The Sevan Podcast - Henrik Haapalainen #970

Episode Date: July 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:02 other things here. Bam, we're live. Hey, are you on a computer, Henrik? No, I'm at my phone. Okay, fine. Yeah, not a problem. Am I pronouncing your name right, Henrik? Yeah, that's good. That's really good. Could I hear you say it?
Starting point is 00:01:19 Henrik. Henrik. You don't roll the R? Well, not in English, but if you say it in Finnish, it's like Henrik. Henrik. You don't roll the R? Well, not in English, but if you say it in Finnish, it's like Henrik. Henrik. And your last name? I'm going to take a shot at it. Hapalainen.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Yeah, pretty good. Let me hear you do it. Hapalainen. Hapalainen. That sucks. I had so much fun making fun of your name all these the last couple years and now that I I'm gonna talk to you it's gonna be hard for me to make fun of you anymore
Starting point is 00:01:53 I used to call you Hapalapin and just I just didn't even try it was just such a great name to look at so many P's and A's and but there's only one P oh is there okay we'll see yeah you ruined it for me again there you go P's and A's and... But there's only one P. Oh, is there? Okay, we'll see. Yeah, you ruined it for me again. There you go.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Where are you? I'm at Virginia, Chesapeake. And that's in Chesapeake? Yeah. Is that where... Is that CrossFit Krypton? Yeah, yeah. Oh, wow. There's a whole posse there Yeah, I think there's like maybe 11 the games athletes Okay, I had no idea I thought it was just
Starting point is 00:02:36 Laura I Know there's like Gabby Miguel and then BK Yannick Oski Gabby Migala and then BK Janne Koski Jamie Simmons and Ben Smith Jamie Simmons Oh, Jamie Simmons, okay
Starting point is 00:02:54 and then Elliot Simmons as well and then Ben Smith, his brother and Ben Smith's team is coming later. The girls. Hey, who's Elliot Simmons?
Starting point is 00:03:11 Is that Jamie's husband? Yeah, yeah. Is he going to the games? He's an athlete? No, no. He was competing in the semis, but he didn't. Actually, he wasn't... Actually, he wasn't competing this year. He had some surgery,
Starting point is 00:03:29 I think so. God, this video is crazy. That's the facility you're training at? Yeah. Wow, that's nice. Hey, Henrik, where is that? Is that a business? Is that, look down there
Starting point is 00:03:47 Is that a house? Is that someone's house down there? What's the scene there? You mean behind the Training? Yeah The turf? Yeah, like at one angle
Starting point is 00:03:58 It looks like there's a house down there But then, like there, right there Where is it? I think there's a house But I don't know who's. Like, it's not Ben's or anybody's from the gym. Okay, so it's just a neighborhood that's pushed up against the gym. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Third year at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah. Crazy. That's, like, veteran status now, right? I guess so, yeah. Do you feel... What's the comparison between first year, two weeks out and third year, two weeks out?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Do you feel more settled? Yeah, definitely. I know where I'm going and i'm much more prepared and i know like my strengths and weaknesses and how i need to approach the workouts yeah better and and dude you're with all the i'm guessing the first year you weren't with all these world-class athletes i mean you're preparing with laura horvat you're preparing with yana kosky bkg it's like shit you just took second at the at the european semifinals it's like shit you're you're now kind of top of the food chain actually 2021 i was
Starting point is 00:05:18 training here in krypton as well with laura and ben did they know or were you just hiding were you just sneaking around in 2021 and now you're the real deal or they knew? Well, they knew I'm competing in the games, but maybe I was a bit sneaking. And how is it? You're holding your own? You feel
Starting point is 00:05:39 good? I mean, it's kind of incredible that you took second this year and you're just in a steady progression, it yeah it was the same I went pretty well and yeah but I'd be actually training with Janikoski as well like a lot and yeah yeah like made a huge progress in two years and Yeah, I'm feeling really good. You're training with Janikoski in Finland? Yeah, yeah. And where are you guys doing that at?
Starting point is 00:06:13 You guys live in the same town? No, we live like 30 minutes away. We don't train all the year together, but before the competitions, we train almost most of the workouts together what's the town you live in in finland uh helsinki and then during summers i live in porvo say the second say this uh the summer city yeah it's like one hour from Helsinki.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Could you spell it for me? P-O-R-V-O-O. Wait, what was that letter you said after the R? We. Do we have that letter? Yeah, like a devil. Oh, V, V, V, V. Got it, it got it got it thought you were that was something like chinese character or something okay p-o-r-v-o-o you got that caleb yeah how close is that to the
Starting point is 00:07:14 arctic circle do you know no idea close it's close though right yeah like that's next to where's the arctic circle oh no i'm not even close It's close though, right? Yeah, like just next to it. Where's the Arctic Circle? Oh, no, I'm not even close. Not even close. Because I saw, oh, yeah, look at that town. Because I saw some of the training footage from you there, and there's like horses in your neighborhood and stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah, yeah. It's the country. Yeah. But Helsinki's the country. Yeah. But Helsinki is the big city. Yeah. Well, the biggest in Finland, but not like even close to the cities in USA. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:07:57 What's your day job, Henrik? Full-time athlete. But I like study that electrical engineering so you're smarty pants i don't know no smart yeah maybe yeah um uh were you born there born in finland I take it? Born around Helsinki?
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yeah. And grew up there and played sports as a kid? I didn't like competing any but I did like a lot of stuff on my free time and then I competed in the like mid-school competitions like skiing and running. Like cross-country skiing or downhill skiing? Yeah, cross-country. And I guess building an engine. That's a demanding sport on your ticker, on your metabolic capacity, huh? Yeah, I guess so but like
Starting point is 00:09:06 most of my freedom went to that i did skateboarding how long did you do that uh 12 years oh shit a lot of indoor a lot of indoor um skateboarding uh yeah like park style not not in the ramps Uh, yeah, like park style. Not in the ramps. Wow, crazy. How old are you? Uh, 28. Can you still kickflip?
Starting point is 00:09:34 Like, I mean, 12 years, you must have learned some tricks. If I just threw you a skateboard right now, could you do a kickflip? Yeah, easily. I actually tried, like, a couple months ago, and I got, like, 360 flips on my third attempt yeah hey how how is that would you know caleb that's crazy right i mean 12 years of skateboarding um is that the electrical engineering part of you are you are you pretty obsessive cat are you obsessive guy uh no no oh come on you you're not obsessive? You're an elite-level CrossFit athlete. That's pretty obsessive.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And skateboarding demands a lot of focus and obsession and electrical engineering. Okay, maybe I am a bit. Where do you think you got your discipline and structure from? I think from my father. Yeah, maybe from my father, just like, yeah, maybe from my father. Tell me, tell me, what do you mean maybe from your father? Look at, look at, people are like, Sevan, remember he is Finnish, most humble people in the world.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Okay, fine. But we got to pry a little bit. We got to get him to say something. Tell me, what do you mean you got it from your father? What would that look like? what did your father do uh he was like uh entrepreneur he had like electrical company but my father actually passed away for cancer in 2015 but but yeah he was like really hard worker and just a really good dude what kind of cancer?
Starting point is 00:11:12 lung cancer really? yeah did he smoke? no just when he was young like a couple years but he didn't like FF anymore shoot I smoked for like 10 years when I was young to like a couple of years, but it shouldn't like affect anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Shoot. I smoked for like 10 years when I was young. Oh, Oh, so that was nine years ago. How old did you say you were? You're 28. Uh, I was
Starting point is 00:11:36 19, 19, 19 or 20. That time. Yeah. Yeah. That's's wild that's crazy was it a long process his lung cancer or did it come quickly like pretty quickly it was maybe
Starting point is 00:11:56 half a year maybe a little less and you were in college at the time I just got away from military and I was like starting the CrossFit about that time he got to one of my competitions but like after that yeah it was fun
Starting point is 00:12:20 is that compulsory going to the military as a Finnish man? Everyone goes? Yeah, you can go to the military or do civil work. I don't know how you say it in English. Just go to school to help
Starting point is 00:12:43 students or something. Right. Pick up trash on the highway or go to the military? Well, not like that. But then, of course, you can get like, if you have injury or something, you might get like papers not to need to go. How long is that compulsory military? Six to 12 months. You think every country should have that?
Starting point is 00:13:08 You think that that makes your country… The Finnish Defense Force are based on a universal male conscription. All men above 18 years of age are liable to serve either 165, 255, or 347 days. Yearly, about 27,000 conscripts are trained. About 80% of Finnish male citizens complete the service. Wow. Caleb, can you hear my echo? I'm going to blow my brains out.
Starting point is 00:13:40 What am I going to do? Is it me or is it him? No, I think it's his headphones. If he just used it, he might be able to get rid of it. Oh, if he took his headphones out? Yeah. Do you want me to take these off? Please.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Stand up with your – come out with your hands up okay how's that oh can you hear me yeah perfect hey um you think that that makes your country a more unified country doing that i was just talking with someone about that the other day. Six months doesn't seem very long to ask for the men to go, right? I think it's a pretty good thing. You grow up a lot there. Are people against it? Is the country divided on it? country divided on it well of course there's people who doesn't like it and yeah i get it but like i think you can never get 100 percent like people that like something or yeah and it's kind of cool that there's a couple options right you can either do like you said you can train to be in the military or you can do something of service like you said like teach kids or something
Starting point is 00:15:05 yeah yeah help the blind yeah in Finland's is almost everyone there Finnish like is there a part do you guys have a Chinatown in Helsinki not really
Starting point is 00:15:22 yeah that's crazy that is crazy I That is crazy. I don't even believe him, Caleb. Caleb, find out if there's a Chinatown in Helsinki. Every city has a Chinatown. I don't think we have, like, Chinatown. See, even the Chinese haven't even got there. Do you have Mexican food?
Starting point is 00:15:37 Do you have Mexican food? Yeah. Yeah, we have, like, some tortilla places. Tortilla places. I love it. So academics played a huge role. There are no good Asian grocery stores in the same block in Hakanami, but no Chinatown. Oh, there are a few good. Wow, okay, no Chinatown in Helsinki.
Starting point is 00:16:04 We fact-checked that. Wow, crazy. It's on Reddit, so it must be true. you good wow okay no chinatown in um helsinki the fact check that it's on reddit so it must be true right thank you caleb um siblings henrik yeah i have a younger brother and older sister and so you got you so you you're being brought up and you go into the military and kind of your only sports were, were you forced to do the cross country skiing? No, I did it just like on my free time when I wanted,
Starting point is 00:16:35 I didn't do like that much, but I liked to compete in the like, like mid school competitions. It wasn't like that big competitions. And why did you like competing? I don't know. It was just nice to test yourself. Did you want to win?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Yeah, yeah. I actually, I think I won all the, actually, I mean, elementary school, elementary school competitions that was only for my school. And then I got to like a couple of bit bigger that I was like pretty in the okay rankings there as well. And what was the other sport you did? You did, you did some running? as well. And what was the other sport you did? You did some running? Yeah, but it was more like just for myself.
Starting point is 00:17:32 And when you went to the... Oh, is that him? You found that, Caleb? Wow. This is nine years ago oh wow okay i didn't know i still have that that's crazy oh my goodness oh my goodness
Starting point is 00:17:59 oh my goodness uh how big are you there huh how much do you weigh there Oh my goodness. How big are you there? Huh? How much do you weigh there? Maybe 83 kilos. So it's like 185. And what do you weigh now? Like
Starting point is 00:18:21 210 pounds. Oh, no shit. You put on a lot. Okay, yeah okay yeah nine years a couple pounds of muscle here you look pretty buff there though too you look pretty strong there too were you lifting weights already yeah yeah i went to the gym like normal local gym um and what did you do lat pull downs uh bench press tricep extensions that kind of arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding stuff uh some of those, actually, yeah. But I like to do quite a lot of
Starting point is 00:18:47 bodyweight movements, like strict dips and strict pull-ups and kind of that stuff. Okay. And then, of course, some machines as well. Right, right. Of course, the machines. Don't forget the machines.
Starting point is 00:19:03 But not rope climbs or rings? No, right. Of course, the machines. Don't forget the machines. But not rope climbs or rings? No, no. And so you go into the military and someone in there – actually, when you enter there, what's your fitness like? How do you compare to the other boys? in pretty good shape. I wasn't that good at running or like, uh, like conditioning at that time. Like I, I had been in a better running condition, but I was in like quite strong for more than military level. Yeah. Were you, were you like in the top 90 percentile? Like, were you already just like, yeah, yeah, definitely yeah definitely yeah look at you brag a little bit let it out let it out let it out i would top 95 percent uh yeah yeah did you get no did you get yeah thank you look at you even got his instagram up there good job caleb yeah now we're talking and um did you so you knew at that point you knew you were in better shape than the other
Starting point is 00:20:01 boys yeah yeah and um and what it was in there that someone introduced you to CrossFit? Actually at that time I just found the articles about Mikko Salo by myself. Articles? Yeah, it was in some Finnish magazine because Mikko had won the games. And then I searched from YouTube the videos and there were some pretty cool 4x training videos. And then tell me, what was the next step? And then you had a reaction to that? You saw that and you're like, I'm going to look for a CrossFit gym?
Starting point is 00:20:41 And then you had a reaction to that. You saw that and you're like, I'm going to look for a CrossFit gym. Yeah, I actually didn't go to CrossFit gym for maybe like two years. I was training at like functional fitness gym where it was like, you know, like the open area with the rig. with the rig and then in military it was pretty good to train there and run because we did a lot of like long walks and with the backpack and then i did some running there and swimming and then then the gym time when i had time and when did you realize that you could be competitive at it uh well i have been doing like half a year, and then I got to my first pretty big competition in Finland. And I just got in there, like from the almost last spot from the qualifiers.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And then during the competition, I think I finished like 18th, but I won one event. So I was like, okay, like I'm pretty good at this. And then a year later of that, I went to that same competition I won it. And then I won like some other Finnish competitions in a row as well. Did you do this all solo? You didn't have a coach. You were just training by yourself? You just show up there?
Starting point is 00:22:07 Yeah, yeah. I trained by myself at first. Yeah. And then you said – what did your parents think? And you said your dad went to one of your competitions. What did he think? Did he think, no, son, you're an engineer. You just got out of the military. Stop fooling around with this stuff? out of the military stopped fooling around with this stuff? I wasn't actually an engineer at that time, but he was really supportive and he actually thought that competition was really cool. He hadn't seen
Starting point is 00:22:32 something like that before. So that means that when you got out of the military you were doing and you continued. Have you taken a break from your training between 2020 to the present in the last nine years uh basically not no like of course like some shorter holidays but now i've been like training like pretty consistent consistently after that yeah so that means and then when did the games um the idea this crazy idea that you could go to the games pop in your head uh well of course it was like pretty early when i saw the
Starting point is 00:23:15 games videos like i want to be there but but i had some struggles like qualifying to the regionals like the open format was pretty hard for me and of course I needed just to improve my overall fitness and get like a lot of strength to me but then I tried to like my goal was first to get to the regionals I had some like international competitions like between that and then then i got to the semifinals on 21 and then i was like okay like i'm gonna make it now and did you believe the whole time what goes on in henrik's mind did you believe hey i'm gonna do this yeah yeah 100% yeah but I'm guessing that there were some enormous milestones like you could only do 20 pull ups or you could only clean 200
Starting point is 00:24:11 pounds or it was like holy shit I got a double I got a triple amount of pull ups and double my clean yeah but I never saw that as like an obstacle I was like or like I just like did my work every day and
Starting point is 00:24:30 like gained those weights little by little and i'm like pretty like i like like to look really far away but have like small steps and just grind it out what would do you you hear these athletes talk about going to the pain cave on a regular basis and just grind it out. What would you, do you, you hear these athletes talk about going to the pain cave on a regular basis, like just getting on, you know, getting on the assault bike every day and going to that dirty place or not
Starting point is 00:24:54 being afraid to just go as hard as you can for 50 calories on the regular. Is that you? Does that describe you also? Uh, yeah, I think it was more like that, like before but now the training is like more
Starting point is 00:25:07 it's like the quality is much better and you don't always have to be like in the pain care obviously like it's much like how you say like scientific
Starting point is 00:25:24 but yeah of course you need to go hard like you can't make it otherwise so maybe there's some madness to it in the beginning just go as hard as you can and sort of feel you're basically feeling around in the pain cave and after a base level of that does that i'm guessing that goes on for a couple years you're like okay now i need to like put together a plan a regiment level of that, does that, I'm guessing that goes on for a couple of years. You're like, okay, now I need to like put together a plan, a regimented plan that will actually give me, start giving me outcomes, foreseeable outcomes, something with some predictive value. Like I guess you said the science. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Like, I think it's like for the most that starts CrossFit, you, you go like maybe even a bit too hard all the time and then you get wiser and like see that you don't have to go like all out all the time why do you think you've chosen something so hard do you do you have a uh is there is there is there some sort of mantra you have in life like hey i hey, I only have one life. I'm going to go as hard as I can. Or I'm going to teach that girl in the second grade who wouldn't go with me to the dance. I'll show her. Why this path?
Starting point is 00:26:34 And I'm guessing you went to school during your training. So you got your engineering degree while you were doing all of this insane training. Yeah, yeah. Well, I always liked endurance sports and like lifting weights as well so it's combination of that so it was like pretty like easy to choose crossfit for me and i just thought the sport is like pretty badass like you get to be really fit and strong at the same time. So, meaning there's a... Well, let me ask you this before I go there.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Why not stick with skateboarding? Skateboarding's pretty badass. Yeah, it is. I actually love skateboarding, and I watch the competition still, but I don't know. It's just I grew up from that. Maybe my friends didn't do it anymore that much. I just found training to be more interesting at that time. The window for skateboarding is pretty small, right? 25 years old and you're getting there, right?
Starting point is 00:27:51 I don't know i think i guess it depends on the style right i guess it depends on the style yeah maybe not so much for street skating but for but definitely for the ramp stuff or the rail stuff it becomes your body just doesn't like to fall as much after 25. Yeah, I guess it's like how many injuries you have. It's pretty tough for the body. I'm looking at this comment down here. Magnus Holmgren, is that a Finnish name? No, I think it's Swedish. Oh, okay. Henrik, tell Sevan about Susussi does he mean sisu uh probably what's sussi i don't know if it's sissu or like sussi like fish i i know i know
Starting point is 00:28:36 about sissu i know about sissu you know what do you know i made that documentary with miko yeah yeah i know i know okay good keep you up to date on your CrossFit media trivia. Your second place at the semifinals and a PR with the snatch there? Yeah. Crazy. Is it? Yeah. Yeah, good, good.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Then now we're going, talk you talk this is good okay yeah it's in front of a big crowd i mean this is the kind of thing right that you want as a competitor you're like okay uh nerves are high can i show up can i perform can i use the energy of the crowd i mean it's just straight it's it's gold right, yeah. I think I always perform better in the competitions. But while you're Finnish, aren't you supposed to be shy and like, no, no, not in front? I'm surprised you don't ask them to hold up a towel in front of you so no one can see you lifting. No, I think like you said, Finnish Sisu, you want to be tougher than the person next to you. You don't want to give up.
Starting point is 00:29:48 But you don't want them to know that you want to be tougher than them. Well, I don't care. You say in the comments here, Snatch PR felt easy. You made it look easy. Is your fitness on the uh ascent are you getting fitter and yeah yeah if you are how do you know i think like i can hit even heavier like if they test it in the games um taking place uh second place in the semifinals, what does that mean to you? Is that a huge confidence boost? It is.
Starting point is 00:30:28 It is. That just tells me that I can beat the best. I was pretty confident going to the semifinals, and it showed there. It would suck to be confident and feeling that that i'm gonna win this and then be like 10th place um it's a pretty uh it's a pretty crazy group um janikoski in eighth david shrunk in seventh oldest upenix in sixth and janikoski in fifth then jelly in fourth then moritz in third and you took second place. 565 points.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I mean, you're closer to first place than you are. Yeah, you're closer to first place than third place is to you. It's a crazy good finish. Is that the best you've ever finished in a big CrossFit competition? I guess it is. Yeah, but I was like last year's semifinal second as well, but this was like bigger combined. How did you end up doing at the games last year?
Starting point is 00:31:32 24th. Like, it wasn't that good year for me. I maybe got a bit dehydrated or something. Like, I just didn't feel that good during the last days. And how did you do the first year? 18th. Okay. And do you you do the first year? 18th. Okay. And do you think this is going to be your best year yet? Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah. Where are you in your career? Do you see the end of it? Or is it like, no, I've got five more games ahead of me? I think I have five more games ahead of me. Yeah, yeah. ahead of me? I think I have like five more
Starting point is 00:32:02 games ahead of me. Yeah, yeah. Are there goals? The goals to get on the podium, to win the games? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, good on you.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Crazy. And when you're at home, you just train solo? Yeah, like solo or with my like friend Ludwig Hansson who was in the semifinals at Europe as well. And so you're a solo guy. He trains with you, you don't really train with him.
Starting point is 00:32:38 What do you mean? Meaning you're the better guy. He's come and searched you out. He trains with you. Yeah, basically. BK came to say hello. Good, about time. Tell him to answer his DMs. Tell him to answer his DMs. He's a very tough man to get a hold of, this Bjorgvin Carl.
Starting point is 00:32:58 There's no reception. I'm sorry. Look at you. He's got a new haircut. What's up, brother? How are you, Bvin i'm good i'm good i was not gonna i was not gonna take anything from hendrick how are you no i'm doing great i'm doing great i was bugging snorri today at telling him to make sure that um he knows you know that i've been trying to get in touch with you stop hiding me stop ducking me. Okay. I'll say hi. Okay, good. Hey, what's it like? Wait, tell me real quick.
Starting point is 00:33:28 What's it like training with Henrik? Is he really talkative and is he a big distraction to the training camp? Yeah, I mean, he's a huge distraction and he's also, you know how people from Finland are. Big old heads. Yes. Yes. Pounding their chest and shit. Big old heads. Yes. Pounding their chest and shit. Yeah. That's it.
Starting point is 00:33:52 No, I mean, it's been good. It's different than it has been over the last nine years. What do you mean? What's different? I've always been with Eni and Frederik
Starting point is 00:34:05 and Janmini so like this is the first CrossFit Games Camp that we are doing together yeah awesome how did you end up there it was your fault right yeah I guess so
Starting point is 00:34:20 Henrik knew someone from the from CrossFit Krypton one of the coaches and I guess we just took it from there
Starting point is 00:34:31 like we needed the spot where we could train and sleep and eat so Krypton is actually like a
Starting point is 00:34:38 pretty good to be training at and and it's really hot here yeah so what did the text look like from Henrik BK? Does it say
Starting point is 00:34:47 me, you, fly, Krypton? It's just four words and you're like and then you take it to the Finnish to Icelandic translator and it turns into sentences. And I just replied, yes. Just a why. Just a why.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Just a why. Hey, are we going to get you on before the games Are you going to give us Are you in media blackout Maybe Should we do that after the games Both we should do it both you're a great guy Okay we can do it before and after Okay thank you
Starting point is 00:35:21 Peace out Peace brother What's it like What is that like Thank you. Peace out. Peace, brother. What's it like? What is that like? What's your relationship with him like? How did you meet him? How long have you known him?
Starting point is 00:35:35 I've been competing in some competitions with him, and we are doing the same programming. So I was actually training at Iceland just before the semifinals. And, yeah, we are, like, pretty good friends. And what is that programming? The training plan. And who's the coach there? Jami Tikkanen.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Okay, I was going to say Jami, and then I was like, oh, shit, what if it's John Singleton? What's the name of John Singleton's program? The program. And Jami's John Singleton? What's the name of John Singleton's program? The program. And Yami's is called what? The training plan. Oh, the training plan. Yami's a great guy.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Do you get to talk to him and interact with him very much? Yeah, yeah. Whenever I want. Yeah, you're stoked. Has he been your coach all along? Is he your first and only coach? He's been my coach now for like three years. I think so. Like just half a year before the first games I got to.
Starting point is 00:36:38 What's that like if you train at home? You're in control of what you do and you're programming and now you come here and there's 11 other athletes has any part of you gotten annoyed like hey i don't want to do that shit i'm doing this stuff actually we've been now training with yonne and bk just like three of us so yanni has been doing the similar programming as before for us. But then we have like some running sessions together and like might do some workouts together like later. Okay, so it's not annoying. You have time to do what you need to do,
Starting point is 00:37:17 but you're also enjoying their company, training with them. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah. It's really nice here. What do you know um about the games have you received any communication from uh the crossfit games yet have they told you anything that we don't know from the general public like do you know what the first day of competition is no no i i haven't got any like emails from that and we don't know what any of the workouts are. No.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And, um, do they even tell you like what day you have to be there? Like, is there a day? Have they told you what day you have to be there? Uh, well, we have the athlete dinner at Monday.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Monday's the 31st. Uh, yeah, I think so. Okay. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit.
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Starting point is 00:38:38 it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Yeah, Monday the 31st. If I were to go to Madison, I'd probably show up on the 31st.
Starting point is 00:39:14 When are you going to show up? Are you going to show up on the 30th? I'm going to be at Madison on the 24th. Oh, wow. Yeah. And who will you stay with there? Jonne and then there's like one Finnish games team
Starting point is 00:39:32 and then my girlfriend and like some I think there's some other guys as well but Finnish guys only you have a girlfriend? yeah how do you have time for that? Guys as well. But Finnish guys only. You have a girlfriend? Yeah. How do you have time for that?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Easily. Was she your girlfriend last year at the Games? Not competing, but yeah, she was there. So she knows how you're going to be? You're going to be a complete stressed mess and not talk to you and all that stuff or no. Well, she says that I'm pretty chill when I compete.
Starting point is 00:40:11 So yeah. Okay. All right. My mistake, man, that's gotta be, that's awesome. I can't,
Starting point is 00:40:18 it must be, it must be what does she have to walk on eggshells around you during that week? No, no, no. It must be. Does she have to walk on eggshells around you during that week? No. No? Where did you meet her? Did you meet her at the CrossFit gym? Well, yeah, but maybe in the CrossFit competition first time.
Starting point is 00:40:40 She was competing or just a spectator? That year she was a spectator, but later we've been competing in the same competition. I'm going back to if there's anything else you know. Anything else you know? So the athlete dinner's on the 31st. What else could you tell us? Competition starts on Thursday. Oh, they've told you that already? I think it was written or something. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I think it's like Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Okay, because wasn't it some years they would have it like on Wednesday? Yeah, that's like Thursday. That's been like every year before. But not this year? No. Oh, here we go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Individual starts August 3rd, Thursday, 9am. Alright. Thank you, Caleb. Is Henrik better than Laura interview? Oh oh that's for me i'm i'll tell you at the end henrik has still has time to change you know he could get better or worse well let's i don't want to give him too many accolades now and then and then he uh shits the bed um what what else henrik tell us what else what else do they tell you? Anything else?
Starting point is 00:42:06 A registration? No. I don't think so. There might be something in the government station, but I haven't read it, although. And you went
Starting point is 00:42:24 to Rogue also. Yeah. I've been there twice yeah that's awesome how is that event how does that event differ from all the other CrossFit events that's actually one of my favorites it's a so fun one and they pay your
Starting point is 00:42:40 flights and staying there and yeah it's like more chill competition like but similar as the games pay your flights and staying there. It's like more chill competition life, but similar as the games. And the prize money is huge, so it's chill, but it's not chill, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Full-time CrossFit Games athlete, Henrik Hapelainen. Second place at the semifinals, been to Rogue twice. There's a picture of you on your Instagram where you're moving your jump box at the semifinals. And you posted it on your Instagram, and it shows you picking up and moving it. Is that the ideal way to do it? Should you push it or should you flip it? I think that's the best way. And how come?
Starting point is 00:43:33 Well, it's pretty light and then it doesn't get friction from the ground. It's really fast to move like that. Those nuances like that, do you practice those uh did i practice what these nuances do you practice these things like um uh you guys will be like okay uh you're gonna do two burpees and move the box up and you're gonna do that 10 times and basically it's not about the burpee workout but it's about just moving your box up like would you practice a movement like that even though it's not a it's not it's not a fitness movement but it's just a nuance of something you want to make sure that you do adequately better than adequately perfectly you don't want to do i did practice that a bit in the training but it wasn't like like like lots of just in the, I did the workout and then tried in the warmup.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And after that, like, what's the best way? And what's fueling look like for you, Henrik? Chicken, rice, pasta, like pretty healthy food, but I don't count the macros. And the same things over and over and over? You have your go-to foods? Yeah, I could eat basically the same food like every day. And crazy strict and disciplined around that? I'm like pretty, pretty strict,
Starting point is 00:45:06 but I, I do eat some like chocolate and stuff like that, but not, not like too much. Sit down and eat a whole thing of Ben and Jerry's while you watch a movie. That's happened, but not, not often.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Uh, I, um, Not often. I appreciate you coming on the show. I know it's two weeks or three weeks till game day. And I know a lot of people are getting more and more hesitant to come on because they're staying focused on their duties. But I really appreciate you coming on. And I'm excited to see you. Thank you for inviting. Yeah. Yeah. Anytime, buddy. Um, and, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:47 and we'll talk again, hopefully. Yeah. All right, ma'am. Thank you very much and enjoy. Hey, would you ever move to the United States? Um, I don't know. I don't know. I like the country. Yeah. All right. All right. Good. The country likes you. All right. Have a good one, brother. And I will talk to you soon. And make sure you remind BKG and Janikoski to check their DMs. They're very difficult to get a hold of.
Starting point is 00:46:16 They're big time. Yeah. All right, brother. Okay. Ciao. Yeah. Henrik Hapalainen from finland is this really an appropriate question oh it's not quite oh i I saw Sony a6400 for $630 for the body. Is that a good deal?
Starting point is 00:46:46 I have no idea. It's a great camera, though. Caleb, hi. Hi. Oh, you're doing your best Henrik Hapalainen impression? That's good. Solid. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:47:01 It's good. He's very reserved. I'm committed to having him on again. Absolutely. You have to. You could see he opened up when BKG came around. You know there's another side of him. There's definitely another side to him. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:47:19 John Wick, that Finnish charm. When's the Flat Earther guy coming on? CK Kevin says he's going to fuck you up, Sebi. The other Flat Earther guy, I think the other Flat Earther guy, I brought more towards the center than he brought me towards the Flat Earther. You think so? Yeah, you don't think so? No, I was just asking.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Yeah, do you remember that guy he was great he was the um uh like the ninja champion guy or finest yeah i liked him he was i think i think you're right though he definitely kind of second guessed his position on the flat earth thing or he wasn't committed to it it was like well you know i'm open to like right the globalist view i love it how they call it the global i don't the movie yeah i'm a globalist that's what i call people now you're a globist or non-globist uh fergie show spreading rumors sarah had seven on his heels she is quick-witted my heels she is quick have your mom on her heels i'd like your mom when she's in her heels fergie how's that mom looks good in heels uh magnus holmgren i spent my military service very close to the finnish border
Starting point is 00:48:42 sneaking over to buy alcohol just need 18 18 years in Finland versus 20 in Sweden. Oh my God, more camera talk. Listen, just get a Sony a7S III or just wait till the next version of that camera comes out. Get a $500 gimbal in your set. Spend your life savings. Wow. I went through all my little, thank you.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Good job pulling up all the little Instagram pieces. My tabs. I just have like every picture that he has ever posted up in a tab. I was ready. I couldn't do him what do you mean like be reserved like that yeah like like for me
Starting point is 00:49:35 I know it wasn't I'm just telling I know it wasn't no one get all crazy but for me it's almost the interview is almost satire like his friends got together and was like okay really fuck with sebon and just fucking one word answers do you know what i mean but it's not that's not that's that's finish right that's how miko sayla was every time i've seen him talk so imagine um So imagine if he did want to fuck with me. Like if he wanted to double down on being reserved. That'd be even funnier.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Oh, shit. God, BKG. Did they choose the next James Bond? I heard they did. I haven't seen who it is yet. Hey, and actually now that I said it, I think they chose a girl. No way. I do think they did.
Starting point is 00:50:38 But anyway, how do you not choose BKG? He is such a stud. Oh, you're right. They said it was going to be Charlize Theron. Charlize Theron. Full-blown quackadoodle. That's terrible. You can't do that to James Bond.
Starting point is 00:51:02 She said something crazy the other day on Twitter. She made a video, and it says she'll hurt anyone who doesn't support trans or something like that. She said something. It was bizarre. I want to be like – anyway. David McSella, it's a lot harder when he isn't speaking his own language that's why he opened up a little around BKG oh fair enough okay yeah I watched some videos from him two years ago
Starting point is 00:51:31 didn't even seem like he spoke English hmm I wonder if it's like how Roman is Roman doesn't like speaking English even though he can speak it there's no way Roman's English is that good. Hey, I wonder if they're going to allow the Russian flag this year. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:53 They're still attacking Ukraine, so... Should ban all Russian flags from being utilized in the sporting world. Say that again. Sorry, I was texting an old friend. So they're still attacking Ukraine, so I think they should still continue to ban all Russian flags. Oh.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Are you being serious? No. Oh. I don't even know what's going on over there i can't get it can't get a straight answer from the news does anyone know what's going on wasn't it just a few weeks ago that the russian military was gonna the henchmen he had hired putin had hired were turning on moscow and he's marching 25 000 people back to moscow yeah they did that and then rumor is that they paid off the leader of that mercenary group and then he just pulled everybody back and told them to go away but that they either they either had to be conscripts of Russia or get banned to Belarus or something. Oh, they didn't stay together and go back and fight Ukraine?
Starting point is 00:53:11 No, they had to get disbanded, I think. I don't know if it was an accident or what or if it was a misspeak or what, but I saw yesterday or two days ago Bideniden's uh say in a live uh interview on cnn that our military has run low on munitions on munitions and and and everyone's like uh you're you're not allowed to say that what is there a certain kind of munitions you guys have in the military they're called something like 155 or something. It's like. Like 556 rounds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Or it's like, it's like medium range. It's all the stuff that fits in like a medium range category or something. Anyway, he said, he said the number and then he said, yeah, we were running low on it. And I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:53:57 uh, whoa. Yeah. They, they, uh, they just, we just got an email this morning.
Starting point is 00:54:04 This is all public. so i'm not like releasing anything you guys are low on toilet paper at the base no only use two squares yeah and uh and the leaf kind of like to ply them and then try to wipe um but they just sent an email saying like the air force is low on like their budget is low and that they can't move people. Like, you know how you have to like move every place, like every three years, they like are low on funds to move people.
Starting point is 00:54:33 So they can't move them for until like the end of the year or next year or something. Wow. Wow. So everybody who has orders is going to get delayed for like months. Are people like stoked on that? So if like you're banging some chick on the base and you were about to have to leave her and now you're like, fuck, I'm stuck here. This is awesome. I'll just keep banging away.
Starting point is 00:54:53 No, because then you're stuck with that person. You're stuck with her. She's probably crazy. If you're just banging her, then you're probably just doing that to bang her. And then because, you know, you're going to leave. So you're like, fuck, who cares? I'll just leave. Oh, Rambler wants to cause you know, you're going to leave. So you're like, fuck, who cares? I'll just leave. Oh,
Starting point is 00:55:06 Rambler wants to know where all the money's going to Ukraine. It's pretty obvious. Oh my God. Fucking Hunter up. Hunter's nose. I want to make a, um, I want to make a um i want to make a uh a commercial another one across the games like like like um uh using tom siskron's post i was i've been talking about it for like two weeks now
Starting point is 00:55:38 i don't know why i don't get off my ass and do it tom siskron's a doctor over on the east coast united states a urologist. Okay. And he made a post where he helped a guy lose 50 pounds and basically using CrossFit. And I just want to like do this whole – I want to talk for like five minutes and cut it into like a couple 30-second commercials where I basically say something along the lines of, hey, here's a fucking doctor who has 12 years of schooling. Another 15 years of medical practice. So he's been in the profession 27 years now. And what's he using to cure people? What you learned at your L1, but you can go get cured at your local affiliate. All the knowledge is there. The doctor with 27 years experience. What is he doing? He's not using the tools that big pharma
Starting point is 00:56:23 is giving him. He's sitting at the threshold of sickness, at the gateway of sickness and gathering people and taking them where the real cure is. Cut it. Use it. Good. 54 minutes and 20 seconds. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:56:39 This, if anyone's curious how this interview went, it was supposed to be 90 minutes. If anyone's curious how this interview went, it was supposed to be 90 minutes. How long did I last with Laura Horvat? I think hers was 90 minutes. She was like toying with you, though. That was like satire.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Like she was kind of fucking with you the whole time. Oh shit. The hottest girl in the world just texted me and she said, BKG is so hot. Wow. He's jacked like thick. Oh, that's not a good sign. That means he's starting to get like that old man muscle it's
Starting point is 00:57:27 like scar tissue it's all show and no go no he he's kind of always looked like that though i think oh i thought he was kind of like more lean like like uh like noah noah's starting to get like that old man muscle on him. Just so much muscle on muscle on muscle. He can't even move. Maybe, but he's still pretty young. Daniel Brandon said that about BKG. No, no. It wasn't Daniel Brandon. I actually know the hottest girl in the world and it's not daniel brandon daniel brandon's like in in the you know she's like a backup for sure the hottest girl in
Starting point is 00:58:14 the world were like had diarrhea and couldn't go on stage daniel brandon could go up there i watched uh i watched i want to apologize to scott switzer i watched his interview with henrik and i was blamed scott for it but i was wrong you did not you lasted one hour and 14 minutes with Laura Horvat is that it yeah Jesus Janelle put a shirt on for crying out loud tomorrow's gonna be interesting tomorrow's my first time I'm not the first time I'm gonna meet
Starting point is 00:58:59 her but the first time I'm gonna interview her I've definitely met her before at the CrossFit Games when I was doing the behind the scenes. Bethany Shadburn comes on tomorrow late, 9 a.m. Wow. I must really like her. That's like right at prime time to leave the house and go to skate park.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Today, we went and played Frisbee for two and a half hours, and then I pulled out an old – I'm really digging through a lot of camera gear right now, and I had an old Phantom 4. do you know what a phantom 4 is it's a it's a made by dji it's an old ass drone and it's got its own screen and monitor it's big big clunky drone anyway i pulled it out the the box and um and i taught taught Avi how to fly it today. No way. And when I mean I taught him how to fly, he loved it.
Starting point is 00:59:51 He can't even believe it. And when I mean I taught him how to fly it, this is what happened. We're standing on, we put it on the skateboard ramp and launched it off the ramp. And he's flying it a little bit. He's eight and his two brothers start like roughhousing on the skateboard ramp. And I asked him to stop and they won't. So I take them into the garage and i make them do 100 burpees yeah that wow that thing still is 2600 bucks dude they're highly desired these days are you kidding me hey wow i thought that thing was probably worth like 50 bucks Are you kidding me? Hey, wow.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I thought that thing was probably worth like 50 bucks. That's crazy. So the boys start, we'll go back to that drone in a second. Shit, I shouldn't let them fly that. No. boys start we'll go back to that drone second shit i shouldn't let him fly that no um um dude seve's getting pumped for the games i'm i'm i'm um i'm i'm i'm getting i'm i'm i'm been putting together a little plan
Starting point is 01:01:07 on how I'm going to how I'm going to participate in the games time I'm going to do my podcast at things like that everyone wants to know I want to know so the boys start fighting and they're just like roughhousing
Starting point is 01:01:25 near Avi trying to control the drone and it's got that big old, you saw that remote with the monitor on it, I'm afraid they're going to bump into him and it's going to break, so I take him to the garage and I have him do 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes and Avi starts crying, because he's like I can't control the drone, and I'm like well you're fucked dude
Starting point is 01:01:39 because I'm disciplining the boys and he actually flew it back and landed it on the ramp and landing on the ramp is hard because i have all these fruit trees and grapevines and so he landed it by himself and then he took off and yeah so he went through a little can you imagine crying because you're scared you're going to crash your drone i imagine crying and then just like panicking and not knowing how, like not even thinking how to fix it. Just like trying. Yeah. If, well, I almost threw the drone away. Why?
Starting point is 01:02:10 I had three batteries for it. None of the batteries worked. I had to order another battery. That was a hundred dollars. I brought the, I put the battery in. I had to update the firmware like six times. It said that the battery wasn't compatible. It just over and over.
Starting point is 01:02:22 It said the propellers were wrong, something. And I just, I did just kept turning it off and starting it back up turning it off starting it back up and i read somewhere that sometimes you can have to leave a drone on for over an hour and people aren't patient just has to sit there to do whatever it needs to do to initialize i did all this manual initialization last night i cried a couple days ago. No, that's another story. Just a little bit of crying. Just a little weeping.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Nothing severe. I thought you were going to get a haircut yesterday. The Sebon podcast budget is very lean and so Caleb took the money for the haircut. So much money that I just did it myself. It's fixed. The drone is fixed. We flew it
Starting point is 01:03:14 today. We flew it three times today. Pretty rad that Henrik skated before. I think BKG still skates sometimes too it's probably why they're such good friends i um uh mason mitchell higher end drones won't run into anything less in sport mode uh mason my first phantom 4 i was flying over a I was flying it in reverse over a condemned pier in Berkeley, and I hit one of the light posts, and it went straight into the water. Boom.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Gray Ghost, we are all getting pumped, loving the decision for the cuts me too but should there be a minimum work requirement yeah well that great question you'd ask dave that your friday question did you watch the buttery bros with uh adler can't say that i did was it good i don't know but i'm gonna watch it i'm gonna watch it before friday and i want to try to get Adler's coach on, wife on, girlfriend on, fiance on, baby mama on, all of the above. Carolyn Lambre, I need to try to get her on.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Yeah, it'd be great to have her on. Okay. Thanks, guys. Hour and three minutes. Good show. Tomorrow morning, Bethany Shadburn. And then I think it's Scratch and Scribble tomorrow. No, that's it. Just Bethany tomorrow. Oh, I need to get someone tomorrow night. And then on Thursday, I have Jay Cooey on.
Starting point is 01:05:27 He is, I forget his role, but he works with RFK, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with the Child Defense Fund. Then at 11 a.m. is Taylor and JR's programming show, and then is the Flat Earther Productions, Hibbler Productions on Thursday, and then Friday, Greg Glassman comes back, and then the CrossFit Games Update show on Friday night. Wow, what a show. Bethany
Starting point is 01:05:49 the Beautiful Flores will be her name between now and her coming on. Thank you. Oh, here we go. Bethany Hamstrings of God Flores. Yeah. Alright. Great hammies. Love you too, Bruce. Thanks for all the good
Starting point is 01:06:05 thumbnails and buh-bye.

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