The Sevan Podcast - Hattie Kanyo Has ARRIVED

Episode Date: June 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:48 And just like that, we're live. Oh, yeah, I feel it. Where are you? I'm in Lethbridge, Alberta. Is that, help me out a little more. What time zone is that um mountain standard time so oh so it's a good time for you what is that that's 8 a.m for you yeah i always forget about mountain time i always think it goes from pacific to standard dude hey it was great time it was
Starting point is 00:01:19 great to meet you at um at the west coast classic yeah it was awesome meeting you too we we chatted a lot yeah yeah um i always i go there wanting to like chase kind of the bubble athletes because i always feel like that's where the most tension is going to be and you hadn't popped on my radar before even though scott had has told us very clearly you've been on a show 15 times yeah and uh man it was fun it was fun watching you do that yeah thanks i had a freaking blast obviously that wasn't the plan to be up there but i'm yeah i had a really good time and i'm confident we made it you You finished fourth. Yeah. Wild. Yeah. With the Gazans and Ariel Lowens and yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Hey, when you say you're confident, what's that mean? It just means that I lacked confidence my whole CrossFit career. And then this is the first year that I really feel like I have confidence, I guess. The most confidence. Could you teach someone that? Um, I think so. Yeah, obviously. Cause I, my mindset coach really helped me. And then obviously it was just me putting in the work over these few years. So yeah, I think you can. By that, I mean, let me, let me ask this. Let me, let me put it in context. If I, let's say you're like, Hey, Sevan, you're not very fit, but don't worry. You can sleep in today. I'm going to do extra a hundred burpees for you. And we know that's ridiculous, right? You can't give me that.
Starting point is 00:03:02 No. Yeah, exactly. you can't give me that no yeah exactly is confidence in that same um world like hey you you can't um you can't impart that on someone yeah i don't know i think it would be oh that's hard that's a tough one. Cause I think it's, sorry. Well, I was going to say just in another context, something else you talked about in the interview you did with Lauren was you talked about how every time you were done with a workout, your group would huddle around you and how important that was to you. Like you got to go into what we used to call in the Josh Bridges day, the tunnel of love, right? They would be there and kind of just surround you. It was a tunnel of love. That is the best word for it ever.
Starting point is 00:03:52 You know, they used to do that at the, when Josh Bridges used to compete, the Invictus affiliate would come and they would hold hands and they would make a long tunnel. Yes. And Josh and Josh would run through it. Yeah. And he would run through it and they called it the tunnel of love. It seriously felt like a tunnel of love though, because it was just like person, person, person, person, as I was walking, just all my group there and everyone came in for the hug and was just like, I'm so proud of you. Um, and like they feathered you like a sea anemone finishes fingers, those clown fish, you know what I mean so proud of you. Yeah, like they feathered you like a sea anemone finishes those clownfish. You know what I mean, right?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah, 100%. They protected you. They did protect me, and they made me sure that no matter what, they're still there for me, right? Like I could have been in last, and they were still going to be there and be proud of me. Tyler, who's this chick yeah a good point good great question howdy can you you never knew nobody knew what a great name i always fuck it up i'm
Starting point is 00:04:55 always like calling you haiti can yo katie hang yo the other day what a mess it's a tongue twister it's all good howdy can you um so so is when you go up there do you get confidence from them or does it yeah is that related to confidence i think a lot of things are related to confidence and yes my people are as well because jake jake keeps telling me certain things you know and and that's just being put into my subconscious, the more you're being told that you're, you deserve to be here. That's, that's me believing it from other people telling me that, right? Me, the more I work out, the more competitions that I do, the more self talk that I do to myself, you know what I mean? I mean, I believe solely in like our subconscious
Starting point is 00:05:45 and the things that we're being told are the things that we believe. So yeah, they help significantly. That's the one thing that I did work on with my mindset coach is working into that subconscious. And like when we first started working together, I was telling myself some pretty shitty things. So where I thought that I was over that kind of stuff you know I was like I'm pretty happy-go-lucky I'm always dancing I'm fun I'm positive whatever but when you go deep down I was telling myself some shit things so yeah my wife used to do this thing to me it was so funny um she would say something to me and then three days later i would like reference it like she would poke a joke at me and three days later i would
Starting point is 00:06:30 reference it she goes i knew that stuck like she fucking like you know what i mean like she she nailed me and it stuck oh i knew that stuck um a friend of mine unfortunately one time i called them stupid and years later they told me that stuck. And that fucking broke my fucking heart. And but in my life, my my and that was an eye opener for me. Right. Like, hey, be careful because you don't know what sticks. My sister told me one time, hey, you live a charmed life. That stuck. And I was like, Holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And boy, that, that, for some reason, that's really got me through some, a lot of times, dude, you live a charmed life. Like for some reason I believe that I decided to believe that. Right. Yeah. You just never know what's going to stick for people. Right. And that's kind of something that I realized too, with like even your significant other. I mean, you can kind of call each other silly names or whatever, but I'm trying to bring that back and not do that as much in the sense of like you just don't know what what like you said, what sticks. Right. Even though I'm kidding, that person, their subconscious doesn't know that you're kidding.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Right. So that's why something like that could stick so yeah yeah like if we're not perfect right if someone's in the like if someone's in that state where they're feeling sorry for themselves and then you do something to validate it then all of a sudden it might it's stuck even though you meant it as a complete joke but unfortunately like it's stuck and then they stay in this kind of like woe is me state yeah for sure 100 what's your what's your boyfriend husband fiance's name uh jake hansen i think you chatted with him once i was so excited for him i think i ran over and maybe hugged him i was so excited for him i was like yeah i was just trying to like i saw him and i was just trying to imagine what it's like seeing someone you love so much do what you were doing out there he must
Starting point is 00:08:29 have been just like yeah he was very proud and even to this day we have he's up north firefighting so we'll chat on the phone and I'll just be like can you believe it I'm a game satchel he and he'll just be like I mean yes but no but yes you know he's really proud and he still can't believe it but then obviously he can because he's like you're fit as fuck but yeah yeah Hattie did you ever see yourself um uh winning the semi-final in your mind's eye I mean like by winning I mean mean, qualifying, punching the ticket. Um, yeah, this year I did, I did a lot of visualization of it. And I think that that helped a lot. Um, I definitely saw myself punching my ticket. I didn't see myself in first place at any time of that. Right. But, um, yeah, that's why I say this year I had a lot more confidence,
Starting point is 00:09:26 um, because of the things that I changed in my life and yeah, I just felt really fit both mentally and physically. So, uh, first place after day two. Crazy. Yeah. With the field of some savages how about abigail too abigail you and abigail both showed up oh yeah her and i were going head to head the whole weekend it was awesome i loved it uh when you say you change things in your life any any like tangible stuff like like like the regular stuff like diet and sleep and. Um, no, cause not really sleep and diet, that stuff kind of stayed the same. Um, it was more of me just getting out of the gym. Um, I'm jumping into classes more because I love, uh, working out with the community. So I'm a, I'm a coach here as well. And I just love working out
Starting point is 00:10:23 with the community. Um, I love getting out to the mountains. We're only an hour away from the mountains. So I'll try to get there as much as possible. I haven't been there yet this season, but I'm fiending for it. So I'm hoping to go on Sunday, but yeah, just getting out more, taking more time off if I need it. It's just important to me to be feeling good, both physically and mentally. So yeah. Hey, where are you born? I was born in Canada here, just in a town outside of Lethbridge.
Starting point is 00:10:55 So it's like 30 minutes away from here. Spell that for me. I want to see if i can see where that is lethbridge so i'm from uh yeah lethbridge l e t h b r i d g e lethbridge lethbridge there's like a huge train bridge iconic big train bridge here and is this a pretty rural area small town stuff yeah so i'm from if you look so there's lethbridge and then raymond right there to the right of your cursor uh bottom oh okay okay awesome yeah let me see we're right on the montana border there wow that's the middle of nowhere yeah wow uh i'm gonna pull out so people can see she's just north of montana south of edmonton how far is edmonton about five and a half hours in car yeah and then my boyfriend works at the top of that province so if you go even more north of edmonton that's where i used to firefight as well
Starting point is 00:12:00 so it's like right on the northwest territories border which i always thought edmonton was north until i started working up way up there as a firefighter and i was like holy shit it's still because it's like 12 a 12 hour 13 hour drive up there like up here when you say north yeah a little bit more south because it's about an hour from that border but yeah it's it is up there what is middle of nowhere what is north about is this north is this north territories does canada own that too yeah northwest territories does anyone live up there oh yeah but you're you drive about four hours and there's really nothing it's the canadian shield so it's just rocky because i've gone up to Yellowknife before, which is about a six hour drive from that border. And yeah, there's not much. There are tiny little little yellow knife right there.
Starting point is 00:12:52 You can see by the lake there. It is beautiful up there, though. Hey, why do you why do you have to put fires out up there? Why can't those fires just burn? Just so they don't make runs into cities i mean sometimes we do let uh some of them burn if they're really up in the middle of nowhere um and they're not like ripping then there have been a few fires that we've let burn but because sometimes they'll put themselves out right yeah sometimes they'll just go and just keep yeah i guess i guess i always forget people don't really know much about it i didn't know much about it until i started the work uh the job but that's the job that's the job where um every once in a while there'll be like a really serious accident and a bunch of those dudes will
Starting point is 00:13:41 get what are the is were you a fire jumper Like basically you went into areas and put out fires where that no one wants to go. Um, kind of, I didn't jump out of helicopters or planes, I guess. Um, so I'm a, I was a hell attack. So that's initial attack. There's four people on a crew. Once we get a call, we would hop into a, a helicopter and then they would take us close to the fire. And then what we do is we like land wherever it was closest to the fire. And then we would trudge ourselves in with all of our gear and then we would put out fires and it's just mostly forest fires. So yeah. It seems so unbelievable that four people would have any business facing that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I mean, that one is actually in British Columbia when I was there for an export and there, that was a big campaign fire. So there was hundreds of firefighters on that fire. And when you, when you fight the fire, you don't fight it. Like we, like we think someone putting out like a house fire, you're not showing up with hoses. You guys have other techniques, right? Well, we do have hoses yeah so more in the states and in bc they do a lot of line digging because there's not a lot of uh water but where i am there's lots of water it's all just muskeg like when we're walking into the fire sometimes it's up to my hips what's the water
Starting point is 00:15:00 must what muskeg i don't know that word. Muskeg. Yeah, it's like, how do I explain it? It's kind of, when you're walking on it, it's spongy, spongy ground, I guess. And it's just water all underneath of it. And it kind of looks like a mossy ground. A North America swamp or bog consisting of a mixture of water and partly dead vegetation. Okay, so just super crazy moist ground.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah. Like, would you see, like, a lot of egrets and great blue herons and shit like that living there? Is it like a swamp? It's like a swamp, yeah. You could get stuck in that, like quicksand. Oh, yeah. There was some Mexicans that came to work and there's a funny, I think I have the photo, but, um, all of them were walking and one guy was up
Starting point is 00:15:52 to here. He had to get helped out because he just stepped in the wrong area and he was up to his head in water. Dang crazy. Uh, young Clark, Seve, I bought you a rogue ticket and sleeping bag for, I don't know what for. I don't sleep in a sleeping bag. For something. That's disgusting. Are those Taylor Swift bracelets? I guess. I actually didn't know that Taylor Swift made these until
Starting point is 00:16:20 I got this from Kelly Baker and when I was working or when I was training with her, but yes, these are my, I am capable bracelets. Oh,
Starting point is 00:16:30 nice. Did your kids make that? No. Um, uh, Rosie, uh, from Rosie photography made it and she put CEO behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:16:38 She brought it to me. I love it. Yeah. I should wear it more. Okay. Uh, born in this tiny little town Mom and dad married? Yeah
Starting point is 00:16:49 Still married? They're still married Holy shit, wow Tell them congratulations, that's cool And siblings? I have five siblings Holy cow So it's a religious town I grew grew up mormon so all i hear is that's um
Starting point is 00:17:08 no uh religious town five siblings no that's no contraception yeah yeah yes and you're one of these cats in here you're you're the youngest I'm the baby and uh and when you say you're raised Mormon what's that mean you go to Mormon church and you follow the Mormon rules like the only stuff I know is magic underwear no caffeine magic underwear no caffeine no coffee i mean it's no caffeine but there's caffeine and coke and i swear a lot of people drink coca-cola so i think it's just like the hot drink honestly i don't really i don't really know i don't understand it you don't practice anymore i do not practice anymore have you pivoted to another organized religion? I have not. I'm just more
Starting point is 00:18:07 spiritual and I'm all about, you know, just be a good person and good things will happen to you. How old did you say you are again? I'm 32. 32. Yeah. Are you having kids soon? Are you having kids soon? I'm not sure. Okay. Probably not soon. We're kind of back and forth about kids. So something that people probably don't know about me either is I was adopted.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And Jake and I talk about how maybe we'll adopt someday. Yeah. So I don't know. Maybe that will be kids. Maybe down the road. We'll have kids, but obviously right now I just want to focus on the competition or the athlete life and yeah, we'll see what happens. Um, how old were you when you were adopted? I was a baby. And are you the only adopted one? There's two of us. Is it the one right before you?
Starting point is 00:19:08 And it's from family. No. So it goes me, my sister, and then my brother. And it was from family. So my aunt is actually my grandma. So say your dad, his sister's kid had me oh my dad's sister's kid had me okay and then and then what did she pass away no drugs no she's just she just uh wasn't ready to have a kid. And, you know, my family took me. She wasn't ready? I was picturing her as being older, like having you when she was like 50.
Starting point is 00:19:52 No. No. Wait, your dad's sister had you. My dad's sister's kid. Oh, your dad's sister's kid. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:03 So that's why my aunt that I've called my whole life is actually my grandma yeah if that makes sense yeah do you and do you still see her yeah i see both of them um the so have you ever drawn out your family tree must have like it has like a weird branch in it yeah it's got that extra yeah hey how good of your parents to do that? Yeah, for sure. I didn't even know what adopted was when they told me I think I was like, I don't know, six or something. And I was like, Oh, what's adopted the same gene pool, it doesn't even, you probably just think it's normal. And just growing up with my, all my siblings, right? Like you still think, okay, cool. But it just was all normal. And I have all my siblings and yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Does, does she have any other kids? She does not. Okay. Wow. That's cool, man. So, so good family life growing up. Yeah, it was really good.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Parents loved you. And, and what was it like? What did you guys do? Like, what was the, what was your parents' vocation? What was their jobs?
Starting point is 00:21:18 So my mom, stay at home mom. And then my dad, mechanic his whole life. So he owned a business in Raymond and then I think he sold maybe it's probably been eight to ten years and he's still working as a mechanic and then they actually go to the states to live at my sister's uh rv park they're that cute little couple driving around in the golf cart they do that like the year or. They do that like two times a year or something? They do that in the winter?
Starting point is 00:21:46 No, they do that in the summer. So they kind of do the opposite of what people usually do here is they go there for the summer, come back for the winter. And what state is that that they go to? It's in Idaho. So it's just outside of Boise in McCall. Well, in Cascade. And what was he a mechanic for? Just regular vehicles. Boise in McCall. Well, in Cascade. And what was he a mechanic for?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Just regular vehicles. Just like Michael. And not heavy duty. Yeah, just your car. Yeah. And then as a kid, what did you do to fill your time in the formative years, your first 16 years? Were you a good student? Did you play sports? I played all the sports since, I mean, that's our small town.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Everyone Raymond is known for their sports. So we win a lot of championships and it's just, I believe that it's because we're all just pushed into sports when, as soon as we could walk. So I played basketball, volleyball, rugby, soccer, track, badminton, like anything that I could play I was playing um and then just living in a small town was so much fun you know you have your best friends that live across the street so we would you know ride our bikes to our friend's house we would walk around the town it's a tiny little town to get to the other side is like, what, 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:23:05 So, yeah, it was a really good childhood and I loved sports. And yeah. Was there any particular one you excelled at? I would probably have to say in the younger years, it was probably basketball or volleyball. But then in high school, it was rugby. So volleyball, but then in high school it was rugby. So I was going to go to university for rugby and then I turned down the scholarship because I just didn't know what I wanted to do. They had rugby at your high school. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:38 They, it just, it had just come out. So I got to play grade 10, 11, 12. And I think it came out when I was in grade nine, but they didn't have like a JV team yet. And they only, so you played on the varsity
Starting point is 00:23:54 team is what you're saying? Yeah. Only team. Hey, this is a good question. Matt Burns, no hockey. No, my mom or my dad wanted me to play cause he's a big hockey fan. And I think my mom just didn't want me to play because I'd get hurt or something. And then ended up playing rugby, which you also can get hurt there. But yeah, I kind of wish that I did. I mean, I'm a pretty good skater. So I think that I would have been pretty good at hockey. But played all the others and when you say it was a good life as a kid meaning you could just leave out your front door there were no worries you could just walk to a friend's house and call your mom when you got there you could go to the store it was kind of um like how we like i guess how i grew up just like free you're free range kids yeah home for dinner your everything is good yeah it was amazing i loved it yeah bring people over have sleepovers we during the summer we would always sleep on the trampoline you know all your friends parents when you go in you say hi to them all that shit yeah um did your parents teach you stuff like that? Were you a good kid? Were you polite?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Hi to people, good eye contact, all that stuff. Yeah, I think so. A shy kid? No, I don't know. I wanted a lot of attention. I think, I think being the baby in the family, I just, yeah, I wanted, I don't know. I wanted my siblings approval or i always wanted their attention kind of thing so yeah i was a crazy kid and even in school i was a little bit of a class clown but yeah uh seven do you know uh what rugby is yeah of course i do it's what it's it's what uh um gay European men play? Oh, perfect. Okay. And you ask, I answer. That's it. I mean, that's why you come to the show for the, for the.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Wow. Not playing Canada, not playing hockey in Canada is a misdemeanor. It should be. Damn it. It should be. It really should be. What do you, what do you think drove you as a kid you're playing these sports you're playing all these sports on one level i'm going to make the assumption that you did it because everyone else did it right so do as others do it right but it's what kids did
Starting point is 00:26:18 right but what about um were you also and then you also said you want you like the attention the accolades maybe from your cohort, right? Was there anything from your parents? Did you get approval from them? Was there any love from them? I make sure – yesterday my kid was playing tennis. It was a really hard drill. He started breathing hard, and he dropped to one knee and started crying.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And it was just him and the coach out there so i walked away you know i walked like 30 yards away and i sat down and watched and then afterward he got up after a couple minutes and he played really hard the next 30 minutes and and like like i let him i wanted him to know when he came back i'm like hey dude that's one of the proudest moments i've ever had as a father watching you go to the dark spot and get through it. But I'm, I'm clearly trying to manipulate them, right? Right. Yeah. I want them any tools I can give them to like help them push through. Did you have anything like that? Like you wanted your dad or your mom? I mean, I love my parents.
Starting point is 00:27:20 You asked Jake to lower the TV set. Thank you. Yeah. I love my parents, but I don't think that, I mean, they came to my, my games and everything, but I think my dad was more hard on me a little bit. And then I think right now they're starting to come out with that kind of stuff where they're telling me that I'm, they're proud of me for all that I'm doing. I think back then it was more of just like, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:46 get me out to do sports to, to do to do the sports and not go be a shithead. Rather, you know what I mean? And so it was more of just like pushing me to go do sports, rather than pushing me to go somewhere with the sports, if that makes sense. You know, just like, I don the sports if that makes sense you know just like i don't know if that makes sense but um yeah does that make sense uh no uh no listen listen um yes i didn't really yeah i didn't really feel why do you think you played sports did you like moving your body yeah i think I loved playing it because I was out there with my friends. I loved being active. That's probably it. It was more social and being active. I wish that I was pushed a little bit more in one sport because I just played
Starting point is 00:28:43 all of the sports and I was good at all the sports. But if I, you know, focused on one, like I almost wish that my, my parents had pushed me. I mean, I know it's on me as well, but I wish that they maybe would have just pushed me in one sport. So then I could have just focused on, on that. But I think it was more of just like, yeah, go play all the sports, you know, be active rather than go like I said be a shithead or whatever um but I played because I loved being there with my
Starting point is 00:29:13 friends and I loved being active um uh David Weed tennis equals gay yes I will throw baseball in there too though I'll raise you one. Baseball. Oh, no. Jake played baseball. Sorry, Jake. Gay. Pro baseball. Which is fine. I love gay. Gay is good.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Gay is good. Gay is free. That's interesting you say that. Now I'm going to ask you a selfish question. What would that have looked like? Let's say they pushed you into rugby. Then instead of in the offseason season instead of playing another sport you would have done like rugby training like specific around that like work on your balance or your throwing or like
Starting point is 00:29:53 start honing like what i guess in cross what we call accessory work or yeah fine skills yeah and now that i'm thinking about now that we're kind of like unraveling this, I am really grateful for playing all the sports. I think it's pushed me to, you know, now be a CrossFit athlete, which is amazing. So what if they would have pushed me into rugby? Now I'm a pro rugby player or whatever. I think that I had a really good childhood. And I think that maybe rather than just focusing on that one sport that I got to experience everything, which I'm really grateful for. So I don't know, I always said that I wish that they pushed me into one sport, but I really am grateful for all the experiences and being able to play all of the sports. And that made me like into the athletic
Starting point is 00:30:40 because I, I'm athletic, right? Like, even even with CrossFit I feel like some of my friends never really played sports and they're like oh I wish I played sports growing up so it could make CrossFit a little bit easier so yeah I don't know maybe I don't wish that they pushed me into one sport the place you really the place I always see it in the crossfit games for the kids who just don't seem athletic to me are uh is the bike riding yeah like they just have no i didn't realize like that there was any skill in bike riding because if you ride your bike your whole life as a kid it's just what you do but you see some of these people uh riding bikes like it's lifting weights like they think they're pushing the pedals down right and it's like weird it's like hey man it's a whole body thing like what are you doing it's not yeah like it's not a leg press you know like they don't have that that athleticism yeah that's true what sport do you think is there
Starting point is 00:31:37 one in there that um you think transferred the most like i always feel like like really high level soccer players end up becoming really good crossFitters because of just the engine they built. Is there anything? Yeah, I would say soccer and like in college I did soccer and cross country running. So I think both of those really helped me. I love running and yeah, that helped obviously a lot. And then soccer for sure. Cause I was a mid field, so I was just running all the time. Didn't stop running. How did you do in that first event? That was the run 800 meters and then 10 clean and jerks or something.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Yeah. I got third. Third. Yeah. That. And I think that's when I was like, who's this chick. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:19 That's a great, that I loved that event so much, both physically and mentally, because that was the first time that I felt so calm, cool and collected in a workout like that. And I was having a conversation with myself the whole time, you know, and I was I was seeing where people were at. And I was talking to myself in a sense of being like, OK, you're just just gonna stick with this person okay you're gonna uh like when we all went out way too hot out of the gates i we got almost to the stairs and i was like okay you gotta pass like five of these girls so i just passed you gotta get up these stairs you know
Starting point is 00:32:55 i was just having a conversation with myself the whole time and it felt just really cool um two things you you do you think everyone knew like you knew as soon as you came out you're like oh shit here we go all us jackasses are we can't we can't rein it in everyone just came out too hot yeah i think so even tristan was like okay go out at your pace that we have and then the second three two one go everyone's going out hot I was like okay well that's out of the window we're not doing that and that doesn't make you insecure you just are like fuck it I'll roll with it yeah I I knew that that one was going to be a good one for me and I loved running and I felt good the biggest thing was going off of what I felt and so I was
Starting point is 00:33:42 like if I can just get to the stairs and then just trudge up the stairs, because I had practiced some stairs before. So I knew that that was going to be okay for me. Um, then I knew that we were all going to settle in eventually. So I was just like, just whatever, go hot with them. And then we can all settle in. people are going to start dying off here in a little bit so yeah uh is hattie single uh no she got a firefighter dude like like who's like dirty and carries an axe and fights in the woods and shit he's super dirty yeah she it's gonna be hard to move in on that dude sounds like top of the same kind of dude. Sorry. Yeah. Sorry, Barry. And okay.
Starting point is 00:34:28 So, and then, and then when you're talking to yourself, this is a sign that you're confident. It's not, it's not that you are, I don't know. I don't know what exactly how to word it,
Starting point is 00:34:40 but the fact that you're saying stuff like, instead of saying we came out too hot, I'm fucked. You're like, it doesn't matter. You still start executing saying we came out too hot, I'm fucked. You're like, it doesn't matter. You still start executing. You're like, OK, I'm going to pass here. I'm going to pass here. The internal dialogue is good.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah. Yeah, it was really good. I knew that we went out a little hot. But yeah, I just was like, well, you got to stick with these girls. You got to get out in front because this is a long workout and I'm kind of the one that if there's too many people ahead of me it's hard for me to to catch people so instead I just thought okay let's just stick with I knew my friend Lindsay was going to crush that workout as well because she's an amazing runner so I was like okay if we
Starting point is 00:35:21 can just stick close to Lindsay then that's great I mean obviously with Emily too but I knew Emily was just gonna run away with that so what do you know what the worst place you had in that um uh event was like the the furthest back you were from the lead like what's the furthest back you ever were besides the start did you stay in the front the whole time yeah i think third okay so you got that sorry in that event yeah in those five rounds did you ever drop back to like 15th or anything or 20th no not that far i think maybe it was uh fifth okay so you stay okay it was interesting the strategies on that one man there were some weird there were some like i mean like we saw fukowski and colton just like dropped back like
Starting point is 00:36:11 38 oh really yeah and then they waited till the last two rounds and then they went and pushed it yeah yeah whereas other people like james sprague you just saw like just stayed up at the front like he just right yeah and that I think it just depends on who you are like I'm I need to get myself a little bit ahead to be able to hold on rather than be behind and then try to make up make up that that placing or whatever so uh you're 17 years old you're senior in high school. And do you start, what, what do you start thinking your plans are? What is, what is Hattie? Can you from a tiny little town think that her future holds? Do you know Jake at this point? No,
Starting point is 00:36:55 no. Okay. No, we've only, so we've been together for about seven years. Wow. Congratulations. Yeah. Thank you. That's awesome. Um, if if you're listening i need the ring though uh put no uh jake take the money and put it in a very aggressive mutual fund don't waste your money he has we're actually that's hilarious that you say that because he is the stock man right now he's helping me with my stocks and everything we want an acreage someday so yes jeff yeah the ring will come later get her a tattoo ring and put the money in a very aggressive mutual fund and then when you're 77 it'll be worth several million dollars and you can be like see haddie i told you okay uh so 17 years old that's that's half a year ago i mean i even if you have the money to buy a ring, I just don't get it. Here's the other thing about the ring. I ended up buying my wife just like a $400 gold ring one day. I walked by a store and got it for her.
Starting point is 00:38:04 good about working out with it scratching it bending it i want it to be just like it didn't work out that way she hated wearing it when she was working out but i want it to be i don't want to add to her yeah her i don't want to give her something to fucking worry about that's true i actually would be fine with just one of those like rubber rings no i i do i hate them i know i do want a little gold ring or something, but it doesn't need to be too much. That's the thing like that $400 ring that would be fine with me. I don't need something crazy. I don't need it. I don't even know how much they cost, but I don't want anything crazy. I need to call my wife after the show and ask her if she still has it. Ring. I haven't seen her wear it in a long time what the fuck's going on um um so so 17 that's half your life ago yeah so what was the plan there at 17
Starting point is 00:38:54 as is your senior years coming to an end 18 i mean rugby i signed on with the um university here and then i there's a university there's a university and a college wow yeah it's a big a big college town big university town um so yeah i i decided that i wanted to go play rugby at university. And then once I actually signed on with them, I just turned it down because I didn't know what I wanted to do. And then even go to the first practice. I know because I didn't know what I wanted to do in university. I was like, I'm not spending a bunch of money to not know what I want to do, even though I really wanted to play rugby. But and then I totally went the polar opposite and just became a shithead. Let me understand this right. You wanted to play
Starting point is 00:39:51 rugby, but you didn't know what you wanted your like intellectual discipline to be. So you're like, I'm not doing that. Yeah. I'm not going to pay whatever thousands of dollars just to play rugby. Yeah. And then, so when you say shithead, you just started like smoking weed and hanging out and got, did you have a job? Yeah, I had a bunch of jobs. I worked all the craziest jobs. I don't know. I was a pizza delivery girl at one point and I worked at Napa at one point cause my dad's a mechanic. Napa Auto Parts. Yeah. So I was a delivery driver.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I would drive all the parts to all the grease monkeys. And I loved it because I grew up with my dad being a grease monkey. And I just loved chatting with all the guys that would bring in their cars. And they're just all super nice. And yeah, so I drove around parts. I worked at a different parts place here in Lethbridge as well. David, we, a stripper, stripper, never a stripper, never a stripper. Nice try though. But with the outfits that I wore to the bar, you'd probably think I was one.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Hey, so you were around a lot of dudes. Yeah. For the grease monkey job. Yeah. Yeah. Did you learn anything about guys uh not then because i was just young and whatever i didn't really care but i've learned over the years of dating different guys for sure yeah but. But not there. You weren't like immersed in like. Not there. They're older, whatever. They just wanted someone to chat with. And I loved meeting.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I love meeting new. I know. But for me, I just love meeting new people and I love chatting. Sure. I'm sure they wanted more, but I'm so naive that I just was like oh what's up yeah 17 is fun and and did you have a cohort of friends like every friday these are the people you would go out drinking with these are the people you go to bars with you had your crew it wasn't every friday savannah it was wednesday we'd go wing night here thursday we would go out to studio 54 third uh Friday we would go out to
Starting point is 00:42:06 that pub or that bar yeah it was a lot and um and did you have like a like a ritual like okay we all meet up here and we all do two shots of Jägermeister then we roll to the bar and we everyone just drinks natty ice and then we go to so-and-so's house and play pool until we can't keep our eyes open. Yeah, pretty much. We'd go to one of our houses, get ready. All of us girls blast the music, pre-drink, pre-whatever. And then, yeah, go out. Yeah, that sounds like my life.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I had probably like a 10-year run of that from like I feel like 17 17 to 27 17 to 20 maybe four or five did you smoke cigarettes yeah anytime I would go out and drink that's when I wanted the cigarettes I never bought packs I just bummed off people. Did you have a brand you preferred? Not really. No. I honestly just was like, yeah, can I bum a smoke off of you? Because it would give you that extra little zing. And it was just, we wanted a break from the bar. So we would go outside and we'd try to find someone to bum a cigarette off. Yeah. I was an American spirit guy. to bum a cigarette off yeah but i was an american spirit guy okay whoa is that a strong one no i don't know it's just a dirty hippie one like you just think you're cool if you're smoking like you're helping the environment or something it cleans the air do the the camel ones where you could like squeeze them and then it brings out a bunch of menthol or whatever no i never did those i like the filter
Starting point is 00:43:46 yeah gave you a little spray yeah and i did i did lucky strikes because i thought it made me cooler not having a filter and then i eventually rolled my own and then eventually i rolled my own you never rolled your own cigarettes no i had some friends firefighting that would roll their own yeah that's the really cool thing and in a small town were there crazy drugs there was there meth there not in raymond not that i know of um yeah that's where i started smoking weed was with some of the older guys they got us into smoking weed and then in in hindsight now, in your life now, do you ever ask yourself, hmm, I wonder if that's still affecting my lungs? Do you ever ask yourself that?
Starting point is 00:44:34 No. Okay, I asked myself that. Because I feel good. I mean, my aerobic system is really good. But, I mean, I don't know. Is it still? Do you think it is? I have no idea. I don't really think of that. I have no idea either. But if there was one thing I would ever tell my kids, I'd be like, Hey, the worst thing about smoking. And I don't
Starting point is 00:44:57 know how you didn't get addicted, but the worst thing about smoking is, is that eventually one day you, it only ends in two ways. You have to quit or it kills you. I think I didn't get addicted because, well, for one, I don't think I have really addictive personality. Um, but also I just didn't really love the taste of it. I would only do it for that extra little feeling that you'd get when you were drunk. Right? The zing. The zing. Yeah. Yeah. But every time I would take a puff, it was like, Oh, this is kind of nasty. And what did you do for, um, to stay in shape and move your body from 17 to 25 during those years? Well, I had an eating disorder, so that's how I lost a bunch of weight. What is that? What's an eating disorder? What
Starting point is 00:45:45 does that mean? I had an eating disorder too, is smoke cigarettes instead of eat. So you just wouldn't eat. Yeah. Yeah. So I would make myself, um, get the food out, I guess. Vomit. I would vomit. How long did you do that for? Um, for a few years. Hey, how do you start that? What you see one of your friends do it and you're like, Oh, that's fucking genius. So family, it's a, it's a big thing in my family. And so, but I always told myself, I was like, I will never do that. I will never do that. And then eventually I just didn't really love the way i looked like i was a little bit bigger growing up um and then things that were said to me i just you know that just like we talked about earlier is sticks right so subconsciously that that kind of stuff just gets to you over over
Starting point is 00:46:37 time so i was like okay let me just try it and at first it was just horrible i hated shoving i think i like did a toothbrush at first wow yeah and it was just horrible I hated shoving I think I like did a toothbrush at first wow yeah and it was just like what am I doing with this like sharp thing down my throat and so it wasn't working at first and so I decided to go and try like laxatives and that was stupid and that didn't work either and so finally I was like okay I'll just try whatever my fingers and so from there yeah it worked and so anytime I would eat like a little bit too too much food that I would think was going to make me fat I would go and purge it and then it became more and more every time I ate I would just go and purge a little bit and it's like okay I didn't purge it
Starting point is 00:47:24 all out I have a tiny bit in there for nutrients. Cause I knew, I knew growing up that you still need some nutrients. So that's why I was like, okay, if I just get some of it out, then I'm, you know, I can stay thinner, but still have a little bit of food in me. I don't know. It was weird. I just, yeah. So you go to a pizza place, you have three pieces of pizza. You're like, that was stupid. You walk, you're like, you get up, you go to the bathroom and you just go in the stall and you just toss out a slice or two. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Wow. God, it sounds so practical. It sucks that it turns into, it sucks that it turns into something bad. Yeah. And then it's bad because then it becomes like part of the um if you do it once every five years it's not bad you know what i mean like you overate at thanksgiving and you ate a piece of i mean you're like once a year i eat so much that i like have to sit down i'm like what do i do to myself i need to sit for a second yeah lay down yeah lay down like i don't feel
Starting point is 00:48:21 good i shouldn't have had that ice cream or something um but you're saying that it just becomes part the routine of every meal pretty much yeah and then it took years for that to be out of my head like now I don't even have I'm the same thing as you a couple times a year I'll eat way too much and you're like holy shit you know go for all you can eat sushi and you just eat too much sushi but I don't ever have that feeling of going to get rid of it because i know i need that fuel for crossfit or for you know just for my brain in general right we need those nutrients so yeah did you and you learn that from someone you knew someone else did that and so you like you didn't come up with that on your own no i knew i knew people for sure is it like drugs like someone actually shows you they're like look how do you do it like this no no one showed me i just knew and that's why i just tried the toothbrush at first because i had heard that
Starting point is 00:49:21 that was a way of doing it and then eventually i I was like, this is dumb. And then I just tried it myself with my fingers. Clive McLaughlin, maybe you don't point out the positives you see in a person's eating disorder. I mean, listen, it's just so practical. Like it's not. Yeah. Just so it's so proud i don't know you you don't want to make yourself throw up so much that you turn skinny and fucking like die like obviously you don't want throwing up to be to kill you but i mean fuck i don't know i have my own issues with food like i love it like i just
Starting point is 00:49:58 want to eat like it's a default for me just to eat and i do too and that's why that happened because I just would eat eat and not I wasn't working out back then either right so it was like not at all not at all no I wasn't I was just partying and then finally my brother is actually the one that showed me fitness like obviously I've been athletic my whole life but I had never gone to really a gym before. And then, yeah, my, my life was just going down a real shit path. And so he finally pulled me aside and was like, Hey, why don't you come to the gym with me? Try it out. So he showed me like circuit training or 20, I'm guessing. Okay. So there was a stint in there where you were doing, I did that too, where you would party and work out, but you would get both in, in the same day, no matter what. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And when you say circuit training, you mean, um, uh mean 10 lap pull downs, 15 leg press, sit on the press machine and press 10, but just do it in a circuit without any rest. Or it was more body weight stuff. But yeah, we would do some of the machines, but then we would make up our own little like, yeah, 15 pushups, 20 air squats, whatever it was. And then we would kind of just do like a little bit of circuit training. We didn't really know how to use the machines at the time, but we would kind of get on them and pretend that we knew what we were doing. But for the most part, it was just like this big open area in front of the mirrors that we would do like some skipping and some burpees and some squats or whatever it was okay yeah i would i did i did circuit training before i found crossfit but it was usually just and i travel a lot it was just in hotel gyms but on the machines okay yeah just start doing
Starting point is 00:51:57 yeah yeah i can't so so if you could do 15 push-ups back then you were strong you were athletic you were made i mean because you you can't i don so if you could do 15 push ups back then you were strong, you were athletic, you were made. I mean, because I don't think you can pick very many 19 year old girls from the party scene and they can even do one push up. Yeah, well, in high school during rugby. So I actually been doing handstands for a long time, too. I didn't really have I didn't have a gymnastics background, but I remember being like, I want to be able to do a handstand. So in rugby practice, I would just kick up on the grass and try to be able to do a handstand so in rugby practice I would just kick up on the grass and try to do handstands handstands so that's kind of how I built a little bit of uh shoulder strength um and then in college I decided I want to do some
Starting point is 00:52:37 handstand push-ups so I would teach myself how to do handstand push-ups but Fondal Seve used to do handstand push-ups but fondall seve used to do curves i invented curves dude i'm the founder what is curves it's this um to tell you the truth i don't know i've never been in one but it's a girl gym and i assume it's okay i assume it's a fat girl gym and i assume that you go in there and they're usually small and i assume you go in there and they have five machines and just it's like five fat girls just going around in circles. And then a little circuit. That's the way I worked out, except I wasn't a girl. Uh, is this, is this you at your biggest?
Starting point is 00:53:15 Oh my God. With some tiggle bitties too. And then those went as soon as I got a eating disorder, those were the first things to go what really yeah oh tell me about that that's that's bad pr for eating disorders tits go away with eating disorder huh yeah now that i think about it now that i think about it all the girls i know in college who like had eating disorders yeah they didn't have their tits when they weren't yeah they did not look good well they're just, right? And pretty much just big lumps of fat.
Starting point is 00:53:48 And they start looking weird here, too. They start. I felt like a lot of those girls ran a lot, too, like they were always running. Yeah. So they had no butt. They lost their butt, too. It's because you think cardio and not eating or obviously throwing up is just the way to do it. I wonder if I ran back then. I don't know. I don't think I was doing anything except party and just dancing. How do you eventually stop doing that? You just tell yourself I'm done or do you get help?
Starting point is 00:54:19 Well, having my brother take me to the gym was the first step. Obviously, I still had those feelings. And so I would do it every once in a while, But it wasn't an everyday thing. Well, at first, it obviously was. But then the more I worked out, the more I knew I needed fuel. So it kind of just eventually went away a little bit at a time. And then CrossFit is really where I started being like, okay, I really need food. I need this fuel. So obviously, you would have those thoughts every once in a while if you ate a little bit, but I would just tell myself, no, like you need this, you need this. And then it turned into only doing it once every few weeks,
Starting point is 00:54:58 once every month, once every few months, you know what I mean? And then eventually, it just went away away where I didn't even have any thoughts of doing it at all. And in that process, um, you're all, you're all alone. That's a solo. Um, at first my friend and I kind of were doing it together. Um, that's when we like, we both didn't really want the what? Sorry, sorry, go on. Sorry, sorry, go on. So you and your friend were doing it together. Yeah. We just both, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 We were like, okay, how can we get a little bit skinnier faster? And so that's, we both tried laxatives together actually. And then we're like, this is stupid. It made us like more bunged up. I was like, how is that? How does that work? I thought this was supposed to. Oh, it made you constipated. La i was like how is that how does that work i thought this was supposed to oh make you constipated laxative makes you constipated yeah but i thought it was supposed to
Starting point is 00:55:50 get everything out you know what i mean turn your poop to water i always imagine i've never taken laxative but i assume it just turned your shit to water and you just yeah we just got bunged up so we were both like this is dumb we're not doing that i don't know if that's a word. I'm going to have to look this up. Bunged up. Yeah, is that? I don't know. Bunged up. Oh, congested. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:11 British informal language. She's not going to let anything so trivial as bunged up nose stop her going to a party. Wow. Learn something new every day. Does bunged up mean constipated? Being bunged up results in large amounts of gas being trapped in a spectacular explosion when your bowels eventually perform. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:56:32 But, but so it's like, it's like all bad things. It's like smoking cigarettes. You do it with your friends, but quitting is a solo journey or that's what I meant by it's a solo journey. When you quit,
Starting point is 00:56:44 it was a solo journey. you quit it was a solo journey yeah for sure like you have to go you're fighting your own uh habits I was gonna say demon more practically they're called habits you're trying to change your habits yeah I would say so for sure what do you think you learned from that you think that that was a tough battle to fight was that a tough battle to fight for you I think so yeah because I know how unhealthy it made me um obviously physically but mentally too like back when I first started doing it and obviously started doing drugs and alcohol like I would get into fights with my mom because I was just always so hungry
Starting point is 00:57:25 I didn't know that at the time but my brain was just so hungry that I would just get into fights all the time and everything was you know you're horrible but I wouldn't think logically or anything it was just every anything would tick me off you know what I mean? And so, yeah, it was tough for a while. Um, but again, I always just say like, I'm so grateful for my brother because fitness is what changed my life. Um, that's what made it. So I quit smoking too. I found CrossFit. Yeah. That's amazing. And I'm like, Hey, these two can't go together. This is stupid. go together this is stupid no some people do though it's insane um hattie when you do um when you do let's say i told you to do max burpees just go uh for 10 minutes would your lungs give out or would your muscles give out probably my muscles so i i've said this before on the show and i and i feel like the other day i was
Starting point is 00:58:28 thinking there's got to be something there because for me i mean i that that's just like not that does not happen my muscles do like my muscles in med cons my muscles just don't give out it's always my lungs and i think that's why i suck at CrossFit. Because of all the smoking? No, no, not because of the smoking. Then what? I don't know. I just think that's the distinction. I'm just totally making this up for the first time. I'm releasing this on this show.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I think that's the distinction between someone who's going to be a – like, did you ever see that – did you see when we streamed the quarterfinals? Mm-hmm. Did you see when we streamed the quarterfinals? So we streamed the quarterfinals, and this guy, Taylor Self, was working out. And then he just – he pushed – his lungs kept going, but his muscles – he got so much lactic acid built up that it went into his – Before he fell back? Yeah, and he passed out basically. That could never happen. Pass out?
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yeah. I thought he just hit the box wrong or something no no he passed out he basically i think that we've determined all the medical staff on at the seven podcast have determined he had like lactagosis or something someone will write it in the comments now and that basically his brain filled up with lactic acid and it just turned it's something that can happen you have so much lactic acid building up that your brain turns to pudding holy shit yeah just feel that's what he said it felt like his brain was putting and he doesn't really remember
Starting point is 00:59:49 anything like for a few like he doesn't remember i don't think um like i think for like normal people like your lungs give out when you do burpees i've been doing burpees my whole life i've never hit a spot where i can't do one because of muscular fatigue that doesn't even i don't even understand that yeah i mean i don't know if i feel like it would be muscular fatigue for me just because that is something that goes first for me is that's what all you guys movements that's what all the best people say i've never heard the best people in the world be like, oh, I ran out of air. You should do some more box breathing. That's the – that one?
Starting point is 01:00:32 All through your nose. Yeah. Well, that's another thing. Most of the time, I only – I try – I mean, since I got old, I only – when I work out, I only breathe through my nose. That's what I do. Okay. I do the game shit to slow everything down so I don't have to go fast. It helps. I mean, ever since I started doing box breathing, I do feel like my aerobic system has just gone up. And then I also tape my mouth at
Starting point is 01:00:55 night, which I don't, some people might not believe in that, but I, I feel better in the morning. Like I feel like I'm not so, um, dry. My mouth isn't so dry in the morning. Um, yeah, but box breathing has been huge and I've given it to a lot of my clients and they have found that it helped them too. I mean, I remember giving it to my one friend and he, it was crazy after a few months, he was like, holy shit, I feel like I could go forever, you know, on the bike or whatever it was. Cause we did a test then. He was like, holy shit, I feel like I could go forever, you know, on the bike or whatever it was, because we did a test then and then we did a test later. And yeah, it was pretty cool. I can just watch a video on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Yeah. It's pretty much just breathing in for four seconds, breathing out for four seconds, or sorry, breathe in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, breathe out for four seconds and hold for four seconds. And then just keep doing that for, you only need like five minutes. I'll do it before bed sometimes. And it's supposed to help a lot for anxiety. Like I've told other clients to do it. If they feel a lot of anxiety coming on, then just do a little bit of box breathing and it helps you just ground
Starting point is 01:02:01 yourself, bring yourself to the present. I'm going to set you up here. You ready? For box reading? No, I'm going to set you up here. If I have a tube like this, right? Yeah. And then something has to flow through it, right? Air has to flow through it, right? Okay. And then I put something in here. it's going to slow down how much
Starting point is 01:02:26 air can come in okay okay okay what about your nose ring oh it's just tiny though okay okay all right all right i'm just saying like you were showing a fricking tube going through. Yeah. I hear you. This would be like, do I have something tiny over here? No.
Starting point is 01:02:55 You think it's more, you think it's more like a pencil. You think it's more like this? Yeah. Not a big sausage finger. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Maybe I'm going to have to pull this thing out shit but listen i'm breathing but listen i have a bias i have to be honest i'm not a piercing guy no no i was very happy to see in that picture that you took your belly button ring out i'm not a piercing guy yeah no belly button rings what about earrings earrings i'm okay with i make exception for earrings no tongue ring no tongue no what about eyebrow just mental illness i mean i like it because it just warns me right okay that person yeah like serious issues so is this issues or is that like pretty tame it's different like it fits with like your um mountain mountain girl like um you know you got a hemp necklace uh
Starting point is 01:03:47 i mean reggae on the river you know oh i used to be like that where i would do hair hair ties in my hair and shit like yeah i have this i have this um i have this theory that i haven't really released yet but i think all of those things i'm not gonna release oh come on let's hear it i think all of those things are a signal are a signal to men of a vulnerability. All of those. I can see some of it, maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:30 And so. And I don't know if that's the kind of men. You want to attract. That you want to attract. Yeah. I haven't completely worked it out. Maybe that's subconsciously them doing it. It's very subconscious. I don't think yes it's
Starting point is 01:04:45 very i don't think that they're doing it to be like oh yeah yeah look at yeah like this gross you know signals a good time yeah and it's very subconscious to go right yeah but but i mean subconscious of the girls i don't think that the girls are doing it to be like hey no no no but i think you know i got a eyebrow ring so come yes i like a like a um you have a tongue ring that means you suck dick like i don't think it works like that you know what i mean um i have nipple rings i like anal i don't i mean well if you're a guy maybe but i don't think it's i don't think it's distinct like that like there's something you can buy on amazon like a decoder ring right but i do think that, and I think it goes both ways.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Like I think men who do that, it's signaling. I don't know what it signals for women. Right. But I, but I just think like on some level, like anytime you do, like anytime you do something, it's signaling other people. And when I see like those piercings and shit, I'm like, or like dyed hair, just shit like that. I'm like, I wonder what that sign, cause it's all the mating game out there, whether anyone thinks that or not. I just wonder what that signaling.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I can see that though. I mean, even I'm sure I got this to maybe, I mean, I don't know. How old were you when you got it? I've had it for a while i don't even remember i think i was probably in my early 20s you ever sneeze and it's not bubble come out of the hole no but i have had snot on it before oh yeah yeah yeah yeah every nose ring loves some snot that'd be hilarious just make a little bubble coming out yeah yeah i feel the same about alcohol yeah yeah yeah you see a girl drinking i mean that's why you wait till the bar closes david you wait till three in the morning and you pick the the last one till the lights come on
Starting point is 01:06:33 yeah you pick the last one stand uh you get in there with your brother you're working out that um do you actually work out with him like do you end up working out with him on the regular? Him and then my best friend as well. So it just kind of depends on he he still lives in Raymond. I live in the city. So if he came in to work out, then I would work out with him. But more it was just me and my best friend that would go. And and you loved it. You, you immediately became a daily routine, seven days a week. Um, probably five to six, I'm guessing. Yeah. And then I wanted to make a career out of it. So that's why I went to college to be, well, at the time I was like, I want to be a
Starting point is 01:07:20 personal trainer. So I went and took my exercise science. And you need that in Canada, right? You don't necessarily need it. No, you can get like personal training certs. I just thought, oh, why not go to college and get like that extra training rather than I looked into the personal training stuff, but I thought college was going to be a little bit better. Plus I wanted to be an athlete as well. So that's when I played. Well, first I did cross country my first year and then I did soccer and cross country my second year. In college. So you got back in shape. Wow. That's crazy. Did you have to try out for those teams? Wow. That's crazy. Uh, did you have to try out for those teams? I did for soccer, but I don't think I did for cross country.
Starting point is 01:08:16 I don't think so. And why, and why did you do those? Um, cause I love, well, I don't know why I didn't do soccer the first year um I love running so and I just wanted to get onto a sport that was it is team sport but it's a lot of individual as well so I just wanted to do something for me um and then yeah I love running so that's why I did cross country and then soccer I just I love soccer and I I was playing soccer um just on rec leagues so I was like oh why not try out for the the college team and it was a lot different than just rec but I had a lot of fun
Starting point is 01:09:01 and yeah being a dual athlete was tough because those two times are both at the same time. Right. Or those two sports are at the same time, but it was really, really good experience. Any, any injuries from soccer? Not really. I think I had some knee stuff. No, no surgery. I think I had like a bad knee one time, but no. You can go to a girls division one soccer team and be like, hey, everyone, pull your pants up. And it's just fucking knee scars everywhere. Like the whole fucking team yeah it's crazy ruthless girls are ruthless in general even in rugby there was one game that i swear i was gonna break my back so i was the hook or the
Starting point is 01:09:52 hooker and we go into this yep and we go into this scrum so i'm in the middle and then we like grab the ball or whatever so we go into this scrum and my back was twisting and so I was yelling at the girls hey straighten it out straighten it out or trying to get the ref's attention but he couldn't hear because it is pretty loud in there and so finally I was like okay how am I going to straighten this out so I just grabbed this girl's hair over here on the other team and just started reefing it up, up, up, up until we got straight. I swear I was going to break my back if I didn't do that because they did not give a shit. And girls punch under there. So when you're in there like this, girls are punching you from underneath and kicking your shins. It's insane. But I had to grab that
Starting point is 01:10:44 girl's hair and pull her up or my back probably would have, whatever they would have fucked me up. Are they yelling shit too? Like you fucking bitch and fuck you. Yeah, for sure. Crazy shit. And even for, even for me being like, you guys straighten out or, or come out of it or whatever, they were like, no F you, whatever, you know, they were just yelling like you bitch. And so then that's when I was like grabbing her hair and then she was like let go of my hair and
Starting point is 01:11:08 then the other two girls let go of her hair and i'm like hell no did you have to explain did you explain it to her afterwards no god that's a great story i got punched in the face once it was and i didn't even see it coming I don't even know how the hell it happened we were at a tournament on the island like Vancouver Island and I was on the flanks I was one of the flanks and so I was just standing there like looking at the view or whatever because it's beautiful there so we were just getting ready to go into a scrum so I was just looking around and then I get ready to go in and then all of a sudden boom and then i look over and it was the girl across and she just looks at me and then that's when we were getting in so i was like what the fuck so my whole
Starting point is 01:11:54 team my whole team went for her and they all just pummeled her like anytime that we could get this girl we were on her damn i like it wow uh that's like you're that's like uh almost like a drowning incident but in a rugby game you know like if someone's drowning they'll just do anything they'll step on a baby to get their get their fucking breath so you're gonna have your fucking back broken you could you and you're locked in there you can't get out you're locked in tight so when the girls my two girls on the side come to grab me they like grab both sides like of here and pull the jersey tight yeah and so they're grabbing tight i'm going around them and then they squeeze you in and then you're locking into the other girls across from you. So you're in there tight. And so then I just went in,
Starting point is 01:12:46 I don't know how I got twisted, but we just went in wrong and it got twisted. And then they, and you keep pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing against each other. Cause eventually when the scrum throws the ball in, you're both trying to go like this to get closer to the ball. Right. So you're just pushing against each other. So yeah, it was wild. Hey, you don't get, when you come to the States, do you have a different experience when you go out in public? Like I just love watching you move around. I just stare at your arms the whole time. It's like,
Starting point is 01:13:18 I'm doing a show with Jr. But in Alberta, probably people don't notice. Right. But when you go to the States and you're in, it's warmer. Are you, are you surprised at how many people stop you or talk to you? Like, Hey, what do you do? What's up with your arms? What's up with your shoulder? I think everywhere. We were just in Costco the other day. And my friend Amanda, she's got like bigger arms than I do, man. And we both were just sitting there and this guy comes up and he,
Starting point is 01:13:44 and we had even seen another girl i swear she does bodybuilding or something because her traps are just like up to her ears yeah it's not so much how big your arms are it's how like defined they are like you know i mean there's oh thank you your muscles are separated by by i don't know what said they're separated yeah this guy comes up to us though and he's like is there a is there a um competition going on or something because there's a lot of fit girls in this in this place but yeah we were just like no this is where the protein is it's six dollars off chicken so yeah you do get it any i think everywhere especially in you know bali because we live in bali for six months of the year and people
Starting point is 01:14:25 just are like what the hell oh and do you go to that uh what's the do you go to dave's gym yeah that that really that's like a hub right yeah it's amazing there and he's he's been building it up for the past few years and it's absolutely amazing and a lot of athletes go there a lot of like semi-final games athletes like when you were there did you run into some uh yeah i i ran into a few i mean amy kringle goes there a bunch and then tayla how is it or something tayla something yeah i ran into her is she still competing that sounds like an old name to me how do i know that name yeah i think she is she went to dubai and then i i'm pretty sure she was trying to get to semifinals but i don't think she quite made it uh dick butter wanderlust looks amazing it's so good dick butter yeah you should go um so so your brother gets you into uh working out then you go back to college because you want
Starting point is 01:15:27 to do okay i'm going to study some sort of exercise science i'm going to be a personal trainer and then while you're there you do soccer and what was the other one cross-country running cross-country running and then at some point uh had you even heard of crossfit at this point what year is it um this is in 2012 9 10 11 yeah 2012 had you even heard of 12 years ago holy shit i know you're just a time ago you were just a kid i was just a baby shit yeah um you're 20 yeah that's wild 32 now um yeah so my professor actually is the one that told me about crossfit we were just texting about this yesterday professor and what what what discipline uh he taught he taught shit. I should know this, whatever. He taught one of the classes in exercise science.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Okay. So a core class to your major. Yeah. Okay. Um, and he is the one that told me about CrossFit. He's like, you would do so good at CrossFit. Like I loved doing handstands and I ran a lot and whatever. And he's just like, you got the body type for it.
Starting point is 01:16:44 And I kind of looked it up and said, no, thank you. People get hurt in CrossFit, just the whole stereotypical. I don't want to do it. And then for like two years, I just, I wouldn't do it. But then eventually I thought, okay, maybe I'll try it. So at the college gym, I would practice some snatches, some cleans on my own. I was already doing- Had you ever done any? Had you ever done any before, snatches or cleans? No. So what would you do? So you just have your phone there and watch someone do it and then do it? How did you learn it?
Starting point is 01:17:15 I think I watched it on YouTube or something. Yeah. So self-taught. So self-taught. Yeah. I'm pretty sure that one of our classes, they did teach us a little bit of cleans. But yeah, with the snatches, I was just trying the snatches on my own. And I did lots of squat. Like I was bodybuilding then. So I knew how to do all the other stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:38 I had pull-ups already. And so, yeah, I just, I bought bought the shoes i drank the juice i finally went to crossfit and they thought i was a crossfitter because i i had a little bit of definition um and they were i was like no i've never done crossfit ever and they were like well you got the shoes she's got the shorts but i just bought all that because i thought you have like nanos or Metcons or something? They were the half lifter, half trainer. Okay. I don't even know what that is. You were in there though. Yeah. My friend actually still has the shoes cause she got them from me. She had me sign them the other day. Um, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:20 And I just loved it ever since. What was your first workout? I wish that I would have known that, but I have a video of one of my first workouts and it was rain rose. I could, I could barely do pull-ups. I mean, I had strict, but it was supposed to be like kipping. So it was ring rose and then handstand walk and running. And I could do the handstand walk, but I couldn't do the pull-ups and then it was running as well. So that was one of my fate, one of my first workouts. And, and that, and it was literally like that you did one and you're like, okay, this is it. Yeah, pretty much. Do you remember a quick body composition shift?
Starting point is 01:18:57 Like within a month you're like, Oh, something's happening here. Uh, yeah, I, I think after a few months for sure because my lower body has always been super strong it was my upper body that needed some work and i definitely started feeling stronger and yeah looking a little bit more defined in the upper body for sure what did you think of the people there amazing that was like my second home and you know some of them are I don't go to that gym anymore but some of them are our best friends and uh one of them he like I did two a days right away and then I wanted to be a coach so I became a coach I don't know maybe just under a year after I joined um and they're amazing uh, have you heard of Heather Gillespie? She went to the games twice, I think. Name sounds familiar. So she was at your gym.
Starting point is 01:19:54 She went as an individual. Yeah. And she owned, owned the gym back then. So it was Heather and then our friend Brandon, and they're really amazing with how we move, right? They're all into moving with quality forms. So I'm just really grateful for that because that's huge, right? I'm looking up this Heather Gillespie chick because there was this girl. Nope. Not her. I vaguely know.
Starting point is 01:20:24 It's not who I thought it was i vaguely remember but dude she's old school as shit she's being interviewed by marty say in this this girl's been around forever yeah she has wow she was a coach there sorry she's a coach there she owned the gym she owned but yes she was a coach as well uh how do you have plans you have plans this Saturday at 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time? For? Listen, listen, listen. Hattie's good. She's not that good.
Starting point is 01:20:52 It's the Kill Taylor Show. Just sit back and enjoy it, Hattie. Don't try to get the money. It's not a show for girls. We just have the girls' numbers just like to pretend like we're. Hey, come on. No, it's not. I should have done that legless rope climb one
Starting point is 01:21:07 i would have beat him no girl's ever gonna beat him he can be it used to be no one can beat him now it's just no girl can be okay well i'll be the first girl once it's one that i think i can beat him i'm calling in i don't know what you say. Hattie, are you related to Sebon? You remind me of his son facially. I could see that. I could totally see that. What? Wow. How old are your kids?
Starting point is 01:21:32 Seven, seven, and nine. You do remind me a little bit of my oldest son. I can see it when you smile. That's crazy. I'm a boy. Don't derail the show. No, he's beautiful. He's too young.
Starting point is 01:21:44 When they're young, they're just beautiful. He has long eyelashes. Oh, the best. Yeah, he's fucking beautiful still. He hasn't turned into like a man yet. Dirty man. So wait, seven and seven? Do you have twins?
Starting point is 01:21:57 I have twins, yeah. Oh, cool. Yeah, seven, seven, and nine. Yeah, it's so great. And this is off subject a little bit, but before we move forward in the timeline, but did you do any swimming anywhere in your? Just swimming lessons, and then obviously during the summer, we would go to the pool a lot, but no competitive.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Or no learning the strokes or anything like that? No, not until i got to bali and my friend helped me a lot there but not growing up and then and when you say helped you there helped you there in case it showed up at some crossfit competition you need to start working on it yeah round out the game and how and how they say if you don't do swimming as a young age it can never really be you can never get good are you getting good i don't do practice i think so i'm not bad at swimming it's just the breathing that's the hardest part so i went last thursday and it was like okay we just got to get back into
Starting point is 01:22:58 it uh you like people keep asking if you're single single listen knuckleheads she has she has like a real man you have no chance man yeah he like puts out fires and run wears like has always like tribal down and dirty yeah like chalk marks on his face and shit let me tell you he's yeah um so so um so you start doing it and then do you want to do competitions right away? Do you feel the competitive, like when you find out you can be competitive at it, do you, are you like, Oh, this is for me? Yeah. Cause it was a good outlet after college to do some kind of competitive. Cause I've always been competitive. Right. So for sure. I wanted to do competitions. Obviously I looked up to everyone that went to the games
Starting point is 01:23:47 it was like oh that would be so cool but again my confidence lacked so I was like oh I'll never make it to the game so I'll just do lots of local comps what did you see that made you there must have been some fire sparked in you like you must I'm guessing how it happens is you see oh I can run faster than this girl and she took third in the games. Or, oh, I have more strict pull-ups than this girl and she took fifth in the games. Was there some markers that you saw that you're like, oh shit, there's an opening for me? Like that made me want to push for the games? Yeah. Was there like something like something that you, what were the movements I guess that made you think, okay, there is a glimmer of hope?
Starting point is 01:24:28 Well, I would say the first year that wall walks came out, that's for sure. That one I got like 13th in the world or something like that. And I was like, okay. And then I didn't do too bad on the rest of the workouts either. So it was like, yeah, I can, I can do this. And that was kind of when I think that was when we started going back to Bali after COVID. I just started working out hard and was like, okay, we,
Starting point is 01:24:56 we got to work for this. So, yeah. Do you have a day job now? I'm a coach in person and online. And you have a gymnastics program. I do. And when you say online, meaning people contact you through Instagram and will be like, hey, can I do you have a website or is it through Instagram? So I work for Ascend Athlete. That's the drink. They have a drink.
Starting point is 01:25:25 No. So Tristan,? Do they have a drink? No. So Tristan, do you know Tristan Patrick? That's Kelly Baker's coach as well. Oh. So he's my coach. Okay. Okay. And then he is the head coach for Ascend Athlete, and I work for them.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Okay. Okay. Was she a nutrition coach too uh she is yeah and she still is yeah yeah kelly is for black iron nutrition i think it's okay this is starting to all kind of like um now i'm starting it's starting to come in because she's been on the show before and it's like now it's my memories are starting to come back a little. Okay. And is that a good job for what you're trying to do for your CrossFit and they work well together? Yeah, they do. I mean, I love the online. I do, or I love the in-person. I do love the online, but sometimes it's I mean, I love the online. I do, or I love the in-person. I do love the online, but sometimes it's tough when I get home and I'm tired from the gym and everything. So I need to like figure out a good schedule of just sitting on the computer. But other than that, it is, yeah, I've always loved coaching. So it's good. I just love being on my feet all day. So that's why I love the in-person. Cause I love
Starting point is 01:26:46 being on my feet. I love coaching. You know, it's amazing to be in person. Um, the online's tough just cause it's a little bit delayed with your clients, right? Where do you coach at? Uh, it's called CrossFit framework. Um, and in 2022 is the first year you went to semifinals? 2022, three, four. Yes. To Atlas Games. We did go to semifinals in 2020,
Starting point is 01:27:18 but that was literally the day that COVID happened. So we were at Atlas Games. I was there on a team and we were already in the venue and they got on the mic and said, we can't do this because there's a pandemic happening. Hey, did I hear right? I don't know if it was on Lauren's, I think it was on lauren's podcast um you escaped to bali can you tell me so can you tell me so you're at that event it doesn't go down they're like worldwide pandemic all canadians obey your master henry trudeau oh my god uh yeah he's a scumbag. He truly is a bad human being. I mean, I'm not very political, but I, yeah, I, he's a.
Starting point is 01:28:12 He's a pathological liar. It's not like, like, I understand, like, people have different ideas of shit. Like, like some people don't know that there's no such thing as homeless people there's just people who prefer crime and drugs over shelter and i get it you don't like you haven't thought about it but trudeau's just a straight up fucking liar like what he says one thing over here and then says the other thing over here and it's like well he's a drama teacher he's just putting on an act the whole time or a drama such a scumbag okay so you find out about the pandemic does anyone there like him do you run does anyone like like there's like i actually there are like i have people friends
Starting point is 01:28:51 who like like biden like is there anyone who actually likes trudeau not that i've talked to yeah like you don't meet anyone right no i mean i'm sure if you go over to the east coast i've never met anyone who likes him either not even even like, yeah, I guess he is like Gavin Newsom. We kind of have a more handsome version of Trudeau. We have the straight version of Trudeau. Yeah. So you find out about it, and then what do you do? Do you call Jake, and you're like, yo, let's get the fuck out of here?
Starting point is 01:29:24 So we had plans to go to bali and then the pandemic happened and so whatever shutdown happened we just drank our lives away was inside for however many months and then what was your go-to drink during the pandemic i think we were drinking a lot of beer maybe a lot of um what are those called the vodka drinks oh like in a can or something yeah i can't remember what they're called but oh they were big then too um what the fuck i drank a lot of those too i mixed them though with sparkling water i know exactly what you're talking about. I think those made me gay for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:07 So we drink a lot of those. Someone, someone tell us white cloth. Yeah. Yeah. White cloth. That's exactly what it was. Oh, Manda.
Starting point is 01:30:17 I'm literally at her house right now. Thanks Manda. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. White. Oh, are you really?
Starting point is 01:30:22 Yeah. Yeah. Fucking white cloth whore. Okay. Thanks girl. Yeah. White. Oh, are you really? Yeah. Yeah. Fucking white claw whore. Okay. Thanks girl. Damn. Okay. She says you're welcome. Oh, that's good. That's exactly what they are. So yeah, we were drinking lots of white claws. Um, where was I? Oh yeah. And then Bali, is that what I'm talking about? Like how did you, like the way you said it to Lauren made me think like like they were going door to door with the vaccine and you and fucking jake put your
Starting point is 01:30:49 fucking red handkerchief on a stick and fucking ran out i could just get a little feeling of that you know what i got a good story for you for after we're off oh yeah we're off oh yeah about that but um yeah we found an opening so we we got this visa that they had just made for the pandemic for anyone that wasn't scared to come over. So it was like, come for six months. Obviously, it was a bunch of money, but we were like, we don't care. So we bought it. And finally, you're good at saving money. You'd say you're good at saving money. I get the impression too. Yeah. Yeah, yeah i am we both are um but then when you go over there it's super cheap so it doesn't matter but to get over there and
Starting point is 01:31:30 then jake is like a wizard with points so we travel everywhere for free he just gets a lot of points and then we travel everywhere on points so we found a tiny little opening and we were able to get out and then the plan is he jewish no but oh you'd think yeah my wife we never pay for a hotel anywhere because we got but she's jewish we got points fucking galore yeah no he just learned it from his dad his dad has always been really good with points and yeah same thing uh hotels and and flights we just pay with points um and then yeah we were only supposed to stay there for six months but canada was still being stupid so we decided to stay an extra four so we stayed there
Starting point is 01:32:12 for 10 10 to 11 i think it was i'm surprised you came home i know did you guys kind of fantasize about what you would do there to build a life? Okay, we'll do this. We'll do this. Did you guys ever like talk it through what it would look like? For sure. We still do. We still talk about getting a villa. The thing is I love home as well.
Starting point is 01:32:33 I have to be in the mountains and I love it here so much. So I could do the six months and six months for sure. But I do need to come home because I love it here so much. How are you on time um i'm good okay yeah i have to tell my wife something uh you take the kids i will meet you there yeah i gotta text amanda she can hear you just say it to it whatever you want to say to her well we're gonna go swimming but that was like half an hour ago so we're already past Seve you're believing the media too much oh okay thank you I appreciate that thank you thank you
Starting point is 01:33:20 Jake appreciate it sorry Trudeau is a good dude. My bad. Sorry, sorry, sorry. No, sorry. I'd miss her too much. Oh, if you moved there. Oh, yeah. Okay, so 2022, how do you do in 2022? That's Atlas Games. Are we talking about semifinals? Yeah, semifinals. Your first semfinals that you actually get to go to you go there as an individual yeah so i got eighth and we were taking five spots okay and that's the shit semi-finals though anyway
Starting point is 01:33:57 come on you guys had emma law so that's it. Come on. She was insane, man. It was so crazy seeing her. Us older folks, we would go across the finish line and I'd be like dying on the ground. And then when she would come across, it was just like, hey, like not even a sweat down her brow. I'm just like to be 17 again. Yeah. She's fascinating, isn't she? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:26 And she's super nice. I really like her. Yeah. She's fascinating, isn't she? Yeah. And she's super nice. I really like her. Um, okay. So, so you take eight and there's only five. And when you went there, did you cry after that? Were you sad or were you like, Oh, I did great. This is cool. Great. No, I was happy. I was happy with myself. And this is when I was kind of working with my mindset coach. So I just, I had some really cool shifts during that competition. I knew that I needed experience. Right. So. Look at Amanda coming to your defense. Yeah. I'm super high on page powers. Okay. So there were two good girls there. Leave me alone. Get it right. But, but also there was no pressure, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:05 By pressure. I mean, you didn't have a expect expectation. No, I, it was just, this is my first semis. Let's go and let's do the best we can and hope for a good finish. But obviously like I just needed experience right at these higher level competitions. So yeah, I was super happy. higher level competition so yeah i was super happy and then um you come home and do you does it inspire you like because you were only three spots away were you like okay look at look at this i just competed with two of the best in the world emma and page same floor as
Starting point is 01:35:40 them only three spots out i need to i need to like watch less tv and sleep more like was there a plan like is it was there a plan to elevate your oh sorry sorry sorry hi babe hi sorry can joseph and ari come with you or do i need to take them no no you could leave them in the house just um yeah okay yeah. Thanks. Just tell them no. They can't, like, just be watching you. They can't watch you two. Right. And they're finishing their Kumon right now.
Starting point is 01:36:11 So I said when they're done, they can watch a movie. Okay, cool. All right. Okay, thanks. Okay. Okay. Bye. Later.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Bye. All right. She has the nicest voice. Oh, she's the best. She's the best. It's so soothing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love her. Oh, she's the best. She's the best. It's so soothing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love her.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Oh, Kaylee. Oh. Yeah, she makes me sick. Yeah. So tell me what you're driving home from there and what are you thinking when you drive home in 2022 um yeah like you said i was thinking of elevating my game so this is why i moved to houston for three months to go um train with kelly baker and i will always love that experience and it was so amazing i just think it was a little bit too much for me in the sense of I just was competing for three months straight, you know, and I needed to learn that. And that's okay to learn what I need as an athlete, because then last year at semifinals, I was so burnt out physically and mentally. And I just got there and was like, holy shit, I have no more. I don't have anything left in the tank. I don't have anything left in the tank.
Starting point is 01:37:24 When did you go to Houston? Did you wait to like three months before the 2023 semifinals? Did you use it as like a prep camp or did you go right? I went before open. I think I did open at home and then we came back and did quarterfinals in Houston and I stayed there for an extra two more months. What was Houston like? God, that seems like the last place I'd ever want to go. Well, Baltimore, Houston and Philly. I'd rather live with Trudeau. Yeah. I didn't love the city at first, especially when we first got there. Cause Jake came with me for the first month and I didn't, I didn't really love it. It's just so spread out and it's, I'm
Starting point is 01:38:04 used to being here with the mountains right there and there was nowhere really to go. I didn't, I didn't really love it. It's just so spread out. And it's, I'm used to being here with the mountains right there. And there was nowhere really to go, I felt like and it was just like, I don't know, I didn't love it. But every time I go, I love it a little bit more. But I don't think I would ever really live there. Yeah, it's okay. It's just a big city and I'm not used to big, big cities like that. Um, but yeah, it was a good experience and I was able to be there with Tristan and Kelly and it was, I learned so much and I had a really great time training with them. Just for me, I was even Kelly and I would go into the gym, little bit tired. We'd be like, okay, today we're just,
Starting point is 01:38:45 let's just chill. We don't need to be competing every single day. Three, two, one. And we're going hard. Right. So I think I just didn't know how to put on the brakes. So yeah. So that answers the question too. That's okay. So in 2022, you go to the Atlas games, you do well enough that you're like, okay, I'm going to invest a little more time and a little more money and a little more – this is a horrible word, sacrifice. I'm going to leave home, and I'm actually going to go spend time with my coach and a high-level athlete. And I'm going to – that's kind of a major tweak, right? That was the first – that's the first time you had done that before you were just hanging out in your bubble. You're like, let me see what – if there's some more nurturing I can get.
Starting point is 01:39:28 And that's a sign that you're more serious about 2023. Yeah, for sure. And where were the 2023 semifinals? Pasadena. Oh, shit. Okay. Yep. I was on the outs, I think.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Pasadena. And you show up there. And that was the one you're saying tell me how you showed up i showed up really nervous and really and i had so many expectations because i thought okay well you just moved your whole life to have more volume, work harder, yeah, work with a high level athlete and all of that. So I was like, so you have to make it, you know what I mean? I just thought doing all of those things was gonna help me make the games. And it was just totally not true. By the time I got there i just even amanda who keeps commenting to her her uh someone that she knows was like hey hattie looks really burnt out like what's up you know and that person extra like hey i'm down here with your friend she looks like shit and but that
Starting point is 01:40:41 just pretty much and that just kind of goes to show that someone that doesn't really know. I mean, he knows me, but not personally. And someone who doesn't even really know me was like, oh, shit, like something's up, you know, kind of thing. So, I mean, that almost makes me feel better in the sense of being like, oh, like what happened? Why? Why was it like that? But I really was just burnt out. And I just I think I pushed myself a little bit too much and didn't take enough breaks, which I need, you know, I needed to go out on more walks or maybe take a week off before Atlas games. I actually took a week off and went camping, got my head out of the gym. It was so fun, so nice. And it's stuff like that, that I need I need um did Jake go to that event in Pasadena he did not no he did he didn't go to Atlas Games sorry he did go to Pasadena and did
Starting point is 01:41:35 your parents go no no so it was just Jake just Jake was Tristan there it was Jake and then his parents and um Tristan was there yes wow his parents came they come to everything they even went to my Egypt uh competition this year wow crazy you stay they love traveling well I saw you stay in Egypt for a month yeah okay so so then um do you cry after that one what place do you get there i got uh 18th i think out of 60 there was 60 that year right how many did they take uh 10 oh man so so the same thing it basically very similar placement yeah like if you were to do ratios or percentages or something that says you finish the same so you finish eighth out of out of and you need to be fifth you finish 18th and you need to be 10th and are you are you uh on the
Starting point is 01:42:39 drive home are you like okay i'm done with crossfit. Good run. Two years. That was cool. No. No. No. Not at all. It was just like, hey, back to the drawing board. No shit. Even though you were, it was a, okay, let me frame this. It was a miserable experience, but you're the kind of person who's miserable or good experiences. You just like life experiences.
Starting point is 01:43:05 The thing is is it wasn't a miserable experience I still had fun it was just it was all learning for me and that's it was hard because the first event went okay the second event I should have got top five in that event but I again muscular fatigue right muscular fatigue, right? Muscular fatigue hit in and I couldn't even do my last rep of the movement. So after that is where I was like, okay, tomorrow's a new day, we need to do better, whatever. And I still had fun for the rest of the time. It's just there were costly mistakes that I made. And I just see it all as learning. I'm not just going to quit because of those experiences. Again, I'm pretty new I made. And I just see it all as learning. I'm not just going to quit because of those experiences. Again, I'm pretty new to this. And that was only my, whatever, say it was
Starting point is 01:43:51 my fourth or whatever really high level competition. You know what I mean? I still need more experience under my belt. So for me, it's not, I'm just going to quit right away. I need to just go back to the drawing board and figure out what I need as an athlete. And, you know, me and Tristan talked about that. When you went to that event, did anyone say to you, Hey, you can qualify this year? Um, I don't know. Okay. So, so there was no, in the forefront of your mind, there was no like eminent. There wasn't any eminence, not the word, a persistent pressure or pressure that was like present coming from the outside yet. Not from the outside. It was more from from myself, the pressure, because I had done all this stuff like moved and blah, blah, blah, whatever. And so I was like, OK, well, now you have to make it because you just made all these crazy changes to your life yeah you it's it's like uh what i don't
Starting point is 01:44:50 remember the the wright brothers they build an airplane and they're getting ready to launch it and like they put in all this work and then it doesn't fly yeah yeah but you're like i just put in more work okay so uh so you go back and you go back to alberta and um and then what what becomes the plan and so that that's that's then the build-up to this year showing up in carson so what's the plan at that point let's go back to like june of last year june we're just chilling. July, August, September. I think we go to Bali and maybe November.
Starting point is 01:45:35 So the plan was to go back to Bali and then the plan right after semifinals was just to like take a few weeks off, enjoy myself, enjoy the summer. finals was just to like take a few weeks off, enjoy myself, enjoy the summer. I joined a lot of classes at the gym and we went to the mountains a ton, went hiking and everything. So yeah, it was just to enjoy myself. And then Jake and I had plans to go to Bali. So we did Bali again. And Bali is really great for both training and recovery. So it was just work hard in, in Bali before we come home and also work hard. And when do you come home? From Bali?
Starting point is 01:46:13 Yeah. I think we came home in, we were there for Christmas. So I think end of January, maybe beginning of February ish. Wow. So right up until the open. Yeah. I think it was a couple of weeks before the open.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Are you, I don't get it. So what's the train? So in Bali, you get enough. Do you improve at all as a CrossFitter in Bali? I think so. I mean, when you come home, so, I mean, there's studies out there that say, uh, training and that he is like altitude training. And I do feel it. My first couple of times going there when I came home, it was like, Holy shit. I feel good. Um, okay. And then obviously the recovery is crazy. You get $20 massages,
Starting point is 01:47:00 $5 foot massages. Uh, wonderlust has um ice i watched i watched your massage video i have a massage video yeah i felt like it was borderline inappropriate where is it i mean i like it there's a guy like treating your leg oh yeah that's uh brian yeah he was at the competition yeah this video is crazy. Look at this one, people. Because he's got it in fast mode, slow mode. I cannot believe how thorough this guy is. He's so good. He was at semifinals this year.
Starting point is 01:47:40 And the games, I guess, last year. What do you say to him? You're hey can i film this and he's like sure no he's filmed all of that oh he did yeah hey why does he put that orange cloth there just to not get the stuff on your shorts oh Oh, okay. I thought it was like to block his view or something. Maybe that too. Like, hey, don't look over there. Cover that up. Anything that would like open it more. When you stand up from there, like, is your leg feel just incredible?
Starting point is 01:48:23 Oh, yeah. He's so good and you only who sends him he's he works for crossfit and he just happens to be there he works for the venue no he works um in houston so that's how i met him he used to work out of the gym that i go to there um and now he has his own place um and that was at his own place. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Now I get it. Yeah, I didn't bring him. So last year he volunteered for the games
Starting point is 01:48:51 and then I guess he got the same gig with the semifinals and then he's going to get the same gig this year at the games as well. So we'll see him there. David, don't get creepy, dude. Hey, listen, I'm an empath. I'm just an empath. I can't help it. I just empathize. It wasn't, it wasn't me. Oh, did you ever experience that? What is that? Oh yeah. Bolly belly. It's the worst. That's like you just, you drink the water and you're fucked.
Starting point is 01:49:21 I mean, maybe in your shower. I don't really know exactly, but sometimes when you eat something and there's just a bug in there, you get it. But my first year going, I had it for like a week. And what you just you just feel like bubbly gut and you're shitting yourself. Yeah, you're just shitting. You're just the the pains that you get in the stomach is the worst. I just sit there in bed moaning like, uh. Worse than cramps like period cramps, menstrual cramps?
Starting point is 01:49:47 Oh, yeah. Oh, that's cool. Way worse. So men can experience that. It's like, yeah, tiny little knives just. Wow. Oh, that's what Alexis Raptus had. Yeah, she had it for, I talked to her and she had it for the whole time she was there. But I think hers, she had like an, I talked to her and she had it for the whole time she was there, but I think hers, um, she had like an underlying condition as well. So that's why hers was a lot worse. Her mom got
Starting point is 01:50:11 it too. But when you're there and you get it, you can get these IV drips and I guess it helps a lot. I always just whatever, lay in bed for a day and let it go away. But a lot of people get these IV drips with, um, I i don't know there's just lots of vitamins and whatever else in there but it's supposed to help and you you don't eat when that's going on either huh you're just like fuck that i'm just drinking water i'm not fucking around i try i try to maybe have a little bit of soup a lot of liquids um but it is hard to eat god i'm sadistic i want to experience it yeah go to bal. God, I'm sadistic. I want to experience it. Yeah, go to Bali.
Starting point is 01:50:50 We're going next year, so you can come visit. Everyone gets it? Not everyone. No. So you come back, and are you following Tristan's programming when you're in Bali? Yeah. And there's a place to do that at Dave's gym? Mm-hmm. Wow, that's really's really cool yeah he has a huge gym
Starting point is 01:51:08 i've coached there a couple times and there was one class that was like 126 people you and you coached it by yourself no there's four of us oh darn you should let the other three people go so you could just have that in your record book see you later i got this how cool is that do you wear a headset or do you just yell no just yell um now on saturdays dave has brought out the headset so now him and the other one of the other coaches they wear headsets and then the other two are more like the demo and uh warm-up people but yeah do you get crazy when you coach do you say crazy shit like what i don't know like all right guys all the weak men over here all the strong men over here no that's what our our uh boss does at our gym here though you would love love the shit that he says it's pretty funny
Starting point is 01:52:05 i'll say some funny stuff i'll i'll dance more like there's all those memes going around that it's like me dying in my workout and my coach over there is just living it up and that's me i'm just sitting there dancing like keep going motherfuckers i was thinking about um i was brainstorming some ideas i was thinking about doing like a online like just like have people call in be like hey can you find the worst cross-fitting member you have just like someone who just sucks they've been there like three years and I want to do a competition you know what I mean between like the worst person at one gym and the worst person at another gym like you know what I mean like you've been telling them that they're the worst yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:52:44 fuck it like you know what I mean like like like you've been there five years and you don't have a pull-up or even one double under like you don't have okay and make them do a workout yeah do a workout online see who wins or i was thinking wouldn't it be fun to do a competition just for uh like a two-hour show and just you have to be 80 80 i don't think we have anyone that old in our gym but i know we'd have to scour the earth for them but that shit's so funny have you ever seen old people like the old people track and field events when they sprint no oh yes i saw one video of it and it's a bunch of 80 year old ladies sprinting but it's just kind of like yeah yeah it it's cool and it's good but something's off but it's so fun you're just like what's happened oh that would be good yeah i would
Starting point is 01:53:32 watch that for sure yeah something simple it's like one pull-up two push uh one pull-up you know two push-ups three air squats you know three minute yeah yeah or maybe like a 15-foot shuttle run and then you know oh yeah you got all the running in there yeah because it's literally just like fast walk well fast for them but 80 year old crossfit is boxed step ups to a 14 inch box 14 inch dude fucking six inch dude yeah let me see how old's brady yeah it's weird people don't know about getting you don't talk about getting old until like 37 when you're 37 you start to see the first inklings of getting old uh yeah i guess no i would say 40s wouldn't it it be? I don't know yet. At 37, I started to have to warm up.
Starting point is 01:54:27 I know even now I'm like, okay, I feel pretty good still. Yeah. But there are a couple creaks where you're like, oh, I got to get this knee lubed up a little bit. Yeah. Okay. So then you come back in January and the Open's coming in. Do you feel prepared for the Open this year? Yes. Yes. I do. Yeah. so then you come back in January and the opens coming in, do you feel prepared for the open this year? Uh,
Starting point is 01:54:45 yes, yes, I do. Yeah. And then quarterfinals roll around and then you're doing it at this point. You're at, um, your gym in,
Starting point is 01:54:53 um, don't tell me I wrote it down. CrossFit. Framework. Yeah. You're across it framework and you're coaching there and you're in your train. You're continuing to do the ascend programming. Yes. And a little bit of classes in classes and then so um and then quarterfinals
Starting point is 01:55:11 come around are you confident about that yeah very confident and yeah we just strategized more than what i've ever done and yeah that helped a lot so there's this you know you in your mind you are going to qualify for semifinals even though it's only 40 people yes okay and then you qualify for semifinals and did you get any uh there was like a points debacle this year or something right with semifinals there's all did you get it did you get caught up in that shit i was dumb i was dumb dumb dumb i put my score in wrong for i can't remember i think it was number one but i it was or it was the clean and jerk one and i had just put in how many clean and jerks i did and not the total reps oh right so that brought me i think i was in ninth and then it brought me down to like 200
Starting point is 01:56:05 and whatever so we were texting calling everyone we could to change that and then yeah they got it changed so okay but no penalties i got one penalty it was just one rep off of the box step up okay so that means you were good enough that they were looking at your shit. Yeah. I was in top 10. So, okay. So of those 40 girls that went to Carson, you were top 10. Yeah, I was sixth. Okay. And is that a good sign for you when you see that? Does that mean anything to you? I mean, it does, but it's also like, okay, that's awesome. But now it's a new competition. So we have to, we have to perform at the competition, but I do love in-person competitions more. So it did give me confidence for sure.
Starting point is 01:56:55 And I, and I think I remember that's where you popped on the radar for me. Cause I was like looking at the list of people who finished. I'm like, I never seen that name before. Yeah. And then you guys looked at my Instagram and Hiller said I wasn't making it. I was hoping he was going to be on here so I could give him shit. Let me look at this girl's body.
Starting point is 01:57:16 Guess what Hiller? I made it with those panda poles, you little bitch. No, I'm just kidding. Oh, I do remember that video. We did pull up your video. God, we're such assholes i love us such assholes i was like okay well now i just have to make it so so i can prove no wrong let me uh don't uh literally the one time i do panda pulls in my life i was doing like a promo video for one of the uh companies i'm sponsored by and i do these panda pull yeah look how good that panda pull looks though come on i love your outfit to be honest it's like come on i don't even know what a panda pulls i remember
Starting point is 01:57:53 him saying that god we're the show's so fun so i just you're just at home minding your own business and these boys yeah not trolling you online i love it it. I trained with this guy, Aaron, and he was like showing me pandas. Um, cause he's an amazing lifter. And I was like, I've never heard of those in my life. And at the same time, Jake was doing my videos for me. So he's like, okay, here, I'll get some videos of these. And yeah, I made it with those pandas. So do you wash your hair? Like once every couple, no no like once a week once every two weeks sometimes
Starting point is 01:58:30 and had you just washed it here i don't know maybe it looks a little soft doesn't it yeah yeah i like dirty thick hair yeah i got thick it's like a freaking what are you what ethnicity are you hungarian oh shit you could be related to laura horvat you do look a little like laura holy shit yeah maybe we're cousins wow that's not the first time you've heard that that's not the first time you've heard that no it is wow and i look like her dude you fucking hey that's crazy i didn't see that before that's crazy what's her name laura let's see if i'm blocked by miss horvat no no nice oh my goodness i can totally see it do you tan like that too yeah you get that like that tan that's your tan yeah dang uh dan guerrero this is the closest you'll ever have to having laura on the show have you asked her before she's been been on. It was fucking wild.
Starting point is 01:59:47 She's like, that shitty question, ask me next one. You're not very good at your job, are you? I was like, holy shit. You're like, damn. Yeah. Damn, Laura, damn. Yeah. But I love her.
Starting point is 02:00:01 It's funny. Yeah. Men like me like abusive women okay so oh then you take six and what is and do you at that point are jake and tristan saying any crazy shit to you like dude this is your year i mean jake yeah yeah they both are for sure and do you like that or are you like, dude, stop? I mean, I like, I think before it would be, I would put too much pressure on myself when people are telling me that kind of stuff. But I've done a lot of work with that.
Starting point is 02:00:36 And I think it just kind of pumped me up a little bit more and helped me with that confidence. The more confidence I'm building for myself, the more I'm letting in that stuff, if that makes sense. I'm letting in what people are telling me and realizing, okay, listen to them because they also know. I mean, Jake sees me train all the time. Tristan sees me train all the time, right? So, yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:00 Using it as fuel. using its fuel and um when you show up to carson how certain are before even the first event starts how certain are you that you're going to qualify for the game before i showed up or yeah before like you get there but you haven't done your first event um i'm probably like a i don't know it's hard because a part of me was like yes you are i i'm into the woo woo shit so i was seeing signs all over the place and so i was like okay this is my year um but then you also have that that talk in the back of your head a little bit is saying okay are you gonna make it it's like is it gonna be like last year or whatever but I would say I was pretty confident especially after quarterfinals um there still was some percent that that I wasn't confident um or, or I, I thought that I was
Starting point is 02:02:07 going to maybe be eight. You know what I mean? Seven through eight, I was going to be on that bubble. I did not, I was not confident that I was going to be at the top or the top three or top four. And tell me some of the woo shit, like while you sleeping you like you had a dream or so i had dreams for sure but i had i was visual visualize this oh my gosh visualizing things but the biggest thing was two weeks before i was whenever i would look at the time it would be 11 11 or i was seeing one one everywhere and it was crazy it was just every single day things like that were happening and i was just seeing whatever i was seeing is it it as a sign and then when we were in carson we were all sitting in the stands for the briefing you know the gum drops or whatever they're called the chest pieces with our names on it oh yeah yeah no ones out. There was none out on the floor except for one.
Starting point is 02:03:09 And it had my name on it. It was mine that was out there. And so I just hit Amanda and was like, dude, that's me. If you're mine, you're like, God just told me you're the one. I was like, something just told me the universe is telling me that this is my year. Right. You uh what's the guy's name in the matrix um nemo oh um nemo yeah something like that though that's the fish right yeah but it is something like that nemo me neo neo neo neo neo yeah is neo the um um john wick guy uh yeah yeah yeah god i love you adam thank you neo thank you yeah neo justin zizumbo salty hive crossfit i love you too thank you neo
Starting point is 02:04:00 are you texting someone telling them you're going to be late? Yeah. Yeah. Good. I got to go help someone move, but I'll just say I'll be there in like 20 minutes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll be quick. OK. We're almost at the climax of the story. Getting there. And so and so you do you do the first event and you must be just – your confidence is skyrocketing? Yeah, I would say so. It just felt – the first one just felt really good. And I knew all of the workouts were pretty good for me. All of them?
Starting point is 02:04:40 You were stoked on the whole thing? Yeah. You saw the program and you're like, yep, this is good. is good yeah i'm gonna pull up this uh you're a woman 2004 semifinals you were in the west and i remember you i remember you being pretty excited i had never spoke to you before but i remember like the first time i came up to you with the camera you were pretty fucking fired up yeah actually every time every actually every time i came up to you you were fired up you didn't you weren't fucking around ever like you would just look at me and be like yeah yeah and you would have like some man you're gonna like yeah you're gonna like the behind the scenes yeah i'm excited to see i saw
Starting point is 02:05:17 the one oh you did see it already yeah it's awesome i have to assume you get in it more and more because as i started tracking i was like oh shit this chick's in the unit and i kept waiting for you like to just fall off you know the scene i was like you know because i hadn't heard you and i was like okay so she's gonna have one good workout so yeah after the snatch one you were like and she's strong too i'm like i love uh hey and your final snatch is pretty cool right Where you're banging your thighs That's my thing Yeah And you go out there and get it And that's always the
Starting point is 02:05:51 Kind of the weak link for the new kid in town right They show up they're doing great And then that happens right It's like okay you're gonna have to lift something heavy And you're like buh-bye But not Hattie can you Okay a third a seventh a fourth an eighth a fifth and a 23rd wait hold on oh shit oh my god you were you were about to get on the podium
Starting point is 02:06:17 yeah and then i kind of fucked up a little bit there on the last one um was that hard was that hard i mean so exciting to like don't get me wrong i'm not shitting on you but you're doing amazing you're gonna make it on the podium what a great thing it would have been to beat ariel lowe and the fittest woman in the in the united states of america i tied her yeah you tied her. Great. Right. I agree. But no. So what's the lesson to learn there? What happened? The lesson to learn is that I still have more work mentally because someone had told me, hey, you clenched like you're the only person that has clenched. You could literally get last and make the games. So I had my cry. I had my hug. I was like, fuck, I made it. That's crazy. Really? Before that event, you had an emotional release yes and it wasn't good for me because i should have got top honestly i'm not trying to
Starting point is 02:07:11 be cocky but i should have got top 10 on that workout because that was a very good workout for me um but that happened and then if you would have done that you'd have been in second yeah I know and I I know I got a costly no rep as well so it shit happens and I'm just happy that I made it and I need to see that you know just be happy with that but also use it as learning like if someone comes up to me with some emotional news before I need to learn to handle it better I can't expect people just to not say things to me. You know what I mean? They don't know how that's going to tip me off. So I can't expect, I can't say that it was anyone's fault, but myself, you know, do you think, what do you think emotion? Do you think that the emotional release drained you or that really powerful people are like alchemists and they can use
Starting point is 02:08:05 emotional energy anywhere they want like and i don't mean to only give you two choices what is the what is the i i'm a firm believer that emotion should not be let out um uh like that while you're in the in in in the in in the, in, on the battlefield that it needs to be harnessed, but what is your take on emotion in terms of performance, high level performance? No, I think that, I mean, obviously look what happened, right? I think that I, I don't know. It's hard because this is what I'm trying to do is being able to hear anything and use that like with the whole Hiller thing. Right. Usually that would get me down, but I was like, no, I'm going to use that. Yeah. You have to be an alchemist. You're an alchemist.
Starting point is 02:08:59 I had a fighter on the other day and he said he got booed and he loved it because it's just energy. And then you bring it in how you want. For sure. And I think that I'm learning how to do that. But at the same time, it's kind of weird because with certain things, it'll, it'll be a detriment to me. Like, obviously that was a detriment to me, that person telling me, because I think in my subconscious, I was like, well, we can just chill now, you know, but obviously me, I was like, okay, we need to go into that workout and push still. But I think in my subconscious, it was like, Oh, okay. Cause I didn't have any urgency. It felt so weird. Even on the rings, I should
Starting point is 02:09:36 have done those 15 unbroken, but 11, I was like, yeah, let's drop, you know, it's like, no, let's, let's do the 15. Like we we were going to do why are we dropping um but then in other senses i sorry in other senses i do use that so i always bring up firefighting i went up there with my ex-boyfriend and people they were all hicks up there you know i never hunted i never fished i never did any of that and they were all likeicks up there. You know, I never hunted, I never fished, I never did any of that. And they were all like, Oh, she's just up here. Because her boyfriend, she's not going to last. And I was like, fuck that I'm going to become a leader. I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna become one of the first female leaders up here. I'm gonna go far. I love this job, blah, blah,
Starting point is 02:10:20 blah. So then and I did all of that. So I used that to push myself, but it's like, why, why was that a detriment? Why couldn't I have used that and been like, hell yeah, you're a badass. Now let's go finish off on a big note. I don't know. You know, that's what I'm trying to figure out and work through my brain is like, why couldn't I have used that instead of kind of let it. Hey dude, you're're like you're so on it you're someone's wrote in the comments you can only control what you can control and so that person said that and it's like it's not that person's fault at all yeah yeah and actually now they're going to tell you this and they've given you an opportunity when there wasn't so much on the line to figure that out.
Starting point is 02:11:07 So it doesn't happen next time. Right. Yeah. And that's what I'm telling myself, too, is it's learning. I'm glad I learned it now and not at the games. Now I have that extra tool in my toolbox. Yeah. You know, not saying that I'll use it right away. You still got to do things a couple times to learn, but maybe it will help me in a certain situation at the games, you know, you just never know. So yeah. Do you, do you ever do anything? Do you ever do anything like, um, uh, Hey, if, um, when you're working out, if I, if I, I don't know what the thing is, if I, um, if I finished this workout as hard as I can, Jake will make me dinner tonight. And like, you know, it's not true,
Starting point is 02:11:48 but you just tell yourself that to put a carrot at the end or, um, I have done that with like competitions and been like, I'm going to buy myself a new outfit or whatever. Right. And like, you don't even care if you really do it, but you just tell yourself that and you believe it in the moment. Yeah, I've definitely done that before. I don't do it a lot, but, um, yeah, I've done it for sure. What is going to be the, do you have strategies in place? Like, like a break in case of emergency, like, Hey, this is the mantra you use when you don't want to go anymore.
Starting point is 02:12:24 of emergency? Like, Hey, this is the mantra you use when you don't want to go anymore. Yeah, I pretty much lately it's been imagining someone else who I'm going to be competing against is there with me, you know, sometimes I'll be, sometimes I'll just be on a bike and I'll be like, Hey, so-and-so is right there. She's right behind you. She's coming for you kind of thing. Right um or i'll tell myself if i'm too tired or whatever it's just like hey just get this done it doesn't matter in what time like let's just finish this you know what i mean because sometimes you're i mean it is always your brain that gives up first right so even on the bike yesterday i was like i did not want to keep going but it was just like no, no, you just gotta, you just gotta finish
Starting point is 02:13:05 it. That's it. Let's just keep going. You know, it's just that extra, it's nothing too crazy. I just keep talking to myself. Hey, just keep going. It doesn't matter how tired, tired you are. Let's just finish this. I had the guy on here who set the world record for the 50 miler. And I think he's about to try to set the world record for the a hundred miler. And you know what? He, he just, he just one day woke up and was like he's about to try to set the world record for the 100 miler and you know what he he just he just one day woke up and was like today i'm gonna set the world record for the 50 miler he called a 50 miler race he goes hey get ready have all the clocks and cameras ready i'm gonna come there and i'm gonna run the fastest 50 miles that any human beings ever ran and he did that and i was like dude like how did you do it like did you have divine
Starting point is 02:13:40 intervention from god or blah blah blah he's like no i just told myself to keep running another hundred feet i'm like holy for 50 miles it really is just that talk though it's just telling yourself you can keep doing it because it is going to be this that quits your body can keep going i keep wanting to be i had a premonition of my grandmother touched me or she was on my shoulders or some shit like that. An angel came to me in my sleep. I'm like, fuck, what a savage. That's crazy. That's amazing. So you think about the games.
Starting point is 02:14:15 Now you're thinking about the games every single day, at least once a day, five times a day, a hundred times a day. It's popping up, pops up in your head. You're like, it's like, like honestly it's not popping up as much as you would think it is um i just imagine your life just coming like this like a funnel coming in at you and you and you can see this little opening and that's going to be like you going to dickies like you're going to get spit out and be there i mean that's probably how it's going to feel because like i said i'm not really thinking about it as much as you think I was yeah um I'm just thinking about the next day or today you know what am I going to be doing
Starting point is 02:14:50 today I have that's what I do to semifinals so I'm trying not to change anything you know what I mean and I want to go in and enjoy my experience I don't want to go in with so many expectations and then just hate my life because I've heard of a lot of people of that happening. And then they go to team because they didn't love individual. And I don't know what their reasonings are, but that's what I'm just guessing it is, is that they go in with these expectations of being like, obviously, it would be awesome to make top 10 or top 20. But let's talk about that when we get closer to it right now. I need to focus on the training. Right.
Starting point is 02:15:23 Yeah. And the head fuck at the games is, is like seventh is like you're in there. Yeah. You know what I mean? And so for all you people who are used to winning every little competition you go to, you think seventh,
Starting point is 02:15:33 I shit the bed, but it's not like that at all. Seven. It's like, fuck. Or like you get one 26 and you're not out. Like it's crazy. And unfortunately too, I feel like like like one win can be misleading
Starting point is 02:15:47 for sure right it's like you think you're in there you're not fucking someone's gonna come by with four fifths and fucking destroy you yeah 100 that's why it's good to be well well-rounded right yeah i mean it's cool to have party tricks but and not getting caught up in the scoring you're just always in it at the games. There's so many fucking points. Well, that's why I'm probably going to do the same thing as I did with semifinals. Just not even look at the leaderboard. And I told Tristan is like, let's look at it when I need to, but I just, that doesn't really help me. I don't really care. I just want to keep doing the fitness.
Starting point is 02:16:32 Obviously, if it's going to be a detriment and I need to know like, hey, stick close to this person and tell me or whatever. But I just don't really need to look at it. Hey, we're at the end of the podcast. Could you tell me the vaccine story now or no? Like no one's even listening anymore. Everyone's like gone like gone no i will tell you right up when we get off what you can't say it because because uh okay i know okay i understand i mean i don't really care yeah in one in one sense but then in another sense, it's kind of like, yeah, I get it. Yeah. Like I don't,
Starting point is 02:17:09 if for some reason I were to have bought false documents from a doctor saying my kids were vaccinated and then the doctor got busted by the FBI, I wouldn't, I would never want to tell that story. I'm not saying it's true. I'm not saying it's not. Yeah, exactly. But I don't want to tell the story all right all right fine but well i i respect you for uh respect all right uh hey um thanks for coming on wonderful great this is awesome yeah you're a really cool person i appreciate you uh letting me put the camera in your face during the Carson. I look forward to CrossFit games. I'll be like you like a fly on shit.
Starting point is 02:17:49 And tell Jake I said hi. Tell your whole family and friends. Congratulations to keep loving on you. It's working. Okay. Thank you. All right, dear. Bye.
Starting point is 02:17:58 Later. Wow. Hattie Cano. Yeah. Cool chick. Crazy. Cool. Right. Stupid that they're not all like that right, stupid that they're not all like that,
Starting point is 02:18:07 so stupid that they're not all like that, reminds me of my chick, to tell you the truth, uh, she'll get a, oh, oh, oh, she'll get a loved one arrested, yeah, maybe, I don't even think it matters anymore, but, but I still, I still respect it. Can you dig it? Can you dig? That's good. Yeah. Thanks, Hattie. Yeah, of course. Thank you. Oh my God. This is awesome. Uh, Awesome. Oh, this is cool. What's this?
Starting point is 02:18:57 I don't know what that is. I'm checking my text messages. Someone just texted me, you'll be at Dickie's? I'm going to be in a golden chariot there. Who's that from? Oh. Oh. Oh. All right.
Starting point is 02:19:19 Oh. Oh. Hmm. Oh Hmm Okay, well Seve, uh, hi guys I really like her Seve, Jan and I booked our rogue tickets Oh, to Scotland?
Starting point is 02:19:43 Oh, that's cool Listen, I need Bill and Katie's help to get there Seve, Jan and I booked our rogue tickets. Oh, to Scotland? Oh, that's cool. Listen, I need Bill and Katie's help to get there. And to go there with me and Sousa. First class tickets and a hotel. Near Katie and Bill. All access. I can't be like the regular fucking media folk,
Starting point is 02:20:05 the peasants, but I would fucking love to go. Hey, listen, even if I don't go, I'm going to watch the shit out of it and report on it. And I'll beg Katie to come on every night, but, but,
Starting point is 02:20:19 but I, but I probably, there's probably a chance I would go there. I think my wife just got me a new passport. Hattie was with Abigail Domet. Won that Alex Kazan second, Ariel Lowe in third. Then Hattie, can you? Then Emily Rolfe, Danny Spiegel, Bethany Flores.
Starting point is 02:20:36 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. There was one more thing I wanted to ask her. Son of a bitch. Let me see. Watch this. There was one more thing I wanted to ask her. Son of a bitch. Let me see. Watch this. There's one more thing I wanted to ask her. One more thing.
Starting point is 02:20:50 Let's. Oh, shit. That's called group. Let me see if I can. I've never used WhatsApp to call someone. Let me see. One more. I'm going to ask her one more thing.
Starting point is 02:20:58 Let me see. Hattie, can you. OK, let me let me ask her one more thing. OK, here we go. ask her one more thing. Okay, here we go. There's one more question. Hello? Hi. Hey.
Starting point is 02:21:14 We're still live, and there was one more question I wanted to ask you. Okay. Was anyone mean at you? Were any of the girls mean to you at the semi-finals? Okay, great, but next time you come on we'll hear it well, we'll hit well here you'll tell us the story though Okay, cuz I noticed went the finish line it was a little weird. Sometimes there's a little posturing, a little, a little, uh,
Starting point is 02:21:46 I felt like, I felt like Hattie was maybe being ignored by some of the other girls. Uh, I think I just needed, well, I feel like a lot of the girls, they already know each other, especially the games girls.
Starting point is 02:21:57 And it's kind of, I don't know, not clicky, but I mean, a lot of them were nice still. I feel like you kind of needed to like show yourself or whatever. And i made it then that's when it was like oh okay i'll be nice to you kind of thing but it was someone who i did not expect yeah yeah because it's someone that i thought was nice and then it was just a comment that happened before we went out onto the floor
Starting point is 02:22:22 and i think it was more of just like trying to get into my head yeah she's time it was like um what the fuck yeah i think i know who it is she's fierce she's fierce like okay yeah yeah i think i i think i saw her kind of snub you once too like walk by you like to say hi to other girls and and like yeah that's cool and then and then and then you pass through the hazing phase and then you were all good yeah i think that's exactly what it is it's like a hazing phase and then it's like okay but it is wild yeah i mean i get that people are in their zone too so that's totally fair but at the same time it's like i just don't think i would be like that i respect yeah i Yeah. I respect it, though. I like it.
Starting point is 02:23:07 Yeah, for sure. Look at everyone's guessing. Now, that's who I think it is, too. Okay, I'll leave you. Oh, okay. What are they guessing? They're guessing Gazan. That's my guess, too.
Starting point is 02:23:16 She's a different creature on the floor. What? She's so nice. All right. So it's not Gazan? No. All right. Because I don't want people to think it was her. All right. So it's not Gazan? No. All right. Because I don't want people to think it was her.
Starting point is 02:23:27 All right. Fine. I wasn't. Okay. All right. Thank you. Yeah. Bye.
Starting point is 02:23:34 Bye. Damn, I was hoping it would be Gazan. Dude, I saw Gazan scary on the floor. No, Trista Smith wasn't snubbing anyone. She's a fucking little girl. I will tell you this though i got this great footage of after the when they announced it was after the final event or after they announced the winners ariel lowen didn't even celebrate her victory she went
Starting point is 02:23:56 over and held uh trista smith and trista cried in her arms not like a sad cry but like a relief cry but ariel like didn't even like she could have been like fuck yeah and like you know ran over and like squeezed dylan's ass but she didn't she she it was crazy it she went straight to mama mode it was nuts uh the behind the scenes reveal yeah listen if you're not a member you're not you're you're missing out support support the cause watch that shit Give me your money. I think the first two episodes, the first episode of Knoxville's out and the first episode of West Coast Classic.
Starting point is 02:24:31 And Hattie's all up in that shit. Yeah, Ariel's a class act. Shayna Medeiros. Hi. Hi, Shayna. I told her that was the best moment. Maybe love her even more. Yeah, crazy, right?
Starting point is 02:24:43 I was like, wow wow this is some fucking this is some mama shit here yeah and i and and i don't think it would have been bad if she wouldn't have if she would have just been like yo if she would have just slapped her on the ass and been like yo get over it bitch that would have been fine too but it was also uh it was it was cool to see her handle it the way she did i liked it damn this computer has been wanting to update forever oh she did you heard that oh sorry ariel whispered in trista's ear uh you suck okay i thought it was something else my bad
Starting point is 02:25:22 you suck okay I thought it was something else my bad Christian I took a picture of something you commented yesterday because I was like oh shit I've been sending it around it was pretty wild what did I want to show you guys I'm going to show you guys?
Starting point is 02:25:47 I'm going to show you this, but then I'm going to bring it up again later. We're going to see this once, but we're going to look at it again. Oh, look it. Never mind. Eric Utley. Member. Got him. YouTube member.
Starting point is 02:25:57 Okay, fine. I don't need to show you anymore. I just need to hang out long enough to make 20 bucks. Thank you. Love you. All right. Like any good hoe, I'm done. But did y'all get Colton's snatch?
Starting point is 02:26:11 Yeah, yeah. We got the snatch. We got the snatch. We got it. I'm watching my son at BJJ Wells. I listened to this. He sucks today. Yeah, it happens.
Starting point is 02:26:23 Listen, my kid's swimming with the six year olds in the ocean For his ocean swim Swim classes Can't be great at everything Can you release them to the 999 Members yet no Go to your room Miss Radao
Starting point is 02:26:38 Do you have my Let me see Listen 999 members good people this is the month you raise it to 20 and make it so I'm trying to buy a boat I don't even know I don't even know how I would send you a link to that right now.
Starting point is 02:27:22 Someone sent me the weirdest text. Who? Someone sent me the weirdest text Who Someone sent me a text and they're like Sevan it's Peter I just made up the name I'm not gonna tell you the real name And I'm just like I just wrote back who Like how
Starting point is 02:27:44 No I'm not buying the boat That's a joke i'm not buying a boat that was a joke here's my thought uh uh greg buys crossfit back david ceo your head of media and all things marketing chris cooper runs affiliates uh media director was the only option for subscription oh that can't be true so can you see the video uh hey guys people are saying only media director is option for membership. Are they fucking stupid or are we? That's leadership right there.
Starting point is 02:28:41 You're just watching me man the helm. there he's watching me man the helm hey guys people are saying oh shit I fucked up the spelling on that I don't think you can correct him hey guys people are saying media director is only
Starting point is 02:29:11 option for membership hey guys people are saying media director is only option for membership are they fucking stupid or are we is the CEO membership available oh shit that's who texts me wow okay i figured out who it was oh yeah yeah sorry eric i think
Starting point is 02:29:39 you're dumb that's what suza's saying but in chat media director was the only option i had to go to the channel to change it. Oh, shit. Okay. That's some good feedback. When were you guys going to give that to me? Team effort. I guess director is only available on.
Starting point is 02:30:01 I better call Suze and tell them this. Okay. Okay. Yes, but he said CEO wasn't available on front wasn't available on front and had to be switched on back end. Weird. Oh, that's awesome. I just got Bill Leahy's phone number.
Starting point is 02:30:58 I want to have Bill Leahy on the show. I want to meet this fucking guy. Let's find out what Hiller's all excited about All right Guys as we get close to the games I almost wish I would have postponed Hattie until closer to the games. But I think I'll try to get her on again. But as we get closer to the games, I'll start piling people in here. And the people I've interviewed before, I'll try to get them in for 90 minutes. And then, you know, the more regulars, Ariels, Gazans, try to do for 45 minutes and catch up and find out what's going on
Starting point is 02:31:47 Mark Moss words are hard so is this dick okay I'll show this to you no i'm not going to show it so i'll save it for tomorrow tomorrow's gonna be fun russell burger was supposed to come tomorrow um oh uh no russell tomorrow and we were gonna ask pound 24 hour uh fitness but russell had to reschedule live call in live call in i kind of need to do a show with andrew and catch up with andrew too the drama does andrew put up anything that's any fun crossfit drama let me see uh hillar oh uh no oh yeah hill did you see this hillar found the guy who uh got a picture of the guy that um oh yeah
Starting point is 02:32:45 this is important do you remember remember we were doing we were trying to figure out what um ethnicity what color the guy was who stole the camera gear in um in compton did we already talk about this oh yeah, yeah, we did. Damn, we talked about it yesterday. Anyway, here's the guy. This is the guy that Andrew's claiming it is. The People's Republic of Asia. Whatever fucking country that is. Oh, look, CTP cam responded.
Starting point is 02:33:28 Celebrity post on Hillers. Well, you're left hands free to steal someone else's equipment. Maybe that's what the song was getting at. No doubt, thought he could fool us by shaving the stash. Dang, that might be the keyboard player from the indie band. Oh, I don't even know what he's talking about. Jesus. Oh, look, Jessica Collegan tagged Goob. the indie band oh i don't even know what he's talking about jesus oh look jessica collegan uh tag goob nice mason mitchell puts it to this chick is that crazy
Starting point is 02:34:00 jesus my my as they say in Italy marron what is this thing oh look Mason's got his chick on the fucking dildo bar holy shit
Starting point is 02:34:18 damn that is savage you can't do that either you can't do that i can do that i could do that probably maybe even better than you a couple no who am i kidding you just my muscle ups are just so smooth though. I can't do that I wonder if I can do that. You guys think I could jump to a 36 inch God What should I go live on Instagram and show you guys my vertical jump? That's 36 plus six is 42.
Starting point is 02:35:12 Damn. Oh, you guys have seen all this. You guys are all up in the comments. I can't do this. Definitely can't do this. Oh my God. what is this thing I don't know how much this is so I can't tell you if I can do it or not let's just go with I can't do that I don't know know, though. How much do you think that is? How do we know? It's got... Yeah, I can't.
Starting point is 02:35:48 Let's just say I can't do that anymore. What's this? I don't know if I can do that. God damn, look at all those steel plates on there. What is going on here? I could do a couple of those. Jesus! Someone tie tie that rig down that rigs moving more than the fan I Can do that for sure my savage in the cartwheels Definitely can't do that alright
Starting point is 02:36:25 how did we end up over here oh she was on is this the Seth Stovell guy is she hmm alright I don't know how we ended up there uh three inch vertical oh she pegs him mason mitchell i don't know he seems formidable like he deserves a chick like that
Starting point is 02:37:06 he did that it's hard to say anything bad about mason after seeing his uh what did he do did he do an overhead squat on that wobbly bar with like 345s on each side it was something crazy what is this uplift challenge someone sent me a dm in my um someone sent me a dm it's in my request i started reading it and then i just left it alone i gotta go back like i didn't accept it yet so it'll i can still see it but i don't even know what uplift is what is uplift is that like outwad. I can't. If someone sends me more than a paragraph.
Starting point is 02:37:53 Is shit. I'm just like my brain wants to explode. Yeah. Uplift is a suicide awareness workout oh like to raise money like for veterans who like shit like that program
Starting point is 02:38:18 by boss this year let me see what is going on was it you who text me uh mark let me see um I left it in my request let me see fuck it I on. Was it you who text me, Mark? Let me see. I left it in my request. Let me see. Fuck it. I'll do this right now, too.
Starting point is 02:38:31 I normally don't read DMs. I'll make an exception for this. I know exactly where it is. Oh, it is from you. Hey, Sevan. Mark Moss here. Hey, Mark. With Uplift. We'll be hosting our third annual Uplift WOD,
Starting point is 02:38:46 trying to bring suicide awareness to our community. I would love for you to throw down on 9-7. Is that today? What month is it? June? No. Boz is programming for us this year, which should be exciting. Be on the lookout for some cool stuff coming your way. Also, we'd love to send you a shirt. Sweet.
Starting point is 02:39:09 Someone tell me what website I go to. I'll just go Uplift. Is it on YouTube? If it's live, let me peep this shit. Uplift Suicide. Is that what I type into Google? Uplift Suicide. suicide what is that what i type into google uh uplift suicide uh uplift workout suicide prevention awareness okay okay here we go oh no i ended up at get with the programming hold on is anyone gonna uh most likely i'll leave
Starting point is 02:39:42 it short next time. I don't know. I could probably just give you my phone number and you could text me and I'd never respond. Mark, I need another shirt. Where do I look to see it if it's live right now? I want to see what's going on. Mark Moss from number seven wears a size small. No, I do not wear a small.
Starting point is 02:39:57 I'm a large dude. Fucking large. Oh, IG. Okay. I don't know. fucking large oh IG ok are we gonna see Mark on there they are not live unless I just can't see it on my computer they are not live unless i just can't see it on my um computer hurry don't miss our limited stock our ogts uplift what's this
Starting point is 02:40:39 mark your calendars official uplift wad will be held on september 7th and you know it's going to be good what's up everybody adrian bosman here want to talk to you about uplift 2024. it's going to be programmed this year by none other than yours truly i got something really cool cooked up for you guys it's going to be a blast so get out there let's support this awesome cause together and we'll see you on the leaderboard check it out together and we'll see you on the leaderboard check it out uh traveling this summer up the wall pack your bags grab your uplift tea let's spread the some positive vibes across the globe Wherever your wanderlust takes you this summer, don't forget to rock up your athlete gear. Let me see this.
Starting point is 02:41:30 What do you guys do with your money? Oh, here they got a website. Our story. our story in the depths of personal tragedy some individuals find strength to transform their pain into a powerful force for change and that's exactly what mark did his world was shaken when he lost his beloved grandfather to the silent battle of mental health succumbing to the shadows of suicide mark embarked on a journey of healing and advocacy that would redefine the trajectory of his life. Fueled by the desire to break the silence surrounding mental health struggles, he harnessed the energy of his grief and channeled it into an area he thought only his buddies would be a part of. Workout initiative aimed at bringing
Starting point is 02:42:19 the CrossFit community together and shining a light on the struggles of mental health and suicide. This is a story of one man's poignant response to loss, a testament to the transformative power of turning pain into purpose. Oh, alchemist. Join us as we come together to work out and uplift others and love ourselves. I know it might be weird that I watch the Sevan podcast since he spends half the time making fun of people with mental illness, but you just have to understand his humor. Wow, that's nice that you threw that
Starting point is 02:42:48 in there at the end. I appreciate that. Isn't it weird? Goes to Warrior Wad. Oh, I don't know what I must have missed something. Yeah, let me see. Can I cherry pick the Wad before I decide if i'm gonna do it or i'm just fucked i gotta commit now a previous wads 2024 uplift what uh media
Starting point is 02:43:11 clydesdale oh this is a cool picture of you more than fitness oh you're with adrian uh conway uh oh you can't even see it. Fuck, I fucked you guys again. Sorry. Mark Moss. I didn't write this. I'm not that good with words. That was nice. All right. Keep bugging me.
Starting point is 02:43:39 What month is 9? That's July? July. is nine that's july the best wad for sebon is softball throwing in a bucket at 300 yards thank you uh there's mental health issues and then there's mental health issues. I hear you. I hear you. I know. Right. There's racism. And then there's like, Hey, it's okay. If I guessed it was a Chinese guy that stole the camera gear. It's like, that's not, I get it. And I totally know what you mean. Like, that's not racism. Like Chinese guys like cameras. Like, what are you going to do? It's like, if there was candy stolen from the store it's not me it's my fucking kids i don't do candy it's not racist it just is you know what i mean you feel me you feel me dog yeah i totally get you there's mental health and there's mental health there's you dyed your hair blue because
Starting point is 02:44:41 you're upset your dog died versus the neighbor fucking stuck his thumb in your ass for three years every day after school. Yeah, I fully thank you for the distinction. It's important. Right. Man, Jason Kleba told the story to brain business that was crushing. Where can I see it? Where can I see it? I want to see it Hey, dude Someday i'll tell you my true feelings about jason cleba, but I just watched him on. Um, nikki rodriguez's podcast I cannot believe how good he was It was like the best best I've ever seen him.
Starting point is 02:45:31 He was fucking awesome. I just realized. Sevan is a successful copy of Alan and Two and a Half Men. Do I even want to know? Okay here we go. Jake Chapman. Final word of the day. His adorable daughter. On the balancing scales, hard work is like 10 pound of feathers.
Starting point is 02:45:54 10 pound of lead you need to balance it out is a tiny ball. The fuck are you talking about? Oh, here. Jedediah. Let me go with this one. You don't get the final word, Jake. Racism is not assuming that the thief was Asian it's assuming he was Chinese instead of some other Asian ethnicity
Starting point is 02:46:10 oh fuck you Andrew two and a half man Alan you fucking assholes oh you guys are such douche canoes. Oh my God. Do you know what someone called me one time?
Starting point is 02:46:41 Someone said I remind them of Littlefinger from Game of thrones i guess this is better than that anyway on that note get your ceo membership watch the behind the scenes love you guys buh-bye

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