The Sevan Podcast - Hibbeler Productions | This World Is NšŸŒT What You Think It Is #974

Episode Date: July 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions bam we're live uh spell the last name of the guest on the missing seven spell the last name of the guest on the missing seven podcast episode please oh where do you mean on rumble or something i just want to know how to spell the last name isn't it c-o-u-e-h-e no just c-o-u-e-y cooey jay co kui okay you mean go over to rumble his name's not in there it doesn't say j kui no i think they just want to know so they can find it oh spell oh j kui c-o-u-e-y j kui he was great this morning wasn't he
Starting point is 00:01:38 yo yo can you hear us yeah oh we got an echo I think we have an echo yeah there's like some weird fuzz Sean I think that's coming from you brother do you have your YouTube page open maybe no but hold on better that was better yeah
Starting point is 00:02:03 is that better oh money good uh yeah except it's really good if you're the person who left their cocaine at the white house it looks like they've given up trying to figure out who it is this is crazy leap it under the rug i how how do they don't they have 800 million cameras there don't they have eight million 800 million cameras in las vegas yeah oh when i hot what what happened in vegas what happened in vegas i'm saying in inside the casino the guy shot everybody up apparently and there's just no footage of anything. Oh, is that recently?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Are you talking about the thing the guy shot from his window down into the parking lot? Yeah, from the window, yeah. Yeah, down into the parking lot. Yeah, that was crazy. I'd like to see video footage of him kicking the window through or shooting the window. Oh, there's no even footage of that? No. God, how is there no-
Starting point is 00:03:04 Hurricane-proof windows. How is there no proof from anyone? Everyone has a camera. Yeah. Who knows? Sean, good to see you. I'm Sevan. I'm down here with the green CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Bald guy over there is Caleb Beaver, and then next to you is Matt Souza. Great to have you on. Yeah, likewise. God, you're prolific. How old are you? 38. Man, you are grinding. Thank you. How did you get into filmmaking?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Well, I mean, from a young age, I was into music production, so I would produce music in Chicago. I lived in Chicago, and I always had little part-time jobs, or I guess you'd call them full-time jobs a long time ago. But there was always some passion for production, passion for creation, creating something, getting my hands on something, making something, like saying, hey, I made this. creating something and getting my hands on some, making something like saying, Hey, I made this. And, um, music was my first love in that field. And, uh, then I started doing combination videos for sports teams. Uh, so, you know, like especially 2016, for instance, that was kind of my final year, but I'm giving you an example that when the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, they call them hype videos. So I made a hype video for the Cubs, and a bunch of sports companies wanted to hire me right away. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:04:35 So I started doing little hype videos for the Cowboys, just different sports, different teams. different teams. And, um, cause I always liked, even when I was little, I used to take two VCRs, put my Michael Jordan, uh, record, you know, recordings, uh, from VHS, uh, you know, highlights of games replay. So basically if Jordan did something crazy, the replay would start, I'd hit record on my VCR as a child. And, uh, I would record the replay knowing I'm going to use that for something. And I'd have this tape filled with recorded highlights of replays. And then I would sync it up with music that I recorded from the FM radio on a cassette tape. So I'd record the cassette tape and then I would literally make a hype video when I was eight. So I did it then too. So once I started getting income from it, I was like, okay, I'm going to do this the rest of
Starting point is 00:05:25 my life. Screw a nine to five. But then all of a sudden, just the storm of truth hit my world in 2014. My mom passed. I was big into researching cancer and how she passed and all that jazz. And basically, it just led me down a bunch of rabbit holes of health, diet, and related videos, if you guys can remember those days, where they would recommend something juicy for you. Something that you were actually interested in regarding your algorithm that you created for yourself, not the controlled algorithm that they have today. So I started getting video pop-ups for a video called 200 Proofs, The Earth is Not a Spinning Ball by a gentleman named Eric DubƩ. And I didn't click it at first, but eventually it kept popping up in related videos. I said, okay, I don't even know what that means. Let me watch this. About halfway through the video,
Starting point is 00:06:23 I just said, you know what, rather than just believing some guy talking, because man, he sounded smart, right? I said, let me go to, right? For myself. This is what I did for myself because a lot of rabbit holes in the world, you know, this is a crazy one, right? So I was like, you know, let me just put this to rest. Let me just quickly prove the earth's a globe. They should take, and this was 26, no, about 2015,
Starting point is 00:06:52 maybe 20, actually towards the end of 2014 is when I started looking into it. And, um, I just wanted to get out of the misery of it all. So I just said,, most reliable source,
Starting point is 00:07:04 taxpayers pay for everything. They better be doing something. And again,, most reliable source, taxpayers pay for everything. They better be doing something. And again, in my mind, in 2014, 2015, it's like, I mean, there's 360 virtual reality by then. So it wasn't that long ago is my point. And it's like, what do you got for me i want to see some pov you know out of the whatever thermosphere or whatever they call it into some crazy shit where there's satellites orbiting everywhere and space junk floating and and other ships like hey bill like i just want to see some shit right and i looked for weeks and i couldn't sleep and I didn't know who to talk to.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I used to feed into my peers back in Chicago about it like, hey, what do you got? Go find something for me. I'm losing my mind. Find me something. Sorry to interrupt, Sean. No, no, no, no. I could go, man. You wanted a camera angle that was high enough up of the earth to prove?
Starting point is 00:08:03 Is that what you're saying? You wanted to see some video of the earth from far enough away to where you could prove it was globe? is that what you're saying you wanted to see some video of the earth from far enough away to where you could prove it was globe is that what you're saying no i wanted to see what you were looking for i wanted to see something real on nasa's site i wanted to see basically i wanted to see nasa footage that wasn't obvious fisheye lens or wasn't you know cartoons so i was really uh hopeful to find it on my own. And then when I couldn't find anything that looked genuine, you know, I'm not gullible. So I'm like, hold that. I, you know, as an adult, I'm like, I've never looked at this stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:33 You know, it's like, we don't really sit back as an adult and watch it. Besides again, I'm talking pre 2014. Let's be real. I mean, ever since the, the word of flat earth or whatever you know that people know what i'm talking about but before 2014 no one's watching that shit man no one's watching no one sits there and watch nasa watch the full three-hour iss no one's sitting there no one watches it and you go to youtube they have 14 000 views like i mean no one cares what is what is that iss what is that something from the international space station you're talking about video from the International Space Station?
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah, the International Space Station, fake station. It's a, they proclaim that it's going 17,500 miles an hour in orbit. I know that most people can't even fathom how fast 17,500 miles an hour is. So they write it off. They short circuit their brain and they're like, well, I mean, I don't know, some guy in a lab coat wrote it down somewhere, whatever. And they just, you know, accept it. But I don't accept it because not only does it not look like 17,500 miles an hour should probably look, you can see many, many times when they're
Starting point is 00:09:40 on the ISS, when they're pretending to be inside the capsule doing their, you know, distractions for everyone. Look, we got ping pongs and water balls and all this stuff. Wait, can't you just like die at any second? You're, you're orbiting 17, five K around with space junk everywhere, all this crap everywhere. Who's operating it by the way, they never show someone like, Hey, we're driving. They're just, they're, they're just playing ping pong and putting gorilla suits on and chasing one another and stuff it's all a show and when they get caught i think it's on purpose call it revelation of method call it truth in plain sight call it whatever you like um was that was that image that we just saw was that live
Starting point is 00:10:18 that caleb just pulled up that was supposedly a live stream that anyone can watch yeah yeah that's supposedly live yeah that's supposedly real yeah sean, yeah. That's supposedly live, yeah. That's supposedly real, yeah. Sean, let me go back for a second. What kind of cancer did your mom have? We still don't know necessarily in terms of like ā€“ It started in the breast. Then she got it removed, and the surgery went okay, and all of a sudden it came back with a vengeance.
Starting point is 00:10:44 The surgery went okay, and all of a sudden, he came back with a vengeance. This was way before my knowledge of even pretend health expertise. I know a lot of health experts. I didn't know anything back then about anything, really. I knew about 9-11, moon landing, normal stuff that they lie about, you know, but I mean, nothing like cancer. I just, you know, at 30 years old, it's like, that's not something you feel like you need to research much, but it forced me to, that's for sure. What did you learn about cancer? Well, for me, it's self generating, self mutating. It's, it's your fault for the most part. There are rare cases. There's rare cases of anything in any condition really. fault for the most part there are rare cases there's rare cases of anything in any
Starting point is 00:11:26 condition really but for the most part um and i mean that with respect but yeah i mean it's you're doing it to yourself so and that it's reversible and that it is there are there are uh points of it stay even stage three whatever you want to call call it, you know, higher, you can reverse that. And, and I've learned that along the way and, and I've seen things, heard things, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:50 lifestyle choices. You mean basically? Yeah. Yeah. Well, again, when people go, Hey,
Starting point is 00:11:56 well, I'm going to die of breast cancer at 50. Cause my mom did. And her mom did. And I'm like, what's on your dinner plate. What's on your dinner plate. What's on your page. You know, what's that like? on your you know what's that like i don't know that's just my opinion but i mean from my research at least
Starting point is 00:12:10 it's opinion based based off research that is pretty much self done whether it be via cigarettes whatever because people can go hey my grandpa smoked cigarettes till 90 and never died you know died at 90 that sucks he could have lived to 120, 130. Did you ever come across Otto Warburg, that name? I've never heard the name, no. He's a guy. He was a scientist, a Jew, living in Nazi Germany during World War II.
Starting point is 00:12:37 He won two Nobel Prizes. Hitler only let him claim one. He discovered he's the father of photosynthesis, and he won the nobel prize for um uh discovering that cancer was a metabolic disease and the irony is is that um he discovered that 1940 won the nobel prize for it but all of can't none of cancer research almost none of cancer research 99 of all money spent in cancer research never looks at metabolic disease and what you're talking about is metabolic disease he discovered discovered that in the forties,
Starting point is 00:13:06 but all of the money's being funneled to, um, uh, elsewhere to look for. I'm sure. Yeah. Cancer research centers are crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Black holes. Yeah. Okay. So, so you, so you go to the, so you're, you,
Starting point is 00:13:19 you find out about some, uh, flat earth and, um, well, I don't like to turn, I don't like the term flat earth, boss, man. Okay. We live on a stationary plane.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Whatever this realm is, we're still trying to figure out. We're still trying to figure out. The official narrative is that we're on a ball hurling through space in four different directions with a magma core and and this 4,000 miles in the center and gravity is forcing everything. That's all a narrative that was painted along with the board of education, in my opinion. Rockefeller in 1920, this is when they really pushed hard for this structure. All the public schools changed. They were still teaching. I won't call it flat earth because, again, that term has been jacked up, man. True earth. How about earth? This is where we live, guys. The public schools were just teaching where
Starting point is 00:14:10 we lived. And they had a Gleason's map in most public libraries in the United States through the 20s and 30s. It was a battle starting then to get that crap out so the Rockefellers and their Goonies can get their books in. And people just have to go back. Look, my buddy Dave Weiss, he interviewed somebody 102 years old at the time, Ruth. I'm sorry, I forgot her last name, but Ruth is her first name. And she's in my film, The Next Level as well. But she was 102 years old. She said they weren't teaching any of that in public school, in public school in Connecticut, in public school in Connecticut, there was no Globes mentioned. There wasn't a whisper of it when she was growing up. Um, and so that, that to me, that, that, like that's raw truth to me, like, wait a minute. And that age limit is fading right now.
Starting point is 00:15:01 It's almost cut off to a point where they're not going to either. They're going to be already out of school by the switch or when it started. So it's very, I mean, you look at some newspaper articles, same thing. You see schools fighting, schools fighting. We don't want to teach this. We don't want to teach this in our school. There was people almost getting arrested for trying to teach this in the school. People were trying to get them arrested for teaching heliocentrism. They called the blasphemy. And then what they did was they said, look, what are we going to do, boss? Whoever the bosses are, we don't know. But what happened was they quickly said, okay, the religious people specifically are freaking out over this. There's lawsuits going,
Starting point is 00:15:38 there's who knows what's going on back then. That was a crazy, the craziest time to me ever, in my opinion, I'm sorry, is the 20s, 1920s. A million things happen and then no one, no one looks over them. But in 1920, again, they pull out George Lemaitre, George Lemaitre, a Catholic priest. They knew they were losing this battle. Okay. The world did not want this system and this heliocentric bullshit. So, um, they, and, and what happened was, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:06 the schools started to shift into Rockefeller's favor. Um, I'm, I'm assuming because of free lunches, free books, free, whatever the, whatever the,
Starting point is 00:16:15 whatever the great depression. Correct. Yeah. There, there's a lot of things right in that go a long way. Yeah. Right. In that time zone.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Correct. Correct. But here's the thing, man, real quick, uh, to finish this point the um the actual uh the fable that they did is they sold they spun a story to everybody because they knew the religious people were not gonna they're not gonna do it so they
Starting point is 00:16:36 brought forth a catholic priest hey here's this guy named george lamitre he's a catholic priest he's friends probably friends with the pope but he's real good friends with Albert Einstein. This is where the torch was passed. And Lemaitre came forward and said, hey, everybody, I'm a man of God. The earth's not flat. We're a ball. We came from a Big Bang. So he's the godfather of the Big Bang theory that we just exploded.
Starting point is 00:17:03 So again, that came from this guy's mind and he was like walked in with einstein einstein was like seemed mentally challenged at times if you hear him talk actually he just reads scripts he doesn't actually he's not an intelligent man he's just a script reader like a lot of people on tv now but here's the thing george lamitre was brought in to you know in my opinion cradle the religions to say, hey, look, I mean, Big Bang is cool because it's backed by this guy. And he's a priest. He's not a scientist. He's not a scientist.
Starting point is 00:17:33 He's not anti anything. You've got to respect that white whatever the heck that thing's called. And back then, they probably did way more than now. Let me see his wiki page, Caleb. I want to see what else he is. Is he a physicist? It's pretty trippy to think that this guy's oh he's an astronomer oh i'm sure they threw mathematician and astronomer on there yeah theatrical physicist that makes sense yeah theoretical physicist mathematician astronomer professor of physics uh at the catholic university
Starting point is 00:18:01 of louisville that all came after his priesthood. They just handed him they just passed the baton and said you're the next wind. You're the next wave here of heliocentrism because we have to the religious cults I'll call them especially at that time all those cults of religions were like dude
Starting point is 00:18:19 we're not live on a ball. What are you talking about? We're clearly not moving it's like you have to sell people on uh not trusting their senses which is easy to do nowadays people were in two masks still walking their dog but you know it's like back then it was probably easier it was probably easier back then it is it is a trippy time that people have outsourced their discernment and so and that they've out and so they've outsourced their discernment and so and that they've out and so they've outsourced their discernment and they're trusting what other people um say and believe
Starting point is 00:18:52 i i do want to drill down into the um stationary earth and ideas that aren't the globalist view of the earth but let me go big picture here a second where do you stop with um all of ā€“ let's say someone called me today and was poking fun at me. I told them I was having you on. I'm like, hey, you should check out his movies. They're pretty cool. They'll fuck with your peanut a little bit. And he goes, oh, next year you're going to have someone on who doesn't believe dinosaurs are real. And where do you ā€“ say it again?
Starting point is 00:19:22 He said they're not real, but go ahead. Oh, good, good. Awesome. Are all of these sort of stories that are coming? First of all, are all of these stories being generated by the same, I don't know if this is the right word, organization? You're talking about the hypnotic spell everyone's under in terms of heliocentrism? Are you talking about all the things that are molding us, afraid of nuclear bombs,
Starting point is 00:19:53 afraid of COVID, tell us the earth is round. Now they're trying to tell us that it's okay for men, big kids to suck on men's nipples. Yeah, exactly. And boys to be girls. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And boys to be girls. Yeah. Pedophilia. All this stuff that's, is this all. It's demonic.
Starting point is 00:20:13 I don't believe in that. For me, it's demonic. For me, it's demonic. This is a spiritual war that's going on. And what paints the picture of something completely different is the television. And it even tricks people that are think that they're alternative think that they're against demonic means because when i hear that i think it's intellectually lazy whenever i hear that i think oh okay so help me help me understand what demonic means well i mean in a reality sense the
Starting point is 00:20:40 lowest vibrational the lowest vibrational standpoint a human can be, uh, uh, you know, the demons that it's one of those things, man. Well, yeah, I guess it's a personal belief in the sense of, of angels and demons and things like that. But I feel like there's a war going on right now. It's an actual spiritual war between demons that we don't even know anything about. And we're just peasants to everybody, man. We're peasants to them. People call these people elite. You're praising them by calling them elite. That's a good word to say. They're pieces of shit. They're pedophiles. They steal our children. They drink our children's blood. They live off of our fear. They lie to us all the time, right to your face, right to your children's face. They
Starting point is 00:21:25 will steal your children. It's like, these are the people that the normal society still supports on a daily basis. Okay. Now, some of those are, in my opinion, mentally and spiritually demonic in the sense of lowering their vibration and hiring their IQ on maybe tapping into the universe, figuring out, again, I mean, they know that these stars, even the ones on top, they know that the stars are not 36 trillion miles away. They know that the vibration from the frequencies above, the vibration from the frequencies above the, the lights in the sky above us. I know that they're called planets, wandering stars, or the stars or the universe, whatever as a whole, everything that's rotating around our head, all those lights, they're beautiful, right? Um, that they're here for us. And I feel like the,
Starting point is 00:22:19 the ancients always spoke about this as well, but you know, you look at our ancients, the ancients always spoke about this as well, but you know, you look at our ancients, I mean that we, we're still taught a false narrative in school about history in terms of who came before us and what was here before us. And, uh, they leave remnants all over the world for people to see, um, even half destroyed buildings. Cause they didn't want you to see what they had technology before our time that blows this shit out of the water, man. And there's evidence of that still you can see today. And what do you, I mean, I always ask people, what do you think the world's fair actually was? The world's fair was a gathering, in my opinion, based on research, your gathering of the elite at the time to show off the technology that they stumbled upon in this new system that
Starting point is 00:23:05 they're creating here. I don't know if there was a reset. I don't know what happened before us. I wasn't there. I don't get into things. I can't really, I don't know. How could someone know that? But in the same sense, I'm not stupid either. And when I see these cathedrals, when I see these buildings that are being hidden from our official narrative, it's a red flag. So for me, if the history books in school, which are also Rockefeller funded and Rockefeller perpetrated to begin with, if our history books are made up, meaning including your Western and draw and your Western and Indians and all this stuff, these people on horse and buggy in 1923 did not build a cathedral designed for,
Starting point is 00:23:48 you know, look like a hundred foot humans. I'm sorry. It just does. It doesn't mean that that happened guys. I'm just saying, it looks like the design was for a hundred foot human beings. The doorways were designed for the who who's building all this.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And how do you have full cities of it all? But now you have just a little remnant. Where are you talking about? Are you talking about Rome? No, that's the thing. Most people quickly go Rome in their head. It's in every state of this country. Every state you go to, even downtown Los Angeles,
Starting point is 00:24:20 has these buildings that some of them are going, hey, yeah, that was built in 1920. That was built in 1920. Can you guys rebuild this now? What is this made of? I go, what is this made out of? What are you talking about? The official story is that the whole world was filled with this type of Roman cathedralism type of thing, these giant pillars, beautiful structures. Even their homes, their actual homes. There's homes in the East Coast and the Midwest roman cathedralism type of thing these giant pillars every beautiful structures even their homes their actual homes there's homes in the east coast and the midwest that's they're the same homes as back then they just painted them 10 times over and now they're siding on it it's
Starting point is 00:24:55 the same structure you could take that shit off and see the original stonework from our ancestors um or whoever was here before us and it it blows my mind, though, because people think that those were all built in 1920, 1900, 1920, whatever. And then they took them. They just took them all down coincidentally to two, three years later, four years later. Oh, yeah, we took them down. We didn't want them. We wanted these little shit boxes with shit roofs that we have now. We wanted that the rest of our lives.
Starting point is 00:25:24 No, in my opinion, something happened. I'm not going to act like I know, but something happened in the early 1800s, mid-1800s that set the tone for the lies we're in now. And it all connects with history, man. And the history we're taught is bullshit, man. It's deeper than you think. It really is. What is this guy saying? Andrew Hiller.'re taught is bullshit, man. It really, it's deeper than you think. It really is. What is this guy saying? Andrew Hiller. Thanks for the loot, Andrew. I watched the documentary. It helped me make sense of why the Chinese spy balloons were such a big deal.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Common sense told me wouldn't satellites do this. Wouldn't satellites do what? What's he referencing? I saw the movie too. I saw it like the film. Yeah. Hold on. It helps make sense of why the Chinese spy balloons were such a big... Yeah, I mean, look at that big story for at least two, three weeks. Again, they create these stories in the media. They create them, sometimes out of thin air, pun intended, but they create them, and now they can change the subject. They fuck something up, something slipped.
Starting point is 00:26:22 They're like, oh, we got to change the agenda this week. What are we going to do? Fake war again? Show some video game highlights? Say it's Ukraine? What do you want to do? No, let's just go ahead. No, I was just going to say the Titanic sub, it's all that is shot.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, exactly. But we all remember the mission of the satellite spy balloon, right? Oh, it's hovering over your state soon. Oh, it might be shot. Hopefully Biden can shoot it down. Come on, Biden. What's it going to do? I mean, come on. It's a satellite on a balloon. And I think it's soft disclosure. That's just me. But either way, it really made people, even people that had no idea about Flat Earth or just made fun of it in a sense, go, wait a minute. My buddies have been talking about this, meaning Flat Earth for eight years now, that every satellite that's ever gone up since the 60s when it started, or sorry, maybe late 50s it started, were on balloons.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Even back then. They don't lie about it. They don't lie about it back then. They're all on balloons. Even back then. They don't lie about it. They don't lie about it back then. They're all on balloons. And all of a sudden, magically, Arthur C. Clarke, the sci-fi author, writes a book. I think it was the... I could be wrong. I want to say the 60s or 70s.
Starting point is 00:27:36 But writes a book on sci-fi satellites, basically. The idea of tin cans floating around a cartoon ball and he put in the book and how it would work and how it would it would pick up data and weather and it was just so sci-fi it's a real sci-fi book arthur c clark's very popular and as soon as that came out all of a sudden right away i mean not not too not too far not too far after that all of a sudden now just publicly oh yeah it's just yeah we've always seen them they're up there you know we have you ever yeah it's like the book remember that book yeah we we have those there was no announcement there was no special launch first satellite ever you know it's like they're just they're just up there they're
Starting point is 00:28:20 just star trek talked about these do you remember that as a kid star trek talked about these which ones and now we got them the cell phones we have cell phones now oh yeah where you can just look at someone and talk to them and and now they're reality but it was completely absurd when i was a kid it was absurd well yeah but don't lie yeah come on guys we all had better x we all had more expectations of the future, right? When you're 10 years old and you're thinking of year 2020, you're thinking of what? Flying cars? You're thinking of what? Maybe free energy? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Well, you'd think by now we had something built on the moon and people would be living there, right? I mean, because that's- No, dude, there'd be advertisements for Pizza Hut, man. Come on. Yeah. $9.99 all week. Sean, in my circle of friends, I would never say ā€“ I don't know what I wouldn't say.
Starting point is 00:29:19 In my circle of friends, I might not bring up at the dinner ā€“ I might not bring up, hey, I think the earth is flat. I had this guy, Sean Hibbler. Hibbler? Hibbler. Hibbler. Just Hibbler. Just Hibbler.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I always want to say Hibbler. Oh, yeah. It's all right. Hibbler. I had this guy, Sean Hibbler on, and you guys, I'm pretty sure the earth is flat. Is there anything that you know or suspect that you're ā€“ won't come out of your mouth yet that you're like, fuck, even that's a lot for me? Like, oh, shit. I better not say that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:56 What do you mean? Maybe I'm ā€“ Let me pull you up actually. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:07 actually hold on hold on hold on like sorry go ahead like um i like i hear like would you ever say something like um biden's wearing a mask and underneath there is a lizard like is there anything just like but but you think that but you just won't say it so i look man i i'm different though i'm i'm not that i don't talk to family i don't live by any of them so you know i wouldn't have that conversation you talk about like strangers like or friends or acquaintances having the conversation would i bring what i stir the pot you're saying like bring that up no i just mean like so i don't think a lot of people want to have this conversation that you and i are having or they don't want it they don't want it because i think they're scared like they think that doctors are going to save them if they break
Starting point is 00:30:42 their foot if they get cancer let alone like me, I don't understand why anyone would not want to talk to someone who doesn't believe in the globalist ideology or method ā€“ like thought of the cosmos. To me, it's like, oh, that's really interesting. I wonder ā€“ like I'm so curious how these people think. I can tell you why. But I think they're all scared because then their reality would crumble, and I'm wondering if there's places you're afraid to go in your own thoughts because even for you it's like too much. Like, oh, fuck. Like you start tripping like ā€“ You know, that's a great question though.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Usually people ā€“ I don't get good questions. That's a great question. Because everyone's afraid of a little ā€“ a little afraid of something, right? I mean ā€“ Yeah. Yeah, I don't know, man. I feel like walk out on my skateboard ramp and there'd be two eight foot aliens out there being like, Hey, we've got the ship out back. Let's go. Yeah. Well, we have a different perception of what
Starting point is 00:31:36 aliens are, but, um, the, you know, for me, I just like to live in the present, man, as boring as that might sound. So, uh, I mean, all the hoaxes of the past, I love like to live in the present, man, as boring as that might sound. So, I mean, all the hoaxes of the past, I love talking about them. Even COVID, I look at that, that's a past for me. I've already moved on. I've educated millions on it. I've woken people up, had thousands of emails back and forth through the last three years. I'm done. If you didn't get it by now, I'm sorry. I have other things to do. We need to figure out, If we want to move forward, we need to figure out our history and then where we're actually going with it. Because if the people have the actual power, then we have to start acting like it and just do what the fuck we want in the sense of doing it with love and truth. And if we keep preaching love and truth all of us then that's exactly the world
Starting point is 00:32:26 we're going to live in and so we don't i don't watch tv anymore i don't watch them i don't watch what they're saying i hear it you know i do produce eddie bravo show so that's my news every week you do bravo show yeah i produce look into it on rockfin yeah my show hibbler effects on rockfin too we're both on rockfin our shows but um are you a jiu-jitsu practitioner no no man i'm just his i'm just buddies with him that's i i i go to his jiu-jitsu stuff sometimes like when because when they were out here when bryce mitchell i was going to fly to bryce mitchell's in arkansas for my last film but he wanted to come out here so when he flew out here we hung out with eddie obviously and flew out here, we hung out with Eddie,
Starting point is 00:33:05 obviously. And so that's when I hung out with the jujitsu stuff. And then he invited me to some tournaments just to watch and stuff like that. But that's not my, not my realm, man. Not my realm. Maybe one day I'll get into it for fun, but I respect the heck out of those guys. That's hard to do. So, oh yeah, there's Bryce. Let me ask you this also. OK, so you see this stuff. You see things. You see them clearly. Logically, you take steps to get to your own ideas. If you're not sure what's going on, you won't just believe what anyone tells you.
Starting point is 00:33:35 That's clearly your stance in this realm. Yeah. In this realm, there's a fucking lot of wackadoodles. They did too much meth. They did too much meth. They did too much ayahuasca. The delusions of grandeur. They've got fucking fractured personality disorders. It's people who've fallen out of the mainstream group thought.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Does that irritate you? Yeah, I mean, kind of. Would you say that like 50% of the people in the open-minded camp, something's fucking broken in them? In the open? Oh, you're talking about just the open-minded camp. Well, I don't know. I'm just making these words up as I go along.
Starting point is 00:34:18 No, no, no. Well, in general, though, because for me, bro, for me personally, the world's kind of split right now. And I think that's what they wanted. I think it started with 9-11, in my opinion. If you couldn't get out of that one thinking logically of what the hell did the official story, how does that make any sense? If you couldn't figure that out, that something was wrong, and then start your journey from then about the system you live in the system you pay taxes for the system you support against your will without even realizing what you're doing
Starting point is 00:34:50 um then you were never going to get it and up up from 9-11 through covid if you haven't figured it out by now yeah you know you're just it's like what's the dead giveaway for 9-11 what's the like hey dude what the fuck happened to building nine or whatever that one is that fell down? Building seven. Building seven. What's the dead giveaway for the Twin Towers? Well, that there were seven buildings that collapsed that day. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:16 And we saw only two planes hit and where the fuck are all the ā€“ We saw two airplanes on the television. Correct. That's all we saw. Okay, correct. I made a film on it called 9-11 spell out the word nine n-i-n-e um that's on my rock fan and my website but 9-11 is very tricky for me man because i'm not gonna see your net like yeah there was absolutely no airplanes but for my research it it looked like it was uh what you call a post-live composition live
Starting point is 00:35:43 compositing where uh it's on a 10 to 20 second delay timer, whatever the case might have been, because you got, there's footage of the sky in wide view and wide frame view where there's no plane in the sky from any angle and it just blows up twice. I mean, the World Trade Center just fucking blows up. There's no plane. And then what you do, what I do is that, because I hear every theory out there. I mean, the World Trade Center just fucking blows up. There's no plane. And then what I do is that,
Starting point is 00:36:07 because I hear every theory out there, and I go, okay, well, let me figure this out. These could all be trash, or one of them could be legit. I don't know. But the no plane theory was ridiculous for me because in the beginning I go, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard
Starting point is 00:36:21 until you start looking into it. And so you start doing frame by frame, zooming in. And I've been doing videos for a long, long time. At minimum, at minimum, it was a hologram. That's minimum. But for my research, I don't think there was any airplanes. And the people that I, when I was doing my short film called 9-11, when I was doing that, I was looking for any person in the street that day that was running from the towers, right? Anyone. Anyone that with a logical thought, wasn't too panicky. You can't really trust.
Starting point is 00:36:55 I don't know what's going on. They're all over the place. But the people that were calm demeanor, like, yeah, okay. So the building exploded and blah, blah, blah. And the news anchors are like, where's the airplane? They're like, what airplane? Like people, they're confused in the street. Airplane.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And it's like, how does no one know there's an airplane? There's two airplanes just hit. Everyone's running and no one's talking airplane. And then I started hearing people say the word airplane, but followed by, and I heard it on the news because I heard it on the news that it was an airplane. the news said it was an airplane. Okay. That makes sense. I heard it loud bang, pretty easy to sell it to the masses. All I'm saying, cause when people go, Oh, that'd be impossible. What are you talking about? That I just explained exactly what they would do.
Starting point is 00:37:38 And for the people that, that were outside, what about those people? Well, half of them are going to die. The shit's going to blow up. So who cares? So they just took them all down. They took all seven buildings down. I'm sorry, more. The Pentagon. All that shit was orchestrated. The Pentagon thing with no footage is really weird too. The whole thing was orchestrated.
Starting point is 00:37:56 And again, for me, if you don't get that by now, you'll never get COVID. You'll never get where we live. I don't know. I don't know if maybe there's different types of humans, different types of vibrations, different types of something. Because it's like, I think you said it earlier, like when they just don't get it, it's frustrating, man. Because it's like, how do you not see this? When I'm showing someone NASA's harnesses, you can see the harness they're supposed to be floating in zero g we're up in the iss we're floating you can't do this we can't no i can't
Starting point is 00:38:33 do that it's called a zero g plane so when they're doing their marketing you know stuff or look for the cuts guys it's never live it's never raw cut cut cut cut cut that's because they're in a they're in a either they're in a zero g plane or they're in a studio like to me this is just in a studio um we've already explained multiple times these guys are in on it sean you're saying of course they are listen man they're they're in a giant club and you're not in it and neither am i and it's called the freemasons okay the fre The Freemasonic. They're in a 500, whatever. How many astronauts it is? They're all Freemasons.
Starting point is 00:39:09 They're all testified Freemasons. They're all oath Freemasons. They're in. They're in. There's no random astronaut. I want to be an astronaut when I get on there. Well, you got to be a Freemason first. So good luck.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Why would they do it? What benefit do they have from it? Security? Why become a Freemason? All of it. Why create this big thing? Why try to do it? What benefits do they have from it? Why become a consumer? All of it. Why create this big thing? Why try to control it? Who benefits from that if there is a they?
Starting point is 00:39:31 And then why do it? Well, let's start with who benefits. Who would benefit from the lie? Not you. Not me. I'll tell you benefits. The space agencies, they get $3 billion dollars a year from taxpayers minimum okay and that's public so let me hold you here real quick so that theory is basically create these enterprise it's basically they're harvesting
Starting point is 00:39:59 our work to pay money to them so they can live in the society with us but we're the slaves and we don't know it. The same thing that we do to cows, the same thing that ants do to aphids. They gather us up. They have us living in this reality, but we're working and funneling. And then they found ways for us to funnel money to NASA that then they get to live off of and live a good life. So in a way, we're slaves.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Well, I mean, yeah, that's a good elaboration in a sense, but for me it's more along the lines of okay i'll break it down like this okay and do you guys know when they went up for the first time to check what we live on do you know when that was what year that they went to space and were like look no no no space space, nothing. Just nothing to do with it. I'm talking about humanity. When's the first time we said, hey, I don't know what we live on. There's a story.
Starting point is 00:40:51 It's a story. It's his story. Not my story. It's his story. But there's a story of a guy that looked up with a telescope a long time ago and saw a moon, another moon. So we live on a rotating ball apparently because of that. That makes no sense, but I'll give you that one. Okay. So who, who told you that story is the point that the, the school told you that story where, where'd that come from Rockefeller?
Starting point is 00:41:15 Why did he come up with this? Why did this start only when he started the board of education? There was no public schools like, Hey, we live on a ball. We're rotating around the sun. To me, this is new. This is a new deception. And they don't want a bunch of critical thinking, smart, tapped into our universe, understanding how to manifest through frequencies and vibrations, understanding what grounding the body does, being one with the earth, coming back into nature. They don't want that because then they can't control us.
Starting point is 00:41:42 They want everybody on. They want the slaves on the plantation. Keep them on the plantation. There's seven continents. There could be 300 continents, guys, is my point. But there's only seven to us, right? So you take those seven continents and you wrap it around a ball and you say, guess what? The bottom of that ball, you can't explore there. Well, why not? Oh, there, you know, there's penguins and stuff just don't and it's freezing you don't want to go there yeah but there's a guy in 1958 named admiral bird on live tv he said he flew over there and when he came back he said there's another continent over there the size of north america that no one's ever seen what if there's 300 other continents why can't no no there's a
Starting point is 00:42:21 treaty you can't go over here no one can pass sorry you'll be turned around you can't, nope, nope, there's a treaty. You can't go over here. No one can pass. Sorry, you'll be turned around. You can't go over here. People go, I've been to Antarctica. Yeah, you can pay 20 grand and go to the little peninsula, which is actually called Deception Island. Yeah, I've been there. I'll be, go ahead, go to your Deception Island, waste your 20 grand, look at a little barbershop pole,
Starting point is 00:42:43 pet a penguin and go home you're not gonna be like hey we'll be back in three years you ain't coming back in three days you're done unfortunately we need to know it's so funny in your movie when you're like yeah everyone says they've been into antarctica and everyone's only been to this one spot and then i looked at your video i'm like yep that's where i went deception island which is which is right next to Rothschild Island Right next to Rothschild Island That's not too far from there That is
Starting point is 00:43:11 Hey So this Admiral Byrd It says American Naval Officer and Explorer He was the recipient of the Navy Cross Second Highest Honor This cat Oh yeah, segment of the Arctic Ocean Segment of the Antarctic Plateau. Bird said that his expeditions had been the first to reach both the North and South Pole.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Yeah, no. Definitely no South Pole, no matter how much he was paid to say that or print that. No pole there. But when he kept going further. There is no pole there? What's there? What's there? Well, no.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yeah. I mean, if Earth is a flat plane, a stationary plane, a level plane, the center of our plane, the center of our world is the North Pole. That's Polaris. That star never moves, okay? All the stars and bodies in our head go around us, okay? Like a perfect clock. That's why the eclipses are every 12 years on this exact second.
Starting point is 00:44:02 It's a clock above us. It's not randomness beehiving through four different directions of bullshit. We'd see the same goddamn stars every fucking night. We see the same stars every year. So did your grandma. So did her grandma. So did her grandma. Guarantee her grandma too.
Starting point is 00:44:16 We see the same shit every night. This is not random. This is a Rolex times infinity. This is a masterpiece above us. And it was made for us too. I don't know who made it. Call him God, Allah, Jesus, Yahshua, the creator, the source. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Name it whatever you want. It changes every hundred years. So name it whatever you like. But that's what designed it all for us, for humans. So what they did was they said, okay, look, we got all this free masonry, right? Oh, free masons. Oh, that's kind of a weird connection there. Yeah, so, we got all this free masonry, right? Oh, free masons. Oh, that's kind of a weird connection there. Yeah, so they'd stumble upon this free masonry.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Don't know what happened in the early 1800s. That's a blank. But also they stumble upon these civilizations, these buildings with free energy, electric cars. Dude, there's a book called The Iron Republic. Late 1800s, they got in the ship, sick of the tyranny in the states headed got lost stumbled upon a land found land i'm really fast forwarding of course but it's a fucking book but the end you know they stumble upon land they call themselves down republic they said we're from new york they said we've heard in new york you can't be over here what are you doing here but they were
Starting point is 00:45:20 really nice they stayed there for a while and in the Iron Republic, they're talking in the book, guys. Even if someone said, Hibbler, this book is fantasy. No, it's not. I don't care what any Wikipedia says about it. I don't care what anyone says about it. It's a firsthand eyewitness testimony, guys, of what he saw. Why? Tell me, Sean.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Why do you say that? How do you know? How can you say that? How can you say that? In what sense because aren't because you're so you're you've you've analyzed the the moon landing footage and you're like i got issues you've analyzed the um 9-11 footage you have some issues you got some thoughts this this fucking balloon thing here and satellites you're like hey i know what's going on here
Starting point is 00:46:01 why this book what what clears the um the sean Hibbler scrutiny that makes you say, no, fuck you, this one is real? It's not even about just that one book. There's multiple books. There's multiple books. That's just my favorite. There's multiple books, World Beyond the Polls, multiple books in the 1800s, The Smoky God,
Starting point is 00:46:20 of people talking about continents all over the fucking place. Not seven continents. That's what we fucking place. That's seven continents. That's what we're told. That's Rockefeller education, guys. That's what we're taught. That's our geography. That's our history.
Starting point is 00:46:32 That's our science books. That's what we're taught. That's where we live. And that's fucking it. Let me put something into your brain here. Just, this is totally out of left field. You ready for this?
Starting point is 00:46:40 I love left field. Okay. There, there was a guy, I forget his name. I think it was Roger Bannister, but I don't really know. And I think he was the first guy ever to break the four-minute mile. And then after he broke the four-minute mile, I think a bunch of people started breaking the four-minute mile.
Starting point is 00:46:56 It started just pouring in. There's something about the way we work as as a civilization in in it's um we're connected i think we're connected in some weird way that we that we're not uh that our five that we don't talk about we don't have a a vocabulary to point at and and maybe it doesn't involve our five senses and it's something maybe that can't be measured right like so much of the world if you can't measure it it doesn't exist right when when you're talking about that book being real couldn't there just be 500 dudes on the planet at the same time who kind of like are in that conscious space in that ether in that creative space that make up that story do you know what i'm saying doesn't it seem like things happen like that here's the thing man it resonates true with me for a specific reason not just because it applies to more land out there
Starting point is 00:47:50 which makes sense because captain cook in the 1600s the first man to try to circumnavigate antarctica it took him 68 000 miles and to go around and come back to where he started from and he couldn't get in by ship back then so by me even saying that if you believe in a globe you should have a problem with what i just said i'm going to repeat it because just like our kindergarten heliocentric knowledge and i think it stops in third grade so i get it guys but i just told you that there was someone that has been publicly charted this isn't from This is public information. Captain Cook, which there's another Island over there called Captain Cook as well.
Starting point is 00:48:31 But Captain Cook serpent navigated Antarctica. Couldn't get in by ship because of the ice shelves, the container that surrounds our world. Water needs containment. All waters level maintains fines level needs to be contained though. You need containment for that lake in Kansas. And you can't fall off that lake in Kansas. Go ahead and swim in that lake.
Starting point is 00:48:53 You live in a bigger one. It's called the World Oceans. And the World Oceans is contained by Antarctica. Antarctica is not a little island on the bottom of a basketball. It contains our world. So that's why no one has ever circumnavigated north to south and then popped up everyone could do it east to west on a flat plane you just go in a circle around the whole world and come back to where you started from it's really simple globe
Starting point is 00:49:16 but my point was this though is that uh the the actual uh understanding of ant of Antarctica itself as a container of our world oceans, you have to ask yourself at that point, well, what's outside of this containment? What's outside of this container? Well, you can't go over there. And that's a fact. So the problem ā€“ wait, wait. No one's interrupted yet. I just said 68,000 miles.
Starting point is 00:49:41 No one has a problem with that? Give me a second. Give me a second. Let me ā€“ give me one second. Cause people. I mean, no, I don't want to lose. I don't want to lose your audience. Listen to your audience. Then your audience is thinking it's probably okay.
Starting point is 00:49:50 What's the big deal? I said 68,000 miles, the equator, the fattest part of this ball theory that people love and adore. So how does Captain Cook? They don't even know what the equator is boss. It's 28, 24,000 miles around. The fattest part of that basketball earth is 24 000 miles around so how could the bottom of the basketball that little antarctica stain how could
Starting point is 00:50:14 that be 68 000 miles what are you talking about i hear you 8 000 miles at the most and it that's never been charted you can't circumnavigate antarctica period when you said that my first thought was how did cook and in the 1600s know that he went um uh 68 000 miles i wonder what how he measured that how he charted it how are any how is any map charted get that answer to me and there's your answer i don't know i have never charted a map i don't know um people people in in here aren't ready for tartartarian mud flood theory. Yeah, well, I brought that up earlier. I was talking about the ancient buildings and structures that were just here.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Imagine, guys, just fathom. I know it's crazy to think of. I get it, and I get it. I do. But the giants, giants were walking around here 200, 300 years ago. Just that long ago? Yeah, that's my point that's the whole point of this now i wouldn't call it a new theory but people stumbled upon this five six
Starting point is 00:51:11 seven years ago and it started blowing up now it's all over the place because people are like wait a minute there's ruins everywhere there's there's tartarian castles oh god wikipedia there's tartarian castles everywhere throughout the world you go all those like like a medieval time building that's just you know that's a church now it's like yeah that that type of building used to be all of our buildings everywhere in the whole world including america oh where did they go where did they go apparently there was a reset i wasn't there and i'm not claiming there was okay all right i don't know man for me to say there was a reset. I wasn't there and I'm not claiming there was. Okay. All right. I don't know, man. For me to say there was a reset means I'm crazy because I could,
Starting point is 00:51:51 there's no way there's, there's no, the meaning there's no way to conceive that that ever happened, but there are clues when you see old photos that are somehow leaked to the public the last few years, but there's real, I mean, dude, the evidence is kind of there. There's something happened. The mud, the mud floods, whatever you want to call them, where it looks like they're, they just survived an explosion of water and the whole world is mud and they're digging mud. And you see these castles everywhere. And I think what happened was like, we got to destroy
Starting point is 00:52:18 all this property. People are going to ask questions. They're going to know what happened. You know? And I think what happened is people always wonder how do these elite get together how do they how these bloodlines take over how did they like when did this start and we have this assumption like oh the kings and the emperors and then their bloodline and now they're the rothschilds no that's i don't think that's how it started i just think that this is a lot newer than we think um and this and this country was America was founded in Florida. Florida was, that's how America was discovered. And they still teach, I'm assuming they still teach Columbus discovered it. And it's all lies, man. Like our history books, they're, they're, they're still lying to our children, um, on a day-to-day basis. And now the trans movements
Starting point is 00:52:59 coming into schools now to just, it makes indoctrination camps that much worse to me now that they're doing that. But it's like all of it's lying it's all conditioning for your mind you're already in the tooth fairy you're already in the santa we get you a young kindergarten come on perfect perfect candidate to say here's where you live but let me stop you with two three and you don't think it's okay for it to do any imaginary shit with kids like that people ask me that i'm like yeah i'm sorry one more time. You don't think it's okay. Do you have kids, Sean? That's irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:53:28 What was the question? Do you ā€“ you don't think any of that Tooth Fairy Santa stuff should be done to kids? You don't think that that's even just a fun fable? No, I don't think so. And tell me why. There should be no ā€“ Well, I'm not a hypocrite. I didn't have it.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I turned out great. So I saw the friends that I did have have it go through some struggles when they found out Santa Claus wasn't real. You know, it really... I looked at it from a perspective of your parents are liars. It's okay to lie. That's what you're teaching your child. It's okay to lie. It's okay to accept the lie as a lie.
Starting point is 00:54:04 And it's okay to be told that you were accept the lie as a lie and it's okay to be told you that you were lied to and and who fucking cares just move on it's sad it's not real the easter bunnies bullshit all whatever all the stuff's not real and the kid's like wait what so subconsciously they don't trust you anymore and why would they at that point that you you made them thinking something with that that cool could exist in their world. You just made their world that much duller. And I'd rather teach. If you're going to teach fantasy, teach fantasy that is possible.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Meaning you can't really verify it. Hey, if you got kids and you're into truth and you know that we're not on a ball, teach your kids there's 300 continents as a fantasy. not as truth let's go explore let's go let's go past the 60th parallel in march and whatever you got a son and you do war and you know just so maybe so maybe change just be honest about it hey christmas is a time that you show generosity and love you get presents for your friends sure you work hard and then and then hey the the money thing for when you lose a tooth it's a rite of passage showing that you're developing into from a young sapling creature to a and put the and go ahead and put the pillow up the i'm fine with that too okay
Starting point is 00:55:15 yeah yeah and again and and and because of because of peers you know it's it's hard you got children and their peers right are going to be into a bunch of stuff so for me it's like i would teach kids to laugh at it it's silly you know it's silly spider-man's not real if you could teach your kid that spider-man is not actually outside going to be jumping off buildings if they could understand that and go yeah well duh but i like the show i like the cartoon right the kid to go i like my favorite cartoon but they know they can grasp probably i would assume that they're not gonna be doing that outside like they know it's not a real cartoon on tv hopefully right you just apply that same concept to the globe or any bullshit out
Starting point is 00:55:58 there dinosaurs or come on man like it's have fun with it it's fun to not this way they can accept it and not be like no those aren't real and get suspended it's just like look it's silly it's silly you treat everything like santa that you know not that you believe is bullshit that you know is bullshit you don't want to teach children what you know is bullshit if you believe something's bullshit you got gotta know first before you rule it out let me give you an example that i think a lot of people where you and i totally agree upon that a lot of people don't understand they can't even get their head wrapped around there's no such thing as gravity gravity is an explanation for a phenomenon there's not
Starting point is 00:56:41 really phenomena it's electrostatics is what explains the phenomena though we actually have a force called electrostatics that is provable testable repeatable measurable here on earth we can control things with a positive and negative charge make things go up or down they know it we know it now we're trying to scrape the surface with how all this works but you talk about even something like a ufo a man-made reverse engineered craft how is that going up there moving around where's the propeller right what is it doing there is no truth there there is no truth there's just explanations and some explanations are better than other and more um uh valuable do you agree with that yeah and it's explanations allow us to like predict shit, right?
Starting point is 00:57:25 So like you see a ball coming at you and you're able to predict how it's going to move. So you move your head so it doesn't hit you in the face and there's explanations. Or catch it. Yeah, or catch it. The reason why I asked you ā€“ That's the first thing I thought of. I'm like I'm going to catch it. The reason why I asked you if you had kids is because you are so passionate about this.
Starting point is 00:57:41 And I think as parents, we sort of have an that's a waking up process that was part of the waking up process for me because i care more about what happens to the future of our environment that we live in our civilization because i have kids whereas before at 20 i'd be like fuck it let's bring anarchy on let's see let's see this shit and now i'm and that's the matrix we all lived in. And it really, to be honest, it really has nothing to do with you having a child. I know you're applying it, and there's nothing wrong with that
Starting point is 00:58:11 because the applying it to it is true. But overall, you do care, you know, because you still have to care overall about the future of humanity. And some people just like, they just love comfortable eyes. They'd rather have comfortable eyes because then they don't have to work hard to do anything but their own nine to five, which is already a slave system in itself to make it. So you don't have any time with your family, but at the time you're home, you have no energy.
Starting point is 00:58:40 You just did all of that to eat a probably insufficient dinner with dead animal carcass everywhere, no nutrition at all. And then you have all of a sudden two hours of programming televisions and you go to bed and you do it all over again. You do it five times in a row and you get two days off a week, which is standard American tradition. And those two days off, you go spend money that supports Hollywood and pedophiles. spend money at uh you know this supports how supports hollywood and and pedophiles so when people are living in a world of hypocrisy and they don't even realize it yet they don't even know it like you can ask any human being do you want to stop child trafficking and and the the the the just our youth you know getting fucked over by these satanists or elite or whatever you want to call them let's not call everybody oh yeah you're right you're i said that earlier you're right but these pieces of shit every human being at least okay
Starting point is 00:59:29 give it 99 000 out of 99 000 and one whatever you want to say my point is is that everyone would say yeah they don't want children hurt they would not want that xyz right we know that it's the same thing but the hypocrisy of human beings are so off that they don't even know they're supporting them. They're like, I love, I love Tom Hanks. You know who you're supporting? Do you know what they're doing in real life? Do you know what's happening in the real world? Do you know why these people are protected? Do you know why the Oscars put a two mile square radius fence cage around the Oscars this year,. Me and Joe Bauman were walking on foot with cameras with Alex Stein. We were heading towards the Oscars. We were going to go, I'm not going to say what we were going to do, but it definitely involved Jimmy Kimmel. And we had a, because not
Starting point is 01:00:19 only because Jimmy Kimmel was on, I know, but not only because he was on the Epstein flight log, Kimmel was on. I know, but not only because he was on the Epstein flight log, but we had some other issues with him, okay? Like some serious shit, and he needs to get the fuck out of the state. And we went down there, and we're like- Can you tell me what? Can you tell me what? No, hell no.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Not on there. But here's the thing, man. We went around a fence line where you can't even get- You can't even breathe. You can't even throw a football at the red carpet, man. You're going, no, there's cops. I've never seen more cops in California in one setting ever. And I'm like, wow, they're protecting the 30 celebrities inside this. All of this is because of the pedophilia that's being protected by our government,
Starting point is 01:01:01 by our judicial system, by our local police, state police. They're all in on it in some sense because the head of all those organizations know you don't touch. Hey, we should be able to say, look, we have evidence of this on Kimmel. We have evidence of this on Bill Clinton. We have evidence of this on whoever and turn it into literal police or sheriff somewhere. They're supposed to go and arrest them hey we both know it would never happen it would never bill gates it would it would never happen crimes against humanity that's a crime this real guys we act like that's fake like oh that sounds like a movie that's real ebstein what what happened with ebstein why did they let that guy he's the fall guy if anything he's back on
Starting point is 01:01:43 the island guys we're living in a giant show. I hope that you're watching the right channels of this. There's different shows going on, in my opinion. A lot of shows going on. And I feel like some people are falling for some shows, but not others. I think that you just got to write off what they want you to think and start thinking clearly for yourself. Start actually thinking
Starting point is 01:02:05 about your present and staying in it. Just stay in the present and understand that as long as the universe is backing you, as long as you have a connection with the creator, do you guys sun gaze at all or no? I don't. I don't. No. No. Do you know what that is? Yeah. Looking at the sun. I'm looking at when it's low on the horizon. Well, yeah. I mean, in the beginning stages, it's got to be when the sunset is 6 p.m., sunset, 6.30, that dark orange glow it gets, right?
Starting point is 01:02:36 That's because that heat lamp, that local lamp is far away. So the light is going to dim. It's not 93 million miles away. 93 million miles, they wouldn't do that it would just it would just we'd keep falling backwards until the sky was black guys it's just logic but anyways sun gazing what's the values of that sun gazing is uh you have to be grounding uh you put your bare feet in either the soil if he cuts the earth grounding in general is very healthy it's very good for reversing diseases um you put your
Starting point is 01:03:05 bare feet i almost never wear shoes i i do years once without wearing shoes that's a great thing dude i got i'm getting shoes are a tool of the man when people say why do you go barefoot i'm like hey dumb fuck you're the one who put shoes on you why do you put shoes on don't ask you know why they're rubber i don't know why they're you know why they're all rubber no so they don't conduct yeah they don't conduct? Yeah, they won't pick up any of the earth, the ions and everything, the nutrients in the earth that you can't get it. You can't be connected to anything in the heavens without your soul tapping in.
Starting point is 01:03:42 I know they call them the souls of your feet, but that's where your soul is. I don't know where people think it is, but that's your soul. Your soul has to be connected to the earth. So sand, I heard concrete's not bad as long as it's grounded, but, or grass, obviously real grass. Not like I made this from Home Depot. No, no. The real shit, be grounded, ground your feet. And then if you want just that though, hold on, let me stop there though. Just that is, is that good for you? Stopping there. Do that one hour a day. You'll reverse a lot of just don't even wear shoes, wear shoes one hour a day. How about just wear shoes? I don't. Yeah. I only wear shoes if I have to, man. Um, but, uh, sun gazing is you stare at the sun as long as you can. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 01:04:22 you have a staring contest with the sun um it's a training though just like you can't walk in a gym and bench 500 pounds for the first time i'm scared to do that when you say that to me i'm like fuck i'm gonna fuck my eyes up yeah that's what i do right away no a lot of people have reversed their eye conditions um tremendously by doing it people stop wearing glasses now yeah i but i've just been taught that right that's one of those things i've been taught look at the sun you go blind yeah yeah they taught you to not look at the eclipse too remember you know you'll go blind you'll definitely go blind if you look at the eclipse and they don't want you to look at the eclipse as a kid because i think even as a child especially
Starting point is 01:04:56 a 10 year old 12 year old would be like wait a minute those two lights are the same size and the little it's like it's making like a little shadow like just in our city and not the city over this is these are local lights that are down like half the earth should be covered in darkness like none of it made sense but it really didn't make sense when my teacher like it was like a religion to them don't you look at that eclipse tomorrow but they knew how i was you die you're you're if you go blind like they were so like trying to scare everybody and of course i fucking looked without him because that's the type of person i was i didn't know what i was doing back then me too but i definitely knew that
Starting point is 01:05:34 nothing happened let me let me let me go through some of these people who've thrown loot sean do you mind here oh yeah of course man sean have you watched Rob Skiba? You'll love him. He talks about, we don't use flatter. He talks about a stationary earth in a biblical context, a weird and fun stuff to listen to. Yeah, Jake, thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, Rob Skiba has passed, guys. So anyone listening, Rob Skiba unfortunately passed away.
Starting point is 01:06:03 He was taken out during the peak of COVID when he went in there. It had nothing to do with the flu, but he went in there for something else, and they threw him on a ventilator. Oh, Nelly. So they did the ventilator to him, unfortunately. So rest in peace, Rob Skiba. And unfortunately, to answer your question, though, in the past tense, I was never introduced to him.
Starting point is 01:06:21 I know pretty much everyone that he's spoken to and worked with. I talked to now, but this was a long time. This was not a long time ago, but a while ago before I was even talking to like peers about this type of stuff. So I never got a chance to connect with him, but I did put in loving memory of Rob for my last year's documentary. Not this year's was rest in peace to Bob Nodal from Globusters who passed away.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Unfortunately, we got two years in a row. Hopefully, no more scientists or flat earthers or spiritual teachers get taken out by any means. Bob was just unhealthy, unfortunately. Doesn't matter how smart you are. If you don't know how to eat
Starting point is 01:07:02 and survive off it, then it can get the best of us is what my point was. You don't like eating dead animals? You may have took a shot at dead animals. Are you not a dead animal? No, I don't eat dead animals. I don't eat anything that shits, man. I'm good.
Starting point is 01:07:14 You got an asshole. For me, that's not food. That's not food. Food is beautiful. Food is green and red and orange and purple. Food is the Garden of Eden. There's food is food is the the garden of eden there there's no tombstones in the garden of eden there's no you know two-year-old pig getting picked up by his tail slammed into the door and shit and then thrown into grocery store like i'm
Starting point is 01:07:35 good man like i'd rather just eat food that's all well do you have you ever met chris beat cancer do you know who that is no oh you probably No. Oh, you should check him out. You would dig him. You would dig him. Well, I don't judge anyone that eats meat that I ate meat for 30 years. He doesn't eat. Yeah, he stopped eating meat and beat fourth stage or fourth stage of Project Cancer. Mike Poolboy, Olivas.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Fuck Mike. Fuck. Fuck Mike. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck Mike. Fuck, marry, kill, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, or Alex Jones. Thank you, poor boy. One of those every show. I love you. You look good with your shirt off, buddy. Okay. Explain sunsets on a flat Earth. This is so goofy.
Starting point is 01:08:20 You need medication, dude. Why? Why? Why? That's all good good why does everybody get so i know but why is it so contentious if you have one of these discussions even if you're just like hey we're just gonna shoot the shit and have this conversation why is it that people get so worked up like it's like it's like a borderline you almost slap their mom yeah it's similar because what do you think you're you're fighting their
Starting point is 01:08:45 inner child you're trying to take their ball away from them no one's ever done that to him yet yeah and as a child you don't want your ball to be taken away that's fine but i'm gonna take your motherfucking ball away talking shit uh behind you for the money i'm gonna take your money thank you so seasons right so wait a minute but let me back up just one second real quick the uh the actual okay so sunsets. Is that what the question is, right? Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:08 The movies explain this really well, by the way. The movies are really fucking good. It's all good. It's all good. People with low vibrations or no knowledge or no wisdom, they don't have time to watch films that I produce. They're watching like cuties and shows on Netflix. The new Barbie movie?
Starting point is 01:09:28 Yeah, the new Barbie movie, My Little Pony, whatever's out. So The Sunset on a Flat Earth. Okay. By the way, I'd like to do a show with someone who saw the Barbie movie, and I'm going to call it You're Retarded. I didn't know there was a movie. You're my friend, and you're retarded. Why do you go my friend and you're retarded why do you go why would you there's a fucking barbie movie dude with like
Starting point is 01:09:48 big time actors and actresses it's crazy okay sorry okay sounds awful okay setting setting sun good i am not about recommending that film that's these two okay not me i'm just kidding so so the sun setting right so i always like to start, let's talk about heliocentrism first, please. We're supposed to be falling backwards faster than the speed of sound. The sun's not moving. You think the sun's moving? You're nuts. The sun's not moving.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Can't see that moving. What do you mean? We're rotating at 17,000. Yeah, we're literally supposed to be falling backwards faster than the speed of sound right now as the sun is just setting beneath our feet. It's all supposed to be this one giant motion of tilt, and then the sun would go black. Then the sky would just go black, but that's not what we see. We see a few phenomenons out there that prove that seasons ā€“ well, I know you asked for explain sunset, but seasons explain them. The seasons themselves, again, I don't have anything. I'm not Dave Weiss. I don't have
Starting point is 01:10:49 like graphics to show you, but I hate picking out a dinner plate because that's not what I think. The earth's not a shape to me, guys. It's not the shape of a dinner plate. And then what? What's under it? What's on top? Listen, we're in some sort of system with a barrier on top and a barrier below. That's all I know. They went down to the bottom of the ocean and they penetrated it and it bounced off. They can't get through that ocean. That guy died after he admitted that, but Mike DeGroy, sorry. But anyways, you can't get to the bottom of the ocean.
Starting point is 01:11:22 You will bounce off. You can't physically penetrate it. So we don't know what's beneath us. The deepest hole ever dug is 7.5 miles in Russia. That's it, guys. Guinness Book of World Records. That's it. No mantle core 4,000-mile fantasy to jerk off to anymore.
Starting point is 01:11:38 I'm sick of it. The record is 7.5 miles. Nobody knows what's beneath us. So stop asking what's underneath. Let's put that in perspective, Sean. So how, what is the diameter of the Earth, of the heliocentric Earth? What is the diameter? If they've only gone down seven miles, what do they claim the diameter is?
Starting point is 01:11:53 24,000 miles? No, that would be the circumference of the Earth. I don't know the diameter by heart. That might be one of the only globe questions I don't know by heart. Okay, but it's not, but seven miles isn't significant compared to its thousands of miles. It's basically like saying, hey, we found the middle of the seed of the apple. Oh, you did? Can you prove it?
Starting point is 01:12:14 Yeah, we barely got through the skin. Come look. Okay. What are you talking about? How do you know there's a pit? What are we talking about? So I'm just talking facts, whether people want to get offended. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:12:24 But here's the thing. They don't know what's beneath us. Nobody does. Not even them. They don't know. They don't know what's above us. Every single time that amateurs have sent up rockets straight in the air, they stop around 73 miles, if not exactly 73 miles, every fucking time. They stop.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Sounds like it hit something. Don't know what it is. I think it's an ocean above us. That's just my opinion. But at the same time, I do know for a fact that nothing's gone past there. Nothing's gone beneath. Those are two actual facts, and you can't prove otherwise. You wouldn't never be able to prove it.
Starting point is 01:13:00 I've been trying for 10 years. What about these things that have gone to Mars? Oh, come on, man. You're being for real now? I'm trying. I'm trying. No, I'm making sure you're being for real. Is this like a educate my audience on this?
Starting point is 01:13:11 No, no, no, no, no. You think we're going to Mars? I watched on CNN that they fucking sent up something. I remember being a kid and they showed some little fucking thing with wheels rolling around on Mars. You're just saying no. You got any footage of it? Let's see how real it is, man. Can you pull something up, Caleb? Rover on Mars
Starting point is 01:13:28 or something? Yeah, let's see. Let's see if this is a... If you guys think this is real video footage. If you guys think it's real video footage, I will continue the conversation about that topic. It's just more stories. Let me
Starting point is 01:13:44 say this about the sun thing too. Yeah, I never even ā€“ I have to answer him, man. Okay, go ahead. I can't leave him hanging. Yeah, yeah, go with the sun. The sun setting. All right, the best explanation I give you is ā€“ I don't know. Use your mind.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Take a 100-mile-square-radius calcium. Can you fathom that in your mind? A 100 mile radius Coliseum Big fucking Coliseum, right? Huge Coliseum You can't even see the other side You can't see the other side of some Hallways in Vegas But that door
Starting point is 01:14:20 The last door is on the floor The top of that door is on the floor. It's perspective. Everything, our eyes are designed as a normal fisheye lens, okay? But our eyes have a vanishing point. We are not Superman. Check your weather app. It'll tell you visibility today is 12 miles. You can see 12 miles away today, even though you're not supposed to. That's another story we can get into later if we have time. But to answer his question, if you can imagine a 100 square mile circle Coliseum and I have a giant heat lamp all the way up to the, not to the top of the roof, but near the top of the roof, right over you. So now you're sitting there and it's freezing
Starting point is 01:15:02 cold in your section of the calcium. There's no heat. There's nothing. And I'm over there sitting right above you with this, with this heat lamp called the sun. Okay. Call it the moon, call it whatever you want. And I'm going to be heading towards your buddies down there. They're about, they're about 50 miles down in terms of scale. They're about 50 miles down. I'm gonna to be heading that way. My heat from my sun is going to be fading away as I'm going away. It should, right? Shouldn't it? I have the heat lamp over you. You're nice and warm. You're actually kind of sweaty. And as I start walking past you, you're still warm. You can still see the sun. You're still a little warm and you're like, all right,
Starting point is 01:15:38 now I'm getting a little chilly. Where's the sun going? Eventually, I know you guys hopefully will agree that light that I'm holding, you're never going to see that again. Probably by the 20th mile, it's gone. You can't see it. Maybe you could zoom in back on it with a high-powered zoom lens, but you're not seeing that sunlight ever again. It's not physically reaching you. None of it.
Starting point is 01:15:58 It's gone. It's over. Now, as it's going over there and circling around, it's going to come back around. In the morning, I'm going to see the same fucking sun. Now, because of perspective, that sun is being eclipsed by a mountain in the distance, a bridge in the distance, a tree line, something in the distance. You see the sun. There's some sunsets. I could show you a hundred of each is my point. I could show you a hundred sunset time-lapses where the actual physical noon big giant ball of sun is shrunk down to about four
Starting point is 01:16:29 percent of that by 7 p.m it's a time lapse the giant sun going away from you you can't be by water for that to happen you can't be anywhere near water if you want to see the sun getting smaller as it's setting and circling around us you're eventually it's going to take all the light with it just like the heat lamp it's gonna You're not going to see it anymore, guys. It's small and close. But that's the tropic. Our summer is the tropic. Remember the north I told you is in the center.
Starting point is 01:16:53 There's a circle there, imaginary line. We'll call it the tropic of cancer. Okay? The sun is on the tropic of cancer going around every year when it's our summer. And in the winter, it spirals back to the outer ring called the Tropic of anyone? Capricorn. All right. So now it's on the Tropic of Capricorn. This is Australia's summer. Now it's the heat lamps only over Australia's heads at noon. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:18 We're in the center. So if you actually look at a flat earth map with the sun, moon, and stars going like they do on the cycle, it'll make sense when you notice, oh, that makes sense. Texas is still a little warm in December. So is Arizona. So is Cali. Vegas, okay, that's where the sun's turning. That makes sense. But the East Coast is frozen.
Starting point is 01:17:40 The Midwest is frozen. The sun's far away. That heat lamp is 20 miles from you in the Coliseum now. You could see the sun every day in the winter. Of course you can. But did you know that in the heliocentric model, in our winter, in our winter in North America, that sun, in our winter, the sun is 2 million miles closer, they tell us, in our winter. In our summer, it's 2 million miles farther, but yet I can get a tan at 7 a.m. at the beach. You can get a tan at 7 a.m. in July, but at noon, when the sun's right above you in January, maybe not in California, but the Midwest, at noon in January, you don't even feel the heat because it's on the other
Starting point is 01:18:25 tropic doing another circle around you. And it starts moving to the center. That's why the North once a year, I don't know the exact dates or whatever, but they see 24 hours of sun, right? Because that is the closest part of the center where the North pole is, where Polaris is sitting there, that it brings in the sun circuit and everybody that's in that center can see the sun for 24 hours, or at least it's light until it starts going back around the tropic of cancer again. So this, this, and the sun is traveling faster around our heads in the moon. So they eclipse each other. I think the sun also eclipses another body that i
Starting point is 01:19:05 don't know what it is but we see this black thing in the sky it's definitely not the moon up there we we can locate the moon somewhere else we've done it before so to to answer him in layman's the sun setting is literally like a boat setting over the horizon or a human being setting on central park and you're on the ground looking at imagine a 200 Central Park, and you're on the ground looking at, imagine a 200-foot football stadium, and you're on the ground. Because remember, we're ants on this giant earth plane, okay? So you're on the ground looking across the 200-yard football stadium,
Starting point is 01:19:37 and your buddy's going to just walk to the end zone. Remember, 200 yards now. I'm just giving an example. His legs, his feet are going to disappear first from your eyesight, and then his legs will disappear. And then his torso, and then his neck, and then his head's gone. But if you stand up, your friend's right there. He's across a flat field, but he will disappear due to your perspective, due to the vanishing point. Everything disappears from the bottom up.
Starting point is 01:20:06 We have brought boats back in from the horizon. Hey, look, it disappeared over the curve of the earth. I'll wait another hour and I'll still take the P1000 and zoom in. All of a sudden, you're just seeing water, water, water, water, and then a boat, a boat disappears. Now, did that boat come up the curve? Meaning, did my lens go around the curve or did it go straight across the curve? Right? No, it's no curve of anything. It's, we can't see that far. Same thing with the small sun, small moon going around our head. We're not going to, can you see the airplane till it lands? Well, we all know the airplane's seven miles in the air when it's, when it's cruising. Why can't we see it land in Europe?
Starting point is 01:20:46 It's not curvature. I never heard that. It's because that's okay. Oh, yeah, yeah, it just disappears, man. What do you mean? Into the atmosphere, it just disappears. Yeah, it's not going into space, though, right? No, it's just gone.
Starting point is 01:20:56 You can't see everything. You can't see that far. And no, you can't see China from Florida. If the earth was flat, you'd be able to see China from Florida. You can't read your street sign four blocks away when you're driving, but you want to see China from Florida. Okay. Oh, I can't hear you.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Tevon, you're muted. Sorry. So here's the same thing. Do you know what the Dunning-Kruger effect is? The same guy. Now he's getting hostile. Google it. You know what the the term
Starting point is 01:21:26 just because i'm being i'm just like listening and engaged you're like oh no god oh don't do this it's the phenomenon by which those least competent in a certain subject area overestimate their skills the most it also causes those most competent in a subject area to think less of their own talents. Yeah, I don't know what it is. It's supposed to be some sort of dig like you know more than you actually think you do. It's unnecessary. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:21:55 No, no, no. It's jealousy. It's because these fat, lazy people in our society that are Twitter fingers that talk shit with their fingers, they never leave their fucking couch, okay? They can go themselves to the goddamn beach, buy a Nikon P1000, and prove to yourself there's no ships that have ever gone down curvature ever.
Starting point is 01:22:14 You can pull them all right back in to frame. They're not gone. They're just gone from your eyesight, man. Do you know why no one can dispute that in the comments? Because no one's done it except for you. You're the only person of the hundreds of people who are watching the live broadcast. Well, yeah, but there's thousands of people. There's thousands and thousands of people that have done this, not just me.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Right, right. Yeah, right. Anyone can do it. Anyone can do it. We brought back Toronto, Canada. Sean, just go out and try it. Just be like, I tried it. Sean's full of shit.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Or, oh, shit. I'll put money down. We'll bring that boat back, man. It's hilarious that people think that that. And that was the original proof back. That's all people needed back in the day was Columbus said it. Remember? He saw the boat go down. So now we live on a whirling, twirling space ball, still haven't gone up there. And by the way, to answer your original question earlier in the show, when do we go up there? Well, 1969 guys, Apollo. That's when we went to go see what we looked like.
Starting point is 01:23:03 And they took one photo of the earth and they took 18,000 photos of the studio. I'm sorry, the moon. They took 18,000 pictures of the moon and they took no videos or photos of the earth. Come on. They didn't even say the word earth in all six Apollo missions. They don't want you thinking about it. They don't want you to have any focus on our home that's supposed to be spinning behind them. Can you zoom in over there? Can I see an airplane? It's 2023. Can I see one now? Can I see an airplane traveling from here to here? Can I watch that? I'll pay. NASA's broke. I'll pay. Is that video in your movie of the astronaut saying
Starting point is 01:23:42 that we never even went? Is that Buzz Aldrin saying we never went to the moon? Buzz Aldrin told the little girl. I think he just had a moment where he just didn't want to lie to a little girl in her face. And she said, why haven't I don't understand why we've gone back to the moon. He goes, well, we've never been there. We've we've we didn't go. He also said it to Conan O'Brien when Conan O'Brien brought it up on the show and said Conan O'Brien remembers where he was when he was watching the moon landing and how it changed his life or whatever. And Buzz Aldrin interrupts him on Conan show and says,
Starting point is 01:24:10 you didn't watch us. That was animation. And it got silent. And Conan's like, no, no, no. I mean,
Starting point is 01:24:15 when you guys were walking on the moon, I love that. But as you know, my family and he goes, no, that was all animation. And literally it was awkward. And they just moved on from it's like i mean
Starting point is 01:24:26 people go oh he's just going to see now no i think that he's trying to clear his conscience before he passes can't live forever and um you know the moon landing is the the most hilarious hoax of all hoaxes man i mean i feel like if someone still believes in the moon landing, I can't even talk to them. Like go on their show or I like I. Why? Why? Because if you think for me, there are two types of people, ones that were too mass and believe the moon landing was real. And then they got the other, the one that doesn't. That's it.
Starting point is 01:24:55 There's two types of people. It's they're the same type of person to me. So what's the point? What's the use? You could show them a million times over every single thing from every angle. And they're just they want to believe. I don't think most people care. What's the use? You could show them a million times over every single thing from every angle, and they want to believe. I don't think most people care.
Starting point is 01:25:14 I think the people that say, I don't care if it's flat or round, I still have work in the morning, that's right where they want you. That's exactly where the system that we live in, that's where they want your mindset. Hey, we've been lying to you and stealing billions of tax dollars and indoctrinating your children into something that doesn't exist so they don't focus on what might exist.
Starting point is 01:25:34 And the North Pole has land, apparently. Aren't you more likely, if you don't care if the Earth is round or flat, doesn't that make you more able to see that maybe it is flat? Or if you don't care whether we went to the moon or not you're more likely to see maybe that we didn't go to the moon as opposed to these people like in the comments who are like fuck dude you lay off the meth or whatever yeah they say people the people to more comment on the people
Starting point is 01:25:56 that say lay off the meth it's because i'm questioning their five-year-old heart and they go right back to a five-year-old state of mind oh you piece of shit oh flat oh you fucking stupid flat earth okay idiot okay yeah that where's your glow proof retard you're the retard because you think you think that you came from a monkey from a big bang from a monkey and now you're here and you're just whirling randomly in an infinite universe. Whatever. You know what? Sounds cool. Have they ever proved any of it?
Starting point is 01:26:29 The answer is no. Did Stanley Kubrick claim to direct the moon landings? Did he claim that? I don't think he claimed it. I think people claimed he was involved. And he was. But there's photos of him and all the head execs of Walt Disney, Wernher von Braun. Because you guys know how NASA started, right?
Starting point is 01:26:51 Like who formed NASA, how NASA in 1959. The Nazi. The Nazi traders came over, yep. And I'm sure they signed a deal with Eisenhower, whoever was running it then, and said, hey, look, Nazis, you guys are doing NASA. I think the other one started CIA or something else. And that's it. And now we have these companies that are tax schemes on the people.
Starting point is 01:27:11 It's mind manipulation, manipulation of the mind. They started NASA with just sending monkeys up there. No one really remembers that because it was hilarious. But monkeys are going to space. And did the people buy it? Did the people buy it? Yeah. Kind of.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Kind of. Okay, what are we doing next they have 15 years to program everyone with walt disney's hand involved in all of it that we're going to a moon and that space is real and like this shit's legit all the while no one's asking for where do we live like you guys keep going up there like can we see where we live that'd be great but, no one cares about that. Oh, shit. Here we go, Caleb. We watched you guys land on the moon.
Starting point is 01:27:52 No, you didn't. No, you didn't. What? Because there wasn't any television. There wasn't anybody taking a picture. You watched animation. So you associated what you saw. You were paused.
Starting point is 01:28:02 I was paused. Let me play it. Okay, hold on. Hold on. Hey, that guy's more there than our president. Okay, hold on. Hey, that guy's more there than our president. Okay, keep going. Keep going. Holy shit. Holy shit. Vote for Aldrin. Legal name, passport, driver's license.
Starting point is 01:28:15 And I remember very clearly, I think anybody who was alive at the time does. I remember my parents waking me up and we went down and we watched You Guys Land on the Moon. No, you didn't. No, you didn't. What? Because there wasn't any television. There wasn't anybody taking a picture. You watched animation.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Caleb. I'm a second, motherfucker. Jesus Christ, Caleb. What the fuck? You played that longer than you fucked, dude. What the fuck is wrong with you? Oh, shit. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Okay, keep playing it now. Keep playing what happens next. Keep playing. I don't even remember what happens next. Christ. Pause it for a little bit. Jesus Christ. Okay, keep playing it now. Keep playing what happens next. Keep playing. I don't even remember what happens next. Christ. Pause it for a little bit. Keep playing. You associated what you saw with... I have very hazy memories.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Well, no, what we saw was we all were gathered around the old Curve Talk radio and listened. Talking about, you know, how many feet we were going to the left and right. You heard audio of me talking. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Vincent Palmaro, I hope nothing happens to any athletes this year at the Games, but how many athletes might collapse or have to withdraw from chest pain or heart pains? Because almost every athlete, I i'm sure got the shot so sean just so you know we we cover i cover this sport um called um crossfit well it's a it's a lifestyle it's a lifestyle methodology yeah and the the um but we're we're taught in this in this crossfit cult or in this methodology also by the way that we have the cure for the world's most vexing problem which is chronic disease And we believe in a diet that anyway. I understand.
Starting point is 01:29:47 No, I respect everyone, man. For 16 or 17 years, we've been putting on this event and no one ever got fucking had a fucking blood clot or fucking any problems at the event ever. And it's a fucking hard event. It makes the Olympics look like it's for bitches. It makes the Ironman look like it's for dumb shit. Last year, we had two people with blood clots at the event.
Starting point is 01:30:06 They were both explained. And I'm like, how the fuck in the first time in 16 or 17 years of doing this event did we have two blood clots? You already know how. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. And so that's how ā€“ that's why ā€“
Starting point is 01:30:17 Yeah, I made a film called Fluvid 19. It did really well. Woke a lot of people up to the hoax involved. And it was just the flu man there was no leak there was no bat it was a flu they literally hijacked the flu and they stopped counting flu deaths and flu cases uh the whole time they weren't counting them they were they would car i got car accidents in that film uh motorcycle accidents counted as covid they wanted to make sure that the death numbers were completely false and then they wanted to the illusion to leave with people of,
Starting point is 01:30:48 oh no, this one was different. No, it wasn't. You ever had a strike on, on, on YouTube? I've had, I'm in two strikes right now, man. That's why I don't fuck with YouTube no more. No, I don't. There's no reason to fuck with YouTube anymore. I put previews of my podcasts on there and the previews, like whether it jim brewer eddie bravo bryson gray i have different different guests on and the first 20 minutes is super clean pg because i put it on youtube on purpose but like andrew coffin was hard dr andrew coffin because we're talking about terrain theory and and and all this stuff i'm like how am i supposed to clean this up for youtube i'm gonna get a third strike so it gets hard but all my stuff's on Rockfin. Rockfin's like an alternative platform. Why not Rumble? I do. I do. I do have some stuff
Starting point is 01:31:30 on Rumble. I just, I've been on Rockfin for years, man. And I'm comfortable there. It's one of those like other Rumbles type of vibes, but it's more for podcasts, but they allowed me to have a film channel where all my films are there. So it's a nice place to have my show. And I go on other shows that are on Rockfin. I mean, Sam Tripoli, Eddie Bravo has a show. I was on his show. I produced it, but I was also on it. So we try to keep it in the family. Globebusters, there's people that... Jaronism, there's a lot of people that we do shows. We always go on each other's shows as much as we can to support the Rockfin family. But that's a good place to be, man, because you can say whatever the fuck you want.
Starting point is 01:32:07 You can't gay bash or nothing like that. And there's nothing like... You can't do crazy shit, of course. You can get reported at the end of the day for what you say. But I'm talking about vaccinations or alternative theories or health or anything. You could have a cancer channel.
Starting point is 01:32:24 This will cure your cancer. They'll promote it it is the point. So it's truth. You can speak your truth, have your guests talk your shit. Um, it's a good way to get tips and stuff from the community and to keep you going. And, um, you know, it's been, it's been really a good, a good experience for me over at Rockfin. I'm happy there, but a lot of my films are on my movies plus to my movies plus is another app for like the tv so you got a smart tv you got a playstation or a roku stick or fire stick or something and you want to you want to wake up your cousin over for thanksgiving or something right it's like no i'm just meaning like it's hard if you're at your cousin's house
Starting point is 01:33:01 they only have netflix you ain't gonna do none i, and YouTube bans all most of my stuff is the point. So you can't watch my band films on YouTube for free because they're banned. I have two strikes. So, you know, you got to go rent them. And a lot of my films are Vimeo, My Movies Plus, and everything I do is on Rockfin. But everything I always do is on my website. Your movies are still up there. I do have standard
Starting point is 01:33:25 definition versions of all the non-band films yeah and i would always do that people call me crazy like you don't have a nine to five why would you do that i go because the truth should always be free i get it i know this is my career the rest of my life but i know how to do it in a way where hey hey guys like i got a new project coming up called Old World Order. And it's going to be regarding our lost civilization, regarding who was here before us. And I have experts involved in this field to try to figure out. I want boots on the ground in this film. I'm going to be flying all over the world to these buildings and these structures to figure this shit out. Not once and for all because this could take years.
Starting point is 01:34:01 But to figure something out in order to document it and have a film, an entertaining film about this topic. So people go, I've heard of Tartaria or I've heard of the lost world or whatever. What can we watch? And no one has an answer that I've realized. So I'm going to create the answer. So my structure is I start a fundraiser because I know that people want it. Again, I have a podcast. People say they want me to do this film. Go out there and do this. Cool.
Starting point is 01:34:34 I'll put together the smallest fundraiser I possibly can, literally just covering hotels. I'll do my own flights or vice versa or whatever. 10 grand, 12, 15 grand at the most. I'm not going to do a real film budget of 100 grand or a million dollars or something. No. Just help me out with some flights and maybe hotels or something. I could get everything else myself if I can. And now I can deliver a film to the people. This is how I work.
Starting point is 01:34:55 This is how it's been for almost four years now. And it's been working up to this point where I can at least, my lights are still on. So I'm not complaining is my point. But I'm definitely not complaining that I don't have an alarm set tomorrow to go work for a corporation that is is i don't support and the higher-ups are probably linked with someone i don't really support so at the end of the day i'd rather work for myself but it's it's scary because you make a shit film you make a shit film you make a shit film i got nothing and I mean no nothing coming in. So my ass is out there every day working my ass off 24-7 to bring true information, bring exclusive information, concrete something to show, which is why I made three films on where we live. Because it's three different vibes.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Level is more punch in the face. Next level is more calm and descriptive and informative and we're going to sit down and talk to you about some crazy shit level with me is exclusive shit we went to these astronauts homes the ones that said they were dead in the or they died in the challenger explosion they're alive they're the six out of seven are still alive today that was a movie out love it with me is now out yes yeah and you went to their homes yeah well here's the thing i'm not going to name names or say anything all i know is that we have someone that went to michael j smith's home present day watch that what about the teacher the teacher we i only found her second because her first private Facebook,
Starting point is 01:36:26 she deleted once we started talking about this in 2015. So I found an additional private Facebook of hers. Of course, you could see the side-by-sides, man. Here's the thing. Is that in the movie? It's in the movie. In person, we saw two of them. We saw Michael J. Smith, the horse-looking guy.
Starting point is 01:36:44 We saw him present day in his driveway. You'll see it. No film spoilers. And then the second one was Judith Resnick, who just so happens to be a high prestigious professor over at Yale University, skull and bones, baby. Yeah, they know how to do it over there. She's in the witness protection program. They all are now. So here's the thing. Judith Resnick was one of the astronauts too, not just Michael J., but Judith was the main glamour girl of the astronauts, the challenger, and they put Madonna makeup on her 24-7 because she's very homely looking.
Starting point is 01:37:18 So they really, in 1984, they made sure that ā€“ Not in the homely fix, plain Janes. Yeah, but the point is this google algorithm needs to get fired whoever's in charge that they did a good job with covering up flat earth but a bad job when you google search judith resnick just her name judith resnick on google and you hit images you'll see the astronaut of young the glamour girl then you'll see the present day university teacher you'll see the same name and the same age. Again, they could lie about anyone's age.
Starting point is 01:37:48 But here's the thing with the current day Yale Law School, Judith Resnick. Okay. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. She, she. You're telling me that chick was homely? That chick was hot. Oh, no, she wasn't.
Starting point is 01:38:01 I got proof of it. That was them trying to do anything they could to make her look above average. And they succeed. I didn't say they didn't succeed, bro. I'm a sucker for that hair. She's cute. I could see a four on social media. But before they turned into a four, they had all this makeup on.
Starting point is 01:38:20 They made them a nine. And then they tell you how ugly they are. It's kind of like they're showing you. Look what I can look like a nine for sure and that hair i would say she was an eight back then but okay fine eight i'm kind of pinner though for an astronaut i'd expect a little more uh muscle on her and what's the chances that there's just a random doppelganger of six out of seven of those astronauts on the challenger that all died right six of the seven have it either an identical twin or a doppel exact doppelganger same look same age same name they didn't even change their name is the bible part of this whole thing the bible uh i'm not a
Starting point is 01:39:02 bible thumper by any means but yeah i, I know a lot of Christians that are. And yeah, the Bible is filled with flat earth references. The earth is fixed to not move. I don't use it. I don't bring it up ever. I will if I'm asked about it. I know some of it, but I don't need it for this at all. Let's fight with this guy for a second.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Let's go. You took 20 minutes to not tell me how the sun sets on a flat Earth. The sun sets because the round Earth rotates. So I did say that. I said we're supposed to be falling backwards faster than the speed of sound, but the heat lamp is going across. And by the way, when the sun is setting, you can see the clouds around the sun are glowing but the clouds over here are dark as shit wait a minute that sun is
Starting point is 01:39:54 93 million miles away shining on half of the world right now when it's in the sky it's yeah it's in your state but it's shining on half the world yeah Yeah. Why is every cloud in the entire sky black as shit besides those four clouds where the sun's setting? Same thing with the full moon. Only the clouds around it are glowing. Those are local fucking lights. Those are local lights going around your head. The clouds show you that. The shadows show you that.
Starting point is 01:40:23 It's common sense, and that's why people can't grasp it because it's too common of sense. You're not moving. Common sense. The sun and the moon are the same size. Common sense. The stars all look about the same size. Common sense. It looks like they're moving in the sky, and you're not moving at all. Well, that's common sense. But someone at five years old told me otherwise. And my mom and dad, they told me about Tooth Fairy. They told me about Easter Bunny. They told me about Santa.
Starting point is 01:40:53 But they didn't tell me about this one. And it's not their fault because their parents didn't tell them. Their parents didn't tell them. And their parents were forced into a school that was going to push it regardless. forced into a school that was going to push it regardless. So it's just a recycled generational theory. Religion, really. Heliocentrism is a religion.
Starting point is 01:41:14 You have to believe it. You have to have faith. You have no experience with it. That's what everything is, dude. No, not that you're not moving. Saying that you're not moving, that we are motionless, and that water needs to find and maintain level is not belief. It's not a belief. It's truth.
Starting point is 01:41:32 Well, it's an observation you're making. It is an observation, but it's still the truth, though. All water finds and maintains level. No one has proven otherwise. No one ever can. No one ever will. That's what water is the science of water is to find and maintain level if 75 of the earth is water is covered in level
Starting point is 01:41:53 water where's this curve there is no curve of the earth no one has experience with curving the the sears tower curving away from you something's curving nothing nothing i'm just saying oh no but it's the ball's too big the ball's just too big you can't keep saying that the rest of your life you have to eventually say okay yeah there's no curve because there isn't and they have to fake they wouldn't have to fake it guys if there was real curve nasa would go up there with a real lens from the ground to the sky with no edits no cuts watch another nasa launch or spacex you will find a hundred is cut cut cut cut yeah he is uh is there a conspiracy theory i wish you wouldn't use that term is there a conspiracy theory you've been wrong about?
Starting point is 01:42:46 Is there any that have been too ludicrous even for you? Jeez Louise. Okay, that's a two-part question. He's not even trying to have a discussion at this point. No, no, no. I will answer the second part at least because at least I remember that. Yeah, QAnon. QAnon's one I never really fell for.
Starting point is 01:43:03 In the beginning stages, I thought, hey, maybe there's some good people out there trying to fucking help, you know? And there still might be. But in terms of the overall theory of QAnon, I don't get on that train, man. Another PSYOP? I think it's a PSYOP within a PSYOP.
Starting point is 01:43:21 I think that they utilized a PSYOP to make it a PSYOP so people think someone's coming to save them. Has the government ever come to your door? I never will. Jeremy Eat World, based on his Midwest accent, I'm guessing he's close to Hiller. Let's hook them up. Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:43:38 This guy's East Coast. Yeah, born and raised in Chicago, so good guess. Oh, damn. 30 years. Jeremy's in Milwaukee. milwaukee wow this chat is great it's crazy night what about when skydivers jump from heights uh hey pool boy what's up what about when skydivers jump from heights so high they can see the curvature of the earth you got to see the movie by the way there's a spot in hawaii for example go ahead tell him tell him
Starting point is 01:44:04 sean i think that would just go back to the point he was making about the perspective who no it's not it's nothing to do with that oh my god is someone jumping out of a plane okay hold on you can pull up where um even uh that dipshit um uh who's the who's this astrophysicist neil degrassese Tyson. Neil deGrasse Tyson has already stated, you're a priest, not my priest. We've already debunked him, which is why he states these things, because of the pressure people like me and others
Starting point is 01:44:34 and even bigger people put out there on him for the public. And that is that, number one, we were all taught probably as children, at least my generation, that, yeah, you can see the curve out of the airplane, right? Yeah, sure. That's seven miles up. Cruising altitude, maybe eight, nine miles.
Starting point is 01:44:50 So there's the curve, eight miles. You jump out of a plane, there's probably, I don't think they go eight, nine. They probably, I don't know. They can go 10, 15, doesn't matter. Because what happened was we started debunking that. We started going up high with levelers, putting spirit spirit levels on planes doing all this rulers and the wind and the the pilots are like yeah it's a station it's a we're not spinning like it's a plane it's flat as a pancake down there like we have pilots taking like we did all that already in 2014 2015 we've moved on but for for to to at least combat that a little bit
Starting point is 01:45:21 neil degrasse tyson has admitted two separate times now. He moved the goalposts, which we made him do. First, he went on national TV and said that the Red Bull jump, everyone brought up the Red Bull jump, the big curve, I call it planet New Mexico, but the curve, Felix Bumgarner, Red Bull, he jumped out. Look at this big curve of the earth. And they even made Felix say on TV, I saw the curve of the earth. Okay. You made it worse. You just made everything worse, man. So Neil deGrasse Tyson was asked about that, that curve. And Neil deGrasse Tyson had to admit it. You can't, you're not going to lie like that. And we're going to, I mean, you're going to be fucked up after that. So what happened was they go,
Starting point is 01:45:59 Neil deGrasse Tyson says, I don't have a problem with Felix doing it. But when people think that that's the curve of the earth, that's when I have a problem. He says that this guy was a millimeter above. He had a beach ball earth, as he always does. He always has props. Above this beach ball, he says. This guy's a millimeter above this beach ball. That stuff is flat.
Starting point is 01:46:18 These are his words. That stuff is flat. There is no curve. It's a fisheye lens, he said. This is a fisheye lens, which it is. You look down there. We already looked. That's like a river in New Mexico. So if you follow that curve and make a ball, half the world is one city of New Mexico. Half the ball is one city. That doesn't make any sense, nor did he land East at all or whatever, like nothing spinning below
Starting point is 01:46:45 him. He's up there for how long he lands in the, almost the same spot. Like none of it made sense, but it's not even my point. They're talking about jumping out of a plane, which is seven miles. I just talked about 23 and Neil said, no way you can't see any curvature out of 23 miles. And then the tipper for me was Richard Branson. Richard Branson goes up and Neil deGrasse Tyson's invited right back on Good Morning America, wherever he was. Look at Branson's in space. Oh my God, Neil, look at the curve of the earth from 63 miles up. Now that is, I don't know, I mean, seven, eight times an airplane, right? So you're a little skydiver. Let's rule him out now.
Starting point is 01:47:26 We're seven times higher. Six, seven times higher. I'm not a mathematician, but we're high. 63 miles up there. 60 miles is more than 300,000 feet. Yeah. And guess what Neil deGrasse Tyson said? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:47:39 That's a fisheye lens. Again. Yeah. He admitted it. He goes, you can't see the curve from 63 miles. I just want to be clear. There is no curve. lens again yeah he admitted it because yeah he goes you can't see the curve from 63 miles i just want to be clear there is no curve if you go up there and you hold and you hold a ruler or next time anyone's up in an airplane he's claiming hold a ruler on the on the window the whole flight
Starting point is 01:47:55 yeah and you will see that there is no curvature also bring a spirit leveler with you if you really want to get froggy about it bring a spirit level level, which by the way, it's liquid always has to find levels. So that's why it's there, but take it, take a spirit level with you and put it on your drop down your laptop holder, put it there. If you know anything about flying and you know anything about a trigonometry and spherical trigonometry and geometry, the airplane would have to be dipping its nose down every, I think every five miles, it would have to, there's a certain degree it has to, because if you're going from the top of the North pole and you want to travel all the way to China, that spirit level will be dipping, dipping his nose. The plane's going to be dipping his nose
Starting point is 01:48:39 down consistently and the spirit level is going to be rolling back. Well, we all know that's not going to happen even when you fathom it in your head because you're flying over a flat stationary plane, Earth. The airplane, if anything, the only degree the airplane nose is turning, I've talked to dozens of pilots, is up 0.1 or 0.2 degrees up is the only dip that the nose of the plane will do.
Starting point is 01:49:02 So if you live on a ball and you're only going to fly straight and level, you do not dip your nose down. If anything, you dip it up, like I said. And you're going from here to here and you just keep going straight and level. You're in your magical space now. You have to dip the nose.
Starting point is 01:49:16 You have to come back around. And every pilot I talked to goes, no, it's a gyroscope. It's all autopilot. It's literally a gyroscope in there controlling everything. You have to maintain your level. You have to make that artificial horizon. That's flat line in the airplane.
Starting point is 01:49:33 It's flat for it's a line for a reason. You have to keep it level. The level plane below you will dip. You have to understand that once you start to land your plane, that's when you're like, whoa, something's going on. You'll wake up. You'll wake up from it because you're feeling that motion. But the entire airplane, and when people go, well, that explains the spin of the earth.
Starting point is 01:49:52 Everything's just together spinning. No, no, no. You have to remove the top of the airplane and double the plane speed and dip the nose down every five miles to make up for the earth spin. Now tell me how your cup of water is doing on your plane. Cause people always do that. Well, get a cup of water on an airplane. Everything's fine. You're in a containment. The earth in heliocentrism is not in a containment. Why doesn't everything just fly off into space? There's a vacuum of space above us and there's no container. Why aren't we just just going there's no explanations for the
Starting point is 01:50:26 fantasies of heliocentrism there's no explanation there's just fantasy there's literal just fantasy and then they do formulas to back their fantasies me and you can come up with a model of anything and our math will back up our model clearly that's been happening. Yeah, right. Sousa, do you believe the Earth is a stationary plane, Sevan? Here's what I believe in. Open communication, processing issues, talking to people that have differing opinions of mine, entertaining it, thinking about it, opening my mind, and also being respectful while doing it.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Because I'm not an emotional 13-year-old girl that has to call names and immediately get upset. I could sit here, I could listen, I could disagree, I could agree, I could process, and I could take something away from the conversation.
Starting point is 01:51:10 It's a great answer. I wish everybody said that. Uh, he's avoiding answering. Um, I've, I've said on the show a million times. What did you say?
Starting point is 01:51:18 I said he asked you too, Sebo. I do. You're there. Um, uh, I'll tell you, uh,
Starting point is 01:51:23 I've said on the show a million fucking times. I don't fucking believe anything. I think believing shit is for fucking suckers. No, me too. It's like when people say- You can know. If you want to know, Savan, you can know. Knowing is the way.
Starting point is 01:51:37 I want you to know, though, that you can know if you want to know. You can know. And how is that? Well, we could see too far. Let's start there. we could see too far. Let's start there. We could see too far. On a basic spherical trigonometry, basic. You can't have a sphere.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Nobody could come up with a better formula than what NASA gives us and what mainstream already gives us because it's a formula. The spherical 24,000 miles circumference ball, right? There's a curvature rate. There's a formula. The spherical 24,000-mile circumference ball, right? There's a curvature rate. There's a curvature drop. We all agree?
Starting point is 01:52:10 If you're an ant on a beach ball, you're going to see. Yeah, yeah. You lift them up. You're going to see. It's like 15 feet every five miles or something, right? No, it's eight inches per mile square. What's that mean, per mile square? Does that just mean per mile?
Starting point is 01:52:23 Eight inches per mile squared is the actual formula of curvature drop. Just to give you a broader example, 100 miles away is 666 feet of curvature drop from the observer to that curvature drop. There's 600. No, I'm sorry. That's 6,000. My bad. 10 miles away. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:52:44 10 miles away. Or no, I'm sorry. That's 6,000. My bad. 6,000, 10 miles away. I'm sorry. 10 miles away. So what you do, the formula is if it's 10 miles away, you have to go 10 times 10 because it's square. You have to square it. You have to understand that a curvature drop is in every direction. So I'm not saying it's a mile every eight inches. No, it's eight inches per mile squared. So it keeps increasing and increasing. The further you go out, the more the drop, right? So with that trigonometry, whatever formula that they give us, dude, I mean, this is the layman's term for their trigonometry, okay?
Starting point is 01:53:20 That we're supposed to believe. I know you guys are smarter than this, but this is the actual physics in math that they tell us on their spherical ball measurements is that a six foot man standing on a calm water on the, at the edge of, of the calm sand, the water, right? The beach six foot man should only,
Starting point is 01:53:42 and can only see three miles out because there's a six foot curvature drop three miles away. So if you're six foot tall, you can only physically see three miles away from you with your eyeballs before there's a physical curve there stopping it. It is curving away and you can't see anymore. We all know we should be at three feet or at three miles, three miles. Exactly. But we can see things with our naked eyes, 15 miles away.
Starting point is 01:54:09 We can see things with a P 900 or P 1000 camera that has a one 20 X optical zoom, which, which the sky and the ground meet. That's where the horizon is. It's not a physical horizon. We're not on a ball. It's an optical illusion. It's an
Starting point is 01:54:25 optical horizon. You can zoom in and open that up and go in to that pocket of your eyeballs aren't going to go past it. You can zoom in now and zoom in and go past it. The P1000 is the best camera for that. That's why it's not in every best buy because people were spying it for the reasons that they didn't want so it's kind of a camera like you got to know someone that knows someone type of camera to know about them but that's no better camera in the whole world or telescope period is going to do what this thing does and this thing will bring especially if you have um what is it called um what's it called uh the filter the solar right and yes different filters to help your zoom it'll help you know open up dude we have okay in
Starting point is 01:55:15 the next level my last year's film even i think level with me is better but next level last year jay tolan media he's a long distance photography, broke records. He was never a flat earther until he started zooming in on stuff and goes, wait a minute, that mountain's 700 miles away. 700 miles away. I just told you, if you're six foot tall, you can't see past three miles. It's a physical ball. There's no physical ball. It's optical.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Your eyeballs can't see it. You're looking through clouds, atmosphere, fog, chemtrails, contrails, weather patterns, smoke, fire, dander, dew, you name it. It's all compressing into a thick medium and you're not going to be able to see through that. The clouds in the distance look like they're touching the ground, but we all know that clouds are not touching the ground, right? The clouds are down there. The clouds are still 10,000 feet above their heads, but it's collapsing like the hotel room in Vegas. I've seen it all collapses. You just can't see that far with your eyes, guys. I'm sorry. Get over it. Okay. That's it. But when you zoom in on things that we have 100, 200, 300 miles away, you see everything we can see too far. So again, when you do the math yourself that you're presented with, that they say, hey, you live on a 24,000 mile circumference basketball,
Starting point is 01:56:31 you could do your own. You don't even need their formula. You can go, okay, how far out before there's a dip and how many feet and how high do I have to be to see the dip? to be to see the dip. And we've done every angle of every math. Either the earth is a stationary plane or the ball earth is about 500 times bigger than they told us. It's one or the other. Is that an option? No, it's not, unfortunately, because they've never proven axial rotation. They've never proven movement. Listen, if there was science experiments that me, you, and him, of all of us, everyone listening to can do tomorrow to prove, of course, the earth is moving. We'd all go do it. Name an experiment that can prove that off the top of your head.
Starting point is 01:57:19 What can we do, guys? I looked for years. There's nothing. They don't even pretend. They don't even pretend like there's a way to do it they just shut up they don't even talk about it in education they won't even because they don't want to mention the seven science experiments in the early 1900s that proved of course we're not moving it's actually a joke to people back then what's the what's the proof we have that the earth is round there isn't okay uh jake is and the earth is round yeah there's no jake is and uh the earth
Starting point is 01:57:54 travels at 18.5 miles per second around oh cool story that's what that's. Oh, yeah, yeah. 18.5 miles per hour in 60 seconds times 60 minutes is 6,660 miles per hour. Yeah, true. 666, that's kind of weird. Not saying it's flat, but that's weird. Yeah, also the, what was it? The degree of rotation, 66.6 degrees as well. There's a lot of 666 with nasty NASA guys. There's a lot of 666s involved with them.
Starting point is 01:58:34 They're all Freemasons. They're all, you know, they're just in a club, man. And the only ones that have ever been up there, the only ones that have ever gone past 73 miles are the 550 Masons that have a patch that says NASA, and they all play ping pong on harnesses. So it's like, again, they're in a group. They're in a club. We're not in it.
Starting point is 01:58:53 That's it. Are you looking at these comments by any chance? No. Should I? No. Fuck no. Okay. No, dude.
Starting point is 01:58:59 Dude, I don't really care about haters, man. I don't care. They got to reach in. A couple times in the middle, like at the 40-minute mark, you got a little wound up, and I wasn't sure if I was pissing you off or the comments. I'm glad to know. Probably the coffee. None of you.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Okay, good. Okay, Tim Brown, where does it all end if it's flat? It's a fucking great question. No, I don't think anyone knows. Yeah, that is a great question. It is a great question. I wish we could go find that out, man. Again, we can't legally travel past 60th parallel, which is already a red flag in its own. I don't see how that's not a great question. I wish we could go find that out, man. Again, we can't legally travel past the 60th parallel,
Starting point is 01:59:25 which is already a red flag in its own. I don't see how that's not a red flag, even if you're a ball believer. You can't explore Antarctica? Why the fuck not? What are you talking about? What are you hiding over there? First honest comment in the comments, I got to turn this shit off. I'm starting to think the Earth is flat.
Starting point is 01:59:43 Here's the thing. I don't want anyone to think anything. Go watch his the earth is flat. Well, here's the thing. I don't want anyone to freak out. Well, there's not to freak out. It's to, to gain wisdom. If we don't have wisdom, we ain't got nothing,
Starting point is 01:59:51 man. Um, now listen, there is no, as far as I'm concerned, my opinion, my isn't real. Sasquatch isn't real.
Starting point is 01:59:59 Yeah. Yeah, they are, man. Oh fuck. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:00:02 I was like you until I, until I experienced them three years ago this is recent so where where where east texas east of dallas like our east like in the in the wilderness yeah were you looking for them was that just no they live in my buddies uh he lives on like he's got a nice house out there he's in the film flat earth millionaire tanner stewart he's got a big big a lot of acres of land and they live in his bag. I mean, he's got a forest that goes miles and miles and miles and miles, just nothing but forest. There's no humans living there, no houses, no pets, no nothing. And every night we have a
Starting point is 02:00:35 bonfire there. You hear them, you feel them, you sense them, you hear them. Yeah. Again, here's the thing. When I went there, it wasn't, he didn't even know how to tell me, man. I was there to shoot my first documentary level with him because he knew a lot of information about they're hiding more land and stuff. I wanted him in the film, obviously. I go to his house and I talked to him for years. It wasn't like a stranger to me, but nice house, everything. That night, he's like, I don't know how to tell you this. I don't want you to judge me. I'm like, oh, what's up, man? He started talking about Sasquatch. of course, I'm judging him. Like, everyone's probably judging me.
Starting point is 02:01:09 I get it. And I'm like, oh, my God, dude. I'm like, why am I here? In my head, I'm like, oh, my God. I can't believe this is, like, this guy. I'm like, oh, my God, this is bad. And all of a sudden, I forgot, out of sight, out of mind, like anybody would, about what he just said. Later that evening, he sets the bonfire up, which now we do it all the time they come out all the time but
Starting point is 02:01:30 he knew what was going to happen he set the bonfire up he knew he was chilling um i we smoke weed so we're smoking weed just kind of relaxing and no i wasn't too high don't worry uh i uh because i've heard it sober don't worry the i mean you just again i can't explain it you have to be there it's it's it's not a sense of sight it's every sense in your body that something is there a hundred percent besides sight and it's it sucks to talk about because it's like talking about more land i can't go verify it i can't go see it for myself so everyone's gonna be like like, Oh my God, you're speculating.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Well, do you think you have a higher level of perception than most people? And that, um, something's going on there? No, I don't even think it's that. I think that we've been lied to about everything and including the things that they go out of their way to make fun of,
Starting point is 02:02:21 like a pancake snow globe, flat earth. You Google search flat earth, hit images, you see a bunch of pancakes in space. Why would you want to look into it farther? That's hilarious, but none of us have ever said that. But yet CNN says we say it, Netflix documentaries say we think that.
Starting point is 02:02:37 So why would you continue researching flat earth if they're just a pancake in space in a solar system? It's stupid. Same thing with sasquatch harry and the hendersons a chewbacca uh you know just making fun of bigfoot as a universal thing that's a red flag a million dollar man six million he was in the six million dollar man do you remember that show yeah remember that that one where vaguely vaguely yeah um uh has sean ever solved an unfinished physics problem he found on a chalkboard in college he's a janitor at listen god damn yeah no i don't go to college man college
Starting point is 02:03:10 makes you dumber unless you need a certificate because you want to get in a certain trade you can go to trade school at that point but actual colleges in my opinion will make you dumber in terms of general ed because they're just indoctrinating you more with with rockefeller's education so the people that talk shit about me for thinking outside the box and going outside of Rockefeller's educational system, just know that you're defending Rockefeller. If you want to defend Rockefeller, then I bet you love your vaccines because thank God for Rockefeller and petroleum-based medicine.
Starting point is 02:03:39 You wouldn't have all this shit without him. What him and his families have done to our country is a disgrace. But people want to make fun of me for thinking outside the box because it's, you know, laziness, jealousy. And they want to look at me as a normal person. So I can't think that I know things because I'm just a normal person. But bullshit, because no matter how insane someone thinks I am, I guarantee I'm not wrong. Hey, by the way, I will definitely jump on that. If you don't know about petroleum-based medicine, you don't know the history of medicine, you don't know about the Rockefellers, there's tons of great books on it.
Starting point is 02:04:14 It's a place where what he's saying converges with kind of modern medicine, which is also kind of horseshit too, and we know that. Endless ā€“ the top medical journals in the world the people who work there will tell you that more than 50 of the content inside of there is hogwash and we know that medicine is the third leading cause of death but if you want to see some scary shit read this book called the moth and the iron lung uh read dissolving illusions look at look at anything that talks about uh the history of medicine it's scary that it used to be petroleum based it is and i'm talking about like in our lifetime. And also don't remember shit like George Washington was bled to death by the
Starting point is 02:04:49 medical establishment supposedly trying to heal him. I mean, these are things that are, I mean, I wasn't there, but they're agreed upon. No one's disputing these things. No one's like, everyone says that Washington was bled to death because of bad medical advice. So, well, again, I mean i mean you can't you can't defend i mean you can't say oh i hate uh petroleum-based medicine i'm against it who started that okay rockefeller okay well fuck him and and they're you know the bloodline the families fuck all them they're scumbags but we do love their education books like you can't like i don't know like you
Starting point is 02:05:24 can't it just doesn't add up to me to defend people. And again, it's like defending Hollywood's version of a space movie. What about Hitler killing the Jews? Is that real? That's a scary one. You're probably afraid to talk about that.
Starting point is 02:05:37 No, I'm not afraid to talk about anything, man. I've looked down that rabbit hole too. I didn't look deep into it, but the information that I received from people that did look down those rabbit holes. Well, yeah, the,
Starting point is 02:05:48 the official story of world war two is nothing. What actually happened. I mean, it's not even close. It's kind of like nine 11 where, I mean, come on guys, what box cutters took over our security teams,
Starting point is 02:05:59 hijacked planes, knew exactly where to drive them to. No one stopped them. And, and then the last one just just went down and disappeared into like a hole somewhere like not even a fucking engine or a wing anywhere no one cares you're just like yeah i don't know they keep they keep zooming in on the towers are the concentration camps not real the concentration camps man i wasn't there dude i
Starting point is 02:06:22 don't know okay i don't know I do know that our history is false. The narrative of our history is false. Yeah. Why would I believe the official story of any war? I'm not going to believe. Do you believe the official story of World War III? You mean the Ukraine thing? No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:06:39 World War III, what we're living in. COVID-19 is World War III. Oh, no, no. I don't fucking. That's all horseshit. Okay, so you don't believe in the official World War III that they're selling us on tv every day they're not believing the official story okay well i don't believe in the official story of world war ii or world war one or civil war or slavery or the slave ships well it's crazy to think it's all it's crazy once
Starting point is 02:06:58 you're an adult to think that columbus discovered america i mean that that i think everyone knows that i don't think anyone i just assumed that everyone got to a certain age and you knew that like because discovered means that like you found something it's like when you discover your first pubic hair you actually are the dude the first person to discover it you're like holy shit i found my first it's it's fucking retarded to think that columbus discovered america i well but they still teach it, right? Yeah, they do still teach it. It's a great point. Eric Ootley, is this true? In 1957, the Soviets ā€“ you're saying the ferment is the thing ā€“ The ocean above. The ocean above.
Starting point is 02:07:35 Okay. I was thinking it was like a glass ā€“ like a cookie dough, like when you cover your cookie dough and take it from flies. No, not in my opinion. Absolutely not. Okay, but it's something like ā€“ it's an ocean up there. It's a barrier. It's a H3. I call it H3.
Starting point is 02:07:47 It's a form of hydrogen that is impenetrable. It's the densest form of hydrogen known to mankind. It's also the most electric. It's the electric grid of our system, our gradient system in our realm. Electricity is higher the farther you go up. So it's more electricity the higher you go up. That's why when lightning strikes, you fly up when lightning strikes. It's electrostatics.
Starting point is 02:08:07 No, I don't believe in a dome though, like a glass dome over us like the Truman Show. I don't believe in that. I don't contest to that whatsoever. There's no evidence for it. There's only one reference in an encyclopedia,
Starting point is 02:08:20 which is a government issued book. I do not believe the government. I know their tricks. And I do not believe in a dome, a glass dome, where you can write your name on the wall somewhere. Absolutely not. So did the Soviets really nuke that thing? Yes.
Starting point is 02:08:33 Well, it's not a thing. It's just they wanted to see how high they could reach. They wanted to see how far. It wasn't a nuclear or anything, by the way. It's just, you know, it's a missile. So they sent up a layer layers and layers of missiles straight up in the air and it it it exploded this is in level with me the recent documentary go to level with me you you go the the missiles go up and it hits
Starting point is 02:08:57 something and explodes outwards so if you think about a missile going straight up into this magical space it would go for a while before maybe it exploded. Eventually it ran out of room. I don't know. It hit a space junk. I don't fucking know what people believe in. Sean, they have an explanation for it that they taught us that basically we have a thin atmosphere. What did Wikipedia say?
Starting point is 02:09:14 Let me know. It's a thin atmosphere that's around the earth that's basically part of the earth. Oh, the vanation radiation belts, whatever they call it. of the earth this thin oh the vanation radial radiation belts whatever they call it and then and then at the top of that um there is um i i don't know i don't know what's at the fucking top of it but basically that's why things have to break through at a fucking angle well no i mean no it's they call it mainstream narrative is vanation van van halen no van allen radiation epidermis on our body go ahead go ahead sorry it's a van van allen radiation belts is what they call it which is why we haven't been back to the moon they blame these radiation belts where it's not safe to travel through but
Starting point is 02:09:56 we went there six times i thought well obviously now knowing that we faked all six of them they also admit they can't get past low earth orbit which is in fancy terms uh flying around your head 20 miles in the sky going 100 miles an hour and selling it to you on tv as something else i mean that that's why every rocket of nasa goes up they level out and they disappear out of your sight they They disappear. And where do they launch them from guys, Florida and Houston. We have a problem. They're both going to the ocean.
Starting point is 02:10:31 And you know where that track is. Is anyone ever trailed that with their finger on a map? The Bermuda triangles right there from both perspectives. And when you look at the angle of where they're arcing before they level out and take off like an airplane, you don't see it anymore. You don't the nasa anymore they take and they're going right to the bermuda triangle but and from texas going that way from florida going that way they're both going to the bermuda triangle people have said before i cannot verify this but i do believe
Starting point is 02:10:57 these people that they have found old stuff from old google earth programs, meaning 10 editions ago, 20 editions ago. You can download the old editions and they would have different maps and different structures of Google Earth, but they had other stuff out there that's not on there now, including the tool. The main tool was to measure. Actually, I think you could still do this. This is a good one though. You can measure anything on Google Earth. So you could take a stencil stencil. You could like click there, click, click, click. So you click all around and it makes a circle around Africa, right? And it'll tell you, boom, it'll just turn into this circle. Yeah, you did it. You did a good job. You circled it. Here's the, um, here's the, uh, a square footage of all of what you just circled,
Starting point is 02:11:42 right? All the measurements, everything. You could do that anywhere in the world besides two places. Can you name those two? Just guess, guess the two places that when you circle on the globe, they don't give you shit. The South pole and the North pole. Correct. Because the North pole on Google earth is nothing.
Starting point is 02:12:03 Now, when we were kids, it was a sheet of ice. When our grandparents were kids, there was land there. Ask them if they're still alive. There was four landmasses there. All maps charted it up until a certain part of our history. Then they took it off.
Starting point is 02:12:17 Four landmasses there. Google search Hyperborea. Hyperborea. H-Y-P-E-R-B-O-R-E-A. That's Google Earth. Hyperborea North Pole.a h-y-p-e-r-b-o-r-e-a that's google hyperborea north pole you will find uh there's tons of maps from the past but my point is this when you circle around that little ocean you know the north pole that they call now the north pole it's just just water now basically you circle around it it reverses it and gives you an error basically with no stats. You do it to the peninsula of the South Pole, Antarctica.
Starting point is 02:12:49 You measure it and circle around it. It'll do a backwards moon effect and give you an error because obviously you can't. That's not Antarctica. Antarctica, that's not the North Pole. Aurora Borealis, in my opinion, is coming out of a magnetic mountain, Mount Meru. If you research Mount Meru, every ancient talked about it.
Starting point is 02:13:11 Every map had it on the map, literally drawn on the map. There's a magnetic force coming from a mountain. So our compasses point north. There's a force that's telling you, like, come past, come north, come. There's something there that they don't want us to know about. That's all I know. And that's why they have intertwined Santa Claus and the North Pole beautifully. Because anyone in the streets, you say, first thing you think of when you hear North Pole, go.
Starting point is 02:13:39 Santa Claus. Yeah, Santa Claus. But Superman also had some shit up there. Do you remember that in that one Superman movie? I never watched them, no. Oh. I don't think I've seen any Superman movie, to be honest. He had one of his ā€“ he threw a crystal out in the North Pole,
Starting point is 02:13:52 and this fucking empire grew, and that's where he got away. Well, the one thing I ā€“ someone shared this with me a couple years ago, but there was My Little Pony, to be honest, a cartoon for children. But I guess their equestrian map is called... I think it's a cartoon for pedophiles, but anyway... Yeah, they have... Listen, they have the North Pole there with the Aurora Borealis coming out in their intro video. So they're kind of like truth in plain sight kind of. But the point is, I take the words of people like you, me, and everyone listening, people, humans. I'm done with corporations.
Starting point is 02:14:30 I'm done with government entities. I'm done with education, universities, all of them. They're all in this club. They're all against us. They all want to govern our mind, government, our mental state of mind, and program us. They call it tell-lie vision programming. And they tell you to your face what they're doing. They're telling you a vision. They're going to program you with their vision. And you need to tune in. I mean, here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:14:55 We're energy. So we're based on frequencies. Now, if you know that the frequencies above us, the lights in the sky are for us, we can tap into them spiritually, mentally, and tap in and utilize them like the powerful people do. They pray to Saturn. Saturn's their number one star in the sky. They manifest all their power from it. They will admit that. They have admitted it. And they show you in symbolism all the time, Saturn, everything. Everything's in the shape of Saturn. Even the universal intro of your movies that that's not the earth that's not the earth they're not mason's would you join the free masons if they asked you fuck no why the fuck would i do that hell no i don't know just to be on that side just like if there's two sides i won't be on none of that side listen
Starting point is 02:15:36 they have to go through some crazy shit and then they're told the earth's flat i've taught the masons before you could talk to a mason that's a stranger their business card i'm like oh shit i'm like fuck he's amazing all right man cool nice to meet you by the way you know the earth's flat right he goes yeah what yeah yeah i do like they're serious because in masonry there's levels and a certain level you start getting enlightened with knowledge they and there's information then you get to a higher level of shit that you don't want to be a part of i'm assuming and at that point it's you go all in and you don't get out or you you back out and you might get taken out i feel like it's it's like a gang where they have
Starting point is 02:16:16 they have little gangs that aren't going to do any damage you got the lower level gangs and then you got the high rank gangs and you got the gangs that are running religions gangs that are funding wars they're all masons there's no coincidence to me you start talking about from neil degrasse tyson anyone we name bill gates they're all masons they're all these fucking people are all free masons so we need to stop acting like it's a conspiracy these free masons have power ever since they took over the free mason masonry of our world before us this is why it's all tied in together that in caleb bill gates mason mason uh okay here we go we're still fighting uh get out your gloves uh what am i and others that don't buy what you're selling jealous of in regards to you sean i think what am i selling i don't understand what it what is it what is i
Starting point is 02:17:06 don't get the question basically saying that you said to him hey you're just jealous you fat fuck or something i don't know no i said haters are jealous yeah i guess if he's admitting that he's a hater then he's a jealous he's jealous because he i know more about the heliocentric ball theory and model that he's defending than he does. So if he wants, he could, he could go ahead and call the show in right now and get, put his fucking face, put his money where his mouth is. And we'll debate on your show for 10 minutes and I'll make you cry live on the air. I will need to pee briefly if we do that. Um, how do you manage to get through a day without stepping into
Starting point is 02:17:45 traffic if you actually believe all of these things you're saying does this earn money i don't understand what does he mean by that step out into i don't know just thank you for giving i hope he's giving tips you guys for these yeah 499 oh yeah keep keep on bringing them maybe i'll feed him more so he'll keep keep coming back hey uh guy uh, the Earth's spinning, man. Cool. Thanks for all your proof, man. I appreciate it. Did you send the show any links? Did you send the show any links or evidence? Hey, hey. By the way, I've never seen this guy. I've never seen this guy, by the way. A double underscore. I got trolls everywhere. They follow me everywhere. A double underscore. Do me a favor. Send in the link. Don't even tip them for this one.
Starting point is 02:18:26 Send in the link of your favorite picture of Earth from space so we could share it for the audience. Please. Just send it in. Send us a link of your favorite. And once you go to Google and go to images and go to Earth from space and you see the results, you might become a flat earther. Go ahead and look. I want you to find your favorite and actually we'll give them a few minutes, but if he doesn't, you guys should do that for your audience. I really want you guys to see satellites from space and earth from space. What about Starlink? Okay, but hear me out. Not conspiracy images, guys.
Starting point is 02:19:01 Google images, the stuff that they're supposed to feed you is truth and reality. And this is where we live. When you go to Google images to see satellites from space or earth from space, you will be disappointed is my point. And that's why in all flat earth, round earth debates, you know what the globe earth people never bring up? You know what they never, ever, ever, ever bring up? They'll bring up a guy from 3000 years ago, looking through a telescope that the earth's a ball because of that. Think about that logically. But, but they will never pull up photos or videos of anything ever. Why? Why not? That should be your first source. You'd be like, dude, look at all these photos and videos. This is awesome.
Starting point is 02:19:45 Yeah. Again, I mean, this is all done in Hollywood, in CGI-ville, in NASA-ville. This is all, you know, it's either fisheye lens. If it looks like it could be real, watch longer. If it's like, that does look like it's like the Earth is real, but beneath them, the astronaut's doing his selfie. No one wants to see your fucking ass, dude. Show us the Earth. And you know what?
Starting point is 02:20:08 I will give $10,000 to the first person that provides me with a link of an astronaut ever since 1969 when they started this bullshit. Sorry, 1958 they started the company. They started the company, but since 69 to today, show me a video of an astronaut with their iPhone or with their camera, whatever they're using, doing a 360, complete 360. It's been done zero times. And the reason it's been done zero times is because of the fourth wall issue. If you don't know what the fourth wall issue is, I can't help you, but there's a fourth wall there, guys.
Starting point is 02:20:40 It's not. It's not because of the tube. You don't want to get tangled. I figured it was just because you don't want to tangle your tube up that's putting oxygen into your um spacesuit yeah that's why they drown in space right you know they they train underwater in an underwater buoyancy lab with an exact mock-up of the iss that's public information as well yeah yeah i've seen that i've seen so if they already can do it under the water and the footage is is flawless i've had i've been on can do it under the water and the footage is is flawless i've had
Starting point is 02:21:06 i've been on shows where i'm showing them they're underwater footage publicly publicly underwater footage and they go yeah that's yeah that's them in that's them in space and i go no no no that's not them in space that's them underwater no that's that you could tell it's space i go dude this is public that it's underwater i know it it looks similar, but no, they just film stuff underwater and then make us look like they're in space. It's very, very simple, man. Is this supposed to be true or is this just theoretical? No, like I said, I don't know what that is. My goal in life is to, besides eradicate the children trafficking, and there's strategies to get that done. I think we all need to focus on that number one right now.
Starting point is 02:21:49 But my number one side goal in my life is to eradicate the 60th parallel, period. We should not have an Antarctic treaty telling us we can't go somewhere. I don't give a fuck, man. You get a 10-mile wildlife reserve in your backyard for your pet, and you got a 10-mile. That's a lot of space. They'll still go to that fence. They want to know what's over there, but they might be okay with 10 miles.
Starting point is 02:22:15 But you give them like a bathroom radius fence, they're going to be crazy. They're going to go insane with that because they want to get out of there. Human beings, man, you can give them, hey, man, 20,000 mile fence. We still want to go. You don't want to go see what's over there? To you, you might not be a fence. Ball believers, I get it. I understand that.
Starting point is 02:22:36 Hopefully, you break out of this fucking heliocentric religion. But in the reality of it, if there is more land, like Emer Byrd said, like all those books in the 1800s said. And by the way, those books in the 1800s were mentioning flat screen TVs on the wall over there. Over there in those lands. Advanced technology, electric cars, the internet. Even though they didn't say internet, it was a different word. They were talking about Bluetooth streaming in 1800s in books. They were talking about bluetooth streaming in 1800s in books they were talking about tons
Starting point is 02:23:05 of continents there was maps found in in buddhist temples with like there's like like do you think there's at least 50 continents on there greek mythology too of of stuff coming down from the heavens prometheus getting fire from the titans up above shit like that you think there's you know i don't know i mean yeah yeah as you could agree these those have to be in atlantis you think there's you know i don't know i mean yeah yeah as you could agree these those have people in atlantis do you think this when you say that there's water above us you think we're in the this is the lost city of atlantis we're in it no i think this entire realm was designed for us um i i'm just gonna guess but i'm gonna guess probably about 20 to 30 continents on this giant earth and um we've been lied about.
Starting point is 02:23:47 The seven continents in the center have been in slavery for over 100 years and lied to about everything. And I think maybe, maybe, just maybe now, this is a test. We're lab rats. We're an experiment in the center of the world. We're an experiment for the ones that run it, in a sense. And maybe those civilizations
Starting point is 02:24:05 out there are still free left alone. They have, look at their Granada treaty. Eisenhower signed something with someone else, a humanoid. I don't know whatever they call them. Not a gray guy with bug eyes. No, that's all. That's all Hollywood nonsense. But in terms of like, think about the first time an African-American saw an Asian for the first time in actual human history now we're all human but i'm sure that day was awkward for both you we look nothing alike but we we are the same right you have a nose i have a nose you have teeth i have do you shit i shit they're like what the fuck but you're so what are you i'm me well what are you i'm me what are they they're probably just like us there might be maybe different skin tone maybe different look you've seen aliens i'm talking
Starting point is 02:24:51 about the extraterrestrials from the extra terrain the outer space in any of those have you ever met one of those have ever met an extra one who's on the other side of the wall yeah and someone who's on the other who's been on the other side of the wall who have you ever met anyone who claims to have visited these these other continents yeah that's that's the most ignorant question of the evening but okay it's one of the well no just because you can't travel past there since the tree started in 58 but but maybe they come in do they come in i think that they both sides of the fence have treaties both sides are are in some sort of agreement. I'm sure they have.
Starting point is 02:25:27 Listen, man, look at Karabati Island. There's shipping routes that are charted from Karabati Island. I know you never heard of it, but if you look up Karabati Island and look at their shipping routes, they're going, their shipping route, which is not being publicized, it just ends up in the middle of Antarctica. In the middle of Antarctica. Did it drive on ice for three weeks? How did it end up in the middle of Antarctica? It's because they're just traveling in the Southern Ocean, which we're not allowed to go explore.
Starting point is 02:25:56 They go to the Southern Ocean and then they just enter a new continent, just like you're just entering, stumbling upon Africa, the shoreline. There's definitely more continents out there. We need the right to go explore. We need the right for humanity to be interested enough in knowing that you're in a wildlife preserve right now. And they're telling you that you will be turned around by force if you go over there and try to explore on your own. Why do they want? Look at Truman Show.
Starting point is 02:26:23 They put the truth in movies all the time. Look at the end of the movie. He found the edge, the edge of the earth, his world, right? Here's the edge of the world. You know,
Starting point is 02:26:32 yeah, it's the end of the world. You know, Truman, please stay here. Stay here with us. Don't, don't,
Starting point is 02:26:38 don't explore. Don't go outside of the world that you know already. Right. And he went, he, he, he bowed and he went and explored he went out okay yeah and i think that's exactly what it would feel like we would be entering another
Starting point is 02:26:51 civilization another form of humanoids why is it why is it ignorant because i should know that that it's impenetrable that that it's it no no you were saying like going, just going over there like it was a casual trip. Like I wouldn't have made that fucking eight years ago, that trip. I'm saying we can't go. Like we, us three, Alex Jones, I'm not a fan, but either way, Alex Jones literally was putting up a lot of money for him and Eddie and everybody to go to Antarctica to see if there's an ice shelf, 200-foot wall, even though we have video of it now from drones. But just to experience it. What do you mean? Because Alex didn't even understand.
Starting point is 02:27:33 We can't go past the 60th parallel. Yes, we can. The fuck we can. I'm going to go. Let's go. Well, it turns out he understood right at that point. He goes, yeah, you can't. No one can go over there. It doesn't matter who you are, how much money you have.
Starting point is 02:27:46 Unless you're visiting that peninsula for your two-week vacation to pet some penguins. That's about it, guys. You're not going. There's one more other base, I think, by Australia that people can visit. There's one more little base. But you're not. You can't explore. Oh, Caleb's gone.
Starting point is 02:28:01 I was just wondering why we're not seeing the 60th parallel. But our boy Caleb must have fallen asleep. No worries. this is uh by the way this is an s i think this is like the easiest grip they have or maybe the second and then this is the one by the way i didn't mean to call you ignorant that's not what i meant when i said okay if you did i meant ignorance ignorant question because not you but the question in itself because i get it every week on so many shows about like why don't you just go on a boat and go over there? Like, what are you talking about? Why don't you just walk in the Area 51 naked?
Starting point is 02:28:32 Get the fuck off. You know what I mean? Like, what are we talking about? That is way more secure and under surveillance than even Area 51. So there it is. He just answered, Jake. He's pardon my ignorance. Why can't we go?
Starting point is 02:28:44 He's saying because you'll get stopped. Some dudes with guns and boats and shit will come out. Well, no, you're on radar, guys. I don't want people thinking that there's 8 billion people surrounding the circumference of the earth with guns at a wall somewhere. No, I don't want to paint that picture, but I will paint the picture of reality. And that said, they can't see you a thousand miles on the ocean across the way. Water's not curving, ladies and gentlemen. I don't care how offended you get with that. The water's not curving. They have radar systems set up for, listen, Marconi, the scientist, the inventor, Marconi, everybody knows Marconi.
Starting point is 02:29:16 Marconi in the early 1900s invented systems, radio signals, right? He's in, uh, England and it went to Canada over 1500 miles. It went across and reached, I think they were sending letters, whatever you call that. I forgot the word they were sending shit over across the ocean, like Morse code. Yeah. Something like that to see if they reached and it was over 1,500, almost 2,000 miles across the ocean. They're like, we got the signal. Yeah, the water doesn't curve, guys. So with that system known in place, and this is the early 1900s, I'm pretty sure they've mastered it by now.
Starting point is 02:29:56 They know if you're 1,000 miles away from the no-no zone, whether it's in the air or on the sea, and they're going to go ahead and make a call and make sure that you get stopped. In my movie, The Next Level from last year, which is also on my website, there was guys traveling a little too far south. I'm not going to sit here and claim that they were one mile away from the ice wall. No, but they were traveling south. And when you're traveling south and it's not cleared, they need to know what's going on.
Starting point is 02:30:21 You can't just be just going south. And if you keep going south, you're going to hit the ice shelf of the shoreline of our world and they don't want that so a military boat did a u-turn on camera and told them and came in and said you got to turn around immediately get out of here blah blah blah the guys were kind of confused like we're just hanging out we're just going that way no turn around and all of a sudden they go you hear the guys in the boat go is that a fucking drone sending drones at him so again and that's just one boat so imagine you know how many boats are we going to need to really go you know what fuck you fuck you and your wildlife fence i want to know what the hell's over there and guess what if there's not more land i'll admit i wrong. But every red flag over the past 10 years of research has led me to understand that there will be. Doesn't mean that I have to
Starting point is 02:31:10 have concrete evidence to say that. I'm sorry. Give me a thousand red flags and call it a day, guys. I'm not saying it's speculation anymore. We need to go over there and see what's going on. We need to go to the North and see what our system is made from, how it's made. on. We need to go to the North and see what our system is made from, how it's made. Admiral Byrd, the same guy had a diary that they hid from everybody. I don't know if it's real. I'm not him. I'm just referencing what has been told and what is real, meaning there's a real diary out there. The government apparently took away and they hid it up. They covered it up, but some of it leaked. He said that there was giants in the north that greeted him. He explored the North Pole, and these were not titans, but giant giants,
Starting point is 02:31:53 probably the lost history people before us. They're in the north. That's restricted. That's possibly more restricted than the south. Sean, do you think I need to pull this podcast down off of YouTube and only leave it on Rumble, Twitter, and Facebook and Twitch? No, because the only thing you can't talk about on youtube present day is vaccines and we haven't really went into that much okay i mean if anything cut out any uh jab talk but we didn't have much okay um sean has some really good points i think some
Starting point is 02:32:21 constructive feedback is that his overall presentation needs a bit refining. In what sense? Yeah. Again, I don't have like slides behind me to prove everything, man. Nor was I like in the mode that I would have needed to do that today. Gabe Epstein. Fuck it.
Starting point is 02:32:35 I'm down. Let's go on this voyage. Thanks Gabe. But the, for the last comment, that's why I make films. This is why I spend years and 12 hours a night in my chair and suffer through terrible neck pains and issues so I can make films to answer all your questions, so I can make films
Starting point is 02:32:53 showing the evidence, so I can make films showing a rocket with cameras on it going straight up and hitting water at 72 miles high. I don't understand what else I can do but show people things in a film standpoint because i could do a thousand podcasts a week ain't gonna wake people up more than a movie i'm sorry dude you're always welcome on here what's your next project what's what is your next i can't i i'm can't believe how active the chat is about this subject well if you got more questions i got like 10 15 more minutes maybe. Maybe my bladder is going to explode. Tell me this.
Starting point is 02:33:27 Um, what's what's your next movie that's going to come out? Uh, I don't have a release date. Uh, I'm never going to do that again. I've made the mistake the last few years of release dates and you want to jump in front of a train when you're independent and you have no money and no
Starting point is 02:33:41 team, you don't do release dates anymore. Um, but my, uh But no release date, but it's going to be called Old World Order. It will be out next year, hopefully mid next year, if not earlier. I'm going to be boots on the ground,
Starting point is 02:33:55 traveling the country, traveling out of the country, meeting up with the experts on our lost civilization, the Tartarian Empire, the history of it all, putting the pieces together, trying to make a 101 documentary film with a lot of traveling. I have to travel a lot. The last few films, I didn't have to travel too much.
Starting point is 02:34:15 This one's going to be ridiculous. So traveling and setting drones. I want to see these buildings, these massive structures from angles that nobody has seen ever. And that's what drones are for. I'm traveling for my first movie in five years. Yeah. Well, you know what, man? I think a lot of people believe that there used to be giants at one point, right?
Starting point is 02:34:38 Like back in the day or something. Some sort of belief in the sense. I want to prove it without proving it in a sense, right? Like there's not going to be a 30 foot dude to greet me on camera. I granted, but maybe if I could find a 30 foot dude doorway with a 30 foot dude, hand-sized doorknob, can you explain that?
Starting point is 02:34:56 With a 30 inch Trojan. But again, the official story, which is why I'm making the film, the official story would have been, no, the little guys in horse and buggy built all that. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 02:35:07 And then they took it all down two years later. They left a few up, but that's why every major city in America and possibly the world, if you keep going, every time I do it, I see it. Every major city had a fire, had a major fire in the early 1900s. Coincidence? had a major fire in the early 1900s coincidence no they were burning remnants of our civilization before oh what about our earthquakes created man-made tectonic plates like just earthquakes like when there's an earthquake like i heard something the other day tectonic plates moving underneath yeah yeah i'm assuming in 2023 they got machines to press a button and give me an earthquake tomorrow yeah it's really not that hard i would assume that i would assume
Starting point is 02:35:51 that well dude there's underground civilizations i i touched on that a little bit in level with me but there's underground civilizations not not not just a bunker or like cans of food cities cities below the underground area below the eight mile barrier of course yeah yeah nothing nothing ever has got past seven point seven point eight miles these other civilizations that are under us are below the eight mile barrier no oh no oh nope nope and i'm not talking about civilizations i'm talking about a lot of rich people a lot of people and dude dude, they're present. Again, CNN doesn't go over it.
Starting point is 02:36:27 Fox doesn't go over it. So no people know what's really happening. They're still pulling children from under the ground. They're still saving children, traffic children, underground cities, underground bunkers. There's cities down there of God knows what's going on. They've admitted it many times that they have city structures designed for the wealthy underneath the ground right now like people living there and and and again because there's no you know mainstream anything about actually cnn had one article
Starting point is 02:37:00 cno had one article but their article was more business related. The future of business. I wish you're a producer was there. It was like the future of business, underground businesses, what to do underground and how to, you know, the internet's already underground and what we can do to thrive underground. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Truth in plain sight. Uh, you know, but at the same time, yeah, there's underground cities, underground civilizations too i'm sure um it's the world's not what we think it is so once you can get away from the boring religion of balls people just love balls i don't know do you know that there's a city in mexico where the city's everything's underground do you know about that city i've i i have heard that there are public places.
Starting point is 02:37:45 It's the leather capital of Central and North America. Yeah. Wow. Again, that's just them being public about it. And it's an old underground city, like really old, and it's still functioning. Does anyone know where that is? Wow, that's interesting.
Starting point is 02:38:00 No, I don't. I should by the time this movie's over, because I'm learning on the fly with this topic, man. It's where Saddleback Leather is. It's the headquarters for Saddleback Leather. There's an underground city there. Okay, I got to go. I wouldn't be surprised.
Starting point is 02:38:15 You the man, brother. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate you being patient with the ignorant class. No, don't worry. I was never mad at anyone on the show or even mad. I wasn't even mad today at all. Sometimes, sometimes my passion can sound angry, but it's. You didn't sound angry, you sounded passionate.
Starting point is 02:38:32 Sometimes my passion can sound, it can sound angry, but what it really is, is I'm sick of this world and their closed mind. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it so much that, that we could have a peaceful, loving world that we all want in a week if we could stop being so stupid and start actually using our God-given common sense and coming together, even topics that are sketchy to people. It's like, look, at the end of
Starting point is 02:39:00 the day, you know goddamn well you have no evidence that you're spinning. You have no evidence of anything globular, anything spherical, any curvature, any. You have nothing. You have no self-experience to prove anything that you were taught as a child. So stop the people like Matthew, okay? That's how you need to be. I have no idea. I'm not going to let emotion get involved. I'm going to take the information.
Starting point is 02:39:23 I'm going to utilize the information. I'm going to look into that and then i'm gonna maybe go back to nasa's website and look around there and and then compare make my determination but the point i'm trying to make for savannah specifically is you can know though but you can know this is the one that you can know you can know this i need to get the p1000 and go to the water's edge that's a good start that is a great start man go. Go pee. When your movie comes out, please reach out to me. I'd love to watch
Starting point is 02:39:50 it and promote it and talk about it on my podcast. Old world order. I will have links up on shortly with how to support the project and everyone that's going to be in. I'm going to have a lot of great people in this one, man. Great minds in this one. Respected people. So I'm excited. Peace and love brother
Starting point is 02:40:05 thank you thank you guys bye holy shit hey you ever been like oh man i want to go with all the cool kids in high school and like ride with them to the party and then you get in and the guy driving is just hauling ass down the freeway swirching lanes like crazy and you feel like you're gonna die and you just want out of the car. Yeah. That was that intense for you? It wasn't like the information was that intense, but it was just like, it was just like, holy Adderall. Like it was just like, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. And it was a little too much.
Starting point is 02:40:35 It was a little out there for me. A little out there. I do love like, you know, getting into that stuff and like talking about it, like in the an entertainment sense, but like, I needed to interrupt him and I couldn't, I couldn't like two, that was like too fucking much,
Starting point is 02:40:52 you know, I needed to kind of lead him down some ways to like, try to like, like I knew he had the, I know that he has the keys to some of the doors I need unlocked, but he wouldn't let me like, like, I wanted to lead him down some some some alleyways
Starting point is 02:41:07 and like see if he could unlock some doors for me but um some of the chat conversations were hilarious and then some of them weren't that great i always feel like guys when we invite people onto the show it's we've made this analogy before they're in our living room so even if we completely disagree and we feel that they're batshit crazy we still just want to be like that guy's batch i don't i didn't get batshit crazy from that guy at all it's a little out there for me i don't live in his world that's not that you know that to me is like like i said it's like entertainment it's like one of those things like i sit down and it's fun to like talk about and i think it's really cool and there's obviously a lot of information that we're we don't know right um in some of this stuff that he was
Starting point is 02:41:43 saying most of the people even agree in the in the chat, too. Right. Like we're like it's like he'll hit one thread about the Rockefeller starting school, the general board of education that was just funded by the Rockefellers that just pooped out of thin air that they just put the name on. You've talked to me about that for the last year. You shared stories with me. They've eroded Socratic method out of the schools. And so therefore, that is critical thinking. And that that is obvious. And I think a lot of people in that generally listen to this would agree with that. So I feel like there's little threads of it where I'm like, okay, okay. And then all of a sudden, it was just like the whole World War Two thing, like the no planes in 9-11, like some of that. Sasquatch, Sasquatch. No dinosaurs.
Starting point is 02:42:20 Out there for me. I'm not totally bought in on this like flattered thing at all. So, but I just, I love to engage in it it i love to toss around ideas and like think about it but i it was it was a little much but his films are good so you guys should go check that out but again i feel for me it's more entertainment not enlightenment if that makes sense yeah i'm just surrounded by so many people who believe their own narrative that they have they're they don't know what they don't know they have no they have no line demarcation of what's real and not real i'm surrounded by people who think that um they say stuff well the science has said or red means stop red means stop or the calendar they took two weeks off the calendar and now my
Starting point is 02:43:06 life is two weeks shorter like i'm surrounded by that everywhere i go i'm surrounded by people who think that because that they don't recognize that i gravity is an explanation for a phenomenon like they can't distinguish between stories that they're using versus store versus something that we could all empirically agree on yeah in the other thing and so when i see someone who's willing to to to really push on the status quo narratives or just on the definition of things just like you know like we live in a world where if it can't be if it can't be sensed and it can't be measured, it doesn't exist. Right. And so the next question is, is, well, then maybe there's
Starting point is 02:43:49 a measurement that we can't, um, uh, uh, we haven't, we haven't developed yet. Yeah. Conceived of yet. And it's like, yeah, now you've, now you've, you're sort of in this world of imagination, but, but you know, it's imagination and other people just drift into that shit. Like, I like i mean you know they heard the story about the milkmaids and how vaccines were found with the mosquitoes and now people are just like fucking gung-ho if it were you could ask a thousand people about the polio virus and they all will fucking say it's real and they say how do you know because i was told by the tv like he's absolutely right but did you read did you do 15 minutes of googling to see when the curve went down? And no, they haven't. Yeah. And here's the thing I struggle with. I feel like a lot of the claims
Starting point is 02:44:29 that he was bringing to the table had just as much evidence as the things he was refuting. Like he didn't, he didn't bring any like hard evidence to any of the claims that he was making for me. And then he kept saying, well, there's no evidence for this. And then I was like, well, there's also kind of no evidence for what you're saying either. Right, okay. Well, you know what's funny? You say that I watched a video
Starting point is 02:44:52 that was supposed to debunk all flat earth. Instead of addressing, someone sent it to me today, had like 8 million views and all the comments were making fun of flat earth. And then what was so funny is that I watched the video and the entire video was never argued any of the points of what people, of what this guy would say.
Starting point is 02:45:08 It was just reemphasizing why the earth is round. Like you had to believe shit. Yeah. And I appreciate this guy being like, he doesn't want to believe anything. Well, that's the part where I'm getting a little worried about him. Like,
Starting point is 02:45:22 yeah, it's like, do you float off into space at that point? Or leave that book? Like, you already know that everything's bullshit. Why can't getting a little worried about him. Like, does it's like, do you float off into space at that point? Or leave that book? You already know that everything's bullshit. Why can't we just not believe? Yeah. At the end of the day,
Starting point is 02:45:31 for people who don't know, if you watch his movies, the premise of his movie and correct me if I'm wrong, Matt is that basically we're enslaved and that there's resources outside of what we think our boundaries are that we don't, that we should have access to that. We don't. Right.
Starting point is 02:45:44 Yeah. That was kind of the premise that I had to it was such a fucking happy life i mean i i don't mean to be a fucking asshole but that's where i was kind of at too like i don't have a dog you know what i mean like i'm kind of like well you know tell me how that's gonna help me out when i have to wake up at 4 45 in the morning and like maybe all that school shit like you know believer that's okay i'm I'm comfortable with that. And if there was new information that presented that completely topped the road, I'm comfortable with that too. And the reason why
Starting point is 02:46:10 I was getting upset with the chat was because I just feel like when we bring people in, it's perfectly fine for people to disagree or whatever. But right when it goes to the personal attacks on him as he's getting on the thing, it's like, come on, guys. Just be chill. Be cool. Be cool. Be wrong with him, but don't be like this guy's a fucking you know it's kind of like
Starting point is 02:46:30 all right i get it you disagree unless you're gonna give money you can do that yes and shout out a donation and some of the stuff he was saying was actually pretty funny in some of it i actually agree with but somebody has to defend the guest that we put on. John Young. I'm starting to think Stevon didn't have to be. No, I do. I was in the car one time and he held it for like four and a half hours. I do.
Starting point is 02:46:52 I do. Um, if you guys knew how many, um, uh, oh shit. Uh, our games chat is just fucking, I think we're i know i think we're getting roasted
Starting point is 02:47:08 um uh andrew hiller just said dude sebon just set a record for most consecutive words said without interrupting. Oh my God. Oh my goodness. Okay. What's, what's good. So Greg Glassman comes on tomorrow. Back to reality. And, and then the evening we have the CrossFit Games update show.
Starting point is 02:47:42 How did, how did Taylor and JR show go today today it looked like it was going good i was coaching through the time because they switched it from 11 to noon our time so i just kind of like peeked in briefly do you think we need to pull this show off the um air i don't feel like no dude i really just think it's the 49ers thing like okay that's i think that is the hot button ticket and i do think that any refuting of that or discussion of it is dangerous for us. Especially right now, dude. We got fucking 50 athletes coming on in the next two weeks.
Starting point is 02:48:14 I know. This is going to be insane. And I just don't want to screw with the channel. I just don't want to do thrusters with a baby strapped to my chest, bro. That's all. That's all. That's all I'm saying, dude. I want to see.
Starting point is 02:48:26 Oh, man. Their show is killing it. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. And if you guys want to see the show that was on this morning, you could go to Rumble. You could go to Twitter. You could see it.
Starting point is 02:48:38 It'll be uploaded by tomorrow morning on audio version. So, you guys, there's plenty of ways to see it. It's just not going to be on YouTube for the obvious reasons dude this show this show uh that oh branstetter was on there yeah just for a second it was hilarious because he told teller not taylor not to cuss in the first like few minutes so it doesn't get flagged in any yeah and i feel like you and rent on the pegboard dumbbell workout and thinking to myself like i wonder what would have god velner looks good his jaw looks all fucking square and shit huh yeah he's chiseled chiseled jaw manly features we should have had a velner in this guy on that would have been hilarious
Starting point is 02:49:15 i would have been a mash-up for the times huh what would you do patrick would you just be like hold on uh uh mr trudeau uh this guy's saying the earth is round or flat uh which one what do we uh what are we believing again oh we believe again sorry patrick uh seven will today's uh earlier show be on rumble did you already pull that up yeah i did it is on rumble 100 it is on rumble it's right there 11 hours ago go to rumble type. Type in The 7 Podcast into the search. Click it. Follow it while you're there and watch the show. If you want to skip a lot of it, you can skip the first 30 minutes
Starting point is 02:49:53 and then shit starts getting fucking real. Well, people are already watching it because there's no activity really on our Rumble channel. But today's show has 442 views and seven comments already. Yeah, the comments are it's crazy the comments are pouring in yeah so people are checking it out there and you guys should go see it if you want to oh it has more than that oh i just updated on my thing wow you don't you don't want to listen to that one you need to see that one that guy starts drawing some pictures of the immune system
Starting point is 02:50:18 yeah uh the interesting contrast between the science and the morning with tonight i know in hindsight, I wish I wouldn't have put both these shows on the same day. That was that. Well, that's my fuck up. But if you didn't remember, he would have gotten,
Starting point is 02:50:34 he kept getting moved. Membership kept coming up. So he was like on the schedule. Then it moved and then it moved and then it moved and it just moved today. And I had already had Jonathan on it. So it just, it was probably the freemasons that lined them up together on the same day someone wrote in our chat sebon trying to steer
Starting point is 02:50:54 a runaway freight train is the best part of this i know that's what it felt like but i was like oh shit we're swirving around on the freeway now. One of the athletes just sent us a text and gently said no. Did you see that? No. Oh. Sorry, I haven't looked at it. Oh. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 02:51:13 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you have a date that you're flying? Monday. No. Tuesday. Oh, Tuesday. Okay. And where that you're flying? Monday. No, Tuesday. Oh, Tuesday, okay. And where do you fly into?
Starting point is 02:51:30 Dane County. Oh, you fly right into Madison. Well, I mean, I go from, I think, whatever, Oakland or SF into some other transfer, like Chicago or something, and then go from Chicago to Madison. Oh, you do you have a flight from chicago to madison yeah i don't does anything go to direct i don't know yeah if you if you leave from um oakland there's a there's a or san jose there's a southwest flight but why don't you drive from chicago too long yeah i'll just i'll just fly i don't know that's a good question. I'm driving because someone told me
Starting point is 02:52:07 I think Hiller told me to drive Chicago. I mean, I'm driving home on Monday. Grace and I will drive home from Madison to Chicago and then fly out to Chicago. Last year, we went into Chicago for the city for a couple hours. It's 147 miles. Yeah, it wasn't
Starting point is 02:52:23 too bad. Two hours and 20 minutes. Probably about the same exact time as the flight, to be honest. When am I leaving? When am I leaving for what? To go to the bathroom? I don't know. Two minutes, three minutes, probably. Yeah, I'm so hungry.
Starting point is 02:52:37 I've been just moving and grooving all day and just got in barely in time for this. I need to eat, too. Did I tell you I'm doing something with sean pastuch the active life no what are you doing i have news too i got an email that you're gonna be happy about oh yeah it's cool god i wish i could god it's been a whirlwind of shit to just fucking coming down the pipe in the last two weeks. Dude, it's been crazy. It's been crazy.
Starting point is 02:53:08 All those athletes, too. Wait till people see the schedule. I know we don't have them all loaded up on the show, but it's intense. So, we don't have anything scheduled Saturday. Nope, just a live call-in. I did that on purpose, so that way it's somewhat chill. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:53:25 Okay, we have Lazar Jukic on Sunday. Yep that way it's like somewhat chill. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We have Lazar Jukic on Sunday. Yep. He'll be our first. Oh, we have the enhanced games guy coming on Monday morning. Yeah. That's crazy. So are we going to have people Sunday night, Monday night?
Starting point is 02:53:37 Yep. All the way. I'm guessing as, as much as we could get them, I'm thinking probably the 28th and 27th, like that Thursdayursday friday before might be hard to get a few people into that slot but i think we'll probably have that whole week filled and then we probably then saturday will probably be the cutoff because most of them will be traveling and shit like that listen to this guys on tuesday we have carolyn lambre that's
Starting point is 02:53:58 the genius behind uh mr adler then we have man and anganese also same day Then we have Manon Anganese, also same day. Then we have Alex Gazan back on. On Wednesday, so far, we have Bronislawski and Rebecca Vitteson. Then on Thursday, we have Jelly. We have the Taylor JR programming show. Then we have Arthur Seminoff and Kelly Baker on Thursday night.
Starting point is 02:54:21 On Friday, we have Ariel Lowen and then back to CrossFit updating show. that means there'll be someone else on friday morning also yep and there's it's not updated yet there's a couple more athletes i got back to us that i'll plug in there too oh you i see you got um mikhail weslowski and jake douglas scheduled yep olivia kerstetter yep do we hear back from daniel brandon not yet but i mean that's her that's typical okay walters smart smart man i'll pick both uh i'll pick both i'll pick both you gonna
Starting point is 02:54:54 pick both you gonna are you going to the games jeremy um well i should probably talk to you on the phone about that if you're going to the games we should probably I got a car in Chicago me too I don't have it in Chicago I'm a badass driver what should I say to her
Starting point is 02:55:18 did anyone has anyone ever told you how cool you are Danielle it is almost 1am.m. there. So that's actually probably the time to interrupt. Has anyone ever told you how cool you are? There you go. Andrew, is Andrew awake? Andrew can you
Starting point is 02:55:46 come in here for a second if you're not busy I need to go eat ok bye meet you sorry that's ok bye I just want to ask him one question the answer is yes if you're in Chicago
Starting point is 02:56:04 can't you just carjack? Good point. Can I shuttle? Some of you have got a minivan. I love a minivan. Hey, Hiller, we need to ā€“ you don't have to come on, but we need to talk and figure out what we're doing on Monday, if Monday's your day. I guess we're doing on Monday.
Starting point is 02:56:26 If Monday's your day. I guess we have time. Okay. Are you signing off or am I just ditching? Oh, yeah. Bye-bye. See you in the morning. All right.

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