The Sevan Podcast - Guest Host | Glinton Things

Episode Date: April 8, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at All to taking off this summer. More details at All right, let's go. Let's go, let's go, let's go. Good morning, everybody. Jake Chapman, Jeffrey Birchfield, my man, Kenneth DeLapp, my man, Judy. Love seeing you guys. Sorry,
Starting point is 00:01:00 it took me a second because my fragile female brain couldn't figure out how to run Sevan's Lamborghini of a stream yard right now. So I was trying to work out all this in my head. But we got Pool Boy. I want to make sure we had a dude on the podcast so that Sevan feels comfortable. There's a penis on the podcast. So we're good to go on that. Do you want to verify? I don't know how we do that. I did want to say, since it's Sevan's DEI hire show,
Starting point is 00:01:37 I wanted to go through our list of our DEI requirements. I feel like I fill most of them. Babe, I think you lose. I think you only have two. I do. I do. It's just lesbian and female. Yeah. And we can't verify. So but we're just going to say it. What are your DEI qualifications, Mr. Mike? I'm Mexican, for sure. That's all you got here. some may think I'm gay but but other than that oh you guys found out
Starting point is 00:02:14 that I'm friends with a technically illegal immigrant so I guess that counts yeah I did he was great where'd you meet him where'd you where'd you meet him um it's a great question oh so i've always like known of him because he lives like basically 40 minutes from me and uh i'd always run into him at we have this pretty decently big competition here called the norco classic and i'd always see into him at, we have this pretty decently big competition here called the NorCal Classic. And I'd always see him there and kind of run into him there.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And it wasn't until the third one where I finally introduced myself to him and said hi. Because he goes to the gym that he goes to. I'm good friends with the owner of the gym. So that's finally introduced myself and from there we just became really close friends oh that's cool that was yeah that was a great episode i thoroughly enjoyed that episode uh i kind of wanted to throw this out real quick just to the chat and to you i i always like to nerd out on savon's like uh ecosystem his podcast ecosystem and all the branches that stem
Starting point is 00:03:26 from the Savan podcast. And then yesterday I was really, I was thinking, what about like the friends? How many friends can you say that you've made just through the Savan podcast? Like I can rattle off like six people right now that I could call talk to like real friends so you want to hear a really funny story about that well that's kind of funny story i forget when this happened but i started watching the show um somewhat religiously and uh because i was always a pretty big fan of savan back when he worked at uh crossfit and i'd always follow his uh podcast there i just thought they were just hilarious and some of the that he would say um just would crack me up especially the ones with like dan bailey where he kept interrogating him about going on the
Starting point is 00:04:16 back story and all that yeah and then and then so i started watching the show um once i started getting you know more and more traction and one day i got a notification on my phone that i was added to a to a certain group chat and it's a group chat full of everyone who watches the show and i was like, these people, this is a cult. Holy crap, this is like Scientology 2.0. Everyone who watches the Savant podcast. They're probably going to give me shit because I mentioned it on here, but whatever. Oh, they're giving you shit about your headphones. Oh, yeah, they are obnoxiously big, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah. Well, you're breaking up a little bit. Did you want to try without your headphones to see if it's better? You're kind of breaking up as you're talking. Sure. Am I having a John Young moment? Is that what's happening? That was in the barbell spin. He was off. Maybe it's your Pat. All right. Is that better? Oh yeah. There we go. Yep. oh yeah there we go yeah um i i so should we start at the top do we need to start all over no no i don't think so no no no it's fine i don't think it would be um a seven true seven podcast without something without something going on with the volume or whatever still one of your
Starting point is 00:05:41 favorite ones to date is um the one episode that he was on by himself trying to figure out how yeah the microphones and then it cutting down i can spend i can spend 20 minutes pretending to connect a phone to a roadcaster if you guys want that was that was like an hour show of him just not being not having sound and being like fuck and like freaking out hold up hold up collar collar hold on yep and then the hands go up hold on hold on wouldn't be a savant show if the phone was disconnected hold on yeah well i'm probably gonna do it too because again my female brain can't handle it so i'll do the same thing if anybody wants to call but
Starting point is 00:06:22 feel free to call guys if you want to. Hey, did we mess with you this morning? Did we mess up your training or I know you're getting ready for quarter finals, right? No, Sundays are usually a chill day for me. The only thing, the only thing messed up is my, I woke up at 6am here. It's like, it's like I'm in, I'm over here in Cali. I'm only about 40 minutes, 40 minute drive from actually where Siobhan lives. So we're pretty close, but other than that, no, I'm only about 40 minutes, 40 minute drive from actually where Savan lives.
Starting point is 00:06:46 So we're pretty close. But other than that, no, I'm fine. Where are you? Like, I see you started with being on teams, right? I was I literally was not nervous until like Haley Matosi and DM me last night. And then I got freakishly nervous. So, yeah, that's I wasn't scared to Savon I wasn't scared to Sousa but I was definitely as soon as Haley messaged me I was
Starting point is 00:07:10 like oh my god I started to freak out a little bit but uh I wanted to start you started on teams you were on teams did you go to did you go to quarters or semis or on teams or is it just like you did a lot of I i've been i've been doing crossfit for damn near since 2012 so very long time almost 12 years so i kind of went through all the phases of of the growth of the sport um in terms of the open back and when it was still i think that when i joined they had something called, man, what was it? Sectionals or something? Yeah, yeah. Something like that. And then eventually regionals.
Starting point is 00:07:49 And I made it, I qualified on a team. At the time, I was competing under Craig Howard's gym, Diablo CrossFit. Yeah, yeah. And we had, that year, I think we sent two teams, two teams to the regionals, which was really cool. that year I think we sent two teams two teams to the regionals which was really cool so back when it was in uh Del Mar and that was the very last year that they had regionals so I was very um grateful and thankful for that opportunity to go um I was on a team with a gentleman named Troy Stinson uh Natalie Talbert who competed last year at semis as an individual and then many people here in the chat might know the
Starting point is 00:08:25 fourth female Kelly Clark who's now known as Kelly Kelly yeah yeah then uh so went there and then um flash forward to last year I had this really unique opportunity where I had just been letting uh let go of a of a job where I was at coaching and and I had this weird limbo phase where the open was like literally three weeks away I think even less than that and I had no idea where I was gonna do the open I had recruited literally recruited a team to be a part of the gym that I was previously at so that was no longer an option and I had a mutual friend reach out to me and and she was like hey I have a female friend who's looking for a fourth
Starting point is 00:09:10 teammate would you be interested in joining her team and be like yeah sure and she was like well the only caveat is it's in Boston you would have to move all the way to across the country and I was like stars literally lined up I was I was like well I don't have a steady income and she was like okay well she's gonna she'll offer you a coaching job there and I was like okay cool and then I was like okay now the only issue is I don't have a car and to basically drive myself around and I forget how I even got connected but there was a random gym in that area. I think the city called Chelsea, which is like literally 10 minutes outside of Boston.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Some coach there randomly was like, hey, if you coach at my gym, I'll offer you my second car to drive around. So literally like the stars couldn't have lined up better. So I was like, all right, fuck it. Two weeks notice, I booked a flight to Boston and went over there. And keep in mind, these three individuals were complete strangers to me. I had no idea who they were. I never met them in my life. And yeah, I ended up meeting my male teammate at the airport when he picked me up. And I ended up living and staying on his couch for four or five months that I was there. And it was pretty incredible.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Literally went from who had no idea who these people were, complete strangers, to like I look at them as brothers and sisters now. It was amazing. Kenneth, he said Boston. I don't know why I can't pull these up right now. But yeah, he said Boston. Boston. Boston. So what was it? How long did it take for like the team chemistry to get started? I don't know why I can't pull these up right now, but yeah, he said Boston, Boston, Boston.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So what was it? How long did it take for like the team chemistry to get to get rolling? Did they know each other? Yeah, they knew them. They knew each other. I just was the stranger of the bunch. And I mean, those who know me, I have a pretty extroverted personality. know me, I have a pretty extroverted personality, so it doesn't take much for me to, you know, weasel my way into a friend group or, or, you know, not be shy about certain situations. So it didn't really take much at all. And we gelled so smoothly and yeah, shoot, man,
Starting point is 00:11:20 we had such a good time. We ended up almost making top 10 um at semi so that was a pretty cool experience oh oh yeah well you met us by offering us a throuple so i mean yeah i was like okay i guess that's how we know that that mike's cool yeah all good yeah what uh did you have your girlfriend at the time when you were? No, no. I just started dating her this last November. Oh, how, how does she feel? Cause you, now you're going individual, right? So I mean, I'm going to try, I'm going to try, but realistically, like I know I'm, I'm, I'm pretty good. I'm a pretty good athlete, but to go from,
Starting point is 00:12:00 I think where I'm at right now is like top 150 all the way to top 40. Like it's a long shot. What does your girlfriend say? Is she cool with like all the time it takes and the. Dude, she's just, she's like the female version of me. She's, she's the same. Oh, you guys just train together? She, I mean, she, so she lives, she's a Marine.
Starting point is 00:12:20 She's in the military. And she actually, we're doing the long distance thing. She lives in Oceanside, basically San Diego, which is like six hours south from me. So we're just doing the long distance thing. But whenever she does come up to visit, like, yeah, we train together. Obviously, she has her own programming. I have mine, but I'll try to jump in some of her workouts just to help support her a bit. She actually I just follow help support her a bit.
Starting point is 00:12:49 She actually, I just follow just a normal template programming. I don't have a coach or anything like that. She has a coach. She works with Golden Line Training. So her following her program is a little bit more important than me following just a standard template. So whenever I can, I'll just jump in the workouts with her. Are you guys super competitive? Is there a lot of trash talking? No, no, nothing like that.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Oh, that's no fun. Yeah, I know. It really isn't. No. How long were you on a team for? Team? Uh, well, I mean, we did, uh, back in, when I was in Diablo, the plan was to try to keep that team together. But the following year, everything just, you know, changed. I want to say that's when CrossFit went through all the crazy changes. They changed to like sanctionals, super teams were allowed. So once that was all announced, it kind of just fizzled out. And then last year with my team in Boston, we did discuss potentially keeping it together and trying to go another year. But this time, maybe them coming over to the West Coast because, you know, no disrespect to the to the West over here, but they suck compared to the East.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And I learned that I learned that hard last year. The East is far more competitive outside of like the top five or six teams and outside of the top 10 individuals here. It doesn't even compare to the East. Like there were teams, for example, that I was watching last year that they were teams that couldn't even do rope climbs. There were teams that had athletes that couldn't do muscle-ups. There were teams that had athletes that can do muscle ups. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:14:25 dude, this is a fucking joke. And they were competing in the same sanctionals with you. You were saying? No. So like I, I last year, the East semi was the very first semi.
Starting point is 00:14:39 So we were, we went first. And then the West was the following week. So I got to literally see them do the same workouts that we did okay and i was just like holy shit dude people can't climb ropes like they're yeah there's a team there that couldn't do ring muscle ups it was it's ridiculous so we had talked about keeping that team together to come potentially over to the west because it's a far more easier route to go to the games but it ended up just not working out and do you miss the
Starting point is 00:15:04 team do you miss being on a team now that you're an individual and you're a training individual? Is there something that you miss about that? I do. Realistically speaking, I'm pretty much a realist. I understand my best shot at any attempt to go in the games is through a team. So I do miss that, especially I got a lot of friends here in the area that ended up putting teams together and just, you know, seeing them train and go through quarters right now, it gives me a little bit of that FOMO.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Like I miss that camaraderie last year, but I'm not tripping too much. There's always, you know, next year, my girlfriend and I had planned on trying to do something in terms of putting a team together so yeah did she go with you to the open announcement no no she did not she did not so she wasn't here um at that time she she is now deployed in Australia so she was um overseas in in Australia but she definitely had huge FOMO how was that that? Was that, did you nerd out the whole time? Did you meet Dave? I saw you in the live stream the entire time.
Starting point is 00:16:08 We did, I was like, there he is. There he is. So many people give me shit for that because they were like, dude, you planned that. You planned that. I'm like, dude, honestly, I did not plan it. I walked in there and like, I know people at that gym because that gym, again, is only like I know, I know people at that gym. Cause that gym again is only like 30
Starting point is 00:16:25 minutes for me. Um, but I literally just hung out with Craig Howard and his, his homies, the owner of Diablo and they just happened to just stay right there. So I stayed right there and then boom, the camera happened to be like, um, I'm right there. So it was perfect, but no, I didn't really nerd out. Um, cause I, because I know Dave I've known Dave prior um I actually did games testing for Dave uh a few years back um his ranch is just about another like 30 or 40 minutes south from me um so I've known Dave for a while oh wow actual games events yeah yeah so like a team I team, I ended up testing one event for some online competition that CrossFit randomly threw.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And then when it came to the games for the teams, I tested a few events with Kelly, Allison Scuds, and then another gentleman. I forget his name. Oh, that's – damn. Okay, that's crazy. High level. Well, hold on.
Starting point is 00:17:32 You have to explain that a little bit. Yeah, what event was it? Bring us into what games training testing looks like. I'm trying to remember what event it was. It involved that big bobsled where, like like all four of us are like pushing the sled. And then the event had like bar muscle-ups, pota bars or something like that. That was – shoot, man. I'm getting old.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I want to say like two years ago, two years ago or so. It was right before Dave got fired. I am fangirling about all of this right now i don't even know how to tell you any other thing i like and literally and i'll let you get back to this in a second but i know seven likes me because he forgot everything about me all together he forgot my name when jethro called he forgot my wife's name called called her what did he call you terry terry or trish or something yeah he called you my girlfriend too and i've been married to you for like 12 years he like he totally forgot who i am in every way shape or form and i was just like
Starting point is 00:18:38 oh he likes me he likes me so that's hilarious i am fangirling like for this entire freaking show right now but go ahead i'm sorry dave dave what's funny is dave did something similar to that uh to me so prior um prior to me actually meeting i don't know if i met him yet but prior to me doing testing for him um i had just dm you does he just dm you how does he get to even get ahold of you? No. So that, so that was through Kelly, my friend Kelly. She's got a really solid relationship with CrossFit HQ right now. I want to say she's interning to be on the seminar staff or something like that, but she was doing testing for, for Dave and Dave had mentioned that he wanted one more athlete for, for team testing. And she brought my name up. She contacted me and she was like, Hey, how interested would you be in doing some games
Starting point is 00:19:33 testing for Dave? I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? Like, hell yeah. And that's how, that's how we ended up getting, um, connected. But what's funny is I met him for the first time when I did that. Um, and then similar, he couldn't remember my name. So there was a flash forward to another instant time where CrossFit wanted me to do a photo shoot for them. I don't know if you guys, if you guys go on the like games website right now, I'm on the workout to thumbnail for the teams. Yeah. And that was from a photo shoot that I did. But Dave couldn't remember my name and he wanted me, wanted me to go in and do that. So he said, um, so he was talking to like Adrian Bosman and Bosman told me this story and he was like, Hey, how about we get that, um,
Starting point is 00:20:15 that ripped Mexican dude. And so I tried to get him shirtless. I did. I really did. I asked him two days ago if I could get him shirtless. And yeah, I tried. I really did. I was looking out. Yeah. So when I went and did that photo shoot, they kept calling me RMD, RMD. And finally I asked him, like, dude, what the hell is RMD? And he told me the story about how Dave couldn't remember my name. So he called me the ripped Mexican dude.
Starting point is 00:20:39 So now I have a second nickname and it's just RMD. You didn't make that a Instagram handle. That is a no. I love pool boy. When I walk around and tell people they're like, who are you talking to? I'm like pool boy. And you're a lesbian. You have a friend named pool.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Yes. And he's hot. And so when you, when you do those events and you test them, um, has there, have you ever noticed if there was like a big change after that where Dave was like, oh, we need to change this, we need to change this? Or is it literally the final step before it's time for the games athletes to do it? No. I want to say when I tested it versus watching it live on the games do it. I don't think he really changed much, to be honest. But it is a fascinating process to watch him do it or watch him go through it. He literally has a notepad. He doesn't really say anything to you during the event. But every time
Starting point is 00:21:38 like the other athletes would be doing their part and I was like chilling, resting, I would just look over and I would just see him constantly writing things down constantly writing things down looking at a stopwatch writing something down so that process was really fascinating to to watch just to see his brain just like go and just how he kind of goes through the process of testing it's pretty crazy yeah and I feel like that they gave us I forget which which documentary it was, but when they kind of allowed us to go into his little training area or where he writes all of the stuff. And you can kind of see he's got post-its everywhere. He's got notepads everywhere. He's got all of these things.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And I think that that's testament to his craft. So just was always curious if in person was the same as like him doing it by himself after you're done with the event did he ever come up to you and say anything about or like ask questions you know how did this section feel how did this feel um would you change like does he get any feedback does he ask for feedback or no oh yeah he asked for for some feedback but honestly not too much how many times oh god no God, no finish finish. I mean, just especially with the team stuff, it didn't seem like you really, uh, asked much. How many versions of, Oh, Kenneth, I have my CEO. No, he was talking about me and I was like, I have my CEO.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Vindicated out for this. Like I put the banner behind me. We got it. We support, we know who we're supposed to be. I mean, I have the Hiller flag over there too. Like we vindicated out for today. So how many, did you test different versions of the same workout? Did he ever do that? Was he like, hey, run it quick? It was pretty simple. We just went through it and it wasn't too deep.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Even the second time I went and did testing for him, it was pretty straightforward and simple. But like talking to Kelly, for example, man, she told me that like, there was one specific workout. I don't know if the chat remembers it, but, um, it was the games workout where it was just like power snatching and echo by cows. It was just a sprint through. And she said she did like four or five different variations of it. And she was just dying. It not did you did you ever read his book no but i've been meaning to i'm not much of a reader to be honest but but i i do want to want
Starting point is 00:23:53 to read his book i i read his book and i it looks like what you were just talking about it just looks like his like his notepad would look if he was writing out what like it's just time of day what he did what he was thinking i just imagine that's what he's look if he was writing out what like it's just time of day what he did what he was thinking i just imagine that's what he's doing when he's writing the he's writing yeah i would imagine he's super detailed with that stuff he probably even writes down like whether his shit that morning was solid liquidy he probably goes through it all yeah oh man switching gears we'll get off the crossfit for right now because he just reminded how much ridiculous crap we talk about all the time literally but we guys ever met dave though have you ever met dave no no no dude he's the
Starting point is 00:24:38 nicest dude in the world it's insane so like even at the uh live announcement um because you know i could i could tell my girlfriend was like oh let's see uh-oh who's this i don't know hold on caller hold on caller i gotta figure out how to do this oh oh there we go are you there hello yo what's up what's up who we got what's going on what the fuck's going on oh it's jessica what's up jett's up? Who we got? What's going on? What the fuck's going on? Where's Devon? Oh, it's Jethro. What's up, Jeth? My man.
Starting point is 00:25:09 What's cracking? I have no idea where Devon is. I'm making sure the phone works. Come on. You always do. Yeah. You always do. You always check on us and make sure we're doing okay.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah, I have no idea. Is there going to be final four talks today, or is that for another time? Final four men's, because I haven't paid any attention to them at all. I've only been paying attention to the women's drama. That's very sexist of you. I know. I know. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'm very misogynistic. I'm very misogynistic. I'm going to say hi. I'm off to Home Depot. I've got to get some stuff in the gym So Mike have fun Ladies Enjoy Thank you
Starting point is 00:25:50 Thanks Jet we love you Love you Jet Love you too Bye Bye Bye Oh my gosh He's so cool
Starting point is 00:25:58 He's so funny He's such a cool guy I thought I recognized the number But I wasn't sure That's funny But going back to You know you saying know, meeting Dave and you see him for just a cool guy that he is. I feel like that is true for everybody in CrossFit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Like you hear the stories about like it was what Savan and Hiller being like the most misogynistic or toxic. And you hear all these negative things and whatever. But when you meet them, like we've met Hiller, I've never, we've never met Savon in person, but we've obviously talked to him a lot. They're just really cool guys. And I think that people get lost in the whole criticism of what they choose to speak on and share online versus like that in real life, that it's not the same person when they can have opinions too.
Starting point is 00:26:44 So I always love hearing like oh how people meet um i almost missed this for real vindicate when i met dave for the first time he said he can't be associated with me since i work with savon and oh damn he was joking okay i was like wow that's tough yeah messing with but yeah i mean they're literally the nicest people in the world and and it's like people are always at least there's some people that are kind of shocked when i tell them that because at least more in the older days like dave would come across as uh i don't know what the right word is, but he would come across like, kind of like a dick, I guess, during the announcements and stuff. Just like that persona, he would kind of put on a little bit. But, I mean, the dude is one my, my girlfriend, for example, has major
Starting point is 00:27:45 FOMO with the open coming up, um, at the time and being in a completely different country, completely different environment. I asked Dave at the announcement, if he could make a video for her, just, um, try and encourage her and cheer her up. So he literally just took my phone and, and, and did like a 30 second video, um, just to like make her feel better. Right. And it's just the kind of guy that he is. And then, um, same thing, even with, with people like Hiller and, and Savan, I met Hiller for the first time, finally last year at semis, um, in Orlando and same thing, the guy is just so nice, um, willing to have a conversation with anyone um and then i finally met savan last um september at the norcal classic how tall is he really how tall is he really we keep asking everybody we can like
Starting point is 00:28:35 where what's he up is how tall are you and where does he come like does he i'm not very tall either i'm about like five seven and he came up to like my belly button something like that oh okay i like it for sure somewhere in the middle of where hillar told us and your belly button so yeah think like danny devito and elijah wood somewhere around he said elijah wood yeah that's the hobbit kid right yeah yeah i got it right i got it right oh man i think her girl's in the chat is she she should be asleep it's midnight right is it julia is that who it is i'm trying yeah she's here she says hi i told him i wouldn't wake up, but here I am setting an alarm just to say hi. She's so sweet.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I love you, hon. That's awesome. When's she coming back? Is it like a year or? No, no, no. Thank God. Nothing like that. She'll be back around the end of August.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Just in time for my birthday. Oh, cool. Go. Guys do anything special going to. Hopefully you're going to be. I'm going to go pick her. I'm going to go pick her up from my birthday. Oh, cool. There you go. You guys do anything special? Go into the – hopefully you're going to be – No, I'm going to go pick her up from the airport. Oh, okay. Cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:51 All right. Well, we almost got to the ridiculous stuff that we were talking about yesterday, but we got into talking about titty a little bit. You said titties? Is that what you said? No. Titty. I'm not you said you said titties is that what you said uh I know but I mean you can talk about titties if you want but no no I'm good um but yeah someone always likes to tell me that I have to have I can't just have uh immediate outrage I have to find um some sort of proof of said allegations.
Starting point is 00:30:26 But I always love it when these people tell on themselves. So just like, what was his name? R. Kelly, he made songs about it. So this is Diddy's song about, he confesses, in my mind. Let's see what you think now you're grown I can't love you like I really wanna you know you know what's so funny is I literally I literally brought that song up to someone after all this stuff came out. And I was like, you know, I always thought it was weird that he used that line talking about a girl.
Starting point is 00:31:10 I loved you like I love my brother. Yeah, I was going to ask any of the men. I would never describe my brother. Right. Okay, cool. I was going to ask any of the men out there if they have ever described their girlfriend, wife, whatever. You loved her like you were brothers. Hey, but that
Starting point is 00:31:25 song's a banger though it is it is isn't that so frustrating is that all the good songs are created by these fucking people dude i don't give a fuck so like i'll still listen to r kelly fucking bump and grind i'm telling me no and it's like you know what motherfuckers until you stop listening to beat it and billy jean yeah i'm just gonna keep rocking the r kelly and and all that other stuff because there's just whatever i don't give a fuck all right i'm doing what savon asked and having more men on the show so oh shit what up cool boy wait a minute why are there only three of us up here i don't know y'all kicked me out. I'm good. I don't know. Look, I'll just go through all of his like backgrounds. I don't know how.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I feel like the other one is like the fucking Brady Bunch introduction. I know. I don't. He's got like, there we go. I found it. I found it. Julia confesses that you listen to gay country. Oh, I do. I do love gay country. So I'm not a country fan at all. Like, I hate country. But there's a certain artist named Dixon Dallas who brings country back to its roots, which is gay as fuck. I love the name.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I love the name Dixon Dallas. Yeah. It's hands down the greatest country artist you'll ever hear in your life. Hiller. What up? dicks in dallas yeah it's it's hands down the greatest country artist you'll ever hear in your life uh hillar what up i had to ask you in when you did that video on yourself squatting and doing thrusters where is he going i don't know he left that's it he was like oh can you take your shirt i'm pouring myself somebody to have no shirt on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here you go. Here you go, Heidi. I don't know where Heidi went. That's better.
Starting point is 00:33:08 If you're here, there's somebody shirtless on this show right now. There we go. See how easy that is? Do you know how to take your shirt off the most efficient way possible? That's it. Just the one here? You get it by the one sleeve, and then you just go around. No, I know how to do it.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Everybody try it out. There we go. Oh, geez. Heidi, wherever you went heidi let's go come back right now let's go uh yeah when you did the when you did the video on your thrusters did you know you were gonna go there with it where your hip crease wasn't below like did you know you're gonna end up roasting yourself when you saw the video or were you just watching the video like oh shit hey dude i'll tell you what i was head chief nation i had the judge i know like my my shtick right yeah i knew i was bouncing my butt
Starting point is 00:33:58 off my calves on all those reps and i also knew my heels weren't staying in contact with the ground so when i saw the one angle i was like jesus And then when I saw the footage you took, I go, okay, all right. It's not bad. Well, I didn't even know what I was doing when I got down because I got down on the ground to try to get a different angle. And I didn't want to be in anybody's way who was filming behind me either because I knew they wanted to film you too so I just didn't even realize what I was doing when and when you started talking about hey I'm not below parallel I was like is he I thought you were the entire time and we were sitting there watching you I know everyone in the gym probably thought so too right or someone should have said something
Starting point is 00:34:38 that's that's what that's the idea someone should say something that was crazy i'm surprised jet then though he very much is the guy that goes around and is like i mean that was one of the things that i loved about him just being a coach myself is watching him go to each person and be like no straight arms like above you know above the body and making sure that every chest to bar whether it was jumping chest to bar or regular chest bar pull-ups like you're touching and like making sure that every chest-to-bar, whether it was jumping chest-to-bar or regular chest-to-bar pull-ups, like you're touching and like making sure that he's going over to everybody. Maybe he just didn't want to interrupt your workout. That's not good.
Starting point is 00:35:14 He was probably too amazed at what the fuck he was looking at. He was like, are you squatting on your toes? What are you doing? I mean, he was on his toes. Way. It keeps you upright, you know? Yeah. Because Alexis was next to me and she's like, he's on his toes way right it keeps you up right you know yeah because alexis was next to me and she's like he's on his fucking toes and i and then i looked and i was like oh yeah he's on his toes and but then when you saw in the video i was like oh yeah he's really really fucking on
Starting point is 00:35:37 his toes i'm working on one of those components of fitness balance. There you go. Right. It's like a balance beam on your toes. What was, uh, you just did the Matt Frazier video. I did. That's a nice artwork. You've got in the background. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:56 It's all the math. That's way back. The Matt Frazier, uh, and seven right in the middle. I got seven in the middle. Don't feel jealous though. Hiller.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Cause your flag is over here the middle. Yeah, and I got Sevan right in the middle. Don't feel jealous though, Hiller, because your flag is over here. Yeah. I'm not jealous. You have your flag right here. Inspiration for that. You want to tell us about it? I don't want to make any. Please, like, dude, ask any question you want.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Inspiration for the video. He hasn't said anything in a long time right yeah then he comes out because when's the last time you saw Fraser on a podcast haven't yeah not at all and honestly I just sit there and I'll watch it and like as I'm watching those sorts of things it'll go that doesn't seem right or oh I like that I haven't heard that in a long time and honestly the best parts of the Fraser podcast was the stuff where he was talking about CrossFit. I haven't heard that in a long time. And honestly, the best parts of the Frazier podcast was the stuff where he was talking about CrossFit. So I don't know if you watched it, but in the beginning, Brian goes, you know, we're not going to talk to you about CrossFit. I'm like, what the hell do you mean?
Starting point is 00:36:53 Like, this is the greatest CrossFit male of all time, outside of Froning, of course. Right. How are you going to say that? What are you going to talk about? And then Patrick Clark at some point brought it back to CrossFit. So I just have like these thoughts and that's what my videos are. There's my thoughts as I watch the video. That was, it was fun.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I liked the podcast. I thought it was pretty cool. I wanted to hear about the original. Yeah. The original. I thought, I thought listening, hearing about his kid was pretty cool, but yeah, I, you want, he hasn't spoken in forever and you want to hear about CrossFit and his thoughts on CrossFit and then he doesn't have any thoughts on CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:37:29 It's, it was like, well, yeah. On Matt Frazier, not having thoughts on CrossFit. Well, no, just the original, the one that Brian did. Did he interview with him? Yeah. I didn't watch it. Why? Does anybody even, can I be honest? him? Yeah. I didn't watch it. Why? Does anybody even –
Starting point is 00:37:47 Can I be honest? Obviously. Yeah. I mean, I love Brian. He's a good dude. I love what he does. But I just can't watch his interviews. They're just boring.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Did anybody even know that Frazier was on that podcast? I just happened to be scrolling, and that video happened to be live at the time or it came up at the time. And otherwise I would have never found it. Uh, I knew it was happening for quite some time. I was kind of looking forward to it cause I hadn't heard Frazier talking a bit.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Oh, poor boy. Julia would like you to rotate your phone so she can see your entire body cause is that better? Yeah. Oh yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yeah. Can't see your face. Are you guys in different rooms in the same house? No, we're literally sitting across from each other. Oh, it's just, how do you get the audio to not bounce back and forth?
Starting point is 00:38:42 Oh, there's just turning off the audio. The audio just runs through the roadcaster oh okay we had so much trouble trying to figure that out in the beginning but yeah now it just runs through the roadcaster so it's we tried to do the open the taylor sell versus the world all in the same room with the third week i think it was and uh it was impossible maybe it was the second week wherever he was going against Hopper. Second.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Yeah, second week. It was impossible. The noise would bounce. All over the place. Devon tweaks out. Is anyone here at Echo? Is there an Echo? Pooh Boy left.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Pooh Boy, is that a birdcage behind you? It is. Okay. He'll be back. I don't want you to see my porn pair. His porn stash? Is that what I heard? Did he say, I don't want you to see my porn stash?
Starting point is 00:39:37 Yeah. Julia, you allow that? What is happening right now? You got a stack of DVDs. Oh, I guess you're gone. Hey, who you got for this one, this quarterfinals one who do i who do i got yeah between the taylor self versus the world i'm pretty excited for this one colton was in the mix and i i choose colton colton's a freak right now have you seen uh well no not but are you going to be there when they do it i'm going to be hanging with bill lady oh that's your boy quarterfinals yeah
Starting point is 00:40:09 are you documenting his quarterfinals i will be oh that's awesome his road to his uh first top 10 finish on his road to being the fittest man on earth the following year oh that's okay okay seven wants seven says dallin not this year but next year yeah i don't know if my girlfriend met her met him but uh he was at the tfx right and she she competed there too right yeah lay he did she meet him or she don't know i don't remember i gotta ask her julia did you meet bill leahy she's probably asleep again. I don't know. The crazy thing about him is his weight. He's like almost 220, and he's 5'11". I mean, he's not shredded, but he looks normal-ish, but he's big.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Is that like the same size as the dude from Australia? I can't think of his name. Jake Douglas? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that like his size? I think Bill's a little taller than he is. And Jake's obviously more built looking, appearing. I bet they're the same weight though, right about.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Maybe even Jake's lighter. No, she didn't meet him. That's a shame. He should have gotten his autograph. It'd be like getting a rookie baseball card. a shame he should have gotten his autograph it'd be like getting a rookie baseball card so are you and stephan are you and stephan going to go head to head with uh dallin and and leahy is that going to be a whole year worth of uh trash talking yeah back and forth that is a fantastic idea we haven't talked about it yet i was gonna say i can just put your money where
Starting point is 00:41:39 your mouth is you're an idiot what are you talking about no you're an idiot you didn't see him do thrusters like i can justusters. That'd be awesome. I've seen a lot of people who are in real good shape, and he's just a freak. I think they are all freaks, but he has a couple of assets that many don't have. The vertical jump is one of the biggest. His vertical jump is insane he's uh he's 5 11 and he can single arm like dunk standing dunk which is crazy oh my god uh and he's been able to do it since apparently he was 15 or 16 years old so and he's a white guy too right i automatically don't think that i already go to no he can't do that but oh, oh, that's cool. All right. Well, fine. I'm on your side then.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Leahy it is. Hey, dude. He had just done some sort of 30-minute AMRAP at this camp. And he had gotten out of the car, started doing this EMOM. It was a crazy amount of repetitions. They were about to leave. And it was probably thousands of contractions he had done, burpees, squats, step-ups, the whole thing, shuttle runs.
Starting point is 00:42:44 And then he's just standing underneath the basketball hoop and someone goes hey bill grab it he just leaps up like it was nothing so it was cool uh then what else then we got the 100 burpees for for time right isn't there a thousand dollars on the line for that? For Tim Murray and Colton Mertens and Jake? Right. Just Mertens all the way? Mertens on everything. What did he do differently this year that makes you think that?
Starting point is 00:43:16 Is there something that you saw different? He's young. Is he like 22, 23? 25, which I think is – I mean, mean madaris is 24 and he's young too but i don't know i i competed against colton oh where well for a while actually when i was a team competitor his team is the team that beat my team out for the games in 2018. So we finished sixth. His team finished fifth.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And he was part of a team then. And then various, like, partner competitions. And the dude can just carry the load on any team that he's on. He can do, like, the entire amount of work. And he's just been getting better and better every single year. It's nuts. Wait, wait. Did you say Colton is good at holding his load? Is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:44:11 He might be the best at holding his load i heard he hasn't ejaculated in about a year which is why he's going to do so well you want to hear a fucking crazy shit so so one time i was with i was uh i was hanging out with my my boy rafa and he was telling me about a gentleman he's probably i don't know i'm probably gonna get in trouble for telling the story and he was telling me about a gentleman. I don't know. I'm probably going to get in trouble for telling the story. But he was talking about how a friend of his was staying with him one time and kind of an odd dude, a religious cat. And he kept talking about semen retention and how he wouldn't ejaculate and he would just hold his semen in for months. And you heard of that before, right? That's real.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Is it real? I thought it was. You have never heard of that? I didn? That's real. Is it real? I thought it was. You have never heard of that? I didn't know about that for my kids. You didn't hear about that either? That's a real thing. Yeah, tell us. We're boy moms.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yeah, I got a boy I need to be able to help. So what? You're going to tell him not to ejaculate for how long? Yeah, this is all like you can go either way with it like people will say that it's healthy to ejaculate regularly and then there will be people who say that there's performance enhancements to not doing it um i think i think stefan even had a guy on the podcast who withheld himself for a year like he wouldn't even have sex for a year until he made a million dollars and then he made a million dollars and then he
Starting point is 00:45:25 made a million dollars and the thought process is if you put off the gratification on that then everything else will rise as well and people will do it before just explode if you hold it for that long like i just envision men just exploding like how do you i mean i guess you would have to make that million dollars because i think eventually it starts sweating up your pores, I think. Does it smell salty in here? Yeah. It smells like chlorine in here. Does it smell like eucalyptus trees?
Starting point is 00:45:55 Eucalyptus trees. Oh, my God. I'm dead. John Young, I think if you don't come for two weeks and you are used to it on a regular basis, it triggers a huge rise in testosterone. There you go, guys. Wait, is that the real John Young or the blackface John Young, I think if you don't come for two weeks and you are used to it on a regular basis, it triggers a huge rise in testosterone. There you go, guys. Wait, is that the real John Young or the blackface John Young? No, that's real John Young.
Starting point is 00:46:12 That's a real thing. What he said is there's some sort of data behind that. Hey, if that's the case, I should be a fucking superhero by now. I was going to say, how long has your girl been gone for again? I forget. What did you say? Too long. Has your bench gone up or anything? No?
Starting point is 00:46:30 Yeah. I'm trying to think. I don't know. I'm testing my bench actually tomorrow, so I'll let you know. That'll be cool to hear. People would do it when I was on the wrestling team and they'd be like, got a big match coming up. I'm not going to jerk off this week. Did that dude who held it for that long did he have a spouse or a girlfriend or anything or he just they yeah they would stay away from them or they would keep them off of them probably better
Starting point is 00:46:57 but oh no you've never heard of this this is insane no i've never ever heard of this i think cool boys never heard of it oh okay good i. No, I've never, ever heard of this. I think the school was never heard of it. Oh, okay, good. I just thought it was an, always an urban legend. Well,
Starting point is 00:47:10 that's the thing. And then there's also the John Young standard, two week thing and a testosterone spike. Oh no, sorry. I didn't, that was, I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:47:20 This is what I meant to bring up was John Young. That's why I'm so strong. You have a wife, dude. How do do you like what is happening right now you have a whole wife a whole one as opposed to a half a one like a whole life what does it look like to have half a wife one one like pool boy that's not home for a year and a half. Okay. Hunter. Oh, this is a great movie. Jake Chapman. Have you seen this movie?
Starting point is 00:47:54 Josh Hartnett. Oh, good. You have it? Good. You do it. 40 Days and 40 Nights. I've seen that movie at least a dozen times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Where he abstains from sex. Yeah. And then that Jake. It doesn't get quote raped. Yeah. Yeah. What are we talking about? It's not really in quotes either like some girl like ties him up and like bangs him no he ties himself up and then he's like waiting for his chick to come over so he can celebrate the 40 days of abstinence oh that's right but the other girl comes right yeah his ex-girlfriend like comes in like hours before 40 days is over he had this bet with this person saying he couldn't not have sex
Starting point is 00:48:30 or like you know ejaculate for 40 days and then the bet there's all this money on it and everything's on the line some chick while he's sleeping like gets him off i remember that oh my god that's a it's like a 90s late 90s early 2000s i remember josh hartnett he was like he was a hard draw back in the 90s yeah he every he was on every girl's wall back yeah you remember you remember that haylor probably remembers this that terrible fucking sci-fi movie is speaking of elijah wood it was like josh hartnett elijah wood usher it was the the faculty remember that one the faculty i've never seen it but it sounds great you've never seen the faculty oh yeah it's got photo in it i'm in yeah it's
Starting point is 00:49:18 such like a cheesy terrible 90s uh sci-fi flick but yeah hey it was that fro if it's Afrodo, I'm going to love it. Can I admit, I've always wanted to have like a... Like if I was ever invited on like a show like this, I've always wanted to have like a segment where it was just like talking about top five terrible movies with Hiller. Go for it. I love movies. I'm a movie buff too.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Go for it. Oh, I love movies. I don't know. The worst? Yeah, like terrible movies that you watched in the past. I've got a list on here of my favorite movies ever. Like I thought about you the other day actually because I watched a movie on Netflix from like 2005. Two shirtless guys thinking about each other.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Great. Let's go. It was a movie called The Cave and it was just fucking awful. I've seen that. You have? Yeah. Right? Where they discover a new cave system and there's like fucking these like creatures but it turns out
Starting point is 00:50:10 these creatures were just humans that got stuck down there and you've been evolved yeah that one's not the worst one though like nowhere even close to the worst movie that have you seen poo blood and honey oh my god i've been trying to bring myself around to watch that movie but I'm like apparently the second one is way better you guys know Winnie the Pooh right yeah that's it this is it
Starting point is 00:50:36 it's the Poohverse like Winnie the Pooh and they made a horror remake because everything the idea of winnie the pooh is so old that now anybody can kind of make content on it so they made the pooh verse and they got like bambi and uh what's the flying tinkerbell like dude uh yeah the revenge of bam okay they're trying to make an avengers horror verse featuring winnie the pooh and all the creatures okay why are they
Starting point is 00:51:05 so angry it's like chris christopher whatever roger robin decides to like not believe in them or anymore some like something along those lines yeah that's horrible those are all going to be in the bottom five that's just like that's your answer i think nice hey so has your opinion changed after watching uh siobhan talk about how he cried during Godzilla vs. Kong? Or Godzilla Kong, do you want to go watch it now? No. No? Have you seen it?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah, I liked it. I haven't seen it yet, but I watched it. Knowing what you're going to get, like, you're going to like it. Dude, after, I like that idea from Carolyn. I should sign every crossfit athlete a movie that'd be cool are you pulling these up or apple i'm up hillary should assign everybody crossfit athlete yeah so like you would have patrick velner and then maybe you would put him into uh what's that movie with uh the little dude running around? Willow.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Oh, that was a good movie. You haven't seen Willow? That just comes to mind when I think of Patrick Vellner. That was a great movie. They used to have like figurines and stuff for that movie. When it came out, you could make the whole Willow world. And then Brent Fikowski, I would think of, have you seen that movie Poor Things?
Starting point is 00:52:26 Oh, my God. That movie is ridiculous. Yeah, I give him the William Dafoe. That's Fikowski in Poor Things. Fikowski? Oh, my God. Have you seen that, Pool Boy? Dude, it's a fucking porno.
Starting point is 00:52:39 It is. That explains so much. It's such a weird movie. So much. And it's like – You guys haven't seen it. I'm such a weird movie. So much. And it's like, I'm such a movie buff. Like, I'll probably get a lot of shit for this, but like one of my favorite things to do
Starting point is 00:52:49 is to watch all the best picture nominations for the Oscars and like watch the Oscars and like, and watch all that shit. And I remember watching Poor Things and I was like, holy shit, how is this nominated for best picture?
Starting point is 00:53:02 Alexis couldn't sit through it. I kind of fell a bed. I was into it. Damn, it damn these are savage dude the shawshank redemption is such savage savage savage yeah i like that hey who would who would be in brokeback mountain oh god probably i mean um of the games athletes sure yeah go for it dylan and hopper i was gonna say dylan too because you got to pick the pretty blonde kid like it's just i don't know i feel i feel like they're just like with one another. John Young said Chandler and Noah. Oh, that's better. Savage. Rich and Dan is good.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Ken at the wrap. Emily Abbott. I was going to bring that up too. Emily Abbott, Titanic. Savon and Dave. Nomination for Brokeback Mountain. Oh, Lord. Yeah, Savon and Dave nomination for Brokeback Mountain. Good lord. Yeah, Savon and Dave is good.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Danny Spiegel in True Lies. So that would be the Jamie. Danny Spiegel would be Jamie Lee Curtis. That would be awesome. That would work. Who would play Arnold? I like True Lies. Who would play Arnold in True Lies? Probably Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Nice. Right? Because he's kind of nerdy, but he also is kind of a badass. Then who you got for the movie Twins? I mean, Savan just seems like Danny DeVito in that, doesn't he? It would 100% be Savan and Miller, probably. Go Savan and Miller. Would I be Schwarzenegger then?
Starting point is 00:54:44 Yeah. That's cool. All right. One of my favorite. Oh my God. During the super bowl, that fucking state farm commercial with Arnold. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yes. Oh my God. Those commercials were, who's what's right. Oh, I don't know what you want. Royce done for, but he can be a good name to bring up.
Starting point is 00:55:02 He can be Arnold. Yeah. He can be Emily Rolfes, Sarah Connor. That Kenneth and Jacob. Great ideas. he could be a good name to bring up he could be arnold yeah emily rolf is sarah connor that kenneth and uh jake have great ideas come with me on fire yeah emily rolf and sarah connor would be fantastic all-time greatest movie terminator 2 judgment day oh john young do i bring this up no i don't that was pretty good, Jake, though. I see you. That was pretty good, though. I'm with you on that.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Ask John Young who would play Jesus in Passion of the Christ. Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness. And if it's not fresh, it's free. Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh.
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Starting point is 00:56:28 Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Well, right now he's saying Frazier for Napoleon. Napoleon Dynamite? I think you might mean that. Yeah, yeah. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Do you guys see Salt Burn? I heard of it, but... God, do you guys not watch very many movies? We're picking some random out there movies right now. Salt Burn. Salt Burn? Salt Burn. How did you feel about Poor Things?
Starting point is 00:57:00 Did you not like it? Or are you kind of into that weird... I mean, I liked it, but it was just such a weird weird movie all right then watch salt burn it's legit you guys should watch it too and the whole time just like think how could he have made me watch this and it'll make me feel good okay hey i used to go to this chipotle all the time to the point where i would kind of develop this weird relationship with the people on the other side of the counter. I would just talk with them all day to the point where they would give me DVDs.
Starting point is 00:57:30 We would just exchange DVDs that we would watch. I stopped going to the Chipotle after this person gave me the movie called I Spit on Your Grave. Dude! Holy shit! That movie is fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I had a buddy and we were watching it. And he goes, where did you get this movie? And I go, the dude at Chipotle told me to watch it. And he's like, you got to stop going to that Chipotle. He's probably doing things to your burrito when you don't know it. So, guys, the premise of this movie is this dude, this chick is like staying at a house by herself for a weekend. And these people, hillbillies come in. They do some not so great things to the chick and she ends up murdering all of them.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Like it's brutal. Brutal. And it's brutal. Doesn't she die and she comes back to life? Don't ruin the movie. Are you kidding me? Yeah, me too. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Sorry. Can you hear them? because it's breaking up in my head oh i can hear i can try again okay there you go yeah now you're back i can hear you guys are you yeah yeah you're you're freezing a lot uh-oh can you can you guys them, or is it just me? I think it's just you guys, because I can hear Hill or Fine. Okay. Say turkey if you can hear me.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Yeah, I got you. It's back. So it was us. Our fault. They didn't say turkey. They can't hear us. Turkey? Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Kenneth, the left. Yeah, we can hear you. Okay, cool. Turkey? Turkey? Yep. Yep. It wouldn't be hear you. Okay, cool. Turkey? Turkey? Yep. It wouldn't be a seven. They won't say turkey.
Starting point is 00:59:10 No one will say turkey. Oh, okay. They can hear me. Okay. Turkey, turkey, turkey. So you obviously went, did you, what were you? Oh, there's Kenneth. He's taking one.
Starting point is 00:59:21 There you go. Turkey, turkey, they can hear you. Colton in the Rudy movie? That's funny. Sorry, I was going back up through some of these answers to some of your questions. That was great. Did you get a camera yet? No, not yet.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I'm going to, though. I keep scrolling through the ones that you gave me, and I can't remember which one you said goes directly to your computer. A74. Okay. I'm going to write that? A74. Okay. I'm going to write that down right now. But yeah, I do. I want one. I'm going to go get one.
Starting point is 00:59:50 So I know you are going to, what's the guy that you were just talking about? Bill. Bill Leahy. Yeah, so you're going to go and cover his story. Are there any other, are you going to start doing more of those where you're going to go to gyms and follow people?
Starting point is 01:00:03 Or is that kind of just a new adventure that you're kind of just starting i was just talking to my cousin and i kind of like jokingly threw it out at her ellie ellie hiller who also isn't my cousin she's my cousin and apparently she lives right by the masters event and i have these like floating ideas this this weekend i was supposed to go and do quarterfinals with ocean state and then some stuff came up and i couldn't make it out there um i have i have a handful of people like that but bill is 100 like whatever i'm doing with bill bill's my dude and uh we'll see. I kind of want to make the LA thing happen, and outside of that, I got nothing on the docket.
Starting point is 01:00:50 But I do enjoy doing those. It's cool. Yeah, I was going to ask you, because it's such a different perspective, also something very different than your videos that you do. Was this something that you always wanted to try to do, which to follow athletes, or it just kind of fell in your lap just kind of became a thing and you're i like to imagine what it was like a couple of years ago when i'm just like sitting there
Starting point is 01:01:15 waiting for stuff to be uploaded to youtube and i asked myself what is something that i would have like to have seen that applies to the hayley ad one. It applies to a handful of stuff. So I would like to put myself in positions where I can give myself of three years ago, five years ago, something to watch. So if anyone out there thinks that there's some stuff out there that's ready to be made, I'm ready to come make it. I know what I wanted to ask you too. When was it that you stopped making a video a day? Didn't you make a video a day for over a year? I did. What, what stopped that? Was it the, my entire goal is to get as many views as possible. That's the, that's the guiding light and a hundred thousand subscribers. Like, so if I can look at those two things and i can see that the things that i'm doing don't drive those goals then i kind of shy away from whatever that might be where that goes is let's
Starting point is 01:02:11 say i put up one killer video and i can see that it adds 100 subscribers or 150 that's preferable to me than making two or three videos each of which get. And if one video can get me 20 or 30,000 views, that's ideal along with 150 subscribers, as opposed to five to 10,000 views per video. Because first of all, it takes twice as much time to make all the videos versus the one. Gotcha. So it probably it's two thirds the time spent per video for 130% of the return.
Starting point is 01:02:46 And I realized that at that point and I kind of just kept going with it. Okay. And there's also a part of me that saw the Haley Adams video and I was like, that one got almost 200,000 views. You can take like two weeks off now. Right. Yeah. I would have had to have made 20 videos to do that right right when i was
Starting point is 01:03:06 making a video a day like a video at 10 000 views was like yes yeah in one day versus like you said a little bit here a little bit there right um when you create a video this is a gart and i were trying to figure out which so when you have an idea do you find the clips that you want to use first and then you fill it in with your thoughts? Or do you have your thoughts and create the video and then find the perfect clips to put into the video? Every video starts with an idea. Okay. And then I have to decide if I can make a clickable title and a thumbnail. And then I just shout at the camera for anywhere from 30 to 60
Starting point is 01:03:47 minutes and then as i'm like watching myself things will arise the huh or the wow or oh well and any of that stuff right so it comes up as i'm editing no it's not something there will be times i'll be like here's i'm gonna put this here i'm gonna put this but it's it's not No, it's not something there will be times I'll be like, here's I'm going to put this here. I'm going to put this, but it's not that often. It's usually, it always starts with an idea. So like I've been watching the, I've been rereading the CrossFit journal articles and I'm thinking, oh, I can make this. What is it? Well, will anyone click on this if I make it and how will I make it interesting for people to want to watch? And if I can't answer those questions, I don't make the video. But if it were a video a day time, I would have made it. I want to get your opinion on this piece of wonderful content and see what y'all think about this.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Fucking Bret Hart. Let's go. Nice muscle up. You know, that's the demo guy yeah who who what's the demo guy the guy in this video is also the the figure for some of the movement standards oh yeah go ahead well how do you get your content pool boy who makes your all your content because you got some good ones up there that was my favorite because i'm a wwe fan too i grew up on i love hardcore when bret hart went heel i died my heart hurt when he turned heel i was so upset when he went to wcw yeah are you guys watching any of the, um, the rivals or the WWE history?
Starting point is 01:05:26 What's it on? The documentary. A and E or whatever. They're going back through all the documentaries with all of the guys. Have you seen any of those? I've been meaning to watch, watch those, but like my favorite series was,
Starting point is 01:05:39 uh, I don't know if you guys watched it, the dark side, the dark side of the ring. Have you ever seen those ones? Yeah. Oh man. There was one heartbreak like two heartbreaking ones where they did one about chris benoit and uh owen hart owen hart yeah i saw the oh yeah yeah chris benoit was the dude who fucking killed his family and then killed himself yep the own heart one was so sad they
Starting point is 01:06:02 are the heart foundation i i love them as a tag team. What's funny is, speaking of content, I just remembered that's how I got connected with Hiller. He made that Wadapalooza video. Remember that a few years ago? Remember that? Nico? Is that a guy named Nico in it?
Starting point is 01:06:18 Was that what? Keanu. Keanu. And he's a freak. Dude, ridiculous. Oh, my God. That kid like he should have went to semis last year but he uh i want to say he got like a top 30 finish in all the quarterfinal workouts but he like got a thousandth in that crossover workout or something like that i met this dude
Starting point is 01:06:39 at uh the west coast classic last year and i think he snatched like 280, didn't he? And he's a small guy. No, the NorCal Classic. NorCal Classic. Yeah, dude, he's a freak, man. He's got almost a 400-pound clean snap. 400? Almost, dude. Damn near.
Starting point is 01:06:55 That dude can't weigh over 190. Huh? He can't weigh over 190 pounds. Dude, I know. It's nuts. He's probably like 175 or something. The dude is just a freak. So he's looking good this year then, huh? Yeah, he should's nuts. He's probably like 175 or something. The dude is just... So he's looking good this year then, huh?
Starting point is 01:07:07 Yeah, he should make it. He's going individual, right? Keanu? Yeah, I'm cheering for him. He should make it, man. That guy is such a cool dude. Make it where? That'll be cool. Yeah, it'll be cool.
Starting point is 01:07:23 So where'd you get your content? Yeah, how'd you make your content yeah how you make your content bro oh shit forgot who's your famer guy yeah like random ideas in my head sometimes where i just like i enjoy making fun of myself i enjoy making fun of other shit um i'll come up with like fun ideas just to help promote uh the savon podcast um i have uh so I train out of a gym called CrossFit Kindred. And I've been super close with the two owners, Vanna and Leone. And Vanna is more like the business side. And then Leone is the primary coach there, coaches all the classes. And she's also one of my training partners. So a lot of the times we'll be training together and like i'll just be like hey can you film this video uh for me real quick um so she'll she'll film it and
Starting point is 01:08:09 then there's another friend of ours that uh trains with us named katrina and sometimes she'll film some of my shit just randomly yeah you have your instagram is fire like i go through some of them especially the one where you're dancing the other day uh oh when i was singing the gate so so that cut so that song is the gay country song that julia is talking about the one where i'm wearing taylor's uh sentinel training or whatever the hell it's called sentimental sentimental training i think it's sentinel sentimental training sentimental training oh you didn't give her video cred what's up she doesn't even live with me what do you mean i mean what she's filmed like one video i think what do you need to edit do you use edit on your phone
Starting point is 01:09:00 i don't do it's i'm not fancy schmancy with the video stuff i literally just upload it to instagram and clip it through there what video editor do you use again hillary you were starting to tell me at one point but there were so many people is it just a final cut final cut yeah it's easy i don't buy it one time people people will live and die by like da vinci resolve or adobe but i don't want to switch over there and figure out how to use all those. It's kind of – I don't know. It's like you learn how to use a lawnmower, and you don't want to figure out how to use a new lawnmower.
Starting point is 01:09:33 It's like, I could. Maybe that one's better, but this one works really well for me at the moment. And that you use for YouTube or both? Oh, really? Yeah. Oh. Is that how you're able to because we were trying to figure out when we were making our little funny reels or whatever like put the faces on and put the logos on or whatever is that how you're able to get like the floating head or the one yeah
Starting point is 01:09:58 that one was it you that did it or someone else that did it where it really looked like that you were that person's face? Someone else made one of those. There's some sort of an AI app on your phone that will do that, I think. Dude, I've probably watched that WAD zombie one. Yeah, I've probably watched that WAD zombie one. Taylor, how much is Final Cut? $2.99. There you go, $2.99.
Starting point is 01:10:27 But I think I just made a video saying that you can get a free trial for 90 days and then if you just completely reformat your laptop you can keep on downloading the free trial so i did that like three separate times so i basically had it for a year for free and then then I bought it after the third time. Oh, do you, well, shoot, I lost the question,
Starting point is 01:10:47 baby. You got one. Oh, is this a gay conversation there? What is this conversion therapy? It ended up getting two guys to take their shirts off for Heidi on the show. Cause Heidi was, Heidi was very upset when she first got here.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Much needed this. And everybody had shirts on. Yeah. I wonder what happened to my guy, Brandon. It was my average gay Crossfitter oh yeah that's right he told me to like keep my shirt off on all these videos i hadn't heard from him in a bit that's right it's been like six months i remember that dude even dabbling in the seven podcast chat right yeah he was yeah he was definitely in there and i got a little too much for him. Oh, hey, speaking of the chat, does anybody know who's Braylon Tender?
Starting point is 01:11:27 Is that Trish? Is that really Trish? He's the future 35 and over CrossFit Games champion of the world, and he can get you to everywhere you need to be. Oh, okay. Obviously. I thought about reaching out to him. I would.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Oh, okay. Never mind. Not asking any more questions about that. Why? Oh, I don't know. You look like, is he on fentanyl? I heard Stefan talking about it the other day. Hey, Fergie, she was right.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Final Cut is so 2017. They haven't updated it in forever. Hey, I don't know. Maybe you should start off with something else, but I in the final cut works really well for me there you go he's looking for 10 men age 35 to 30 45 who is looking for 10 men oh brailling tender fitness competitor oh that's right he doesn't he go on the show and just tell everybody that he's got a training program that can take them to the games in like five minutes or whatever it is that that's that guy.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Right. He said on head somebody on. And it was, it was like someone who had been there, done that. And he goes, if you ever want to like reach your peak potential, reach out to me.
Starting point is 01:12:42 It was like, it wasn't Fraser and it wasn't maybe it was Froning it was funny whoever it was do you ever look at how many names that you've now turned into verbs like you got Bryce you got you know what I mean that you have so many names that you've turned into verbs now that people don't even use the real verb anymore it's just they just use people's names it's i love how it happens on accident because i just because even jada coons for a little while like they would answer questions with just jada coons like there wouldn't be any words it was just they would just answer the questions well that was jada
Starting point is 01:13:22 coons like it was yeah i like i like the phrases that come out of nowhere yeah and people it's like how savans got standy oh yeah and have you heard of that yes yes i have i wasn't sure if you heard that episode where he explained what a standy was yes pool boy ever gotten a standy dude every every time i hear him talk about that i just in my head imagine savann standing like on his couch or on his bed with his like pants down to his ankles like a 12 year old boy peeing in a urinal just getting a standee i don't know who you imagine i no one ever explained does it have to be a wraparound or do you have to be standing in the reach around dude that's different a standee is a face-to-face thing things like look the person in the eye no no so like oh i think your eyes should be closed so like imagine savan with a soup like doing a superhero pose
Starting point is 01:14:18 you know like standing up tall like hands like this like flexing and his pants are down at his ankles i don't want literally standing he's literally standing the other person can or or doesn't have to be standing and they're doing the shake weight on him oh i can envision the shake weight i know what the shake weight is wow i do like how our imagine it's like reading a book right like you we both read the lord of the rings and we both think of frodo baggins differently until you see the movie and now it's like well that's what frodo looks like elijah wood i imagine the standee a little different i don't know i picture savannah superhero pose like this the whole time and just stand and chicks get a standee yes but that would most likely have to be a reach around
Starting point is 01:15:05 that that would be a very awkward position if you were standing face to face for your wrist anyway you'd have to get kind of low right yeah yeah like a half middle split i mean i listen if you have the flexibility in your hands to stand in front of a girl, sure. Wait, why does that have to be a reach around? Because that's the most comfortable position for your hand. Think about it, dude. Yeah, you don't have to go like this for – I mean – Oh, a splitty, Ortega.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Or a kneely. A kneely. A Neely. A Neely. I like to think of it more as like a tickly because you're like tickling it, right? Isn't that Craig Ritchie's agent, Neely? Oh, God. Yeah. James Neely.
Starting point is 01:15:56 James Neely. Now we know where his name is. Well, now we've made another little phrase. I'm going to get in a lot of trouble. It's funny. I was telling people to tune in like from my gym to watch this
Starting point is 01:16:06 and I told them I would behave but that's going to go down the drain. Oh well. No. Oh well. I do imagine
Starting point is 01:16:14 Devon like sitting back and watching this and he's just like what the hell guys? A standee's obviously this. Probably. There should be a pop-up book. For a standee? I thought we were in the adult section no it doesn't have to be an adult section you can put that in the kids section they put
Starting point is 01:16:32 worse shit in the kids section now for real yeah yeah colleen found a couple of the books in our library uh and was just like the transgender transgender in the kids section. So in our library, there's the kids section, but then they have the parent wall. So they have all the parent books. And thankfully, when I was looking through the books, it was on the very top shelf. So I saw it and I was like, what the, is this one of those books that we've been hearing about? Because you see them in other places. But I had never seen one. I've never seen one in his backpack. I've never seen one in the library until I saw this one. And I reached down. I don't,
Starting point is 01:17:14 do you still have it? I think I sent you pictures of it or whatever, but it was, yeah, it's a transgender book talking about gender, talking about why parents need to tell their kids about multiple genders and what age we need to start talking to them about it and why it's important and all that type of stuff yeah it was crazy the only part it cost it was at the library yeah you get it out for free it's free you can literally just go up to the with your library card and yeah and bring it home and check it out. The only thing that I was like, fine, if it's here, it was on the very, very top shelf. So a kid it's not in kid view. So with that,
Starting point is 01:17:53 I was like, fine, this is a public library, but it also was right next to the book, which I found very interesting that it was like why it's important for boys to be boys or something like that or like masculine and teaching masculinity to boys and or something whatever and i was like oh so you're confusing the both because the messages are right next to each other that don't work together so yeah it was crazy you look into the book at all huh Huh? Did you look at it at all? Of course I did. I sent pictures to Garrett and was like, this shit is in our public library. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Dude, transgenders are awesome. Did you hear everybody freaking out now? All the little Gen Zers are freaking out because Netflix put the Sopranos and put Sex and the City on their playlist. And in there, I guess one of the characters, Samantha, I think goes, New York used to be trendy by day and tranny by night, which I remember watching. I thought it was hysterical when she said that. And Gen Zers are losing their minds. They're like trying to,
Starting point is 01:19:01 Sopranos said the N word literally 30 times through the whole series. They said and like the whole word. Wait until they see Django. Oh, my. And they're like boycotting. Oh, yeah. There you go. Gender identity for kids.
Starting point is 01:19:16 That's awesome. A book about a book about what? A book about finding yourself, understanding others and respecting everybody. And then I just flipped through the page, and this talks about – I like that sentiment, but I don't know if I enjoyed the idea of the book as a whole. Yeah. There's gender fluid. There's –
Starting point is 01:19:35 I don't even know what gender fluid means. Cisgender boy. I think that means a certain fluid comes out of you or something. The other day, Sevan put up, the other day, Sevan reposted something on his Instagram. It was like male and female. And then at the top and the bottom,
Starting point is 01:19:52 it was mental illness. And it was a Venn diagram. And everywhere in between male and female that intersected was mental illness, basically insinuating that anything that is fluid means it means that you're you get you're a little bit messed up until you figure out that you're a male or a female no disney plus sucks and i've seen all the stuff that's on there and it is yeah no never my kid will not be getting disney plus you don't like the avengers movies or any of that oh i love the avengers movies he's
Starting point is 01:20:22 talking about the like the cartoons for kids they have explaining how to be transgender or that if you feel like you want to wear a dress then you're automatically a girl and it's just there's weird shit in there that what the parents that'll like almost push their kids to try all that stuff out is that weird i think they're just trying to get this the minority sympathy right like they're probably not they don't have a dei label so in order to have a dei label they're like look i'm an ally my kid is transgender and now they get the the sympathy what's that thing called when the parents do something to their kids uh munchhausen yeah it's like yeah munchhausen
Starting point is 01:21:03 by proxy they just they can't is that word munchhausen yeah by's like yeah munchhausen by proxy they just they can't is that word munchhausen yeah by proxy what is that i don't know what any of that means proctology yeah that you guys are making shit up i'm not i swear to god i'm not it's like when when you make your kid sick so that you can get the sympathy other like here, let me donate money to you. Yeah. You've never heard of that, but you've heard of movies and you've never heard of that before. You never munch. Something is pretending you're sick.
Starting point is 01:21:36 So you can get free food. Basically. Yeah. And go fund and money and sympathy. I love you here. Let me help you. Let me take care of you. Let me go fund you. And also the praise
Starting point is 01:21:46 of being such a good mom. Your kid is so sick and you're taking care of your kid and it's so difficult. And oh yeah. So with the transgender shit, it's the same thing. It's like, oh my god, you're such a good parent. You're letting your kid be themselves. You're letting
Starting point is 01:22:01 like, you know, and they get all the praise for that hey how do you spell this word oh boy what is the word first again munch i don't know if it's there you go jeffrey birchfield coming in hot there you go good job here i'll pull it up so you can read it and there thank you thank you papa birch leave that off for a minute i need that sure oh my gosh munch cousins that sounds like a there's a well i'm gonna do the thing that we go to urban dictionary oh god okay where a person convinces themselves that they are ill by googling the symptoms it's a
Starting point is 01:22:46 psychological psychosomatic illness somatic there's nothing wrong with you but munchausen by proxy server step away from okay is this what you were i don't think this is healthy the kid is healthy as can be but the parents do something like they'll like slowly give them medicine or poison them or whatever, make up these fake symptoms and whatnot. Just so that like the kid is, you've never seen these parents that get arrested for this shit. Like arrested.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Oh yeah. Oh yeah. No, it's not the flu. And you're going to get arrested for saying that they have it and they don't. Well, no,
Starting point is 01:23:22 it's way worse than that. Like they literally like slowly poison their children. they're actually getting them sick yeah they're making them sick there was what's fun i forget the name of it it's gross it's a i think it's a movie called i think there's a movie called like mother or mom or maybe it's called run i don't remember but it's the same concept where this mom wants to protect her child from the world so much that she slowly gives her kid like these pills that like shut down the kid's nervous system so the kid grew up thinking she was paralyzed or handicapped and cats come on but it turns out that the mom was just giving her child these pills to like make her not be able to walk so she was always dependent on her mom like it's
Starting point is 01:24:06 it's a fucked up movie but it's it's pretty good you ever see that movie with jay gyllenhaal like that is that the one where he plays the boston marathon runner who gets bombed earlier you're you it's called bubble boy yes oh yes yes same thing where they put it they put him in a bubble and he ruined his whole life this is the same idea right same idea yeah yeah it's different but same yeah you know that was jay gyllenhaal i forgot i forgot all about that guy from roadhouse yeah i didn't ever heard of that that's crazy dude i i didn't hate roadhouse did you guys really hate roadhouse no it was dumb as fuck oh man the first one was too if you went in there looking for again it's what you were looking for when you watch the movie see the thing is though is the first one yeah it was dumb but it
Starting point is 01:24:57 was like the 80s it's cheesy it's patrick swayze it's like supposed to be like blood sport it's the new one's cheating it's supposed to be cheesy i know it like Bloodsport. The new one's cheesy. It's supposed to be cheesy. You know it's going to be a bad movie, but it's fun. It was the new one. That was the new one, though. I thought the same thing about the new one. No, no. I'm so sick of remakes. Hollywood sucks.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Yeah, you're just mad because it's the second one. Yeah, because did you like Roadhouse 2 when the original roadhouse came out with roadhouse 2 did you like roadhouse 2 no no oh i did no wait a minute there was a roadhouse 2 yeah i didn't know that i'm pretty sure yeah was there a part two i don't think there was part two what am i thinking of then i want to know what people go into movies looking for when they claim that they are then bad. Right? I think you've got to go into every movie assuming it's going to be bad. I think I'm wrong, Vindicate.
Starting point is 01:25:51 I was thinking of a different movie. I'm sorry. There's a lot of 80s cheesy movies. Yeah. I think you can judge what a movie is going to be based off the trailer. Like if the trailer tries to take itself serious, like I'm going to go into it thinking like, all right, I'm going to judge this movie based off of the tone. If you don't watch the trailer like if the if the trailer tries to take take itself serious like i'm gonna go into it thinking like all right i'm gonna judge this movie based off of the tone if you don't watch the trailer what what if you like don't watch trailers oh i always watch trailers i love
Starting point is 01:26:14 trailers do you watch all the way to the end to find the secret parts at the end of the movie too oh yeah we watch the credits through the credits to i'll always google like beforehand like is there an after credit scene like i was really disappointed when godzilla didn't have a after credit scene i was expecting one but no i totally think that people like uh travis in here bellinghausen who go into stuff like roadhouse thinking it was bad we're expecting something it wasn't if you expect it to be really bad and only have hope for the future, it can only be good. I thought it was good.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I'm just personally. So I just like Jack naked dudes. I'm over remakes. That's all. Jake Gyllenhaal was shredded. Here you go. What is this? Have you ever seen?
Starting point is 01:27:03 I got to watch that. He's going to be mad at now because i haven't seen that did you like who said they liked bloodsport i like that movie all the bandana movies yeah they were all great see i don't know this is the new movie that i've heard yeah greg greg likes this movie i wonder what type of movies mr greg glassman watches if any i don't think he does you see him watching harry potter no maybe watching harry potter no no i could also see him outline to pollute his children's mind with anything like harry potter that's what i mean like yeah i see him outlining to pollute his children's mind with anything like Harry Potter. That's what I mean. I see him.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Wizards aren't real, guys. But I don't know. How many kids do you think went out there and tried to do that split? You know what I mean? Thinking that they could do it, seeing it, and just go try to recreate the split. I had a member of my affiliate named Raj who was curious if crossfit could help him do that he came in he was in his 40s and he goes hey dude i want to be able to do the splits like van dam between the trucks can crossfit help me do that i told him yes have you seen that commercial
Starting point is 01:28:16 he's gonna be have you seen that commercial with van dam where he does the splits between the trucks to the ennya song? Fucking wild. Oh, no. The dude's splits were wild. Bring your legs apart. No, no, no. The client of the affiliate. It was like that.
Starting point is 01:28:36 And he had to get to here, right? Oh, yeah. Did you ever try that thing where you sit in it and you turn the wheel and it's supposed to stretch you out so you can get in a split? The abductor machine? Yeah, that thing's insane. I tried it once, never again. I was like, this is just absolute torture.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Did you guys do the splits? I used to be able to do a front split, not the side one. And only with my left leg forward too, because my right hip doesn't roll like that. But Colleen could. Colleen, you can do them. I come from a dance background. So I was classically trained in dance for years. So yes, I was able to do that.
Starting point is 01:29:22 And then I started lifting weights and I can't do them anymore. Were you guys ever into video games growing up? Yes. Yeah. You remember the game Mortal Kombat? Yes. You know, the character Johnny Cage? Yes. He was directly inspired by Van Damme.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Oh, cool. Originally, the creators of Mortal Kombat wanted to make a Van Damme video game. So they reached out to him to ask permission or whatever that shit. And I guess they couldn't get the green light for it. So they instead created Mortal Kombat and made, I guess, Johnny Cage's character purely based off of Van Damme. Oh, that's fire. I played that game all the time. It wasn't until stuff started to be online and you had to play with other people.
Starting point is 01:30:04 I was just trying to beat the video game. I wasn't trying to run around with 20 other people. I'm the same way. Like I, I couldn't do it. I couldn't get into it. If I tried, I really tried with call of duty and whatnot,
Starting point is 01:30:15 but when's the last time you guys played a video game? Well, we've been married for 12 years, so I haven't played a video game in the last 12 and a half years probably instead cut that shit out yeah i was pretty much like you cannot have video game night anymore lady well we did oh my god years ago probably nine or ten years ago we bought a sega like an old school old school it was like a random find i think i know we were in costco or we're bjs or something like that and i was like oh shit we got to get it so we find i think i know we were in costco or we're bjs or something like that and
Starting point is 01:30:45 i was like oh shit we got to get it so we played i think christmas eve and christmas day and then it's been collecting dust since then but we were just actually talking about getting some systems old ones though like the super nintendo maybe a nintendo um before yeah before yep and um to start to teach the baby to play a little bit or whatever like we don't like the fun games like the mario games sonic um what were you into all that type of stuff did you go did you get in i played up until about 2019 alexis was like you're done sorry. I played up until about 2018. And then I stopped basically for the same reason that you stopped Garrett. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Alexis is like, Hey, I actually know what I, there was a couple of, there was a couple at my affiliate and the chick said to the dude, I just can't take dudes seriously. And I'm like, I don't want Alexis to think that i'm some pussy for like playing video games i'm done playing video games i never played ever again well it was basically like do you want to play video games or do you want to get laid and i was like i would like to get laid please so the video games can go in the closet and right right right
Starting point is 01:31:59 like yeah priority i mean just priority here's the thing though. I consider YouTube a video game. Just like real life. It's just all numbers and stuff. It's like level up in the freaking video game, trying to level up in the video game. CrossFit saved me from video games. I literally would play all the way up until I started CrossFit. And then that was when I stopped. What was your game of choice?
Starting point is 01:32:23 Oh man. I was a huge like besides like games like mortal combat i was a die hard like survivor horror uh guy like i love scary movies and i love all that shit so i was like super into the resident evil franchise i was super into uh like dead space um those were like my top games it would scare the heavy ever-living shit out of me but i would still play them ridiculous jake chapman which you're not wrong jake you're not wrong but that is fucking savage right now you're not wrong hey i'm convinced ddr helped me lose a bunch of weight you know that game no what's that my revolution? Dance Dance Revolution. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. My girlfriend is like the fucking Van Damme of DDR.
Starting point is 01:33:11 She's one of those ones that she'll literally hold on to the handle and just freaking go crazy. It was like nuts. I was going to ask, do you like the game better with the mat at home, or did you have to go to the arcade and like that was your that was your shit my the arcade you gotta do it the arcade my parents had to have gone through thousands of dollars of mats because i would just crush them all because i was a fat little shit and i would just pound the hell out of those mats and the buttons would break and i go mom i broke it again
Starting point is 01:33:39 they're like they're like a hundred bucks a bet yeah they're not that was amazing for a while dance hands are super gay all right jake you're not wrong but it helped me in my weight loss journey they had the ones that the um when you went to like dave and busters or whatever and you would just step onto the dance pad it was like you know you know what i'm talking about whatever i was terrible at that shit but i had no problem doing it and just making a complete fool out of myself in front of 95 people at dave and busters but it was fun dude dave and busters was awesome yeah dude there's a there's a place nearby where i live uh i want to say it's called like level up
Starting point is 01:34:22 where like it's kind of like an arcade bar kind of, but like you'll go in there and there's just like big screen TVs and there's like couches in front of them all. And you can literally, I think for like 10 bucks an hour rent out like a gaming system, like any gaming system, old, new.
Starting point is 01:34:39 And they have like a menu full of all the games that you could like play with it. And then also order like drinks and food and just hang out with friends and fucking play games and shit it's pretty awesome i just spent like 200 trying to beat a high score in a basketball game at my kid's birthday party yesterday i was legit it was intense it looked like i played a full-on basketball game i was sweating i had to take my sweatshirt off it like it and i did i and then my buddy beat me like right after after i set the new high score he came up and spent like another 200 and beat me by like three
Starting point is 01:35:11 points i was like well damn that pop a shot yeah you're just like trying to make all of them in a certain way the the basket move if you make it to the next level the basket moves back and forth as you're trying to and it's the dumbest thing because I'm basically the same height as the basket. It shouldn't be that ridiculously difficult to do. But yeah, totally. I love those games. Yeah, I couldn't stop. I was just like, no, I'm right there.
Starting point is 01:35:36 I got it. And I just couldn't stop myself. Winning all those tickets for your baby. Yeah, I did win him a ton of tickets though for him to go pick out his whatever his airplanes and stuff yeah but probably could have spent less money just buying it yes yes for sure but no i needed my score to be on the top in the lights like that was just well our friend spent way more money they had to to beat me. So yeah, I had it for like five seconds.
Starting point is 01:36:10 My wife would be pissed when I spent 200 bucks on Papa shot. Oh, she wasn't excited about it, but I was also entertained and not bothering her while she was taking care of the birthday party. So it was fun. It was fine. It was fun. The place had a spot for the kids and then it had the,
Starting point is 01:36:24 yeah. Yeah. fine. The place had a spot for the kids and then it had the 200 bucks. Yeah. I love this game. It's fun, right? I would always get infuriated when the freaking person would go in there and play with the thing. You know, the little noddle that flicks. They would just flick it.
Starting point is 01:36:43 You ruin the top score. You ruin it for everybody forever nobody could beat it that's fire or hillary are you in here as admin have you we got a we did the 90 minutes thing i told savon i was like i got a whole job i have to go to right after this so yeah do you want to stay on oh no i'm, I'm good. Oh, you're out too? Okay. I'm going to hang out with you guys. Well, thank you. I really appreciate it for holding my hand for the first one
Starting point is 01:37:10 because that first 20 minutes I thought I was going to drop dead. Pool boy was here. What do you mean? My whole body was shaking. Thank God for pool boy. Colleen is in the same room as you. Yeah. It didn't matter.
Starting point is 01:37:23 I couldn't. But it was really fun fun it was a good time thank you guys i really appreciate your help i'd really do cool guys all the chat thank you guys appreciate you for not lighting me up wait a minute wait a minute you can't do it yet you got two seconds yeah yeah all right this is this is what you gotta do dude when you when you're on stuff on stuff got to utilize this stuff. You got to be like, hey, guys, just so you know, we have our own podcast. It's over here.
Starting point is 01:37:52 It's called Home Things. We do videos. You go live, right? Yeah. You've got 180 subscribers. And every subscriber you get from this point forward, you can dedicate to the end segment on this podcast. You did one with John Young the other day. That was cool. You got pay-per-view scheduled did one with John Young the other day. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:38:05 You got Pedro scheduled. You had Stefan on the other day. It was great. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. We're hanging out with Pedro in a couple hours. I got to go to work real quick. And then, yeah, I got Pedro on. Yeah, I bet that Stefan would have been pissed
Starting point is 01:38:19 if you had not plugged your own podcast. Oh, well, that's the thing, too. I'm not used to running the behind the scenes i've got nothing i can't help you can't see it and so i'm uh i have all this stuff yeah so i'm just not used to being a one to run i'm kind of glad you came in and took over because i was like i'm not used to it colleen usually does it and my friend jeff so but this is the other one subscribed oh thanks vindicate don't worry we're gonna get the new swag we got some new swag yeah pre-order tomorrow don't forget yeah yeah i saw that for the hiller uh
Starting point is 01:38:51 collection right and and this new ceo shirt i thought that one came out today tomorrow not tomorrow tomorrow ceo tomorrow i told i told trev's i'm going to exclusively be wearing those shirts that's all i have i still have the original Hiller, the one that looks like it's denim. That whole jumpsuit, it's the pants, the joggers, and the sweatshirt. It actually looks like it's denim. I live in vindicate stuff. That's all I basically have and the gym that we go to. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Both tomorrow. Cool. Yeah, we'll be getting it. Well, next time you guys do like no rep shirts, can you do just a normal tank top or a normal T-shirt for us girls that don't wear crop tops all the time? Yeah, she was like, I don't want to show my belly. Yeah, she's not that one that does that.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Not all the time. Not a crop top type of person. Look at that. Oh, thanks, guys. I appreciate you so much. Do we believe them? I don't know, but just the fact that they're even willing to say that. Wow. It's at 185 already.
Starting point is 01:39:51 Oh, yeah. Thanks guys. Just now. Y'all are awesome. I appreciate you for letting me, for letting me give this a shot and. But that's what it's been. That's what it's been every time that, you know, you guys have given her an opportunity to hang out with you guys and talk with you guys.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Yeah, even, like, John Young and Pedro and just helping me out, I really do appreciate it so much. Isn't John Young a monster? I never knew. Like, I always wanted to debate an analyst, like a sports analyst. Like, I'll sit in front of the TV and yell at Stephen A. Smith or yell at John Young when he's talking or yell at, you know, whoever it is. And then when they're in front of you and actually telling you about yourself and about your views and how they're wrong, we're completely different scenario. I lost every argument that
Starting point is 01:40:39 I thought was gone. I looked at John and I was like, yes, sir. I believe everything you say. And I will, yes, that is now mine. Yeah. Yes, sir. My favorite was when he literally said, okay, you can believe that if you really want to, but I'm going to tell you why you're wrong. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:57 It's pretty much what he said. He was fire. It was great. It was so fun. I remember that. It was good. He torched me. Yeah, it so fun. I remember that. It was good. He torched me. Yeah, it was fun.
Starting point is 01:41:07 Well, hold on. Before we go, since you have two guys in the CrossFit world, let's have the goat debate. Who's the goat? Frazier or Froning? Three, two, one, go. Froning. Why? That's what I said and he killed me. Why Froning? Uh...
Starting point is 01:41:23 How many times did he win the Cross street games four oh ten with the yeah okay so you count the teams you count team and and the second oh i count the teams okay okay and i and i just think it's cool how he's been able to stick around in all of that that's what i said yes this was the argument this was my argument that that uh young torched on me i was like the dude was a red shirt seminar guy he literally taught crossfit to people yeah he's a phraser's a chump when it comes to education but like been there done that he's everything crossfit was supposed to be froning i think so i could see has to be factored in i think so too but i gave up too early yeah i think you messed up on the argument with with john by not including the
Starting point is 01:42:12 team like i can see where john was coming from in pure in terms of like just pure domination of the sport um because it's never been every any time like frazier's won it never really was close um And any time Frazier's won, it never really was close. I think there was one year where Noah was ahead of him. Yeah, yeah. It was the weird year. After that, Frazier just kind of ran away with it and then just dominated. So I can see where John's coming from in terms of that GOAT aspect. But I mean, if you include in terms of just longevity like you gotta say it's froning
Starting point is 01:42:48 because he won it four times and then just the years of dominance in the team division and like could you imagine if he kept going and just dominated the masters uh it's just in terms of of long-term longevity it's got it's got to be frowning. And I will admit, I would immediately go Matt versus Rich. And if we're taking all of them into account, it is Tia. For the greatest of all time. Like if it's any person to choose one person,
Starting point is 01:43:20 it's probably Tia. Yeah, I would push against that because the women just aren't as competitive. Don't tell that to the women. I'll say it to the women. It's just not that competitive. Like look at just even look at the signups in terms of the men versus the women in the open in general.
Starting point is 01:43:39 It's like, it's not even close. Yeah. But we were also fighting against the uphill battle. All of this decades and hundreds of years of every man always going for physical dominance over every other man and then the women are like oh weights they just started like checking weights out right i'd say there's quite a few women in the space and they're all like really well can we say that destroying them dude huh like it ain't even close like t is like
Starting point is 01:44:08 destroying people but so was matt like yeah well matt versus rich and then six dude and she's gonna get seven this year potentially but like i mean for example like do we know for sure on the men's side who's gonna win the games this year yeah no okay and then now do we know for sure who's going to win on the women's side this year for her seventh year coming back after a pregnancy with a bummed out wrist as a 31 year old no we don't know three years ago the answer was yes but like before that the answer would have been yes right what was that before that the answer would have been yes right what was that before that the answer would have been yes yeah yeah yeah exactly i think that's the point that i'm trying to get like
Starting point is 01:44:49 it takes a pregnancy and a damn wrist injury to like put like controversy into like who's going to win the women's this year but do you think that the only reason now that you can make the argument that there is a strong male field, like there's a lot of potential of who could be on top of the podium because there is no Rich and because there is no Matt? Because for all of those years, Rich and Matt were the only ones that were going to win. I think so, too. So nobody was really looking at other people that they even had a chance, especially when Matt came out in 16 and then has been dominant since then. Because if you have the argument that if you were talking about Tia pre-pregnancy, pre-injury, all of this type of stuff, there was no question she was going to win. Now it's in question because she did take a year off.
Starting point is 01:45:43 And when it comes to the men, there's no Matt and there's no rich. So is the men's field stronger now because there's no rich and Matt? I mean, the men's field has always been strong. And just to even add on to like my argument, there's a reason why you haven't, we haven't seen a teenager on the men's side make
Starting point is 01:46:06 it to the open division yet now we're starting to see an abundance of like teenage women make it into the open division for the women it's just it's just not as competitive as the men no it's hormones dude and not not exogenous either like chicks develop sooner yeah we definitely get muscle faster like our bodies are done pretty much at 14 15 and then we just keep adding muscle like there's a reason kerstetter's snatching 200 pounds at 20 years old and uh there's no men out there snatching 320 but i mean like d when he was in the teenage division was snatching fucking like almost 280 as, like, D, when he was in the teenage division, was snatching fucking, like, almost 280 as a 15-year-old.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Yeah, with a 10-minute mile. Damn! Yep. Alright, guys, I gotta go to work. Jesus. Alright. Work, work, work. Damn, this one in conversation was getting good. I know, I'm sorry, y'all.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Listen, y'all wanted to take it to sex and all that shit. Well, that just means we have to come on a next time. So we'll see you guys next time. Yep. We'll get back. Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it. Thanks, everybody.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Oh, the boys stay on. Yeah, stay on, boys. You need to shut it off, right? Do you have... Click the, stay on, boys. You guys shut it off, right? I, I, do you have. Click the end stream button, dude. Oh, are you guys not staying on? All the guys are like, stay on, guys. Stay on, guys.
Starting point is 01:47:34 All right, guys. Thank you so much. Bye, guys. Peace.

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