The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman | Live Call In - DEI Destroys Boeing

Episode Date: April 13, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 just fooling around and then i just lost track of time bam we're live greg what's up susan what's going on buddy how are you this morning matthew been a while greg good to see you my friend good to see you buddy good morning everyone see uh let's see the first person in here who uh notices i'm late good morning good morning ciao hello friends oh uh judy uh hello friends uh busy cf Good morning. Good morning. Ciao. Hello, friends. Oh, Judy. Hello, friends. Busy CF podcast day. Don't forget to tune in tonight. Seven on podcast. Tim Murphy doing burpees.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Be ready with your money. Yeah, good point. OK, let me see. No, look, no. Oh, late. Here it is. There's always one. There's always one who wants to let me know I'm late.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Son of a gun. Always one. hey uh i read that article greg it's good dude oh i mean uh the article i'm referencing is an article uh it's anonymous right the um The insider at Boeing? Yeah. What a wild article. Here's where I put faith in, and we're talking about an article on Boeing in a city journal published by the Manhattan Institute, I believe. It comports wonderfully. Sometimes you can believe something
Starting point is 00:01:27 because you've read other things that tell that same story, but other times, and it's even more convincing when you can see that this is a different facet of the same reality. That's what I was thinking, that second part. And that's what I'm seeing here, like, why, of course. I mean, fact is the planes are falling from the sky and what's at play um my father was always quick to blame mbas for any kind of uh engineering failure and this is clearly a case of that here. Let me shut the door.
Starting point is 00:02:10 What's crazy is the parallels it has to so many companies. Listen to this. At its core, we have a marginalization of the people who build stuff, the people who really work on these planes. If you think the purpose of business is to make money, you can find yourself vulnerable to harebrained liberal ideas like we'll make more money if we ESG real good or DEI real nice, that there's the social value inherent in those things. And they do. They believe that value inheres in them naturally, They believe that value inherits in them naturally, which is itself odd.
Starting point is 00:02:53 But what happens is planes start falling from the sky because the purpose of the business is not to make money. And what they had to do to get the reason the planes fell through the sky is not unrelated to tripling the stock price. And the CEO of the company, what was his term? What was it? Really, really talented assholes. He referred to the old engineering line, to the experts in manufacturing. I don't remember the exact line. It was something like that It was his own words In his tell-all
Starting point is 00:03:29 Glamour biography of his genius And What they did is they tripled the stock Price and he said that these guys These really talented assholes Were people that valued safety And engineering And had no regard for the stock price and he indeed got really rid
Starting point is 00:03:48 of those really talented assholes and they moved the the they moved from everett to chicago sears towers to arlington virginia to be close to the capital it reminds me of archer daniel midlands they do most of their farming in washington d., someone said. They got to get close to the Capitol. I get it. You see the whole thing. They left the engineers behind. Engineers started quitting en masse. They broke the unions back and brought the assembly to unskilled workers that they trained in South Carolina. Then they subbed out big portions of the plane to companies that didn't even have engineering departments who in turn subbed it out, who in turn subbed it out. Oh, shit. And they got the prices down on everything. But again, what happened? The planes are falling out of the fucking sky. Would you fly on a Boeing right now,
Starting point is 00:04:36 Greg? I think that there's a whole bunch of MBAs that ought to be just proud of themselves. There's a whole bunch of MBAs that ought to be just proud of themselves. I will not get on one of those planes. That political correctness has cost hundreds of lives of customers. How's that for helping the bottom line of your company? Damn. What a master class in how to do something profoundly fucking stupid in the name of business. Hey, how many friends do you have who are actually experiencing this in real time at their company who don't even work at Boeing? Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:05:18 DEI bureaucracy that has poisoned the culture, creating a sense of profound alienation between the people who occupy the executive suite and those who build the airplanes. That's happening everywhere. It's the implementation of racism. Yes. And racism is – you know what I realized racism is the other day? And this is a line that you taught me, but this works perfectly for racism. It's taking the rights from individuals and giving them to groups. That is what racism is.
Starting point is 00:05:52 It's taking the right. It's not being happy with the equal rights of all individuals, and so taking some rights away from individuals and giving them to groups. Wrap yourself around this when the left talks about democracy they're talking about a and b deciding what c should do for d say say that one more time the d part their definition of democracy is a and b deciding what c should do for d and it And it's also socialism. We have a bill of rights. Can you give me that in practice? Democratic assholes.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Can you give me in practice what A and B are, what C are, and who D is? Can you plug in the people? Yeah. That breaking up of your voice, is that me, you or something in between? Does anyone else hear anything going wrong with my voice? It looks like I have a strong connection. It's now it's good. OK. But it only does it on your voice. I don't hear it from Matt and it could be me. I haven't I haven't allowed Matt to talk yet. A and B could constitute damn near a majority of A, B, C, and D, right?
Starting point is 00:07:06 And if you want to make it good, make A, B, and C deciding what D should do for E. Now you have it perfectly. But the problem is that it's a formula for treading on rights while being democratic. at its core we have a marginalization of people who build stuff the people who really work on the planes i hate to say but that's exactly what happened what's what happened or happened at crossfit after he left this is exactly it that's that's when i read it i was like that's true this is this is a complete parallel of what's happening at crossfit hq and all the liberal dads that sit on tennis hill with me um they uh one of them works in hr one of them is in recruitment they're very successful they make a shitload of money in the tech industry they all say that they have to stay
Starting point is 00:08:02 completely quiet it's why there's paralysis in so many companies. It's why there's paralysis in HQ. There's a complete cultural disconnect between the people who work there and the people who are, quote unquote, in charge. It's fascinating. And what's crazy is more and more liberals now are falling into the alienation side. I mean, thank God. That's the hope. The CEO that's stepping down at Boeing in December, which is hilarious,
Starting point is 00:08:34 there was that great quote from Andreessen regarding one of the articles that we were passing around on Boeing. But anyways, this guy's part of this school of thought where the people are entirely fungible to the enterprise. You can take people from any line of work and exchange them equally. And what a disaster. Let me know if my voice keeps cracking.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Is it still cracking, Greg? No, but it does at times. I'll put a finger in the air when you break it. In tennis, that means the ball was out, by the way. Does it? Yeah, because there's no judges, so you go like this. If the ball goes out of bounds, you go like this. And two fingers as my balls are out?
Starting point is 00:09:26 Yeah, two fingers. Two fingers means something, too. Listen to this. A company cannot survive two crashes from a single aircraft type. Then CEO Dennis, and that's why I won't go on one. Like, will you look at planes now before you get on them and be like, hey, I'm only getting on Airbuses? Yes. You're freaking me out.
Starting point is 00:09:48 You should be freaked out, dude. I am freaked out. I got like a bunch of travel. I leave next week. Oh, you know, we did. We just looked at who's got the Airbuses and like Delta. They're all Airbus. So Delta's the airline?
Starting point is 00:10:01 That's what I was seeing. And there are a handful of them. Right now we have an executive council running the company that's all outsiders. Uh-oh. Just think of the parallels here, people, as I read this. The current CEO is a General Electric guy, as is the CFO whom he brought in. Uh-oh. And we have a complete new HR leader.
Starting point is 00:10:22 And we have a complete new HR leader. We didn't have any HR issues until we had an HR person at CrossFit. Zero. Check this out. We didn't have an HR person. And we were told that if you have an HR issue, not having an HR person shows you don't care about HR. And you'd be just like de facto guilty of being some kind of HR pervert. Right? So I'm like of HR pervert, right?
Starting point is 00:10:46 So I'm like, oh, fuck, really? So this is Bruce who told me. So we hire one and we stick her in an office with two accountants, both older than I am, all right? Super conservative. And somehow my HR gal discovers a feud between these two that ends up with these two accountants in Prescott in their 60s coming to work armed. I remember that. They're both thinking that each is probably going to kill the other.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And the one gal's husband's a cop, and he's sending her to work armed because the other guy's a nut, and he's coming to work harm because she's coming to work harm, and these people were friends before the HR gal was put in the office. I swear to God. Yeah, that is a true story. Ten years later, it's a true fucking story. Yeah. I mean, like I said, Dave, I would have expected this out of training or you know what I mean, like where the kids were, not the staid conservative ultra-Republican accountants.
Starting point is 00:11:45 My HR gal, I can't blame her, but weird enough. But you roll the clock forward eight years, and we have 23 people in HR. Hey, didn't the— HR is a fucking business cancer. And just so you know, people people when companies say they're getting rid of dei they're not getting rid of dei hr in people's department and all of that that's where all those people go and hide they burrow there that's where they all are all the hr people are dei people they're no better now she said uh i you know, I get the feeling that Dave doesn't like me.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And I go, I understand that. I go, that's probably because he doesn't like you. And she goes, why wouldn't he like, why does he not like me? And I go, well, the same reason I'm inclined to not like you. And when the teacher says, who wants to be the hallway monitor? And the little girl in the back hand goes up, I do, I do, I teacher says who wants to be the hallway monitor and the little girl in the back hand goes up i do i do i do i want to be the hallway monitor you'll fucking hate her right right and that's what the hr gal's like and so what you need to do is you need to fashion yourself as the benefits lady and bring benefit to the employees and she goes well how
Starting point is 00:13:01 would i do that and i go i don't know like what what companies have the very best benefits she goes oh my gosh you talking about being an employment brand and i said i love that let's do that she's all right how should we do it i go are you fucking kidding me we just went through this we just this is how we got to where we're at right here and just in the space of like what i'm telling you and so what'd she do she went to these employment brands and they were ultra kind and this includes steam and uh i was involved whatever the the the gaming platform people that we had a list of companies that were employment brands and we went to them and their hr people were more than happy to open the books and show us what they did. And it turned out they're all doing the same fucking thing, using the same people, same kind.
Starting point is 00:13:51 It was great. And it was. It was a solid way to take care of your employees. And we did exactly that. We imitated them with the same outfits, the same plans, the same deals. And it was the very best you could do for your people. same outfits the same plans the same deals and it was the very best you could do for your people um you know uh places like google and meta are pushing facebook and instagram are pushing the whole dei thing and dei hires which is code for higher people based on their skin color
Starting point is 00:14:18 their sex and uh whose genitalia that they they prefer and what was fascinating is is those companies pay 40 percent over a market value or the going rate for what uh what they would get paid at others come at other companies so they get the top 20 percent of people well the rest of the world they'd be using that same methodology to choose your employees they get the bottom 10 percent meaning they get the worst people i mean you can only imagine how shitty our supreme court justice is because they chose her because she of her skin color and her say they were doing that at hughes with with affirmative action so there's a a black blind engineering student from stanford they got and it and it may be that they don't even have anything for him to do but check that
Starting point is 00:15:06 off we'll gobble him up and it was it was frequently unfortunate in that there would have been greater opportunities with another firm to do something more than just have been to check the box that look we got a blind black guy that's worth mega points. He's double points on the scale. He was a hot commodity. And what would have been better for him would have been to have been a very successful engineer. Once you're hired because you're blind and black, it's going to be harder to demonstrate your engineering prowess.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Do you understand that and black, it's going to be harder to demonstrate your engineering prowess. You understand that? Yep. Hey, Greg, didn't you get to a point where they go, do you know this guy's a good engineer? No, shut up. Yeah, he is. I swear to God. The blind black guy. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Didn't our HR lady also know everything about the employees too? I told a story the other day where she knew everything about how I ran the company. And I asked her if she would just talk to the press and speak candidly about the kind of shop we run. She was like, they'll crucify me. I'll never be able to get another job. And so when we, when we really needed her, she couldn't, she couldn't, she couldn't speak up. Didn't she tell,
Starting point is 00:16:24 I remember her telling me one time that our health cost, our largest health cost was employees who were on psychiatric meds, and she knew who they were. And I remember – and I was sharing that story the other day, and I was like, holy shit. That means all the HR people in the world must also have that information, right? They know who is using – What you could see was the payout per employee but not anything specific you couldn't see who the employees were yeah you could but not what they were where the money was going so you could get a distribution of where all the money was going and go look psych meds are huge and then these fuckers love chiropractic you know you could see these things but you couldn't and you could see you could rank
Starting point is 00:17:04 all the employees in terms of their usage from the biggest user of the insurance to the doesn't use it, but not what they used it for, but you could see in aggregate what it was used for. That's my recollection. But if, let's say, 90% of the people— And by the way, I'm speaking second or third hand. I've never been close to any of it. That's not what a CEO does if you're really doing something. to any of it that's not that's not what a ceo does if you're really doing something but if 90 of the people who were um were on some psychiatric meds and you looked at the list you could quickly be like okay that girl with the blue hair and the septum ring she's on xanax that's that would be i
Starting point is 00:17:37 think that's fair i might have made that assumption though anyways right you didn't need the dollar amount to know that one somehow somehow she knew I don't know if she knew the precise med but somehow she knew I knew our number one and number two health insurance users and
Starting point is 00:17:56 and it was it was no surprise to me and she didn't keep the HR people are just people. They don't keep that shit a secret. You're in that space. Anyone with HR aspirations, I'm kind of like Castro. He's probably not going to like this, but I'm inclined to not like him.
Starting point is 00:18:24 The head of our commercial planes unit in Seattle, this is going back to Boeing. Listen to this. The head of our commercial airplanes unit in Seattle, who was fired last week, was one of the last engineers in the executive council. Oh, shit. So now they don't have any engineers in there advising them.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Oh, wait, we've got the blind black dude. And what's in what? What would be the purpose of Boeing if it's not to make money? Well, I would say to keep their planes in the fucking air first. That's right. To make safe, comfortable travel. Yep. To get to point A to point B in one piece. Yeah, and not going in the ground at 800 miles an hour against the pilot's wishes is not one of the things that adds to comfort. Doesn't check the box.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Hey, the parallels even get crazier. Listen, you focus on the money and you'll lose sight of the business. You'll take it right into the fucking trees. Yep, yep. The headquarters in Arlington is empty at boeing nobody lives there it says it's an empty executive suite the ceo lives in new hampshire the cfo lives in connecticut the head of hr lives in orlando we just instituted a policy that everyone has to come into work five days a week except the executive council which can use the private jet to travel to meetings and that is the story it is a company that is under caretakers it is
Starting point is 00:19:50 not under owners and it is not under people who love airplanes jesus i wouldn't even say it's under caretakers it sounds like it's just under a bunch of people matt how much sense does that make zero sense no i mean that just the explanation like of course the planes are falling Matt, how much sense does that make? Zero sense. No, I mean just the explanation. Like, of course the planes are falling from the sky. No one's even in the office. They have no engineers in their executive. Everybody's spread out.
Starting point is 00:20:16 It's crazy. These are the really talented assholes that only care about the safety and performance of the plane and don't give a shit about the stock price and so this guy triples i'm gonna say it again triples the stock value over a period of which they reduce the engineering burden and now the planes are falling from the fucking sky and the company can't be resuscitated yep they deserve it they deserve to go under your any we we owe it to to to decency to not fly on those fucking airplanes
Starting point is 00:20:46 my flight to delta flight everyone needs to learn yeah i'm i'm a delta guy now let's do a fucking ad for them there was a company i know that was making a uh commercial and um the commercial uh cost $500,000 to make and one of the big arguments was what color the rainbow jump rope should be in the commercial and after spending $500,000 the commercial
Starting point is 00:21:16 still never saw the light of day status games rule every boardroom in the country the DEI narrative is a very real thing and at boeing dei got tied up in the status game it is the thing you embrace if you want to get ahead it became a means to power di is the drop you put in the bucket and the whole bucket changes it is anti-excellence because it is ill-defined but it becomes oh there we go because it's ill-defined, but it becomes, oh, there we go, because it's ill-defined. But it became part of the culture and was tied to compensation.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Every HR email, inclusive makes us better. This kind of politicization of HR is a real problem in all companies. Mic crack. It did? What do you think that is? Have you ever heard that before? Are you hearing it, Matt? At that time, I did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:10 It just was like a little sizzle. What kind of bandwidth do you got there? I think I have good bandwidth. No one's ever said this before. I'll be the roadcaster, man. Do you hear when I pull this up? I used to never hear a crackle, but now every time I pull up an article. Yep, I just heard it again. I hear a crackle.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yep, that was it. I wonder if it's the StreamYard software. Let me log off and log back on real quick. Yeah, see what happens. You know, it's funny, Greg, how you were talking about the focus on the bottom of the line shifting and then the plane started to fall out of the sky. Yeah. The parallel there. But it worked, Matt.
Starting point is 00:22:51 It worked. It MBA worked. They tripled the fucking stock value. Think of the people that moved on and just rode like surf that wave onto their next company. They destroyed. That's right. Hey, you know what the term is, too, which is just perfectly fitting for this is the executives and the CEOs with what they call the golden parachutes. Yes. Wait, what is that term? What's the golden parachutes? It's like when you come in and you do like what
Starting point is 00:23:14 Craig said, you change a bunch of stuff, you pump it, you pump it up with different subbing this out and changing this, doing the DEI thing, the stock price goes up and right as the stock price goes up and they realize the company as a total is going to shit, they move on to their next company or their next venture with this huge package that they signed on to, regardless of how well long-term the company does. And they call it the golden parachute. They say oftentimes CEOs will get these golden parachutes.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And I just thought it was ironic that we're talking about the boeing it's kind of like gavin newsom in his political career you know he fucked up san francisco so bad they made him governor which he's fucked up so bad he's a perfect candidate for president with those idiots yep did you hear that um uh san francisco is trying to pass a law that if you close down a store that sells food, you have to notify the city six months prior to closing and you have to actively look for a replacement? The radicalization of HR doesn't hurt tech business like it hurts manufacturing business. At Google, they're making a large profit margin and pursuing very progressive hiring policies because they are paying 30 to 40 percent more than the competition in salary. They're able to get the top 5 percent or whatever racial group they want. They can afford, in a sense, to pay the DEI tax and still find top people.
Starting point is 00:24:45 But this can be catastrophic in lower margin legacy companies. You are playing musical chairs. And if you do the same thing that Google is doing, you're going to end up with the bottom 20% of the preferred population. I mean, you could see that by the Fannie Willis case. You can see that that whole district attorney's office is filled with morons and they're all DEI hires. They got the bottom two percent they don't even have mastery over the english language to hire outside of merit is unethical and what we're seeing here is the is the the other cost
Starting point is 00:25:28 we're seeing here is the is the the other cost and that's in the practical so you they implement racist policies which is unethical and the planes are falling from the sky which is tragic um i noticed um and i real i realized part of it is is kind of like it's kind of like looking at what Hitler did for Germany. What do you mean? Profoundly a moral abomination, and they ended up in ruins. We stopped bombing Germany because there was nothing left to blow up. The only thing left to do was to go through the streets and shoot all the people. I mean, we ran out of targets. up the only thing left to do is to go through the streets and shoot all the people you know
Starting point is 00:26:05 i mean there's we we ran out of targets the purpose of the company now and this is reiterating what you said is broad stakeholder value including dei and esg this was the this was then embraced as a means to power which further separated the workforce from the company and is ripping our society apart. Yeah, it's funny. You can see it in these little micro you can see it in what's happening in society in almost every company. You get rid of merit.
Starting point is 00:26:43 When I watch the UFC now, it's the only TV I watch. Every single commercial has people in it that I don't recognize that I hadn't seen before. It's like every commercial now has to have a black person in it. I just saw a movie the other day, and to win the Academy Award, you have to now, to be even nominated for an Academy Award, you have to have certain criteria, DEI criteria. So you have to have a certain amount of black people certain amount of disabled people and the other day like
Starting point is 00:27:08 i was noticing like all of a sudden there was someone in a wheelchair and a shot and there was a dwarf over here and i was like oh what movie was that i just saw um the podcast well yeah this shows like that but we're not trying to do that. No, I know. It was just a joke with the examples you used there. Yeah. We have dwarves and disabled people and lesbians. We have the whole gambit here, but we choose them based. They don't have to worry about it.
Starting point is 00:27:36 They will only choose for their merit. That's right. It was a movie that John Cena was in. What's that movie on Netflix John Cena's in? It was actually a funny movie i was actually surprised it's either on netflix or amazon john cena the dude who apologized in mandarin because he upset his ccp overlords oh did it really yeah don't you remember when he said something about taiwan or whatever and a few
Starting point is 00:28:04 like less than a month later he's literally on Twitter speaking Mandarin, apologizing for his oversights in the language he used. I mean, you can't tell me that you're just a CCP puppet at that point. It's like him and LeBron James and all the, and even The Rock, I would say. You know, once you try to reach that multi-billion dollar market over there in China, they'll start bending over backwards for those communists. I support a one China. I think that Taiwan ought to take the mainland. That too. Boeing is the most visible example because every problem, like say a bolt that fails off, gets amplified. But this is happening everywhere around us and it's going to have a huge effect.
Starting point is 00:28:48 DEI and ESG became a way to stop talking honestly to employees. That's right. In fact, I go back to the Cluetrain manifesto. That corporate speak is there loud and cleared in the DEI. There's such a lack of logic or morality to that thing that the best of DEI writing reads like AI writing. And the key to spotting AI is that each sentence makes sense, but the prose is taking you nowhere. There's no path. There's no structure.
Starting point is 00:29:41 There's no argument. There's no conclusion. It's just nostrum the the best of ai looks like your run-of-the-mill new york times piece right if you notice this trend in journalism to like you can't get to the fucking point i I'm a thousand words in and I don't see how this relates to the headline yet. Background, background, background, background, Jesus, and aside. You know, it's nuts.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I don't think there's people in the, I don't think there's editors anywhere to tell you, listen, just get to the fucking point here. I still have words you need. i don't know what you're talking about until i get down to here why don't we pull all this shit about how you feel about it out and and and how about this this summary judgment in the middle of the goddamn thing when i still don't know what the topic is let's take it out too i understand the conclusion you've come to but i don't know about
Starting point is 00:30:45 what hey um if you if you get uh if you go to youtube and you type in diddy and you get in that algorithm like i got in that algorithm i watched 20 diddy videos it became clear it was all just you jumbled up say it again when when i went to uh if you go to youtube and you type in diddy and you get that in your algorithm like I did and I watched like 20 Diddy videos that were from five minutes to 26 minutes long right over a three-day period so everything they're offering me is on Diddy what I realized and I'm not sure exactly how it works but I've seen it with making clips you can just you can have AI write you something now and says hey can, can you write me something that's 1,000 words or 5,000 words about Diddy?
Starting point is 00:31:28 It'll write it. Then you can put it into some other software, and it will start pulling clips from the internet and cover it with what the AI wrote. And so there's all of these clips talking about Diddy, and none of them offer anything new, and they're just different iterations of the same speculation. It wild they have that so greg i can take a clip from this show i can take this show and i can put it into some cheap ai software it'll break it into 50 clips and then there's a little toggle button and i can toggle the button that says insert pictures and so if you said yeah the the country's going down in flames it'll have some flames across the screen as you say that. And so basically what I'm tying this to is not only is the New York Times like that, but YouTube is now filling up with that.
Starting point is 00:32:12 It's absolutely, it's such, it's so easy to make propaganda now. It's so easy to make propaganda now. Yeah, I think it always has been good point there's a there's a virus like or pre-arm like nature to the to liberalism that it's a skill it's not a logic it there's it's not a logical position but there is a skill. It's not a logic. It's not a logical position, but there is a skill to turning your every utterance into some supporting liberal bullshit. It's like being in character. And it's an easy thing to imitate. It's an easy thing to mimic.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And it's an easy thing to imitate. It's an easy thing to mimic. Before I became well-known, I had this fantasy of going up to Santa Cruz, UC Santa Cruz, growing my hair long and starting riots and then writing liberal like me, you know, the black like me Howard Griffin book. Yeah, yeah. It would be so easy to get in that mix and make yourself famous spewing absolute horse shit.
Starting point is 00:33:29 You know that guy died, right? Yeah. From cancer. Yeah, I do. From making himself black. I don't think he'd die, though, pretending to be a liberal. Alan Sokol basically did that with the with his spoof
Starting point is 00:33:47 the bullshit science crowd is also the left by the way in case anyone's missed that we need to tear off the veil of all this coded language that's being used everywhere. Our elites – I'm still reading from the article. Our elites need to recover some sense of service to people.
Starting point is 00:34:14 They think they have it already because they are reciting these shibbeths. I don't know what that means. A custom or principle of beliefs distinguishing a particular class or group of people. Okay. Am I pronouncing that word right? Shibbeth? Because they're reciting these shibbeths of moral virtue. I'm serving, quote, I'm serving because I'm repeating what everyone else is saying about DEI, close quote.
Starting point is 00:34:36 It's a form of chief self-love that is being embraced by leaders. If you pay the tax to DEI gods or the ESG gods and use coded language with your workforce, that's corporate talk. It absolves you of the hard work of really leading. I mean there's obviously a huge vacuum of leadership. It's entirely an affectation. I was – something that you did so well. Um, this CrossFit cult or this CrossFit community is like raising a shitload of kids and kids need leadership and kids need boundaries. And when within those boundaries, they need to be like free within those boundaries and the,
Starting point is 00:35:19 and the boundaries, there are no boundaries with a DEI. It's just chaos. There's no real fucking leadership. And so when you were there, you told us, hey, you kept telling us. You kept messaging the community. This is CrossFit. This is CrossFit. Forging elite fitness. Cure for the world's most vexing problem.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Work capacity, broad time, and modal domains. You kept giving us, hey, guys, these are the boundaries. These are the boundaries. This is what we are. Hey, guys, nutrition is at the base of the pyramid. Hey guys. And there was just constant, constant boundaries, letting people know. And then we existed as a, as a community and harmony working together under that leadership, those strict rules. And if you don't have those strict definitions, it's fucking chaos. And that's what I really, um, since the, the last show,
Starting point is 00:36:06 when we were talking about what you said about, um, giving the money to you or giving it to private equity, that's, I realized, Oh shit, that was Greg. Greg was not only the CEO, but he was the chief messaging officer. And we, and there is, there isn't that now there's a vacuum in the, uh, talking space to the, um, to CrossFitters, to messaging, and that's why we just have utter chaos right now. from protecting affiliates at all costs because they were delivering this revolution in health and fitness to, we got to make some money. And I remember when I met with one of the senior VPs at Family Fitness, he was talking to his
Starting point is 00:37:06 CEO on the phone and I was out in the hallway and he says, this guy's a complete fucking trip. It's like all he cares about is fitness. No, seriously, dude, that's it. That's his whole thing.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It's all he thinks about. And so the CEO wanted to meet me. Never met a guy like that. Is that the guy we met in Malibu? And his son? No, that was LA Fitness. Oh. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:37:47 It was easy to rip through that industry and just be the dominant force because you just talked about fitness doing it correctly doing it efficiently doing it effectively and making it widely available to anybody idiots in academia had a definition for fitness and i could tell exactly what they did i could tell exactly what they did they passed the fucking hat around and let everyone add some elements. But it had 35 or 40 pieces in this big old fucking run-on sentence, way too many commas and terms. And of the elements, there were only two that were actually quantifiable. And we suspected, Lon Kilgore turned me on to this.
Starting point is 00:38:22 This is from the ACSM. And the suspicion was that they didn't mean power and energy in the sense that i did because it was in there with vitality well-being all the things that all this psychosocial bullshit it's like they accidentally got it right with those words yeah yeah like look at this power i wonder what they mean by that they never made it to that sentence i wonder what they mean by that well to the point where you were talking about earlier it's like if i reflect on it when we were just talking about the boeing and the parallels of crossfit here i'm thinking back and i'm like wow the messaging that i heard under
Starting point is 00:38:58 your leadership greg was we have the cures for the world's most vexing problem the education and you pushing forward in that and then how to protect the affiliates from regulation of government to step in between them and the people that they were serving. And then now when I reflect back on what we've heard over the last couple of years, it's how more people are going to show up inside of my affiliate. And the ironic part about that is when we focused on education, the professionalization of the trainer and in excellence as our North Star, ironically enough, more people showed up inside my affiliate. Then when we focused on bringing people into my affiliate, the whole entire community or
Starting point is 00:39:35 that framework that Siobhan was talking about just kind of crumbled away. If you make for any kind of service, if you make a family tree of your clientele and everyone should do this it's it's kind of easy to do you know where did where did bob come from where did sue come from where did mary come from i did that with my practice and um i it was interesting because bruce edwards was the key to he was that big node where so many people came from. But interestingly, it was somewhat indirect. I mean, it was people that knew him from sailing and people that knew him, blah, blah, blah, word kind of got out. But what you need to do is the input where you have the greatest control is the quality of the service.
Starting point is 00:40:29 And when you excite that person, they become a marketer for you. And then you start asking around. I asked Dr. Fenderson, the orthodontist in Prescott, the orthodontist in Prescott, who's got 15 chairs and 15 really cute girls basically doing all the shit. And he stands over there with his arms full of looks. And you got a big view of Granite Mountain out these windows. It's the coolest looking practice of any kind of hair salon, dentist's office, whatever, you know, really neat operation and it's the same thing with him who say it's you know friends of of and and family and kids of customers it's not it's not advertising it's not the billboard off the freeway
Starting point is 00:41:15 do a job so good that people won't shut up about it to pile on so It's so cool. I'd get in an elevator with someone, and I'd be there with, say, me, Dave, Nicole, and Dale, and someone would ask, CrossFit, what's that? And we'd all go, ah, geez, you know, I don't know. We couldn't answer the question, and our customers couldn't shut the fuck up about it.
Starting point is 00:41:46 We were tongue-tied, and the customers couldn't shut the fuck up about it. We were tongue-tied and the customers were ecstatic. You don't have to do shit. Put all your thought into the next person, next hour, to your 8 o'clock client. Give her everything, everything, and stay on that path. And pretty soon, when she's getting her hair hair done she wants to talk about her trainer and someone mentions you look good oh yeah now it's it now you open the floodgate she's going to talk about her crossfit class for the next hour she's sitting in her chair getting her hair cut and anybody picked up on some some smoking hottie down south
Starting point is 00:42:28 seve dr will uh-huh and uh first date in um uh she uh said that she has a very close friend who's done work with CrossFit. And so I called Will, coincidentally, while this conversation was going on. And he's, oh, my God, we were just talking about you. And she was saying she has a friend that's an attorney and did some CrossFit work. I knew him. And I go, let's give it a try. And she goes, Justin Nahama.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And I said, you tell my boy Justin I sent my love. So she texts him, and now she's like, she can't believe it, right? Like, I know Justin better than you do, and I don't even know you. Small world. Small world. To pile on to what Sousa was saying, Andrew Hiller was saying, I think it's yesterday, that CrossFit needs to solely focus on what Greg used to focus on. And that is being the preeminent training methodology, lifestyle methodology in the world. And then everything else will fall into place.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Like, hey, don't worry about putting people in the affiliates. Don't worry about giving business advice. Don't worry. Just keep pushing the supporting the fact that it is the ultimate training methodology, lifestyle methodology, and everything like just hold that mantle. That's the old Greg already told us. That's the only mantle we need to hold. And if we hold that, all the good things will come from it. Just keep focusing excellence there. And when he said that, I was like, wow, that that's basically what we did in all in all areas. Everything we were doing, whether it would be talking about medicine or movement or diet, it was always like that's we focused on being the preeminent source for that information.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I remember one time I thought you were crazy when you said this. And it's funny how right you were. I thought you were crazy when you said this, and it's funny how right you were. You wanted the CrossFit Journal to replace the CDC as the home of the one-stop shop for all things health-related. I thought, fuck, that's nuts. But now you flash forward. Actually, after we went through COVID, I mean, whether we ever made it to the top, they fell from the top, right? And I finally saw what you saw. Like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:44:48 If you want to figure out, God, this is going to get, I hope this doesn't get the video pulled. But if you want to figure out how to stay away from COVID and stay healthy and live as long as you can, do not go to the CDC website. Stick to the CrossFit Journal. It's that simple. You know, I used to say that I don't know what the charter of the ACSM or the NSCA or the CDC is, but I would presume it to be something about providing reliable information about health and lifestyle choices, salient lifestyle choices and their implications, you'd hope. lifestyle choices, salient lifestyle choices and their implications, you'd hope. And then when you see that whether that was the charter or not, that nothing like that is being done,
Starting point is 00:45:38 that in fact the practice is somewhat antithetical to being honest, which is what it's dishonest, and a lot of supported bullshit science and cover up of its failures. Why am I going here? Basically, they have a charter. Abandoned mantle. The mantle is abandoned. Someone needs to take it. And it starts by, hey, let's do this.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Let's just tell people the truth. And that's where we got that tagline. Let's start with the truth and see what happens just do that how about not lying for a while there was the message there is the more good messaging let's start with the truth i'm looking i went to the acsm website and i'm looking if they if i can find their uh charter you know it's funny too going back to what we're talking about of like the focus on what hq focuses on or what even affiliates uh owners should focus on it's also written in the methodology greg already talked about it he said you you look at your inputs you decide on your inputs and you measure your outputs and if it's not lining up with what you had hoped it you just
Starting point is 00:46:41 go back and change those inputs do it for a a little bit, and measure the outputs. And you don't even really need to talk about exactly what the plan is or anything. But if you just use that formula, you could continue to move until you're on target with what you're trying to accomplish. So if you're an affiliate owner and you're focusing on your ad buying through Facebook and your next great video that's coming out and your outputs are showing less and less people are coming through the door, then maybe change your inputs to focusing on the woman at the eight o'clock class,
Starting point is 00:47:10 give them everything you possibly can educate them, help them improve their life when they're in front of you for your hour and watch what happens with those outputs. She starts bringing in another friend and another friend, the kid that's developing my project, my project manager and the build next door. And this is independent of the construction contractor, independent of the architect, independent of interior design crew. The family has a development guy that's Elliot who's managing the project. And when this kid graduated from college, he flipped a couple hundred houses his first year
Starting point is 00:47:48 in real estate and he's now he now he builds multi-million dollar houses and lives in them a few years and then sells them and builds another bigger one and he's just you know he's got it going on but I recognize in everything he does, I recognize the approach. And if I were to tell you, I'd go, hey, this guy's really a trip. All he thinks about is real estate and building and homes and property values. He's a committed professional. following world war dirt lot where a super church had gotten so big it had to move with its huge congregation right tv quality church popular and he bought the parking lot from him and then made a plan for 38 single family units on the thing and pushed it through city council in Mesa and
Starting point is 00:48:50 got it approved on the basis of an animation of the final project and got me involved with it but before breaking ground, well first off we picked up the dirt got approved for the project and then on the basis of the animation one from the city uh best new design in mesa for the year and it's already we can sell the dirt now before even putting a shovel in it yeah and we've made money already yep like this is, this is easy. But, you know, I would have done it myself, except I don't know anything of what Elliot knows and I don't care as much as he does and I'm not as smart as,
Starting point is 00:49:32 but his obsession with this makes it a sure thing. And we're going to build these 38 units and keep them and rent them out. Amazing. And then I'll do it again and I'll do it again. And I'll do it again. You know? Yep. Wow. How do you get in on that? What's the lowest barrier to entry for price? I'll throw my hat. The values, you know, the quality and the commitment and, you know, a floor buckles and he's there to have it fixed. And I got this with my builder. It's really neat to deal with professionals.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And everything that's going on at Boeing looks like none of that. They fired all those people. They fired those people and outsourced it. Imagine outsourcing a critical piece of airplane to a company that doesn't have an engineering department, and
Starting point is 00:50:31 they know it, so they punt. Without you knowing, they've outsourced it to someone else. How about the missing defective parts, Seve? There's a whole rack of defective parts that... Three or four hundred.
Starting point is 00:50:47 And they disappeared, and it turned out they got installed. On one of the 737 Max's, the pilot was having trouble with the tail, so they get in there, and there was an aluminum assembly ladder left in the tail section, and it got
Starting point is 00:51:03 tangled up with the screw that moves the tail and they left a ladder holy shit yeah a ladder yeah that blind dude working there that's the only way you could do that yeah they had a three or four the report says they had three or four hundred parts that were defective parts they had them them in a pile. They were never cataloged. And then the parts went missing and they realized that they had reinstalled them into the planes, the defective parts. Where are the parts? There they are. On that plane that just took off. In 1946, Coca-Cola president Robert Woodruff brokered an agreement with Emory University
Starting point is 00:51:46 to sell 15 acres of land to become the CDC campus for $10. So basically, Coca-Cola is the, you could say, is the founder of the Center of Disease Control. They gave the land to the U.S. government so they would build it right next
Starting point is 00:52:04 to the fucking Coca-Cola factory I want to say this too to you guys we were involved with a FOIA on that and Rona Applebaum and all that shit, the infection the Coca-Cola infection
Starting point is 00:52:20 CDC rises to the top they got that poison running in their veins crazy we will do everything in the world around chronic disease except discuss openly and honestly can't touch everything but everything but that i bet you you can find someone on the cdc board that was that also uh works at coca-cola too the hour is a really well-paid consultant i bet you that wouldn't be i bet you that wouldn't be hard to find something you guys should know too let me let me just put this in context this is a really well-paid consultant. I bet you that wouldn't be hard to find. Something you guys should know too, let me just put this in context. This is a little off subject here, but in the 20th century, which is basically 1901 to 1999,
Starting point is 00:53:14 500,000 people died of polio in the United States. And the biggest year, the most amount of people that ever died was in 1952, where 3,000 people died of polio. of people that ever died was in 1952 where 3 000 people died of polio to put that in context a hundred thousand people between the age of 19 and 45 will die this year from fentanyl overdose so in the next five years people between the ages of 19 and 45 will die from more people will die from fentanyl overdose than died in a hundred years from polio will die from more people die from fentanyl overdose than died in 100 years from polio because context is so important right great question heidi is coca-cola gonna buy boeing uh someone needs to make an app that helps you book flights based on plane type
Starting point is 00:54:08 wow oh shit wow yep i would have changed my flights immediately if i had that i doubt yeah download that tomorrow yeah yeah if you just information on when was this boeing bill okay they still had the real engineers there all right okay that's gonna check out and you get notified if there's been a plane swap. Ding, yours has been switched out. Nope, I'll take the next flight out, please. This is a great question. Greg has some experience with this, I think, recently.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I know that Greg has given talks at universities, UVA for sure. What his faith in the university system, was his faith in the university system better back it better? Was his faith in the university system better back then or has it faded with time? What was the goal of those? Yeah. Thanks for the question, Jason. It looks like this. You know, I remember there was a moment where I was honestly musing with Russ Green. I said, it's crazy. I mean, we find corruption only where we've looked. I mean, it's everywhere. And it takes a while to realize that everything's bullshit. It comes
Starting point is 00:55:13 painfully one thing at a time. I've really enjoyed the awakening of RFK Jr. You know, that's what we're witnessing, by the way, an honest politician getting smarter at 69 70 years old he's getting smarter every day and you actually get to see it unfold kind of like the south park kids growing up you know um matt and trey the the uh it's it's a cool thing and it gives you it gives you hope and what am i talking about we saw it happen to tucker carlson also we saw it happen to we saw it happen to joe rogan i mean there's a bunch of people who are in the um limelight who we saw who we've seen wake up uh uh not richard who's the comedian guy um we saw it happen to him uh bron brannigan bran bron i always get him mixed up with richard branson but uh
Starting point is 00:56:05 yeah greg you've spoken probably at a dozen universities at least right i mean are you spoken at harvard a half dozen times yeah i've gotten yeah more more to answer the question again so the the quality of the problem at the university, I have no faith in him none at all none at all, it's a disaster it's a time to reset even when you went to, what was the college you went to
Starting point is 00:56:38 in Michigan recently, even there, there were some quackadoodles Hillsdale doodles hillsdale hillsdale yeah uh braylon uh tender fitness competitor greg what's the number one sign of an athlete uh needing rest well like i don't want to do i don't want to do tired is needing rest right yawning you know maybe so i'm just you know, being tired from a need for rest and the need for rest. I'm hearing we're dancing around the subject of overtraining and there's a preclinical manifestation of overtraining that's simply just mood state. And so when I would come in in the morning and, hey, everybody, and no one looks at me. And, you know, you just kind of then do a little survey. What have the last few episodes been like?
Starting point is 00:57:32 And if it was super rigorous, it might be time to throttle back. And you can see in yourself when your enthusiasm for the workout is gone, the next thing you're going to see is retrograde performance. And now I've got a classical marker, a metric. I can quantify the overtraining by the retrograde performance. And so you should be working out hard enough that you're sore, you feel it, you're tired, but you can't wait to get back in when it's time to go back in. So it might be like if you go on Friday, fuck, that was hard.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Fucked up, went home and crashed. But Sunday, yeah, I'm good to go again. And it's fine. It's fine. If Sunday, you're like, oh, fuck, workout, really? God, that came fast. Shit. Tuesday, you're like, oh, fuck, workout, really? God, that came fast. Shit. And now Tuesday, you hit it again. And, you know, I've seen UFC Hall of Famer crying because we're going to go easy today.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Like, tear up. Thank you. Big hug. I needed this. Yeah. You can see it in a group. You can feel it in the aura of your
Starting point is 00:58:53 20 people that morning. You'll know. If you care about them, you'll feel it in the energy. You have to learn to do that for yourself. Jody Lynn, i have a friend making six figures who just left pratney and whitney because of this unethical ridiculousness making planes dangerous she couldn't handle it oh shit well my my king air has two pratt and whitney engines on it so thanks for the heads up i would short every one of the esgdei companies every
Starting point is 00:59:28 fucking one of them shorter they've lost going down taking it they've taken the nba poison pill they're gonna have a good q123 drive the stock up and then their planes will fall from the sky so will that stock price yeah i would expect you know the equivalent of hershey would be to start putting rat shit in the chocolate right that's right yep it's already there uh cross uh uh tyler crossfit has a formula that made it the fastest growing chain ever and they decided to take another route Are they insane or retarded in intellect? Because that seems to be the only explanation. Yeah, why not just use the formula that was used forever? Tyler, if you're looking for an argument, you need another subject.
Starting point is 01:00:20 What else you got, kid? What else you got, kid? If the company wasn't purchased to dismantle, I see no evidence of that. I've been looking. I've been looking. Oh. I would like to know,
Starting point is 01:00:44 and I invite anyone to bring me something that would be like, oh, no, fuck, they're really trying to, you know. One of their key people said they're conducting a master class in how to destroy a healthy business. One of their key people. I told a member of my box today about what Greg is doing with broken science. Her response, we should, she's a PA. I don't know what that means. Oh, a physician assistant. We should take anything he says with a grain of salt. Yeah, please. Everyone should take everything.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Everyone says with a grain of salt. That was her rebuttal to that. She goes, yep. That's exactly what his point was actually. Yeah. Thank you. Wow. She goes, yep, that's exactly what his point was, actually. Yeah. Yeah, thank you. Wow. She must have gone to the broken science seminar. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:32 That's amazing. Isn't it? Yeah. She goes, oh, she tried to do it as a warning, and the person goes back, yeah, actually, that's what he's teaching us. Discernment. Yeah, that's it. That's everything. It feels like a setup. that's what he's teaching us discernment yeah that's it that's everything that's uh
Starting point is 01:01:47 it feels like a it feels like a setup uh jane jane uh janelle winston i really don't want to fly anymore thanks guys yeah you know that that video i showed you um is just from two days ago with the engine cover coming off the plane and uh that pretty much did it for me too. I was already like, I'm not flying anywhere, but that really did it. I tell you what, my pilot, Mike, the guy who runs CrossFit Air, we got two planes and he takes care of them. And there's maintenance schedules for everything. CrossFit Air. We got two planes and he takes care of them. And there's maintenance schedules for everything. And there's a range of dates and times. And we make hard stops on the front end of
Starting point is 01:02:34 all those dates. So if you need to replace something every 600 to 1,000 hours, we don't fly past 600 with that unaddressed.'s over and he does the same thing for his if he drinks or not number of landings after dark in that particular aircraft his certifications still walks around the plane and wiggles things kicks the tires you know checks for moisture in the fuel every fucking time. I remember my first pilot, he wasn't a professional safety pilot. He knew how to fly a plane and he was managing the Reebok relationship. But he'd read books and shit and do all kinds of stuff up.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Mike's never like that he's he's always paying attention but i feel safer in my own plane than i do uh flying commercially that was the pilot who uh we couldn't get the door closed on the plane and we flew uh from san diego to santa cruiser with the door open no no that was the pilot before then when when my when my pretend pilot real pilot the pretend pilot sabotaged the hinges on the doors so they wouldn't seal just took a screwdriver to the set mechanism for the doors and so up at altitude savvy and i were sitting in the plane how warm was it savvy um my foot was so numb i thought i was gonna die from the cold air blowing right directly on my foot and i had to pee so bad that was that was the only time i think i don't know what what the medical condition is, but I felt poisoned.
Starting point is 01:04:25 When we landed, I held my peace so long, I felt like I had been poisoned. Holy shit. Reverse pismosis. Imagine that. Imagine the pilot sabotaging the airplane. I can't imagine it it was exactly in character for that young man
Starting point is 01:04:50 jeez I was thinking about that the other day some day that might just be fun to do to sit and tell all the stories go through all those stories a 2017 female pilot
Starting point is 01:05:06 freak out let me see if that gets me listen to pilots epic let me see oh wow wow this is going to be interesting let's see if I can pull this up is interesting. Let's see if I can pull this up.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Is this it? Let's see. What the hell? The rest of the passengers over the intercom. Passengers, please. What was happening? She said, let's take a vote. How many of you would like to take off?
Starting point is 01:05:57 You mentioned that. A gentleman stood up. Damn. She was ahead of her time for DEI. A pioneer, if you you will When was that? Enough you're scaring me Another passenger Randy Reese Are these people getting off the plane?
Starting point is 01:06:14 Yeah this guy's pissed He got up and said hey you're scaring me I'm off I'm shaking right now The captain demonstrated that she was not Mentally in a safe space She said sorry I'm going through now. The captain demonstrated that she was not mentally in a safe space. She said, sorry, I'm going through a divorce. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Hey. Oh, man. How is it like, hey, something's wrong with you, and the excuse is, yes, something is wrong with me. The person they should interview is her husband. Why is she even dressed like that if she's the captain of the plane affirmative action hire oh so she said to a mixed race couple did I offend female pilots that knew how to fly. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Well, thank you for that. I mean, I guess at the end of the day, we just have to remember that everyone doing everything is just a person. And we know half the people are fucking crazy. Speaking of flying, are you coming out here today? No, it's tomorrow now. Oh, shit. I know.
Starting point is 01:07:36 We have our 3D ultrasound today at 11. And I was thinking of jumping in after that. But the King Air is ready tomorrow. Oh, that's nice. That's nice. So I'm going to jumping in after that, but the King Air is ready tomorrow. Oh, that's nice. That's nice. So I'm going to come in the morning. I'm going to come early. What is tomorrow?
Starting point is 01:07:53 Friday? Thursday. Tomorrow's Thursday. Yeah. Oh, that's even better. And I don't have to report to duty until Saturday. Will you be here at 11 for opening hours? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:07 I'd love to. In fact, I was thinking of hitting Mike up and seeing how early we could blow Dodge here. When can't, can you take off when you have your own plane? Can you take off anytime you want 24 hours a day? Or in the commercial airports,
Starting point is 01:08:24 they have, you you know operating hours like in watsonville though we could leave anytime like you could land there at 3 a.m scottsdale i'm assuming that the fbo has hours of operation but i don't know there must be people coming in from around the world all times at night right so i would think that's probably 24 7 but i know i know sky harbor isn't it that's the phoenix airport yeah there's noise abatement regulation for the big airports i can remember landing in airports at times when you get off the plane and the airport's closed. And so you can't even walk around the airport. You fly privately into Toronto and land after 10 p.m.
Starting point is 01:09:15 And the tower will tell you they're sorry, but customs is closed and gone home for the day. And you just get off the bird and you go on the way out. U.S. customs is I don't see your entry stamp. And before I can explain, he goes, oh, you arrived after 10? I go, yeah. And the guy shakes his head and closes his eyes. And I'm like, wow, it's that complicated. Go charter, get there at 10.30.
Starting point is 01:09:42 You're fine, man. It doesn't matter what's in the bag. You show up at 9.30, and they're going to keep you there at 1030. You're fine, man. Doesn't matter what's in the bag. You show up at 930 and they're going to keep you there until 10, I guess, until they have to go home. Yeah, closing time. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique,
Starting point is 01:10:02 so your business insurance should be too. Whether you're a shop owner, a pet groomer, a contractor, or a consultant, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Whether you're a shop owner, a pet groomer, a contractor, or a consultant, you can get customized coverage for your business. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. Holy shit. My dad flew Medivac into King Air for for 15 years in the states uh janelle or outside the country yeah that is cool the military version of the king air and the medical version there's a spy version they're
Starting point is 01:10:39 all cool there's the drug courier version too right wasn't it the preferred plane for um uh drugs back and forth from south america to the u.s i'm sorry there's a drug uh like a a version that was preferred by the cartel too right wasn't the king air the preferred plane i don't know but it's got you know short takeoff and landing and it's uh one of the bigger things you can put down on gravel and shit. You chip up the propellers and it's – Mike doesn't ever want to do it, but it's kind of like beaching a jet ski. I looked up, is it cool to beach a jet ski? And my favorite was definitely, but someone else's.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Not your own. That's a rental. Beaching means you just drive it right up onto the sand yeah and in sand potentially no harm but you can suck shit up i mean it just shouldn't be done it's not it's not good practice hey i can show you on the river and the lake sunken jet skis really yeah what causes them to go down you pierce the hide on the bottom and it goes down like a rock wow if uh land if land i didn't even think about that landing on a dirt strip would fuck up the propellers everything it kicks out your propellers made of carbon? When Biden went to Capitola to pretend to care about the storm damage, he flew it into San Jose and then took Marine One to Watsonville
Starting point is 01:12:14 and the helicopters landed there at the airport. And when they took off, there were rocks on the runway, you know, this big that got blown from the helicopters taken off they kind of fucked up our our runway do you remember that we were coming back and we had to delay a land till they got they got clueless joe out and cleaned the runway i remember i i was in um sunnyvale and i saw um i saw air force one land and it was massive and then i did see through the three helicopters then you know 30 minutes later take off and start heading towards watsonville i remember that three big massive helicopters why do they do that so you don't
Starting point is 01:12:57 know which one he's in well they they wanted to get him to capitola and but why three helicopters oh so you don't know which one to shoot, maybe. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I watched a helicopter land at Pierce College in the San Fernando Valley at Marine One Land, and the door opens up, and then I saw Reagan walking with a team underneath the bleachers. He arrived by car,
Starting point is 01:13:23 but they still sent the bird to look like he was going to. Oh, wow. He wasn't even in the fucking thing, and everyone was looking at the wrong place, and he walked right by us. Like, oh, fuck, look, that's him. You know? Imagine they go, hey, he's not going in,
Starting point is 01:13:43 and we think that someone's going to try and shoot it down. So you guys go and we'll take them with us. You guys go in the helicopter. We're going to get discovered on the back door. Yeah. We're worried about terrorists. There's a report of someone with a stinger. Uh,
Starting point is 01:13:58 CrossFit has a similar story. I was at a world series game. They had five limos, uh, spoke to secret service. The current president was actually in a suburban i guess that all makes sense multiple diversions all right so you'll be here uh tomorrow and then and then how many days are you staying i'm gonna be there i'm gonna in early, so we'll be there.
Starting point is 01:14:25 We'll have Thursday and Friday, and again, I don't have to report to duty until Saturday. Okay. Going to be down in Malibu. Nice. And then from there to Bora Bora or Tora Tora? What's that place called? Bora Bora.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Four seasons. Have you seen it yet? Have you looked at it on the pictures? No, but I have a... Oh, shit. It is that. I thought maybe it might be that.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Are you in one of those rooms that's out on the water? I'm sure. Oh, it's that one that goes all the way out there and it has the little rooms right off the beach. The farther away, the nicer the Four Seasons. I've only been to one that wasn't nice and it was horrible, and that was the one in Orlando that serves Disney World. Yeah, I could see that one being shitty.
Starting point is 01:15:23 It was shitty. Wow, dude, look at this shit how do these rooms not get blown away by a fucking hurricane or some shit this is insane dude four seasons doesn't put up with that hurricane bullshit hey when we call when maggie calls them now, Seve, when she calls directly to the Bora Bora number, they answer, hey, Maggie. We got the bat ring going with them. So you don't have to explain shit.
Starting point is 01:16:09 I assume you just, that water, you could just go in that water that you just wow oh my god dude wait to see this room oh my goodness i can't make it big yeah this looks incredible wow and what are you doing there? Do you have any plans there, like to snorkel or is it just sit around? Just hang out and watch the kids fight and whine. That's perfect. That sounds good. I hope we can do a podcast when you're there. That'll be awesome. The background will be amazing. The background will be amazing. Some of the friends were trying to get me to join this local, I don't know what you call it.
Starting point is 01:16:56 It's like a country club, but it's a hotel that has a social club. And it's got four or five Sam Fox restaurants in it. And I was entertaining the prospects of joining and i'd heard that they have a early breakfast set up and for some reason i was imagining like a four seasons breakfast buffet like they had at seychelles or beijing or wherever the hell we've been because they always do a good job of that but it wasn't it was a continental breakfast and i i couldn't i couldn't get past that i mean like they got that holiday and fucking express the continental breakfast i don't want to right breakfast it's right i was a kid i thought continental meant shitty yeah they have the little boxes of cereal i don't want a continental breakfast bike or hat you know and a carton of milk hey dude i didn't even know where this is
Starting point is 01:17:45 this so this is out this is south this looks like it's south of hawaii by uh i don't know a thousand miles three thousand miles i mean you're gonna be in the this must be one of the most isolated places on the planet you're going to i wonder how close this is to easter island this is wild where you're going i don't know but i would trust four seasons they could put you down where the headhunters are and you'd have a good experience you're 4 000 miles off the coast of peru and about 4 000 miles off the coast of australia you're like right in the middle of the fucking south pacific oh that's cool i mean you probably knew all that that place looked amazing just to get up early and watch the sunrise with some coffee
Starting point is 01:18:26 and a good book and just sit there as the water's calm and just and about 7,000 miles south of Alaska and another like looks like 7,000 miles north I went in with Bruce on that boat
Starting point is 01:18:41 oh yeah congratulations on the Greek islands yeah the boat's greek islands yeah we just get all the boats gonna live in athens and we'll go see it do people sleep on it yes sleep six comfortably bruce says so i i hear that is like three comfortably right right right kind of like a 12-man tent. Six are going to hate life. 12 is impossible. I'm going down to Carson for a semifinal. In the Airbnb, it's like two bedrooms, sleeps 15. I'm like, uh-oh. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:19:17 Carson. They're doing a semifinal in like eight weeks at that venue again. Basically, the way CrossFit's done it is they've outsourced their semifinals. And so the guy, Dylan Malinsky, the guy who runs Wadapalooza, is in charge of the semifinal for the Western North America. And it's going to be down in Carson. Is that the Loud and Lively crowd? Yeah. O. And it's going to be down in Carson. Is that the loud and lively crowd? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Yep. O'Keefe used to be there. Now O'Keefe is now the CEO of a Fraser's company, um, HWPO. And so you would know Dylan, you would know Dylan if you saw him, he's awesome.
Starting point is 01:19:58 He was the, I'm sure you guys had a very, you would be fond of him. He, um, he was the kid that, uh, back in the early days was the floor commentator with Kiki. Really handsome, shorter guy, buff. He was the floor commentator for CrossFit stuff.
Starting point is 01:20:19 You say Kiki, I'm there still. You're still thinking about Kiki. And so basically they're having an event down there. So I was going to go down there hopefully and film the behind the scenes in eight weeks. If I get clearance, final clearance from CrossFit. Matter of fact, Dylan just text me.
Starting point is 01:20:32 I got to call him on this. So they've, so they've outsourced the semifinals. Yeah. So basically what happens is they have the open and then they have a virtual quarterfinal. That's just, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:42 just want to do these workouts online and film it. And then the people who quote from there before they go to the games, they have another live event. Is this a cost-saving structure? Yes. I would imagine so. Yeah, because then the cost is put off on someone else. I have to imagine, though, that soon they're going to get rid of that, too. I have to imagine.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Is there only one semifinal? No. Six? Yeah, a handful of them. Two in North imagine only one semi-final no um five six yeah a handful of them two in north america one in europe stuff like that australia not a lot not like 17 or anything like that like back in the day maybe only four excuse me is there gonna be no black people at the games no there will not be any black team competition maybe but no not an individual um no i don't think so probably no middle eastern people probably no jews would you call jews middle eastern no i think they're uh i think they're... They're smack dab in the Middle East. They've fucking been there forever.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Would you say Armenians are Asian? No. Even though we're in Asia, the country's in Asia? No. I don't see it that way, but I don't know. I told my kids they're half Middle Eastern, half Asian. People don't bucket so nicely in my world. That's because you're not racist.
Starting point is 01:22:14 I had Aaron, speaking of Asians, I had Aaron get in here last night. Oh, how was that? I had him on the show once. I'd like to have him on again. Was he a good guest? Yeah, he was a great fucking guest. He's an amazing guest. Easy. just sit back and let him go i have i have a lot of admiration for him he's a dear friend i had jay cooey on too dude and it's crazy um we were i was so matt does a show by himself uh 11 a 11 AM on Tuesday mornings. And we were talking yesterday
Starting point is 01:22:46 and we were talking about the difference in potency of a show. If you have, if you have a hundred thousand people watching who are just CrossFitters versus 1000 people who are watching, who are just affiliates, and you would much rather have the thousand show with the people who are just affiliates, it makes you just such more, it's such a more potent show of like real fucking people, right? Like you want, like if you're in the space and you want to talk to the people in the community talking to the affiliates is is where it's at it gives you it's where you can do your strongest messaging have the deepest conversations the most relevant and um it's interesting it's like that there's a couple guests who are like that it's like that when you have chris cooper
Starting point is 01:23:21 on but jay cooey too it's like that show might not have a lot of viewers, but holy shit, the response you get from smart people is out of this world. All right, Sebi, let's do this. Let's do the next broken science thing at my house in Santa Cruz. Let's have What's-His-Name out and get with Emily on a date. Who's What's-His-Name, Cooey? I'm sorry? Who's What's-His-Name? Talk to Emily about a date and let's do Who's what's his name? I'm sorry? Who's what's his name?
Starting point is 01:23:47 Talk to Emily about a date And let's invite Affiliates and let's do it through your show And we'll just take The first 50 from when you say Go That can make it out Yes
Starting point is 01:24:02 Taco truck? Yeah and I'll have and i'll have uh mijos come and do the tacos big fire and you know what yeah we'll have fires and let's and it's nice because like we're almost out of chimenea time here in arizona and there's no such thing in santa cruz it's year round you need that chimenea at night the sun goes down. Yeah. Greg, are you serious? We'll do that? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Pick a date. I need to be in town. Yeah, that's important. And you'll do a few ups? Yeah. Yeah. God, dude, that would be awesome. Yeah, that'd be fun.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Yeah, that'd be super cool. Okay. Yeah, i love it and uh um and uh wow okay yeah i love it i absolutely love it that would be fantastic yeah yeah let's set that up let's set that up soon i think i have to be may 6 in uh in la um for a screening. And, you know, Adam and Nathan all made an animated feature in a film in Spain. The animators were there. You get great animators in Spain at a good cost. But all of the voices
Starting point is 01:25:21 are celebrities of the different characters. And so they're having a screening for the thing and the celebrities that did the voices and they like it because I guess they could kind of work from home. Right. Watch the clip, add the voice on the right equipment and send the send the drive in and and you're in the movie. But they're all going to be there. And it's kind of kind of cool. But oh, that's true shelby neal is black that is true there um uh shelby neal is a uh white red-headed freckle girl but her dad's black i forgot about that so there will be a black girl in the games that's i apologize you're right absolutely it's half black you're black oh yeah according well depends. It depends on who you go with.
Starting point is 01:26:05 The KKK said if you were 1% black, you're black, but Hitler had a less stringent... Yeah, it was 20%. If you were 20% Jew, then you were Jew, but 19%, you're still good to go. You don't get thrown in the oven. And you know what's crazy?
Starting point is 01:26:21 I was reading about that when I was researching Otto Warburg, and what's fascinating is the Nazis thought the KKK was way too harsh because they studied the KKK to see how they operate, to see how the liberals operate. And they're like, dude, that 1% rule is too stringent. They're like, you got to take your clothes off, for God's sakes. You can get a better uniform. I'm not even joking. There's a whole thing on that. Hey, and you know who else they studied? Who's the Democrat president who put all the Japanese in jail and took their land? They thought he was too harsh, too.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Roosevelt? Was it? Yeah. Yeah. They thought he was fucking too harsh. They thought it wasn't cool that he wasn't letting the Jews flee and make exceptions to them through Ellis Island, and they thought it was crazy what he did to the Japanese. Yeah, it's wild.
Starting point is 01:27:15 It's funny how even scumbags rate each other. There's always got to be someone lower, someone worse. I know. You think I'm bad? Check out what this guy's doing. Hey, Greg, you know that there's this, you know that if we like passed a law right now, that the only way if you're black or white
Starting point is 01:27:33 that you're allowed to procreate is that you have to choose someone who's of the opposite color, right? So if you're, so I apologize to the Hispanics and Chinese or Asians, you don't get to be in this story, but you just, we just won't let them breed at all. So if you were to do that and you were to make a blend,
Starting point is 01:27:49 you were just to say, hey, in order to just expedite fucking equity, if you're white, you have to have sex with someone who's black, and if you're black, you have to procreate with someone who's white. You know how it works in the Dominican Republic, right? They're all black, but now the racism is on shades. So the lighter-skinned blacks look down on the darker skin backs like there's no it's just to show that like the racism is just in between people's ears. Just that hierarchy, the caste system. It's just it's just the people has nothing. It has nothing to do with you need to realize that you can devolve into this who to tootsi thing where you've got indistinguishable
Starting point is 01:28:27 people, same culture, same religion, same background, same Irish too, right? The Irish too. Like Bloods and Crips. Yeah. Yeah. And the, didn't the Irish. The Red Hats versus the Blue Hats. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, the Norteños and Sireños, they're the two Mexican gangs here. One of them represents like the Mexicans who've been here for at least one generation.
Starting point is 01:28:48 And the other one represents the Mexicans who are who are children of farmers. And those two, they're the bloodiest warriors and fucking in our area. And the dividing line there, Seve, is on Main Street when you cross the Pajaro. And the dividing line there, Seve, is on Main Street when you cross the Pajaro. Right. You slip into Serrano country from Norteño country. Rambler skin tones are so stupid. God, I'm so excited about doing that thing in Larkin Valley.
Starting point is 01:29:25 That'll be awesome. Yeah, me too. Good. Set that up. Can Stuza come? Yeah. I'd appreciate that. I hope I can.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Yeah. I'd love to come. And bring sweet Caleb out too. Caleb? For sure, Heidi. She already paid $1.99. Yeah, I saw that. Look, reserving my spot. $1.99 to reserve, I saw that. Look, reserving my spot.
Starting point is 01:29:48 She paid $1.99 to reserve her spot, yeah. And what about Sleeky? I saw Sleeky wanted to come. For sure, Sleeky. Duh. Yeah. See, we got two people already. And Allison, come home from Costa Rica.
Starting point is 01:30:03 I haven't seen her in forever. She was just on last week. No, but I haven't seen her in person. I haven't been able to put my eyes on her in forever. She was just on last week. No, but I haven't seen her in person. I haven't been able to put my eyes on her in forever. Oh, piano lessons. Your music teacher's there. Coming. Oh, brushing up on the shit that you should have practiced.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Riley wants to learn for Elise for Maggie's birthday. What is that? What's for Elise's birthday. What is that? Is that some, what, who, who what's for release? Is that like some Beethoven? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:30:33 You guys are the best. All right. Excited about Santa Cruz about coming tomorrow and about doing a, doing a gig there. Hey, let's conference call. When you come yesterday, tomorrow,
Starting point is 01:30:44 let's call Emily together. Perfect you come yesterday tomorrow let's call um uh emily together perfect all right i love it all right i feel better about this material than ever you know i fully own it now it's uh it's i almost don't need prep yeah it was fantastic in arizona thank you i really enjoyed that and everyone that came out and i again i i think that some metric of the success was the drop-in of david hastenance you know to have a a world-renowned physicist crash your broken science party 95 years of age is pretty interesting good guy to look up on wikipedia too hastenans h-a-s-t-e-n-e-n-s but he showed up at eight in the morning 95 years old hours early and and uh we took him in and maggie fed him
Starting point is 01:31:39 it's incredible yeah you you know you'd hope to be able to do that to set up an environment where world famous physicists would drop by uninvited and you'd have to make them breakfast in the morning yeah yeah good point right i mean what yeah you leave you leave out dog shit you attract flies you leave out greg glassman you attract world-class physicists i love it yeah totally that's a good party you leave out all right guys back diddy all right thanks right hey the diddy thing you know oh yeah yeah it's like someone's decided he's done yeah like god's done with him yeah and this thing is gonna crescendo and it's it's so damning and he's so fucked and i still i't seen any evidence, but we've seen this process enough.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Yes, yes. He's already losing sponsors and the shit people are saying on him, like friends. Yeah, yeah. It's crazy. If he's done nothing, he's still fucked. Totally, 100%. I haven't heard one person come out to defend him. If he's done nothing, he's still fucked. Totally. A hundred percent. I haven't heard one person come out to defend him.
Starting point is 01:32:54 I don't have sense of what he's done or not quite. I understand there was nudity and drugs. I get that. Well, they're trying to defame him by calling him gay, too. And that's the part that just keeps turning me off. Like, I don't give a fuck if he's gay. What's crazy is it's all black rappers who are doing it to him. Well, what I'm saying is I don't know where this – I don't have any sense of the veracity of any allegations.
Starting point is 01:33:27 But I feel certain he's on his way to prison, which is an odd thing. The machines turn on and it's grinding. Whether he should be thrown in or not is something, but they are lowering him into the grinder, into the chipper. He's going to end up like Weinstein or Epstein. Yeah, one of the Steens.
Starting point is 01:33:43 P. Diddystein. Diddystein. And there's nothing he can do. Nope. Nope. Someone in the pile doing blow didn't want to be in the pile doing blow. Right. She was made to do it.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Right. Maybe do coke and get in that pile of people. I did a bunch of blown MDMA at Diddy's house and got fucked by five dudes. Yeah. All against my will. But then the other story. Like three times a week for years. But you know what, Greg?
Starting point is 01:34:19 The other story is that the other narrative that they keep saying is that no one was fucking the girls and they were all upstairs but you had to go down below and when you went down below it was just gay orgies that's like a the theme that goes over and over that the girls were just a beard it's a bizarre it's bizarre and i keep thinking like why do i care he has he had a billion fucking dollars like what what was he gonna do with it i was having to explain myself to the new york times like and you had beer and wine at these parties right and i'm like what yeah and you paid for that with company money and no it's all my money including the company money i don't know what you're used to dealing with but there ain't no money that ain't mine
Starting point is 01:35:12 i that's nuts i forgot about what you make payroll with my money yeah right yeah such a crazy world and emily's saying you tell me you haven't been to new york times parties where they fucking each other. Try to tell me that. And they like, wow, this is weird. I never went to a CrossFit party where I saw anyone fucking. Unfortunately. Um, that's not true.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Well, I didn't witness that one. Okay. It was happening, but I didn't witness that one okay it was happening but i didn't witness that one i got i took and i just neither of them were crossfit employees i took media hit for that yeah yeah at the at the at the at the rogue party one famous person fucked another famous person with a bunch of famous people watching and i heard about it the next morning because i go to bed at nine o'clock during those things and uh dude it wasn't even my company i never even i i i was never even in that house just to be clear what i was never even in that house where that happened no me neither i didn't make
Starting point is 01:36:26 it to the second i didn't make it to the fun house we went to the boring house and then hey and in defense of bill and katie it didn't happen in the rogue house either but um but it did happen in a house oh that was the well that company's defunct the vcs bought it and destroyed it the again faster house right yeah that's i don't know i don't know what happened to them i don't know what happened to john gilson but um that it happened over there he got he he picked up some venture capital and they got rid of him but hey that being said like i don't have an issue i don't have an issue with that either no i wasn't bothered by it at least i don't have an issue with two super hot athletes living in a house together and fucking bejesus
Starting point is 01:37:04 out of each other all over the house. Do what you want to do. I don't have a problem with it. If it had been my party and they'd asked me to do that, I would have said yes. Yeah, right. Unfit for office. And they got married and they lived happily ever after.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Yeah. I don't like that. You'd have been getting in the way of fate oh yeah john gilson sold to extreme training oh man anything so written with an x where there's not supposed to be an x is just screams tool wow it's not it's not like some some chinese thing with uh with mark walberg investing, you know? You know what's crazy? I can't even believe the UFC succeeded with that name.
Starting point is 01:37:50 I love the UFC, but I feel the same about the word ultimate. Ultimate in anything X. Like, I can't believe X Games succeeded. It's so fucking cheese dick. X Games, the ultimate fighting championships. That's just so... Seve, we used to play this game where you go to it from a blockbuster where they had the boxes of the videos.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Yeah. And I said, pick, pick any, any box at random that has an explosion on it or boobs or in the text uses the word poignant. So if it's the poignant tail eligible box explosion or tits start with any poignant tits or explosion movie yeah and i can get you to
Starting point is 01:38:36 any other one through adjacency just moving oh yeah and so like here's one with a tit but look this one over here is a is an explosion and the one underneath is a poignant tale of two you know and you can work your way through the store that way just looking at tits poignancy and fireballs yeah wow it's something for everyone yeah if you don't like if you don't like tits and you don't like explosions, you're going to love poignancy. Yeah. I like that. God,
Starting point is 01:39:11 I hated that. And the VH, the tapes, that whole thing. I didn't like that phase. Did you said me? Um, I'm really horrible at picking movies.
Starting point is 01:39:21 I can literally sit in front of a TV and watch trailers for 30 or 40 minutes and then just go to bed matter of fact that's what happens to me 99 of the time and so the video store was no different i just couldn't pick anything i would be i would be um it's like when we do the schedule for the podcast susan will ask me when do you want to do it and i go dude do not do that please let just pick a time i cannot choose why didn't you like it i don't know i think i i think i felt that something was better than tape oh oh oh oh oh the dvd thing was like a no-brainer because look we had we had the cd replaced the eight track but i'm still vhsing oh really is that how it happened the order i don't remember yeah we we were listening to music on cds and we're still doing vhs and then the blu-ray oh yes yes yeah oh the blue way that was
Starting point is 01:40:18 the big disc like yes and so if the little cassette was outdated, the big one seems stupid to me too. Right. Okay. I see what you're saying. And the rewinding shit was crazy too. We still put stuff on tape though, right? Magnetic tape is still a thing. It's huge. Avi's music teacher has that in his office, big magnetic tape thing.
Starting point is 01:40:39 Hey, let's get those violins ordered. I want you to have this experience. The squawking isn't at all unpleasant unpleasant it makes kind of a neat sound there's a there's a drama to the violins noise and it's really interesting before the kids can play you really get to hear the instrument right it's not music it's the noise the instrument makes what's the name of that story oh and every time there was any kind of bloodletting there was some some fucking nail-biting violin going on right yes god you have a good memory what's the name of the violin store uh the fiddle factory fiddle farm fiddle sticks i don't know i'll send you the link well we got to get those ordered, though. Okay. It's pretty comical.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Riley is so proud and holds it with this just great flair, and she exaggerates the movements. And Rhett's standing there like we'd ask him to put his thumb up his ass while we took his picture. I mean, he's literally embarrassed. Oh, shit. He can't believe it. You know, it's such a little boy thing.
Starting point is 01:41:49 He's just like, fucking A, man. Playing the violin. And I told him, if you don't like it, we can get you an accordion. Following my musical footsteps. Play that thing proudly after you've had an accordion. That's what your dad made you play yeah yeah i i wanted to be in a rock band and get a bunch of pussy it sounded like a great idea when i was 10 years old and so my dad got me accordion lessons and the get out was no music you can be free
Starting point is 01:42:18 and you lost the virginity at 25 right Right. It delayed everything. Oh my goodness. That's funny. I did watch the TED Talk violin video you sent me where the guy plays Mario Brothers. Yeah, that was cool, right? It's crazy cool. There's a parenting lesson there.
Starting point is 01:42:41 The kid's told that he has to earn his Mario Brothers time by playing the violin. By the time he's to earn his his uh mario brother's time by playing the violin so by the time he's 14 years old he's playing in symphonies just to get to that fucking mario brother's crack hey uh so um i signed my kids up for a surf camp that's happening. I should actually send it to Maggie. The dates it's four days long and it's in June, but my kids don't really swim so good. Right.
Starting point is 01:43:13 So I signed them up for 40 swim lessons in the next 60 days. Perfect. And so they did day two and it's with a swim team, like a little kid swim team. Good. So, but everything, everything my my kids do they're so fucking good at right because they've just practiced shit over and over well i've taken
Starting point is 01:43:30 them to the swim thing the teacher gave them their own lane every day the two days we've gone at least one of my kids have cried they can't even swim across the pool it's fucking crazy carnage every time they show up it's so fucking crazy dude the teachers the swim coach is like okay my toasting boys you get your own lane over here because they got the board other kids are just like coming out of the water doing strokes my kids still have the boards and they're kicking across it's nuts dude i'm like god i'm a shitty parent but it's going to be a good 40 days hey in two days they're like a thousand time percent better swimmers than they were before you know what i mean yeah just doing the qualitative and quantitative analysis with the kids the math and english related things
Starting point is 01:44:12 i'm drowning my outsourced list now includes uh music uh guns uh radio radio music guns radio bees fishing slash boating distinct from sailing martial arts and there was another one that's not on there you're going to do what are those things called not a beehive
Starting point is 01:44:42 but you're getting a beehive. Yeah. Well, you're putting it on colonies of, uh, Santa Cruz born Queens from local vegetation. We've got Southeast facing slopes,
Starting point is 01:44:55 Karen, her bee guys say that the yard's perfect. So I'm gonna try and meet with them while we're there too. Um, which yard are you going to do it in? You're going to do it in your wow my kids will probably learn about bees then by by proxy yeah oh that's gonna put the queen in the whole the whole bit it's exciting yeah i'm coming out can i bring my kids to watch that
Starting point is 01:45:18 absolutely and then and if your kids aren't in town the the bees need help, my kids will do it. That's crazy. Absolutely. Seve, remember you're black. Most black people don't like the water. Fair. Fair enough. Hey, Greg, I want to ask you. Sorry, before you go, since I have you here, I might as well bring this up really quick and ask you if you remember this. Someone asked me if my kid did um isr
Starting point is 01:45:48 and my kid and my kid did do isr um and this is kawaii yeah my kid did do isr at greg's house in um let me see if i can uh entire screen see if i can that was a great i know what you're gonna show it was an epic moment yeah so we were out we were out on your street and my kid avi saw joanne walk up i don't know how to play it but do you remember he just got out in the road and started he ran a mile down the road look there's robbie avi just took off he saw joe he saw the isr instructor and just ran a mile down the road do you remember that yeah took off he's fucking three years old he's like i'm out he's just crying look at him he's like he's running from the tsunami yeah looking back for yeah got the helmet on completely fucking damaged from isr
Starting point is 01:46:49 that was wild wasn't it yeah i mean you're watching your kid get waterboarded right that's rough for everyone all right you gotta go all right love you love you and i'll see you tomorrow bye matt come early bye great seeing you yeah that was wild he's like we we were we were playing in the driveway and the isr instructor it was the inventor the founder of isr rolled up and he'd worked with her the day before and he just saw her and just fucking threw down his he was on a um on a scooter just threw it down and just started running i'm out of here oh greg paid for my babies to do isr such a gift oh that's awesome i saw that um someone sent me a link today to uh the author of um matt fraser's i guess
Starting point is 01:47:54 matt fraser has a book a biography and the author of his book proudly claim is excited because he writes for the ready for this? Vice New York Times and Rolling Stone. If I wrote for either, if I wrote for one of those, I would be so fucking embarrassed. I wonder if Matt knew that. Why would you choose
Starting point is 01:48:18 someone like that? He probably chose it on that, dude. No. Yes, because I don't think he looks like somebody who's really like looking into the validity or how journalism is working, if you want to call it that, with these certain media outlets. I mean, it just makes me think
Starting point is 01:48:33 everything in his biography is a lie. Well, right, because most of the shit that comes out of those two media outlets is an exaggerated false narrative piece of bullshit. comes out of those uh two media outlets is an exaggerated false yeah it's just a just a straight up bullshit yeah the trifecta of libtards isn't it it's wild i don't think matt's woke i don't think he is either i don't think he is yeah he he i mean
Starting point is 01:49:00 one i did the podcast with him he basically said like uh he was in a room full of people who were all vaccinated, and he wasn't. I think he's a pretty independent dude. Yeah. And the ironic part is if that side of him was more forward-facing, he would probably have such a more ravenous, loyal audience. Because if you don't stand for anything, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:24 You stand for nothing kind of deal. So it's like if you're't stand for anything right like you stand for nothing kind of deal yeah so it's like if you're just changing with the wind and then you're always trying to navigate through those questions without ever really having to like land on a solid like this is my opinion or this is how i feel about that it only works for so long and before he was always like that but you had the big distraction of he's this five-time champ right and so we just wanted to see him just fucking dominate when he competed but the second that's not there and we go to watch him you're looking for like okay now what am i watching right and since he didn't give himself in any of the media and he still tried to just tow this like middle of the road line then people said well fuck there's
Starting point is 01:50:00 nothing there to watch and i think that's what you're seeing now. What's happened is that people are afraid to talk about their values, and then they also think that just because they have values, they have to hate someone who doesn't have those values. And that really sucks. It's like I remember that with smoking cigarettes. You quit smoking. Everyone I knew who ever quit smoking cigarettes always would be like, I hate smoking.
Starting point is 01:50:29 And I think that's just like, I don't believe them. I know smoking's fun. You love it. It's just fucking horrible for you. It's like, fuck. You can say all the bad shit you want about Diet Coke or hamburgers or Jack in the Box, but they're good. A Diet Coke is fucking so fucking good on a hot day. You a little tired chug down an ice cold diet coke um there's nothing better than fucking going through the drive-thru after you've been driving for fucking 12 hours getting a diet coke and a
Starting point is 01:50:54 fucking burger jack mox is there any is it horrible for you abso-fucking-lutely but that's what makes us human beings this tension between what we think and what we do. And the fact that that you can't just be you, you can't just say, hey, I just not I'm just not one. I'm not going to support leadership that wants to condone or normalize pedophilia. It's fucking nuts. That's not politics. The people's politics and values are just getting people are using those words interchangeably or it's getting conflated yep going back to that article about boeing dude that is exactly what that is what's going on at crossfit hq 100 that's what happened when i was there um it was basically just, yeah, Diet Coke might be gay. That might be another thing with it.
Starting point is 01:51:50 It might be gay also. Oh, hey, David. It might be gay and wonderful. Oh, by the way, Pat, you made a presupposition that you weren't invited. You said I've given thousands and I'm not invited. Well, the thousands you've given have nothing to do with you being invited. The fact that you have to ask if you're invited has to do with whether you're invited.
Starting point is 01:52:08 You saw Sleeky and Heidi didn't ask. They just demand it. Yeah, I swim great. I'm a fucking I'm a fish. I swim great. Caroline. Yeah, what that's exactly what that's exactly what happened there.
Starting point is 01:52:27 And now it is what's happened. The company's under complete paralysis. And I was saying before that the only leadership is coming from Dave, but no, I don't think that's also true. I think the leadership is coming from Dave. And by leadership, I mean leadership to the community, to the world of CrossFitters, but then it's also coming from outside media, people like Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 01:52:51 Well, the shitty thing is with Boeing, once they fired all the good engineers, if we're just using that parallel, it's not long that the ones that were good that are still there leave. Right, right. Well, the is is i think a lot of people stay because they didn't want the job and they want the money and so they don't leave i mean that's i mean well of course but only that's gonna go for so long too right like if you're uh whether it's i don't know dude people will stay i mean they'll just stay because they know they don't have to work anymore people just know they don't have to work anymore. People just know they don't have to work. People just know, hey, you don't have to work anymore. You don't have to make anything. You don't have to do anything.
Starting point is 01:53:29 Hey, think of it this way. Good point. Your show is a track. Your show, you've been doing your show. How many weeks have you done your show? I think this was either week eight or week nine. Yeah, and I would already consider it the biggest hub and congregation of affiliates anywhere in the world consistently like that's how easy it was to because there's just nothing being done anywhere that's true just like that and because you speak uh
Starting point is 01:53:57 honestly and truthfully and and i'm not you know obviously there's play you know you could pull up you could put pull up a facebook facebook group that um uh like two brain might have where there's you know five thousand affiliates but i'm just talking about like a weekly talking about business uh at some point every show has some mention of you know best business practices or stories that happened in the affiliate or around the affiliate yeah i mean it's just what i know right so what i've done for 10 years it's how i grew up through like operational business type stuff it's everything i've learned and dealing with people and dealing in business and so yeah it always goes that way uh do you think boeing's
Starting point is 01:54:39 issue partially stems from their seattle foothold And the truth is, is anytime you hear anyone's from Seattle or Oregon or Boston or San Francisco or I mean, you should just think you should run for the hills. You should you're basically hiring someone who doesn't know who can't work or the Rolling Stones or the New York Times. Yeah, they just can't work. And by work, I mean, they can't put two Lego pieces together and be like, look, I made something. They just can't. I don't know why mean they can't put two Lego pieces together and be like, look, I made something. They just can't. I don't know why. They just can't. And then people who get around that environment, that article explained it perfectly.
Starting point is 01:55:10 It's seen as work when you say stuff like, man, we're really looking for more female announcers. Oh, we would really like to add a black country manager to the team. Like anytime you hear that, they think that's work. Right. Right. In progress. And that that's like somehow moving something forward. Like,
Starting point is 01:55:35 how do you choose people based on that shit? Or, Hey, here's the thing. Yeah, it's i mean there is a time there is a time to choose people based on i mean i mean we on the flip side let me go the other way you you it's okay to choose people based on their characteristics like like basketball like you want you want a dude who um uh but again that's like merit for the job being done right so you're not even really choosing like you first you pick all the tall guys and then it's the best one that plays right because but a short guy could still
Starting point is 01:56:20 get in there yes but he's gonna get in there how that example he's gonna have to be amazing right exactly but he's getting in on this merit. How bad example he's going to have to be amazing. Right, exactly. But he's getting in on this merit still. Right. And then what's happening is like, I love this thought that's been in my head always with like after the Jake Cooley show, which is he goes first when somebody asks you a question, first realize the model in which you have to accept to answer the question. Right.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Which is like fantastic. So when you had said like, you know, there are things that we're going to pick people by characteristics, take the NBA. Well, now like the model of that is we just need a person that's going to fit certain characteristics to be successful on the basketball court. Right. Right. So you're still basing it off merit, but you're going to start with, Hey, generally speaking, the taller people are going to do well because they're closer to the hoop. Right. And so you bring them all in and then somebody who's shorter will get in on their merit because they're just amazing. They're just that, that good. What do you think about the NFL saying like, Hey, every time you choose a new
Starting point is 01:57:12 head coach, you have to interview at least one black person and one woman. I think that that is their way of trying to say that they're still doing efforts in dei but they're not willing to lose the money on just ushering somebody in just because of skin color because they at the end of the day that franchise the nfl whatever team is hiring they still need to run a business and they still need to make money and they know that but you could say the same thing about boeing but look at it it's good there's just no when you doing that, there's no leadership because the actual leadership, Sousa, the tip of the spear, actually thinks that they're working by using words like inclusive instead of saying, hey, squatting below parallel – it's squatting below parallel month. Let's make a shitload of videos about squatting below parallel. Right.
Starting point is 01:58:01 Instead it's like, hey, look, we got a black person as a videographer. Right, right. We're going to celebrate this first. gonna celebrate this first whatever whatever whatever right yeah for this company yay but the difference we have a first black videographer it's like hey um we're considering high we're gonna hire a black videographer it's like we've done our job today so yeah great meeting yeah but i think too it just depends on the feedback loop. So in the case of the NFL, if we hire you as a head coach in 16 weeks, we're going to know how you did, right? You're going to go through training. We're going to, going to watch you and your leadership skills. We might have, ah, maybe this guy's going to work out. Then you start playing games. You start losing. There's an immediate feedback loop. You might get fired halfway through the season. Right. But when you have something like Boeing, and of course, in the
Starting point is 01:58:47 case of what Greg was talking about, is first everybody who is on the, hey, we hired the so and so and yay, we think this is productive and doing good for the business. Their stock price goes up. So their feedback loop is, A, it's a lot longer before they see the consequences of their actions. But in the short term, they might even be rewarded for those actions. And then over the longterm, as it plays out, those companies tend to just, you know, going into the dirt or they change. Yeah. I don't know if they can't change their ways. I think they can. We've seen examples of that happen. And the way that you have to do it is you have to like run out all the people at the very top that are in agreeance with this ESG DEI initiatives and starting there and like move them out of the way. So you can bring in real leadership and you can bring the focus back to what needs to be done.
Starting point is 01:59:46 You're optimistic. Hey, you know what I just realized? What's that? How do I go to learn more? How do I go to leaderboard? Oh, leaderboard. I'm going to the CrossFit Games leaderboard. I just realized something.
Starting point is 02:00:00 2023 CrossFit Games. Division adaptive. 2023 CrossFit Games. Division. Adaptive. Upper extremity. Wow. Oh, lower extremity. Oh, you can't find. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:00:22 On the CrossFit Games leaderboardboard you can't find dwarfs isn't it short stature oh well i'm at the 2023 games uh look at um oh is that what it is but but either way i don't i don't see that either um adaptive uh and then it says uh upper lower multi-extremity i can't see the drop down when you click it. Oh, oh, oh. I just see upper extremity. And then men and women. You know what? I don't think that there's a fittest female dwarf in the world.
Starting point is 02:00:56 You're right. I mean, there is. We just don't know about him. Seve was really listening to Suze's point. That he's being facetious oh those are the best comments
Starting point is 02:01:09 the one where like it's kind of a compliment but it's also kind of an insult I don't think Jake Chapman has ever said anything that's not facetious in the chat I don't think he has a sincere bone in his body that's not facetious I don't think he has a sincere bone in his body. That's not facetious. Wow, that's interesting.
Starting point is 02:01:36 That's interesting. I never, how sexist of me, I never even thought about that. Fittest. Fittest. Female door. Female, or what was the word? Short stature. Short stature CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:01:52 I don't think they have a... Oh, it's funny. I put fittest and Google tried to change it to hottest. Oh, isn't that fucking crazy? They tried to switch it to hottest female athletes fittest female short stature crossfit huh
Starting point is 02:02:18 short stature rx adaptive division yeah I can't find anything interesting all right um oh hottest female short star crossfit athlete drops uh sarah sigmunds doter and mikey swoosh hey uh so today at um 4 30 on the barbell spin i should see if he has it scheduled youtube yeah i'm pretty sure he does okay uh barbell spin um uh jake burman will be going against um oh, no, actually I don't see – oh, notify me. Yep, okay, here we go.
Starting point is 02:03:10 Today at 4.30, 100-bar facing burpees for time, Colton Mertens versus Jake Berman. It's 4.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Colton Mertens and Jake Berman will settle it once and for all when they go head-to-head live. Who can finish 100-bar facing burpees the fastest? Join us at 7.30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Okay, and then listen. After this, you have to come straight over to the Savon podcast.
Starting point is 02:03:40 Not even after this. It's going to be at 5.30. I think this show goes till 6. So at 5.30, we will go live. And we will see Tim Murray. Unfortunately, that show is not free. You do have to pay a one dollar entry fee. Where's Judy at?
Starting point is 02:03:59 Minimum one dollar entry fee. And Judy will be watching to see and counting the money. She's our collector and we know that Asians are good at counting and of high moral standard and so you um do you hate the do you hate the category name because you think of yourself as short stature and them as dwarves no no I know I love the category name I don't even care I like it midget dwarf short stature i would even i would even pick like a a height maybe even then what if you got someone with normal um limbs like you know
Starting point is 02:04:36 how their ratio is different with short stature people with dwarves but what if you got like a normal dude who's like 4 11 i guess you have to say i guess you have to choose dwarf i wonder if someone could enter that category and be and someone be like you're not dwarf like if i do it yeah or or just like what no more like if i do it and then i'm like don't you tell me what i identify they're like hey wait a minute yeah your head's not uh disproportionate to your hands like yeah the proportions are all off here sir i'm sorry you don't qualify uh so yeah um all right okay i'm pumped i'm a little nervous uh uh he nervous. Tim Murray's doing it live at his affiliate.
Starting point is 02:05:26 You can go over to, maybe I'll pull up his Instagram real quick so you can see. If he is able to sustain this, his time will be, holy shit, his time will be fucking world class. Is it true what Judy just said?
Starting point is 02:05:42 I guess people are already paying for the thing. Oh. You could pay in advance. No, don't pay in advance. Pay when you come there so Judy can count it. I want her to be able to tell Tim how much money we raised for him. Basically, any money you donate, we're going to give to Tim so that he can use that money to pay for his trip to the the games dude that looks pretty fast i know it looks good there he looks good there can we bet on him where's the fuck where's our heat one bet tyler what's going
Starting point is 02:06:17 on dude i'm fucking let's put some money on this shit god that would be awesome yeah because you're gonna be if you got if i got a hundred bucks riding on tim i'm paying attention to every one of those burpees you know it's like whenever you bet on sports i gotta give a shit less about sports like 99 of the time until it's in playoffs because i just like the high stakes kind of stuff yeah but if i put some money down like if i even put 20 bucks on a football game, I'm in on every play. You know what I mean? And we could also have something where it's like,
Starting point is 02:06:50 does he do the first 50 faster than them? Oh, man, yeah. Yeah. Tired of that he won up not being my go-to betting app. That's what I'm saying. I'll scroll back and see anything that comes in early. No, you don't have to. If you money if you if you gave money today it's mine but if you get this morning it doesn't start counting until yeah yeah bring it right there
Starting point is 02:07:11 think of that as just a practice donation it doesn't pop up in like the regular uh comments but looks like i got a comment on my show which is a backhanded compliment as we are talking about which is great what's it say i usually can't make it through much of suza's solo shows but this one got me damn is that like a good thing or a bad thing damn i usually fucking hate your shit but you know what i stuck around a little bit for this one i kind of got you didn't see any of it right no i started getting crazy on this one chick's account like i was just having fun just like snapped into my old like comedian ways yeah and then heidi made me like reel it in she's like so what are we doing we're just we're just making we're just making fun of people now i don't understand this segment and then i felt bad because she reminded me of like she reminded
Starting point is 02:07:59 me of grace or like my mom or somebody who's like and i'm not thinking about the human yeah yeah and i was like stop trolling this bitch all right all right damn it she's right i should probably like uh so 5 30 tonight um maybe um we should go live on our instagram at 5 30 do you have access will you be here tonight susan for the show oh no i don't know i don't know i have to move some stuff around and i'm not gonna commit to that right now okay hey if um i'll text you and maybe at 5 30 or you can go live on our instagram since i'm not allowed to have access to it and just tell people hey go over the go over to the youtube channel yeah i could do that um the thing that
Starting point is 02:08:52 i have is normally at 6 p.m so i have that first half hour okay so that that you know shouldn't be an issue just we don't um i used to do that back in the day three years ago go live on my instagram before every show just to tell people hey we're going live on youtube but that'll be good for this one we haven't done that forever yeah okay cool uh sebi when are you getting seth on for the real interview not coffee pods and wads the the the the jump ship guy the guy with the girl with the wife with the septum ring? That's how I remember. Did you see any of it on Pedro's show? No.
Starting point is 02:09:30 Was it good? Yeah. I think that. Yeah. I think Seth. Yeah. I think you would have a blast. With him?
Starting point is 02:09:38 He used to be an undercover cop, dude. No shit. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. I think. Yeah. And Pedro did a great.
Starting point is 02:09:44 Pedro did a great job with that. With it as well. I do really like the guy. Yeah. I had, yeah. And Pedro did a great job with it as well. I do really like the guy. Yeah. I had a blast on his show. And I've been watching him and stuff like that. She doesn't have a septum ring. Oh, she doesn't? Oh, she doesn't?
Starting point is 02:09:59 I thought your wife had a septum ring. Isn't that the one that goes here? This one? Yeah. That's a septum ring isn't that the one that goes here this one yeah that's a septum ring right i apologize that's what i thought it was seth and suza have a budding bromance probably true he's very he's very popular right now two Two nose rings on the side. Oh. Close enough.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Yeah, Seth. All right. Oh, I saw a girl at the gym with the septum nipple rings. What? You can't have a septum nipple ring. think that's the thing that i think this thing in your nose right here is your septum right i think he just means like the like a like the horseshoe ring you know because usually like people with their nipples pierced it's like the bar thing oh oh oh dude aren't you i'm just terrified oh you want to hear it super why what so i do want to hear but just really quick is the reason why men like girls
Starting point is 02:11:09 with tongue rings and nipple rings because then they just think that those girls are whores like this is that what the implication is that you just you suck and swallow is that i mean i'm seriously asking i can't imagine wanting to see a pierce. What are you telling? What's the core? I don't, I honestly don't understand the courtship. Um, like I see holes in people's faces and I just think mental illness, like signs of like,
Starting point is 02:11:34 Oh, something's wrong with you. You got, you actually went somewhere and punched a hole in your sail. So like, that just seems like, wow, I would,
Starting point is 02:11:41 I'm more interested in a girl who like went somewhere and like fucking did graffiti. So I'll punch a hole in themselves. Do you know what I mean? Like did something like'm more interested in a girl who like went somewhere and like fucking did graffiti before i punched a hole in themselves you know what i mean like did something like i'm interested like so you went and punched a hole in yourself it's like the parents who pierce their kids ears like when they're babies i'm like what the fuck are you doing i just like there's some sort of you had some noise in the system and you reacted to it but what is the um does sucking and swallowing make you a whore no sorry you're right you're right uh uh you're right you're right that was that was that you're totally fuck you're totally right damn but by that i mean it's
Starting point is 02:12:18 that does not what make you whore but wearing that as a symbol that you do it like announcing it to the world that that is one of your traits i i don't think uh okay fine i won't even judge it uh let me does does let me rephrase it does having a nipple ring mean you're a good mate because you suck and swallow is that is that is that yeah dan i've been in like fucking 50 fights. You cunt. I was in a fight yesterday when my shirt got sweaty and I had to fight to get it off my head. I never remember.
Starting point is 02:12:59 I forget. One of the first fights I was ever in was like in the second and third grade was this kid named Sean. Fuck, I hated him and he was fucking on top of me fucking beating the shit out of me oh damn that's and i started screaming that i have poison oak and then i'm gonna give it to him i didn't have poison oak i just thought that that's amazing that's good what a great defense yeah what a great defense yeah oh man i went through this phase when i was younger where i just would like talk shit nobody ever did anything so i just thought i like each time i talked shit nobody did anything i thought i got tough like i got tougher yeah you know yeah and i'll never forget in the fifth grade i was doing the same thing and brett gould fucking round back and just boom well that sucks just rocked me and it was such a shock that like i didn't really do anything because i was like oh my gosh i just got punched what did
Starting point is 02:13:59 he do next was he scared he started crying yeah because i fucking there was this kid lavario barnes that was fucking with me that i had no business fucking with back like in the fourth grade and i just fucking unleashed holy hell on him and i got so fucking scared that's awesome he punched you and he cried he started crying i was just in shock i was that kid too i would be just fucking psycho and then fucking scare myself yeah and i remember there was like two girls around but pam klein was one of them and at the time i had like a crush on her so i was like ah like i looked at her and then she started freaking out by this time the yard duty was on top so then i still got to look tough by being like oh what like you know and then everybody's like whoa you
Starting point is 02:14:35 seem to take that punch and really i'm like in my mind i'm like don't cry don't cry don't cry um uh i still would cry if i punch someone hey I've been in situations Dan that I've been in situations a hundred times in my life that would fucking make you shit your fucking pants like a bitch like there would be no threat but you would be
Starting point is 02:14:59 fucking terrified and I was chill as fuck I live for the fucking scary moments or i used to were you like an adrenaline junkie with that no i just was like fuck it i would just go on high alert and i just like watching just crazy shit go down you know what i mean like i just hung out and just the most i mean you know the bay area i hung out in the most fucking horrible fucking places yeah where i also stood out like a sore thumb where i there was no like i did not assimilate well yeah i was not like a white kid that pretended to talk black i was not that kid no i was a white kid that pretended he was addicted to crack that's how i survived those those areas yeah hey did you think about it consciously at the time
Starting point is 02:15:46 that you were in some like harry situation that you probably put yourself into not necessarily saying you wanted to escalate but you knew going into like this environment or this area or this activity that like no my curiosity no no my curiosity was so fucking high that i i was i was dumb i was ignorant yeah so that trumped everything else yeah i was just completely ignorant no there was no there was no badass in me but i was just completely ignorant yeah well i didn't feel that there was badass in me either but as i was putting myself in certain situations you know you're like climbing up a drain pipe up a two-story roof and i'm like barely getting over my arm and leg oh yeah i didn't do crazy shit like that i did not what the fuck am i doing right and then you get up there and you're up there and you're like shit and you look over the side and you realize there's
Starting point is 02:16:33 like this two-foot gap back to that drain pipe that you have to like reach down and grab and kind of swing your legs on the drain pipe could just come off the wall at any time anytime you have no idea like you you don't know if it's worse being the first guy up or the last guy up right because like right right like did it just hold for him or is it gonna you know or is it gonna break right away but i remember what if you had some just fat giant guy go up before you you're like fuck dude oh no you had to be like i didn't nope you had to be fit to run with us we did that one time with this overweight, like a Mexican gangster dude that lived down in Oakland. And he was the first dude that tried to run when we saw lights.
Starting point is 02:17:09 And it was like the classic, like super tough guy. And then all of a sudden there's a situation and it's the first guy that wants to stand up and run, which you never do. Cause it just immediately gives away your position in an Oakland or San Francisco. You're like,
Starting point is 02:17:20 they're probably not even there for you. Right. Um, and he only made it like 50 yards and dude almost had a heart attack and gave away our position and we couldn't do anything about it and you're just like what the fuck is this I remember looking at my buddy Richard and just like shook my head and he's like sorry they're like OG Oakland Riders you know I thought it'd be cool I'm like no the fuck but yeah I remember thinking to myself during those times like this is going to make a really cool story and like my grandpa had cool stories from like world war ii and like being
Starting point is 02:17:51 on the hawaiian island during the pearl harbor attack and like these crazy situations right but i was like man like he was on what island during the pearl harbor attack on oahu oh yeah my dad's how the family's from there he grew up on kawaii and he lived out in hawaii for a long time and so it was just like hearing those those stories and stuff like that um even though it was super sketchy terrible situations it's like he had so many stories and i remember thinking like fuck i don't want to get older and just like not have any stories you know and like i was insulated live in the suburb like you know you know middle class kind of family not like you know a ton going on and so yeah when i would be out there in those situations
Starting point is 02:18:30 and it would get sketchy my mind would immediately go with like this is gonna make one hell of a story later hey did you ever have you ever been in a car that rolled that like flipped over yeah no i never been i never been in that either. Knock on wood. No. I, uh, now, I was thinking the other day, um, even just going, the difference between going to a jiu-jitsu tournament for your kids and a tennis tournament is so different. Like, in a jiu-jitsu tournament, there's, it's just fucking, there's just violence everywhere. Yeah. At a tennis tournament, there's zero. And, like, when you go to the jiu-jitsu tournament you don't think of it like that but you know every tournament i've been at i've seen
Starting point is 02:19:08 medics like basically take some carry someone off right yep there's some kid who gets his fucking something happens and um in tennis it's like the worst thing you see is just some fucking asian mom fucking yelling at her kids or some jew dad fucking like putting way too much pressure on his daughter you know what i mean right right right and it's funny too because everybody in the building is like trained killers inside your jiu-jitsu tournaments you know right right hey i i um tennis is gay tennis is gay but i bet you that the ratio of straight people to gay people is higher at tennis. I bet you there's more gay people who do jiu-jitsu. They're working out some different demons than the tennis crowd.
Starting point is 02:19:58 You know what I mean? I bet you there's been a little more diddling. Uncle Buck diddling in the Jits crowd. For sure. Jesus. Yeah. I know. I know.
Starting point is 02:20:11 It hurts. I know. But listen. Let me tell you. You've never seen more dudes overcompensating or more fucking gay outfits in a Jiu-Jitsu tournament. Dude. The UFC is just straight gay porn, uh, in a jujitsu tournament. Dude, the UFC is just straight gay porn, dude.
Starting point is 02:20:30 Foreplay. Oh my gosh. I mean, come on, dude. Conor McGregor's big old fucking cup. Um, never date a tennis player. means nothing to them well that's interesting you say that i think that the tennis crowd has the especially the higher level tennis crowd something's wrong
Starting point is 02:20:55 with them yeah but it wasn't there's some passwords for autism in them say that again it wasn't that a play on words like isn't isn't love a tie in tennis? Oh, oh. Well, thank you. Never date a tennis. Love means nothing. Oh. Damn. Thank you. Fuck, Susan.
Starting point is 02:21:12 But the tennis crowd is a weird crowd. And it's not a very, um, the scene is just assholes. Like, just going to the tennis. The most stressful part about going to tennis, like the public courts, is just the interaction you're going to have with people. They're defending their courts or telling you to get off or shit like that. Super pretentious. I apologize for missing the pun. Daniel. Daniel Wynn.
Starting point is 02:21:51 maybe it's it's 50 it's listen crossfit's inclusive you be the judge alex you be the judge it's so deep oh my god i'm panicking uh yeah crossfit's just inclusive and it wouldn't even have those oh my gosh but it's not inclusive to the point where they have the um uh fittest female short stature that's where we draw the line all right um i have to pee now perfect way to end it i have to get a tax appointment again oh hey dude i did a uh 36 hour fast yesterday or the day before, something like that. And I hadn't done one in months and months and months. Dude, I feel like 50% better as a human being.
Starting point is 02:22:35 That's awesome. Yeah. I should get into that habit as well, too. I felt weak though like uh yesterday when yesterday i yesterday i ate and i just i just i just didn't i felt weak not like weak like as in like tired or lethargic i had more energy more focus i didn't feel like i needed a nap but i felt oh just like when i was in the gym i just felt i just didn't feel strong as i relative to how i normally feel don't anyone be like you're not strong anyway yeah i know
Starting point is 02:23:07 you think i should do some burpees today i'll do 100 burpees today nice you know what i'll do today actually in honor of them um uh no the stocking it immediately went away it was crazy just one day of fasting i just like everything just fit better all of a sudden you know what what I'm going to do today? I'm going to I'm going to do five over the bar burpees on the minute for 20 minutes. And I know everyone's gonna be like, hey, that's a pussy workout, but I'm just going to work on my technique. cool so then i have a greater appreciation for it like i'll do i'll do um i'll make sure that they're the kind that they do you know what i mean where you don't stand up all the way and you stand up you stay in the position like you want it in the ass like a hamster the huddle over yeah yeah the huddle over all right um see you guys this evening 5.30pm pacific standard time 4.30 head over to the barbell spin
Starting point is 02:24:08 talk to you guys soon do we have any shows on in between now and then nope okay talk to you guys soon oh and who do we have on tomorrow oh and tomorrow we have broke ends that's gonna be awesome alright cool uh bring your wallets this evening buh bye

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