The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman #7 | Live Call In

Episode Date: July 31, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply bam we're live the guy who won the nobel prize uh for physics in in 2000 is it 22 or 23 he came out and said hey global warming is a complete scam there's absolutely zero evidence and he's already get they're already trying to cancel him three no but three nobel prize laureates have now come out and said hey hey, dude, there's no science there. It is complete fucking media science. It's pseudoscience.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Strip that man of his. The fucking Nobel Prize winner of 2000. It's so funny. It's kind of unreal that we're going to do this again with climate change like we did the... I don't know what you want. What can we call this thing? The so-called pandemic? Is that what we call that?
Starting point is 00:01:53 Sounds about right. Think about it. It's a perfect thing to tax. How do you solve it? It takes a really long time. It takes a lot of money. Let's just push it, scare everybody, and collect all the money we can. Easy to herd the people with whatever agenda you want.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah, for sure. If you don't, you die. It's another one of those, if you don't, you die. Yeah, you got to be skeptical of the fear-based motives, huh? When they start pushing the fear. Mr. Spin, good morning. Guys, I don't know what we are doing for games week on my podcast but i um i i suspect i'm getting up every morning at 5 a.m and going
Starting point is 00:02:34 till 10 p.m and i went over to brian spin's uh youtube page the barbell spin and he's just stacking it with um shows oh shit look at that and so if i'm ever available i'll beg him to come on there but i would definitely hit all those notify me's notify me notify me look at that dude oh wow right he's loading up yeah he even got some thumbnails he He means business. Get on him. Well, we're out getting Instagram pics with Danielle Brandon and begging for autographs from Rich Froning. Spin will be doing the Lord's work. Getting your baseball card signed.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah. I take it that means he's not coming then. That's kind of a bummer. I was looking forward to seeing him. Cave Dastro, Spin is going to 5X his subs
Starting point is 00:03:30 next week. I hope so. 10X. 20X. Yeah. Should. There's an article here I'm looking.
Starting point is 00:03:41 It's written by Damasi. She spoke at the Marianne Damasi. Did we have her on the show? No. No, we have not. We should not have her on the show. No. Hola. Hola.
Starting point is 00:03:58 We were just looking at the Broken Science Initiative website. Yeah, what's over there? Are medical journals dead? You know, it's funny. It's one of those things that Emily or Jim sent to me, and I said, yeah, throw it up. And I haven't opened it yet. It's all stuff I've heard you say before.
Starting point is 00:04:20 It's great. Damascus killed it. Yeah, it's not new news. The point that most research findings are false, and this is John Iannotti's, on the subject of medical research, well, what am I supposed to have a party for the places where most of this bullshit is published?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Say that again? What was the first sentence you said? We've known for a long while that most research findings were false in the medical space. Right. We had a guy say two years ago, Richard Smith reported it,
Starting point is 00:04:59 that we're at a point where until you can prove otherwise, it's time to assume that the research you're reading is fraudulent. Right. And by the way, what would that you could show by other means that you knew otherwise, it could be proven otherwise? I'll tell you what it is.
Starting point is 00:05:14 If it comports with the empirical realities of a clinical practice. And that's what we all do. We read these fucking studies. And if you, oh yeah, I've seen that happen, you kind of suspect there's something to it. If you're like, wow, that flies in the face of everything I've seen in my practice, you have an obligation as a clinician,
Starting point is 00:05:36 as an empiricist, as a scientist to dismiss the underlying theory. No predictive strength, no science. And so what's wrong with these journals? Richard Smith, 25 years editor-in-chief and CEO of the British Medical Journal, the longest running medical journal in the world, I believe. He wrote The Problem with Medical Journals.
Starting point is 00:06:08 The book, he said he's got, I think it's 20 chapters, 30 chapters. And he said he could have made 50 or 100 chapters, each a different facet of what's wrong in medical journals. Each of these is little slivers of what's wrong when you commit to the epistemic debasement of science, switching predictive strength as the determinant of a model's validity when it's replaced with consensus. And that's what peer review is. And so the problem with medical journals is the problem with peer review is the problem with consensus science is the problem with peer review is the problem with consensus science is the problem with voting rather than predicting and it'll all mean did he get masks in lockdowns and fauci in a in a u.s funded vaccine made by our enemies we're gonna do what
Starting point is 00:07:03 probably weaponize it against us. Anyone think you're doing medical research over there that isn't being where the chief hope is for weaponization, you're nuts. In the wiki page, it says the BMJ is a weekly peer-reviewed medical trade journal. And in that article on the Brokeniki page it says the bmj is a weekly peer-reviewed medical trade journal and in that article on the broken science page damasi quotes someone as a study that they did on peer-reviewed medical journals medical articles and studies medical studies and there's no proof that
Starting point is 00:07:39 peer-reviewed validates it more than not being peer-re And yet that's the first thing in Wiki. This thing was started in 1840 by the BMJ. All medical journals are suffering. They all suffer from many of the same defects and deficits. Richard Smith spelled that out nicely. So has Marcia Angle, who was a New England Journal of Medicine editor-in-chief for a similar period of time, close to 20 years. And so is Richard Horton. I believe he was editor-in-chief at Lancet.
Starting point is 00:08:14 They've all had the same damnation for peer review. God, Richard Smith, that's huge that's crazy he's brilliant he in uh he basically said believing in peer review is like believing in the loch ness monster having faith in peer review is like having faith that the loch ness monster exists and that was written in 2006 too right the one he wrote that quote yeah and that one that you brought up there i think it was if it was the same article you shared with us on screen yeah which you could tell it's only gotten worse since then news for the astrologers the astronomers distance themselves from the astrologers with the capacity to predict eclipses
Starting point is 00:09:02 that's when everyone's like, oh, wait a minute. This guy's different. This is different. They're all reading stars, but look what he can do. And that's the essence of science, and it's where all the trust comes from. In fact, predictability is the cornerstone for all trust in every way, shape, or form. There is no trust that doesn't, it's a citizen before, whether it's of your spouse or science.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Rational predictability that that earns the trust. Speaking of trust, I and Adi says that people are trusting medical journals uh or losing their trust in medical journals i don't think that's true i wish that were true i think people are too scared to lose their trust in them so you have you have people on almost daily that have figured it out so you know hey even me even me if i get if something happens to me and i get sick the first place i want to go is the hot like and i'm exaggerating a little bit but like if something like happens to me if i see like like i saw a growth on my
Starting point is 00:10:15 leg the other day took a picture of it and sent it to the guy at kaiser he's like it's a mole well shit that thing sprouted up like in fucking a month i don't know and like you feel better because he says it's just a mole right yes sir yeah the same guy who told me to use canola oil as your friend i don't i i know i hear you i'm just telling you there's ding dongs like that i'm your friend and there's ding dongs like me this is the same guy who told me to use canola oil if i want to live a long time right i'll show you know six months from now, we'll be going. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:45 He showed his doctor, sent a fucking picture. And the guy says, it's just a mole. And he said, he's dead. You believe it? Hey,
Starting point is 00:10:54 I will say this though. In the defense, my mom, when I told my mom that I did that at Kaiser, she's like, you should get a second opinion. Hmm. Uh,
Starting point is 00:11:03 there's an issue here. There's an issue here there's an issue here I don't remember where it comes from and I think it was I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to pin anything on someone that they don't want to have said
Starting point is 00:11:18 but we don't get better outcomes on second and third opinions. We don't? No. Sadly. You know what I mean? And I would get a second opinion as well. But what happens is that people settle where they, oh, yeah, this guy's good.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Oh, what you want to hear. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So he goes, dude, you dude you're dying the next guy goes hey that's bullshit you know this guy's a good doctor and it does it doesn't correlate to not dying we had a we had a games athlete on here the other day the doctor he had kidney failure doctor diagnosed with autoimmune disease he stopped doing changed
Starting point is 00:12:07 his whole life two years later he's at the doctor doctors a different doctor doctor's like you don't have an autoimmune disease what are you talking about not at all maybe i'm like oh shit because but but but as a as a layman you think that a doctor takes a blood sample looks through a microscope and he sees a bunch of cells running around, and they're holding flags that say, I'm an autoimmune disease. And it's not even like that. There's no – it's like a fucking guessing game. Okay, here's an odd aside. Right, tell me.
Starting point is 00:12:37 The little flags that landscapers put in for putting down irrigation. Yeah. Is that so you don't dig there? I don't know, but they just did. The guy next door is putting in some irrigation. He had little flags out all over the yard where the pipe where it's going to go in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:54 The fledgling bald eagle does more walking than flying. Went through the yard and pulled them all out. Oh, that's cool. That's really cool. That's something i would do when i was a kid yeah and you were a bald eagle caleb you're a bald eagle for sure makes sense hey did someone see that uh the neighbor told us that they've got to do something else because the thing won't leave him in the ground just walks over with his and goes like that or with his beak walks over the newsroom pulls and he does a lot of walking this thing walks like miles a day and
Starting point is 00:13:28 then does some flying hey did you end up getting the um the fence for your dog the electric fence no it's you know everyone's all excited about it except for the people that have lived with it oh you mean you've talked to people who put the, the shock collar, the what's it called? Invisible fence. They've got one that just did it like soothes the dog or something. Reminds him of the transcript.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Gives him a handy. If he runs out. Yeah. I like that one. And the best I hear is that the only one that works is the shock one. Yeah. No duh. And I'm not really that into it but the other thing is that there are dogs that will just nut up
Starting point is 00:14:09 take a deep breath and run through the shock and yell and then not come back like fuck like I know what happens if I pass through it again right right so it's worth it to chase a deer but not to come home for the fucking shitty kibble you're getting it safe with and get shocked again to come home yeah take your shocking uh newt hey
Starting point is 00:14:32 what's up girl uh behind the scenes fun so proud of you 17 keep smashing it thank you we'll see we'll see who's who's proud of me uh trish uh g, we all know the virus is due to a Chinaman biting a pangolin on the... The Dosee. Thank you. Oh, Caleb, you are a good dude. I wasn't going to read it. I don't say that word on this show. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:14:57 What's a pangolin? I'm too far away for it to matter. What's a pangolin? I'm looking it up. Oh, Greg froze. Oh, man. Sorry, Greg. Well, well it's fun having you you're a good dude wow that's an incredible that's a real creature we live on planet earth with that's insane yeah of course trish would know that one. Pangolin. Hey, is that related to that thing they have in Texas, the armadillo?
Starting point is 00:15:27 I don't know. Looks like it. It eats 20,000 ants. That thing's an anteater? Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, it would. Wait, why are they so valuable?
Starting point is 00:15:39 Why are they valuable? Why? Did it put a price tag on it? No, it's just the next drop down tab on google oh let me see this thing that thing's a mammal wow look at that body armor that someone
Starting point is 00:15:54 built out of that thing it's a luxury food in some places I wouldn't mess with that thing if I saw that thing hell no I think it's a leftover dinosaur. If you believe in that. If you die, can I have the CEO sign? Of course.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I'll make sure to get it to you, Austin. Yeah, that's a good point, Tank. He was on blood thinners for two years. Yeah, remember that? Yeah. Yeah, that was crazy. Oh, Greg's back in. He was on blood pressure medicine
Starting point is 00:16:26 that guy that they told had the autoimmune disease they put him on on blood pressure medicine and he was on it for two years like you were on unnecessary medicine for two years he's like uh-huh i'm like you know but let me i don't want to tell someone that your blood pressure medicine is unnecessary right the the need for it is very likely unnecessary but i want to remove the need for it before i just get it out from under you and so don't everyone go throw away your blood pressure. Unless your commitment is, and it still might not be a smart thing to do, it doesn't change much, but what you don't want to do is live with your hypertension.
Starting point is 00:17:18 That's what you don't want to do. And if you refuse to address the causes of it, sedentaryism, excessive consumption of refined carbohydrate, in all likelihood, in all likeliness, you're not going to do something about that, then the pills are probably to go, along with side effects. You broke up. Say that again. The pills what? The pills made the way to go if you're not going to do something about the underlying cause. Right, right. And again, I broke up. You have a house full of people again?
Starting point is 00:17:56 I like that theory you gave last week that you have like 20 people at your house and everyone's on the net. I guess they came in last night and they're probably all streaming porn right now. It is about porn time. Are they boys? Are they men or women? We've got both. Kids, adults. Someone said, Sebon, if you die, can I have your CEO sign?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Of course. Greg's starting a rush on all my... Sebon, can I have your CEO sign? Of course. Greg's starting a rush on all my... Sevan, can I have the chocolate dick? Sure. Cheers. If I die. Great. As long as you can explain to me that gravity is an understanding of a phenomenon
Starting point is 00:18:37 and not the phenomenon itself, as long as you're enlightened enough to know the distinction. Matt Burns. I love when Greg is on. Thank you, coach. Sarah Cox. as you're enlightened enough to know the distinction matt burns i love when greg is on thank you coach um sarah cox dude sarah have you seen these things i've been oh look at you yeah right yeah that's not even this is my hurt arm what'd you say greg is that peptides it's not the peptides that's making them big, but it's the peptides that's letting me work out hard again. It's my work.
Starting point is 00:19:09 It's my work. Sarah Cox, Kaiser's doctors are trained to diagnose patients in seven minutes. Is that true? Is there like a... Like 20-minute appointments, probably. You get 10 minutes with the technician, and then 7 minutes left you probably get seen by the provider
Starting point is 00:19:27 themselves hey just imagine them not knowing how many patients each doctor is seeing per specialty that's inconceivable it's fucking jiffy medicine
Starting point is 00:19:43 right? Yeah, yeah. It is. 20 patients a day, 20-minute appointments. You should see what it's like. Every time I say something nice about Coeur d'Alene, my loved ones get upset.
Starting point is 00:20:00 We made an emergency room visit recently. We're the only ones there. And Maggie walked right in. The doctor said about, you know, next super cool. Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:18 your connection is Jack, dude. Your connection is Jack. Do you want me to call Maggie and be like, hey, tell everyone to turn off the TVs, the 13 70-inch TVs you have in that house? Yeah. I'm going to do something back.
Starting point is 00:20:38 DS, here we go again. Seve on Google during podcast. Here we go again, guys. DS watching us Google. Douche. This is a good one. Matt Burns does Seve, does Greg know you're coming for a month?
Starting point is 00:20:55 He knows I'm coming. I don't think I told him how long I'm staying. I was bragging to people. I was coming to see you for a month. We've hobbled so you don't stay long. You've hobbled. Oh, the net. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I'm going to leave. I won't stay here for much of this. Where's Greg? He split. He took off. When's he coming back? After you leave his house. In a month.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Greg, any idea? Oh, good. this question is always here bruce wayne great question i want to know this too i want to do one in larkin valley so bad i want to do a small one in larkin valley so bad um greg any idea when the next bsi conference will be, Broken Science Initiative? No, not really, but you know, there's a lot going on right now intellectually. And in these periods of learning a whole lot and meeting a whole lot of new people and furthering this network of people that can articulate how it is that academic science lost its way. It's a period of a lot of excitement. So there's less presenting, I think, during these periods of rapid absorption. And certainly a bunch of us are in that phase right now. Certainly a bunch of us are in that phase right now.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Do you think that these people who are running on these platforms, like Trump's doing it, Vivek Ramaswamy is doing it, where they're talking about a complete gutting and reforming of the institution that's our educational institution, do you think that's possible? institution that's our educational institution you think that's possible it's not going to the public school you're gone tenants is down oh oh yeah greg you turned into it you've turned into a robot in like an atari game oh great i'm so sorry i want to give you a solution i don't want to be those people that's just sharing problems with you but i don't want to be those people that's just sharing problems with you but i don't know what the solution is
Starting point is 00:23:07 um you know what you have uh you know what you have to say expect to text thursday morning oh yeah dude i'm on a day where's all the wheelchairs where are the wheelchair athletes you were awesome last night thank you that was dope kyle landis a greg my rock-headed dog runs right through the electric the invisible fence if she sees something she wants to chase that standard report uh that's interesting do you have starlink there greg can i'm surprised you don't have a backup starlink there generally Starlink it's not as fast as
Starting point is 00:24:08 my backup so like I've got that you know I've got the microwave thing the the for optic and Starlink and shit has to get pretty bad before you like i don't
Starting point is 00:24:29 i think it's i don't know if it's this good uh justin's son uh glassman nicest man ever i met greg at the 2019 games had a brief conversation and he immediately invited me to the athlete dinner that night what a guy dude there's a reason why there's a story like this every time we have you on by the way i thought he i thought it was uh uh i knew it was frazier oh oh sorry justin sorry justin he's not a nice guy he must have taken you from the razor it just used you for pressure sorry lazy um the the author of uh this book cause unknown uh greg gave me this book edward dowd fantastic book um there's all the everything that he says in here then has a qr code next to it. So you can go to the source of where he got it.
Starting point is 00:25:27 So this book's just full of QR codes so that no one can say it's conspiracy theory. And, um, it's, it's, it's tracking all of these mysterious deaths that are occurring all over planet earth right now. Um, it is interesting what happened to lebron james's son uh cardiac arrest and as i was digging around there were two things that i found that were interesting about it you know who else's son had cardiac arrest many years earlier actually i don't know if he had cardiac arrest but he had some sort of a heart condition with shaquille o'neal's son and then and then people keep bringing up Len Bias.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I don't know if you guys even remember that. I was a kid when that happened. But it was a college basketball star who died of cocaine overdose. But I don't blame anyone for thinking that LeBron's son's cardiac arrest was due to the injection. What's crazy is that – does anyone here think it's unfair to ask if he was injected? Like here on YouTube? Yes. Like if someone who's 20 has a heart attack, there's nothing immoral or unconscionable about asking, hey, was he injected?
Starting point is 00:26:50 No, I don't think so. Just like you might ask, was he on cocaine or was he on steroids? Yeah, same way you see a car accident and ask, how did that happen? Did it happen to the guy drunk? Yeah. Did he run the red light? These are just – and yet for some reason, people take such offense if you ask where you injected.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Mm-hmm. Eaton Beaver, good morning, coach. Sevan, Caleb, Sousa, Sevanistas. Hey, Ted, rebooted my net here. It didn't help. Should I? Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah, try. I'm going to try. All right. And while it's rebooting, walk around your house and take people's phones from them. Yeah. I just kind of made... You want to go out on the boat today? Turn your phone off right now. 60 minutes.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Here we go. You want to pull up that Twitter link? I don't know if I sent it to you, Caleb. Sorry. I'm not sure if I sent you an email this morning. You did. Okay. World Cup star 18 grabs her chest and collapses at training in Sydney.
Starting point is 00:28:00 No shit, right? Sydney, Australia. You know what they do over there. Before being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance after losing consciousness breakout world cup star linda casito may not feature again in the tournament after the colombian collapsed at training and distressing scene the young gun 18 was rushed to the hospital and was unconscious for at least 90 seconds footage shows a star jogging with teammates before she suddenly stops clutches her chest and falls to the ground.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Yes, DS, I'm reading from Twitter again. Welcome to the show. I think it's called X now. Not Twitter. Is it? Really? Is that what happened? They rebranded. No shit. Oh, I like it. Like that little Malcolm X vibe.
Starting point is 00:28:44 By the way, um, um, Like that little Malcolm X vibe. By the way, in Dave Castro's weekly review, he talks about how he read Alex Haley's Malcolm X. Oh. And he was really moved by it. Interesting. And that book actually changed my life. I read that book, and I only wear Malcolm X shirts for like a year. No shit.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Like I'd wear a dirty shirt if i didn't have malcolm like i'd wear malcolm x dirty shirt but i was like always washing my shirts because i only had like four or five of them is that when you're living with your dad too yeah that book rocked me wow that was my uh right after my senior year in high school i was trying to find it but somebody i think put like a one in 15 to like a clot issue or something like that. What do you mean one in 15? Those are the chances of it being a clot? Like after you receive the 49ers.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And one in 15 might be completely off, but somebody put a number to it. What's the guy that does it on YouTube that started out being a complete like trumpeter of the agenda? And as he was looking and pouring through. Oh, the english doctor who flipped this script yeah yeah he fought he fucked himself or unfucked himself yeah he unfucked himself in real time yeah that was him oh campbell something campbell him rogan bill mauer so many people with good people uh richard uh not richard branson who's who's the comedian we saw him flip the script yeah um um russell brand russell brand hey dude i totally misjudged emily rolf
Starting point is 00:30:13 oh yeah she's awesome i was kind of like tiptoeing around that shit and then she's like i got proof i got the injection i was like yeah yeah she's a she's a she's like caleb she's a nurse she's a shill for the industry no offense caleb yeah one in 35 of course tanks got it yeah uh john uh john campbell one in 35 has a uh mito mito harm you see they use them the words I'm using here on purpose? Mital harm, yeah. Oh, that's good. Yeah, follow the plot. Dude, this sucks, dude. This video is horrible to see, too. She's running, kind of grabbing her right underneath her left breast. Is that where your heart is, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah. And she's like grabbing. She's kind of got her hand clenched there. Oh, my God. It's kind of cool how her friends run over to her. Yeah, of course. They're probably all terrified. They're probably all thinking, shit, am I next?
Starting point is 00:31:19 If I had a heart attack, I think the first thing I'd want is like my clothes off, my shirt and my pants off. I would feel like I would be being choked oh that's interesting it's supposed to feel like just a crazy pressure in your chest have do you ever do you ever uh work out so hard and like you have to you when you're done you immediately want to turn off the the music or you you're over stimulated by everything yep i do that when i run especially like the first thing i do is just like turn it down when i'm done yeah it's just like oh like your favorite song all of a sudden you hate yeah can't be that loud just like what is going on i love i kind of
Starting point is 00:31:56 like that's kind of a good correlate for like you had a good workout follow the qr code across the screen okay find a good spot for it uh if you go to uh ca peptides you go to the website uh use the code seven something happens i forget free shipping you um there's a whole variety of different peptides you can take there do your research check it out find one that works for you give it a try my buddy uh a guy i know who's a former professional fighter um i was having some back issues he sits next to me every day when i take my kids to jujitsu and he he was having some back issues he injected it in his back himself he got it from ca peptides and i don't know i don't know how he does that hillar does that shit too injects in his back himself he got it from ca peptides and i don't know how he does that hiller does that shit too injects in his back himself he just uh at 35 years old just said a uh three rep pr that's
Starting point is 00:32:52 more than his one rep pr in the deadlift wow crazy yeah he says his back's all better oh that's awesome yeah nuts i want to tell you what it is too it's something crazy and he's not a big dude he looks big he's one of those dudes that looks really big did i meet him uh he has a daughter yep yeah probably a couple times good dude yeah yeah i feel sorry for people he's like a blue belt in jujitsu i feel so sorry for people who meet up in tournaments he's so fucking aggressive he's a blue belt i thought he was like higher than that i've been doing in a while he's so aggressive it's so bad i mean i mean it's only there's there's tons of black belts who don't want to fuck with them in in santa cruz and he probably i don't think there's any blue belts who can give him a run for the money in santa. Probably just only rolls with brown belts.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Very mild mannered, too. Just like used to work at HQ. Chill. Pretty chill. Until you push him too far. Until you fuck with him. Yeah. This is the guy I told you he killed two ducks and then invited me over and I took my boys over there.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And he let my boys clean the ducks with him oh that's cool but the boys freaked out circuit dad no and then he cut the liver out of the duck and me and him out of each of the ducks and me and him uh shared two livers they were tiny they were gnarly you just ate it straight yeah they were so strong did you feel it so strong hey uh they're so strong. Did you chew it? They're so strong. Hey, I don't know. Probably. You know, I've never tasted pee, but as soon as I put this thing in my mouth,
Starting point is 00:34:32 I felt like I was drinking pee. That was pee. It was like an ammonia scent to it. Okay, Greg is rebooted. Greg, do you ever eat liver? What were you just saying about the ammonia scent? I ate a raw liver out of a duck a little tiny one a little like a liver that was like this big and it was so strong and even though i've never what that's how big the duck's liver is tiny yeah dude like the size of a quarter
Starting point is 00:35:00 maybe like four quarters stacked on top of each other and the dude cut it out of the duck and handed it to me and um and i've never tasted urine but it's what i imagine urine would taste like or like i've never drank ammonia but like i i imagine it was just so i don't know what the word is it was like a thousand times gnarlier than biting into a banana peel. It was so intense. Not bad, but just very uncomfortable. Weird.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Bad. Yeah, it was bad. I'm going to go with bad. You're changing my answer. It sounds like a satanic cult, dude. Is that what I was thinking? This is Santa Cruz's Dominican Hospital yeah this is san francisco dominican hospital this is just in some dude's driveway in santa cruz during a thanksgiving time he was teaching my kids how to clean ducks and then he's like hey you want to eat the liver i'm like fuck yeah
Starting point is 00:35:57 throw me a liver and then i was like oh oh yeah your internet's way better did you slap someone around what do you think give me your your dials you did slap someone around what's going on you turn the tvs off for 60 minutes go outside my media department and hired a new one all right well damn it's working perfectly you know me yeah i do know you know you. I ate a cat sliver. Just now? Yeah, in the ground. You had a cat sliver?
Starting point is 00:36:32 I ate a cat at the same time. So, did you see what happened to LeBron James' son? He had cardiac arrest? I did. Look at the dad in me. My first concern would be a father for a son. It's just terrifying. And I'm no fan of LeBron.
Starting point is 00:37:01 He had epic opportunity to stay out of things when he didn't, and he did harm. But that's super sad. And the kid's career, I mean, what does it do for that, right? Well, it's also interesting, right? No matter how much success LeBron James has, he would trade all of that for his son's health. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:37:25 Okay. I didn't know that about you. Oh, shit. Wow. You should have had a guy then. I might have had a problem. Well, I'm making some presuppositions for sure. Inside information.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I mean, I get it. We have resources. Do you know originally he didn't want to take the injection? With the son? No, LeBron. And then he put out a public statement. The slab jab? Yeah, that slab jab.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Yeah. And then he put out a public statement that he's done the research and him and his family have decided to take it. This is in 2021. The research. I love it. I love it. I stopped reading here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah. Anything that's got LeBron James and research in it, I'm like, I'm done. And some people on the net are saying, hey, Shaquille O'Neal's son had heart problems before the jab like in 2004 or whatever and then len bias died you remember do you remember the um uh the kid who died from cocaine that was like in the 80s or something college basketball player remember that dude yeah was that cocaine yeah i don't know len by is that his name len bias i don't think it was cocaine was it uh speed be careful here look it up that's not my okay a maryland's chief uh medical examiner attributed bias's death directly to cocaine he said it interrupted the normal
Starting point is 00:39:03 electrical control of his heartbeat resulting in the sudden onset of seizures and cardiac arrest what do you what do you remember it as i don't know i thought it was a i there's another one that was a you know congenital malformation kind of thing did the dude die? I don't know. Anyway, when you see it, are you just like, yep, that's another Claude incident after seeing something like a book like this? The enormous effort, hidden effort, effort that was denied to silence any criticisms is profound evidence for me. It increases the plausibility enormously that what's being said is true. Why? When a guy spouts something out and I didn't quite catch it, but the cops jump on him and beat him to half to death, and I have to now decide whether he said
Starting point is 00:40:07 was true or false. I'm going to guess it was true. I'm not following. The effort to silence an opinion adds plausibility to the likelihood of the thing being true.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Again, we don't see... There's not a big censorship effort at falsehoods. Like your flat Earth friend. Right, right. Imagine if people started believing that. It would be horrible. The spaceships would run into the fucking ground
Starting point is 00:40:44 and stuff. All the satellites would crash. You've got to stop in that. It would be horrible if spaceships would run into the fucking ground and stuff. All the satellites would crash. You've got to stop that opinion. You can't let it catch on. Everyone just laughs at it. It's true. If anything were ever going to be censored about the Earth, it'd be that it's round. That could someday be censored.
Starting point is 00:41:05 They've even got a name for it. What do we have? There's misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, right? Oh, shit. Really? They're falling in buckets now? Yeah, it's great. And the malinformation, it doesn't mean it's not true.
Starting point is 00:41:19 It's just that it hurts. Do you remember those documents that came out from Gavin Newsom's department that were saying that basically they couldn't tell us the truth about COVID-19 because the public wasn't smart enough to interpret them? Yeah, I recall something like that. I think that seems what all public health is about. Tim Brown, 99.9% of cardiac arrests are from climate change. Tim's got it. He's got it figured out. Get that peer reviewed.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Yep. Hey, I don't think it matters how many people die. I don't think the majority ever come to the conclusion that we have. come to the conclusion that we have? Yeah. There's going to be a mass awakening that's going to involve 5% of the population. Right, right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Joe Westerlin speaks brilliantly on this. He thought that there's a war against CrossFit at a 3% saturation. Say that again? He thought that all the forces that could be brought to bear on CrossFit happened before it got to 3% of the population.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Oh, oh. Kyle, great question. Beautiful beard. uh kyle great question beautiful beard uh greg what homeschool curriculum uh do your kids follow i love the question thank you kyle um you know we started and really what i wanted to do is just maximize their qualitative and and quantitative uh reasoning capacity to go all skills based. And in the end, that for me would have looked like being able to read anything and write forcefully about it, employing appropriate grammar, logic, rhetorical skills with some degree of flourish. logic, rhetorical skills with some degree of flourish. And then on the quantitative, you know, diagram sentences,
Starting point is 00:43:31 all that old school stuff. And then on the quantitative stuff, basically get through differential equations and linear algebra, lower division college mathematics before they leave the house. And this is fairly consistent with the trivium and quadrivium of classical education. So a lot of what I'm describing here is thousands of years old. But it ties in directly with my science effort too. Plato said that a core of mathematical knowledge was essential to understanding the universe. And I think that's very true. And I don't think there's anyone that studied mathematics that wouldn't do anything other than say, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:44:25 course. But what's fascinating to me is that the advantages of a mathematical education, it's true today, 2,000 years ago when Plato said it, but what's happened is that the mathematics itself and our knowledge of the universe has changed dramatically in the past 300 years. dramatically in the past 300 years. And it's a flashpoint. And we didn't have analysis or probability theory when Plato said that. And what we know about the universe today and what can be shown about even our own understanding of the world through the study of probability theory is absolutely phenomenal. And so what I'm doing is kind of adding some, I'm super charging the classical liberal arts education and then feed to elementary school kids. And I already tell it's working. It's fun. So there's elements of – yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:45:26 I can go on and on. Do you ever take them out on field trips to like a protest or something? No, no. No, they wouldn't pass the climate change exam. Listen, you guys, Greg's living the dream. The other day he sends me this video of a bald eagle flying over his house carrying a fish and he's sitting on his deck or on a boat with his kids maggie maggie got that his wife got that and listen i don't want i'm not dogging maggie about her timing and her filming
Starting point is 00:45:58 skills but imagine the environment you're in that you can catch with your iPhone, a bald Eagle carrying a giant fish over your house. I mean, that means that shit's happening three times a day and his kids are out there. His, he has outdoor kids, by the way, as Jeremy Kinnick said, if you want to be a successful parent, keep your kid outside 80% of the time that they're awake. And that's great. Greg, I don't know if Greg's ever heard that, but I hang out with Greg and he got outdoor kidsreg i don't know if greg's ever heard that but i hang out with greg and he got outdoor kids he didn't got indoor kids ask maggie to send you the picture of the
Starting point is 00:46:29 mama moose with her twins oh yeah yeah tell that story about how you're driving through your neighborhood and you saw that yeah yeah he calls me and tells me this is crazy we're out on the razor we got the big one and checking out the neighborhood. And Riley yelled out, look, moose, babies, twins. Sure enough, it was just on some dude's lawn on the driveway next to the mailbox. Moose chilling with two beautiful little twin mooseettes, whatever they are. There's a phenomenon that happens to you as a human being when you see an animal. I don't know if there's a word for it or not not but you see different animals out in the wild and something happens to you you have some reaction there is a huge difference between seeing a deer and a moose
Starting point is 00:47:13 by the way seeing a moose is like tantamount to like seeing a mountain lion this is a real fucking animal that if it if it it poses a you become hyper. It's like seeing a rattlesnake. A moose is legit. In Wyoming, we had a lot of encounters with moose. Had two kids chased by one once out of the woods. I mean, they were on the dock fishing. Rhett was fishing. Robbie was just standing there.
Starting point is 00:47:41 And yet Rhett screamed moose and threw his rod in the air. And I saw nothing until two seconds later this thing thundered out of the woods and uh I yelled to Robbie to run Rhett was already halfway up the deck um but uh the thing was uh the thing was ominous looking it was it was pretty cool we got up all onto the deck, and he walked by, snorted, and then looked at us and went over to a stand of birch trees and just tore them up. Just put his antlers in them and just wrecked a half a dozen
Starting point is 00:48:19 three-inch diameter trees and looked back at us like, that's the kind of shit I can do. That's a bitch-ass moose, and it can I can do. That's a bitch ass moose and it can chase a bear. That's a bitch ass moose. Doesn't even got the antlers. Yeah. But the same moose that we saw every day eventually were non-reactive to the dog and the kids. And they would chill and graze and eat willow trees.
Starting point is 00:48:42 And we'd sit out there in the Yeti chairs around the chimney and talk to them. I mean, it was local moose. And so I got to thinking, you know, like, how different are these than cows? Because a bull will kill you dead, right? Yeah. I mean, they're not that safe. And it didn't take much YouTubing to find out the Russians just tamed the fuck out of mooses. They do?
Starting point is 00:49:04 Oh, yeah. They hook them to sleighs and all kinds of shit. They treat them like reindeer. I'm like, yeah. But my favorite was there was a gal that had a giant bullwinkle moose as a pet. And she's got a big bunch of bananas. And he's following around trying to reach around. And she eventually sits down with the bananas and lays down with this big rack. And's peeling bananas and feeding them and i'm like yeah that's that kind of dangerous
Starting point is 00:49:29 animal hey so you know there's some animals you can do that with and it's just never safe right i wonder if a moose is one of those ones where it is safe like like a chimpanzee yeah chimpanzee bear tiger someone always gets eaten or had their face torn off jimmy waddell knew a guy that had a uh a mountain lion pet that sat on the couch with him and purred and made snacks and when the when the dude died the cat didn't eat he didn't live two weeks wow whoa wow wow how'd the dude did the cat kill the dude no the guy
Starting point is 00:50:08 no it was old age I mean he was just an old I think he was also in law enforcement I think he was a DOJ guy that had a pet mountain lion John Clouser Nobel Prize winner Nobel Laureate in physics
Starting point is 00:50:23 starts talking about the corruption and climate change. He's the 2022 Nobel physics laureate. And abruptly after he mentions the corruption and climate change science, which isn't science at all, the International Monetary Fund uh his speaking engagement and he immediately the cancellation begins there's articles everywhere trying to cancel him and um they're they're starting to call him a climate denier i love that and it's crazy because now there's a bunch of nobel laureates coming out saying that it's bullshit. But I wanted to show you this, Greg, because after you sent me that article, I went down this kind of rabbit hole, and you're going to really like this.
Starting point is 00:51:15 This is ChatGPT on – God, I should probably give this shit up to Caleb. Caleb, can you pull that up and make it bigger? This is Chad GPT on global warming, Greg. And the conversation is absolutely hilarious. So this guy says, what's the largest CO2 emitting source as of September 2021? The AI says, as of September 2021, the largest CO2 emitting source was the burning of fossil fuels for energy production such as coal, oil, blah, blah, blah. Then he said – then the guy, Brett, asks AI, volcanoes don't emit CO2? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:55 In chat, GBT says, yes, they do emit CO2 along with other gases when they erupt. However, compared to human activities, volcanic emissions make up a relatively small percentage of the CO2. Human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels, are primary driver. So then Brett says to the chat GPT again, volcanoes don't emit CO2. He repeats the same question again. He says, I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. You are correct. Volcanoes do emit CO2, among other gases, when they erupt. But their contribution to total CO2 in the atmosphere is relatively small compared to human. Brett then responds, so what's the combined CO2 emitted by nature sources and how it compares to human activity? The AI responds, as of my best knowledge update in September 2021, the natural sources include volcanoes, wildfires, deforests, a decomposition of organic matter that contributes to CO2 emissions,
Starting point is 00:52:49 which is about 770 billion metric tons. That's the number. Remember, 770 billion. That's the natural CO2 emissions from just the Earth taking a deuce on itself. On the other hand, the AI repeats repeats human activity such as burning fossil fuels for energy industry process deforestation and land were responsible for emitting 35 billion that's like 120 for one of the amount metric tons so uh while natural sources do emit co2 their combined emissions are much lower compared to human activity. We'll keep going. This is where it gets crazy. That's already upside down and backwards.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Yeah. So then the guy says to the AI, how is 770 billion metric tons less than 35 billion metric tons? And the chat GPT, the AI says, I apologize for the confusion. You're absolutely right. My statement was incorrect. This fucking thing is a mess. This thing is... It's software. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:53:57 The intelligence is a mapping of the guy who created it. And the guy who created it has confused his fucked up ideology for thinking. And so the thing knows, it knows that it's fed the ideology and the numbers don't change it. And so it's got a contradiction. It knows as fact that anthropogenic global warming is the problem. It knows that for a fact. And it's having trouble digesting uh 35 being less than 770 but it's programmed to say that humans are the problem that's right but it also knows math yeah almost right almost this is this is ideology making you a fucking idiot um you know you know how to tell i can anyone can see when stuff was written by this chat gpt
Starting point is 00:54:55 it reads like the new york times it's not a you you're just being you're being. It's like a response crafted from a Google search query. There's nothing creative. There's no synthesis. There's no theses, antitheses, and synthesis. None of the hallmarks of a conversation are actual thought. Pick up a copy of The Spectator or National Review and compare that to what you get out of The New York Times. There was this conversation you and I were having the other day,
Starting point is 00:55:40 and we were talking about the process of being a liberal versus a conservative. And I was like, when I hear these things coming from people who are liberal there's just they're not pointing at anything there's nothing objective it's just it's like it's all just to uh conjure emotion and you were i can't remember exactly how you worded but you said something like yeah dude being a liberal isn't an intellectual process. You don't get there by thinking clearly. Do you remember what you were saying about that? It's nothing. No one arrived at that intellectually.
Starting point is 00:56:12 It's much more akin to the fucking guy that puts on a Hawaiian shirt and a gold chain and looks in the mirror and he's, man, I look really fucking good in this. And so the next thing you know, you're only going to see him in Hawaiian shirts with gold chains. And you think you're going to have a conversation with him? You look like a douchebag. It's never going to happen. It's never going to happen. I don't want to do Hawaiian shirts. That's very judgmental of you.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Haley, throw away all my gold chains. What a stud. Chest hair and all. Haley, throw away all my gold chains. What a stud. Chest hair and all. My God, I'm good looking. You hear this kind of theme song in your head, and you've got your magpi, you're all that shit. It feels so fucking good. That's what it's like to get on this climate bullshit
Starting point is 00:57:02 and be confused about sex and gender and like it's it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a self-imposed insanity what all you little liberals out there in the making that ideology is a vow of poverty. That ideology is a vow of poverty. You'll never have a fucking thing, never be able to take care of the people around you. You're not going to be Zuckerberg. You'd be much more like
Starting point is 00:57:35 the homeless people. It's about as big a handicap as you could impose upon yourself. You'd fare better to be a heroin addict that nobel laureate basically he says there's no proof in climate change he goes on to explain why and then he basically says hey but there is proof of this if we go down this path we will have mass poverty it's crippling to the economy when When the Nobel laureate physicist isn't addressing the specifics of your theory,
Starting point is 00:58:09 but is aghast at your methods, we're in a position where, and I use this to explain my father's problem with the IPCC modeling. If your doctor tells you that you have colon cancer and you say, where do you get that from? You haven't even looked up your ass. My ass. And he takes you over to a telescope pointed out into the heavens. You don't need to be a doctor
Starting point is 00:58:36 to say that you're not seeing my colon cancer through this fucking telescope. And that's what these physicists are telling them. The conclusions you've come to can't be derived from your methods matt briggs is very clear on this wow wow is taking the earth's temperature hottest day ever the other day right utter bullshit
Starting point is 00:59:02 it was like the hottest three months in uh in the last 120 years was a recent claim i saw the the un's claiming that we're in global boiling global that's they call it global boiling yeah it's it makes every intelligent person smile It makes every intelligent person smile. It's a shit your pants smile. The end is near. That's been the chant of lunatics forever. Look up doomsayers. It's a cute little Wikipedia article.
Starting point is 00:59:42 That's a thing. it's a cute little wikipedia article that's a that's a thing it's a it's a mental illness that that afflicts entire populations we're all gonna die chicken little fuck run around in circles and scream it i like that they don't want to hear from these nobel laureates in physics that have a problem with not the theory but the methods that you'd say gets you to that theory. But this 16-year-old half-witted high school dropout is an authority. Oh, Greta. Hey, have you seen the video? You don't have to trust the experts.
Starting point is 01:00:19 There's a video of her going around where she's sitting with some friends and she's doing her famous lines. Have you seen that? Like she's acting them out. It's pretty wild. Like a cameo for like people who pay. Yes. Oh shit. Trust the science. Mrs. Burns, my favorite
Starting point is 01:00:38 four faces on a Saturday morning. Thank you, Mrs. Burns. That's sweet. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to Caleb. There was another funny comment in here from Thank you, Mr. Burns. That's sweet. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to Caleb. That's true. There was another funny comment in here from Cave Dastro. So the earth emits that much CO2 but doesn't have a way to process it. Got it.
Starting point is 01:01:00 But the government does. Just give them your money and they'll figure it out. No problem. Oh, that's a good one. But the government does just give them your money and they'll figure it out no problem oh that's a good one but the government does yeah we the ecosystem didn't naturally do it way before we got here but uh biden's administration's gonna take care of that lickety split the the chat gpt thing is um there's there's just the internet's just full of those examples of it just doing idiocy.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Complete idiocy. Matt Briggs said that AI is going to take over the world right after a room full of abacuses does. Who said that? Matt Briggs.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Oh, that's good yeah they all got together and combined their intelligence and took over do you remember do you remember i think it was atlantic monthly ran a piece about uh a rather sophisticated model that showed what happened at the moment of the mass extinction event when the when the uh meteor struck at the center of uh of uh the gulf of mexico and they had this computer had generated what it was like 500 miles away a thousand miles two thousand yes All the timing and all this stuff. I do remember that, yes.
Starting point is 01:02:26 And all the effects. It was so impressive. It was really exciting. I even got excited about it. I showed it to my dad, and my dad laughed, and he says, this model has all the quality of Spielberg's Jurassic Park. About as scientific. This model did
Starting point is 01:02:47 exactly what it was told to do. Basically, it's animation. Yeah, that's all it is. It's CGI. Yeah. And Matt Briggs belabors that at a point daily, it seems. Try to tell me that
Starting point is 01:03:03 your models just did what you models were told to do. And so the model you want to sell is the one that doomsays. There's no money in the hook. I got a model that says nothing's going to be that fucking different. It's going to be the same fucking planet for your great-grandchildren
Starting point is 01:03:20 it is for you. Try to get that published. But we're all gonna die the chicken little fucking science that's huge people love that shit so the two biggest models the two models that we want to know about the most is when and how we're gonna die and then when and how you can get super rich hey sit down read this book say these words and you can manifest wealth i mean it's kind of like those are the two ends, right? How to get rich and how to prepare for your death. Kyle asked me about my curriculum
Starting point is 01:03:50 and I started with the why of it. And what I wanted was not to make better citizens. I almost make me sick to my stomach the number of curriculum that go there. What is a better citizen, right? If you're Marx, it's something that I find repugnant. But what I'd like to do for my kids is preserve all life options for as long as possible. So regardless of what the world is like or what they choose, it's not a laughable thing.
Starting point is 01:04:19 And it remains within the realm of possibilities. And I think that belongs almost exclusively to people with significant qualitative and quantitative capacity. The thinkers, the people that can read. You reminded me of that just now. There was a there's a there's a guy I just saw a homeschool guy. Well, do you remember the homeschool guy we had on my show? saw a homeschool guy well do you remember the homeschool guy we had on my show he doesn't um he sells a homeschool curriculum although he didn't push it on the show what was his last name caleb i think you had it but budro budro oh no not budro i think greg might know budro that's the acting academy there was another guy
Starting point is 01:05:01 he was sitting in his backyard when I interviewed him. He has the kids' books that are like bear books, Big Cub, Little Cub. I can't remember. Shit. Done over 1,000 shows. God. Is that right? Yeah, I think we're at like – I mean, we got to be close to 1,100 now,
Starting point is 01:05:25 two and a half years. Not Jeremy Kinnick. Thank you, Wad Zombie. Good guess. Oh, classic learner. Wow. Eric Uly, classic learner. Brett Pike. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Wow. Great job, guys. Brett Pike. Oh, yeah. Look at you. Look at you, Caleb. Let me see. This guy just said what Greg was saying.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Let me see if I can find it. Let me see if I can. Is this it? OK, here we go. You heard that the media is correct. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. The media is corrupt. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. We're going to kind of miss the beginning, but we as parents can teach our kids to understand the world from a systems perspective to identify the interconnectivity between government, finance, and industry.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Check out Homeschools Connected. So this is kind of what Greg was saying. Here we go. It's another to show them the six corporations that control all of television. It's one thing to say, don't trust the medical system it's another to teach them to track the lobbying money to show them the revolving door of corruption it's one thing to tell them about false flags and wars and another to have them read the most important whistleblowers in american history teach your children about the levers and mechanisms of power and they'll figure out the rest
Starting point is 01:06:45 on their own. Check out my project. It's kind of that last part there, right? Keep their mind open so that they can think for themselves is basically what he's saying. I mean, it's a little got a little bit of a conspiracy spin on it, but. Yeah, Sebi, I can use the Dawn Redwood tree
Starting point is 01:07:01 and I'll just pick some species to is an entree to biology, geology, evolution, genetics, one species. And I can take Hunter Biden's laptop and take you walk you through government and and and corruption and media. It's a it's a it's a teachable moment. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wonderfully so. You remember me giving everyone that book two years ago at Christmas? Which book? The Laptop from Hell? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You gave it to me. Crazy book. That was hard. That was hard to get because I bought a hundred of them. Made it a Christmas present for all my liberal family and friends and everyone
Starting point is 01:07:48 that could walk by. You also bought me one of these trees at Don Redwood. Still at your house. Go to Greg's house and you get one tree and a laptop from Hellbook. It's a deciduous uh conifer and it's the fastest growing of the redwoods they'll do 120 feet in 30 years and uh it seems as though all extant trees are descendants of one in china which is bizarre but the tree used to cover the earth. Unlike similar varieties, standing water is no problem for the dawn redwood.
Starting point is 01:08:33 They'll drop tap roots from their trunk 10 feet up, and only tropical trees do that. It's a trippy tree. Sebi, show that epic picture of the one. And I actually bought mine, some of mine, from those people. This one here? No, put in Dawn Redwood and then hit images. It's that one that actually
Starting point is 01:08:49 in 30 years got 120 feet. Oh, this one? That one. Yeah, that one's crazy. Yeah, I bought from those people because of that specimen. Yeah, that's something else. And the leaves on it are soft they're not like
Starting point is 01:09:05 like a regular redwood right yeah it feels like feathers it's a it's firm like delicate why do why do people as they get older get into shit like this and like birds and like what's happening to me like i like birds now and i want to know like i see a bird in my windowsill and i want to know what kind of bird it is what what is that there's a I just saw a phenomenon they called it a main character syndrome and it was a article of examples I think it was buzzfeed those assholes but uh they had uh examples of you know like so a woman tells her husband that her mom just died and he's like why would you tell me this before i have my big meeting yeah yeah what's the matter with you it's like he's the main character in the world is a movie where he's the main character right
Starting point is 01:09:57 and uh i think that main character syndrome is hard to maintain as you age main character syndrome is hard to maintain as you age. It's really hard to see yourself as the center of the universe. It's 67. Right. I have profound and compelling evidence that the world does not revolve around me. Wow. And it makes other things more interesting.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Yeah, you start reading like history books and shit. Yeah, looking around and whoa. Yeah. Right? There's a moose with two babies yeah and it's cool it's kind of things that your parents gave you when you were young but you kind of put on the back burner like my dad was always interested in stuff like that plants and birds and stuff and then and then all of a sudden you reach an age you're like
Starting point is 01:10:40 oh you and i have always been interested in growing things yeah change is cool growing stuff and watching it change is cool totally is watering the garden and looking at it is more fun than eating the fucking vegetables right uh dennis o'larry uh with his drum set is that a drum set? Yeah, it looks like a drum set. God, your wife hates you. It's at an empty apartment. Yeah, the neighbors. Yeah, sure. Neighbors hate you.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Always awesome to catch a live show, especially this one. Great job. I can't wait for the behind the scenes. Thank you. Slop Slop, hello. Behind the scenes. Let's go. I appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Thank you, guys. All that shit matters you guys all that crazy support means so much thank you Eddie do you have to have a pseudonym to engage no
Starting point is 01:11:38 Tim Shaw do you change it to no you could be a regular dude like Dick Butter just have a regular name you're right just use your real name i don't know i'm pretty interesting uh yeah there's a lot of uh interesting names on this show that's for sure oh greg does this greg and my dad do this i am not a deep waterer but we'll let's hear what greg says about this uh see my globes that reminds me i gotta do deep watering of my trees heavy do you do deep watering once a week uh greg actually i was just looking greg bought me two deep waterers and a huge box of these fertilizer pellets that you
Starting point is 01:12:14 put in the deep you probably don't even remember this greg in the deep fertilizer thing and you screw it on put the hose on and i was actually using those the other day just because there's he bought me so much of them i'm like god i better start using these i mean they've been sitting in my like uh greenhouse for ever um but no i don't traditionally do deep watering greg does that stuff you do that right more regularly than i do i were there if i would around enough i would for sure i even did the the slow drip water bags, but that the, the wildlife attack that. Greg has at his Scotts Valley home, a pet tree,
Starting point is 01:12:52 like actual pet tree. Like you have a dog. What kind of tree is that? Which one? The one that you bathe. Like, you'll be like, I'll be at Greg's house for an hour. I'm like, where's Greg? And I go back into his bedroom and he's in his office off the deck with a hose washing his tree what tree is that i've seen that a dozen times over the years i've got a sycamore outside the master bedroom that's growing three to five feet a year yeah it's crazy and broadening by more than that when we planted it i told mark that i'd like it to be a fire escape from the second floor at some point and i'm clearly going to be there i'm going to you know i'll i'll rebuild
Starting point is 01:13:31 the balcony around the thing oh in the last three or four years i've been out on the deck and day and with greg and we'll be sitting out there looking at it and i'll be like dude i think i can jump to it now greg's like we're like discussing how if you had to run out of the house which branch you would jump and grab on the second yeah you wouldn't hesitate you wrecked a tree but other than that it's uh it's massive yeah it has huge leaves like that and greg's out there bathing it's bigger it's bigger than that and it's uh you know 10 years old i'm like greg it's coming it's it's just it's coming in it's going to destroy this deck he's like yeah i'm going to rebuild the deck around it not i'm going to cut that off uh wad zombie thank you for being a regular guest uh still feels surreal to hear
Starting point is 01:14:20 from you so often i know he's become a feature of the show. It's dope. Yeah, I mean, what do you do? Do you take the sawzall to the Trex or to the Sycamore? Here's some good questions. Greg does eat apples. What kind of apple does Greg enjoy? Oh, dude, I think it's the Honeycrisp. It's like the end of the road on the apple, right?
Starting point is 01:14:49 I like the Golden Delicious, but what's weird is they can get too soft for me. Yeah, do they too soft for you? Kind of weird, like the cells in the – Yeah, sometimes a little pulpy. I don't like that. Yeah. What is Greg's favorite book? What's he reading currently?
Starting point is 01:15:02 what is Greg's favorite book? What's he reading currently? I'm going to give another plug to Jane's probability theory, the logic of science. And I probably for the next rest of my life and ask me what's my favorite book and what am I reading? And that might be it, but it's a profound work and it develops it. It takes you through, it, it, it takes you through walks you through probability theory is extended logic.
Starting point is 01:15:31 And in the words of James, that's no more than the optimal processing of incomplete information. And it's, it's not just a profound work. I think it's, I think it's one of the most important things written on science in the past couple of hundred years. Go through the, I love that, start with the one stars, no stars, but read the reviews on that book. It's stunning how few reviews there are, right? 24. how few reviews there are, right? 24. And considering the profundity that many of the authors, the commenters, and their backgrounds is stunning too. The reviews on that book are brilliant. And the work is brilliant. It's warming to see people that have such a fine comprehension of that.
Starting point is 01:16:29 And by the way, that work and author and this version of probability theory as extended logic, this is something that unites Matt Briggs and I. In fact, it's part of how I found him. Slater, honey crisps all day. Jake Chapman, does Greg eat the seeds? No. No, I don't know. Do you ever eat the core?
Starting point is 01:16:58 No. At all? No. Why? I don't know. I eat the core. I sometimes eat the whole apple. I've never the whole apple.
Starting point is 01:17:06 I've never been that hungry. Does Greg read Wendell Berry? Yeah. No, but Tom Krubach has been talking Wendell Berry for 30 years to me, I think. He's most known for his work, The Unsettling of America, Culture and Agriculture. That's a good name. Wendell Berry? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:29 No. Oh, uh-oh. Here we go. Mike Rochburn. Here come the real questions. Is Greg still going to be at the CrossFit Games on Friday, August? Brian Clark. August 4th. August. Brian Clark. August 4th.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Yeah. Yeah, I'm going. I'm not convinced, but we shall see. I'm going to be there. You are awesome. Right? Say it again. I'm going to be there at the 50-yard line, cheering, screaming hard for some outfriended girls.
Starting point is 01:18:04 He is fucking not telling the truth. I believed it earlier than that last statement. Maybe not believe it anymore. Let me ask you a couple of questions. I'll tell you two places you're more likely to see Greg. I'll tell you two places. When I own the games, I didn't watch. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:18 And you know why? There were people that came there to talk to me. Right. And they were more important than the athletes. Each and every one of them were more important than the athletes each and every more important athletes and now that i don't own it you think the athletes rise in importance of significance to me no what's the name of the breakfast so there's a breakfast place there it was owned by those two um lesbian ladies what was and you went to it every morning what was that name of that place i forget we walk into this place this is a true story we walk into this place and we go there every morning for breakfast 10
Starting point is 01:18:48 days in a row the first year the second year we go there we go there and we go there the first day and then they basically say something to greg like hey we're closed after tomorrow for the next two weeks or something three weeks greg's like hey what why and they go because we're having we can't afford to replace our air conditioner this is a restaurant and we can't afford to replace our air conditioner. This is a restaurant. And we can't afford to replace our air conditioner, and our landlord won't replace it for us. So Greg calls the two owners over to the table, and he goes, hey, I'm going to pay for your air conditioner. Call the dude right now.
Starting point is 01:19:15 I'm going to pay to have your air conditioning fixed. And just think about that, the impact that had on him. So he's either going to be at that restaurant having breakfast every morning. And those ladies, i think cried there's i'm going to modify the story slightly okay well i don't care if the story's true or not true the spirit of it's 99 true right yeah maybe maybe the spirit's not quite right oh shit all. Take two. It's my nature, but here's the deal. Did you buy them an AC? Tell me that. I think I did better than that. I hired an attorney that got the landlord by the scrotum and lifted him up overhead. And the landlord bought the air conditioner.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Oh, okay. So I made that. I'm still going with my spot. Okay. But your landlord tells you to fuck off while your business dies in sweltering heat over the air conditioner. That's bullshit. During the most busiest week of the year. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Yeah. Okay. But either way, he got the air conditioners fixed, and he paid for their lawyer. It's a great story. Thank you for being a regular guest. Okay, so that way. He'll either going to be there, or there is a hamburger place. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:38 And I'm telling you, if you want to try to find Greg, go to either of those two places. Yeah, what was that? Sebi Dottie Dumplings Dowry or whatever, something. And you can bug him. Sorry, Greg, to do this to you. You can bug Greg. Like, just walk up to him and say hi. He's not.
Starting point is 01:20:55 He's cool. He's cool as shit. Like, he knows he's going out. He knows what he's putting in the work this 48 hours. And he's going to retreat to his nowhere where bald eagles fly in Idaho. Get him. Go up to him. Take a picture with him make him work suzy tell uh a great book both greg and sebi talked about is tripping over the truth awesome book excellent travis christopherson
Starting point is 01:21:16 who came to the concept via rob wolf who i i think i had some influence on when he was a wee lad uh give me one second here there's someone calling in let me see if i can fix the phone here i was gonna say we can't hear that phone ring anymore i got phone issues caller hi hey I got phone issues. Call her. Hi. Hey. Hello. Savvy.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Hey, what's up, dude? Man, good morning. How y'all? Good. Great. How are you? You're in the south somewhere. Yeah, I'm in Alabama.
Starting point is 01:22:00 This is Thomas Graves. I've messaged you, DMed you back and forth on Instagram a little bit. Okay. But all of a sudden, you said that about bugging Greg, so I've been so nervous about calling him, but then I was like, hey, if I can bug him, I'll call him. And he's an Alabama boy. He's your boy. Greg's an Alabama boy, so he's your boy.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Yeah. So, Coach Glassman, thank you so much for everything that you've done. CrossFit, I started a year and seven months ago, and it's truly changed my life. I was a firefighter paramedic for almost 20 years. I always thought I was in great shape and good health. A year and eight months ago, I got out in the front yard with my daughter, ran around, got out of breath, and said, Man, what's going on with me?
Starting point is 01:22:46 I'm mid-40s. And so I said, you know, it's time to change. So I started my local CrossFit gym, and it's changed my life. Thank you for sharing that, Thomas, and congratulations. Yes. Thank you, sir. Took you 20 years to find CrossFit? Really?
Starting point is 01:23:04 You were fired but you know no in all honesty in all honesty um in 2013 uh just happened to see the games on youtube uh kind of just had developed man crush on uh rich froning read his books, and like, man, I need to do this. Well, then I didn't. And then, but I remembered everything. Hey, local CrossFit gym, when I realized, hey, I need to change my life, that's what I did. But Coach Glassman, man, it's the BSI, a bunch of folks at our local affiliate, man, we're obsessed with that.
Starting point is 01:23:47 We're hoping you come to the south and do one. But I just thought I'd hop on here and tell Coach Glassman thank you and I'm actually working, trying to work with some of our local police departments and fire departments to get them in that mindset that hey they they need to change because it's police and fire we always think you know we're superheroes but then you start realizing you're not and uh so i'm trying to get uh my local fire department that i worked for my one of my good friends is the fire chief i'm trying to get him we're going to do some free Friday classes.
Starting point is 01:24:26 The owner of our affiliates agreed to that. We're going to try to get some firefighter employees in there and help change it. Thomas, the Orange County Fire Authority in Orange County, California implemented CrossFit in their training academy and then started pushing it around to the fire stations and they ended up with a reduction in their workman's comp cases rather precipitous drop in in those expenses which is really interesting and there's people who can direct you to that information to talk to the chief but but sir my mom's family is all in Choctaw County. Do you know where that is in Alabama? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:25:08 I sure do. I used to hunt down there a lot. Yeah. Well, let me tell you, I asked my family how long they'd been there, and they were really puzzled. They didn't know what the fuck I was talking about. And it turns out that Adam and Eve were in Choctaw County, and that's how long my family's been there.
Starting point is 01:25:24 They're not from anywhere. That's a, that was, that's the cradle of civilization, Choctaw County. We love it down here. Sorry if I'm talking too fast. A lot of folks tell us we talk too fast from down here, but, but yeah, it's, you know, it's, it's one of those things that I've not got resistance from, but it's one of those things that, you know, once again, they get, you know, firefighters in place. We've got a little bit different mentality.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Now, I'm out of the fire service now. Me and my wife own our own little business, private business. is to, I'm actually trying to sell my business right now with the whole purpose of changing lives as CrossFit has changed my life because I've actually been talking to, and I'll send Seve a little story and maybe he can send it to you and I'll send him my email if you want to respond. But some of my former colleagues really dealing with PTSD with some of the things that we've been through. And they they some of them have started coming off because I've told them about how mentally, not only physically, but mentally, how much CrossFit has helped me.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Greg and I have a friend who's a firefighter, 20 years firefighter, and he's got serious PTSD. I have a friend who's a firefighter, 20 years firefighter, and he's got serious PTSD. And he works a very, very intense, gnarly highway in Santa Cruz County. And he's busted up. He says the guys that have had to pick people out of the chain link fences bit by bit are never the same for it and that you try to make sure that no one has to do that twice in one year not the same team actually having to pick pieces of people in clothing that go through the fence that's on 17. wow yeah you want to stay on hey brother i got a question for you from the audience uh uh you ready yeah you want to stay on hey brother I got a question for you from the audience you ready
Starting point is 01:27:27 you ready this one's gonna sting a little bit did you used to drink a Mountain Dew first thing when you woke up in the morning did I mine was more of a green monster thing but got off all the sugar though I don't drink sugar i love you i love you so you're a good dude you know the comments they just hear your voice and you say alabama and they just everyone's trying
Starting point is 01:27:54 their stand-up routine on you hey i get it but hey as far as i can say one thing about us down here as opposed to lots of areas is we're not 49ers fans. Good. Thank God. Thank you. So, well, hey, I'll get off here. But, Coach, Seve, oh, by the way, Seve, congratulations on the behind the scenes. Man, I'm looking forward to it.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Thank you, brother. Hey, call in any time. You have a beautiful voice. You're a good dude. You make me feel at peace. And let me tell you something. Yes, sir. Easy intellectual quicksand, Seve,
Starting point is 01:28:31 is to assume that the Southern drawl is stupidity. I agree. That'll get you fucked up, especially in the courtroom. During the Watergate hearing, Senator Sam Irvin would say, I'm just a dumb country lawyer, but then fuck people up. He was fucking hearing Senator Sam Irvin would say, I'm just a dumb country lawyer, but then asked and fuck people up. He was fucking Alderman, Ehrlichman, those guys, they couldn't handle him. And if
Starting point is 01:28:54 you, as soon as the guy says, I'm just a dumb country, Southern country lawyer, you're going to have to help me understand this. You're getting fucked. You just got fucked. you're going to have to help me understand this. You're getting fucked. You just got fucked. Well, hey, guys. Thanks so much. Once again, guys, we appreciate everything y'all do.
Starting point is 01:29:13 We love you. Y'all take care and look forward to talking to y'all again. Thank you, brother. Yeah, me too. Thank you for calling in. Thanks for your service. Thank you, brother. Yes, sir. Thank you. Later, brother. Yeah, me too. Thank you for calling in. Thanks for your service. Thank you, brother. I'll get everyone in the box. Yes, sir. Thank you. Later, brother.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Bye-bye. Mike, Rochburn's Southern Lawyers will have you messed up six ways to Sunday. Yeah, listen. Ethnic intonations don't suggest anything about intelligence. Do you remember that? Do you remember that this is what winning looks like in that Afghan soldier is feeding it to the, to the Lieutenant. And he's like, you know, you're teaching me hygiene.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Like, you know, you eat with the the hand you wipe your ass with what i need is ammunition not your version of of clean hey the that's the thing that people don't the truth about everything every there's all that judgment goes every which way it doesn't matter your color your skin everyone's tripping that someone's accusing them of stealing everyone thinks that they're being judged for their accent everyone thinks they're being judged by their height what their the car they drive it's like that shit is you the most inclusive thing that we do as human beings is judge the fuck out of each other yeah your your prejudices limit your vision yeah it's a it's it's
Starting point is 01:30:47 driving with the emergency breakout and the sin of racism happens in the particular instance of of of not being able to walk around your stereotype in the specifics of an individual. Say that last part again. Break that down for me again. The sin of your racism. Yeah, everyone has forms generalizations that are to some extent are not true. If you're a thinking person, you realize that just because someone fits within that cast for which you've
Starting point is 01:31:30 made that assumption to realize this is, this is a different case. This is, this doesn't fit. Right. He's an exception. She's an exception. This is an exception.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Christian Kelter, Kettler people up here in Canadaada still think americans are dumb as fuck but most of us canadians don't have half the size balls you guys have you know i listen um canada's military has fought everywhere and always brilliantly and heroic. And we lost six or seven guys from the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry. They suffered disproportionate to their service, to their involvement. They got involved in conflicts ahead of us. I think World War I and II,
Starting point is 01:32:23 the history is that the Canadians were there first and Americans were running up to Canada to do the right thing. No, they're a fierce and determined people. Might be so, but they have probably the worst leader in the history of my lifetime. They could easily be. Socialism will have a neutering effect on testosterone everywhere and anywhere. my lifetime easily be the socialism. Socialism will have a neutering effect on testosterone everywhere and anywhere. Uh,
Starting point is 01:32:52 I'm headed off to tennis. Greg Glassman, 90 minutes. Boom. Blew by. Thank you for slapping the people around in your house and solving the internet problem. You demand.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Yeah. Sorry about that. Love you guys. Caleb, Matt, everyone. Thanks. Bye. See you in a couple of days. Thanks about that. And love you guys. Caleb, Matt, everyone. Thanks. Bye. See you in a couple of days. Thanks, Greg. Whoo. That was fast. Yeah. I'm so glad he got his internet sorted out.
Starting point is 01:33:14 A type one lifting. You got to come back with this next week, brother. A little young Craig Howard here. Type one lifting, Greg. I just want to thank you for CrossFit. I started doing it nine years ago and I've never been fitter. I'm 43 years old. I will never go back to another way of fitness. Damn, you look good, dude. All right. I love you guys.
Starting point is 01:33:29 I'll see both of you and talk to both of you soon. Tonight, biggest show of the year. This is going to be probably one of our biggest live shows ever. It's going to start at 3.15 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. I'm really trying to get the director of operations for the Crossfit games on to talk about all the activities that you can do if you are a um a a patron or a um uh oh i don't know what you call but if you're attending the crossfit games a spectator thank you she'll we're going to ask her all the questions of the fun things you can do you know from dunk tanks to 5k runs to the uh kissing booth yeah kissing booth to free stuff in the rv village
Starting point is 01:34:06 all that cool stuff and then after that we will have a battle and we are going to tell you for those of you who are unable to watch the crossfit games some of you may want to turn it off because we're going to tell you who the winners are uh with specifics uh 1 through 40 so we are going to spoiler alert if after heather lawrence is on um you don't want to So we are going to – spoiler alert. If after Heather Lawrence is on, you don't want to know who's going to win the game. You want to actually watch it play out. Don't watch the rest of the show. Bye-bye. Bye.

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