The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman | Live Call In Show - Being Liberal

Episode Date: March 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply greg's muted oh yeah i think maybe he only he can oh you have to unmute yourself. Bam. We're live. Good morning. Go Heidi good morning Eric good morning. I Love Wednesday's the sevens podcast. Oh good. I mean, I know what that means. You love Greg. That's cool. I'll interpret Seven minutes of burpees. No, I think
Starting point is 00:01:20 I'll interpret that. Seven minutes of burpees. No, no thank you. Just the link. Go reg. That's the only way to do it. Look, you've already got 50 burpees down since you've been waiting for the show to start. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Judy Reed, happy Wednesday. Hi. Sitting in my living room the other day it's late it's like 10 30 and i turn on the tv and i turn on youtube and there's a video of uh the pentagon getting hit with the uh uh playing in 2000 to that that was 2001 september 2001 and i start tripping all of a sudden again that how can there be so there's there was a countdown so it was just like documentaries
Starting point is 00:02:17 talking about the plane hitting the side right and it shows all the people rushing out of the building and it shows the people running down to the bottom of the Pentagon to like adjust the water and all this shit that's going on. But there was a countdown. I didn't know that. It's like 17 minutes till impact. 16 minutes till impact. And it's like going over loudspeakers, right? And all these people are running and the cops are like, stay 500 yards from the building.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And all these dudes dressed. And I'm just tripping. How could they're not in the footage of the fucking plane hitting the building and all these dudes dressed and i'm just tripping how could they're not in footage of the fucking plane hitting the building it's it's absolutely bizarre isn't it we got rodney king getting beaten in the street i don't i don't know that there is there isn't i i searched pretty good i searched pretty good i kept searching around all they show is impact but you never see it's the plane it's so fucking weird it's so bizarre to me
Starting point is 00:03:12 you've never seen the footage right? I feel like I had but it's not the kind of thing I'd watch over and over you know it looks like I found a video and it looks like it like skips like a rock off the ground in front of it and oh can i can i see it yeah sure
Starting point is 00:03:32 i'm just like how come there's no video of this building there there were um there were uh eyewitness um there were definitely eyewitnesses who saw it you would just think that you would see the whole thing because the countdown was there there were thousands and thousands of people there like to witness it right there comes into frame oh that's okay that's supposed to be it
Starting point is 00:03:59 okay and that's the only angle huh seems like it oh And that's the only angle, huh? Seems like it. Hey, Greg, bear with me a second. Let's say the whole thing was some sort of operation outside of just bin Laden being mad at the United States. They still had to convince some dudes to fly the planes into the building, right? Yeah, they went to Embry-Riddle
Starting point is 00:04:28 and majored in landing or some fucking thing. Right, okay. Takeoffs, yeah, takeoffs, and then dropped out. Even if it was some sort of... One of the guys was at the Embry-Riddle near me in Prescott.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Had links to all of the hijackers so even if it's cool isn't it even if it was some intention let's say you know like one of the theories i heard is that there was gold at the bottom of the world trade center and they use this as an excuse to get all the gold out a trillion dollars worth of gold or whatever even if they did that they still had to like it had to be such a plan that it involved brainwashing all these dudes so that they would be willing to yell all the akbars they fucking flew a plane full of people into the building like there's no one questioning that right i mean there were people
Starting point is 00:05:15 that that texted and called their loved ones yeah from the plane right yeah uh for my birthday i started reading Lost in Math. Oh. I made it through about half that book. For my birthday, I started reading Lost in Math per an old broken science lecture by Greg. Love the book. Recommendations.
Starting point is 00:05:39 What makes that book particularly fun is that it is brilliant as Fassbender is. She doesn't seem to be aware or maybe is afraid to delve into the mechanism behind the failures. I mean, I get that an over-reliance on the beauty of mathematics is a manifestation, this loss of empiricism is a manifestation of the problem. But I think that the roots of it come directly to what it is that we're talking about,
Starting point is 00:06:20 Emily and I and Matt Briggs and the Broken science crew. And that is that predictive strength of model has been replaced for validation with a consensus in a mildly inductive inference system that looks like null hypothesis testing, which in the entirety of it's a fraud, is the truth of it. How about intellectual academic fraud? With impact that will someday be similar maybe to the impact of academic collectivism
Starting point is 00:07:03 as serious thought. Marxism in particular. It's dealt ruin to the minds of an entire generation. Yeah, that's the part that's wild, right? Yeah. It's not like when... What's the guy's name? The gay Jewish scientist who – it's not like Otto Warburg where he's like, hey, look for cancer. The cause and root of cancer is over here, and then we spent the last 60 years or 100 years looking over here.
Starting point is 00:07:43 It's way worse than that. It's not just that we're looking in the wrong place it's that we're we're not even looking we've completely confused ourselves completely lost our way yeah yep yep our universities have led us in a direction that you would have to call the opposite of knowledge, whatever the fuck that is. Ignorance. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:08:11 But that's what's happened. It's like the goddamn things in reverse. So you go, you go off to college and four years later, you come away less worldly, less knowledgeable with fewer skills. And you, and you have this burden of this Marxist
Starting point is 00:08:28 broken bullshit science university load that's tantamount to a vow to poverty and a life of crime if you're going to be some kind of scientist. It's weird. How significant is it that both Harvard and Stanford lost their heads to crazy unethical behavior in just the past, what, year and a half? Two years? Yeah, insane. I think they kind of have, but the incidents happened in the same month, right? I don't know. And it was fraud. Fraud on both counts, right?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Yep. Yep. in the same month right i don't know and it was fraud fraud on both counts right yep yep academic dishonesty of the of the most egregious sort i saw something really dark so i looked up a couple articles about it anti-abortion this is from 2022 anti-abortion group claims it took 115 fetuses from a medical waste truck so there's an energy plant i think it's in pittsburgh and these people the energy plant was accused of burning babies to create energy right it was just a plant where they burn shit right and and and they were taking aborted babies there and burning them as just because they were just they're looking for anything to burn do you remember that documentary we watched at your house the michael moore documentary that only
Starting point is 00:09:59 lasted on youtube for like a day and basically it was about clean energy plants and the documentary was exposing that the united states was harvesting trees from the amazon and bringing them up here and burning them claiming it was clean energy do you remember that and it wasn't just a few trees it was shit loads of them yeah yeah um and then and then youtube pulled that down you remember that it sounds familiar so basically this article starts off this is in 2022 an anti-abortion group that is facing previous federal charges. Like, I don't know why that's important.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I think I was studying Russian collusion during this. I was off on another. But you kindly vaguely remember this? Yeah, yeah, I do. I remember watching the show with you. Oh, that one. Okay, yeah. An anti-abortion group that is facing previous federal charges said it took 115 fetuses fifteen fetuses from a medical waste company and buried one hundred and ten of them at an undisclosed location.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Washington, D.C. police, which originally said it found five fetuses in one of the group members apartments, is continuing to investigate the case. So the way the NPR reports this is they put this twist on it that the people who took the babies from the truck that was in front of the medical or the burning facility, this energy plant, is that they're under investigation, right? And they allude to the fact that it's like bullshit, that these guys already have federal charges, they're not trustworthy, and somehow they ended up with 115 babies. And then it finishes, several members of the anti-abortion group face federal charges. So it opens with that and closes with that. And then there's nothing else on NPR ever again about the incident. So I keep Googling, and I end up over here in a 2023 article,
Starting point is 00:11:36 and they were fucking fined. 1.7 million... Oh, sorry. Let me pull this up. So then I keep looking for this story. Let me pull this up. So then I keep looking for this story. And it's a Baltimore company has been – LP, a Baltimore company has been fined $1.7 million after pleading guilty to more than 40 environmental violations concerning the improper disposal of medical waste. And I guess there's something called red bags, and red bags are you put like organs and shit in them like when you're oh yeah that biohazard bags thank you
Starting point is 00:12:11 any human waste yeah and and they were they were this this company in fucking pitts Pittsburgh was taking just anything and everything, including aborted babies and just burning them and, and off, off gassing them into the city of Pittsburgh. Yeah. I mean, I don't, it's fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Yeah. But you think they're inspecting this shit? No, no. You mean the people at the plant? Yeah. No, it's a bunch of dudes just standing there, the truck pulls up, and they just start loading shit into the incinerator
Starting point is 00:12:51 and hope some turbine somewhere spins. I think it would be a rare thing that you and I would pop open one of the bags. Well, if me and you worked there, we would do it. You have to plan and think of things like, well, what the fuck have we worked there?
Starting point is 00:13:09 It's kind of a worst case scenario thing. It's like... Have you heard of that show called Body Brokers? No. Well, they... I guess dealing human bodies after they're dead is far easier than you could imagine.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And so people will just have medical grade refrigerators at their house or at a warehouse or something, and they'll just store bodies there. And then they sell them to universities. How do they get the bodies, Caleb like how do they get the bodies Caleb how do they get the bodies so I guess so when you die you can say like whether or not you want to donate your body to science you save yourself your family the cremation costs or whatever right yeah and so you're saying hey I don't I don't want to or just yeah to give my body off to somebody and then the morgue has like contacts with somebody who like hey i need this body for i need a head to give to my anatomy class so that i can dissect it and show the class what's up with the the body and so then they don't ask questions
Starting point is 00:14:21 they're like yeah i just want to buy a i just need a head i just need or i need a full body and you they did give it away and so there's, yeah, I just want to buy a head or I need a full body. They did give it away. There's people out there who just do that as a side business. It's crazy. Did you see it on History Channel or something? Is it a series? It's a podcast, I think, called Body Brokers. Let me see. Caleb.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I know. Caleb, you're being judged really hard in the comments. I apologize. Nothing negative yet, but you are being judged really hard in the comments i apologize nothing negative yet but you are being judged you changed the channel uh yeah it's like wow it's crazy dude and there's some i don't know exactly how they got this guy in jail but he was doing something improperly. They had a bunch of bodies stacked up.
Starting point is 00:15:08 He was defrauding people out of their money. I remember that story now. There was a well-known female professor of some sort involved. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Look at that. They made furniture out of it or something no that's right they stretched a foreskin over a table real tight yeah uh over a pool table uh hey greg what about the what about the iranians and the chinese uh fucking with our water supply. I saw that this morning. Yeah. That's from me. Hey, look, you have the bat signal behind you. Yeah, yeah. I got that on good source.
Starting point is 00:16:00 I mean, it says it's from the White House. Yeah, I could do that too I think Oh Just make that up I sent you the document That supposedly came from the White House You don't think this is real I sent it to you
Starting point is 00:16:18 But you don't think it's real that it came from the White House No I do Like I said I got that from a pretty good source From someone at DOJ. Yeah, sorry. I know you sent it to me. Sorry, I was talking to Caleb. Oh.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Disabling – basically the two recent and ongoing threats illustrate the risk that cyberattacks pose to the nation's water system. Threat actors affiliated with the Iranian government Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have carried out malicious cyberattacks against the United States' critical infrastructure entities, including drinking water systems. And these attacks are IRGC-affiliated cyber attack targeted and disabled a common type of operational technology used at water facility where the facility has neglected to change default manufacturer passwords. That's scary. By the way, so these plants they're talking about are the ones that turn our poop back into drinking water? I'm not sure okay the people's republic of china is also being looked at state-sponsored cyber group known as the volt typhoon has compromised information technology of multiple critical infrastructure systems including drinking water in the united states and its territories volt typhoons choice of targets and pattern of behavior are not consistent with
Starting point is 00:17:24 traditional cyber espionage. Federal departments and agencies assesses with high confidence that Volt typhoon actors are pre-positioning themselves via the southern border to disrupt critical infrastructure operations in the event of geopolitical tensions and or military conflict.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Yeah, it looks like right here, drinking water and wastewater systems are an attractive target for cyber attacks. Because they are a lifeline of critical infrastructure sector. Water's critical lifeline. No shit. Never would have guessed. In that spirit of partnership, we ask for your assistance in addressing the pervasive
Starting point is 00:18:00 and challenging risk of cyber attacks on drinking water systems. God, it's as simple as fucking getting a password. They used the default password that the equipment came with from the manufacturer. So like my router comes with a default password and then you're supposed to go in and change it? Right. I love boobies. One, two, three. So like my router comes with a default password and then you're supposed to go in and change it? Right. I love boobies. 1, 2, 3.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Damn. That sounds bad. Hey, they got enough people here now to do it. I watch my orcas say that just at one border uh in particular because of the catch and release policy 900 times more chinese nationals came in uh up to this point in 2024 at one entry point than the previous year 900 times and so the thing is is let's say 20 came in before in the previous year i don't know what the number was right but even if it was one it's now 900 that's bad right yeah i mean what would you send over uh dudes who my most talented spies throat slitters yeah that's what i'm thinking plane taker offers saboteurs right
Starting point is 00:19:41 if if we were if there were an escalated conflict with any of our adversaries right now, would the current administration and would the media portray it? Reveal it? Cover it? Would it make the news? No. I don't think so either. That's a really good point. I never even thought that they would hide it in order to defend their position that their choices up to this point are good. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:13 That for the brand. It's like being embarrassed. They'd be embarrassed. Yes. And I think for that reason that China and Iran would be unlikely to escalate anything right now because I think that would be seen as proving Biden's weakness because about which he would do nothing.
Starting point is 00:20:32 We know that already they do too. But maybe this is the only opportunity to act. China's got to be bumming about Trump. Oh, that he could possibly get elected? Uh-huh. If you're a bounty hunter, you're stoked.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Like if you're in the chain link fence business and the gathering of bad guy business, you're stoked. I think he's... I think he, to them, seems to be the quintessential American half-witted brute. That's how Trump comes across to them? Uh-huh. He's twice their size
Starting point is 00:21:26 Putin and Xi Jinping can probably weigh about as much as one of that fat fuck's thighs yeah yeah and he's got more and better nukes and more and better weapons and he's he's
Starting point is 00:21:41 he's he's dumb and oafish. And he has the capacity to, in a fit of pique, crush their shit. That moron actually got on the phone with Putin and told him if we went to work, he'd bomb those round, shiny things. He didn't even know what the fuck they were called. Putin told him those are churches, Mr. President. He did say that? Those round shiny things? Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 00:22:12 He bombed first. Putin told him those are churches. He said, whatever. That's what he did. Great. This is a guy who's drawing faces on fucking President during the state of the union address savvy he's just like you man oh i love that thank you hey and you know what's so
Starting point is 00:22:36 good about that is that is that his adversaries that scares the shit out of him they don't know what the fuck he's gonna do and they do or maybe they do know but it's and he'd be the wrong guy to embarrass he'd strike out for sure you embarrass him he's gonna you up because he's that kind of guy he'd take it personally you get that yeah And it would rain missiles with extraordinary accuracy. And the bad guys know it. So, of course, Putin's like, I think things would be more stable with Biden in his presidency. How does he say that and not chuckle?
Starting point is 00:23:20 I'll tell you how. He's terrified of Trump. Scared of the orange man. Yeah. Much for the same reasons we all are. The only thing scarier than Trump is Biden. Say it again. In fact, there's only one candidate worse than Trump, and that's Biden.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Significantly worse. Yes, measurably, demonstrably, visibly, obviously, yeah. Yeah. Like here's some – it's dangerous to go to the ATM under Biden. Under Trump, it's not. I mean I know that's a pretty broad statement, but – Cops are villains under Biden cops are not villains under Trump
Starting point is 00:24:07 firefighters get shot doing their job putting out fires under Biden they don't under Trump that demonetization oversized caricature of Americans is closer to my ideal than some collectivist lefty. Well, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:24:37 You don't perceive Trump as having a mental illness, right? You don't see him as crazy. No'm not gonna do the you know offer up from the dms whatever you mean as opposed to people on the left you clearly like you saw don lemon interview you tell me if it's mental illness i think he's a pathological liar i think he's got an ego so far out that reaches so far beyond his intellectual and even his success as a businessman has laughable merits to it. Sure. So, you know, is he mentally ill? I don't see it that way. I'm sure Biden's senile, though. And I think I find it implausible to even suspect that he's not corrupted.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Implausible to even suspect that he's not corrupted. Because I know they've been giving him money, and I know they don't give it for nothing. You see how that works? Right. About which he's gone to enormous efforts to conceal the money, the diamonds. But if you and I were entangled in that somehow outside of being Bidens,'d be like bobolinski in jail right he went to jail didn't he i don't know did he but by mentally ill i mean if you hear uh elon musk trying to talk to don lemon don lemon can't can't no words mean anything the subjects and ideas are all conflated that was so good
Starting point is 00:26:28 he got fired two hours later and then if you go to Don Lemon's Instagram account they think that he destroyed Elon there was a point where Elon was talking about how if you lower the, the, uh, demands to become a doctor, you're going to get worse doctors. And Don Lemon's like,
Starting point is 00:26:51 do you have any proof of that? And he said, no, but, uh, but I'm, I'm fine. You know, basically thinking like this. And then Don Lemon goes, yeah, but, um, black people get worse medical care in the hospital. And it's like,'s not it's not even the same subject that you've gone from what the the the perceived patient problem to lowering uh the requirements to become a doctor he's in true liberal fashion he's going to deny the obvious and then give us in instead of something that's obvious his own home-baked fucking theory that sounds like bullshit yeah I mean it was it was insanity it was like we've all been in arguments with people like that unfortunately loved ones right girlfriends you're trying to stay on subject about what you're fighting about and they're just in homeschooling the kids and looking at how much opportunity there is
Starting point is 00:27:58 to enrich a child's life just in the space of fundamentals. And as you do that, and you watch, I mean, it's, it's a crazy thing to do. It's like, it's like growing corn, you know, to have a kid that's nine years old and doing algebra, right? You just like, fuck. And, and to think that that's, tradition is is being extinguished you the the horrors of that you don't remember when i had those shirts that had the uh the book covers on them sebi
Starting point is 00:28:35 so like the catcher in the rye yes yes yeah yeah i was with you when we went into that bookstore when yeah it was crazy the people that would come up to me and like want to talk because i had the cover of a of a you know the hound of the baskervilles t-shirt on right and people stop you and talk have conversation and it was crazy how many times it came up when people would say what's gonna happen when people don't read anymore and i said oh i'll tell you we're going to have things like Trump versus Hillary that was then yeah yeah that's what's going to happen and so and so the many manifestations of stupidity are it's a it's a it's a kaleidoscope of horrors and as you you turn it, they'll never, the end and complexity of the fuck-ups of shitty thinking, it's unmappable.
Starting point is 00:29:29 There will never be a taxonomy of bad ideas. They'll have, it's like things you'll see out at the end of a kaleidoscope. But instead of colorful patterns, it's just horrors. The depravity of the human spirit.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And it follows this, you know, you want some telltales? Turning on your Jews. Look at what happens to civilizations when they turn on their Jews. And I'm not going to sit here and give a history lesson. I sit here and give a history lesson. I see the origins of this. Everyone used to be able to have to diagram sentences. My kids are diagramming sentences. I realized I got fucked because that was taken out of school when I came along.
Starting point is 00:30:23 What a stupid fucking move that was. It has all the wisdom of eliminating PE and math. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist. You could say, hey, look at the Middle East. You have 12 million of these people and then surrounded by hundreds of other millions of people, and you can see two groups and study them. Do you want the group where the women walk around free and don't have to worry about being raped and their faces aren't covered and people aren't being stoned to death? And there's a clean water supply and there's hospitals and there's a stable infrastructure and opportunity for everyone to grow and become rich as opposed to the hundreds
Starting point is 00:31:06 of the experiment going on around them with hundreds of millions of people who aren't jews and see how that turns out and anyone with a brain would be like okay i'll live in israel over fucking uh the suburbs of baghdad right how why can't people just see that why can't people just see that? Why can't they just make a superficial assessment? Because the leadership of these lousy ideas like Hamas, they live in, except for the few caught underground right now, but where they're at is nice. Where who's at? The leadership of Hamas. Oh, right. The guys hanging out in Qatar with their harems. It's sweet.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah. Everything's like Brentwood there or something, you know? I'm just talking about the other one billion Muslims around the world living in fucking mud huts driving on dirt roads. I would need an interpretation of that religion that didn't condone
Starting point is 00:32:17 what the whole world sees. I would need a non-clitorectomizing, don't cover the women's heads. Let's pretend whatever's written about women being unholy in the sight of the Lord. Let's give that a different interpretation. I'd need a sanitized version of the thing that met my basic standards of decency. And I don't know where that is. I don't know if anyone's offering that or if you can safely. Do you think it's safe to say that the cultures are the operating systems? Like if you see humans as computers, the cultures are the operating systems?
Starting point is 00:32:57 Look what Schumer did to Israel to boost Biden's support in Michigan. What did he do? He called for Netanyahu's removal. Oh, oh, oh. Hey, Heidi wants to know if there's someone in the room cutting their nails. Oh, in my house? Yeah, like right next to you.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I'm playing a little paperclip thing. You can hear that? Yeah, barely. It doesn't bother me. But I just liked her assessment, who was clipping their toenails. Yeah, that. Hear that? I'll stop.
Starting point is 00:33:34 No, no, you can do it. That was a big toenail. That was a thick one. I should say I was just loading my pistol. Right, right. It could sound like it. Hey, tell me the schumer thing again what happened he got up and called from a red from a prepared statement calling for uh netanyahu to to be
Starting point is 00:33:53 replaced and even if he doesn't mean it he's just trying to he's fire whatever i didn't even listen to it i know what's up i know that michigan's in play and I know that there's a shit ton of people there that don't share Western values. That's what I'm afflicted with. I have Western values, they used to call it. Oh God, this guy's such a douche. Part of my core, how Schumer decided to speak out against Netanyahu in an interview in his native Brooklyn, America's highest ranking Jewish elected official said he felt obligated to call for a new leadership in israel
Starting point is 00:34:48 so that that's basically just a political move to appease the people who want israel to stop what they're doing the the routing out the terrorists in the gaza it's the large number of Arabs that live in Michigan. Caleb, where do they live? Was it Dearborn? Where's the hotbed? Let me look. This is so part of my core, my soul, my neshama.
Starting point is 00:35:19 That must be a Jew word. Mr. Schumer said in an interview using the Hebrew word for soul, I said to myself, this may hurt me politically. This may help me politically. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror if I didn't do it. Dearborn, you're right. I think my mom grew up in Dearborn. No, she grew up in Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I think I have family in Dearborn or had family there. Oh, look. Look, there's my mom. I don't know if that's my mom. Who knows what's real anymore? She got a profile picture if it is. Yeah, she did. Yep, that's what that was about. Biden was in Michigan at the time that Schumer read that.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Some DNC orchestrated stuff. Arabs represent 3% of the Michigan population. That's a lot, actually. That is a lot. Well, we know Michigan has its problems, right? I mean, Michigan's as fucking far left as you get. The force is strong there in Michigan.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I would guess that it's like most places that the redness or blueness reflects the ratio of urban to rural geography. And so if got a place with few big cities it's very conservative and you got a place that's that's 90 of the population lives in cities you get a liberal place why do you think that is why do you think um people oh you can't the the the closer you get to nature the harder survival becomes with liberal ideology like your chicken's croaking shit you know right right here um it was often said by a woman that everyone loved to hate. So I'm not going to mention her name and give half wits the,
Starting point is 00:37:31 the hard on, but she said that she didn't think there was it, that she knew of a liberal that could keep a seven 11 doors, seven 11 stores open for a shift or something to that effect. And I love it. And I know exactly what she meant and i also believe it to be true the people in the city are just this is not unrelated to my saying that that your liberalism is a vow of poverty it's not unrelated it's not unrelated
Starting point is 00:37:58 the city people are reliant on the government significantly more than the country dwellers in every single way they've made government their their father yeah they their existence their survival depends on the order you know it was jim jordan our friend jim jordan that that that observed in new york city during the uh 9-11 that the street didn't have the carrying capacity of the building so it's everyone outside you know stop half of you go back in you know they couldn't you couldn't take the city's population and put it into into the open the landscape couldn't hold the vertical yeah and and imagine this that there's a good chunk of environmentalism comes from
Starting point is 00:38:43 these people that live in this shithole of an environment. Sorry, excuse me one second. Rambler, don't talk to my mom. No one in the chat talked to my mom. Okay. Take care of that. Oh, look, someone just started a workout in your house or somewhere. I heard that was a clock.
Starting point is 00:39:05 No, that's the door chime. Oh, I thought someone just started a workout in your house or somewhere. I heard that was a clock. No, that's the door chime. Oh, I thought Maggie was getting some. That could be. Yeah, the city thing is crazy. I was thinking of also, I was with my kids the other day, right? And one of my sons did something, Ari did something. And I go, dude, are you drunk? And he started crying.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And I go, oh, dude, what's wrong? He goes, you think I'm on drugs. You know, he's seven. I'm like, no, dude, sorry. It was just a phrase. I'm sorry. But, dude, that's the emotional fragility of the people in this. I was like, oh, that's city dweller fragility.
Starting point is 00:39:51 They have the emotional capacity of a seven-year-old they get offended and moved by everything that's going on and then if you look at their bodies their bodies in general match that weakness they have a they have a what's the word you taught me years ago? Commensurate. They have a commensurate, fragile body to their emotional state. Setti, the book, A Pattern Language, I don't know if it was three stories or five. It may be three, but they just boldly state it's matter of like an architectural maxim, one of 250 or 300 in the book, that you can't have sound mental health living more than three floors above the ground. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Yeah. So I'm like, wow, all those people are mentally ill. And I'm like, and it was funny because at the time I saw that, I divided the book into kind of three chunks. There was like, that's some liberal bullshit there. And the book goes from, I can't speak highly enough about this book, by the way. It's not just arguably the best book ever written on architecture. I think it's one of the best books ever written ever.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And as a book it has extraordinary architecture how's that for for clever but it's a 250 chapters of about three pages and it goes please go to my amazon store and purchase this book do not go directly to amazon i want a little bit of the money no i don't have an amazon store i'm joking but you just sold 20 copies of this book. I got enough to go on vacations just on the kickback I get from Amazon. But if I like a book, I'll buy 20 of them and give them out to neighbors and friends. You gave me that book.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I have that book. So that's one of the – oh, in the book, a third of it is like, that's bullshit. Another third, I'm like, interesting. I'm going to think about that. And then there's another third that's, or that, or that, you know, I'm going to think about it, or wow, that makes sense. And then a third is just kind of stunning in ramification. Just crazy thing to think about that you might not ever be able to let go of. Walking the room's different. And it's what made my architect, Mark Candelarius, what drove him into the biz. So I had to read it. But it's
Starting point is 00:42:11 better than architecture, the book is. Does it give some example, like a why living three floors? I just certainly locked onto that. I gave it kind of maybe a dismissal, and then I keep coming back to it. Like, what if that's true? I can't imagine what the mechanism would be. I mean, is it some hippie shit, like you're not grounded to the earth, or is it just a correlate?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Like, hey, there is some pattern in that 92% of the people who live on the third floor or higher are tarded. Buddy, I get out on that 16 acres overlooking the ocean in Santa Cruz. Yeah. And sit there and I just feel something. I don't even know what to call it. That's how I got that Camp David name. The hustle and bustle of everywhere else is the lakes like that too, of course.
Starting point is 00:43:04 everywhere else is the lakes like that too, of course. I don't, I have, I doubt the, I would think that living in the city would be, have the impact on your mental health about like smoking wood on your physical health. impact on your mental health about like smoking wood on your physical health um you know what i'm noticing too and i know this is so cliche to be the dead horse but once a week now i'm seeing a fallen soldier around me who uh it was their phone that did it to him and they don't even know there's a whole generation of people who think like uh social media in in the comments coming in and their interactions on their phone are real like they just can't like there's
Starting point is 00:43:50 people who once a week someone's complaining to me about something that's just completely irrational it's it's just this completely abstract thing that doesn't mean anything to them or their life and their real world order something someone said to them or or how they were treated or something that they read from their phone and it's like it's like truly impacting them it's like the best thing about being 52 years old that i missed that kind of it's like people who are dependent on microwaves right there's you know a lot of people depend on microwaves i'm just glad i missed that part of upbringing that makes the cell phone part of who you are. Like there's just a chunk of people who think it's part of who they are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I was explaining to you yesterday that I've got a list of things that are fantastically wrong. health, fitness, nutrition, science and science education. And so when someone has a new thing, did you hear about, you know, I've got a limited tolerance for it because I said I've got all the evidence i need for the world's up and i'm not gonna have to catch everything now oh yeah we were talking about that yesterday i think on the phone we were laughing realize that there's a massive tidal wave of stupidity has washed over us all yeah um you have to be open to to any manifestation um from that stupidity it won't be good things it'll be it'll be bad things and and we're gonna see it i've been with you when you've lost your phone or you didn't have your phone or i've been trying to get a hold of you for four days i'm like
Starting point is 00:45:42 hey what's up and you're like oh, I don't have my phone. I left it in Idaho. I left it somewhere. And I always think to myself, Jesus Christ, Greg, you could just fucking roll down. You could just go on your computer and someone would bring you a new phone in three seconds. I mean, you would do that with a piano. And I'm like, man, this guy's just not attached to his phone.
Starting point is 00:46:00 He just like, fuck it. He lost his phone. He don't give a fuck. Me, I'll drive away from my house and forget my phone at home and i won't go back for it but if i lost my phone or broke i fucking next day one here like i don't have the detachment but there's other people if they fucking lost their instagram account they would i mean you know there's if they shut down tiktok you know people are going to jump from buildings that's like true like i mean i'm not saying i care like in the sense that they shouldn't shut it down
Starting point is 00:46:28 or should shut it down for that but that's their that's their that's their importance of that i think i think we would be likely to see in a second biden administration people uh uh banned from the internet. Yeah. So you going on the net could be a felony. Yeah. And a second Biden administration,
Starting point is 00:46:55 you know they want to take Twitter from Elon so bad. Yeah. There's this... That was a great chess move on his part yeah well everyone was kind of i i don't i don't think they had their eye on the ball i don't think everyone was watching the right game i don't think anybody thought it would be possible Well like They're like ha ha ha it still doesn't make any money
Starting point is 00:47:28 Like I don't think that's what it was about Did you see Oh by the way are you getting a roadster You know I paid for one Yeah and someone I didn't see this part but I guess in the Don Lemon interview He asked him about the don lemon interview he asked him about the roadster and he said it's it's close it's close he said zero to 60 in one second he
Starting point is 00:47:52 said there'll never be another car like this this will be a one-of-a-kind car but i remember i think we were living in c i mean you you that was i paid i paid for the uh for the upgrade, the one that shoots flying gas or something. I don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Damn, this is crazy. We also sent a little note to Elon that if the Roadster thing didn't pan out, and it was supposed to be ready in 2020, so I think we were like 2016, 17 on that thing, Seb? Yeah, I just remember. I think we were like 2016 17 on that thing said yeah i just remember i think we
Starting point is 00:48:27 were living in san diego and you're like one of those in rancho pacifica yeah it was yep so that would have been when uh you know the kids were little someone told me someone told me the other day i don't't remember who, but basically that Elon has built his own AI and his AI is better than chat GPT and that he's released it on Twitter. And to harvest, that's where it's doing its learning is strictly in the domain of Twitter where there's free speech and that it will increase the valuation of Twitter by 100 billion. I'm sure it will be worth $144 billion. What? Grok? That's what that is?
Starting point is 00:49:08 Is that what that one's called, Grok? I think so. G-R-O-K? Yeah. Hey, check out this. Look at My Prism. What the fuck website is that I went to yesterday? my prism what the fuck website is that i went to yesterday uh my prism me oh look at uh no my prism my
Starting point is 00:49:35 uh hold on uh or my prism is that what it is Prism or my prism Is that what it is? Prism. Damn. It's not on this computer. Anyway, there's the oh, oh, maybe it's called something My Prism. And basically you download it onto your phone. No. No. Prism me? Me Prism? Anyway, you download it onto your computer, and then you push a button, and it basically shows all the companies that have investigated your background. Your name, your phone number, your arrest record your arrest record all that shit yes that thing so i logged into that thing yesterday and
Starting point is 00:50:32 it basically gives and they have a phone app too i haven't got the password for my phone app yet and you basically go through and you hit this button and um it shows you all the i should bring mine up but um i don't have it on this computer. But basically – oh, maybe I can. Maybe I – what's it called, MePrism? Okay, MePrism, a data privacy app. Is there going to be some sensitive information you're going to bring up? That's a great question.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Let me see if I can log in and see what happens. Get started. Google. So I don't think so okay you're gonna love this greg this is so fucking cool so this so i god i hope there's nothing sensitive on here i don't think there is it has the full spelling of my name. That's it. So basically, you go on here and there's all of these people. Look at cluster maps, call center, been verified, family tree now, find people, And it basically finds all of these people and it sends them on your behalf because they're not allowed to collect it if you ask for them not to. And it starts asking them to remove you from all your shit their shit right
Starting point is 00:51:48 interesting so the invest check this out so there's a bill now in california to stop this app there's a bill in california now that makes it so you can't ask a third party they're trying to pass it through to remove your shit for you you have to do it you're telling you have to do it yourself yeah like what the fuck like that's such clearly bullshit anyway i'm just want to know like who's got your shit that i wouldn't even have recognized half of those websites if they weren't brought up yeah this thing is so cool i can't wait to get into it more and more but you put it on your phone too and it's it's i don't know if right now it does because i haven't seen the phone app but i think it interfaces with facebook and all the social
Starting point is 00:52:39 media apps and it starts pulling you off of all of those too so it basically starts making you fucking invisible except for what you want to present to the world and i mean it's a great resource for fucking if you're a cop you definitely need this shit or politician or anyone that you're concerned about i told someone the other day i was doing it they're like yeah you need that for the shit you say on your website on your podcast i was like yo easy be cool that was a threat i guess the guy that we took that went out with us on the boat the other day is part of my orientation to this thing um and the kids from el salvador right right? He's been here a while, though. But he passed some bikers on
Starting point is 00:53:30 motorcycles, and they followed him to where he got off and surrounded him and explained to him that you don't ever pass us. And he said, I'm so sorry. How was I supposed to know? And he said, you're supposed to go up to the guy at the back of the pack and ask him if he can pass. Where was this? In the United States?
Starting point is 00:53:46 Yeah. In San Diego County. Was it the... What's the Mexican one with the M? It starts with the M? It was, in fact. The Mongols. Mongrels. Mongrels. It was.
Starting point is 00:54:02 What's mongrel mean? Just like dirty something? D something dirty rat a dog of no definable type or breed um i was in i was i was driving into newport beach you know that main you know that street i'm talking about i forget the highway but it's the one that goes right to the ocean it's you know four lanes in each direction it takes you into that downtown area and there's a pavilions there in a shopping center and i was pulling in there and there's stoplights there every block there's like i don't know 10 stoplights in a row within less than a mile and we were there and the mongrels came probably 50 of them and they just ran every stoplight and
Starting point is 00:54:39 they have the guys stop the traffic motorcycles pull up ahead and stop the uh incoming traffic so that the main guys can just go i guess i guess when you're 50 motorcycles deep like no one fucked with you not even the cops shit i guess i've seen like singular bikers try to pull over other motorcycles that try to stop them or like try to pass them think of think of how low those guys iq would be compared to the ones stealing iphones are they higher or lower on i'm gonna make a little scale here i think the iphone thieves are well at least i see what's in it for them. As opposed to the guys just riding their bikes and making traffic stop to be assholes.
Starting point is 00:55:28 What's the point? In the best of the biker gangs, the name brand ones, there's fewer people that you can count on one hand that are making anything that would look like an orthodontist living. And the rest live in unspeakable poverty with crazy multiple
Starting point is 00:55:48 addictions. It's zombie land. You get three from the top and it's zombie land. You go from motherfuckers that have suits and ties on and haven't been on a Harley in 15 years to just two levels down
Starting point is 00:56:04 and it's some tweaky fuck on meth or some fat half-witted beast it's crazy yeah but the stupidity the stupidity just oozes and and and the whole game is you get those halfwits trying to get the guy in the suit. And they'll pass the baton pretty quick, too. It's not unlike any kind of terrorist organization, really. Hey. The Chinese understand gangs well. And what they've done to assist the uh sinaloa cartel has been has been just just wonderful it's like is that a mexican or colombian cartel what's
Starting point is 00:56:57 sinaloa it's a mexican cartel and it's the one behind the fentanyl trade and it's the one behind the fentanyl trade. And it's the one taking the Chinese precursors and pressing them into pills. And they went to like Harvard Business School with their education from the Chinese in gang activity. I thought the way the media presented it. Gangs and fentanyl is dear and close. I mean, you know that the Chinese feel like they owe us unspeakable addiction because of the opium wars. We did that today. Let's give a little history on that. They're pissed off.
Starting point is 00:57:46 They would rightfully be. So people with a 5,000 year memory have not forgotten that shit. The West talked the shit out of them over them trying to stop opium production. Dang, that was a long time ago. Right? Don't I have the story right?
Starting point is 00:58:15 Hong Kong became a British colony through two wars, the first and second Opium Wars. The first Opium War broke out in 1839. It's called the Opium War because of one of its major causes. The British were smuggling opium from their indian colonies into chinese ports against the wishes of the chinese government this was to help pay for the large amounts of chinese tea that they were importing by the 1800s tea was this popular drink with british public uh the opium wars resulted in two treaties each expanding the size of britain's hong kong territory so basically they got their people weak addicted and weak weak. Doesn't say that in there, but I'm just making that conclusion.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Yeah, well, the Chinese were trying to stop the importation and the British didn't like that. And so there was a war. And so they must feel like they owe us some fentanyl. And the Brits. Everyone. No? Yeah. That's an employee
Starting point is 00:59:07 at Taco Bell. Every employee at Taco Bell. You can't even believe this shit. I mean, they're open 24 hours a day and I don't think they put a limit on how much you can work. I'm at the Taco Bell in Niles. I'm sitting here waiting for my food. And this guy.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Nah, he's fucked up. Looks like this. That's Trank, right? When you get over the hunched. This is horrible. This is ridiculous. Oh, that was a little movie. Dance movie did there.
Starting point is 00:59:51 I think his nervous system just rebooted. No. That's the trank position, right? That's the trank position. Yeah. Don't worry. We get to talk. What's going on with you man
Starting point is 01:00:06 sorry man i've just been working no we're waiting for food man you got a whole line you've been sitting here nodding out at the drink machine man bro you should probably not be working right now i feel that boy it's just been a long night no man no No, man. No. What do you mean? No, dude. We're waiting for food. We've been sitting here waiting.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Hey, it's the big Lebowski trying to order it. Oh, look at that. That's not easy. That's not easy. You know, if you, you a field a field sobriety test for holding a physical and physically impossible position you know let me let me i'm going to give you three cities where you think do you think that this is happening in philadelphia a great guess great guess uh oakland yeah i was gonna say baltimore is a great guess philly and baltimore Great guess. Great guess. Oakland? I was going to say Baltimore is a great guess.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Philly and Baltimore. You're just going for the easy shots, though. Yeah. Naming. Never mind. It's Oakland. Taco Bell including restaurant. This is Taco Bell on 35th and Hagenberger.
Starting point is 01:01:21 God, what a horrible area. Oh, right near where Buzz lives there. Not anymore. He moved to Tennessee. This is over by the airport. God, it's so fucking dangerous over there now. What a fucking mess. Hey, look at this. Look at this guy.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Listen to this opening line uh johnny boy says here there is nothing i think more unfortunate than to have a soft chubby fat looking children Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. There's nothing, I think, more unfortunate than to have soft, chubby, fat-looking children. I hope that all of you will join and everybody in the United States. Hey, don't tell anyone this, please. I feel the exact same way. I just do like how's a fat kid different than a fat dog
Starting point is 01:02:31 you mean like hey you're just feeding it too much like just stop feeding your kid so much yeah the dog and the kidney the one that gets in the car and goes to the grocery store and buys shit and throws it in the bowl. This is just crazy. There's nothing, I think, more unfortunate than to have soft, chubby, fat-looking children. I hope that all of you will join and everybody in the United States
Starting point is 01:03:00 to make sure that our children participate fully in a vigorous and adventurous life which is possible for them in this very rich country of ours that's why they're emotionally weak as fuck too dude there's gotta be the russians saw that as a call to war i don't know if you you know prepping for war oh they did oh yeah his whole fitness thing scared the out of them and he made a point of showing it to him and rubbing their their noses in it and uh that whole presidential fitness thing was was was initiated by him and remember the uh we we did some media on this someone did for us sev about the some media on this someone did for us sev about the yeah it goes on to show some of the some of the stuff that was like i think led to us doing a media on it right this this this footage is from
Starting point is 01:03:52 one of the 4 000 u.s high schools that followed la sierra's physical education program that was pushed to be the standard model by jfk according to the la sierra physical education standards that were outlined in their 1966 handbook, the minimum push-ups that a student should be able to do is 16, and they should have at least a 7.5-minute mile run. Considering most modern Americans struggle to even complete 5 push-ups, this 16 minimum is quite shocking. The top group that was outlined in the handbook is Blue Team,
Starting point is 01:04:21 and to be a part of this, you had to be able to perform 12 handstand pushups and at least 14 pull-ups, which are crazily impressive standards. Considering one in six modern American children have obesity, it is a shocking sight to see. That's not true. It's more than that. This is old.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Yeah, okay. Did we produce this, Seve? No. No. I want to say... We paid for its production? I think somehow the guy from L.A. somehow was a...
Starting point is 01:04:53 There was some relationship. Someone brought you the trailer before the movie was made, and you're like, fuck yeah. And I think you knew maybe the coach at the high school or something back then or something when tvs were black and white were you around then yeah you know i had a i had a kid in the neighborhood when i was in
Starting point is 01:05:13 you know that high school right yeah was going to Chatsworth High. And he bet me $20 I couldn't do. I said I could do 50 pull-ups. And he said, I'll give you $20 if you can do 50 pull-ups. He was just absolutely positive I couldn't. He says, not good ones. And I go, I can. So he went and got his $20.
Starting point is 01:05:43 And everyone came outside and watched my dad and everyone else. Just point to this story. It's not a break. How old were you? How old were you? It was between sixth and seventh grade. So I'd have been 12.
Starting point is 01:05:54 And I did the 50 bucks, 50 pull-ups. I got the 20 bucks. And he had advice for me. And it was, he did. He asked me if I'd heard of Steve Hugg. And I go, I hadn't. And he says, you need to hear of him. He goes to my high school and he's the best gymnast in the country.
Starting point is 01:06:13 He's an Olympian. And he started in the local parks, just like you're doing. And I hadn't heard of the guy, but I made a point of it. And it was impactful for me that 20 that 20 in that moment of victory fueled a gymnastics career out of which came uh the understanding that i could do anything i wanted with enough hard work and i learned in coaching the myth of talent. Bunch of cool shit.
Starting point is 01:06:50 But I tell people that I – Easy. Wait your turn. Go ahead. I got more out of that sport than anyone I've met, and I know the greatest. No one took from gymnastics what I did. Speak your mind, woman.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Okay. First, I'm a big fan of the show and it's my first time calling in um i'm calling in because of the topic i have a niece um well she's not my niece she's my cousin's kid but i call her my niece and she's four years old and already like almost 80 90 pounds and um I as like I'm very fit and active and I I don't know how to like communicate to my cousin and my mom has like the same concerns as me like help the kid like both of the kids parents are extremely like morbidly obese and yeah i i've tried attempts like for her birthday i i told my mom to give her a thymaster like i told my mom to sign her up for like a ymca like soccer like team or basketball team and i was like that's a good way because then you're just saying to put her in sports you're not saying she's fat and she my mom not like being way too trustful just gave her the money and sent her the link
Starting point is 01:08:19 and she just used the money you know i have an have an idea. I have a plan here. If you'll call my mom and tell her that it's fucked up to come over and get drunk and start fights with people, I'll call your cousin and say... You know, like a throw mama from the train kind of deal, and I'll never mention your name once. It'll be anonymous. I just want to
Starting point is 01:08:40 talk to you about your... How old's your mom, Greg? 93. 92? Whatever. Old enough to know better. Just want to talk to you about your dad. How old is your mom, Greg? 93. Two. Whatever. Old enough to know better. She's been doing it forever, too. God, one of the funnest times I had in Hawaii was hanging out with your mom at the bar.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Me and her hung out at the bar just for fucking two hours. God, that was fun. Hey, so I don't know how. I don't know if Caleb and Greg endorsed i don't know if caleb and greg endorsed this but here's here's just my fucking truth when you have a fat kid you're gonna throw their hormones off and you're gonna reach it it sounds like the kids probably already reached that that weight and what what i call it is she's gonna do she's gonna total they're gonna total the rig the kid by the time the kid's six the kid won't they'll alter the entire course of the kid's life there's some really fucked up shit that happens to boys
Starting point is 01:09:29 their penises and testicles won't develop if they get too fat too quickly as young boys you're telling you're telling me i was a big kid too not as big as her but i was a chubby kid yeah and i started puberty when i was seven years old like full-on puberty like yeah they're gonna they're gonna you gotta just tell them hey dude food go ahead sorry go ahead i was on like the trans medication lupron until i was 12 my parents didn't know any better just they were scared i had pre-pubescent puberty and like now i'm in my 20s and i have like insane hormonal issues because of it and i was not are you really horny or the opposite uh no i'm just like i eventually when i want to have kids like i have infertility issues horrible eyesight bone issues things like that because i was on puberty blockers for like five years
Starting point is 01:10:16 well good on you for fucking getting super fit i'm so proud of you and your fucking voice sounds great you sound you just sound like a fucking cool person hey someone just has to tell them like hey you're you're gonna change you're gonna ruin this fucking kid's life you better and just i would i would just risk the whole relationship i would just like send them a note and be like i use movies medicinally like a like a dose of wally you know put that on and when it's over put it on again i mean at the end of the day the food is just it's just a fucking thing to to alter our hormones and they're just yeah it's just it's just a slower but equally effective method is fucking whatever that medication is by the way that's wild your parents put you on that did they ever say sorry to you for that oh they feel
Starting point is 01:11:02 horrible now and i totally forgive them like i remember like that's all good being in the doctor's office and they totally convinced us it was normal and okay what was what was the hot what was the hot was it kaiser yes it was fuck oh shit always kaiser dude it's always kaiser hey sebi who's the pediatrician? Let's hear it. It was probably your guy. Oh my God. I will say one thing that I, so when my wife and I have to watch my knee,
Starting point is 01:11:32 careful, Caleb, a lot of people know you, know you watch this show. Don't fuck your, throw your whole family away right now. Don't say something crazy and your whole family. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:11:40 that's cool. Uh, when my wife and I watch my niece, we will just hang out at our house and we'll just like we have rings we just set up the gymnastics rings we set up like obstacle courses she's like she's not as old as your niece but we'll always be like doing something with her like we'll go outside we'll go for walks we'll play on the with the weight set set up some pads and have her like jump around on it whatever like i think just and so now that we've done that my niece wants to do that with her parents so
Starting point is 01:12:11 they'll just like she wants to go like climb on their kids or climb on her parents or climb all over the couches and like do stuff so i think getting them to do things is kind of helpful too you know what? People always ask if they could bring a Nintendo Switch or some bullshit to the gym with their kid. They always say, I'm going to bring the kid. He'll be cool. He'll just sit there. It was funny because
Starting point is 01:12:35 that was always wrong. It's not the Switch and they wouldn't use the coloring book. They're going to put rings in the kettlebells every fucking time. They can't leave the rings in the kettlebells every fucking time. Every kid that can't leave the rings in the kettlebells allowed. But I've never seen a fat girl do it. I'll tell you what, man. You bring a little fat girl over and she's not going to swing from the rings.
Starting point is 01:12:53 There's a point where you've kind of the boat's left, Steffi, like you were saying. I mean, of all the children you've had come to the house, there's been very few obese kids. But the ones that have, um, it's different here. I mean, I know, you know, the problem I'm preaching to the choir, but the kids are going to just copy whatever the parents do. So my kids like to work out at 10 30 at night, they drop F bombs in everywhere they can and they hold doors open for hot chicks i mean they did their fucking spitting image of me and um yeah yeah it's like uh you know greg's kids sit around with fucking math books and
Starting point is 01:13:33 in love fractions you know what i mean that your kids are who they're going to become who you are Yeah, it's wild. I've got a nine-year-old that does calculations in his head, and he's proud of it. And I've got a 10-year-old. I asked her what's 9, 10, 7. She's like, ask Rhett. And she was committed to not learning her times tables, resolutely committed. And I told her that you're going to learn. That's going to happen. And we just have to figure out, you know, like what that's going to do to you. And the hope is you don't hate me for it, but you are, you are going to come out on the other side
Starting point is 01:14:18 doing your time sales. And I got a book of five minute drills and I told her, we're just going to keep testing until you got, you can break the five minute barrier with no errors. And we did it, you know, What are you going to do by the way? What's your plan? What do you think you're going to do? How are you going to address this? I just feel like my plan is just to kind of do what i originally did but with my own money signed her up for sports i don't they live in california and i'm living in iowa so it's hard they're fucked they're aliens dude they're not even they're where in california do they live
Starting point is 01:15:00 um they live in orange county oh well that's i mean that's hope that's that's i mean that there's hope there yeah and i think the culture is a big part of it too my i'm mexican and so they they're just like eating all they're eating all the time and there's constantly parties and just she's hungry and so they feed her and they eat a lot too. And so that's a huge part of it. But I am planning on moving back to California. So maybe you can tell them your story. That's what I want to do. Just be like, yo, don't like I'm fucked up from this.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Stop it now. Stop your kid now. Don't let your kid get fucked up. Like I got fucked up. Learn. Stop it now. Stop your kid now. Don't let your kid get fucked up like I got fucked up. Learn from my mistake. It's sensitive because the parents are convinced, oh, we're fat. She has our genes. She's born
Starting point is 01:15:54 to be fat. How many of your family do you know that has diabetes? Nobody in my family has diabetes. Really? Yeah. Mexican just rice beans steak chicken they just go to sleep between two and six every day yeah in the 44th congressional district the brown man's diabetes burden was 40 of women over 50 yeah i mean i do i agree with what they're saying like i used to feel that way my dad is was like 400 pounds and i was always kind of like struggled with my weight but then my dad like
Starting point is 01:16:37 kind of cut that mindset and now he's like 180 wow he just got really, um, that's a beast. Holy shit. Yeah. He's awesome. And he doesn't, he'll, anytime I'm home, Bill, him and my brother will jump in and do CrossFit with me and they love it and they're super supportive of it. And him doing that has kind of kept my mindset of like, yeah, like there's no excuses, like to be healthy and things like that and i was a college athlete so i've always been fit but what did you do i was a rower i'm sometimes in the comments i was a rower and i'm a rowing coach now yeah that's awesome but i was like a little bit bigger and i got away with it because of like eight hours of cardio a day pretty pretty much. You're a tall Mexican? No. I was the shortest on my team, but I just was really, really fast.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I'm like 5'6". Oh. Fuck, that's tall to me. Seve, what's her name? Art Rowing, yeah. It was also short in the eight-man boat, the Olympic medalist. McKenzie's chick? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Lauren Cathardo? McKenzie's chick? Yeah. Lauren Cathardo? No. Cafro? Cafaro. Cafaro. What did I say? Cathardo? Uh-huh. Cafaro. We're close.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Hey, as you address this, let me know. Hey, if they have the resources, they need to pull their kid out of school not worry at all about education and just fucking have that kid in three different sports every single fucking day it's just basically i mean that's what i care that's what my parents did yeah like just fucking take the like that like that kid needs to be moving you can't you're not you can't go anywhere without addressing carbohydrate. And listen, whether there's a response to that or not is an entirely different issue than your obligation to say something about carbohydrate. Yeah. Well, thank you guys both did you roll into bradley no i rode at miami university of miami all right never mind that's where i found crossfit i went to peak 360 no
Starting point is 01:18:59 oh wow best people ever yeah you know trido Trinidad. Yes. So amazing. They changed my life. Totally. Do you still talk to them? Every once in a while. I saw them at Guadalupalooza. We got to catch up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Tell them I said hi. Okay. Next time. I'll let him know. Cool. Hey, thanks for being so cool. Tell your dad he's dope. He's my hero.
Starting point is 01:19:23 I fucking love him. I don't even know him, and I love him. And thank you guys. And you know what, hon? Listen, now that I know more about you, I'm going to tell you what you need to do. It's an intervention, especially with your dad and brothers helping. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I mean, look, if it works, you're a hero. If it doesn't, you tried and it's not your problem. Yeah. It's just, you know, it's hard facing it. But like you said, it's better to just know that I tried. If mom and dad were on heroin, would you say something? Yeah, of course. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I'm not sure how this is different. And I went down this road one day and I looked up. I go, is addiction chronic disease? Because it's got so many similar kinds of properties, right? And the first thing that comes up is addiction is chronic disease. And where does this come from? NIH. And the first thing that comes up is addiction is chronic disease.
Starting point is 01:20:24 And where does this come from? NIH. It's official position, which, you know, should have chased me away. But it's interesting. Okay. Well, thank you. Good luck. Thank you, guys. Keep us posted.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Hey, as you ruin. Yes, I will. Yeah. All right. Thank you, guys. Keep us posted. Hey, as you ruin. Yes, I will.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Yeah. All right. We can intercept him at the juice machine, Seve, at the Jack in a Box. I'll text her your mom's phone number. Yeah. Oh, this shit just fucking bums me out. Olivia, my four-year-old nephew, intersex, is 90 pounds, autistic. It enrages me how he, she already has all these issues, and now he, she is obese.
Starting point is 01:21:15 What does that even mean? I'm so confused. She's just saying, like, that's how fucked up the situation is. It's four, it's already fucking twice its recommended body weight, its healthy body weight, and it's confused about its sex she's not saying it like she calls it that is the way i'm reading i can't even talk to them anymore they also gave him the jab holy shit uh one of my one of my buddies i go hey what are you gonna do with your kids when they're ready to go to school he goes i'm sending them to blah blah school and i'm like oh okay and it's a public school and i'm like that's cool i'm like you like the school they're like yeah i'm like you met any
Starting point is 01:21:52 teachers and we're talking he goes hey they got a trans kid in my doesn't like it but i'm just like you know that that means that everyone around the school is pretending now oh my god those parents are so brave like instead of anyone speaking up honestly about it like hey you're fucking abusing your fucking kid it's gonna be it's gonna be glorified and that shit's gonna that that i don't i just wouldn't want my kid around that oh he's a hermaphrodite i wonder if he is really a hermaphrodite or if the if being 90 pounds overweight caused him to be a hermaphrodite what does that mean he has a cock and balls and a vagina
Starting point is 01:22:41 uh i don't know let's find out What does that mean? He has a cock and balls and a vagina? I don't know. Let's find out. Yeah. Seve, your hair's growing long again. Steven, I sent you those shoes, by the way. $17 for shipping. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Hermaphrodite, an organism having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics,
Starting point is 01:23:15 either abnormally or in the case of some organisms as the natural condition. Seveon, please acknowledge Jake's request. What the fuck isake's request what the fuck is jake's request oh uh um seve has please ask greg uh if he studied the magna carta greg hi have you studied the magna carta i can't i can't say yes but i know enough about it too it's like one of those things that it just must have been an epic fucking moment when they got the king to sign, right? Caleb, help. I was looking it up earlier. Magna Carta was issued in June 1215
Starting point is 01:23:52 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power and place limits of royal authority by establishing law as power in itself. So that's how they got a prime minister is that other words well which king is it i don't i shouldn't have to do this
Starting point is 01:24:13 12 15. so i can't say i'm studying it wishing what was king john king john okay that would have been my guess but he was told it's like sign it or you'll never you'll never make it back home and everyone that could possibly defend him was there. He got brought to a hilltop in Scotland and told, put your signature on this fucking thing if you want to live. And he did. And everyone was happy and he went home. Big cheer.
Starting point is 01:24:36 He had no fucking choice. Yeah. King John. I mean, I could just see you're like, yeah, yeah king joe i mean i i could just see you're like yeah i think it's a great idea you know i was gonna come around i was gonna do this myself you beat me to it i don't know shit about it is it is that somehow incorporated into the way all governments are run now today or something? Has it somehow been a massively influential?
Starting point is 01:25:10 You've got that Bill of Rights. It's one of the great moments in human liberty. Jake Chapman, by the way, lives on the Isle of Man. JFK came to where it was signed because it was cited as the precursor for the USA. That's reasonable. Like we talk about our constitution and they'll talk about the Magna Carta, you know? Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:25:36 Oh, yeah. It's a big deal. It's a big damn deal. And the story, the backstory is just beautiful. It should have been a movie on it and then i hear he didn't see it coming oh the king yeah speaking of big deal did you see um the clips i haven't watched the whole interview yet of tucker carlson and um uh ran paul papa paul no it's pretty wild they get in they're wild They get into the Federal Reserve
Starting point is 01:26:06 And about how that fucking thing Needs to be fucking turned off Made go away Just let the market Do its thing Yeah You're cool with that huh Yeah
Starting point is 01:26:20 If you heard RFK Jr If you heard RFK Jr., if you heard Bobby Kennedy on the deficit, the debt. No, what's he saying? Servicing the debt. And invite everyone to look at that. Is it just him? it's a is it just him locomotive headed headed towards another one on the track at full speed and we and trump and uh biden neither one seemed to know or care the problem is just so many people have been saying that for that i mean that's been going for 30 years now that no one takes it seriously, right? Yeah, I've got a generation that isn't having kids and has no savings and doesn't own homes, isn't insured.
Starting point is 01:27:17 And the petrodollars going away. It's interesting, and I agree. My grandparents thought the world was going to hell, my grandparents thought the world was going to hell. My parents thought the world was going to hell. Now I'm 67 years old, and I think the world's going to hell. But you know what you have to do? You have to realize that worlds go to hell. Yeah, yeah. It happens.
Starting point is 01:27:46 It's kind of like predicting climate change. You're going to be right. You're going to be right eventually. But there's some disturbing signs. That book I gave you the what is his name? Zahan. What's the. Oh, God. Yeah. I'm sort of scared to look at that. The beginning of the end of the world or the end of the world has begun or something. I'm like, you handed me that. I read the title. I'm like, you think that there's some truth in here? You're like, I forget what you said, but I'm like, fuck, I don't know if I'm opening this.
Starting point is 01:28:16 My bias for it is because here's the thing. I mean, it's the, the world is, is going to change dramatically he says but but the united states in fact the western hemisphere will be largely unaffected oh the end of the world is just the beginning but the but europe europe going to see more of war and maybe even nuclear war. And China's fucked. Oh, and that's when you told me, hey, I have such a...
Starting point is 01:28:55 I can't say anything about China. I have such a bias of hope that I don't know if I can be objective in looking at this thing. We had a really close election last time. Yep. Stolen or not, it was close.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Right. Maybe it had to be stolen to be close. Maybe there was no appreciable theft in any direction. But we can agree on it was close. What has happened since then that would devalue either Joe's or Donald's stock? Everyone.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Joe's or Donald's stock. Everyone. The indictments and charges and all the bullshit that's been thrown at Trump to remove him from the ballot so that he doesn't get elected in the name of saving democracy. How's that for some fucking like that's like gender affirming health care right like whoever came up with that she went a prize for fucking naming shit i'm gonna start giving those out whoever came up with gender affirming health care should win a prize yeah just for word fuckery yeah yeah could anything mean less than what it sounds like yeah an oxymoron is that what that's called you need your gender affirmed by chopping off your penis yes hey it's the confirmation of your you want your mental illness confirmed you want your mental you want to live out your mental
Starting point is 01:30:39 illness it'll be confirmed for the rest of your life. It's got all the medical charm of cutting your hands off to stop thievery. Yeah, yeah. But that's even more realistic, though. I mean, there is a, I mean. It would play hell with your pickpocketing career, wouldn't it? Dude, I mean, it's, there's more, I think there's a greater cause and effect there in terms of you'll get the outcome you want. It does seem, though, a place where medicine shouldn't be, right? I mean, I generally have a problem with surgical corrections for behavior.
Starting point is 01:31:20 If I were a physician, I would be speaking loudly for physicians against that. Right. You don't think lobotomies solve psychosis? You know, yeah. I have problems with bariatric surgery. Genital removal. Also, once you tell me this too, you don't like, you also are very suspect of, I mean, obviously ethically and just logically it doesn't make sense. But also that you all of a sudden, as soon as you do any of those surgeries, you're on a subscription service for meds.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Maybe it was my cousin telling me this. He's like, yeah, of course they love that shit. As soon as you do that, you're on a subscription service for meds for the rest of your life. They love that shit. That's the end game. That's why they want you to use Adobe Photoshop because then you have to pay for this. You can't buy the software anymore. You have to be on the subscription service. Get your penis chopped off. You have to be on meds
Starting point is 01:32:20 the rest of your life, right? We got you on the service. Like Johnny's liver we're gonna watch it we're gonna watch it we're gonna watch it we're gonna watch it you need a new one there was no need for the surgery then there was then the the benefit didn't mesh well with the risk then the risk to the surgery was too great, they needed a transplant. And the guy he was going to all along was the world-famous transplant surgeon. He's got him queued up like fucking jumbo jets
Starting point is 01:32:53 landing at LAX. Ready for maintenance. Just watching him. He should have definitely had the liver surgery early, long ago you're in the wrong body you know winston you're in the wrong body what the fuck does that mean yeah i mean it's it's it's it's it's not like you're in the wrong car you ever done that go to a parking lot and like you're on the phone you go to the wrong like you know like i'll go to the
Starting point is 01:33:22 wrong black toyota 4Runner, my kids are like, dude, wrong car. I'm like, oh, sorry. Or they'll do it. Dude, I was driving down the street after dropping the kids off at school in Maggie's Escalade going, this is a filthy fucking car. Look at this, man. This is even bad for Maggie. And then it hit me. Not my car.
Starting point is 01:33:43 And I'm cruising down. You got in and drove away and someone put their fucking black Escalade next to mine with the keys, left the keys in it. And I'm on my way home bitching about the mess in the car.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Oh, I would have loved it if you got arrested. You should have seen the smoothness with which I put that back. Did they even notice? No one noticed. Oh, hell yeah. God damn.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Yep, I left. In your Escalade. Yeah. Dude, that's awesome. In hers, then ours. And that is the car. Everyone always leaves their keys in those cars and you always leave your Santa Barbara buddy you know hey and my worry was that she was driving mine off oh right yeah I guess it's a one for one. Hey, tell me about the boat thing.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Oh, I'm... You went to San Diego yesterday and got on your boat, or two days ago? Yeah, it's the second time I've been out good on it. I'm new to boating, everyone, but I got a lot of boats so i took to it quickly and the ocean going thing is new first boat i ever had was a ocean going rowboat and but now i got an axle par 37.5 center cabin and uh i tell you i was getting this like hemingway-esque old man in the sea vibe, and then I realized, no, I'm going to be more like the old man in the marina. You were channeling, by the way.
Starting point is 01:35:30 That's what channeling is. You were probably channeling Hemingway. Ronnie Teasdale on the other day was talking to us about channeling. You were probably channeling. That's right. I tell you what, California from the water is a beautiful thing. So there's a million and a half people in front of me, and I'm out watching these two-and-a-half, three-foot breakers at Point Loma,
Starting point is 01:35:54 and there's no one out there. It's like a perfect break, perfect surf day, sunny, 80 degrees, and no one out there. All they needed was, you know you know drop anchor and throw some kids out there with boards that's the pacific northwest so we're actually going up to uh in the uh 20s uh in june going up to pacific northwest and gonna do a bunch of the san juan islands when are you doing that end of june oh that's awesome hey and that boat's fast as shit too right i rode in that boat we went over 50 miles an hour right yeah i mean make 3g turns
Starting point is 01:36:33 and shit it's crazy and uh protected you get out of the wind and sun which is cool out of the elements so if you go to the sea do you are to the city, are you going to sleep in it or you'll just drive around all day and then just bed and breakfast on different islands where their only contact with the outside world is via boat. So they have marinas, you know,
Starting point is 01:36:57 docks and. Hey, Christian has a good point. Christian Keller, Greg, you could start a shuttle service For illegal immigrants I sure could You're talking about back I'll take you back for free
Starting point is 01:37:15 Yeah Great question, Slinky Will you let anyone pee in it, Greg? No They can't use the toilet I'm going to have to on the boat why can't you just pee off the side i tell you what my all my kids would and and the missus my grandpa used to have a uh hollowed out plastic like wiffle ball bat
Starting point is 01:37:36 so whenever we'd go fishing or whatever he would just pee through the bat that way it didn't like even hit hit the boat or anything it just goes so he would stand on the edge of the boat put the wolf of all bat on around his cock yep and then just point it down to the water yep just far enough away we put it in the water no no so and which end would you which end is the pee coming out of? The fat end or the skinny end? The skinny end. Depends on how thick your dick is. You cut both ends off? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:13 That's impressive. I like that. I was like, wow, that's actually a genius idea. But it's only your bat. You got to get multiple. Yeah, I'm not sharing your bat. That's interesting. Smart idea.
Starting point is 01:38:33 That way you don't have to have smelly pee all over your boat. I mean, you could just, on one of those platforms on the back of the boat, you could just put like a kiddie toilet and anyone could just like, and just take the lid off of it and girls can just sit on it and just pee and it would just go into the, you know what I mean, the base. Girls could just go into the water. You can't see their stuff anyway. That's the cool thing. The girls can just pee in public. You can't, they don't have any stuff to see.
Starting point is 01:39:01 Never even know it. Yeah. And they're quick. That chick was in decent exposure. What do you mean? What did you see? Nothing. Nothing.
Starting point is 01:39:20 I think we have good continuity. I always know the show's ending when we're talking about female genitalia. The new timeline. It started with abortion and ended with pudendum. Bookends and pudendum. Did your grandfather have a van toilet? No, I had a van toilet. No van toilet.
Starting point is 01:39:43 My wife told me to throw the van toilet away. Do you have any toilets in any of your cars, Greg? Are you going to have to have that again soon? No. But you got a new baby coming. They pee on the floor. They pee on the seat. I had this no food in the car rule.
Starting point is 01:39:59 And I, and I, in a soft moment, I violated my rule the one time. Okay. And I, we, the kids got shakes. And Robbie dropped her strawberry shake in the backseat of my truck. And from about three feet up in her car seat, it dropped and landed perfectly upright, which put most of the shake on the headliner. It was just like, it was so amazing. I wasn't even mad. I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 01:40:33 I couldn't believe it. I had shake all over me. We all had strawberry shake all over us. And the look on her little face, she was so, she knew she'd really fucked up. Two things, lost the shake. She knew of the no with nothing in the car rule. And here we we're all got strawberry shake all over she's getting none other than when she can lick off her hands but i i just found it just amazing that i let go one time and then the next
Starting point is 01:40:58 time there's another drive-through thing and, and someone took their cheeseburger and ground the patty across the perforated leather air-conditioned back seat. And so every little hole has burger and cheese in it. So every time you turn on the AC, it smells like fucking burger time. No way. Hey, is Maggie listening right now? I want to tell this story she shouldn't hear no no one's here so greg orders this mercedes-benz four-wheel drive van it's so sick so sick hardwood floors cool tv in it the leather seats to log around his family right
Starting point is 01:41:42 just the coolest the war van and we go pick it up from where it's ready do you remember this greg not yet i hate that i think we picked it up in san jose you just got anyone out of a sprinter and yeah it's the most insane splinter sprinter van you've ever seen and it's got beautiful it's all tricked out and he orders this trenta iced tea and he goes do you want to drive and i'm like sure and he sets it it's got a fucking cup holder on the on the on the dash but the cup holder is like only it doesn't hold the cup actually it's just like a little divot for it it might as well be a coaster it's pointless and i step on the gas and this trenta iced tea just tips over in this brand new sprinter van and hits the ground do you remember that
Starting point is 01:42:32 and you didn't even flinch i thought oh he's gonna kill me i'm dead you're like oh i'm just like that's the that's the story with that thing i I mean, like, I wouldn't have seen a thousand drinks. You've got my list of problems with that fucking thing. How about the worthless rearview mirror? The back window is so dark you see nothing. It's just black back there. The heater doesn't work. The air conditioner doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Not like you'd want. The hands-free doesn't work. Hey, Schnaz drove it from Idaho to Vegas, and when he got out of the car he stepped out and collapsed because his feet were so numb it was like when you bite your lip coming from the orthodontist the vibration was so bad on his feet they were numb and he couldn't feel them so he couldn't walk so got off the toilet after taking a shit for two hours. I don't know if you remember this too. Later on that day or a couple of days later, me and you were in this,
Starting point is 01:43:29 in that van taking it somewhere and we stopped at a gas station in Watsonville. Do you remember this? And I fill up the gas tank and I get back in the car and we're in there for like 15 minutes. And you're like, dude, what's up?
Starting point is 01:43:41 I'm like, what do you mean? And I go out there and it's just poor. Like I've put 300, I've put 40 gallons in the sprinter and fucking 200 gallons on the ground. The guy at the gas station was so pissed. It was a big, I had to fill out paperwork and shit. It was like a hazmat issue. Seve, remember the iced tea in Portland?
Starting point is 01:44:02 The one you. in Portland. The one you think. I'm with Dale and Seve in Portland and I'm explaining something. I'm talking. It's a big enough story I have to set my iced tea down. One exactly like this. We're outside. Brand new Trenta
Starting point is 01:44:19 iced tea. We just sat down. I set it down and something in my face tells me I should look over at my iced tea because Dale and Seve both look like they've seen a ghost so I look back over my shoulder and said he's filming he's got the camera running I gotta find that and I see in this homeless guys drinking my iced tea standing there right next homeless guy with the briefcase he's homeless but he's also got like a businessman's briefcase. And with it there, how about go fuck yourself look on his face?
Starting point is 01:44:52 Yeah. It's my tea now. So what happens, Heavy? He put the iced tea down and Greg picks it up. He goes, no, I want you to have it. And just fucking throws. Hey dude, from three feet away.
Starting point is 01:45:10 And the Trent ice tea hits him in the chest. I want you to have, and there's these two fucking foreigners there like this, like they're sixties and they're like, Holy fuck. What is going on? The dudes, the dude, you remember he was a big guy tall tall thin guy but you remember he scampered away like he couldn't even believe it i thought me and you and dale were gonna have to beat him up but he just kind of like freaked out
Starting point is 01:45:35 caleb he might have he might have received the ist at 65 miles an hour at a point blank range the sound on the video was awesome too it was different it sounded metallic almost the acoustics of it were bizarre like an alien's water broke we all had iced tea on us too everyone got some
Starting point is 01:45:56 even the tourists and then in three seconds later you're telling the story again do you want me to get you another one? No, I want you to have it. Wham! It put me in charge of the homeless. God, that was good.
Starting point is 01:46:22 My kid threw up last night. Uh-oh. In the middle of the night. I mean, he was cool. I didn't even notice. My wife said, Hey, Joseph got up in the middle of the night and threw up. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:46:32 Oh, those stomach bugs kind of come and go fast. Right? I guess it was weird. I just like how cool he is. I'm like, Joseph, did you cry?
Starting point is 01:46:40 He goes, no. I'm like, are you bummed? He's like, no. I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 01:46:44 My other two kids would, well, my you bummed? He's like, no. I'm like, all right. My other two kids would my oldest kid would think he's going to die. Maggie will say to the kids, you don't look good. You all right? Yeah, I'm all right. You sure? You don't look so good. Are you going to throw up?
Starting point is 01:46:59 And then pretty soon, that's where we go. You think she causes it or she just senses it? She's got mother. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I knew in the intake, in the ER, you don't want to mislead.
Starting point is 01:47:17 You don't want to suggest anything. Well, you know what my wife does to everyone in my house including myself she'll just be like hey go to the bathroom she's like she just knows like if she senses the smallest like dance between me or one of the boys like the p dance she'll be like hey you got to go go to the bathroom she'll know i have to go to the bathroom before i have to go to the bathroom sometimes i'm like oh shit i didn't even realize i had to go to the bathroom maybe she's just a witch, Jewish witch, casting the peace bell on everyone. One of my kids lets out a big fart. Riley, Maggie will call him by name to go take a shit, will you?
Starting point is 01:47:54 Jesus Christ, get out of here. And that's right. It wasn't me. And she goes, the fuck it wasn't. I don't have those skills man how's the house buddy it's moving so fast i mean we had like 30 workers there yesterday when i was there there was you had the gym you know obviously at the 50 yard line but the house was just you know the found and i was just there a couple weeks ago the house was just the foundation and some steel beams you're saying there's actually like wood around there now and walls like windows are in you know not installed but have arrived
Starting point is 01:48:35 they're they're ready to go hey at the bsi event someone said um hey this is the cleanest construction site i've ever seen it was was it you caleb who event, someone said, hey, this is the cleanest construction site I've ever seen. It was. Was it you, Caleb, who said that? Someone said that. That is actually remarkably clean. It looks like a park. My guy, John Schultz, is a legendary builder. And there's a story.
Starting point is 01:49:02 I've met some incredible people through John just in current builds. And he runs eight or nine projects at a time. And they're all, you know, 20,000 to 40,000 square foot kind of properties. And there's the the the skill with which he manages his people and the concerns he has for them is really, really a touching thing. But my superintendent on our project basically lives in the trailer on the property. He's there at dawn and leaves at night um five or six days a week but uh he's got eight or nine of these guys and my guy daniel is one of the new guys he's been with john for just 15 years and uh and yeah there's two other guys that have been with john for 30 years and they all drive nice new trucks and have nice new beautiful homes and
Starting point is 01:50:06 john loves these people but uh daniel had a son that was in the had some super challenges at birth medical challenges and uh i was in meetings with with john and the architect when when uh daniel's son was in the hospital and john was going to and from the meeting checking in and he was beside himself he couldn't he couldn't function so we adjourned the meeting and hey let's do this later man you know this isn't doesn't have to be now but uh you know he's his his employee's son has serious medical issues, and the boss can't function. That's how much he cares.
Starting point is 01:50:52 And that's a special relationship to have, to be a young contractor in development, in training, and have a guy that treats you like a father. It's a pretty amazing relationship, and they all feel that treats you like a like a father it's it's pretty amazing relationship and they all feel that way about john uh john sounds like he needs time and there's no bullshit there's no corners cut john sounds like he needs a girlfriend in san diego and john's got a john's got a great wife and a healthy marriage and a couple of beautiful homes and a very, very active older guy rides horses.
Starting point is 01:51:27 He's a, he's a stud. Have I met him? I think so. He looks like the brawny paper towel guy, six, four or five to two 50 lean. Wow.
Starting point is 01:51:38 And a crazy good builder, crazy good builder. I couldn't find a screw on the property to cut open a box. I couldn't find a tool left out. You couldn't find a nail anywhere. There was no exposed beams.
Starting point is 01:51:57 It was pretty immaculate. I couldn't walk 10 feet in my house without finding some pliers. He's got eight or nine projects running, and he keeps the subs on year-round. There are guys getting paid that aren't working. Boy, do they treat that. John says, I need you here.
Starting point is 01:52:20 Drywall here tomorrow. If any chance, they show up fast. I need you here drywall here tomorrow any chance they show up fast and half of the beauty of the build with a guy like that is anything we've needed done over here we just ask hey do you know an electrician
Starting point is 01:52:34 and does he know an electrician and the electrician he knows worships him and so the dispatch is instant Sevan did you ever find the I did find the box of And so the dispatch is instant. Sevan, did you ever find the Matuthian? I did find the box of Matuthian in a cleanup. It ended up in Greg's laundry room.
Starting point is 01:52:55 And then I don't know who I was. I don't know who I was talking to yesterday, but I was like, hey, did I give you some Matuthian at Greg's BSI event? And they're like, no, you were being stingy as fuck. Did I give you one, Caleb? No, I think you gave me one. Did I give you one, Greg? I didn't give you one either. All my closest friends, I didn't give them shit. Jesus. Maybe you've heard you're not supposed to mix business with pleasure, right?
Starting point is 01:53:22 Matoothian with friends? Yeah. No, send me some. I'll give it a whirl. Can you give it a review? Every tooth powder I've used, I've enjoyed it. And when it ran out, wanted to get more and didn't. I'm sending my distributor a text right now.
Starting point is 01:53:44 All right. Thanks for coming on. It's always good to be here. Bye, everyone. Thank you, Caleb. Great. I'll talk to you later. All right.
Starting point is 01:53:53 It was fun having you out here, Caleb. You got to come back. Absolutely. That was a great time. You know enough about construction. Did you see the quality of the build in the frame? Yeah. There's no gaps in the wood. Everything is
Starting point is 01:54:09 sealed tight. It's a pretty beautiful build, that's for sure. You got a nice house coming. All right, gentlemen. I'm going to send you two jars, one for you and one for Maggie. Love it. Okay. All right, bud. Bye. It wasn't tested on animals was it no no no animals
Starting point is 01:54:28 were hurt okay you're the test dummy all right bye did he start the show by saying I'm as dumb as Trump? I don't think so. Okay. I wanted to be offended the whole show, but I just pushed it down. Um. um um did I tell you about that Folgers can that's the previous owner
Starting point is 01:55:15 put in the wall as a cat door no tell me about it I drank Folgers this morning because I ran out of paper street coffee and I have like this like emergency Folgers container is because I ran out of Paper Street Coffee and I have this emergency Folgers container. Is it like that red tub? It's like probably...
Starting point is 01:55:31 No, no, no. Mine's a trip. It's kind of like the Matuthian lid. It's this big... It's like the old... No, it's not the tub. The round... No. But it is pretty... It's a funky container. It's funky. It feels like I'm back, every time I grab it, I feel like I'm teleporting back to the 70s.
Starting point is 01:55:48 Well, the previous owner took one of those Folgers tubs, like the red one that had like the plastic lid you can just peel off kind of thing. Yeah. And he drilled a hole in the wall, like a big probably foot in diameter hole and he shoved the tube in there or the the Folgers can and then caulked around it so it's sealed into the wall and so he used it as like a cat door because we're pretty sure he had a cat because it just smelled like
Starting point is 01:56:18 cat piss all over the house but when we first came in it doesn't anymore but do you have a picture of that that's a d d what's it called d d y do it you're sure d y i cat door yeah that's amazing so he put that in there uh here this is what it looks like it's upside down wow wow that's better than i thought what are those what are those nodules in there that's like the handle from the folgers can that you like your wife looks like she's 12 in that picture yeah it's kind of scary anyway oh what are those nodules it's like what you put your hand in like It's like the ergonomics of the jar. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:57:10 So he had that in there. And we initially thought like, oh, maybe we'll just fill it. Yeah. And then I was like, well, what if we just put a litter box on the other side and our cat can just walk through in and out of there to go use the litter box so that we don't have it in the house? Oh's interesting you put the litter box outside yeah oh that's genius and so my dad uh built a box oh i put some insulation on it that it's weird that he put it right over the outlet. That was stupid. Yeah, very stupid. The whole thing is dumb.
Starting point is 01:57:48 So I stapled a bunch of insulation in it and then I put it on the other side. Oh shit, that's gangster, dude. That's way cooler than I... Wow. They put a horse stall mat underneath it and the cat just walks in and out.
Starting point is 01:58:04 Where's the litter box gonna be just right here oh so when it goes through it actually steps into the litter box it's really small like litter box is small it doesn't take up that whole space so you can like walk through it and then walk around and then take a shit piss all over the. Maybe eventually once we clean out the middle section, she'll be able to roam through there. But right now that's what we're doing. Damn. You could never do that in California.
Starting point is 01:58:33 You need a permit. I don't think I could do anything with this house in California. Yeah, you need a permit. Shit in the dark. Yeah, that's dark shitting. She's a cat. She can see in the dark yeah that's dark dark shitting she's a cat she can see in the dark did your was your wife disappointed
Starting point is 01:58:52 that she tied me in the deadlift competition no she's actually pretty stoked because she doesn't deadlift that very heavy very often so she was she was proud of herself yeah I was I was pretty I was pretty uh i was pretty happy that um yeah that was cool yeah i was pretty i was pretty happy it tied a fire i just i don't tell the story like i i just tell the story i did
Starting point is 01:59:28 deadlift competition and tied and uh tied this young strong crossfitting firefighter that's the truth of it that happened hey i can't cancel that deadlift competition such alpha shit yeah my idea too it was almost going to be a clean competition i'm glad it wasn't that would i'm so glad it wasn't deadlifts was fun and i was glad that the bar like couldn't that there weren't any like heavy weights there right so we did another competition but i think the heaviest weight we had was 15 pounds right yeah the heaviest plates we had were 15 pounds that's right and so by the time you got 315 on there, 325, did you end up doing 325, 335? Yeah, whatever the most.
Starting point is 02:00:07 Whatever you did, there were so many weights on there that they fell off. Like they wiggled off, right? Right. They were just on by a lip. We were the assholes in the gym that used all the 10s. Yeah. But it was fine. Yeah, it was cool.
Starting point is 02:00:24 God, that was fun fun i really enjoyed that someone made a comment in the um it's funny perception's a trip uh someone made a comment in the youtube comments hey all your talk about doing the open and then you not doing i forget whatever whatever i didn't do um really makes it insincere i'm like dude i'm so i did workout one and workout two i'm so proud of myself i considered strongly doing workout three i did a hundred i was inspired to do 100 thrusters with 65 pounds i just didn't want to do it i tried you know i wouldn't say it's insincere. I signed up. It was a good workout.
Starting point is 02:01:08 Yeah, I don't want to say I did my best. But fuck. How you do everything is how you do anything. And I'm just a 60% or what can I say? Hit everything at about 60%. I did the open and zone. I did a mix of the open and zone to training. Jesus Christ. It must have been hard for Greg to let someone go from CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:01:33 He never let me. What the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck are you talking about? How many people here think that Greg let me go from CrossFit? Raise your hand. Imagine all the misconceptions out there of just shit.
Starting point is 02:02:04 People think they know about stuff and they actually don't. Oh, no, it wasn't from you, Blade. It was from someone else. I didn't say insincere, but I did say you're the reason I signed up but then gave a lowercase middle finger to you for not doing all that.
Starting point is 02:02:15 Yeah, that's fair. You think Greg fought you? Really? Well, that makes sense. You think that? Oh, Tyler Watkins thinks that? Dan thinks that? Greg said he didn't do that. You were fired like you fired Brian from the podcast. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:02:40 Who thinks that I kick Brian off the podcast? Does anyone here think that too? Jesus Christ, what's wrong with you guys no i wasn't no you can leave no greg paid me uh made me wealthy to the day he left and then uh he sold the company and i was stuck there with those fucking the wokerazzi i was stuck there with the racist homophobes and transphobes. I got stuck there with the, the bad people, the Rosa people, all the DEI people. Greg didn't fire me.
Starting point is 02:03:22 I did. Listen, guys, listen, brian thing is um first greg didn't fire me uh eric rosa fired me and my wife on the day we on the day that it became legal to fire us i think that they couldn't fire us or something because of some covid law you couldn't fire people in california and the day that came up they fired both of us. And I would argue to this day,
Starting point is 02:03:48 to the hardest working, if not the two hardest working people in the company, to the most influential and hardest working people in the company. And if someone wants to dispute that, I'll let them, you can be my tie and my wife's tie, but you can't,
Starting point is 02:04:00 you can't, you can't say you ever worked harder than me. And then, oh, were you, maybe you can't say you ever worked harder than me. And then, oh, were you, maybe sleek. He was fired that day too. Um,
Starting point is 02:04:14 but, uh, um, Brian went on to work at, uh, talking to the fitness where they paid him five times what I paid him. I saw that someone sent me a clip of that yesterday the thing is is when brian worked on the podcast i encouraged him
Starting point is 02:04:33 to do everything and anything else he wanted to like i want i loved i was excited every time he went on talking elite fitness i was excited when he went on lone ranger i was excited when he went on bar bend i was always like yeah do, do it, do it, do it, do it. Don't worry. Just do it. And then I would, and then I would, and basically he would always tell me that, Hey, you know, basically none of these other people really want me doing your show. They think it's bad. And I'd be like, that's fine. You know, but I don't care if you do their shows. I think it's better for my show when you do their shows, but you do you. And then basically one day he came to me and he said hey uh i'm going to
Starting point is 02:05:05 talk in elite fitness and i can't do your show anymore i'm like what do you mean he's like i can't do any more crossfit uh stuff on your channel and he had been basically telling me you know for the last for 18 months leading up to that every other month or something that that that that he was getting that kind of pressure from people. But when they finally offered him enough money, he jumped at it. He was like, okay, I'm willing to, and I don't know, maybe he also liked them more too. I don't, I don't know. Maybe he liked them more. Maybe he thought the shows were better with them. Maybe that's the direction he wanted. I don't, I don't know. I don't know what, but he basically said, Hey, I'm out of here. I can't do your show anymore. So I was like, okay,
Starting point is 02:05:44 cool. And then a month later, he's like, Hey dude, those dudes, or I don't know if it's a month or two months. He basically said, and just the spirit of what I'm saying is true. Like for those of you who are like literalist, this probably story is not for you. You should switch. But a month or two later, he came back, said, Hey dude, those guys, um, those guys kick me to the curb and i want to come back on the show i said cool come back on the show you can do whatever you want whenever you want like you always could anything and then all the
Starting point is 02:06:15 people around me will tell you i'll pretty much do any show like i'm open to just like helping like have to try and shows out do whatever you want and he said okay and then he said, I spoke to one of your sponsors and they're ready to start paying me again. And I'm like, oh, no, I'm not going to do business with you again. Those days are over. I'm not going to. But you can come on the show. And I said, hey, dude, you should come on the show because I think it's really good for your brand. and i said i think every time you come on the show you're probably you're following or in your brand or whatever the fuck you're trying to do probably grows 0.1 so every time you're on the
Starting point is 02:06:53 show every 10 times you're on the show you grow one percent so if you come on the show 100 times your shit grows 10 that's i mean i think that i think that this show i think-1 podcast is good for people to explore that stuff, to grow their shit. I think it's good for everyone's attention. Like, here's the thing. No matter how much, like, Danny Spiegel hates me or doesn't hate me or whatever, if she were to come on the show or if she were to do, let's say Danny Spiegel did a show like Hayley Adams did with Hiller. Let's say she let Hiller come film with her for two days. It would catapult her like she's never been catapulted before because 10,000 of the most ravenous people out there in the space would change their
Starting point is 02:07:35 perception of her. And, um, and it would be way more powerful than the other 1,790,000 followers she has that follow her because she's a cum dumpster. Or not that she is one, but that she presents like one. It'd be a complete shift. But anyway, so it just is what it is. I don't mean it in any arrogant way. It just is what it is. It's how I think that these things are working these days. So then basically he said, hey, I can't come on your show if you don't pay me. So like, I'm like, okay. And that kind of worked out like I, those were all his
Starting point is 02:08:13 decisions. And, but by that point already I had decided, and I think everyone knows this about me. Like I'm really interested in investing in the people around me who can run with it. Like I'm really interested in, I really like john young's done and jr's done and what caleb's done and what suze has done and what tyler watkins has done and what coffee pods and wads has done and and what chase and bill have done um it's funny you can't just give chase or just bill it's their chase and bill their their team their partnership they're a couple just all and so like i wanted i i have i only have 365 days a year so i'm just like i told you guys this before like the taylor versus the world would have been great if we would have had kalipa or josh
Starting point is 02:08:56 as the commentators and it's nothing against them i mean and i'm guessing that they may have done it but i just want to keep investing in my crew. That's how I even came up with the idea of Taylor self versus the world. I was just like, okay. Oh, Taylor and Jr. They have a show on this. They have a chance. Uh, I that's, that's basically what I thought the whole time. Taylor versus the world right after I had the idea and I thought it would be fun.
Starting point is 02:09:18 I was like, Oh God, I hope this is awesome for their shut up and scribble show. Anyway. So, um, so that's the thing with Brian. There is no beef. There's nothing. It's just resources for me. And he just chose his way. There were like a million chances.
Starting point is 02:09:42 He chose his way. I have no beef with him. Hello? I don't hello hi i think i'm right with the whole coming on the show you're gonna uh hold on right hold on hold on hold on hold on jesus who is that that person has like the deepest voice ever okay hello i had to hello hey what's up hey what's up sorry i had to reset the phone only one phone call per roadcaster go ahead so uh like you said the uh going on the show
Starting point is 02:10:23 exponentially helps you out It's a good example because I used to follow Katrin I don't know if it exponentially helps you out But it does help you out It's good for people to come on here I don't know if it's exponential but it's a positive thing Sorry go ahead
Starting point is 02:10:35 I stopped following her For some reason I just started finding her annoying Katrin Then I saw her on BTS and she showed a side of her that I hadn't seen before and it was something that was like, man, she's actually pretty cool. So I started following her again.
Starting point is 02:10:54 So if I did it, I'm sure a lot of other people did it. You know what I mean? It wasn't directly towards the Sevan podcast, but it was the behind the scenes. So it was something where like you had a hand in it, which showed her better side. In turn, I started following, which in turn will help her get a better social media exposure. This is my thinking.
Starting point is 02:11:16 Jethro, you know what I think too? And this is so self-serving. I think that for every thousand followers you have, you'd rather have one Sevan podcast follower. That's what they bring to the table. I think they have a far greater influence on the people around them. Call them repeaters, cool people, conversioners, movers, shakers, sincere people, honest people, whatever the fuck cat a bucket. I would not trade the 27,000 subscribers. The 3,000 followers I have on Instagram, I would not for a second trade it for fucking 300,000 of someone else's Instagram followers. No fucking way. Not the Rocks rocks not anyone's and you can see it when you follow those people who have x amount of followers and their comments
Starting point is 02:12:13 yeah not as many you have a lower amount of followers just as many comments and follows and likes and i and i like interacting with them they're in in my – my DMs are not a scary place at all. I mean it's chaos, but it's – I like my social media friends like a lot. I'm not like, yeah, there's these people that send me dick pics and I don't like it. I'm like, yeah, there's these people that send me dick pics and they're cool dicks. You know what I mean? Like I found my tribe. Like, Danny Spiegel. I stopped following her
Starting point is 02:12:50 a while ago. I stopped following Danny Spiegel. I just found her really annoying. But if she would have come on the podcast or if Hiller did something like that with Haley, I think it would show a side to her that might have people to like her again. Right. And hey hey and this is
Starting point is 02:13:06 gonna sound really fucking douchey but that's i guess i'm douchey i don't think it affects my podcast no like i don't think like she comes on and i put on uh 3 000 uh subscribers i think she's less influential than to my podcast than i am her, even though she has fucking gazillion times more followers. Yeah. But it would be good for her, though. And that's what you said. You are here for the athletes to show themselves off. And it's, you know, welcome them into your home.
Starting point is 02:13:38 And you're going to show them a good time. We're in a world of retards, Jethro. I was chatting with this friend of mine the other day in my DMs, and he's like, hey, check this person out. And I was like, okay, cool. I was like, hey, is that person competent in their field? And they go, well, yeah, they have 200,000 followers or whatever. I can't remember exactly what they said.
Starting point is 02:13:57 And I'm like, holy fuck, that's the third time I've come across that in 24 hours where someone's giving someone's validity based on the number of their followers. I was like, wow. Nah, I know someone What a fucking crazy town banana pants world we live in. I think this social media influencer has over
Starting point is 02:14:17 300,000 followers and I know her family member very, very closely. And again, her social media life is the complete opposite of her regular life. Completely the opposite. It's all for show. God, that sucks. Yes, it does.
Starting point is 02:14:40 Graciano Rubio, 7 followers are the best. Only group that starts off with telling you to see my boobs. Grassiano Rubio, so unfollowers are the best. Only group that starts off with telling you to see my boobs. It wouldn't be tolerable to come on here every morning for any of us at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 02:14:54 if we didn't like each other. I coach now when this show starts and it's so disappointing. I used to follow it from... Sucks to be you....the to follow it from uh sucks to be you beginning yeah it sucks to be me you're doing god's work all right i'm gonna go finish mopping bye caleb okay bye later dude later i um i need paper street coffee this folgers doesn't hit quite the way the paper street coffee bean does i need to order some too oh shit God
Starting point is 02:15:26 dude Sarah Cox's body's insane holy shit she sent a picture of her wearing savage ones but like no one's looking at those like Danny Spiegel's tear ad yeah it's like Jesus of her wearing Savage Ones, but no one's looking at those. Jesus Christ. Like Danny Spiegel's tear ad?
Starting point is 02:15:47 Yeah, it's like Jesus Christ. She's in a sports bra and some really cool... I don't know if those are Lululemons or what they are, but they're cool. It's supposed to be a shoe ad. It's not a body ad. Jeez. There's nothing to look at except her body hair.
Starting point is 02:16:04 Fucking ridiculous. body ad jeez there's nothing to look at except her body hair fucking ridiculous anyway so that's the thing i wasn't um i wasn't fired and brian wasn't asked to leave he just he he left a few times hillary's already started the NAS pounding on Instagram. Oh, of Brian. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know why Brian did said any of that stuff. He shouldn't, he just a little tease.
Starting point is 02:16:34 Can you pull it up? Yeah, please. I don't know why, why he did that. That's just stupid. This is just a micro dose of the rest of the episode. Okay.
Starting point is 02:16:43 You know, people will say, are you working with seven are you working with Hiller are you working with talking you finish I work with morning chocolate are you working with any other media outlet and there if and when the answer is no oh jesus oh jesus on a side note god i think i blushed on a side note oh shit hillar's wearing a ceo shirt in new york city
Starting point is 02:17:17 does he yeah that's cool oh yeah with this girl yeah they're so cute Does he? Yeah, that's cool. Oh, yeah. With his girl. Yeah. They're so cute. Dude, you know what's crazy? I think of her as being crazy tall.
Starting point is 02:17:33 Is he tall? I don't think if Hiller is tall. Is Hiller six feet tall? No. No. He's shorter than me. Yeah, well, you're taller than six feet. Definitely shorter than you.
Starting point is 02:17:43 Okay, yeah. How tall do you think Hill Hillary is, 5'10"? 5'9", 5'10", probably. So those views on Taylor versus Colton, I mean, man, I have to guess Born Primitive was so fucking happy. I mean, man, I have, I have to guess born primitive was so fucking happy. I mean, granted they have a great shoe. They had great commercials. They have great clothing.
Starting point is 02:18:12 So it's not like they gave a shit stuff to sell. I mean, their shit's awesome. Um, oh, here we go. Let's see. Um, uh, Starwood, I bought some born savage ones because of this podcast I bought tier CX1 and they are shite for wide feet oh they are
Starting point is 02:18:31 shite for wide feet what do you think about this savage ones did I describe them perfectly what is can I see the comments in that post? The brian post. Yeah, is it gonna get fucking weird for him? If it has stuff ready Um Uh, brian just needs some love poor guy. Hey hillary, you got to give him some credit
Starting point is 02:19:04 At least he mentioned all your names as opposed to some other victim mentality individuals that's a good point i like that comment uh mc has never had those numbers talking fitness hasn't been close Brian has done what I like, what I like this think Hiller, Mr. Self would never do. And TS has told me this himself. Who's TS? Oh, Taylor Self, never forget your roots and how you got your platform. If you don't agree with somebody,
Starting point is 02:19:44 that's, that's is what being an adult is am i having trouble am i having a stroke no he has fucking horrible grammar okay if you see me start talking like that you got to call my wife if you see me fucking glitching like that okay no you just, you just can't type very well. Right, thank you. See how insecure I am? I wasn't even sure what the fuck was going on for a second. That's fine. Don't throw people away who have
Starting point is 02:20:14 gone out of their way for you like a dirty overcoat. I don't know what the fuck that means. But anyway. Hey, dude, I'm pretty, like, I don't know. I can be aggressive and but anyway hey dude I'm pretty like I don't know I can be aggressive and oh
Starting point is 02:20:30 NGL not gonna lie depart with Pedro the other day he sounded like he needed needed punching Pedro where are you Brian I'm in Nashville but his tone said you're a fucking moron you
Starting point is 02:20:47 dipshit and if someone welcomes me back into the fold you're you fucking tried to torch the fold when you ran out so what the fuck is going on you got to call my wife dude at least have her check on me
Starting point is 02:21:03 I'm gonna call her right now just be like yo Haley what the fuck was that one I don't know this is why sentence structure means so much here I'll call her right now you think she'll answer I don't know let's find out
Starting point is 02:21:22 dude don't scare her let's see what if she answers me Think she'll answer. I don't know let's find out dude. Don't scare. Let's see What if she answers me that'd be fucking good I turn it up full blast it is can you hear that I? Just drank some tDC oil you think my shit got just slippery like like a little rubber yeah yeah nice try that would have been amazing hold on I'm going to try to read that one again
Starting point is 02:21:54 I don't even have that one isn't that interesting it's hidden you have to go to the very bottom of the comments it's one of the hidden ones I don't even have hidden ones oh really not going gonna lie on the seven depart with pedro i don't when did i depart with pedro the other day he sounded like he needed punching he needed who needed punching me or pedro maybe he's talking about the question on around the Whiteboard when they asked about if Sevan's good for CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:22:26 And then there's a question. Where are you, Brian? I'm in Nashville. But as Tone said, you're a fucking moron, you dipshit. And if Sevan welcomes me back into the fold, you fucking tried to torch the fold when you ran out. Oh, okay. What do you mean?
Starting point is 02:22:44 I didn't. It's not... Debate. Oh, okay. There we go. Tyler just said debate, not depart. That makes sense. No.
Starting point is 02:22:54 Oh, thank you. Debate. Oh, thank you. I hate it for the fact... I'm dumb. Where's the word debate? It's this... In the very seven.
Starting point is 02:23:06 Welcome. Oh, not going to lie on the seven debate with Pedro. Oh, the other day, he sounded like he needed punching. Oh, Pedro asked,
Starting point is 02:23:18 where are you? Brian said, I'm in Nashville. Go fuck yourself. Obviously. Duh. Idiot. Where else would I be? Dubai?
Starting point is 02:23:33 That's the tone. I mean, that's always his tone. It's a miracle anybody wants to work with him. I love when we go high school drama on the show. Here's the thing. Brian said he had no choice. He was like financially trapped,
Starting point is 02:23:49 strapped and had to make decisions. And, um, yeah, I'm, I'm cool as fucking nice as fuck and generous as fuck and that's it that's all I got but that's all
Starting point is 02:24:14 just trying to just kind of winging it and was hoping other people would wing it. How about Athena and Hiller splitting? How about it? Crazy.
Starting point is 02:24:44 I like it. It's like, it reminds me me of the cuts at the games. It just adds more fun to the story. You know what I mean? Now what happens? What's Athena do now? Does she continue on the path? Does she find another coach?
Starting point is 02:24:59 Does she gain all the weight back? Yeah. Does she lose weight twice as fast now that she's heartbroken? This buddy mine at crossfit his him and his wife divorced he's a 200 pound guy he's a 200 pound guy with a six pack he went down to 155 oh my god yeah it was fucking scary it was a little scary i mean i had to say something to him is he on meth or something that's no no he just you've ever been so emotionally hurt you start you stop eating yeah i guess yeah yeah you know i mean someone dies and you're like fuck it you're just done you can't be bothered i get that
Starting point is 02:25:36 damn that's crazy that's what you got to do though go through a crazy breakup lose a bunch of weight get shredded be better That's crazy. That's what you got to do though. Go through a crazy breakup. Lose a bunch of weight, get shredded, be better. There's this podcast for those of you don't know. There's a guy called, um,
Starting point is 02:25:54 what? Oh yeah. Yeah. And, but what's, yeah, it's kind of fun, right? When you're depressed and you stop eating,
Starting point is 02:25:58 there's kind of an enjoyment in it. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Like a control thing. I get, I could get get i could get i could get that for sure there's a guy in the space uh called jason cf media i should show his let me see if i can i'm depressed and heartbroken but i look good yeah that's the point see depressed heartbroken you look good yeah one of the nicest my body's ever looked in my life is
Starting point is 02:26:25 i had food poisoning oh and i was just i was just vomiting for two days on and off and i was like fuck i look i was like i would look in the mirror like fuck i look good that's what i mean like that's why it's so hard for me like that like when other people like i have an eating disorder or dysmorphia like like yeah who the fuck doesn't was enjoying being okay so this podcast brian was on this and like at the 30 minute mark the shit starts to get squirrely um with all this talk about i'm reading one of the comments with all this with all this talk about specialness of crossfit community disturbing to see the dog eat dog approach to podcasters savon coffee pods and wads barbell spin etc good job i'm killing the i'm liking the balance
Starting point is 02:27:19 perspective dog eat dog i don't know if i'm a doggy dog nice to have a different take on crossfit talks since seven since the seven bunch and their slur is getting so blown up on their own shit it's becoming unbearable the witness will follow uh from more like this oh this is the guy that only writes negative comments in my uh what's a regular yeah yeah this guy's a this guy's addicted to this guy Jen he never actually says anything he's just a complete this I call them mentally
Starting point is 02:27:54 ill because he's all he does is complain and he got all bent out of shape I watch your show every day and just because I have a different opinion than you you call me mentally ill dude you don't have an opinion you don't actually say anything Taylor versus the world was great yeah thank you look at even chris beesterfield writes what like yeah like what the fuck yeah oh okay let's hear
Starting point is 02:28:18 hey hey hey um someone's actingon's acting a little weird today. He can't put string of sentences together or anything. You might have to go check on him. I was worried there's something wrong. Is this a joke? No, no. Not at all.
Starting point is 02:28:40 He couldn't read a comment on the show today. He's really struggling. Caleb, come on. Don't do this to me. I was listening to the show. He was fine. Yeah, you didn't see that comment that he read? He was having a hard time with it.
Starting point is 02:28:59 I mean, I stopped listening. I was listening to it in the beginning. I didn't see what you're talking about. Teller denials the first stage of when someone you love is hurt. I wonder what I stopped listening. I was listening to it in the beginning. I didn't see what you're talking about. Tell her denial is the first stage of when someone you love is hurt. I wonder what the comment was. She's coming. She's coming to the room to check on me. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:29:21 I'm sorry. I can't help it. He looks rough. It looks like he's dead Oh man I need to call an ambulance Oh my god You do love me
Starting point is 02:29:36 Okay pass thank you Caleb for doing the love test Guys I thought my wife was Didn't love me anymore Oh my god Thanks Haley good one anytime bye thanks you do love me dude she's like i see her talking to you on your phone like looking in my window of my podcast what the fuck's going on that's great don't do this to me yeah she resuscitated me by giving
Starting point is 02:30:09 me a standee emergency standee i'm a horrible liar i'm sorry that's so that's pretty good no she deserves that she told me one time on april fools that i was oh we got to do an april fools joke on her dude oh that'd be good. Yeah. Brian. Oh, sorry. I'm continuing on. Let's see. Brian was always the best part of the Sevan show.
Starting point is 02:30:40 I now only very carefully listen to Sevan. Very carefully. When I listen to the Sevanbon podcast i put on a helmet just in case he might he might say something that causes me to hurt myself uh brian was always the best part of the sebon show now i only very carefully listen to sebon Brian was always the best part of the Sevan show. Now I only very carefully listen to Sevan. Drop in only when I think it's going to stick to CrossFit. Dude, listen.
Starting point is 02:31:11 You can't ever think that. You better just play it safe. And if you're listening to the show, put on safety gloves and shit. Welders. Otherwise, the uninformed drama-seeking political talk is horrible. Otherwise, the uninformed drama- political talk is horrible otherwise the uninformed drama seeking political talk uh realized quite recently that he is a literal idiot about governance seems to buy drip down economics when he started to talk about taxes with taylor looking forward to around the leaderboard on be friendly fitness tonight um oh thank you for clarifying uh drip down
Starting point is 02:31:51 economics is trickle down economics huh i see all right very intellectual comments in that section anyway very intellectual comments in that section anyway I don't know I gotta go I'm taking the kids skateboarding surprise surprise look at I didn't finish this show with did you think that you could I guess you could categorize this as a kind of a lazy unhinged rant with the guest bam we're live with the guest I guess I could stay on until I have to
Starting point is 02:32:36 pee oh oh did you see suze's comment yeah i almost texted her after i picked up the first time and say like hey just kidding that was like we're just joking i'm glad i didn't because i no i'm glad you stuck with it that's fucking good all right love you guys i plan i do plan on starting the new show of his new shows up again just a slow news cycle um okay anything do we have any other shows today i don't think so it's wednesday
Starting point is 02:33:39 oh russell burger comes on tomorrow you should should definitely wear a helmet if Russell's coming on. We're definitely not talking much CrossFit shit tomorrow. And then on Friday, Fee Sagafi. The most likable person in CrossFit. And then Saturday, Matt Schindeldecker. Oh, that's going to be cool to get Matt back on. Matt's the guy who owns, I want to say, CrossFit Crave or something, a couple gyms.
Starting point is 02:34:07 And he has that big fucking program on the launch pad. Successful program helping juveniles, juvenile delinquents. People have been, kids have been arrested. Instead of going to jail, they do CrossFit. Incredible. And then Monday, we have affiliate series
Starting point is 02:34:26 and Greg on the next Wednesday oh then we have a Bryant from CrossFit Oahu we're gonna have Jack De La Maddalena on soon too I got a bunch of cool people coming up non-CrossFit people when is Matuthi going to be available at Costco 8 tubs for $6.99 right next to the mush. Right after Crest buys it from me for $10.
Starting point is 02:34:51 $10 bill. All right. Oh, Mr. Spin Tonight. Does he have a show tonight? Oh, yeah. I think he does Wednesday nights. That's his show. I put
Starting point is 02:35:08 Barbell Spoon in. Hey, I'm pretty impressed with Zach Talander pivoting to music. Really? What if I pivoted to something? What are you going to pivot to? to i don't know what if instead of like doing a podcast i just sung i know i texted alex i told him to quit being a fucking vegan okay we can get him on i guess you get him on with zoe harcombe okay uh um the barbell spin has a show no i don't see their show scheduled
Starting point is 02:35:44 i don't see their show scheduled. I don't see one either. They might not be doing one. Jesus Christ. Come on, Spinny. I wonder if he's okay. He's always organized. Why do girls stick their tongues out for photos?
Starting point is 02:36:03 Why do girls do that? I don't know oh oh so it is tyler john and spin they are on tonight oh you know what i was someone told me that um josh purritt the guy from fluffy duck had a black square and like how could i be friends with him i'm like hey dude i'm not gonna go around hating people and then i fucking looked through his account and i didn't see a black square and then i reached out to him like hey motherfucker did you plan a black square and he's like no i hate he's like i'm crazy vocal i hate that woke shit you interrogated him about it that that yeah he knew i was just fucking with him though he's like i we're like i hate that shit where people are fucking being racist pretending like
Starting point is 02:36:54 they're not racist in the name of not being racist i was like oh you're one of my people i apologize he's like all good dude we are saying i want to correct the i want to correct the record on that fluffy duck some guy tried to that's it so fluffy duck it did not do a black square I am NOT I did not get fired by Greg and Brian left me for the Lone Ranger the end and it's all good. Everything's good in the universe. He can't, Zack Tillander needs to just apologize about his horrible take on Gigi and that he's wrong.
Starting point is 02:37:34 He can't because he's like surrounded by haters, dude. You have to remember, he's surrounded by haters. Like he has some really fucking, he's surrounded by haters like he has some really fucking he's surrounded by haters pick your friends wisely okay talk to you guys later bye

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