The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman | Live Call In - #30

Episode Date: May 16, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:00:51 Good morning, everyone. Jake Chapman, good morning. Brian Clark, what's up, dude? Chris, hey. Augustus, Augustus, What's up, dude? Greg's in Hawaii, and it's 4 a.m. there. 7 a.m. here in California. I checked with him last night to see if he was going to make it.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I'm not sure if he's going to. He said he would. But 4 a.m. is early. But, God, he's one of those dudes that gets up really early. You never know. You never know. Yes, I did tell my mom. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Shit, I should start a thread with my mom and Haley. Like, two months ago, this note went out to all the parents in this group my kids are in saying a couple of the kids had lice. And I just ignored it. And then a month ago, it went out again. The note went out again. Hey, we found a couple more kids with lice. And then yesterday, I was looking at one of my son's hair. And I'm like, holy shit, that kid's got really bad dandruff. And then I was like, nope, that's not dandruff.
Starting point is 00:02:15 That's lice. So I shaved their heads yesterday. I shaved them with a number three. And someone told me I need to shave it with a number one and then I start yeah hair lice I should uh oh you have oh you have lice you got it for my kids maybe it's possible and I asked I asked my wife I'm like how come I don't have it? And she goes, because you don't wash your hair or no, it wasn't my wife who told me some guy, some guy at a tennis told me one of the family friends, how come I don't got it? He said,
Starting point is 00:02:55 because you don't wash your hair. And I said, what do you mean? He said, they can't stick to the oils and grease. I guess your hair naturally produces. They can't stick to that shit. So, but anyway, so today I was looking for the, today I'm going to, after the show, actually, I'm going to go sit outside and I'm going to shave their head with a number one. And then I'm going to let them shave my head with a number one. I was thinking about doing that live. You guys want to see that? I'm shaving my head. God, I have so much hair. It's gonna feel so good I had crabs before Crabs are amazing
Starting point is 00:03:28 Crabs are cool. I had crabs in college once it was fucking nuts I'd go straight to nazi on that haircut haircut baldies me. Yeah, that's what someone told me just to go just fucking crazy, uh, crazy short Uh eating beaver good morning hey and what my kids told me too i told them yesterday i was like hey i was just gonna shave you bald and they said oh we don't want to do that and i said why they said we won't look good i'm like dude it'll grow back like in fucking five seconds who cares yeah i'm gonna shave my head today. I'm gonna let them shave it. I think I'll do it on Instagram live. It'll be fun, right? Don't burn your head in Carson. I'll wear a hat or something. You know what I mean? Yeah, I think I should cut the beard too. I was gonna just shave it all off. Just you know what I mean? Just just go
Starting point is 00:04:20 Whatever. Hey, you know, what's weird is I don't even see people Um yesterday when they said is I don't even see people. Yesterday when they said that we don't look good, I was like, well, who do the people I know that I was bald? And I was like, I don't know anyone that's bald. And then I started thinking more and I was like, oh, wait, Caleb's bald. Tyler Watkins is bald and Taylor Self is bald. But it's so weird. I don't even think of them. I guess that's not even really a category.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I guess I don't even think of them as i guess i i guess that's not even really a category i um i guess i don't even see that for some reason unless you have red hair red hair is like my kryptonite oh my wife's sending me something my wife is not gonna shave herself bald she's going somewhere where you pay like 200 bucks and they guarantee they'll get everything out. So. I don't see color. Jake Chapman. I definitely see color. Oh, you're bald too. You're bald.
Starting point is 00:05:19 The only thing with being bald is that seems like it's, it, um, that seems like that's a lot of fucking work, man. That is a lot. That looks like a lot of work. Oh, that's why he hates me. I'm a ginger. No, I love a ginger.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I love a ginger. I love a ginger. I love it, Ginger. I love it, Ginger. I love red hair. What's up, Greg? Buddy. What do you know? 4 a.m. for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Impressive, dude. Damn. Four is easier for me than seven. Because your house is quieter? because you're up better? Well, they start hunting for scholars at seven. You mean kids to teach? Yeah, because at that point, they're like, I got to have breakfast, you know, and they'll use that from seven to 10. Hey, you have a cure for lice?
Starting point is 00:06:25 My kids have lice. Keep them away from kids with lice, I think. Right. I was going to shave them. Today, I was going to shave them with a one. And then I went online and tried to buy like any poison I could find. And of course, they won't send it to California, right? So you got to get just all like the peppermint tea tree oil shit stuff. So I'm going to shave their heads with a one and then i was told that if you just put olive oil on their hair that basically it'll kill them you think that's bullshit it says
Starting point is 00:06:59 it says they can't breathe and then they can't stick to the hair they can't breathe and they can't breathe they can't hang out there's a south park episode on lice that's excellent is the cure in there yeah not exactly uh tyler now my head itches hey let me tell you something so the sec yesterday we've been getting notes greg from jujitsu-Jitsu for the last two months. Hey, this kid has lice. This kid has lice. This kid has lice. And then-
Starting point is 00:07:30 What, naming kids? No, but you know what I mean? Not naming them, but like, hey, this kid has lice. Or some kid has lice in the class. And so I've been just ignoring it, ignoring it. And then yesterday, when one of my kids was playing tennis, I looked over at his hair, and I'm like, man, he has been just ignoring it, ignoring it. And then yesterday when I was, uh, one of my kids was playing tennis. I looked over at his hair and I'm like, man, he has dandruff really bad. And I get dandruff really bad a couple of times a year. Like when the weather changes,
Starting point is 00:07:52 like his winter comes in and his winter goes out, I get really bad dandruff. So I'm like, oh, he must have really bad dandruff. And then I was looking, I'm like, God, those, all those pieces of dandruff look exactly the same size. So then I looked up lice and I'm like, God, all those pieces of dandruff look exactly the same size. Then I looked up lice, and I'm like, nope, that's not dandruff. Then I immediately started itching. You know what I mean? As soon as he saw – does lice gross you out? I think it grosses my wife out. It doesn't faze me at all for some reason.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Yeah, it's disgusting. Oh, yeah, it doesn't faze me at all. Why do you think it's disgusting? Just because it's bugs? Yeah. And they're drinking your blood? Is that what they what they do they drink your blood i don't know man oh yeah i or no use i ordered a giant bottle of cetaphil from amazon too use cetaphil it works on my daughter had lice a few times oh yeah you've got so people don't like it it's just really how does that work i like the products once again it
Starting point is 00:08:48 suffocates you just put it in the hair it's it i read like for the 10 top cures for lice it was like number three and basically you put it in their hair and you just soak their hair in it and basically once again it says because they can't breathe it clogs up their ability to breathe and um and it uh makes it so they can't attach to the hair in my sense someone will look it up and correct me here hours before dawn but i think that cetaphil is like a diatomaceous natural poison the pro the properties by which it acts are physical, not chemical. If I can make that distinction this early. You mean how it inhibits them as it physically inhibits them?
Starting point is 00:09:34 Yeah. Yeah. Basically I asked my wife, I'm like, well, I sleep, I, the boys climb into my bed every night.
Starting point is 00:09:41 How come I don't have it? And she said, and then I asked one of the parents that, and they do you wash your hair i said never and they said because you know my hair smells like cat piss yeah and you don't have to agree so quickly and he said he said they can't attach when you have greasy hair they can't attach to the to the hair i was like oh but i always thought it was the guys with the dreadlocks that always had the lice oh you go you went racist just like that white people have dreads too hey um uh i someone in here said dogs carry lice i i asked about that too and they said quick. Do dogs get lice? Yes, dogs can get lice.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Oh, shit. They feed by chewing or sucking blood. Chewing. And live around the hair shaft. Oh, shit. You're not going to like this, Greg. They also live around the hair shaft. Oh, shit. You're not going to like this, Greg. They also live around wounds and drink the blood from wounds. Why not?
Starting point is 00:10:53 I still have a wound from being at your house, from me trying to start your log splitter. Oh, well. You trying to start it with your head yeah it's funny that machine is so gnarly and big and scary and ferocious and i hurt myself just on the fucking pull cord i pulled the cord and then when i brought my hand back it hit the engine i fucking took a chunk out of my finger. What did you think of the BSI event at your house? I thought it was like one of the best ones. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I felt at home. That's weird. Yeah. Mike Artunian has been to three or four and he thought it was the best one he's cool and the group of people I wonder where the message is going not in terms of
Starting point is 00:11:56 where the message is going but in terms of receiving like how people are able to remember it, process it yes, the hope would be that he says this is the best one is that he understood the most and then if we'd done it in a different order it would have been the best one too right whether he's able to take what he learned and apply it to things he sees in the world like whoa i get it you You know the image, the optical illusion that's an old lady or a young lady,
Starting point is 00:12:32 depending on how you see it? Yeah. It's a young lady looking away, quarter turn away. And it's an old lady looking towards you. Yeah. And once you see one, it's hard to see the old lady if it looks if you're looking towards you yeah and once you see one it's hard to see the other until you can see them both and your brain can just deal with that right yeah well things are that way math problems are that way music is that way uh proofs are that way All of math is like that.
Starting point is 00:13:07 So here... Once you see it, the next time you're exposed to it, you'll see it again. It might even take a while, but it'll take less time than it did the first time. Oh, yeah. I can do it now. I can see the young lady and the old lady. I can go back and forth.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Right. But it took me a second. Her chin is her nose. Yeah, I see it as like the old lady is a quarter turn our direction and the young lady is a quarter away. Oh, yeah. Okay. I see that that like 45 degrees yeah yeah to the right the young lady's 45 group the young when the old lady turns her head 45 degrees to the right she turns to the young lady wow i never saw it like that that's your math brain i don't know what that is but i know that there are things that have a complexity to them until you kind of figure
Starting point is 00:14:06 it out and then it's like then you can't unsee it and even if you took 15 year hiatus the next exposure wouldn't take as long until you can just kind of see it and there's some point where you can't see what can't be seen yeah and at that point the transmission of that notion yeah and at that point the transmission of that notion and your ability to do so is kind of determines your your chops as a teacher so you're saying that once you start embodying or start really comprehending the elements of broken science when you see things or someone presents something to you, you start thinking of it in terms of the steps. I wonder what they observed. I wonder what they measured.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I'm not, I'm not bragging about the effect. I'm just, I'm just talking about wrapping yourself around the simplicity. And then later the utility of observations become measurements. And forecast is a measurement is a prediction and it's measurement is a prediction and its validation is the sole criteria of validation, the source of the objectivity
Starting point is 00:15:12 and the rational basis of our trust in science. Oh, that was good for 4 fucking AM. Yeah, forecast of measurements is step three. What's step four? Well, that is it's kind of a turnaround go that is the validation the accuracy of the forecast right validation and that is our that is the basis of rational trust it is the the very essence of the objectivity is the the very essence of the objectivity hey that's it that's that's that's how you arm yourself people the observation the measurements
Starting point is 00:15:58 uh the forecast of the measurements the validation of the accuracy of the forecast and that and then and that then is the basis of the rationale of your trust. Yeah. Every time your wife goes out, she's coming back. Every time your wife leaves the house, she comes back, and she's high, and therefore you know she went and got fucking drugs from the corner guy. guy. Every time your wife texts, she leaves the house, she comes back and her skirt's disheveled.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Came back with the milk, but lost your panties. Yes. Yes. The observation, the measurement. You start to wonder. You get another data point. You go open up her phone and read her text messages.
Starting point is 00:16:50 We were told that we needed to shut down our schools, quit our jobs and stay indoors. And that science was delivering those prescriptions. And the truth of the matter is, is that science can't even get close to anything like that. That's not what science does. Now, your decision to quit your job, to keep your kids from school, or to wear a silly mask, there could be some elements of science in the decision, but in the end, it's a risk benefit analysis that
Starting point is 00:17:40 has elements significantly outside of the purview of science. It has economic issues completely outside of the purview of science. It has moral, educational value issues. If you think you can tell me the value of an education in scientific terms, you're a fucking idiot, and you're probably in an education department at somewhere like Harvard and you should be avoided at all costs. And your kids are probably ill-educated, if not criminals. Can you give me some other examples?
Starting point is 00:18:14 Would the example be the weatherman tells you it's going to rain and then they pass the law? No, I'm just telling you that science can't tell you to fear a disease or not. Right. To accept the risk of the treatment or not. That's not what science does. They can't tell you to take an umbrella just because it's raining. I can't translate.
Starting point is 00:18:38 I can't translate. Science can't deliver the answers between the societal, educational, and moral costs in response to a disease. It's a more important decision than a scientific one. Let me give you an example that's going on in your in your house if i if you don't mind me telling your personal life um your wife drinks raw your wife drinks raw milk you don't based on the data that both you have the data for her it's it's not a it's not a she's she doesn't see her judgment is it's not a risk i drink raw milk when i'm milking the cow when some nose-picking hippie is fucking milking the cow and telling me that they'd milked it today i'm not having
Starting point is 00:19:34 any thank you right especially when we buy it from the gas station that's the only place you can get my interest in nose-picking hippie fucking claim to be raw milk i don't know i don't know i don't know that those that purvey that shit aren't pouring seven dollar a gallon of milk into fucking glass bottles jerking off into it and charging me 15 and claiming it's raw right it's not that it's my problem isn't with raw milk it's with it's with those that touch it but is that part of it does that fit under that um what you're saying about science like the the the the the four steps to you know kind of the four steps for to they get you to basic rational trust and then making a decision based on rational things that are outside of the of the realm of the observation of of you know
Starting point is 00:20:36 outside of the registration of the real world on our sensors or sensing equipment tied to a standard scale, et cetera. That process is a little bit rigorous. Some of these things like the value of ISR was kind of interesting for us, a real-world example. Infant resource swimming. Yeah. What is it? Infant swim resource? Yeah. yeah infant swimming resource yeah yeah the
Starting point is 00:21:10 the challenges in proving the value of a of floating versus sinking children is kind of a rough thing to show as in exceedingly tough because what happens is the people that have been through that put 10 minutes a day, six days a week for six weeks into that effort against a screaming, crying kid at enormous expense and often some travel time. And that commitment to your kid not drowning and the impact that has on the family, the awareness of it that you go through that, all of that puts you in such an outlier position that we don't know how to find the equivalent.
Starting point is 00:21:53 We'd have to take children in large numbers from people, tell them not why, who we were doing or what we were doing and abuse some cohort in some manner 10 minutes a day you know i mean the experiment is inconceivable and it left people that are that are advanced in the in the weapons research area of engineering it left them a little bit flummoxed as to what it was we were trying to do and what the value was in showing that floating children are better than sinking ones and my dad's view was that if you need this demonstrated to you you should probably have your children taken from you
Starting point is 00:22:36 and you wonder what it is we thought science did and why you did science. But I can't, I can't, it's, this isn't, this isn't significantly adjacent from my, I'm willing to go to the town hall debate on free speech, but I'm going to bring a gun in case we lose the argument. Most of the things most important to me don't have scientific rationalization and that includes that includes and and that excludes religion i'm not a religious guy so i can imagine what that looks like to someone who is religious. Let me ask you this. Maybe this is this question works. What isn't science? What's outside the
Starting point is 00:23:36 domain of science? Just any of the decisions based on the prediction. That's not, that's not where science like science can tell you. It's this trade off. How much,
Starting point is 00:23:55 how much measles do we avoid to protect the third grade? to protect the third grade. What does that number look like for you? And I don't think that's necessarily a rational decision. It may be in the sense that you're armed with the data. But for some people, the information of the third grade isn't worth any risk. And for some, it's essential.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I'm more on the essential side. I think what we did to our children in the school is it's unfathomable. The damages of COVID will be long gone and we'll be suffering from a generation of fucking nitwits that are doing things like I don't know what punching a hole in their septum no protesting for terrorists
Starting point is 00:24:54 at our universities these are the kids that didn't get to graduate from high school because of COVID now look at what they're doing in the university this isn't so much different though than what was happening in the 60s right what's that this isn't so much different than what was happening in the 60s though right yeah some of the rhetoric was similar but the free speech movement and what the kids were protesting for, it didn't feel... We were
Starting point is 00:25:30 worried that it was Marxist, but it wasn't. But it wasn't. What we have now is obviously worse. Right. have now is obviously worse. Right. Meaning the premise of the Vietnam War is, hey, this country is getting trying
Starting point is 00:25:51 to turn this country into a totalitarian country. They're trying to turn it into a communist country. We're going to help the people fight it. These people are screaming, kill the Jews and arguing and claiming a genocide. What a crazy thing to do. Yeah. This is like charging some populist nitwit with bullshit crimes in the name of democracy because if he
Starting point is 00:26:25 gets on the ballot, he's going to get more votes than your guy. It's like mutilating children's genitals and calling it gender-affirming some fucking how healthcare some fucking how. And science isn't going to fix any of that
Starting point is 00:26:46 we only have science because there are things that are more important to us than science how do you like that like education truth honesty right honesty. Right. You know, I love this. You know where the most the greatest country on Earth for gender affirming health care? It's Iran.
Starting point is 00:27:15 No shit. Sucking a dick in a public restroom and they're going to gender. They're going to affirm your they're going to give you some health care that affirms your gender can chop your dick off, give you a vagina, and now you're okay to fucking be fucked. Now you can suck a cock
Starting point is 00:27:29 and it's not a sin. Is that is Iran really the leader in gender affirming care? Yes, yes. They do more gender affirming health care than everyone else combined. I found that by accident, research accident. Once you've had your balls, once you have your junk cut off, your homosexuality isn't.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Iran is the only Islamic country that recognizes reassignment surgery. The Guardian has called Iran a global leader for sex change. Many European citizens travel to Iran for gender confirmation and reassignment, which is code for general mutilation. You can have it done at the airport, dude. Wow. No, I made that up, but I like to hear it. You can get dialysis at US airports.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Tehran is the world's hub for sex reassignment surgery. They're global leaders. They write papers on it and shit. How to chop off a cock, you know? Oh, wow. Do you know what? The Economist is suggesting, they suggested in 2019 that the reason for that, it's what you said.
Starting point is 00:29:01 They claim that they don't have any gay people in their country so when someone is gay they they you're right they they reassign they they chop off their genitals holy shit in order to maintain their truth that there are no gay people there that's well no i mean i think i think that i think that it's been determined scripturally that you're no longer sinning. There's a wicked... Iran is a paradise for trans people. It's one of the leading countries in the world for transgender surgery.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah. They carry out more sex reassignment surgeries than any other country in the world. See? Why, of course, Sebi. I understand you can get a lobotomy there, too. I made that up, but I like it. Iran, I'm going to put leader in gender-affirming care.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I'm going to put leader in beheading and see what it says. If you're going to chop off hands for thievery, why not chop off a cock for cocksuckery? Wow. Science isn't going to fix that shit, so if I can loop back around to our subject. and because why aren't they going to fix that
Starting point is 00:30:30 it has to do with issues of culture and values and you know it's right it's not science that has me protecting my children loving my wife wanting a better world. Dildo really liked you. Risking my own safety to protect someone else. That's not science. I would maintain that absent those things, there is no science. That it would be a cultural kind of prerequisite. You have to steal science. What do you mean by that? Steal science?
Starting point is 00:31:14 North Korea, China, Russia. Unlikely to develop what you can steal because you're too busy keeping your people in this shithole condition they live. Not sharing my values we live in a system that is so critical of itself and it's critical of itself by standards that are unique to the culture you're criticizing say that one more time we live in a culture and a society that is uniquely self-critical, and it criticizes itself by standards unique to the very culture that's being self-critical.
Starting point is 00:32:02 That's a fucking riddle. Yeah, it's a fucking uh a riddle yeah it's a disaster you can make a big list of all the things wrong with america and then decide it's the worst place in the world but the problem is that it has less of those things you dislike than anywhere else on earth right there's a there was a great local instance of this and it was a thing i read in national review you know 15 20 years ago not 15 years ago and it was this that oregon decided that it was going to do everything in its power to not develop in the manner of la. And so they set about an objective criteria of, of things, education, air pollution, we're all somehow linearly or
Starting point is 00:32:54 otherwise dependent on population. And so their, their decision was they, they, they articulated what was, in their view, the disaster of Los Angeles, and then broke that down into some very real kind of issues, partitioned it, and then spent, I think the number was, it was tens of millions of dollars and years on a junket, traveling the world, trying to find the place and the policies that were least like Los Angeles. And the hilarity of this effort was that in the end, the thing least like L.A. was L.A. It had less pollution than any city of its size. It had less crime than any city of its size.
Starting point is 00:33:52 It had more opportunity than any city of its size. They were going to do everything they could to be as less like L.A. as they could possibly be by some objective criteria. And they went on a search to find the place most like that and the place most not like LA was LA. Good job. Good job, fucktards. Look at Portland today. Look at it today.
Starting point is 00:34:17 The trajectory was clear in the 90s, in the 80s. I'm so glad you bought a home in portland because that what it what a transition we saw it go through oh wasn't that amazing we got we got we would go there four times a year you know for 10 years and we got to watch it just i mean literally turn into what's the show uh the walking dead we literally it literally turn into The Walking Dead. We literally saw it turn into The Walking Dead. I could cry thinking about my home, both in terms of how much
Starting point is 00:34:54 I loved it there, how beautiful that neighborhood was, what it turned into, and the poor fucking family fleeing San Francisco that bought that fucking home only for it to turn into what they ran from. I would,
Starting point is 00:35:10 I think I'd be embarrassed to meet him. Greg's neighborhood surrounded. It was, it was a massive neighborhood, massive, massive neighborhood of huge, beautiful fucking like old. It was at Siskiyou and 15th on the north uh east corner one off the corner
Starting point is 00:35:28 in a home that was it uh it's a style craftsman style it was a craftsman style home and it it uh sold at 4500 square feet but the thing is that didn't include the attic, nor did it include the basement. And those were at least as livable. Oh, I lost you. You froze. You're gone. Greg's in Hawaii, by the way, people. That's why it's dark there.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And that's why his connection is so bad. Am I back? You're back. You're back. Okay, so 4,500 square feet didn't include the basement or the attic. Yeah. And those spaces, both didn't include the basement or the attic yeah and so and those spaces both the attic and the basement were every bit if not more livable than the partition normal
Starting point is 00:36:10 space included in the in the house so it was it was fundamentally for by my standards a four-story 9,000 square foot home right in a neighborhood that in 1910, 1910 was developed with bike paths, walking paths, call it paseos, pick your name, to the big park, Irvington Park, my dog could be chasing squirrels. In a city. It was great. And now that, or at least since I was there, that park is a campground for the homeless. It was basically. They sent me to the police station in in northeast damn and we used to talk about like well whatever's going on southwest it won't cross the river then across
Starting point is 00:37:12 the river um i always it was basically 10 000 of the most beautiful craftsman style style homes surrounding uh one of the coolest parks community parks you've ever seen with a whole foods there and coffee shops and a bird feed store and just cool shit and then it just turned into zombie land because the police the police stopped enforcing anything because the police stopped enforcing anything. Greg, have you hung rings from those beams yet? Which beams? We're here for two weeks.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It's a bit excessive. But I have vacationed with rings before and strung them. Remember that? We did that when we were in – Remember when we came to Kauai? I do. I remember one time you were on a trip to Hawaii. This is probably 10 years ago. And you brought rings with you.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I wasn't on this trip. And you hung the rings in a tree, though. You sent me a picture. And then I talked to you on the phone later. i'm like what's up you're like i fuck my shoulder up i said why you said you were trying to do a front lever have a tree with rings or something is that do i remember that story right yeah almost it was a back lever back lever way ever to hurt your shoulder is a gymnast. I mean, inconceivable. And you know what's funny is the audible pop.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Oh, man. And the repositioning of the shoulder preceded the pain by about three seconds. But I had enough sense to let the fuck go. by about three seconds, but I had enough sense to let the fuck go. And it was traumatic and sensation. Initially, the noise, the sensation, and then later the pain. But my thought was, like, I'm fucked. And I thought, well, not if I can jump up and do a muscle-up.
Starting point is 00:39:32 So I did a few muscle-ups after that. Oh, you did that oh you did yeah and so i was like wow it should be fine nothing nothing like testing the shoulder out with a couple muscle ups whatever it's it's it's but i could do a muscle up and it was i don't know what brought me to this someone said something in the comments or you did but this says what kind of society do you want to live in inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing and it says with the rise of prenatal screenings tests across Europe, the United States the number of babies born with Down syndrome has significantly decreased but I think Iceland
Starting point is 00:39:58 they're claiming Iceland has completely eradicated Down syndrome by aborting all the babies. I know someone who was told that their kid was going to have Down syndrome and they didn't abort it and the kid did not have Down syndrome. 100 uh 100 termination rate you think reflect about the icelandic society what does the 100 termination rate you think reflect about the icelandic society it reflects a relatively heavy-handed genetic counseling. I worked with down...
Starting point is 00:40:56 I lived with two down syndrome people, a boy, a man, and a woman for five years. I lived in their driveway in a car. That's not an easy life to have down syndrome. The hard part is, is that they know that they have down syndrome, right? They're not oblivious to the fact that they're different. I talked to a guy, I talked to a guy the other day
Starting point is 00:41:20 and, um, uh, at my kid's swim practice. and he has a son who's 19 years old who has autism and i was like so does he know about girls he goes oh yeah he goes it's just pure it's just it expresses in pure violence and i was thinking about that imagine being 19 years old and having no outlet or no option to pursue women that that sounds like hell doesn't it to have just the option of courtship completely taken out of your life but having all the hormones that crave it it's it's a it's a it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a force so powerful. Imagine it's diversion is like imagining a car going off the highway at a hundred miles an hour.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Where could it end up? God knows. Right. Right. That's so good uh you know you know what you know the the involuntary celibate the incels yeah that's a scary fucking thing the no trust for me army you know uh travis bajan told me one time if there's anything a man does sexually that surprises okay if there's anything a man does sexually that surprises you
Starting point is 00:42:59 you you don't understand men at all like you shouldn. There's nothing a man could do that if you understand what a car can do going 100 miles an hour off the road, and it surprised you that everyone was thrown from the car, you don't understand the phenomenon. Yeah, it ended up in the third story of the apartment building. Yeah, it's like anything's possible. Hey, now we're way off subject, but that also comports with what you told me one time. You and I were in a foreign country one time, and we were driving down the street,
Starting point is 00:43:32 and there were 20 young men kneeling down, squatting, just hanging out on the corner in front of a gas station. And you said, you know what that is, Seve? And I said, what? You go, that's trouble. That's the fucking collapse of a society when you have men 20 years old who have nothing to do and it's it's related to that phenomenon that you're saying like hey uh it's a car going 100 miles an hour with no one at the wheel no direction excuse me excuse me I remember driving with
Starting point is 00:44:08 what was that guy's name but we went to three or four different ATMs and oh not this one Saloom Maruthi we drive to an ATM and there's nothing
Starting point is 00:44:24 there's no lights anywhere this is in in africa yeah and we go to an atm and there's a bunch of youth standing around the atm who can't go here and i'm like yeah you think it looked like robbers and then we finally found one and there were people around it and some were sleeping in dirt. And I'm like, this one? Yeah, this one's good. And I'm like, who are these people? Oh, those are the police. And they were just like laying in the dirt on the sidewalk all sleeping.
Starting point is 00:44:54 That's, excuse me, pardon me, stepping over cops and Levi's and fucking white t-shirts with ARs. Trippy.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Jeffrey Birchfield, is it they have nothing to do or too lazy to do anything about it? Tell me the difference. I mean, basically, you need a dad at home to fucking keep the boys on track. You need a dad in your life to keep you on track. And I'm not saying it can't happen, that that's the only way. Opportunity is created, not given.
Starting point is 00:45:47 It's created out of the assemblage of chaos that is seen as having no value to anyone. So you get this random pile of shit, and the entrepreneur turns it into something. And that random pile of shit looks like available labor, raw materials, manufacturing process, and it's something that anyone could have done, but no one did. And so this nothing to do or too lazy to do anything about it, that's the same thing. That's not an or, it's a yes. They have nothing to do because they're too lazy. Greg and I know this young man, handsome, capable, strong, tall, didn't have a dad in his life.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And he basically uses all of his time to be an entrepreneur in the skate scene in Santa Cruz. And he's a great kid. He does skate camps. He does puts flyers on people's cars. He's extremely personable to anyone who walks into the skate park. He says hi to them. He always has a skate tool ready. He's basically taken this skate park in California and kind of anointed himself as the godfather of that skate park and the docent of that, even though it's not any official rule for the city. of that even though it was you know it's not any official rule for the city and now everyone in the town knows him you know what i said to him one time greg i also said something to him one time about um i mentioned something about some chick being hot and he basically said yeah i don't when i'm on the job i completely turn that off like i don't i don't i don't see any of that i'm really impressed by that kid you like him I don't see any of that. I'm really impressed by that kid.
Starting point is 00:47:48 You like him? Now I do. How the hell do you do that? I mean, you know him, right? I mean, you like him, right? I mean, it's an impressive... I mean, that could have gone sideways for him in Santa Cruz. Like, you trust him with your kids
Starting point is 00:48:05 and shit, right? Yeah, totally. Yeah. And when I first met him, he wore a mask and gloves when he would teach skateboarding. I slowly talked him out of that. A mask and gloves. I'm like, dude, I never thought I'd be your friend. He's like, why? I'm like, dude, remember you used to wear a mask and gloves
Starting point is 00:48:33 when you taught skateboarding. He goes, I just did that because the parents requested it. Fuck that. Trish doesn't believe you that you trust him i i actually do what when is the uh do you after you do a broken science events event like that um and you reflect on it well i'm assuming you reflected on it is there any changes or anything you wish would have been different or do you have plans for the next one and and this was the first one where there were there were usually you it's filled with uh more okay i don't know what the word is let's say academics and this time it was filled with more laymen right people maybe who were hearing things for the first time yeah it was just a just a wait list of people who really there wasn't another discrimination a lot more unknowns
Starting point is 00:49:29 and how did you how did you like that were you good with that what did you think about the vibe yeah you know the the one the one part of this we had david hassan in his cam and i said with it And I said, when the inventor of space vector geometry shows up, crashes your event, that's pretty cool. And this time it was Rick Johnson. Right. Rick Johnson. Right. And long before him showing up, I thought that his demonstration of fructose through uric acid production is an intermediary,
Starting point is 00:50:18 starts the unregulated production of AMP. I thought that to be potentially, and I can come back to that qualification, but it is significant. A medical discovery or demonstration has been done in my lifetime. And to have him come to this one absent to reach out on my part was pretty cool. And to see his reception of it was exciting enough that I selfishly kind of figured I was done at the point that he grinned ear to ear and said, I'm really glad you're doing this,
Starting point is 00:50:50 reiterated what I was saying, and said he was so glad he showed up. And it seems obviously sincere about it. I was like, okay, let's start the mariachis early and have tacos. And so that might have been a little unfair to everyone. But, you know, I'll take that. It was a great Q&A, though, afterwards.
Starting point is 00:51:11 The Q&A went longer than the talk. Yeah, when Einstein shows up at your physics camp and tells you what a good job you're doing, you call it quits. You know, like what are you going to follow up with what? Like what are you following with what? At the previous event, there were at least 20 people there with PhDs, and there were a handful of people there with double PhDs. And when I mean double PhDs, I mean people who were biology and math. You know what I mean? I'm not talking about sociology PhDs.
Starting point is 00:51:44 At this one, there were probably the fewest number of PhDs at any event you've given. I just used that as a metric to just say that they were smarty pantses did that and I and I also felt like you you knew your audience and so you made your up palatable to that group which is kind of unlike you usually you're like fuck it I don't care if anyone understands me i'm just gonna fucking tell it like it is you know what i mean like you and and and half the people in the room are like no sorry three quarters of the people in the room are like did he what's a p value is that yeah no you don't think that's a fair characterization of it? I think I've done a pretty good job of communicating to an accessible level. And yet at the same time, I know that I've made a point both in practice and in statement of addressing the smartest people in the room.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And I know there's a value to if you're in a group of 15 people and there's three smart dudes, making eye contact with them as you begin your case and hoping they can help in the dissemination downstream to those less interested and able to listen or follow. And you could actually see that in the digital space in a blog and comments where there was a ready audience of people. Dale Saron was one that could clear up misconceptions out of something that was that was succinct accurate and dense for the sake of clarity and it was so and then help others wrap themselves around what was being offered. And so I understand what might even be a criticism. I think Jocko had said to Dave on the podcast, at least I heard this from a couple of people, that I spoke over everyone's head. that I spoke of over everyone's head.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Probably. Grace, wasn't the one in Arizona mostly laymen, right, Seban? I was there and uber thankful to make it. I wouldn't say so. I would say everyone sitting at the roundtables was either a Ph.D. or. It's great talking about the one in in. Oh, the one that was at the hotel. Yeah. OK, you're right. You're right in that one. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:54:44 OK, that that one was probably 50 50. But this last one, we went to Greg's house, man. If you want a PhD, you were some fucking attorney that had argued something in the Supreme Court. And it was, and it was great. It was still great. And it was still palatable. And there were tons of,
Starting point is 00:54:53 there was tons of grabs for fucking people like me to takeaways. And then the Q and a, the second day was the discussion. The second day was absolutely amazing. But this one at his house, I think people got stuff that they were like okay i'm gonna apply this shit to my life like wow thank you kind of like crossfit like stuff that you knew that was true but you needed someone to put into words for you like hey you're supposed to squat below parallel. We were talking about, you and I were talking on the phone yesterday or the day before about what is fitness versus then you were talking about what is science.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Indeed. And is that something you're going to pursue? Yeah, yeah, I'm on that. I mean, it needs to be done. And interestingly, for me at least, I hope I can make it interesting to others. One of the critical essences of science is that it has to be very clear as to what is outside of its space. We were talking about that earlier. And so science needs to be clear about what it doesn't know in order to be clear about what it does know.
Starting point is 00:56:17 And what is it that it doesn't know? Things outside of the space of observations of the real world that register on our senses or sensing equipment tied to a standard scale with a well-characterized error known as an observation, turned into a prediction of an unrealized event or measurement given a set of conditions that also includes a measurement. So that forecast of a measurement and the predictive strength of it being at the essence of its validation, creating its objectivity and being the only basis for our trust in it. That's a unique space that science sits in. And there's a lot outside of that. And a lot of it's important, too. A lot of it involves logic and you can approach things scientifically with a
Starting point is 00:57:29 scientific mindset that may not be amenable to the scientific method for instance? Well, anything you're telling me that you looked at this COVID thing and it doesn't seem to you to be a problem with a significant threat to children and your suspicion is that just given the plausibility of it and what you're able to glean, in spite of what you're being told by public health authorities, it seems to be, the risk seems to be at those that are already at inordinate risk due to their age, infirmity, and chronic disease. age, infirmity, and chronic disease,
Starting point is 00:58:31 and you weigh that against the values, the importance of the third grade. Is it working? Yeah, hold on one second. You weigh that against? I can't hear you. Go ahead. Should I keep going? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What you assume to be the values,
Starting point is 00:58:46 the value of a third grade education and the socialization and the normalization of, you know, and the problems with your kid wearing a mask and you opt out. That's the part that's not the science part. The science shouldn't be weighing in on, the opt in or opt out. That's the demarcation right there that you just crossed.
Starting point is 00:59:09 The. The deciding what to be afraid of, what not to be afraid of. And what sacrifices are worth making and not worth making, what risks are worth taking and not worth taking. Those things can be informed by science, but in the end aren't scientific decisions. And the scientist should not be driving the fucking car. That's a backseat position rendering advice and thought and inputs.
Starting point is 00:59:43 a backseat position rendering advice and thought and inputs. How many lives is worth destroying the economy? That's not a scientific question. Is it okay to make a generation of kids that don't know how to read to to save uh people who are 82 years old and over with 17 months to live at max correct engage in a lifetime of of deleterious behavior who have who have pursued with passion the root cause of their demise, whose sedentarism and consumption of carbohydrates has been the defining fucking satisfaction of their life. How many of those are worth my kid graduating from fucking college after having missed their high school
Starting point is 01:00:45 graduation to think that, that you support Hamas cause you're against genocide. What do you think is going on there? By the way, this is a little bit of a pivot. So I heard the other day that basically anyone who's perceived as the victim out, even outside of logic, um, gets the attention of those people. Like they don't even care. It could be – like they just perceive them now as the victim because they're getting beat up by the Israeli army.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Help me get past chopping off your penis to affirm your gender and calling that health care. Help me with that. Right. I can't. And I've tried to listen to any explanation of it, too, and there isn't one. They turn it into word fuckery. Well, when you're listening, you're fucking up. It's like that scenario thing that Maggie went to where the cops turn off the lights and you hear a gunshot or a window break or whatever, and you're given a gun and you got to address the thing.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yeah. And the setup each time and the cop who's playing the bad guy, he won't quit fucking talking. And that was the prelude to you being disarmed is the explanation. And I told Matt, you're ever catching me in the living room and they have too much to say, I'm shooting them in the fucking head. Right. Well, that's what George Floyd did too.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Just wouldn't stop talking. Yeah. He started with shut the fuck up or i'm gonna shoot you you know yeah get down on your knees don't look at me um the same reason amazon's insurance policy isn't willing to cover a change in oncology medication to keep someone with cancer at home and not in an inpatient setting for treatment three times weekly. Damn, I wish I could remember exactly what that was in response to. Jay Wade reminds me of climate scientists tweeting, we need to call humans to save the
Starting point is 01:03:03 humans, call billions to save millions yeah the the the the essence of the political environmental movement is to see humans in everything we do, including where we off-gas as a pollutant, right? I mean, look, you exhale carbon dioxide, oh, you're a factory for pollution. I just, my favorite thing about all of that is that where do these people live? They all live in cities that I consider uninhabitable because of what they've done to their environment anyone anyone living in new york city should be embarrassed to complain worry or express concerns or fear about any environment
Starting point is 01:04:01 fear about any environment. It's like weighing in on how to keep your neighbor, how to keep their house clean when your house is just complete, just fucking shithole mess. It's a hoarder writing a book on tidiness. Right. Cat Mulvaney, a book on child rearing. Oh, oops.
Starting point is 01:04:25 I didn't say that. When you told me she died, I was like, don't fuck, shut the fuck up. No way. A book, a kid just came over and shit on my floor. Three years old, you know, like, wow. Of course. Hey, do you have any thoughts on autoimmune diseases? Yeah, don't piss off your immune system.
Starting point is 01:04:57 And carbohydrate, refined carbohydrate is an outstanding way to do so there. And most everything else past that is a little bit boring for me what what is an autoimmune system it's basically your immune system it's nothing specific about the immune system it just means it's out of whack it could be too aggressive it could not be working your immune system has identified some some constituent of your essence to be toxic and goes after you. Something that's not toxic in relationship to you need it for your existence. Essential.
Starting point is 01:05:34 An attack on nerves. Myelin. Nerve sheathing. Cartilage. I had this athlete on yesterday who had to pull out because of an autoimmune nerves, sheathing, cartilage. I had this, uh, I had this athlete on yesterday who was, had to pull out because of an autoimmune disease. And she was saying that the, the next competition, like the next series of competitions, and she was a high profile athlete. And, uh, so she was just like, Hey, I'm sorry. I just can't,
Starting point is 01:06:03 I can't go on at this time. I need to get this under control. And one of the things she said is that she was on immune suppressants. And I had this like risk. I had this thought in my head. Holy shit. Like, that sounds fucking scary being on immune suppressants. Putting something in your body that would suppress your immune system. That like that sounds not good.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Corey, sorry. Greg, I would have. If you call back, I'll answer. So you think it's diet-related? You think the vaccine could... Do you think vaccines, what they do to your immune system, could have exacerbated it? I didn't ask her if she was vaccinated. I wish I would have, if she would have got the COVID vaccine.
Starting point is 01:06:44 I wonder if there's been an uptake uptake in autoimmune diseases since the vaccine came out turbocharging the immune system making it hyper reactive she was a foreigner so i just assumed i assume she got it foreigner so i just assumed i assume she got it yeah we're we're not done cataloging the downside of the vaccine and it's ironic maybe that uh we're only going to get clear in in trustworthy answers out of the insurance industry. Mrs. Burns, it's primarily diet-related. Diet plays such a large role,
Starting point is 01:07:42 we won't know of what the contributing factors are outside of diet until diet can be addressed. outside of diet until diet can be addressed. So if you come to me with a diagnosis of lupus, MS, scleroderma, pick one, arthritis, you've got psoriasis, make your list. make your list and I look at your nutrition, your intake and it's 5, 6, 7 thousand calories a day based on largely high glycemic
Starting point is 01:08:14 process bullshit I don't want to speak to anything other than changing that and let's see what happens to these other things and the idea of treating medically or thinking of the of of whether you're getting enough or too little too much vitamin d or selenium or all that let's let's start with this i've i'm fond of the example and Let's start with this.
Starting point is 01:08:47 I'm fond of the example and have worked with it for decades. But, like, you come to me with your car covered in mud and ask me if it needs painting. I'd like to take a hose and get some of the mud off and take a look. Right. Right. And just say, oh, your car looks like shit. You need a paint job. Like, I don't know, man. It's covered in mud.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Maybe it doesn't. And eating like shit and having autoimmune disorder, I expect that. It's not like, oh, wow, yeah, and you also eat shitty. No, no, no, no. You have these problems because you eat shitty. The Eads were really clear on this in that they used to, like, whoa, your psoriasis went away. And 10 years later, they're thinking to themselves, I bet the psoriasis goes away. And then a dozen 10 years after that, they're going, yeah, and your psoriasis will go away.
Starting point is 01:09:40 will go away. Yeah, I don't think it makes sense to talk about autoimmune disorder outside of nutrition. Wow. That's not new. Yeah, but I mean that's that strong.
Starting point is 01:10:02 You know, it's like peeing on the beehive and wondering why you got your dick stung. Right. You just chop the penis off if that happens. Then that won't happen again. Call it healthcare. Your gender's been affirmed. You're now a eunuch.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Science. Corey, curious to get your take. take university north carolina chapel hill board of trustees just withdrew two million from dei uh to invest in political safety initiatives i i saw that um and yeah and i saw coors light got rid of their DEI department Dylan, what's up, man? Hey Hey Is Greg still on? Hold on, Greg, are you still here? Depends on the input here
Starting point is 01:10:55 Yeah, depends on your question, your comment Well, I just wanted to touch on the interview you did with Fleet Who had the autoimmune thing going on? Yeah. It was more so the surrounding factors that shocked me. It stemmed from her knee that wasn't healing, and she didn't have a tear there. And then so they called it autoimmune. And then she got on the suppressant, a bunch of side effects.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Yeah, she said the doctor told her she did a box jump. She had a deep gash, and then she got on the suppressant a bunch of side effects yeah she said that um she said the doctor told her she did a she did a box jump she had a deep gash then she got an infection and then she got on a heavy dose of antibiotics and the doctor attributed her autoimmune disease to that right yes okay go ahead sorry go ahead i just want to catch greg up what what i thought was possibly it's definitely a human trait, but potentially more dangerous than the immune suppressant was her relief in defense of the autoimmune suppressant and taking it. Her relief in her voice was palpable. And she, you know, Sebi would throw a counter and, you know, I thought, well, maybe not suppress your immune system, and she would defend it like it was her child. And that to me was more peculiar. I wonder if you have any thoughts on taking positions like that.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Like her commitment to the solution you thought was too much. It was rising of someone on SSRIs. What was the immunosuppressing drug? I don't remember if she said. I don't remember if she said. I don't think so. But she did say, I think she said at don't think so but she did say
Starting point is 01:12:45 I think she said at one point it reduces your immune system by like 80% and makes you very susceptible to getting sick and feeling shitty was it prednisone? she did not say that wherever you're going you better believe
Starting point is 01:13:01 American Express will be right there with you heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in?
Starting point is 01:13:18 Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. She did say, though, that it was the doctor in Dubai that had suggested that,
Starting point is 01:13:38 as opposed to whatever doctor she was working with in the United States. J.R. Howell, I wonder if she tried Humira, commonly used for treatment of nonreactive rheumatoid. It's a monoclonal antibody that essentially binds to the protein usually present with increased inflammation. I don't think it was. I think the antibiotics were something she took when she uh Sean M is saying it was an antibiotic I think it was antibiotics she took a big old dose of antibiotics when she when they found that uh where she had done the box jump she'd gotten a severe infection
Starting point is 01:14:19 but she said whatever she was on she said it caused her to lose her hair and that's the thing i i it's it's a peculiar i mean she at that point she sounded exhausted in her search to figure out what was wrong yeah um and then where she thought she found the solution which doesn't appear to be a solution um but she in her head it is and so there's this sense of big sense of relief um it's it's like a placebo and so in that case is it still effective like it kind of works for her head you know it's like an ssri there's no evidence surrounding those at all but if you talk to anybody who's on them or who has taken them and it got them out of a hole, well, there's some efficacy, I guess. What's an SSRI?
Starting point is 01:15:09 What's an SSRI? Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitor or something like that. Big words. It's an antidepressant. Yeah, supposedly. Yeah, supposedly. The antidepressant is maybe going for a walk outside or a jog and getting off the couch and getting moving and maybe some nutritional factors and surrounding yourself with community is probably a good start. Tyler says high-carb athlete diet is not healthy for these games people correct
Starting point is 01:15:50 the problems with with that fuel aren't improved by burning more of it. But I'd go back... I'm a little bit off topic. While you were talking,
Starting point is 01:16:15 I was wondering about what she was prescribed, and I wasn't aware of prednisone and hair loss, but I looked it up, and it is a routine side effect of prednisone and hair loss, but I looked it up, and it is a routine side effect of prednisone. But I'm not going to say she's taking prednisone, but I can imagine it prescribed. And I also, I don't know if I couldn't, if there isn't a side effect that I couldn't imagine
Starting point is 01:16:38 that isn't associated with prednisone. It has endless side effects it's yes it's knee-jerk prescribed and very telling to me is i have two veterinary friends that will not use it in clinical practice anymore whatever's wrong with your dog fuck them i'm not giving you prednisone go to someone else for that. He said the incidence of post-cycle zeprenazone with carcinomas and sarcomas was so obvious that they could no longer in good conscience recommend it. It decreases inflammation. That's the point of it it uh through the brain gives the immune system a vacation hey greg have you looked into CTE? You know, as a matter of fact, yes, oddly.
Starting point is 01:17:52 And I think her name is Anne Rice. Is that the gal's name? The author, Anne Rice? No. What's the name of the lady that's done the postmortems on the NFL players? Oh. I think that's done the post-mortems on the NFL players. Oh. I think that's correct. It was interesting because I wanted to turn her on to our inside knowledge that football players are routinely going out onto the field hyponatremic,
Starting point is 01:18:26 and that they're squeezing bags of what is fundamentally isotonic saline and hitting the field at like 130 milligrams per deciliter levels of sodium, which is dangerously low, and then add with that more fluids. And the etiology of hyponatremic encephalopathy is increased intracranial pressure. And it's got to be just the physics seems so solid to drop your sodium so low we know that injury the mechanism of injury is increased intracranial pressure and now taking that that hyper pressurized intracranial vault and subjecting it to blows the injury is what you'd expect and we had just some great discussions met with her
Starting point is 01:19:20 i think you were there sebi at the four seasons in dc that's when that stalker chick came around too remember that oh yeah yeah picked up on her ahead of our own crew even realizing this fucking mutant kept coming around and drug her out but um she's a dentist the stalker chick was a dentist right a hot a hot dentist yeah and who doesn't who doesn't want a hot dentist that was weird we had a hot stalker dentist yeah and mckee mckee yeah um you know what's funny is her she got interested in crossfit faster than we could uh um interest her in our issues with football and hyperhydration. I wonder if she's cross-fitting now. What's that?
Starting point is 01:20:17 I said, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Oh, Greg, is what you're referring uh with their condition in which they took the field um is coupled with you know the trauma to the head the impact that allows like it opens the door for said you know cte later on or or whatever the case basically what i'm asking is, I've been looking into it. I do MMA. I've done MMA for 10 years. I just struggle to, where are the bodies? I'm too dumb to even understand what I'm researching, frankly, but I struggle with it where everywhere I've read, it seems that everybody's tying in that the impact is the problem. And my question is, certainly head trauma is not good for you per se. I think that's a no brainer, no pun intended. But to me, it seems the lifestyle revolved around recovery from that head trauma.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Do you know what fighters do after we get into the cage and fight? We party. I think that's more of a culprit of CTE. You were in a car crash for 15 minutes, for 25 minutes, and then you got hammered drunk and stayed up until 4 a.m dylan are you saying that in the you're saying where the body's meaning that there's not a like a disproportionate amount of gorked fighters like at 70 years old where are all the fucking gorked fighters gorked football players like they just have to they parade around the ones like muhammad ali or the the guy who uh the san diego chargers guy who fucking killed
Starting point is 01:22:05 yeah they kind of use them as a as a prop like hey look you know look how dangerous it is it smells it smells fishy and if i had to you know bring my conspiratorial brain out it's just a way to you know get funded a ton of money for for research that where you're looking in the wrong place sounds like cancer cancer research to me um does kamala harris have cte that's funny's it's interesting dylan um the you know greg went way way down the the the uh rabbit hole of people who overhydrate like way way way down that and there are people who've died um who've overhydrated just following the uh gatorade guidelines for drinking uh fluids and so you know the one of the theories he's he's putting out there is is like yeah you you fill your
Starting point is 01:23:13 you fill your fucking body up with water and puts makes it so there's less room for your fucking your brain gets tight in the fucking in the skull and then you take impact and it doesn't act as a buffer. It actually injures you. I've actually heard the opposite for fighters, right? They're supposed to be super hydrated because if they have a dehydrated brain, they get knocked out faster. That's a theory. I don't know if there's any conclusive evidence to that, but it is suggested that these fighters
Starting point is 01:23:41 cut 20 pounds the day before they become extremely depleted of nutrients and hydration, which would suggest that your brain and all its necessary fluid is diminished as well. So your likelihood for lights to shut out for a few minutes seems to be higher. I don't know, though. I haven't looked in to see if anybody can prove that or what. And then now the overhydration thing seems maybe they could breach into that realm because they're trying to take on so many fluids to recoup from the weight cut. Maybe it's that. Yeah, the etiology, the mechanism of injury in exercise-associated hyponatremic encephalopathy, which is basically you drink so much water in your brain, the pressure inside the intracranial vault either builds to such a level that the blood supply is just clamped off, the brain just goes dark for instant death,
Starting point is 01:24:47 or it will herniate into a sinus cavity, and so some of your brain popcorns into a place that shouldn't be causing instant death. And in both cases, it's the osmotic gradient between the fluids consumed and what's needed across the blood brain barrier within the intracranial vault that creates these intracranial pressures.
Starting point is 01:25:09 And absent any kind of concussive, percussive force, the brain will do that. And we know that for some teams, I'll name them the Colts, for instance, talking to athletic trainers, they're all squeezing bags of fluid at 3% ringers, and that's fundamentally isotonic for 19 millimolar blood, right? And so they're going out onto the field, and our friend Sandra tested
Starting point is 01:25:48 some of these fellas, and they were close to 130, which is right at that borderline of being hyponatremic. And in fact, at that level, if there's any kind of mentative symptoms at all, we call it an encephalopathy. And to think that that's the native state outside of concussive, percussive forces, I don't know, man. It's kind of a no-brainer to me. If this were something I could invest in, I would spend money on it. If I could say that, hey, in, I would spend money on it. If I could say that, hey, hardcore scientists at Raytheon are going to look into the issue of football head trauma, and they're exploring the angle of hypernatremic encephalopathy being a contributing factor, and if you put a $300,000 down, you can double your money if it turns out to be true. I'm in. I'm in. Is the science there?
Starting point is 01:26:50 Maybe not, but the physics is clearly there. What's the difference between the science and the physics? What do you mean? I've got a conjecture. Oh, okay. It's not that it hasn't been done. It needs a datum. There needs to be an experiment or something.
Starting point is 01:27:08 There needs to be a closer look. But common sense would tell me that there's fruit here. And going after the helmet manufacturers, that's what I would expect for Gatorade's direction of the NFL to be. You think Gatorade's going to say, hey, I think our hyperhydration campaign has killed Zairese Oliver? Did it? Did their
Starting point is 01:27:39 hyperhydration campaign kill Zairese Oliver? Of fucking course it did. And it wasn't a blow to the head that killed this A student football player. It was hyponatremic encephalopathy caused by the belief that heat injury could be mitigated by hyperhydration. Even when he was passing out, he went to the ER two weeks before
Starting point is 01:28:07 his death with many of the symptoms that preceded his eventual demise, and he was told he needed to drink more. His post-mortem showed 11 sites of IV and said that he had presented at the ER with classic signs of dehydration. And that's with a blood sodium of like 124. It was unbelievable. But I'm going on because in every instance from coaches, players, mom and dad, first responders, hospital, and autopsy, we see this hyperhydration myth, this idea that there's some need for water beyond drink when you're thirsty, don't when you're not. That there's some prophylaxis against heat injury,
Starting point is 01:29:03 against exhaustion, against cramping, all bullshit. If you were like your dog and when you were thirsty, you went to the toilet and got a drink and you didn't, otherwise you'd be ahead of the game from what you'd learn at the Gatorade Sports Science Institute or UCLA. or UCLA. I had to spend $3 million of my own money to come up with a scientific consensus statement that said, drink when you're thirsty,
Starting point is 01:29:33 don't when you're not. He was drinking to relieve himself of cramps. That's correct. Hey, these must have not been real doctors who told him he was dehydrated. Those must have been armchair doctors. He was told
Starting point is 01:29:53 that in an emergency room when he was rescued by paramedics. They ran IV. We used that case in part to get the Army to eventually make the decision that anyone rendered mentative on Rucks
Starting point is 01:30:15 had mentative symptoms, disorientation, confusion, passing out, that kind of thing, any of that kind of stuff. They did blood sodium before they'd started an IV. That was a CrossFit effort that got that medical change throughout the armed forces. Could be very, very proud of that, but it costs a lot of money. So imagine spending $ million dollars to establish drink when you're thirsty um don't when you're not i said we're going to spend five million to pee when you need to don't when you don't inhale when you need to don't when you don't
Starting point is 01:30:57 you can lose a war winning those battles at those costs what doesn't europe have some sort of different guidelines in the united states that they actually you can't have water they limit the number of hydration stations on marathons you can legally only have so many as opposed to the u.s you can have them along the whole route oh dude, dude. You have to hire an entire garbage truck and a team of people to clean up the Gatorade debris from the hydration stations. Matt Burns, Greg just said what would be the correct prescription, right? Drink when you're thirsty, don't when you're not. Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Don't ever think about it and you'll be fine. Gentlemen, thank you. Greg, you're outstanding. You ruin my day always, every Wednesday, because I'm brain scrambled the rest of the day thinking about what all you gave to us that day and I can't get anything done. So thank you.
Starting point is 01:32:06 It's very kind of you. Thank you. And always remember the cure for the world's most vexing problem is to brush with metuthion. Thank you. That is the truth. Finally, some science. That is the truth. Take care, gentlemen.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Doesn't get simpler than that. Weight loss, metuthion. That is the truth. Take care, gentlemen. It doesn't get simpler than that. Weight loss, metoothia. It's replacing testosterone replacement therapy. So the sun's coming up in Hawaii. Yeah, it's getting light. 4.30 a.m. And the pregnant lady just got up.
Starting point is 01:32:44 No shit. Yeah. Where are you? Are you in the living room? No, just got up. No shit. Yeah. Where are you? Are you in the living room? No, it's 530 here. Oh, 530. Okay. We're outside. We're in Toipu fundamentally. And, um... Kaloa.
Starting point is 01:33:01 We're in Kaloa. Is that on the opposite side of the island than Princeville? Yes. Okay. Have you ever stayed on that side of the island? I mean, I know you used to live there kind of in between the two. No, we've not visited, had friends here. You know, the trail run was kind of over this way,
Starting point is 01:33:29 but our home was on the, I think that our home may have been the most Eastern home on the island. I think I remember that. Like when we went out to the property and looked out into the water. If I look to the north or the south, the coastline appeared to be west of us. So we're right on that promontory. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Well, great show. Thanks for coming on. Oh, thank you. Good, great show. Thanks for coming on. Oh, thank you. Good variety of topics. You going to semifinals this weekend in France? Of course. I wouldn't miss the games for the life of me. You know, the greatest slur ever given the games was Brian Mulvaney referring to the whole thing as thruster races.
Starting point is 01:34:30 And I just thought that was great somehow. I will be covering the thruster races very closely this weekend. Hey, what are the chances? Do you think that you'll go out? I know last year it's a bit of a stretch to say you went to the CrossFit Games. You went to the CrossFit Games, but I know you spent most of your time either in the camp or in the affiliate lounge and you probably never made it onto any observation. Just like,
Starting point is 01:34:51 just like every year when I hosted the games, when I was running, I never, I wasn't there to watch thruster races. Right. I was there to talk to the people that wanted to tell me that what happened in their gym was entirely independent and irrelevant to the to the to the games um i went to the games so that 10-year affiliates could tell me it wasn't
Starting point is 01:35:15 important to their business right um those people there though who i shouldn't say though the people who go to the games are i would say mostly, mostly your people, meaning those people there, you've had a tremendous impact on their life. Fucking all of those people, whether they know it or not, you've had a tremendous positive impact on their life. And you could say you were the shepherd and they were the sheep and or the lamb or whatever. And when you went there, you did you have fun last year though i know that you don't you're not a kind of person who wants to get crowd adulation but but also i think they appreciate uh being able to still uh see you everyone was was wonderful it was moving it was touching and i'm going to put a
Starting point is 01:36:02 pretty good effort into not going back this year. All right. I'm going to try to talk you into it. All right. No, I'd say like, Mike, look, we got a new baby coming, all kinds of shit. Oh, yeah, you do. Oh, yeah, that's right. I've got all my staff going on vacation and all my friends coming to visit while we're having a new baby. I'm just not sure how that's going to work.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Yeah. How is that going to work? Does Maggie like to be by herself're having a new baby. I'm just not sure how that's going to work. Yeah, how is that going to work? Does Maggie like to be by herself after she has a baby? I don't know, but giant crowds of people not there to help, and the people that help going on vacation is creating a little bit of a scenario. Right. All right, well, you let me know. I can be part of either crowd.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Good, I appreciate that. We'll be fine. Okay. And then I'm going to see you before, though, you make the trek to Coeur d'Alene. Yeah, and I want to tell you, I remember you had some conflicted dates on that Axopar delivery to Santa Cruz. Oh, yeah. I thought we got back on the fourth we leave on the on the no i thought we got back on the third we leave on the third but don't come back to the fourth so i needed to change that date from the fifth to the sixth so the axel part dates are six to ten and bruce said even seven to ten would be better or six to nine,
Starting point is 01:37:25 seven to 10 would be better of June. So that there can be sort of an assessment of the boat. Yeah. I'd like to, I'm, I'm unpacking from Kauai and packing for Coeur d'Alene via Santa Cruz and moving the boat. So. God, that sounds, how many stops between san diego and santa cruz like overnight stays we're gonna do it in four days and that's that's a leisurely pace where was the place we stopped when we were on scooters on the vespas was it avala yeah are we are we stopping there again
Starting point is 01:38:00 i would like to i'm gonna look at the map but newport should be on the list santa barbara for sure more yeah uh heidi krum sebon can breastfeed babies that's for sure hi heidi all right i'm gonna go shave my head and shave some heads really is that what are you gonna use for that just I got this, you know, just this one of those razors from Amazon where you put the blades on there. And yesterday I shaved them. As soon as I got home from tennis after I saw them, I shaved them with the three. Now I'm going to shave all of us with the one. I'm going to let the boys shave my head. Are they into it?
Starting point is 01:38:41 Yeah, they're totally into it. I mean, they don't even care. Do you know what I mean? Like other parents are like trying to hide the fact that their kids have lice in their hair my kids like don't even care like oh we got lice how fun let's shave our head i mean you know what i mean they don't they're just boys if you watch if you watch the south park episode licecapades you learn the origins of of of all lice outbreaks oh should I let them watch it or will it damage them? I'm asking for a watch. But at the end,
Starting point is 01:39:08 spoiler alert, it turns out that they all have their origins from Angelina Jolie's snatch. Oh, geez. That's the source of all lice globally. So well done. Lucky Camera Shaps just got to Austin Austin Texas from Australia and dropped into CrossFit Central thanks again for recommendations
Starting point is 01:39:30 hi Greg Jeremy Thiel's gym that's cool make sure you tell him I said hey alright dude thank you I'll talk to you later on today. So welcome. Thanks for having me. Bye, everyone. Bye.
Starting point is 01:39:48 See you next Wednesday. Greg Glassman. Founder of CrossFit. Creator of CrossFit. Purveyor of CrossFit. Brandon Waddell. Greg knowing South Park makes my day. Isn't that crazy
Starting point is 01:40:05 I think he knows the guys too Those guys got rich Like stupid rich. This. This girl Rebecca. That I met on Instagram is going to the. European semifinals. And so I exchanged text messages with her.
Starting point is 01:40:45 Phone numbers with her so that i could get um just any information if anyone if anyone's there and wants to send me pictures or little short videos by short i mean like less than 20 seconds or just stuff do that and i'll play them on the air i'll show stuff you know what i mean since i'm not going there so anyone who wants to be a correspondent for the show, it's really cool. This chick, Rebecca did that. I love people who take initiative like that.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Um, Let's see. Okay. Saturday, 9 a.m., Kill Taylor. Me, Pedro, from Coffee Pods pods and wads Tyler Watkins from the heat one app Andrew Hiller from Hiller fit Taylor self from Sentinel training we'll all be getting at it we'll open up the phone lines the reason why Greg was telling me those dates about the but basically he has a boat and he's driving his boat up from san diego to santa cruz and he's like hey you should come with me we're going to stop along the coast and hang out and just have fun and i
Starting point is 01:42:13 really want to do it but the 8th of june is a saturday and so if i get on the boat on Friday the 7th how would I do kill Taylor on the 8th oh man it's just I keep getting invited to do all this cool shit. The. I guess I shouldn't complain.
Starting point is 01:42:55 I was going to be a whiny little bitch for a second. I get invited to do all this cool shit that I fucking not sure if I can do. Because my life's fucking so fucking cool. I don't want to go do it. Fuck that. Go on the boat. Here's fucking so fucking cool. I don't want to go do it. Fuck that. Go on the boat. Here's the thing, man,
Starting point is 01:43:07 that show that kill Taylor show. I can't tell you how fucking excited I am about it. I think it is the, um, uh, Taylor is what makes kill Taylor for sure. I agree what you're saying. Like,
Starting point is 01:43:24 fuck me. Like, you don't, you don't even need to be there. Seve, just make sure Taylor shows up. I agree what you're saying like fuck me like you don't you don't even need to be there Seve just make sure Taylor shows up I probably you're probably right I think I was thinking yesterday obviously well I won't even talk about why Taylor so amazing but I mean it's it's he's the he's the perfect storm for it.
Starting point is 01:43:47 But I was trying to think of all the media that's ever come out of CrossFit, and I think it's by far, I don't even think there's a second place, the most engaging media for people who might not be CrossFitters. And that's what's so wild about it and you're absolutely right it's taylor that makes the show it's all taylor oh do the show on thursday um uh brian clark um how the fuck taylor get killed yeah here's the thing what's so cool about our sport right he he's gonna lose on the regular i don't know if it's gonna be once a month or once every three months but that's the thing you can't no one can be undefeated in crossfit so that's like no matter how much we rig the shit like he's gonna get beat that's just the
Starting point is 01:44:42 nature of it arm wrestling was like that. Even the best guys in the world, somewhat like everyone's going to get beat or fighting the UFC. Like everyone's going to get beat. It's just when. I think I saw someone making fun of me. Oh, Daniel Garrity. If Seve's not there,
Starting point is 01:45:01 who's going to yell he's on pace when he's clearly not on pace. Yeah. I mean, I have my role Oh Jesus Did you just say Oh, oh. Audrey, I have to go to Hobby Lobby for tie-dye.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Oh, that's fun. I should do tie-dye with my kids. Seve, do you hate tie-dye? I hate tie-dye. Even when I was a dirt-twirling hippie, I hated tie-dye. But making them is fun. There was... there was uh last week was the first workout a girl could win and no girl went right there was actually a girl that we had queued up i could see her waiting in the waiting room um but but then that dude matthew won it so that was out the door
Starting point is 01:46:03 that didn't that didn't last long dude Matthew won it. So that was out the door. That didn't that didn't last long. What is today? Today's Wednesday? Garbage Day? I hope I took the garbage out. Dude, Andrew sent me the funniest thing yesterday. I wonder if he's going to make a video of it. God, he sent me the funniest
Starting point is 01:46:23 thing. That fucking dude is so creative. It was so funny. It's a little self-serving for me to say. He took this. Do you remember when I had the girl on yesterday with the fucking titties? This girl. Do you remember this? This bit yesterday.
Starting point is 01:46:46 And then she said that line, she said that line in this video, she's like, Hey, what do you, basically this girl came out of a college class at a liberal arts college. And there was a guy there holding a Trump sign and she kicked or punched the Trump sign into a hole in it. So they called the cops on her and she's getting charged with like destruction of property. And her response to the guy was is like, hey, dude, that's your fault because you were standing in front of a liberal liberal arts college with a Trump sign. That's like saying if you're running through the park in a bikini and you get raped, it's your fault. Right. And so she goes on to say, hey, like that's you know, that sign is going to incite like violence. to say hey like that's you know that sign's gonna incite like violence and as she was saying that i noticed she's wearing this fucking crazy tight shirt with hard nipples and these crazy titties
Starting point is 01:47:31 and i was like i wonder what she thinks her shirt will incite how about the ugly friend in the middle look it's three girls one with like a sports bra that's probably too small and four inches of cleavage showing this other girl with no two hot chicks and then just a fucking chick that just got cracked with the ugly stick yeah the her her tits burned a hole in my brain anyway andrew took uh a clip from that and is doing something so funny with it i couldn't even believe it a designated ugly friend it's called a duff oh oh would that chick have beaten matthew i don't know i don't know but you know what's crazy is i so i i contacted that dude um matthew and I was like, Hey dude, let me know
Starting point is 01:48:25 if you get paid. I can't imagine you actually getting paid. And he got paid. He got the 1500 bucks. Everyone, everyone paid him. I was like, shit, fuck. We're like almost like a real show. We got graphics.
Starting point is 01:48:36 We got shit. Let's like on Instagram. We're like, we're three weeks in people like Corey Pulido throwing cash at the show. We got sponsors for like the next fucking 20 weeks. People are just lining up to support it. It's so cool, man. It is so fucking funny. Yeah, I'm not missing one of those.
Starting point is 01:48:59 The more you guys tell me I'm irrelevant to the show, the more I'm fired up never to miss one. Yeah, you guys send money. I love that part because i get some of that money i like that part well i would hope he would get paid yeah hope and actually getting paid is like different this is a seat of your pants operation buddy the one in Carson will be insane yeah on Saturday JR do we have a place for that
Starting point is 01:49:31 hey if you guys don't know also JR and Taylor will be doing a lot and Will Branstetter will be doing a live show from Carson twice a twice a day and there's this there's a chick there named Kenzie who's in charge of like making sure all that shit works. And me and Will were chatting
Starting point is 01:49:53 with her yesterday. And it sounds like the show's like, we're going to have up to an hour. They're going to let us basically, they're going to start us like 50 minutes before the event, each event starts. And those three will go. I won't be on the show. I'll be filming behind the scenes. I kind of want to show you guys something that I made for Matt Souza. And Matt Souza will be there. You guys want to see something really quick? Most of you guys are going to be like, we don't give a shit. But I'll show you anyway.
Starting point is 01:50:21 Hold on. Let me see. Let me run just like a quick commercial I get up and get this shit hold on let me see my matuthing commercial if it's in here uh this will take me like 15 seconds to get do I have a matuthing commercial wheel wad born primitive heat one app countdown l1 commercial seven podcast Born Primitive, Heat One App, Countdown, L1 Commercial, Savon Podcast, Adapt or Die. What's that?
Starting point is 01:50:51 Swolverine. Mitch Wagner. I don't see my... What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? Where's my... Oh, shit. Let me see what the fuck's going on.
Starting point is 01:51:13 I don't see my Matuthian commercial uploaded in StreamYard. Watch. If I complain enough, I'll see Will pop up on the back end and fix it for me. In real time. He won't even say anything. He'll just come on here and fix it sometimes while I'm
Starting point is 01:51:36 bitching. What's this? Hold on. I need to see this. Hold on one second. Oh, that's kind of cool, okay, I'll play that I'll play that while I um, I Don't even know what that is, but it's Roman at the games. Let me see. Um, I'm gonna hide this comment first Roman okay Roman too. Okay, Roman 2. Okay, I'll play this. I'll be right back.
Starting point is 01:52:11 Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman!
Starting point is 01:52:15 Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman!
Starting point is 01:52:20 Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman!
Starting point is 01:52:22 Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman, Roman!
Starting point is 01:52:30 Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! With Karabin behind Roman, Roman's right up, getting his skating ovation here. Nuts. Do Russians have emotions? Glory for the Pops! Getting a scathing ovation here! Nuts. Do Russians have emotions? No, you're right. Nevermind.
Starting point is 01:53:03 I forgot all about that. Oh, by the way, the CA Peptides site will be up soon. They've had to move their shit all around. If you do want peptides, you can go to contact at and send them an email. So check this out. If you're not a camera geek, you can just leave. I made this for Sousa. these are two osmo threes you turn them
Starting point is 01:53:29 on by just turning the screens like this and they have they have little sun hoods on them see and then you film and you have two cameras that are on gimbals both these cameras are on gimbals meaning the shots will be perfectly smooth. Pretty cool, right? But I haven't shown you the cool part. Why would he use those, right? The reason why he'd use these is I have these little tiny mics,
Starting point is 01:54:01 and you put these on the athletes. And so you can hang this on a necklace. You can stick it fucking anywhere on the athlete. It has magnets. You can hang it. They have necklaces. You can do anything you want with them. You can stick this mic anywhere you want.
Starting point is 01:54:17 I could tape it to his fucking forehead. And so we can mic up athletes, as many athletes as we want, that are on the floor during the event. And I don't know if that's ever been done. I know in the past at the games, CrossFit's had some issues with that, micing athletes, but we're in a different world now. Great, that was my phone number. But basically, it's pretty cool, right?
Starting point is 01:54:49 Yeah, this is dope. I just, I just put this together and then you can fold this in and you can hold it like this also. And so basically the images that these cameras get won't matter too much but uh but but susan will be there and we can just be like hey mic up taylor mic up colton and then right as they take the field if they're willing to be mic'd that shit's gonna be next level man now where do i put this so i'm pretty pumped i built that last night came into my office in the middle of the night, all right,
Starting point is 01:55:30 two cameras for two mics, yeah, or you could do, you could do four, you could do four mics, each camera could have two mics each, I actually got four of these Osmos, I have actually four of these things,
Starting point is 01:55:41 I just built this one, then the other ones I just left like solo, and I ordered a shitload of these, these mics, I ordered like four of these things. I just built this one. Then the other ones I just left like solo. And I ordered a shitload of these, these mics are like four of these. Yeah. The behind the scenes in Carson's going to be crazy. Yeah. Lucky camera.
Starting point is 01:56:01 You can use two GGI wires, uh, as mics with each. The reason I, and I have those two, but I just like these because they're so little. Right. Excuse me. You can stick it anywhere, as Judy Reed would say. All right. Today's Wednesday. Oh, we have a show tonight tonight we have a CrossFit Games Update show tonight at 630
Starting point is 01:56:27 that's awesome alright so that'll be me John Young I think J.R. Howell will be here Taylor no not Taylor J.R. Howell will be here Hiller will be here it'll be maybe even more people than that it'll be a pretty big cast we'll talk about European semifinals it'll just basically be free for all it'll be
Starting point is 01:56:43 wild maybe we'll go earlier so you it'll be wild maybe we'll go earlier so you should watch the times maybe we'll go earlier all right thanks guys great show uh taking over spins time taking over spins time I don't know what that means taking over spins time I don't know what that means all right uh talk to you guys soon uh buh-bye

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