The Sevan Podcast - Has CrossFit’s Culture Changed? | Live Call In w/ Souza & Beaver

Episode Date: December 30, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Right on time. Nice. 7 a.m. on the dot. good morning everybody not attacks a dermy deer is this like a new trish or something going on here it seems like it he's not as good of a at uh commenting but he's still kind of funny sometimes doing that to throw it off good morning paulina mad marv good morning stefan what's up robbie hi cj bam it's caleb and i this morning hi i'm not a taxidermy deer thanks paulina someone is out traveling If you sign up for a membership, you will see the whole entire travel and what's going on. You won't want to miss it.
Starting point is 00:01:51 There we go. New member. All right. Our job here is done, Caleb. We have reached the quota. Siobhan won't fire us for the live show, and we're out. Yeah, great job, everybody. Thanks for playing. Yeah. Great job, everybody. Thanks for thanks for playing.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah. Will made a super dope tutorial on how to join the membership. So if you guys go to the Instagram and you check out the story there, you could see like he laid it out super easy with links and everything else because we knew that um a couple people were having having trouble with it so he went ahead and took care of that along with that cool banner do you see the banner yeah i just saw that this morning it looks great banners dope yeah there you go so if you guys go to the podcast instagram and you guys go to the stories it'll it'll give you the whole walkthrough on how to join even like made colors in the fonts that's cool takes a lot of work it does he's good at it he is good at it robbie like the new do you like the
Starting point is 00:03:00 new angle this freaking tripod like pushes the camera really high up than more like than i wanted it to and uh it's kind of like i feel like i'm always looking down but whatever we'll mess with him so if you guys saw the title of the show has crossfit cultures changed um do you think it's changed if we're thinking like crossFit in the affiliates culture? Affiliates, the community, internally, we can touch on each of them. Why confine ourselves? All right, fair enough. So when I moved back to Nebraska, I just went right back to the affiliate that I used to coach at.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah. And I don't coach there anymore. I just attend when I want to and go to do my own thing every other time. But since I left four years ago and came back, my dad has still maintained his membership there. My dad has still maintained his membership there. And a good majority of the people that were there when I started, which was seven years ago, are still there. So that's untouched, you're saying? Untouched. I think that from my affiliate that I used to attend for a very long time, it's the same.
Starting point is 00:04:23 You have the same kind of people going there, the same people find it fun and interesting every day they have maintained their friendships their community is still intact they still go party on the weekends they work out monday through friday or whatever it is and yeah i think from when i feel like in the affiliates i don't think anything's changed i think they're still propagating the word the message of crossfit the methodology the sleaky good morning internally abso-fucking-lutely yeah there's no denying that man i can you imagine going from like what it was especially like back in the heyday of like how how must have been to work there to like how it is now like if you work here through that time you like as the changes happen you probably just slowly started just like hating it i wonder when you start noticing like hey this is not
Starting point is 00:05:15 turning out to be the way that we thought it was going to be probably your like fifth zoom meeting just to get like a like a post up they're like hmm this seems different than what it was before yeah yeah right then it turns into like government work basically dude do you own a subaru uh i used to this my uh my brother's a subaru mechanic so he just got me this for christmas how many siblings do you have just one older or younger younger by a lot oh what's a lot uh 10 years seven years yeah oh man oh man he's an oopsie i don't think my parents would admit to it but i'm pretty sure he's an oopsie and if he didn't know, he knows now. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Guys, we have the live call in number up. And listen, so many times I'll do one of these and people will like shoot me a DM or something afterwards. And they're like, Hey, I was going to call in,
Starting point is 00:06:19 but I got like super nervous and I didn't dude fucking sitting here, hanging it all out live. See the last minute show with just Caleb and I didn't. Dude, fucking sitting here hanging it all out live. The last minute show with just Caleb and I like freaking out. What the fuck am I going to talk about? So if I could do this, if Caleb could show up, you could call in. And here's the taxidermy. Sometimes the comments. It was like poking at me at PagerSync.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And the first person that calls in just gets to test the phone so if you just want to dip your toe in the water and here's what we're talking about has the uh has what's happened inside hq changed what's happening inside your affiliate caleb just said no it hasn't changed what's happened inside it hasn't changed what's happened inside my affiliate either right i think sometimes we get like confused that some of the stuff that hq does and how that will affect affiliates short term maybe it won't but long term i wonder i wonder if it will be i imagine it will probably affect coaches more than it will affect the actual members of the affiliate because i remember so with the with
Starting point is 00:07:25 the increase in uh affiliation fee or whatever the before that the owner of the gym he would give you some sort of stipend or like if you coach certain amount of classes you could get x amount of money towards your l1 or like towards a new cert like new certifications gymnastics whatever it was yeah um but i'm not sure i imagine that will probably have to change because now they have to pay a little significant amount of money more towards the affiliate than they would before so i remember that was pretty beneficial for us i don't i don't imagine that's probably the same for everybody but i I remember we used to get, get some,
Starting point is 00:08:07 some money towards all that. Yeah. I wonder if, um, like we already talked about, it's going to drop all like the part timers off and everything else. So that'll definitely change for them over the next couple of years. Because if you're just doing out of your garage,
Starting point is 00:08:19 I want to just be a part of the, part of the message, part of the methodology, $4,500 just to rep it out in your garage with the small rig and a couple buddies is far far far from worth it hell no allegra our new member yeah stack it up if you guys haven't bought a membership buy it today so i could just gloat to save on that caleb and i jumped on here and we got like 50 new members in Yeah, another one. Patrick, welcome. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Oh, and another one. Christine. Hi, thanks. Yep. I knew someone was pulling in to look at that icon photo. Great photo. I wasn't told I was a dude or not. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Let me hold on. Caller, welcome to the show. Hello? Caller, can you hear me? I can hear you. This is Dylan Lowen. Dylan! Dylan!
Starting point is 00:09:19 Hey, did you feel targeted when I said people message me and said they're going to call in but don't? Hell yeah, bro. I was like, damn, this guy's talking about me. I probably said that twice already to you. So I was like, shoot, I got to call this guy and go there. What's going on, dude? What are you doing right now? Are you on your way to work? I always imagine you waking up at four in the morning, mending fences and then, like, headed to, like, save lives. What are you doing right now? Man, I wish I was that productive.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I'm actually, just like last time when we talked, I'm driving to go pick up some material, so I'm on the road. How's that? How do I sound? Fantastic. Hey, dude, we're getting... Yeah, there's no...
Starting point is 00:10:01 No, no static nothing. You're coming in great. That was sweet. Hey, dude, we're getting you... The people don't know you, but we're getting you set're getting, no, no static, nothing. You're coming in great. That was sweet. Hey dude, we're getting you, uh, the people don't know yet, but we're getting you set up to come on the show. Yeah, bro. Don't ruin the surprise. I'm super pumped.
Starting point is 00:10:14 That's one reason I called too, because I'm pretty sure my heart rate's like 180 right now. Awesome. I don't know how y'all do it. Super nerve wracking, but figured I'd go pair and call it. And actually, um,
Starting point is 00:10:29 I was thinking about what Beaver just said as far as, um, you said you and your sibling are eight years apart, right? Uh, how's that relationship? It was not great until probably the past five or six years. Cause he was like basically still a kid and I was like an adult.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So it was, we just, we never got along. I think we still kind of butt heads obviously, but that's like sibling stuff. But by now we're starting to get weird. We're basically friends. Heck yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:03 The reason I'm asking is, you know, we have a little girl that's about to be five years old and uh with ariel being like you know in the crossfit space and being successful right now you know we want another kid but we're trying to ride this train until the wheels fall off yeah we get that question yeah we're starting to get that question from our little girl that she wants a sibling i'm like dude we're making bread right now what are we doing with uh this situation yeah you just you just wait and just just keep riding this high and then eventually i mean it works out eventually you just they they go to separate schools so i
Starting point is 00:11:44 went to separate schools. Every, every high school, middle school was separate. So we never fucked with each other. I never had to see him all the time. So yeah, it's basically like two different households.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Dylan, I'll tell you this. I had a buddy who, um, who had a sister who was like 11 years younger or 12 years younger. And it was, and it was definitely like uh kayla had said that the whoopsie right but here's what i'll tell you it it for the parents i think it was a
Starting point is 00:12:10 significant help because both the uh older siblings her older brothers it was a little girl that was a born way behind them um they basically just became like the live-in babysitters because like my buddy was in high school he was like a freshman and then his younger brother was a couple years younger than him so they just were all hands on deck and and taking care of it and here's the good thing you're you have a little girl so those like early on like motherly instincts will kick in and you'll basically have the same thing you got that you got the little uh you got the live-in uh nanny there exactly i don't know bro she's a savage she likes to fight she's uh she's pretty aggressive bro oh my gosh that's hilarious where'd she get that teach the younger one a lesson
Starting point is 00:12:57 she get that competitive side for you or from uh ariel i think she gets her aggressiveness from me because, you know, I kind of treat her like a boy as far as I'm not scared to rough around with her. So she can get pretty aggressive with me and mom and it kind of like backfiring because she's just kind of getting an attitude, man. I don't know. I'm not a very strict parent and nor is Ariel so like dude we need to work on our discipline and we're such I don't know we're such laid-back parents we never read books or did any of that stuff yeah a lot of other parents do when preparing for a child and we just kind of went with the flow and just just trying to treat her as as a friend and you know when she does mess up we try
Starting point is 00:13:47 to talk about it but it seems like it goes like one through one ear and out the other so you know it is what it is but it's so funny that you mentioned like an oopsies child our first one is an oopsies our second one is oh that's awesome yeah dude yeah so we'll have it just backwards that's all right hey like you said keep riding that uh gravy train for as long as you guys have she's fucking crushing it and it seems like you guys got a great thing going on heck yeah man it's been awesome and a super big blessing so we don't know when it's gonna end but we definitely know there's a couple more years you know on the wheels before we call it quits
Starting point is 00:14:32 the funny thing is you know it was a big a big if seeing who was at the competition at road but she did say if she won road she she was going to quit CrossFit. Damn. That's the trophy one. Wow. Wow. Just dropped it. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:14:54 On a high note. Yeah. I know. Yeah, that's, you know, the best student when they're on the top. And, you know, we had no anticipations of ever placing third place at the Games. I think it was just as big of a shock to us as it was to anyone else. The main goal for the Games was to be top ten. And if she would have been tenth place, she would have been on top of the moon, and so would have I.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And so the fact that she got third place was super mind-blowing to us and so she's like yeah man if i get uh first place that rogue i'm just gonna call it quits and on a high note shook the world shake the crossfit world up and just give the middle finger as she leaves fuck y'all i'm out hey dude you know what though she's she's such a competitor there's no way that would happen she would have said that and then like two weeks later she would have been out in the garage and like why do you got all this shit written up on the board she's like i don't know and next thing you know you're like watching her more closely she's out there more and you're like fuck we're going another year aren't we and she's gonna be like yeah i just smoked everybody at rogue of course they're going back i want to put my foot to their throat well i would not be depressed about it honestly
Starting point is 00:16:10 the last three years of uh crossfit have been the most exciting years of my life i'm like a parent that's like living through their child you know when they go and do sports and you're cheering them on and you're like, man, I'm living my adult dreams through this kid right now being a professional athlete. And that's exactly what I'm doing with Ariel. So I'm loving every minute of it. I just wish or I just hope that we continue to do it as long as she is able and have, you know, have fun. is she is able and have you know have fun our biggest thing about it is having fun with it and enjoying the experiences that come with it because we've gotten to meet you know a lot of cool people along the way and meet people that we never thought we'd meet because we've always watched crossfit and never thought we'd maybe call some of these people friends so it's been been such a blessing man it's been an awesome three years.
Starting point is 00:17:06 And dude, that's amazing. Can't wait to see what, what, and CrossFit is fucking up by not just like sticking a camera in your guys's house as often as they could. I mean, she's such a great role model for the sport.
Starting point is 00:17:18 It's, it's nuts. And that could just easily slide over to, to the methodology side for it and stuff like that, especially balancing mom-life training. There's so much to it there. So hopefully they dig into that a little bit to give her some of the spotlight. It's definitely well-deserved. Yeah, and I definitely agree with that. With that, I think Daryl has a really cool story that's not getting spoken about as much as far as being an athlete prior to being a mom and never quite being quite good enough.
Starting point is 00:17:54 She was always really good, just never quite had the chance to get it at the regional level. Always being between, I think her best finish in regional level was like sixth and it was always between like sixth and twelfth place and actually when she found out she was pregnant was like her worst finish at the regional and Salt Lake City like in 2018 I believe it was and she was somewhere around 15th place and whatnot. And just the fact that after motherhood that she became a stronger athlete. And I think there's a story behind that for all moms that once you've gone through motherhood, it does something to a woman mentally and physically that makes them stronger than they probably ever were before. And I've seen that, you know firsthand, what changes it made in Ariel.
Starting point is 00:18:49 She's not special by any means. She's just a woman and a mom. And going through what she did, giving birth, pregnancy, just made her a stronger person. So I really think that story is really cool for a lot of moms yeah you know grasp on to whatever they're doing in their future or whatever if they kind of give up on themselves that they're stronger now than they were before dude a hundred percent brother hey man well thanks for fighting thanks for calling in that's's awesome. Yeah, no problem. Hey, you broke the cherry too, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:25 So now you already got your feet wet for the big debut. Not a virgin anymore, baby. Awesome, dude. Hey, thanks, brother. Have a great day, dude. Thank you. Thanks, Dylan. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Y'all do the same, man. Later, dude. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Dude, that's so funny because there's a couple people that had messaged that said the thing about calling in but being a little nervous but he was definitely who i was like thinking of when we had him because we are we are getting them squared away okay we got some housekeeping to do people these memberships are fucking rolling in and i love it let's go biggest day
Starting point is 00:19:57 this is pretty good don't don't do it for anybody other than caleb guys okay who do we leave off at christine we're just gonna bring it up again because her profile pic is fire. Great profile pic. It's mad lit on God. On God, no cap. Should be bossing. Okay, we did have a couple of decent questions here. Matt, have you ever played for your coaches
Starting point is 00:20:17 to get their L1? Yes. That's something that we offer. So if you go and get your L1 and you commit to a certain amount of hours a week that you're going to be coaching, there's definitely uh programs that you could buy that back i also let all my coaches know that if they buy anything that pertains to leveling up their education like whether it be one of the online courses that crossfit offers like spot the flaw
Starting point is 00:20:38 or the programming the lesson plan the anatomy um not the judge's course that's just fucking stupid but the other ones like we will just kidding we have them doing for the open um but i offer for all of them to go and do that and all they have to do is bring me the receipt and then they have to uh integrate and that's the biggest thing like i'll pay for education for the coaches like this is up and included in books and stuff like that like buying books or audible books like whatever they do to level up their skills in coaching or in business for that matter, depending on what they want to do long term. But if they do that, and then we integrate it, and that's the big piece, you got to like, find a way to take what you're learning and either teach it to the coaches
Starting point is 00:21:18 implemented in lesson plans, do something to take that skill set and apply it into the gym, into your classes. And a hundred percent, you get re reimbursed for that. I, um, that's something that I will always do at the gym. I also, we've had a lot of people at the gym. I like to say that the affiliate is like a vehicle that will take you wherever you want. And what I mean by that is like, if you come into the gym, you start working out, you're just like really dedicated and disciplined, like to yourself. And then you start to come in and say hey i want to coach part-time but i really want to be a firefighter like full-time it's a great come in and coach and then i will within my power try to help connect you to the right people or whatever it takes to kind of get you to go through like i'm not gonna bring you in and try to say oh no you're only here don't
Starting point is 00:22:03 don't pursue anything else and coach for me for the rest of my life um i like to have very upfront and honest conversations with her with my coaches and the biggest one early on was like hey if you think you could do it better than me meaning like oh fuck man i'm gonna go open up my own gym and then i tell them all the time like let's just have the conversation because chances are you're like you could either have a higher position up in the gym that I am in, like with what Albert does, who crushes it and basically runs the whole entire show and, um,
Starting point is 00:22:31 or can help you fund it. Be an investor of, uh, the other gym. Um, let's see. Susan, what are your real thoughts on,
Starting point is 00:22:39 uh, being competitive, being what competitive on affiliates? I'm all for health. Oh, in the affiliates. Um, yes. One of actually, uh, thing that I said a while back, um, did really well on Instagram reels and I never like actually like expected it would. And it was me talking just about that, which is like, everybody has to find their own personal competition within the gym. And that doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to go out and,
Starting point is 00:23:07 um, compete somewhere. That means you could compete against the clock. That means you could compete against just the shit you're dealing with in your head for life. And you're just going to like grind it out during your burpees. Like competition, I think is important because it's always going to make you strive to be
Starting point is 00:23:22 better. But what are you, what type of competition are you focusing on and how is that relating back to how it's going going to make you strive to be better. But what type of competition are you focusing on? And how is that relating back to how it's going to better yourself? I would say a good example, just like with the levels of competition. My dad still goes to the affiliate, like I was saying earlier. Him and his friend have had the same competition every every day they go to the gym it's the same thing they're like they're always looking at each other's scores that's my dad's competition is
Starting point is 00:23:50 another guy who is similar in ability and like whenever my dad came back from all of his treatments he was striving that was his competition was trying to meet his uh his numbers just like he did before he got out or before his treatments. So that was his, that was his thing. He's like, okay, well I got to catch up to my buddy again.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I got to catch up to this guy again. I got it. Like that's competition for me. My competition is okay. I want to do better in the open or I want to do better. Uh, like I want to, I want to beat,
Starting point is 00:24:23 I want to do better than my wife. Cause she's starting to train them more, you know? And it's like, I can't let her beat i want to do better than my wife because she's starting to train no more you know it's like i can't let her beat me all the time so that's that's my competition so there's just levels to it yeah one year my wife beat me in the open by one place which was weird the way it lined up because she was on a completely different leader board but don't worry she screenshotted both of them and cropped them together and then put me underneath her by one point. Asshole. You're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:24:51 That's a great example, right? What is your dad doing? He's competing to get back to where he was and get back into the shape that he was prior to cancer and everything else. And you're just trying to beat your wife by one point in the open. Everybody's competition is different. Walter, affiliates never used to care how many how many affiliates there were or how crossfit was doing um that's definitely not true don't you remember the tag i'm out people throwing their shit away and scraping crossfit off their
Starting point is 00:25:21 wall that was a pretty big moment for them to care no i mean i think I think these conversations have been happening all the time. But I would agree with you in the sense that it's probably more vocal and forward-facing now than it was in the past. But being an affiliate owner... Being a 10-year affiliate owner myself. Being an affiliate owner, you get around other affiliate owners and these conversations have been happening all the time. But definitely more forward-facing, way more in the media space than it ever was. So to you, that probably definitely seems different. Mad Marv is a member. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:25:55 You have to be a CEO if you guys want the behind the scenes. Sorry if you didn't know that. If you didn't know, now you know, Marv. There are a ton of memberships that just came in. Ashley, welcome. Caleb hates kids. Yes, that's correct. That's, yes.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Just sneak that one in there. Helping. I go to affiliates two days a week and home three to four days a week and i'm moving towards affiliate training but i have the garage gym and the affiliate is there and the affiliate i love is 30 minutes away now that's cool a little hybrid action dude that's probably a really good way to do it if you're somebody who works out at home because you know that at home you're not capturing the same intensity as you are with people around you right and so if you have if you're a good and motivated to do it on your own in the garage but
Starting point is 00:26:50 you could kind of use your the affiliate two days a week as just like hey am i really pushing myself like i should be in the garage that's a um that's a cool combo we have like do you have a membership or a punch card i wonder if i have a membership you have a membership yeah i wonder if caleb i mean uh helping as a member uh a punch card for that what um do you go to an affiliate what affiliate do you go to now yeah i go to cross hydro oh yeah the um they he offers open gym but you're only allowed to use open gym between class times so there's no classes going on because our kind of like yours we don't have space to be allowing open gym to be going on at the same time as regular classes yeah i same with helping i think i'll go to an affiliate i'll go there during for
Starting point is 00:27:38 a class or a couple times a week but otherwise i go outside of class times just hit your own is that just because the schedule thing or you just prefer to kind of do your own thing majority of the time? Schedule thing normally. I don't really care to get up at 4.30 in the morning and I'm usually up pretty late. Yeah, dude. That 4.45 alarm clock for me comes around quick.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Sousa, have you ever had a devil's threesome? Oh, fuck. I don't even know. Yes. I have no idea what that even is. Sleeky, I have a sister who is 22 years younger than me. Interesting. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I wouldn't. Okay, never mind. I was going to ask more questions, but I love Sleeky on the show Jane really got a good workout And when Dick and Tom gave her The devil's threesome A threesome including one woman and two men Oh yeah, that's the only way I roll baby
Starting point is 00:28:36 If we can't pause For a quick sword fight Don't fucking include me Okay Quick high five, fist bump just a couple lightsabers swinging around oh my gosh gross y'all rubio dude yes youtube member thank you brother awesome we're crushing these memberships go there get. Get a membership. Yes. Look at that. Let's have on noise.
Starting point is 00:29:07 That's right. We'll just keep this, calm it up for far too long. Like sometimes happens in the live callings. Everybody knows. Yeah. Bag of weed and chocolate dick emoji. Then I'll join. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Will? Will? The few that he would refuse to make would definitely be the bag of weed and the chocolate dick. Exactly. Vindicate. Hey, if you guys haven't gone over and checked out the new beanies that Travis set up, they look awesome. I need to get one. It's cold as fuck here yeah how it hasn't been super cold there what's the temperature starting to get starting to get freezing now oh shit yeah these are dope yeah look at those i like this one specifically
Starting point is 00:29:57 the yellow yeah that's what grace likes too what was the one is that the one that seven called the meg beanie yeah oh no no it was um this one oh okay this is the meg beanie oh shit hey if you buy the meg beanie and send me a picture uh wearing it dressed like meg i'll give you the whole behind the scenes for free. I'm just kidding. Whoa. Whoa. Just making hell of promises. I'll drop a Subaru off at your house. Oh, shit. And delivered.
Starting point is 00:30:35 It's pink, but it's okay. I feel like I've read all the member names, Caleb, so you could join. Go ahead. Coffee Paws and Wads came to remember this morning before the show started oh really yeah there's that one nice deflection from the name we can't pronounce hannah thank you pedro and pedro i like that it shows the ones that didn't happen while we were alive dude thank you we're counting these though by the way guys these happen during the show okay so if they're in the comment section mike richard yep let's go baby
Starting point is 00:31:09 come on keep them coming records what is it oh surfboard okay samantha thank you jay hardell hard all right thomas thomas no chrissy oh man great profile picture dang you know what oh lisa yeah that is a great profile picture is this pair par pair par par par yeah they're stacking in awesome brian what's up brother thank you purchase josh that's the guy's agent from last night he actually bought the membership for tips oh stephanie sweet became a member oh we got another new one here. Okay, now we're back where we were back. Beautiful. Look at this, though. We can keep it going.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Felicia. Nice. Remember that? Were you on the back end after we got off and I told the story about the standee in the restaurant? Yes. That chick's name was Felicia. Oh, my gosh. Ah, yes.
Starting point is 00:32:27 What a name. Yes. Why would it be anything else but the Felicia? Robbie Myers. Okay, so before we get into the CrossFit culture being changed, I still want to have that conversation. So if any of you guys at a moment here do have an opinion on that, please call in, Give me your opinion.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Keep it fucking short. I was talking with a few people yesterday and I was like on this tip that like there's this like bringing the ideas to situations are great, but it's also like the lowest form of contribution. And we get tons of like emails or like DMs with people like having these ideas or they'll suggest it in the comment. And one thing I just want to make clear is that if you are giving an idea and you're not bringing solutions on how to execute on it or just executing it on yourself and then showing up and being like, here's what I did. I had this idea and then I did the work. Check it out. Do you like it? Then just showing up and saying, you guys should do this or you guys should do that is literally like the lowest form of contribution one could have. So make sure that you're bringing more to the table than just ideas. Okay, we got someone from like Illinois, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Caller, hello, you're live on the show. Or maybe you're not. Good morning. Hello. Yes. Good morning. Good morning. Caller, you're live. Hey.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Hey. What's up, dude? How you doing? Who is this? I was on the fence about calling. This is Steve Blacksmith. Awesome. Welcome to the show, brother. You were on the fence? What were you doing? I was on the fence about calling. Checking out the neighbors? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:06 But then you said that contribution is the lowest form, or suggestion is the lowest form of contribution. Yes. Only if you bring that. And that's the whole purpose of my calling. Just an idea? So I was like, well, yeah, yeah. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I got a BTS idea, and I was like, all right, I wasn't going to say anything, but now I got to say something. All right. Okay. Hey, so concerning the bts after it's released in full right are there plans for it to be bundled and then released wide on a on a platform like um apple or google play or something like that uh you mean like as a paywall or just for free no no as a payable i want to add it to my library with the rest of the documentaries am i going to be able to like that's what i'd be able to do that that's a great question and it's also one that i can't answer right now i'm not sure i think we would love to be able to do something like that but i'm just i'm i'm not i'm not sure but we definitely talked about it well instead he likes it take it as your idea and get all the credit for it good man but yeah i mean that is a that is a great suggestion and we do hope to be
Starting point is 00:35:18 able to do that especially i mean we're hoping to keep the ball rolling with this like these memberships that you guys are um doing to be able to just get some early access to it, it's crowdfunding for the next thing. That's what we want to do. We want to recoup a little bit of the money back. We want to be able to pay the people that helped out. We want to be able to do more of this in the future. So every single person who's buying a membership
Starting point is 00:35:37 is getting us closer and closer to being able to do more and more and more of this. But yeah, that's a great idea. Hopefully we'll be able to get that so you can add it to that library on, what are you like apple guy or netflix or what yeah apple guy apple yeah yeah hopefully we'll be able to get that up there to keep it in a library that would be dope yeah for sure well thanks guys appreciate taking the time hey thanks for calling in bro appreciate it later but yeah that would be good i just don't know oh shit
Starting point is 00:36:08 what oh i just got a cool text okay this is exciting we may have a new sponsor potentially somebody reached out to you a little bit ago and they just got back right now on this this is gonna if this is the most profitable show ever, God, go back to the boss with that. Caleb and I cleaned house. We crushed it, dude. Somebody asked if we were five minutes behind the chat. No, I just left it at the scroll because more stuff was coming in, and there were some good questions in here. And I wanted to make sure that I got all of them.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Eddie, welcome to the show um two dudes suza yeah yep the only way i like it um oh wait did i say eddie welcome to the show no eddie welcome to the membership oh and he's got some oh damn oh some jujitsu champs too some two playing brothers dude that's awesome um kendall has a question here oh actually we'll go with the real kevin's uh first because this is easy suza did pedro rig the uh cpw show yes he fucking did of course how is he gonna let velner win by a half point when clearly he didn't that's not kind of bullshit how do you just how do you just dish out half points like that it's not it needs to be like uh like jeopardy or it's like okay i'll take you you get like a thousand dollars per question or something you know what i mean it's like oh
Starting point is 00:37:40 and then he like takes specific points yeah if you get it wrong, you lose a point. Yeah. Yeah. That was pretty fucked. See, that's how you execute an idea. Caleb had an idea, and then he told you how to do it. I'll tell anybody how to do anything. I'm really good at that.
Starting point is 00:38:01 That show in that format was a lot of fun, though. The only thing, I felt a little out of my lane with the questions because i will say that like although i follow up on like a lot of the game stuff and i'm a huge fan of the sport like if you would have had to be talking about all that stuff in 2016 i would have felt like i could like dial everything in but now as like my focus has really shifted like more towards like business and stuff and those are the things that like i'm really into i haven't really kept up on all my you know game stuff so there's a couple questions in there that um i uh felt a little like what's up dude i wish i had more information to answer on travis what's up man how you doing that wasn't um an
Starting point is 00:38:43 apparel sponsor that just texted you is it because i'd like to know no no no no no no since since saturn doesn't have an apparel sponsor he has an apparel partner he has an apparel partner very true apparel yeah yeah people don't have a deal no i get it no i just hey i wanted to call in tell everybody thank you um on the beanies that was literally just a we're going to give this a try and see what happens. I ran out of patches and I've had to order more. So we're on a roll. Dude. Awesome. It was, that was literally just a kind of like what you were saying, bring solutions. I
Starting point is 00:39:22 tried it out to see how it would work and sent you guys the pictures and people are ordering them so i've gotten numerous requests um if we're going to have them at wadapalooza so i'm ordering more so we can make sure we have them at wadapalooza because last year it got fucking cold there yeah so we will be prepared dude that's awesome and just in case uh people don't know like travis is talk about like don't don't just bring ideas like bring the solution 99 of the designs and everything you see is travis like throwing ideas out there us being like that's awesome and then be like okay done and then the next time we see it people are buying it off the website
Starting point is 00:40:01 i mean that's like yeah that's how all like all these ideas you said like the the who's not should be named like the victim like he has actually crushed all these designs completely understands the nuances of the show makes what everybody like no knows what everybody's gonna want to wear and makes that and um huge thank you travis huge. Thank you, Travis. No problem. And I learned that from the show, honestly. Because when I first started doing stuff, I just kept messaging you guys saying, how can I help?
Starting point is 00:40:34 And I finally was like, okay, I'm going to make sure it's for you. Is that cool? Let's go. And the other vendor was messing up, so it worked out really well. Yeah, fuck yeah. But it's yeah it's literally been just finding solutions for everything so bring solutions fucking boss thank you dude crushing it hi man thanks guys keep it up i'd like to know how many years in
Starting point is 00:40:57 advance are you um as far as the bank account right now with all these memberships we got like five years of behind the scenes booked right now, don't we? Dude, it's looking pretty good. I'll tell you that. Everybody's got a freaking icon in the chat. Hey, dude, we might get, we might, Caleb and I might get enough stipend money while we're out there helping and producing to get two cups of coffee a day now. So it's going to be. Yeah. Yeah. It's crushed up. I mean, the support is unreal. and to get two cups of coffee a day now. Yes! There you go.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Yeah, it's crushed up. I mean, the support is unreal. You guys are fucking awesome. Awesome. It went from like moderators to now we just have a bunch of members. Yeah. Moderators to members. Every freaking, every name's got Nikon next to it.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Dude, it's crazy. It's very cool. Yeah, awesome. All right, brother. Thank you. All right, guys, keep it up. Thanks, Travis. Yeah, and I feel like I'm super, it dude it's crazy it's very cool yeah awesome all right brother thank you thanks for having us um yeah and i feel like i'm super there's been more that have like come in but i'm super behind on this uh chat here as we'll scroll down through okay we said we said to flea shire i think i found
Starting point is 00:41:58 where i can't um uh olivia can't wait to get my crop ceo sweatshirt yesterday yeah yeah get it in we say robbie robbie thank you remember we got robbie do we get cory no that's cory in the mix cory thank you for joining welcome to the membership exclusive exclusive picks coming today if you guys like if you're gonna get the membership and just want the insight on what Sevan does and who he travels with and the elites he rubs elbows with, I would definitely follow for today because
Starting point is 00:42:33 this may not happen again. We got another caller here. Hello, welcome to the show. Hold on. Did it disconnect from my Bluetooth? Hold on, caller. hold on fuck did it disconnect from my bluetooth hold on caller um um um fuck now i feel it now i know exactly how several feels i heard it right here it just um hold on connected connected hello caller can you hear me okay well we're just gonna do this yeah but it's not connected to the
Starting point is 00:43:06 bluetooth hi Colin welcome to the show hey it's Jody Lynn Jody Jody how are you Susan I'm freaking fantastic can you guys in the comments here hi Caleb. Jody, how are you doing? I'm great. I'm great. I wanted to tell you about the temperature in my box. The culture. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell us all about your box, please.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Well, it was great in 2012 to about 2019, 20. Okay. And then they just, it sold to a different owner and they had no respect or appreciation for Glassman, wanted to do the whole black square. Slowly just became not the best part of my day.
Starting point is 00:44:02 What do you feel like started to change? Was it like the attitude towards it or was that just kind of like they they showed their colors with that and you started distancing what do you think changed no no the new owner i mean we cut we the the members kind of had to get the new keep the owner in check like lady that why would you get out of the only reason we're here is because you're CrossFit. Why would you want to disassociate with CrossFit? You would lose your gym. So she didn't succumb to everybody leaving, you know?
Starting point is 00:44:34 Right. And then it just slowly, like Dave Castro got fired. That was the best thing for her. You know, it's like, hello? Yeah. Oh, really? Wow. I stayed on because it was
Starting point is 00:44:47 great community and then I eventually moved and I probably would have commuted back there, except it was no longer the best hour of my day. I was just like, I can do this in my basement. Damn. That's a bummer. Especially when you have your people and you really
Starting point is 00:45:03 enjoy it. I know. I totally... I'm just so sad. I miss it a lot. But the culture there was just like... It was no longer what I really loved. Yeah. So I checked out a couple boxes in my new location. One of them...
Starting point is 00:45:20 I'm a 6 a.m. or so. One of them, I went to 6 a.m. The guy... Nobody said hello to me. How does that happen? Wait. So hold on. Walk me through that. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. I'm like, what the hell? So you're coming into the door, you walk into the gym, like, is there a spot where they congregate to like, you know, the whiteboard debrief or something like that? So sort of calm.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Okay. So you walked in. I called the coach ahead of time. He met me at the door, did whatever. And then I went into the group and like literally like nobody had made an eye contact. Hello? Nothing. I'm like, okay. And then the coach left immediately for his nine to five job. So I like, I didn't even get to talk.
Starting point is 00:46:02 No shit. Wow. Damn. Then the second one I went to, great time. And then did my one-week trial. Then he just started sending me these two-brain business emails. He's never once picked up the phone to call me. What do you mean the two-brain business?
Starting point is 00:46:25 Like just like hit you with like automated stuff? They're just like you mean the two-brain visit just hits you with automated stuff? Oh, you can tell. They're just packaged emails from two-brain. Yeah. Hey, Jody, we haven't heard from you. Blah, blah, blah. Hey, this is my discretionary income. If you want it, give me a call. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Hey, don't send me some packaged email. And they never reached out on like a personal touch after that. Like, hey, Jody, sorry. And we had to run out and like, you know, I had to get to my. Hey, I'm a salesperson. I pick up the phone. I want your money. I want you to feel like, you know, you want to give me your discretionary income.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah, you care. You would probably do that, Sousa. Yeah, we do. Just pick up the phone and call him. Yeah, yeah. Although I'll tell you what, I got duped by this sales guy, Randall, from fucking ClassPass. Randall. Randall.
Starting point is 00:47:17 And for the last week and a half, I'm not going to lie, I've been afraid to pick up the phone. It's fucking Randall every time from a new number. He's like a serial killer. And the crazy part about it is I like, so he was a genius, right? Because they left a voicemail. So I get a voicemail and it's like, hey, this is Randall.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I'm looking for Matt. I was just wanted some questions about membership. I'm like, oh, fucking great. Call Randall back, right? Hey, Randall, it's Matt. What are you doing? And he like goes to go into the membership thing. Like he's actually going to like join the gym? And he goes to go into the membership thing. He's actually
Starting point is 00:47:45 going to join the gym. And then it just takes a hard right turn. And all of a sudden, I realize I'm in the middle of a sales pitch and there's no fucking way out. And so I'm trying to get Randall off the phone. And I'm like, Randall, relax, bro. Just go ahead and send me some more information about your class pass. And I kind of fucked up because I should have just said it wasn't for me. I knew it wasn't for me. And ever since then, Randall's just been ass pounding me via email and phone call to the point where I'm like, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:12 we're, we're, we're headed to the courthouse for a restraining order. I'm not going to lie. You have to have a good balance of calling and between calling and harassing, but you want to flatter somebody and let them know hey we would really like your money yes we want you here because some people
Starting point is 00:48:30 that you know that's what matters is that this is big money that you're joining these gyms and it's surprising to me but that like it's surprising to me that when you walked into the new gym like we do this all the time and sometimes i feel like ah maybe the the drop-ins or the new people that are in there feel a little on the spot. Cause I'll literally like, we'll congregate and I'll be like, all right guys, let's get ready to start class.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And I'll be like, Hey, by the way, we got a drop in Caleb from Kansas, or I'll do something like dumb like that and make a little, and then I'll like applaud and the whole class of pot applauds. Right. And then I'm like,
Starting point is 00:49:02 Hey Caleb, this is an all just, if the class is smaller like if it's yeah if it's like eight to ten people i might just rattle off everybody's name in there and then just be like great we're all best friends if it's you know if it's a little bit smaller class or something then i'll we'll do a little introduction um you know who's actually really good at that is pool boy he's been coaching at the gym for a while now it's great yeah and he gets up there he does like these funny questions of the day where he knows how to do it usually
Starting point is 00:49:29 most people hate that question of the day thing especially if it happens all the time but he does it so well that people like like he's forced the rest of us to start to like really make that a ongoing thing now which has been which has been cool. It used to be great. And that eventually left that original gym that I was at. It was always like part of the program and just eventually things slipped away. And anyway, I just wanted to let you know what the temperature was in that box. And I just kind of, at some point the value is just not there anymore for you. So that's why I left that gym. Of course, I moved a little bit further away.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Yeah. Hey, one more question. It sounds like all the gyms that I hear through podcasts and like Chief Nation and like all these great little gyms, I just wish they were closer because they sound like they're right up my alley. Yeah. Hey, one quick question before I let you go.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Do you know why the original owner sold the gym? This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list? Then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale. To get
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Starting point is 00:51:35 Oh, he got, he was so great. No, he was the best. He was the best coach ever, but just the little pettiness of people's problems. You know, people would complain is the clicks and the complaints and then he ended up starting um an axe throwing bar he's just a entrepreneur but he was just totally into oh yeah he went to all the ranch crossfit games he you know and he still is a big lifter but he just got tired of the headaches yeah yeah and he he found a person who was going to pay him the money and he left and he does ax throwing and cornhole bars and stuff like that. He's doing really well, but I still, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:14 refer to him for advice on lifting and whatnot. The only lifts. Man. Cool. Well, thank you so much for calling in. Yeah. Great contribution.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Thanks for standing in today for us. Nerve-wracking, but always a good time. Caleb. He can hear you, but you won't hear him. I'll translate. That's okay. Go ahead. No, I just want to tell Caleb, keep it down there. Keep it down.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yes, ma'am. Thanks, Judy. I appreciate it. He said, yes, ma'am. He appreciates it. All right. See you guysady. I appreciate it. She said, yes, ma'am. She appreciates it. All right. All right. See you guys later. Bye-bye. Thanks, Shady. Bye. I don't know what. Maybe she's on Android. That's why I couldn't connect. I don't know. I just made that up because Android people are...
Starting point is 00:52:56 Yeah, fucking Android people. So now we got to slap them down a little bit. Okay, hopefully that's not a bunch of blue shoes. What's up? You see CTP is a member? CTP. He's the man ctp ctp cam now he's a member part of the fam that rhymed nice welcome to the club i'm i'm telling you guys i would like caleb and savon and i were talking about it last night after we got off the show. By the way, Charlie was a stud. That was awesome. Yeah, I really like that guy.
Starting point is 00:53:28 But be calm. And by the way, for today in particular, if you want to get the behind the scenes, you for sure have to get the CEO. But today in particular, I think when Sevan posts for the members only, it'll go to everybody regardless of the level. Walter said a comment in here and I had to here it is uh this whole podcast has turned into we just want your money yes just joking walter i mean we just want to provide value in exchange for monetary uh uh service okay rb um do you ever
Starting point is 00:54:07 follow up with your drop-ins and see what their experience is like like visit nah fuck them you know i'm saying you're in here for one day taking up space no no i'm just kidding you only pay me 20 that's it yeah 20 i'm raising my drop-in fee to 40 that's how you get a follow-up call yeah no free t-shirt buy that on its own we have uh We do have some automations and stuff in place, but no, we should probably do that on a more personal touch. I used to be really on top of that, like super in the early days, and would be like,
Starting point is 00:54:35 Hey, did you enjoy it? They're like, Yeah, it was awesome. I'd be like, Cool, give me a review. Reversal, two points. But no, I don't follow up as much as I should with the drop-ins. All right, there was a couple other good questions in here. Damn, it's hard to keep up with the chat when hosting a show. I feel like I'm totally on top of it when I have value.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Market zero, Walter. Walter's like, he's holding our feet to the fire here yes value blade what's up dude we we definitely need to get blade scheduled the schedule is kind of crazy right now because we have a lot of palooza coming up so i always leave a gap in there because i know like someone wanted to start like loading that up with athletes as we get closer and he'll probably just want to go hard right before so it's always like this weird gap and then um he's just been dominating this freaking uh reaching out to guests like i'm like my the pipeline of people coming in is like freaking huge right now and we're scheduled like i'm putting people almost to february at this point um or beyond which is yeah which is pretty far pretty far out for for us but i do need to get uh blade scheduled um oh this is spraza
Starting point is 00:55:59 sparta how do i get one of those nickelodeon looking icons um you get it i remember you got to be a member see that's the value walter that's what i'm talking about boy do you know hold on we got to give a couple member shout outs here as uh they just joined in a couple names i don't recognize yet okay jay harlow we got him last right he upgraded his membership upgraded yeah he was a ceo or he was a media director now he's a ceo congratulations already promoted see well they're just fucking reigning value bro um eric lies belder brings the views susa never had a chance. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:49 He really said that. I don't know why you brought that comment up, Caleb. That's fucked. But he's not wrong. Awarding BS.5 is better than six whole points. Is that a dig at me too? No, I think that's a dig at Death By. Oh.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Because Death By just awards six points randomly. You know? I only watch that show if Chase is on it. True. The CEO membership, $10? Nah, bruh. It's a little bit more than that. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Let's see. Does anybody else want to call in real quick and talk about anything? Oh, we got more members here. Here we go. Sonny K, welcome to the membership. Awesome. That's crazy. Oh,b said he jumped from that charlie lance show to here yeah dude he was that kid's a rock star i really like i was hyping him up towards the end somebody called me i don't think dan did but um but i'm serious like he he's got
Starting point is 00:58:03 it man he has like the confidence of like an 18 year old kid still you know how you have like kids who are like varsity whatever and in high school and then they're just like yeah i'm the fucking greatest thing since sliced bread he's like been writing that for 10 years he's got some crazy confidence in him he yeah he really does but it's it's weird though because sometimes like when people are like that there's almost like you're like like drawn away from him kind of or like yeah but like he he had the ability to kind of like make it okay right yeah he would do that too or do you think he was a little too much yes there are people that have acted like that that i've felt are completely douchebags but that he was really good at like he could
Starting point is 00:58:44 play into a lot of things. Like when, uh, seven on did the, the phone call for the ticket sales. He was like, yeah, I'm down for it.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Let's do it. He wasn't like above that. He was like, yeah. Like I remember my, my sales pitch. I remember all the, like,
Starting point is 00:58:57 I'll tell you everything, you know, he's, yeah, he's, he's really good at that. It was cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:02 And on top of that, he backs that shit up. Like I said, it's like that earned confidence, right? Like, right. he's not just saying it and not doing it he's crushing it davish welcome to the membership okay now i'll try to oh jedediah yeah buddy my man you know what i need to um jedediah i'll probably be reaching out to you i have this um lady who we've been going back and forth like via email for a while then she disappeared and then she just recently came back uh and she wants to come back with a friend and she's also a she's
Starting point is 00:59:36 a seated athlete but she's never done crossfit before she was telling me that um she has only she's been in the chair now for about uh a year and a half or so and is now looking for these other outlets to get back to being like physical and like everything else and so she heard about like crossfit or like she said adaptive athlete training like at at these gyms i don't think she's super familiar with crossfit but i think she's like started to look into it and um she wants to come in uh and do crossfit and i've been trying to get her into the gym and now she wants to bring a friend and i was just going to reach out to jedediah just to be like hey like what you know do's don'ts like what do you like anything that i should know going into this so i could just serve her the best as possible
Starting point is 01:00:17 right um i've worked with uh a w amputee um combat that like stepped on id took one off from the knee the other one just right below the hip fuck and that was an awesome experience because he's super like he obviously was like timid like he really didn't want to like come in and join it his wife was kind of like nudging him pushed him in i was like dude let's just come and talk you could see it so he saw it came in everybody was super welcoming and everything else and he's like okay i'll give it a go so like he came back in to like join the class and one of the things that i i wish i would have done a little bit better is just better talked him through some of the movements and how that's going to like change or alter so he kind of knew what to expect a little bit more
Starting point is 01:00:58 um i just i didn't really think about it from his perspective as much and i wish i would have just spent a little bit more time there just to arm him with some more information so he didn't really think about it from his perspective as much. And I wish I would have just spent a little bit more time there just to arm him with some more information. So he didn't feel like he was kind of like waiting for somebody or the coach to kind of coach him along. Like you already knew what was coming ahead of time. So he still came in for a while until they moved out of the area though. So it's still cool.
Starting point is 01:01:18 It's still worked out. I just wish I would have made it like a solid. Oh, cool. All right. Awesome. I'll shoot you a text. Dude, my bicep has been like twitching this whole show. You see that? You see that?
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah, what the hell? Whoa! That was a big one. Dude. Dehydrated. Dehydrated and just shitload of coffee running through my veins right now. Of course. We stopped by CrossFit New England during their peak and ben bergeron came out and greeted us
Starting point is 01:01:48 pretty impressed wow did i tell you guys that i went to his uh immersion thing back in the day really yeah do you know that he offered like this look at that i'm gonna go okay call it hopefully this bluetooth works dude it's fucking not working again. Call it. Hello. Are you on an Android too? I am. Is it not connecting because of that?
Starting point is 01:02:13 I don't, dude, I don't know. I have no idea, but like if you go to press, I was going to show the people, but I want to show your number. If I go to press like where it says like speaker,
Starting point is 01:02:21 like other options, it doesn't bring up like the option for Bluetooth. Really? Yeah. So should I just go buy an iPhone? Duh. It's funny. I have an Android.
Starting point is 01:02:33 My daughter's 11. I got her an iPhone. She loves it. So maybe, I don't know. I used to be an iPhone guy. I just got over it. Why'd you switch? What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:02:42 So you got over being cool? What do you mean? You didn't over being cool? What do you mean? You didn't like the blue text messages? Yeah, Caleb said you don't like blue text messages. It's too much pressure. What's going on, brother? What's going on, guys? Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I had a question. So you're a gym owner. Yep. I always wonder Jim's policies on animals and specifically coaches bringing a pet to, you know, they come, they coach and they bring their dog. And if not controlled, then obviously it turns into a shit show. And I just I wanted to get your thoughts on it. Yeah. to a shit show. I wanted to get your thoughts on it. When I first started,
Starting point is 01:03:30 bring your dog. Have a good time. Everybody's welcome, even our furry four-legged friends. Then what happened one day? Somebody brought their fucking Great Dane. No, it wasn't Sevan. It wasn't Sevan. There was also this lady. She actually used to own the gym when I bought it for her.
Starting point is 01:03:45 She had this small little dog with these bug eyes that moved opposite ways. She was a cat or something. And that little dog ran around. And at the same time, two other people brought their dogs. One of the milk dogs. So there was four dogs in this gym. And I specifically remember somebody new walking in saw all the dogs and you could tell right away they were like okay right like one dog like a gym dog that maybe is
Starting point is 01:04:13 the owner that just kind of sleeps in the corner that everybody loves to pet not that big of a deal when he got the fucking petting zoo in there and i got the great dane and the little like it just got out of hand and then what ended up happening was number one that little dog with the bug eyes almost got a barbell dropped on her like really close and then one of the members who did i think it was like a clean and jerk or something this was you know nine years ago but whatever the lift was like went to go do the lift and then went to drop the bar and realized the dog was like close and tried to maneuver real quickly to like not drop the bar on the dog and ended up fucking hurting themselves right like think about that you go to do a clean and jerk and you tweak some weird way because you are trying to avoid killing and smashing this
Starting point is 01:04:54 gecko dog and like now your back hurts like fuck that um and then the and then the great day got mouthy and nipped at somebody running out the door to go do the 400. so literally from that day forward i was like okay dogs are done and then that was that was it and i tried even two being like oh we put a water bowl outside and you could time up in the parking lot then they would bark and the owner and then they would try to unleash them and take them on the 400 and it's four rounds of helen and you're like really gonna untie your dog run with your fucking dog retie your dog back up like why are you even what are you doing this is a three round fast workout get the fuck out of here with that and so that's where we started with and then um and then that's how that ended up but that was why we made the uh adjustment
Starting point is 01:05:38 yeah that makes yeah so with anything in this case gym, you have to weigh the pros and the cons. Like, obviously, most people like dogs. You know, you come to the gym and you get to see a dog. Oh, it's so cute. It's this, it's whatever. But like, all right, the pros, do the pros outweigh the cons. You bring a dog. Now that dog has to be taken care of. If it's a well-behaved dog and maybe there's an area you can put it in like a cage around it or something cool but if it's not or if it's a person that doesn't want to cage their dog or whatever or leash the dog now you have to worry about this dog running around like you said people having to maneuver around it or people that
Starting point is 01:06:21 are afraid of dogs or getting injured, you know? Like, so, so yeah, we just, I don't know. At my box here, we have this ongoing issue.
Starting point is 01:06:32 As a matter of fact, right now, so prompted me to call in one of the Friday morning coach brings her dog and like either holds the dog and walks around and tries to coach while holding a dog or allows the dog to walk around. Dude, if I was to tell you all the things that happen at this gym, you would, it's, it's, it's ugly. So yeah. So either the dog will just run around. I'm back in the office trying to get some work done while class is going on.
Starting point is 01:07:02 And this dog keeps coming and pushing my door open and and wandering around and then like i don't know it's just like do the pros and the cons and uh i needed to ask because i'm a firm believer i love dogs you know yeah me too but time and place you know is it appropriate to have a dog at the gym, especially if you are the coach? Why are you bringing your dog? Completely agree. Yeah, that's not something standard. Well, thanks, dude.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Hey, do you coach at that affiliate you're talking about? I do. I actually started this affiliate back in 2013, so we just celebrated our 10 years this year. Oh, congrats. then thank you thank you and then i uh i've i've been around i bet i sounded dirty i've been around uh helping other areas so i left in like 2018 helped another gym came back here and then left again in 2021 to help another gym and it was from it was about that point till i came back last year that things really went south it's funny because jody's story is very similar where 2020
Starting point is 01:08:13 sold to other owners and they show up maybe once a month um they're very disconnected it's it's really sad uh but yeah i came back and the dog thing and poor coaching and just bad habits formed. And I've been fighting for about nine months now to try to undo all of that. And it's been interesting. It's been fun, but it's worth it. You know, it's CrossFit and we know this changes lives. And if something's bad, it needs to be fixed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Do you guys have coaches meetings we do once a month we have a coach's meeting yeah so maybe i mean i don't know if you could subtly like bring that up or something i mean without actually did i actually did uh the last uh meeting i brought it up and unfortunately you know poor leadership it trickles down to poor behavior from coaches or a lack of caring or whatever. So when you have leaders that just don't care, show up once a month, very hands-off, like they're not here. Well, chances are your coaches are going to reflect that. And unfortunately that's what's happened in the last couple of years at this affiliate. Like the coaches never show up or excuse me, the owners never show up. The coaches, not all of them are bad, but there's a few really bad apples and it reflects in so many things.
Starting point is 01:09:36 So I brought it up. And of course, it's not heard. It's it's it's it's heard. It's not received well. It's there's reaction there's reaction oh my god he must hate dogs or he's so mean and blah blah and i'm like yeah okay well you know so yeah that's that's kind of the the atmosphere here the temperature as jody put it damn all right well keep fighting the good fight brother thanks for calling him you guys too happy new year all right brother happy new year bye peace okay so do we really think that it's just because of android or like that's very possible if you have an iphone and want to come in i mean call in do so sorry i'm like distracted looking at something okay all right i have a i have a couple more minutes and i gotta run to the
Starting point is 01:10:25 damn i can't see the cool emojis like there's a triggered emoji like how do you put in like a 1999 emoji like i only see i just have the youtube pulled up so i just oh because i'm like i can only see it by whatever the title of the thing is trigger alert okay that's pretty good and what's that 1999 one it's literally just like money 1999 oh that's funny but that's like the hang up one right okay yes wait hold on hold on hold on give me one second um bluetooth uh road passer connected um um fuck no it's not it's some something's up now okay hey what's up dude yep i'm on iphone so that makes sense god damn sorry dude oh i appreciate tyler walk, owner of the Heat 1 app. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:11:26 How are you doing? I have one question for you. Okay. I've been contemplating. So the thing that you notice as CrossFitters age, competitive CrossFitters is, what is the one thing that they take out of their training? I think all of them continue to do CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:11:44 but they take one specific thing out of their training. I think all of them continue to do CrossFit, but they take one specific thing out of their training. Pistols? Which is, I don't know. Specifically, yes. But I think the big thing is,
Starting point is 01:11:56 is medium to heavy barbell cycling. I think you'll see a lot of them do, do snatch clean and jerk, but they won't do it for high reps anymore. And for years, we've kind of contemplated the, like, you know, should we be doing this? It's CrossFit for CrossFit's sake sort of thing. I guess I sort of thought of another way to argue it, which is to me, I realized that stimulus isn't matched anywhere else in life and in sport. That feeling you get during grace or isabel is not
Starting point is 01:12:27 like anything else so i'm not saying don't train it but it's kind of like why do we train it if we don't see it anywhere else um interesting and i guess the way that that question maps over to you is i'm interested in what your training goals are and how you approach those because you're a really busy person. And that's something I've always been interested about you is that you see, you seem fit to me, but then how do you, how do you navigate that being as busy as you are? Um, basically I just try to commit to three days a week is my minimum. I'd love to get in five days a week and I just do the class workout oftentimes i'll do kind of what almost like how caleb is we'll all come in in the middle of the day and um just hit it up when there's no like it'll be me albert and and grace sometimes
Starting point is 01:13:17 and like the three of us will just go in there and literally just do the the workout of the day if not i either drop into the noon class or i drop into the 3 30 class so the goal is is literally just fitness just to check the box that's it it's just hard like as someone who is you know thought of himself as an athlete i guess a little bit yep it's hard to change that paradigm so it's like did you ever think of yourself as an athlete or wanting to be competitive as an athlete oh 100 dude like when i first started coaching so like i didn't find crossfit for the comp like the competition like i loved racing against the clock and the methodology of it so after a few years in i was like looking at regionals in the open
Starting point is 01:13:58 then i got really into it like you know training seven days a week you know two active recovery type days and then two double sessions two times a week followed a pretty strict program and i did that for years um attempting to make it to regionals regionals never really got close like strength was my biggest inhibitor um but i was always still the guy that could like do everything rx and show up to like most affiliates and be within that top five group of people, assuming there were no standout superstars there. And yeah, I would say over these last couple of years, it's been a struggle because as everything's picked up
Starting point is 01:14:34 with the fire department, the podcast, obviously huge, and then even transitioning with the gym, it's been tough. And so now I go there and just get crushed by a ton of people in the class that would have never, ever, ever came close to any of my times. And so, yeah, that's pretty much it. Just slowly accepting that now I'm just training just to make sure that I'm
Starting point is 01:14:55 healthy, I stay fit, and that's it. Did that transition happen slowly? Or did you have to sit down and really talk to yourself and be like, okay, I'm not an athlete anymore did you have to like sit down and really like talk to yourself and be like okay i'm not an athlete anymore i have to quit being an asshole and training like this yeah and you know actually where i could tell you exactly where it happened where it started i still didn't really like get the mindset i would say mostly until this like recent but where that transition started of like hey you're spending too much time training versus like the other priorities that I have was actually at Ben Bergeron's office by Ben Bergeron in the immersion thing that we were taught. Like we just started talking about. Really? Yeah, because I went to that.
Starting point is 01:15:36 It was like that three day course. I hung out with Harry Paoli like a lot during that time. I was the only dude from California. I didn't have a car and he was nice enough to drive me up the street to like the hotel at the end and stuff like that, uh, at the end of the days, but, and also to lunch, which was, which was dope because everybody kind of jumped into their cars and I was just like kicking rocks and he's like, get in kid. And I'm like, okay. Um, but I remember talking to him about it and I was like, Oh, I'm doing this. I'm training this and blah, blah, blah. And he looked at me and he's like, so do you want to make it to regionals
Starting point is 01:16:03 or do you want to like own a successful CrossFit gym? And he's like, cause you can't do both, at least not well. And I was like, damn. And that was it. And I went back and I was like, I'm going to start coaching like individual athletes. I had a coach at the time that was like really competitive and was was good um she like definitely had a chance to make it to to regionals there was just a couple holes in her game so i just focused that energy into like writing programming and like studying the open and like regionals and all that instead as a coach rather than as an athlete interesting it's funny what what what ends up breaking the camel's back i guess yeah yeah but it still was like but
Starting point is 01:16:45 now like at this time like i'm always like i'm like oh we're gonna go do the uh like a workout with all the you know all the all the crew right like jr's gym or something like that and then that's what it creeps in i'm like damn this was a few years ago i could hang with those guys and like now everybody would probably smoke me and like you know caleb would come and set a water down because he's finished the workout 10 minutes before I have just to make sure I'm hydrated as I'm crawling out of there. Is that why you're not going to Miami? Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 01:17:12 I don't want to get roped into Taylor's spectator workouts and be known as a fraud. He's like, look at him. He can't even do a burpee. All right, dude. I just wanted to call to make sure the phone works. Thanks, bro. On my end, everybody stay glued to your Instagram as far as heat one goes.
Starting point is 01:17:29 We'll announce something in a couple days. Awesome. I can't wait, dude. Hey, let me know. Let us know how we can help you kind of push it here, too. Yeah, should be fun. All right, see y'all. All right, brother.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Thanks. Bye. Okay, so it definitely is not working. Damn, my Rodecaster worked so good and i always like made the joke that it wasn't it was just uh sevens that's right right hell yeah team has been you know you know blade and i go way back okay Okay. Let's just, uh, shout out a couple of these members and I have to run. Um, you want to take a stab at that one? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:09 He got, I can, and that sounded great. Is that true? Uh, that seems legit. Phillip Kelly has always said this about like the, my like voice and,
Starting point is 01:18:22 um, it's called the devil's threesome. Okay. Yeah. Happy birthday, by the way, dude. Uh, like voice and um it's called the devil's threesome okay i feel like yeah happy birthday by the way dude uh did you try yeah did you try turning it off and turning it back on again no because it's gonna kill all my sound and everything else i don't even i don't even know if that would work uh do 30 squat cleanups as fast as possible you'll feel your teeth floating for 20 minutes yeah i want to watch that video.
Starting point is 01:18:45 He just posted it. Oh, he filmed it and did it? Yeah. Oh, damn. Nice. Nice. Yeah, very busy with the devil threesome. Who else we got?
Starting point is 01:18:57 Winnie Davis. New member. What's up? Dope pic. That's cool. Jeremy. Welcome. dope pick it's cool jeremy welcome i worked out with uh i've worked out with hillar before i did too i well i shouldn't say i worked out with him i worked out alongside him and i just sandbagged i was a sandbag for jr they put me with jr so that they could maybe beat him dude i we did a partner workout together and like halfway through he had to pick up more reps so that way i
Starting point is 01:19:33 could like hell yeah dude he's like i'll take these two you do fives i'll do sevens and i'm like okay yeah yeah jr with like easy breath was like just just do two. I was like... Slow it down for you. You're like, god damn. Blued. What's up, man? Welcome to the show. What's happening?
Starting point is 01:19:52 What's happening? What's happening? How much, dude? How you doing? I was thinking about the team has been stuff, and I think that would be fun if any callers are listening to give the moment they knew they became a has-been sometimes sometimes it's not voluntarily sometimes it comes comes to you you don't stop competing competing stops you i'd like to share mine yeah go for it it was actually two phases. One was 2015.
Starting point is 01:20:29 You know, I was a regionals team competitor, and I had been there once, Indy. And then, you know, then just team, team, team, because it was fun, and I liked training for that more. And then I go into the academy, and I spent six months of doing nothing but running fucking hills with the occasional push-up and uh and then i you know i come out no i was lifting every now and again because when we got out we had access to the gym and so you know i get my squats and burpees and stuff and
Starting point is 01:20:59 work on some cleans but then then came the open and now since you know me i love i love to lift oh yeah and so that was the first year where they had the total bar clean ladder and double under workout yep the weight got heavier yep yep in my head mentally mentally i'm already counting like i'm like Legitimately thinking Bro I got To the I think it was the
Starting point is 01:21:30 275 And That motherfucker Spat me out You know when you catch a clean And it spits you out the back Yep And I
Starting point is 01:21:42 I looked at my mom Cause she was my judge I said Is that regulation? Let's go ahead and count that. This is a day in my life. Oh, my gosh. So that was the day that competing left me because I was like, man, I'm not trying to do all this bullshit.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Then I had another surge in 2019. But then I had realized, oh, wow, I haven't been practicing my handstand walks and my pistols. Good as fuck at all this other shit, but CrossFit getting a little extra for me. I think I'll just stick to the basics and looking good.
Starting point is 01:22:18 That tide rises so quickly, right? One year you're like, all right, I'm getting close, and then the workouts and shit come out for the next year, and you're like, damn, they moved the bar that far away from me. I thought I days that competing quit me. Yep. Yep. It hits you hard, right?
Starting point is 01:22:49 Yeah. So do you, do you have a, do you have a moment where competing stopped you? Yeah. I mean, just like I said, like just with Ben telling me that, and then once that happened, I just, I just kind of like slowed that down a lot. And then when I started, yeah. It was a verbal moment. Yours wasn't a, uh, yours wasn't a uh yours wasn't a physical moment no it was definitely a verbal moment you know maybe at that time you know what
Starting point is 01:23:12 maybe the seed was already planted just because of like that competitive tide rising so much and me kind of knowing i wasn't at that line and it was still pretty far away so it might have been just a combination of the two but yeah that fired me up at that point. I really wanted to come back and like, and, and just change my competitiveness to being like, okay, now I want to have a really great gym. You know what I mean? I'll compete like that. Not necessarily just, um, in, in, in CrossFit, but as an affiliate. Okay. I got you. Well, all right, homeboy, I'll go ahead and roll in.
Starting point is 01:23:42 If any other, uh, haulers have the day that competing left them I would love to hear them yeah let's get them in make it a whole montage thanks brother appreciate you man alright later I will do later dude bye
Starting point is 01:23:57 yeah dude that's uh okay I should probably get going I always do this and I cut it like way too close to the time I'm supposed to be uh headed out to Hayward for the fire department I'm always like I'll be off by like eight and then it's like well okay I guess I just won't eat breakfast and then it's like
Starting point is 01:24:16 8 15 and I'm like okay now I have to turn this off and like run to my car um I think that's it any closing closing remarks there Kev no thanks for making it such a fun show everybody that was really cool dude i think we got oh let's get rid of that star um i think we got 33 new members in this show over 30 for sure yeah 33 look at that and then a little bit more dope Yeah, 33. Look at that. And then a little bit more. Dope. Treading, treading the needle.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Threading the needle. I don't know. Anyhow. Okay. All right, guys. Oh, threading the needle on getting myself to there on time. Yeah, yeah, dude. You're absolutely right. Phil, when are you going to come? What is he going to come visit me? Rock a little partner workout together. Did I tell you that? Phil Kelly and I were partners in a workout. Really?
Starting point is 01:25:16 Yep. How'd it go? Did he smoke you? He did great. Yeah, I was just trying not to let him see me sweat. He's like, we had to hold these plates and he's kind of chilling and he's looking around and I'm like, we're good.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Hold it together. Hold it together. Right. It's not that bad. Yeah. Don't let him see you sweat. You can't, you can't show weakness.
Starting point is 01:25:41 Amy. Awesome. We'll end it on a good note. That's all that matters, Shiloh. That's all that matters. Like, I'd be, you know, it was funny. We had to do a 400 meter run holding a 40 pound, five pound plate, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:57 And so like, I'm, I'm running with the, I'm running with the plate and I, and I'm like kind of chilling. And I realized Andrew Sondra Pacelli is like, you know, not that far up. And I'm like, you know what? I'm going to sit behind her. And then right at the end, I'm going to try to sprint to pass her just so I could say I beat a games athlete in a workout. Yeah, baby.
Starting point is 01:26:15 And here's the funny thing. As I sped up, she straight up heard me and sped up. No way. Oh, dude, it was so, it was so good. It was so good.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Uh, Craig was ahead of me and I realized I couldn't let him beat me. Yeah. Awesome. All right. Thank you everybody. Um, I appreciate you guys, uh,
Starting point is 01:26:40 hanging out with Caleb and I, why we just kind of shoot the shit and, um, have a good time. I didn't, you know, didn't really have any solid plan coming into this, but you guys made it out with caleb and i while we just kind of shoot the shit and um have a good time i didn't you know didn't really have any solid plan coming into this but you guys made it cool so thank you very much for that caleb thanks guys that was fun cool all right well we'll see you guys tomorrow back at 7 a.m become a member now so you guys can check out what savon is doing i hope we didn't hype that and then he like doesn't post anything yeah i haven't seen anything yet so he's just like he's just like
Starting point is 01:27:11 oh shit dude sorry i didn't like the show was too busy i didn't even like think about it i was like oh okay okay good thanks leaky thanks for hanging out thanks for hanging out good fondle thank you circle jerk yeah definitely okay all right guys bye thanks for kicking it we'll see you uh we'll see you tomorrow morning at 7 a.m we have a live call in and then the calendar is stacked with guests um coming into these uh next couple weeks so it'll be fun all right guys adios and click this and uh bye

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