The Sevan Podcast - Haley Adams & Ricky Mac | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 19, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a sad bomb podcast show. It's a sad bomb podcast show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a sad bomb podcast show. Bam. We're live. Straight from
Starting point is 00:00:19 Get your CEO shirts now. Good evening, beautiful people. What's up Travis? It's pretty excited that I saw Haley wearing a CEO shirt on her Snapchat. Wow, that was crazy cool. Honor, flattered even. 23, go to the women's leaderboard, CrossFit Games leaderboard, individual women, and share the screen.
Starting point is 00:01:01 And there's no Haley Adams. Laura Horvat, Emma Lawson, Ariel Lohan, Gabriella Magoa, Alex Gazan, Alexis Raptis, Katrin Davidsdottir, Emma Carey, Daniel Brandon, Paige Powers, Emma Tull, Emily, where is Haley Adams? No Haley Adams. Let's go back down to 2022. And you have Tia Clartoumy, Malibron, Laura Horvat, Daniel Brandon, Brooke Wells, Emma
Starting point is 00:01:25 Lawson, Kara Sanders, Gabrielle McGowan. There she is. 21 years old. Is that how old she is now or is that how old she was then? Is that update? I guess we'll find out. She's back. Does that update? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Let's see. Let's click on Tia Claritumi. 28. How old is Tia now? Is Tia 28? Is Tia that young? That must be then, huh? Hello Danny.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Good to see you, girl. Good to see you, girl. Good to see you. Congratulations on your continued success and attention you're getting from Andrew Hiller. Andrew is telling me that the videos that he puts up of you, I think Andrew put up 50 sub clips from interviews with Dave Castro. There she is. What up? What up? Haley, how old are you? Why are my headphones not connected?
Starting point is 00:02:32 I'm 23. Oh, you sound good. Okay, I was looking at the CrossFit Games leaderboard from two years ago and it said 21. So you must've been 21 then. Yeah, I'm 23 now. That's two years ago. What's up? Where yet? Are you where?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Huh, where are you? Like location. Yeah, I'm in Tennessee and it's your house in Cookville. Yeah, it is Yeah, well welcome home when you left you didn't sell it no,, I kept it. It just sat here for nine months. Did you get squatters? No, it literally just sat here. You can't do that in California. Someone would have moved in. I mean, I had some spiders. I had some spiders move in that I had to get sprayed.
Starting point is 00:03:22 What did your financial advisor say to you? Um, I mean, it's not like I was wasting money. Um, so I mean, it really was up to me, like, I'm grateful I was able for it just to sit here. Um, but if I wasn't ready to sell it yet, then you know, don't sell it. And are you glad? Are you glad you didn't? Yeah. I love this house so much. I don't know if it's because it's my first home, but I love it so much. It's the perfect location. I have the best backyard for my dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It's just, I love it so much. I love this house. And where did you, did you go to Los Angeles? Where did you go? Where was, uh? Where was I at? Like before this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Where were your coaches again i forget i was in i was in blacksburg virginia oh why did i think you were in um did you go to la aren't i thought your coaches were in la uh yeah they're from la i went out there a few times um to visit but we all were in virginia what a good life you're living yeah back home when you came home did you have clothes in your closet that you hadn't worn in a long time? You're like, oh my god, here's my favorite shirt. When I left here, I literally moved everything out. So I had nothing in here except for my gym equipment.
Starting point is 00:04:37 What about a bed? I had a mattress on the floor. Not a good one either. And what about a couch? No. And when you left your house, do you leave the refrigerator door open and turn it off or you leave it on? What? Your refrigerator. People leave their refrigerator open?
Starting point is 00:04:55 I guess like if you turn it off and you leave the door closed, won't mold grow in it? I didn't see any mold, but maybe I should look closer. But all that shit was just turned off? Everything, my water and everything was turned off, but thankfully nothing was wrong with it. Everything was working, all I did was get spray for insects. And internet, you had that turned on right away when you got back? I got to the internet, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Can you believe you're going back to the games? No. I can't believe we're so close. Honestly, this is the best I've ever felt during games prep. I don't feel like I'm in a hole or overtrained. I feel like I haven't done enough because I feel so good, which is not true. I can't believe I'm able to do this again and feel this good and compete. So I'm pumped. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:46 It's awesome. You taking it. I heard rumors you're taking next year off. No, I just made that up. I made that up. Is there a bit of a, um, are you excited? Like you're going to like, uh, like to a concert. What's it like?
Starting point is 00:06:03 What's it akin to that you're like, they're going back to? Honestly, I keep like counting down the days. I'm so excited. And I remember before the last few years, I was dreading it. I was like, Oh my god, we have another week closer. Like I'm stressed. Like I don't want it to come. But this time, I'm so excited. Like I can't wait until I'm the week of that leaving the pack. I'm just so excited to go to Texas and experience that. And yeah, it's gonna be a really fun time and I'm pumped. You sound like someone who's like,
Starting point is 00:06:37 like, you know, athletes will go there and they'll be like, Oh, I don't wanna do the athlete briefing or I don't wanna do this or I don't wanna do that. You sound like so, and then, you know, sometimes you'll hear that with pregnant women. They'll be like, oh my God, I'm so tired of being pregnant. And then one of their friends will be like, hey, you're not going to be pregnant that many times, make sure you enjoy it or soak it in. Have you kind of, are you looking forward to all that?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Like even athlete briefings and the whole thing. And are you just pumped to just get, get in there? Yeah. I mean, I'm just really pumped to compete again, have all my friends and family going, and just truly taking the experience, whereas before I just kept refreshing the leaderboard after every event, and that was all I was focused on. I wasn't focused on the community or even what I was doing.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I was just so focused on our placement and what that meant for my weekend. So yeah, I'm excited to just take all of it in and enjoy all of the moments. What was the first year you competed as an individual? So not a teenager, 2019. And that year that you made it, were you surprised you made it in 2019? Yeah, honestly that year feels a lot like this year.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I had no expectations. I just wanted to go have fun and I ended up doing really well just because I had no pressure So that's kind of how it feels this year and when you went to semi-finals this year in the East It's a tough. It was a tough pack of girls Hello? Hi, this is my show now. Let's talk about anything else. I don't know what to say. Bring up the chat? Okay. I can see the chat now. I have an Australian Shepherd. He's crazy. My favorite breakfast? Any kind of breakfast sandwich or pancakes. Favorite Star Wars movie is Revenge of the Sith. that's not even up for debate. Um, have you beat Rich in our workout lately?
Starting point is 00:09:48 No. Shout out, Rambler. Ooh, tell us about Chad Thoughts. I'll let Sivan ask that question. This feels illegal. Hey. Hello. What's up? I'm not gonna lie you're doing really good. I mean yeah I'm proud of myself I'm watching I go I think nine out of ten
Starting point is 00:10:36 people are just jumped off the show. Just jumped off yeah they've been like all sevens out so I'm just gonna you know what they don't like me I'm just gonna, you know, put the phone down. Oh, they don't like me? I'm not good enough? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:48 No, that's what you just said. That's literally what you just said. No, I don't know what they would have done had Sevan just disappeared. His internet probably died. Because you just said people don't like me. But anyways, next. Yeah, I know. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:11:02 How are you doing? I'm good. I just finished up eating my dinner. It was a recovery day, aka non-recovery day. What does that mean? It's just a lot of cardio. This morning we did at 7am, three rounds, two mile mile run and six hundred meter swim that's a recovery day three mile run just straight through no no three sets of a
Starting point is 00:11:34 two mile run so six miles of running is that supposed to be modeled after what you anticipate event one to be? Yeah, something like that. It was more just like the time, it was so early. I didn't want to wake up that early. Apparently we're gonna start really early, but I'm like, oh. How early is early? Anything, I mean, I don't get out of bed
Starting point is 00:11:56 till 7.30 in the morning. Did you see the thing that Dave said? You guys might start that at 6 a.m. Yeah, I saw that. Is that gonna mess you up at all? Uh, no. I mean, that's the thing is, I was talking about this, a lot of people here are doing the like, train Tuesday, Wednesday, and then Friday, Saturday, Sunday, which is
Starting point is 00:12:19 totally cool. Like they're like mocking the games, but I have never done that before. I don't enjoy changing my training up or training on Sundays. So I just, my body shows up when it's supposed to. So I just trust in that, that you know what, we go at six a.m. Trust it. Now I've never done the games the way that you have,
Starting point is 00:12:37 but you just said you don't like to do the mock training. I got a mock trial game. Oh, okay, no, no, no. I like, I don't mind doing like mock events. It's like I don't like to train on Sunday. Jar Jar Binks is in the chat. Did you see that dude was totally created after they eliminated my guy from the open.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I was so upset. I know I told you about Jar Jar Binks in there, and they found him. They found all of them. I made five big people. I loved you on the leaderboard. And the person in front of you was Jar Jar Beaks. Oh, I'd be so upset.
Starting point is 00:13:09 There was a McLovin, there was a Jar Jar. Do you know who McLovin is? No. The dude from Superbad. Oh, gosh. But you've never seen Superbad. No, that's funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:20 So you don't train on Sunday. No. I don't really think they would tweak you out too bad though. No and I've never done it like I just don't enjoy training on Sundays like my best friend here does a new crossfit and she's off on the weekends so that's kind of my day that I get to hang out with her and my other friends so yeah I just don't like training on Sundays. Does she do crossfit or you just hang out with her as a non-CrossFitter?
Starting point is 00:13:45 No, she doesn't do CrossFit. No, we're not into the same things at all, but she's like my very best friend. I wonder how many super, I mean, end of the CrossFit season athletes have non-CrossFit friends. I kind of feel like most of them are fully entrenched into the CrossFit universe. Does she understand all of it? No, she does not understand it. She went to semi-finals and she's just cheering, cheering, cheering. She has no idea what's going on.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Even after the double in her ventures, like hell, it's all so good. When you're done with it, can you ask her, does she ask you questions or does she kind of understand how you did? No, we're back in the hotel room talking about girl stuff. Oh, that's good. Does not care at all. It's the best. It's so good for me, too.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So event one of the semifinals where you finished second, the Tia, she has no idea what's going on. No, not a clue. And that was like a huge moment, and everyone's like, yeah, let's go. And she's like, either way, you could have finished dead last. Yeah, not a clue. She's the best thing for me, honestly. And that was a big part of moving back here was like, I love that girl so much. And she keeps me level and outside of CrossFit. So she's the best. Did you ever talk about what went down with the double unders on event two or no? No?
Starting point is 00:15:02 A short story. What went on there? to or not? No. Short story. What are you doing on there? Ever since I busted my ankle up a few years ago, I think I just slowly was starting to lean onto my left foot, which is my good ankle. So I started to lean. And then I think my arms just kind of started to follow. And then over the last year, it's gotten so bad. Like, I made my rope super long because I was tripping
Starting point is 00:15:22 so much because I didn't have much clearance. So my ropes too long, my hands are crooked. I'm jumping too high. So not only was I tripping a ton, I also get really winded doing them because I'm jumping so high and my arms are like up here. So I knew that was going to happen. You're like all the people who first learned how to do them. Yeah, sideways and breathing heavy. Yeah, my double unders used to be so good. Like, so good. That's what's crazy about it. I think I remember that in you. Like, ugh.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Yeah, and now I'm like, if everyone had to do that workout the way that I felt, it would have been more even. But, because it's like, it blows my shoulders up, my grip, my heart rate. But it's great training for like heavy double unders and drag rope and stuff. I'm great at all that, iron crossovers, totally fun. So it's great training for that because it fatigues the heck out. Is that kind of a relative to the field deal? Oh, look who's back.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Our friend is back. Who? Actually, I don't know. He's his pop. You can't see him. He's popping in down there. Oh, but yeah, I don't know. It just happened over time and I'm trying to fix it.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I still have like really bad days with it. Like my shoulders get so fatigued, but I'm trying and we've seen some progress. So that's what matters. What are you doing to fix that? All the side of it is done. Is it mostly ankle work? Um, no, we're trying to fix my arms. So Dave from our smart gear has been trying to help me fix my arms and it has been helping.
Starting point is 00:16:44 He made me some props and it's a process because it didn't happen overnight. So it's not gonna be fixed overnight. So it looks like those handles on with with a balls on them. Yeah. So trying that. So what happened? My power went out and then all of a sudden, Andrew, you're you were watching the show. So you just popped on? Yeah, he thought like, this is what he said. He said that he thought people are gonna leave because you got off.
Starting point is 00:17:12 No, I thought you were gonna leave. No. So I was like, Oh, you think people don't like me? So they're just gonna hop off because they don't want to watch me. I didn't present the information. Well, that's what she's saying. What I meant to what I said didn't come out the same way. So so Haley, you were on just for a few seconds by yourself. Yeah, I was just reading comments. She was cool. That's cool. She was doing
Starting point is 00:17:35 good. Yeah, I was already knew I would have been like, Hey, I'm getting the fuck out of here. That's what I said. But she heard it. People were gonna leave not she was gonna leave. Oh, bro, I was carrying it. I'm trying to turn my my mic still not working. I look at the comments. Look at them now. Did you not? I was gonna say I texted you right away. I go, Hey, just
Starting point is 00:18:04 start talking about that most recent Star Wars show. Not smart. Because when people call it shuts you out. I know. I spent like $15,000 on a generator. And it took me then like four or five years to get it like actually working. And like the whole powers out my in my town, but my house has power house to finally work. This is the first time I've used it. Oh, but my house has power. It finally worked. This is the first time I've used it.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Oh, that's cool. Oh, it's working? Yeah, the generator's on. Cool. Yeah, I'm so... Hillary, the savior of CF media, let's go. Jar Jar. That's not me.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Jar Jar, thanks. Hailey, where were you? Do you know where you were when the former president was shot in the year or whatever andrew thinks happened to him i was doing a 60 minute email and you're 16 huh 60 or 16 60 okay yeah and who and who told you just in the middle did someone tell you and interrupt you um my mom sent me a message she was watching the news and was watching it live and saw it. And did you stop your workout? No, I was done with the workout.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah, oh okay. Life goes on. Wow. And have you been keeping up to date on it? I don't know. I try not to watch the news too much. There's too much going on. It's depressing. There is a lot going on. It's depressing. There is a lot going on. It's a lot of stuff for our world, honestly. You're a positive force in it. I am, but my generation is also very scary. Yeah, it's crazy times we're living in, but... Tell me about your generation. What's scary about it?
Starting point is 00:19:41 I don't know. I think social media has ruined our generation there's so many flawed versions out there and yeah I just I feel like it's hard to find more people our age with good values and hard work ethic and yeah it's just rough out there sometimes there are a lot of good people out there but it's just sometimes a little harder to find. You know I'm embarrassed to say this but I didn't even have values until I was into my 40s. Well, I mean, maybe it's just me then, I don't know. Who gave you values?
Starting point is 00:20:16 Who taught you about values? I mean, I feel like I just kind of learned them myself growing up. Yeah. And constantly. Did, did, did, did, did, do you remember, um, uh, do, do you know your core values, like, like in sentences? Like, do you know, like, some of your core values? Um, not really, but I just feel like I try to be a good person and I work really hard and I guess that's it, But that goes a long way. And you stay up to speed on Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yes. I mind my own business and I watch Star Wars. Oh, MYOB. I haven't heard that in a while. But I like that one. Do you know that stuff on MYOB? Mind your own business. Yeah, I like that one.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yeah. How did the What did you think about the the video Hiller made? On on you. Oh, we already talked about this last podcast. This is so three months ago, dude. We talked about this the last podcast we were on. You came on right after the it came out.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Did it did it has it had do people come up to you now and talk to you about it at all? Um, not recently, but when it first came out, um, they were, but no, he's got so much other stuff out now. People forgot about me. They, they forgot. No, no, no. I still hear about it weekly, so.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Oh, okay. You so, so you take the year off and you're back this year and you said it feels like year one again. But also, but it's better than year one, isn't it? Because you're coming back with a confidence. Yeah, I just in a much better head space as well. Like with everything, I was obviously still having some demons back then too,
Starting point is 00:22:02 but I just have way more confidence now more than I've ever had I feel like that shows too. And Yeah, I'm just all around so much better Did I send you a CEO shirt? Yeah. Yeah, someone sent me a screenshot of your snapchat the other day and you were wearing it and I was like I was pretty excited. We got to send you some do you want some other colors too okay more more colors double XL please double XL in which house should they should they come to should they come to that house
Starting point is 00:22:34 see I'm guessing vindicate already has it hey so, so why, why did you come back to Tennessee? Um, I mean, you know, I have a house here. I have some of my closest friends here. Um, this is a great place to train for the games. There's other athletes here as well. And yeah, I mean, it's not really much more than that. You know, like it just felt like the right move at the moment. And I have a personal life too. And not everything's made around CrossFit. But yeah, literally. When you like I had this guy who is the world champion slap fighter on you know, power slap. Have you seen that sport? Yeah. Okay, so I had the world super heavyweight champion the world come on. And he was from Hawaii Hawaii and he left Hawaii because he was addicted to meth and
Starting point is 00:23:26 Then he went to Vegas and he got back into drugs there And then finally he went to Missouri and that he kept moving to kind of get away from things You you never said anything and and I'm guessing you and rich aren't sitting around smoking fentanyl at the fucking mayhem Empire But part of me thought is is like you change you change scenes to maybe I don't know that there was maybe something there that you wanted to get away from or that you thought a change of venue would help like adjust your mindset yeah I think I mean I spent five years here you know like in crucial years.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Formidable years, yeah. Yeah. From growing up from 18 to 23. So I think I was constantly just like wondering what else was out there or, you know, I didn't get to experience anything else so it definitely was the right move to get away and, you know, experience new things, meet new people and I'm totally I did that like the people the gym in Blacksburg And the people there were great. I they are so awesome. They're so supportive So yeah, I mean it just was a very crucial part in my life and
Starting point is 00:24:38 Yeah But when you come when you come back could any of the other things that you were like maybe needed a break from set Back in or it's not like that? Honestly, things here have been really, really good. There's been nothing that's bothered me. I've been happy to be back. Training with Luke is so fun. Again, my best friend's here.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Yeah, the gym has been great and And I'm just it's Yeah, I'm super happy to be back. And your best friend being Oh, you weren't you weren't here. My best friend is Lindsey. She does not do CrossFit. Yeah, but she's amazing. My very best friend. We hang out all the time. And did you meet her there? No, I met her at school. And now she just happens to be in Cookeville she lives here Has she always lived there? Yeah, she's from here when you met her in school. What school did you go to?
Starting point is 00:25:35 Tennessee Tech. Oh, okay. Okay, so she's there So you went to Tennessee Tech and then you became friends with her and you left so that was sad when you left her Yeah, but we still talk every day, but coming back here and getting to see her so much has been so good for my heart, just because I have a lot more friends here than I realized that I did. So it's just been fun to hang out with everyone and yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:01 All the best CrossFitters go to Tennessee Tech. Yeah, I guess so. And who are you training with? I train with Luke a ton. Luke Parker. Yeah, how's he doing? Is he pretty stoked? Yeah, he's super fit.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I was here when he first moved to Cookeville. So it's been really cool to see him get, you know, from then to now and he's so fit. But yeah, I'll just grab random people to work out with me. It doesn't have to be a games athlete. I'm always begging someone to work out with me. So I'm guessing he had a mission and he had a plan and he was on a plan and you weren't part of it because you had moved out and then you come back and you're like, Luke, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And is it just is it just cool like that that's training like that yeah like nothing happened I just you know went away for a little bit and Luke and I are close enough like that he's like my big brother so I mean it's been great for both of us and you know we both push each other will there be trying to think who I had on the other day, but they were like, who was it? I think it was Dallin. No, who was it? It was a girl. And she said Fee and Paige were coming down. God, who was that? Was it a Raptus? Oh, maybe it was Raptus. And she said Fee and Paige were coming down and they were going to do kind of a mock games.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Will you guys do something like that at Mayhem? mock games? Yeah, I think probably next weekend we'll do it. I'm assuming, I don't really know. I just jumped in. Is that something like, will Jake Lockhart or someone send out an email to a cast of characters and be like, okay guys, Thursday at 8 a.m. to Sunday, we have this planned? Oh, I mean, I'm sure we'll just like talk about the gym.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Like it's probably nothing like crazy formal. You think they're going to make you do Chad? We are doing Chad. You are doing Chad. I've heard a whole bunch of people's take saying they're not doing the whole thing. They'll do parts of it. And I heard you say like Dave,
Starting point is 00:27:57 you had done it three times before, right? Yeah, I've done it three times. That I have like an interesting take on that workout. What's that? Well, it's this. It's not even okay. It's not even about the workout itself. So like, obviously, people are gonna probably not agree with me, but it's not fun to watch. Of course. It's probably not even fun to do. But I think that the workout itself is for like such
Starting point is 00:28:23 a big cause. And as someone that has struggled with mental health, like that's someone's dad, that's someone's brother, that's someone's husband. And to sit in back and be disrespectful about it is just mind blowing to me. I think that it can make a huge impact on people around the world. And that's just how I feel about it.
Starting point is 00:28:44 It's way bigger than us. Sure, you don't wanna do it. Sure, it's not fun to watch, but I think it's just way better, or a way bigger workout than just the CrossFit Games. Hey, you have a great head on your shoulders. Yeah, I just, I don't understand the disrespect, especially, again, as someone that's struggled
Starting point is 00:29:03 with mental health. It definitely will impact a lot of people and you know it's not just at the CrossFit Games, it's gonna get people from their gym to do it and just around the world and spread awareness and I'm sure that his wife watching this is making her whole year, you know, like it's way bigger than us. Extra sloppy Haley. Hi. Who do you think we went in a power slap fight between Hiller and Seve?
Starting point is 00:29:29 But the twist is they slap each other's butts. How do you win? But huge Hiller's butt can take way more views than my. It is not huge. My butt can my thank you. I don't know. Um, so did you see the interview we did with Hiller that Dave did with, not with Hiller, that
Starting point is 00:29:50 Dave did with Velner? No, I don't really watch CrossFit stuff. It's not on Disney Plus, it's not on TV. So basically Velner said, Dave said, what do you think about the workout? Velner says basically like, hey, I'm going to hold my judgment until I see it. But like if you guys judge it the same way you did last time, it's fucked. Because the decision shouldn't be made by judges. And Dave goes, and then Velner goes, I hope it step overs.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And Dave just looks at him and goes, you're exactly right. If we did it the exact same way with the judges, it would be fucked. So one, I think that's super cool. And then two, I think I personally would watch you guys have a paper airplane contest because it's the day of the cuts. You know what I mean? Because it's Saturday morning. I don't really give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:30:41 What? And like really dumb, but cool. Like, you know, I don't really give a fuck what you do cuz Saturday is gonna be so tense for some people Don't you think I can make a tie fighter paper airplane again? It's not even about the workout I think it just has a much bigger meaning and I think people need to remember that before they Go back to publicly because I mean like just think about his wife or someone seeing that like, you know I just hurts my heart a little bit, but
Starting point is 00:31:06 Hilar can you really make a tie fighter paper airplane? Yeah, I can I learned in like fourth grade Haley if I was a young man, and I was courting you What is that? Courting Courting courtship don't know, fucking courting. Courting, courtship, courting, courtship. A period during which a couple develop a romantic relationship, especially with the view of marriage. As a kid?
Starting point is 00:31:39 No, that's just a matter. You gotta have to use your magic. Anyone younger than himself maybe. Okay, we won't use me. Let's say there was a handsome young prince in Cook anyone younger than himself maybe okay. We won't use me Let's say there was a handsome young prince in Cookville who is courting you Would you would you how impressed would you be if you woke up one morning? And there was a tie fighter paper airplane tie fighter just sitting on your doorstep That is way better than whatever people do nowadays like sliding their DMS or weird Snapchats. And that's way better. So there's no effort involved with the things you mentioned. Come on.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah, creativity. Wow. That would be the way to your heart or like what would be your favorite? What would be your favorite ship thing to see made of paper? What do you have a favorite ship? Do they have different ships in Star Wars? Death Star. The Millennium Falcon would be cool. You can do it with one piece of paper, Hilar?
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah. Oh. I just need a piece of paper. I kind of looked around for one. I could have made it right now. Haley's starting to swoon. Hey, your best friend doesn't do CrossFit. What about, would you date a boy who didn't do CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:32:44 I only want to date boys that don't do CrossFit. Yeah, nice. My best friend doesn't do CrossFit. What about, would you date a boy who didn't do CrossFit? I only want to date boys who don't do CrossFit. Yeah, nice. My best friend doesn't do CrossFit. Cheers to that. Her best friend doesn't do CrossFit, yeah. Yeah, I know. Do you have any suitors? What's a suitor? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:33:00 What's a suitor? Okay, let's look at it. What do you like to know? Suitor, oh yeah, hell yeah. Suitors. A man who pursues a relationship with a particular woman with a view to marriage. What don't you like to know? I'm sure all of you would like to know.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Do you have any serious suitors? Like anyone who's... Billie Eilish. Oh she's... wow. A woman. Wow. Maybe you're courting her. Yeah. So the discussion of whether you have any suitors is off the table. Off the table, bro. Off the table. And why is that,
Starting point is 00:33:38 why is that, Haley? Why can't we know? Because what, I feel like that's the least interesting thing about me. Are you kidding me? That's such an exciting. I don't want to talk about it. I was making all these posts today. When I make a post, I want to see how many times someone qualified for the game. Because I was making the caption. It was like so-and-so games qualifier. And I typed in maybe 40 different female athletes names. And was like so and so games qualifier. And I typed in maybe 40 different female athletes names. And I swear you, I kid you not. It's always like Emma Lawson and the first Google result is boyfriend. Oh my god. Oh really? I swear I tried typing it into Google. It's like Emma Lawson, Jack Farlow is that they're like checking out the chicks boyfriend. What does mine say? I'll let me see. Let me see. Oh, wait, don't look at it. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Don't look at it. That's good. It's CrossFit, Age, CrossFit, Snapchat and Nextura, which I don't know that is. Boyfriend doesn't pop up. Oh, yeah. Mine's CrossFit, Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Wikipedia, merch, Leaving Mayhem, clothing, semi-finals. Perfect, that's great. So, but typing Emma Lawson, I bet Jack Farlow comes up.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Really? Yeah. Emma Lawson. Oh, her, she does have, for me it just says boyfriend. There it is, yeah. And there's a handful of others that pop up too, so. Honestly, I'm not gonna say that, but thank God. It's number four for her.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Emma Lawson? Yeah. Dude, that's crazy because there's so many more interesting things about us than that. But it's that age. That's like the fun part about being in your 20s is- It's not fun. It's not fun? Not fun. Oh, I had a-
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's probably the same reason you think she's had a good head on her shoulders because there's more in there than that. Yeah. All right. Maybe. I don't know. Let me see. Someone said-
Starting point is 00:35:41 Once you're comparing her to, that's all they think about. Let me see something. Dina Sh, uh, Dina Shinsky. Inappropriate. That's the comment you decided to pull up, eh? Well, I just think it's funny. I used courtships in, in, uh, adorable. Uh, Dina Shinsky, rude. I feel like I know Dina.
Starting point is 00:36:00 That's what I was talking about. The smell of your butthole is rude, Dina. Uh, okay, uh, Haley, if you had a Jedi Sith Master, who would it be and why? I don't even know what that ques- I don't even understand that question. Anakin, Anakin, Anakin. And that's all because of your question from before, I'm sure. Huh? He was asking all those questions about courtship, but just Anakin.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Anakin's a good- Oh yeah, that's the answer, Anakin. That's how I want. He's a good-looking dude. Oh yeah. I can bet with long hair. He's very good-looking dude. Hey um do you watch is there something to watch new on Star Wars every single night? Acolyte. We don't talk about that. We don't talk about what? Acolyte is too much to even get into. Is it a new series on Star Wars? Yeah, it's new. And so is there always something you could watch on it that you haven't seen?
Starting point is 00:36:52 Oh yeah, or I'll just re-watch shows and movies and stuff. Sometimes I'll just put Clone Wars on and just re-watch it. Is the new series ass? Is that why you don't want to talk about it? You're disappointed? No, it's just like there's a lot of stuff going on in it that kind of like can mess with the original stuff and that upsets a lot of people. The comment section knows too.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yeah, wow. That's why I was like, I'm not getting into it. Wow, it's awful. DEI show. It's sad. Yeah. When I was over there, she was watching a cartoon Clone Wars I think it was right? Yeah. Do you do any Star Wars Legos? No, my brother has made like every single Lego there is though in Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Why aren't you doing those? I don't know. I don't enjoy that kind of stuff. I'd rather just like sit and watch it. Do you have a lightsaber? Yeah. You do? Mm-hmm. Like a nice one?
Starting point is 00:37:46 I mean, I built it at Disney. And you push the button and it goes, Yep, it's red. And when you sit on the couch, do you hold it in your hand? No, but I'm trying to learn how to do like the spins with it, like that they do on the show. That's what I've been doing in my free time sometimes.
Starting point is 00:38:02 It's a great like grip warm up too. That's how you're gonna get better at your double unders Yeah I'm looking at the chat. I used to play video games all the time. I used to like Call of Duty and black ops That's cool. No shit. Yeah. Hey you wear headphones and you know, dude, I used to play online Yeah, I used to play with the headphones Some scary stuff online. Yeah, would you talk to people? Yes random people like you'd be in these groups and you just talk I was like so young too
Starting point is 00:38:33 Dude, you you would be a hit as a streamer Make a twitch account it would be easy. Oh, dude. I would totally start playing again. I just don't have my stuff here That's why I don't play What do you mean your stuff? What system? Yeah Xbox or PlayStation? You have both of those. Yeah, I have a twin brother so We kind of went back and forth. How does that work? How does that work Hiller? She would just you just set up a camera Yeah, and you go you do it just like we're doing now, but you have a controller and- And then can people-
Starting point is 00:39:09 My username was like SunshineGirl01, I think. And could people jump into the game she was actually in? Oh, if you invite them. Right, yeah. Yeah, I think if you invite them. It's been so long since I played it. Do you like this idea? Yeah, let's do it. I want to do it. I want to play it again. What's the most recent Star Wars game?
Starting point is 00:39:30 I don't know. I haven't really played the video games. My brother plays them. I think they just really... Hey, Hillary, should she really do that? I think I might. She would make bank. That's what I'm thinking. After the games, I'm going to start... How would she make bank? How's what I'm thinking after the games How do you make how would she make bank how do you make money on that just like YouTube? I really it's just like YouTube, but there's way more people interested in video games But I feel like the games I used to be good at aren't popular anymore like call you gotta be good I knew if you're a chick. I was good at those but the games
Starting point is 00:40:03 Popular anymore You're gonna call it duty. Yeah in black ops. I loved black ops I was good at those but the games. Popular anymore. You're gonna call it duty yeah in black ops I looked black ops you killed people other little kids well black ops was zombies that game is fun as hell I know oh man I play I
Starting point is 00:40:19 play that game wow I know okay maybe I'll start after the game here here I found a game for you this one I don't know what it is, but it's a star wars ps5 and it's exciting my brother plays that He doesn't don't doesn't it need to be one where other people can jump in. Isn't that like the whole thing with twitch? Uh, I don't know. Let's see. She can't just sit there and play right other people have to be able to get in the room with her I'd bet that every one of these games has some sort of online I don't know why they would just want to watch but they do they do okay well after the games maybe I'll start stream on Twitch and and YouTube twitch is a numbers game you just got a
Starting point is 00:40:58 stream like every day and you probably and you probably have that discipline. What, to play it every day? Yeah. I mean, maybe. Just don't quit sessions. In my off season. That's why I'm doing it right now, in the off season, yeah. Wow, Ricky Garrard just clicked on and he's in a room full of naked people. I don't know if we can let him on.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Oh, should I get off? We might get our account pulled. Do you know Ricky? No. Do you know Ricky? No. Do you like Ricky? Yeah, he's fine. I'm sure he's cool. You're sure he's cool?
Starting point is 00:41:29 I mean, I don't, maybe I have met him. I can't remember. He's Australian. They're all Australian. I know who he is. I just don't know if we like talk. Let me ask you this. He doesn't, he's like you.
Starting point is 00:41:41 He doesn't talk. Excuse me. I do talk. No, you don't. She talks plenty he doesn't talk. I Excuse me. I do talk. No, you know it's funny Haley so the other Haley Adams is gonna come to Cookeville No Haley Adams friend from Australia McDonald is coming. Have you met Daisy McDonald yet? I'm confused what you're saying. Hayley Adams. What?
Starting point is 00:42:05 There's a Hayley Adams who competed in Australia and she trains with the girl Daisy McDonald. That's like her best friend and she's coming to Cookville now to train with you. Another Hayley Adams. Did you know that? I didn't know that but that's cool. All right. Well nice to see you. There you go. You want to say hi to Ricky? Sure. Yeah. Ricky Garad. Ricky. Hey, what's up? Room full of naked people. Hey, what's up, dude? Hey, how are you? Is that an old? Yeah, I know. I know. I know. He said hi to you. Oh, he did. Yeah. Oh, hey. What's up? Anola. Haley Adams meet Ricky
Starting point is 00:42:58 Gerard. Ricky meet Haley. Pleasure to meet you. You too. Haley, You're the best. Thanks for doing this. Congratulations. You are a you really are a What'd you say your name was on the internet sunshine? Oh one you are a ray of sunshine girl. Yeah. Yeah her gamertag In a couple weeks girl you guys soon I What's up, dude? Hello, man. Just making dinner. And Noel Akai is there too, huh?
Starting point is 00:43:34 What's that? Noel Akai is there? Yeah, yeah. Ain't no Akai, yeah. And he... Ricky, there was this kid... There was this kid from India, his name was Anil in junior high and I called him anal all the time and finally one day he's like he just punched
Starting point is 00:43:54 me in the face. I had a friend that was telling me that you, last time he spoke to you, you called him anal. No, listen, I used to call him anal but him anal. No, listen. So that's why I was saying it. I used to call him anal, but then I met him and I promised I would never call him that again in my head, you know what I mean? Like he became too real for me.
Starting point is 00:44:11 You can't make fun of someone once you meet him. Yeah, he said he'll turn you inside out if you call him anal again. He probably, he could. There's a word for that. I might like that. He comes to anal, I think. I don't know the word, someone in the chat will.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Hey dude, I had Dallin Pepper on here yesterday. Oh yeah? Or a couple days ago. How's he doing? I mean, he's trying to take your spot like in that mix with Adler and Roman. Like he sandwiched right in between them. That's the word for us. Yeah what's going on?
Starting point is 00:44:49 Is Dallin the real thing now? Is he the real deal? Maybe, maybe. We'll soon find out. And how are you doing? I hope he's been running. Oh, day one. Let's talk about day one.
Starting point is 00:45:04 You see the workout run swim run you go for you get a full chub you and I had a little chat the other day yeah yeah it's good I mean the swim swims not my forte but I've gotten a lot better at it and the runs gonna be good I'll get a head start and then no one will catch me on the swim so should be should be good fun Andrew was out there the other day and We he was telling me about the scene and it sounds Uncharacteristically relaxed he said that you guys would go to the pool you would take Justin's daughter with you
Starting point is 00:45:42 Who was at their house? Yeah. Yeah exactly at the house He said you guys are just having fun. He says like I mean he says you guys are working hard and savages but he says it's just Just incredible Yeah, that's what it's about. You gotta enjoy it. You gotta have fun we train hard, but outside of the gym would like to have fun and Yeah, play blackjack. Oh yeah, that's right. He even told me that he's like these guys organized two nights out to the casinos. One is a night out, one is midday. It was good fun watching Hillel lose his money. Hell yeah. Uh Alex too right? And Alex. Ricky lost like
Starting point is 00:46:28 twenty three bucks. Yeah, devastating. Ricky you had when you go to the casino do you have a drink? No, no, just water. Clean as a whistle right now. Maybe a sneaky lemonade sneaky lemonade uh clean as a whistle right now yeah eye on the prize eyes on the prize three weeks 25 days is there any party that's like um okay uh crossfit games did really well for your hiatus. Come back, fuck, have a fumble fuck on your bike, have another year off and that you sort of appreciate these moments more than like anyone. And like, is there some, can you tell me, are you having a talk with yourself? Like listen, Ricky, you have to die out there.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, definitely. It's literally, uh, yeah, I learned my lesson last year, missing out on a massive opportunity to win the games and achieve my goal. So this year it's like, I'm not taking it for granted and I'm taking every step I need to, to achieve that goal. Yeah, it's been an up and down sort of year. I'm sure everyone has their up and downs, but I am coming into my flow now and it's
Starting point is 00:47:58 going to be feeling good for the game. Could you have won the games last year when you look at it? Or do you think, Adler got your title? Yeah, I think so, yeah, definitely. Like that was a win for you last year. Did you see all that stuff between Adler and Roman? Remember when Adler was trying to nudge him and whatnot? What happens if Adler nudges you?
Starting point is 00:48:24 What happens? Yeah, I don't know how I'd react to us I mean hopefully I'll be Just get in front of it make a post about it doesn't have a Najmin If you know just me more than once then maybe I'll nudge him back Maybe even little little elbow to the nose or something. Let me look up a nudge. Nudge, prod gently, typically with one's elbow in order to draw their attention or something.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah, one to the nose always hurts. How's the shoulder? Yeah, shoulder's good. It's better than my other shoulder. If it wasn't, would you tell me? Yeah, I'm honest. You wouldn't be like hiding any injuries. You wouldn't be like, I'm not showing any weakness. No, my shoulders are good. Um, and, and, uh, miss, miss Guzan, uh, she's not pushing you too hard. It's not, it doesn't stress you out. I mean, now we have two killers there. Is there, are there, is there any downside in training with her? Like, Hey, these are two people just pushing themselves too hard.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Nah, it's been awesome. Um, I think, I think it's exactly what we both needed, meeting up in America and staying with her and literally training together every day and just pushing each other to the limits. It's been good. I think the tally is like, we've been keeping tally of the workouts, who's winning the main workouts when we test workouts and stuff. I think it's three all, to be honest. Wow. So she's holding her own.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Yeah, she's going good. She's looking good. When you did the semi-finals and you were there and Bailey Martin there and Pete Ellis was there, what did you think about their performances? Is Bailey Martin better than he is last year? Is he the real deal? Yeah, yeah, he's the real deal. Yeah, he's going to go good.
Starting point is 00:50:37 They're definitely hungry. They're young. And yeah, their performance at semi-finals was pretty good. So I think last year's games, I don't think was a fluke. So I think they're gonna be up there in the top 10 with us for sure. Even Pete Ellis? Maybe not Pete, but you never know. We call him Sneaky Pete back home, know you never know what you can get hey where were you Ricky when the president of the United
Starting point is 00:51:10 States got shot do you remember where you were yeah I was playing blackjack you I was with him did Hiller tell tell you, hey, don't worry, it's just, it's all going according to plan? Yeah, yeah, he's been a true part of the plan. He knows what's going on. Yeah, he keeps telling me that too. The first thing I did, I looked at him, I go, hey, it's all right, this is all fake.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Did he tell you that? Yeah, he thought it was fake. Yeah. He thought it was fake, yeah. What do you mean thought? What do you mean thought? He knows it's fake the same way, the told me it was perfectly executed. That was. That's what it has to be dude. Come on. Hey, do you have, Australians are kind of obsessed with American politics right? Like it's like a whole soap opera there like right? Is it? Nah. No? Not in my world. Oh not in your world okay. We don't really care. You know he lives in a hut down by the river, right? Australia's just kind of watching.
Starting point is 00:52:28 We know a lot about Trump. I follow the UFC, so I know a lot about Trump. He's always getting showcased on the UFC. Oh, you do follow the UFC? Yeah, I love the UFC. Do you know, have you met Jack? Jack Meladena? Yeah. No, I haven't met him, but he's a beast. Do you know have you met Jack? Jack Meladena, yeah
Starting point is 00:52:45 No, I haven't met him buddy. He's a beast Yeah, he's a fucking crazy beast. His nose is fucking crazy. Hey, what he got to Jay Crouch got to train with them Yeah Yeah, when they went over to Perth, they got the train with him. Yeah, that's wild Yeah, apparently is a Super nice humble dude. Just just a killer killer in the cage. Yeah, he's been on the show a few times. I'm surprised he still comes on. He's a great dude. He was just on a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Oh, he come on your podcast? Yeah, right in the metal square right where you're at. Oh wow. Ricky really likes the UFC. Yes, right in the metal square right where you're at. Oh Wow, really? Yeah, who else do you like in the UFC? Who do you who do you do any any fighters like you're like? That's my boy. Yeah, Robert Whitaker. Oh, yes Roberts awesome. I know Rob we've hung out a little bit back in the day. So yeah, I respect you Rob Cuz he lives not far from where I live. Speaking of video games, he's... Volkanovsky?
Starting point is 00:53:51 Oh yeah, you know Volk's been on the show. Has he? Yeah. That's cool. Volk's the man. Have you met him? Nah, I haven't. I haven't yet. Crazy. He lives like 20 minutes from where I live, but I haven't met him.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I've seen him in the distance at the shopping center, but that's about it. Was he tiny? Yeah, he's so short. Is he shorter than Benny? Yeah, I think he is. Yeah, he would be. He's just a little pit bull. Yeah, totally. Like Benny. Yeah, he would be. He's just a little little pit bull. Yeah, totally. Like Benny. Yeah, like Benny. Is Benny there in Vegas? No, he's not here. He's gonna meet me at the games on the 5th of August, the Monday.
Starting point is 00:54:40 He's fallen over with my parents. You guys had sort of that breakup. The other coach at underdogs went to proven kefir. And has that affected you at all? No, no, it's been fine. I mean, it would have been good to kind of link up with the other athletes and all train together, but to be honest, sometimes that can get a bit hectic trying to organize everyone's schedule every day. So I think it's been good just having me and Alex
Starting point is 00:55:16 and we literally live together and live the same schedule. So it just makes it easier. The gym's five minutes away and everything's just convenient. We can just focus on training and not driving around everywhere. Is Alex a hippie? Oh, you could say that, yeah. Yeah, like she's barefoot all the time. She doesn't use soap.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I think she uses soap. No. You know Andrew doesn't use soap. She loves bare feet. so no you know Andrew you know Andrew doesn't so I think I'm gonna Andrew doesn't use so now for like 20 something years mm-hmm yeah he's stuck a little bit when he was did he really smell did you smell him no no no good I'm think I'm thinking about giving up soap too. You use soap? I use it on my pubes. I use it on my butt like on the dingleberries. The secret is you gotta get rid of them and they can't smell. I do it on my butt and my pubes front and back.
Starting point is 00:56:19 All the smelly thoughts. Yeah but I don't like wash my face. Do you wash your face Ricky? Like you wash your face with soap or anything? Yeah, no shit Underarms Yeah legs Hey, dude, I was doing this thing today or I'm I tagged you in that thing I think you accepted the collab on it. You've only been to the games three times That was why I was like looking through it and I had like 10 or 11 time CrossFit Games athlete, 10 and one team and like Ricky Gerard three times. It was the weirdest thing because everyone's Ricky Gerard's got,
Starting point is 00:56:58 he's gonna win, he's gonna win, he's gonna win. Yeah it should be my eighth, but yeah, it's only my third. You think it's good for your body? I feel like I've been there more than twice to be honest. Oh yeah, and you seem like just a complete veteran to me. That's why I think also Andrew's like, holy shit, he's only been there three times. Because when we think of you, you feel like you've been a staple in the community for fucking ever. I mean, you seem like you've been around as long as Velner.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Yeah. Yeah, feels that way. Seveamaze, people wash their face, mind blown. Yeah, I didn't know any boys actually wash their face. I can't, I haven't washed my face since like high school. What about you?? Rarely, rarely. Hiller licks himself. You're like a cat.
Starting point is 00:57:52 You're like a cat, man. Like a dog. What are you, what are you going to do after the games, Ricky, after you win? What do you, what do you do? Do you go, do you bolt to bolt straight home or you gonna hang out in the states? Going to Los Cabo in Mexico for a week. With your girl? Yeah, my girl just hang out all inclusive. Resort, go on some sunset cruises, hang out on the beach,
Starting point is 00:58:22 eat lots of food, cocktails, live it up for a week. Just the two of you? Yeah, just the two of us. And then what about coming back to the States? Do you have any interest in doing the NorCal Classic? I think there's 30 grand there. Do you have any interest in doing that? Are you doing that tier thing, the waterpalooza thing in SoCal?
Starting point is 00:58:44 Possibly. And what about Rogue? I wanna come back for, yeah, Rogue. Rogue's, the games in the Rogue are the focus for this year. So yeah, I'll head over to Scotland and then I'm gonna stay in Scotland all the way up until the Fit Fest. So I'm gonna do a tour around Europe for like a month, and then I'll do Fit Fest in December, and then come home after that.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Do you have a host for that? Like is someone like, Hey Ricky, come to Europe, I'm rich as fuck, I'll take care of you and your girl and tour you Europe. Not at the moment, but if someone's out there, then get me out. Yeah, you're open to it. My manager, Snorri, is in Iceland, so I would like to visit him and maybe go to Spain and hang out with Anjol or whatever. Let's check it out. Is this your first time meeting him? Yeah, first time.
Starting point is 00:59:48 And he's an underdogs guy? Nah, he's not. But he's under the same management agent as me. So that's how we linked it up. And is Mr. Kotler cool with that? With just randos just rolling in?
Starting point is 01:00:04 Yeah, yeah, he's cool. Yeah, Anial's flexible and he's keen to train and do whatever program we're doing and just get ready for the games. He can do the splits? No, he can't. He's working on it. So you don't have any the I don't think I'm like that. Yeah, you don't have that in you? Nah. Nah, I'm pretty chill. You know me, it's a bomb. Super chill. Ricky's stupid chill. Hey, so when do you guys go to Dicky's? We're heading over on the 1st of August. Two weeks.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And basically will you just set up a mirrored kind of setup to what you have now? You and Alex will get a house and basically just keep flowing exactly how you're flowing now? Yeah, we're gonna get a, we've got an Airbnb booked. Got a car, we're just gonna, yeah, simulate what we're doing now.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Train at Crossfit Westwood. We've got that ready to go. And then they'll just knuckle down for a few more days before it starts. And do you guys have a handler? Like there, like someone who like, do you and Alex just sit in the back and someone drive you? Do you guys have someone who so you guys can be completely like just
Starting point is 01:01:46 brain dead. Maybe my, my girl Michelle can, can show for us around. Cause that's nice. Right? Yeah. Yeah. It's nice. I mean, I like to drive. Did you know he can drive the car? The car is, they got the steering wheel on the wrong side where he's from. I was freaking out when he was driving.
Starting point is 01:02:10 I was a good driver. Right. He's a good driver. Yeah. You can back it and everything. Did you adapt? Do you adapt easily? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I did a reverse, um, path in the big truck. That's got it first. Go. Hey, um, really you guys drive on the other side of the road than us? You guys drive on the left? Yeah, yeah. And the steering wheel's on the right. And did you adapt nicely to it? Or was it hard?
Starting point is 01:02:38 Like, when you drive, do you have to be thinking? Especially, like, on freeway off-ramps. It's crazy, right? They're on the wrong side. When I first did it, it was a little scary. I had to constantly be like thinking and sometimes I ended up going head on with traffic and I had to and all of a sudden he hits the brake goes. Oh my god Freaks out because you know, he's a Australian driver Hey, I remember being in England The hardest part was the freeways because the off-ramps and on-ramps that part that part's really trippy That it's on the opposite side right like your fast lane is the right. Our slow lane is on the right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Once you do it for like 30 minutes, then you figure it out. It's not that bad. And now you're ambidextrous. You can drive both. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Yeah. Super talented guy. CrossFit Games champion. You gonna win this year? Yeah. Yeah. You think I can win? I do think you can win. If you think I can win, then I'll win. I think last year you could have won. But I think Roman and Adler are less of a threat this year,
Starting point is 01:04:03 but that fucking Dallin kid, dude. It's coming in hot. Yeah, he's a problem and he's young and he's all, he's all, he's like you. He's all chill and shit and his energy is all focused and he's a problem. Yeah, yeah, he's got that switch. It's going to be a good fight. Any thoughts about the workouts that have been released in the times? The first workout run, swim, run, and then the seventh workout on the cut being Chad.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Those are the only two things we know, right? Yeah, that's all we know so far. I mean, not crazy exciting, yeah, to be honest, but I'm sure we'll get the good stuff coming soon And obviously you have no concerns about the cut No Do you know do you know in do you know the lowest you've ever been at the CrossFit Games? I don't mean it when you finish but like have you ever been like after three workouts like in 32nd place? No, I think the lowest I've ever been is third.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Just the whole, just the whole weekend. Yeah. 17 was your lowest. I mean, uh, 22 I was first for 10 events and then shit the bed. Well, that was, uh uh the year maderas one Yeah Holy shit. You were first for ten events Ricky Yeah, nine nine events maybe and then lost it on the tenth. Holy shit, dude
Starting point is 01:05:37 Yeah, everyone is freaking out. It's like oh, it's his first year back off the band and what are we gonna do? It's like what do you mean? Hey, um, everyone was hating on me and then I was almost gonna win it and be the face of the sport. Oh, God. Yeah, that would have been the best thing ever happened to me, CrossFit since Rich. Yeah, I agree, I agree.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Hey, what, how do you lick those wounds? Like, like, like, what happens the month after that? Look at that It was it was like one workout that fucked me up So that was the one that disappointed me the most but I was disappointed for like a week and then I kind of Got over it and just kind of was still grateful that I was able to come back after four or five years and
Starting point is 01:06:38 and like kind of earn that third place that I got rejected for or fucked up for in 2017. So it was kind of like I was still happy in the end. Hey have you have your parents been before? still happy in the end. Hey have you have your parents been before? Yeah yeah they came in 17 and 22. And are they are they excited about it? Like are they huge fans? Are they huge fans of their son? They love it? Yeah yeah massive fans. My dad's my dad's always really strict on me. He, if I win the workout, it won't be like, congratulations. It'll be like, why did you grab chalk on that round? Or why did you grab your belt? You didn't need your belt. So do you like that?
Starting point is 01:07:26 Yeah, I like it. It's just honest. He's been like that my whole life. So it's always just like honest feedback. And it helps me progress as an athlete. Did you turn a corner? Was there a point in your childhood where you're like, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. And then you're like, wait a second, I need to embrace this. Um, nah, I always kind of respected what he said and would always like
Starting point is 01:07:56 listen to what he had to say and try and improve and, and I'm doing prayer. Hey, what, what is the, um, how does the community treat your dad? Are they like super nice to him? Like when, when he meets people and they find out he's your dad, does he just get showered with love there? Yeah, I think so. He's pretty quiet with the social media and that. He's in his 60s, so he doesn't really like the whole media era and all that stuff. So he just wants to see me succeed and help me as much as I can. But, um... But, I mean, I'm sure the people sitting next to him know.
Starting point is 01:08:31 I'm sure the people next to him know, and I'm sure he's a really proud father. They must be like, oh, my God, you're Ricky's dad? Yeah, I'd say so, yeah. How about your mom? Does she get nervous for you? Yeah, she's always super nervous. She like, um, when I used to race motorbikes, every time she would come and watch me, it was the only time I would crash. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:08:57 So she stopped coming to watch. There's like times I'm just like cartwheeling down the, down the dirt. My bike's everywhere and it's like holy shit he's dead. And she would always witness those times. So she always gets nervous about watching me in anything. Holy shit he's dead. Hey Ricky, who are your sponsors? TTR. Oh okay. Ricky, who are your sponsors? Tia, TR. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Yeah, Tupud. Okay. Brog Grip. Okay. Reli. Oh, really? Yeah, the hydration drink. Yeah, that's a trippy company.
Starting point is 01:09:46 They sponsor Fee too, right? Yeah. Feast of coffee. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Yeah. You like them as a sponsor? Yeah, they're amazing.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Yeah. And hands down, one of my favorites. They sent me a ton of shit. And then I was talking to one of their representatives, that company has like 600 employees, like they make every kind of salt they makes like salt for roads and shit it was fascinating I want to go to their plant have you ever taken a tour of their planet yeah they took me out there after Miami in January I went to the to the salt mine it was yeah no shit you really
Starting point is 01:10:21 are you joking are you fucking with me they really did that's where they took the the wall to make sure it was solid. That's what Hiller's wife does, because he doesn't shower. She just licks his back. Yep, lick the wall with salt. Yeah, she just licks them. Yeah, that's an awesome company. Yeah, their company's insane. They're awesome. We got to shoot guns, blow up dynamite,
Starting point is 01:11:03 and they cooked us a feed. It was awesome. Who'd you go with? got to shoot guns, blow up dynamite, and they cooked us a feed. It was awesome. Who'd you go with? What other athletes went? Just me and Alex. No shit, Alex is one of their athletes too? Hey dude, this comment section loves Relay.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Dude, Ken Walters. There's a couple of them. Relay's amazing. They took Hopper, Dallin, and Ricky to the salt mines. Oh, Hopper and Dallin went too? Yeah. Yeah, they went recently. How is Jason Hopper?
Starting point is 01:11:31 You guys buddies? Yeah, he's good. Yeah, you guys seem like you guys would get along good. Yeah, he seems like you guys would get along good. Yeah, yeah, we get along good. Is he immature? He's got that kind of rugby kind of mentality background. So we kind of connect pretty easy.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Tell Snorri that I would like a Relight sponsorship. Please. Next time you talk to him. Yeah, just I'll ask him. But you could ask them too. They might they might hook you up Yeah, I'm trying to remember the guy's name. Hey, do they have a lot of athletes in other sports or do they have a crossfitter over there? Pretty sure just crossfit at the moment, but maybe Triathlete Potentially did the guy that you know over there like your your point of contact, was he a CrossFitter?
Starting point is 01:12:27 Yeah, so I was buying the product in Australia and then I just kind of reached out to Snorri and I was like, I've been buying this product for ages, this stuff's amazing, can you reach out to the company and see if they want to work together so that was like nearly a year and a half ago and then they didn't really sponsor anyone at the time so yeah I was pretty much their first athlete that they brought on and then since then they're kind of going to the market of CrossFit. If it were a pyramid scheme, you'd be making bank on CrossFit right now.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Yeah, yeah. Hey, do they have a mine in Australia? Do they have a mine in Australia? No, just a US company? All the mines in Australia are coal mines. I could see you being a foreman, put a hard hat on you. I could see you being a foreman at a put a hard hat on you I could see you being a foreman at a a relight mine. Yeah that'd be cool. I nearly became a mine. Yeah you did? Yeah. Oh god I'm glad you did. I was on my band and I got offered a job
Starting point is 01:13:41 but I turned it down. I said I want to down. I want to win the cross-country games. Sorry, man. So you would have been one of these guys? Hey, so you were gonna go, you actually would have gone underground and been a coal miner? Yeah, I almost did, yeah. We got offered like 120 grand a year
Starting point is 01:14:01 just to jump straight in and start mining. Damn. But I turned it down. You think you'll ever go back to that job? You think you'd ever do that job? Nah. You got too soft for that kinda. As hard as you are, you got too soft for coal mining.
Starting point is 01:14:23 If we're gonna be honest. I, I'm a bit smarter than that You got to um pampered the last resort. You've been sleeping in nice hotels Yeah Hey, is this your last door? Don't that cold? Black lung don't know the black lung part Is this your last year Ricky? Nah, no, I got another another three or four So so back-to-back wins
Starting point is 01:14:54 Not to get ahead of ourselves He said three or four dude three or four wins. I know but I didn't want to get too crazy I'm telling you down pepper is a problem, dude. Down pepper is a problem. It's Bill Lahey, 2025, dude. Watch it. I'll sort him out. It's all good. Hey, thank you. Hey, tell me what's the Hillers obsession with Bill Lahey? Did you guys talk about Bill Lahey at all? Ricky knows all about Bill. Yeah Yeah I know Bill. I think they look at each other's backs. Hey they do cut trees down together. They cut the wood together. They sharpen each other's swords. That's a good bonding uh activity there. I bet
Starting point is 01:15:39 someone couldn't chop down a tree of his life dependent on it. the the in the ute? Yeah, ute. What's that? You call it ute. Oh, ute. Throw it, we throw it in the ute. God, I, it's crazy. I so see that. I'm so like, you're so fitting the profile. I could totally see you and your brother doing that barefoot cutting down trees. Yeah, Alex, what's up? How are you girl? Oh jeez every show needs a girl with a bathing suit For a second I thought he was showing off the dogs Hey her house is nice Yes, nice And you're used to living like in a like what we call in the states like a double wide Yeah Yeah, yeah, they just park your shit on a truck. Alex got like, like she has a foundation. Yeah, you're never moving back. Huh? I said you're never moving back. She's
Starting point is 01:17:16 gonna spoil you. Yeah, the Gazan Empire. I can see the strip from here. Look, how do I turn this thing off? You can see that ball from right there. How does Gazan... Hey, Ricky, does she own that house? No, it's her in-laws. It's her husband's parents. And they have a swimming pool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Hey, let me see outside again. We need a pool in Vegas Let me you can see that ball at night, you know a big old ball that they just created there. Yeah Ricky is it a neighborhood? What is it? Is it in the ghetto or is it in the desert? Like what's the surrounding area? They're like donkeys and other people with guns like what's that landscape? What's the surrounding area? They're like donkeys and other people with guns like what's that landscape? It's kind of residential, but there's a lot of like vacant land because I'm by the government government Hey, is that the house where I saw the sign on the fence and it said fuck Joe Biden Is that that house I think so no wasn't me oh well maybe it wasn't and why was he not supposed to show me I don't know were there rules were you not supposed to show
Starting point is 01:18:41 me Andrew did I fuck something up something may have happened after I had said, after I had sent that to you. Okay. There's something private we'll talk about off the air. Sure. Okay. I apologize. No, that's cool. Hey, um, if the teams do, um, paddle boards, I pray to God you guys aren't doing paddle boards. I pray to God. I think paddleboards are so stupid Yeah, I mean it'd be fun, but I don't are you will be are you good at it Can't have ever raced on a paddleboard I normally just Muck around and have fun on it and do backflips off it or try and catch
Starting point is 01:19:25 waves or whatever. But you're capable on it. You wouldn't mind it. If it comes, it's like, okay, I wouldn't mind it. I know what I'm doing. You got your balance on it. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be sweet.
Starting point is 01:19:38 All right. Well, hey, dude, thanks for coming on. I'm pumped to see you. Yeah, no, no worries. Thanks for having me. You see him right now. Are you gonna be? Second he's saying I can see you now. I don't have to be pumped to see you in a couple weeks I could see you now
Starting point is 01:19:56 You're gonna be out there so I am I am You're doing anything Behind the scenes again. Yeah, I'm gonna film the behind the scenes. I'm gonna stick to you like a fly on shit. You're my winner. You're gonna win it. Yeah, man. Can't wait. That'd be fun. Yeah, you and Dallin are my guys. You're gonna be... I'm gonna try to stay close to you guys. Yeah. Me and Dallin versus Roman and Adler. Yes. Is that what you and Adler. Yes. Is that what you're reckon?
Starting point is 01:20:27 Yes, yes. Sounds good man. Alright dude, tell Gazan I said what's up. I can't wait to see you in a couple weeks man, you the man. Yeah cool, thanks for having me on. See you guys. Yep, anytime dude, anytime. See you.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Ciao. Talk to you. Bye. I hope we can go to a UFC fight together. Dude, he likes it. UFC. Yeah, when you were there, did he watch fights? We were in the casino and we're walking around and he goes, I forgot the fighter's name,
Starting point is 01:20:53 but someone liked one of his posts. And then he told me how much he's into the UFC. Are you on a computer? Yeah. Yeah, on your computer? Okay. Will you hold on one second? I'm going to take a piss. Yeah, piss.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Okay. Tomorrow, Kil Taylor, Hilar and I will be back in two seconds to talk about it. Talk to you guys soon. I had shoulder surgery, shoulder replacement surgery. There was a point in time where I wasn't sure I wanted to come back and go through the rehab and have to kind of start over. My name is Paul Ellis from Salt Lake City, Utah, and I'm 57 years old. My first week back after six months of rehab,
Starting point is 01:21:55 the coaches here took time to talk to me about where I was and how we could rehab and how we could get back to where I wanted to be. That competitive spirit never dies inside you, but sometimes the body can't keep up, and that's a struggle. And the coaches, I recognize that and have helped out a lot. To me, Salty Hive cares about the individual.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Whether you're younger or older, or you're elite, or you're brand new, I've watched and noticed how everybody's important. And that keeps me coming back. coming back. Yo. So thanks for thanks for jumping on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:56 That was crazy cool that she stayed on. It was cool. I was on someone's podcast and they fucking bailed. I'd be like, later. That's what I was trying to tell her. And she goes, you think people are going to leave me? I'm like, no, no, no. I think that think that you were gonna leave but she didn't hear it that way Dana White and Joe Rogan are slowly morphing into the same, dude I used to not be able to tell them apart like when I like ten years ago
Starting point is 01:23:17 I knew Joe Rogan from fear factor. It was really weird when he became the podcast guy Do you want to explain to me? I do. Okay, go ahead. You see, there's mosquitoes, so I keep on like slapping them off of me. Yeah. Is that the question you were gonna ask? No.
Starting point is 01:23:41 No. I know what you're gonna ask. Are those mosquitoes staged perfectly? Yeah, they are. They're perfectly... the mosquitoes are staged? I've got this blood type that they just enjoy, whatever that is. Are we living in a simulation? No, dude. If you take off every single... Do you hate me because I don't get what you're saying. Yes, I hate everybody. I Don't want you to hate me Anybody but but everyone bothers me with all of their stuff. It's like just take it for what it is
Starting point is 01:24:15 Yeah, sit there and watch it and realize that you're going freaking insane Okay, thinking anything other than the fact that it isn't what you think it is Whatever it is you think it is you're wrong. Whatever. I think it is. I'm wrong. Oh It's not an assassination attempt. I mean it is it is it is one of those but it's not whatever anyone's spinning it to be That's wrong And Now this is where the comment section is like, oh, here we go. Okay, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:24:48 So two things. So when we've, everyone, when they first reported it, reported it that those guys on the roof shot them. Now information's coming out and it wasn't the guys on the roof shot them. It was some other guys. You mean stuff like, you know what I mean? Like now they're reporting. Remember those guys who were standing there, they're behind,
Starting point is 01:25:05 you can see them behind Trump in every shot with the guns? Yes. Originally, myself and all the news outlets out there were like, yeah, those guys shot him. And so we were judging. Is there a video where the gun does one of these two, like it shoots? Well, he I don't know if he shoots, but when he hears the other guy shoot, it looks like he gets startled and we were all criticizing it.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Right. Right. So now that we need to have more information, maybe he saw the dude get canoed and that's why he got startled or whatever. But you're saying even stuff like that, like everything's always going to be changing. Like we just don't know. We're, we don't know. And we're never going to know.
Starting point is 01:25:41 The amount of information that continuously changes means that what anybody thinks it is is wrong. Right. Yes. And you could have figured that out from the second you heard about it or saw it. People think that some dude is going to go shoot the president, but no, not like that. It doesn't happen like that. And also, everything that happened around it also doesn't happen like that. And also everything that happened around it also doesn't happen like that. Compared to like other times in which there's a gun around and the Secret Service freaks out
Starting point is 01:26:11 and they like run them off the stage, they bury them. And I was on the phone with my dad and my dad's like, I was all upset about it. And I go, dude, you're 60. And if there was five grown adults around you, you don't think that they're gonna rush you off the stage? They think they're gonna let you stand up and scream into a crowd
Starting point is 01:26:30 and the second you gesture to leave the stage, then they're going to make you leave the stage? Is that, are you out of your mind? You think that everybody around you is just gonna stand there and be like, yeah. You think the photographers are gonna try to get great pictures of when there's a gun in the crowd? Are you out of your mind? Everything's wrong.
Starting point is 01:26:49 So you're saying that there's a natural order to things. Like I cut a tree and it falls this way. And this time we saw someone cut a tree and go this way. And there was a It was floating. What? It was floating. It was floating. Okay. Whoa. So what you're suggesting is that the event...
Starting point is 01:27:13 One of the best things I heard is it's like cameras. What does this look like to you? A camera. A Sony camera. A black thing. Oh, right. When you meet the president. Right. camera. A black thing. Oh, right. When there was a gun. It looks like a freaking gun.
Starting point is 01:27:32 You think there's gonna like let people come up and just put things that look like guns at the president in the middle of it? No. It's ridiculous. Well, you know one of the things I heard, I know you're just giving an example. Dude, someone died Yeah, I don't care. This is the worst excuse ever. This is what they want you to say. It's like, yeah Oh my god, they needed someone to know was the only thing that was real about it. Yeah, they needed that People someone died. You're a jackass. It's like, uh-huh. They want you to say that shit. Okay people Okay, and even if the comeback. And even if the comeback was like, even if the comeback was like, hey, they let everyone
Starting point is 01:28:12 set up the, how they do the media at these events supposedly is they let everyone set up all their gear and then they make everyone leave and the Secret Service checks all of the gear. But what you're saying is like, yeah, of course, that of course they're going to say that. Like it's just, it's just not what we think it is Exactly. It's it's like you know what I heard the other day Remember the Iranian you remember the Iranian president was killed recently You know how there was okay, so there was a helicopter accident and the Iranian president was killed. They called them the butcher. This is like
Starting point is 01:28:40 four months ago I Know nothing about this. Okay. Well, so the let me see. Let me watch it live. I'll tell you whether or not it was real. Iran's president helicopter. Hold on. Let me just show you this. So Iran's president helicopter. Iran president Ibrahim Rasi,
Starting point is 01:28:58 hardline ally of Khomeini, March of May 20th, 2024, was killed in a helicopter. In a helicopter killed in a helicopter crash. Okay? And this is during the whole conflict with Israel and shit, right? So Israel and God, supposedly Hamas is being run by the Iranians and now all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:29:22 the Iranian president is dead, right? Right. So then the, the, the obviously you would think, oh shit, the Israelis did it. Well later I, well then all of a sudden you find out that Israel was sending all these weapons to Azerbaijan. Is that a man of word? No, that's a country. And then, and then, and then you find out Azerbaijan gave the location. So everyone's like, why would Israel sell weapons to Azerbaijan?
Starting point is 01:29:47 And then you find out, oh, the reason why they're doing that is because Azerbaijan told them where the Iranian president was gonna be in his helicopter. Meaning that was like a backdoor deal. Were you able to follow that? No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:00 I really tried to. That's fine. But I see what you're saying. What's a false flag? Do you know what a false flag is? It's not a true flag. False flag? Is that when you like you bone your own shit to piss people off? It's like a deflection.
Starting point is 01:30:19 It's like people talk about stuff to like the Academy Awards or things to distract from whatever they don't want you to see. The meaning of a false flag is a hostile or harmful action that is designed to look like it was perpetrated by someone other than the person or group responsible for it. Okay so they're basically so so uh you're saying that a potential is that it was set up by the Trump campaign in order to just as a potential That it was the whole thing was staged in order so that we would like Trump even more That could be one version That could be a version, but then even if I have that version, that version is not true because I can't possibly know according to you.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Have you ever seen Mythbusters when they shoot like the pig carcass with the rifle from a certain distance and the pig explodes? Oh no, but that sounds interesting. Yeah, it's like it's stuff like that where people forget that's what happens when you get hit by a round from that distance and oh It's like what's more what's more likely that I'm gonna You're pretty good at throwing stuff, right? Yeah, and if I'm not saying that they aim for his ear because that's ridiculous You're not gonna like plan to shoot. You know what else I heard Hiller today. I heard it was a
Starting point is 01:31:44 It actually wasn't the bullet that hit him shrapnel. Yeah, it was shrapnel. Yeah And you're gonna hear a whole bunch of stuff, but all of that stuff means that whatever I know one saying is wrong Oh, so it could be even like just something stuck behind his ear and They push a button and it detonated his ear Has anyone seen what his ear looks like? No. He's got a mask on it. Yeah. No one? No one? So, Hitler sounds like a guy doesn't shoot often at all. I've shot often. But it's irrelevant. They're falling into the weeds. That's it. I know what you mean.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Jeffrey Birchfield. Hitler failed geography and politics. I know what you mean. Jeffrey Birchfield. Hillerfield Geography and Politics. I didn't take politics, but if I did, they also told you that bread is good to eat for your entire life. So yeah, to the bottom of the pyramid, eat a bunch of bread. Did you watch any of that video I sent you today from that guy Jay Dyer? Yeah, I was watching it. Actually, I was rowing. I was watching it, and then I flipped on to this, and your power died, so I came on. Oh, thank you That guy had some interesting thoughts, right? I Listened to like ten minutes of it. I went to the 13 minute mark and started listening He had an interesting that that that what movie was that that he was showing that paralleled the pandemic? I
Starting point is 01:33:03 For I forget but the Simpsons is the classic example, right? How does the Simpsons keep just predicting shit over and over and over? Something along the lines of the CIA ends up writing scripts for these things, right? Yeah. Former intelligence people. And preps the world for it ahead of time. Right. time. Right. I honestly, I have a good time with this sort of stuff. Like the stick to CrossFit like and, and Birchfield saying the geography thing. It's like, I don't really care. I have a good time watching everyone lose their minds over it. So basically what it is, here's where I'm at with it, understanding you. You are comfortable not knowing what happened.
Starting point is 01:33:54 In relation to Trump? In relationship to Trump are a lot of things where other people are not comfortable and it makes them feel unsafe not knowing what happened happens So they're trying to piece the story It's like when I had the flat earth around and people lost their shit Obviously the reason they're losing their shit is because we're we're You're you've you've pushed up against their reality, right? They're freaking out. It's like when you tell someone hey, you can't eat that It's bad for you and they lose their shit Stop drinking people are why so people are uncomfortable with the fact that you're comfortable not knowing what
Starting point is 01:34:28 happened. Like truly not knowing what happened except accepting the fact that you don't know what happened. Sure. Staying open to the off. Did you finally just figure out my take on this? I just don't care. Maybe, maybe.
Starting point is 01:34:44 I'm feeling around. It's fun to watch. I'm trying to understand it. It's fun maybe, I'm feeling around. I'm trying to understand it. Yeah I'm trying to understand it. See look like things like this, hillars of flat earth are now see like they're just like they're grasping now. I legitimately did this in high school and I've done this to this point in life where people I'll like tell people I believe in flat earth just to see how they react because it's fun. It's the exact same thing. Yeah. But there's way more people that believe it's a real assassination attempt like people believe it's a flat earth thing. It's like it just and I don't care. It does not matter to me. It doesn't matter. This is the first good comment. If the shooter was taking peptides would he still have missed? Yes because he was meant to miss.
Starting point is 01:35:25 Hi Casey, how are you girl? You have a great dad. Thank you for your contribution to the world. Your dad speaks very highly of you. Casey. He loves you death. Is that the one that got married, Jeff? Kenneth is probably most accurate. I like playing devil's advocate, but I also that would mean that I had I care about either side of it and I don't especially when it comes to politics. I think you know that. Yeah. I like to look at it and just like that's
Starting point is 01:35:57 not real. The news is entertainment. Hillers just enjoying the show. It is. It's 100% a TV show. That's the thing I sent you on Rogan that you didn't like. They're talking about how it's a movie. Oh yeah. You couldn't have written it up any better. Yeah, it's not that I didn't like it, it's just it's- You want it to mean something, you want to know. Well I do want to know, but it's a juvenile perspective.
Starting point is 01:36:20 You never gonna know dude. It's like that's how I used to talk when I was stoned or I was like on mushrooms, that's why. That's his it's like that's how I used to talk when I was stoned or I was like on mushrooms That's why that's his entire thing though. No, I guess Hey, what is the what is the the p-value thing that Greg always tries to spew? I saw haven't got a grasp of it. Is it something like there's a there's a reality where I could walk straight through that wall But well there is yeah, there is a good a probability theory Yes, everyone knows that if you walk into the wall that yes confirm You're gonna run into it, right?
Starting point is 01:36:48 But that said you never really know right 100% You can't know anything everything is just about predictive value. You don't know you don't you don't you don't you don't know Now you brought up the thing about the tree and like yeah All right We know that if you chop this big of a chunk into this side and take out the other side it's gonna fall that way You watch this thing happen and what's the likelihood that any what anyone is saying is right? It's like it's so unlikely that anything is correct that why we didn't waste time trying to figure it out Here's what I was tripping on. I know you make connections to things that most people don't make
Starting point is 01:37:27 And I was tripping on, I know you make connections to things that most people don't make. And so, oh, I was looking at it all wrong. I was looking at it like you make connections to things that other people don't make. And so I thought, oh shit, I projected my way of looking at the world. What connections is Hiller making? You're not making connections. What you're seeing is is that the Connections they're trying to sell us don't connect. Oh Shit, I fucking figured it out. Why I was I couldn't figure it out. I look at the world
Starting point is 01:37:54 Like I'm like, hey, I'm on the highway I'm on highway 10 and I'm five minutes away from San Francisco and you're like dude that's you're like that's impossible Highway 10 is down by Vegas in LA And I'm like, what are you talking about? Are we were you ten minutes? Yeah, I'm ten minutes I'm not saying I'll see you in ten minutes and I'll be ready to see you in 30, right? Well, it's like eight hours away. Yeah, I don't understand roads, but yeah I'll see you in eight hours and I know you're wrong.
Starting point is 01:38:25 So, so we're, we're seeing some, those of us are seeing something and piecing it together and you're like, Hey dude, that highway is nowhere near that city. Like you see what you see. Right. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I don't care if what's your face is using performance enhancing drugs or not.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Yeah. But I like watching everyone performance enhancing drugs or not. Yeah. But I like watching everyone lose their minds over it. Right. And I still don't think she's natural by the way. Miss Pinheiro. I have taken a side on that one. Yeah. I should make that clear.
Starting point is 01:38:58 It's a little different. I like her body. Why? Because you want yours to look like it? Probably. Yeah. I like her body. Yeah, I'm glad that you finally put a bow on that one. You like to figure things out. Yeah, I figured out. But I'm thinking, yeah, but I was stuck in my dogmatic ways. Alright. We should get Taylor on here and see what he thinks about it this present moment.
Starting point is 01:39:30 Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Justin, hold on. Is there an update on it? What did they find? Now listen. Justin, hold on. Hold on. Is there an update on it? What did they find? Now listen.
Starting point is 01:39:51 Oh, is it the Hawk Tooie girl? She's in the stands? What is that supposed to mean? Listen, this is... Oh, look at that. What's on his ear? Oh, back here? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Yeah, I don't know. It's a good question. You see something this sad. take a look what happened. Take a look. What happened? What are we looking at? Oh, shit. What are we looking at? Oh shit! So that's it in slow motion. I didn't see the bullet come in, but you see the hole appear.
Starting point is 01:40:41 You see that? I see it. I don't remember that finger being there on the live feed. Now, now, Kenneth is really starting to see it. Hey. Oh my goodness. Carolyn M. Hiller so bored with this. No, no, he's good. He's good. No, I'm good. He's good. He's good. So the way that hole Comes to be I see what this guy's doing But I've also seen that stupid angle thing reposted a thousand times He turned his head at the last second by the grace of God and it's like the way that that bullet hole appears in his ear Yeah, what does it hit it hits like his head doesn't it? Or like someone behind him in order for
Starting point is 01:41:28 that to make any sense. But but even but even I don't even believe that. I mean, I don't know. To be honest, I don't even know what I'm looking at. I mean, this is like, supposedly, yeah, like that hole. How? First of all, like I said about the pig earlier, that's not the way that that hole looks. of all like I said about the pig earlier. That's not Right like it should have shot off a piece of his ear not put a hole like so we can look directly at it It looks like he got shot by a 20-year-old BB gun or something
Starting point is 01:41:57 Man all right, let's see what the comments say oh Yeah, that ends it oh jeez yep that ends it. Oh jeez. Yep, that ends it. Fake video, his hat had the 4547 numbers on the side, he got shot. Oh, look at that. That guy already cracked the code on it. That's hard to fake.
Starting point is 01:42:32 This is a fake video. I have an app that puts faces on faces. Hey, dude, have you seen those masks you can buy now and just turn yourself into Kanye? No. It's like a stretchy mask The video is flipped Yeah, why would they flip it I don't even know what's I don't even know what's real Hey, dude, you must love it that Hulk Hogan's at the Republican National Convention. I didn't even know that, but I do love it. That must just seal the deal for you that it's like, didn you didn't someone be like I don't know if it's you
Starting point is 01:43:27 you're like dude WWE dude. I think I told you that. Yeah now and now Hogan's in. Someone took a straight razor to him in the pile of secret service agents or something. The dude on the mayhem podcast is like yeah I met Trump on Margo Island. the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 01:43:56 the the the the the the was on the Mayhem show the other day talking politics. I don't even know his name. Was he a bald guy? I don't know. I listened to it. Oh, I didn't even like watch it for a second. Hogan ripped his shirt off? Are you kidding me? Hogan really did rip his shirt off? And what's the name of that island that they go to? I don't think it's an island. Mar-a-Lago. That's it. Yeah. I think it's just a hotel. Mad Marv, my friend's dad was sitting in front of the guy, of the guy fire chief that died. Holy shit. Yeah. Wow. Did you take a picture like everyone
Starting point is 01:44:39 else and stand up? I know they kept saying that everyone hit the ground, but I didn't see any videos where anyone went to the ground Another thing that's weird is how little? Footages come out you would think that there were like 200 people filming with their phones or a thousand people right? You think a couple right a couple like 20 I feel like but not like I feel like there should be just gazillions. Oh Shit he was a marine that was gonna be honored by Trump who the dude that died Probably the friend Chris Giles, you know, you were right. Seve us Australians. Love the soap opera of American politics Yeah, I've been following kind of Australia following America.
Starting point is 01:45:27 It's pretty awesome. Keeping it real, he just started talking live. Trump. I'm gonna shut this garage door real quick. Give me two seconds. Okay. I'm gonna watch this video here. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:45:45 Oh shit, I don't wanna watch it on the Washington, oh AP. I'm getting destroyed by mosquitoes. No matter what obstacle comes our way, we will not break. We will not bend. We will not back down. And I will never stop fighting for you, your family, and our magnificent country. Never. And everything I have to give with all of the energy and fight in my heart and soul, I pledge to our nation tonight.
Starting point is 01:46:33 Thank you very much. I pledge that to our nation. I'm going to turn our nation around, and we're going to do it very quickly. Thank you. Thank you, Casey. This election should be about the issues facing our country and how to make America successful, safe, free, and great again. Nice camera shot.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Look at that one. That's cool. In an age when our politics too often divide us, now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. We are one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Hiller, would you not be watching this if we weren't here? Not a chance in hell.
Starting point is 01:47:21 And you're still not watching it. What are you doing over there? I'm trying to figure out what type of gun you shot with so I can go find that pig video I was talking about. Oh good, okay. And we must not criminalize dissent or demonize political disagreement, which is what's been happening in our country lately at a level that nobody has ever seen before. In that spirit, the Democrat Party should immediately stop weaponizing the justice system
Starting point is 01:47:55 and labeling their political opponent as an enemy of democracy. I just hear the comment section. Yeah, me too. Especially since that is not true. In fact, I am the one saving democracy for the people of our country. And very big news, as you probably just read, on Monday, a major ruling was handed down from a highly respected federal judge in Florida, Eileen Cannon, finding that the prosecutor
Starting point is 01:48:36 and the fake documents case against me were totally unconstitutional, and the entire case was thrown out of court. With all of that publicity thrown out of court. If Democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these partisan witch hunts, which I have been going through for approximately eight years. And they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed that is worthy of our people. We're going to win it anyway, but worthy of our people.
Starting point is 01:49:18 On this journey, I am deeply honored to be joined by my amazing wife, Melania. You think JD Vance has ever Googled nude pictures, Melania, and looked at Trump's wife naked? Who's JD Vance? That's the guy who's gonna be the vice president of the United States. Is that Trump's guy? Yeah, and that's his wife.
Starting point is 01:49:41 You ever Googled her name and hit nudes? I didn't even know her name. Oh. and and and and and and and and and
Starting point is 01:49:58 and and and and and I'll tell you, it was beautiful. How old is he? Fifty? Thirty years younger? Some very serious people said that we should take that letter and put it as part of the Republican platform.
Starting point is 01:50:18 That would be an honor, wouldn't it? Right, Mr. Congressman? But it captivated so many, so I also want to thank my entire family for being here. Don, Kimberly, Ivanka and Jared, Eric and Lara, Tiffany and Michael, Baron. We love our Baron. Oh, Donald, the junior twitched. I wonder if he doesn't like Baron. Oh, look at Baron. And of course, my 10 wonderful grandchildren, you saw a few of them up there on my lap before. Of course he did.
Starting point is 01:50:56 And how good was Dana? Was Dana good? You know, he was on Dana White, president of the UFC. He was near. He was at it about, maybe ever. He introduced him. Oh my God. He spent about 10 years with his wife, very far away. I won't tell you where, but very, very far away. That's a long way.
Starting point is 01:51:24 My people called and he said, yeah, I won't be able to do it very, very far away. That's a long way. My people called, and he said, Yeah, I won't be able to do it. This is many, many years. I promised my wife I can't do it. And they came in, they said Dana won't be able to do it because he was my first, second, and third choice. I said, well, you know, it's too bad, but I understand he's away, and it's good.
Starting point is 01:51:42 It's good for him. And that was it. About 30 minutes later, she came back in, sir, Dana just called, he's going to do it. And his wife, she said, you can't turn him down. You just can't do it. You have to go. That's a good wife. So he got on a plane, he got here a little while ago, now he's going to get on the plane
Starting point is 01:52:11 in a little while and he's going to go back home to his wife. But they're great and I just want to thank her and him and their whole family because that's not easy. And Kid Rock, same thing, called, he said. He said, I want to be a part of it. Kid Rock called. I want to be a part, because you know, Kid does his great song, big, big monster song. I had no idea.
Starting point is 01:52:34 He became a friend of mine over the last 10 years. And he's amazing. Everyone loves him. I didn't even know how big he was. You know, he has rallies, 35, 40,000 people he gets every time he goes out. Rallies. I think he's making so much money. He doesn't know what the hell to do with it.
Starting point is 01:52:50 You want to know? Yes. And then we have my other friend, and I've known him so long. And we took that song, and it was a big success. But we made that. I saw a chart of great songs to America. That was number one on the chart recently, number one. So that's Lee Greenwood, very special, beautiful person.
Starting point is 01:53:11 He's a beautiful man. But they all wanted to be here, they called. And how about the Hulkster? How good was he? Is he? Is Trump just free-balling now? Is he just like like is he just like yeah yeah yeah yeah that's president Camacho I don't know who the freaking Malinda president Camacho they may call that entertainment I know about
Starting point is 01:53:43 entertainment but yes you fuck when he used to lift a 350 pound man over his President Camacho. They may call that entertainment. I know about entertainment. Yes, you fucking do. When he used to lift a 350 pound man over his shoulders and then bench press him two rows into the audience. I say maybe entertainment, but he is one strong son of a gun. I will tell you, I watched it many times. There aren't a lot of entertainers that could do that, right? You were fantastic. thank you very much followed by Eric what was that all about boy that was good I didn't want to
Starting point is 01:54:13 really come up here but he was so great and he's such a good young man he went through a lot are you gonna go back and watch the whole thing no I'm gonna do that are you yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll watch you while we're here but yeah yeah Are you going to go back and watch the whole thing? No, I want to do that. Are you? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll watch it while we're here, but. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I want to see the whole thing. I haven't watched more than 10 minutes consecutive of anything political in my entire life. So this is a record.
Starting point is 01:54:38 Last night was incredible. They went through so much trouble. They got subpoenaed more than any people probably in the history of the United States. Every week they get another subpoena from the Democrats, crazy Nancy Pelosi, the whole thing just boom boom boom They've got to stop that because they're destroying our country. We have to work on making America great again, not on beating people. And we won. We beat them in all.
Starting point is 01:55:09 We beat them on the impeachments. We beat them on indictments. We beat them. But the time that you have to spend, the time that you have to spend, if they would devote their genius to helping our country, we'd have a much stronger and better country. And Jason, the biggest star in country music, Jason, thank you for being here.
Starting point is 01:55:42 You know who that is? Jason Aldean. Jason. Thank you very much. Jason Aldean. Jason. Thank you very much. Jason Aldean. He's good. I like his... You know who that is?
Starting point is 01:55:50 Yes. The country singer. Yeah, I don't know who that is. I like his wife even better, by the way. She's... Do you like country music? Yeah. Thank you, Jason.
Starting point is 01:56:00 But I'm thrilled to have a new friend and partner fighting by myself. I'm so glad to have you. I'm so glad to have you. I'm so glad to have you. I'm so glad to have you. I'm so glad to have you. I'm so glad to have you. I'm so glad to have you. I'm so glad to have you. Yeah. Thank you, Jason. But I'm thrilled to have a new friend and partner fighting by my side. The next vice president of the United States, the current senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance and his incredible wife, Usha.
Starting point is 01:56:19 Oh, Usha. Hey, what are the Olympics, dude? Aren't they this year? I stopped watching the Olympics when it went to... when they broke it up. What do you mean they broke it up? To the summer and the winter? Yeah. Does the Ukraine...
Starting point is 01:56:44 No, no, not even summer and winter. Not summer. Like, they used to do the summer go to the Olympics? Or no, no, not even, no, no, not summer and winter. Not summer, like, they used to do the summer and the winter in the same year, and then they broke it up. It's like every two years they alternate. Didn't you just mention a bunch of different countries who were all pissed off at each other? Yeah, maybe, yeah. Do they all go to the Olympics? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What? You're like, how the yeah. The what?
Starting point is 01:57:05 You're like, how the fuck can that be? We're supposed to be at war. They pick a neutral ground to do it on. Paris or some shit. I don't give a shit. If someone like fucks your wife, you're not gonna go and send your children to go play at Greg's house. Oh, I see what you're saying. You're saying that two countries are at war. Like Ukraine and Russia will both be at the Olympics But yet their people are killing each other. Yeah
Starting point is 01:57:31 and they're gonna go like throw javelins against one another and I thought that after I read a how long is this being how long has this been going on? What's this? Yeah, this you know this I Read a comment about China and like that old China doesn't want Trump to win. It's like Doesn't fucking matter are you kidding? And I tried to use my my Olympics thing as a as a point God I so think it matters. Yeah, and everybody does. Oh really? Everyone thinks it matters. I did do you think Haley Adams thought it mattered? Oh
Starting point is 01:58:24 More or less than others thing. She she I don't know probably not not as much some hey, dude I have here's the thing here's probably where I come from. I got a buddy who you couldn't be around him for more than One second without him bringing up something political, right? Something he said they came out of his mouth had to be politically charged And I thought that the further away you could get from that, the more calm you would be as a human. Oh, yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 01:58:52 The less on edge. Yeah. I like that. And it's just like, because there's some, there's some in the world of things that are out of your control. It's like, that's at the top of it. Then you're going to someone in here goes, do you even vote? I think it was 10.
Starting point is 01:59:03 It's like, yeah, sure. I vote based upon. And now you're in the media space do you even vote? I think it was 10 like yeah, sure I vote Based upon now you're in the media space. Maybe you do influence it now Maybe it isn't your control make everybody a little less anxious. That'd be sweet. Oh, yeah. Okay. I see what you're saying right, you can you can see the stuff and hear the stuff and What why can't there just be an index card with like their policies on it and then you vote on that? Like why do you why do you have to watch? Fucking the Bachelorette for five episodes every week in order to know what what's going on and who's gonna fuck the chick the end of the episode at the end of the season, right?
Starting point is 01:59:34 right, you don't I Really like today's video On the Instagram voting it's the yearly video I make yeah, it's so good So is it working Ben this is Hillary's way of trying to sound like a genius is it working hey Just the way I think I'm not trying to do anything who do you think is gonna win the games? I think I'm not trying to do anything. Who do you think is gonna win the games? But there's oh you do you're still on the Maderas bandwagon. Yeah, the Darius Man down so good
Starting point is 02:00:21 Should I take one out of the Brian friend playbook and say you just can't do say it until you've seen it And so so this year Jeff Adler's gonna win this is also correct Ben I am indeed not thinking at a deep level I'm dumbing it down because in order to think on a deep level I would have to be involved in all that which I'm not I don't think Sprague's a sleeper in top 10 I think Sprague's got a good chance at top 10 I'd say he's a lock in the top 20 and then he's got he's got a good shot at the top 10 He's a dude. He's putting on some muscle. Yeah He looks huge. He looks great
Starting point is 02:00:59 Okay, listen $3,000 tomorrow there is a problem with the workout About the problem yet? Yeah. HGR CBD. I don't even know if we're allowed to talk about it. Yeah. I think it's fine. Most people are asleep now. You can still watch it. It's a recorded show, dude. But by then, but by tomorrow morning, it won't like everyone's going to know the
Starting point is 02:01:22 problem when we go live tomorrow morning. Is that it's not a problem that is going to be fixed? I thought there were going to be Morning. It won't like everyone's gonna know the problem when we go live tomorrow morning There's not it's not a problem that is gonna be fixed. I thought there was gonna be a chance to fix it. I don't know And and if it isn't dude, let's just if it's what you think it's serious if he doesn't Fix it. Yeah You think it's a problem. You think it's a serious problem if he doesn't fix it and Yeah. You think it's a pro- you think it's a serious problem? If he doesn't fix it,
Starting point is 02:01:47 and what he's told all these other people? No, but they still would get to play by the original rules. Uh, Oh, I suppose it would become an issue for him then. Yeah, so, so okay. So I'm gonna tell you guys the problem. You guys ready? You're- oh, okay. I was trying to not say The workout needed a 25 yard pool
Starting point is 02:02:17 He might not be able to get a 25 yard pool yard pool and so it would be a 50 yard pool He might only be have access to a 50 yard pool 50 meter 50, 50 yard, whatever. I don't know. The way I read it was... It's three feet. Yeah. Yeah. So, so the problem is that he wouldn't, that if he has to do it in a 50, everyone else gets to do it in 25, they get to kick off the wall. Is that significant in swimming? Every 25 yards they would whatever yeah, I Don't think it'll be too big of an issue turns matter. I don't think it'll be an issue either god damn What? Robson back hey, she didn't put up a video since she had a baby No, who's that you Do you know who that is?
Starting point is 02:03:06 Sporty Beth. Oh, no, that's not Sporty Beth. That's Seema. That's Seema. Yeah. Oh, Sporty Beth. How long has it been since Sporty Beth put up a video? Months.
Starting point is 02:03:16 She's put up shorts, I believe. Yes, flip turns accelerate. But isn't there some loss? It couldn't there be some also some lost time? Yeah, you're flipping the other person's propellant. It's a wash maybe no no no And I think I misspoke Taylor was right about this on last week And we were talking about flip turns like if you watch anybody who's good at doing a flip turn You're like a third of the way down the pool before you even start swimming again,
Starting point is 02:03:48 just based on your power off the wall. Does that make sense or no? So imagine you're going down and back, you dive in, you do this dolphin kick, and then you're a third of the way into the pool, and then you swim to the wall, and then you flip turn and you're underwater with all that power and you get you get a pretty good boost off the wall. Yeah. But you don't think it's a wash while you're while you're fucking around doing the flip the other guy's
Starting point is 02:04:13 still swimming if he's in a 50-yard pool he's still swimming. Turns oh look it Ben says turn slow it down. If if you're not good at turning, here wait one second. You're gonna Google it? No, I'm gonna show you Michael Phelps. Oh, see you. See you, Savon. What? Oh, you're back. You used three for a second. Michael Phelps. Oh, wait, Ken said something that I think needs to be addressed. Where is it? Mr. Walter said something. I'm with Hiller. He hasn it? Mr. Walter said something. Where is it? I'm with Hiller. He hasn't said anything. Taylor spouts loud and clear, listen motherfuckers, you need to get the equipment we post. Oh no, don't worry about that. Listen, it's our show. We can break and do whatever we want. We're like, I'm surprised anyone's actually gotten paid.
Starting point is 02:05:01 I don't even know. Has anyone gotten a case of FID aid yet? I did. Oh, that's awesome. Okay So so what are we looking at here? Oh, they're doing backstroke here Look at these people flip off the wall ready boom look how far off they get off the wall that is not slower It's not it's not really the angle. I was looking for so the guy you're saying that the guy was ripping on you earlier, telling you that you don't think deeply is wrong? No. He says turn slow it down. You're saying turn speed it up. Yeah, now he's wrong. Earlier he was right.
Starting point is 02:05:38 Drake Webster, if you don't know how to turn properly, it would actually be worse to have to do turn swimmers. You gotta see the freestyle. Alright, here, let's see if they show you a good angle how fast they're going. So this true Drake has a good point it's negative for non-swimmers. Well no non-swimmer has a chance. Look at that guy go off the wall. Look how far out he gets. He's like to the yellow.
Starting point is 02:05:58 How long did it take him? So let's see that guy in the yellow. Oh I like what you're doing here. He's at 58, 59, 3 flat. So he's at 3 and he kicked off the wall at 303 so took him three seconds to get from there outside of the red to the wall. Now he kicks off at 303. Oh shit the timer got all fucked up. Why did the timer stop? I don't know that was weird. Oh maybe that's the split time. All right. Oh, there it goes at 303, but then Was it take him? I don't fucking know how long takes out there. Yeah, I'll use the YouTube timer
Starting point is 02:06:38 25 Anyway, there could be a huge advantage for certain people tomorrow. Hey dude, this swim race, it's all staged. I stole that from you. Either way, what? Either way, there's gonna be $3,000 on the line for some people. So anyway, it's gonna be interesting tomorrow. Have you ever done a flip turn? Yeah. So anyway, it's gonna be interesting tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Have you ever done a flip turn? Yeah. How'd it go? I mean, I'm not good at it, but I'm fucking just such a natural, I'm like a perfect mover. I move perfectly. You've seen me move, I'm just perfect. Everything I do is perfect.
Starting point is 02:07:18 My pushups are perfect, I just suck. When's the last time you used your rower? When were you here? You didn't used your rower? When were you here? Your rower then? I don't know probably six months. I bet you if I pulled it down the battery wouldn't even work You think I should do I should do a rowing workout. You uh, Your back's always messed up It's pretty good though right now. Hey, you want to hear something really crazy? So yesterday I needed to watch some videos
Starting point is 02:07:45 So I went in the garage and I hung from the bar and I did five Knees to elbows on the minute for 20 minutes your elbows to your knees or yeah, of course Or as you touch your knees your armpits like everyone else does. Oh, no. No, I'm sure I touched them to my knees or to my elbows I'm sure I touched them here. knees or to my elbows. I'm sure I touched him here. Yeah. All right. Okay. Okay Yeah, anyway, um, I Cannot fucking believe how why would my my triceps are so sore from knees to elbows and My lats my stomach's not sore at all. Let's make sense, but triceps. Yeah, isn't that crazy? I I would I tried different ways.
Starting point is 02:08:26 Like I tried being loose and hanging and kipping them. I tried all different ways, but my triceps are so fucking sore. And I don't know why, it's crazy. Huh. And then you know what I did today to prepare for the games? I would think you did something else that you're forgetting. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too.
Starting point is 02:08:44 Because earlier in the day I did something, I don't know what. today to prepare for the games. I would have made you do something else that you're forgetting. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. Because earlier in the day I did something I don't know what. I did like a thousand push-ups for the fuck of my triceps sore. Hey, you know what I did today too? Hiller, I put on a 30 pound weight vest and three pound wrist weights. You're getting ready for the games. Yeah, and I rode the assault bike for 30 minutes, just really slow. I only did like 260 calories on it in 30 minutes. I used to make fun of this guy for wearing a vest when he was on the bike
Starting point is 02:09:08 Yeah, I just did it just to feel weight. I mean it just makes you a sweaty mess. But anyway, oh you're so happy to take it off I There was this guy who was doing a work I was like that lifts and Assault bike put a vest on. That'd be fun in the first time. You should. It's like, oh yeah, your vest is really going to mess you up on those deadlifts. It's like, it does. And the bike.
Starting point is 02:09:36 Like, all right. I think I'm going to. One percent. You should go faster on the workout, you dummy. I get it in your purpose, by the way, because you want to feel the weight. I got you. Yeah, just yeah. I had two thoughts today. One, I want to do the 30 muscle-ups before I leave again and I think I want to shave like I want to do like sub 50. I want to shave at least two minutes off of it. Okay. I did 17 minutes. Took me four minutes to do the last rep so I want to I want to but
Starting point is 02:10:05 Here's this crazy idea. I have The media director at CrossFit Inc. Jen Hawke the Chiku has my job Yeah, when I fucking met her She doesn't more than you she she she's like how much do you deadlift and I said 295 and she said something like oh I did 285 for 10 the other day She's she's built I've seen that on her Instagram and so like I was thinking I would really like when I see her at the games To be like hey, I just so you know I did 286 for 10 I haven't deadlifted I did lift at 295 at Greg's house for one it fucking almost broke me in half
Starting point is 02:10:48 But I did do but I did do to 25 the other day for 15. It was pretty easy I mean, I was really warmed up, but it was pretty easy back on the peptides Get juiced up for it. Remember you did that last year leading to the games. You did a whole bunch of different peptides No, I've never done peptides. I do the open exactly You didn't tell everybody on the air where they could check either no that wasn't you That was the other guy. I just don't want to fuck my backup, but I need to be able to like I Need to be able to tell her I did Here for your job and I out deadlifted you
Starting point is 02:11:27 I'm here for your job and I out deadlifted you. Just go for 315, Seve. For 10? I haven't done three. I think that was my max. I did 315 once for reps in a park. That wouldn't be your max then. I don't think Seve understands the methodology. What's the last time you used your rower?
Starting point is 02:11:49 I don't know. I rode this all bike with a weight. When's the last time you worked out? When's the last time you worked out? Me? Yeah. 80 minutes ago. Oh, what did you do?
Starting point is 02:12:03 20 minutes on the rower. Oh, and that's it? Well, I was gonna do more but then your internet died. Oh, thank you. Hey, how come you didn't... I thought you were gonna do that hundred handstand push-ups. No. Chase said something about doing it and the reason I did the muscle up one is because it's my best movement and that would make the handstand push up my worst and I'm not just gonna put up a video of me struggling to do handstand push ups for 30 minutes. What do you think is too long to do that workout? Like if I was like, yeah, like if I told you, hey, I think I could I could do it in two hours I mean I haven't done the math yet would you be like hey that's stupid don't even try it I would wonder and I wonder if they put up a stimulus on there like how long they anticipated it going for yeah I
Starting point is 02:12:56 would imagine like five on the minute would be maybe like a 20 minute cap and yeah two hours would be too long. Too long. Yeah. How many handstand pushups can you do straight? I don't know. I haven't done one of those in... Can you do them? I haven't. I mean, when I...
Starting point is 02:13:13 You need to do them right now? A handstand pushup? Yeah, a straight one. One? Yeah. Yes, 100%. Okay. I was just making sure.
Starting point is 02:13:22 Yeah, 100%. I've been in trouble for asking less. No, 100%. Okay. I was just making sure. Yeah. 100%. I've been trouble for asking less. No, 100%. But the one the very day I very first when I the very first time I ever did handstand push ups, I did I did 10 strict unbroken. So what's your biggest number unbroken? Probably 10. First and last. Yeah. Last. You know what I mean? I mean, that was 34 when I did it, but I'm sure I could still do it I would do like a 20 minute amrap handstand push-ups. Are you why are you gonna do it? I don't know
Starting point is 02:13:54 Let's I'm curious what their scaling was on that now if Keeping it real does have a good point when you're when they die. They die. They die. They die Yeah, that's why I would have to like really I was thinking like I could do like one a minute I love this website did I ever tell you that I'm trying to get access to the games I don't love this website did you send I recommended to Chris the producer I sent him a DM saying he should like appeal to Chris Madigan. An appeal? Yeah like like he didn't get access and he should ask for access. I did not hear that from you nor did I have an appeal. Less experienced athletes should be doing as many as they can in 15 minutes. Okay. I said 20.
Starting point is 02:14:45 Wow. They write all that shit on there? Yeah, right. Very inclusive. Standing dumbbell shoulder presses. This is what I would have said. Not that part. No, I can do two. Um, not that part.
Starting point is 02:15:10 No, I can do two. I'm sure I'll, I can do three for sure. I can do three. Can you hold a freestanding handstand? Like if I w yeah, if I warmed up, like, like, you know what I mean? Like I can't just go in there and do it, but if you gave me like 15 minutes, I could do it. How long? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:15:24 12 seconds. The other I know that because the other day I did a 20 seconds. What? 20 seconds. No 12 seconds. Oh I don't think you can do that. You cannot hold a handstand for 12 seconds. Yeah the other day I did it. The other day I went in with my kids into the other day a decade ago. No no no like legitimately the other day like three weeks ago I was in, no. Like legitimately the other day, like three weeks ago, I was in the Jiu-Jitsu room with the boys and I said, okay, let's practice hand stands. And we started timing to see how long you could hold them.
Starting point is 02:15:51 And after 10 minutes, I could hold on for like, you know, after like 20 tries, I could hold on for 12 seconds. They timed it. I beat the kids. I'm an obvious probably pretty good at them. Yeah. He could do a press to handstand. So can Kotler's kid. Yeah. He handstand. So can Kotler's kid. Yeah, he can't do two like Kotler's kid. Dude, that was insane. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:12 I bet that most of the games athletes can't do press to handstands. Like from a V, you know, where you're sitting here like this. Avi, from here? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude. Yeah, crazy, right? He's born that way Who? Avi He's born what way?
Starting point is 02:16:32 He's just born he could do that No, he was not Hahahaha Check it out I'm telling you I'm telling you he was born that way That means that so are you. But I couldn't even do a clue.
Starting point is 02:16:48 I'm telling you, you too, right? Yeah, probably. Hey, his wife, my wife is a genetic freak. She is. She's jacked. Best I can do is, oh boy, best I can do is to say it's immediately after Ricky interview.
Starting point is 02:17:05 I don't know what you mean by that. They're going to check out my take on the assassination attempt. Oh, the we were talking about earlier? Yeah. Do you think January 6 was a riot? No. Good, me neither. 52,800. Oh let's talk about this. I know I thought you were. Hey I want to talk about this. How did skating go today? I fucking got there. Dude so I never
Starting point is 02:17:43 fuck up but listen to my week I took the kids to tennis this week I forgot one of the kids rackets I lost one of the kids tennis bag gone like 300 to 300 all lost I took them to skateboarding camp today I forgot their helmets I'm fucking I don't know what the fuck's going on um look at this um yeah this is so this is your Instagram account. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. Oh, look song.
Starting point is 02:18:24 Did you don't, you don't, uh, 33, 30, 31, 32. Oh look, song did you don't, you don't, uh, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 45. I don't know why this Spiegel one isn't on a picture ever supposed to be. How many 53. Who's this? Is this what's his name Bruno Wow his head looks skinnier it looks like Jared Grebiel there Oh Jared hears you say he's out of skinny head um you put you made 53 posts today what a fucking statement dude I tried to go through and like them all it's uh it's interesting to see which ones did really well and which ones did
Starting point is 02:19:15 not so the people aren't commenting those those last three don't have any comments well I'm imagining that they all pop up at once and if I wanted them to each do well, I would have spaced them out a bit, but I did want to see which ones did well on their own accord. And the ones that did, this one, Bailey Marteluky accepted the Colab. I invited everybody to collaborate on these. Shelby Neal accepted that. I thought I really like Shelby Neils. I really like her.
Starting point is 02:19:50 That too. Make it to the real event, like the games, you end up not doing as well. Is the games real? Yeah. Is the winner already picked? No. Oh. Priority for me with my job.
Starting point is 02:20:05 So if Justin wins, we know that you're somehow involved in picking of the games and you know, I can't reveal my actual takes so that's why I use the Instagram metrics be on semis and the games and that's where my Interest is is not the other competitions as much more. So the the main event I think that mental break is needed because I wonder if dave knows she's black I told him Oh good That one did crazy the pinero one did crazy and also luke
Starting point is 02:20:37 Which where's pinero? Down down down down. Hold on. I want to see how you can then I started kind of dabbling on my own at the college gym I was Hey What are you looking for? down, down, down, down. Hold on, I want to see how he can. And then I started kind of dabbling on my own at the college gym. I was like. Hattie, what are you looking for? Who's this? Is this Daniel Brandon? Georgia, Friar.
Starting point is 02:20:55 Daniel Brandon hasn't been on there yet, I don't think. Oh, oh, there's Pinheiro. This girl's body's nuts. So that was really cool to experience from a spectator standpoint and now to be able to do it as an athlete, yeah, can't lie. He's nuts That's not grace Walton No, this isn't grace Walton prior You're out of your fucking mind, dude. That's grace Walton
Starting point is 02:21:19 Yeah, that's grace Walton Did you fuck it up no, that's Georgia prior dude, I know grace wall when I see grace Walden That's not her and it's also her tone and everything is not grace Walden This chick's body is crazy. We need to take a detour All right, do you now see that it's not grace Walden? Yeah, this chicks fucking smoke and how did I not ever see her before? Is that grace Walton in the white back there? Yes Easy mistake easy mistake the other blonde chick from Australia. Oh
Starting point is 02:22:02 Look pooping dog from Australia. Oh look pooping dog. Yeah that's the look. She got a long torso. Okay, let's see Pinero. This one did leaps and bounds better than a lot of the other ones. Did you offer to collab with her? I can't, she blocked me. Oh shit. I also want to try it like Spiegel. Look at Logan. Oh these comments are brutal dude. Her son is 21 and that testosterone count is shit. These comments are brutal dude
Starting point is 02:22:49 It has 203 likes my god Brutal There's nothing wrong with it. I thought she interviewed crazy well behind a computer screen, everyone is so brave. Yeah, dude, Pinierro's got some balls on her and that's not meant to be taken that way. She walked up to me at the games last year and she's like, so you don't think I'm natural? I'm like, no, I don't. And she was why I passed my drug test.
Starting point is 02:23:18 I go, yeah, that's great. I still don't think you're natural. I have Hillers. I still don't think you're natural. Uh I have Hiller's uh cock in a jar at my house. What does that mean? Oh, she's talking about when Hiller said he would cut his dick off if
Starting point is 02:23:40 she was clean. Well, she got tested a lot of times and she is clean. She wouldn't herself to ask. Yeah this is all true. He could barely answer her. That's not true. I want to see that video. I've responded with... I know it's out there so I gotta make sure I say exactly what I said. It's all in lines of what I just told you. It's out there. So I gotta make sure I say exactly what I said full on lines, but I just told you It's on the internet I think it's on tik-tok she came up with the videographer I think it's that dude right there He had a camera
Starting point is 02:24:16 And I go yeah you passed the drug test that's great Is she a doctor biologist oh Damn I Wonder how she's gonna process all that how she processes all that like does that fuck the games up for her or does she give a shit? I can't confirm or deny anything on that at the moment. Well, Grace Walton looks like Brooke Shields right there. No, that's Georgia Pryor. Oh, you got them all confused? Nastic stuff that you see in CrossFit all pretty new to you. Yeah, I had never done. I think when I started in 2020. Oh, has she been hitting the bomb? I think she's just chill and Australian. Oh, I need to have Caroline Stanley on
Starting point is 02:25:15 She's cool I guess a lot of my top finishes are like running events as far as if we look at the games last year Semis this year and that's or another And then of course, I love like- She's a southern girl. She's a southern girl. Kind of sounds like the Hawk-Tubi girl. I keep thinking she's a foreigner. Who's this?
Starting point is 02:25:36 Raider? Oh, Glock. Claudia Glock. Raider and Glock I get. Oh my God. Look how awesome Guck's hair is. Do you understand what it meant? Like I just did another kind of quarterfinals in my gym.
Starting point is 02:25:50 My coach told me I had to do it and I didn't really know. Is she the same thing Laura Horvat is? Hungarian. Is that what she is? I don't know, but I thought it was Raider as well. So Raiders from South America, I believe. No, Africa. I Get those confused too
Starting point is 02:26:14 This is an Olakai. Yep. Here's the dude Ricky's house just then. Oh There's one of my favorites, oh this is Ricky's body, right He looks it's a good picture in it Yeah, he looks like He looks like a kalipa there. Yeah, huge triceps God fucking Alexis wrapped this is cool. Is this cool gray shaver? Yeah Are you sent to the collab on it. Nice. Hey, the Spiegel one is doing really well too. Where's that one?
Starting point is 02:26:50 Down, down, down here or there? Down at the bottom? Yeah. It's one of the first ones? On the, on the left. Yeah. Is the owner accept the collab? No, but that was a really good one too.
Starting point is 02:27:04 Good clip. Yeah, listen, listen. I was gonna say you, is this is this Spiegel? Yeah, 1200. Yeah. Jesus that photo is crazy. She needs to go spend time with Bergeron as her coach. I hope that's sarcastic. Or she could train her weakness and adjust her diet if you're supposed to be a pro athlete going to the superstore or soup. that's sarcastic. Uh or she be a pro athlete going to she's talking about how sh running and like Dave ask
Starting point is 02:27:37 right? He goes, I know yo with uh spiegel. It's pre I thought I thought you w running I had to ask did you watch the interview with us people it's pretty good yeah I made that whole thing with Bryce and I definitely think that she was just fucked by Bryce dude no anyone would be crazy to go on his show yeah that to tell you the truth that video you did with her is so fucking, and her and Bryce is so crazy, it kinda fucking scrambled my brain. It made me think that I can't believe anything that comes out of, I don't know, I don't want to be an asshole to her, but it was just, there was just so many contradictions.
Starting point is 02:28:22 There were things like I couldn't, I guess I had to be comfortable not knowing like I couldn't believe all the contradictions any Danny Spiegel is dating Alex Smith all right no you don't know that I think that dudes got a dude I know but you don't know that I'm more confident that Trump was shot in the ear than I am Danny's not dating Alex Smith In my hierarchy of I don't want your hierarchy I prefer mine at the moment But that's what I thought after watching this Beagle Dave video it's like wow Bryce really did her dirty Yeah, he doesn't give you an opportunity to But that's what I thought after watching this Beagle Dave video. It's like wow Bryce really did her dirty. Yeah
Starting point is 02:29:08 He doesn't even give you an opportunity to uh, I Have a conscious thought It's also I plugged into his phrases and shit That's how I feel. That's there's some other podcasters. I feel that about I Wish you would say them. I don't know if I want to see that. That thing I just said right there. I don't think Bryce would ever say that. Tell me what you mean by that. Yeah. Oh, like if I hit follow up. Yeah, he doesn't do follow up questions. No. No. Dave's been doing follow up questions. I'm pretty impressed. Yeah, he doesn't let go. I wish you would have asked Pinheiro about drug testing.
Starting point is 02:29:45 That would have really been cool. Wow. Hey, does it piss you off that Hiller keeps accusing you of being on the juice? Holy shit. But he doesn't care about views. That's what he would do if he cared about getting views. TDC plan is working. You know CF Media sucks and Hiller gets eyes on his.
Starting point is 02:30:01 So Andrew's doing the work for TDC and TDC and CFHQ getting it for free. Yeah. Hey, I really appreciate you coming on today and saving the show. I didn't save shit. I think I think he'll be had it. I owe you one. Um, okay. I'll see you tomorrow at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. You'll be here for this for the swim debacle Right three thousand dollars It's gonna be 3500 pretty soon. You're gonna be able to buy a new Sony camera with that amount of money. Oh
Starting point is 02:30:36 Yeah, just like started over at 500 and keep the money myself No, whoever ends up trying to beat them. Oh, they can be their own media team with that amount of money. They can. They can get a nice camera. Someone told me the other day they were looking to get a camera and I actually had a phone they had. I really wanted to start doing stuff, but I don't know what camera to get and I'm like, you don't need one.
Starting point is 02:31:03 Fuck out of here with what camera do you need? Just use your iPhone. Yeah, get a good iPhone and get the, uh, uh, what's her name inspired me? Uh, reintroduce me to that idea. Um, Fusilet. Just an iPhone. It's all been on an old iPad, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:16 Old iPad and CapCut. She shoots it on her phone and then fucking transfers it over to her iPad. And did I ever tell you when I first started I had the bunker barrel Costco iMac like the one that's like a unit the biggest 127 inch like iMac with like eight gigs of RAM on it and 120 gigabytes of storage and I downloaded the free final cut and I used that for maybe the first six months of videos I made that must have been so slow god that must have been so slow and you got me my first upgraded computer Maybe oh, maybe like nine months in actually it was a while. I used that thing after we hung out in Huntington Beach
Starting point is 02:31:59 Yeah, that was it right The I got the baby blue iMac but but but Yeah, that was it. Right. I got the baby blue iMac. But, so Final Cut has a three month free trial period that I recommend anybody use if you wanna make videos. And what I would do is I would format the computer because when you format it, you can get a new free trial. So I got three free trials of Final Cut before you bought me Final Cut on the
Starting point is 02:32:26 computer you got me. Oh, that's awesome. And then you sold that computer quickly and got a better one. And now you got this one. Does Seba know the price of one live broadcast camera and its lens? I asked ESP, this is 15 years ago. I asked a guy The NFL guys They actually travel with their camera and their lens so they have a camera and a lens Assigned to them and they traveled, you know
Starting point is 02:32:54 They filmed Sunday night fucking Monday night Then they travel to fucking wherever to the next game on Thursday or on Sunday or the next Monday and those guys travel all over the country during the season and like 15 years ago I was talking one of those guys and he had the case with all his shit in it It's huge, right and he told me the lens on the NFL camera was 200. Yeah, that's what I heard 200 200 bucks. No 200,000 just for the lens That's what I heard. That's funny you say that. So I'm guessing now it's, I mean, camera equipment's weird.
Starting point is 02:33:28 Sometimes it gets cheaper, sometimes it gets more expensive. So who knows, maybe it's a hundred now or maybe, but yeah. There was a video on YouTube where it's like, it's one of those cameras and it shows you the focal length that it can get up to and still keeping it in 4k and it's like a super zoom lens It was crazy the ones the guys in the nfl use I think it's yeah some way that yeah, those shooters are absolutely fucking amazing. The shit that they do is is
Starting point is 02:33:58 The fact that they track the ball and track the guys the way they do is nuts The n do is nuts. The NFL is nuts. All right guys, thank you. Hillary, thank you. See you guys tomorrow at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Talk to you guys later, buh-bye.

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