The Sevan Podcast - Hiller and Sevan - final word on Trump Assassination

Episode Date: July 23, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good. Have you been, uh, have you been, have you been following any of the assassination stuff? No. Did you follow, did you watch any of the, the lady this morning? No. Oh, uh, Chloe. No, no, no. Kimberly, Cheetal though.
Starting point is 00:00:15 No. Did you know that Joe Biden pulled out? Yes. Oh, good. All right. All right. I think, I think I sent you, sent you the letter that I saw, right? It was pretty short. Was it a video? No, it was just a piece of white paper with some words on it.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Oh shit, my mom's calling me because I pocket dialed her. Have you seen this? Huh? Have you seen this? Oh. No. Okay, here we go. Ready? Great green screen. How can you tell? How can you not? God, you're good. Okay, ready?
Starting point is 00:01:01 My fellow Americans, I want to take a moment to address some of the hateful shit you've been talking about me. that I really don't give two fucks anymore by now. I felt well Americans. I hadn't seen that no, it's good That is good, right? It's pretty funny. I knew it wasn't even real before you played it. How do you know? What do you see to help a help a help a brother out? There's no separation between his shoulders and the the screen behind it It's weird But there is separation between the desk and the desk I But there is separation between the desk and the desk. I saw another one this morning. It's good thing I always go to the comments. It was Elon Musk saying we're living in a simulation and that our consciousness has
Starting point is 00:01:57 been sucked up into a computer using electromagnetic blah, blah, blah. And it started in 2020. And I read the comment and I was like, like wow I can't believe Elon said all this and Then someone in the comments is like it's so obvious It's not Elon because Elon stutters as soon as I read that I'm like, oh, yeah, it's a cuz they I wasn't doing the stuttering No, he stuck stutters a lot. Yeah My Brian Brian. Brian who? Brian Friend. Oh.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Uh, uh, um, uh. Speaking of which. In between. Speaking of which, this year we're going to have John Young do Crash Crucible. Awesome. Yeah, I'm only working with senior analysts. Is it because he needs something to do while he's waiting for the baby to come out? John Young?
Starting point is 00:02:48 No, he's just the best guy for the job. I think last year we used Brian and this year we're upgrading to John Young. I'll never forget Brian jumping up from the table where he was supposed to be doing his job and trying to correct an athlete on the floor for the way that they were moving. Oh please. Oh please. Oh, please. You don't see that. And he gets up from the commentator's desk.
Starting point is 00:03:09 It's like, what are you doing? Oh, please. Hey, speaking of which I haven't heard from Patrick Clark in a long time. I think he's deployed. When I was in Vegas, he texted me saying that he was in Chicago on a deployment party or something, which means, I don't know. I didn me saying that he was in Chicago on a deployment party or something, which means, I don't know, I didn't know they had deployment parties. But when Kayla was deployed, we saw more of them.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I don't know, maybe he forgot his cell phone. Because you imagine doing that, you know, you know, when you go to the grocery store or something and you use your phone phone, imagine like left the country. Oh shit. I'd get a new one. Uh, athlete announcement, tear water, Palooza. Yeah. What's up with this in 18 minutes to waiting and the other a hundred and some are here. What about this right here?
Starting point is 00:04:06 How come there's two announcements? They're scheduled for different days, homie. They're a week apart. Remember when you ran media at CrossFit? Ah, no. Dude, I have been collecting and you don't know this. Every single time that you've said something about technology and it's just completely crazy like fucking road caster
Starting point is 00:04:39 Uh drone and it's yeah step on look up pat fallen go back to good guarding doritos I heard you talk about that today. Oh, Hey, when I was wrestling in high school, yeah. And he cut weight. There was, and I, my buddies will still tell me about this to this day. Like, Hey, remember when you were cutting weight and you ate an entire bag of Doritos, but you didn't swallow it.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I would eat a chip. I would chew it and I would spit it onto a plate. Cause it would keep you from gaining weight as long. So there was this big ass ass and then his dad came into the basement he looked at the table he goes what the fuck did you do that the Doritos it's like a baby bird plate of food so you were just getting I wonder if there's a chip you could make that's just salt but it didn't have any calories if there's some hard substance you could chew which that's
Starting point is 00:05:27 like it's like gum that's like a billion dollar idea do you know quench gum is that when you bite the middle and some shit comes out of the middle that's like that's a gusher I think oh that they had a um it had a different name when I was a kid. It was like jewels or something The explosion in your mouth, I think that's a gusher I know I think they call it What you're gushers now suck all those gum All those gum. Oh tools was it tools all those gums don't last very long Oh, Chules, was it Chules? All those gums don't last very long. Damn, where is that gum?
Starting point is 00:06:09 It was a square, it was the shape. Oh yeah, Chules, is that what it, did it explode in your mouth? It was the same shape as a Hall's mentholiptus. What's a what's a what's a what? You know what a Hall's is? A Hall's cough drop? Cough drop, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:22 It's like square. I've never heard of a mentholiptus. Hall's mentholipt Yeah, cough drop, yeah. It's like square? I've never heard about mentholiptus. Hall's mentholiptus? Hey, did you watch Dave's live show? Yeah, I commented on there saying that he would know how to bring up comments like this and then he proved me right when he read my comment and didn't bring it up.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Did he not figure out how to bring it up? No, he didn't, I think it was funny. I could tell he was – I don't know if over – I was going to call in just so I could see him pick up the phone, look at it and put it down. That was my plan but then I felt bad because I could tell like he was getting sensory overload by all the comments. I was going to call him too. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And then I didn't because I think I noticed the same thing. Okay yeah it would have been like too much. Yeah I didn't want to not the first time he's doing it like I don't know. doing the show right now. Can I talk to you when I'm done with my show? It'll be like 15 minutes. Ken Walters. Andrew Lanos Juice, CrossFit and Movies. It's about right. How's your Ricky Gerard piece doing? Incredible.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Is it? Yeah, it's got, on the back end, it's got 7,000 something views already. Wow. 7.4. Wow. I saw the YouTube clip you made. You brought up the, um, the old, uh, the juice scene with them. Yeah. I asked him what that stuff was. He goes, what's that thing that your brother gave you? Oh, what'd he say? Beetroot juice. Oh, that's all that was? Yeah. Do you believe them? Yeah. You know the crazy irony? This is so weird. I was listening to this book actually, completely non-CrossFit related. Dude, that video has 116 comments already.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Holy shit. Okay, sorry. You're reading what book? It's just a book on, I don't even know what the book's on, but I'm listening to it. It's not CrossFit related. And it's just a book on I don't even know what the books on but I'm listening to it it's not CrossFit related and They're talking about beetroot juice in it and how it's got aerobic enhancing capabilities. And this is three days after Ricky brought that up. I might never heard of beetroot juice before and now we're in the simulation. It's oh
Starting point is 00:08:42 And now we're in the simulation. Oh, because then you spotted it in your book. Yeah, it's crazy. Sorry, I'm distracted. The boys have entered. They want to do something. No, I'm just sitting. Okay. You chill. Everyone be chill. Why are you touching that plug, Avi?
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'm connecting the headphones. Everyone be chill. Why are you touching that plug, Avi? Hey dude, when you get to the 19 minute mark in that video, I think you're going to really like it. 16 minute? 19? 19. And you'll know exactly what I'm talking about when you get there. Wow, Ricky looks huge. Yeah, he looks great. Wow. You know what's crazy. He looks different than he used to
Starting point is 00:09:29 like better I think he looks equally The same what's the word aesthetically? Yeah, it looks phenomenal in both of them, but He's got a little bit more power lifter to him these days and he's got a little bit more power lifter to him these days. And he's got a little bit more surfer dude from former days. Who's the chick in the back with the sports bra on that's barely covering her? That's us scuds. Oh, is that her boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah. Did you notice his quads? What about them? Did you notice how big they are? You can't tell here, but if you noticed them, you'd have noticed them. Oh, no, I didn't notice them. Heather, I take beet juice an hour before I go on my runs. It works well.
Starting point is 00:10:15 That's what he was taking. I feel like Sevan is the walrus man in Tusk and Greg is the scientist man. Dude, have you seen that movie? No. You'll lose your mind if you watch that movie so prestige in tusk no don't watch it i recommend movies that i know you're not going to get pissed off at me for watching and if you watch tusk you'll be pissed but it will change your life really i'm for sure watching it why are you laughing i'm for sure watching it. Why are you laughing? I'm for sure watching it. Can I watch it with you?
Starting point is 00:10:49 No, quiet. You just won't believe that it's a movie that people actually put effort into as you're watching it. You won't believe it's happening. It's crazy. Is that a bad thing if I'm like Tusk? Yes. Oh.
Starting point is 00:11:02 It is. Great. There was a screenshot you shared with us today. Can I go ahead and bring that up? Yeah. Usually, yeah. It was... Is it the Joe Biden letter that I sent? No.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah, I say probably don't bring that one up. It was the, uh, YouTube podiums, YouTube channel. Oh, sure. Yeah. Hey dude, I was getting into it. There will be days where I'll just pick somebody that I want to chat with. And I was chatting with somebody messenger and they didn't understand the concept that they're not paying for marketing. I compared to like billboards, right? Like I spend $50,000 and put a billboard up of Hiller Fit training, like people drive
Starting point is 00:11:50 by it and they see it, right? Yeah. And they're trying to say it's legitimately the same thing. They're just paying for eyeballs. And I go, they are not. They're non-organically inflating a number that means nothing to nobody. And at very minimum if you want to take it that route they spent a hundred bucks so that I would talk about it and then it's getting eyeballs and they should say thank you. Oh I like that. How do I find that? Put in a summer to die for? 3-2-1 podium. Oh, OK, got it. OK, this is really bizarre. So we were discussing this today. We are all kind of Andrew leads the way on educating.
Starting point is 00:12:42 He teaches a small class every single day for 5 to 15 minutes to a group of us on things to look at at YouTube. This is so bizarre. This is Podium. It's a supplement brand. Yes, sir. It's a supplement brand that a lot of athletes take it, right? Yes, sir. So they have a YouTube channel and they put up a video here and it claims the video has 421,000 views in 11 days. Now the crazy thing about it is for about 7, 6, 7 days it had a couple hundred views. And this is after the buttery bros had shared it and this Evan man had shared it
Starting point is 00:13:26 Me and for time had shared it. Those are all the accounts that are linked with the people in this video How could a video that has 421,000 views only have 18 comments. Oh you even said it 240 so in the last 200,000 views, it's only put on nine comments. Because they're not real people. So someone bought views for the look, this, this channel has 3068. You want to, you want another metric? Click on the channel, click on podium.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Uh, there's like, yeah. And then click on the videos and Uh-huh. And then go to the third video in, Justin Matt Tellall. That's got 210,000 views. And this is kind of the baseline for a video like this. It's got half as many views, but it's got 187 comments. And you would figure on a video like that, it should be able to gather about that many comments. It's got twice as many views.
Starting point is 00:14:28 And, and you would put, if you had 400,000 views, you'd put on at least a thousand subscribers. Yes. And they were adding subscribers actually though, from what I could tell. This is so you watch that video and I, I just don't know, I just don't know what they were thinking, right? Because I understand the concept of it. They're making a podium video, but once you get past three minutes of it, they repeat the same thing for about three minutes. They just keep on dying over and over again in this fake thing.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And it's like, this is the least engaging moment in a video I've ever seen in my life, everyone's going to turn it off. How sure are you that they bought the views? 100 percent sure. I'm sure they in my life. Everyone's going to turn it off. How sure are you that they bought the views? 100% sure. I'm never 100% sure. But someone else could have, because you don't believe in 10, and someone else could have bought the views for them. Theoretically. Yeah, yeah, yeah. like I could do it so maybe they
Starting point is 00:15:25 didn't do it the person who I was going back and forth with in the messenger was like this is a slate on the buttery bros and I go no that's why I tagged podium because I don't know who runs podiums page and also not a slide on the buttery bros at all not a slide on them at all. Well, do you think buying subscribe? Do you think buying views is wrong? Depends. Like what's the purpose behind it? So like, if you're buying Instagram, if you're buying Instagram followers and then you're telling your sponsors, Hey, I have 300,000 Instagram followers. When you only have 10,000, there's something disingenuous about that and that almost seems illegal.
Starting point is 00:16:07 You're selling someone something that's a lie, right? It's like you're lying to them. You're misrepresenting the product. You're telling them you sold them a dozen eggs and they get home and there's one. Yes. Right? But if Podium is a company that's trying to sell product and this is one of their, let's say this is a commercial, then buying views would be just a way.
Starting point is 00:16:33 What's the point of buying views? What is that? Is that supposed to like... Well, literally what I said, it gets me to talk about it. Maybe somebody sees it and they watch it because they assume it's good, but it's not good. But does it help for the algorithm? No, it doesn't. It probably, it actually hurts it.
Starting point is 00:16:48 It hurts it really bad because I, why would you buy your gets on there for 30 seconds and gets off? Well, I feel like you're being facetious then when you say, um, they would just do it to get you to talk about it. Why wouldn't they just send it to you and be like, Hillary, will you make fun of our video? about it. Why wouldn't they just send it to you and be like, Hillary, will you make fun of our video? I mean, you do you really think that that someone would buy a
Starting point is 00:17:10 shitload of views just as like cheese to get you to come out? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. I'm saying that they should have looked at it that way if they haven't yet. Hey, dude, I think I told you this before. If you I see what you're saying. Good. I see what you're saying. You're saying to help mitigate the stress of being caught for lying. I mean, would you say this is lying? How are you supposed to trust what's in their product or anything?
Starting point is 00:17:36 It's certainly lying. It's the steroids thing, right? Yeah. This is my world, YouTube. They took steroids. They took steroids. And everyone's… Someone might look at it and go, wow, 422. And then other people know it for what it is.
Starting point is 00:17:51 They can just look at the person and go, yeah, your shoulders are way bigger than they should be. I'm not going to do your workout program. Just to be completely clear too, in my opinion, I bet you Matt has no idea. Because this is Matt's company, right? He has no idea about a lot of things. Yeah, I don't think Matt has any idea. I bet you he wouldn't like this.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I bet he doesn't even understand. I bet he gets all caught up in the fact that it's got this negative air about it. It's like, oh no, what did I do now? Oh, the denger. What if someone uses steroids to stay alive and relevant? I understand. I understand taking steroids to stay alive and relevant.
Starting point is 00:18:37 But what you're saying is, is like their product was losing sales. So this was a desperate attempt to keep the product alive by buying views. I'm not sure I understand the metaphor but I want to. If you're paid to grow a YouTube channel and then you're judged by constant growth and if they're bad at their job it's a way to keep your job. Yeah but wouldn't someone, Joel, wouldn't someone notice? Wouldn't their boss notice? If you put Lord of the Rings on the YouTube, it's gonna get hundreds of millions of views, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Because it's a good movie that people watch all the way through. If you put out Sharknado, and it does jack shit, it's because it's not a good movie and no one wanted to watch it, but. Let's say you were, let me shift this to this. let's say you were let me let me shift this to this let's say you were Heber and Mars and you made this and they
Starting point is 00:19:30 didn't tell you they were gonna buy views would you be pissed would you be like hey man now some of that shit on me got on me it would be like if Ricky popped for steroids again then people would accuse Alex of it and Alex should be like dude oh wow you're saying podium hired the buttery bros and then they boosted their video. Without telling them. And now this shit is on them because it, because you know, some people are saying, Hey, you're disparaging, um, uh, Hebrew and Mars. What they really mean is, is that Podium is disparaging Hebrew and Mars.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yes. But also their video is not good. I just, I, I, I like the slow mo with the hot blonde chick. It was good for about that up till that point, maybe 30 seconds after. And then I completely lost his way and I don't even understand the point of it. Um, it'd be a great Instagram reel is what I was thinking. Like make it a minute 20. It's got a minute and 20 seconds where the stuff do it I Honestly didn't know Hebrew was allowed to make things with titties to be honest with you
Starting point is 00:20:33 I'm serious. Oh Is he Mormon? He's just like pretty straight. He's straight laced This chick only had like a couple thousand followers on Instagram I expected way more. Why is that guy drooling? Because he's into her. It's like an eatiest thing I bet right? Is that because he wants to eat her pussy? He's drooling because...
Starting point is 00:20:58 Dude I hate that mustache. It's the thickest looking thing I've ever seen. I love that mustache. It's the thickest looking thing I've ever seen. I love that mustache. It's so thick. Hey, is that why he's drooling? He's salivating because he wants to eat her? I mean, sure. My dog salivates when it wants to eat stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:19 When I see pimples get popped, I start salivating. Wow. But I want nothing to do with it in my mouth. I'm listening. My God, Seve. Listen, I'm just trying to figure it out. Trying to figure it out. That is interesting. I never thought about that. This could be a great this could we should do a pod. We could do
Starting point is 00:21:37 a whole podcast on that video. The I think Lauren Carillo plays this witch looking thing that says change 15 times. That's the part where I get completely lost in it. Stop doing this. Lauren Khalil's in there? Yeah, you didn't even get that far. No, I did not.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Only trying for views, Fraser, Natty, or not release. Oh, that would murder. That's a hundred thousand view video. I wonder if I can get him to do it with me. I've asked him to do videos. He doesn't, he doesn't say yes. And that you're not featuring Matt Fraser with Matt starring Matt Fraser. So we're going to get an athlete announcement any second now.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Is it not on yet? I don't think so. Oh wow. So what do we do? Oh, it is on. Okay. What do we say? Go watch this?
Starting point is 00:22:31 Yeah, here, go to coffee pods and wads and guess who they're going to announce as the new athlete while Hiller and I take this conversation about why that guy's drooling offline. Any final words Hiller? No, we have more people watching than Dave did. Oh good. Alright guys thank you very much appreciate it and we'll be back someday soon. Guys go watch this thing. Just do it. Right? For 30 seconds that's it. I mean it's even better if you watch it for more but go click on check it out go do something else in same gendered heats coffee pods and wads this test finds all eight athletes working together in some form or fashion

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