The Sevan Podcast - Hiller, Self, Souza - we love you

Episode Date: January 13, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Speaking of massive cocks when I was in high school Tyler hold on. Hold on. I want to hear this in good audio These are you on the one twos? Yeah, you work with me a little bit. It could turn up my strum snare Hey, can you lower my headset though a little seriously cuz Tyler's so fucking loud I Don't know I'm three try three. Oh, that's good. Are we good now? Yeah, are you guys good on sound? Hello little little I How's that that's good test that's good. Yeah, good. Good. Okay, cool. I love the way to Susan fingers than not. Yeah speaking of big
Starting point is 00:00:37 juicy Anyways, okay. So speaking of big dicks when I was in high school, there's this kid. He wasn't very big either But he was a mixed kid, his name was Tyler Moore. You guys know him? Like he's half black, half white. So if you wanna go find him on Instagram, Tyler Moore, probably a great guy. Palato.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yeah, Caramel. But she's a monizle. His cock was like, we called it, do you remember that movie Pacific Rim? Yeah, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh, seriously, you know that movie? Yeah, what yeah. Seriously? You know that movie? Yeah. What are they called?
Starting point is 00:01:08 The things that they go and fight. I called it a category five Kaiju. His dick? His dick, dude. Yeah. It looked like a fucking alien. It was so big. Was it flat? Like a hammerhead? Yeah. We used to send him into the freshman's locker room to scare them. Naked. He would just go in there and they would go, You've never seen Pacific rims.
Starting point is 00:01:25 It was like Godzilla attacking Tokyo, bro. That's what the kids would like. It was crazy, dude. Hey, was his dick like a puff outer? Like it wasn't, it wasn't, you know what I mean? That snake how it's like a, not a round snake. It's kind of like, it's like, yeah. And yeah, it was like, it has like sections where it looks like it ate a goat here and then maybe like it has like sections where it looks like it ate a goat here and then maybe. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Oh, I've seen a lot. Maybe not the most. How many? I used to shower at the university when I was homeless. Okay, good. So we're at this party and he takes this girl who's we all know she goes to high school, normal girl, but he like goes into the bathroom with her. We're like, and Isn't that crazy? That chick sounds like a quitter. Probably perfectly sane and just like, Whoa, dude, likes how some women need breast reduction. I wonder how he would do it to crossfit games. Why do you wonder that? Trying to pivot the conversation. Handstand walk event winner for sure.
Starting point is 00:02:43 He won the handstand walk. Isn't that Tudor Magda? Oh, I thought we were gonna say his name. This kid's bigger than Tudor. It's not even close. You did a video today on Sporty Beth video? Is something happening? What happened? What was the video? What did she post? She posted something and it was like 20 minutes after she had posted I just clicked on it and I'm like I'm just gonna do every action thing and She was trying to tell people how to strength train for high rocks I knew that the basis of the video was insane because in all of her videos
Starting point is 00:03:17 She's like I started CrossFit and I was already dead lifting 335 What? These mics I feel like I'm eating it the whole time good good. No, I'm in now and So so just like knowing where she started crossfair from, you know Everything she's gonna say is insane on top of everything that she already says What did she say about the running part across high rocks? She didn't mention it. It was all about strength training He doesn't do it. I want to rename high rocks to what? Just I just want to give it a it's a running and wall balls endurance
Starting point is 00:03:50 No, you see the thing hunter put up. Oh my god house on fire. Yeah, dude serious. No Hi rock should it's a what are those workouts called their like baseline workouts benchmarks it's a benchmark it's all it is it's just a benchmark workout same fucking workout every time imagine if all of CrossFit was just built on Fran it's kind of smart though he just took one CrossFit workout all you do is Fran all right you guys today we're gonna be working on our friend and if you want to come affiliate and then I to do a frusta and a pull up and to achieve a better friend time. And that's what we're going to do.
Starting point is 00:04:31 We're going to call it high rocks. Is there any way to like show this? Because you got to see this. You're going to think it's hilarious. Fucking red coats. Well, I could I could share from his I.G. Oh, here, I'll share it on here, dude. Oh, no, no, no, let's watch on here. I want to hear it through that.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Yeah. He'll pull it up. Fuck this guy. Also, I think I have this show on in the background. So he looks young. He's such a brain dead fucktard. Hunter. Yeah. I heard he's going to try and make a push for the CrossFit games this year. He got a tattoo of a fucking Poseidon's Trident on his back That's how you say Trident. Before he even got butt fucked in buds. They wouldn't even let him in. Poseidon?
Starting point is 00:05:12 He tried to go to buds? Yeah, that's why he has the whole Trident thing He was gonna be a big bad Navy SEAL got the tattoo and everything and then they were- Is that really true? 100% true. I never even knew that about him. You are trying to get in, you wouldn't let me, I was too badass. I think he actually like yeah, I remember that I think he told that about him. It wouldn't let me. I was too bad ass. I think he actually like, yeah, I remember that. I think he told us about that. What should we call?
Starting point is 00:05:28 Um, uh, high rocks. What should we call that benchmark? We should give it a, um, yeah, we should give it a name. Uh, hold on. Uh, that was on, um, hunters here to party. I'm podcast here to party. It's in his bio, go to here to party. And it's like the fourth post
Starting point is 00:05:46 His bio like the link thing. No, no, no, no. Have you guys seen the prize? Have you guys seen the prize? Yeah, dude, I'm making more as president of the CAC than any of those losers. I Really like this 50% of each 2025 open registration will fund the 2025 CrossFit Games season first. Where's that money been going before? I mean, same thing, but now they're being transparent about it. This is what people want, transparent.
Starting point is 00:06:13 I mean, it was like money goes into a pile and then they pay it out. Is that an official statement from the CEO? Yes. It's always been funding it? Listen, if I give you $100 for a hand job right now and then 20 minutes later you go buy three steaks for $64. You've funded a stake. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I mean, so the open was funny, but now they're being transparent. They're just telling you how they're doing it. And they're letting you be involved. What does the hand job have to do with it? If 500,000 people signed up for the open, the prize money would be half a million dollars. No, because it wasn't. It wasn't. It was 285 the year Reebok was the lead sponsor in 2018 but what I'm what that's what the first place was yeah what I'm saying is is no
Starting point is 00:06:52 now they're giving you a mathematical equation now they're giving you an equation saying for every $20 you spend a dollar 22 or something I saw goes to first place this is a cross better who who's? That's crazy cool. The 300,000 people sign up for the CrossFit Games open this year. The winner gets $300,000 plus 300,000 times 22 cents. Oh, it's crazy. Hey, Caroline Lambre, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:16 you were asking that question on Peter's podcast, what affiliates are doing for the games athletes? Oh, they're literally fucking paying them, you stupid fuck all right all right I wonder if you could get kicked off to Keck. I'm trying hard already. Wait. Is this going to be like a document with, he said this?
Starting point is 00:07:50 How does that work? They just vote you on? He said buttfucking. Yeah, they just. Buttfuck. They're just like, hey dude, you're too gnarly, get the fuck out. I did go, I did go like very gently at some people in the comments that cross the game, I was like, some guy commented, what a fucking joke,
Starting point is 00:08:07 and I said, what's the joke? That's gentle. And then someone else was like, seriously, all white and male? And I commented, A, I don't identify as white or male, and B, you're making some massive presuppositions about who I am and what I believe in. I didn't actually comment that one, I wanted to so who I am and what I believe in. I didn't
Starting point is 00:08:25 actually comment that one. I wanted to so badly. I want to see that. How come you didn't send me that? There was another one. That sounds fun. Someone accused you of being white. Isn't that crazy? There was another one and mail. There was another one. White mail. I was just making sure. Yeah, I'm not dude. There was another one that said like, God, you're white. When I saw you working out today and those fucking panties you are white bill our freckles, too They're like, oh, where'd you get all these guys at a MAGA rally? I was like, oh my fucking god That says more process should just come back hard-core and just be like, yeah, we did If you don't like it, fuck off. Hey fuck tarts CrossFit didn't choose me Yeah, they yeah anyone who thinks that CrossFit wants Taylor on the cack and you're you're retarded
Starting point is 00:09:09 Those of you keep saying that he's it's the Dave Castro fan club. You're right. I'm a bootlicker Yeah, you're talked more shit and criticized Dave more than anyone who goes on these fucking podcast Yeah, you guys are retarded. Have you ever heard Craig Richie or these other fucking cocksuckers like Brian friend criticized Dave Castro No, they wrap their lips around his fucking dick all over his fucking face. They slobber all over it. And then what they do is they go behind his back. Yes. And beg Brent and Pat to demand that he be fired.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Yes. So fuck you for saying I don't criticize them. I think the cameras are over there, by the way. Fuck you. Well, you could, Taylor, when you want to rant, just stare right at that one. I'll give you a shot. I'm the only one that blows, Dave. I've seen this.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Thank you. It's weird. 50% of each of the 2025 open registrations will fund the games, meaning like money to the dwarves and to the elites and to the old people. How much are the dwarves getting? 50%? I think we're going to get to that. The open affiliate prize is 20% split between participation
Starting point is 00:10:11 and performance. So listen, of that 50%, 20% of it is going to the affiliates. What do you mean to the affiliates? They get prizes. Cash cash money, uh, money. Oh, you get a rogue gift card. So what does that mean though? Does that mean this is paying 120 affiliates will get $2,500 rogue gift cards. Oh wait, how are they doing as a drawing?
Starting point is 00:10:40 No, this, uh, I think it's 125 affiliates. How do they know that? It's a number of winning affiliates. Um, 18 in North America, East, uh, 17 in Europe, 17 in North America, West 17, Oceania, 17, South America, 17 Asia. And, uh, 17 in Africa. We should go to rogue's website and decide what as an affiliate owner we would get for 25. Wait, it's actually 34 in each. I'd probably get a, a rhino squat belt machine. I would get one lower.
Starting point is 00:11:05 You know what I want? So that'd be like, that's like six grand. You know what I want? So right now, dude, I had a loan. Yeah. 2,500. You know what I want? So badly to have no use for, but it's like 600 bucks. I do a sand dune stepper. I have one. Oh, I have one too. I have two. They're great. I want one. So I have two. I got two in your garage. I was like, damn, I have one too. I have two. They're great. I want one so bad. I have two. I got two. I saw it at your garage and I was like damn I want one of those. I'll talk to the guy. It's awesome. I got it for Alexis's hip surgery. My kids use it all the time. Dude, just what I used to do before I started CrossFit is I would just skip rope for 30 minutes to 40 minutes. Can you skip rope on a
Starting point is 00:11:41 sand rope? Like a true recovery drug addict? Can you drug addict on a sand dunestepper? No, but imagine just stepping on it for 40 minutes straight like jogging in place. Yeah. Yeah, I do like 30 seconds Do we want to still show this a hunter clip? Yeah, fuck hunter. Okay, let's go I found it. Oh, I found it a while ago. Yeah, we just changed everything I just want to say I like it when we have shows in person together. I go way harder than I ever do I love how hard you are The training for a mild period of time and he comes out from his cave aka the box he wants to Attend a high rocks event and he shows up and he doesn't do well because it's not CrossFit That's what you guys have to understand
Starting point is 00:12:20 It's not CrossFit just because we use wall balls and skiers and rowers. Is this on Hunter's page? No dude it's on the fucking here to party. Here to party bullshit. It's like the six one down. Oh is there more? It's the orange hat. That literally was the thick one. Yeah that one. I think what's happening now. All right here we go real quick and the CrossFit is basically it's kind of like the Hills have Eyes people now. CrossFit used to be this like bountiful town full of people that were like happy and loved their lives and were really into fitness. But then all of a sudden a nuclear bomb hit. When I say a nuclear bomb hit, it was a nuclear bomb created by themselves and then they detonated it on themselves. He's more retarded than George fucking W w bush calling a nuclear a nuclear bomb a nuclear Is he telling those nose things? Nuclear no, that's just a normal right strip. I actually have those in mind too. I use them when I sleep
Starting point is 00:13:13 It makes a fucking big difference. Yeah, I bet yeah, I wouldn't Breathe like this. I just hold this Taylor does love zone too. I saw him doing it earlier All right action and they destroyed their own population internally. And people like this were the ones who were left. They all have iPhones. They're all tweeting and posting and commenting. This is me. I'm a beautiful, innocent, high rocks athlete.
Starting point is 00:13:41 This is Andrew Hiller, one of his creeps and they want to suck the soul out of this new fitness movement that is, it's actually fun and it's happy. I think what's happened across it is I just, I just got the name for the workout. Yeah. Let's see it. Oh, Hunter. He's such a, oh, it's just Hunter. Let's just never use the word again. It's just Hunter. Go do a Hunter. Yeah, let's go do a hunter Yeah, I'll do a hunter and his honor my shit. It's so fucking deep in honor You probably do hunter like an hour. I'll do like a one-hour I would tear hunter out Ben hunter over tomorrow for kill Taylor. We should do hunter I think fucking hit hunter from the back. I'm gonna ask a question. You guys have to answer it. Honestly when Spartan races first came about or Ninja Warrior first came about did cross fairs hate on it this much or
Starting point is 00:14:29 do we actually just participate in it participated so why do we hate how you see kids are because they think that they are in some methodology of training it's not do they know yes or do they just think it's an event? Hunter thinks it's this fitness movement Well, so is like so is like an American Ninja Warrior and so is like Spartan races, weren't they? I don't is that is the hate for high rocks that high no, it seems like it's He's a fucking douche I don't think there's any hate for hunter, but it's just the fact that they're confused They want to call they want to call it Something that it's not it's just cross. It's just a benchmark workout. No, I understand that I'm just asking
Starting point is 00:15:14 Why do you think why do you think there's more public disdain for it? and he was saying what happened in CrossFit at the games this year and everyone's all Flustered about everything that they're doing and then going then like some cross I'm gonna do high rocks and some people are pissed about it. Yeah, that's and that's what's interesting is just because like They're not pissed. Hey, listen Cross where people were professional athletes go to die and hunter is where fucking cross fitters go to die There's it there's levels. Listen, when you need to start doing zone two and bad mouthing, um, CrossFit, you go do Hunter.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Like Matt Chan. Matt Chan. Perfect example hurts from how much fucking CrossFit. He's swallowed. I mean, it's just Jonathan. I think there's no Spartan race gyms. I think there was though. He's oh, there were.
Starting point is 00:16:03 And he yells, I specifically, I got mailed. Or tag, it's called Google. Well, it was interesting because the Spartan races spammed me as a gym more than Hi-Rox ever did because I got like the whole book from the Warrior Way or whatever the thing was and like, yeah, they sent us like a banner and they tried to do this whole training thing and be like, but it was just interesting because high rocks in a theory or Hunter. It should just be a benchmark workout that you and your gym go just decide to do for one weekend because you guys just want to go out there and, you know, you'll utilize your fitness in a different way.
Starting point is 00:16:39 What it is when you do the same thing over and over and retest and retest. It's a benchmark. Yeah. Hunter loves the hunter for the and over right test and retest it's a benchmark. Yeah Balls in it and running and other fucking mixed implements just just a and across and the marathon is a place where fucking Meth heads go to fucking work out their issues. They go to the tattoo par parlor the piercing parlor and they start long-distance running All this and shit. Yeah. Yeah, that, that is a good point. Just therapy. Okay. I just want, I don't know. I just want interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:08 The more like mentally unstable you are, the more you like, like slow, steady state, like think about it, Matt Chan, you know, Mal O'Brien goes and does high rocks hunter. We know he's retarded. You have a thigh tattoo. I do. Yeah. If I tattoos are up there pretty high. Yeah. We're having's retarded. You have a thigh tattoo? I do. Yeah, thigh tattoos are up there pretty high.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Oh, for having like emotional damage? Dude, I have so much trauma. I have a TBI, dude. What's that? Traumatic butt injury. Oh. We gotta get a third one. I got that rear concussion.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Wasn't it you the other day who was watching people get ass pounded by the bike seats? Yeah. That's a TBI. The guy who sit on the bikes and the seat goes down, the post comes into him. That's a TBI. Traumatic butt injury. Okay. So the affiliates get a 20% of the money that's made in the open.
Starting point is 00:18:03 So all of those numbers will go up. So if 300,000 people did the open, how much money would the open have? Do the math, pull your, pull your check. You're not that smart. Six million. Okay. So what's 20% of that? 300,000. If it doesn't work backwards. Hold on. I want to get clarity around, I want to get clear. There was a, you said, what'd you say? Affiliates make what?
Starting point is 00:18:29 So if there's 300,000 people enter the open at 20 bucks a piece, that's $6 million. Right. Yeah. And of that $6 million of that $6 million, uh, uh, 50% of that will be used for prize money. That's $3 million. So that $3 million, 20% is going to go back to the affiliates in the form of a rogue gift card or is that a form of a rogue gift card in the form of a rogue gift card Okay. All right. I understand. I think they can win it by numbers aren't that accurate because the taxes right the numbers No, it's a gift card. No, that's how they get it. Yeah, and listen and so and it's gonna be given out based on the number of people you part to who participate will be one category and the other category will be how well your gym does like who participate will be one category and the other category will be how well your gym does. Like Hitler had the fittest CrossFit gym in the world.
Starting point is 00:19:07 2017, 2018. Wow, that's interesting. Yeah. In Illinois. In Illinois. Oh, that's really, really prestigious. Damn, that is fucking prestigious. It was Illinois's mayhem.
Starting point is 00:19:15 It was 2018. Illinois's mayhem. Okay. And then the top individual performers will get 5%. You know, I heard my ex-business partner was going around Illinois most recently telling everybody that we had that and I'm like, are you fucking serious, dude? It gets 20-25. It's funny in hindsight, but he's serious still.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Five percent of three million, that's what the individual athletes will get. That's pretty good. Which is? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Really? In the open. No, five percent of the open money. is Okay, the open top performers get five Comment section over here. Is he really? Yeah Taylor can't read my comments tonight. I was on the podium where where did Taylor finish? Oh, that's great
Starting point is 00:20:14 Hey Matt Chan I actually finished with not being a fucking retard when I turned 78 and decided that CrossFit blew my low back out both of of my ankles, all four of your knees, your fucking eyelids probably too. Now you do power raises and fucking external rotations in your Metcons and you call it hit when it's just CrossFit. You're doing burpee pull-ups and thrusters and you're calling it zone two hit. You queef. Calling it hit is ridiculous. Where do you see Matt Chan? He's not there, but there was a dude named Bobby just up with just chugging the Matt Chan
Starting point is 00:20:47 cocks. I just figured we'd let him. Yeah, that guy chugs massive dicks. Hey, do you love the feel of a fat penis jammed down the back of your throat? You freaking idiot. What would that feel like? What's the guy's name? Bobby Stone.
Starting point is 00:21:02 What's the guy's name? Bobby. Bobby smokes. Oh, Bobby. Taylor, this is Bobby. I love your veiny. More like Bobby chokes, dude. Bobby chokes. Chander's on the podium in what? 2013, 2012? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Back when, back when Crossfitters had like what? A four minute Fran. Was that the year Speeler was on the podium too? Thanks. My parts are fitter than all the guys you want in 2013. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that's the biggest thing. I think that had the same thing because he was trolling you and I knew you couldn't see it. So then I said it was Matt Chan. So you get hyped up and then Bobby says, love it now.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So maybe that was just the big, this is pretty good. This is crazy. So they're giving 5% of $3 million to top individual athletes just in the open. So what does that mean? Like if you win the open event, 25, there's another breakdown in there that says, okay, you need 300,000 registrants. As the example, the total price purse available for the season would be $3 million. This example of the 2025 CrossFit Games season prize purse for each stage would look like.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Affiliate prizes, $600,000. $150,000 is 5% of $3 million. And then what else is on here? As the number of registrants increases increases the number of available prices increases. Allocating one additional prize per region and the order outlined in the table above. After each region has been awarded an additional prize the allocation will restart at the top of the table. Okay so all of them will get 2500 bucks all the way through and then they'll start at the top again and all of them will see at 2500 bucks again based on How many are there so with 300,000 people registering each person gets like 18 17 or 18?
Starting point is 00:22:51 Region for each category Performance and number of participants gets a $17,200 gift card, you know, I've been thinking about this entire time. So how tall is Matt Chan? Weekly podium finishers thing the weekly podium finishers collect $75,000 between all of them That's for Masters adaptive and individual of both podium finishers of each workout Yeah, so they're giving away money to second and third place. I guess what the fuck they didn't do that last year Dave I don't know how that works you dick What the fuck they didn't do that last year Dave, I don't know how that works you dick Captain kag. Yeah, I took second in a workout last year. What would I have made? Oh, yeah first place gets
Starting point is 00:23:33 $18,750 Oh just in the open or for a workout or I think it's for overall. Oh, maybe it's for the overall. Okay, overall Hmm. Damn, that's a fat rack uh individual semi-finals. Where? CrossFit Games, $1.7 million total, assuming that there's 300,000 people registered for the Open. That would make first place 367,000. That's the highest ever, right?
Starting point is 00:23:57 Second place, 73,000. Oh, so they're- Binomics. Oh, so they're lowering, the prize money got lowered actually for the people below. Hey, you know, it's hilarious. I did not notice that. Look at after seventh place. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:24:09 It was like a hundred something about one day. So they've taken money from the individual people in the lower ranks. And given it to the affiliates. That's what Bain wanted to do. Yeah, that's hilarious. You know, I see that. Did you see the fine print at the bottom that you're only eligible for the prize money as an athlete if you belong to an affiliate? Really? No, but that would be fucking amazing. Yes. Yes. Didn't Jason take fourth of the
Starting point is 00:24:34 games last year? So if by chance he somehow does at least that good this next year, um, he'll be making a fraction of what I make you broke fuck What is fourth yet fourth gets 51,000 to 1000 Okay, so The 20th place at the open or 20th place. I think that was like one month in YouTube money 20th place at the CrossFit Games is the same amount of money as our biggest kill Taylor price. Wait, which one? Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:15 20th place. Oh yeah. And you know how many times you've given that away? Like five times. Dude, stop. We gave away three, we gave away 3000 to Chris Tedder. 3500 to Malachi? To Matthias Porter. 2500 to James Bragg.
Starting point is 00:25:30 2000 a couple of times. You gave away a fuck ton of money. Wait we've done 30, hold on we've done 34 episodes? What's 34 times 500, Suze? I had to use my calculator for that last one. 17000? 34 times what? 17, 17,000. You think he is the guy in Moneyball?
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah. Just the numbers spinning like $17,530. Dude, at 17 grand we've given away. Yeah. Never seen, you've never seen Moneyball? I've seen Moneyball. Jonah Hill? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah, when I address you, you talk. Oh. Kill Taylor, by the way, tomorrow will be at Greg's house. It's pretty cool. I don't know the workout because I don't know what equipment he has. I thought someone told me you were gonna do... No, don't fucking open your mouth if it was actually something that someone told you. It was a hundred and something else.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Is that right? Yeah, that's good, dude. I like that workout. A hundred... Oh, it was. Shut up. Okay. I forget that's good, dude. I like that workout 100. Oh it was shut up. Okay, I Forget what they were though with the move Remember that it was fucked up. No one's gonna want to do it. I know it is fucked up I remember just thinking wow, that's bad. I Don't know if I'm doing that now. It was like 50 air squats and so I was like fuck that no
Starting point is 00:26:44 I don't know if I'm doing that now. It was like 50 air squats and Salon's like, fuck that. No. Oh my goodness. Okay. I don't condone the drinking of Monster. I like that they took money away from all the people complaining about how it's all about them and that no one gives them anything and they give it back to the community, which actually really matters. Do you think Tia and Adler and Laura will now promote the open knowing that it goes directly to the prize money? No, they don't think Laura's doing the open because she knows Tia is doing it. And she knows she can't beat her. Dude.
Starting point is 00:27:13 I don't think those types of incentives, uh, incentivize athletes because if it did, why would they eat their own for the last like four years? Oh, the athlete. What do you mean eat their own? I mean, that's all this is, is just like collapsing in itself. Attack this person, attack A, we need a union, we need the PF of A. Like they're just muddy in the water and all these prize purse changes and all this stuff is all like changing. Not because HQ actually says, oh, wow, we need to do this for the affiliates.
Starting point is 00:27:39 It says, oh, well, the athletes all started to eat each other and turn their back on us as a total. So we might as well go back to do the right thing. It's the way that I see it. Oh, that is. It's a reactionary thing caused by the athletes all started to eat each other and turn their back on us as a total. So we might as well go back to do the right thing is the way that I say. Oh, it's a reactionary thing caused by the ad. Is that is correct. I'm like that too. I've had to recalibrate my perception of the athletes too. That's right. Yeah. And so so HQ did HQ that's HQ changing the relationship with the CrossFit athlete.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Hey, what's second place get? Wow. I thought I think it was nine. I think it was 90. Oh, it's 70 something. Um, uh, 35 pound dumbbells, semi-finals, athletes, South America. And the funniest thing is I wonder if this year, well, I mean, obviously the, the tragedy would have like, was the catalyst for the major, major changes in NHQ. Like I had said a while back, who's going to use that definitely to usher in maybe things
Starting point is 00:28:29 that they're planning to do over the next two years to condense it down into one. But all things considered, I wonder if that... How long would it have kept on them trying to go find a major sponsor to cover their asses and together up a rise burst money? How long could that have continued on anyways, I wonder? 73,000 for second place. That's 50,000 52,000 less than last year. Wow. That jet flying over. See you buddy. What was third?
Starting point is 00:28:54 Third? No, I think that's the AC or something. I hope it's not the heat. Third place is 58,000. 85,000 last year. That's so bad. What did 20th get? 8,000 85,000 less so bad What did 20th? Hey first place? It's either first place or go home. What's 20th? 20th is 3,600. That's what it should be because oh he owes him last year is
Starting point is 00:29:18 Wait, what is 20th? 3,500 3,600 listen the only thing people care about at the games is the fittest on earth, right? That's what's fucking cool about it. And I hate to say it guys James Craig is the fittest on earth No one's gonna give a fuck about World Fitness Project and it's great You want to be athletes you want to be pros you want to go make money to do what you love? That's awesome. Great. No one fucking is shooting that down But I think people like me and people who are seeing it as kind of a conflict of the games are saying, Hey, you guys aren't going to increase your fan base by going world fitness
Starting point is 00:29:50 project. You don't wear ankle socks. No, wait, hold on. No, they're not going to put on Instagram followers doing that. Yeah. I was like, if you notice the ankle socks, you can't say it's gay because you know just the socks. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:04 So what do you like it fucking loving socks? ankle socks They're showing they're giving me rainbows. What about the fact that cross what do you think about the fact that cross fits putting all of this out? Good for them. There's your transparency. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I was like they could have just said hey, it's tied to the open They heard for cows be talking shit about that somewhere. So they had to put them in his place about, uh, the transparency thing. I made a video and I, somewhere it was like, well, yeah. Or the fuck, I don't know where I heard that. Maybe it wasn't for Kowski. Someone somewhere was like, well, because I made a video and
Starting point is 00:30:45 I'm like, guys, if 600,000 people signed up, that means that the winner's going to get a million. And I was speculating because no one knew. But I'm like, more people is obviously a good thing. Oh, I remember. And then somewhere, someone with some authority, and that's why I think it was Fikowski, said, yeah, but we don't know. They're not going say it could be less, it could be dog shit. But now they're telling us, which is great. If 600,000 people signed up, it would be 730,000 bucks.
Starting point is 00:31:11 So I was pretty close. Good God. I was like, it'd be a million dollars. Yeah, and I remember I said like, freaking Dr. Evil. You know what's hilarious? What I think is actually fucking hilarious? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:31:23 All of these fucking athletes, and I was one of them, trained actually fucking hilarious. No, I don't all of these fucking athletes and I was one of them trained so fucking much Meanwhile fat retards on the mr. Beast documentary are just gonna win Are you watching that dude, did you amazing heard you watch that Doe brick blog I didn't know I saw you got jacked What about it? No, nothing. I, if you didn't watch it, what, Hey, what's the base salary for an NFL player? Will you look that up? Base salary. It's like what? 500 something or three or four base for an NFL salary. Like if you are on, I have 75, if you were on the roster on a 52 man roster, 795, 95 is the base salary, double the fittest on earth so the worst fucking fuck
Starting point is 00:32:05 what was the fittest on what is in the first place get 367 oh wow the worst fucking fuck this guy he's got a bad knee he's always fucking got turf toe this fucking guy never sees the field I'm pretty sure it's a rookie contract you're fucking yeah yeah yeah that's what it's a rookie contract. You're referring to. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what it's called. He drinks fucking water out of his fucking teammates ass whenever they fucking make him. Yeah. That is true. He has to sing in front of the whole fucking group. That fucking kid, he's probably twice as young as you.
Starting point is 00:32:35 He's still sucking his binky. His mom's tit makes 750k. 795. 795. Meanwhile, fittest on earth makes not even half of that. And these athletes want to call themselves professionals and they want to throw a fucking hand grenade into the thing that has given them the platform that they have. And what's crazy is those rookie NFL athletes probably have no sponsor. No sponsors and
Starting point is 00:33:00 no sponsor obligations. None. Because like the local Toyota dealership that they're not that their dad's friend owns. Yeah. And even that is probably minuscule until, you know, cause then that won't be able to afford them if they're actually worth sponsoring. That's to get them a car while they're in town and they got to give it back.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Yeah, that's for two. CTP. The first place halo team won 400,000 last year. Ha! For a video game. Is that a video game? Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Good God. Damn. But listen, the video game industry is bigger than all of Hollywood and all of porn. Yes, go ahead. There's this guy named Penguins. His name is Moist Critical on YouTube. He started on Twitch and he streams. And he'll do like two, three hours streams
Starting point is 00:33:46 and one three hours stream where all he did was play a video game. He made $85,000 in three hours. Just playing the game. What was the game? Wow. I don't remember cause I've never heard of it. Wow. But that mom must be so proud.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Hey, no one else is crazy. He doesn't scream a day. Wow. A lot of those, a lot of those athletes that do get those sponsorships, even if they're small, like let's say it's like, you know, $700 a month or something, they got a six month deal with them and it's, you know, monster rain or whatever. Most of those athletes don't even follow through on the deliverables that they're supposed to. Oh, not at all.
Starting point is 00:34:20 And when they do, and then when they do fall through on the deliverables, meaning like the media or whatever they have to post on their social media, whatever calls action they have to do, they do it so terribly. Like nobody puts effort at all. I, there are some Colton puts effort, Ariel puts effort. Okay. So yeah, I shouldn't talk in absolute. So like a handful of them put effort. His, his deliverables suck ass. It's like he's putting an effort, but it's like, who? Jason's. Hey, you know who, you know who got fucking dropped from their contract because they didn't deliver a Laura Horvath from rad. They fucking booted
Starting point is 00:34:55 her because she didn't do fucking anything. Yeah. And I just think it's the attitude of them a little bit. She's a douche because of the same ones that are like that. It's almost like this level of like a entitlement to where they think because they showed up or they did this each year there should be more there should be guaranteed money or they should be guaranteed this and it just it also reminds me like these are a lot of younger generations that are like we should have free health care I'm like how in the world does this free stuff just appear and why in the world do you think that you're obligated to have it like what what did you earn what did you contribute into any of this? It's your birthright.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Yeah, exactly. It's my birthright. It just, I can't understand that mindset. Tetenol. Please, let's not talk about politics. Oh, sorry. Yeah, right. I mean, it's just white male politics. Assist. I want to get closer to you, Hila.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Assist. Okay, Community Cup. Who's this? There's the are you gonna win the community cup? Probably I Can't compete I'm winning the community. You're on a four-year suspension. Yeah, no, you're not. Yeah I'm gonna are you on a four-year suspension dude? How I admitted use of testosterone Banned you for four years before you Admission no, but yeah, dude Wow, you know about that. Hey, you know what if I am it an eyes on steroids should okay? So I'm on there. I am on steroids
Starting point is 00:36:17 Where's the camera my name is a student I'm on steroids and I'm doing the open this year come and get me Dave His life source of source a steroid? Which steroid dude you need to tell him? One of my R3 100. Avi walked up to a guy at Greg's party tonight that big giant dude and asked me if he's on steroids. The guy just told me he's like your son came up to me asking me if I was on steroids like he never asked me that I didn't I don't need I didn't ask him what his answer was Did you ask your son what his answer was? No afterwards? I'm like, hey, did you ask that guy if he was on steroids? He goes yeah, I go you think that was appropriate. He goes. Yeah, like oh
Starting point is 00:36:54 My god, you should have given him the GoPro Haley and ask him what the guys in Okay, is it okay ask her if obvious still asleep. Do I know the guy? Maybe he was a brick shithouse. Yeah, he is a brick shithouse. He's a big man. I know a couple ways at the tall dude that He's an affiliate owner. Okay, never I start doing Royds probably That way you can squat again pussy You think that would be able to squat again? Hepatitis. Really? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Alexis can do whatever the hell she wants. And she had all these reconstructive surgeries. Nope. Um, he never, uh, is Aubie still, oh, he never went to sleep. He's awake? Yeah, now Laura's with Red Bull.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Who's the real winner? Do you think Red Bull gives her any meaningful amount of money or more than Rad did? You're fucking retarded. It gives her wings. No, it doesn't. They don't give her more. It's like, uh, it's like the monster contracts for the cross-rather. At least with the rain contract for the tier ones. Let's not get that fucked up. It's not monster. It's rain. You don't think, you don't think you don't think you think red red tube red
Starting point is 00:38:06 Red bull does not think red bull gives you think red bull gives her 50k. No, they don't give her 50k Yeah, maybe they give her 50k. Yeah, you know what rad gave her guarantee was at least 150. No No, I mean I think I think red bull giving her 50k that that sounds right to me 50k to red bull Definitely more than that. Yeah. I'm more like 200 for her. They're not giving you about 200 K. Wasn't the noble contracts we heard chucked around like 600,000 to a million.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And it's no, I wouldn't that was yeah. Yeah. I think I have Malo Brian was a million wasn't noble. Like noble also is underwater. It was a brilliant noble Yeah, but that's fucking noble. This is Red Bull. I understand This is the big bull dude They put on an event where people launched themselves off a dock and more people show up there than they do to the frickin
Starting point is 00:39:00 Semifinals sure, you know more people show up there. They do the cross the games I want to see a jump out of a plane. I got Red Bull. They do insane shit. Travis was trying to do everything, but I just don't think they would get hurt. I just fucking softball that you do. You would not take. Hey, I think they would because if you don't don't think about the athlete and what they're capable of earning, think about the company and what they earn and then think about where she lives and then where red bull came from.
Starting point is 00:39:26 They probably just are more localized market there and just sponsor more, more European athletes. But I don't think they give a fuck about cross. And they're like, ah, cross with that lead. How much do red bull athletes make? Well, you that's hard because there's gotta be such a skew because you have like Travis Pastrana jumping out of an airplane with no fucking parachute. And then you have fucking Lewis Hamilton
Starting point is 00:39:46 I've never heard of any of these guys max for staffing with fucking formula ones some guy named Sean Neils Makes 526 above that guy. You know who he is. Yeah, what sport talk sucking boy school? Mason Mitchell knows that sport bicycle man bicycle man. I would hate to be called Fucking Matt Chan. Hey bicycle man. Oh man your helmet your knee pads New sport of hunter and bicycle. Listen to this distribution. Europe has 430 Red Bull athletes. North America has 152. Asia has 60. South America 57. Oceania 37. bull athletes. North America has 152.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Asia has 60 South America, 57 Oceania, 37 Africa, 21 Middle East, 19 Central America, one, uh, racist Middle East has 19. So the U S has one or any of them third as many red bull athletes as Europe. That's chill. Okay. So it's just going to your point that like, yeah, she's probably like, she's right in line with those guys who wear their clothes too tight. You know what I mean? And Europe. Her clothes are real weird looking these days. Yeah. What happened to Laura's clothing?
Starting point is 00:41:13 Who wears a raincoat everywhere? She's wearing Christoph's clothes. It's like a suit. You know what a suit suit is? I think I do finish up with each other. They forget who's clothes are. I do finish up with each other. They forget who's closer Oh Jesus Oh Caught me thing. I just said when they like get done working out and they forget. Oh whose clothes are My god step right disgusting. All right. Well now we're back to where I started Oh my god, separate it's disgusting All right. Well now we're back to where I started
Starting point is 00:41:51 Mountain biking Aaron Gwyn said in 2020 Red Bull video that he could earn around a million dollars in a good year. Oh Red Bull hardline Red Bull rampage the price for the Red Bull rampage is I'd also have to imagine that there's probably tears or anything, right? So it's probably like you get this as a base if you win this you This you get this. Yeah this yeah so they tear your water polo tears here to your water please so the community cup it's forever it's quarterfinals for everyone this year are you guys covering water please this year yeah yeah quarterfinals for everyone we are going now I know no we'll just sit at home and watch it and criticize okay Okay. Cool. But we're not
Starting point is 00:42:25 We don't have any cup. We don't have a lot of obligation to be nice and call it to your water blues. Oh, I'm gonna be a water Palooza. Oh, yeah, you are. Yeah, you're going. Yeah, are you staying with I don't know. But what are you doing there? Reps ahead who's going with you are doing reps ahead again. Yeah, they liked your first one unless No, just doing it. Just doing it. You did it with Brian last time. Yeah. And it went good. It went well. You better control Brian on how it went. Okay. I think he said it went well. Okay. All right. But I also thought so before I was told. I think this went swimmingly. A lot of good feedback.
Starting point is 00:43:02 So you're going to go down there and the athletes, do you know what athletes you guys are doing? I'm not sure I think he's announcing them on Saturday But I also think Jason said on Maderas his show earlier that he's doing it with Dalen So that's like kind of everyone knows Jason and they can do both and Maderas is like whoa, man. What about me? Oh Really? No, he didn't say that straight up, but it was totally like the bubbly Maderas is like, whoa, man, what about me? Oh, really? No, he didn't say it straight up, but it was totally like the bubbly Maderas,
Starting point is 00:43:27 like, hey, the fuck? Like, why wasn't I invited? Maderas would be cool to watch in that. Third best CrossFitter of all time. Fourth. Huh? Male? Male?
Starting point is 00:43:40 No, fourth or fifth, maybe. You're out of your, you're just trying to piss me off. That's it, email. There's only four athletes better than him of all time. fourth or fifth, maybe you're out of your, you're just trying to piss me off. There's only four athletes better than him of all time. You just said he was the third best. Sorry, sorry. I was wrong. Sorry. So that would make him the fifth. Okay. So Frazier, Rich Tia, no, he is not better than him or Norzani. Are you out of your stupid? They could never beat him in a workout, dude. We're not doing this dumbass argument either okay fine I'm okay with I'm okay with making them higher dude if you gave them both the same tasks to accomplish they would never be him are we talking about you
Starting point is 00:44:16 fuck define your terms of fucker I'm not picking the fittest men and fittest women separately and then meshing them together Now what you're doing it is human, okay Apparently you can't do that for real because they change their policies around It's about thunder right? Oh, they change their policies around gender. I can just tuck in You know, I know it's no access if she'd be pissed if I like, you know Fuck with my hormones a bit talk to myself inside out. She's like If you went from husband to bestie, yeah, she would have been upset. Oh god Hey, did you see the policy on gender for CrossFit? What it was it? It says that you can only compete at the gender you were assigned at birth
Starting point is 00:45:01 And so listen, so that means you could if you that you could still, because if they really didn't want men competing in the women's category or vice versa, they would say, you can only compete in the sex you were documented as at birth. There's no assigning, like you know what I'm saying? The difference, documenting sex versus assigning gender. Right. It's not assigned, it's you. They're just documenting. You just document someone's sex at birth. It was assigned by the almighty.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Yeah. There's no, there's no assigning. That's a conspiracy theory. I assigned myself labor is God almighty. God. That seed oils. It's a really good conspiracy theory. I think it's that seed oils. It's a really good conspiracy theory. Guys, seed oils are fine and sugar's fine. Taylor, the Tucker self
Starting point is 00:45:58 president. You refer to him as Mr. President, the Tucker president, president Tucker. Hey, they're going to split the quarterfinals this year. They're calling it the Community Cup. It's basically for everyone. They're going to split everyone into 10 different categories. I am looking at the live chat, Olivia. God damn it. It's for everyone. I saw that I'm winning. I'm going to now start taking steroids because I'm not competing.
Starting point is 00:46:19 I'm going to take it. I can't compete. OK, pussy, I'm going to admit it. So we're going to land on the community question. I think the community. Why is Taylor looking so big? So you could be the fittest person in the top 30% or the fittest person in the top 40%. They're going to break it in 10%. That's cool. Facts. Yeah. Is that, that's just done in the affiliate, right? Like as a quarterfinal. If you win that, that's a good question. I have no idea. You immediately think, Ooh, I was the fittest 30 percentile, but that means I was the very last i'll be right back. Oh Is wow
Starting point is 00:46:52 Wow, it's like being in racquetball like there's a b and c leagues and it's like you're the champ of the b But you suck at a yeah, you're the last place 80. Wow. Hey I was always on the fucking b team because I was I was always on the fucking B team because I was too fat to be like any of the good positions and not big enough to be any of the fat positions. And were you the best B team player ever lives? No, I was like fucking, I was like, okay, I just didn't listen. What I would do is I would fucking lead with the crown of my helmet and destroy kids and all the drills and the coaches love me.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And then they would try to have us do like real practice and like learn plays and I'd be like fucking getting grass and shit and like fucking picking my boogers and fucking you know. No. Oh dude come on. Liquid death. Is that your second one for the show? Oh that was mine. They're not caffeinated are they?
Starting point is 00:47:41 No they're not but do you know. Somebody commented it was like liquid death at 1030 is crazy What do you think why go ahead apparently? when you're consuming water the Like the things that you like calling it death water or like particular frequencies Give like water a more Evil yeah, they make it evil, bro. Oh wait, what's evil. Where are you making this up? Like if you look under water under a microscope and you say,
Starting point is 00:48:08 fuck you water, it gets all bad. But yeah, like water species, like happy faces. No, it's a 100%. You know what? The symbiote from spider man fucking microscope out and let's do this. This house might have one. Yeah, they have a telescope. We can put my balls in the front lens and you can look. Okay. So wait, what's the deal with the water? If you look at it under microscope, it sits there. And then if you say death, it does, it jumps around and it fucking shit. So no, I'm not making it up, dude. And you're trying to say you're not a conspiracy to Stabilizes the fucking molecules, bro And if you say nice things to it it stabilizes and gives these molecules a more serene energy
Starting point is 00:48:53 And when you drink it, it's more healing and good for you And when you drink that fucking death water that you just poison be with It gives me you ask it gives me cold should we make a water called love water? love water? Love water angel water love water Love water by the guy who see you guy who can't stop talking about gaping gaping socks gaping water Gaping juice gaping juice Wow Gay parade. What do you think about French throwdown and and Wilmot Moorhead Fitness League having a conflicting schedule? You know, I don't really see quite how they're, how are they conflicting?
Starting point is 00:49:32 I don't know, I just read it on the internet. Well, aren't they the same time? That's what I heard. Which one? French Throwdown and one of the world's food productions. French Throwdown is about the French Throwdown. The French? Qualifier of the games.
Starting point is 00:49:42 One of the only two in Europe sounds like a problem for Europe right but so that one of the competing games anyways you ever been to Europe who are the who are the European athletes during the Wilmore at Fitness League Vic de la Faire he's one of the I don't know. Um, Keep it straight, Baseman. Uh, who else? I don't fucking know. Is Happalainen doing it? Oh, dude, he's not doing shit. Oh, right. He fucked his ankle up. How about the other, the buff ball dude?
Starting point is 00:50:12 Oh, Moritz. Moritz. Doubt it. I don't think he's in. Uh, Will Moritz. So it only affects Victor Hoffer? Can anyone go to the French Throwdown? Does anyone know can is that open like Torian Pro probably not Luca? Oh, Luca, Juke doing World Fitness project, you wanna
Starting point is 00:50:31 How do they how do they choose these people? I don't get it. It's a great following arbitrary. No, it's not Instagram pollings No, no, it's not right here. Grave. You'll literally said it didn't he wouldn't on a whatever on the right board Yeah and then if you watch Spin Show, whatever, when they had it like a week ago or so, like Brian was literally sitting there and he's like, yeah, after I was watching the show, I just realized I was like, holy shit, they're picking these people to stop following. So not like they're not building a world fitness competition. They're basically just gathering all the influencers in the space.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Hey, if they were picking off fucking following, they would have announced Danny Spiegel. They would have been, how do you know they didn't? They said no. How do you know? They said no. How do you know? They would have announced Matt Chan has more followers. No, but relevant. Relevancy and followers matter. There are probably multiple qualifiers. Are they currently competing? it's a combination of the red the rogue invitational and then the contracts are being dictated by the following is what I understood from how much you think they would offer bicycle man so you think going back to what going back to what you just said did they offer Danny Spiegel a contract
Starting point is 00:51:48 I don't think she's relevant enough to I don't think she was high enough on the road leaderboard How did why would how did you pick up all of that? It's rogue leaderboard, right? And then they use the numbers on their following to dictate contract. I hear that but okay sydney wells Had she had rogue leaderboard time out imagine using is she good on the rogue leaderboard? Yes, she was on fucking demo team. Imagine using the Rogue leaderboard who even admits that, hey, we're not trying to find the fittest on earth. We're just trying to showcase the athletes. Oh wow, yeah, that's a great point.
Starting point is 00:52:14 What a fucking- All right, well then that further exemplifies the point that we're making that it's not necessarily about finding the best competition. And it's not gonna have the fans because of that. Why wouldn't you pick Austin Hatfield and Colton Merton over Luca and Hoff Victor Hoffer? Bicycle man. I'm, I'm currently trying to find points.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I can't answer that question, bro, because it's I'm fucking baffled. Uh, w why did they pick a Gracie Walden? She won, um, Australia last year. She won firestorm at the games. Colby. Steven says if it's based off Rogan, they take the top, uh, they take 20 Spiegel is top 20. I think they offered her and she said, yeah, that's another thing that we don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:59 It's like, who did they talk to you in there? They didn't make cookies in her stipend. Oh, okay. It was 18. You're good, dude. Gracie was 31. Yeah, I had no fucking clue. That's just what I heard. So your shit's unraveling was 43. Is your shit unraveling?
Starting point is 00:53:11 It's basically who ranked higher on the rogue leaderboard and also who will more ads wants to fuck. And that's why Victor. No, the president of the press. Who ranked higher on the rogue leaderboard and also who will more ads wants to fuck and that's why victory Long joke to get out that was good. He almost fucked it up. He almost got you off, but you got it out That was crazy Wow Wow You can't realize that these are all jokes this show is not a comedy show Hey guys, there's people whose feelings get Okay, he's trying to fucking undermine me, okay
Starting point is 00:54:00 Is cursed at her going no, I don't think so. Signed. What about Emma Lawson? I think so. She's a podcast now, bro. I do think, yeah, yeah, yeah, she's on. Why would you not, how could you not have Kerstetter go? Because she didn't qualify for the Games of Life. Idiots.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Yes, she did. Wait. Nice try, dude. No, she didn't. Hey, let me ask you this. Rookie of the Year, though. Is Trista Smith a Wilmore Add foundation? No.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Athlete? Not yet. I'm pretty sure. Ellie Turner. No, she can't compete her back. Is she an athlete anymore? Oh, I think she's just Justin's like bad girl. Full-time dog mom doing a bad job.
Starting point is 00:54:40 He gives the worst and worst every year. Who else? Tell me who else is at the gate. Tell me, reach me some other names of the games. It's some is Gia world will more else. Yeah, he's a good choice Jay crouch good choice tax and pantry choice Jorgon no one here the people who didn't make it. No Björkman got invited he did Justin Allen good good toward Hoffa, but who are the ones who didn't make it?
Starting point is 00:55:04 Travis Mayors in choice that is a horrible fucking pick Allen, B.Tordhoffa. But who are the ones who didn't make it? Travis Mayer is an interesting choice. That is a horrible fucking pick. Why? He's 48 fucking years old. Dude, he's younger than me. He's on the bubble every year now and he just fucking goes. Is Colton better than Travis Mayer?
Starting point is 00:55:18 Way better. Austin Hatfield? Way better. How did those two not get picked? I don't get it. Bucktards. Well, they weren't in the circle. The energy Colton brings is like other world guys. I hate to like to pull the fucking curtain back, but it is honestly, I feel like most of the men are chosen. Basically you have a strong connection with Maddox Keefe does
Starting point is 00:55:39 will more add like you and do they want you to make money? And if you don't fall into that camp, like if you're in Austin Hatfield what's theirs oh you forgot one will you comment three emojis oh right right fire fire fire emoji that's a deliverable that's a deliverable and if you're a guy like Austin Hatfield who's probably fucking fitter than all those bucktards but you're not just fucking toeing the party line you're not getting a contract. Ross fact. Oh, this is a good Colby. Steven said, have they announced everybody?
Starting point is 00:56:09 Hey, you know what's interesting is the CrossFit games more transparent with their prize money than literally any more fitness. And you know what the CrossFit games is also more transparent about who programs across the games. And we know where their money comes from. Oh shit. And they're also way more transparent about the entire... That was a good one. Thank you. They're also way more transparent about the entire intent of the competition. Like what is the point
Starting point is 00:56:32 of World Fitness Project? Is this to help professionalize the sport? Is this to create a exhibition event for everybody to jerk off to and watch these athletes compete? Who wants to do so? Is this an event that's just to make the athletes money are They trying to find the fittest people like what's the fucking point in this competition? They have a mission statement It's like to better serve the athletes. I Think it's just like we do we help people or we love people or something. That's why it's called the foundation How about Sam want is Sam Kwong going? Yeah Okay, man choice How about Sam Kwon? Is Sam Kwon going? Yeah. Um, okay. Meh choice.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Uh, Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- H for backfill. What about, what about cool gray shaver? What about Yola? Kai? How could you not pick? Hey, if it's based on rankings, how are, how the fuck is Chandler Smith selected? He wasn't a games athlete. Get the fuck out of here. Luke Parker, Bailey Mark off with that. Oh, Chandler Smith is going to know Olson announced to no, no, wasn't he going to retire? How does Chandler Smith get picked in that? That's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. I think it's a good pick. What about his ass is too fat for a man? I mean he he does have a dumper Alright Emma McQuade, I thought you retired she's not competing in CrossFit this year again So your ranking system's fucked and also have these people Definitely my favorite athlete on this thing. She's on there Dude, Bethany Flores is definitely my favorite athlete on this thing.
Starting point is 00:58:25 She's on there. Is she your favorite as well? Cause like, God damn it. Bicycle man. Nothing to do with match. Dude, she has a broken back. Are they just going to fucking play her in two workouts? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:41 It's only broken sometimes. The fuck? Heavy deadlifts. Hey, is Laura Horv going the willmore I finished She is not on the roster Contract yet because comes with deliverables. How did Emma tall get picked? She's 34th. She retired What about did you guys already discuss is Tia going or not? Oh, yes Tia going here or your loans in
Starting point is 00:59:02 And seen her you about Andrea Pinheiro? Oh Yeah, that'd be sick. That would be sick. I Didn't know they took half dudes. How about Shelby Neal? Not on there But she finished pretty high the game about howdy can yo on on there Linda Kate Kiesma Carolyn Stanley on on there Abigail Dolman What the fuck? Wait, they got Amy Kringle but not Abigail Dome it accurate. No Crazy dude, Abigail Dome it verse Amy Kringle would be like the British Brick shit out the American
Starting point is 00:59:41 Yes, they do have Amy for that the reps ahead. We should do a fucking UFC match between them I Do wonder how they chose these people how about my god was she going for Achilles? Colby was saying something about like the 90 percentile maybe no is a grant. He was like, it's 90% rookie Rogue rankings, but we looked through it and that's not the case. I Mean he did say 90%. Oh, I thought he meant the top 90%. Like mostly can drive it. Dove. Right now.
Starting point is 01:00:12 The highest ranking on the road. Rogue ranking systems, unless your best friend is Chandler and unless you don't like Colton or Austin half field or any of the other athletes will actually fight to win a fucking competition. I don't even care that they got their friends I'm cool with that. No, it's fucking cuck doucheery The whole premise of fucking CrossFit, which is what they're doing you assholes You're doing CrossFit is to fucking find the fittest people the most work capacity
Starting point is 01:00:37 The fucking greatest work capacity across broad time and modal domains. That's whole fucking premise that's why people think the games are cool is because they're finding the fittest on earth. Right. All these guys are doing is now picking their buddies and Oh doggies get snatched get pookie in. Hey, let me read you this. He does have a good snatch. Let me read you this. So the LA times crazy liberal paper, right? Uh, we had a black guy run for governor of California and they called him, uh, um, uh him a white man in blackface. What was his name? Larry elder, Larry elder.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Yeah. They called it governor. Yeah. And he, and he, and the recall, he got 2 million signatures in the recall. It was crazy. So the only times it's crazy liberal, right? Like full blown hate black people, all that shit. Listen, they just posted this just now.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Pacific palace AIDS. We've had our two most rainy years in the history of California. It's just been raining fucking nonstop for two years. Pacific Palisades Reservoir was offline and empty when Firestorm exploded. Why? They told the fucking LA Times the reservoir had been closed for repairs, leaving 117 million gallons of water storage empty. Still had a water.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Holy shit dude. Don't make any comments about that being a coincidence. By the way, this isn't political guys. Yeah, we didn't call it conspiracy theories. This is just like metrics, gallons of water, reservoirs. Well it's political in the sense that the people in power are fucking retarded. Well, and also I only mentioned liberal because they would never, they, they, they suck Gavin Newsom's dick.
Starting point is 01:02:08 So if the fact that they're posting this. Yeah, is bad. Yeah, it's bad. That means that that means the worst is yet to come. Man. I think you'll resign like Trudeau. Did Trudeau actually resign? Trudeau resigned.
Starting point is 01:02:21 That's wild. Isn't it? Isn't that crazy? Or is that common in Canada? I don't know He was he was a the premier for nine years the who? Premier what's that mean the boss the president? LHAF a heck or head prime minister had pecker
Starting point is 01:02:38 And of the cack is it I feel like it doesn't seem like it's common that they would just resign like that I feel like it doesn't seem like it's common that they would just resign like that No, no, no, we done Kind of what kind of pants are those So Savage damn born fat and those fucking joggers. Hey, what would happen if they just crossfit just announced? Hey, we're still going to put on the CrossFit games. Everything will still be the same. You're just you're just only going to give prize money to first place. Male female. That's it. Only to the fittest on earth. Only to
Starting point is 01:03:17 the fittest on earth and then further solidifying it and take all that money that goes down to the bottom feeders and just push all of it just up to the top. So you just have a winner take all situation, maybe moves from 360 to like 500 each. Then what happens? I think you'd still get the same pool of athletes. Me too. And that's what I think they should do. You would not. If the, where would they go? Okay. Here's the deal. Hiller 15th through 30th might be different, but the top 15, they would go and be like fucking nurses or some shit. Yeah. Because I thought you were going to say like, Oh, the world fitness project or whatever. They would start doing YouTube channels.
Starting point is 01:03:49 That's a fucking loop lead. I don't know if someone got the chops for that. They would try. I don't know. They would turn into a bicycle man. I think that most of the people in 20 to the 40 would just retire and do something else. Yeah. You think so? Yeah. It almost reminds me like if they did that, it would remind me of the people in 20 to the 40 would just retire and do something else. Yeah, you think so? Yeah It almost reminds it like if they did that it would remind me of the time that they kept
Starting point is 01:04:10 Opening up the regions, you know, it was like NorCal So Calden all of a sudden was like all of California then all of a sudden was like all of West and Everybody that thought that they were like hopeful to make it in their local region to go to their regional The second it opened up all the way to the west like just a shitload of people dropped off because they would never have a chance. You know? So that's kind of like what you're saying, Hillary, is like that bottom portion would just drop. The other thing too is why, why did the CrossFit Games do that many heats of athletes? Like you could probably get away with like two heats of 10.
Starting point is 01:04:37 I mean, fucking slap dicks like me would have probably still tried to make the games. Right. But that would, like, what the fuck would that do for the elitism of the people competing? Right? Because there's people there who like literally go to make money like Jason, right? And Jason Hopper never beaten anyone like Jason in my athletic career. And I'm coming close, right? Who? Jason Hopper? Yeah. Right. But all of a sudden, it would just like raise that level. Like the slapdance like me who I really wanted to make it and like right there,
Starting point is 01:05:08 like really fucking close. All of a sudden, you're like the 20th place person. Yeah. Which it's not good for fucking anything. I posed the question to him and I said, what if they just got rid of all the prize money except for first place at the games and pushed all the bottom feeder money up to the top? So first male, first female got five hundred K each.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Oh, yeah. That was it. Yeah. That was it. I'm no other money. Of course you're down. I'm down. Of course you're down. I think that's, I think it's ridiculous proposition. Here's the, here's the reason why. Uh, a bunch of years ago, there was a fire in California. It was 6,000 acres. It was like fucking in a city and I think it was in LA or something, I don't remember where, but it was fucking considered crazy. Now we have the fucking biggest fire in the fuck, it's going to go down as the most expensive fire maybe in the country's history.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Maybe besides the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. Yeah, for sure. It's going to go down as just some crazy shit. And the fire's burning like fucking. Yeah. There's a 17 year affiliate that of the guy the owner and lost his house and 30 people lost members have lost their homes already that's just like one thing we know right I bet you 99% of the fucking CrossFit
Starting point is 01:06:15 Games athletes it's not that there's a lot of them don't even know about it Justin Maderas is the only one that's donated fucking money to the go fund me page out of all of them now and that's, that's their prerogative. They don't give a shit about the affiliates, which is okay. I'm not even saying that as a dig. They're oblivious. They don't give a shit about the affiliates. It.
Starting point is 01:06:34 So it's like, and that's their prerogative. I don't mean it, but like, let's, I would like to see it, that it's someone out, I have no problem with the sport going back to just first place prize money, $500,000 for first, that's it. Fuck the money for the fucking adaptive and the masters, just scratch all that, fuck it, give first place a million bucks, I don't give a shit. And then someone out of an affiliate wins it. And it's really, we're just looking for the fittest In our community. Yeah, and it's still the same
Starting point is 01:07:09 But it still would be the fittest on earth. That's what's crazy. That's what's crazy. Nope. Nope, dude Listen, oh dude. Listen if Sam Kwant won the game every single fucking year. There would still be no unfitter Because those other knuckleheads would be fucking sitting around fucking getting fat Laura Horvat was not competing in CrossFit. She would be one fifth as fit as she is right now. Hey, should we be fat? No, I'm just saying she'd be one fifth as fit. And what would have, and if Laura Horvath is five times bigger than she is now since
Starting point is 01:07:44 she would be one fifth of space. She'd be the great, she'd win the gold medal in the Olympics and only be making $5,000 a year. You get a free, her government hungry would give her a free condo. What would she win? It would take some time. What would she what?
Starting point is 01:07:58 Win in the Olympics. What would she, you know, like powerlifting. It wouldn't take time, Hiller. It would take fucking two months. What if they had the games every two years or every three years in space? I find with that. And it just let local comps frayed. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:13 And then you wouldn't have to like fork the cash every single year. You'd only have to do like an Olympic thing, whereas like every two or all the Olympics do every four and still run an open and collect money every year. Open would run every year. Hey dude, you know, steroid use would probably plummet in the master. For what reason? Just cut all, just make it less. I don't know, dude. People like to use steroids. Hey, you know what? The other thing I was thinking about, especially old dudes, when you, when you said, when you scan that list of like the people that were donating, we were doing the show on it and trying to like pump that up and you saw that Justin was the
Starting point is 01:08:47 only like notable like games athlete that did it. And he donated right away. Right. I'm also like thinking how many other people grew up in the affiliates like he did though. Right, right. You know what I mean? Like he was at an affiliate when he was young. And so like he understands and knows that community like intimately.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Whether it's his own or whether it's just a larger picture of it. So it probably talked to him a lot more. And like you were saying, those other guys are pretty distant from inside the affiliate communities and what that does and the impact that has on those people. So maybe because there's that distance between them, they didn't feel... And here's the thing. Justin donates 100 bucks, a couple other people will donate money. Oh, for sure. I mean, he inspires people. People are going to do what he does. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:27 And so it's like, if all the, if all those dudes, all any of those dudes has to do is donate 50 bucks. Right. It's just, just like, Hey, just like, it's just such an odd, but here's the thing. It's not even on their radar. Right. It's not even on their radar. Do you think Jason's thought ones about it?
Starting point is 01:09:44 No hopper. No. I feel like it. What about Coach L? It's a lot of this. Yeah. Coach L probably does. He works. I mean, he trains in an affiliate, right? No. I don't think Coach L has ever done a cross show. I think he used to try to be a competitor. As I said, most, most, almost coach is coach because they can't do it. I think Coach L Oh, coach. Oh works out of an affiliate doesn't coach. I don't know. He said yeah Like he's never done a fucking thruster How tall is he he's about six eight probably He can't get a fucking he can't get the bar below in the front rack. There's no fucking way I can't use
Starting point is 01:10:26 And dude, I guarantee his ass can't fucking squat to death. I don't know man. I bet his fucking hip beamers run to his hip bone Oh my lanta Get down Fucking femur just shoots right in his hip bone. I don't know. I think you probably good. I don't think you do it real quick. How old is he? I can't tell how old he is. Is he 25? You can do 50 dig bounces for time if you just fucking elevate your target. Do that workout RX. Yeah, he just squats through a box, dude. He squats through a gym in a box. He do no five-footed bounces, I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Oh, oh shit. There's people still up and watching. He can't get any posterior chain engagement. He can't hit all the points performance. Yeah. You've got no midline stabilization, Coach L, and your dick bounces for time. T-Bird said maybe they did, and maybe they put anonymous. Oh yeah, so T-Bird says maybe they did,
Starting point is 01:11:20 maybe they put anonymous, fair. But we know they didn't. Yeah, you're a games athlete, and you're donating. And you put it. You're the type of person they didn't. Yeah. If you're a games athlete and you're donating, like you're the type of person who wants to be covered. Don Fahl gave like one dollar. Hi Shana. Five bucks. He gave a thousand bucks.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I thought he gave five bucks. No, Don gave a thousand bucks. I saw five. And then I gave a thousand and one bucks and then he gave five bucks. Then I gave five bucks. No, I'm standing. I saw how much he donated live on the air and it was a thousand bucks. And I quickly donated thousand one bucks. I said fuck you. I went and one of my later dawnfall donated five. No way Larry that's pretty cool, right? But you beat him. I just added another five bucks good. Fuck him. No
Starting point is 01:12:00 Hey, that is that is now your captain number sir. Oh Yeah, he's your boss. Yeah He's the CIA bro. He's a CIA Shut the fuck up Susie. You want to my boss is my boss of the fucking people buddy They are the man of the people I like it He did win popular vote Hey, you are gonna find out but hey, maybe go back and scrub that from the episode because if he goes back and watches that, I'm definitely redacted. Redacted. Please redact that. You meet me. Probably should. No, I didn't. No. All right. Anything else? We covered the Wilmore and fitness foundation. We covered the prize purse. Yeah. Talked I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:12:45 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:12:53 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:13:01 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm question by CPT. CPP. Wait, hold on. I'll get to the CPT. Literally CIA Public Affairs Office. He's not CIA. Trust me.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Somebody made that the comments right after I said that fucking joke. Who did you say was CIA? I said he goes, you know who your boss is? And I said, Don's like the CIA. He's your boss. You're just the president. And then this person just said CIA Public affairs office. He's not CIA trust It's a BT said I don't know and then CPT
Starting point is 01:13:31 CTP said can we hit a quick round robin of the moon landing happened or not before I get some sleep? Yeah, absolutely. What are you gonna go with? We'll start with Hillary. Yes or no moon landing Why do I have to start because I don't want him Because I know it's not real. Oh you so that's no on the moon landing. Where are you? Where are you? Well, you were fucking American Heller doesn't believe Trump was shot he wasn't not it was you catch up by his ear. We saw the pack You guys are so stupid. Oh This is exactly what CTP wanted chaos at the end you think buzz you think think buzz Aldrin's a liar who buzz Aldrin I don't know who that is. I went to the moon. Hey you fuck and then Neil Armstrong and buzz Aldrin
Starting point is 01:14:21 He's hey buzz Aldrin actually said your actually said that like It didn't happen took effect it didn't happen if Buzz Aldrin said it didn't happen. I'm doing two nose Yeah, we went to the moon Why do you and I've watched and I've watched two documentaries on it not and I really want to believe we didn't go we didn't go I'm really want to believe we didn't go? We didn't go. I'm 51%. No 49. Yes. Okay. I will say this if you, if you had to give me, if I had a million, if I had a million, no, if we already nine in the fucking seventies sixties, why the fuck haven't we been since? Well, the answer to that is why would we go? Why not? Why not?
Starting point is 01:15:05 But what are you talking about? I don't know. It's a lot of money. It's a lot of resources. Why would you know? Why would we go? We already have fat people who get labia plassey people go to the women all the time for no fucking reason dude I went to Rome two years ago. My not never go again Okay, what about what about but you but you already went buzz Aldrin the alarm song or fucking about to die What about what about 9-eleven you think that that was hijackers? Dude they definitely hijacked though. I do they found their passport. That's a bulletproof thing stop Higackers they found what the passports and all of rubble Literally, dude what I said the yesterday tripped you out, right? Did they really find their passports and all the rubble found the past literally did what I said yesterday tripped you out right did they really find their passports my guy didn't do here's the other thing too you know how they always have security camera footage and all the airports and we trace the fucking people through the day just make me uncomfortable where's all that going yeah where's all that security footage of any of them checking in anywhere I've've never seen any of that. That's a great point found passports of
Starting point is 01:16:07 9-eleven. Hey, I probably would be Not on the side of it if it being a known thing by the US government are done But building seven fucks that all up. Holy shit. Listen to this or passports from 9-eleven hijackers were recovered Yep. No, they weren't. You're telling me that those buildings melt? How did they find their passports? They didn't. How did Chris just produce the hell out of the last portion of the show? It doesn't even make any sense how they would find their passports. Because they didn't.
Starting point is 01:16:51 That's why. Hey, maybe it was the one, maybe it was the one, the plane that crashed out of that field. Hey, it was probably the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania or the one into the Pentagon. Yeah. Imagine a plane crashing and you finding four fucking passports with identifiable pictures and it attacked enough to just play on it. And you have very, very likely anywhere. Very likely, bro. Look up the fucking train ride.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Well, they got my wallet. Yeah, the shit's intact. You want to go in 200 miles an hour and plummet towards her and plummeting towards earth. They skidded to a stop in a fucking cornfield, dude. Skid to a stop. Yeah fucking cornfield dude skidded to a stop yeah i'd like to see that okay it might be a little rough guys we might hit a little slide here oh listen listen in addition to these four some digital copies of the hijackers passports were recovered oh well that's the most convincing thing i've heard about the moon landing was that it
Starting point is 01:17:43 would have taken and this is absurd by the way, that it would have taken more technological advancement in post-production editing to produce the film shown to the people than it would have at the time to have actually gone to the fucking moon. Wild. That's the most convincing evidence I've heard about it. The CIA is back, they said by the way we love this. The Avengers movie is like oh yeah you could totally fake it but that was hard back then. David, these idiots think Elvis is still alive. No I don't. Elvis is dead. That's a fact. But the
Starting point is 01:18:16 moon landing thing was false. Has that person watched any movies on the moon landing being fake? I have. I have too. All of them. It's real, you have? Yes. It's crazy, the movies are fucking gnarly when they start being. And you know what's crazy? They're all different because they can make it look like whatever the fuck they want because it was fake.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Yeah, did you see the thing about how all the pictures of the skyline on the moon? Yes. They're all just fake skylines. That one was really fucking with me. Talks skylines. That one was really fucking with Ducks doesn't it that one was really fucking with me. They basically show you it's a hollywood technique and all the movies back What are the boys thing? I don't know. I should ask them you should Oh here listen four of the hijackers passports have survived whole or in part two were recovered from the crash site at united airlines 93
Starting point is 01:19:03 In pennsylvania. These are the passports of z Zaha. Oh, okay. Anyway, he definitely did it. Mohammed and Mohammed Zaha Jada and Saheed Al Gamdi. Okay, dude, that's fucking one belong to the hijacker is fucking flight 11. This is the passport of Tom Suquami. Oh, listen, Hiller, you're going to love love this. A passerby picked it up and gave it to NYPD. That's how they found it. Shortly before the Trade Center's towers collapsed. Wait.
Starting point is 01:19:33 What? That's not real, read that again, read that again. One belonged to the hijacker on America Airlines flight 11. This is the passport of Tom Saquame, a passerby picked it up and gave it to the NYPD detective shortly before the World Trade Center's hours collapsed There has to be more context that we're not a Passport was recovered from luggage that did not make it from a Portland flight to Boston Onto connecting who would have their passport in their luggage that does you make sense? Yeah, how do you get on the plane?
Starting point is 01:20:03 Yeah, I guess you got, he had a driver's license? Before I'm alive, you can smoke cigarettes on a fucking plane. Because it didn't. Oh, because it was a flight from Portland to Boston. So he must've used some other ID to get on the plane. The CIA just said, the more you speculate, the more you speculate, the more we can manipulate you. Yeah, that's why I asked about the kids.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Wow. Because if you ask a four year old, Hey, you find anything in this giant burning building? It's like, no. Yeah. That table's got a lot of wobble to it. Huh? A lot of sway.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yeah. They got the luggage of one of the dudes. When a bag of dill does in there, they have the luggage, but no video in any of the airports. Yeah, that part's weird But they got the luggage. How do they know? It's fucking his is Because they found his passport Yeah, he gave it to a cop Right after the plane pretty soon
Starting point is 01:20:57 They're gonna find our passports and some shit that gets us in trouble for doing this shit Is there airport security footage of hijackers? us in trouble for doing this shit. Is there airport security footage of hijackers? Yes, there's an airport security footage of the 911 hijackers passing through security checkpoints at airports, particularly at Washington Dulles International Airport, which is the only checkpoint that video recording capabilities that capture the hijackers with planes involved in the attacks on December 11th. Maybe they didn't do that shit back then. involved in the tax and number 11 maybe they didn't do that shit back then it they did in 2001 they didn't have fucking CC yeah they did I like that dude don't be you can smoke cigarettes on a plane before 9-eleven that has
Starting point is 01:21:35 nothing to do with video capture bro I filmed fucking skate videos then and sponsored my buddies my guy my guy why are you gonna tell me there's not security But I fucking sponsored my friends filming it and editing it on my computer in the year 2000 I did the fuck up. Did you fly dude? We're talking about security to the one was the first time you flew Okay, I can't remember night or 90s for sure For sure. I'm gonna play to the Nebra. Okay. Why, why did building seven collapse? That's also a weird one, right? Cause he got mad at me. No, I would just say they had security camera footage. They had CCT.
Starting point is 01:22:15 You were trying to tell me that they didn't have it because it was the year 2000, bro. They had that. Hey, hey, easy. They didn't have security camera footage. I'm going to call bicycle man on-space. He's like, I filmed skaters. I want the Titan games. I filmed skaters. Okay, any of you guys want to see-
Starting point is 01:22:39 I filmed skaters. I filmed skateboarders. Fuck you! But I did! He was skating in Greg's house the other day. Oh my god. Hey, I'm gonna say something really crazy. That's hilarious. The craziest thing ever. This whole Los Angeles thing.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Do you think Brian Friend would have fucking hijacked one of them? Yes. Yes! If it could get him to some pussy, yes. Oh my God. Hey, if... What about Patrick Clark? No. Well, it depends.
Starting point is 01:23:16 I'm going to say something really bad. Oh God. That involved Epstein's Island. Okay. They cracked the code on how to take down the US with this... Light California on fire? All you need is a thousand fucking Mohammads with gas cans to descend on any city. In a willing security force that's supposed to protect its people.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Listen, you're telling me that a thousand fucking Muslims can't go into fucking Baltimore with gas cans and start a thousand fires and burn any city now I Don't know why not No, cuz the Muslim's got a axe to grind with the fucking they don't like freedom of speech and Okay, fine pick you pick your ethnicity. Do they know that I film skaters? I'll let you choose my own. You don't think a thousand thousand people could burn down Baltimore?
Starting point is 01:24:11 Why would it be harder than LA? Dude. Dude it's a bunch of dilapidated buildings with fucking no infrastructure, no police that fucking can do their job, no firefighters. Nashville, you pick your city, you can just burn it down with a thousand Muslims. Alaska? A thousand gas canyons. Burn the whole state of Alaska down.
Starting point is 01:24:40 You been there? Anyway, they cracked the code. It scary they cracked the code imagine if they killed our power While they do how would they do that? I don't know do the math for me Elon Musk could do that He too Kill the power grid. I bet you there's a 13 year old kid in Omaha sitting at a farm that could do it There's not it's probably like a 14 year old girl with I get hello kitty
Starting point is 01:25:08 Beck It sucks that the codes been cracked I Don't know Mel Gibson's making a fucking tour right now, huh? Dude, he was just he was just saying that basically I remember andectin and fen do benbenzol basically cures cancer On rogan I gave fembenzol to my dog and all of its fucking edema went away in like four days Holy water. Yeah, it had skin cancer and its head would look like it was gonna pop and someone on on the in the chat told me to give it fembenzol and it fucking went away like in four days It was crazy in all in its glands. It's uh, lymph nodes in the back
Starting point is 01:25:46 shrunk down to like Almost nothing it was crazy. I want to take that If I if I next dog I get i'll always give it once a year. I'll give it fembendazole. Oh shit You're you're completely dogless. Yeah, i'm dogless I'll get you a pit bull. That is kind of weird Get the kind of dog me and lizzie have protect your Oh your mike died Get you a pit bull that is kind of weird the kind of dog me and Lizzy have protect your oh Your mic died really? Oh, it's back. Oh, what kind of dog do you have? blue healer and a red healer
Starting point is 01:26:13 cattle dog Fucking so savage really do they're so fucking brutal They would destroy anyone. They're way scarier than Kahlo Really? Just a bite nip and shit. Not even they like nip and bite but they just when they get protective like It's like some big dogs. I feel like they they are like almost too Palm if they're not rabid enough Like these dogs when they're getting protective they're like rabid like oh, this thing is not only is it aggressive, but it's fast as fuck.
Starting point is 01:26:47 It's like, you know what I heard? What else is a crazy attack dog? I heard if you have like six Jack Russell terriers, oh, they're that's like, or beagles, like how and hunt. I heard if you have a bunch of them, like they'll, now do you look at, look at the Jack Russell terriers, like the Beagles, like they would just get packs of them and they would just overwhelm those shits
Starting point is 01:27:09 What you're gonna get now Gibson lost his Malibu house was fairly noble about it Came off looking really good. That's a cute dog. Yeah, my dog is shit If you ever everyone says about their dog though. Yeah, look at this big-ass ugly on Yeah, that is a pretty dog amen Stupid as a baby. You need a kid killer. What do you mean? No nothing no way No way, I don't you want to have kids Got no time for no kids Fucking get Alexis pregnant
Starting point is 01:27:46 Impossible. I just like my own video. Sterile. Sterile. Sterile. Oh you made a video on Zach Tillander? You got big stinky balls and you're telling me they're sterile? Well they're from testosterone. That's sterile.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Ish. Did he contact you after you made that video? Why doesn't, um, Steffi, um, why doesn't Steffi, uh, Beth, um, 40 Beth, why doesn't she block you on YouTube? Oh. Otherwise you better believe she would have. Here, here, here, here. Zach Talender video on. the I saw that he like sent me all these DMs like bro I just don't want to get called out by like you guys in the hill on the podcast
Starting point is 01:28:47 Put the mic in your mouth. That's because he's a fence sitter. He doesn't like that calendar sits on more things than just fences Yeah, just flying over again, oh it's the AC or whatever That's Zach Talander's fucking butthole after being gaped. Oh my god. All right. On that note, we'll see you guys tomorrow. I don't think there's a show tomorrow morning. Oh yes. Saturday?
Starting point is 01:29:23 There's Kill Taylor. Oh, Kill Taylor, yeah. And then we have Glint and Things hosting on Sunday. Okay, bitch. And then this whole last 30 minutes of our show is not going to fare well for us in the comments of Instagram. Why? Because we're already the conspiracy theorists. It's not a conspiracy theory if it didn't happen.
Starting point is 01:29:44 That's a good point. That's a good point. You're the conspiracy theorist for thinking's not a conspiracy theory if it didn't happen that's a good point a great point you're the conspiracy theorists for thinking it happened oh no I'm 41 I'm 51 49 you are that I'm looking I want to see how many moves your Erica Folo video has no I think we're all in agreements that way I think it didn't happen more than it's crazy. I hate to admit it. Oh That's crazy your follow. Oh, that's why they killed JFK 170,000. Yeah 170. Oh, wow follow 170,000, why do you think Somebody else's the shit back up boost the a donate a hundred bucks You're not a games athlete That's still worth noting there enough. You know, she was fair enough
Starting point is 01:30:25 Isn't one of those things are like once you do it, you're just kind of like a games athlete It's in your Instagram bio forever. Fuck. Yeah, it is. I mean I was a virtual fitness down off now We can't be okay. Bye. All right. Love you guys. Peace

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