no problem with the wall and God bless them and I can only hope for everyone's sake that they're successful in their propagation, wherever the vehicle is. Me personally, I can't listen to any of it because I got to tell you, it pains me to see the wheel need to be and it does. There is a need to be reinvented so often and on the constant. Right. And I was- Different messenger.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I was talking to Emily going, like, you know, hey, everyone, Atkins was right. There didn't seem to be that phase of things. And someone has now is speaking about the importance of exercise and carb restriction to mental health and Dr. Michael Norton was head of psychiatry at UCLA in 95 when he wrote Beyond Beyond Prozac and that book very early, Teens Somewhere, has two facing pages of psychosocial disorders. I mean, you have to look this up because you may not know that people rip their hair out and eat it compulsively, right?
Starting point is 00:33:00 He says that to date, the most effective treatment is and without Trying to sell anything or sound commercial. It was a restricted carb diet and he prostaglandin icosanoid based theory of mental disorder a whole giant families of them and That was and I I remember seeing and it was consistent with what we could see clinically, but you wonder, because my sample space is nothing like a guy running
Starting point is 00:33:32 a psych center, right? Head of psychiatry at UCLA. But it was consistent clinically with things I knew to be true. And you'd think that that would have eventually unearthed something of enormous magnitude. Dude, it's 30 fucking years ago, didn't unearth shit. And now someone else would get to come along and make those discoveries. I think that's cool. So what happens, we lose Uffy Ravenskov
Starting point is 00:34:03 and someone has to come back and now explain Framingham all over again? Like that really has to be redone? Yep, unfortunately, yes. It's amazing, right? A diet of cotton candy and hot dogs will give you the DNC 2024 convention. It's wild.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Have you watched any of that, Greg? I, you know, we were, my family, we talk about where we tapped out people, like we tapped at AOC and I go, no, I can listen to her. I just like watch, you know? Um, and I can't get past if she was hot. She'd know, no one would know who the fuck that is. Right. Um, that could be said of a lot of politicians now. We're in a phase where public were cute is a huge boom.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Like your your your your placement on the fuckability index. Yeah, yeah issues don't matter. placement on the fuckability index. Yeah, yeah, issues don't matter. And some of the evidence of that is the vast and sweeping change to the right that Mrs. Harris has made. And you do that only to negate the strength of issues. They go, he's got us on the issues. He's got, well, let's just use his issues.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Now what's he got us on? Right. And eventually you don't wanna fuck him and he's not black and so he loses. Right. But if the issues are important to you, her sudden apostasy is laughable. It's wild looking at the crowd. Yeah. You know, you know, when they did the when they announced the delegates, I watched that as they go through the 50 states and a half dozen of them were trannies. I'd never seen it.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I was like wow a half dozen six of the fucking 50 states i didn't even notice the first one i was watching with avi and he just go he just volunteers is that a boy or a girl like shit i fuck i don't know and you know what's crazy too none of the trannies were women being men they were all men being women Fuck, I don't know. And you know what's crazy too? None of the Trannies were women being men. They were all men being women. How do you really know women being men? Or, you know what I mean? Like it was like a woman with a stubble.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Like I knew it was a man first. It was born a man and then it was like, I could tell like it had some makeup on it was like the first the first the first the yeah it was wild it was wild the first I think the first ten speakers were morbidly obese and it goes along that line of what you were saying about that book about that high carb diet how will fucking Affect your thinking CrossFit HQ should say Dave. Hi Daniel. Dave doesn't need to resign the games are over That's a dream
Starting point is 00:37:28 Greg did you ever foresee Sevan being red-pilled? Thank you for all you've done and all you're doing. That's a good question. You know, you just, you kind of live it, right? What do you mean? Like you live through going, me going through my transformation? Yeah. Why did you even let a libtard into the organization? Why were you even like, Jesus Christ, who brought this thing? Santa Cruz. I was like, libtard whisperer. You saw me as a personal project. Hey, I gave Patterson the libertarian primer by David Boaz.
Starting point is 00:38:05 You gave me that too, that fucked me up. He goes, fuck me up, that dude, you fucked me up. And he goes, in the book I gave you, and it was something by George Soros or something. He goes, it ended up in the back of your pickup truck. I saw it there flapping. What's the name of the book again? Libertarian.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Yeah, by Boaz, B- again? Libertarian. Yeah. Boaz. B-O-A-Z. Yeah. Who I eventually met at Cato. Oh, you did? I think I did. Or everyone that knew him or something. Those were fun visits.
Starting point is 00:38:41 It was cool going to see the Cato people, talking there, interacting with them. They took me to the Institute for Justice people, and that introduction proved valuable for some affiliates. And for free speech around nutrition. If you want to have your brain fucking like just completely put on a beautiful Logical path if you just need a reset this shit's got to be better than any drug out there Sorry, California hormones. Uh, this this book is so awesome. You'll feel so good after you read this It just kind of straightens out. It's like when you snap the sheets on the bed and get them all straight and you get a perfect snap. I listened to this book on audio twice. I was just like, wow, this is so concise
Starting point is 00:39:31 and just brain, it's brain candy. Each box should be indifferent to HQ at this point. Read the old journal, create your own media, focus on your local community. HQ is federal government. That's exactly right. Yeah, in fact, you know what it is? It's a fantasy leadership to expect more.
Starting point is 00:40:03 I mean, it's not a business that's going to operate on a level that maximizes its giving to you. But that's what we were doing. And I knew damn well that the pressures that everyone would call business, there was no MBA inputs that didn't look like maximizing rents. It was flawed. It was organically, fundamentally large-scale flawed the way all This Q234 shit is nuts. The scale of vision that matters in business is far beyond quarters. I remember Bezos deep in where the Wall Street concern was this thing makes no fucking money. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was the story for a goddamn decade. When, when is this thing going to make any money? Yeah. That's, that's your MBA shit there. It's the Stanford wizard running a sleazebag VC firm that told me about all the money I was leaving on the table, offered me millions of dollars to burn my ex in a sale that put cash of unknown origins in my back pocket
Starting point is 00:41:46 so that I would mislead hers to the sales cost eventually ends up her partner. Guy had told me I'm leaving billions on the table, letting all affiliates make these fucking t-shirts. I remember that. Billions on the table. We later saw the game plan. It was that I was Billions on the table. We later saw the game plan. It was that I was leaving billions on the table in nutrition, billions on the table in supplements,
Starting point is 00:42:11 billions on the table with equipment, billions on the table in apparel. You go to Stanford to learn to be that way, to try and ring every dime out of everything you fucking look at. You're probably not going to like this, but going back to the affiliate proposition, what's crazy is you can come to this show every Wednesday and hear the founder and creator of CrossFit speak, which I mean, I don't know what value there is anywhere more than that. Well, I think the four should recognize their independence. I mean, the comment was correct just moments ago. Callie Means even dropped the Alzheimer's just type 3 diabetes. I heard that from Greg a decade ago.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, I sometimes I wonder when I hear those people if they just watch like 10 Greg Glassman videos in a row. Pat Lang. Hey Pat, what's up? Good morning. Do you think the crowds at the DNC are any different than the crowds at the RNC? I do. Any person that attends one of them that isn't a family member of a candidate is a loser. Sorry, not sorry. All right. I think the people are different, but I see the extent to which that might be true. I do too. The last line I see is true. But I do think the people are different. For Greg's diaper fund.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Oh, that's really cool. Are there diapers everywhere now? No, I've got people to pick them up. But do you have, I, you know, did Maggie order all the stuff? I want, I want for nothing but time. I'm the spoiledest bitch you've ever thought of. I can't even imagine. Meaning like if anything can help you have more time, then you do it. I'm the spoiledest bitch you've ever thought of can even imagine
Starting point is 00:44:25 Meaning like if anything can help you have more time than you do it Yeah, that's you know, that's the only thing that doesn't look to be in in abundance I Don't have it I don't have a personal 60 year goal, you know game plan I don't have a personal 60-year game plan. The problem is the people at 35, they don't have the 10-year window, right? Right, right. Nita Gregg documentary. Oh, and Heidi said she'll play you. I'd love her to play documentary. Oh, and Heidi said she'll play you. I'd love her to play me.
Starting point is 00:45:09 It's nice service. She was servicing people in our garage yesterday. Oh, look at this. This is mean. Sorry, Greg. Heidi equals a hot version of Greg. All right. It's a little bit of a dig at Greg, but whatever he can take it. Hey, the the garage gym phase of things of life, the opportunity, the realities of it. I think that is as cool as the affiliates.
Starting point is 00:45:38 The affiliates, you know, the people don't have that opportunity and there's a communal aspect for sure. There's things that the affiliate has that the garage gym doesn't But the garage gyms a super cool thing The thing about the garage gym though is You know when I first started doing CrossFit I would take all my shit to the park right and I would work out at the park at this 333 meter track that I always thought was 400 meters
Starting point is 00:46:03 To it but before you knew it once once a week I would put on, even though I wasn't a gym, I'd put on one person. People just see you there and they start coming and working out with you, right? So after doing that a year, I had fucking 13 regular people who would be there every day wanting to work out, which was cool, but that's what happens at the garage too. And then eventually you're an affiliate, right?
Starting point is 00:46:24 I mean, if you're working out with your garage door open and you're in a neighborhood and you're doing that shit, people are gonna poke their head in and you're gonna be excited and wanna share it with them. And then that's the birth of the affiliate, correct? Very often. I mean, it goes a couple of ways.
Starting point is 00:46:38 You know, you end up with neighbors that hate you because of the bumper plates hitting the slab eighth of a mile away at 430 AM. And then there's the people that coalesce and build neighborhood around it. You know, Sean and Brenda Rocket, Rhonda Rocket rather, did that at their home. She was a physician who became abandoned to be an affiliate owner at her own house, right? Correct. Yeah, that's hardcore.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Yeah. Internal medicine specialist left it to have an impact on diabetes through CrossFit. Eaton Beaver, good morning. Always good to see you. I really like Greg's idea of buying CrossFit and giving it to Dave to run. I don't know if that was Greg's idea,
Starting point is 00:47:32 but we should start a GoFundMe. I really like Greg's idea of buying CrossFit and giving it to Dave to run. We should start a GoFundMe. Man, what if we did start a GoFundMe and set it like at $100 million? Big John Young, Greg, I'm selfish. I know you've said you're focused on broken science,
Starting point is 00:47:48 but please save CrossFit. So many of our lives and well-being depends on it. I don't think it does. I think that the important thing, again, is happening at the point of the exercise taking place and the socialization of those engaged around that and the propagation of that message forward. And I think that root thing, the thing that made CrossFit wonderful and made me successful was that the wonder found fullest expression in the micro. What was, you know, your box is wonderfully fractal of the potential of the entire thing
Starting point is 00:48:31 right there at home with the five people you have that come in from the neighborhood and work out in your garage. It's all there. You can see, make anything happen. We pulled that experiment off in our basement at HQ and anything happen. We pulled that experiment off in our basement at HQ. And Seve, you might be surprised to have it promoted here again. That was entirely for the benefit of staff. Why do it there? It was a disruption. It wasn't the easiest place to do it, but we did it there. I wanted everyone to see that you can yank people. You hear my bug zapper? Oh yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I think it's like a mouse in it. I wanna come to Idaho just to see your bug zapper. That's awesome. So you had the gym downstairs. It was for the morbidly obese and the elderly to show staff, hey, this is actually what we're... Look what we do. Look what they do.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Yeah. This, yeah. Look what CrossFit does. Look what's happening in 15,000 locations around the world. This, I remember, diabetes treatment program, and you find that it's inferior to what's happening against your run-of-the-mill box with respect to the... Can you see it? Even my family's enjoying the bubzapper now.
Starting point is 00:49:56 It's a hit. You can see it from where you're sitting? No, you can just hear it though. I guess the wildest can. I remember 2016, we had a meeting and you're like, hey, Seve, we need to remind the 100,000 people who have L1s or 50,000, whatever it was then, that they have the cure for the world's most vexing problem. And it just became your fucking mission. You just stayed focused on it, like, hey.
Starting point is 00:50:25 The difference between your wildest aspirations for an effective treatment for, let's just, you know, I like type two diabetes because the Democrats like it too because they want state sponsored insulin so bad they could shit themselves. So they could be in full partnership with the CDC in denying diabetes origins, Coke in promoting it, and Big Pharma for offering the fix. Laugh when you hear that.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And so that, we're getting shut off from the bug zapper. And so when I talk to diabetes, think chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, think Alzheimer's, think the whole gamut of chronic disease. What about it, Seve? Distracted by the bug zapper. Just the fact that that became, you knew, you knew like the- Oh, yes. L1's Forge in Elite Fitness versus you also came with that L1
Starting point is 00:51:26 was the cure for the world's most vexing problem. And you're like, I don't think, I think a lot of these knuckleheads don't know it. And including our staff, you used to tell me that. We ran, we ran unknowingly the world's a program that was delivering the most elegant solution to the most vexing problem. And then what was missing was the awareness of that. Right. It's still not there. That work still needs to be done. But it's not the same as maximizing Q1, Q2, Q3. It's not the same mission.
Starting point is 00:52:04 That's that graph you say when you're chasing the money versus chasing excellence. Yeah, it's the problem ISR has. I can't drownhoof babies for a living. It's a crazy thing, but I can't crack that code. I mean, God bless Joy and she hate me for hearing that, but I don't, you know, I, if she's done it, God bless you. You mean because the cost for some reason, the cost outweighs people's desire to draw and prove their kids. Grace, uh, Pat and Pat and I, my friend, thank you for having these podcasts
Starting point is 00:52:43 with coach. My pleasure. Thanks. Great for doing it. It makes Wednesday so easy. I you for having these podcasts with coach. My pleasure. Thanks, Greg, for doing it. It makes Wednesday so easy. I used to prepare for these. Now I don't. Thanks. Drew love the affiliates, but nothing like my kids waking up in the morning and coming out to see me selling my soul in the garage. That's true.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Oh, for sure. Yeah. That is a good feeling. For sure. Yeah. That is a good feeling. Yeah, being with my kids is best. I literally, Danny Bearhugs. Wow, if that's really your last name, I fucking love you.
Starting point is 00:53:18 There's no way. Is there a Castro rig? Yeah, there's a Castro rig. Rogue sells a Castro rig. Yeah, there's a Castro rig rogue sells a Castro rig Hey this this whole thing with education validation litigation legislation At the company there were there were people who could do you know multiple people who could do everything You're not gonna like this question either right there were different people who could run media And there are different people who could run media, there were different people who could run the games,
Starting point is 00:53:45 there were different people who could run the affiliate department. That department and the CrossFit for Health Department, those couldn't be run by other people. There wasn't a backup to you leading that mission. So, that, I don't want to speak for HQ, but I'm pretty sure that there's no one there who replaced you in that mission. So like, so when you sold the company that huge, the only value that CrossFit actually gave the affiliates is actually gone. So the second you sold the company, the only part that the founder thought was the true value add is gone.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Is that fair? What I just said? I'm going to be the venture capital guy where I'm interested in the next eight to 10 quarters max with this thing you got, this CrossFit thing that you've convinced me to throw my money at. Now tell me again, what are these things? What's this? Let's go through them. Education for fucking what? Validate method, what method and why? What else you got? Litigation, legislation, really get tangled up in that shit? You're taking on soda here. Fuck off. I'm not I don't want an investment that is principled on fighting fucking soda. I love it. It's a great idea. God bless you. Not
Starting point is 00:55:15 with my money. You're not what else you got. But but you're right. But my point is, it's not in money's interest to do what I was doing and so and and it's gone it's not coming back let not coming back but but if let's say you had a hot dog stand right and you were selling hot dogs and I walk up to you hey Greg what's up can I buy your hot dog stand from you and you were like hey dude just so you know this looks like a hot dog stand but really it's a Place where I spread goodwill and they're like, uh-huh Right, uh-huh, and then they buy the hot dog stand from you and they just sell hot dogs and forget about the goodwill and so
Starting point is 00:55:55 My point is is that you've just said that though you had a come to Jesus moment where you realize oh fuck cats out of The bag I have nothing else to offer the affiliates. They know everything. I've given everything away for free. They have all the videos online. They know, OK, well, then I better just fucking give them more shit for free. And that's education, validation, litigation, legislation.
Starting point is 00:56:16 And what I'm saying is that there's no one there doing that now. What can I do that would support their movement, support their mission for the cleverest of them? What resources could I provide in terms of a link, a picture, an idea, a speaker, an argument that I know they're making? I know they're in debate with the fucking...
Starting point is 00:56:41 And all of these things you're saying cost money and can't be sold. I'm going to do this or I'm not going to do anything that I think is really worth doing. And that includes wrestling them for t-shirts or coming up with a credit card, an affiliate-wide credit card. I was going to get rich if I did that. A visa, CrossFit Visa card. You'll be rich. You'll be rich. And I'm saying, go get your own credit card. Right. So tell everyone in the community, get the CrossFit credit card and you get a little bit of the interest. I mean, it's not complicated.
Starting point is 00:57:13 I've heard that. Give them a great idea. They're going to launch that next week. Oh, I'm shocked at the shit they haven't done. Like I'm, but I, that's what, that's what leads me to think it was bought to dismantle it. I mean, it's not complicated. I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I mean, it's not complicated. I've heard that. I mean, it's not complicated. I mean, it's not complicated. I mean, it's not complicated. I mean, it's not complicated.. They haven't done like I'm what but I that's what that's what leads Me to think it was bought to dismantle It was bought to stop not to grow Anthony GPA Greg, did you ever have meetings with professional fitness Athlete Association Aussies? What's PFA? What is that?
Starting point is 00:57:48 That's the Brent Fikowski thing that's making all the demands on CrossFit. And who are the Aussies? Like the people who live on the Australian continent. Like I guess maybe, I'm guessing that that guy heard a rumor that they met with you one time. I don't remember you ever meeting with them. Yeah, it would have been short-lived. Hey, I would have, I would, but hey, dear listeners, you would pay big fucking money to be in a room. Supposedly, Brent sent out an email saying that he made all those demands on a phone call or in a face-to-face with Don
Starting point is 00:58:31 Yesterday and I would pay huge money to go back in time and see those guys walk in the room and make demands on you For that shit, that would be fucking amazing Holy pay that could be a pay-per-view event a Joe Nels hypothetically HQ screws the pooch or someone buys it to let it die for their benefit Okay, what should an affiliate do or be on the lookout for? Coming after legally or do you believe we can run status quo? Yeah, I would think that you could run longest Status quo kind of quietly do your thing. I mean I don't believe in putting flyers on windshields or
Starting point is 00:59:08 Groupon or or anything other than putting a continued effort into the well-being and successful development of your clients' physical opportunities. And there's lots to do. There's lots to pull off the net, to print up, to talk about, to share. And the rest of your time should be committed to family, friends, and your own recreation. But I don't see anything external being helpful and a for-business mothership, I think, is incapable of providing it. I look like I don't know if
Starting point is 00:59:48 anyone's noticed but the IQ at HQ has been cut by about 40%. The what has been cut by 40%? IQ. Oh, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Well that happened when you left. That's the best of them are well intended and nice people. But really what's happened is the place has gotten profoundly stupid. And it was done deliberately. Boeing's done the same thing. Reduced its IQ to and in IQ, I don't just mean native intelligence but I do mean that but I mean I mean that because that's just that's just one metric that I can hold on to and show where it's been fatal but with that comes a decline in values that are recognizable as being positive. that are recognizable as being positive.
Starting point is 01:00:50 This road they went down is dog, dog, dirty, filthy racism. That's what it is. What's the most valuable thing in the world? Well, obviously, never missing a coaching or training session while in the gym. And the second most valuable thing, time managing and worrying about body odor used to take up a lot of my time, massive head space, thinking about, do I smell? Do I not? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:18 I was paranoid about smelling, especially around midday, that 230 mustard smell. It was all extremely time consuming, but not anymore. Oh no. Since I switched to the Mando whole body deodorant, I'm freed up so much time. I could trade stocks quicker. I could get to the grocery store faster. I could even visit that old relative or friend that used to complain about my midday smell, but no longer does. Yeah, that's right. It's effective and long lasting. Here's why. Mando does a cover-up odor after the fact with heavy fragrances like certain other deodorants. You know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:01:53 A**. It stops the odor at the source by blocking the bacteria on your skin from eating your sweat which is actually what's the cause of BO. So give yourself the precious gift of time and get yourself some Mando whole body deodorant special offer new customers, $5 off Mando's best selling starter pack with the code seven at Mando I personally like the Mando because of the name Mando. How could you not like it? Not to mention you don't have to worry about smelling anyway. Go right from the gym to the grocery store, see a friend, talk to them, not worried about
Starting point is 01:02:33 smelling right from the gym into the classroom, sitting next to somebody. You're not worried about smelling whole body deodorant. Mando is seriously safe anywhere to use on your body. Pits, packages, belly buttons, even the old booty crack, stinking crevices, stomach folds. That one's weird. And feet. Okay. Created by a doctor who saw firsthand how normal BO was being misdiagnosed and mistreated. Mando is also American made. Pride, baby, American pride. Mando whole body odor is powerful enough for the toughest body odor, but gentle enough to use anywhere it allowed me to put Mando on family jewels. Without worrying, because Mando is aluminum free and baking soda free, cruelty free, dye free, and vegan.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Clinically proven to control odor better than the shower with soap alone. 12 hours after the shower, the average men's Grundle order level was five out of 10. With Mando, the average Grundle order level is a zero out of 10. Mando's starter pack is perfect for new customers. It comes with a solid stick of deodorant,
Starting point is 01:03:43 cream tube deodorant, two free products of your choice, like a solid stick of deodorant, cream tube deodorant, two free products of your choice, like mini body wash and deodorant wipes and free shipping. Luckily, I have a discount code to help you get hooked on my favorite smelling whole body deodorant on the market. New customers get $5 off a starter pack with our exclusive code that equates over 40% with our exclusive code that equates over 40% of your starter pack. Use code SEVON at mando S H O P M A N D O dot com. Smell you later. And being spun by overweight black chicks or whatever you get to do it
Starting point is 01:04:22 doesn't make it anything else. I agree. Even if they're lesbians. And so you expect planes to fall from the sky and this kind of tumbled. I couldn't run this place now. The expectations are other than what the affiliates have as expectations. There's a climate even where affiliates have expectations of the mothership that are absurd. Drive customers to you. Every customer I drive to you
Starting point is 01:05:08 that you haven't pulled to yourself is a waste of my time, your time, and the potential customers. So it kind of reminds me of something. I can't remember who said it, but reminds me of something. I can't remember who said it, but basically one of the best things HQ could do is just don't drive people away. Like get some help. Yes. Like, that's how easy it is to run CrossFit. All you have to do is not drive people away.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yep. Back the affiliates play. Have some sense of what it is to unlock that door at 5 in the morning. How about I keep your training from being called criminal? I'll keep you from having to join organizations whose message is antithetical, in most cases, or orthogonal at best to what you're trying to deliver. And how about I give you an article to give to that overweight doctor that's talking about whatever nonsense she's talking about
Starting point is 01:06:14 that lights into the side of this thing in a critical informed manner. And how about I, what else we got? I mean, I can come up with instances of that kind of thing all day long. And when we made our purpose true, and Matt Sousa was asking me about this in the text about advice, and I have nothing to offer beyond what was given on the 10-year affiliate gathering in Whistler.
Starting point is 01:06:47 I felt I knocked it out of the park in terms of getting off of my chest what it is that I thought potentially could be offered, what I was going to try to offer, and what we were doing with regards to those things in a detailed kind of manner. And to this day, whether it worked or not, I don't know, like how long does something have to work to take credit for it? It worked great while I was there and I enjoyed it. But I don't see, I don't have a plan
Starting point is 01:07:24 that could put the genie back in the bottle. No one's gonna, no one's gonna buy this thing and turn it into what I was running. Right? I mean, why would they? For sentimental reasons? You don't, people don't, that doesn't, that's not going to happen. That might have grown, it did, but it's not going to, you're not going to, you're not going to reverse engineer that. You're not going to get a bunch of people with a shit ton of money together and say, hey, let's do this for sentimental reasons.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Imagine trying to collect those kinds of investors. It's great that Greg has zero respect for the athletes and doesn't want to listen to them. What a role model. Yeah, I've sat at the table with them and it's a painful experience. I've not made as big a deal for that with the public as I have with staff. It's a rough, it always has been a rough thing to sit at a table full of CrossFit's best performers. Uh, he, he was too much faith in people. I work at a university and I swear they can't comprehend how to grow something, only how to cut it. Yeah, they only take from things. Yeah, there's a big difference. You can kind of look at it.
Starting point is 01:08:46 It works politically too. This big schism, it's kind of those that understand how to create wealth, how wealth is created and what wealth constitutes versus those whose focus is on its distribution and equity thereof. It's a bizarre world. Completely two different worlds. Matt Schindeldecker, owner of CrossFit Crave, probably has... I remember Matt. Yeah, he's done amazing shit in the state of Ohio talked about someone who's I? Had Greg this guy when he was on the show and I know you know
Starting point is 01:09:30 I mean he's been to your house and you met him But he's one of the only people I've ever had on the show or as like I kind of envy him Because he has so much fucking purpose in his life It's crazy one of our youth and one of our prison affiliates has just taken his, has just taken off his norv vasque for high blood pressure. We have the data and so much more. That's the validation that Greg allowed us to create. Hey, Matt. Yeah, that's cool. Congratulations, Matt. And you know, you don't need mothership for that. Congratulations, Matt. Yeah. And you know, you don't need mothership for that.
Starting point is 01:10:05 In fact, I think Emily's been, rumor has it that she's more helpful there than others have been. Joey Arnold, the affiliate fee has got to be the cheapest marketing investment that will generate business by simply having the name on the building. I agree as long as you go back to what we were just saying, as long as CrossFit doesn't do anything, as long as CrossFit doesn't do anything, like, hey, don't hurt the brand, don't hurt the name.
Starting point is 01:10:36 You know what's funny? Go back, I want to see the picture again, go back to that comment. Is that guy sitting there with a corporate polo shirt on? Maybe it says, maybe it's a fire department. I can't tell if it's a fire department. Let me do some investigating here. It just says Logan on it. I can't see what the word is below it.
Starting point is 01:11:15 If it's a military first responder, blah, blah, blah, God bless you and thank you for your service. It looks like he looks like the thing I was doing everything I could to avoid in an affiliate. And that is this crass commercial kind of look like a polo shirt with your fucking name on it, the company name on it, worn per the company manual. And for the sole reason that it seems unprofessional to me So this is this The vast majority of people have been so supportive, but this is this is what's so odd to me You have an opportunity to say something Like hey greg actually the dovid boaz book is wrong on point a b and c and actually it is more important to
Starting point is 01:12:12 Squeeze every last drop out of businesses because they have a usually have an expectancy of 14 years whether they You do that or don't do that without like responding to them. It just always goes to name-calling It's like everything from that side is this. Greg is just every Trump supporter. Mind is warped. We will let me give me the chance to just, uh, you know, tie cheat his fucking thing. From his perspective, I should hope it would be warped. I think that his, I think that his take on life involves an equitable distribution of shit with no sense of where it came from.
Starting point is 01:12:49 And as someone who understands what creates wealth, what wealth is and what money is and has a philosophical sense of it, I find your take on things kind of pathetic, and I would understand if you thought my view warped. Is that empathy? Did you just have empathy? Hey, maybe I did What's interesting is they give you they leave you no choice if you want to engage with them but to read, you know To try to read their mind It's always about reading their mind. That's what that's the thing with the whole Fikowski thing in the PFA He thinks I'm like every other Trump supporter, and I wonder if that includes,
Starting point is 01:13:28 because I've been pretty clear on how I feel about Trump. Because if he thinks that we all don't like him, he's giving this side, I think, an enormous amount of credit. Cause it's a challenging thing to vote for someone you don't like. It's a challenging thing. And it's a challenge that I don't think the left could psychologically survive.
Starting point is 01:14:01 I think if Adolf Hitler is cute and the antithesis is old and cragged, I think they go with cute. I think the left is now the party of stupid. Culturally, socially. They can name all of Taylor Swift's songs, and that's not the culture I'm talking about. I'm talking about the one that made Taylor Swift possible. Anthony, Greg, Broken Signs needs to sponsor Kill Taylor. Greg's not a huge fan of 14 year old boy humor,
Starting point is 01:14:46 poop jokes. Hey, I love this. Let me read this real quick. Sydney Collin, just add some merit to the conversation at hand instead of being a troll, Danny. I mean, Danny, even the comebacks to you have more substance than what you wrote. It's crazy, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Go ahead, go ahead, Greg. Well, he's important for that. I know, it's fun. Look, you prepare for a debate and you have the misfortune of going first, say, and after a of misfortune of going first, say, and after a detailed and you think powerful polemic of an intro, you get, fuck you, Kike, you kind of like, wow. I mean, I, like, it feels like winning. Right, right. I was just on Reddit where all the pedophiles live. I know, thank you. And they hate Sevan. Thank God. And they think he's just sucking Dave and Greg's dick. I just want to explain this to you.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Dave is my dear friend, but more than my friend, has been hugely influential in my life and he just threw an event that he and Greg created and someone died there and and it's I this can't be easy for him at all and so while he's going through this if I see you attack him I will fucking attack you back it's just the way it is and so if PFA or anyone wants to stay in their house and just watch through the window They can as my friend Dave mourns and takes a knee and tries to figure out what the fuck is going on But if you come down there and you fucking kick him in the chest, I will fucking eviscerate you you are now my enemy That's it. I'm not I'm proud of that stance. I'm so fucking proud of that stance. So I
Starting point is 01:16:46 You're if you want to come down there and give your condolences to Dave and say hey Dave I know you've done the best job ever get up buddy. You've given us 20 years of your life making CrossFit great We love you. Don't worry. We're all gonna get through this then you're then you're with me But if you're not you're against me, it's so it's so fucking simple I'm not gonna watch the dude take a knee and see you fucking drop, kick him on the head. And hey, here's the thing, even all the people who hate me who think I have Greg and Dave's dick in my mouth, cool. I'm so proud to have their dick in my mouth.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I'm fucking, that's who I am. I'm not gonna turn my back on someone who I believe in, who has the most integrity of any fucking human being I know. But those people have taken their stance. They've never seen that kind of integrity. They've never seen that kind of love. They've never seen that kind of support. I get it. Pito read it. I get it. Cool with it. Hey, Sevi, I spoke at Harvard Business School and I think maybe largely because we had built a machine that stood in a leadership position in many, many senses of that work, of something that
Starting point is 01:17:55 was an economic behemoth. And the company itself was handsomely, excitingly profitable, had growing revenue, a lot of neat kind of metric features going on, but unprecedented growth in terms of the number of points of presence commercially. I think we did in seven years what Subway did in 26. And amongst the platitudes that you always hear in business, and anyways, I think that I was of interest largely because I think what we did had many of the markers and semblance of a business and could legally be called one, but it had other attributes
Starting point is 01:18:49 that can be demonstrated to not be business-like and that includes an elevated sight line, longer distance, further downrange kind of sight line, which you see, I think is typical of a privately held business, very much so, multi-generational kind of business. So it had that quality, but some of the other things, and this isn't off topic, you will get advice over and over that you don't wanna do business with friends and family.
Starting point is 01:19:27 But this thing was born of friends and family. Right. You know, the people that were working alongside us were related and or friends. The number of people, the nepotism was crazy. The number of people, the nepotism was crazy. Many of us had known each other through all kinds of other phases of life and ages. You know, had a guy cookin' the books that I'd known since the fifth grade, right? Right. Couple of wives, sister, friends.
Starting point is 01:20:09 The bulk of the business was female when people were grumbling about women in the workplace. We were laughing. What we did with people in terms of men and women, I thought it was great. It was fun. It was easy. But truth is that we're thick as thieves. Dave, Seve, Greg, all of us.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Leaf, Brian, we're all buddies. Caller, hi. Morning, Seve. Good morning, Greg. I just want to give you a compliment. You waited patiently. You turned off your YouTube so there was no echo. The callers, and most of the callers do that, and it's fucking crazy because this is such a wonky setup, so I appreciate you. Yeah, not my first time calling.
Starting point is 01:21:07 I love getting to talk to you. This show is so cool because I can just call on you if you take the call and we have a conversation. So it's pretty awesome. Please send your affiliate fees to, thank you. Well, I think that's coming sooner rather than later. But what's interesting, I just had to call in because this is a whatever category of podcast you want.
Starting point is 01:21:32 But whatever Greg's on, it's also this great business podcast, if you will. And it just dawned on me that we've got been so fortunate people that have been exposed across it. Because one, yes, the methodology and the program and all those things from a health standpoint, but also from a business structure standpoint. It's really fascinating when you're on Greg and we get these little tidbits and bits and pieces of how you built what you built. So it's pretty cool and I really appreciate that side of it as well.
Starting point is 01:22:03 With that being said, I think people, again, really need to understand what they're asking for. If they ask for Dave Castro to go, CrossFit's dead. I think, again, he's probably one of the last bastions of hope that's keeping that thing what it is. And once it goes, that's fine. Again, I think the methodology lives on. And we find other places to play our energy as the real community will continue going
Starting point is 01:22:29 because it's not a phase for a lot of us. It's a lifestyle and we can keep it going. We don't need an HQ that is detached from us anymore to live on. We've got it. Thank you. Well said. Someone in the comments here wrote, Seve is a loyal friend. It's not just that I'm a loyal friend and any of those people
Starting point is 01:22:51 on Reddit would kill to have me as a friend, but it's like those, you could leave Dave alone. You can give this breathing space, but this PFAA is preying on him like vultures and hyenas. And while he's taking taking a knee they're coming down to get him Well, cool. What would you do if you saw someone fucking injured and you saw people robbing him? And that's the thing I'm not going after anyone They've they've decided to walk out into the street and attack him while he's taking a knee. Cool Well, I'm doing the same thing that any fucking person with fucking One iota of integrity morality empathy would do i'll fucking kick you in the fucking head And I and I was not gonna pray you're not gonna prey on someone when they're fucking wounded
Starting point is 01:23:36 Right. Yeah, I mean and again to go after to go after him when he was the only one making efforts At least appeared to be making efforts at the game to address that and be president at the moment, to me again, I think is really cowardly. I think they probably align more with the Don Falls and that whole regime that they want. They know that that type of person, the type person that Don is, the type person that he surround himself with as an organization, will be more inclined to have some type of unionized division, which is stupid. And they're trying to get rid of any resistance that might come of that happening, a la Dave
Starting point is 01:24:16 Castro. And what they don't get is, as soon as they try to go outside of, again, the business model that was created and the small portion of the games, uh, of what that was, it's cooked. There's not going to be a business for them to make a living off of. Brent Ficalzi is going to be a great barista somewhere. Congrats. He would be a great barista by the way. I do.
Starting point is 01:24:37 I do think he'd be a great barista. Dude. The professor would be able to whip up a latte and do some burpees. What's what's pressing now. It'd be amazing But again, just be careful what you're you're asking for. It's also if it's like all the Are gonna go away We don't get them in the games anymore. All right, not a solution. I Say there's a five-year moratorium on the games in
Starting point is 01:25:03 Wow Moratorium on the games in honor of Liza. Oh wow We're not gonna come we're not gonna do these juvenile things in honor of Lazar Jukic for five years Wow Bring that to the table. I like that Just the open You gentlemen have a great rest of your morning. Thank you for always a great conversation. Appreciate you guys. Thank you, dude. By the way, if any of you... I'm gonna put a link down here in the comments.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Matt Souza, if you go to this website, it's called school, S-K-O-O-L, and you type in Souza. Souza has brought all of the interviews that I've ever done with Greg on this podcast in one place and so for those of you who just want to get your Greg fix or if you own an affiliate and want to hear from the founder of the company they're all there you just go over there and it's SK OOL and then type in Susie he's brought them all the podcast into one spot. Whistler was it for me. I was very content as to what we were offering,
Starting point is 01:26:14 what its value was, and that I had done reasonable job of getting that across. And because look at the, I'm serving, I serve a simple master. I wanted the affiliation that I would write the check for. It would have to be something that could be done for me that I'm not gonna do myself. I don't want my $3,000 to include picking the pubic hair
Starting point is 01:26:44 out of the urinal. I'll find someone to do that. Thanks. What else you got? What I'm not going to do is stop armies of soda-besotted lawyers or blah, blah, blah. Hey, Seve, you remember the list of of Mespers? We run that by the subject of- Are they printed somewhere online? I got it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Cause I always have to ask for it again. It's called Media Launch, not Matt Sousa. I know I looked it up with Sousa. Thank you, Dan. But I just typed in Sousa because I can never remember Media Launch. I think I would respect the PFAA more if they could get each of their members to pay $4,500 to be a part of it. Jay Wade, the CrossFit book posted about launching a higher level program that reverses chronic disease via fitness and nutrition.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Can Greg give any details yet? J Wade. Who has? The CrossFit book posted about launching a higher level program that reverses chronic disease via fitness and nutrition. Can Greg give us any details yet? Yeah, I look, I think it's support for a CrossFit affiliates. It's not, I don't look I think it's support for CrossFit affiliates It's not I don't think is anything new It's not real. It's not letting go of What works look what we know? Let me get this to you Seve got him fucking multitasking here. Yeah multitask I can play music
Starting point is 01:28:42 what we know is that the the Yeah, multitask. I can play music. What we know is that the widely accepted and touted health metrics, and that would be blood pressure, blood lipids, bone density, obesity, all these things are treated as though they were independent variables and manipulated in an effort to create health. When in fact, they are the dependent variables that include like what's in the fridge and what are you doing on the couch? They're dependent variables of the independent variable that are salient everyday lifestyle choices. And this is the space in which CrossFit operates.
Starting point is 01:29:37 And it brings to bear the overwhelming majority of medical spend, misery and death and finds not just elegant but solution cure to these things by removing the underlying cause and The and the cause isn't lack of medical treatment It's not a lack of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It's not it's not the high cost of insulin It's the it's it's it's the couch and the carbs.
Starting point is 01:30:09 That's the problem. And so the broken science crew is, and our involvement, I mean, you know, look at the people involved with that and where they've been and who we are, but I just sent you that list of MESPERTS. I'm looking at it, look at the people involved with that and where they've been and who we are But I just sent you that list of mess births. I'm looking at it. It's crazy Yeah, these are these are my friends, right? Not not one person here canceled me Right. Sure. It's heavy
Starting point is 01:30:38 I can't pull it up like that I'd have to like post it somewhere or else everyone will see all my text. But Jason Fung, Michael Eads, Dr. William Davis, Thomas Seyfried, Sarah Hallberg, Nathan Jenkins, Dr. Zoe Harcomb, Gary Taubes, Dr. Robert Lustig, Vladimir Subutton, Tim Noakes. These are all people I've met at your house. Tim Noakes, greatest exercise scientist who ever lived. Jim McCarter, David Diamond, Dominic D'Agostino,
Starting point is 01:31:06 Gary Fetka, Paul Roche, Malcolm Kendrick, Asim Malhotra, what a great guy, Terrence Keighley, damn, Glenn Begley, George- That's Glenn Begley and Ellis, the- Yeah, I remember when he came up. Hematology, preclinical oncology replication issue Is that supposed to be dick Johnson not David Johnson?
Starting point is 01:31:32 There's both okay David Johnson dick Johnson and oh, I'd like to get both of them in the room a jay wartman MD I think you've forgotten some too. No offense That was it that was Karns off the head list when I had our, give me a list of the mess births that came through. But these are people that we had in the kitchen. Right, right. I remember, yeah, hanging out many times. And it was the, it was the culture.
Starting point is 01:31:57 And the problem was- These people have been taken off of Wikipedia because they said, because they've talked, told the truth about type two diabetes. because they said, because they've talked, told the truth about type 2 diabetes. And this was the, this was the, this was what we wanted to inspire and support. I mean, it's, I was honored to ask to give the opening at the, at Virta's annual affair. And we were widely recognized for our stance
Starting point is 01:32:29 on blood sugar inactivity and acutely aware of the important scientific fact that your activity and what you're pulling out of the fridge were the independent variables that controlled the dependent variables that trillions of dollars were being spent on to manipulate with the net effect of hammering on the speedometer of a runaway train.
Starting point is 01:32:57 And broken science has that by the balls. And I don't even have to look at it. But Emily and Bob Kaplan have incredible background. It's an unprecedented interest and commitment and lock on that turf. And you know, you hear anything about money, it's not where it's at. Your house is awake. Oh, but.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Oh. Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha. Is someone listening to the show and they did that on purpose right when I said that? What was that? Was that a skill saw? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:33:49 No, it's okay. It's fun. It's fun. It sounded like it was either a skill saw or a Vitamixer that wasn't on a level surface. Damn. What was that? That's like heavy machinery. Heidi guesses a vacuum. That wasn't a vacuum. what was that? That's like heavy machinery. Heidi guesses a vacuum.
Starting point is 01:34:07 That wasn't a vacuum. What was it? It could have been. Oh yeah. It could have been a fucked up Dyson. Oh, yeah. I recognize it like banging something internally. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Dyson. They got a Barbie head stuck in it. Yeah. This is a great question. Sorry to ambush you here with this. Oh, why does Greg have two dictionaries? I see them also. It's a concise, the shorter Oxford English and it's A through M and N through Z. Oh, the regular dictionary didn't have enough words. Greg bought me three dictionaries, one for each and one of my kids. That one's good. The dictionary pictures. God, you know what's funny is like, watch a modern day kid try and find something alphabetically.
Starting point is 01:34:58 That's going to be an SAT question if they haven't gotten rid of it yet. I Saw something yesterday that should some lady was making fun of her kids like when they're there They think they're going to Google like instead of looking up the word. Let's say cat. They'll type they'd go to W. What is a cat? When Google came out and talked to us, they explained that they had the world's first and second largest search engines. Yeah. And I was like, what the fuck? Second?
Starting point is 01:35:38 And it was YouTube. And they told me that the 18 to 25 year old set went to YouTube ahead of Google for search. And I thought that couldn't be right. And then I couldn't, I didn't notice, I couldn't make sense of why they might lie to me or misrepresent that. And so I went on my own search and quite deliberately pick some topics that wouldn't be wonderfully amenable to I would think to a YouTube search. Like equal protection clause, right? Yeah. You know? I was just, I was wrong. It was, it was fascinating.
Starting point is 01:36:25 I think I looked it up recently. I think now YouTube is twice as, has twice as many searches as Google now. I think they've doubled. They're now like, they flopped since then, undisputed champ. Big question, does Dave have anything to do with the budget? If the safety budget was cut, that guy should be losing his or her job. Why Dave? Cause he makes you do hard things. I don't know that, I don't know. Thank you for the big question though.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Are you sure that's not an electric toothbrush? Are you sure that's not an electric toothbrush? You know, I talked to a fellow who was in charge of by his own admission, counting the athletes that came in from the swim. And he's telling me how hard that was for him. And I couldn't help but thinking, dude, like, well, there's your scapegoat. Oh, that guy? Yeah, he came up one short. Seven. Eight.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Just blame him. How many athletes were there? I think 79. Yeah. No, only 78 made it. Lazar died. Yes, only 78 came in. He was told to count 79.
Starting point is 01:37:54 You get rid of them and it's all things fixed. In the PFA. It seems like some kind of solution they'd come up with. Isn't there another initial for PFA? I think they have two A's. The brother, I had been speculating and I still speculate, but I had been speculating that he had a cardiac event and Just because of the the history of where we are in the world and because of what happened to him a year ago
Starting point is 01:38:31 At the Burj Khalifa how he went down there Same guy, but his brother DM me and said hey, I'm not gonna ever contact you again But you need to know that he did not have a cardiac event Ever well, I mean I did not have a cardiac event. Ever. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. Okay. No, or actually it wasn't clear.
Starting point is 01:38:52 It wasn't clear to me if he meant ever before or there in the pool. But it is conclusive that he has a history of some sort of shutting down You know what the hell that is, you know what I mean he shut that he shut down before and so But then again George Floyd's autopsy is you know The first one is is that he OD and the second one from the family is that he's a fixie, you know what I mean? He's choked. So it's like, I don't know. I still have to
Starting point is 01:39:30 use my own discernment. I don't think a monster grabbed him and pulled him under. I don't think he hit a rock. I don't, you know what I mean? I have to use my own discernment of what went wrong. So I, you know, like we go back to my analogy, and this is, it's going to feel heartless. And so let me just offer some more condolences. Everyone tune out. You're not going to like this part. But you know, you're reporting back to you've run over one of the clowns and now you want to set fire to all the cars. Oh, right. And I'm like, why don't we just get rid of all the fucking clowns? Right. Once and for all. Right. I know that isn't that the most interesting thing? That would be the cleanest solution.
Starting point is 01:40:18 When you when you come to buy a car, leave your kids at home. Right. There's no clowns here. No, the cotton candy wasn't good for you anyways. Right. Climbing the world's tallest building in Dubai. Yes. All right. Well, thank you. Medical speculation is to the types of things and I do, but it doesn't mean anything. It's just guesses. What, say that again? Medical what? Say that again.
Starting point is 01:40:51 I would like to know what the autopsy says. Oh shit. Now, wow, Greg. Now the clown community is gonna come for you. Oh Don't think they I don't think they're allowed in Idaho I looked I wasn't Greg I couldn't find one. I'm I'm worried now that the the games community is going to weigh in forcefully on the subject as to whether probability is epistemic or ontological and do so with such force that that's people that have opinions on that won't listen to me or talk to me anymore. Are you losing sleep on that? Dude, they don't they don't realize that when you don't look at their world, it disappears.
Starting point is 01:41:57 It's a, uh, wow. Rodney Wallen said a line. If you don't look at their world, it disappears. Wow. Yep. It doesn't exist. Wow, I'm on a line if you don't look at their world that disappears Wow Yep, it doesn't exist Rodney says it's skate park keys like famous mob pictures Autographs blah blah blah gets in the car. He drives two meals two miles away nothing, right? Famous hit the skate ramp is a removable fame. They don't realize their fame is removable. And I get it. I get it. I mean, I've been stopped in Starbucks parking lots all over the world. I understand
Starting point is 01:42:58 Fucking Rogan, hey have her bring that vacuum in the room. Oh You know what's going on? What? They're building my stairs down to the water. Oh, well their timing's perfect. The show's almost over. What were you gonna say, Rogan, what? They were probably told they could start at 8.30. Yeah. Joe had Matt on.
Starting point is 01:43:19 And the two of them- Oh, Mr. Fraser, Mr. Fraser? Yeah, and the two of them were talking about how rude I had been and that Matt would come over to my house or whatever and I didn't make him a drink or say hi or talk to him, especially in light of how much money he had made me. me. That's still it still pisses me off. Oh, being misunderstood so crazy. No, it's like I had to I had to spend 25 million dollars so Matt could get two and be ungrateful
Starting point is 01:44:09 Hey So that's the figure I had to spend 25 million so he could get to The what another thing that's funny is what I really like In the testament to what a badass Matt is is there's this one of the things that always happens around Dave is everyone starts playing the victim. He's mean. He doesn't talk to him. He won't talk to anyone. He's inapproachable.
Starting point is 01:44:32 Well, he just spent two months interviewing every games athlete on his own time, getting to know them. And then also on that regards, the guy who Dave had the most contentious relationship that Dave's ever had with anyone in the CrossFit space was Matt Fraser. And Matt Fraser won the games five times and is now the richest athlete in the ecosystem. And it's like, it's just crazy that they just start piling on any bit of victim, victim, victim shit they can't. Is he doing better than say Froning?
Starting point is 01:45:07 Equally as good if not better. Did he go to Tennessee? He did, but him and Rich, they didn't, Rich, Tia and Matt were all there and it became, I think it got awkward really quick. All three of them, you know what I mean? It just got awkward and they all separated. Matt ended up, I think Matt's hub is in Vermont But I suspect he's he's had a kid now So I suspect he's like fuck the cold and he wants to move to Florida is what I'm hearing Tia's got a nice place big fucking Empire in Knoxville or Nashville or some one of those Vils and and Rich has one in another one called Cookeville Yeah, they're all in Tennessee
Starting point is 01:45:43 Except for except for Matt's in Vermont. And hey, you know what else is interesting? Rich went rich immediate. All the other athletes stayed quiet or attack Dave. Rich went immediately to bat for Dave. Like immediately, like didn't hesitate was like basically like fuck you guys. He's of that generation. Right.
Starting point is 01:46:04 And he has, and he's got an affiliate with fucking you know, 3,000 members the active members. It's fucking chaos over there. I mean he You realize that this show is a hundred percent of my crossfit Thinking right. I know you I know. Oh, I know you're gonna turn it off and be like, hey, we need a new vacuum. Come here kids I want to show you something on long division. I know I Know I think you guys are gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I know you're gonna turn it off and be like hey, we need a new vacuum. Come here kids I want to show you something on long division. I know I think we get we have When Greg and I are together we never talk about CrossFit. Isn't that crazy? Like when I come to your house, like we never talk about CrossFit. I know it's crazy
Starting point is 01:46:43 Savvy so we you know, we got the new baby in the house and I appreciate you doing it for these people because they like to hear. I don't want, I enjoy it. Okay. But it's, you know, it's a great place to hear and see. And there's a certain amount of, I told you Sonus. Yeah. But yeah, fair amount. What about your baby?
Starting point is 01:46:59 You were gonna say something? We got this new baby in the house and we got balloons. You had to have balloons. And one of the things that Reason, whose four came home with was because she saw it on the balloon, she wondered what that says, wanted that balloon, but it was one of the displays and it said, Happy Celebration. So we came back, Happy Celebration. Which is pretty fucking funny, but some of the happy celebration balloons are 25 foot, 30 foot overhead in the rafters of the logs. Right. And there's things have been offered like slingshot that got shot down, pellet gun. I was on, I was actually voting for the pellet gun. Maggie didn't want it. Just as a matter of principle, the indoor shooting,
Starting point is 01:47:45 she has a problem with, and I understand for sure. But it's resolved finally, and I think everyone will love this, it's blow guns, blow darts. Oh. So we're gonna go- What if it's a dirt stick in the ceiling though? Not mine.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Oh. But it's a PVC and you make cones of construction paper and a little dab of watered up paper and a pin. Yeah. I mean, it's crazy what you can do. Did you actually make some yet? No, but years ago in the brief period I worked at Hughes, there was a guy there, big fat guy named Bob Martinez, engineer, that made a blowgun
Starting point is 01:48:28 and he could put a nail through a penny. Yeah. Wow. That sounds unbelievable to me. Yeah, I was worried I was getting was getting it was a magic trick, but be worth looking into. But we made I've made blow guns before they're gnarly. Yeah, we we used to make them as kids now that I think about it and we would put we would do them with straws obviously, but if you could get like a big enough like straw, we would put tacks or pins
Starting point is 01:49:02 in them too. And it was pretty fun. We took this stuff called, I think it was eight shot. It's a super granular, very fine. And, uh, it was the smallest of lead shot and made a feeder system and got some brass tubing at the hobby shop and cut it with a file, soldered it together. And with my father's air compressor, made a BB gun, machine gun that shot this lead basic dust. Shit, these tiny micro pellets. But it would devour a Coors can at 100 feet, just chew it up. You and Cathy did that? Yeah, and my and our buddy Goob. My dad's tools in the garage.
Starting point is 01:49:53 That's not all we did stuff for another episode. She get Cathy on. She confess her. Her background. The journey of Goob, Kathy and Greg. It could be like a series of books, like kids books. Like Milo and Otis for adults. All right.
Starting point is 01:50:16 Happy construction. Send me photos. Yeah. Happy celebration. All right. Bye bye. Bye. All right. Bye, bud. Bye. All right. Let's see what's happening. The show's all, my text messages are always crazy during the show. Oh, interesting. All right. All right. Thank you. I guess there isn't an official report out, any conclusive reports, whatever conclusive
Starting point is 01:51:19 means, I probably shouldn't even use that word. If the autopsy supported his lawsuit they would have released it. Do you believe Luca? I believe that Luca believes what he said and I respect him for sending me that DM and I I I'm I hope I never have the experience he's having I'm mortified by it. Um, mortified, is that the word? I mean, that's the thing why so many, so many people don't want to talk about this because it's just fucking horrible.
Starting point is 01:52:14 Right. And so that's what the PFAA thinks they can do. They can hide behind the fucking tragedy of it to like, as a shield, this fucking there's, there's so many indefensible positions or feelings, right? I mean there was a lady at the DNC who said her brother died of Covid and then I looked it up and her brother was a hundred pounds overweight and he was put in the hospital for cancer and then Supposedly he died of Covid and I made a post about it.
Starting point is 01:52:46 And two people like attacked me for being fat shaming, which that's not fat shaming. And another one said something like, it was disrespectful or something, but, but that's the thing, like they get, there's this emotional shield, like, Hey, you can't talk about it because it's so sad that someone died. And I get that. I'm not, I'm not like comfortable Talking about this shit, but I'm also not gonna be a pussy like if I have clear concise thoughts and logic, I'm like, you know what I mean, and I understand why people are confused people think
Starting point is 01:53:16 that like I'm gaslighting or I'm changing the subject or whatever no, basically the PFAA has entered there throwing their hat in the ring and saw someone jump in the ring too and it's going to be a melee. Do you know what I mean? Like someone's like someone wrote how dare you why would the PFAA be responsible? I didn't say that they would be responsible. They've said that they're responsible. They've decided to throw their hat in the ring. I'm not saying that. They're like, why are you going after them? Well, because they fucking walked out into the street during a gang fight. They've brought their
Starting point is 01:53:49 fucking, they're bringing their case to the table while this shit's going on. All right, well you're fair game too. It's, it's, but I understand why people would think that I'm gaslighting or that I'm trying to whatever the comments say. But once again, 99% of the comments don't say anything They just attack me. They're like Seve you're an asshole or you have Greg's dick in your mouth or My favorite one is when people say I'm defending HQ. You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm defending HQ One guy can't stop saying to me man You used to be so nice and used to beg athletes to go on and now you're turning on them
Starting point is 01:54:22 First of all, I never begged anyone for it fucking anything I begged Matt Sousa to not have me do the podcast, but now I fucking love it, and I still fucking love the athletes Fuck I'd have Jason Hopper on any day. I'd have a sax and pan shake on any day I'd have Daisy McDonald any I'd have any of the athletes not any of the athletes. I'm done giving some of them platforms some of them platforms And this whole thing like I came on every morning like it's fucking crazy it's crazy the shit people say to me Was a fucking homeless dude that made videos for fucking CrossFit and just fucking got swept up into it and fucking loved it and Had my life changed by it and then I was fucking fired for something for being toxic By some fucking dork named Eric Rosa. It's like fuck you
Starting point is 01:55:12 It's crazy the shit people are saying to me now, but but it's fine Yeah, I'm done with the I'm done with the athletes who who it's and it's like this it's not it's not I don't hate any of them but um we're we're fighting now so we're gonna fucking throw down like you you you stepped into the ring i wasn't gonna make some big old fucking uh case of it my first gut instinct was to raise fucking money for for lazars fun we did we had no peer in the space no podcast no person no fucking Tia to me link It was fucking that Taylor self telling me let's get on and fucking bang this thing out Oh
Starting point is 01:56:04 Yeah, this one's ridiculous, too, I love the athletes that say if you I love the athletes that keep saying if you've never been there as an athlete Hey, how about none of you guys say anything because none of you guys have ever been an athlete where it's a life-or-death issue Like Dave, how about you guys shut the fuck up? I mean, I know everything they say that's the thing to everything they say is so fucking stupid. It's because it's clouded by emotion So Whatever mortify means cause or feel embarrassment or shame or humiliated. Yeah, I feel some of all of that being involved in this Yeah, I mean you could go on forever, right? None of them have ever run a multi-million dollar corporation.
Starting point is 01:56:50 None of them have ever had kids. None of them have ever had a brother that's died. I mean we could get, it's like, it's hard talk. I mean truly fucking retarded. And retarded in the sense like the way a three-year-old is. It's just not a fully developed brain. It's not that their brains aren't fully developed. It's just it's so fucking overrun with emotion
Starting point is 01:57:10 and self-importance. And sponsors. Like it literally comes out of their mouth. You have to grasp this. Well, maybe some of you guys can grasp it. It struggles me to grasp. I struggle so hard to grasp this But I did come up with one example
Starting point is 01:57:27 So many of the athletes want to do what they think that their followers want to do and they think they actually think that that's okay Like they're not even embarrassed to say that out loud. Okay. I just want to do What the people around me want me to do? but Like that's the vast majority of them. They have no, because they have no moral compass or no values and that's okay. That's part of a developmental process. I've been there. But I was trying to think, I was thinking, when have I done that? I was reflecting, I was thinking, oh, I remember wearing a mask into some stores when I didn't want a mask.
Starting point is 01:58:03 Because I didn't want to be under the, I didn't want someone wear a mask. Like I didn't, because I didn't want to be under the, I didn't want someone to approach me and be like, hey, you got to wear that mask. But my wife was like, fuck you, I ain't wearing it. And she would go from check stand to check stand to check stand until someone let her, would check her out without a mask. And I eventually, very quickly within a month or two,
Starting point is 01:58:18 I just stopped going to any store that required masks. But my, but, so I guess in that regard, I felt that social pressure. But it's crazy to think that you would post something on your Instagram about a subject like this because you're trying to take a pulse of what the community wants. It's fucking wild to me. I have to say it out loud over and over and over to fucking really grasp it. I can't, I just can't. But they've said it to me and that, two athletes have said that to me and others have said it to
Starting point is 01:58:52 other people but they don't even know what they're saying. I don't even think they hear themselves say it. It's a trip. Anyway, I have a feeling this isn't my last show today. I have a feeling that later on today, I will be, as this thing develops, it will be putting on my boxing gloves and walking back out into the street to... Philip Kelly, I never wore them and these Cali pussies never said shit. Oh, I had a lot of people say stuff to me. I'll never forget the guy at the UPS store. Where's your mask? I don't wear one.
Starting point is 01:59:35 He even says, why do your kids come in here barefoot? Like, I dunno, why do you put on shoes? I'm like, I asked the guy, I'm like, do you guys have a mask policy? He said, well, we prefer it. And I go, well, I prefer not to. It was crazy. So Sevan thinks the online chatter about Lazar having a cardiac episode might be true, but when Luka says it didn't happen, that's just Luka's opinion. Is English your second language? Seriously. I'm just telling you that he sent me a happened there, and then we have other events, or at least one event, that says that something was wrong.
Starting point is 02:00:31 So, when your wife says to you, Nergis, don't put your thumb in my pussy, and you say that's not my thumb, because she knows something's in there, does that mean that she's lying? I mean, like, what the fuck dude? What the fuck and hey the Obtasi is not even in And there's plenty of evidence that showed like what's it gonna come back and or just that he had a stroke or that he he had a stroke or that he had a fib or like what's going to come back? You tell me what's going to come back.
Starting point is 02:01:12 What do you think happened? Just so you know, it's from the autopsy. He did not have a cardiac event. They found nothing wrong with the heart. This was known to people that are close. That is actually not true. All of the reports coming back from his, from his toxicology report have not come in.
Starting point is 02:01:46 Maybe there's some preliminary evidence they have but it's not done but I appreciate you um exterical NH chiming in I'd be curious hey could you chime in on what you think happened then? What do you think happened? Dubse, I waited months for my father's as well. Adam Blakesley, I waited two months for my father's and it was at the University of Iowa. All right. Hey, it's not rocket science that something was up. That there's more to the story than we know. Clock, I think he went into a fib. I do myself from time to time. Tachardia.
Starting point is 02:03:07 Tachardia. That's an immediate reduction of O2, which I'm speculating combined with intense effort could have caused him to blackout. My beautiful girlfriend, my beautiful, pool boy, Seba, my beautiful girlfriend and sweet piece of ass has officially ended her deployment in Australia and is back home. She's watching the show and wants you to say welcome home. Thank you for your service. Welcome home. I hope you didn't bring any venereal diseases back to pool boy.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Thank you. Peace and love. Tachycardia. Oh wow. Deployment in Australia, she tim walsh. Wow, I like that. Thanks, babe. Thank you. All right, guys, see you in a bit.
Starting point is 02:04:19 What's today, Wednesday? I forgot to take the trash out today. Can you fucking believe that the one obligation I have as a fucking man to this house? And I didn't do it and You know what I'm gonna blame beer. I had my first two beers in probably over a year yesterday crazy Now I traveled 35 hours Wow Yeah
Starting point is 02:04:44 All right, oh why life in the big city? Why do you just burn your trash? Pickle pickle. Bob, you had one job. I know. I know. I was dropping a deuce this morning and I was just like, fuck fuck I just realized it I'm not no no I'm not gonna have another beer for like years. I went to a birthday party last night I
Starting point is 02:05:17 Had a bag. I you know what else I did I ate like a whole bag of cashews. I haven't done that in forever Seve doesn't count spicy margaritas is alcohol. Oh did I say alcohol? I just mean I haven't had beer and fucking forever. I didn't even enjoy it. Oh, happy birthday, geez louise. It's my birthday on Friday. OK. Oh, happy birthday, geez Louise. It's my birthday on Friday. Okay. See you guys later.

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