The Sevan Podcast - Hunter McIntyre Beef | Live Call In

Episode Date: May 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I know. Bam, we're live. We don't even have thumbnails anymore. It's weird that this show won't populate in YouTube.
Starting point is 00:00:41 But we are live right now. Good morning, everyone. Steven, what's up, dudeustus heidi hey heidi good morning heidi's already awake huh crazy crazy crazy crazy let me see what i don't know why i can't get this on this uh screen i wonder maybe if i should just i wonder if i could just share this screen. I have my laptop too.
Starting point is 00:01:08 You're talking about so I could see comments or something. Yeah. I could just stay blind. I wonder, I wonder if I could, um, the seven podcast. I think that hello video at 13 K.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Oh, there it goes. Okay, okay. Oh, shit. Okay. Oh, it's on my background still. My background. No background. Oh, oh, oh, gotcha.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Okay. Glasses caught me off guard. Dude, long night last night. Holy shit, long night. has caught me off guard. Dude, long night last night. Holy shit, long night. Let me see if I can mute that. And then I need to change the background. What's up, guys? Good to see you. The real Kevin, yeah, I'm sure he will pay a fine for that. Who will pay a fine for what? Eric, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Good morning. Heidi, good morning. Kenneth DeLapp, Stevon, love you. Hey, that's a good way to start the morning. We're in studio. Suze is here. We went to Greg's house last night for the party, the broken science event. Did you have fun?
Starting point is 00:02:36 I did, yeah. I always do. I enjoy hanging out and talking with all those people. Corey, what's up? um Corey what's up uh Corey so tomorrow we're 24 hours away from Kill Taylor
Starting point is 00:02:49 week 3 1500 bucks Corey Pulido Corey Pulido is that my saying right sounds right to me Corey Pulido is the sponsor this week from the proven business plan are we doing any does he have like a website or a
Starting point is 00:03:06 qr code are we doing anything to promote yeah did he get anything for his money yeah okay he just got it that's it that was it that's it cory you got it no he sent us over all the information i'll make sure it gets to you before and just so you know how how cool it is uh cory pueblo pulido pueblo pulido um uh cory gave obviously money for the quarterfinals and i don't know what he's even doing he's just he's just being generous i i don't i don't think he's getting what do they call it roi he's just being uh generous so it's crazy cool we have so many people who've been reaching out who want to sponsor shows and I really appreciate it. But I think Corey's like the only
Starting point is 00:03:47 individual, which is pretty crazy. Toast Pacers is now on board to sponsor a week. Born Primitive has a couple weeks. So this thing's cruising along. Cruising, cruising, cruising. Me too.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I have to wear that shirt in his honor today. In whose honor? $5 if Sousa vomits before the show is over. Are you hungover? No, I feel good. Why do I look like I'm going to vomit, Dan? No, you don't look hungover, but I feel horrible. This is the worst I've felt in years.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Is it weird that I'm glad it's you and not me? No, I don't blame you. By the way, I did see one of the movements for Kill Taylor. And I talked about it at the party last night. Was there a consensus of if that was dumb or not? The particulars? What do you think? I don i think it's i i think it's i don't think it matters okay i think people should just do it however right oh so you think
Starting point is 00:04:52 you think it's dumb the um you think it's dumb like the the rules he's putting taylor's putting around the movement yeah yeah hey i'm i'm more than happy though to, to accommodate him. Me too. He gets to make, like I said, it's completely rigged. He gets to make, geez, what is my part doing? I have to fix my hair. He makes the workouts, and you have to try to beat him to get the money, and that's just the way it is. But I think the workout will be coming out a half hour before we go live, which would be 8.30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time on the Sevan Podcast Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:05:35 So there's that. Hangovers are the worst, especially as you get older. Yeah, and the thing is of i guess it's a gross exaggeration to say hungover i just don't feel like myself it's not like i'm spinning or have a headache or anything like that i just don't feel like myself i didn't drink anything last night except um vodka like i didn't have any wine or beer or i had a couple beers. I didn't have any sugar. I had those RX sugar bars. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I did have one of those. I had an RX sugar bar. But I think probably between, I want to say, and when I make my drink, I make them light. I do glug, glug, and then one can of sparkling water. But I think I had like 10 of those. So I had glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug. That's 10. And then I had times two the whole night. That'll do it.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah. A couple glugs too many. Yeah, probably 20 glugs. But when I see other people make a drink, people do a glug, glug, glug, glug. Yeah, I've seen a couple of them just. Just quite a few glugs but when i see other people make a drink people do a glug glug glug glug yeah i seen a couple of them just just quite a few glugs yeah and i take it just so uh so chill oh my goodness brandon luck it went great yesterday that was fun rich froning i i didn't all so many people like the rich froning podcast and uh it was weird
Starting point is 00:07:07 because i felt like i didn't do a very good job with them but i guess people liked it they liked the parenting stories yeah and um i guess that bible thing in the beginning people really liked so okay that's a win um augustus link uh brandon Gluggett. Excuse me. All I want to do right now, you know what I want to do right now? I just want to go for a long walk with my kids. That sounds good. On the beach? Get that fresh air?
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah, that's all I want to do. Hey, this was... There were probably 100 people there. Yeah,'s about right this was the nicest people this this was the coolest one of the coolest parties i've ever been to yeah i didn't meet one douche canoe no not one no not one there were a couple people who were a little too chatty kathy for me and i don't mind people who talk a lot. I like it, but like you better, it needs to be exciting.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah. And then her boob fell out or, and then he got a tooth knocked out or I made a million dollars or, you know what I mean? This chick was so fucking hot that blah, blah, blah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:08:16 yeah, yeah. I just has to be. And if you don't, I'm going to take over the story. You know what I mean? Yeah. People seem to entertain. You had a I mean? Yeah. People seemed entertained.
Starting point is 00:08:25 You had a whole crew. They were like listening to you. It was like a live show. There were these four dudes there from North Carolina. Did you meet those dudes? I did. They were the Motown CrossFit guys, right? Is that what they were?
Starting point is 00:08:36 I think so. Oh, my God. Yeah. I kind of just, everywhere I went, I wanted to go take them with me. Like, as I walked around the property, I was like, can you guys come in the front yard now? Can we party in the front yard? Yeah. Talk was good.
Starting point is 00:08:52 People loved it. Greg did great. Richard Johnson, who wrote the fat switch, was there. We saw a great dialogue between him and Greg back and forth. It was awesome. The whole thing was filmed. The two guys that I work closest with in CrossFit, Tyson Oldroyd and Leif Edmondson were there last night.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Tyson was the guy, dude, who just got fired a couple weeks ago. And he was there. It was cool hanging out with him. Yeah, it was good. It was really good. Dave was not there i was bummed that i didn't get to see dave i wanted to see dave um so oh and you know who i met there was a guy there who's the um chief fundraiser for prager you did you meet him? No. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. See, I got to hang with you more on those things.
Starting point is 00:09:50 No, no, no, no. You're way better than that. I just gravitated and just hung towards Heidi. I got to hang with Heidi a lot. Carlos. When the party was in the backyard, I just went to the front yard by myself and just sat there and was just hanging hanging out on uh on my phone but then uh eventually the party moved to the front yard and i started talking to a lot of people and this dude was there and that was really exciting because i would love to have access to the people who work at prager you as guests for the show i would love that love that love that love that no no russell burger that
Starting point is 00:10:23 sucked there was no russell I talked about Russell a lot. No J Cooey. Normally those people are here. This was the first event, broken science event. That was more, um, I guess you could say it was for the general public.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah. It was just open to anybody who was a part of the shit loads of affiliates. There are shit loads of affiliates. Yeah. And it basically, I think if you were just on the wait list from the prior ones that Emily just said, basically, she just went to the
Starting point is 00:10:50 next 50 people on the wait list that are members of the Broken Science website. Okay. Is that how the North Carolina dudes got in? I believe so, yeah. Yeah. It was really cool. CrossFat, PragerU is what happens when you don't glug after you had itat. PragerU is what happens when you don't glug after
Starting point is 00:11:06 you had it in. PragerU. CrossFat's on fire today. He said something else that... I don't understand that joke. Do you understand that? Yeah, like Prager's. Like you're pregnant. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, do I have a story about that? Grace. You guys had a
Starting point is 00:11:21 false alarm? No. Oh. Somebody at the event goes, oh, are you pregnant? At this event? Yeah. And she goes, no, I'm just really bloated. I've had to pee and I was on the couch
Starting point is 00:11:39 and I couldn't leave during Greg's talk to pee. She doesn't even look remotely pregnant. I know. It was hilarious. was it a boy no do i know who it is yeah into this uh individual's defense they were like oh when i had asked like she's not even a little chubby she looks like a fucking crossfitter she has a perfectly flat stomach like you can you can see last night that like she has a perfectly it was it was pretty funny did she is she okay with it yeah but you know she she's brought it up several times said so yeah holy shit it was pretty funny but uh wow in that person's defense i guess they were
Starting point is 00:12:22 they were talking about it or something and they go go, oh, yeah, are you guys inspecting? Are you guys trying or something? And apparently Grace had given some look or whatever. And that person just followed back up like, wait, did I spoil the news or anything? You're not, are you? And she was like, no. And she goes, oh, sorry. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:42 But it was pretty funny. So it was more around how she was catching loads rather than her physique. Okay. Okay. But it was just, uh, it was pretty funny. So it was more around how she was catching loads rather than her physique. Correct. Yeah. Okay. Early stages, you know, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Early stages. Damn. But you know, that was hilarious. I love those kinds of moments. Yeah. Um, guys,
Starting point is 00:13:01 so I'm going to the West. Uh, Susan's going to the West. Suze is going to the West. And we're going to do behind the scenes there. God, I really am not myself. I was trying to pull up the CrossFit leaderboard, and I put in Craigslist. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I want to go to semifinals. And where is this leaderboard? Semifinal. Damn, this thing is hard to do. Oh, cool. Wadzami will be there. Stoked me. Oh, at the West? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:43 He's an LA dude. Yeah, cool. Yeah, Adzami will be there. Stoked me. Oh, at the West? Oh, yeah. He's an LA dude. Yeah, cool. Yeah, that's super cool. Okay, 2024 semifinals, North America West. Not teams, individual. Okay. Basically, I need to figure out who the bubble athletes are so that I can start having them on the show.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I need to make a list of people that I'm going to invite onto the show. You guys want to do this with me? Yeah, what? How many? There's the top 10 that go to the games? I should know this shit. I don't think anyone knows yet. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:20 But we could ask Spin. So this is – okay. Sanson. I should probably ask John Young this. Sanson. We had him on the show. John Wood. I heard Luckett mention him.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Will Leahy. Sam Dancer. Who else? Arturo. Oh, Scott Tetlow. Oh, yep. Tetlow. Tetlow, for sure.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I know he's not Bubble, but we should have Brent on it. I was going to say again, but technically he wasn't a guest on the show. He was a call-in. Yeah. I had his number. I think I lost it already. Daniel Cuck. That's not how you pronounce that.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I know, but it's so fun. How can you not? Who else? Who is bubble uh tutor magda tutor you think tutor's a gray shaver why do i feel like that's the name that he he was at the games i think he's gonna make it okay okay what about those guys yeah you guys like those names? Sevan, you guys should come check out the Anaheim High Rocks on the 19th. Oh, you want to hear something fucking crazy? You want to hear something fucking nuts? Yeah. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I'm going to stop sharing the screen. I'm going to do this right now. Fuck this. Are you calling somebody? Yeah, I'm going to call someone. I always get excited when you call somebody. I'm going to call someone. You think I should going to do this right now. Fuck this. Are you calling somebody? Yeah, I'm going to call someone. I always get excited when you call somebody. I'm going to call someone. You think I should go to...
Starting point is 00:16:09 Someone wrote, you should visit High Rocks in Anaheim. I don't think I can do any High Rocks events. Can you hear that? Yeah. What do you mean do a High Rocks event? Like go there with a camera? Yeah, just even talk about them anymore. Oh.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Tell me if you could hear it ringing. Not yet. Not yet. This is. I got nothing. Hey. Who is this? This is Sevan.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Really? Yeah. Oh, oh shit is that the Mac yeah, this is hunter McIntyre hunter hi We're live on the air buddy Now listen buddy, I heard you been I listen I heard you've been telling people you're not going to come on my show anymore why don't you suck my nuts did you try to throw me under the bus listen get some likes and views we were friends listen ding dong we are friends you were on the show the premise of the show is that you wanted to be free remember we talked about being free and we started like a 15 second sentence and didn't put the book ends on it to make me look like can you hear me uh no he can't hear you. Oh, okay. Let me see if I can get him.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Let me see if I can get him. We're coming in. Are you there? We're coming in hot. Hold on, Hunter. Hold on. Hold on. I want him to hear me. Hold on. What are you doing right now? Can you come on the show? Hello? I'm on the show just because I like you guys. There he is. If I send you a link, you'll come on the show?
Starting point is 00:17:45 How do I do that? What, are you just going to send me a link, you'll come on the show. How do I do that? What are you just going to send me a link to my computer? Yeah. And we're going to fight this shit out. Hey, Hunter, you got to know that we fired that intern. All right, buddy. So yeah, that dude's gone. We can that guy.
Starting point is 00:17:55 That is a piece of shit, dude. We can't send him down the river. We can't bro. Don't worry. I sent you a link. Let's let's have this out. TMZ. You got to send it to my email dude
Starting point is 00:18:05 okay hold on hold on i keep on getting these reimbursement checks from the tax board i'm fucking rich boys uh what's your what's your email my email is hunter nysc at gmail do not anybody send me dick pics on there too late too late just late. Just sent one. Hunter NYC NYSC New York, Southern California. NYSC at Gmail. Yeah, I'll come sit with you guys for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Oh, you're a good dude. You're not going to sit. You're going to be on your feet. We're about to duke this shit out. We're about to fuck it up. Someone's going to get knocked the fuck out okay i sent you a link did you get it yeah give me two seconds i'm i guess i have a computer but i'll come sit with you boys all right oh thank you this fucking guy this fucking guy says he'll never come on the show again that fucking hurts what the fuck is this guy thinking we're a
Starting point is 00:19:04 sensitive bug we were like a mafia dude you know there's a code to the mafia dude i i don't even know how i don't even know how to hang up the funny thing was i don't even remember what the clip was do you like i do but i don't basically well let's wait till he comes on okay okay okay i wanna leah let's hear what the clip was from his perspective hunter's the best thing to come on the semon podcast that's not true shut the best thing to come on the Sevan podcast. That's not true. Shut the fuck up. What are you talking about? Real Kevin sounds like a high rocker.
Starting point is 00:19:31 A Heidi. Is that what they're called? I'm not going to talk about high rocks ever again because Hunter said he won't come on the show. Yeah. Starting our own thing. Crack rocks. Same but different. All right. This is going to be good. This needs to be done. I just kept hearing that he was on his podcast saying that he
Starting point is 00:19:51 wouldn't come on my podcast anymore. And so let's have this out. You know what is cool about Hunter? He looks great year round. You know, that guy just looks like a stud every time he's running uh robbie myers hunter is better than a t-bagger same but
Starting point is 00:20:14 different yeah uh definitely uh weird comparison but i'll take it dude um to uh i kept i kept wanting to say T-Bagger. Now I can't say Tillender. But his music stuff in D.C. He's working with Tom Segura now. Who is? Zach. Oh.
Starting point is 00:20:36 He's like training him and shit. They were doing some weightlifting together. He says the link doesn't work. How do I know Tom Segura? Is that an author? He's a comedian. Oh. Comedian.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Hunter. Him and... What was it? NYSC? NYSC? Yeah. At I re-sent it.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Oh, he's in. He's in. Orange Balls? He's in. I thought it was Oh, he's in. He's in. Orange ball? He's in. I thought it was at least two. Mr. McIntyre. I can't hear you. You're muted.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Thanks. Probably the way you should be. Look at that. I got to. You got to unmute yourself. I don't have control over you. You're your own man. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Here we go. That stash looks great. Fuck this guy. Don't say anything nice about him. Okay. I'm sorry. You're on mute. You look like shit, Hunter. you look like you're a 75 year old girl i can't hear you yet but i like this like a rip on you you can't defend yourself no i can't hear you you're muted
Starting point is 00:21:34 go down to the bottom see it says unmute mike you got to click that thing with your mouse no look at the bottom. You're muted. Oh, boy. He's probably saying some good stuff, too. This is going to be hard. This is going to be definitely hard. Yeah, we haven't seen Hunter since the holiday show. Yeah, we had a falling out, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:02 We had a straight falling out. And we're going to reconcile or not right now yeah this is you're gonna see either the rekindling of the relationship or the end of it oh you got your toe spacer mat underneath there huh yeah that's cool yeah i do and i play with my little i have my toe spacer mat down here and i play with it with my feet yeah how cool is mary from toe spacer digging the cock duster hunter oh that's what a mustache is called a cock duster oh okay okay tobacco leaves hanging behind me no no the the office is in the studio is in just chaos because I had a shoot yesterday at Greg's house, and I'm getting ready for semifinals.
Starting point is 00:22:49 So there's just cameras and shit everywhere. And those are all the different straps I wear when I film. So it's like that leather shit you see me wearing that the cameras dangle from. Yeah. Dude, I'm so excited to be back in Carson with you. It's going to be dope. Yeah, it's going to be like a full circle moment for me. Hunter McIntyre.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Oh, dude, I finally got it. That was complicated. There he is. Now, you kind of got that look. Have you ever seen, what the hell is the name of that movie? Hannibal Lecter. You remember Buffalo Bill? Your house kind of looks like buffalo
Starting point is 00:23:25 bill where he does that naked scene he's like goodbye horses that's kind of the vibe you got going on i got these glasses because i saw you had them they're sick right influence yes i would say now hunter i would like to paint the story and then and then uh before we start round one of this fight are you ready yeah let's go let's go okay listen you're about to get fucking bashed hunter was on the show hunter was on the show and the the main theme of the show was wanting to just be free and say whatever you want yep and we were talking about girls and we were talking about how young girls are lame. And we and we took a clip from that where Hunter said, yeah, young girls are lame.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And we put it on Instagram. Well, then Hunter called me. Like a whiny little bitch and was like, what the fuck are you doing, dude? I thought we were friends. He used the old, we thought we were friends. I feel like I was in the second grade. GMZ me.
Starting point is 00:24:31 You took the length of an entire conversation and then you took like a 30 second clip. And then you post it. And of course these like emotionally unstable people on the internet just started going nuts. And of course it all comes back to me. And everyone's like, are you really bashing women on the internet right now, Hunter? I'm like, no, that's not what I wake up and do in the morning.
Starting point is 00:24:53 But what happened? And of course, someone sends me the link. And I was like, god dang it. So I basically get yelled at by Hunter. We pull the clip down. Listen to this. I'm so shocked that it even bothers him Because the premise of the episode was being free Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:10 And But he was probably worried about his builder sales Going down No it's actually pretty surprising the amount of women That buy our products Because I didn't think they would But the reality is And then you went on your and then you went on your pod
Starting point is 00:25:26 then you went on your podcast here we go and this really hurt and you basically ended our friendship it got back to me that you said on two separate podcasts one i'm not friends with those guys anymore and two i'll never go on their show again like this is fucking crazy talk you cut me deep you cut me deep dude you understand that there's a mafia code dude you gotta understand that there's a mafia code that there's certain things you don't do to the other dudes and you did it you think i overstepped cut me deep man hey i do i do believe this i do believe that there's content that's for podcasts and then there's contents that's for reels yeah i agree you know what i mean and and when you and a lot of people like take the content from podcasts and put it on reels like out of context like that
Starting point is 00:26:16 but but did it but it really did bother you you were pissed yeah have you ever seen the movie belly with dmx in it where they're like they're like uh these like gangsters living in the bronx selling drugs from jamaica no you gotta watch that movie i started watching that when i was smoking pot when i was younger and i started basically living by that credo that there's just basically like a pack of dudes you roll with no one does each other dirty and if you do do one of your homies dirty like it's just death there's only one option andrew hiller i didn't know hunter was charming soft wow that's harsh that's harsh dude now we're attacking coming from
Starting point is 00:26:57 a man who bathes himself in peptides and attacks people on the internet that is the most insecure person i've ever met he does not leave his home and he basically attacks people on the internet. That is the most insecure person I've ever met. He does not leave his home, and he basically attacks people on the internet all day long while sipping the sauce. But Hunter, even after I pulled it down, you still were angry. I mean, I'm not really angry. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I'm like internet angry where it's fun to talk shit. But you called me and immediately hopped on the show. But I will tell you, learn your goddamn lesson. Don't be TMZing me. I always feel honestly just like kind of – Take off the fucking glasses. I kind of feel bad though. Just like that's what the internet has become these days is people will take any opportunity to like grab a second of fame at other people's expense
Starting point is 00:27:46 and i know you didn't really do that but you can't intimidate me you can't intimidate me don't make me fucking squeeze this what are you repping out what's your number uh it's it's before the trainer it's the g 150 150 i'm not gonna. This thing gets me through the hardest of days. I was sleeping in my altitude tent last night, and I nearly suffocated myself to death. I'm lucky to be alive with you guys right now. Serious? Fuck yeah. What did you set it to, like, 24,000 feet?
Starting point is 00:28:19 Basically, dude, this thing is so sick. I go in. I go to this app. Oh, shit. I go in, I go to this app, I go to the app and you click on this thing and it basically pops up and you can pick your altitude and I just crank it to the max. So, and you know, there's a system to it because you basically want to, you put like a pulse oximeter and you're reading your blood oxygen levels and everything like that. And you're always just playing a game. You're like, can I suffocate myself a little bit more tonight? Like if you do too much, you'll never wake up and actually be able to like recover and do the work the next day. But big daddy went a little too hard last night and almost died.
Starting point is 00:28:56 How do you know something was wrong? I literally woke up at like midnight and I was like, I was like trying to get breaths in. And I was, I was honestly, I had to like turn the whole tent off, open up all the zippers and everything like that. And I slept like a baby afterwards. Oh, you did.
Starting point is 00:29:12 You recovered. Yeah. It's not so nice. Could you, are you supposed to just come out like that? Could you do something to fuck yourself up? I guess it's not like the bends where you were underwater and then it expanded no i mean in reality there's there's not like a ton that you can really damage yourself on other than just like making yourself like you've heard of people
Starting point is 00:29:34 getting altitude sickness you can just kind of put yourself in that position i'll get out of the tent like kind of groggy in the morning and then i have to drink like a gallon of water i it's hysterical i've basically become Howard Hughes. Like have you seen the movie The Aviator where he's like in a room watching a projector screen and pissing in bottles? Yeah. That's me a lot of the time.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Like I'll bring my computer in there and I'll be watching movies and there's just pee jugs all around me. I will never leave this tent. Oh. We'll never know my excellence. Really? You bring a pee jug inside the tent.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Oh, dude, I've got pee jugs everywhere. Wow. What's the longest the pee jugs has sat around the house before it gets thrown away? Is there one that sat in there for like a week? Oh, dude, a pee jug definitely fell under the bed because this altitude tent is so tight that I can't really get underneath places. Like it's literally a square around my bed. And there's a pee jug under there. And I was like, does I think there might my bed and there's a p-jog under there and i was like does i think there might be a little bit of a smell going on here because you're not
Starting point is 00:30:30 going to get all the p in the jug you know what i mean like you ever bone you ever boned in the altitude tent yes people have been hurt in that tent wow i've been hurt wow are you selling any of those p-jugs or what dude i should sell those p-jugs yeah i feel like a lot of the crossfitters are gonna have to start selling their p-jugs because you guys are tanking it is cross you think crossfit's tanking i don't know man i just feel like every single time i hear something about it like this whole fiasco about the uh like the quarterfinals and everything like that like That's the dumbest thing I ever heard of, where you guys are pointing your eyes was part of the no rep reference.
Starting point is 00:31:12 His eyes were not looking at the spot. That is such a Navy SEAL creepy thing. He's like, I didn't like the way you were looking at the ground, bitch. No rep! Hey, so in high rocks, you don't have to squat below parallel on the wall balls. And in CrossFit, you have to be looking at the right thing. They're not saying we all got every not everybody's world is perfect. We all have our flaws.
Starting point is 00:31:36 But I thought that was absolutely hysterical. I thought that was hysterical. I don't even know how you come up with that rule. It does seem kind of odd just because of the safety sake of it. Like I consider the box besides like heavy, like cleans and snatches probably to be the most dangerous object in the gym. Like so many people scrape their like, their shins on it and stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Like it's just not something to fuck around with, especially there's just like something to fuck around with, especially this just, like, stupid piece of shit plywood square death box that will tear you to shreds. Hey, what are you training for right now? I got High Rocks Worlds in, like, fuck, three weeks. And when you say Worlds, it's, like, the culmination of the events for the year? Yeah. Like the difference between like the CrossFit games and endurance sports would be synonymous with the tour to France.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Like it's a multi-day event, you know, all your scores combined to find the fittest person. You know, mine is like the Olympic marathon. It's like just one time show up, run like a motherfucker. And who crosses first is the best. And where is it? Nice France. And it's in three weeks? Yeah, June 7th.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Your jaw looks chiseled as shit. Are you peaking too soon? No, I'm peaking just perfectly. This is my last big week, and I just made sure to get my miles up, my calories down, just perfectly hit, and then I'll have three weeks of coming off the ledge. And so this is the event you're going to. I just want to be clear. This is an annual event.
Starting point is 00:33:17 It's the World Championships. I talked to you last year. And so this is like, what does that mean? So then until the event next year, you would be crowned like the king of CrossFit or king of high rocks. The prize money is the highest it is for any event during the year. Just shit like that. The normal things that are around a world championship. Yeah. Yeah. Holy shit. I can't believe. And are you, do you, is there any competition for you? for you? Guys are good, dude. But if you really look at the scale of things, like everybody is improving, but like, just imagine, I don't know who's the best guy in CrossFit right now. Jeff Adler. Okay. Well, Rich Froning, let's just say Rich Froning snatched 300 pounds this year and
Starting point is 00:33:57 everybody else was snatching two 90 and Rich Froning went up to like, everybody went up to two 95, but Rich Froning went to three Oh five. It's like, that's exactly what happened this year. It's like, the field is all improving, but I improved with equal, if not greater, magnitude. Fuck, that's crazy. Hey, is there any dude who thinks he can beat you? All these losers, dude. They're all, like, making stupid posts that, like, get, like, three likes. And they're like, man, I'm the fittest I've ever been.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I'm really good at Test Hunter. It's going to be so tough for him. Can you tell me who's one of the guys who thinks he's going to beat you? I want to look at him and judge you. I think one of the guys I respect the most, his name's Alec Ronkovich. He's been on the podium at world championships
Starting point is 00:34:39 for four years in a row. He's great. There's, yeah, it's Alec. i don't even know how to spell oh i see him alexander ronco does he speak english uh broken english but he's a great guy like you know i can't talk shit about the person like he's just a good he's like a ben smith like he's just the kind of dude who will always show up be kind, work hard, and get pretty gosh darn amazing results regardless of the situation. Two-time European champion.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah. Oh shit, he has a 50-58. Well, that's the open division. Like, I don't, like, listen, he probably doesn't want me to say this out loud, but I don't think it's very fair of him to race the open division because that's for people who are basically amateurs.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And it's like, I don't touch that because obviously i would dominate that world record also oh shit 50 38 yeah but that's that's the open division that's what does that mean the weights are lighter it's like it's like rx versus elite in crossfit it's like it's the weight division below and give me an example like what's different in it like the 14 pound wall ball no yeah like lighter wall ball it's a 14 pound wall ball everything is the same amount of distance it's just less less weight what a pussy why is that guy doing this that's just weird i think he just wanted to grab a world record and show like you know i'm not gonna lie our sport's still at the level where there's there's like not a lot of money in it.
Starting point is 00:36:05 And I bet you, he got a check for setting that world record for one of his sponsors. Oh yeah. Have you ever tried the pussy division? No, I won't do it. I think it's unfair because you got to figure there's all these people that are never going to get up near me and they're all competing for it and
Starting point is 00:36:20 trying to set that record and stuff. And I think it's fair that I think it's fair that those guys get to duke it out at that level. Yeah, but this should say, this is so misleading. It's like when people say CrossFit Games athlete in their profile, but they actually just went team. Yeah, it's like you didn't fucking make it. Or CrossFit, yeah, this is God, dude. He's not a bad guy, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:44 This is the one dude that I will not talk shit about just because he's just a good person. He's a good person regardless of the fact that I'm going to smash him. I think he's a good human being. That's like saying in CrossFit you won Wadapalooza, but you weren't in the elite category. It's like you didn't win. You were in the community event. The spectator workout. The gauntlet champion.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah, yeah. Let me ask you this. Is there an easier event at High Rocks than this one? No. I mean, you could do doubles or relay. But as an individual, this is like that's that age group category that people fuck around in. Oh, my. Listen to what he writes. I know you like to. this guy's on a mission making moves and moves and moves
Starting point is 00:37:29 unstoppable force yeah the two pound fucking uh wall balls really makes him unstoppable they call him the golden boy he's the silver boy he doesn't fucking take gold i take gold fuck that shit jeez louise that's embarrassing what's the prize purse at the world hunter uh they said to be determined i feel like they're gonna try to announce it and make it look really big but it was 24 000 last year i'm assuming it should be like between 30 and 40 this year oh that's cool i didn't think oh wow okay yeah that's a little bit of change there yeah almost like the the savant invitational yeah that's almost as much do you have your own invitational now no but we did an event for
Starting point is 00:38:10 oh do you know about this show we're doing kill taylor uh is that the guy who's like a plumber the buff plumber yes yes that guy looks like he got fired off the cast of ice road truckers and he had nothing yes except for for pick up CrossFit. Yes. He has seen the show. Perfect. Yeah, yeah. I think equal to being the Titan Games champion.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Hey, so we have this show. It's tomorrow at 9 a.m. It's our third time. No one's won it the first two weeks. The first week, the prize money was $500. Then it rolled over to $1,000. Then this week, it's rolled over to $1,500. You have to beat him in a workout.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah. So we go live and he does the workout and then you see the workout and then you, we send you a link where you randomly text into the phone. I randomly pick people and they come on and they try to beat it, put up a mile run. And like all the junior varsity girls will beat him. Well, that's the whole, the whole thing with thing with the show is he gets to do the programming.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Well, that's not very fair. But I mean, I guess I like it. I guess I like it. It's totally rigged. It's totally rigged. We tell everybody it's rigged. He picks his wheelhouse workouts. It's all under like five minutes.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And yeah, it's rigged. Yeah. And people were saying that the only person who has a chance to beat him is you. Probably true. Probably true. I'm so glad that I don't do CrossFit anymore though, because my life's so like enjoyable and full of just like stories and like
Starting point is 00:39:37 epic existence. And then every CrossFit I talked to, I'm like, what have you been up to? He's like, uh, snatches. It hits pushups.
Starting point is 00:39:46 And yeah, the other day, my friend and I walked up a staircase on our fucking hands. Do you do no CrossFit? I mean, I do CrossFit the way that like a human being should do CrossFit. Like I do three WODs a week, and then I live in the real world rather than these fucking, I don't know. What are the name of those little shrimps that you used to pour um like water and then you poured into a glass and you added water and they oh sea monkeys sea monkeys they're like sea monkeys yeah wow wow i see that what a great reference just like a such a vapid existence the thing that's funny is he's just absolutely correct yeah sea monkeys.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Hey, there's this whole thing with the CrossFitters. I wonder if you have this in High Rocks. I feel like every week, these are the sea monkeys, by the way. What great creatures they are. You just add water to them and they come alive. Yeah, but if you go above 76 degrees, these CrossFitters will all die because they need to have their little ecosystem of their perfectly homeostasis-built gym. So there's this thing now.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Every week I hear at least one podcaster, one CrossFitter say, I'm more than just a CrossFitter. Like they're all going through like this identity crisis. I'm more than just the value of my placement. Does High Rocks have that already? Like, are there people like so dedicated to High Rocks that they're like, I have to remind myself that I'm more than just a High Rocks athlete. Like, I have other value in this world. Like, do you see that going on? This guy was chirping at me a little while ago.
Starting point is 00:41:21 He's a guy I compete against. And he talks shit to me. So I put his name up on a post-it note on the wall and what's his name i don't need to do it but i basically said someone told me let me know that i made a made your sticky note board i said you did i'm going to smash a reality at worlds goes and he writes back this is the kind of pussy shit that these guys write. That's funny. I don't care what you think about your smashing. You might beat me, but that's it. You win the race. I'll go home, and I may finish third, seventh, 15th, or first,
Starting point is 00:41:53 but I'll be happier with some place than others. But joy or pain will leave me with a few – sorry. No, this is good. I like this. Within a few days, i'll kiss my wife and i'll uh kiss my wife and help put my son to sleep and blah blah blah blah blah and i just wrote him back i said i don't need to know about your personal life i just i just uh just here to just prove your thoughts you might lose this race and i just like these people are trying to find, like, you know, the best way of putting it is they're trying to find joy and value outside of their existence of being an athlete.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And if you look at it, dude, I was saying this the other day. If you look at the best people in the entire world at sports, they the angriest people in the world they hate so much go just take screenshots of like that's taylor michael jordan's face that's our plumber yeah yeah michael jordan's face and like tiger woods face and like all these excellent people i mean being excellent at this level is a lot of hate. And if you need to look outside of your numbers to find joy, then you're never going to be excellent because I don't need anything. I live, my food lives on a scale and I weigh it every single day. I sleep in an altitude tent. I go back and forth over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:43:23 And 90% of the time I'm miserable. This is what this reminds me of. You should send this clip to this guy. Oh, goddess. They say you can't be killed. I wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would I? The Thessalonian you're fighting. Is this the Thessalonian you're fighting?
Starting point is 00:43:46 He's the biggest man I've ever seen. I wouldn't want to fight him. I wouldn't want to fight him. That's why no one will remember your name. That guy's basically that little boy. Yeah. But you do have to, I'll admit, there's another side of this coin that I'm going to be honest about.
Starting point is 00:44:08 As soon as I'm done racing world championships, I go around Europe for two months partying my ass off. You also have to have that. Like if you don't let in other men drink your urine. I heard you let other men drink your urine. From my altitude tent. No, but you have to also create that too that's one thing that i've noticed a lot of these people especially crossfitters they just don't ever leave the gym you know why i think sam dancer has continued to be such an excellent crossfitter for so many years steroids i don't know if that's true but i'm not gonna say that but if you look oh my god
Starting point is 00:44:46 you've gotten so soft young you got upset when i posted a clip from the podcast about you ragging on young chicks and now you you won't say someone's on steroids i'm fucking but he can't he can't he's afraid we'll tmz him again he's gotta be i i i like i like sam dancer and i don't i like sam too I like Sam too. I like Sam too. Sam's a good dude. He's a really good dude. But that dude doesn't – that dude's outside all the time.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Like I see him, I go to the beach, and he's just bear crawling in the sand. Did you see this, dude, the Thanos lift? That's 300 fucking pounds. I could pick up a heavy chick, chuck her on my shoulder. Take her back to the cave. That's this is absolutely nuts be honest i mean i ask you a question i want you to be honest look how big your ass is dude yeah um is that really 300 pounds uh i with my belief i think so i mean it's as full as the bag could possibly be i mean i took be. I took the thing and I filled it up as much as you possibly can. I think the 250, it was at 242.
Starting point is 00:45:52 So if I had to assume the 250 we weighed was the only one we weighed because we didn't want to pick up this 300 afterwards. And we weighed it at 242. So if I had to assume this thing is anywhere between two 75 and two 85. Uh, why is your car in the house? What are you talking about? Mike, you're talking about my dune buggy. Yeah. Well, it's not the house.
Starting point is 00:46:14 That's our breezeway. That's where we do all of our fitness training. So that's my gym. Yeah. This is my gym. As you can see, like you'll on the, on the side that you can't see is where all the cardio is now if you look across the hall you see all the rest of my cars over there and then you basically if you look back to the left that's where my my house is like that's where like it's a big shaped square dude i why did you end up putting this down did you reach your
Starting point is 00:46:43 destination or it was just time what's that did you reach your debt why do you end up putting this down? Did you reach your destination or it was just time? What's that? Did you reach your – why do you put the bag down? Did you have a certain distance you were going to carry it or it just got too heavy? Oh, dude, it crushed my fucking back. So like – did you mean to go further? I just didn't want to carry it anymore. I proved my point.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I tried to carry this thing for – you can see the post. I tried to do a mile time trial with it and i had to get i this was in 2018 i had to get two massages that day and i couldn't i couldn't do anything for like a week afterwards fuck so you went the whole mile with that thing no i only i only got 600 meters. I was just like, I recognized, I was like, I could go another thousand meters, but the damage would be done. Yeah. The mission returns at some point, right? I mean, that's just a dangerous route you're taking through gravel, unlevel surface, stepping through a breezeway.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Like, what if you would have hit that pole and that bounced back and, like, hit you in fucking in the knee? Oh, yeah, that would suck buff guy life hey what do you mean those are all you have five cars no i have the dune buggy i have a bronco i got an sti and i got a ram trx you have four cars yeah i mean the dune buggy and the bronco In totality are probably only worth About ten grand like you just kind of get them As project cars But you have to put insurance and registration on them
Starting point is 00:48:11 That's a pain in the ass I'll admit when I do drive that dune buggy I drive it illegally What do you the cops have on Why don't you shut your face I just I used to have like I don't know shut your face? I just, I just, I used to have like, I don't know, 10 motorcycles and, and just registration insurance was just fucking crazy. But you get it, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Like when you're younger, you gotta be immature and make, like, I, I say this very often. It's like, I, you have to have vices in this world. Otherwise it's just going to be this just super boring existence. And mine used to be partying. going to be this just super boring existence and mine used to be partying and now like it's just going as hard as fuck on races buying cars occasionally and you know messing around look at your dick in this shot that's a cool photo yeah you look fucking yoked hunter has high rocks ever done a piece on you like come out and filmed for a day while you're training? Uh-oh, he's a rotating black square now. Oh.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Does anyone say anything about his dong in here? No. How come I'm the only person who sees the dong? It's got a nice outline, that's for sure. Dong-licious. Is that how you spell licious? I don't know. I can't see anything. It's on delay on the screen, I see. So it's kind of... Is that how you spell licious i don't know i can't see anything it's on delay on the
Starting point is 00:49:26 screen i see so it's kind of is that look at is that how you spell dong licious oh oh yeah that sounds good to me all right sent thank you for coming on hunter that was fun. Where's my arrow? I lost my arrow. Uh-oh. Yeah, it's on YouTube. They filmed him at the cabin. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Shit, I lost my screen. I lost my arrow and I lost my screen. Where the fuck is my arrow? Oh, there it is. What are you doing over here? Dude, I have no clue what just happened. That's okay. I can't find my arrow.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Yeah, how weird is that, dude? My computer has battery and everything, and it just shut down and went black. Where the fuck is my arrow? See, dude? We might have been hacked. Hey, dude, I'm just turning off my mouse. I'm using my manual mouse now. Let's see if I can find my manual. Donglicious, dude. I just saw that.
Starting point is 00:50:28 That's hot, dude. That's hot. So did you adjust your penis to be like that in the shot? Not really, man. Honestly, I know I got a great penis, but I was actually really proud more so of the fact that I've really cut down a lot of weight this season. And I think, honestly, I started fitness more so from an aesthetic standpoint than I did from performance standpoint.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Aesthetics. Aesthetics. Yeah. But dude, I I've always appreciated that almost just as equally as the performance side of things. So I was pumped and you know how it is, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Like if you want to get that really good geeky bodybuilder pick, you got to roll your pants up into like the bodybuilder man tights mandatory actually i know i have i actually have no idea we'll take a few after this oh let's go let's go dude so how big is this how big is this thing got like i i i'm not gonna lie i check in on your guys social media every once in a while and you guys are getting like 20 to like 40 000 views per video sometimes, like with quite regularity. It's a great community, dude. It's a great crew of people holding down the fort. They love looking at outlines of penises and guys' shorts.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I get it, dude. If you've got like the thread on that, like just keep it going. We believe in one God, and we have Christian values values and we like the outline of giant dongs. We're a simple folk. Do you still like when we first started hanging out, you were really into like dumping on like the vaccine and like all this other, like,
Starting point is 00:51:59 like really like non fitness related shit, which I agreed with on many notes, but you were like really into it. Is that still part of the theme or have you pulled back on that to get more in the lane of fitness? No, we're taking money from corporate shells now. I get it, dude. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:52:16 Once you reach that tipping point, we sell out quick. Before I forget, did you guys- Sorry, hold on. Hold on. Breaking news. George Floyd's alleged drug dealer, Maurice Hall, sentenced to 15 years for sex trafficking. This was the fucking guy who was in the car with George Floyd in the front seat. When that happened?
Starting point is 00:52:35 George Floyd's alleged drug dealer. Alleged. Alleged. Go fuck yourself. Alleged. Has been sentenced to 15 years in prison in an unrelated sex trafficking case. He's 45 years old this is kind of like the kyle rittenhouse thing where everybody was just looking at the kid as being
Starting point is 00:52:52 the problem but then if you look backwards and saw the three people that were attacking him and the shit that they had done beforehand and the the legal shit they were involved with nuts but um george floyd was a dude kyle rittenhouse was just saving taxpayer dollars that's all that was dude what the fuck i had something to ask you guys oh did you guys see the dave portnoy thing just recently about the business insider getting fired go to dave portnoy's page and look at this fucking fire rant if i when i'm done working with sponsors like this is who i'm 100 going to and i'm just going to spend my time literally burying people that have crossed me there's a
Starting point is 00:53:31 list of people that i have right now on a hit list that like as soon as i make my buck like just bury them yeah i i appreciate that um do you have a list? Oh, fuck yeah. Are you kidding me, dude? Okay, so now go down. This one in the glasses, dude. Press play on this. This is me 100% behind the scenes, but God. Oh, hey there. Did you hear the news?
Starting point is 00:53:59 On this 83 degree day in paradise. That's right. Nicholas Carlson, editor of Business Insider, got his ass fired. Another champagne bottle with his name engraved will be popped. I just can't remember what mansion it's in. Is it in Montauk?
Starting point is 00:54:18 Is it in Nantucket? I honestly don't fucking know. Saratoga, I've lost count of my fucking houses. You fired. Fuck. And now he's trying to be like, oh, I stepped down. honestly don't fucking know. Saratoga, I've lost count of my fucking houses. You fired, fuck. And now he's trying to be like, oh, I stepped down, I didn't get fired. Yeah, right, you fired, fuck. That's like Mike Rappaport being like, I stepped down for first. You got fired, you fired, fucking, why wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:54:37 Not only did you lie about the article with me, not only did you refuse to sit down with me and go over any of the facts, not only did you run like a little fucking chicken with your tail between your legs what about the time you stole insurance from your own employees they had to go and fucking strike and put up signs in the streets and you were riding a little fucking tricycle tearing these signs down you fired fuck you fucking scumbag you piece of shit what goes around comes around is called karma taylor swift listen to song you fired fuck what about the time you wrote an article about how many how much money ceos or editors make and then somebody asked you like hey nick since you're writing articles about
Starting point is 00:55:15 it how much do you make he's like no i only talk about that privately salaries aren't for public you hypocritical piece of shit fuck i honestly hope you rot in hell metaphorically speaking because you deserve it this step one of what goes around comes around you fired fuck so let's take a champagne glass and let's toast to that fired fuck and who finally got what you deserve fucking nicholas carlson you fired fuck'm going to have a great day thinking about your life being ruined. Cheers, you fired fuck. Damn. And I approve this message.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I will do it again when I can borrow because I could toast this a thousand times and not get sick of watching you suffer. Cheers. Hey, Business Insider is like the worst. They're worse than the New York Times. I don't know if worse. They're just as as bad the shit that they do is so fucking bad that their reporting is so bad my family's been in the newspaper and media industry i mean forever my grandfather was in it and then my dad was in it and you just recognize it's just you know i'm not trying to bash my dad or my grandfather but these things are just
Starting point is 00:56:25 articles wrote by people and it's their opinions it's not guarantees of any of the facts that are aligned with that shit what they decide to write and print that day and you just like when you start to figure that out you're like wait a second this news is not
Starting point is 00:56:42 necessarily true it's just somebody's opinion and it got me really fucked up like i used to be a big new york times person and then it started to get like really liberal and weird me too it got really weird business insider global editor and chief nicholas carlson told staffers she's stepping down casting the move as his own decision even as the news outlet has lately been plagued with labor strife and controversies over its reporting yeah that's what they always say that's the same thing at crossfit by the way anytime anyone says they step down they did not step down who's voluntarily steps yeah do you
Starting point is 00:57:16 remember when rosa said that about dave oh then we've come to this decision together a mutual decision and it comes immediately online this was not a mutual decision nah something i hope you know about me is that i believe in life is an adventure what did this guy do this guy was part of that whole like trying to make uh take portnoy down with the some because portnoy likes to like have girls pee on him and he tried to make it sound like it was something bad hunter what was that check check does this does this guy was this guy i remember they were come people were coming after portnoy like he did something wrong to some girl i mean i feel like everybody got goes after like it's kind of the whole point of the conversation that we had the beginning stages of this like you take just like a microscopic moment and then you try to blow it
Starting point is 00:58:01 up into this like this piece or an agenda and dave portnoy is like a very polarizing character he's hard as fuck and you know just at this point i guess you know you got too many big egos in the room but dave from what i understand he really likes to he creates enemies or enemies are created in the situation that he's in and then he basically just like sits and waits and he etches a their name into a bottle of champagne and waits for them to fail and then he just celebrates it publicly and i love that yeah i love that too are enemies necessary hunter are they necessary. Are you kidding me, dude? I have people's names posted up all over the house that I just hate them. Feel.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Yeah. I just – I rack on them, dude. You've really – God, my mouse is so fucked up right now. You've really inspired me to show clips now. Let's look at this one too. Ready, Hunter? Can you hear this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Here we go. This is Pete Buttslammer Bootyage. This is on a liberal outlet. look at this one too ready hunter can you hear this yeah here we go uh this is a pete uh butt slammer booted bootyage on this this is on a liberal outlet this is on cnbc he's being interviewed here we go this is the secretary of transportation this guy has no business being the secretary of transportation he's a complete douche nozzle dude he should just come to california and do start there that should be his only job. Yeah, but slam but slam Pete But slam booty edge. That's what that's what they we call them in the hood. Here we go By the administration and obviously bipartisan that didn't come until it became clear it was gonna be a major
Starting point is 00:59:42 campaign issue and only then Did the abide administration get interested in it. And every time I hear those talking points, let me finish first. But every time we hear those talking points that suddenly it was Republicans who ruined the border, that's why people get so frustrated. We know what President Biden said about inviting people in. We know that he got rid of all the things that were keeping the border closed that President Trump had put in. We know that he got rid of all those. So when you say it's not his fault. That's literally not true.
Starting point is 01:00:16 It's literally not true that he got rid of the message. Did you see 7.2 million people come in during the Trump administration? It was a trickle. The reason that some of these numbers stay where they are is because it just seems like instead of actually owning some of the issues that we have, instead of acknowledging that the president maybe has lost a step, the administration keeps saying, don't believe your lying eyes. And that's why you're at 18% when we heard for three. So do you know this story, Hunter? What is it about?
Starting point is 01:00:57 Basically, when Trump was in office, if you came across the border, they gave you a court date and they sent you back to Mexico. And then you waited for your court date. When your court date date came you came to the united states now it sounds like a process right so yeah exactly so if you broke into my house and i caught you here i would fucking kick you out and then you would go to jail and wait to be uh wait for your court date when biden took office they changed it they said if we catch you in the united states we're just going to give you a court date but you can stay here and that basically means anyone's welcome and so that's why people started flooding across the border over that one issue that's the only reason why we have the image so is that the is that the transportation thing though is that like it's like basically that's the person who's managing all the operations?
Starting point is 01:01:45 No, no, no, no. The guy who's in charge – no, but this guy has been involved with taking the – the transportation guy has been involved in facilitating people coming across the border and then taking them to other places in the United States. I have to say DeSantis sending all of those people up to New York City and like Martha's Vineyard. Yeah. Brilliant.yard. Yeah. Brilliant. Genius. Yeah. Can you imagine if someone broke into your house and you were like,
Starting point is 01:02:09 Hey, I'm going to give you a cell phone, a thousand bucks and make you some, uh, uh, warm bread until the police get here. I don't, I don't really understand.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Like really, I, I do not, I'm not going to pretend like I'm a dude who works out. Like, I'm not going to pretend like I have the information on all this stuff, but I cannot figure out like a plausible reason for why allowing so many people to cross over and then supporting them at such a high level that's the confusing part part like i don't get it and like
Starting point is 01:02:36 i'm not going to pretend to weigh in on it i just don't understand it it comes down hey it comes down to this it's. It's to vote. Yeah, I've heard that, and maybe that may be the case. No, no, no, no, no, no. But you're going into states mostly. California is already a Democratic state, so you've got to really win that one. I guess Arizona and Texas are a little bit on the— But it's nuanced. You get way more people.
Starting point is 01:03:03 First of all, it's nuanced. You get way more people. First of all, it's not – if you claim that you voted and – only citizens are allowed to vote on the federal level. And if you claim you voted for the president and you're not a citizen but you say you didn't know and you did it on accident, you're off. It's that easy. you're you're off it's that easy and when they do census when they do census and when they do census in the states hunter basically not basically illegals are counted too and the more people there are the more representation you get i understand man but what's the likelihood that you're actually going to get these people all to vote on that day unless they basically put them in corrals and push them through corrals and make them sign things on that exact period of time and if that's the case it's super fucked up but like dude i've never voted because i just think the whole thing is a goddamn scam but the likelihood of getting a bunch of illegal people
Starting point is 01:03:54 over here to all sign a piece of paper on the same day and you're talking about i know it's potentially millions of votes but that's all that's but that's a lot of work to get those votes in Texas and Arizona. Hey, you're right, but you just open the border and let 12 million people in, and it's a done deal. Yeah, but then it's also the idea that those 12 million people are actually going to participate. Just you only need a few. Think of like the state of Georgia. Biden won it by like 10,000 votes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hate your lack of cooperation with this. It's not lack of cooperation. It's just like this is you and your conspirators all sitting in the comments right here. And they're much like fucking Andrew Hiller I'm talking about, a man who's on steroids hiding in a closet typing aggressively. It's a garage. It's a garage it's a garage assuming that everybody's out to get him as he's injecting more peptides into his system to protect himself
Starting point is 01:04:50 that's your audience by the way so this is the misunderstanding pat you cannot vote in federal election unless you're a citizen that's the rule but they do pat and none of them actually vote are you fucking kidding me what was the name of that guy i know of them vote well then here throw out the whole entire voting theory, then just ask yourself who benefits from that. I think honestly... Throw the whole voting thing out and just say who benefits from all those people coming across the border.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Who is that? Who benefits? Here's my opinion. I don't know. I'm asking. What do you guys think? You take states like this that have people that are a little bit more conservative and you ruin their their vision for a state like this with the rules and the existence that they want to have to the point where you start to convince these people it's no longer a viable option to live there like i'm ready to move out of california you start to piss off all the people by what's going on in texas and they start
Starting point is 01:05:44 to move out of texas because's going on in Texas and they start to move out of Texas because they don't like it. So they moved to like Louisiana and Baton Rouge and Louisiana, but you get all these people so upset, they start to leave. And then all of a sudden things swing over so much towards a democratic system that now it's all in their hands. And basically, once that system collapses and it's all inside of this party's hands with ultimately all the control, they then all of a sudden change the laws aggressively
Starting point is 01:06:13 to majorly benefit some of their, I don't know, some of their agendas. That was my only guess that they're going to go on. And it's like a 10-year plan, by the way. Like legalizing pedophilia. I don't know, man. I don't want to talk about that shit. But my idea,
Starting point is 01:06:30 they basically, they're destroying Los Angeles. The millionaire's tax. If you come in here now and you try to buy a really expensive house that's over $5 million, there's a 4% tax on top of it. And then if you buy over a $10 million house,
Starting point is 01:06:42 there's an 8% tax on top of it. So what you're doing is you're basically taking like these more powerful people and just preventing them from wanting to invest in certain areas because you're like, wait a second, I have, I pay for a $10 million house. I pay an eight extra $800,000 on top of it to fill the needs of for what? Because I'm rich, I have to be punished. And you basically take the state, sorry, like the city of Los Angeles, which is falling apart already. Like I think it's literally the grossest city in the United States, that in San Francisco, you could bomb them both. But they are literally so bad that you get people like myself who are just like, I care about my life. I care about the way I perceive things. I've worked my ass off. I'm
Starting point is 01:07:24 not putting money into this anymore. And they leave. And then all of a sudden they can basically take even more and more control. Once you have people like ourselves that are like more, you know, have a tough guy, conservative care about their fucking life policy. Um, and they just gain more control. And that's the only way I can really see this working out. Otherwise, like, I don't, I don't understand it all. Like that's the only way I can really see this working out. Otherwise, I don't understand
Starting point is 01:07:45 at all. It's confusing. Well, if you had enough people come across the border that relied on dependence from the government, then that's a reason for them to go ahead and take more of the tax dollars and usher in more power because more and more people need their handouts. And then at some point, they're dependent on that handout the whole entire time and they can't do anything for themselves. And then I guess that's how you would that handout the whole entire time and they can't do anything for themselves. And then I guess that's how you would usher in a single power, right? So many people are dependent. We have to hold all of our resources so we can distribute them amongst all the people that need our help.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I'm in the position now where like I, if you guys look at my Instagram, I follow like a couple athletes and my own, a couple of businesses that I like. And then I follow like, um, homesteading pages on Instagram. Oh, you are getting old. No, it's not even old dude. Like I just don't like,
Starting point is 01:08:34 I could literally buy a gigantic homestead and build whatever the fuck I want and not have to participate in this shit anymore. What, what, what state would you go to? Well, you got to think about weather. So I'm really thinking it's going to have to be kind of like the southeast, the thing that's like the most moderate of all situations.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Alabama. Dude, I would go to Alabama. Not Alabama. Probably like Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and buy like a quarter of the state. You would be like a redheaded God there. Hunter, why does Alec Blennis go around saying he beats you at Murph? I mean, because he probably did.
Starting point is 01:09:15 I mean, the thing, the only argument. Who is that guy? Do you know that guy? Yeah, we used to race against each other in Spartan Race. He's an awesome dude. He's a great strength and conditioning coach. Like really just a brilliant dude. Probably the best body in the world for murph um you know he's like five foot five and has just like incredible potential for for an event like that um but i don't really even give a shit about
Starting point is 01:09:37 those things anymore dude like you might as well just go and dominate one thing that's what we were doing five years ago and people still love to have conversations about it hunter hunter um uh i don't know if you know this i didn't know this but um uh black people don't know um what they not only do they not know what computers are but they but they don't even know what the word this is the governor of new york this is the um blm advocate to defund the police pro vaccine governor of new york uh hokal listen listen black kids growing up in the bronx who don't even know what the word computer is they don't know they don't know these things and i want the world open up to all of them because when you have their diverse voices innovative i going to make this so easy for you, Hunter. Do you think that there's one, let's pick an age, 15-year-old, 15-year-old kid. I'm not even going to say black.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Jew, Puerto Rican, Mexican, blackies, anything, whiteys. Do you think there's one kid who's 15 years old in the United States who's not mentally retarded, who doesn't know what a computer is? No. That's so sad. This is fucking insane. But dude, I wish that this is insane. I wish that she was right, man, because I really cannot find people that know much beyond computers these days.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Like when I try to do things with people, people don't know how to do things without this micro computer in their hand. Like, it's so amazing. I just went on a bike ride the other day with two guys who are very high-level athletes. And I had to change both their tires on their bikes because they both got flats. And I was like, you're bitch men. You are grown-ass men, but they're bitches. Did you really tell them that?
Starting point is 01:11:19 Did you really tell them that? No, I give them shit all the time. And they're my friends. I'm not really going to give them shit all the time and they're my friends like i'm not really gonna give them a hard time but like people are forgetting how to exist in the world because of apps like amazon like they don't even know how to leave the house anymore and navigate a store they don't know how to take care of themselves like it's just getting into the existence where these computers are so integrated into our lives that people don't know how to do shit anymore you ever you ever watch porn when you're having sex uh i have but it's not worth it well it's like double dipping the chip huh yeah yeah um that um you you ever had a girl give you a hand job uh while she's like
Starting point is 01:11:58 scrolling through instagram like she's like this just completely like uninterested in you but yeah yeah like it's like it's getting to that point, though, man. Like you sit around people and like I'll admit, man, I have my phone next to me. I'm on my phone all the time. Like it's it's a disease. Yeah, it's the reason why, like I'll spend two months touring around Europe and places that don't have cell phone service and just have the time of my life. The reason why i go backpacking watching porn when you're having sex is a trip i haven't done that the only thing i did do once
Starting point is 01:12:33 or maybe twice was um i would uh one time i or a handful of times i got a vape pen ready you know like with like a jewel yeah and i poured my glass a self a glass of whiskey and i put on game of thrones and i was having sex all at the same time and i kind of organized that because those were like my three favorite things to do like watch game of thrones i think you're gonna have you're gonna have to do that it was it was crazy it was it was wild but other than that i'm pretty much chips though... You're going to have to do that in relationships, though. Pardon me? You're going to have to do that in relationships as time goes on. Like, the stimulus factor has to start to heighten a little bit to keep things going.
Starting point is 01:13:12 I don't know. The rope around the neck. Oh. Oh. That is really crazy that people auto-asphyxiate themselves. How many really big time hot shots like and like business have been found dead with a rope around their neck like jerking off jerking it in the shower yeah or that was just a cover-up for them to be like epstein or something like that god dang dude oh dude how do you guys feel about this whole diddy thing like is that just crazy
Starting point is 01:13:42 that he did he basically runs like a total like a butt fucking ring where he's just, I, I, the internet is so crazy. Wow. He just bent. He bones dudes. Like, I don't even think he likes to do it because he's a homosexual. I think he just does as a power play and it took over the internet for like 30 to 60 days, 30 days.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Has anyone, has anyone come out and said, um, um uh p diddy went balls deep in my like his helmet crested my cheerio has anyone said that the biggest interview in youtube history is the cat williams on shannon shark show it's the biggest one in history i saw a bunch of clips of that yeah but but but did any has anyone has like justin bieber been like okay remember like with michael jackson the guy the kid's like oh yeah he has a wart on his penis on the left-hand side. It's the shape of an elephant or – you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, specific. I haven't heard anyone say, did he butt slam me?
Starting point is 01:14:36 I don't think – in this world, I don't think you're going to hear that because these people don't want to be victimized at that level. Because these people don't want to be victimized at that level. Like I can understand where there's just this hierarchy of situation where you don't want to be found out that Diddy banged you and you're like a professional ass dude. Do you know what the conspiracy theory is? The conspiracy theory is it's the same one as the Epstein one. That basically Diddy was a CIA operative. He was – they basically were giving him money and hooking him up with amnesty from shit. In return,
Starting point is 01:15:11 he collected footage. He would get people really fucked up on drugs and he collected footage of people doing fucked up shit at his house, right? Whatever that is. Having sex with kids or with other dudes. Then, basically, Homeland Security, that raid on his house wasn't to bust diddy but it was
Starting point is 01:15:26 to collect all of that shit and hide it because the the operation was over like that operation was always supposed to end like that and that's the same thing that supposedly they did with epstein that's why we've never seen the list because the whole thing was just an extortion and coercion uh game being played by the CIA. Those are like, those are, that's like the two prevalent theories. You know, I don't disbelieve it.
Starting point is 01:15:50 It's like the whole idea of buying like the Rothschild thing is basically they used to be money lenders and their money lenders to people in public. And then they found out that they would just make more money by lending money to governments and like loyalty. And then all of a sudden they basically just put them in a pressure situation where they're like we you owe us money you could owe us less money if you did what
Starting point is 01:16:11 we fucking want you to bitch yeah push our agenda yeah and it's like you know that stuff's been around forever it's blackmail and like it's a pretty powerful thing you know it's really crazy, man. There was this guy that I used to party with in college.
Starting point is 01:16:28 He was the person who brought me out here to Malibu. And whenever we got really crazy, when I say really crazy, I'm just talking about like, like, you know, we were doing a lot of drugs back then. He would make everybody take their cell phone and put it in the fucking microwave. And he was like, dude, you have no idea. These things are all listening to us. And was like yeah whatever dude and now it's like so widely known yeah like the incognito mode there's that lawsuit that's going on i believe with uh like with facebook right now and hungry and there's also a i believe a lawsuit that's starting
Starting point is 01:17:02 about the incognito mode about you know you can you can put your, your computer on incognito mode, so it doesn't collect data. They just proved that they were still collecting data on that. So that was a lie too. So you're basically have these things that are just collecting as much data on you as possible. And, you know, potentially they can use it against you. Potentially they could use it to make sales on you. But I mean, the whole thing is just like, it's trippy as all hell. But the phone and the microwave thing, I learned that at the age of 20. The UK's version of the NSA, they were basically taking pictures of every single – anyone who was on Yahoo. They were – all the cameras on any computer that was
Starting point is 01:17:45 running yahoo they were taking pictures those cameras were taking pictures of people every five seconds and storing them and you know and you know how that got out because the dudes who work there were fucking curating the best fucking like nudes and shit and passing around with each other and then it fucking leaked holy shit but all these fucking cameras like if you don't like that if you if you're not if you're not uh if you if you're watching porn and you don't think someone's watching you you're out of your mind you i don't mean to ruin porn for people but if you're on your phone and you're watching porn like just remember facial recognition like i don't even really i don't care though like well that's because you
Starting point is 01:18:23 don't type in kiddie porn You diversify You put in fat black girls just to check the box I gotta get my cake off Let's be honest I diversify my porn too Because I know people are watching I almost think about this It's almost better
Starting point is 01:18:41 To have Almost like When I think his name Orlando Bloom had like a leak of like him paddleboarding with his dick out and it like boosted his career back up. Like I think I need a moment like that. I gave you a moment like that and you fucking yelled at me, motherfucker. I gave you a moment like that. I was about to get you like 20 extra Instagram followers. You got all pissed at me, motherfucker. I gave you a moment like that. I was about to get you 20 extra Instagram followers. You got all pissed at me.
Starting point is 01:19:08 20 Instagram followers. Yeah, I almost talked to my management team and I was like, we actually talked about it. I was like, listen, guys. I was like, if we're going to go down this route and not take the sports super seriously, let's just set us up with a celebrity girlfriend
Starting point is 01:19:24 for six months months get some really crazy content out there and then we go back into sports again and that would have been the move you know do you have your eye on some celebrity beaver not really man i live in an altitude tent and i live like such a bubble like i i i don't even i don't have like any kind of like romantic sex any kind of feelings right now i've shut that off completely the older i get it's not like i'm less of it i'm just using less of that energy and just channeling it right back in like this is the hardest i've ever trained but later on this season watch the fuck out world like the beaver should watch out everybody should anybody could get it anybody bernie gannon has some good advice like any kinky shit you put in
Starting point is 01:20:13 then just put also add adaptive division so it kind of like softens it you know what i mean well dude think about that guy that guy tucker max basically just wrote this debaucherous story which i probably think like probably 30% of it was true. And then he just turned the rest of it into like Lion, Witches and Wardrobe. And, you know, from there, dude, he just made became a mega millionaire from just talking about drinking beer and banging midgets. Oh, really? You've never heard of that. I hope this or beer in hell.
Starting point is 01:20:41 No, the beginner's guide to psychedelic medicine. Is it that guy? American author and speaker. yeah yeah if i had to guess that dude basically just took the seed of a story and then built something massive out of it like just taking little things and you know that's that's basically most people oh and he's got a bunch of – he's a family man. Well, now he is. Was he in the military? No.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Tucker Max. I hope they serve beer in hell. I see that, but I'm on his Instagram account. He's definitely not in the military. Maybe that's the wrong one because that doesn't look like – Is this the guy? It says – Oh, real Tucker Max, 33,000 followers.
Starting point is 01:21:30 No, I don't think so. This guy's got to be way bigger than that. Oh, no. Here he is on – Oh, wow, dude. He must have gotten his social media taken down because 33,000 followers for somebody who was a New York Times bestseller is a little low. Oh, his kid does jits. Hold on. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:21:48 If you remember Tucker Max from his books about drunken womanizing, you may be shocked to find out what he's doing now. And how many... He's only got a couple thousand likes on it? So he flipped the script. I think that dude really...
Starting point is 01:22:03 That dude tanked his... He's got to get a better pr team shit his kid double gold gi and no gi that's pretty good that's awesome dude i really look forward to the point where like i retire and let go of like all of my ambitions and i'm able to like channel it towards oh fuck you i tried to do that with you on a show. Why are we back to this? What do you mean? We had a show where you were free of ambition, and I got in trouble. No, no, no, no. You guys TMZ'd me.
Starting point is 01:22:35 You guys know that, dude. As long as we can agree to the mafia rule that it stays inside of this chasm, and other people can TMZ me. They can, but not my own friends. Right. Not my own fucking friends. That's why it hurt a little bit because we were homies. Okay. We were homies, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Listen, dude, if you put a post up and you basically put up a flag and you're like, I'm going to war, literally I would show up in my monster truck dune buggy with Gats ready to ride. I'm that kind of character. But don't TMZz me otherwise i ain't showing up fair enough that's fair i actually feel really bad about it now what is in the background dude are those skins of human bodies hanging up on the windows yeah those are faces i like to wear and try on in the mirror it is honestly an obvious existence we went to a party last night at um greg's house and so uh andrew so Andrew, Andrew, Suze is in the room with me.
Starting point is 01:23:28 He's sitting across from me on this couch. And those hanging up there are leather straps that I wear when I film at live events, which I don't really do anymore. I only do once a year. Oh, that makes sense. So that is really kind of a life that I would like to kind of pursue. Like, I think what Greg did was brilliant. Like, he was a he was a mover and then he was a thinker, then he was a provider,
Starting point is 01:23:49 and now he's back to being a thinker. And then I think he'll probably come back to being a provider. He'll probably launch another business again. And I think like his existence, like he's found freedom in it. Like he's not scared, I believe, to speak his mind, his voice. And he has also, he's created, in it like he's not scared i believe to speak his his his mind his
Starting point is 01:24:06 voice and he has also he's created you know legitimacy but legitimacy has created power rather than he using like fear and anger as power he's used legitimacy as legitimacy as power and people trust him like i love what that guy did that his talk last night was fucking amazing dude yeah hey uh trish are you still training under braylon uh tender braylon tender's the man does he whatever happened whatever happened to him he's around i think i saw him in the comments already does he watch your podcast i i mean i haven't podcast in like three weeks just because i'm i'm like so deep down the rabbit's hole that's why when you call and you're like do you want to come on i was like i haven't podcast in like three weeks just because I'm, I'm like so deep down the rabbit's hole. That's why when you call and you're like, do you want to come on?
Starting point is 01:24:46 I was like, I haven't done this in such a long time. I might as well hop on. Well, that was nice of you. Yeah. Uh, let's,
Starting point is 01:24:52 let's, uh, pivot here to, um, uh, abortion. Oh dude, I don't want to do this.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Skip this one. Oh, lively topic. Do you have an agent? Hunter? Do you have an agent? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Snorri, dude. Honestly, dude, you should. This guy's been on my show, Seth Gruber. He's awesome. Go ahead. What were you going to say? Snorri, I don't know if you've ever had Snorri on the show,
Starting point is 01:25:13 but that guy is probably the, at least in my experience, of 13 years of competing and being in this business, he is the most straightforward, best businessman, most authentic person I've ever met in this industry. I'm so lucky to have him on my team. Anytime I show up and do anything, that dude is literally the plow behind it. He's just like, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:25:38 That's your agent? That's your agent? Snorri, yeah. I hate agents. I hate agents. Well, dude, you dude you gotta understand there's also this they're fucking leeches they're fucking dingleberries they're the shit that's stuck in the butt pubes they suck a cock that's because you probably don't have a good one dude i don't know as soon as my agent well then do you all of a sudden you're saying that about your friend no but i don't call him my agent well Well, I mean, listen, dude, I consider him to be a business
Starting point is 01:26:10 advisor and a partner in my, in my endeavors. Like you want to use the word agent. We can call him that, but like, it doesn't matter. Like I'm not going to label the dude and you're going to paint him that way because you had bad experiences. That dude is a Titan. And I will tell you, let me ask, tell me what he does. So snorri swims around in the world. Let's just say agents. That's not cause I like snorri too. Agents swim around in the world. And then when they, and then he has you in his mind and then he sees something and he's like, Oh, this would be great for Hunter.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Let's say it's like shorts that make your dick look big while you run. We're way beyond that. Oh, like, shorts that, uh, make your dick look big while you run. Honestly, we're way beyond that. Oh, like we have already, we have like my brand at this point in my message. And what I do is so far beyond that, where you can't just like look out there and randomly pick up things that like seem entertaining. Like I'm not a Christmas tree that you put balls on. Like we basically have created like, you know, what people think right now is like hunters, a man of high rocks.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Like I've been doing this for 13 years. I started out in Spartan race, then tough mutter. Then I had my television show traveling around the world. The first person to get invited to CrossFit games. Like there's all of these things that are this gigantic story. Broken skull ranch, skull ranch, broken skull ranch, sports illustrated top 50 fittest person go rock games champion. And you look at this big picture.
Starting point is 01:27:26 It's a collage of all of these images. And what you're basically doing, dude, is there's brands coming after us. We don't have to go ask people to join our campaign. Like, hey, would you help support us this season? No, it's entirely different now. They want to get involved in what we're doing. And we have this four-year plan. I started talking to Snorri two years ago when I was like, I think I'm going to go paddle my way to the Olympics.
Starting point is 01:27:50 And we were discussing about what the most viable and potent option was at the time two years ago. And now we're discussing what we're potentially going to do four years from now. And it's this game. We're just talking about it. What do we do in this position? How do we angle this? And it's this game like we're just like talking about like what do we do in this position how do we angle this and it's a true business advisor the dudes the dudes a genius and he's built some of the biggest careers in crossfit there's other agents that i'm not going to name their names that are just savage pieces of shit in this industry they're just the biggest fucking
Starting point is 01:28:20 losers and like i could tell you all about them but like that's not the point of this show but you can tell that those people have no pedigree they have no honesty they have no legitimacy and they have no transparency of what their business model is they're just these scummy dudes that prey on dumb crossfitters who don't know how to do anything except for exercise and I will not speak that way of my agent like my my supporter my supporter, my business, like colleagues, Nori is fucking a Lister. He's best in business. And he makes all these other douchebags basically look like greasy car salesmen.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Here's what I think. Here's what I think of agents. I think this is completely just selfish from my perspective. And I'm, and I'm okay with that. I see them as interference between me and the, between me and, uh, the, the athletes. Well, they can be dude, but like you have to create like a, like a, like a true line of communication of authenticity between you and the athletes to like earn that place. First of all,
Starting point is 01:29:17 because then there's also people who are greasy people that are always trying to angle and cheat the system and to manipulate the athlete. Like I tell people now, like I had a big meeting with my sponsor yesterday because we're planning out the next two years. And like who's your sponsor represent their look up 247. They're like they're basically dominating the fitness industry. And they started out in the UK and now they're blowing across the entire world like a wildfire. And are they clothing blowing across the entire world like a wildfire. Are they clothing? They're clothing? Clothing, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:46 So look up represent Clo. And then all of a sudden you can look up 247, which is their fitness line. Okay. And, like, you know, when I sat down with them, I said, dude, like, listen, like, I'm not this kind of person that's going to, you know, try to play all these games, man. Like, you know that my goal is to be the champion and you know who I am as a person. You have to believe in that authenticity and we have to align that like that. And then all of a sudden, if you have a really good business advisor like Snorri, he's able to all of a sudden integrate this humongous titan of a business into my business and create this really smooth collaboration so
Starting point is 01:30:26 that I can talk to this guy who owns this company smoothly and not have to feel all these awkwardness of like, Hey man, like, you know, you have to actually pay me to do that. Like I can't fly to the UK and spend $5,000 on flights and hotels and then not make any money off of it just to sell your shirts. And they just create a good system. This is a UK brand, this 247? Well, they're global now. It's crazy, dude. I started talking to those guys two years ago, and I was in a room full of 5,000 competitors,
Starting point is 01:30:59 and there was like three to five shirts that said represent. Now I'm in rooms with 10,000 to 15,000 people competing, and there's like 5 000 shirts with represent on it it's nuts yeah lskd is basically a turd wrapped in a couple letters in comparison like lskd can't even hang out like a lot of the athletic brands that i bump into now are basically the same exact thing with a new logo, a different logo on it. Represents not like that at all, dude. Like if you go check out their gear, it's legit.
Starting point is 01:31:33 And I'm head to toe in it all the time. But but L.S.K.D. did. But what's the difference between L.S.K.D, Tear, Reebok? Tell me anything that's different other than the letters. You can't. You literally cannot. Nobody in this entire comment box can. I don't have anything negative to say about Tear,
Starting point is 01:31:57 but I just remember LSKD jumped on the – I just think that they're virtue signaling douche canoes. Yeah. From the way I see they represent themselves forward facing. I've never wanted anything to do with them. Well, I mean, maybe I don't need to be attacking LSKD. No, you can. You can.
Starting point is 01:32:18 You can. We'll clip it later. I run into this where I think about, like, I busted my ass so hard for this career. And then all of a sudden you look at these other brands that are trying to do absolutely nothing except for put new letters on top of the same sweater i'm not with that game anymore i i like uh i like my ceo shirts i do like yours dude you built a fucking brand though that's what i'm trying to say dude you want to get aligned with like a brand and energy all that kind of shit that's what i'm all about these days hey um i'm i think that um i think we've healed i think we have to dude and i have to go fucking train dude i've been talking a ton
Starting point is 01:32:56 of shit i can tell that i'm pumped up to go work out this is why i don't go on the internet this time of year because i'm so revved up to compete and I haven't done any of that in three months. I'm ready to fucking kill somebody. Let me just ask you this real quick. You do look very lean. What's your caloric intake for the day? Honestly, I have to thank my, my coach, Matt Jensen. Like we have this whole formula, dude, we have like four lean days and then we have a refeed day on Thursday. And then we have a fueling for competition day on Friday. And then we have two lean days on Saturday and Sunday. So it's like, it's very, very specific. And I think like yesterday I was probably upwards
Starting point is 01:33:37 of 5,000 to 6,000 calories and the other day I'm down to like 3,500 calories. But. And what's your, what's your ejaculatory schedule? And I mean that. Are you doing – I'm speaking very honest. Are you rolling back? I'm not saying this for views or to be a pervert, but it's like zero basically. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:58 I would expect that. The discipline, right? Everything's so honed in, and I love it, man. I'm super transparent about this kind of stuff. Would you feel guilty if you jerked off right now? Not really, man. I also will have a beer occasionally, and I don't really tell my coach about it. But you've got to understand, you don't want to be fragile.
Starting point is 01:34:15 You want to stay sharp, but you don't want to get yourself to the point where you're what I call brittle. Where it's like you've sharpened it so much that you've thinned it out, and then all of a sudden you could, like, dink it from the side, and it will just crack. Are you susceptible to getting sick as you start, like, as you turn into a Formula 1 race car? Is there a pothole that could take you out? Because that's what I think about the CrossFit athletes. I think that they're so –
Starting point is 01:34:37 Only myself, dude. Like, I crashed my bike two months ago super fucking hard, and I ripped my shoulder out of my socket and did some tears like that was my own fault i went 25 but you're not you're not i'm talking about your immune system you're not concerned that this as you prep like you start getting paranoid about getting sick or anything that's for pussies dude that's some weak shit if i find out that you got the sniffles and you're training against me dude i will stuff you i'll put a pillowcase over your head. Wall zombie. Hunter McIntyre has a jizz jug in the tent. Might be true.
Starting point is 01:35:09 I like the tip. I like the tip, dude. $1.99 to say that comment. A jizz jug. Well worth every penny. Yeah. All right. Well, this was not my plan this morning to go through a healing process,
Starting point is 01:35:21 but it's very nice. I feel safe. Yeah, I feel safe, too. Anybody I talk shit about today, I'm sorry. I i'm super revved up i'm too close to competition you just gotta watch out dude if you get in front of this fucking tank you're getting run over i fucking love all right brother you the man thank you good luck i'm excited to see what you do in three i miss you guys dude that serial killer hut is dope and i hope you guys have fun in it. I miss you guys. It's great to be back on the show.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Is there any chance you'll be in L.A. during CrossFit semifinals? When is that? I don't know. No, it's Memorial Day weekend. What is that? So it's like the 25th of May? Yeah, 24th, 25th, 26th. I'm there.
Starting point is 01:36:01 I will show up for that. Are you guys there? Yeah, hell yeah. I would love to see you. I would love to see you. Yeah. Can we get on the mic and just trash talk CrossFitters? Oh yes. Yes. I will literally, if you guys want, dude, put me in a chair and I will roast CrossFitters publicly.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Dude, Hunter, we're going to be doing podcasts, uh, at the site before in the morning and then again at night, just kind of recapping the day and start everything out. Wait, when, when is the High Rocks World Championship? What's the date on that? High Rocks World Championship is June 7th. Honestly, guys, if there's anybody in the SoCal area, I'm going for the world record May 19th in Anaheim, and I'm literally going to fucking beat the shit
Starting point is 01:36:36 out of people. So if you guys want to see a show, let's go. I need some support. They're putting me in my own wave at 6 o'clock because they don't want me racing against the rest of the guys because I'm too good. That's in nine days? That's in nine days. Holy shit. So you're just going to go
Starting point is 01:36:51 by yourself? They won't let me basically race against the other pros because I'm too damn good. Wow, that's fucking amazing. Will that be live? Will that be on YouTube? They won't even... They're going to broadcast the other way, but not my way. But I'll have somebody filming and broadcasting. It probably will be kind of ghetto because it going to broadcast the other way, but not my way, but I'll have somebody like filming and broadcasting. It probably will be kind of ghetto because it will be dumped through a phone,
Starting point is 01:37:08 but that's just our limitations at this point. But if you guys can make it in person, dude, show up. Hey dude, you should call your agent. Let him know. He knows some people that could stream that shit.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Fucking just keep the camera tight on you the whole time. Yeah. Honestly, dude, they, let's just say it's a little bit more complicated and you think it should be that easy, but it's not. And I'm sure we know that from the position that you're in.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Yeah. We see cross. We drop the ball all the time. We, yeah. You want to do great things. Then all of a sudden they're like, yeah, this is gonna be awesome guys. I miss you guys. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 01:37:42 You're a beautiful man. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Hunter McIntyre. guys i miss you guys thanks for having me you're a beautiful man thank you thank you brother bye hunter mcintyre uh uh yeah hunter mcintyre all right yep that's cool good about that show totally totally unplanned um yeah that worked out yeah totally unplanned intercourse discourse some kind of course you know what i was thinking about you guys like the rothas child like became rich because they uh started lending to the government yeah who prints our money
Starting point is 01:38:17 uh it's a it's a mix of a uh government and privately owned company yeah because it's like if the government controls or can pull the lever of printing money, then why do they need to borrow it? Oh, yeah. Did you see the clip I played on the show the other day? Yeah. It's like, you know. The Federal Reserve is a scam. Caller, hi. Caller?
Starting point is 01:38:42 Hello? Caller? I don't know what happened. Call might be on you might not be on and you gone and you're not on and you gone you know their thing is too they you know their thing too if you look into what they were uh they were based the rothschilds were peasants living on they i mean basically the jews were that was that was racism at its finest they were not the jews were that was that was racism at its finest they were not the jews were not allowed to live within the conf the inner wall of the city and they were
Starting point is 01:39:10 pushed on the outside and so they started a lending business because lending money wasn't legal on the inside of the walls and so they started lending money on the outside of the wall and fucking lo and behold and now imagine if they would have had dei back then the roth child would have never become rich you know what i mean yeah yeah dei is not di is not about helping people it's about controlling people yeah of course the mere uh thought di has to start with um you thinking you're better than so that way you could reach down to. Right. Well said. They have to be less than you. Otherwise you're not helping them, right? Whenever I hear Rothschilds,
Starting point is 01:39:50 I think of So I Married an Axe Murderer. I shouldn't read the comments up there. Never mind. I'll take that from the record. Oh shit, that TV is those chats on the TV come up at the same time it does live for you yeah even though the
Starting point is 01:40:10 video is behind oh that's trippy hey someone came up to me at the party last night and they're like hey um matuthean is the best thing that's ever happened to me nice thank you yeah i'm like you really like it they're like dude absolutely amazing god Kenneth you're on fire look at you test you knew exactly what we were doing you knew we needed something to see the simultaneous posting you're a good dude good partner oh shit it's
Starting point is 01:40:36 faster on the TV than on my computer they're popping up on YouTube faster than I can see on my computer just a split second asymmetric gears I'm on my I'm into jar number two of Matuthion. Yeah, that's awesome. The video is about a half second behind, but the chat, you're ahead. You guys are faster in the chat.
Starting point is 01:40:57 You guys see the chat faster than me, just a little bit. Yeah, that video is delayed by, like, what do you think? 10 seconds? 5 seconds? Okay. Thanks, guys. Susan and I are going out to breakfast with Greg. Talk to you soon.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Oh, tomorrow. Kill Taylor, man. 9 a.m. Yep. Tell everybody, please. Spiegel, good to see you, girl. Better get you on the show. Spiegel has a to see you, girl. Better get you on the show. Spiegel has a wrench?
Starting point is 01:41:27 Oh, that's an amazing picture. The Matithian binder? Wow. Yeah, that's good. So you're telling me that whoever that person is, like, went into Photoshop and did that, and then, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:43 The care. That's awesome, dude. 12 Eastern. Thank you, Rambler. It's going to be wild. I don't know what the workout's going to be, but one of the pieces of equipment that's in the workout,
Starting point is 01:42:02 Taylor's going to have some sort of rules around it. I'm curious how you guys are gonna react uh pedro pedro white will be on the show tomorrow oh we might do a crossfit games update show today i don't know what's going on let me just see really quick sorry let me just see this real quick late the workout bar barbell uh oh wait till I tell you something that's so fucked up about the show. You want to hear something crazy about the show? I don't know. I'm curious now.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Do I know it? Yeah. Okay. So the show's totally rigged, right? You guys know that. So the money's real the sponsors are real the workout's real but we know that taylor writes the workout we don't share it with you and it's in his wheelhouse and the only thing that's not supposed to be rigged is choosing who comes on
Starting point is 01:43:00 the show so you guys text in and then i send the link and i don't even know who i'm sending the link to there's no name i don't see any names right just numbers and i don't even read the text i just click it and if it's like if i mean i guess i do read it because i'll see i'm ready that's the best thing to say i'm ready and then i click it and i send the link well i was tripping that brandon sm Smith got in two weeks in a row. And I love Brandon Smith. CEO shirt, the whole thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:39 But I received insider information that someone on our own team, we're no better than CrossFit people. Oh, wow. Someone on our own team had we go had sent brandon smith the link remember i was tripping on the end of the show how the fuck did this dude get in twice uh-huh anyway there you go not even not even the sebon podcast is uh airtight like your mom only your mom is airtight not not uh the sebon pockets anyway we'll put i'll put an end to that shit he gets in a third oh yeah hillbilly watkins what the fuck look at uh i ain't saying no names i ain't saying no names but in a in a board meeting with the uh seven on podcast team uh
Starting point is 01:44:22 board meeting with the Sebon podcast team the whoever did forward the link to Brandon Smith had a moment of weakness and let us know that there was some home cooking put an end to that shit oh boy oh boy so I apologize
Starting point is 01:44:41 but you should know the fix is in the show is anything's possible. We've had a couple rogue links being sent out over the years. We have. Which is funny because I feel like out of everybody who's done that over time, I just feel like I would never do it. I feel like I would have the most authority to do it. Right.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Remember when Caleb sent Heidi a link? Yeah. That's what I was thinking of, actually. And I was like, holy fuck fucking heidi she did pretty good on the show though yeah i was pissed but she did good on the show i was pointing the camera at her yesterday and she just shelled up it was pretty funny all right dude you guys should see this fucking guy that fucking heidi rolls with if you haven should see this fucking guy that fucking heidi rolls with if you haven't seen this fucking creature holy fuck good dude too great dude well done heidi great dude enjoyed hanging out with him a lot he he may be he may he there's a lot of big men there
Starting point is 01:45:40 he may have had been the biggest man there at the party he may have had the biggest well grassiano was there i don't know he hit this dude's back look bigger than graciano's back this dude's back is huge strong guy but yeah his lats are ridiculous i wonder if he was a collegiate rower oh the owl was amazing you see the owl was absolutely amazing i need to ask greg where he got the owl i actually did some repairs to the owl did you see the owl was absolutely amazing. I need to ask Greg where he got the owl. I actually did some repairs to the owl. Did you see the owl? No, what do you mean the owl? It was in the backyard.
Starting point is 01:46:09 Oh, yeah. That was cool, right? It's funny because there was another one in Scottsdale. Oh, that same one? That same thing? The same owl. Remember they were spotting it on the top of the roof and the boys spotted it? Oh.
Starting point is 01:46:20 And we're out there eating and I was like, oh shit. Oh, that was a real owl. Oh. He has a steel owl. Oh, okay was a real owl. He has a steel owl in the backyard. Maybe you didn't see it. It's way, way in the back. It's made of steel. It moves like a real owl.
Starting point is 01:46:34 Even though it's made of steel, it has real movements. Seve got Heidi to show you the thick chick. Dude, I'm telling you, the thick chick. You should see her dude. Thick chick? Her dude is crazy. I mean, I think she introduced him, hey, this is my bodyguard,
Starting point is 01:46:56 or this is my man-meat, or something. And it was like, whatever she said, it was so appropriate. It's my crony. Yeah. I mean, he's something else. All right. love you guys um i think i think we'll try to do a show tonight i want to go on the barbells i don't know what's going on in the crossfit space i like someone was saying some other workouts were leaked and i don't know what's going on age group and adaptive i'm looking at barbell spin right
Starting point is 01:47:22 now crossfit introduces 2024 crossfit service open maybe we should figure out what that is age group adaptive crossfit semifinals begin today no shit semifinals have begun for age and adaptive there you go i didn't even know that individual team and crossfit semifinal they always use the same chick for those photos the hot chick with one leg she's got like a market on the adaptive yeah you know what i'm talking about you gotta bring the eyeball somehow yeah we'll go back today yeah do you know this oh yeah yeah yeah stupid hot individual team quarterfinal semi-final schedules masters teenage crossfit summit with descriptions tips tier water palooza socal puts up $250,000 prize.
Starting point is 01:48:07 2024 CrossFit semifinals live stream schedule announced. Oh, shit. Wow. Okay. Maybe we'll do a show and I'll bring John on. Maybe I should just call the show plagiarizing barbell spin. That'd be good. All right.
Starting point is 01:48:27 Plagiarizing. All Alright Alright Talk to you guys soon Bye bye

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