The Sevan Podcast - Hiller & Hunter | Live Call In | Indigenous Peoples Day

Episode Date: November 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Morning is, uh, bam, we're live. I wonder save td ready for you morning is uh bam we're live i wonder if that information we got this morning is public can we ask i did i i did ask on the thread hey guys good morning no no i mean can we ask oh uh oh uh i uh boy oh, oh no, no, no. Look at the thread. We can't ask. Not yet.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Hey, uh, good to see you. I'm starting to get used to your haircut. Last night when I was watching the show with Pedro, I would, I would go back and forth between thinking it was short or you had just shitloads of gel in it and it was long and slicked back. You know what I mean? With my eyes. So JR, when I was down there, he's like, you wear hats? And I go, I do when my hair is short.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Oh, did you cut your hair just so you could wear a hat? No, I cut my hair because I wanted Alexis to microneedle it. Your dome? Yeah. cut my hair because i wanted alexis to micro needle it your your your dome yeah so she has this device that stabs a bunch of little holes in your head why would you do that because my hair was thinning oh and that helps yeah supposedly one of the biggest things that help out hey he's here did you look like a cancer victim what's going on on with your hair, Hitler? Dude, I got cancer. What's going on? Dude, you got cancer, man.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Your audio is crisp, Hunter. That's right, dude. I spend the big bucks. Your audio is crisp. Why did you gut your hair, bro? What happened? You gutted it. This is exactly – have you ever heard of that book um called self-made man where the chick transitions into a dude and then talks about how hard it is to be a dude and then she transitions back to being
Starting point is 00:02:31 a woman shut up you basically are that person right now what book is that what book is that self-made man it's actually pretty sad i'm actually paraphrasing because i haven't read it supposedly she came back and said like how incredibly hard it was to be a man and how brutal women were to her as a man, like under the pretense that she was a man. And that's what's happened to Hiller. Like he got on testosterone and felt the superpowers of being a fucking Superman.
Starting point is 00:02:57 And then he got off it, freaked the fuck out, shaved his head. And now I actually did shave my head because of it though. And now you're going back to oh so you're keeping up okay hunter's keeping up he knows i'm off and on i consider you guys to be my friends like i may not like like and comment on all your shit but i'd still stay on tabs uh by the way uh hillar is back on the sauce. I was actually thinking this morning, the code for California Peptides is working,
Starting point is 00:03:28 The code is working. You can just buy the peptides off the site without having to have any work done to you? I could just go in there and buy them. Dude, I've been dabbling. I've been dabbling. You're on the Peps too? I don't know if I'm on them, but I did a bunch of this BPC-157, and I did a bunch of the one that's supposed to increase your human growth hormone.
Starting point is 00:03:47 CJC-1295. And I gifted three bottles to people around me to make sure I wasn't making it up, that I felt the effects, and everyone's like, holy shit, can I get more? This is why it's so easy to cheat in CrossFit, because you can literally just go on websites and buy off it like it's Amazon. Or you could drink my urine. Yeah, dude. Hold, what is it you could add
Starting point is 00:04:07 to that that Armenian pea pots yeah they can't test for peptides i think peptides i don't know if you can do it through they're not doing blood tests it's just piss tests well no the thing is you have to inject them daily because the half-life's so short that they're out of you in i don't know 48 hours hours. Is that true? Anybody who's smart – Yes, I know that. Anybody who's smart – well, yeah, this would be considered a water-based. It's not oil-based.
Starting point is 00:04:31 That's why you do it sub-Q. Hunter, if you were injured and you – but you knew it was illegal to take peptides, but you knew they got out of your system in two months. Would you do it? Like you had a foot injury? Like mine was a bicep injury. I started injecting into my bicep. I am at the point where in my career, like I don't really have anything else to gain. Like I've won everything.
Starting point is 00:04:59 So I have everything to lose. But if I was in a position where I was like just starting my career off, like 25 year old Hunter had like a debilitating knee injury. Ah, 100%. Just to just fuck it. Who cares? Just be prepared. Just be like,
Starting point is 00:05:12 and if I get caught, I get caught. Who cares? At this point, like I don't want to have anything that taints my record. So fuck it. Like what did you say? Like,
Starting point is 00:05:21 yeah, but I, I'm in the position where like if i got injured right now i just wouldn't come back i bet guys like what do you want me to do like take a two-year mend period and then come back like there's nothing to be gained anyway i highly recommend i haven't heard one bad thing about peptides nothing not from a doctor not from anyone who's taken them it's like been just straight fucking positive. Dude, if you go back like six, seven years ago when Charles Poliquin was on Tim Ferriss' podcast, he's talking about peptides.
Starting point is 00:05:54 He's like, so what are the things you would take? He goes, everybody is like, you guys aren't thinking about what's really the best thing on the market right now. And it's like barely understood, which is peptides. Peptides, the people who are the best in exercise science and performance have been using peptides for decades. But now, you know, the black market's always willing to do things a lot faster than the governing bodies. So you guys are just finally getting a hold of stuff
Starting point is 00:06:18 that people have probably been taking for way too long. It is a gray area, right? I was looking at the U humble one tata or you water or whatever website trying to figure out why peptides are illegal then i guess they made them illegal in 2022 not illegal but against the rule pct in 2021 they honestly probably made it illegal because they just don't have the knowledge and the opportunity to do extensive research to find out what's really going on so they just say they don't know. That's the reason, justification. It will cost them so much money.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I mean, they probably could cure cancer, but they can't cure cancer. When you say illegal, do you mean in sport or in federal? No, no. What do you mean by illegal? In sport is what I meant, yeah. No, they're illegal in sport because they don't want everyone using them. I know, but they don't have the knowledge to really –
Starting point is 00:07:09 I mean, there's probably certain kind of peptides that should be considered legal, and then there's certain kind of peptides that should be considered illegal. Well, here's the thing. If you take peptides and they work and they are legal and you're competing against Sevan, he has to take them now all of a sudden, and they don't want to do that. That's the idea. I know, but I'm talking about category.
Starting point is 00:07:28 It's like you taking – what are those shots you take when you have joint pain? It's like a steroid shot. Why can I not come up with it? Cortisone? Cortisone. So if you took a cortisone shot, you can take that out of season, and then you can take another kind of steroid shot, which is hormone-based in the sense of muscular and anabolic growth rather than anti inflammation growth.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So, you know, if they could get if they could take peptides and kind of put a line down the middle and have some they're more for like health based rather than performance based, it probably would help a lot of people. The reason they give on their websites, Hiller, is that they just haven't done enough studies to know the effects. They don't even say it helps you or it doesn't help you. They don't say that they want everyone taking it. Are you just saying that, that that's your assessment of it? They don't want one person taking it and getting an advantage. I think that's generally the assessment of most performance enhancers in
Starting point is 00:08:20 sport is that they, I mean, it looks to say that there are no negative side effects, which whether or not they do the studies on them but testosterone is one where you're playing with fire when people are stupid and if hunter takes it and you don't he's got a competitive advantage it's so funny i'm literally with my um i was with my uh family yesterday and you know these are all non-athletes and they're just like, Hunter,
Starting point is 00:08:46 you look so fit. Everyone's like, let's get on steroids. Let's start taking testosterone right now and get super buff. And then they sat there for a second. They're like, so what happens if you start taking it and you don't, and then you stop taking it.
Starting point is 00:08:59 The people in the band, like in the, they don't know, they don't know anything about this stuff. Um, like when you get on all this stuff, I don't know about peptides, but once you get on this stuff, if you get off of it, there's ramifications. Like what was, what was the, what was the pendulum swing back when you got off of it? I got so tired.
Starting point is 00:09:18 That's probably the biggest thing every day around one o'clock before you got on it. Oh my God. Did your nipples get really soft and kind of milky no they're fine nipples are fine and like that's something that does happen with people but like the physique is okay i lost a bunch of weight i went from did you start training more or did your tits just get more shapely because you had more hormones going through your system because you didn't have tits like this before they got more i used to be obsessed with the bench press through i don't know i benched 300 at 140 in high school body weight which i thought was huge but my chest never looked it until i started taking steroids
Starting point is 00:09:54 but so your your tits got better just from taking the hormones yeah way bigger it was weird i've got amazing tits my tits just keep on getting better over time I got 295 the other day I had 300 I thought you could You have broad wide titties Nice wide titties I
Starting point is 00:10:16 I benched 315 a couple years ago But I was way way bigger And now This size was a PR for me at $295 on bench. Let me say this. Three and a half months ago or four months ago, whenever I took the CJC 1295, the one that's supposed to help your human growth hormone,
Starting point is 00:10:35 I took the bottle over 20 days. I felt great. People started complimenting my skin. My body felt great. I turned the dial back five years. I never took any more and and i still feel like i still fucking great i feel great i just want to make a peptide and steroid that's why they're great because you won't have that the bounce back yeah i was really curious
Starting point is 00:10:57 about this what's how many people do you have watching this live right now like how many people are tuning in for thanksgiving 140 right now that's not bad that's not bad i thought i thought myself i was like what's gonna really happen this morning is autumn is autumn man because i just got a compliment on my hog and i hope it's not from a dude no i think that's a chick yes one of your that's totally a chick see one of your one of your super fans dms me like all the time some pretty inappropriate shit oh that's cool is it a girl yeah someone said um uh who some there was a question here who had went in a fight between you and chuck norris i beat the piss out of chuck norris uh let me see here
Starting point is 00:11:40 do you guys ever have crazy exes um create cell phone numbers uh and then like text you from it no i think some of your i got one of those last night i know you say that as if it's reoccurring oh yeah it might all be the same maybe multiple phone numbers i want to talk about supplements today uh by the way because because Andrew just did a thing. He bent first form over. But before I go to that, I want to hear a discussion about how you pick what goes in them. But, hey, this peptide thing, what do you think about taking a – what do you think about someone who's 5'8", 400 pounds, right, and wants to get down to 185, and they've been that weight for – 400 pounds.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Let's say for 10 years, yeah. What do you think? What do you think? They're overweight? Yeah, what do you think? They're double their body weight they should be, let's say. Someone who's double body weight, right? So super fat.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah, like if I was 270. I should be a 135-pound little man. I don't know about that. I think you're the right size, but continue. Do you think that it's okay to take – Andrew and I were having this discussion the other day. There's a few peptides out there that will suppress your eating. There's a few peptides out there that will suppress your eating.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And I was thinking of all the things that I've seen out there. At a certain point, it's a mental disorder, dude. Like these people – like the same way people overuse alcohol, they overuse food. Some people overuse sex. What do you think about taking something that suppresses your eating, like this peptide called terzepatide? Hiller's argument was great. Basically, like take it, take it for six weeks, reduce your eating. You'll realize that you need one-third the calories you've been taking, and then hopefully by the time those five or six weeks are up, you've built some new habits.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Yeah, I think that would be ideal ideal but you also have to recognize like i used to smoke cigarettes to not eat like if i was like hungry but i didn't think i should eat i would just smoke a cigarette god i should get back to smoking cigarettes that's why i chew tobacco to lose weight is it really is it to suppress your appetite you'll put it yeah let's see there you go there you go so it's the same thing uh dude i don't know i don't have anything against it. I mean, listen, if you want to take an issue in your life to make it better, do it. Whether it's through peptides or actually taking care of yourself. What if you do them together?
Starting point is 00:14:17 I mean, that'd be great. I have an argument, though, that it's cheating or that – Who cares about cheating, dude? I mean, everything in this world shouldn't be measured. Everybody who's actually doing really well in this world probably is cheating to a degree. And like – What if we called it optimizing? What if we called it optimizing? I mean it's not optimizing. You're a fat fuck who can't take care of yourself. Like you got to stop. But wait a second. If you drive yourself to – let's say like yesterday my mom drove herself to the ocean where there's these steps, and she ran the steps four times.
Starting point is 00:14:49 That's great. But is that cheating? Because she had to go out of her way to go over there and get it. So what's the difference between calling or ordering this peptide, taking it for six weeks, and having it reduced? How is that cheating? Because it's like putting a plug into a leaky boat. It's like you are sure like banging up the hole and putting a cork in it. But in reality, like you could just fix the boat.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Like you could just create a system that you have a more stable base and you got to take care of yourself. And that's why I'm sure a lot of us are in this industry. Like I originally got into training because like i wanted to watch my body change and then i got really inspired to watch your analogy sorry yeah but i'm saying i want to watch other people's body change i want to become a trainer and then all of a sudden you know you know that's why i fell in love with this whole thing but rambo i have to i have sex not to eat so i can sleep oh sex does not work to avoid eating. That is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I know a lot of fat people that have a lot of sex. Are you going to ask me or Hunter if it's Hunter? Go. Hunter said it's like putting a cork into a boat as it's trying to overfill. But in this example, the people who have the overfilling, they have no idea what happens when you put a cork in the hole. These people who are 400 pounds, the Ozempic or the whatever is when you put a cork in the hole these people who are 400 pounds the ozempic or the whatever is kind of like a cork and they're like holy shit if i plug this bitch i'm not gonna sink these people i swear to god hunter you you're so fit you don't get it
Starting point is 00:16:18 hunter they yo-yo back so quickly, though. Yeah, but then all of a sudden, just like it was before, it's all their fault. But now they're aware of it. I don't think it makes them aware of it. I think it's a band-aid. You think when you stop smoking, you think when you stop using nicotine, you're going to get fat, Hunter? So I had to go to that rehab, and I was talking about this the other night. I had to go to rehab, and so how did about this the other night. I had to go to rehab
Starting point is 00:16:45 and so how did I got out of one rehab to the next rehab? I was in the third rehab and their whole basis was AA. And I remember I would sit there in the meetings and I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:16:56 all right, guys, like I'm only 19 at the time. I'm like, listen, I'm not buying into this shit. Like I get that this is a cool club and you guys are very supportive of everything. And but like, I want everyone to know that shit. I get that this is a cool club and you guys are very supportive of everything. But I want everyone to know that there's a liquor store in every corner.
Starting point is 00:17:09 There's a party in every apartment building. I was like, you guys cannot be carrying around these little coins in your pocket, jingling around as your only security base. You have to recognize you're going to have to create a foundation outside of this room that allows you to be responsible for your life. AA is not always going to be there for you. you have to be able to be self-contained and they kicked me out of the fucking rehab oh shit yeah they kicked me out of the rehab a 19 year old kid like wow mansplaining it to some fucking adults and these people didn't even want to understand the own lie that they were living in they're not saying there's a way to push back on that no they're fucking idiots and i mean they're also charging twenty thousand dollars a month for you to be there and all of a sudden you just now destabilize this business because you
Starting point is 00:17:53 show that it's just a free entity that you go to with the bible attached um i don't have anything wrong with it you get a free bible no i'm just saying i don't have anything wrong with it. Did you get a free Bible? No, I'm just saying, I don't have anything wrong with AA, but I was just saying, it's the same exact thing with giving these people these Ozempics or whatever the fuck it is. Like you're just giving them a bandaid. Like eventually you need to teach these people. Can you, you can take a horse to water, but can you force it to drink kind of thing? Like if you just stuff a hose in their mouth full of Ozempic, yeah, you're going to cure the problem for the moment, but you're not going to cure the issue forever issue forever hey how many alcoholics or drug addicts do you know that kind
Starting point is 00:18:28 of got off of the shit themselves so you just said like a they need to figure it out someone needs to help them but how many drug addicts or alcoholics nicotine on my own and it was fucking hard a few times so we have a one of one right now. Listen, you're asking – I don't have data points on these things. I did it. I'm one of one. I'm just saying they probably need help. Like some people make it out the other end of the day.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I'm not saying they need help, but – And you're also not against it. What you're saying is you're not against someone. What would you do if you were 400 pounds and there was the option to to take ter ter's appetite and you'd been 400 pounds for 10 years would you do it to reduce your you know the mechanism the mechanism is it makes you less hungry i'll just give you an example i have a championship next week in stockholm and take nicotine yeah but i i've got a championship next week coming up in stockholm and what i did was knowing that today was today i woke up immediately went out and did a 10-mile run
Starting point is 00:19:27 before anybody else woke up and fucked with my day. Then instead of buying – I know I'm probably going to have a little bit of booze, but I went out and bought a bunch of non-alcoholic beers so I don't have to get super drunk because I have to be on a flight tomorrow flying to Europe. I made sure that I'm going to front load the day and have some donuts.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I'm drinking real beer right now, by the way. And I'm, you are what's real beer. What's real beer. Well, it's there's alcohol in it. I bought non-alcoholic beers for later on the day.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Oh, why? What time is it? 9. AM. Why are you drinking real beer at nine? This is a Mac entire agenda here. Um,
Starting point is 00:20:03 yeah, I don't think I've ever had a beer before noon. I set my day up so that I don't have to create this mess of my life, but I can still partake in what everything's going on. But, you know, you just have to be measured and monitored as an adult. Like if you're going to get through this world without being a fat person or having other issues and you have to just create a system like it's thanksgiving i'm going to participate in absolutely everything but because i'm the person where my only person in this family where my body really matters what's going to happen like you know my results it's very um you know physically driven i have to be measured and if you're fat you have to do the
Starting point is 00:20:41 same thing hector hector trinta i would do the peptides now that I know about training and nutrition. I've lost 125 pounds myself, no corners cut. Yeah. I own a supplement company, and I will be totally honest. Like you guys could probably invest $200 into testosterone or peptides every single month, and it would be more valuable than taking all of my supplements. A hundred percent. Yeah, and I'm not going valuable the metric let's be clear here the metric you're talking about is aesthetic performance like if you were
Starting point is 00:21:12 gonna take my my strength x2 product which is our bodybuilding like gym based like lifting weights product and it could give you also really awesome boners. Or that's going to cost you $50 a month and it will probably increase your performance by maybe 5% to 10% potentially, if you took it and really put the work in. Or you could take testosterone every single month and the likelihood of you getting a 20% to 40% increase of performance is drastically higher. Is there more kickback in case you do it and prop like improperly yes um because it is a hormone and but what i say way more kickback i i was drinking i was drinking so before i was working out i was taking like 300 milligrams of caffeine i stopped that for a week right and i felt like shit every time I worked out.
Starting point is 00:22:06 But after a week, I'm back to normal and I feel fucking great working out again. And all my shit's back up to normal. Did you take caffeine? No, I stopped taking caffeine, but I adjusted quickly within a week. If you stop taking testosterone, you're not adjusting back in a week. The gains that you get from taking that stuff also has consequences. Right. Dan Carrera just asked if I have friends in high school.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Shut up, four eyes. No, no. Punch you in the face. He did not. No, I had a lot of friends. I also had a lot of girlfriends. It's a good life. I lost 200 pounds, and I dropped my bitch ex-wife.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Buh-bye, bitch. Snap, snap. Yeah, but dude, that's the difference. You could put one needle in yourself or you could be like me where I literally have to walk around with pills and bottles everywhere I go. Or I could take testosterone and I would whoop everyone's ass even harder than I do. How many supplements does your company sell? We sell three and basically uh hillar did a video the other day saying that first form has way too many fucking ingredients in their shit and they got ingredients
Starting point is 00:23:12 in there that shouldn't be in there hold up hold up let's be clear about that because i was actually talking to alexis and she thought the same thing and i go i got no issue with what they have in their products i have issue with them saying that their products are the cleanest and the best products. Yet it's very easy to prove that they are not because there are all this shit. That's actually what Hunter just said. Hunter just said, testosterone will go far and beyond what my stuff gives you. But this company would say, hey, we can compete with testosterone because we're so fucking great. It's like, no, you're not.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Dude, if you look at all my products, there's about two ingredients in every product that we make. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Builder Sports. Because in reality, what I got really sick of is I was working for all these brands. And all of a sudden, on the back of the bottle, it would say proprietary blend and it would have like 1800 milligrams of just, you know, non-measurable, uh, ingredients in there. And just like one scoop of my hydration product has
Starting point is 00:24:14 five times as much volume as that. And so you're just getting bullshit serving sizes and you're getting bullshit products inside of there. And I don't know. The serving sizes are wild. Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy. Take a scoop of pre-workout from 10 years ago. That thing is four times as big as the one present day. I know, I know. And it's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Do you remember, dude? No Explode was like this, like it was like a half dollar size scoop. And it was about two inches deep. You're like, ugh. That's a nice picture. Is this you on Tinder? Is that what Tinder looks like? Yeah, that was just my media team making that. They're clever. that's a nice picture. Is this you on Tinder? Is that what Tinder looks like?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Uh, yeah, it was just my, my media team making that. They're clever. I like that. But is that a Tinder? Is that what really what Tinder looks like?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's good. Dude. Go to,
Starting point is 00:24:57 go to, um, wow. No, no, hold on. I want to look at, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Oh yeah. Go to my page and you get to see the commercials we've been making for Black Friday. Hey, man, I went to your YouTube. I was watching that video and just randomly there's an ad for your company and I died because you're running around in that thong. And I remember the word you were saying. It's like very nice or something. Yeah, that's nice. I actually was going to post that, but my heart and soul is dedicated to Swolverine, so I didn't.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Hey, Hunter, so this is you looking at a chick and you're like, not so much, and then a dude with a mask on. That's you, right? That's me. We made a Nacho Libre ad. God, that is so amazing, dude. Yeah. Dude, it's so much fun. Go over to my page and you'll see the ad that we made with me and my underpants.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Oh, it was great. God, it's so good. I, Hiller and I talked about it. It's fucking amazing. I was watching one of your videos.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I don't, I don't know what you were doing, but then it just popped up. I think you were pushing a sled and right outside your storage unit. Go to that one on the left. Yeah. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:02 If you guys want to see it. Yeah. On the top, right? Go to that one on the left. That's it. Yeah, if you guys want to see it. On the top right.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Damn. Nice. That's what you were saying. Nice. Nice. Great audio. It was tedious. Nice. Nice.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Nice. I like the strap. I have one of those. Dude, that's the best choice. Nice. Hell yeah! Nice. What? Hello? Nice. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Jesus Christ. Oh my goodness. What is he? Oh, we can't. We can't. What is this nonsense? Come on. We just didn't want to be like any other brand where they're just like screaming percentages off for you guys.
Starting point is 00:27:08 What's this dude's name? Does this dude have an alter ego? This is Chef Boyardood. Chef Boyardood. Hey, would you ever have sex with a girl and stay in character the whole time as someone else besides yourself? I do often. You do? I'm all business, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:28 All right, all right. Do Chef Boy or Dude this time, man? Yeah. I guess she probably wouldn't call you man, but you know what I mean. Yeah, that's good, dude. That's good. Captain Rogers' caffeine in high doses is great for nursing mothers, so says the champ.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Who is that? That's Chris Evans, Captain America, Captain Rogers. What happened? Didn't you say you were having another guy on the show again? Do you have any feelings about first form? I think they're an incredible business. Like you can't, I don't know. Multi-level marketing and all that.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Whatever, man. You can't hate on people until you've owned a business and you're really just like pushing at that level, you can't really appreciate the amount of hustle and grind that goes into growing something to that size. What do you think about lying? What do you think about saying that it has the finest product when like some do, when Hiller can go on and just look like in 10 minutes and be like, no, you actually don't. You actually have the opposite of the finest products. You have filler and it's not the best.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah. But dude, what's your true definition of the finest products? Like you also have to just think that like some people just want the flavor and the presence and the marketing and the feel of being associated with that. Say that, right? Yeah. Why not say that? Our products taste better than everyone else's and we think they're the best.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Not just my name on it everything everything that we're associated with in this world politics lifestyle brands whatever the heck it is is it is it's just it's just shades of marketing it's all a game and these guys are killing it they're worth billions of dollars and you may not like the fact that their ingredients are a couple milligrams off of what you'd appreciate, but they're not. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not what I'd appreciate what they say. Why is this so hard for everyone to understand? I'm just telling you right now.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I just benched 400 pounds. Your frustration is not hurting anybody except for yourself. These people are still going to keep on buying the products and still keep on enjoying the process. I'm not saying the product is frustrations with you, Mr. Redhead. I'm frustrated with you. I'm telling you guys right now. I got my both back and to go and Alexis yesterday.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I'm like, why don't you know what I'm saying? Listen, I have my own supplement company. I handle it differently. But I will say from somebody who just appreciates business, they're doing great. Yeah. That cannot be argued. I went to their headquarters.
Starting point is 00:29:50 It's fucking crazy. I could try to throw a football across it, and it would take me six times. No shit. So they're doing well. It's fucking crazy. They were building a building across the way at the time, which probably is done by now. I bet you suck at throwing a football. No, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I'm telling you, it is so crazy big. How far can you throw a football? Probably 70 yards. That's fucking crazy. No, shut up. I don't believe you. You're worth a shit. Dude, I used to throw javelin.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I was a weapon. I was a weapon. Fuck, man. What are you not good at? Let's start with what you're not good at, and we can start with bench press. I ended up getting into javelin. I was a weapon. I was a weapon. Fuck, man. Let's start with what you're not good at, and we can start with bench press. I ended up getting into javelin. I think I've told you guys this a bunch of times, but my grandfather was a track and field guy,
Starting point is 00:30:34 so then he used to have me train and throw with an old world record holder, this guy named Tom Petronoff. You guys should have him on the show sometime. The dude's a fucking beefy weapon. Oh, I had that guy Jason on the show. You told me to have on Jason's a freak, but Tom Petronov's even more of a freak. Dude, supposedly Tom Petronov. He told me that back in the day he was such a wet like a weapon at throwing people in
Starting point is 00:30:55 Japan would pay him like ten, twenty thousand dollars to show up to baseball stadiums. He was so powerful. He could stand at home plate and throw baseballs out of the stadium. Yeah, I know. I've heard that sort of stuff. I just looked up the stat, and it says that the average NFL quarterback can only throw the ball 50 to 60 yards, and the strongest of them can throw them 75.
Starting point is 00:31:15 So your arm is better than the best of the NFL quarterbacks? There's no getting away. I don't know. No wonder Hunter likes first form Are you Jamarcus Russell? Listen why don't we go to a football field And we'll just handle this That would be a great video
Starting point is 00:31:32 You probably look so sexy Throwing a fucking javelin You know what was insane Was Jan Halesny That guy was the dude who was a fucking weapon He was so powerful That you used to have to throw the back brace on because he would pull his vertebrae out of their fucking alignment
Starting point is 00:31:50 to the velocity of his move. Look at this. Look at this picture I just found of fucking Hunter. Look at this. This is him at Onnit headquarters. Baker Mayfield currently holds That's me as a boy, dude. God, this is 10 years ago. I know, dude. That was really cool. Aubrey was a really great dude. God, this is 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I know, dude. That was really cool. Aubrey was a really great guy. How long ago is this? Wow. Look at you. Man. He must have not done anything other than run.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Well, dude, that was my career back then. That was Spartan race years. He was a cool dude. He's like maybe he did too many. Did he do too many drugs, too many hallucininogenics His mind got so empty it fell out Well I don't know man I would hate to sound bad talking about the guy But when I met him he was really
Starting point is 00:32:35 Like with it cool Like just a great great guy And then all of a sudden Like on it started to take off even more And then he got this like wicked hot girlfriend And then he started promoting open relationships. And then I think the open relationship swung not towards his favor, and she ended up leaving him for another dude. He got in a terrible car accident, and then he kind of disappeared off the face of the earth and started doing these high- like high vibration retreats with people and when you see somebody go
Starting point is 00:33:07 from like this over here like used to run an mma gym and it's huge supplement company it was buff as fuck with all the hottest chicks in the world so like disappearing into high vibration retreats in sedona that's a pretty big transformation he needed i mean dude if i could tell you like i think my life's pretty pretty cush and like i live a on the high on the hog that guy made me look like a fucking grandest sand at his beach dude like he was living a good life every time i went to the instagram that dude was surrounded by more hot chicks and was doing bigger and better things every month stacked up and then i think like rome like all of a sudden the empire just gets too big it eats itself yeah those
Starting point is 00:33:51 take you to a weird spot go ahead hillary that's exactly what happened yeah dude those guys were all like we're we're gonna coach you on being like you know we're coaches we're gonna coach you on being coaches we're all of a sudden going to start eating tons of hallucinogens we're losing our minds now i'm naked swinging barbell maces that's what happened who that was like the original crossfit podcast those were the guys who would stand up on the with the microphones like at rich's house they were awesome doug larson mike arsenal uh mike and and what was the name of the guy who passed away? He was so cool. He was the heavier set powerlifting type guy.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I don't know. Mike McGoldrick was over there, right? I don't know. I'm starting to lose it. Was the guy CPT over there at Training Think Tank? Was he one of those guys? Yeah, I don't know if Mike McGoldrick was over there. Mike Bledsoe.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Mike Bledsoe. Mike Bledsoe. That wasn't the big guy, though, was it? No, I can't remember his name now. Chris Moore. He was super, super cool. The Barbell Buddha. What did those people do? They just drove around in their car with a microphone around the country
Starting point is 00:34:58 and just interviewed people standing up? Dude, they were just the first people to just make it happen man like they were they were the first people to spread the good word of um our lord and savior crossfit dude they were weapons i really like i miss those guys and what happened they did too many drugs and their shit fell apart they got too high i'm not i'm not gonna say they did a bunch of drugs because i don't know that but it was i don't know how this stuff happens. And there was Anders Varner who was in there too. He was a really cool guy.
Starting point is 00:35:28 What was the name of it? Barbell Shrugged? Barbell Shrugged. If you go to their YouTube channel, Sorted by Most Popular, they were getting millions of views, hundreds of thousands 10 years ago. Dude, they were the coolest. Their website's still going. They have something called – is this one of the
Starting point is 00:35:45 guys let me see god i was so in my own world then i was just my crossfit media hey you're gonna you'll shit and die when you look at their youtube channel the fuck is this is this the guy no i don't recognize't recognize him. That's Anders, yeah. This guy. Anders is a really good dude. It looks like they're still in business. I'm sure they're still doing stuff, but they were big. They were big, big. Oh, here's the podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Here's the guy. Definitely recognize this guy on the left. What's his name? That's Doug Larson. Okay, definitely recognize him. Yeah. And CTP was the man and still is. What happened to the Buttery Butts?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Do they still do stuff? They're killing it. Really? Fuck, they do. They just did something crazy. They just got the energy drink. It looks like they just got the energy. Two things happened to them.
Starting point is 00:36:45 They got the Energy Drink Company that Tia Toomey's promating. What the fuck is wrong with my mouth? Promoting? Promoting. Promating. She's promating this Energy Country Company, Energy Drink Company. Come on, pull it together. I think, is Rain a sister company to-
Starting point is 00:37:01 They've been part of Rain for a long time, yeah. Is Reign a sister company to... They've been part of Reign for a long time. So, they did a video. It's called the Reign Olympics, and they got all these great fucking CrossFit athletes. Did they post the video? They just act like complete jackasses.
Starting point is 00:37:16 They were doing drinking games, but with Reign, and the Buttery Bros filmed that. I haven't seen it, but I'm sure it's fucking great. Why do you think CrossFit athletes are such pussies and never drink beer? Hold on. One more thing. And then the Buttery Bros, there's this billionaire dude named Jesse Itzler.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And I didn't see it, but somehow they're affiliated with him now. Who's they? The Buttery Bros. That's the kind of interesting thing where I don't get it. That guy's a billionaire, and he's been a billionaire for a while, but now he's starting to come back down into this space and i'm like what's the what's the move here i wonder why he's doing that and tosh got how about how about tosh uh um nicole carroll's husband got his brian shantosh got his shit man you and brian shantosh could should do a camp together are you friends with him who is that? You know who Brian Shantosh is?
Starting point is 00:38:06 No, no, no, no. He won the – he's the guy who ran in a conic on an air runner in a conic spot for 24 hours. Oh, dude, I was there actually when they locked those guys in there, and then they all shit themselves. You were there? Yeah, it was at a Spartan race event. It was at a Spartan race event. He won the, whatever the highest medal of honor you can have in the United States. I think he won it, like the Navy Cross or some shit. He's a bad dude.
Starting point is 00:38:33 He's a good dude. He's been on the podcast a few times. He rode across the Atlantic recently. Pacific, some fucking shit. He was on here like a year ago. Did you say the other day? The other day. It was a while ago, man. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:44 It's like, I heard you. You do day? The other day. Yeah, it was a while ago, man. Whatever. It's like I heard you. You do so many. You do so many of these podcasts. It's got to you got to be losing track of time and space. The Rock reposted an entire video that Shantosh made and then didn't even tag him. Did you guys see that? That was fucking nuts. No.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yeah. Hey, man, that was nine ass months ago. Shantosh was on your show show i should have him on again let me see if i can find yeah the other day i had him it was i think it was yesterday caleb oh our time about that oh shit he did fucking he did tag he's on there he did tag him eventually the first time i saw this he wasn't tagged look at this shit this is him right here uh gratitude and then it says brian shantosh a marine corps major uh the tmf veteran leader i think he may have been a he may have been a teacher at the naval academy too no shit look at this um i'm not sure i can't i'm scared i need help it takes a lot of strength to
Starting point is 00:39:44 ask yourself the questions this is your brother from a different mother why is it that all military people have this kind of voice I don't know but he's not like other guys he doesn't do the he's not like the other guys
Starting point is 00:40:00 I don't think did you see that thing on Goob's channel yesterday oh fuck Hunter you gotta thing on Goob's channel yesterday? I'm not sure Oh fuck Hunter you gotta know who Goob Hey Savon you're on Instagram You should pull up Goob I don't have the back end at the moment or I'd do it
Starting point is 00:40:14 Why don't you? Who's Goob? When I got this computer it logged me out of StreamYard Oh I want to log you back in I like it when you have access to the back end Dude you're going to trip Hunter when you see this guy hunter said this thing about military and it made me think about this thing he just put up it's not oh i love i like this guy a lot i think i'm the left in the middle with the dude in the green floor i like this guy a lot this dude is savage
Starting point is 00:40:41 yeah he just rips people apart for having all the edited shit. Yeah, but that one on the left, he's just talking about these people who run what look like some sort of a faux military camp out of a body. I want to show Hunter one thing. Look at this. I'm surprised that these military camps get so much money. Look at this, Hunter. Look at this. This is the guy.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I don't think he's a big guy. I keep going back and looking at this video. I mean, he's probably like 5'6". Yeah, he does not look tall at all, but wait till you see how strong he is. I think this is... Careful with the music. 3'15". Watch what he does with 3'15", Hunter.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Look at this. Look at... Puts it on his lap. Wow. Oh, hey. That's Daniel Berry. Fucking nuts. Puts it on his lap Wow Oh hey That's Daniel Berry Fucking nuts You know the guy in the background The chick to the left
Starting point is 00:41:31 Oh she crossfitter Ex-girlfriend Oh shit I think Hunter knows her too Have you and Hunter banged the same chick No we're not Eskimo brothers yet He said yet Yeah hunter bang the same chick no we're not eskimo brothers yet he said yeah yeah uh yeah i i don't
Starting point is 00:41:50 i don't swing that way dude i keep my doors i keep my doors pretty tight to like norwegian women i'm now i'm now like looking outside of the united states uh i keep i i'm grateful for being able to get up and down from the floor hiller versus versus Hunter. Hunter, 100 burpees for time. Go. No. Not for five bucks. Oh, I would like to see that. God, that would be nasty.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I'm pretty sure I got the range of motion advantage. How tall are you? Five, nine. You're 6'1", right? You think you beat Hunter in that? You think you beat Hunter in that? 100 burpees? Yeah, I'm pretty good. Oh, dude, he's in such good shape, dude. There's no way you beat Hunter in that? Hunter Burpees? Yeah, I'm pretty good at that.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Oh, dude, he's in such good shape, dude. There's no way you beat him in that. If there's a few things that I could smoke him in outside of weightlifting, I think Burpees are one thing I got him in. You know what's interesting is this category of just shitting on people on the internet is such a huge category now. Everyone just loves it.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Do you think Hiller's in this category? Yeah, for sure, dude. That's what your whole brand's built off of. Shitting. Shitting on people fit. Yeah, dude. You're just chopping people off the head. You don't understand.
Starting point is 00:42:56 He's making people better. Okay, let's watch a little bit of this one. Happy Thanksgiving. We're going to keep it light today. We're going to talk about a video that a bunch of you sent me that I don't understand. Let's roll the clip. Get the fuck up, bitches.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Move your goddamn asses. Why the fuck are you sitting here? Get up, get up, get up. I did two of these things with SealFit. And the first time I did seal fit was amazing the second time i did seal fit like it had just it had outgrown its roots and it was just such a shit show like gene on this you've done this or i did i did seal fit it was put on by this guy named mark divine i've got nothing against mark divine but the original product versus the one where I did it three years later was just a
Starting point is 00:43:45 shit show. It was so ridiculous. At one point, I had to take a shit and they're like, I need to go to the bathroom. They're like, do it in your pants. I was like, I actually have to take a shit. They're like, do it in
Starting point is 00:44:02 your pants. I was like, guys, I understand that you guys are trying pants and i was like guys like i understand that you guys are trying to like keep up this whole persona but like understand that this is all a game like i paid to show up at your shitty little make-believe camp and i need to poop and that's they would not they would not let me shit and they did not let me shit so i had to keep on doing burpees with a rock for an hour and then when we were swimming across the lake 30 minutes later, I had to shit in the lake while tied up to all these other guys that I was with. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Let's listen to what Goop says here. Hold on. Get on here and kink shit. What did I just watch? I don't understand this. Maybe somebody in the comments can help me. These are grown men that paid somebody else to scream at them to go get their... Like, what? This boy here looks stressed as hell.
Starting point is 00:44:50 I don't know if you saw him. It looks like he's having a good time. Also, like, until my boy at the inn here really rips it up, like, the intensity... I don't know. I don't know. It's sort of like a half-assed scream. I'm seeing these classes pop up everywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:02 It is kind of a half-assed scream. If you're going to do it, do it. They don't understand it. No hate, no judgment. I couldn't find what this shit cost, but if you want private coaching by the dude that runs it, it's $40,000 a year. Upon further consideration, this is probably a kink.
Starting point is 00:45:20 All right, guys. Dude, you should look this one guy up. His name's Garrett Wright or something like that. His name's like Warrior Kings. And both him and his wife have so much Botox and weird shit done to themselves, and they run this operation. What's it called? It's like Warriors, something like that.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Garrett Wright. Let's just say Garrett. I think I've seen this guy before. It's a trip. Yeah, dude. And so many people go into it. Yeah, dude. Wake up, Warriors.
Starting point is 00:45:51 It is the weirdest brand of just like. I don't think they're doing well, dude. If it's who I think it is. It is. Yeah, they had some issues here, I think, with this thing. I'm not sure. I can't imagine how they wouldn't. Someone stole someone's wife or something.
Starting point is 00:46:09 We had someone on who talked to me about this. Their prices are so astronomical, and they're basically going after men whose lives are probably – they're overachievers, and their life at home is probably starting to fall apart because of it. their life at home is probably starting to fall apart because of it. And then they target these men who want to get their shit together for super high-ticket items. We had one of their coaches on. He's a good friend of mine. I'm trying to remember.
Starting point is 00:46:34 He's a very good friend of mine, and I can't remember his name. He owns CrossFit Costa Mesa or something. Who was that? He's a major OG. He's at his CrossFit gym. He was more than 15 years old. He used to train with John Wellborn, big powerlifting dude. He's at his CrossFit gym. He's more than 15 years old. He used to train with John Wellborn. Big powerlifting dude.
Starting point is 00:46:47 He was Christian Lacero's coach. Fuck, why can't I remember him? This is so good. Who the fuck is... Max, Max, Max... Mormont. I think Max Mormont is a coach. I would have never gotten that.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Or was. I was thinking so hard. I think that company so hard. I think that company, uh, had a split trainer, John Wellborn, huh? Yep. I want to show you guys this, uh, to go back to that little camp thing where those people are just getting screamed at. I imagine running one of those out of my affiliate and how ridiculous I would have felt. Because the lights are on and it looks somewhat like a CrossFit gym. Let me tell you what you should do so you don't have to do anything like that ever in your life.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Listening. I'm going to show you. in your life listening i'm gonna show you this is uh this is a uh a nine-year-old boy who's just been doing martial arts three to seven days a week for the last i don't know if i like where this is going five years just look look at this kid on the right look at this kid on the right this is a nine-year-old kid. Look at this kid. That's her son? Look at this kid in the white. If I could whoop this kid's ass. A year younger than the other kid.
Starting point is 00:48:15 25 pounds lighter. Fuck him up. Now watch. Keep watching. He's going for the chokeout. Get the chokeout. Now watch. Here watching. He's going for the choke out. Get the choke out. Now watch. Here we go. Listen. Listen. I'm going to show you something.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Look. When you hug the head, look. Come down. Look. When you hug the head. No. Just stay on your knees. When you hug the head like this, I'm giving you my back. I'm just climbing my back.
Starting point is 00:48:43 See? That's how I got your back. Joey. Dude. That's really honorable. Dude. You can't pay one of those programs fucking $10 million to teach you that kind of fucking behavior at nine. Be the kid.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Immediately right afterwards, show them how to fucking do it. You know, it's funny. immediately right afterwards show them how to fucking do it you know it's funny when i was in my early 20s i was going after programs like the one that you just like showed me the one where like people are screaming at you and teaching how to be tough yeah and now that i'm in my 30s all i listen to is like baba ramdas kind of shit oh yeah and i've just recognized how dumb all that stuff was like the the intensity and the masculinity and all that kind of shit and i was i was spending the money to go to these things like this guy's name is rich richard albertson and uh he was like the top like uh behavioral psychologist in the world at the time working out out of Harvard, Stanford, and Cambridge.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And he was like, everybody loved him. And then all of a sudden, one day he ate mushrooms, and he was like, I don't understand human beings at all. He's like, I'm just really good at reading the books and telling people what's inside the books. And then he went on this crazy, like, took so many drugs that Harvard fired him. Like, he lost all of his, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:03 basically his career-based, I, you know, basically his career based. Um, I don't know. Notoriety. This book is fucking amazing. Yeah. You got to listen to his dissertations, like be here now,
Starting point is 00:50:14 or like forgetting to die, all that kind of stuff. It's crazy. Yeah. Sarah Cox. I paid for seal fit. Totally stupid. That's what I was trying to say
Starting point is 00:50:25 No it's funny as I'm actually associated With some of the people that are in the program So I'm probably gonna get some kickback from this but Hey she You know I think she did it with Kristen Clever And Rebecca Voight too she did it or someone Some big names and Sarah made it through Hey
Starting point is 00:50:41 Sarah back squatted 185 For 20 and she's like 74 years old. Really? 74. Crazy, right? Shandy said, how many of us are dodging our families? How are you guys? So are you married now, Hiller?
Starting point is 00:51:00 Or are you engaged? That's a great question. How many of us are getting invited to your wedding is the real question. Whenever the hell that ends up happening, everybody. Yeah. Well, you are going to do that. You are going to invite. You're going to just have a.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Dude, your fiance better have some hot girlfriends. Where would you guys do it? See, I can't really think much further away than like three days from now. So I couldn't possibly give you that answer. Could you just have a wedding and invite like 6,000 people, invite them to a park somewhere and be like, everyone has to bring a dish, some paper plates and forks. Dude, this not a taxidermy deer has a good idea.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Don't bring any booze. Just have bowls of peptides and let's just get fucking crazy. A syringe bowl. And you just kind of like pull the liquid out of the bowl. Where do you see that comment? Oh, wait. Sarah is the person who works with you guys at California hormones. I just put that together.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah. She's the, you stayed at her house. Slumber parties. Yeah. Love that place. Oh, she's only 47. Whatever. What's a few years?
Starting point is 00:52:04 You said 74. Or whatever. Whatever it takes. Yeah. love that place oh she's only 47 whatever what's a few years she's only 74 or whatever whatever it takes yeah I mean 74 that back spot weights crazy dude she's not she's not a big woman dude it's all up here she's fucking a lean machine
Starting point is 00:52:20 yeah she has a crazy body she's got this ham brain what do you guys have lined up for today Machine. She's jacked. Yeah, she has a crazy body. She's got this ham brain. What do you guys have lined up for today? Talk about dinner at 2 o'clock or some shit. How about you? 225, Hunter, now. 225.
Starting point is 00:52:37 225 what? People watching. He was impressed with 169. I thought he might ejaculate when he hears 225. It'll hit 300. Hunter stays off his phone sorry literally my uh my family just keeps on messaging me and like i can hear all the voices echoing downstairs and i'm like oh shit oh they're at your place you're at their place no so my nickname uncle who who so i i basically will tell you guys a story. My niece was really young.
Starting point is 00:53:06 We spent the summer together two years ago in Rhode Island in a house we rented during COVID. I had to change my name from Hunter to Uncle Hoo Hoo so I could be the second person she named. She said Dada. That was a battle between her mother and myself. That's how I became Uncle Hoo Hoo. This is my little area. This is Uncle Hoo Hoo's house. You got the Concept 2 rower.
Starting point is 00:53:27 You got the air mattress. I like that setup. Yeah, dude, it's dope. You're at your brother's house? Yeah, we're down here in Greenwich, Connecticut. So there's this big-ass screen TV, and I just watch action movies and just fuck this rower up. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I rack it, dude. I went to to greenwich the greenwich equinox the other day and these are like the priciest most fancy people in the country and i'm in there just beating the shit out of the skier in front of everybody and it was one of the best feelings in the world because everyone's just kind of like doing like little like 18 pound kettlebell cleaning jerks like and then there's just you hammering on the fucking... Just shattering this machine. It's like... What sort of shape would you say you're in right now? Crossfit.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Well, dude, you guys want to hear something? I'll show you literally the DMs. This probably will get me in trouble, but who gives a shit? Look at this. Who is this guy? Look at this.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Who is this guy? Hey, Hunter, will you hold on? Can you hold on one sec? What? Let's see. Go ahead. Show me. Show me.
Starting point is 00:54:36 It says this is Saad. Is that the guy who runs Dubai Fitness? I said basically this is Saad, the guy who runs the Dubai Fitness Championships. And I guess they're inviting me to the Dubai Fitness Championships. No shit? Yeah, I don't know if I can actually pull it off. Why? What do you mean? First of all, what?
Starting point is 00:54:54 They invited you? Well, he just texted me that. And if you guys fucking rat on me, I'll beat the shit out of you. This is live. I'm sure some people are watching, homie. Hold on one second. Let's get back to that one second. I got a friend I want to bring on for five minutes.
Starting point is 00:55:06 God dang it. There he is. Dude, this guy looks like a long-lost brother of mine. The fucking hair. You look so good rolled out from any bridge in California. That hair right there. Morning, fellas. How we doing? Bear, do you know Hunter McIntyre?
Starting point is 00:55:26 I know of him. I don't know him personally, but nice to meet you, man. Is your name really Bear? Not technically, but it's been a name since I was like two years old, so it's pretty much official. His name's not really Uncle Hoo-Hoo either, Bear. I know, dude. And down below, have you ever met Andrew Hill either, Bear. I know, dude. And
Starting point is 00:55:45 down below, have you ever met Andrew Hiller, Bear? I haven't. A follower, but never met you. It's nice to meet you as well. Nice to meet you, Bear. Bear, I know you don't have a lot of time, and I reached out to you the other day, and I couldn't fucking believe your Black Friday sale. And this is a true
Starting point is 00:56:01 story. Bear didn't contact me. I reached out to him. I was like, holy shit, dude. You guys are gonna fucking do it again i want to tell people and i brought this on um to show you guys these are my these are my uh these are my nano twos my favorite shoe of all time this is this is the fucking new favorite shoe of all time it's the savage one and it's made by born primitive this is a weird shoe, but fits my feet incredibly. This is a beautiful gangster motherfucking shoe. There it is. Congratulations, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah, I mean, you know, we talked about this, Sivan, already, but, like, the Nano 2 is one of my favorite shoes ever as well. So when we went to design it, it was like, we wanted to take like components of that, but make it a bit more technical. For me, the Nano 2 would kind of like get a little bit flimsy after a while. Like it was good to like wear around in town when you had like a fresh pair,
Starting point is 00:56:54 but if you beat the crap out of it, it did lose a little bit of its lateral like kind of stability. So as you can see, we beefed it up, made it a bit more technical. And then, you know, put some other components of other footwear that we liked um because i've been wearing every shoe in the business since you know for the last 15 years or so i'm glad you like it man um i know uh i absolutely love it i i was concerned i have like probably 20 pair of nano twos in boxes because i was always afraid that they would stop making them and they did stop making them and the
Starting point is 00:57:24 new ones are not as good as the original ones. They're so good. And when yours came out and you sent them to me, so many people have sent me shoes. The Metcon, like I can't even get my foot into it. The Tear, I can't get my foot into that. I haven't worn the Rads, but I've been told that my foot wouldn't fit in them. And so when you sent me this and I wore it, I was like,
Starting point is 00:57:41 holy shit, this is the fucking real deal. Do you make running shoes too? Not yet. That's our first shoe. You know, we're going to do running shoes next. Um, and we're, we're working on like a, like a military law enforcement, like assault boot right now as well. So those are the kind of the only things in the works, but eventually we'd like to be able to like outfit like an athlete for every
Starting point is 00:58:02 discipline. Right. So you need a running shoe, you need a lifter. a lifter um and then for our you know kind of military law enforcement audience we need an assault boot for them so uh that's what we're working on but we wanted to nail this one first you know the goal is that it can be a shoe like for me i was i was bringing three pairs of shoes to the gym and i'd bring my lifters and then i'd bring like my metcons or nanos and then like if i was doing a track workout i would throw on like some asics or some brooks running shoes for that and i was like this is just ridiculous now obviously you know if you are going for like a three rep max or something like you want to throw lifters on like you're never going to wear like a nano or a savage one in my opinion if you if you're really going for it but the goal is to have a shoe that it's like all right i don't need to change three different times
Starting point is 00:58:39 it can kind of cover all disciplines and still um you know do do uh you know good job with it so that was the goal. That's what we went for. And we didn't want to overbuild it. You look like a dude who doesn't wear any shoes. No. Do you also lift? I do wear a Jordan.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Do you lift like just poo bearing it, just a T-shirt on, butt naked from the belly button down? I'm a Jorts guy, man. So I am the weird guy that's at the gym in Jorts. Jorts. And that's pretty much your josh bridges and they're so nice but i poo-pooed the shit out of them i made fun of them so much and i put them on and my wife's like those look good on you yeah i've got four pairs of that
Starting point is 00:59:16 you do really nice the ones i always wear the games and you see you can see my dick in them yeah yeah i can't tell if i'm getting thicker if gene companies are getting more appropriate I always wear the games and you see, you can see my dick in them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can't tell if I'm getting thicker or if gene companies are getting more appropriate, but I put on a pair of jeans the other day and you could see every, you could see the veins in my penis. Like it was so tight. It was crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:38 You're going to want to give it a few tugs before you get into those drawers. Just to, you know, stack the deck in your favor a little bit it was so inappropriate i was like i can't wear jeans anymore so here's the deal guys when when when when i have had sponsors or something and they want to give deals i'm like hey it's not good enough to talk about and so this this is born primitive is not a sponsor but i want to tell you about how fucking crazy this deal is after you spend your money at my sponsor store paper Paper Street Coffee and California Peptides, and get all juiced up with your leftover cash,
Starting point is 01:00:09 it's something crazy. It's going to be 30% off for one day, right? No. It's already going right now. It started last night, but it's 30% off site-wide. It's up to 70% off certain sale items. Then the Savage one, I'm not supposed to be tipping the hand, but tomorrow morning, we're going to restock 20 000 plus units um it's been sold out forever um people are chomping at the bit to get it so tomorrow morning it will restock it will also be discounted
Starting point is 01:00:35 which like the initial plan was to wait till after black friday because it's like why would you sell something that's like at a discount but i was like fuck it let's just put it back in stock let's get these to people um and uh and let's let them like you know it's uh so the site's primitive but the shoe is the savage one um and uh just do it 91 right now yeah that's cheap yeah it's a $30 shoe, right? Exactly. Um, so we, you know, we kind of wrestled with that and, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:07 we got this giant ship and I was ended up like, fuck it. Let's just restock it on, on black Friday and let people go nuts. Um, and, uh, and then,
Starting point is 01:01:15 uh, the cool thing is we're going to drop a new colorway tomorrow. So the white gum will drop tomorrow with it. Um, and then, uh, last night, no,
Starting point is 01:01:24 no. So the gum will be the same the upper will be white and gray so it's super clean yep is that you in the jean shorts clean look no no that's not me i know i i gotta get with the creative team it's i feel like that that uh that image is a little bit weird but uh maybe stop that one out maybe... That's what's got me buying. I was like, I don't know that guy, but he looks limber and he makes me want to purchase. There you go. There's me wearing your shorts.
Starting point is 01:01:52 This girl looks confused, but that guy looks like he's fully aligned with his lifestyle. That's down and dirty, man. You get free joggers if you spend more than 200 bucks. Yeah. Over 200 bucks. You'll unlock joggers for men and leggings for women. So whatever you want to pick, if you're buying for yourself, but you don't want to get in trouble with your lady, get her a pair of leggings.
Starting point is 01:02:17 It'll be free with your order. If you get over 200, that's what I'm telling the fellas is a little, little tactic. Oh yeah. You know, what's funny is I just got three pair of joggers and I opened them yesterday in front of my wife and she goes, oh, that was nice of you to get those. You know, like with the you asshole, would you get me?
Starting point is 01:02:33 Yeah, they're cool. Now we got you covered. Yeah. These are dope. Okay, cool, brother. Hey, by the way, congratulations. Someone said that you did a podcast with Rich Froning that dropped a couple days ago. I heard it's absolutely fantastic. I just want to congratulate you. I want to thank you for also for being a company that has values that are just absolutely fucking brilliant. You don't bullshit. You stand by what you say, and you're not playing the woke game, and I just really, really appreciate that. game. And I, and I just really, really appreciate that. Yeah, man. Well, I appreciate you, you know, getting me on. And, you know, I think right now as a society, we need more companies that aren't willing to go with the fucking whatever direction the wind's blowing that day.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Personally, I see that way too much. And I finally was just like, fuck this. You know, we need to use our platform for some common sense. And, you know, the erosion of American values is very apparent right now. So if we can be a counter to that just a little bit and give people a brand that they can align with that isn't controversial, to me it's common sense shit that has been eroded. So we're going to keep doing that, and if people don't like it, they can go find Nike and other companies that go the other direction. But, yeah, man, it's been cool.
Starting point is 01:03:43 We've gotten a lot of awesome messages kind of saying, finally someone will fucking do it. Um, so we're going to be that. Um, and if people want to roll with us, we'd love to have them. And if not all good, that's why we have choice. So, um, I appreciate those words, man. Yeah. And, and, and also the, the post you make on your Instagram, showing your relationship with your daughter, uh, those, those warm my heart too. I really like seeing that.
Starting point is 01:04:04 I just like people out there showing that they're heart too. I really like seeing that. I just like people out there showing that they're being fathers and I appreciate you doing that. Absolutely, man. That's the, that's the best title we can hold. So you gotta, you gotta make sure we're, uh, we're, you know, be focusing on that part of our lives as well. And I know, I know you can relate. So I appreciate that. Cool. Hey, I know you were concerned that you weren't in your studio. I know you're a man of perfection. Thanks for jumping on, on your your phone wherever you're at have a happy Thanksgiving yeah I'm up in the guest bedroom and I got all my nephews running around breaking shit in the
Starting point is 01:04:31 house right now so uh hopefully the uh you guys can hear me all right but I appreciate you having me on man and I'll be just hanging with the fam tomorrow so if you want to pop back on shoot me a text um okay I got nothing going on other than working out and probably drinking too much wine with the family. Awesome. Rock and roll, dude. See you guys. Bye. Very nice to meet you. Later. Ciao. Is everyone signing off? No. What the fuck are you saying, buddy? You just broke some
Starting point is 01:04:57 crazy news. What's that? All my black fucking consumers and money went to represent. Oh, good. That's this company. You know, Born Primitive actually reached out to me to work with me before these guys did, but then they never followed up, I don't think. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I really like him. I have heard some weird stuff about their relationships with athletes, but you know what I think? They try to have sex with them? No, not like that kind of weird. Thanks for clarifying. But you but you know what i think they like try to have sex with them no not like that kind of weird thanks for clarifying but you want to know what i think that that company has grown really fast and he's managing a lot of good problems this shoe is wider than the nano 2 hey 91 bucks is cheap for sure i like that shoe a lot dude i like the nano 2 i like the constructs of that you would love this fucking savage i'm trying to work with one with puma right
Starting point is 01:05:45 now on on making some shoes for the athlete that he was talking about like you know i don't want to fucking take so many pairs of shoes to the gym and like the nano tube was really great it was one of the very few crossfit style shoes you could do a little bit of running in and not feel like crap and then reebok decided to take like a really quality brand and just ruin it. Ruin it. Okay, let's look at your phone again. What were you showing us right there? I was showing you that they – I guess he's extending an invite to me
Starting point is 01:06:18 to go to the Dubai games. I just started heckling him. I was like, yo, all the athletes you have come to this suck. You should let me come. Oh, that's why he invited you, you think? Yeah. I like Saoud. Are you saying he called you on some shit?
Starting point is 01:06:34 He called you on it? You're like, hey, your athletes suck, and he's like, here, here's a plane ticket? Well, I don't know. I mean, I don't know if I'll go compete. I'm going to go look and see if I can pull this thing off. What's holding you back um business business when are the dubai um uh athletic championships it's the week so i go compete in uh the championships over in europe i go compete in europe and then it's the weekend afterwards so i go to stockholm and then i would go the following week. What's the date on that?
Starting point is 01:07:06 December 8th and 9th. That's the, that's the high rocks world championships. Yeah. Hey, is that compatible to go to Dubai? What's there? Hiller,
Starting point is 01:07:15 what do you think? How would he do? Could he finish top 10 there? The events are up. We should pull. Is it possible to pull up the events? Yeah. Where do I go?
Starting point is 01:07:23 Pull up the workouts. Let's go. DXB or DBX on Instagram. I'm pretty sure. And I could be wrong about that, but I thought they've been posting workouts. I mean, I know there's a total, and I know that he's going to do probably dead last in the total. But I'm assuming that he'll be able to overcome that with a lot of the other stuff that's out there. Pyrox will get exposed at Dubai.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Yeah. Dude, this is so great. Now talk about Hunter coming to CrossFit, and all your fans are going to get so butt hurt. Their emotional stability is starting to – I'm starting to shake their world. Like, whoa. Where do you think –
Starting point is 01:08:00 Oh, there you go. Max Snatch and Clean. Okay, so dead last in the Max Snatch and Clean. Let's say that. That's event two. Okay, so let's – And then Snatch and Clean. Let's say that. That's Event 2. Okay, so let's... And then, of course, you got Bronislaw. You got Baby.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Are these people going there? Roman Krennikoff's going there? Probably. Event 1, Power Clean, Farmer Walk. Where do you see that? On the right. What do you think the Power Clean is? Because if it's 135, Rape Pillage. If it's under roman i see event seven is that seven i thought it was a one
Starting point is 01:08:32 sorry oh it is event seven i'm an idiot they don't say that no you're not it's a weird font hey that's a that's a weird um uh weird workout no that's a weird number. Hey, that's a weird – Weird workout? No, that's a weird number, but they don't give the weights. So 21.59, yeah, so you could kill that one. If it's 135, I feel great about it. If it starts to get above 155, that's where it's a danger zone for me. I bet it's 135, 185, 225. Well, that's not bad for me at all because I can power clean 275 still quite easily.
Starting point is 01:09:07 But I could probably get like five, like three to five in a row. Drop it. Can Hunter hang with Roman on the machines? Yes. He can, huh? So 25 total bar I can do unbroken for sure. 16 calorie. Yeah, but you got to do five rounds of that.
Starting point is 01:09:24 You got that? That's not a problem for me. But I just don't know what the max rep front squat is. Because if it's a 225, they bury me. Hey, that echo bike is tame. 16 calories, that's tame. So, like, if that started to go, let's just say it was like a 315 front squat, I'm out. I'll get one.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Like this one, I looked at. I'll get one. This one, this would be great for me. What the hell is a jump? It's that one with the box. You got to squat, you got your taint to the box, and then you jump and get on top of it. The box is between you.
Starting point is 01:09:58 What's a single arm devil press? That might be a deck squat. What's a deck squat? I don't know what any of that shit is. This is all that shit that they did in 2020. And I might have just told you's a deck squat? I don't know what any of that shit is. This is all that shit that they did in 2020. And I might have just told you what a deck squat is. I thought that was an A jump. One legless rope climb? I mean, this
Starting point is 01:10:14 is easy for me. 15 wall ball, 35. Oh, yeah, like something like this, he might absolutely murder, right, Hillary? Here's the thing. On the wall balls, he actually has to squat below parallel, unlike high rocks events. Oh, shit. Is that true? High, he actually has to squat below parallel unlike Hyrox events. Oh, shit. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:10:28 Is that true? No, it's really embarrassing, dude. I don't have problems with it, but there's a lot of athletes that do not get in trouble for it. And they'll even allow athletes who get really good times to squat to boxes. Something happened to your audio, Hunter, by the way. Can you move the mic closer now? Hello! Did that work?
Starting point is 01:10:50 No. Recently, Johnny, recently I listened to Hunter's old interview with Rich Roll. Does he still regret not joining the military? I mean, I didn't regret not joining it. I was not allowed to join it because I got in a lot of trouble. Are there any other workouts?
Starting point is 01:11:06 I'm looking. There's got to be more than just those workouts. How do stop losses work on Kraken? Let's say I have a birthday party on Wednesday night, but an important meeting Thursday morning. So sensible me pre-books a taxi for 10 p.m. with alerts. Voila. I won't be getting carried away and staying out till 2. That's stop-loss orders on Kraken. An easy way to plan ahead. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves
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Starting point is 01:12:05 to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or I think that I had the A jump right. Based on two of those workouts, I think I can come top three in two of those workouts.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Deck squat. So we don't know what the first workout is. I'm trying to think. Let's just say there's eight workouts. How many are there going to be? God, sometimes they have a shitload. Dude, a deck squat is that reverse burpee looking thing. You ever see those where you roll to your back
Starting point is 01:12:41 and you come to your feet? That's not hard at all. And you do it with a weight. Yeah, I got this. You're going to do this for 50K, you think? I don't think I'm going to win. I don't think I'm going to win. I think I can come top three in two of these workouts for sure.
Starting point is 01:12:59 On the snatch, I'll maybe get 215 to 225. And then on the clean and jerk, I'll get like 215 to 225, and then on the clean and jerk, I'll get like 255 to 265. It just depends on if they start putting 315 on the bar for a bunch of stuff. That's where I'm out. They don't have a list
Starting point is 01:13:17 of the athletes that are competing? Well, you've got a couple people to say they accept. If you go up and you click on the people accepting, Lauren Fisher, Ricky. Dude, if Lauren Fisher's going, that means my boy Rasmus is going to be there, and I would go exclusively to spend time with Rastaddy. I met him.
Starting point is 01:13:36 He's cool. I love Rasmus. He is the greatest person to ever come out of CrossFit, him and Jacob Heppner. Why is that? What's so cool about him? I think he's just got this, like like he's not like all the rest of these neurotic stupid fucking CrossFitters that are so anxious about everything like Rasmus he was chill you're right yeah you can just put like a workout on the board like hey man you're gonna do like 50 army crawls into like 50 upside down rope climbs into 50 clean jerks at 315. He'd be like, cool.
Starting point is 01:14:05 He wouldn't be like, this is a terrible program. He would just do whatever you want. He's got a great attitude. He's hysterical. He's just, he's a 10 out of 10 human being. He's the kind of person where I'm like, there's only like one or two people in my phone book that I could call if I had a dead body to bury.
Starting point is 01:14:23 And like, I don't even know Rasmus that well. And I'd be like, hey man, I had a dead body to bury and like i don't even know raspus that well and i bet caveman i have a dead body he's like okay i'll bring a shovel and it wouldn't even be in consideration he's just that kind of guy and then do 50 cleaning jerks at 3 15 all right with a dead body bury the body clean jerks yeah whatever dude raspus is the best absolute best so what is your business these days Hiller like what do you do to make money do you coach people or like you just do you take nudes I do no I've got I've got a stable clients that I work with and I've kind of been working those down fewer and fewer just because the internet world takes up so much time I've got well off the internet world his training's killing dude I Do you do well off the internet world?
Starting point is 01:15:06 His training's killing, dude. I don't know. I'm asking a question. His training is killing. Let's say you make $100 a month. At a certain point, all I made it from was personal training clients. And then I started the online program. And then I made $10 a month off the online program. He's only making videos every other day now or every two
Starting point is 01:15:25 days and i'm on his newsletter and i'm on his program and it's fucking awesome the amount of attention and detail it's a dude you're such a good dude dude people have liked that i've been kind of outlining where the highlights of my week with the training program that's been cool yeah this is what i'm looking forward to this is the one I think is the most unique or interesting. But over time, it's been more and more internet. And the program's kind of taken over where it's kind of the main source of revenue at this point. Do you do well? Like, wink at me if you do well.
Starting point is 01:15:58 I do well. Nice! I do well. Maybe you can stop driving that pussy-ass fucking SR SRT8 and get a supercharger on that bitch. Dude, I think I wrecked the other day. I got rear-ended, and it's just sitting out there. I'm waiting for the guy's insurance company to set up the fix on that. He's a dink.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Is that what it's called? He's a dink. Does that mean he's a limp dick? We figured out what this meant on Pedro. Seven watched it. Double income, no kids. That's dope. Double income, no kids. That's dope. Double income, no kids.
Starting point is 01:16:28 I like that a lot. You're kind of a dink. I have a lot of income streams now. And no kids. Yeah. At this point, like I basically, if just a couple things end up happening well, my life's going to be super sweet. Right now, it's awesome.
Starting point is 01:16:44 But like super sweet right around the corner it's it's a lot of fun you'll be like that dude from on it living on the beach but i just lose my mind what's cool though what's cool too about you hunter is you're probably really good with your money you don't need a lot of shit like you can right i'll put it to you this way i used to have like a crazy bitch in savings And now it's down to 10% of that Because I invested so much into my businesses But if I basically Let go of like all these people
Starting point is 01:17:13 And the growth based strategies And just took all the money into my own pockets Right now Like I could buy a house in Malibu I could buy a car The only dumb shit you've ever bought is your nice truck You're not a big car shop You're not wearing all the free clothes. People give you any game headset on right now.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Like you're not a, when you wear these kinds of jackass glasses, you're not a, you're not a, you're who you are. You don't need, you don't dress up your, I don't need to,
Starting point is 01:17:43 I don't need to, because I'm a big believer in like, in like, uh, you know, this polarizing lifestyle, like work so hard now. So you can live so easy later.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Like I could basically be out, I could cash out at 40 and never have to do this dumb stuff again. But I, I probably will still keep on working in some kind of capacity. I don't think anyone who's ever had a good savings account has ever referred to it as crazy stupid. I got this crazy stupid savings account. That's now down to 10%.
Starting point is 01:18:12 I think that's good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy. I was like, Whoa, I just thought it was unique.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Cause I don't think anyone who's had that had a good amount of money is saved as referred to it. Spend some time with California bros, dude. I like them over there. They're chill. Way different than Chicago people. We've talked about this. Dude, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:18:36 California is so F these days. Like, I don't even know what I'm living here for. If it was not for the fact that I'm able to train at the volume that I can here, I'd be out of the state in a heartbeat. Can't you do that somewhere else? What do you mean train at the volume you do there? Dude, think about it. 350 days a year of perfect training situations. And those other... You can do that fucking in Russia where it's dead cold. Like, come on.
Starting point is 01:18:56 No, I'm saying perfect training situations. Malibu is a perfect training situation. Perfect training situations. There's no issues. There's no reason not to be out. Like, I went for a four and a half hour bike ride the other day and if I tried to do that here in Connecticut, it would just be misery. You do have a C2 bike in your garage. No, no,
Starting point is 01:19:12 no. I'm out there in the mountains. I'm out there in the mountains. I found our theme song, by the way, guys. Let me play this for you guys. I've been sucking off Rick all damn day. Can't help myself. Cause I'm so gay.
Starting point is 01:19:27 We both sit out here and waste our lives away. Swallow his load and watch him drive away. It's a damn shame. What the world's gotten to. For faggots like me. And faggots like you. Wish I could just wake up. And it not be true but it is i've been sucking
Starting point is 01:19:49 like that i saw that that guy's you right there there's theme song dude that is i wish i was dude i was a logger in montana i'd go back to that lifestyle in a heartbeat just hanging out with dudes just doing nothing but just hardcore shit all this iphone dumb influencer stuff sucks that looks like a crazy job those guys have i couldn't tell what that helicopter was bringing them but if it's bringing them a line that line a line of what like like they're on a they're on some sort of fucking uh wire tower telephone tower electric tower and if those uh if there's a if And if that helicopter is bringing them a power line that they're going to hook up, that's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:20:29 I couldn't tell exactly what was going on, but that job looks good. Have you ever watched that movie called Fall or something? Brokeback Mountain is a solid movie. No, I didn't watch the whole movie. Did you watch it? The preview fucking terrified me. Yeah, you told me to watch it, and it was awesome. This chick's boobs are watch the poll movie Did you watch it? The preview fucking terrified me Yeah you told me to watch it and it was awesome This chick's boobs are out the whole movie
Starting point is 01:20:48 Yes! Who's chick? I don't know it's some blonde chick What's the name of that movie? What do you think the ramifications for like 70% of the internet Being attached to an OnlyFans these days Like what do you think is gonna happen To society?
Starting point is 01:21:04 Do you have an only fan subscription no but like one of my close friends a dude like not the closest of friends but a dude i consider to be a good friend of mine didn't tell me that he had an only fans and i find out and he told me how much money he's making and his like his notoriety compared to mine is is like one percent and the amount of money he's making, I was like, whoa. Like I can understand how somebody who's not in the position where they're making a good amount of money could be susceptible to that calling. But there's so many people I know. There's at least five dudes that I know that I could call right now or pick up on Thanksgiving that have an OnlyFans.
Starting point is 01:21:43 And Chicks, it's 20 times that. The two girls I know who Heaven Only fans are killing it. One of them is making a million a year. And the guy I know who's on it I think is making like $40,000 a year. That dude's got a tiny dick. No, he's got a big hog.
Starting point is 01:22:00 He's a listener in the audience. How much should he make? $40,000? He just does stuff like people pay him $15 to do the splits naked. Interesting. You know what I mean? Is this Ronnie Teasdale? No.
Starting point is 01:22:16 I'd pay for Ronnie Teasdale. The only fans. Are you going to pull that up, Hiller? What is that you got? You got to click on it. I can't bring it up. There you go this is the movie you got great reviews and i think it was actually decent is that cleavage
Starting point is 01:22:29 right there that's the chick yeah and the whole movie is like that fall yeah i would say oh dude there's a crazy wicked twist in there so if you're into movies that are just kind of you ever see sharknado yeah if you're into that sort of shit kind of... You ever see Sharknado? Yeah. If you're into that sort of shit where it's kind of so bad that it ends up being good, that's that movie. My brother and I watched The Meg. I showed him The Meg for the first time a couple nights ago, and that movie is a
Starting point is 01:22:56 10. And the second one sucks. The Meg? It's about the Megalodon? Don't watch the second one, though. So good! The first one's great. You watched that? Are you kidding me, dude? Show it to your kids. They're gonna's great. You watched that? Are you kidding me, dude? Show it to your kids. They're going to love it.
Starting point is 01:23:09 They'll never go in the ocean again. Dude, come on. No one believes in a shark that's like Jaws, but it's even more fake than Jaws. It's so good. I'm like, yes. Hey, Medmar, what was terrible? One out of ten. Please tell me Megalodon.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Please tell me Meg. First of all, I got to piss like a maniac. Second of all, my family's going kill me Alright, love you, bye Guys, I just wanna say happy Thanksgiving I miss you guys Yeah, cool. Hey, December, I'll be in I'm gonna be in LA December 10th December 10th, well if I don't go to the
Starting point is 01:23:38 Doobie Games, I'll see you guys I recognize that pee dance That's awesome I gotta pee so bad, dude. You know, I get the pee jitters. You're like, yeah. Don't drink non-alcoholic beer. It's a waste of calories.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Okay, bye. Later, boy. Bye, bye, bye, bye, Hunter. And then there were two. Hey, yesterday on the Pedro podcast. Oh, boy. Yeah, here we go. Did you watch the whole thing? Of course.. Oh boy. Yeah. Here we go. Do you watch the whole thing?
Starting point is 01:24:06 Of course. Oh boy. I saw that. I saw that thing you put up this morning. The sound was funny. I did a 300. I ended up doing 300 calories on the, um,
Starting point is 01:24:18 on the bike, a hundred pull-ups and, uh, fucking, I don't know how many, 200, uh, shoulder, a strict shoulder overhead with 25 dumbbell pound dumbbells. Well, 100 pull-ups and fucking I don't know how many 200 shoulder strict shoulder overhead with 25 pound dumbbells well I watched it
Starting point is 01:24:30 at one point this is usually the type of thing we talk about on the phone but I was going to ask what did you think about it the video the podcast the interview the same way you give it to me if we were on the phone it wasn't bad
Starting point is 01:24:47 you're being nice because we're on the air no no no no no i'm gonna give it to you i'm gonna really give it to you it was two hours and 40 minutes it wasn't bad i like but it's hard for me to assess because i like both you guys and i enjoyed like eavesdropping in on the conversation let's say this was the lone ranger podcast it still wasn't bad i like it but but it needed more meat i feel like there was some meat in there the section where you guys talked about brian had was kind of meaty for me um but i wanted to hear more meat like i wanted him to ask you um uh have you gotten any death threats like it made me all of a sudden like be like fuck i need to interview Hiller.
Starting point is 01:25:26 I just started thinking of all these fucking questions that I need to know. There was a couple things he did ask you towards the end. But let me say this about Pedro. It's not fair to attack Pedro. I'm going to attack Pedro right now. It's not fair because he's not here, but here we go. We're doing this? We're attacking our friends again? Yeah. It's okay if you do it publicly. It's not fair to attack. I'm going to attack Pedro right now. It's not fair because he's not here, but here we go. We're doing this. We're attacking our friends again. Yeah, it's okay
Starting point is 01:25:48 if you do it publicly. It's okay. Yeah, that's what I found out. It's okay if you do it publicly. He said that Rich shouldn't have told this isn't attacking him. I just disagree with him. He said that Rich shouldn't have told the world he doesn't do his IG. I disagree. I think Rich transcends that. I think it's cool that he
Starting point is 01:26:04 kind of he's he's um he's embraced that you know what I mean it's not like something but here's the part but whether you think that that's okay or not when he said that it did kind of strike me I was like whoa I don't really remember how I reacted to it but I do remember thinking my oh it is interesting that he did that that what that Rich did that that, that Rich didn't kind of vocalize the fact that he wasn't running his Instagram. Yeah, he vocalized it. And last time he was on my podcast, he's talked about on my podcast a half dozen times. But last time he's like, hey, I'm a pussy.
Starting point is 01:26:35 It's just that I don't like the way I'm paraphrasing, but the way I interact with social media. So I just got rid of it and let someone else do it. And I don't think that that's being a pussy but either way i i understand his sentiment that if he were if he let someone else run it i understood his sentiment but i think rich transcends that but let me just say this um he then told us that rad offered him money to come on the podcast okay now i was gonna blast him for that. But now that I think about it.
Starting point is 01:27:08 And I say it to you in real time. It's one thing. If he would have said. Hey you can come on my podcast. For 500 bucks. It's another thing to accept money. To come on the podcast. But either way.
Starting point is 01:27:22 I don't think you should accept money. If you're a serious podcaster. For people to come on the podcast but either way i don't think you should accept money if you're a serious podcaster for people to come on because the second you accept money you are no longer a uh you've got a vested interest in making the person who gave you money look better like so so like dave's my really good friend and so the best i can do is tell you guys like hey i really would want to protect dave and love dave to death i'm fucking like like there's nothing he could do to make it so i go against him nothing steal my fucking car lie to me nothing i'm i'm fucking in but i tell you that which makes it weird when i interview him um uh born primitive they don't give me money but after he was on the show He sent me these shoes
Starting point is 01:28:06 So I don't feel obligated to tell people About them But If he gave you 500 bucks I would totally I would love to have this dude as a sponsor And to be completely frank with you I can't understand Why he would sponsor anyone besides this podcast
Starting point is 01:28:22 We'll convert more for him We'll sell more for him but like but like I don't care like I just don't I don't care like personally like my bank accounts not like screaming at him but like I don't get it but but but I don't think Pedro should take money from
Starting point is 01:28:37 cash from what if you take cash and you continue to fuck people up because of it you think there's just something built into people that they can't do that you well or he should put them down as a sponsor he should write their name at the bottom so that you know like everyone knows like like listen how wicked would it be if he made someone give him 100 bucks and then he just did what he was going to do anyway yeah i mean that that would be that would I mean That hey dude someone pays
Starting point is 01:29:09 Rogan like 10 grand to go on Joe Rogan Show and I don't know what the number would be I just know it'd be A lot and then he just A million dollars to go on a show Okay so you pay Joe Rogan a million dollars Go on the show you think he's going to change the way He interviews him or do you think just having the exposure Of his podcast he's going to change he thinks you think roger would change
Starting point is 01:29:27 hey i haven't watched the rock interview but i bet you if you watch the rock interview i'm guessing you're going to see some things like did he talk to the rock about doing steroids i don't think anyone talks to the rock about doing steroids well there's my uh so so i'm going to tell you something right now. If you want to buy someone a present, the best bang for your fucking buck absolutely without a fucking doubt is to go to Paper Street Coffee tomorrow when they have their Black Friday sale and get three bags of tea. If you know someone who drinks tea or you drink tea, tomorrow will be a one-time offer that you'll probably never see again if you fucking take supplements and you want a good supplement you should go to swolverine and subscribe now and get 30 off would i be saying those things if they weren't down there at the bottom as my sponsors fuck no but i still believe those things right like fuck the cheapest
Starting point is 01:30:23 tea you're ever going to get is tomorrow at Paper Street Coffee. The cheapest coffee you're going to get tomorrow is Wolverine. And if you want your peptides at 10% off with free shipping, you go to see a peptides. All that shit, yeah. I'll also tell you other good shit, those shoes. And they're not paying me to say that shit about those shoes. Tea is gay. Tea is not gay.
Starting point is 01:30:43 By the way, for those of you who don't drink tea you're addicted to caffeine the really cool thing about um tea is it really fucking you feel it more in your brain than your body so like an editor like like like if you're editing all night i would recommend that hillar switch to tea it's such it's such better brain caffeine yeah but then david's gonna make fun of me that That's true. Um, do you see what I'm saying? So I don't think he should take, I don't think he should take money from rad unless like,
Starting point is 01:31:09 like he should start the show. Like, Hey, I took money from this fucking guy. By the way, everyone loves that guy. The red guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Is that the guy who was in Dave's story yesterday? Dude, everyone loves this guy. Hey, someone told Pedro to bring that up and I'm looking at, and it didn't click while we were on the show. But then I read in the group chat after, they were speculating that that's going to be the new title sponsor of the games. Can they afford that? Red?
Starting point is 01:31:36 Yeah. They can afford Daniel Brandon. You think they pay 100 grand a year? More. I mean, she's the shit, dude. She's the shit. I'd say it's probably not way more, but more. And how about what we do with the Brooke Wells thing where she's no longer at Noble listed in there?
Starting point is 01:32:04 I can't wait to see what company she lines up with next. And how about what we do with the Brooke Wells thing where she's no longer at Noble listed in there? I can't wait to see what company she's lines up with next. What do you think about? I'm texting Danielle right now. Yo, I want much money To come on the show. I think I asked Fraser one time when he was on the CrossFit podcast how much Nike pays him. He didn't answer. He didn't answer.
Starting point is 01:32:34 I'm not answering. That was in 2018 at the CrossFit studio. Yes. That's at the 32-minute mark on that podcast. Wow. If I had to guess, cause I've watched that a couple of times. Dude,
Starting point is 01:32:51 I have something, I have something crazy. I want to give you and show you. 20K. Absolutely not. You're out of your mind. I know. Hey dude,
Starting point is 01:33:01 if you're a needle mover, uh, people will pay you fucking real good money. If that is what she's making, she's an idiot and she needs to have me be her second agent because I'm Pedro's agent now. I'll say this. I probably shouldn't say this, but I text Dave yesterday and I said, hey, I saw you on with the rad dude. Is he cool? And he goes, he's cool as fuck.
Starting point is 01:33:23 And he goes, those are great shoes. And I go, really? And he goes, he's cool as fuck. And he goes, those are great shoes. And I go, really? And he goes, yeah. And Dave's not a shoe. Dave wears a lot of different shoes and he likes shoes, but he's not like a shoe guy. Like he always says like, hey, but he did say that he's like, I'm not sure if they'd fit your fucking Donald Duck feet.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Hey, I've worn Metcons my whole life and I got Donald Duck feet too. Every pair I wear, they blow out. See how few bucks a line I get? Why do you wear those? You like it? Why do you wear those? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:52 I'm a creature. I have it. It's hard to break it. But I had the Bear Complex ones over. Not the Bear Complex. Born Primitive ones pulled up. And I'm considering. Because I like the twos.
Starting point is 01:34:03 But what I know about meccans is they just blow out sideways eventually and then they're real comfortable for me someone wrote um i bet frazier's nike uh deal is the biggest in crossfit maybe rich and reebok i heard i think rich's reebok deal i bet it's mal o'brien Noble. It was multiple millions of dollars, Rich's, is what I heard. It's probably not that big. Who? Mal O'Brien and Noble. Oh.
Starting point is 01:34:36 I bet that's a big deal, though. I bet you it's a big deal, too. Can you imagine how disappointed you'd be that she pulled out and that she turned out to be a dud? I don't mean that as a dig towards her. I meant as an investment. They got a pretty good return on it already. It's just so supportive, blah, blah, blah. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:34:53 There's 30 people at fucking Noble who are trying to fucking put a fucking turkey dinner on their fucking table or 100. And you fucked it up for them. I'm not trying to be a big dick to her at all. No one's saying I'm being an asshole. I'm telling you the truth. They invested fucking money into Mal O'Brien. She doesn't show up. She has a fucking complete meltdown, and everyone fucking gets a smaller
Starting point is 01:35:12 turkey at Noble. Just the fucking way it is. If she'd have gone hard, won the games, kicked the shit out of Laura and Tia, fucking Noble fucking might still be in business, and there's a hundred families that are living better. Just the facts. Oh, but the sponsor supported me through my pregnancy fuck you and your pregnancy i hate that fucking dumb ass shit my my my husband instead of going to the crossfit games
Starting point is 01:35:39 i shouldn't say this god i want to know now though it was going to be about Julian and Miranda. I really like them. It's not a dig at them. But Julian didn't go to the games because Miranda was pregnant, right? Right. And I thought that that's cool. Fine.
Starting point is 01:35:56 That's good on you. But then people are like, oh, my God, he's such a good husband or friend or boyfriend. I'm like, fuck off. One, it's the right thing to do. It's a no-brainer. Who gives a fuck? But two, if he'd have gone, good on to bring back 50 000 bucks put that money in the fucking bank that's fucking 82 million dollars when that kid's 77 years old that's what it would
Starting point is 01:36:18 be yeah probably something like that it'd be close to 100 million dollars you put 50 000 in a fucking mutual fund when your kid's born when he's 70 that's fucking a hundred million dollars and uh uh your dad your kid don't give a fuck that you didn't weren't at his birth so like don't get all fucking was that what it was he would have missed the kid's birth yeah that's basically he qualified for the games and all these people were like all up on his jock like it was like some sort of great thing he did by not going it It's not Julian's fault. I'll tell you what. In the industry.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Go ahead. In the industry that is CrossFit. It is kind of something. You know, that not many people would choose to do. If I had to guess to give him a little credit. So you're saying it's like what you should do, but how many people would do it?
Starting point is 01:37:01 And in this space, I'm not even saying it's what you should do i'm just saying that like it's it's closed-minded it's it's closed-minded not to see the big picture like people are like oh that's a good angle of you when you look that way look that way no no no just your eyes you were looking off into the distance you look like a model um uh i'm just saying i look up over here i don't know people will be like oh mal o'brien um uh like oh noble was so great to mal o'brien or that's that's too bad what happened to mal o'brien but i'm just saying the other side of the coin is she fucked people her situation fucked people i'm just
Starting point is 01:37:36 telling you the other side like like or could have fucked people like it's not just like oh one girl's mental health what if i told you what if i told you that 55 families mental health went to shit because noble couldn't make ends meet because they didn't sell enough shoes um because of that oh but mal's fine you think anyone's ever really thought of that no people are fucking idiots it's like the same thing with like the first time i'm thinking about it but you're you're nailing it yeah it's no one thinks of anything like everyone had like car seats right everyone has car seats for babies they supposedly save babies lives great i believe that too right uh but let's say they save 10 babies lives a year
Starting point is 01:38:14 well let's say the off-gassing of those that's from those seats that are made in china um gives cancer to um 10 000 people a year oh let's say that the waste from those uh car seats somehow does something that fucking reduces the life expectancy of everyone on planet earth by one day because of how many they fill the dumps with like no one ever it's like the electric car thing you have you heard these fucking idiots with phds like yeah it's good for the environment and they're like well where do you think the electricity comes to charge your car and they're like i don't know oh you should hear my dad talk about electric cars awesome they're walking around like this i've got this buddy who's a savant when
Starting point is 01:38:55 it comes to he's an engineer oh and he says the same things about electric cars if you just bring it up in his presence he explodes but other than that he's really reserved on the spectrum maybe i don't know and still don't get him going about electric cars uh tank reeves seven on a zero scope of mutual funds laugh out that loud these days 50k would end up being 25k when you're 70 so uh for those of you who don't know do not fucking listen to him in the slightest um don't listen to that demon down there in the corner yeah uh i have uh my mom told me if i put money in mutual funds they double every seven years they've doubled every four years even with this fucking shit that's happened and uh it's been fucking amazing and uh do not listen to him he has no fucking clue what he's talking about and you're right there may be some questionable companies that are running these mutual funds like blackrock etc uh
Starting point is 01:39:53 but um yeah hey man i reflected on that question you asked me about why i wear these shoes yeah i don't mean to give nike any sort of promotion but i just have this thing about not looking too deeply into certain things sure and i feel like they have the i listen to a podcast where they're talking about and i think i've mentioned this before they spend a hundred thousand dollars researching a shoe design and then they just scrap it and then i imagine companies like tear and how that might be their entire budget for creating a shoe and they can't they can't possibly just scrap it but the thing on my foot i know that they put a lot of thought into it i hope um uh uh bear born primitives is a 10 i think it's a 10 figure company oh and that shoe when he was on the show,
Starting point is 01:40:46 I said, Hey, did that test the limits of your company? And he basically said, yeah, investing and making a fucking shoe is like push that company to its brink. Well, that's cool to hear.
Starting point is 01:40:57 So I should order a pair of those right now. I should go all freaking Craig Ritchie and order a pair of shoes. It's a fucking leap. Well, here's a, order it tomorrow. It's a, of shoes it's a fucking leap well here's uh order it tomorrow it's a it's already just uh 91 bucks hey but isn't that a sale price 91 i wore these shoes for two days straight the day i got them and then and i loved them and i couldn't and i
Starting point is 01:41:17 couldn't um and i couldn't i didn't want to take them off and then like a few days later after um i wore them for two days straight basically one of one of my feet started hurting in my toes. And it was weird. It hurt for about like a month. And I was – Hiller and I were talking, and he's like, hey, do you think it was that shoe you were wearing? And I go, I don't know. But I want to let you know that I've worn them now for the last three days straight before I invited Baron to make sure that I wasn't like giving you guys a shoe. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:41:44 This shoe is the sole – it's basically a Nano 2, identical. invited bear on to make sure that i wasn't like giving you guys a shoe but here's the thing this shoe is the the sole it's basically a nano 2 identical but you can feel the ground more so if you don't like that maybe the shoe isn't for you but i like it it feels like the barefoot version of the nano 2 some people were saying that they don't like the way it looks i think it looks hard i think what does it look like on your foot that's usually what i care about yeah is there any way to do that sockless bastard are you wearing your toe spacers can you ram those bitches into there with hey um
Starting point is 01:42:20 that dude that dude that he had on like that dude that he had on the, that dude that he has on the cover of their website right now. That was weird. But, but that's like the, that's like the Travis Kelsey type dude. That's like how I imagine, like, those are like, that's the popular look with dudes right now. Right. Did you see, I was talking to Alexa about this this morning.
Starting point is 01:42:39 His brother was up for sexiest man on earth. Jason Kelsey. Do you see that? Yeah. Can you believe that? No that yeah can you believe that no you can't believe that i can't either unbelievable i'm like the fucking offensive lineman i hate how charming those guys are those guys are killing it he is cool and i mean if i were to guess one of them would be travis and there's a bias because he's dating taylor swift but i'm like this guy
Starting point is 01:43:02 someone also approves of dead babies in gaza god don't be a douche nozzle now hey on pedro's show yesterday what did you hear about the did you pick up on his subscriptions thing or his membership thing no tell me you didn't you didn't hear us talking about that so over in the side where we have all these people like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i immediately sent a text at night to uh caleb and suza i know suza's talked to me about that before but i kind of just wasn't listening closely i was like oh i don't want to extract money from the audience but but it doesn't sound like it's a bad thing no it would it does it differentiates people so like if jake chapman had a membership over, his name would pop up and he would have
Starting point is 01:43:45 a little badge next to it for how long he's been here. So you had a one month badge, a two month badge. And then if you're here for 24 months as a member at like three, five bucks a month, then it shows that it's like, Hey, Jake Chapman's been here for a little while. And I also was able to create these little custom stickers. And in my, in my realm, I created this thing this morning. You can, when you comment, your name is highlighted in the comment section.
Starting point is 01:44:11 So I can kind of go to those ones first. Cause I know that they've sent me a little money. Yeah, that's cool. I like the fact that it pulls up their comments first. I'm creating custom stickers with like Danny Spiegel on it. Buttery bubbles. that would be cool i did that i did oh you did yeah it's funny buttery bubbles tried bpc 157 for my
Starting point is 01:44:33 psoriasis and it didn't work what psoriasis like a skin issue we need to reference alexis for that but i don't think that it's been said that that would work yeah i haven't heard of that but um hey you know that it's been said that that would work yeah i haven't heard of that but um hey you know what i always trip like an itchy like skin like dry what i trip on uh buttery also is when you what i think is called reconstitute that stuff you have to make sure you do it so gently so if someone told you that it would Work for your psoriasis you May want to think back did you Damage the peptides when you at when you
Starting point is 01:45:09 Reconstituted it There's that trip I remember that's what You were caught up on when I made that video Yeah it's like It's so unsettling I should Reconstitute some peptides right now I wonder if I have any A tank reeves on a roll this morning
Starting point is 01:45:26 really really sticking it to me dead babies mutual funds and now seven podcast membership is worth about as much as mutual funds well apparently it's worth four times as much right now yeah man i that's something that i i was on pedros and i couldn't believe you didn't have that because the people who are always in the chat it just it's just a cool feature Yeah, man. That's something that I was on Pedro's and I couldn't believe you didn't have that. Because the people who are always in the chat, it's just a cool feature. I wonder if... Everyone wants a wrench, but they can get their own wrench and... You can just buy a wrench. Essentially, yeah. Because everyone sees the wrench next to these people's names.
Starting point is 01:46:01 I can't see the wrenches. I don't even know who the wrenches are. I know Vindicates a wrench, but I don't see the wrench anymore. You used to see the wrenches I don't even know who the wrenches are I know vindicates a wrench but I don't see the wrench anymore you used to see the wrench I got I got three subscribers already I got cave to ask you don't even go live I know but when in my comment sections I got like hundreds of comments and I can no longer get to all of them I get a dozen comments sometimes but the promises i made in the membership sign up screen was i'm going to
Starting point is 01:46:29 prioritize your comments oh uh christian uh kettler please touch on the brian friend debacle i i i talked about it i talked about it already on on with Caleb and then Hiller talks about it with Pedro, Pedro. And then I, I don't know for sure, but I think Brian did a podcast maybe where he talked about it yesterday. Did he,
Starting point is 01:46:54 what did he say? He said he was going to, I don't know. I didn't hear it. It's just, um, can I get a troll next to my name? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:47:00 For five 99 a month. We'll get you. Yeah. Yeah. Um, uh, it was, it was nothing. It can, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was nothing. It was just something from our thread that spilt out into...
Starting point is 01:47:13 What was the... I don't want to... I don't... Yeah. And by the way, I don't like that picture of your back the way Hiller likes it. I do. I mean... It looks like a whale busted a nut on your back because he's so pale yeah i just don't understand why it's all white like that on that one center
Starting point is 01:47:31 like someone's put baking powder on them man it's because he's got a shirt on when he walks around outside but that is that is about as shredded as a back as i've seen i know it's that is nuts i think that's like some sort of disorder like that girl has, you know, where you can see her quads and glutes all separated and hamstrings. There's no way that guy's actually that lean. I wonder if he's dieted down. Maybe he's proud of it. I did like the way you said you like his Christmas tree.
Starting point is 01:47:57 I'd never noticed a Christmas tree on anyone before. There's a picture of Willie George's somewhere where he's got a really nice Christmas tree on a muscle up. I noticed that on dudes. get a um a peptide that'll make me look like christian minus the whiteness if you were to stick on the cjc for a while you'd kind of reap the benefit that is the muscle growth from the increased growth hormone there was one on there that she took off because i think that that one was, if it did what it said it did, it ain't safe. And she removed it from the website. It came off like really quickly after we talked about it.
Starting point is 01:48:32 The EPO? That's one of them. But the other one was very similar to a SARM called YK11. And that's not what the peptide was called. And I forget what it was called, but it was one of the more expensive ones. And it said that it shut off off the you see those cows that are too big the way that they get that big is because they take something that shuts off the body's ability to limit muscle growth oh yeah that shut off that that protective mechanism for you to grow too quick and i looked at that and i go yeah that doesn't
Starting point is 01:49:05 sound great and i know people who have taken that sarm or get all fucked up from it and i actually knew someone growing up who had all these issues because they they lacked that that gene do you think that's what dan bailey has um if i were to guess no no. That gene? Okay. Jeremy World, happy Thanksgiving, Sebi. Grateful for all you've brought to the community. You too, Hillers. Dan Bailey's 4'4". Yeah, a myostatin. Yeah, it shuts off myostatin.
Starting point is 01:49:39 And no, I don't think Dan Baileyiley's got that a biostatin deficiency but i don't think that that's something that you really want to fuck with in your body to the same extent where like people who take steroids kind of fuck up their tendons ligaments and all that because they grow too fast or train like a dickhead sorry sorry i'm texting right now hold on one second uh ask her if they uh want to fuck i can just go fucking call her who sarah no uh no hayley when we talk about um peptides they get all uh like i i start wanting to do just a bucket full of them should i reconstitute some stuff on the air right now oh yeah and show people yeah hey dude well you gotta be yeah that would be cool seconds i can go grab some okay that would be awesome i'll call you that would actually be really nice you know what i'll do i think i can make you big so people could see how you do it
Starting point is 01:50:40 let me see. Oh, oh, shit. Hello. Hi. Hi. Hey, thanks for answering. Yeah, I'm looking out. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Sorry. Sorry. Uh, do you want to? OK, call me when you're done working out. I basically or just tell her, hey, if they want to come, we'll just come over there and get them. Yeah. That's what...
Starting point is 01:51:11 Okay. If the kids want to go. We'll just cruise over and get them. I'll be done podcasting in 10 minutes. Okay. Sounds good. All right. We're live on the air careful okay okay the kids are asking me sorry i'm out of breath i like you like if you like
Starting point is 01:51:32 easy to jump on i'm not sure why but they're begging me to ask you do you if you like dreaming dreaming yeah if you like dreaming yeah i dreaming. You can dream about these nuts. It doesn't even work. Yes, it does. Don't ruin my joke. It doesn't even work. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:51:57 She's crying. I read it online. No, shut up. Stop. You don't do nuts jokes. Bye. My wife tried to deez nuts me. Tank Reeves, just busting balls. Love the show. Slava Zucchini.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Thank you, Mr. Reeves. Oh, welcome back to your, yeah. Did you get that from Amazon? I don't think I got this from Amazon. I think I got this from BH Medical Supplies. I'm on nothing right now i'm uh the only ones i've done two bottles of the bpc 157 and two bottles of the tb 500 and then i did um cjc 15 uh 1295 hold on hold on hillary go back show me the powder again so you guys when you get it the the peptides it's going to look like that it looks just like that just dry powder stuck to the bottom of a jar what is that um one called remember what i said about this too
Starting point is 01:52:50 is that it kind of wants to be packed to the bottom and you know that it's good when it's suctioned in there so you'll see when i stick the needle in there it's going to pull the liquid in kind of aggressively and what you were talking about was the damage it could cause with a peptide so i always angle the needle up into the side so i don't directly hit it and i also try to hold back on the plunger to keep it kind of drip dropping in there uh christian uh more calls with hayley out of breath i know that kind of got me aroused i missed something up yeah i called she was working out and she's all this is important you get the freaking alcohol swab and you clean the absolute shit out of every all the tops every single time you do this
Starting point is 01:53:33 because whether or not you're putting it into you you're you're uh pushing the needle in and out of the other objects and if there's bacteria or crap sitting on top of them you'll push that bacteria into the bottle so you always want to clean it before you put the needle in regardless of whether or not you're because i'm not going to shoot it on the air hey do you ever do you ever clean that you don't do you ever wipe the needle no there's there's like a lubricant on there yeah and if you wipe it down it takes that off so it'll hurt like a if you stick it in you okay uh first of all this is not the needle that you use to inject yourself this is uh the one that you use to do trt so if you like i don't know if it'll zoom in on that
Starting point is 01:54:16 probably not i need a new needle for re do you do you ever use just the insulin needles to reconstitute your peptides um yeah so see that fucking thing that's a big needle the one that you use for peptides the little orange guys they're they're probably one-eighth the size of this yeah you don't even feel them hey so you have to shoot that into yourself two days a week that big ass needle sunday was sunday thursday and actually when i was shooting it daily because I was trying to circumvent the acne, I heard if you shoot it every day, I would use the insulin
Starting point is 01:54:49 needle. Because I'm so lean, I can go right into my butt. Why don't you use insulin needle every time? Why ever use that one? It takes so long to pull the oil because this is a water. It goes right in, but when it's an oil, you got to sit there for like an hour waiting for it to pull into the solution.
Starting point is 01:55:08 Oh, okay. But yeah, this thing's big. So I know you say you have no idea how to do this. But I know that if you pull this guy to two, I don't know if you pull it to two. Yeah. Come on, come back. There you go. And you fill it up with water.
Starting point is 01:55:23 Yeah. That means I'm going to get 20 shots out of the BPC. Oh, oh. All right. So, yeah. But you see what I'm doing? I pulled it to two. And then you make sure that, I guess it really doesn't matter at the moment if there's bubbles
Starting point is 01:55:38 or not in there. But then when I stick it into this guy, I kind of grab onto the base of it. This part's really important. Listen. This part's really important. Listen, this part's really important. If you don't grab onto the base of it, then the suction in this thing is just going to rip it out. Yeah, you have to hold the plunger on the needle that has the water so fucking tight. This jar wants to suck the water in so hard, and that's when I'm always freaking out you're going to damage the peptides. And they're expensive, so you want to be careful.
Starting point is 01:56:08 See how I'm not pushing it in, but it's just sucking the crap in? And you bent the needle. You don't care. I just like to shoot it at the side, because if you hit the peptides directly, you're probably going to mess it up. Oh. See how I didn't push it and suck it in? Yeah. That's how you do that.
Starting point is 01:56:24 A good pharmacy probably put everything together. Which you just roll it and then you just roll it. Yeah. You don't shake it. If you shake it, you're basically throwing your money out the window. What is the what's what peptide is that again? Sorry. This is BPC.
Starting point is 01:56:44 Oh, nice. I just had this laying around from California Peptides. She sent it. I got it in my last thing with testosterone. Did I ever send you your peptides that you left at my house? Yeah. Oh, good. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:04 Damn. So Goodwill Racing said it lets it drip. But as long as you hit the side and it doesn't just kind of cascade upon it, it's better if you let it drip in, yeah. So, yeah, that's interesting. So I was thinking the same thing. Why didn't you let it drip? But when I saw him shooting it on the side, I was like, okay.
Starting point is 01:57:19 That's why I angled it. Yeah. Austin Hartman, I draw with 18G and inject with a 22 gauge even with the 22 gauge is a pain yeah this is 23 that vial
Starting point is 01:57:36 is vacuum packed let's see how it pops up it really worked well when I stood up like this yeah there they are and then you put it in the fridge It worked well when I stood up like this. Yeah. There they are. And then you put it in the fridge.
Starting point is 01:57:50 And it should be good for, I think, 28 days. Oh, shit. You are definitely making more complicated than it needs to be. Really? I thought that was you just wipe the tops off and then put the water in. What's complicated about that? Tell me what's easier. You wipe off the tops.
Starting point is 01:58:03 Yeah. Take the water, put it from one to the other. Add a 2.0, which is equal to 20 units. I don't know. I'm going to stick it in this fridge. Mrs. Burns is right. What's up, David? Good morning.
Starting point is 01:58:22 David. No, Sean, it reseals it. You reseal the bottle after you reconstitute it it it seals itself you don't put that plastic lid on it but that that rubber gasket when you pull the needle out that thing just pulls tight again i don't know that thing's just sealed come on grab it nope it's not gonna it. And then it's done. Yeah. No. Yeah, like the needle went in and out of that. Dude, the liquid gets... Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:53 Buttery bubbles. Now that I think about it, the liquid did get sucked in fast. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I ruined a bottle one time. I get... I don't have... After about... To be... i get um i i don't have uh after about to be i wish i would have done more than one bottle of the cjc 1295 um she sent me a couple bottles i did three bottles and then one of my friends
Starting point is 01:59:14 got hurt so i gave it to one of my friends but um after about a month i I do start missing days. It's a lot. I got really finicky about it because I heard you should always take it on an empty stomach. I always wanted to do it in the morning because I hadn't eaten in eight hours. Then I didn't want to eat for at least 12 hours after I took the shot because I wanted to get the most of it. Ms. Burns says the way that we were talking about the plunger, sucked in fast, gentle, this, bending that, that's the part in which we were overcomplicating. However, I don't know if you, I don't know, Ms. Burns,
Starting point is 01:59:56 who you've tried to educate on this stuff before, but if you leave stuff out like that, then it tends to, I don't know, people will fuck it up. I just don't want people to fuck their shit up it doesn't work andrew i don't know what's going on well did i not make it very clear that you're not supposed to destroy the peptide with so that's all oh daniel brandon responded Oh, Daniel Brandon responded. Awesome. This is great. I don't mind being big, but I don't think you should be small. I don't mind when Daniel Brandon responds to my texts. It's a one to three.
Starting point is 02:00:37 What is it that you said to her? That's the third text I've sent her like in a week. Or probably the 10th text, but third time. I want to know why she's moving. As soon as she says she's moving, I go to a spot of like, oh, did her and Torres break up? Pedro seemed to have some info on that yesterday, and he said no. Oh, good.
Starting point is 02:00:58 That makes me happy. I'd like to see them last. I'd like to see what their kids look like. David, I agree with that, too. And Ms. Burns, I could see that. It hasn't worked with me. Jesus Christ. Do you not do the podcast?
Starting point is 02:01:14 You have to read the question, Heller. Oh, sorry. The technique a lot of times, and sometimes the simpler, the better, which is all. This is more. And no, I don't do a podcast. You reach Matt. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Starting point is 02:01:32 Thanks. Have a great day. Son of a bitch. At the tone, please record your message. You're trying to get him to schedule, Daniel? Yeah, I was going to be like, dude, get her. What did you say to her? Did you just ask to have her on? And she said, awesome she said awesome i said yo i want you to come on the show show she wrote back all right when oh but i mean i've been i've been just like like just banging on her you know
Starting point is 02:01:55 what i mean like i've been like all up in her text messages for like a week now i want to get i want to get andy thor's daughter on too i I want to hear about being pregnant a second time. What do you want to hear about it? I just want to talk about it. Like, hey, are you excited? Like, what was that like? Was it planned? All that, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:02:13 Just all that shit as an athlete. How's she coping? I just like her. I really enjoy interviewing her. Annie, she's cool. She's just aggro enough for me. Hey. Hey. Did you see the text from Danielle Brandon?
Starting point is 02:02:29 I think so. I haven't really looked at my phone. I'm at the park right now doing our workout. Okay, make sure you get her. For when? I don't care. Soon. Whenever she wants. Schedule her four times because you know she's only going to show up to one of them.
Starting point is 02:02:44 Okay. We'll build in contingency plans. Yeah, yeah, yeah. four times because you know she's only going to show up to one okay we'll build in contingency plans yeah yeah yeah okay okay all right hey the beginning of the show is hilarious by the way oh good yeah the duo is awesome what's up
Starting point is 02:02:59 happy thanksgiving you too all right guys okay i'll talk to you later bye bye hey the phone works Yeah Okay Hey, thanks for coming on Thanksgiving, what are you doing today? Are you going to your dad's?
Starting point is 02:03:18 We're going to Alexis' parents, my dad's in Mexico, I think Oh, that's fun, with his chick? Yeah, they left this morning i text that's funny say that carl saunders is working out again after her second she's talked she talks about some of the differences in her blogs um i actually text her yesterday after pedro said she charges him fifteen hundred dollars or something to come on i immediately text her and ask her to come on i'm like oh thanks did she get back to you no maybe i need to whatsapp
Starting point is 02:03:45 her no maybe you gotta send her money to respond hey no no she's cool i know i'm messing with you yeah me and her cool hey what do you do for thanksgiving do you do you do that stuff or no i'm going to greg's does he do does he make a turkey yeah there'll be like a there'll be all that shit is great cook yeah Yeah. Fucking great cook. Is he going to be the one cooking the turkey? Uh, I think we, I,
Starting point is 02:04:10 to me, I thought maybe we ordered, I'm going to text car Saunders right now or WhatsApp or, uh, Cara. Hey man, I make the most bad-ass turkey. You do.
Starting point is 02:04:22 I got this. I basically take these things and i get a shitload of butter and i fill this bitch up with butter and i just shoot the turkey in like 400 different spots with butter and then i stick it into the smoker for six hours yeah are you gonna do that today? Tomorrow. Why tomorrow? It's like butter, garlic, and salt, cayenne pepper and stuff. This mix and it's incredible. And then I had a bunch of friends over last year and I go, you got to try this turkey.
Starting point is 02:05:01 And then they're like, my grandma's better. You fucking liar. So is your dad in Mexico with his chick, banging his chick high on TRT? Yep. That's what he's up to. He goes everywhere now. And you poked your scalp. Why do you needle your scalp to let more hair grow out?
Starting point is 02:05:17 Does that actually work? Does that actually work? I'm convinced all metrics of growth and recovery have to do with blood flow. That's why when people go in and do recovery days and they row they're just moving their body around it's why when you start moving you and you have a headache you feel better about it because blood flow kind of makes the body go that was pretty stupid i like it i'm with you but so as far as the hair goes there's a bunch of research that shows when you microneedle, it's supposed to promote more blood flow to the head and it's good for growing hair. And Alexis has this device and doing what she does over her space.
Starting point is 02:05:52 And she goes, hey, I can hit your head with a microneedle device. And it hurts like a motherfucker. It's these little needles that I don't know, like five millimeter needles. And she just sits there for like 20 minutes and it just drills into my head with it. So we'll see. I don't know. I never thought of you as your hair.
Starting point is 02:06:14 Doesn't look like it's thinning anywhere to me. They're there. It's like here, you know, do you feel it or do you see it? I feel like I probably saw it. And there's specific lights where the lights are very heavy from the top down you notice it yeah i am now when people buzz their
Starting point is 02:06:33 heads that this is what they were doing because she said she could have done it with long hair but instead of taking 20 minutes it would have taken an hour because she would have had to pull hair out of the way in order to get down there. I buzzed my head before. I don't mind it. There she is. It's the growth factor serums that need to be channeled in. Did she inject you with growth hair serums? She actually has a vial that looks a lot like the peptide vial with this stuff in it that
Starting point is 02:06:58 she'll pull out with a syringe and she drops it onto my head and then she drives it in with the device god i'm so curious if that's gonna work apparently it's expensive as shit like if she were to charge people to do this it's 600 bucks or something can you inject it anywhere i would have to bet no she ejects it where does she inject it into your head no she doesn't inject it so that that device imagine i don't know how many little but if i had to guess that there's like 50 little needles on the top of this thing that looks like a pen and it's just like a like a percussion gun oh like a terror gun and it just drills into your head do you bleed at all
Starting point is 02:07:45 so here's the thing when she was first getting into her her practice i don't know if that's what you call it but sure we'll call it her practice because she's an esthetician and she needed to practice and she did this to my face the microneedling and there was some blood but i haven't noticed any on my head but she did the microneedling to my face and stuff and chicks love it and i think i've heard some dudes love it too she said this my scalp gets pink do it on the shaft of your penis it'd have to be hard though i think But it would make it longer. That's the idea. Do it on your helmet. Oh.
Starting point is 02:08:28 Hey, dude, you got no... I don't think I've been... Are you aware of the times in your life where you've been through the most pain? Physical pain? Because I have a couple in my head, and this is up there with them. That needling? Really?
Starting point is 02:08:42 On my face. No, what's the other one on my head it's not too bad up here what was it what are some other most painful moments you've had when i went to get my elbow worked on after i had no before so it was like 2020 whatever year the last year i did quarterfinals i was working with a team and i had, and like my elbow wasn't working. I can get to here now, but at this point I was here and I went to go get some extra range of motion. I went to go see a physical therapist and just doing some scraping on my elbow. And it was a, it was a nine and a half out of 10. It felt like someone took a blowtorch to it. I wanted to die. It was
Starting point is 02:09:22 so weird. When I was a a kid i had swimmer's ear did you ever have that have you ever had that you motherfucker that's the that's nothing that shit fucking hurt dude i swam growing up and i had swimmer's year once a month oh my god that shit i've had swimmer i had swimmer's year every single month my entire life, and that's your worst? Yeah. I'm trying to think. Hey, you know how people make fun of you for, like, leaving shopping carts out?
Starting point is 02:09:53 This is going to be the new one. When I was 20, I had an ingrown toenail on my big toe, and I was in class. it was in a big auditorium in a class like that holds like 500 people it was at city college and one of my friends stepped on my toe as he walked by me dude that shit hurts so bad gary peterson stepped on it i'm trying to think what else um next thing you're gonna say like i got shot once like i stubbed my toe like i do some old man shit now you know what i mean like bump my knee on the corner of the bed some shit like that i fell off my toe on the bed every single day i i fell off my bike one time i was slow going really slow and i just fell off my bike and i put my knee down as i fell and it landed on a pebble and it punched
Starting point is 02:10:52 a hole in the in my kneecap and like you said you saw the skin like but it didn't break the skin it was so weird and then for like five years you could see where the hole was in my kneecap because the fucking skin went down into it into the hole but eventually healed back up like after years and years and years the hole filled up i really thought that you'd have something a little bit more painful than i mean i'm sure those were painful to you but the thing is you're a childbirth which apparently is the most painful thing where where do you think those land? Oh, God. Dude, my wife disappeared.
Starting point is 02:11:30 I'm older than kneecap versus childbirth. I got to know. Yeah, yeah, no. One time I jumped off the back of a car going 20 in a parking lot. What happened then? Someone slammed the brakes one time when I was on the hood of the car and i landed and i landed on my feet and it fucked my knee up for about five years i probably should you should have led with that one because it did that hurt that sounds actually no it didn't hurt but it was just my knee was fucked up was just weird for years and years and years didn't hurt hey when i was building this
Starting point is 02:11:59 garage the scaffolding that my dad put together put together fell apart and i landed that's why i have this scar on my face because i smacked it on the side of the metal contraption i was standing on yeah that hurt that didn't hurt anywhere near as much as the elbow thing it was it's so weird and the elbow thing's up there with the needle into the face and i think the needle in the face is bad because it starts not too bad but it when you do it for 30 minutes it really starts to get to you the thing with back pain is is for me i didn't have i i as long as i stayed still i could get away from the pain there were certain positions i could get in i'm talking about just pain you can't get away from like swimmers you just can't get away from it You're just in agony
Starting point is 02:12:45 See I wonder if that's it The duration that it got you And you don't take shit for it right You don't put drops in your ear I just had it once yeah I can't remember what my parents did Listen to this Will Branson said her worst pain was when I accidentally smashed my helmet Between two 45 plates
Starting point is 02:13:02 At the gym when I was putting Is that true? Hey, Will's not a liar. But he could be just being funny. Alexis is fucking me up. He's very funny. He is funny. And I can see that I've done that with
Starting point is 02:13:22 like dumbbells. My numbing cream wore off, which is accurate. And she was treating my scars. And then I was being, and I'm a baby, yeah, with my face. Uh, has chick. I don't even have a penis, and that hurt me. How about, no, it's true. Damn.
Starting point is 02:13:42 How about happened a year ago? Hey, Will, how about when Noah was doing the worm how about happened a year ago hey will how about when noah was doing the worm and he went over his helmet didn't that make him didn't he have some sort of a torsion down there and he had to take time off for and a string hanging out of his penis for a while remember like he had to put something in there to keep the fucking i dropped a sewer cover on my foot with no shoes on yeah that's pretty bad who did that where do you see asymmetric ears how heavy are those i bet that that hurt really bad oh hey man i've always thought about on a podcast i'm not i never like tell anybody what to do but
Starting point is 02:14:20 what if you just had a hey what's the most painful thing you can ever remember? And you just kind of lead with that. Just ask the audience or ask your guest. The guest. Yeah. I like it. That's a good question. I'll use that. I have Jethro on tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:14:36 I'll open with that. Hey Jethro. It's most painful. Oh, from New York. Oh yeah, dude. When I was a kid, I used to eat sunflower seeds with the shells and those that's
Starting point is 02:14:47 how hard i am i can do those those shits i would take i swear i would like after i would take i probably did it a hundred times as a kid you know what i mean and those shits i would take was like i was shitting glass broken glass my asshole would feel so torn up i remember you i'd look at the poop and it looked perfectly smooth but when i would shit it would feel like my fucking butthole was getting ripped to shreds like with the cheese grater i don't do that the poop looked normal poop looked totally normal and i never had any blood or anything like on the toilet paper nothing but man that shit hurt. You ever had black poop?
Starting point is 02:15:30 I've had green poop. I've had green poop. Maybe I've had, I can't remember. Maybe I've had black poop like when I was younger and I very first started getting into fasting. Maybe I had a couple of black poops. What do you think the fasting made it black for? I don't know. black poops. What do you think the fasting made it black for?
Starting point is 02:15:43 I don't know. But when I first started fasting, like, like real fasting, like, like, like regularly three or four years ago, every time I would fast for like this first six months, uh,
Starting point is 02:15:53 the shit the next day, cause I always fasted for 24 hours or 32 hours. The shit the next day felt like burning plastic. And I don't get, I don't, I haven't had one. It's funny. I didn't think about this,
Starting point is 02:16:02 but now I don't ever have any of those shits like that. I can't believe you just gave up on it like that. The 24 hour fast. I didn't give up on it. What are you talking about? You said you don't do that anymore. No, I just stopped for like a month.
Starting point is 02:16:13 I'm back on it. Did you see the one that's going around right now? The, the Dana white 72 hour fast. Yeah. He, he, he doesn't eat for a day
Starting point is 02:16:25 And then he has bone broth For two days Yeah that's awesome Yeah yeah yeah that's awesome I'm so stoked he looks great dude Now here's the thing There's calories in bone broth That's not a fast
Starting point is 02:16:40 Um Okay I mean on the spectrum of eating to not eating it's damn near close to not eating but it is still eating so maybe he's not going into autophagy i don't know but dude it's fucking good it it's fucking awesome i don't know anything about autophagy i just know food versus not food right um um i was i would drink black coffee when I was fasting I'm two weeks now with just one cup I think I'm probably like two weeks now with just one cup of coffee a day
Starting point is 02:17:11 That's the only caffeine I've been taking I told you when you started taking it, I'm going to explode, man That it was going to be a whirlwind trying to not take it anymore Yeah, it was hard I was very open with you about that You remember that? Yeah Like hey man you can try this but you're gonna
Starting point is 02:17:28 It's gonna be crazy If you notice your poop is black or tarry It might be due to changing your diet or a new medicine you're taking Sometimes though it's a sign of medical problem That you don't want to ignore I'm pretty sure that I had an ulcer once Which caused black poop Because I always thought that it was blood that makes your poop black.
Starting point is 02:17:49 Oh. And I remember I had, I was probably 24. And I remember I had this, I woke up in the middle of the night with this searing pain in my stomach. And then the next morning I woke up and it was just this gnarly black. Crazy. Yeah, I think that's a good guess. Black poop sounds scary. This is bullshit.
Starting point is 02:18:12 Have you ever seen a white crow? No. You fucking jerk. Jordan, you've never had a white shit. Send me a photo. I don't believe this either. Your girlfriend's adorable, by the way. Ever had white?
Starting point is 02:18:24 Apparently the bile from the pancreas makes it brown. I was so sick with the norovirus, I went white once. Are you kidding me? A white deuce? Hey, have you ever seen Ace Ventura when nature calls? I'm typing that in. White poop.
Starting point is 02:18:41 The white, white bat shit is called guano. Or maybe that's just bat shit in general general but the great white bat poops white and it's a delicacy oh a white stool isn't normal and should be evaluated promptly by a doctor white or clay like stool is called by lack of vial wow
Starting point is 02:19:00 he's doubling down yep a white poop yep jesus jordan Wow He's doubling down Yep a white poop Yep Jesus Jordan I've indicated the reason that N-O-Explode doesn't do anything for you Is because you drink a lot of caffeine already And you miss the glory days of the stuff Which Hunter and I talked about earlier Where the scoop size was massive
Starting point is 02:19:21 I would not eat for 24 hours and then take a scoop of NO Explode and my fucking skin would start tingling. Yeah, I still get that to this day, the tingles. You liked it, right? I didn't mind it. Then when you start working out, they go away. Go away, yep.
Starting point is 02:19:40 There's people who get that so intensely that their butthole starts to itch. Wow. They call beta itchy butthole. Wow. It's like one of the, yeah. Old dog poop turns white.
Starting point is 02:19:51 Wow. Great, great fucking. Wow. I've never seen old dog poop. I don't think you have either. The dog poops and you like catch the poop out of the dog's butthole. You don't want it to hit your yard.
Starting point is 02:20:04 I, unfortunately I do. Did you see that dog that Watkins sent us this morning? Who? In the group chat, Watkins sent a picture of that dog. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's weird that he broke into that house. The jury's still out on that.
Starting point is 02:20:18 I don't know what to... I'm not sure. I don't think he broke into it. Yeah, he said he broke into the house i do wonder like why that dog was just in there this house is abandoned and the owners left this young people in there sorry walk-ins for reading your shit i i kind of do need to know the whole story i'm curious but i asked him about the dog. Dude, I broke into that house and that dog was there. I kind of want it.
Starting point is 02:20:47 Oh, you do? Yeah, man. You have that dog. I wonder if Tyler has that dog. Yeah. I love my pit bull.
Starting point is 02:20:57 It's a great looking dog. That house does not look abandoned to me. I wonder. Yeah. What does he know? How does he know it was abandoned for a week? Look, there's a tripod in that picture. A couple tripods. There's a tripod on...
Starting point is 02:21:10 Maybe it's an OnlyFans hut. God, there's urine on the ground or something. That's probably the dog pissing. Man, that room is a fucking mess. Stress me out. You're scared of pitbulls and you're never huh look at you've been big this whole time this is cool
Starting point is 02:21:32 yeah it's kind of trippy it's cool i just shrink away hey here's my sauna no i can't i can't share that picture with you because oh my god and there's my dog she sits right next to it uh that's cool how much was that four thousand you built it yourself yeah and actually i i have this fucking thing about me like i'll put something together the first time i put together an assault bike, I put the arms on backwards. I had the whole thing put together. I sit down. I go, the arms are supposed to be here, but they're out here because I put the right on the left and the left on the right, so
Starting point is 02:22:14 it flipped around. I put this whole bitch together, and I'm looking at it, and it goes, there's a heater down in the bottom over fucking here. This is where the heater is, and there's two holes down in the bottom over fucking here. This is where the heater is. Yeah. And there are two holes right there behind it. And I'm looking at the,
Starting point is 02:22:31 I got to put the heater in the whole boxes together and I go, all right, the holes are supposed to be behind the heater, but the holes were up here, which means I put on this panel and this panel on the wrong side. So I had to take, and the top goes on last, which kind of puts the whole thing together. What did you say the holes were to take and the top goes on less which kind of puts the whole thing together what did you say the holes were for to for the wires to come in
Starting point is 02:22:49 and out of uh for a ventilation with the heater you would think that oh okay so there's there's like airflow behind the heater actual device okay right so i had to take the top off i had to take all the doors and off would you recommend that should i buy that i've wanted asana so fucking bad so that's the four to six person one i got it from costco it's got free shipping and a lifetime guarantee i can send it back whenever the fuck i want if i didn't like it or like if i didn't put it together but it shows up on a pellet i put it together in i don't know an hour and a half twice i suppose and uh you just have to have someone who's gonna wire the 240 volt electric for it wow i'm so you just go in there and turn it on and start sweating your balls off
Starting point is 02:23:35 i've used it every day and i and i say like if i use it every day for a year it's like 10 bucks a day to use it which is way cheaper than $60 fucking a month membership that I spend exclusively for a sauna. Do you like where it is in your garage like that? The other option was to throw it in the basement, but I knew I'd use it more if I had it out here because I can be sitting here. I can go turn it on
Starting point is 02:23:58 and then jump in 30 minutes later. You take your phone in there? I got these towels see those towels up there on that on my reverse hyper yeah those uh somewhere up there yeah and i got those from costco as well and i'll put the phone between a couple of towels so it doesn't overheat so i can sit in there on my phone yeah just like open the towels type something out and put the towels back down. I usually listen to your podcast. I'm in that sauna now. I talked to you on the phone the other day in there.
Starting point is 02:24:33 You did. And they have one that's smaller, but I have people over here. So I have like more than just me. You go in there naked. I use the towels. Oh, just like in front of me the other day she goes you set
Starting point is 02:24:46 it up like a real sauna i got the towels i got the eucalyptus i got the little fucking spoon to put the water on top of the heater so it's a steam sauna oh my god will you send me a link to that i so want that i wonder if my wife will they have one that's a two to three person or two can i put it outside i actually where you're at it wouldn't matter actually you've got a perfect spot you can put it under that overhang right outside the studio that's what i was thinking move all that fucking firewood and put it under there here right and here i reached out to a couple sauna companies i go hey guys i i don't really reach out to anyone ever and i go i'm to have a sauna in the background of all my videos.
Starting point is 02:25:25 I think it'd be a good opportunity to work together. They're stupid. They're like, we'll give you a thousand dollars off. And I'm like, go fuck yourself. Stupid. I'll go get mine from Costco or I love everything. Yeah. Hey, I got to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 02:25:40 I'm doing the PDNs. Hey, just give me two seconds. I'm showing you the saunders if that's cool yeah please you wanted to see him right uh has chick i put my phone behind my dick no oh no i put my phone behind a cold drink oh this is the one oh look at that three person three thousand i didn't share my sorry i need to share it for you yeah let's see there you gotta click on it this guy 3000. I didn't share my, sorry. I need to share it for you. Yeah. Let's see.
Starting point is 02:26:07 There you got to click on it. This guy, this is the three person version. And it's great. There's just no lower bench, which you don't really need that thing. I would get the four person or six person. Anyway, I got kids and all that shit.
Starting point is 02:26:22 You would get the six person one. Okay. Let me see the six-person one. What are the dimensions? As long as it's not wider. This is what I got. Yeah, I want it to be narrow. It's... I mean, that would fit out on your porch.
Starting point is 02:26:38 Go to specifications. Let me see. 58 by 81 by 70. That's the inside. Sorry sorry it's five feet three seven six feet okay so five feet three inches it would stick out god that is dope and then they got these barrel ones but i did a lot of research when i get stuff like this i do a lot of research and i found out that these are actually kind of stupid and that people who you said you were with miko salo right and you went to a sauna of his insane one insane it wasn't a barrel dude it was a huge glass one it's probably a hundred thousand dollar sauna was it a barrel no it was a huge glass structure it was fucking
Starting point is 02:27:20 nuts so here here and it was fire heating up rocks i i know you said you wanted to go i'm gonna piss my pants i don't want to go i'm gonna piss my pants the almost the the cold plunge people have a sauna that's coming out and it goes completely against the way that saunas are supposed to work apparently and actually actually, so are barrels. Barrels are cool and people want them, but heat rises, right? Right.
Starting point is 02:27:49 Which is why I'm like mine. And then the one, there's a bench where you can basically put your head on the fucking ceiling. You're so close to it because it's hotter up there. Yeah. And you don't have that luxury in a barrel. That makes my nostrils burn. That's the part I don't like.
Starting point is 02:28:04 Uh, plunge. You know, that feeling nostrils burning. That makes my nostrils burn. That's the part I don't like. Uh, plunge. You know that feeling nostrils burning? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But you can also sit lower if you want, but at least you've got the option.
Starting point is 02:28:11 And this fucking thing, that's a bit. Dude, I saw someone selling a fucking cold plunge that was a spa and a cold plunge right next to each other for 15,000 bucks. Oh, geez. That's, I mean, there's two buckets. and a cold plunge right next to each other for 15 000 bucks oh geez that's i mean two buckets you you just go back and forth between the buckets that's the chili goat that's colden's people i think that thing's sick looking so here now what i just told you though is that the highest
Starting point is 02:28:38 part in this sauna is up in this corner oh and you can't even go up there you can't get up there but so people like miko salo who actually know how to use saunas they would they would never stand for this they'd laugh at you if they saw that you had this sauna yeah we we sat on the highest bench his was huge this sauna would hold 20 people the one i was in it was glass it was outdoor and it was uh sitting on in a bay in between two mansions that the property owner owns. We all were in there naked, me and Nico and Miko and a bunch of other dudes. And then we just walked out into this bay in Finland naked. And just jumping in the water.
Starting point is 02:29:15 I walked into it and I was so hot from being in there. I didn't even, and there was ice floating in the water and shit. Right. And I was so fucking hot that I didn't even feel how cold the water was. It didn't even matter. I couldn't even feel the water. It was so fucking hot. And then I came out and I laughed like a maniac for 45 minutes.
Starting point is 02:29:35 Kind of like I did when I found out the most painful thing you'd ever done is put a little rock on your knee. I had this euphoric experience. It was crazy. Either that or it was from seeing miko naked one of the two oh is he naked i can't remember to be honest uh bernie gannon sebi you need that barrel shape one you could paint the entrance part with the sebon podcast logo fuck that's gangster and then have everyone be like didn't you hear what hillary said get the box and it's cheaper
Starting point is 02:30:07 you have a costco membership no i gotta send you one i don't i went to costco for the first time and probably like like the other day five months ago for the first time in 20 years and i was like man this place is amazing costco is like um energy drinks it's like so addicting yeah i fucking love it all right i have to go the other day could mean anything to you okay p uh hey thank you for coming on the show uh great having you appreciate you doing this love you thank you talk to you soon talk to you bye everyone see you guys tomorrow morning uh jethro cardona will be here uh 7 30 the show starts at 7 he'll be here at 7 30 bye

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