The Sevan Podcast - Haley Adams - What's Next?

Episode Date: September 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:04 Good morning. Sabir and Kelly, good morning. Good morning, Savon. Good morning. Good morning, Coach Ken. Good morning, Rambler. Good morning, Jessica Valenzuela. Good morning, Blink.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Good morning, Heidi. Hey, Shindle Decker. Yo, what's up, dude? This morning we got Haley Adams coming on, which I'm pretty stoked on Very stoked More than stoked Excited Looking forward to it
Starting point is 00:01:40 I wonder if she's competing this year What's she doing? What has she been doing? What happened? How's her dog? Oh, there she is. Can you hear me? Yeah. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Hey, what's up? How are you? Great. You know, just had a big breakfast and played with my dog for a little bit. And yeah. How is the dog? Oh, he's very crazy. Actually, his breed is just so energetic. And yeah, he's a handful, but he's been really good for me. So do you have help taking care of him, Haley?
Starting point is 00:02:24 When I'm in Tennessee, I don't. It's just me. But like when I'm here in North Carolina and I have like my mom and my friends and stuff then yeah are you are when you're in Tennessee and he's there are you like obsessive about it or does he come with you to the gym um no just because he's like he loves people so much that he just wants to see everyone and just gets so excited so it's just easier to keep him at home but um sometimes i bring him to the gym here because there's like not as much going on but yeah he's crazy and when you say gym here where's that uh in lexington north carolina and that's home that's where mom and dad are yeah and um what is that a What is that? Like a dog? An Australian Shepherd.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Are those the ones that nip at your heel? Like it's like they're hurting dogs like they kind of nip at you. Yeah, he did that when he was a puppy. Like if we were outside playing on the fence and someone would kind of run off, he'd like run and nip at their heels. But he doesn't do that anymore. He's not he's not a working dog anymore. No, he's a well-fed dog that likes to play fetch are are you um are you obsessed with him like if you're working out are you like oh shit i gotta get home and take him out or he needs to potty or like are you always like yes every time i leave him i feel so bad because i'm
Starting point is 00:03:41 like he just waits for me to come home because he's kind of like super attached yeah so I just feel bad but I try not to leave him for super long but that was actually a loaded question I was deciding whether you're going to be a mom or not and then you're going to be a mom that's because that's the way my wife was for 10 years with our dog and can you tell by the way he walks around the room like yep he's got to go pee or oh he's got to go poo or like you tell by the way he walks around the room? Like, yep, he's got to go pee or he's got to go poo or like the eye for that. He kind of like makes a noise like a bark that's different when he has to go out or he'll go stand by the door. So we got that down pat. Is he is he past the chewing stage? He's past, I guess, chewing things up, but only if he has his chew toys.
Starting point is 00:04:25 So if he doesn't have his chew toys, then he will go grab something. But for the most part, yes. Lost anything crazy yet? Come home and your best pair of shoes are toast or a whole cushion on the couch is missing? You're like, what the? Nothing on the couch yet. I've definitely lost some shoes. I think that's about it oh one time he chewed up a
Starting point is 00:04:47 phone charger and i was really scared because of if he ate some of it but thankfully he didn't um he also chewed up my tv remote all the remotes don't are the buttons don't work um but yeah that's it another good another sign that you're gonna end up being a mom like if my dog chews my uh charger he gets a spanking i'm pissed that i got it but you are worried about the dog yeah i was just worried about him i don't think he's supposed to be like swallowing that stuff you don't spank him do you not really very rarely it didn't really i wasn't sure what to do when he was a puppy like if i was supposed to spank him and the few times that i popped him it didn't really do anything so he listens better when i like raise my voice a little bit god you're a good dude i have three animals so um i know you uh uh specifically through watching you do crossfit crazy shit and specifically like i the events i've
Starting point is 00:05:51 loved watching you do are like uh running events like that uh especially those kind of shorter ones like that um i don't remember the event but the event where you guys would run and then you would have a minute or whatever to put put that 185 pounds or 225 pounds over your head and when we got to see you run across the field you just it was it was like ballet it was so cool and people have learned to love you for it because people love sports and people love watching their their they love good movers they love beautiful people and they love winners. It's been like that forever. You kind of check a lot of those boxes, and young, and new, and getting better.
Starting point is 00:06:34 They get to take the whole journey with you. You did the 2022 CrossFit Games, which arguably one of the hardest events an athlete could do that year in any discipline and then you took 2023 off and what a crazy year well yeah okay before we get to you what a crazy year you mal tia i'm probably forgetting someone um yeah i don't remember either definitely quite a few people were. What a wild year. Before we get to the sensitive stuff, let's ask some really insensitive things, as I'm known for. Was the party like, maybe I should just suck it up and be like, yo, Mal and Tia gone?
Starting point is 00:07:19 Oh, no. Well, I mean, my decision was made way before theirs. Gotcha. Like earlier in the year. How about a comeback when you saw Mal wasn't there? No, absolutely not. I'll just take four Xanax and just get back in the game. I'm just going to take a bunch of drugs and numb the pain.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I'm going to start drinking. I was so satisfied in my life at that point that I had absolutely no desire to be like I want to go do that now and also like that's anyone else is not my sole purpose for doing this so what's not your sole purpose for doing this like if someone else isn't there to go win I feel like that would defeat the whole point of taking a year off like for myself you know if I'm going to do it because someone else isn't there you know um did you watch the games this year not really i it was playing at a gym in california that i was at um so we were watching the last day but other than that i didn't really watch it no all right uh don't get weird dude i can't help it uh geez savvy you're lucky she's a
Starting point is 00:08:28 good sport i know everyone everyone comes on the show is a good sport hayley adams is especially a good sport are you um are you training for the 2024 crossfit games i don't? I don't know. You don't know. You don't know or you don't want to say yet? Just put me on the spot. That's why I brought you here, Haley. I know. Put you on the spot.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I know. Well, I guess we'll have to see. I we will have to see it's exciting um um people want people want you to compete and i think for there's this weird thing going on right like people obviously people, obviously, um, everyone wants everyone to be healthy and happy and enjoy life. But then on the other hand, people like you for what you do, right? Like people like, um, Adele, because she got a great voice and cause she sings well. And some people will be like, well, on one hand, you know, for yourself, you have to be like, Hey, I'm more than that. But on the other hand,
Starting point is 00:09:42 it's nice that people love you or appreciate you for your athletic ability. I feel like people try to poo-poo that. Like, it's just like all about who you are and people should like me for who I am. No, actually, it's nice having a friend who's crazy, athletic, beautiful. Or it's nice having a friend who's rich. There's other qualities. It doesn't make you a bad person because you like someone because they're rich as fuck. I don't think because they can dunk a ball like if Michael Jordan was a dick and you like them still,
Starting point is 00:10:13 I think that's fine. He was a great basketball player, right? I mean, I try to be a good person. You are you are I didn't mean you were a dick. Athletic. Yeah. But I try to have good qualities as a person on and off the field um so yeah I just try to carry that or I don't know I mean I think people like me for who I am but something that I definitely struggle with was feeling that was the only reason why someone wanted to be my friend or would want to date me or whatever was because of what I did but I think I've proved myself wrong especially this year when I got so much praise for like or like just shown so much love for taking the year off I was like
Starting point is 00:10:55 oh wait people actually like me for me too you know for both yeah do you i mean but it makes sense to you why people would be attracted to you for these other reasons it does yeah because of your hard work your performance you're on there you're on their phones you're on their tv i mean that makes sense right yeah i mean i'm not naive to that and i've also i'll gladly take ownership for how hard I've worked and the things I've accomplished. But I also don't want it to just be everything about me, you know? Or maybe there's like circles, right? There's, and it goes the other way too. There's probably people who don't like you, but if they got to know you, they would love you, right?
Starting point is 00:11:40 There's people from far away like, fuck her, she's a bitch. But you know for sure if you were in an elevator, stuck in an elevator with them, they'd be like, oh my God, Haley's cool as shit. What was I thinking? It goes both ways. Oh, absolutely. There's lots of that. Lots and lots and lots of that.
Starting point is 00:11:53 But yeah, I'm like, if people don't know me, then they can't really. I mean, I guess they can't hate on me. But if you don't know me, then you don't really know me. Can you, how old are you now 22 22 so when you you when you made the decision to take the 22 great i was wondering if i had a pair of nanos older than that um when you decided to take the year off. You were 21. It was early this year. So I just turned 22 because my birthday is in December.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And do you think it's a correct characterization that you took the year off? You decided to take the year off? Like that I decided for myself? Yeah, like that it was a decision. Like you open the fridge and there's cantaloupe and watermelon. You're like going with cantaloupe and you made that decision. It was you who made the decision. Okay. A hundred percent me. I was the one that had the idea, even brought it up to the people around me. It was a hundred percent my idea.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And can you tell me the build-up to that um idea you you made the decision in it was like in january january yeah okay um i just was the whole off season i mean that whole entire year basically even lean up to the games I was just so unhappy and quite honestly miserable I was punished myself in the gym I wasn't enjoying it and I know it's not enjoyable all the time I'm not dumb but it was just like to a different level that I hadn't experienced before like it felt like so much of a chore and just like getting out of bed and knowing that I had to do it was just weighing me down so much and then in the offseason, it just got worse because in my head, I played so badly at the games that I had to somehow crush myself
Starting point is 00:13:51 and get better at the things that I was bad at. And it just was like a full circle, and I kept just breaking down all the time, and I just felt so burnt out. Like going to the gym was just – it was not good. My body was hurting so badly. And then in December, around my birthday, I had a really big breakdown. And I was like, I just don't know how I can keep going like this. Like it just, this is the worst it's ever been. I feel so burnt out. Like how am I supposed to do better than next year when I can't even, I don't even want to be in the gym.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And like my mental health wasn't good. So I just battled with that for a few weeks, and I was just like, why can't you just suck it up, or just, you know, have motivation, or be better, like, I just was fighting myself in the opposite way, so that was not helping, and then literally one day, I just woke up, and I was like, I could just take the year off and like once I like thought of that it almost felt like I was relieved of pressure immediately um obviously I decided but just knowing that I had that option even before you took the year off just knowing you had the option took a little pressure off like like when you get when you have to go to the bathroom really bad and you finally pull up in the driveway you're like oh I'm gonna make it but the thought of like having
Starting point is 00:15:04 to go compete and somehow prove myself again or try to like get a certain position or whatever felt crippling like I was like I don't know how I'm gonna do that like last year I was miserable um and I was even more miserable at this point so just having that option gave me hope and honestly I was like it will probably help me and add on years to my career because I've been going at this for so long. You are competing this year. Did you just say that? No, I didn't say that. All right. I'm just saying it physically and mentally would add on years to my career because a ton of people got 2020 off.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I did not and some of the people that aren't are were there aren't competing anymore or had a year off during that time so I was like I mean I've been going non-stop for a long time with no break it's like it's honestly okay to just take a little break and maybe prolong my career help my body heal in my mind and yeah um you you said that you would have trouble getting up like in the morning to like go go to the gym and train once you started training did that go away no I had multiple breakdowns like I just every piece I did was just a struggle to get through. Like it was, it was such a dark time and I don't even know what I would tell myself now to get through it, but it was just hard to get anything done because I was just so mentally out of it that,
Starting point is 00:16:38 and I was fighting myself too. Like, why can't you just do this? Or, you know, someone else is getting better than you. So it was just constantly nonstop in my head. do this or you know someone else is getting better than you so it was just constantly non-stop in my head uh judy reed uh chimes in here uh emma carrie took a year off from uh with her injury and she came back strong this year yeah so i mean when when i saw you take the year off i started thinking to myself well i didn't think of the physical, the physical part, but I just thought, yeah, I think that every healthy person, um, between the age of 18 and 25 should have some sort of identity crisis and spiritual breakdown. I know I did. And basically I just took off. I just, I just hit the road. I just, I just let myself become homeless for two years and just soul search and just read books because, because for me, it wasn't that I was, you're
Starting point is 00:17:30 saying all you did was games. But for me, I went to school from kindergarten to high school and then to college. And then finally one day you're like, what the fuck am I doing? Right. Yeah. And for me, it kind of got so, I don't want to say so so dark but i was wanting to give up on life like i wasn't quote unquote suicidal like i wanted to kill myself but kind of i was done yeah it's like what do you have to live for like you have nothing yeah it was like yeah like this is everything like what do i have now yeah like i wanted to surrender is that how it was kind of for you you're ready just to surrender like hey if i get struck by lightning so be it yeah it's not funny but like it just i felt so hopeless that this was all i had and that
Starting point is 00:18:17 people would only like me or only liked me because i did crossfair like my family wouldn't care about me or like just made up all the stuff in my head. Because this has been my life. I have known nothing else. I've done nothing else. I didn't have a life outside of this. Nothing. In my head, I'm like, I don't even know who I am outside of this.
Starting point is 00:18:38 What do I do? It's interesting you say that. When I watched your interview with Bryce Smith and I'm like, wow, Haley's quite talkative in that relative to when I interviewed her. And I think the reason why you just nailed it, you have something to talk about now. Yeah. You went on a journey, like internal journey, outside journey. You went on a, on a intense internal journey, outside journey. You went on an intense journey.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Yeah, it was very intense. And it was the farthest thing from easy, especially at the beginning. But I feel like I know who I am now and my values. And I have a life now, which is really cool. And yeah, it's been a really interesting year to say the least but i'm very proud of what i did this year and i'm excited for the future if i heard correctly this started also in 2021 you're training for the 2021 games you were already like oh you could see like something was not a hundred percent right because like i said from that year before I games trained from I don't even remember when it started but it went
Starting point is 00:19:51 all the way to the end of October which was way longer than it ever had been before and then here I gotta go again and turn around and get ready for the open way sooner than I had before so even from that and then on having all the pressure to try and get on a podium because I just had placed fourth, it really started to weigh on me where it's like, this isn't really fun anymore. It's more of like, I have to do this or you suck. You took fourth and then you took ninth in 2022. And that's what you're saying that at fourth and then 2021 i got fifth okay um and then this path or in 2022 i got ninth which was to me the worst thing in the world yeah yeah yeah um it's funny i never heard anyone for what it's worth ever think that you were doing anything besides um getting
Starting point is 00:20:44 better of course there's always that chatter, you know, every athlete, there's like Haley needs to be stronger. Laura needs to be better at her handstand pushup. So-and-so needs to learn how to run. I mean, there's all these things, but what say it again? Always something. Yeah. But, but I think that everyone from the outside, I never saw your stock Wayne from the the outside which is it but but that
Starting point is 00:21:09 doesn't matter if you're having that internal talk on the inside so how did it um as you approach that february so february had the open started when yet, when you decided you weren't going to do the season? No, I decided late in January. I was at Disney World in the open. Oh, okay. I think I remember seeing pictures of that. Yeah. Okay. So when you, as you're building up to that, not, not doing it, why say anything? Why not just not do it? Why make a post about it? Because I battled for a bit going back and forth whether I wanted to share or not.
Starting point is 00:22:00 But then I sat and thought about it for a while. And I was like, if I could just help one person get the courage to just take care of themselves or get help or just something and I just wanted to be the person that I really needed during a time like that um so that was kind of my main factor for wanting to share and it was very very hard to write that caption and just think of the right things to say but that was my motive for wanting to share in hopes that I could help another girl or someone. It's interesting when I don't know why, but when you said it the first way and it's the way you said in the Bryce thing, I was having trouble processing it. When you said, hey, if I could just help one person, when I hear that for some reason i i go to i don't know i just don't like that phrase for some reason but just like if i could just help one person for some reason that doesn't resonate with me but the way you
Starting point is 00:22:55 said it just now i i now i get it you get it you wanted to be the person that you would need in that moment exactly yeah yeah now i get it okay now i get sometimes it takes a special way that you said to me because i'm special you never know like who around you is hurting like if you just looked at me i just worked out all the time and you would never know that i was just like fighting internally so hard so you never know what someone's going through even if they have a smile on their face all the time or whatever. So if it just gave the courage of one person just to know that it's going to be okay or just give them hope, then that's what I wanted to do. And so you post that.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And at this point, has Mal pulled out yet? Oh, no. She has not? That was around the semifinals. Yeah, semifinals. Wow. Do you think you influenced her decision? I don't want to say I influenced her decision.
Starting point is 00:23:49 No, I think that definitely comes from within, especially how high up we are. And basically this was our life. So I don't think anyone could have influenced my decision. So I definitely think that was all her. But yeah. When you made the decision was it um cut and dry like i knew exactly what i wanted to do yeah like you knew or was it like well i think i guess was it really scary to pull out oh it was really scary i think i knew in my heart that's what i
Starting point is 00:24:22 wanted to do as soon as i started to think of it. But the struggle for me was telling people, like telling my family or Rich or Bijan or my agent. I think that was the next hardest thing for me to not sound like I was like, I'm 100% going to take the year off. But just mention it to them and see how they would react. Because, of course, I'm terrified of disappointing anyone. So I didn't want anyone to freak out. But no, once they all seemed okay and they were like, yeah, that could totally help or that definitely helps make my decision more permanent.
Starting point is 00:24:56 So, so physically not wanting to get up and go when you do go have breakdown, is it breakdown? Like you're just, you just start, you're after workouts, you're crying or you're running to the bathroom? The thing about me is I don't really cry. Like I've always been a let's try to save our tears for the pillow. So if I am crying, it's bad. And I was crying probably most every day. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Yeah. I don't cry much. And literally like there, just in the barn, you get off the assault bike and you start crying. Well, I stayed at home during that whole time from December to January just so I could be with my mom and my dad. And I just felt like I was staying with people here. It was nice to have company. I didn't want to be alone. So I was with with people here. It was nice to have company. I didn't want to be alone. I was with my family.
Starting point is 00:25:47 As you're starting to – these ideas are percolating. I'm guessing it built up about pulling out. Did you start running the idea by people? Did you have anyone to run it by? and rich and my agent stuff and once i felt like they were not gonna freak out or be like no that's a bad choice blah blah and that they actually just cared about me and how i'm doing make sure i'm okay then i was like wait i can i can do this you know did anyone say to hayley what the fuck suck it up fin do the game no no one said that anyone that actually cares about me or knows anything about me would know that that was the best thing for me to do because anyone that says something like that
Starting point is 00:26:34 obviously has no idea what's going on on the inside and they don't know my story they don't know anything about me so it's super easy to say that and say suck it up but if you don't actually know what's going on with someone then it's not cool to say that but but you it's not cool to say that but you did say it to yourself a little bit right you tried you you tried it on you tried it on yourself but if someone else like if my parents or anyone said
Starting point is 00:27:02 that to me i would have been crushed, like absolutely crushed. I probably would have tried to suck it up because the fear of disappointing someone else. But anyone, again, anyone that knows me and cares about me and that I even value their opinion would never say that because they know that's not the best thing for me. And what you said right there about pleasing other people that's also what and I don't I don't regret this at all I actually think it was healthy that is also the way my upbringing was I was brought up to
Starting point is 00:27:33 I wanted to please my parents and I think that that's normal and healthy but I also think that that's part of that 18 to 25 years old when you go through identity crisis you kind of make the break from your parents right you become an adult but I do you think it's okay that you went through that like do you think it was okay that you were in that state of mind but it but it's like the same way if you're a butterfly it's okay that you're a caterpillar at some point yeah absolutely I think
Starting point is 00:27:58 it's taught me so much um it's brought me to this point in my life now. And also I feel like if I ever start to feel like that again, I kind of have the tools to, you know, make sure it doesn't get so severe again or just, yeah, I just think that it's a lot of beautiful things have come from it. And I think I'm glad it happened. What, what tools did you go to a therapist? Yeah, I did do therapy for a bit um but also just like if i feel panicky or even in the gym if i'm feeling like i need to do like 1500 workouts
Starting point is 00:28:35 to feel better about myself like just being like no it's it's okay you don't have to do that so just like little thoughts that come that i feel like i know how to deal with better and control it because it doesn't just go away you know like i still deal with things on a daily basis that are like i need to not eat this or i need to go run 10 miles or this or that and i'm like actually no you don't it's okay so just learning how to deal with that stuff um the the thing with exercise is crazy because i think probably so many of us you like i'll totally do that i won't feel good and i'll just go straight to the garage that's like my go-to start sweating yeah i don't feel good start sweating and that's the thing that it was hard to explain to a lot of people of like everyone knows i did crazy volume it's not a secret
Starting point is 00:29:22 whatever but the thing that people didn't understand was like, that was my escape. Like as soon as I stopped working out, all of the thoughts come in. I'm like, you're not doing enough. Someone's getting better than you. Like, I'm not gonna be good enough. So I'm like, that was like my only safe place
Starting point is 00:29:38 was just constantly working out because I didn't have to think about anything. So that's why I seem so crazy to everyone I'm doing so many workouts but it was really just saving me at that point even though it was hurting me too but did someone say to you um uh hey here are some tools here's some like was it specific that someone was like hey here are some tools when you feel like hey when you're down on yourself for what you're eating or when you're yeah I mean i feel like just learning how to deal with those thoughts and how to process them and it's you know they're not always real like and i've also
Starting point is 00:30:17 thought like this for five years so it's not just going to go away but learning like where they can come from or what triggers it. And yeah. Is there anything practical you do? Like, okay, I'm feeling this way. I'm set my watch on my iPhone for one minute and I sit with my back to a wall or I sit with my legs up, you know, you know, my wife does this thing where she lays on her back and puts her like her butt on the wall and her feet up. And she sets a timer and she'll just start focusing on her breath. Do you have anything like specific you do? It sounds kind of silly, but since I've isolated myself so much the last few years and always just
Starting point is 00:30:52 wanting to be alone because I thought that's what was best. But when I start to feel kind of down or whatever, I just want to be around someone, whether that's my mom or a friend, I just don't want to be alone. So just being with someone else in their presence helps a ton. Interesting. And you say isolated. So what that would look like at Cookville is wake up,
Starting point is 00:31:14 go to the gym workout, and then just kind of go straight home. Yep. I never, like, really hung out with anyone. I never did, actually. I mean, the only people i saw over at the gym i would just sit on at home on sundays yeah i never really did anything which is really sad but yeah i learned that being around people has helped me a ton and is actually really good for me um during that uh so so in january when you decide okay i'm not i'm not gonna compete in
Starting point is 00:31:47 the 2023 season is there any like prolonged period where you actually do take time off from working out i mean like like yeah i as soon as i made that post i probably didn't work out for uh i would say at least a month like I did not work out at all. Really? Not even like – No, I was so done at that point. I was like, no, I don't want to work out at all. How was that?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Was that weird? No. At that point, I was so burnt out that I was just enjoying life. I went to Disney. enjoying life. Like I went to Disney, um, just waking up and feeling like I didn't have to go do something was very helpful to help heal my relationship with exercise. Um, but after that, I started to want to work out, um, just not CrossFit. So I would go to Planet Fitness with my mom. We'd go walk and, or I would run or something. And then I would do like all the bodybuilding machines. Um, but I took a hot minute from CrossFit. Like I would do like all the body loading machines.
Starting point is 00:32:48 But I took a hot minute from CrossFit. Like I did not want to do it at all. And that shit's fun. Planet Fitness is cool. Those places are fun. Like the giant Globo gym. Yeah. I love it.
Starting point is 00:32:58 People mind their own business. Like, yeah. You know? Yeah. And the place is huge. They got a huge bathroom it's very clean i still go three to four times a week in in north carolina in tennessee too in tennessee because i just loved it so much that i feel like it's actually helped strengthening muscles that i
Starting point is 00:33:23 haven't really used much before um i can tell the actually helped strengthening muscles that I haven't really used much before um I can tell the difference in the way that my body feels so when I started like training again I was like I still want to keep adding this in because I've never added it or incorporated it into my training before and I was like let's just see what happens like if I just do this what's the machine we're gonna someone's gonna steal a video of you on and be like holy shit look at Hayley Adams using the thigh master or what's the machine that you get on you're like god i hope no one sees me that one probably that one that's the one where like you push out and you're like right yeah yeah but like i'm saying like i don't really i don't know i just like the way that it's
Starting point is 00:34:03 made my body feel and i think it actually will help me and benefit me to get stronger and just keep my body more healthy. Yeah. Those, those, those, I mean, I haven't been to one of those places in years since I've had kids, but I used to love going to those places. Loved, loved, loved it. Yeah. When you go to those places do you get recognized are you able to pull your hat down over your face or i've gotten recognized a few times um but it was just like super nonchalant
Starting point is 00:34:36 like i think they just watch crossfit or something i'm not really sure if they did it or not but yeah usually i started to wear a hat sometimes after that because I was like I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or you know because I'm just trying to get my you know pump session too so in this in this post right here you also mentioned it says I've battled with an eating disorder and have struggled with my mental health ever since what is an eating disorder? There's multiple different kinds. And do I have one? There's multiple different kinds. It kind of depends, and it can look very different on each person.
Starting point is 00:35:15 But in my case, it was very restrictive eating. I was obsessed with weighing myself. I would not eat if I weighed over a certain amount. And a lot of other details that we don't have to go into. But it is a sensitive topic, so I don't want to, like, trigger anyone. But, yeah. Meaning what? If someone hears it, us talking about it, what would happen?
Starting point is 00:35:48 It's just a sensitive topic and i just want to be aware of other people's struggles that if someone else heard details of whatever i went through i just don't want to trigger someone else um by going into detail like i don't mind talking about it it's just more of going into detail of what mine look like sometimes it can be triggering so i want to keep it friendly for everyone okay yeah i i just i it's it's interesting i i don't know i don't i don't i don't know what no i don't know what healthy normal eating looks like for anyone like yeah i think there's a difference between like maybe like uh if there's some people that won't eat a certain food grid group and then there's people like what i was going through where it's like i physically just like would not eat if i was
Starting point is 00:36:37 you know weighed a certain amount or just whatever reason or didn't like the way i look like so there's just different ways that it can look like but yeah it's definitely not a fun thing to go through but so not eating a certain food group would be like okay like i don't eat like if my kids go if they eat ice cream i don't eat ice cream like if i go to a birthday party with my kids i won't eat the cake and ice cream well no i want i want to no that's not good like it's more i'm just like i'm not gonna eat ice cream because it's bad for me you know like that's just more of like just restricting a type of food but my i was more like i just don't want to get calories in you know just because you because you wanted your body to look a certain way yeah i mean in
Starting point is 00:37:20 my head i was like fat it's again hence the big t-shirts and just constantly trying to hide my body. Um, but yeah, I just, I couldn't get over the fact of like, I just wanted to be small and yeah. Sucks. What I want to propose this.
Starting point is 00:37:37 What if everyone is like that? Just for some people to take it to, to, to more extremes. Like I have clothes I wear with i wear that i don't like if you see me wearing if it's 85 degrees outside and you see me wearing a long sleeve jacket i'm hiding yeah yeah again you know it goes back to things like everyone's you know struggling with something that you don't know about so i wonder if there's anyone who's just like i i don't know they can just eat they just they're it's just it's just perfectly smooth for them i just can't imagine i can't imagine i cannot fucking imagine either i mean i'm a lot
Starting point is 00:38:18 better now but sometimes i look at like people that eat like for instance my brother he looks super normal when he eats like doesn't care like pick up something eat it I'm like how do you do that you know like how do you just eat that and then don't feel bad about yourself like how does that happen um in your um discipline uh which is to ask the body to perform at the highest level. Every feed eating's gotta be something for every single person. Right. I mean, it's like,
Starting point is 00:38:50 um, you put on an extra couple of pounds of, even if it's just muscle, it might fuck up something you're running or it might fuck up your pull-ups or it might fuck up your bench press or you can just fuck up anything. Right. So you're also in a, you kind of don't have a choice.'t have a choice could could anyone be a healthy could anyone have a healthy relationship with food
Starting point is 00:39:12 and be a crossfit athlete yeah i mean i don't want to say no but um i think i just started at a really young age counting macros and becoming so obsessive and restrictive that it just turned into something more severe than i think it should have been but i mean i i think it's totally possible to have a good relationship with food and be a cross athlete i just got started on the wrong foot and all of you you park your car in a lot that's just all Ferraris and Lamborghinis. There's no normal-looking people in any of the Mayhem videos. Even your coach, the coach Jake Lockhart, looks like a fucking god.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I mean, everyone's a Ferrari. Yeah. Right? And everything's relative. So you look around, and you're just like, dang, these are just like, everyone here is just perfect. And I think in our sport too, I think my body looked a little bit different than everyone else's. Like I wasn't as muscular or whatever. So I always got in my head about like, I didn't look as good as them. So maybe being smaller, being leaner would help. Um, but yeah, which is not true at all, but in my head,
Starting point is 00:40:23 But yeah, which is not true at all. But in my head, it always bothered me a little bit that I didn't look like them or wasn't as muscular. I know this wasn't what you were saying, but in relationship to that, you're also only, like you said, you're only 22. It hasn't even had time to to to happen right i mean it's like it is really true though as silly as it sounds in my day-to-day life i'm only five five in my day-to-day life i never feel like i'm small i feel like i'm big i'm strong i'm powerful i'm explosive i go out in public in my city and everyone's just a tub of shit and i'd like man i'm fucking amazing i went to the crossfit games i felt like like i wasn't like like someone let me out of the old folks home
Starting point is 00:41:15 it's like what the fuck is going on here i was tiny i was tiny i was just like i was like a toothpick amongst uh redwoods it was it was it was it was truly nuts no i remember like the crossover games community is like super jacked i was like half the skaters look fitter than me when i'm there yeah yeah it's like that yeah here and i'm like i just look like someone off the street they should be out here yeah that that that place and so basically when you're at when you're in the mayhem uh facility you're you're basically at the crossfit games all day i mean you have and we're all just mirrors of each other you are in a very like i said it's the parking lot of all the fanciest cars in the world
Starting point is 00:42:03 yeah so it's hard not to compare yourself a lot. Um, there, uh, what, what's the, did you, in this time off, were you able to, um, what, what types of fun things did you do? I'm avoiding asking you the question. I really want to ask you. Oh goodness. Uh, I took a lot of trips I went to Disney World twice I went to Canada those are two good places to feel good about yourself by the way I felt like a god at Disneyland
Starting point is 00:42:34 I don't know if you're a Disney hater I'm not I felt like a god there and also when I go to Canada I feel like a god I went to California twice but overall I Canada, I feel like a god. So that's good. Almost, I guess. I went to California twice. But overall, I was almost there for like a month, which I love California.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Is that where you live? Yeah. Do you like it? I do like it. I really like it. How's LA? I'm not a huge fan of LA. But I do like California.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Where in LA were you? We spent some time in West Hollywood Malibu oh Malibu's great yeah but I just I love LA like if I if I could I would just quite honestly pack up and move there why don't you I don't know I feel like I'm just meant to be on the east coast but I just feel like I would I love the know. I feel like I'm just meant to be on the East coast, but I just feel like I would, I love the vibe. I love the hustle. I love how everyone's just doing something. And I've always been in a small town my whole life. So just getting a taste of that, I was like, man, I would love to just live out here for like a few months. I don't want to Jade you, but something to tell you about LA. The problem with LA is the hustle is real and it's cool.
Starting point is 00:43:49 There is a truth problem there. Like people will just, so many fucking people lie there. They'll just tell you, I'm working on a movie with this person and this person and this person and I'm directing this. And you're like, you're not doing none of that. Did you come across any of that the posturing is insane no okay good i don't think i did good okay good yeah it took me years to figure it out too by the way i didn't know i didn't know at first you just believe them i just believed them and part of me doesn't care either. Cause I wasn't impressed or not impressed by it, but yeah, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:44:27 it is, it is a, it is a scene. It's a yeah, it's, it's almost better not to see it. So scratch that. Lots of trips.
Starting point is 00:44:36 My, I was in two of my best friend's weddings. Yeah. Just going to hang out with my friends and family more. And it's been a really, really great last year. I cannot complain. Heidi Krum, is she single? Are you single?
Starting point is 00:45:01 No comment. No comment. When you, when you, do you have a boyfriend no comment there there are some pictures of you that i have seen with a man that looks like he lives in california due to hisation. I don't know much about him but I but I he's he's a actor and he spends time in California. Is that why you were there? Could you tell me that? Well I was just in California to uh visit and work out. And where did you work out? and work out.
Starting point is 00:45:43 And where did you work out? Actually, do you know who Josh and Hayley Murillo are? I don't. Oh! Do they train actors and actresses? They do CrossFit. What's the name? Do they have a gym? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:59 They don't own a gym, but they go to CrossFit Horsepower. Did she just have a baby? That's so cute yeah i do know who they are yeah they're super great people so i was working out with them tell me their names again tell me their names again josh and hayley marillo she's been to semifinals uh she was on the west coast one for a while i just saw them this weekend at the norcal yeah yeah they're great people yeah they're super cool so i had a great time working out with them and yeah did are they the ones who introduced you to your boyfriend no because because they train actors and actresses for a living. That's what they do, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Okay. Interesting. Be sensitive, Seve. I'm going to get in so much trouble. Can't you tell she doesn't want to talk about it? Don't be an asshole. I wish I could see the comments. I'll read some to you.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Here we go. Greg C. Haley sounds amazing i believe her year off will be massive in her life with or without crossfit i would enjoy seeing her continue to compete she wows every competition you are really fun to watch move man you are an incredible mover thank you yeah yeah you're you're you're so cool um it is it is that you need to know that some people are really good, right? And some people are like whatever. But you're good and you're fun to watch. I feel that way about Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I just like watching him. You know what I mean? Josh Bridges, I just like watching him. This new guy, Jelly Hostie from Yellow Host. Have you seen this giant guy from Europe? Red-headed guy? I don't think so. It's just so fun watching him.
Starting point is 00:47:53 It's just like they got their own. Someone could watch his silhouette and be like, yeah, that's Hayley Adams. We know how you move. We get it. Yeah. Wad Zombie, CrossFit, Horsepower That's by Universal Studios Oh, did you go there?
Starting point is 00:48:08 To Universal? Yeah No You would like that I like Disney World Yeah, Disney World's cool It's all good It's all good
Starting point is 00:48:17 But you would like Universal Studios too It's cool I think you would Yeah I've been to Universal in Florida For Harry Potter World But I'm a Disney adult. I can't help it. Barry McCockner, does Haley – listen, what about social media?
Starting point is 00:48:40 What about like all the – what about you've grown up in a world where you're – like you grew up in a world – if I talked to 20 people in a day when I was your age, that was crazy. You're in a world where you interact in some level with tens of thousands, millions of people every single day. Do you have any idea what that impact might be on you or if you think about it or how to mitigate it? You don't seem like you're super active on instagram i don't do tiktok but on instagram you're not like crazy active yeah i feel like i definitely took a little bit of a break from social media this year um just because it can feel like a lot of pressure to constantly show your life and also i was like i don't act like everything's perfect you know like when it's not.
Starting point is 00:49:25 So I just took a little bit of a break. And then I was talking to the agent. He's like, why don't we just like get your Instagram back to like being you, you know, like not a ton of sponsored posts or like a workout photo all the time. Like, let's just like be you. So once I started to do that, it kind of became fun again to just post like random photos of what I'm doing or where I'm at. And yeah, I've been enjoying posting again and it's not like fake. It's authentic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:53 These are cool pictures. These are chill. Yeah. What about is there anyone's Instagram account you follow and you're like, yeah, okay. I liked I like how they do it. following you're like yeah okay i liked i like how they do it someone that i really like is um billy eilish because when i was like trying to figure out what i wanted to do with my instagram and i was like i don't have any photos or whatever and then i'm like well when you look at her instagram she doesn't have like any professional photos that's a girl billy eilish is a girl yeah how do you spell how do you spell that spell spell hi billy like
Starting point is 00:50:29 b-i-l-l-i-e but she uses all of her photos from her phone and like your phone is your best camera if you just want to post moments that you've had or just like photo dumps or whatever. You don't need a bunch of professional photos. This person has 110 million followers. It's one of my favorite singers, yeah. Oh, yeah. Look at just a picture of the top of someone's head. Yeah, she's one of my favorite singers.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And look, she's on steroids steroids Isn't that what that means? No What? Do you see that little needle? No Alright Okay Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:21 Oh look at grapes Damn those are some big ass grapes My goodness Yeah this is a cool Yeah this is a cool account I like it already Amazing Cool girl
Starting point is 00:51:43 How about anyone in the space I like it already. Amazing. Cool girl. How about anyone in the space? Anyone in the CrossFit space? Is there anyone's account you like? You're like, yeah, that's cool. I like how they do that. Hmm. I don't know, actually.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I don't know. I remember there was this post Daniel Brandon brandon may where she just she just walked she she walked into the shot she's wearing an oversized shirt a huge oversized shirt and then she just kind of like climbed up on her couch like to lower the blinds and then that was it that was the post yeah i like her instagram that's another one it's like just cool photos authentic from her phone. I like that vibe. Yeah. And it looks like she's, it looks like she's having,
Starting point is 00:52:28 when she does do stuff, that's like more involved. It looks like she's having fun. Like, yeah, it looks like she made it. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Actually she's probably one that I really like her Instagram. Yeah. She's like, she's getting off on it. She's like, she's like actually like a creative, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I really like that vibe. Yeah. I'm a, I'm a huge fan of her Instagram. Yeah, she's cool. G-Sevon, the damn couch post. I know, I talk about it all the time. I like it. Daniel Garrity, I hope I don't act as old as Sevon. Jake Felton, wow, okay. Sev sebon easily one of your best interviews here today tactful fun great work man we're all rooting for you hayley enough of this tactful
Starting point is 00:53:14 comments now um who's staying at your house um you you bought a home in cookville last time i talked to you you owned a house in cookville right yep who's taking care of that when you're um gallivanting around the world uh no one usually i mean i'll have like my neighbor get my packages or something but yeah it's usually just it's fun just sitting there i'll be back in a few weeks so yeah what's the longest you were out of Cookville? Probably two and a half months. And when you went back there, was it odd? Was there, like, a reentry period? Like, you were, like, you know, in the second grade when you stay home from school for two weeks because, like, you have mono or some shit or you have lice?
Starting point is 00:54:00 Did you ever have lice? I've never had lice. But, no no not really because that was that's my home that's my first home and i love it so much and i know i'm gonna be so sad when the day comes that like if i want to like build a forever home or whatever and i sell that house because i love it so much um your um friends um your new friends that you've made during this uh world the hayley adams world tour have you have you brought any of them to cookville yeah you have and what did they think were they tripping uh they liked it uh i think it's bigger than what they thought it
Starting point is 00:54:43 was going to be um i think cookbills uh gets a rap for being a small town which if they want to see a small town that's where i'm from um but no cook feels nice and yeah everyone that i brought there likes it so you brought some of your la friends there yeah you did uh-huh i like it when you laugh it's funny i feel like you're hiding something when you laugh yeah i'm like oh she's hiding she's hiding it's like my toxic trait is i nervous laugh like if someone's trying to like confront me about something or even something serious i start laughing and i'm like i promise i'm not trying to laugh it's not funny i just like can't help it yeah i understand it's like when my dad would threaten to slap us if we don't stop laughing at the dinner table and we keep laughing.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Yeah, it's bad. This whole journey, as you go through it, it's like a tattoo for tattoo for you right it's like now defining who you are you went through a pretty you went through uh you did a uh you did a journey it's almost it's almost like you lived a whole life and is it kind of like you're a new person do you feel like you've been reborn in any way yes i feel like i'm a whole different person. I have a different perspective on life, on training, friends, family, just everything. I feel way better, a thousand percent. Did you lose any people during this journey? No, just gained.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Yeah, that's awesome. Let me ask you a bigger question about coming back to the CrossFit Games. Do you see yourself someday being, trying to go to the CrossFit Games again? Someday in the future? Yeah. Okay, fair enough. You're a good dude, Hayley Adams.
Starting point is 00:56:42 But you couldn't, could you ever do do it for could it ever be for fun and i by fun i mean only fun or is that just impossible like so here's the thing is like the thing about me is whatever i do i'm gonna work the hardest that i can and that's just never gonna change about me so whether i'm trying to compete or not i'm always going to work as hard as i can in everything but i think what the change for me would be is like, once I leave the gym, it's like turned off. Like I'm not talking about it. I'm going to go spend time with my friends, family, whatever. I mean, obviously like make sure I'm sleeping, eating correctly, but like let go of it. Whereas like before my thoughts just constantly consumed me.
Starting point is 00:57:27 And I didn't go anywhere or do anything with with anyone so i think that would be the biggest change for me this year would be to turn it off once i leave the gym if you if you had a when you have relationships with people let's say a boys for example do you meet them through your dms or do you meet them in person like do they walk up to you in walmart or like at uh chick-fil-a and they're like hey hayley what's up hi i mean i feel like in today's world it's like definitely on social media so someone would dm you and be like hey how are you doing what are you doing you want to go get a fountain drink or something yeah well maybe not that i feel like you just talk for a little bit on social media back and forth dig through their posts make sure like they don't electrocute dogs that they're yeah yeah make sure they're they're a good person maybe um find some mutual
Starting point is 00:58:16 friends yeah and then and then you meet in person in a public place yeah that's what i mean dating stuff there's online stuff it's scary you know like all these shows that all these horror stories of people online dating and they get killed scary you gotta be it's a very public place yeah disney world i would go all the time so yeah you love it that much what do you do there i'm going i'm going next week what and what do you do there what do you do there i What do you do there? I don't know. I just love going. It makes me happy. I think it makes my inner child happy too. But yeah, I'm going to work out in the mornings and then go hit the parks later and just have a good old time. Will you buy anything that you shouldn't buy there?
Starting point is 00:59:21 Will you buy one of those things that's like $60 and it makes bubbles and it's only like it's like three dollars in plastic or will you buy a seven dollar pair of ears or that's how i bought like a hundred something dollar droid oh i saw a picture of that in your instagram you actually bought that i was trying to wow yeah from star wars wow did you actually uh you actually played with that yeah i really got it for my animals so like running around with them but i mean i kind of had to it was cute it's a bb8 wow oh where is that picture yeah that was uh it's purple yeah that was crazy you do you still have that uh yeah i just can't picture you still have that? Uh, yeah. I just can't picture you playing with that.
Starting point is 01:00:08 It has a remote. I like running around with my animals. All right. All right. Yeah. Oh, someone in here is saying that you don't have to pay to get into Disneyland, that you get in there free.
Starting point is 01:00:23 No, I wish. Oh, I'm going to start becoming a Disney blog free. No, I wish. I'm going to start becoming a Disney blocker. I took my family there and the trip was like a thousand bucks and we rode like three rides. Well, then you did it wrong. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:00:40 We didn't even go on a busy day. I refuse to wait in lines. I do not wait in lines. Yeah, that's probably true. You got to do the fast passes and you have to know how to work them. Yeah, you do have to know how to work them. I know what 2D2 is. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I actually just finished all the Star Wars and I have to say I'm a big fan. Oh, this sucks. I wonder if this is true. Did you see yesterday in mexico they found an alien and now nasa's already saying it's not real it didn't even look real it looked like et i don't pay attention to that stuff you know no and any do you what you what you don't pay anything exciting you pay like like um any Any stories you follow? Any news stories?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Whatever pops up on my TikTok. But other than that, I don't care. So you're more of a TikTok person than an Instagram person? I don't know. Okay, I will say I used to hate Reels. I never watched them. In the last few days, I've been watching Reels. And they're actually super funny
Starting point is 01:01:45 is tiktok bigger than instagram um i don't know okay that makes me glad to hear you say that i don't think so maybe close probably not i don't know any um any pr set in the last year? I don't think so. Well, a few days ago, I was just strict pressing, and it was like built to heavy when I hit 140, which was good for me. Good job. I don't think that's a PR.
Starting point is 01:02:20 That would be a PR for me. I think it might be a tie for a PR. a pr for me maybe a tie for a pr but when we were talking about um the uh having eating disorders or just issues with food you said hey i want to be careful how i talk about it because i don't want to trigger anyone and i'm and i still don't understand exactly what that means the only thing i can think of is sometimes when i watch tv shows and people are smoking, it makes me want to smoke. Or if I see them drinking, it makes me want to drink, right? But when you come on a show like this, how do you, and it's just going to be a free-for-all, people just asking questions, how do you protect yourself from getting triggered?
Starting point is 01:02:59 Like if I were to ask you something that might bring something that you don't want to deal with. Well, the thing is, I'm okay to talk about it now. if i wasn't okay to talk about it i wouldn't talk about it um i still just am careful of details because again it can be a little triggering to myself but i know that i'm not going to spiral and whatever but yeah i just want to be careful to the message or details that i'm sending out to someone else because i don't want anyone to like get an idea or you know yeah i just like to be sensitive in that area it's better than sorry so let me ask you to get an idea you mean like um that that's another thing that i've noticed too like someone might be telling a story about how their drug addiction was like really fucked up
Starting point is 01:03:44 and they'll be they'll say the word cocaine like 10 times and by the time they're done talking about i'm like fuck i feel like doing coke you mean like that like you don't want to give people ideas like hey this is what i was doing and then instead of like it helping people people start copying it like you're just gonna go try it but um if you're already in a mindset like that and it's easy to just fall into something else. I just don't want to give an idea or be like, oh, Haley did this or whatever. I just don't want to give anyone ideas. It's already in a maybe not so great headspace.
Starting point is 01:04:13 And yeah, I definitely know when I was going through it and seeing stuff could definitely trigger or give ideas. So I just want to be sensitive to that. So it is that. It is like give ideas. I wouldn want to be sensitive to that so it is that it is like give ideas i wouldn't even say ideas honestly i know i just said ideas but well it kind of is like yeah say it again i just want to trigger anyone in any way that's why i just i'm careful what i say yeah i um it would be like if someone's talking about how they tried to kill themselves and then someone's listening who wants to kill
Starting point is 01:04:50 themselves and instead of it helping them they go out and use that method yeah I mean it just might reopen wounds and yeah no point in even risking it you know I feel like you made this i feel like you made
Starting point is 01:05:07 this journey pretty quick like it's um did the year just blow by did it go fast so fast but like i'm still working on myself every day and i still have hard days sometimes um that's completely normal um but as far as like a whole, I feel like so much better. And just night and day from September to January. And it's obviously still always going to be a work in progress and constantly working to be a better me. But as far as being out of a really, really dark place, I'm way far past that.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Would you describe your journey as you hit a rock bottom? Yeah, 100%. I never want to feel like that again. Would you put it, what the fuck is this? Savon, Rosemary wants you to cut back on the F-bombs. Okay, I'll do that.
Starting point is 01:05:59 My bad. There was something else there. Savon, what's wrong with you today? Sada. uh well there was something else uh seven what's wrong with you today i woke up feeling great this morning um you know what's funny hayley because i've botched a few interviews with you um i did get a handful of texts and i opened my dms like a fucking idiot this morning and it's like like, good luck with Haley. You got this. Don't be hard on yourself. It's like people like trying to give me like words of encouragement. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:06:30 you fucking idiot. This isn't helping me. There was one time when I was talking to you about hygiene and it just got weird for a second. And it was like, I didn't even mean anything by it. I was just following. And it got weird.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Never since then. People are just like, I'm just not good at talking I don't want to talk about it I'm blocking it out I've gotten better I'm not good at talking either dude you've gotten incredibly better
Starting point is 01:06:55 I have things going on in my head you know I want to talk when I hit rock bottom it didn't get better overnight but there was a day where I – there was a moment in time when it turned, like I bounced off the bottom and started going up. Did you have one of those? I wouldn't say it was like one particular moment, but I could definitely feel like the climb of, Oh, we're, we're getting better. Um, whereas like when I decided not to compete,
Starting point is 01:07:28 I basically was like, I'm not competing. Um, and kind of the same with like trying to decide if I wanted to compete again, like having a moment or not, you know, what was the, was there anything you would attribute the course correction the change of direction um I would say just doing things I hadn't got to do before and like not spending all day in a gym and forcing myself to be I'm so unhappy every day and just truly getting to live my life for a second and working on myself and
Starting point is 01:08:05 I think all of that helped um are you on guard for that now what do you mean like um like you saw your you saw yourself take a journey. You saw CrossFit in your training, in your life, not become fun, not become manageable to a point where you had to put the brakes on. Like if you sense that, are you on guard now to see if that's going to, if you do put your foot back in the water and you see that creeping back in, are you like hyper aware of it, you think? Yeah, I've definitely been way more aware of it you think yeah I'm definitely been
Starting point is 01:08:45 way more aware of it and there's actually been sometimes like some days when I've been training because I'm doing a bit more volume and stuff of like I'll start to feel something and it scares me for a second because I'm like oh no like am I about to just like freak out again I'm like you know it's okay like it's literally just one workout you're good and then I'm fine so just like recognizing those thoughts that it's okay it doesn't have to be just happy thoughts and this is great life is great all the time it's more of just making sure it's like you know it's okay to have a bad day it doesn't have to be a bad month or year whatever it doesn't mean you're spiraling again just calm down so it's not it's not fighting it or curing it or solving it it's more of like an acceptance
Starting point is 01:09:26 yeah or just like managing it like obviously i want to cure it but like that's just unreasonable to not ever have a bad day um and just knowing that i'm not spiraling again when i do have a bad day that was the main thing too was like when i started to feel bad it's like oh no is this happening again i'm like it's just a day. Calm down. Did you drink at all during this time off? Did you turn to the bottle? You never turned to the bottle and just got drunk every day for a month? No. No.
Starting point is 01:09:54 How come? Isn't that what you're supposed to do, aren't you? Like get into drugs and alcohol? I don't think so. I found happiness in my friends and living life and traveling and meeting new people. And that's where I found my happiness. Mal, you've spoken about your friendship with Mal. Obviously, you guys chat a lot.
Starting point is 01:10:17 You've talked about your Snapchat addiction with her. That's cool. And Guy also seems to have – he took the year off you know whether it was his choice or not but kind of even though he didn't make it it kind of also does seem like it was a little bit of maybe his choice like he wasn't feeling it just from what the little bit that I'm hearing do you commiserate with those guys do you get together and in you guys um yeah actually i talked to gee for a bit um and we were just kind of talking about like it is hard to do what we do and mentally like how do you dispose like you know you have nothing and we had a long chat and he seems to be doing so much better now he's training really
Starting point is 01:11:00 hard looks really fit um so i think he's going to have a great next year too. And, yeah, I'm just thankful for everyone in my life. That's good to hear. It looks like there's going to be some changes at Mayhem. Sorry, some additions. Like it looks like Emma Carey's there and Nate Ackerman are there. I don't know. Not on your radar.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I'm not on your radar a ton. I mean, I was there the last few weeks, but I don't really keep up with what's going on. I just show up and get my workout done. Okay, understood. Do you have a coach? them okay understood do you have a coach um i'm just i'm like i'm following um what josh and hayley send me it's just been fun to do it uh they send me and just switch it up a little bit but yeah they're super cool there was a
Starting point is 01:12:01 there was a i don't remember what it was, but maybe it was going into the 2022 season. You were going to be working specifically with an Olympic lifting coach, and there was some talk about switching some stuff up for you. Basically, that plan never fully got initiated, I'm guessing. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. Yeah. Yeah. Fair enough. What about your faith and your religion are you
Starting point is 01:12:26 religious person um and did it play a role in your journey uh i mean i'm not like super but like i definitely you know i don't know like did you talk to a pastor during any of this or did you have any like any of that? Uh, no, no. Fair enough. Yeah. Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artists to come on stage or running errands at the perfect pace. Liquid IV powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration
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Starting point is 01:13:37 More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or... What other podcasts have you done? I saw you did the one with Bryce Smith. Have you done any others? I did one with Adrian and Pat Sherwin.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Okay. And that was a cool one. Yeah. I saw that one too. Yeah. Okay. All right. Hey, I appreciate you coming on.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Yeah, it was. I feel like this is the best one. Is this our third time? It's all because of you. Third time's charm. It's all because of you. It's all because of you.'s all because hey i really i really appreciate you coming on you made it so easy you're one of the easiest guests by the way
Starting point is 01:14:30 ever to schedule you're always just like yep thank you sure yeah yeah well i mean it fits i was like why not cool uh very good i know a ton of people are well we're interested in what you're up to like there's it's like one of the biggest shows we've done in months by how many live viewers they're on right now right now it looks like there's 834 just on YouTube I can't see Facebook and Twitch and Twitter
Starting point is 01:14:55 Brittany Cassidy Haley is our favorite Jackie you got this girly look at this person I forgot hayley was on i guess i'll have to re-watch christine young we love you hayley look at it's really sweet look at this person loves both of us thank you everyone so love yeah uh you are a huge favorite i don't know i never honestly i never see anyone say anything negative about you. And,
Starting point is 01:15:25 you know, I don't mean to say that. I just don't see it. People, people, maybe people would be, uh, a lot of the pundits have, you know, ideas about your training, but everyone, everyone I've ever known who knows you, it's all, it's all, um, puppy dogs and flowers and you're cool as shit. And I, and I totally appreciate you sharing your journey. And I think it's, I think all healthy people go through, should go through some sort of identity crisis at your age. I think it's just part of the part of the journey and it should be fucking hard. It should be really hard.
Starting point is 01:15:59 It is. And I'm grateful for it and where it's brought me to. And I'm excited for what's to come. Like, really excited. Awesome. All right. Talk to you soon. We will be inviting you back for sure. Jonathan Ortega, you're amazing, Hayley. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:16 It's just pouring in, by the way. Yeah, look, she's so relatable. We love you. Keep enjoying your journey. Yeah. Look, this guy even wants to talk Spanish to you much respect señorita I don't know it just means he likes you alright
Starting point is 01:16:39 talk to you soon have a great day thanks bye bye Haley Haley. Haley Adams. What's wrong with me, Melissa? I'll tell you what's wrong with me.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Nothing's wrong with me. Fucking having an amazing day. I'm really excited about our next guest too. Ah, here. Come on anytime. ah here uh come on anytime the waterpalooza qualifiers uh i think starts today and i kinda can't believe i got this guy to come
Starting point is 01:17:34 on my show even though uh pedro got this guy to come on his show this guy normally doesn't do shows yes bruce there he is you know it dylan yeah i'm pumped oh shit I forgot to ask her if she plays pickleball Malinsky is that how you say I always call him Walinski but it's probably Malinsky that's probably right I always just make it up. Walensky. Walensky.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Look at Philip Kelly trying to show off that he knows shit. I like that. Not Mulvaney. Oh, Dylan Mulvaney. Got it. Sorry, that went over my head. I thought you were saying something else. Ordered your jersey, Seve.
Starting point is 01:18:22 Oh, wow. Is that up? Is that live? Where would I go for that? Dude, it's so nice. I will say this. I don't normally wear jerseys, but I've been wearing this one a lot.
Starting point is 01:18:42 And Partner Apparel, Savant Podcast. Oh, wow. Because of the material, it kind of smells funny. I mean, it's just like sweat on jerseys. I can't believe basketball players wear these. Oh, my God. This is so nice. Wow.
Starting point is 01:19:02 I have to get Dylan one of these. I'm down. I'm going to order one myself right now. I cannot believe how cool these are. Yeah, that Dryflex material, what a moisture wicking. Yeah, it really enhances the Armenian smell in me. What's up, dude? Not much, man. How's it going?
Starting point is 01:19:22 Is today the big day? It is. Yeah, today kicks it all off. It's live. It is. Officially as of about an hour ago with workout number two. We released one workout early a couple weeks ago more to just give a sneak peek, get people excited, and that went really well. But, yeah, today is the official start. Dylan, say your last name for me.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Malinsky. Malinsky. Malinsky. I don't know why I always want to call you Dylan Walensky. Walensky with a W. That's fine. Malensky. And Dylan, you are the director of Wadapalooza. So my technical title within Wadapalooza is part of a larger enterprise at Loud and Live.
Starting point is 01:20:03 I'm a vice president of strategic development. But in reality, I'm overseeing the operations of Wadapalooza. I would say that's it. And this is your second year in that position? Yeah, but I've been involved since its inception for 12 years. And I would say in a very similar capacity from an execution, like very much involved in the same things I was involved in previously. I'm involved in now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:23 So 12 years at Wadapalooza uh two years as the top dog officially and by that i mean if something bad happens it's your fault sure i mean i have a boss keith when he was there there was a there was a boss for him too so i had i have a boss but uh of course of course of course there's always there's always a boss he would come down on me for sure right right just like if he just ago, if something bad would have happened, it would have been O'Keefe's fault. You're the guy. The buck stops with you. I would say that's fair.
Starting point is 01:20:53 You're the man. So we see dolphins swimming by, and we should be like, Dylan did a great job having those dolphins swim by. I brought those dolphins to pay for the bus. Yes. Okay. Yes. Yes. Hey, the event's been great the last two years.
Starting point is 01:21:03 I don't know how it was before because I didn't follow it so much, but the last two years it's been absolutely amazing. Even the year of the – that year of the storm was also amazing where you even guys got hammered. You guys pulled that off. We call that waterpalooza. Waterpalooza. And the team – honestly, first time I've ever been interested in teams
Starting point is 01:21:26 there's been times I was interested in a team when Mayhem competed at the games but I wasn't interested in teams but you guys did Waterpalooza last year the teams was absolutely brilliant was that risky doing that? and by risky I mean
Starting point is 01:21:42 what you guys did was the way you split it up right it made it so we could it made it so we could actually cover both events cleanly you had teams go two days and then individuals go two days i will tell you it was a risk i was very if i'm being completely candid i was projecting strength and confidence in the decision but um i was nervous i was the one championing it internally i definitely had people that were pushing back saying no there's a lot of there's a strong desire for individual competition. They just think that it's much more linear to follow on the competition floor,
Starting point is 01:22:12 but also throughout the weekend. So to go against that. Less to remember as a fan. Less to remember as a fan. I can just like one dude, one chick. Exactly. So I understand that justification, but I think knowing where we sit in the offseason,
Starting point is 01:22:28 outside of the CrossFit game season for that matter, and finding a format that's going to work for, for most, I think just when we, when we did a SWAT analysis and looked at what are the benefits of one of the pros and the cons, the pros were overwhelming of like giving athletes a chance to do one of them and then spend the rest of the weekend brand building. Like they're there representing their brands, let them do meet and greets, let them engage with their fans. Or if they want a chance to win money, they can win double, you know, instead of winning just individual, they can try to buy for individual and team. So I think it went well,
Starting point is 01:22:50 definitely some things to be learned on the volume front and like tampering it down so that people feel like they can do both rather than get the crap kicked out of them. Oh, Oh, that's thoughtful of you. Yeah. That's fucking crazy. Thoughtful of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:04 That's going to be. Before we go there, let me ask you this. So consensus, it was a huge success, right? Like I didn't hear one pundit. No one say, well, they fucked up doing that. Everyone's like, fuck, that was genius having team and then individual separated. I would say it was. The only thing, the only qualm was the programming.
Starting point is 01:23:22 I think finding a way to, so that athletes can leave there if they do go, that they're not at a disadvantage if they do individual first going into team is I guess really the waym was the programming. I think finding a way so that athletes can leave there. They're not at a disadvantage if they do individual first going into team is, I guess, really the way to look at it. How do we make it so it's a level playing field for the people that are showing up fresh just doing team and then those that are doing individual right into team? So could you say – this is going to be great. We're going to tear you up on Friday on the update show.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Could you say – did you say swat analysis i did god you're fucking turned into a full geek i remember when you were cool hey um uh so you could say that wadapalooza is for the more explosive ath program like you know how, there's these different ones? Like, Dubai is like, careful, you might get hurt. They just throw something crazy in there. And Rogue is like, hey, this is for strong people. Are you suggesting that because of the way your format is, Wadaka Palooza could start leaning back to, like, a 2008 games,
Starting point is 01:24:20 shorter time domains, more explosive for the more explosive athletes? I wouldn't put us in that bucket, unfortunately. No, I think it's mainly… I'm trying to pigeonhole you, baby. I do like the idea, but you're saying you are going to try to accommodate the programming so that it is actually feasible for the best in the world to do both. Correct. And not for people to have to consider doing like it, not to be, I don't want the athletes to be concerned about doing one or doing both and
Starting point is 01:24:55 feeling like they're not going to leave the weekend feeling healthy. And then to feeling like they'll have a level playing field if they want to do both. Again, the point being, there was like Pat Vell velner is a perfect example he competed individual and then went right into team and they did well on both fronts but they left there feeling hey i got i got wrecked and there was a lot of overlap too and in some of the the movements i mean you can only do so much right there's only so many movements to pick from so if you're doing both there's bound to be some overlap but i think we could have done a better job making sure of there being less of an overlap so that people are getting unique experiences from individual to team for those watching as
Starting point is 01:25:29 fans but then also those competing okay so i you obviously are smarter than me so it's not just um time domains but it's also modalities you can tweak and and yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah it's finding ways to just and also a number of events throughout the weekend, like just being smart about those things. Dude, you're exciting me. Thanks, man. I'm glad to hear that. Yeah, it's a great event.
Starting point is 01:25:52 It's fucking cool that you're doing that. When are you going to come? That's my question. When are you going to come? Someone has to do quality control from a computer. Someone has to be like, okay, how's this look from a computer? I'm that guy. The Wilson Tang of the savant, or the media world, I guess, is really the way to...
Starting point is 01:26:09 That wasn't the mask you were rolling up, was it? No, this is the... You know, my camera looks blurry, and I can't quite figure out why. Because I was about to judge the shit out of you. Okay, I like this. I like it because usually I'm traditionally like if you're the event organizer, you should just be like, fuck you, fuck the athletes, do whatever you want to do. But I'm actually with you 100% on this.
Starting point is 01:26:32 I love this because I am probably going to watch it from my computer. I am going to be a spectator, and I want to see people do both. And I love the idea of someone maybe winning both. I love the idea of someone being on the winning team and taking first individual. And it just, that would be fucking nuts. I'd love to see someone like Velner do that.
Starting point is 01:26:50 That's the storytelling we want to have, right? Like as we're watching teams, you know, we've got a team of all podium finishers on the individual side. What a cool storytelling piece. If we can make that a reality. I definitely think there,
Starting point is 01:27:00 there, there's going to definitely be some more selling this year to the athletes about doing both. We'll see who commits. I mean i mean we've we sent out invitations this week as well actually before the qualifier started we didn't want people to sign up that didn't have to sign up to do the qualifier um and thus far i think the reception's been pretty good um i think you know athletes are being extremely analytical about what they do in the off season now understandably so um so i i you know every year how do we like outdo ourselves from one year to the next and a lot of that goes hand in hand with the roster of competitors
Starting point is 01:27:29 so we'll see how it how it shakes out something that's interesting about wadapalooza that's very unique is a very serious competition always the best programming always the best judges always the best venue the best layouts all that but there's this acceptance from all the fans that the participants have a lot of wiggle room, meaning people, you guys are so flexible. If at the last minute Justin Medeiros hadn't signed up and he shows up, you guys let him in. And I always like that about your event, and you guys never get any criticism for it. Where on the other hand, we're putting Rogue through the fucking microscope. Well, how come they only put 14 here and seven there no one does that to wada i mean it's so fucked up but wadapalooza has this kind of more um i don't want to say full stoner ethos but there's a
Starting point is 01:28:16 a relaxness like we all know hey if you're good enough they're gonna let you in yeah yeah i would say that's true i think i don't know if we're less of a serious event. That's not by any means. We are a serious competition. We offer over a half a million bucks in prize money. So we want to make it as legit as possible. I think we've got some confines at the venue with spacing on the Florida to really like amplify the professionalism of it's still a professional event. Don't get me wrong, but we just have some challenges, natural geographical issues with the venue. But beyond that, I still think that what we've created is a niche for ourselves. And the analogy we always use is like we are to the CrossFit Games what like NBA All-Star Weekend is to the NBA Finals or Pro Bowl Weekend to the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 01:29:01 And that we're not trying to find the fittest man or woman on earth. We want to create an environment that makes the athletes super accessible to the Superbowl and that we're not trying to find the fittest man or woman on earth. We want to create an environment that's super makes the athletes super accessible to the fans. And that starts with the environment that we create for the athletes to feel like they can lower their guard and want to engage with their fan base and engage with the brand. So, um, I would say that's an intentional, we're trying to create this like music festival laid back, fun vibe. And it really does start with the team. You mentioned the teams, like the teams of three. I just got off a call with an athlete earlier this morning. And he was mentioning like, what you guys have there is really special. Like when people commit to individual, it is in a massive amount of stress. And a lot of them don't want to put themselves on the line.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Cause like they, this, this athlete in particular in particular was saying they feel like their identity gets so closely tied to their finish right within the event. So like if you take 20th at the games, well, for that next year, you're labeled the 20th fittest man on earth and like and your reputation, your confidence is built upon that. So we want to figure out every way to lower those barriers at Guadalupalooza. Like how you finish at Guadalupalooza is not indicative of anything other than how you perform that weekend. We're still trying to find the first... I don't know. I think you're failing there.
Starting point is 01:30:14 100%. Dude, the event is too prestigious and there's too much money on the line. Sorry. Nice try, though. I appreciate you trying to... The event is too... The programming is too good. The venue is too good. You have too many fucking spectators. Listen, if you want to do that, just take the prize money down to zero.
Starting point is 01:30:33 Yeah, the money's for sure. I'm telling you, I appreciate you trying to do that for the athletes. But, dude, when I look at Wadapalooza, I mean, didn't Ricky win that last year? Yeah. Yeah, that's too. Oh, it's super legit. And I know he's coming at it that last year? Yeah. Yeah, that's – dude. Oh, it's super legit, and I know he's coming at it from a very serious perspective. Yeah. Especially the team format that just takes the – Okay, the team, I get it.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Yeah, the team, I get it. But people want to win that shit. That's cool to say you won Wadapalooza. Oh, no doubt. Yeah, no doubt. It's a badge of honor. But again – And it's a lot of fucking money, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:04 It is, yeah. $75,000 for first and then teams of the big change we made this year is paying to the top 10. It was top 5 last year. Just making sure everybody that elects to do an elite team, for the most part, is going to walk away with some cash in their pockets. So, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:17 the goal is to continue to grow that so that we can continue to help make this a professional sport. Help them find earning opportunities. Fanny Spiegel, fluff him hard, Seve. Listen, I'll blow Dylan fucking into Kingdom Come if I have to. I've asked this guy to come on the show a half dozen times. He doesn't do podcasts.
Starting point is 01:31:36 He doesn't want to be in front of the camera. He doesn't want the fucking attention. He doesn't want to be interviewed. He's always trying to pass off the interviews to someone else. And he's a homie from the CrossFit days. We would hang out on the floor together way back in the old school days. And yeah, I want to blow him so hard that he's like, shit, I need to come on there all the time. I'm glad you noticed.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Well, let me do it. Let me do it back, too. I mean, you know. Thank you. Thank you. I will. From my perspective, what ultimately I was, you know, long time doing CrossFit now for almost 12 years. Came a fan early on.
Starting point is 01:32:04 But the first content that I that got me hooked on following the sport was, you're behind the scenes. I would watch it religiously. I was in college, and I was just literally recycling. Me and Noah were just watching and watching and watching. It showed you an element to the events and the personalities of the athletes and the people behind the event that I think has helped draw this community so closely together. I think you're, if not the single most important part of that, the OG community of CrossFitters that are
Starting point is 01:32:29 diehards, it's because of you and not because of this podcast with the content you created before. And I remember being starstruck seeing you. I was emceeing the games on the sideline. It was my first year. Travis was out there on the floor. I was just doing like masters and like fill in team and random individual heats. And I remember seeing you right there and I was like, man, do I, do I ask him for a pic? Do I introduce myself? Do I, do I take a picture? And I ended up getting it. We had that photo and we were both like just young puppies at the time. But, uh, I remember that moment very well still to this day.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Yeah. You were, you were one of the best that ever did it. You're, and you were cool. Uh, Patrick Clark, one thing Dylan and his team don't get credit for is how he had divisions check in on Thursday while having the indie competition going on. That benefited the athletes and brands. Yeah, that was a change that we made, right? So, you know, the average Joes, rather than 99%, the non-elite athletes are now competing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That's always been the case.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Elite individuals Thursday, Friday, team Saturday, Sunday. So that day on Thursday is a free day to the public, by the way. So because we have, which day, which day Thursday of Waza is literally a free day, like unticketed people can from the point is to promote it to the local Miami community and have them walk around and, and, uh, you know, have them come in and experience for one, like spend money with the brands, but then also check this thing. I'll be like, wow, I want to come the rest of the weekend and buy tickets. So that's worked out really well for us the last several years. And, um, yeah, it's, it's exposed the brands to new audience, like people that they probably wouldn't see otherwise over the course of the weekend. And great family event to bring
Starting point is 01:33:54 your kids total safe, chill. Yeah. Great, great event. Yeah. No, no, no cuss words on the, on the, the, from the DJs on the stages and just that they can run around there it's a it's a bit it's a big venue yeah lots to do for sure plenty to do well beyond just watching people do fitness uh mike mccaskey dylan hi there were challenges the last couple years at wadapalooza oh that means he's pissed a vip experience seating huge lines bottlenecks for guests what is changing next year to draw me back i i don't know about the vip experience or the seating but you kind of are stuck with the lines right because there's only so many seats and there's that many people want to get there i remember seeing the lines on camera like suze would be like holy shit these are people waiting
Starting point is 01:34:39 and i my big concern is what if you got a seat and then you had to take a piss? Yeah. You better bring a Gatorade bottle. Just do it under the bleachers. No, they, uh, they, uh, you know, that, that was something that we heard loud and clear. We did hear of people that like left the stands and couldn't get back in because of the way that the seating was handled. So every year, I would say over the last two to three years, we've had challenges with, with capacity in the seats. And we talk about like the, how that in the seats that we talk about, like
Starting point is 01:35:05 the, how that venue is so special and iconic to what, to the identity of the event. Um, but we're just restricted on how deep we can build the bleachers because of the, there's palm trees in the back that we can't, you know, just cut down. Um, so anyway, what I would tell you that, that, that, uh, is going to be the solve. We had to make a big structural change to the way in which we sell tickets and the way in which we structured the ticketing. So in the past you would get a ticket or you'd be an athlete. You'd be, you would get access to all the stages at any point in time this year for the first time ever, we're selling a festival pass, which I think would be reminiscent of if you bought a festival pass to the games, right? You get access to the campus grounds,
Starting point is 01:35:41 but then when you want to go into the Coliseum, you've got to have a special ticket. We're not doing dedicated seats, but we are selling what's going to be called an elite pass, an elite festival pass, which guarantees you access to the main stages during the elite competition. So with that said though, Tina Hills, which is the outdoor big grassy hill, that's going to be open to the public regardless. It gets full when the elite are going, but you'll still be able to watch. That's where they did the weightlifting, right? That's going to be open to the public regardless. It gets full when the elite are going, but you'll still be able to watch. That's where they did the weightlifting, right? That's where Guy had that crazy viral video snatch. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:36:08 Yep, that's it. So that stage, Bayside smaller than Flagler. We have added more seats to both, but the idea is we're only going to sell the number of tickets for the number of seats. And unfortunately, some people that maybe historically have bought just a festival pass and expected to get into the, to watch, they're going to probably be upset, but we had to do something. And this is the best change that I think is going to positively impact the greatest number of people. You'll know what you're getting. You might not
Starting point is 01:36:32 get a seat, but you, or you may get a seat, but you'll know ahead of time, you're not going to be disappointed. You know what you're getting yourself into. Correct. I expect those, those takes to sell out pretty quickly because we're only selling the number of seats that there are on Bayside. That's the smaller stage. So there will also still be the opportunity if you have a festival pass to gain a seat on Flagler because there's more seats there. Once we're going to have a section there that's only for people that just have a festival pass, that will be similar to the lines that you saw in past years. But the other sections, the majority of the stands are going to be designed for the people that buy the specific ticket that gets them access to watch DLD. Audrey, the ass and hogs that's what draws us back that's right everyone likes ass and
Starting point is 01:37:11 hogs oh or at least one of the two oh boy um uh who so the qualifier actually opened so if you want to compete in wadapalooza or you want to participate there, there's a shitload of divisions, right? Yeah. Yeah. We have over 50 divisions. 50 divisions. And you have, do you have young people?
Starting point is 01:37:34 The youngest we have right now are teens, 13. We've had 10 to 12. Yeah. 13's young. And then you, and then it goes all the way up to old. What's the oldest people? Yeah. 60 plus.
Starting point is 01:37:45 60 plus. Okay. So you got that. And then do you have adaptive way up to old. What's the oldest people? Yeah, 60 plus. Okay. So you got that. And then do you have adaptive? We do. Yep. And you're sort of the, you're sort of the, Water Palooza is kind of one of the forerunners on one of the, maybe not one of,
Starting point is 01:37:58 it was the first big competition for adaptive athletes, right? Yeah. I would say that that's the case. You know, it was actually started with Steph Hammerman. Steph Hammerman came to us, if you're familiar with her, she was interested in competing. And so she was like the lone adaptive athlete that competed year one. And then from there it picked up steam and Steph helped steward that. And, um, and yeah, now we have, I think one of the largest adaptive competitions out there for sure. That's run by wheel wide. They're an extension of us in that regard and that in
Starting point is 01:38:25 the registration opened an hour ago and so basically if you want to qualify or if you just want to see where you rank what's the website you go to yeah and there be a link to head to competition corner to register and you know the workouts are now up on our social media so if you wanted to look at you know workouts one two and i think workout three goes up actually in 20 minutes so there's three workouts in this first week let's see is this it am i here yes click miami click on the right side okay like on the right side of the of the of the country oh oh right right there you go. And so there you go to compete. And you go to workouts.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Let's see those three. You can also, you know, register up there in the top right. Oh, okay. So here's register. So I click this, register, bam. Yeah, that'll take you to comp corner. And when does registration close? Individuals is going to end on Monday with score submission for week one.
Starting point is 01:39:28 But there's two weeks just like, you know, the opens three weeks or two with multiple workouts, but then you can also still sign up for a team and team is going to happen in October. So you've got plenty of time to put together your team of three. Alrighty. Yeah, man. And then, and then, and then I can't let you go without asking you about this. Uh, why is there a SoCal socal what's this what's this whole thing over here yeah so we uh you know it was time for loud and live to take the wadapalooza brand on the road to southern california and i think there's been a pretty tremendous void in the competitive scene really since the games have left or even you know you go as far back as like the oc oc throwdown i think that was the other other big one our you know regionals or semis as far back as the OC throwdown. I think that was the other big one, regionals or semis as well. And we've contemplated expansion for a very long time
Starting point is 01:40:11 and doing so hand-in-hand with tier. We made the official announcement to bring it on over to Huntington Beach and that's going to be the new home in Q3 of 24. Where in Huntington Beach? So right now, the plan is right on the beach. It's like smack dab next to the right of the pier. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. It's the plan. Multiple stages, similar footprint to Waza Miami in terms of like number of athletes, number of brands, all that. That's, uh, it's, it's, it's going to be a mega party taking what we do well in Miami and bringing
Starting point is 01:40:43 it over to Southern California. And so we're more than a year away from this event, though. Yep, just over a year. It already feels like it's around the corner. When I bring it up like that, do you feel like your heartbeat go from 48 beats to 52 beats a minute? I think my heart rate's naturally at 52 beats a minute, so maybe it's 52 to 80, 52 to 60. But yeah, man, right now the focus is very much on Miami and we're working as well on SoCal. But no, it doesn't make me nervous. As a matter of fact, we've got some really cool, I can't spill the
Starting point is 01:41:14 beans right now, but there's been a lot of work being done to structure that event in a way that for one guarantees its success, but also differentiates it from any other event that's out there. And I say that, and I don't mean to say that in a mysterious way, but we're in this discovery phase of figuring out what's the best way, knowing some of the things that we know, right? Like we're dead smack between the games and Rogue, and athletes want to take an off-season. So how do we do something different that's going to entice them to want to come and participate or attend in some way, shape, or form? Falling way into the weeds, did you consider the Del Mar fairgrounds?
Starting point is 01:41:55 Not for Waza, but the Wadapalooza, and we had the West coast classic just before COVID we were, you know, we were sending our team just after Wadapalooza Miami, 2020, our team was ready to fly out there to begin loading in. Like we, they brought their, their luggage to the office. Our team was ready to fly out there to begin loading in. They brought their luggage to the office, and then they heard this whole COVID thing taking shape, and we ended up having to cancel it last minute. So I think West Coast Classic was building on the nostalgia of Southern California, CrossFit, and kind of the OG days. Waterpalooza in Miami, the vibe wouldn't fit in the Del Mar Fairgrounds.
Starting point is 01:42:21 It's got to be somewhere on the waterfront. Palm Tree Sun. Okay, okay. I mean, it's close to be somewhere on the waterfront. Palm tree sun. Okay. Okay. I mean, it's close to the water, but I hear what you're saying. It's like, hey, we're not going to fake it. Right. We have to stay true to who we are and that identity.
Starting point is 01:42:33 We're staying true to that through and through, even with any further expansion ideas. Okay. Shit. Awesome. Hey, thanks for coming on, dude. I look forward to participatingating with media this year At Wadapalooza you're awesome I'm pumped
Starting point is 01:42:48 I hope the registration goes Swimmingly well and talk to you soon Thanks Ivan appreciate you having me on man Yep anytime dude thank you for doing this See you buddy my pleasure Ciao Dylan Malitzky I'm telling you
Starting point is 01:43:03 I've invited him on a shit load of times And he's like tries to always pass it off to someone else He's a good dude See you in Miami Dylan and Cali I'm definitely going to Cali I was talking to Sarah Cox over at
Starting point is 01:43:21 And she said those dates already there She blocked off a bunch of her rentals i'm pumped wow all right uh good show hayley adams she has a cool laugh right when you ask her about her boyfriend. She has a funny laugh. It's cool. It's sweet Hey, dude, damn, dude. She's got something to talk about now. She went on a dark journey It's fun So cool Dark journeys are fun. I mean once you're done with them they're fun. I
Starting point is 01:44:01 they're fun I um I'm doing the final touches I know you guys have been hearing me talk about this for months to the studio in here it's absolutely fucking insane it's it's easily the nicest podcast studio I've ever seen I mean
Starting point is 01:44:17 it is so nice it is there's so many cameras and big TVs and carpets and fucking monitors everywhere. It's crazy. But as I was unpacking some stuff today, yesterday, last night at midnight, I found this card, and it's a WAD zombie from the website Mint Trading Cards. And it's an Ariel Loewen card, and it's signed. And it's funny because her husband whose name is Dylan
Starting point is 01:44:46 I think too we were eating dinner one night at the games this year and he saw us from his hotel room and he brought this card down to me and he said hey I'm bringing you this card just so I had an excuse to come down here and say hi to you and then we ended up drinking every night together he was a cool dude he was funny he's easy but i found that so i have my signed ariel lowen card i got my new uh rookie james spray card oh uh someone asked about uh yeah cool right cool watching someone asked about swolvering yesterday so i hit hit Alex up I want to tell you what she said to me about the discount code let me see if I can
Starting point is 01:45:30 find it Alex A-L-I-X first you gotta spell it right so she said the code is SEVAN all capitals S-E-V-a-n at swolverine and it's applicable on one-time orders not on subscriptions subscriptions are also auto discounted 15 so sometimes people take 10 discounts a 10 discount code like the one
Starting point is 01:45:59 you're talking about and try to combine it for 25 but it doesn't work that way so if you use the code sevan you get a discount and if you combine it for 25%, but it doesn't work that way. So if you use the code SEVON, you get a discount. And if you subscribe, you get a discount. But you can't do both together. It's for the online store. Oh, it's weird, but down here it says it's for 15%. Shit, I don't know what it's for. Anyway, it's all capitals, S it says it's for 15%. Shit, I don't know what it's for. Anyway, it's all capitals.
Starting point is 01:46:26 S-E-V-A-N. I thought maybe she was going to say that. Fuck you. Pay full price for my products. Because I didn't know. I don't know. I didn't know. I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:46:41 And same with the Born Primitive. Those shoes. That guy. Text that guy. You guys wanted a discount code there. I text him the other day. It's only going to last for a little while longer. It's Savage Launch. All one word. S-A-V-A-G-E-L-A-U-N-C-H. Savage Launch. All lowercase i think yeah hog up i'm a hog up guy yes for those of you who are new to the show and didn't know uh who will be the uh in-studio guests uh matt suza and avi that's correct i don't think so john are these qualifier workouts this weekend for SoCal Wadapalooza too no I don't think that's
Starting point is 01:47:31 that thing is so far off maybe not from an organizational perspective but yeah what does that mean the fuck does that mean the fuck does that mean I don't know what you guys are talking what the fuck does what the fuck does what
Starting point is 01:47:53 fuck mean hey Jethro hey what's up dude how are you love you love you too dude born primitive shoes are holding up well I wore them basically two days in a row and then i haven't worn them since so and to be all fit to be fair i mean i rarely i rarely i'm not a shoe i i'm just not don't not a shoe guy but if i do wear shoes they got to be wide in the toes oh here we go eric uh the veteran discount is even better for the born primitive shoes.
Starting point is 01:48:26 FYI to veterans. Okay. Ari broke his shin. It's not Avi. Ari, my youngest, broke his shin skateboarding. Snapped it in half. The Patrick Clark says the James Sprague picture is cool it's crazy cool it's actually one of the better pictures
Starting point is 01:48:54 I like the pictures where you can see the athletes I like the Alexis Raptus one too by the way tomorrow night Saxon Panchik is coming on with the Crossfit games update show john young pedro will be here again andrew hiller bringing in the big dogs tomorrow show is going to be big got my colton merton cards and uh just so you know wad zombie i'm collecting these now i've been getting these from uh the mint trading cards too i hope he keeps sending me every time he sends me a card.
Starting point is 01:49:26 He sends me like two of these now. Because I got to get rid of all my other ones. These ones. These stands are horrible. The wind blows. The whole fucking stack of cards falls down. Alright. You guys want to hang out? And do something? The wind blows. The whole fucking stack of cards falls down. All right. You guys want to hang out and do something?
Starting point is 01:49:49 Or you want to... What do you want to do? I can do anything. I'm a little flexible. Skating's not till 11 a.m. Do you want to go to Greg's house this morning before I go skating with the kids? Ask Saxon whose hog is bigger, his or Spencer's? All right, I'll write that down.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Who has the biggest dick of the sex of the Pan Chick boys? Biggest hog. Got it. Thank you. Very penetrating question. Ryan, that's not your job, buddy. That is not your job. How dare you?
Starting point is 01:50:25 job buddy that is not your job how dare you i there there's something there's i know there's something in here i should let me why don't you hear the questions i'm supposed to ask hayley um oh what do you guys think is she coming back like she's coming back this year right she got a boyfriend and she's coming back. A therapist, living in Cookville, doing some other programming, soul-searching journey. Yeah, I didn't really have too many notes for her. I just like it that she has something to talk about. My whole perspective on her has completely changed. Oh, God, did you hear about this?
Starting point is 01:51:13 They found a poison in paper straws. God, living in California is so crazy. Paper straws contain toxic forever chemicals. paper straws contain toxic forever chemicals you can't make this fucking shit up published in the journal of food additives and contaminants paper straws may not be the eco-friendly drinking tube that you've been promoted to be
Starting point is 01:51:43 Belgian researchers found that these so-called green utensils are toxic and therefore potentially worse for the environment. Dude, of course they're worse for the environment. You need six of them. You need six of them for one plastic straw. Like anytime there's a paper straw somewhere, I get like four of them because my kids like there'll be a third of the way through the drink and their straw will be melted to nothing. I don't know if you guys saw what happened, but there was only one. This is a while back. We covered the story, but there's only one. There was only one paper straw manufacturer in the United States. And several states made it a law that you had to use paper straws and that guy became so fucking filthy rich it was an incredible story actually
Starting point is 01:52:29 cave dastro uh explain hog up for us uh seven i mean you you guys what's there to explain there's there's you either want your penis up or you want your penis down and i'm a penis up guy. I don't know how anyone's a penis down guy. And theoretically, there is an argument that if you're a penis down guy, you probably have a bigger hog, but then I'm an anomaly because I got a giant hog and I'm a penis up guy you just reach in every when it goes down you just reach in and pull it up
Starting point is 01:53:10 you just team down I don't know how you're a down guy my son's a down guy I can't even fucking believe it my oldest son's a down guy I'm like hey dude penis up he's like nah penis down
Starting point is 01:53:24 I'm like what I didn't even know it was a thing i thought everyone was a penis up guy look at dan's could be left or right flexible flexible hogs with the curve yeah i know that's the thing uh gravity won't allow it to stay upward maybe because i wear tighter underwear mine just sticks to my stomach because it's all sweaty and shit. It just stays up. I don't know. The old tuck it in the waistband.
Starting point is 01:54:12 Anyway, I hope that explained it for those of you who are new to the show and aren't familiar with the highly contested debate. so i don't know if you guys saw the lauren fisher post she made lauren fisher made a post and maybe i could pull it up if she still has it up lauren fisher made a post and it's from um from uh the movie Tropic of Thunder. Does she still have the, oh, oh yeah, it's still up. It's,
Starting point is 01:54:49 it's from the movie Tropic of Thunder. Right. And, I'm going to, I'm going to play it for you. I'm going to play it for you here. Here we go. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:55:04 Check it out. So the guy says, you never go full retard what do you mean check it out so the guy says you never go full retard robert downey jr and there's a lot of people that are really angry let me rephrase that there's a small small small miniature minority of people who are upset about it, right? And there's someone in here who's really upset about it. Saying you can't use the word retard. It's offensive. What's funny is I went through that person's Instagram yesterday. And they play songs with loads of racial slurs in them.
Starting point is 01:55:52 Let me reiterate that to you. They're angry because she quoted a movie that uses the word retard in order to describe her failure at the event, meaning that she did something retarded. which is Instagrams, I saw they have no issues playing rap songs that use derogatory racial slurs. You guys following that? So these people want to defend retards, but they hate black people. It's okay to use slurs and listen to music that has slurs from black people about black people you know what i'm talking about does anyone need me to say it but for some reason they're upset because the word retard it's the hypocrisy is fucking crazy it's not even hypocrisy.
Starting point is 01:57:06 We all know that you hate yourself. You know what's crazy too? It's all people like you look at them and you just know. You're just like, yep, you are just imbued with insecurities. And because you are so imbued with insecurities. And because you are so fucking insecure and weak, you want the rest of the world to also demand that they be insulted so they be insecure and weak. They're such like little insecure people. And I just wish that they could let it go. They're attached to their puniness, their insecurities. And it's like, dude, I went on your Instagram account and you have songs on there that have racial slurs. All sorts of songs. And yet you are openly criticizing Lauren Fisher for playing a movie that's a comedy.
Starting point is 01:58:15 Audrey, I don't understand how Seve has time for such things. I barely have time and don't even own children. Own children. Racist. It's crazy. Honestly, I have a research team of 15 people. I'm not even joking. I have a crazy research team. I have a core research team of 15 people. And then I have a secondary research team of fucking 250 people.
Starting point is 01:58:42 But let me get this straight for those of you who are complaining. but let me get this straight for those of you who are complaining you're upset that Lauren Fisher quotes a movie from Tropic of Thunder and a completely absurd movie that I fucking think is so stupid some people love it where Robert Downey Jr. is in blackface and he uses the word retard you're upset at her for that to describe her own behavior she's fucking making fun of herself
Starting point is 01:59:04 but you have an Instagram account that to describe her own behavior. She's fucking making fun of herself. But you have an Instagram account with you working out littered with the word nigga. Littered! But it's okay. Because you're not racist.
Starting point is 01:59:26 You're cool. You're good. You're a fucking douche nozzle is what you are. Stop demanding that people be offended. Stop doing it. It's gross. Being offended is bad. Just don't.
Starting point is 01:59:43 But we all do it. We all get offended. I get offended every day. It sucks. I'm weak. But demanding that other people be offended, go fuck yourself. It's like fucking people when you know you have AIDS without a condom. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 01:59:58 It's rude. Send her a fucking DM and tell her it hurts you. Hey, I got a retarded sister it fucking that hurt just so you know cry to your fucking wife cry to your husband yeah Audrey I get offended when people don't love listening to my bullshit in the chat it's just crazy
Starting point is 02:00:24 that was pointed out to me the other day Yeah, Audrey, I get offended when people don't love listening to my bullshit in the chat. It's just crazy. That was pointed out to me the other day. Nitin and Singh, Seve, you the man taking the shit out of him. Well, it's just crazy, isn't it? It's okay for you, your little tiny fucking insecure self, to fucking be talking crazy shit. Bringing in the race card, the sex card, every fucking virtue signaling douchebag thing you can. And yet you're using, you listen to music, your Instagram's imbued with fucking music. I mean, every other song is a song that has fucking racial slurs in it.
Starting point is 02:01:07 People love getting offended. I know. I know. That's the whole thing. Even when I get offended, I fucking love it. I love it. I go by Starbucks and I see the fucking gay flag in the window.
Starting point is 02:01:14 It's not even the gay flag. It's the hate flag. I apologize to all gay people for saying that. I know you guys don't want that flag. I'm sorry, by the way, for saying that. That fuck,
Starting point is 02:01:24 the pedo flag. How's that? I see the pedo flag in Starbucks window and I get offended. You're right. And I'm just like, hey, dude, let it go. Quit being a pussy. Michael Barton, I work with people who have disabilities for years. They throw around the term retard all the time. I lived on a driveway in a car for five years in a motorhome, little motorhome, where I ran a home for mentally disabled adults. I lived with them. You can see the movie Our House. I earned my, I earned my stripes. Just chill. Everyone chill. I can't wait. I can't, I would love to see how you, you're going to defend the fact that it's okay for you to use racial slurs, but it's not okay for Lauren to quote Tropic of Thunder. It's Sevan Rinsta.
Starting point is 02:02:43 You can apologize to me in my DMs, and then I will run that up the ladder to God and see if he forgives you. Fucking douche. Hey, and just so you know, whenever someone says it's only white people doing that, like you're just outing yourself as racist. No one's like, oh, my God, you're right. It's just white people. No one. Everyone's like, wow, you're a racist piece of shit. We know what you're doing.
Starting point is 02:03:02 It's like a form of bullying. No one should fucking feel upset for being whatever color they are. Well, if you're al it's like a form of bullying no one should fucking feel upset for being whatever color they are well if you're albino that's kind of fuck you should feel bad you can't go to the beach shit like that but other than that you're good don't ever feel bad Any color. Oh, no. This one's going to sting a little bit. Savon, do you think it's weird your physical appearance looked more homeless when you had a home than when you... Fucking asshole. Savon, what's behind you?
Starting point is 02:03:44 It has green pants and yellow shoes. uh what's behind you it has green pants and yellow shoes nothing can even get back here hey um uh I didn't tell Hayley Adams this today but I used Hayley Adams Today
Starting point is 02:04:10 Because I knew That if I had Dylan Walensky Malitzky on by himself We wouldn't We just would have a normal show But if we piggybacked it off of Hayley Adams We could get more eyeballs to help his event And these events are important right we want these events to do well we want
Starting point is 02:04:31 to support these events it's what invigorates the community gets me more listeners for my podcast gets more people into affiliates it's just great for the ecosystem so thank you uh hayley adams for letting us uh use your star power to draw more attention to wadapalooza excuse me my not my top not getting not getting loose what are you talking about all right i felt like that was some pretty good social justice war warioring right slapping some people around for their hypocrisy. I like to use inconsistency. And by the way,
Starting point is 02:05:07 I'm not even mad at you. I don't care. Like I'm not, I, I, I don't, I don't care that you're a sexist, racist,
Starting point is 02:05:16 whatever you are insecure twit. I, you're still my friend. I have lots of friends who fit that way. I'm, I'm a bunch of that shit. I'm a bunch of like, you know, like I got a bunch of that stuff in me. I'm not mad at you
Starting point is 02:05:30 I don't hate you for it But i'm also not blaming people. I'm not going around the world trying to project it on everyone either So i'm just trying to like get you to stop doing it because it's it's stupid do something else stop trying to like You're we know you're projecting your insecurities onto the rest of us. It's always the fucking weakest, most insecure people doing that shit. Oh no.
Starting point is 02:06:00 You want to do this? This is brutal. God, this one's brutal. Look at this. God, this is crazy. This is fucking nuts. I don't know if we should do this one. Look at this. This is fucking, this guy is such a ding dong. Listen to this. Constantly asked, how have you maintained your culture during such rapid growth well the truth is
Starting point is 02:06:30 it's been the culture that's fueled the growth it's been this the truth the truth is not the other way around it's been the culture. I'm constantly asked, how have you maintained your culture during such rapid growth? Well, the truth is, the truth. It's been the culture. It's been the culture. That's fueled the growth. It's fueled the growth. God, this guy's such a douchebag. Listen, Lauren Khalil, love this. This feels so gross. God, this guy's such a douchebag. Listen, Lauren Khalil, love this. You love a brand that named the brand before they had the product. You know that's one of their like front, that's one of their like stories. They had a name and then they're like, what should we sell? This guy is such a fucking doorknob. Dude, you need to go on a fucking ayahuasca retreat or some shit, dude. Not even a proponent of that. Love this.
Starting point is 02:07:29 Andrew Hiller, why? Yeah, why? It's fucking nonsense. Sam dancing. Sam, you're a good dude. But O'Keefe legend. Legend in what? That guy worked for Noble where they enforced injections on their employees in order to keep your job.
Starting point is 02:07:50 Fucking crazy. Andrew Hiller, overreach, overpromise, and most importantly, overdeliver. That's your fucking company. That's what you're known for. What a fucking joke who would have him even come speak i bet you noble i bet you noble is fucking in horrible shape and by the way he says i'm constantly asked first whatever your name is his name todd Todd Industry? No one's asked you shit, dude. No one's asked you shit. Nobody.
Starting point is 02:08:30 Stop that. That's how you know every single person's lying. Lots of people have asked me about my home birth. Lots of people have asked me about what my training. No one's asked you. No one's asked you. One person was fucking drunk text you or some shit. You had a name for your brand. So that's the first thing you lied about. You had a name for your brand before you had a product, which about culture you had no fucking culture there you supported
Starting point is 02:09:05 outwad which openly supported bills that hurt kids and you forced injections on your employees for them to keep their jobs which is kind of crazy i don't know this for a fact but i guarantee you fucking o'keefe and sam dancing did not fucking get that injection i would guess well probably O'Keefe did probably I guess O'Keefe did there's no way Sam did no fucking way and then third of all
Starting point is 02:09:34 go woke and go broke and then you ran away the company fucking went broke and then you ran away you don't even work there anymore and then you're best known for as Andrew Hiller said overreach, overpromise, and most importantly, underdeliver. The fucking complete calamity train wreck. Yeah, more people ask me which direction is my hog really up and is it really big or am I lying about one of those? Then ask him what how what this?
Starting point is 02:10:07 Whatever the fucking no one's asked that guy shit What a fucking joke that company is Pathetic they're race baiters They use black people they use people for their sexuality. They use people for their skin color a Virtue signal they wear their fucking pants too tight. They gave a lot of money to athletes. I guess I'm happy about that. For some of their athletes they got money.
Starting point is 02:10:38 But anyway. Complete joke. Complete joke. I'm a born primitive guy. Now. I'm a born primitive guy. No. I'm born primitive. Till further notice. Because I do like to wear clothes.
Starting point is 02:10:55 Matt Burns, God, I love Seve's rants. Am I ranting? Jake Chapman, yeah, exactly. People ask me, no, they don don't you just have something to say Yeah just say it No shit Rambler Mortgage rates increased to 7.17
Starting point is 02:11:15 No shit Pool boy Honestly Sevan I don't really care What a company believes in I just want my shirt delivered on time And they can't even do that Jethro Cordona Seve, you wore the noble fanny pack
Starting point is 02:11:38 At the games, what a shame It was actually A really nice fanny pack It was big and it was this cool canvas I did not like that it said noble on it but it was a really good fanning pack I brought a mountain hardware one that was just too small even the noble one which was big and I'm very thankful that I got I needed a bigger one Even the noble one, which was big, and I'm very thankful that I got. I needed a bigger one.
Starting point is 02:12:12 I want to thank Dave Castro for giving that to me, too. I told you guys I touched Alex. Oh, yeah, I talked to you guys about that. I touched her lats at the event. You know what's cool? I hung out with her for probably like five minutes. The other guy who owns Wolverine. Oh, shit. I've been looking for these. And I really liked them. And then later when Andrew was going home, he called me and he's like, hey, I hung out with the Wolverine people. And I said, what did you think? And he said, I really liked them. And then later when Andrew was going home, he called me and he's like, hey, I hung out with this Wolverine people. And I said, what did you think? And he said, I really liked him. And I said, oh, that's cool. And because often we'll hang out with people and we won't have the same. I wonder what's happening with Lindsay, the birth fit lady.
Starting point is 02:12:59 She had a baby. I need to have her on the show. Do a birthing show. I'm sure the numbers will be massive. Okay. One more, one more thing. And then it's time. I want you guys just to think I'm full of hate and negativity. Here we go. I am 36. It's interesting being 36.
Starting point is 02:13:36 That's not old, but it's old enough that things have changed in my lifetime. Like I'm old enough to remember you saw a fellow with a neck tattoo. You used to think, oh, I'm going to see a dead body. Now you see a fellow with a neck tattoo, all you think is, mwah, this latte is gonna be awesome. Look at, those look like noble pants. Look at that dude's crotch in his pants. It kind of takes away from the joke.
Starting point is 02:14:00 Jeez. Fuck, those are the same pants Todd was wearing. I am 36. It's interesting being 36. That's not old. But it's old enough that things have changed in my lifetime. Like, I'm old enough to remember you saw a fellow with a neck tattoo. You used to think, ooh, I'm going to see a dead body.
Starting point is 02:14:26 Now you see a fellow with a neck tattoo, all you think is, mwah, this latte is going to be awesome. Yeah, he has some crazy, or his knees buckling. He has some crazy, like, motor recruitment patterns, right? Like the way one leg moves and the other leg moves. It's not just that his knees knock. He's a trip. He looks 50? He does? No, I'm 50. He didn't look 50. What are you talking about? The pants are terrible, but that's the way that guy Todd looked from Noble in his pants too.
Starting point is 02:15:00 Except this guy's funny. Hey, Christian, I want to talk about your avatar pic. Yeah. Why is there all that chalk on your back? What is that? What the fuck is going on? I've always you switched away from that pic. First of all, you look you look extremely ripped.
Starting point is 02:15:24 I get that. But there's something like, it looks like a, I'm just saying. And maybe it's what you're going for. I'm going for a 51. Yeah, so what? 51. Who cares? Who cares?
Starting point is 02:15:38 Yeah, I'm 51. So what? It looks like this is like a picture for Grindr. Like I'm supposed to want to like butt slam you when I see this. Am I? That's a farmer's tan, you think? You think that's a farmer's tan? There's no way.
Starting point is 02:16:00 Either way, hey, you got to get that skinny again and retake that picture. You got to have someone else do it i can't that l that shoulder you have in the foreground makes it looks like it's some dude laying on his stomach waiting for you i'm just it's just it's so um it's i don't know maybe it's just me maybe i'm just a fucking sexed up creature but it's so uh it's pornographic it's erotic it's too erotic erotic yes it's erotic it's not pornographic. It's erotic. It's too erotic. Erotic. Yes, it's erotic. It's not pornographic.
Starting point is 02:16:28 Penis down. Okay, that's it. We'll talk. We'll talk more, Christian. It's in Canada. It's a Canadian tan. Jeez. Mike McCaskey Why would you embarrass Christian
Starting point is 02:16:50 What kind of racist shit is this Honestly Kevin You look like Because of the way you're wearing your hat like that And you have the bill Folded so much in the front You look like a you look because of the way you're wearing your hat like that and you have the bill the bill folded so much in the front you look like a girl in that photo if you want me to be just completely frank
Starting point is 02:17:10 we're just tearing people up you look like maybe like you like you're a little bit androgynous I don't mind a little androgyny damn Christian that's how unvaxxed Canadians look alright fair enough you win
Starting point is 02:17:30 alright love and peace yes that's what I meant self help love you guys is today Thursday uh shut up and scribbles on
Starting point is 02:17:48 very soon hour and 45 minutes uh that show is killing it doing better than my own shows how long before those guys break off and tell me to go fuck myself who knows
Starting point is 02:17:57 um and what the fuck is going on with my text messages Alright And then I'll see you guys tomorrow I don't think we have a guest for tomorrow But tomorrow night we have Saxon Panchik will be coming on
Starting point is 02:18:14 I'm very curious what his future looks like He was over at Proven I keep hearing he's leaving We'll get to the bottom of that tomorrow Alright guys Buh-bye

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