The Sevan Podcast - Hiller's World | Cheating Your Way To the Games #914

Episode Date: May 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:00:41 Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Here we go. Bam! We're live. Wow. Late night show. Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Crazy, crazy. Hey! Good to see you. What's up? How are you? Can people hear you also? Oh shoot, I forgot to do rumble. It says mic is muted. Can you hear me? I don't know. Let's see. Can people hear you?
Starting point is 00:01:25 One of your mics should be muted. Hey, can you guys hear Andrew Hiller? Can everyone hear me? I don't know. Let's see. Can people hear you? One of your mics should be muted. Hey, can you guys hear Andrew Hiller? Can everyone hear Andrew Hiller? Hiller, count to five or something. He better be wearing two shirts. Yes, he can. J. Cole, thank you. Cool. We're experimenting today with something a little new.
Starting point is 00:01:42 We didn't mean to be experimenting but here we are um experimenting there we go that's it there we are i think this is a good look holy shit oh no now uh now sp is saying uh no alex peter says yes hillar's very quiet interesting how about now better i don't know. We should probably talk. Let us know if there's any issues in the comments. He's just really quiet. Oh, it's your mic. Look where your mic is. How about now?
Starting point is 00:02:16 Closer. Point it right. It should be basically touching your lips and point it up. Yeah. More. I heard Dave had this on his mouth. I got to keep it far, far away. That is the one Castro had on his mouth. Is that better? We see and hear you both. Artemis Thadesh. Artemis Thadesh. Yeah. Sitting next to each other. Here we are.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Okay. Okay. We are at the California Hormones. Beachfront. Look at that Rogan-level quality. At the estate. I look like a pilot. Nice. I just got a notification that it's my best friend from the second grade's birthday tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I hope I don't screw that up. What the hell is this? Is it me or Seve bigger than Hiller? Yes, bigger. I'm huge. He's getting big. It's like, I don't explode. Bruce Wayne is ready for the show. Yes, bigger. I'm huge. He's getting big. That'll explode.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Bruce Wayne is ready for the show. I have a cold brew of water and a white claw ready. That's good. Guys, here we are. Oh, and there's a crazy delay. That's interesting. I saw Andrew Hillerfit, you put out a video. Oh, look, there it is.
Starting point is 00:03:23 California Home Run. Sarah, thank you. Hey. She said she'd be here. Oh, look, there it is. California Home Run. Sarah, thank you. Hey. She said she'd be here. There you are. The peptides. The peptides empire. The peptides queen.
Starting point is 00:03:33 You're taking peptides, right? Some are rolling. How is it? Good. And you were saying today there was that guy. We spoke to that peptide expert at lunch, and he was saying that I should put something here in my bicep. BPC-157. Which is the same thing
Starting point is 00:03:45 you said to me last week yep bpc 157 do you remember that stands for no body protecting compound oh 157 and tb 500 bpc you're in the down huh yeah bpc he is writing that down, huh? Yeah, BPC. He is writing it down. He actually writes things down, guys. There you go. Council. And California Hormones is going to have all sorts of peptides available. Very short here. I think we're two weeks out, right? That's what we were talking about today, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:19 That's the goal, two weeks. Yeah, that's awesome. Sarah, thanks for the loop. Thanks for the place to put my head down tonight. Thanks for the place for my family to's awesome and sarah thanks for the loop thanks for the place to put my head down tonight thanks for the place for my family to go back and uh watch a movie while hillar and i uh practice this new setup this is crazy what are they watching i don't probably something that you suggested night at the roxbury probably i got the boys going no yes they're gonna hear me say that they're gonna run out you're gonna do it i i i wish uh suza or
Starting point is 00:04:46 caleb were here tonight so that they could uh switch the cameras for us right maybe they'll jump in yeah and then we could you know just be like there all right and i'll be talking and then you'd say something yeah and then it's my turn and it goes back to me god we're like little kids with a new toy i've been telling you to do this forever, but I think StreamYard updated it and made it easier. Extra sloppy. Hiller, how did Dicknose do in the Nopen? Who's Dicknose? That would be you.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Oh. I didn't do the Nopen. How come? Is it the bicep? Is that my nickname on... Reddit? Oh, really? No.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Oh. Is that my nickname? How do you know that? Am I referred to as dick nose in certain circles? This many times in my life, I've been told that I have a big nose. And I think you often say you have a big nose. So you don't know for sure if he's talking about me? No. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:38 It could be that character from Deuce Bigelow 2 with the dick nose. Right, okay. Which I know you haven't seen, but someone has seen it here. Bigelow 2 with the dick nose. Which I know you haven't seen. But someone has seen it here. I'm tripping. The reason why we're doing this show is because I'm tripping. I am tripping.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Not the fact that I might be called dick nose on Reddit. I'm tripping that there's a guy. I'm going to see if I can go over here to where did I go? YouTube. Oh, we're getting right after it yeah yeah yeah yeah killer fit and then i'm gonna go click your youtube channel all right ladies let's do
Starting point is 00:06:15 anadrol no not that one so what are the workouts no ah here it is this video is called uh the four f's god i love doing stuff with you because I don't have to worry about the seven second rule. God, this is nice. Here it is. This video is called the. Oh, shit. Now look. Now what?
Starting point is 00:06:39 Now it's all. It's all. It's all the camera. All screens. That didn't work out exactly how I wanted. This video is called the four f's and there's like this video has 16 000 views already in just four days how many comments does this thing have 156 comments okay so here's the thing there's a guy who is in jason do you guys know who jason grubb is he's a master's athlete that's been on this
Starting point is 00:07:02 show at least i want to say at least once for a full interview probably five or six times yeah and then a handful of other times we just check in with him and say what's up cool dude super upbeat you can see him over in a bunch of the mayhem uh videos uh that they just do at mayhem you know just that constant stream of videos that the mayhem empire puts out occasionally you'll see him and they're making guest appearances he's following the mayhem programming he's homeboys with Rich Froning and Angelo and Luke and Christofal and Paige Powers
Starting point is 00:07:32 and Bailey Rail. He's in there. He's in the mix. He drives his motor home there. He's a dude. There's a guy in his cast. Jason's, I think,-time CrossFit Games champion, right? Right. And this guy –
Starting point is 00:07:50 Thank you, Alexis. This guy – what did she say? You looked yoked? Well, no. She reminded me to put the workout in for tomorrow. Oh. She's a good girl. And this guy basically – Hiller made this video it's called the four f's of cheating
Starting point is 00:08:07 and uh it's pretty it did you do so what's the guy's name grar garcia i grew grier or something but i called him grar grar garcia grar garcia but no it's g-e-r-e-r i believe garcia and and what tell me about the title of this video why is it called the four f's because as i was putting it together i was trying to get creative with it and in the first minute or so you're gonna see fake weights and i don't remember exactly what the f's were but i tried to get fancy with. But there were four separate things that I picked up on that he had done that you can tell. Fake weights, fake scores. Fake scores.
Starting point is 00:08:52 How about the steroids? Oh, fitter than froning was one of them. Oh, fitter than froning. I like that. Okay. And then I forgot the fourth one. I don't know what's going to come to mind. So basically, some of the main-
Starting point is 00:09:02 Maybe it's fake body because I said he's not a fake steroid, fake testosterone, fake something. It was like three fakes. Okay. So basically, the things that you – is accused too strong of a word? Do you accuse him of this? Or do you say I suspect it? What's the – It's about as certain as I could possibly be because the first thing
Starting point is 00:09:27 that he did and maybe this is putting the cart in front of the horse is the i put the video up and within 30 minutes the dude goes private on instagram yeah yeah that's a trip that's a trip right i don't know if i could be any more certain about at least two of the four claims on there. And has he reached out to you? No. He hasn't DM'd you or anything? No. Neither has David Usabada.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And that guy's in the video too. That's the dude that I'm now speculating he got the fake plates from, which since I put this video out, I've had a couple of people me or directly or i've gotten from other people they're apparently weights that they have at the affiliate that are locked under these stairs that no one can get to but they know that they're there people know of them and only these individuals use them and it just sounds too good to be true is that the same guy the guy that was just doing the bar muscle up in this guy yeah Yeah. I said that looks like Adam clink on the bike. And then that now he looks like Gordon Ryan and he's got liver King face. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Okay. So here it is. Where's that leaderboard? I got to find that leaderboard. Oh dude. His muscle ups are atrocious. Froning mentioned those muscle ups on his podcast. Someone showed him that they go, Hey, there's this guy who's doing muscle ups. And I don't even know what you call him because it's not like he's missing the
Starting point is 00:10:47 lockout. It's not like he's locking out behind. Like some people will do. He's just not even getting up. There's no dip. So here's the deal. This guy, this guy has qualified for the masters in the what age division? 45 to 49, 45 to 49. Um 49 um he did the same is it was the identical workout that was identical and it was a thruster 135 thruster and ring muscle ups and you had to do a minimum of 15 of each reps which basically had most people doing 15 muscle ups and then they were doing thrusters for the remainder of the amarat
Starting point is 00:11:25 wow uh extra sloppy uh i was dick nose but now sebi owns that for sure great thank you i appreciate you you took it you took his name i appreciate you being so generous uh so this guy um beat rich froning in a semi-finals workout by 20 percent well no no no he beat grub by 20 he beat froning by i believe it was six reps and that's this workout here uh 82 reps and jason crub got, but he beat Rich. Correct. I got to show you something really quick. This is important. Okay. And when you called him out on this in this video.
Starting point is 00:12:13 You see this? Oh, shoot. Where is it? There you go. When you called him out in this video. You ever see this? No. What is that under? Is that a.
Starting point is 00:12:21 That's a dick nose. Oh, shit. Yeah. He's dating a chick who has her, her nose is so big. She covers her face like that. I think the premise of Deuce Bigelow is he's a male prostitute and he dates all these chicks who are something up with them.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Some of them have Tourette's. Some of them are super tall. This chick has a dick nose. Do they ever show it? They do. Yeah. And she sneezes at a certain point and just come, comes out of it.
Starting point is 00:12:42 It's pretty funny. Wow. Wow. Wow. I try to use the word semen on my show, please. Semen. Science. Semen.
Starting point is 00:12:50 So this guy, fake weights, PEDs, and he's going to the games. And did anyone report this to the CrossFit Games people? Yeah, and they responded. And what did they say? We've seen, and he's a really fit dude. And the leaderboard's finalized and that guy's going to the games? Yes, sir. He's in. God, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Does anyone know him? Has he ever competed at the games before? he's in god it's crazy um does anyone know him does he ever competed at the games before what's his what's his uh competition history no if you look at the competition history he's really only been around since 2019 and from off the top of my head i think he took 2020 and 2022 off so he kind of came out of nowhere this year you think he's actually going to show up to madison God, I hope so. I hope I run into him. I hope this is the next coming of David Hippenstiel. God, I hope so.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Why? It would be interesting. I'm surprised he doesn't. It would be cool if he came on your show. That'd be cool, too. Like if he contacted you and you guys just talked it out. I mean. I don't think he's going to show up at the games.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I mean, he's private on Instagram. He gonna go private real life too and just disappear uh great question uh question by judy reed uh won't he show up and get crushed he'll get destroyed and this is actually what i've heard about the other guy so there's a guy in the 55 to 59 david something with a u i just say you saw and i've heard this guy goes to local competitions and either gets furious at the judges for judging calls or does god awful because he's just not who he says he is and it's because when he does these sorts of workouts they use the fake plates him and grar are you are you concerned that maybe you um accused him falsely that like maybe like no no i'm not and then how can you be how can you be so certain because i have to be other than the fact that because i don't so there's other stuff that you know that maybe you don't even put in the videos,
Starting point is 00:15:05 what you're saying. No, this guy didn't hold back any punches. I just kind of let everything out. And kind of the tipping point was how someone reached out to HQ, and HQ responded with, we've seen them, and he's good to go. So I knew that by the time the leaderboard finalized and i actually think brian may have reached out and tried to get clarification on
Starting point is 00:15:31 this a friend yes and i don't clarification about that guy or that guy oh because this guy is not for real and i don't know if it means anything, but 95% certainty, like 5%, you can never be super certain about anything, but there's no way in hell. No one's beating Froning. Absolutely nobody on this workout, except for the people in his division,
Starting point is 00:15:56 like Panjic, who beat everybody in the thruster workout from the games in the thruster wall walk workout, the 10 to one where Mal O'Brien beat everybody. Remember that? Panjic won. I don't, but I'll one where Mal O'Brien beat everybody. Remember that? I don't, but I'll take your word on it. Penchick won that year and he'd be fronting on this thruster workout.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And this random ass guy is not doing the same thing. 10 years older than fronting. And I guess I should really be saying Penchick in this instance, because Penchick won and he beat him as well. Uh, I got a Bruce Wayne wayne nice shirt where did you get it sebi i got this at vindicate i thought you'd never ask thank you i think you can punch in the word seven and get it some sort of discount on it if you don't have
Starting point is 00:16:35 a ceo shirt you're crazy absolutely nuts uh okay so um why doesn't hq or do you think it's possible HQ is working behind the scenes, that they're sending someone out to drug test him? Do you think that people at HQ have... Absolutely, I don't think that they're doing anything that... I don't think there's anything they can do, to be honest. Why can't they just watch your video and then call the guy and be like, hey, we saw a video Andrew Hiller made that suspects you're using fake weights? I think that that would end up giving me a little bit too much power than they'd be willing to admit what if
Starting point is 00:17:09 because well and to be honest it's really not fair because what if there's somebody else in that same division that's getting away with the same crap and i didn't make a video on them let me let me share this with you i i know i know this with 99.9 certainty okay they've seen it and they don't care no that if you report someone for doing steroids hq will send someone out there to test them yeah but that's what you remember is that still yeah i don't know but but i remember that being just recently they put out something about people who got tested. There was five to seven athletes that got tested, and they were all negative, meaning they passed. And it was Medeiros, Krennikoff, I think it was Horvath.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I think I saw Gabby Bagawa's name on there. Matt O'Brien was on there. Ricky was on there. But there was not anything anyone crazy and the only one that we've ever seen crazy was the guy who trained amongst maderos i'm not saying with maderos but it was joey coasty remember that guy by chance and he failed no he was taking a sarm i believe but he was working out at whatever affiliate him and Knifer work out in. And that's the only one that's kind of ever been super random.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And coincidentally, also a fail, probably because someone tattled on him. And I don't even know if tattles are a thing. They told us, they said, hey, this guy's suspect. I doubt Gar Garcia gets tested because they don't, I don't know. I mean, at the games, he might. You think, but you don't think there's any chance he's going to win? No, no, he'll get that last. He'll get smoked if he shows up.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Do you think he's going to show up? I hope so, but no, I don't think so. Um, I, I, uh, Hiller and I went out to lunch with a guy today. Huge. Yeah, he was a little... 5'8", 215. Oh, that's what he was? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Oh, wow. Jacked. Jacked. Probably, I asked what his body fat was. He didn't give me a number, but I had 10. Crazy muscle bound. Almost like kind of like stuck. No pump veins flowing throughout his bicep, inner bicep.
Starting point is 00:19:29 And really, and really crowded, like huge titties. Right. Like this the whole time. Yeah. Really crowded up front. Um, but Jack and lean, um, that guy, I asked him point blank. Uh, and he seemed to be a bit of an expert. You, you obviously weren't surprised at all I said hey can people take
Starting point is 00:19:48 steroids and get away with it 100% of the time and he said abso-fucking-lutely that didn't shock you at all did it if it were you and me a year ago how shocked would you have been by any of that I mean before I met you i would have been
Starting point is 00:20:06 i i i i i never suspected anyone in crossfit is doing them i i and i still i'm like in denial but this guy this guy had a um a pedigree of steroid knowledge at the highest level he was basically intimate with the uh mark there was him and another guy i mean they're both pretty well educated and they were just bouncing back and forth and general consensus was along the lines for you and i usually talk about which is it's not everybody but it's way more than people would give credit to and this guy had was had intimate knowledge of the workings of the steroids of a situation with Mark McGuire and Jose Canseco and Barry Bonds.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Frickin knows Victor Conti. Yeah. That like, like the clear that the super steroid, he's like, if you need it, I can get it. Like,
Starting point is 00:20:55 I don't need it. I'm good. If you guys want to have your heart broken or your brain muddled, hang out with Hiller and start asking him about steroids. I got into a conversation with a couple of my high school buddies about this. And sometimes I forget how much I think I know. I don't say I know I know, but I think I know. And how little just about everybody else knows about this stuff, which is why we meet up with people like this, because we're trying to learn about peptides a little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And he knows everything. There was a great comment in here uh chris uh birchfield uh hillar looks like a father talking to his five-year-old son seven dinner table maybe it's just a bad camera angle it's both i i look like a little bite-sized human being next to andrew and um and and it's a bad camera angle. It's a double... Should I lean back again? Is that better? As Sarah Cox, I only hang out with the best. Yeah, that was... She was there too.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah. It was quite the profound conversation. This guy had no doubt that you could take pretty much any performance-enhancing drugs. Any... No. It's very particular particular and at the correct times is the way that he said it would be gone about and i asked him if he thought that the um if the the crossfitters were doing it and he said yes not all of them well i think he said more than half I think it's the exact number he gave
Starting point is 00:22:25 and then there was another drug he talked about another performance enhancing drug he talked about called Tren that came up right and then what did you say you remember what you said
Starting point is 00:22:42 how do you want to go about this because i think it was pretty funny no you could go what did i say i want to take that no it was something along the lines of there are the two people and one of them brought it up and then the other goes yeah you're gonna gain muscle and lose fat at the same time and i go do you know why that happens and he goes you're gonna wanna bang every chick around you and you're gonna get in every chick around you and you're going to get in every fight around you and then you're over there and you're like yeah yeah that's what i want that's the one i want give me that one and then i come in and i go yeah and it's also going to make you think that no matter what it could be the best case scenario ever and you're going to think hayley's cheating on you yeah you
Starting point is 00:23:19 could have spent the entire week with her and you'll go, you're cheating on me. I've been sitting right there. You've seen me the whole time. A drug so strong that you start to think that your girlfriend's cheating on you no matter what. No matter what. There's nothing you can do to change your mind about that. What about this? Peptides seem like more hype than help. It depends on where you get them from.
Starting point is 00:23:46 This guy said that... I'd like to hear more about that, Fergie. What do you figure? Isn't Alexis taking him for her hip or her shoulder? Shoulder. And this guy said it would help my bicep for sure. 100%.
Starting point is 00:24:00 So that doesn't sound like hype to me. He seemed rather certain. He he'd go right into the tendon with it just right in there um yeah hillar how is your dad's uh trt journey he's trying to get shredded to do another video oh no shit yeah with you yeah it's kind of funny he'll he'll bring it up and he's got this girlfriend he'll go i, I've been doing curls, and he'll flex it. He'll go, look, am I ready for another video yet? He goes, I really want to lean out down here now because I think my arms look good,
Starting point is 00:24:31 but I got this little pouch down here. It's pretty funny, but no, he's always never better. And are you going to put him on a nutrition plan and get him prepped for another video? He's got to stop drinking. Oh. Anybody who says they want to lose weight and is serious about it and also won't give up drinking i i won't spend time with him oh that's me you want to lose weight have you come if you if you come to me with it i'd be like oh yeah sure stop drinking if you don't do that he can't he can't just stop for like three months uh well it's not that makes him sound like an alcoholic but it's it's it's like the
Starting point is 00:25:09 why can't you just work it in into the into the caloric uh uptake i have this this uh feedback loop that i just don't believe that if you're going to be doing that that you're serious about it and it's just so detrimental especially when you're his age he's 62 so there's the younger you are the more likely you're able to get away with it but if you drink friday saturday sunday then you're basically screwed every day but thursday in my opinion right as far as progress is concerned so you'll have like freaking margaritas on friday saturday and sunday and nothing crazy but two or three of them those three days and did you tell him that yeah and every time i see him he's got a margarita awesome i approve so he's and then i'm like all
Starting point is 00:25:57 right and you know what the good thing about my dad is he just doesn't care. He's like, okay, never mind. I wonder how come this guy hasn't reached out to you, going back to this video. Well, he's private on Instagram, so even if I wanted to check my messages to him, I couldn't. If you were him and someone did that about you, how would you handle it? Well, if I was doing it, I'd probably go private and block everybody right i i don't i don't know i if i if i were uh if i were him i would i would lean into it like like like like shouldn't it be a joke that's not gonna focus is it but no he responded like he like he could just make it a joke do you know what I mean? Like he could come on Like didn't you have a fake guy who in the games Lollipop or Queen Dolly
Starting point is 00:26:49 Or didn't you have a fake athlete in the semifinals Oliver Queen Yeah can't he just be like hey I'm just fooling around Yeah of course I'm juiced up Of course there are fake weights I'm just fooling around Well then he wouldn't be able to go to the games And he wouldn't be able to sell his cool fake weights to everybody Like he's trying to do then he wouldn't be able to go to the games, and he wouldn't be able to sell his cool fake weights to everybody
Starting point is 00:27:05 like he's trying to do, and he wouldn't be able to have 12,000 followers. Wait a second. He's trying to sell the fake weights? Yeah, man. Him and this other guy have a plate company. It's all free weight, and it's everywhere all over the David guy. The David dude... Did you already say this, and I wasn't listening?
Starting point is 00:27:22 It's towards the back end of the video. David... What's the name of the company? 55 to all free weight. And it's all in Spanish, I believe. They're from Spain. Oh, this guy isn't even American? So there's a good chance he doesn't even know what my video is about. But someone...
Starting point is 00:27:38 All free weight. A full set of weight plates. And you've seen this website where the fake weights are? Well, I don't believe that those are fake weights i think they're selling actual weights okay this is one of those it's like uh you know who michael hearn is i made a video recently maybe don't hurt me guy super jack he's 52 and he claims to be natural and has never used a drug in his life and he looks better than Schwarzenegger did in his prime. Okay. That guy's 52?
Starting point is 00:28:08 Mm-hmm. You would never think, but he's probably on a whole bunch of peptides and he's probably on it, which make him look younger and grow with hormone and whatever drug. And he'll say... This guy's 52? Michael Hearn is 50-something. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Let's see. How old? Let me share the screen. This guy is unreal. 54. He was born in 1969. By the way, SEMA says something that's very... There you go.
Starting point is 00:28:36 SEMA is exactly. That's it. Because your liver will process the alcohol for 24 hours and stop processing fat. So basically, every time you 24 hours and stop processing fat so basically every time you drink you stop processing fat that's probably where i've gathered that sort of state of mind from this guy's 52 yeah see so this guy probably doesn't drink this is crazy he eats duck eggs that's what he says he eats duck eggs why doesn't he just admit he's on and you don't believe it for a second that he's not on something? There's not one person that believes it, but
Starting point is 00:29:07 he does it to the tune of 2.6 million followers, and he's probably the most viral guy on TikTok, especially in the fitness, 100% of the fitness industry, because everyone's making videos for him, and I think they're hilarious.
Starting point is 00:29:25 You've seen those videos, right? No. They're playing the Baby Don't Hurt Me song in slow motion, and it'll say the most ridiculous stuff, and it's just him in photo shoots. Oh, so they're not his videos. No, it's other people. They're kind of making fun of him, but he leans into it.
Starting point is 00:29:43 He looks like he's made of plastic. Look at this video. He's with the mountain. Yeah, Thor. My own private education live on YouTube about steroids. That one guy in co. trying not to interrupt the person talking and he's just spazzing out.
Starting point is 00:30:09 I don't know. It's funny. You got to see it. I can't pull him up. Sarah says he's not Natty. Are you are you when you see stuff like that, that how does that come on land on your plate? This guy, Garar from Spain. Someone sends you a.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I got it pitched to me by a couple, actually, a couple of people. And then there was actually a group chat of people talking about it too. So I was getting information from a group chat from one person. It was pretty funny. One of the screenshots was, you're talking? All right, make sure you send this, this, and this to him too. So I had a lot of help. And then, make sure you send this, this, and this to him too. So I had, I had a lot of help.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And then before I put the video together, I kind of try to roadmap the thing. And I say, all right, I got this piece of information at this point. I got this one and I tried to put the other. So it's a neat. Hey,
Starting point is 00:30:58 if I, I'm going to try to go to the leaderboard, if I can figure this out, what do I go to game season? I go to games. And I go to games leaderboard. No semifinal.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Oh shit. Yeah. Semi-final. Semi-finals leaderboard. God, I don't like this site. And I go to age group and I go to, uh, I go to men. Uh, what's the age? 45 to 49.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yes, sir. Okay. So he, so let me ask you this. 5 to 49? Yes, sir. Okay. Good night, Rosie. Let me ask you this. I guess this is the most important question. You're telling me 10 people go to the... Correct. 10 people are going to go from here?
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yes. Sorry for how small this is guys So there's a guy down there Breckberry Yeah he's fucked I mean he's done He's tied for 10th So if this guy
Starting point is 00:31:56 Garrar is lying He's screwing Breckberry Yes sir I wonder who won that tiebreaker Probably the highest place amongst the five events. Six events. Five events. Six events.
Starting point is 00:32:08 You mean between him and Vlad? So Brett, God. Hey, so he's got to say something. Grar? Yeah. He's not going to. I mean, by no means is he obligated to, but if he were smart, he would. Because, dude. means is he obligated to but if he were smart he would because dude so jason grubb chris anderson
Starting point is 00:32:27 garar garcia mike kern david levy ryan uh ret k retay okay uh justin uh lasala andre de salvvatore spencer uh whiteley of course he's from the uk vlad no flag still no flag come on guys vlad where would he be from russia oh come on guys put his fucking flag in there don't you know take uh uh breckberry wow hey i wonder if all these guys are kind of excited this is going to be a lot of attention for him this is the most attention this weight class is going to get weight class so they should be they should be thinking yes how do you how would you say that garar garcia garar okay and he's a spaniard so i was kind of close saying, Hey, why do you think he'll get smoked if he goes to the games?
Starting point is 00:33:26 Because you think a bunch of his scores are bullshit? The ones where you cannot use the fake weights, he does much worse than the ones where you may be able to use the fake weights. And that 82 dude on workout number two, it's impossible that that man did that score. I made the video on what's his face. Wadapalooza, hell, Fisher, Garrett Fisher, Cole, I don't know what the hell was his name, one of the Fishers, Garrett Sager.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Remember that video? Cole Sager. It was Garrett Sager. Is it Garrett Sager? No, there isn't but there was on one of the workouts in wadapalooza it was deadlifts and toes to bar what's your best friend time me probably not good five minutes all right so if i offered you ten thousand dollars to go do that right now would you try no how about six six thousand no no ten thousand dollars oh and
Starting point is 00:34:27 to do in six minutes to do in six minutes maybe maybe now what if no all right now oh what are you saying that did that if he goes to the games and wins he gets ten thousand dollars what if i what if you did that for end time three days ago you did a five minute frame hey dude i did a five minute friend ten thousand dollars says you can't do it oh yeah go do it yeah yeah and i'd get and i'd get and i'd get 445 i'd do i'd be out of my mind everybody would do it right right and this dude garrett sager he goes no man i'm not gonna do it nothing to prove and then a week later a lot of Palooza plucks his name off the leaderboard. It's not there anymore. Oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:35:06 oh, oh, oh, I see what you're saying. Okay. And it's because he didn't do it. And he also didn't want to prove it. And I had,
Starting point is 00:35:15 I had at least a thousand of my own money ready to go. And I was ready to grab a bunch of money from everybody in various comment sections to ship to him to do this workout because I was calling him out on the internet. So the same thing happened with this guy. And I'm infinitely certain that that score is not valid. Is that something you might do is offer him up some money to do the workout?
Starting point is 00:35:36 To post his video? That's a good idea. That's a fantastic idea. Just post the video. I mean, you had to take it, right? I mean, the people at CrossFit side here's here's a hundred bucks i'll message him right now uh extra sloppy uh i'll buy a ca hormones you mean a ca peptides shirt to wear around at the games if travis makes them 100 bucks i don't think that i don't think this this leaderboard is working. I can't click on – look it.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I can click on workout one, workout 1B. How come I – who can help me here? How come I can't click on like by name or points? That doesn't work? I said $100 for your video test two for the semifinals. Take Gerard Garcia. Yeah, I can't. I'm screwed.
Starting point is 00:36:24 This leaderboard doesn't work. What are you screwed about? Look, so i can click on workout 1b i can click at workout 2 i can't i know what you got to do scroll up okay and you better go to sort by the second to last column okay and overall and it's annoying but that's how you got to do it. Good job. Good fix. I've had that frustration myself. Yeah, these guys should be stoked. Except for the guy Breck. He should be bummed.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It's the same thing as Steve Mann last year. Have you talked to him? Have I talked to Breck? Yeah. No. I should. This is a family man. This guy's got two kids those aren't his oh just a pr stunt yeah he wants you to feel bad for him i need some kids in this picture anyone else you suspect any outrageous cheating like this anywhere else that you suspect
Starting point is 00:37:22 you know what we should talk about? Can you go to 35 to 39? Because this is good. This is totally worth talking about. And I was going to make a video on it, but I didn't know how because it's not. I can't make a full 10 minutes on it. Women or men? Men. And then sort by the last workout.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Where did Froning announce that he's not doing the games? I don't know exactly. I think I actually heard that in Talking Elite Fitness, which is weird. Hey, someone sent me a... Josh Marundi made it. Okay. Someone sent me a...
Starting point is 00:38:01 That's my guy. He was in a band. You know Pop Evil? No. Well, he was in Pop Evil. He was the drummer. Someone sent me a my guy he was in a band you know pop evil no okay well he was in pop evil he was the drummer someone told me sent me a dm and they said it said um don't you think froning owes it to the fans to compete i'm ready to hear your opinion on that one i was like first i wrote back you're joking right and they said no i'm not joking and then they said well maybe not owe it but it's the right thing to do and then i'm like dude i'm like are you fucking kidding me he's just he's just a dude like he doesn't owe anyone and i don't know what you're saying like he can't follow you you at all and then he and then he went back to finally
Starting point is 00:38:39 like yeah he owes it to us i was like what what the fuck? You know what should happen? I understand the desire to want to see him compete, but to say he owes it to us is I don't even think there's a little bit of truth there. Not even tiny smidgy. No, I don't think he owes it to anybody. I think it would have been awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I think it's me speculating hardcore, but I think that there's a part of CrossFit that thinks he's too powerful. Like he moved the needle, as you say. Yeah. And the last needle mover. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that he should have come on in to keep that presence that he's got. Yeah. And I think CrossFit's dumb for not pulling him in to drive interaction in the age groups. Oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Which if they're going to have them, why wouldn't you want them to be the best that they can? What do you mean? So you're saying somehow lure Froning in. They should have made something to sweeten the deal. And I have absolutely no idea what that looks like. There probably isn't a price you could pay them that they'd be willing to pay that would make sense for both parties.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I heard this. I don't know if this is true, but I think it's true. I would be willing to bet. What does that mean, tarps? Sure. It is cold here. I heard that Froning was offered a swimming pool oh i heard about this yeah swimming pool at his uh at the mayhem empire if he would
Starting point is 00:40:15 compete one more year as individual this is like the the first year he retired did you hear this from you i don't know i heard it i heard it on the internet. I know you didn't tell me anywhere else. I'll ask Rich the next time. Okay. I see. And a pool's $100,000. Yeah, at least. $100,000, maybe $200,000. An Olympic pool?
Starting point is 00:40:33 I don't know what size the pool is. Did I say Olympic the first time? Maybe I did. He's not getting any old backyard pool. He's not getting a kidney-shaped pool. Right. He's getting fair he's getting something to train in yes and i would imagine three or four lanes and 25 yards minimum
Starting point is 00:40:51 yeah good point that's expensive good point so maybe quarter million yeah and he's not going to do it for that minimum he's not going to do it for the shits and gigs uh and no no one take that out of context that was uh many uh judy it is older uh will brantzer yes we made a photoshop photo of this pool live on the air once and then photoshop brent oh shit that's awesome mike says 300k more than more than my guess yeah so yeah they're not going to pay him that to come compete as a 35 to 30 they won't do it and also there's my speculation that they'd rather not have him here because they they want to be the thing it's like crossfit they want no one to be no really no you don't think so i mean you don't there's no part of you that thinks that that could be the case
Starting point is 00:41:41 i think at the end of the day justin roger goes day, Joe Rogan and can do what he did to CrossFit with the words that he said on that podcast about how the coaches are crap. And you don't think that they don't want to be in a position where someone like that can't do that to the sport of CrossFit. I think that they want to put seats. I think they really want to sell tickets this year. And I think they know if Rich Ronin is competing, they sell another put seats. I think they really want to sell tickets this year. I think they know if Rich Ronin is competing, they sell
Starting point is 00:42:08 another 500 tickets. Another 1,000 tickets. Especially... Put it that way. 5,000 tickets. I don't know. But something. That could pay for the stream that they're getting rid of. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Let's talk about this, and then we'll go over and talk about the stream. Did you sort by workout the last workout? No, no, no. I don't know what I'm doing. Okay, here we go. Sort by the last workout, please.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Okay. And then you go to the bottom of the page. Check it out. You see something? There's a guy there that didn't do any workouts. And above him. You know that name?
Starting point is 00:42:55 Yeah, Paul Tremblay, yep. What do you know about him? He's a fucking horse. He's known for his strength, for his barbell cycling. He's a level one, right? A trainer. Flowmaster? Yes, he's a level one, right? A trainer. Flowmaster? Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yeah, probably a flowmaster. Games athlete. And not only that, I think he's a, I think he has a senior, I could be wrong. I think he has a senior position on the affiliate team, I think. Games athlete too. Yes, games athlete. Demo team.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Demo team, yeah. Beloved, beloved guy. He's the guy who did the snatch one year out for everybody because he's the strong dude or maybe did the clean and jerk ladder yeah and people like him like he is loved now what do you see that's standout ish that last workout uh everyone else has a time and he does not have a time he has something that says 20 reps i know you're probably unfamiliar with that workout. Completely.
Starting point is 00:43:46 But it was the one where there was a bunch of kettlebell goblet squats and step-ups and rope climbs and box jump overs. And the workout began with 20 burpee box jump overs, 20-inch box. And then it went into the step-ups, I believe. And he has a score of 20. So I first saw this just as a score of 20. Was it an ant? Was it,
Starting point is 00:44:08 could you finish the workout there? Yeah, it was for time. And that's why everyone's got like a nine or a 10 minute score there. Okay. And, um, Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:44:16 So he did some minimum rep requirement. What is that? Yeah. That's score 20. Paul Trombley, who, who we just told you about the dude. He's had all those accolades.
Starting point is 00:44:26 He's a level one flow master senior, and he's a big fan of him. He moves well. He's strong as hell. Score a 20, and you look at it and you go, what happened? I don't even understand how you can have a score of 20. How big is your dick, Hiller?
Starting point is 00:44:43 Butterscotch milk. No, I didn't ask what your favorite thing to eat at night is. How big is your dick, Hiller? Butterscotch milk. No, I didn't ask what your favorite thing to eat at night is. How big is your dick? San Diego State. I mean, it's not even an answer. Hard or soft. Right? I mean, it's not an answer to the question.
Starting point is 00:44:55 He needs a time in there. I don't understand what 20 reps is. That's how many burpee box jump overs there is. So you look at it and you know that he didn't do anything with the kettlebell step-ups that was the next movement they stopped him at 20 they gave him a score of 20 because that's all that they either saw oh oh or he was penalized this is what i've been saying to do all year with people like laura horvath for example who put the wrong line down on the floor they measure it and it's an inch and a half or so off from where it needs to
Starting point is 00:45:25 be. Did she do a freaking handstand pushup? No. So what happens? Your score stops at that point in time, but what they did is they gave her 15%. Do you follow? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah. So let's say there's a hundred reps and the workout is 120 and she's got to do 20 to get out. She has a, she has a time of four minutes and the workout is a 10 minute time cap doesn't matter she didn't do a handstand push-up her score is 100 do you follow that because she didn't measure it right she can't do a rep okay so so it automatically puts her in last place and then not necessarily because then she would be ranked against other
Starting point is 00:46:02 people who fucked up the workout so so he might be ranked against someone who got 15, but they're out, but they're below everyone who has a time. Correct. Okay. So in her case, she would have had the best score that was not finishing because her tie rake was so goddamn fast.
Starting point is 00:46:18 It's kind of like you're in a scaled category at that point in a way, right? Like, like you're not even in competition for first place and for any place so that's what that's what happened here and i reached out to him actually and i yes and i asked him i go what did you do he goes i didn't show the kettlebell weight oh which how in the i swear fuck did they not do the same thing listen do you know why oh oh how do i know why what oh why paul trumbly didn't show that because he was just about to start the workout and there was a burning
Starting point is 00:46:51 building next door to his affiliate and he had to run in there and save three kids and a cat and then how come for crossfit it's okay to do it to him here but it's not okay to do laura horvath over there over where on her handstand push-ups in the quarterfinal. Well, that's the thing. They've just changed this recently. What do you mean? They've changed what recently? This is the first time they've done that. They must have seen your video.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Right? Were you setting me up for that? I wasn't. Oh, listen. I'm just saying it didn't happen. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you a couple questions real quick just to get to the bottom of this.
Starting point is 00:47:24 By the way, I like this. Have you ever seen this before? No. I mean, saying it's like – Let me ask you this. Let me ask you a couple questions real quick just to get to the bottom of this. By the way, I like this. Have you ever seen this before? No. I mean, if you get a zero, if you don't show your weights, I've seen that. But this is the first time – and you like this. Yeah. Oh, yeah. This is your idea.
Starting point is 00:47:36 In a way. I mean, it's exactly what I – What was the name of the video? What was the name of the video? So I did the open, right? Yeah. And I haven't done the video on this yet because I haven't had a minute to breathe, but I had 170- something invalidated scores on the first workout just the first workout out of
Starting point is 00:47:53 and how many participants were there 500 on that workout there were 500 entries oh it's in so a third of the people shit the bed because just out the rules said your feet had to be together and touching suckers and you just took your money and fucking dq and and there were people i don't know whose feet were that far apart and because they weren't touching you had to invalidate it that far apart yeah look at that it was this far apart if you could see space gone if they were sideways and we couldn't determine it, it was still gone because you can't see if they're touching. Okay. That's what happened here.
Starting point is 00:48:30 So you got a zero score. And because they couldn't see the way to the kettlebell, they stopped at 20. Like, oh, it's a 20-inch box, but we don't know the way to the kettlebell, so you're out. It's too bad you don't know someone who works at HQ and you can't be like, hey, did you guys do this? Did you get this idea from me?
Starting point is 00:48:48 It'd be cool, wouldn't it? I mean, if it's the first time it's done, can anyone refute that? Has anyone else seen this? Can anyone add in the comments? I talked to Trombley. Yeah, but he doesn't know. Oh, he knows. He told me.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Word for word, the kettlebell wasn't clearly shown. No, that part he knows, but I'm not saying, he doesn't know if this is the first time or if they got it from you. Oh, yeah, we don't know if they got it from me. And if they did, they wouldn't admit it. But is it the right thing? Absolutely. And should it have started with Horvath and the quarterfinals? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:49:21 But the video you made was after Horvath did that. Correct. Okay. Well,vat did that. Correct. Fair. However... So he took 29, so he's not going to the game. Yeah, he's out. He took 18th overall. 29th on that workout.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Where do you see he took... Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry, I was looking at Kevin. I was looking at Kevin Stein. Stein Haas. I sent out a hodgepodge email that said, hey, guys, make sure your feet are together and touching or you're going to get a zero. An extra sloppy is one of the people who saw that and redid it. That was the burpee AMRAP. Nope.
Starting point is 00:49:56 The nopens opened. The nopens closed. The nopens over, right? Right. Yes. Let's look at this men's. Let's sort by overall. Is Scott Panchik doing it?
Starting point is 00:50:10 From what I know, yeah. And Richard is not? Richard is not. I don't know who Lars Christensen is. You know what? Richard's out because Sam's in, and he's afraid. That is if Sam can finish this year. If Sam cannot finish this year.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Why is that? Because he doesn't want to. He doesn't want to finish. I wish it was that easy. Sam's a good dude. I love Sam. When you don't want to finish, you just don't. One of the best guests we've had. He's been on the show twice. Sam's cool.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Yeah, he's a very good dude. He likes your guy Todd though he does he loves Todd everyone's like who's Todd but Sam's a good dude Sam is a good dude Sam's a great dude
Starting point is 00:50:56 but I don't think he's going to make it to past event one you? at the CrossFit Games depends on what event one is but even then i still think he's gonna win i have hope you're out of your fucking mind okay uh let's go uh before you and i get in a fight here we don't want people to see that with this new camera set up they can see it all um oh what uh okay events one and three will not be televised well one that's fine like no one wants to watch that
Starting point is 00:51:27 but i mean how many people watched uh the triple three the marathon row people will watch it where do i where do i competitions do i go here i have a feeling if you go to your text thread you can pull up there's no fucking way i'm doing that there's no fucking way I'm doing that. There's no fucking way I'm doing that. Can someone put a link in the how to watch semifinals? Oh, go to Barbell Spin. Games? Barbell Spin. But I want to read the actual article because it's fucking hilarious, right?
Starting point is 00:52:00 Did you see that? What are the CrossFit games? Dude, didn't, FrickinSpin send it in the group chat? He did. The article's in there. I just don't want to pull up your text. I guess I can. I guess I can. No, no. Just go to And then I'll just close the window. Go to MCU. Do they post still? Are they still
Starting point is 00:52:20 alive? Are they doing anything? Not this one on Frisbee golf. Oh, yeah, here it is. Here it is. God, this is a trip right here. There's no way I'm doing that. Okay, here we go. Wild zombie, I'm doing curls.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I did curls actually today here. There's a dumbbell right here that I've been rolling my foot on, and I've been using this. Be careful. There's someone living downstairs here that I've been rolling my foot on, and I've been using this. Be careful. There's someone living downstairs. Okay, listen. This makes no sense at all. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Are we going to go through it line by line, and we're going to beat them up a little bit? I don't know if we need to beat them up, but it's got to be some sort of typo, right? CrossFit will stream the North America East, North America West, and Europe and Oceania semifinals. Africa, Asia, and South America live streams will be brought to you by the event organizers. sort of uh typo right crossfit will stream the north america east north america west and europe and oceania semifinals africa asia and south america live streams will be brought to you by the event organizers for the crossfit uh produced broadcast you can watch all the events for the
Starting point is 00:53:13 teams and individual divisions on thursdays and sundays so it says that right right here you can watch all of the events for the team and individual divisions on thursdays and sundays so you're like well that's weird isn't isn't there something on saturdays then it goes on to say coverage on fridays and saturdays will be will begin on the main field of play at 11 45 a.m local 11 30 a.m local saturday the events on the second field individual test one and three and team test three won't be streamed highlights of those events will be shared at the start of the live stream each day. What's event number one? Event number one is the one with the machines that you like so much with the sled.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Oh, yeah. So it's the worst. That's okay. But I kind of want to see the sled pool. You're right. Unless it's a torque tank. Dude, the sled pool. This is stupid.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Oh, my God. Taylor tried to explain to me that it's okay if you pull the torque tank. And you know how he justified it? Because he bought one. He justified it because he says that what's going to stop people on the sled pull is the fact that they're going to stop, not that it's going to slow them down. But I don't care. It takes out one of the dimensions. What dimension? what dimension the dimension is is that the speed the the speed at which you pull because didn't um fukowski beat if i am josh bridges one year oh yeah because he because he could both let in bridges can't yeah faster oh yeah yeah so it's like come on man if they have it pulling the torque tank there it's great hey then it's then it's truly an event with four machines. It's not even a sled pool.
Starting point is 00:54:46 It really is not. It's not. It might as well just be... No, it's not. At least they're putting them all in one event. They're not splitting them up over four different ones like they did at the MAC that one year where Hopper destroyed everybody
Starting point is 00:54:58 because every event had a machine in it or a one-rep snatch. Five out of the six events, that was it. I guess sort of you can think of it like that too. Like um just get all the dumb shit out of the way right away okay so event number three opera's gonna be watching this and she'll go dude come on man event number he's not allowed to watch this they're not allowed to hwpo they're not allowed to watch the show event number three is um linda i just imagine that conversation going down okay guys i know you can't help yourselves but stay off of that show yes uh event number three linda don't we want to see that so so is this budget cuts if you go andrew in order which ones are going to be the
Starting point is 00:55:46 most exciting to watch it probably be the run snatch only because i'm curious what that's going to look like and then linda and then the finale dude the swell are people going to do linda shirtless yeah yeah the pump's gonna be the bench it's kind of a risky move to do that shirtless consider considering it'll slide when you roll back on the bench so potentially not the pump's gonna be crazy they're dumbbells yeah but dude they don't do their performance people uh if you want to see all of the events just drive to pasadena uh no uh dick butter torque tank rules yeah of course a guy named Dick Butter thinks that.
Starting point is 00:56:27 You think balls rule too. Listen, hey, I think that's a huge mistake. First of all, you know, I want to show you this, guys. I want to show you something. This is crazy. What? Lucy. Lucy Buhat. It's a great last name.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I wonder if she's Turkish. Buhat. It's Buhat. Is it? Buhat. That's a great last name. I wonder if she's Turkish. Buhat. It's Buhat. Is it? Buhat. It's like not allowing people to watch two out of the seven playoff games in hockey. It just doesn't make sense. Could miss some good moments. Dude, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Imagine that. NBA Finals, World Series. You're not going to go watch two of them. But maybe that would be the CrossFit Games if this is a semifinal. That Wad Zombie graphics killer. Hey, she's married to that dude. Oh, she's married to a boo-hot. Lucy's a beast.
Starting point is 00:57:15 A boo-hot. Bergie says that DB's going to blow up on their bench. I wonder what you think that's for. Hey. Bergie. Why wouldn't you? Listen to this. I said it right. that's for. Hey. Fergie. Why wouldn't you – listen. Listen to this. Dude, I said it right.
Starting point is 00:57:28 It's Buhat. Buhat. Good. Why wouldn't you – oh, they say their name wrong. If you're ethnic, you say Buhat. Lucy. Lucy. Lucy.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Lucy. You don't even say Lucy. It's Lucy. Like loose. Loose Buhat. You know what I found out the other day? My real last name is Matosian and not Matosian. I found that out today.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Oh. Just now. I also found out that depending on how I speak, I say your name differently every time I say it. Give it a try. Sevan. Yeah, that's the right way. Most people do not say my name right. But sometimes, depending on how I'm enunciating a sentence, I'll say it differently.
Starting point is 00:58:05 And then it makes me think like, God, which way is the right way. I know I'm saying the sentence this way. And I'm like, never corrected me. I think you just being polite. So I don't,
Starting point is 00:58:15 when you have a name, I'll call your phone. I'll hear your voicemail. And I go, okay, this is how we say it. I think this is how I say it. I get nervous saying it. Haley, can you say my name right?
Starting point is 00:58:28 Yeah, she says Sevan. Haley, she was just there, guys. Don't worry. She ran away, though. Sevan. She notices it more than I do. Well, I think she's mentioned to me before, so it kind of gave me a complex. I go, dude, am I saying his name wrong? Am I saying it now?
Starting point is 00:58:48 Just a seven right there. There you go. Why wouldn't you allow us? I wish I could show you the setup we have right now. Andrew just rolled in with a backpack, plugged a $3,500 camera into his computer, and we're streaming this right here. We could do this at the CrossFit Games right here like we could do this at the
Starting point is 00:59:06 crossfit games we're going to do this at the crossfit we could do this at the crossfit games with five cameras or the semifinals we could do this at the semifinals and stream their event for them for free just put a zoom lens on that dude we would get five of those cameras well you how many do you have two i have three oh nice i have four i have five actually oh no way we have seven yeah we have seven we have people who would man cameras in here they'd be yes well we need a camera person this would be the zealous games on roids i'm all about on roids i do not understand why they don't just do that Why don't they just ask us to do it for free? We'll do this event.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Yeah. Event three, event three brought to you by the seven podcast. Well, they're never going to say that, but they should, they can, they can,
Starting point is 00:59:55 they can. Well, welcome to the, um, uh, seven podcast. That number three brought to you by the seven podcast. The only,
Starting point is 01:00:03 uh, non-racist, non-sexist, completely open, completely loving area in the entire CrossFit ecosystem where everyone is welcome, except for pedos. And Gaurav Garcia. I love him, too. I love a good cheater. You're into him.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Give a fuck. I can't wait till a man enters the women's comp. But to be free, we will do it for free, right? You and I will do it for free? Yeah. Yeah. I'll bring that camera.
Starting point is 01:00:33 I'll bring a bunch of cameras. You're going to show up. I would. If they wanted me to film event number three and stream it for free, I would do it. It's a fucking no-brainer. It's a proof of concept. It's crazy. It's crazy. that'd be cool
Starting point is 01:00:47 that'd be cool we need to get a really good wifi connection it's crazy and I promise I promise I'll be extra nice to the woke people like crazy nice to them dude
Starting point is 01:01:03 I won't I won't do anything uh i won't i won't i won't confront anyone personally for the them forcing bad things on kids what would the stipulations be we would only need a straight up good wi-fi connection yeah we just need our own we just need a router not the rights but we'll bring all that we just get us the internet connection and we'll bring the router, the wire, the cameras, the commentators. We'll do everything. Is there a year that the morning chalk upstream something?
Starting point is 01:01:32 Yes. They, they, you can even do it brought to you by, they can even put Pfizer as a sponsor. Anything goes. You're really whoring yourself out. Yes. Yeah. Show up sponsored by Pfizer.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Oh, there you go. There we got our sponsor taking care of so it's california uh peptides yeah there you go it's done pfizer nuts okay hey if anyone has a connection at hq there you go they'll do it for free you can hire the guy and bring them back for free how do you like it i know oh my goodness we would tear it up we would tear it up it'd be great and uh and i'll tell you now who the um commentators would be i would use uh right i would i think brian's busy but i'd use bill grunler oh no brian's on we just take him away from hamilton road, is he going to be commentating the way he did at the Zellos games? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:02:28 I don't think he's commentating. I think he's doing the research. I think he murdered commentating at the Zellos games. And actually, Jason CF Media made a video about how well he did as well. Sarah Cox, look it. There's already a sponsorship rolling in. Look it. So it'll be, we'll do event number three brought to you by the seven podcast and uh in california uh peptides and um hiller and i will be on the floor manning cameras doing
Starting point is 01:02:52 interviews uh behind the scenes style interviews um and uh and then the commentators will be bill grunler and brian friend bill's not doing anything for crossfit he's he's a free agent we'll take him yeah bill brian's great yeah and they would be incredible together jaron taylor of athletes and then we'll have a john young and then and then during uh when they're out we'll have john young uh tyler watkins um from fantasy uh fitness league and uh mike halpin uh sort of doing like uh the post uh after every event they'll they'll talk or after we're only doing one event event three then those three would come on and talk well me and hill are signed autographs in the crowd cool signed titties and
Starting point is 01:03:35 stuff game oh my god i'd even sign a dick i would love to sign a dick imagine like you gotta like stretch it out just to like you know how you know yes yes and we'll be injecting people injured sorry to cut you off while you were people while you were visualizing signing dick and we'll be injecting the injured with peptides you ever had a sharpie like a brand new sharpie with a very fine point on it yeah never used before and then you've got to write on a Ziploc bag. I don't know if I've ever written with a Sharpie on a Ziploc bag. Well, it's impossible unless you stretch it out. And then it would be like out of the deck.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Well, I see what you're trying to do there. Because if you tried to write on a deck with a Sharpie, it would bunch up and be all gross. But you've got to stretch the deck. So if you were to go somewhere and you knew you were going to sign like 100 decks, you might practice signing Ziploc bags at home before you went there. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:28 They put like hot dogs in there and microwave them so they would stay warm. Right. I hate to say it. I know I'm – my sister called me today and was telling me how juvenile I am, the juvenile part of the show that she has to ignore. But outside of that, I'm telling you, we would kill it. It would be – we would glorify the athletes. It would be profound in its intimacy and its camera work, and it would be so innovative, and it would be crazy. Now, I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 01:05:05 No one wants us to do that because it's free. Tell me more. What do you mean? No one wants us going there and being like, oh, shit, they did this for free. How come? Because there's people whose jobs depend on that. And we do better. Yeah, we would fucking murder it.
Starting point is 01:05:24 It would be outlandish. It'd do better. Yeah, we would fucking murder it. It would be outlandish. It'd be awesome. Yeah. No one wants us doing that. But eventually it's going to happen. I mean, whether it happens here, rock climbing or axe throwing, eventually we're going to end up doing this somewhere.
Starting point is 01:05:41 I mean, look what we got today. We got three cameras on accident. This shit happens to us on accident now accident a x we could have four cameras should we do four we'll get a fourth one out we'll have four angles we have tomorrow we can do we can do four four cameras tomorrow where should we stream tomorrow we gotta do it here you want to do it somewhere else i like here i know you do no i think that the buddy bros would be the butt bros would not be they would be fine you think we could go to dory's you think they'd let us have their wi-fi god that would be awesome we just bring random people in
Starting point is 01:06:18 and go hey what do you think about this workout like what what is that like this is this what do you what do you think of this workout it was an idea that i wanted to do i haven't pulled the trigger on it yet ask random people what they think of this team workout for the 2023 crossfit semifinal and can you comprehend it you could do that from a parking lot at a semifinal well you would also be asking crossfitters oh who would know the work oh i want to do it in a non-CrossFit setting. Hey, can you edit? Look at me for a second.
Starting point is 01:06:50 So you're looking the wrong way. I wonder if there's a button we could do that flops that. Yes. There is? Where do you see it? Where do you go? Oh, to camera? And when I look at you, am I looking... And when I look at you, I'm looking the wrong way.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Yes, you are. But I think I just fixed mine. Oh, but... Oh, let me see. Is it better? No. But you know what? But listen. But it matches this. Look at this. Oh, I just flipped mine. So mine's different. Now I've, okay.
Starting point is 01:07:29 This is what we would be doing at the floor at semifinals. Dude, did you flip your camera? What was that line from that movie you taught my kids today? Yeah. No. Yes. What movie is that? Night at the Roxbury.
Starting point is 01:07:42 You're trying to pull it up. Night at. Club scene. Roxbury. You're trying to pull it up. Night at... Club scene. Roxbury Club. Well, hell, that's probably the whole freaking movie, but... What, what, um... They're standing outside the club, and they go to the giant... Oh, I think I found...
Starting point is 01:08:00 ...pouncer dude. I think... Oh, they're inside the club. Everywhere I go, they're inside the club. Everywhere I go, they're inside the club. I can do it on... Is the whole movie in the club? I realized that after I said it. Just type in Night of the Rocks where you know yes.
Starting point is 01:08:23 That'll probably be much easier. I said, well, I've seen that go, dude. Recorded the movie. Everyone knows it. Ernie Garcia, you too. Is it Are You Brothers? Yep. Seven seconds. That's the rule.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Nice tricep. Thanks, Bruce. that's the rule nice tricep thanks Bruce this is it this is it names? Steve Boutabi. Your brothers? No. Yes! Have you seen that movie? I know. Yes. No. Oh, I see. I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:09:18 You said no and you did it. But Hiller taught my kids that line today. He pulled it up on his phone at dinner and showed it to my kids. Hey, what are you guys' names? I'm Mendoza and Joseph Mendoza. Are you guys brothers? And then they're like, you gotta do it. I go, no, this is where you do it. No.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Yes! Hiller and Sevan, stepbrothers too. Okay. I'm suddenly remembering when Hiller was just becoming popular on the CF scene and the Savant podcast couldn't figure out if they liked him or not we still can't figure it out and I'm not popular to this date
Starting point is 01:09:54 not popular enough no thank you for making it awkward for us no it was awkward we just beat her up and she was being nice wait Sabir Sabir and Kelly No, it was awkward. Oh, right. We just beat her up and she was being nice. Wait, Sabir. Sabir and Kelly.
Starting point is 01:10:09 No, these are friends of mine. You know them? I mean, they're friends of mine from the show. I thought Kelly. Sabir and Kelly. It used to say parentheses spoken because that was the old name. It took me a while to figure that out this morning. Okay, so we covered that there's a guy in the 40 to 45 49 division who uh used fake weights and is used to the gills and we and he's from spain and we figure he's not going to show up at the
Starting point is 01:10:32 games uh we also saw that um paul trembley in the scoring that was used in the master's division that um froning and scott panchik and sam dancer and are in. They've used some of Hiller's scoring ideas for the first time. They better keep doing it, though, or it's going to look real bad. I'll be waiting for them. Like they really care if it looks bad. We know that they're not streaming workout one and three at the semifinals, which is concerning because we do want to see Linda and we do want to see the sled pool.
Starting point is 01:11:09 And if the sled pool is with the torque tank, we know that... Oh, God. I just can't tell you how bad that is. That's horrible. It's stupid. What if they sent you a torque tank? Would it shut you up? Oh, totally. Oh, speaking of which.
Starting point is 01:11:26 I just, why would you do, it's a sport. The whole piece of a sport is competition. And the whole element of competition is being able to win or lose. And you want that to be as tantalizing and as dynamic as possible within the confines of certain rules. There's lines on the football field, right? You're not allowed to run outside the lines, right? You got to have the lines, although it would make the game more interesting if you could just run anywhere.
Starting point is 01:11:55 But you got to have something. And why make it so that the tank, putting more effort in the tank doesn't make someone pull faster? I don't want to get all wound up about it now because what if I'm wrong? What if it's not using the torque tank? Dude, they've used it in the past.'t make someone pull faster. I don't want to get all wound up about it now because what if I'm wrong? What if it's not using the torque tank? Dude, they've used it in the past. With the sled pull? Push. Oh, push.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Yeah, but you've never seen it in the pool. No. Yeah, but there's no way. Ricky Bobby has that scene in that movie where they put the Nabisco or the whatever sticker on the windshield. Remember? Have you seen that movie? No. He's driving on the track. He's a race car driver, and sticker on the windshield remember have you seen that movie no he's driving
Starting point is 01:12:25 on the track he's a race car driver and he sold the windshield because he's looking to monetize the car to the so he's driving around he sold the windshield and he goes i don't know but no fig newtons but i sure love fig newtons and he crashes because he can't see and in the football instance in baseball and basketball they'll put like little things on the but it's not affecting the play right and in this case they're selling the sport and it is affecting the play yeah thank you well so oh my god it's an and and like the thing about the ricky bobby thing is everyone realizes it's a joke and they go oh wow they actually do this aha baseball games right in the background you see they're selling freaking toyotas and
Starting point is 01:13:04 in the nfl on the sidelines, everyone's wearing Bose headphones and they've got Microsoft tablets, like product placement, much. You get it. It's kind of funny when he sells the windshield and it's a joke, but it's not a joke in CrossFit. It's dead serious.
Starting point is 01:13:18 We sold the integrity of the sport with this stupid tank. And they're just, I don't know. I want to know what they, they sold for. So you're not a fan either. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Good. No, I think it's great for training. I think it's terrible for competition and it's great for training because it's time efficient. You flip the lever, you push the thing. Uh,
Starting point is 01:13:40 seven, uh, you and Hiller look jacked. It's a fucking amazing, amazing camera. Your forum node good he he another one yeah he to the vein yeah oh yeah he um he got he there's a button on there and it says jacked and he pushed it see i got my blood drawn today how long does it take to get your results it's been like two days before. Bruce, he's lying.
Starting point is 01:14:07 The jack button. Only Hiller. Yeah, I know what you meant. I know what you meant, Bruce. No, no. This way to the beach. My forearm looks big. It's almost as big as Avi's.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Avi's forearm is huge. You want us to sit? It is huge. You want us to stand butt to butt? No, thank you. Dude, Avi's going is huge. It is huge. Do you want us to stand butt to butt? No, thank you. Dude, Avi's going to be a force to be reckoned with pretty soon. I'm sure they all will be. Is there anything else that we didn't? Did that sum up the show?
Starting point is 01:14:39 Did I review the show properly? Is there anything else we left out? We'll stream the show properly? Is there anything else we left out? We'll stream the show for free. There's a guy in one of the divisions that CrossFit needs to deal with because he's used fake weights and is juiced.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Thank you. Paul Tremblay, his scoring thing was very nice. Kudos to CrossFit for doing that. I think we touched on it all, man. All right. Tomorrow morning, going back to doing an affiliate show.
Starting point is 01:15:15 I think it's CrossFit Babylon. Oh, Matthew Green. Thank you, Fitnicate. We did want to talk about Matthew Green. Oh, yes. Okay. He's a sponsored athlete at the West semi-final I have the power to do this let me pull something up okay well I say this real quick you do that
Starting point is 01:15:32 Fergie you know the shirts are large but thank you so here's the thing tomorrow morning Trish from CrossFit Babylon will be coming on early in the morning she has been on the show before as part of the affiliate series but she purchased i think it was like a three-day mentorship program for her affiliate where denise thomas came in and hung out at the
Starting point is 01:15:56 affiliate for three days and basically gives you an eval and it's not cheap and so she's going to come on here tomorrow and let us know what that was like. I think it's probably one of the most expensive things you could purchase from CrossFit Inc., I suspect, and should have the highest value. And I've never heard – I'm guessing it's like five grand. I don't know. We'll find out tomorrow. out tomorrow but but i've heard that uh in in all the years i've been with crossfit i haven't heard one negative thing ever about denise thomas ever uh which is kind of crazy because i've heard plenty negative things even about myself uh the machine master matthew green is a good dude says teddy williams he knows him okay he actually yeah i think they know each other through the affiliate teddy goes to, Stephen Wallace.
Starting point is 01:16:45 And that did quarters or semis together not too long ago. And Andrew Hiller was able to procure a sponsorship for Mr. Green. There it is. And you can purchase the shirt, pre-order the shirt, Matthew Green, semifinals fundraiser tee. On the back, it's got their... Where is that? That's on the vindication. C.A. Horowitz. Oh, okay, and that's the sponsor. Yep, C.inals fundraiser tee. On the back, it's got their... Where is that? That's on the vindicate. CAA hormones.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Oh, okay, and that's the sponsor. Yep, CAA hormones. I wonder if you automatically get tested if that's your sponsor. I hope he gets tested. And... Oh, if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. Wow. Dude, that's ballsy.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Isn't that awesome? Yeah, yeah that's fantastic that was my idea really and he's cool with that yeah yeah that's like uh he's all about it that's like a tuba tupac or daniel brandon flipping off the double bird it's good isn't it or tupac's like like oh yeah i think that's like look how now look how mean the bear is i never seen i don't think the california bears usually mean like that. No, Travis did that. He did great. Yeah, that's a great shirt. He will get kicked out.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Hey, that would be awesome if that dude gets kicked out. And on the back, it's got the CA hormones, which I just think it's awesome that there is a CrossFit athlete sponsored by a hormone company. Yeah, it's great. Come on. Yes. Come on.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Yeah. And all the money goes to him. Okay. All the proceeds of the shirt. Wow. Sarah's cool. Good job. Good job, Hiller.
Starting point is 01:18:18 I'm not sure I got kicked out. Did I get kicked out of Wadapalooza? If you didn't, you should have. What's Matthew Green's IG? Mad you didn't, you should have. What's Matthew Green's IG? Man on a mission for you. Do you want me to pull it up? Man on a...
Starting point is 01:18:33 Got it. Mission. I'm going to follow him anyway. Man on a mission for you. Okay. Okay. Look at him. He's in the kitchen with his foot up in a fighting stance.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Look at his profile pic. Oh, damn. He's in the kitchen with his foot up in a fighting stance. Look at his profile pic. Oh, damn. He's in the splits, dude. That's the Jean-Claude Van Damme. Oh, is he a cop? He was. Where's he from? Missouri.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Oh. I think. No. So he's strong. And people tried to beat me up a little bit. He's a wrestler. Two-thirds the size, but ten times the asshole and a fuck ton fitter then you know i was reading this comment oh so he said he was much more fit when he was a wrestler so i used to follow him and he would do all these crazy and people beat me up on this it's not that crazy crazy. I'm going to get in trouble for this.
Starting point is 01:19:26 It was 48 minutes on the assault bike. 671. Look at this, dude. What? This is his girlfriend. Or is that his mom? Here's the most wholesome, loving, supportive, tough as nails woman a guy could ever imagine possible.
Starting point is 01:19:41 What about it? Happy day of love to the one and only woman on the largest terrestrial planet so i have assumed that's his wife right elizabeth i think that is look at their skin color what about him look she's orange and he's fucking uh uh i don't even know what what is that called translucent white i think they're both white dude i cannot believe her that's not even the she's hurt that's not even a hue of i don't know if the camera did that or what probably the camera you wouldn't notice that if you click on her if you saw the first comment no
Starting point is 01:20:19 i'm not i'm not trolling some fucking this dude's girlfriend we're not trolling her and then he fucking comes to the computer and beats my ass. I've said enough about her orange skin. Homie, she didn't even choose this picture. This is him. You look at this and you're like, skin tone dare. I'm looking. I didn't notice that. I bet he didn't notice it either. He put it up and now. I know. This is what I noticed. Their skin
Starting point is 01:20:38 color and I noticed she's pretty and then I noticed the shape of his head and he has like an asymmetrical haircut. He does have it. Yeah. That's a popular haircut. yeah that's a popular haircut i don't like it you don't like it no i like his shirt i like how big he is i like that he was a cop are we are we on yours or we on mine we're on yours right yeah but and i'm but i'm gonna buy a shirt listen he's probably fucking we're supposed to be talking good about him and i'm fucking critiquing his fucking haircut one second one second one second he used to do these he he did and again people were like that's not that impressive it was 20 bar facing burpees on the minute for 10 minutes dude he's an impressive
Starting point is 01:21:18 man he's a brick shithouse tell me 20 bar facing burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. 20? Yeah, that's hard as shit. It's tough. And he's also 215, so that means something. He did that for how many minutes? 10 minutes? 10. So he did 200 burpees in 10 minutes? Correct.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Yeah, that's hard. I almost need to see that to believe that, especially because he's massive, dude. He's a big guy. Now, also, the first time I ran into him. Oh, shit. What? He's a fucking no-gi world champion.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Oh, is that right? Yeah. I apologize for anything I said about your head or the color of your girlfriend's skin. What does that mean to you? This means he could fucking beat up all the dudes in the semifinals. You could line them all up, and no one can do anything to this guy. Yeah, man, he's a badass.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Yeah, this is not a normal human. He's a fucking two-time gold medalist at Nogi Pan Ams, one-time gold medalist at the Worlds. He's a fucking three-time Gi second-place Pan Ams. Holy shit. All right, I'm pulling Ams. Holy shit. All right, I'm pulling this up. What is this?
Starting point is 01:22:29 There's video on this. Oh, here we – there's video on YouTube. 10 by 2,000 meter row. Oh, that's crazy. Yeah, I mean, again, people are looking at it. Those aren't that good. Everyone's going to say that crap, but I mean, do you want to go row that? First time I ran into him. Wait a second. He did
Starting point is 01:22:50 10 2,000 meter rows back to back? Yeah. 10 two-gays with a one-minute rest in between them. That's freaking nuts. Here, what is this one? 15 1,000s with a one-minute rest? I can't even believe that's possible. Dude? 15 1,000s with a one-man arrest? I can't even believe that's possible.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Dude, 15 1,000s. Wait a minute, this is on the bike. Have you ever done that? No. The longest, I mean, I've rode for an hour. That's like my top. And I held a 152, and I thought it was sick for an hour. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:23:21 You weren't okay? I mean, no, I didn't think I was sick. I thought I was super proud of that. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. But he does some stuff. He does this regularly. This is what I remember. Yeah, click that Guy thing.
Starting point is 01:23:34 I want to see the text. Yeah. That face you make when you win your match but find your opponent's direct bloodline was responsible for trademarking the sport you coincidentally are competing in. I wonder who that is. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:23:48 He fucking beat a Gracie? What is this guy's facial gear? I don't know, but why didn't they raise his hand then? Because he got second, it looks like. Silva? Including Nick Anderson? Do you know who that is? No, but I probably should.
Starting point is 01:24:13 I'm trying to find more of these workouts that he would do that I thought were nuts and everyone. I do now think that, I hope I don't, what is this? Hey, that guy's a freak of nature. Yeah, I look forward to him doing the first event for sure, which is all machines. How old is this? Hey, that guy's a freak of nature. Yeah, I look forward to him doing the first event for sure, which is all machines. How old is he? He's about my age.
Starting point is 01:24:30 I don't know exactly. Hey, that shirt's perfect for him. If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying, California. Yeah, and the fucking angry bear and the whole thing. This guy is no joke. What is this? There's an hour. But it's in calories.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Wait a minute okay hey why isn't he a cop anymore what happened I'm not certain I'll ask why is this oh this is much dude this is sick so when I did my hour I think I was at 1500 meters or 15,000 meters
Starting point is 01:25:02 and he got a thousand extra meters in an hour and he held he held almost 20 kills a minute for an hour which i think is crazy but someone will say it's not is it like these these things that he does are just hey he kind of looks like you know who he looks like? Who? Oh, wait till you see this picture. Here's another 10 by 2,000. Dude, he looks like Michael O'Hearn in this picture. Are you pulling something up? Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Right? Yes. I see what you mean. I mean, it's not that close, but I do see what you're talking about. Now we're just looking at Matt Green. How did you meet him? Granite Games 2017. He won the 2K row.
Starting point is 01:25:57 I'd like to pull that up, 2017. And you were there at the event? I was competing. And he blew everyone away on it. Sorry, I said 2K. I meant 10K. So it was like a 40-minute. It's 40 minutes if you hold a two-minute pace,
Starting point is 01:26:13 which isn't good by any means. But I think he finished it in 35 minutes, which means he held on to something like that pace that was crazy for the 10K. And the next closest guy was Travis May or something who was a minute and a half behind. Yeah, nuts. I
Starting point is 01:26:31 respect anyone who's doing any crazy shit on the rower. I'm going to see if I can find this really quick. A little competition corner. Yeah, this guy, I'm looking at just all the IBJJF Jiu Jitsu Championships Nogi 2021.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Yeah, this guy hangs out with killers. I wonder where he trains. What state is he in? Missouri, I believe. I had no idea they had... Where the hell... Is that where Heidi's from? Missouri?
Starting point is 01:27:04 No, she's Wisconsin. Those are different. Men's individual. I think Heidi is, yeah, from Wisconsin. Oh, here, Barbell Spin has an article on it. On him? No, or the recap. What recap?
Starting point is 01:27:18 There it is, the row sprint and then the 10K. Oh, oh, oh, from back in the day. But of course. Oh, there he is. Oh, wait. Okay, he didn't win win but he did finish it in 36 minutes i love this camera setup it's great hey you got me like zooming in looking at this tiny score so velner got a 37 33 on the 10k row then and he went 36 38 he almost beat him by a minute i gotta go to bed. You got to?
Starting point is 01:27:46 Or you want to? I want to. I got to get up at five. And yes, Damien, he is strong. Okay, so Matthew Green, get your Matthew Green shirt. Support the guy. He's a friend of the podcast. He's a friend of the Hiller Fit YouTube station. Totally dominated.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Sponsored by California Hormones. okay can i do this this is how this works i'll put it in the chat i did it good job okay guys thanks for joining us uh andrew and i are together for a few more days uh then we part ways for a week and then um and then we come back together for a whole week we're come back together For a whole week We're going to be together for like Almost 10 days maybe I'm going to stay at the compound Yeah he's coming over to stay at the three plane brothers
Starting point is 01:28:32 I'm going to go on the half pipe You're going to go on the half pipe Better bring your insurance card I've got it And Sarah Cooper will also be joining us At the three plane brothers compound Oh you just made Bruce lose it I've got it. And Sarah Cooper will also be joining us at the Three Plain Brothers compound. Oh, you just made Bruce lose it. Yeah, he's coming over.
Starting point is 01:28:51 He's not coming over to see me. He's got some work to do on back-to-back weekends in the area. So while he's there, he's going to stay with me. All right. Thank you, Bruce. You can move in after. Oh, Johnny. he is oh shit isn't that it's a video game on the xbox isn't it uh oh is it let's play skate uh johnny he's not really skating he almost killed himself today when he got on the skateboard and then i almost killed two other people too while doing it all right guys. I will see you guys in
Starting point is 01:29:26 oh my god, less than seven hours. 6 a.m.? 6? 7 hours and 46 minutes. Bye-bye. Thank you, Andrew.

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