The Sevan Podcast - Greg Glassman | OCT 17 2023 | Live Call In

Episode Date: October 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:52 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Good morning I went live and forgot to put my picture up I apologize I wonder if you guys could hear me Jamie good morning Great job this weekend
Starting point is 00:01:31 The touch and go in the bag was awesome Awesome awesome awesome awesome What's interesting is For those of you who didn't see it Jamie Latimer was competing at the CrossFit Or at the Crash Crucible At CrossFit Crash And there was crucible at CrossFit crash. And there was an event where you had to move a sandbag from one side of the
Starting point is 00:01:52 field to the other. And the bag had to touch the ground. I don't know, let's say every five feet or six feet, 10 feet. I don't know how many feet it was and it was in seven segments. So pick the bag up, shoulder it, walk it was in seven segments so pick the bag up shoulder it walk it forward put it down and uh jamie was uh touching going the bag later on one of the male masters athletes cory bromer cory something or another told us that they were told they could not do that which doesn't make sense to me because it's pretty awesome watching Jamie do it uh we got a a cool show I think for you today let's see who's um actually going to um show up we got a bunch of fun guests if they show up you never know but I'm pumped on Tuesdays normally we have Greg Glassman
Starting point is 00:02:49 he's in Italy this week but coming home soon what is today October 17th I think he comes home in another three days. Wow. Is this true, Rambler? The iPhone 15 drains its own battery and charges the power bank instead of the other way around?
Starting point is 00:03:19 That can't be true. Is that true? Someone tell me that's not true. Bryson Del Monte. Hey, what's up savon have you looked into the water filter anything at all need recommendations so i don't have to drink neurotoxins uh you know i use the burkey and i was a champion of it and um people have been sending me weird shit about it i know it's crazy popular uh but it's so it's the one i use i've been hearing some whack shit about the brita but i don't i don't like i don't feel like i could stand by anything right now and tell
Starting point is 00:03:53 you hey use this one i don't know this sounds like a water filter i'm not sure what uh renee k is saying but alexa pure sorry i wish i had it for you yeah uh britta yeah britta sounds like britta was just a throw it on the hoax list throw it on the hoax list what is today tuesday there is a, uh, an affiliate in Israel that might pop on today. And, uh, Hunter will be at the end of the show. Hunter McIntyre will come on for a few minutes. He's doing his,
Starting point is 00:04:35 um, you know, that show he has the YouTube show he has with that other gentleman. It's called like bunker brigades or bad-ass bunkers, or it's, it's some sort of fitness competition. And they got open spots i guess two people pulled out so he's looking for he's looking for a couple people to fill those spots and then of course greg greg should be here any minute oh battle bunker thank you wad zombie battle battle bunker So he'll be talking about that soon with Austin Alex.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Greg says his sign-in is blocked. Let's see. He sent him a new link send everyone a new link oh it looks like the same link Same link. I've been, uh, Dan, good morning. Dan, good morning.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Dan, good morning. To get rid of fluoride, you need a filter with an activated alumina or you have, or you can use reverse osmosis. Yeah, I'm on a well. So I don't think i have that anyway my water just comes straight from the ground so i just have whatever shit's in the ground i have been getting um dms from a lot of people that i they don't tell me what um i guess ethnicity they are or religion they are but they appear to be muslim and arabs of some arab descent
Starting point is 00:06:33 or at least live over there and they've been very cool they've been very cool uh dms and they basically keep saying the same thing that I'm not seeing the full picture and they keep using words like genocide and they say that potentially I'm mischaracterizing the situation over there when there was in the most generic sense my i'll tell
Starting point is 00:07:11 a story about when my wife was crossing the street one time and she had the right of way she had a green light and a car ran through the intersection and hit her and changed the course of her life forever and she almost lost the leg she almost had to have the leg amputated and it ended up being like six surgeries over a two-year period with all sorts of just shit infections. And of course,
Starting point is 00:07:33 she's fine, you know, fine enough now. You know, she can run and jump and do 300 air squats and all that. But I don't think
Starting point is 00:07:41 she has a meniscus. And it was scary and took up a shit load of time in her life and she had to be on crazy she had to be she had to be on crazy antibiotics which I think weren't good for her
Starting point is 00:07:57 I just sent you the link this is it yeah that worked and so at the end of the day it didn't matter it didn't matter that it wasn't her. It didn't matter that it wasn't her fault.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Everyone gets that, right? It did not matter that it was not her fault. She got hit by the car. It did not matter. let me repeat that again it does not matter if you get hit by a car whether it's your fault or not so on some level at the end of the day if you're there in a country that's being bombed you got to go i i would leave and and and i've been having that discussion with my dad recently too because he's claiming he's not going to leave armenia because they got the same shit going on there the southern border is about to be invaded by
Starting point is 00:09:15 azerbaijan he says he's going to stay i think it's a mistake come home to your family hey dude what's up you're looking slick look at that beard it's out of control i love it dang you know you look like you're writing a book or something yeah maybe i am hey leave or not there's no right or wrong there but what what do you mean there's no wrong if you stay there's no wrong if you leave it's just like it's outcome if you stay this is my my last stand i'm gonna die here this is my home i will not leave i understand that and i don't have an argument against it i i might beg and plead for you to leave but more i think to the point is should you decide to leave while the while the attacking forces are attacking and they're recommending you leave and you get clipped,
Starting point is 00:10:13 that doesn't make it their fault. Explain that to me. They tell you there's an open corridor and then you're leaving through it. Or let's use the real situation. It's relatively open. We're going to crush this town. We're going to destroy the underground tunnels and we're going to eliminate every vestige of the terrorists.
Starting point is 00:10:43 And we're going to eliminate every vestige of the terrorists. And it may be that on your way out, you get clipped. But it's way more certain that you will be staying. What I saw last night is Israel has told Palestine, hey, that first 2.5 miles of Gaza, we're coming in and you should leave that section if you're if you're in that section there's a chance you're going to get killed so so now's the time to move south and so what's also interesting too is people keep talking about how big the death toll numbers are but i'm i didn't do that on purpose by the way that's just streaming i don't know why streamyard does that um the death toll numbers if they drop 6 000 bombs and there's 20 by now it's probably 12 000 bombs and there's 2700 deaths in palestine it's pretty clear they're not dropping bombs to kill people
Starting point is 00:11:38 it's pretty clear they're not dropping bombs to kill people if you've dropped 12 000 bombs and only 2700 deaths they're trying to kill people and they're trying to disrupt supply lines and they're trying to eliminate the infrastructure of of a school shooter charles manson like culture that is the government of several million innocent people. What do you say to this? It's like at Uvalde. You had that sick fuck puke killing kids. The solution may indeed damage some students.
Starting point is 00:12:29 They're collateral damage. And what makes them collateral is that Hamas is telling them not to leave. That Hamas has been hiding behind him. That Hamas has enslaved these people. What do you say to the people who say they can't leave? I imagine there's many who I'm sure who can't. There's this description that it's the world's largest outdoor, you know, free air prison. But when I look inside and look at all the buildings and infrastructure, I'm like, well, that's like no prison that I've ever seen. And I and I know I have acquaintances that go in that have traveled in and out of Gaza from the United States to Gaza for many years and that have family there and that were building their dream home there.
Starting point is 00:13:17 By our standards, life is hell there. Life is hell everywhere where you have evil government that doesn't give a fuck about the people and routinely as a matter of strategy uses them to shield themselves from from using their own people from righteous forces another if the guys if the guys that killed that kid cruz at marjorie uh douglas whatever high school had they shot a kid that doesn't mean it would have been better off if they had not gone after him Let's go to Uvalde, the kid that they killed there. What they didn't need to do was make a deal with him that allowed him to control third, fourth, and fifth grade in that building.
Starting point is 00:14:31 This isn't that complicated, though it's filled with some atrocities, and that's probably even the wrong word, some horribly unfortunate tragedies. Great terrors, Japanese in World War II, Germans World War II, we couldn't eradicate them without significant costs on the civilian population. If you could go after the Japanese and the Germans with guarantees of no damage to civilians, Hitler would still be killing Jews. It's the same thing with humanitarian relief. We start bringing food into gaza strip and who's going to be eating the food who the fuck do you think is going to get the food well the white
Starting point is 00:15:30 house the white house are it's interesting i don't know if the white house already said that any aid that they give hamas will get they kind of slipped up the way they said it they were trying to basically admitting that the six billion dollars that they gave to Iran will actually make it to Hamas. You send a dozen donuts into Gaza and terrorists will get the donuts. Another interesting element is there are a lot of people now speaking openly about, hey, show me the beheaded baby i don't be believe the baby was beheaded and i started thinking back and in my 51 years on planet earth i don't know i can't tell you how many times i heard a story about someone getting their head cut off but every single time
Starting point is 00:16:16 there was some sort of muslim involved in it it's it seems to be like i never heard it was a christian or a jew or a Mexican shaman. It seems to be the preferred method, right? Like when you hear on the streets of London, someone gets their head cut off. It was some sort of Muslim extremist guy that looks like me. Have you seen the pictures of Sharon Tate's slit-open belly and her murdered baby? No. I haven't. No. Do you think and her murdered baby? No. I haven't.
Starting point is 00:16:46 No. Do you think it didn't happen? No, I do think it happened. I understand that the Netanyahu government has shown it. The dead babies? Yes. And a guy called in yesterday who lives in LA now who has friends who are at the music festival, and he said it was way worse than even what the TV is describing. And that the only reason why he's alive is because he was in shape.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And that people were hiding underneath dead bodies, pulling dead bodies basically on top of them was the imagery that I was receiving. The goal was to inflict as much terror and horror on these poor people as could possibly be done. I believe they were successful. I think that our media should be showing these images. You believe they should be? Of course they should. But they won't even tell us the truth about the damage from the vaccine. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I also have never seen, there's this distinction that a lot of people have been DMing me. We're like, hey, the Palestinians are not pro-Hamas. They're not – they are not Hamas. They also don't – well, then – but then why do all of the groups that we see organizing in universities across this country? Conflated. The thousands of kids gathering or hundreds of kids gathering is basically supporting Palestine and the actions that have taken place. This is the modern day academic view
Starting point is 00:18:39 that two plus two is five and mommy has a penis and there's no difference between men and women and on and on it's an ideology that's so on the rocks morally logically historically it couldn't be worse and its chief tool for for for uh dissemination of its views is a rhymed couplet in chants and censorship. From the National Review article, the left opens hamas sympathizers have forever forfeited the nazi charge there's a line in there if cheering on the murder of jews isn't anti-semitism then i don't know what is progressives who refuse to condemn hamas have forever forfeited the nazi
Starting point is 00:19:38 charge it was never sincere anyways. It was propaganda. Which part? The calling Trump a Nazi. Oh, right, right. And by the way, one of the things I like about National Review is that there is no more articulate nor intellectual assail on Trump than from there. Calling him Hitler and saying you hate him and crying about him isn't an intellectual position for me. Right. You mean like when The View calls Vivek ramaswamy dumb and everyone laughs those those chicks are fucking
Starting point is 00:20:33 retarded i understand clinically speaking don't hit me up i should call them imbeciles. Is that, is that, that's cool? You can still use that. I like imbeciles. Idiot also is okay. Idiot's okay. Imbecile works. Those are still, those are still technical terms. Semi-retarded. Those, those ladies are dumb. Profoundly so.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Northwestern. That's where my mom went. Northwestern's Middle Eastern and North African Student Association, according to the National Review, said that its members, quote, resoundingly support Palestinian resistance and that it grieves for the martyrs, meaning they're greeting for the people who crossed the border. And killed those Jews, by the way, the people who are denying that the head that they were beheaded, they're they're not denying that the event actually happened. They're just saying that they weren't beheaded, which is an interesting distinction. distinction. The problem with Nicholas Cruz at Marjory Douglas
Starting point is 00:21:50 Hinman, I think that was the school, the problem isn't with kids with Spanish surnames. The problem isn't with 15-year-olds that come from broken homes. The problem is with this sick fuck killing kids. And so I have this sick fuck killing kids.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And so I have no issue with the Palestinians. My issue is with Hamas. And when Netanyahu says every member of Hamas is slated for death, I'll stand up and applaud. I want to go back to what it was like on the liberation of France when you caught wearing a swastika on your arm. You needed your brains on the walls.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Not going to separate good Nazis from bad Nazis. And it says nothing about the german people the german people were victims of the nazi of the german government even though they voted for the i um i did i was a couple days ago i was writing sitting on the assault bike watching the tv and i was watching babies being pulled out of bomb buildings in Gaza. And kids and I started crying like like just tears rolling down my face, like, holy shit. And the truth is, I start thinking that they're my kids. I don't know why. I just I just cross over that every time I see the kids, of course.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I don't know why. I just cross over that every time I see the kids. Of course. Of course. If they don't have a way out, is there any party that's like, man, is there any party that's like, hey, real soon. Hamas takes over my home and fires on good people in all directions from my home. The bomb that comes in and takes out me and my family is not the fault of the people that launched the bomb. Remember, the Jews at Treblinka and Auschwitz
Starting point is 00:23:56 watched Allied planes overhead and prayed to their God to bomb the concentration camp. to bomb the concentration camp. I have read, in sources I consider reliable, that there were people on the brink of the Masada-like decision to slit their children's throats and take their own lives.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Because they knew what was coming? because they know what's coming yes i mentioned this last week as long as live free or die as a slogan you're going to be a slave if you're just pretending you'd actually rather live than be a slave, then there's someone willing to make you a slave. That will be your fate. If the worst thing that can happen to you is to be nuked, you will be a slave. be a slave. If you're willing to nuke someone else to keep from being a slave, that is a profound deterrent to those that want to enslave you. Hence the need for a strong leader.
Starting point is 00:25:16 They're not willing to be nuked to enslave you. They'll just rattle the nuke button to get you to yield. If, in fact, it turns out you would nuke them and be nuked yourself before being a slave, you're not going to be a slave nor get nuked. So the whole game is leverage people's fears. Yes. Yeah, in both directions. The calculus is kind of simple.
Starting point is 00:26:02 The calculus or calculus? The calculus. the calculus or calculus the calculus would you would you call would you call the the term genocide is being thrown around a lot or um um what's the one they like to use extermination um or no cleansing ethnic cleansing they keep trying to throw that word around all of a sudden that there's a genocide going on in Gaza and ethnic cleansing. And that is not anything that I've seen. I've not witnessed that. When Luke when Luke Harding was working his way into Georgia and he was a bureau chief for the Guardian, Moscow bureau chief of the Guardian, and he was stopped at a checkpoint trying to enter into Georgia.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And you could see fire is off on the horizon and smoke and troop movements. The Russian troops stopped him and said they wouldn't be allowed to proceed until the ethnic cleansing was done. Wow. Wow. Yeah. It's only an impossibility to the mainstream media that frankly doesn't give a fuck. Let me read this comment to you. By his logic, any of Greg's family
Starting point is 00:27:28 members will be legitimate military targets if we go to war with China from China's perspective well of course yeah don't be stupid I'm not sure I understand the point yeah of course I was trying to give the um example earlier that you know you knew you knew
Starting point is 00:27:49 you knew me and hayley when hayley was hit by that car and it wasn't her fault but who gives a fuck if you get hit by you'd rather just not be hit by a car it does not matter at some point when your life is on the line whose fault it is and there's that's what war is. There's that component to war. You can't bring a vast civilization to its knees without
Starting point is 00:28:15 destroying its infrastructure. And the infrastructure's cost is on the civilians. And it's there that the government loses its support. Bernie Gannon, only one side has genocide literally written into its charter. Correct. Yeah, and that is an important thing.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Those guys... One side has nukes because they think he'll fear them and submit to slavery, and the other side has them because they would rather die than be enslaved. And as soon as the side that says live free or die isn't just a slogan, in the manner of Masada, we will kill ourselves before we let you enslave us, those nukes work. And at that point, the other side has no need for the nukes because they have no intention of being nuked.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Their position isn't, we will enslave you or be incinerated. uh just so we're clear you both seem to think the children of a nation with whom we are at war are legitimate military targets of course i don't that's stupid yeah no they we don't think that but they are everything is a legitimate military target in a war. We don't think that. When you launch attacks on civilians deliberately, deeply within your civilian base, those civilians are going to be killed, and it's your fault, not ours. fault, not ours. And I'm not going to not protect my civilians, protect my freedom, because you've chosen to base your weapons around your people. And the reason you've done that is because you're so okay with their collateral damage. In fact, you're using children as a deterrent. And so someone grabs an old lady around the neck and walks out with a gun around her head, and the cops take a shot at him and hit her.
Starting point is 00:30:37 That wasn't their goal. It's also not their fault. And that is weak in the singularity because the truth of the matter is that it's not just a guy trying to get out of a bank. It's a guy whose goal is to go down the street and kill all the kids in the local school. Suppose the school shooter Uvalde had grabbed an old English teacher and walked down the street with her to the next school full of kids do you take the shot
Starting point is 00:31:17 and go don't hurt the old lady let's see what happens when he gets to the next school this is only confusing to people that think that 2 plus 2 when he gets to the next school? This is only confusing to people that think that two plus two is five and mommy might have a dick and daddy's trying to get pregnant. Those people are confused. But they're confused by everything that's important.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Especially if it involves morality logic they're also they're also fundamentally dishonest there's this line clock clock says everything is a legitimate target in war question mark you need to rethink that there's this line basically i didn't say that i didn't say anything like that that that the media is playing where on one side is a legitimate target and on the other side is terrorism and it's basically a sliding line when you're launching missiles into a civilian population from a school and i fire at you the target wasn't the kids the target was you firing and the fact that you've surrounded yourself with kids and strapped them all over your body, they never were a target. They are
Starting point is 00:32:32 truly collateral damage. And the collateralness is of your decision, not mine. if I post up in the Louvre with a bunch of civilians, it starts slitting their throats, and you come in and damage a painting, you're saying I was there to destroy artwork? You're a moron. You're a fucking moron. And this is no different than that. This is an inability to think clearly. And there's no one in the Israeli government right now that's not thinking clearly.
Starting point is 00:33:13 But that's what happens when push comes to shove. We can have political differences, but this isn't a political issue. It's more fundamental than that. Arguing that everything's not a legitimate target in the middle of a war is the same thing. It is my point of like being hit by a car and then as you're fucking dying there in the street, be like, but I had the right of way. Like, dude, it's a war.
Starting point is 00:33:43 That's my point. but I had the right of way. Like, dude, it's a war. That's my point. A kid shoots up a school, kills a bunch of people, he grabs a librarian, is working his way down the street to the next school,
Starting point is 00:33:58 and he gets greased, and the librarian dies. To think that we're targeting librarians makes you a moron. All of her collateralness is a tragedy. And the onus, the burden, the fault, the horror of her death lies on the guy that had her around the neck and was heading to the next school. And this is no different than that, scaled up big. This is school shooter culture as politics. And it only confuses liberals. And to turn around and say that the librarian's the target, or the painting's in the loo of the target, you're just a fool. And I can also tell you, you wouldn't hold
Starting point is 00:34:56 any of those views were it you, your loved ones. This is the same comfort of affluence that allows you to pretend that two plus two is five or that mommy might have a dick. It's shitty, weak, inadequate thinking, rotted morality turned into a system of academic thought. Hey, did you see the Thomas Mann letter to the dean of the philosophy department at University of Bonn? No, recently? Yeah, I tried to send it this morning. It took me a while to find that. I'd first seen it 50 years ago from Clifton Fadiman's reading I'd like.
Starting point is 00:35:53 But Thomas Mann got a note in 1937 that he'd been stripped of his German citizenship. And it's brilliant. He's describing something exactly like we're living through with our own, with our own, in terms of our universities. Hitler rose to power, hoisted on the, on the part of, of,
Starting point is 00:36:18 of German intellectuals in the universities. Our own good housekeeping magazine went out and celebrated his... I'll send it to you. It wasn't an easy thing to get hold of. And the funny thing is, you can read biographies of Thomas Mann or Wikipedia and not find it.
Starting point is 00:36:47 In 1936, the Nazi government officially revoked his German citizenship during the war man made a series of anti-Nazi radio speeches published as listen Germany in 1943 look at the National Review articles I sent you and what our students are doing today and look at what Thomas Mann in 1937
Starting point is 00:37:14 was writing to the Dean of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Boston. They took away his honorary degree after removing his citizenship. He must have been devastated. Hardly.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Devastated for his country, devastated for his culture, devastated for his country devastated for his culture devastated for the cruelty for the atrocities so paul johnson's intellectuals addresses all of this too give me the give me the let me put a hypothetical to you so we have campuses all over the country doing all sorts of anti-semitic shit and all of a sudden supporting palestine at kind of this precarious time oh i support palestine i support palestine I support Palestine. I support Palestine. And here's how I would support Palestine. I would slit the throat, blow the brains out of every single fucking card-carrying Hamas member. There's my support for Palestine. They deserve better.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Just like my support for Germany would be to destroy their infrastructure, bring that government and society to its knees, have Hitler burn himself in a bunker with that fucking twat Eva Brown, and then build it into what it is today. That's what I would do. Palestinians need the same thing Jews do. This isn't a Palestinian issue. This isn't a Palestinian issue. It's that a decent, hardworking people with enormous ingenuity and labor standards have been captured by school shooters.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Who see them as nothing more than shields because they see our decency as weakness. This is like the dude when my friends surrounded the house of a wanted target in Iraq. And he opened the front door and presented a beautiful woman in a long gown, all the lights on, helicopters going. They're trying to run this thing like a police operation. And they're telling him all he has to do is come out with his hands out and nothing will be harmed. And what's he do? He blows their fucking brains out and shuts the door and goes inside. When they got inside, they found him naked on the floor, spread eagle.
Starting point is 00:40:02 They asked him why he did it. And they said, because that will fuck with you your whole life wow who was it his wife his wife they call these people savages and and the navy doesn't like it you do it in text and there's a problem are they savages it's too kind a word what's the cause of the collateral damage it's the school shooter culture do you think the students in america would be if Israel hadn't retaliated, all these protests would be pro-Israel? No.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Right. There wouldn't be a peep from these people. No, they're anti-Semitic. It falls in that line of this thinking that black people can't be racist. It's just a straight one-way street like hey they had what's coming to them they are the oppressor yeah the whole on the whole black thing and and the left my view is the left is personally intrinsically deeply convinced that these people are fucking stupid intent
Starting point is 00:41:30 take care of themselves and there's political power to be found by putting them on the plantation it's the slavery another hypothetical what do you think about those people who were living so close to the border that seems like just like a bad choice Just like I wouldn't have lived there
Starting point is 00:41:49 It's an inevitability You have a country next to you I wouldn't live in the Middle East I don't want to live in California I'm in a secure enclave In two places where You know I can't form judgment on that
Starting point is 00:42:07 if you were if you were in gaza and you were a 25 year old kid would you find a way out i don't know i told dave if there was any way i could be of any value to these people any anything other than the way I'd be there now. Helping them. The people in the Gaza. Anything I could do. I would mop blood off of floors in the emergency room.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I did that when I was 17 years old. You don't get too many opportunities to look at good and evil and play a role. If there was anything I could do that was of value and I wasn't in the way, I would be there. So we have a weak president here in the united states and because of that weakness we don't possess any leverage and beyond beyond astray beyond weak he's a crook he's generationally corrupt he's been bragging about his corruption for 50 years. He's not very bright. And there's profound reason to believe that the Chinese and Ukrainians and others have enough information that he could probably send him to jail. And it influences his every thought. and it influences his every thought. Bernie Gannon, the number one aspiration of current American youth is influencer, which is disturbing.
Starting point is 00:43:51 The number one aspiration of Palestinian youth is martyr. This is not- Listen, Nicholas Cruz from Marjorie Douglas Hinman, he's an influencer. The kid that Yuval, he is an influencer. Those are influencers. To think that influencing has some positive connotation is as stupid as to think that
Starting point is 00:44:18 diversity has inherent value. But diversity has inherent value. Greg, on one hand, you're saying that the people who live in Gaza, the Palestinians, aren't the same as Hamas. And yet here we have a gentleman, Bernie Gannon, saying, well, no, actually, the citizens there would like to be martyrs. I find that. And that's why they're fleeing in such numbers. That's why a tenth of the population is less than the past two years that is
Starting point is 00:44:52 a tenth of the population has gotten out of Gaza in the last two years that's what I read well then that means it's not a prison that's the thing I find it so hard they don't want the people that see what's going on to stick around. But now they're at the point they don't want any of them to stick around
Starting point is 00:45:12 because that's the shields. This isn't the cop at the mall trying to get everyone out of the way so that he can have a gun fight with the bad guy this is a cop going into the mall with 400 people he gathered up from the parking lot yeah the cop being israel yes yeah Yeah, they should just pull Gaza up to our southern border and just let them in. You think there's sleeper cells in the United States? Hamas sleeper cells? Of course.
Starting point is 00:46:02 And you think they came in in the last two years? What do you think the push is to bring uh refugees from gaza to the u.s you think anyone really gives a fuck about palestinians how you know what do you think what do you think the uh what do you think the fear of the surrounding countries is of these refugees? Well, the people are empowered, to be honest. I think that they just want to leverage those refugees to get money from the UN that they can embezzle. They don't want it. They're not taking them. They're not taking them.
Starting point is 00:46:43 They don't want the burden of the cost. And most of all, they don't want the. They're not taking them. They're not taking them. They don't want the burden of the cost. And most of all, they don't want the terrorists that are going to come with them. Who's going to get in the refugee line first? We start sending fucking Krispy Kremes over to Gaza, and the first people who'd be in line who'd be home offs. You think someone's grandma and grandpa's gonna get a donut ahead of the terrorists that have been running the place?
Starting point is 00:47:28 There's a real They won't even let the humanitarian aid in Have you seen the line of trucks outside the gate? Of course not, yeah, do not Do not They're not letting anything in or out From that gate I wouldn't either Of course you can't
Starting point is 00:47:43 Once you open it, you can't close it No the problem is Is it the bad guys are going to eat all the food Yeah but do the Egyptians care about the bad guys They don't want them at their house Right They're bringing a second carrier Into the Mediterranean
Starting point is 00:48:02 Did you see that Yeah I believe it's there And they got um not only are there you know now there's going to be 15 000 troops in the in the mediterranean maybe more maybe 20 000 troops they're gonna there's 2 000 troops that are going to be like i guess on like second by second uh whatever you call it to be ready to deploy right to get go right on shore? I would, in the course of 24 hours, destroy Iran's Air Force, Navy, and oil production, and I would send a message to their army that if you can get rid of the mullahs, you can do your little authoritarian government military style, give women some rights,
Starting point is 00:48:42 Give women some rights. Let's unshador the female population. And return oil production. And then talk about elections in five years. Without nukes. The world's at war. You can fear it, deny it, dread it, put any kind of timetable on it you think makes you comfortable, but we're there.
Starting point is 00:49:23 you think makes you comfortable, but we're there. We're there at a world war? Yes. Yeah, this is World War III. Iran needs to go. The mullahs need to go. The Persians are a brilliant, incredible people, a brilliant people. Their role in American tech is second only to what the Indians.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And we need to be supportive. Supportive by wiping their country off the map? Not their country. Their leadership. Yeah. The people that think it's cool to take a young lady and stake her out in a field and then let people pay five bucks to throw a boulder at her until she's dead. Because what? She wore a miniskirt? They're going to get all these people down on one end of the country.
Starting point is 00:50:43 It's coming, right? They're going to get all two million people down, stuff down on one end. Iran? No, sorry. I shouldn't even call it a country. This state, Gaza. They're going to get the 2 million residents all pushed down. I guess the 600,000 have already moved.
Starting point is 00:50:59 They want to coalesce them into as dense a population as possible and control them from underground and bunkers. And what they need to do that is for us to fear damaging those civilians to a greater extent than they do. Tyler Splied, the Persians of Iran lost their country and culture to Islam extremism in the 70s. It's tragic. There is no Islam without extremism
Starting point is 00:51:37 and desire for Sharia law across the globe. That's true. The fall of Reza Pahlavi was a a global disaster the shah of iran was he perfect far from perfect was he a clitorectomizing bloodthirsty school shooter. No. Joe Westerlin, you don't even have to be remotely fanatical to realize this is the beginning of the final chapter. It is objective.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Post rational is rationalism is what defines it. Correct. And it's two plus two equals five. And mommy has a dick. You know, on and on. It's the end stage logic of the lunatic left. The last year was safe. It's the thing. It's the thing that allows you to say trump is a nazi and that the in hamas is a is a is a liberating force
Starting point is 00:53:00 last year was safe spaces on campus nothing more than code word for getting rid of free speech. Right. Asymmetric ears. What happens if the U.Ss just stays out of it i mean israel disappears uh and then and then we start this shit here, like BLM. BLM seemed Hamas-like, seemed Pol Pot-like, seemed Marxist.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Then you find out the whole thing was a scam to steal money, and they're celebrating the paragliders that landed in. They're not supporting Palestinians. They're supporting Hamas. Yeah, they are. Openly, they're not denying it. They're celebrating the school shooter Charles Manson-like culture of atrocity. None of it's a surprise to me.
Starting point is 00:54:24 What a bizarre turn of events that biden is going there to visit well i don't even understand that we're sending it why would is that his idea why would we send president there he's he's worried about the jewish vote so does he get it by going there no you know he someone's told him that if the jews abandon the democratic party you're fucked you've lost a lot of blacks you've lost a lot of hispanics the country can tell that you're a crook they can see that you're senile your family's been involved in criminal enterprise for a long time, and our standard of living has fallen. The last thing in the world you need is to lose the Jewish vote.
Starting point is 00:55:12 And my Jewish brothers and sisters, I tell you, they have an uncanny, open-minded capacity to wrap themselves around hatred of themselves. And Galanter, who is a computer science professor and one of the Unabomber victims, he mentions a psychiatrist in an article years ago, and I just thought this was funny in its tragedy. years ago, and I just thought this was funny and it's tragedy. They said that for a lot of Jews, anti-Semitism is an irrational dislike of Jews or irrational hatred of Jews. As opposed to?
Starting point is 00:56:00 There's a rational reason to hate us. Right, right, as a people. That's how fair they're trying to be any conspiracy theory and you think that it's this would be Biden's last trip oh you mean like he gets whacked yeah or something
Starting point is 00:56:24 happens yeah oh you mean like he gets whacked yeah or something happens yeah doesn't seem like a place to send our president then again every Tom, Dick and Harry was visiting what's his name the Ukrainian president right during that
Starting point is 00:56:42 from Sean Penn to fucking Trudeau. Just dropping into Kiev during the war. Yeah, no comment on that. I have zero concerns for Biden's safety. Right. And you're okay with Kamala taking the reins
Starting point is 00:57:06 for a minute I hope she's with him Sean Letterman stares on Air Force One are as dangerous for Biden as Israel yeah more so and watch they'll turn that into an escalator in no time.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I see these these looking at the National Review and looking at these articles, it's also amazing to me how these it's 2023 and they're protesting and they have masks on. Like like this is a this is um columbia university and they're doing covid they're still doing covid there look at this picture right here uh they're doing covid you see that? Yeah. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Half the people. And you got your obligatory red hair in the front you see why the conflation is happening right they send people across the border
Starting point is 00:58:36 women and children are murdered music festivals are attacked now Israel attacks back and now seems like a great time to do free Palestine protests festivals are attacked. Now Israel attacks back. And now seems like a great time to do free Palestine protests. Attacking an army with, attacking
Starting point is 00:58:53 a government that has hidden itself underground from its people. Right. Their chief leader, we know him as the guest. Whitney Davis, COVID is starting
Starting point is 00:59:16 here again, and I'm in fucking Alabama. No shit. Are you seeing, are you in Italy right now, Greg? Yeah. Are you seeing signs of COVID starting again there? No?
Starting point is 00:59:31 Every once in a while, you see some kind of fat American from California with a mask. I think everyone knows, even my foolish family that was pro-vaccine, booster, booster, booster, is quiet on the subject and not boosting. Yeah, yeah. I understand that participation rate's 2%. These same family members will deny they were ever vaccinated in 10 years. Right. Yep. Yep. Yep. I'm seeing it
Starting point is 01:00:12 already. I'm already seeing the denial that I was vaccinated and I don't have the heart to tell them, you told me you were. Yeah. Whitney Davis, oh yeah, masks everywhere wow god I hope what Joe Westerlin is saying is not true uh Joe Westerlin so the looters will soon for the first time ever make their way to the suburbs that cannot be true they're in the suburbs of la the the people who are wanting to take away freedom of speech are leveraging this too this whole thing of like trying to stop hate speech now
Starting point is 01:01:12 is just another facade to try to control our speech i don't know if you saw what's happening over in the in the uk it's crazy they have these really vague law that just passed in the UK where you can't say bad shit. People are being arrested for stuff they posted on Facebook two years ago. A guy called someone a fat lesbian. Oh no, maybe that was Sweden or Switzerland. Someone called someone a fat lesbian
Starting point is 01:01:40 on Facebook two years ago and they called it hate speech. He was arrested a couple weeks ago. Jake Chapman, a national conscription. That's the draft? Conscription is the draft? Yeah. FanDuel Casino's
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Starting point is 01:02:52 Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Man, I don't think people do that. I don't think people do that. I don't think people go. You excited to come home?
Starting point is 01:03:16 Yeah, very much so. Yeah. Soon. It's any day now. Yep. Three more days. Yeah, I got, yeah, three more days. Three more days yeah I got a yeah three more days three more days are you are you stay in that one spot until you leave we're here in Venice we go to Zurich for a couple of days house on a lake
Starting point is 01:03:37 nice cold there it'll be fun different than what we've been doing. Oh, so you moved today? No, two days. Oh, so you're kind of your last days there in Zurich. Yeah. No, yeah, we leave from Zurich to SFO. Beastcakes, $23, $3. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Hey, and you know, listen, my tone may seem, you know, grim, glower. I mean, just being a matter of fact, I'm not. I don't think it is. I'm good with it all. I mean, there's a lot of clarity around this for me. Did you see the crime? I wish the left had come to two plus two
Starting point is 01:04:29 is five, mommy has a dick, and killing of school children is a liberation effort. I wish they'd been able to express that more clearly earlier. And why is that? Well, I think it would have been easier for everyone including myself to not suspect anything other than your utter rot of of morality and and and not too bright
Starting point is 01:05:01 um i want to switch subjects here a little bit to some business talk. When you made the tweet, Floyd 19, most of the outrage came from a small, very small, much smaller than people think, minority of affiliates. And then basically the other affiliates across the globe, they had one or two members who were making trouble for them and that was where the significant agitation was right so you have an affiliate with 300 people and you have four clients who come in and they're like hey i'm gonna not pay my affiliate fees anymore if you don't disassociate with and a cobble of the New York Times, BuzzFeed, Politico, Business Insider, being driven by some force that had given my ex $50 million leverage to attempt to purchase a company and devalue it from the numbers that I was negotiating. And so when my ex found out I was about to get 200, they thought that if Andy, Lisa, Lauren could approach these people
Starting point is 01:06:39 with these crazy fucking stories. And it was interesting because for a month or two we were having to fight these stories of you know uh crazy i was i was in crazy places doing crazy things unmoral unethical things and we could show proof positive that wasn't possible. I wasn't there. The others involved weren't there. It all fell apart so hard. And the New York Times says they were going to run with the story. And we let them know that as it runs, we're filing suit through Latham Watkins. And at 3 a.m. my time, so the decision had been made at midnight New York, they said,
Starting point is 01:07:27 we're not going to run this story and we appreciate your recognition of our journalistic integrity, of which they had not. But what that ended up costing me was I had to put $25 million in an escrow account to handle any of these things that even be remotely true for two years. You know how much of that money got paid out? Zero. Not one fucking penny. You got it all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Of course I did. Yeah, I had to fight the company for it back too. They drug their fucking feet in paying me. Let me tell you my point though here. So this is my point with Jake Chapman is saying. He's a gym owner. I had a member tell me he wanted me to act. So I did, here. So this is my point with Jake Chapman is saying I had he's a gym owner. I had a member tell me he wanted me to act. So I did.
Starting point is 01:08:09 I told him to leave my gym. My point is, is that for every 300 members at a gym, there were two people who irritated the affiliate owner saying, hey, that's not cool. Blah, blah, blah. Like, however, they misunderstood what Floyd 19 is. Well, did you see this? I don't know know this is pretty crazy that crossfit did this stupid if you ask me because they sure as fuck don't have the stomach to handle what this but crossfit actually posted this crossfit condemns the acts of this is from four days ago crossfit condemns the acts of violence being carried out by the terrorist group hamas which have resulted in the loss of innocent lives.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Our hearts go out to the members of the CrossFit community who have been directly affected and those across the globe who are grieving as a result of this tragedy. We stand united against evil and hatred. And the usual suspects, the woke suspects who spoke out, tried to speak out against you are hiding, right? They ain't saying shit now. They don't give a – they're not standing by these people. But there are some members in the community in the Middle East who have started posting, I'm out. But if you ran CrossFit, would you have posted this?
Starting point is 01:09:17 Let's say you had kept CrossFit through the whole BLM insanity and COVID insanity. Would you have posted this? I would be as strong for Israel as I would have been for handling Nicholas Cruz's short life at Marjorie Douglas Hinman or that Uvalde twat. Okay, so you think that this is a good post? It's dawn fall. Meaning what?
Starting point is 01:09:50 The CEO's a good recon marine, and he has a profound sense of right or wrong. He could jump up to bite him. Oh, I'm sure. His board is more concerned with sugar Than Other things Right I just don't think that they have the stomach For something like this
Starting point is 01:10:12 It also won't go noticed Won't go noticed Or unnoticed It won't go noticed Ken Walters I love how Seve knows the days, hours, minutes Until Greg estates I like the boy that is waiting for his crush
Starting point is 01:10:30 To come home for the summer 100% I'm already going to be In his house the second he gets home You know, Kenny, let me tell you something, buddy I never had a huge desire to see the world, and now I've seen it. I've been to Iraq, Afghanistan, and 60 other countries, and my life hasn't been enriched by it.
Starting point is 01:10:55 By the people I've met, for sure, for sure. But travel, like diversity, isn't just inherently valuable. It depends on what you do when you travel and what you do, like like just because you read a lot of books doesn't mean you're you're a learner. Sleeky Don had an emergency meeting with staff on Friday to apologize for the turmoil his statement caused. And that's what that's what I mean. When you make a statement like this, basically it trickles down to the people who are forward-facing or the people who are interacting with the people. Ross Lewis, there would be people who were mad if there wasn't a statement made
Starting point is 01:11:46 too and of course there were yeah there were of course there were all sorts of um all people no one's ever happy the statement even upset people who wanted the statement who the statement supported like it wasn't strong enough yeah enough. The CNN angle is that carving the unborn babies out of mothers is clearly wrong. Bad, bad, bad. But Israel caused it. It's all the people at CNN that
Starting point is 01:12:21 we know who did the shooting. We know how many students were killed and we're awaiting to find the motive. In other words, a justification may be out there and we don't know yet. Right. Everything out of the New York times suggests that there's a, that there's a justification that we're going to learn.
Starting point is 01:12:53 The weapons of mass destruction. Brian Clark, what a fucking honor to be close to Greg and be his friend. Thank you, Brian. What are you most excited to come back to? Anything? Getting your own bed? Any projects to pick up? See your house?
Starting point is 01:13:21 Your dogs? Me. Me? Yeah, you. get your new apple watch yeah um the the amount of reading and studying and interaction i had with uh brilliant minds around the world on the failures of academic science, the epistemic debasement of academic science. That's my thing.
Starting point is 01:13:53 It's hard on the road with the kids. It almost doesn't even seem right to be digging into that, but I've got a stack of shit. You're in a hotel, not an Airbnb, Greg? Yeah, I'm at the St. Regis in Venice. But this is shit I printed up off the net that I was going to
Starting point is 01:14:23 have visions on the flight over of reading and throwing them, read and throw, read and throw lightning. I load by seven pounds and I've done none of it. And so, and then, and then I get, I get irritated by that. And the weakness in me tells myself that I'm suffering cognitive decline because I'm not keeping up with my reading schedule. Right, right. But I'm more excited by my comprehension of the intellectual failings, the systemic epistemic debasement of academic science than I am anything in fitness. And largely because the consequences are just as great and it's an extension of that.
Starting point is 01:15:15 The thing that the reason I realized that the university doesn't know shit about fitness, all the way from defining it to measuring it, is part and parcel of the COVID response, replication crisis, unprecedented academic fraud in science. There's been an epistemic debasement of scientific methodology, a perversion, a corruption of the scientific method at the university that is damaging. It's one of the greatest intellectual failures in the history of the world. And I've been studying it hard for a decade now,
Starting point is 01:16:07 and I'm truly turned on by it. What did I hear? God, I heard a great description of what colleges are these days. I think it was Tucker Carlson who said it, or maybe it was Gutfeld.lson who said it or maybe it was gutfeld maybe gutfeld said it the other night let me see if i can find this lunatic factories what did he call it damn i didn't write it down here um i want to show you a video I saw yesterday. This is about sugar. This is stuff that you've been saying since the day I met you, but I just like the way they put it here.
Starting point is 01:16:55 It's a little long. It's about a minute long. And I think you're going to really like this. and I think you're going to really like this. ...prickly healthy. Put him in a vat of water, and he finds his way to safety every time. 5.2. Now, look at this guy.
Starting point is 01:17:23 What he's been eating is the equivalent of a North American diet, complete with all the fats and sugars we regularly consume. He doesn't know where to go. His brain has been damaged. These rats were totally normal, and then they turned into demented animals. They don't remember their learning after even a day. And as the challenge gets harder and harder, they fail more and more, just like a human with Alzheimer's disease. 36.2. In this lab, the belief now is that Alzheimer's is really diabetes of the brain linked
Starting point is 01:18:02 to insulin levels, which can be affected by too much sugar. Professor Suzanne Delamonte. Insulin resistance, we now know, can occur in any organ. It can occur in the muscles. That's what diabetes is. It can occur in the liver. It causes fatty liver disease. It can occur in the ovaries.
Starting point is 01:18:22 That's polycystic ovary disease. And it can occur in the brain. that's called a cystic ovary disease and it can occur in the brain perfectly healthy put him cool right yeah i got i got minor issues to pick with it but nothing substantive was it the fat part the the north american diet where she said diabetes in the muscles uh yeah tell me about the diabetes you wouldn't call you don't think that that's just a fair just quick characterization of it to say diabetes in the muscles no no no it's it's a glycation it's your it's it's the a1c it's the covalent bonding of sugar to essential proteins that decrease cell membrane motility. And there's a receptor downgrade phenomenon that works hand in hand with the decreased cell membrane motility. And so the normal bend and flex to accommodate the insulin molecule to the
Starting point is 01:19:28 receptor site doesn't occur because of the stiffness of the cell. But maybe more importantly, we see this in the vasovasorum and the decreased flow, blah, blah, blah. Right. I don't know if, you know, the people that know this shit know this shit, and they even roll their eyes when I talk. It's a small minority, and I don't know if anyone really cares. But I'm upstream of this, and I can tell you how it is that this bullshit happened now. happen now i i'm really i'm really in a position to describe the uh the uh etiology the motivation the underlying cause of all these failures and the problem is is that the validation phase that has made all of science successful has been replaced with a an archaic inference system that uses mildly inductive inference systems,
Starting point is 01:20:29 including null hypothesis, significance testing, and p-values. And it's such a beautiful thing for the university because it's created an unprecedented logarithmic expansion of departments, grants, funding, and scientists. And truth and discovery don't matter anymore. What does is expansion of the department and, you know and publish shitty science and lots of it and get a lot of good press and that matters and that it actually does anything
Starting point is 01:21:13 doesn't. And you can't run a business this way, but you can make your university Stanford, make it Harvard. Hey, it's like college has just become a fiction writing class it's a fucking joke it's turned into Harry Potter ville it's just a fiction
Starting point is 01:21:31 factory it's so bad it's so bad are there any good colleges left it gets political fast but I would be I would be proud to send a kid to hillsdale and ashamed to see him at stanford right right stanford's president is an academic fraud who's that oh i forget the guy's name. Is it Kennedy? Meaning he was caught. He was,
Starting point is 01:22:09 uh, Richard Sauer, Richard Sauer, whatever the guy's name is. He got caught red handed with some bullshit science. And some girls stepped forward and said, I did it. And she disappeared. Now she's back and hanging out with him again.
Starting point is 01:22:25 A Stanford president to step down despite probe exonerating him., July 2023. It is far, far from exonerated. Mark Tesser, to see her? Forget his name. No, it wasn't Tessier. to see her forget his name no it wasn't tessier it's crazy as soon as you type in stanford fraud you can find a bunch of stuff dude how about uh diane feinstein being 90 hey do you remember when we went to dc and we visited
Starting point is 01:23:11 the lady she didn't have a vote but she was basically the equivalent to a senator for dc right what was that lady's name and she was fucking senile do you remember that and her staff were like rolling their eyes every time she spoke to you and she was just talking crazy gibberish who was that i wonder if she's still in office that was nuts that was a rude that was a eye-opening moment for me i liked her i liked her as it when we approached her office we were driving down the beltway and and uh podestas people had told us that uh she's really really big on dc statehood and i said well why don't we just tell her we're all for that and i said yeah wouldn't it be nice if that was it were that simple so we went there and sat with her
Starting point is 01:23:58 and she talked gibberish and during a break one of her own staff says can you imagine she's a law professor at georgetown and they're rolling her eyes and we're all laughing at her being out of her fucking mind right right right and on the way out the door i said hey by the way i'm all for dc statehood big lie and she says you should have started with that when you came in the door. And our our Podesta guy says, wow, that's embarrassing. This is one of those few times when the client just shows you they got more figured out than you do. Oh, Eleanor Holmes. It was a congressman, Eleanor Holmes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Yeah. Yeah. Dude, she's still in office She could be mummified and buried With King Tutton it wouldn't matter Hey I'm not Exaggerating by the way people we went and Saw her and she was senile she was broken
Starting point is 01:25:01 And the staff was rolling their Eyes and talking about her to Us right in front of her And she's stillile. She was broken. And the staff was rolling their eyes and talking about her to us right in front of her. And she's still in office. Eleanor Holmes, 86 years old. They were letting her know when it's time to change the subject. From behind her apologizing. Lip-syncing
Starting point is 01:25:19 apologies. She went to Yale Law School, Yale University and Antioch College all in the 60s. Oh, man, that was crazy. That was brutal. She can't make public appearances, I assume. I wonder if there's any videos of her. You handled it well.
Starting point is 01:25:47 You were smooth with her. What else are you going to do? I don't know. I'd have had trouble keeping a straight face. Her staff helped with that. Yeah, that was bizarro world. And then you saw diane feinstein basically died in office yeah and i don't know if you saw the other day um uh biden was answering questions from the press and got stuck up there and they just turned on the music and his handlers came and got him
Starting point is 01:26:22 yeah perfect time to go. You remember running into Pelosi in the elevator? I think I was not there for that. I was outside. I missed that. I was at that trip, but I was outside. I did go to the school with the banana slug mascot rambler. I went to UC Santa Barbara.
Starting point is 01:26:53 You think they should put an age limit on office, running for office? No. No. No, but I think when someone has cognitive trouble at any age, that the electorate ought to be smart enough to let them go. But they're not. No. Well, even if they are,
Starting point is 01:27:21 well even if they are some people would rather see a senile Biden than a healthy whoever's name you want you know the nature of politics is you end it with these either ors,
Starting point is 01:27:48 right? You know, make me make a decision, Hitler or Mussolini. I'll go with Mussolini. Thank you. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:27:57 And now, now I do have to defend Mussolini. I'm not going to do it. Right. That's why I'm going to vote for Trump. Do you know what that is? That's honesty. That a lot of people can't have.
Starting point is 01:28:18 People are attached to their... It's not an intellectual process for the left. They want to pick the guy that makes them look good. You can kind of give someone an authenticity scale by asking how many of their behaviors, from the
Starting point is 01:28:41 way they dress, the things they say, where they live, how they act, what they eat, and how much of it is just sheerly, completely a function of what they like and how much of it is their perception of others' perceptions of that choice. Yeah, the other people's perception part is a trip. It's nuts. High school shit.
Starting point is 01:29:13 And you pick an argument about it and you're just instantly an asshole. It's like telling a guy that you think he looks like a douchebag with his Hawaiian shirt and his gold chains. He was under the distinct impression he looked pretty fucking cool when he looked in the mirror. You ready?
Starting point is 01:29:35 Yeah. Greg, we are addressing... I don't know what that is. MTHFR and COMT gene variants in our house as they relate to folate. Methylation, high cysteine levels, and fertility. Is this an area you know looking for reliable sources? Nothing about it. Can you translate?
Starting point is 01:30:02 What did he just say? What's he asking? I'd have to dig in I'll send you your $10 back thank you no but I I do wonder if if you can assume ridiculous views of sex
Starting point is 01:30:27 and differences in sex that render you infertile. I would expect so. Say that again? I think there's a worldview you can adopt that would lend you infertile as a male infertile at what level not at the biological level you're still shooting yeah oh yeah live really nah yeah yeah yeah yeah i can start thinking that i'm a woman and and that and and you think i just start shooting blanks yeah wow i would expect that wow wow yeah
Starting point is 01:31:08 hey the brain's a powerful thing i i agree i agree that's just that's for you that's really for you that's the metaphysical shit that's like i can't believe i heard that come out of your mouth that's like for you that's a metaphysical shit that's like self-help book shit i can't believe i heard that come out of your mouth that's like something i'd say there's conjectures hypothesis theories and laws this is some deep conjecture shit but i've seen the effect of emasculation on men in santa cruz through liberal views of the you know once you believe there's no difference between men and women, the way men behave leads women to be unattracted to them. And I can't conceive of that increasing viability of your sperm.
Starting point is 01:32:02 And like we know enough people, I can give names i mean like wow look at that look at those two uh deja intend to uh shucks greg everything it's all good here i still support the show i'm not infertile greg i shoot ropes all right yeah i don't know what's that mean you shoot ropes I don't get it check out the Weston A. Price Foundation for a resource on MTHFR Dusty Willard
Starting point is 01:32:42 yeah and I may it's ringing a bell I did a deep dig on Weston Price on MTHFR. Dusty Willard. Yeah, and I made this... It's ringing a bell because I did a deep dig on Weston Price and was fascinated by the work there 20 years ago. And it was on that level of like... This doesn't seem absurd to me.
Starting point is 01:33:08 It didn't have a 2 plus 2 is 5, 5. I mean, it's a guy that went around the world and said, look, these people have perfect teeth and don't have heart disease. And when we see people with rotten teeth, they have heart disease. And all the sequelae from that. Sequelae? What's that? The things that naturally come downstream from that. Ryan Douglas, I shoot knots.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Kenneth DeLapp, ropes equals viscosity. Ah, thank you. My favorite word, viscosity. Hey, that was a fast 90 minutes. Thank you. What a journey. No,
Starting point is 01:33:53 thank you. It's always good to be here. Yeah. Oh, what? Just Weston Price. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Weston Price. Yeah. Check them out. Great, great material there. Especially if you're going to gonna have kids there's another one too and i can't remember her name i always remember and i don't want to get it right wrong but enig someone enig who had concerns about trans fats
Starting point is 01:34:20 long ahead of being able to demonstrate anything kind of a pre crew more. If that's even possible concern with trans fats. Um, on the 22nd, I, uh, Greg and I'll be headed to Sacramento.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I don't know. I do not know if it's a live show. Does he do his show live Mark Bell? I have no idea. he's just been so kind and i'll be anyway i'll be i'll be i'll be uh traveling with greg to sacramento uh chilling hanging with them all day he's gonna be on the mark bell podcast that's gonna be cool i'm not sure when it will air but i know mark does do some stuff live, so that might be live. And then hopefully on the 24th, that's a week from today, we'll have Greg on again here for our Tuesdays with Greg.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Martin Graham, what's up, dude? Thank you for the money. That's a lot. Catching up after a few weeks of these. Highlight of my week. All I need is dinner and drinks, and it would be perfect for me. Love you guys. You da man.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Dude, you know what? Martin, we'll we'll do a gig at my house and just invite a dozen people out sit around and talk crazy shit the mark bell thing's fascinating he's uh one of the strongest people to ever live and i know people that don't uh don't uh i mean they're strong they're strong, they're fit, but they have more respect for him intellectually and physiologically than do they have an adoration of fitness. And just the fact that he's brought family and friends to hear broken science stuff
Starting point is 01:35:59 and has the regard for me that he does and has been persistent enough. I'm, I'm ready to go talk to him. Awesome. Um, all right, dude. Thanks for coming with too,
Starting point is 01:36:13 by the way. Oh yeah. I'm pumped. I'm excited. It's going to be fun. Yeah. Do you know what we're driving? Are we,
Starting point is 01:36:18 are we going in the truck? We're getting the TRX. Awesome. I'm trading it in by the way. You are. Oh, for that thing? Yeah, I got one. What is that thing called? Did you get the one with all the tires in the back?
Starting point is 01:36:39 Yeah, the Marathon 1000 from Hennessy. Okay. Yeah, the Marathon 1000 from Hennessy. You got the one with the four tires in the back? No, not that. I can't. That's just too much attention. God, that thing. I did get the 1,000 horsepower TRX. This thing's crazy.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Who makes this? It's a Ram TRX, and Hennessy's thrown a watermelon-sized supercharger on it and tuned it and made some other mods, and they all made good sense to me hey they got videos of them here racing lambos but you know this is a guy i got i got rid of my turbo s and like i'm i'm downsizing so in the smaller and upsize one truck One truck to end them all. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:37:47 What color did you get? White. Of course. When does that come? Oh, it's ready. They want the ones sitting in the driveway in Santa Cruz. Are we going to take that to Sacramento? I don't think it's going to happen that fast.
Starting point is 01:38:03 I think because I need to happen that fast i think because i this ship i need to i need to disarm it first i don't dare how do you know what that means traded it yeah this oh i know what that means right right i actually do know what that means it's fully loaded right all right buddy i love you i'll uh yeah and all of you that listen and say kind things and all you that listen and hate me that's that's good too that's still good to talk i've always enjoyed you know my like i have my origins and standing in front of audiences and telling them everything you're eating is fucking you up and your exercise is stupid can we have a conversation right and so i'm not i'm not uh discomforted by by controversy the only really hard thing i've
Starting point is 01:38:52 had in my life i think was the uh being turned on viciously by halfwits for whom i'd done so much right by the way some of the iceland people came up today and the like i met a guy in front of uh saint marcus uh basilica in venice who launched a couple of boxes in iceland and is from stuttgart and was he nice to you was he then he was thankful and Super nice. I told him, make sure that some of the Iceland queens get my love. Yeah, we better go. You're a good dude, Greg.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Thanks, bud. Everyone knows. All right. Thank you, Gregreg i'll talk to you soon buddy all right pal say hey love to hayley and the boys okay same here there's word you might be going to dallas with us i am the whole thing relies on ari's leg i really want to but i don't want to have to carry him he's still on crutches but but he could be off any day now he's doing good, man. Yeah, he's doing great.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Yesterday, he went to the jiu-jitsu studio and he rolled. It's not in pain. He just can't walk. The kid's going for that egg like fucking lions on a limping zebra. What's an egg? That leg. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I told him.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Are they? Well, I told him, no. The instructor said, don't pull on Ari's left leg I got stories to tell along those lines Personal ones another day Good personal shit Okay good Remind me bye
Starting point is 01:40:38 Alright bye Fuck he made that show easy Uh 250 on only 9 likes Well thank you for liking You guys are so good for all 9 of you That like the show Um I have a guest who
Starting point is 01:41:01 Is deployed over there In Israel Who is supposed to come on today. And obviously that's going to be touching go. And I know that. I have to be crazy flexible with this guest to see when he can come on. And he's a CrossFitter and an affiliate owner. Okay. Great show. uh and he's a crossfitter and an affiliate owner uh okay um great show it looks like hunter is i guess i could let me see i guess i could call hunter really quick um and just uh he wanted to say something and or i wanted he's looking for an athlete to participate in his event hunter's looking for an athlete to participate in his event. Hunter's looking for an athlete to participate in his event.
Starting point is 01:41:49 And I just wanted to give him or you guys, him the opportunity to share it. And any athletes out there who want to participate in it, it sounds fun. It's in San Diego, I think, this week. The opportunity. It sounds like it's a pretty rare opportunity. Let's see if he'll answer. Hey, dude. Hello. Hey, dude, we're live.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Oh, you're going live? I'm live with you right now You want me to go on my computer or something I don't give a fuck Listen I got a question for you Yesterday you were kind enough to call me And tell me that there is an event You're throwing this weekend called Battle Bunker Battle Buncheeks
Starting point is 01:42:23 Yeah no it's next weekend I'm going to Let me just sign on my computer called Battle Bunker. Battle Buncheeks. No, it's next weekend. Let me just sign on my computer. Okay. Give me three minutes. You know what I hear? You're in really dork mode right now. You're working. You have glasses that are hanging off the tip of your nose, bifocals,
Starting point is 01:42:39 and you have a pencil behind your ear. Are you at a desk? Some of us actually have jobs. Sucks to be you. Sucks to be you. Sucks to be you, bitch. All right, here, send me the link. I sent you the link, mofo. All right, bye.
Starting point is 01:42:52 Bye. This is going to be quick. Oh, here, look, there's Matt. Hunter, good to see you. Fuck, you look like Sousa. Wait, I was just wearing glasses or something. I'm going to break the record in buttlebat cheeks. Buttlebat cheeks.
Starting point is 01:43:12 I think, did you use the link that I sent to both of you? Or you don't even need a link. I don't even know what's going on. I woke up like 20 minutes ago. I slept for like 13 hours. Oh, dude, you killed it this week. Good job. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:43:23 I was supposed to be up much earlier. Good job. There could be a lesson for people on how to frame competitions. If you haven't gotten to see Crash Crucible, you'll see that Sousa was basically on this gimbal, the DJI gimbal with an iPhone on it, and just framing the first and second place competitors perfectly the entire time. By the way, Greg just destroyed.
Starting point is 01:43:46 I know. I was listening to the last portion of it. It was awesome. I can't wait to go back and listen to the rest of the show. Yeah, he just— There he is. Oh, shit. Where is he at? Hunter McIntyre. We don't want the Twitch gamer otherwise known as Hunter McIntyre.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Dude, I should have done Twitch, dude. I fucked up. My parents, my dad specifically, told me to quit playing video games. I was one of the best Halo players in the world. I'd be making Oprah money right now if it wasn't for this dumb fucking fitness stuff. Titties.
Starting point is 01:44:16 Hey, tell me, I have to take the kids to the skate park now, but yesterday when you called me, it sounded like there might be an opportunity for some of my listeners to partake in something that's really cool that they otherwise wouldn't get a chance to due to some other failures two pussies pulled out and there's so there's two last minute openings tell me tell me we had we had a couple medical uh dropouts and we have this event that we put on each year at the Olympic training center down in Chula Vista,
Starting point is 01:44:48 right outside of San Diego. You get to stay where all the Olympians are training from around the world, training to be the best and achieve great, great tasks. And we put on this really awesome two day event and we need to find two chicks to fill in the bracket because the way the bracket works to make it work properly, we do need to have people going head to head and it's only going to add up when the math really adds up. So tell me the date. The date is the 28th and the 29th day.
Starting point is 01:45:15 One is called grit day. And day two is called field day. So grit day to give you guys an example would be more like when, back when CrossFit used to be in California and they took you guys to Camp Pendleton and did that big run and then the O course and all that kind of stuff, ocean swims, stuff like that. That's grit day. Field day would be the equivalent of, you know, the very typical CrossFit ask, you know, turf type competitions, a lot of head to head, really fun stuff. Like our version of a, of the weight ladder, instead of using barbells is we're using tires
Starting point is 01:45:48 like huge ass fucking tires. You have to flip over and it's like a speed ladder through flipping tires. Um, one of the other really cool events that we're putting on is called the Bob tests. We're in special forces. I know what the Bob test is. Yeah. So that, that one's a really cool structure where it's like, we try to treat it the same way they do in special operations units, um,
Starting point is 01:46:10 where it's like, you know, it's pass fail. Like, you know, you can get, it's serious. Like you don't want to get knocked out of that one event.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Otherwise it's really going to F you. It's not truly that physical of an event, but it's very mental. And the winner of, and the winner of the Bob test also receives this special trophy that I have here. Is that a mold in your dick? No, not mine. It's mine.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Hunter, you know whose it is. Dude, that's a cute cock. You know who got it for me? Andrew Hiller got it for me. Hiller molded his cock and sent it to you? That's such a friendship. Hey, tell me this. Can they win anything? Do they win any prize money? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:56 There's a ton of cash in there. Okay. How good do they need to be? Because you know people are scared. We need to have somebody who's like a regionals level or above because there's nine workouts across the two days and the amount of capacity necessary is pretty significant the amount of skill is not like as high as crossfit events but capacity is high and how about devin kim have you talked to her i believe my partner has talked
Starting point is 01:47:22 to him like they've recruited all the invictus. So we got two really, really great athletes from Invictus on the female side. How about that super hot Asian chick and the other hot white chick? They do all the pictures together all over Instagram. Lori and I don't know. I don't know the Asian girl's name. Both of those girls are coming. Oh, shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:39 So we're stacked. We got some good people, but I'm just putting it out there. And I've called a couple people in my network. And, you know, we've definitely gone through the qualification routes and got people that have earned their spots, but it's only going to bring better people in if we can get some last-minute, really amazing athletes from other communities.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Who do they contact? How do they contact you? Just slide into your DMs? Anybody can slide into my DMs, or you can DM the Instagram battle uh battle bunker like hypercon games you can get you can get a hold of any of them but probably the safest way to do this if you're watching this right now is just to jump on and shoot me a dm and what if what if what if um if i what about trannies could a tranny enter uh your division like a, I'm a dude.
Starting point is 01:48:25 We don't have a category for that. I mean, that's... Okay. It's a complicated question. Dude, someone just dropped you $50. What are you doing with these people? Hey, how did you get Victo's as a sponsor? I swear to God, between Greg and I, we've spent $20,000 there.
Starting point is 01:48:44 Easy. Easy. How the fuck? These fucking guys won't sponsor me do you know how many slow down you see that guy in the center right there that's austin and he was the founder of this whole thing and he he literally has just such a he has a humongous social media channel and he's just got a really military brands love him. Brands in general love him so he built out a really good sponsorship program for us to afford this. It's fucking wicked expensive to put these things on.
Starting point is 01:49:15 Austin Alexander has a huge He's a hog? No, that's what you said. He has a huge Rolodex. Massive. You know what's shit though Victos has not sent me anything They just keep skating the fuck out of me
Starting point is 01:49:33 Dude I'm wearing Victos pants right now I want Victos pants This is bullshit Even though I've worked my ass off And I've got great sponsors Fuck you Victos Sorry Victos is probably gonna be really pissed i have 20 pairs of their shoes i'm not even joking i i have 15 pairs unopened
Starting point is 01:49:52 i got you know what i only wear sweatpants shorts i don't know if you can see this but that's my entire it's either i'm naked sweatpants shorts or i'm sweating over top you wearing short shorts dominating you in a competitions those are my three wardrobes what about wearing tights what about those tights that I wear the fuck out of tights dude I got a I got yeah I like I got a foot long subway down there and it just
Starting point is 01:50:15 goes all over the place did you wear them down your ankle tell me which tights he gets before we switch which tights should I get I want to start wearing tights like what's the guy who trains it the Russian deals with them Before we switch, which tights should I get? I want to start wearing tights like – what's the guy's name? There's a company. I have zero – The Russian – I have zero sponsorship deals with them.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Represent the company I work with makes tights. But the ones that I will say like have just been a go-to for years, no sponsorship deal whatsoever, is a company called Pacterra. And it's just so smooth. They're a good company. I just think they're a startup. They've always been really, really cool. They're a good company. And just think they're a startup. They've always been really, really cool. They're a good company. And I think it's really important.
Starting point is 01:50:48 Pacterra. And C-T-R-A. Oh, okay. They're a good company. Uh, uh, Pacterra Strider compression tight.
Starting point is 01:50:59 Dude, my body is basically impervious to any damage, but everything from like butthole to belly button just gets so much heat when I train and compete. It wrecks you. It really, really wrecks you. And I don't get it. Like I put in – I butter the goose.
Starting point is 01:51:17 I'm starting to think that there's a lot of CrossFit athletes on steroids. Dude, you're starting to pick up on that finally after three years of friendship? It took a while. steroids dude you're starting to pick up on that finally after three years of friendship i was watching a competition this weekend and some of the bodies are different than the other bodies i didn't notice any who are you thinking about are you guys talking about that competition that was put in the garage that we were watching and i was ding you about? Yeah, the Crash Crucible. Dude, they had like the non-name brand version of Pat Vellner there. I like that guy. Yeah, that guy. Dude, that guy's like if you and Vellner had a fucking kid.
Starting point is 01:51:58 Yeah, he's a good dude. Steve McQueen? McQueen's good. He's a good dude. Dude, Martin, why don't you suck my balls? You guys should be in a movie. Martin's trying to accuse me being on drugs martin i'm accusing you of being a loser how about that your face looks like the asshole of a pug fuck you martin you deadbeat nobody martin you want youtube right now shouldn't you be taking care of your kids i know i'm i'm getting
Starting point is 01:52:22 off you fucking hobo of a man no what man no what do you think about yellow what do you think about yellow compression tights they're great you still want things that pick up those little pee stains because when you go to the bathroom and you get out of there and if you don't shake it like 50 times so black is always safe but those yellow ones are nice dude you don't want this what is that that's creepy you don't want this. What is that? That's creepy. You don't want those pants. You're really going to go with some off-brand you found on Amazon instead of just spending an extra 20 bucks, you cheap shit, on a company like Pacterra representing you?
Starting point is 01:52:55 Dude, you don't even know how cheap I am. But I will get the Pacterra, I think, because I do like the – I like to have the opening there, the cock opening, even though I don't like – even though I don't use it. Anybody who uses the cock opening, like who do you know who uses a zipper? No one. That's beyond creepy. Oh, you mean like not undo the top button and just pee out the zipper? That's a creep.
Starting point is 01:53:20 That person deserves to be behind – that's like A-list security prison I'm talking about the deepest depths of the world If someone does that, can't have it Hey, you try that like once when you're seven And you're like, this is stupid Have you ever caught your meat in the zipper? Many, many years ago Pre-ten years old
Starting point is 01:53:39 Your soul leaves your body? Yeah, I have foreskin The zipper can do crazy damage to me i don't know dude i feel like we got people right now in the comments they're hating us accusing us of being gay these are informative conversations that men need to be this is a safe space what do you mean accusing us outing us what do you mean accusing us outing us of being gay that's all right dude and you will not you become such a baller dude You have so many sponsors now
Starting point is 01:54:08 Thank you I have to say OG Paper Street Coffee The first believer Gotta love them Hey you know what's crazy Someone was saying that Craig Ritchie didn't make a dime At the games this year Fuck that bitch
Starting point is 01:54:22 I don't know but I made six figure and i'm about to make seven figure yeah i'm about to be a seven right it's because he's british dude they just don't know how to do business we were able to beat them in awards by throwing tea off a boat well i also didn't ask for any of my sponsors i didn't also didn't ask for any of my sponsors either dude hunter would do a gay porn shoot for a thousand bucks dude you that doesn't even cover half my day you're such a dude you don't even know what my life's like dude bills drop on me like fucking rain pours on your poor ass dude i fucking dude a thousand dollars doesn't even cover my bubble gum bill for the day you bitch ass bitch dude this really i need a million i
Starting point is 01:55:01 need a million to even get me to get my pants off just down to the tights. I need another 10 mil to go through the zipper. Cheap ass bitch. Hey, I sort of assume someone is circumcised. That is Dude, have you ever gotten
Starting point is 01:55:20 into a fight with somebody who gets really revved up? Really revved up about the whole foreskin thing? What who gets really revved up by that really revved up about the whole foreskin thing what are you revved up like oh you mean like people like fight you they're like it's abusive to cut off the foreskin what they're doing then i i i didn't know what was a thing until all of a sudden i was in it and like i was being attacked verbally by somebody for having my foreskin cut off. There's people out there. They're like one time.
Starting point is 01:55:51 One time this guy told me he's like, oh, that's gross. You have your foreskin. No girl's ever going to want to sleep with you. So I fucked his mom. Play or move. Play or move. All right. Listen, if you want to if you want to do battle bunker.
Starting point is 01:56:07 And you want to see the professional side of Hunter McIntyre, arguably the fittest man on the planet. Don't question it. Just believe it. By the way, Hunter's coming on Thursday. He is going to break another world record. We're going to have him on Thursday, and I'm excited for that. Dude, I'm 210 pounds all beef and tits right now, dude. I make Hiller look like a small child. Now that he's off the sauce, dude, he's just like my little baby nephew
Starting point is 01:56:30 that I could smack around at any given time. Dude, look at you. You are a fucking meat-sicle. Fuck. That rogue bike almost just took off flying. Watch this, dude. That bar, I could have thrown it over the top of my head. Hey, he's doing sumo deadlift high pulls with 305.
Starting point is 01:56:45 Dude, no big deal, dude. No big deal. Hunter, I love you. Thanks for coming on. See you Thursday. Hey, man. I deserve at least 10% of that $50 tip. I'll see you guys later.
Starting point is 01:56:57 Have a good one. Okay, I'll Venmo you. Bye. All right, I got to go. I got five minutes to kind of get my shit together alright I love you thanks for popping in I always love seeing you surprising like this this is cool
Starting point is 01:57:09 I would have been in earlier if I could have woken up okay see how good my picture is picture looks amazing yeah so why couldn't we get that from a fucking camera at crash crucible let's discuss on the phone I'll call you in a bit bye
Starting point is 01:57:24 later everyone buh-bye

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